diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/.env b/autotuning-uperf/.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7ba231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/.env
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/README.md b/autotuning-uperf/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca5c5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# matrix-benchmarking-plugins
+Workload plugins for the MatrixBenchmarking project
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/exec/run_benchmark.sh b/autotuning-uperf/exec/run_benchmark.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f6d7c61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/exec/run_benchmark.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+set -e
+set -o pipefail
+set -o nounset
+SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
+if tty -s; then
+ ARTIFACT_BASE="/tmp/matrix-benchmarking_$(date +%Y%m%d)"
+ mkdir -p "$ARTIFACT_BASE"
+ ARTIFACT_DIR="$ARTIFACT_BASE/$(printf '%03d' $(ls "${ARTIFACT_BASE}/" | grep __ | wc -l))__benchmark__$BENCHMARK_NAME"
+ mkdir -p "$ARTIFACT_DIR"
+ echo "Running interactively."
+ echo "Using '$ARTIFACT_DIR' to store the test artifacts."
+ echo "Running non-interactively."
+ ARTIFACT_DIR="$(pwd)"
+ echo "Using the current directory to store the test artifacts ($ARTIFACT_DIR)."
+for i in "$@"; do
+ key=$(echo $i | cut -d= -f1)
+ val=$(echo $i | cut -d= -f2)
+ declare $key=$val # defines a variable 'key'
+ echo "$key ==> $val"
+echo "Running in mode '$mode/operation': $*"
+sleep 1
+# Generate random metrics
+if [[ "$mode" == "date" ]]; then
+ echo "Saving the date ..."
+ date +%s > "$ARTIFACT_DIR"/date
+elif [[ "$mode" == "procs" ]]; then
+ echo "Saving the number of processes ..."
+ ps aux | wc -l > "$ARTIFACT_DIR"/procs
+elif [[ "$mode" == "memfree" ]]; then
+ echo "Saving the free memory ..."
+ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemFree | awk '{ print $2}' > "$ARTIFACT_DIR"/memfree
+ echo "Invalid mode: $mode"
+ exit 1
+echo "Done"
+exit 0
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/parse_draft.py b/autotuning-uperf/parse_draft.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4ca86d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/parse_draft.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import types, datetime
+import yaml
+import os, pathlib
+def _parse_trial(dir_name, trial_name):
+ study_name = dir_name.split("/")[-1]
+ trial_num = trial_name.split("-")[1]
+ print("Parsing trial: {} in study: {}".format(trial_num, study_name))
+ #TODO fil tuning_dict with all tuning params
+ result_file=pathlib.Path(dir_name) / trial_name / "result.csv"
+ # In each trial, we repeat the run n times, and put the results of all runs in a result.csv. Each run will be registered to matrix benchmarking separately:
+ results_list=[]
+ # Some results may be pruned or incomplete. For now call result 0
+ if not result_file.exists():
+ results_list=[0]
+ else:
+ with result_file.open() as f:
+ results_list = [int(x.strip()) for x in f.readline().split(",")]
+ for i, val in enumerate(results_list):
+ results = types.SimpleNamespace()
+ results.nopm = val
+ results.trial_num = trial_num
+ entry_import_settings = {
+ "system": study_name,
+ "trial": trial_num,
+ "benchmark": "hammerdb",
+ #"argument": tuning_dict,
+ #"id": results.Identifier,
+ "@repeat": i,
+ }
+ print("entry_import_settings: {}".format(entry_import_settings))
+ print("results: {}".format(str(results)))
+ store.add_to_matrix(entry_import_settings, elt, results, _duplicated_entry)
+def parse_data(results_dir):
+ #store.register_custom_rewrite_settings(lambda x : x)
+ for study in os.listdir(results_dir):
+ # Going through each autotuning "study" which is a set of experiments with different tunables, converging on an optimum
+ if os.path.isfile(study) or not study.startswith("study-"):
+ continue
+ print("Parsing study: {}".format(study))
+ for trial in os.listdir(pathlib.Path(results_dir) / study):
+ if os.path.isfile(trial) or not trial.startswith("trial-"):
+ continue
+ _parse_trial(str(pathlib.Path(results_dir) / study), trial)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/plotting/__init__.py b/autotuning-uperf/plotting/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85abed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/plotting/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
+import statistics as stats
+import datetime
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import plotly.graph_objs as go
+import matrix_benchmarking.plotting.table_stats as table_stats
+from matrix_benchmarking.common import Matrix
+from matrix_benchmarking.plotting import COLORS
+def register():
+ Plot("Plot")
+ table_stats.TableStats.ValueDev(
+ "latency", "Latency",
+ lambda entry: entry.results.latency,
+ ".2f", "us (?)",
+ higher_better=False,
+ )
+class Plot():
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ self.name = name
+ self.id_name = name
+ table_stats.TableStats._register_stat(self)
+ Matrix.settings["stats"].add(self.name)
+ def do_hover(self, meta_value, variables, figure, data, click_info):
+ return "nothing"
+ def do_plot(self, ordered_vars, settings, param_lists, variables, cfg):
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ cfg__remove_details = cfg.get('perf.rm_details', False)
+ cfg__legend_pos = cfg.get('perf.legend_pos', False)
+ XY = defaultdict(dict)
+ XYerr_pos = defaultdict(dict)
+ XYerr_neg = defaultdict(dict)
+ plot_title = None
+ plot_legend = None
+ x_key = ordered_vars.pop()
+ for entry in Matrix.all_records(settings, param_lists):
+ if plot_title is None:
+ results = entry.results[0].results if entry.is_gathered else entry.results
+ plot_title = "uperf 95th percentile latency over 60s with varying kernel tunables."
+ plot_legend = x_key, "Latency (95th percentile)"
+ legend_name = " ".join([f"{key}={entry.settings.__dict__[key]}" for key in reversed(ordered_vars)])
+ if entry.is_gathered:
+ gather_xy = defaultdict(list)
+ for _entry in entry.results:
+ x = _entry.settings.__dict__[x_key]
+ gather_xy[x].append(_entry.results.latency)
+ legend_name = entry.settings.study
+ for x, gather_y in gather_xy.items():
+ if gather_y[0] is None: continue
+ XY[legend_name][x] = y = stats.mean(gather_y)
+ err = stats.stdev(gather_y) if len(gather_y) > 2 else 0
+ XYerr_pos[legend_name][x] = y + err
+ XYerr_neg[legend_name][x] = y - err
+ else:
+ gather_key_name = [k for k in entry.settings.__dict__.keys() if k.startswith("@")][0]
+ if entry.results.latency is None: continue
+ x = entry.settings.__dict__[x_key]
+ XY[legend_name][x] = entry.results.latency
+ if not XY:
+ print("Nothing to plot ...", settings)
+ return None, "Nothing to plot ..."
+ data = []
+ y_max = 0
+ for legend_name in sorted(XY):
+ x = list(sorted(XY[legend_name].keys()))
+ y = list([XY[legend_name][_x] for _x in x])
+ y_max = max(y + [y_max])
+ color = COLORS(list(XY.keys()).index(legend_name))
+ data.append(go.Scatter(name=legend_name,
+ x=x, y=y,
+ mode="markers+lines",
+ line=dict(color=color, width=2),
+ hoverlabel= {'namelength' :-1},
+ legendgroup=legend_name,
+ ))
+ if not XYerr_pos: continue
+ y_err_pos = list([XYerr_pos[legend_name][_x] for _x in x])
+ y_err_neg = list([XYerr_neg[legend_name][_x] for _x in x])
+ y_max = max(y_err_pos + [y_max])
+ data.append(go.Scatter(name=legend_name,
+ x=x, y=y_err_pos,
+ line=dict(color=color, width=0),
+ mode="lines",
+ showlegend=False,
+ legendgroup=legend_name,
+ ))
+ data.append(go.Scatter(name=legend_name,
+ x=x, y=y_err_neg,
+ showlegend=False,
+ mode="lines",
+ fill='tonexty',
+ line=dict(color=color, width=0),
+ legendgroup=legend_name,
+ ))
+ fig = go.Figure(data=data)
+ # Edit the layout
+ x_title, y_title = plot_legend
+ fig.update_layout(title=plot_title, title_x=0.5,
+ xaxis_title=x_title,
+ yaxis_range=[0, y_max],
+ yaxis_title=y_title)
+ return fig, ""
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/study-2205191928.db b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/study-2205191928.db
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeac38d
Binary files /dev/null and b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/study-2205191928.db differ
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-000-220519192858/220519192858-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-000-220519192858/220519192858-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f810e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-000-220519192858/220519192858-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:31:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988702180.5786 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988703181.7078 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988703181.7959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988704182.8796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44213248 nr_ops:43177\ntimestamp_ms:1652988705183.9744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:85013504 nr_ops:83021\ntimestamp_ms:1652988706185.0774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135802880 nr_ops:132620\ntimestamp_ms:1652988707186.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:179397632 nr_ops:175193\ntimestamp_ms:1652988708187.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:222658560 nr_ops:217440\ntimestamp_ms:1652988709188.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:266271744 nr_ops:260031\ntimestamp_ms:1652988710189.5530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:321096704 nr_ops:313571\ntimestamp_ms:1652988711190.6833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:371059712 nr_ops:362363\ntimestamp_ms:1652988712191.8115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424545280 nr_ops:414595\ntimestamp_ms:1652988713192.9158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:477883392 nr_ops:466683\ntimestamp_ms:1652988714194.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531016704 nr_ops:518571\ntimestamp_ms:1652988715195.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:585061376 nr_ops:571349\ntimestamp_ms:1652988716196.2019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638274560 nr_ops:623315\ntimestamp_ms:1652988717197.2402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690189312 nr_ops:674013\ntimestamp_ms:1652988718198.3433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743740416 nr_ops:726309\ntimestamp_ms:1652988719199.4377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:796906496 nr_ops:778229\ntimestamp_ms:1652988720200.5347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:850969600 nr_ops:831025\ntimestamp_ms:1652988721201.6279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894075904 nr_ops:873121\ntimestamp_ms:1652988722202.7341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:935439360 nr_ops:913515\ntimestamp_ms:1652988723203.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986989568 nr_ops:963857\ntimestamp_ms:1652988724204.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1039918080 nr_ops:1015545\ntimestamp_ms:1652988725206.0308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093223424 nr_ops:1067601\ntimestamp_ms:1652988726207.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142467584 nr_ops:1115691\ntimestamp_ms:1652988727208.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1189923840 nr_ops:1162035\ntimestamp_ms:1652988728209.3110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1233241088 nr_ops:1204337\ntimestamp_ms:1652988729210.4717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274891264 nr_ops:1245011\ntimestamp_ms:1652988730211.5686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319480320 nr_ops:1288555\ntimestamp_ms:1652988731212.6582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372738560 nr_ops:1340565\ntimestamp_ms:1652988732213.7598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417006080 nr_ops:1383795\ntimestamp_ms:1652988733214.8542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458488320 nr_ops:1424305\ntimestamp_ms:1652988734215.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1499956224 nr_ops:1464801\ntimestamp_ms:1652988735217.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1541528576 nr_ops:1505399\ntimestamp_ms:1652988736218.1604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581882368 nr_ops:1544807\ntimestamp_ms:1652988737219.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624280064 nr_ops:1586211\ntimestamp_ms:1652988738220.3384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1665999872 nr_ops:1626953\ntimestamp_ms:1652988739221.4343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708815360 nr_ops:1668765\ntimestamp_ms:1652988740222.5422 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1757215744 nr_ops:1716031\ntimestamp_ms:1652988741223.6414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1798874112 nr_ops:1756713\ntimestamp_ms:1652988742224.7515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839811584 nr_ops:1796691\ntimestamp_ms:1652988743225.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1881549824 nr_ops:1837451\ntimestamp_ms:1652988744226.9500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1926462464 nr_ops:1881311\ntimestamp_ms:1652988745228.0427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979182080 nr_ops:1932795\ntimestamp_ms:1652988746229.1353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2033560576 nr_ops:1985899\ntimestamp_ms:1652988747230.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082073600 nr_ops:2033275\ntimestamp_ms:1652988748231.3245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123697152 nr_ops:2073923\ntimestamp_ms:1652988749232.4172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166148096 nr_ops:2115379\ntimestamp_ms:1652988750233.5134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2206350336 nr_ops:2154639\ntimestamp_ms:1652988751234.6133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2247021568 nr_ops:2194357\ntimestamp_ms:1652988752235.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294414336 nr_ops:2240639\ntimestamp_ms:1652988753236.8025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348997632 nr_ops:2293943\ntimestamp_ms:1652988754237.9114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2402694144 nr_ops:2346381\ntimestamp_ms:1652988755239.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2457068544 nr_ops:2399481\ntimestamp_ms:1652988756240.1038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2501848064 nr_ops:2443211\ntimestamp_ms:1652988757241.2024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543873024 nr_ops:2484251\ntimestamp_ms:1652988758242.3010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2585652224 nr_ops:2525051\ntimestamp_ms:1652988759243.3997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2626513920 nr_ops:2564955\ntimestamp_ms:1652988760244.4988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2668450816 nr_ops:2605909\ntimestamp_ms:1652988761245.5896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2715704320 nr_ops:2652055\ntimestamp_ms:1652988762246.6294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2764975104 nr_ops:2700171\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140607561983744\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814018560 nr_ops:2748065\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.1157 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.1255 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763548.3464 name:Total nr_bytes:2814018560 nr_ops:2748066\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.2483 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5628037118 nr_ops:5496132\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.2495 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2814018560 nr_ops:2748068\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 370.27us 0.00ns 370.27us 370.27us \nTxn1 1374033 43.68us 0.00ns 3.58ms 18.44us \nTxn2 1 50.00us 0.00ns 50.00us 50.00us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 369.23us 0.00ns 369.23us 369.23us \nwrite 1374033 2.44us 0.00ns 94.93us 2.12us \nread 1374032 41.17us 0.00ns 3.58ms 1.79us \ndisconnect 1 49.28us 0.00ns 49.28us 49.28us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 22031 22031 192.11Mb/s 192.11Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.93b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.95 62.37s 2.62GB 360.95Mb/s 2748068 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.62GB 360.95Mb/s 2748068 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418868, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988702180.5786 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988703181.7078 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988703181.7959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988704182.8796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44213248 nr_ops:43177\ntimestamp_ms:1652988705183.9744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:85013504 nr_ops:83021\ntimestamp_ms:1652988706185.0774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135802880 nr_ops:132620\ntimestamp_ms:1652988707186.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:179397632 nr_ops:175193\ntimestamp_ms:1652988708187.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:222658560 nr_ops:217440\ntimestamp_ms:1652988709188.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:266271744 nr_ops:260031\ntimestamp_ms:1652988710189.5530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:321096704 nr_ops:313571\ntimestamp_ms:1652988711190.6833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:371059712 nr_ops:362363\ntimestamp_ms:1652988712191.8115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424545280 nr_ops:414595\ntimestamp_ms:1652988713192.9158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:477883392 nr_ops:466683\ntimestamp_ms:1652988714194.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531016704 nr_ops:518571\ntimestamp_ms:1652988715195.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:585061376 nr_ops:571349\ntimestamp_ms:1652988716196.2019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638274560 nr_ops:623315\ntimestamp_ms:1652988717197.2402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690189312 nr_ops:674013\ntimestamp_ms:1652988718198.3433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743740416 nr_ops:726309\ntimestamp_ms:1652988719199.4377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:796906496 nr_ops:778229\ntimestamp_ms:1652988720200.5347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:850969600 nr_ops:831025\ntimestamp_ms:1652988721201.6279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894075904 nr_ops:873121\ntimestamp_ms:1652988722202.7341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:935439360 nr_ops:913515\ntimestamp_ms:1652988723203.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986989568 nr_ops:963857\ntimestamp_ms:1652988724204.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1039918080 nr_ops:1015545\ntimestamp_ms:1652988725206.0308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093223424 nr_ops:1067601\ntimestamp_ms:1652988726207.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142467584 nr_ops:1115691\ntimestamp_ms:1652988727208.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1189923840 nr_ops:1162035\ntimestamp_ms:1652988728209.3110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1233241088 nr_ops:1204337\ntimestamp_ms:1652988729210.4717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274891264 nr_ops:1245011\ntimestamp_ms:1652988730211.5686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319480320 nr_ops:1288555\ntimestamp_ms:1652988731212.6582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372738560 nr_ops:1340565\ntimestamp_ms:1652988732213.7598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417006080 nr_ops:1383795\ntimestamp_ms:1652988733214.8542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458488320 nr_ops:1424305\ntimestamp_ms:1652988734215.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1499956224 nr_ops:1464801\ntimestamp_ms:1652988735217.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1541528576 nr_ops:1505399\ntimestamp_ms:1652988736218.1604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581882368 nr_ops:1544807\ntimestamp_ms:1652988737219.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624280064 nr_ops:1586211\ntimestamp_ms:1652988738220.3384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1665999872 nr_ops:1626953\ntimestamp_ms:1652988739221.4343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708815360 nr_ops:1668765\ntimestamp_ms:1652988740222.5422 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1757215744 nr_ops:1716031\ntimestamp_ms:1652988741223.6414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1798874112 nr_ops:1756713\ntimestamp_ms:1652988742224.7515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839811584 nr_ops:1796691\ntimestamp_ms:1652988743225.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1881549824 nr_ops:1837451\ntimestamp_ms:1652988744226.9500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1926462464 nr_ops:1881311\ntimestamp_ms:1652988745228.0427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979182080 nr_ops:1932795\ntimestamp_ms:1652988746229.1353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2033560576 nr_ops:1985899\ntimestamp_ms:1652988747230.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082073600 nr_ops:2033275\ntimestamp_ms:1652988748231.3245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123697152 nr_ops:2073923\ntimestamp_ms:1652988749232.4172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166148096 nr_ops:2115379\ntimestamp_ms:1652988750233.5134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2206350336 nr_ops:2154639\ntimestamp_ms:1652988751234.6133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2247021568 nr_ops:2194357\ntimestamp_ms:1652988752235.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294414336 nr_ops:2240639\ntimestamp_ms:1652988753236.8025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348997632 nr_ops:2293943\ntimestamp_ms:1652988754237.9114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2402694144 nr_ops:2346381\ntimestamp_ms:1652988755239.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2457068544 nr_ops:2399481\ntimestamp_ms:1652988756240.1038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2501848064 nr_ops:2443211\ntimestamp_ms:1652988757241.2024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543873024 nr_ops:2484251\ntimestamp_ms:1652988758242.3010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2585652224 nr_ops:2525051\ntimestamp_ms:1652988759243.3997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2626513920 nr_ops:2564955\ntimestamp_ms:1652988760244.4988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2668450816 nr_ops:2605909\ntimestamp_ms:1652988761245.5896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2715704320 nr_ops:2652055\ntimestamp_ms:1652988762246.6294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2764975104 nr_ops:2700171\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140607561983744\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814018560 nr_ops:2748065\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.1157 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.1255 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763548.3464 name:Total nr_bytes:2814018560 nr_ops:2748066\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.2483 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5628037118 nr_ops:5496132\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.2495 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2814018560 nr_ops:2748068\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 370.27us 0.00ns 370.27us 370.27us \nTxn1 1374033 43.68us 0.00ns 3.58ms 18.44us \nTxn2 1 50.00us 0.00ns 50.00us 50.00us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 369.23us 0.00ns 369.23us 369.23us \nwrite 1374033 2.44us 0.00ns 94.93us 2.12us \nread 1374032 41.17us 0.00ns 3.58ms 1.79us \ndisconnect 1 49.28us 0.00ns 49.28us 49.28us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 22031 22031 192.11Mb/s 192.11Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.93b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.95 62.37s 2.62GB 360.95Mb/s 2748068 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.62GB 360.95Mb/s 2748068 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418868, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988702180.5786 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988703181.7078 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988703181.7959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988704182.8796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44213248 nr_ops:43177\ntimestamp_ms:1652988705183.9744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:85013504 nr_ops:83021\ntimestamp_ms:1652988706185.0774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135802880 nr_ops:132620\ntimestamp_ms:1652988707186.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:179397632 nr_ops:175193\ntimestamp_ms:1652988708187.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:222658560 nr_ops:217440\ntimestamp_ms:1652988709188.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:266271744 nr_ops:260031\ntimestamp_ms:1652988710189.5530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:321096704 nr_ops:313571\ntimestamp_ms:1652988711190.6833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:371059712 nr_ops:362363\ntimestamp_ms:1652988712191.8115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424545280 nr_ops:414595\ntimestamp_ms:1652988713192.9158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:477883392 nr_ops:466683\ntimestamp_ms:1652988714194.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531016704 nr_ops:518571\ntimestamp_ms:1652988715195.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:585061376 nr_ops:571349\ntimestamp_ms:1652988716196.2019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638274560 nr_ops:623315\ntimestamp_ms:1652988717197.2402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690189312 nr_ops:674013\ntimestamp_ms:1652988718198.3433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743740416 nr_ops:726309\ntimestamp_ms:1652988719199.4377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:796906496 nr_ops:778229\ntimestamp_ms:1652988720200.5347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:850969600 nr_ops:831025\ntimestamp_ms:1652988721201.6279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894075904 nr_ops:873121\ntimestamp_ms:1652988722202.7341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:935439360 nr_ops:913515\ntimestamp_ms:1652988723203.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986989568 nr_ops:963857\ntimestamp_ms:1652988724204.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1039918080 nr_ops:1015545\ntimestamp_ms:1652988725206.0308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093223424 nr_ops:1067601\ntimestamp_ms:1652988726207.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142467584 nr_ops:1115691\ntimestamp_ms:1652988727208.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1189923840 nr_ops:1162035\ntimestamp_ms:1652988728209.3110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1233241088 nr_ops:1204337\ntimestamp_ms:1652988729210.4717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274891264 nr_ops:1245011\ntimestamp_ms:1652988730211.5686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319480320 nr_ops:1288555\ntimestamp_ms:1652988731212.6582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372738560 nr_ops:1340565\ntimestamp_ms:1652988732213.7598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417006080 nr_ops:1383795\ntimestamp_ms:1652988733214.8542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458488320 nr_ops:1424305\ntimestamp_ms:1652988734215.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1499956224 nr_ops:1464801\ntimestamp_ms:1652988735217.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1541528576 nr_ops:1505399\ntimestamp_ms:1652988736218.1604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581882368 nr_ops:1544807\ntimestamp_ms:1652988737219.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624280064 nr_ops:1586211\ntimestamp_ms:1652988738220.3384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1665999872 nr_ops:1626953\ntimestamp_ms:1652988739221.4343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708815360 nr_ops:1668765\ntimestamp_ms:1652988740222.5422 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1757215744 nr_ops:1716031\ntimestamp_ms:1652988741223.6414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1798874112 nr_ops:1756713\ntimestamp_ms:1652988742224.7515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839811584 nr_ops:1796691\ntimestamp_ms:1652988743225.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1881549824 nr_ops:1837451\ntimestamp_ms:1652988744226.9500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1926462464 nr_ops:1881311\ntimestamp_ms:1652988745228.0427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979182080 nr_ops:1932795\ntimestamp_ms:1652988746229.1353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2033560576 nr_ops:1985899\ntimestamp_ms:1652988747230.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082073600 nr_ops:2033275\ntimestamp_ms:1652988748231.3245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123697152 nr_ops:2073923\ntimestamp_ms:1652988749232.4172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166148096 nr_ops:2115379\ntimestamp_ms:1652988750233.5134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2206350336 nr_ops:2154639\ntimestamp_ms:1652988751234.6133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2247021568 nr_ops:2194357\ntimestamp_ms:1652988752235.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294414336 nr_ops:2240639\ntimestamp_ms:1652988753236.8025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348997632 nr_ops:2293943\ntimestamp_ms:1652988754237.9114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2402694144 nr_ops:2346381\ntimestamp_ms:1652988755239.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2457068544 nr_ops:2399481\ntimestamp_ms:1652988756240.1038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2501848064 nr_ops:2443211\ntimestamp_ms:1652988757241.2024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543873024 nr_ops:2484251\ntimestamp_ms:1652988758242.3010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2585652224 nr_ops:2525051\ntimestamp_ms:1652988759243.3997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2626513920 nr_ops:2564955\ntimestamp_ms:1652988760244.4988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2668450816 nr_ops:2605909\ntimestamp_ms:1652988761245.5896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2715704320 nr_ops:2652055\ntimestamp_ms:1652988762246.6294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2764975104 nr_ops:2700171\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140607561983744\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814018560 nr_ops:2748065\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.1157 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.1255 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763548.3464 name:Total nr_bytes:2814018560 nr_ops:2748066\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.2483 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5628037118 nr_ops:5496132\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652988763448.2495 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2814018560 nr_ops:2748068\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 370.27us 0.00ns 370.27us 370.27us \nTxn1 1374033 43.68us 0.00ns 3.58ms 18.44us \nTxn2 1 50.00us 0.00ns 50.00us 50.00us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 369.23us 0.00ns 369.23us 369.23us \nwrite 1374033 2.44us 0.00ns 94.93us 2.12us \nread 1374032 41.17us 0.00ns 3.58ms 1.79us \ndisconnect 1 49.28us 0.00ns 49.28us 49.28us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 22031 22031 192.11Mb/s 192.11Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.93b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.95 62.37s 2.62GB 360.95Mb/s 2748068 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.62GB 360.95Mb/s 2748068 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418868, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652988702180.5786 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652988703181.7078 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652988703181.7959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652988704182.8796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44213248 nr_ops:43177
+timestamp_ms:1652988705183.9744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:85013504 nr_ops:83021
+timestamp_ms:1652988706185.0774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135802880 nr_ops:132620
+timestamp_ms:1652988707186.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:179397632 nr_ops:175193
+timestamp_ms:1652988708187.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:222658560 nr_ops:217440
+timestamp_ms:1652988709188.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:266271744 nr_ops:260031
+timestamp_ms:1652988710189.5530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:321096704 nr_ops:313571
+timestamp_ms:1652988711190.6833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:371059712 nr_ops:362363
+timestamp_ms:1652988712191.8115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424545280 nr_ops:414595
+timestamp_ms:1652988713192.9158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:477883392 nr_ops:466683
+timestamp_ms:1652988714194.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531016704 nr_ops:518571
+timestamp_ms:1652988715195.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:585061376 nr_ops:571349
+timestamp_ms:1652988716196.2019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638274560 nr_ops:623315
+timestamp_ms:1652988717197.2402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690189312 nr_ops:674013
+timestamp_ms:1652988718198.3433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743740416 nr_ops:726309
+timestamp_ms:1652988719199.4377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:796906496 nr_ops:778229
+timestamp_ms:1652988720200.5347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:850969600 nr_ops:831025
+timestamp_ms:1652988721201.6279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894075904 nr_ops:873121
+timestamp_ms:1652988722202.7341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:935439360 nr_ops:913515
+timestamp_ms:1652988723203.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986989568 nr_ops:963857
+timestamp_ms:1652988724204.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1039918080 nr_ops:1015545
+timestamp_ms:1652988725206.0308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093223424 nr_ops:1067601
+timestamp_ms:1652988726207.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142467584 nr_ops:1115691
+timestamp_ms:1652988727208.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1189923840 nr_ops:1162035
+timestamp_ms:1652988728209.3110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1233241088 nr_ops:1204337
+timestamp_ms:1652988729210.4717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274891264 nr_ops:1245011
+timestamp_ms:1652988730211.5686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319480320 nr_ops:1288555
+timestamp_ms:1652988731212.6582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372738560 nr_ops:1340565
+timestamp_ms:1652988732213.7598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417006080 nr_ops:1383795
+timestamp_ms:1652988733214.8542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458488320 nr_ops:1424305
+timestamp_ms:1652988734215.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1499956224 nr_ops:1464801
+timestamp_ms:1652988735217.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1541528576 nr_ops:1505399
+timestamp_ms:1652988736218.1604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581882368 nr_ops:1544807
+timestamp_ms:1652988737219.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624280064 nr_ops:1586211
+timestamp_ms:1652988738220.3384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1665999872 nr_ops:1626953
+timestamp_ms:1652988739221.4343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708815360 nr_ops:1668765
+timestamp_ms:1652988740222.5422 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1757215744 nr_ops:1716031
+timestamp_ms:1652988741223.6414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1798874112 nr_ops:1756713
+timestamp_ms:1652988742224.7515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839811584 nr_ops:1796691
+timestamp_ms:1652988743225.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1881549824 nr_ops:1837451
+timestamp_ms:1652988744226.9500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1926462464 nr_ops:1881311
+timestamp_ms:1652988745228.0427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979182080 nr_ops:1932795
+timestamp_ms:1652988746229.1353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2033560576 nr_ops:1985899
+timestamp_ms:1652988747230.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082073600 nr_ops:2033275
+timestamp_ms:1652988748231.3245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123697152 nr_ops:2073923
+timestamp_ms:1652988749232.4172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166148096 nr_ops:2115379
+timestamp_ms:1652988750233.5134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2206350336 nr_ops:2154639
+timestamp_ms:1652988751234.6133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2247021568 nr_ops:2194357
+timestamp_ms:1652988752235.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294414336 nr_ops:2240639
+timestamp_ms:1652988753236.8025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348997632 nr_ops:2293943
+timestamp_ms:1652988754237.9114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2402694144 nr_ops:2346381
+timestamp_ms:1652988755239.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2457068544 nr_ops:2399481
+timestamp_ms:1652988756240.1038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2501848064 nr_ops:2443211
+timestamp_ms:1652988757241.2024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543873024 nr_ops:2484251
+timestamp_ms:1652988758242.3010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2585652224 nr_ops:2525051
+timestamp_ms:1652988759243.3997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2626513920 nr_ops:2564955
+timestamp_ms:1652988760244.4988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2668450816 nr_ops:2605909
+timestamp_ms:1652988761245.5896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2715704320 nr_ops:2652055
+timestamp_ms:1652988762246.6294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2764975104 nr_ops:2700171
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140607561983744
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652988763448.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814018560 nr_ops:2748065
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652988763448.1157 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652988763448.1255 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652988763548.3464 name:Total nr_bytes:2814018560 nr_ops:2748066
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652988763448.2483 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5628037118 nr_ops:5496132
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652988763448.2495 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2814018560 nr_ops:2748068
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 370.27us 0.00ns 370.27us 370.27us
+Txn1 1374033 43.68us 0.00ns 3.58ms 18.44us
+Txn2 1 50.00us 0.00ns 50.00us 50.00us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 369.23us 0.00ns 369.23us 369.23us
+write 1374033 2.44us 0.00ns 94.93us 2.12us
+read 1374032 41.17us 0.00ns 3.58ms 1.79us
+disconnect 1 49.28us 0.00ns 49.28us 49.28us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 22031 22031 192.11Mb/s 192.11Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.93b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.95 62.37s 2.62GB 360.95Mb/s 2748068 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.62GB 360.95Mb/s 2748068 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:44.182000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:44.182000', 'bytes': 44213248, 'norm_byte': 44213248, 'ops': 43177, 'norm_ops': 43177, 'norm_ltcy': 23.18557890159981, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:44.182000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:44.182000",
+ "bytes": 44213248,
+ "norm_byte": 44213248,
+ "ops": 43177,
+ "norm_ops": 43177,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.18557890159981,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af946a93fbaa91acc30dd6a3d108788523d999b965b5ba505fa47f425dccc25c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:45.183000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:45.183000', 'bytes': 85013504, 'norm_byte': 40800256, 'ops': 83021, 'norm_ops': 39844, 'norm_ltcy': 25.125357056583173, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:45.183000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:45.183000",
+ "bytes": 85013504,
+ "norm_byte": 40800256,
+ "ops": 83021,
+ "norm_ops": 39844,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.125357056583173,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1bd3aec3997824110bf2f05ee2a4f647dc5a10f3a4f25c5d24589045ea4adab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:46.185000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:46.185000', 'bytes': 135802880, 'norm_byte': 50789376, 'ops': 132620, 'norm_ops': 49599, 'norm_ltcy': 20.183935711279464, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:46.185000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:46.185000",
+ "bytes": 135802880,
+ "norm_byte": 50789376,
+ "ops": 132620,
+ "norm_ops": 49599,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.183935711279464,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48a3799c87271e3a50119265265be383c84cd49b480ecc094ee12089b6326b4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:47.186000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:47.186000', 'bytes': 179397632, 'norm_byte': 43594752, 'ops': 175193, 'norm_ops': 42573, 'norm_ltcy': 23.514716863167383, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:47.186000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:47.186000",
+ "bytes": 179397632,
+ "norm_byte": 43594752,
+ "ops": 175193,
+ "norm_ops": 42573,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.514716863167383,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a0e1b23047bc0f99e6e0ba735e3f68ce7abb67ca797ef0d2f8282fa54decfe3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:48.187000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:48.187000', 'bytes': 222658560, 'norm_byte': 43260928, 'ops': 217440, 'norm_ops': 42247, 'norm_ltcy': 23.696359449339596, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:48.187000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:48.187000",
+ "bytes": 222658560,
+ "norm_byte": 43260928,
+ "ops": 217440,
+ "norm_ops": 42247,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.696359449339596,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c3d5014d349f06df4600a102f7a8da721c607613518df023292323d871840ccd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:49.188000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:49.188000', 'bytes': 266271744, 'norm_byte': 43613184, 'ops': 260031, 'norm_ops': 42591, 'norm_ltcy': 23.5048649509286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:49.188000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:49.188000",
+ "bytes": 266271744,
+ "norm_byte": 43613184,
+ "ops": 260031,
+ "norm_ops": 42591,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.5048649509286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86098d856d82ff851f2f9eb77697622238b073bd92a8a6103816aefdccc4945c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:50.189000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:50.189000', 'bytes': 321096704, 'norm_byte': 54824960, 'ops': 313571, 'norm_ops': 53540, 'norm_ltcy': 18.69980844491268, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:50.189000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:50.189000",
+ "bytes": 321096704,
+ "norm_byte": 54824960,
+ "ops": 313571,
+ "norm_ops": 53540,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.69980844491268,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64810dd483d1295ceab3a427355fb8384ca1516201816d2091220391c89a30e9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:51.190000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:51.190000', 'bytes': 371059712, 'norm_byte': 49963008, 'ops': 362363, 'norm_ops': 48792, 'norm_ltcy': 20.51833028147545, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:51.190000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:51.190000",
+ "bytes": 371059712,
+ "norm_byte": 49963008,
+ "ops": 362363,
+ "norm_ops": 48792,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.51833028147545,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c92f9880bd2d82aba5f2c26a8445e86c1bda9bf651a09d7c9f87379701e7a63",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:52.191000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:52.191000', 'bytes': 424545280, 'norm_byte': 53485568, 'ops': 414595, 'norm_ops': 52232, 'norm_ltcy': 19.166950793156015, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:52.191000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:52.191000",
+ "bytes": 424545280,
+ "norm_byte": 53485568,
+ "ops": 414595,
+ "norm_ops": 52232,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.166950793156015,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f6bd39803aefd1e596047afb291e3ee205c457931e126c0a08abfe4a73aeb13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:53.192000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:53.192000', 'bytes': 477883392, 'norm_byte': 53338112, 'ops': 466683, 'norm_ops': 52088, 'norm_ltcy': 19.219479497137055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:53.192000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:53.192000",
+ "bytes": 477883392,
+ "norm_byte": 53338112,
+ "ops": 466683,
+ "norm_ops": 52088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.219479497137055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d440bdcb8a9754e94360d19be2e09bb3820e3c60f4c5f83d278a2378e6e35084",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:54.194000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:54.194000', 'bytes': 531016704, 'norm_byte': 53133312, 'ops': 518571, 'norm_ops': 51888, 'norm_ltcy': 19.29347073263568, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:54.194000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:54.194000",
+ "bytes": 531016704,
+ "norm_byte": 53133312,
+ "ops": 518571,
+ "norm_ops": 51888,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.29347073263568,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c36519329615f905d0891abd24beb6dfd850f0438c2dc3a8eb7fe6dc3d822b19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:55.195000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:55.195000', 'bytes': 585061376, 'norm_byte': 54044672, 'ops': 571349, 'norm_ops': 52778, 'norm_ltcy': 18.968053872174483, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:55.195000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:55.195000",
+ "bytes": 585061376,
+ "norm_byte": 54044672,
+ "ops": 571349,
+ "norm_ops": 52778,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.968053872174483,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "900469505e3350d02af19cfdb131c68116549ea4ae5f44ee5da8781c40d420d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:56.196000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:56.196000', 'bytes': 638274560, 'norm_byte': 53213184, 'ops': 623315, 'norm_ops': 51966, 'norm_ltcy': 19.26433776261161, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:56.196000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:56.196000",
+ "bytes": 638274560,
+ "norm_byte": 53213184,
+ "ops": 623315,
+ "norm_ops": 51966,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.26433776261161,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fd3cee02ceeab206424d93fcdfeb8b169d1f773fa7fdb79e98203d527dab221",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:57.197000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:57.197000', 'bytes': 690189312, 'norm_byte': 51914752, 'ops': 674013, 'norm_ops': 50698, 'norm_ltcy': 19.74512466129088, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:57.197000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:57.197000",
+ "bytes": 690189312,
+ "norm_byte": 51914752,
+ "ops": 674013,
+ "norm_ops": 50698,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.74512466129088,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "56dbdc1e309f41b7fd2a898cdf18039ea17939cb1b97e75343cce1ce6804300d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:58.198000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:58.198000', 'bytes': 743740416, 'norm_byte': 53551104, 'ops': 726309, 'norm_ops': 52296, 'norm_ltcy': 19.143013372796197, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:58.198000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:58.198000",
+ "bytes": 743740416,
+ "norm_byte": 53551104,
+ "ops": 726309,
+ "norm_ops": 52296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.143013372796197,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21c3976e2c293f0457bb22fce17c0227902edc1bdb4116b5a2e3c51ed80610fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:31:59.199000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:31:59.199000', 'bytes': 796906496, 'norm_byte': 53166080, 'ops': 778229, 'norm_ops': 51920, 'norm_ltcy': 19.281480786245666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:31:59.199000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:31:59.199000",
+ "bytes": 796906496,
+ "norm_byte": 53166080,
+ "ops": 778229,
+ "norm_ops": 51920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.281480786245666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f3c2dd233915f46994431294e05b7409cf62dc46e57a5d4f03926b81c5cf183",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:00.200000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:00.200000', 'bytes': 850969600, 'norm_byte': 54063104, 'ops': 831025, 'norm_ops': 52796, 'norm_ltcy': 18.96160549716124, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:00.200000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:00.200000",
+ "bytes": 850969600,
+ "norm_byte": 54063104,
+ "ops": 831025,
+ "norm_ops": 52796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.96160549716124,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "889db268d5f7f9e674856b99a83a8ee342c703ea5984084198c6e9e2090936b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:01.201000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:01.201000', 'bytes': 894075904, 'norm_byte': 43106304, 'ops': 873121, 'norm_ops': 42096, 'norm_ltcy': 23.78119682912272, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:01.201000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:01.201000",
+ "bytes": 894075904,
+ "norm_byte": 43106304,
+ "ops": 873121,
+ "norm_ops": 42096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.78119682912272,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfd7bb72c6b34b72f830aa1e99139aabe6526d959369ceaf10e04b194d8a7c76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:02.202000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:02.202000', 'bytes': 935439360, 'norm_byte': 41363456, 'ops': 913515, 'norm_ops': 40394, 'norm_ltcy': 24.783537187995123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:02.202000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:02.202000",
+ "bytes": 935439360,
+ "norm_byte": 41363456,
+ "ops": 913515,
+ "norm_ops": 40394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.783537187995123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83b0c80bae11a1287f0a4109566315f674050a89f7eb2020bf673d39fbf45961",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:03.203000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:03.203000', 'bytes': 986989568, 'norm_byte': 51550208, 'ops': 963857, 'norm_ops': 50342, 'norm_ltcy': 19.886088529458505, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:03.203000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:03.203000",
+ "bytes": 986989568,
+ "norm_byte": 51550208,
+ "ops": 963857,
+ "norm_ops": 50342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.886088529458505,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3dadfafce12c07aa5db041905dbf54d5ab09d6647209bd3bfa03227e3b2ce9d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:04.204000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:04.204000', 'bytes': 1039918080, 'norm_byte': 52928512, 'ops': 1015545, 'norm_ops': 51688, 'norm_ltcy': 19.36812903412059, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:04.204000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:04.204000",
+ "bytes": 1039918080,
+ "norm_byte": 52928512,
+ "ops": 1015545,
+ "norm_ops": 51688,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.36812903412059,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "634583f90a51d0d9246639b4df6c6948023d058c11a4d75e36b06ab418e6fd53",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:05.206000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:05.206000', 'bytes': 1093223424, 'norm_byte': 53305344, 'ops': 1067601, 'norm_ops': 52056, 'norm_ltcy': 19.231045577719186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:05.206000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:05.206000",
+ "bytes": 1093223424,
+ "norm_byte": 53305344,
+ "ops": 1067601,
+ "norm_ops": 52056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.231045577719186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d62dbcbf77544f1b20cf82eef2a0a747d900b10362526d0543bc170ba495460",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:06.207000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:06.207000', 'bytes': 1142467584, 'norm_byte': 49244160, 'ops': 1115691, 'norm_ops': 48090, 'norm_ltcy': 20.81718928701393, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:06.207000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:06.207000",
+ "bytes": 1142467584,
+ "norm_byte": 49244160,
+ "ops": 1115691,
+ "norm_ops": 48090,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.81718928701393,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "97407de762f3fe73a622d2d2cac7ad6f28cf933ebd77016e3ad0eb87225b30a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:07.208000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:07.208000', 'bytes': 1189923840, 'norm_byte': 47456256, 'ops': 1162035, 'norm_ops': 46344, 'norm_ltcy': 21.601240519268945, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:07.208000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:07.208000",
+ "bytes": 1189923840,
+ "norm_byte": 47456256,
+ "ops": 1162035,
+ "norm_ops": 46344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.601240519268945,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1511f68a7ae34f7c22eaca17237bb5b036911c92b86a0d5a81ff0afb059b78d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:08.209000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:08.209000', 'bytes': 1233241088, 'norm_byte': 43317248, 'ops': 1204337, 'norm_ops': 42302, 'norm_ltcy': 23.665399981088363, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:08.209000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:08.209000",
+ "bytes": 1233241088,
+ "norm_byte": 43317248,
+ "ops": 1204337,
+ "norm_ops": 42302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.665399981088363,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27d26c45524992a2ca642bf47e5cd730b92022d12db64d3f59fa6f8f5e758a64",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:09.210000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:09.210000', 'bytes': 1274891264, 'norm_byte': 41650176, 'ops': 1245011, 'norm_ops': 40674, 'norm_ltcy': 24.614265735635787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:09.210000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:09.210000",
+ "bytes": 1274891264,
+ "norm_byte": 41650176,
+ "ops": 1245011,
+ "norm_ops": 40674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.614265735635787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "997d018374c626b55e9387be097dee4344c3dbb71f9b85d9693140da0f561e04",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:10.211000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:10.211000', 'bytes': 1319480320, 'norm_byte': 44589056, 'ops': 1288555, 'norm_ops': 43544, 'norm_ltcy': 22.99046766094353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:10.211000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:10.211000",
+ "bytes": 1319480320,
+ "norm_byte": 44589056,
+ "ops": 1288555,
+ "norm_ops": 43544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.99046766094353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ef30ada418b49ba91d389d56a79ce29281f741c431194a1f2e34c7d1a88fb6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:11.212000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:11.212000', 'bytes': 1372738560, 'norm_byte': 53258240, 'ops': 1340565, 'norm_ops': 52010, 'norm_ltcy': 19.248021526809747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:11.212000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:11.212000",
+ "bytes": 1372738560,
+ "norm_byte": 53258240,
+ "ops": 1340565,
+ "norm_ops": 52010,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.248021526809747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f48d9975003854d9ee4161f03184822d9eff6f704bdb230a57ef8ec02eb4569",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:12.213000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:12.213000', 'bytes': 1417006080, 'norm_byte': 44267520, 'ops': 1383795, 'norm_ops': 43230, 'norm_ltcy': 23.157565637288922, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:12.213000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:12.213000",
+ "bytes": 1417006080,
+ "norm_byte": 44267520,
+ "ops": 1383795,
+ "norm_ops": 43230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.157565637288922,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19e4ee95be5b57fa8da4635631afbcbd88f530491840bab33f7dae7661e2ff10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:13.214000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:13.214000', 'bytes': 1458488320, 'norm_byte': 41482240, 'ops': 1424305, 'norm_ops': 40510, 'norm_ltcy': 24.712280484371142, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:13.214000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:13.214000",
+ "bytes": 1458488320,
+ "norm_byte": 41482240,
+ "ops": 1424305,
+ "norm_ops": 40510,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.712280484371142,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a94e47f3b45d32f0ca66e2bf605e02fc1d0c6c8e08cbd545e18f7257aca3febf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:14.215000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:14.215000', 'bytes': 1499956224, 'norm_byte': 41467904, 'ops': 1464801, 'norm_ops': 40496, 'norm_ltcy': 24.720793701075415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:14.215000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:14.215000",
+ "bytes": 1499956224,
+ "norm_byte": 41467904,
+ "ops": 1464801,
+ "norm_ops": 40496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.720793701075415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "565f665d5433910f4045ad73e7246806f156a63192912269f3c3344d943c2a30",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:15.217000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:15.217000', 'bytes': 1541528576, 'norm_byte': 41572352, 'ops': 1505399, 'norm_ops': 40598, 'norm_ltcy': 24.659063071533698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:15.217000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:15.217000",
+ "bytes": 1541528576,
+ "norm_byte": 41572352,
+ "ops": 1505399,
+ "norm_ops": 40598,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.659063071533698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dffabb239c2531cd4504a08aa243f2bd992d01b15a4ec50964d851fec2a9ae19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:16.218000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:16.218000', 'bytes': 1581882368, 'norm_byte': 40353792, 'ops': 1544807, 'norm_ops': 39408, 'norm_ltcy': 25.40357917293126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:16.218000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:16.218000",
+ "bytes": 1581882368,
+ "norm_byte": 40353792,
+ "ops": 1544807,
+ "norm_ops": 39408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.40357917293126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40db12a6a9c502547edd2599314101ae732241da73b314fb2dd6833b941566fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:17.219000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:17.219000', 'bytes': 1624280064, 'norm_byte': 42397696, 'ops': 1586211, 'norm_ops': 41404, 'norm_ltcy': 24.178530833373586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:17.219000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:17.219000",
+ "bytes": 1624280064,
+ "norm_byte": 42397696,
+ "ops": 1586211,
+ "norm_ops": 41404,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.178530833373586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "99e91598e0cdb3269d9b6f0f818d9e8a043cde825b5a3c60bdaf81c1fa357e1d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:18.220000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:18.220000', 'bytes': 1665999872, 'norm_byte': 41719808, 'ops': 1626953, 'norm_ops': 40742, 'norm_ltcy': 24.571451766987998, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:18.220000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:18.220000",
+ "bytes": 1665999872,
+ "norm_byte": 41719808,
+ "ops": 1626953,
+ "norm_ops": 40742,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.571451766987998,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "500ad249a890be7fe2653bf71384bf5c37f99460c291359875af3dc007b63e87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:19.221000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:19.221000', 'bytes': 1708815360, 'norm_byte': 42815488, 'ops': 1668765, 'norm_ops': 41812, 'norm_ltcy': 23.94279028187183, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:19.221000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:19.221000",
+ "bytes": 1708815360,
+ "norm_byte": 42815488,
+ "ops": 1668765,
+ "norm_ops": 41812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.94279028187183,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49ee1d864f5284b44408f0f7c889e72075d7b704c275770b79b476ac7edb27d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:20.222000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:20.222000', 'bytes': 1757215744, 'norm_byte': 48400384, 'ops': 1716031, 'norm_ops': 47266, 'norm_ltcy': 21.18029683400859, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:20.222000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:20.222000",
+ "bytes": 1757215744,
+ "norm_byte": 48400384,
+ "ops": 1716031,
+ "norm_ops": 47266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.18029683400859,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad87c94879c00ad7fbb513912bd31f4dd814278f6578a9b4cc30aab78187e8d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:21.223000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:21.223000', 'bytes': 1798874112, 'norm_byte': 41658368, 'ops': 1756713, 'norm_ops': 40682, 'norm_ltcy': 24.607913108838062, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:21.223000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:21.223000",
+ "bytes": 1798874112,
+ "norm_byte": 41658368,
+ "ops": 1756713,
+ "norm_ops": 40682,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.607913108838062,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b53ab6e3b6457a2bae81d011b3031b0ee4e26cded87a61ad70d677be5c23011f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:22.224000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:22.224000', 'bytes': 1839811584, 'norm_byte': 40937472, 'ops': 1796691, 'norm_ops': 39978, 'norm_ltcy': 25.0415255245854, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:22.224000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:22.224000",
+ "bytes": 1839811584,
+ "norm_byte": 40937472,
+ "ops": 1796691,
+ "norm_ops": 39978,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.0415255245854,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e96a715941a9927e60b597f52eeeda61e45379b4c4a1aa06f48c5a1111a9f727",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:23.225000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:23.225000', 'bytes': 1881549824, 'norm_byte': 41738240, 'ops': 1837451, 'norm_ops': 40760, 'norm_ltcy': 24.560768494311212, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:23.225000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:23.225000",
+ "bytes": 1881549824,
+ "norm_byte": 41738240,
+ "ops": 1837451,
+ "norm_ops": 40760,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.560768494311212,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "223ac7f2b413dea6850947d563f9a9cec3de7d9ef9bd3f897fe4aeb0e17dc21a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:24.226000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:24.226000', 'bytes': 1926462464, 'norm_byte': 44912640, 'ops': 1881311, 'norm_ops': 43860, 'norm_ltcy': 22.824933025535795, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:24.226000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:24.226000",
+ "bytes": 1926462464,
+ "norm_byte": 44912640,
+ "ops": 1881311,
+ "norm_ops": 43860,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.824933025535795,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a54ede9a459c581cb46e731a9a7d585bf53905807914d51d7025c81288e884dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:25.228000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:25.228000', 'bytes': 1979182080, 'norm_byte': 52719616, 'ops': 1932795, 'norm_ops': 51484, 'norm_ltcy': 19.444735712794266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:25.228000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:25.228000",
+ "bytes": 1979182080,
+ "norm_byte": 52719616,
+ "ops": 1932795,
+ "norm_ops": 51484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.444735712794266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "32f8c0484cad9a98642c349854a668c389a426abbdb5595732e1979d130ea59b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:26.229000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:26.229000', 'bytes': 2033560576, 'norm_byte': 54378496, 'ops': 1985899, 'norm_ops': 53104, 'norm_ltcy': 18.851546574587132, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:26.229000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:26.229000",
+ "bytes": 2033560576,
+ "norm_byte": 54378496,
+ "ops": 1985899,
+ "norm_ops": 53104,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.851546574587132,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b4af69df4885a8c8c24ba4b272480f63e132bc3601f5506b003001f9b54bfb4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:27.230000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:27.230000', 'bytes': 2082073600, 'norm_byte': 48513024, 'ops': 2033275, 'norm_ops': 47376, 'norm_ltcy': 21.13083076412635, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:27.230000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:27.230000",
+ "bytes": 2082073600,
+ "norm_byte": 48513024,
+ "ops": 2033275,
+ "norm_ops": 47376,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.13083076412635,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a23501d7fe1594b8794cb672e586190c7455c4762eaf3beb38798c442900eda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:28.231000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:28.231000', 'bytes': 2123697152, 'norm_byte': 41623552, 'ops': 2073923, 'norm_ops': 40648, 'norm_ltcy': 24.628394280238265, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:28.231000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:28.231000",
+ "bytes": 2123697152,
+ "norm_byte": 41623552,
+ "ops": 2073923,
+ "norm_ops": 40648,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.628394280238265,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d6e10b74ba9b0ef8845b5615165de70b4e58b34022a1c7d2f097e2d58f8dc1d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:29.232000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:29.232000', 'bytes': 2166148096, 'norm_byte': 42450944, 'ops': 2115379, 'norm_ops': 41456, 'norm_ltcy': 24.148320470800368, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:29.232000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:29.232000",
+ "bytes": 2166148096,
+ "norm_byte": 42450944,
+ "ops": 2115379,
+ "norm_ops": 41456,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.148320470800368,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "830fc01415dae2a0ff56996ef05a8fce619386d6bd3c75075225f453ded63eae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:30.233000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:30.233000', 'bytes': 2206350336, 'norm_byte': 40202240, 'ops': 2154639, 'norm_ops': 39260, 'norm_ltcy': 25.49913885395441, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:30.233000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:30.233000",
+ "bytes": 2206350336,
+ "norm_byte": 40202240,
+ "ops": 2154639,
+ "norm_ops": 39260,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.49913885395441,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "763858b450f0ffd92ca0568f25628636588efa1d2acd0b5f8037d7e4e84436c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:31.234000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:31.234000', 'bytes': 2247021568, 'norm_byte': 40671232, 'ops': 2194357, 'norm_ops': 39718, 'norm_ltcy': 25.205192948175263, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:31.234000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:31.234000",
+ "bytes": 2247021568,
+ "norm_byte": 40671232,
+ "ops": 2194357,
+ "norm_ops": 39718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.205192948175263,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bba1ae13fe47554788d336a4b31df29c3dd26c239dba0ecea2a4f119d791db0d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:32.235000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:32.235000', 'bytes': 2294414336, 'norm_byte': 47392768, 'ops': 2240639, 'norm_ops': 46282, 'norm_ltcy': 21.63033081334266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:32.235000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:32.235000",
+ "bytes": 2294414336,
+ "norm_byte": 47392768,
+ "ops": 2240639,
+ "norm_ops": 46282,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.63033081334266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd46f107d1175a31e0f40fb489f44ee629b0ef7a274cb7b5e70f2edc9fd6030b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:33.236000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:33.236000', 'bytes': 2348997632, 'norm_byte': 54583296, 'ops': 2293943, 'norm_ops': 53304, 'norm_ltcy': 18.78084643331176, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:33.236000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:33.236000",
+ "bytes": 2348997632,
+ "norm_byte": 54583296,
+ "ops": 2293943,
+ "norm_ops": 53304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.78084643331176,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e69abcbba110740bc604bd06dabc022ccd10ce8f2e70b05e811cea7def6ab49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:34.237000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:34.237000', 'bytes': 2402694144, 'norm_byte': 53696512, 'ops': 2346381, 'norm_ops': 52438, 'norm_ltcy': 19.091286599770203, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:34.237000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:34.237000",
+ "bytes": 2402694144,
+ "norm_byte": 53696512,
+ "ops": 2346381,
+ "norm_ops": 52438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.091286599770203,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "369bd018c1afd537810e6e053b9dd4f5c1e52d06934b1b06433c84b93c39f4ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:35.239000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:35.239000', 'bytes': 2457068544, 'norm_byte': 54374400, 'ops': 2399481, 'norm_ops': 53100, 'norm_ltcy': 18.852998837688325, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:35.239000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:35.239000",
+ "bytes": 2457068544,
+ "norm_byte": 54374400,
+ "ops": 2399481,
+ "norm_ops": 53100,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.852998837688325,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35abf91208ff8aaa08eeea41c76ae0eec7ef9e2948ffae4c3b8396f72918921a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:36.240000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:36.240000', 'bytes': 2501848064, 'norm_byte': 44779520, 'ops': 2443211, 'norm_ops': 43730, 'norm_ltcy': 22.892708541761948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:36.240000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:36.240000",
+ "bytes": 2501848064,
+ "norm_byte": 44779520,
+ "ops": 2443211,
+ "norm_ops": 43730,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.892708541761948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe4e2dc314c5540f53553e4cd03e2fb5f70cd901e1605e14a22c7844a7126298",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:37.241000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:37.241000', 'bytes': 2543873024, 'norm_byte': 42024960, 'ops': 2484251, 'norm_ops': 41040, 'norm_ltcy': 24.393241540265596, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:37.241000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:37.241000",
+ "bytes": 2543873024,
+ "norm_byte": 42024960,
+ "ops": 2484251,
+ "norm_ops": 41040,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.393241540265596,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75c6bac9d0a508372223c71914957890903d46d3298134d2775449c6aa19ef5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:38.242000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:38.242000', 'bytes': 2585652224, 'norm_byte': 41779200, 'ops': 2525051, 'norm_ops': 40800, 'norm_ltcy': 24.536731196384803, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:38.242000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:38.242000",
+ "bytes": 2585652224,
+ "norm_byte": 41779200,
+ "ops": 2525051,
+ "norm_ops": 40800,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.536731196384803,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c15e666692a40bcef1db588d88a472fa73d491be0000ca739a314ec5052f6fda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:39.243000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:39.243000', 'bytes': 2626513920, 'norm_byte': 40861696, 'ops': 2564955, 'norm_ops': 39904, 'norm_ltcy': 25.08767624329641, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:39.243000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:39.243000",
+ "bytes": 2626513920,
+ "norm_byte": 40861696,
+ "ops": 2564955,
+ "norm_ops": 39904,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.08767624329641,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bcbe45e9147d8a1f85f594d31144cb0aace9e239b4903b92f542fdc3f50f7ec4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:40.244000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:40.244000', 'bytes': 2668450816, 'norm_byte': 41936896, 'ops': 2605909, 'norm_ops': 40954, 'norm_ltcy': 24.444477245049324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:40.244000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:40.244000",
+ "bytes": 2668450816,
+ "norm_byte": 41936896,
+ "ops": 2605909,
+ "norm_ops": 40954,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.444477245049324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b053fd5f92f3eb9f96b0e8f05805ac2bbb28a2d2292d4f59f1ad10a36d208866",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:41.245000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:41.245000', 'bytes': 2715704320, 'norm_byte': 47253504, 'ops': 2652055, 'norm_ops': 46146, 'norm_ltcy': 21.69398908491527, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:41.245000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:41.245000",
+ "bytes": 2715704320,
+ "norm_byte": 47253504,
+ "ops": 2652055,
+ "norm_ops": 46146,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.69398908491527,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6168b05be62cf04bf4401363b395d3141a11ae40bfceb96dbda43f11f03365b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:42.246000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:42.246000', 'bytes': 2764975104, 'norm_byte': 49270784, 'ops': 2700171, 'norm_ops': 48116, 'norm_ltcy': 20.804717659861065, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:42.246000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:42.246000",
+ "bytes": 2764975104,
+ "norm_byte": 49270784,
+ "ops": 2700171,
+ "norm_ops": 48116,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.804717659861065,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d0899c8dbf0b2ee61a6456268f576a033140f1a370f3fcf9d308c880bf5fd1a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:32:43.448000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:32:43.448000', 'bytes': 2814018560, 'norm_byte': 49043456, 'ops': 2748065, 'norm_ops': 47894, 'norm_ltcy': 25.08468204198334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:32:43.448000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:32:43.448000",
+ "bytes": 2814018560,
+ "norm_byte": 49043456,
+ "ops": 2748065,
+ "norm_ops": 47894,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.08468204198334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "f4a2000f-9600-566e-b75a-7587f7db88b9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5084e81822055d65e1c17dd6125c14633c7fed74d4c21b939d5bd53fad71f4ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 46900309.333333336
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 45801.083333333336
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 25.129348851162778
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:32:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-000-220519192858/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-000-220519192858/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea1df1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-000-220519192858/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-000-220519192858/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-000-220519192858/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-000-220519192858/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-000-220519192858/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-000-220519192858/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f43fdb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-000-220519192858/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=130
+ net.core.busy_poll=10
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-001-220519193100/220519193100-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-001-220519193100/220519193100-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d62cb07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-001-220519193100/220519193100-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:33:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988823784.3948 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988824785.5100 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988824785.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988825786.7249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46781440 nr_ops:45685\ntimestamp_ms:1652988826787.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96076800 nr_ops:93825\ntimestamp_ms:1652988827788.9348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:151165952 nr_ops:147623\ntimestamp_ms:1652988828790.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204182528 nr_ops:199397\ntimestamp_ms:1652988829791.1282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257172480 nr_ops:251145\ntimestamp_ms:1652988830792.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:304550912 nr_ops:297413\ntimestamp_ms:1652988831793.3572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:348500992 nr_ops:340333\ntimestamp_ms:1652988832794.4558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397491200 nr_ops:388175\ntimestamp_ms:1652988833795.5156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446184448 nr_ops:435727\ntimestamp_ms:1652988834796.6196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495057920 nr_ops:483455\ntimestamp_ms:1652988835797.7117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544334848 nr_ops:531577\ntimestamp_ms:1652988836797.8706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:583734272 nr_ops:570053\ntimestamp_ms:1652988837798.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632581120 nr_ops:617755\ntimestamp_ms:1652988838800.0952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:681683968 nr_ops:665707\ntimestamp_ms:1652988839801.1929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:730870784 nr_ops:713741\ntimestamp_ms:1652988840802.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776907776 nr_ops:758699\ntimestamp_ms:1652988841803.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:825463808 nr_ops:806117\ntimestamp_ms:1652988842804.3811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874990592 nr_ops:854483\ntimestamp_ms:1652988843805.4734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:924564480 nr_ops:902895\ntimestamp_ms:1652988844806.5688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978830336 nr_ops:955889\ntimestamp_ms:1652988845807.6672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1033192448 nr_ops:1008977\ntimestamp_ms:1652988846808.7595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1087458304 nr_ops:1061971\ntimestamp_ms:1652988847809.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140673536 nr_ops:1113939\ntimestamp_ms:1652988848810.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194005504 nr_ops:1166021\ntimestamp_ms:1652988849811.9812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1247458304 nr_ops:1218221\ntimestamp_ms:1652988850813.0718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1297300480 nr_ops:1266895\ntimestamp_ms:1652988851814.1746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1346565120 nr_ops:1315005\ntimestamp_ms:1652988852815.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1395684352 nr_ops:1362973\ntimestamp_ms:1652988853816.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1444899840 nr_ops:1411035\ntimestamp_ms:1652988854817.4617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1488184320 nr_ops:1453305\ntimestamp_ms:1652988855818.5710 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535822848 nr_ops:1499827\ntimestamp_ms:1652988856819.6130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589355520 nr_ops:1552105\ntimestamp_ms:1652988857820.6487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1637956608 nr_ops:1599567\ntimestamp_ms:1652988858821.7390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1680325632 nr_ops:1640943\ntimestamp_ms:1652988859822.8674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723167744 nr_ops:1682781\ntimestamp_ms:1652988860823.9707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1767199744 nr_ops:1725781\ntimestamp_ms:1652988861825.0667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1809988608 nr_ops:1767567\ntimestamp_ms:1652988862826.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852492800 nr_ops:1809075\ntimestamp_ms:1652988863827.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1894181888 nr_ops:1849787\ntimestamp_ms:1652988864827.9885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1936276480 nr_ops:1890895\ntimestamp_ms:1652988865829.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1978250240 nr_ops:1931885\ntimestamp_ms:1652988866830.1919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2020078592 nr_ops:1972733\ntimestamp_ms:1652988867831.2900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062914560 nr_ops:2014565\ntimestamp_ms:1652988868832.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2111816704 nr_ops:2062321\ntimestamp_ms:1652988869833.4639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2160563200 nr_ops:2109925\ntimestamp_ms:1652988870834.5547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2208982016 nr_ops:2157209\ntimestamp_ms:1652988871835.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2258007040 nr_ops:2205085\ntimestamp_ms:1652988872836.7317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307195904 nr_ops:2253121\ntimestamp_ms:1652988873837.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2356085760 nr_ops:2300865\ntimestamp_ms:1652988874838.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405091328 nr_ops:2348722\ntimestamp_ms:1652988875839.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2451082240 nr_ops:2393635\ntimestamp_ms:1652988876840.9602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2491891712 nr_ops:2433488\ntimestamp_ms:1652988877842.0586 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2533655552 nr_ops:2474273\ntimestamp_ms:1652988878843.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2573743104 nr_ops:2513421\ntimestamp_ms:1652988879844.2571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2616108032 nr_ops:2554793\ntimestamp_ms:1652988880845.3577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665255936 nr_ops:2602789\ntimestamp_ms:1652988881846.4548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2714471424 nr_ops:2650851\ntimestamp_ms:1652988882847.5505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2763697152 nr_ops:2698923\ntimestamp_ms:1652988883848.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2812945408 nr_ops:2747017\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140091268130560\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2861732864 nr_ops:2794661\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.1870 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.1912 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885149.4036 name:Total nr_bytes:2861732864 nr_ops:2794662\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.2903 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5723465726 nr_ops:5589324\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.2908 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2861732864 nr_ops:2794664\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 356.97us 0.00ns 356.97us 356.97us \nTxn1 1397331 42.96us 0.00ns 204.23ms 18.38us \nTxn2 1 42.06us 0.00ns 42.06us 42.06us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 355.88us 0.00ns 355.88us 355.88us \nwrite 1397331 2.42us 0.00ns 101.61us 2.09us \nread 1397330 40.46us 0.00ns 204.23ms 2.40us \ndisconnect 1 41.63us 0.00ns 41.63us 41.63us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.74b/s \nnet1 22405 22405 195.37Mb/s 195.37Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.96 62.37s 2.67GB 367.09Mb/s 2794664 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.67GB 367.09Mb/s 2794664 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418097, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988823784.3948 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988824785.5100 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988824785.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988825786.7249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46781440 nr_ops:45685\ntimestamp_ms:1652988826787.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96076800 nr_ops:93825\ntimestamp_ms:1652988827788.9348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:151165952 nr_ops:147623\ntimestamp_ms:1652988828790.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204182528 nr_ops:199397\ntimestamp_ms:1652988829791.1282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257172480 nr_ops:251145\ntimestamp_ms:1652988830792.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:304550912 nr_ops:297413\ntimestamp_ms:1652988831793.3572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:348500992 nr_ops:340333\ntimestamp_ms:1652988832794.4558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397491200 nr_ops:388175\ntimestamp_ms:1652988833795.5156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446184448 nr_ops:435727\ntimestamp_ms:1652988834796.6196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495057920 nr_ops:483455\ntimestamp_ms:1652988835797.7117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544334848 nr_ops:531577\ntimestamp_ms:1652988836797.8706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:583734272 nr_ops:570053\ntimestamp_ms:1652988837798.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632581120 nr_ops:617755\ntimestamp_ms:1652988838800.0952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:681683968 nr_ops:665707\ntimestamp_ms:1652988839801.1929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:730870784 nr_ops:713741\ntimestamp_ms:1652988840802.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776907776 nr_ops:758699\ntimestamp_ms:1652988841803.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:825463808 nr_ops:806117\ntimestamp_ms:1652988842804.3811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874990592 nr_ops:854483\ntimestamp_ms:1652988843805.4734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:924564480 nr_ops:902895\ntimestamp_ms:1652988844806.5688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978830336 nr_ops:955889\ntimestamp_ms:1652988845807.6672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1033192448 nr_ops:1008977\ntimestamp_ms:1652988846808.7595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1087458304 nr_ops:1061971\ntimestamp_ms:1652988847809.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140673536 nr_ops:1113939\ntimestamp_ms:1652988848810.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194005504 nr_ops:1166021\ntimestamp_ms:1652988849811.9812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1247458304 nr_ops:1218221\ntimestamp_ms:1652988850813.0718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1297300480 nr_ops:1266895\ntimestamp_ms:1652988851814.1746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1346565120 nr_ops:1315005\ntimestamp_ms:1652988852815.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1395684352 nr_ops:1362973\ntimestamp_ms:1652988853816.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1444899840 nr_ops:1411035\ntimestamp_ms:1652988854817.4617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1488184320 nr_ops:1453305\ntimestamp_ms:1652988855818.5710 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535822848 nr_ops:1499827\ntimestamp_ms:1652988856819.6130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589355520 nr_ops:1552105\ntimestamp_ms:1652988857820.6487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1637956608 nr_ops:1599567\ntimestamp_ms:1652988858821.7390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1680325632 nr_ops:1640943\ntimestamp_ms:1652988859822.8674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723167744 nr_ops:1682781\ntimestamp_ms:1652988860823.9707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1767199744 nr_ops:1725781\ntimestamp_ms:1652988861825.0667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1809988608 nr_ops:1767567\ntimestamp_ms:1652988862826.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852492800 nr_ops:1809075\ntimestamp_ms:1652988863827.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1894181888 nr_ops:1849787\ntimestamp_ms:1652988864827.9885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1936276480 nr_ops:1890895\ntimestamp_ms:1652988865829.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1978250240 nr_ops:1931885\ntimestamp_ms:1652988866830.1919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2020078592 nr_ops:1972733\ntimestamp_ms:1652988867831.2900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062914560 nr_ops:2014565\ntimestamp_ms:1652988868832.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2111816704 nr_ops:2062321\ntimestamp_ms:1652988869833.4639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2160563200 nr_ops:2109925\ntimestamp_ms:1652988870834.5547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2208982016 nr_ops:2157209\ntimestamp_ms:1652988871835.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2258007040 nr_ops:2205085\ntimestamp_ms:1652988872836.7317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307195904 nr_ops:2253121\ntimestamp_ms:1652988873837.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2356085760 nr_ops:2300865\ntimestamp_ms:1652988874838.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405091328 nr_ops:2348722\ntimestamp_ms:1652988875839.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2451082240 nr_ops:2393635\ntimestamp_ms:1652988876840.9602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2491891712 nr_ops:2433488\ntimestamp_ms:1652988877842.0586 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2533655552 nr_ops:2474273\ntimestamp_ms:1652988878843.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2573743104 nr_ops:2513421\ntimestamp_ms:1652988879844.2571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2616108032 nr_ops:2554793\ntimestamp_ms:1652988880845.3577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665255936 nr_ops:2602789\ntimestamp_ms:1652988881846.4548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2714471424 nr_ops:2650851\ntimestamp_ms:1652988882847.5505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2763697152 nr_ops:2698923\ntimestamp_ms:1652988883848.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2812945408 nr_ops:2747017\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140091268130560\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2861732864 nr_ops:2794661\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.1870 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.1912 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885149.4036 name:Total nr_bytes:2861732864 nr_ops:2794662\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.2903 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5723465726 nr_ops:5589324\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.2908 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2861732864 nr_ops:2794664\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 356.97us 0.00ns 356.97us 356.97us \nTxn1 1397331 42.96us 0.00ns 204.23ms 18.38us \nTxn2 1 42.06us 0.00ns 42.06us 42.06us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 355.88us 0.00ns 355.88us 355.88us \nwrite 1397331 2.42us 0.00ns 101.61us 2.09us \nread 1397330 40.46us 0.00ns 204.23ms 2.40us \ndisconnect 1 41.63us 0.00ns 41.63us 41.63us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.74b/s \nnet1 22405 22405 195.37Mb/s 195.37Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.96 62.37s 2.67GB 367.09Mb/s 2794664 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.67GB 367.09Mb/s 2794664 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418097, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988823784.3948 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988824785.5100 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988824785.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988825786.7249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46781440 nr_ops:45685\ntimestamp_ms:1652988826787.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96076800 nr_ops:93825\ntimestamp_ms:1652988827788.9348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:151165952 nr_ops:147623\ntimestamp_ms:1652988828790.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204182528 nr_ops:199397\ntimestamp_ms:1652988829791.1282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257172480 nr_ops:251145\ntimestamp_ms:1652988830792.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:304550912 nr_ops:297413\ntimestamp_ms:1652988831793.3572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:348500992 nr_ops:340333\ntimestamp_ms:1652988832794.4558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397491200 nr_ops:388175\ntimestamp_ms:1652988833795.5156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446184448 nr_ops:435727\ntimestamp_ms:1652988834796.6196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495057920 nr_ops:483455\ntimestamp_ms:1652988835797.7117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544334848 nr_ops:531577\ntimestamp_ms:1652988836797.8706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:583734272 nr_ops:570053\ntimestamp_ms:1652988837798.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632581120 nr_ops:617755\ntimestamp_ms:1652988838800.0952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:681683968 nr_ops:665707\ntimestamp_ms:1652988839801.1929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:730870784 nr_ops:713741\ntimestamp_ms:1652988840802.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776907776 nr_ops:758699\ntimestamp_ms:1652988841803.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:825463808 nr_ops:806117\ntimestamp_ms:1652988842804.3811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874990592 nr_ops:854483\ntimestamp_ms:1652988843805.4734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:924564480 nr_ops:902895\ntimestamp_ms:1652988844806.5688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978830336 nr_ops:955889\ntimestamp_ms:1652988845807.6672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1033192448 nr_ops:1008977\ntimestamp_ms:1652988846808.7595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1087458304 nr_ops:1061971\ntimestamp_ms:1652988847809.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140673536 nr_ops:1113939\ntimestamp_ms:1652988848810.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194005504 nr_ops:1166021\ntimestamp_ms:1652988849811.9812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1247458304 nr_ops:1218221\ntimestamp_ms:1652988850813.0718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1297300480 nr_ops:1266895\ntimestamp_ms:1652988851814.1746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1346565120 nr_ops:1315005\ntimestamp_ms:1652988852815.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1395684352 nr_ops:1362973\ntimestamp_ms:1652988853816.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1444899840 nr_ops:1411035\ntimestamp_ms:1652988854817.4617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1488184320 nr_ops:1453305\ntimestamp_ms:1652988855818.5710 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535822848 nr_ops:1499827\ntimestamp_ms:1652988856819.6130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589355520 nr_ops:1552105\ntimestamp_ms:1652988857820.6487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1637956608 nr_ops:1599567\ntimestamp_ms:1652988858821.7390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1680325632 nr_ops:1640943\ntimestamp_ms:1652988859822.8674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723167744 nr_ops:1682781\ntimestamp_ms:1652988860823.9707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1767199744 nr_ops:1725781\ntimestamp_ms:1652988861825.0667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1809988608 nr_ops:1767567\ntimestamp_ms:1652988862826.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852492800 nr_ops:1809075\ntimestamp_ms:1652988863827.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1894181888 nr_ops:1849787\ntimestamp_ms:1652988864827.9885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1936276480 nr_ops:1890895\ntimestamp_ms:1652988865829.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1978250240 nr_ops:1931885\ntimestamp_ms:1652988866830.1919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2020078592 nr_ops:1972733\ntimestamp_ms:1652988867831.2900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062914560 nr_ops:2014565\ntimestamp_ms:1652988868832.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2111816704 nr_ops:2062321\ntimestamp_ms:1652988869833.4639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2160563200 nr_ops:2109925\ntimestamp_ms:1652988870834.5547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2208982016 nr_ops:2157209\ntimestamp_ms:1652988871835.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2258007040 nr_ops:2205085\ntimestamp_ms:1652988872836.7317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307195904 nr_ops:2253121\ntimestamp_ms:1652988873837.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2356085760 nr_ops:2300865\ntimestamp_ms:1652988874838.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405091328 nr_ops:2348722\ntimestamp_ms:1652988875839.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2451082240 nr_ops:2393635\ntimestamp_ms:1652988876840.9602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2491891712 nr_ops:2433488\ntimestamp_ms:1652988877842.0586 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2533655552 nr_ops:2474273\ntimestamp_ms:1652988878843.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2573743104 nr_ops:2513421\ntimestamp_ms:1652988879844.2571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2616108032 nr_ops:2554793\ntimestamp_ms:1652988880845.3577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665255936 nr_ops:2602789\ntimestamp_ms:1652988881846.4548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2714471424 nr_ops:2650851\ntimestamp_ms:1652988882847.5505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2763697152 nr_ops:2698923\ntimestamp_ms:1652988883848.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2812945408 nr_ops:2747017\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140091268130560\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2861732864 nr_ops:2794661\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.1870 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.1912 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885149.4036 name:Total nr_bytes:2861732864 nr_ops:2794662\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.2903 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5723465726 nr_ops:5589324\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652988885049.2908 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2861732864 nr_ops:2794664\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 356.97us 0.00ns 356.97us 356.97us \nTxn1 1397331 42.96us 0.00ns 204.23ms 18.38us \nTxn2 1 42.06us 0.00ns 42.06us 42.06us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 355.88us 0.00ns 355.88us 355.88us \nwrite 1397331 2.42us 0.00ns 101.61us 2.09us \nread 1397330 40.46us 0.00ns 204.23ms 2.40us \ndisconnect 1 41.63us 0.00ns 41.63us 41.63us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.74b/s \nnet1 22405 22405 195.37Mb/s 195.37Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.96 62.37s 2.67GB 367.09Mb/s 2794664 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.67GB 367.09Mb/s 2794664 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418097, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652988823784.3948 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652988824785.5100 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652988824785.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652988825786.7249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46781440 nr_ops:45685
+timestamp_ms:1652988826787.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96076800 nr_ops:93825
+timestamp_ms:1652988827788.9348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:151165952 nr_ops:147623
+timestamp_ms:1652988828790.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204182528 nr_ops:199397
+timestamp_ms:1652988829791.1282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257172480 nr_ops:251145
+timestamp_ms:1652988830792.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:304550912 nr_ops:297413
+timestamp_ms:1652988831793.3572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:348500992 nr_ops:340333
+timestamp_ms:1652988832794.4558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397491200 nr_ops:388175
+timestamp_ms:1652988833795.5156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446184448 nr_ops:435727
+timestamp_ms:1652988834796.6196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495057920 nr_ops:483455
+timestamp_ms:1652988835797.7117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544334848 nr_ops:531577
+timestamp_ms:1652988836797.8706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:583734272 nr_ops:570053
+timestamp_ms:1652988837798.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632581120 nr_ops:617755
+timestamp_ms:1652988838800.0952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:681683968 nr_ops:665707
+timestamp_ms:1652988839801.1929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:730870784 nr_ops:713741
+timestamp_ms:1652988840802.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776907776 nr_ops:758699
+timestamp_ms:1652988841803.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:825463808 nr_ops:806117
+timestamp_ms:1652988842804.3811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874990592 nr_ops:854483
+timestamp_ms:1652988843805.4734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:924564480 nr_ops:902895
+timestamp_ms:1652988844806.5688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978830336 nr_ops:955889
+timestamp_ms:1652988845807.6672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1033192448 nr_ops:1008977
+timestamp_ms:1652988846808.7595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1087458304 nr_ops:1061971
+timestamp_ms:1652988847809.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140673536 nr_ops:1113939
+timestamp_ms:1652988848810.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194005504 nr_ops:1166021
+timestamp_ms:1652988849811.9812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1247458304 nr_ops:1218221
+timestamp_ms:1652988850813.0718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1297300480 nr_ops:1266895
+timestamp_ms:1652988851814.1746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1346565120 nr_ops:1315005
+timestamp_ms:1652988852815.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1395684352 nr_ops:1362973
+timestamp_ms:1652988853816.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1444899840 nr_ops:1411035
+timestamp_ms:1652988854817.4617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1488184320 nr_ops:1453305
+timestamp_ms:1652988855818.5710 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535822848 nr_ops:1499827
+timestamp_ms:1652988856819.6130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589355520 nr_ops:1552105
+timestamp_ms:1652988857820.6487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1637956608 nr_ops:1599567
+timestamp_ms:1652988858821.7390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1680325632 nr_ops:1640943
+timestamp_ms:1652988859822.8674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723167744 nr_ops:1682781
+timestamp_ms:1652988860823.9707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1767199744 nr_ops:1725781
+timestamp_ms:1652988861825.0667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1809988608 nr_ops:1767567
+timestamp_ms:1652988862826.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852492800 nr_ops:1809075
+timestamp_ms:1652988863827.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1894181888 nr_ops:1849787
+timestamp_ms:1652988864827.9885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1936276480 nr_ops:1890895
+timestamp_ms:1652988865829.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1978250240 nr_ops:1931885
+timestamp_ms:1652988866830.1919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2020078592 nr_ops:1972733
+timestamp_ms:1652988867831.2900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062914560 nr_ops:2014565
+timestamp_ms:1652988868832.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2111816704 nr_ops:2062321
+timestamp_ms:1652988869833.4639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2160563200 nr_ops:2109925
+timestamp_ms:1652988870834.5547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2208982016 nr_ops:2157209
+timestamp_ms:1652988871835.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2258007040 nr_ops:2205085
+timestamp_ms:1652988872836.7317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307195904 nr_ops:2253121
+timestamp_ms:1652988873837.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2356085760 nr_ops:2300865
+timestamp_ms:1652988874838.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405091328 nr_ops:2348722
+timestamp_ms:1652988875839.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2451082240 nr_ops:2393635
+timestamp_ms:1652988876840.9602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2491891712 nr_ops:2433488
+timestamp_ms:1652988877842.0586 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2533655552 nr_ops:2474273
+timestamp_ms:1652988878843.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2573743104 nr_ops:2513421
+timestamp_ms:1652988879844.2571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2616108032 nr_ops:2554793
+timestamp_ms:1652988880845.3577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665255936 nr_ops:2602789
+timestamp_ms:1652988881846.4548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2714471424 nr_ops:2650851
+timestamp_ms:1652988882847.5505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2763697152 nr_ops:2698923
+timestamp_ms:1652988883848.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2812945408 nr_ops:2747017
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140091268130560
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652988885049.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2861732864 nr_ops:2794661
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652988885049.1870 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652988885049.1912 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652988885149.4036 name:Total nr_bytes:2861732864 nr_ops:2794662
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652988885049.2903 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5723465726 nr_ops:5589324
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652988885049.2908 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2861732864 nr_ops:2794664
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 356.97us 0.00ns 356.97us 356.97us
+Txn1 1397331 42.96us 0.00ns 204.23ms 18.38us
+Txn2 1 42.06us 0.00ns 42.06us 42.06us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 355.88us 0.00ns 355.88us 355.88us
+write 1397331 2.42us 0.00ns 101.61us 2.09us
+read 1397330 40.46us 0.00ns 204.23ms 2.40us
+disconnect 1 41.63us 0.00ns 41.63us 41.63us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.74b/s
+net1 22405 22405 195.37Mb/s 195.37Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.96 62.37s 2.67GB 367.09Mb/s 2794664 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.67GB 367.09Mb/s 2794664 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:45.786000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:45.786000', 'bytes': 46781440, 'norm_byte': 46781440, 'ops': 45685, 'norm_ops': 45685, 'norm_ltcy': 21.91348748563533, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:45.786000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:45.786000",
+ "bytes": 46781440,
+ "norm_byte": 46781440,
+ "ops": 45685,
+ "norm_ops": 45685,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.91348748563533,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1cf1a489306bae64a77d227039e1bb0077bfbecde5ff68810e0230360dede2c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:46.787000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:46.787000', 'bytes': 96076800, 'norm_byte': 49295360, 'ops': 93825, 'norm_ops': 48140, 'norm_ltcy': 20.79580613672362, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:46.787000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:46.787000",
+ "bytes": 96076800,
+ "norm_byte": 49295360,
+ "ops": 93825,
+ "norm_ops": 48140,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.79580613672362,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa428a2a06d75eceb2de34dd6d345fdae2af0f200f80f9aed4c4ad4ad4c31e7f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:47.788000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:47.788000', 'bytes': 151165952, 'norm_byte': 55089152, 'ops': 147623, 'norm_ops': 53798, 'norm_ltcy': 18.608495734332596, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:47.788000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:47.788000",
+ "bytes": 151165952,
+ "norm_byte": 55089152,
+ "ops": 147623,
+ "norm_ops": 53798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.608495734332596,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28e91beabf69ae8136d7fc10a6f775d402711c29675b8b7c7173e2181eb8c393",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:48.790000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:48.790000', 'bytes': 204182528, 'norm_byte': 53016576, 'ops': 199397, 'norm_ops': 51774, 'norm_ltcy': 19.335844132974565, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:48.790000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:48.790000",
+ "bytes": 204182528,
+ "norm_byte": 53016576,
+ "ops": 199397,
+ "norm_ops": 51774,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.335844132974565,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d916ffb60181e680f088d7f0319029478948c11df15ecf030c69043a4c7c04d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:49.791000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:49.791000', 'bytes': 257172480, 'norm_byte': 52989952, 'ops': 251145, 'norm_ops': 51748, 'norm_ltcy': 19.345662928700143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:49.791000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:49.791000",
+ "bytes": 257172480,
+ "norm_byte": 52989952,
+ "ops": 251145,
+ "norm_ops": 51748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.345662928700143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f733559d020dfd7e2597ad6f0fde971b05c65d45419b03bb469575664ca30c67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:50.792000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:50.792000', 'bytes': 304550912, 'norm_byte': 47378432, 'ops': 297413, 'norm_ops': 46268, 'norm_ltcy': 21.63700246559447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:50.792000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:50.792000",
+ "bytes": 304550912,
+ "norm_byte": 47378432,
+ "ops": 297413,
+ "norm_ops": 46268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.63700246559447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82d8448f2c456f6e0ea8a2fa36ddc7b5f98707057446a3e1c27aa99662db93f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:51.793000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:51.793000', 'bytes': 348500992, 'norm_byte': 43950080, 'ops': 340333, 'norm_ops': 42920, 'norm_ltcy': 23.325446734112884, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:51.793000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:51.793000",
+ "bytes": 348500992,
+ "norm_byte": 43950080,
+ "ops": 340333,
+ "norm_ops": 42920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.325446734112884,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5483836004b7dbfa78572869833c9c4aa17a2f90f41380e9bde3ceba83f6c4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:52.794000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:52.794000', 'bytes': 397491200, 'norm_byte': 48990208, 'ops': 388175, 'norm_ops': 47842, 'norm_ltcy': 20.925099970998286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:52.794000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:52.794000",
+ "bytes": 397491200,
+ "norm_byte": 48990208,
+ "ops": 388175,
+ "norm_ops": 47842,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.925099970998286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74382c9dde334dc6552250dbbe39ced84f679160055cecdb74811cbc91ad7585",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:53.795000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:53.795000', 'bytes': 446184448, 'norm_byte': 48693248, 'ops': 435727, 'norm_ops': 47552, 'norm_ltcy': 21.051897174737654, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:53.795000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:53.795000",
+ "bytes": 446184448,
+ "norm_byte": 48693248,
+ "ops": 435727,
+ "norm_ops": 47552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.051897174737654,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1871681cf19f79c9769e3efa9de43b19587520830e9064642f50aa959a5bf87c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:54.796000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:54.796000', 'bytes': 495057920, 'norm_byte': 48873472, 'ops': 483455, 'norm_ops': 47728, 'norm_ltcy': 20.975192840811474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:54.796000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:54.796000",
+ "bytes": 495057920,
+ "norm_byte": 48873472,
+ "ops": 483455,
+ "norm_ops": 47728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.975192840811474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7124f316f1263e88b4566ff48ac8f0e681755a3b65ae965326aee01c39580ea2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:55.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:55.797000', 'bytes': 544334848, 'norm_byte': 49276928, 'ops': 531577, 'norm_ops': 48122, 'norm_ltcy': 20.80320936402529, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:55.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:55.797000",
+ "bytes": 544334848,
+ "norm_byte": 49276928,
+ "ops": 531577,
+ "norm_ops": 48122,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.80320936402529,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9d64d57098c643d0059eb48faf118ed0ca499adb0409ca9994a5489fad55b52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:56.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:56.797000', 'bytes': 583734272, 'norm_byte': 39399424, 'ops': 570053, 'norm_ops': 38476, 'norm_ltcy': 25.994358445443265, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:56.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:56.797000",
+ "bytes": 583734272,
+ "norm_byte": 39399424,
+ "ops": 570053,
+ "norm_ops": 38476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.994358445443265,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15a36a35326bdda26d76996f539ca055a2228857406e7131f18f63f58c7a7020",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:57.798000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:57.798000', 'bytes': 632581120, 'norm_byte': 48846848, 'ops': 617755, 'norm_ops': 47702, 'norm_ltcy': 20.987106476143556, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:57.798000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:57.798000",
+ "bytes": 632581120,
+ "norm_byte": 48846848,
+ "ops": 617755,
+ "norm_ops": 47702,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.987106476143556,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7f3c84af122fc63b769bc8a5732a55f4df8c794bd91fd48f1d28962e2673f76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:58.800000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:58.800000', 'bytes': 681683968, 'norm_byte': 49102848, 'ops': 665707, 'norm_ops': 47952, 'norm_ltcy': 20.877078250125127, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:58.800000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:58.800000",
+ "bytes": 681683968,
+ "norm_byte": 49102848,
+ "ops": 665707,
+ "norm_ops": 47952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.877078250125127,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a87603fafdc8f48e2229ecb34e13527141671c495b6d8eb0cbf4b988eb7ebfa1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:33:59.801000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:33:59.801000', 'bytes': 730870784, 'norm_byte': 49186816, 'ops': 713741, 'norm_ops': 48034, 'norm_ltcy': 20.841438486280552, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:33:59.801000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:33:59.801000",
+ "bytes": 730870784,
+ "norm_byte": 49186816,
+ "ops": 713741,
+ "norm_ops": 48034,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.841438486280552,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "729f4e91644637d7190286c99915ef8b68e5d547fd2d02247468f5ab3f324d67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:00.802000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:00.802000', 'bytes': 776907776, 'norm_byte': 46036992, 'ops': 758699, 'norm_ops': 44958, 'norm_ltcy': 22.266267961208236, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:00.802000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:00.802000",
+ "bytes": 776907776,
+ "norm_byte": 46036992,
+ "ops": 758699,
+ "norm_ops": 44958,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.266267961208236,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0da6e5d325ee6ed1dec457f16d512ad8f69c5fab652d6e0f8ad4c80d5bf1381f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:01.803000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:01.803000', 'bytes': 825463808, 'norm_byte': 48556032, 'ops': 806117, 'norm_ops': 47418, 'norm_ltcy': 21.111064017751698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:01.803000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:01.803000",
+ "bytes": 825463808,
+ "norm_byte": 48556032,
+ "ops": 806117,
+ "norm_ops": 47418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.111064017751698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "367f079a5cc7886d8088dbe87a3187c3bbae52cbf4e3ff5b1b45c643ac3b4b5e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:02.804000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:02.804000', 'bytes': 874990592, 'norm_byte': 49526784, 'ops': 854483, 'norm_ops': 48366, 'norm_ltcy': 20.698360911138508, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:02.804000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:02.804000",
+ "bytes": 874990592,
+ "norm_byte": 49526784,
+ "ops": 854483,
+ "norm_ops": 48366,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.698360911138508,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfcc05396c840e8952139e74a797cdac9efdd8dd30133fdc3550944b82372423",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:03.805000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:03.805000', 'bytes': 924564480, 'norm_byte': 49573888, 'ops': 902895, 'norm_ops': 48412, 'norm_ltcy': 20.6785979748048, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:03.805000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:03.805000",
+ "bytes": 924564480,
+ "norm_byte": 49573888,
+ "ops": 902895,
+ "norm_ops": 48412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.6785979748048,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc5b227cab48ef0c6c94cd4a410fcccb9bcf63cf2b1de7332218336667198da7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:04.806000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:04.806000', 'bytes': 978830336, 'norm_byte': 54265856, 'ops': 955889, 'norm_ops': 52994, 'norm_ltcy': 18.890732139192643, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:04.806000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:04.806000",
+ "bytes": 978830336,
+ "norm_byte": 54265856,
+ "ops": 955889,
+ "norm_ops": 52994,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.890732139192643,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "62adadd24f6e50ee68e65c3c0a6a5c4a3ab120ee41c7727dfba7e2d8ba9be8a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:05.807000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:05.807000', 'bytes': 1033192448, 'norm_byte': 54362112, 'ops': 1008977, 'norm_ops': 53088, 'norm_ltcy': 18.857338544904216, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:05.807000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:05.807000",
+ "bytes": 1033192448,
+ "norm_byte": 54362112,
+ "ops": 1008977,
+ "norm_ops": 53088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.857338544904216,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "712321c0a303c63c467dd462cc9ddff03193dddac69f5d3de98fba75045ea00c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:06.808000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:06.808000', 'bytes': 1087458304, 'norm_byte': 54265856, 'ops': 1061971, 'norm_ops': 52994, 'norm_ltcy': 18.89067224886308, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:06.808000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:06.808000",
+ "bytes": 1087458304,
+ "norm_byte": 54265856,
+ "ops": 1061971,
+ "norm_ops": 52994,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.89067224886308,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "304fe8a6040ab3a121fda319b6be5f5554d059232ff336f0c8b56c4fa52dc49c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:07.809000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:07.809000', 'bytes': 1140673536, 'norm_byte': 53215232, 'ops': 1113939, 'norm_ops': 51968, 'norm_ltcy': 19.26369032836313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:07.809000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:07.809000",
+ "bytes": 1140673536,
+ "norm_byte": 53215232,
+ "ops": 1113939,
+ "norm_ops": 51968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.26369032836313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f675c2c4d119b519b00c45811272d065d0aa1584bc759d50a63362032495ff75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:08.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:08.810000', 'bytes': 1194005504, 'norm_byte': 53331968, 'ops': 1166021, 'norm_ops': 52082, 'norm_ltcy': 19.221398317796936, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:08.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:08.810000",
+ "bytes": 1194005504,
+ "norm_byte": 53331968,
+ "ops": 1166021,
+ "norm_ops": 52082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.221398317796936,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "105a79410009a3ed6d1c50b47b8f752149684d88c5a5d91247a806116ad23237",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:09.811000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:09.811000', 'bytes': 1247458304, 'norm_byte': 53452800, 'ops': 1218221, 'norm_ops': 52200, 'norm_ltcy': 19.17696079531849, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:09.811000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:09.811000",
+ "bytes": 1247458304,
+ "norm_byte": 53452800,
+ "ops": 1218221,
+ "norm_ops": 52200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.17696079531849,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3fd19e45f8bda54ada789ae0266c1cca5bfe0f36229429ad8b3474b101b36ec9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:10.813000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:10.813000', 'bytes': 1297300480, 'norm_byte': 49842176, 'ops': 1266895, 'norm_ops': 48674, 'norm_ltcy': 20.56725512947107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:10.813000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:10.813000",
+ "bytes": 1297300480,
+ "norm_byte": 49842176,
+ "ops": 1266895,
+ "norm_ops": 48674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.56725512947107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "96ce90dbaff7f9ae22318fa53660530f65e9d52205bd3fec8b740ab6a719494e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:11.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:11.814000', 'bytes': 1346565120, 'norm_byte': 49264640, 'ops': 1315005, 'norm_ops': 48110, 'norm_ltcy': 20.808621558992414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:11.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:11.814000",
+ "bytes": 1346565120,
+ "norm_byte": 49264640,
+ "ops": 1315005,
+ "norm_ops": 48110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.808621558992414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e702b5480c9296d08141ee0c90a6e9ae3f7a80e901e7d26ddc28e7eb92874bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:12.815000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:12.815000', 'bytes': 1395684352, 'norm_byte': 49119232, 'ops': 1362973, 'norm_ops': 47968, 'norm_ltcy': 20.869982250536815, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:12.815000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:12.815000",
+ "bytes": 1395684352,
+ "norm_byte": 49119232,
+ "ops": 1362973,
+ "norm_ops": 47968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.869982250536815,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9ddb47578776acfa775e4509ee376a6b6cfbdd056a4399635ad4bb9c0a5fa09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:13.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:13.816000', 'bytes': 1444899840, 'norm_byte': 49215488, 'ops': 1411035, 'norm_ops': 48062, 'norm_ltcy': 20.829291583982666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:13.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:13.816000",
+ "bytes": 1444899840,
+ "norm_byte": 49215488,
+ "ops": 1411035,
+ "norm_ops": 48062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.829291583982666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa7385050d4302a82bbab0ae519ed5928e48d215b6959dfbced519e9f15e8377",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:14.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:14.817000', 'bytes': 1488184320, 'norm_byte': 43284480, 'ops': 1453305, 'norm_ops': 42270, 'norm_ltcy': 23.683425329355927, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:14.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:14.817000",
+ "bytes": 1488184320,
+ "norm_byte": 43284480,
+ "ops": 1453305,
+ "norm_ops": 42270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.683425329355927,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee6834bf2dd9e38334b7e8ea5d2e01bdda132c6b4ae36a51653521fd4b1f350c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:15.818000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:15.818000', 'bytes': 1535822848, 'norm_byte': 47638528, 'ops': 1499827, 'norm_ops': 46522, 'norm_ltcy': 21.519052813722542, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:15.818000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:15.818000",
+ "bytes": 1535822848,
+ "norm_byte": 47638528,
+ "ops": 1499827,
+ "norm_ops": 46522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.519052813722542,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "930c7f6108a246299fdaccee1ad0e84d52c294a03213fa8459ee6cb7c0a8bae3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:16.819000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:16.819000', 'bytes': 1589355520, 'norm_byte': 53532672, 'ops': 1552105, 'norm_ops': 52278, 'norm_ltcy': 19.148437051675657, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:16.819000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:16.819000",
+ "bytes": 1589355520,
+ "norm_byte": 53532672,
+ "ops": 1552105,
+ "norm_ops": 52278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.148437051675657,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc3d7640e379efb75a602aceea091086592f35fc41d3ce58490bd6acadacf898",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:17.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:17.820000', 'bytes': 1637956608, 'norm_byte': 48601088, 'ops': 1599567, 'norm_ops': 47462, 'norm_ltcy': 21.091307667844802, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:17.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:17.820000",
+ "bytes": 1637956608,
+ "norm_byte": 48601088,
+ "ops": 1599567,
+ "norm_ops": 47462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.091307667844802,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c011842b9cd4dbcd0c13ab3e5cc1e2df8e70a7102c9c2f0e753b15f935c4f0d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:18.821000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:18.821000', 'bytes': 1680325632, 'norm_byte': 42369024, 'ops': 1640943, 'norm_ops': 41376, 'norm_ltcy': 24.194951953578162, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:18.821000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:18.821000",
+ "bytes": 1680325632,
+ "norm_byte": 42369024,
+ "ops": 1640943,
+ "norm_ops": 41376,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.194951953578162,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c0106412d43274d9dd7d73493350d8659265f885317c486f2893aee4c6eabc7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:19.822000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:19.822000', 'bytes': 1723167744, 'norm_byte': 42842112, 'ops': 1682781, 'norm_ops': 41838, 'norm_ltcy': 23.928687269199052, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:19.822000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:19.822000",
+ "bytes": 1723167744,
+ "norm_byte": 42842112,
+ "ops": 1682781,
+ "norm_ops": 41838,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.928687269199052,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f1d3df19ae6d187d796b81115f016e38b16f7a8c02432699e38e25906b219964",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:20.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:20.823000', 'bytes': 1767199744, 'norm_byte': 44032000, 'ops': 1725781, 'norm_ops': 43000, 'norm_ltcy': 23.281471429869185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:20.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:20.823000",
+ "bytes": 1767199744,
+ "norm_byte": 44032000,
+ "ops": 1725781,
+ "norm_ops": 43000,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.281471429869185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a1fcbbf1408775693daec2e837a46ab5f391058685f7918cdbc8257d88336446",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:21.825000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:21.825000', 'bytes': 1809988608, 'norm_byte': 42788864, 'ops': 1767567, 'norm_ops': 41786, 'norm_ltcy': 23.95768791618305, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:21.825000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:21.825000",
+ "bytes": 1809988608,
+ "norm_byte": 42788864,
+ "ops": 1767567,
+ "norm_ops": 41786,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.95768791618305,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f36bc80c95d4a5b9d67350e3525335dfc1c067da245a7e5a7131e7e024fd8517",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:22.826000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:22.826000', 'bytes': 1852492800, 'norm_byte': 42504192, 'ops': 1809075, 'norm_ops': 41508, 'norm_ltcy': 24.118191683305024, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:22.826000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:22.826000",
+ "bytes": 1852492800,
+ "norm_byte": 42504192,
+ "ops": 1809075,
+ "norm_ops": 41508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.118191683305024,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ec7f728ea5d1c18cfa2fb72dce020bda348da11eb1a334389d08406e1114271",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:23.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:23.827000', 'bytes': 1894181888, 'norm_byte': 41689088, 'ops': 1849787, 'norm_ops': 40712, 'norm_ltcy': 24.589588047596532, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:23.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:23.827000",
+ "bytes": 1894181888,
+ "norm_byte": 41689088,
+ "ops": 1849787,
+ "norm_ops": 40712,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.589588047596532,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b701dec987fe63fbc9e389f60fbaeffdf951fce7b86af7fca917a76dc1d84ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:24.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:24.827000', 'bytes': 1936276480, 'norm_byte': 42094592, 'ops': 1890895, 'norm_ops': 41108, 'norm_ltcy': 24.343988177863796, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:24.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:24.827000",
+ "bytes": 1936276480,
+ "norm_byte": 42094592,
+ "ops": 1890895,
+ "norm_ops": 41108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.343988177863796,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d7fcacf8947a379179f0a9328c15e34f7e573ebf879b9df23fb2d79324a3f368",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:25.829000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:25.829000', 'bytes': 1978250240, 'norm_byte': 41973760, 'ops': 1931885, 'norm_ops': 40990, 'norm_ltcy': 24.423169380107954, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:25.829000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:25.829000",
+ "bytes": 1978250240,
+ "norm_byte": 41973760,
+ "ops": 1931885,
+ "norm_ops": 40990,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.423169380107954,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82c342890e0de8652fd39653c80b6d7aea1f07a5f430411d5669cfc1aadcf376",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:26.830000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:26.830000', 'bytes': 2020078592, 'norm_byte': 41828352, 'ops': 1972733, 'norm_ops': 40848, 'norm_ltcy': 24.50787446753819, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:26.830000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:26.830000",
+ "bytes": 2020078592,
+ "norm_byte": 41828352,
+ "ops": 1972733,
+ "norm_ops": 40848,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.50787446753819,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ebc9a81f2fffa7d9d8979e43a8e29a4751383ca86e0e9fd86bd569f0499c15c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:27.831000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:27.831000', 'bytes': 2062914560, 'norm_byte': 42835968, 'ops': 2014565, 'norm_ops': 41832, 'norm_ltcy': 23.931395690649502, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:27.831000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:27.831000",
+ "bytes": 2062914560,
+ "norm_byte": 42835968,
+ "ops": 2014565,
+ "norm_ops": 41832,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.931395690649502,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f925be9e2259d4f9892ab3adf33dc67424335d938e19a93a5e31350e63364dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:28.832000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:28.832000', 'bytes': 2111816704, 'norm_byte': 48902144, 'ops': 2062321, 'norm_ops': 47756, 'norm_ltcy': 20.96252671457513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:28.832000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:28.832000",
+ "bytes": 2111816704,
+ "norm_byte": 48902144,
+ "ops": 2062321,
+ "norm_ops": 47756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.96252671457513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ac44fc843d6b80490b124c0a820c390c68b9c3befa1179e45ca504931c05b8a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:29.833000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:29.833000', 'bytes': 2160563200, 'norm_byte': 48746496, 'ops': 2109925, 'norm_ops': 47604, 'norm_ltcy': 21.029480765140534, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:29.833000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:29.833000",
+ "bytes": 2160563200,
+ "norm_byte": 48746496,
+ "ops": 2109925,
+ "norm_ops": 47604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.029480765140534,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a147ea9f7ffbb9b89ea8deb0ebd6fe1613a959678b6aa826e33c20a14155e688",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:30.834000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:30.834000', 'bytes': 2208982016, 'norm_byte': 48418816, 'ops': 2157209, 'norm_ops': 47284, 'norm_ltcy': 21.17187252162465, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:30.834000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:30.834000",
+ "bytes": 2208982016,
+ "norm_byte": 48418816,
+ "ops": 2157209,
+ "norm_ops": 47284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.17187252162465,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "42b6c1c8dfd5ec6609941dd148888a4e2a1d35402a0bb40090a63ef8ad6f7f2f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:31.835000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:31.835000', 'bytes': 2258007040, 'norm_byte': 49025024, 'ops': 2205085, 'norm_ops': 47876, 'norm_ltcy': 20.91008155345319, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:31.835000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:31.835000",
+ "bytes": 2258007040,
+ "norm_byte": 49025024,
+ "ops": 2205085,
+ "norm_ops": 47876,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.91008155345319,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3de5ed1a6d5a15cdb90b2b9acfa3c990b3f4edfb898c6ab6034bcadb81ae793b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:32.836000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:32.836000', 'bytes': 2307195904, 'norm_byte': 49188864, 'ops': 2253121, 'norm_ops': 48036, 'norm_ltcy': 20.84032678616038, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:32.836000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:32.836000",
+ "bytes": 2307195904,
+ "norm_byte": 49188864,
+ "ops": 2253121,
+ "norm_ops": 48036,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.84032678616038,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0faddd2f64c51633c4b354c26f7319c040c59238619beffa5e741d88c388a7ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:33.837000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:33.837000', 'bytes': 2356085760, 'norm_byte': 48889856, 'ops': 2300865, 'norm_ops': 47744, 'norm_ltcy': 20.968143166549723, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:33.837000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:33.837000",
+ "bytes": 2356085760,
+ "norm_byte": 48889856,
+ "ops": 2300865,
+ "norm_ops": 47744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.968143166549723,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c82f0712eb1acaf6fa1948debfa2448fd51ed10e1e5200eaa9790de4edfe4e05",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:34.838000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:34.838000', 'bytes': 2405091328, 'norm_byte': 49005568, 'ops': 2348722, 'norm_ops': 47857, 'norm_ltcy': 20.91879641105272, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:34.838000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:34.838000",
+ "bytes": 2405091328,
+ "norm_byte": 49005568,
+ "ops": 2348722,
+ "norm_ops": 47857,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.91879641105272,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5efad0787cbdbcd7355ac6ab26ff89e748130670f8a2fc4fab482f441c167893",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:35.839000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:35.839000', 'bytes': 2451082240, 'norm_byte': 45990912, 'ops': 2393635, 'norm_ops': 44913, 'norm_ltcy': 22.285212565473806, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:35.839000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:35.839000",
+ "bytes": 2451082240,
+ "norm_byte": 45990912,
+ "ops": 2393635,
+ "norm_ops": 44913,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.285212565473806,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "732d9bf60c45c014cdffa26ef05d99fcf9c2600b4f9c118cf699dc8f68e7b6dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:36.840000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:36.840000', 'bytes': 2491891712, 'norm_byte': 40809472, 'ops': 2433488, 'norm_ops': 39853, 'norm_ltcy': 25.120289475933433, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:36.840000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:36.840000",
+ "bytes": 2491891712,
+ "norm_byte": 40809472,
+ "ops": 2433488,
+ "norm_ops": 39853,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.120289475933433,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1828096536459bbd88e0db59a63ac56b5b8082c510321f32c3654c6756e56c16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:37.842000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:37.842000', 'bytes': 2533655552, 'norm_byte': 41763840, 'ops': 2474273, 'norm_ops': 40785, 'norm_ltcy': 24.54574938511401, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:37.842000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:37.842000",
+ "bytes": 2533655552,
+ "norm_byte": 41763840,
+ "ops": 2474273,
+ "norm_ops": 40785,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.54574938511401,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a3370add3401957287f29d316114284f242f3fe4fab74782ec8b1b89c198033",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:38.843000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:38.843000', 'bytes': 2573743104, 'norm_byte': 40087552, 'ops': 2513421, 'norm_ops': 39148, 'norm_ltcy': 25.572065363332737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:38.843000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:38.843000",
+ "bytes": 2573743104,
+ "norm_byte": 40087552,
+ "ops": 2513421,
+ "norm_ops": 39148,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.572065363332737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "92244c792de38ec69c1066be14c1d859c260c81ef0b950bee64d0d2462f9dbe8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:39.844000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:39.844000', 'bytes': 2616108032, 'norm_byte': 42364928, 'ops': 2554793, 'norm_ops': 41372, 'norm_ltcy': 24.197603970907256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:39.844000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:39.844000",
+ "bytes": 2616108032,
+ "norm_byte": 42364928,
+ "ops": 2554793,
+ "norm_ops": 41372,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.197603970907256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c11292e2535c9f8c601fcbf2b0c00944225f73be5b6468fdad50440c3625a580",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:40.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:40.845000', 'bytes': 2665255936, 'norm_byte': 49147904, 'ops': 2602789, 'norm_ops': 47996, 'norm_ltcy': 20.85800037372906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:40.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:40.845000",
+ "bytes": 2665255936,
+ "norm_byte": 49147904,
+ "ops": 2602789,
+ "norm_ops": 47996,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.85800037372906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be805444970cdc493a0ec5d6d14f60b1e2d12b2dcc1d0a8dd6981855329cd246",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:41.846000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:41.846000', 'bytes': 2714471424, 'norm_byte': 49215488, 'ops': 2650851, 'norm_ops': 48062, 'norm_ltcy': 20.82928650428093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:41.846000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:41.846000",
+ "bytes": 2714471424,
+ "norm_byte": 49215488,
+ "ops": 2650851,
+ "norm_ops": 48062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.82928650428093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "755711b63071da9da8a6eef036155e346db4f004d99a4348f629d2437706767f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:42.847000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:42.847000', 'bytes': 2763697152, 'norm_byte': 49225728, 'ops': 2698923, 'norm_ops': 48072, 'norm_ltcy': 20.824923097125147, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:42.847000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:42.847000",
+ "bytes": 2763697152,
+ "norm_byte": 49225728,
+ "ops": 2698923,
+ "norm_ops": 48072,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.824923097125147,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "506c603a0ae12f66b6c93e09f24c0b2a433276015045287d36749ca758a02dd6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:43.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:43.848000', 'bytes': 2812945408, 'norm_byte': 49248256, 'ops': 2747017, 'norm_ops': 48094, 'norm_ltcy': 20.815396995987026, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:43.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:43.848000",
+ "bytes": 2812945408,
+ "norm_byte": 49248256,
+ "ops": 2747017,
+ "norm_ops": 48094,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.815396995987026,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dba3ffdece6fa40ec09c75455f7a834fc8ec876536b5253802f8ed8e7392fea7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:34:45.049000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:34:45.049000', 'bytes': 2861732864, 'norm_byte': 48787456, 'ops': 2794661, 'norm_ops': 47644, 'norm_ltcy': 25.196200023219085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:34:45.049000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:34:45.049000",
+ "bytes": 2861732864,
+ "norm_byte": 48787456,
+ "ops": 2794661,
+ "norm_ops": 47644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.196200023219085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d98a7e20-7ec1-5754-85b9-4234c753c507",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9f3199390c100d822a2f6ede0977422dcf218d1aa24f69de26a7944909d4664",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 47695547.733333334
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 46577.683333333334
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 25.124085003297715
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:34:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-001-220519193100/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-001-220519193100/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a31bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-001-220519193100/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-001-220519193100/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-001-220519193100/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-001-220519193100/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-001-220519193100/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-001-220519193100/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..645f4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-001-220519193100/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=35
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=130
+ net.core.busy_poll=180
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-002-220519193302/220519193302-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-002-220519193302/220519193302-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a6ebb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-002-220519193302/220519193302-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:35:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988945712.9675 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988946714.0745 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988946714.1626 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988947714.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71706624 nr_ops:70026\ntimestamp_ms:1652988948715.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143516672 nr_ops:140153\ntimestamp_ms:1652988949716.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:215219200 nr_ops:210175\ntimestamp_ms:1652988950717.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:256859136 nr_ops:250839\ntimestamp_ms:1652988951718.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327584768 nr_ops:319907\ntimestamp_ms:1652988952719.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:384517120 nr_ops:375505\ntimestamp_ms:1652988953720.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:427250688 nr_ops:417237\ntimestamp_ms:1652988954721.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:484283392 nr_ops:472933\ntimestamp_ms:1652988955723.0198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:555723776 nr_ops:542699\ntimestamp_ms:1652988956724.1155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617040896 nr_ops:602579\ntimestamp_ms:1652988957725.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:682982400 nr_ops:666975\ntimestamp_ms:1652988958726.2996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:739015680 nr_ops:721695\ntimestamp_ms:1652988959727.3921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:809739264 nr_ops:790761\ntimestamp_ms:1652988960728.4851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880685056 nr_ops:860044\ntimestamp_ms:1652988961729.5896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939111424 nr_ops:917101\ntimestamp_ms:1652988962730.7065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:993400832 nr_ops:970118\ntimestamp_ms:1652988963731.8037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1063990272 nr_ops:1039053\ntimestamp_ms:1652988964732.9041 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134582784 nr_ops:1107991\ntimestamp_ms:1652988965734.0073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1176933376 nr_ops:1149349\ntimestamp_ms:1652988966734.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1232536576 nr_ops:1203649\ntimestamp_ms:1652988967735.3340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1303243776 nr_ops:1272699\ntimestamp_ms:1652988968736.4268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1374278656 nr_ops:1342069\ntimestamp_ms:1652988969737.5142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446069248 nr_ops:1412177\ntimestamp_ms:1652988970738.6235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1503806464 nr_ops:1468561\ntimestamp_ms:1652988971739.7312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1559751680 nr_ops:1523195\ntimestamp_ms:1652988972740.8274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1630841856 nr_ops:1592619\ntimestamp_ms:1652988973741.9380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1701938176 nr_ops:1662049\ntimestamp_ms:1652988974742.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773241344 nr_ops:1731681\ntimestamp_ms:1652988975743.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1830038528 nr_ops:1787147\ntimestamp_ms:1652988976745.0366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901526016 nr_ops:1856959\ntimestamp_ms:1652988977746.1484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1956611072 nr_ops:1910753\ntimestamp_ms:1652988978747.2383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014776320 nr_ops:1967555\ntimestamp_ms:1652988979748.2754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2085888000 nr_ops:2037000\ntimestamp_ms:1652988980749.3784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2156899328 nr_ops:2106347\ntimestamp_ms:1652988981750.4736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2227733504 nr_ops:2175521\ntimestamp_ms:1652988982751.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2298589184 nr_ops:2244716\ntimestamp_ms:1652988983752.6653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2369547264 nr_ops:2314011\ntimestamp_ms:1652988984753.7603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2440637440 nr_ops:2383435\ntimestamp_ms:1652988985754.8569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2496992256 nr_ops:2438469\ntimestamp_ms:1652988986755.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2568025088 nr_ops:2507837\ntimestamp_ms:1652988987757.0583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2639913984 nr_ops:2578041\ntimestamp_ms:1652988988758.1548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2711452672 nr_ops:2647903\ntimestamp_ms:1652988989759.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768505856 nr_ops:2703619\ntimestamp_ms:1652988990760.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2825487360 nr_ops:2759265\ntimestamp_ms:1652988991761.4541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2881819648 nr_ops:2814277\ntimestamp_ms:1652988992761.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2952915968 nr_ops:2883707\ntimestamp_ms:1652988993762.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3024116736 nr_ops:2953239\ntimestamp_ms:1652988994764.0405 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3095411712 nr_ops:3022863\ntimestamp_ms:1652988995765.1433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3166585856 nr_ops:3092369\ntimestamp_ms:1652988996766.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3222827008 nr_ops:3147292\ntimestamp_ms:1652988997767.3274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3293782016 nr_ops:3216584\ntimestamp_ms:1652988998768.4199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3364926464 nr_ops:3286061\ntimestamp_ms:1652988999769.4727 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3408550912 nr_ops:3328663\ntimestamp_ms:1652989000770.5837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3464377344 nr_ops:3383181\ntimestamp_ms:1652989001771.6736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3535877120 nr_ops:3453005\ntimestamp_ms:1652989002772.8071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607018496 nr_ops:3522479\ntimestamp_ms:1652989003773.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3664024576 nr_ops:3578149\ntimestamp_ms:1652989004774.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3721278464 nr_ops:3634061\ntimestamp_ms:1652989005776.0410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3785554944 nr_ops:3696831\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140713132709632\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.3904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3834960896 nr_ops:3745079\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.4351 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.4387 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989007077.6565 name:Total nr_bytes:3834960896 nr_ops:3745080\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.5308 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7669921790 nr_ops:7490160\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.5317 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3834960896 nr_ops:3745082\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 282.66us 0.00ns 282.66us 282.66us \nTxn1 1872540 32.05us 0.00ns 208.62ms 18.36us \nTxn2 1 22.85us 0.00ns 22.85us 22.85us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 282.28us 0.00ns 282.28us 282.28us \nwrite 1872540 2.44us 0.00ns 355.72us 2.12us \nread 1872539 29.53us 0.00ns 208.62ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 22.41us 0.00ns 22.41us 22.41us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \nnet1 30026 30026 261.82Mb/s 261.82Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.97 62.37s 3.57GB 491.93Mb/s 3745082 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.94Mb/s 3745082 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414973, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988945712.9675 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988946714.0745 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988946714.1626 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988947714.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71706624 nr_ops:70026\ntimestamp_ms:1652988948715.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143516672 nr_ops:140153\ntimestamp_ms:1652988949716.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:215219200 nr_ops:210175\ntimestamp_ms:1652988950717.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:256859136 nr_ops:250839\ntimestamp_ms:1652988951718.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327584768 nr_ops:319907\ntimestamp_ms:1652988952719.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:384517120 nr_ops:375505\ntimestamp_ms:1652988953720.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:427250688 nr_ops:417237\ntimestamp_ms:1652988954721.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:484283392 nr_ops:472933\ntimestamp_ms:1652988955723.0198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:555723776 nr_ops:542699\ntimestamp_ms:1652988956724.1155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617040896 nr_ops:602579\ntimestamp_ms:1652988957725.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:682982400 nr_ops:666975\ntimestamp_ms:1652988958726.2996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:739015680 nr_ops:721695\ntimestamp_ms:1652988959727.3921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:809739264 nr_ops:790761\ntimestamp_ms:1652988960728.4851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880685056 nr_ops:860044\ntimestamp_ms:1652988961729.5896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939111424 nr_ops:917101\ntimestamp_ms:1652988962730.7065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:993400832 nr_ops:970118\ntimestamp_ms:1652988963731.8037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1063990272 nr_ops:1039053\ntimestamp_ms:1652988964732.9041 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134582784 nr_ops:1107991\ntimestamp_ms:1652988965734.0073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1176933376 nr_ops:1149349\ntimestamp_ms:1652988966734.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1232536576 nr_ops:1203649\ntimestamp_ms:1652988967735.3340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1303243776 nr_ops:1272699\ntimestamp_ms:1652988968736.4268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1374278656 nr_ops:1342069\ntimestamp_ms:1652988969737.5142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446069248 nr_ops:1412177\ntimestamp_ms:1652988970738.6235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1503806464 nr_ops:1468561\ntimestamp_ms:1652988971739.7312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1559751680 nr_ops:1523195\ntimestamp_ms:1652988972740.8274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1630841856 nr_ops:1592619\ntimestamp_ms:1652988973741.9380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1701938176 nr_ops:1662049\ntimestamp_ms:1652988974742.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773241344 nr_ops:1731681\ntimestamp_ms:1652988975743.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1830038528 nr_ops:1787147\ntimestamp_ms:1652988976745.0366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901526016 nr_ops:1856959\ntimestamp_ms:1652988977746.1484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1956611072 nr_ops:1910753\ntimestamp_ms:1652988978747.2383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014776320 nr_ops:1967555\ntimestamp_ms:1652988979748.2754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2085888000 nr_ops:2037000\ntimestamp_ms:1652988980749.3784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2156899328 nr_ops:2106347\ntimestamp_ms:1652988981750.4736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2227733504 nr_ops:2175521\ntimestamp_ms:1652988982751.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2298589184 nr_ops:2244716\ntimestamp_ms:1652988983752.6653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2369547264 nr_ops:2314011\ntimestamp_ms:1652988984753.7603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2440637440 nr_ops:2383435\ntimestamp_ms:1652988985754.8569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2496992256 nr_ops:2438469\ntimestamp_ms:1652988986755.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2568025088 nr_ops:2507837\ntimestamp_ms:1652988987757.0583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2639913984 nr_ops:2578041\ntimestamp_ms:1652988988758.1548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2711452672 nr_ops:2647903\ntimestamp_ms:1652988989759.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768505856 nr_ops:2703619\ntimestamp_ms:1652988990760.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2825487360 nr_ops:2759265\ntimestamp_ms:1652988991761.4541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2881819648 nr_ops:2814277\ntimestamp_ms:1652988992761.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2952915968 nr_ops:2883707\ntimestamp_ms:1652988993762.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3024116736 nr_ops:2953239\ntimestamp_ms:1652988994764.0405 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3095411712 nr_ops:3022863\ntimestamp_ms:1652988995765.1433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3166585856 nr_ops:3092369\ntimestamp_ms:1652988996766.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3222827008 nr_ops:3147292\ntimestamp_ms:1652988997767.3274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3293782016 nr_ops:3216584\ntimestamp_ms:1652988998768.4199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3364926464 nr_ops:3286061\ntimestamp_ms:1652988999769.4727 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3408550912 nr_ops:3328663\ntimestamp_ms:1652989000770.5837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3464377344 nr_ops:3383181\ntimestamp_ms:1652989001771.6736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3535877120 nr_ops:3453005\ntimestamp_ms:1652989002772.8071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607018496 nr_ops:3522479\ntimestamp_ms:1652989003773.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3664024576 nr_ops:3578149\ntimestamp_ms:1652989004774.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3721278464 nr_ops:3634061\ntimestamp_ms:1652989005776.0410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3785554944 nr_ops:3696831\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140713132709632\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.3904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3834960896 nr_ops:3745079\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.4351 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.4387 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989007077.6565 name:Total nr_bytes:3834960896 nr_ops:3745080\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.5308 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7669921790 nr_ops:7490160\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.5317 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3834960896 nr_ops:3745082\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 282.66us 0.00ns 282.66us 282.66us \nTxn1 1872540 32.05us 0.00ns 208.62ms 18.36us \nTxn2 1 22.85us 0.00ns 22.85us 22.85us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 282.28us 0.00ns 282.28us 282.28us \nwrite 1872540 2.44us 0.00ns 355.72us 2.12us \nread 1872539 29.53us 0.00ns 208.62ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 22.41us 0.00ns 22.41us 22.41us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \nnet1 30026 30026 261.82Mb/s 261.82Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.97 62.37s 3.57GB 491.93Mb/s 3745082 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.94Mb/s 3745082 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414973, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988945712.9675 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988946714.0745 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652988946714.1626 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652988947714.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71706624 nr_ops:70026\ntimestamp_ms:1652988948715.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143516672 nr_ops:140153\ntimestamp_ms:1652988949716.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:215219200 nr_ops:210175\ntimestamp_ms:1652988950717.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:256859136 nr_ops:250839\ntimestamp_ms:1652988951718.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327584768 nr_ops:319907\ntimestamp_ms:1652988952719.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:384517120 nr_ops:375505\ntimestamp_ms:1652988953720.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:427250688 nr_ops:417237\ntimestamp_ms:1652988954721.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:484283392 nr_ops:472933\ntimestamp_ms:1652988955723.0198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:555723776 nr_ops:542699\ntimestamp_ms:1652988956724.1155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617040896 nr_ops:602579\ntimestamp_ms:1652988957725.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:682982400 nr_ops:666975\ntimestamp_ms:1652988958726.2996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:739015680 nr_ops:721695\ntimestamp_ms:1652988959727.3921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:809739264 nr_ops:790761\ntimestamp_ms:1652988960728.4851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880685056 nr_ops:860044\ntimestamp_ms:1652988961729.5896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939111424 nr_ops:917101\ntimestamp_ms:1652988962730.7065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:993400832 nr_ops:970118\ntimestamp_ms:1652988963731.8037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1063990272 nr_ops:1039053\ntimestamp_ms:1652988964732.9041 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134582784 nr_ops:1107991\ntimestamp_ms:1652988965734.0073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1176933376 nr_ops:1149349\ntimestamp_ms:1652988966734.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1232536576 nr_ops:1203649\ntimestamp_ms:1652988967735.3340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1303243776 nr_ops:1272699\ntimestamp_ms:1652988968736.4268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1374278656 nr_ops:1342069\ntimestamp_ms:1652988969737.5142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446069248 nr_ops:1412177\ntimestamp_ms:1652988970738.6235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1503806464 nr_ops:1468561\ntimestamp_ms:1652988971739.7312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1559751680 nr_ops:1523195\ntimestamp_ms:1652988972740.8274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1630841856 nr_ops:1592619\ntimestamp_ms:1652988973741.9380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1701938176 nr_ops:1662049\ntimestamp_ms:1652988974742.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773241344 nr_ops:1731681\ntimestamp_ms:1652988975743.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1830038528 nr_ops:1787147\ntimestamp_ms:1652988976745.0366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901526016 nr_ops:1856959\ntimestamp_ms:1652988977746.1484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1956611072 nr_ops:1910753\ntimestamp_ms:1652988978747.2383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014776320 nr_ops:1967555\ntimestamp_ms:1652988979748.2754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2085888000 nr_ops:2037000\ntimestamp_ms:1652988980749.3784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2156899328 nr_ops:2106347\ntimestamp_ms:1652988981750.4736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2227733504 nr_ops:2175521\ntimestamp_ms:1652988982751.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2298589184 nr_ops:2244716\ntimestamp_ms:1652988983752.6653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2369547264 nr_ops:2314011\ntimestamp_ms:1652988984753.7603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2440637440 nr_ops:2383435\ntimestamp_ms:1652988985754.8569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2496992256 nr_ops:2438469\ntimestamp_ms:1652988986755.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2568025088 nr_ops:2507837\ntimestamp_ms:1652988987757.0583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2639913984 nr_ops:2578041\ntimestamp_ms:1652988988758.1548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2711452672 nr_ops:2647903\ntimestamp_ms:1652988989759.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768505856 nr_ops:2703619\ntimestamp_ms:1652988990760.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2825487360 nr_ops:2759265\ntimestamp_ms:1652988991761.4541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2881819648 nr_ops:2814277\ntimestamp_ms:1652988992761.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2952915968 nr_ops:2883707\ntimestamp_ms:1652988993762.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3024116736 nr_ops:2953239\ntimestamp_ms:1652988994764.0405 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3095411712 nr_ops:3022863\ntimestamp_ms:1652988995765.1433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3166585856 nr_ops:3092369\ntimestamp_ms:1652988996766.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3222827008 nr_ops:3147292\ntimestamp_ms:1652988997767.3274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3293782016 nr_ops:3216584\ntimestamp_ms:1652988998768.4199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3364926464 nr_ops:3286061\ntimestamp_ms:1652988999769.4727 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3408550912 nr_ops:3328663\ntimestamp_ms:1652989000770.5837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3464377344 nr_ops:3383181\ntimestamp_ms:1652989001771.6736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3535877120 nr_ops:3453005\ntimestamp_ms:1652989002772.8071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607018496 nr_ops:3522479\ntimestamp_ms:1652989003773.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3664024576 nr_ops:3578149\ntimestamp_ms:1652989004774.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3721278464 nr_ops:3634061\ntimestamp_ms:1652989005776.0410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3785554944 nr_ops:3696831\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140713132709632\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.3904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3834960896 nr_ops:3745079\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.4351 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.4387 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989007077.6565 name:Total nr_bytes:3834960896 nr_ops:3745080\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.5308 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7669921790 nr_ops:7490160\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989006977.5317 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3834960896 nr_ops:3745082\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 282.66us 0.00ns 282.66us 282.66us \nTxn1 1872540 32.05us 0.00ns 208.62ms 18.36us \nTxn2 1 22.85us 0.00ns 22.85us 22.85us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 282.28us 0.00ns 282.28us 282.28us \nwrite 1872540 2.44us 0.00ns 355.72us 2.12us \nread 1872539 29.53us 0.00ns 208.62ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 22.41us 0.00ns 22.41us 22.41us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \nnet1 30026 30026 261.82Mb/s 261.82Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.97 62.37s 3.57GB 491.93Mb/s 3745082 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.94Mb/s 3745082 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414973, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652988945712.9675 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652988946714.0745 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652988946714.1626 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652988947714.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71706624 nr_ops:70026
+timestamp_ms:1652988948715.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143516672 nr_ops:140153
+timestamp_ms:1652988949716.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:215219200 nr_ops:210175
+timestamp_ms:1652988950717.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:256859136 nr_ops:250839
+timestamp_ms:1652988951718.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327584768 nr_ops:319907
+timestamp_ms:1652988952719.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:384517120 nr_ops:375505
+timestamp_ms:1652988953720.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:427250688 nr_ops:417237
+timestamp_ms:1652988954721.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:484283392 nr_ops:472933
+timestamp_ms:1652988955723.0198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:555723776 nr_ops:542699
+timestamp_ms:1652988956724.1155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617040896 nr_ops:602579
+timestamp_ms:1652988957725.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:682982400 nr_ops:666975
+timestamp_ms:1652988958726.2996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:739015680 nr_ops:721695
+timestamp_ms:1652988959727.3921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:809739264 nr_ops:790761
+timestamp_ms:1652988960728.4851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880685056 nr_ops:860044
+timestamp_ms:1652988961729.5896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939111424 nr_ops:917101
+timestamp_ms:1652988962730.7065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:993400832 nr_ops:970118
+timestamp_ms:1652988963731.8037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1063990272 nr_ops:1039053
+timestamp_ms:1652988964732.9041 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134582784 nr_ops:1107991
+timestamp_ms:1652988965734.0073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1176933376 nr_ops:1149349
+timestamp_ms:1652988966734.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1232536576 nr_ops:1203649
+timestamp_ms:1652988967735.3340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1303243776 nr_ops:1272699
+timestamp_ms:1652988968736.4268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1374278656 nr_ops:1342069
+timestamp_ms:1652988969737.5142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446069248 nr_ops:1412177
+timestamp_ms:1652988970738.6235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1503806464 nr_ops:1468561
+timestamp_ms:1652988971739.7312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1559751680 nr_ops:1523195
+timestamp_ms:1652988972740.8274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1630841856 nr_ops:1592619
+timestamp_ms:1652988973741.9380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1701938176 nr_ops:1662049
+timestamp_ms:1652988974742.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773241344 nr_ops:1731681
+timestamp_ms:1652988975743.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1830038528 nr_ops:1787147
+timestamp_ms:1652988976745.0366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901526016 nr_ops:1856959
+timestamp_ms:1652988977746.1484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1956611072 nr_ops:1910753
+timestamp_ms:1652988978747.2383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014776320 nr_ops:1967555
+timestamp_ms:1652988979748.2754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2085888000 nr_ops:2037000
+timestamp_ms:1652988980749.3784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2156899328 nr_ops:2106347
+timestamp_ms:1652988981750.4736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2227733504 nr_ops:2175521
+timestamp_ms:1652988982751.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2298589184 nr_ops:2244716
+timestamp_ms:1652988983752.6653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2369547264 nr_ops:2314011
+timestamp_ms:1652988984753.7603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2440637440 nr_ops:2383435
+timestamp_ms:1652988985754.8569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2496992256 nr_ops:2438469
+timestamp_ms:1652988986755.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2568025088 nr_ops:2507837
+timestamp_ms:1652988987757.0583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2639913984 nr_ops:2578041
+timestamp_ms:1652988988758.1548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2711452672 nr_ops:2647903
+timestamp_ms:1652988989759.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768505856 nr_ops:2703619
+timestamp_ms:1652988990760.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2825487360 nr_ops:2759265
+timestamp_ms:1652988991761.4541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2881819648 nr_ops:2814277
+timestamp_ms:1652988992761.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2952915968 nr_ops:2883707
+timestamp_ms:1652988993762.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3024116736 nr_ops:2953239
+timestamp_ms:1652988994764.0405 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3095411712 nr_ops:3022863
+timestamp_ms:1652988995765.1433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3166585856 nr_ops:3092369
+timestamp_ms:1652988996766.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3222827008 nr_ops:3147292
+timestamp_ms:1652988997767.3274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3293782016 nr_ops:3216584
+timestamp_ms:1652988998768.4199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3364926464 nr_ops:3286061
+timestamp_ms:1652988999769.4727 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3408550912 nr_ops:3328663
+timestamp_ms:1652989000770.5837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3464377344 nr_ops:3383181
+timestamp_ms:1652989001771.6736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3535877120 nr_ops:3453005
+timestamp_ms:1652989002772.8071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607018496 nr_ops:3522479
+timestamp_ms:1652989003773.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3664024576 nr_ops:3578149
+timestamp_ms:1652989004774.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3721278464 nr_ops:3634061
+timestamp_ms:1652989005776.0410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3785554944 nr_ops:3696831
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140713132709632
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652989006977.3904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3834960896 nr_ops:3745079
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989006977.4351 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989006977.4387 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989007077.6565 name:Total nr_bytes:3834960896 nr_ops:3745080
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989006977.5308 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7669921790 nr_ops:7490160
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989006977.5317 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3834960896 nr_ops:3745082
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 282.66us 0.00ns 282.66us 282.66us
+Txn1 1872540 32.05us 0.00ns 208.62ms 18.36us
+Txn2 1 22.85us 0.00ns 22.85us 22.85us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 282.28us 0.00ns 282.28us 282.28us
+write 1872540 2.44us 0.00ns 355.72us 2.12us
+read 1872539 29.53us 0.00ns 208.62ms 1.09us
+disconnect 1 22.41us 0.00ns 22.41us 22.41us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s
+net1 30026 30026 261.82Mb/s 261.82Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.97 62.37s 3.57GB 491.93Mb/s 3745082 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.57GB 491.94Mb/s 3745082 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:47.714000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:47.714000', 'bytes': 71706624, 'norm_byte': 71706624, 'ops': 70026, 'norm_ops': 70026, 'norm_ltcy': 14.290015243222161, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:47.714000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:47.714000",
+ "bytes": 71706624,
+ "norm_byte": 71706624,
+ "ops": 70026,
+ "norm_ops": 70026,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.290015243222161,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f868dc195aa27c438098da9da45a5c4a3aedc0f079a3898ee3dd6bda0e7793be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:48.715000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:48.715000', 'bytes': 143516672, 'norm_byte': 71810048, 'ops': 140153, 'norm_ops': 70127, 'norm_ltcy': 14.274060922504885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:48.715000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:48.715000",
+ "bytes": 143516672,
+ "norm_byte": 71810048,
+ "ops": 140153,
+ "norm_ops": 70127,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.274060922504885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "773e5d1068e3e3c74c7ed91f1eea5211dbea756991212ba1be1e632e43bea079",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:49.716000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:49.716000', 'bytes': 215219200, 'norm_byte': 71702528, 'ops': 210175, 'norm_ops': 70022, 'norm_ltcy': 14.295552452488147, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:49.716000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:49.716000",
+ "bytes": 215219200,
+ "norm_byte": 71702528,
+ "ops": 210175,
+ "norm_ops": 70022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.295552452488147,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f40411cc3849d9e1b36103e34146d990c8d44adfb3676ebde81585ff617d041",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:50.717000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:50.717000', 'bytes': 256859136, 'norm_byte': 41639936, 'ops': 250839, 'norm_ops': 40664, 'norm_ltcy': 24.616404309555136, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:50.717000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:50.717000",
+ "bytes": 256859136,
+ "norm_byte": 41639936,
+ "ops": 250839,
+ "norm_ops": 40664,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.616404309555136,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5445c98396e547d05c7ab70d231c0756da2d2a58fdd300f0c5c7e13b8102d230",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:51.718000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:51.718000', 'bytes': 327584768, 'norm_byte': 70725632, 'ops': 319907, 'norm_ops': 69068, 'norm_ltcy': 14.492928108440234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:51.718000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:51.718000",
+ "bytes": 327584768,
+ "norm_byte": 70725632,
+ "ops": 319907,
+ "norm_ops": 69068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.492928108440234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18c1748a48001b3933dd3fe1628db82cd4399711b8f0f064f89228a3fa3a1756",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:52.719000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:52.719000', 'bytes': 384517120, 'norm_byte': 56932352, 'ops': 375505, 'norm_ops': 55598, 'norm_ltcy': 18.004227192300082, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:52.719000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:52.719000",
+ "bytes": 384517120,
+ "norm_byte": 56932352,
+ "ops": 375505,
+ "norm_ops": 55598,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.004227192300082,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8230781ca8ca84d8711cccb6df3ca3d0711c8ee1a4a7ccecbd9ab45cc4015b82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:53.720000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:53.720000', 'bytes': 427250688, 'norm_byte': 42733568, 'ops': 417237, 'norm_ops': 41732, 'norm_ltcy': 23.98642444272381, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:53.720000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:53.720000",
+ "bytes": 427250688,
+ "norm_byte": 42733568,
+ "ops": 417237,
+ "norm_ops": 41732,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.98642444272381,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe563d88519743f302ce66af4fa8fb7b65e609f6a1e7c2df45c53380657afe98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:54.721000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:54.721000', 'bytes': 484283392, 'norm_byte': 57032704, 'ops': 472933, 'norm_ops': 55696, 'norm_ltcy': 17.974217915391144, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:54.721000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:54.721000",
+ "bytes": 484283392,
+ "norm_byte": 57032704,
+ "ops": 472933,
+ "norm_ops": 55696,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.974217915391144,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac8500a694a93cf17777385e21c80f620bf02fd271282e86ffe5d5651a463e6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:55.723000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:55.723000', 'bytes': 555723776, 'norm_byte': 71440384, 'ops': 542699, 'norm_ops': 69766, 'norm_ltcy': 14.349292971325573, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:55.723000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:55.723000",
+ "bytes": 555723776,
+ "norm_byte": 71440384,
+ "ops": 542699,
+ "norm_ops": 69766,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.349292971325573,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "685a2938ea63063182865018de6cd39b162df91f146de7e8f85a5eb93bbdb840",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:56.724000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:56.724000', 'bytes': 617040896, 'norm_byte': 61317120, 'ops': 602579, 'norm_ops': 59880, 'norm_ltcy': 16.718365115647963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:56.724000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:56.724000",
+ "bytes": 617040896,
+ "norm_byte": 61317120,
+ "ops": 602579,
+ "norm_ops": 59880,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.718365115647963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b358ec3aa67bd63a73ad0322aae02c8685c9b6f570c771af1f34e21c97df2639",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:57.725000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:57.725000', 'bytes': 682982400, 'norm_byte': 65941504, 'ops': 666975, 'norm_ops': 64396, 'norm_ltcy': 15.545876842602802, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:57.725000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:57.725000",
+ "bytes": 682982400,
+ "norm_byte": 65941504,
+ "ops": 666975,
+ "norm_ops": 64396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.545876842602802,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ea38be8a8fdb5b5601ad0c31f4db9bb5be13c8f91eede6f55ff5eeafc11b44e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:58.726000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:58.726000', 'bytes': 739015680, 'norm_byte': 56033280, 'ops': 721695, 'norm_ops': 54720, 'norm_ltcy': 18.29480622944079, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:58.726000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:58.726000",
+ "bytes": 739015680,
+ "norm_byte": 56033280,
+ "ops": 721695,
+ "norm_ops": 54720,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.29480622944079,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74ce90d30cb83f35268472ff6393d24ebdefbc4da9f5caa5d7a4eaa4df1e843e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:35:59.727000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:35:59.727000', 'bytes': 809739264, 'norm_byte': 70723584, 'ops': 790761, 'norm_ops': 69066, 'norm_ltcy': 14.494722863592434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:35:59.727000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:35:59.727000",
+ "bytes": 809739264,
+ "norm_byte": 70723584,
+ "ops": 790761,
+ "norm_ops": 69066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.494722863592434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d7da931886f98334183376b9d3988ed9c2bb4cc2ecd2383605bce2d738ec62f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:00.728000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:00.728000', 'bytes': 880685056, 'norm_byte': 70945792, 'ops': 860044, 'norm_ops': 69283, 'norm_ltcy': 14.449331258434608, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:00.728000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:00.728000",
+ "bytes": 880685056,
+ "norm_byte": 70945792,
+ "ops": 860044,
+ "norm_ops": 69283,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.449331258434608,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b5831c104b638cba172dd4911adfcf0e15aabf9251f4eba9bbf023244430da2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:01.729000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:01.729000', 'bytes': 939111424, 'norm_byte': 58426368, 'ops': 917101, 'norm_ops': 57057, 'norm_ltcy': 17.54569101402983, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:01.729000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:01.729000",
+ "bytes": 939111424,
+ "norm_byte": 58426368,
+ "ops": 917101,
+ "norm_ops": 57057,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.54569101402983,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f08f324ef33f68f296434891851458dcd5037e9242b8a6daa8ed1059ac9f485",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:02.730000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:02.730000', 'bytes': 993400832, 'norm_byte': 54289408, 'ops': 970118, 'norm_ops': 53017, 'norm_ltcy': 18.88294213854754, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:02.730000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:02.730000",
+ "bytes": 993400832,
+ "norm_byte": 54289408,
+ "ops": 970118,
+ "norm_ops": 53017,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.88294213854754,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2527d6a1d7d8b0686ee6ec2366e324f505b14fd95f5753011dd0b409e3991ae4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:03.731000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:03.731000', 'bytes': 1063990272, 'norm_byte': 70589440, 'ops': 1039053, 'norm_ops': 68935, 'norm_ltcy': 14.522335068814826, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:03.731000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:03.731000",
+ "bytes": 1063990272,
+ "norm_byte": 70589440,
+ "ops": 1039053,
+ "norm_ops": 68935,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.522335068814826,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a176be2154eb5311d94b85714e448c5d704b99b1ca6ceac7b58c65ecce12625",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:04.732000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:04.732000', 'bytes': 1134582784, 'norm_byte': 70592512, 'ops': 1107991, 'norm_ops': 68938, 'norm_ltcy': 14.521749133959137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:04.732000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:04.732000",
+ "bytes": 1134582784,
+ "norm_byte": 70592512,
+ "ops": 1107991,
+ "norm_ops": 68938,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.521749133959137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15306992049ec78f483ff7781bd0aa3a744266276eb53c483781b12934178e5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:05.734000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:05.734000', 'bytes': 1176933376, 'norm_byte': 42350592, 'ops': 1149349, 'norm_ops': 41358, 'norm_ltcy': 24.205795045320734, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:05.734000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:05.734000",
+ "bytes": 1176933376,
+ "norm_byte": 42350592,
+ "ops": 1149349,
+ "norm_ops": 41358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.205795045320734,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "846bf48e5de3f87ab4810e73158bfce3bb124575315e4cdcd9f708f896d5c197",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:06.734000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:06.734000', 'bytes': 1232536576, 'norm_byte': 55603200, 'ops': 1203649, 'norm_ops': 54300, 'norm_ltcy': 18.41897139013582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:06.734000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:06.734000",
+ "bytes": 1232536576,
+ "norm_byte": 55603200,
+ "ops": 1203649,
+ "norm_ops": 54300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.41897139013582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b93a5e158c7960c5a9cd09277bfd8a0c73cf431e0cd3a7a07181c06335b58287",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:07.735000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:07.735000', 'bytes': 1303243776, 'norm_byte': 70707200, 'ops': 1272699, 'norm_ops': 69050, 'norm_ltcy': 14.499297808426865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:07.735000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:07.735000",
+ "bytes": 1303243776,
+ "norm_byte": 70707200,
+ "ops": 1272699,
+ "norm_ops": 69050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.499297808426865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37bf8ae3c34a416a71d9d26e975f8ad8bb044ab81c2e3f5a891c2fe99ea28718",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:08.736000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:08.736000', 'bytes': 1374278656, 'norm_byte': 71034880, 'ops': 1342069, 'norm_ops': 69370, 'norm_ltcy': 14.431206190536255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:08.736000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:08.736000",
+ "bytes": 1374278656,
+ "norm_byte": 71034880,
+ "ops": 1342069,
+ "norm_ops": 69370,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.431206190536255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d880ff26d2af6e442798a4a043be6aaadaf8fc674de558bc91948cbe4135ad6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:09.737000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:09.737000', 'bytes': 1446069248, 'norm_byte': 71790592, 'ops': 1412177, 'norm_ops': 70108, 'norm_ltcy': 14.279217811715496, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:09.737000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:09.737000",
+ "bytes": 1446069248,
+ "norm_byte": 71790592,
+ "ops": 1412177,
+ "norm_ops": 70108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.279217811715496,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0f418ea514c7f4b7763479c728b8e162eb4ad2206e530c14f35cfff46da454b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:10.738000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:10.738000', 'bytes': 1503806464, 'norm_byte': 57737216, 'ops': 1468561, 'norm_ops': 56384, 'norm_ltcy': 17.75520316047106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:10.738000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:10.738000",
+ "bytes": 1503806464,
+ "norm_byte": 57737216,
+ "ops": 1468561,
+ "norm_ops": 56384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.75520316047106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b701d57a52a1c47111fdc42b45ae59fbf2e22edbb05885aad3fe4e73df599361",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:11.739000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:11.739000', 'bytes': 1559751680, 'norm_byte': 55945216, 'ops': 1523195, 'norm_ops': 54634, 'norm_ltcy': 18.32389475446837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:11.739000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:11.739000",
+ "bytes": 1559751680,
+ "norm_byte": 55945216,
+ "ops": 1523195,
+ "norm_ops": 54634,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.32389475446837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdd41687681178af48e9e095325db0cc87dc877252c6b92f63e74ad6eb80f855",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:12.740000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:12.740000', 'bytes': 1630841856, 'norm_byte': 71090176, 'ops': 1592619, 'norm_ops': 69424, 'norm_ltcy': 14.420030413203648, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:12.740000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:12.740000",
+ "bytes": 1630841856,
+ "norm_byte": 71090176,
+ "ops": 1592619,
+ "norm_ops": 69424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.420030413203648,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7e2d58c482bdf9a663568132f0c16b91ab1f6b7149a47b43b2181229e0fc364",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:13.741000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:13.741000', 'bytes': 1701938176, 'norm_byte': 71096320, 'ops': 1662049, 'norm_ops': 69430, 'norm_ltcy': 14.418991728404508, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:13.741000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:13.741000",
+ "bytes": 1701938176,
+ "norm_byte": 71096320,
+ "ops": 1662049,
+ "norm_ops": 69430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.418991728404508,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3bcbc3f2718a085b4f5226f8ddad3d6931f43f9a8fc164a31e761f087c2cc848",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:14.742000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:14.742000', 'bytes': 1773241344, 'norm_byte': 71303168, 'ops': 1731681, 'norm_ops': 69632, 'norm_ltcy': 14.374091344721178, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:14.742000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:14.742000",
+ "bytes": 1773241344,
+ "norm_byte": 71303168,
+ "ops": 1731681,
+ "norm_ops": 69632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.374091344721178,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e3006a5533269ead5796694ba98933f990f804439ee6735b75dd2e9f751fc2f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:15.743000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:15.743000', 'bytes': 1830038528, 'norm_byte': 56797184, 'ops': 1787147, 'norm_ops': 55466, 'norm_ltcy': 18.04900221813814, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:15.743000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:15.743000",
+ "bytes": 1830038528,
+ "norm_byte": 56797184,
+ "ops": 1787147,
+ "norm_ops": 55466,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.04900221813814,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3d9bad9d698e7fa84d6c86186ff71dc5ca8c2bc6217167dcc16866169eb6515",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:16.745000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:16.745000', 'bytes': 1901526016, 'norm_byte': 71487488, 'ops': 1856959, 'norm_ops': 69812, 'norm_ltcy': 14.33988350520863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:16.745000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:16.745000",
+ "bytes": 1901526016,
+ "norm_byte": 71487488,
+ "ops": 1856959,
+ "norm_ops": 69812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.33988350520863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86bbb8360e98401b28dda481bef3dc488bf4e9fde7b3564d8e38acee0729fad1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:17.746000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:17.746000', 'bytes': 1956611072, 'norm_byte': 55085056, 'ops': 1910753, 'norm_ops': 53794, 'norm_ltcy': 18.61010180329126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:17.746000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:17.746000",
+ "bytes": 1956611072,
+ "norm_byte": 55085056,
+ "ops": 1910753,
+ "norm_ops": 53794,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.61010180329126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "755492326b855f2261420df8ad3a09e0b4af421c3ea9d250abb510a848439425",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:18.747000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:18.747000', 'bytes': 2014776320, 'norm_byte': 58165248, 'ops': 1967555, 'norm_ops': 56802, 'norm_ltcy': 17.62420062233724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:18.747000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:18.747000",
+ "bytes": 2014776320,
+ "norm_byte": 58165248,
+ "ops": 1967555,
+ "norm_ops": 56802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.62420062233724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a169b2aad4734079f295a34b90c964466aa1875695878618be40058cd89fafe9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:19.748000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:19.748000', 'bytes': 2085888000, 'norm_byte': 71111680, 'ops': 2037000, 'norm_ops': 69445, 'norm_ltcy': 14.414819056447548, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:19.748000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:19.748000",
+ "bytes": 2085888000,
+ "norm_byte": 71111680,
+ "ops": 2037000,
+ "norm_ops": 69445,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.414819056447548,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a8dade2606df80029ea6a49d041f5b4d51a482b3b715baa63e96db376033a55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:20.749000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:20.749000', 'bytes': 2156899328, 'norm_byte': 71011328, 'ops': 2106347, 'norm_ops': 69347, 'norm_ltcy': 14.43614038593955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:20.749000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:20.749000",
+ "bytes": 2156899328,
+ "norm_byte": 71011328,
+ "ops": 2106347,
+ "norm_ops": 69347,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.43614038593955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9dd9f67fc35c52d93210dc6187b59c542d2e7e41c2ca8123e588fa34174c500",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:21.750000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:21.750000', 'bytes': 2227733504, 'norm_byte': 70834176, 'ops': 2175521, 'norm_ops': 69174, 'norm_ltcy': 14.472131362126666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:21.750000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:21.750000",
+ "bytes": 2227733504,
+ "norm_byte": 70834176,
+ "ops": 2175521,
+ "norm_ops": 69174,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.472131362126666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f71b5fe225fafa4e2062163dd5d0ce511945619b230758634b9d5b2b283eb02f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:22.751000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:22.751000', 'bytes': 2298589184, 'norm_byte': 70855680, 'ops': 2244716, 'norm_ops': 69195, 'norm_ltcy': 14.467760382795, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:22.751000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:22.751000",
+ "bytes": 2298589184,
+ "norm_byte": 70855680,
+ "ops": 2244716,
+ "norm_ops": 69195,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.467760382795,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "035321e51ae2f3e6ab0767c2df185582a1e0eb65df64544664f3107b58bea68f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:23.752000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:23.752000', 'bytes': 2369547264, 'norm_byte': 70958080, 'ops': 2314011, 'norm_ops': 69295, 'norm_ltcy': 14.44685721485136, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:23.752000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:23.752000",
+ "bytes": 2369547264,
+ "norm_byte": 70958080,
+ "ops": 2314011,
+ "norm_ops": 69295,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.44685721485136,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d29b58941ba404d777f00234978c40f274f1a8acc5a5851f6383458f5f8b6514",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:24.753000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:24.753000', 'bytes': 2440637440, 'norm_byte': 71090176, 'ops': 2383435, 'norm_ops': 69424, 'norm_ltcy': 14.420012829902124, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:24.753000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:24.753000",
+ "bytes": 2440637440,
+ "norm_byte": 71090176,
+ "ops": 2383435,
+ "norm_ops": 69424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.420012829902124,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a3f6deb4fae59f156cca669df13849a93229358ec56a39cf0ddc5bffbebb00f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:25.754000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:25.754000', 'bytes': 2496992256, 'norm_byte': 56354816, 'ops': 2438469, 'norm_ops': 55034, 'norm_ltcy': 18.190512768243266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:25.754000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:25.754000",
+ "bytes": 2496992256,
+ "norm_byte": 56354816,
+ "ops": 2438469,
+ "norm_ops": 55034,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.190512768243266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8cea8acd1179d12dd7d513c2c3db548a8749fe835da4de7071dac6704bbfd91",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:26.755000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:26.755000', 'bytes': 2568025088, 'norm_byte': 71032832, 'ops': 2507837, 'norm_ops': 69368, 'norm_ltcy': 14.431748969265367, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:26.755000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:26.755000",
+ "bytes": 2568025088,
+ "norm_byte": 71032832,
+ "ops": 2507837,
+ "norm_ops": 69368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.431748969265367,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c5ee42312754b0dd2ef8078fbc283dc83f3a3a95b884020434895f44a6482aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:27.757000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:27.757000', 'bytes': 2639913984, 'norm_byte': 71888896, 'ops': 2578041, 'norm_ops': 70204, 'norm_ltcy': 14.259869145855292, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:27.757000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:27.757000",
+ "bytes": 2639913984,
+ "norm_byte": 71888896,
+ "ops": 2578041,
+ "norm_ops": 70204,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.259869145855292,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8fc3a1ffcc4ce1484cd7504162962a6137b1b99f9152ceb3ff2db7a1777d138",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:28.758000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:28.758000', 'bytes': 2711452672, 'norm_byte': 71538688, 'ops': 2647903, 'norm_ops': 69862, 'norm_ltcy': 14.329627487716856, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:28.758000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:28.758000",
+ "bytes": 2711452672,
+ "norm_byte": 71538688,
+ "ops": 2647903,
+ "norm_ops": 69862,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.329627487716856,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f39def7f2a4a9150450652b9fa767e98b021aa6e987540a012b1347380f2154",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:29.759000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:29.759000', 'bytes': 2768505856, 'norm_byte': 57053184, 'ops': 2703619, 'norm_ops': 55716, 'norm_ltcy': 17.967840322461235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:29.759000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:29.759000",
+ "bytes": 2768505856,
+ "norm_byte": 57053184,
+ "ops": 2703619,
+ "norm_ops": 55716,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.967840322461235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "136d643af7178bc78e27820e62335b6dbed08895bfd7c53f815cb06409f1098d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:30.760000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:30.760000', 'bytes': 2825487360, 'norm_byte': 56981504, 'ops': 2759265, 'norm_ops': 55646, 'norm_ltcy': 17.99047810321047, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:30.760000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:30.760000",
+ "bytes": 2825487360,
+ "norm_byte": 56981504,
+ "ops": 2759265,
+ "norm_ops": 55646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.99047810321047,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5092b8f5cff699ba5dcbb94f38c6373f0f5824031f718521c4dd485059c65669",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:31.761000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:31.761000', 'bytes': 2881819648, 'norm_byte': 56332288, 'ops': 2814277, 'norm_ops': 55012, 'norm_ltcy': 18.19793827653512, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:31.761000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:31.761000",
+ "bytes": 2881819648,
+ "norm_byte": 56332288,
+ "ops": 2814277,
+ "norm_ops": 55012,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.19793827653512,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d2e66646311ea3b621e9aac080b9427b0d8b25ed900740978bc35f9cbd0d59a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:32.761000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:32.761000', 'bytes': 2952915968, 'norm_byte': 71096320, 'ops': 2883707, 'norm_ops': 69430, 'norm_ltcy': 14.408530568108166, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:32.761000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:32.761000",
+ "bytes": 2952915968,
+ "norm_byte": 71096320,
+ "ops": 2883707,
+ "norm_ops": 69430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.408530568108166,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7191cd6cee516135500b1f6fab25575b829b46cba82d7c1a040ed57d67229578",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:33.762000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:33.762000', 'bytes': 3024116736, 'norm_byte': 71200768, 'ops': 2953239, 'norm_ops': 69532, 'norm_ltcy': 14.397671244220287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:33.762000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:33.762000",
+ "bytes": 3024116736,
+ "norm_byte": 71200768,
+ "ops": 2953239,
+ "norm_ops": 69532,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.397671244220287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca97b842f621d8d8cabb22969737998d34e6579309f28368d8b6e7bd71b9fc13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:34.764000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:34.764000', 'bytes': 3095411712, 'norm_byte': 71294976, 'ops': 3022863, 'norm_ops': 69624, 'norm_ltcy': 14.378709518045143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:34.764000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:34.764000",
+ "bytes": 3095411712,
+ "norm_byte": 71294976,
+ "ops": 3022863,
+ "norm_ops": 69624,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.378709518045143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dcbcff9f7bdea0f37e207b7242da0b6e650273282b0a4c5fa444a0ef3b1120ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:35.765000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:35.765000', 'bytes': 3166585856, 'norm_byte': 71174144, 'ops': 3092369, 'norm_ops': 69506, 'norm_ltcy': 14.403113158621197, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:35.765000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:35.765000",
+ "bytes": 3166585856,
+ "norm_byte": 71174144,
+ "ops": 3092369,
+ "norm_ops": 69506,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.403113158621197,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e7ab8a3344eb884beee4dfb5bef1e18a9f9e8a207f970e21f55c0a4fd0da32a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:36.766000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:36.766000', 'bytes': 3222827008, 'norm_byte': 56241152, 'ops': 3147292, 'norm_ops': 54923, 'norm_ltcy': 18.227155980019756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:36.766000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:36.766000",
+ "bytes": 3222827008,
+ "norm_byte": 56241152,
+ "ops": 3147292,
+ "norm_ops": 54923,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.227155980019756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "253454fc38d8e3b099b7e7dae01dfdd90e180133f13df8f8775077def5390579",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:37.767000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:37.767000', 'bytes': 3293782016, 'norm_byte': 70955008, 'ops': 3216584, 'norm_ops': 69292, 'norm_ltcy': 14.44746859869285, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:37.767000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:37.767000",
+ "bytes": 3293782016,
+ "norm_byte": 70955008,
+ "ops": 3216584,
+ "norm_ops": 69292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.44746859869285,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e46aa0b7fb43867eb2015252de0170c23594aa0be975d7bd7784fa9fa57c2e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:38.768000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:38.768000', 'bytes': 3364926464, 'norm_byte': 71144448, 'ops': 3286061, 'norm_ops': 69477, 'norm_ltcy': 14.408977493226175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:38.768000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:38.768000",
+ "bytes": 3364926464,
+ "norm_byte": 71144448,
+ "ops": 3286061,
+ "norm_ops": 69477,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.408977493226175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4191d81a5490ab2c669b97c650e2dc7b028eb20dc67aa4a6d31eb43907550ea9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:39.769000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:39.769000', 'bytes': 3408550912, 'norm_byte': 43624448, 'ops': 3328663, 'norm_ops': 42602, 'norm_ltcy': 23.497787295784235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:39.769000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:39.769000",
+ "bytes": 3408550912,
+ "norm_byte": 43624448,
+ "ops": 3328663,
+ "norm_ops": 42602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.497787295784235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c39162c348931b28f10319f1de02a47d9bc540917ebc3acb43ce47bb0c53f82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:40.770000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:40.770000', 'bytes': 3464377344, 'norm_byte': 55826432, 'ops': 3383181, 'norm_ops': 54518, 'norm_ltcy': 18.36294588914441, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:40.770000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:40.770000",
+ "bytes": 3464377344,
+ "norm_byte": 55826432,
+ "ops": 3383181,
+ "norm_ops": 54518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.36294588914441,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f21e94cb5f4cfb48647b06de4a765c7fd940d174b2cbe3b09a8697a9873bc792",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:41.771000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:41.771000', 'bytes': 3535877120, 'norm_byte': 71499776, 'ops': 3453005, 'norm_ops': 69824, 'norm_ltcy': 14.337331630241751, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:41.771000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:41.771000",
+ "bytes": 3535877120,
+ "norm_byte": 71499776,
+ "ops": 3453005,
+ "norm_ops": 69824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.337331630241751,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db3f827f0ee6d33dfed51757fc7fe57eb315d344fa4ff029b3a7cbf480511e15",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:42.772000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:42.772000', 'bytes': 3607018496, 'norm_byte': 71141376, 'ops': 3522479, 'norm_ops': 69474, 'norm_ltcy': 14.410190069981217, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:42.772000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:42.772000",
+ "bytes": 3607018496,
+ "norm_byte": 71141376,
+ "ops": 3522479,
+ "norm_ops": 69474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.410190069981217,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e14a60d2444705763215fd09a9bf1e4c98f12cfaaac91a940e6f5bd4858b372",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:43.773000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:43.773000', 'bytes': 3664024576, 'norm_byte': 57006080, 'ops': 3578149, 'norm_ops': 55670, 'norm_ltcy': 17.981700373012842, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:43.773000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:43.773000",
+ "bytes": 3664024576,
+ "norm_byte": 57006080,
+ "ops": 3578149,
+ "norm_ops": 55670,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.981700373012842,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34ad9f363de0137edc9619a234125215333dd477e2e0422c3d87b88408158b95",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:44.774000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:44.774000', 'bytes': 3721278464, 'norm_byte': 57253888, 'ops': 3634061, 'norm_ops': 55912, 'norm_ltcy': 17.90472290720239, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:44.774000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:44.774000",
+ "bytes": 3721278464,
+ "norm_byte": 57253888,
+ "ops": 3634061,
+ "norm_ops": 55912,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.90472290720239,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0abad39b9b4070cd6053a9e91264ff8dfe2d6952adddc4b0f1fb96b06351ab5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:45.776000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:45.776000', 'bytes': 3785554944, 'norm_byte': 64276480, 'ops': 3696831, 'norm_ops': 62770, 'norm_ltcy': 15.948761506541741, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:45.776000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:45.776000",
+ "bytes": 3785554944,
+ "norm_byte": 64276480,
+ "ops": 3696831,
+ "norm_ops": 62770,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.948761506541741,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f33e860087ffaf03017142ec6fe414130f5e90db301f66338036be02abc748f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:36:46.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:36:46.977000', 'bytes': 3834960896, 'norm_byte': 49405952, 'ops': 3745079, 'norm_ops': 48248, 'norm_ltcy': 24.899464542247863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:36:46.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:36:46.977000",
+ "bytes": 3834960896,
+ "norm_byte": 49405952,
+ "ops": 3745079,
+ "norm_ops": 48248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.899464542247863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13db09b4-d7e6-545c-a3e7-739977b7d70b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1d897497700d202c5cf30cfaaf704295bb8d95e599c17e5cb88241625597cdb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63916014.93333333
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62417.98333333333
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 23.997392972853653
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:36:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-002-220519193302/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-002-220519193302/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0e63a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-002-220519193302/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-002-220519193302/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-002-220519193302/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-002-220519193302/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-002-220519193302/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-002-220519193302/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3087958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-002-220519193302/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=15
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=45
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=140
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-003-220519193503/220519193503-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-003-220519193503/220519193503-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7b047f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-003-220519193503/220519193503-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:37:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989066948.6755 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989067949.7915 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989067949.8440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989068950.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44575744 nr_ops:43531\ntimestamp_ms:1652989069952.0427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96401408 nr_ops:94142\ntimestamp_ms:1652989070953.0969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:148216832 nr_ops:144743\ntimestamp_ms:1652989071954.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198102016 nr_ops:193459\ntimestamp_ms:1652989072955.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248638464 nr_ops:242811\ntimestamp_ms:1652989073956.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:299619328 nr_ops:292597\ntimestamp_ms:1652989074956.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:346051584 nr_ops:337941\ntimestamp_ms:1652989075957.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390129664 nr_ops:380986\ntimestamp_ms:1652989076959.0303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:434168832 nr_ops:423993\ntimestamp_ms:1652989077960.2175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:478264320 nr_ops:467055\ntimestamp_ms:1652989078961.3137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:521862144 nr_ops:509631\ntimestamp_ms:1652989079962.4087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565638144 nr_ops:552381\ntimestamp_ms:1652989080963.4470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:609592320 nr_ops:595305\ntimestamp_ms:1652989081964.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:653140992 nr_ops:637833\ntimestamp_ms:1652989082965.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696832000 nr_ops:680500\ntimestamp_ms:1652989083966.7207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743042048 nr_ops:725627\ntimestamp_ms:1652989084967.8159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:788661248 nr_ops:770177\ntimestamp_ms:1652989085968.9133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:832662528 nr_ops:813147\ntimestamp_ms:1652989086970.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876760064 nr_ops:856211\ntimestamp_ms:1652989087971.0974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:920867840 nr_ops:899285\ntimestamp_ms:1652989088972.1921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:965188608 nr_ops:942567\ntimestamp_ms:1652989089973.2822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009308672 nr_ops:985653\ntimestamp_ms:1652989090974.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1054000128 nr_ops:1029297\ntimestamp_ms:1652989091975.4729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1097348096 nr_ops:1071629\ntimestamp_ms:1652989092976.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140814848 nr_ops:1114077\ntimestamp_ms:1652989093977.6550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187677184 nr_ops:1159841\ntimestamp_ms:1652989094978.7493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1231877120 nr_ops:1203005\ntimestamp_ms:1652989095979.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275921408 nr_ops:1246017\ntimestamp_ms:1652989096980.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319982080 nr_ops:1289045\ntimestamp_ms:1652989097982.0444 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1364001792 nr_ops:1332033\ntimestamp_ms:1652989098983.1431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408031744 nr_ops:1375031\ntimestamp_ms:1652989099984.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1452065792 nr_ops:1418033\ntimestamp_ms:1652989100985.3369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1496358912 nr_ops:1461288\ntimestamp_ms:1652989101986.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1540375552 nr_ops:1504273\ntimestamp_ms:1652989102987.5271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1584643072 nr_ops:1547503\ntimestamp_ms:1652989103988.6208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1628797952 nr_ops:1590623\ntimestamp_ms:1652989104989.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1673288704 nr_ops:1634071\ntimestamp_ms:1652989105990.8035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724531712 nr_ops:1684113\ntimestamp_ms:1652989106991.2253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774887936 nr_ops:1733289\ntimestamp_ms:1652989107991.8911 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1825303552 nr_ops:1782523\ntimestamp_ms:1652989108992.9856 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1875938304 nr_ops:1831971\ntimestamp_ms:1652989109993.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1927359488 nr_ops:1882187\ntimestamp_ms:1652989110994.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977762816 nr_ops:1931409\ntimestamp_ms:1652989111996.0620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2028299264 nr_ops:1980761\ntimestamp_ms:1652989112997.0994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2078966784 nr_ops:2030241\ntimestamp_ms:1652989113998.1377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2130095104 nr_ops:2080171\ntimestamp_ms:1652989114999.2339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180967424 nr_ops:2129851\ntimestamp_ms:1652989116000.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231258112 nr_ops:2178963\ntimestamp_ms:1652989117001.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2276815872 nr_ops:2223453\ntimestamp_ms:1652989118002.5281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2320811008 nr_ops:2266417\ntimestamp_ms:1652989119003.6221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2364728320 nr_ops:2309305\ntimestamp_ms:1652989120004.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2412266496 nr_ops:2355729\ntimestamp_ms:1652989121005.8059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2459855872 nr_ops:2402203\ntimestamp_ms:1652989122006.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2504733696 nr_ops:2446029\ntimestamp_ms:1652989123008.0178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2549138432 nr_ops:2489393\ntimestamp_ms:1652989124009.1172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593352704 nr_ops:2532571\ntimestamp_ms:1652989125010.2139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2637775872 nr_ops:2575953\ntimestamp_ms:1652989126011.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2682018816 nr_ops:2619159\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140686007604992\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.6938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2726540288 nr_ops:2662637\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.7761 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.7864 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127313.0117 name:Total nr_bytes:2726540288 nr_ops:2662638\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.8699 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5453080574 nr_ops:5325276\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.8706 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2726540288 nr_ops:2662640\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 323.05us 0.00ns 323.05us 323.05us \nTxn1 1331319 44.33us 0.00ns 7.09ms 18.37us \nTxn2 1 79.95us 0.00ns 79.95us 79.95us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 322.49us 0.00ns 322.49us 322.49us \nwrite 1331319 2.44us 0.00ns 239.48us 2.14us \nread 1331318 41.82us 0.00ns 7.08ms 1.64us \ndisconnect 1 79.35us 0.00ns 79.35us 79.35us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 21695 21695 189.18Mb/s 189.18Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.98 61.37s 2.54GB 355.45Mb/s 2662640 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 2.54GB 355.45Mb/s 2662640 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.416595, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989066948.6755 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989067949.7915 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989067949.8440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989068950.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44575744 nr_ops:43531\ntimestamp_ms:1652989069952.0427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96401408 nr_ops:94142\ntimestamp_ms:1652989070953.0969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:148216832 nr_ops:144743\ntimestamp_ms:1652989071954.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198102016 nr_ops:193459\ntimestamp_ms:1652989072955.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248638464 nr_ops:242811\ntimestamp_ms:1652989073956.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:299619328 nr_ops:292597\ntimestamp_ms:1652989074956.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:346051584 nr_ops:337941\ntimestamp_ms:1652989075957.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390129664 nr_ops:380986\ntimestamp_ms:1652989076959.0303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:434168832 nr_ops:423993\ntimestamp_ms:1652989077960.2175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:478264320 nr_ops:467055\ntimestamp_ms:1652989078961.3137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:521862144 nr_ops:509631\ntimestamp_ms:1652989079962.4087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565638144 nr_ops:552381\ntimestamp_ms:1652989080963.4470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:609592320 nr_ops:595305\ntimestamp_ms:1652989081964.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:653140992 nr_ops:637833\ntimestamp_ms:1652989082965.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696832000 nr_ops:680500\ntimestamp_ms:1652989083966.7207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743042048 nr_ops:725627\ntimestamp_ms:1652989084967.8159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:788661248 nr_ops:770177\ntimestamp_ms:1652989085968.9133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:832662528 nr_ops:813147\ntimestamp_ms:1652989086970.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876760064 nr_ops:856211\ntimestamp_ms:1652989087971.0974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:920867840 nr_ops:899285\ntimestamp_ms:1652989088972.1921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:965188608 nr_ops:942567\ntimestamp_ms:1652989089973.2822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009308672 nr_ops:985653\ntimestamp_ms:1652989090974.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1054000128 nr_ops:1029297\ntimestamp_ms:1652989091975.4729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1097348096 nr_ops:1071629\ntimestamp_ms:1652989092976.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140814848 nr_ops:1114077\ntimestamp_ms:1652989093977.6550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187677184 nr_ops:1159841\ntimestamp_ms:1652989094978.7493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1231877120 nr_ops:1203005\ntimestamp_ms:1652989095979.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275921408 nr_ops:1246017\ntimestamp_ms:1652989096980.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319982080 nr_ops:1289045\ntimestamp_ms:1652989097982.0444 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1364001792 nr_ops:1332033\ntimestamp_ms:1652989098983.1431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408031744 nr_ops:1375031\ntimestamp_ms:1652989099984.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1452065792 nr_ops:1418033\ntimestamp_ms:1652989100985.3369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1496358912 nr_ops:1461288\ntimestamp_ms:1652989101986.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1540375552 nr_ops:1504273\ntimestamp_ms:1652989102987.5271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1584643072 nr_ops:1547503\ntimestamp_ms:1652989103988.6208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1628797952 nr_ops:1590623\ntimestamp_ms:1652989104989.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1673288704 nr_ops:1634071\ntimestamp_ms:1652989105990.8035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724531712 nr_ops:1684113\ntimestamp_ms:1652989106991.2253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774887936 nr_ops:1733289\ntimestamp_ms:1652989107991.8911 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1825303552 nr_ops:1782523\ntimestamp_ms:1652989108992.9856 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1875938304 nr_ops:1831971\ntimestamp_ms:1652989109993.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1927359488 nr_ops:1882187\ntimestamp_ms:1652989110994.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977762816 nr_ops:1931409\ntimestamp_ms:1652989111996.0620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2028299264 nr_ops:1980761\ntimestamp_ms:1652989112997.0994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2078966784 nr_ops:2030241\ntimestamp_ms:1652989113998.1377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2130095104 nr_ops:2080171\ntimestamp_ms:1652989114999.2339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180967424 nr_ops:2129851\ntimestamp_ms:1652989116000.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231258112 nr_ops:2178963\ntimestamp_ms:1652989117001.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2276815872 nr_ops:2223453\ntimestamp_ms:1652989118002.5281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2320811008 nr_ops:2266417\ntimestamp_ms:1652989119003.6221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2364728320 nr_ops:2309305\ntimestamp_ms:1652989120004.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2412266496 nr_ops:2355729\ntimestamp_ms:1652989121005.8059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2459855872 nr_ops:2402203\ntimestamp_ms:1652989122006.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2504733696 nr_ops:2446029\ntimestamp_ms:1652989123008.0178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2549138432 nr_ops:2489393\ntimestamp_ms:1652989124009.1172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593352704 nr_ops:2532571\ntimestamp_ms:1652989125010.2139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2637775872 nr_ops:2575953\ntimestamp_ms:1652989126011.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2682018816 nr_ops:2619159\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140686007604992\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.6938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2726540288 nr_ops:2662637\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.7761 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.7864 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127313.0117 name:Total nr_bytes:2726540288 nr_ops:2662638\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.8699 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5453080574 nr_ops:5325276\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.8706 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2726540288 nr_ops:2662640\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 323.05us 0.00ns 323.05us 323.05us \nTxn1 1331319 44.33us 0.00ns 7.09ms 18.37us \nTxn2 1 79.95us 0.00ns 79.95us 79.95us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 322.49us 0.00ns 322.49us 322.49us \nwrite 1331319 2.44us 0.00ns 239.48us 2.14us \nread 1331318 41.82us 0.00ns 7.08ms 1.64us \ndisconnect 1 79.35us 0.00ns 79.35us 79.35us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 21695 21695 189.18Mb/s 189.18Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.98 61.37s 2.54GB 355.45Mb/s 2662640 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 2.54GB 355.45Mb/s 2662640 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.416595, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989066948.6755 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989067949.7915 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989067949.8440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989068950.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44575744 nr_ops:43531\ntimestamp_ms:1652989069952.0427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96401408 nr_ops:94142\ntimestamp_ms:1652989070953.0969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:148216832 nr_ops:144743\ntimestamp_ms:1652989071954.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198102016 nr_ops:193459\ntimestamp_ms:1652989072955.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248638464 nr_ops:242811\ntimestamp_ms:1652989073956.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:299619328 nr_ops:292597\ntimestamp_ms:1652989074956.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:346051584 nr_ops:337941\ntimestamp_ms:1652989075957.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390129664 nr_ops:380986\ntimestamp_ms:1652989076959.0303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:434168832 nr_ops:423993\ntimestamp_ms:1652989077960.2175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:478264320 nr_ops:467055\ntimestamp_ms:1652989078961.3137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:521862144 nr_ops:509631\ntimestamp_ms:1652989079962.4087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565638144 nr_ops:552381\ntimestamp_ms:1652989080963.4470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:609592320 nr_ops:595305\ntimestamp_ms:1652989081964.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:653140992 nr_ops:637833\ntimestamp_ms:1652989082965.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696832000 nr_ops:680500\ntimestamp_ms:1652989083966.7207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743042048 nr_ops:725627\ntimestamp_ms:1652989084967.8159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:788661248 nr_ops:770177\ntimestamp_ms:1652989085968.9133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:832662528 nr_ops:813147\ntimestamp_ms:1652989086970.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876760064 nr_ops:856211\ntimestamp_ms:1652989087971.0974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:920867840 nr_ops:899285\ntimestamp_ms:1652989088972.1921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:965188608 nr_ops:942567\ntimestamp_ms:1652989089973.2822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009308672 nr_ops:985653\ntimestamp_ms:1652989090974.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1054000128 nr_ops:1029297\ntimestamp_ms:1652989091975.4729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1097348096 nr_ops:1071629\ntimestamp_ms:1652989092976.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140814848 nr_ops:1114077\ntimestamp_ms:1652989093977.6550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187677184 nr_ops:1159841\ntimestamp_ms:1652989094978.7493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1231877120 nr_ops:1203005\ntimestamp_ms:1652989095979.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275921408 nr_ops:1246017\ntimestamp_ms:1652989096980.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319982080 nr_ops:1289045\ntimestamp_ms:1652989097982.0444 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1364001792 nr_ops:1332033\ntimestamp_ms:1652989098983.1431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408031744 nr_ops:1375031\ntimestamp_ms:1652989099984.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1452065792 nr_ops:1418033\ntimestamp_ms:1652989100985.3369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1496358912 nr_ops:1461288\ntimestamp_ms:1652989101986.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1540375552 nr_ops:1504273\ntimestamp_ms:1652989102987.5271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1584643072 nr_ops:1547503\ntimestamp_ms:1652989103988.6208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1628797952 nr_ops:1590623\ntimestamp_ms:1652989104989.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1673288704 nr_ops:1634071\ntimestamp_ms:1652989105990.8035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724531712 nr_ops:1684113\ntimestamp_ms:1652989106991.2253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774887936 nr_ops:1733289\ntimestamp_ms:1652989107991.8911 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1825303552 nr_ops:1782523\ntimestamp_ms:1652989108992.9856 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1875938304 nr_ops:1831971\ntimestamp_ms:1652989109993.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1927359488 nr_ops:1882187\ntimestamp_ms:1652989110994.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977762816 nr_ops:1931409\ntimestamp_ms:1652989111996.0620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2028299264 nr_ops:1980761\ntimestamp_ms:1652989112997.0994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2078966784 nr_ops:2030241\ntimestamp_ms:1652989113998.1377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2130095104 nr_ops:2080171\ntimestamp_ms:1652989114999.2339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180967424 nr_ops:2129851\ntimestamp_ms:1652989116000.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231258112 nr_ops:2178963\ntimestamp_ms:1652989117001.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2276815872 nr_ops:2223453\ntimestamp_ms:1652989118002.5281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2320811008 nr_ops:2266417\ntimestamp_ms:1652989119003.6221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2364728320 nr_ops:2309305\ntimestamp_ms:1652989120004.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2412266496 nr_ops:2355729\ntimestamp_ms:1652989121005.8059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2459855872 nr_ops:2402203\ntimestamp_ms:1652989122006.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2504733696 nr_ops:2446029\ntimestamp_ms:1652989123008.0178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2549138432 nr_ops:2489393\ntimestamp_ms:1652989124009.1172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593352704 nr_ops:2532571\ntimestamp_ms:1652989125010.2139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2637775872 nr_ops:2575953\ntimestamp_ms:1652989126011.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2682018816 nr_ops:2619159\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140686007604992\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.6938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2726540288 nr_ops:2662637\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.7761 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.7864 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127313.0117 name:Total nr_bytes:2726540288 nr_ops:2662638\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.8699 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5453080574 nr_ops:5325276\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989127212.8706 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2726540288 nr_ops:2662640\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 323.05us 0.00ns 323.05us 323.05us \nTxn1 1331319 44.33us 0.00ns 7.09ms 18.37us \nTxn2 1 79.95us 0.00ns 79.95us 79.95us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 322.49us 0.00ns 322.49us 322.49us \nwrite 1331319 2.44us 0.00ns 239.48us 2.14us \nread 1331318 41.82us 0.00ns 7.08ms 1.64us \ndisconnect 1 79.35us 0.00ns 79.35us 79.35us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 21695 21695 189.18Mb/s 189.18Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.98 61.37s 2.54GB 355.45Mb/s 2662640 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 2.54GB 355.45Mb/s 2662640 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.416595, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989066948.6755 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989067949.7915 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989067949.8440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989068950.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44575744 nr_ops:43531
+timestamp_ms:1652989069952.0427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96401408 nr_ops:94142
+timestamp_ms:1652989070953.0969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:148216832 nr_ops:144743
+timestamp_ms:1652989071954.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198102016 nr_ops:193459
+timestamp_ms:1652989072955.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248638464 nr_ops:242811
+timestamp_ms:1652989073956.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:299619328 nr_ops:292597
+timestamp_ms:1652989074956.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:346051584 nr_ops:337941
+timestamp_ms:1652989075957.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390129664 nr_ops:380986
+timestamp_ms:1652989076959.0303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:434168832 nr_ops:423993
+timestamp_ms:1652989077960.2175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:478264320 nr_ops:467055
+timestamp_ms:1652989078961.3137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:521862144 nr_ops:509631
+timestamp_ms:1652989079962.4087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565638144 nr_ops:552381
+timestamp_ms:1652989080963.4470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:609592320 nr_ops:595305
+timestamp_ms:1652989081964.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:653140992 nr_ops:637833
+timestamp_ms:1652989082965.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696832000 nr_ops:680500
+timestamp_ms:1652989083966.7207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743042048 nr_ops:725627
+timestamp_ms:1652989084967.8159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:788661248 nr_ops:770177
+timestamp_ms:1652989085968.9133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:832662528 nr_ops:813147
+timestamp_ms:1652989086970.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876760064 nr_ops:856211
+timestamp_ms:1652989087971.0974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:920867840 nr_ops:899285
+timestamp_ms:1652989088972.1921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:965188608 nr_ops:942567
+timestamp_ms:1652989089973.2822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009308672 nr_ops:985653
+timestamp_ms:1652989090974.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1054000128 nr_ops:1029297
+timestamp_ms:1652989091975.4729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1097348096 nr_ops:1071629
+timestamp_ms:1652989092976.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140814848 nr_ops:1114077
+timestamp_ms:1652989093977.6550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187677184 nr_ops:1159841
+timestamp_ms:1652989094978.7493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1231877120 nr_ops:1203005
+timestamp_ms:1652989095979.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275921408 nr_ops:1246017
+timestamp_ms:1652989096980.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319982080 nr_ops:1289045
+timestamp_ms:1652989097982.0444 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1364001792 nr_ops:1332033
+timestamp_ms:1652989098983.1431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408031744 nr_ops:1375031
+timestamp_ms:1652989099984.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1452065792 nr_ops:1418033
+timestamp_ms:1652989100985.3369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1496358912 nr_ops:1461288
+timestamp_ms:1652989101986.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1540375552 nr_ops:1504273
+timestamp_ms:1652989102987.5271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1584643072 nr_ops:1547503
+timestamp_ms:1652989103988.6208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1628797952 nr_ops:1590623
+timestamp_ms:1652989104989.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1673288704 nr_ops:1634071
+timestamp_ms:1652989105990.8035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724531712 nr_ops:1684113
+timestamp_ms:1652989106991.2253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774887936 nr_ops:1733289
+timestamp_ms:1652989107991.8911 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1825303552 nr_ops:1782523
+timestamp_ms:1652989108992.9856 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1875938304 nr_ops:1831971
+timestamp_ms:1652989109993.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1927359488 nr_ops:1882187
+timestamp_ms:1652989110994.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977762816 nr_ops:1931409
+timestamp_ms:1652989111996.0620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2028299264 nr_ops:1980761
+timestamp_ms:1652989112997.0994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2078966784 nr_ops:2030241
+timestamp_ms:1652989113998.1377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2130095104 nr_ops:2080171
+timestamp_ms:1652989114999.2339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180967424 nr_ops:2129851
+timestamp_ms:1652989116000.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231258112 nr_ops:2178963
+timestamp_ms:1652989117001.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2276815872 nr_ops:2223453
+timestamp_ms:1652989118002.5281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2320811008 nr_ops:2266417
+timestamp_ms:1652989119003.6221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2364728320 nr_ops:2309305
+timestamp_ms:1652989120004.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2412266496 nr_ops:2355729
+timestamp_ms:1652989121005.8059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2459855872 nr_ops:2402203
+timestamp_ms:1652989122006.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2504733696 nr_ops:2446029
+timestamp_ms:1652989123008.0178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2549138432 nr_ops:2489393
+timestamp_ms:1652989124009.1172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593352704 nr_ops:2532571
+timestamp_ms:1652989125010.2139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2637775872 nr_ops:2575953
+timestamp_ms:1652989126011.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2682018816 nr_ops:2619159
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140686007604992
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652989127212.6938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2726540288 nr_ops:2662637
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989127212.7761 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989127212.7864 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989127313.0117 name:Total nr_bytes:2726540288 nr_ops:2662638
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989127212.8699 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5453080574 nr_ops:5325276
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989127212.8706 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2726540288 nr_ops:2662640
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 323.05us 0.00ns 323.05us 323.05us
+Txn1 1331319 44.33us 0.00ns 7.09ms 18.37us
+Txn2 1 79.95us 0.00ns 79.95us 79.95us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 322.49us 0.00ns 322.49us 322.49us
+write 1331319 2.44us 0.00ns 239.48us 2.14us
+read 1331318 41.82us 0.00ns 7.08ms 1.64us
+disconnect 1 79.35us 0.00ns 79.35us 79.35us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 21695 21695 189.18Mb/s 189.18Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.98 61.37s 2.54GB 355.45Mb/s 2662640 0.00
+master 61.37s 2.54GB 355.45Mb/s 2662640 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:37:48.950000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:37:48.950000', 'bytes': 44575744, 'norm_byte': 44575744, 'ops': 43531, 'norm_ops': 43531, 'norm_ltcy': 22.997047452533828, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:37:48.950000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:37:48.950000",
+ "bytes": 44575744,
+ "norm_byte": 44575744,
+ "ops": 43531,
+ "norm_ops": 43531,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.997047452533828,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f0f3f32ab39a19a27a49643ab264799f7e556da9ed3a45f15f0aaa7a5dbef95",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:37:49.952000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:37:49.952000', 'bytes': 96401408, 'norm_byte': 51825664, 'ops': 94142, 'norm_ops': 50611, 'norm_ltcy': 19.780566632006877, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:37:49.952000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:37:49.952000",
+ "bytes": 96401408,
+ "norm_byte": 51825664,
+ "ops": 94142,
+ "norm_ops": 50611,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.780566632006877,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc99faa465c11e89efd99bd578bcc26ae4b68709185985f61321c65c11b1db94",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:37:50.953000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:37:50.953000', 'bytes': 148216832, 'norm_byte': 51815424, 'ops': 144743, 'norm_ops': 50601, 'norm_ltcy': 19.78328885236952, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:37:50.953000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:37:50.953000",
+ "bytes": 148216832,
+ "norm_byte": 51815424,
+ "ops": 144743,
+ "norm_ops": 50601,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.78328885236952,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85b973731754ec363214a14e2101bb52b73ac56342bdd9b21e22ad3eb9ffd78a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:37:51.954000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:37:51.954000', 'bytes': 198102016, 'norm_byte': 49885184, 'ops': 193459, 'norm_ops': 48716, 'norm_ltcy': 20.548435784059652, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:37:51.954000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:37:51.954000",
+ "bytes": 198102016,
+ "norm_byte": 49885184,
+ "ops": 193459,
+ "norm_ops": 48716,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.548435784059652,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59b95db73d1da87ba66b930d182ee8dc4dff09b54492ffdfbec2f2de915315a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:37:52.955000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:37:52.955000', 'bytes': 248638464, 'norm_byte': 50536448, 'ops': 242811, 'norm_ops': 49352, 'norm_ltcy': 20.284711145508286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:37:52.955000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:37:52.955000",
+ "bytes": 248638464,
+ "norm_byte": 50536448,
+ "ops": 242811,
+ "norm_ops": 49352,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.284711145508286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c135a0e40081c4520f9084ef9362def67fe33486b1ba7d566f99a2629d9761f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:37:53.956000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:37:53.956000', 'bytes': 299619328, 'norm_byte': 50980864, 'ops': 292597, 'norm_ops': 49786, 'norm_ltcy': 20.10807427665408, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:37:53.956000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:37:53.956000",
+ "bytes": 299619328,
+ "norm_byte": 50980864,
+ "ops": 292597,
+ "norm_ops": 49786,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.10807427665408,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "765e1cba0b99f3c936f50da8337934ba1ee29ebe0ab29e4b334fea19f80b8176",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:37:54.956000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:37:54.956000', 'bytes': 346051584, 'norm_byte': 46432256, 'ops': 337941, 'norm_ops': 45344, 'norm_ltcy': 22.06501122840122, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:37:54.956000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:37:54.956000",
+ "bytes": 346051584,
+ "norm_byte": 46432256,
+ "ops": 337941,
+ "norm_ops": 45344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.06501122840122,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7919f993e0db7f4eb67c899e987acfd708faf4ccbcca4d531e4b960258ecf12c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:37:55.957000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:37:55.957000', 'bytes': 390129664, 'norm_byte': 44078080, 'ops': 380986, 'norm_ops': 43045, 'norm_ltcy': 23.256928387080382, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:37:55.957000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:37:55.957000",
+ "bytes": 390129664,
+ "norm_byte": 44078080,
+ "ops": 380986,
+ "norm_ops": 43045,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.256928387080382,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c73241cedf7b5d94a08bfb2f917a3e21bb2f3c6363e2145e377d7261f060d1b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:37:56.959000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:37:56.959000', 'bytes': 434168832, 'norm_byte': 44039168, 'ops': 423993, 'norm_ops': 43007, 'norm_ltcy': 23.27746064594136, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:37:56.959000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:37:56.959000",
+ "bytes": 434168832,
+ "norm_byte": 44039168,
+ "ops": 423993,
+ "norm_ops": 43007,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.27746064594136,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a09f02acd55eded452733e0a465f8e6f7b60fc9cb429ecea0221b0ba34b315d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:37:57.960000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:37:57.960000', 'bytes': 478264320, 'norm_byte': 44095488, 'ops': 467055, 'norm_ops': 43062, 'norm_ltcy': 23.24990144116332, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:37:57.960000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:37:57.960000",
+ "bytes": 478264320,
+ "norm_byte": 44095488,
+ "ops": 467055,
+ "norm_ops": 43062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.24990144116332,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dcfc058639a4fe6fe51f07d42a1fea7a9e93cc87c5b2a567ad5ef63f02688592",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:37:58.961000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:37:58.961000', 'bytes': 521862144, 'norm_byte': 43597824, 'ops': 509631, 'norm_ops': 42576, 'norm_ltcy': 23.513157445656006, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:37:58.961000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:37:58.961000",
+ "bytes": 521862144,
+ "norm_byte": 43597824,
+ "ops": 509631,
+ "norm_ops": 42576,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.513157445656006,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0373d00f51187a22df4e8eeb9e596ec7a744d7fba8e85ed9e5d442e10b068964",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:37:59.962000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:37:59.962000', 'bytes': 565638144, 'norm_byte': 43776000, 'ops': 552381, 'norm_ops': 42750, 'norm_ltcy': 23.417426215277775, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:37:59.962000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:37:59.962000",
+ "bytes": 565638144,
+ "norm_byte": 43776000,
+ "ops": 552381,
+ "norm_ops": 42750,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.417426215277775,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e07fa2e8a177494bc237b58e774bacc59fa951690a276cb7bf3a26156c6d2829",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:00.963000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:00.963000', 'bytes': 609592320, 'norm_byte': 43954176, 'ops': 595305, 'norm_ops': 42924, 'norm_ltcy': 23.32117999436504, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:00.963000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:00.963000",
+ "bytes": 609592320,
+ "norm_byte": 43954176,
+ "ops": 595305,
+ "norm_ops": 42924,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.32117999436504,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8be9cf64e42a59ac8033b67dd58dfa6a75b12c81c8e058fb6107283afd8f7e63",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:01.964000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:01.964000', 'bytes': 653140992, 'norm_byte': 43548672, 'ops': 637833, 'norm_ops': 42528, 'norm_ltcy': 23.539540999091777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:01.964000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:01.964000",
+ "bytes": 653140992,
+ "norm_byte": 43548672,
+ "ops": 637833,
+ "norm_ops": 42528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.539540999091777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4fc9fbda592292a9e404adab0e22c15a171665511279a7a2edd329a105e558a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:02.965000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:02.965000', 'bytes': 696832000, 'norm_byte': 43691008, 'ops': 680500, 'norm_ops': 42667, 'norm_ltcy': 23.462882797302363, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:02.965000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:02.965000",
+ "bytes": 696832000,
+ "norm_byte": 43691008,
+ "ops": 680500,
+ "norm_ops": 42667,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.462882797302363,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "295991051cd477d60cc7082d32a98e26724404aa19c25d0bc71d39eee9d3dc84",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:03.966000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:03.966000', 'bytes': 743042048, 'norm_byte': 46210048, 'ops': 725627, 'norm_ops': 45127, 'norm_ltcy': 22.183909006110532, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:03.966000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:03.966000",
+ "bytes": 743042048,
+ "norm_byte": 46210048,
+ "ops": 725627,
+ "norm_ops": 45127,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.183909006110532,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c07a32bd43c51ea8a6dac4b2330302b45a087500327497d8784bba29b85d904",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:04.967000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:04.967000', 'bytes': 788661248, 'norm_byte': 45619200, 'ops': 770177, 'norm_ops': 44550, 'norm_ltcy': 22.47127306046577, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:04.967000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:04.967000",
+ "bytes": 788661248,
+ "norm_byte": 45619200,
+ "ops": 770177,
+ "norm_ops": 44550,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.47127306046577,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fb9d7822be6325facdfbfab80d9855bba12684537293ab46b5133b98f4d0c13f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:05.968000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:05.968000', 'bytes': 832662528, 'norm_byte': 44001280, 'ops': 813147, 'norm_ops': 42970, 'norm_ltcy': 23.297589297402258, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:05.968000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:05.968000",
+ "bytes": 832662528,
+ "norm_byte": 44001280,
+ "ops": 813147,
+ "norm_ops": 42970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.297589297402258,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d58c7837e87f73eab08f990b8e68b3380dbd7b7d151c71452cce0e278fdc2fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:06.970000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:06.970000', 'bytes': 876760064, 'norm_byte': 44097536, 'ops': 856211, 'norm_ops': 43064, 'norm_ltcy': 23.24664466513503, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:06.970000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:06.970000",
+ "bytes": 876760064,
+ "norm_byte": 44097536,
+ "ops": 856211,
+ "norm_ops": 43064,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.24664466513503,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8b642dd3d29a2c580d257eb9670e8994f87bfe2d40914fcb7f2e48ba18cfae0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:07.971000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:07.971000', 'bytes': 920867840, 'norm_byte': 44107776, 'ops': 899285, 'norm_ops': 43074, 'norm_ltcy': 23.241179741186677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:07.971000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:07.971000",
+ "bytes": 920867840,
+ "norm_byte": 44107776,
+ "ops": 899285,
+ "norm_ops": 43074,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.241179741186677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa533dd11a79748e6f1cef69ad6982445ed55bc7f5e0e40c9452730265fcdb86",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:08.972000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:08.972000', 'bytes': 965188608, 'norm_byte': 44320768, 'ops': 942567, 'norm_ops': 43282, 'norm_ltcy': 23.129585660609493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:08.972000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:08.972000",
+ "bytes": 965188608,
+ "norm_byte": 44320768,
+ "ops": 942567,
+ "norm_ops": 43282,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.129585660609493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8fa2356c9fcdc4eecbc7b46a786e6352cbad7f2024348b712ec195c69f1f5917",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:09.973000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:09.973000', 'bytes': 1009308672, 'norm_byte': 44120064, 'ops': 985653, 'norm_ops': 43086, 'norm_ltcy': 23.234695443778143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:09.973000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:09.973000",
+ "bytes": 1009308672,
+ "norm_byte": 44120064,
+ "ops": 985653,
+ "norm_ops": 43086,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.234695443778143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d45e5ea3ec8dc37b6b3f57c20b8891f130b1529627ed43fe047f4be4b6ab33a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:10.974000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:10.974000', 'bytes': 1054000128, 'norm_byte': 44691456, 'ops': 1029297, 'norm_ops': 43644, 'norm_ltcy': 22.93776242152415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:10.974000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:10.974000",
+ "bytes": 1054000128,
+ "norm_byte": 44691456,
+ "ops": 1029297,
+ "norm_ops": 43644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.93776242152415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f25fd5a58ecb2b5006e3e6d4950708cc30861b8be05623a033475bae06659b02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:11.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:11.975000', 'bytes': 1097348096, 'norm_byte': 43347968, 'ops': 1071629, 'norm_ops': 42332, 'norm_ltcy': 23.648657533381957, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:11.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:11.975000",
+ "bytes": 1097348096,
+ "norm_byte": 43347968,
+ "ops": 1071629,
+ "norm_ops": 42332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.648657533381957,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf2a26e868b07d2b0b1d7f1a8ecdddcfd96d5fa093eef38ae60a0ead5e654e4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:12.976000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:12.976000', 'bytes': 1140814848, 'norm_byte': 43466752, 'ops': 1114077, 'norm_ops': 42448, 'norm_ltcy': 23.584089052708606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:12.976000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:12.976000",
+ "bytes": 1140814848,
+ "norm_byte": 43466752,
+ "ops": 1114077,
+ "norm_ops": 42448,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.584089052708606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d42df3d450233746cea9e920a3ad07fd4c67e91a2fcaf68298f7d299d299056",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:13.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:13.977000', 'bytes': 1187677184, 'norm_byte': 46862336, 'ops': 1159841, 'norm_ops': 45764, 'norm_ltcy': 21.87493918356951, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:13.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:13.977000",
+ "bytes": 1187677184,
+ "norm_byte": 46862336,
+ "ops": 1159841,
+ "norm_ops": 45764,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.87493918356951,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0f9840e8b4b5aac9d2d4f2688e900114102950f89cb0a32ece50cdda70f77a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:14.978000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:14.978000', 'bytes': 1231877120, 'norm_byte': 44199936, 'ops': 1203005, 'norm_ops': 43164, 'norm_ltcy': 23.192805075554862, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:14.978000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:14.978000",
+ "bytes": 1231877120,
+ "norm_byte": 44199936,
+ "ops": 1203005,
+ "norm_ops": 43164,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.192805075554862,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb39743688ffc63f626f281e7ce59a97d998b6af0328298307081ff920bde324",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:15.979000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:15.979000', 'bytes': 1275921408, 'norm_byte': 44044288, 'ops': 1246017, 'norm_ops': 43012, 'norm_ltcy': 23.27487959392146, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:15.979000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:15.979000",
+ "bytes": 1275921408,
+ "norm_byte": 44044288,
+ "ops": 1246017,
+ "norm_ops": 43012,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.27487959392146,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75c8600423ff155dcc3f87fb596b162c8cf1c23313b2dc9ff54b0c6615a3ed82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:16.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:16.980000', 'bytes': 1319982080, 'norm_byte': 44060672, 'ops': 1289045, 'norm_ops': 43028, 'norm_ltcy': 23.26615104735579, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:16.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:16.980000",
+ "bytes": 1319982080,
+ "norm_byte": 44060672,
+ "ops": 1289045,
+ "norm_ops": 43028,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.26615104735579,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43acbf233051cc2d34e45908634fa4cf86260b9e5ecb2c83100c7d30739ba9a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:17.982000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:17.982000', 'bytes': 1364001792, 'norm_byte': 44019712, 'ops': 1332033, 'norm_ops': 42988, 'norm_ltcy': 23.287896567792174, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:17.982000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:17.982000",
+ "bytes": 1364001792,
+ "norm_byte": 44019712,
+ "ops": 1332033,
+ "norm_ops": 42988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.287896567792174,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c173b7e6dec5b96bfbf5b19a1f119512f64f9e23aa164b29aed26009e887e7f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:18.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:18.983000', 'bytes': 1408031744, 'norm_byte': 44029952, 'ops': 1375031, 'norm_ops': 42998, 'norm_ltcy': 23.2824464582655, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:18.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:18.983000",
+ "bytes": 1408031744,
+ "norm_byte": 44029952,
+ "ops": 1375031,
+ "norm_ops": 42998,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.2824464582655,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90f0306acf2b26e2da2abf313627a7d0bcfc75cf33f93e5245c17fafb9412f12",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:19.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:19.984000', 'bytes': 1452065792, 'norm_byte': 44034048, 'ops': 1418033, 'norm_ops': 43002, 'norm_ltcy': 23.280241008049043, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:19.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:19.984000",
+ "bytes": 1452065792,
+ "norm_byte": 44034048,
+ "ops": 1418033,
+ "norm_ops": 43002,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.280241008049043,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e565a7bfd8a6edcf707e5d6ba393a55a56bdde56d5b17ee0cdaaabcfc58c3a28",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:20.985000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:20.985000', 'bytes': 1496358912, 'norm_byte': 44293120, 'ops': 1461288, 'norm_ops': 43255, 'norm_ltcy': 23.14407406838805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:20.985000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:20.985000",
+ "bytes": 1496358912,
+ "norm_byte": 44293120,
+ "ops": 1461288,
+ "norm_ops": 43255,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.14407406838805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf07c7cbeb95095f626c7e0465a57dbe8feb808d194ac89f6aba0f3a6bc249a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:21.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:21.986000', 'bytes': 1540375552, 'norm_byte': 44016640, 'ops': 1504273, 'norm_ops': 42985, 'norm_ltcy': 23.2894025986536, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:21.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:21.986000",
+ "bytes": 1540375552,
+ "norm_byte": 44016640,
+ "ops": 1504273,
+ "norm_ops": 42985,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.2894025986536,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0592333645f163de9bc98258e8c9f0b9b060b83ae1e850b0eaff59ea7beec181",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:22.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:22.987000', 'bytes': 1584643072, 'norm_byte': 44267520, 'ops': 1547503, 'norm_ops': 43230, 'norm_ltcy': 23.157418802770067, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:22.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:22.987000",
+ "bytes": 1584643072,
+ "norm_byte": 44267520,
+ "ops": 1547503,
+ "norm_ops": 43230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.157418802770067,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78d7a6e0e4c9579242b901ace7349b05b7227a642a07af3cceea6854fa8e5d9a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:23.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:23.988000', 'bytes': 1628797952, 'norm_byte': 44154880, 'ops': 1590623, 'norm_ops': 43120, 'norm_ltcy': 23.216459879406308, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:23.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:23.988000",
+ "bytes": 1628797952,
+ "norm_byte": 44154880,
+ "ops": 1590623,
+ "norm_ops": 43120,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.216459879406308,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52703499a521647413500886d5873170ea3172e09948220ca08607d6c4d5b4cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:24.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:24.989000', 'bytes': 1673288704, 'norm_byte': 44490752, 'ops': 1634071, 'norm_ops': 43448, 'norm_ltcy': 23.040996250187003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:24.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:24.989000",
+ "bytes": 1673288704,
+ "norm_byte": 44490752,
+ "ops": 1634071,
+ "norm_ops": 43448,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.040996250187003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8aaa45767bdd4704871747c9ccdd649bced481698e710e47414d3454968132ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:25.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:25.990000', 'bytes': 1724531712, 'norm_byte': 51243008, 'ops': 1684113, 'norm_ops': 50042, 'norm_ltcy': 20.005143921293612, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:25.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:25.990000",
+ "bytes": 1724531712,
+ "norm_byte": 51243008,
+ "ops": 1684113,
+ "norm_ops": 50042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.005143921293612,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91582e2d53666e25013b4a4d57d60571f6fae8f8a0820c6fd211d1602d79f0ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:26.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:26.991000', 'bytes': 1774887936, 'norm_byte': 50356224, 'ops': 1733289, 'norm_ops': 49176, 'norm_ltcy': 20.343701704083294, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:26.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:26.991000",
+ "bytes": 1774887936,
+ "norm_byte": 50356224,
+ "ops": 1733289,
+ "norm_ops": 49176,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.343701704083294,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91340269213b3fb47110689eb3c1518e108cd2c9887c6714ad6b85d3aef3a8e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:27.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:27.991000', 'bytes': 1825303552, 'norm_byte': 50415616, 'ops': 1782523, 'norm_ops': 49234, 'norm_ltcy': 20.32468967551641, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:27.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:27.991000",
+ "bytes": 1825303552,
+ "norm_byte": 50415616,
+ "ops": 1782523,
+ "norm_ops": 49234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.32468967551641,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db4cd1fb165c45a63c3ea5f442f627fef259c947c3720acedc065d0f7eebc013",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:28.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:28.992000', 'bytes': 1875938304, 'norm_byte': 50634752, 'ops': 1831971, 'norm_ops': 49448, 'norm_ltcy': 20.245398851760942, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:28.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:28.992000",
+ "bytes": 1875938304,
+ "norm_byte": 50634752,
+ "ops": 1831971,
+ "norm_ops": 49448,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.245398851760942,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47bd0e9dbb769e53810838b44c66c2eaf649a8c2f5dc9ce846f5393f8cd09350",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:29.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:29.993000', 'bytes': 1927359488, 'norm_byte': 51421184, 'ops': 1882187, 'norm_ops': 50216, 'norm_ltcy': 19.931041455599313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:29.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:29.993000",
+ "bytes": 1927359488,
+ "norm_byte": 51421184,
+ "ops": 1882187,
+ "norm_ops": 50216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.931041455599313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6cbb73ce1a5d4c951db5baaa4ff5f71b76650e1ff8a9c02e276d8ebf87213f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:30.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:30.994000', 'bytes': 1977762816, 'norm_byte': 50403328, 'ops': 1931409, 'norm_ops': 49222, 'norm_ltcy': 20.33859748308683, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:30.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:30.994000",
+ "bytes": 1977762816,
+ "norm_byte": 50403328,
+ "ops": 1931409,
+ "norm_ops": 49222,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.33859748308683,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2732aee76194e2f031f69308f6766101428218585541936c6c7be97889c4fdc1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:31.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:31.996000', 'bytes': 2028299264, 'norm_byte': 50536448, 'ops': 1980761, 'norm_ops': 49352, 'norm_ltcy': 20.285151421801547, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:31.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:31.996000",
+ "bytes": 2028299264,
+ "norm_byte": 50536448,
+ "ops": 1980761,
+ "norm_ops": 49352,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.285151421801547,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6319462456defe52f81e773db01a00b43a13941226580b2b5607db2d1f7bf288",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:32.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:32.997000', 'bytes': 2078966784, 'norm_byte': 50667520, 'ops': 2030241, 'norm_ops': 49480, 'norm_ltcy': 20.23115104114036, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:32.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:32.997000",
+ "bytes": 2078966784,
+ "norm_byte": 50667520,
+ "ops": 2030241,
+ "norm_ops": 49480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.23115104114036,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79c01df215f1276c488dace24f264746aa406269164f8bb21cd4faf650ac7860",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:33.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:33.998000', 'bytes': 2130095104, 'norm_byte': 51128320, 'ops': 2080171, 'norm_ops': 49930, 'norm_ltcy': 20.04883497052123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:33.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:33.998000",
+ "bytes": 2130095104,
+ "norm_byte": 51128320,
+ "ops": 2080171,
+ "norm_ops": 49930,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.04883497052123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf7bf1f6bef558c5892f9c081fe72b0f84522439e11deee9eb36514ea3de3f79",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:34.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:34.999000', 'bytes': 2180967424, 'norm_byte': 50872320, 'ops': 2129851, 'norm_ops': 49680, 'norm_ltcy': 20.150889521059785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:34.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:34.999000",
+ "bytes": 2180967424,
+ "norm_byte": 50872320,
+ "ops": 2129851,
+ "norm_ops": 49680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.150889521059785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7245cc4fc91f152d995d494124dcf068b0d1e8b6073799796ff5d0bdc5eeb20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:36', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:36', 'bytes': 2231258112, 'norm_byte': 50290688, 'ops': 2178963, 'norm_ops': 49112, 'norm_ltcy': 20.383942649581567, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:36",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:36",
+ "bytes": 2231258112,
+ "norm_byte": 50290688,
+ "ops": 2178963,
+ "norm_ops": 49112,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.383942649581567,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c9650e58de749d68337902bf54bd045a1aba58529526b58400eac0ac4982434",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:37.001000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:37.001000', 'bytes': 2276815872, 'norm_byte': 45557760, 'ops': 2223453, 'norm_ops': 44490, 'norm_ltcy': 22.5017593051107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:37.001000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:37.001000",
+ "bytes": 2276815872,
+ "norm_byte": 45557760,
+ "ops": 2223453,
+ "norm_ops": 44490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.5017593051107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1bd44b3e84988cb22ae9276e62f9c05fa45ebb9d73d3981e7cf230932240bc09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:38.002000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:38.002000', 'bytes': 2320811008, 'norm_byte': 43995136, 'ops': 2266417, 'norm_ops': 42964, 'norm_ltcy': 23.300780340808583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:38.002000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:38.002000",
+ "bytes": 2320811008,
+ "norm_byte": 43995136,
+ "ops": 2266417,
+ "norm_ops": 42964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.300780340808583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d01ab5bfce76c8e0a5d21b7104a5be14324f7805fd40751378d65cc061693b1b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:39.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:39.003000', 'bytes': 2364728320, 'norm_byte': 43917312, 'ops': 2309305, 'norm_ops': 42888, 'norm_ltcy': 23.342053584700267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:39.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:39.003000",
+ "bytes": 2364728320,
+ "norm_byte": 43917312,
+ "ops": 2309305,
+ "norm_ops": 42888,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.342053584700267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7dd9d223357668594debd577f388abf48f7ffce8231985495f40900d67de862",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:40.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:40.004000', 'bytes': 2412266496, 'norm_byte': 47538176, 'ops': 2355729, 'norm_ops': 46424, 'norm_ltcy': 21.564037290787095, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:40.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:40.004000",
+ "bytes": 2412266496,
+ "norm_byte": 47538176,
+ "ops": 2355729,
+ "norm_ops": 46424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.564037290787095,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5902167068d31377ce99674bc5b321fe45091e80fcb00210ca6857959c068719",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:41.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:41.005000', 'bytes': 2459855872, 'norm_byte': 47589376, 'ops': 2402203, 'norm_ops': 46474, 'norm_ltcy': 21.540968513644724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:41.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:41.005000",
+ "bytes": 2459855872,
+ "norm_byte": 47589376,
+ "ops": 2402203,
+ "norm_ops": 46474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.540968513644724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da3c2c14c1aee704f8c742642efc64495cb1e39576585c02bb5a1f372e38576a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:42.006000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:42.006000', 'bytes': 2504733696, 'norm_byte': 44877824, 'ops': 2446029, 'norm_ops': 43826, 'norm_ltcy': 22.842924603474536, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:42.006000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:42.006000",
+ "bytes": 2504733696,
+ "norm_byte": 44877824,
+ "ops": 2446029,
+ "norm_ops": 43826,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.842924603474536,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1618b1dc1c640e7335c67c084d041ab48eecbe7e0f44ca27196a9dc40e5046b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:43.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:43.008000', 'bytes': 2549138432, 'norm_byte': 44404736, 'ops': 2489393, 'norm_ops': 43364, 'norm_ltcy': 23.08592151071453, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:43.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:43.008000",
+ "bytes": 2549138432,
+ "norm_byte": 44404736,
+ "ops": 2489393,
+ "norm_ops": 43364,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.08592151071453,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dcf6d9b271480facc7ec0976e4bf67258921e5c6bab02f92ee4b6ce3ec4208ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:44.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:44.009000', 'bytes': 2593352704, 'norm_byte': 44214272, 'ops': 2532571, 'norm_ops': 43178, 'norm_ltcy': 23.1854037990267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:44.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:44.009000",
+ "bytes": 2593352704,
+ "norm_byte": 44214272,
+ "ops": 2532571,
+ "norm_ops": 43178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.1854037990267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a17d6cb07026d50eb9f7630d38cd4c35e8519bb96cef6871da44aa0cf51ff41",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:45.010000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:45.010000', 'bytes': 2637775872, 'norm_byte': 44423168, 'ops': 2575953, 'norm_ops': 43382, 'norm_ltcy': 23.076314593322113, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:45.010000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:45.010000",
+ "bytes": 2637775872,
+ "norm_byte": 44423168,
+ "ops": 2575953,
+ "norm_ops": 43382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.076314593322113,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e444f89fd4d690148a25c8ca549094006db0913486850ca8db41156c30caad63",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:46.011000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:46.011000', 'bytes': 2682018816, 'norm_byte': 44242944, 'ops': 2619159, 'norm_ops': 43206, 'norm_ltcy': 23.17021444142596, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:46.011000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:46.011000",
+ "bytes": 2682018816,
+ "norm_byte": 44242944,
+ "ops": 2619159,
+ "norm_ops": 43206,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.17021444142596,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac27deb71499db24d579582123df166b8be5490e64a70e2ddc3642682d690f07",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:38:47.212000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:38:47.212000', 'bytes': 2726540288, 'norm_byte': 44521472, 'ops': 2662637, 'norm_ops': 43478, 'norm_ltcy': 27.632082784684208, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:38:47.212000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:38:47.212000",
+ "bytes": 2726540288,
+ "norm_byte": 44521472,
+ "ops": 2662637,
+ "norm_ops": 43478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.632082784684208,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "627ede2a-541a-57a3-9b93-024de8803845",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d75e6f36926485ce9c62c4d3218604abc509808ae7ea17bc746027fbfecde551",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 46212547.25423729
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 45129.4406779661
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 23.54399580445346
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:38:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-003-220519193503/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-003-220519193503/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9818ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-003-220519193503/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-003-220519193503/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-003-220519193503/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-003-220519193503/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-003-220519193503/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-003-220519193503/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c401133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-003-220519193503/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=170
+ net.core.busy_poll=150
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-004-220519193705/220519193705-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-004-220519193705/220519193705-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aee28bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-004-220519193705/220519193705-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:39:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989189090.4285 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989190091.5435 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989190091.6306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989191092.7251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63415296 nr_ops:61929\ntimestamp_ms:1652989192093.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:129414144 nr_ops:126381\ntimestamp_ms:1652989193094.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:195340288 nr_ops:190762\ntimestamp_ms:1652989194095.9980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259857408 nr_ops:253767\ntimestamp_ms:1652989195096.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327656448 nr_ops:319977\ntimestamp_ms:1652989196097.8740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389762048 nr_ops:380627\ntimestamp_ms:1652989197098.9119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:452629504 nr_ops:442021\ntimestamp_ms:1652989198099.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516637696 nr_ops:504529\ntimestamp_ms:1652989199101.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:583285760 nr_ops:569615\ntimestamp_ms:1652989200102.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:650044416 nr_ops:634809\ntimestamp_ms:1652989201103.1760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:715130880 nr_ops:698370\ntimestamp_ms:1652989202104.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:782629888 nr_ops:764287\ntimestamp_ms:1652989203104.2827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847159296 nr_ops:827304\ntimestamp_ms:1652989204105.3733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:911926272 nr_ops:890553\ntimestamp_ms:1652989205106.4617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:975967232 nr_ops:953093\ntimestamp_ms:1652989206107.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1038856192 nr_ops:1014508\ntimestamp_ms:1652989207108.6533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1103175680 nr_ops:1077320\ntimestamp_ms:1652989208109.6892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166021632 nr_ops:1138693\ntimestamp_ms:1652989209110.7834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1229089792 nr_ops:1200283\ntimestamp_ms:1652989210111.8779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292344320 nr_ops:1262055\ntimestamp_ms:1652989211112.9741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1356274688 nr_ops:1324487\ntimestamp_ms:1652989212114.0859 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1419277312 nr_ops:1386013\ntimestamp_ms:1652989213115.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484137472 nr_ops:1449353\ntimestamp_ms:1652989214116.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1547631616 nr_ops:1511359\ntimestamp_ms:1652989215117.3008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1611430912 nr_ops:1573663\ntimestamp_ms:1652989216118.3916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1672844288 nr_ops:1633637\ntimestamp_ms:1652989217119.4829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1738473472 nr_ops:1697728\ntimestamp_ms:1652989218120.5784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1802559488 nr_ops:1760312\ntimestamp_ms:1652989219121.6707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1866155008 nr_ops:1822417\ntimestamp_ms:1652989220122.7681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1929931776 nr_ops:1884699\ntimestamp_ms:1652989221123.8735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1993212928 nr_ops:1946497\ntimestamp_ms:1652989222124.9163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2056496128 nr_ops:2008297\ntimestamp_ms:1652989223125.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2120842240 nr_ops:2071135\ntimestamp_ms:1652989224126.9880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2185022464 nr_ops:2133811\ntimestamp_ms:1652989225128.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2248619008 nr_ops:2195917\ntimestamp_ms:1652989226129.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2312035328 nr_ops:2257847\ntimestamp_ms:1652989227130.2190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2374805504 nr_ops:2319146\ntimestamp_ms:1652989228131.3293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2439197696 nr_ops:2382029\ntimestamp_ms:1652989229132.4265 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2503266304 nr_ops:2444596\ntimestamp_ms:1652989230133.5220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2566261760 nr_ops:2506115\ntimestamp_ms:1652989231134.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2629966848 nr_ops:2568327\ntimestamp_ms:1652989232135.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693870592 nr_ops:2630733\ntimestamp_ms:1652989233136.8784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2758176768 nr_ops:2693532\ntimestamp_ms:1652989234137.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2822132736 nr_ops:2755989\ntimestamp_ms:1652989235139.0730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2885979136 nr_ops:2818339\ntimestamp_ms:1652989236140.1992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2949145600 nr_ops:2880025\ntimestamp_ms:1652989237141.2971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3016342528 nr_ops:2945647\ntimestamp_ms:1652989238142.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3083993088 nr_ops:3011712\ntimestamp_ms:1652989239143.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3148215296 nr_ops:3074429\ntimestamp_ms:1652989240144.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3212006400 nr_ops:3136725\ntimestamp_ms:1652989241145.6824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3274164224 nr_ops:3197426\ntimestamp_ms:1652989242146.7776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3337255936 nr_ops:3259039\ntimestamp_ms:1652989243147.8674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3401022464 nr_ops:3321311\ntimestamp_ms:1652989244148.9609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3464397824 nr_ops:3383201\ntimestamp_ms:1652989245150.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3527317504 nr_ops:3444646\ntimestamp_ms:1652989246151.1497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3590194176 nr_ops:3506049\ntimestamp_ms:1652989247152.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3653830656 nr_ops:3568194\ntimestamp_ms:1652989248153.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3716621312 nr_ops:3629513\ntimestamp_ms:1652989249154.4514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3779650560 nr_ops:3691065\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140044471219968\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.7747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3841956864 nr_ops:3751911\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.8276 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.8328 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250456.0127 name:Total nr_bytes:3841956864 nr_ops:3751912\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.8625 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7683913726 nr_ops:7503824\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.8630 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3841956864 nr_ops:3751914\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 338.88us 0.00ns 338.88us 338.88us \nTxn1 1875956 31.96us 0.00ns 2.53ms 24.81us \nTxn2 1 33.46us 0.00ns 33.46us 33.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 338.18us 0.00ns 338.18us 338.18us \nwrite 1875956 3.21us 0.00ns 218.69us 2.46us \nread 1875955 28.67us 0.00ns 2.52ms 1.02us \ndisconnect 1 33.14us 0.00ns 33.14us 33.14us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30079 30079 262.29Mb/s 262.29Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.99 62.37s 3.58GB 492.82Mb/s 3751914 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.58GB 492.82Mb/s 3751914 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417042, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989189090.4285 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989190091.5435 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989190091.6306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989191092.7251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63415296 nr_ops:61929\ntimestamp_ms:1652989192093.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:129414144 nr_ops:126381\ntimestamp_ms:1652989193094.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:195340288 nr_ops:190762\ntimestamp_ms:1652989194095.9980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259857408 nr_ops:253767\ntimestamp_ms:1652989195096.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327656448 nr_ops:319977\ntimestamp_ms:1652989196097.8740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389762048 nr_ops:380627\ntimestamp_ms:1652989197098.9119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:452629504 nr_ops:442021\ntimestamp_ms:1652989198099.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516637696 nr_ops:504529\ntimestamp_ms:1652989199101.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:583285760 nr_ops:569615\ntimestamp_ms:1652989200102.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:650044416 nr_ops:634809\ntimestamp_ms:1652989201103.1760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:715130880 nr_ops:698370\ntimestamp_ms:1652989202104.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:782629888 nr_ops:764287\ntimestamp_ms:1652989203104.2827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847159296 nr_ops:827304\ntimestamp_ms:1652989204105.3733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:911926272 nr_ops:890553\ntimestamp_ms:1652989205106.4617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:975967232 nr_ops:953093\ntimestamp_ms:1652989206107.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1038856192 nr_ops:1014508\ntimestamp_ms:1652989207108.6533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1103175680 nr_ops:1077320\ntimestamp_ms:1652989208109.6892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166021632 nr_ops:1138693\ntimestamp_ms:1652989209110.7834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1229089792 nr_ops:1200283\ntimestamp_ms:1652989210111.8779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292344320 nr_ops:1262055\ntimestamp_ms:1652989211112.9741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1356274688 nr_ops:1324487\ntimestamp_ms:1652989212114.0859 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1419277312 nr_ops:1386013\ntimestamp_ms:1652989213115.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484137472 nr_ops:1449353\ntimestamp_ms:1652989214116.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1547631616 nr_ops:1511359\ntimestamp_ms:1652989215117.3008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1611430912 nr_ops:1573663\ntimestamp_ms:1652989216118.3916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1672844288 nr_ops:1633637\ntimestamp_ms:1652989217119.4829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1738473472 nr_ops:1697728\ntimestamp_ms:1652989218120.5784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1802559488 nr_ops:1760312\ntimestamp_ms:1652989219121.6707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1866155008 nr_ops:1822417\ntimestamp_ms:1652989220122.7681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1929931776 nr_ops:1884699\ntimestamp_ms:1652989221123.8735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1993212928 nr_ops:1946497\ntimestamp_ms:1652989222124.9163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2056496128 nr_ops:2008297\ntimestamp_ms:1652989223125.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2120842240 nr_ops:2071135\ntimestamp_ms:1652989224126.9880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2185022464 nr_ops:2133811\ntimestamp_ms:1652989225128.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2248619008 nr_ops:2195917\ntimestamp_ms:1652989226129.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2312035328 nr_ops:2257847\ntimestamp_ms:1652989227130.2190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2374805504 nr_ops:2319146\ntimestamp_ms:1652989228131.3293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2439197696 nr_ops:2382029\ntimestamp_ms:1652989229132.4265 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2503266304 nr_ops:2444596\ntimestamp_ms:1652989230133.5220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2566261760 nr_ops:2506115\ntimestamp_ms:1652989231134.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2629966848 nr_ops:2568327\ntimestamp_ms:1652989232135.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693870592 nr_ops:2630733\ntimestamp_ms:1652989233136.8784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2758176768 nr_ops:2693532\ntimestamp_ms:1652989234137.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2822132736 nr_ops:2755989\ntimestamp_ms:1652989235139.0730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2885979136 nr_ops:2818339\ntimestamp_ms:1652989236140.1992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2949145600 nr_ops:2880025\ntimestamp_ms:1652989237141.2971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3016342528 nr_ops:2945647\ntimestamp_ms:1652989238142.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3083993088 nr_ops:3011712\ntimestamp_ms:1652989239143.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3148215296 nr_ops:3074429\ntimestamp_ms:1652989240144.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3212006400 nr_ops:3136725\ntimestamp_ms:1652989241145.6824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3274164224 nr_ops:3197426\ntimestamp_ms:1652989242146.7776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3337255936 nr_ops:3259039\ntimestamp_ms:1652989243147.8674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3401022464 nr_ops:3321311\ntimestamp_ms:1652989244148.9609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3464397824 nr_ops:3383201\ntimestamp_ms:1652989245150.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3527317504 nr_ops:3444646\ntimestamp_ms:1652989246151.1497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3590194176 nr_ops:3506049\ntimestamp_ms:1652989247152.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3653830656 nr_ops:3568194\ntimestamp_ms:1652989248153.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3716621312 nr_ops:3629513\ntimestamp_ms:1652989249154.4514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3779650560 nr_ops:3691065\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140044471219968\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.7747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3841956864 nr_ops:3751911\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.8276 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.8328 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250456.0127 name:Total nr_bytes:3841956864 nr_ops:3751912\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.8625 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7683913726 nr_ops:7503824\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.8630 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3841956864 nr_ops:3751914\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 338.88us 0.00ns 338.88us 338.88us \nTxn1 1875956 31.96us 0.00ns 2.53ms 24.81us \nTxn2 1 33.46us 0.00ns 33.46us 33.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 338.18us 0.00ns 338.18us 338.18us \nwrite 1875956 3.21us 0.00ns 218.69us 2.46us \nread 1875955 28.67us 0.00ns 2.52ms 1.02us \ndisconnect 1 33.14us 0.00ns 33.14us 33.14us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30079 30079 262.29Mb/s 262.29Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.99 62.37s 3.58GB 492.82Mb/s 3751914 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.58GB 492.82Mb/s 3751914 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417042, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989189090.4285 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989190091.5435 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989190091.6306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989191092.7251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63415296 nr_ops:61929\ntimestamp_ms:1652989192093.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:129414144 nr_ops:126381\ntimestamp_ms:1652989193094.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:195340288 nr_ops:190762\ntimestamp_ms:1652989194095.9980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259857408 nr_ops:253767\ntimestamp_ms:1652989195096.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327656448 nr_ops:319977\ntimestamp_ms:1652989196097.8740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389762048 nr_ops:380627\ntimestamp_ms:1652989197098.9119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:452629504 nr_ops:442021\ntimestamp_ms:1652989198099.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516637696 nr_ops:504529\ntimestamp_ms:1652989199101.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:583285760 nr_ops:569615\ntimestamp_ms:1652989200102.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:650044416 nr_ops:634809\ntimestamp_ms:1652989201103.1760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:715130880 nr_ops:698370\ntimestamp_ms:1652989202104.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:782629888 nr_ops:764287\ntimestamp_ms:1652989203104.2827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847159296 nr_ops:827304\ntimestamp_ms:1652989204105.3733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:911926272 nr_ops:890553\ntimestamp_ms:1652989205106.4617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:975967232 nr_ops:953093\ntimestamp_ms:1652989206107.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1038856192 nr_ops:1014508\ntimestamp_ms:1652989207108.6533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1103175680 nr_ops:1077320\ntimestamp_ms:1652989208109.6892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166021632 nr_ops:1138693\ntimestamp_ms:1652989209110.7834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1229089792 nr_ops:1200283\ntimestamp_ms:1652989210111.8779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292344320 nr_ops:1262055\ntimestamp_ms:1652989211112.9741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1356274688 nr_ops:1324487\ntimestamp_ms:1652989212114.0859 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1419277312 nr_ops:1386013\ntimestamp_ms:1652989213115.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484137472 nr_ops:1449353\ntimestamp_ms:1652989214116.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1547631616 nr_ops:1511359\ntimestamp_ms:1652989215117.3008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1611430912 nr_ops:1573663\ntimestamp_ms:1652989216118.3916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1672844288 nr_ops:1633637\ntimestamp_ms:1652989217119.4829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1738473472 nr_ops:1697728\ntimestamp_ms:1652989218120.5784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1802559488 nr_ops:1760312\ntimestamp_ms:1652989219121.6707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1866155008 nr_ops:1822417\ntimestamp_ms:1652989220122.7681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1929931776 nr_ops:1884699\ntimestamp_ms:1652989221123.8735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1993212928 nr_ops:1946497\ntimestamp_ms:1652989222124.9163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2056496128 nr_ops:2008297\ntimestamp_ms:1652989223125.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2120842240 nr_ops:2071135\ntimestamp_ms:1652989224126.9880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2185022464 nr_ops:2133811\ntimestamp_ms:1652989225128.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2248619008 nr_ops:2195917\ntimestamp_ms:1652989226129.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2312035328 nr_ops:2257847\ntimestamp_ms:1652989227130.2190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2374805504 nr_ops:2319146\ntimestamp_ms:1652989228131.3293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2439197696 nr_ops:2382029\ntimestamp_ms:1652989229132.4265 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2503266304 nr_ops:2444596\ntimestamp_ms:1652989230133.5220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2566261760 nr_ops:2506115\ntimestamp_ms:1652989231134.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2629966848 nr_ops:2568327\ntimestamp_ms:1652989232135.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693870592 nr_ops:2630733\ntimestamp_ms:1652989233136.8784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2758176768 nr_ops:2693532\ntimestamp_ms:1652989234137.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2822132736 nr_ops:2755989\ntimestamp_ms:1652989235139.0730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2885979136 nr_ops:2818339\ntimestamp_ms:1652989236140.1992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2949145600 nr_ops:2880025\ntimestamp_ms:1652989237141.2971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3016342528 nr_ops:2945647\ntimestamp_ms:1652989238142.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3083993088 nr_ops:3011712\ntimestamp_ms:1652989239143.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3148215296 nr_ops:3074429\ntimestamp_ms:1652989240144.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3212006400 nr_ops:3136725\ntimestamp_ms:1652989241145.6824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3274164224 nr_ops:3197426\ntimestamp_ms:1652989242146.7776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3337255936 nr_ops:3259039\ntimestamp_ms:1652989243147.8674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3401022464 nr_ops:3321311\ntimestamp_ms:1652989244148.9609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3464397824 nr_ops:3383201\ntimestamp_ms:1652989245150.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3527317504 nr_ops:3444646\ntimestamp_ms:1652989246151.1497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3590194176 nr_ops:3506049\ntimestamp_ms:1652989247152.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3653830656 nr_ops:3568194\ntimestamp_ms:1652989248153.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3716621312 nr_ops:3629513\ntimestamp_ms:1652989249154.4514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3779650560 nr_ops:3691065\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140044471219968\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.7747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3841956864 nr_ops:3751911\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.8276 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.8328 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250456.0127 name:Total nr_bytes:3841956864 nr_ops:3751912\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.8625 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7683913726 nr_ops:7503824\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989250355.8630 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3841956864 nr_ops:3751914\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 338.88us 0.00ns 338.88us 338.88us \nTxn1 1875956 31.96us 0.00ns 2.53ms 24.81us \nTxn2 1 33.46us 0.00ns 33.46us 33.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 338.18us 0.00ns 338.18us 338.18us \nwrite 1875956 3.21us 0.00ns 218.69us 2.46us \nread 1875955 28.67us 0.00ns 2.52ms 1.02us \ndisconnect 1 33.14us 0.00ns 33.14us 33.14us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30079 30079 262.29Mb/s 262.29Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.99 62.37s 3.58GB 492.82Mb/s 3751914 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.58GB 492.82Mb/s 3751914 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417042, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989189090.4285 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989190091.5435 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989190091.6306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989191092.7251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63415296 nr_ops:61929
+timestamp_ms:1652989192093.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:129414144 nr_ops:126381
+timestamp_ms:1652989193094.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:195340288 nr_ops:190762
+timestamp_ms:1652989194095.9980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259857408 nr_ops:253767
+timestamp_ms:1652989195096.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327656448 nr_ops:319977
+timestamp_ms:1652989196097.8740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389762048 nr_ops:380627
+timestamp_ms:1652989197098.9119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:452629504 nr_ops:442021
+timestamp_ms:1652989198099.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516637696 nr_ops:504529
+timestamp_ms:1652989199101.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:583285760 nr_ops:569615
+timestamp_ms:1652989200102.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:650044416 nr_ops:634809
+timestamp_ms:1652989201103.1760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:715130880 nr_ops:698370
+timestamp_ms:1652989202104.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:782629888 nr_ops:764287
+timestamp_ms:1652989203104.2827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847159296 nr_ops:827304
+timestamp_ms:1652989204105.3733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:911926272 nr_ops:890553
+timestamp_ms:1652989205106.4617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:975967232 nr_ops:953093
+timestamp_ms:1652989206107.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1038856192 nr_ops:1014508
+timestamp_ms:1652989207108.6533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1103175680 nr_ops:1077320
+timestamp_ms:1652989208109.6892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166021632 nr_ops:1138693
+timestamp_ms:1652989209110.7834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1229089792 nr_ops:1200283
+timestamp_ms:1652989210111.8779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292344320 nr_ops:1262055
+timestamp_ms:1652989211112.9741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1356274688 nr_ops:1324487
+timestamp_ms:1652989212114.0859 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1419277312 nr_ops:1386013
+timestamp_ms:1652989213115.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484137472 nr_ops:1449353
+timestamp_ms:1652989214116.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1547631616 nr_ops:1511359
+timestamp_ms:1652989215117.3008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1611430912 nr_ops:1573663
+timestamp_ms:1652989216118.3916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1672844288 nr_ops:1633637
+timestamp_ms:1652989217119.4829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1738473472 nr_ops:1697728
+timestamp_ms:1652989218120.5784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1802559488 nr_ops:1760312
+timestamp_ms:1652989219121.6707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1866155008 nr_ops:1822417
+timestamp_ms:1652989220122.7681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1929931776 nr_ops:1884699
+timestamp_ms:1652989221123.8735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1993212928 nr_ops:1946497
+timestamp_ms:1652989222124.9163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2056496128 nr_ops:2008297
+timestamp_ms:1652989223125.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2120842240 nr_ops:2071135
+timestamp_ms:1652989224126.9880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2185022464 nr_ops:2133811
+timestamp_ms:1652989225128.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2248619008 nr_ops:2195917
+timestamp_ms:1652989226129.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2312035328 nr_ops:2257847
+timestamp_ms:1652989227130.2190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2374805504 nr_ops:2319146
+timestamp_ms:1652989228131.3293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2439197696 nr_ops:2382029
+timestamp_ms:1652989229132.4265 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2503266304 nr_ops:2444596
+timestamp_ms:1652989230133.5220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2566261760 nr_ops:2506115
+timestamp_ms:1652989231134.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2629966848 nr_ops:2568327
+timestamp_ms:1652989232135.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693870592 nr_ops:2630733
+timestamp_ms:1652989233136.8784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2758176768 nr_ops:2693532
+timestamp_ms:1652989234137.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2822132736 nr_ops:2755989
+timestamp_ms:1652989235139.0730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2885979136 nr_ops:2818339
+timestamp_ms:1652989236140.1992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2949145600 nr_ops:2880025
+timestamp_ms:1652989237141.2971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3016342528 nr_ops:2945647
+timestamp_ms:1652989238142.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3083993088 nr_ops:3011712
+timestamp_ms:1652989239143.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3148215296 nr_ops:3074429
+timestamp_ms:1652989240144.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3212006400 nr_ops:3136725
+timestamp_ms:1652989241145.6824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3274164224 nr_ops:3197426
+timestamp_ms:1652989242146.7776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3337255936 nr_ops:3259039
+timestamp_ms:1652989243147.8674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3401022464 nr_ops:3321311
+timestamp_ms:1652989244148.9609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3464397824 nr_ops:3383201
+timestamp_ms:1652989245150.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3527317504 nr_ops:3444646
+timestamp_ms:1652989246151.1497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3590194176 nr_ops:3506049
+timestamp_ms:1652989247152.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3653830656 nr_ops:3568194
+timestamp_ms:1652989248153.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3716621312 nr_ops:3629513
+timestamp_ms:1652989249154.4514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3779650560 nr_ops:3691065
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140044471219968
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652989250355.7747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3841956864 nr_ops:3751911
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989250355.8276 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989250355.8328 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989250456.0127 name:Total nr_bytes:3841956864 nr_ops:3751912
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989250355.8625 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7683913726 nr_ops:7503824
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989250355.8630 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3841956864 nr_ops:3751914
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 338.88us 0.00ns 338.88us 338.88us
+Txn1 1875956 31.96us 0.00ns 2.53ms 24.81us
+Txn2 1 33.46us 0.00ns 33.46us 33.46us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 338.18us 0.00ns 338.18us 338.18us
+write 1875956 3.21us 0.00ns 218.69us 2.46us
+read 1875955 28.67us 0.00ns 2.52ms 1.02us
+disconnect 1 33.14us 0.00ns 33.14us 33.14us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 30079 30079 262.29Mb/s 262.29Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.99 62.37s 3.58GB 492.82Mb/s 3751914 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.58GB 492.82Mb/s 3751914 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:39:51.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:39:51.092000', 'bytes': 63415296, 'norm_byte': 63415296, 'ops': 61929, 'norm_ops': 61929, 'norm_ltcy': 16.165196958159747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:39:51.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:39:51.092000",
+ "bytes": 63415296,
+ "norm_byte": 63415296,
+ "ops": 61929,
+ "norm_ops": 61929,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.165196958159747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc1ace17ec721011d20e410c9a879fd51f3cf2932bbaa7b9c27de6ef1bdaee83",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:39:52.093000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:39:52.093000', 'bytes': 129414144, 'norm_byte': 65998848, 'ops': 126381, 'norm_ops': 64452, 'norm_ltcy': 15.532665055002171, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:39:52.093000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:39:52.093000",
+ "bytes": 129414144,
+ "norm_byte": 65998848,
+ "ops": 126381,
+ "norm_ops": 64452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.532665055002171,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5fa62d21f61d4da2eb0e1984e238e7ccd54822a045afc008e8cfae8df10d60c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:39:53.094000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:39:53.094000', 'bytes': 195340288, 'norm_byte': 65926144, 'ops': 190762, 'norm_ops': 64381, 'norm_ltcy': 15.54894898752155, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:39:53.094000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:39:53.094000",
+ "bytes": 195340288,
+ "norm_byte": 65926144,
+ "ops": 190762,
+ "norm_ops": 64381,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.54894898752155,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "700a95c3f92669e588903fa0f58814cc7ffa0e79e0cf3abd0f1f4a2a5c2f3197",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:39:54.095000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:39:54.095000', 'bytes': 259857408, 'norm_byte': 64517120, 'ops': 253767, 'norm_ops': 63005, 'norm_ltcy': 15.889290315500755, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:39:54.095000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:39:54.095000",
+ "bytes": 259857408,
+ "norm_byte": 64517120,
+ "ops": 253767,
+ "norm_ops": 63005,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.889290315500755,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "73fbbc11d22f098873ed95c5e467cb66ac3820d15a4a9803b2e7c53e68ab4190",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:39:55.096000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:39:55.096000', 'bytes': 327656448, 'norm_byte': 67799040, 'ops': 319977, 'norm_ops': 66210, 'norm_ltcy': 15.116117425851456, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:39:55.096000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:39:55.096000",
+ "bytes": 327656448,
+ "norm_byte": 67799040,
+ "ops": 319977,
+ "norm_ops": 66210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.116117425851456,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9957626cb450ba48871598d5e344f16641043f6def79c4db96a499e5decf9b7a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:39:56.097000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:39:56.097000', 'bytes': 389762048, 'norm_byte': 62105600, 'ops': 380627, 'norm_ops': 60650, 'norm_ltcy': 16.505158149989697, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:39:56.097000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:39:56.097000",
+ "bytes": 389762048,
+ "norm_byte": 62105600,
+ "ops": 380627,
+ "norm_ops": 60650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.505158149989697,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8a87b136057e8f4d3ba8758d8d11be6657b85a24e84feb9c826222633bbe3b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:39:57.098000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:39:57.098000', 'bytes': 452629504, 'norm_byte': 62867456, 'ops': 442021, 'norm_ops': 61394, 'norm_ltcy': 16.305141248279554, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:39:57.098000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:39:57.098000",
+ "bytes": 452629504,
+ "norm_byte": 62867456,
+ "ops": 442021,
+ "norm_ops": 61394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.305141248279554,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4358b77fdb9ced9626abdd15cd98113c64a1d7fc5782ba54dd6020d8bbdc3633",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:39:58.099000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:39:58.099000', 'bytes': 516637696, 'norm_byte': 64008192, 'ops': 504529, 'norm_ops': 62508, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01450483088165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:39:58.099000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:39:58.099000",
+ "bytes": 516637696,
+ "norm_byte": 64008192,
+ "ops": 504529,
+ "norm_ops": 62508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01450483088165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e4005bdbbbefb764297019143e2637c53c46237ec7baa006ff19becd17a41af9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:39:59.101000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:39:59.101000', 'bytes': 583285760, 'norm_byte': 66648064, 'ops': 569615, 'norm_ops': 65086, 'norm_ltcy': 15.381118197221753, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:39:59.101000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:39:59.101000",
+ "bytes": 583285760,
+ "norm_byte": 66648064,
+ "ops": 569615,
+ "norm_ops": 65086,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.381118197221753,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fbe537d7cb83eca047f3dcd266209d267b19b24a16fd1a5a374004c8d14a701b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:00.102000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:00.102000', 'bytes': 650044416, 'norm_byte': 66758656, 'ops': 634809, 'norm_ops': 65194, 'norm_ltcy': 15.354701718380909, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:00.102000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:00.102000",
+ "bytes": 650044416,
+ "norm_byte": 66758656,
+ "ops": 634809,
+ "norm_ops": 65194,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.354701718380909,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8574dcd12e95f032e23e178ea7488ef9da1a184b7f3988fb96c0b0a1a5efd713",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:01.103000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:01.103000', 'bytes': 715130880, 'norm_byte': 65086464, 'ops': 698370, 'norm_ops': 63561, 'norm_ltcy': 15.750218048410188, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:01.103000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:01.103000",
+ "bytes": 715130880,
+ "norm_byte": 65086464,
+ "ops": 698370,
+ "norm_ops": 63561,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.750218048410188,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0bfda4a043dcf50d93b283ca8ce86d717c22b66cf1e199d1711b76f9b8b14d71",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:02.104000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:02.104000', 'bytes': 782629888, 'norm_byte': 67499008, 'ops': 764287, 'norm_ops': 65917, 'norm_ltcy': 15.186297256398197, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:02.104000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:02.104000",
+ "bytes": 782629888,
+ "norm_byte": 67499008,
+ "ops": 764287,
+ "norm_ops": 65917,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.186297256398197,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67519bf0f56eb091cc3d1ec716f02005bd002cf6269c736a37e68d3a32e776f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:03.104000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:03.104000', 'bytes': 847159296, 'norm_byte': 64529408, 'ops': 827304, 'norm_ops': 63017, 'norm_ltcy': 15.869868975088071, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:03.104000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:03.104000",
+ "bytes": 847159296,
+ "norm_byte": 64529408,
+ "ops": 827304,
+ "norm_ops": 63017,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.869868975088071,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e7be0b229bc4ae64d17eba1222a3a6d1b392ad9fd666bef605fad7206bf8bd8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:04.105000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:04.105000', 'bytes': 911926272, 'norm_byte': 64766976, 'ops': 890553, 'norm_ops': 63249, 'norm_ltcy': 15.827769232270473, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:04.105000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:04.105000",
+ "bytes": 911926272,
+ "norm_byte": 64766976,
+ "ops": 890553,
+ "norm_ops": 63249,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.827769232270473,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bec3ed7b41f1bfe3af7baa35468fb1116ac23ffb4c2bfb7af188d85fb93caaac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:05.106000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:05.106000', 'bytes': 975967232, 'norm_byte': 64040960, 'ops': 953093, 'norm_ops': 62540, 'norm_ltcy': 16.007169474036615, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:05.106000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:05.106000",
+ "bytes": 975967232,
+ "norm_byte": 64040960,
+ "ops": 953093,
+ "norm_ops": 62540,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.007169474036615,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c232a77dd36a88cbd71a56a3899521769b1abda9b3c43f415c719f8a78cae8af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:06.107000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:06.107000', 'bytes': 1038856192, 'norm_byte': 62888960, 'ops': 1014508, 'norm_ops': 61415, 'norm_ltcy': 16.30050409483636, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:06.107000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:06.107000",
+ "bytes": 1038856192,
+ "norm_byte": 62888960,
+ "ops": 1014508,
+ "norm_ops": 61415,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.30050409483636,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b27c4584a959f7e0e42b32a6396ebed1ceb23ebb497268c45910fe6697b6cc1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:07.108000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:07.108000', 'bytes': 1103175680, 'norm_byte': 64319488, 'ops': 1077320, 'norm_ops': 62812, 'norm_ltcy': 15.93797668289897, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:07.108000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:07.108000",
+ "bytes": 1103175680,
+ "norm_byte": 64319488,
+ "ops": 1077320,
+ "norm_ops": 62812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.93797668289897,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df4b881123f6e9fbe417a7f7c570b0254536a6d800c3247ea28fe011a5bebf9b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:08.109000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:08.109000', 'bytes': 1166021632, 'norm_byte': 62845952, 'ops': 1138693, 'norm_ops': 61373, 'norm_ltcy': 16.310688554769605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:08.109000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:08.109000",
+ "bytes": 1166021632,
+ "norm_byte": 62845952,
+ "ops": 1138693,
+ "norm_ops": 61373,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.310688554769605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67a3adac987245ab6b1c21f45786039d8496c854b63650b0aad2d2dc9edf490a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:09.110000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:09.110000', 'bytes': 1229089792, 'norm_byte': 63068160, 'ops': 1200283, 'norm_ops': 61590, 'norm_ltcy': 16.254168505946584, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:09.110000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:09.110000",
+ "bytes": 1229089792,
+ "norm_byte": 63068160,
+ "ops": 1200283,
+ "norm_ops": 61590,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.254168505946584,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7afa534da44dc10ad9364e14441c144fbf7654bdb6aa0cb4c52a1d3573601763",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:10.111000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:10.111000', 'bytes': 1292344320, 'norm_byte': 63254528, 'ops': 1262055, 'norm_ops': 61772, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2062824972783, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:10.111000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:10.111000",
+ "bytes": 1292344320,
+ "norm_byte": 63254528,
+ "ops": 1262055,
+ "norm_ops": 61772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2062824972783,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1cc5983ed433c772285e11ab72c675c1d2457eb7d39277e0294ba6cc38c464b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:11.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:11.112000', 'bytes': 1356274688, 'norm_byte': 63930368, 'ops': 1324487, 'norm_ops': 62432, 'norm_ltcy': 16.034985126317434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:11.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:11.112000",
+ "bytes": 1356274688,
+ "norm_byte": 63930368,
+ "ops": 1324487,
+ "norm_ops": 62432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.034985126317434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a02a12c23135b66b89f01ac24edf4fa069d8665ef4d60f263b1a0fd453c848d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:12.114000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:12.114000', 'bytes': 1419277312, 'norm_byte': 63002624, 'ops': 1386013, 'norm_ops': 61526, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27136196739996, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:12.114000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:12.114000",
+ "bytes": 1419277312,
+ "norm_byte": 63002624,
+ "ops": 1386013,
+ "norm_ops": 61526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27136196739996,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "865379c9c51a2bf0c85de70391d4f54792e9807c36f35881f4428de659bab85e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:13.115000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:13.115000', 'bytes': 1484137472, 'norm_byte': 64860160, 'ops': 1449353, 'norm_ops': 63340, 'norm_ltcy': 15.804994930632303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:13.115000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:13.115000",
+ "bytes": 1484137472,
+ "norm_byte": 64860160,
+ "ops": 1449353,
+ "norm_ops": 63340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.804994930632303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06a95319579d9293ee1e3fc6ab330bc66d4db79dfc5bc9a318afd959c8cfac2c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:14.116000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:14.116000', 'bytes': 1547631616, 'norm_byte': 63494144, 'ops': 1511359, 'norm_ops': 62006, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14419354956577, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:14.116000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:14.116000",
+ "bytes": 1547631616,
+ "norm_byte": 63494144,
+ "ops": 1511359,
+ "norm_ops": 62006,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14419354956577,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b6eec6583637ca91164ea4d9c5b968d86614191dadba075324264d2629a07be6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:15.117000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:15.117000', 'bytes': 1611430912, 'norm_byte': 63799296, 'ops': 1573663, 'norm_ops': 62304, 'norm_ltcy': 16.067822284433987, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:15.117000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:15.117000",
+ "bytes": 1611430912,
+ "norm_byte": 63799296,
+ "ops": 1573663,
+ "norm_ops": 62304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.067822284433987,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e3a5cf3ebe92595e00704d8beaf4e00b9b75d53f68ab9cadcf3c8efb2da1ce5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:16.118000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:16.118000', 'bytes': 1672844288, 'norm_byte': 61413376, 'ops': 1633637, 'norm_ops': 59974, 'norm_ltcy': 16.69208023997899, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:16.118000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:16.118000",
+ "bytes": 1672844288,
+ "norm_byte": 61413376,
+ "ops": 1633637,
+ "norm_ops": 59974,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.69208023997899,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9dea9d61c84687484cb2d4570bb710d06f39d69b2e68607c844108ba5ba8d78b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:17.119000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:17.119000', 'bytes': 1738473472, 'norm_byte': 65629184, 'ops': 1697728, 'norm_ops': 64091, 'norm_ltcy': 15.619842233601442, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:17.119000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:17.119000",
+ "bytes": 1738473472,
+ "norm_byte": 65629184,
+ "ops": 1697728,
+ "norm_ops": 64091,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.619842233601442,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "112ae7d1ef34be29bb0808c09ba2790a9a747531e7fe5ac093ac9b9311a17f33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:18.120000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:18.120000', 'bytes': 1802559488, 'norm_byte': 64086016, 'ops': 1760312, 'norm_ops': 62584, 'norm_ltcy': 15.996028681202464, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:18.120000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:18.120000",
+ "bytes": 1802559488,
+ "norm_byte": 64086016,
+ "ops": 1760312,
+ "norm_ops": 62584,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.996028681202464,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b8b471d5cbf1755bbe10c200c400a2fc682262e0c79942281a40109d85f768a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:19.121000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:19.121000', 'bytes': 1866155008, 'norm_byte': 63595520, 'ops': 1822417, 'norm_ops': 62105, 'norm_ltcy': 16.119350859934787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:19.121000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:19.121000",
+ "bytes": 1866155008,
+ "norm_byte": 63595520,
+ "ops": 1822417,
+ "norm_ops": 62105,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.119350859934787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52576485a6bb1b2c2aa52cef5c3b1d53e6271180583cc28746861857bf3c167f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:20.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:20.122000', 'bytes': 1929931776, 'norm_byte': 63776768, 'ops': 1884699, 'norm_ops': 62282, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07362339214179, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:20.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:20.122000",
+ "bytes": 1929931776,
+ "norm_byte": 63776768,
+ "ops": 1884699,
+ "norm_ops": 62282,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07362339214179,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf199fdf5d43c14417609057a650e17c4fc1c9005218962298247597178d6c67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:21.123000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:21.123000', 'bytes': 1993212928, 'norm_byte': 63281152, 'ops': 1946497, 'norm_ops': 61798, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19964187756885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:21.123000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:21.123000",
+ "bytes": 1993212928,
+ "norm_byte": 63281152,
+ "ops": 1946497,
+ "norm_ops": 61798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19964187756885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7df0abbb7c249ab9e99e23a9568839672e3d188173dcee139302437f7ab3520",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:22.124000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:22.124000', 'bytes': 2056496128, 'norm_byte': 63283200, 'ops': 2008297, 'norm_ops': 61800, 'norm_ltcy': 16.198102339957522, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:22.124000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:22.124000",
+ "bytes": 2056496128,
+ "norm_byte": 63283200,
+ "ops": 2008297,
+ "norm_ops": 61800,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.198102339957522,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6892c6ee31dd03b1bf14b62ebb5d3e5e083c7c37173ec093e4466031c2e65496",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:23.125000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:23.125000', 'bytes': 2120842240, 'norm_byte': 64346112, 'ops': 2071135, 'norm_ops': 62838, 'norm_ltcy': 15.930410838187084, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:23.125000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:23.125000",
+ "bytes": 2120842240,
+ "norm_byte": 64346112,
+ "ops": 2071135,
+ "norm_ops": 62838,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.930410838187084,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d28c9bc8fd73ca5b4c371fd046a2df1a7b312623ff39fe67d22644b4d9c013a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:24.126000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:24.126000', 'bytes': 2185022464, 'norm_byte': 64180224, 'ops': 2133811, 'norm_ops': 62676, 'norm_ltcy': 15.97160988406647, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:24.126000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:24.126000",
+ "bytes": 2185022464,
+ "norm_byte": 64180224,
+ "ops": 2133811,
+ "norm_ops": 62676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.97160988406647,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f81e10002acca26e8951ca7d4787fe494c740b7f1654fd119859c7dcc78db91",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:25.128000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:25.128000', 'bytes': 2248619008, 'norm_byte': 63596544, 'ops': 2195917, 'norm_ops': 62106, 'norm_ltcy': 16.118175383869918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:25.128000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:25.128000",
+ "bytes": 2248619008,
+ "norm_byte": 63596544,
+ "ops": 2195917,
+ "norm_ops": 62106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.118175383869918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1d6c270ea7f7715f209ff61b265d1bd8aef9ecb3d045bdd66987f5999853499",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:26.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:26.129000', 'bytes': 2312035328, 'norm_byte': 63416320, 'ops': 2257847, 'norm_ops': 61930, 'norm_ltcy': 16.164987183109965, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:26.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:26.129000",
+ "bytes": 2312035328,
+ "norm_byte": 63416320,
+ "ops": 2257847,
+ "norm_ops": 61930,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.164987183109965,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20c90f7263eaa8ab82a0ff009bb3dbc3eaf5dbe13b9c18e74bc02936950b6389",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:27.130000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:27.130000', 'bytes': 2374805504, 'norm_byte': 62770176, 'ops': 2319146, 'norm_ops': 61299, 'norm_ltcy': 16.331390404258226, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:27.130000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:27.130000",
+ "bytes": 2374805504,
+ "norm_byte": 62770176,
+ "ops": 2319146,
+ "norm_ops": 61299,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.331390404258226,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a951e605e8e02f117e3caefc5d988ed94cb5eb1dcf14ea0f5c35b7574031f81",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:28.131000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:28.131000', 'bytes': 2439197696, 'norm_byte': 64392192, 'ops': 2382029, 'norm_ops': 62883, 'norm_ltcy': 15.920206598961563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:28.131000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:28.131000",
+ "bytes": 2439197696,
+ "norm_byte": 64392192,
+ "ops": 2382029,
+ "norm_ops": 62883,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.920206598961563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "526a95d2f24f09e6d2e9a14d5ff143f38bad2699f609174c2b92146d7423f390",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:29.132000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:29.132000', 'bytes': 2503266304, 'norm_byte': 64068608, 'ops': 2444596, 'norm_ops': 62567, 'norm_ltcy': 16.000402256281266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:29.132000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:29.132000",
+ "bytes": 2503266304,
+ "norm_byte": 64068608,
+ "ops": 2444596,
+ "norm_ops": 62567,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.000402256281266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f012bda9afb28bac12532db3775f8bb6a1905e8f97a0af8a09080191c486efa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:30.133000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:30.133000', 'bytes': 2566261760, 'norm_byte': 62995456, 'ops': 2506115, 'norm_ops': 61519, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27294752815187, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:30.133000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:30.133000",
+ "bytes": 2566261760,
+ "norm_byte": 62995456,
+ "ops": 2506115,
+ "norm_ops": 61519,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27294752815187,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47013f02e4a672e15245f0eb2ad4d3c5f63e28e3d888524134d2eb78ee4e0fce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:31.134000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:31.134000', 'bytes': 2629966848, 'norm_byte': 63705088, 'ops': 2568327, 'norm_ops': 62212, 'norm_ltcy': 16.091956422695784, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:31.134000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:31.134000",
+ "bytes": 2629966848,
+ "norm_byte": 63705088,
+ "ops": 2568327,
+ "norm_ops": 62212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.091956422695784,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e56f09349f4828d41f8de8067080c28d3f2386edb5ffafce726cf84d8a9448fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:32.135000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:32.135000', 'bytes': 2693870592, 'norm_byte': 63903744, 'ops': 2630733, 'norm_ops': 62406, 'norm_ltcy': 16.042647673350718, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:32.135000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:32.135000",
+ "bytes": 2693870592,
+ "norm_byte": 63903744,
+ "ops": 2630733,
+ "norm_ops": 62406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.042647673350718,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f96fee87ece1d4b8982eafede21b268bc601d04dc1481fb9c78979486c285c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:33.136000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:33.136000', 'bytes': 2758176768, 'norm_byte': 64306176, 'ops': 2693532, 'norm_ops': 62799, 'norm_ltcy': 15.941116604414482, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:33.136000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:33.136000",
+ "bytes": 2758176768,
+ "norm_byte": 64306176,
+ "ops": 2693532,
+ "norm_ops": 62799,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.941116604414482,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fddc2eaa7f448814d345dfc61e4d09272eecfa8728f846777100fe4ce9978b75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:34.137000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:34.137000', 'bytes': 2822132736, 'norm_byte': 63955968, 'ops': 2755989, 'norm_ops': 62457, 'norm_ltcy': 16.028414267766223, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:34.137000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:34.137000",
+ "bytes": 2822132736,
+ "norm_byte": 63955968,
+ "ops": 2755989,
+ "norm_ops": 62457,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.028414267766223,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "414f28c87204f7606e4c6c4765b834363aff82f23a8d8898cdd27798f591fd50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:35.139000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:35.139000', 'bytes': 2885979136, 'norm_byte': 63846400, 'ops': 2818339, 'norm_ops': 62350, 'norm_ltcy': 16.05626159031676, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:35.139000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:35.139000",
+ "bytes": 2885979136,
+ "norm_byte": 63846400,
+ "ops": 2818339,
+ "norm_ops": 62350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.05626159031676,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d25b460c925c3d81e2b0eaaf7f8669c727865e24a58f95b57188b99e7d9fa951",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:36.140000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:36.140000', 'bytes': 2949145600, 'norm_byte': 63166464, 'ops': 2880025, 'norm_ops': 61686, 'norm_ltcy': 16.229391121212675, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:36.140000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:36.140000",
+ "bytes": 2949145600,
+ "norm_byte": 63166464,
+ "ops": 2880025,
+ "norm_ops": 61686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.229391121212675,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8f75923b8de7ae3a35fc12599584add897f0ca35559f6cec35074e3ed0a6f36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:37.141000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:37.141000', 'bytes': 3016342528, 'norm_byte': 67196928, 'ops': 2945647, 'norm_ops': 65622, 'norm_ltcy': 15.255522544125826, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:37.141000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:37.141000",
+ "bytes": 3016342528,
+ "norm_byte": 67196928,
+ "ops": 2945647,
+ "norm_ops": 65622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.255522544125826,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c6ea190f2a394ae3f623fc4cd4eeaccfa66d3a9722b61f96d8154c2a093fd6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:38.142000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:38.142000', 'bytes': 3083993088, 'norm_byte': 67650560, 'ops': 3011712, 'norm_ops': 66065, 'norm_ltcy': 15.153326151328239, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:38.142000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:38.142000",
+ "bytes": 3083993088,
+ "norm_byte": 67650560,
+ "ops": 3011712,
+ "norm_ops": 66065,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.153326151328239,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4ecf6083e3e2ed3dd8965d7a1ccf38c00588297955e240098018f5be9afe8f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:39.143000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:39.143000', 'bytes': 3148215296, 'norm_byte': 64222208, 'ops': 3074429, 'norm_ops': 62717, 'norm_ltcy': 15.962083552156912, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:39.143000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:39.143000",
+ "bytes": 3148215296,
+ "norm_byte": 64222208,
+ "ops": 3074429,
+ "norm_ops": 62717,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.962083552156912,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d58f7211e78c386f0e51a8728e9aaff4732b4ea20c8920c41e73a008797528e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:40.144000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:40.144000', 'bytes': 3212006400, 'norm_byte': 63791104, 'ops': 3136725, 'norm_ops': 62296, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06991705301103, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:40.144000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:40.144000",
+ "bytes": 3212006400,
+ "norm_byte": 63791104,
+ "ops": 3136725,
+ "norm_ops": 62296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06991705301103,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1772cd03db88f2f97ba466d4a2d581e220ca971ad0abe7d0145d0d0f6eedd574",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:41.145000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:41.145000', 'bytes': 3274164224, 'norm_byte': 62157824, 'ops': 3197426, 'norm_ops': 60701, 'norm_ltcy': 16.49223595729477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:41.145000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:41.145000",
+ "bytes": 3274164224,
+ "norm_byte": 62157824,
+ "ops": 3197426,
+ "norm_ops": 60701,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.49223595729477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3cad30775b854b585f018a00d775e335e01d5544c862a260637b83db4d2c25b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:42.146000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:42.146000', 'bytes': 3337255936, 'norm_byte': 63091712, 'ops': 3259039, 'norm_ops': 61613, 'norm_ltcy': 16.248116709846137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:42.146000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:42.146000",
+ "bytes": 3337255936,
+ "norm_byte": 63091712,
+ "ops": 3259039,
+ "norm_ops": 61613,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.248116709846137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7debd13e0fb500dcc5182dd60ab8e835dc89d5b69f53356445438fa9a67daedd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:43.147000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:43.147000', 'bytes': 3401022464, 'norm_byte': 63766528, 'ops': 3321311, 'norm_ops': 62272, 'norm_ltcy': 16.076083050969938, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:43.147000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:43.147000",
+ "bytes": 3401022464,
+ "norm_byte": 63766528,
+ "ops": 3321311,
+ "norm_ops": 62272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.076083050969938,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77a1e31cccb684fd2c3632d37022f7b7eb97bc05ed958959e65e7729c4071907",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:44.148000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:44.148000', 'bytes': 3464397824, 'norm_byte': 63375360, 'ops': 3383201, 'norm_ops': 61890, 'norm_ltcy': 16.175367682329536, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:44.148000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:44.148000",
+ "bytes": 3464397824,
+ "norm_byte": 63375360,
+ "ops": 3383201,
+ "norm_ops": 61890,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.175367682329536,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f361da6a042525d0269d7034533706730ca5249977be9747a9e567b61a886e87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:45.150000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:45.150000', 'bytes': 3527317504, 'norm_byte': 62919680, 'ops': 3444646, 'norm_ops': 61445, 'norm_ltcy': 16.29245412564082, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:45.150000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:45.150000",
+ "bytes": 3527317504,
+ "norm_byte": 62919680,
+ "ops": 3444646,
+ "norm_ops": 61445,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.29245412564082,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ecbd9bc202b5781b6d271bbe53db6ca2f43a55486d7a04643814570c38ed72d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:46.151000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:46.151000', 'bytes': 3590194176, 'norm_byte': 62876672, 'ops': 3506049, 'norm_ops': 61403, 'norm_ltcy': 16.303745369983957, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:46.151000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:46.151000",
+ "bytes": 3590194176,
+ "norm_byte": 62876672,
+ "ops": 3506049,
+ "norm_ops": 61403,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.303745369983957,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7dc5189f9ea685d9406a75faab2fa36edbadeaebe8185d214bbd7bca977d5ff6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:47.152000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:47.152000', 'bytes': 3653830656, 'norm_byte': 63636480, 'ops': 3568194, 'norm_ops': 62145, 'norm_ltcy': 16.109077686257947, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:47.152000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:47.152000",
+ "bytes": 3653830656,
+ "norm_byte": 63636480,
+ "ops": 3568194,
+ "norm_ops": 62145,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.109077686257947,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c043c29fe896a3f76d75e1b210dd56dd87dde0b342d2c56395fe6e461de84a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:48.153000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:48.153000', 'bytes': 3716621312, 'norm_byte': 62790656, 'ops': 3629513, 'norm_ops': 61319, 'norm_ltcy': 16.326031854166327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:48.153000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:48.153000",
+ "bytes": 3716621312,
+ "norm_byte": 62790656,
+ "ops": 3629513,
+ "norm_ops": 61319,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.326031854166327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f714e67fb450f53524dd189a50622a5ae3515d1b70a7880949e50306c612292c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:49.154000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:49.154000', 'bytes': 3779650560, 'norm_byte': 63029248, 'ops': 3691065, 'norm_ops': 61552, 'norm_ltcy': 16.264413467220805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:49.154000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:49.154000",
+ "bytes": 3779650560,
+ "norm_byte": 63029248,
+ "ops": 3691065,
+ "norm_ops": 61552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.264413467220805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00eea1248bd622f7b97b04ca1d18556642c42e44909225a0196481d48f5da068",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:40:50.355000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:40:50.355000', 'bytes': 3841956864, 'norm_byte': 62306304, 'ops': 3751911, 'norm_ops': 60846, 'norm_ltcy': 19.743668313241628, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:40:50.355000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:40:50.355000",
+ "bytes": 3841956864,
+ "norm_byte": 62306304,
+ "ops": 3751911,
+ "norm_ops": 60846,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.743668313241628,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7d28d188-a2dd-5705-adf2-7b5eb892eea6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9335c2288b629923cb00ea9f338b5af6570b963e5de36c47b678f47498999a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 64032614.4
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62531.85
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.492882066929518
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:40:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-004-220519193705/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-004-220519193705/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c53538a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-004-220519193705/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-004-220519193705/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-004-220519193705/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-004-220519193705/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-004-220519193705/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-004-220519193705/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9102e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-004-220519193705/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=95
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=110
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-005-220519193906/220519193906-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-005-220519193906/220519193906-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbf8fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-005-220519193906/220519193906-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:41:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989310676.4839 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989311677.5947 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989311677.6758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989312678.7024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:57115648 nr_ops:55777\ntimestamp_ms:1652989313679.8042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:115055616 nr_ops:112359\ntimestamp_ms:1652989314680.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:166022144 nr_ops:162131\ntimestamp_ms:1652989315681.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:210818048 nr_ops:205877\ntimestamp_ms:1652989316682.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255732736 nr_ops:249739\ntimestamp_ms:1652989317683.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311833600 nr_ops:304525\ntimestamp_ms:1652989318684.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:344699904 nr_ops:336621\ntimestamp_ms:1652989319686.0049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375907328 nr_ops:367097\ntimestamp_ms:1652989320687.1177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:426152960 nr_ops:416165\ntimestamp_ms:1652989321688.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:477993984 nr_ops:466791\ntimestamp_ms:1652989322688.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:534631424 nr_ops:522101\ntimestamp_ms:1652989323689.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580203520 nr_ops:566605\ntimestamp_ms:1652989324690.9834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636414976 nr_ops:621499\ntimestamp_ms:1652989325692.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:677553152 nr_ops:661673\ntimestamp_ms:1652989326693.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721310720 nr_ops:704405\ntimestamp_ms:1652989327693.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777305088 nr_ops:759087\ntimestamp_ms:1652989328694.8811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:833827840 nr_ops:814285\ntimestamp_ms:1652989329695.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:890772480 nr_ops:869895\ntimestamp_ms:1652989330696.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947022848 nr_ops:924827\ntimestamp_ms:1652989331697.9011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1003439104 nr_ops:979921\ntimestamp_ms:1652989332698.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1054794752 nr_ops:1030073\ntimestamp_ms:1652989333700.0935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1105357824 nr_ops:1079451\ntimestamp_ms:1652989334701.2756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150839808 nr_ops:1123867\ntimestamp_ms:1652989335702.3384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209287680 nr_ops:1180945\ntimestamp_ms:1652989336703.4326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1260819456 nr_ops:1231269\ntimestamp_ms:1652989337704.4736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316873216 nr_ops:1286009\ntimestamp_ms:1652989338705.5698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1373666304 nr_ops:1341471\ntimestamp_ms:1652989339706.6680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1434033152 nr_ops:1400423\ntimestamp_ms:1652989340707.7593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1496251392 nr_ops:1461183\ntimestamp_ms:1652989341708.8530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1558236160 nr_ops:1521715\ntimestamp_ms:1652989342709.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1607363584 nr_ops:1569691\ntimestamp_ms:1652989343710.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1669800960 nr_ops:1630665\ntimestamp_ms:1652989344712.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731453952 nr_ops:1690873\ntimestamp_ms:1652989345713.1301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1790708736 nr_ops:1748739\ntimestamp_ms:1652989346714.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1846514688 nr_ops:1803237\ntimestamp_ms:1652989347715.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905280000 nr_ops:1860625\ntimestamp_ms:1652989348716.4224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967717376 nr_ops:1921599\ntimestamp_ms:1652989349717.5190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2017262592 nr_ops:1969983\ntimestamp_ms:1652989350718.6130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2079626240 nr_ops:2030885\ntimestamp_ms:1652989351719.7124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2142024704 nr_ops:2091821\ntimestamp_ms:1652989352720.8027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2204154880 nr_ops:2152495\ntimestamp_ms:1652989353721.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2266341376 nr_ops:2213224\ntimestamp_ms:1652989354723.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323469312 nr_ops:2269013\ntimestamp_ms:1652989355724.1118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2380342272 nr_ops:2324553\ntimestamp_ms:1652989356725.2090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2425663488 nr_ops:2368812\ntimestamp_ms:1652989357725.8589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2470822912 nr_ops:2412913\ntimestamp_ms:1652989358726.9536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2502906880 nr_ops:2444245\ntimestamp_ms:1652989359728.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543545344 nr_ops:2483931\ntimestamp_ms:1652989360729.1650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2578428928 nr_ops:2517997\ntimestamp_ms:1652989361729.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2638461952 nr_ops:2576623\ntimestamp_ms:1652989362730.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2686012416 nr_ops:2623059\ntimestamp_ms:1652989363732.0227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2740564992 nr_ops:2676333\ntimestamp_ms:1652989364733.1233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2783902720 nr_ops:2718655\ntimestamp_ms:1652989365734.2280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2828954624 nr_ops:2762651\ntimestamp_ms:1652989366735.3289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2885583872 nr_ops:2817953\ntimestamp_ms:1652989367736.4360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2942073856 nr_ops:2873119\ntimestamp_ms:1652989368736.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2998463488 nr_ops:2928187\ntimestamp_ms:1652989369737.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3054799872 nr_ops:2983203\ntimestamp_ms:1652989370739.0459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097625600 nr_ops:3025025\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139652021470976\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.3762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3129605120 nr_ops:3056255\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.4587 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.4697 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989372040.6902 name:Total nr_bytes:3129605120 nr_ops:3056256\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.5151 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6259210238 nr_ops:6112512\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.5164 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3129605120 nr_ops:3056258\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 286.83us 0.00ns 286.83us 286.83us \nTxn1 1528128 39.27us 0.00ns 209.04ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 43.34us 0.00ns 43.34us 43.34us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 286.19us 0.00ns 286.19us 286.19us \nwrite 1528128 2.44us 0.00ns 140.80us 2.14us \nread 1528127 36.76us 0.00ns 209.04ms 2.36us \ndisconnect 1 42.66us 0.00ns 42.66us 42.66us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 24503 24503 213.67Mb/s 213.67Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.97b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.100 62.37s 2.91GB 401.45Mb/s 3056258 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.91GB 401.45Mb/s 3056258 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415492, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989310676.4839 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989311677.5947 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989311677.6758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989312678.7024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:57115648 nr_ops:55777\ntimestamp_ms:1652989313679.8042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:115055616 nr_ops:112359\ntimestamp_ms:1652989314680.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:166022144 nr_ops:162131\ntimestamp_ms:1652989315681.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:210818048 nr_ops:205877\ntimestamp_ms:1652989316682.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255732736 nr_ops:249739\ntimestamp_ms:1652989317683.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311833600 nr_ops:304525\ntimestamp_ms:1652989318684.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:344699904 nr_ops:336621\ntimestamp_ms:1652989319686.0049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375907328 nr_ops:367097\ntimestamp_ms:1652989320687.1177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:426152960 nr_ops:416165\ntimestamp_ms:1652989321688.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:477993984 nr_ops:466791\ntimestamp_ms:1652989322688.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:534631424 nr_ops:522101\ntimestamp_ms:1652989323689.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580203520 nr_ops:566605\ntimestamp_ms:1652989324690.9834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636414976 nr_ops:621499\ntimestamp_ms:1652989325692.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:677553152 nr_ops:661673\ntimestamp_ms:1652989326693.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721310720 nr_ops:704405\ntimestamp_ms:1652989327693.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777305088 nr_ops:759087\ntimestamp_ms:1652989328694.8811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:833827840 nr_ops:814285\ntimestamp_ms:1652989329695.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:890772480 nr_ops:869895\ntimestamp_ms:1652989330696.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947022848 nr_ops:924827\ntimestamp_ms:1652989331697.9011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1003439104 nr_ops:979921\ntimestamp_ms:1652989332698.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1054794752 nr_ops:1030073\ntimestamp_ms:1652989333700.0935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1105357824 nr_ops:1079451\ntimestamp_ms:1652989334701.2756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150839808 nr_ops:1123867\ntimestamp_ms:1652989335702.3384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209287680 nr_ops:1180945\ntimestamp_ms:1652989336703.4326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1260819456 nr_ops:1231269\ntimestamp_ms:1652989337704.4736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316873216 nr_ops:1286009\ntimestamp_ms:1652989338705.5698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1373666304 nr_ops:1341471\ntimestamp_ms:1652989339706.6680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1434033152 nr_ops:1400423\ntimestamp_ms:1652989340707.7593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1496251392 nr_ops:1461183\ntimestamp_ms:1652989341708.8530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1558236160 nr_ops:1521715\ntimestamp_ms:1652989342709.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1607363584 nr_ops:1569691\ntimestamp_ms:1652989343710.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1669800960 nr_ops:1630665\ntimestamp_ms:1652989344712.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731453952 nr_ops:1690873\ntimestamp_ms:1652989345713.1301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1790708736 nr_ops:1748739\ntimestamp_ms:1652989346714.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1846514688 nr_ops:1803237\ntimestamp_ms:1652989347715.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905280000 nr_ops:1860625\ntimestamp_ms:1652989348716.4224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967717376 nr_ops:1921599\ntimestamp_ms:1652989349717.5190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2017262592 nr_ops:1969983\ntimestamp_ms:1652989350718.6130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2079626240 nr_ops:2030885\ntimestamp_ms:1652989351719.7124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2142024704 nr_ops:2091821\ntimestamp_ms:1652989352720.8027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2204154880 nr_ops:2152495\ntimestamp_ms:1652989353721.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2266341376 nr_ops:2213224\ntimestamp_ms:1652989354723.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323469312 nr_ops:2269013\ntimestamp_ms:1652989355724.1118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2380342272 nr_ops:2324553\ntimestamp_ms:1652989356725.2090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2425663488 nr_ops:2368812\ntimestamp_ms:1652989357725.8589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2470822912 nr_ops:2412913\ntimestamp_ms:1652989358726.9536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2502906880 nr_ops:2444245\ntimestamp_ms:1652989359728.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543545344 nr_ops:2483931\ntimestamp_ms:1652989360729.1650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2578428928 nr_ops:2517997\ntimestamp_ms:1652989361729.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2638461952 nr_ops:2576623\ntimestamp_ms:1652989362730.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2686012416 nr_ops:2623059\ntimestamp_ms:1652989363732.0227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2740564992 nr_ops:2676333\ntimestamp_ms:1652989364733.1233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2783902720 nr_ops:2718655\ntimestamp_ms:1652989365734.2280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2828954624 nr_ops:2762651\ntimestamp_ms:1652989366735.3289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2885583872 nr_ops:2817953\ntimestamp_ms:1652989367736.4360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2942073856 nr_ops:2873119\ntimestamp_ms:1652989368736.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2998463488 nr_ops:2928187\ntimestamp_ms:1652989369737.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3054799872 nr_ops:2983203\ntimestamp_ms:1652989370739.0459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097625600 nr_ops:3025025\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139652021470976\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.3762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3129605120 nr_ops:3056255\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.4587 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.4697 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989372040.6902 name:Total nr_bytes:3129605120 nr_ops:3056256\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.5151 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6259210238 nr_ops:6112512\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.5164 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3129605120 nr_ops:3056258\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 286.83us 0.00ns 286.83us 286.83us \nTxn1 1528128 39.27us 0.00ns 209.04ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 43.34us 0.00ns 43.34us 43.34us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 286.19us 0.00ns 286.19us 286.19us \nwrite 1528128 2.44us 0.00ns 140.80us 2.14us \nread 1528127 36.76us 0.00ns 209.04ms 2.36us \ndisconnect 1 42.66us 0.00ns 42.66us 42.66us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 24503 24503 213.67Mb/s 213.67Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.97b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.100 62.37s 2.91GB 401.45Mb/s 3056258 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.91GB 401.45Mb/s 3056258 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415492, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989310676.4839 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989311677.5947 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989311677.6758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989312678.7024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:57115648 nr_ops:55777\ntimestamp_ms:1652989313679.8042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:115055616 nr_ops:112359\ntimestamp_ms:1652989314680.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:166022144 nr_ops:162131\ntimestamp_ms:1652989315681.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:210818048 nr_ops:205877\ntimestamp_ms:1652989316682.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255732736 nr_ops:249739\ntimestamp_ms:1652989317683.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311833600 nr_ops:304525\ntimestamp_ms:1652989318684.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:344699904 nr_ops:336621\ntimestamp_ms:1652989319686.0049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375907328 nr_ops:367097\ntimestamp_ms:1652989320687.1177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:426152960 nr_ops:416165\ntimestamp_ms:1652989321688.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:477993984 nr_ops:466791\ntimestamp_ms:1652989322688.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:534631424 nr_ops:522101\ntimestamp_ms:1652989323689.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580203520 nr_ops:566605\ntimestamp_ms:1652989324690.9834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636414976 nr_ops:621499\ntimestamp_ms:1652989325692.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:677553152 nr_ops:661673\ntimestamp_ms:1652989326693.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721310720 nr_ops:704405\ntimestamp_ms:1652989327693.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777305088 nr_ops:759087\ntimestamp_ms:1652989328694.8811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:833827840 nr_ops:814285\ntimestamp_ms:1652989329695.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:890772480 nr_ops:869895\ntimestamp_ms:1652989330696.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947022848 nr_ops:924827\ntimestamp_ms:1652989331697.9011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1003439104 nr_ops:979921\ntimestamp_ms:1652989332698.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1054794752 nr_ops:1030073\ntimestamp_ms:1652989333700.0935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1105357824 nr_ops:1079451\ntimestamp_ms:1652989334701.2756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150839808 nr_ops:1123867\ntimestamp_ms:1652989335702.3384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209287680 nr_ops:1180945\ntimestamp_ms:1652989336703.4326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1260819456 nr_ops:1231269\ntimestamp_ms:1652989337704.4736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316873216 nr_ops:1286009\ntimestamp_ms:1652989338705.5698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1373666304 nr_ops:1341471\ntimestamp_ms:1652989339706.6680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1434033152 nr_ops:1400423\ntimestamp_ms:1652989340707.7593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1496251392 nr_ops:1461183\ntimestamp_ms:1652989341708.8530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1558236160 nr_ops:1521715\ntimestamp_ms:1652989342709.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1607363584 nr_ops:1569691\ntimestamp_ms:1652989343710.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1669800960 nr_ops:1630665\ntimestamp_ms:1652989344712.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731453952 nr_ops:1690873\ntimestamp_ms:1652989345713.1301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1790708736 nr_ops:1748739\ntimestamp_ms:1652989346714.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1846514688 nr_ops:1803237\ntimestamp_ms:1652989347715.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905280000 nr_ops:1860625\ntimestamp_ms:1652989348716.4224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967717376 nr_ops:1921599\ntimestamp_ms:1652989349717.5190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2017262592 nr_ops:1969983\ntimestamp_ms:1652989350718.6130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2079626240 nr_ops:2030885\ntimestamp_ms:1652989351719.7124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2142024704 nr_ops:2091821\ntimestamp_ms:1652989352720.8027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2204154880 nr_ops:2152495\ntimestamp_ms:1652989353721.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2266341376 nr_ops:2213224\ntimestamp_ms:1652989354723.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323469312 nr_ops:2269013\ntimestamp_ms:1652989355724.1118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2380342272 nr_ops:2324553\ntimestamp_ms:1652989356725.2090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2425663488 nr_ops:2368812\ntimestamp_ms:1652989357725.8589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2470822912 nr_ops:2412913\ntimestamp_ms:1652989358726.9536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2502906880 nr_ops:2444245\ntimestamp_ms:1652989359728.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543545344 nr_ops:2483931\ntimestamp_ms:1652989360729.1650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2578428928 nr_ops:2517997\ntimestamp_ms:1652989361729.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2638461952 nr_ops:2576623\ntimestamp_ms:1652989362730.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2686012416 nr_ops:2623059\ntimestamp_ms:1652989363732.0227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2740564992 nr_ops:2676333\ntimestamp_ms:1652989364733.1233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2783902720 nr_ops:2718655\ntimestamp_ms:1652989365734.2280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2828954624 nr_ops:2762651\ntimestamp_ms:1652989366735.3289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2885583872 nr_ops:2817953\ntimestamp_ms:1652989367736.4360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2942073856 nr_ops:2873119\ntimestamp_ms:1652989368736.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2998463488 nr_ops:2928187\ntimestamp_ms:1652989369737.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3054799872 nr_ops:2983203\ntimestamp_ms:1652989370739.0459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097625600 nr_ops:3025025\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139652021470976\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.3762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3129605120 nr_ops:3056255\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.4587 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.4697 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989372040.6902 name:Total nr_bytes:3129605120 nr_ops:3056256\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.5151 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6259210238 nr_ops:6112512\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989371940.5164 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3129605120 nr_ops:3056258\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 286.83us 0.00ns 286.83us 286.83us \nTxn1 1528128 39.27us 0.00ns 209.04ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 43.34us 0.00ns 43.34us 43.34us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 286.19us 0.00ns 286.19us 286.19us \nwrite 1528128 2.44us 0.00ns 140.80us 2.14us \nread 1528127 36.76us 0.00ns 209.04ms 2.36us \ndisconnect 1 42.66us 0.00ns 42.66us 42.66us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 24503 24503 213.67Mb/s 213.67Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.97b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.100 62.37s 2.91GB 401.45Mb/s 3056258 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.91GB 401.45Mb/s 3056258 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415492, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989310676.4839 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989311677.5947 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989311677.6758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989312678.7024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:57115648 nr_ops:55777
+timestamp_ms:1652989313679.8042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:115055616 nr_ops:112359
+timestamp_ms:1652989314680.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:166022144 nr_ops:162131
+timestamp_ms:1652989315681.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:210818048 nr_ops:205877
+timestamp_ms:1652989316682.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255732736 nr_ops:249739
+timestamp_ms:1652989317683.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311833600 nr_ops:304525
+timestamp_ms:1652989318684.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:344699904 nr_ops:336621
+timestamp_ms:1652989319686.0049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375907328 nr_ops:367097
+timestamp_ms:1652989320687.1177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:426152960 nr_ops:416165
+timestamp_ms:1652989321688.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:477993984 nr_ops:466791
+timestamp_ms:1652989322688.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:534631424 nr_ops:522101
+timestamp_ms:1652989323689.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580203520 nr_ops:566605
+timestamp_ms:1652989324690.9834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636414976 nr_ops:621499
+timestamp_ms:1652989325692.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:677553152 nr_ops:661673
+timestamp_ms:1652989326693.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721310720 nr_ops:704405
+timestamp_ms:1652989327693.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777305088 nr_ops:759087
+timestamp_ms:1652989328694.8811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:833827840 nr_ops:814285
+timestamp_ms:1652989329695.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:890772480 nr_ops:869895
+timestamp_ms:1652989330696.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947022848 nr_ops:924827
+timestamp_ms:1652989331697.9011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1003439104 nr_ops:979921
+timestamp_ms:1652989332698.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1054794752 nr_ops:1030073
+timestamp_ms:1652989333700.0935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1105357824 nr_ops:1079451
+timestamp_ms:1652989334701.2756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150839808 nr_ops:1123867
+timestamp_ms:1652989335702.3384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209287680 nr_ops:1180945
+timestamp_ms:1652989336703.4326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1260819456 nr_ops:1231269
+timestamp_ms:1652989337704.4736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316873216 nr_ops:1286009
+timestamp_ms:1652989338705.5698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1373666304 nr_ops:1341471
+timestamp_ms:1652989339706.6680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1434033152 nr_ops:1400423
+timestamp_ms:1652989340707.7593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1496251392 nr_ops:1461183
+timestamp_ms:1652989341708.8530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1558236160 nr_ops:1521715
+timestamp_ms:1652989342709.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1607363584 nr_ops:1569691
+timestamp_ms:1652989343710.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1669800960 nr_ops:1630665
+timestamp_ms:1652989344712.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731453952 nr_ops:1690873
+timestamp_ms:1652989345713.1301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1790708736 nr_ops:1748739
+timestamp_ms:1652989346714.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1846514688 nr_ops:1803237
+timestamp_ms:1652989347715.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905280000 nr_ops:1860625
+timestamp_ms:1652989348716.4224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967717376 nr_ops:1921599
+timestamp_ms:1652989349717.5190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2017262592 nr_ops:1969983
+timestamp_ms:1652989350718.6130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2079626240 nr_ops:2030885
+timestamp_ms:1652989351719.7124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2142024704 nr_ops:2091821
+timestamp_ms:1652989352720.8027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2204154880 nr_ops:2152495
+timestamp_ms:1652989353721.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2266341376 nr_ops:2213224
+timestamp_ms:1652989354723.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323469312 nr_ops:2269013
+timestamp_ms:1652989355724.1118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2380342272 nr_ops:2324553
+timestamp_ms:1652989356725.2090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2425663488 nr_ops:2368812
+timestamp_ms:1652989357725.8589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2470822912 nr_ops:2412913
+timestamp_ms:1652989358726.9536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2502906880 nr_ops:2444245
+timestamp_ms:1652989359728.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543545344 nr_ops:2483931
+timestamp_ms:1652989360729.1650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2578428928 nr_ops:2517997
+timestamp_ms:1652989361729.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2638461952 nr_ops:2576623
+timestamp_ms:1652989362730.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2686012416 nr_ops:2623059
+timestamp_ms:1652989363732.0227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2740564992 nr_ops:2676333
+timestamp_ms:1652989364733.1233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2783902720 nr_ops:2718655
+timestamp_ms:1652989365734.2280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2828954624 nr_ops:2762651
+timestamp_ms:1652989366735.3289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2885583872 nr_ops:2817953
+timestamp_ms:1652989367736.4360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2942073856 nr_ops:2873119
+timestamp_ms:1652989368736.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2998463488 nr_ops:2928187
+timestamp_ms:1652989369737.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3054799872 nr_ops:2983203
+timestamp_ms:1652989370739.0459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097625600 nr_ops:3025025
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139652021470976
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652989371940.3762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3129605120 nr_ops:3056255
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989371940.4587 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989371940.4697 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989372040.6902 name:Total nr_bytes:3129605120 nr_ops:3056256
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989371940.5151 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6259210238 nr_ops:6112512
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989371940.5164 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3129605120 nr_ops:3056258
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 286.83us 0.00ns 286.83us 286.83us
+Txn1 1528128 39.27us 0.00ns 209.04ms 18.41us
+Txn2 1 43.34us 0.00ns 43.34us 43.34us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 286.19us 0.00ns 286.19us 286.19us
+write 1528128 2.44us 0.00ns 140.80us 2.14us
+read 1528127 36.76us 0.00ns 209.04ms 2.36us
+disconnect 1 42.66us 0.00ns 42.66us 42.66us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 24503 24503 213.67Mb/s 213.67Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.97b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.100 62.37s 2.91GB 401.45Mb/s 3056258 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.91GB 401.45Mb/s 3056258 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:41:52.678000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:41:52.678000', 'bytes': 57115648, 'norm_byte': 57115648, 'ops': 55777, 'norm_ops': 55777, 'norm_ltcy': 17.94694249113658, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:41:52.678000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:41:52.678000",
+ "bytes": 57115648,
+ "norm_byte": 57115648,
+ "ops": 55777,
+ "norm_ops": 55777,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.94694249113658,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ec935e36c36f234583aca005cc7056b7033e90350eb03b642632c8ac64a6cd0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:41:53.679000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:41:53.679000', 'bytes': 115055616, 'norm_byte': 57939968, 'ops': 112359, 'norm_ops': 56582, 'norm_ltcy': 17.692937800725055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:41:53.679000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:41:53.679000",
+ "bytes": 115055616,
+ "norm_byte": 57939968,
+ "ops": 112359,
+ "norm_ops": 56582,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.692937800725055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2d07d87f47462a85b32edd7726af73cb51afcc12f5dc18ac504e42bb71358f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:41:54.680000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:41:54.680000', 'bytes': 166022144, 'norm_byte': 50966528, 'ops': 162131, 'norm_ops': 49772, 'norm_ltcy': 20.11242555113819, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:41:54.680000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:41:54.680000",
+ "bytes": 166022144,
+ "norm_byte": 50966528,
+ "ops": 162131,
+ "norm_ops": 49772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.11242555113819,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d85801b192f96e882728e417fb11de79637647961e378a556a43c6c7363f1080",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:41:55.681000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:41:55.681000', 'bytes': 210818048, 'norm_byte': 44795904, 'ops': 205877, 'norm_ops': 43746, 'norm_ltcy': 22.883280801744732, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:41:55.681000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:41:55.681000",
+ "bytes": 210818048,
+ "norm_byte": 44795904,
+ "ops": 205877,
+ "norm_ops": 43746,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.883280801744732,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1051f84a1deb5f31c4c3122380ac6e52807468a6ca8c9e586698bd21f0330d1e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:41:56.682000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:41:56.682000', 'bytes': 255732736, 'norm_byte': 44914688, 'ops': 249739, 'norm_ops': 43862, 'norm_ltcy': 22.820302124774862, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:41:56.682000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:41:56.682000",
+ "bytes": 255732736,
+ "norm_byte": 44914688,
+ "ops": 249739,
+ "norm_ops": 43862,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.820302124774862,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a217a85b2850659f02db2938348577f168c98318724f8d81ede61f0a951aec20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:41:57.683000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:41:57.683000', 'bytes': 311833600, 'norm_byte': 56100864, 'ops': 304525, 'norm_ops': 54786, 'norm_ltcy': 18.271184736120997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:41:57.683000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:41:57.683000",
+ "bytes": 311833600,
+ "norm_byte": 56100864,
+ "ops": 304525,
+ "norm_ops": 54786,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.271184736120997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e12cf0b84285e664a4c699d67a76b034ff173dc93e2eab0ccf56622dba06866d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:41:58.684000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:41:58.684000', 'bytes': 344699904, 'norm_byte': 32866304, 'ops': 336621, 'norm_ops': 32096, 'norm_ltcy': 31.19112511099514, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:41:58.684000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:41:58.684000",
+ "bytes": 344699904,
+ "norm_byte": 32866304,
+ "ops": 336621,
+ "norm_ops": 32096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.19112511099514,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3bb9299b87f458358a08cfb43df2c64bc11377935688994a2f1e8f2213a6c96e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:41:59.686000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:41:59.686000', 'bytes': 375907328, 'norm_byte': 31207424, 'ops': 367097, 'norm_ops': 30476, 'norm_ltcy': 32.84727217472355, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:41:59.686000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:41:59.686000",
+ "bytes": 375907328,
+ "norm_byte": 31207424,
+ "ops": 367097,
+ "norm_ops": 30476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.84727217472355,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "135a498ea629b2b07c00f1d11d3fcc8ca529a87137ba68b3292fd3dc6bfcd50b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:00.687000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:00.687000', 'bytes': 426152960, 'norm_byte': 50245632, 'ops': 416165, 'norm_ops': 49068, 'norm_ltcy': 20.402559569755237, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:00.687000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:00.687000",
+ "bytes": 426152960,
+ "norm_byte": 50245632,
+ "ops": 416165,
+ "norm_ops": 49068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.402559569755237,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37b72e41d5bc05f00b7484031b4527575a946f989f092dbc00d319f991da7072",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:01.688000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:01.688000', 'bytes': 477993984, 'norm_byte': 51841024, 'ops': 466791, 'norm_ops': 50626, 'norm_ltcy': 19.773683482795402, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:01.688000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:01.688000",
+ "bytes": 477993984,
+ "norm_byte": 51841024,
+ "ops": 466791,
+ "norm_ops": 50626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.773683482795402,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2feac6b7711e6081a1af2910fba52a084a2a5918cfe81c6a2579655ce8225cd2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:02.688000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:02.688000', 'bytes': 534631424, 'norm_byte': 56637440, 'ops': 522101, 'norm_ops': 55310, 'norm_ltcy': 18.091773745423524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:02.688000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:02.688000",
+ "bytes": 534631424,
+ "norm_byte": 56637440,
+ "ops": 522101,
+ "norm_ops": 55310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.091773745423524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8da0d681b17a2adf75d1bfa9dedb247d69db80c6068160c1a9397fab2ea098aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:03.689000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:03.689000', 'bytes': 580203520, 'norm_byte': 45572096, 'ops': 566605, 'norm_ops': 44504, 'norm_ltcy': 22.494845310604106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:03.689000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:03.689000",
+ "bytes": 580203520,
+ "norm_byte": 45572096,
+ "ops": 566605,
+ "norm_ops": 44504,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.494845310604106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc867a3390d1014ddc53c82da4fa50360b345851b401065942387414f220d3ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:04.690000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:04.690000', 'bytes': 636414976, 'norm_byte': 56211456, 'ops': 621499, 'norm_ops': 54894, 'norm_ltcy': 18.235811219691588, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:04.690000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:04.690000",
+ "bytes": 636414976,
+ "norm_byte": 56211456,
+ "ops": 621499,
+ "norm_ops": 54894,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.235811219691588,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a34e5420c71fbf837f69b2be371d84eff1ac5f300853cf012da4c58fe0f963d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:05.692000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:05.692000', 'bytes': 677553152, 'norm_byte': 41138176, 'ops': 661673, 'norm_ops': 40174, 'norm_ltcy': 24.921365011419077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:05.692000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:05.692000",
+ "bytes": 677553152,
+ "norm_byte": 41138176,
+ "ops": 661673,
+ "norm_ops": 40174,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.921365011419077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb6c917217db6846052b4663fdbac5d0610635ef357c56412891385a92972b90",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:06.693000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:06.693000', 'bytes': 721310720, 'norm_byte': 43757568, 'ops': 704405, 'norm_ops': 42732, 'norm_ltcy': 23.425930572741155, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:06.693000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:06.693000",
+ "bytes": 721310720,
+ "norm_byte": 43757568,
+ "ops": 704405,
+ "norm_ops": 42732,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.425930572741155,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c477119a23590b967e6ef0582d43536368be40b7c338ff1916e245901c4bb3a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:07.693000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:07.693000', 'bytes': 777305088, 'norm_byte': 55994368, 'ops': 759087, 'norm_ops': 54682, 'norm_ltcy': 18.299001070964852, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:07.693000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:07.693000",
+ "bytes": 777305088,
+ "norm_byte": 55994368,
+ "ops": 759087,
+ "norm_ops": 54682,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.299001070964852,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67e02b024908c9d82f8a80a9f082ef9caac0ab068fd155f9f3e14b8dd7018922",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:08.694000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:08.694000', 'bytes': 833827840, 'norm_byte': 56522752, 'ops': 814285, 'norm_ops': 55198, 'norm_ltcy': 18.13551116548607, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:08.694000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:08.694000",
+ "bytes": 833827840,
+ "norm_byte": 56522752,
+ "ops": 814285,
+ "norm_ops": 55198,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.13551116548607,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3c864b74f29178ad2dbe8ce4f0f9ae56d2ebaaed5f71206f37a0b466a50dab1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:09.695000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:09.695000', 'bytes': 890772480, 'norm_byte': 56944640, 'ops': 869895, 'norm_ops': 55610, 'norm_ltcy': 17.999582577043245, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:09.695000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:09.695000",
+ "bytes": 890772480,
+ "norm_byte": 56944640,
+ "ops": 869895,
+ "norm_ops": 55610,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.999582577043245,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86b290e874d75a435c6e9a78d3e6fa3b9e073d47e9fe2d124265958fb601d6d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:10.696000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:10.696000', 'bytes': 947022848, 'norm_byte': 56250368, 'ops': 924827, 'norm_ops': 54932, 'norm_ltcy': 18.222538561881052, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:10.696000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:10.696000",
+ "bytes": 947022848,
+ "norm_byte": 56250368,
+ "ops": 924827,
+ "norm_ops": 54932,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.222538561881052,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad710430ef20bdd83113d055d56b3a6679e95e62a5d4bcfded93579a80566225",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:11.697000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:11.697000', 'bytes': 1003439104, 'norm_byte': 56416256, 'ops': 979921, 'norm_ops': 55094, 'norm_ltcy': 18.170086472948505, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:11.697000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:11.697000",
+ "bytes": 1003439104,
+ "norm_byte": 56416256,
+ "ops": 979921,
+ "norm_ops": 55094,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.170086472948505,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea4710c455da172f1d0ebd0b0b404425e036687acf9aa925208fe131315b2442",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:12.698000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:12.698000', 'bytes': 1054794752, 'norm_byte': 51355648, 'ops': 1030073, 'norm_ops': 50152, 'norm_ltcy': 19.961246521512102, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:12.698000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:12.698000",
+ "bytes": 1054794752,
+ "norm_byte": 51355648,
+ "ops": 1030073,
+ "norm_ops": 50152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.961246521512102,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac5e942f3ecd0d24cdb84bb0b69adc2e3da8ad53319601f46d4e99d51315dba4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:13.700000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:13.700000', 'bytes': 1105357824, 'norm_byte': 50563072, 'ops': 1079451, 'norm_ops': 49378, 'norm_ltcy': 20.274129111459054, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:13.700000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:13.700000",
+ "bytes": 1105357824,
+ "norm_byte": 50563072,
+ "ops": 1079451,
+ "norm_ops": 49378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.274129111459054,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "71bc40870035ec8ae41901d5fa2e030c1be12921f6e2e6feff8df5cc7731c732",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:14.701000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:14.701000', 'bytes': 1150839808, 'norm_byte': 45481984, 'ops': 1123867, 'norm_ops': 44416, 'norm_ltcy': 22.54102415585037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:14.701000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:14.701000",
+ "bytes": 1150839808,
+ "norm_byte": 45481984,
+ "ops": 1123867,
+ "norm_ops": 44416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.54102415585037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9497b9fc6ceca853fe37130c4d1009e7ddbfcca0cdf47ec8ec770bced2219a3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:15.702000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:15.702000', 'bytes': 1209287680, 'norm_byte': 58447872, 'ops': 1180945, 'norm_ops': 57078, 'norm_ltcy': 17.538504224756036, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:15.702000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:15.702000",
+ "bytes": 1209287680,
+ "norm_byte": 58447872,
+ "ops": 1180945,
+ "norm_ops": 57078,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.538504224756036,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ccb0665438e565b9cb09ba33b41595e7a042edc0f1d9ea94612d9bc35e6bbe08",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:16.703000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:16.703000', 'bytes': 1260819456, 'norm_byte': 51531776, 'ops': 1231269, 'norm_ops': 50324, 'norm_ltcy': 19.89297826645835, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:16.703000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:16.703000",
+ "bytes": 1260819456,
+ "norm_byte": 51531776,
+ "ops": 1231269,
+ "norm_ops": 50324,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.89297826645835,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d015680983cbcc43c42c2c496b5db2245fdb78451c7cfb50fff48abda5a66e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:17.704000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:17.704000', 'bytes': 1316873216, 'norm_byte': 56053760, 'ops': 1286009, 'norm_ops': 54740, 'norm_ltcy': 18.28719429347826, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:17.704000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:17.704000",
+ "bytes": 1316873216,
+ "norm_byte": 56053760,
+ "ops": 1286009,
+ "norm_ops": 54740,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.28719429347826,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "410d7baf445d624c62fd39c5cd610a34c06fc03eef4f706666f0dbd820546f3d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:18.705000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:18.705000', 'bytes': 1373666304, 'norm_byte': 56793088, 'ops': 1341471, 'norm_ops': 55462, 'norm_ltcy': 18.0501278606298, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:18.705000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:18.705000",
+ "bytes": 1373666304,
+ "norm_byte": 56793088,
+ "ops": 1341471,
+ "norm_ops": 55462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.0501278606298,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "168d4f59130f977cb6a8d01c1188021a257d6c517ac41fd3b568ac7066630014",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:19.706000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:19.706000', 'bytes': 1434033152, 'norm_byte': 60366848, 'ops': 1400423, 'norm_ops': 58952, 'norm_ltcy': 16.981580684815615, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:19.706000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:19.706000",
+ "bytes": 1434033152,
+ "norm_byte": 60366848,
+ "ops": 1400423,
+ "norm_ops": 58952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.981580684815615,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c7f6350b2a4da824021f67ffa62c385a6136b68c2894a2e7bef94fdd5f40238d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:20.707000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:20.707000', 'bytes': 1496251392, 'norm_byte': 62218240, 'ops': 1461183, 'norm_ops': 60760, 'norm_ltcy': 16.476157152629195, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:20.707000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:20.707000",
+ "bytes": 1496251392,
+ "norm_byte": 62218240,
+ "ops": 1461183,
+ "norm_ops": 60760,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.476157152629195,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02dce72f4045872193995fb7579962aa68d49877b5f4656f0196a68e9bab2409",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:21.708000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:21.708000', 'bytes': 1558236160, 'norm_byte': 61984768, 'ops': 1521715, 'norm_ops': 60532, 'norm_ltcy': 16.538256624595256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:21.708000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:21.708000",
+ "bytes": 1558236160,
+ "norm_byte": 61984768,
+ "ops": 1521715,
+ "norm_ops": 60532,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.538256624595256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f2977bba2527bab721678c75b16d9f8bde50befc19bc7fb74ba2feb175ef0a29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:22.709000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:22.709000', 'bytes': 1607363584, 'norm_byte': 49127424, 'ops': 1569691, 'norm_ops': 47976, 'norm_ltcy': 20.86439541385276, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:22.709000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:22.709000",
+ "bytes": 1607363584,
+ "norm_byte": 49127424,
+ "ops": 1569691,
+ "norm_ops": 47976,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.86439541385276,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ccf209b2dde309ecd4f21ec1bea6083b69fb64248257fb81c125ec86abc432bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:23.710000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:23.710000', 'bytes': 1669800960, 'norm_byte': 62437376, 'ops': 1630665, 'norm_ops': 60974, 'norm_ltcy': 16.418394969064682, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:23.710000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:23.710000",
+ "bytes": 1669800960,
+ "norm_byte": 62437376,
+ "ops": 1630665,
+ "norm_ops": 60974,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.418394969064682,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d521027a31ed54ea8647d7210ffccd8d378ba87c4cbcdfab96ebd14abcb70eb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:24.712000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:24.712000', 'bytes': 1731453952, 'norm_byte': 61652992, 'ops': 1690873, 'norm_ops': 60208, 'norm_ltcy': 16.627270903575937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:24.712000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:24.712000",
+ "bytes": 1731453952,
+ "norm_byte": 61652992,
+ "ops": 1690873,
+ "norm_ops": 60208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.627270903575937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdca2ee25551da9877bbdb591495138bd0ee168241ace28e29f4cd5296cdc0b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:25.713000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:25.713000', 'bytes': 1790708736, 'norm_byte': 59254784, 'ops': 1748739, 'norm_ops': 57866, 'norm_ltcy': 17.300261359487866, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:25.713000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:25.713000",
+ "bytes": 1790708736,
+ "norm_byte": 59254784,
+ "ops": 1748739,
+ "norm_ops": 57866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.300261359487866,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60283c3e70f7d647e55caaf916fcf3b5c3a1463f334c1c243425699268c8dd8d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:26.714000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:26.714000', 'bytes': 1846514688, 'norm_byte': 55805952, 'ops': 1803237, 'norm_ops': 54498, 'norm_ltcy': 18.369398124415117, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:26.714000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:26.714000",
+ "bytes": 1846514688,
+ "norm_byte": 55805952,
+ "ops": 1803237,
+ "norm_ops": 54498,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.369398124415117,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a983df32f8138bf12d21f5ebdc8775ac486eb7c7165c4b9a0ecedda32cad2aeb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:27.715000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:27.715000', 'bytes': 1905280000, 'norm_byte': 58765312, 'ops': 1860625, 'norm_ops': 57388, 'norm_ltcy': 17.44430881265465, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:27.715000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:27.715000",
+ "bytes": 1905280000,
+ "norm_byte": 58765312,
+ "ops": 1860625,
+ "norm_ops": 57388,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.44430881265465,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e4b28802fe072107b3ac53db6b26ef38f7558a28a9f3e8f330219b1be804efc0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:28.716000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:28.716000', 'bytes': 1967717376, 'norm_byte': 62437376, 'ops': 1921599, 'norm_ops': 60974, 'norm_ltcy': 16.418519093435318, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:28.716000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:28.716000",
+ "bytes": 1967717376,
+ "norm_byte": 62437376,
+ "ops": 1921599,
+ "norm_ops": 60974,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.418519093435318,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c229bc900ec8df47bf9a5aaea424e62b2bdc3e575c6d791804a02077502ddb0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:29.717000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:29.717000', 'bytes': 2017262592, 'norm_byte': 49545216, 'ops': 1969983, 'norm_ops': 48384, 'norm_ltcy': 20.690655582165594, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:29.717000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:29.717000",
+ "bytes": 2017262592,
+ "norm_byte": 49545216,
+ "ops": 1969983,
+ "norm_ops": 48384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.690655582165594,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fed110ada27fe676bf0d26a0d389f07c1ad234c5f010f40d7a1b317bcbbf3a6a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:30.718000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:30.718000', 'bytes': 2079626240, 'norm_byte': 62363648, 'ops': 2030885, 'norm_ops': 60902, 'norm_ltcy': 16.437785198197513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:30.718000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:30.718000",
+ "bytes": 2079626240,
+ "norm_byte": 62363648,
+ "ops": 2030885,
+ "norm_ops": 60902,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.437785198197513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "031caf39150ba27afae529ee6e5050963c4d7eddacae1bfe5cc0f809b3747284",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:31.719000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:31.719000', 'bytes': 2142024704, 'norm_byte': 62398464, 'ops': 2091821, 'norm_ops': 60936, 'norm_ltcy': 16.428701674451474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:31.719000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:31.719000",
+ "bytes": 2142024704,
+ "norm_byte": 62398464,
+ "ops": 2091821,
+ "norm_ops": 60936,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.428701674451474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "924f86668211da76334e3121ca0a7fab3c15bd83f0d619860f0dcf59b5eb410e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:32.720000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:32.720000', 'bytes': 2204154880, 'norm_byte': 62130176, 'ops': 2152495, 'norm_ops': 60674, 'norm_ltcy': 16.499494545130535, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:32.720000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:32.720000",
+ "bytes": 2204154880,
+ "norm_byte": 62130176,
+ "ops": 2152495,
+ "norm_ops": 60674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.499494545130535,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88ecc7eea7b17d0611d8e52634ec721bb41009514ac6eda890960782d6015ed3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:33.721000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:33.721000', 'bytes': 2266341376, 'norm_byte': 62186496, 'ops': 2213224, 'norm_ops': 60729, 'norm_ltcy': 16.484720412611765, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:33.721000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:33.721000",
+ "bytes": 2266341376,
+ "norm_byte": 62186496,
+ "ops": 2213224,
+ "norm_ops": 60729,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.484720412611765,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2cd2a1232a6b9682b8403b8047b5bd61786b16e2f03ee01965e51d3795de20fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:34.723000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:34.723000', 'bytes': 2323469312, 'norm_byte': 57127936, 'ops': 2269013, 'norm_ops': 55789, 'norm_ltcy': 17.94460944641865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:34.723000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:34.723000",
+ "bytes": 2323469312,
+ "norm_byte": 57127936,
+ "ops": 2269013,
+ "norm_ops": 55789,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.94460944641865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b3e3ba35dbb140fd633ad654cc576cd4143760fb792fd759bdc4a62ce9725b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:35.724000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:35.724000', 'bytes': 2380342272, 'norm_byte': 56872960, 'ops': 2324553, 'norm_ops': 55540, 'norm_ltcy': 18.02478717478394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:35.724000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:35.724000",
+ "bytes": 2380342272,
+ "norm_byte": 56872960,
+ "ops": 2324553,
+ "norm_ops": 55540,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.02478717478394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2e4ee4d952f4022975ca4db81128ee419ce7c92d98d934812eded2c7221a564",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:36.725000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:36.725000', 'bytes': 2425663488, 'norm_byte': 45321216, 'ops': 2368812, 'norm_ops': 44259, 'norm_ltcy': 22.619064325193744, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:36.725000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:36.725000",
+ "bytes": 2425663488,
+ "norm_byte": 45321216,
+ "ops": 2368812,
+ "norm_ops": 44259,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.619064325193744,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b45b603a57b0f8ce355fa0db36848a1fc19b2a708ec1b6de93c14312e9913105",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:37.725000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:37.725000', 'bytes': 2470822912, 'norm_byte': 45159424, 'ops': 2412913, 'norm_ops': 44101, 'norm_ltcy': 22.68995946449627, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:37.725000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:37.725000",
+ "bytes": 2470822912,
+ "norm_byte": 45159424,
+ "ops": 2412913,
+ "norm_ops": 44101,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.68995946449627,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa51795d927a91ed1e2920910158fbf1dcfbabf5febcf0c1bdd61ce7b29b0eb5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:38.726000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:38.726000', 'bytes': 2502906880, 'norm_byte': 32083968, 'ops': 2444245, 'norm_ops': 31332, 'norm_ltcy': 31.951191323965915, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:38.726000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:38.726000",
+ "bytes": 2502906880,
+ "norm_byte": 32083968,
+ "ops": 2444245,
+ "norm_ops": 31332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.951191323965915,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5aed1fdbd5d4f9557ec78774ccd8e8f4c2c8958dc2b8031acd3fcec50b238047",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:39.728000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:39.728000', 'bytes': 2543545344, 'norm_byte': 40638464, 'ops': 2483931, 'norm_ops': 39686, 'norm_ltcy': 25.225658135110617, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:39.728000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:39.728000",
+ "bytes": 2543545344,
+ "norm_byte": 40638464,
+ "ops": 2483931,
+ "norm_ops": 39686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.225658135110617,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c94a56be5abcdc6ccf01412a249e285bba2b6274ed71f7222f097550fd2906d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:40.729000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:40.729000', 'bytes': 2578428928, 'norm_byte': 34883584, 'ops': 2517997, 'norm_ops': 34066, 'norm_ltcy': 29.387247021406974, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:40.729000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:40.729000",
+ "bytes": 2578428928,
+ "norm_byte": 34883584,
+ "ops": 2517997,
+ "norm_ops": 34066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.387247021406974,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf6dda0f15b543a76640293348c3c1a2f0f2c9e58ebf549b955c59d54d8ecfa5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:41.729000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:41.729000', 'bytes': 2638461952, 'norm_byte': 60033024, 'ops': 2576623, 'norm_ops': 58626, 'norm_ltcy': 17.068701220181747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:41.729000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:41.729000",
+ "bytes": 2638461952,
+ "norm_byte": 60033024,
+ "ops": 2576623,
+ "norm_ops": 58626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.068701220181747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a129b3a8f614416cbc3104789f3479879d9a830d626ebf8e980a90fc94a515d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:42.730000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:42.730000', 'bytes': 2686012416, 'norm_byte': 47550464, 'ops': 2623059, 'norm_ops': 46436, 'norm_ltcy': 21.558564602019448, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:42.730000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:42.730000",
+ "bytes": 2686012416,
+ "norm_byte": 47550464,
+ "ops": 2623059,
+ "norm_ops": 46436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.558564602019448,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8520bc0cf0fd085e3089f5c93d2f7556ece8f980c276ca73362ced39669b00a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:43.732000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:43.732000', 'bytes': 2740564992, 'norm_byte': 54552576, 'ops': 2676333, 'norm_ops': 53274, 'norm_ltcy': 18.791427007956507, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:43.732000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:43.732000",
+ "bytes": 2740564992,
+ "norm_byte": 54552576,
+ "ops": 2676333,
+ "norm_ops": 53274,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.791427007956507,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe02493dd8f858babf78081ff498ae32085f4b9bc4960fd9d9833e0111660299",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:44.733000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:44.733000', 'bytes': 2783902720, 'norm_byte': 43337728, 'ops': 2718655, 'norm_ops': 42322, 'norm_ltcy': 23.654378005233685, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:44.733000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:44.733000",
+ "bytes": 2783902720,
+ "norm_byte": 43337728,
+ "ops": 2718655,
+ "norm_ops": 42322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.654378005233685,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d71b3cc08ee6543bafe8b8a1c093d870833ded282a7064f8bff23550660b899",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:45.734000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:45.734000', 'bytes': 2828954624, 'norm_byte': 45051904, 'ops': 2762651, 'norm_ops': 43996, 'norm_ltcy': 22.7544489573626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:45.734000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:45.734000",
+ "bytes": 2828954624,
+ "norm_byte": 45051904,
+ "ops": 2762651,
+ "norm_ops": 43996,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.7544489573626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fb194ac8cc0f0422dba0a41b091098b1ffc0e9668bc3eac94d0a7f703e7fa318",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:46.735000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:46.735000', 'bytes': 2885583872, 'norm_byte': 56629248, 'ops': 2817953, 'norm_ops': 55302, 'norm_ltcy': 18.102434452246303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:46.735000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:46.735000",
+ "bytes": 2885583872,
+ "norm_byte": 56629248,
+ "ops": 2817953,
+ "norm_ops": 55302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.102434452246303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ca7c7638ffcaf824b41b08d48ba43e996b50a8d262cdd2a6f49d8ef86b4f15b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:47.736000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:47.736000', 'bytes': 2942073856, 'norm_byte': 56489984, 'ops': 2873119, 'norm_ops': 55166, 'norm_ltcy': 18.14717720578572, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:47.736000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:47.736000",
+ "bytes": 2942073856,
+ "norm_byte": 56489984,
+ "ops": 2873119,
+ "norm_ops": 55166,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.14717720578572,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d59843839905830a9518a7ad99ed619bcdd68177bb36d28de69df45b613ef51",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:48.736000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:48.736000', 'bytes': 2998463488, 'norm_byte': 56389632, 'ops': 2928187, 'norm_ops': 55068, 'norm_ltcy': 18.1666596086316, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:48.736000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:48.736000",
+ "bytes": 2998463488,
+ "norm_byte": 56389632,
+ "ops": 2928187,
+ "norm_ops": 55068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.1666596086316,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a9111f229cf4a63ec60d73ec23a8baf6ec1856c48bb3b53cb0e64f6c870e14d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:49.737000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:49.737000', 'bytes': 3054799872, 'norm_byte': 56336384, 'ops': 2983203, 'norm_ops': 55016, 'norm_ltcy': 18.19655748583367, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:49.737000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:49.737000",
+ "bytes": 3054799872,
+ "norm_byte": 56336384,
+ "ops": 2983203,
+ "norm_ops": 55016,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.19655748583367,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48807808a68ffc6d814d2c09c4628346a1d72727a452fa182054a2c6e693ee48",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:50.739000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:50.739000', 'bytes': 3097625600, 'norm_byte': 42825728, 'ops': 3025025, 'norm_ops': 41822, 'norm_ltcy': 23.93731637206494, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:50.739000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:50.739000",
+ "bytes": 3097625600,
+ "norm_byte": 42825728,
+ "ops": 3025025,
+ "norm_ops": 41822,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.93731637206494,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "800d0a81f2252874ef6c124d6c0ce968af5ed847c1d5025ce27e3b28e1af9141",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:42:51.940000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:42:51.940000', 'bytes': 3129605120, 'norm_byte': 31979520, 'ops': 3056255, 'norm_ops': 31230, 'norm_ltcy': 38.46718931366074, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:42:51.940000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:42:51.940000",
+ "bytes": 3129605120,
+ "norm_byte": 31979520,
+ "ops": 3056255,
+ "norm_ops": 31230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.46718931366074,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3963296c-347c-57c7-9cc9-5c99251ff71d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66e70131b0145ff39875780cb4f6da16e10af9b33f8d989cfed0856c16c69d84",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 52160085.333333336
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 50937.583333333336
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 31.229128421643676
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:42:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-005-220519193906/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-005-220519193906/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..847cced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-005-220519193906/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-005-220519193906/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-005-220519193906/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-005-220519193906/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-005-220519193906/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-005-220519193906/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bbe917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-005-220519193906/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=55
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=25
+ vm.swappiness=45
+ net.core.busy_read=90
+ net.core.busy_poll=110
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-006-220519194108/220519194108-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-006-220519194108/220519194108-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f33cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-006-220519194108/220519194108-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:43:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989431862.4509 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989432863.5459 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989432863.6331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989433863.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:32012288 nr_ops:31262\ntimestamp_ms:1652989434865.0085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45378560 nr_ops:44315\ntimestamp_ms:1652989435866.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67142656 nr_ops:65569\ntimestamp_ms:1652989436867.1787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:87256064 nr_ops:85211\ntimestamp_ms:1652989437868.2869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96589824 nr_ops:94326\ntimestamp_ms:1652989438869.3901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:104528896 nr_ops:102079\ntimestamp_ms:1652989439870.5015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:117820416 nr_ops:115059\ntimestamp_ms:1652989440871.6001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:129276928 nr_ops:126247\ntimestamp_ms:1652989441872.6973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:153773056 nr_ops:150169\ntimestamp_ms:1652989442873.8037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:171836416 nr_ops:167809\ntimestamp_ms:1652989443874.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:203037696 nr_ops:198279\ntimestamp_ms:1652989444876.0845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:227750912 nr_ops:222413\ntimestamp_ms:1652989445877.1917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:261159936 nr_ops:255039\ntimestamp_ms:1652989446878.2944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275753984 nr_ops:269291\ntimestamp_ms:1652989447879.4116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:293882880 nr_ops:286995\ntimestamp_ms:1652989448880.5107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309629952 nr_ops:302373\ntimestamp_ms:1652989449881.6221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:321684480 nr_ops:314145\ntimestamp_ms:1652989450882.7261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:350258176 nr_ops:342049\ntimestamp_ms:1652989451883.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380800000 nr_ops:371875\ntimestamp_ms:1652989452884.9551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:408335360 nr_ops:398765\ntimestamp_ms:1652989453885.9907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432835584 nr_ops:422691\ntimestamp_ms:1652989454887.0889 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444316672 nr_ops:433903\ntimestamp_ms:1652989455888.2122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:464866304 nr_ops:453971\ntimestamp_ms:1652989456889.3357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:486429696 nr_ops:475029\ntimestamp_ms:1652989457890.4307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506661888 nr_ops:494787\ntimestamp_ms:1652989458891.5278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522677248 nr_ops:510427\ntimestamp_ms:1652989459892.6440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:554828800 nr_ops:541825\ntimestamp_ms:1652989460893.7688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565750784 nr_ops:552491\ntimestamp_ms:1652989461894.8679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580750336 nr_ops:567139\ntimestamp_ms:1652989462895.9834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:603460608 nr_ops:589317\ntimestamp_ms:1652989463897.0845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:626283520 nr_ops:611605\ntimestamp_ms:1652989464898.1980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:659063808 nr_ops:643617\ntimestamp_ms:1652989465899.3252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:689914880 nr_ops:673745\ntimestamp_ms:1652989466900.4478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:711398400 nr_ops:694725\ntimestamp_ms:1652989467901.5623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:736949248 nr_ops:719677\ntimestamp_ms:1652989468902.6636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:764945408 nr_ops:747017\ntimestamp_ms:1652989469903.7163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793168896 nr_ops:774579\ntimestamp_ms:1652989470904.8159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:805739520 nr_ops:786855\ntimestamp_ms:1652989471905.9067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:828072960 nr_ops:808665\ntimestamp_ms:1652989472906.9646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848008192 nr_ops:828133\ntimestamp_ms:1652989473908.0640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874025984 nr_ops:853541\ntimestamp_ms:1652989474909.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893547520 nr_ops:872605\ntimestamp_ms:1652989475910.2627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917963776 nr_ops:896449\ntimestamp_ms:1652989476911.3674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:931257344 nr_ops:909431\ntimestamp_ms:1652989477912.4780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954196992 nr_ops:931833\ntimestamp_ms:1652989478913.5764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981502976 nr_ops:958499\ntimestamp_ms:1652989479914.7004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998042624 nr_ops:974651\ntimestamp_ms:1652989480915.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1020251136 nr_ops:996339\ntimestamp_ms:1652989481916.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053103104 nr_ops:1028421\ntimestamp_ms:1652989482918.0684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1063834624 nr_ops:1038901\ntimestamp_ms:1652989483919.1675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077779456 nr_ops:1052519\ntimestamp_ms:1652989484920.2847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1100132352 nr_ops:1074348\ntimestamp_ms:1652989485921.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1113588736 nr_ops:1087489\ntimestamp_ms:1652989486922.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142770688 nr_ops:1115987\ntimestamp_ms:1652989487923.5894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154970624 nr_ops:1127901\ntimestamp_ms:1652989488924.7190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1168866304 nr_ops:1141471\ntimestamp_ms:1652989489925.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1178221568 nr_ops:1150607\ntimestamp_ms:1652989490926.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1190757376 nr_ops:1162849\ntimestamp_ms:1652989491928.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1228037120 nr_ops:1199255\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139874111801088\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239002112 nr_ops:1209963\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.5029 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.5068 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493229.7239 name:Total nr_bytes:1239002112 nr_ops:1209964\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.5974 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2478004222 nr_ops:2419928\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.5979 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1239002112 nr_ops:1209966\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 253.05us 0.00ns 253.05us 253.05us \nTxn1 604982 99.25us 0.00ns 219.70ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 33.26us 0.00ns 33.26us 33.26us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 252.49us 0.00ns 252.49us 252.49us \nwrite 604982 2.81us 0.00ns 124.38us 2.11us \nread 604981 96.36us 0.00ns 219.70ms 2.50us \ndisconnect 1 32.90us 0.00ns 32.90us 32.90us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.71b/s \nnet1 9704 9704 84.60Mb/s 84.60Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.101 62.37s 1.15GB 158.93Mb/s 1209966 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.15GB 158.93Mb/s 1209966 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418765, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989431862.4509 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989432863.5459 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989432863.6331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989433863.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:32012288 nr_ops:31262\ntimestamp_ms:1652989434865.0085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45378560 nr_ops:44315\ntimestamp_ms:1652989435866.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67142656 nr_ops:65569\ntimestamp_ms:1652989436867.1787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:87256064 nr_ops:85211\ntimestamp_ms:1652989437868.2869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96589824 nr_ops:94326\ntimestamp_ms:1652989438869.3901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:104528896 nr_ops:102079\ntimestamp_ms:1652989439870.5015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:117820416 nr_ops:115059\ntimestamp_ms:1652989440871.6001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:129276928 nr_ops:126247\ntimestamp_ms:1652989441872.6973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:153773056 nr_ops:150169\ntimestamp_ms:1652989442873.8037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:171836416 nr_ops:167809\ntimestamp_ms:1652989443874.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:203037696 nr_ops:198279\ntimestamp_ms:1652989444876.0845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:227750912 nr_ops:222413\ntimestamp_ms:1652989445877.1917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:261159936 nr_ops:255039\ntimestamp_ms:1652989446878.2944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275753984 nr_ops:269291\ntimestamp_ms:1652989447879.4116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:293882880 nr_ops:286995\ntimestamp_ms:1652989448880.5107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309629952 nr_ops:302373\ntimestamp_ms:1652989449881.6221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:321684480 nr_ops:314145\ntimestamp_ms:1652989450882.7261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:350258176 nr_ops:342049\ntimestamp_ms:1652989451883.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380800000 nr_ops:371875\ntimestamp_ms:1652989452884.9551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:408335360 nr_ops:398765\ntimestamp_ms:1652989453885.9907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432835584 nr_ops:422691\ntimestamp_ms:1652989454887.0889 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444316672 nr_ops:433903\ntimestamp_ms:1652989455888.2122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:464866304 nr_ops:453971\ntimestamp_ms:1652989456889.3357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:486429696 nr_ops:475029\ntimestamp_ms:1652989457890.4307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506661888 nr_ops:494787\ntimestamp_ms:1652989458891.5278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522677248 nr_ops:510427\ntimestamp_ms:1652989459892.6440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:554828800 nr_ops:541825\ntimestamp_ms:1652989460893.7688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565750784 nr_ops:552491\ntimestamp_ms:1652989461894.8679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580750336 nr_ops:567139\ntimestamp_ms:1652989462895.9834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:603460608 nr_ops:589317\ntimestamp_ms:1652989463897.0845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:626283520 nr_ops:611605\ntimestamp_ms:1652989464898.1980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:659063808 nr_ops:643617\ntimestamp_ms:1652989465899.3252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:689914880 nr_ops:673745\ntimestamp_ms:1652989466900.4478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:711398400 nr_ops:694725\ntimestamp_ms:1652989467901.5623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:736949248 nr_ops:719677\ntimestamp_ms:1652989468902.6636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:764945408 nr_ops:747017\ntimestamp_ms:1652989469903.7163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793168896 nr_ops:774579\ntimestamp_ms:1652989470904.8159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:805739520 nr_ops:786855\ntimestamp_ms:1652989471905.9067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:828072960 nr_ops:808665\ntimestamp_ms:1652989472906.9646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848008192 nr_ops:828133\ntimestamp_ms:1652989473908.0640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874025984 nr_ops:853541\ntimestamp_ms:1652989474909.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893547520 nr_ops:872605\ntimestamp_ms:1652989475910.2627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917963776 nr_ops:896449\ntimestamp_ms:1652989476911.3674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:931257344 nr_ops:909431\ntimestamp_ms:1652989477912.4780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954196992 nr_ops:931833\ntimestamp_ms:1652989478913.5764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981502976 nr_ops:958499\ntimestamp_ms:1652989479914.7004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998042624 nr_ops:974651\ntimestamp_ms:1652989480915.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1020251136 nr_ops:996339\ntimestamp_ms:1652989481916.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053103104 nr_ops:1028421\ntimestamp_ms:1652989482918.0684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1063834624 nr_ops:1038901\ntimestamp_ms:1652989483919.1675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077779456 nr_ops:1052519\ntimestamp_ms:1652989484920.2847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1100132352 nr_ops:1074348\ntimestamp_ms:1652989485921.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1113588736 nr_ops:1087489\ntimestamp_ms:1652989486922.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142770688 nr_ops:1115987\ntimestamp_ms:1652989487923.5894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154970624 nr_ops:1127901\ntimestamp_ms:1652989488924.7190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1168866304 nr_ops:1141471\ntimestamp_ms:1652989489925.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1178221568 nr_ops:1150607\ntimestamp_ms:1652989490926.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1190757376 nr_ops:1162849\ntimestamp_ms:1652989491928.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1228037120 nr_ops:1199255\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139874111801088\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239002112 nr_ops:1209963\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.5029 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.5068 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493229.7239 name:Total nr_bytes:1239002112 nr_ops:1209964\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.5974 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2478004222 nr_ops:2419928\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.5979 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1239002112 nr_ops:1209966\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 253.05us 0.00ns 253.05us 253.05us \nTxn1 604982 99.25us 0.00ns 219.70ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 33.26us 0.00ns 33.26us 33.26us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 252.49us 0.00ns 252.49us 252.49us \nwrite 604982 2.81us 0.00ns 124.38us 2.11us \nread 604981 96.36us 0.00ns 219.70ms 2.50us \ndisconnect 1 32.90us 0.00ns 32.90us 32.90us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.71b/s \nnet1 9704 9704 84.60Mb/s 84.60Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.101 62.37s 1.15GB 158.93Mb/s 1209966 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.15GB 158.93Mb/s 1209966 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418765, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989431862.4509 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989432863.5459 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989432863.6331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989433863.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:32012288 nr_ops:31262\ntimestamp_ms:1652989434865.0085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45378560 nr_ops:44315\ntimestamp_ms:1652989435866.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67142656 nr_ops:65569\ntimestamp_ms:1652989436867.1787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:87256064 nr_ops:85211\ntimestamp_ms:1652989437868.2869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96589824 nr_ops:94326\ntimestamp_ms:1652989438869.3901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:104528896 nr_ops:102079\ntimestamp_ms:1652989439870.5015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:117820416 nr_ops:115059\ntimestamp_ms:1652989440871.6001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:129276928 nr_ops:126247\ntimestamp_ms:1652989441872.6973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:153773056 nr_ops:150169\ntimestamp_ms:1652989442873.8037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:171836416 nr_ops:167809\ntimestamp_ms:1652989443874.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:203037696 nr_ops:198279\ntimestamp_ms:1652989444876.0845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:227750912 nr_ops:222413\ntimestamp_ms:1652989445877.1917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:261159936 nr_ops:255039\ntimestamp_ms:1652989446878.2944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275753984 nr_ops:269291\ntimestamp_ms:1652989447879.4116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:293882880 nr_ops:286995\ntimestamp_ms:1652989448880.5107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309629952 nr_ops:302373\ntimestamp_ms:1652989449881.6221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:321684480 nr_ops:314145\ntimestamp_ms:1652989450882.7261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:350258176 nr_ops:342049\ntimestamp_ms:1652989451883.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380800000 nr_ops:371875\ntimestamp_ms:1652989452884.9551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:408335360 nr_ops:398765\ntimestamp_ms:1652989453885.9907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432835584 nr_ops:422691\ntimestamp_ms:1652989454887.0889 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444316672 nr_ops:433903\ntimestamp_ms:1652989455888.2122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:464866304 nr_ops:453971\ntimestamp_ms:1652989456889.3357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:486429696 nr_ops:475029\ntimestamp_ms:1652989457890.4307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506661888 nr_ops:494787\ntimestamp_ms:1652989458891.5278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522677248 nr_ops:510427\ntimestamp_ms:1652989459892.6440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:554828800 nr_ops:541825\ntimestamp_ms:1652989460893.7688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565750784 nr_ops:552491\ntimestamp_ms:1652989461894.8679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580750336 nr_ops:567139\ntimestamp_ms:1652989462895.9834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:603460608 nr_ops:589317\ntimestamp_ms:1652989463897.0845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:626283520 nr_ops:611605\ntimestamp_ms:1652989464898.1980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:659063808 nr_ops:643617\ntimestamp_ms:1652989465899.3252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:689914880 nr_ops:673745\ntimestamp_ms:1652989466900.4478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:711398400 nr_ops:694725\ntimestamp_ms:1652989467901.5623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:736949248 nr_ops:719677\ntimestamp_ms:1652989468902.6636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:764945408 nr_ops:747017\ntimestamp_ms:1652989469903.7163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793168896 nr_ops:774579\ntimestamp_ms:1652989470904.8159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:805739520 nr_ops:786855\ntimestamp_ms:1652989471905.9067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:828072960 nr_ops:808665\ntimestamp_ms:1652989472906.9646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848008192 nr_ops:828133\ntimestamp_ms:1652989473908.0640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874025984 nr_ops:853541\ntimestamp_ms:1652989474909.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893547520 nr_ops:872605\ntimestamp_ms:1652989475910.2627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917963776 nr_ops:896449\ntimestamp_ms:1652989476911.3674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:931257344 nr_ops:909431\ntimestamp_ms:1652989477912.4780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954196992 nr_ops:931833\ntimestamp_ms:1652989478913.5764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981502976 nr_ops:958499\ntimestamp_ms:1652989479914.7004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998042624 nr_ops:974651\ntimestamp_ms:1652989480915.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1020251136 nr_ops:996339\ntimestamp_ms:1652989481916.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053103104 nr_ops:1028421\ntimestamp_ms:1652989482918.0684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1063834624 nr_ops:1038901\ntimestamp_ms:1652989483919.1675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077779456 nr_ops:1052519\ntimestamp_ms:1652989484920.2847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1100132352 nr_ops:1074348\ntimestamp_ms:1652989485921.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1113588736 nr_ops:1087489\ntimestamp_ms:1652989486922.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142770688 nr_ops:1115987\ntimestamp_ms:1652989487923.5894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154970624 nr_ops:1127901\ntimestamp_ms:1652989488924.7190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1168866304 nr_ops:1141471\ntimestamp_ms:1652989489925.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1178221568 nr_ops:1150607\ntimestamp_ms:1652989490926.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1190757376 nr_ops:1162849\ntimestamp_ms:1652989491928.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1228037120 nr_ops:1199255\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139874111801088\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239002112 nr_ops:1209963\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.5029 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.5068 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493229.7239 name:Total nr_bytes:1239002112 nr_ops:1209964\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.5974 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2478004222 nr_ops:2419928\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989493129.5979 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1239002112 nr_ops:1209966\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 253.05us 0.00ns 253.05us 253.05us \nTxn1 604982 99.25us 0.00ns 219.70ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 33.26us 0.00ns 33.26us 33.26us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 252.49us 0.00ns 252.49us 252.49us \nwrite 604982 2.81us 0.00ns 124.38us 2.11us \nread 604981 96.36us 0.00ns 219.70ms 2.50us \ndisconnect 1 32.90us 0.00ns 32.90us 32.90us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.71b/s \nnet1 9704 9704 84.60Mb/s 84.60Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.101 62.37s 1.15GB 158.93Mb/s 1209966 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.15GB 158.93Mb/s 1209966 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418765, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989431862.4509 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989432863.5459 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989432863.6331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989433863.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:32012288 nr_ops:31262
+timestamp_ms:1652989434865.0085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45378560 nr_ops:44315
+timestamp_ms:1652989435866.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67142656 nr_ops:65569
+timestamp_ms:1652989436867.1787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:87256064 nr_ops:85211
+timestamp_ms:1652989437868.2869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96589824 nr_ops:94326
+timestamp_ms:1652989438869.3901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:104528896 nr_ops:102079
+timestamp_ms:1652989439870.5015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:117820416 nr_ops:115059
+timestamp_ms:1652989440871.6001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:129276928 nr_ops:126247
+timestamp_ms:1652989441872.6973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:153773056 nr_ops:150169
+timestamp_ms:1652989442873.8037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:171836416 nr_ops:167809
+timestamp_ms:1652989443874.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:203037696 nr_ops:198279
+timestamp_ms:1652989444876.0845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:227750912 nr_ops:222413
+timestamp_ms:1652989445877.1917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:261159936 nr_ops:255039
+timestamp_ms:1652989446878.2944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275753984 nr_ops:269291
+timestamp_ms:1652989447879.4116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:293882880 nr_ops:286995
+timestamp_ms:1652989448880.5107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309629952 nr_ops:302373
+timestamp_ms:1652989449881.6221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:321684480 nr_ops:314145
+timestamp_ms:1652989450882.7261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:350258176 nr_ops:342049
+timestamp_ms:1652989451883.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380800000 nr_ops:371875
+timestamp_ms:1652989452884.9551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:408335360 nr_ops:398765
+timestamp_ms:1652989453885.9907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432835584 nr_ops:422691
+timestamp_ms:1652989454887.0889 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444316672 nr_ops:433903
+timestamp_ms:1652989455888.2122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:464866304 nr_ops:453971
+timestamp_ms:1652989456889.3357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:486429696 nr_ops:475029
+timestamp_ms:1652989457890.4307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506661888 nr_ops:494787
+timestamp_ms:1652989458891.5278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522677248 nr_ops:510427
+timestamp_ms:1652989459892.6440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:554828800 nr_ops:541825
+timestamp_ms:1652989460893.7688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565750784 nr_ops:552491
+timestamp_ms:1652989461894.8679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580750336 nr_ops:567139
+timestamp_ms:1652989462895.9834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:603460608 nr_ops:589317
+timestamp_ms:1652989463897.0845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:626283520 nr_ops:611605
+timestamp_ms:1652989464898.1980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:659063808 nr_ops:643617
+timestamp_ms:1652989465899.3252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:689914880 nr_ops:673745
+timestamp_ms:1652989466900.4478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:711398400 nr_ops:694725
+timestamp_ms:1652989467901.5623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:736949248 nr_ops:719677
+timestamp_ms:1652989468902.6636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:764945408 nr_ops:747017
+timestamp_ms:1652989469903.7163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793168896 nr_ops:774579
+timestamp_ms:1652989470904.8159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:805739520 nr_ops:786855
+timestamp_ms:1652989471905.9067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:828072960 nr_ops:808665
+timestamp_ms:1652989472906.9646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848008192 nr_ops:828133
+timestamp_ms:1652989473908.0640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874025984 nr_ops:853541
+timestamp_ms:1652989474909.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893547520 nr_ops:872605
+timestamp_ms:1652989475910.2627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917963776 nr_ops:896449
+timestamp_ms:1652989476911.3674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:931257344 nr_ops:909431
+timestamp_ms:1652989477912.4780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954196992 nr_ops:931833
+timestamp_ms:1652989478913.5764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981502976 nr_ops:958499
+timestamp_ms:1652989479914.7004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998042624 nr_ops:974651
+timestamp_ms:1652989480915.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1020251136 nr_ops:996339
+timestamp_ms:1652989481916.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053103104 nr_ops:1028421
+timestamp_ms:1652989482918.0684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1063834624 nr_ops:1038901
+timestamp_ms:1652989483919.1675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077779456 nr_ops:1052519
+timestamp_ms:1652989484920.2847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1100132352 nr_ops:1074348
+timestamp_ms:1652989485921.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1113588736 nr_ops:1087489
+timestamp_ms:1652989486922.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142770688 nr_ops:1115987
+timestamp_ms:1652989487923.5894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154970624 nr_ops:1127901
+timestamp_ms:1652989488924.7190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1168866304 nr_ops:1141471
+timestamp_ms:1652989489925.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1178221568 nr_ops:1150607
+timestamp_ms:1652989490926.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1190757376 nr_ops:1162849
+timestamp_ms:1652989491928.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1228037120 nr_ops:1199255
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139874111801088
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652989493129.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239002112 nr_ops:1209963
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989493129.5029 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989493129.5068 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989493229.7239 name:Total nr_bytes:1239002112 nr_ops:1209964
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989493129.5974 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2478004222 nr_ops:2419928
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989493129.5979 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1239002112 nr_ops:1209966
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 253.05us 0.00ns 253.05us 253.05us
+Txn1 604982 99.25us 0.00ns 219.70ms 18.43us
+Txn2 1 33.26us 0.00ns 33.26us 33.26us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 252.49us 0.00ns 252.49us 252.49us
+write 604982 2.81us 0.00ns 124.38us 2.11us
+read 604981 96.36us 0.00ns 219.70ms 2.50us
+disconnect 1 32.90us 0.00ns 32.90us 32.90us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.71b/s
+net1 9704 9704 84.60Mb/s 84.60Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.101 62.37s 1.15GB 158.93Mb/s 1209966 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.15GB 158.93Mb/s 1209966 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:43:53.863000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:43:53.863000', 'bytes': 32012288, 'norm_byte': 32012288, 'ops': 31262, 'norm_ops': 31262, 'norm_ltcy': 31.99421422173885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:43:53.863000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:43:53.863000",
+ "bytes": 32012288,
+ "norm_byte": 32012288,
+ "ops": 31262,
+ "norm_ops": 31262,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.99421422173885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfbb2a91e878c26183d9facb6bb31e55e84d066f20b07d2e6de79783beff9bf5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:43:54.865000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:43:54.865000', 'bytes': 45378560, 'norm_byte': 13366272, 'ops': 44315, 'norm_ops': 13053, 'norm_ltcy': 76.70055644535739, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:43:54.865000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:43:54.865000",
+ "bytes": 45378560,
+ "norm_byte": 13366272,
+ "ops": 44315,
+ "norm_ops": 13053,
+ "norm_ltcy": 76.70055644535739,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84ff38618ff26aab0439d76909a77db356acf4f68afe9d7a73c2fe195d6d68ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:43:55.866000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:43:55.866000', 'bytes': 67142656, 'norm_byte': 21764096, 'ops': 65569, 'norm_ops': 21254, 'norm_ltcy': 47.102519213295146, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:43:55.866000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:43:55.866000",
+ "bytes": 67142656,
+ "norm_byte": 21764096,
+ "ops": 65569,
+ "norm_ops": 21254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.102519213295146,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "411aec68ee4bdb45bca8dcc0cd35a95d4b87c269aa00565b5852a183a10d116a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:43:56.867000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:43:56.867000', 'bytes': 87256064, 'norm_byte': 20113408, 'ops': 85211, 'norm_ops': 19642, 'norm_ltcy': 50.964933441413805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:43:56.867000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:43:56.867000",
+ "bytes": 87256064,
+ "norm_byte": 20113408,
+ "ops": 85211,
+ "norm_ops": 19642,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.964933441413805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b3485522dd342049f56391df2846ef6190551466ecb901dafa213aaec56f5bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:43:57.868000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:43:57.868000', 'bytes': 96589824, 'norm_byte': 9333760, 'ops': 94326, 'norm_ops': 9115, 'norm_ltcy': 109.83084523278936, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:43:57.868000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:43:57.868000",
+ "bytes": 96589824,
+ "norm_byte": 9333760,
+ "ops": 94326,
+ "norm_ops": 9115,
+ "norm_ltcy": 109.83084523278936,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a03a10ccafeb7fe68aecd7f4a64479157f2a9945b105dae5073d3e1cf9b9dd35",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:43:58.869000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:43:58.869000', 'bytes': 104528896, 'norm_byte': 7939072, 'ops': 102079, 'norm_ops': 7753, 'norm_ltcy': 129.12463194690764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:43:58.869000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:43:58.869000",
+ "bytes": 104528896,
+ "norm_byte": 7939072,
+ "ops": 102079,
+ "norm_ops": 7753,
+ "norm_ltcy": 129.12463194690764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e6cfa74e419088a3d767ae522c574af347529009f2e59c3c28644d2e6b47f2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:43:59.870000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:43:59.870000', 'bytes': 117820416, 'norm_byte': 13291520, 'ops': 115059, 'norm_ops': 12980, 'norm_ltcy': 77.12722096494608, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:43:59.870000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:43:59.870000",
+ "bytes": 117820416,
+ "norm_byte": 13291520,
+ "ops": 115059,
+ "norm_ops": 12980,
+ "norm_ltcy": 77.12722096494608,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6447ea4647393baf5ead5564de4012ebf0681141f57484da4a53a448d5b8b6f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:00.871000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:00.871000', 'bytes': 129276928, 'norm_byte': 11456512, 'ops': 126247, 'norm_ops': 11188, 'norm_ltcy': 89.47967758424205, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:00.871000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:00.871000",
+ "bytes": 129276928,
+ "norm_byte": 11456512,
+ "ops": 126247,
+ "norm_ops": 11188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 89.47967758424205,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e8f0c098ecb693f23a9971e21755469605a84726d9d751667da72974953750c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:01.872000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:01.872000', 'bytes': 153773056, 'norm_byte': 24496128, 'ops': 150169, 'norm_ops': 23922, 'norm_ltcy': 41.84838926380528, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:01.872000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:01.872000",
+ "bytes": 153773056,
+ "norm_byte": 24496128,
+ "ops": 150169,
+ "norm_ops": 23922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.84838926380528,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cd41bfc662e883185b4f31dba3be5561e4f3fcf5c1b8604f28b07c9a1327b826",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:02.873000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:02.873000', 'bytes': 171836416, 'norm_byte': 18063360, 'ops': 167809, 'norm_ops': 17640, 'norm_ltcy': 56.75206606079932, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:02.873000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:02.873000",
+ "bytes": 171836416,
+ "norm_byte": 18063360,
+ "ops": 167809,
+ "norm_ops": 17640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 56.75206606079932,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d3ed2f7bd68f88e3e9d3ac2e2e37320e4e54149393f16da2dd77e2a31b96bec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:03.874000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:03.874000', 'bytes': 203037696, 'norm_byte': 31201280, 'ops': 198279, 'norm_ops': 30470, 'norm_ltcy': 32.85619211775927, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:03.874000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:03.874000",
+ "bytes": 203037696,
+ "norm_byte": 31201280,
+ "ops": 198279,
+ "norm_ops": 30470,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.85619211775927,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4336f1c73d9442acd98e0e141a1b917364eaa778b5ed9c4679c29a02dc08a766",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:04.876000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:04.876000', 'bytes': 227750912, 'norm_byte': 24713216, 'ops': 222413, 'norm_ops': 24134, 'norm_ltcy': 41.48307731377414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:04.876000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:04.876000",
+ "bytes": 227750912,
+ "norm_byte": 24713216,
+ "ops": 222413,
+ "norm_ops": 24134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.48307731377414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "815128e53248f9387f1d3fdd12caff301aa74d67e4ec66d02abec6ade6578c59",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:05.877000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:05.877000', 'bytes': 261159936, 'norm_byte': 33409024, 'ops': 255039, 'norm_ops': 32626, 'norm_ltcy': 30.684336962372804, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:05.877000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:05.877000",
+ "bytes": 261159936,
+ "norm_byte": 33409024,
+ "ops": 255039,
+ "norm_ops": 32626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.684336962372804,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b80085b34385313b23a78737a9d47a90203f1370a54f32e1b506bb726001472c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:06.878000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:06.878000', 'bytes': 275753984, 'norm_byte': 14594048, 'ops': 269291, 'norm_ops': 14252, 'norm_ltcy': 70.24296822923975, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:06.878000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:06.878000",
+ "bytes": 275753984,
+ "norm_byte": 14594048,
+ "ops": 269291,
+ "norm_ops": 14252,
+ "norm_ltcy": 70.24296822923975,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ae27c9e86d2ce8665c61d117f5f2bfe1b24e71dcf37939ae9ead21fbd6eb592",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:07.879000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:07.879000', 'bytes': 293882880, 'norm_byte': 18128896, 'ops': 286995, 'norm_ops': 17704, 'norm_ltcy': 56.54751397989155, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:07.879000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:07.879000",
+ "bytes": 293882880,
+ "norm_byte": 18128896,
+ "ops": 286995,
+ "norm_ops": 17704,
+ "norm_ltcy": 56.54751397989155,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2ed247d3cefde955df71f4a9acdf526c7e415103383a59bfa4bfec9affc5080",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:08.880000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:08.880000', 'bytes': 309629952, 'norm_byte': 15747072, 'ops': 302373, 'norm_ops': 15378, 'norm_ltcy': 65.09943562841397, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:08.880000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:08.880000",
+ "bytes": 309629952,
+ "norm_byte": 15747072,
+ "ops": 302373,
+ "norm_ops": 15378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 65.09943562841397,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34c2e9753229ff9ed2a69e1199ee83befd4cb48c5692ab987d9fdd8c0b8d223a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:09.881000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:09.881000', 'bytes': 321684480, 'norm_byte': 12054528, 'ops': 314145, 'norm_ops': 11772, 'norm_ltcy': 85.04173701367652, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:09.881000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:09.881000",
+ "bytes": 321684480,
+ "norm_byte": 12054528,
+ "ops": 314145,
+ "norm_ops": 11772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 85.04173701367652,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f63caca22632db451a1fb3b38b3749aad3bc7990bcc44bd6415b6630db7a1239",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:10.882000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:10.882000', 'bytes': 350258176, 'norm_byte': 28573696, 'ops': 342049, 'norm_ops': 27904, 'norm_ltcy': 35.876720323475126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:10.882000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:10.882000",
+ "bytes": 350258176,
+ "norm_byte": 28573696,
+ "ops": 342049,
+ "norm_ops": 27904,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.876720323475126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efedd75aa46b33acec0099d43ef57fcf2ca0da57eb5af0edd5016c0979095494",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:11.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:11.883000', 'bytes': 380800000, 'norm_byte': 30541824, 'ops': 371875, 'norm_ops': 29826, 'norm_ltcy': 33.565325044110004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:11.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:11.883000",
+ "bytes": 380800000,
+ "norm_byte": 30541824,
+ "ops": 371875,
+ "norm_ops": 29826,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.565325044110004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "061a8e91607814e9d3609ca6627a525ffb44ffb7c27d24d0199e1ccbfa5534d9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:12.884000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:12.884000', 'bytes': 408335360, 'norm_byte': 27535360, 'ops': 398765, 'norm_ops': 26890, 'norm_ltcy': 37.22981105022778, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:12.884000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:12.884000",
+ "bytes": 408335360,
+ "norm_byte": 27535360,
+ "ops": 398765,
+ "norm_ops": 26890,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.22981105022778,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2fd0834d035d6f9b43dad35218593cd840f6376270199eef12d18acf1e008ac8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:13.885000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:13.885000', 'bytes': 432835584, 'norm_byte': 24500224, 'ops': 422691, 'norm_ops': 23926, 'norm_ltcy': 41.83882155526415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:13.885000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:13.885000",
+ "bytes": 432835584,
+ "norm_byte": 24500224,
+ "ops": 422691,
+ "norm_ops": 23926,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.83882155526415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4645aacb4ffaeb2725edce49809e6a7e8a0f9ef0a76273a71332467b9f1c59b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:14.887000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:14.887000', 'bytes': 444316672, 'norm_byte': 11481088, 'ops': 433903, 'norm_ops': 11212, 'norm_ltcy': 89.28809708626918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:14.887000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:14.887000",
+ "bytes": 444316672,
+ "norm_byte": 11481088,
+ "ops": 433903,
+ "norm_ops": 11212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 89.28809708626918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d35aff6db9fe8b0564d659cf2b61a98d23a6743cce842b4490b96cb311b60768",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:15.888000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:15.888000', 'bytes': 464866304, 'norm_byte': 20549632, 'ops': 453971, 'norm_ops': 20068, 'norm_ltcy': 49.88655027982983, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:15.888000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:15.888000",
+ "bytes": 464866304,
+ "norm_byte": 20549632,
+ "ops": 453971,
+ "norm_ops": 20068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.88655027982983,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb8b4dfab8682830838180e9bf6a5ad058d30968e030264bd6152828e4f724cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:16.889000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:16.889000', 'bytes': 486429696, 'norm_byte': 21563392, 'ops': 475029, 'norm_ops': 21058, 'norm_ltcy': 47.541244902471746, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:16.889000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:16.889000",
+ "bytes": 486429696,
+ "norm_byte": 21563392,
+ "ops": 475029,
+ "norm_ops": 21058,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.541244902471746,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30e94a0fe520abfff9c56eb2587aac092b96a0530d8b5c37641be9742b7c1cb2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:17.890000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:17.890000', 'bytes': 506661888, 'norm_byte': 20232192, 'ops': 494787, 'norm_ops': 19758, 'norm_ltcy': 50.667829269314964, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:17.890000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:17.890000",
+ "bytes": 506661888,
+ "norm_byte": 20232192,
+ "ops": 494787,
+ "norm_ops": 19758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.667829269314964,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3bb184b26bedd9e0b824892ae23443eef0b3f5a38e0258e946677ad32d538c28",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:18.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:18.891000', 'bytes': 522677248, 'norm_byte': 16015360, 'ops': 510427, 'norm_ops': 15640, 'norm_ltcy': 64.00877033048273, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:18.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:18.891000",
+ "bytes": 522677248,
+ "norm_byte": 16015360,
+ "ops": 510427,
+ "norm_ops": 15640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.00877033048273,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80e06f9dc781faec76504a48bd957b1867b86f5c3d8bc4903bdac868f4da20ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:19.892000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:19.892000', 'bytes': 554828800, 'norm_byte': 32151552, 'ops': 541825, 'norm_ops': 31398, 'norm_ltcy': 31.88471275041404, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:19.892000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:19.892000",
+ "bytes": 554828800,
+ "norm_byte": 32151552,
+ "ops": 541825,
+ "norm_ops": 31398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.88471275041404,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2fc242cb508c1af5d4fe340ba660fbaeb88c0e5af65c48d745f2718433f643f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:20.893000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:20.893000', 'bytes': 565750784, 'norm_byte': 10921984, 'ops': 552491, 'norm_ops': 10666, 'norm_ltcy': 93.86131219382852, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:20.893000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:20.893000",
+ "bytes": 565750784,
+ "norm_byte": 10921984,
+ "ops": 552491,
+ "norm_ops": 10666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 93.86131219382852,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19eccc62e323c189cfa70bbd0001b4b8f78d6828fa55517ef12e3c592e24f14e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:21.894000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:21.894000', 'bytes': 580750336, 'norm_byte': 14999552, 'ops': 567139, 'norm_ops': 14648, 'norm_ltcy': 68.34374119973717, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:21.894000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:21.894000",
+ "bytes": 580750336,
+ "norm_byte": 14999552,
+ "ops": 567139,
+ "norm_ops": 14648,
+ "norm_ltcy": 68.34374119973717,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "568cea4b0ed482600483f8a34563398357eeddece6967a6aad49cb4884ff7de3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:22.895000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:22.895000', 'bytes': 603460608, 'norm_byte': 22710272, 'ops': 589317, 'norm_ops': 22178, 'norm_ltcy': 45.14002518331793, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:22.895000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:22.895000",
+ "bytes": 603460608,
+ "norm_byte": 22710272,
+ "ops": 589317,
+ "norm_ops": 22178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.14002518331793,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f60753da0383e3ca097bd99fb0e2e59e0b9c069f79e1480907ad1bbad87da067",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:23.897000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:23.897000', 'bytes': 626283520, 'norm_byte': 22822912, 'ops': 611605, 'norm_ops': 22288, 'norm_ltcy': 44.91659521799848, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:23.897000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:23.897000",
+ "bytes": 626283520,
+ "norm_byte": 22822912,
+ "ops": 611605,
+ "norm_ops": 22288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.91659521799848,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3cf0af34a67bdf3f1186010fd6bd919fa06f87e89c4a181bd0fa613484f592e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:24.898000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:24.898000', 'bytes': 659063808, 'norm_byte': 32780288, 'ops': 643617, 'norm_ops': 32012, 'norm_ltcy': 31.273070267106863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:24.898000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:24.898000",
+ "bytes": 659063808,
+ "norm_byte": 32780288,
+ "ops": 643617,
+ "norm_ops": 32012,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.273070267106863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8476405e7899e7ac4f2003477d53eb1d6327601ea6f22635ca1c1ffdffdcc9d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:25.899000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:25.899000', 'bytes': 689914880, 'norm_byte': 30851072, 'ops': 673745, 'norm_ops': 30128, 'norm_ltcy': 33.22912895863068, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:25.899000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:25.899000",
+ "bytes": 689914880,
+ "norm_byte": 30851072,
+ "ops": 673745,
+ "norm_ops": 30128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.22912895863068,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "feed4f093c9cd3d5a573add467538ed3f6bd20f64b7bc4045fac12b4a8236e8f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:26.900000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:26.900000', 'bytes': 711398400, 'norm_byte': 21483520, 'ops': 694725, 'norm_ops': 20980, 'norm_ltcy': 47.71794845537416, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:26.900000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:26.900000",
+ "bytes": 711398400,
+ "norm_byte": 21483520,
+ "ops": 694725,
+ "norm_ops": 20980,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.71794845537416,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "510a91db6a20a03512f976dcd0a4f3a739d815e366d432c54e55a4e0385dd258",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:27.901000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:27.901000', 'bytes': 736949248, 'norm_byte': 25550848, 'ops': 719677, 'norm_ops': 24952, 'norm_ltcy': 40.12161357619129, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:27.901000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:27.901000",
+ "bytes": 736949248,
+ "norm_byte": 25550848,
+ "ops": 719677,
+ "norm_ops": 24952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.12161357619129,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "973d27b908c366646529cf4d3670c60ca5e20c5b1277d6bdf50a08bcfb6f8a2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:28.902000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:28.902000', 'bytes': 764945408, 'norm_byte': 27996160, 'ops': 747017, 'norm_ops': 27340, 'norm_ltcy': 36.61672707971378, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:28.902000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:28.902000",
+ "bytes": 764945408,
+ "norm_byte": 27996160,
+ "ops": 747017,
+ "norm_ops": 27340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.61672707971378,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ceda3566cf4d2e44d4e644cf7ba206b688f3671b8829f82a38ac1877376e8a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:29.903000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:29.903000', 'bytes': 793168896, 'norm_byte': 28223488, 'ops': 774579, 'norm_ops': 27562, 'norm_ltcy': 36.320032449568245, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:29.903000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:29.903000",
+ "bytes": 793168896,
+ "norm_byte": 28223488,
+ "ops": 774579,
+ "norm_ops": 27562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.320032449568245,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a14ee8a3d28a0df895b7331169f53bdefea6bcd66d513b45ffa31a12d091e69c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:30.904000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:30.904000', 'bytes': 805739520, 'norm_byte': 12570624, 'ops': 786855, 'norm_ops': 12276, 'norm_ltcy': 81.54933279366243, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:30.904000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:30.904000",
+ "bytes": 805739520,
+ "norm_byte": 12570624,
+ "ops": 786855,
+ "norm_ops": 12276,
+ "norm_ltcy": 81.54933279366243,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d4de39db5abbe236cd72a9f3cb13cb6fd98872cdceb584c1d99714d899c0302",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:31.905000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:31.905000', 'bytes': 828072960, 'norm_byte': 22333440, 'ops': 808665, 'norm_ops': 21810, 'norm_ltcy': 45.90054196756075, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:31.905000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:31.905000",
+ "bytes": 828072960,
+ "norm_byte": 22333440,
+ "ops": 808665,
+ "norm_ops": 21810,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.90054196756075,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "17ab30c0ee81897f680b0a952b72cf9e37402b14e1c0f627264292519a9477d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:32.906000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:32.906000', 'bytes': 848008192, 'norm_byte': 19935232, 'ops': 828133, 'norm_ops': 19468, 'norm_ltcy': 51.42068324060638, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:32.906000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:32.906000",
+ "bytes": 848008192,
+ "norm_byte": 19935232,
+ "ops": 828133,
+ "norm_ops": 19468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 51.42068324060638,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aea4e5a4be2412bc1174afd3ff090a27d486f57abfc1b6392694b11c1a9d26b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:33.908000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:33.908000', 'bytes': 874025984, 'norm_byte': 26017792, 'ops': 853541, 'norm_ops': 25408, 'norm_ltcy': 39.40095108762496, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:33.908000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:33.908000",
+ "bytes": 874025984,
+ "norm_byte": 26017792,
+ "ops": 853541,
+ "norm_ops": 25408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.40095108762496,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b10a596e55ce101ea1f194ddeb936367844fae427e8dc9fe03b1b7094388b2f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:34.909000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:34.909000', 'bytes': 893547520, 'norm_byte': 19521536, 'ops': 872605, 'norm_ops': 19064, 'norm_ltcy': 52.51287603598406, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:34.909000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:34.909000",
+ "bytes": 893547520,
+ "norm_byte": 19521536,
+ "ops": 872605,
+ "norm_ops": 19064,
+ "norm_ltcy": 52.51287603598406,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27bd445136128bf77777c675ee9f2ad50899d0668c5721b3286d136c4cea096d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:35.910000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:35.910000', 'bytes': 917963776, 'norm_byte': 24416256, 'ops': 896449, 'norm_ops': 23844, 'norm_ltcy': 41.98512253475717, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:35.910000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:35.910000",
+ "bytes": 917963776,
+ "norm_byte": 24416256,
+ "ops": 896449,
+ "norm_ops": 23844,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.98512253475717,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c4a9d0855fd4ccad578d229c61b98e2d89a10033d1ed7355875259c2285d603",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:36.911000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:36.911000', 'bytes': 931257344, 'norm_byte': 13293568, 'ops': 909431, 'norm_ops': 12982, 'norm_ltcy': 77.11483102204012, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:36.911000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:36.911000",
+ "bytes": 931257344,
+ "norm_byte": 13293568,
+ "ops": 909431,
+ "norm_ops": 12982,
+ "norm_ltcy": 77.11483102204012,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe9cbab307f668839bdcf6aa8eccf522f59004d9c4445631b021a516dabc4e91",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:37.912000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:37.912000', 'bytes': 954196992, 'norm_byte': 22939648, 'ops': 931833, 'norm_ops': 22402, 'norm_ltcy': 44.68844726824056, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:37.912000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:37.912000",
+ "bytes": 954196992,
+ "norm_byte": 22939648,
+ "ops": 931833,
+ "norm_ops": 22402,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.68844726824056,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26a2703d8011509c5fb4b4265875510d955312fd242d593520303c7821550fbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:38.913000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:38.913000', 'bytes': 981502976, 'norm_byte': 27305984, 'ops': 958499, 'norm_ops': 26666, 'norm_ltcy': 37.542128128398524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:38.913000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:38.913000",
+ "bytes": 981502976,
+ "norm_byte": 27305984,
+ "ops": 958499,
+ "norm_ops": 26666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.542128128398524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "05820375c9d7adcb446354ca53e3eb1480d44e1992da4dea27257a2f7a798965",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:39.914000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:39.914000', 'bytes': 998042624, 'norm_byte': 16539648, 'ops': 974651, 'norm_ops': 16152, 'norm_ltcy': 61.98142789979569, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:39.914000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:39.914000",
+ "bytes": 998042624,
+ "norm_byte": 16539648,
+ "ops": 974651,
+ "norm_ops": 16152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 61.98142789979569,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5f46f6ed443eeedc0d992075609ef96c154f6d8561b1491669929fd869f1944",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:40.915000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:40.915000', 'bytes': 1020251136, 'norm_byte': 22208512, 'ops': 996339, 'norm_ops': 21688, 'norm_ltcy': 46.1611408274449, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:40.915000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:40.915000",
+ "bytes": 1020251136,
+ "norm_byte": 22208512,
+ "ops": 996339,
+ "norm_ops": 21688,
+ "norm_ltcy": 46.1611408274449,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77ddbece9c381a57f94f31194728506363ddb094e905160dcab60c42d299531a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:41.916000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:41.916000', 'bytes': 1053103104, 'norm_byte': 32851968, 'ops': 1028421, 'norm_ops': 32082, 'norm_ltcy': 31.204196046946105, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:41.916000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:41.916000",
+ "bytes": 1053103104,
+ "norm_byte": 32851968,
+ "ops": 1028421,
+ "norm_ops": 32082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.204196046946105,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47b1881a08e092b3ea1c75b18344c4a5582043222309b55587911948f6de9d2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:42.918000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:42.918000', 'bytes': 1063834624, 'norm_byte': 10731520, 'ops': 1038901, 'norm_ops': 10480, 'norm_ltcy': 95.5278702364623, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:42.918000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:42.918000",
+ "bytes": 1063834624,
+ "norm_byte": 10731520,
+ "ops": 1038901,
+ "norm_ops": 10480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 95.5278702364623,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b5e02669d08551c959904ee4193cd2602e722c40a757325dc91e94b9d171c3ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:43.919000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:43.919000', 'bytes': 1077779456, 'norm_byte': 13944832, 'ops': 1052519, 'norm_ops': 13618, 'norm_ltcy': 73.51293296326553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:43.919000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:43.919000",
+ "bytes": 1077779456,
+ "norm_byte": 13944832,
+ "ops": 1052519,
+ "norm_ops": 13618,
+ "norm_ltcy": 73.51293296326553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1bd240cc7dad6d00269c9b25754a7cf82132231da3394af2a0775c35074366d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:44.920000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:44.920000', 'bytes': 1100132352, 'norm_byte': 22352896, 'ops': 1074348, 'norm_ops': 21829, 'norm_ltcy': 45.861797952265334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:44.920000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:44.920000",
+ "bytes": 1100132352,
+ "norm_byte": 22352896,
+ "ops": 1074348,
+ "norm_ops": 21829,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.861797952265334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11ce6aaa161d61e7bfd8af63d68f3cfc8e818721cd5804276191680b02cdadc8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:45.921000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:45.921000', 'bytes': 1113588736, 'norm_byte': 13456384, 'ops': 1087489, 'norm_ops': 13141, 'norm_ltcy': 76.1827062901891, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:45.921000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:45.921000",
+ "bytes": 1113588736,
+ "norm_byte": 13456384,
+ "ops": 1087489,
+ "norm_ops": 13141,
+ "norm_ltcy": 76.1827062901891,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5287bc0a7991ff30d9fb6dd0eae56e274aca24336a8824608aa34b26e13a7ec1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:46.922000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:46.922000', 'bytes': 1142770688, 'norm_byte': 29181952, 'ops': 1115987, 'norm_ops': 28498, 'norm_ltcy': 35.12799623548143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:46.922000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:46.922000",
+ "bytes": 1142770688,
+ "norm_byte": 29181952,
+ "ops": 1115987,
+ "norm_ops": 28498,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.12799623548143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f30cc6d850682818f7cfc5bc76593f0bea6dee1c43fac9ec042980ba82c26a93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:47.923000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:47.923000', 'bytes': 1154970624, 'norm_byte': 12199936, 'ops': 1127901, 'norm_ops': 11914, 'norm_ltcy': 84.02804326186629, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:47.923000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:47.923000",
+ "bytes": 1154970624,
+ "norm_byte": 12199936,
+ "ops": 1127901,
+ "norm_ops": 11914,
+ "norm_ltcy": 84.02804326186629,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4aa0269282c13ba45792d6c49fe7b2afc142877edbf69c98a703a12db818918",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:48.924000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:48.924000', 'bytes': 1168866304, 'norm_byte': 13895680, 'ops': 1141471, 'norm_ops': 13570, 'norm_ltcy': 73.77521287191415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:48.924000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:48.924000",
+ "bytes": 1168866304,
+ "norm_byte": 13895680,
+ "ops": 1141471,
+ "norm_ops": 13570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 73.77521287191415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "523e90d9d150f5eff0a2749c2577749b12294cb33efc28e6d13657d9a9c0b8fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:49.925000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:49.925000', 'bytes': 1178221568, 'norm_byte': 9355264, 'ops': 1150607, 'norm_ops': 9136, 'norm_ltcy': 109.58055272411339, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:49.925000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:49.925000",
+ "bytes": 1178221568,
+ "norm_byte": 9355264,
+ "ops": 1150607,
+ "norm_ops": 9136,
+ "norm_ltcy": 109.58055272411339,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9116ba3d80bf1ee05339664660244d8e4314f59c2effef93a108204ed947d85",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:50.926000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:50.926000', 'bytes': 1190757376, 'norm_byte': 12535808, 'ops': 1162849, 'norm_ops': 12242, 'norm_ltcy': 81.77679891076825, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:50.926000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:50.926000",
+ "bytes": 1190757376,
+ "norm_byte": 12535808,
+ "ops": 1162849,
+ "norm_ops": 12242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 81.77679891076825,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ced1e12bd8d0cb72810bf94aeee0fc79d8e839bdf5b10e46a6bcb7434c5754b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:51.928000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:51.928000', 'bytes': 1228037120, 'norm_byte': 37279744, 'ops': 1199255, 'norm_ops': 36406, 'norm_ltcy': 27.498753746806845, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:51.928000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:51.928000",
+ "bytes": 1228037120,
+ "norm_byte": 37279744,
+ "ops": 1199255,
+ "norm_ops": 36406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.498753746806845,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b772bb615c44bba8519fd979b4655938fced12b389175ac96b7f731214431c62",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:44:53.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:44:53.129000', 'bytes': 1239002112, 'norm_byte': 10964992, 'ops': 1209963, 'norm_ops': 10708, 'norm_ltcy': 112.19517989616408, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:44:53.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:44:53.129000",
+ "bytes": 1239002112,
+ "norm_byte": 10964992,
+ "ops": 1209963,
+ "norm_ops": 10708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 112.19517989616408,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b4acc6dd-d61d-51b6-83ea-115b2db4c3e1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1fddad610d03b660a28e1611f28d5908e80eedd3eb8c697ad7d791af69dfbbc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 20650035.2
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 20166.05
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 109.59306734954718
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:44:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-006-220519194108/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-006-220519194108/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5143345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-006-220519194108/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-006-220519194108/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-006-220519194108/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-006-220519194108/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-006-220519194108/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-006-220519194108/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ef72f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-006-220519194108/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=35
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=50
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-007-220519194310/220519194310-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-007-220519194310/220519194310-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ead7b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-007-220519194310/220519194310-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:45:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989553628.5991 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989554628.8416 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989554628.8833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989555629.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45036544 nr_ops:43981\ntimestamp_ms:1652989556631.0674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:92848128 nr_ops:90672\ntimestamp_ms:1652989557632.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143330304 nr_ops:139971\ntimestamp_ms:1652989558633.2603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:206730240 nr_ops:201885\ntimestamp_ms:1652989559634.2932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:264621056 nr_ops:258419\ntimestamp_ms:1652989560635.3958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:320525312 nr_ops:313013\ntimestamp_ms:1652989561636.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:384041984 nr_ops:375041\ntimestamp_ms:1652989562637.6855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447742976 nr_ops:437249\ntimestamp_ms:1652989563638.8093 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498387968 nr_ops:486707\ntimestamp_ms:1652989564639.9021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548994048 nr_ops:536127\ntimestamp_ms:1652989565640.9937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612639744 nr_ops:598281\ntimestamp_ms:1652989566642.0962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:663510016 nr_ops:647959\ntimestamp_ms:1652989567643.2214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721998848 nr_ops:705077\ntimestamp_ms:1652989568644.3174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:774571008 nr_ops:756417\ntimestamp_ms:1652989569645.4141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830716928 nr_ops:811247\ntimestamp_ms:1652989570646.5317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:844098560 nr_ops:824315\ntimestamp_ms:1652989571647.6243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:903201792 nr_ops:882033\ntimestamp_ms:1652989572648.7207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:961569792 nr_ops:939033\ntimestamp_ms:1652989573649.8091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019954176 nr_ops:996049\ntimestamp_ms:1652989574650.9131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1078299648 nr_ops:1053027\ntimestamp_ms:1652989575652.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136722944 nr_ops:1110081\ntimestamp_ms:1652989576653.1321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194847232 nr_ops:1166843\ntimestamp_ms:1652989577654.2249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238301696 nr_ops:1209279\ntimestamp_ms:1652989578655.3352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1301797888 nr_ops:1271287\ntimestamp_ms:1652989579656.4241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1365392384 nr_ops:1333391\ntimestamp_ms:1652989580657.5286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1428577280 nr_ops:1395095\ntimestamp_ms:1652989581658.6199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486799872 nr_ops:1451953\ntimestamp_ms:1652989582659.7192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1544449024 nr_ops:1508251\ntimestamp_ms:1652989583660.8101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592371200 nr_ops:1555050\ntimestamp_ms:1652989584661.9070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649155072 nr_ops:1610503\ntimestamp_ms:1652989585663.0166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695155200 nr_ops:1655425\ntimestamp_ms:1652989586664.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1745115136 nr_ops:1704214\ntimestamp_ms:1652989587665.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1808684032 nr_ops:1766293\ntimestamp_ms:1652989588666.3340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1869861888 nr_ops:1826037\ntimestamp_ms:1652989589667.4509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1913601024 nr_ops:1868751\ntimestamp_ms:1652989590668.5503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963709440 nr_ops:1917685\ntimestamp_ms:1652989591669.6460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024393728 nr_ops:1976947\ntimestamp_ms:1652989592670.6973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2088266752 nr_ops:2039323\ntimestamp_ms:1652989593671.7881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2135385088 nr_ops:2085337\ntimestamp_ms:1652989594672.8787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2184752128 nr_ops:2133547\ntimestamp_ms:1652989595673.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231047168 nr_ops:2178757\ntimestamp_ms:1652989596675.1306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2290144256 nr_ops:2236469\ntimestamp_ms:1652989597676.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348555264 nr_ops:2293511\ntimestamp_ms:1652989598677.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2384825344 nr_ops:2328931\ntimestamp_ms:1652989599678.4241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2422828032 nr_ops:2366043\ntimestamp_ms:1652989600679.5308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2477681664 nr_ops:2419611\ntimestamp_ms:1652989601680.6470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2526462976 nr_ops:2467249\ntimestamp_ms:1652989602681.8633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2585463808 nr_ops:2524867\ntimestamp_ms:1652989603682.9705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2644255744 nr_ops:2582281\ntimestamp_ms:1652989604684.0645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2702597120 nr_ops:2639255\ntimestamp_ms:1652989605685.1562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2760860672 nr_ops:2696153\ntimestamp_ms:1652989606686.2522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2818628608 nr_ops:2752567\ntimestamp_ms:1652989607687.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2867526656 nr_ops:2800319\ntimestamp_ms:1652989608688.4377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911988736 nr_ops:2843739\ntimestamp_ms:1652989609689.5315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2970530816 nr_ops:2900909\ntimestamp_ms:1652989610690.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3008272384 nr_ops:2937766\ntimestamp_ms:1652989611691.7368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3067982848 nr_ops:2996077\ntimestamp_ms:1652989612692.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3125625856 nr_ops:3052369\ntimestamp_ms:1652989613693.9216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3184110592 nr_ops:3109483\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139935237506816\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.2661 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3206163456 nr_ops:3131019\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.3201 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.3230 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614995.5427 name:Total nr_bytes:3206163456 nr_ops:3131020\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.4290 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6412326910 nr_ops:6262040\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.4297 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3206163456 nr_ops:3131022\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 437.61us 0.00ns 437.61us 437.61us \nTxn1 1565510 38.34us 0.00ns 209.30ms 18.32us \nTxn2 1 38.15us 0.00ns 38.15us 38.15us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 436.74us 0.00ns 436.74us 436.74us \nwrite 1565510 2.43us 0.00ns 242.52us 2.14us \nread 1565509 35.83us 0.00ns 209.29ms 1.96us \ndisconnect 1 37.70us 0.00ns 37.70us 37.70us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 818.88b/s \nnet1 25102 25102 218.88Mb/s 218.88Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.102 62.37s 2.99GB 411.26Mb/s 3131022 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.99GB 411.26Mb/s 3131022 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417965, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989553628.5991 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989554628.8416 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989554628.8833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989555629.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45036544 nr_ops:43981\ntimestamp_ms:1652989556631.0674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:92848128 nr_ops:90672\ntimestamp_ms:1652989557632.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143330304 nr_ops:139971\ntimestamp_ms:1652989558633.2603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:206730240 nr_ops:201885\ntimestamp_ms:1652989559634.2932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:264621056 nr_ops:258419\ntimestamp_ms:1652989560635.3958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:320525312 nr_ops:313013\ntimestamp_ms:1652989561636.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:384041984 nr_ops:375041\ntimestamp_ms:1652989562637.6855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447742976 nr_ops:437249\ntimestamp_ms:1652989563638.8093 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498387968 nr_ops:486707\ntimestamp_ms:1652989564639.9021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548994048 nr_ops:536127\ntimestamp_ms:1652989565640.9937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612639744 nr_ops:598281\ntimestamp_ms:1652989566642.0962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:663510016 nr_ops:647959\ntimestamp_ms:1652989567643.2214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721998848 nr_ops:705077\ntimestamp_ms:1652989568644.3174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:774571008 nr_ops:756417\ntimestamp_ms:1652989569645.4141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830716928 nr_ops:811247\ntimestamp_ms:1652989570646.5317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:844098560 nr_ops:824315\ntimestamp_ms:1652989571647.6243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:903201792 nr_ops:882033\ntimestamp_ms:1652989572648.7207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:961569792 nr_ops:939033\ntimestamp_ms:1652989573649.8091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019954176 nr_ops:996049\ntimestamp_ms:1652989574650.9131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1078299648 nr_ops:1053027\ntimestamp_ms:1652989575652.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136722944 nr_ops:1110081\ntimestamp_ms:1652989576653.1321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194847232 nr_ops:1166843\ntimestamp_ms:1652989577654.2249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238301696 nr_ops:1209279\ntimestamp_ms:1652989578655.3352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1301797888 nr_ops:1271287\ntimestamp_ms:1652989579656.4241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1365392384 nr_ops:1333391\ntimestamp_ms:1652989580657.5286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1428577280 nr_ops:1395095\ntimestamp_ms:1652989581658.6199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486799872 nr_ops:1451953\ntimestamp_ms:1652989582659.7192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1544449024 nr_ops:1508251\ntimestamp_ms:1652989583660.8101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592371200 nr_ops:1555050\ntimestamp_ms:1652989584661.9070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649155072 nr_ops:1610503\ntimestamp_ms:1652989585663.0166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695155200 nr_ops:1655425\ntimestamp_ms:1652989586664.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1745115136 nr_ops:1704214\ntimestamp_ms:1652989587665.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1808684032 nr_ops:1766293\ntimestamp_ms:1652989588666.3340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1869861888 nr_ops:1826037\ntimestamp_ms:1652989589667.4509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1913601024 nr_ops:1868751\ntimestamp_ms:1652989590668.5503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963709440 nr_ops:1917685\ntimestamp_ms:1652989591669.6460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024393728 nr_ops:1976947\ntimestamp_ms:1652989592670.6973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2088266752 nr_ops:2039323\ntimestamp_ms:1652989593671.7881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2135385088 nr_ops:2085337\ntimestamp_ms:1652989594672.8787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2184752128 nr_ops:2133547\ntimestamp_ms:1652989595673.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231047168 nr_ops:2178757\ntimestamp_ms:1652989596675.1306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2290144256 nr_ops:2236469\ntimestamp_ms:1652989597676.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348555264 nr_ops:2293511\ntimestamp_ms:1652989598677.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2384825344 nr_ops:2328931\ntimestamp_ms:1652989599678.4241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2422828032 nr_ops:2366043\ntimestamp_ms:1652989600679.5308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2477681664 nr_ops:2419611\ntimestamp_ms:1652989601680.6470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2526462976 nr_ops:2467249\ntimestamp_ms:1652989602681.8633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2585463808 nr_ops:2524867\ntimestamp_ms:1652989603682.9705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2644255744 nr_ops:2582281\ntimestamp_ms:1652989604684.0645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2702597120 nr_ops:2639255\ntimestamp_ms:1652989605685.1562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2760860672 nr_ops:2696153\ntimestamp_ms:1652989606686.2522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2818628608 nr_ops:2752567\ntimestamp_ms:1652989607687.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2867526656 nr_ops:2800319\ntimestamp_ms:1652989608688.4377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911988736 nr_ops:2843739\ntimestamp_ms:1652989609689.5315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2970530816 nr_ops:2900909\ntimestamp_ms:1652989610690.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3008272384 nr_ops:2937766\ntimestamp_ms:1652989611691.7368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3067982848 nr_ops:2996077\ntimestamp_ms:1652989612692.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3125625856 nr_ops:3052369\ntimestamp_ms:1652989613693.9216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3184110592 nr_ops:3109483\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139935237506816\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.2661 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3206163456 nr_ops:3131019\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.3201 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.3230 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614995.5427 name:Total nr_bytes:3206163456 nr_ops:3131020\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.4290 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6412326910 nr_ops:6262040\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.4297 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3206163456 nr_ops:3131022\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 437.61us 0.00ns 437.61us 437.61us \nTxn1 1565510 38.34us 0.00ns 209.30ms 18.32us \nTxn2 1 38.15us 0.00ns 38.15us 38.15us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 436.74us 0.00ns 436.74us 436.74us \nwrite 1565510 2.43us 0.00ns 242.52us 2.14us \nread 1565509 35.83us 0.00ns 209.29ms 1.96us \ndisconnect 1 37.70us 0.00ns 37.70us 37.70us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 818.88b/s \nnet1 25102 25102 218.88Mb/s 218.88Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.102 62.37s 2.99GB 411.26Mb/s 3131022 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.99GB 411.26Mb/s 3131022 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417965, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989553628.5991 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989554628.8416 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989554628.8833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989555629.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45036544 nr_ops:43981\ntimestamp_ms:1652989556631.0674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:92848128 nr_ops:90672\ntimestamp_ms:1652989557632.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143330304 nr_ops:139971\ntimestamp_ms:1652989558633.2603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:206730240 nr_ops:201885\ntimestamp_ms:1652989559634.2932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:264621056 nr_ops:258419\ntimestamp_ms:1652989560635.3958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:320525312 nr_ops:313013\ntimestamp_ms:1652989561636.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:384041984 nr_ops:375041\ntimestamp_ms:1652989562637.6855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447742976 nr_ops:437249\ntimestamp_ms:1652989563638.8093 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498387968 nr_ops:486707\ntimestamp_ms:1652989564639.9021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548994048 nr_ops:536127\ntimestamp_ms:1652989565640.9937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612639744 nr_ops:598281\ntimestamp_ms:1652989566642.0962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:663510016 nr_ops:647959\ntimestamp_ms:1652989567643.2214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721998848 nr_ops:705077\ntimestamp_ms:1652989568644.3174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:774571008 nr_ops:756417\ntimestamp_ms:1652989569645.4141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830716928 nr_ops:811247\ntimestamp_ms:1652989570646.5317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:844098560 nr_ops:824315\ntimestamp_ms:1652989571647.6243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:903201792 nr_ops:882033\ntimestamp_ms:1652989572648.7207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:961569792 nr_ops:939033\ntimestamp_ms:1652989573649.8091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019954176 nr_ops:996049\ntimestamp_ms:1652989574650.9131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1078299648 nr_ops:1053027\ntimestamp_ms:1652989575652.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136722944 nr_ops:1110081\ntimestamp_ms:1652989576653.1321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194847232 nr_ops:1166843\ntimestamp_ms:1652989577654.2249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238301696 nr_ops:1209279\ntimestamp_ms:1652989578655.3352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1301797888 nr_ops:1271287\ntimestamp_ms:1652989579656.4241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1365392384 nr_ops:1333391\ntimestamp_ms:1652989580657.5286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1428577280 nr_ops:1395095\ntimestamp_ms:1652989581658.6199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486799872 nr_ops:1451953\ntimestamp_ms:1652989582659.7192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1544449024 nr_ops:1508251\ntimestamp_ms:1652989583660.8101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592371200 nr_ops:1555050\ntimestamp_ms:1652989584661.9070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649155072 nr_ops:1610503\ntimestamp_ms:1652989585663.0166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695155200 nr_ops:1655425\ntimestamp_ms:1652989586664.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1745115136 nr_ops:1704214\ntimestamp_ms:1652989587665.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1808684032 nr_ops:1766293\ntimestamp_ms:1652989588666.3340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1869861888 nr_ops:1826037\ntimestamp_ms:1652989589667.4509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1913601024 nr_ops:1868751\ntimestamp_ms:1652989590668.5503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963709440 nr_ops:1917685\ntimestamp_ms:1652989591669.6460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024393728 nr_ops:1976947\ntimestamp_ms:1652989592670.6973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2088266752 nr_ops:2039323\ntimestamp_ms:1652989593671.7881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2135385088 nr_ops:2085337\ntimestamp_ms:1652989594672.8787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2184752128 nr_ops:2133547\ntimestamp_ms:1652989595673.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231047168 nr_ops:2178757\ntimestamp_ms:1652989596675.1306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2290144256 nr_ops:2236469\ntimestamp_ms:1652989597676.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348555264 nr_ops:2293511\ntimestamp_ms:1652989598677.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2384825344 nr_ops:2328931\ntimestamp_ms:1652989599678.4241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2422828032 nr_ops:2366043\ntimestamp_ms:1652989600679.5308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2477681664 nr_ops:2419611\ntimestamp_ms:1652989601680.6470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2526462976 nr_ops:2467249\ntimestamp_ms:1652989602681.8633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2585463808 nr_ops:2524867\ntimestamp_ms:1652989603682.9705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2644255744 nr_ops:2582281\ntimestamp_ms:1652989604684.0645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2702597120 nr_ops:2639255\ntimestamp_ms:1652989605685.1562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2760860672 nr_ops:2696153\ntimestamp_ms:1652989606686.2522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2818628608 nr_ops:2752567\ntimestamp_ms:1652989607687.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2867526656 nr_ops:2800319\ntimestamp_ms:1652989608688.4377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911988736 nr_ops:2843739\ntimestamp_ms:1652989609689.5315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2970530816 nr_ops:2900909\ntimestamp_ms:1652989610690.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3008272384 nr_ops:2937766\ntimestamp_ms:1652989611691.7368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3067982848 nr_ops:2996077\ntimestamp_ms:1652989612692.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3125625856 nr_ops:3052369\ntimestamp_ms:1652989613693.9216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3184110592 nr_ops:3109483\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139935237506816\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.2661 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3206163456 nr_ops:3131019\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.3201 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.3230 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614995.5427 name:Total nr_bytes:3206163456 nr_ops:3131020\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.4290 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6412326910 nr_ops:6262040\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989614895.4297 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3206163456 nr_ops:3131022\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 437.61us 0.00ns 437.61us 437.61us \nTxn1 1565510 38.34us 0.00ns 209.30ms 18.32us \nTxn2 1 38.15us 0.00ns 38.15us 38.15us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 436.74us 0.00ns 436.74us 436.74us \nwrite 1565510 2.43us 0.00ns 242.52us 2.14us \nread 1565509 35.83us 0.00ns 209.29ms 1.96us \ndisconnect 1 37.70us 0.00ns 37.70us 37.70us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 818.88b/s \nnet1 25102 25102 218.88Mb/s 218.88Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.102 62.37s 2.99GB 411.26Mb/s 3131022 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.99GB 411.26Mb/s 3131022 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417965, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989553628.5991 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989554628.8416 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989554628.8833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989555629.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45036544 nr_ops:43981
+timestamp_ms:1652989556631.0674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:92848128 nr_ops:90672
+timestamp_ms:1652989557632.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143330304 nr_ops:139971
+timestamp_ms:1652989558633.2603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:206730240 nr_ops:201885
+timestamp_ms:1652989559634.2932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:264621056 nr_ops:258419
+timestamp_ms:1652989560635.3958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:320525312 nr_ops:313013
+timestamp_ms:1652989561636.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:384041984 nr_ops:375041
+timestamp_ms:1652989562637.6855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447742976 nr_ops:437249
+timestamp_ms:1652989563638.8093 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498387968 nr_ops:486707
+timestamp_ms:1652989564639.9021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548994048 nr_ops:536127
+timestamp_ms:1652989565640.9937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612639744 nr_ops:598281
+timestamp_ms:1652989566642.0962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:663510016 nr_ops:647959
+timestamp_ms:1652989567643.2214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721998848 nr_ops:705077
+timestamp_ms:1652989568644.3174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:774571008 nr_ops:756417
+timestamp_ms:1652989569645.4141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830716928 nr_ops:811247
+timestamp_ms:1652989570646.5317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:844098560 nr_ops:824315
+timestamp_ms:1652989571647.6243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:903201792 nr_ops:882033
+timestamp_ms:1652989572648.7207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:961569792 nr_ops:939033
+timestamp_ms:1652989573649.8091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019954176 nr_ops:996049
+timestamp_ms:1652989574650.9131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1078299648 nr_ops:1053027
+timestamp_ms:1652989575652.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136722944 nr_ops:1110081
+timestamp_ms:1652989576653.1321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194847232 nr_ops:1166843
+timestamp_ms:1652989577654.2249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238301696 nr_ops:1209279
+timestamp_ms:1652989578655.3352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1301797888 nr_ops:1271287
+timestamp_ms:1652989579656.4241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1365392384 nr_ops:1333391
+timestamp_ms:1652989580657.5286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1428577280 nr_ops:1395095
+timestamp_ms:1652989581658.6199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486799872 nr_ops:1451953
+timestamp_ms:1652989582659.7192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1544449024 nr_ops:1508251
+timestamp_ms:1652989583660.8101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592371200 nr_ops:1555050
+timestamp_ms:1652989584661.9070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649155072 nr_ops:1610503
+timestamp_ms:1652989585663.0166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695155200 nr_ops:1655425
+timestamp_ms:1652989586664.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1745115136 nr_ops:1704214
+timestamp_ms:1652989587665.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1808684032 nr_ops:1766293
+timestamp_ms:1652989588666.3340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1869861888 nr_ops:1826037
+timestamp_ms:1652989589667.4509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1913601024 nr_ops:1868751
+timestamp_ms:1652989590668.5503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963709440 nr_ops:1917685
+timestamp_ms:1652989591669.6460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024393728 nr_ops:1976947
+timestamp_ms:1652989592670.6973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2088266752 nr_ops:2039323
+timestamp_ms:1652989593671.7881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2135385088 nr_ops:2085337
+timestamp_ms:1652989594672.8787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2184752128 nr_ops:2133547
+timestamp_ms:1652989595673.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231047168 nr_ops:2178757
+timestamp_ms:1652989596675.1306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2290144256 nr_ops:2236469
+timestamp_ms:1652989597676.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348555264 nr_ops:2293511
+timestamp_ms:1652989598677.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2384825344 nr_ops:2328931
+timestamp_ms:1652989599678.4241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2422828032 nr_ops:2366043
+timestamp_ms:1652989600679.5308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2477681664 nr_ops:2419611
+timestamp_ms:1652989601680.6470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2526462976 nr_ops:2467249
+timestamp_ms:1652989602681.8633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2585463808 nr_ops:2524867
+timestamp_ms:1652989603682.9705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2644255744 nr_ops:2582281
+timestamp_ms:1652989604684.0645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2702597120 nr_ops:2639255
+timestamp_ms:1652989605685.1562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2760860672 nr_ops:2696153
+timestamp_ms:1652989606686.2522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2818628608 nr_ops:2752567
+timestamp_ms:1652989607687.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2867526656 nr_ops:2800319
+timestamp_ms:1652989608688.4377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911988736 nr_ops:2843739
+timestamp_ms:1652989609689.5315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2970530816 nr_ops:2900909
+timestamp_ms:1652989610690.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3008272384 nr_ops:2937766
+timestamp_ms:1652989611691.7368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3067982848 nr_ops:2996077
+timestamp_ms:1652989612692.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3125625856 nr_ops:3052369
+timestamp_ms:1652989613693.9216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3184110592 nr_ops:3109483
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139935237506816
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652989614895.2661 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3206163456 nr_ops:3131019
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989614895.3201 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989614895.3230 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989614995.5427 name:Total nr_bytes:3206163456 nr_ops:3131020
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989614895.4290 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6412326910 nr_ops:6262040
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989614895.4297 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3206163456 nr_ops:3131022
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 437.61us 0.00ns 437.61us 437.61us
+Txn1 1565510 38.34us 0.00ns 209.30ms 18.32us
+Txn2 1 38.15us 0.00ns 38.15us 38.15us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 436.74us 0.00ns 436.74us 436.74us
+write 1565510 2.43us 0.00ns 242.52us 2.14us
+read 1565509 35.83us 0.00ns 209.29ms 1.96us
+disconnect 1 37.70us 0.00ns 37.70us 37.70us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 818.88b/s
+net1 25102 25102 218.88Mb/s 218.88Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.102 62.37s 2.99GB 411.26Mb/s 3131022 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.99GB 411.26Mb/s 3131022 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:45:55.629000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:45:55.629000', 'bytes': 45036544, 'norm_byte': 45036544, 'ops': 43981, 'norm_ops': 43981, 'norm_ltcy': 22.761715463779815, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:45:55.629000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:45:55.629000",
+ "bytes": 45036544,
+ "norm_byte": 45036544,
+ "ops": 43981,
+ "norm_ops": 43981,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.761715463779815,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7caa57403ab413c57e0eaa6c7cc3f68a5f445aa34930fcd112eb29fcfd72b9fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:45:56.631000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:45:56.631000', 'bytes': 92848128, 'norm_byte': 47811584, 'ops': 90672, 'norm_ops': 46691, 'norm_ltcy': 21.440985933450772, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:45:56.631000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:45:56.631000",
+ "bytes": 92848128,
+ "norm_byte": 47811584,
+ "ops": 90672,
+ "norm_ops": 46691,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.440985933450772,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d7db59c6cae8f50051d4ef0db47a89a4d4a391c5238f2a8481444de9dd3b2e40",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:45:57.632000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:45:57.632000', 'bytes': 143330304, 'norm_byte': 50482176, 'ops': 139971, 'norm_ops': 49299, 'norm_ltcy': 20.30652363321264, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:45:57.632000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:45:57.632000",
+ "bytes": 143330304,
+ "norm_byte": 50482176,
+ "ops": 139971,
+ "norm_ops": 49299,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.30652363321264,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09da9dc054b520c4db03c1ec05a8bf570ac1d40e6f6e478b9d8ddf674db5cf76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:45:58.633000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:45:58.633000', 'bytes': 206730240, 'norm_byte': 63399936, 'ops': 201885, 'norm_ops': 61914, 'norm_ltcy': 16.169227678715636, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:45:58.633000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:45:58.633000",
+ "bytes": 206730240,
+ "norm_byte": 63399936,
+ "ops": 201885,
+ "norm_ops": 61914,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.169227678715636,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18024fde5af30f938dfb1182f98dc912466e5342835ef77956a75cdf86b1c82e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:45:59.634000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:45:59.634000', 'bytes': 264621056, 'norm_byte': 57890816, 'ops': 258419, 'norm_ops': 56534, 'norm_ltcy': 17.70674211950994, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:45:59.634000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:45:59.634000",
+ "bytes": 264621056,
+ "norm_byte": 57890816,
+ "ops": 258419,
+ "norm_ops": 56534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.70674211950994,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aace2551e6f8d02d1a6217f53cb0859b10b85ada711ac084c0e888a7b63cb1a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:00.635000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:00.635000', 'bytes': 320525312, 'norm_byte': 55904256, 'ops': 313013, 'norm_ops': 54594, 'norm_ltcy': 18.337226417967177, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:00.635000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:00.635000",
+ "bytes": 320525312,
+ "norm_byte": 55904256,
+ "ops": 313013,
+ "norm_ops": 54594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.337226417967177,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "54e208c9c4a9bec5666b44e61605aa1de48dc8627a4e4732125628bfd0aae16b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:01.636000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:01.636000', 'bytes': 384041984, 'norm_byte': 63516672, 'ops': 375041, 'norm_ops': 62028, 'norm_ltcy': 16.139427928465775, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:01.636000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:01.636000",
+ "bytes": 384041984,
+ "norm_byte": 63516672,
+ "ops": 375041,
+ "norm_ops": 62028,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.139427928465775,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ecbd9b257c95c29f28ed4cdba44d7e5be0f12de7b75f8e948bd5d34deb58ea4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:02.637000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:02.637000', 'bytes': 447742976, 'norm_byte': 63700992, 'ops': 437249, 'norm_ops': 62208, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09428625538516, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:02.637000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:02.637000",
+ "bytes": 447742976,
+ "norm_byte": 63700992,
+ "ops": 437249,
+ "norm_ops": 62208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09428625538516,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4cbf70249a4a3ee8bd5572b38d0d9bc23e9d7e0af91a5c4da5b81d9e4e5b4c7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:03.638000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:03.638000', 'bytes': 498387968, 'norm_byte': 50644992, 'ops': 486707, 'norm_ops': 49458, 'norm_ltcy': 20.24189775763021, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:03.638000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:03.638000",
+ "bytes": 498387968,
+ "norm_byte": 50644992,
+ "ops": 486707,
+ "norm_ops": 49458,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.24189775763021,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5eb0585c26988988f630176f02caba6d14b0d48244e814a90fe837df22acc09b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:04.639000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:04.639000', 'bytes': 548994048, 'norm_byte': 50606080, 'ops': 536127, 'norm_ops': 49420, 'norm_ltcy': 20.25683475187171, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:04.639000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:04.639000",
+ "bytes": 548994048,
+ "norm_byte": 50606080,
+ "ops": 536127,
+ "norm_ops": 49420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.25683475187171,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55646da86da4e23b8b2035be155b1cfcade111d54c40f1f940dd99aed676a259",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:05.640000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:05.640000', 'bytes': 612639744, 'norm_byte': 63645696, 'ops': 598281, 'norm_ops': 62154, 'norm_ltcy': 16.106631153817535, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:05.640000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:05.640000",
+ "bytes": 612639744,
+ "norm_byte": 63645696,
+ "ops": 598281,
+ "norm_ops": 62154,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.106631153817535,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6741dab5b5d9e88682a2d64400d3fbe70251ef9d8222d3cc91ee24c3943e0e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:06.642000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:06.642000', 'bytes': 663510016, 'norm_byte': 50870272, 'ops': 647959, 'norm_ops': 49678, 'norm_ltcy': 20.151828557158098, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:06.642000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:06.642000",
+ "bytes": 663510016,
+ "norm_byte": 50870272,
+ "ops": 647959,
+ "norm_ops": 49678,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.151828557158098,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b08eabc9b0d39a5b4792ba6476558b9180e9de9813ff2ce18e8577a94a857cb9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:07.643000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:07.643000', 'bytes': 721998848, 'norm_byte': 58488832, 'ops': 705077, 'norm_ops': 57118, 'norm_ltcy': 17.527316154988355, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:07.643000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:07.643000",
+ "bytes": 721998848,
+ "norm_byte": 58488832,
+ "ops": 705077,
+ "norm_ops": 57118,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.527316154988355,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf6526570ab928efaa08c04b5554f6fc5989ccccb839a7c9c96e32d118cb591b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:08.644000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:08.644000', 'bytes': 774571008, 'norm_byte': 52572160, 'ops': 756417, 'norm_ops': 51340, 'norm_ltcy': 19.49933672118475, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:08.644000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:08.644000",
+ "bytes": 774571008,
+ "norm_byte": 52572160,
+ "ops": 756417,
+ "norm_ops": 51340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.49933672118475,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "24c7d3d9bdb1bd34d0ff1d4a2f798cbc9351eb9cc41161735f02ba2bc8dd85ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:09.645000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:09.645000', 'bytes': 830716928, 'norm_byte': 56145920, 'ops': 811247, 'norm_ops': 54830, 'norm_ltcy': 18.258192224831294, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:09.645000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:09.645000",
+ "bytes": 830716928,
+ "norm_byte": 56145920,
+ "ops": 811247,
+ "norm_ops": 54830,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.258192224831294,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e1f59e6f98d8612e6a5b05680081fed07860699c390d15cb8f95f4d992d430d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:10.646000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:10.646000', 'bytes': 844098560, 'norm_byte': 13381632, 'ops': 824315, 'norm_ops': 13068, 'norm_ltcy': 76.60833148004669, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:10.646000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:10.646000",
+ "bytes": 844098560,
+ "norm_byte": 13381632,
+ "ops": 824315,
+ "norm_ops": 13068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 76.60833148004669,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "464b12b6ea5d5c81303a8e854c8a7f089da19df852f87a47b638f71528bef7dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:11.647000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:11.647000', 'bytes': 903201792, 'norm_byte': 59103232, 'ops': 882033, 'norm_ops': 57718, 'norm_ltcy': 17.344546403147632, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:11.647000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:11.647000",
+ "bytes": 903201792,
+ "norm_byte": 59103232,
+ "ops": 882033,
+ "norm_ops": 57718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.344546403147632,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c7eeba79bf05f5cce05c6e9eadda6820d010b43100fcad0224a94b326d025c82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:12.648000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:12.648000', 'bytes': 961569792, 'norm_byte': 58368000, 'ops': 939033, 'norm_ops': 57000, 'norm_ltcy': 17.56309536047149, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:12.648000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:12.648000",
+ "bytes": 961569792,
+ "norm_byte": 58368000,
+ "ops": 939033,
+ "norm_ops": 57000,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.56309536047149,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81800714d91481d11cf314dc98aece4fa745c259f5e9013957e3fdabc781f839",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:13.649000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:13.649000', 'bytes': 1019954176, 'norm_byte': 58384384, 'ops': 996049, 'norm_ops': 57016, 'norm_ltcy': 17.558025447352495, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:13.649000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:13.649000",
+ "bytes": 1019954176,
+ "norm_byte": 58384384,
+ "ops": 996049,
+ "norm_ops": 57016,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.558025447352495,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d27b11f36d55ea784ae1b8cfd8468321272a80a8f4c47620d422b47f55a0b8a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:14.650000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:14.650000', 'bytes': 1078299648, 'norm_byte': 58345472, 'ops': 1053027, 'norm_ops': 56978, 'norm_ltcy': 17.570009545899296, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:14.650000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:14.650000",
+ "bytes": 1078299648,
+ "norm_byte": 58345472,
+ "ops": 1053027,
+ "norm_ops": 56978,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.570009545899296,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eaad6ab686faa2ac4a55f620b9cbbf3ead9e0c4067b29b99c199a52e92a2f281",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:15.652000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:15.652000', 'bytes': 1136722944, 'norm_byte': 58423296, 'ops': 1110081, 'norm_ops': 57054, 'norm_ltcy': 17.546776203793772, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:15.652000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:15.652000",
+ "bytes": 1136722944,
+ "norm_byte": 58423296,
+ "ops": 1110081,
+ "norm_ops": 57054,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.546776203793772,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e305b5d304dc55e47f9d683f6ea1a624bac8e7592a3ac12e849c60900b036596",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:16.653000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:16.653000', 'bytes': 1194847232, 'norm_byte': 58124288, 'ops': 1166843, 'norm_ops': 56762, 'norm_ltcy': 17.636891311253567, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:16.653000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:16.653000",
+ "bytes": 1194847232,
+ "norm_byte": 58124288,
+ "ops": 1166843,
+ "norm_ops": 56762,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.636891311253567,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b790d86baf7c8be5c211e387d72a896e47d094b5a206a53a339c9a931b00437",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:17.654000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:17.654000', 'bytes': 1238301696, 'norm_byte': 43454464, 'ops': 1209279, 'norm_ops': 42436, 'norm_ltcy': 23.590648822638798, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:17.654000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:17.654000",
+ "bytes": 1238301696,
+ "norm_byte": 43454464,
+ "ops": 1209279,
+ "norm_ops": 42436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.590648822638798,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66d13a4be16a49da7a9393060ce78ca3718b349439ff87b06399c8b3d2dbc818",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:18.655000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:18.655000', 'bytes': 1301797888, 'norm_byte': 63496192, 'ops': 1271287, 'norm_ops': 62008, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14485794675687, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:18.655000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:18.655000",
+ "bytes": 1301797888,
+ "norm_byte": 63496192,
+ "ops": 1271287,
+ "norm_ops": 62008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14485794675687,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf58492afe008371ba8ace3bd5706090390d0bd64553fe015aaf53105da3bc3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:19.656000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:19.656000', 'bytes': 1365392384, 'norm_byte': 63594496, 'ops': 1333391, 'norm_ops': 62104, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11955537787421, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:19.656000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:19.656000",
+ "bytes": 1365392384,
+ "norm_byte": 63594496,
+ "ops": 1333391,
+ "norm_ops": 62104,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11955537787421,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "024996b66fdc23855d45d2d31c82d6fdd2684bfaaf051001714f32e8df21085a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:20.657000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:20.657000', 'bytes': 1428577280, 'norm_byte': 63184896, 'ops': 1395095, 'norm_ops': 61704, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22430461862278, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:20.657000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:20.657000",
+ "bytes": 1428577280,
+ "norm_byte": 63184896,
+ "ops": 1395095,
+ "norm_ops": 61704,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22430461862278,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51e62dfb1e0f5715b41e91a68cb5dce4e32e0a2634b7e8d6f7c39c56cfb81d44",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:21.658000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:21.658000', 'bytes': 1486799872, 'norm_byte': 58222592, 'ops': 1451953, 'norm_ops': 56858, 'norm_ltcy': 17.606868138058847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:21.658000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:21.658000",
+ "bytes": 1486799872,
+ "norm_byte": 58222592,
+ "ops": 1451953,
+ "norm_ops": 56858,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.606868138058847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "803b631b2e06d9730d8d10e1e426a749633a22f0985565b6a0d3575e74574e95",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:22.659000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:22.659000', 'bytes': 1544449024, 'norm_byte': 57649152, 'ops': 1508251, 'norm_ops': 56298, 'norm_ltcy': 17.78214794902794, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:22.659000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:22.659000",
+ "bytes": 1544449024,
+ "norm_byte": 57649152,
+ "ops": 1508251,
+ "norm_ops": 56298,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.78214794902794,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "99b68cba06665aea2c87a3cb7b368d920b67515a8a870480a1a9232976e60d21",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:23.660000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:23.660000', 'bytes': 1592371200, 'norm_byte': 47922176, 'ops': 1555050, 'norm_ops': 46799, 'norm_ltcy': 21.39128657262976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:23.660000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:23.660000",
+ "bytes": 1592371200,
+ "norm_byte": 47922176,
+ "ops": 1555050,
+ "norm_ops": 46799,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.39128657262976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dde788f009221e19a2808fa4f6201906cb860494a5caf7d18f17e4cb77a5b70f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:24.661000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:24.661000', 'bytes': 1649155072, 'norm_byte': 56783872, 'ops': 1610503, 'norm_ops': 55453, 'norm_ltcy': 18.053070597228732, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:24.661000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:24.661000",
+ "bytes": 1649155072,
+ "norm_byte": 56783872,
+ "ops": 1610503,
+ "norm_ops": 55453,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.053070597228732,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "412ae22c5797e92b73be159818401067e988a4df30aaaff2cb33917f4febf901",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:25.663000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:25.663000', 'bytes': 1695155200, 'norm_byte': 46000128, 'ops': 1655425, 'norm_ops': 44922, 'norm_ltcy': 22.285508640323783, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:25.663000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:25.663000",
+ "bytes": 1695155200,
+ "norm_byte": 46000128,
+ "ops": 1655425,
+ "norm_ops": 44922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.285508640323783,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2af6345132bfcd14deb17d254337eddfcd7bd3675cdc602ca9c6ecc27c5d0f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:26.664000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:26.664000', 'bytes': 1745115136, 'norm_byte': 49959936, 'ops': 1704214, 'norm_ops': 48789, 'norm_ltcy': 20.51916159380188, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:26.664000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:26.664000",
+ "bytes": 1745115136,
+ "norm_byte": 49959936,
+ "ops": 1704214,
+ "norm_ops": 48789,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.51916159380188,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ab4da73cd5be93ad0f1030e281573fd102af2f0fb620991b26ced99f1b51ee1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:27.665000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:27.665000', 'bytes': 1808684032, 'norm_byte': 63568896, 'ops': 1766293, 'norm_ops': 62079, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12634581541262, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:27.665000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:27.665000",
+ "bytes": 1808684032,
+ "norm_byte": 63568896,
+ "ops": 1766293,
+ "norm_ops": 62079,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12634581541262,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "56d5af19f3c7385945c8eaa02ccaccb7838edb88c7bc459d1b6d901e5f63e125",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:28.666000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:28.666000', 'bytes': 1869861888, 'norm_byte': 61177856, 'ops': 1826037, 'norm_ops': 59744, 'norm_ltcy': 16.75650418347449, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:28.666000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:28.666000",
+ "bytes": 1869861888,
+ "norm_byte": 61177856,
+ "ops": 1826037,
+ "norm_ops": 59744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.75650418347449,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86fa6c9c78cde4ce3233bd7e71a590dabebff881ba2f23862d23b4f320495625",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:29.667000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:29.667000', 'bytes': 1913601024, 'norm_byte': 43739136, 'ops': 1868751, 'norm_ops': 42714, 'norm_ltcy': 23.437677186856185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:29.667000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:29.667000",
+ "bytes": 1913601024,
+ "norm_byte": 43739136,
+ "ops": 1868751,
+ "norm_ops": 42714,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.437677186856185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39df9b04eaa9c57cb22b3eff59775097de5b1e511d7a398ef0eaf2272d0bf4b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:30.668000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:30.668000', 'bytes': 1963709440, 'norm_byte': 50108416, 'ops': 1917685, 'norm_ops': 48934, 'norm_ltcy': 20.458155172975335, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:30.668000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:30.668000",
+ "bytes": 1963709440,
+ "norm_byte": 50108416,
+ "ops": 1917685,
+ "norm_ops": 48934,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.458155172975335,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "23f52168317866f768fe780bae0b9be898804ade3c4acdc4a8521b94b9d77477",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:31.669000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:31.669000', 'bytes': 2024393728, 'norm_byte': 60684288, 'ops': 1976947, 'norm_ops': 59262, 'norm_ltcy': 16.892708702456886, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:31.669000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:31.669000",
+ "bytes": 2024393728,
+ "norm_byte": 60684288,
+ "ops": 1976947,
+ "norm_ops": 59262,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.892708702456886,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe93a7d4277357516de41c6aed3eab14241ee06351ab64ce90291cc957b3a227",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:32.670000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:32.670000', 'bytes': 2088266752, 'norm_byte': 63873024, 'ops': 2039323, 'norm_ops': 62376, 'norm_ltcy': 16.048660855637586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:32.670000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:32.670000",
+ "bytes": 2088266752,
+ "norm_byte": 63873024,
+ "ops": 2039323,
+ "norm_ops": 62376,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.048660855637586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d8d8d68b23a60330be34e1a57a02d4bce07b26a4bfe0acf2cff796354639ce5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:33.671000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:33.671000', 'bytes': 2135385088, 'norm_byte': 47118336, 'ops': 2085337, 'norm_ops': 46014, 'norm_ltcy': 21.75622246082714, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:33.671000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:33.671000",
+ "bytes": 2135385088,
+ "norm_byte": 47118336,
+ "ops": 2085337,
+ "norm_ops": 46014,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.75622246082714,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2fe8a2ca16782fc0d21de4b4e3492f72db6af53b5d16115cebbd2c7875dec882",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:34.672000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:34.672000', 'bytes': 2184752128, 'norm_byte': 49367040, 'ops': 2133547, 'norm_ops': 48210, 'norm_ltcy': 20.765205894459136, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:34.672000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:34.672000",
+ "bytes": 2184752128,
+ "norm_byte": 49367040,
+ "ops": 2133547,
+ "norm_ops": 48210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.765205894459136,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6968e94860edc369c4a8232bbe4ee452f799720c62db741fc9e3c23dd677902",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:35.673000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:35.673000', 'bytes': 2231047168, 'norm_byte': 46295040, 'ops': 2178757, 'norm_ops': 45210, 'norm_ltcy': 22.143209078121544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:35.673000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:35.673000",
+ "bytes": 2231047168,
+ "norm_byte": 46295040,
+ "ops": 2178757,
+ "norm_ops": 45210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.143209078121544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f44b53f15a25cbc52c6e439a2d1e87866183203fcd317dae46b256acbffce7fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:36.675000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:36.675000', 'bytes': 2290144256, 'norm_byte': 59097088, 'ops': 2236469, 'norm_ops': 57712, 'norm_ltcy': 17.347474887425925, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:36.675000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:36.675000",
+ "bytes": 2290144256,
+ "norm_byte": 59097088,
+ "ops": 2236469,
+ "norm_ops": 57712,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.347474887425925,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0468c4ae309ebd3f53729090ea40d572f537f51b6833965fa4701259b8607a05",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:37.676000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:37.676000', 'bytes': 2348555264, 'norm_byte': 58411008, 'ops': 2293511, 'norm_ops': 57042, 'norm_ltcy': 17.55013798084087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:37.676000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:37.676000",
+ "bytes": 2348555264,
+ "norm_byte": 58411008,
+ "ops": 2293511,
+ "norm_ops": 57042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.55013798084087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "929d194025a3f3e5164bdd6da97a407339eb4cb8c299a44d74218eee6234e230",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:38.677000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:38.677000', 'bytes': 2384825344, 'norm_byte': 36270080, 'ops': 2328931, 'norm_ops': 35420, 'norm_ltcy': 28.263647336868292, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:38.677000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:38.677000",
+ "bytes": 2384825344,
+ "norm_byte": 36270080,
+ "ops": 2328931,
+ "norm_ops": 35420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.263647336868292,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bcb21a43ab7ffa1631833a1f3ddcffb1b9f93a038c3e1be7bbf59afe0ab80f4d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:39.678000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:39.678000', 'bytes': 2422828032, 'norm_byte': 38002688, 'ops': 2366043, 'norm_ops': 37112, 'norm_ltcy': 26.975105024149872, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:39.678000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:39.678000",
+ "bytes": 2422828032,
+ "norm_byte": 38002688,
+ "ops": 2366043,
+ "norm_ops": 37112,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.975105024149872,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5eb30dbc8e5168e7c803677de03cdf03f93924c6d12b90226eaeeeb3557f3896",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:40.679000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:40.679000', 'bytes': 2477681664, 'norm_byte': 54853632, 'ops': 2419611, 'norm_ops': 53568, 'norm_ltcy': 18.688520935131514, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:40.679000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:40.679000",
+ "bytes": 2477681664,
+ "norm_byte": 54853632,
+ "ops": 2419611,
+ "norm_ops": 53568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.688520935131514,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d0ffc9e25cb2ce44238dbfb28d85bdbf8164fe0228496b6ec664eb796f66bd9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:41.680000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:41.680000', 'bytes': 2526462976, 'norm_byte': 48781312, 'ops': 2467249, 'norm_ops': 47638, 'norm_ltcy': 21.015076429268653, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:41.680000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:41.680000",
+ "bytes": 2526462976,
+ "norm_byte": 48781312,
+ "ops": 2467249,
+ "norm_ops": 47638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.015076429268653,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90485f1d6608bab2956424b0c9077623fc0eab599b6bcbd4d6b17bfe71e64c36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:42.681000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:42.681000', 'bytes': 2585463808, 'norm_byte': 59000832, 'ops': 2524867, 'norm_ops': 57618, 'norm_ltcy': 17.376797330586797, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:42.681000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:42.681000",
+ "bytes": 2585463808,
+ "norm_byte": 59000832,
+ "ops": 2524867,
+ "norm_ops": 57618,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.376797330586797,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "89c80dab40804088aa18667d2fca2af43b2dbaa1b61f1c1e79644b67622892f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:43.682000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:43.682000', 'bytes': 2644255744, 'norm_byte': 58791936, 'ops': 2582281, 'norm_ops': 57414, 'norm_ltcy': 17.43663875943803, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:43.682000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:43.682000",
+ "bytes": 2644255744,
+ "norm_byte": 58791936,
+ "ops": 2582281,
+ "norm_ops": 57414,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.43663875943803,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c831c79a88a013c456b02a49f3c221764ff7d1d12746adfab99ce3a2d05bcf7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:44.684000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:44.684000', 'bytes': 2702597120, 'norm_byte': 58341376, 'ops': 2639255, 'norm_ops': 56974, 'norm_ltcy': 17.57106740163276, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:44.684000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:44.684000",
+ "bytes": 2702597120,
+ "norm_byte": 58341376,
+ "ops": 2639255,
+ "norm_ops": 56974,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.57106740163276,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd3723e2fa1036a32c37b0b58ef0a7bdd860c3cf65987240f3a6c800dbf29c40",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:45.685000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:45.685000', 'bytes': 2760860672, 'norm_byte': 58263552, 'ops': 2696153, 'norm_ops': 56898, 'norm_ltcy': 17.594498872983234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:45.685000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:45.685000",
+ "bytes": 2760860672,
+ "norm_byte": 58263552,
+ "ops": 2696153,
+ "norm_ops": 56898,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.594498872983234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90a92476649f475da267e0a3111d80f7e0548ebdb3dac15880438ad4ac0e6b5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:46.686000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:46.686000', 'bytes': 2818628608, 'norm_byte': 57767936, 'ops': 2752567, 'norm_ops': 56414, 'norm_ltcy': 17.745523225894726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:46.686000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:46.686000",
+ "bytes": 2818628608,
+ "norm_byte": 57767936,
+ "ops": 2752567,
+ "norm_ops": 56414,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.745523225894726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39bc249ea40a0c4fc09fd031bd1e4cb5934f7b2eee329584c8297f3823b598ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:47.687000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:47.687000', 'bytes': 2867526656, 'norm_byte': 48898048, 'ops': 2800319, 'norm_ops': 47752, 'norm_ltcy': 20.964390030456837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:47.687000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:47.687000",
+ "bytes": 2867526656,
+ "norm_byte": 48898048,
+ "ops": 2800319,
+ "norm_ops": 47752,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.964390030456837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "affb09654b052c762aa6cf794d45632efa7d0ece1703e469e0ece31de38167af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:48.688000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:48.688000', 'bytes': 2911988736, 'norm_byte': 44462080, 'ops': 2843739, 'norm_ops': 43420, 'norm_ltcy': 23.056056981589705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:48.688000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:48.688000",
+ "bytes": 2911988736,
+ "norm_byte": 44462080,
+ "ops": 2843739,
+ "norm_ops": 43420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.056056981589705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25f57bd6b45b1eedda7279c114c1aff8cd7af15f3f637f7cd18f1ce19d3daa7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:49.689000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:49.689000', 'bytes': 2970530816, 'norm_byte': 58542080, 'ops': 2900909, 'norm_ops': 57170, 'norm_ltcy': 17.510822984082562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:49.689000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:49.689000",
+ "bytes": 2970530816,
+ "norm_byte": 58542080,
+ "ops": 2900909,
+ "norm_ops": 57170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.510822984082562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d73bbe1ac59ced83ed2857e0f6311065b192a6e63b3b46561346149ac5e2c46",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:50.690000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:50.690000', 'bytes': 3008272384, 'norm_byte': 37741568, 'ops': 2937766, 'norm_ops': 36857, 'norm_ltcy': 27.16162322667675, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:50.690000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:50.690000",
+ "bytes": 3008272384,
+ "norm_byte": 37741568,
+ "ops": 2937766,
+ "norm_ops": 36857,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.16162322667675,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5455191e03fa9a72972d87f4255b90a8513d3587b5709abddf5f0746b36a8a94",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:51.691000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:51.691000', 'bytes': 3067982848, 'norm_byte': 59710464, 'ops': 2996077, 'norm_ops': 58311, 'norm_ltcy': 17.168448062972683, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:51.691000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:51.691000",
+ "bytes": 3067982848,
+ "norm_byte": 59710464,
+ "ops": 2996077,
+ "norm_ops": 58311,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.168448062972683,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6e796a0cc5de31ab98cbf000847e67bcec132fe8239ad8788e33a18ccb6ff55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:52.692000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:52.692000', 'bytes': 3125625856, 'norm_byte': 57643008, 'ops': 3052369, 'norm_ops': 56292, 'norm_ltcy': 17.783956555494118, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:52.692000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:52.692000",
+ "bytes": 3125625856,
+ "norm_byte": 57643008,
+ "ops": 3052369,
+ "norm_ops": 56292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.783956555494118,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a99155ccd941af2f5b8e870278d69caa023c48e3cebb0f74b4f83c5ee73bebe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:53.693000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:53.693000', 'bytes': 3184110592, 'norm_byte': 58484736, 'ops': 3109483, 'norm_ops': 57114, 'norm_ltcy': 17.527932416417165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:53.693000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:53.693000",
+ "bytes": 3184110592,
+ "norm_byte": 58484736,
+ "ops": 3109483,
+ "norm_ops": 57114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.527932416417165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fdca2f1061bc4ab2ea63b05e079c5fbdb576125ff540d086170c1c5a73f3ee7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:46:54.895000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:46:54.895000', 'bytes': 3206163456, 'norm_byte': 22052864, 'ops': 3131019, 'norm_ops': 21536, 'norm_ltcy': 55.78308332196671, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:46:54.895000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:46:54.895000",
+ "bytes": 3206163456,
+ "norm_byte": 22052864,
+ "ops": 3131019,
+ "norm_ops": 21536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 55.78308332196671,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "eaf8ca3d-8088-54ca-bc48-7d7ab26dc08c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c3dc4e893339f6116d8207e7f16f7c420ca570f381f1761e6464c75fb637a2bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 53436057.6
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 52183.65
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 27.21672443218632
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:46:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-007-220519194310/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-007-220519194310/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..713798b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-007-220519194310/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-007-220519194310/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-007-220519194310/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-007-220519194310/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-007-220519194310/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-007-220519194310/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce2cab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-007-220519194310/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=5
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=80
+ net.core.busy_poll=100
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-008-220519194511/220519194511-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-008-220519194511/220519194511-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5ec0a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-008-220519194511/220519194511-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:47:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989675048.3879 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989676049.4771 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989676049.5264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989677050.6121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62415872 nr_ops:60953\ntimestamp_ms:1652989678051.6526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125101056 nr_ops:122169\ntimestamp_ms:1652989679052.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188341248 nr_ops:183927\ntimestamp_ms:1652989680053.7886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252170240 nr_ops:246260\ntimestamp_ms:1652989681054.8892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315566080 nr_ops:308170\ntimestamp_ms:1652989682055.9783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378804224 nr_ops:369926\ntimestamp_ms:1652989683057.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442330112 nr_ops:431963\ntimestamp_ms:1652989684057.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506864640 nr_ops:494985\ntimestamp_ms:1652989685058.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569840640 nr_ops:556485\ntimestamp_ms:1652989686060.0413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633713664 nr_ops:618861\ntimestamp_ms:1652989687061.1316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696454144 nr_ops:680131\ntimestamp_ms:1652989688062.2249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758674432 nr_ops:740893\ntimestamp_ms:1652989689063.3159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822914048 nr_ops:803627\ntimestamp_ms:1652989690064.4148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886502400 nr_ops:865725\ntimestamp_ms:1652989691065.5085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949836800 nr_ops:927575\ntimestamp_ms:1652989692066.6003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012698112 nr_ops:988963\ntimestamp_ms:1652989693067.6982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076908032 nr_ops:1051668\ntimestamp_ms:1652989694068.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1143370752 nr_ops:1116573\ntimestamp_ms:1652989695069.8796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1206995968 nr_ops:1178707\ntimestamp_ms:1652989696070.9695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270319104 nr_ops:1240546\ntimestamp_ms:1652989697072.0564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1333273600 nr_ops:1302025\ntimestamp_ms:1652989698073.1479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396384768 nr_ops:1363657\ntimestamp_ms:1652989699074.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461056512 nr_ops:1426813\ntimestamp_ms:1652989700075.2742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524804608 nr_ops:1489067\ntimestamp_ms:1652989701076.3711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587753984 nr_ops:1550541\ntimestamp_ms:1652989702077.4695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651293184 nr_ops:1612591\ntimestamp_ms:1652989703078.5688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714973696 nr_ops:1674779\ntimestamp_ms:1652989704079.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778066432 nr_ops:1736393\ntimestamp_ms:1652989705080.8018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841915904 nr_ops:1798746\ntimestamp_ms:1652989706081.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905845248 nr_ops:1861177\ntimestamp_ms:1652989707082.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968419840 nr_ops:1922285\ntimestamp_ms:1652989708083.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031559680 nr_ops:1983945\ntimestamp_ms:1652989709085.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095184896 nr_ops:2046079\ntimestamp_ms:1652989710086.1216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159357952 nr_ops:2108748\ntimestamp_ms:1652989711087.2129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2224634880 nr_ops:2172495\ntimestamp_ms:1652989712088.2512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2288063488 nr_ops:2234437\ntimestamp_ms:1652989713089.3401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2351401984 nr_ops:2296291\ntimestamp_ms:1652989714090.4399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2414864384 nr_ops:2358266\ntimestamp_ms:1652989715091.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2477912064 nr_ops:2419836\ntimestamp_ms:1652989716092.5742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2541409280 nr_ops:2481845\ntimestamp_ms:1652989717093.6707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2604076032 nr_ops:2543043\ntimestamp_ms:1652989718094.7686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2667149312 nr_ops:2604638\ntimestamp_ms:1652989719095.8601 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2731867136 nr_ops:2667839\ntimestamp_ms:1652989720096.9521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2796555264 nr_ops:2731011\ntimestamp_ms:1652989721098.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2860162048 nr_ops:2793127\ntimestamp_ms:1652989722099.1589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921975808 nr_ops:2853492\ntimestamp_ms:1652989723100.2639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2985843712 nr_ops:2915863\ntimestamp_ms:1652989724101.3579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049540608 nr_ops:2978067\ntimestamp_ms:1652989725102.4556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3113245696 nr_ops:3040279\ntimestamp_ms:1652989726102.8943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3176864768 nr_ops:3102407\ntimestamp_ms:1652989727103.9900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3240983552 nr_ops:3165023\ntimestamp_ms:1652989728105.0842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3305042944 nr_ops:3227581\ntimestamp_ms:1652989729106.1768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3369167872 nr_ops:3290203\ntimestamp_ms:1652989730107.2646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3433616384 nr_ops:3353141\ntimestamp_ms:1652989731108.3628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498595328 nr_ops:3416597\ntimestamp_ms:1652989732109.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3562058752 nr_ops:3478573\ntimestamp_ms:1652989733110.5466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3626124288 nr_ops:3541137\ntimestamp_ms:1652989734111.6445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3690657792 nr_ops:3604158\ntimestamp_ms:1652989735112.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3754156032 nr_ops:3666168\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140289733854976\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.1995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3822027776 nr_ops:3732449\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.2832 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.2937 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736414.5168 name:Total nr_bytes:3822027776 nr_ops:3732450\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.3894 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7644055550 nr_ops:7464900\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.3906 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3822027776 nr_ops:3732452\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 237.22us 0.00ns 237.22us 237.22us \nTxn1 1866225 32.15us 0.00ns 4.73ms 25.87us \nTxn2 1 49.78us 0.00ns 49.78us 49.78us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 236.83us 0.00ns 236.83us 236.83us \nwrite 1866225 3.21us 0.00ns 96.96us 2.48us \nread 1866224 28.86us 0.00ns 4.73ms 1.41us \ndisconnect 1 49.19us 0.00ns 49.19us 49.19us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.11b/s \nnet1 29923 29923 260.93Mb/s 260.93Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.103 62.37s 3.56GB 490.26Mb/s 3732451 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.26Mb/s 3732452 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.423428, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989675048.3879 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989676049.4771 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989676049.5264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989677050.6121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62415872 nr_ops:60953\ntimestamp_ms:1652989678051.6526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125101056 nr_ops:122169\ntimestamp_ms:1652989679052.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188341248 nr_ops:183927\ntimestamp_ms:1652989680053.7886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252170240 nr_ops:246260\ntimestamp_ms:1652989681054.8892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315566080 nr_ops:308170\ntimestamp_ms:1652989682055.9783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378804224 nr_ops:369926\ntimestamp_ms:1652989683057.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442330112 nr_ops:431963\ntimestamp_ms:1652989684057.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506864640 nr_ops:494985\ntimestamp_ms:1652989685058.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569840640 nr_ops:556485\ntimestamp_ms:1652989686060.0413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633713664 nr_ops:618861\ntimestamp_ms:1652989687061.1316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696454144 nr_ops:680131\ntimestamp_ms:1652989688062.2249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758674432 nr_ops:740893\ntimestamp_ms:1652989689063.3159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822914048 nr_ops:803627\ntimestamp_ms:1652989690064.4148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886502400 nr_ops:865725\ntimestamp_ms:1652989691065.5085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949836800 nr_ops:927575\ntimestamp_ms:1652989692066.6003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012698112 nr_ops:988963\ntimestamp_ms:1652989693067.6982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076908032 nr_ops:1051668\ntimestamp_ms:1652989694068.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1143370752 nr_ops:1116573\ntimestamp_ms:1652989695069.8796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1206995968 nr_ops:1178707\ntimestamp_ms:1652989696070.9695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270319104 nr_ops:1240546\ntimestamp_ms:1652989697072.0564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1333273600 nr_ops:1302025\ntimestamp_ms:1652989698073.1479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396384768 nr_ops:1363657\ntimestamp_ms:1652989699074.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461056512 nr_ops:1426813\ntimestamp_ms:1652989700075.2742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524804608 nr_ops:1489067\ntimestamp_ms:1652989701076.3711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587753984 nr_ops:1550541\ntimestamp_ms:1652989702077.4695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651293184 nr_ops:1612591\ntimestamp_ms:1652989703078.5688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714973696 nr_ops:1674779\ntimestamp_ms:1652989704079.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778066432 nr_ops:1736393\ntimestamp_ms:1652989705080.8018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841915904 nr_ops:1798746\ntimestamp_ms:1652989706081.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905845248 nr_ops:1861177\ntimestamp_ms:1652989707082.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968419840 nr_ops:1922285\ntimestamp_ms:1652989708083.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031559680 nr_ops:1983945\ntimestamp_ms:1652989709085.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095184896 nr_ops:2046079\ntimestamp_ms:1652989710086.1216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159357952 nr_ops:2108748\ntimestamp_ms:1652989711087.2129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2224634880 nr_ops:2172495\ntimestamp_ms:1652989712088.2512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2288063488 nr_ops:2234437\ntimestamp_ms:1652989713089.3401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2351401984 nr_ops:2296291\ntimestamp_ms:1652989714090.4399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2414864384 nr_ops:2358266\ntimestamp_ms:1652989715091.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2477912064 nr_ops:2419836\ntimestamp_ms:1652989716092.5742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2541409280 nr_ops:2481845\ntimestamp_ms:1652989717093.6707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2604076032 nr_ops:2543043\ntimestamp_ms:1652989718094.7686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2667149312 nr_ops:2604638\ntimestamp_ms:1652989719095.8601 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2731867136 nr_ops:2667839\ntimestamp_ms:1652989720096.9521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2796555264 nr_ops:2731011\ntimestamp_ms:1652989721098.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2860162048 nr_ops:2793127\ntimestamp_ms:1652989722099.1589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921975808 nr_ops:2853492\ntimestamp_ms:1652989723100.2639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2985843712 nr_ops:2915863\ntimestamp_ms:1652989724101.3579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049540608 nr_ops:2978067\ntimestamp_ms:1652989725102.4556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3113245696 nr_ops:3040279\ntimestamp_ms:1652989726102.8943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3176864768 nr_ops:3102407\ntimestamp_ms:1652989727103.9900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3240983552 nr_ops:3165023\ntimestamp_ms:1652989728105.0842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3305042944 nr_ops:3227581\ntimestamp_ms:1652989729106.1768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3369167872 nr_ops:3290203\ntimestamp_ms:1652989730107.2646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3433616384 nr_ops:3353141\ntimestamp_ms:1652989731108.3628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498595328 nr_ops:3416597\ntimestamp_ms:1652989732109.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3562058752 nr_ops:3478573\ntimestamp_ms:1652989733110.5466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3626124288 nr_ops:3541137\ntimestamp_ms:1652989734111.6445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3690657792 nr_ops:3604158\ntimestamp_ms:1652989735112.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3754156032 nr_ops:3666168\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140289733854976\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.1995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3822027776 nr_ops:3732449\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.2832 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.2937 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736414.5168 name:Total nr_bytes:3822027776 nr_ops:3732450\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.3894 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7644055550 nr_ops:7464900\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.3906 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3822027776 nr_ops:3732452\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 237.22us 0.00ns 237.22us 237.22us \nTxn1 1866225 32.15us 0.00ns 4.73ms 25.87us \nTxn2 1 49.78us 0.00ns 49.78us 49.78us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 236.83us 0.00ns 236.83us 236.83us \nwrite 1866225 3.21us 0.00ns 96.96us 2.48us \nread 1866224 28.86us 0.00ns 4.73ms 1.41us \ndisconnect 1 49.19us 0.00ns 49.19us 49.19us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.11b/s \nnet1 29923 29923 260.93Mb/s 260.93Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.103 62.37s 3.56GB 490.26Mb/s 3732451 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.26Mb/s 3732452 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.423428, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989675048.3879 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989676049.4771 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989676049.5264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989677050.6121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62415872 nr_ops:60953\ntimestamp_ms:1652989678051.6526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125101056 nr_ops:122169\ntimestamp_ms:1652989679052.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188341248 nr_ops:183927\ntimestamp_ms:1652989680053.7886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252170240 nr_ops:246260\ntimestamp_ms:1652989681054.8892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315566080 nr_ops:308170\ntimestamp_ms:1652989682055.9783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378804224 nr_ops:369926\ntimestamp_ms:1652989683057.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442330112 nr_ops:431963\ntimestamp_ms:1652989684057.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506864640 nr_ops:494985\ntimestamp_ms:1652989685058.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569840640 nr_ops:556485\ntimestamp_ms:1652989686060.0413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633713664 nr_ops:618861\ntimestamp_ms:1652989687061.1316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696454144 nr_ops:680131\ntimestamp_ms:1652989688062.2249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758674432 nr_ops:740893\ntimestamp_ms:1652989689063.3159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822914048 nr_ops:803627\ntimestamp_ms:1652989690064.4148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886502400 nr_ops:865725\ntimestamp_ms:1652989691065.5085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949836800 nr_ops:927575\ntimestamp_ms:1652989692066.6003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012698112 nr_ops:988963\ntimestamp_ms:1652989693067.6982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076908032 nr_ops:1051668\ntimestamp_ms:1652989694068.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1143370752 nr_ops:1116573\ntimestamp_ms:1652989695069.8796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1206995968 nr_ops:1178707\ntimestamp_ms:1652989696070.9695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270319104 nr_ops:1240546\ntimestamp_ms:1652989697072.0564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1333273600 nr_ops:1302025\ntimestamp_ms:1652989698073.1479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396384768 nr_ops:1363657\ntimestamp_ms:1652989699074.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461056512 nr_ops:1426813\ntimestamp_ms:1652989700075.2742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524804608 nr_ops:1489067\ntimestamp_ms:1652989701076.3711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587753984 nr_ops:1550541\ntimestamp_ms:1652989702077.4695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651293184 nr_ops:1612591\ntimestamp_ms:1652989703078.5688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714973696 nr_ops:1674779\ntimestamp_ms:1652989704079.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778066432 nr_ops:1736393\ntimestamp_ms:1652989705080.8018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841915904 nr_ops:1798746\ntimestamp_ms:1652989706081.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905845248 nr_ops:1861177\ntimestamp_ms:1652989707082.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968419840 nr_ops:1922285\ntimestamp_ms:1652989708083.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031559680 nr_ops:1983945\ntimestamp_ms:1652989709085.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095184896 nr_ops:2046079\ntimestamp_ms:1652989710086.1216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159357952 nr_ops:2108748\ntimestamp_ms:1652989711087.2129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2224634880 nr_ops:2172495\ntimestamp_ms:1652989712088.2512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2288063488 nr_ops:2234437\ntimestamp_ms:1652989713089.3401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2351401984 nr_ops:2296291\ntimestamp_ms:1652989714090.4399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2414864384 nr_ops:2358266\ntimestamp_ms:1652989715091.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2477912064 nr_ops:2419836\ntimestamp_ms:1652989716092.5742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2541409280 nr_ops:2481845\ntimestamp_ms:1652989717093.6707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2604076032 nr_ops:2543043\ntimestamp_ms:1652989718094.7686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2667149312 nr_ops:2604638\ntimestamp_ms:1652989719095.8601 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2731867136 nr_ops:2667839\ntimestamp_ms:1652989720096.9521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2796555264 nr_ops:2731011\ntimestamp_ms:1652989721098.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2860162048 nr_ops:2793127\ntimestamp_ms:1652989722099.1589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921975808 nr_ops:2853492\ntimestamp_ms:1652989723100.2639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2985843712 nr_ops:2915863\ntimestamp_ms:1652989724101.3579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049540608 nr_ops:2978067\ntimestamp_ms:1652989725102.4556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3113245696 nr_ops:3040279\ntimestamp_ms:1652989726102.8943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3176864768 nr_ops:3102407\ntimestamp_ms:1652989727103.9900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3240983552 nr_ops:3165023\ntimestamp_ms:1652989728105.0842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3305042944 nr_ops:3227581\ntimestamp_ms:1652989729106.1768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3369167872 nr_ops:3290203\ntimestamp_ms:1652989730107.2646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3433616384 nr_ops:3353141\ntimestamp_ms:1652989731108.3628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498595328 nr_ops:3416597\ntimestamp_ms:1652989732109.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3562058752 nr_ops:3478573\ntimestamp_ms:1652989733110.5466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3626124288 nr_ops:3541137\ntimestamp_ms:1652989734111.6445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3690657792 nr_ops:3604158\ntimestamp_ms:1652989735112.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3754156032 nr_ops:3666168\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140289733854976\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.1995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3822027776 nr_ops:3732449\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.2832 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.2937 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736414.5168 name:Total nr_bytes:3822027776 nr_ops:3732450\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.3894 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7644055550 nr_ops:7464900\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989736314.3906 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3822027776 nr_ops:3732452\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 237.22us 0.00ns 237.22us 237.22us \nTxn1 1866225 32.15us 0.00ns 4.73ms 25.87us \nTxn2 1 49.78us 0.00ns 49.78us 49.78us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 236.83us 0.00ns 236.83us 236.83us \nwrite 1866225 3.21us 0.00ns 96.96us 2.48us \nread 1866224 28.86us 0.00ns 4.73ms 1.41us \ndisconnect 1 49.19us 0.00ns 49.19us 49.19us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.11b/s \nnet1 29923 29923 260.93Mb/s 260.93Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.103 62.37s 3.56GB 490.26Mb/s 3732451 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.26Mb/s 3732452 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.423428, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989675048.3879 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989676049.4771 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989676049.5264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989677050.6121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62415872 nr_ops:60953
+timestamp_ms:1652989678051.6526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125101056 nr_ops:122169
+timestamp_ms:1652989679052.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188341248 nr_ops:183927
+timestamp_ms:1652989680053.7886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252170240 nr_ops:246260
+timestamp_ms:1652989681054.8892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315566080 nr_ops:308170
+timestamp_ms:1652989682055.9783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378804224 nr_ops:369926
+timestamp_ms:1652989683057.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442330112 nr_ops:431963
+timestamp_ms:1652989684057.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506864640 nr_ops:494985
+timestamp_ms:1652989685058.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569840640 nr_ops:556485
+timestamp_ms:1652989686060.0413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633713664 nr_ops:618861
+timestamp_ms:1652989687061.1316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696454144 nr_ops:680131
+timestamp_ms:1652989688062.2249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758674432 nr_ops:740893
+timestamp_ms:1652989689063.3159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822914048 nr_ops:803627
+timestamp_ms:1652989690064.4148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886502400 nr_ops:865725
+timestamp_ms:1652989691065.5085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949836800 nr_ops:927575
+timestamp_ms:1652989692066.6003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012698112 nr_ops:988963
+timestamp_ms:1652989693067.6982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076908032 nr_ops:1051668
+timestamp_ms:1652989694068.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1143370752 nr_ops:1116573
+timestamp_ms:1652989695069.8796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1206995968 nr_ops:1178707
+timestamp_ms:1652989696070.9695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270319104 nr_ops:1240546
+timestamp_ms:1652989697072.0564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1333273600 nr_ops:1302025
+timestamp_ms:1652989698073.1479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396384768 nr_ops:1363657
+timestamp_ms:1652989699074.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461056512 nr_ops:1426813
+timestamp_ms:1652989700075.2742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524804608 nr_ops:1489067
+timestamp_ms:1652989701076.3711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587753984 nr_ops:1550541
+timestamp_ms:1652989702077.4695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651293184 nr_ops:1612591
+timestamp_ms:1652989703078.5688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714973696 nr_ops:1674779
+timestamp_ms:1652989704079.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778066432 nr_ops:1736393
+timestamp_ms:1652989705080.8018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841915904 nr_ops:1798746
+timestamp_ms:1652989706081.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905845248 nr_ops:1861177
+timestamp_ms:1652989707082.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968419840 nr_ops:1922285
+timestamp_ms:1652989708083.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031559680 nr_ops:1983945
+timestamp_ms:1652989709085.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095184896 nr_ops:2046079
+timestamp_ms:1652989710086.1216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159357952 nr_ops:2108748
+timestamp_ms:1652989711087.2129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2224634880 nr_ops:2172495
+timestamp_ms:1652989712088.2512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2288063488 nr_ops:2234437
+timestamp_ms:1652989713089.3401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2351401984 nr_ops:2296291
+timestamp_ms:1652989714090.4399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2414864384 nr_ops:2358266
+timestamp_ms:1652989715091.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2477912064 nr_ops:2419836
+timestamp_ms:1652989716092.5742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2541409280 nr_ops:2481845
+timestamp_ms:1652989717093.6707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2604076032 nr_ops:2543043
+timestamp_ms:1652989718094.7686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2667149312 nr_ops:2604638
+timestamp_ms:1652989719095.8601 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2731867136 nr_ops:2667839
+timestamp_ms:1652989720096.9521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2796555264 nr_ops:2731011
+timestamp_ms:1652989721098.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2860162048 nr_ops:2793127
+timestamp_ms:1652989722099.1589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921975808 nr_ops:2853492
+timestamp_ms:1652989723100.2639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2985843712 nr_ops:2915863
+timestamp_ms:1652989724101.3579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049540608 nr_ops:2978067
+timestamp_ms:1652989725102.4556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3113245696 nr_ops:3040279
+timestamp_ms:1652989726102.8943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3176864768 nr_ops:3102407
+timestamp_ms:1652989727103.9900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3240983552 nr_ops:3165023
+timestamp_ms:1652989728105.0842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3305042944 nr_ops:3227581
+timestamp_ms:1652989729106.1768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3369167872 nr_ops:3290203
+timestamp_ms:1652989730107.2646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3433616384 nr_ops:3353141
+timestamp_ms:1652989731108.3628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498595328 nr_ops:3416597
+timestamp_ms:1652989732109.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3562058752 nr_ops:3478573
+timestamp_ms:1652989733110.5466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3626124288 nr_ops:3541137
+timestamp_ms:1652989734111.6445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3690657792 nr_ops:3604158
+timestamp_ms:1652989735112.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3754156032 nr_ops:3666168
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140289733854976
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652989736314.1995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3822027776 nr_ops:3732449
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989736314.2832 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989736314.2937 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989736414.5168 name:Total nr_bytes:3822027776 nr_ops:3732450
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989736314.3894 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7644055550 nr_ops:7464900
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989736314.3906 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3822027776 nr_ops:3732452
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 237.22us 0.00ns 237.22us 237.22us
+Txn1 1866225 32.15us 0.00ns 4.73ms 25.87us
+Txn2 1 49.78us 0.00ns 49.78us 49.78us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 236.83us 0.00ns 236.83us 236.83us
+write 1866225 3.21us 0.00ns 96.96us 2.48us
+read 1866224 28.86us 0.00ns 4.73ms 1.41us
+disconnect 1 49.19us 0.00ns 49.19us 49.19us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.11b/s
+net1 29923 29923 260.93Mb/s 260.93Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.103 62.37s 3.56GB 490.26Mb/s 3732451 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.56GB 490.26Mb/s 3732452 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:47:57.050000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:47:57.050000', 'bytes': 62415872, 'norm_byte': 62415872, 'ops': 60953, 'norm_ops': 60953, 'norm_ltcy': 16.42389535149008, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:47:57.050000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:47:57.050000",
+ "bytes": 62415872,
+ "norm_byte": 62415872,
+ "ops": 60953,
+ "norm_ops": 60953,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.42389535149008,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe3b1d084a382f3a71d6b43f886718e4aa4527bcb9d77845e00fa69845b3725e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:47:58.051000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:47:58.051000', 'bytes': 125101056, 'norm_byte': 62685184, 'ops': 122169, 'norm_ops': 61216, 'norm_ltcy': 16.352596173283946, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:47:58.051000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:47:58.051000",
+ "bytes": 125101056,
+ "norm_byte": 62685184,
+ "ops": 122169,
+ "norm_ops": 61216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.352596173283946,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9816c16c60848a04b1d1f9069a443a7488a0d10189201c698c64e226e0724244",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:47:59.052000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:47:59.052000', 'bytes': 188341248, 'norm_byte': 63240192, 'ops': 183927, 'norm_ops': 61758, 'norm_ltcy': 16.209908881997066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:47:59.052000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:47:59.052000",
+ "bytes": 188341248,
+ "norm_byte": 63240192,
+ "ops": 183927,
+ "norm_ops": 61758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.209908881997066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce4165f511d98970cd9716a7dd0bafc1a6a0c250e100442ffed651c8a9d28596",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:00.053000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:00.053000', 'bytes': 252170240, 'norm_byte': 63828992, 'ops': 246260, 'norm_ops': 62333, 'norm_ltcy': 16.05962224814705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:00.053000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:00.053000",
+ "bytes": 252170240,
+ "norm_byte": 63828992,
+ "ops": 246260,
+ "norm_ops": 62333,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.05962224814705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5ddf054331eabcc49969abf96b2a3d5c7a3a4263252b67b158911a298cac30f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:01.054000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:01.054000', 'bytes': 315566080, 'norm_byte': 63395840, 'ops': 308170, 'norm_ops': 61910, 'norm_ltcy': 16.170256597278307, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:01.054000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:01.054000",
+ "bytes": 315566080,
+ "norm_byte": 63395840,
+ "ops": 308170,
+ "norm_ops": 61910,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.170256597278307,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6515d2b2ff0fb09fb71b6c1059a8728cd0613dbf75202b4f317cfc585ff020d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:02.055000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:02.055000', 'bytes': 378804224, 'norm_byte': 63238144, 'ops': 369926, 'norm_ops': 61756, 'norm_ltcy': 16.210394315177876, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:02.055000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:02.055000",
+ "bytes": 378804224,
+ "norm_byte": 63238144,
+ "ops": 369926,
+ "norm_ops": 61756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.210394315177876,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6abec04b844e1cd3750197f47cd0bcc92355d2f5f5e27907c83e4b9d060ae0b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:03.057000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:03.057000', 'bytes': 442330112, 'norm_byte': 63525888, 'ops': 431963, 'norm_ops': 62037, 'norm_ltcy': 16.137062893162547, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:03.057000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:03.057000",
+ "bytes": 442330112,
+ "norm_byte": 63525888,
+ "ops": 431963,
+ "norm_ops": 62037,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.137062893162547,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "953d07e7b93c8175486ce87841aa310d4e2e48441ba013e15ce0bbff0855a98e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:04.057000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:04.057000', 'bytes': 506864640, 'norm_byte': 64534528, 'ops': 494985, 'norm_ops': 63022, 'norm_ltcy': 15.8795614031608, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:04.057000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:04.057000",
+ "bytes": 506864640,
+ "norm_byte": 64534528,
+ "ops": 494985,
+ "norm_ops": 63022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.8795614031608,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1cb934ef241783b4aad90bf6f3349e6e0f2a82fb64e37e26bab6eb3f643fa36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:05.058000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:05.058000', 'bytes': 569840640, 'norm_byte': 62976000, 'ops': 556485, 'norm_ops': 61500, 'norm_ltcy': 16.277959063770325, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:05.058000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:05.058000",
+ "bytes": 569840640,
+ "norm_byte": 62976000,
+ "ops": 556485,
+ "norm_ops": 61500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.277959063770325,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f614ca67addedb1042487962648798bf0290687024b610865bf6d25c4c0716d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:06.060000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:06.060000', 'bytes': 633713664, 'norm_byte': 63873024, 'ops': 618861, 'norm_ops': 62376, 'norm_ltcy': 16.049631531458413, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:06.060000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:06.060000",
+ "bytes": 633713664,
+ "norm_byte": 63873024,
+ "ops": 618861,
+ "norm_ops": 62376,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.049631531458413,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa028b9ca5b1ab2ae35ace05f01ae925e16933b781923673c0f5cd0b88b45e4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:07.061000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:07.061000', 'bytes': 696454144, 'norm_byte': 62740480, 'ops': 680131, 'norm_ops': 61270, 'norm_ltcy': 16.338996768912192, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:07.061000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:07.061000",
+ "bytes": 696454144,
+ "norm_byte": 62740480,
+ "ops": 680131,
+ "norm_ops": 61270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.338996768912192,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1ca03729ca5efb4634044fa9702a249ecd01c78781ac9f08840665b65a09097",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:08.062000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:08.062000', 'bytes': 758674432, 'norm_byte': 62220288, 'ops': 740893, 'norm_ops': 60762, 'norm_ltcy': 16.475646978683226, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:08.062000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:08.062000",
+ "bytes": 758674432,
+ "norm_byte": 62220288,
+ "ops": 740893,
+ "norm_ops": 60762,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.475646978683226,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "780af732475295c256491d388af652aa59860ced62b70672dc189953d6898646",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:09.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:09.063000', 'bytes': 822914048, 'norm_byte': 64239616, 'ops': 803627, 'norm_ops': 62734, 'norm_ltcy': 15.957711359918466, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:09.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:09.063000",
+ "bytes": 822914048,
+ "norm_byte": 64239616,
+ "ops": 803627,
+ "norm_ops": 62734,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.957711359918466,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "518e4b2393b2acf950d9d5238183dfffafa3e6a3eae3ea4a92a74ad32593f14c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:10.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:10.064000', 'bytes': 886502400, 'norm_byte': 63588352, 'ops': 865725, 'norm_ops': 62098, 'norm_ltcy': 16.121274066042787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:10.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:10.064000",
+ "bytes": 886502400,
+ "norm_byte": 63588352,
+ "ops": 865725,
+ "norm_ops": 62098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.121274066042787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f8ee58163f3b2cc42f418a15d4c696573a166e16175a9ec526a872a51af886e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:11.065000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:11.065000', 'bytes': 949836800, 'norm_byte': 63334400, 'ops': 927575, 'norm_ops': 61850, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18583265966047, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:11.065000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:11.065000",
+ "bytes": 949836800,
+ "norm_byte": 63334400,
+ "ops": 927575,
+ "norm_ops": 61850,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18583265966047,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79daefc6f10f942088698fca1f402dc9fc8170fd0d78a1c33285389b8b7765c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:12.066000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:12.066000', 'bytes': 1012698112, 'norm_byte': 62861312, 'ops': 988963, 'norm_ops': 61388, 'norm_ltcy': 16.307613814996415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:12.066000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:12.066000",
+ "bytes": 1012698112,
+ "norm_byte": 62861312,
+ "ops": 988963,
+ "norm_ops": 61388,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.307613814996415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "edcec4393a9d865c08799f50c6e231eb55c489a277df5fac265c4270be98bf95",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:13.067000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:13.067000', 'bytes': 1076908032, 'norm_byte': 64209920, 'ops': 1051668, 'norm_ops': 62705, 'norm_ltcy': 15.965200548451081, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:13.067000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:13.067000",
+ "bytes": 1076908032,
+ "norm_byte": 64209920,
+ "ops": 1051668,
+ "norm_ops": 62705,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.965200548451081,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4036b15c7c05947e23ade5e73f1e9a7a6b90a231d8628804eac5586d164e3035",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:14.068000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:14.068000', 'bytes': 1143370752, 'norm_byte': 66462720, 'ops': 1116573, 'norm_ops': 64905, 'norm_ltcy': 15.423906063429243, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:14.068000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:14.068000",
+ "bytes": 1143370752,
+ "norm_byte": 66462720,
+ "ops": 1116573,
+ "norm_ops": 64905,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.423906063429243,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f909ebdbb00503cd58afd83d703fe2641d56b3ff3d535543fa8391b7005a947",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:15.069000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:15.069000', 'bytes': 1206995968, 'norm_byte': 63625216, 'ops': 1178707, 'norm_ops': 62134, 'norm_ltcy': 16.111835282413814, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:15.069000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:15.069000",
+ "bytes": 1206995968,
+ "norm_byte": 63625216,
+ "ops": 1178707,
+ "norm_ops": 62134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.111835282413814,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d20d62587c2868c0708746446eadf5f130d2c4c5e2e0e44a6a9b3e70dd2853c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:16.070000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:16.070000', 'bytes': 1270319104, 'norm_byte': 63323136, 'ops': 1240546, 'norm_ops': 61839, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18864864810233, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:16.070000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:16.070000",
+ "bytes": 1270319104,
+ "norm_byte": 63323136,
+ "ops": 1240546,
+ "norm_ops": 61839,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18864864810233,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "89e886426d753b97bdde4ef31788d7ae7ef18dc07bbb0fa152aba4373b009b22",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:17.072000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:17.072000', 'bytes': 1333273600, 'norm_byte': 62954496, 'ops': 1302025, 'norm_ops': 61479, 'norm_ltcy': 16.283396185079457, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:17.072000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:17.072000",
+ "bytes": 1333273600,
+ "norm_byte": 62954496,
+ "ops": 1302025,
+ "norm_ops": 61479,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.283396185079457,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "935787fcabe8f5dd72d29f3089cd0f7e3e934be5567080406e24278d7d51ad2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:18.073000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:18.073000', 'bytes': 1396384768, 'norm_byte': 63111168, 'ops': 1363657, 'norm_ops': 61632, 'norm_ltcy': 16.243048298519845, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:18.073000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:18.073000",
+ "bytes": 1396384768,
+ "norm_byte": 63111168,
+ "ops": 1363657,
+ "norm_ops": 61632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.243048298519845,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7f265b239c0cfcd2a9b38a4cb1694ff2d806f13cf552b10d5c7fb207de024b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:19.074000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:19.074000', 'bytes': 1461056512, 'norm_byte': 64671744, 'ops': 1426813, 'norm_ops': 63156, 'norm_ltcy': 15.851122709788063, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:19.074000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:19.074000",
+ "bytes": 1461056512,
+ "norm_byte": 64671744,
+ "ops": 1426813,
+ "norm_ops": 63156,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.851122709788063,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9f8950bf43995790583d8116a47a04d9011e00ca91f23fb47e36e2471d87f1f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:20.075000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:20.075000', 'bytes': 1524804608, 'norm_byte': 63748096, 'ops': 1489067, 'norm_ops': 62254, 'norm_ltcy': 16.079813583765702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:20.075000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:20.075000",
+ "bytes": 1524804608,
+ "norm_byte": 63748096,
+ "ops": 1489067,
+ "norm_ops": 62254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.079813583765702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b53c8f78c2db193852aa214a496724591bdbedb123b1aab016eb752a928ea3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:21.076000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:21.076000', 'bytes': 1587753984, 'norm_byte': 62949376, 'ops': 1550541, 'norm_ops': 61474, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28488342759744, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:21.076000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:21.076000",
+ "bytes": 1587753984,
+ "norm_byte": 62949376,
+ "ops": 1550541,
+ "norm_ops": 61474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28488342759744,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2279c0b879f62b00c60b56fd3b71b57c776180fca2bc1360e694b7f6173202f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:22.077000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:22.077000', 'bytes': 1651293184, 'norm_byte': 63539200, 'ops': 1612591, 'norm_ops': 62050, 'norm_ltcy': 16.133737126057614, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:22.077000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:22.077000",
+ "bytes": 1651293184,
+ "norm_byte": 63539200,
+ "ops": 1612591,
+ "norm_ops": 62050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.133737126057614,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f1f4a5f76c1ece24212b38f0b78a3f03f5fc50b13e170178e141c5984dc60eca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:23.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:23.078000', 'bytes': 1714973696, 'norm_byte': 63680512, 'ops': 1674779, 'norm_ops': 62188, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09795081421456, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:23.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:23.078000",
+ "bytes": 1714973696,
+ "norm_byte": 63680512,
+ "ops": 1674779,
+ "norm_ops": 62188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09795081421456,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f167fc43c6167ad2720ae7574f6ef96f2e78f5a79440952b70aa8fc43bbeebd2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:24.079000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:24.079000', 'bytes': 1778066432, 'norm_byte': 63092736, 'ops': 1736393, 'norm_ops': 61614, 'norm_ltcy': 16.247749978698025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:24.079000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:24.079000",
+ "bytes": 1778066432,
+ "norm_byte": 63092736,
+ "ops": 1736393,
+ "norm_ops": 61614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.247749978698025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b52c9758827e5e77c5be6553df4b11fd7924d193ea77ac528d28b80fd9ba81a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:25.080000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:25.080000', 'bytes': 1841915904, 'norm_byte': 63849472, 'ops': 1798746, 'norm_ops': 62353, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0560685607549, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:25.080000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:25.080000",
+ "bytes": 1841915904,
+ "norm_byte": 63849472,
+ "ops": 1798746,
+ "norm_ops": 62353,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0560685607549,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3dd08a2b951d278248ba09ded93d3b6ed0da311f7c114ac53c40e0fb2253bfa3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:26.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:26.081000', 'bytes': 1905845248, 'norm_byte': 63929344, 'ops': 1861177, 'norm_ops': 62431, 'norm_ltcy': 16.034221311577983, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:26.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:26.081000",
+ "bytes": 1905845248,
+ "norm_byte": 63929344,
+ "ops": 1861177,
+ "norm_ops": 62431,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.034221311577983,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "956e6bf40893c62712adced33b04e8c574aee13b628524bee4353755dc95ca41",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:27.082000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:27.082000', 'bytes': 1968419840, 'norm_byte': 62574592, 'ops': 1922285, 'norm_ops': 61108, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38084991429109, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:27.082000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:27.082000",
+ "bytes": 1968419840,
+ "norm_byte": 62574592,
+ "ops": 1922285,
+ "norm_ops": 61108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38084991429109,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80fdfe6d4a5ea286090d0b7c2734d40c3505ecc71c47ea111c0865509d41f52d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:28.083000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:28.083000', 'bytes': 2031559680, 'norm_byte': 63139840, 'ops': 1983945, 'norm_ops': 61660, 'norm_ltcy': 16.23573563062561, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:28.083000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:28.083000",
+ "bytes": 2031559680,
+ "norm_byte": 63139840,
+ "ops": 1983945,
+ "norm_ops": 61660,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.23573563062561,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c6fb46c23e4a4f4e2ac41fa40b0423a24c06d26dc4fa786a94197ccf7bdeb5dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:29.085000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:29.085000', 'bytes': 2095184896, 'norm_byte': 63625216, 'ops': 2046079, 'norm_ops': 62134, 'norm_ltcy': 16.111858857972287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:29.085000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:29.085000",
+ "bytes": 2095184896,
+ "norm_byte": 63625216,
+ "ops": 2046079,
+ "norm_ops": 62134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.111858857972287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3df5af1077687d30f5ac3adc3f22142c965a7f208028fa10b742b4f13f91d921",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:30.086000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:30.086000', 'bytes': 2159357952, 'norm_byte': 64173056, 'ops': 2108748, 'norm_ops': 62669, 'norm_ltcy': 15.97435222657933, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:30.086000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:30.086000",
+ "bytes": 2159357952,
+ "norm_byte": 64173056,
+ "ops": 2108748,
+ "norm_ops": 62669,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.97435222657933,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "798a59b48fa4c602883823824f4a9bc21715108e543c59aa096b6773a97dce79",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:31.087000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:31.087000', 'bytes': 2224634880, 'norm_byte': 65276928, 'ops': 2172495, 'norm_ops': 63747, 'norm_ltcy': 15.704132093961286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:31.087000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:31.087000",
+ "bytes": 2224634880,
+ "norm_byte": 65276928,
+ "ops": 2172495,
+ "norm_ops": 63747,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.704132093961286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc085925a55cdd3d014d913768a0c5bc9769b21ca807c393f6e5c0de509af191",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:32.088000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:32.088000', 'bytes': 2288063488, 'norm_byte': 63428608, 'ops': 2234437, 'norm_ops': 61942, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16089777659948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:32.088000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:32.088000",
+ "bytes": 2288063488,
+ "norm_byte": 63428608,
+ "ops": 2234437,
+ "norm_ops": 61942,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16089777659948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9e7276fc847c326d8918b3dedbf127426d0fd0fb01e0fcc49aa842b014be79a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:33.089000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:33.089000', 'bytes': 2351401984, 'norm_byte': 63338496, 'ops': 2296291, 'norm_ops': 61854, 'norm_ltcy': 16.184707006620428, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:33.089000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:33.089000",
+ "bytes": 2351401984,
+ "norm_byte": 63338496,
+ "ops": 2296291,
+ "norm_ops": 61854,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.184707006620428,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee45b84c988ac5f91dd1930c6731c1253ff42ddc8f9305935f764efe13641237",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:34.090000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:34.090000', 'bytes': 2414864384, 'norm_byte': 63462400, 'ops': 2358266, 'norm_ops': 61975, 'norm_ltcy': 16.153285252369905, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:34.090000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:34.090000",
+ "bytes": 2414864384,
+ "norm_byte": 63462400,
+ "ops": 2358266,
+ "norm_ops": 61975,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.153285252369905,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "581f763ebc3821ef080735114f2697e8ca4c402f5fe1ce8bb149e00c8ee4c644",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:35.091000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:35.091000', 'bytes': 2477912064, 'norm_byte': 63047680, 'ops': 2419836, 'norm_ops': 61570, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2595118488103, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:35.091000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:35.091000",
+ "bytes": 2477912064,
+ "norm_byte": 63047680,
+ "ops": 2419836,
+ "norm_ops": 61570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2595118488103,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ee1a4b9b0bd22f21f9d546452521f4c2039b92e1e540b126f3327ee19a7ae42",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:36.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:36.092000', 'bytes': 2541409280, 'norm_byte': 63497216, 'ops': 2481845, 'norm_ops': 62009, 'norm_ltcy': 16.143400680747956, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:36.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:36.092000",
+ "bytes": 2541409280,
+ "norm_byte": 63497216,
+ "ops": 2481845,
+ "norm_ops": 62009,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.143400680747956,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "523cc065547cdf984b6fdc13a281f2c93a80045bb65df4d278e7eb0b99b6edfa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:37.093000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:37.093000', 'bytes': 2604076032, 'norm_byte': 62666752, 'ops': 2543043, 'norm_ops': 61198, 'norm_ltcy': 16.35831948016071, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:37.093000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:37.093000",
+ "bytes": 2604076032,
+ "norm_byte": 62666752,
+ "ops": 2543043,
+ "norm_ops": 61198,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.35831948016071,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af7d0ba3c512a039ba9d9aac7e62cb749e157630d30791a9f09e612ceab3e887",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:38.094000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:38.094000', 'bytes': 2667149312, 'norm_byte': 63073280, 'ops': 2604638, 'norm_ops': 61595, 'norm_ltcy': 16.252908521643395, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:38.094000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:38.094000",
+ "bytes": 2667149312,
+ "norm_byte": 63073280,
+ "ops": 2604638,
+ "norm_ops": 61595,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.252908521643395,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e78622948ea067fa5b42d726898191ac23747553c5c1714378ede3ae6297e4b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:39.095000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:39.095000', 'bytes': 2731867136, 'norm_byte': 64717824, 'ops': 2667839, 'norm_ops': 63201, 'norm_ltcy': 15.83980558431631, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:39.095000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:39.095000",
+ "bytes": 2731867136,
+ "norm_byte": 64717824,
+ "ops": 2667839,
+ "norm_ops": 63201,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.83980558431631,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70205d5a5495d233d50b5caf9ac889891548861f2ed3c733fa93b8216b66ba16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:40.096000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:40.096000', 'bytes': 2796555264, 'norm_byte': 64688128, 'ops': 2731011, 'norm_ops': 63172, 'norm_ltcy': 15.84708480047529, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:40.096000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:40.096000",
+ "bytes": 2796555264,
+ "norm_byte": 64688128,
+ "ops": 2731011,
+ "norm_ops": 63172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.84708480047529,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dbc4851ecc1fea184252ec29b7a410c35fbd47e420fe37ad747444d8d7780aeb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:41.098000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:41.098000', 'bytes': 2860162048, 'norm_byte': 63606784, 'ops': 2793127, 'norm_ops': 62116, 'norm_ltcy': 16.116802886937343, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:41.098000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:41.098000",
+ "bytes": 2860162048,
+ "norm_byte": 63606784,
+ "ops": 2793127,
+ "norm_ops": 62116,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.116802886937343,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b782ce9d697c0d0b897f2350ce8e43f0f0a7e75c6489050ed5aa2c9d50b56b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:42.099000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:42.099000', 'bytes': 2921975808, 'norm_byte': 61813760, 'ops': 2853492, 'norm_ops': 60365, 'norm_ltcy': 16.584038084724178, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:42.099000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:42.099000",
+ "bytes": 2921975808,
+ "norm_byte": 61813760,
+ "ops": 2853492,
+ "norm_ops": 60365,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.584038084724178,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c8387ba16780e0cb52afc0c0e9a784178bd26e08411c692d090dc018eddfe78",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:43.100000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:43.100000', 'bytes': 2985843712, 'norm_byte': 63867904, 'ops': 2915863, 'norm_ops': 62371, 'norm_ltcy': 16.05080855636033, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:43.100000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:43.100000",
+ "bytes": 2985843712,
+ "norm_byte": 63867904,
+ "ops": 2915863,
+ "norm_ops": 62371,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.05080855636033,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "973d29ad4bb77126ed96391b817895ed616f40efc289da00cbcce46580e7a324",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:44.101000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:44.101000', 'bytes': 3049540608, 'norm_byte': 63696896, 'ops': 2978067, 'norm_ops': 62204, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09372378208194, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:44.101000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:44.101000",
+ "bytes": 3049540608,
+ "norm_byte": 63696896,
+ "ops": 2978067,
+ "norm_ops": 62204,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09372378208194,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9177597a71cebb1096c4223267f1785346b4eeb2e8d8cd3a2fbb98f8e1e5f0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:45.102000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:45.102000', 'bytes': 3113245696, 'norm_byte': 63705088, 'ops': 3040279, 'norm_ops': 62212, 'norm_ltcy': 16.091713114029446, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:45.102000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:45.102000",
+ "bytes": 3113245696,
+ "norm_byte": 63705088,
+ "ops": 3040279,
+ "norm_ops": 62212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.091713114029446,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7e372a2bc4dd6182b02898a3138061e3c8c8879cad4ad4cf7b67aa799f0256d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:46.102000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:46.102000', 'bytes': 3176864768, 'norm_byte': 63619072, 'ops': 3102407, 'norm_ops': 62128, 'norm_ltcy': 16.102863776447414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:46.102000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:46.102000",
+ "bytes": 3176864768,
+ "norm_byte": 63619072,
+ "ops": 3102407,
+ "norm_ops": 62128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.102863776447414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8530fe32dfeecae0058f8418b31adc560576e8a5ca2ace79bc9ceb9321da5896",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:47.103000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:47.103000', 'bytes': 3240983552, 'norm_byte': 64118784, 'ops': 3165023, 'norm_ops': 62616, 'norm_ltcy': 15.987857785949279, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:47.103000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:47.103000",
+ "bytes": 3240983552,
+ "norm_byte": 64118784,
+ "ops": 3165023,
+ "norm_ops": 62616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.987857785949279,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c88a9ec00a91a3f02087d677cf673bbf893aca4e4ba60e700f9b2eb9ba31acf9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:48.105000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:48.105000', 'bytes': 3305042944, 'norm_byte': 64059392, 'ops': 3227581, 'norm_ops': 62558, 'norm_ltcy': 16.002657346482465, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:48.105000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:48.105000",
+ "bytes": 3305042944,
+ "norm_byte": 64059392,
+ "ops": 3227581,
+ "norm_ops": 62558,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.002657346482465,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c95c1e1783e8071b45d3cbdfea3ef87dcf3cf0892452faa8a2cff2700572010a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:49.106000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:49.106000', 'bytes': 3369167872, 'norm_byte': 64124928, 'ops': 3290203, 'norm_ops': 62622, 'norm_ltcy': 15.986275259443564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:49.106000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:49.106000",
+ "bytes": 3369167872,
+ "norm_byte": 64124928,
+ "ops": 3290203,
+ "norm_ops": 62622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.986275259443564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c4069065873eca8e4ab2d377b6a66b4d4cdc0d87f71fc18a548ad7b6f7bfeba2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:50.107000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:50.107000', 'bytes': 3433616384, 'norm_byte': 64448512, 'ops': 3353141, 'norm_ops': 62938, 'norm_ltcy': 15.905937440417555, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:50.107000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:50.107000",
+ "bytes": 3433616384,
+ "norm_byte": 64448512,
+ "ops": 3353141,
+ "norm_ops": 62938,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.905937440417555,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "949045ce7c561c7b50a59d9bb277873daab3e84bda1e5ccc90a8d2523ca70b3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:51.108000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:51.108000', 'bytes': 3498595328, 'norm_byte': 64978944, 'ops': 3416597, 'norm_ops': 63456, 'norm_ltcy': 15.776256690167203, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:51.108000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:51.108000",
+ "bytes": 3498595328,
+ "norm_byte": 64978944,
+ "ops": 3416597,
+ "norm_ops": 63456,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.776256690167203,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a30c89f1daf1cd548343af263600c648d5702fd2e70daa5ec52facd149f51384",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:52.109000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:52.109000', 'bytes': 3562058752, 'norm_byte': 63463424, 'ops': 3478573, 'norm_ops': 61976, 'norm_ltcy': 16.152941889804115, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:52.109000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:52.109000",
+ "bytes": 3562058752,
+ "norm_byte": 63463424,
+ "ops": 3478573,
+ "norm_ops": 61976,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.152941889804115,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "086595874413495cd49ca2e5e553727018ddb9002cb361b85dcac2f6a65fd312",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:53.110000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:53.110000', 'bytes': 3626124288, 'norm_byte': 64065536, 'ops': 3541137, 'norm_ops': 62564, 'norm_ltcy': 16.00104071555727, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:53.110000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:53.110000",
+ "bytes": 3626124288,
+ "norm_byte": 64065536,
+ "ops": 3541137,
+ "norm_ops": 62564,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.00104071555727,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "470608a3057e7587910f2737f3e5ebf8364ba4e5a34c2100215923f75861a389",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:54.111000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:54.111000', 'bytes': 3690657792, 'norm_byte': 64533504, 'ops': 3604158, 'norm_ops': 63021, 'norm_ltcy': 15.885147814071896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:54.111000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:54.111000",
+ "bytes": 3690657792,
+ "norm_byte": 64533504,
+ "ops": 3604158,
+ "norm_ops": 63021,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.885147814071896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ae9b5db01c76d154fcd5c6ac1b933fa304e78e097d31de011cd5a500b505130",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:55.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:55.112000', 'bytes': 3754156032, 'norm_byte': 63498240, 'ops': 3666168, 'norm_ops': 62010, 'norm_ltcy': 16.144203366896466, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:55.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:55.112000",
+ "bytes": 3754156032,
+ "norm_byte": 63498240,
+ "ops": 3666168,
+ "norm_ops": 62010,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.144203366896466,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66347808f219653079689d69a43b32b10a05c6fe0ceda92aba4ab645c9fa6f5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:48:56.314000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:48:56.314000', 'bytes': 3822027776, 'norm_byte': 67871744, 'ops': 3732449, 'norm_ops': 66281, 'norm_ltcy': 18.126655917372624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:48:56.314000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:48:56.314000",
+ "bytes": 3822027776,
+ "norm_byte": 67871744,
+ "ops": 3732449,
+ "norm_ops": 66281,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.126655917372624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbca32f6-5a33-5ead-b797-be057a89b5c3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19a988ad2a0f0aa4135c413a12d3c1e1ced36d43d2f212f05e826fc9a4a3ab65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63700462.93333333
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62207.48333333333
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.426482932849737
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:48:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-008-220519194511/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-008-220519194511/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c3c22a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-008-220519194511/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-008-220519194511/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-008-220519194511/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-008-220519194511/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-008-220519194511/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-008-220519194511/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a10d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-008-220519194511/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=140
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-009-220519194713/220519194713-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-009-220519194713/220519194713-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..228d913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-009-220519194713/220519194713-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:49:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989796936.6396 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989797937.7683 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989797937.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989798938.8997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67525632 nr_ops:65943\ntimestamp_ms:1652989799939.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:122328064 nr_ops:119461\ntimestamp_ms:1652989800941.0837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191030272 nr_ops:186553\ntimestamp_ms:1652989801942.1765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:245849088 nr_ops:240087\ntimestamp_ms:1652989802943.2739 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312974336 nr_ops:305639\ntimestamp_ms:1652989803944.3813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:372757504 nr_ops:364021\ntimestamp_ms:1652989804945.4902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428053504 nr_ops:418021\ntimestamp_ms:1652989805946.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:480074752 nr_ops:468823\ntimestamp_ms:1652989806947.6863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:545254400 nr_ops:532475\ntimestamp_ms:1652989807948.7800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:610319360 nr_ops:596015\ntimestamp_ms:1652989808949.8804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:675646464 nr_ops:659811\ntimestamp_ms:1652989809950.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740924416 nr_ops:723559\ntimestamp_ms:1652989810952.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:806142976 nr_ops:787249\ntimestamp_ms:1652989811953.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:871138304 nr_ops:850721\ntimestamp_ms:1652989812954.2888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936313856 nr_ops:914369\ntimestamp_ms:1652989813955.3821 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1001618432 nr_ops:978143\ntimestamp_ms:1652989814956.4729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1066500096 nr_ops:1041504\ntimestamp_ms:1652989815957.5786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131840512 nr_ops:1105313\ntimestamp_ms:1652989816958.6714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197042688 nr_ops:1168987\ntimestamp_ms:1652989817959.7715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261997056 nr_ops:1232419\ntimestamp_ms:1652989818960.8672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1326949376 nr_ops:1295849\ntimestamp_ms:1652989819962.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1391969280 nr_ops:1359345\ntimestamp_ms:1652989820963.1399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458420736 nr_ops:1424239\ntimestamp_ms:1652989821964.2390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524907008 nr_ops:1489167\ntimestamp_ms:1652989822965.3369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579371520 nr_ops:1542355\ntimestamp_ms:1652989823966.3806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1644084224 nr_ops:1605551\ntimestamp_ms:1652989824967.4150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696121856 nr_ops:1656369\ntimestamp_ms:1652989825968.4548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1748923392 nr_ops:1707933\ntimestamp_ms:1652989826969.4932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799998464 nr_ops:1757811\ntimestamp_ms:1652989827970.5388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1850729472 nr_ops:1807353\ntimestamp_ms:1652989828971.5767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901642752 nr_ops:1857073\ntimestamp_ms:1652989829972.6084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1940430848 nr_ops:1894952\ntimestamp_ms:1652989830973.6492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008990720 nr_ops:1961905\ntimestamp_ms:1652989831974.6816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049176576 nr_ops:2001149\ntimestamp_ms:1652989832975.7166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087345152 nr_ops:2038423\ntimestamp_ms:1652989833975.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2138311680 nr_ops:2088195\ntimestamp_ms:1652989834976.8811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2203395072 nr_ops:2151753\ntimestamp_ms:1652989835977.9219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2268785664 nr_ops:2215611\ntimestamp_ms:1652989836978.9656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2319623168 nr_ops:2265257\ntimestamp_ms:1652989837980.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2384656384 nr_ops:2328766\ntimestamp_ms:1652989838980.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2449667072 nr_ops:2392253\ntimestamp_ms:1652989839981.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2496439296 nr_ops:2437929\ntimestamp_ms:1652989840983.0005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2551370752 nr_ops:2491573\ntimestamp_ms:1652989841984.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602710016 nr_ops:2541709\ntimestamp_ms:1652989842985.0840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2655085568 nr_ops:2592857\ntimestamp_ms:1652989843986.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2720826368 nr_ops:2657057\ntimestamp_ms:1652989844987.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2760168448 nr_ops:2695477\ntimestamp_ms:1652989845988.1946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2825989120 nr_ops:2759755\ntimestamp_ms:1652989846989.2351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2865806336 nr_ops:2798639\ntimestamp_ms:1652989847990.2776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934338560 nr_ops:2865565\ntimestamp_ms:1652989848990.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3002790912 nr_ops:2932413\ntimestamp_ms:1652989849991.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3071015936 nr_ops:2999039\ntimestamp_ms:1652989850992.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3139255296 nr_ops:3065679\ntimestamp_ms:1652989851994.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3181339648 nr_ops:3106777\ntimestamp_ms:1652989852995.0688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3240547328 nr_ops:3164597\ntimestamp_ms:1652989853996.1018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3264717824 nr_ops:3188201\ntimestamp_ms:1652989854996.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3327683584 nr_ops:3249691\ntimestamp_ms:1652989855997.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3390432256 nr_ops:3310969\ntimestamp_ms:1652989856998.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3443471360 nr_ops:3362765\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140659072960256\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.2688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416973\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.3076 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.3123 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858300.5305 name:Total nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416974\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.3511 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6997960702 nr_ops:6833948\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.3516 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416976\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 350.27us 0.00ns 350.27us 350.27us \nTxn1 1708487 35.13us 0.00ns 209.11ms 18.31us \nTxn2 1 37.52us 0.00ns 37.52us 37.52us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 349.56us 0.00ns 349.56us 349.56us \nwrite 1708487 2.38us 0.00ns 228.59us 2.09us \nread 1708486 32.67us 0.00ns 209.10ms 1.46us \ndisconnect 1 37.07us 0.00ns 37.07us 37.07us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27395 27396 238.89Mb/s 238.88Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.98b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.104 62.37s 3.26GB 448.84Mb/s 3416975 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.26GB 448.84Mb/s 3416976 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414921, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989796936.6396 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989797937.7683 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989797937.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989798938.8997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67525632 nr_ops:65943\ntimestamp_ms:1652989799939.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:122328064 nr_ops:119461\ntimestamp_ms:1652989800941.0837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191030272 nr_ops:186553\ntimestamp_ms:1652989801942.1765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:245849088 nr_ops:240087\ntimestamp_ms:1652989802943.2739 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312974336 nr_ops:305639\ntimestamp_ms:1652989803944.3813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:372757504 nr_ops:364021\ntimestamp_ms:1652989804945.4902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428053504 nr_ops:418021\ntimestamp_ms:1652989805946.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:480074752 nr_ops:468823\ntimestamp_ms:1652989806947.6863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:545254400 nr_ops:532475\ntimestamp_ms:1652989807948.7800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:610319360 nr_ops:596015\ntimestamp_ms:1652989808949.8804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:675646464 nr_ops:659811\ntimestamp_ms:1652989809950.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740924416 nr_ops:723559\ntimestamp_ms:1652989810952.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:806142976 nr_ops:787249\ntimestamp_ms:1652989811953.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:871138304 nr_ops:850721\ntimestamp_ms:1652989812954.2888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936313856 nr_ops:914369\ntimestamp_ms:1652989813955.3821 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1001618432 nr_ops:978143\ntimestamp_ms:1652989814956.4729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1066500096 nr_ops:1041504\ntimestamp_ms:1652989815957.5786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131840512 nr_ops:1105313\ntimestamp_ms:1652989816958.6714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197042688 nr_ops:1168987\ntimestamp_ms:1652989817959.7715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261997056 nr_ops:1232419\ntimestamp_ms:1652989818960.8672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1326949376 nr_ops:1295849\ntimestamp_ms:1652989819962.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1391969280 nr_ops:1359345\ntimestamp_ms:1652989820963.1399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458420736 nr_ops:1424239\ntimestamp_ms:1652989821964.2390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524907008 nr_ops:1489167\ntimestamp_ms:1652989822965.3369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579371520 nr_ops:1542355\ntimestamp_ms:1652989823966.3806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1644084224 nr_ops:1605551\ntimestamp_ms:1652989824967.4150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696121856 nr_ops:1656369\ntimestamp_ms:1652989825968.4548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1748923392 nr_ops:1707933\ntimestamp_ms:1652989826969.4932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799998464 nr_ops:1757811\ntimestamp_ms:1652989827970.5388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1850729472 nr_ops:1807353\ntimestamp_ms:1652989828971.5767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901642752 nr_ops:1857073\ntimestamp_ms:1652989829972.6084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1940430848 nr_ops:1894952\ntimestamp_ms:1652989830973.6492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008990720 nr_ops:1961905\ntimestamp_ms:1652989831974.6816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049176576 nr_ops:2001149\ntimestamp_ms:1652989832975.7166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087345152 nr_ops:2038423\ntimestamp_ms:1652989833975.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2138311680 nr_ops:2088195\ntimestamp_ms:1652989834976.8811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2203395072 nr_ops:2151753\ntimestamp_ms:1652989835977.9219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2268785664 nr_ops:2215611\ntimestamp_ms:1652989836978.9656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2319623168 nr_ops:2265257\ntimestamp_ms:1652989837980.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2384656384 nr_ops:2328766\ntimestamp_ms:1652989838980.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2449667072 nr_ops:2392253\ntimestamp_ms:1652989839981.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2496439296 nr_ops:2437929\ntimestamp_ms:1652989840983.0005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2551370752 nr_ops:2491573\ntimestamp_ms:1652989841984.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602710016 nr_ops:2541709\ntimestamp_ms:1652989842985.0840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2655085568 nr_ops:2592857\ntimestamp_ms:1652989843986.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2720826368 nr_ops:2657057\ntimestamp_ms:1652989844987.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2760168448 nr_ops:2695477\ntimestamp_ms:1652989845988.1946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2825989120 nr_ops:2759755\ntimestamp_ms:1652989846989.2351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2865806336 nr_ops:2798639\ntimestamp_ms:1652989847990.2776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934338560 nr_ops:2865565\ntimestamp_ms:1652989848990.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3002790912 nr_ops:2932413\ntimestamp_ms:1652989849991.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3071015936 nr_ops:2999039\ntimestamp_ms:1652989850992.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3139255296 nr_ops:3065679\ntimestamp_ms:1652989851994.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3181339648 nr_ops:3106777\ntimestamp_ms:1652989852995.0688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3240547328 nr_ops:3164597\ntimestamp_ms:1652989853996.1018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3264717824 nr_ops:3188201\ntimestamp_ms:1652989854996.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3327683584 nr_ops:3249691\ntimestamp_ms:1652989855997.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3390432256 nr_ops:3310969\ntimestamp_ms:1652989856998.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3443471360 nr_ops:3362765\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140659072960256\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.2688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416973\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.3076 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.3123 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858300.5305 name:Total nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416974\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.3511 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6997960702 nr_ops:6833948\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.3516 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416976\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 350.27us 0.00ns 350.27us 350.27us \nTxn1 1708487 35.13us 0.00ns 209.11ms 18.31us \nTxn2 1 37.52us 0.00ns 37.52us 37.52us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 349.56us 0.00ns 349.56us 349.56us \nwrite 1708487 2.38us 0.00ns 228.59us 2.09us \nread 1708486 32.67us 0.00ns 209.10ms 1.46us \ndisconnect 1 37.07us 0.00ns 37.07us 37.07us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27395 27396 238.89Mb/s 238.88Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.98b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.104 62.37s 3.26GB 448.84Mb/s 3416975 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.26GB 448.84Mb/s 3416976 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414921, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989796936.6396 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989797937.7683 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989797937.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989798938.8997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67525632 nr_ops:65943\ntimestamp_ms:1652989799939.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:122328064 nr_ops:119461\ntimestamp_ms:1652989800941.0837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191030272 nr_ops:186553\ntimestamp_ms:1652989801942.1765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:245849088 nr_ops:240087\ntimestamp_ms:1652989802943.2739 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312974336 nr_ops:305639\ntimestamp_ms:1652989803944.3813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:372757504 nr_ops:364021\ntimestamp_ms:1652989804945.4902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428053504 nr_ops:418021\ntimestamp_ms:1652989805946.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:480074752 nr_ops:468823\ntimestamp_ms:1652989806947.6863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:545254400 nr_ops:532475\ntimestamp_ms:1652989807948.7800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:610319360 nr_ops:596015\ntimestamp_ms:1652989808949.8804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:675646464 nr_ops:659811\ntimestamp_ms:1652989809950.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740924416 nr_ops:723559\ntimestamp_ms:1652989810952.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:806142976 nr_ops:787249\ntimestamp_ms:1652989811953.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:871138304 nr_ops:850721\ntimestamp_ms:1652989812954.2888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936313856 nr_ops:914369\ntimestamp_ms:1652989813955.3821 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1001618432 nr_ops:978143\ntimestamp_ms:1652989814956.4729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1066500096 nr_ops:1041504\ntimestamp_ms:1652989815957.5786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131840512 nr_ops:1105313\ntimestamp_ms:1652989816958.6714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197042688 nr_ops:1168987\ntimestamp_ms:1652989817959.7715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261997056 nr_ops:1232419\ntimestamp_ms:1652989818960.8672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1326949376 nr_ops:1295849\ntimestamp_ms:1652989819962.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1391969280 nr_ops:1359345\ntimestamp_ms:1652989820963.1399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458420736 nr_ops:1424239\ntimestamp_ms:1652989821964.2390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524907008 nr_ops:1489167\ntimestamp_ms:1652989822965.3369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579371520 nr_ops:1542355\ntimestamp_ms:1652989823966.3806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1644084224 nr_ops:1605551\ntimestamp_ms:1652989824967.4150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696121856 nr_ops:1656369\ntimestamp_ms:1652989825968.4548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1748923392 nr_ops:1707933\ntimestamp_ms:1652989826969.4932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799998464 nr_ops:1757811\ntimestamp_ms:1652989827970.5388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1850729472 nr_ops:1807353\ntimestamp_ms:1652989828971.5767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901642752 nr_ops:1857073\ntimestamp_ms:1652989829972.6084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1940430848 nr_ops:1894952\ntimestamp_ms:1652989830973.6492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008990720 nr_ops:1961905\ntimestamp_ms:1652989831974.6816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049176576 nr_ops:2001149\ntimestamp_ms:1652989832975.7166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087345152 nr_ops:2038423\ntimestamp_ms:1652989833975.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2138311680 nr_ops:2088195\ntimestamp_ms:1652989834976.8811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2203395072 nr_ops:2151753\ntimestamp_ms:1652989835977.9219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2268785664 nr_ops:2215611\ntimestamp_ms:1652989836978.9656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2319623168 nr_ops:2265257\ntimestamp_ms:1652989837980.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2384656384 nr_ops:2328766\ntimestamp_ms:1652989838980.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2449667072 nr_ops:2392253\ntimestamp_ms:1652989839981.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2496439296 nr_ops:2437929\ntimestamp_ms:1652989840983.0005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2551370752 nr_ops:2491573\ntimestamp_ms:1652989841984.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602710016 nr_ops:2541709\ntimestamp_ms:1652989842985.0840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2655085568 nr_ops:2592857\ntimestamp_ms:1652989843986.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2720826368 nr_ops:2657057\ntimestamp_ms:1652989844987.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2760168448 nr_ops:2695477\ntimestamp_ms:1652989845988.1946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2825989120 nr_ops:2759755\ntimestamp_ms:1652989846989.2351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2865806336 nr_ops:2798639\ntimestamp_ms:1652989847990.2776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934338560 nr_ops:2865565\ntimestamp_ms:1652989848990.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3002790912 nr_ops:2932413\ntimestamp_ms:1652989849991.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3071015936 nr_ops:2999039\ntimestamp_ms:1652989850992.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3139255296 nr_ops:3065679\ntimestamp_ms:1652989851994.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3181339648 nr_ops:3106777\ntimestamp_ms:1652989852995.0688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3240547328 nr_ops:3164597\ntimestamp_ms:1652989853996.1018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3264717824 nr_ops:3188201\ntimestamp_ms:1652989854996.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3327683584 nr_ops:3249691\ntimestamp_ms:1652989855997.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3390432256 nr_ops:3310969\ntimestamp_ms:1652989856998.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3443471360 nr_ops:3362765\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140659072960256\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.2688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416973\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.3076 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.3123 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858300.5305 name:Total nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416974\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.3511 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6997960702 nr_ops:6833948\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989858200.3516 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416976\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 350.27us 0.00ns 350.27us 350.27us \nTxn1 1708487 35.13us 0.00ns 209.11ms 18.31us \nTxn2 1 37.52us 0.00ns 37.52us 37.52us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 349.56us 0.00ns 349.56us 349.56us \nwrite 1708487 2.38us 0.00ns 228.59us 2.09us \nread 1708486 32.67us 0.00ns 209.10ms 1.46us \ndisconnect 1 37.07us 0.00ns 37.07us 37.07us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27395 27396 238.89Mb/s 238.88Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.98b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.104 62.37s 3.26GB 448.84Mb/s 3416975 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.26GB 448.84Mb/s 3416976 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414921, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989796936.6396 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989797937.7683 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989797937.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989798938.8997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67525632 nr_ops:65943
+timestamp_ms:1652989799939.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:122328064 nr_ops:119461
+timestamp_ms:1652989800941.0837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191030272 nr_ops:186553
+timestamp_ms:1652989801942.1765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:245849088 nr_ops:240087
+timestamp_ms:1652989802943.2739 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312974336 nr_ops:305639
+timestamp_ms:1652989803944.3813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:372757504 nr_ops:364021
+timestamp_ms:1652989804945.4902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428053504 nr_ops:418021
+timestamp_ms:1652989805946.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:480074752 nr_ops:468823
+timestamp_ms:1652989806947.6863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:545254400 nr_ops:532475
+timestamp_ms:1652989807948.7800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:610319360 nr_ops:596015
+timestamp_ms:1652989808949.8804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:675646464 nr_ops:659811
+timestamp_ms:1652989809950.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740924416 nr_ops:723559
+timestamp_ms:1652989810952.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:806142976 nr_ops:787249
+timestamp_ms:1652989811953.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:871138304 nr_ops:850721
+timestamp_ms:1652989812954.2888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936313856 nr_ops:914369
+timestamp_ms:1652989813955.3821 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1001618432 nr_ops:978143
+timestamp_ms:1652989814956.4729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1066500096 nr_ops:1041504
+timestamp_ms:1652989815957.5786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131840512 nr_ops:1105313
+timestamp_ms:1652989816958.6714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197042688 nr_ops:1168987
+timestamp_ms:1652989817959.7715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261997056 nr_ops:1232419
+timestamp_ms:1652989818960.8672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1326949376 nr_ops:1295849
+timestamp_ms:1652989819962.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1391969280 nr_ops:1359345
+timestamp_ms:1652989820963.1399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458420736 nr_ops:1424239
+timestamp_ms:1652989821964.2390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524907008 nr_ops:1489167
+timestamp_ms:1652989822965.3369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579371520 nr_ops:1542355
+timestamp_ms:1652989823966.3806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1644084224 nr_ops:1605551
+timestamp_ms:1652989824967.4150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696121856 nr_ops:1656369
+timestamp_ms:1652989825968.4548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1748923392 nr_ops:1707933
+timestamp_ms:1652989826969.4932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799998464 nr_ops:1757811
+timestamp_ms:1652989827970.5388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1850729472 nr_ops:1807353
+timestamp_ms:1652989828971.5767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901642752 nr_ops:1857073
+timestamp_ms:1652989829972.6084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1940430848 nr_ops:1894952
+timestamp_ms:1652989830973.6492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008990720 nr_ops:1961905
+timestamp_ms:1652989831974.6816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049176576 nr_ops:2001149
+timestamp_ms:1652989832975.7166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087345152 nr_ops:2038423
+timestamp_ms:1652989833975.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2138311680 nr_ops:2088195
+timestamp_ms:1652989834976.8811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2203395072 nr_ops:2151753
+timestamp_ms:1652989835977.9219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2268785664 nr_ops:2215611
+timestamp_ms:1652989836978.9656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2319623168 nr_ops:2265257
+timestamp_ms:1652989837980.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2384656384 nr_ops:2328766
+timestamp_ms:1652989838980.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2449667072 nr_ops:2392253
+timestamp_ms:1652989839981.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2496439296 nr_ops:2437929
+timestamp_ms:1652989840983.0005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2551370752 nr_ops:2491573
+timestamp_ms:1652989841984.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602710016 nr_ops:2541709
+timestamp_ms:1652989842985.0840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2655085568 nr_ops:2592857
+timestamp_ms:1652989843986.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2720826368 nr_ops:2657057
+timestamp_ms:1652989844987.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2760168448 nr_ops:2695477
+timestamp_ms:1652989845988.1946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2825989120 nr_ops:2759755
+timestamp_ms:1652989846989.2351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2865806336 nr_ops:2798639
+timestamp_ms:1652989847990.2776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934338560 nr_ops:2865565
+timestamp_ms:1652989848990.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3002790912 nr_ops:2932413
+timestamp_ms:1652989849991.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3071015936 nr_ops:2999039
+timestamp_ms:1652989850992.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3139255296 nr_ops:3065679
+timestamp_ms:1652989851994.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3181339648 nr_ops:3106777
+timestamp_ms:1652989852995.0688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3240547328 nr_ops:3164597
+timestamp_ms:1652989853996.1018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3264717824 nr_ops:3188201
+timestamp_ms:1652989854996.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3327683584 nr_ops:3249691
+timestamp_ms:1652989855997.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3390432256 nr_ops:3310969
+timestamp_ms:1652989856998.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3443471360 nr_ops:3362765
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140659072960256
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652989858200.2688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416973
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989858200.3076 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989858200.3123 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989858300.5305 name:Total nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416974
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989858200.3511 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6997960702 nr_ops:6833948
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989858200.3516 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416976
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 350.27us 0.00ns 350.27us 350.27us
+Txn1 1708487 35.13us 0.00ns 209.11ms 18.31us
+Txn2 1 37.52us 0.00ns 37.52us 37.52us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 349.56us 0.00ns 349.56us 349.56us
+write 1708487 2.38us 0.00ns 228.59us 2.09us
+read 1708486 32.67us 0.00ns 209.10ms 1.46us
+disconnect 1 37.07us 0.00ns 37.07us 37.07us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 27395 27396 238.89Mb/s 238.88Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.98b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.104 62.37s 3.26GB 448.84Mb/s 3416975 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.26GB 448.84Mb/s 3416976 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:49:58.938000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:49:58.938000', 'bytes': 67525632, 'norm_byte': 67525632, 'ops': 65943, 'norm_ops': 65943, 'norm_ltcy': 15.18104265947485, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:49:58.938000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:49:58.938000",
+ "bytes": 67525632,
+ "norm_byte": 67525632,
+ "ops": 65943,
+ "norm_ops": 65943,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.18104265947485,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "535eedcf1b5716b85da24531aedb9883c5a00a2098aac55a0e5b0074f34f5dd1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:49:59.939000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:49:59.939000', 'bytes': 122328064, 'norm_byte': 54802432, 'ops': 119461, 'norm_ops': 53518, 'norm_ltcy': 18.70565251556719, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:49:59.939000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:49:59.939000",
+ "bytes": 122328064,
+ "norm_byte": 54802432,
+ "ops": 119461,
+ "norm_ops": 53518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.70565251556719,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09c14368082190ecddda81608193cf957e4e7b5061bbc0e21f4c80d912249286",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:00.941000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:00.941000', 'bytes': 191030272, 'norm_byte': 68702208, 'ops': 186553, 'norm_ops': 67092, 'norm_ltcy': 14.921227131448235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:00.941000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:00.941000",
+ "bytes": 191030272,
+ "norm_byte": 68702208,
+ "ops": 186553,
+ "norm_ops": 67092,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.921227131448235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c054c8740309c3412c51a27f1da7cac3b0036f517a742f3ad25f58bca09959da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:01.942000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:01.942000', 'bytes': 245849088, 'norm_byte': 54818816, 'ops': 240087, 'norm_ops': 53534, 'norm_ltcy': 18.700130261842943, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:01.942000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:01.942000",
+ "bytes": 245849088,
+ "norm_byte": 54818816,
+ "ops": 240087,
+ "norm_ops": 53534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.700130261842943,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "209dc9b1a887991afa638f5e2435b171d456d2f7a3b56e7e777e007ccba98a15",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:02.943000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:02.943000', 'bytes': 312974336, 'norm_byte': 67125248, 'ops': 305639, 'norm_ops': 65552, 'norm_ltcy': 15.271805774185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:02.943000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:02.943000",
+ "bytes": 312974336,
+ "norm_byte": 67125248,
+ "ops": 305639,
+ "norm_ops": 65552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.271805774185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ed7867e85162bacc2e9914f487dd5d221162917c211cd18ce93b531098f9080",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:03.944000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:03.944000', 'bytes': 372757504, 'norm_byte': 59783168, 'ops': 364021, 'norm_ops': 58382, 'norm_ltcy': 17.147535573892636, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:03.944000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:03.944000",
+ "bytes": 372757504,
+ "norm_byte": 59783168,
+ "ops": 364021,
+ "norm_ops": 58382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.147535573892636,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f4618cbaa882f9f442d32f2dfed659b62af0ca183b750a68bc6936034b4931d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:04.945000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:04.945000', 'bytes': 428053504, 'norm_byte': 55296000, 'ops': 418021, 'norm_ops': 54000, 'norm_ltcy': 18.53905345775463, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:04.945000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:04.945000",
+ "bytes": 428053504,
+ "norm_byte": 55296000,
+ "ops": 418021,
+ "norm_ops": 54000,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.53905345775463,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02ee6b830203ca05b8a4be8b564291237590bb0b8b266feff2e08d484612b94f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:05.946000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:05.946000', 'bytes': 480074752, 'norm_byte': 52021248, 'ops': 468823, 'norm_ops': 50802, 'norm_ltcy': 19.705856537697827, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:05.946000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:05.946000",
+ "bytes": 480074752,
+ "norm_byte": 52021248,
+ "ops": 468823,
+ "norm_ops": 50802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.705856537697827,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b3dbd9bec1769a1475289d307c383f93f4588bc26df1ac7cceff46165d8c5863",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:06.947000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:06.947000', 'bytes': 545254400, 'norm_byte': 65179648, 'ops': 532475, 'norm_ops': 63652, 'norm_ltcy': 15.727693098311915, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:06.947000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:06.947000",
+ "bytes": 545254400,
+ "norm_byte": 65179648,
+ "ops": 532475,
+ "norm_ops": 63652,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.727693098311915,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae8cd4ab02abca372da941d99547f707ff9e3e37a81e49f80545c23c9b7c55a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:07.948000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:07.948000', 'bytes': 610319360, 'norm_byte': 65064960, 'ops': 596015, 'norm_ops': 63540, 'norm_ltcy': 15.755331287378029, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:07.948000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:07.948000",
+ "bytes": 610319360,
+ "norm_byte": 65064960,
+ "ops": 596015,
+ "norm_ops": 63540,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.755331287378029,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bdeabc5e9f53537c0f2cbffa86dd7431a36694f940bb15d3d24b20ea6c2b99e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:08.949000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:08.949000', 'bytes': 675646464, 'norm_byte': 65327104, 'ops': 659811, 'norm_ops': 63796, 'norm_ltcy': 15.692211765578955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:08.949000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:08.949000",
+ "bytes": 675646464,
+ "norm_byte": 65327104,
+ "ops": 659811,
+ "norm_ops": 63796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.692211765578955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b6389b4a95b7bdc83b1a8feec3dd3c19d8864d58beb0adbabe826b74edc167f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:09.950000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:09.950000', 'bytes': 740924416, 'norm_byte': 65277952, 'ops': 723559, 'norm_ops': 63748, 'norm_ltcy': 15.703108302172225, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:09.950000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:09.950000",
+ "bytes": 740924416,
+ "norm_byte": 65277952,
+ "ops": 723559,
+ "norm_ops": 63748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.703108302172225,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8bef7eacfe63dd5af2e2118dd1c270695610849060c04197bbf6ad37d4d3232",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:10.952000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:10.952000', 'bytes': 806142976, 'norm_byte': 65218560, 'ops': 787249, 'norm_ops': 63690, 'norm_ltcy': 15.718477991541059, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:10.952000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:10.952000",
+ "bytes": 806142976,
+ "norm_byte": 65218560,
+ "ops": 787249,
+ "norm_ops": 63690,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.718477991541059,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9d2e280c4ee8af29ac955a35694a453d6bd215164b04a056b59b20962f52ec5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:11.953000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:11.953000', 'bytes': 871138304, 'norm_byte': 64995328, 'ops': 850721, 'norm_ops': 63472, 'norm_ltcy': 15.77223750605582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:11.953000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:11.953000",
+ "bytes": 871138304,
+ "norm_byte": 64995328,
+ "ops": 850721,
+ "norm_ops": 63472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.77223750605582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "504f76f09ca42d1f042ba697bcbbe0734ee93cfda74f80da7e39dc89fd20cb95",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:12.954000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:12.954000', 'bytes': 936313856, 'norm_byte': 65175552, 'ops': 914369, 'norm_ops': 63648, 'norm_ltcy': 15.729659642928686, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:12.954000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:12.954000",
+ "bytes": 936313856,
+ "norm_byte": 65175552,
+ "ops": 914369,
+ "norm_ops": 63648,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.729659642928686,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1fa8629fd09fb3ec5248739accc624c7052347e0492e45527ddcc16d6334a246",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:13.955000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:13.955000', 'bytes': 1001618432, 'norm_byte': 65304576, 'ops': 978143, 'norm_ops': 63774, 'norm_ltcy': 15.69751406088296, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:13.955000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:13.955000",
+ "bytes": 1001618432,
+ "norm_byte": 65304576,
+ "ops": 978143,
+ "norm_ops": 63774,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.69751406088296,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4af5990f1a9d928d237b5b9a9e53842d48113eb5ba5a0898318c4d1eef48162",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:14.956000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:14.956000', 'bytes': 1066500096, 'norm_byte': 64881664, 'ops': 1041504, 'norm_ops': 63361, 'norm_ltcy': 15.799795147054184, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:14.956000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:14.956000",
+ "bytes": 1066500096,
+ "norm_byte": 64881664,
+ "ops": 1041504,
+ "norm_ops": 63361,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.799795147054184,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1374ac79804595f74671ed1ebb89b9c783bb6134f168b84d0eccf95f02dfa133",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:15.957000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:15.957000', 'bytes': 1131840512, 'norm_byte': 65340416, 'ops': 1105313, 'norm_ops': 63809, 'norm_ltcy': 15.689098918500916, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:15.957000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:15.957000",
+ "bytes": 1131840512,
+ "norm_byte": 65340416,
+ "ops": 1105313,
+ "norm_ops": 63809,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.689098918500916,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d7cdfa93e29e8bec1b31a3a57f2f6d6a18e929f3a2b18127ca50d1a99e79a98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:16.958000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:16.958000', 'bytes': 1197042688, 'norm_byte': 65202176, 'ops': 1168987, 'norm_ops': 63674, 'norm_ltcy': 15.722159334068852, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:16.958000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:16.958000",
+ "bytes": 1197042688,
+ "norm_byte": 65202176,
+ "ops": 1168987,
+ "norm_ops": 63674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.722159334068852,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6731129a70f95c670b64922c6834102af0336162e82b6d86a8d446630b30b71",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:17.959000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:17.959000', 'bytes': 1261997056, 'norm_byte': 64954368, 'ops': 1232419, 'norm_ops': 63432, 'norm_ltcy': 15.78225655278487, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:17.959000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:17.959000",
+ "bytes": 1261997056,
+ "norm_byte": 64954368,
+ "ops": 1232419,
+ "norm_ops": 63432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.78225655278487,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25982364c9972c7f899f525ccb9614ae3003df24f386fd02ca67075ec09034cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:18.960000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:18.960000', 'bytes': 1326949376, 'norm_byte': 64952320, 'ops': 1295849, 'norm_ops': 63430, 'norm_ltcy': 15.782684898707235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:18.960000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:18.960000",
+ "bytes": 1326949376,
+ "norm_byte": 64952320,
+ "ops": 1295849,
+ "norm_ops": 63430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.782684898707235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3dc16563af037d4f28d02098a9e56c6a7ff195e3418075c30630d071dca1e66e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:19.962000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:19.962000', 'bytes': 1391969280, 'norm_byte': 65019904, 'ops': 1359345, 'norm_ops': 63496, 'norm_ltcy': 15.76754481212399, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:19.962000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:19.962000",
+ "bytes": 1391969280,
+ "norm_byte": 65019904,
+ "ops": 1359345,
+ "norm_ops": 63496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.76754481212399,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "035dd0d8a1e21ca03025bb01dd3ebacbd64855bce505e11c26b8505a12a25995",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:20.963000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:20.963000', 'bytes': 1458420736, 'norm_byte': 66451456, 'ops': 1424239, 'norm_ops': 64894, 'norm_ltcy': 15.426644677281413, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:20.963000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:20.963000",
+ "bytes": 1458420736,
+ "norm_byte": 66451456,
+ "ops": 1424239,
+ "norm_ops": 64894,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.426644677281413,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f23d11f4788e9528cd7952404f0a55047bc6d1a27b6665c80a678a4e52b6c74a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:21.964000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:21.964000', 'bytes': 1524907008, 'norm_byte': 66486272, 'ops': 1489167, 'norm_ops': 64928, 'norm_ltcy': 15.418604008959926, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:21.964000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:21.964000",
+ "bytes": 1524907008,
+ "norm_byte": 66486272,
+ "ops": 1489167,
+ "norm_ops": 64928,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.418604008959926,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91b7bb27d6b4ea6f321788e489a9cc531d37f578b8cd1115f75eac6340fd82d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:22.965000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:22.965000', 'bytes': 1579371520, 'norm_byte': 54464512, 'ops': 1542355, 'norm_ops': 53188, 'norm_ltcy': 18.82187524235965, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:22.965000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:22.965000",
+ "bytes": 1579371520,
+ "norm_byte": 54464512,
+ "ops": 1542355,
+ "norm_ops": 53188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.82187524235965,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e860968b4b49147895d05b48a2fe650e7250e35590eeab69dcfbf72696d90fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:23.966000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:23.966000', 'bytes': 1644084224, 'norm_byte': 64712704, 'ops': 1605551, 'norm_ops': 63196, 'norm_ltcy': 15.840301619910676, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:23.966000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:23.966000",
+ "bytes": 1644084224,
+ "norm_byte": 64712704,
+ "ops": 1605551,
+ "norm_ops": 63196,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.840301619910676,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2dfd738bdde66f77aa94958d072d1a7334e8ec5432e6417872084a3ddf107aa5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:24.967000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:24.967000', 'bytes': 1696121856, 'norm_byte': 52037632, 'ops': 1656369, 'norm_ops': 50818, 'norm_ltcy': 19.698422287931933, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:24.967000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:24.967000",
+ "bytes": 1696121856,
+ "norm_byte": 52037632,
+ "ops": 1656369,
+ "norm_ops": 50818,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.698422287931933,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f63c459db78aefabf8430f104a01bf35428b8c5c3f4622cb9029e8cfdba24eb4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:25.968000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:25.968000', 'bytes': 1748923392, 'norm_byte': 52801536, 'ops': 1707933, 'norm_ops': 51564, 'norm_ltcy': 19.413540356098732, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:25.968000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:25.968000",
+ "bytes": 1748923392,
+ "norm_byte": 52801536,
+ "ops": 1707933,
+ "norm_ops": 51564,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.413540356098732,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45cf482fd870b799b8912d7b5c3d243525d94342f4f9fc7da0b473a6200ba0b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:26.969000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:26.969000', 'bytes': 1799998464, 'norm_byte': 51075072, 'ops': 1757811, 'norm_ops': 49878, 'norm_ltcy': 20.069736759255083, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:26.969000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:26.969000",
+ "bytes": 1799998464,
+ "norm_byte": 51075072,
+ "ops": 1757811,
+ "norm_ops": 49878,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.069736759255083,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf3d467089f8920f1674a0d635700d204c5d0878927fb04e551dc0365e11dddd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:27.970000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:27.970000', 'bytes': 1850729472, 'norm_byte': 50731008, 'ops': 1807353, 'norm_ops': 49542, 'norm_ltcy': 20.206000046362178, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:27.970000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:27.970000",
+ "bytes": 1850729472,
+ "norm_byte": 50731008,
+ "ops": 1807353,
+ "norm_ops": 49542,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.206000046362178,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "475e3909c7dc3c90c884290ed29f937a9613ba59b3a73ccc430ada3b23cc579f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:28.971000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:28.971000', 'bytes': 1901642752, 'norm_byte': 50913280, 'ops': 1857073, 'norm_ops': 49720, 'norm_ltcy': 20.133504460918644, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:28.971000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:28.971000",
+ "bytes": 1901642752,
+ "norm_byte": 50913280,
+ "ops": 1857073,
+ "norm_ops": 49720,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.133504460918644,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a93311ea4abf91bda43670a940a00c8f9888b812509ae51fe037b4288a430a96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:29.972000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:29.972000', 'bytes': 1940430848, 'norm_byte': 38788096, 'ops': 1894952, 'norm_ops': 37879, 'norm_ltcy': 26.427089898921565, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:29.972000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:29.972000",
+ "bytes": 1940430848,
+ "norm_byte": 38788096,
+ "ops": 1894952,
+ "norm_ops": 37879,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.427089898921565,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4dd1f65f4109d510d6f1a7f905379b7e84ee2c030a896c074c4fa6f7dbff3f7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:30.973000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:30.973000', 'bytes': 2008990720, 'norm_byte': 68559872, 'ops': 1961905, 'norm_ops': 66953, 'norm_ltcy': 14.95139532932617, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:30.973000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:30.973000",
+ "bytes": 2008990720,
+ "norm_byte": 68559872,
+ "ops": 1961905,
+ "norm_ops": 66953,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.95139532932617,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a8d844db016d9c6fbad24e2ad3584e74b7721d51fdce6ad9cf03222f365e3bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:31.974000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:31.974000', 'bytes': 2049176576, 'norm_byte': 40185856, 'ops': 2001149, 'norm_ops': 39244, 'norm_ltcy': 25.5079112909776, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:31.974000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:31.974000",
+ "bytes": 2049176576,
+ "norm_byte": 40185856,
+ "ops": 2001149,
+ "norm_ops": 39244,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.5079112909776,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "156177899ebf23d1f3b1b799618139a704460d385d5955c171368cd01d5662e6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:32.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:32.975000', 'bytes': 2087345152, 'norm_byte': 38168576, 'ops': 2038423, 'norm_ops': 37274, 'norm_ltcy': 26.856117189176775, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:32.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:32.975000",
+ "bytes": 2087345152,
+ "norm_byte": 38168576,
+ "ops": 2038423,
+ "norm_ops": 37274,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.856117189176775,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c0d6061190f4264d8ee1c1736f9c7e697bd27ed3490c20278f3f10c13205c32",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:33.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:33.975000', 'bytes': 2138311680, 'norm_byte': 50966528, 'ops': 2088195, 'norm_ops': 49772, 'norm_ltcy': 20.094060556763843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:33.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:33.975000",
+ "bytes": 2138311680,
+ "norm_byte": 50966528,
+ "ops": 2088195,
+ "norm_ops": 49772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.094060556763843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "caf6d9d2e3fa2c2c39ee642dfd77c73933c3f3fd87421efb51c2bd2e183d8992",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:34.976000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:34.976000', 'bytes': 2203395072, 'norm_byte': 65083392, 'ops': 2151753, 'norm_ops': 63558, 'norm_ltcy': 15.750070309795777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:34.976000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:34.976000",
+ "bytes": 2203395072,
+ "norm_byte": 65083392,
+ "ops": 2151753,
+ "norm_ops": 63558,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.750070309795777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7daa039f6779c33d22025e35f2250768d137b1256cc94fe25136468642c6d33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:35.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:35.977000', 'bytes': 2268785664, 'norm_byte': 65390592, 'ops': 2215611, 'norm_ops': 63858, 'norm_ltcy': 15.676043275460787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:35.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:35.977000",
+ "bytes": 2268785664,
+ "norm_byte": 65390592,
+ "ops": 2215611,
+ "norm_ops": 63858,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.676043275460787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b3fec8a7acda3588da19f710b48404596a7e48403b7163445fd094c7f54b635",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:36.978000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:36.978000', 'bytes': 2319623168, 'norm_byte': 50837504, 'ops': 2265257, 'norm_ops': 49646, 'norm_ltcy': 20.16363254183368, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:36.978000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:36.978000",
+ "bytes": 2319623168,
+ "norm_byte": 50837504,
+ "ops": 2265257,
+ "norm_ops": 49646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.16363254183368,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16194c3a77a256684997b05bc18d722600000db94d02d7aef95ac8efc4771293",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:37.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:37.980000', 'bytes': 2384656384, 'norm_byte': 65033216, 'ops': 2328766, 'norm_ops': 63509, 'norm_ltcy': 15.762195275718796, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:37.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:37.980000",
+ "bytes": 2384656384,
+ "norm_byte": 65033216,
+ "ops": 2328766,
+ "norm_ops": 63509,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.762195275718796,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8036168f72430747c8d66370853941f248dc2189cbd4f1b09129710516aecf55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:38.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:38.980000', 'bytes': 2449667072, 'norm_byte': 65010688, 'ops': 2392253, 'norm_ops': 63487, 'norm_ltcy': 15.764377082119175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:38.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:38.980000",
+ "bytes": 2449667072,
+ "norm_byte": 65010688,
+ "ops": 2392253,
+ "norm_ops": 63487,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.764377082119175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "476699c71e344f4650b5c1dd2cf1c18c6b18505cec8c9a9facf78a960807ec8d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:39.981000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:39.981000', 'bytes': 2496439296, 'norm_byte': 46772224, 'ops': 2437929, 'norm_ops': 45676, 'norm_ltcy': 21.917404440721057, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:39.981000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:39.981000",
+ "bytes": 2496439296,
+ "norm_byte": 46772224,
+ "ops": 2437929,
+ "norm_ops": 45676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.917404440721057,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb0b4819932ae4148c043ee24b61ce297a2a649a42e18fe586f7e408e284aa55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:40.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:40.983000', 'bytes': 2551370752, 'norm_byte': 54931456, 'ops': 2491573, 'norm_ops': 53644, 'norm_ltcy': 18.661197511313006, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:40.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:40.983000",
+ "bytes": 2551370752,
+ "norm_byte": 54931456,
+ "ops": 2491573,
+ "norm_ops": 53644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.661197511313006,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb3542902c74bc022566d0d9ade6e072f13efc911784f408002ba5cd17743af7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:41.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:41.984000', 'bytes': 2602710016, 'norm_byte': 51339264, 'ops': 2541709, 'norm_ops': 50136, 'norm_ltcy': 19.966443227546076, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:41.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:41.984000",
+ "bytes": 2602710016,
+ "norm_byte": 51339264,
+ "ops": 2541709,
+ "norm_ops": 50136,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.966443227546076,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d05e54c08e41d811aecee85ffe55af87d10ded766c7bc5ef03217b00ee970fa4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:42.985000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:42.985000', 'bytes': 2655085568, 'norm_byte': 52375552, 'ops': 2592857, 'norm_ops': 51148, 'norm_ltcy': 19.571555064469774, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:42.985000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:42.985000",
+ "bytes": 2655085568,
+ "norm_byte": 52375552,
+ "ops": 2592857,
+ "norm_ops": 51148,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.571555064469774,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "61259fb70a3fbe95ae8972f37daafc8c12b95b6c54874d9a6184ffc36b20d724",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:43.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:43.986000', 'bytes': 2720826368, 'norm_byte': 65740800, 'ops': 2657057, 'norm_ops': 64200, 'norm_ltcy': 15.592447916666666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:43.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:43.986000",
+ "bytes": 2720826368,
+ "norm_byte": 65740800,
+ "ops": 2657057,
+ "norm_ops": 64200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.592447916666666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2f3f29f132bc9803090e5dca5ab7ef9f9984a2dbd5ccd54f7f6054cbd6d8965",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:44.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:44.987000', 'bytes': 2760168448, 'norm_byte': 39342080, 'ops': 2695477, 'norm_ops': 38420, 'norm_ltcy': 26.055034456744536, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:44.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:44.987000",
+ "bytes": 2760168448,
+ "norm_byte": 39342080,
+ "ops": 2695477,
+ "norm_ops": 38420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.055034456744536,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf5c6d3d6bfc0eb67a3e10b9e7ab2cae348f42e5c9d733f21e0adf13c035a4e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:45.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:45.988000', 'bytes': 2825989120, 'norm_byte': 65820672, 'ops': 2759755, 'norm_ops': 64278, 'norm_ltcy': 15.573617966100377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:45.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:45.988000",
+ "bytes": 2825989120,
+ "norm_byte": 65820672,
+ "ops": 2759755,
+ "norm_ops": 64278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.573617966100377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f65fd7ce2198d43a39d6c7bd1b3f9dbbd39f0611fa9f108df1eb62bc51875802",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:46.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:46.989000', 'bytes': 2865806336, 'norm_byte': 39817216, 'ops': 2798639, 'norm_ops': 38884, 'norm_ltcy': 25.744278555286236, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:46.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:46.989000",
+ "bytes": 2865806336,
+ "norm_byte": 39817216,
+ "ops": 2798639,
+ "norm_ops": 38884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.744278555286236,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f21468b7a1acf8b7b667c66453cd11cd10685c101026ea91f841265e8ea65d58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:47.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:47.990000', 'bytes': 2934338560, 'norm_byte': 68532224, 'ops': 2865565, 'norm_ops': 66926, 'norm_ltcy': 14.957452715966141, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:47.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:47.990000",
+ "bytes": 2934338560,
+ "norm_byte": 68532224,
+ "ops": 2865565,
+ "norm_ops": 66926,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.957452715966141,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "693b5c485557e8bd7af93ed7e8f28e218109516b94229a1b654b6b05303250c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:48.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:48.990000', 'bytes': 3002790912, 'norm_byte': 68452352, 'ops': 2932413, 'norm_ops': 66848, 'norm_ltcy': 14.967703374166017, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:48.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:48.990000",
+ "bytes": 3002790912,
+ "norm_byte": 68452352,
+ "ops": 2932413,
+ "norm_ops": 66848,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.967703374166017,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d5b25a36b49271de4a3ed4c4f1007aec1705596a4bf618f0b2b3de040c435803",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:49.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:49.991000', 'bytes': 3071015936, 'norm_byte': 68225024, 'ops': 2999039, 'norm_ops': 66626, 'norm_ltcy': 15.024219705661078, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:49.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:49.991000",
+ "bytes": 3071015936,
+ "norm_byte": 68225024,
+ "ops": 2999039,
+ "norm_ops": 66626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.024219705661078,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f49b62ae93f3532e4556faffd17e195f422456df35d9bca7f38127e467c48d2d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:50.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:50.992000', 'bytes': 3139255296, 'norm_byte': 68239360, 'ops': 3065679, 'norm_ops': 66640, 'norm_ltcy': 15.021671510401037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:50.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:50.992000",
+ "bytes": 3139255296,
+ "norm_byte": 68239360,
+ "ops": 3065679,
+ "norm_ops": 66640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.021671510401037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d89bc6d32a43808822af3476d8a7518d12a6f77f2524b515ecd6be916fffa1bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:51.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:51.994000', 'bytes': 3181339648, 'norm_byte': 42084352, 'ops': 3106777, 'norm_ops': 41098, 'norm_ltcy': 24.359552928366345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:51.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:51.994000",
+ "bytes": 3181339648,
+ "norm_byte": 42084352,
+ "ops": 3106777,
+ "norm_ops": 41098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.359552928366345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f36e771ffbfd868627d57cbcb1bc07f82a3a47758a005fecc1278b3acb12cf50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:52.995000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:52.995000', 'bytes': 3240547328, 'norm_byte': 59207680, 'ops': 3164597, 'norm_ops': 57820, 'norm_ltcy': 17.31327337939943, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:52.995000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:52.995000",
+ "bytes": 3240547328,
+ "norm_byte": 59207680,
+ "ops": 3164597,
+ "norm_ops": 57820,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.31327337939943,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2124ad800f2cbf5980da311dcfbd30c2bc2f07eec1ec4a8fc1899e20de3cf00f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:53.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:53.996000', 'bytes': 3264717824, 'norm_byte': 24170496, 'ops': 3188201, 'norm_ops': 23604, 'norm_ltcy': 42.40946275988709, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:53.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:53.996000",
+ "bytes": 3264717824,
+ "norm_byte": 24170496,
+ "ops": 3188201,
+ "norm_ops": 23604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.40946275988709,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13a43d96f8b7de87c2117dfbbeb4faab81d0d6bd2ed1ca1c0aec5a911796889c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:54.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:54.996000', 'bytes': 3327683584, 'norm_byte': 62965760, 'ops': 3249691, 'norm_ops': 61490, 'norm_ltcy': 16.274845249227518, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:54.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:54.996000",
+ "bytes": 3327683584,
+ "norm_byte": 62965760,
+ "ops": 3249691,
+ "norm_ops": 61490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.274845249227518,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b87af65930b8c7a6e0d88fe28d467b31b093e2b0585a0161e11cf32ab3fd7bda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:55.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:55.997000', 'bytes': 3390432256, 'norm_byte': 62748672, 'ops': 3310969, 'norm_ops': 61278, 'norm_ltcy': 16.33611465115947, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:55.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:55.997000",
+ "bytes": 3390432256,
+ "norm_byte": 62748672,
+ "ops": 3310969,
+ "norm_ops": 61278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.33611465115947,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e685048a7fc9e27782c9952b02a656310e2d0784c45a12d0ef1f35a4585ef00d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:56.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:56.998000', 'bytes': 3443471360, 'norm_byte': 53039104, 'ops': 3362765, 'norm_ops': 51796, 'norm_ltcy': 19.32657553943596, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:56.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:56.998000",
+ "bytes": 3443471360,
+ "norm_byte": 53039104,
+ "ops": 3362765,
+ "norm_ops": 51796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.32657553943596,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7977ca4aafa3a535127da0c5d17320f97cffbd631dbe91d8c1abc24c829b2ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:50:58.200000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:50:58.200000', 'bytes': 3498980352, 'norm_byte': 55508992, 'ops': 3416973, 'norm_ops': 54208, 'norm_ltcy': 22.16172922037568, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:50:58.200000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:50:58.200000",
+ "bytes": 3498980352,
+ "norm_byte": 55508992,
+ "ops": 3416973,
+ "norm_ops": 54208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.16172922037568,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4a3d87de-70cb-5ab6-953a-0219a0af379c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "acdb2b02780c52e665eec6266eb724f6a7549999cb77b8cc699b9088c68d289a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 58316339.2
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 56949.55
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 26.073637228853386
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:50:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-009-220519194713/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-009-220519194713/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d07efb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-009-220519194713/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-009-220519194713/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-009-220519194713/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-009-220519194713/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-009-220519194713/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-009-220519194713/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a42ea49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-009-220519194713/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=50
+ net.core.busy_poll=170
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-010-220519194914/220519194914-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-010-220519194914/220519194914-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3529511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-010-220519194914/220519194914-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:51:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989918137.4321 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989919138.5422 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989919138.6255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989920139.7070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71222272 nr_ops:69553\ntimestamp_ms:1652989921140.8015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142361600 nr_ops:139025\ntimestamp_ms:1652989922141.9080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199136256 nr_ops:194469\ntimestamp_ms:1652989923143.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:256046080 nr_ops:250045\ntimestamp_ms:1652989924144.1492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313089024 nr_ops:305751\ntimestamp_ms:1652989925145.2407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:384433152 nr_ops:375423\ntimestamp_ms:1652989926145.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440863744 nr_ops:430531\ntimestamp_ms:1652989927146.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511816704 nr_ops:499821\ntimestamp_ms:1652989928147.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:582790144 nr_ops:569131\ntimestamp_ms:1652989929148.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:653984768 nr_ops:638657\ntimestamp_ms:1652989930149.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:724900864 nr_ops:707911\ntimestamp_ms:1652989931150.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:795692032 nr_ops:777043\ntimestamp_ms:1652989932151.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:866568192 nr_ops:846258\ntimestamp_ms:1652989933152.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:937800704 nr_ops:915821\ntimestamp_ms:1652989934153.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1008968704 nr_ops:985321\ntimestamp_ms:1652989935154.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1079976960 nr_ops:1054665\ntimestamp_ms:1652989936155.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136116736 nr_ops:1109489\ntimestamp_ms:1652989937156.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1192147968 nr_ops:1164207\ntimestamp_ms:1652989938157.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1248492544 nr_ops:1219231\ntimestamp_ms:1652989939158.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1313123328 nr_ops:1282347\ntimestamp_ms:1652989940159.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376459776 nr_ops:1344199\ntimestamp_ms:1652989941160.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433256960 nr_ops:1399665\ntimestamp_ms:1652989942161.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1504158720 nr_ops:1468905\ntimestamp_ms:1652989943162.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1575101440 nr_ops:1538185\ntimestamp_ms:1652989944163.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646189568 nr_ops:1607607\ntimestamp_ms:1652989945164.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1702904832 nr_ops:1662993\ntimestamp_ms:1652989946165.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773898752 nr_ops:1732323\ntimestamp_ms:1652989947166.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834341376 nr_ops:1791349\ntimestamp_ms:1652989948167.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902492672 nr_ops:1857903\ntimestamp_ms:1652989949168.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974520832 nr_ops:1928243\ntimestamp_ms:1652989950169.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046596096 nr_ops:1998629\ntimestamp_ms:1652989951170.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117667840 nr_ops:2068035\ntimestamp_ms:1652989952171.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2188593152 nr_ops:2137298\ntimestamp_ms:1652989953172.9604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2247433216 nr_ops:2194759\ntimestamp_ms:1652989954173.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2318310400 nr_ops:2263975\ntimestamp_ms:1652989955174.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2375044096 nr_ops:2319379\ntimestamp_ms:1652989956175.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2444788736 nr_ops:2387489\ntimestamp_ms:1652989957176.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2503064576 nr_ops:2444399\ntimestamp_ms:1652989958177.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2574070784 nr_ops:2513741\ntimestamp_ms:1652989959178.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2630812672 nr_ops:2569153\ntimestamp_ms:1652989960179.9548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2672684032 nr_ops:2610043\ntimestamp_ms:1652989961180.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2744214528 nr_ops:2679897\ntimestamp_ms:1652989962181.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2815679488 nr_ops:2749687\ntimestamp_ms:1652989963182.8938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2887216128 nr_ops:2819547\ntimestamp_ms:1652989964183.9929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2958423040 nr_ops:2889085\ntimestamp_ms:1652989965185.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3029689344 nr_ops:2958681\ntimestamp_ms:1652989966186.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3101574144 nr_ops:3028881\ntimestamp_ms:1652989967187.2944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3173483520 nr_ops:3099105\ntimestamp_ms:1652989968188.3354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3215789056 nr_ops:3140419\ntimestamp_ms:1652989969189.4407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286670336 nr_ops:3209639\ntimestamp_ms:1652989970189.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3357613056 nr_ops:3278919\ntimestamp_ms:1652989971190.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3428728832 nr_ops:3348368\ntimestamp_ms:1652989972191.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3485799424 nr_ops:3404101\ntimestamp_ms:1652989973192.9719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3542746112 nr_ops:3459713\ntimestamp_ms:1652989974194.0605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3599897600 nr_ops:3515525\ntimestamp_ms:1652989975195.1702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3666461696 nr_ops:3580529\ntimestamp_ms:1652989976196.2898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3714530304 nr_ops:3627471\ntimestamp_ms:1652989977197.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3765187584 nr_ops:3676941\ntimestamp_ms:1652989978198.5098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3827783680 nr_ops:3738070\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139674399852288\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979399.8723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3897633792 nr_ops:3806283\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979400.0657 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979400.0767 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979500.2844 name:Total nr_bytes:3897633792 nr_ops:3806284\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979400.2241 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7795267582 nr_ops:7612568\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979400.2256 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3897633792 nr_ops:3806286\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 270.86us 0.00ns 270.86us 270.86us \nTxn1 1903142 31.53us 0.00ns 208.02ms 18.36us \nTxn2 1 46.83us 0.00ns 46.83us 46.83us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 264.34us 0.00ns 264.34us 264.34us \nwrite 1903142 2.45us 0.00ns 240.56us 2.13us \nread 1903141 29.00us 0.00ns 208.01ms 1.04us \ndisconnect 1 45.83us 0.00ns 45.83us 45.83us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30517 30517 266.11Mb/s 266.11Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.22b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.105 62.36s 3.63GB 499.98Mb/s 3806285 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.63GB 499.99Mb/s 3806286 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413731, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989918137.4321 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989919138.5422 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989919138.6255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989920139.7070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71222272 nr_ops:69553\ntimestamp_ms:1652989921140.8015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142361600 nr_ops:139025\ntimestamp_ms:1652989922141.9080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199136256 nr_ops:194469\ntimestamp_ms:1652989923143.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:256046080 nr_ops:250045\ntimestamp_ms:1652989924144.1492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313089024 nr_ops:305751\ntimestamp_ms:1652989925145.2407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:384433152 nr_ops:375423\ntimestamp_ms:1652989926145.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440863744 nr_ops:430531\ntimestamp_ms:1652989927146.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511816704 nr_ops:499821\ntimestamp_ms:1652989928147.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:582790144 nr_ops:569131\ntimestamp_ms:1652989929148.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:653984768 nr_ops:638657\ntimestamp_ms:1652989930149.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:724900864 nr_ops:707911\ntimestamp_ms:1652989931150.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:795692032 nr_ops:777043\ntimestamp_ms:1652989932151.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:866568192 nr_ops:846258\ntimestamp_ms:1652989933152.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:937800704 nr_ops:915821\ntimestamp_ms:1652989934153.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1008968704 nr_ops:985321\ntimestamp_ms:1652989935154.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1079976960 nr_ops:1054665\ntimestamp_ms:1652989936155.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136116736 nr_ops:1109489\ntimestamp_ms:1652989937156.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1192147968 nr_ops:1164207\ntimestamp_ms:1652989938157.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1248492544 nr_ops:1219231\ntimestamp_ms:1652989939158.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1313123328 nr_ops:1282347\ntimestamp_ms:1652989940159.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376459776 nr_ops:1344199\ntimestamp_ms:1652989941160.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433256960 nr_ops:1399665\ntimestamp_ms:1652989942161.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1504158720 nr_ops:1468905\ntimestamp_ms:1652989943162.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1575101440 nr_ops:1538185\ntimestamp_ms:1652989944163.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646189568 nr_ops:1607607\ntimestamp_ms:1652989945164.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1702904832 nr_ops:1662993\ntimestamp_ms:1652989946165.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773898752 nr_ops:1732323\ntimestamp_ms:1652989947166.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834341376 nr_ops:1791349\ntimestamp_ms:1652989948167.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902492672 nr_ops:1857903\ntimestamp_ms:1652989949168.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974520832 nr_ops:1928243\ntimestamp_ms:1652989950169.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046596096 nr_ops:1998629\ntimestamp_ms:1652989951170.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117667840 nr_ops:2068035\ntimestamp_ms:1652989952171.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2188593152 nr_ops:2137298\ntimestamp_ms:1652989953172.9604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2247433216 nr_ops:2194759\ntimestamp_ms:1652989954173.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2318310400 nr_ops:2263975\ntimestamp_ms:1652989955174.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2375044096 nr_ops:2319379\ntimestamp_ms:1652989956175.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2444788736 nr_ops:2387489\ntimestamp_ms:1652989957176.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2503064576 nr_ops:2444399\ntimestamp_ms:1652989958177.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2574070784 nr_ops:2513741\ntimestamp_ms:1652989959178.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2630812672 nr_ops:2569153\ntimestamp_ms:1652989960179.9548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2672684032 nr_ops:2610043\ntimestamp_ms:1652989961180.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2744214528 nr_ops:2679897\ntimestamp_ms:1652989962181.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2815679488 nr_ops:2749687\ntimestamp_ms:1652989963182.8938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2887216128 nr_ops:2819547\ntimestamp_ms:1652989964183.9929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2958423040 nr_ops:2889085\ntimestamp_ms:1652989965185.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3029689344 nr_ops:2958681\ntimestamp_ms:1652989966186.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3101574144 nr_ops:3028881\ntimestamp_ms:1652989967187.2944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3173483520 nr_ops:3099105\ntimestamp_ms:1652989968188.3354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3215789056 nr_ops:3140419\ntimestamp_ms:1652989969189.4407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286670336 nr_ops:3209639\ntimestamp_ms:1652989970189.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3357613056 nr_ops:3278919\ntimestamp_ms:1652989971190.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3428728832 nr_ops:3348368\ntimestamp_ms:1652989972191.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3485799424 nr_ops:3404101\ntimestamp_ms:1652989973192.9719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3542746112 nr_ops:3459713\ntimestamp_ms:1652989974194.0605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3599897600 nr_ops:3515525\ntimestamp_ms:1652989975195.1702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3666461696 nr_ops:3580529\ntimestamp_ms:1652989976196.2898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3714530304 nr_ops:3627471\ntimestamp_ms:1652989977197.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3765187584 nr_ops:3676941\ntimestamp_ms:1652989978198.5098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3827783680 nr_ops:3738070\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139674399852288\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979399.8723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3897633792 nr_ops:3806283\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979400.0657 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979400.0767 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979500.2844 name:Total nr_bytes:3897633792 nr_ops:3806284\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979400.2241 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7795267582 nr_ops:7612568\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979400.2256 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3897633792 nr_ops:3806286\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 270.86us 0.00ns 270.86us 270.86us \nTxn1 1903142 31.53us 0.00ns 208.02ms 18.36us \nTxn2 1 46.83us 0.00ns 46.83us 46.83us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 264.34us 0.00ns 264.34us 264.34us \nwrite 1903142 2.45us 0.00ns 240.56us 2.13us \nread 1903141 29.00us 0.00ns 208.01ms 1.04us \ndisconnect 1 45.83us 0.00ns 45.83us 45.83us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30517 30517 266.11Mb/s 266.11Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.22b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.105 62.36s 3.63GB 499.98Mb/s 3806285 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.63GB 499.99Mb/s 3806286 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413731, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989918137.4321 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989919138.5422 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989919138.6255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989920139.7070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71222272 nr_ops:69553\ntimestamp_ms:1652989921140.8015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142361600 nr_ops:139025\ntimestamp_ms:1652989922141.9080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199136256 nr_ops:194469\ntimestamp_ms:1652989923143.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:256046080 nr_ops:250045\ntimestamp_ms:1652989924144.1492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313089024 nr_ops:305751\ntimestamp_ms:1652989925145.2407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:384433152 nr_ops:375423\ntimestamp_ms:1652989926145.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440863744 nr_ops:430531\ntimestamp_ms:1652989927146.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511816704 nr_ops:499821\ntimestamp_ms:1652989928147.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:582790144 nr_ops:569131\ntimestamp_ms:1652989929148.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:653984768 nr_ops:638657\ntimestamp_ms:1652989930149.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:724900864 nr_ops:707911\ntimestamp_ms:1652989931150.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:795692032 nr_ops:777043\ntimestamp_ms:1652989932151.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:866568192 nr_ops:846258\ntimestamp_ms:1652989933152.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:937800704 nr_ops:915821\ntimestamp_ms:1652989934153.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1008968704 nr_ops:985321\ntimestamp_ms:1652989935154.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1079976960 nr_ops:1054665\ntimestamp_ms:1652989936155.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136116736 nr_ops:1109489\ntimestamp_ms:1652989937156.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1192147968 nr_ops:1164207\ntimestamp_ms:1652989938157.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1248492544 nr_ops:1219231\ntimestamp_ms:1652989939158.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1313123328 nr_ops:1282347\ntimestamp_ms:1652989940159.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376459776 nr_ops:1344199\ntimestamp_ms:1652989941160.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433256960 nr_ops:1399665\ntimestamp_ms:1652989942161.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1504158720 nr_ops:1468905\ntimestamp_ms:1652989943162.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1575101440 nr_ops:1538185\ntimestamp_ms:1652989944163.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646189568 nr_ops:1607607\ntimestamp_ms:1652989945164.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1702904832 nr_ops:1662993\ntimestamp_ms:1652989946165.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773898752 nr_ops:1732323\ntimestamp_ms:1652989947166.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834341376 nr_ops:1791349\ntimestamp_ms:1652989948167.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902492672 nr_ops:1857903\ntimestamp_ms:1652989949168.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974520832 nr_ops:1928243\ntimestamp_ms:1652989950169.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046596096 nr_ops:1998629\ntimestamp_ms:1652989951170.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117667840 nr_ops:2068035\ntimestamp_ms:1652989952171.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2188593152 nr_ops:2137298\ntimestamp_ms:1652989953172.9604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2247433216 nr_ops:2194759\ntimestamp_ms:1652989954173.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2318310400 nr_ops:2263975\ntimestamp_ms:1652989955174.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2375044096 nr_ops:2319379\ntimestamp_ms:1652989956175.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2444788736 nr_ops:2387489\ntimestamp_ms:1652989957176.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2503064576 nr_ops:2444399\ntimestamp_ms:1652989958177.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2574070784 nr_ops:2513741\ntimestamp_ms:1652989959178.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2630812672 nr_ops:2569153\ntimestamp_ms:1652989960179.9548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2672684032 nr_ops:2610043\ntimestamp_ms:1652989961180.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2744214528 nr_ops:2679897\ntimestamp_ms:1652989962181.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2815679488 nr_ops:2749687\ntimestamp_ms:1652989963182.8938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2887216128 nr_ops:2819547\ntimestamp_ms:1652989964183.9929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2958423040 nr_ops:2889085\ntimestamp_ms:1652989965185.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3029689344 nr_ops:2958681\ntimestamp_ms:1652989966186.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3101574144 nr_ops:3028881\ntimestamp_ms:1652989967187.2944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3173483520 nr_ops:3099105\ntimestamp_ms:1652989968188.3354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3215789056 nr_ops:3140419\ntimestamp_ms:1652989969189.4407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286670336 nr_ops:3209639\ntimestamp_ms:1652989970189.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3357613056 nr_ops:3278919\ntimestamp_ms:1652989971190.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3428728832 nr_ops:3348368\ntimestamp_ms:1652989972191.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3485799424 nr_ops:3404101\ntimestamp_ms:1652989973192.9719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3542746112 nr_ops:3459713\ntimestamp_ms:1652989974194.0605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3599897600 nr_ops:3515525\ntimestamp_ms:1652989975195.1702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3666461696 nr_ops:3580529\ntimestamp_ms:1652989976196.2898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3714530304 nr_ops:3627471\ntimestamp_ms:1652989977197.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3765187584 nr_ops:3676941\ntimestamp_ms:1652989978198.5098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3827783680 nr_ops:3738070\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139674399852288\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979399.8723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3897633792 nr_ops:3806283\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979400.0657 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979400.0767 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979500.2844 name:Total nr_bytes:3897633792 nr_ops:3806284\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979400.2241 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7795267582 nr_ops:7612568\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652989979400.2256 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3897633792 nr_ops:3806286\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 270.86us 0.00ns 270.86us 270.86us \nTxn1 1903142 31.53us 0.00ns 208.02ms 18.36us \nTxn2 1 46.83us 0.00ns 46.83us 46.83us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 264.34us 0.00ns 264.34us 264.34us \nwrite 1903142 2.45us 0.00ns 240.56us 2.13us \nread 1903141 29.00us 0.00ns 208.01ms 1.04us \ndisconnect 1 45.83us 0.00ns 45.83us 45.83us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30517 30517 266.11Mb/s 266.11Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.22b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.105 62.36s 3.63GB 499.98Mb/s 3806285 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.63GB 499.99Mb/s 3806286 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413731, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989918137.4321 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989919138.5422 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989919138.6255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989920139.7070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71222272 nr_ops:69553
+timestamp_ms:1652989921140.8015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142361600 nr_ops:139025
+timestamp_ms:1652989922141.9080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199136256 nr_ops:194469
+timestamp_ms:1652989923143.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:256046080 nr_ops:250045
+timestamp_ms:1652989924144.1492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313089024 nr_ops:305751
+timestamp_ms:1652989925145.2407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:384433152 nr_ops:375423
+timestamp_ms:1652989926145.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440863744 nr_ops:430531
+timestamp_ms:1652989927146.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511816704 nr_ops:499821
+timestamp_ms:1652989928147.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:582790144 nr_ops:569131
+timestamp_ms:1652989929148.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:653984768 nr_ops:638657
+timestamp_ms:1652989930149.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:724900864 nr_ops:707911
+timestamp_ms:1652989931150.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:795692032 nr_ops:777043
+timestamp_ms:1652989932151.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:866568192 nr_ops:846258
+timestamp_ms:1652989933152.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:937800704 nr_ops:915821
+timestamp_ms:1652989934153.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1008968704 nr_ops:985321
+timestamp_ms:1652989935154.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1079976960 nr_ops:1054665
+timestamp_ms:1652989936155.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136116736 nr_ops:1109489
+timestamp_ms:1652989937156.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1192147968 nr_ops:1164207
+timestamp_ms:1652989938157.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1248492544 nr_ops:1219231
+timestamp_ms:1652989939158.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1313123328 nr_ops:1282347
+timestamp_ms:1652989940159.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376459776 nr_ops:1344199
+timestamp_ms:1652989941160.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433256960 nr_ops:1399665
+timestamp_ms:1652989942161.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1504158720 nr_ops:1468905
+timestamp_ms:1652989943162.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1575101440 nr_ops:1538185
+timestamp_ms:1652989944163.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646189568 nr_ops:1607607
+timestamp_ms:1652989945164.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1702904832 nr_ops:1662993
+timestamp_ms:1652989946165.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773898752 nr_ops:1732323
+timestamp_ms:1652989947166.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834341376 nr_ops:1791349
+timestamp_ms:1652989948167.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902492672 nr_ops:1857903
+timestamp_ms:1652989949168.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974520832 nr_ops:1928243
+timestamp_ms:1652989950169.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046596096 nr_ops:1998629
+timestamp_ms:1652989951170.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117667840 nr_ops:2068035
+timestamp_ms:1652989952171.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2188593152 nr_ops:2137298
+timestamp_ms:1652989953172.9604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2247433216 nr_ops:2194759
+timestamp_ms:1652989954173.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2318310400 nr_ops:2263975
+timestamp_ms:1652989955174.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2375044096 nr_ops:2319379
+timestamp_ms:1652989956175.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2444788736 nr_ops:2387489
+timestamp_ms:1652989957176.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2503064576 nr_ops:2444399
+timestamp_ms:1652989958177.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2574070784 nr_ops:2513741
+timestamp_ms:1652989959178.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2630812672 nr_ops:2569153
+timestamp_ms:1652989960179.9548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2672684032 nr_ops:2610043
+timestamp_ms:1652989961180.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2744214528 nr_ops:2679897
+timestamp_ms:1652989962181.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2815679488 nr_ops:2749687
+timestamp_ms:1652989963182.8938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2887216128 nr_ops:2819547
+timestamp_ms:1652989964183.9929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2958423040 nr_ops:2889085
+timestamp_ms:1652989965185.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3029689344 nr_ops:2958681
+timestamp_ms:1652989966186.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3101574144 nr_ops:3028881
+timestamp_ms:1652989967187.2944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3173483520 nr_ops:3099105
+timestamp_ms:1652989968188.3354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3215789056 nr_ops:3140419
+timestamp_ms:1652989969189.4407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286670336 nr_ops:3209639
+timestamp_ms:1652989970189.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3357613056 nr_ops:3278919
+timestamp_ms:1652989971190.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3428728832 nr_ops:3348368
+timestamp_ms:1652989972191.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3485799424 nr_ops:3404101
+timestamp_ms:1652989973192.9719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3542746112 nr_ops:3459713
+timestamp_ms:1652989974194.0605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3599897600 nr_ops:3515525
+timestamp_ms:1652989975195.1702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3666461696 nr_ops:3580529
+timestamp_ms:1652989976196.2898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3714530304 nr_ops:3627471
+timestamp_ms:1652989977197.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3765187584 nr_ops:3676941
+timestamp_ms:1652989978198.5098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3827783680 nr_ops:3738070
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139674399852288
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652989979399.8723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3897633792 nr_ops:3806283
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989979400.0657 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652989979400.0767 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652989979500.2844 name:Total nr_bytes:3897633792 nr_ops:3806284
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989979400.2241 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7795267582 nr_ops:7612568
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652989979400.2256 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3897633792 nr_ops:3806286
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 270.86us 0.00ns 270.86us 270.86us
+Txn1 1903142 31.53us 0.00ns 208.02ms 18.36us
+Txn2 1 46.83us 0.00ns 46.83us 46.83us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 264.34us 0.00ns 264.34us 264.34us
+write 1903142 2.45us 0.00ns 240.56us 2.13us
+read 1903141 29.00us 0.00ns 208.01ms 1.04us
+disconnect 1 45.83us 0.00ns 45.83us 45.83us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 30517 30517 266.11Mb/s 266.11Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.22b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.105 62.36s 3.63GB 499.98Mb/s 3806285 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.63GB 499.99Mb/s 3806286 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:00.139000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:00.139000', 'bytes': 71222272, 'norm_byte': 71222272, 'ops': 69553, 'norm_ops': 69553, 'norm_ltcy': 14.393074963966328, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:00.139000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:00.139000",
+ "bytes": 71222272,
+ "norm_byte": 71222272,
+ "ops": 69553,
+ "norm_ops": 69553,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.393074963966328,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9f76d37d94cc11e21265ae39afef32d532473e793d3979a3f6e6dc2ab03b3b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:01.140000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:01.140000', 'bytes': 142361600, 'norm_byte': 71139328, 'ops': 139025, 'norm_ops': 69472, 'norm_ltcy': 14.410042641954673, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:01.140000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:01.140000",
+ "bytes": 142361600,
+ "norm_byte": 71139328,
+ "ops": 139025,
+ "norm_ops": 69472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.410042641954673,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c91752b4dd95bf20a89acb597e9616be2aa908f669dd9f48a80069157463834",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:02.141000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:02.141000', 'bytes': 199136256, 'norm_byte': 56774656, 'ops': 194469, 'norm_ops': 55444, 'norm_ltcy': 18.056172810628745, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:02.141000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:02.141000",
+ "bytes": 199136256,
+ "norm_byte": 56774656,
+ "ops": 194469,
+ "norm_ops": 55444,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.056172810628745,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de757137f477771a53df88f332ecd957485d31679c41c7d9c4d3d2ce6599d0da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:03.143000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:03.143000', 'bytes': 256046080, 'norm_byte': 56909824, 'ops': 250045, 'norm_ops': 55576, 'norm_ltcy': 18.01403831436906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:03.143000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:03.143000",
+ "bytes": 256046080,
+ "norm_byte": 56909824,
+ "ops": 250045,
+ "norm_ops": 55576,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.01403831436906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "502d9ee58b22049b38c791be1e665552bdda85ee9ff9addf083002179851a2e3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:04.144000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:04.144000', 'bytes': 313089024, 'norm_byte': 57042944, 'ops': 305751, 'norm_ops': 55706, 'norm_ltcy': 17.97100882450948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:04.144000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:04.144000",
+ "bytes": 313089024,
+ "norm_byte": 57042944,
+ "ops": 305751,
+ "norm_ops": 55706,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.97100882450948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87ffe1160263b5075c74656696c8301d4d98ba5e0afafd113080be9ce1e88dbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:05.145000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:05.145000', 'bytes': 384433152, 'norm_byte': 71344128, 'ops': 375423, 'norm_ops': 69672, 'norm_ltcy': 14.368635215500847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:05.145000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:05.145000",
+ "bytes": 384433152,
+ "norm_byte": 71344128,
+ "ops": 375423,
+ "norm_ops": 69672,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.368635215500847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de31f0b85acf34f33ca6c8f7e4590617d6b3cf555e4c494dcb9eebf6320fec31",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:06.145000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:06.145000', 'bytes': 440863744, 'norm_byte': 56430592, 'ops': 430531, 'norm_ops': 55108, 'norm_ltcy': 18.156946678851074, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:06.145000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:06.145000",
+ "bytes": 440863744,
+ "norm_byte": 56430592,
+ "ops": 430531,
+ "norm_ops": 55108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.156946678851074,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df409c725ad0b1b91adbbb74226a387889cdff728cc3d91c79fe39ada746b702",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:07.146000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:07.146000', 'bytes': 511816704, 'norm_byte': 70952960, 'ops': 499821, 'norm_ops': 69290, 'norm_ltcy': 14.446553744903666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:07.146000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:07.146000",
+ "bytes": 511816704,
+ "norm_byte": 70952960,
+ "ops": 499821,
+ "norm_ops": 69290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.446553744903666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6d373f178144094013084ebebd7ca1f594a4a11547ec212697d55e9c9db7a0e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:08.147000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:08.147000', 'bytes': 582790144, 'norm_byte': 70973440, 'ops': 569131, 'norm_ops': 69310, 'norm_ltcy': 14.442395634197807, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:08.147000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:08.147000",
+ "bytes": 582790144,
+ "norm_byte": 70973440,
+ "ops": 569131,
+ "norm_ops": 69310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.442395634197807,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e3237c2339033204729e08b948c0ce0f3783eb6a39d42b1c2fe33fa87806d119",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:09.148000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:09.148000', 'bytes': 653984768, 'norm_byte': 71194624, 'ops': 638657, 'norm_ops': 69526, 'norm_ltcy': 14.397428378861864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:09.148000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:09.148000",
+ "bytes": 653984768,
+ "norm_byte": 71194624,
+ "ops": 638657,
+ "norm_ops": 69526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.397428378861864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e9a48947cbbbf0ff7472fed663ed616e2287f0134d4ae281118e42d91eacb1a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:10.149000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:10.149000', 'bytes': 724900864, 'norm_byte': 70916096, 'ops': 707911, 'norm_ops': 69254, 'norm_ltcy': 14.454052857055187, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:10.149000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:10.149000",
+ "bytes": 724900864,
+ "norm_byte": 70916096,
+ "ops": 707911,
+ "norm_ops": 69254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.454052857055187,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bdc076390baaf4a1cb8ff5ae53fd0681e4a4d95cb972f85fd5bbb86f9d07e07c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:11.150000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:11.150000', 'bytes': 795692032, 'norm_byte': 70791168, 'ops': 777043, 'norm_ops': 69132, 'norm_ltcy': 14.479574627162531, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:11.150000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:11.150000",
+ "bytes": 795692032,
+ "norm_byte": 70791168,
+ "ops": 777043,
+ "norm_ops": 69132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.479574627162531,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c52155af96161faf8919533c3b83906808ca3c5fe4c020f7ee4ec124c21d5ef5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:12.151000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:12.151000', 'bytes': 866568192, 'norm_byte': 70876160, 'ops': 846258, 'norm_ops': 69215, 'norm_ltcy': 14.462193634643864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:12.151000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:12.151000",
+ "bytes": 866568192,
+ "norm_byte": 70876160,
+ "ops": 846258,
+ "norm_ops": 69215,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.462193634643864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db9142e872448032a9d28cf71bfb0ddeba5da6e8a9aff59d36763318a3631703",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:13.152000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:13.152000', 'bytes': 937800704, 'norm_byte': 71232512, 'ops': 915821, 'norm_ops': 69563, 'norm_ltcy': 14.389752954381281, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:13.152000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:13.152000",
+ "bytes": 937800704,
+ "norm_byte": 71232512,
+ "ops": 915821,
+ "norm_ops": 69563,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.389752954381281,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21da40c44f766c05feca7a5b45181d976e9705938d12e6a65e6f4a2009273c97",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:14.153000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:14.153000', 'bytes': 1008968704, 'norm_byte': 71168000, 'ops': 985321, 'norm_ops': 69500, 'norm_ltcy': 14.40290931317446, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:14.153000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:14.153000",
+ "bytes": 1008968704,
+ "norm_byte": 71168000,
+ "ops": 985321,
+ "norm_ops": 69500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.40290931317446,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81a88eaf38e10bd8379bd49e8ffc8ccaf3be2f25cbaf042f501f7f9b10cb5224",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:15.154000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:15.154000', 'bytes': 1079976960, 'norm_byte': 71008256, 'ops': 1054665, 'norm_ops': 69344, 'norm_ltcy': 14.435268625665161, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:15.154000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:15.154000",
+ "bytes": 1079976960,
+ "norm_byte": 71008256,
+ "ops": 1054665,
+ "norm_ops": 69344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.435268625665161,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4fc42fd74f9ea40cedbcf8a33337e59ad32ed22aba50bf6f6e4fde6e35ab1b9a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:16.155000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:16.155000', 'bytes': 1136116736, 'norm_byte': 56139776, 'ops': 1109489, 'norm_ops': 54824, 'norm_ltcy': 18.258449232145136, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:16.155000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:16.155000",
+ "bytes": 1136116736,
+ "norm_byte": 56139776,
+ "ops": 1109489,
+ "norm_ops": 54824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.258449232145136,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ed2e2969caceea44fddee647e32d953a9a830c81ae0cb4540805ef241eb1187",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:17.156000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:17.156000', 'bytes': 1192147968, 'norm_byte': 56031232, 'ops': 1164207, 'norm_ops': 54718, 'norm_ltcy': 18.293797287912568, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:17.156000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:17.156000",
+ "bytes": 1192147968,
+ "norm_byte": 56031232,
+ "ops": 1164207,
+ "norm_ops": 54718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.293797287912568,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d775d1f6b42a958b743ca9593d01cbd5d4e99c15bdfe5a02f66f61feb816a19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:18.157000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:18.157000', 'bytes': 1248492544, 'norm_byte': 56344576, 'ops': 1219231, 'norm_ops': 55024, 'norm_ltcy': 18.192061645827277, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:18.157000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:18.157000",
+ "bytes": 1248492544,
+ "norm_byte": 56344576,
+ "ops": 1219231,
+ "norm_ops": 55024,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.192061645827277,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "919b7d7db336af39e026904b34f5219c6ffd685480389a6c840bbf128b279a7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:19.158000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:19.158000', 'bytes': 1313123328, 'norm_byte': 64630784, 'ops': 1282347, 'norm_ops': 63116, 'norm_ltcy': 15.861338615357042, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:19.158000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:19.158000",
+ "bytes": 1313123328,
+ "norm_byte": 64630784,
+ "ops": 1282347,
+ "norm_ops": 63116,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.861338615357042,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b6992215ec7bfef9e66e57e0d99233ae6f95c0b9a1969590888aad8eab574be9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:20.159000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:20.159000', 'bytes': 1376459776, 'norm_byte': 63336448, 'ops': 1344199, 'norm_ops': 61852, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18210023397586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:20.159000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:20.159000",
+ "bytes": 1376459776,
+ "norm_byte": 63336448,
+ "ops": 1344199,
+ "norm_ops": 61852,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18210023397586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ddf824f4be5ceb56c47e324eaae955b8b5a6940662c9e50d1b5a5cd67123f9a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:21.160000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:21.160000', 'bytes': 1433256960, 'norm_byte': 56797184, 'ops': 1399665, 'norm_ops': 55466, 'norm_ltcy': 18.047100715415752, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:21.160000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:21.160000",
+ "bytes": 1433256960,
+ "norm_byte": 56797184,
+ "ops": 1399665,
+ "norm_ops": 55466,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.047100715415752,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc93bddde17b7ad21e641c00034c4ceaaff28b625f8cc5d93cd866995bc8340c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:22.161000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:22.161000', 'bytes': 1504158720, 'norm_byte': 70901760, 'ops': 1468905, 'norm_ops': 69240, 'norm_ltcy': 14.456968346060803, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:22.161000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:22.161000",
+ "bytes": 1504158720,
+ "norm_byte": 70901760,
+ "ops": 1468905,
+ "norm_ops": 69240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.456968346060803,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a300bba50858b107c29a41d58b385129887e2f3215f797a76d3716572361f557",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:23.162000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:23.162000', 'bytes': 1575101440, 'norm_byte': 70942720, 'ops': 1538185, 'norm_ops': 69280, 'norm_ltcy': 14.44862841458574, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:23.162000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:23.162000",
+ "bytes": 1575101440,
+ "norm_byte": 70942720,
+ "ops": 1538185,
+ "norm_ops": 69280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.44862841458574,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4895e97d5d73b0555d62a4d9823c81151f1af9897d14a742177b7c81eb7ad929",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:24.163000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:24.163000', 'bytes': 1646189568, 'norm_byte': 71088128, 'ops': 1607607, 'norm_ops': 69422, 'norm_ltcy': 14.419088374362595, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:24.163000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:24.163000",
+ "bytes": 1646189568,
+ "norm_byte": 71088128,
+ "ops": 1607607,
+ "norm_ops": 69422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.419088374362595,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e3b33d4c489933bcdd68a8070e3fa648f59eba06b27c7bff8fee67a51841b7e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:25.164000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:25.164000', 'bytes': 1702904832, 'norm_byte': 56715264, 'ops': 1662993, 'norm_ops': 55386, 'norm_ltcy': 18.07309316236278, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:25.164000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:25.164000",
+ "bytes": 1702904832,
+ "norm_byte": 56715264,
+ "ops": 1662993,
+ "norm_ops": 55386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.07309316236278,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "935ebc58c14b1ebe6c028093bcedd11bff679cc21336a5016cf4729d24661921",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:26.165000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:26.165000', 'bytes': 1773898752, 'norm_byte': 70993920, 'ops': 1732323, 'norm_ops': 69330, 'norm_ltcy': 14.438236401088995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:26.165000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:26.165000",
+ "bytes": 1773898752,
+ "norm_byte": 70993920,
+ "ops": 1732323,
+ "norm_ops": 69330,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.438236401088995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "354ff4b7a82350b7827fb95dbe7f67a8e8d5a690fa526e63376c3a2543ba37a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:27.166000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:27.166000', 'bytes': 1834341376, 'norm_byte': 60442624, 'ops': 1791349, 'norm_ops': 59026, 'norm_ltcy': 16.960489670335953, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:27.166000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:27.166000",
+ "bytes": 1834341376,
+ "norm_byte": 60442624,
+ "ops": 1791349,
+ "norm_ops": 59026,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.960489670335953,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c135eb5fdda2bd604b946a66c0e1179f62839a980f7a7ee9decafe6b32aa64b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:28.167000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:28.167000', 'bytes': 1902492672, 'norm_byte': 68151296, 'ops': 1857903, 'norm_ops': 66554, 'norm_ltcy': 15.03876756797112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:28.167000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:28.167000",
+ "bytes": 1902492672,
+ "norm_byte": 68151296,
+ "ops": 1857903,
+ "norm_ops": 66554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.03876756797112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f801dbf388cb85d50d0a5ce5653605c98fe347e5ae7e0f068931253b4600bd7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:29.168000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:29.168000', 'bytes': 1974520832, 'norm_byte': 72028160, 'ops': 1928243, 'norm_ops': 70340, 'norm_ltcy': 14.230861235383495, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:29.168000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:29.168000",
+ "bytes": 1974520832,
+ "norm_byte": 72028160,
+ "ops": 1928243,
+ "norm_ops": 70340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.230861235383495,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13af66dcb3abea5a8f9dd0f4318e4fb2f2aaa9de1fbabdc02e4cb0e20c2dc811",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:30.169000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:30.169000', 'bytes': 2046596096, 'norm_byte': 72075264, 'ops': 1998629, 'norm_ops': 70386, 'norm_ltcy': 14.22156081176477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:30.169000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:30.169000",
+ "bytes": 2046596096,
+ "norm_byte": 72075264,
+ "ops": 1998629,
+ "norm_ops": 70386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.22156081176477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d43a69a414fad8ce45178f4f4011863cf67051dffa8210e7eeb8a778b50253a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:31.170000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:31.170000', 'bytes': 2117667840, 'norm_byte': 71071744, 'ops': 2068035, 'norm_ops': 69406, 'norm_ltcy': 14.422401819772427, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:31.170000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:31.170000",
+ "bytes": 2117667840,
+ "norm_byte": 71071744,
+ "ops": 2068035,
+ "norm_ops": 69406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.422401819772427,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b145f90e1d59ff51402752f924a017e1e0c6a6d2d7a7a6a1e05fcb51bcba3c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:32.171000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:32.171000', 'bytes': 2188593152, 'norm_byte': 70925312, 'ops': 2137298, 'norm_ops': 69263, 'norm_ltcy': 14.452227577088417, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:32.171000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:32.171000",
+ "bytes": 2188593152,
+ "norm_byte": 70925312,
+ "ops": 2137298,
+ "norm_ops": 69263,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.452227577088417,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d0c8969279fc3f2953cbd2b138502e1288e4e7a9aae4465571b56b405433e7d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:33.172000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:33.172000', 'bytes': 2247433216, 'norm_byte': 58840064, 'ops': 2194759, 'norm_ops': 57461, 'norm_ltcy': 17.42260171572893, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:33.172000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:33.172000",
+ "bytes": 2247433216,
+ "norm_byte": 58840064,
+ "ops": 2194759,
+ "norm_ops": 57461,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.42260171572893,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c36284114ebf8e857c603c93a2a0d5bf1120976bf2f7b45d5601121a62f8af18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:34.173000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:34.173000', 'bytes': 2318310400, 'norm_byte': 70877184, 'ops': 2263975, 'norm_ops': 69216, 'norm_ltcy': 14.460171696437602, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:34.173000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:34.173000",
+ "bytes": 2318310400,
+ "norm_byte": 70877184,
+ "ops": 2263975,
+ "norm_ops": 69216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.460171696437602,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "41ffff6f92ea914c83449369e284493f34f1f0845c86f332465d114ccebe8fa0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:35.174000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:35.174000', 'bytes': 2375044096, 'norm_byte': 56733696, 'ops': 2319379, 'norm_ops': 55404, 'norm_ltcy': 18.067291967017276, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:35.174000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:35.174000",
+ "bytes": 2375044096,
+ "norm_byte": 56733696,
+ "ops": 2319379,
+ "norm_ops": 55404,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.067291967017276,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19af302cb069fa87d19f1f6850779717c0fbe23314935fe53880fb537d68a607",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:36.175000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:36.175000', 'bytes': 2444788736, 'norm_byte': 69744640, 'ops': 2387489, 'norm_ops': 68110, 'norm_ltcy': 14.698369652492293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:36.175000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:36.175000",
+ "bytes": 2444788736,
+ "norm_byte": 69744640,
+ "ops": 2387489,
+ "norm_ops": 68110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.698369652492293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76b6ac1a756ace01e292635f07322facc298e1e7710e22d50c3826790becd0f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:37.176000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:37.176000', 'bytes': 2503064576, 'norm_byte': 58275840, 'ops': 2444399, 'norm_ops': 56910, 'norm_ltcy': 17.58736553604375, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:37.176000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:37.176000",
+ "bytes": 2503064576,
+ "norm_byte": 58275840,
+ "ops": 2444399,
+ "norm_ops": 56910,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.58736553604375,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1bb62f2e5afd6582d70b0b6f626c3f5df708a11737cfe5c258c9c882df5dedd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:38.177000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:38.177000', 'bytes': 2574070784, 'norm_byte': 71006208, 'ops': 2513741, 'norm_ops': 69342, 'norm_ltcy': 14.435667371506446, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:38.177000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:38.177000",
+ "bytes": 2574070784,
+ "norm_byte": 71006208,
+ "ops": 2513741,
+ "norm_ops": 69342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.435667371506446,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6fc3a526fe644cfa237a27cb593db715fe9b2b193966b8c8ca34f9225d5cae2a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:39.178000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:39.178000', 'bytes': 2630812672, 'norm_byte': 56741888, 'ops': 2569153, 'norm_ops': 55412, 'norm_ltcy': 18.06467913087418, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:39.178000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:39.178000",
+ "bytes": 2630812672,
+ "norm_byte": 56741888,
+ "ops": 2569153,
+ "norm_ops": 55412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.06467913087418,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "57168c19d455ba4d093368fa46d1269777089c240c0ceaf60569ca4c728bf79d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:40.179000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:40.179000', 'bytes': 2672684032, 'norm_byte': 41871360, 'ops': 2610043, 'norm_ops': 40890, 'norm_ltcy': 24.483196867739668, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:40.179000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:40.179000",
+ "bytes": 2672684032,
+ "norm_byte": 41871360,
+ "ops": 2610043,
+ "norm_ops": 40890,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.483196867739668,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3416fc32ce2f826c4f5c54b5aa5da928ed555401ae4d2859bc22cab6f884cc85",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:41.180000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:41.180000', 'bytes': 2744214528, 'norm_byte': 71530496, 'ops': 2679897, 'norm_ops': 69854, 'norm_ltcy': 14.32821044607324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:41.180000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:41.180000",
+ "bytes": 2744214528,
+ "norm_byte": 71530496,
+ "ops": 2679897,
+ "norm_ops": 69854,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.32821044607324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df28c568166188b7d216288a53326f687d44fea25c779554516c48160cde2b67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:42.181000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:42.181000', 'bytes': 2815679488, 'norm_byte': 71464960, 'ops': 2749687, 'norm_ops': 69790, 'norm_ltcy': 14.343011596172445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:42.181000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:42.181000",
+ "bytes": 2815679488,
+ "norm_byte": 71464960,
+ "ops": 2749687,
+ "norm_ops": 69790,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.343011596172445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e65826b91ea9c8a29bb412d3ba71a0409c330c07b02a888ca06e2603ff2d6f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:43.182000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:43.182000', 'bytes': 2887216128, 'norm_byte': 71536640, 'ops': 2819547, 'norm_ops': 69860, 'norm_ltcy': 14.329478572099557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:43.182000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:43.182000",
+ "bytes": 2887216128,
+ "norm_byte": 71536640,
+ "ops": 2819547,
+ "norm_ops": 69860,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.329478572099557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b47deaae5178aeb1f434f30f8bfaaac96aa9a9fa63eb2c8a763285c46c8359c9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:44.183000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:44.183000', 'bytes': 2958423040, 'norm_byte': 71206912, 'ops': 2889085, 'norm_ops': 69538, 'norm_ltcy': 14.396432469926514, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:44.183000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:44.183000",
+ "bytes": 2958423040,
+ "norm_byte": 71206912,
+ "ops": 2889085,
+ "norm_ops": 69538,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.396432469926514,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5a2133ff3012960863b3c69775c3c0dab7c4c929f5baa66501b927e9956627d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:45.185000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:45.185000', 'bytes': 3029689344, 'norm_byte': 71266304, 'ops': 2958681, 'norm_ops': 69596, 'norm_ltcy': 14.384427737405884, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:45.185000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:45.185000",
+ "bytes": 3029689344,
+ "norm_byte": 71266304,
+ "ops": 2958681,
+ "norm_ops": 69596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.384427737405884,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df639210b39ade1f98f96dfeeb133a4a5781ea9ececa627bb9993af6a277724d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:46.186000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:46.186000', 'bytes': 3101574144, 'norm_byte': 71884800, 'ops': 3028881, 'norm_ops': 70200, 'norm_ltcy': 14.26066776286503, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:46.186000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:46.186000",
+ "bytes": 3101574144,
+ "norm_byte": 71884800,
+ "ops": 3028881,
+ "norm_ops": 70200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.26066776286503,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6cdbac98266af9f9ea6e2bc54576df3f02bf40947301341427d9d827c8fe7db9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:47.187000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:47.187000', 'bytes': 3173483520, 'norm_byte': 71909376, 'ops': 3099105, 'norm_ops': 70224, 'norm_ltcy': 14.255866995703036, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:47.187000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:47.187000",
+ "bytes": 3173483520,
+ "norm_byte": 71909376,
+ "ops": 3099105,
+ "norm_ops": 70224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.255866995703036,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b1513373b41f18080624e89d46299ebbb8e9258ac96c4d9a80e70dd1eeecc54",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:48.188000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:48.188000', 'bytes': 3215789056, 'norm_byte': 42305536, 'ops': 3140419, 'norm_ops': 41314, 'norm_ltcy': 24.23006766773975, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:48.188000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:48.188000",
+ "bytes": 3215789056,
+ "norm_byte": 42305536,
+ "ops": 3140419,
+ "norm_ops": 41314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.23006766773975,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dbf4f5bdf4814b8050eba42654c00d31a0bd589023093b80ddca01d754959155",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:49.189000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:49.189000', 'bytes': 3286670336, 'norm_byte': 70881280, 'ops': 3209639, 'norm_ops': 69220, 'norm_ltcy': 14.462658546798252, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:49.189000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:49.189000",
+ "bytes": 3286670336,
+ "norm_byte": 70881280,
+ "ops": 3209639,
+ "norm_ops": 69220,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.462658546798252,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02b7acac036fa9346c84c972c5a04ec28fd0bd8444a9344345d98c3afacaaed8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:50.189000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:50.189000', 'bytes': 3357613056, 'norm_byte': 70942720, 'ops': 3278919, 'norm_ops': 69280, 'norm_ltcy': 14.439871349731163, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:50.189000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:50.189000",
+ "bytes": 3357613056,
+ "norm_byte": 70942720,
+ "ops": 3278919,
+ "norm_ops": 69280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.439871349731163,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43df7cafb81e1250326d83a93782a09124f86e6a0f3fbefa2454be5509dd2f73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:51.190000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:51.190000', 'bytes': 3428728832, 'norm_byte': 71115776, 'ops': 3348368, 'norm_ops': 69449, 'norm_ltcy': 14.413528300668476, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:51.190000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:51.190000",
+ "bytes": 3428728832,
+ "norm_byte": 71115776,
+ "ops": 3348368,
+ "norm_ops": 69449,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.413528300668476,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0baafec0bbac4f77a367f3de6cb6b3bfd45c80ed009e105ca734afb766fa8361",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:52.191000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:52.191000', 'bytes': 3485799424, 'norm_byte': 57070592, 'ops': 3404101, 'norm_ops': 55733, 'norm_ltcy': 17.960629355307898, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:52.191000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:52.191000",
+ "bytes": 3485799424,
+ "norm_byte": 57070592,
+ "ops": 3404101,
+ "norm_ops": 55733,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.960629355307898,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6ef05d37a408fee6e8ad8b1aeb4ae79d416611b4ef723a2191b182a61041bb3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:53.192000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:53.192000', 'bytes': 3542746112, 'norm_byte': 56946688, 'ops': 3459713, 'norm_ops': 55612, 'norm_ltcy': 18.00208732068843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:53.192000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:53.192000",
+ "bytes": 3542746112,
+ "norm_byte": 56946688,
+ "ops": 3459713,
+ "norm_ops": 55612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.00208732068843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc64b3134b7e0469384947f90b8d06d60a1f7b71403c35557ddcc176628b8ad2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:54.194000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:54.194000', 'bytes': 3599897600, 'norm_byte': 57151488, 'ops': 3515525, 'norm_ops': 55812, 'norm_ltcy': 17.936798950886455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:54.194000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:54.194000",
+ "bytes": 3599897600,
+ "norm_byte": 57151488,
+ "ops": 3515525,
+ "norm_ops": 55812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.936798950886455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8444a964ef238c9aba078b5f27786a9ca89ae694faf6ce9faa27a7beaa1c53d0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:55.195000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:55.195000', 'bytes': 3666461696, 'norm_byte': 66564096, 'ops': 3580529, 'norm_ops': 65004, 'norm_ltcy': 15.400738710550504, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:55.195000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:55.195000",
+ "bytes": 3666461696,
+ "norm_byte": 66564096,
+ "ops": 3580529,
+ "norm_ops": 65004,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.400738710550504,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc94a8ecd7be3cebf07c4bc2125c186bbdc8c74f906543cb82c75b776b719f3d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:56.196000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:56.196000', 'bytes': 3714530304, 'norm_byte': 48068608, 'ops': 3627471, 'norm_ops': 46942, 'norm_ltcy': 21.326735735721744, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:56.196000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:56.196000",
+ "bytes": 3714530304,
+ "norm_byte": 48068608,
+ "ops": 3627471,
+ "norm_ops": 46942,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.326735735721744,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cfec8062a66d23ce18a0e32165b88bbbac82d22f5ea74e359bdd0629507d393e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:57.197000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:57.197000', 'bytes': 3765187584, 'norm_byte': 50657280, 'ops': 3676941, 'norm_ops': 49470, 'norm_ltcy': 20.23695804433242, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:57.197000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:57.197000",
+ "bytes": 3765187584,
+ "norm_byte": 50657280,
+ "ops": 3676941,
+ "norm_ops": 49470,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.23695804433242,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd58a6c9d8b8065c5dce154bfca19003f94b7857988df4650720cb9c7fb5b199",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:58.198000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:58.198000', 'bytes': 3827783680, 'norm_byte': 62596096, 'ops': 3738070, 'norm_ops': 61129, 'norm_ltcy': 16.376804074171016, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:58.198000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:58.198000",
+ "bytes": 3827783680,
+ "norm_byte": 62596096,
+ "ops": 3738070,
+ "norm_ops": 61129,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.376804074171016,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aad8856cc11922428efc1c2454b9669b76e0d6a8eb1ecd17b7deb9170582f68c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:52:59.399000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:52:59.399000', 'bytes': 3897633792, 'norm_byte': 69850112, 'ops': 3806283, 'norm_ops': 68213, 'norm_ltcy': 17.611929527042133, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:52:59.399000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:52:59.399000",
+ "bytes": 3897633792,
+ "norm_byte": 69850112,
+ "ops": 3806283,
+ "norm_ops": 68213,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.611929527042133,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "84a49e56-d8aa-54b8-8ca3-7e8d9f038761",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6bdad9b4cc1e344f63e0c6c3f50ee63cbcee1218312e5d3e123a908e697b0c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 64960563.2
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 63438.05
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 20.291446928901888
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:52:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-010-220519194914/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-010-220519194914/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8576980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-010-220519194914/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-010-220519194914/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-010-220519194914/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-010-220519194914/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-010-220519194914/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-010-220519194914/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..529a8c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-010-220519194914/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=25
+ vm.swappiness=35
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=190
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-011-220519195116/220519195116-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-011-220519195116/220519195116-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cc0f99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-011-220519195116/220519195116-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:53:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990040074.4214 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990041075.5510 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990041075.6406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990042076.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61078528 nr_ops:59647\ntimestamp_ms:1652990043077.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:123352064 nr_ops:120461\ntimestamp_ms:1652990044078.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186834944 nr_ops:182456\ntimestamp_ms:1652990045080.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250523648 nr_ops:244652\ntimestamp_ms:1652990046081.0669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313789440 nr_ops:306435\ntimestamp_ms:1652990047082.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376308736 nr_ops:367489\ntimestamp_ms:1652990048083.2891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439671808 nr_ops:429367\ntimestamp_ms:1652990049084.3264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503038976 nr_ops:491249\ntimestamp_ms:1652990050085.4226 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566459392 nr_ops:553183\ntimestamp_ms:1652990051086.4600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628990976 nr_ops:614249\ntimestamp_ms:1652990052087.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:691799040 nr_ops:675585\ntimestamp_ms:1652990053088.5869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:754508800 nr_ops:736825\ntimestamp_ms:1652990054089.6763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:818162688 nr_ops:798987\ntimestamp_ms:1652990055090.7102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881421312 nr_ops:860763\ntimestamp_ms:1652990056091.8196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:944452608 nr_ops:922317\ntimestamp_ms:1652990057092.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1007092736 nr_ops:983489\ntimestamp_ms:1652990058094.0364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1070092288 nr_ops:1045012\ntimestamp_ms:1652990059095.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133089792 nr_ops:1106533\ntimestamp_ms:1652990060096.2183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196962816 nr_ops:1168909\ntimestamp_ms:1652990061097.3335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1260567552 nr_ops:1231023\ntimestamp_ms:1652990062098.4287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1323207680 nr_ops:1292195\ntimestamp_ms:1652990063099.4675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1386640384 nr_ops:1354141\ntimestamp_ms:1652990064100.5645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450793984 nr_ops:1416791\ntimestamp_ms:1652990065100.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1515281408 nr_ops:1479767\ntimestamp_ms:1652990066101.9570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582937088 nr_ops:1545837\ntimestamp_ms:1652990067103.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1647138816 nr_ops:1608534\ntimestamp_ms:1652990068104.1641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710801920 nr_ops:1670705\ntimestamp_ms:1652990069105.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774581760 nr_ops:1732990\ntimestamp_ms:1652990070106.4429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1838291968 nr_ops:1795207\ntimestamp_ms:1652990071106.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901220864 nr_ops:1856661\ntimestamp_ms:1652990072107.9265 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963156480 nr_ops:1917145\ntimestamp_ms:1652990073109.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026187776 nr_ops:1978699\ntimestamp_ms:1652990074110.1277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2090409984 nr_ops:2041416\ntimestamp_ms:1652990075111.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153841664 nr_ops:2103361\ntimestamp_ms:1652990076112.3157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216715264 nr_ops:2164761\ntimestamp_ms:1652990077113.4170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2278575104 nr_ops:2225171\ntimestamp_ms:1652990078114.4526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2343302144 nr_ops:2288381\ntimestamp_ms:1652990079115.5430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2406540288 nr_ops:2350137\ntimestamp_ms:1652990080116.6370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2470350848 nr_ops:2412452\ntimestamp_ms:1652990081117.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532781056 nr_ops:2473419\ntimestamp_ms:1652990082118.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595228672 nr_ops:2534403\ntimestamp_ms:1652990083119.9617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658504704 nr_ops:2596196\ntimestamp_ms:1652990084121.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2722514944 nr_ops:2658706\ntimestamp_ms:1652990085122.1548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2786370560 nr_ops:2721065\ntimestamp_ms:1652990086123.2498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849500160 nr_ops:2782715\ntimestamp_ms:1652990087124.3464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911315968 nr_ops:2843082\ntimestamp_ms:1652990088125.4863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2975878144 nr_ops:2906131\ntimestamp_ms:1652990089126.5847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3040094208 nr_ops:2968842\ntimestamp_ms:1652990090127.6792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3103074304 nr_ops:3030346\ntimestamp_ms:1652990091128.7771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3165968384 nr_ops:3091766\ntimestamp_ms:1652990092129.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3229495296 nr_ops:3153804\ntimestamp_ms:1652990093130.9092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3292920832 nr_ops:3215743\ntimestamp_ms:1652990094132.0022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3356730368 nr_ops:3278057\ntimestamp_ms:1652990095133.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3420238848 nr_ops:3340077\ntimestamp_ms:1652990096134.1868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3482736640 nr_ops:3401110\ntimestamp_ms:1652990097135.2839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3545881600 nr_ops:3462775\ntimestamp_ms:1652990098136.3975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3610673152 nr_ops:3526048\ntimestamp_ms:1652990099137.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3673541632 nr_ops:3587443\ntimestamp_ms:1652990100138.5891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3737133056 nr_ops:3649544\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140656096106240\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101339.8994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3799680000 nr_ops:3710625\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101339.9819 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101339.9946 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101440.1367 name:Total nr_bytes:3799680000 nr_ops:3710626\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101340.0408 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7599359998 nr_ops:7421252\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101340.0417 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3799680000 nr_ops:3710628\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 311.16us 0.00ns 311.16us 311.16us \nTxn1 1855313 32.34us 0.00ns 3.40ms 26.07us \nTxn2 1 47.01us 0.00ns 47.01us 47.01us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 310.48us 0.00ns 310.48us 310.48us \nwrite 1855313 3.20us 0.00ns 115.43us 2.38us \nread 1855312 29.06us 0.00ns 3.40ms 1.03us \ndisconnect 1 46.28us 0.00ns 46.28us 46.28us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29748 29749 259.40Mb/s 259.40Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.57b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.106 62.37s 3.54GB 487.39Mb/s 3710627 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.40Mb/s 3710628 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416764, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990040074.4214 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990041075.5510 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990041075.6406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990042076.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61078528 nr_ops:59647\ntimestamp_ms:1652990043077.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:123352064 nr_ops:120461\ntimestamp_ms:1652990044078.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186834944 nr_ops:182456\ntimestamp_ms:1652990045080.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250523648 nr_ops:244652\ntimestamp_ms:1652990046081.0669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313789440 nr_ops:306435\ntimestamp_ms:1652990047082.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376308736 nr_ops:367489\ntimestamp_ms:1652990048083.2891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439671808 nr_ops:429367\ntimestamp_ms:1652990049084.3264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503038976 nr_ops:491249\ntimestamp_ms:1652990050085.4226 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566459392 nr_ops:553183\ntimestamp_ms:1652990051086.4600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628990976 nr_ops:614249\ntimestamp_ms:1652990052087.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:691799040 nr_ops:675585\ntimestamp_ms:1652990053088.5869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:754508800 nr_ops:736825\ntimestamp_ms:1652990054089.6763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:818162688 nr_ops:798987\ntimestamp_ms:1652990055090.7102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881421312 nr_ops:860763\ntimestamp_ms:1652990056091.8196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:944452608 nr_ops:922317\ntimestamp_ms:1652990057092.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1007092736 nr_ops:983489\ntimestamp_ms:1652990058094.0364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1070092288 nr_ops:1045012\ntimestamp_ms:1652990059095.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133089792 nr_ops:1106533\ntimestamp_ms:1652990060096.2183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196962816 nr_ops:1168909\ntimestamp_ms:1652990061097.3335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1260567552 nr_ops:1231023\ntimestamp_ms:1652990062098.4287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1323207680 nr_ops:1292195\ntimestamp_ms:1652990063099.4675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1386640384 nr_ops:1354141\ntimestamp_ms:1652990064100.5645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450793984 nr_ops:1416791\ntimestamp_ms:1652990065100.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1515281408 nr_ops:1479767\ntimestamp_ms:1652990066101.9570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582937088 nr_ops:1545837\ntimestamp_ms:1652990067103.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1647138816 nr_ops:1608534\ntimestamp_ms:1652990068104.1641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710801920 nr_ops:1670705\ntimestamp_ms:1652990069105.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774581760 nr_ops:1732990\ntimestamp_ms:1652990070106.4429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1838291968 nr_ops:1795207\ntimestamp_ms:1652990071106.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901220864 nr_ops:1856661\ntimestamp_ms:1652990072107.9265 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963156480 nr_ops:1917145\ntimestamp_ms:1652990073109.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026187776 nr_ops:1978699\ntimestamp_ms:1652990074110.1277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2090409984 nr_ops:2041416\ntimestamp_ms:1652990075111.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153841664 nr_ops:2103361\ntimestamp_ms:1652990076112.3157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216715264 nr_ops:2164761\ntimestamp_ms:1652990077113.4170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2278575104 nr_ops:2225171\ntimestamp_ms:1652990078114.4526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2343302144 nr_ops:2288381\ntimestamp_ms:1652990079115.5430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2406540288 nr_ops:2350137\ntimestamp_ms:1652990080116.6370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2470350848 nr_ops:2412452\ntimestamp_ms:1652990081117.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532781056 nr_ops:2473419\ntimestamp_ms:1652990082118.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595228672 nr_ops:2534403\ntimestamp_ms:1652990083119.9617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658504704 nr_ops:2596196\ntimestamp_ms:1652990084121.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2722514944 nr_ops:2658706\ntimestamp_ms:1652990085122.1548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2786370560 nr_ops:2721065\ntimestamp_ms:1652990086123.2498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849500160 nr_ops:2782715\ntimestamp_ms:1652990087124.3464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911315968 nr_ops:2843082\ntimestamp_ms:1652990088125.4863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2975878144 nr_ops:2906131\ntimestamp_ms:1652990089126.5847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3040094208 nr_ops:2968842\ntimestamp_ms:1652990090127.6792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3103074304 nr_ops:3030346\ntimestamp_ms:1652990091128.7771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3165968384 nr_ops:3091766\ntimestamp_ms:1652990092129.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3229495296 nr_ops:3153804\ntimestamp_ms:1652990093130.9092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3292920832 nr_ops:3215743\ntimestamp_ms:1652990094132.0022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3356730368 nr_ops:3278057\ntimestamp_ms:1652990095133.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3420238848 nr_ops:3340077\ntimestamp_ms:1652990096134.1868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3482736640 nr_ops:3401110\ntimestamp_ms:1652990097135.2839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3545881600 nr_ops:3462775\ntimestamp_ms:1652990098136.3975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3610673152 nr_ops:3526048\ntimestamp_ms:1652990099137.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3673541632 nr_ops:3587443\ntimestamp_ms:1652990100138.5891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3737133056 nr_ops:3649544\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140656096106240\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101339.8994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3799680000 nr_ops:3710625\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101339.9819 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101339.9946 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101440.1367 name:Total nr_bytes:3799680000 nr_ops:3710626\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101340.0408 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7599359998 nr_ops:7421252\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101340.0417 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3799680000 nr_ops:3710628\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 311.16us 0.00ns 311.16us 311.16us \nTxn1 1855313 32.34us 0.00ns 3.40ms 26.07us \nTxn2 1 47.01us 0.00ns 47.01us 47.01us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 310.48us 0.00ns 310.48us 310.48us \nwrite 1855313 3.20us 0.00ns 115.43us 2.38us \nread 1855312 29.06us 0.00ns 3.40ms 1.03us \ndisconnect 1 46.28us 0.00ns 46.28us 46.28us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29748 29749 259.40Mb/s 259.40Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.57b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.106 62.37s 3.54GB 487.39Mb/s 3710627 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.40Mb/s 3710628 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416764, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990040074.4214 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990041075.5510 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990041075.6406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990042076.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61078528 nr_ops:59647\ntimestamp_ms:1652990043077.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:123352064 nr_ops:120461\ntimestamp_ms:1652990044078.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186834944 nr_ops:182456\ntimestamp_ms:1652990045080.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250523648 nr_ops:244652\ntimestamp_ms:1652990046081.0669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313789440 nr_ops:306435\ntimestamp_ms:1652990047082.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376308736 nr_ops:367489\ntimestamp_ms:1652990048083.2891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439671808 nr_ops:429367\ntimestamp_ms:1652990049084.3264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503038976 nr_ops:491249\ntimestamp_ms:1652990050085.4226 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566459392 nr_ops:553183\ntimestamp_ms:1652990051086.4600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628990976 nr_ops:614249\ntimestamp_ms:1652990052087.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:691799040 nr_ops:675585\ntimestamp_ms:1652990053088.5869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:754508800 nr_ops:736825\ntimestamp_ms:1652990054089.6763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:818162688 nr_ops:798987\ntimestamp_ms:1652990055090.7102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881421312 nr_ops:860763\ntimestamp_ms:1652990056091.8196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:944452608 nr_ops:922317\ntimestamp_ms:1652990057092.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1007092736 nr_ops:983489\ntimestamp_ms:1652990058094.0364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1070092288 nr_ops:1045012\ntimestamp_ms:1652990059095.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133089792 nr_ops:1106533\ntimestamp_ms:1652990060096.2183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196962816 nr_ops:1168909\ntimestamp_ms:1652990061097.3335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1260567552 nr_ops:1231023\ntimestamp_ms:1652990062098.4287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1323207680 nr_ops:1292195\ntimestamp_ms:1652990063099.4675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1386640384 nr_ops:1354141\ntimestamp_ms:1652990064100.5645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450793984 nr_ops:1416791\ntimestamp_ms:1652990065100.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1515281408 nr_ops:1479767\ntimestamp_ms:1652990066101.9570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582937088 nr_ops:1545837\ntimestamp_ms:1652990067103.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1647138816 nr_ops:1608534\ntimestamp_ms:1652990068104.1641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710801920 nr_ops:1670705\ntimestamp_ms:1652990069105.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774581760 nr_ops:1732990\ntimestamp_ms:1652990070106.4429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1838291968 nr_ops:1795207\ntimestamp_ms:1652990071106.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901220864 nr_ops:1856661\ntimestamp_ms:1652990072107.9265 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963156480 nr_ops:1917145\ntimestamp_ms:1652990073109.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026187776 nr_ops:1978699\ntimestamp_ms:1652990074110.1277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2090409984 nr_ops:2041416\ntimestamp_ms:1652990075111.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153841664 nr_ops:2103361\ntimestamp_ms:1652990076112.3157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216715264 nr_ops:2164761\ntimestamp_ms:1652990077113.4170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2278575104 nr_ops:2225171\ntimestamp_ms:1652990078114.4526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2343302144 nr_ops:2288381\ntimestamp_ms:1652990079115.5430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2406540288 nr_ops:2350137\ntimestamp_ms:1652990080116.6370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2470350848 nr_ops:2412452\ntimestamp_ms:1652990081117.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532781056 nr_ops:2473419\ntimestamp_ms:1652990082118.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595228672 nr_ops:2534403\ntimestamp_ms:1652990083119.9617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658504704 nr_ops:2596196\ntimestamp_ms:1652990084121.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2722514944 nr_ops:2658706\ntimestamp_ms:1652990085122.1548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2786370560 nr_ops:2721065\ntimestamp_ms:1652990086123.2498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849500160 nr_ops:2782715\ntimestamp_ms:1652990087124.3464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911315968 nr_ops:2843082\ntimestamp_ms:1652990088125.4863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2975878144 nr_ops:2906131\ntimestamp_ms:1652990089126.5847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3040094208 nr_ops:2968842\ntimestamp_ms:1652990090127.6792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3103074304 nr_ops:3030346\ntimestamp_ms:1652990091128.7771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3165968384 nr_ops:3091766\ntimestamp_ms:1652990092129.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3229495296 nr_ops:3153804\ntimestamp_ms:1652990093130.9092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3292920832 nr_ops:3215743\ntimestamp_ms:1652990094132.0022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3356730368 nr_ops:3278057\ntimestamp_ms:1652990095133.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3420238848 nr_ops:3340077\ntimestamp_ms:1652990096134.1868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3482736640 nr_ops:3401110\ntimestamp_ms:1652990097135.2839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3545881600 nr_ops:3462775\ntimestamp_ms:1652990098136.3975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3610673152 nr_ops:3526048\ntimestamp_ms:1652990099137.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3673541632 nr_ops:3587443\ntimestamp_ms:1652990100138.5891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3737133056 nr_ops:3649544\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140656096106240\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101339.8994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3799680000 nr_ops:3710625\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101339.9819 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101339.9946 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101440.1367 name:Total nr_bytes:3799680000 nr_ops:3710626\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101340.0408 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7599359998 nr_ops:7421252\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990101340.0417 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3799680000 nr_ops:3710628\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 311.16us 0.00ns 311.16us 311.16us \nTxn1 1855313 32.34us 0.00ns 3.40ms 26.07us \nTxn2 1 47.01us 0.00ns 47.01us 47.01us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 310.48us 0.00ns 310.48us 310.48us \nwrite 1855313 3.20us 0.00ns 115.43us 2.38us \nread 1855312 29.06us 0.00ns 3.40ms 1.03us \ndisconnect 1 46.28us 0.00ns 46.28us 46.28us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29748 29749 259.40Mb/s 259.40Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.57b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.106 62.37s 3.54GB 487.39Mb/s 3710627 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.40Mb/s 3710628 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416764, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990040074.4214 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990041075.5510 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990041075.6406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990042076.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61078528 nr_ops:59647
+timestamp_ms:1652990043077.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:123352064 nr_ops:120461
+timestamp_ms:1652990044078.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186834944 nr_ops:182456
+timestamp_ms:1652990045080.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250523648 nr_ops:244652
+timestamp_ms:1652990046081.0669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313789440 nr_ops:306435
+timestamp_ms:1652990047082.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376308736 nr_ops:367489
+timestamp_ms:1652990048083.2891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439671808 nr_ops:429367
+timestamp_ms:1652990049084.3264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503038976 nr_ops:491249
+timestamp_ms:1652990050085.4226 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566459392 nr_ops:553183
+timestamp_ms:1652990051086.4600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628990976 nr_ops:614249
+timestamp_ms:1652990052087.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:691799040 nr_ops:675585
+timestamp_ms:1652990053088.5869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:754508800 nr_ops:736825
+timestamp_ms:1652990054089.6763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:818162688 nr_ops:798987
+timestamp_ms:1652990055090.7102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881421312 nr_ops:860763
+timestamp_ms:1652990056091.8196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:944452608 nr_ops:922317
+timestamp_ms:1652990057092.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1007092736 nr_ops:983489
+timestamp_ms:1652990058094.0364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1070092288 nr_ops:1045012
+timestamp_ms:1652990059095.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133089792 nr_ops:1106533
+timestamp_ms:1652990060096.2183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196962816 nr_ops:1168909
+timestamp_ms:1652990061097.3335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1260567552 nr_ops:1231023
+timestamp_ms:1652990062098.4287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1323207680 nr_ops:1292195
+timestamp_ms:1652990063099.4675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1386640384 nr_ops:1354141
+timestamp_ms:1652990064100.5645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450793984 nr_ops:1416791
+timestamp_ms:1652990065100.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1515281408 nr_ops:1479767
+timestamp_ms:1652990066101.9570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582937088 nr_ops:1545837
+timestamp_ms:1652990067103.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1647138816 nr_ops:1608534
+timestamp_ms:1652990068104.1641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710801920 nr_ops:1670705
+timestamp_ms:1652990069105.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774581760 nr_ops:1732990
+timestamp_ms:1652990070106.4429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1838291968 nr_ops:1795207
+timestamp_ms:1652990071106.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901220864 nr_ops:1856661
+timestamp_ms:1652990072107.9265 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963156480 nr_ops:1917145
+timestamp_ms:1652990073109.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026187776 nr_ops:1978699
+timestamp_ms:1652990074110.1277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2090409984 nr_ops:2041416
+timestamp_ms:1652990075111.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153841664 nr_ops:2103361
+timestamp_ms:1652990076112.3157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216715264 nr_ops:2164761
+timestamp_ms:1652990077113.4170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2278575104 nr_ops:2225171
+timestamp_ms:1652990078114.4526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2343302144 nr_ops:2288381
+timestamp_ms:1652990079115.5430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2406540288 nr_ops:2350137
+timestamp_ms:1652990080116.6370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2470350848 nr_ops:2412452
+timestamp_ms:1652990081117.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532781056 nr_ops:2473419
+timestamp_ms:1652990082118.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595228672 nr_ops:2534403
+timestamp_ms:1652990083119.9617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658504704 nr_ops:2596196
+timestamp_ms:1652990084121.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2722514944 nr_ops:2658706
+timestamp_ms:1652990085122.1548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2786370560 nr_ops:2721065
+timestamp_ms:1652990086123.2498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849500160 nr_ops:2782715
+timestamp_ms:1652990087124.3464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911315968 nr_ops:2843082
+timestamp_ms:1652990088125.4863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2975878144 nr_ops:2906131
+timestamp_ms:1652990089126.5847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3040094208 nr_ops:2968842
+timestamp_ms:1652990090127.6792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3103074304 nr_ops:3030346
+timestamp_ms:1652990091128.7771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3165968384 nr_ops:3091766
+timestamp_ms:1652990092129.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3229495296 nr_ops:3153804
+timestamp_ms:1652990093130.9092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3292920832 nr_ops:3215743
+timestamp_ms:1652990094132.0022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3356730368 nr_ops:3278057
+timestamp_ms:1652990095133.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3420238848 nr_ops:3340077
+timestamp_ms:1652990096134.1868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3482736640 nr_ops:3401110
+timestamp_ms:1652990097135.2839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3545881600 nr_ops:3462775
+timestamp_ms:1652990098136.3975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3610673152 nr_ops:3526048
+timestamp_ms:1652990099137.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3673541632 nr_ops:3587443
+timestamp_ms:1652990100138.5891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3737133056 nr_ops:3649544
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140656096106240
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652990101339.8994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3799680000 nr_ops:3710625
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990101339.9819 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990101339.9946 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990101440.1367 name:Total nr_bytes:3799680000 nr_ops:3710626
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990101340.0408 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7599359998 nr_ops:7421252
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990101340.0417 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3799680000 nr_ops:3710628
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 311.16us 0.00ns 311.16us 311.16us
+Txn1 1855313 32.34us 0.00ns 3.40ms 26.07us
+Txn2 1 47.01us 0.00ns 47.01us 47.01us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 310.48us 0.00ns 310.48us 310.48us
+write 1855313 3.20us 0.00ns 115.43us 2.38us
+read 1855312 29.06us 0.00ns 3.40ms 1.03us
+disconnect 1 46.28us 0.00ns 46.28us 46.28us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29748 29749 259.40Mb/s 259.40Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.57b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.106 62.37s 3.54GB 487.39Mb/s 3710627 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.54GB 487.40Mb/s 3710628 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:02.076000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:02.076000', 'bytes': 61078528, 'norm_byte': 61078528, 'ops': 59647, 'norm_ops': 59647, 'norm_ltcy': 16.783619114069023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:02.076000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:02.076000",
+ "bytes": 61078528,
+ "norm_byte": 61078528,
+ "ops": 59647,
+ "norm_ops": 59647,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.783619114069023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0623335858f550df0918d1180ef1398ea3581941a3d4f9d764610c94e40f6b1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:03.077000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:03.077000', 'bytes': 123352064, 'norm_byte': 62273536, 'ops': 120461, 'norm_ops': 60814, 'norm_ltcy': 16.461788037859293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:03.077000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:03.077000",
+ "bytes": 123352064,
+ "norm_byte": 62273536,
+ "ops": 120461,
+ "norm_ops": 60814,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.461788037859293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "277dd412b7292888fc10b6ac58d289fc08fcf733a1bbd0750be6155af716d7aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:04.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:04.078000', 'bytes': 186834944, 'norm_byte': 63482880, 'ops': 182456, 'norm_ops': 61995, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14793626250101, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:04.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:04.078000",
+ "bytes": 186834944,
+ "norm_byte": 63482880,
+ "ops": 182456,
+ "norm_ops": 61995,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14793626250101,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4429f2b93ea4feeae9c1b6896e31abbaf1c508148e5325d0eec58406857fdb7f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:05.080000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:05.080000', 'bytes': 250523648, 'norm_byte': 63688704, 'ops': 244652, 'norm_ops': 62196, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09587235438171, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:05.080000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:05.080000",
+ "bytes": 250523648,
+ "norm_byte": 63688704,
+ "ops": 244652,
+ "norm_ops": 62196,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09587235438171,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51a8cb9c102f7ebd3dcc8fce1b5696ffa85643c5fda8ad0253247df4f0b8dd81",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:06.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:06.081000', 'bytes': 313789440, 'norm_byte': 63265792, 'ops': 306435, 'norm_ops': 61783, 'norm_ltcy': 16.202456613520305, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:06.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:06.081000",
+ "bytes": 313789440,
+ "norm_byte": 63265792,
+ "ops": 306435,
+ "norm_ops": 61783,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.202456613520305,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1769743c3efe2513b41bf3850caef5a99567c376cb6a929ea909eb26e7e67469",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:07.082000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:07.082000', 'bytes': 376308736, 'norm_byte': 62519296, 'ops': 367489, 'norm_ops': 61054, 'norm_ltcy': 16.397357545420856, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:07.082000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:07.082000",
+ "bytes": 376308736,
+ "norm_byte": 62519296,
+ "ops": 367489,
+ "norm_ops": 61054,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.397357545420856,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c652c7d5d2f5c5569549b764f9a07a41bf0d198ef41737d57b84fccae56fed5c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:08.083000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:08.083000', 'bytes': 439671808, 'norm_byte': 63363072, 'ops': 429367, 'norm_ops': 61878, 'norm_ltcy': 16.178575590526922, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:08.083000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:08.083000",
+ "bytes": 439671808,
+ "norm_byte": 63363072,
+ "ops": 429367,
+ "norm_ops": 61878,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.178575590526922,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "687218a04dbf140336e0bbd47f5aff6732ee15bb31dddf6e40267ad452089ce2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:09.084000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:09.084000', 'bytes': 503038976, 'norm_byte': 63367168, 'ops': 491249, 'norm_ops': 61882, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17655139645818, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:09.084000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:09.084000",
+ "bytes": 503038976,
+ "norm_byte": 63367168,
+ "ops": 491249,
+ "norm_ops": 61882,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17655139645818,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80b799a214ea16665fa97fa8ac7eb8fe7ec4d6d46c0384cb5420067351229eac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:10.085000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:10.085000', 'bytes': 566459392, 'norm_byte': 63420416, 'ops': 553183, 'norm_ops': 61934, 'norm_ltcy': 16.163919517651856, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:10.085000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:10.085000",
+ "bytes": 566459392,
+ "norm_byte": 63420416,
+ "ops": 553183,
+ "norm_ops": 61934,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.163919517651856,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19a6f5b3473bf1bcddd1ea2d935415cab1b79f0e991ea0bf6b42735bbd70b80e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:11.086000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:11.086000', 'bytes': 628990976, 'norm_byte': 62531584, 'ops': 614249, 'norm_ops': 61066, 'norm_ltcy': 16.392712041326188, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:11.086000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:11.086000",
+ "bytes": 628990976,
+ "norm_byte": 62531584,
+ "ops": 614249,
+ "norm_ops": 61066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.392712041326188,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad10acee2921688788ea3229c781f527bb65a455e8cb2d28b98ac78ca6a919d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:12.087000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:12.087000', 'bytes': 691799040, 'norm_byte': 62808064, 'ops': 675585, 'norm_ops': 61336, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32049190371478, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:12.087000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:12.087000",
+ "bytes": 691799040,
+ "norm_byte": 62808064,
+ "ops": 675585,
+ "norm_ops": 61336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32049190371478,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "258f7f53f53a90183348c2346729476f36742eb4507a2d96dcdd15fc23068e34",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:13.088000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:13.088000', 'bytes': 754508800, 'norm_byte': 62709760, 'ops': 736825, 'norm_ops': 61240, 'norm_ltcy': 16.347048689071684, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:13.088000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:13.088000",
+ "bytes": 754508800,
+ "norm_byte": 62709760,
+ "ops": 736825,
+ "norm_ops": 61240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.347048689071684,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bbf1c374c0cef354c0ebed155b3dce5aa7f4d415346928056f30ecfb5b8811e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:14.089000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:14.089000', 'bytes': 818162688, 'norm_byte': 63653888, 'ops': 798987, 'norm_ops': 62162, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10452294760062, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:14.089000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:14.089000",
+ "bytes": 818162688,
+ "norm_byte": 63653888,
+ "ops": 798987,
+ "norm_ops": 62162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10452294760062,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "038a2431e342c4662540bfbbca5fbce293b9a15c61237dd50f11b5487ecd0d34",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:15.090000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:15.090000', 'bytes': 881421312, 'norm_byte': 63258624, 'ops': 860763, 'norm_ops': 61776, 'norm_ltcy': 16.204253035918075, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:15.090000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:15.090000",
+ "bytes": 881421312,
+ "norm_byte": 63258624,
+ "ops": 860763,
+ "norm_ops": 61776,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.204253035918075,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e04760c236f6e921a3fd08eaf328cb6c4b435088424f9bc370dacddcac6692f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:16.091000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:16.091000', 'bytes': 944452608, 'norm_byte': 63031296, 'ops': 922317, 'norm_ops': 61554, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2639207037723, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:16.091000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:16.091000",
+ "bytes": 944452608,
+ "norm_byte": 63031296,
+ "ops": 922317,
+ "norm_ops": 61554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2639207037723,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e413011b78d0db2751890a897cf7c64dfa57fa9bb087c488632f3724aa829e87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:17.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:17.092000', 'bytes': 1007092736, 'norm_byte': 62640128, 'ops': 983489, 'norm_ops': 61172, 'norm_ltcy': 16.36563945080061, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:17.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:17.092000",
+ "bytes": 1007092736,
+ "norm_byte": 62640128,
+ "ops": 983489,
+ "norm_ops": 61172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.36563945080061,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9226c21e6596e051cb5d76e690b8acb8c6e5dfabb54a0a81e72579199532551d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:18.094000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:18.094000', 'bytes': 1070092288, 'norm_byte': 62999552, 'ops': 1045012, 'norm_ops': 61523, 'norm_ltcy': 16.271929203560052, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:18.094000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:18.094000",
+ "bytes": 1070092288,
+ "norm_byte": 62999552,
+ "ops": 1045012,
+ "norm_ops": 61523,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.271929203560052,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb9f7d12ac0e846f3c60414f0244797e21120999f45d126a991d8a5956088508",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:19.095000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:19.095000', 'bytes': 1133089792, 'norm_byte': 62997504, 'ops': 1106533, 'norm_ops': 61521, 'norm_ltcy': 16.272378823135593, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:19.095000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:19.095000",
+ "bytes": 1133089792,
+ "norm_byte": 62997504,
+ "ops": 1106533,
+ "norm_ops": 61521,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.272378823135593,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19c33a68d3adf46f4592a5cc34fba1916c6b214b977e4b3465b1d44f87ab2860",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:20.096000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:20.096000', 'bytes': 1196962816, 'norm_byte': 63873024, 'ops': 1168909, 'norm_ops': 62376, 'norm_ltcy': 16.049263614010194, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:20.096000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:20.096000",
+ "bytes": 1196962816,
+ "norm_byte": 63873024,
+ "ops": 1168909,
+ "norm_ops": 62376,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.049263614010194,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "54c7d66f614829176cf804fe1933fd36f066c9017de7c0a8d2fa0f566d10bda7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:21.097000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:21.097000', 'bytes': 1260567552, 'norm_byte': 63604736, 'ops': 1231023, 'norm_ops': 62114, 'norm_ltcy': 16.117384718018485, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:21.097000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:21.097000",
+ "bytes": 1260567552,
+ "norm_byte": 63604736,
+ "ops": 1231023,
+ "norm_ops": 62114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.117384718018485,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "063e9b73f7f5aefb26f1120e6addf4bc9c7b83fc22774a8a1948b061175be96e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:22.098000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:22.098000', 'bytes': 1323207680, 'norm_byte': 62640128, 'ops': 1292195, 'norm_ops': 61172, 'norm_ltcy': 16.36525231876921, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:22.098000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:22.098000",
+ "bytes": 1323207680,
+ "norm_byte": 62640128,
+ "ops": 1292195,
+ "norm_ops": 61172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.36525231876921,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b09f49b5f76cfe8f2e11afa8618f129cd0f7764895dea683dbd8753aeee817a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:23.099000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:23.099000', 'bytes': 1386640384, 'norm_byte': 63432704, 'ops': 1354141, 'norm_ops': 61946, 'norm_ltcy': 16.159862111506392, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:23.099000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:23.099000",
+ "bytes": 1386640384,
+ "norm_byte": 63432704,
+ "ops": 1354141,
+ "norm_ops": 61946,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.159862111506392,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d37172299a406125013fe59651ff4485c5ff2d45f06ba3656b33a90c431786f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:24.100000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:24.100000', 'bytes': 1450793984, 'norm_byte': 64153600, 'ops': 1416791, 'norm_ops': 62650, 'norm_ltcy': 15.97920069957103, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:24.100000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:24.100000",
+ "bytes": 1450793984,
+ "norm_byte": 64153600,
+ "ops": 1416791,
+ "norm_ops": 62650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.97920069957103,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f3765f415ec39be44489b7a3504ac456dd85ec2cfce035620c4d1b7a08a490d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:25.100000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:25.100000', 'bytes': 1515281408, 'norm_byte': 64487424, 'ops': 1479767, 'norm_ops': 62976, 'norm_ltcy': 15.88346512337041, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:25.100000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:25.100000",
+ "bytes": 1515281408,
+ "norm_byte": 64487424,
+ "ops": 1479767,
+ "norm_ops": 62976,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.88346512337041,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40ec64a8d347362cac0830a5b953bbdc5840e3b992f1d9131e4bd0936a3469f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:26.101000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:26.101000', 'bytes': 1582937088, 'norm_byte': 67655680, 'ops': 1545837, 'norm_ops': 66070, 'norm_ltcy': 15.152345671494249, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:26.101000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:26.101000",
+ "bytes": 1582937088,
+ "norm_byte": 67655680,
+ "ops": 1545837,
+ "norm_ops": 66070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.152345671494249,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac5b9a668ae085011efb81d0f7f6bd56387bb5750e609bd20834b7c56079e032",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:27.103000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:27.103000', 'bytes': 1647138816, 'norm_byte': 64201728, 'ops': 1608534, 'norm_ops': 62697, 'norm_ltcy': 15.96740511408042, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:27.103000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:27.103000",
+ "bytes": 1647138816,
+ "norm_byte": 64201728,
+ "ops": 1608534,
+ "norm_ops": 62697,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.96740511408042,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d12a8228dc744746552ab21e7cf82f0cc81e07c86631fe9fd8f80158a7cd1029",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:28.104000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:28.104000', 'bytes': 1710801920, 'norm_byte': 63663104, 'ops': 1670705, 'norm_ops': 62171, 'norm_ltcy': 16.102340847219768, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:28.104000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:28.104000",
+ "bytes": 1710801920,
+ "norm_byte": 63663104,
+ "ops": 1670705,
+ "norm_ops": 62171,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.102340847219768,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7b717b9ce5ce623cbd6196ca53f7b37ae15b6ab805d43bd730baf2f77311e89",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:29.105000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:29.105000', 'bytes': 1774581760, 'norm_byte': 63779840, 'ops': 1732990, 'norm_ops': 62285, 'norm_ltcy': 16.074326934655215, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:29.105000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:29.105000",
+ "bytes": 1774581760,
+ "norm_byte": 63779840,
+ "ops": 1732990,
+ "norm_ops": 62285,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.074326934655215,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7c42bd4d3cfeafc56308d22533652a4f649130649256c134e06ac1c3fb1b23d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:30.106000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:30.106000', 'bytes': 1838291968, 'norm_byte': 63710208, 'ops': 1795207, 'norm_ops': 62217, 'norm_ltcy': 16.090286504793706, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:30.106000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:30.106000",
+ "bytes": 1838291968,
+ "norm_byte": 63710208,
+ "ops": 1795207,
+ "norm_ops": 62217,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.090286504793706,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5914f3d2193b923a62a3edaad03d04334e2bc2d191026fd63ec78fa940240e6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:31.106000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:31.106000', 'bytes': 1901220864, 'norm_byte': 62928896, 'ops': 1856661, 'norm_ops': 61454, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27866234932836, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:31.106000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:31.106000",
+ "bytes": 1901220864,
+ "norm_byte": 62928896,
+ "ops": 1856661,
+ "norm_ops": 61454,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27866234932836,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "454d0d44e0ce62efb43ac419b22535c68b5dd1d8d03f2754594d54236aa8e856",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:32.107000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:32.107000', 'bytes': 1963156480, 'norm_byte': 61935616, 'ops': 1917145, 'norm_ops': 60484, 'norm_ltcy': 16.551397502851994, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:32.107000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:32.107000",
+ "bytes": 1963156480,
+ "norm_byte": 61935616,
+ "ops": 1917145,
+ "norm_ops": 60484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.551397502851994,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a4fd1b6a17d16a83039d4660393b929c7da2405d7cd19b2fc676d61c14f1a96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:33.109000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:33.109000', 'bytes': 2026187776, 'norm_byte': 63031296, 'ops': 1978699, 'norm_ops': 61554, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26390483863762, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:33.109000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:33.109000",
+ "bytes": 2026187776,
+ "norm_byte": 63031296,
+ "ops": 1978699,
+ "norm_ops": 61554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26390483863762,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f30d061d3c0faa8531aee3170245f0ab507bf933e921877d242ae7a6b2698225",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:34.110000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:34.110000', 'bytes': 2090409984, 'norm_byte': 64222208, 'ops': 2041416, 'norm_ops': 62717, 'norm_ltcy': 15.96206408848478, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:34.110000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:34.110000",
+ "bytes": 2090409984,
+ "norm_byte": 64222208,
+ "ops": 2041416,
+ "norm_ops": 62717,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.96206408848478,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f2266a54a0f587e5a28cc1562b065a4a212cee54e9fdd978e0613c07d30ef2c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:35.111000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:35.111000', 'bytes': 2153841664, 'norm_byte': 63431680, 'ops': 2103361, 'norm_ops': 61945, 'norm_ltcy': 16.161013707976835, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:35.111000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:35.111000",
+ "bytes": 2153841664,
+ "norm_byte": 63431680,
+ "ops": 2103361,
+ "norm_ops": 61945,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.161013707976835,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "112b9251499f57ab4145e00dab837797527d13400042575f1cf059609259035e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:36.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:36.112000', 'bytes': 2216715264, 'norm_byte': 62873600, 'ops': 2164761, 'norm_ops': 61400, 'norm_ltcy': 16.30446244528705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:36.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:36.112000",
+ "bytes": 2216715264,
+ "norm_byte": 62873600,
+ "ops": 2164761,
+ "norm_ops": 61400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.30446244528705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "429a80267527c8aec1a32d6c226ff255cfd52f7a49692a03741eec3cbf861cc6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:37.113000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:37.113000', 'bytes': 2278575104, 'norm_byte': 61859840, 'ops': 2225171, 'norm_ops': 60410, 'norm_ltcy': 16.57178146597211, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:37.113000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:37.113000",
+ "bytes": 2278575104,
+ "norm_byte": 61859840,
+ "ops": 2225171,
+ "norm_ops": 60410,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.57178146597211,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f24e828a45192dcfeee9f0216b5c85804de60d51aa115bdab3e73cf0b6c67f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:38.114000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:38.114000', 'bytes': 2343302144, 'norm_byte': 64727040, 'ops': 2288381, 'norm_ops': 63210, 'norm_ltcy': 15.83666578913542, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:38.114000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:38.114000",
+ "bytes": 2343302144,
+ "norm_byte": 64727040,
+ "ops": 2288381,
+ "norm_ops": 63210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.83666578913542,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3903c474a8ad00bc74cb6b04b8c68e4494283245d8404f235120c6f27e407633",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:39.115000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:39.115000', 'bytes': 2406540288, 'norm_byte': 63238144, 'ops': 2350137, 'norm_ops': 61756, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2104140817289, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:39.115000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:39.115000",
+ "bytes": 2406540288,
+ "norm_byte": 63238144,
+ "ops": 2350137,
+ "norm_ops": 61756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2104140817289,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86313c86e9a5b9ef86005419f2cc715c02e221d6178d22e84653ca99b22cf078",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:40.116000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:40.116000', 'bytes': 2470350848, 'norm_byte': 63810560, 'ops': 2412452, 'norm_ops': 62315, 'norm_ltcy': 16.065056473411296, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:40.116000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:40.116000",
+ "bytes": 2470350848,
+ "norm_byte": 63810560,
+ "ops": 2412452,
+ "norm_ops": 62315,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.065056473411296,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55920cee7d277d7d2ec5be8e495b8377744b6df38b11097d4dae1363e6d428ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:41.117000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:41.117000', 'bytes': 2532781056, 'norm_byte': 62430208, 'ops': 2473419, 'norm_ops': 60967, 'norm_ltcy': 16.420476286095344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:41.117000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:41.117000",
+ "bytes": 2532781056,
+ "norm_byte": 62430208,
+ "ops": 2473419,
+ "norm_ops": 60967,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.420476286095344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a71fcaccd4929b153985af7dbba9c2cd1b6f206fee8aac924af85eceed9b6047",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:42.118000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:42.118000', 'bytes': 2595228672, 'norm_byte': 62447616, 'ops': 2534403, 'norm_ops': 60984, 'norm_ltcy': 16.415858853602995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:42.118000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:42.118000",
+ "bytes": 2595228672,
+ "norm_byte": 62447616,
+ "ops": 2534403,
+ "norm_ops": 60984,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.415858853602995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50667a62279190ca7c9c7c8b0da191f5e2e39003dff9dfb5ef2cd83e3143ad14",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:43.119000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:43.119000', 'bytes': 2658504704, 'norm_byte': 63276032, 'ops': 2596196, 'norm_ops': 61793, 'norm_ltcy': 16.201071204970628, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:43.119000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:43.119000",
+ "bytes": 2658504704,
+ "norm_byte": 63276032,
+ "ops": 2596196,
+ "norm_ops": 61793,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.201071204970628,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9bb0e3856094355e4fb89ed8d71559c60f8c682494169cae82d509074994495",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:44.121000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:44.121000', 'bytes': 2722514944, 'norm_byte': 64010240, 'ops': 2658706, 'norm_ops': 62510, 'norm_ltcy': 16.014972760608305, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:44.121000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:44.121000",
+ "bytes": 2722514944,
+ "norm_byte": 64010240,
+ "ops": 2658706,
+ "norm_ops": 62510,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.014972760608305,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85732e1a701881d557cb610d2f779437acc3ef35b798a93b68b2c38eb4ec0232",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:45.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:45.122000', 'bytes': 2786370560, 'norm_byte': 63855616, 'ops': 2721065, 'norm_ops': 62359, 'norm_ltcy': 16.053771997125516, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:45.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:45.122000",
+ "bytes": 2786370560,
+ "norm_byte": 63855616,
+ "ops": 2721065,
+ "norm_ops": 62359,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.053771997125516,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78cf81606ba33a05db25a7c96437cf6cbfd0673718fd93add00e0581691ee794",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:46.123000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:46.123000', 'bytes': 2849500160, 'norm_byte': 63129600, 'ops': 2782715, 'norm_ops': 61650, 'norm_ltcy': 16.238361244170722, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:46.123000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:46.123000",
+ "bytes": 2849500160,
+ "norm_byte": 63129600,
+ "ops": 2782715,
+ "norm_ops": 61650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.238361244170722,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "831e64e41161627b1d2307b4587396875e64f0e8f523c93219712558f6119d00",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:47.124000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:47.124000', 'bytes': 2911315968, 'norm_byte': 61815808, 'ops': 2843082, 'norm_ops': 60367, 'norm_ltcy': 16.583508865563967, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:47.124000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:47.124000",
+ "bytes": 2911315968,
+ "norm_byte": 61815808,
+ "ops": 2843082,
+ "norm_ops": 60367,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.583508865563967,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f115b4e300e1285887b336a3f6f8dc0b2df7859aab54a9f858b331ea18b36d7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:48.125000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:48.125000', 'bytes': 2975878144, 'norm_byte': 64562176, 'ops': 2906131, 'norm_ops': 63049, 'norm_ltcy': 15.878759259910943, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:48.125000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:48.125000",
+ "bytes": 2975878144,
+ "norm_byte": 64562176,
+ "ops": 2906131,
+ "norm_ops": 63049,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.878759259910943,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "201fbb712728bcbc21e89d5acba4f4fad47ecf56e2832e753e3214b5a701aa3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:49.126000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:49.126000', 'bytes': 3040094208, 'norm_byte': 64216064, 'ops': 2968842, 'norm_ops': 62711, 'norm_ltcy': 15.96368083226029, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:49.126000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:49.126000",
+ "bytes": 3040094208,
+ "norm_byte": 64216064,
+ "ops": 2968842,
+ "norm_ops": 62711,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.96368083226029,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51adf8846150a0084dc0034c76a863a32405b02943a40abe6f16dde5a32c18ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:50.127000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:50.127000', 'bytes': 3103074304, 'norm_byte': 62980096, 'ops': 3030346, 'norm_ops': 61504, 'norm_ltcy': 16.276900403581475, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:50.127000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:50.127000",
+ "bytes": 3103074304,
+ "norm_byte": 62980096,
+ "ops": 3030346,
+ "norm_ops": 61504,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.276900403581475,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e0366a03b791d97382ff2ff12d55f57c9798e76906a41464c3ce59d6eb6d7624",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:51.128000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:51.128000', 'bytes': 3165968384, 'norm_byte': 62894080, 'ops': 3091766, 'norm_ops': 61420, 'norm_ltcy': 16.299216873829778, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:51.128000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:51.128000",
+ "bytes": 3165968384,
+ "norm_byte": 62894080,
+ "ops": 3091766,
+ "norm_ops": 61420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.299216873829778,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "61f0897a9fbe143e5d8d350c092fd62fe195f7d4e62fcba00391527f63a768bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:52.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:52.129000', 'bytes': 3229495296, 'norm_byte': 63526912, 'ops': 3153804, 'norm_ops': 62038, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13681851874053, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:52.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:52.129000",
+ "bytes": 3229495296,
+ "norm_byte": 63526912,
+ "ops": 3153804,
+ "norm_ops": 62038,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13681851874053,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85efabe2d5618a8b935b5ea1ea1f70b8363d2397520d7027d02892f3a2bd6fca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:53.130000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:53.130000', 'bytes': 3292920832, 'norm_byte': 63425536, 'ops': 3215743, 'norm_ops': 61939, 'norm_ltcy': 16.161645050977576, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:53.130000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:53.130000",
+ "bytes": 3292920832,
+ "norm_byte": 63425536,
+ "ops": 3215743,
+ "norm_ops": 61939,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.161645050977576,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0af9d32fdaa46f6efdfbe221b9207bbb7096b1cb0fbd62d65cab79eaaa13a649",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:54.132000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:54.132000', 'bytes': 3356730368, 'norm_byte': 63809536, 'ops': 3278057, 'norm_ops': 62314, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0652986099131, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:54.132000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:54.132000",
+ "bytes": 3356730368,
+ "norm_byte": 63809536,
+ "ops": 3278057,
+ "norm_ops": 62314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0652986099131,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "abe11b2bf563d91e7122406e0167ddb219789a3248f52c2f4d083b5d2faef332",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:55.133000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:55.133000', 'bytes': 3420238848, 'norm_byte': 63508480, 'ops': 3340077, 'norm_ops': 62020, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14143890705619, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:55.133000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:55.133000",
+ "bytes": 3420238848,
+ "norm_byte": 63508480,
+ "ops": 3340077,
+ "norm_ops": 62020,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14143890705619,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d819f1503efdc9fd7739a48ed31e8fbe59b8445b108afe4248c732411dc9c28f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:56.134000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:56.134000', 'bytes': 3482736640, 'norm_byte': 62497792, 'ops': 3401110, 'norm_ops': 61033, 'norm_ltcy': 16.402479466794603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:56.134000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:56.134000",
+ "bytes": 3482736640,
+ "norm_byte": 62497792,
+ "ops": 3401110,
+ "norm_ops": 61033,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.402479466794603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48d4525bc7649072591694e82161c70cb180dd0cde447d18193ef34a6e94162b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:57.135000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:57.135000', 'bytes': 3545881600, 'norm_byte': 63144960, 'ops': 3462775, 'norm_ops': 61665, 'norm_ltcy': 16.234446898058053, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:57.135000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:57.135000",
+ "bytes": 3545881600,
+ "norm_byte": 63144960,
+ "ops": 3462775,
+ "norm_ops": 61665,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.234446898058053,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75b16c6f84ba93b7737271f8b6e3cff1cb771560efe1125fe87cefd797008caa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:58.136000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:58.136000', 'bytes': 3610673152, 'norm_byte': 64791552, 'ops': 3526048, 'norm_ops': 63273, 'norm_ltcy': 15.82212832314929, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:58.136000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:58.136000",
+ "bytes": 3610673152,
+ "norm_byte": 64791552,
+ "ops": 3526048,
+ "norm_ops": 63273,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.82212832314929,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "477a77e4158815062fca1f3a3c10267a873e8dd841ee8f0feebc9fbf1d892e28",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:54:59.137000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:54:59.137000', 'bytes': 3673541632, 'norm_byte': 62868480, 'ops': 3587443, 'norm_ops': 61395, 'norm_ltcy': 16.305802208038113, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:54:59.137000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:54:59.137000",
+ "bytes": 3673541632,
+ "norm_byte": 62868480,
+ "ops": 3587443,
+ "norm_ops": 61395,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.305802208038113,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "71c225b9a4cf5c64087acf506266479927495316769211c836a9d3c00008e824",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:55:00.138000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:55:00.138000', 'bytes': 3737133056, 'norm_byte': 63591424, 'ops': 3649544, 'norm_ops': 62101, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12046382229151, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:55:00.138000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:55:00.138000",
+ "bytes": 3737133056,
+ "norm_byte": 63591424,
+ "ops": 3649544,
+ "norm_ops": 62101,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12046382229151,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a126a330451448914c3a8a50db7b2f3a970bb32fc05a4a6c8a80af8805727c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:55:01.339000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:55:01.339000', 'bytes': 3799680000, 'norm_byte': 62546944, 'ops': 3710625, 'norm_ops': 61081, 'norm_ltcy': 19.66749566533578, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:55:01.339000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:55:01.339000",
+ "bytes": 3799680000,
+ "norm_byte": 62546944,
+ "ops": 3710625,
+ "norm_ops": 61081,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.66749566533578,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7cf53a66-8649-5bae-930f-8b372793efb1",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "61929eb218d922f9f8765f92a71585a14c4a74f63332ecdaed99584b4f7eb172",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63328000.0
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61843.75
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.572367835951702
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:55:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-011-220519195116/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-011-220519195116/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8004af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-011-220519195116/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-011-220519195116/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-011-220519195116/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-011-220519195116/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-011-220519195116/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-011-220519195116/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e3df94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-011-220519195116/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=95
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=110
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-012-220519195318/220519195318-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-012-220519195318/220519195318-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b0a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-012-220519195318/220519195318-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:56:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990161786.3813 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990162787.4976 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990162787.5693 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990163788.6589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63641600 nr_ops:62150\ntimestamp_ms:1652990164789.7583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126063616 nr_ops:123109\ntimestamp_ms:1652990165790.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189454336 nr_ops:185014\ntimestamp_ms:1652990166791.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252853248 nr_ops:246927\ntimestamp_ms:1652990167793.0701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316158976 nr_ops:308749\ntimestamp_ms:1652990168794.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379795456 nr_ops:370894\ntimestamp_ms:1652990169795.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442874880 nr_ops:432495\ntimestamp_ms:1652990170796.3562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505695232 nr_ops:493843\ntimestamp_ms:1652990171797.4487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569181184 nr_ops:555841\ntimestamp_ms:1652990172797.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632679424 nr_ops:617851\ntimestamp_ms:1652990173798.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696409088 nr_ops:680087\ntimestamp_ms:1652990174799.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:760192000 nr_ops:742375\ntimestamp_ms:1652990175801.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823995392 nr_ops:804683\ntimestamp_ms:1652990176802.1140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887424000 nr_ops:866625\ntimestamp_ms:1652990177803.2102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950387712 nr_ops:928113\ntimestamp_ms:1652990178804.3003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013937152 nr_ops:990173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990179805.3926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076182016 nr_ops:1050959\ntimestamp_ms:1652990180806.4866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139884032 nr_ops:1113168\ntimestamp_ms:1652990181807.5835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203855360 nr_ops:1175640\ntimestamp_ms:1652990182808.0022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267766272 nr_ops:1238053\ntimestamp_ms:1652990183808.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1331287040 nr_ops:1300085\ntimestamp_ms:1652990184809.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1395428352 nr_ops:1362723\ntimestamp_ms:1652990185810.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1459014656 nr_ops:1424819\ntimestamp_ms:1652990186811.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522555904 nr_ops:1486871\ntimestamp_ms:1652990187813.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586205696 nr_ops:1549029\ntimestamp_ms:1652990188814.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649951744 nr_ops:1611281\ntimestamp_ms:1652990189815.2053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1713816576 nr_ops:1673649\ntimestamp_ms:1652990190816.2373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1777859584 nr_ops:1736191\ntimestamp_ms:1652990191817.3328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841484800 nr_ops:1798325\ntimestamp_ms:1652990192818.4248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904719872 nr_ops:1860078\ntimestamp_ms:1652990193819.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968804864 nr_ops:1922661\ntimestamp_ms:1652990194820.5496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2032774144 nr_ops:1985131\ntimestamp_ms:1652990195821.6746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095595520 nr_ops:2046480\ntimestamp_ms:1652990196822.7732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2158364672 nr_ops:2107778\ntimestamp_ms:1652990197823.8635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220731392 nr_ops:2168683\ntimestamp_ms:1652990198824.8982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2284133376 nr_ops:2230599\ntimestamp_ms:1652990199825.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348104704 nr_ops:2293071\ntimestamp_ms:1652990200826.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2411224064 nr_ops:2354711\ntimestamp_ms:1652990201827.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2474464256 nr_ops:2416469\ntimestamp_ms:1652990202828.9631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2537677824 nr_ops:2478201\ntimestamp_ms:1652990203830.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2601796608 nr_ops:2540817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990204831.1531 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665723904 nr_ops:2603246\ntimestamp_ms:1652990205832.2424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2729137152 nr_ops:2665173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990206833.3325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2792373248 nr_ops:2726927\ntimestamp_ms:1652990207834.4229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2856094720 nr_ops:2789155\ntimestamp_ms:1652990208835.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2920567808 nr_ops:2852117\ntimestamp_ms:1652990209836.5540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2983789568 nr_ops:2913857\ntimestamp_ms:1652990210837.5884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3046900736 nr_ops:2975489\ntimestamp_ms:1652990211838.6829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3109284864 nr_ops:3036411\ntimestamp_ms:1652990212839.7773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3172305920 nr_ops:3097955\ntimestamp_ms:1652990213840.8701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3235110912 nr_ops:3159288\ntimestamp_ms:1652990214841.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3298877440 nr_ops:3221560\ntimestamp_ms:1652990215843.0571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3361994752 nr_ops:3283198\ntimestamp_ms:1652990216844.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424818176 nr_ops:3344549\ntimestamp_ms:1652990217844.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3486864384 nr_ops:3405141\ntimestamp_ms:1652990218845.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3550657536 nr_ops:3467439\ntimestamp_ms:1652990219847.0100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3614184448 nr_ops:3529477\ntimestamp_ms:1652990220847.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3677305856 nr_ops:3591119\ntimestamp_ms:1652990221848.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3739743232 nr_ops:3652093\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140230365652736\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.2402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3801345024 nr_ops:3712251\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.4622 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.4656 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223150.6792 name:Total nr_bytes:3801345024 nr_ops:3712252\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.5461 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7602690046 nr_ops:7424504\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.5466 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3801345024 nr_ops:3712254\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 205.28us 0.00ns 205.28us 205.28us \nTxn1 1856126 32.33us 0.00ns 3.37ms 26.96us \nTxn2 1 22.73us 0.00ns 22.73us 22.73us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 204.59us 0.00ns 204.59us 204.59us \nwrite 1856126 3.21us 0.00ns 101.67us 2.44us \nread 1856125 29.03us 0.00ns 3.37ms 7.93us \ndisconnect 1 22.30us 0.00ns 22.30us 22.30us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \nnet1 29762 29762 259.52Mb/s 259.52Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.107 62.37s 3.54GB 487.62Mb/s 3712254 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.62Mb/s 3712254 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414738, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990161786.3813 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990162787.4976 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990162787.5693 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990163788.6589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63641600 nr_ops:62150\ntimestamp_ms:1652990164789.7583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126063616 nr_ops:123109\ntimestamp_ms:1652990165790.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189454336 nr_ops:185014\ntimestamp_ms:1652990166791.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252853248 nr_ops:246927\ntimestamp_ms:1652990167793.0701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316158976 nr_ops:308749\ntimestamp_ms:1652990168794.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379795456 nr_ops:370894\ntimestamp_ms:1652990169795.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442874880 nr_ops:432495\ntimestamp_ms:1652990170796.3562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505695232 nr_ops:493843\ntimestamp_ms:1652990171797.4487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569181184 nr_ops:555841\ntimestamp_ms:1652990172797.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632679424 nr_ops:617851\ntimestamp_ms:1652990173798.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696409088 nr_ops:680087\ntimestamp_ms:1652990174799.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:760192000 nr_ops:742375\ntimestamp_ms:1652990175801.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823995392 nr_ops:804683\ntimestamp_ms:1652990176802.1140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887424000 nr_ops:866625\ntimestamp_ms:1652990177803.2102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950387712 nr_ops:928113\ntimestamp_ms:1652990178804.3003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013937152 nr_ops:990173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990179805.3926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076182016 nr_ops:1050959\ntimestamp_ms:1652990180806.4866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139884032 nr_ops:1113168\ntimestamp_ms:1652990181807.5835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203855360 nr_ops:1175640\ntimestamp_ms:1652990182808.0022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267766272 nr_ops:1238053\ntimestamp_ms:1652990183808.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1331287040 nr_ops:1300085\ntimestamp_ms:1652990184809.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1395428352 nr_ops:1362723\ntimestamp_ms:1652990185810.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1459014656 nr_ops:1424819\ntimestamp_ms:1652990186811.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522555904 nr_ops:1486871\ntimestamp_ms:1652990187813.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586205696 nr_ops:1549029\ntimestamp_ms:1652990188814.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649951744 nr_ops:1611281\ntimestamp_ms:1652990189815.2053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1713816576 nr_ops:1673649\ntimestamp_ms:1652990190816.2373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1777859584 nr_ops:1736191\ntimestamp_ms:1652990191817.3328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841484800 nr_ops:1798325\ntimestamp_ms:1652990192818.4248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904719872 nr_ops:1860078\ntimestamp_ms:1652990193819.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968804864 nr_ops:1922661\ntimestamp_ms:1652990194820.5496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2032774144 nr_ops:1985131\ntimestamp_ms:1652990195821.6746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095595520 nr_ops:2046480\ntimestamp_ms:1652990196822.7732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2158364672 nr_ops:2107778\ntimestamp_ms:1652990197823.8635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220731392 nr_ops:2168683\ntimestamp_ms:1652990198824.8982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2284133376 nr_ops:2230599\ntimestamp_ms:1652990199825.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348104704 nr_ops:2293071\ntimestamp_ms:1652990200826.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2411224064 nr_ops:2354711\ntimestamp_ms:1652990201827.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2474464256 nr_ops:2416469\ntimestamp_ms:1652990202828.9631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2537677824 nr_ops:2478201\ntimestamp_ms:1652990203830.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2601796608 nr_ops:2540817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990204831.1531 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665723904 nr_ops:2603246\ntimestamp_ms:1652990205832.2424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2729137152 nr_ops:2665173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990206833.3325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2792373248 nr_ops:2726927\ntimestamp_ms:1652990207834.4229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2856094720 nr_ops:2789155\ntimestamp_ms:1652990208835.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2920567808 nr_ops:2852117\ntimestamp_ms:1652990209836.5540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2983789568 nr_ops:2913857\ntimestamp_ms:1652990210837.5884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3046900736 nr_ops:2975489\ntimestamp_ms:1652990211838.6829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3109284864 nr_ops:3036411\ntimestamp_ms:1652990212839.7773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3172305920 nr_ops:3097955\ntimestamp_ms:1652990213840.8701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3235110912 nr_ops:3159288\ntimestamp_ms:1652990214841.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3298877440 nr_ops:3221560\ntimestamp_ms:1652990215843.0571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3361994752 nr_ops:3283198\ntimestamp_ms:1652990216844.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424818176 nr_ops:3344549\ntimestamp_ms:1652990217844.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3486864384 nr_ops:3405141\ntimestamp_ms:1652990218845.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3550657536 nr_ops:3467439\ntimestamp_ms:1652990219847.0100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3614184448 nr_ops:3529477\ntimestamp_ms:1652990220847.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3677305856 nr_ops:3591119\ntimestamp_ms:1652990221848.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3739743232 nr_ops:3652093\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140230365652736\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.2402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3801345024 nr_ops:3712251\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.4622 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.4656 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223150.6792 name:Total nr_bytes:3801345024 nr_ops:3712252\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.5461 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7602690046 nr_ops:7424504\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.5466 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3801345024 nr_ops:3712254\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 205.28us 0.00ns 205.28us 205.28us \nTxn1 1856126 32.33us 0.00ns 3.37ms 26.96us \nTxn2 1 22.73us 0.00ns 22.73us 22.73us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 204.59us 0.00ns 204.59us 204.59us \nwrite 1856126 3.21us 0.00ns 101.67us 2.44us \nread 1856125 29.03us 0.00ns 3.37ms 7.93us \ndisconnect 1 22.30us 0.00ns 22.30us 22.30us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \nnet1 29762 29762 259.52Mb/s 259.52Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.107 62.37s 3.54GB 487.62Mb/s 3712254 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.62Mb/s 3712254 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414738, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990161786.3813 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990162787.4976 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990162787.5693 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990163788.6589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63641600 nr_ops:62150\ntimestamp_ms:1652990164789.7583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126063616 nr_ops:123109\ntimestamp_ms:1652990165790.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189454336 nr_ops:185014\ntimestamp_ms:1652990166791.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252853248 nr_ops:246927\ntimestamp_ms:1652990167793.0701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316158976 nr_ops:308749\ntimestamp_ms:1652990168794.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379795456 nr_ops:370894\ntimestamp_ms:1652990169795.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442874880 nr_ops:432495\ntimestamp_ms:1652990170796.3562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505695232 nr_ops:493843\ntimestamp_ms:1652990171797.4487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569181184 nr_ops:555841\ntimestamp_ms:1652990172797.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632679424 nr_ops:617851\ntimestamp_ms:1652990173798.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696409088 nr_ops:680087\ntimestamp_ms:1652990174799.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:760192000 nr_ops:742375\ntimestamp_ms:1652990175801.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823995392 nr_ops:804683\ntimestamp_ms:1652990176802.1140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887424000 nr_ops:866625\ntimestamp_ms:1652990177803.2102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950387712 nr_ops:928113\ntimestamp_ms:1652990178804.3003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013937152 nr_ops:990173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990179805.3926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076182016 nr_ops:1050959\ntimestamp_ms:1652990180806.4866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139884032 nr_ops:1113168\ntimestamp_ms:1652990181807.5835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203855360 nr_ops:1175640\ntimestamp_ms:1652990182808.0022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267766272 nr_ops:1238053\ntimestamp_ms:1652990183808.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1331287040 nr_ops:1300085\ntimestamp_ms:1652990184809.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1395428352 nr_ops:1362723\ntimestamp_ms:1652990185810.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1459014656 nr_ops:1424819\ntimestamp_ms:1652990186811.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522555904 nr_ops:1486871\ntimestamp_ms:1652990187813.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586205696 nr_ops:1549029\ntimestamp_ms:1652990188814.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649951744 nr_ops:1611281\ntimestamp_ms:1652990189815.2053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1713816576 nr_ops:1673649\ntimestamp_ms:1652990190816.2373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1777859584 nr_ops:1736191\ntimestamp_ms:1652990191817.3328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841484800 nr_ops:1798325\ntimestamp_ms:1652990192818.4248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904719872 nr_ops:1860078\ntimestamp_ms:1652990193819.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968804864 nr_ops:1922661\ntimestamp_ms:1652990194820.5496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2032774144 nr_ops:1985131\ntimestamp_ms:1652990195821.6746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095595520 nr_ops:2046480\ntimestamp_ms:1652990196822.7732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2158364672 nr_ops:2107778\ntimestamp_ms:1652990197823.8635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220731392 nr_ops:2168683\ntimestamp_ms:1652990198824.8982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2284133376 nr_ops:2230599\ntimestamp_ms:1652990199825.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348104704 nr_ops:2293071\ntimestamp_ms:1652990200826.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2411224064 nr_ops:2354711\ntimestamp_ms:1652990201827.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2474464256 nr_ops:2416469\ntimestamp_ms:1652990202828.9631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2537677824 nr_ops:2478201\ntimestamp_ms:1652990203830.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2601796608 nr_ops:2540817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990204831.1531 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665723904 nr_ops:2603246\ntimestamp_ms:1652990205832.2424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2729137152 nr_ops:2665173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990206833.3325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2792373248 nr_ops:2726927\ntimestamp_ms:1652990207834.4229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2856094720 nr_ops:2789155\ntimestamp_ms:1652990208835.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2920567808 nr_ops:2852117\ntimestamp_ms:1652990209836.5540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2983789568 nr_ops:2913857\ntimestamp_ms:1652990210837.5884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3046900736 nr_ops:2975489\ntimestamp_ms:1652990211838.6829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3109284864 nr_ops:3036411\ntimestamp_ms:1652990212839.7773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3172305920 nr_ops:3097955\ntimestamp_ms:1652990213840.8701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3235110912 nr_ops:3159288\ntimestamp_ms:1652990214841.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3298877440 nr_ops:3221560\ntimestamp_ms:1652990215843.0571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3361994752 nr_ops:3283198\ntimestamp_ms:1652990216844.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424818176 nr_ops:3344549\ntimestamp_ms:1652990217844.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3486864384 nr_ops:3405141\ntimestamp_ms:1652990218845.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3550657536 nr_ops:3467439\ntimestamp_ms:1652990219847.0100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3614184448 nr_ops:3529477\ntimestamp_ms:1652990220847.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3677305856 nr_ops:3591119\ntimestamp_ms:1652990221848.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3739743232 nr_ops:3652093\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140230365652736\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.2402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3801345024 nr_ops:3712251\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.4622 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.4656 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223150.6792 name:Total nr_bytes:3801345024 nr_ops:3712252\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.5461 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7602690046 nr_ops:7424504\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990223050.5466 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3801345024 nr_ops:3712254\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 205.28us 0.00ns 205.28us 205.28us \nTxn1 1856126 32.33us 0.00ns 3.37ms 26.96us \nTxn2 1 22.73us 0.00ns 22.73us 22.73us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 204.59us 0.00ns 204.59us 204.59us \nwrite 1856126 3.21us 0.00ns 101.67us 2.44us \nread 1856125 29.03us 0.00ns 3.37ms 7.93us \ndisconnect 1 22.30us 0.00ns 22.30us 22.30us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \nnet1 29762 29762 259.52Mb/s 259.52Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.107 62.37s 3.54GB 487.62Mb/s 3712254 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.62Mb/s 3712254 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414738, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990161786.3813 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990162787.4976 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990162787.5693 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990163788.6589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63641600 nr_ops:62150
+timestamp_ms:1652990164789.7583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126063616 nr_ops:123109
+timestamp_ms:1652990165790.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189454336 nr_ops:185014
+timestamp_ms:1652990166791.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252853248 nr_ops:246927
+timestamp_ms:1652990167793.0701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316158976 nr_ops:308749
+timestamp_ms:1652990168794.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379795456 nr_ops:370894
+timestamp_ms:1652990169795.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442874880 nr_ops:432495
+timestamp_ms:1652990170796.3562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505695232 nr_ops:493843
+timestamp_ms:1652990171797.4487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569181184 nr_ops:555841
+timestamp_ms:1652990172797.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632679424 nr_ops:617851
+timestamp_ms:1652990173798.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696409088 nr_ops:680087
+timestamp_ms:1652990174799.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:760192000 nr_ops:742375
+timestamp_ms:1652990175801.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823995392 nr_ops:804683
+timestamp_ms:1652990176802.1140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887424000 nr_ops:866625
+timestamp_ms:1652990177803.2102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950387712 nr_ops:928113
+timestamp_ms:1652990178804.3003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013937152 nr_ops:990173
+timestamp_ms:1652990179805.3926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076182016 nr_ops:1050959
+timestamp_ms:1652990180806.4866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139884032 nr_ops:1113168
+timestamp_ms:1652990181807.5835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203855360 nr_ops:1175640
+timestamp_ms:1652990182808.0022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267766272 nr_ops:1238053
+timestamp_ms:1652990183808.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1331287040 nr_ops:1300085
+timestamp_ms:1652990184809.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1395428352 nr_ops:1362723
+timestamp_ms:1652990185810.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1459014656 nr_ops:1424819
+timestamp_ms:1652990186811.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522555904 nr_ops:1486871
+timestamp_ms:1652990187813.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586205696 nr_ops:1549029
+timestamp_ms:1652990188814.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649951744 nr_ops:1611281
+timestamp_ms:1652990189815.2053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1713816576 nr_ops:1673649
+timestamp_ms:1652990190816.2373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1777859584 nr_ops:1736191
+timestamp_ms:1652990191817.3328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841484800 nr_ops:1798325
+timestamp_ms:1652990192818.4248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904719872 nr_ops:1860078
+timestamp_ms:1652990193819.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968804864 nr_ops:1922661
+timestamp_ms:1652990194820.5496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2032774144 nr_ops:1985131
+timestamp_ms:1652990195821.6746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095595520 nr_ops:2046480
+timestamp_ms:1652990196822.7732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2158364672 nr_ops:2107778
+timestamp_ms:1652990197823.8635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220731392 nr_ops:2168683
+timestamp_ms:1652990198824.8982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2284133376 nr_ops:2230599
+timestamp_ms:1652990199825.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348104704 nr_ops:2293071
+timestamp_ms:1652990200826.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2411224064 nr_ops:2354711
+timestamp_ms:1652990201827.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2474464256 nr_ops:2416469
+timestamp_ms:1652990202828.9631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2537677824 nr_ops:2478201
+timestamp_ms:1652990203830.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2601796608 nr_ops:2540817
+timestamp_ms:1652990204831.1531 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665723904 nr_ops:2603246
+timestamp_ms:1652990205832.2424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2729137152 nr_ops:2665173
+timestamp_ms:1652990206833.3325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2792373248 nr_ops:2726927
+timestamp_ms:1652990207834.4229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2856094720 nr_ops:2789155
+timestamp_ms:1652990208835.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2920567808 nr_ops:2852117
+timestamp_ms:1652990209836.5540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2983789568 nr_ops:2913857
+timestamp_ms:1652990210837.5884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3046900736 nr_ops:2975489
+timestamp_ms:1652990211838.6829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3109284864 nr_ops:3036411
+timestamp_ms:1652990212839.7773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3172305920 nr_ops:3097955
+timestamp_ms:1652990213840.8701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3235110912 nr_ops:3159288
+timestamp_ms:1652990214841.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3298877440 nr_ops:3221560
+timestamp_ms:1652990215843.0571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3361994752 nr_ops:3283198
+timestamp_ms:1652990216844.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424818176 nr_ops:3344549
+timestamp_ms:1652990217844.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3486864384 nr_ops:3405141
+timestamp_ms:1652990218845.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3550657536 nr_ops:3467439
+timestamp_ms:1652990219847.0100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3614184448 nr_ops:3529477
+timestamp_ms:1652990220847.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3677305856 nr_ops:3591119
+timestamp_ms:1652990221848.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3739743232 nr_ops:3652093
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140230365652736
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652990223050.2402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3801345024 nr_ops:3712251
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990223050.4622 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990223050.4656 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990223150.6792 name:Total nr_bytes:3801345024 nr_ops:3712252
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990223050.5461 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7602690046 nr_ops:7424504
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990223050.5466 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3801345024 nr_ops:3712254
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 205.28us 0.00ns 205.28us 205.28us
+Txn1 1856126 32.33us 0.00ns 3.37ms 26.96us
+Txn2 1 22.73us 0.00ns 22.73us 22.73us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 204.59us 0.00ns 204.59us 204.59us
+write 1856126 3.21us 0.00ns 101.67us 2.44us
+read 1856125 29.03us 0.00ns 3.37ms 7.93us
+disconnect 1 22.30us 0.00ns 22.30us 22.30us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s
+net1 29762 29762 259.52Mb/s 259.52Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.107 62.37s 3.54GB 487.62Mb/s 3712254 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.54GB 487.62Mb/s 3712254 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:03.788000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:03.788000', 'bytes': 63641600, 'norm_byte': 63641600, 'ops': 62150, 'norm_ops': 62150, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10763635735117, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:03.788000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:03.788000",
+ "bytes": 63641600,
+ "norm_byte": 63641600,
+ "ops": 62150,
+ "norm_ops": 62150,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10763635735117,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd0a17ccd257447d8c7e985312a81363c9c8fcdd7f6721e742230a7db358c43e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:04.789000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:04.789000', 'bytes': 126063616, 'norm_byte': 62422016, 'ops': 123109, 'norm_ops': 60959, 'norm_ltcy': 16.422503079682656, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:04.789000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:04.789000",
+ "bytes": 126063616,
+ "norm_byte": 62422016,
+ "ops": 123109,
+ "norm_ops": 60959,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.422503079682656,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53e345c40760f9f00b14dba436ae17224442fc6b53d5191851410e55f62b97ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:05.790000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:05.790000', 'bytes': 189454336, 'norm_byte': 63390720, 'ops': 185014, 'norm_ops': 61905, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17293114828164, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:05.790000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:05.790000",
+ "bytes": 189454336,
+ "norm_byte": 63390720,
+ "ops": 185014,
+ "norm_ops": 61905,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17293114828164,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "718e7b5e58a1a6894a3938342b88e7f0819d2a272f43d7ae2f82ad9ec1a3e385",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:06.791000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:06.791000', 'bytes': 252853248, 'norm_byte': 63398912, 'ops': 246927, 'norm_ops': 61913, 'norm_ltcy': 16.168380775998173, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:06.791000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:06.791000",
+ "bytes": 252853248,
+ "norm_byte": 63398912,
+ "ops": 246927,
+ "norm_ops": 61913,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.168380775998173,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01663e862146c6e6c86a4f9cffbfa8de9d79e6f8b283b991088dd279a77f7021",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:07.793000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:07.793000', 'bytes': 316158976, 'norm_byte': 63305728, 'ops': 308749, 'norm_ops': 61822, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19315948787446, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:07.793000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:07.793000",
+ "bytes": 316158976,
+ "norm_byte": 63305728,
+ "ops": 308749,
+ "norm_ops": 61822,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19315948787446,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "116243fc5cd73cee74518e457a08dcc7b044162792502779e9b906ea1512fe26",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:08.794000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:08.794000', 'bytes': 379795456, 'norm_byte': 63636480, 'ops': 370894, 'norm_ops': 62145, 'norm_ltcy': 16.109022686358514, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:08.794000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:08.794000",
+ "bytes": 379795456,
+ "norm_byte": 63636480,
+ "ops": 370894,
+ "norm_ops": 62145,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.109022686358514,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90a536ed2293d963781cfa09e1117808a488ab39df877413de6ac666ecad765e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:09.795000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:09.795000', 'bytes': 442874880, 'norm_byte': 63079424, 'ops': 432495, 'norm_ops': 61601, 'norm_ltcy': 16.251369067669355, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:09.795000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:09.795000",
+ "bytes": 442874880,
+ "norm_byte": 63079424,
+ "ops": 432495,
+ "norm_ops": 61601,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.251369067669355,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68b3fadf94c4fa9224701d681e88507ddcbd2bb38c357b69ffddce09d31d54d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:10.796000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:10.796000', 'bytes': 505695232, 'norm_byte': 62820352, 'ops': 493843, 'norm_ops': 61348, 'norm_ltcy': 16.31822279505852, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:10.796000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:10.796000",
+ "bytes": 505695232,
+ "norm_byte": 62820352,
+ "ops": 493843,
+ "norm_ops": 61348,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.31822279505852,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f041772a8aebd082820f0d1300aab3677c84f48b0d096917eb1c5c9a3eb903e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:11.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:11.797000', 'bytes': 569181184, 'norm_byte': 63485952, 'ops': 555841, 'norm_ops': 61998, 'norm_ltcy': 16.147174574935885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:11.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:11.797000",
+ "bytes": 569181184,
+ "norm_byte": 63485952,
+ "ops": 555841,
+ "norm_ops": 61998,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.147174574935885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43b0c76317048f731cd03e49fcae479607717fe8eb1157f66eac2b3cc6432fe5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:12.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:12.797000', 'bytes': 632679424, 'norm_byte': 63498240, 'ops': 617851, 'norm_ops': 62010, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13262824292453, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:12.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:12.797000",
+ "bytes": 632679424,
+ "norm_byte": 63498240,
+ "ops": 617851,
+ "norm_ops": 62010,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13262824292453,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83837d28dcff18bbd8273b72e0ff7603a0f8fbf1f1fad8afc04f68a9db09cd5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:13.798000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:13.798000', 'bytes': 696409088, 'norm_byte': 63729664, 'ops': 680087, 'norm_ops': 62236, 'norm_ltcy': 16.084009167222348, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:13.798000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:13.798000",
+ "bytes": 696409088,
+ "norm_byte": 63729664,
+ "ops": 680087,
+ "norm_ops": 62236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.084009167222348,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba4aad96c7186d4444bd3ffe4596fbc2ad450e19aecdfd7433048cd42b28566c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:14.799000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:14.799000', 'bytes': 760192000, 'norm_byte': 63782912, 'ops': 742375, 'norm_ops': 62288, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07208683103086, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:14.799000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:14.799000",
+ "bytes": 760192000,
+ "norm_byte": 63782912,
+ "ops": 742375,
+ "norm_ops": 62288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07208683103086,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84c04d7348e015863fd1cc3d7dc394ac46ce2d2110ce07e17bc7f8cc9d0d5fab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:15.801000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:15.801000', 'bytes': 823995392, 'norm_byte': 63803392, 'ops': 804683, 'norm_ops': 62308, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06676334700199, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:15.801000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:15.801000",
+ "bytes": 823995392,
+ "norm_byte": 63803392,
+ "ops": 804683,
+ "norm_ops": 62308,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06676334700199,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e69c4ec56ffeb959c06805c4389c8c6e3ec84b7e75373dc6590c3adf9acde3b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:16.802000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:16.802000', 'bytes': 887424000, 'norm_byte': 63428608, 'ops': 866625, 'norm_ops': 61942, 'norm_ltcy': 16.161741244581627, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:16.802000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:16.802000",
+ "bytes": 887424000,
+ "norm_byte": 63428608,
+ "ops": 866625,
+ "norm_ops": 61942,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.161741244581627,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b71fc4cd2854b1f4e99cf16cd7196dccde20df33a49104c63a34ddfe3d57ead8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:17.803000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:17.803000', 'bytes': 950387712, 'norm_byte': 62963712, 'ops': 928113, 'norm_ops': 61488, 'norm_ltcy': 16.281163664556498, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:17.803000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:17.803000",
+ "bytes": 950387712,
+ "norm_byte": 62963712,
+ "ops": 928113,
+ "norm_ops": 61488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.281163664556498,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7580c3e9d958c2b42cb8dd748521942121325cafaa619d79e54bc298916fb4ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:18.804000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:18.804000', 'bytes': 1013937152, 'norm_byte': 63549440, 'ops': 990173, 'norm_ops': 62060, 'norm_ltcy': 16.131003672101595, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:18.804000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:18.804000",
+ "bytes": 1013937152,
+ "norm_byte": 63549440,
+ "ops": 990173,
+ "norm_ops": 62060,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.131003672101595,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81c3820ed5165d5e7830a5589109e9bb0aa91d00bb44fff99e91114c5c7088bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:19.805000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:19.805000', 'bytes': 1076182016, 'norm_byte': 62244864, 'ops': 1050959, 'norm_ops': 60786, 'norm_ltcy': 16.469125870369, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:19.805000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:19.805000",
+ "bytes": 1076182016,
+ "norm_byte": 62244864,
+ "ops": 1050959,
+ "norm_ops": 60786,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.469125870369,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3bc11efe525939892864324b04dc81f5afc09bfba05f547bab9a289daa7911ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:20.806000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:20.806000', 'bytes': 1139884032, 'norm_byte': 63702016, 'ops': 1113168, 'norm_ops': 62209, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09243026154777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:20.806000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:20.806000",
+ "bytes": 1139884032,
+ "norm_byte": 63702016,
+ "ops": 1113168,
+ "norm_ops": 62209,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09243026154777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28cb32a19228779974c5134dbd2365b34602b4ceb57b5137906095af947ae36c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:21.807000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:21.807000', 'bytes': 1203855360, 'norm_byte': 63971328, 'ops': 1175640, 'norm_ops': 62472, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02472986022738, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:21.807000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:21.807000",
+ "bytes": 1203855360,
+ "norm_byte": 63971328,
+ "ops": 1175640,
+ "norm_ops": 62472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02472986022738,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9101801051a44ed9ad34bb385a95e440cd3b68fa7805eae37bc36b5f2ca8ff94",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:22.808000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:22.808000', 'bytes': 1267766272, 'norm_byte': 63910912, 'ops': 1238053, 'norm_ops': 62413, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02901160290124, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:22.808000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:22.808000",
+ "bytes": 1267766272,
+ "norm_byte": 63910912,
+ "ops": 1238053,
+ "norm_ops": 62413,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02901160290124,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f0c8e15895d3ba04b958d5bb9669dcc99b2658647ec2694fd0e2db858231bec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:23.808000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:23.808000', 'bytes': 1331287040, 'norm_byte': 63520768, 'ops': 1300085, 'norm_ops': 62032, 'norm_ltcy': 16.134132698143702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:23.808000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:23.808000",
+ "bytes": 1331287040,
+ "norm_byte": 63520768,
+ "ops": 1300085,
+ "norm_ops": 62032,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.134132698143702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d5763a8f33478fccc10aa84a00b1f82adca7d1ed8dc9851bafe7910f505a989",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:24.809000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:24.809000', 'bytes': 1395428352, 'norm_byte': 64141312, 'ops': 1362723, 'norm_ops': 62638, 'norm_ltcy': 15.98066391283047, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:24.809000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:24.809000",
+ "bytes": 1395428352,
+ "norm_byte": 64141312,
+ "ops": 1362723,
+ "norm_ops": 62638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.98066391283047,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c18db2c5753fbe3727adbc95a4379a46e2df6b88cc187393089df2ae4b570c7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:25.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:25.810000', 'bytes': 1459014656, 'norm_byte': 63586304, 'ops': 1424819, 'norm_ops': 62096, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12034645070737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:25.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:25.810000",
+ "bytes": 1459014656,
+ "norm_byte": 63586304,
+ "ops": 1424819,
+ "norm_ops": 62096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12034645070737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b3f044f520630e2aecbc511dd82815163ec6f1bfcc81a876759814bce3fe1e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:26.811000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:26.811000', 'bytes': 1522555904, 'norm_byte': 63541248, 'ops': 1486871, 'norm_ops': 62052, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13311482330344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:26.811000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:26.811000",
+ "bytes": 1522555904,
+ "norm_byte": 63541248,
+ "ops": 1486871,
+ "norm_ops": 62052,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13311482330344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a75b8f49fbca6a34126c2065968c81da40b16601fa613e53c89c75edfac29f45",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:27.813000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:27.813000', 'bytes': 1586205696, 'norm_byte': 63649792, 'ops': 1549029, 'norm_ops': 62158, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10559072997442, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:27.813000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:27.813000",
+ "bytes": 1586205696,
+ "norm_byte": 63649792,
+ "ops": 1549029,
+ "norm_ops": 62158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10559072997442,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b6b9ecb1198effa342b2aabe4285bc033cb4c0dd8cb8f240bd825f872160a6b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:28.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:28.814000', 'bytes': 1649951744, 'norm_byte': 63746048, 'ops': 1611281, 'norm_ops': 62252, 'norm_ltcy': 16.08131456243374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:28.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:28.814000",
+ "bytes": 1649951744,
+ "norm_byte": 63746048,
+ "ops": 1611281,
+ "norm_ops": 62252,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.08131456243374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "026854f0b210733db23487e96fe67355447e5136baaa01a0c015864f7b32fa6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:29.815000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:29.815000', 'bytes': 1713816576, 'norm_byte': 63864832, 'ops': 1673649, 'norm_ops': 62368, 'norm_ltcy': 16.051298780524466, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:29.815000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:29.815000",
+ "bytes": 1713816576,
+ "norm_byte": 63864832,
+ "ops": 1673649,
+ "norm_ops": 62368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.051298780524466,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5748a27eaea2e07e910c281d7669b1138cb60179a29873d7a30b5bd4b834425",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:30.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:30.816000', 'bytes': 1777859584, 'norm_byte': 64043008, 'ops': 1736191, 'norm_ops': 62542, 'norm_ltcy': 16.00575585081825, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:30.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:30.816000",
+ "bytes": 1777859584,
+ "norm_byte": 64043008,
+ "ops": 1736191,
+ "norm_ops": 62542,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.00575585081825,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f701fffae0c536f8b68f1c2f76480697b3547a2e7d96ffacc61430fc8a40663",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:31.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:31.817000', 'bytes': 1841484800, 'norm_byte': 63625216, 'ops': 1798325, 'norm_ops': 62134, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11187850427101, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:31.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:31.817000",
+ "bytes": 1841484800,
+ "norm_byte": 63625216,
+ "ops": 1798325,
+ "norm_ops": 62134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11187850427101,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84b2511735e489b9358a3fc15f2121a4ae46ab59a8d76c166fcdb3108003e5e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:32.818000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:32.818000', 'bytes': 1904719872, 'norm_byte': 63235072, 'ops': 1860078, 'norm_ops': 61753, 'norm_ltcy': 16.211229268466713, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:32.818000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:32.818000",
+ "bytes": 1904719872,
+ "norm_byte": 63235072,
+ "ops": 1860078,
+ "norm_ops": 61753,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.211229268466713,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4062d947ccdea6676e3d9982e306e70644b86ed642d4c479c275768b210a65be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:33.819000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:33.819000', 'bytes': 1968804864, 'norm_byte': 64084992, 'ops': 1922661, 'norm_ops': 62583, 'norm_ltcy': 15.996202355771535, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:33.819000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:33.819000",
+ "bytes": 1968804864,
+ "norm_byte": 64084992,
+ "ops": 1922661,
+ "norm_ops": 62583,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.996202355771535,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ffd6bb06994f5ef3e49ce706d869d7c71ab12712b55624f35a1e267a2baa52a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:34.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:34.820000', 'bytes': 2032774144, 'norm_byte': 63969280, 'ops': 1985131, 'norm_ops': 62470, 'norm_ltcy': 16.024242417610456, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:34.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:34.820000",
+ "bytes": 2032774144,
+ "norm_byte": 63969280,
+ "ops": 1985131,
+ "norm_ops": 62470,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.024242417610456,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d9a33871def7bfea950e40fda3c102af2a14476f88ee6073af1ca0d7b3d07c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:35.821000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:35.821000', 'bytes': 2095595520, 'norm_byte': 62821376, 'ops': 2046480, 'norm_ops': 61349, 'norm_ltcy': 16.318521899297462, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:35.821000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:35.821000",
+ "bytes": 2095595520,
+ "norm_byte": 62821376,
+ "ops": 2046480,
+ "norm_ops": 61349,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.318521899297462,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0873eaa298f054b06a680326deb52c11dcc49230fe3f71fcae075b48da8b8980",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:36.822000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:36.822000', 'bytes': 2158364672, 'norm_byte': 62769152, 'ops': 2107778, 'norm_ops': 61298, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3316687789569, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:36.822000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:36.822000",
+ "bytes": 2158364672,
+ "norm_byte": 62769152,
+ "ops": 2107778,
+ "norm_ops": 61298,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3316687789569,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e090a64edd3da96fcead43480665aab27f77ad22eae4cf49f3701f6906fb755",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:37.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:37.823000', 'bytes': 2220731392, 'norm_byte': 62366720, 'ops': 2168683, 'norm_ops': 60905, 'norm_ltcy': 16.436915393337987, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:37.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:37.823000",
+ "bytes": 2220731392,
+ "norm_byte": 62366720,
+ "ops": 2168683,
+ "norm_ops": 60905,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.436915393337987,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0548375bff69c832a4155b29c76801a228cfd47e68800c4c1c7810e9f87c2c91",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:38.824000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:38.824000', 'bytes': 2284133376, 'norm_byte': 63401984, 'ops': 2230599, 'norm_ops': 61916, 'norm_ltcy': 16.167624975268915, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:38.824000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:38.824000",
+ "bytes": 2284133376,
+ "norm_byte": 63401984,
+ "ops": 2230599,
+ "norm_ops": 61916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.167624975268915,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c6f13ac4984ae79863c8704e15d9706901f96f72cf2d1e40c4370f238b91b6b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:39.825000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:39.825000', 'bytes': 2348104704, 'norm_byte': 63971328, 'ops': 2293071, 'norm_ops': 62472, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02367860801639, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:39.825000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:39.825000",
+ "bytes": 2348104704,
+ "norm_byte": 63971328,
+ "ops": 2293071,
+ "norm_ops": 62472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02367860801639,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43028272be82cbb0ea9c9b1bb1280885176fe6953cde509d623b1ea77426d56d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:40.826000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:40.826000', 'bytes': 2411224064, 'norm_byte': 63119360, 'ops': 2354711, 'norm_ops': 61640, 'norm_ltcy': 16.23801714719541, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:40.826000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:40.826000",
+ "bytes": 2411224064,
+ "norm_byte": 63119360,
+ "ops": 2354711,
+ "norm_ops": 61640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.23801714719541,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec3311831a2c038135c4bf59bb8e68f6d7a7ef7f0b72096d75167bf8f2267833",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:41.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:41.827000', 'bytes': 2474464256, 'norm_byte': 63240192, 'ops': 2416469, 'norm_ops': 61758, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20983377153567, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:41.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:41.827000",
+ "bytes": 2474464256,
+ "norm_byte": 63240192,
+ "ops": 2416469,
+ "norm_ops": 61758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20983377153567,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdc114af413fa9ac71db5b09c588b0a98f655eede42a11f0cdf2173e5811d62e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:42.828000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:42.828000', 'bytes': 2537677824, 'norm_byte': 63213568, 'ops': 2478201, 'norm_ops': 61732, 'norm_ltcy': 16.215826482061573, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:42.828000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:42.828000",
+ "bytes": 2537677824,
+ "norm_byte": 63213568,
+ "ops": 2478201,
+ "norm_ops": 61732,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.215826482061573,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b6ff16bb327c8532d42debb1c3ec452bcb2b907c9d3ef45e951fd3105f59e8d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:43.830000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:43.830000', 'bytes': 2601796608, 'norm_byte': 64118784, 'ops': 2540817, 'norm_ops': 62616, 'norm_ltcy': 15.987803199761244, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:43.830000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:43.830000",
+ "bytes": 2601796608,
+ "norm_byte": 64118784,
+ "ops": 2540817,
+ "norm_ops": 62616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.987803199761244,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40dda3ef3dfc4ca573a228c579348a32f2452a87b8b3a817867b257a35e4f7ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:44.831000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:44.831000', 'bytes': 2665723904, 'norm_byte': 63927296, 'ops': 2603246, 'norm_ops': 62429, 'norm_ltcy': 16.035779145108844, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:44.831000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:44.831000",
+ "bytes": 2665723904,
+ "norm_byte": 63927296,
+ "ops": 2603246,
+ "norm_ops": 62429,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.035779145108844,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "915a0041e06ab801a63a7ed00a33e7aafe62a1c0814fc0fec123625cf94a4b1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:45.832000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:45.832000', 'bytes': 2729137152, 'norm_byte': 63413248, 'ops': 2665173, 'norm_ops': 61927, 'norm_ltcy': 16.165636240553393, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:45.832000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:45.832000",
+ "bytes": 2729137152,
+ "norm_byte": 63413248,
+ "ops": 2665173,
+ "norm_ops": 61927,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.165636240553393,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fad17b6d70be4d36505fbb2134581bd711d2436d5e86164286ca042eec632271",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:46.833000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:46.833000', 'bytes': 2792373248, 'norm_byte': 63236096, 'ops': 2726927, 'norm_ops': 61754, 'norm_ltcy': 16.210935127937056, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:46.833000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:46.833000",
+ "bytes": 2792373248,
+ "norm_byte": 63236096,
+ "ops": 2726927,
+ "norm_ops": 61754,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.210935127937056,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "abb9edd237537b42c156b5ddf1fc0ad0861da15c8db89d066af5b3169695a8ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:47.834000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:47.834000', 'bytes': 2856094720, 'norm_byte': 63721472, 'ops': 2789155, 'norm_ops': 62228, 'norm_ltcy': 16.087457929408785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:47.834000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:47.834000",
+ "bytes": 2856094720,
+ "norm_byte": 63721472,
+ "ops": 2789155,
+ "norm_ops": 62228,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.087457929408785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d8785b611d6e430a8869256d3fe18e734cf3d44f8e0f289d55a11078cfef93d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:48.835000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:48.835000', 'bytes': 2920567808, 'norm_byte': 64473088, 'ops': 2852117, 'norm_ops': 62962, 'norm_ltcy': 15.899029064654076, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:48.835000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:48.835000",
+ "bytes": 2920567808,
+ "norm_byte": 64473088,
+ "ops": 2852117,
+ "norm_ops": 62962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.899029064654076,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a012ed0434f9a982264a0be494aeecef8939399d5ab22d04368cd590fadccae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:49.836000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:49.836000', 'bytes': 2983789568, 'norm_byte': 63221760, 'ops': 2913857, 'norm_ops': 61740, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21471388964812, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:49.836000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:49.836000",
+ "bytes": 2983789568,
+ "norm_byte": 63221760,
+ "ops": 2913857,
+ "norm_ops": 61740,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21471388964812,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f835e9c7b218887d9aa1939666f4012d90a07892533b8d9b83343929932627ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:50.837000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:50.837000', 'bytes': 3046900736, 'norm_byte': 63111168, 'ops': 2975489, 'norm_ops': 61632, 'norm_ltcy': 16.242121362735674, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:50.837000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:50.837000",
+ "bytes": 3046900736,
+ "norm_byte": 63111168,
+ "ops": 2975489,
+ "norm_ops": 61632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.242121362735674,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4a8dd767fbb2ffeadc3494a49583ea72ab95c62d7157a272a4391a509dfe60c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:51.838000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:51.838000', 'bytes': 3109284864, 'norm_byte': 62384128, 'ops': 3036411, 'norm_ops': 60922, 'norm_ltcy': 16.432396875051293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:51.838000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:51.838000",
+ "bytes": 3109284864,
+ "norm_byte": 62384128,
+ "ops": 3036411,
+ "norm_ops": 60922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.432396875051293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "691f46512658a46acb7fe4bf5880507bb195dddbac3a71505b228339cdfdbbc7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:52.839000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:52.839000', 'bytes': 3172305920, 'norm_byte': 63021056, 'ops': 3097955, 'norm_ops': 61544, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26632137043213, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:52.839000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:52.839000",
+ "bytes": 3172305920,
+ "norm_byte": 63021056,
+ "ops": 3097955,
+ "norm_ops": 61544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26632137043213,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa3af1204ad100eca99ec1c23a6b9e1ada67c53510fe98e8743c4ed1cb4d20bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:53.840000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:53.840000', 'bytes': 3235110912, 'norm_byte': 62804992, 'ops': 3159288, 'norm_ops': 61333, 'norm_ltcy': 16.322253492206478, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:53.840000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:53.840000",
+ "bytes": 3235110912,
+ "norm_byte": 62804992,
+ "ops": 3159288,
+ "norm_ops": 61333,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.322253492206478,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f13ec72bd750f0f19420494f2ae1457dd700dff8131ff3317ae774b0f56be9c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:54.841000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:54.841000', 'bytes': 3298877440, 'norm_byte': 63766528, 'ops': 3221560, 'norm_ops': 62272, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07618498532647, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:54.841000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:54.841000",
+ "bytes": 3298877440,
+ "norm_byte": 63766528,
+ "ops": 3221560,
+ "norm_ops": 62272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07618498532647,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0754523af6f810526b59a1da816b4cbfeab7681776b80c8054d893265278dd60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:55.843000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:55.843000', 'bytes': 3361994752, 'norm_byte': 63117312, 'ops': 3283198, 'norm_ops': 61638, 'norm_ltcy': 16.241455276168924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:55.843000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:55.843000",
+ "bytes": 3361994752,
+ "norm_byte": 63117312,
+ "ops": 3283198,
+ "norm_ops": 61638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.241455276168924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5843049dedbe35dd16add2e33ec2c4122462deba164b2e8cec028cb6e6ccda6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:56.844000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:56.844000', 'bytes': 3424818176, 'norm_byte': 62823424, 'ops': 3344549, 'norm_ops': 61351, 'norm_ltcy': 16.316617031252548, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:56.844000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:56.844000",
+ "bytes": 3424818176,
+ "norm_byte": 62823424,
+ "ops": 3344549,
+ "norm_ops": 61351,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.316617031252548,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "72f2bbddb9d323786d1ec314d923fcced40795c6123e67eec09e1e37f4bc22a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:57.844000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:57.844000', 'bytes': 3486864384, 'norm_byte': 62046208, 'ops': 3405141, 'norm_ops': 60592, 'norm_ltcy': 16.51596903391743, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:57.844000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:57.844000",
+ "bytes": 3486864384,
+ "norm_byte": 62046208,
+ "ops": 3405141,
+ "norm_ops": 60592,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.51596903391743,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c833ee3c7662080fc4df37dcf3d6240cc258d4dda16840e336751f5341cbb952",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:58.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:58.845000', 'bytes': 3550657536, 'norm_byte': 63793152, 'ops': 3467439, 'norm_ops': 62298, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0693384456062, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:58.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:58.845000",
+ "bytes": 3550657536,
+ "norm_byte": 63793152,
+ "ops": 3467439,
+ "norm_ops": 62298,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0693384456062,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd51cae9908fb6f15e21a99bbd94bb40365a62eda564cc8f9013e39ed1731330",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:56:59.847000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:56:59.847000', 'bytes': 3614184448, 'norm_byte': 63526912, 'ops': 3529477, 'norm_ops': 62038, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13670439387956, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:56:59.847000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:56:59.847000",
+ "bytes": 3614184448,
+ "norm_byte": 63526912,
+ "ops": 3529477,
+ "norm_ops": 62038,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13670439387956,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "485c0fee2157a1e3d876dac6e70ec9706202f5b85ec6f7633ff5827bce7223ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:57:00.847000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:57:00.847000', 'bytes': 3677305856, 'norm_byte': 63121408, 'ops': 3591119, 'norm_ops': 61642, 'norm_ltcy': 16.236135765539323, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:57:00.847000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:57:00.847000",
+ "bytes": 3677305856,
+ "norm_byte": 63121408,
+ "ops": 3591119,
+ "norm_ops": 61642,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.236135765539323,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8100052af0dd51fe366a38b3efc244351773b6306cf3f7ed8b85215be95bbe11",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:57:01.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:57:01.848000', 'bytes': 3739743232, 'norm_byte': 62437376, 'ops': 3652093, 'norm_ops': 60974, 'norm_ltcy': 16.416885456557303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:57:01.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:57:01.848000",
+ "bytes": 3739743232,
+ "norm_byte": 62437376,
+ "ops": 3652093,
+ "norm_ops": 60974,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.416885456557303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1541fd17328ff033691882e57e8f09604382a3c4f425618e42ad888bc77053f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:57:03.050000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:57:03.050000', 'bytes': 3801345024, 'norm_byte': 61601792, 'ops': 3712251, 'norm_ops': 60158, 'norm_ltcy': 19.970729909935088, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:57:03.050000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:57:03.050000",
+ "bytes": 3801345024,
+ "norm_byte": 61601792,
+ "ops": 3712251,
+ "norm_ops": 60158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.970729909935088,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6d85f691-211d-5587-a987-bacb056ab2eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75f2ee2dca1c6488c39890b23a8511aa33b9b28e774e334d192a0e8e73ea591e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63355750.4
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61870.85
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.438525917189537
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:57:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-012-220519195318/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-012-220519195318/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9785918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-012-220519195318/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-012-220519195318/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-012-220519195318/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-012-220519195318/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-012-220519195318/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-012-220519195318/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c183f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-012-220519195318/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=45
+ vm.swappiness=75
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=140
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-013-220519195519/220519195519-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-013-220519195519/220519195519-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b95e41e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-013-220519195519/220519195519-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T19:58:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990283350.3074 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990284351.4109 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990284351.4529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990285352.4756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70888448 nr_ops:69227\ntimestamp_ms:1652990286353.5757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142584832 nr_ops:139243\ntimestamp_ms:1652990287354.6667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199388160 nr_ops:194715\ntimestamp_ms:1652990288355.7571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:256035840 nr_ops:250035\ntimestamp_ms:1652990289356.8572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327003136 nr_ops:319339\ntimestamp_ms:1652990290357.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397917184 nr_ops:388591\ntimestamp_ms:1652990291358.9534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:468788224 nr_ops:457801\ntimestamp_ms:1652990292360.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:539780096 nr_ops:527129\ntimestamp_ms:1652990293361.1436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:610834432 nr_ops:596518\ntimestamp_ms:1652990294362.2383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:681884672 nr_ops:665903\ntimestamp_ms:1652990295363.2839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:752769024 nr_ops:735126\ntimestamp_ms:1652990296364.3245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:809876480 nr_ops:790895\ntimestamp_ms:1652990297365.3660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881744896 nr_ops:861079\ntimestamp_ms:1652990298366.4670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:930499584 nr_ops:908691\ntimestamp_ms:1652990299366.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:996180992 nr_ops:972833\ntimestamp_ms:1652990300367.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068044288 nr_ops:1043012\ntimestamp_ms:1652990301368.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125178368 nr_ops:1098807\ntimestamp_ms:1652990302369.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1167480832 nr_ops:1140118\ntimestamp_ms:1652990303370.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1224635392 nr_ops:1195933\ntimestamp_ms:1652990304371.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1296440320 nr_ops:1266055\ntimestamp_ms:1652990305372.9194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353525248 nr_ops:1321802\ntimestamp_ms:1652990306373.9749 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1410894848 nr_ops:1377827\ntimestamp_ms:1652990307375.0142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1482673152 nr_ops:1447923\ntimestamp_ms:1652990308376.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1539945472 nr_ops:1503853\ntimestamp_ms:1652990309377.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581894656 nr_ops:1544819\ntimestamp_ms:1652990310378.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1638439936 nr_ops:1600039\ntimestamp_ms:1652990311379.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1680679936 nr_ops:1641289\ntimestamp_ms:1652990312380.2258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1752779776 nr_ops:1711699\ntimestamp_ms:1652990313381.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1824691200 nr_ops:1781925\ntimestamp_ms:1652990314382.3701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896718336 nr_ops:1852264\ntimestamp_ms:1652990315383.4087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967311872 nr_ops:1921203\ntimestamp_ms:1652990316384.4500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2025519104 nr_ops:1978046\ntimestamp_ms:1652990317385.4893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2081623040 nr_ops:2032835\ntimestamp_ms:1652990318386.5906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139290624 nr_ops:2089151\ntimestamp_ms:1652990319387.6455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2194404352 nr_ops:2142973\ntimestamp_ms:1652990320388.3745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2236388352 nr_ops:2183973\ntimestamp_ms:1652990321389.4683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2308332544 nr_ops:2254231\ntimestamp_ms:1652990322390.5657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2365559808 nr_ops:2310117\ntimestamp_ms:1652990323391.6628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2437604352 nr_ops:2380473\ntimestamp_ms:1652990324392.7603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2509636608 nr_ops:2450817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990325393.8530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2572067840 nr_ops:2511785\ntimestamp_ms:1652990326394.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2624328704 nr_ops:2562821\ntimestamp_ms:1652990327395.8982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2696295424 nr_ops:2633101\ntimestamp_ms:1652990328396.9971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768264192 nr_ops:2703383\ntimestamp_ms:1652990329398.0957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2840241152 nr_ops:2773673\ntimestamp_ms:1652990330398.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2912300032 nr_ops:2844043\ntimestamp_ms:1652990331399.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2983537664 nr_ops:2913611\ntimestamp_ms:1652990332401.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3054496768 nr_ops:2982907\ntimestamp_ms:1652990333402.1599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3120378880 nr_ops:3047245\ntimestamp_ms:1652990334403.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3152876544 nr_ops:3078981\ntimestamp_ms:1652990335403.9133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3224005632 nr_ops:3148443\ntimestamp_ms:1652990336405.0134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295446016 nr_ops:3218209\ntimestamp_ms:1652990337406.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3367025664 nr_ops:3288111\ntimestamp_ms:1652990338407.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3438869504 nr_ops:3358271\ntimestamp_ms:1652990339408.2551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3510791168 nr_ops:3428507\ntimestamp_ms:1652990340409.2966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3567842304 nr_ops:3484221\ntimestamp_ms:1652990341410.4055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3632862208 nr_ops:3547717\ntimestamp_ms:1652990342410.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3696040960 nr_ops:3609415\ntimestamp_ms:1652990343411.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3767880704 nr_ops:3679571\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139999854999296\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.2585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3824854016 nr_ops:3735209\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.3379 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.3479 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344713.4846 name:Total nr_bytes:3824854016 nr_ops:3735210\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.4709 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7649708030 nr_ops:7470420\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.4724 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3824854016 nr_ops:3735212\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 278.97us 0.00ns 278.97us 278.97us \nTxn1 1867605 32.13us 0.00ns 208.24ms 18.46us \nTxn2 1 50.22us 0.00ns 50.22us 50.22us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 278.13us 0.00ns 278.13us 278.13us \nwrite 1867605 2.45us 0.00ns 247.55us 2.15us \nread 1867604 29.61us 0.00ns 208.24ms 1.45us \ndisconnect 1 49.62us 0.00ns 49.62us 49.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29947 29947 261.14Mb/s 261.14Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.38b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.108 62.36s 3.56GB 490.64Mb/s 3735212 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 490.65Mb/s 3735212 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413842, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990283350.3074 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990284351.4109 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990284351.4529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990285352.4756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70888448 nr_ops:69227\ntimestamp_ms:1652990286353.5757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142584832 nr_ops:139243\ntimestamp_ms:1652990287354.6667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199388160 nr_ops:194715\ntimestamp_ms:1652990288355.7571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:256035840 nr_ops:250035\ntimestamp_ms:1652990289356.8572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327003136 nr_ops:319339\ntimestamp_ms:1652990290357.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397917184 nr_ops:388591\ntimestamp_ms:1652990291358.9534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:468788224 nr_ops:457801\ntimestamp_ms:1652990292360.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:539780096 nr_ops:527129\ntimestamp_ms:1652990293361.1436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:610834432 nr_ops:596518\ntimestamp_ms:1652990294362.2383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:681884672 nr_ops:665903\ntimestamp_ms:1652990295363.2839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:752769024 nr_ops:735126\ntimestamp_ms:1652990296364.3245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:809876480 nr_ops:790895\ntimestamp_ms:1652990297365.3660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881744896 nr_ops:861079\ntimestamp_ms:1652990298366.4670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:930499584 nr_ops:908691\ntimestamp_ms:1652990299366.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:996180992 nr_ops:972833\ntimestamp_ms:1652990300367.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068044288 nr_ops:1043012\ntimestamp_ms:1652990301368.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125178368 nr_ops:1098807\ntimestamp_ms:1652990302369.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1167480832 nr_ops:1140118\ntimestamp_ms:1652990303370.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1224635392 nr_ops:1195933\ntimestamp_ms:1652990304371.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1296440320 nr_ops:1266055\ntimestamp_ms:1652990305372.9194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353525248 nr_ops:1321802\ntimestamp_ms:1652990306373.9749 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1410894848 nr_ops:1377827\ntimestamp_ms:1652990307375.0142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1482673152 nr_ops:1447923\ntimestamp_ms:1652990308376.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1539945472 nr_ops:1503853\ntimestamp_ms:1652990309377.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581894656 nr_ops:1544819\ntimestamp_ms:1652990310378.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1638439936 nr_ops:1600039\ntimestamp_ms:1652990311379.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1680679936 nr_ops:1641289\ntimestamp_ms:1652990312380.2258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1752779776 nr_ops:1711699\ntimestamp_ms:1652990313381.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1824691200 nr_ops:1781925\ntimestamp_ms:1652990314382.3701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896718336 nr_ops:1852264\ntimestamp_ms:1652990315383.4087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967311872 nr_ops:1921203\ntimestamp_ms:1652990316384.4500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2025519104 nr_ops:1978046\ntimestamp_ms:1652990317385.4893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2081623040 nr_ops:2032835\ntimestamp_ms:1652990318386.5906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139290624 nr_ops:2089151\ntimestamp_ms:1652990319387.6455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2194404352 nr_ops:2142973\ntimestamp_ms:1652990320388.3745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2236388352 nr_ops:2183973\ntimestamp_ms:1652990321389.4683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2308332544 nr_ops:2254231\ntimestamp_ms:1652990322390.5657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2365559808 nr_ops:2310117\ntimestamp_ms:1652990323391.6628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2437604352 nr_ops:2380473\ntimestamp_ms:1652990324392.7603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2509636608 nr_ops:2450817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990325393.8530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2572067840 nr_ops:2511785\ntimestamp_ms:1652990326394.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2624328704 nr_ops:2562821\ntimestamp_ms:1652990327395.8982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2696295424 nr_ops:2633101\ntimestamp_ms:1652990328396.9971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768264192 nr_ops:2703383\ntimestamp_ms:1652990329398.0957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2840241152 nr_ops:2773673\ntimestamp_ms:1652990330398.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2912300032 nr_ops:2844043\ntimestamp_ms:1652990331399.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2983537664 nr_ops:2913611\ntimestamp_ms:1652990332401.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3054496768 nr_ops:2982907\ntimestamp_ms:1652990333402.1599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3120378880 nr_ops:3047245\ntimestamp_ms:1652990334403.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3152876544 nr_ops:3078981\ntimestamp_ms:1652990335403.9133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3224005632 nr_ops:3148443\ntimestamp_ms:1652990336405.0134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295446016 nr_ops:3218209\ntimestamp_ms:1652990337406.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3367025664 nr_ops:3288111\ntimestamp_ms:1652990338407.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3438869504 nr_ops:3358271\ntimestamp_ms:1652990339408.2551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3510791168 nr_ops:3428507\ntimestamp_ms:1652990340409.2966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3567842304 nr_ops:3484221\ntimestamp_ms:1652990341410.4055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3632862208 nr_ops:3547717\ntimestamp_ms:1652990342410.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3696040960 nr_ops:3609415\ntimestamp_ms:1652990343411.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3767880704 nr_ops:3679571\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139999854999296\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.2585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3824854016 nr_ops:3735209\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.3379 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.3479 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344713.4846 name:Total nr_bytes:3824854016 nr_ops:3735210\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.4709 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7649708030 nr_ops:7470420\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.4724 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3824854016 nr_ops:3735212\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 278.97us 0.00ns 278.97us 278.97us \nTxn1 1867605 32.13us 0.00ns 208.24ms 18.46us \nTxn2 1 50.22us 0.00ns 50.22us 50.22us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 278.13us 0.00ns 278.13us 278.13us \nwrite 1867605 2.45us 0.00ns 247.55us 2.15us \nread 1867604 29.61us 0.00ns 208.24ms 1.45us \ndisconnect 1 49.62us 0.00ns 49.62us 49.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29947 29947 261.14Mb/s 261.14Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.38b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.108 62.36s 3.56GB 490.64Mb/s 3735212 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 490.65Mb/s 3735212 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413842, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990283350.3074 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990284351.4109 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990284351.4529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990285352.4756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70888448 nr_ops:69227\ntimestamp_ms:1652990286353.5757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142584832 nr_ops:139243\ntimestamp_ms:1652990287354.6667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199388160 nr_ops:194715\ntimestamp_ms:1652990288355.7571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:256035840 nr_ops:250035\ntimestamp_ms:1652990289356.8572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327003136 nr_ops:319339\ntimestamp_ms:1652990290357.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397917184 nr_ops:388591\ntimestamp_ms:1652990291358.9534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:468788224 nr_ops:457801\ntimestamp_ms:1652990292360.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:539780096 nr_ops:527129\ntimestamp_ms:1652990293361.1436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:610834432 nr_ops:596518\ntimestamp_ms:1652990294362.2383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:681884672 nr_ops:665903\ntimestamp_ms:1652990295363.2839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:752769024 nr_ops:735126\ntimestamp_ms:1652990296364.3245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:809876480 nr_ops:790895\ntimestamp_ms:1652990297365.3660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881744896 nr_ops:861079\ntimestamp_ms:1652990298366.4670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:930499584 nr_ops:908691\ntimestamp_ms:1652990299366.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:996180992 nr_ops:972833\ntimestamp_ms:1652990300367.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068044288 nr_ops:1043012\ntimestamp_ms:1652990301368.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125178368 nr_ops:1098807\ntimestamp_ms:1652990302369.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1167480832 nr_ops:1140118\ntimestamp_ms:1652990303370.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1224635392 nr_ops:1195933\ntimestamp_ms:1652990304371.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1296440320 nr_ops:1266055\ntimestamp_ms:1652990305372.9194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353525248 nr_ops:1321802\ntimestamp_ms:1652990306373.9749 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1410894848 nr_ops:1377827\ntimestamp_ms:1652990307375.0142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1482673152 nr_ops:1447923\ntimestamp_ms:1652990308376.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1539945472 nr_ops:1503853\ntimestamp_ms:1652990309377.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581894656 nr_ops:1544819\ntimestamp_ms:1652990310378.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1638439936 nr_ops:1600039\ntimestamp_ms:1652990311379.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1680679936 nr_ops:1641289\ntimestamp_ms:1652990312380.2258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1752779776 nr_ops:1711699\ntimestamp_ms:1652990313381.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1824691200 nr_ops:1781925\ntimestamp_ms:1652990314382.3701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896718336 nr_ops:1852264\ntimestamp_ms:1652990315383.4087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967311872 nr_ops:1921203\ntimestamp_ms:1652990316384.4500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2025519104 nr_ops:1978046\ntimestamp_ms:1652990317385.4893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2081623040 nr_ops:2032835\ntimestamp_ms:1652990318386.5906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139290624 nr_ops:2089151\ntimestamp_ms:1652990319387.6455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2194404352 nr_ops:2142973\ntimestamp_ms:1652990320388.3745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2236388352 nr_ops:2183973\ntimestamp_ms:1652990321389.4683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2308332544 nr_ops:2254231\ntimestamp_ms:1652990322390.5657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2365559808 nr_ops:2310117\ntimestamp_ms:1652990323391.6628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2437604352 nr_ops:2380473\ntimestamp_ms:1652990324392.7603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2509636608 nr_ops:2450817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990325393.8530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2572067840 nr_ops:2511785\ntimestamp_ms:1652990326394.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2624328704 nr_ops:2562821\ntimestamp_ms:1652990327395.8982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2696295424 nr_ops:2633101\ntimestamp_ms:1652990328396.9971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768264192 nr_ops:2703383\ntimestamp_ms:1652990329398.0957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2840241152 nr_ops:2773673\ntimestamp_ms:1652990330398.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2912300032 nr_ops:2844043\ntimestamp_ms:1652990331399.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2983537664 nr_ops:2913611\ntimestamp_ms:1652990332401.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3054496768 nr_ops:2982907\ntimestamp_ms:1652990333402.1599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3120378880 nr_ops:3047245\ntimestamp_ms:1652990334403.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3152876544 nr_ops:3078981\ntimestamp_ms:1652990335403.9133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3224005632 nr_ops:3148443\ntimestamp_ms:1652990336405.0134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295446016 nr_ops:3218209\ntimestamp_ms:1652990337406.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3367025664 nr_ops:3288111\ntimestamp_ms:1652990338407.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3438869504 nr_ops:3358271\ntimestamp_ms:1652990339408.2551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3510791168 nr_ops:3428507\ntimestamp_ms:1652990340409.2966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3567842304 nr_ops:3484221\ntimestamp_ms:1652990341410.4055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3632862208 nr_ops:3547717\ntimestamp_ms:1652990342410.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3696040960 nr_ops:3609415\ntimestamp_ms:1652990343411.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3767880704 nr_ops:3679571\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139999854999296\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.2585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3824854016 nr_ops:3735209\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.3379 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.3479 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344713.4846 name:Total nr_bytes:3824854016 nr_ops:3735210\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.4709 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7649708030 nr_ops:7470420\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990344613.4724 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3824854016 nr_ops:3735212\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 278.97us 0.00ns 278.97us 278.97us \nTxn1 1867605 32.13us 0.00ns 208.24ms 18.46us \nTxn2 1 50.22us 0.00ns 50.22us 50.22us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 278.13us 0.00ns 278.13us 278.13us \nwrite 1867605 2.45us 0.00ns 247.55us 2.15us \nread 1867604 29.61us 0.00ns 208.24ms 1.45us \ndisconnect 1 49.62us 0.00ns 49.62us 49.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29947 29947 261.14Mb/s 261.14Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.38b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.108 62.36s 3.56GB 490.64Mb/s 3735212 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 490.65Mb/s 3735212 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413842, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990283350.3074 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990284351.4109 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990284351.4529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990285352.4756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70888448 nr_ops:69227
+timestamp_ms:1652990286353.5757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142584832 nr_ops:139243
+timestamp_ms:1652990287354.6667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199388160 nr_ops:194715
+timestamp_ms:1652990288355.7571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:256035840 nr_ops:250035
+timestamp_ms:1652990289356.8572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327003136 nr_ops:319339
+timestamp_ms:1652990290357.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397917184 nr_ops:388591
+timestamp_ms:1652990291358.9534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:468788224 nr_ops:457801
+timestamp_ms:1652990292360.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:539780096 nr_ops:527129
+timestamp_ms:1652990293361.1436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:610834432 nr_ops:596518
+timestamp_ms:1652990294362.2383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:681884672 nr_ops:665903
+timestamp_ms:1652990295363.2839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:752769024 nr_ops:735126
+timestamp_ms:1652990296364.3245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:809876480 nr_ops:790895
+timestamp_ms:1652990297365.3660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881744896 nr_ops:861079
+timestamp_ms:1652990298366.4670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:930499584 nr_ops:908691
+timestamp_ms:1652990299366.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:996180992 nr_ops:972833
+timestamp_ms:1652990300367.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068044288 nr_ops:1043012
+timestamp_ms:1652990301368.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125178368 nr_ops:1098807
+timestamp_ms:1652990302369.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1167480832 nr_ops:1140118
+timestamp_ms:1652990303370.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1224635392 nr_ops:1195933
+timestamp_ms:1652990304371.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1296440320 nr_ops:1266055
+timestamp_ms:1652990305372.9194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353525248 nr_ops:1321802
+timestamp_ms:1652990306373.9749 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1410894848 nr_ops:1377827
+timestamp_ms:1652990307375.0142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1482673152 nr_ops:1447923
+timestamp_ms:1652990308376.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1539945472 nr_ops:1503853
+timestamp_ms:1652990309377.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581894656 nr_ops:1544819
+timestamp_ms:1652990310378.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1638439936 nr_ops:1600039
+timestamp_ms:1652990311379.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1680679936 nr_ops:1641289
+timestamp_ms:1652990312380.2258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1752779776 nr_ops:1711699
+timestamp_ms:1652990313381.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1824691200 nr_ops:1781925
+timestamp_ms:1652990314382.3701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896718336 nr_ops:1852264
+timestamp_ms:1652990315383.4087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967311872 nr_ops:1921203
+timestamp_ms:1652990316384.4500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2025519104 nr_ops:1978046
+timestamp_ms:1652990317385.4893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2081623040 nr_ops:2032835
+timestamp_ms:1652990318386.5906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139290624 nr_ops:2089151
+timestamp_ms:1652990319387.6455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2194404352 nr_ops:2142973
+timestamp_ms:1652990320388.3745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2236388352 nr_ops:2183973
+timestamp_ms:1652990321389.4683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2308332544 nr_ops:2254231
+timestamp_ms:1652990322390.5657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2365559808 nr_ops:2310117
+timestamp_ms:1652990323391.6628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2437604352 nr_ops:2380473
+timestamp_ms:1652990324392.7603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2509636608 nr_ops:2450817
+timestamp_ms:1652990325393.8530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2572067840 nr_ops:2511785
+timestamp_ms:1652990326394.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2624328704 nr_ops:2562821
+timestamp_ms:1652990327395.8982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2696295424 nr_ops:2633101
+timestamp_ms:1652990328396.9971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768264192 nr_ops:2703383
+timestamp_ms:1652990329398.0957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2840241152 nr_ops:2773673
+timestamp_ms:1652990330398.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2912300032 nr_ops:2844043
+timestamp_ms:1652990331399.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2983537664 nr_ops:2913611
+timestamp_ms:1652990332401.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3054496768 nr_ops:2982907
+timestamp_ms:1652990333402.1599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3120378880 nr_ops:3047245
+timestamp_ms:1652990334403.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3152876544 nr_ops:3078981
+timestamp_ms:1652990335403.9133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3224005632 nr_ops:3148443
+timestamp_ms:1652990336405.0134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295446016 nr_ops:3218209
+timestamp_ms:1652990337406.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3367025664 nr_ops:3288111
+timestamp_ms:1652990338407.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3438869504 nr_ops:3358271
+timestamp_ms:1652990339408.2551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3510791168 nr_ops:3428507
+timestamp_ms:1652990340409.2966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3567842304 nr_ops:3484221
+timestamp_ms:1652990341410.4055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3632862208 nr_ops:3547717
+timestamp_ms:1652990342410.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3696040960 nr_ops:3609415
+timestamp_ms:1652990343411.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3767880704 nr_ops:3679571
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139999854999296
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652990344613.2585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3824854016 nr_ops:3735209
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990344613.3379 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990344613.3479 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990344713.4846 name:Total nr_bytes:3824854016 nr_ops:3735210
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990344613.4709 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7649708030 nr_ops:7470420
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990344613.4724 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3824854016 nr_ops:3735212
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 278.97us 0.00ns 278.97us 278.97us
+Txn1 1867605 32.13us 0.00ns 208.24ms 18.46us
+Txn2 1 50.22us 0.00ns 50.22us 50.22us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 278.13us 0.00ns 278.13us 278.13us
+write 1867605 2.45us 0.00ns 247.55us 2.15us
+read 1867604 29.61us 0.00ns 208.24ms 1.45us
+disconnect 1 49.62us 0.00ns 49.62us 49.62us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29947 29947 261.14Mb/s 261.14Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.38b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.108 62.36s 3.56GB 490.64Mb/s 3735212 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.56GB 490.65Mb/s 3735212 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:05.352000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:05.352000', 'bytes': 70888448, 'norm_byte': 70888448, 'ops': 69227, 'norm_ops': 69227, 'norm_ltcy': 14.460004118019343, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:05.352000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:05.352000",
+ "bytes": 70888448,
+ "norm_byte": 70888448,
+ "ops": 69227,
+ "norm_ops": 69227,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.460004118019343,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2088170c62acca0b31109d8ec288c7246d04965570047bee12b769538bb2ab0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:06.353000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:06.353000', 'bytes': 142584832, 'norm_byte': 71696384, 'ops': 139243, 'norm_ops': 70016, 'norm_ltcy': 14.298161815245802, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:06.353000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:06.353000",
+ "bytes": 142584832,
+ "norm_byte": 71696384,
+ "ops": 139243,
+ "norm_ops": 70016,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.298161815245802,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09fc3fbea415f8baf3bbf116554d47096ce6bcb096742b3b594e40e9f5208b5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:07.354000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:07.354000', 'bytes': 199388160, 'norm_byte': 56803328, 'ops': 194715, 'norm_ops': 55472, 'norm_ltcy': 18.04678151956167, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:07.354000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:07.354000",
+ "bytes": 199388160,
+ "norm_byte": 56803328,
+ "ops": 194715,
+ "norm_ops": 55472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.04678151956167,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35d19a44ce7353c5bb984910ff578a16f126baa92450439878b6464c07d7cea6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:08.355000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:08.355000', 'bytes': 256035840, 'norm_byte': 56647680, 'ops': 250035, 'norm_ops': 55320, 'norm_ltcy': 18.096354519726138, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:08.355000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:08.355000",
+ "bytes": 256035840,
+ "norm_byte": 56647680,
+ "ops": 250035,
+ "norm_ops": 55320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.096354519726138,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d716f36501ae133f10acee5f6cdace1c15664811afdec78d84257f2250b2b49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:09.356000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:09.356000', 'bytes': 327003136, 'norm_byte': 70967296, 'ops': 319339, 'norm_ops': 69304, 'norm_ltcy': 14.445055085655229, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:09.356000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:09.356000",
+ "bytes": 327003136,
+ "norm_byte": 70967296,
+ "ops": 319339,
+ "norm_ops": 69304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.445055085655229,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "abaf9cca5d8601f4f5d503f5322b9f18eab9bfe4600dd38a4564e775edd09f79",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:10.357000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:10.357000', 'bytes': 397917184, 'norm_byte': 70914048, 'ops': 388591, 'norm_ops': 69252, 'norm_ltcy': 14.45420941137079, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:10.357000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:10.357000",
+ "bytes": 397917184,
+ "norm_byte": 70914048,
+ "ops": 388591,
+ "norm_ops": 69252,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.45420941137079,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f5d8990b59159af9a5bb0de215acc5b119bd478339b57821f4faa07a5d29bb0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:11.358000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:11.358000', 'bytes': 468788224, 'norm_byte': 70871040, 'ops': 457801, 'norm_ops': 69210, 'norm_ltcy': 14.464864633001012, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:11.358000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:11.358000",
+ "bytes": 468788224,
+ "norm_byte": 70871040,
+ "ops": 457801,
+ "norm_ops": 69210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.464864633001012,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cad1afef24c7144bc8d6056351e345351ded612a55f055312dd067d25783f1c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:12.360000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:12.360000', 'bytes': 539780096, 'norm_byte': 70991872, 'ops': 527129, 'norm_ops': 69328, 'norm_ltcy': 14.439998145139771, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:12.360000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:12.360000",
+ "bytes": 539780096,
+ "norm_byte": 70991872,
+ "ops": 527129,
+ "norm_ops": 69328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.439998145139771,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03089889b5dc3ba4d3e5347b6c3da37ca4b44eb88b68f09506c8c2d3fe72683a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:13.361000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:13.361000', 'bytes': 610834432, 'norm_byte': 71054336, 'ops': 596518, 'norm_ops': 69389, 'norm_ltcy': 14.427272249789233, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:13.361000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:13.361000",
+ "bytes": 610834432,
+ "norm_byte": 71054336,
+ "ops": 596518,
+ "norm_ops": 69389,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.427272249789233,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "864ef18da20119c6f2ff835ad4fcbafafa91d14ff030a442017404f3a892bfee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:14.362000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:14.362000', 'bytes': 681884672, 'norm_byte': 71050240, 'ops': 665903, 'norm_ops': 69385, 'norm_ltcy': 14.428114528536428, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:14.362000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:14.362000",
+ "bytes": 681884672,
+ "norm_byte": 71050240,
+ "ops": 665903,
+ "norm_ops": 69385,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.428114528536428,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e4f15ff56b95a01ed6ab6c41dccff2fe21af882461dda3c6428f0ea7aabb99f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:15.363000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:15.363000', 'bytes': 752769024, 'norm_byte': 70884352, 'ops': 735126, 'norm_ops': 69223, 'norm_ltcy': 14.461171204612269, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:15.363000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:15.363000",
+ "bytes": 752769024,
+ "norm_byte": 70884352,
+ "ops": 735126,
+ "norm_ops": 69223,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.461171204612269,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2b6af789c9074f7a9da103131cb3016af9702b8786a446b07b7279aadbe2c6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:16.364000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:16.364000', 'bytes': 809876480, 'norm_byte': 57107456, 'ops': 790895, 'norm_ops': 55769, 'norm_ltcy': 17.949766489335474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:16.364000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:16.364000",
+ "bytes": 809876480,
+ "norm_byte": 57107456,
+ "ops": 790895,
+ "norm_ops": 55769,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.949766489335474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01017e1c1d13f8f8810b89841701073a3b59c9c3e61640b9a082453cb2f1fcfd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:17.365000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:17.365000', 'bytes': 881744896, 'norm_byte': 71868416, 'ops': 861079, 'norm_ops': 70184, 'norm_ltcy': 14.263101332301522, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:17.365000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:17.365000",
+ "bytes": 881744896,
+ "norm_byte": 71868416,
+ "ops": 861079,
+ "norm_ops": 70184,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.263101332301522,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e187b665f77a576250efc0089ea34a0dd38685061a6944a11c5ecefa3583b0d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:18.366000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:18.366000', 'bytes': 930499584, 'norm_byte': 48754688, 'ops': 908691, 'norm_ops': 47612, 'norm_ltcy': 21.02623444129106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:18.366000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:18.366000",
+ "bytes": 930499584,
+ "norm_byte": 48754688,
+ "ops": 908691,
+ "norm_ops": 47612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.02623444129106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4da839365cadd474e09cf1139d23bf0907ccd1187f4920d0f6d5337b0c03dde3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:19.366000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:19.366000', 'bytes': 996180992, 'norm_byte': 65681408, 'ops': 972833, 'norm_ops': 64142, 'norm_ltcy': 15.59625518381092, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:19.366000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:19.366000",
+ "bytes": 996180992,
+ "norm_byte": 65681408,
+ "ops": 972833,
+ "norm_ops": 64142,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.59625518381092,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f2fe3f9fec2e8ae7faef76ab01b6a5cd4a84b83bbf4d6122a319f72539a6c9ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:20.367000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:20.367000', 'bytes': 1068044288, 'norm_byte': 71863296, 'ops': 1043012, 'norm_ops': 70179, 'norm_ltcy': 14.263529604876458, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:20.367000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:20.367000",
+ "bytes": 1068044288,
+ "norm_byte": 71863296,
+ "ops": 1043012,
+ "norm_ops": 70179,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.263529604876458,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5b64d462fb270b2c9d54c6aa9e38674ffb662d4612267b60ae40a3f5a5ac37d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:21.368000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:21.368000', 'bytes': 1125178368, 'norm_byte': 57134080, 'ops': 1098807, 'norm_ops': 55795, 'norm_ltcy': 17.940631931064612, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:21.368000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:21.368000",
+ "bytes": 1125178368,
+ "norm_byte": 57134080,
+ "ops": 1098807,
+ "norm_ops": 55795,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.940631931064612,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "531dba57024d60ec98c1c351088ed2d4b327cfc5b8888fcaf28d18ec4ec8eb44",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:22.369000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:22.369000', 'bytes': 1167480832, 'norm_byte': 42302464, 'ops': 1140118, 'norm_ops': 41311, 'norm_ltcy': 24.230769394425817, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:22.369000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:22.369000",
+ "bytes": 1167480832,
+ "norm_byte": 42302464,
+ "ops": 1140118,
+ "norm_ops": 41311,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.230769394425817,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a9821d80b828996408b9abf683a871c4f7bb000c47594296bc9f85767a98cc0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:23.370000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:23.370000', 'bytes': 1224635392, 'norm_byte': 57154560, 'ops': 1195933, 'norm_ops': 55815, 'norm_ltcy': 17.93419457695064, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:23.370000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:23.370000",
+ "bytes": 1224635392,
+ "norm_byte": 57154560,
+ "ops": 1195933,
+ "norm_ops": 55815,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.93419457695064,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87196a748a3aae4b789201276f37e5ef2233208fea102db56f1f4acb1439958b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:24.371000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:24.371000', 'bytes': 1296440320, 'norm_byte': 71804928, 'ops': 1266055, 'norm_ops': 70122, 'norm_ltcy': 14.275736757232039, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:24.371000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:24.371000",
+ "bytes": 1296440320,
+ "norm_byte": 71804928,
+ "ops": 1266055,
+ "norm_ops": 70122,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.275736757232039,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "41c51c0a3d5a3cae918bd737f56dcf81a31d40556834ff35c7c285b5599677d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:25.372000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:25.372000', 'bytes': 1353525248, 'norm_byte': 57084928, 'ops': 1321802, 'norm_ops': 55747, 'norm_ltcy': 17.956876463083216, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:25.372000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:25.372000",
+ "bytes": 1353525248,
+ "norm_byte": 57084928,
+ "ops": 1321802,
+ "norm_ops": 55747,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.956876463083216,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fcd404346b897c7bd85062e9e3aaabaa765a0218fcc16f08d3186d5972127c1a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:26.373000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:26.373000', 'bytes': 1410894848, 'norm_byte': 57369600, 'ops': 1377827, 'norm_ops': 56025, 'norm_ltcy': 17.868012850011155, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:26.373000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:26.373000",
+ "bytes": 1410894848,
+ "norm_byte": 57369600,
+ "ops": 1377827,
+ "norm_ops": 56025,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.868012850011155,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4efb60dfbe895e0ea5521c68e560075dbbe23d8ff217419c3bd3bf0a4681dc4c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:27.375000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:27.375000', 'bytes': 1482673152, 'norm_byte': 71778304, 'ops': 1447923, 'norm_ops': 70096, 'norm_ltcy': 14.280976184669951, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:27.375000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:27.375000",
+ "bytes": 1482673152,
+ "norm_byte": 71778304,
+ "ops": 1447923,
+ "norm_ops": 70096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.280976184669951,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ed5ba792d032a576d68ac322402d4eafb058ff628381d25b8a457da5394c7a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:28.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:28.376000', 'bytes': 1539945472, 'norm_byte': 57272320, 'ops': 1503853, 'norm_ops': 55930, 'norm_ltcy': 17.898022116093777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:28.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:28.376000",
+ "bytes": 1539945472,
+ "norm_byte": 57272320,
+ "ops": 1503853,
+ "norm_ops": 55930,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.898022116093777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc5acfe04e1a1e7a9c553a2af20c9a7f75f835bcf5649777075d4b0346b21cf3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:29.377000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:29.377000', 'bytes': 1581894656, 'norm_byte': 41949184, 'ops': 1544819, 'norm_ops': 40966, 'norm_ltcy': 24.435844806897794, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:29.377000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:29.377000",
+ "bytes": 1581894656,
+ "norm_byte": 41949184,
+ "ops": 1544819,
+ "norm_ops": 40966,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.435844806897794,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf83e79eec1eb9d98dbdbb519acc396f4bc580a07278502310bcecaac85682b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:30.378000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:30.378000', 'bytes': 1638439936, 'norm_byte': 56545280, 'ops': 1600039, 'norm_ops': 55220, 'norm_ltcy': 18.128493660301974, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:30.378000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:30.378000",
+ "bytes": 1638439936,
+ "norm_byte": 56545280,
+ "ops": 1600039,
+ "norm_ops": 55220,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.128493660301974,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76e256a3fa53e2ef8f1cc645eb5bd358c4fc842904bc1c1e8e5ef874d9b3d89d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:31.379000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:31.379000', 'bytes': 1680679936, 'norm_byte': 42240000, 'ops': 1641289, 'norm_ops': 41250, 'norm_ltcy': 24.26771425189394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:31.379000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:31.379000",
+ "bytes": 1680679936,
+ "norm_byte": 42240000,
+ "ops": 1641289,
+ "norm_ops": 41250,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.26771425189394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae56bb143fd2f936d55b638cbe7089426c92821fabf3674909221bc5355bf355",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:32.380000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:32.380000', 'bytes': 1752779776, 'norm_byte': 72099840, 'ops': 1711699, 'norm_ops': 70410, 'norm_ltcy': 14.21726802722447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:32.380000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:32.380000",
+ "bytes": 1752779776,
+ "norm_byte": 72099840,
+ "ops": 1711699,
+ "norm_ops": 70410,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.21726802722447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "257118da2d1d0938cceadea0cea34ddb26e5a97018843887dce7ad71f41e9b3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:33.381000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:33.381000', 'bytes': 1824691200, 'norm_byte': 71911424, 'ops': 1781925, 'norm_ops': 70226, 'norm_ltcy': 14.255464472515522, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:33.381000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:33.381000",
+ "bytes": 1824691200,
+ "norm_byte": 71911424,
+ "ops": 1781925,
+ "norm_ops": 70226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.255464472515522,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a78ccfe16af73bff89ed1d9d4577994462b1de2c91e152644c4061c304305349",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:34.382000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:34.382000', 'bytes': 1896718336, 'norm_byte': 72027136, 'ops': 1852264, 'norm_ops': 70339, 'norm_ltcy': 14.23165013808129, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:34.382000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:34.382000",
+ "bytes": 1896718336,
+ "norm_byte": 72027136,
+ "ops": 1852264,
+ "norm_ops": 70339,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.23165013808129,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad9f988aee595d09b041958312524032f0ca618f8994c99c5d7259f9cbb635b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:35.383000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:35.383000', 'bytes': 1967311872, 'norm_byte': 70593536, 'ops': 1921203, 'norm_ops': 68939, 'norm_ltcy': 14.520642513218208, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:35.383000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:35.383000",
+ "bytes": 1967311872,
+ "norm_byte": 70593536,
+ "ops": 1921203,
+ "norm_ops": 68939,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.520642513218208,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c88cb64321fa46022edae348fcebc1431c67a3302982069a65f2f64c73e83d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:36.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:36.384000', 'bytes': 2025519104, 'norm_byte': 58207232, 'ops': 1978046, 'norm_ops': 56843, 'norm_ltcy': 17.610633847010625, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:36.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:36.384000",
+ "bytes": 2025519104,
+ "norm_byte": 58207232,
+ "ops": 1978046,
+ "norm_ops": 56843,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.610633847010625,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "403f9e49687da1da8e089ed8f77a57c18b11065c68772f46d4e9e384610a05ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:37.385000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:37.385000', 'bytes': 2081623040, 'norm_byte': 56103936, 'ops': 2032835, 'norm_ops': 54789, 'norm_ltcy': 18.270808130110517, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:37.385000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:37.385000",
+ "bytes": 2081623040,
+ "norm_byte": 56103936,
+ "ops": 2032835,
+ "norm_ops": 54789,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.270808130110517,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bcbd74a5ae19b117bb95e6b049220bdb96342ce8604d84b16a144bce9f94b3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:38.386000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:38.386000', 'bytes': 2139290624, 'norm_byte': 57667584, 'ops': 2089151, 'norm_ops': 56316, 'norm_ltcy': 17.776499011992595, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:38.386000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:38.386000",
+ "bytes": 2139290624,
+ "norm_byte": 57667584,
+ "ops": 2089151,
+ "norm_ops": 56316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.776499011992595,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c529f05ef14516c5fc3dbcd5b95813ef91810fa5bf25d804946b788acbfe5bdb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:39.387000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:39.387000', 'bytes': 2194404352, 'norm_byte': 55113728, 'ops': 2142973, 'norm_ops': 53822, 'norm_ltcy': 18.59936330200708, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:39.387000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:39.387000",
+ "bytes": 2194404352,
+ "norm_byte": 55113728,
+ "ops": 2142973,
+ "norm_ops": 53822,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.59936330200708,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "484f3b6d8be99abf225bf7c169bb88fbb0b7e309e1b1b8a286e0925108c9fbcf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:40.388000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:40.388000', 'bytes': 2236388352, 'norm_byte': 41984000, 'ops': 2183973, 'norm_ops': 41000, 'norm_ltcy': 24.408024485518293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:40.388000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:40.388000",
+ "bytes": 2236388352,
+ "norm_byte": 41984000,
+ "ops": 2183973,
+ "norm_ops": 41000,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.408024485518293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "577c5d6bebc0e812e99fb28faaee98a6bad9ef2b08d448c23d924c270ed70ebe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:41.389000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:41.389000', 'bytes': 2308332544, 'norm_byte': 71944192, 'ops': 2254231, 'norm_ops': 70258, 'norm_ltcy': 14.248822198183836, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:41.389000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:41.389000",
+ "bytes": 2308332544,
+ "norm_byte": 71944192,
+ "ops": 2254231,
+ "norm_ops": 70258,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.248822198183836,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "24705cdd219893160216a0501b13519ff06938c6c69ee9ef845d8fc28121ed3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:42.390000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:42.390000', 'bytes': 2365559808, 'norm_byte': 57227264, 'ops': 2310117, 'norm_ops': 55886, 'norm_ltcy': 17.913205670639783, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:42.390000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:42.390000",
+ "bytes": 2365559808,
+ "norm_byte": 57227264,
+ "ops": 2310117,
+ "norm_ops": 55886,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.913205670639783,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "967e7d932d33e0902e1c174f43c577e7c40950b831e3c5bcec9a43aefbca6ce0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:43.391000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:43.391000', 'bytes': 2437604352, 'norm_byte': 72044544, 'ops': 2380473, 'norm_ops': 70356, 'norm_ltcy': 14.229023366432855, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:43.391000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:43.391000",
+ "bytes": 2437604352,
+ "norm_byte": 72044544,
+ "ops": 2380473,
+ "norm_ops": 70356,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.229023366432855,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae350861696d44e68e999c92a0d218f1d04cb3b95f6587bd0840973b244cc49d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:44.392000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:44.392000', 'bytes': 2509636608, 'norm_byte': 72032256, 'ops': 2450817, 'norm_ops': 70344, 'norm_ltcy': 14.231454169643111, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:44.392000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:44.392000",
+ "bytes": 2509636608,
+ "norm_byte": 72032256,
+ "ops": 2450817,
+ "norm_ops": 70344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.231454169643111,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "936ce63dd30bcc3ec8668f311d4181cab3d833d6faf3facaba415ccf4bfcbeac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:45.393000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:45.393000', 'bytes': 2572067840, 'norm_byte': 62431232, 'ops': 2511785, 'norm_ops': 60968, 'norm_ltcy': 16.41997069671795, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:45.393000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:45.393000",
+ "bytes": 2572067840,
+ "norm_byte": 62431232,
+ "ops": 2511785,
+ "norm_ops": 60968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.41997069671795,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "63454cf318f5061172fdbd57209c72b6035987d8504f5d3ff6b7a6693b2f9495",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:46.394000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:46.394000', 'bytes': 2624328704, 'norm_byte': 52260864, 'ops': 2562821, 'norm_ops': 51036, 'norm_ltcy': 19.61327600707099, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:46.394000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:46.394000",
+ "bytes": 2624328704,
+ "norm_byte": 52260864,
+ "ops": 2562821,
+ "norm_ops": 51036,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.61327600707099,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2850141e4c1f6e42a515c7ccc1dd23c769074168eb0abf589a023e028e4250c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:47.395000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:47.395000', 'bytes': 2696295424, 'norm_byte': 71966720, 'ops': 2633101, 'norm_ops': 70280, 'norm_ltcy': 14.243910240733495, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:47.395000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:47.395000",
+ "bytes": 2696295424,
+ "norm_byte": 71966720,
+ "ops": 2633101,
+ "norm_ops": 70280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.243910240733495,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "97b05bda9634c9cf932f4ec70e15144d3dc9cdac8f48a9c808ea1a197b33a606",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:48.396000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:48.396000', 'bytes': 2768264192, 'norm_byte': 71968768, 'ops': 2703383, 'norm_ops': 70282, 'norm_ltcy': 14.244029437880611, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:48.396000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:48.396000",
+ "bytes": 2768264192,
+ "norm_byte": 71968768,
+ "ops": 2703383,
+ "norm_ops": 70282,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.244029437880611,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a0d5db7583ea04118827b4b86aaa03a98a9532152bf291bf513759bd7558910",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:49.398000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:49.398000', 'bytes': 2840241152, 'norm_byte': 71976960, 'ops': 2773673, 'norm_ops': 70290, 'norm_ltcy': 14.242404791755582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:49.398000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:49.398000",
+ "bytes": 2840241152,
+ "norm_byte": 71976960,
+ "ops": 2773673,
+ "norm_ops": 70290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.242404791755582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab25073fa382e0d7f02356953ed7cac407f97bb463d6cb7e647cbc804827f220",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:50.398000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:50.398000', 'bytes': 2912300032, 'norm_byte': 72058880, 'ops': 2844043, 'norm_ops': 70370, 'norm_ltcy': 14.22125558987317, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:50.398000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:50.398000",
+ "bytes": 2912300032,
+ "norm_byte": 72058880,
+ "ops": 2844043,
+ "norm_ops": 70370,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.22125558987317,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3273d9da88e3629b56698f3ad3b3a27d4876eeb8590641eabe7dd9990238731b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:51.399000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:51.399000', 'bytes': 2983537664, 'norm_byte': 71237632, 'ops': 2913611, 'norm_ops': 69568, 'norm_ltcy': 14.390519044765552, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:51.399000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:51.399000",
+ "bytes": 2983537664,
+ "norm_byte": 71237632,
+ "ops": 2913611,
+ "norm_ops": 69568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.390519044765552,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15f0541b036db57fb07d7300cb25acf4f457d681949297349d89b26e41e5b688",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:52.401000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:52.401000', 'bytes': 3054496768, 'norm_byte': 70959104, 'ops': 2982907, 'norm_ops': 69296, 'norm_ltcy': 14.446578271337811, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:52.401000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:52.401000",
+ "bytes": 3054496768,
+ "norm_byte": 70959104,
+ "ops": 2982907,
+ "norm_ops": 69296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.446578271337811,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f39437cc56eb2f4949d827df132374eb76261413c2a01ee71dd16c098de536e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:53.402000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:53.402000', 'bytes': 3120378880, 'norm_byte': 65882112, 'ops': 3047245, 'norm_ops': 64338, 'norm_ltcy': 15.560084807238724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:53.402000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:53.402000",
+ "bytes": 3120378880,
+ "norm_byte": 65882112,
+ "ops": 3047245,
+ "norm_ops": 64338,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.560084807238724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9df1f188d5b890248bec72ae3b5de4caff6902e746025c15a2c9432e31f084e5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:54.403000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:54.403000', 'bytes': 3152876544, 'norm_byte': 32497664, 'ops': 3078981, 'norm_ops': 31736, 'norm_ltcy': 31.544921198028263, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:54.403000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:54.403000",
+ "bytes": 3152876544,
+ "norm_byte": 32497664,
+ "ops": 3078981,
+ "norm_ops": 31736,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.544921198028263,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8af08b7fff18b4b27f84c7aec6e850c713cc62a3f8d61af2848efb2e8120d8a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:55.403000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:55.403000', 'bytes': 3224005632, 'norm_byte': 71129088, 'ops': 3148443, 'norm_ops': 69462, 'norm_ltcy': 14.40562896012388, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:55.403000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:55.403000",
+ "bytes": 3224005632,
+ "norm_byte": 71129088,
+ "ops": 3148443,
+ "norm_ops": 69462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.40562896012388,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f1263daa55fcba26549e75238123662297a66a239593f84c678eac52a9d1d42e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:56.405000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:56.405000', 'bytes': 3295446016, 'norm_byte': 71440384, 'ops': 3218209, 'norm_ops': 69766, 'norm_ltcy': 14.349397953963965, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:56.405000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:56.405000",
+ "bytes": 3295446016,
+ "norm_byte": 71440384,
+ "ops": 3218209,
+ "norm_ops": 69766,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.349397953963965,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79fb5c56037a79394069a11e5f90918367b2c253b4baeca69533f0c1ce5c39a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:57.406000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:57.406000', 'bytes': 3367025664, 'norm_byte': 71579648, 'ops': 3288111, 'norm_ops': 69902, 'norm_ltcy': 14.321483531184729, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:57.406000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:57.406000",
+ "bytes": 3367025664,
+ "norm_byte": 71579648,
+ "ops": 3288111,
+ "norm_ops": 69902,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.321483531184729,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2da76d3ed0878e7ab7a7ac86b1f351915da4858e448e7f10f38774b94ccdffab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:58.407000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:58.407000', 'bytes': 3438869504, 'norm_byte': 71843840, 'ops': 3358271, 'norm_ops': 70160, 'norm_ltcy': 14.268798132171108, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:58.407000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:58.407000",
+ "bytes": 3438869504,
+ "norm_byte": 71843840,
+ "ops": 3358271,
+ "norm_ops": 70160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.268798132171108,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d5a586f0ee4e5d3bcc7f04751092cc36e26c359d544d2c86fbfd9e2d26f5c042",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:58:59.408000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:58:59.408000', 'bytes': 3510791168, 'norm_byte': 71921664, 'ops': 3428507, 'norm_ops': 70236, 'norm_ltcy': 14.25255539137693, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:58:59.408000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:58:59.408000",
+ "bytes": 3510791168,
+ "norm_byte": 71921664,
+ "ops": 3428507,
+ "norm_ops": 70236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.25255539137693,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f346d7c123196fe07273f0faf93544d06be9be222bd510b1fe942d927d102a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:59:00.409000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:59:00.409000', 'bytes': 3567842304, 'norm_byte': 57051136, 'ops': 3484221, 'norm_ops': 55714, 'norm_ltcy': 17.96750374961859, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:59:00.409000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:59:00.409000",
+ "bytes": 3567842304,
+ "norm_byte": 57051136,
+ "ops": 3484221,
+ "norm_ops": 55714,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.96750374961859,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb15707b3ba48c817c456f071ae292b02769d5186c2a8e9176329359c69fec15",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:59:01.410000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:59:01.410000', 'bytes': 3632862208, 'norm_byte': 65019904, 'ops': 3547717, 'norm_ops': 63496, 'norm_ltcy': 15.766487443598809, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:59:01.410000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:59:01.410000",
+ "bytes": 3632862208,
+ "norm_byte": 65019904,
+ "ops": 3547717,
+ "norm_ops": 63496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.766487443598809,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16d5f98539567ce93a3e50ba109ef5a1bdacb85b4fb3effb553c78fa7bc7e468",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:59:02.410000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:59:02.410000', 'bytes': 3696040960, 'norm_byte': 63178752, 'ops': 3609415, 'norm_ops': 61698, 'norm_ltcy': 16.214941219478344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:59:02.410000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:59:02.410000",
+ "bytes": 3696040960,
+ "norm_byte": 63178752,
+ "ops": 3609415,
+ "norm_ops": 61698,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.214941219478344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2f536f77c669f967e0cb2654ec524cdcedaf7c3107133d09390a919aecf5198",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:59:03.411000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:59:03.411000', 'bytes': 3767880704, 'norm_byte': 71839744, 'ops': 3679571, 'norm_ops': 70156, 'norm_ltcy': 14.269576879338546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:59:03.411000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:59:03.411000",
+ "bytes": 3767880704,
+ "norm_byte": 71839744,
+ "ops": 3679571,
+ "norm_ops": 70156,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.269576879338546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a6469cf984b4b626b21a349fc9bac4ba7963fcc1073f542174075cfafa0880f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T19:59:04.613000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T19:59:04.613000', 'bytes': 3824854016, 'norm_byte': 56973312, 'ops': 3735209, 'norm_ops': 55638, 'norm_ltcy': 21.59184637185916, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T19:59:04.613000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T19:59:04.613000",
+ "bytes": 3824854016,
+ "norm_byte": 56973312,
+ "ops": 3735209,
+ "norm_ops": 55638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.59184637185916,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3e10db32-18b8-5955-9fe3-48d0546f6fe6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dbec9cc349693498559f36758b4c1339e1e96ff26b13bce1f6d4f17f141ab520",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63747566.93333333
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62253.48333333333
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.274729763575156
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T19:59:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-013-220519195519/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-013-220519195519/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb26285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-013-220519195519/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-013-220519195519/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-013-220519195519/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-013-220519195519/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-013-220519195519/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-013-220519195519/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20e7ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-013-220519195519/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=45
+ vm.swappiness=85
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=140
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-014-220519195721/220519195721-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-014-220519195721/220519195721-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0b2a83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-014-220519195721/220519195721-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:00:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990404961.3872 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990405962.5105 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990405962.5605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990406962.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62952448 nr_ops:61477\ntimestamp_ms:1652990407963.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125634560 nr_ops:122690\ntimestamp_ms:1652990408965.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188513280 nr_ops:184095\ntimestamp_ms:1652990409965.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250739712 nr_ops:244863\ntimestamp_ms:1652990410966.9927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312931328 nr_ops:305597\ntimestamp_ms:1652990411968.0906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375245824 nr_ops:366451\ntimestamp_ms:1652990412969.1875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438812672 nr_ops:428528\ntimestamp_ms:1652990413970.2881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501091328 nr_ops:489347\ntimestamp_ms:1652990414971.3853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565318656 nr_ops:552069\ntimestamp_ms:1652990415972.4968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628438016 nr_ops:613709\ntimestamp_ms:1652990416973.6052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:691655680 nr_ops:675445\ntimestamp_ms:1652990417974.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:752850944 nr_ops:735206\ntimestamp_ms:1652990418975.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815642624 nr_ops:796526\ntimestamp_ms:1652990419976.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878676992 nr_ops:858083\ntimestamp_ms:1652990420977.9507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942076928 nr_ops:919997\ntimestamp_ms:1652990421979.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005601792 nr_ops:982033\ntimestamp_ms:1652990422979.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068393472 nr_ops:1043353\ntimestamp_ms:1652990423980.8750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131629568 nr_ops:1105107\ntimestamp_ms:1652990424981.9163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195015168 nr_ops:1167007\ntimestamp_ms:1652990425983.0110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1257669632 nr_ops:1228193\ntimestamp_ms:1652990426984.1047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319899136 nr_ops:1288964\ntimestamp_ms:1652990427985.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1383099392 nr_ops:1350683\ntimestamp_ms:1652990428986.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1447358464 nr_ops:1413436\ntimestamp_ms:1652990429987.4819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1511379968 nr_ops:1475957\ntimestamp_ms:1652990430988.5713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1574347776 nr_ops:1537449\ntimestamp_ms:1652990431988.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1636836352 nr_ops:1598473\ntimestamp_ms:1652990432989.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1699040256 nr_ops:1659219\ntimestamp_ms:1652990433991.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763326976 nr_ops:1721999\ntimestamp_ms:1652990434992.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1826999296 nr_ops:1784179\ntimestamp_ms:1652990435993.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1890268160 nr_ops:1845965\ntimestamp_ms:1652990436994.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1952699392 nr_ops:1906933\ntimestamp_ms:1652990437995.4185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2016109568 nr_ops:1968857\ntimestamp_ms:1652990438996.5095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2080347136 nr_ops:2031589\ntimestamp_ms:1652990439997.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2143267840 nr_ops:2093035\ntimestamp_ms:1652990440998.6885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205946880 nr_ops:2154245\ntimestamp_ms:1652990441999.7959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2268632064 nr_ops:2215461\ntimestamp_ms:1652990442999.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2332410880 nr_ops:2277745\ntimestamp_ms:1652990444000.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2397058048 nr_ops:2340877\ntimestamp_ms:1652990445002.0271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2460787712 nr_ops:2403113\ntimestamp_ms:1652990446003.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2523446272 nr_ops:2464303\ntimestamp_ms:1652990447004.1711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2585990144 nr_ops:2525381\ntimestamp_ms:1652990448005.2822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648808448 nr_ops:2586727\ntimestamp_ms:1652990449006.3845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2711966720 nr_ops:2648405\ntimestamp_ms:1652990450007.4805 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2777351168 nr_ops:2712257\ntimestamp_ms:1652990451008.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2840542208 nr_ops:2773967\ntimestamp_ms:1652990452008.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2903446528 nr_ops:2835397\ntimestamp_ms:1652990453009.9424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2967231488 nr_ops:2897687\ntimestamp_ms:1652990454011.0388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3031285760 nr_ops:2960240\ntimestamp_ms:1652990455012.1335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3094871040 nr_ops:3022335\ntimestamp_ms:1652990456013.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3157322752 nr_ops:3083323\ntimestamp_ms:1652990457013.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3220776960 nr_ops:3145290\ntimestamp_ms:1652990458014.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3285130240 nr_ops:3208135\ntimestamp_ms:1652990459016.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3348530176 nr_ops:3270049\ntimestamp_ms:1652990460016.9729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3411072000 nr_ops:3331125\ntimestamp_ms:1652990461018.0090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3474086912 nr_ops:3392663\ntimestamp_ms:1652990462019.1062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3537028096 nr_ops:3454129\ntimestamp_ms:1652990463020.2036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3599356928 nr_ops:3514997\ntimestamp_ms:1652990464021.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3663453184 nr_ops:3577591\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140631460828928\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.6423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3727102976 nr_ops:3639749\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.7231 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.7327 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465322.8652 name:Total nr_bytes:3727102976 nr_ops:3639750\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.8359 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7454205950 nr_ops:7279500\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.8367 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3727102976 nr_ops:3639752\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 211.10us 0.00ns 211.10us 211.10us \nTxn1 1819875 32.42us 0.00ns 1.90ms 26.13us \nTxn2 1 29.73us 0.00ns 29.73us 29.73us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 210.30us 0.00ns 210.30us 210.30us \nwrite 1819875 3.26us 0.00ns 73.61us 2.41us \nread 1819874 29.08us 0.00ns 1.90ms 1.26us \ndisconnect 1 29.42us 0.00ns 29.42us 29.42us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 799.44b/s \nnet1 29658 29658 258.61Mb/s 258.61Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.109 61.36s 3.47GB 485.91Mb/s 3639751 0.00\nmaster 61.36s 3.47GB 485.91Mb/s 3639752 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.412927, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990404961.3872 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990405962.5105 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990405962.5605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990406962.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62952448 nr_ops:61477\ntimestamp_ms:1652990407963.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125634560 nr_ops:122690\ntimestamp_ms:1652990408965.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188513280 nr_ops:184095\ntimestamp_ms:1652990409965.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250739712 nr_ops:244863\ntimestamp_ms:1652990410966.9927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312931328 nr_ops:305597\ntimestamp_ms:1652990411968.0906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375245824 nr_ops:366451\ntimestamp_ms:1652990412969.1875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438812672 nr_ops:428528\ntimestamp_ms:1652990413970.2881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501091328 nr_ops:489347\ntimestamp_ms:1652990414971.3853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565318656 nr_ops:552069\ntimestamp_ms:1652990415972.4968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628438016 nr_ops:613709\ntimestamp_ms:1652990416973.6052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:691655680 nr_ops:675445\ntimestamp_ms:1652990417974.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:752850944 nr_ops:735206\ntimestamp_ms:1652990418975.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815642624 nr_ops:796526\ntimestamp_ms:1652990419976.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878676992 nr_ops:858083\ntimestamp_ms:1652990420977.9507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942076928 nr_ops:919997\ntimestamp_ms:1652990421979.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005601792 nr_ops:982033\ntimestamp_ms:1652990422979.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068393472 nr_ops:1043353\ntimestamp_ms:1652990423980.8750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131629568 nr_ops:1105107\ntimestamp_ms:1652990424981.9163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195015168 nr_ops:1167007\ntimestamp_ms:1652990425983.0110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1257669632 nr_ops:1228193\ntimestamp_ms:1652990426984.1047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319899136 nr_ops:1288964\ntimestamp_ms:1652990427985.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1383099392 nr_ops:1350683\ntimestamp_ms:1652990428986.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1447358464 nr_ops:1413436\ntimestamp_ms:1652990429987.4819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1511379968 nr_ops:1475957\ntimestamp_ms:1652990430988.5713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1574347776 nr_ops:1537449\ntimestamp_ms:1652990431988.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1636836352 nr_ops:1598473\ntimestamp_ms:1652990432989.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1699040256 nr_ops:1659219\ntimestamp_ms:1652990433991.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763326976 nr_ops:1721999\ntimestamp_ms:1652990434992.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1826999296 nr_ops:1784179\ntimestamp_ms:1652990435993.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1890268160 nr_ops:1845965\ntimestamp_ms:1652990436994.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1952699392 nr_ops:1906933\ntimestamp_ms:1652990437995.4185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2016109568 nr_ops:1968857\ntimestamp_ms:1652990438996.5095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2080347136 nr_ops:2031589\ntimestamp_ms:1652990439997.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2143267840 nr_ops:2093035\ntimestamp_ms:1652990440998.6885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205946880 nr_ops:2154245\ntimestamp_ms:1652990441999.7959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2268632064 nr_ops:2215461\ntimestamp_ms:1652990442999.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2332410880 nr_ops:2277745\ntimestamp_ms:1652990444000.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2397058048 nr_ops:2340877\ntimestamp_ms:1652990445002.0271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2460787712 nr_ops:2403113\ntimestamp_ms:1652990446003.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2523446272 nr_ops:2464303\ntimestamp_ms:1652990447004.1711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2585990144 nr_ops:2525381\ntimestamp_ms:1652990448005.2822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648808448 nr_ops:2586727\ntimestamp_ms:1652990449006.3845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2711966720 nr_ops:2648405\ntimestamp_ms:1652990450007.4805 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2777351168 nr_ops:2712257\ntimestamp_ms:1652990451008.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2840542208 nr_ops:2773967\ntimestamp_ms:1652990452008.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2903446528 nr_ops:2835397\ntimestamp_ms:1652990453009.9424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2967231488 nr_ops:2897687\ntimestamp_ms:1652990454011.0388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3031285760 nr_ops:2960240\ntimestamp_ms:1652990455012.1335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3094871040 nr_ops:3022335\ntimestamp_ms:1652990456013.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3157322752 nr_ops:3083323\ntimestamp_ms:1652990457013.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3220776960 nr_ops:3145290\ntimestamp_ms:1652990458014.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3285130240 nr_ops:3208135\ntimestamp_ms:1652990459016.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3348530176 nr_ops:3270049\ntimestamp_ms:1652990460016.9729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3411072000 nr_ops:3331125\ntimestamp_ms:1652990461018.0090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3474086912 nr_ops:3392663\ntimestamp_ms:1652990462019.1062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3537028096 nr_ops:3454129\ntimestamp_ms:1652990463020.2036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3599356928 nr_ops:3514997\ntimestamp_ms:1652990464021.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3663453184 nr_ops:3577591\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140631460828928\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.6423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3727102976 nr_ops:3639749\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.7231 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.7327 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465322.8652 name:Total nr_bytes:3727102976 nr_ops:3639750\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.8359 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7454205950 nr_ops:7279500\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.8367 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3727102976 nr_ops:3639752\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 211.10us 0.00ns 211.10us 211.10us \nTxn1 1819875 32.42us 0.00ns 1.90ms 26.13us \nTxn2 1 29.73us 0.00ns 29.73us 29.73us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 210.30us 0.00ns 210.30us 210.30us \nwrite 1819875 3.26us 0.00ns 73.61us 2.41us \nread 1819874 29.08us 0.00ns 1.90ms 1.26us \ndisconnect 1 29.42us 0.00ns 29.42us 29.42us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 799.44b/s \nnet1 29658 29658 258.61Mb/s 258.61Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.109 61.36s 3.47GB 485.91Mb/s 3639751 0.00\nmaster 61.36s 3.47GB 485.91Mb/s 3639752 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.412927, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990404961.3872 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990405962.5105 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990405962.5605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990406962.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62952448 nr_ops:61477\ntimestamp_ms:1652990407963.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125634560 nr_ops:122690\ntimestamp_ms:1652990408965.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188513280 nr_ops:184095\ntimestamp_ms:1652990409965.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250739712 nr_ops:244863\ntimestamp_ms:1652990410966.9927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312931328 nr_ops:305597\ntimestamp_ms:1652990411968.0906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375245824 nr_ops:366451\ntimestamp_ms:1652990412969.1875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438812672 nr_ops:428528\ntimestamp_ms:1652990413970.2881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501091328 nr_ops:489347\ntimestamp_ms:1652990414971.3853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565318656 nr_ops:552069\ntimestamp_ms:1652990415972.4968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628438016 nr_ops:613709\ntimestamp_ms:1652990416973.6052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:691655680 nr_ops:675445\ntimestamp_ms:1652990417974.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:752850944 nr_ops:735206\ntimestamp_ms:1652990418975.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815642624 nr_ops:796526\ntimestamp_ms:1652990419976.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878676992 nr_ops:858083\ntimestamp_ms:1652990420977.9507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942076928 nr_ops:919997\ntimestamp_ms:1652990421979.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005601792 nr_ops:982033\ntimestamp_ms:1652990422979.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068393472 nr_ops:1043353\ntimestamp_ms:1652990423980.8750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131629568 nr_ops:1105107\ntimestamp_ms:1652990424981.9163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195015168 nr_ops:1167007\ntimestamp_ms:1652990425983.0110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1257669632 nr_ops:1228193\ntimestamp_ms:1652990426984.1047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319899136 nr_ops:1288964\ntimestamp_ms:1652990427985.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1383099392 nr_ops:1350683\ntimestamp_ms:1652990428986.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1447358464 nr_ops:1413436\ntimestamp_ms:1652990429987.4819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1511379968 nr_ops:1475957\ntimestamp_ms:1652990430988.5713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1574347776 nr_ops:1537449\ntimestamp_ms:1652990431988.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1636836352 nr_ops:1598473\ntimestamp_ms:1652990432989.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1699040256 nr_ops:1659219\ntimestamp_ms:1652990433991.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763326976 nr_ops:1721999\ntimestamp_ms:1652990434992.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1826999296 nr_ops:1784179\ntimestamp_ms:1652990435993.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1890268160 nr_ops:1845965\ntimestamp_ms:1652990436994.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1952699392 nr_ops:1906933\ntimestamp_ms:1652990437995.4185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2016109568 nr_ops:1968857\ntimestamp_ms:1652990438996.5095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2080347136 nr_ops:2031589\ntimestamp_ms:1652990439997.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2143267840 nr_ops:2093035\ntimestamp_ms:1652990440998.6885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205946880 nr_ops:2154245\ntimestamp_ms:1652990441999.7959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2268632064 nr_ops:2215461\ntimestamp_ms:1652990442999.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2332410880 nr_ops:2277745\ntimestamp_ms:1652990444000.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2397058048 nr_ops:2340877\ntimestamp_ms:1652990445002.0271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2460787712 nr_ops:2403113\ntimestamp_ms:1652990446003.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2523446272 nr_ops:2464303\ntimestamp_ms:1652990447004.1711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2585990144 nr_ops:2525381\ntimestamp_ms:1652990448005.2822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648808448 nr_ops:2586727\ntimestamp_ms:1652990449006.3845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2711966720 nr_ops:2648405\ntimestamp_ms:1652990450007.4805 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2777351168 nr_ops:2712257\ntimestamp_ms:1652990451008.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2840542208 nr_ops:2773967\ntimestamp_ms:1652990452008.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2903446528 nr_ops:2835397\ntimestamp_ms:1652990453009.9424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2967231488 nr_ops:2897687\ntimestamp_ms:1652990454011.0388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3031285760 nr_ops:2960240\ntimestamp_ms:1652990455012.1335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3094871040 nr_ops:3022335\ntimestamp_ms:1652990456013.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3157322752 nr_ops:3083323\ntimestamp_ms:1652990457013.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3220776960 nr_ops:3145290\ntimestamp_ms:1652990458014.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3285130240 nr_ops:3208135\ntimestamp_ms:1652990459016.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3348530176 nr_ops:3270049\ntimestamp_ms:1652990460016.9729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3411072000 nr_ops:3331125\ntimestamp_ms:1652990461018.0090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3474086912 nr_ops:3392663\ntimestamp_ms:1652990462019.1062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3537028096 nr_ops:3454129\ntimestamp_ms:1652990463020.2036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3599356928 nr_ops:3514997\ntimestamp_ms:1652990464021.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3663453184 nr_ops:3577591\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140631460828928\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.6423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3727102976 nr_ops:3639749\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.7231 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.7327 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465322.8652 name:Total nr_bytes:3727102976 nr_ops:3639750\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.8359 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7454205950 nr_ops:7279500\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990465222.8367 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3727102976 nr_ops:3639752\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 211.10us 0.00ns 211.10us 211.10us \nTxn1 1819875 32.42us 0.00ns 1.90ms 26.13us \nTxn2 1 29.73us 0.00ns 29.73us 29.73us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 210.30us 0.00ns 210.30us 210.30us \nwrite 1819875 3.26us 0.00ns 73.61us 2.41us \nread 1819874 29.08us 0.00ns 1.90ms 1.26us \ndisconnect 1 29.42us 0.00ns 29.42us 29.42us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 799.44b/s \nnet1 29658 29658 258.61Mb/s 258.61Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.109 61.36s 3.47GB 485.91Mb/s 3639751 0.00\nmaster 61.36s 3.47GB 485.91Mb/s 3639752 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.412927, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990404961.3872 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990405962.5105 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990405962.5605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990406962.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62952448 nr_ops:61477
+timestamp_ms:1652990407963.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125634560 nr_ops:122690
+timestamp_ms:1652990408965.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188513280 nr_ops:184095
+timestamp_ms:1652990409965.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250739712 nr_ops:244863
+timestamp_ms:1652990410966.9927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312931328 nr_ops:305597
+timestamp_ms:1652990411968.0906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375245824 nr_ops:366451
+timestamp_ms:1652990412969.1875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438812672 nr_ops:428528
+timestamp_ms:1652990413970.2881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501091328 nr_ops:489347
+timestamp_ms:1652990414971.3853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565318656 nr_ops:552069
+timestamp_ms:1652990415972.4968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628438016 nr_ops:613709
+timestamp_ms:1652990416973.6052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:691655680 nr_ops:675445
+timestamp_ms:1652990417974.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:752850944 nr_ops:735206
+timestamp_ms:1652990418975.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815642624 nr_ops:796526
+timestamp_ms:1652990419976.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878676992 nr_ops:858083
+timestamp_ms:1652990420977.9507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942076928 nr_ops:919997
+timestamp_ms:1652990421979.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005601792 nr_ops:982033
+timestamp_ms:1652990422979.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068393472 nr_ops:1043353
+timestamp_ms:1652990423980.8750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131629568 nr_ops:1105107
+timestamp_ms:1652990424981.9163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195015168 nr_ops:1167007
+timestamp_ms:1652990425983.0110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1257669632 nr_ops:1228193
+timestamp_ms:1652990426984.1047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319899136 nr_ops:1288964
+timestamp_ms:1652990427985.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1383099392 nr_ops:1350683
+timestamp_ms:1652990428986.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1447358464 nr_ops:1413436
+timestamp_ms:1652990429987.4819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1511379968 nr_ops:1475957
+timestamp_ms:1652990430988.5713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1574347776 nr_ops:1537449
+timestamp_ms:1652990431988.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1636836352 nr_ops:1598473
+timestamp_ms:1652990432989.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1699040256 nr_ops:1659219
+timestamp_ms:1652990433991.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763326976 nr_ops:1721999
+timestamp_ms:1652990434992.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1826999296 nr_ops:1784179
+timestamp_ms:1652990435993.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1890268160 nr_ops:1845965
+timestamp_ms:1652990436994.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1952699392 nr_ops:1906933
+timestamp_ms:1652990437995.4185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2016109568 nr_ops:1968857
+timestamp_ms:1652990438996.5095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2080347136 nr_ops:2031589
+timestamp_ms:1652990439997.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2143267840 nr_ops:2093035
+timestamp_ms:1652990440998.6885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205946880 nr_ops:2154245
+timestamp_ms:1652990441999.7959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2268632064 nr_ops:2215461
+timestamp_ms:1652990442999.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2332410880 nr_ops:2277745
+timestamp_ms:1652990444000.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2397058048 nr_ops:2340877
+timestamp_ms:1652990445002.0271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2460787712 nr_ops:2403113
+timestamp_ms:1652990446003.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2523446272 nr_ops:2464303
+timestamp_ms:1652990447004.1711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2585990144 nr_ops:2525381
+timestamp_ms:1652990448005.2822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648808448 nr_ops:2586727
+timestamp_ms:1652990449006.3845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2711966720 nr_ops:2648405
+timestamp_ms:1652990450007.4805 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2777351168 nr_ops:2712257
+timestamp_ms:1652990451008.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2840542208 nr_ops:2773967
+timestamp_ms:1652990452008.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2903446528 nr_ops:2835397
+timestamp_ms:1652990453009.9424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2967231488 nr_ops:2897687
+timestamp_ms:1652990454011.0388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3031285760 nr_ops:2960240
+timestamp_ms:1652990455012.1335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3094871040 nr_ops:3022335
+timestamp_ms:1652990456013.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3157322752 nr_ops:3083323
+timestamp_ms:1652990457013.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3220776960 nr_ops:3145290
+timestamp_ms:1652990458014.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3285130240 nr_ops:3208135
+timestamp_ms:1652990459016.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3348530176 nr_ops:3270049
+timestamp_ms:1652990460016.9729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3411072000 nr_ops:3331125
+timestamp_ms:1652990461018.0090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3474086912 nr_ops:3392663
+timestamp_ms:1652990462019.1062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3537028096 nr_ops:3454129
+timestamp_ms:1652990463020.2036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3599356928 nr_ops:3514997
+timestamp_ms:1652990464021.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3663453184 nr_ops:3577591
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140631460828928
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652990465222.6423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3727102976 nr_ops:3639749
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990465222.7231 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990465222.7327 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990465322.8652 name:Total nr_bytes:3727102976 nr_ops:3639750
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990465222.8359 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7454205950 nr_ops:7279500
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990465222.8367 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3727102976 nr_ops:3639752
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 211.10us 0.00ns 211.10us 211.10us
+Txn1 1819875 32.42us 0.00ns 1.90ms 26.13us
+Txn2 1 29.73us 0.00ns 29.73us 29.73us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 210.30us 0.00ns 210.30us 210.30us
+write 1819875 3.26us 0.00ns 73.61us 2.41us
+read 1819874 29.08us 0.00ns 1.90ms 1.26us
+disconnect 1 29.42us 0.00ns 29.42us 29.42us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 799.44b/s
+net1 29658 29658 258.61Mb/s 258.61Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.109 61.36s 3.47GB 485.91Mb/s 3639751 0.00
+master 61.36s 3.47GB 485.91Mb/s 3639752 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:06.962000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:06.962000', 'bytes': 62952448, 'norm_byte': 62952448, 'ops': 61477, 'norm_ops': 61477, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27066591596247, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:06.962000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:06.962000",
+ "bytes": 62952448,
+ "norm_byte": 62952448,
+ "ops": 61477,
+ "norm_ops": 61477,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27066591596247,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1c06350ea1d656aca6c0bb8aac153fc3fc67d028149b89753321880ac4ad48a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:07.963000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:07.963000', 'bytes': 125634560, 'norm_byte': 62682112, 'ops': 122690, 'norm_ops': 61213, 'norm_ltcy': 16.35438273043512, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:07.963000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:07.963000",
+ "bytes": 125634560,
+ "norm_byte": 62682112,
+ "ops": 122690,
+ "norm_ops": 61213,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.35438273043512,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43c5f8edb7fa32264b0fc52331f99bddd2b4d93ae52ac5011594ec6085144d68",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:08.965000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:08.965000', 'bytes': 188513280, 'norm_byte': 62878720, 'ops': 184095, 'norm_ops': 61405, 'norm_ltcy': 16.303099045273186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:08.965000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:08.965000",
+ "bytes": 188513280,
+ "norm_byte": 62878720,
+ "ops": 184095,
+ "norm_ops": 61405,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.303099045273186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ff1610acd048f816c96006001fa9058e2a61c1d337c9187e86a9fc69c8714b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:09.965000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:09.965000', 'bytes': 250739712, 'norm_byte': 62226432, 'ops': 244863, 'norm_ops': 60768, 'norm_ltcy': 16.469331714214306, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:09.965000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:09.965000",
+ "bytes": 250739712,
+ "norm_byte": 62226432,
+ "ops": 244863,
+ "norm_ops": 60768,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.469331714214306,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48cbe95cd8375b782ca46cdf9ec44093ca8bff013646ccc90638184ea14b193c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:10.966000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:10.966000', 'bytes': 312931328, 'norm_byte': 62191616, 'ops': 305597, 'norm_ops': 60734, 'norm_ltcy': 16.48433206816816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:10.966000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:10.966000",
+ "bytes": 312931328,
+ "norm_byte": 62191616,
+ "ops": 305597,
+ "norm_ops": 60734,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.48433206816816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40238425ccc173b931dce74d1b90a92a4eb8f9d167b49a236010bae4ff65fda6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:11.968000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:11.968000', 'bytes': 375245824, 'norm_byte': 62314496, 'ops': 366451, 'norm_ops': 60854, 'norm_ltcy': 16.45081507198582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:11.968000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:11.968000",
+ "bytes": 375245824,
+ "norm_byte": 62314496,
+ "ops": 366451,
+ "norm_ops": 60854,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.45081507198582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25304992470b8fea4ef6ff82ce08186c58868e901aeb0198fbd85de0579587e2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:12.969000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:12.969000', 'bytes': 438812672, 'norm_byte': 63566848, 'ops': 428528, 'norm_ops': 62077, 'norm_ltcy': 16.126696261548158, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:12.969000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:12.969000",
+ "bytes": 438812672,
+ "norm_byte": 63566848,
+ "ops": 428528,
+ "norm_ops": 62077,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.126696261548158,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ecf5a4242956544728c3c1718ff462e2032efe4aa427625227ea23d2262db4eb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:13.970000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:13.970000', 'bytes': 501091328, 'norm_byte': 62278656, 'ops': 489347, 'norm_ops': 60819, 'norm_ltcy': 16.46032631147339, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:13.970000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:13.970000",
+ "bytes": 501091328,
+ "norm_byte": 62278656,
+ "ops": 489347,
+ "norm_ops": 60819,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.46032631147339,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6af338dd1499ad0c28d8cd30402e21c86b624a2f0ff4cebd05e95f2a5619de8b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:14.971000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:14.971000', 'bytes': 565318656, 'norm_byte': 64227328, 'ops': 552069, 'norm_ops': 62722, 'norm_ltcy': 15.96086170671774, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:14.971000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:14.971000",
+ "bytes": 565318656,
+ "norm_byte": 64227328,
+ "ops": 552069,
+ "norm_ops": 62722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.96086170671774,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "085122e4ed42e2671e201f76e9cd04326a85a145771f0d2155a6f8023aa53161",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:15.972000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:15.972000', 'bytes': 628438016, 'norm_byte': 63119360, 'ops': 613709, 'norm_ops': 61640, 'norm_ltcy': 16.24126496212889, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:15.972000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:15.972000",
+ "bytes": 628438016,
+ "norm_byte": 63119360,
+ "ops": 613709,
+ "norm_ops": 61640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.24126496212889,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c2000ace5a7ee907046286659004074c95d91b2aa73a624b3fee9e1f01be65e6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:16.973000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:16.973000', 'bytes': 691655680, 'norm_byte': 63217664, 'ops': 675445, 'norm_ops': 61736, 'norm_ltcy': 16.215958248631267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:16.973000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:16.973000",
+ "bytes": 691655680,
+ "norm_byte": 63217664,
+ "ops": 675445,
+ "norm_ops": 61736,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.215958248631267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "951a11cc1f45831ada8a048112f2063001bf7830a85088f7ac89f85844de8eb1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:17.974000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:17.974000', 'bytes': 752850944, 'norm_byte': 61195264, 'ops': 735206, 'norm_ops': 59761, 'norm_ltcy': 16.75189276085156, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:17.974000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:17.974000",
+ "bytes": 752850944,
+ "norm_byte": 61195264,
+ "ops": 735206,
+ "norm_ops": 59761,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.75189276085156,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f4b2105cf938ad9a3f89bcd5a6aaba9a21fc985e6dba9abc8c7b14ca36000ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:18.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:18.975000', 'bytes': 815642624, 'norm_byte': 62791680, 'ops': 796526, 'norm_ops': 61320, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32609606877854, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:18.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:18.975000",
+ "bytes": 815642624,
+ "norm_byte": 62791680,
+ "ops": 796526,
+ "norm_ops": 61320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32609606877854,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f868652e63a7c8a40226badc00a38d3b422cdeb574bfdf3e4d3cd24b7a97bf65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:19.976000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:19.976000', 'bytes': 878676992, 'norm_byte': 63034368, 'ops': 858083, 'norm_ops': 61557, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26151784372614, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:19.976000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:19.976000",
+ "bytes": 878676992,
+ "norm_byte": 63034368,
+ "ops": 858083,
+ "norm_ops": 61557,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26151784372614,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca3ca8eb4991594b634b9754925907f6526cc409ffa8cca2c3b0485b29ed6f6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:20.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:20.977000', 'bytes': 942076928, 'norm_byte': 63399936, 'ops': 919997, 'norm_ops': 61914, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16934991858667, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:20.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:20.977000",
+ "bytes": 942076928,
+ "norm_byte": 63399936,
+ "ops": 919997,
+ "norm_ops": 61914,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16934991858667,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b7ef806e4e1db98abb334a6828041db579059ac90fcdacfba33243817740254",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:21.979000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:21.979000', 'bytes': 1005601792, 'norm_byte': 63524864, 'ops': 982033, 'norm_ops': 62036, 'norm_ltcy': 16.137590629080293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:21.979000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:21.979000",
+ "bytes": 1005601792,
+ "norm_byte": 63524864,
+ "ops": 982033,
+ "norm_ops": 62036,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.137590629080293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "519ab95c409d28a57765ff159aae9a582c74bcd55f9907a475a33907328b145c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:22.979000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:22.979000', 'bytes': 1068393472, 'norm_byte': 62791680, 'ops': 1043353, 'norm_ops': 61320, 'norm_ltcy': 16.320458379199284, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:22.979000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:22.979000",
+ "bytes": 1068393472,
+ "norm_byte": 62791680,
+ "ops": 1043353,
+ "norm_ops": 61320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.320458379199284,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "baea320919021099a91679f34cfee345006f1c85968e264b11deaba91e65571d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:23.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:23.980000', 'bytes': 1131629568, 'norm_byte': 63236096, 'ops': 1105107, 'norm_ops': 61754, 'norm_ltcy': 16.210160254042247, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:23.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:23.980000",
+ "bytes": 1131629568,
+ "norm_byte": 63236096,
+ "ops": 1105107,
+ "norm_ops": 61754,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.210160254042247,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e8a8a0c149fd62dc0226fb19b2818517fe911a5e22353a9460a81b8d41bc5ffe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:24.981000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:24.981000', 'bytes': 1195015168, 'norm_byte': 63385600, 'ops': 1167007, 'norm_ops': 61900, 'norm_ltcy': 16.171910497021404, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:24.981000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:24.981000",
+ "bytes": 1195015168,
+ "norm_byte": 63385600,
+ "ops": 1167007,
+ "norm_ops": 61900,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.171910497021404,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01fe90c4e8408bf30f2d06ec5271bed6eca93510dd63486ce929589acd005501",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:25.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:25.983000', 'bytes': 1257669632, 'norm_byte': 62654464, 'ops': 1228193, 'norm_ops': 61186, 'norm_ltcy': 16.361499796726374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:25.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:25.983000",
+ "bytes": 1257669632,
+ "norm_byte": 62654464,
+ "ops": 1228193,
+ "norm_ops": 61186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.361499796726374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ded9902b26d5e6c8da6f6fd21ac91bb9b1ac2229a914ace740b81de173ae3ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:26.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:26.984000', 'bytes': 1319899136, 'norm_byte': 62229504, 'ops': 1288964, 'norm_ops': 60771, 'norm_ltcy': 16.473215020322193, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:26.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:26.984000",
+ "bytes": 1319899136,
+ "norm_byte": 62229504,
+ "ops": 1288964,
+ "norm_ops": 60771,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.473215020322193,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7c07e628d5451c6c1ab5454799fd14145f1a9fdf8034224f23c3750b585aa1f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:27.985000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:27.985000', 'bytes': 1383099392, 'norm_byte': 63200256, 'ops': 1350683, 'norm_ops': 61719, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22049204990562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:27.985000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:27.985000",
+ "bytes": 1383099392,
+ "norm_byte": 63200256,
+ "ops": 1350683,
+ "norm_ops": 61719,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22049204990562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6ddecb851e81c221cceddb2428fc88e2ca39143ff48616257220e301850bf8d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:28.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:28.986000', 'bytes': 1447358464, 'norm_byte': 64259072, 'ops': 1413436, 'norm_ops': 62753, 'norm_ltcy': 15.9528681024214, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:28.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:28.986000",
+ "bytes": 1447358464,
+ "norm_byte": 64259072,
+ "ops": 1413436,
+ "norm_ops": 62753,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.9528681024214,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95adde1ed6372796eb9499aabe3f89d51a609a7bb5115b3ecd6af5b4e59b61bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:29.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:29.987000', 'bytes': 1511379968, 'norm_byte': 64021504, 'ops': 1475957, 'norm_ops': 62521, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01340855722477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:29.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:29.987000",
+ "bytes": 1511379968,
+ "norm_byte": 64021504,
+ "ops": 1475957,
+ "norm_ops": 62521,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01340855722477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5091b5786e5deaec859badd0528bc408026dcf5d1acadc6e38a4dfb85f9b6950",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:30.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:30.988000', 'bytes': 1574347776, 'norm_byte': 62967808, 'ops': 1537449, 'norm_ops': 61492, 'norm_ltcy': 16.279993421400345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:30.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:30.988000",
+ "bytes": 1574347776,
+ "norm_byte": 62967808,
+ "ops": 1537449,
+ "norm_ops": 61492,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.279993421400345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0cc5cb45cd0a06b82b4e324a4c2c3d74d97b14bc731d7b5c67992c8911dbff80",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:31.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:31.988000', 'bytes': 1636836352, 'norm_byte': 62488576, 'ops': 1598473, 'norm_ops': 61024, 'norm_ltcy': 16.391372080554373, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:31.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:31.988000",
+ "bytes": 1636836352,
+ "norm_byte": 62488576,
+ "ops": 1598473,
+ "norm_ops": 61024,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.391372080554373,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "173269492e3abf8f0ded9490622f258728b47459fa80d77094fcb60de0e92b40",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:32.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:32.989000', 'bytes': 1699040256, 'norm_byte': 62203904, 'ops': 1659219, 'norm_ops': 60746, 'norm_ltcy': 16.480123176834688, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:32.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:32.989000",
+ "bytes": 1699040256,
+ "norm_byte": 62203904,
+ "ops": 1659219,
+ "norm_ops": 60746,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.480123176834688,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab31a2d8969f4a8219488e2222f5e154398991180ba18900730a1535dff4d4be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:33.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:33.991000', 'bytes': 1763326976, 'norm_byte': 64286720, 'ops': 1721999, 'norm_ops': 62780, 'norm_ltcy': 15.946011089070963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:33.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:33.991000",
+ "bytes": 1763326976,
+ "norm_byte": 64286720,
+ "ops": 1721999,
+ "norm_ops": 62780,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.946011089070963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cef2b90e0778c0da2d5de242a6989dc2c8e629524eaf233d1cb7bc660ab44e88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:34.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:34.992000', 'bytes': 1826999296, 'norm_byte': 63672320, 'ops': 1784179, 'norm_ops': 62180, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0999395027541, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:34.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:34.992000",
+ "bytes": 1826999296,
+ "norm_byte": 63672320,
+ "ops": 1784179,
+ "norm_ops": 62180,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0999395027541,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5fb606b2f86f14c7cc7b9a1de176cbeff80441230179e212cc8b125e17bc2dd8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:35.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:35.993000', 'bytes': 1890268160, 'norm_byte': 63268864, 'ops': 1845965, 'norm_ops': 61786, 'norm_ltcy': 16.202574776749586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:35.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:35.993000",
+ "bytes": 1890268160,
+ "norm_byte": 63268864,
+ "ops": 1845965,
+ "norm_ops": 61786,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.202574776749586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "abaf499b06f95a4f29ed6c7c1b1866c19963e591bd3129e0bd8de325a95ba51b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:36.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:36.994000', 'bytes': 1952699392, 'norm_byte': 62431232, 'ops': 1906933, 'norm_ops': 60968, 'norm_ltcy': 16.420251005137942, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:36.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:36.994000",
+ "bytes": 1952699392,
+ "norm_byte": 62431232,
+ "ops": 1906933,
+ "norm_ops": 60968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.420251005137942,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a2d2ee6dc7f6e392d03d9064964861f3d57286abb1f1a3662fb172b92b8eb02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:37.995000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:37.995000', 'bytes': 2016109568, 'norm_byte': 63410176, 'ops': 1968857, 'norm_ops': 61924, 'norm_ltcy': 16.166454892034995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:37.995000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:37.995000",
+ "bytes": 2016109568,
+ "norm_byte": 63410176,
+ "ops": 1968857,
+ "norm_ops": 61924,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.166454892034995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b7838d0030b1ccc8e411d07df9432a7a6c6a665a0d7aab6a748af83a51c1e4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:38.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:38.996000', 'bytes': 2080347136, 'norm_byte': 64237568, 'ops': 2031589, 'norm_ops': 62732, 'norm_ltcy': 15.958220118171347, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:38.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:38.996000",
+ "bytes": 2080347136,
+ "norm_byte": 64237568,
+ "ops": 2031589,
+ "norm_ops": 62732,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.958220118171347,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "790b0aac8be657faf7852000cece3bbdab9fdc3770e31870d5b03ed463a5d311",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:39.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:39.997000', 'bytes': 2143267840, 'norm_byte': 62920704, 'ops': 2093035, 'norm_ops': 61446, 'norm_ltcy': 16.292316119031344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:39.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:39.997000",
+ "bytes": 2143267840,
+ "norm_byte": 62920704,
+ "ops": 2093035,
+ "norm_ops": 61446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.292316119031344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "070dd6986acf716f40344ae0cc717083da79431f44f6632f07e7670b48f02e7a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:40.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:40.998000', 'bytes': 2205946880, 'norm_byte': 62679040, 'ops': 2154245, 'norm_ops': 61210, 'norm_ltcy': 16.35486519895646, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:40.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:40.998000",
+ "bytes": 2205946880,
+ "norm_byte": 62679040,
+ "ops": 2154245,
+ "norm_ops": 61210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.35486519895646,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db922f98e679f2c5157c64667158fec213c749ff4fa16580c2187f759282b065",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:41.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:41.999000', 'bytes': 2268632064, 'norm_byte': 62685184, 'ops': 2215461, 'norm_ops': 61216, 'norm_ltcy': 16.35368893549072, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:41.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:41.999000",
+ "bytes": 2268632064,
+ "norm_byte": 62685184,
+ "ops": 2215461,
+ "norm_ops": 61216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.35368893549072,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03f8e6ab0523224484ada4ba3534d5a2fff5e9fcbcf06abb905aef5657358f19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:42.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:42.999000', 'bytes': 2332410880, 'norm_byte': 63778816, 'ops': 2277745, 'norm_ops': 62284, 'norm_ltcy': 16.05606005605372, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:42.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:42.999000",
+ "bytes": 2332410880,
+ "norm_byte": 63778816,
+ "ops": 2277745,
+ "norm_ops": 62284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.05606005605372,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30912898ab8ae7273480f053e4a42d8c50a8a67cee314d0ea7fa6ec7dc1f37cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:44', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:44', 'bytes': 2397058048, 'norm_byte': 64647168, 'ops': 2340877, 'norm_ops': 63132, 'norm_ltcy': 15.857175677053633, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:44",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:44",
+ "bytes": 2397058048,
+ "norm_byte": 64647168,
+ "ops": 2340877,
+ "norm_ops": 63132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.857175677053633,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4862a342d77f321f5c10be7525d3453f8b7f1a285d5895e37aee920fe1f6fc39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:45.002000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:45.002000', 'bytes': 2460787712, 'norm_byte': 63729664, 'ops': 2403113, 'norm_ops': 62236, 'norm_ltcy': 16.085550835479065, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:45.002000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:45.002000",
+ "bytes": 2460787712,
+ "norm_byte": 63729664,
+ "ops": 2403113,
+ "norm_ops": 62236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.085550835479065,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a9969912f39e6e3587b736a605a6f4022398c1ed0d0cc10914ebad56c942597",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:46.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:46.003000', 'bytes': 2523446272, 'norm_byte': 62658560, 'ops': 2464303, 'norm_ops': 61190, 'norm_ltcy': 16.359672166101486, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:46.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:46.003000",
+ "bytes": 2523446272,
+ "norm_byte": 62658560,
+ "ops": 2464303,
+ "norm_ops": 61190,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.359672166101486,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b5ff41cad01d2af7d5c896dc40da60380b8cfc86e80843c0137e53748de07eb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:47.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:47.004000', 'bytes': 2585990144, 'norm_byte': 62543872, 'ops': 2525381, 'norm_ops': 61078, 'norm_ltcy': 16.390446693162843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:47.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:47.004000",
+ "bytes": 2585990144,
+ "norm_byte": 62543872,
+ "ops": 2525381,
+ "norm_ops": 61078,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.390446693162843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de55ddf0f4553946e0852c483f6604e3011c0c2b51aeda9dc46fab8d983a68b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:48.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:48.005000', 'bytes': 2648808448, 'norm_byte': 62818304, 'ops': 2586727, 'norm_ops': 61346, 'norm_ltcy': 16.31909307834863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:48.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:48.005000",
+ "bytes": 2648808448,
+ "norm_byte": 62818304,
+ "ops": 2586727,
+ "norm_ops": 61346,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.31909307834863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ffd877c5bd0dbab377799b1b36db3699dae2167c2c3e0ea9304c7892b81ac179",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:49.006000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:49.006000', 'bytes': 2711966720, 'norm_byte': 63158272, 'ops': 2648405, 'norm_ops': 61678, 'norm_ltcy': 16.23110825451336, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:49.006000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:49.006000",
+ "bytes": 2711966720,
+ "norm_byte": 63158272,
+ "ops": 2648405,
+ "norm_ops": 61678,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.23110825451336,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a55c36182de59e1307dfb4ea834817be0e4be27104bd0b01e9350ca3f4e0f2f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:50.007000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:50.007000', 'bytes': 2777351168, 'norm_byte': 65384448, 'ops': 2712257, 'norm_ops': 63852, 'norm_ltcy': 15.678380430771549, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:50.007000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:50.007000",
+ "bytes": 2777351168,
+ "norm_byte": 65384448,
+ "ops": 2712257,
+ "norm_ops": 63852,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.678380430771549,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "756a3b2132886cdd6e25321eac244def34eeef770874650c945e6d043873d469",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:51.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:51.008000', 'bytes': 2840542208, 'norm_byte': 63191040, 'ops': 2773967, 'norm_ops': 61710, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22276275244085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:51.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:51.008000",
+ "bytes": 2840542208,
+ "norm_byte": 63191040,
+ "ops": 2773967,
+ "norm_ops": 61710,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22276275244085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83af72d944108edcfadd3d11d7ac07ae2702647cea090529eb6843ea54177495",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:52.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:52.008000', 'bytes': 2903446528, 'norm_byte': 62904320, 'ops': 2835397, 'norm_ops': 61430, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28288804330132, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:52.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:52.008000",
+ "bytes": 2903446528,
+ "norm_byte": 62904320,
+ "ops": 2835397,
+ "norm_ops": 61430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28288804330132,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "119db1d72c79d399b03a12d0c39c340041e559f615027858fbb2895932f43fbe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:53.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:53.009000', 'bytes': 2967231488, 'norm_byte': 63784960, 'ops': 2897687, 'norm_ops': 62290, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07155903209785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:53.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:53.009000",
+ "bytes": 2967231488,
+ "norm_byte": 63784960,
+ "ops": 2897687,
+ "norm_ops": 62290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07155903209785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c82b88fac85026c98d0318620c2a04867a5c0dfbec1772162d03d73e8d9e0ca8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:54.011000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:54.011000', 'bytes': 3031285760, 'norm_byte': 64054272, 'ops': 2960240, 'norm_ops': 62553, 'norm_ltcy': 16.003971600832493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:54.011000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:54.011000",
+ "bytes": 3031285760,
+ "norm_byte": 64054272,
+ "ops": 2960240,
+ "norm_ops": 62553,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.003971600832493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed058ba8860fca73809b8364cc0e25ca7eb709a02901d299aee141f5c2e19032",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:55.012000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:55.012000', 'bytes': 3094871040, 'norm_byte': 63585280, 'ops': 3022335, 'norm_ops': 62095, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12198609489492, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:55.012000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:55.012000",
+ "bytes": 3094871040,
+ "norm_byte": 63585280,
+ "ops": 3022335,
+ "norm_ops": 62095,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12198609489492,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e521990240a42c39afe17a5a329612bc52ed0933b325119f82f20197b2470ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:56.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:56.013000', 'bytes': 3157322752, 'norm_byte': 62451712, 'ops': 3083323, 'norm_ops': 60988, 'norm_ltcy': 16.414638080698253, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:56.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:56.013000",
+ "bytes": 3157322752,
+ "norm_byte": 62451712,
+ "ops": 3083323,
+ "norm_ops": 60988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.414638080698253,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "672c7f0f38e678cc0e5b0a0739c95e9d46b6db2d817e56e89255eaa6c64daf6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:57.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:57.013000', 'bytes': 3220776960, 'norm_byte': 63454208, 'ops': 3145290, 'norm_ops': 61967, 'norm_ltcy': 16.147451560659302, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:57.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:57.013000",
+ "bytes": 3220776960,
+ "norm_byte": 63454208,
+ "ops": 3145290,
+ "norm_ops": 61967,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.147451560659302,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "683a7319038d591f9ca5536ec899031973b5dd882b138a09e5c48d19f7fa961c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:58.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:58.014000', 'bytes': 3285130240, 'norm_byte': 64353280, 'ops': 3208135, 'norm_ops': 62845, 'norm_ltcy': 15.929564895526692, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:58.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:58.014000",
+ "bytes": 3285130240,
+ "norm_byte": 64353280,
+ "ops": 3208135,
+ "norm_ops": 62845,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.929564895526692,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4abeb8e5514984933602eec6a9f0a8985f6462a0633a1fe3a00bfced482d1c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:00:59.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:00:59.016000', 'bytes': 3348530176, 'norm_byte': 63399936, 'ops': 3270049, 'norm_ops': 61914, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16908177951473, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:00:59.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:00:59.016000",
+ "bytes": 3348530176,
+ "norm_byte": 63399936,
+ "ops": 3270049,
+ "norm_ops": 61914,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16908177951473,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aee0523bb7a5bd8895c2c36bb1352c3c05fef8ff4e95acc1da77beaea8c7666e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:01:00.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:01:00.016000', 'bytes': 3411072000, 'norm_byte': 62541824, 'ops': 3331125, 'norm_ops': 61076, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38856903182101, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:01:00.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:01:00.016000",
+ "bytes": 3411072000,
+ "norm_byte": 62541824,
+ "ops": 3331125,
+ "norm_ops": 61076,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38856903182101,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8fb670ef2478a2eb84e93da0bf2a6164fef0f7880f7c6f07965766d82fd00c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:01:01.018000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:01:01.018000', 'bytes': 3474086912, 'norm_byte': 63014912, 'ops': 3392663, 'norm_ops': 61538, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26695916039683, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:01:01.018000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:01:01.018000",
+ "bytes": 3474086912,
+ "norm_byte": 63014912,
+ "ops": 3392663,
+ "norm_ops": 61538,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26695916039683,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28db40458ccb95324ba0789df9eb74fd043defc031948c97ce5189e8cbe0dd41",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:01:02.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:01:02.019000', 'bytes': 3537028096, 'norm_byte': 62941184, 'ops': 3454129, 'norm_ops': 61466, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28700693015244, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:01:02.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:01:02.019000",
+ "bytes": 3537028096,
+ "norm_byte": 62941184,
+ "ops": 3454129,
+ "norm_ops": 61466,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28700693015244,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2536e5814ee1a54fa191f899dbfca37afe7acdbb3ba8519787c51324507859be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:01:03.020000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:01:03.020000', 'bytes': 3599356928, 'norm_byte': 62328832, 'ops': 3514997, 'norm_ops': 60868, 'norm_ltcy': 16.447023265252266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:01:03.020000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:01:03.020000",
+ "bytes": 3599356928,
+ "norm_byte": 62328832,
+ "ops": 3514997,
+ "norm_ops": 60868,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.447023265252266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b4eec6952c4359d8a76aa1511fd24cabb3879e03b409b8ec3daa3d0847eb202",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:01:04.021000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:01:04.021000', 'bytes': 3663453184, 'norm_byte': 64096256, 'ops': 3577591, 'norm_ops': 62594, 'norm_ltcy': 15.99434294570965, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:01:04.021000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:01:04.021000",
+ "bytes": 3663453184,
+ "norm_byte": 64096256,
+ "ops": 3577591,
+ "norm_ops": 62594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.99434294570965,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d12c66402d1fecbf18626911e7cbad826a49a672849e0db209e7029aca6bba4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:01:05.222000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:01:05.222000', 'bytes': 3727102976, 'norm_byte': 63649792, 'ops': 3639749, 'norm_ops': 62158, 'norm_ltcy': 19.326375017847663, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:01:05.222000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:01:05.222000",
+ "bytes": 3727102976,
+ "norm_byte": 63649792,
+ "ops": 3639749,
+ "norm_ops": 62158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.326375017847663,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "902de826-5eb8-5aa6-af33-af34509d3416",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "717d808bb1c0062897883b9f60090405d4cf583abd4c31ed46f65c7a4c5ed931",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63171236.881355934
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61690.661016949154
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.480544065968036
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:01:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-014-220519195721/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-014-220519195721/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c107f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-014-220519195721/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-014-220519195721/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-014-220519195721/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-014-220519195721/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-014-220519195721/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-014-220519195721/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43d310f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-014-220519195721/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=35
+ vm.swappiness=45
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=40
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-015-220519195922/220519195922-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-015-220519195922/220519195922-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ec9699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-015-220519195922/220519195922-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:02:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990525965.4651 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990526966.5823 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990526966.6682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990527967.7659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:55168000 nr_ops:53875\ntimestamp_ms:1652990528968.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:112948224 nr_ops:110301\ntimestamp_ms:1652990529969.9897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:162835456 nr_ops:159019\ntimestamp_ms:1652990530971.0837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225725440 nr_ops:220435\ntimestamp_ms:1652990531972.1736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:287810560 nr_ops:281065\ntimestamp_ms:1652990532973.2629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:336628736 nr_ops:328739\ntimestamp_ms:1652990533974.3567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:399909888 nr_ops:390537\ntimestamp_ms:1652990534975.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462855168 nr_ops:452007\ntimestamp_ms:1652990535976.5112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:515959808 nr_ops:503867\ntimestamp_ms:1652990536977.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:579376128 nr_ops:565797\ntimestamp_ms:1652990537977.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639601664 nr_ops:624611\ntimestamp_ms:1652990538978.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:686924800 nr_ops:670825\ntimestamp_ms:1652990539979.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749704192 nr_ops:732133\ntimestamp_ms:1652990540980.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812493824 nr_ops:793451\ntimestamp_ms:1652990541982.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:875072512 nr_ops:854563\ntimestamp_ms:1652990542983.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:937649152 nr_ops:915673\ntimestamp_ms:1652990543984.2622 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1000184832 nr_ops:976743\ntimestamp_ms:1652990544985.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062769664 nr_ops:1037861\ntimestamp_ms:1652990545986.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125553152 nr_ops:1099173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990546987.5046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1188192256 nr_ops:1160344\ntimestamp_ms:1652990547988.5959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250089984 nr_ops:1220791\ntimestamp_ms:1652990548988.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1313553408 nr_ops:1282767\ntimestamp_ms:1652990549989.9558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1362881536 nr_ops:1330939\ntimestamp_ms:1652990550991.0520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1398322176 nr_ops:1365549\ntimestamp_ms:1652990551992.1472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458076672 nr_ops:1423903\ntimestamp_ms:1652990552993.2625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1512989696 nr_ops:1477529\ntimestamp_ms:1652990553994.3533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552487424 nr_ops:1516101\ntimestamp_ms:1652990554995.4551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1609575424 nr_ops:1571851\ntimestamp_ms:1652990555996.5115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1668543488 nr_ops:1629437\ntimestamp_ms:1652990556997.6143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1732455424 nr_ops:1691851\ntimestamp_ms:1652990557998.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1796252672 nr_ops:1754153\ntimestamp_ms:1652990558999.8008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1858850816 nr_ops:1815284\ntimestamp_ms:1652990560000.8884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907727360 nr_ops:1863015\ntimestamp_ms:1652990561001.9885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972736000 nr_ops:1926500\ntimestamp_ms:1652990562003.0847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2035162112 nr_ops:1987463\ntimestamp_ms:1652990563004.1985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084172800 nr_ops:2035325\ntimestamp_ms:1652990564005.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2144840704 nr_ops:2094571\ntimestamp_ms:1652990565006.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2209027072 nr_ops:2157253\ntimestamp_ms:1652990566007.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2271679488 nr_ops:2218437\ntimestamp_ms:1652990567008.6216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2334215168 nr_ops:2279507\ntimestamp_ms:1652990568009.7224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2396789760 nr_ops:2340615\ntimestamp_ms:1652990569010.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2459448320 nr_ops:2401805\ntimestamp_ms:1652990570011.9202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2522106880 nr_ops:2462995\ntimestamp_ms:1652990571012.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2584753152 nr_ops:2524173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990572013.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2647383040 nr_ops:2585335\ntimestamp_ms:1652990573015.0398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2709285888 nr_ops:2645787\ntimestamp_ms:1652990574016.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2776765440 nr_ops:2711685\ntimestamp_ms:1652990575017.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2843905024 nr_ops:2777251\ntimestamp_ms:1652990576018.3506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2908818432 nr_ops:2840643\ntimestamp_ms:1652990577019.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2950628352 nr_ops:2881473\ntimestamp_ms:1652990578020.5725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3015371776 nr_ops:2944699\ntimestamp_ms:1652990579021.6707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3078028288 nr_ops:3005887\ntimestamp_ms:1652990580022.7615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3140602880 nr_ops:3066995\ntimestamp_ms:1652990581023.8582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190305792 nr_ops:3115533\ntimestamp_ms:1652990582024.9575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3257508864 nr_ops:3181161\ntimestamp_ms:1652990583026.0593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3313196032 nr_ops:3235543\ntimestamp_ms:1652990584027.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3361762304 nr_ops:3282971\ntimestamp_ms:1652990585028.2805 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3425037312 nr_ops:3344763\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140156592195328\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.6558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3475127296 nr_ops:3393679\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.7283 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.7322 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586329.9487 name:Total nr_bytes:3475127296 nr_ops:3393680\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.8315 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6950254590 nr_ops:6787360\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.8479 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3475127296 nr_ops:3393682\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 313.86us 0.00ns 313.86us 313.86us \nTxn1 1696840 34.78us 0.00ns 207.48ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 29.37us 0.00ns 29.37us 29.37us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 313.16us 0.00ns 313.16us 313.16us \nwrite 1696840 2.40us 0.00ns 95.44us 2.10us \nread 1696839 32.30us 0.00ns 207.48ms 1.06us \ndisconnect 1 28.97us 0.00ns 28.97us 28.97us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27652 27652 241.12Mb/s 241.12Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.92b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.110 61.37s 3.24GB 453.04Mb/s 3393682 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.24GB 453.04Mb/s 3393682 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.41582, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990525965.4651 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990526966.5823 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990526966.6682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990527967.7659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:55168000 nr_ops:53875\ntimestamp_ms:1652990528968.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:112948224 nr_ops:110301\ntimestamp_ms:1652990529969.9897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:162835456 nr_ops:159019\ntimestamp_ms:1652990530971.0837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225725440 nr_ops:220435\ntimestamp_ms:1652990531972.1736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:287810560 nr_ops:281065\ntimestamp_ms:1652990532973.2629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:336628736 nr_ops:328739\ntimestamp_ms:1652990533974.3567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:399909888 nr_ops:390537\ntimestamp_ms:1652990534975.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462855168 nr_ops:452007\ntimestamp_ms:1652990535976.5112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:515959808 nr_ops:503867\ntimestamp_ms:1652990536977.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:579376128 nr_ops:565797\ntimestamp_ms:1652990537977.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639601664 nr_ops:624611\ntimestamp_ms:1652990538978.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:686924800 nr_ops:670825\ntimestamp_ms:1652990539979.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749704192 nr_ops:732133\ntimestamp_ms:1652990540980.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812493824 nr_ops:793451\ntimestamp_ms:1652990541982.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:875072512 nr_ops:854563\ntimestamp_ms:1652990542983.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:937649152 nr_ops:915673\ntimestamp_ms:1652990543984.2622 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1000184832 nr_ops:976743\ntimestamp_ms:1652990544985.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062769664 nr_ops:1037861\ntimestamp_ms:1652990545986.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125553152 nr_ops:1099173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990546987.5046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1188192256 nr_ops:1160344\ntimestamp_ms:1652990547988.5959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250089984 nr_ops:1220791\ntimestamp_ms:1652990548988.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1313553408 nr_ops:1282767\ntimestamp_ms:1652990549989.9558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1362881536 nr_ops:1330939\ntimestamp_ms:1652990550991.0520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1398322176 nr_ops:1365549\ntimestamp_ms:1652990551992.1472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458076672 nr_ops:1423903\ntimestamp_ms:1652990552993.2625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1512989696 nr_ops:1477529\ntimestamp_ms:1652990553994.3533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552487424 nr_ops:1516101\ntimestamp_ms:1652990554995.4551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1609575424 nr_ops:1571851\ntimestamp_ms:1652990555996.5115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1668543488 nr_ops:1629437\ntimestamp_ms:1652990556997.6143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1732455424 nr_ops:1691851\ntimestamp_ms:1652990557998.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1796252672 nr_ops:1754153\ntimestamp_ms:1652990558999.8008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1858850816 nr_ops:1815284\ntimestamp_ms:1652990560000.8884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907727360 nr_ops:1863015\ntimestamp_ms:1652990561001.9885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972736000 nr_ops:1926500\ntimestamp_ms:1652990562003.0847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2035162112 nr_ops:1987463\ntimestamp_ms:1652990563004.1985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084172800 nr_ops:2035325\ntimestamp_ms:1652990564005.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2144840704 nr_ops:2094571\ntimestamp_ms:1652990565006.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2209027072 nr_ops:2157253\ntimestamp_ms:1652990566007.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2271679488 nr_ops:2218437\ntimestamp_ms:1652990567008.6216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2334215168 nr_ops:2279507\ntimestamp_ms:1652990568009.7224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2396789760 nr_ops:2340615\ntimestamp_ms:1652990569010.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2459448320 nr_ops:2401805\ntimestamp_ms:1652990570011.9202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2522106880 nr_ops:2462995\ntimestamp_ms:1652990571012.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2584753152 nr_ops:2524173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990572013.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2647383040 nr_ops:2585335\ntimestamp_ms:1652990573015.0398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2709285888 nr_ops:2645787\ntimestamp_ms:1652990574016.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2776765440 nr_ops:2711685\ntimestamp_ms:1652990575017.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2843905024 nr_ops:2777251\ntimestamp_ms:1652990576018.3506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2908818432 nr_ops:2840643\ntimestamp_ms:1652990577019.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2950628352 nr_ops:2881473\ntimestamp_ms:1652990578020.5725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3015371776 nr_ops:2944699\ntimestamp_ms:1652990579021.6707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3078028288 nr_ops:3005887\ntimestamp_ms:1652990580022.7615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3140602880 nr_ops:3066995\ntimestamp_ms:1652990581023.8582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190305792 nr_ops:3115533\ntimestamp_ms:1652990582024.9575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3257508864 nr_ops:3181161\ntimestamp_ms:1652990583026.0593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3313196032 nr_ops:3235543\ntimestamp_ms:1652990584027.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3361762304 nr_ops:3282971\ntimestamp_ms:1652990585028.2805 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3425037312 nr_ops:3344763\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140156592195328\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.6558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3475127296 nr_ops:3393679\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.7283 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.7322 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586329.9487 name:Total nr_bytes:3475127296 nr_ops:3393680\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.8315 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6950254590 nr_ops:6787360\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.8479 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3475127296 nr_ops:3393682\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 313.86us 0.00ns 313.86us 313.86us \nTxn1 1696840 34.78us 0.00ns 207.48ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 29.37us 0.00ns 29.37us 29.37us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 313.16us 0.00ns 313.16us 313.16us \nwrite 1696840 2.40us 0.00ns 95.44us 2.10us \nread 1696839 32.30us 0.00ns 207.48ms 1.06us \ndisconnect 1 28.97us 0.00ns 28.97us 28.97us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27652 27652 241.12Mb/s 241.12Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.92b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.110 61.37s 3.24GB 453.04Mb/s 3393682 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.24GB 453.04Mb/s 3393682 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.41582, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990525965.4651 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990526966.5823 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990526966.6682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990527967.7659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:55168000 nr_ops:53875\ntimestamp_ms:1652990528968.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:112948224 nr_ops:110301\ntimestamp_ms:1652990529969.9897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:162835456 nr_ops:159019\ntimestamp_ms:1652990530971.0837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225725440 nr_ops:220435\ntimestamp_ms:1652990531972.1736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:287810560 nr_ops:281065\ntimestamp_ms:1652990532973.2629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:336628736 nr_ops:328739\ntimestamp_ms:1652990533974.3567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:399909888 nr_ops:390537\ntimestamp_ms:1652990534975.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462855168 nr_ops:452007\ntimestamp_ms:1652990535976.5112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:515959808 nr_ops:503867\ntimestamp_ms:1652990536977.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:579376128 nr_ops:565797\ntimestamp_ms:1652990537977.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639601664 nr_ops:624611\ntimestamp_ms:1652990538978.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:686924800 nr_ops:670825\ntimestamp_ms:1652990539979.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749704192 nr_ops:732133\ntimestamp_ms:1652990540980.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812493824 nr_ops:793451\ntimestamp_ms:1652990541982.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:875072512 nr_ops:854563\ntimestamp_ms:1652990542983.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:937649152 nr_ops:915673\ntimestamp_ms:1652990543984.2622 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1000184832 nr_ops:976743\ntimestamp_ms:1652990544985.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062769664 nr_ops:1037861\ntimestamp_ms:1652990545986.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125553152 nr_ops:1099173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990546987.5046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1188192256 nr_ops:1160344\ntimestamp_ms:1652990547988.5959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250089984 nr_ops:1220791\ntimestamp_ms:1652990548988.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1313553408 nr_ops:1282767\ntimestamp_ms:1652990549989.9558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1362881536 nr_ops:1330939\ntimestamp_ms:1652990550991.0520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1398322176 nr_ops:1365549\ntimestamp_ms:1652990551992.1472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458076672 nr_ops:1423903\ntimestamp_ms:1652990552993.2625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1512989696 nr_ops:1477529\ntimestamp_ms:1652990553994.3533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552487424 nr_ops:1516101\ntimestamp_ms:1652990554995.4551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1609575424 nr_ops:1571851\ntimestamp_ms:1652990555996.5115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1668543488 nr_ops:1629437\ntimestamp_ms:1652990556997.6143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1732455424 nr_ops:1691851\ntimestamp_ms:1652990557998.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1796252672 nr_ops:1754153\ntimestamp_ms:1652990558999.8008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1858850816 nr_ops:1815284\ntimestamp_ms:1652990560000.8884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907727360 nr_ops:1863015\ntimestamp_ms:1652990561001.9885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972736000 nr_ops:1926500\ntimestamp_ms:1652990562003.0847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2035162112 nr_ops:1987463\ntimestamp_ms:1652990563004.1985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084172800 nr_ops:2035325\ntimestamp_ms:1652990564005.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2144840704 nr_ops:2094571\ntimestamp_ms:1652990565006.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2209027072 nr_ops:2157253\ntimestamp_ms:1652990566007.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2271679488 nr_ops:2218437\ntimestamp_ms:1652990567008.6216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2334215168 nr_ops:2279507\ntimestamp_ms:1652990568009.7224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2396789760 nr_ops:2340615\ntimestamp_ms:1652990569010.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2459448320 nr_ops:2401805\ntimestamp_ms:1652990570011.9202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2522106880 nr_ops:2462995\ntimestamp_ms:1652990571012.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2584753152 nr_ops:2524173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990572013.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2647383040 nr_ops:2585335\ntimestamp_ms:1652990573015.0398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2709285888 nr_ops:2645787\ntimestamp_ms:1652990574016.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2776765440 nr_ops:2711685\ntimestamp_ms:1652990575017.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2843905024 nr_ops:2777251\ntimestamp_ms:1652990576018.3506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2908818432 nr_ops:2840643\ntimestamp_ms:1652990577019.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2950628352 nr_ops:2881473\ntimestamp_ms:1652990578020.5725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3015371776 nr_ops:2944699\ntimestamp_ms:1652990579021.6707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3078028288 nr_ops:3005887\ntimestamp_ms:1652990580022.7615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3140602880 nr_ops:3066995\ntimestamp_ms:1652990581023.8582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190305792 nr_ops:3115533\ntimestamp_ms:1652990582024.9575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3257508864 nr_ops:3181161\ntimestamp_ms:1652990583026.0593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3313196032 nr_ops:3235543\ntimestamp_ms:1652990584027.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3361762304 nr_ops:3282971\ntimestamp_ms:1652990585028.2805 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3425037312 nr_ops:3344763\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140156592195328\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.6558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3475127296 nr_ops:3393679\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.7283 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.7322 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586329.9487 name:Total nr_bytes:3475127296 nr_ops:3393680\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.8315 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6950254590 nr_ops:6787360\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990586229.8479 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3475127296 nr_ops:3393682\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 313.86us 0.00ns 313.86us 313.86us \nTxn1 1696840 34.78us 0.00ns 207.48ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 29.37us 0.00ns 29.37us 29.37us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 313.16us 0.00ns 313.16us 313.16us \nwrite 1696840 2.40us 0.00ns 95.44us 2.10us \nread 1696839 32.30us 0.00ns 207.48ms 1.06us \ndisconnect 1 28.97us 0.00ns 28.97us 28.97us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27652 27652 241.12Mb/s 241.12Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.92b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.110 61.37s 3.24GB 453.04Mb/s 3393682 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.24GB 453.04Mb/s 3393682 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.41582, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990525965.4651 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990526966.5823 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990526966.6682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990527967.7659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:55168000 nr_ops:53875
+timestamp_ms:1652990528968.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:112948224 nr_ops:110301
+timestamp_ms:1652990529969.9897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:162835456 nr_ops:159019
+timestamp_ms:1652990530971.0837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225725440 nr_ops:220435
+timestamp_ms:1652990531972.1736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:287810560 nr_ops:281065
+timestamp_ms:1652990532973.2629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:336628736 nr_ops:328739
+timestamp_ms:1652990533974.3567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:399909888 nr_ops:390537
+timestamp_ms:1652990534975.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462855168 nr_ops:452007
+timestamp_ms:1652990535976.5112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:515959808 nr_ops:503867
+timestamp_ms:1652990536977.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:579376128 nr_ops:565797
+timestamp_ms:1652990537977.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639601664 nr_ops:624611
+timestamp_ms:1652990538978.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:686924800 nr_ops:670825
+timestamp_ms:1652990539979.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749704192 nr_ops:732133
+timestamp_ms:1652990540980.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812493824 nr_ops:793451
+timestamp_ms:1652990541982.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:875072512 nr_ops:854563
+timestamp_ms:1652990542983.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:937649152 nr_ops:915673
+timestamp_ms:1652990543984.2622 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1000184832 nr_ops:976743
+timestamp_ms:1652990544985.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062769664 nr_ops:1037861
+timestamp_ms:1652990545986.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125553152 nr_ops:1099173
+timestamp_ms:1652990546987.5046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1188192256 nr_ops:1160344
+timestamp_ms:1652990547988.5959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250089984 nr_ops:1220791
+timestamp_ms:1652990548988.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1313553408 nr_ops:1282767
+timestamp_ms:1652990549989.9558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1362881536 nr_ops:1330939
+timestamp_ms:1652990550991.0520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1398322176 nr_ops:1365549
+timestamp_ms:1652990551992.1472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458076672 nr_ops:1423903
+timestamp_ms:1652990552993.2625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1512989696 nr_ops:1477529
+timestamp_ms:1652990553994.3533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552487424 nr_ops:1516101
+timestamp_ms:1652990554995.4551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1609575424 nr_ops:1571851
+timestamp_ms:1652990555996.5115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1668543488 nr_ops:1629437
+timestamp_ms:1652990556997.6143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1732455424 nr_ops:1691851
+timestamp_ms:1652990557998.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1796252672 nr_ops:1754153
+timestamp_ms:1652990558999.8008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1858850816 nr_ops:1815284
+timestamp_ms:1652990560000.8884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907727360 nr_ops:1863015
+timestamp_ms:1652990561001.9885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972736000 nr_ops:1926500
+timestamp_ms:1652990562003.0847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2035162112 nr_ops:1987463
+timestamp_ms:1652990563004.1985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084172800 nr_ops:2035325
+timestamp_ms:1652990564005.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2144840704 nr_ops:2094571
+timestamp_ms:1652990565006.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2209027072 nr_ops:2157253
+timestamp_ms:1652990566007.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2271679488 nr_ops:2218437
+timestamp_ms:1652990567008.6216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2334215168 nr_ops:2279507
+timestamp_ms:1652990568009.7224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2396789760 nr_ops:2340615
+timestamp_ms:1652990569010.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2459448320 nr_ops:2401805
+timestamp_ms:1652990570011.9202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2522106880 nr_ops:2462995
+timestamp_ms:1652990571012.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2584753152 nr_ops:2524173
+timestamp_ms:1652990572013.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2647383040 nr_ops:2585335
+timestamp_ms:1652990573015.0398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2709285888 nr_ops:2645787
+timestamp_ms:1652990574016.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2776765440 nr_ops:2711685
+timestamp_ms:1652990575017.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2843905024 nr_ops:2777251
+timestamp_ms:1652990576018.3506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2908818432 nr_ops:2840643
+timestamp_ms:1652990577019.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2950628352 nr_ops:2881473
+timestamp_ms:1652990578020.5725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3015371776 nr_ops:2944699
+timestamp_ms:1652990579021.6707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3078028288 nr_ops:3005887
+timestamp_ms:1652990580022.7615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3140602880 nr_ops:3066995
+timestamp_ms:1652990581023.8582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190305792 nr_ops:3115533
+timestamp_ms:1652990582024.9575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3257508864 nr_ops:3181161
+timestamp_ms:1652990583026.0593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3313196032 nr_ops:3235543
+timestamp_ms:1652990584027.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3361762304 nr_ops:3282971
+timestamp_ms:1652990585028.2805 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3425037312 nr_ops:3344763
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140156592195328
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652990586229.6558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3475127296 nr_ops:3393679
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990586229.7283 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990586229.7322 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990586329.9487 name:Total nr_bytes:3475127296 nr_ops:3393680
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990586229.8315 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6950254590 nr_ops:6787360
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990586229.8479 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3475127296 nr_ops:3393682
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 313.86us 0.00ns 313.86us 313.86us
+Txn1 1696840 34.78us 0.00ns 207.48ms 18.42us
+Txn2 1 29.37us 0.00ns 29.37us 29.37us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 313.16us 0.00ns 313.16us 313.16us
+write 1696840 2.40us 0.00ns 95.44us 2.10us
+read 1696839 32.30us 0.00ns 207.48ms 1.06us
+disconnect 1 28.97us 0.00ns 28.97us 28.97us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 27652 27652 241.12Mb/s 241.12Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.92b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.110 61.37s 3.24GB 453.04Mb/s 3393682 0.00
+master 61.37s 3.24GB 453.04Mb/s 3393682 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:07.967000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:07.967000', 'bytes': 55168000, 'norm_byte': 55168000, 'ops': 53875, 'norm_ops': 53875, 'norm_ltcy': 18.5818590487239, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:07.967000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:07.967000",
+ "bytes": 55168000,
+ "norm_byte": 55168000,
+ "ops": 53875,
+ "norm_ops": 53875,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.5818590487239,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e85399e42061aafe2b2219526c86b52dce647ecae85b37ced76c1b6cfc3da247",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:08.968000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:08.968000', 'bytes': 112948224, 'norm_byte': 57780224, 'ops': 110301, 'norm_ops': 56426, 'norm_ltcy': 17.74197863961206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:08.968000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:08.968000",
+ "bytes": 112948224,
+ "norm_byte": 57780224,
+ "ops": 110301,
+ "norm_ops": 56426,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.74197863961206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d809bf9ee82960ed55539e412c3d5a5bce2b20e885f91b76f2ce5b91f28cd8bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:09.969000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:09.969000', 'bytes': 162835456, 'norm_byte': 49887232, 'ops': 159019, 'norm_ops': 48718, 'norm_ltcy': 20.549180800410014, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:09.969000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:09.969000",
+ "bytes": 162835456,
+ "norm_byte": 49887232,
+ "ops": 159019,
+ "norm_ops": 48718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.549180800410014,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "676f6be37c9538600335c545c47eba53bdd6e079971dedd0f5344aae165b0dd2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:10.971000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:10.971000', 'bytes': 225725440, 'norm_byte': 62889984, 'ops': 220435, 'norm_ops': 61416, 'norm_ltcy': 16.300214832301435, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:10.971000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:10.971000",
+ "bytes": 225725440,
+ "norm_byte": 62889984,
+ "ops": 220435,
+ "norm_ops": 61416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.300214832301435,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5351be78b5a08375186c8e706492b3b9ee999b30b0897fd8f7c69abd14e94d98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:11.972000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:11.972000', 'bytes': 287810560, 'norm_byte': 62085120, 'ops': 281065, 'norm_ops': 60630, 'norm_ltcy': 16.51146039501897, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:11.972000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:11.972000",
+ "bytes": 287810560,
+ "norm_byte": 62085120,
+ "ops": 281065,
+ "norm_ops": 60630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.51146039501897,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0131e1819b88b959f3e5e87baa3618a534c9a5b657b9383f970fb45ae86aa8cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:12.973000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:12.973000', 'bytes': 336628736, 'norm_byte': 48818176, 'ops': 328739, 'norm_ops': 47674, 'norm_ltcy': 20.998644029633553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:12.973000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:12.973000",
+ "bytes": 336628736,
+ "norm_byte": 48818176,
+ "ops": 328739,
+ "norm_ops": 47674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.998644029633553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e38dedf234de1debe5b966b30f9464d98fcd4586a321c1cca9884f90fe5289e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:13.974000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:13.974000', 'bytes': 399909888, 'norm_byte': 63281152, 'ops': 390537, 'norm_ops': 61798, 'norm_ltcy': 16.199452247645556, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:13.974000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:13.974000",
+ "bytes": 399909888,
+ "norm_byte": 63281152,
+ "ops": 390537,
+ "norm_ops": 61798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.199452247645556,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c81e0db10024dcf212cb21a1ff48434fc4a2204b1085cf97743f05cfeff8cea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:14.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:14.975000', 'bytes': 462855168, 'norm_byte': 62945280, 'ops': 452007, 'norm_ops': 61470, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28597092585814, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:14.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:14.975000",
+ "bytes": 462855168,
+ "norm_byte": 62945280,
+ "ops": 452007,
+ "norm_ops": 61470,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28597092585814,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88f49914499a5529d203a7d7d7f3c3cf178b9e33d50a2d9bc3e0742ee47a6cd1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:15.976000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:15.976000', 'bytes': 515959808, 'norm_byte': 53104640, 'ops': 503867, 'norm_ops': 51860, 'norm_ltcy': 19.303044894005495, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:15.976000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:15.976000",
+ "bytes": 515959808,
+ "norm_byte": 53104640,
+ "ops": 503867,
+ "norm_ops": 51860,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.303044894005495,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "38902a25bf69f3f0ee4e4f4163487299a725eaf8ccdc7239d3587dfecda15007",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:16.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:16.977000', 'bytes': 579376128, 'norm_byte': 63416320, 'ops': 565797, 'norm_ops': 61930, 'norm_ltcy': 16.164151436097207, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:16.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:16.977000",
+ "bytes": 579376128,
+ "norm_byte": 63416320,
+ "ops": 565797,
+ "norm_ops": 61930,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.164151436097207,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef58840f78bc3c16494a9849d4dce64dce5f55d7132a4c26fc55986540e11e9e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:17.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:17.977000', 'bytes': 639601664, 'norm_byte': 60225536, 'ops': 624611, 'norm_ops': 58814, 'norm_ltcy': 17.00765270067501, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:17.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:17.977000",
+ "bytes": 639601664,
+ "norm_byte": 60225536,
+ "ops": 624611,
+ "norm_ops": 58814,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.00765270067501,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2865d9bdd178d23854aa31d60c011430dcb9367187f101ffc8cd0e99d30a368e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:18.978000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:18.978000', 'bytes': 686924800, 'norm_byte': 47323136, 'ops': 670825, 'norm_ops': 46214, 'norm_ltcy': 21.65989696878922, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:18.978000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:18.978000",
+ "bytes": 686924800,
+ "norm_byte": 47323136,
+ "ops": 670825,
+ "norm_ops": 46214,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.65989696878922,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9514dfdaea92b599868616c985bcf7bf1c558bbec6e8975a4a54f3e726e8cc23",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:19.979000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:19.979000', 'bytes': 749704192, 'norm_byte': 62779392, 'ops': 732133, 'norm_ops': 61308, 'norm_ltcy': 16.327491671152217, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:19.979000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:19.979000",
+ "bytes": 749704192,
+ "norm_byte": 62779392,
+ "ops": 732133,
+ "norm_ops": 61308,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.327491671152217,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a544a91ab77ba4e0b30e3dda58499309404b116f9360e17a8432a4dbc4a4826c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:20.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:20.980000', 'bytes': 812493824, 'norm_byte': 62789632, 'ops': 793451, 'norm_ops': 61318, 'norm_ltcy': 16.326214493501094, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:20.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:20.980000",
+ "bytes": 812493824,
+ "norm_byte": 62789632,
+ "ops": 793451,
+ "norm_ops": 61318,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.326214493501094,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bca0b885591d0766447b9107c753604e42fdb7b022c70e013bbace0ff7815601",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:21.982000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:21.982000', 'bytes': 875072512, 'norm_byte': 62578688, 'ops': 854563, 'norm_ops': 61112, 'norm_ltcy': 16.381435641475896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:21.982000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:21.982000",
+ "bytes": 875072512,
+ "norm_byte": 62578688,
+ "ops": 854563,
+ "norm_ops": 61112,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.381435641475896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f775c2450aaddf65a55bc6f8e9298b1484fbe8fe1a74c6956fe85aecf3744fbe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:22.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:22.983000', 'bytes': 937649152, 'norm_byte': 62576640, 'ops': 915673, 'norm_ops': 61110, 'norm_ltcy': 16.382435202657092, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:22.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:22.983000",
+ "bytes": 937649152,
+ "norm_byte": 62576640,
+ "ops": 915673,
+ "norm_ops": 61110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.382435202657092,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0aa508f7fdc88fa1a04897f3889570e854d504b9f0df99e4b208070388999e18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:23.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:23.984000', 'bytes': 1000184832, 'norm_byte': 62535680, 'ops': 976743, 'norm_ops': 61070, 'norm_ltcy': 16.392613784642624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:23.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:23.984000",
+ "bytes": 1000184832,
+ "norm_byte": 62535680,
+ "ops": 976743,
+ "norm_ops": 61070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.392613784642624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16880beec94f80e4616c44dab9d129898c8f96a3c4e73468568197ce45b6df74",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:24.985000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:24.985000', 'bytes': 1062769664, 'norm_byte': 62584832, 'ops': 1037861, 'norm_ops': 61118, 'norm_ltcy': 16.379807490735136, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:24.985000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:24.985000",
+ "bytes": 1062769664,
+ "norm_byte": 62584832,
+ "ops": 1037861,
+ "norm_ops": 61118,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.379807490735136,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "252a0b8ad25be23b21c35571ad05f287e9334f84d3999ef5fc39e23ca08d3925",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:25.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:25.986000', 'bytes': 1125553152, 'norm_byte': 62783488, 'ops': 1099173, 'norm_ops': 61312, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32786394409944, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:25.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:25.986000",
+ "bytes": 1125553152,
+ "norm_byte": 62783488,
+ "ops": 1099173,
+ "norm_ops": 61312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32786394409944,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ce0b12344959b4764939afa103bb28e1426959a5c0e9254a076ce38a8440cb9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:26.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:26.987000', 'bytes': 1188192256, 'norm_byte': 62639104, 'ops': 1160344, 'norm_ops': 61171, 'norm_ltcy': 16.364737592670544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:26.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:26.987000",
+ "bytes": 1188192256,
+ "norm_byte": 62639104,
+ "ops": 1160344,
+ "norm_ops": 61171,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.364737592670544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d3a483106c6d9d0dcc5e1927b7b44d06ed284b6f703193bb907f6758542b125",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:27.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:27.988000', 'bytes': 1250089984, 'norm_byte': 61897728, 'ops': 1220791, 'norm_ops': 60447, 'norm_ltcy': 16.561472175521534, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:27.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:27.988000",
+ "bytes": 1250089984,
+ "norm_byte": 61897728,
+ "ops": 1220791,
+ "norm_ops": 60447,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.561472175521534,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19163e43aa48523b478be51edd43b4f17d4c7fa92cf7d0aa0b64eef2cdd150a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:28.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:28.988000', 'bytes': 1313553408, 'norm_byte': 63463424, 'ops': 1282767, 'norm_ops': 61976, 'norm_ltcy': 16.139300173908047, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:28.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:28.988000",
+ "bytes": 1313553408,
+ "norm_byte": 63463424,
+ "ops": 1282767,
+ "norm_ops": 61976,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.139300173908047,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b195b4411745c1c6875fe63bd8866038976ad56ea0f954ba0ee1c0ddf9d0488",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:29.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:29.989000', 'bytes': 1362881536, 'norm_byte': 49328128, 'ops': 1330939, 'norm_ops': 48172, 'norm_ltcy': 20.782001903660323, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:29.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:29.989000",
+ "bytes": 1362881536,
+ "norm_byte": 49328128,
+ "ops": 1330939,
+ "norm_ops": 48172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.782001903660323,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "58c1aa4dfb08815474d6ed5cdf30f6e0203b2260af517da85b6a2f6b2c629205",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:30.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:30.991000', 'bytes': 1398322176, 'norm_byte': 35440640, 'ops': 1365549, 'norm_ops': 34610, 'norm_ltcy': 28.925056093795146, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:30.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:30.991000",
+ "bytes": 1398322176,
+ "norm_byte": 35440640,
+ "ops": 1365549,
+ "norm_ops": 34610,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.925056093795146,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af6ae221bfa55b15dc56fe8a5d6b2be75bcbf4f7b84985b6d0c76f6fd6de1dbc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:31.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:31.992000', 'bytes': 1458076672, 'norm_byte': 59754496, 'ops': 1423903, 'norm_ops': 58354, 'norm_ltcy': 17.155554286659868, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:31.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:31.992000",
+ "bytes": 1458076672,
+ "norm_byte": 59754496,
+ "ops": 1423903,
+ "norm_ops": 58354,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.155554286659868,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4bba41dc4c6d5e885ea66d4c3bf57c2b85ee927a5ba3cb957f7ac9ac6c77ca0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:32.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:32.993000', 'bytes': 1512989696, 'norm_byte': 54913024, 'ops': 1477529, 'norm_ops': 53626, 'norm_ltcy': 18.668467429511807, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:32.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:32.993000",
+ "bytes": 1512989696,
+ "norm_byte": 54913024,
+ "ops": 1477529,
+ "norm_ops": 53626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.668467429511807,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2aac37ce2886c58db5e13812f07d98dac775b1a967e9786a34dfae752b652180",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:33.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:33.994000', 'bytes': 1552487424, 'norm_byte': 39497728, 'ops': 1516101, 'norm_ops': 38572, 'norm_ltcy': 25.953821951480347, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:33.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:33.994000",
+ "bytes": 1552487424,
+ "norm_byte": 39497728,
+ "ops": 1516101,
+ "norm_ops": 38572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.953821951480347,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f130446b4645aa52c59bc1d855ec74414f2c3b242c35a7115f4edbcc2c09309",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:34.995000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:34.995000', 'bytes': 1609575424, 'norm_byte': 57088000, 'ops': 1571851, 'norm_ops': 55750, 'norm_ltcy': 17.956983078755606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:34.995000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:34.995000",
+ "bytes": 1609575424,
+ "norm_byte": 57088000,
+ "ops": 1571851,
+ "norm_ops": 55750,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.956983078755606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b54d7468f37a9e360c89ab66f25c25fcf77a70ba5c707c3466573b0a57a66b2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:35.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:35.996000', 'bytes': 1668543488, 'norm_byte': 58968064, 'ops': 1629437, 'norm_ops': 57586, 'norm_ltcy': 17.3836765270096, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:35.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:35.996000",
+ "bytes": 1668543488,
+ "norm_byte": 58968064,
+ "ops": 1629437,
+ "norm_ops": 57586,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.3836765270096,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37ceb1ead7a870eb688fd73a7959a894e97deed1c22cda8f6266decb6890d4bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:36.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:36.997000', 'bytes': 1732455424, 'norm_byte': 63911936, 'ops': 1691851, 'norm_ops': 62414, 'norm_ltcy': 16.039715179336767, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:36.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:36.997000",
+ "bytes": 1732455424,
+ "norm_byte": 63911936,
+ "ops": 1691851,
+ "norm_ops": 62414,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.039715179336767,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a15f38691c9759975f3ac471cc776677bfe60de1ab20d7dca9fc52309600118b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:37.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:37.998000', 'bytes': 1796252672, 'norm_byte': 63797248, 'ops': 1754153, 'norm_ops': 62302, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06840862477328, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:37.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:37.998000",
+ "bytes": 1796252672,
+ "norm_byte": 63797248,
+ "ops": 1754153,
+ "norm_ops": 62302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06840862477328,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "afa1c3830cc4b911f3219a95bfff165869cc2dd207d5edbf7f2d26eb898cff73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:38.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:38.999000', 'bytes': 1858850816, 'norm_byte': 62598144, 'ops': 1815284, 'norm_ops': 61131, 'norm_ltcy': 16.376184412112924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:38.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:38.999000",
+ "bytes": 1858850816,
+ "norm_byte": 62598144,
+ "ops": 1815284,
+ "norm_ops": 61131,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.376184412112924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82c75b38e81fef412eca16a15ca05d5bf2bfce76963b8f9d2eef3d0463bc4354",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:40', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:40', 'bytes': 1907727360, 'norm_byte': 48876544, 'ops': 1863015, 'norm_ops': 47731, 'norm_ltcy': 20.973531802903253, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:40",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:40",
+ "bytes": 1907727360,
+ "norm_byte": 48876544,
+ "ops": 1863015,
+ "norm_ops": 47731,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.973531802903253,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "530f22d2640b80f47294346a1ccf77723449327f68090e8e1332f26a6d447a6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:41.001000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:41.001000', 'bytes': 1972736000, 'norm_byte': 65008640, 'ops': 1926500, 'norm_ops': 63485, 'norm_ltcy': 15.769080848330313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:41.001000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:41.001000",
+ "bytes": 1972736000,
+ "norm_byte": 65008640,
+ "ops": 1926500,
+ "norm_ops": 63485,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.769080848330313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d46513f819112b20eba1e8b8fdcbd7680d04e485123f82e2850c7523824835a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:42.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:42.003000', 'bytes': 2035162112, 'norm_byte': 62426112, 'ops': 1987463, 'norm_ops': 60963, 'norm_ltcy': 16.421373479097976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:42.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:42.003000",
+ "bytes": 2035162112,
+ "norm_byte": 62426112,
+ "ops": 1987463,
+ "norm_ops": 60963,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.421373479097976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27cb809c4ae0f3e5c56a79b2e0998273383a72ab2d9b7a4dc631bbfc0fd94589",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:43.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:43.004000', 'bytes': 2084172800, 'norm_byte': 49010688, 'ops': 2035325, 'norm_ops': 47862, 'norm_ltcy': 20.916672298091388, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:43.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:43.004000",
+ "bytes": 2084172800,
+ "norm_byte": 49010688,
+ "ops": 2035325,
+ "norm_ops": 47862,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.916672298091388,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "069f755cae9d1f121a7b7b1365fdfcafd9d433b60747ce064b4eb205453fdf05",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:44.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:44.005000', 'bytes': 2144840704, 'norm_byte': 60667904, 'ops': 2094571, 'norm_ops': 59246, 'norm_ltcy': 16.89767871327811, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:44.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:44.005000",
+ "bytes": 2144840704,
+ "norm_byte": 60667904,
+ "ops": 2094571,
+ "norm_ops": 59246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.89767871327811,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae9fe4a79de014a6156fe1f2fc069f484f147e7d378e0b56780aace632deafd6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:45.006000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:45.006000', 'bytes': 2209027072, 'norm_byte': 64186368, 'ops': 2157253, 'norm_ops': 62682, 'norm_ltcy': 15.971085947720239, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:45.006000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:45.006000",
+ "bytes": 2209027072,
+ "norm_byte": 64186368,
+ "ops": 2157253,
+ "norm_ops": 62682,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.971085947720239,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e3cfa6edadc450b7afba3e5b9702cf23a0954f51938d071a762c9e693d2ab99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:46.007000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:46.007000', 'bytes': 2271679488, 'norm_byte': 62652416, 'ops': 2218437, 'norm_ops': 61184, 'norm_ltcy': 16.362154334160074, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:46.007000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:46.007000",
+ "bytes": 2271679488,
+ "norm_byte": 62652416,
+ "ops": 2218437,
+ "norm_ops": 61184,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.362154334160074,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9137690e9613cdc21d7f5f5a124e76724231ca7a9de84e16a3298ae6608cbe0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:47.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:47.008000', 'bytes': 2334215168, 'norm_byte': 62535680, 'ops': 2279507, 'norm_ops': 61070, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3926897412805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:47.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:47.008000",
+ "bytes": 2334215168,
+ "norm_byte": 62535680,
+ "ops": 2279507,
+ "norm_ops": 61070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3926897412805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "206d2b900251ca4dd1055b7720a23077640cbe66d7ffb923dc38e60a67412d64",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:48.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:48.009000', 'bytes': 2396789760, 'norm_byte': 62574592, 'ops': 2340615, 'norm_ops': 61108, 'norm_ltcy': 16.382483964098398, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:48.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:48.009000",
+ "bytes": 2396789760,
+ "norm_byte": 62574592,
+ "ops": 2340615,
+ "norm_ops": 61108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.382483964098398,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "464a5a23770240d3e4952f7eec3ee98142b44e231f3203dcba4f5ff3b5413fbe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:49.010000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:49.010000', 'bytes': 2459448320, 'norm_byte': 62658560, 'ops': 2401805, 'norm_ops': 61190, 'norm_ltcy': 16.36065766592785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:49.010000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:49.010000",
+ "bytes": 2459448320,
+ "norm_byte": 62658560,
+ "ops": 2401805,
+ "norm_ops": 61190,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.36065766592785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "036bf447fed72412f19d62fedec257963c64d35f1e63e2f4640aec3804e564d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:50.011000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:50.011000', 'bytes': 2522106880, 'norm_byte': 62658560, 'ops': 2462995, 'norm_ops': 61190, 'norm_ltcy': 16.360338475700686, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:50.011000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:50.011000",
+ "bytes": 2522106880,
+ "norm_byte": 62658560,
+ "ops": 2462995,
+ "norm_ops": 61190,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.360338475700686,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2e3a456ec2191bab909bafb33e13ad838057d682dd470494a4e95cef81b40f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:51.012000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:51.012000', 'bytes': 2584753152, 'norm_byte': 62646272, 'ops': 2524173, 'norm_ops': 61178, 'norm_ltcy': 16.360750085815162, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:51.012000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:51.012000",
+ "bytes": 2584753152,
+ "norm_byte": 62646272,
+ "ops": 2524173,
+ "norm_ops": 61178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.360750085815162,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "810039d3d8bbf75ab157a3735bf5a0eba87db8d52673d679cbb86121d66d272d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:52.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:52.013000', 'bytes': 2647383040, 'norm_byte': 62629888, 'ops': 2585335, 'norm_ops': 61162, 'norm_ltcy': 16.368131617926572, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:52.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:52.013000",
+ "bytes": 2647383040,
+ "norm_byte": 62629888,
+ "ops": 2585335,
+ "norm_ops": 61162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.368131617926572,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d25705dfd7796f485a44c923a024e5c23d3657a4b5dc2ae87a790d1b8e8ebb2a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:53.015000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:53.015000', 'bytes': 2709285888, 'norm_byte': 61902848, 'ops': 2645787, 'norm_ops': 60452, 'norm_ltcy': 16.560146796476957, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:53.015000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:53.015000",
+ "bytes": 2709285888,
+ "norm_byte": 61902848,
+ "ops": 2645787,
+ "norm_ops": 60452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.560146796476957,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f838712accb6d22d17446199e091f8ee331eb9ec819aa9a7174b564073325a3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:54.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:54.016000', 'bytes': 2776765440, 'norm_byte': 67479552, 'ops': 2711685, 'norm_ops': 65898, 'norm_ltcy': 15.191694663295927, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:54.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:54.016000",
+ "bytes": 2776765440,
+ "norm_byte": 67479552,
+ "ops": 2711685,
+ "norm_ops": 65898,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.191694663295927,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "73998b8e13c25f54d61b86376d76a0e70562e01e7e38c33928e5aaba75bdd934",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:55.017000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:55.017000', 'bytes': 2843905024, 'norm_byte': 67139584, 'ops': 2777251, 'norm_ops': 65566, 'norm_ltcy': 15.26857464591976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:55.017000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:55.017000",
+ "bytes": 2843905024,
+ "norm_byte": 67139584,
+ "ops": 2777251,
+ "norm_ops": 65566,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.26857464591976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d69c9c1022db603014828c92664ff21cde2db3ad4f968064d5e718362a23ecbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:56.018000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:56.018000', 'bytes': 2908818432, 'norm_byte': 64913408, 'ops': 2840643, 'norm_ops': 63392, 'norm_ltcy': 15.792357566560057, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:56.018000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:56.018000",
+ "bytes": 2908818432,
+ "norm_byte": 64913408,
+ "ops": 2840643,
+ "norm_ops": 63392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.792357566560057,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b452ff0f220d95b4b254057e869be9fc0f43820c96e84c3096d224dc18774051",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:57.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:57.019000', 'bytes': 2950628352, 'norm_byte': 41809920, 'ops': 2881473, 'norm_ops': 40830, 'norm_ltcy': 24.518894080639235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:57.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:57.019000",
+ "bytes": 2950628352,
+ "norm_byte": 41809920,
+ "ops": 2881473,
+ "norm_ops": 40830,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.518894080639235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75edd83ca9061ad0e65b1bc6f5be05f041177d671f4a96062e11e2c5d2f3b3e5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:58.020000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:58.020000', 'bytes': 3015371776, 'norm_byte': 64743424, 'ops': 2944699, 'norm_ops': 63226, 'norm_ltcy': 15.833920831867031, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:58.020000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:58.020000",
+ "bytes": 3015371776,
+ "norm_byte": 64743424,
+ "ops": 2944699,
+ "norm_ops": 63226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.833920831867031,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e28e3accb380d395e99fa1601c0f3c3bd9d12426127aca02cfdb9e99c3e38e99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:02:59.021000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:02:59.021000', 'bytes': 3078028288, 'norm_byte': 62656512, 'ops': 3005887, 'norm_ops': 61188, 'norm_ltcy': 16.361020862444434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:02:59.021000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:02:59.021000",
+ "bytes": 3078028288,
+ "norm_byte": 62656512,
+ "ops": 3005887,
+ "norm_ops": 61188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.361020862444434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa00c33cfe47f7f70be13106bbaa87f40d357d8a85052eb6a3d555219dbfd8d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:03:00.022000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:03:00.022000', 'bytes': 3140602880, 'norm_byte': 62574592, 'ops': 3066995, 'norm_ops': 61108, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38232015959449, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:03:00.022000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:03:00.022000",
+ "bytes": 3140602880,
+ "norm_byte": 62574592,
+ "ops": 3066995,
+ "norm_ops": 61108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38232015959449,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a14f0483c7f376475492474776f23c1fe43d5690f929a2c452999bafec5a2f5c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:03:01.023000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:03:01.023000', 'bytes': 3190305792, 'norm_byte': 49702912, 'ops': 3115533, 'norm_ops': 48538, 'norm_ltcy': 20.625008852600025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:03:01.023000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:03:01.023000",
+ "bytes": 3190305792,
+ "norm_byte": 49702912,
+ "ops": 3115533,
+ "norm_ops": 48538,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.625008852600025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b104ad8cc46ac25ffe28494156dfc2e1f3f13bb8a748a9cc9e8614ef318be399",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:03:02.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:03:02.024000', 'bytes': 3257508864, 'norm_byte': 67203072, 'ops': 3181161, 'norm_ops': 65628, 'norm_ltcy': 15.254150137660373, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:03:02.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:03:02.024000",
+ "bytes": 3257508864,
+ "norm_byte": 67203072,
+ "ops": 3181161,
+ "norm_ops": 65628,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.254150137660373,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d1a08e03254b71583109ac8529be23e86761f91d615e6b94bd6c965bf5a8d5f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:03:03.026000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:03:03.026000', 'bytes': 3313196032, 'norm_byte': 55687168, 'ops': 3235543, 'norm_ops': 54382, 'norm_ltcy': 18.408697852977546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:03:03.026000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:03:03.026000",
+ "bytes": 3313196032,
+ "norm_byte": 55687168,
+ "ops": 3235543,
+ "norm_ops": 54382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.408697852977546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37de57ce2c639a20b151043306822db411cc93cfde8a3d58eb883050b4e4118d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:03:04.027000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:03:04.027000', 'bytes': 3361762304, 'norm_byte': 48566272, 'ops': 3282971, 'norm_ops': 47428, 'norm_ltcy': 21.10799754199787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:03:04.027000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:03:04.027000",
+ "bytes": 3361762304,
+ "norm_byte": 48566272,
+ "ops": 3282971,
+ "norm_ops": 47428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.10799754199787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82eb169c24278641bdfc89ffed6286b03668c439bb20016ad7826a44c8143c46",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:03:05.028000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:03:05.028000', 'bytes': 3425037312, 'norm_byte': 63275008, 'ops': 3344763, 'norm_ops': 61792, 'norm_ltcy': 16.201305735117412, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:03:05.028000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:03:05.028000",
+ "bytes": 3425037312,
+ "norm_byte": 63275008,
+ "ops": 3344763,
+ "norm_ops": 61792,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.201305735117412,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b12fa04b3e34a78ce1b652cc10fe0e39a271be9ce4012a2faef397c6a2bd6045",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:03:06.229000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:03:06.229000', 'bytes': 3475127296, 'norm_byte': 50089984, 'ops': 3393679, 'norm_ops': 48916, 'norm_ltcy': 24.559964922328586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:03:06.229000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:03:06.229000",
+ "bytes": 3475127296,
+ "norm_byte": 50089984,
+ "ops": 3393679,
+ "norm_ops": 48916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.559964922328586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b6993243-fcb1-5206-a5a1-23ff95ea4da3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2cdfb8e198cabcb2517a9e67d38bb635e62469fb92681835b21bd919fc0e73ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 58900462.644067794
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 57519.983050847455
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.523001164808168
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:03:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-015-220519195922/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-015-220519195922/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b1b966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-015-220519195922/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-015-220519195922/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-015-220519195922/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-015-220519195922/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-015-220519195922/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-015-220519195922/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd1a789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-015-220519195922/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=95
+ net.core.busy_read=60
+ net.core.busy_poll=200
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-016-220519200124/220519200124-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-016-220519200124/220519200124-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab45758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-016-220519200124/220519200124-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:04:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990647981.4321 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990648982.5303 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990648982.6108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990649983.6948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:47799296 nr_ops:46679\ntimestamp_ms:1652990650984.7952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:101346304 nr_ops:98971\ntimestamp_ms:1652990651985.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:145529856 nr_ops:142119\ntimestamp_ms:1652990652987.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:208272384 nr_ops:203391\ntimestamp_ms:1652990653988.1272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271047680 nr_ops:264695\ntimestamp_ms:1652990654989.2241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:333745152 nr_ops:325923\ntimestamp_ms:1652990655990.3140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:396432384 nr_ops:387141\ntimestamp_ms:1652990656991.4158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459119616 nr_ops:448359\ntimestamp_ms:1652990657992.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:521591808 nr_ops:509367\ntimestamp_ms:1652990658993.6230 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:587467776 nr_ops:573699\ntimestamp_ms:1652990659994.7402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:654205952 nr_ops:638873\ntimestamp_ms:1652990660995.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:707240960 nr_ops:690665\ntimestamp_ms:1652990661996.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757740544 nr_ops:739981\ntimestamp_ms:1652990662998.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813802496 nr_ops:794729\ntimestamp_ms:1652990663999.1353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878988288 nr_ops:858387\ntimestamp_ms:1652990665000.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:931810304 nr_ops:909971\ntimestamp_ms:1652990666001.3298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970959872 nr_ops:948203\ntimestamp_ms:1652990667002.4336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1037796352 nr_ops:1013473\ntimestamp_ms:1652990668003.5339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1103526912 nr_ops:1077663\ntimestamp_ms:1652990669003.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139743744 nr_ops:1113031\ntimestamp_ms:1652990670004.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200948224 nr_ops:1172801\ntimestamp_ms:1652990671006.0503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1249504256 nr_ops:1220219\ntimestamp_ms:1652990672007.1494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310596096 nr_ops:1279879\ntimestamp_ms:1652990673008.2656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372896256 nr_ops:1340719\ntimestamp_ms:1652990674009.3679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1429691392 nr_ops:1396183\ntimestamp_ms:1652990675009.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483465728 nr_ops:1448697\ntimestamp_ms:1652990676010.9531 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1537027072 nr_ops:1501003\ntimestamp_ms:1652990677012.0759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1601174528 nr_ops:1563647\ntimestamp_ms:1652990678013.1724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663910912 nr_ops:1624913\ntimestamp_ms:1652990679014.2722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726879744 nr_ops:1686406\ntimestamp_ms:1652990680015.3657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1789809664 nr_ops:1747861\ntimestamp_ms:1652990681016.5308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852441600 nr_ops:1809025\ntimestamp_ms:1652990682017.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915192320 nr_ops:1870305\ntimestamp_ms:1652990683018.7458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977918464 nr_ops:1931561\ntimestamp_ms:1652990684019.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040475648 nr_ops:1992652\ntimestamp_ms:1652990685020.9448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2092922880 nr_ops:2043870\ntimestamp_ms:1652990686022.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159903744 nr_ops:2109281\ntimestamp_ms:1652990687023.2424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2225290240 nr_ops:2173135\ntimestamp_ms:1652990688024.3601 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2278650880 nr_ops:2225245\ntimestamp_ms:1652990689025.4592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341870592 nr_ops:2286983\ntimestamp_ms:1652990690026.5503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405045248 nr_ops:2348677\ntimestamp_ms:1652990691027.6614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2466720768 nr_ops:2408907\ntimestamp_ms:1652990692028.7646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2516403200 nr_ops:2457425\ntimestamp_ms:1652990693029.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579489792 nr_ops:2519033\ntimestamp_ms:1652990694030.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2642322432 nr_ops:2580393\ntimestamp_ms:1652990695032.0090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2706405376 nr_ops:2642974\ntimestamp_ms:1652990696033.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770394112 nr_ops:2705463\ntimestamp_ms:1652990697034.2280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2818958336 nr_ops:2752889\ntimestamp_ms:1652990698034.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2867348480 nr_ops:2800145\ntimestamp_ms:1652990699035.8438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2914771968 nr_ops:2846457\ntimestamp_ms:1652990700036.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2966400000 nr_ops:2896875\ntimestamp_ms:1652990701038.0322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3029703680 nr_ops:2958695\ntimestamp_ms:1652990702039.1292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3079971840 nr_ops:3007785\ntimestamp_ms:1652990703040.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3131740160 nr_ops:3058340\ntimestamp_ms:1652990704041.3167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3197764608 nr_ops:3122817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990705042.4211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246359552 nr_ops:3170273\ntimestamp_ms:1652990706043.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286279168 nr_ops:3209257\ntimestamp_ms:1652990707044.6599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3346453504 nr_ops:3268021\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140153094153984\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.0356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3396228096 nr_ops:3316629\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.0781 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.0825 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708346.2905 name:Total nr_bytes:3396228096 nr_ops:3316630\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.1643 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6792456190 nr_ops:6633260\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.1648 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3396228096 nr_ops:3316632\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 205.02us 0.00ns 205.02us 205.02us \nTxn1 1658315 35.56us 0.00ns 208.18ms 18.31us \nTxn2 1 23.64us 0.00ns 23.64us 23.64us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 204.59us 0.00ns 204.59us 204.59us \nwrite 1658315 2.45us 0.00ns 280.90us 2.15us \nread 1658314 33.03us 0.00ns 208.18ms 2.40us \ndisconnect 1 23.20us 0.00ns 23.20us 23.20us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27024 27024 235.65Mb/s 235.64Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.92b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.111 61.37s 3.16GB 442.75Mb/s 3316631 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.16GB 442.75Mb/s 3316632 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.415922, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990647981.4321 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990648982.5303 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990648982.6108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990649983.6948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:47799296 nr_ops:46679\ntimestamp_ms:1652990650984.7952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:101346304 nr_ops:98971\ntimestamp_ms:1652990651985.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:145529856 nr_ops:142119\ntimestamp_ms:1652990652987.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:208272384 nr_ops:203391\ntimestamp_ms:1652990653988.1272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271047680 nr_ops:264695\ntimestamp_ms:1652990654989.2241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:333745152 nr_ops:325923\ntimestamp_ms:1652990655990.3140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:396432384 nr_ops:387141\ntimestamp_ms:1652990656991.4158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459119616 nr_ops:448359\ntimestamp_ms:1652990657992.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:521591808 nr_ops:509367\ntimestamp_ms:1652990658993.6230 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:587467776 nr_ops:573699\ntimestamp_ms:1652990659994.7402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:654205952 nr_ops:638873\ntimestamp_ms:1652990660995.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:707240960 nr_ops:690665\ntimestamp_ms:1652990661996.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757740544 nr_ops:739981\ntimestamp_ms:1652990662998.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813802496 nr_ops:794729\ntimestamp_ms:1652990663999.1353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878988288 nr_ops:858387\ntimestamp_ms:1652990665000.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:931810304 nr_ops:909971\ntimestamp_ms:1652990666001.3298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970959872 nr_ops:948203\ntimestamp_ms:1652990667002.4336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1037796352 nr_ops:1013473\ntimestamp_ms:1652990668003.5339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1103526912 nr_ops:1077663\ntimestamp_ms:1652990669003.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139743744 nr_ops:1113031\ntimestamp_ms:1652990670004.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200948224 nr_ops:1172801\ntimestamp_ms:1652990671006.0503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1249504256 nr_ops:1220219\ntimestamp_ms:1652990672007.1494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310596096 nr_ops:1279879\ntimestamp_ms:1652990673008.2656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372896256 nr_ops:1340719\ntimestamp_ms:1652990674009.3679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1429691392 nr_ops:1396183\ntimestamp_ms:1652990675009.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483465728 nr_ops:1448697\ntimestamp_ms:1652990676010.9531 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1537027072 nr_ops:1501003\ntimestamp_ms:1652990677012.0759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1601174528 nr_ops:1563647\ntimestamp_ms:1652990678013.1724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663910912 nr_ops:1624913\ntimestamp_ms:1652990679014.2722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726879744 nr_ops:1686406\ntimestamp_ms:1652990680015.3657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1789809664 nr_ops:1747861\ntimestamp_ms:1652990681016.5308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852441600 nr_ops:1809025\ntimestamp_ms:1652990682017.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915192320 nr_ops:1870305\ntimestamp_ms:1652990683018.7458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977918464 nr_ops:1931561\ntimestamp_ms:1652990684019.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040475648 nr_ops:1992652\ntimestamp_ms:1652990685020.9448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2092922880 nr_ops:2043870\ntimestamp_ms:1652990686022.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159903744 nr_ops:2109281\ntimestamp_ms:1652990687023.2424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2225290240 nr_ops:2173135\ntimestamp_ms:1652990688024.3601 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2278650880 nr_ops:2225245\ntimestamp_ms:1652990689025.4592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341870592 nr_ops:2286983\ntimestamp_ms:1652990690026.5503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405045248 nr_ops:2348677\ntimestamp_ms:1652990691027.6614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2466720768 nr_ops:2408907\ntimestamp_ms:1652990692028.7646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2516403200 nr_ops:2457425\ntimestamp_ms:1652990693029.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579489792 nr_ops:2519033\ntimestamp_ms:1652990694030.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2642322432 nr_ops:2580393\ntimestamp_ms:1652990695032.0090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2706405376 nr_ops:2642974\ntimestamp_ms:1652990696033.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770394112 nr_ops:2705463\ntimestamp_ms:1652990697034.2280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2818958336 nr_ops:2752889\ntimestamp_ms:1652990698034.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2867348480 nr_ops:2800145\ntimestamp_ms:1652990699035.8438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2914771968 nr_ops:2846457\ntimestamp_ms:1652990700036.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2966400000 nr_ops:2896875\ntimestamp_ms:1652990701038.0322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3029703680 nr_ops:2958695\ntimestamp_ms:1652990702039.1292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3079971840 nr_ops:3007785\ntimestamp_ms:1652990703040.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3131740160 nr_ops:3058340\ntimestamp_ms:1652990704041.3167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3197764608 nr_ops:3122817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990705042.4211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246359552 nr_ops:3170273\ntimestamp_ms:1652990706043.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286279168 nr_ops:3209257\ntimestamp_ms:1652990707044.6599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3346453504 nr_ops:3268021\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140153094153984\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.0356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3396228096 nr_ops:3316629\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.0781 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.0825 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708346.2905 name:Total nr_bytes:3396228096 nr_ops:3316630\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.1643 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6792456190 nr_ops:6633260\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.1648 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3396228096 nr_ops:3316632\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 205.02us 0.00ns 205.02us 205.02us \nTxn1 1658315 35.56us 0.00ns 208.18ms 18.31us \nTxn2 1 23.64us 0.00ns 23.64us 23.64us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 204.59us 0.00ns 204.59us 204.59us \nwrite 1658315 2.45us 0.00ns 280.90us 2.15us \nread 1658314 33.03us 0.00ns 208.18ms 2.40us \ndisconnect 1 23.20us 0.00ns 23.20us 23.20us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27024 27024 235.65Mb/s 235.64Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.92b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.111 61.37s 3.16GB 442.75Mb/s 3316631 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.16GB 442.75Mb/s 3316632 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.415922, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990647981.4321 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990648982.5303 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990648982.6108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990649983.6948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:47799296 nr_ops:46679\ntimestamp_ms:1652990650984.7952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:101346304 nr_ops:98971\ntimestamp_ms:1652990651985.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:145529856 nr_ops:142119\ntimestamp_ms:1652990652987.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:208272384 nr_ops:203391\ntimestamp_ms:1652990653988.1272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271047680 nr_ops:264695\ntimestamp_ms:1652990654989.2241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:333745152 nr_ops:325923\ntimestamp_ms:1652990655990.3140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:396432384 nr_ops:387141\ntimestamp_ms:1652990656991.4158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459119616 nr_ops:448359\ntimestamp_ms:1652990657992.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:521591808 nr_ops:509367\ntimestamp_ms:1652990658993.6230 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:587467776 nr_ops:573699\ntimestamp_ms:1652990659994.7402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:654205952 nr_ops:638873\ntimestamp_ms:1652990660995.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:707240960 nr_ops:690665\ntimestamp_ms:1652990661996.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757740544 nr_ops:739981\ntimestamp_ms:1652990662998.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813802496 nr_ops:794729\ntimestamp_ms:1652990663999.1353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878988288 nr_ops:858387\ntimestamp_ms:1652990665000.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:931810304 nr_ops:909971\ntimestamp_ms:1652990666001.3298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970959872 nr_ops:948203\ntimestamp_ms:1652990667002.4336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1037796352 nr_ops:1013473\ntimestamp_ms:1652990668003.5339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1103526912 nr_ops:1077663\ntimestamp_ms:1652990669003.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139743744 nr_ops:1113031\ntimestamp_ms:1652990670004.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200948224 nr_ops:1172801\ntimestamp_ms:1652990671006.0503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1249504256 nr_ops:1220219\ntimestamp_ms:1652990672007.1494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310596096 nr_ops:1279879\ntimestamp_ms:1652990673008.2656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372896256 nr_ops:1340719\ntimestamp_ms:1652990674009.3679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1429691392 nr_ops:1396183\ntimestamp_ms:1652990675009.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483465728 nr_ops:1448697\ntimestamp_ms:1652990676010.9531 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1537027072 nr_ops:1501003\ntimestamp_ms:1652990677012.0759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1601174528 nr_ops:1563647\ntimestamp_ms:1652990678013.1724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663910912 nr_ops:1624913\ntimestamp_ms:1652990679014.2722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726879744 nr_ops:1686406\ntimestamp_ms:1652990680015.3657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1789809664 nr_ops:1747861\ntimestamp_ms:1652990681016.5308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852441600 nr_ops:1809025\ntimestamp_ms:1652990682017.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915192320 nr_ops:1870305\ntimestamp_ms:1652990683018.7458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977918464 nr_ops:1931561\ntimestamp_ms:1652990684019.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040475648 nr_ops:1992652\ntimestamp_ms:1652990685020.9448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2092922880 nr_ops:2043870\ntimestamp_ms:1652990686022.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159903744 nr_ops:2109281\ntimestamp_ms:1652990687023.2424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2225290240 nr_ops:2173135\ntimestamp_ms:1652990688024.3601 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2278650880 nr_ops:2225245\ntimestamp_ms:1652990689025.4592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341870592 nr_ops:2286983\ntimestamp_ms:1652990690026.5503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405045248 nr_ops:2348677\ntimestamp_ms:1652990691027.6614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2466720768 nr_ops:2408907\ntimestamp_ms:1652990692028.7646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2516403200 nr_ops:2457425\ntimestamp_ms:1652990693029.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579489792 nr_ops:2519033\ntimestamp_ms:1652990694030.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2642322432 nr_ops:2580393\ntimestamp_ms:1652990695032.0090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2706405376 nr_ops:2642974\ntimestamp_ms:1652990696033.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770394112 nr_ops:2705463\ntimestamp_ms:1652990697034.2280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2818958336 nr_ops:2752889\ntimestamp_ms:1652990698034.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2867348480 nr_ops:2800145\ntimestamp_ms:1652990699035.8438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2914771968 nr_ops:2846457\ntimestamp_ms:1652990700036.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2966400000 nr_ops:2896875\ntimestamp_ms:1652990701038.0322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3029703680 nr_ops:2958695\ntimestamp_ms:1652990702039.1292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3079971840 nr_ops:3007785\ntimestamp_ms:1652990703040.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3131740160 nr_ops:3058340\ntimestamp_ms:1652990704041.3167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3197764608 nr_ops:3122817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990705042.4211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246359552 nr_ops:3170273\ntimestamp_ms:1652990706043.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286279168 nr_ops:3209257\ntimestamp_ms:1652990707044.6599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3346453504 nr_ops:3268021\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140153094153984\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.0356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3396228096 nr_ops:3316629\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.0781 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.0825 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708346.2905 name:Total nr_bytes:3396228096 nr_ops:3316630\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.1643 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6792456190 nr_ops:6633260\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990708246.1648 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3396228096 nr_ops:3316632\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 205.02us 0.00ns 205.02us 205.02us \nTxn1 1658315 35.56us 0.00ns 208.18ms 18.31us \nTxn2 1 23.64us 0.00ns 23.64us 23.64us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 204.59us 0.00ns 204.59us 204.59us \nwrite 1658315 2.45us 0.00ns 280.90us 2.15us \nread 1658314 33.03us 0.00ns 208.18ms 2.40us \ndisconnect 1 23.20us 0.00ns 23.20us 23.20us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27024 27024 235.65Mb/s 235.64Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.92b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.111 61.37s 3.16GB 442.75Mb/s 3316631 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.16GB 442.75Mb/s 3316632 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.415922, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990647981.4321 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990648982.5303 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990648982.6108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990649983.6948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:47799296 nr_ops:46679
+timestamp_ms:1652990650984.7952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:101346304 nr_ops:98971
+timestamp_ms:1652990651985.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:145529856 nr_ops:142119
+timestamp_ms:1652990652987.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:208272384 nr_ops:203391
+timestamp_ms:1652990653988.1272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271047680 nr_ops:264695
+timestamp_ms:1652990654989.2241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:333745152 nr_ops:325923
+timestamp_ms:1652990655990.3140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:396432384 nr_ops:387141
+timestamp_ms:1652990656991.4158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459119616 nr_ops:448359
+timestamp_ms:1652990657992.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:521591808 nr_ops:509367
+timestamp_ms:1652990658993.6230 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:587467776 nr_ops:573699
+timestamp_ms:1652990659994.7402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:654205952 nr_ops:638873
+timestamp_ms:1652990660995.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:707240960 nr_ops:690665
+timestamp_ms:1652990661996.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757740544 nr_ops:739981
+timestamp_ms:1652990662998.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813802496 nr_ops:794729
+timestamp_ms:1652990663999.1353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878988288 nr_ops:858387
+timestamp_ms:1652990665000.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:931810304 nr_ops:909971
+timestamp_ms:1652990666001.3298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970959872 nr_ops:948203
+timestamp_ms:1652990667002.4336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1037796352 nr_ops:1013473
+timestamp_ms:1652990668003.5339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1103526912 nr_ops:1077663
+timestamp_ms:1652990669003.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139743744 nr_ops:1113031
+timestamp_ms:1652990670004.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200948224 nr_ops:1172801
+timestamp_ms:1652990671006.0503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1249504256 nr_ops:1220219
+timestamp_ms:1652990672007.1494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310596096 nr_ops:1279879
+timestamp_ms:1652990673008.2656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372896256 nr_ops:1340719
+timestamp_ms:1652990674009.3679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1429691392 nr_ops:1396183
+timestamp_ms:1652990675009.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483465728 nr_ops:1448697
+timestamp_ms:1652990676010.9531 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1537027072 nr_ops:1501003
+timestamp_ms:1652990677012.0759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1601174528 nr_ops:1563647
+timestamp_ms:1652990678013.1724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663910912 nr_ops:1624913
+timestamp_ms:1652990679014.2722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726879744 nr_ops:1686406
+timestamp_ms:1652990680015.3657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1789809664 nr_ops:1747861
+timestamp_ms:1652990681016.5308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852441600 nr_ops:1809025
+timestamp_ms:1652990682017.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915192320 nr_ops:1870305
+timestamp_ms:1652990683018.7458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977918464 nr_ops:1931561
+timestamp_ms:1652990684019.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040475648 nr_ops:1992652
+timestamp_ms:1652990685020.9448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2092922880 nr_ops:2043870
+timestamp_ms:1652990686022.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159903744 nr_ops:2109281
+timestamp_ms:1652990687023.2424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2225290240 nr_ops:2173135
+timestamp_ms:1652990688024.3601 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2278650880 nr_ops:2225245
+timestamp_ms:1652990689025.4592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341870592 nr_ops:2286983
+timestamp_ms:1652990690026.5503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405045248 nr_ops:2348677
+timestamp_ms:1652990691027.6614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2466720768 nr_ops:2408907
+timestamp_ms:1652990692028.7646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2516403200 nr_ops:2457425
+timestamp_ms:1652990693029.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579489792 nr_ops:2519033
+timestamp_ms:1652990694030.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2642322432 nr_ops:2580393
+timestamp_ms:1652990695032.0090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2706405376 nr_ops:2642974
+timestamp_ms:1652990696033.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770394112 nr_ops:2705463
+timestamp_ms:1652990697034.2280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2818958336 nr_ops:2752889
+timestamp_ms:1652990698034.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2867348480 nr_ops:2800145
+timestamp_ms:1652990699035.8438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2914771968 nr_ops:2846457
+timestamp_ms:1652990700036.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2966400000 nr_ops:2896875
+timestamp_ms:1652990701038.0322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3029703680 nr_ops:2958695
+timestamp_ms:1652990702039.1292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3079971840 nr_ops:3007785
+timestamp_ms:1652990703040.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3131740160 nr_ops:3058340
+timestamp_ms:1652990704041.3167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3197764608 nr_ops:3122817
+timestamp_ms:1652990705042.4211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246359552 nr_ops:3170273
+timestamp_ms:1652990706043.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286279168 nr_ops:3209257
+timestamp_ms:1652990707044.6599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3346453504 nr_ops:3268021
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140153094153984
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652990708246.0356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3396228096 nr_ops:3316629
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990708246.0781 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990708246.0825 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990708346.2905 name:Total nr_bytes:3396228096 nr_ops:3316630
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990708246.1643 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6792456190 nr_ops:6633260
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990708246.1648 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3396228096 nr_ops:3316632
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 205.02us 0.00ns 205.02us 205.02us
+Txn1 1658315 35.56us 0.00ns 208.18ms 18.31us
+Txn2 1 23.64us 0.00ns 23.64us 23.64us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 204.59us 0.00ns 204.59us 204.59us
+write 1658315 2.45us 0.00ns 280.90us 2.15us
+read 1658314 33.03us 0.00ns 208.18ms 2.40us
+disconnect 1 23.20us 0.00ns 23.20us 23.20us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 27024 27024 235.65Mb/s 235.64Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.92b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.111 61.37s 3.16GB 442.75Mb/s 3316631 0.00
+master 61.37s 3.16GB 442.75Mb/s 3316632 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:09.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:09.983000', 'bytes': 47799296, 'norm_byte': 47799296, 'ops': 46679, 'norm_ops': 46679, 'norm_ltcy': 21.446131758927997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:09.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:09.983000",
+ "bytes": 47799296,
+ "norm_byte": 47799296,
+ "ops": 46679,
+ "norm_ops": 46679,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.446131758927997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8adb6a2e0a591e8e6eea51fb4f14181ac446dc08696005d235e7ce9fa7f1b515",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:10.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:10.984000', 'bytes': 101346304, 'norm_byte': 53547008, 'ops': 98971, 'norm_ops': 52292, 'norm_ltcy': 19.14442633284011, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:10.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:10.984000",
+ "bytes": 101346304,
+ "norm_byte": 53547008,
+ "ops": 98971,
+ "norm_ops": 52292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.14442633284011,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "094afb2fa8b7e9a4f01b8f2070e56ee1263c47bb8c470c19990429b40229af8a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:11.985000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:11.985000', 'bytes': 145529856, 'norm_byte': 44183552, 'ops': 142119, 'norm_ops': 43148, 'norm_ltcy': 23.202333302673356, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:11.985000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:11.985000",
+ "bytes": 145529856,
+ "norm_byte": 44183552,
+ "ops": 142119,
+ "norm_ops": 43148,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.202333302673356,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1aa7d95c579857848efe9e9a2df3f19ed3503fd43c888201058a4c5a5f1dd3e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:12.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:12.987000', 'bytes': 208272384, 'norm_byte': 62742528, 'ops': 203391, 'norm_ops': 61272, 'norm_ltcy': 16.33868259181396, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:12.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:12.987000",
+ "bytes": 208272384,
+ "norm_byte": 62742528,
+ "ops": 203391,
+ "norm_ops": 61272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.33868259181396,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d27e3202cd365cb16fc7be49c9bb05d48c3e149123ab20d77fc7bcf14b0412c9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:13.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:13.988000', 'bytes': 271047680, 'norm_byte': 62775296, 'ops': 264695, 'norm_ops': 61304, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32999468453323, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:13.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:13.988000",
+ "bytes": 271047680,
+ "norm_byte": 62775296,
+ "ops": 264695,
+ "norm_ops": 61304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32999468453323,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68278840a6b066e32f9741af6b9ecfea18923899d08eddee03d5b722bc0dc3a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:14.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:14.989000', 'bytes': 333745152, 'norm_byte': 62697472, 'ops': 325923, 'norm_ops': 61228, 'norm_ltcy': 16.350312337951998, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:14.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:14.989000",
+ "bytes": 333745152,
+ "norm_byte": 62697472,
+ "ops": 325923,
+ "norm_ops": 61228,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.350312337951998,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02e51e4b967592c81873549377b8b64199e3373787c6c4ef357450591d6fd38b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:15.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:15.990000', 'bytes': 396432384, 'norm_byte': 62687232, 'ops': 387141, 'norm_ops': 61218, 'norm_ltcy': 16.352867518540297, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:15.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:15.990000",
+ "bytes": 396432384,
+ "norm_byte": 62687232,
+ "ops": 387141,
+ "norm_ops": 61218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.352867518540297,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aabb4dfe417552cb3c33b95443c673707124ad6ffdbf368839577a58cb538adf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:16.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:16.991000', 'bytes': 459119616, 'norm_byte': 62687232, 'ops': 448359, 'norm_ops': 61218, 'norm_ltcy': 16.353062933134453, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:16.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:16.991000",
+ "bytes": 459119616,
+ "norm_byte": 62687232,
+ "ops": 448359,
+ "norm_ops": 61218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.353062933134453,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a87fd8fb4d6fcaf756304949a1bc813bf65e7802d6b7919f80d921805ba91bd1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:17.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:17.992000', 'bytes': 521591808, 'norm_byte': 62472192, 'ops': 509367, 'norm_ops': 61008, 'norm_ltcy': 16.409312962797912, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:17.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:17.992000",
+ "bytes": 521591808,
+ "norm_byte": 62472192,
+ "ops": 509367,
+ "norm_ops": 61008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.409312962797912,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52a57c36bf7fe1905debe135ad4516414c84dc9135d32c7f7193db78be86a59d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:18.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:18.993000', 'bytes': 587467776, 'norm_byte': 65875968, 'ops': 573699, 'norm_ops': 64332, 'norm_ltcy': 15.561585372073774, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:18.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:18.993000",
+ "bytes": 587467776,
+ "norm_byte": 65875968,
+ "ops": 573699,
+ "norm_ops": 64332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.561585372073774,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed7269633e6de3f34dcb5cf1031cda1068f0f44b1d8dcbf7b964a61b8e35cbe4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:19.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:19.994000', 'bytes': 654205952, 'norm_byte': 66738176, 'ops': 638873, 'norm_ops': 65174, 'norm_ltcy': 15.360683516432934, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:19.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:19.994000",
+ "bytes": 654205952,
+ "norm_byte": 66738176,
+ "ops": 638873,
+ "norm_ops": 65174,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.360683516432934,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01b6387efafd765b8e97ecc308ee7bc11bef9aa3e4327ab08dd7909bbed07fd2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:20.995000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:20.995000', 'bytes': 707240960, 'norm_byte': 53035008, 'ops': 690665, 'norm_ops': 51792, 'norm_ltcy': 19.32926077808831, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:20.995000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:20.995000",
+ "bytes": 707240960,
+ "norm_byte": 53035008,
+ "ops": 690665,
+ "norm_ops": 51792,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.32926077808831,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb31262e153da38f60f55c09945fda47c44d5addd8c8b639b6205ed68693d87f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:21.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:21.996000', 'bytes': 757740544, 'norm_byte': 50499584, 'ops': 739981, 'norm_ops': 49316, 'norm_ltcy': 20.299588012447785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:21.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:21.996000",
+ "bytes": 757740544,
+ "norm_byte": 50499584,
+ "ops": 739981,
+ "norm_ops": 49316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.299588012447785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c0576bd7df7782508385c681f698966774a48f510150e57dc69cefef5e7cae4b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:22.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:22.998000', 'bytes': 813802496, 'norm_byte': 56061952, 'ops': 794729, 'norm_ops': 54748, 'norm_ltcy': 18.28547193647485, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:22.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:22.998000",
+ "bytes": 813802496,
+ "norm_byte": 56061952,
+ "ops": 794729,
+ "norm_ops": 54748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.28547193647485,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43ee447041c5db1a1664b8f5b6671d08ea0b3bf0061583e19d533ca59e6c8b75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:23.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:23.999000', 'bytes': 878988288, 'norm_byte': 65185792, 'ops': 858387, 'norm_ops': 63658, 'norm_ltcy': 15.726325761294731, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:23.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:23.999000",
+ "bytes": 878988288,
+ "norm_byte": 65185792,
+ "ops": 858387,
+ "norm_ops": 63658,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.726325761294731,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a99cbae54fb984ed1384bfb6481f3d48d39998830ea41db25901cb4996e97a39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:25', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:25', 'bytes': 931810304, 'norm_byte': 52822016, 'ops': 909971, 'norm_ops': 51584, 'norm_ltcy': 19.407068825241353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:25",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:25",
+ "bytes": 931810304,
+ "norm_byte": 52822016,
+ "ops": 909971,
+ "norm_ops": 51584,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.407068825241353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da6d6ca0d94cdb6f94adb08b48f89e701c271d00332e2fe9e76e7fabe347c1a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:26.001000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:26.001000', 'bytes': 970959872, 'norm_byte': 39149568, 'ops': 948203, 'norm_ops': 38232, 'norm_ltcy': 26.184880252063063, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:26.001000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:26.001000",
+ "bytes": 970959872,
+ "norm_byte": 39149568,
+ "ops": 948203,
+ "norm_ops": 38232,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.184880252063063,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ceafc69e92c0ff4b9ecb4b280d959b19d70fded968545b90fc0ae991efe8799c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:27.002000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:27.002000', 'bytes': 1037796352, 'norm_byte': 66836480, 'ops': 1013473, 'norm_ops': 65270, 'norm_ltcy': 15.337885089101041, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:27.002000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:27.002000",
+ "bytes": 1037796352,
+ "norm_byte": 66836480,
+ "ops": 1013473,
+ "norm_ops": 65270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.337885089101041,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83100a350ca72a5bd9935269b00bb80b66f082fd02099c70f1cc6006f5b29eab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:28.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:28.003000', 'bytes': 1103526912, 'norm_byte': 65730560, 'ops': 1077663, 'norm_ops': 64190, 'norm_ltcy': 15.595892534614038, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:28.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:28.003000",
+ "bytes": 1103526912,
+ "norm_byte": 65730560,
+ "ops": 1077663,
+ "norm_ops": 64190,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.595892534614038,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab4e6bf2add7b27c8c642d38b62d374d2f83c27b371ce944beefdede7df24792",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:29.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:29.003000', 'bytes': 1139743744, 'norm_byte': 36216832, 'ops': 1113031, 'norm_ops': 35368, 'norm_ltcy': 28.282664259535455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:29.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:29.003000",
+ "bytes": 1139743744,
+ "norm_byte": 36216832,
+ "ops": 1113031,
+ "norm_ops": 35368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.282664259535455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "38c2f2ff1d70d5425588d1d3ac8dcae2b60ada26d6fdcdbe63d1970869fa01ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:30.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:30.004000', 'bytes': 1200948224, 'norm_byte': 61204480, 'ops': 1172801, 'norm_ops': 59770, 'norm_ltcy': 16.749353968859797, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:30.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:30.004000",
+ "bytes": 1200948224,
+ "norm_byte": 61204480,
+ "ops": 1172801,
+ "norm_ops": 59770,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.749353968859797,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "580dc83e6a0caad68909d40671f83fbf91104cae921cf1a617ba6b4c3b927ad8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:31.006000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:31.006000', 'bytes': 1249504256, 'norm_byte': 48556032, 'ops': 1220219, 'norm_ops': 47418, 'norm_ltcy': 21.112366636548884, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:31.006000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:31.006000",
+ "bytes": 1249504256,
+ "norm_byte": 48556032,
+ "ops": 1220219,
+ "norm_ops": 47418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.112366636548884,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a822ba9802b40dfbd8b1ff74634cd0b9ce5b84d208aeb8222f83cb997db9b9cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:32.007000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:32.007000', 'bytes': 1310596096, 'norm_byte': 61091840, 'ops': 1279879, 'norm_ops': 59660, 'norm_ltcy': 16.78007242865823, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:32.007000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:32.007000",
+ "bytes": 1310596096,
+ "norm_byte": 61091840,
+ "ops": 1279879,
+ "norm_ops": 59660,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.78007242865823,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a05ba011464c304c5bd09aeb0fb27c800daff358f93d3f23d8f03448ee7ee8c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:33.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:33.008000', 'bytes': 1372896256, 'norm_byte': 62300160, 'ops': 1340719, 'norm_ops': 60840, 'norm_ltcy': 16.454901560445432, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:33.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:33.008000",
+ "bytes": 1372896256,
+ "norm_byte": 62300160,
+ "ops": 1340719,
+ "norm_ops": 60840,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.454901560445432,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f89b601fe99a8c6a591f412c8772087fd1b78fbdc75b396af359c6bb04d4c02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:34.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:34.009000', 'bytes': 1429691392, 'norm_byte': 56795136, 'ops': 1396183, 'norm_ops': 55464, 'norm_ltcy': 18.04958702801592, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:34.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:34.009000",
+ "bytes": 1429691392,
+ "norm_byte": 56795136,
+ "ops": 1396183,
+ "norm_ops": 55464,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.04958702801592,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8df3c5ad1178425a041ebbaeddbc72d81a3e2ad533ef084510248bde97f46800",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:35.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:35.009000', 'bytes': 1483465728, 'norm_byte': 53774336, 'ops': 1448697, 'norm_ops': 52514, 'norm_ltcy': 19.05153231459706, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:35.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:35.009000",
+ "bytes": 1483465728,
+ "norm_byte": 53774336,
+ "ops": 1448697,
+ "norm_ops": 52514,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.05153231459706,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d833a8c76f50d54451c8b0115cdabce6f9d6e797a72c69fa488752bb4c593e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:36.010000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:36.010000', 'bytes': 1537027072, 'norm_byte': 53561344, 'ops': 1501003, 'norm_ops': 52306, 'norm_ltcy': 19.139544930015198, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:36.010000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:36.010000",
+ "bytes": 1537027072,
+ "norm_byte": 53561344,
+ "ops": 1501003,
+ "norm_ops": 52306,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.139544930015198,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3eab3ab2566194f199fd6e22041c9a8d5f30c7d5c04cabc1c2d3684b0865268d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:37.012000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:37.012000', 'bytes': 1601174528, 'norm_byte': 64147456, 'ops': 1563647, 'norm_ops': 62644, 'norm_ltcy': 15.981144287312034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:37.012000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:37.012000",
+ "bytes": 1601174528,
+ "norm_byte": 64147456,
+ "ops": 1563647,
+ "norm_ops": 62644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.981144287312034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0b4b66da1fa3f6e4a1405a0d904f0b76bb9d28b11ee28a1c3ec226f2af27629",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:38.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:38.013000', 'bytes': 1663910912, 'norm_byte': 62736384, 'ops': 1624913, 'norm_ops': 61266, 'norm_ltcy': 16.34016314998327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:38.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:38.013000",
+ "bytes": 1663910912,
+ "norm_byte": 62736384,
+ "ops": 1624913,
+ "norm_ops": 61266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.34016314998327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f83c8eaf13543b659196debc37129a5ca6268687e6dac4a3f9d55856529a8a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:39.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:39.014000', 'bytes': 1726879744, 'norm_byte': 62968832, 'ops': 1686406, 'norm_ops': 61493, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27989939530719, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:39.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:39.014000",
+ "bytes": 1726879744,
+ "norm_byte": 62968832,
+ "ops": 1686406,
+ "norm_ops": 61493,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27989939530719,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f2140fdf57ef1e2a97221c666b1cabb4802a98e2ddc0277c90c846bcbcaa7f18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:40.015000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:40.015000', 'bytes': 1789809664, 'norm_byte': 62929920, 'ops': 1747861, 'norm_ops': 61455, 'norm_ltcy': 16.289862596361157, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:40.015000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:40.015000",
+ "bytes": 1789809664,
+ "norm_byte": 62929920,
+ "ops": 1747861,
+ "norm_ops": 61455,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.289862596361157,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d2df9ff43ed5d1c190f31a00dd85bbbb5cd8a50359b2d476d5c975a31babf1b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:41.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:41.016000', 'bytes': 1852441600, 'norm_byte': 62631936, 'ops': 1809025, 'norm_ops': 61164, 'norm_ltcy': 16.368534416691194, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:41.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:41.016000",
+ "bytes": 1852441600,
+ "norm_byte": 62631936,
+ "ops": 1809025,
+ "norm_ops": 61164,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.368534416691194,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ca95c2032eadbd23c7e878a5726540753156c3ea90e23971d66c41e4dfdae61",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:42.017000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:42.017000', 'bytes': 1915192320, 'norm_byte': 62750720, 'ops': 1870305, 'norm_ops': 61280, 'norm_ltcy': 16.33692808624347, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:42.017000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:42.017000",
+ "bytes": 1915192320,
+ "norm_byte": 62750720,
+ "ops": 1870305,
+ "norm_ops": 61280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.33692808624347,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "56ca3edf191472e93878ab34aff73cfca3b07377e0670ce34f9ab294559e1bf4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:43.018000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:43.018000', 'bytes': 1977918464, 'norm_byte': 62726144, 'ops': 1931561, 'norm_ops': 61256, 'norm_ltcy': 16.342695160729154, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:43.018000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:43.018000",
+ "bytes": 1977918464,
+ "norm_byte": 62726144,
+ "ops": 1931561,
+ "norm_ops": 61256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.342695160729154,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e514cf7b3f82ac04b5e8ad2ff1abbea903dee0f6c53644ad68d54bdf9551d68",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:44.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:44.019000', 'bytes': 2040475648, 'norm_byte': 62557184, 'ops': 1992652, 'norm_ops': 61091, 'norm_ltcy': 16.387018795475193, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:44.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:44.019000",
+ "bytes": 2040475648,
+ "norm_byte": 62557184,
+ "ops": 1992652,
+ "norm_ops": 61091,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.387018795475193,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dea1cf4c7838cb651a7b66ee720f014679588986abfe89645caaa8597200727b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:45.020000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:45.020000', 'bytes': 2092922880, 'norm_byte': 52447232, 'ops': 2043870, 'norm_ops': 51218, 'norm_ltcy': 19.545855155902224, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:45.020000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:45.020000",
+ "bytes": 2092922880,
+ "norm_byte": 52447232,
+ "ops": 2043870,
+ "norm_ops": 51218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.545855155902224,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d490a53c204ae3731eef755294d49b25d4f228991eab74cae19dec6f6e77166c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:46.022000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:46.022000', 'bytes': 2159903744, 'norm_byte': 66980864, 'ops': 2109281, 'norm_ops': 65411, 'norm_ltcy': 15.306110413863877, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:46.022000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:46.022000",
+ "bytes": 2159903744,
+ "norm_byte": 66980864,
+ "ops": 2109281,
+ "norm_ops": 65411,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.306110413863877,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85daf66dee6eddd560b87f2a8f93157b3e68d0f814ccd5f1dd1ceb350ef12133",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:47.023000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:47.023000', 'bytes': 2225290240, 'norm_byte': 65386496, 'ops': 2173135, 'norm_ops': 63854, 'norm_ltcy': 15.67810347261918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:47.023000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:47.023000",
+ "bytes": 2225290240,
+ "norm_byte": 65386496,
+ "ops": 2173135,
+ "norm_ops": 63854,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.67810347261918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "738c904e3637de79bd73387aa3f13620e78def84b2e398bfe5d6fe726f984867",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:48.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:48.024000', 'bytes': 2278650880, 'norm_byte': 53360640, 'ops': 2225245, 'norm_ops': 52110, 'norm_ltcy': 19.211623024011708, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:48.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:48.024000",
+ "bytes": 2278650880,
+ "norm_byte": 53360640,
+ "ops": 2225245,
+ "norm_ops": 52110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.211623024011708,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15efe9f5cb5476e063a07988bcfd04535983fd3b33fff6fbb0be0ddef913a517",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:49.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:49.025000', 'bytes': 2341870592, 'norm_byte': 63219712, 'ops': 2286983, 'norm_ops': 61738, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21528266373627, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:49.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:49.025000",
+ "bytes": 2341870592,
+ "norm_byte": 63219712,
+ "ops": 2286983,
+ "norm_ops": 61738,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21528266373627,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd6c61a0e920f52557ef8c6afa66d15e6a0df7545526a8c9dc4bd88c798c78f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:50.026000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:50.026000', 'bytes': 2405045248, 'norm_byte': 63174656, 'ops': 2348677, 'norm_ops': 61694, 'norm_ltcy': 16.226716770725275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:50.026000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:50.026000",
+ "bytes": 2405045248,
+ "norm_byte": 63174656,
+ "ops": 2348677,
+ "norm_ops": 61694,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.226716770725275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6096bc8b8fe5206fee7ebc379157038f5c77e497ef2c6e2b090610229640556",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:51.027000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:51.027000', 'bytes': 2466720768, 'norm_byte': 61675520, 'ops': 2408907, 'norm_ops': 60230, 'norm_ltcy': 16.6214691015171, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:51.027000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:51.027000",
+ "bytes": 2466720768,
+ "norm_byte": 61675520,
+ "ops": 2408907,
+ "norm_ops": 60230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.6214691015171,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0830e37aa63d17991792bae8db616d617763bac905db030f749269b75b99bd8e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:52.028000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:52.028000', 'bytes': 2516403200, 'norm_byte': 49682432, 'ops': 2457425, 'norm_ops': 48518, 'norm_ltcy': 20.633646718421517, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:52.028000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:52.028000",
+ "bytes": 2516403200,
+ "norm_byte": 49682432,
+ "ops": 2457425,
+ "norm_ops": 48518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.633646718421517,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b550b3a174a7045071f484b3cc77f71bc96cb3f44643a08fd493f0a24274cbc3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:53.029000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:53.029000', 'bytes': 2579489792, 'norm_byte': 63086592, 'ops': 2519033, 'norm_ops': 61608, 'norm_ltcy': 16.24940367677493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:53.029000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:53.029000",
+ "bytes": 2579489792,
+ "norm_byte": 63086592,
+ "ops": 2519033,
+ "norm_ops": 61608,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.24940367677493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b44bb67bf869212ebd4a6db34155c8c6693f3902b23bbf36b7f2d11345c5591d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:54.030000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:54.030000', 'bytes': 2642322432, 'norm_byte': 62832640, 'ops': 2580393, 'norm_ops': 61360, 'norm_ltcy': 16.314367023254157, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:54.030000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:54.030000",
+ "bytes": 2642322432,
+ "norm_byte": 62832640,
+ "ops": 2580393,
+ "norm_ops": 61360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.314367023254157,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b6b9e52487c785debf26a721c90c87b1d8b35ede213956cd27f32a7e6d8f10f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:55.032000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:55.032000', 'bytes': 2706405376, 'norm_byte': 64082944, 'ops': 2642974, 'norm_ops': 62581, 'norm_ltcy': 15.996893026637478, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:55.032000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:55.032000",
+ "bytes": 2706405376,
+ "norm_byte": 64082944,
+ "ops": 2642974,
+ "norm_ops": 62581,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.996893026637478,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b75c0e1d23320d961c8871ab331caf5fd5d59a51e486c29788ae3b496829cf8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:56.033000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:56.033000', 'bytes': 2770394112, 'norm_byte': 63988736, 'ops': 2705463, 'norm_ops': 62489, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02058915494127, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:56.033000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:56.033000",
+ "bytes": 2770394112,
+ "norm_byte": 63988736,
+ "ops": 2705463,
+ "norm_ops": 62489,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02058915494127,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8cb407df4142a2441d71a573514abf28aa5f3d93dd74f70a0d52bd89161a9954",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:57.034000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:57.034000', 'bytes': 2818958336, 'norm_byte': 48564224, 'ops': 2752889, 'norm_ops': 47426, 'norm_ltcy': 21.108851651783834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:57.034000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:57.034000",
+ "bytes": 2818958336,
+ "norm_byte": 48564224,
+ "ops": 2752889,
+ "norm_ops": 47426,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.108851651783834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c3643d4a5e7c3d005493a92d3a268df17d8bc81f0dee387ff8953046e8c197cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:58.034000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:58.034000', 'bytes': 2867348480, 'norm_byte': 48390144, 'ops': 2800145, 'norm_ops': 47256, 'norm_ltcy': 21.174296360845712, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:58.034000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:58.034000",
+ "bytes": 2867348480,
+ "norm_byte": 48390144,
+ "ops": 2800145,
+ "norm_ops": 47256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.174296360845712,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a8dfce8be093e9eca6875cc219c556ecd54777c2a00f65eb7b66406acfa62e2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:04:59.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:04:59.035000', 'bytes': 2914771968, 'norm_byte': 47423488, 'ops': 2846457, 'norm_ops': 46312, 'norm_ltcy': 21.614336971586738, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:04:59.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:04:59.035000",
+ "bytes": 2914771968,
+ "norm_byte": 47423488,
+ "ops": 2846457,
+ "norm_ops": 46312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.614336971586738,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c836c2261044c42dbdf493243699af46a6590ea16c58c60d6569180c93e3118e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:05:00.036000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:05:00.036000', 'bytes': 2966400000, 'norm_byte': 51628032, 'ops': 2896875, 'norm_ops': 50418, 'norm_ltcy': 19.855884686830596, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:05:00.036000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:05:00.036000",
+ "bytes": 2966400000,
+ "norm_byte": 51628032,
+ "ops": 2896875,
+ "norm_ops": 50418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.855884686830596,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d45cd0934445893bdb245878a3762319cb9c370fde5c835733359967458ce898",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:05:01.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:05:01.038000', 'bytes': 3029703680, 'norm_byte': 63303680, 'ops': 2958695, 'norm_ops': 61820, 'norm_ltcy': 16.193699165672516, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:05:01.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:05:01.038000",
+ "bytes": 3029703680,
+ "norm_byte": 63303680,
+ "ops": 2958695,
+ "norm_ops": 61820,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.193699165672516,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a4cf2700f4d58319c7e623df737ef23b743e262262349046cea5e7302d2e62b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:05:02.039000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:05:02.039000', 'bytes': 3079971840, 'norm_byte': 50268160, 'ops': 3007785, 'norm_ops': 49090, 'norm_ltcy': 20.393092764883377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:05:02.039000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:05:02.039000",
+ "bytes": 3079971840,
+ "norm_byte": 50268160,
+ "ops": 3007785,
+ "norm_ops": 49090,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.393092764883377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47fb9c4cf15f67194ad2820849beeb4dc0fd1e1587c9d72b22696874f740d33d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:05:03.040000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:05:03.040000', 'bytes': 3131740160, 'norm_byte': 51768320, 'ops': 3058340, 'norm_ops': 50555, 'norm_ltcy': 19.802081659207794, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:05:03.040000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:05:03.040000",
+ "bytes": 3131740160,
+ "norm_byte": 51768320,
+ "ops": 3058340,
+ "norm_ops": 50555,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.802081659207794,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a625ec79c5696ddae046c80306e6b12f7b0bf71da486eb4071493d0ae298085c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:05:04.041000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:05:04.041000', 'bytes': 3197764608, 'norm_byte': 66024448, 'ops': 3122817, 'norm_ops': 64477, 'norm_ltcy': 15.526362295372769, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:05:04.041000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:05:04.041000",
+ "bytes": 3197764608,
+ "norm_byte": 66024448,
+ "ops": 3122817,
+ "norm_ops": 64477,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.526362295372769,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6f16f495fb094e2e9537b382785b7f728d6ebe3b3f198dbdd68662da3f65d27",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:05:05.042000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:05:05.042000', 'bytes': 3246359552, 'norm_byte': 48594944, 'ops': 3170273, 'norm_ops': 47456, 'norm_ltcy': 21.09542507138191, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:05:05.042000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:05:05.042000",
+ "bytes": 3246359552,
+ "norm_byte": 48594944,
+ "ops": 3170273,
+ "norm_ops": 47456,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.09542507138191,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e20db4d49e91d1af7d62bd7242f75e5c7d9341bfd59c430a685c7d7e5a1b1c88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:05:06.043000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:05:06.043000', 'bytes': 3286279168, 'norm_byte': 39919616, 'ops': 3209257, 'norm_ops': 38984, 'norm_ltcy': 25.68020068128912, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:05:06.043000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:05:06.043000",
+ "bytes": 3286279168,
+ "norm_byte": 39919616,
+ "ops": 3209257,
+ "norm_ops": 38984,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.68020068128912,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf48c04fbf6cc8d79cc0ecbf64455febff77c8404d87457c9622df3fbec99322",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:05:07.044000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:05:07.044000', 'bytes': 3346453504, 'norm_byte': 60174336, 'ops': 3268021, 'norm_ops': 58764, 'norm_ltcy': 17.036311792455837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:05:07.044000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:05:07.044000",
+ "bytes": 3346453504,
+ "norm_byte": 60174336,
+ "ops": 3268021,
+ "norm_ops": 58764,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.036311792455837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77622ad40735dafc220866ed7c3bcb4c922879cfd03b92c1fb7c892aac8103bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:05:08.246000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:05:08.246000', 'bytes': 3396228096, 'norm_byte': 49774592, 'ops': 3316629, 'norm_ops': 48608, 'norm_ltcy': 24.715596865163654, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:05:08.246000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:05:08.246000",
+ "bytes": 3396228096,
+ "norm_byte": 49774592,
+ "ops": 3316629,
+ "norm_ops": 48608,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.715596865163654,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2a31d5dc-3a00-5eff-8254-c80a2cec9e34",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "837f299067870a470290f7bc901fb7d6dea40da0b7d18b3df537a7e77e9f669c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 57563188.06779661
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 56214.05084745763
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.812057246776195
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:05:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-016-220519200124/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-016-220519200124/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce3c0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-016-220519200124/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-016-220519200124/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-016-220519200124/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-016-220519200124/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-016-220519200124/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-016-220519200124/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0197789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-016-220519200124/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=15
+ vm.swappiness=85
+ net.core.busy_read=60
+ net.core.busy_poll=130
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-017-220519200326/220519200326-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-017-220519200326/220519200326-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f97879d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-017-220519200326/220519200326-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:06:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990769717.5247 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990770718.6382 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990770718.7256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990771719.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:41664512 nr_ops:40688\ntimestamp_ms:1652990772721.0227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:69645312 nr_ops:68013\ntimestamp_ms:1652990773722.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141162496 nr_ops:137854\ntimestamp_ms:1652990774723.1719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204545024 nr_ops:199751\ntimestamp_ms:1652990775724.2834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:269360128 nr_ops:263047\ntimestamp_ms:1652990776725.3848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:340761600 nr_ops:332775\ntimestamp_ms:1652990777726.4807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:399447040 nr_ops:390085\ntimestamp_ms:1652990778727.5845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439958528 nr_ops:429647\ntimestamp_ms:1652990779728.6956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:497155072 nr_ops:485503\ntimestamp_ms:1652990780729.7888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568304640 nr_ops:554985\ntimestamp_ms:1652990781730.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639292416 nr_ops:624309\ntimestamp_ms:1652990782731.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:710239232 nr_ops:693593\ntimestamp_ms:1652990783733.0818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781426688 nr_ops:763112\ntimestamp_ms:1652990784734.1780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852698112 nr_ops:832713\ntimestamp_ms:1652990785735.2715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:924128256 nr_ops:902469\ntimestamp_ms:1652990786736.3125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:996164608 nr_ops:972817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990787737.3567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053334528 nr_ops:1028647\ntimestamp_ms:1652990788738.4771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1110891520 nr_ops:1084855\ntimestamp_ms:1652990789739.6914 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152220160 nr_ops:1125215\ntimestamp_ms:1652990790740.7900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208800256 nr_ops:1180469\ntimestamp_ms:1652990791741.8870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250231296 nr_ops:1220929\ntimestamp_ms:1652990792742.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306913792 nr_ops:1276283\ntimestamp_ms:1652990793743.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1363407872 nr_ops:1331453\ntimestamp_ms:1652990794744.9255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433715712 nr_ops:1400113\ntimestamp_ms:1652990795746.0181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1489990656 nr_ops:1455069\ntimestamp_ms:1652990796747.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1561246720 nr_ops:1524655\ntimestamp_ms:1652990797748.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1632949248 nr_ops:1594677\ntimestamp_ms:1652990798749.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1683827712 nr_ops:1644363\ntimestamp_ms:1652990799750.4275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1746289664 nr_ops:1705361\ntimestamp_ms:1652990800751.4724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1817105408 nr_ops:1774517\ntimestamp_ms:1652990801752.5637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1887577088 nr_ops:1843337\ntimestamp_ms:1652990802752.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1958513664 nr_ops:1912611\ntimestamp_ms:1652990803753.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029704192 nr_ops:1982133\ntimestamp_ms:1652990804754.9248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086067200 nr_ops:2037175\ntimestamp_ms:1652990805756.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157011968 nr_ops:2106457\ntimestamp_ms:1652990806757.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2227942400 nr_ops:2175725\ntimestamp_ms:1652990807758.2063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2299085824 nr_ops:2245201\ntimestamp_ms:1652990808759.2925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2370300928 nr_ops:2314747\ntimestamp_ms:1652990809760.3318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2441327616 nr_ops:2384109\ntimestamp_ms:1652990810760.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2512316416 nr_ops:2453434\ntimestamp_ms:1652990811761.9460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2583383040 nr_ops:2522835\ntimestamp_ms:1652990812763.0439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2625106944 nr_ops:2563581\ntimestamp_ms:1652990813764.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2696827904 nr_ops:2633621\ntimestamp_ms:1652990814765.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768069632 nr_ops:2703193\ntimestamp_ms:1652990815766.3308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2824836096 nr_ops:2758629\ntimestamp_ms:1652990816767.4351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2881432576 nr_ops:2813899\ntimestamp_ms:1652990817768.5378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2938276864 nr_ops:2869411\ntimestamp_ms:1652990818769.6379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2995155968 nr_ops:2924957\ntimestamp_ms:1652990819770.7366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3037357056 nr_ops:2966169\ntimestamp_ms:1652990820771.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3094084608 nr_ops:3021567\ntimestamp_ms:1652990821772.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3145266176 nr_ops:3071549\ntimestamp_ms:1652990822774.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3206757376 nr_ops:3131599\ntimestamp_ms:1652990823775.1621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3275926528 nr_ops:3199147\ntimestamp_ms:1652990824776.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3320587264 nr_ops:3242761\ntimestamp_ms:1652990825777.3865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370046464 nr_ops:3291061\ntimestamp_ms:1652990826778.5010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3417209856 nr_ops:3337119\ntimestamp_ms:1652990827779.5955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3458753536 nr_ops:3377689\ntimestamp_ms:1652990828780.7744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3514897408 nr_ops:3432517\ntimestamp_ms:1652990829781.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571274752 nr_ops:3487573\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140089104008960\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3641699328 nr_ops:3556347\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.2983 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.3093 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990831083.3418 name:Total nr_bytes:3641699328 nr_ops:3556348\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.4043 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7283398654 nr_ops:7112696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.4050 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3641699328 nr_ops:3556350\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 313.85us 0.00ns 313.85us 313.85us \nTxn1 1778174 33.75us 0.00ns 208.95ms 18.36us \nTxn2 1 23.37us 0.00ns 23.37us 23.37us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 308.02us 0.00ns 308.02us 308.02us \nwrite 1778174 2.41us 0.00ns 126.12us 2.10us \nread 1778173 31.27us 0.00ns 208.95ms 1.22us \ndisconnect 1 22.93us 0.00ns 22.93us 22.93us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \nnet1 28512 28512 248.62Mb/s 248.62Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.112 62.37s 3.39GB 467.13Mb/s 3556350 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.39GB 467.13Mb/s 3556350 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416437, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990769717.5247 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990770718.6382 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990770718.7256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990771719.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:41664512 nr_ops:40688\ntimestamp_ms:1652990772721.0227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:69645312 nr_ops:68013\ntimestamp_ms:1652990773722.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141162496 nr_ops:137854\ntimestamp_ms:1652990774723.1719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204545024 nr_ops:199751\ntimestamp_ms:1652990775724.2834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:269360128 nr_ops:263047\ntimestamp_ms:1652990776725.3848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:340761600 nr_ops:332775\ntimestamp_ms:1652990777726.4807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:399447040 nr_ops:390085\ntimestamp_ms:1652990778727.5845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439958528 nr_ops:429647\ntimestamp_ms:1652990779728.6956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:497155072 nr_ops:485503\ntimestamp_ms:1652990780729.7888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568304640 nr_ops:554985\ntimestamp_ms:1652990781730.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639292416 nr_ops:624309\ntimestamp_ms:1652990782731.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:710239232 nr_ops:693593\ntimestamp_ms:1652990783733.0818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781426688 nr_ops:763112\ntimestamp_ms:1652990784734.1780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852698112 nr_ops:832713\ntimestamp_ms:1652990785735.2715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:924128256 nr_ops:902469\ntimestamp_ms:1652990786736.3125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:996164608 nr_ops:972817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990787737.3567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053334528 nr_ops:1028647\ntimestamp_ms:1652990788738.4771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1110891520 nr_ops:1084855\ntimestamp_ms:1652990789739.6914 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152220160 nr_ops:1125215\ntimestamp_ms:1652990790740.7900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208800256 nr_ops:1180469\ntimestamp_ms:1652990791741.8870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250231296 nr_ops:1220929\ntimestamp_ms:1652990792742.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306913792 nr_ops:1276283\ntimestamp_ms:1652990793743.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1363407872 nr_ops:1331453\ntimestamp_ms:1652990794744.9255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433715712 nr_ops:1400113\ntimestamp_ms:1652990795746.0181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1489990656 nr_ops:1455069\ntimestamp_ms:1652990796747.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1561246720 nr_ops:1524655\ntimestamp_ms:1652990797748.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1632949248 nr_ops:1594677\ntimestamp_ms:1652990798749.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1683827712 nr_ops:1644363\ntimestamp_ms:1652990799750.4275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1746289664 nr_ops:1705361\ntimestamp_ms:1652990800751.4724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1817105408 nr_ops:1774517\ntimestamp_ms:1652990801752.5637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1887577088 nr_ops:1843337\ntimestamp_ms:1652990802752.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1958513664 nr_ops:1912611\ntimestamp_ms:1652990803753.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029704192 nr_ops:1982133\ntimestamp_ms:1652990804754.9248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086067200 nr_ops:2037175\ntimestamp_ms:1652990805756.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157011968 nr_ops:2106457\ntimestamp_ms:1652990806757.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2227942400 nr_ops:2175725\ntimestamp_ms:1652990807758.2063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2299085824 nr_ops:2245201\ntimestamp_ms:1652990808759.2925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2370300928 nr_ops:2314747\ntimestamp_ms:1652990809760.3318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2441327616 nr_ops:2384109\ntimestamp_ms:1652990810760.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2512316416 nr_ops:2453434\ntimestamp_ms:1652990811761.9460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2583383040 nr_ops:2522835\ntimestamp_ms:1652990812763.0439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2625106944 nr_ops:2563581\ntimestamp_ms:1652990813764.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2696827904 nr_ops:2633621\ntimestamp_ms:1652990814765.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768069632 nr_ops:2703193\ntimestamp_ms:1652990815766.3308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2824836096 nr_ops:2758629\ntimestamp_ms:1652990816767.4351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2881432576 nr_ops:2813899\ntimestamp_ms:1652990817768.5378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2938276864 nr_ops:2869411\ntimestamp_ms:1652990818769.6379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2995155968 nr_ops:2924957\ntimestamp_ms:1652990819770.7366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3037357056 nr_ops:2966169\ntimestamp_ms:1652990820771.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3094084608 nr_ops:3021567\ntimestamp_ms:1652990821772.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3145266176 nr_ops:3071549\ntimestamp_ms:1652990822774.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3206757376 nr_ops:3131599\ntimestamp_ms:1652990823775.1621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3275926528 nr_ops:3199147\ntimestamp_ms:1652990824776.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3320587264 nr_ops:3242761\ntimestamp_ms:1652990825777.3865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370046464 nr_ops:3291061\ntimestamp_ms:1652990826778.5010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3417209856 nr_ops:3337119\ntimestamp_ms:1652990827779.5955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3458753536 nr_ops:3377689\ntimestamp_ms:1652990828780.7744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3514897408 nr_ops:3432517\ntimestamp_ms:1652990829781.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571274752 nr_ops:3487573\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140089104008960\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3641699328 nr_ops:3556347\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.2983 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.3093 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990831083.3418 name:Total nr_bytes:3641699328 nr_ops:3556348\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.4043 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7283398654 nr_ops:7112696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.4050 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3641699328 nr_ops:3556350\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 313.85us 0.00ns 313.85us 313.85us \nTxn1 1778174 33.75us 0.00ns 208.95ms 18.36us \nTxn2 1 23.37us 0.00ns 23.37us 23.37us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 308.02us 0.00ns 308.02us 308.02us \nwrite 1778174 2.41us 0.00ns 126.12us 2.10us \nread 1778173 31.27us 0.00ns 208.95ms 1.22us \ndisconnect 1 22.93us 0.00ns 22.93us 22.93us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \nnet1 28512 28512 248.62Mb/s 248.62Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.112 62.37s 3.39GB 467.13Mb/s 3556350 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.39GB 467.13Mb/s 3556350 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416437, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990769717.5247 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990770718.6382 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990770718.7256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990771719.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:41664512 nr_ops:40688\ntimestamp_ms:1652990772721.0227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:69645312 nr_ops:68013\ntimestamp_ms:1652990773722.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141162496 nr_ops:137854\ntimestamp_ms:1652990774723.1719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204545024 nr_ops:199751\ntimestamp_ms:1652990775724.2834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:269360128 nr_ops:263047\ntimestamp_ms:1652990776725.3848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:340761600 nr_ops:332775\ntimestamp_ms:1652990777726.4807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:399447040 nr_ops:390085\ntimestamp_ms:1652990778727.5845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439958528 nr_ops:429647\ntimestamp_ms:1652990779728.6956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:497155072 nr_ops:485503\ntimestamp_ms:1652990780729.7888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568304640 nr_ops:554985\ntimestamp_ms:1652990781730.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639292416 nr_ops:624309\ntimestamp_ms:1652990782731.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:710239232 nr_ops:693593\ntimestamp_ms:1652990783733.0818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781426688 nr_ops:763112\ntimestamp_ms:1652990784734.1780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852698112 nr_ops:832713\ntimestamp_ms:1652990785735.2715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:924128256 nr_ops:902469\ntimestamp_ms:1652990786736.3125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:996164608 nr_ops:972817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990787737.3567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053334528 nr_ops:1028647\ntimestamp_ms:1652990788738.4771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1110891520 nr_ops:1084855\ntimestamp_ms:1652990789739.6914 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152220160 nr_ops:1125215\ntimestamp_ms:1652990790740.7900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208800256 nr_ops:1180469\ntimestamp_ms:1652990791741.8870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250231296 nr_ops:1220929\ntimestamp_ms:1652990792742.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306913792 nr_ops:1276283\ntimestamp_ms:1652990793743.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1363407872 nr_ops:1331453\ntimestamp_ms:1652990794744.9255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433715712 nr_ops:1400113\ntimestamp_ms:1652990795746.0181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1489990656 nr_ops:1455069\ntimestamp_ms:1652990796747.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1561246720 nr_ops:1524655\ntimestamp_ms:1652990797748.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1632949248 nr_ops:1594677\ntimestamp_ms:1652990798749.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1683827712 nr_ops:1644363\ntimestamp_ms:1652990799750.4275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1746289664 nr_ops:1705361\ntimestamp_ms:1652990800751.4724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1817105408 nr_ops:1774517\ntimestamp_ms:1652990801752.5637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1887577088 nr_ops:1843337\ntimestamp_ms:1652990802752.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1958513664 nr_ops:1912611\ntimestamp_ms:1652990803753.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029704192 nr_ops:1982133\ntimestamp_ms:1652990804754.9248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086067200 nr_ops:2037175\ntimestamp_ms:1652990805756.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157011968 nr_ops:2106457\ntimestamp_ms:1652990806757.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2227942400 nr_ops:2175725\ntimestamp_ms:1652990807758.2063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2299085824 nr_ops:2245201\ntimestamp_ms:1652990808759.2925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2370300928 nr_ops:2314747\ntimestamp_ms:1652990809760.3318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2441327616 nr_ops:2384109\ntimestamp_ms:1652990810760.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2512316416 nr_ops:2453434\ntimestamp_ms:1652990811761.9460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2583383040 nr_ops:2522835\ntimestamp_ms:1652990812763.0439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2625106944 nr_ops:2563581\ntimestamp_ms:1652990813764.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2696827904 nr_ops:2633621\ntimestamp_ms:1652990814765.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768069632 nr_ops:2703193\ntimestamp_ms:1652990815766.3308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2824836096 nr_ops:2758629\ntimestamp_ms:1652990816767.4351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2881432576 nr_ops:2813899\ntimestamp_ms:1652990817768.5378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2938276864 nr_ops:2869411\ntimestamp_ms:1652990818769.6379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2995155968 nr_ops:2924957\ntimestamp_ms:1652990819770.7366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3037357056 nr_ops:2966169\ntimestamp_ms:1652990820771.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3094084608 nr_ops:3021567\ntimestamp_ms:1652990821772.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3145266176 nr_ops:3071549\ntimestamp_ms:1652990822774.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3206757376 nr_ops:3131599\ntimestamp_ms:1652990823775.1621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3275926528 nr_ops:3199147\ntimestamp_ms:1652990824776.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3320587264 nr_ops:3242761\ntimestamp_ms:1652990825777.3865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370046464 nr_ops:3291061\ntimestamp_ms:1652990826778.5010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3417209856 nr_ops:3337119\ntimestamp_ms:1652990827779.5955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3458753536 nr_ops:3377689\ntimestamp_ms:1652990828780.7744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3514897408 nr_ops:3432517\ntimestamp_ms:1652990829781.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571274752 nr_ops:3487573\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140089104008960\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3641699328 nr_ops:3556347\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.2983 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.3093 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990831083.3418 name:Total nr_bytes:3641699328 nr_ops:3556348\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.4043 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7283398654 nr_ops:7112696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990830983.4050 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3641699328 nr_ops:3556350\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 313.85us 0.00ns 313.85us 313.85us \nTxn1 1778174 33.75us 0.00ns 208.95ms 18.36us \nTxn2 1 23.37us 0.00ns 23.37us 23.37us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 308.02us 0.00ns 308.02us 308.02us \nwrite 1778174 2.41us 0.00ns 126.12us 2.10us \nread 1778173 31.27us 0.00ns 208.95ms 1.22us \ndisconnect 1 22.93us 0.00ns 22.93us 22.93us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \nnet1 28512 28512 248.62Mb/s 248.62Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.112 62.37s 3.39GB 467.13Mb/s 3556350 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.39GB 467.13Mb/s 3556350 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416437, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990769717.5247 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990770718.6382 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990770718.7256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990771719.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:41664512 nr_ops:40688
+timestamp_ms:1652990772721.0227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:69645312 nr_ops:68013
+timestamp_ms:1652990773722.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141162496 nr_ops:137854
+timestamp_ms:1652990774723.1719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204545024 nr_ops:199751
+timestamp_ms:1652990775724.2834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:269360128 nr_ops:263047
+timestamp_ms:1652990776725.3848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:340761600 nr_ops:332775
+timestamp_ms:1652990777726.4807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:399447040 nr_ops:390085
+timestamp_ms:1652990778727.5845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439958528 nr_ops:429647
+timestamp_ms:1652990779728.6956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:497155072 nr_ops:485503
+timestamp_ms:1652990780729.7888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568304640 nr_ops:554985
+timestamp_ms:1652990781730.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639292416 nr_ops:624309
+timestamp_ms:1652990782731.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:710239232 nr_ops:693593
+timestamp_ms:1652990783733.0818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781426688 nr_ops:763112
+timestamp_ms:1652990784734.1780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852698112 nr_ops:832713
+timestamp_ms:1652990785735.2715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:924128256 nr_ops:902469
+timestamp_ms:1652990786736.3125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:996164608 nr_ops:972817
+timestamp_ms:1652990787737.3567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053334528 nr_ops:1028647
+timestamp_ms:1652990788738.4771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1110891520 nr_ops:1084855
+timestamp_ms:1652990789739.6914 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152220160 nr_ops:1125215
+timestamp_ms:1652990790740.7900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208800256 nr_ops:1180469
+timestamp_ms:1652990791741.8870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250231296 nr_ops:1220929
+timestamp_ms:1652990792742.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306913792 nr_ops:1276283
+timestamp_ms:1652990793743.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1363407872 nr_ops:1331453
+timestamp_ms:1652990794744.9255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433715712 nr_ops:1400113
+timestamp_ms:1652990795746.0181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1489990656 nr_ops:1455069
+timestamp_ms:1652990796747.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1561246720 nr_ops:1524655
+timestamp_ms:1652990797748.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1632949248 nr_ops:1594677
+timestamp_ms:1652990798749.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1683827712 nr_ops:1644363
+timestamp_ms:1652990799750.4275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1746289664 nr_ops:1705361
+timestamp_ms:1652990800751.4724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1817105408 nr_ops:1774517
+timestamp_ms:1652990801752.5637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1887577088 nr_ops:1843337
+timestamp_ms:1652990802752.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1958513664 nr_ops:1912611
+timestamp_ms:1652990803753.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029704192 nr_ops:1982133
+timestamp_ms:1652990804754.9248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086067200 nr_ops:2037175
+timestamp_ms:1652990805756.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157011968 nr_ops:2106457
+timestamp_ms:1652990806757.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2227942400 nr_ops:2175725
+timestamp_ms:1652990807758.2063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2299085824 nr_ops:2245201
+timestamp_ms:1652990808759.2925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2370300928 nr_ops:2314747
+timestamp_ms:1652990809760.3318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2441327616 nr_ops:2384109
+timestamp_ms:1652990810760.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2512316416 nr_ops:2453434
+timestamp_ms:1652990811761.9460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2583383040 nr_ops:2522835
+timestamp_ms:1652990812763.0439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2625106944 nr_ops:2563581
+timestamp_ms:1652990813764.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2696827904 nr_ops:2633621
+timestamp_ms:1652990814765.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768069632 nr_ops:2703193
+timestamp_ms:1652990815766.3308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2824836096 nr_ops:2758629
+timestamp_ms:1652990816767.4351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2881432576 nr_ops:2813899
+timestamp_ms:1652990817768.5378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2938276864 nr_ops:2869411
+timestamp_ms:1652990818769.6379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2995155968 nr_ops:2924957
+timestamp_ms:1652990819770.7366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3037357056 nr_ops:2966169
+timestamp_ms:1652990820771.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3094084608 nr_ops:3021567
+timestamp_ms:1652990821772.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3145266176 nr_ops:3071549
+timestamp_ms:1652990822774.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3206757376 nr_ops:3131599
+timestamp_ms:1652990823775.1621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3275926528 nr_ops:3199147
+timestamp_ms:1652990824776.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3320587264 nr_ops:3242761
+timestamp_ms:1652990825777.3865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370046464 nr_ops:3291061
+timestamp_ms:1652990826778.5010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3417209856 nr_ops:3337119
+timestamp_ms:1652990827779.5955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3458753536 nr_ops:3377689
+timestamp_ms:1652990828780.7744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3514897408 nr_ops:3432517
+timestamp_ms:1652990829781.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571274752 nr_ops:3487573
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140089104008960
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652990830983.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3641699328 nr_ops:3556347
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990830983.2983 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990830983.3093 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990831083.3418 name:Total nr_bytes:3641699328 nr_ops:3556348
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990830983.4043 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7283398654 nr_ops:7112696
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990830983.4050 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3641699328 nr_ops:3556350
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 313.85us 0.00ns 313.85us 313.85us
+Txn1 1778174 33.75us 0.00ns 208.95ms 18.36us
+Txn2 1 23.37us 0.00ns 23.37us 23.37us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 308.02us 0.00ns 308.02us 308.02us
+write 1778174 2.41us 0.00ns 126.12us 2.10us
+read 1778173 31.27us 0.00ns 208.95ms 1.22us
+disconnect 1 22.93us 0.00ns 22.93us 22.93us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s
+net1 28512 28512 248.62Mb/s 248.62Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.112 62.37s 3.39GB 467.13Mb/s 3556350 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.39GB 467.13Mb/s 3556350 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:11.719000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:11.719000', 'bytes': 41664512, 'norm_byte': 41664512, 'ops': 40688, 'norm_ops': 40688, 'norm_ltcy': 24.604488347301412, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:11.719000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:11.719000",
+ "bytes": 41664512,
+ "norm_byte": 41664512,
+ "ops": 40688,
+ "norm_ops": 40688,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.604488347301412,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d193afe5f2b6ffacf0195e606afd8e972c30cde71dfb916325374d35b0d74a82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:12.721000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:12.721000', 'bytes': 69645312, 'norm_byte': 27980800, 'ops': 68013, 'norm_ops': 27325, 'norm_ltcy': 36.64006211402104, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:12.721000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:12.721000",
+ "bytes": 69645312,
+ "norm_byte": 27980800,
+ "ops": 68013,
+ "norm_ops": 27325,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.64006211402104,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43bbb525c36c63eaff4d286baa692db4e2a6caef4fb3390ec832727d823f39d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:13.722000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:13.722000', 'bytes': 141162496, 'norm_byte': 71517184, 'ops': 137854, 'norm_ops': 69841, 'norm_ltcy': 14.333925675820792, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:13.722000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:13.722000",
+ "bytes": 141162496,
+ "norm_byte": 71517184,
+ "ops": 137854,
+ "norm_ops": 69841,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.333925675820792,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c83408116aea6071ab17ab1022bfcc4789042946549a3ef446b89e22a4bc0c6e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:14.723000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:14.723000', 'bytes': 204545024, 'norm_byte': 63382528, 'ops': 199751, 'norm_ops': 61897, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17289152619473, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:14.723000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:14.723000",
+ "bytes": 204545024,
+ "norm_byte": 63382528,
+ "ops": 199751,
+ "norm_ops": 61897,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17289152619473,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2fda6d9e54b833b26e5052f3ea21c6f8ae7d49ffe413607c0d7d9046fa36f15",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:15.724000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:15.724000', 'bytes': 269360128, 'norm_byte': 64815104, 'ops': 263047, 'norm_ops': 63296, 'norm_ltcy': 15.816348146259243, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:15.724000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:15.724000",
+ "bytes": 269360128,
+ "norm_byte": 64815104,
+ "ops": 263047,
+ "norm_ops": 63296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.816348146259243,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f96f0059d00f464f9282be67828c0c9f5ebe320032c0e4631f9707c2e48df44e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:16.725000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:16.725000', 'bytes': 340761600, 'norm_byte': 71401472, 'ops': 332775, 'norm_ops': 69728, 'norm_ltcy': 14.357235520298516, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:16.725000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:16.725000",
+ "bytes": 340761600,
+ "norm_byte": 71401472,
+ "ops": 332775,
+ "norm_ops": 69728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.357235520298516,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30c359aa47b05f357d2fac2f32a2e9ffdd86385b7145274bb6a01075ea9081b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:17.726000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:17.726000', 'bytes': 399447040, 'norm_byte': 58685440, 'ops': 390085, 'norm_ops': 57310, 'norm_ltcy': 17.468084928731894, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:17.726000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:17.726000",
+ "bytes": 399447040,
+ "norm_byte": 58685440,
+ "ops": 390085,
+ "norm_ops": 57310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.468084928731894,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6f42a727f3d0be8c2c96ea0400491115a1b9eb93356e074f5460e2965aee4fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:18.727000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:18.727000', 'bytes': 439958528, 'norm_byte': 40511488, 'ops': 429647, 'norm_ops': 39562, 'norm_ltcy': 25.304680242799275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:18.727000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:18.727000",
+ "bytes": 439958528,
+ "norm_byte": 40511488,
+ "ops": 429647,
+ "norm_ops": 39562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.304680242799275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b1725afe762d7a02daecd2956b6579a5c5860fa6d519ae247c45f4d41c4eb09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:19.728000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:19.728000', 'bytes': 497155072, 'norm_byte': 57196544, 'ops': 485503, 'norm_ops': 55856, 'norm_ltcy': 17.923071540825962, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:19.728000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:19.728000",
+ "bytes": 497155072,
+ "norm_byte": 57196544,
+ "ops": 485503,
+ "norm_ops": 55856,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.923071540825962,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "828bb3b9bb01bb81d8ddb2690b5afa079e8d25d5b8fb46a4f756945f9fa7e87b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:20.729000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:20.729000', 'bytes': 568304640, 'norm_byte': 71149568, 'ops': 554985, 'norm_ops': 69482, 'norm_ltcy': 14.407951148768745, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:20.729000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:20.729000",
+ "bytes": 568304640,
+ "norm_byte": 71149568,
+ "ops": 554985,
+ "norm_ops": 69482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.407951148768745,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ed661949193d318baeca362039f08894b465751b39d3a139e88fe81f5f33f82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:21.730000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:21.730000', 'bytes': 639292416, 'norm_byte': 70987776, 'ops': 624309, 'norm_ops': 69324, 'norm_ltcy': 14.440894725311582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:21.730000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:21.730000",
+ "bytes": 639292416,
+ "norm_byte": 70987776,
+ "ops": 624309,
+ "norm_ops": 69324,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.440894725311582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "151aba5565a21e457c2cb1d7cb993604e6abdfe935a7fefef8269993de003bd0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:22.731000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:22.731000', 'bytes': 710239232, 'norm_byte': 70946816, 'ops': 693593, 'norm_ops': 69284, 'norm_ltcy': 14.44915089635594, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:22.731000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:22.731000",
+ "bytes": 710239232,
+ "norm_byte": 70946816,
+ "ops": 693593,
+ "norm_ops": 69284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.44915089635594,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e11f514236333780102f867653a79828d345332417bd6446fe415ca7a1b7cee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:23.733000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:23.733000', 'bytes': 781426688, 'norm_byte': 71187456, 'ops': 763112, 'norm_ops': 69519, 'norm_ltcy': 14.4003425266384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:23.733000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:23.733000",
+ "bytes": 781426688,
+ "norm_byte": 71187456,
+ "ops": 763112,
+ "norm_ops": 69519,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.4003425266384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2d608d16475b675ed5cdb6f29f5e71b9408d479cd9949484c7b6e382b4580b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:24.734000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:24.734000', 'bytes': 852698112, 'norm_byte': 71271424, 'ops': 832713, 'norm_ops': 69601, 'norm_ltcy': 14.383359311019237, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:24.734000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:24.734000",
+ "bytes": 852698112,
+ "norm_byte": 71271424,
+ "ops": 832713,
+ "norm_ops": 69601,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.383359311019237,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0775ed1ad96f5366ea995bc6037f46b29afc3dfcaaa0e09b9afae6a70a5352b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:25.735000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:25.735000', 'bytes': 924128256, 'norm_byte': 71430144, 'ops': 902469, 'norm_ops': 69756, 'norm_ltcy': 14.351360540446342, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:25.735000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:25.735000",
+ "bytes": 924128256,
+ "norm_byte": 71430144,
+ "ops": 902469,
+ "norm_ops": 69756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.351360540446342,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b6b77afc033bc22a28ab88b0bc140aca70c7e2f677f530cff59b05a4d2b8ae48",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:26.736000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:26.736000', 'bytes': 996164608, 'norm_byte': 72036352, 'ops': 972817, 'norm_ops': 70348, 'norm_ltcy': 14.22984328801103, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:26.736000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:26.736000",
+ "bytes": 996164608,
+ "norm_byte": 72036352,
+ "ops": 972817,
+ "norm_ops": 70348,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.22984328801103,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "41df3fac664357d4d398ac9a21a84769e3c907862eb083e63b53efd69a790b78",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:27.737000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:27.737000', 'bytes': 1053334528, 'norm_byte': 57169920, 'ops': 1028647, 'norm_ops': 55830, 'norm_ltcy': 17.930220122749866, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:27.737000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:27.737000",
+ "bytes": 1053334528,
+ "norm_byte": 57169920,
+ "ops": 1028647,
+ "norm_ops": 55830,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.930220122749866,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb0e19f91f56345e96336e40f0ff97a3c3369afb2ffd74646c6f7022a33f957a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:28.738000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:28.738000', 'bytes': 1110891520, 'norm_byte': 57556992, 'ops': 1084855, 'norm_ops': 56208, 'norm_ltcy': 17.810994188160493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:28.738000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:28.738000",
+ "bytes": 1110891520,
+ "norm_byte": 57556992,
+ "ops": 1084855,
+ "norm_ops": 56208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.810994188160493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "871de56fdbca4e574e98ab7f902a88c38202c95a1349c459d5d30e6f9b468862",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:29.739000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:29.739000', 'bytes': 1152220160, 'norm_byte': 41328640, 'ops': 1125215, 'norm_ops': 40360, 'norm_ltcy': 24.80709503143583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:29.739000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:29.739000",
+ "bytes": 1152220160,
+ "norm_byte": 41328640,
+ "ops": 1125215,
+ "norm_ops": 40360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.80709503143583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06699cb7478ebc14fc998495eb4fa103deca695e1a845f4bac4c42ff7c6acaed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:30.740000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:30.740000', 'bytes': 1208800256, 'norm_byte': 56580096, 'ops': 1180469, 'norm_ops': 55254, 'norm_ltcy': 18.118120548964782, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:30.740000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:30.740000",
+ "bytes": 1208800256,
+ "norm_byte": 56580096,
+ "ops": 1180469,
+ "norm_ops": 55254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.118120548964782,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "475ca5cd3e0c4a36986ba3f514897c508064057d0b38d44f5be47c0098eb13ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:31.741000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:31.741000', 'bytes': 1250231296, 'norm_byte': 41431040, 'ops': 1220929, 'norm_ops': 40460, 'norm_ltcy': 24.742879975979363, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:31.741000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:31.741000",
+ "bytes": 1250231296,
+ "norm_byte": 41431040,
+ "ops": 1220929,
+ "norm_ops": 40460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.742879975979363,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c2c11602f04c8527b92ae4a1219e6f72f7139400fd759f7d71f55e80c1c39c3d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:32.742000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:32.742000', 'bytes': 1306913792, 'norm_byte': 56682496, 'ops': 1276283, 'norm_ops': 55354, 'norm_ltcy': 18.085367129916087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:32.742000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:32.742000",
+ "bytes": 1306913792,
+ "norm_byte": 56682496,
+ "ops": 1276283,
+ "norm_ops": 55354,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.085367129916087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a7834a94d3ec29e646b6d439b90080452767b5d1f2b815e5f9a21ba6f5f311e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:33.743000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:33.743000', 'bytes': 1363407872, 'norm_byte': 56494080, 'ops': 1331453, 'norm_ops': 55170, 'norm_ltcy': 18.1412149733211, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:33.743000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:33.743000",
+ "bytes": 1363407872,
+ "norm_byte": 56494080,
+ "ops": 1331453,
+ "norm_ops": 55170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.1412149733211,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e7161249f31c1b3904c0fef89c45494107eecff0903d8a2edaa36d00d926022",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:34.744000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:34.744000', 'bytes': 1433715712, 'norm_byte': 70307840, 'ops': 1400113, 'norm_ops': 68660, 'norm_ltcy': 14.580400990842557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:34.744000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:34.744000",
+ "bytes": 1433715712,
+ "norm_byte": 70307840,
+ "ops": 1400113,
+ "norm_ops": 68660,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.580400990842557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11469b25167c390b82cdd1dff29d2a2cb83f1fdff6d9dd36439c755be418f1a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:35.746000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:35.746000', 'bytes': 1489990656, 'norm_byte': 56274944, 'ops': 1455069, 'norm_ops': 54956, 'norm_ltcy': 18.216255355136383, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:35.746000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:35.746000",
+ "bytes": 1489990656,
+ "norm_byte": 56274944,
+ "ops": 1455069,
+ "norm_ops": 54956,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.216255355136383,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c6d281c17ab7c62c580476c96e9662e4e2272d9e94f5a81f98b3b1637d0dcac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:36.747000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:36.747000', 'bytes': 1561246720, 'norm_byte': 71256064, 'ops': 1524655, 'norm_ops': 69586, 'norm_ltcy': 14.386473830493921, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:36.747000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:36.747000",
+ "bytes": 1561246720,
+ "norm_byte": 71256064,
+ "ops": 1524655,
+ "norm_ops": 69586,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.386473830493921,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a849efa57b13082c3037e240774b1d195b8c29a4c34d988a14dba16fe1bd98f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:37.748000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:37.748000', 'bytes': 1632949248, 'norm_byte': 71702528, 'ops': 1594677, 'norm_ops': 70022, 'norm_ltcy': 14.2969296703179, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:37.748000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:37.748000",
+ "bytes": 1632949248,
+ "norm_byte": 71702528,
+ "ops": 1594677,
+ "norm_ops": 70022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.2969296703179,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe4189acbbe26e54da2d4cc09305d95386de3bf185e00f3e2bcb5a8a341ce54f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:38.749000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:38.749000', 'bytes': 1683827712, 'norm_byte': 50878464, 'ops': 1644363, 'norm_ops': 49686, 'norm_ltcy': 20.148849226265952, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:38.749000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:38.749000",
+ "bytes": 1683827712,
+ "norm_byte": 50878464,
+ "ops": 1644363,
+ "norm_ops": 49686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.148849226265952,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "392724aea0dcf3c3a910796c7ca4825a1742e3075cadf40df87aff632e9d730c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:39.750000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:39.750000', 'bytes': 1746289664, 'norm_byte': 62461952, 'ops': 1705361, 'norm_ops': 60998, 'norm_ltcy': 16.41196307793903, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:39.750000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:39.750000",
+ "bytes": 1746289664,
+ "norm_byte": 62461952,
+ "ops": 1705361,
+ "norm_ops": 60998,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.41196307793903,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f199fc8063cf8f559716817849cd41ed7fd5d61dc33cc0739e66a1220c9c4849",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:40.751000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:40.751000', 'bytes': 1817105408, 'norm_byte': 70815744, 'ops': 1774517, 'norm_ops': 69156, 'norm_ltcy': 14.475170945037306, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:40.751000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:40.751000",
+ "bytes": 1817105408,
+ "norm_byte": 70815744,
+ "ops": 1774517,
+ "norm_ops": 69156,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.475170945037306,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "29c70f3d98d48aadb9db63cc9656cccf14fd73888aa6a3a6506903e9cfa83458",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:41.752000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:41.752000', 'bytes': 1887577088, 'norm_byte': 70471680, 'ops': 1843337, 'norm_ops': 68820, 'norm_ltcy': 14.546517125744696, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:41.752000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:41.752000",
+ "bytes": 1887577088,
+ "norm_byte": 70471680,
+ "ops": 1843337,
+ "norm_ops": 68820,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.546517125744696,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "58fe88f9e831b23f3cd69577c02dc0a6d91b7c25c0fc3d89113fc222b691dad7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:42.752000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:42.752000', 'bytes': 1958513664, 'norm_byte': 70936576, 'ops': 1912611, 'norm_ops': 69274, 'norm_ltcy': 14.439377508156019, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:42.752000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:42.752000",
+ "bytes": 1958513664,
+ "norm_byte": 70936576,
+ "ops": 1912611,
+ "norm_ops": 69274,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.439377508156019,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9e1c2e6d2ac6f6995e8462f2771d9db38089bec3907dc5534fdcbbf933f2e60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:43.753000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:43.753000', 'bytes': 2029704192, 'norm_byte': 71190528, 'ops': 1982133, 'norm_ops': 69522, 'norm_ltcy': 14.398277815835275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:43.753000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:43.753000",
+ "bytes": 2029704192,
+ "norm_byte": 71190528,
+ "ops": 1982133,
+ "norm_ops": 69522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.398277815835275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2202a4041e458a8200c0e5105eaf560383fa2baac3f3b535193e524e1a47cf09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:44.754000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:44.754000', 'bytes': 2086067200, 'norm_byte': 56363008, 'ops': 2037175, 'norm_ops': 55042, 'norm_ltcy': 18.187758006102158, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:44.754000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:44.754000",
+ "bytes": 2086067200,
+ "norm_byte": 56363008,
+ "ops": 2037175,
+ "norm_ops": 55042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.187758006102158,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4481e768fa6cb9ec7beb725a66687d26c56431f9e688adcaa9af8dfad67f554b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:45.756000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:45.756000', 'bytes': 2157011968, 'norm_byte': 70944768, 'ops': 2106457, 'norm_ops': 69282, 'norm_ltcy': 14.449515149587917, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:45.756000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:45.756000",
+ "bytes": 2157011968,
+ "norm_byte": 70944768,
+ "ops": 2106457,
+ "norm_ops": 69282,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.449515149587917,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de15fd30a5c198c16ee9ada29a9d38657a08163f2011d6091b1cacbe8618d4af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:46.757000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:46.757000', 'bytes': 2227942400, 'norm_byte': 70930432, 'ops': 2175725, 'norm_ops': 69268, 'norm_ltcy': 14.4525730507323, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:46.757000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:46.757000",
+ "bytes": 2227942400,
+ "norm_byte": 70930432,
+ "ops": 2175725,
+ "norm_ops": 69268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.4525730507323,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c98534462ae9157dcd9ad4da86e01dc2589ed3cf1421136a21bed58658a6d0dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:47.758000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:47.758000', 'bytes': 2299085824, 'norm_byte': 71143424, 'ops': 2245201, 'norm_ops': 69476, 'norm_ltcy': 14.40913920589484, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:47.758000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:47.758000",
+ "bytes": 2299085824,
+ "norm_byte": 71143424,
+ "ops": 2245201,
+ "norm_ops": 69476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.40913920589484,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f99d0550db942d4ffe816378ed0f7026ca0d09d90cf8474706fcc8bae49b35d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:48.759000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:48.759000', 'bytes': 2370300928, 'norm_byte': 71215104, 'ops': 2314747, 'norm_ops': 69546, 'norm_ltcy': 14.394590366672778, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:48.759000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:48.759000",
+ "bytes": 2370300928,
+ "norm_byte": 71215104,
+ "ops": 2314747,
+ "norm_ops": 69546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.394590366672778,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8864aca2f11963df64941e94379cd101c85f5452fa004ce77a3d3c77f8387e74",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:49.760000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:49.760000', 'bytes': 2441327616, 'norm_byte': 71026688, 'ops': 2384109, 'norm_ops': 69362, 'norm_ltcy': 14.432099804512918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:49.760000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:49.760000",
+ "bytes": 2441327616,
+ "norm_byte": 71026688,
+ "ops": 2384109,
+ "norm_ops": 69362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.432099804512918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27cc237c118f661a74bc534d6de3265b4c208544bb3c2c88cc5feee0bc50cbf1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:50.760000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:50.760000', 'bytes': 2512316416, 'norm_byte': 70988800, 'ops': 2453434, 'norm_ops': 69325, 'norm_ltcy': 14.4321745120357, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:50.760000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:50.760000",
+ "bytes": 2512316416,
+ "norm_byte": 70988800,
+ "ops": 2453434,
+ "norm_ops": 69325,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.4321745120357,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f3e44e6bbd68601db01dcd33067b8f79202466b55616f11f934e9154a94952c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:51.761000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:51.761000', 'bytes': 2583383040, 'norm_byte': 71066624, 'ops': 2522835, 'norm_ops': 69401, 'norm_ltcy': 14.424918369556995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:51.761000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:51.761000",
+ "bytes": 2583383040,
+ "norm_byte": 71066624,
+ "ops": 2522835,
+ "norm_ops": 69401,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.424918369556995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8011659d253c360e838777998baced71b7e62be6d2c3ccb9b57744af986c900",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:52.763000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:52.763000', 'bytes': 2625106944, 'norm_byte': 41723904, 'ops': 2563581, 'norm_ops': 40746, 'norm_ltcy': 24.569231345178054, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:52.763000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:52.763000",
+ "bytes": 2625106944,
+ "norm_byte": 41723904,
+ "ops": 2563581,
+ "norm_ops": 40746,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.569231345178054,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f4e5f3e19d40c1ae4ef3227578f3765dbc8ee1a8194aa13687c29a26c87ab614",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:53.764000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:53.764000', 'bytes': 2696827904, 'norm_byte': 71720960, 'ops': 2633621, 'norm_ops': 70040, 'norm_ltcy': 14.29323450215948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:53.764000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:53.764000",
+ "bytes": 2696827904,
+ "norm_byte": 71720960,
+ "ops": 2633621,
+ "norm_ops": 70040,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.29323450215948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "793eb0f491ae81d408a2cdd40a66917911bdba9114a47c7a936f2e0b35fb0b36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:54.765000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:54.765000', 'bytes': 2768069632, 'norm_byte': 71241728, 'ops': 2703193, 'norm_ops': 69572, 'norm_ltcy': 14.389375844448917, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:54.765000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:54.765000",
+ "bytes": 2768069632,
+ "norm_byte": 71241728,
+ "ops": 2703193,
+ "norm_ops": 69572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.389375844448917,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef886b94bd62a5fcc4305a89d2a80c5aa1f273752b6123c879d55c26e258f9db",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:55.766000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:55.766000', 'bytes': 2824836096, 'norm_byte': 56766464, 'ops': 2758629, 'norm_ops': 55436, 'norm_ltcy': 18.058501054425374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:55.766000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:55.766000",
+ "bytes": 2824836096,
+ "norm_byte": 56766464,
+ "ops": 2758629,
+ "norm_ops": 55436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.058501054425374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ffcec79d5c5ba6fb25bb68a20c3c0012dc4a2acacf826890738c1396e63c7a77",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:56.767000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:56.767000', 'bytes': 2881432576, 'norm_byte': 56596480, 'ops': 2813899, 'norm_ops': 55270, 'norm_ltcy': 18.112977167484622, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:56.767000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:56.767000",
+ "bytes": 2881432576,
+ "norm_byte": 56596480,
+ "ops": 2813899,
+ "norm_ops": 55270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.112977167484622,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "936c9f10304e25c7db4d868f5e332c45396fb8f78707a8038e6860ae17e5d09e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:57.768000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:57.768000', 'bytes': 2938276864, 'norm_byte': 56844288, 'ops': 2869411, 'norm_ops': 55512, 'norm_ltcy': 18.033988744832197, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:57.768000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:57.768000",
+ "bytes": 2938276864,
+ "norm_byte": 56844288,
+ "ops": 2869411,
+ "norm_ops": 55512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.033988744832197,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "648531b4a21155af26362b7b4c5b30ae506769829d67ff3785a1a8141d34ac39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:58.769000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:58.769000', 'bytes': 2995155968, 'norm_byte': 56879104, 'ops': 2924957, 'norm_ops': 55546, 'norm_ltcy': 18.02290169690437, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:58.769000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:58.769000",
+ "bytes": 2995155968,
+ "norm_byte": 56879104,
+ "ops": 2924957,
+ "norm_ops": 55546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.02290169690437,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b3c921e51193c93ff4538bf800cd50db42bcd4c98e66f3be54ca7f8a41dd37a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:06:59.770000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:06:59.770000', 'bytes': 3037357056, 'norm_byte': 42201088, 'ops': 2966169, 'norm_ops': 41212, 'norm_ltcy': 24.291435329818984, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:06:59.770000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:06:59.770000",
+ "bytes": 3037357056,
+ "norm_byte": 42201088,
+ "ops": 2966169,
+ "norm_ops": 41212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.291435329818984,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dcac5869095eb2866215e5cafb3f8ca47e4d4e6c296b30d5ab2b02abb1f4a3f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:07:00.771000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:07:00.771000', 'bytes': 3094084608, 'norm_byte': 56727552, 'ops': 3021567, 'norm_ops': 55398, 'norm_ltcy': 18.070993967798927, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:07:00.771000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:07:00.771000",
+ "bytes": 3094084608,
+ "norm_byte": 56727552,
+ "ops": 3021567,
+ "norm_ops": 55398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.070993967798927,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe9e61dc7b1059c34d464a1659a415c704fd97ef2331dcaa83d6f30292e0dd8f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:07:01.772000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:07:01.772000', 'bytes': 3145266176, 'norm_byte': 51181568, 'ops': 3071549, 'norm_ops': 49982, 'norm_ltcy': 20.029363891313373, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:07:01.772000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:07:01.772000",
+ "bytes": 3145266176,
+ "norm_byte": 51181568,
+ "ops": 3071549,
+ "norm_ops": 49982,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.029363891313373,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e0402f554d5e61b7bcbe5f2c233e1e9ee7c942e591abee53e7464dd0ccb7dcf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:07:02.774000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:07:02.774000', 'bytes': 3206757376, 'norm_byte': 61491200, 'ops': 3131599, 'norm_ops': 60050, 'norm_ltcy': 16.6713448428393, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:07:02.774000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:07:02.774000",
+ "bytes": 3206757376,
+ "norm_byte": 61491200,
+ "ops": 3131599,
+ "norm_ops": 60050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.6713448428393,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d8a2fe5ad9cc4ba59a2b43db3b62750eb3e8a3f62c020d5ddfab1e9abc86f76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:07:03.775000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:07:03.775000', 'bytes': 3275926528, 'norm_byte': 69169152, 'ops': 3199147, 'norm_ops': 67548, 'norm_ltcy': 14.820671070248194, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:07:03.775000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:07:03.775000",
+ "bytes": 3275926528,
+ "norm_byte": 69169152,
+ "ops": 3199147,
+ "norm_ops": 67548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.820671070248194,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fee360e7ebe8f6c0b4531c800d1dc2ed4d0886a09c1ac3341f5aa75ae0d7268",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:07:04.776000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:07:04.776000', 'bytes': 3320587264, 'norm_byte': 44660736, 'ops': 3242761, 'norm_ops': 43614, 'norm_ltcy': 22.953752934120924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:07:04.776000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:07:04.776000",
+ "bytes": 3320587264,
+ "norm_byte": 44660736,
+ "ops": 3242761,
+ "norm_ops": 43614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.953752934120924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59849ef25d70125bada13a9399785047cd33362bb775569797509fb4e00c2ee8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:07:05.777000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:07:05.777000', 'bytes': 3370046464, 'norm_byte': 49459200, 'ops': 3291061, 'norm_ops': 48300, 'norm_ltcy': 20.72710941543737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:07:05.777000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:07:05.777000",
+ "bytes": 3370046464,
+ "norm_byte": 49459200,
+ "ops": 3291061,
+ "norm_ops": 48300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.72710941543737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6c1a722772f9668c3b99d7af9fbe7fc3be2040a826792283c39bdc2a3ee9cd9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:07:06.778000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:07:06.778000', 'bytes': 3417209856, 'norm_byte': 47163392, 'ops': 3337119, 'norm_ops': 46058, 'norm_ltcy': 21.73595253708639, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:07:06.778000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:07:06.778000",
+ "bytes": 3417209856,
+ "norm_byte": 47163392,
+ "ops": 3337119,
+ "norm_ops": 46058,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.73595253708639,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b3f920939a47c4cf9ed2b4b16f8b254caad6f04658ad82cc5ae10c32612c86f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:07:07.779000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:07:07.779000', 'bytes': 3458753536, 'norm_byte': 41543680, 'ops': 3377689, 'norm_ops': 40570, 'norm_ltcy': 24.675732867189428, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:07:07.779000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:07:07.779000",
+ "bytes": 3458753536,
+ "norm_byte": 41543680,
+ "ops": 3377689,
+ "norm_ops": 40570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.675732867189428,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "920196010c0ba95929c19b5dd462b47f3cfa495a3991baac74601e76e27b2d6e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:07:08.780000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:07:08.780000', 'bytes': 3514897408, 'norm_byte': 56143872, 'ops': 3432517, 'norm_ops': 54828, 'norm_ltcy': 18.26035885091787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:07:08.780000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:07:08.780000",
+ "bytes": 3514897408,
+ "norm_byte": 56143872,
+ "ops": 3432517,
+ "norm_ops": 54828,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.26035885091787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fec2cb67660125c0e8d82e10dc3799225700f82b7a950cfe7834d9b1401c45e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:07:09.781000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:07:09.781000', 'bytes': 3571274752, 'norm_byte': 56377344, 'ops': 3487573, 'norm_ops': 55056, 'norm_ltcy': 18.1833592586412, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:07:09.781000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:07:09.781000",
+ "bytes": 3571274752,
+ "norm_byte": 56377344,
+ "ops": 3487573,
+ "norm_ops": 55056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.1833592586412,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da592cc249b3ea72c1c1489033ea4c589fa6732f21ad134700e83c830f5e1f43",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:07:10.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:07:10.983000', 'bytes': 3641699328, 'norm_byte': 70424576, 'ops': 3556347, 'norm_ops': 68774, 'norm_ltcy': 17.46786874513806, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:07:10.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:07:10.983000",
+ "bytes": 3641699328,
+ "norm_byte": 70424576,
+ "ops": 3556347,
+ "norm_ops": 68774,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.46786874513806,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8d520628-4043-593c-8cf2-716c10cf5881",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e1717929195284e173db329805d9870fd9a4eefcbba04855f7a4d4978f7742b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 60694988.8
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 59272.45
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.746090728752186
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:07:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-017-220519200326/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-017-220519200326/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77ed08b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-017-220519200326/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-017-220519200326/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-017-220519200326/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-017-220519200326/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-017-220519200326/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-017-220519200326/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4027da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-017-220519200326/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=15
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=140
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-018-220519200527/220519200527-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-018-220519200527/220519200527-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e33eb50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-018-220519200527/220519200527-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:08:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990890879.4468 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990891880.5720 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990891880.6489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990892881.7349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71182336 nr_ops:69514\ntimestamp_ms:1652990893882.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142365696 nr_ops:139029\ntimestamp_ms:1652990894883.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:214014976 nr_ops:208999\ntimestamp_ms:1652990895885.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:285944832 nr_ops:279243\ntimestamp_ms:1652990896886.1599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:357770240 nr_ops:349385\ntimestamp_ms:1652990897887.2563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:429642752 nr_ops:419573\ntimestamp_ms:1652990898888.3599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:500575232 nr_ops:488843\ntimestamp_ms:1652990899889.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558787584 nr_ops:545691\ntimestamp_ms:1652990900890.5684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630719488 nr_ops:615937\ntimestamp_ms:1652990901891.6694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687815680 nr_ops:671695\ntimestamp_ms:1652990902891.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759641088 nr_ops:741837\ntimestamp_ms:1652990903892.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831587328 nr_ops:812097\ntimestamp_ms:1652990904893.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874005504 nr_ops:853521\ntimestamp_ms:1652990905894.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945329152 nr_ops:923173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990906895.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1016595456 nr_ops:992769\ntimestamp_ms:1652990907896.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073372160 nr_ops:1048215\ntimestamp_ms:1652990908897.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1116001280 nr_ops:1089845\ntimestamp_ms:1652990909898.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187216384 nr_ops:1159391\ntimestamp_ms:1652990910899.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1258189824 nr_ops:1228701\ntimestamp_ms:1652990911901.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1314204672 nr_ops:1283403\ntimestamp_ms:1652990912902.1392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1370407936 nr_ops:1338289\ntimestamp_ms:1652990913903.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1441428480 nr_ops:1407645\ntimestamp_ms:1652990914904.3376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1512336384 nr_ops:1476891\ntimestamp_ms:1652990915905.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1583105024 nr_ops:1546001\ntimestamp_ms:1652990916905.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1639681024 nr_ops:1601251\ntimestamp_ms:1652990917906.8928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710885888 nr_ops:1670787\ntimestamp_ms:1652990918907.9963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768006656 nr_ops:1726569\ntimestamp_ms:1652990919909.0938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839545344 nr_ops:1796431\ntimestamp_ms:1652990920910.1870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896018944 nr_ops:1851581\ntimestamp_ms:1652990921911.2876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1952580608 nr_ops:1906817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990922912.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1994740736 nr_ops:1947989\ntimestamp_ms:1652990923913.4636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2066310144 nr_ops:2017881\ntimestamp_ms:1652990924914.5581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2122869760 nr_ops:2073115\ntimestamp_ms:1652990925915.6521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2193875968 nr_ops:2142457\ntimestamp_ms:1652990926916.7568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2264800256 nr_ops:2211719\ntimestamp_ms:1652990927917.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2336015360 nr_ops:2281265\ntimestamp_ms:1652990928918.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2378155008 nr_ops:2322417\ntimestamp_ms:1652990929919.9785 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435058688 nr_ops:2377987\ntimestamp_ms:1652990930921.0750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476971008 nr_ops:2418917\ntimestamp_ms:1652990931922.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547787776 nr_ops:2488074\ntimestamp_ms:1652990932923.3354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619118592 nr_ops:2557733\ntimestamp_ms:1652990933924.4346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2690456576 nr_ops:2627399\ntimestamp_ms:1652990934925.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2737906688 nr_ops:2673737\ntimestamp_ms:1652990935926.6558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770713600 nr_ops:2705775\ntimestamp_ms:1652990936927.7461 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2830318592 nr_ops:2763983\ntimestamp_ms:1652990937928.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2887144448 nr_ops:2819477\ntimestamp_ms:1652990938929.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2943665152 nr_ops:2874673\ntimestamp_ms:1652990939931.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2996018176 nr_ops:2925799\ntimestamp_ms:1652990940932.1572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3056460800 nr_ops:2984825\ntimestamp_ms:1652990941933.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3112852480 nr_ops:3039895\ntimestamp_ms:1652990942934.3462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3170094080 nr_ops:3095795\ntimestamp_ms:1652990943935.4417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3227352064 nr_ops:3151711\ntimestamp_ms:1652990944936.5354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3284759552 nr_ops:3207773\ntimestamp_ms:1652990945937.6340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3356558336 nr_ops:3277889\ntimestamp_ms:1652990946937.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3428283392 nr_ops:3347933\ntimestamp_ms:1652990947938.9360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3500184576 nr_ops:3418149\ntimestamp_ms:1652990948940.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571997696 nr_ops:3488279\ntimestamp_ms:1652990949941.0669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3643788288 nr_ops:3558387\ntimestamp_ms:1652990950942.1670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3715425280 nr_ops:3628345\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139756700243712\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.4939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3772062720 nr_ops:3683655\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.5791 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.5830 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952243.7822 name:Total nr_bytes:3772062720 nr_ops:3683656\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.7039 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7544125438 nr_ops:7367312\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.7043 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3772062720 nr_ops:3683658\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 353.50us 0.00ns 353.50us 353.50us \nTxn1 1841828 32.58us 0.00ns 209.28ms 18.28us \nTxn2 1 34.74us 0.00ns 34.74us 34.74us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 352.44us 0.00ns 352.44us 352.44us \nwrite 1841828 2.43us 0.00ns 150.40us 2.12us \nread 1841827 30.07us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.40us \ndisconnect 1 34.50us 0.00ns 34.50us 34.50us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \nnet1 29534 29534 257.53Mb/s 257.53Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.113 62.37s 3.51GB 483.86Mb/s 3683658 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.51GB 483.87Mb/s 3683658 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414659, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990890879.4468 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990891880.5720 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990891880.6489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990892881.7349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71182336 nr_ops:69514\ntimestamp_ms:1652990893882.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142365696 nr_ops:139029\ntimestamp_ms:1652990894883.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:214014976 nr_ops:208999\ntimestamp_ms:1652990895885.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:285944832 nr_ops:279243\ntimestamp_ms:1652990896886.1599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:357770240 nr_ops:349385\ntimestamp_ms:1652990897887.2563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:429642752 nr_ops:419573\ntimestamp_ms:1652990898888.3599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:500575232 nr_ops:488843\ntimestamp_ms:1652990899889.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558787584 nr_ops:545691\ntimestamp_ms:1652990900890.5684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630719488 nr_ops:615937\ntimestamp_ms:1652990901891.6694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687815680 nr_ops:671695\ntimestamp_ms:1652990902891.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759641088 nr_ops:741837\ntimestamp_ms:1652990903892.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831587328 nr_ops:812097\ntimestamp_ms:1652990904893.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874005504 nr_ops:853521\ntimestamp_ms:1652990905894.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945329152 nr_ops:923173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990906895.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1016595456 nr_ops:992769\ntimestamp_ms:1652990907896.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073372160 nr_ops:1048215\ntimestamp_ms:1652990908897.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1116001280 nr_ops:1089845\ntimestamp_ms:1652990909898.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187216384 nr_ops:1159391\ntimestamp_ms:1652990910899.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1258189824 nr_ops:1228701\ntimestamp_ms:1652990911901.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1314204672 nr_ops:1283403\ntimestamp_ms:1652990912902.1392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1370407936 nr_ops:1338289\ntimestamp_ms:1652990913903.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1441428480 nr_ops:1407645\ntimestamp_ms:1652990914904.3376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1512336384 nr_ops:1476891\ntimestamp_ms:1652990915905.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1583105024 nr_ops:1546001\ntimestamp_ms:1652990916905.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1639681024 nr_ops:1601251\ntimestamp_ms:1652990917906.8928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710885888 nr_ops:1670787\ntimestamp_ms:1652990918907.9963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768006656 nr_ops:1726569\ntimestamp_ms:1652990919909.0938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839545344 nr_ops:1796431\ntimestamp_ms:1652990920910.1870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896018944 nr_ops:1851581\ntimestamp_ms:1652990921911.2876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1952580608 nr_ops:1906817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990922912.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1994740736 nr_ops:1947989\ntimestamp_ms:1652990923913.4636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2066310144 nr_ops:2017881\ntimestamp_ms:1652990924914.5581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2122869760 nr_ops:2073115\ntimestamp_ms:1652990925915.6521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2193875968 nr_ops:2142457\ntimestamp_ms:1652990926916.7568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2264800256 nr_ops:2211719\ntimestamp_ms:1652990927917.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2336015360 nr_ops:2281265\ntimestamp_ms:1652990928918.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2378155008 nr_ops:2322417\ntimestamp_ms:1652990929919.9785 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435058688 nr_ops:2377987\ntimestamp_ms:1652990930921.0750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476971008 nr_ops:2418917\ntimestamp_ms:1652990931922.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547787776 nr_ops:2488074\ntimestamp_ms:1652990932923.3354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619118592 nr_ops:2557733\ntimestamp_ms:1652990933924.4346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2690456576 nr_ops:2627399\ntimestamp_ms:1652990934925.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2737906688 nr_ops:2673737\ntimestamp_ms:1652990935926.6558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770713600 nr_ops:2705775\ntimestamp_ms:1652990936927.7461 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2830318592 nr_ops:2763983\ntimestamp_ms:1652990937928.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2887144448 nr_ops:2819477\ntimestamp_ms:1652990938929.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2943665152 nr_ops:2874673\ntimestamp_ms:1652990939931.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2996018176 nr_ops:2925799\ntimestamp_ms:1652990940932.1572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3056460800 nr_ops:2984825\ntimestamp_ms:1652990941933.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3112852480 nr_ops:3039895\ntimestamp_ms:1652990942934.3462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3170094080 nr_ops:3095795\ntimestamp_ms:1652990943935.4417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3227352064 nr_ops:3151711\ntimestamp_ms:1652990944936.5354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3284759552 nr_ops:3207773\ntimestamp_ms:1652990945937.6340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3356558336 nr_ops:3277889\ntimestamp_ms:1652990946937.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3428283392 nr_ops:3347933\ntimestamp_ms:1652990947938.9360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3500184576 nr_ops:3418149\ntimestamp_ms:1652990948940.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571997696 nr_ops:3488279\ntimestamp_ms:1652990949941.0669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3643788288 nr_ops:3558387\ntimestamp_ms:1652990950942.1670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3715425280 nr_ops:3628345\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139756700243712\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.4939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3772062720 nr_ops:3683655\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.5791 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.5830 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952243.7822 name:Total nr_bytes:3772062720 nr_ops:3683656\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.7039 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7544125438 nr_ops:7367312\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.7043 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3772062720 nr_ops:3683658\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 353.50us 0.00ns 353.50us 353.50us \nTxn1 1841828 32.58us 0.00ns 209.28ms 18.28us \nTxn2 1 34.74us 0.00ns 34.74us 34.74us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 352.44us 0.00ns 352.44us 352.44us \nwrite 1841828 2.43us 0.00ns 150.40us 2.12us \nread 1841827 30.07us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.40us \ndisconnect 1 34.50us 0.00ns 34.50us 34.50us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \nnet1 29534 29534 257.53Mb/s 257.53Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.113 62.37s 3.51GB 483.86Mb/s 3683658 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.51GB 483.87Mb/s 3683658 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414659, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990890879.4468 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990891880.5720 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990891880.6489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990892881.7349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71182336 nr_ops:69514\ntimestamp_ms:1652990893882.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142365696 nr_ops:139029\ntimestamp_ms:1652990894883.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:214014976 nr_ops:208999\ntimestamp_ms:1652990895885.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:285944832 nr_ops:279243\ntimestamp_ms:1652990896886.1599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:357770240 nr_ops:349385\ntimestamp_ms:1652990897887.2563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:429642752 nr_ops:419573\ntimestamp_ms:1652990898888.3599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:500575232 nr_ops:488843\ntimestamp_ms:1652990899889.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558787584 nr_ops:545691\ntimestamp_ms:1652990900890.5684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630719488 nr_ops:615937\ntimestamp_ms:1652990901891.6694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687815680 nr_ops:671695\ntimestamp_ms:1652990902891.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759641088 nr_ops:741837\ntimestamp_ms:1652990903892.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831587328 nr_ops:812097\ntimestamp_ms:1652990904893.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874005504 nr_ops:853521\ntimestamp_ms:1652990905894.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945329152 nr_ops:923173\ntimestamp_ms:1652990906895.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1016595456 nr_ops:992769\ntimestamp_ms:1652990907896.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073372160 nr_ops:1048215\ntimestamp_ms:1652990908897.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1116001280 nr_ops:1089845\ntimestamp_ms:1652990909898.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187216384 nr_ops:1159391\ntimestamp_ms:1652990910899.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1258189824 nr_ops:1228701\ntimestamp_ms:1652990911901.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1314204672 nr_ops:1283403\ntimestamp_ms:1652990912902.1392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1370407936 nr_ops:1338289\ntimestamp_ms:1652990913903.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1441428480 nr_ops:1407645\ntimestamp_ms:1652990914904.3376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1512336384 nr_ops:1476891\ntimestamp_ms:1652990915905.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1583105024 nr_ops:1546001\ntimestamp_ms:1652990916905.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1639681024 nr_ops:1601251\ntimestamp_ms:1652990917906.8928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710885888 nr_ops:1670787\ntimestamp_ms:1652990918907.9963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768006656 nr_ops:1726569\ntimestamp_ms:1652990919909.0938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839545344 nr_ops:1796431\ntimestamp_ms:1652990920910.1870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896018944 nr_ops:1851581\ntimestamp_ms:1652990921911.2876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1952580608 nr_ops:1906817\ntimestamp_ms:1652990922912.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1994740736 nr_ops:1947989\ntimestamp_ms:1652990923913.4636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2066310144 nr_ops:2017881\ntimestamp_ms:1652990924914.5581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2122869760 nr_ops:2073115\ntimestamp_ms:1652990925915.6521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2193875968 nr_ops:2142457\ntimestamp_ms:1652990926916.7568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2264800256 nr_ops:2211719\ntimestamp_ms:1652990927917.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2336015360 nr_ops:2281265\ntimestamp_ms:1652990928918.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2378155008 nr_ops:2322417\ntimestamp_ms:1652990929919.9785 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435058688 nr_ops:2377987\ntimestamp_ms:1652990930921.0750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476971008 nr_ops:2418917\ntimestamp_ms:1652990931922.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547787776 nr_ops:2488074\ntimestamp_ms:1652990932923.3354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619118592 nr_ops:2557733\ntimestamp_ms:1652990933924.4346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2690456576 nr_ops:2627399\ntimestamp_ms:1652990934925.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2737906688 nr_ops:2673737\ntimestamp_ms:1652990935926.6558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770713600 nr_ops:2705775\ntimestamp_ms:1652990936927.7461 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2830318592 nr_ops:2763983\ntimestamp_ms:1652990937928.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2887144448 nr_ops:2819477\ntimestamp_ms:1652990938929.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2943665152 nr_ops:2874673\ntimestamp_ms:1652990939931.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2996018176 nr_ops:2925799\ntimestamp_ms:1652990940932.1572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3056460800 nr_ops:2984825\ntimestamp_ms:1652990941933.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3112852480 nr_ops:3039895\ntimestamp_ms:1652990942934.3462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3170094080 nr_ops:3095795\ntimestamp_ms:1652990943935.4417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3227352064 nr_ops:3151711\ntimestamp_ms:1652990944936.5354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3284759552 nr_ops:3207773\ntimestamp_ms:1652990945937.6340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3356558336 nr_ops:3277889\ntimestamp_ms:1652990946937.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3428283392 nr_ops:3347933\ntimestamp_ms:1652990947938.9360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3500184576 nr_ops:3418149\ntimestamp_ms:1652990948940.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571997696 nr_ops:3488279\ntimestamp_ms:1652990949941.0669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3643788288 nr_ops:3558387\ntimestamp_ms:1652990950942.1670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3715425280 nr_ops:3628345\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139756700243712\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.4939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3772062720 nr_ops:3683655\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.5791 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.5830 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952243.7822 name:Total nr_bytes:3772062720 nr_ops:3683656\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.7039 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7544125438 nr_ops:7367312\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652990952143.7043 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3772062720 nr_ops:3683658\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 353.50us 0.00ns 353.50us 353.50us \nTxn1 1841828 32.58us 0.00ns 209.28ms 18.28us \nTxn2 1 34.74us 0.00ns 34.74us 34.74us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 352.44us 0.00ns 352.44us 352.44us \nwrite 1841828 2.43us 0.00ns 150.40us 2.12us \nread 1841827 30.07us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.40us \ndisconnect 1 34.50us 0.00ns 34.50us 34.50us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \nnet1 29534 29534 257.53Mb/s 257.53Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.113 62.37s 3.51GB 483.86Mb/s 3683658 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.51GB 483.87Mb/s 3683658 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414659, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990890879.4468 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990891880.5720 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990891880.6489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990892881.7349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71182336 nr_ops:69514
+timestamp_ms:1652990893882.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142365696 nr_ops:139029
+timestamp_ms:1652990894883.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:214014976 nr_ops:208999
+timestamp_ms:1652990895885.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:285944832 nr_ops:279243
+timestamp_ms:1652990896886.1599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:357770240 nr_ops:349385
+timestamp_ms:1652990897887.2563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:429642752 nr_ops:419573
+timestamp_ms:1652990898888.3599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:500575232 nr_ops:488843
+timestamp_ms:1652990899889.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558787584 nr_ops:545691
+timestamp_ms:1652990900890.5684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630719488 nr_ops:615937
+timestamp_ms:1652990901891.6694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687815680 nr_ops:671695
+timestamp_ms:1652990902891.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759641088 nr_ops:741837
+timestamp_ms:1652990903892.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831587328 nr_ops:812097
+timestamp_ms:1652990904893.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874005504 nr_ops:853521
+timestamp_ms:1652990905894.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945329152 nr_ops:923173
+timestamp_ms:1652990906895.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1016595456 nr_ops:992769
+timestamp_ms:1652990907896.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073372160 nr_ops:1048215
+timestamp_ms:1652990908897.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1116001280 nr_ops:1089845
+timestamp_ms:1652990909898.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187216384 nr_ops:1159391
+timestamp_ms:1652990910899.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1258189824 nr_ops:1228701
+timestamp_ms:1652990911901.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1314204672 nr_ops:1283403
+timestamp_ms:1652990912902.1392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1370407936 nr_ops:1338289
+timestamp_ms:1652990913903.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1441428480 nr_ops:1407645
+timestamp_ms:1652990914904.3376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1512336384 nr_ops:1476891
+timestamp_ms:1652990915905.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1583105024 nr_ops:1546001
+timestamp_ms:1652990916905.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1639681024 nr_ops:1601251
+timestamp_ms:1652990917906.8928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710885888 nr_ops:1670787
+timestamp_ms:1652990918907.9963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768006656 nr_ops:1726569
+timestamp_ms:1652990919909.0938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839545344 nr_ops:1796431
+timestamp_ms:1652990920910.1870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896018944 nr_ops:1851581
+timestamp_ms:1652990921911.2876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1952580608 nr_ops:1906817
+timestamp_ms:1652990922912.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1994740736 nr_ops:1947989
+timestamp_ms:1652990923913.4636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2066310144 nr_ops:2017881
+timestamp_ms:1652990924914.5581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2122869760 nr_ops:2073115
+timestamp_ms:1652990925915.6521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2193875968 nr_ops:2142457
+timestamp_ms:1652990926916.7568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2264800256 nr_ops:2211719
+timestamp_ms:1652990927917.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2336015360 nr_ops:2281265
+timestamp_ms:1652990928918.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2378155008 nr_ops:2322417
+timestamp_ms:1652990929919.9785 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435058688 nr_ops:2377987
+timestamp_ms:1652990930921.0750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476971008 nr_ops:2418917
+timestamp_ms:1652990931922.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547787776 nr_ops:2488074
+timestamp_ms:1652990932923.3354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619118592 nr_ops:2557733
+timestamp_ms:1652990933924.4346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2690456576 nr_ops:2627399
+timestamp_ms:1652990934925.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2737906688 nr_ops:2673737
+timestamp_ms:1652990935926.6558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770713600 nr_ops:2705775
+timestamp_ms:1652990936927.7461 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2830318592 nr_ops:2763983
+timestamp_ms:1652990937928.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2887144448 nr_ops:2819477
+timestamp_ms:1652990938929.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2943665152 nr_ops:2874673
+timestamp_ms:1652990939931.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2996018176 nr_ops:2925799
+timestamp_ms:1652990940932.1572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3056460800 nr_ops:2984825
+timestamp_ms:1652990941933.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3112852480 nr_ops:3039895
+timestamp_ms:1652990942934.3462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3170094080 nr_ops:3095795
+timestamp_ms:1652990943935.4417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3227352064 nr_ops:3151711
+timestamp_ms:1652990944936.5354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3284759552 nr_ops:3207773
+timestamp_ms:1652990945937.6340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3356558336 nr_ops:3277889
+timestamp_ms:1652990946937.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3428283392 nr_ops:3347933
+timestamp_ms:1652990947938.9360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3500184576 nr_ops:3418149
+timestamp_ms:1652990948940.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571997696 nr_ops:3488279
+timestamp_ms:1652990949941.0669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3643788288 nr_ops:3558387
+timestamp_ms:1652990950942.1670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3715425280 nr_ops:3628345
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139756700243712
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652990952143.4939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3772062720 nr_ops:3683655
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990952143.5791 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652990952143.5830 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652990952243.7822 name:Total nr_bytes:3772062720 nr_ops:3683656
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990952143.7039 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7544125438 nr_ops:7367312
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652990952143.7043 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3772062720 nr_ops:3683658
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 353.50us 0.00ns 353.50us 353.50us
+Txn1 1841828 32.58us 0.00ns 209.28ms 18.28us
+Txn2 1 34.74us 0.00ns 34.74us 34.74us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 352.44us 0.00ns 352.44us 352.44us
+write 1841828 2.43us 0.00ns 150.40us 2.12us
+read 1841827 30.07us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.40us
+disconnect 1 34.50us 0.00ns 34.50us 34.50us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s
+net1 29534 29534 257.53Mb/s 257.53Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.113 62.37s 3.51GB 483.86Mb/s 3683658 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.51GB 483.87Mb/s 3683658 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:12.881000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:12.881000', 'bytes': 71182336, 'norm_byte': 71182336, 'ops': 69514, 'norm_ops': 69514, 'norm_ltcy': 14.401213244813995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:12.881000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:12.881000",
+ "bytes": 71182336,
+ "norm_byte": 71182336,
+ "ops": 69514,
+ "norm_ops": 69514,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.401213244813995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02b9c0c4086d539203522bc5f05a499273da174f21dff5e54bc9472409b00422",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:13.882000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:13.882000', 'bytes': 142365696, 'norm_byte': 71183360, 'ops': 139029, 'norm_ops': 69515, 'norm_ltcy': 14.401181680662447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:13.882000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:13.882000",
+ "bytes": 142365696,
+ "norm_byte": 71183360,
+ "ops": 139029,
+ "norm_ops": 69515,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.401181680662447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02e495433de1485e0b44b6cd6a9d8a519b04ca13147cda67099d09e4250aa433",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:14.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:14.883000', 'bytes': 214014976, 'norm_byte': 71649280, 'ops': 208999, 'norm_ops': 69970, 'norm_ltcy': 14.307481526681078, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:14.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:14.883000",
+ "bytes": 214014976,
+ "norm_byte": 71649280,
+ "ops": 208999,
+ "norm_ops": 69970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.307481526681078,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "301a7cb3258b0320234f6e3fe27046977b81311eac09cf6dabc50a6b7286dca1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:15.885000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:15.885000', 'bytes': 285944832, 'norm_byte': 71929856, 'ops': 279243, 'norm_ops': 70244, 'norm_ltcy': 14.251700295354407, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:15.885000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:15.885000",
+ "bytes": 285944832,
+ "norm_byte": 71929856,
+ "ops": 279243,
+ "norm_ops": 70244,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.251700295354407,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f333147e49bab81061b325f5a8e99c79bf114fd02f24ed47d492d35843a006e3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:16.886000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:16.886000', 'bytes': 357770240, 'norm_byte': 71825408, 'ops': 349385, 'norm_ops': 70142, 'norm_ltcy': 14.272988884379188, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:16.886000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:16.886000",
+ "bytes": 357770240,
+ "norm_byte": 71825408,
+ "ops": 349385,
+ "norm_ops": 70142,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.272988884379188,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "29f3a6b78e33d54b0c751f548b05ffde60e9d9998c7c5c6a5b35523776617a22",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:17.887000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:17.887000', 'bytes': 429642752, 'norm_byte': 71872512, 'ops': 419573, 'norm_ops': 70188, 'norm_ltcy': 14.263071116813059, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:17.887000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:17.887000",
+ "bytes": 429642752,
+ "norm_byte": 71872512,
+ "ops": 419573,
+ "norm_ops": 70188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.263071116813059,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "056d25e8eb38354c1d10c17f3172930b89ddd53cfcf7b15f10d46f953b45490e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:18.888000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:18.888000', 'bytes': 500575232, 'norm_byte': 70932480, 'ops': 488843, 'norm_ops': 69270, 'norm_ltcy': 14.452194537678649, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:18.888000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:18.888000",
+ "bytes": 500575232,
+ "norm_byte": 70932480,
+ "ops": 488843,
+ "norm_ops": 69270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.452194537678649,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e3daf36a10bdb72ceb7d3bb992cfb30678a4a297d7a8f5a2dd0fe53f664788e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:19.889000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:19.889000', 'bytes': 558787584, 'norm_byte': 58212352, 'ops': 545691, 'norm_ops': 56848, 'norm_ltcy': 17.610334658871025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:19.889000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:19.889000",
+ "bytes": 558787584,
+ "norm_byte": 58212352,
+ "ops": 545691,
+ "norm_ops": 56848,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.610334658871025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b90a6c056b6992ef561f6bce4481c719526f454e61dacd011a81bde4cedd78b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:20.890000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:20.890000', 'bytes': 630719488, 'norm_byte': 71931904, 'ops': 615937, 'norm_ops': 70246, 'norm_ltcy': 14.25129105438388, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:20.890000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:20.890000",
+ "bytes": 630719488,
+ "norm_byte": 71931904,
+ "ops": 615937,
+ "norm_ops": 70246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.25129105438388,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2024852c0868d69878df9be2a65d1066e9d480c75cafea33aef5d2a68fe21c0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:21.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:21.891000', 'bytes': 687815680, 'norm_byte': 57096192, 'ops': 671695, 'norm_ops': 55758, 'norm_ltcy': 17.954393525929014, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:21.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:21.891000",
+ "bytes": 687815680,
+ "norm_byte": 57096192,
+ "ops": 671695,
+ "norm_ops": 55758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.954393525929014,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "703ac93e34da1b90aa35148fbe65a2c7863c0a7b941c7b4489960d70cfad8733",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:22.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:22.891000', 'bytes': 759641088, 'norm_byte': 71825408, 'ops': 741837, 'norm_ops': 70142, 'norm_ltcy': 14.259153251172622, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:22.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:22.891000",
+ "bytes": 759641088,
+ "norm_byte": 71825408,
+ "ops": 741837,
+ "norm_ops": 70142,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.259153251172622,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8767cab68ac5ad1ea3f6e38c3ebe8b49f581e33b60b127c162d6e7811ff9fc3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:23.892000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:23.892000', 'bytes': 831587328, 'norm_byte': 71946240, 'ops': 812097, 'norm_ops': 70260, 'norm_ltcy': 14.24703709325185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:23.892000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:23.892000",
+ "bytes": 831587328,
+ "norm_byte": 71946240,
+ "ops": 812097,
+ "norm_ops": 70260,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.24703709325185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e90e17df957d62f64d8a4cff7670c181b0cbcf35398cdd8c0f339c4d7e97b6e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:24.893000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:24.893000', 'bytes': 874005504, 'norm_byte': 42418176, 'ops': 853521, 'norm_ops': 41424, 'norm_ltcy': 24.164829718279258, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:24.893000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:24.893000",
+ "bytes": 874005504,
+ "norm_byte": 42418176,
+ "ops": 853521,
+ "norm_ops": 41424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.164829718279258,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d8fe6afeeaeef9be0270fd1a1138b88dd7fac2dfa418a9fe640e99cf5c19d77",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:25.894000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:25.894000', 'bytes': 945329152, 'norm_byte': 71323648, 'ops': 923173, 'norm_ops': 69652, 'norm_ltcy': 14.371474661531614, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:25.894000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:25.894000",
+ "bytes": 945329152,
+ "norm_byte": 71323648,
+ "ops": 923173,
+ "norm_ops": 69652,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.371474661531614,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33608b23a93378247eb145dafa97cc21078475517162d2761fa611ab75661aea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:26.895000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:26.895000', 'bytes': 1016595456, 'norm_byte': 71266304, 'ops': 992769, 'norm_ops': 69596, 'norm_ltcy': 14.38301753378427, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:26.895000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:26.895000",
+ "bytes": 1016595456,
+ "norm_byte": 71266304,
+ "ops": 992769,
+ "norm_ops": 69596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.38301753378427,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed8ec8a7ca6301cd5a9c8554d648f4cde3d711a3ea11f82d752ac6720df233c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:27.896000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:27.896000', 'bytes': 1073372160, 'norm_byte': 56776704, 'ops': 1048215, 'norm_ops': 55446, 'norm_ltcy': 18.053531251127225, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:27.896000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:27.896000",
+ "bytes": 1073372160,
+ "norm_byte": 56776704,
+ "ops": 1048215,
+ "norm_ops": 55446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.053531251127225,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6da49e596c9afcf1a0bb78de47511f023dd031fb62956d72f0be7e42417fc893",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:28.897000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:28.897000', 'bytes': 1116001280, 'norm_byte': 42629120, 'ops': 1089845, 'norm_ops': 41630, 'norm_ltcy': 24.045142146964327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:28.897000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:28.897000",
+ "bytes": 1116001280,
+ "norm_byte": 42629120,
+ "ops": 1089845,
+ "norm_ops": 41630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.045142146964327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a4053571415b0483b4ecf058677a7fbcd217e2e9953fe56ebacfc0684c10a93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:29.898000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:29.898000', 'bytes': 1187216384, 'norm_byte': 71215104, 'ops': 1159391, 'norm_ops': 69546, 'norm_ltcy': 14.393372226206395, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:29.898000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:29.898000",
+ "bytes": 1187216384,
+ "norm_byte": 71215104,
+ "ops": 1159391,
+ "norm_ops": 69546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.393372226206395,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "caf1d749cb5290f3ef5dddbea3d41f1e229d2e02e9d358f7ec1744fba9551ee2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:30.899000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:30.899000', 'bytes': 1258189824, 'norm_byte': 70973440, 'ops': 1228701, 'norm_ops': 69310, 'norm_ltcy': 14.443758820200909, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:30.899000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:30.899000",
+ "bytes": 1258189824,
+ "norm_byte": 70973440,
+ "ops": 1228701,
+ "norm_ops": 69310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.443758820200909,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be89c79908c2dd080b4d8353356989ed73106faea65f1c72e40f2cbc8d5875c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:31.901000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:31.901000', 'bytes': 1314204672, 'norm_byte': 56014848, 'ops': 1283403, 'norm_ops': 54702, 'norm_ltcy': 18.301009225268274, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:31.901000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:31.901000",
+ "bytes": 1314204672,
+ "norm_byte": 56014848,
+ "ops": 1283403,
+ "norm_ops": 54702,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.301009225268274,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ba61a6dc24391bf435e6c38f6a96bb4a7419867045266fac7160ba81fa88606",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:32.902000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:32.902000', 'bytes': 1370407936, 'norm_byte': 56203264, 'ops': 1338289, 'norm_ops': 54886, 'norm_ltcy': 18.239723586160405, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:32.902000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:32.902000",
+ "bytes": 1370407936,
+ "norm_byte": 56203264,
+ "ops": 1338289,
+ "norm_ops": 54886,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.239723586160405,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee52b70e8804411787a4178a47a4a0e5510d15c00a51a6afaea7a8769ec36b1d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:33.903000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:33.903000', 'bytes': 1441428480, 'norm_byte': 71020544, 'ops': 1407645, 'norm_ops': 69356, 'norm_ltcy': 14.434256515973743, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:33.903000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:33.903000",
+ "bytes": 1441428480,
+ "norm_byte": 71020544,
+ "ops": 1407645,
+ "norm_ops": 69356,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.434256515973743,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9538105d65136e215458b5b217a993961636e2b7ff1da740d2cc0dc44604eec3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:34.904000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:34.904000', 'bytes': 1512336384, 'norm_byte': 70907904, 'ops': 1476891, 'norm_ops': 69246, 'norm_ltcy': 14.457097758805562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:34.904000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:34.904000",
+ "bytes": 1512336384,
+ "norm_byte": 70907904,
+ "ops": 1476891,
+ "norm_ops": 69246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.457097758805562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa01b03357e550ee0a2aaf51115cf16b9e7d74e54bb2b02493d34d2a10c797b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:35.905000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:35.905000', 'bytes': 1583105024, 'norm_byte': 70768640, 'ops': 1546001, 'norm_ops': 69110, 'norm_ltcy': 14.48554048799016, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:35.905000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:35.905000",
+ "bytes": 1583105024,
+ "norm_byte": 70768640,
+ "ops": 1546001,
+ "norm_ops": 69110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.48554048799016,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ae9e4afd691ea4409abe057bff63b6cca365884b74301daff5dda30e5d9c9a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:36.905000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:36.905000', 'bytes': 1639681024, 'norm_byte': 56576000, 'ops': 1601251, 'norm_ops': 55250, 'norm_ltcy': 18.106807656957013, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:36.905000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:36.905000",
+ "bytes": 1639681024,
+ "norm_byte": 56576000,
+ "ops": 1601251,
+ "norm_ops": 55250,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.106807656957013,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e8215de04da733053ec974238c9c2852e55ed6bded083fd2d3fe40b0db8bfe08",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:37.906000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:37.906000', 'bytes': 1710885888, 'norm_byte': 71204864, 'ops': 1670787, 'norm_ops': 69536, 'norm_ltcy': 14.396260204920834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:37.906000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:37.906000",
+ "bytes": 1710885888,
+ "norm_byte": 71204864,
+ "ops": 1670787,
+ "norm_ops": 69536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.396260204920834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3346e5b9e966bc3ed8aa9980b2f27284d7021db35ab59144fb428a716074497d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:38.907000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:38.907000', 'bytes': 1768006656, 'norm_byte': 57120768, 'ops': 1726569, 'norm_ops': 55782, 'norm_ltcy': 17.946712481176725, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:38.907000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:38.907000",
+ "bytes": 1768006656,
+ "norm_byte": 57120768,
+ "ops": 1726569,
+ "norm_ops": 55782,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.946712481176725,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51beb3b33d8a4c2ed9db5fb2a94aab345e27d010f5257c640fd1ddf6d7e08bc2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:39.909000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:39.909000', 'bytes': 1839545344, 'norm_byte': 71538688, 'ops': 1796431, 'norm_ops': 69862, 'norm_ltcy': 14.32964146616723, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:39.909000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:39.909000",
+ "bytes": 1839545344,
+ "norm_byte": 71538688,
+ "ops": 1796431,
+ "norm_ops": 69862,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.32964146616723,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3595d94ac698b013a52d7b56bb3871ccb91d9eaf61c4158d11647f92719853a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:40.910000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:40.910000', 'bytes': 1896018944, 'norm_byte': 56473600, 'ops': 1851581, 'norm_ops': 55150, 'norm_ltcy': 18.152189695716228, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:40.910000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:40.910000",
+ "bytes": 1896018944,
+ "norm_byte": 56473600,
+ "ops": 1851581,
+ "norm_ops": 55150,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.152189695716228,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ae759854e0b0437dd5ee5d691dcb6c33af20f1cb117b2cb821fe26b71239fde",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:41.911000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:41.911000', 'bytes': 1952580608, 'norm_byte': 56561664, 'ops': 1906817, 'norm_ops': 55236, 'norm_ltcy': 18.12406014080491, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:41.911000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:41.911000",
+ "bytes": 1952580608,
+ "norm_byte": 56561664,
+ "ops": 1906817,
+ "norm_ops": 55236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.12406014080491,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f34224636354f137b76da71645f2f9ed685a5668c27f0e7c6eb1af1aac427dfe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:42.912000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:42.912000', 'bytes': 1994740736, 'norm_byte': 42160128, 'ops': 1947989, 'norm_ops': 41172, 'norm_ltcy': 24.314798095489653, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:42.912000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:42.912000",
+ "bytes": 1994740736,
+ "norm_byte": 42160128,
+ "ops": 1947989,
+ "norm_ops": 41172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.314798095489653,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec738fe3af52a499be207eb2aff42b862179b55f63fa6e31284dce51384599b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:43.913000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:43.913000', 'bytes': 2066310144, 'norm_byte': 71569408, 'ops': 2017881, 'norm_ops': 69892, 'norm_ltcy': 14.323343990773264, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:43.913000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:43.913000",
+ "bytes": 2066310144,
+ "norm_byte": 71569408,
+ "ops": 2017881,
+ "norm_ops": 69892,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.323343990773264,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26c176eebf55f028e54279338a61ae21da9df694e7ad978ba1d75215789d18ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:44.914000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:44.914000', 'bytes': 2122869760, 'norm_byte': 56559616, 'ops': 2073115, 'norm_ops': 55234, 'norm_ltcy': 18.124605902557754, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:44.914000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:44.914000",
+ "bytes": 2122869760,
+ "norm_byte": 56559616,
+ "ops": 2073115,
+ "norm_ops": 55234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.124605902557754,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ab0f1de6d1bb6d221c471e353f4481c34bfe12f8112307e6751a14689a85e7e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:45.915000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:45.915000', 'bytes': 2193875968, 'norm_byte': 71006208, 'ops': 2142457, 'norm_ops': 69342, 'norm_ltcy': 14.437051053338886, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:45.915000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:45.915000",
+ "bytes": 2193875968,
+ "norm_byte": 71006208,
+ "ops": 2142457,
+ "norm_ops": 69342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.437051053338886,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90c58fe84c1d446622fce868d7d0b9ecbbc13ee24db7be958376cc9107e5c8ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:46.916000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:46.916000', 'bytes': 2264800256, 'norm_byte': 70924288, 'ops': 2211719, 'norm_ops': 69262, 'norm_ltcy': 14.453881440445338, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:46.916000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:46.916000",
+ "bytes": 2264800256,
+ "norm_byte": 70924288,
+ "ops": 2211719,
+ "norm_ops": 69262,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.453881440445338,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "099f3ace709a38d6d03c7d68271c266950af43e16397643e927ca07ec4e2f243",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:47.917000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:47.917000', 'bytes': 2336015360, 'norm_byte': 71215104, 'ops': 2281265, 'norm_ops': 69546, 'norm_ltcy': 14.394657066006673, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:47.917000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:47.917000",
+ "bytes": 2336015360,
+ "norm_byte": 71215104,
+ "ops": 2281265,
+ "norm_ops": 69546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.394657066006673,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df362b0b3776afa152b094c202ef24fae1ca0fd489bcf073d8a3deb66dcd366f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:48.918000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:48.918000', 'bytes': 2378155008, 'norm_byte': 42139648, 'ops': 2322417, 'norm_ops': 41152, 'norm_ltcy': 24.326644826269074, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:48.918000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:48.918000",
+ "bytes": 2378155008,
+ "norm_byte": 42139648,
+ "ops": 2322417,
+ "norm_ops": 41152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.326644826269074,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eda735a2de9eef08e26f5968ce4b821fe540ab76815ce4d945dc45e784e080f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:49.919000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:49.919000', 'bytes': 2435058688, 'norm_byte': 56903680, 'ops': 2377987, 'norm_ops': 55570, 'norm_ltcy': 18.014050233658, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:49.919000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:49.919000",
+ "bytes": 2435058688,
+ "norm_byte": 56903680,
+ "ops": 2377987,
+ "norm_ops": 55570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.014050233658,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e75dd2f35d74b3dfb31a291552c7224203ce3f31c2958a2f6e7c3bac7eb92243",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:50.921000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:50.921000', 'bytes': 2476971008, 'norm_byte': 41912320, 'ops': 2418917, 'norm_ops': 40930, 'norm_ltcy': 24.458745065889932, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:50.921000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:50.921000",
+ "bytes": 2476971008,
+ "norm_byte": 41912320,
+ "ops": 2418917,
+ "norm_ops": 40930,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.458745065889932,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e901d56f00f1310f874f85bbe1ee90501ce8a528b0470c8fcc5fb9145221997f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:51.922000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:51.922000', 'bytes': 2547787776, 'norm_byte': 70816768, 'ops': 2488074, 'norm_ops': 69157, 'norm_ltcy': 14.47579124198382, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:51.922000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:51.922000",
+ "bytes": 2547787776,
+ "norm_byte": 70816768,
+ "ops": 2488074,
+ "norm_ops": 69157,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.47579124198382,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2bdf5d8ec9519c2bf7d1b200852d1abaaf91890d49fde19c947960227da4762f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:52.923000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:52.923000', 'bytes': 2619118592, 'norm_byte': 71330816, 'ops': 2557733, 'norm_ops': 69659, 'norm_ltcy': 14.37227354864411, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:52.923000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:52.923000",
+ "bytes": 2619118592,
+ "norm_byte": 71330816,
+ "ops": 2557733,
+ "norm_ops": 69659,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.37227354864411,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2559fe3ec0651cec0d6b574cc851edc63a9232c33ba6de0d331dfbaa9674b9ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:53.924000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:53.924000', 'bytes': 2690456576, 'norm_byte': 71337984, 'ops': 2627399, 'norm_ops': 69666, 'norm_ltcy': 14.36998135523426, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:53.924000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:53.924000",
+ "bytes": 2690456576,
+ "norm_byte": 71337984,
+ "ops": 2627399,
+ "norm_ops": 69666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.36998135523426,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff27077a2314b2e02bdcec524871e00ed2ac0ef532ce9e0602525d1afa0ecd99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:54.925000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:54.925000', 'bytes': 2737906688, 'norm_byte': 47450112, 'ops': 2673737, 'norm_ops': 46338, 'norm_ltcy': 21.60434310460637, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:54.925000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:54.925000",
+ "bytes": 2737906688,
+ "norm_byte": 47450112,
+ "ops": 2673737,
+ "norm_ops": 46338,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.60434310460637,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "575ea894f34c34323d88a63209b5c8f1622ffb70b3fe36a52ab147ee4e15c4a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:55.926000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:55.926000', 'bytes': 2770713600, 'norm_byte': 32806912, 'ops': 2705775, 'norm_ops': 32038, 'norm_ltcy': 31.247866303296085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:55.926000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:55.926000",
+ "bytes": 2770713600,
+ "norm_byte": 32806912,
+ "ops": 2705775,
+ "norm_ops": 32038,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.247866303296085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0700ccf4dcbe40ab8389618812490069c52a2735d04f25856fbd47b4916e9d76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:56.927000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:56.927000', 'bytes': 2830318592, 'norm_byte': 59604992, 'ops': 2763983, 'norm_ops': 58208, 'norm_ltcy': 17.19850075644671, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:56.927000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:56.927000",
+ "bytes": 2830318592,
+ "norm_byte": 59604992,
+ "ops": 2763983,
+ "norm_ops": 58208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.19850075644671,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca658ada2656036c7166f1182ebc0ebe867054478b606b4c438137562a8d93e3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:57.928000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:57.928000', 'bytes': 2887144448, 'norm_byte': 56825856, 'ops': 2819477, 'norm_ops': 55494, 'norm_ltcy': 18.039820640801256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:57.928000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:57.928000",
+ "bytes": 2887144448,
+ "norm_byte": 56825856,
+ "ops": 2819477,
+ "norm_ops": 55494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.039820640801256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9601e6516d18d048012be8c0a987f710d203be93072d4e1d5c02fa3179f42f5c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:58.929000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:58.929000', 'bytes': 2943665152, 'norm_byte': 56520704, 'ops': 2874673, 'norm_ops': 55196, 'norm_ltcy': 18.13730504842969, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:58.929000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:58.929000",
+ "bytes": 2943665152,
+ "norm_byte": 56520704,
+ "ops": 2874673,
+ "norm_ops": 55196,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.13730504842969,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bda997a98f2fd36cc03f189a63a2121d6926b5062f9e08645b9a2d7622eb5a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:08:59.931000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:08:59.931000', 'bytes': 2996018176, 'norm_byte': 52353024, 'ops': 2925799, 'norm_ops': 51126, 'norm_ltcy': 19.580960595514025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:08:59.931000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:08:59.931000",
+ "bytes": 2996018176,
+ "norm_byte": 52353024,
+ "ops": 2925799,
+ "norm_ops": 51126,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.580960595514025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a611703adee3a5ea3fdab1be30edc23ac64562f11dc9c892d215520bc32c8a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:09:00.932000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:09:00.932000', 'bytes': 3056460800, 'norm_byte': 60442624, 'ops': 2984825, 'norm_ops': 59026, 'norm_ltcy': 16.960431764180193, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:09:00.932000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:09:00.932000",
+ "bytes": 3056460800,
+ "norm_byte": 60442624,
+ "ops": 2984825,
+ "norm_ops": 59026,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.960431764180193,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a76a4face8089a1684119df8fb2441805d1fef6eb9d2faf60e3f119a7071cdf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:09:01.933000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:09:01.933000', 'bytes': 3112852480, 'norm_byte': 56391680, 'ops': 3039895, 'norm_ops': 55070, 'norm_ltcy': 18.178523853164155, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:09:01.933000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:09:01.933000",
+ "bytes": 3112852480,
+ "norm_byte": 56391680,
+ "ops": 3039895,
+ "norm_ops": 55070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.178523853164155,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06dd8561e4df6fa0af6371a14c1fe34d07c2eb1f2f07bc2be74a6cff7d4c7007",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:09:02.934000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:09:02.934000', 'bytes': 3170094080, 'norm_byte': 57241600, 'ops': 3095795, 'norm_ops': 55900, 'norm_ltcy': 17.908723725402503, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:09:02.934000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:09:02.934000",
+ "bytes": 3170094080,
+ "norm_byte": 57241600,
+ "ops": 3095795,
+ "norm_ops": 55900,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.908723725402503,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f224593243cc69118088d5ad96f5cee023783fe19f54253ca86b741d1f379119",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:09:03.935000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:09:03.935000', 'bytes': 3227352064, 'norm_byte': 57257984, 'ops': 3151711, 'norm_ops': 55916, 'norm_ltcy': 17.903559964667984, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:09:03.935000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:09:03.935000",
+ "bytes": 3227352064,
+ "norm_byte": 57257984,
+ "ops": 3151711,
+ "norm_ops": 55916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.903559964667984,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac1a4d31ecd872c8f5e627e41d9ce35d554f1da0c914a716974399327cc5a4f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:09:04.936000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:09:04.936000', 'bytes': 3284759552, 'norm_byte': 57407488, 'ops': 3207773, 'norm_ops': 56062, 'norm_ltcy': 17.856903963469016, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:09:04.936000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:09:04.936000",
+ "bytes": 3284759552,
+ "norm_byte": 57407488,
+ "ops": 3207773,
+ "norm_ops": 56062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.856903963469016,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efa9891dcab48196d5f420d18e9130be71e8392b93e0611d6aebe3e30f8885c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:09:05.937000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:09:05.937000', 'bytes': 3356558336, 'norm_byte': 71798784, 'ops': 3277889, 'norm_ops': 70116, 'norm_ltcy': 14.277748770786982, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:09:05.937000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:09:05.937000",
+ "bytes": 3356558336,
+ "norm_byte": 71798784,
+ "ops": 3277889,
+ "norm_ops": 70116,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.277748770786982,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f4449220e39c3dab3a5655f3355edbe41aef1a4ddab583f38bb7301e1b8878c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:09:06.937000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:09:06.937000', 'bytes': 3428283392, 'norm_byte': 71725056, 'ops': 3347933, 'norm_ops': 70044, 'norm_ltcy': 14.27967863838266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:09:06.937000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:09:06.937000",
+ "bytes": 3428283392,
+ "norm_byte": 71725056,
+ "ops": 3347933,
+ "norm_ops": 70044,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.27967863838266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d00c427c5bcb1fce91570b64cd1185433bdbf9052cc777b9940b35a2ec68178",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:09:07.938000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:09:07.938000', 'bytes': 3500184576, 'norm_byte': 71901184, 'ops': 3418149, 'norm_ops': 70216, 'norm_ltcy': 14.257379961921073, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:09:07.938000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:09:07.938000",
+ "bytes": 3500184576,
+ "norm_byte": 71901184,
+ "ops": 3418149,
+ "norm_ops": 70216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.257379961921073,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7278213844077cc6f04a6ec45e39ebd35dc302b72d706d855cab1fb878962022",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:09:08.940000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:09:08.940000', 'bytes': 3571997696, 'norm_byte': 71813120, 'ops': 3488279, 'norm_ops': 70130, 'norm_ltcy': 14.27482192668972, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:09:08.940000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:09:08.940000",
+ "bytes": 3571997696,
+ "norm_byte": 71813120,
+ "ops": 3488279,
+ "norm_ops": 70130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.27482192668972,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c41c377759f4a96c9b6e8e87e7297658502545dd332a83137d69c8a9c6312108",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:09:09.941000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:09:09.941000', 'bytes': 3643788288, 'norm_byte': 71790592, 'ops': 3558387, 'norm_ops': 70108, 'norm_ltcy': 14.27850741222471, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:09:09.941000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:09:09.941000",
+ "bytes": 3643788288,
+ "norm_byte": 71790592,
+ "ops": 3558387,
+ "norm_ops": 70108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.27850741222471,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c7026d74fb021da4af895927729fcc74fedb7b59855cf38302199701c4cd2ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:09:10.942000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:09:10.942000', 'bytes': 3715425280, 'norm_byte': 71636992, 'ops': 3628345, 'norm_ops': 69958, 'norm_ltcy': 14.31001597610352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:09:10.942000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:09:10.942000",
+ "bytes": 3715425280,
+ "norm_byte": 71636992,
+ "ops": 3628345,
+ "norm_ops": 69958,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.31001597610352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da545c5fb1c372bf451d63d3a4a38bd928b9c826683f2240f26b358d5d1e1d5f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:09:12.143000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:09:12.143000', 'bytes': 3772062720, 'norm_byte': 56637440, 'ops': 3683655, 'norm_ops': 55310, 'norm_ltcy': 21.719886174233864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:09:12.143000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:09:12.143000",
+ "bytes": 3772062720,
+ "norm_byte": 56637440,
+ "ops": 3683655,
+ "norm_ops": 55310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.719886174233864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c1fa891d-700e-5567-b97d-ea4af34efdee",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "423354e3136a473d536ae93071762d97628e0bcff819f08f3e0d79f02e14f2a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 62867712.0
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61394.25
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.315390432028625
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:09:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-018-220519200527/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-018-220519200527/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..913a17d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-018-220519200527/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-018-220519200527/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-018-220519200527/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-018-220519200527/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-018-220519200527/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-018-220519200527/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d22d126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-018-220519200527/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=0
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-019-220519200729/220519200729-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-019-220519200729/220519200729-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3772d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-019-220519200729/220519200729-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:10:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991012972.9897 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991013974.0894 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991013974.1519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991014974.8472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:23917568 nr_ops:23357\ntimestamp_ms:1652991015975.9551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:34900992 nr_ops:34083\ntimestamp_ms:1652991016977.0471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:58696704 nr_ops:57321\ntimestamp_ms:1652991017977.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:84321280 nr_ops:82345\ntimestamp_ms:1652991018978.9429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:114699264 nr_ops:112011\ntimestamp_ms:1652991019980.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135529472 nr_ops:132353\ntimestamp_ms:1652991020981.1670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:149765120 nr_ops:146255\ntimestamp_ms:1652991021982.2764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186850304 nr_ops:182471\ntimestamp_ms:1652991022983.3730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213777408 nr_ops:208767\ntimestamp_ms:1652991023984.4773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:233716736 nr_ops:228239\ntimestamp_ms:1652991024985.6021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:267758592 nr_ops:261483\ntimestamp_ms:1652991025986.7036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:276548608 nr_ops:270067\ntimestamp_ms:1652991026987.8535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:291636224 nr_ops:284801\ntimestamp_ms:1652991027988.9685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307674112 nr_ops:300463\ntimestamp_ms:1652991028990.0718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:334529536 nr_ops:326689\ntimestamp_ms:1652991029990.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:346332160 nr_ops:338215\ntimestamp_ms:1652991030991.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:355142656 nr_ops:346819\ntimestamp_ms:1652991031992.8491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:400729088 nr_ops:391337\ntimestamp_ms:1652991032993.8872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415820800 nr_ops:406075\ntimestamp_ms:1652991033994.9807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:422611968 nr_ops:412707\ntimestamp_ms:1652991034996.0725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:434361344 nr_ops:424181\ntimestamp_ms:1652991035997.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445682688 nr_ops:435237\ntimestamp_ms:1652991036998.2588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:469347328 nr_ops:458347\ntimestamp_ms:1652991037999.3677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501201920 nr_ops:489455\ntimestamp_ms:1652991039000.4590 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:528851968 nr_ops:516457\ntimestamp_ms:1652991040001.5605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:547482624 nr_ops:534651\ntimestamp_ms:1652991041002.6160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564075520 nr_ops:550855\ntimestamp_ms:1652991042003.7271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574839808 nr_ops:561367\ntimestamp_ms:1652991043004.8442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:586669056 nr_ops:572919\ntimestamp_ms:1652991044005.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:611386368 nr_ops:597057\ntimestamp_ms:1652991045006.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628161536 nr_ops:613439\ntimestamp_ms:1652991046007.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:647371776 nr_ops:632199\ntimestamp_ms:1652991047009.0388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:669805568 nr_ops:654107\ntimestamp_ms:1652991048010.1560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:683070464 nr_ops:667061\ntimestamp_ms:1652991049011.2625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703261696 nr_ops:686779\ntimestamp_ms:1652991050012.3660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721085440 nr_ops:704185\ntimestamp_ms:1652991051013.4680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759938048 nr_ops:742127\ntimestamp_ms:1652991052014.5786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:792269824 nr_ops:773701\ntimestamp_ms:1652991053015.6816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823929856 nr_ops:804619\ntimestamp_ms:1652991054016.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:855363584 nr_ops:835316\ntimestamp_ms:1652991055017.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880987136 nr_ops:860339\ntimestamp_ms:1652991056018.8757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:903339008 nr_ops:882167\ntimestamp_ms:1652991057019.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:925809664 nr_ops:904111\ntimestamp_ms:1652991058021.0479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:958708736 nr_ops:936239\ntimestamp_ms:1652991059022.1519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:976008192 nr_ops:953133\ntimestamp_ms:1652991060023.2522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999111680 nr_ops:975695\ntimestamp_ms:1652991061024.3054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1030919168 nr_ops:1006757\ntimestamp_ms:1652991062025.4238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046017024 nr_ops:1021501\ntimestamp_ms:1652991063025.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1061243904 nr_ops:1036371\ntimestamp_ms:1652991064026.9302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1084726272 nr_ops:1059303\ntimestamp_ms:1652991065028.0354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1108919296 nr_ops:1082929\ntimestamp_ms:1652991066029.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150415872 nr_ops:1123453\ntimestamp_ms:1652991067030.2329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1174881280 nr_ops:1147345\ntimestamp_ms:1652991068031.2705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187265536 nr_ops:1159439\ntimestamp_ms:1652991069032.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217041408 nr_ops:1188517\ntimestamp_ms:1652991070033.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1241275392 nr_ops:1212183\ntimestamp_ms:1652991071034.6074 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1258451968 nr_ops:1228957\ntimestamp_ms:1652991072035.7065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267960832 nr_ops:1238243\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140715337664256\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.0530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1297095680 nr_ops:1266695\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.1331 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.1438 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073337.3611 name:Total nr_bytes:1297095680 nr_ops:1266696\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.2585 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2594191358 nr_ops:2533392\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.2600 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1297095680 nr_ops:1266698\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 343.63us 0.00ns 343.63us 343.63us \nTxn1 633348 93.22us 0.00ns 215.64ms 18.51us \nTxn2 1 47.59us 0.00ns 47.59us 47.59us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 342.33us 0.00ns 342.33us 342.33us \nwrite 633348 2.87us 0.00ns 98.74us 2.14us \nread 633347 90.26us 0.00ns 215.64ms 2.52us \ndisconnect 1 46.90us 0.00ns 46.90us 46.90us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 799.41b/s \nnet1 10324 10325 90.01Mb/s 90.01Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.114 61.37s 1.21GB 169.10Mb/s 1266699 0.00\nmaster 61.36s 1.21GB 169.10Mb/s 1266698 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.414608, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991012972.9897 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991013974.0894 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991013974.1519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991014974.8472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:23917568 nr_ops:23357\ntimestamp_ms:1652991015975.9551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:34900992 nr_ops:34083\ntimestamp_ms:1652991016977.0471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:58696704 nr_ops:57321\ntimestamp_ms:1652991017977.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:84321280 nr_ops:82345\ntimestamp_ms:1652991018978.9429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:114699264 nr_ops:112011\ntimestamp_ms:1652991019980.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135529472 nr_ops:132353\ntimestamp_ms:1652991020981.1670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:149765120 nr_ops:146255\ntimestamp_ms:1652991021982.2764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186850304 nr_ops:182471\ntimestamp_ms:1652991022983.3730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213777408 nr_ops:208767\ntimestamp_ms:1652991023984.4773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:233716736 nr_ops:228239\ntimestamp_ms:1652991024985.6021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:267758592 nr_ops:261483\ntimestamp_ms:1652991025986.7036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:276548608 nr_ops:270067\ntimestamp_ms:1652991026987.8535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:291636224 nr_ops:284801\ntimestamp_ms:1652991027988.9685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307674112 nr_ops:300463\ntimestamp_ms:1652991028990.0718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:334529536 nr_ops:326689\ntimestamp_ms:1652991029990.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:346332160 nr_ops:338215\ntimestamp_ms:1652991030991.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:355142656 nr_ops:346819\ntimestamp_ms:1652991031992.8491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:400729088 nr_ops:391337\ntimestamp_ms:1652991032993.8872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415820800 nr_ops:406075\ntimestamp_ms:1652991033994.9807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:422611968 nr_ops:412707\ntimestamp_ms:1652991034996.0725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:434361344 nr_ops:424181\ntimestamp_ms:1652991035997.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445682688 nr_ops:435237\ntimestamp_ms:1652991036998.2588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:469347328 nr_ops:458347\ntimestamp_ms:1652991037999.3677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501201920 nr_ops:489455\ntimestamp_ms:1652991039000.4590 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:528851968 nr_ops:516457\ntimestamp_ms:1652991040001.5605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:547482624 nr_ops:534651\ntimestamp_ms:1652991041002.6160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564075520 nr_ops:550855\ntimestamp_ms:1652991042003.7271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574839808 nr_ops:561367\ntimestamp_ms:1652991043004.8442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:586669056 nr_ops:572919\ntimestamp_ms:1652991044005.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:611386368 nr_ops:597057\ntimestamp_ms:1652991045006.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628161536 nr_ops:613439\ntimestamp_ms:1652991046007.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:647371776 nr_ops:632199\ntimestamp_ms:1652991047009.0388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:669805568 nr_ops:654107\ntimestamp_ms:1652991048010.1560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:683070464 nr_ops:667061\ntimestamp_ms:1652991049011.2625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703261696 nr_ops:686779\ntimestamp_ms:1652991050012.3660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721085440 nr_ops:704185\ntimestamp_ms:1652991051013.4680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759938048 nr_ops:742127\ntimestamp_ms:1652991052014.5786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:792269824 nr_ops:773701\ntimestamp_ms:1652991053015.6816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823929856 nr_ops:804619\ntimestamp_ms:1652991054016.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:855363584 nr_ops:835316\ntimestamp_ms:1652991055017.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880987136 nr_ops:860339\ntimestamp_ms:1652991056018.8757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:903339008 nr_ops:882167\ntimestamp_ms:1652991057019.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:925809664 nr_ops:904111\ntimestamp_ms:1652991058021.0479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:958708736 nr_ops:936239\ntimestamp_ms:1652991059022.1519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:976008192 nr_ops:953133\ntimestamp_ms:1652991060023.2522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999111680 nr_ops:975695\ntimestamp_ms:1652991061024.3054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1030919168 nr_ops:1006757\ntimestamp_ms:1652991062025.4238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046017024 nr_ops:1021501\ntimestamp_ms:1652991063025.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1061243904 nr_ops:1036371\ntimestamp_ms:1652991064026.9302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1084726272 nr_ops:1059303\ntimestamp_ms:1652991065028.0354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1108919296 nr_ops:1082929\ntimestamp_ms:1652991066029.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150415872 nr_ops:1123453\ntimestamp_ms:1652991067030.2329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1174881280 nr_ops:1147345\ntimestamp_ms:1652991068031.2705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187265536 nr_ops:1159439\ntimestamp_ms:1652991069032.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217041408 nr_ops:1188517\ntimestamp_ms:1652991070033.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1241275392 nr_ops:1212183\ntimestamp_ms:1652991071034.6074 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1258451968 nr_ops:1228957\ntimestamp_ms:1652991072035.7065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267960832 nr_ops:1238243\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140715337664256\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.0530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1297095680 nr_ops:1266695\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.1331 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.1438 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073337.3611 name:Total nr_bytes:1297095680 nr_ops:1266696\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.2585 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2594191358 nr_ops:2533392\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.2600 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1297095680 nr_ops:1266698\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 343.63us 0.00ns 343.63us 343.63us \nTxn1 633348 93.22us 0.00ns 215.64ms 18.51us \nTxn2 1 47.59us 0.00ns 47.59us 47.59us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 342.33us 0.00ns 342.33us 342.33us \nwrite 633348 2.87us 0.00ns 98.74us 2.14us \nread 633347 90.26us 0.00ns 215.64ms 2.52us \ndisconnect 1 46.90us 0.00ns 46.90us 46.90us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 799.41b/s \nnet1 10324 10325 90.01Mb/s 90.01Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.114 61.37s 1.21GB 169.10Mb/s 1266699 0.00\nmaster 61.36s 1.21GB 169.10Mb/s 1266698 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.414608, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991012972.9897 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991013974.0894 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991013974.1519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991014974.8472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:23917568 nr_ops:23357\ntimestamp_ms:1652991015975.9551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:34900992 nr_ops:34083\ntimestamp_ms:1652991016977.0471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:58696704 nr_ops:57321\ntimestamp_ms:1652991017977.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:84321280 nr_ops:82345\ntimestamp_ms:1652991018978.9429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:114699264 nr_ops:112011\ntimestamp_ms:1652991019980.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135529472 nr_ops:132353\ntimestamp_ms:1652991020981.1670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:149765120 nr_ops:146255\ntimestamp_ms:1652991021982.2764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186850304 nr_ops:182471\ntimestamp_ms:1652991022983.3730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213777408 nr_ops:208767\ntimestamp_ms:1652991023984.4773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:233716736 nr_ops:228239\ntimestamp_ms:1652991024985.6021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:267758592 nr_ops:261483\ntimestamp_ms:1652991025986.7036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:276548608 nr_ops:270067\ntimestamp_ms:1652991026987.8535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:291636224 nr_ops:284801\ntimestamp_ms:1652991027988.9685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307674112 nr_ops:300463\ntimestamp_ms:1652991028990.0718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:334529536 nr_ops:326689\ntimestamp_ms:1652991029990.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:346332160 nr_ops:338215\ntimestamp_ms:1652991030991.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:355142656 nr_ops:346819\ntimestamp_ms:1652991031992.8491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:400729088 nr_ops:391337\ntimestamp_ms:1652991032993.8872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415820800 nr_ops:406075\ntimestamp_ms:1652991033994.9807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:422611968 nr_ops:412707\ntimestamp_ms:1652991034996.0725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:434361344 nr_ops:424181\ntimestamp_ms:1652991035997.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445682688 nr_ops:435237\ntimestamp_ms:1652991036998.2588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:469347328 nr_ops:458347\ntimestamp_ms:1652991037999.3677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501201920 nr_ops:489455\ntimestamp_ms:1652991039000.4590 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:528851968 nr_ops:516457\ntimestamp_ms:1652991040001.5605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:547482624 nr_ops:534651\ntimestamp_ms:1652991041002.6160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564075520 nr_ops:550855\ntimestamp_ms:1652991042003.7271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574839808 nr_ops:561367\ntimestamp_ms:1652991043004.8442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:586669056 nr_ops:572919\ntimestamp_ms:1652991044005.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:611386368 nr_ops:597057\ntimestamp_ms:1652991045006.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628161536 nr_ops:613439\ntimestamp_ms:1652991046007.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:647371776 nr_ops:632199\ntimestamp_ms:1652991047009.0388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:669805568 nr_ops:654107\ntimestamp_ms:1652991048010.1560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:683070464 nr_ops:667061\ntimestamp_ms:1652991049011.2625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703261696 nr_ops:686779\ntimestamp_ms:1652991050012.3660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721085440 nr_ops:704185\ntimestamp_ms:1652991051013.4680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759938048 nr_ops:742127\ntimestamp_ms:1652991052014.5786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:792269824 nr_ops:773701\ntimestamp_ms:1652991053015.6816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823929856 nr_ops:804619\ntimestamp_ms:1652991054016.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:855363584 nr_ops:835316\ntimestamp_ms:1652991055017.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880987136 nr_ops:860339\ntimestamp_ms:1652991056018.8757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:903339008 nr_ops:882167\ntimestamp_ms:1652991057019.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:925809664 nr_ops:904111\ntimestamp_ms:1652991058021.0479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:958708736 nr_ops:936239\ntimestamp_ms:1652991059022.1519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:976008192 nr_ops:953133\ntimestamp_ms:1652991060023.2522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999111680 nr_ops:975695\ntimestamp_ms:1652991061024.3054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1030919168 nr_ops:1006757\ntimestamp_ms:1652991062025.4238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046017024 nr_ops:1021501\ntimestamp_ms:1652991063025.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1061243904 nr_ops:1036371\ntimestamp_ms:1652991064026.9302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1084726272 nr_ops:1059303\ntimestamp_ms:1652991065028.0354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1108919296 nr_ops:1082929\ntimestamp_ms:1652991066029.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150415872 nr_ops:1123453\ntimestamp_ms:1652991067030.2329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1174881280 nr_ops:1147345\ntimestamp_ms:1652991068031.2705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187265536 nr_ops:1159439\ntimestamp_ms:1652991069032.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217041408 nr_ops:1188517\ntimestamp_ms:1652991070033.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1241275392 nr_ops:1212183\ntimestamp_ms:1652991071034.6074 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1258451968 nr_ops:1228957\ntimestamp_ms:1652991072035.7065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267960832 nr_ops:1238243\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140715337664256\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.0530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1297095680 nr_ops:1266695\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.1331 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.1438 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073337.3611 name:Total nr_bytes:1297095680 nr_ops:1266696\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.2585 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2594191358 nr_ops:2533392\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991073237.2600 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1297095680 nr_ops:1266698\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 343.63us 0.00ns 343.63us 343.63us \nTxn1 633348 93.22us 0.00ns 215.64ms 18.51us \nTxn2 1 47.59us 0.00ns 47.59us 47.59us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 342.33us 0.00ns 342.33us 342.33us \nwrite 633348 2.87us 0.00ns 98.74us 2.14us \nread 633347 90.26us 0.00ns 215.64ms 2.52us \ndisconnect 1 46.90us 0.00ns 46.90us 46.90us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 799.41b/s \nnet1 10324 10325 90.01Mb/s 90.01Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.114 61.37s 1.21GB 169.10Mb/s 1266699 0.00\nmaster 61.36s 1.21GB 169.10Mb/s 1266698 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.414608, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991012972.9897 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991013974.0894 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991013974.1519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991014974.8472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:23917568 nr_ops:23357
+timestamp_ms:1652991015975.9551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:34900992 nr_ops:34083
+timestamp_ms:1652991016977.0471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:58696704 nr_ops:57321
+timestamp_ms:1652991017977.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:84321280 nr_ops:82345
+timestamp_ms:1652991018978.9429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:114699264 nr_ops:112011
+timestamp_ms:1652991019980.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135529472 nr_ops:132353
+timestamp_ms:1652991020981.1670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:149765120 nr_ops:146255
+timestamp_ms:1652991021982.2764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186850304 nr_ops:182471
+timestamp_ms:1652991022983.3730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213777408 nr_ops:208767
+timestamp_ms:1652991023984.4773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:233716736 nr_ops:228239
+timestamp_ms:1652991024985.6021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:267758592 nr_ops:261483
+timestamp_ms:1652991025986.7036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:276548608 nr_ops:270067
+timestamp_ms:1652991026987.8535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:291636224 nr_ops:284801
+timestamp_ms:1652991027988.9685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307674112 nr_ops:300463
+timestamp_ms:1652991028990.0718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:334529536 nr_ops:326689
+timestamp_ms:1652991029990.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:346332160 nr_ops:338215
+timestamp_ms:1652991030991.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:355142656 nr_ops:346819
+timestamp_ms:1652991031992.8491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:400729088 nr_ops:391337
+timestamp_ms:1652991032993.8872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415820800 nr_ops:406075
+timestamp_ms:1652991033994.9807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:422611968 nr_ops:412707
+timestamp_ms:1652991034996.0725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:434361344 nr_ops:424181
+timestamp_ms:1652991035997.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445682688 nr_ops:435237
+timestamp_ms:1652991036998.2588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:469347328 nr_ops:458347
+timestamp_ms:1652991037999.3677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501201920 nr_ops:489455
+timestamp_ms:1652991039000.4590 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:528851968 nr_ops:516457
+timestamp_ms:1652991040001.5605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:547482624 nr_ops:534651
+timestamp_ms:1652991041002.6160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564075520 nr_ops:550855
+timestamp_ms:1652991042003.7271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574839808 nr_ops:561367
+timestamp_ms:1652991043004.8442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:586669056 nr_ops:572919
+timestamp_ms:1652991044005.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:611386368 nr_ops:597057
+timestamp_ms:1652991045006.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628161536 nr_ops:613439
+timestamp_ms:1652991046007.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:647371776 nr_ops:632199
+timestamp_ms:1652991047009.0388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:669805568 nr_ops:654107
+timestamp_ms:1652991048010.1560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:683070464 nr_ops:667061
+timestamp_ms:1652991049011.2625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703261696 nr_ops:686779
+timestamp_ms:1652991050012.3660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721085440 nr_ops:704185
+timestamp_ms:1652991051013.4680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759938048 nr_ops:742127
+timestamp_ms:1652991052014.5786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:792269824 nr_ops:773701
+timestamp_ms:1652991053015.6816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823929856 nr_ops:804619
+timestamp_ms:1652991054016.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:855363584 nr_ops:835316
+timestamp_ms:1652991055017.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880987136 nr_ops:860339
+timestamp_ms:1652991056018.8757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:903339008 nr_ops:882167
+timestamp_ms:1652991057019.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:925809664 nr_ops:904111
+timestamp_ms:1652991058021.0479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:958708736 nr_ops:936239
+timestamp_ms:1652991059022.1519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:976008192 nr_ops:953133
+timestamp_ms:1652991060023.2522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999111680 nr_ops:975695
+timestamp_ms:1652991061024.3054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1030919168 nr_ops:1006757
+timestamp_ms:1652991062025.4238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046017024 nr_ops:1021501
+timestamp_ms:1652991063025.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1061243904 nr_ops:1036371
+timestamp_ms:1652991064026.9302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1084726272 nr_ops:1059303
+timestamp_ms:1652991065028.0354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1108919296 nr_ops:1082929
+timestamp_ms:1652991066029.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150415872 nr_ops:1123453
+timestamp_ms:1652991067030.2329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1174881280 nr_ops:1147345
+timestamp_ms:1652991068031.2705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187265536 nr_ops:1159439
+timestamp_ms:1652991069032.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217041408 nr_ops:1188517
+timestamp_ms:1652991070033.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1241275392 nr_ops:1212183
+timestamp_ms:1652991071034.6074 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1258451968 nr_ops:1228957
+timestamp_ms:1652991072035.7065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267960832 nr_ops:1238243
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140715337664256
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652991073237.0530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1297095680 nr_ops:1266695
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991073237.1331 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991073237.1438 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991073337.3611 name:Total nr_bytes:1297095680 nr_ops:1266696
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991073237.2585 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2594191358 nr_ops:2533392
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991073237.2600 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1297095680 nr_ops:1266698
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 343.63us 0.00ns 343.63us 343.63us
+Txn1 633348 93.22us 0.00ns 215.64ms 18.51us
+Txn2 1 47.59us 0.00ns 47.59us 47.59us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 342.33us 0.00ns 342.33us 342.33us
+write 633348 2.87us 0.00ns 98.74us 2.14us
+read 633347 90.26us 0.00ns 215.64ms 2.52us
+disconnect 1 46.90us 0.00ns 46.90us 46.90us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 799.41b/s
+net1 10324 10325 90.01Mb/s 90.01Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.114 61.37s 1.21GB 169.10Mb/s 1266699 0.00
+master 61.36s 1.21GB 169.10Mb/s 1266698 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:14.974000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:14.974000', 'bytes': 23917568, 'norm_byte': 23917568, 'ops': 23357, 'norm_ops': 23357, 'norm_ltcy': 42.84348642805155, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:14.974000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:14.974000",
+ "bytes": 23917568,
+ "norm_byte": 23917568,
+ "ops": 23357,
+ "norm_ops": 23357,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.84348642805155,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e8fecb598eaf169d30bc2d6ab4dc370ef74acb358b64d25b33efbc19b113ea1b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:15.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:15.975000', 'bytes': 34900992, 'norm_byte': 10983424, 'ops': 34083, 'norm_ops': 10726, 'norm_ltcy': 93.3346923509463, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:15.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:15.975000",
+ "bytes": 34900992,
+ "norm_byte": 10983424,
+ "ops": 34083,
+ "norm_ops": 10726,
+ "norm_ltcy": 93.3346923509463,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fdfa37b5679e96009da0baae1c646e946ce8b8d9f47f48447856027cc51e33a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:16.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:16.977000', 'bytes': 58696704, 'norm_byte': 23795712, 'ops': 57321, 'norm_ops': 23238, 'norm_ltcy': 43.079957010742106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:16.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:16.977000",
+ "bytes": 58696704,
+ "norm_byte": 23795712,
+ "ops": 57321,
+ "norm_ops": 23238,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.079957010742106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac958aeb29a320b54174e0a0c2dff34abd88aff74a75d7a8b8036f42b9efb7f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:17.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:17.977000', 'bytes': 84321280, 'norm_byte': 25624576, 'ops': 82345, 'norm_ops': 25024, 'norm_ltcy': 39.99321783899956, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:17.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:17.977000",
+ "bytes": 84321280,
+ "norm_byte": 25624576,
+ "ops": 82345,
+ "norm_ops": 25024,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.99321783899956,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b3e4dd02e7036f808a5c43e15f8c1371ddf3734645e79479718faaa61ee0e4e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:18.978000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:18.978000', 'bytes': 114699264, 'norm_byte': 30377984, 'ops': 112011, 'norm_ops': 29666, 'norm_ltcy': 33.74588649464033, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:18.978000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:18.978000",
+ "bytes": 114699264,
+ "norm_byte": 30377984,
+ "ops": 112011,
+ "norm_ops": 29666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.74588649464033,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9927e2be43007e427a5ef6849bf7a4bd696e231438882701c43f241495928416",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:19.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:19.980000', 'bytes': 135529472, 'norm_byte': 20830208, 'ops': 132353, 'norm_ops': 20342, 'norm_ltcy': 49.21440294787263, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:19.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:19.980000",
+ "bytes": 135529472,
+ "norm_byte": 20830208,
+ "ops": 132353,
+ "norm_ops": 20342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.21440294787263,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4de5fa5ee25663bfb4130770e6532100b0564a039286e71ae0f266041a5439bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:20.981000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:20.981000', 'bytes': 149765120, 'norm_byte': 14235648, 'ops': 146255, 'norm_ops': 13902, 'norm_ltcy': 72.01156210100166, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:20.981000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:20.981000",
+ "bytes": 149765120,
+ "norm_byte": 14235648,
+ "ops": 146255,
+ "norm_ops": 13902,
+ "norm_ltcy": 72.01156210100166,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c3330e42e7b818a1d5c553f2cc63537f1494f6f2d7286de2d08bb91a8cd54a1e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:21.982000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:21.982000', 'bytes': 186850304, 'norm_byte': 37085184, 'ops': 182471, 'norm_ops': 36216, 'norm_ltcy': 27.642737326043736, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:21.982000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:21.982000",
+ "bytes": 186850304,
+ "norm_byte": 37085184,
+ "ops": 182471,
+ "norm_ops": 36216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.642737326043736,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27ffb43e6ff087c7d1d804729b945c907f39b06d8bc6619cf7ae475f2064e17b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:22.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:22.983000', 'bytes': 213777408, 'norm_byte': 26927104, 'ops': 208767, 'norm_ops': 26296, 'norm_ltcy': 38.070302695752204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:22.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:22.983000",
+ "bytes": 213777408,
+ "norm_byte": 26927104,
+ "ops": 208767,
+ "norm_ops": 26296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.070302695752204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "348883e20fb76eeeabcc9aeb53c2c641579e19e2ad0e33b1ed86100dd0f48aa9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:23.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:23.984000', 'bytes': 233716736, 'norm_byte': 19939328, 'ops': 228239, 'norm_ops': 19472, 'norm_ltcy': 51.41250246748536, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:23.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:23.984000",
+ "bytes": 233716736,
+ "norm_byte": 19939328,
+ "ops": 228239,
+ "norm_ops": 19472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 51.41250246748536,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b9d93962985f1b56b9fdd606c5e787a9aaf1cf10b1d142c2386ad0730d3386d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:24.985000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:24.985000', 'bytes': 267758592, 'norm_byte': 34041856, 'ops': 261483, 'norm_ops': 33244, 'norm_ltcy': 30.114449400173715, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:24.985000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:24.985000",
+ "bytes": 267758592,
+ "norm_byte": 34041856,
+ "ops": 261483,
+ "norm_ops": 33244,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.114449400173715,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec8787901b1fb3bf005b9b8097e1e29b4cf29e7ed22df1085c178cf70b04e594",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:25.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:25.986000', 'bytes': 276548608, 'norm_byte': 8790016, 'ops': 270067, 'norm_ops': 8584, 'norm_ltcy': 116.62413356244176, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:25.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:25.986000",
+ "bytes": 276548608,
+ "norm_byte": 8790016,
+ "ops": 270067,
+ "norm_ops": 8584,
+ "norm_ltcy": 116.62413356244176,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae3b66b84406976bbb6abd8272fe95c6d825a5cb86065c3ed0bdbbddf632bf8d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:26.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:26.987000', 'bytes': 291636224, 'norm_byte': 15087616, 'ops': 284801, 'norm_ops': 14734, 'norm_ltcy': 67.9482762551751, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:26.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:26.987000",
+ "bytes": 291636224,
+ "norm_byte": 15087616,
+ "ops": 284801,
+ "norm_ops": 14734,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.9482762551751,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d494f5146533d4f25ce26a9dc322733ed31b69904315a7bb130dd4ec77a7c2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:27.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:27.988000', 'bytes': 307674112, 'norm_byte': 16037888, 'ops': 300463, 'norm_ops': 15662, 'norm_ltcy': 63.91999682252426, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:27.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:27.988000",
+ "bytes": 307674112,
+ "norm_byte": 16037888,
+ "ops": 300463,
+ "norm_ops": 15662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 63.91999682252426,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49124d53ff7a646b35d7b11e19793aad52d36ecf3f378a4e62e8806036e3975f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:28.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:28.990000', 'bytes': 334529536, 'norm_byte': 26855424, 'ops': 326689, 'norm_ops': 26226, 'norm_ltcy': 38.172167752778726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:28.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:28.990000",
+ "bytes": 334529536,
+ "norm_byte": 26855424,
+ "ops": 326689,
+ "norm_ops": 26226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.172167752778726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d41b09c71b39c98a41bb20a3bc27a5e599707f99756ec6f60dd5727dae49d02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:29.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:29.990000', 'bytes': 346332160, 'norm_byte': 11802624, 'ops': 338215, 'norm_ops': 11526, 'norm_ltcy': 86.82696322444907, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:29.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:29.990000",
+ "bytes": 346332160,
+ "norm_byte": 11802624,
+ "ops": 338215,
+ "norm_ops": 11526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 86.82696322444907,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9aa3bdad0a2e5489c80225b6b143d46759d6fc8dc6cead79519ca1330a4f804d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:30.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:30.991000', 'bytes': 355142656, 'norm_byte': 8810496, 'ops': 346819, 'norm_ops': 8604, 'norm_ltcy': 116.34163388758135, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:30.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:30.991000",
+ "bytes": 355142656,
+ "norm_byte": 8810496,
+ "ops": 346819,
+ "norm_ops": 8604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 116.34163388758135,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4a9f8c41b117f21c574c5b04dccc11e147db32ec686cbc16dc18c2983bbb742",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:31.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:31.992000', 'bytes': 400729088, 'norm_byte': 45586432, 'ops': 391337, 'norm_ops': 44518, 'norm_ltcy': 22.485429436548138, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:31.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:31.992000",
+ "bytes": 400729088,
+ "norm_byte": 45586432,
+ "ops": 391337,
+ "norm_ops": 44518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.485429436548138,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01a8989ae591208324bcfd5c67837a054f0ae3e4f28255b16b8a9b506ad7c8d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:32.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:32.993000', 'bytes': 415820800, 'norm_byte': 15091712, 'ops': 406075, 'norm_ops': 14738, 'norm_ltcy': 67.92224765487175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:32.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:32.993000",
+ "bytes": 415820800,
+ "norm_byte": 15091712,
+ "ops": 406075,
+ "norm_ops": 14738,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.92224765487175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4caa92fdbb3d141fb4db1400cb00e12ed53dd6b46f86c5806f63c50e304f288",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:33.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:33.994000', 'bytes': 422611968, 'norm_byte': 6791168, 'ops': 412707, 'norm_ops': 6632, 'norm_ltcy': 150.94896047336775, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:33.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:33.994000",
+ "bytes": 422611968,
+ "norm_byte": 6791168,
+ "ops": 412707,
+ "norm_ops": 6632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 150.94896047336775,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30221537c89df616faf0347104f5ba689cd57b4593debb28626172ee36c65cbe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:34.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:34.996000', 'bytes': 434361344, 'norm_byte': 11749376, 'ops': 424181, 'norm_ops': 11474, 'norm_ltcy': 87.24871857024577, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:34.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:34.996000",
+ "bytes": 434361344,
+ "norm_byte": 11749376,
+ "ops": 424181,
+ "norm_ops": 11474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 87.24871857024577,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "230e9f1174bdbbf2fc8c82bc2e53705261bb16832e11d2c5b58f3797b7690978",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:35.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:35.997000', 'bytes': 445682688, 'norm_byte': 11321344, 'ops': 435237, 'norm_ops': 11056, 'norm_ltcy': 90.54750920032109, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:35.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:35.997000",
+ "bytes": 445682688,
+ "norm_byte": 11321344,
+ "ops": 435237,
+ "norm_ops": 11056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 90.54750920032109,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5a7e6a1658aafcba07e7dd8bd7414357cb5e4cc5a89cbd47078aba9ac9ae1cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:36.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:36.998000', 'bytes': 469347328, 'norm_byte': 23664640, 'ops': 458347, 'norm_ops': 23110, 'norm_ltcy': 43.31860742441042, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:36.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:36.998000",
+ "bytes": 469347328,
+ "norm_byte": 23664640,
+ "ops": 458347,
+ "norm_ops": 23110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.31860742441042,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35872937ea04c44545d0bfd8ca176bd3e1fd0c134baeda07af9e4a2040c4145b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:37.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:37.999000', 'bytes': 501201920, 'norm_byte': 31854592, 'ops': 489455, 'norm_ops': 31108, 'norm_ltcy': 32.18171810205575, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:37.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:37.999000",
+ "bytes": 501201920,
+ "norm_byte": 31854592,
+ "ops": 489455,
+ "norm_ops": 31108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.18171810205575,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "92751f602040830acd7bab0b4733373aa7991d67e30642f0f731bc547cbc13b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:39', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:39', 'bytes': 528851968, 'norm_byte': 27650048, 'ops': 516457, 'norm_ops': 27002, 'norm_ltcy': 37.07470959905748, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:39",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:39",
+ "bytes": 528851968,
+ "norm_byte": 27650048,
+ "ops": 516457,
+ "norm_ops": 27002,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.07470959905748,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95cf5458f510e4623f830db8af1bb3f0dfdc7b01a8a3e387c02a8610b0e6405d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:40.001000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:40.001000', 'bytes': 547482624, 'norm_byte': 18630656, 'ops': 534651, 'norm_ops': 18194, 'norm_ltcy': 55.0237200450698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:40.001000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:40.001000",
+ "bytes": 547482624,
+ "norm_byte": 18630656,
+ "ops": 534651,
+ "norm_ops": 18194,
+ "norm_ltcy": 55.0237200450698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1287a5e96418645e96a5ef703babc7e233f75c9c62a089c7fb6df5e5dbbda0bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:41.002000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:41.002000', 'bytes': 564075520, 'norm_byte': 16592896, 'ops': 550855, 'norm_ops': 16204, 'norm_ltcy': 61.77829054072297, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:41.002000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:41.002000",
+ "bytes": 564075520,
+ "norm_byte": 16592896,
+ "ops": 550855,
+ "norm_ops": 16204,
+ "norm_ltcy": 61.77829054072297,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1039bf51d4e097f03cef240ea7d285bf3cc6dcc540e3fe1a2f0bfe88c786d48",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:42.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:42.003000', 'bytes': 574839808, 'norm_byte': 10764288, 'ops': 561367, 'norm_ops': 10512, 'norm_ltcy': 95.23507267735683, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:42.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:42.003000",
+ "bytes": 574839808,
+ "norm_byte": 10764288,
+ "ops": 561367,
+ "norm_ops": 10512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 95.23507267735683,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4bc62c0d691ae928ea2b1808e2a13213bf0072ddb239bed2d66cea23c0fae24e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:43.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:43.004000', 'bytes': 586669056, 'norm_byte': 11829248, 'ops': 572919, 'norm_ops': 11552, 'norm_ltcy': 86.66180639716066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:43.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:43.004000",
+ "bytes": 586669056,
+ "norm_byte": 11829248,
+ "ops": 572919,
+ "norm_ops": 11552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 86.66180639716066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15eb3d589f7a466f4bf05ef60489d3e424fa4b497e97ffedaa133dbc2c2181ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:44.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:44.005000', 'bytes': 611386368, 'norm_byte': 24717312, 'ops': 597057, 'norm_ops': 24138, 'norm_ltcy': 41.47473641146739, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:44.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:44.005000",
+ "bytes": 611386368,
+ "norm_byte": 24717312,
+ "ops": 597057,
+ "norm_ops": 24138,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.47473641146739,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c0127e3021bbcb1098c393eb172ff8a714e8777b61d096b1757785165ce9181",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:45.006000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:45.006000', 'bytes': 628161536, 'norm_byte': 16775168, 'ops': 613439, 'norm_ops': 16382, 'norm_ltcy': 61.09582628323007, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:45.006000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:45.006000",
+ "bytes": 628161536,
+ "norm_byte": 16775168,
+ "ops": 613439,
+ "norm_ops": 16382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 61.09582628323007,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c9c418fc2eccfbb25bb0e787fc1780866b3bad2d94458793986eaed612c2901",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:46.007000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:46.007000', 'bytes': 647371776, 'norm_byte': 19210240, 'ops': 632199, 'norm_ops': 18760, 'norm_ltcy': 53.3634535539379, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:46.007000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:46.007000",
+ "bytes": 647371776,
+ "norm_byte": 19210240,
+ "ops": 632199,
+ "norm_ops": 18760,
+ "norm_ltcy": 53.3634535539379,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "711505ea0fcb5701a74ef489a393d8346054c0799117ff6f43615fe4057b9c42",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:47.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:47.009000', 'bytes': 669805568, 'norm_byte': 22433792, 'ops': 654107, 'norm_ops': 21908, 'norm_ltcy': 45.695963927988636, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:47.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:47.009000",
+ "bytes": 669805568,
+ "norm_byte": 22433792,
+ "ops": 654107,
+ "norm_ops": 21908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.695963927988636,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b70b9ea5341c86785855a21fbd808f4d9bc62cd9ee6182bf96fa582d33aabe52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:48.010000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:48.010000', 'bytes': 683070464, 'norm_byte': 13264896, 'ops': 667061, 'norm_ops': 12954, 'norm_ltcy': 77.28247549019608, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:48.010000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:48.010000",
+ "bytes": 683070464,
+ "norm_byte": 13264896,
+ "ops": 667061,
+ "norm_ops": 12954,
+ "norm_ltcy": 77.28247549019608,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84d7da4085cfc57fc8f61760f5625b51745f3f76af4b672f95267800de5264ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:49.011000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:49.011000', 'bytes': 703261696, 'norm_byte': 20191232, 'ops': 686779, 'norm_ops': 19718, 'norm_ltcy': 50.77119613107313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:49.011000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:49.011000",
+ "bytes": 703261696,
+ "norm_byte": 20191232,
+ "ops": 686779,
+ "norm_ops": 19718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.77119613107313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6cd3ba19a9f608ecb6326ede6de759f51bc3700a2dd20dee7a5ef96db71b9249",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:50.012000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:50.012000', 'bytes': 721085440, 'norm_byte': 17823744, 'ops': 704185, 'norm_ops': 17406, 'norm_ltcy': 57.51485209841434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:50.012000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:50.012000",
+ "bytes": 721085440,
+ "norm_byte": 17823744,
+ "ops": 704185,
+ "norm_ops": 17406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 57.51485209841434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27192d34f130339075f8cb9bfde4823297f3017b65d9a09b34f932b07b74bd8f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:51.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:51.013000', 'bytes': 759938048, 'norm_byte': 38852608, 'ops': 742127, 'norm_ops': 37942, 'norm_ltcy': 26.385062747911284, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:51.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:51.013000",
+ "bytes": 759938048,
+ "norm_byte": 38852608,
+ "ops": 742127,
+ "norm_ops": 37942,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.385062747911284,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20493601407b1903f1888c5c80d97894959dd2b57d25970da7b19f314d291221",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:52.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:52.014000', 'bytes': 792269824, 'norm_byte': 32331776, 'ops': 773701, 'norm_ops': 31574, 'norm_ltcy': 31.706802929724617, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:52.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:52.014000",
+ "bytes": 792269824,
+ "norm_byte": 32331776,
+ "ops": 773701,
+ "norm_ops": 31574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.706802929724617,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2ebedadbff374711832a6b1d67e603273f95d8ee46002c1b5c440a727eb7259",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:53.015000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:53.015000', 'bytes': 823929856, 'norm_byte': 31660032, 'ops': 804619, 'norm_ops': 30918, 'norm_ltcy': 32.37929449976551, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:53.015000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:53.015000",
+ "bytes": 823929856,
+ "norm_byte": 31660032,
+ "ops": 804619,
+ "norm_ops": 30918,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.37929449976551,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "73740b7570f27333cf4a8db95ef806bfbd24dfb9152aab92f836ccf39a0bcd27",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:54.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:54.016000', 'bytes': 855363584, 'norm_byte': 31433728, 'ops': 835316, 'norm_ops': 30697, 'norm_ltcy': 32.61265256224143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:54.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:54.016000",
+ "bytes": 855363584,
+ "norm_byte": 31433728,
+ "ops": 835316,
+ "norm_ops": 30697,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.61265256224143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "acfeecf2b091b87e655c5ae058f2e3741ddcff43711600a76e1d643806beedee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:55.017000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:55.017000', 'bytes': 880987136, 'norm_byte': 25623552, 'ops': 860339, 'norm_ops': 25023, 'norm_ltcy': 40.0049142289094, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:55.017000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:55.017000",
+ "bytes": 880987136,
+ "norm_byte": 25623552,
+ "ops": 860339,
+ "norm_ops": 25023,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.0049142289094,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b1bfd7374df49176e70677d7d59593dfcb573bd8c8382806dd0e0baabeb9f2c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:56.018000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:56.018000', 'bytes': 903339008, 'norm_byte': 22351872, 'ops': 882167, 'norm_ops': 21828, 'norm_ltcy': 45.86038699577378, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:56.018000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:56.018000",
+ "bytes": 903339008,
+ "norm_byte": 22351872,
+ "ops": 882167,
+ "norm_ops": 21828,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.86038699577378,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10c8d94d310ce3996839192a4fddba2cfb4099303e2a64b4266898dacd67bd5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:57.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:57.019000', 'bytes': 925809664, 'norm_byte': 22470656, 'ops': 904111, 'norm_ops': 21944, 'norm_ltcy': 45.61822761204657, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:57.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:57.019000",
+ "bytes": 925809664,
+ "norm_byte": 22470656,
+ "ops": 904111,
+ "norm_ops": 21944,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.61822761204657,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea87ede8c2b61dcefb40a445ff1f01347772befcc9810e96e1661e619ac5a53b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:58.021000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:58.021000', 'bytes': 958708736, 'norm_byte': 32899072, 'ops': 936239, 'norm_ops': 32128, 'norm_ltcy': 31.160536990222703, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:58.021000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:58.021000",
+ "bytes": 958708736,
+ "norm_byte": 32899072,
+ "ops": 936239,
+ "norm_ops": 32128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.160536990222703,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a3f1a22c8ba4510bd93c15ba168e72cb0d21ba6f71b1fb16939a0adb01fe796",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:10:59.022000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:10:59.022000', 'bytes': 976008192, 'norm_byte': 17299456, 'ops': 953133, 'norm_ops': 16894, 'norm_ltcy': 59.25796163763762, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:10:59.022000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:10:59.022000",
+ "bytes": 976008192,
+ "norm_byte": 17299456,
+ "ops": 953133,
+ "norm_ops": 16894,
+ "norm_ltcy": 59.25796163763762,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "42c06a10747220e4e2c3a7783d7d4d9aa0dfd4142b0d4e8bb26e66c07f41be96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:00.023000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:00.023000', 'bytes': 999111680, 'norm_byte': 23103488, 'ops': 975695, 'norm_ops': 22562, 'norm_ltcy': 44.37108154405084, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:00.023000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:00.023000",
+ "bytes": 999111680,
+ "norm_byte": 23103488,
+ "ops": 975695,
+ "norm_ops": 22562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.37108154405084,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc28510cc85be0582782b750ddcde0eda0b41bf0ef3d7d11a37d594342a67305",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:01.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:01.024000', 'bytes': 1030919168, 'norm_byte': 31807488, 'ops': 1006757, 'norm_ops': 31062, 'norm_ltcy': 32.227584271980234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:01.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:01.024000",
+ "bytes": 1030919168,
+ "norm_byte": 31807488,
+ "ops": 1006757,
+ "norm_ops": 31062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.227584271980234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16a7462ab0dc68aa78b3d9d93f46e55a1d719e492bad6297739fe6bd8ff02480",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:02.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:02.025000', 'bytes': 1046017024, 'norm_byte': 15097856, 'ops': 1021501, 'norm_ops': 14744, 'norm_ltcy': 67.90005481573013, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:02.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:02.025000",
+ "bytes": 1046017024,
+ "norm_byte": 15097856,
+ "ops": 1021501,
+ "norm_ops": 14744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.90005481573013,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51c4189bee7e049ed9529b3fd9597bbb99dcb2905c6da5a0f9439734b2f1f907",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:03.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:03.025000', 'bytes': 1061243904, 'norm_byte': 15226880, 'ops': 1036371, 'norm_ops': 14870, 'norm_ltcy': 67.27706201139038, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:03.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:03.025000",
+ "bytes": 1061243904,
+ "norm_byte": 15226880,
+ "ops": 1036371,
+ "norm_ops": 14870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.27706201139038,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8da6069e121d2933271a337d5f3c438168035e38f9695f22d96ed7899f5147fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:04.026000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:04.026000', 'bytes': 1084726272, 'norm_byte': 23482368, 'ops': 1059303, 'norm_ops': 22932, 'norm_ltcy': 43.65499893366802, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:04.026000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:04.026000",
+ "bytes": 1084726272,
+ "norm_byte": 23482368,
+ "ops": 1059303,
+ "norm_ops": 22932,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.65499893366802,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fbd859269447e7d5547ee7c8b1fe4db295c67eb1e5e1ccc3b1fbae14ea6c6ef9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:05.028000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:05.028000', 'bytes': 1108919296, 'norm_byte': 24193024, 'ops': 1082929, 'norm_ops': 23626, 'norm_ltcy': 42.3730307546506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:05.028000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:05.028000",
+ "bytes": 1108919296,
+ "norm_byte": 24193024,
+ "ops": 1082929,
+ "norm_ops": 23626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.3730307546506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "94ad255a92a55a48b8b28628d042a0a12b7c1bbdd89b927c5602ba6267ebdd58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:06.029000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:06.029000', 'bytes': 1150415872, 'norm_byte': 41496576, 'ops': 1123453, 'norm_ops': 40524, 'norm_ltcy': 24.703682780960047, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:06.029000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:06.029000",
+ "bytes": 1150415872,
+ "norm_byte": 41496576,
+ "ops": 1123453,
+ "norm_ops": 40524,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.703682780960047,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35e74ed9f0e5af87a7d0ae53dbed635a2d7a6587421fae7ed4e1579bdff28fa2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:07.030000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:07.030000', 'bytes': 1174881280, 'norm_byte': 24465408, 'ops': 1147345, 'norm_ops': 23892, 'norm_ltcy': 41.901283640967684, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:07.030000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:07.030000",
+ "bytes": 1174881280,
+ "norm_byte": 24465408,
+ "ops": 1147345,
+ "norm_ops": 23892,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.901283640967684,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "72255bff3725291d09868adc1c89bf3fd4329c0ac5e5df7576fd711bca6f34d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:08.031000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:08.031000', 'bytes': 1187265536, 'norm_byte': 12384256, 'ops': 1159439, 'norm_ops': 12094, 'norm_ltcy': 82.77142365274102, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:08.031000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:08.031000",
+ "bytes": 1187265536,
+ "norm_byte": 12384256,
+ "ops": 1159439,
+ "norm_ops": 12094,
+ "norm_ltcy": 82.77142365274102,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b01630186ff3c2e7c1b00ebadbef264121f43d4ae301f5c2bb74c1ff6ec326f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:09.032000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:09.032000', 'bytes': 1217041408, 'norm_byte': 29775872, 'ops': 1188517, 'norm_ops': 29078, 'norm_ltcy': 34.42814369970424, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:09.032000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:09.032000",
+ "bytes": 1217041408,
+ "norm_byte": 29775872,
+ "ops": 1188517,
+ "norm_ops": 29078,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.42814369970424,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7dd101eb2ecaf92f630bbcbb7c67f33cefc1d43132d293ae2e020730c9e9be28",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:10.033000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:10.033000', 'bytes': 1241275392, 'norm_byte': 24233984, 'ops': 1212183, 'norm_ops': 23666, 'norm_ltcy': 42.30210352536339, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:10.033000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:10.033000",
+ "bytes": 1241275392,
+ "norm_byte": 24233984,
+ "ops": 1212183,
+ "norm_ops": 23666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.30210352536339,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "96832001c13fb59a1ebdd4eff6d9cf7206ae2186ef81f998e2ad09e4dec35478",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:11.034000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:11.034000', 'bytes': 1258451968, 'norm_byte': 17176576, 'ops': 1228957, 'norm_ops': 16774, 'norm_ltcy': 59.68247105825981, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:11.034000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:11.034000",
+ "bytes": 1258451968,
+ "norm_byte": 17176576,
+ "ops": 1228957,
+ "norm_ops": 16774,
+ "norm_ltcy": 59.68247105825981,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f97ca49d751098e138293afd249f23a2adc969bba0c0084a3db01711b05eff1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:12.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:12.035000', 'bytes': 1267960832, 'norm_byte': 9508864, 'ops': 1238243, 'norm_ops': 9286, 'norm_ltcy': 107.80735742986754, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:12.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:12.035000",
+ "bytes": 1267960832,
+ "norm_byte": 9508864,
+ "ops": 1238243,
+ "norm_ops": 9286,
+ "norm_ltcy": 107.80735742986754,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00a097579b5a259f3a4b1268531f84c17b567f63417f7a6f3ae6cd66ae0106c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:11:13.237000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:11:13.237000', 'bytes': 1297095680, 'norm_byte': 29134848, 'ops': 1266695, 'norm_ops': 28452, 'norm_ltcy': 42.2236199756388, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:11:13.237000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:11:13.237000",
+ "bytes": 1297095680,
+ "norm_byte": 29134848,
+ "ops": 1266695,
+ "norm_ops": 28452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.2236199756388,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0170a32-c782-5ad5-953d-7365f2c77861",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "adcda1160d5f9ba29cc82dc096f5d5036f9185b59f1aeb144dbef1f629d52460",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 21984672.542372882
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 21469.406779661018
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 108.66078507563887
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:11:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-019-220519200729/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-019-220519200729/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1a8ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-019-220519200729/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-019-220519200729/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-019-220519200729/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-019-220519200729/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-019-220519200729/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-019-220519200729/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a92e97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-019-220519200729/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=35
+ vm.swappiness=45
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=170
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-020-220519200931/220519200931-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-020-220519200931/220519200931-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e246549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-020-220519200931/220519200931-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:12:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991134790.3950 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991135791.5039 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991135791.5559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991136792.6550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67783680 nr_ops:66195\ntimestamp_ms:1652991137793.7656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135597056 nr_ops:132419\ntimestamp_ms:1652991138794.8606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:203604992 nr_ops:198833\ntimestamp_ms:1652991139795.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271930368 nr_ops:265557\ntimestamp_ms:1652991140797.0613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:340370432 nr_ops:332393\ntimestamp_ms:1652991141798.1917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:394028032 nr_ops:384793\ntimestamp_ms:1652991142799.2898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:433566720 nr_ops:423405\ntimestamp_ms:1652991143800.3843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:486781952 nr_ops:475373\ntimestamp_ms:1652991144801.4800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:553831424 nr_ops:540851\ntimestamp_ms:1652991145802.5710 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:607474688 nr_ops:593237\ntimestamp_ms:1652991146803.6699 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:675827712 nr_ops:659988\ntimestamp_ms:1652991147804.7678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744236032 nr_ops:726793\ntimestamp_ms:1652991148805.8752 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812838912 nr_ops:793788\ntimestamp_ms:1652991149806.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881351680 nr_ops:860695\ntimestamp_ms:1652991150808.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:935900160 nr_ops:913965\ntimestamp_ms:1652991151809.0715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:979610624 nr_ops:956651\ntimestamp_ms:1652991152810.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1031033856 nr_ops:1006869\ntimestamp_ms:1652991153811.2688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098390528 nr_ops:1072647\ntimestamp_ms:1652991154812.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152132096 nr_ops:1125129\ntimestamp_ms:1652991155813.4712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1205345280 nr_ops:1177095\ntimestamp_ms:1652991156814.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1245066240 nr_ops:1215885\ntimestamp_ms:1652991157815.6624 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299690496 nr_ops:1269229\ntimestamp_ms:1652991158816.7776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1367292928 nr_ops:1335247\ntimestamp_ms:1652991159817.8801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1420778496 nr_ops:1387479\ntimestamp_ms:1652991160818.9834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1475734528 nr_ops:1441147\ntimestamp_ms:1652991161820.0903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1527731200 nr_ops:1491925\ntimestamp_ms:1652991162821.1262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1567179776 nr_ops:1530449\ntimestamp_ms:1652991163822.2153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1634194432 nr_ops:1595893\ntimestamp_ms:1652991164823.3157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693846528 nr_ops:1654147\ntimestamp_ms:1652991165824.3704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1754283008 nr_ops:1713167\ntimestamp_ms:1652991166825.5408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1794759680 nr_ops:1752695\ntimestamp_ms:1652991167826.6401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1863347200 nr_ops:1819675\ntimestamp_ms:1652991168827.7429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1932012544 nr_ops:1886731\ntimestamp_ms:1652991169828.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972374528 nr_ops:1926147\ntimestamp_ms:1652991170829.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026791936 nr_ops:1979289\ntimestamp_ms:1652991171831.0469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095346688 nr_ops:2046237\ntimestamp_ms:1652991172832.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2163872768 nr_ops:2113157\ntimestamp_ms:1652991173833.2488 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220088320 nr_ops:2168055\ntimestamp_ms:1652991174834.3401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2287127552 nr_ops:2233523\ntimestamp_ms:1652991175835.5349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2355170304 nr_ops:2299971\ntimestamp_ms:1652991176836.6296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2409618432 nr_ops:2353143\ntimestamp_ms:1652991177837.7283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2463454208 nr_ops:2405717\ntimestamp_ms:1652991178838.8269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530550784 nr_ops:2471241\ntimestamp_ms:1652991179839.8669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2584306688 nr_ops:2523737\ntimestamp_ms:1652991180840.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2639029248 nr_ops:2577177\ntimestamp_ms:1652991181841.8979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2700215296 nr_ops:2636929\ntimestamp_ms:1652991182843.0159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2759248896 nr_ops:2694579\ntimestamp_ms:1652991183844.1130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2812410880 nr_ops:2746495\ntimestamp_ms:1652991184845.2048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2865210368 nr_ops:2798057\ntimestamp_ms:1652991185846.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934217728 nr_ops:2865447\ntimestamp_ms:1652991186847.3992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3002737664 nr_ops:2932361\ntimestamp_ms:1652991187848.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057015808 nr_ops:2985367\ntimestamp_ms:1652991188849.6150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3125545984 nr_ops:3052291\ntimestamp_ms:1652991189850.7144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3194123264 nr_ops:3119261\ntimestamp_ms:1652991190851.8435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241970688 nr_ops:3165987\ntimestamp_ms:1652991191852.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3298821120 nr_ops:3221505\ntimestamp_ms:1652991192854.0901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358057472 nr_ops:3279353\ntimestamp_ms:1652991193855.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3426788352 nr_ops:3346473\ntimestamp_ms:1652991194856.3093 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3480624128 nr_ops:3399047\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140592147912448\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.6018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3534197760 nr_ops:3451365\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.6772 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.6868 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196157.9109 name:Total nr_bytes:3534197760 nr_ops:3451366\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.7922 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7068395518 nr_ops:6902732\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.7927 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3534197760 nr_ops:3451368\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 263.19us 0.00ns 263.19us 263.19us \nTxn1 1725683 34.78us 0.00ns 208.37ms 18.27us \nTxn2 1 25.87us 0.00ns 25.87us 25.87us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 262.49us 0.00ns 262.49us 262.49us \nwrite 1725683 2.39us 0.00ns 121.75us 2.10us \nread 1725682 32.31us 0.00ns 208.37ms 1.40us \ndisconnect 1 25.18us 0.00ns 25.18us 25.18us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27670 27670 241.28Mb/s 241.28Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.71b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.115 62.37s 3.29GB 453.33Mb/s 3451368 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.29GB 453.33Mb/s 3451368 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.419015, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991134790.3950 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991135791.5039 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991135791.5559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991136792.6550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67783680 nr_ops:66195\ntimestamp_ms:1652991137793.7656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135597056 nr_ops:132419\ntimestamp_ms:1652991138794.8606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:203604992 nr_ops:198833\ntimestamp_ms:1652991139795.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271930368 nr_ops:265557\ntimestamp_ms:1652991140797.0613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:340370432 nr_ops:332393\ntimestamp_ms:1652991141798.1917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:394028032 nr_ops:384793\ntimestamp_ms:1652991142799.2898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:433566720 nr_ops:423405\ntimestamp_ms:1652991143800.3843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:486781952 nr_ops:475373\ntimestamp_ms:1652991144801.4800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:553831424 nr_ops:540851\ntimestamp_ms:1652991145802.5710 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:607474688 nr_ops:593237\ntimestamp_ms:1652991146803.6699 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:675827712 nr_ops:659988\ntimestamp_ms:1652991147804.7678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744236032 nr_ops:726793\ntimestamp_ms:1652991148805.8752 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812838912 nr_ops:793788\ntimestamp_ms:1652991149806.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881351680 nr_ops:860695\ntimestamp_ms:1652991150808.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:935900160 nr_ops:913965\ntimestamp_ms:1652991151809.0715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:979610624 nr_ops:956651\ntimestamp_ms:1652991152810.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1031033856 nr_ops:1006869\ntimestamp_ms:1652991153811.2688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098390528 nr_ops:1072647\ntimestamp_ms:1652991154812.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152132096 nr_ops:1125129\ntimestamp_ms:1652991155813.4712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1205345280 nr_ops:1177095\ntimestamp_ms:1652991156814.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1245066240 nr_ops:1215885\ntimestamp_ms:1652991157815.6624 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299690496 nr_ops:1269229\ntimestamp_ms:1652991158816.7776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1367292928 nr_ops:1335247\ntimestamp_ms:1652991159817.8801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1420778496 nr_ops:1387479\ntimestamp_ms:1652991160818.9834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1475734528 nr_ops:1441147\ntimestamp_ms:1652991161820.0903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1527731200 nr_ops:1491925\ntimestamp_ms:1652991162821.1262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1567179776 nr_ops:1530449\ntimestamp_ms:1652991163822.2153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1634194432 nr_ops:1595893\ntimestamp_ms:1652991164823.3157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693846528 nr_ops:1654147\ntimestamp_ms:1652991165824.3704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1754283008 nr_ops:1713167\ntimestamp_ms:1652991166825.5408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1794759680 nr_ops:1752695\ntimestamp_ms:1652991167826.6401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1863347200 nr_ops:1819675\ntimestamp_ms:1652991168827.7429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1932012544 nr_ops:1886731\ntimestamp_ms:1652991169828.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972374528 nr_ops:1926147\ntimestamp_ms:1652991170829.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026791936 nr_ops:1979289\ntimestamp_ms:1652991171831.0469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095346688 nr_ops:2046237\ntimestamp_ms:1652991172832.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2163872768 nr_ops:2113157\ntimestamp_ms:1652991173833.2488 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220088320 nr_ops:2168055\ntimestamp_ms:1652991174834.3401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2287127552 nr_ops:2233523\ntimestamp_ms:1652991175835.5349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2355170304 nr_ops:2299971\ntimestamp_ms:1652991176836.6296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2409618432 nr_ops:2353143\ntimestamp_ms:1652991177837.7283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2463454208 nr_ops:2405717\ntimestamp_ms:1652991178838.8269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530550784 nr_ops:2471241\ntimestamp_ms:1652991179839.8669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2584306688 nr_ops:2523737\ntimestamp_ms:1652991180840.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2639029248 nr_ops:2577177\ntimestamp_ms:1652991181841.8979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2700215296 nr_ops:2636929\ntimestamp_ms:1652991182843.0159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2759248896 nr_ops:2694579\ntimestamp_ms:1652991183844.1130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2812410880 nr_ops:2746495\ntimestamp_ms:1652991184845.2048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2865210368 nr_ops:2798057\ntimestamp_ms:1652991185846.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934217728 nr_ops:2865447\ntimestamp_ms:1652991186847.3992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3002737664 nr_ops:2932361\ntimestamp_ms:1652991187848.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057015808 nr_ops:2985367\ntimestamp_ms:1652991188849.6150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3125545984 nr_ops:3052291\ntimestamp_ms:1652991189850.7144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3194123264 nr_ops:3119261\ntimestamp_ms:1652991190851.8435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241970688 nr_ops:3165987\ntimestamp_ms:1652991191852.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3298821120 nr_ops:3221505\ntimestamp_ms:1652991192854.0901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358057472 nr_ops:3279353\ntimestamp_ms:1652991193855.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3426788352 nr_ops:3346473\ntimestamp_ms:1652991194856.3093 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3480624128 nr_ops:3399047\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140592147912448\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.6018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3534197760 nr_ops:3451365\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.6772 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.6868 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196157.9109 name:Total nr_bytes:3534197760 nr_ops:3451366\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.7922 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7068395518 nr_ops:6902732\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.7927 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3534197760 nr_ops:3451368\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 263.19us 0.00ns 263.19us 263.19us \nTxn1 1725683 34.78us 0.00ns 208.37ms 18.27us \nTxn2 1 25.87us 0.00ns 25.87us 25.87us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 262.49us 0.00ns 262.49us 262.49us \nwrite 1725683 2.39us 0.00ns 121.75us 2.10us \nread 1725682 32.31us 0.00ns 208.37ms 1.40us \ndisconnect 1 25.18us 0.00ns 25.18us 25.18us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27670 27670 241.28Mb/s 241.28Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.71b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.115 62.37s 3.29GB 453.33Mb/s 3451368 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.29GB 453.33Mb/s 3451368 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.419015, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991134790.3950 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991135791.5039 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991135791.5559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991136792.6550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67783680 nr_ops:66195\ntimestamp_ms:1652991137793.7656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135597056 nr_ops:132419\ntimestamp_ms:1652991138794.8606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:203604992 nr_ops:198833\ntimestamp_ms:1652991139795.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271930368 nr_ops:265557\ntimestamp_ms:1652991140797.0613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:340370432 nr_ops:332393\ntimestamp_ms:1652991141798.1917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:394028032 nr_ops:384793\ntimestamp_ms:1652991142799.2898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:433566720 nr_ops:423405\ntimestamp_ms:1652991143800.3843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:486781952 nr_ops:475373\ntimestamp_ms:1652991144801.4800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:553831424 nr_ops:540851\ntimestamp_ms:1652991145802.5710 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:607474688 nr_ops:593237\ntimestamp_ms:1652991146803.6699 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:675827712 nr_ops:659988\ntimestamp_ms:1652991147804.7678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744236032 nr_ops:726793\ntimestamp_ms:1652991148805.8752 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812838912 nr_ops:793788\ntimestamp_ms:1652991149806.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881351680 nr_ops:860695\ntimestamp_ms:1652991150808.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:935900160 nr_ops:913965\ntimestamp_ms:1652991151809.0715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:979610624 nr_ops:956651\ntimestamp_ms:1652991152810.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1031033856 nr_ops:1006869\ntimestamp_ms:1652991153811.2688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098390528 nr_ops:1072647\ntimestamp_ms:1652991154812.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152132096 nr_ops:1125129\ntimestamp_ms:1652991155813.4712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1205345280 nr_ops:1177095\ntimestamp_ms:1652991156814.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1245066240 nr_ops:1215885\ntimestamp_ms:1652991157815.6624 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299690496 nr_ops:1269229\ntimestamp_ms:1652991158816.7776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1367292928 nr_ops:1335247\ntimestamp_ms:1652991159817.8801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1420778496 nr_ops:1387479\ntimestamp_ms:1652991160818.9834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1475734528 nr_ops:1441147\ntimestamp_ms:1652991161820.0903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1527731200 nr_ops:1491925\ntimestamp_ms:1652991162821.1262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1567179776 nr_ops:1530449\ntimestamp_ms:1652991163822.2153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1634194432 nr_ops:1595893\ntimestamp_ms:1652991164823.3157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693846528 nr_ops:1654147\ntimestamp_ms:1652991165824.3704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1754283008 nr_ops:1713167\ntimestamp_ms:1652991166825.5408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1794759680 nr_ops:1752695\ntimestamp_ms:1652991167826.6401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1863347200 nr_ops:1819675\ntimestamp_ms:1652991168827.7429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1932012544 nr_ops:1886731\ntimestamp_ms:1652991169828.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972374528 nr_ops:1926147\ntimestamp_ms:1652991170829.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026791936 nr_ops:1979289\ntimestamp_ms:1652991171831.0469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095346688 nr_ops:2046237\ntimestamp_ms:1652991172832.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2163872768 nr_ops:2113157\ntimestamp_ms:1652991173833.2488 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220088320 nr_ops:2168055\ntimestamp_ms:1652991174834.3401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2287127552 nr_ops:2233523\ntimestamp_ms:1652991175835.5349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2355170304 nr_ops:2299971\ntimestamp_ms:1652991176836.6296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2409618432 nr_ops:2353143\ntimestamp_ms:1652991177837.7283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2463454208 nr_ops:2405717\ntimestamp_ms:1652991178838.8269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530550784 nr_ops:2471241\ntimestamp_ms:1652991179839.8669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2584306688 nr_ops:2523737\ntimestamp_ms:1652991180840.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2639029248 nr_ops:2577177\ntimestamp_ms:1652991181841.8979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2700215296 nr_ops:2636929\ntimestamp_ms:1652991182843.0159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2759248896 nr_ops:2694579\ntimestamp_ms:1652991183844.1130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2812410880 nr_ops:2746495\ntimestamp_ms:1652991184845.2048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2865210368 nr_ops:2798057\ntimestamp_ms:1652991185846.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934217728 nr_ops:2865447\ntimestamp_ms:1652991186847.3992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3002737664 nr_ops:2932361\ntimestamp_ms:1652991187848.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057015808 nr_ops:2985367\ntimestamp_ms:1652991188849.6150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3125545984 nr_ops:3052291\ntimestamp_ms:1652991189850.7144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3194123264 nr_ops:3119261\ntimestamp_ms:1652991190851.8435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241970688 nr_ops:3165987\ntimestamp_ms:1652991191852.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3298821120 nr_ops:3221505\ntimestamp_ms:1652991192854.0901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358057472 nr_ops:3279353\ntimestamp_ms:1652991193855.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3426788352 nr_ops:3346473\ntimestamp_ms:1652991194856.3093 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3480624128 nr_ops:3399047\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140592147912448\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.6018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3534197760 nr_ops:3451365\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.6772 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.6868 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196157.9109 name:Total nr_bytes:3534197760 nr_ops:3451366\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.7922 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7068395518 nr_ops:6902732\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991196057.7927 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3534197760 nr_ops:3451368\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 263.19us 0.00ns 263.19us 263.19us \nTxn1 1725683 34.78us 0.00ns 208.37ms 18.27us \nTxn2 1 25.87us 0.00ns 25.87us 25.87us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 262.49us 0.00ns 262.49us 262.49us \nwrite 1725683 2.39us 0.00ns 121.75us 2.10us \nread 1725682 32.31us 0.00ns 208.37ms 1.40us \ndisconnect 1 25.18us 0.00ns 25.18us 25.18us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27670 27670 241.28Mb/s 241.28Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.71b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.115 62.37s 3.29GB 453.33Mb/s 3451368 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.29GB 453.33Mb/s 3451368 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.419015, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991134790.3950 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991135791.5039 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991135791.5559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991136792.6550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67783680 nr_ops:66195
+timestamp_ms:1652991137793.7656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135597056 nr_ops:132419
+timestamp_ms:1652991138794.8606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:203604992 nr_ops:198833
+timestamp_ms:1652991139795.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271930368 nr_ops:265557
+timestamp_ms:1652991140797.0613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:340370432 nr_ops:332393
+timestamp_ms:1652991141798.1917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:394028032 nr_ops:384793
+timestamp_ms:1652991142799.2898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:433566720 nr_ops:423405
+timestamp_ms:1652991143800.3843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:486781952 nr_ops:475373
+timestamp_ms:1652991144801.4800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:553831424 nr_ops:540851
+timestamp_ms:1652991145802.5710 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:607474688 nr_ops:593237
+timestamp_ms:1652991146803.6699 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:675827712 nr_ops:659988
+timestamp_ms:1652991147804.7678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744236032 nr_ops:726793
+timestamp_ms:1652991148805.8752 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812838912 nr_ops:793788
+timestamp_ms:1652991149806.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881351680 nr_ops:860695
+timestamp_ms:1652991150808.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:935900160 nr_ops:913965
+timestamp_ms:1652991151809.0715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:979610624 nr_ops:956651
+timestamp_ms:1652991152810.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1031033856 nr_ops:1006869
+timestamp_ms:1652991153811.2688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098390528 nr_ops:1072647
+timestamp_ms:1652991154812.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152132096 nr_ops:1125129
+timestamp_ms:1652991155813.4712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1205345280 nr_ops:1177095
+timestamp_ms:1652991156814.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1245066240 nr_ops:1215885
+timestamp_ms:1652991157815.6624 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299690496 nr_ops:1269229
+timestamp_ms:1652991158816.7776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1367292928 nr_ops:1335247
+timestamp_ms:1652991159817.8801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1420778496 nr_ops:1387479
+timestamp_ms:1652991160818.9834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1475734528 nr_ops:1441147
+timestamp_ms:1652991161820.0903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1527731200 nr_ops:1491925
+timestamp_ms:1652991162821.1262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1567179776 nr_ops:1530449
+timestamp_ms:1652991163822.2153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1634194432 nr_ops:1595893
+timestamp_ms:1652991164823.3157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693846528 nr_ops:1654147
+timestamp_ms:1652991165824.3704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1754283008 nr_ops:1713167
+timestamp_ms:1652991166825.5408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1794759680 nr_ops:1752695
+timestamp_ms:1652991167826.6401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1863347200 nr_ops:1819675
+timestamp_ms:1652991168827.7429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1932012544 nr_ops:1886731
+timestamp_ms:1652991169828.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972374528 nr_ops:1926147
+timestamp_ms:1652991170829.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026791936 nr_ops:1979289
+timestamp_ms:1652991171831.0469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095346688 nr_ops:2046237
+timestamp_ms:1652991172832.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2163872768 nr_ops:2113157
+timestamp_ms:1652991173833.2488 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220088320 nr_ops:2168055
+timestamp_ms:1652991174834.3401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2287127552 nr_ops:2233523
+timestamp_ms:1652991175835.5349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2355170304 nr_ops:2299971
+timestamp_ms:1652991176836.6296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2409618432 nr_ops:2353143
+timestamp_ms:1652991177837.7283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2463454208 nr_ops:2405717
+timestamp_ms:1652991178838.8269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530550784 nr_ops:2471241
+timestamp_ms:1652991179839.8669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2584306688 nr_ops:2523737
+timestamp_ms:1652991180840.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2639029248 nr_ops:2577177
+timestamp_ms:1652991181841.8979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2700215296 nr_ops:2636929
+timestamp_ms:1652991182843.0159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2759248896 nr_ops:2694579
+timestamp_ms:1652991183844.1130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2812410880 nr_ops:2746495
+timestamp_ms:1652991184845.2048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2865210368 nr_ops:2798057
+timestamp_ms:1652991185846.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934217728 nr_ops:2865447
+timestamp_ms:1652991186847.3992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3002737664 nr_ops:2932361
+timestamp_ms:1652991187848.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057015808 nr_ops:2985367
+timestamp_ms:1652991188849.6150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3125545984 nr_ops:3052291
+timestamp_ms:1652991189850.7144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3194123264 nr_ops:3119261
+timestamp_ms:1652991190851.8435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241970688 nr_ops:3165987
+timestamp_ms:1652991191852.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3298821120 nr_ops:3221505
+timestamp_ms:1652991192854.0901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358057472 nr_ops:3279353
+timestamp_ms:1652991193855.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3426788352 nr_ops:3346473
+timestamp_ms:1652991194856.3093 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3480624128 nr_ops:3399047
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140592147912448
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652991196057.6018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3534197760 nr_ops:3451365
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991196057.6772 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991196057.6868 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991196157.9109 name:Total nr_bytes:3534197760 nr_ops:3451366
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991196057.7922 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7068395518 nr_ops:6902732
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991196057.7927 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3534197760 nr_ops:3451368
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 263.19us 0.00ns 263.19us 263.19us
+Txn1 1725683 34.78us 0.00ns 208.37ms 18.27us
+Txn2 1 25.87us 0.00ns 25.87us 25.87us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 262.49us 0.00ns 262.49us 262.49us
+write 1725683 2.39us 0.00ns 121.75us 2.10us
+read 1725682 32.31us 0.00ns 208.37ms 1.40us
+disconnect 1 25.18us 0.00ns 25.18us 25.18us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 27670 27670 241.28Mb/s 241.28Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.71b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.115 62.37s 3.29GB 453.33Mb/s 3451368 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.29GB 453.33Mb/s 3451368 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:16.792000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:16.792000', 'bytes': 67783680, 'norm_byte': 67783680, 'ops': 66195, 'norm_ops': 66195, 'norm_ltcy': 15.12348547615001, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:16.792000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:16.792000",
+ "bytes": 67783680,
+ "norm_byte": 67783680,
+ "ops": 66195,
+ "norm_ops": 66195,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.12348547615001,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e28febbb5e78a1f96f0acc7a537ba5f4cfea4202f877dc9aef7d00cfcc6c9309",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:17.793000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:17.793000', 'bytes': 135597056, 'norm_byte': 67813376, 'ops': 132419, 'norm_ops': 66224, 'norm_ltcy': 15.117036054951756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:17.793000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:17.793000",
+ "bytes": 135597056,
+ "norm_byte": 67813376,
+ "ops": 132419,
+ "norm_ops": 66224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.117036054951756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c047e088362e458e4310d2f1b259be77792ce62aea3217082da773543516720e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:18.794000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:18.794000', 'bytes': 203604992, 'norm_byte': 68007936, 'ops': 198833, 'norm_ops': 66414, 'norm_ltcy': 15.073553327658702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:18.794000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:18.794000",
+ "bytes": 203604992,
+ "norm_byte": 68007936,
+ "ops": 198833,
+ "norm_ops": 66414,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.073553327658702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c36036e7374b0982704da5d3c3bded32edabd40f671d483667c6b27e4776868",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:19.795000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:19.795000', 'bytes': 271930368, 'norm_byte': 68325376, 'ops': 265557, 'norm_ops': 66724, 'norm_ltcy': 15.00360934713334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:19.795000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:19.795000",
+ "bytes": 271930368,
+ "norm_byte": 68325376,
+ "ops": 265557,
+ "norm_ops": 66724,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.00360934713334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf83fe5087899ab94632e8c08b633072ee77ea947ed9eddb53eaad086e0a7d21",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:20.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:20.797000', 'bytes': 340370432, 'norm_byte': 68440064, 'ops': 332393, 'norm_ops': 66836, 'norm_ltcy': 14.978452533299793, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:20.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:20.797000",
+ "bytes": 340370432,
+ "norm_byte": 68440064,
+ "ops": 332393,
+ "norm_ops": 66836,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.978452533299793,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09bb813edc74168a45c314e079d8b683463f6a9a2a952dc03f7ee5d397b980e6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:21.798000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:21.798000', 'bytes': 394028032, 'norm_byte': 53657600, 'ops': 384793, 'norm_ops': 52400, 'norm_ltcy': 19.10554143308683, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:21.798000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:21.798000",
+ "bytes": 394028032,
+ "norm_byte": 53657600,
+ "ops": 384793,
+ "norm_ops": 52400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.10554143308683,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6291771f55de2bf60decec8d44fd38e124ec53e412e25d8bb6c31ced3ae6ca9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:22.799000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:22.799000', 'bytes': 433566720, 'norm_byte': 39538688, 'ops': 423405, 'norm_ops': 38612, 'norm_ltcy': 25.92712484541723, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:22.799000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:22.799000",
+ "bytes": 433566720,
+ "norm_byte": 39538688,
+ "ops": 423405,
+ "norm_ops": 38612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.92712484541723,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b462dfe27fe9e8b700d0b88a8bd66c178a1c7c9608d5ebf6e6f7764b888bf98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:23.800000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:23.800000', 'bytes': 486781952, 'norm_byte': 53215232, 'ops': 475373, 'norm_ops': 51968, 'norm_ltcy': 19.26367153675098, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:23.800000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:23.800000",
+ "bytes": 486781952,
+ "norm_byte": 53215232,
+ "ops": 475373,
+ "norm_ops": 51968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.26367153675098,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "58dc5c98e632e639d69c0b042950f17ae6e4b12cee45afea0d8ee14d8ffe9838",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:24.801000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:24.801000', 'bytes': 553831424, 'norm_byte': 67049472, 'ops': 540851, 'norm_ops': 65478, 'norm_ltcy': 15.28903911428266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:24.801000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:24.801000",
+ "bytes": 553831424,
+ "norm_byte": 67049472,
+ "ops": 540851,
+ "norm_ops": 65478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.28903911428266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70666bdfefebd574ac44f7ef808909cfe284faedbc1117003aa5beaf7fdf2576",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:25.802000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:25.802000', 'bytes': 607474688, 'norm_byte': 53643264, 'ops': 593237, 'norm_ops': 52386, 'norm_ltcy': 19.10989700403018, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:25.802000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:25.802000",
+ "bytes": 607474688,
+ "norm_byte": 53643264,
+ "ops": 593237,
+ "norm_ops": 52386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.10989700403018,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79f218cd8bb61d0ba9e8cab2e4cf2327317ee423b8a3a0ba5fc2ecf21251b585",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:26.803000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:26.803000', 'bytes': 675827712, 'norm_byte': 68353024, 'ops': 659988, 'norm_ops': 66751, 'norm_ltcy': 14.997511302499213, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:26.803000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:26.803000",
+ "bytes": 675827712,
+ "norm_byte": 68353024,
+ "ops": 659988,
+ "norm_ops": 66751,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.997511302499213,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c5c0116dae937ee7dd01ab3670d02ca8d8e3aafa81be3b3a95af0d88e29dba1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:27.804000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:27.804000', 'bytes': 744236032, 'norm_byte': 68408320, 'ops': 726793, 'norm_ops': 66805, 'norm_ltcy': 14.985373855110023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:27.804000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:27.804000",
+ "bytes": 744236032,
+ "norm_byte": 68408320,
+ "ops": 726793,
+ "norm_ops": 66805,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.985373855110023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55db9f8e7ec1ed5a79b697658eef7ed7e997c61de40f31ea43bac00e076b4425",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:28.805000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:28.805000', 'bytes': 812838912, 'norm_byte': 68602880, 'ops': 793788, 'norm_ops': 66995, 'norm_ltcy': 14.943016969549966, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:28.805000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:28.805000",
+ "bytes": 812838912,
+ "norm_byte": 68602880,
+ "ops": 793788,
+ "norm_ops": 66995,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.943016969549966,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3ebe3feda93098275fc302a94a4936fc59a09f103b934ca06f0647fd6b7a176",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:29.806000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:29.806000', 'bytes': 881351680, 'norm_byte': 68512768, 'ops': 860695, 'norm_ops': 66907, 'norm_ltcy': 14.962579675659873, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:29.806000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:29.806000",
+ "bytes": 881351680,
+ "norm_byte": 68512768,
+ "ops": 860695,
+ "norm_ops": 66907,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.962579675659873,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7276b68bf2af951a9151b42a3358406b40a8e7887980b89e06d7bc6bbfbb0623",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:30.808000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:30.808000', 'bytes': 935900160, 'norm_byte': 54548480, 'ops': 913965, 'norm_ops': 53270, 'norm_ltcy': 18.791958089391308, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:30.808000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:30.808000",
+ "bytes": 935900160,
+ "norm_byte": 54548480,
+ "ops": 913965,
+ "norm_ops": 53270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.791958089391308,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80e3d972cc330b028536e798413d1e86b249e43ca3d193d26b8e0a094f9e520e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:31.809000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:31.809000', 'bytes': 979610624, 'norm_byte': 43710464, 'ops': 956651, 'norm_ops': 42686, 'norm_ltcy': 23.451421151694934, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:31.809000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:31.809000",
+ "bytes": 979610624,
+ "norm_byte": 43710464,
+ "ops": 956651,
+ "norm_ops": 42686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.451421151694934,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "798aa6c4b61d819150682722c54ac45f70fa3157eaa903c3995bdecc7074b2c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:32.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:32.810000', 'bytes': 1031033856, 'norm_byte': 51423232, 'ops': 1006869, 'norm_ops': 50218, 'norm_ltcy': 19.935041228058168, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:32.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:32.810000",
+ "bytes": 1031033856,
+ "norm_byte": 51423232,
+ "ops": 1006869,
+ "norm_ops": 50218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.935041228058168,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "320bba402d9d97f719db407cef1c8b91b5991688a1738096328121ba0202d90c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:33.811000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:33.811000', 'bytes': 1098390528, 'norm_byte': 67356672, 'ops': 1072647, 'norm_ops': 65778, 'norm_ltcy': 15.219364608750267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:33.811000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:33.811000",
+ "bytes": 1098390528,
+ "norm_byte": 67356672,
+ "ops": 1072647,
+ "norm_ops": 65778,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.219364608750267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9d5105ecb2fa058f1dfcfaa259468c3939ecf9398b6501e85351d7323ab6f3e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:34.812000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:34.812000', 'bytes': 1152132096, 'norm_byte': 53741568, 'ops': 1125129, 'norm_ops': 52482, 'norm_ltcy': 19.07508076429776, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:34.812000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:34.812000",
+ "bytes": 1152132096,
+ "norm_byte": 53741568,
+ "ops": 1125129,
+ "norm_ops": 52482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.07508076429776,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2a541b143ec3eaef004f12b009e48f74b7d33cfd16b5f492a441111b06b52b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:35.813000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:35.813000', 'bytes': 1205345280, 'norm_byte': 53213184, 'ops': 1177095, 'norm_ops': 51966, 'norm_ltcy': 19.264596157222993, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:35.813000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:35.813000",
+ "bytes": 1205345280,
+ "norm_byte": 53213184,
+ "ops": 1177095,
+ "norm_ops": 51966,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.264596157222993,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20eace5885ab56694f9bd5102b1f1a02a7d7a15ba7d4fc7afbb2341f6a656364",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:36.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:36.814000', 'bytes': 1245066240, 'norm_byte': 39720960, 'ops': 1215885, 'norm_ops': 38790, 'norm_ltcy': 25.80807462860918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:36.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:36.814000",
+ "bytes": 1245066240,
+ "norm_byte": 39720960,
+ "ops": 1215885,
+ "norm_ops": 38790,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.80807462860918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe7c4871b63ecf70f79c3aea781636ac13be78af42956da2d3e6d583ded5e3f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:37.815000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:37.815000', 'bytes': 1299690496, 'norm_byte': 54624256, 'ops': 1269229, 'norm_ops': 53344, 'norm_ltcy': 18.76679565210005, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:37.815000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:37.815000",
+ "bytes": 1299690496,
+ "norm_byte": 54624256,
+ "ops": 1269229,
+ "norm_ops": 53344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.76679565210005,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5934ae4b15551f5c6e0897d1d80544d2a3a4cf06ce07e4382fbd9c00c29f2c4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:38.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:38.816000', 'bytes': 1367292928, 'norm_byte': 67602432, 'ops': 1335247, 'norm_ops': 66018, 'norm_ltcy': 15.164276930155411, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:38.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:38.816000",
+ "bytes": 1367292928,
+ "norm_byte": 67602432,
+ "ops": 1335247,
+ "norm_ops": 66018,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.164276930155411,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b383e2ef1d74a363e96d682f6beb70cd979d41df7b61b33bf316896ec5da6b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:39.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:39.817000', 'bytes': 1420778496, 'norm_byte': 53485568, 'ops': 1387479, 'norm_ops': 52232, 'norm_ltcy': 19.166460006557283, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:39.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:39.817000",
+ "bytes": 1420778496,
+ "norm_byte": 53485568,
+ "ops": 1387479,
+ "norm_ops": 52232,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.166460006557283,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4eefe4eee75941461f7937e9a68dd28a070dbfca5c5d723739e12244b7b5f35e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:40.818000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:40.818000', 'bytes': 1475734528, 'norm_byte': 54956032, 'ops': 1441147, 'norm_ops': 53668, 'norm_ltcy': 18.653634782074516, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:40.818000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:40.818000",
+ "bytes": 1475734528,
+ "norm_byte": 54956032,
+ "ops": 1441147,
+ "norm_ops": 53668,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.653634782074516,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43153294d302145f1a20e68da08e364cb497e12800863f5867afebb327860585",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:41.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:41.820000', 'bytes': 1527731200, 'norm_byte': 51996672, 'ops': 1491925, 'norm_ops': 50778, 'norm_ltcy': 19.715367552754145, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:41.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:41.820000",
+ "bytes": 1527731200,
+ "norm_byte": 51996672,
+ "ops": 1491925,
+ "norm_ops": 50778,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.715367552754145,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e1f4d06fb556a41ec0b4cefc9ce9c761cc23839cf98860b0bde870ffe536a8b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:42.821000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:42.821000', 'bytes': 1567179776, 'norm_byte': 39448576, 'ops': 1530449, 'norm_ops': 38524, 'norm_ltcy': 25.984733897619016, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:42.821000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:42.821000",
+ "bytes": 1567179776,
+ "norm_byte": 39448576,
+ "ops": 1530449,
+ "norm_ops": 38524,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.984733897619016,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f8c4770a72849c0cad92baceb930f50be0670f2dfd24beea2238e39c005ac6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:43.822000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:43.822000', 'bytes': 1634194432, 'norm_byte': 67014656, 'ops': 1595893, 'norm_ops': 65444, 'norm_ltcy': 15.296881476195297, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:43.822000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:43.822000",
+ "bytes": 1634194432,
+ "norm_byte": 67014656,
+ "ops": 1595893,
+ "norm_ops": 65444,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.296881476195297,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "696247d47c2ff6cfad2ae7d0301863594464f9a2b5e37bd6facd4598f5ea65b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:44.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:44.823000', 'bytes': 1693846528, 'norm_byte': 59652096, 'ops': 1654147, 'norm_ops': 58254, 'norm_ltcy': 17.18509187003253, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:44.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:44.823000",
+ "bytes": 1693846528,
+ "norm_byte": 59652096,
+ "ops": 1654147,
+ "norm_ops": 58254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.18509187003253,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa56f0bb7b68056516b376e2dad767fa8138c9fe2ca3fd99c1f9f1deea9490f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:45.824000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:45.824000', 'bytes': 1754283008, 'norm_byte': 60436480, 'ops': 1713167, 'norm_ops': 59020, 'norm_ltcy': 16.961279015587937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:45.824000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:45.824000",
+ "bytes": 1754283008,
+ "norm_byte": 60436480,
+ "ops": 1713167,
+ "norm_ops": 59020,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.961279015587937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4340be5be0ee5f6a4346d93cf140f82fb5a5f02993361b7173d2e0cfa88a6f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:46.825000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:46.825000', 'bytes': 1794759680, 'norm_byte': 40476672, 'ops': 1752695, 'norm_ops': 39528, 'norm_ltcy': 25.328132214031825, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:46.825000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:46.825000",
+ "bytes": 1794759680,
+ "norm_byte": 40476672,
+ "ops": 1752695,
+ "norm_ops": 39528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.328132214031825,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "973d72e803d5611a70f29c546019c435280950b75128778d284e916d87dcde20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:47.826000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:47.826000', 'bytes': 1863347200, 'norm_byte': 68587520, 'ops': 1819675, 'norm_ops': 66980, 'norm_ltcy': 14.94624313577747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:47.826000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:47.826000",
+ "bytes": 1863347200,
+ "norm_byte": 68587520,
+ "ops": 1819675,
+ "norm_ops": 66980,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.94624313577747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7a022c34864e697981d5475a97629f4b4f89b7016fee7d0c1ff22e141a295a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:48.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:48.827000', 'bytes': 1932012544, 'norm_byte': 68665344, 'ops': 1886731, 'norm_ops': 67056, 'norm_ltcy': 14.929354318824938, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:48.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:48.827000",
+ "bytes": 1932012544,
+ "norm_byte": 68665344,
+ "ops": 1886731,
+ "norm_ops": 67056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.929354318824938,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b42b341771c24a677d962518726bdc0dfde0c60580c8b3d9493018c0d715203",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:49.828000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:49.828000', 'bytes': 1972374528, 'norm_byte': 40361984, 'ops': 1926147, 'norm_ops': 39416, 'norm_ltcy': 25.398776234587476, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:49.828000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:49.828000",
+ "bytes": 1972374528,
+ "norm_byte": 40361984,
+ "ops": 1926147,
+ "norm_ops": 39416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.398776234587476,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1deea47705564a1f4a7107a67c837d2858285c9621bad2dd637c221181c85e2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:50.829000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:50.829000', 'bytes': 2026791936, 'norm_byte': 54417408, 'ops': 1979289, 'norm_ops': 53142, 'norm_ltcy': 18.83810324078648, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:50.829000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:50.829000",
+ "bytes": 2026791936,
+ "norm_byte": 54417408,
+ "ops": 1979289,
+ "norm_ops": 53142,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.83810324078648,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6228432448b90574b9dde25262f2f883abd39b17ba949373e9040d4f999540ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:51.831000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:51.831000', 'bytes': 2095346688, 'norm_byte': 68554752, 'ops': 2046237, 'norm_ops': 66948, 'norm_ltcy': 14.953266842829509, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:51.831000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:51.831000",
+ "bytes": 2095346688,
+ "norm_byte": 68554752,
+ "ops": 2046237,
+ "norm_ops": 66948,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.953266842829509,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6bb068b3038866c49ed7a4503b6b81015b98cbdc8f0c6dc04891015efd8bba16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:52.832000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:52.832000', 'bytes': 2163872768, 'norm_byte': 68526080, 'ops': 2113157, 'norm_ops': 66920, 'norm_ltcy': 14.95955627404924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:52.832000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:52.832000",
+ "bytes": 2163872768,
+ "norm_byte": 68526080,
+ "ops": 2113157,
+ "norm_ops": 66920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.95955627404924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0dc23a89378461988e2f5fb8a59e8f9050c7eb0f794bd26a744028318d61ae69",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:53.833000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:53.833000', 'bytes': 2220088320, 'norm_byte': 56215552, 'ops': 2168055, 'norm_ops': 54898, 'norm_ltcy': 18.23578998210317, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:53.833000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:53.833000",
+ "bytes": 2220088320,
+ "norm_byte": 56215552,
+ "ops": 2168055,
+ "norm_ops": 54898,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.23578998210317,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7511a3e60d596cd961be34c3d103628022b0ac17000dffa6b5d5825a59fcf495",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:54.834000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:54.834000', 'bytes': 2287127552, 'norm_byte': 67039232, 'ops': 2233523, 'norm_ops': 65468, 'norm_ltcy': 15.291307334785696, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:54.834000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:54.834000",
+ "bytes": 2287127552,
+ "norm_byte": 67039232,
+ "ops": 2233523,
+ "norm_ops": 65468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.291307334785696,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90c3f2d07d8ce5fbd72478a58a20d9ed559545a7094fb02101d7587f1913d36d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:55.835000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:55.835000', 'bytes': 2355170304, 'norm_byte': 68042752, 'ops': 2299971, 'norm_ops': 66448, 'norm_ltcy': 15.067343249138425, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:55.835000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:55.835000",
+ "bytes": 2355170304,
+ "norm_byte": 68042752,
+ "ops": 2299971,
+ "norm_ops": 66448,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.067343249138425,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3e6441a6ac8f66c4b564060e18dfd090370298fe886bcaaec83fd7830abcfa4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:56.836000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:56.836000', 'bytes': 2409618432, 'norm_byte': 54448128, 'ops': 2353143, 'norm_ops': 53172, 'norm_ltcy': 18.827479247771386, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:56.836000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:56.836000",
+ "bytes": 2409618432,
+ "norm_byte": 54448128,
+ "ops": 2353143,
+ "norm_ops": 53172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.827479247771386,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "36ed2b3757b42f1d7beda86ec44d5b2b60a53ece3894eb7b89d9d6e068adb79f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:57.837000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:57.837000', 'bytes': 2463454208, 'norm_byte': 53835776, 'ops': 2405717, 'norm_ops': 52574, 'norm_ltcy': 19.041705649417963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:57.837000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:57.837000",
+ "bytes": 2463454208,
+ "norm_byte": 53835776,
+ "ops": 2405717,
+ "norm_ops": 52574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.041705649417963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6535a43d4f96fa5a3d330a529b80d2418be9f202af9da09fbf79a2091e14254",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:58.838000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:58.838000', 'bytes': 2530550784, 'norm_byte': 67096576, 'ops': 2471241, 'norm_ops': 65524, 'norm_ltcy': 15.278350418358158, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:58.838000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:58.838000",
+ "bytes": 2530550784,
+ "norm_byte": 67096576,
+ "ops": 2471241,
+ "norm_ops": 65524,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.278350418358158,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a582abee5005d225311ea1c89ecd7d379d87d2f459617bc07f765380b3e09f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:12:59.839000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:12:59.839000', 'bytes': 2584306688, 'norm_byte': 53755904, 'ops': 2523737, 'norm_ops': 52496, 'norm_ltcy': 19.068882182690107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:12:59.839000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:12:59.839000",
+ "bytes": 2584306688,
+ "norm_byte": 53755904,
+ "ops": 2523737,
+ "norm_ops": 52496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.068882182690107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d804a287b6d3ecc744ef0214b7c44f5d77ddaeea42a34a73f671146bb20f4c4d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:00.840000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:00.840000', 'bytes': 2639029248, 'norm_byte': 54722560, 'ops': 2577177, 'norm_ops': 53440, 'norm_ltcy': 18.73071179418507, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:00.840000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:00.840000",
+ "bytes": 2639029248,
+ "norm_byte": 54722560,
+ "ops": 2577177,
+ "norm_ops": 53440,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.73071179418507,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "17aa9c9c8a3736bf75c7a02e6d84ea3a0b0ec369d928f272ba1d73cec8a493dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:01.841000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:01.841000', 'bytes': 2700215296, 'norm_byte': 61186048, 'ops': 2636929, 'norm_ops': 59752, 'norm_ltcy': 16.75361105198362, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:01.841000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:01.841000",
+ "bytes": 2700215296,
+ "norm_byte": 61186048,
+ "ops": 2636929,
+ "norm_ops": 59752,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.75361105198362,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aeeb08e461dc82b7852fd6042df9b185dd2881e400df671630bf1c5303f36eb5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:02.843000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:02.843000', 'bytes': 2759248896, 'norm_byte': 59033600, 'ops': 2694579, 'norm_ops': 57650, 'norm_ltcy': 17.365445271845186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:02.843000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:02.843000",
+ "bytes": 2759248896,
+ "norm_byte": 59033600,
+ "ops": 2694579,
+ "norm_ops": 57650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.365445271845186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35444f0cd92e6ab459eb6acb1362f9b2073b5c42a1886c02493a1e145052efbb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:03.844000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:03.844000', 'bytes': 2812410880, 'norm_byte': 53161984, 'ops': 2746495, 'norm_ops': 51916, 'norm_ltcy': 19.283018105569575, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:03.844000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:03.844000",
+ "bytes": 2812410880,
+ "norm_byte": 53161984,
+ "ops": 2746495,
+ "norm_ops": 51916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.283018105569575,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3842599a0a8f594333e3d433394934fc3d4d83d4c655a5831fd3a187d422b8d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:04.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:04.845000', 'bytes': 2865210368, 'norm_byte': 52799488, 'ops': 2798057, 'norm_ops': 51562, 'norm_ltcy': 19.41530190595788, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:04.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:04.845000",
+ "bytes": 2865210368,
+ "norm_byte": 52799488,
+ "ops": 2798057,
+ "norm_ops": 51562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.41530190595788,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d0d92c1d0737907a0214a3c765bc28f83aa8b05454b47c4190894ce82c292b76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:05.846000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:05.846000', 'bytes': 2934217728, 'norm_byte': 69007360, 'ops': 2865447, 'norm_ops': 67390, 'norm_ltcy': 14.855361080325345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:05.846000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:05.846000",
+ "bytes": 2934217728,
+ "norm_byte": 69007360,
+ "ops": 2865447,
+ "norm_ops": 67390,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.855361080325345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "263cd5a36d3235264588a047b1ed01be5b544c1378be52e1918e3c88e1e518db",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:06.847000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:06.847000', 'bytes': 3002737664, 'norm_byte': 68519936, 'ops': 2932361, 'norm_ops': 66914, 'norm_ltcy': 14.960868468995653, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:06.847000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:06.847000",
+ "bytes": 3002737664,
+ "norm_byte": 68519936,
+ "ops": 2932361,
+ "norm_ops": 66914,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.960868468995653,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fcf801e03a284f25f815456afa0d62d5944ea0228dcd58b4186f9d86fef63303",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:07.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:07.848000', 'bytes': 3057015808, 'norm_byte': 54278144, 'ops': 2985367, 'norm_ops': 53006, 'norm_ltcy': 18.886473900065557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:07.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:07.848000",
+ "bytes": 3057015808,
+ "norm_byte": 54278144,
+ "ops": 2985367,
+ "norm_ops": 53006,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.886473900065557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13057ce9ac83371e568e582171096a0e28e75869156b4f56303ebd3e630d5b3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:08.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:08.849000', 'bytes': 3125545984, 'norm_byte': 68530176, 'ops': 3052291, 'norm_ops': 66924, 'norm_ltcy': 14.959048842950585, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:08.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:08.849000",
+ "bytes": 3125545984,
+ "norm_byte": 68530176,
+ "ops": 3052291,
+ "norm_ops": 66924,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.959048842950585,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f8ab3a8d06fd6f7870433c068318b0095f58aa627bffe542256b1737f00d6a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:09.850000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:09.850000', 'bytes': 3194123264, 'norm_byte': 68577280, 'ops': 3119261, 'norm_ops': 66970, 'norm_ltcy': 14.948474917640361, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:09.850000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:09.850000",
+ "bytes": 3194123264,
+ "norm_byte": 68577280,
+ "ops": 3119261,
+ "norm_ops": 66970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.948474917640361,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d8afcb92fe811689103ebcbd0a9e74510ab66cfb7484c73f1a6aca369419d15f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:10.851000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:10.851000', 'bytes': 3241970688, 'norm_byte': 47847424, 'ops': 3165987, 'norm_ops': 46726, 'norm_ltcy': 21.425526481843622, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:10.851000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:10.851000",
+ "bytes": 3241970688,
+ "norm_byte": 47847424,
+ "ops": 3165987,
+ "norm_ops": 46726,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.425526481843622,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e95e475e4d4b19eea9b9ca48d03fbdc3157ba4ea8979c55b9173b8582e5c5fd3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:11.852000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:11.852000', 'bytes': 3298821120, 'norm_byte': 56850432, 'ops': 3221505, 'norm_ops': 55518, 'norm_ltcy': 18.032523481967562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:11.852000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:11.852000",
+ "bytes": 3298821120,
+ "norm_byte": 56850432,
+ "ops": 3221505,
+ "norm_ops": 55518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.032523481967562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ded2f4c0f91b149a186bb8030913450e9e7c9659c4a6c6980ba3861980fa1050",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:12.854000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:12.854000', 'bytes': 3358057472, 'norm_byte': 59236352, 'ops': 3279353, 'norm_ops': 57848, 'norm_ltcy': 17.305990584970527, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:12.854000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:12.854000",
+ "bytes": 3358057472,
+ "norm_byte": 59236352,
+ "ops": 3279353,
+ "norm_ops": 57848,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.305990584970527,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85e1dadc238e1f3a62c1c1441021a7a27085c86e0e817b297f165a71804a784f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:13.855000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:13.855000', 'bytes': 3426788352, 'norm_byte': 68730880, 'ops': 3346473, 'norm_ops': 67120, 'norm_ltcy': 14.915242610017506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:13.855000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:13.855000",
+ "bytes": 3426788352,
+ "norm_byte": 68730880,
+ "ops": 3346473,
+ "norm_ops": 67120,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.915242610017506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e35a487fcedfe20274ddfdbf7eb3f96770d33f20c3cdd6c2b23336d908156cf8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:14.856000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:14.856000', 'bytes': 3480624128, 'norm_byte': 53835776, 'ops': 3399047, 'norm_ops': 52574, 'norm_ltcy': 19.041886755751417, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:14.856000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:14.856000",
+ "bytes": 3480624128,
+ "norm_byte": 53835776,
+ "ops": 3399047,
+ "norm_ops": 52574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.041886755751417,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "208d886ba262fc6e94e4dd056318e6be865931c78836af81dce6a45f12d91cf4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:13:16.057000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:13:16.057000', 'bytes': 3534197760, 'norm_byte': 53573632, 'ops': 3451365, 'norm_ops': 52318, 'norm_ltcy': 22.961360917251234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:13:16.057000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:13:16.057000",
+ "bytes": 3534197760,
+ "norm_byte": 53573632,
+ "ops": 3451365,
+ "norm_ops": 52318,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.961360917251234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a5ea6da4-0360-5ede-a86a-f23042f668e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7a28b56a19ad47e7a00c66f2986a936baaf22fd843d820553e0daaa09df2ad9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 58903296.0
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 57522.75
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 25.41924115428856
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:13:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-020-220519200931/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-020-220519200931/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e13bc75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-020-220519200931/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-020-220519200931/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-020-220519200931/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-020-220519200931/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-020-220519200931/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-020-220519200931/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d589575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-020-220519200931/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=45
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=35
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=40
+ net.core.busy_poll=100
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-021-220519201132/220519201132-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-021-220519201132/220519201132-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a685ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-021-220519201132/220519201132-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:14:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991256204.4578 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991257205.5725 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991257205.6643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991258206.7563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35097600 nr_ops:34275\ntimestamp_ms:1652991259207.8787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70562816 nr_ops:68909\ntimestamp_ms:1652991260208.9678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105892864 nr_ops:103411\ntimestamp_ms:1652991261210.0630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141390848 nr_ops:138077\ntimestamp_ms:1652991262211.1052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176315392 nr_ops:172183\ntimestamp_ms:1652991263212.2007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211504128 nr_ops:206547\ntimestamp_ms:1652991264213.2930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246905856 nr_ops:241119\ntimestamp_ms:1652991265214.4043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282522624 nr_ops:275901\ntimestamp_ms:1652991266215.5867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318014464 nr_ops:310561\ntimestamp_ms:1652991267215.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353143808 nr_ops:344867\ntimestamp_ms:1652991268216.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388299776 nr_ops:379199\ntimestamp_ms:1652991269218.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423588864 nr_ops:413661\ntimestamp_ms:1652991270219.1108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458896384 nr_ops:448141\ntimestamp_ms:1652991271220.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494087168 nr_ops:482507\ntimestamp_ms:1652991272221.2959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529914880 nr_ops:517495\ntimestamp_ms:1652991273222.3867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565578752 nr_ops:552323\ntimestamp_ms:1652991274222.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600730624 nr_ops:586651\ntimestamp_ms:1652991275223.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636394496 nr_ops:621479\ntimestamp_ms:1652991276224.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671470592 nr_ops:655733\ntimestamp_ms:1652991277226.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706658304 nr_ops:690096\ntimestamp_ms:1652991278227.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742013952 nr_ops:724623\ntimestamp_ms:1652991279228.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777391104 nr_ops:759171\ntimestamp_ms:1652991280229.3638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813040640 nr_ops:793985\ntimestamp_ms:1652991281229.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848444416 nr_ops:828559\ntimestamp_ms:1652991282230.9507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883760128 nr_ops:863047\ntimestamp_ms:1652991283232.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919260160 nr_ops:897715\ntimestamp_ms:1652991284233.1980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954604544 nr_ops:932231\ntimestamp_ms:1652991285234.3020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990350336 nr_ops:967139\ntimestamp_ms:1652991286235.3958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025332224 nr_ops:1001301\ntimestamp_ms:1652991287236.4973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060430848 nr_ops:1035577\ntimestamp_ms:1652991288237.6025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095834624 nr_ops:1070151\ntimestamp_ms:1652991289238.6677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130820608 nr_ops:1104317\ntimestamp_ms:1652991290239.7957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166396416 nr_ops:1139059\ntimestamp_ms:1652991291240.9097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201720320 nr_ops:1173555\ntimestamp_ms:1652991292242.0051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236987904 nr_ops:1207996\ntimestamp_ms:1652991293243.1055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272415232 nr_ops:1242593\ntimestamp_ms:1652991294244.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307923456 nr_ops:1277269\ntimestamp_ms:1652991295245.3328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343228928 nr_ops:1311747\ntimestamp_ms:1652991296246.4458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378366464 nr_ops:1346061\ntimestamp_ms:1652991297247.5613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413684224 nr_ops:1380551\ntimestamp_ms:1652991298248.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448993792 nr_ops:1415033\ntimestamp_ms:1652991299249.7173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484471296 nr_ops:1449679\ntimestamp_ms:1652991300250.8103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519940608 nr_ops:1484317\ntimestamp_ms:1652991301251.9177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555041280 nr_ops:1518595\ntimestamp_ms:1652991302252.9998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1590240256 nr_ops:1552969\ntimestamp_ms:1652991303254.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625617408 nr_ops:1587517\ntimestamp_ms:1652991304254.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660701696 nr_ops:1621779\ntimestamp_ms:1652991305255.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695773696 nr_ops:1656029\ntimestamp_ms:1652991306257.0364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731077120 nr_ops:1690505\ntimestamp_ms:1652991307258.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766087680 nr_ops:1724695\ntimestamp_ms:1652991308259.2380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1801337856 nr_ops:1759119\ntimestamp_ms:1652991309260.3569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1836870656 nr_ops:1793819\ntimestamp_ms:1652991310261.4556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872237568 nr_ops:1828357\ntimestamp_ms:1652991311262.5596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907401728 nr_ops:1862697\ntimestamp_ms:1652991312263.6804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1942873088 nr_ops:1897337\ntimestamp_ms:1652991313264.7170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1978426368 nr_ops:1932057\ntimestamp_ms:1652991314265.8145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014202880 nr_ops:1966995\ntimestamp_ms:1652991315266.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049529856 nr_ops:2001494\ntimestamp_ms:1652991316267.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084834304 nr_ops:2035971\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140243990263552\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119934976 nr_ops:2070249\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3611 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3655 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317569.5852 name:Total nr_bytes:2119934976 nr_ops:2070250\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3926 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4239869950 nr_ops:4140500\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3933 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2119934976 nr_ops:2070252\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 363.67us 0.00ns 363.67us 363.67us \nTxn1 1035125 57.98us 0.00ns 3.05ms 25.81us \nTxn2 1 25.93us 0.00ns 25.93us 25.93us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 363.07us 0.00ns 363.07us 363.07us \nwrite 1035125 3.84us 0.00ns 262.31us 2.21us \nread 1035124 54.04us 0.00ns 3.05ms 3.47us \ndisconnect 1 25.61us 0.00ns 25.61us 25.61us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.35b/s \nnet1 16598 16598 144.73Mb/s 144.73Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.116 62.37s 1.97GB 271.93Mb/s 2070252 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.93Mb/s 2070252 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415973, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991256204.4578 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991257205.5725 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991257205.6643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991258206.7563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35097600 nr_ops:34275\ntimestamp_ms:1652991259207.8787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70562816 nr_ops:68909\ntimestamp_ms:1652991260208.9678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105892864 nr_ops:103411\ntimestamp_ms:1652991261210.0630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141390848 nr_ops:138077\ntimestamp_ms:1652991262211.1052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176315392 nr_ops:172183\ntimestamp_ms:1652991263212.2007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211504128 nr_ops:206547\ntimestamp_ms:1652991264213.2930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246905856 nr_ops:241119\ntimestamp_ms:1652991265214.4043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282522624 nr_ops:275901\ntimestamp_ms:1652991266215.5867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318014464 nr_ops:310561\ntimestamp_ms:1652991267215.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353143808 nr_ops:344867\ntimestamp_ms:1652991268216.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388299776 nr_ops:379199\ntimestamp_ms:1652991269218.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423588864 nr_ops:413661\ntimestamp_ms:1652991270219.1108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458896384 nr_ops:448141\ntimestamp_ms:1652991271220.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494087168 nr_ops:482507\ntimestamp_ms:1652991272221.2959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529914880 nr_ops:517495\ntimestamp_ms:1652991273222.3867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565578752 nr_ops:552323\ntimestamp_ms:1652991274222.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600730624 nr_ops:586651\ntimestamp_ms:1652991275223.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636394496 nr_ops:621479\ntimestamp_ms:1652991276224.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671470592 nr_ops:655733\ntimestamp_ms:1652991277226.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706658304 nr_ops:690096\ntimestamp_ms:1652991278227.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742013952 nr_ops:724623\ntimestamp_ms:1652991279228.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777391104 nr_ops:759171\ntimestamp_ms:1652991280229.3638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813040640 nr_ops:793985\ntimestamp_ms:1652991281229.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848444416 nr_ops:828559\ntimestamp_ms:1652991282230.9507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883760128 nr_ops:863047\ntimestamp_ms:1652991283232.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919260160 nr_ops:897715\ntimestamp_ms:1652991284233.1980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954604544 nr_ops:932231\ntimestamp_ms:1652991285234.3020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990350336 nr_ops:967139\ntimestamp_ms:1652991286235.3958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025332224 nr_ops:1001301\ntimestamp_ms:1652991287236.4973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060430848 nr_ops:1035577\ntimestamp_ms:1652991288237.6025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095834624 nr_ops:1070151\ntimestamp_ms:1652991289238.6677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130820608 nr_ops:1104317\ntimestamp_ms:1652991290239.7957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166396416 nr_ops:1139059\ntimestamp_ms:1652991291240.9097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201720320 nr_ops:1173555\ntimestamp_ms:1652991292242.0051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236987904 nr_ops:1207996\ntimestamp_ms:1652991293243.1055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272415232 nr_ops:1242593\ntimestamp_ms:1652991294244.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307923456 nr_ops:1277269\ntimestamp_ms:1652991295245.3328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343228928 nr_ops:1311747\ntimestamp_ms:1652991296246.4458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378366464 nr_ops:1346061\ntimestamp_ms:1652991297247.5613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413684224 nr_ops:1380551\ntimestamp_ms:1652991298248.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448993792 nr_ops:1415033\ntimestamp_ms:1652991299249.7173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484471296 nr_ops:1449679\ntimestamp_ms:1652991300250.8103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519940608 nr_ops:1484317\ntimestamp_ms:1652991301251.9177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555041280 nr_ops:1518595\ntimestamp_ms:1652991302252.9998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1590240256 nr_ops:1552969\ntimestamp_ms:1652991303254.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625617408 nr_ops:1587517\ntimestamp_ms:1652991304254.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660701696 nr_ops:1621779\ntimestamp_ms:1652991305255.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695773696 nr_ops:1656029\ntimestamp_ms:1652991306257.0364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731077120 nr_ops:1690505\ntimestamp_ms:1652991307258.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766087680 nr_ops:1724695\ntimestamp_ms:1652991308259.2380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1801337856 nr_ops:1759119\ntimestamp_ms:1652991309260.3569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1836870656 nr_ops:1793819\ntimestamp_ms:1652991310261.4556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872237568 nr_ops:1828357\ntimestamp_ms:1652991311262.5596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907401728 nr_ops:1862697\ntimestamp_ms:1652991312263.6804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1942873088 nr_ops:1897337\ntimestamp_ms:1652991313264.7170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1978426368 nr_ops:1932057\ntimestamp_ms:1652991314265.8145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014202880 nr_ops:1966995\ntimestamp_ms:1652991315266.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049529856 nr_ops:2001494\ntimestamp_ms:1652991316267.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084834304 nr_ops:2035971\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140243990263552\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119934976 nr_ops:2070249\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3611 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3655 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317569.5852 name:Total nr_bytes:2119934976 nr_ops:2070250\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3926 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4239869950 nr_ops:4140500\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3933 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2119934976 nr_ops:2070252\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 363.67us 0.00ns 363.67us 363.67us \nTxn1 1035125 57.98us 0.00ns 3.05ms 25.81us \nTxn2 1 25.93us 0.00ns 25.93us 25.93us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 363.07us 0.00ns 363.07us 363.07us \nwrite 1035125 3.84us 0.00ns 262.31us 2.21us \nread 1035124 54.04us 0.00ns 3.05ms 3.47us \ndisconnect 1 25.61us 0.00ns 25.61us 25.61us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.35b/s \nnet1 16598 16598 144.73Mb/s 144.73Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.116 62.37s 1.97GB 271.93Mb/s 2070252 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.93Mb/s 2070252 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415973, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991256204.4578 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991257205.5725 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991257205.6643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991258206.7563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35097600 nr_ops:34275\ntimestamp_ms:1652991259207.8787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70562816 nr_ops:68909\ntimestamp_ms:1652991260208.9678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105892864 nr_ops:103411\ntimestamp_ms:1652991261210.0630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141390848 nr_ops:138077\ntimestamp_ms:1652991262211.1052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176315392 nr_ops:172183\ntimestamp_ms:1652991263212.2007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211504128 nr_ops:206547\ntimestamp_ms:1652991264213.2930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246905856 nr_ops:241119\ntimestamp_ms:1652991265214.4043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282522624 nr_ops:275901\ntimestamp_ms:1652991266215.5867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318014464 nr_ops:310561\ntimestamp_ms:1652991267215.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353143808 nr_ops:344867\ntimestamp_ms:1652991268216.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388299776 nr_ops:379199\ntimestamp_ms:1652991269218.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423588864 nr_ops:413661\ntimestamp_ms:1652991270219.1108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458896384 nr_ops:448141\ntimestamp_ms:1652991271220.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494087168 nr_ops:482507\ntimestamp_ms:1652991272221.2959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529914880 nr_ops:517495\ntimestamp_ms:1652991273222.3867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565578752 nr_ops:552323\ntimestamp_ms:1652991274222.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600730624 nr_ops:586651\ntimestamp_ms:1652991275223.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636394496 nr_ops:621479\ntimestamp_ms:1652991276224.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671470592 nr_ops:655733\ntimestamp_ms:1652991277226.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706658304 nr_ops:690096\ntimestamp_ms:1652991278227.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742013952 nr_ops:724623\ntimestamp_ms:1652991279228.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777391104 nr_ops:759171\ntimestamp_ms:1652991280229.3638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813040640 nr_ops:793985\ntimestamp_ms:1652991281229.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848444416 nr_ops:828559\ntimestamp_ms:1652991282230.9507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883760128 nr_ops:863047\ntimestamp_ms:1652991283232.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919260160 nr_ops:897715\ntimestamp_ms:1652991284233.1980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954604544 nr_ops:932231\ntimestamp_ms:1652991285234.3020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990350336 nr_ops:967139\ntimestamp_ms:1652991286235.3958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025332224 nr_ops:1001301\ntimestamp_ms:1652991287236.4973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060430848 nr_ops:1035577\ntimestamp_ms:1652991288237.6025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095834624 nr_ops:1070151\ntimestamp_ms:1652991289238.6677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130820608 nr_ops:1104317\ntimestamp_ms:1652991290239.7957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166396416 nr_ops:1139059\ntimestamp_ms:1652991291240.9097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201720320 nr_ops:1173555\ntimestamp_ms:1652991292242.0051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236987904 nr_ops:1207996\ntimestamp_ms:1652991293243.1055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272415232 nr_ops:1242593\ntimestamp_ms:1652991294244.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307923456 nr_ops:1277269\ntimestamp_ms:1652991295245.3328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343228928 nr_ops:1311747\ntimestamp_ms:1652991296246.4458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378366464 nr_ops:1346061\ntimestamp_ms:1652991297247.5613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413684224 nr_ops:1380551\ntimestamp_ms:1652991298248.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448993792 nr_ops:1415033\ntimestamp_ms:1652991299249.7173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484471296 nr_ops:1449679\ntimestamp_ms:1652991300250.8103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519940608 nr_ops:1484317\ntimestamp_ms:1652991301251.9177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555041280 nr_ops:1518595\ntimestamp_ms:1652991302252.9998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1590240256 nr_ops:1552969\ntimestamp_ms:1652991303254.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625617408 nr_ops:1587517\ntimestamp_ms:1652991304254.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660701696 nr_ops:1621779\ntimestamp_ms:1652991305255.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695773696 nr_ops:1656029\ntimestamp_ms:1652991306257.0364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731077120 nr_ops:1690505\ntimestamp_ms:1652991307258.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766087680 nr_ops:1724695\ntimestamp_ms:1652991308259.2380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1801337856 nr_ops:1759119\ntimestamp_ms:1652991309260.3569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1836870656 nr_ops:1793819\ntimestamp_ms:1652991310261.4556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872237568 nr_ops:1828357\ntimestamp_ms:1652991311262.5596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907401728 nr_ops:1862697\ntimestamp_ms:1652991312263.6804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1942873088 nr_ops:1897337\ntimestamp_ms:1652991313264.7170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1978426368 nr_ops:1932057\ntimestamp_ms:1652991314265.8145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014202880 nr_ops:1966995\ntimestamp_ms:1652991315266.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049529856 nr_ops:2001494\ntimestamp_ms:1652991316267.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084834304 nr_ops:2035971\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140243990263552\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119934976 nr_ops:2070249\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3611 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3655 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317569.5852 name:Total nr_bytes:2119934976 nr_ops:2070250\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3926 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4239869950 nr_ops:4140500\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991317469.3933 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2119934976 nr_ops:2070252\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 363.67us 0.00ns 363.67us 363.67us \nTxn1 1035125 57.98us 0.00ns 3.05ms 25.81us \nTxn2 1 25.93us 0.00ns 25.93us 25.93us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 363.07us 0.00ns 363.07us 363.07us \nwrite 1035125 3.84us 0.00ns 262.31us 2.21us \nread 1035124 54.04us 0.00ns 3.05ms 3.47us \ndisconnect 1 25.61us 0.00ns 25.61us 25.61us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.35b/s \nnet1 16598 16598 144.73Mb/s 144.73Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.116 62.37s 1.97GB 271.93Mb/s 2070252 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.93Mb/s 2070252 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415973, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991256204.4578 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991257205.5725 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991257205.6643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991258206.7563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35097600 nr_ops:34275
+timestamp_ms:1652991259207.8787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70562816 nr_ops:68909
+timestamp_ms:1652991260208.9678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105892864 nr_ops:103411
+timestamp_ms:1652991261210.0630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141390848 nr_ops:138077
+timestamp_ms:1652991262211.1052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176315392 nr_ops:172183
+timestamp_ms:1652991263212.2007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211504128 nr_ops:206547
+timestamp_ms:1652991264213.2930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246905856 nr_ops:241119
+timestamp_ms:1652991265214.4043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282522624 nr_ops:275901
+timestamp_ms:1652991266215.5867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318014464 nr_ops:310561
+timestamp_ms:1652991267215.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353143808 nr_ops:344867
+timestamp_ms:1652991268216.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388299776 nr_ops:379199
+timestamp_ms:1652991269218.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423588864 nr_ops:413661
+timestamp_ms:1652991270219.1108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458896384 nr_ops:448141
+timestamp_ms:1652991271220.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494087168 nr_ops:482507
+timestamp_ms:1652991272221.2959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529914880 nr_ops:517495
+timestamp_ms:1652991273222.3867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565578752 nr_ops:552323
+timestamp_ms:1652991274222.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600730624 nr_ops:586651
+timestamp_ms:1652991275223.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636394496 nr_ops:621479
+timestamp_ms:1652991276224.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671470592 nr_ops:655733
+timestamp_ms:1652991277226.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706658304 nr_ops:690096
+timestamp_ms:1652991278227.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742013952 nr_ops:724623
+timestamp_ms:1652991279228.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777391104 nr_ops:759171
+timestamp_ms:1652991280229.3638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813040640 nr_ops:793985
+timestamp_ms:1652991281229.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848444416 nr_ops:828559
+timestamp_ms:1652991282230.9507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883760128 nr_ops:863047
+timestamp_ms:1652991283232.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919260160 nr_ops:897715
+timestamp_ms:1652991284233.1980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954604544 nr_ops:932231
+timestamp_ms:1652991285234.3020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990350336 nr_ops:967139
+timestamp_ms:1652991286235.3958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025332224 nr_ops:1001301
+timestamp_ms:1652991287236.4973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060430848 nr_ops:1035577
+timestamp_ms:1652991288237.6025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095834624 nr_ops:1070151
+timestamp_ms:1652991289238.6677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130820608 nr_ops:1104317
+timestamp_ms:1652991290239.7957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166396416 nr_ops:1139059
+timestamp_ms:1652991291240.9097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201720320 nr_ops:1173555
+timestamp_ms:1652991292242.0051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236987904 nr_ops:1207996
+timestamp_ms:1652991293243.1055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272415232 nr_ops:1242593
+timestamp_ms:1652991294244.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307923456 nr_ops:1277269
+timestamp_ms:1652991295245.3328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343228928 nr_ops:1311747
+timestamp_ms:1652991296246.4458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378366464 nr_ops:1346061
+timestamp_ms:1652991297247.5613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413684224 nr_ops:1380551
+timestamp_ms:1652991298248.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448993792 nr_ops:1415033
+timestamp_ms:1652991299249.7173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484471296 nr_ops:1449679
+timestamp_ms:1652991300250.8103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519940608 nr_ops:1484317
+timestamp_ms:1652991301251.9177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555041280 nr_ops:1518595
+timestamp_ms:1652991302252.9998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1590240256 nr_ops:1552969
+timestamp_ms:1652991303254.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625617408 nr_ops:1587517
+timestamp_ms:1652991304254.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660701696 nr_ops:1621779
+timestamp_ms:1652991305255.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695773696 nr_ops:1656029
+timestamp_ms:1652991306257.0364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731077120 nr_ops:1690505
+timestamp_ms:1652991307258.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766087680 nr_ops:1724695
+timestamp_ms:1652991308259.2380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1801337856 nr_ops:1759119
+timestamp_ms:1652991309260.3569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1836870656 nr_ops:1793819
+timestamp_ms:1652991310261.4556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872237568 nr_ops:1828357
+timestamp_ms:1652991311262.5596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907401728 nr_ops:1862697
+timestamp_ms:1652991312263.6804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1942873088 nr_ops:1897337
+timestamp_ms:1652991313264.7170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1978426368 nr_ops:1932057
+timestamp_ms:1652991314265.8145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014202880 nr_ops:1966995
+timestamp_ms:1652991315266.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049529856 nr_ops:2001494
+timestamp_ms:1652991316267.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084834304 nr_ops:2035971
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140243990263552
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652991317469.3005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119934976 nr_ops:2070249
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991317469.3611 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991317469.3655 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991317569.5852 name:Total nr_bytes:2119934976 nr_ops:2070250
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991317469.3926 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4239869950 nr_ops:4140500
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991317469.3933 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2119934976 nr_ops:2070252
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 363.67us 0.00ns 363.67us 363.67us
+Txn1 1035125 57.98us 0.00ns 3.05ms 25.81us
+Txn2 1 25.93us 0.00ns 25.93us 25.93us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 363.07us 0.00ns 363.07us 363.07us
+write 1035125 3.84us 0.00ns 262.31us 2.21us
+read 1035124 54.04us 0.00ns 3.05ms 3.47us
+disconnect 1 25.61us 0.00ns 25.61us 25.61us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.35b/s
+net1 16598 16598 144.73Mb/s 144.73Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.116 62.37s 1.97GB 271.93Mb/s 2070252 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.97GB 271.93Mb/s 2070252 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:18.206000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:18.206000', 'bytes': 35097600, 'norm_byte': 35097600, 'ops': 34275, 'norm_ops': 34275, 'norm_ltcy': 29.20764525209701, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:18.206000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:18.206000",
+ "bytes": 35097600,
+ "norm_byte": 35097600,
+ "ops": 34275,
+ "norm_ops": 34275,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.20764525209701,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b85c62b513d290e58d97788d682fe1288a39c79c71dc4cdfa84f587a46174fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:19.207000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:19.207000', 'bytes': 70562816, 'norm_byte': 35465216, 'ops': 68909, 'norm_ops': 34634, 'norm_ltcy': 28.90576642758922, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:19.207000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:19.207000",
+ "bytes": 70562816,
+ "norm_byte": 35465216,
+ "ops": 68909,
+ "norm_ops": 34634,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.90576642758922,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bcfb484432960e2ea41ccd4acdcd37306e366dbfa95937e5f48e15325c0f36fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:20.208000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:20.208000', 'bytes': 105892864, 'norm_byte': 35330048, 'ops': 103411, 'norm_ops': 34502, 'norm_ltcy': 29.015393638865138, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:20.208000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:20.208000",
+ "bytes": 105892864,
+ "norm_byte": 35330048,
+ "ops": 103411,
+ "norm_ops": 34502,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.015393638865138,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "acd1c8087337611caaa3221f3a03e15459749be4ad9876c9c739a1b0d4cb10a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:21.210000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:21.210000', 'bytes': 141390848, 'norm_byte': 35497984, 'ops': 138077, 'norm_ops': 34666, 'norm_ltcy': 28.87830193399152, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:21.210000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:21.210000",
+ "bytes": 141390848,
+ "norm_byte": 35497984,
+ "ops": 138077,
+ "norm_ops": 34666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.87830193399152,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e5549a7a8b4a120e3c1fc2e75b64d8831e49e8f35665eee1fdd24d4d49d33e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:22.211000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:22.211000', 'bytes': 176315392, 'norm_byte': 34924544, 'ops': 172183, 'norm_ops': 34106, 'norm_ltcy': 29.3509129281688, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:22.211000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:22.211000",
+ "bytes": 176315392,
+ "norm_byte": 34924544,
+ "ops": 172183,
+ "norm_ops": 34106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.3509129281688,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8f0101c31fbc715e74b0d840aa524835c83ff27d42176b5c6338d1da2f8ebfa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:23.212000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:23.212000', 'bytes': 211504128, 'norm_byte': 35188736, 'ops': 206547, 'norm_ops': 34364, 'norm_ltcy': 29.13209926039969, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:23.212000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:23.212000",
+ "bytes": 211504128,
+ "norm_byte": 35188736,
+ "ops": 206547,
+ "norm_ops": 34364,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.13209926039969,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a42a7e3ccf3f9722924ba0dcaafaeb318e01b3b58ffbb3f2e921e8116c599806",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:24.213000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:24.213000', 'bytes': 246905856, 'norm_byte': 35401728, 'ops': 241119, 'norm_ops': 34572, 'norm_ltcy': 28.95673623615209, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:24.213000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:24.213000",
+ "bytes": 246905856,
+ "norm_byte": 35401728,
+ "ops": 241119,
+ "norm_ops": 34572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.95673623615209,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e508cf3ff03af3a3197ef16d22eb60d0f3f88f89128f8c064207a784d65c4bb8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:25.214000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:25.214000', 'bytes': 282522624, 'norm_byte': 35616768, 'ops': 275901, 'norm_ops': 34782, 'norm_ltcy': 28.78245437654534, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:25.214000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:25.214000",
+ "bytes": 282522624,
+ "norm_byte": 35616768,
+ "ops": 275901,
+ "norm_ops": 34782,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.78245437654534,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a8d51427e0465dc9b3734590aac778b9ff0d3f0fe746b94dc58a8e50b2bb674",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:26.215000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:26.215000', 'bytes': 318014464, 'norm_byte': 35491840, 'ops': 310561, 'norm_ops': 34660, 'norm_ltcy': 28.885815725530147, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:26.215000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:26.215000",
+ "bytes": 318014464,
+ "norm_byte": 35491840,
+ "ops": 310561,
+ "norm_ops": 34660,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.885815725530147,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af11f50a3aeed54b2f65a3caa9fcc7f91d9ac96465d816be3cd122617aceda8e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:27.215000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:27.215000', 'bytes': 353143808, 'norm_byte': 35129344, 'ops': 344867, 'norm_ops': 34306, 'norm_ltcy': 29.156621882833907, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:27.215000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:27.215000",
+ "bytes": 353143808,
+ "norm_byte": 35129344,
+ "ops": 344867,
+ "norm_ops": 34306,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.156621882833907,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "65f49d52fd7997b097291f96eb89f90d6bac9b6ccdbaee26f433567da11537fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:28.216000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:28.216000', 'bytes': 388299776, 'norm_byte': 35155968, 'ops': 379199, 'norm_ops': 34332, 'norm_ltcy': 29.159195673406007, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:28.216000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:28.216000",
+ "bytes": 388299776,
+ "norm_byte": 35155968,
+ "ops": 379199,
+ "norm_ops": 34332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.159195673406007,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8eb0e7ed3a9ddd1a1307a3488a1d4ced18654e6cb6588bdcef6745b652607aa0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:29.218000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:29.218000', 'bytes': 423588864, 'norm_byte': 35289088, 'ops': 413661, 'norm_ops': 34462, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04914969749289, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:29.218000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:29.218000",
+ "bytes": 423588864,
+ "norm_byte": 35289088,
+ "ops": 413661,
+ "norm_ops": 34462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04914969749289,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ada203762a23a26b0360f1deb517ee7a7d8cddc8b80abb1dc9e30351c684581",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:30.219000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:30.219000', 'bytes': 458896384, 'norm_byte': 35307520, 'ops': 448141, 'norm_ops': 34480, 'norm_ltcy': 29.033984828161255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:30.219000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:30.219000",
+ "bytes": 458896384,
+ "norm_byte": 35307520,
+ "ops": 448141,
+ "norm_ops": 34480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.033984828161255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3612616a1b3093b6f073ddcba6cc298c4b411df96cf91d55ca48173cfde1a457",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:31.220000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:31.220000', 'bytes': 494087168, 'norm_byte': 35190784, 'ops': 482507, 'norm_ops': 34366, 'norm_ltcy': 29.130283087753885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:31.220000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:31.220000",
+ "bytes": 494087168,
+ "norm_byte": 35190784,
+ "ops": 482507,
+ "norm_ops": 34366,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.130283087753885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "348f9984a142413a19582e1d886727cd1e4463b9f0eced143c7d58359a3d3890",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:32.221000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:32.221000', 'bytes': 529914880, 'norm_byte': 35827712, 'ops': 517495, 'norm_ops': 34988, 'norm_ltcy': 28.612488567508862, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:32.221000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:32.221000",
+ "bytes": 529914880,
+ "norm_byte": 35827712,
+ "ops": 517495,
+ "norm_ops": 34988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.612488567508862,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f60b3dd8fcce61a2f1208909d9e92d3ad41986c78a6809ec28154983b005278e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:33.222000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:33.222000', 'bytes': 565578752, 'norm_byte': 35663872, 'ops': 552323, 'norm_ops': 34828, 'norm_ltcy': 28.743850359265533, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:33.222000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:33.222000",
+ "bytes": 565578752,
+ "norm_byte": 35663872,
+ "ops": 552323,
+ "norm_ops": 34828,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.743850359265533,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87df371355d9ea4c08fbb75d1e9ba0830b2d982fbb7660ae9b58d86a4028f551",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:34.222000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:34.222000', 'bytes': 600730624, 'norm_byte': 35151872, 'ops': 586651, 'norm_ops': 34328, 'norm_ltcy': 29.14384616557548, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:34.222000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:34.222000",
+ "bytes": 600730624,
+ "norm_byte": 35151872,
+ "ops": 586651,
+ "norm_ops": 34328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.14384616557548,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ed09d594aab98478e6641a07e7f23c7b45261c20a700cbe4dc9bc5326468ff0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:35.223000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:35.223000', 'bytes': 636394496, 'norm_byte': 35663872, 'ops': 621479, 'norm_ops': 34828, 'norm_ltcy': 28.741207628829535, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:35.223000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:35.223000",
+ "bytes": 636394496,
+ "norm_byte": 35663872,
+ "ops": 621479,
+ "norm_ops": 34828,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.741207628829535,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8e50751f9b101eff596a217dd898833db722c1ca0e75cdea477c4a74f59b698",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:36.224000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:36.224000', 'bytes': 671470592, 'norm_byte': 35076096, 'ops': 655733, 'norm_ops': 34254, 'norm_ltcy': 29.22579382836676, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:36.224000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:36.224000",
+ "bytes": 671470592,
+ "norm_byte": 35076096,
+ "ops": 655733,
+ "norm_ops": 34254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.22579382836676,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b6d832e9029f56da686731174a9dad31e573c0bea4646d8af0d5cbde9158b751",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:37.226000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:37.226000', 'bytes': 706658304, 'norm_byte': 35187712, 'ops': 690096, 'norm_ops': 34363, 'norm_ltcy': 29.133529625341936, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:37.226000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:37.226000",
+ "bytes": 706658304,
+ "norm_byte": 35187712,
+ "ops": 690096,
+ "norm_ops": 34363,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.133529625341936,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3adf4f4674b996a8f231b8f66685985a86983efd55015d70ed7a6dc909d2eea9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:38.227000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:38.227000', 'bytes': 742013952, 'norm_byte': 35355648, 'ops': 724623, 'norm_ops': 34527, 'norm_ltcy': 28.99705727356489, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:38.227000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:38.227000",
+ "bytes": 742013952,
+ "norm_byte": 35355648,
+ "ops": 724623,
+ "norm_ops": 34527,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.99705727356489,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e23df776d1ad411a14c5d1afb93985de96232de1c9888b4a7e73b235eef09220",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:39.228000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:39.228000', 'bytes': 777391104, 'norm_byte': 35377152, 'ops': 759171, 'norm_ops': 34548, 'norm_ltcy': 28.97692979921052, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:39.228000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:39.228000",
+ "bytes": 777391104,
+ "norm_byte": 35377152,
+ "ops": 759171,
+ "norm_ops": 34548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.97692979921052,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74f80387678b9d61500305c598cbceb10a0ac5fcba9db667c353b8a04837cf7e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:40.229000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:40.229000', 'bytes': 813040640, 'norm_byte': 35649536, 'ops': 793985, 'norm_ops': 34814, 'norm_ltcy': 28.75383847913196, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:40.229000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:40.229000",
+ "bytes": 813040640,
+ "norm_byte": 35649536,
+ "ops": 793985,
+ "norm_ops": 34814,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.75383847913196,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35288b8faf0024bdd37715e029318998ef79c4e254185d63ffdc529c682cf879",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:41.229000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:41.229000', 'bytes': 848444416, 'norm_byte': 35403776, 'ops': 828559, 'norm_ops': 34574, 'norm_ltcy': 28.937040500990626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:41.229000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:41.229000",
+ "bytes": 848444416,
+ "norm_byte": 35403776,
+ "ops": 828559,
+ "norm_ops": 34574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.937040500990626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfc750812cf2aa48b1fd2eff3858d12d7fbdc5a0f8c6a1b6114e9145f97fd043",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:42.230000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:42.230000', 'bytes': 883760128, 'norm_byte': 35315712, 'ops': 863047, 'norm_ops': 34488, 'norm_ltcy': 29.028000341604326, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:42.230000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:42.230000",
+ "bytes": 883760128,
+ "norm_byte": 35315712,
+ "ops": 863047,
+ "norm_ops": 34488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.028000341604326,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b247de88c82ee604a585eea16de5adb55a95496e4bb740da2addc5cb5a7a888",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:43.232000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:43.232000', 'bytes': 919260160, 'norm_byte': 35500032, 'ops': 897715, 'norm_ops': 34668, 'norm_ltcy': 28.877889462184147, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:43.232000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:43.232000",
+ "bytes": 919260160,
+ "norm_byte": 35500032,
+ "ops": 897715,
+ "norm_ops": 34668,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.877889462184147,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6246446c323f451564520568adac805cc1429571f7cc97e7cc5672c66efa589c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:44.233000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:44.233000', 'bytes': 954604544, 'norm_byte': 35344384, 'ops': 932231, 'norm_ops': 34516, 'norm_ltcy': 29.004190595032014, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:44.233000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:44.233000",
+ "bytes": 954604544,
+ "norm_byte": 35344384,
+ "ops": 932231,
+ "norm_ops": 34516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.004190595032014,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d0a6a0678a6d09b2f58faef58fc73c366ec9c8c469c489f20db4a10cf15174b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:45.234000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:45.234000', 'bytes': 990350336, 'norm_byte': 35745792, 'ops': 967139, 'norm_ops': 34908, 'norm_ltcy': 28.678354643813737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:45.234000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:45.234000",
+ "bytes": 990350336,
+ "norm_byte": 35745792,
+ "ops": 967139,
+ "norm_ops": 34908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.678354643813737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c723ed16db883d150740c98cc985e4f7c11fd6a0da38df5002207dd12daa709d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:46.235000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:46.235000', 'bytes': 1025332224, 'norm_byte': 34981888, 'ops': 1001301, 'norm_ops': 34162, 'norm_ltcy': 29.3043074175985, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:46.235000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:46.235000",
+ "bytes": 1025332224,
+ "norm_byte": 34981888,
+ "ops": 1001301,
+ "norm_ops": 34162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.3043074175985,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6626f8993c1c36b9a919e6287e376255978a21884612e3fadceba011a3d3c250",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:47.236000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:47.236000', 'bytes': 1060430848, 'norm_byte': 35098624, 'ops': 1035577, 'norm_ops': 34276, 'norm_ltcy': 29.207070909674407, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:47.236000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:47.236000",
+ "bytes": 1060430848,
+ "norm_byte": 35098624,
+ "ops": 1035577,
+ "norm_ops": 34276,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.207070909674407,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "308a0267fd7556d5480182c2c40a32dbbd243f9111a36ac00968d4a282cedb61",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:48.237000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:48.237000', 'bytes': 1095834624, 'norm_byte': 35403776, 'ops': 1070151, 'norm_ops': 34574, 'norm_ltcy': 28.955435431520073, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:48.237000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:48.237000",
+ "bytes": 1095834624,
+ "norm_byte": 35403776,
+ "ops": 1070151,
+ "norm_ops": 34574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.955435431520073,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c1b4a1c484bcdea7d1ab1e788bb8bc3ea073c128181dce6211adf0161f5bf97",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:49.238000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:49.238000', 'bytes': 1130820608, 'norm_byte': 34985984, 'ops': 1104317, 'norm_ops': 34166, 'norm_ltcy': 29.30004055338275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:49.238000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:49.238000",
+ "bytes": 1130820608,
+ "norm_byte": 34985984,
+ "ops": 1104317,
+ "norm_ops": 34166,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.30004055338275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4e3ddc5b89c9952169fee7c6dfb12576382174b82965fdf48166856c3df8590",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:50.239000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:50.239000', 'bytes': 1166396416, 'norm_byte': 35575808, 'ops': 1139059, 'norm_ops': 34742, 'norm_ltcy': 28.816070741105868, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:50.239000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:50.239000",
+ "bytes": 1166396416,
+ "norm_byte": 35575808,
+ "ops": 1139059,
+ "norm_ops": 34742,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.816070741105868,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc49ee2cf65902a00de17933e9db778a5a148ef3e0b50061208ba4e92ccd81cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:51.240000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:51.240000', 'bytes': 1201720320, 'norm_byte': 35323904, 'ops': 1173555, 'norm_ops': 34496, 'norm_ltcy': 29.021162270172628, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:51.240000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:51.240000",
+ "bytes": 1201720320,
+ "norm_byte": 35323904,
+ "ops": 1173555,
+ "norm_ops": 34496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.021162270172628,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a58d2e82094116dadb97e18ddd4a12abe7192bd88da919483744f5ff05353267",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:52.242000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:52.242000', 'bytes': 1236987904, 'norm_byte': 35267584, 'ops': 1207996, 'norm_ops': 34441, 'norm_ltcy': 29.066968409290528, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:52.242000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:52.242000",
+ "bytes": 1236987904,
+ "norm_byte": 35267584,
+ "ops": 1207996,
+ "norm_ops": 34441,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.066968409290528,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43f5cada39b8bfb982a20e01bf65caf006f99ddb3c7a07a3e533fdc377497237",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:53.243000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:53.243000', 'bytes': 1272415232, 'norm_byte': 35427328, 'ops': 1242593, 'norm_ops': 34597, 'norm_ltcy': 28.936044795701218, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:53.243000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:53.243000",
+ "bytes": 1272415232,
+ "norm_byte": 35427328,
+ "ops": 1242593,
+ "norm_ops": 34597,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.936044795701218,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6317279bc111f81687fe910e38ad68907f90e6c78a5feb520b174a517b7862fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:54.244000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:54.244000', 'bytes': 1307923456, 'norm_byte': 35508224, 'ops': 1277269, 'norm_ops': 34676, 'norm_ltcy': 28.870628674641683, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:54.244000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:54.244000",
+ "bytes": 1307923456,
+ "norm_byte": 35508224,
+ "ops": 1277269,
+ "norm_ops": 34676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.870628674641683,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f32984280c2ca4de51c06616845ce67a6d3eba48272aefdcfc35b4215bd86ae0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:55.245000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:55.245000', 'bytes': 1343228928, 'norm_byte': 35305472, 'ops': 1311747, 'norm_ops': 34478, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03617886768374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:55.245000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:55.245000",
+ "bytes": 1343228928,
+ "norm_byte": 35305472,
+ "ops": 1311747,
+ "norm_ops": 34478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03617886768374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "290168a4c932d399fcbbbe8871222dc31a37e5ea120533b81b9feb0cacdd0eaa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:56.246000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:56.246000', 'bytes': 1378366464, 'norm_byte': 35137536, 'ops': 1346061, 'norm_ops': 34314, 'norm_ltcy': 29.175060823843765, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:56.246000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:56.246000",
+ "bytes": 1378366464,
+ "norm_byte": 35137536,
+ "ops": 1346061,
+ "norm_ops": 34314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.175060823843765,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc0ab460aa144159add2a248e079009e3eba6512deb79dd686e58254bb046435",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:57.247000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:57.247000', 'bytes': 1413684224, 'norm_byte': 35317760, 'ops': 1380551, 'norm_ops': 34490, 'norm_ltcy': 29.02625336374674, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:57.247000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:57.247000",
+ "bytes": 1413684224,
+ "norm_byte": 35317760,
+ "ops": 1380551,
+ "norm_ops": 34490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.02625336374674,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ac13f6cf135cbf09cbf17dab5ea25c663808a93f302c697dce126b1948ecb1e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:58.248000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:58.248000', 'bytes': 1448993792, 'norm_byte': 35309568, 'ops': 1415033, 'norm_ops': 34482, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03126002561119, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:58.248000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:58.248000",
+ "bytes": 1448993792,
+ "norm_byte": 35309568,
+ "ops": 1415033,
+ "norm_ops": 34482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03126002561119,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8d10a7f45cb37584431c1298086e9fbfb92bc9138578a4ab9294c4b9a5ebc14",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:14:59.249000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:14:59.249000', 'bytes': 1484471296, 'norm_byte': 35477504, 'ops': 1449679, 'norm_ops': 34646, 'norm_ltcy': 28.895113365359638, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:14:59.249000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:14:59.249000",
+ "bytes": 1484471296,
+ "norm_byte": 35477504,
+ "ops": 1449679,
+ "norm_ops": 34646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.895113365359638,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "221a2922cb77322d504b5c09e4a5f32c4f7d3d0f70adb5263a8fe75c18e90f98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:00.250000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:00.250000', 'bytes': 1519940608, 'norm_byte': 35469312, 'ops': 1484317, 'norm_ops': 34638, 'norm_ltcy': 28.9015825849681, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:00.250000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:00.250000",
+ "bytes": 1519940608,
+ "norm_byte": 35469312,
+ "ops": 1484317,
+ "norm_ops": 34638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.9015825849681,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8428fdb9cca437f0b2e14922133d8d1049c1a782b18842b80b2785a4de8e1cfd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:01.251000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:01.251000', 'bytes': 1555041280, 'norm_byte': 35100672, 'ops': 1518595, 'norm_ops': 34278, 'norm_ltcy': 29.20553771734057, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:01.251000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:01.251000",
+ "bytes": 1555041280,
+ "norm_byte": 35100672,
+ "ops": 1518595,
+ "norm_ops": 34278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.20553771734057,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c50d962b51e51163bd0424d219dba5cb1bb13154667f45daf105b4dacaaaea1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:02.252000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:02.252000', 'bytes': 1590240256, 'norm_byte': 35198976, 'ops': 1552969, 'norm_ops': 34374, 'norm_ltcy': 29.123233584977015, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:02.252000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:02.252000",
+ "bytes": 1590240256,
+ "norm_byte": 35198976,
+ "ops": 1552969,
+ "norm_ops": 34374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.123233584977015,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "597067c5be728bd2bdd8a6440fac4881f190fdd534af4d67e5d442a4dc8f8c39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:03.254000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:03.254000', 'bytes': 1625617408, 'norm_byte': 35377152, 'ops': 1587517, 'norm_ops': 34548, 'norm_ltcy': 28.976915665794692, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:03.254000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:03.254000",
+ "bytes": 1625617408,
+ "norm_byte": 35377152,
+ "ops": 1587517,
+ "norm_ops": 34548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.976915665794692,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0aaa405afa80fecc05df06549eac9dd1a72348f8a24f145b96b61c87aeacd2c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:04.254000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:04.254000', 'bytes': 1660701696, 'norm_byte': 35084288, 'ops': 1621779, 'norm_ops': 34262, 'norm_ltcy': 29.20863749607802, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:04.254000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:04.254000",
+ "bytes": 1660701696,
+ "norm_byte": 35084288,
+ "ops": 1621779,
+ "norm_ops": 34262,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.20863749607802,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ccc7c78f111b821ac09b3fa19df7cab6bb882b77b4b0af020b3f71b7b9057821",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:05.255000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:05.255000', 'bytes': 1695773696, 'norm_byte': 35072000, 'ops': 1656029, 'norm_ops': 34250, 'norm_ltcy': 29.22918567518248, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:05.255000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:05.255000",
+ "bytes": 1695773696,
+ "norm_byte": 35072000,
+ "ops": 1656029,
+ "norm_ops": 34250,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.22918567518248,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ffa7f6603c0901b7fc51a0db567d1936fd1e3c2d35c99720269624a879a902a3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:06.257000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:06.257000', 'bytes': 1731077120, 'norm_byte': 35303424, 'ops': 1690505, 'norm_ops': 34476, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03748089703707, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:06.257000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:06.257000",
+ "bytes": 1731077120,
+ "norm_byte": 35303424,
+ "ops": 1690505,
+ "norm_ops": 34476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03748089703707,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a60f8d63bc86d020443afa4223eddc01224d837415638c0b3d26c7aaadb0122b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:07.258000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:07.258000', 'bytes': 1766087680, 'norm_byte': 35010560, 'ops': 1724695, 'norm_ops': 34190, 'norm_ltcy': 29.280444243108366, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:07.258000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:07.258000",
+ "bytes": 1766087680,
+ "norm_byte": 35010560,
+ "ops": 1724695,
+ "norm_ops": 34190,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.280444243108366,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "152dffcaa3fdc9f9e302faf06bd2cb7b1fca26631dcd62302d90bc60b1382158",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:08.259000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:08.259000', 'bytes': 1801337856, 'norm_byte': 35250176, 'ops': 1759119, 'norm_ops': 34424, 'norm_ltcy': 29.081549833963948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:08.259000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:08.259000",
+ "bytes": 1801337856,
+ "norm_byte": 35250176,
+ "ops": 1759119,
+ "norm_ops": 34424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.081549833963948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06a71660eeae2a971ab579cd77147f1332ced985fb7202874de7b53683e9c930",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:09.260000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:09.260000', 'bytes': 1836870656, 'norm_byte': 35532800, 'ops': 1793819, 'norm_ops': 34700, 'norm_ltcy': 28.850688659492075, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:09.260000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:09.260000",
+ "bytes": 1836870656,
+ "norm_byte": 35532800,
+ "ops": 1793819,
+ "norm_ops": 34700,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.850688659492075,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "96ede246a38efd21e21193bb74014411aaaec0e782607631bbc2a08b839562dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:10.261000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:10.261000', 'bytes': 1872237568, 'norm_byte': 35366912, 'ops': 1828357, 'norm_ops': 34538, 'norm_ltcy': 28.985425699591755, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:10.261000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:10.261000",
+ "bytes": 1872237568,
+ "norm_byte": 35366912,
+ "ops": 1828357,
+ "norm_ops": 34538,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.985425699591755,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74a1afbc7916d7c64b91bba678be60972db7d8735e916ae01198ad1912fcbe14",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:11.262000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:11.262000', 'bytes': 1907401728, 'norm_byte': 35164160, 'ops': 1862697, 'norm_ops': 34340, 'norm_ltcy': 29.152708325749852, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:11.262000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:11.262000",
+ "bytes": 1907401728,
+ "norm_byte": 35164160,
+ "ops": 1862697,
+ "norm_ops": 34340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.152708325749852,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a4583247f2ec98416e0c6bfd72c27cf6cbd5ecb8f1ef297c65da571d406cd12",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:12.263000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:12.263000', 'bytes': 1942873088, 'norm_byte': 35471360, 'ops': 1897337, 'norm_ops': 34640, 'norm_ltcy': 28.900717367476183, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:12.263000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:12.263000",
+ "bytes": 1942873088,
+ "norm_byte": 35471360,
+ "ops": 1897337,
+ "norm_ops": 34640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.900717367476183,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe8cd631ab35416a94ec2172d53887bab288ae7fe05cd1033b4f6d80c89a8045",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:13.264000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:13.264000', 'bytes': 1978426368, 'norm_byte': 35553280, 'ops': 1932057, 'norm_ops': 34720, 'norm_ltcy': 28.831699916294642, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:13.264000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:13.264000",
+ "bytes": 1978426368,
+ "norm_byte": 35553280,
+ "ops": 1932057,
+ "norm_ops": 34720,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.831699916294642,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ef38c6aa40714aca7fa2650f76e4e3ecf7d4d5e27810537f1e10c92960aa208",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:14.265000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:14.265000', 'bytes': 2014202880, 'norm_byte': 35776512, 'ops': 1966995, 'norm_ops': 34938, 'norm_ltcy': 28.653540904155218, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:14.265000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:14.265000",
+ "bytes": 2014202880,
+ "norm_byte": 35776512,
+ "ops": 1966995,
+ "norm_ops": 34938,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.653540904155218,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed9b9c2695f4702e9566b2f91f312800aa185de237af7c03d778bf2f77071920",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:15.266000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:15.266000', 'bytes': 2049529856, 'norm_byte': 35326976, 'ops': 2001494, 'norm_ops': 34499, 'norm_ltcy': 29.018928764239543, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:15.266000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:15.266000",
+ "bytes": 2049529856,
+ "norm_byte": 35326976,
+ "ops": 2001494,
+ "norm_ops": 34499,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.018928764239543,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35aa5dad5fff4ffc4b3c1e9cf066497131c51641aabaceecc61ddf1e0b3ab76f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:16.267000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:16.267000', 'bytes': 2084834304, 'norm_byte': 35304448, 'ops': 2035971, 'norm_ops': 34477, 'norm_ltcy': 29.035307392428283, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:16.267000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:16.267000",
+ "bytes": 2084834304,
+ "norm_byte": 35304448,
+ "ops": 2035971,
+ "norm_ops": 34477,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.035307392428283,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c94b1ba9ca433afb3d177969ffd01f8ebde4ed836a7330d79f1724ca5ae2a1cd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:15:17.469000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:15:17.469000', 'bytes': 2119934976, 'norm_byte': 35100672, 'ops': 2070249, 'norm_ops': 34278, 'norm_ltcy': 35.046145270381146, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:15:17.469000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:15:17.469000",
+ "bytes": 2119934976,
+ "norm_byte": 35100672,
+ "ops": 2070249,
+ "norm_ops": 34278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.046145270381146,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b9155d61-3502-55bd-bf31-5e740fc9048d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "943daa8777660268be25a42112c3877539a5bafb4edac49d0e9a3d1b933c3938",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35332249.6
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34504.15
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.30025389659354
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:15:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-021-220519201132/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-021-220519201132/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec1f555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-021-220519201132/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-021-220519201132/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-021-220519201132/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-021-220519201132/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-021-220519201132/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-021-220519201132/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cdad3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-021-220519201132/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=45
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=60
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-022-220519201334/220519201334-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-022-220519201334/220519201334-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50489e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-022-220519201334/220519201334-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:16:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991377814.3738 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991378815.4785 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991378815.5164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991379816.6025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35453952 nr_ops:34623\ntimestamp_ms:1652991380817.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70536192 nr_ops:68883\ntimestamp_ms:1652991381817.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105962496 nr_ops:103479\ntimestamp_ms:1652991382818.9292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141552640 nr_ops:138235\ntimestamp_ms:1652991383820.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177185792 nr_ops:173033\ntimestamp_ms:1652991384821.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213072896 nr_ops:208079\ntimestamp_ms:1652991385822.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248679424 nr_ops:242851\ntimestamp_ms:1652991386823.2197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283793408 nr_ops:277142\ntimestamp_ms:1652991387824.3086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319167488 nr_ops:311687\ntimestamp_ms:1652991388825.4072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354458624 nr_ops:346151\ntimestamp_ms:1652991389826.4990 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389909504 nr_ops:380771\ntimestamp_ms:1652991390827.5608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425085952 nr_ops:415123\ntimestamp_ms:1652991391828.6580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460647424 nr_ops:449851\ntimestamp_ms:1652991392829.7563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495944704 nr_ops:484321\ntimestamp_ms:1652991393830.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531477504 nr_ops:519021\ntimestamp_ms:1652991394831.9741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566828032 nr_ops:553543\ntimestamp_ms:1652991395833.0125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602327040 nr_ops:588210\ntimestamp_ms:1652991396833.7266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638239744 nr_ops:623281\ntimestamp_ms:1652991397834.2163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673795072 nr_ops:658003\ntimestamp_ms:1652991398835.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:709192704 nr_ops:692571\ntimestamp_ms:1652991399836.4141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744674304 nr_ops:727221\ntimestamp_ms:1652991400837.5054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779871232 nr_ops:761593\ntimestamp_ms:1652991401838.6016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815813632 nr_ops:796693\ntimestamp_ms:1652991402839.7026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:851084288 nr_ops:831137\ntimestamp_ms:1652991403840.8069 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887496704 nr_ops:866696\ntimestamp_ms:1652991404841.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:923864064 nr_ops:902211\ntimestamp_ms:1652991405843.0439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:959597568 nr_ops:937107\ntimestamp_ms:1652991406844.1487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:995068928 nr_ops:971747\ntimestamp_ms:1652991407845.2551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1030239232 nr_ops:1006093\ntimestamp_ms:1652991408846.3669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1066173440 nr_ops:1041185\ntimestamp_ms:1652991409847.5413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1101509632 nr_ops:1075693\ntimestamp_ms:1652991410848.6545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136948224 nr_ops:1110301\ntimestamp_ms:1652991411849.7561 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172409344 nr_ops:1144931\ntimestamp_ms:1652991412850.8596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1207833600 nr_ops:1179525\ntimestamp_ms:1652991413851.9724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1243255808 nr_ops:1214117\ntimestamp_ms:1652991414853.0713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1279342592 nr_ops:1249358\ntimestamp_ms:1652991415854.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1314708480 nr_ops:1283895\ntimestamp_ms:1652991416854.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349706752 nr_ops:1318073\ntimestamp_ms:1652991417855.8784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1384969216 nr_ops:1352509\ntimestamp_ms:1652991418856.8901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1420530688 nr_ops:1387237\ntimestamp_ms:1652991419857.9902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455897600 nr_ops:1421775\ntimestamp_ms:1652991420859.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1491307520 nr_ops:1456355\ntimestamp_ms:1652991421860.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1526885376 nr_ops:1491099\ntimestamp_ms:1652991422861.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1562121216 nr_ops:1525509\ntimestamp_ms:1652991423861.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1590273024 nr_ops:1553001\ntimestamp_ms:1652991424862.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625574400 nr_ops:1587475\ntimestamp_ms:1652991425863.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660896256 nr_ops:1621969\ntimestamp_ms:1652991426865.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696046080 nr_ops:1656295\ntimestamp_ms:1652991427866.0464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731544064 nr_ops:1690961\ntimestamp_ms:1652991428867.0818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766740992 nr_ops:1725333\ntimestamp_ms:1652991429868.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1802120192 nr_ops:1759883\ntimestamp_ms:1652991430869.2524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837310976 nr_ops:1794249\ntimestamp_ms:1652991431870.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872818176 nr_ops:1828924\ntimestamp_ms:1652991432871.4514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1908388864 nr_ops:1863661\ntimestamp_ms:1652991433872.5493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1943681024 nr_ops:1898126\ntimestamp_ms:1652991434873.6489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979100160 nr_ops:1932715\ntimestamp_ms:1652991435874.8193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014397440 nr_ops:1967185\ntimestamp_ms:1652991436875.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049584128 nr_ops:2001547\ntimestamp_ms:1652991437877.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2085002240 nr_ops:2036135\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140622268872448\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.4114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119971840 nr_ops:2070285\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.4900 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.5005 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439178.7263 name:Total nr_bytes:2119971840 nr_ops:2070286\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.6125 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4239943678 nr_ops:4140572\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.6130 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2119971840 nr_ops:2070288\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 310.05us 0.00ns 310.05us 310.05us \nTxn1 1035143 57.95us 0.00ns 205.72ms 23.51us \nTxn2 1 40.47us 0.00ns 40.47us 40.47us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 309.34us 0.00ns 309.34us 309.34us \nwrite 1035143 3.87us 0.00ns 115.45us 2.26us \nread 1035142 53.98us 0.00ns 205.72ms 3.98us \ndisconnect 1 39.66us 0.00ns 39.66us 39.66us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16598 16598 144.73Mb/s 144.73Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.20b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.117 62.37s 1.97GB 271.94Mb/s 2070288 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.94Mb/s 2070288 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415981, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991377814.3738 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991378815.4785 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991378815.5164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991379816.6025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35453952 nr_ops:34623\ntimestamp_ms:1652991380817.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70536192 nr_ops:68883\ntimestamp_ms:1652991381817.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105962496 nr_ops:103479\ntimestamp_ms:1652991382818.9292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141552640 nr_ops:138235\ntimestamp_ms:1652991383820.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177185792 nr_ops:173033\ntimestamp_ms:1652991384821.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213072896 nr_ops:208079\ntimestamp_ms:1652991385822.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248679424 nr_ops:242851\ntimestamp_ms:1652991386823.2197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283793408 nr_ops:277142\ntimestamp_ms:1652991387824.3086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319167488 nr_ops:311687\ntimestamp_ms:1652991388825.4072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354458624 nr_ops:346151\ntimestamp_ms:1652991389826.4990 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389909504 nr_ops:380771\ntimestamp_ms:1652991390827.5608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425085952 nr_ops:415123\ntimestamp_ms:1652991391828.6580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460647424 nr_ops:449851\ntimestamp_ms:1652991392829.7563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495944704 nr_ops:484321\ntimestamp_ms:1652991393830.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531477504 nr_ops:519021\ntimestamp_ms:1652991394831.9741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566828032 nr_ops:553543\ntimestamp_ms:1652991395833.0125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602327040 nr_ops:588210\ntimestamp_ms:1652991396833.7266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638239744 nr_ops:623281\ntimestamp_ms:1652991397834.2163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673795072 nr_ops:658003\ntimestamp_ms:1652991398835.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:709192704 nr_ops:692571\ntimestamp_ms:1652991399836.4141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744674304 nr_ops:727221\ntimestamp_ms:1652991400837.5054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779871232 nr_ops:761593\ntimestamp_ms:1652991401838.6016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815813632 nr_ops:796693\ntimestamp_ms:1652991402839.7026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:851084288 nr_ops:831137\ntimestamp_ms:1652991403840.8069 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887496704 nr_ops:866696\ntimestamp_ms:1652991404841.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:923864064 nr_ops:902211\ntimestamp_ms:1652991405843.0439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:959597568 nr_ops:937107\ntimestamp_ms:1652991406844.1487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:995068928 nr_ops:971747\ntimestamp_ms:1652991407845.2551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1030239232 nr_ops:1006093\ntimestamp_ms:1652991408846.3669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1066173440 nr_ops:1041185\ntimestamp_ms:1652991409847.5413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1101509632 nr_ops:1075693\ntimestamp_ms:1652991410848.6545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136948224 nr_ops:1110301\ntimestamp_ms:1652991411849.7561 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172409344 nr_ops:1144931\ntimestamp_ms:1652991412850.8596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1207833600 nr_ops:1179525\ntimestamp_ms:1652991413851.9724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1243255808 nr_ops:1214117\ntimestamp_ms:1652991414853.0713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1279342592 nr_ops:1249358\ntimestamp_ms:1652991415854.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1314708480 nr_ops:1283895\ntimestamp_ms:1652991416854.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349706752 nr_ops:1318073\ntimestamp_ms:1652991417855.8784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1384969216 nr_ops:1352509\ntimestamp_ms:1652991418856.8901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1420530688 nr_ops:1387237\ntimestamp_ms:1652991419857.9902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455897600 nr_ops:1421775\ntimestamp_ms:1652991420859.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1491307520 nr_ops:1456355\ntimestamp_ms:1652991421860.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1526885376 nr_ops:1491099\ntimestamp_ms:1652991422861.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1562121216 nr_ops:1525509\ntimestamp_ms:1652991423861.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1590273024 nr_ops:1553001\ntimestamp_ms:1652991424862.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625574400 nr_ops:1587475\ntimestamp_ms:1652991425863.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660896256 nr_ops:1621969\ntimestamp_ms:1652991426865.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696046080 nr_ops:1656295\ntimestamp_ms:1652991427866.0464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731544064 nr_ops:1690961\ntimestamp_ms:1652991428867.0818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766740992 nr_ops:1725333\ntimestamp_ms:1652991429868.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1802120192 nr_ops:1759883\ntimestamp_ms:1652991430869.2524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837310976 nr_ops:1794249\ntimestamp_ms:1652991431870.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872818176 nr_ops:1828924\ntimestamp_ms:1652991432871.4514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1908388864 nr_ops:1863661\ntimestamp_ms:1652991433872.5493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1943681024 nr_ops:1898126\ntimestamp_ms:1652991434873.6489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979100160 nr_ops:1932715\ntimestamp_ms:1652991435874.8193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014397440 nr_ops:1967185\ntimestamp_ms:1652991436875.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049584128 nr_ops:2001547\ntimestamp_ms:1652991437877.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2085002240 nr_ops:2036135\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140622268872448\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.4114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119971840 nr_ops:2070285\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.4900 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.5005 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439178.7263 name:Total nr_bytes:2119971840 nr_ops:2070286\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.6125 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4239943678 nr_ops:4140572\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.6130 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2119971840 nr_ops:2070288\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 310.05us 0.00ns 310.05us 310.05us \nTxn1 1035143 57.95us 0.00ns 205.72ms 23.51us \nTxn2 1 40.47us 0.00ns 40.47us 40.47us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 309.34us 0.00ns 309.34us 309.34us \nwrite 1035143 3.87us 0.00ns 115.45us 2.26us \nread 1035142 53.98us 0.00ns 205.72ms 3.98us \ndisconnect 1 39.66us 0.00ns 39.66us 39.66us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16598 16598 144.73Mb/s 144.73Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.20b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.117 62.37s 1.97GB 271.94Mb/s 2070288 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.94Mb/s 2070288 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415981, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991377814.3738 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991378815.4785 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991378815.5164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991379816.6025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35453952 nr_ops:34623\ntimestamp_ms:1652991380817.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70536192 nr_ops:68883\ntimestamp_ms:1652991381817.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105962496 nr_ops:103479\ntimestamp_ms:1652991382818.9292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141552640 nr_ops:138235\ntimestamp_ms:1652991383820.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177185792 nr_ops:173033\ntimestamp_ms:1652991384821.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213072896 nr_ops:208079\ntimestamp_ms:1652991385822.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248679424 nr_ops:242851\ntimestamp_ms:1652991386823.2197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283793408 nr_ops:277142\ntimestamp_ms:1652991387824.3086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319167488 nr_ops:311687\ntimestamp_ms:1652991388825.4072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354458624 nr_ops:346151\ntimestamp_ms:1652991389826.4990 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389909504 nr_ops:380771\ntimestamp_ms:1652991390827.5608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425085952 nr_ops:415123\ntimestamp_ms:1652991391828.6580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460647424 nr_ops:449851\ntimestamp_ms:1652991392829.7563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495944704 nr_ops:484321\ntimestamp_ms:1652991393830.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531477504 nr_ops:519021\ntimestamp_ms:1652991394831.9741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566828032 nr_ops:553543\ntimestamp_ms:1652991395833.0125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602327040 nr_ops:588210\ntimestamp_ms:1652991396833.7266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638239744 nr_ops:623281\ntimestamp_ms:1652991397834.2163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673795072 nr_ops:658003\ntimestamp_ms:1652991398835.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:709192704 nr_ops:692571\ntimestamp_ms:1652991399836.4141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744674304 nr_ops:727221\ntimestamp_ms:1652991400837.5054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779871232 nr_ops:761593\ntimestamp_ms:1652991401838.6016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815813632 nr_ops:796693\ntimestamp_ms:1652991402839.7026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:851084288 nr_ops:831137\ntimestamp_ms:1652991403840.8069 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887496704 nr_ops:866696\ntimestamp_ms:1652991404841.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:923864064 nr_ops:902211\ntimestamp_ms:1652991405843.0439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:959597568 nr_ops:937107\ntimestamp_ms:1652991406844.1487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:995068928 nr_ops:971747\ntimestamp_ms:1652991407845.2551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1030239232 nr_ops:1006093\ntimestamp_ms:1652991408846.3669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1066173440 nr_ops:1041185\ntimestamp_ms:1652991409847.5413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1101509632 nr_ops:1075693\ntimestamp_ms:1652991410848.6545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136948224 nr_ops:1110301\ntimestamp_ms:1652991411849.7561 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172409344 nr_ops:1144931\ntimestamp_ms:1652991412850.8596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1207833600 nr_ops:1179525\ntimestamp_ms:1652991413851.9724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1243255808 nr_ops:1214117\ntimestamp_ms:1652991414853.0713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1279342592 nr_ops:1249358\ntimestamp_ms:1652991415854.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1314708480 nr_ops:1283895\ntimestamp_ms:1652991416854.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349706752 nr_ops:1318073\ntimestamp_ms:1652991417855.8784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1384969216 nr_ops:1352509\ntimestamp_ms:1652991418856.8901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1420530688 nr_ops:1387237\ntimestamp_ms:1652991419857.9902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455897600 nr_ops:1421775\ntimestamp_ms:1652991420859.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1491307520 nr_ops:1456355\ntimestamp_ms:1652991421860.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1526885376 nr_ops:1491099\ntimestamp_ms:1652991422861.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1562121216 nr_ops:1525509\ntimestamp_ms:1652991423861.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1590273024 nr_ops:1553001\ntimestamp_ms:1652991424862.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625574400 nr_ops:1587475\ntimestamp_ms:1652991425863.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660896256 nr_ops:1621969\ntimestamp_ms:1652991426865.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696046080 nr_ops:1656295\ntimestamp_ms:1652991427866.0464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731544064 nr_ops:1690961\ntimestamp_ms:1652991428867.0818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766740992 nr_ops:1725333\ntimestamp_ms:1652991429868.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1802120192 nr_ops:1759883\ntimestamp_ms:1652991430869.2524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837310976 nr_ops:1794249\ntimestamp_ms:1652991431870.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872818176 nr_ops:1828924\ntimestamp_ms:1652991432871.4514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1908388864 nr_ops:1863661\ntimestamp_ms:1652991433872.5493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1943681024 nr_ops:1898126\ntimestamp_ms:1652991434873.6489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979100160 nr_ops:1932715\ntimestamp_ms:1652991435874.8193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014397440 nr_ops:1967185\ntimestamp_ms:1652991436875.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049584128 nr_ops:2001547\ntimestamp_ms:1652991437877.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2085002240 nr_ops:2036135\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140622268872448\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.4114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119971840 nr_ops:2070285\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.4900 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.5005 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439178.7263 name:Total nr_bytes:2119971840 nr_ops:2070286\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.6125 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4239943678 nr_ops:4140572\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991439078.6130 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2119971840 nr_ops:2070288\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 310.05us 0.00ns 310.05us 310.05us \nTxn1 1035143 57.95us 0.00ns 205.72ms 23.51us \nTxn2 1 40.47us 0.00ns 40.47us 40.47us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 309.34us 0.00ns 309.34us 309.34us \nwrite 1035143 3.87us 0.00ns 115.45us 2.26us \nread 1035142 53.98us 0.00ns 205.72ms 3.98us \ndisconnect 1 39.66us 0.00ns 39.66us 39.66us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16598 16598 144.73Mb/s 144.73Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.20b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.117 62.37s 1.97GB 271.94Mb/s 2070288 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.94Mb/s 2070288 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415981, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991377814.3738 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991378815.4785 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991378815.5164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991379816.6025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35453952 nr_ops:34623
+timestamp_ms:1652991380817.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70536192 nr_ops:68883
+timestamp_ms:1652991381817.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105962496 nr_ops:103479
+timestamp_ms:1652991382818.9292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141552640 nr_ops:138235
+timestamp_ms:1652991383820.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177185792 nr_ops:173033
+timestamp_ms:1652991384821.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213072896 nr_ops:208079
+timestamp_ms:1652991385822.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248679424 nr_ops:242851
+timestamp_ms:1652991386823.2197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283793408 nr_ops:277142
+timestamp_ms:1652991387824.3086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319167488 nr_ops:311687
+timestamp_ms:1652991388825.4072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354458624 nr_ops:346151
+timestamp_ms:1652991389826.4990 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389909504 nr_ops:380771
+timestamp_ms:1652991390827.5608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425085952 nr_ops:415123
+timestamp_ms:1652991391828.6580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460647424 nr_ops:449851
+timestamp_ms:1652991392829.7563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495944704 nr_ops:484321
+timestamp_ms:1652991393830.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531477504 nr_ops:519021
+timestamp_ms:1652991394831.9741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566828032 nr_ops:553543
+timestamp_ms:1652991395833.0125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602327040 nr_ops:588210
+timestamp_ms:1652991396833.7266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638239744 nr_ops:623281
+timestamp_ms:1652991397834.2163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673795072 nr_ops:658003
+timestamp_ms:1652991398835.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:709192704 nr_ops:692571
+timestamp_ms:1652991399836.4141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744674304 nr_ops:727221
+timestamp_ms:1652991400837.5054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779871232 nr_ops:761593
+timestamp_ms:1652991401838.6016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815813632 nr_ops:796693
+timestamp_ms:1652991402839.7026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:851084288 nr_ops:831137
+timestamp_ms:1652991403840.8069 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887496704 nr_ops:866696
+timestamp_ms:1652991404841.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:923864064 nr_ops:902211
+timestamp_ms:1652991405843.0439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:959597568 nr_ops:937107
+timestamp_ms:1652991406844.1487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:995068928 nr_ops:971747
+timestamp_ms:1652991407845.2551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1030239232 nr_ops:1006093
+timestamp_ms:1652991408846.3669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1066173440 nr_ops:1041185
+timestamp_ms:1652991409847.5413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1101509632 nr_ops:1075693
+timestamp_ms:1652991410848.6545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136948224 nr_ops:1110301
+timestamp_ms:1652991411849.7561 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172409344 nr_ops:1144931
+timestamp_ms:1652991412850.8596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1207833600 nr_ops:1179525
+timestamp_ms:1652991413851.9724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1243255808 nr_ops:1214117
+timestamp_ms:1652991414853.0713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1279342592 nr_ops:1249358
+timestamp_ms:1652991415854.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1314708480 nr_ops:1283895
+timestamp_ms:1652991416854.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349706752 nr_ops:1318073
+timestamp_ms:1652991417855.8784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1384969216 nr_ops:1352509
+timestamp_ms:1652991418856.8901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1420530688 nr_ops:1387237
+timestamp_ms:1652991419857.9902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455897600 nr_ops:1421775
+timestamp_ms:1652991420859.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1491307520 nr_ops:1456355
+timestamp_ms:1652991421860.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1526885376 nr_ops:1491099
+timestamp_ms:1652991422861.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1562121216 nr_ops:1525509
+timestamp_ms:1652991423861.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1590273024 nr_ops:1553001
+timestamp_ms:1652991424862.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625574400 nr_ops:1587475
+timestamp_ms:1652991425863.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660896256 nr_ops:1621969
+timestamp_ms:1652991426865.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696046080 nr_ops:1656295
+timestamp_ms:1652991427866.0464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731544064 nr_ops:1690961
+timestamp_ms:1652991428867.0818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766740992 nr_ops:1725333
+timestamp_ms:1652991429868.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1802120192 nr_ops:1759883
+timestamp_ms:1652991430869.2524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837310976 nr_ops:1794249
+timestamp_ms:1652991431870.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872818176 nr_ops:1828924
+timestamp_ms:1652991432871.4514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1908388864 nr_ops:1863661
+timestamp_ms:1652991433872.5493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1943681024 nr_ops:1898126
+timestamp_ms:1652991434873.6489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979100160 nr_ops:1932715
+timestamp_ms:1652991435874.8193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014397440 nr_ops:1967185
+timestamp_ms:1652991436875.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049584128 nr_ops:2001547
+timestamp_ms:1652991437877.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2085002240 nr_ops:2036135
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140622268872448
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652991439078.4114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119971840 nr_ops:2070285
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991439078.4900 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991439078.5005 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991439178.7263 name:Total nr_bytes:2119971840 nr_ops:2070286
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991439078.6125 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4239943678 nr_ops:4140572
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991439078.6130 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2119971840 nr_ops:2070288
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 310.05us 0.00ns 310.05us 310.05us
+Txn1 1035143 57.95us 0.00ns 205.72ms 23.51us
+Txn2 1 40.47us 0.00ns 40.47us 40.47us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 309.34us 0.00ns 309.34us 309.34us
+write 1035143 3.87us 0.00ns 115.45us 2.26us
+read 1035142 53.98us 0.00ns 205.72ms 3.98us
+disconnect 1 39.66us 0.00ns 39.66us 39.66us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 16598 16598 144.73Mb/s 144.73Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.20b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.117 62.37s 1.97GB 271.94Mb/s 2070288 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.97GB 271.94Mb/s 2070288 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:19.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:19.816000', 'bytes': 35453952, 'norm_byte': 35453952, 'ops': 34623, 'norm_ops': 34623, 'norm_ltcy': 28.913906410207808, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:19.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:19.816000",
+ "bytes": 35453952,
+ "norm_byte": 35453952,
+ "ops": 34623,
+ "norm_ops": 34623,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.913906410207808,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "38bbd6a47e49fc9813304f92d7e835173ab6a921b47125f00c1b01961d7c782d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:20.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:20.817000', 'bytes': 70536192, 'norm_byte': 35082240, 'ops': 68883, 'norm_ops': 34260, 'norm_ltcy': 29.21878705578663, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:20.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:20.817000",
+ "bytes": 70536192,
+ "norm_byte": 35082240,
+ "ops": 68883,
+ "norm_ops": 34260,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.21878705578663,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10a7f1a6b72c2cf82c660cf9c7c58a834d74ad0bcb5456be71ce264e800d52b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:21.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:21.817000', 'bytes': 105962496, 'norm_byte': 35426304, 'ops': 103479, 'norm_ops': 34596, 'norm_ltcy': 28.910643627966383, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:21.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:21.817000",
+ "bytes": 105962496,
+ "norm_byte": 35426304,
+ "ops": 103479,
+ "norm_ops": 34596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.910643627966383,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdff5c71dd360f8c9208b2eded28f64f7ca32143f01e6eff8548114a26c2a085",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:22.818000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:22.818000', 'bytes': 141552640, 'norm_byte': 35590144, 'ops': 138235, 'norm_ops': 34756, 'norm_ltcy': 28.803613438596933, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:22.818000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:22.818000",
+ "bytes": 141552640,
+ "norm_byte": 35590144,
+ "ops": 138235,
+ "norm_ops": 34756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.803613438596933,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1dc2e24b53d93e22c66a4cd6f278978c6ba0cb9518bddc8fee397eb1b59abe3b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:23.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:23.820000', 'bytes': 177185792, 'norm_byte': 35633152, 'ops': 173033, 'norm_ops': 34798, 'norm_ltcy': 28.76875023573553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:23.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:23.820000",
+ "bytes": 177185792,
+ "norm_byte": 35633152,
+ "ops": 173033,
+ "norm_ops": 34798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.76875023573553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90bc95a483f4149911130c46173628f811affe7dac052ff6daf072505e331047",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:24.821000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:24.821000', 'bytes': 213072896, 'norm_byte': 35887104, 'ops': 208079, 'norm_ops': 35046, 'norm_ltcy': 28.56339424880871, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:24.821000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:24.821000",
+ "bytes": 213072896,
+ "norm_byte": 35887104,
+ "ops": 208079,
+ "norm_ops": 35046,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.56339424880871,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d271964e747c6e419225f9c896897f4bdddc0b942f32b005ee02286f52275e3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:25.822000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:25.822000', 'bytes': 248679424, 'norm_byte': 35606528, 'ops': 242851, 'norm_ops': 34772, 'norm_ltcy': 28.789482085981536, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:25.822000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:25.822000",
+ "bytes": 248679424,
+ "norm_byte": 35606528,
+ "ops": 242851,
+ "norm_ops": 34772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.789482085981536,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7dec50da72539697b185f5bbced53f2087c9027099ac985b7857de83365001de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:26.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:26.823000', 'bytes': 283793408, 'norm_byte': 35113984, 'ops': 277142, 'norm_ops': 34291, 'norm_ltcy': 29.1941025546973, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:26.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:26.823000",
+ "bytes": 283793408,
+ "norm_byte": 35113984,
+ "ops": 277142,
+ "norm_ops": 34291,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.1941025546973,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3254750cbb27d999fac2eb32e773e3f8c71accfe4cd308766a74e1edb7900016",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:27.824000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:27.824000', 'bytes': 319167488, 'norm_byte': 35374080, 'ops': 311687, 'norm_ops': 34545, 'norm_ltcy': 28.9792695668693, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:27.824000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:27.824000",
+ "bytes": 319167488,
+ "norm_byte": 35374080,
+ "ops": 311687,
+ "norm_ops": 34545,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.9792695668693,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8740021107191427aa55dde6d5a919dc9910d588948ba06cfbf0ce97e4bfc863",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:28.825000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:28.825000', 'bytes': 354458624, 'norm_byte': 35291136, 'ops': 346151, 'norm_ops': 34464, 'norm_ltcy': 29.047662279842733, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:28.825000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:28.825000",
+ "bytes": 354458624,
+ "norm_byte": 35291136,
+ "ops": 346151,
+ "norm_ops": 34464,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.047662279842733,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f94832632b2b1feb672c6bfedbe3f07d6575ed14d155acb7c3f4fab8f0d45807",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:29.826000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:29.826000', 'bytes': 389909504, 'norm_byte': 35450880, 'ops': 380771, 'norm_ops': 34620, 'norm_ltcy': 28.916574144280762, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:29.826000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:29.826000",
+ "bytes": 389909504,
+ "norm_byte": 35450880,
+ "ops": 380771,
+ "norm_ops": 34620,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.916574144280762,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c131b4fd1388039ae74ef6fd260bd502f99ba3c08c81ebff2c71241745caeb3b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:30.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:30.827000', 'bytes': 425085952, 'norm_byte': 35176448, 'ops': 415123, 'norm_ops': 34352, 'norm_ltcy': 29.14129505059749, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:30.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:30.827000",
+ "bytes": 425085952,
+ "norm_byte": 35176448,
+ "ops": 415123,
+ "norm_ops": 34352,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.14129505059749,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "58355dafe9432bbeca7eb5f152e204e68d6bb65b5315d83a0d9c15aee1f645d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:31.828000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:31.828000', 'bytes': 460647424, 'norm_byte': 35561472, 'ops': 449851, 'norm_ops': 34728, 'norm_ltcy': 28.82680165770416, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:31.828000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:31.828000",
+ "bytes": 460647424,
+ "norm_byte": 35561472,
+ "ops": 449851,
+ "norm_ops": 34728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.82680165770416,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e208e25bc69b9d217a773f13bd7c1c6a2fc2d61dc60e14c0f3dcd4e81303173a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:32.829000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:32.829000', 'bytes': 495944704, 'norm_byte': 35297280, 'ops': 484321, 'norm_ops': 34470, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04259903312663, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:32.829000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:32.829000",
+ "bytes": 495944704,
+ "norm_byte": 35297280,
+ "ops": 484321,
+ "norm_ops": 34470,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04259903312663,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "969e4d51a2f135ca1eec9fe36660536299aa85861b9539449f45e2b1b3d0ac9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:33.830000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:33.830000', 'bytes': 531477504, 'norm_byte': 35532800, 'ops': 519021, 'norm_ops': 34700, 'norm_ltcy': 28.85062533771614, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:33.830000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:33.830000",
+ "bytes": 531477504,
+ "norm_byte": 35532800,
+ "ops": 519021,
+ "norm_ops": 34700,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.85062533771614,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c258720795a8b1274c61ac3d7347ccb5aaa7ac6189d0eebd6447673b361eacf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:34.831000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:34.831000', 'bytes': 566828032, 'norm_byte': 35350528, 'ops': 553543, 'norm_ops': 34522, 'norm_ltcy': 28.998930369583164, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:34.831000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:34.831000",
+ "bytes": 566828032,
+ "norm_byte": 35350528,
+ "ops": 553543,
+ "norm_ops": 34522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.998930369583164,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c44cbce24b754d6725f8e1f184ece043abed5818d69999ec0c72617991f266ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:35.833000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:35.833000', 'bytes': 602327040, 'norm_byte': 35499008, 'ops': 588210, 'norm_ops': 34667, 'norm_ltcy': 28.875828023138, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:35.833000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:35.833000",
+ "bytes": 602327040,
+ "norm_byte": 35499008,
+ "ops": 588210,
+ "norm_ops": 34667,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.875828023138,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e08b2166679b46ca6f6d1f6d4d04849cc3de3431386bf282dc441fbcfa96af6e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:36.833000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:36.833000', 'bytes': 638239744, 'norm_byte': 35912704, 'ops': 623281, 'norm_ops': 35071, 'norm_ltcy': 28.533948599359157, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:36.833000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:36.833000",
+ "bytes": 638239744,
+ "norm_byte": 35912704,
+ "ops": 623281,
+ "norm_ops": 35071,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.533948599359157,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9169d575a7aa2bebd6281317321752574c6605f860e4ca1a48075e5a31addc94",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:37.834000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:37.834000', 'bytes': 673795072, 'norm_byte': 35555328, 'ops': 658003, 'norm_ops': 34722, 'norm_ltcy': 28.814289098950233, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:37.834000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:37.834000",
+ "bytes": 673795072,
+ "norm_byte": 35555328,
+ "ops": 658003,
+ "norm_ops": 34722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.814289098950233,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82bc63a33f649a2227896fadaef5aef343db7e2720cdb97f4c035891fdda8152",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:38.835000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:38.835000', 'bytes': 709192704, 'norm_byte': 35397632, 'ops': 692571, 'norm_ops': 34568, 'norm_ltcy': 28.96036237678272, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:38.835000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:38.835000",
+ "bytes": 709192704,
+ "norm_byte": 35397632,
+ "ops": 692571,
+ "norm_ops": 34568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.96036237678272,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f455337e19df1c8efc42ad83d0be4e9e547c373018bf9c9c1428f7117973bc4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:39.836000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:39.836000', 'bytes': 744674304, 'norm_byte': 35481600, 'ops': 727221, 'norm_ops': 34650, 'norm_ltcy': 28.891657929743868, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:39.836000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:39.836000",
+ "bytes": 744674304,
+ "norm_byte": 35481600,
+ "ops": 727221,
+ "norm_ops": 34650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.891657929743868,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "536a2880feb03c7151626c1f8f0d95452e86ec4409070f4c172bcca66f8cc8bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:40.837000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:40.837000', 'bytes': 779871232, 'norm_byte': 35196928, 'ops': 761593, 'norm_ops': 34372, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12519808546928, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:40.837000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:40.837000",
+ "bytes": 779871232,
+ "norm_byte": 35196928,
+ "ops": 761593,
+ "norm_ops": 34372,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12519808546928,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9840c98b0e340bfcfee7f9a815cc5c2ea49c7bab47e76a666c9652565edcecd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:41.838000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:41.838000', 'bytes': 815813632, 'norm_byte': 35942400, 'ops': 796693, 'norm_ops': 35100, 'norm_ltcy': 28.521259014423077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:41.838000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:41.838000",
+ "bytes": 815813632,
+ "norm_byte": 35942400,
+ "ops": 796693,
+ "norm_ops": 35100,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.521259014423077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a511071555c42eb53577dc7426c5f94c8ea6f14ea902f37b543033fd987eee4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:42.839000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:42.839000', 'bytes': 851084288, 'norm_byte': 35270656, 'ops': 831137, 'norm_ops': 34444, 'norm_ltcy': 29.064599762476774, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:42.839000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:42.839000",
+ "bytes": 851084288,
+ "norm_byte": 35270656,
+ "ops": 831137,
+ "norm_ops": 34444,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.064599762476774,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75d07a76e8f619ab3067097a337b6d63ce534a82cda15e378a0f40736e289c3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:43.840000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:43.840000', 'bytes': 887496704, 'norm_byte': 36412416, 'ops': 866696, 'norm_ops': 35559, 'norm_ltcy': 28.15332962251118, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:43.840000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:43.840000",
+ "bytes": 887496704,
+ "norm_byte": 36412416,
+ "ops": 866696,
+ "norm_ops": 35559,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.15332962251118,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00158b14ee42fd4bfb60714113e4c267998dcf6540f4f948f7a2ea4ef2608136",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:44.841000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:44.841000', 'bytes': 923864064, 'norm_byte': 36367360, 'ops': 902211, 'norm_ops': 35515, 'norm_ltcy': 28.188697227403914, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:44.841000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:44.841000",
+ "bytes": 923864064,
+ "norm_byte": 36367360,
+ "ops": 902211,
+ "norm_ops": 35515,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.188697227403914,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18f38b45254ad3d0317b1b77bb3df09b83b2eaecca5d2a1404a51ff67fb79d42",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:45.843000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:45.843000', 'bytes': 959597568, 'norm_byte': 35733504, 'ops': 937107, 'norm_ops': 34896, 'norm_ltcy': 28.688545349484897, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:45.843000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:45.843000",
+ "bytes": 959597568,
+ "norm_byte": 35733504,
+ "ops": 937107,
+ "norm_ops": 34896,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.688545349484897,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e95513bc07685005da0c7f8ddf7958e69af0422d4e1e708cc4096671188f5363",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:46.844000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:46.844000', 'bytes': 995068928, 'norm_byte': 35471360, 'ops': 971747, 'norm_ops': 34640, 'norm_ltcy': 28.900252203467815, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:46.844000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:46.844000",
+ "bytes": 995068928,
+ "norm_byte": 35471360,
+ "ops": 971747,
+ "norm_ops": 34640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.900252203467815,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9453e2761d2ae57b4dbd6a5df2175e02573fcf1828d11ddde191e9f561c8b92",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:47.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:47.845000', 'bytes': 1030239232, 'norm_byte': 35170304, 'ops': 1006093, 'norm_ops': 34346, 'norm_ltcy': 29.147686639273857, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:47.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:47.845000",
+ "bytes": 1030239232,
+ "norm_byte": 35170304,
+ "ops": 1006093,
+ "norm_ops": 34346,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.147686639273857,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "63e74c56d9604e9e611ad3101745fd3b07f2f7703d220aecc557fd39eb3ffab5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:48.846000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:48.846000', 'bytes': 1066173440, 'norm_byte': 35934208, 'ops': 1041185, 'norm_ops': 35092, 'norm_ltcy': 28.528206326406305, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:48.846000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:48.846000",
+ "bytes": 1066173440,
+ "norm_byte": 35934208,
+ "ops": 1041185,
+ "norm_ops": 35092,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.528206326406305,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48c19c132b7627dd6a27ffcef5eff691b13479a74c85cbb9e895c01d52f9bde7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:49.847000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:49.847000', 'bytes': 1101509632, 'norm_byte': 35336192, 'ops': 1075693, 'norm_ops': 34508, 'norm_ltcy': 29.012817793156657, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:49.847000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:49.847000",
+ "bytes": 1101509632,
+ "norm_byte": 35336192,
+ "ops": 1075693,
+ "norm_ops": 34508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.012817793156657,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2984dfec565cec885c570455ebcbf0bb4e5403a0da0b303e4517c6b11dacd586",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:50.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:50.848000', 'bytes': 1136948224, 'norm_byte': 35438592, 'ops': 1110301, 'norm_ops': 34608, 'norm_ltcy': 28.92722148780629, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:50.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:50.848000",
+ "bytes": 1136948224,
+ "norm_byte": 35438592,
+ "ops": 1110301,
+ "norm_ops": 34608,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.92722148780629,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "776136702cc860021a8befa8adbec4c5f931f4cd3d19b6bfea303a7924c32eef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:51.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:51.849000', 'bytes': 1172409344, 'norm_byte': 35461120, 'ops': 1144931, 'norm_ops': 34630, 'norm_ltcy': 28.908505991914524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:51.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:51.849000",
+ "bytes": 1172409344,
+ "norm_byte": 35461120,
+ "ops": 1144931,
+ "norm_ops": 34630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.908505991914524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ea3e096ae89a52e1d5ac870524fc69a819fe83df87db29936658bf7b1748325",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:52.850000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:52.850000', 'bytes': 1207833600, 'norm_byte': 35424256, 'ops': 1179525, 'norm_ops': 34594, 'norm_ltcy': 28.938645881511246, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:52.850000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:52.850000",
+ "bytes": 1207833600,
+ "norm_byte": 35424256,
+ "ops": 1179525,
+ "norm_ops": 34594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.938645881511246,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f6767772d1a2f55db09f2b0ad376c1fbac7e3279612459a00c977b5bedee621",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:53.851000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:53.851000', 'bytes': 1243255808, 'norm_byte': 35422208, 'ops': 1214117, 'norm_ops': 34592, 'norm_ltcy': 28.940587215794114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:53.851000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:53.851000",
+ "bytes": 1243255808,
+ "norm_byte": 35422208,
+ "ops": 1214117,
+ "norm_ops": 34592,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.940587215794114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b09701cc86f7b877ffa2c0579ffb35c07f97622d8e8eab9d0babbe84e888bdca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:54.853000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:54.853000', 'bytes': 1279342592, 'norm_byte': 36086784, 'ops': 1249358, 'norm_ops': 35241, 'norm_ltcy': 28.407221048015806, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:54.853000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:54.853000",
+ "bytes": 1279342592,
+ "norm_byte": 36086784,
+ "ops": 1249358,
+ "norm_ops": 35241,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.407221048015806,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1280527ca4adcdedbc56d4ddd6bf36fa9db4f9ad28ab44b49d3637e34f0a3539",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:55.854000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:55.854000', 'bytes': 1314708480, 'norm_byte': 35365888, 'ops': 1283895, 'norm_ops': 34537, 'norm_ltcy': 28.986561853048904, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:55.854000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:55.854000",
+ "bytes": 1314708480,
+ "norm_byte": 35365888,
+ "ops": 1283895,
+ "norm_ops": 34537,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.986561853048904,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de9f2db2662c08d5bb569397b9f0985611a087483fe270c87e061d703a9ad8fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:56.854000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:56.854000', 'bytes': 1349706752, 'norm_byte': 34998272, 'ops': 1318073, 'norm_ops': 34178, 'norm_ltcy': 29.27782405942785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:56.854000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:56.854000",
+ "bytes": 1349706752,
+ "norm_byte": 34998272,
+ "ops": 1318073,
+ "norm_ops": 34178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.27782405942785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5f926aabe4cdcc99f87af3387aca45c494c499acded4518eb729dcc3bd5c091",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:57.855000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:57.855000', 'bytes': 1384969216, 'norm_byte': 35262464, 'ops': 1352509, 'norm_ops': 34436, 'norm_ltcy': 29.069600751666133, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:57.855000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:57.855000",
+ "bytes": 1384969216,
+ "norm_byte": 35262464,
+ "ops": 1352509,
+ "norm_ops": 34436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.069600751666133,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9cc3d469c8d5cfd74368d84906b0fcdf2972e1cb4a1e431841c9fca68e80a12b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:58.856000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:58.856000', 'bytes': 1420530688, 'norm_byte': 35561472, 'ops': 1387237, 'norm_ops': 34728, 'norm_ltcy': 28.82434112963603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:58.856000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:58.856000",
+ "bytes": 1420530688,
+ "norm_byte": 35561472,
+ "ops": 1387237,
+ "norm_ops": 34728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.82434112963603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "477694733e98e8f02dc88efee873ad9e5cdccc7c3e2bc162e0c6a875c493a407",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:16:59.857000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:16:59.857000', 'bytes': 1455897600, 'norm_byte': 35366912, 'ops': 1421775, 'norm_ops': 34538, 'norm_ltcy': 28.98546811211564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:16:59.857000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:16:59.857000",
+ "bytes": 1455897600,
+ "norm_byte": 35366912,
+ "ops": 1421775,
+ "norm_ops": 34538,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.98546811211564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c0edb8af6aff65172171fc010c832b30076a1ce165b2acc0f4f423e1fbc20bc5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:00.859000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:00.859000', 'bytes': 1491307520, 'norm_byte': 35409920, 'ops': 1456355, 'norm_ops': 34580, 'norm_ltcy': 28.95023484944332, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:00.859000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:00.859000",
+ "bytes": 1491307520,
+ "norm_byte": 35409920,
+ "ops": 1456355,
+ "norm_ops": 34580,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.95023484944332,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "627bffed7f5112badc9d8e7f79fc34f4ae312a3752795cb3c87b99d82990ecc2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:01.860000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:01.860000', 'bytes': 1526885376, 'norm_byte': 35577856, 'ops': 1491099, 'norm_ops': 34744, 'norm_ltcy': 28.814180089997553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:01.860000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:01.860000",
+ "bytes": 1526885376,
+ "norm_byte": 35577856,
+ "ops": 1491099,
+ "norm_ops": 34744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.814180089997553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c7f3223296c51eb0eb34659efcd737df47b9fb0326c62b0c5c1266ecaeb6c37f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:02.861000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:02.861000', 'bytes': 1562121216, 'norm_byte': 35235840, 'ops': 1525509, 'norm_ops': 34410, 'norm_ltcy': 29.09190613874964, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:02.861000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:02.861000",
+ "bytes": 1562121216,
+ "norm_byte": 35235840,
+ "ops": 1525509,
+ "norm_ops": 34410,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.09190613874964,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fc8731b52eb171cdf87c973050c394204ec7400c9421786ac7714b736f92040f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:03.861000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:03.861000', 'bytes': 1590273024, 'norm_byte': 28151808, 'ops': 1553001, 'norm_ops': 27492, 'norm_ltcy': 36.39516687525008, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:03.861000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:03.861000",
+ "bytes": 1590273024,
+ "norm_byte": 28151808,
+ "ops": 1553001,
+ "norm_ops": 27492,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.39516687525008,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f8719cb5c13bdffa7db782fe442df43ca3aa128635aa39540d59c2779bc7ac7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:04.862000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:04.862000', 'bytes': 1625574400, 'norm_byte': 35301376, 'ops': 1587475, 'norm_ops': 34474, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03893179687953, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:04.862000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:04.862000",
+ "bytes": 1625574400,
+ "norm_byte": 35301376,
+ "ops": 1587475,
+ "norm_ops": 34474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03893179687953,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "575fe3a79c55bb94c1b57d77b9cb6e5a87a5bfc756b8c1076ad239ff9b5bd7a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:05.863000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:05.863000', 'bytes': 1660896256, 'norm_byte': 35321856, 'ops': 1621969, 'norm_ops': 34494, 'norm_ltcy': 29.020572984613267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:05.863000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:05.863000",
+ "bytes": 1660896256,
+ "norm_byte": 35321856,
+ "ops": 1621969,
+ "norm_ops": 34494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.020572984613267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f49227e3a4c7cc1a3be1219d3f13e9b28707769fbd15faa10446449c41c3748",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:06.865000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:06.865000', 'bytes': 1696046080, 'norm_byte': 35149824, 'ops': 1656295, 'norm_ops': 34326, 'norm_ltcy': 29.163033647053254, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:06.865000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:06.865000",
+ "bytes": 1696046080,
+ "norm_byte": 35149824,
+ "ops": 1656295,
+ "norm_ops": 34326,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.163033647053254,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e20e2fdb522a82b5ad46a962aae5b7dd07a1f98ea9101f39521a27271be5205",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:07.866000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:07.866000', 'bytes': 1731544064, 'norm_byte': 35497984, 'ops': 1690961, 'norm_ops': 34666, 'norm_ltcy': 28.87655535593233, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:07.866000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:07.866000",
+ "bytes": 1731544064,
+ "norm_byte": 35497984,
+ "ops": 1690961,
+ "norm_ops": 34666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.87655535593233,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "342f5d48398466800af583e9f586dbc7c68755b98a00232dcae239e4f59b480d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:08.867000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:08.867000', 'bytes': 1766740992, 'norm_byte': 35196928, 'ops': 1725333, 'norm_ops': 34372, 'norm_ltcy': 29.123571523060193, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:08.867000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:08.867000",
+ "bytes": 1766740992,
+ "norm_byte": 35196928,
+ "ops": 1725333,
+ "norm_ops": 34372,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.123571523060193,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76ea87f79c4937c2c2c1d7770c1870071a6962a5cff70abe97390a2bc8cd3aaf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:09.868000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:09.868000', 'bytes': 1802120192, 'norm_byte': 35379200, 'ops': 1759883, 'norm_ops': 34550, 'norm_ltcy': 28.974312590448626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:09.868000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:09.868000",
+ "bytes": 1802120192,
+ "norm_byte": 35379200,
+ "ops": 1759883,
+ "norm_ops": 34550,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.974312590448626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2122bc122d8b6f3e06db1bda9ad0cd709dbfec6b75525c19f62f3ab46c18c4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:10.869000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:10.869000', 'bytes': 1837310976, 'norm_byte': 35190784, 'ops': 1794249, 'norm_ops': 34366, 'norm_ltcy': 29.13077327291145, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:10.869000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:10.869000",
+ "bytes": 1837310976,
+ "norm_byte": 35190784,
+ "ops": 1794249,
+ "norm_ops": 34366,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.13077327291145,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c5aaac697585f4f57e23222d931247e82be93142c0df104190e04ab4e107375",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:11.870000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:11.870000', 'bytes': 1872818176, 'norm_byte': 35507200, 'ops': 1828924, 'norm_ops': 34675, 'norm_ltcy': 28.87084872927181, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:11.870000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:11.870000",
+ "bytes": 1872818176,
+ "norm_byte": 35507200,
+ "ops": 1828924,
+ "norm_ops": 34675,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.87084872927181,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bafc37dbeba6d10096644fb26497f8aeaa9c5b6b7524a13a02a8c60c11c7b94f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:12.871000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:12.871000', 'bytes': 1908388864, 'norm_byte': 35570688, 'ops': 1863661, 'norm_ops': 34737, 'norm_ltcy': 28.819480522839477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:12.871000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:12.871000",
+ "bytes": 1908388864,
+ "norm_byte": 35570688,
+ "ops": 1863661,
+ "norm_ops": 34737,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.819480522839477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1efd77c5ee02c8622123da354d37466a970a24fb05a9397cfc6010569b5013d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:13.872000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:13.872000', 'bytes': 1943681024, 'norm_byte': 35292160, 'ops': 1898126, 'norm_ops': 34465, 'norm_ltcy': 29.046798212407513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:13.872000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:13.872000",
+ "bytes": 1943681024,
+ "norm_byte": 35292160,
+ "ops": 1898126,
+ "norm_ops": 34465,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.046798212407513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd23843d3156441db676212c954116bea5cdc61a2ce3e7374a3846cb8d9ddaf2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:14.873000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:14.873000', 'bytes': 1979100160, 'norm_byte': 35419136, 'ops': 1932715, 'norm_ops': 34589, 'norm_ltcy': 28.94271616337564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:14.873000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:14.873000",
+ "bytes": 1979100160,
+ "norm_byte": 35419136,
+ "ops": 1932715,
+ "norm_ops": 34589,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.94271616337564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f02d5aff39e100d19cfdaff7f2bbb3b03eb2c412b5072d5808cc79f75aa10b50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:15.874000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:15.874000', 'bytes': 2014397440, 'norm_byte': 35297280, 'ops': 1967185, 'norm_ops': 34470, 'norm_ltcy': 29.044688429250073, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:15.874000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:15.874000",
+ "bytes": 2014397440,
+ "norm_byte": 35297280,
+ "ops": 1967185,
+ "norm_ops": 34470,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.044688429250073,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43920aedc29d1082057755616ae08918dd02a350ebca943a39d47834bf62abe9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:16.875000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:16.875000', 'bytes': 2049584128, 'norm_byte': 35186688, 'ops': 2001547, 'norm_ops': 34362, 'norm_ltcy': 29.13414300317211, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:16.875000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:16.875000",
+ "bytes": 2049584128,
+ "norm_byte": 35186688,
+ "ops": 2001547,
+ "norm_ops": 34362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.13414300317211,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e06a6be4816c87225b7ef35e3835b815a6f484037dad40f5e7e9bbff05ad4f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:17.877000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:17.877000', 'bytes': 2085002240, 'norm_byte': 35418112, 'ops': 2036135, 'norm_ops': 34588, 'norm_ltcy': 28.943623533631605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:17.877000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:17.877000",
+ "bytes": 2085002240,
+ "norm_byte": 35418112,
+ "ops": 2036135,
+ "norm_ops": 34588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.943623533631605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b69798d6700e1e5be940577a1b826e4cd6989e00bdc83dcf924e392d504d4c5c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:17:19.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:17:19.078000', 'bytes': 2119971840, 'norm_byte': 34969600, 'ops': 2070285, 'norm_ops': 34150, 'norm_ltcy': 35.179577404374086, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:17:19.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:17:19.078000",
+ "bytes": 2119971840,
+ "norm_byte": 34969600,
+ "ops": 2070285,
+ "norm_ops": 34150,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.179577404374086,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "37264ec8-5f7f-5946-b9bc-f77f2f13ac68",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4652880ba6e692329f728dfa1122a5fe9ed2996e88dfd030583bdd8fd3d2ba5a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35332864.0
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34504.75
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.221738905968692
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:17:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-022-220519201334/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-022-220519201334/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..603a516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-022-220519201334/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-022-220519201334/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-022-220519201334/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-022-220519201334/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-022-220519201334/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-022-220519201334/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6afc85b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-022-220519201334/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=5
+ vm.swappiness=85
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=70
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-023-220519201535/220519201535-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-023-220519201535/220519201535-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a630d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-023-220519201535/220519201535-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:18:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991499340.3933 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991500340.8389 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991500340.8896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991501341.9666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:65825792 nr_ops:64283\ntimestamp_ms:1652991502343.0588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131396608 nr_ops:128317\ntimestamp_ms:1652991503344.1516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:196957184 nr_ops:192341\ntimestamp_ms:1652991504345.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:262560768 nr_ops:256407\ntimestamp_ms:1652991505346.3408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:328143872 nr_ops:320453\ntimestamp_ms:1652991506347.4395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380240896 nr_ops:371329\ntimestamp_ms:1652991507348.5383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445737984 nr_ops:435291\ntimestamp_ms:1652991508349.6357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511382528 nr_ops:499397\ntimestamp_ms:1652991509350.7349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:576961536 nr_ops:563439\ntimestamp_ms:1652991510351.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:642573312 nr_ops:627513\ntimestamp_ms:1652991511352.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708180992 nr_ops:691583\ntimestamp_ms:1652991512354.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:773676032 nr_ops:755543\ntimestamp_ms:1652991513355.1372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:839205888 nr_ops:819537\ntimestamp_ms:1652991514356.2358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:904801280 nr_ops:883595\ntimestamp_ms:1652991515357.2776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970351616 nr_ops:947609\ntimestamp_ms:1652991516358.3726 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1035809792 nr_ops:1011533\ntimestamp_ms:1652991517358.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086804992 nr_ops:1061333\ntimestamp_ms:1652991518359.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1149418496 nr_ops:1122479\ntimestamp_ms:1652991519360.8972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212027904 nr_ops:1183621\ntimestamp_ms:1652991520362.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274688512 nr_ops:1244813\ntimestamp_ms:1652991521363.1257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324899328 nr_ops:1293847\ntimestamp_ms:1652991522363.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378438144 nr_ops:1346131\ntimestamp_ms:1652991523364.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446966272 nr_ops:1413053\ntimestamp_ms:1652991524366.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1511611392 nr_ops:1476183\ntimestamp_ms:1652991525366.2881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1563802624 nr_ops:1527151\ntimestamp_ms:1652991526367.3835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1629651968 nr_ops:1591457\ntimestamp_ms:1652991527368.4761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1681776640 nr_ops:1642360\ntimestamp_ms:1652991528369.5779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1747217408 nr_ops:1706267\ntimestamp_ms:1652991529370.6829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1805110272 nr_ops:1762803\ntimestamp_ms:1652991530371.7747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1865432064 nr_ops:1821711\ntimestamp_ms:1652991531371.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1930791936 nr_ops:1885539\ntimestamp_ms:1652991532372.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1994562560 nr_ops:1947815\ntimestamp_ms:1652991533374.1311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2044711936 nr_ops:1996789\ntimestamp_ms:1652991534375.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095416320 nr_ops:2046305\ntimestamp_ms:1652991535376.3337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2145704960 nr_ops:2095415\ntimestamp_ms:1652991536377.1714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2182988800 nr_ops:2131825\ntimestamp_ms:1652991537378.2690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2250077184 nr_ops:2197341\ntimestamp_ms:1652991538379.3630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2318498816 nr_ops:2264159\ntimestamp_ms:1652991539380.4546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2386891776 nr_ops:2330949\ntimestamp_ms:1652991540381.5452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2455297024 nr_ops:2397751\ntimestamp_ms:1652991541382.6399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2509962240 nr_ops:2451135\ntimestamp_ms:1652991542383.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562556928 nr_ops:2502497\ntimestamp_ms:1652991543384.8562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2614942720 nr_ops:2553655\ntimestamp_ms:1652991544385.9622 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2680599552 nr_ops:2617773\ntimestamp_ms:1652991545387.0649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2748498944 nr_ops:2684081\ntimestamp_ms:1652991546388.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2816906240 nr_ops:2750885\ntimestamp_ms:1652991547389.2690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2855451648 nr_ops:2788527\ntimestamp_ms:1652991548390.3618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921399296 nr_ops:2852929\ntimestamp_ms:1652991549391.4666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2987310080 nr_ops:2917295\ntimestamp_ms:1652991550391.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3025818624 nr_ops:2954901\ntimestamp_ms:1652991551392.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3063514112 nr_ops:2991713\ntimestamp_ms:1652991552394.0322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3117574144 nr_ops:3044506\ntimestamp_ms:1652991553395.1223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171769344 nr_ops:3097431\ntimestamp_ms:1652991554396.1611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3211140096 nr_ops:3135879\ntimestamp_ms:1652991555397.2061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3277122560 nr_ops:3200315\ntimestamp_ms:1652991556398.2498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3342883840 nr_ops:3264535\ntimestamp_ms:1652991557399.2905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3395765248 nr_ops:3316177\ntimestamp_ms:1652991558400.3325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3450514432 nr_ops:3369643\ntimestamp_ms:1652991559401.3740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3519060992 nr_ops:3436583\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139739504215808\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.6667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3587357696 nr_ops:3503279\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.7307 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.7368 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560702.9568 name:Total nr_bytes:3587357696 nr_ops:3503280\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.7649 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7174715390 nr_ops:7006560\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.7654 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3587357696 nr_ops:3503282\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 271.41us 0.00ns 271.41us 271.41us \nTxn1 1751640 34.26us 0.00ns 208.36ms 18.24us \nTxn2 1 26.57us 0.00ns 26.57us 26.57us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.75us 0.00ns 270.75us 270.75us \nwrite 1751640 2.38us 0.00ns 121.18us 2.09us \nread 1751639 31.80us 0.00ns 208.35ms 1.15us \ndisconnect 1 25.58us 0.00ns 25.58us 25.58us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 28088 28088 244.92Mb/s 244.92Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.22b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.118 62.36s 3.34GB 460.18Mb/s 3503282 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.34GB 460.19Mb/s 3503282 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413395, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991499340.3933 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991500340.8389 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991500340.8896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991501341.9666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:65825792 nr_ops:64283\ntimestamp_ms:1652991502343.0588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131396608 nr_ops:128317\ntimestamp_ms:1652991503344.1516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:196957184 nr_ops:192341\ntimestamp_ms:1652991504345.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:262560768 nr_ops:256407\ntimestamp_ms:1652991505346.3408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:328143872 nr_ops:320453\ntimestamp_ms:1652991506347.4395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380240896 nr_ops:371329\ntimestamp_ms:1652991507348.5383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445737984 nr_ops:435291\ntimestamp_ms:1652991508349.6357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511382528 nr_ops:499397\ntimestamp_ms:1652991509350.7349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:576961536 nr_ops:563439\ntimestamp_ms:1652991510351.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:642573312 nr_ops:627513\ntimestamp_ms:1652991511352.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708180992 nr_ops:691583\ntimestamp_ms:1652991512354.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:773676032 nr_ops:755543\ntimestamp_ms:1652991513355.1372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:839205888 nr_ops:819537\ntimestamp_ms:1652991514356.2358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:904801280 nr_ops:883595\ntimestamp_ms:1652991515357.2776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970351616 nr_ops:947609\ntimestamp_ms:1652991516358.3726 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1035809792 nr_ops:1011533\ntimestamp_ms:1652991517358.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086804992 nr_ops:1061333\ntimestamp_ms:1652991518359.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1149418496 nr_ops:1122479\ntimestamp_ms:1652991519360.8972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212027904 nr_ops:1183621\ntimestamp_ms:1652991520362.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274688512 nr_ops:1244813\ntimestamp_ms:1652991521363.1257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324899328 nr_ops:1293847\ntimestamp_ms:1652991522363.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378438144 nr_ops:1346131\ntimestamp_ms:1652991523364.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446966272 nr_ops:1413053\ntimestamp_ms:1652991524366.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1511611392 nr_ops:1476183\ntimestamp_ms:1652991525366.2881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1563802624 nr_ops:1527151\ntimestamp_ms:1652991526367.3835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1629651968 nr_ops:1591457\ntimestamp_ms:1652991527368.4761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1681776640 nr_ops:1642360\ntimestamp_ms:1652991528369.5779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1747217408 nr_ops:1706267\ntimestamp_ms:1652991529370.6829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1805110272 nr_ops:1762803\ntimestamp_ms:1652991530371.7747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1865432064 nr_ops:1821711\ntimestamp_ms:1652991531371.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1930791936 nr_ops:1885539\ntimestamp_ms:1652991532372.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1994562560 nr_ops:1947815\ntimestamp_ms:1652991533374.1311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2044711936 nr_ops:1996789\ntimestamp_ms:1652991534375.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095416320 nr_ops:2046305\ntimestamp_ms:1652991535376.3337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2145704960 nr_ops:2095415\ntimestamp_ms:1652991536377.1714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2182988800 nr_ops:2131825\ntimestamp_ms:1652991537378.2690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2250077184 nr_ops:2197341\ntimestamp_ms:1652991538379.3630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2318498816 nr_ops:2264159\ntimestamp_ms:1652991539380.4546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2386891776 nr_ops:2330949\ntimestamp_ms:1652991540381.5452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2455297024 nr_ops:2397751\ntimestamp_ms:1652991541382.6399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2509962240 nr_ops:2451135\ntimestamp_ms:1652991542383.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562556928 nr_ops:2502497\ntimestamp_ms:1652991543384.8562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2614942720 nr_ops:2553655\ntimestamp_ms:1652991544385.9622 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2680599552 nr_ops:2617773\ntimestamp_ms:1652991545387.0649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2748498944 nr_ops:2684081\ntimestamp_ms:1652991546388.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2816906240 nr_ops:2750885\ntimestamp_ms:1652991547389.2690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2855451648 nr_ops:2788527\ntimestamp_ms:1652991548390.3618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921399296 nr_ops:2852929\ntimestamp_ms:1652991549391.4666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2987310080 nr_ops:2917295\ntimestamp_ms:1652991550391.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3025818624 nr_ops:2954901\ntimestamp_ms:1652991551392.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3063514112 nr_ops:2991713\ntimestamp_ms:1652991552394.0322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3117574144 nr_ops:3044506\ntimestamp_ms:1652991553395.1223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171769344 nr_ops:3097431\ntimestamp_ms:1652991554396.1611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3211140096 nr_ops:3135879\ntimestamp_ms:1652991555397.2061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3277122560 nr_ops:3200315\ntimestamp_ms:1652991556398.2498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3342883840 nr_ops:3264535\ntimestamp_ms:1652991557399.2905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3395765248 nr_ops:3316177\ntimestamp_ms:1652991558400.3325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3450514432 nr_ops:3369643\ntimestamp_ms:1652991559401.3740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3519060992 nr_ops:3436583\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139739504215808\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.6667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3587357696 nr_ops:3503279\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.7307 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.7368 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560702.9568 name:Total nr_bytes:3587357696 nr_ops:3503280\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.7649 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7174715390 nr_ops:7006560\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.7654 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3587357696 nr_ops:3503282\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 271.41us 0.00ns 271.41us 271.41us \nTxn1 1751640 34.26us 0.00ns 208.36ms 18.24us \nTxn2 1 26.57us 0.00ns 26.57us 26.57us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.75us 0.00ns 270.75us 270.75us \nwrite 1751640 2.38us 0.00ns 121.18us 2.09us \nread 1751639 31.80us 0.00ns 208.35ms 1.15us \ndisconnect 1 25.58us 0.00ns 25.58us 25.58us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 28088 28088 244.92Mb/s 244.92Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.22b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.118 62.36s 3.34GB 460.18Mb/s 3503282 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.34GB 460.19Mb/s 3503282 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413395, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991499340.3933 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991500340.8389 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991500340.8896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991501341.9666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:65825792 nr_ops:64283\ntimestamp_ms:1652991502343.0588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131396608 nr_ops:128317\ntimestamp_ms:1652991503344.1516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:196957184 nr_ops:192341\ntimestamp_ms:1652991504345.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:262560768 nr_ops:256407\ntimestamp_ms:1652991505346.3408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:328143872 nr_ops:320453\ntimestamp_ms:1652991506347.4395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380240896 nr_ops:371329\ntimestamp_ms:1652991507348.5383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445737984 nr_ops:435291\ntimestamp_ms:1652991508349.6357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511382528 nr_ops:499397\ntimestamp_ms:1652991509350.7349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:576961536 nr_ops:563439\ntimestamp_ms:1652991510351.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:642573312 nr_ops:627513\ntimestamp_ms:1652991511352.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708180992 nr_ops:691583\ntimestamp_ms:1652991512354.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:773676032 nr_ops:755543\ntimestamp_ms:1652991513355.1372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:839205888 nr_ops:819537\ntimestamp_ms:1652991514356.2358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:904801280 nr_ops:883595\ntimestamp_ms:1652991515357.2776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970351616 nr_ops:947609\ntimestamp_ms:1652991516358.3726 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1035809792 nr_ops:1011533\ntimestamp_ms:1652991517358.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086804992 nr_ops:1061333\ntimestamp_ms:1652991518359.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1149418496 nr_ops:1122479\ntimestamp_ms:1652991519360.8972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212027904 nr_ops:1183621\ntimestamp_ms:1652991520362.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274688512 nr_ops:1244813\ntimestamp_ms:1652991521363.1257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324899328 nr_ops:1293847\ntimestamp_ms:1652991522363.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378438144 nr_ops:1346131\ntimestamp_ms:1652991523364.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446966272 nr_ops:1413053\ntimestamp_ms:1652991524366.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1511611392 nr_ops:1476183\ntimestamp_ms:1652991525366.2881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1563802624 nr_ops:1527151\ntimestamp_ms:1652991526367.3835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1629651968 nr_ops:1591457\ntimestamp_ms:1652991527368.4761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1681776640 nr_ops:1642360\ntimestamp_ms:1652991528369.5779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1747217408 nr_ops:1706267\ntimestamp_ms:1652991529370.6829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1805110272 nr_ops:1762803\ntimestamp_ms:1652991530371.7747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1865432064 nr_ops:1821711\ntimestamp_ms:1652991531371.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1930791936 nr_ops:1885539\ntimestamp_ms:1652991532372.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1994562560 nr_ops:1947815\ntimestamp_ms:1652991533374.1311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2044711936 nr_ops:1996789\ntimestamp_ms:1652991534375.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095416320 nr_ops:2046305\ntimestamp_ms:1652991535376.3337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2145704960 nr_ops:2095415\ntimestamp_ms:1652991536377.1714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2182988800 nr_ops:2131825\ntimestamp_ms:1652991537378.2690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2250077184 nr_ops:2197341\ntimestamp_ms:1652991538379.3630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2318498816 nr_ops:2264159\ntimestamp_ms:1652991539380.4546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2386891776 nr_ops:2330949\ntimestamp_ms:1652991540381.5452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2455297024 nr_ops:2397751\ntimestamp_ms:1652991541382.6399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2509962240 nr_ops:2451135\ntimestamp_ms:1652991542383.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562556928 nr_ops:2502497\ntimestamp_ms:1652991543384.8562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2614942720 nr_ops:2553655\ntimestamp_ms:1652991544385.9622 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2680599552 nr_ops:2617773\ntimestamp_ms:1652991545387.0649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2748498944 nr_ops:2684081\ntimestamp_ms:1652991546388.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2816906240 nr_ops:2750885\ntimestamp_ms:1652991547389.2690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2855451648 nr_ops:2788527\ntimestamp_ms:1652991548390.3618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921399296 nr_ops:2852929\ntimestamp_ms:1652991549391.4666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2987310080 nr_ops:2917295\ntimestamp_ms:1652991550391.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3025818624 nr_ops:2954901\ntimestamp_ms:1652991551392.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3063514112 nr_ops:2991713\ntimestamp_ms:1652991552394.0322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3117574144 nr_ops:3044506\ntimestamp_ms:1652991553395.1223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171769344 nr_ops:3097431\ntimestamp_ms:1652991554396.1611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3211140096 nr_ops:3135879\ntimestamp_ms:1652991555397.2061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3277122560 nr_ops:3200315\ntimestamp_ms:1652991556398.2498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3342883840 nr_ops:3264535\ntimestamp_ms:1652991557399.2905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3395765248 nr_ops:3316177\ntimestamp_ms:1652991558400.3325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3450514432 nr_ops:3369643\ntimestamp_ms:1652991559401.3740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3519060992 nr_ops:3436583\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139739504215808\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.6667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3587357696 nr_ops:3503279\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.7307 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.7368 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560702.9568 name:Total nr_bytes:3587357696 nr_ops:3503280\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.7649 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7174715390 nr_ops:7006560\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991560602.7654 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3587357696 nr_ops:3503282\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 271.41us 0.00ns 271.41us 271.41us \nTxn1 1751640 34.26us 0.00ns 208.36ms 18.24us \nTxn2 1 26.57us 0.00ns 26.57us 26.57us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.75us 0.00ns 270.75us 270.75us \nwrite 1751640 2.38us 0.00ns 121.18us 2.09us \nread 1751639 31.80us 0.00ns 208.35ms 1.15us \ndisconnect 1 25.58us 0.00ns 25.58us 25.58us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 28088 28088 244.92Mb/s 244.92Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.22b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.118 62.36s 3.34GB 460.18Mb/s 3503282 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.34GB 460.19Mb/s 3503282 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413395, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991499340.3933 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991500340.8389 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991500340.8896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991501341.9666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:65825792 nr_ops:64283
+timestamp_ms:1652991502343.0588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131396608 nr_ops:128317
+timestamp_ms:1652991503344.1516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:196957184 nr_ops:192341
+timestamp_ms:1652991504345.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:262560768 nr_ops:256407
+timestamp_ms:1652991505346.3408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:328143872 nr_ops:320453
+timestamp_ms:1652991506347.4395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380240896 nr_ops:371329
+timestamp_ms:1652991507348.5383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445737984 nr_ops:435291
+timestamp_ms:1652991508349.6357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511382528 nr_ops:499397
+timestamp_ms:1652991509350.7349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:576961536 nr_ops:563439
+timestamp_ms:1652991510351.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:642573312 nr_ops:627513
+timestamp_ms:1652991511352.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708180992 nr_ops:691583
+timestamp_ms:1652991512354.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:773676032 nr_ops:755543
+timestamp_ms:1652991513355.1372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:839205888 nr_ops:819537
+timestamp_ms:1652991514356.2358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:904801280 nr_ops:883595
+timestamp_ms:1652991515357.2776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970351616 nr_ops:947609
+timestamp_ms:1652991516358.3726 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1035809792 nr_ops:1011533
+timestamp_ms:1652991517358.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086804992 nr_ops:1061333
+timestamp_ms:1652991518359.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1149418496 nr_ops:1122479
+timestamp_ms:1652991519360.8972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212027904 nr_ops:1183621
+timestamp_ms:1652991520362.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274688512 nr_ops:1244813
+timestamp_ms:1652991521363.1257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324899328 nr_ops:1293847
+timestamp_ms:1652991522363.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378438144 nr_ops:1346131
+timestamp_ms:1652991523364.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446966272 nr_ops:1413053
+timestamp_ms:1652991524366.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1511611392 nr_ops:1476183
+timestamp_ms:1652991525366.2881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1563802624 nr_ops:1527151
+timestamp_ms:1652991526367.3835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1629651968 nr_ops:1591457
+timestamp_ms:1652991527368.4761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1681776640 nr_ops:1642360
+timestamp_ms:1652991528369.5779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1747217408 nr_ops:1706267
+timestamp_ms:1652991529370.6829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1805110272 nr_ops:1762803
+timestamp_ms:1652991530371.7747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1865432064 nr_ops:1821711
+timestamp_ms:1652991531371.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1930791936 nr_ops:1885539
+timestamp_ms:1652991532372.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1994562560 nr_ops:1947815
+timestamp_ms:1652991533374.1311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2044711936 nr_ops:1996789
+timestamp_ms:1652991534375.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095416320 nr_ops:2046305
+timestamp_ms:1652991535376.3337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2145704960 nr_ops:2095415
+timestamp_ms:1652991536377.1714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2182988800 nr_ops:2131825
+timestamp_ms:1652991537378.2690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2250077184 nr_ops:2197341
+timestamp_ms:1652991538379.3630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2318498816 nr_ops:2264159
+timestamp_ms:1652991539380.4546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2386891776 nr_ops:2330949
+timestamp_ms:1652991540381.5452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2455297024 nr_ops:2397751
+timestamp_ms:1652991541382.6399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2509962240 nr_ops:2451135
+timestamp_ms:1652991542383.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562556928 nr_ops:2502497
+timestamp_ms:1652991543384.8562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2614942720 nr_ops:2553655
+timestamp_ms:1652991544385.9622 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2680599552 nr_ops:2617773
+timestamp_ms:1652991545387.0649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2748498944 nr_ops:2684081
+timestamp_ms:1652991546388.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2816906240 nr_ops:2750885
+timestamp_ms:1652991547389.2690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2855451648 nr_ops:2788527
+timestamp_ms:1652991548390.3618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921399296 nr_ops:2852929
+timestamp_ms:1652991549391.4666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2987310080 nr_ops:2917295
+timestamp_ms:1652991550391.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3025818624 nr_ops:2954901
+timestamp_ms:1652991551392.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3063514112 nr_ops:2991713
+timestamp_ms:1652991552394.0322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3117574144 nr_ops:3044506
+timestamp_ms:1652991553395.1223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171769344 nr_ops:3097431
+timestamp_ms:1652991554396.1611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3211140096 nr_ops:3135879
+timestamp_ms:1652991555397.2061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3277122560 nr_ops:3200315
+timestamp_ms:1652991556398.2498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3342883840 nr_ops:3264535
+timestamp_ms:1652991557399.2905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3395765248 nr_ops:3316177
+timestamp_ms:1652991558400.3325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3450514432 nr_ops:3369643
+timestamp_ms:1652991559401.3740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3519060992 nr_ops:3436583
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139739504215808
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652991560602.6667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3587357696 nr_ops:3503279
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991560602.7307 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991560602.7368 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991560702.9568 name:Total nr_bytes:3587357696 nr_ops:3503280
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991560602.7649 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7174715390 nr_ops:7006560
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991560602.7654 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3587357696 nr_ops:3503282
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 271.41us 0.00ns 271.41us 271.41us
+Txn1 1751640 34.26us 0.00ns 208.36ms 18.24us
+Txn2 1 26.57us 0.00ns 26.57us 26.57us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 270.75us 0.00ns 270.75us 270.75us
+write 1751640 2.38us 0.00ns 121.18us 2.09us
+read 1751639 31.80us 0.00ns 208.35ms 1.15us
+disconnect 1 25.58us 0.00ns 25.58us 25.58us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 28088 28088 244.92Mb/s 244.92Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.22b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.118 62.36s 3.34GB 460.18Mb/s 3503282 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.34GB 460.19Mb/s 3503282 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:21.341000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:21.341000', 'bytes': 65825792, 'norm_byte': 65825792, 'ops': 64283, 'norm_ops': 64283, 'norm_ltcy': 15.572964925359349, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:21.341000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:21.341000",
+ "bytes": 65825792,
+ "norm_byte": 65825792,
+ "ops": 64283,
+ "norm_ops": 64283,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.572964925359349,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1078b4aac1c15d23761a00bc10da14c38b158d84c064538c7464d2af7c67956c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:22.343000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:22.343000', 'bytes': 131396608, 'norm_byte': 65570816, 'ops': 128317, 'norm_ops': 64034, 'norm_ltcy': 15.633761519759034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:22.343000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:22.343000",
+ "bytes": 131396608,
+ "norm_byte": 65570816,
+ "ops": 128317,
+ "norm_ops": 64034,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.633761519759034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "844acdf30c33dfec7fb778a442e4011807ce8d74ca79bcf5e762df1b734b9c7a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:23.344000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:23.344000', 'bytes': 196957184, 'norm_byte': 65560576, 'ops': 192341, 'norm_ops': 64024, 'norm_ltcy': 15.63621100583375, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:23.344000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:23.344000",
+ "bytes": 196957184,
+ "norm_byte": 65560576,
+ "ops": 192341,
+ "norm_ops": 64024,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.63621100583375,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16ac7ba41624e21a2b99e4cb29000863c938b1c780cf5b3fe67c6de5ea18eac7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:24.345000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:24.345000', 'bytes': 262560768, 'norm_byte': 65603584, 'ops': 256407, 'norm_ops': 64066, 'norm_ltcy': 15.626021285666345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:24.345000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:24.345000",
+ "bytes": 262560768,
+ "norm_byte": 65603584,
+ "ops": 256407,
+ "norm_ops": 64066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.626021285666345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b5bb3ec7beb05f1358ca0f374f0f57881b0a6f87351e47bef262ab21f1d31ff0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:25.346000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:25.346000', 'bytes': 328143872, 'norm_byte': 65583104, 'ops': 320453, 'norm_ops': 64046, 'norm_ltcy': 15.630836106811902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:25.346000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:25.346000",
+ "bytes": 328143872,
+ "norm_byte": 65583104,
+ "ops": 320453,
+ "norm_ops": 64046,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.630836106811902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ea3d8f529e56ddfab3f199d8f8570911b311ff0c3099629bcd1c9a6d6ffc80d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:26.347000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:26.347000', 'bytes': 380240896, 'norm_byte': 52097024, 'ops': 371329, 'norm_ops': 50876, 'norm_ltcy': 19.67722762820387, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:26.347000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:26.347000",
+ "bytes": 380240896,
+ "norm_byte": 52097024,
+ "ops": 371329,
+ "norm_ops": 50876,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.67722762820387,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19bbb3c4bc21386537f11bc4b6f654b4928130bd362694cd4a683edbb97773a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:27.348000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:27.348000', 'bytes': 445737984, 'norm_byte': 65497088, 'ops': 435291, 'norm_ops': 63962, 'norm_ltcy': 15.65146300855391, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:27.348000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:27.348000",
+ "bytes": 445737984,
+ "norm_byte": 65497088,
+ "ops": 435291,
+ "norm_ops": 63962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.65146300855391,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b65c3997490a135f8f8fe42ff687c0bed94f47cb3ccfae35c44495d8a84fa50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:28.349000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:28.349000', 'bytes': 511382528, 'norm_byte': 65644544, 'ops': 499397, 'norm_ops': 64106, 'norm_ltcy': 15.616282596159097, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:28.349000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:28.349000",
+ "bytes": 511382528,
+ "norm_byte": 65644544,
+ "ops": 499397,
+ "norm_ops": 64106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.616282596159097,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7f36bbe428d3a0a124573d87c2f388ef142a94d7733009f08638ef15c93f583",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:29.350000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:29.350000', 'bytes': 576961536, 'norm_byte': 65579008, 'ops': 563439, 'norm_ops': 64042, 'norm_ltcy': 15.631915322659347, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:29.350000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:29.350000",
+ "bytes": 576961536,
+ "norm_byte": 65579008,
+ "ops": 563439,
+ "norm_ops": 64042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.631915322659347,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "252ca5a16641ccac1bb123ca581cff104095173066fa8cdb8ba9b1a6af539ca9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:30.351000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:30.351000', 'bytes': 642573312, 'norm_byte': 65611776, 'ops': 627513, 'norm_ops': 64074, 'norm_ltcy': 15.624062668262477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:30.351000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:30.351000",
+ "bytes": 642573312,
+ "norm_byte": 65611776,
+ "ops": 627513,
+ "norm_ops": 64074,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.624062668262477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e8a703e588a036c6df51409b7082154bc645a5b1ee7544a387c78421209d456b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:31.352000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:31.352000', 'bytes': 708180992, 'norm_byte': 65607680, 'ops': 691583, 'norm_ops': 64070, 'norm_ltcy': 15.625179094886452, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:31.352000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:31.352000",
+ "bytes": 708180992,
+ "norm_byte": 65607680,
+ "ops": 691583,
+ "norm_ops": 64070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.625179094886452,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b64d812705d00a14eda9146b70e23b56966f33d1b53f044855e606712a1e7ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:32.354000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:32.354000', 'bytes': 773676032, 'norm_byte': 65495040, 'ops': 755543, 'norm_ops': 63960, 'norm_ltcy': 15.65195242265674, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:32.354000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:32.354000",
+ "bytes": 773676032,
+ "norm_byte": 65495040,
+ "ops": 755543,
+ "norm_ops": 63960,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.65195242265674,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93795f87fbdb71e71953722923bd85dd7de9eff5aa4941e44f454e2298a3bfec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:33.355000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:33.355000', 'bytes': 839205888, 'norm_byte': 65529856, 'ops': 819537, 'norm_ops': 63994, 'norm_ltcy': 15.643686139032567, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:33.355000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:33.355000",
+ "bytes": 839205888,
+ "norm_byte": 65529856,
+ "ops": 819537,
+ "norm_ops": 63994,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.643686139032567,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6af04e155d650d3191ecea2771309e7163d981697cd8b5509da0171e9a2d839d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:34.356000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:34.356000', 'bytes': 904801280, 'norm_byte': 65595392, 'ops': 883595, 'norm_ops': 64058, 'norm_ltcy': 15.62800325974117, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:34.356000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:34.356000",
+ "bytes": 904801280,
+ "norm_byte": 65595392,
+ "ops": 883595,
+ "norm_ops": 64058,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.62800325974117,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37a3d0898d0e21cb595ac266deaa9048295c3207687d84422e001a36b0b577ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:35.357000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:35.357000', 'bytes': 970351616, 'norm_byte': 65550336, 'ops': 947609, 'norm_ops': 64014, 'norm_ltcy': 15.63785653211602, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:35.357000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:35.357000",
+ "bytes": 970351616,
+ "norm_byte": 65550336,
+ "ops": 947609,
+ "norm_ops": 64014,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.63785653211602,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f78dde8e92d0a8fed93fad44e99d77673eebb1ee3fd59559449d361519410c75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:36.358000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:36.358000', 'bytes': 1035809792, 'norm_byte': 65458176, 'ops': 1011533, 'norm_ops': 63924, 'norm_ltcy': 15.660706005618, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:36.358000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:36.358000",
+ "bytes": 1035809792,
+ "norm_byte": 65458176,
+ "ops": 1011533,
+ "norm_ops": 63924,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.660706005618,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52c0494a6f3c9810e37062a386409fc7ed505af2dca63771c586cf250afc68c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:37.358000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:37.358000', 'bytes': 1086804992, 'norm_byte': 50995200, 'ops': 1061333, 'norm_ops': 49800, 'norm_ltcy': 20.08969471636546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:37.358000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:37.358000",
+ "bytes": 1086804992,
+ "norm_byte": 50995200,
+ "ops": 1061333,
+ "norm_ops": 49800,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.08969471636546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "17819af96b87bc457aaf7da1feb41267527c6545917cb612f06f4917a8b78497",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:38.359000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:38.359000', 'bytes': 1149418496, 'norm_byte': 62613504, 'ops': 1122479, 'norm_ops': 61146, 'norm_ltcy': 16.372278893703186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:38.359000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:38.359000",
+ "bytes": 1149418496,
+ "norm_byte": 62613504,
+ "ops": 1122479,
+ "norm_ops": 61146,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.372278893703186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e962b6516f372086b21418288c44054dcc7325476171bc95e98660367254488",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:39.360000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:39.360000', 'bytes': 1212027904, 'norm_byte': 62609408, 'ops': 1183621, 'norm_ops': 61142, 'norm_ltcy': 16.371046025543, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:39.360000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:39.360000",
+ "bytes": 1212027904,
+ "norm_byte": 62609408,
+ "ops": 1183621,
+ "norm_ops": 61142,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.371046025543,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c64ef2c808e86dc03af1e9ddfd33a6a1be25a773b56439ce4778689bc9d518ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:40.362000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:40.362000', 'bytes': 1274688512, 'norm_byte': 62660608, 'ops': 1244813, 'norm_ops': 61192, 'norm_ltcy': 16.360537867746192, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:40.362000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:40.362000",
+ "bytes": 1274688512,
+ "norm_byte": 62660608,
+ "ops": 1244813,
+ "norm_ops": 61192,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.360537867746192,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0464200455b39b1d670c65903f271c0507d53485032b73bfa9e9bddbd88dcf87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:41.363000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:41.363000', 'bytes': 1324899328, 'norm_byte': 50210816, 'ops': 1293847, 'norm_ops': 49034, 'norm_ltcy': 20.416333205976976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:41.363000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:41.363000",
+ "bytes": 1324899328,
+ "norm_byte": 50210816,
+ "ops": 1293847,
+ "norm_ops": 49034,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.416333205976976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee7f8b88de04c1aeb24236110e50dd916bec41552c54e297d09188c98b4cc11c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:42.363000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:42.363000', 'bytes': 1378438144, 'norm_byte': 53538816, 'ops': 1346131, 'norm_ops': 52284, 'norm_ltcy': 19.139954458462434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:42.363000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:42.363000",
+ "bytes": 1378438144,
+ "norm_byte": 53538816,
+ "ops": 1346131,
+ "norm_ops": 52284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.139954458462434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "05309188d0313f810b326c59d9ee7310cea0ca839d489c3ee4bcd56144fb8280",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:43.364000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:43.364000', 'bytes': 1446966272, 'norm_byte': 68528128, 'ops': 1413053, 'norm_ops': 66922, 'norm_ltcy': 14.959007051819656, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:43.364000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:43.364000",
+ "bytes": 1446966272,
+ "norm_byte": 68528128,
+ "ops": 1413053,
+ "norm_ops": 66922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.959007051819656,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efc5088d4a9ff2bdf8dcf2929c45f5830e5f79a9c9297077540941d6d783c743",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:44.366000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:44.366000', 'bytes': 1511611392, 'norm_byte': 64645120, 'ops': 1476183, 'norm_ops': 63130, 'norm_ltcy': 15.857654839220658, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:44.366000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:44.366000",
+ "bytes": 1511611392,
+ "norm_byte": 64645120,
+ "ops": 1476183,
+ "norm_ops": 63130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.857654839220658,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ca139fb6c7de483c636d96d5a49e8d7f16e804c93b683237ec1015c75d47cca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:45.366000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:45.366000', 'bytes': 1563802624, 'norm_byte': 52191232, 'ops': 1527151, 'norm_ops': 50968, 'norm_ltcy': 19.625422906284335, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:45.366000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:45.366000",
+ "bytes": 1563802624,
+ "norm_byte": 52191232,
+ "ops": 1527151,
+ "norm_ops": 50968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.625422906284335,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77defa0dbc13dbd485ac9ec6fcc0488d89ebb4235aa284c236a57ce84c286fc8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:46.367000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:46.367000', 'bytes': 1629651968, 'norm_byte': 65849344, 'ops': 1591457, 'norm_ops': 64306, 'norm_ltcy': 15.567683559611467, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:46.367000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:46.367000",
+ "bytes": 1629651968,
+ "norm_byte": 65849344,
+ "ops": 1591457,
+ "norm_ops": 64306,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.567683559611467,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "546b019403b56c810dddc87361dcdeea0f6561a7e196d502d44b0137a6555a3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:47.368000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:47.368000', 'bytes': 1681776640, 'norm_byte': 52124672, 'ops': 1642360, 'norm_ops': 50903, 'norm_ltcy': 19.666670516411116, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:47.368000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:47.368000",
+ "bytes": 1681776640,
+ "norm_byte": 52124672,
+ "ops": 1642360,
+ "norm_ops": 50903,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.666670516411116,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47314d100da677bb9e1f697f39bf964535b61a1828218fea684ecb347743bf0e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:48.369000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:48.369000', 'bytes': 1747217408, 'norm_byte': 65440768, 'ops': 1706267, 'norm_ops': 63907, 'norm_ltcy': 15.664978901225608, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:48.369000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:48.369000",
+ "bytes": 1747217408,
+ "norm_byte": 65440768,
+ "ops": 1706267,
+ "norm_ops": 63907,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.664978901225608,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "913a5d4409dc73715820e6fdd228c23497ac1ac1cd08afffe165359a439682a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:49.370000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:49.370000', 'bytes': 1805110272, 'norm_byte': 57892864, 'ops': 1762803, 'norm_ops': 56536, 'norm_ltcy': 17.70738963613892, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:49.370000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:49.370000",
+ "bytes": 1805110272,
+ "norm_byte": 57892864,
+ "ops": 1762803,
+ "norm_ops": 56536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.70738963613892,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "259afdcb16033ded5c7ab542261f28f8350f40948baf8c60efdabbdec8187b67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:50.371000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:50.371000', 'bytes': 1865432064, 'norm_byte': 60321792, 'ops': 1821711, 'norm_ops': 58908, 'norm_ltcy': 16.99415693751273, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:50.371000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:50.371000",
+ "bytes": 1865432064,
+ "norm_byte": 60321792,
+ "ops": 1821711,
+ "norm_ops": 58908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.99415693751273,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16a150d60f3fd632ce8ff957171e8d6b002ccaec7010842cbef4f04ff19f8749",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:51.371000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:51.371000', 'bytes': 1930791936, 'norm_byte': 65359872, 'ops': 1885539, 'norm_ops': 63828, 'norm_ltcy': 15.66814191435381, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:51.371000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:51.371000",
+ "bytes": 1930791936,
+ "norm_byte": 65359872,
+ "ops": 1885539,
+ "norm_ops": 63828,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.66814191435381,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0585ce0414df3a940b8b2775230dedaab3e7fa3b506893a837a9530c96d4d1c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:52.372000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:52.372000', 'bytes': 1994562560, 'norm_byte': 63770624, 'ops': 1947815, 'norm_ops': 62276, 'norm_ltcy': 16.075489554563557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:52.372000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:52.372000",
+ "bytes": 1994562560,
+ "norm_byte": 63770624,
+ "ops": 1947815,
+ "norm_ops": 62276,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.075489554563557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "71dc4b2c7c64a0658c0e658fcb9cbb2f152dd9dc0cc74a8c8e9ac9182be73f00",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:53.374000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:53.374000', 'bytes': 2044711936, 'norm_byte': 50149376, 'ops': 1996789, 'norm_ops': 48974, 'norm_ltcy': 20.442951274209275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:53.374000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:53.374000",
+ "bytes": 2044711936,
+ "norm_byte": 50149376,
+ "ops": 1996789,
+ "norm_ops": 48974,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.442951274209275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3296584a93eceb486878ec0fe976bf27633575c1ef85d25eb514b893f293906",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:54.375000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:54.375000', 'bytes': 2095416320, 'norm_byte': 50704384, 'ops': 2046305, 'norm_ops': 49516, 'norm_ltcy': 20.217709379922653, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:54.375000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:54.375000",
+ "bytes": 2095416320,
+ "norm_byte": 50704384,
+ "ops": 2046305,
+ "norm_ops": 49516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.217709379922653,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e02bcdfc2e188b6d4d11960f9756ea09cd9c41c4192adcce3388b79dee4d7680",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:55.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:55.376000', 'bytes': 2145704960, 'norm_byte': 50288640, 'ops': 2095415, 'norm_ops': 49110, 'norm_ltcy': 20.38490203751782, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:55.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:55.376000",
+ "bytes": 2145704960,
+ "norm_byte": 50288640,
+ "ops": 2095415,
+ "norm_ops": 49110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.38490203751782,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf524304e3dfe9096cb4b42e1879d9ee9d7db98a2daed1fe523e1dbccffa52cd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:56.377000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:56.377000', 'bytes': 2182988800, 'norm_byte': 37283840, 'ops': 2131825, 'norm_ops': 36410, 'norm_ltcy': 27.487988093501098, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:56.377000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:56.377000",
+ "bytes": 2182988800,
+ "norm_byte": 37283840,
+ "ops": 2131825,
+ "norm_ops": 36410,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.487988093501098,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2dcf8c4812e40cb74ae7b12c7e383dfe7e72b81d7818c64fe4280f0e20ac955",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:57.378000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:57.378000', 'bytes': 2250077184, 'norm_byte': 67088384, 'ops': 2197341, 'norm_ops': 65516, 'norm_ltcy': 15.28020111499481, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:57.378000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:57.378000",
+ "bytes": 2250077184,
+ "norm_byte": 67088384,
+ "ops": 2197341,
+ "norm_ops": 65516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.28020111499481,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdd97e96798d24d868f8e68ac24363a14bb19781da24102fb80a17e8b13f3bdc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:58.379000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:58.379000', 'bytes': 2318498816, 'norm_byte': 68421632, 'ops': 2264159, 'norm_ops': 66818, 'norm_ltcy': 14.982399864417147, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:58.379000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:58.379000",
+ "bytes": 2318498816,
+ "norm_byte": 68421632,
+ "ops": 2264159,
+ "norm_ops": 66818,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.982399864417147,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ca65b179d7a79ea8ae05097d2be2014463198d742673abd3b784ddba21bff0e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:18:59.380000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:18:59.380000', 'bytes': 2386891776, 'norm_byte': 68392960, 'ops': 2330949, 'norm_ops': 66790, 'norm_ltcy': 14.98864429906236, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:18:59.380000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:18:59.380000",
+ "bytes": 2386891776,
+ "norm_byte": 68392960,
+ "ops": 2330949,
+ "norm_ops": 66790,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.98864429906236,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a76a9878792130df1f365f78d10d539c07f78155fbd67e7d524f75781422324",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:00.381000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:00.381000', 'bytes': 2455297024, 'norm_byte': 68405248, 'ops': 2397751, 'norm_ops': 66802, 'norm_ltcy': 14.985937190082259, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:00.381000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:00.381000",
+ "bytes": 2455297024,
+ "norm_byte": 68405248,
+ "ops": 2397751,
+ "norm_ops": 66802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.985937190082259,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a5d59e66fc2e5cbcdb84e47e3454e8052b5040241fd746077f2ae6cdbed6b3b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:01.382000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:01.382000', 'bytes': 2509962240, 'norm_byte': 54665216, 'ops': 2451135, 'norm_ops': 53384, 'norm_ltcy': 18.7527110475517, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:01.382000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:01.382000",
+ "bytes": 2509962240,
+ "norm_byte": 54665216,
+ "ops": 2451135,
+ "norm_ops": 53384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.7527110475517,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25c947580682796e0f8cf65d5c61189868df61dbc6f1fb583ee71fa7bcf48037",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:02.383000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:02.383000', 'bytes': 2562556928, 'norm_byte': 52594688, 'ops': 2502497, 'norm_ops': 51362, 'norm_ltcy': 19.491146140081675, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:02.383000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:02.383000",
+ "bytes": 2562556928,
+ "norm_byte": 52594688,
+ "ops": 2502497,
+ "norm_ops": 51362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.491146140081675,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "516db9c0ce1febdcb3e9aa0105f763b806041e3b9ca926550c314659f2d98ce2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:03.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:03.384000', 'bytes': 2614942720, 'norm_byte': 52385792, 'ops': 2553655, 'norm_ops': 51158, 'norm_ltcy': 19.569022646445816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:03.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:03.384000",
+ "bytes": 2614942720,
+ "norm_byte": 52385792,
+ "ops": 2553655,
+ "norm_ops": 51158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.569022646445816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf393d2cc9c0bfac1fcd6fc6fd91865af57d9d12f65c895235dbcbf431d5d64c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:04.385000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:04.385000', 'bytes': 2680599552, 'norm_byte': 65656832, 'ops': 2617773, 'norm_ops': 64118, 'norm_ltcy': 15.613493200524813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:04.385000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:04.385000",
+ "bytes": 2680599552,
+ "norm_byte": 65656832,
+ "ops": 2617773,
+ "norm_ops": 64118,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.613493200524813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da11536bf9134e997264b464c7d17b6163fdd6d9d5a1113b14c40cb6bf68188a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:05.387000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:05.387000', 'bytes': 2748498944, 'norm_byte': 67899392, 'ops': 2684081, 'norm_ops': 66308, 'norm_ltcy': 15.097767738479897, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:05.387000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:05.387000",
+ "bytes": 2748498944,
+ "norm_byte": 67899392,
+ "ops": 2684081,
+ "norm_ops": 66308,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.097767738479897,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0fde5224295f452a01e608348417312a6f56616b154480022cb94e177796d5b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:06.388000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:06.388000', 'bytes': 2816906240, 'norm_byte': 68407296, 'ops': 2750885, 'norm_ops': 66804, 'norm_ltcy': 14.985751666021121, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:06.388000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:06.388000",
+ "bytes": 2816906240,
+ "norm_byte": 68407296,
+ "ops": 2750885,
+ "norm_ops": 66804,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.985751666021121,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a448dcd20bd8aeb6f1b3a9c09924ab2ced34509295bd08ad9f1b79e28380093",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:07.389000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:07.389000', 'bytes': 2855451648, 'norm_byte': 38545408, 'ops': 2788527, 'norm_ops': 37642, 'norm_ltcy': 26.59518482720432, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:07.389000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:07.389000",
+ "bytes": 2855451648,
+ "norm_byte": 38545408,
+ "ops": 2788527,
+ "norm_ops": 37642,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.59518482720432,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d79cc0c029c1aebef13e0eecaa3e37df93347caf0934b175d2b494984bc15cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:08.390000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:08.390000', 'bytes': 2921399296, 'norm_byte': 65947648, 'ops': 2852929, 'norm_ops': 64402, 'norm_ltcy': 15.544436095734603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:08.390000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:08.390000",
+ "bytes": 2921399296,
+ "norm_byte": 65947648,
+ "ops": 2852929,
+ "norm_ops": 64402,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.544436095734603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39e2db3d4c3f268787a236ab39aba9360810f1272934bf6458b4396b9b32552e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:09.391000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:09.391000', 'bytes': 2987310080, 'norm_byte': 65910784, 'ops': 2917295, 'norm_ops': 64366, 'norm_ltcy': 15.55331597936993, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:09.391000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:09.391000",
+ "bytes": 2987310080,
+ "norm_byte": 65910784,
+ "ops": 2917295,
+ "norm_ops": 64366,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.55331597936993,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "316a3ad1b7eda609a20b544a65455c31958aa9d41944a1ba3c2ad864fbbb24a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:10.391000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:10.391000', 'bytes': 3025818624, 'norm_byte': 38508544, 'ops': 2954901, 'norm_ops': 37606, 'norm_ltcy': 26.601421232649045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:10.391000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:10.391000",
+ "bytes": 3025818624,
+ "norm_byte": 38508544,
+ "ops": 2954901,
+ "norm_ops": 37606,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.601421232649045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f27ac4933ee6d91e32aa7e5920e8cffbcf8fc6f41a35aab2f2c36b590a28639",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:11.392000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:11.392000', 'bytes': 3063514112, 'norm_byte': 37695488, 'ops': 2991713, 'norm_ops': 36812, 'norm_ltcy': 27.194859501487286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:11.392000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:11.392000",
+ "bytes": 3063514112,
+ "norm_byte": 37695488,
+ "ops": 2991713,
+ "norm_ops": 36812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.194859501487286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "849b20d8bf7602f1d872ef16e88b69253c36efef45648418fa600b0818adaa90",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:12.394000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:12.394000', 'bytes': 3117574144, 'norm_byte': 54060032, 'ops': 3044506, 'norm_ops': 52793, 'norm_ltcy': 18.962655257029816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:12.394000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:12.394000",
+ "bytes": 3117574144,
+ "norm_byte": 54060032,
+ "ops": 3044506,
+ "norm_ops": 52793,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.962655257029816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d68e63000e105e7ff47c60d4afd6ccbbb790d6bb8dc384963d31cb18715dac5a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:13.395000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:13.395000', 'bytes': 3171769344, 'norm_byte': 54195200, 'ops': 3097431, 'norm_ops': 52925, 'norm_ltcy': 18.91525910043694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:13.395000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:13.395000",
+ "bytes": 3171769344,
+ "norm_byte": 54195200,
+ "ops": 3097431,
+ "norm_ops": 52925,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.91525910043694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "124358d9612eb6c33531c863030fd24bd8114423e4bcaca1c4bb2d9d51d7b9a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:14.396000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:14.396000', 'bytes': 3211140096, 'norm_byte': 39370752, 'ops': 3135879, 'norm_ops': 38448, 'norm_ltcy': 26.036174010595477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:14.396000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:14.396000",
+ "bytes": 3211140096,
+ "norm_byte": 39370752,
+ "ops": 3135879,
+ "norm_ops": 38448,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.036174010595477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e32bf2c958b137e775ab30c408830ef43b508cd7c326f1ed543bb208944eff7c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:15.397000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:15.397000', 'bytes': 3277122560, 'norm_byte': 65982464, 'ops': 3200315, 'norm_ops': 64436, 'norm_ltcy': 15.535491369343225, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:15.397000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:15.397000",
+ "bytes": 3277122560,
+ "norm_byte": 65982464,
+ "ops": 3200315,
+ "norm_ops": 64436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.535491369343225,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee00877c9bd748558f8ae4e493c9ecf4289311e0c86372556430992b28f3cdfb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:16.398000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:16.398000', 'bytes': 3342883840, 'norm_byte': 65761280, 'ops': 3264535, 'norm_ops': 64220, 'norm_ltcy': 15.587725026033556, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:16.398000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:16.398000",
+ "bytes": 3342883840,
+ "norm_byte": 65761280,
+ "ops": 3264535,
+ "norm_ops": 64220,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.587725026033556,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "883b7185619160bab2e29d982f4551601093318f8d6e4011af0a46b46363cfa9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:17.399000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:17.399000', 'bytes': 3395765248, 'norm_byte': 52881408, 'ops': 3316177, 'norm_ops': 51642, 'norm_ltcy': 19.38423708385374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:17.399000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:17.399000",
+ "bytes": 3395765248,
+ "norm_byte": 52881408,
+ "ops": 3316177,
+ "norm_ops": 51642,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.38423708385374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03ae191fdec5cfa1737f6f2c650ef088741d0b65426aca2d75b2190dcc021ded",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:18.400000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:18.400000', 'bytes': 3450514432, 'norm_byte': 54749184, 'ops': 3369643, 'norm_ops': 53466, 'norm_ltcy': 18.722963980613848, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:18.400000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:18.400000",
+ "bytes": 3450514432,
+ "norm_byte": 54749184,
+ "ops": 3369643,
+ "norm_ops": 53466,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.722963980613848,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca861d9ca4f3ed68eb27046811de8422b75b5c0958ae2c9610635ec828207e11",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:19.401000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:19.401000', 'bytes': 3519060992, 'norm_byte': 68546560, 'ops': 3436583, 'norm_ops': 66940, 'norm_ltcy': 14.954309888052734, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:19.401000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:19.401000",
+ "bytes": 3519060992,
+ "norm_byte": 68546560,
+ "ops": 3436583,
+ "norm_ops": 66940,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.954309888052734,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "36b4632921a52b4dd178539dcd52bc70055991794aa7bf45c5e83fd525ff8e9c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:19:20.602000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:19:20.602000', 'bytes': 3587357696, 'norm_byte': 68296704, 'ops': 3503279, 'norm_ops': 66696, 'norm_ltcy': 18.011465824177986, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:19:20.602000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:19:20.602000",
+ "bytes": 3587357696,
+ "norm_byte": 68296704,
+ "ops": 3503279,
+ "norm_ops": 66696,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.011465824177986,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1343de1a-2972-59b7-923e-a561a59a9e08",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ba6b04721089b8cafff94867a1b82745f13c3db881653a12bcc2e4141639264",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 59789294.93333333
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 58387.98333333333
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 26.59549664747656
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:19:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-023-220519201535/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-023-220519201535/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a3b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-023-220519201535/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-023-220519201535/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-023-220519201535/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-023-220519201535/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-023-220519201535/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-023-220519201535/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..797b15d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-023-220519201535/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=55
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=25
+ vm.swappiness=35
+ net.core.busy_read=50
+ net.core.busy_poll=0
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-024-220519201737/220519201737-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-024-220519201737/220519201737-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..627bec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-024-220519201737/220519201737-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:20:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991621146.4143 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991622147.5374 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991622147.6230 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991623148.7156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35488768 nr_ops:34657\ntimestamp_ms:1652991624149.8066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70749184 nr_ops:69091\ntimestamp_ms:1652991625150.9185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106302464 nr_ops:103811\ntimestamp_ms:1652991626152.0400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141394944 nr_ops:138081\ntimestamp_ms:1652991627153.1453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176286720 nr_ops:172155\ntimestamp_ms:1652991628154.2463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211561472 nr_ops:206603\ntimestamp_ms:1652991629155.3425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247033856 nr_ops:241244\ntimestamp_ms:1652991630156.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282330112 nr_ops:275713\ntimestamp_ms:1652991631157.5676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317643776 nr_ops:310199\ntimestamp_ms:1652991632158.6697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352883712 nr_ops:344613\ntimestamp_ms:1652991633159.7773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388162560 nr_ops:379065\ntimestamp_ms:1652991634160.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423339008 nr_ops:413417\ntimestamp_ms:1652991635161.9832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458712064 nr_ops:447961\ntimestamp_ms:1652991636163.0928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494021632 nr_ops:482443\ntimestamp_ms:1652991637164.2310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529310720 nr_ops:516905\ntimestamp_ms:1652991638164.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564372480 nr_ops:551145\ntimestamp_ms:1652991639165.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599698432 nr_ops:585643\ntimestamp_ms:1652991640167.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635196416 nr_ops:620309\ntimestamp_ms:1652991641168.1072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670639104 nr_ops:654921\ntimestamp_ms:1652991642169.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705829888 nr_ops:689287\ntimestamp_ms:1652991643169.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741067776 nr_ops:723699\ntimestamp_ms:1652991644170.8796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776289280 nr_ops:758095\ntimestamp_ms:1652991645171.9749 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812010496 nr_ops:792979\ntimestamp_ms:1652991646173.0698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847469568 nr_ops:827607\ntimestamp_ms:1652991647174.1602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882625536 nr_ops:861939\ntimestamp_ms:1652991648175.2507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917959680 nr_ops:896445\ntimestamp_ms:1652991649176.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953579520 nr_ops:931230\ntimestamp_ms:1652991650177.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:988969984 nr_ops:965791\ntimestamp_ms:1652991651178.5576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024362496 nr_ops:1000354\ntimestamp_ms:1652991652179.6516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059706880 nr_ops:1034870\ntimestamp_ms:1652991653180.7485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094953984 nr_ops:1069291\ntimestamp_ms:1652991654181.7937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130257408 nr_ops:1103767\ntimestamp_ms:1652991655182.8884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165949952 nr_ops:1138623\ntimestamp_ms:1652991656183.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201278976 nr_ops:1173124\ntimestamp_ms:1652991657185.0112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236577280 nr_ops:1207595\ntimestamp_ms:1652991658186.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271987200 nr_ops:1242175\ntimestamp_ms:1652991659186.6433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307132928 nr_ops:1276497\ntimestamp_ms:1652991660187.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342239744 nr_ops:1310781\ntimestamp_ms:1652991661188.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377907712 nr_ops:1345613\ntimestamp_ms:1652991662189.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413280768 nr_ops:1380157\ntimestamp_ms:1652991663191.0344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448381440 nr_ops:1414435\ntimestamp_ms:1652991664191.2698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483863040 nr_ops:1449085\ntimestamp_ms:1652991665191.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519227904 nr_ops:1483621\ntimestamp_ms:1652991666192.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1554791424 nr_ops:1518351\ntimestamp_ms:1652991667193.8691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589752832 nr_ops:1552493\ntimestamp_ms:1652991668194.9634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624916992 nr_ops:1586833\ntimestamp_ms:1652991669196.0547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660455936 nr_ops:1621539\ntimestamp_ms:1652991670196.8953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695661056 nr_ops:1655919\ntimestamp_ms:1652991671197.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1730679808 nr_ops:1690117\ntimestamp_ms:1652991672199.0059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766712320 nr_ops:1725305\ntimestamp_ms:1652991673200.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803316224 nr_ops:1761051\ntimestamp_ms:1652991674201.2090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1840299008 nr_ops:1797167\ntimestamp_ms:1652991675202.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1876300800 nr_ops:1832325\ntimestamp_ms:1652991676203.3264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1911538688 nr_ops:1866737\ntimestamp_ms:1652991677204.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1946702848 nr_ops:1901077\ntimestamp_ms:1652991678205.5105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1982276608 nr_ops:1935817\ntimestamp_ms:1652991679205.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2017702912 nr_ops:1970413\ntimestamp_ms:1652991680206.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2052862976 nr_ops:2004749\ntimestamp_ms:1652991681207.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2088295424 nr_ops:2039351\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140109555492608\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.1157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123377664 nr_ops:2073611\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.1846 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.1882 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682509.4053 name:Total nr_bytes:2123377664 nr_ops:2073612\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.2815 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4246755326 nr_ops:4147224\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.2822 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2123377664 nr_ops:2073614\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 192.93us 0.00ns 192.93us 192.93us \nTxn1 1036806 57.87us 0.00ns 3.81ms 22.76us \nTxn2 1 22.58us 0.00ns 22.58us 22.58us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 192.28us 0.00ns 192.28us 192.28us \nwrite 1036806 3.81us 0.00ns 196.77us 2.19us \nread 1036805 53.95us 0.00ns 3.81ms 1.64us \ndisconnect 1 21.79us 0.00ns 21.79us 21.79us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.60b/s \nnet1 16625 16625 144.97Mb/s 144.97Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.119 62.36s 1.98GB 272.38Mb/s 2073613 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.98GB 272.38Mb/s 2073614 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414431, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991621146.4143 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991622147.5374 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991622147.6230 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991623148.7156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35488768 nr_ops:34657\ntimestamp_ms:1652991624149.8066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70749184 nr_ops:69091\ntimestamp_ms:1652991625150.9185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106302464 nr_ops:103811\ntimestamp_ms:1652991626152.0400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141394944 nr_ops:138081\ntimestamp_ms:1652991627153.1453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176286720 nr_ops:172155\ntimestamp_ms:1652991628154.2463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211561472 nr_ops:206603\ntimestamp_ms:1652991629155.3425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247033856 nr_ops:241244\ntimestamp_ms:1652991630156.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282330112 nr_ops:275713\ntimestamp_ms:1652991631157.5676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317643776 nr_ops:310199\ntimestamp_ms:1652991632158.6697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352883712 nr_ops:344613\ntimestamp_ms:1652991633159.7773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388162560 nr_ops:379065\ntimestamp_ms:1652991634160.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423339008 nr_ops:413417\ntimestamp_ms:1652991635161.9832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458712064 nr_ops:447961\ntimestamp_ms:1652991636163.0928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494021632 nr_ops:482443\ntimestamp_ms:1652991637164.2310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529310720 nr_ops:516905\ntimestamp_ms:1652991638164.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564372480 nr_ops:551145\ntimestamp_ms:1652991639165.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599698432 nr_ops:585643\ntimestamp_ms:1652991640167.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635196416 nr_ops:620309\ntimestamp_ms:1652991641168.1072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670639104 nr_ops:654921\ntimestamp_ms:1652991642169.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705829888 nr_ops:689287\ntimestamp_ms:1652991643169.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741067776 nr_ops:723699\ntimestamp_ms:1652991644170.8796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776289280 nr_ops:758095\ntimestamp_ms:1652991645171.9749 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812010496 nr_ops:792979\ntimestamp_ms:1652991646173.0698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847469568 nr_ops:827607\ntimestamp_ms:1652991647174.1602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882625536 nr_ops:861939\ntimestamp_ms:1652991648175.2507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917959680 nr_ops:896445\ntimestamp_ms:1652991649176.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953579520 nr_ops:931230\ntimestamp_ms:1652991650177.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:988969984 nr_ops:965791\ntimestamp_ms:1652991651178.5576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024362496 nr_ops:1000354\ntimestamp_ms:1652991652179.6516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059706880 nr_ops:1034870\ntimestamp_ms:1652991653180.7485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094953984 nr_ops:1069291\ntimestamp_ms:1652991654181.7937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130257408 nr_ops:1103767\ntimestamp_ms:1652991655182.8884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165949952 nr_ops:1138623\ntimestamp_ms:1652991656183.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201278976 nr_ops:1173124\ntimestamp_ms:1652991657185.0112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236577280 nr_ops:1207595\ntimestamp_ms:1652991658186.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271987200 nr_ops:1242175\ntimestamp_ms:1652991659186.6433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307132928 nr_ops:1276497\ntimestamp_ms:1652991660187.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342239744 nr_ops:1310781\ntimestamp_ms:1652991661188.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377907712 nr_ops:1345613\ntimestamp_ms:1652991662189.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413280768 nr_ops:1380157\ntimestamp_ms:1652991663191.0344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448381440 nr_ops:1414435\ntimestamp_ms:1652991664191.2698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483863040 nr_ops:1449085\ntimestamp_ms:1652991665191.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519227904 nr_ops:1483621\ntimestamp_ms:1652991666192.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1554791424 nr_ops:1518351\ntimestamp_ms:1652991667193.8691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589752832 nr_ops:1552493\ntimestamp_ms:1652991668194.9634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624916992 nr_ops:1586833\ntimestamp_ms:1652991669196.0547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660455936 nr_ops:1621539\ntimestamp_ms:1652991670196.8953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695661056 nr_ops:1655919\ntimestamp_ms:1652991671197.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1730679808 nr_ops:1690117\ntimestamp_ms:1652991672199.0059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766712320 nr_ops:1725305\ntimestamp_ms:1652991673200.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803316224 nr_ops:1761051\ntimestamp_ms:1652991674201.2090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1840299008 nr_ops:1797167\ntimestamp_ms:1652991675202.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1876300800 nr_ops:1832325\ntimestamp_ms:1652991676203.3264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1911538688 nr_ops:1866737\ntimestamp_ms:1652991677204.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1946702848 nr_ops:1901077\ntimestamp_ms:1652991678205.5105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1982276608 nr_ops:1935817\ntimestamp_ms:1652991679205.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2017702912 nr_ops:1970413\ntimestamp_ms:1652991680206.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2052862976 nr_ops:2004749\ntimestamp_ms:1652991681207.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2088295424 nr_ops:2039351\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140109555492608\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.1157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123377664 nr_ops:2073611\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.1846 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.1882 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682509.4053 name:Total nr_bytes:2123377664 nr_ops:2073612\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.2815 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4246755326 nr_ops:4147224\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.2822 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2123377664 nr_ops:2073614\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 192.93us 0.00ns 192.93us 192.93us \nTxn1 1036806 57.87us 0.00ns 3.81ms 22.76us \nTxn2 1 22.58us 0.00ns 22.58us 22.58us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 192.28us 0.00ns 192.28us 192.28us \nwrite 1036806 3.81us 0.00ns 196.77us 2.19us \nread 1036805 53.95us 0.00ns 3.81ms 1.64us \ndisconnect 1 21.79us 0.00ns 21.79us 21.79us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.60b/s \nnet1 16625 16625 144.97Mb/s 144.97Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.119 62.36s 1.98GB 272.38Mb/s 2073613 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.98GB 272.38Mb/s 2073614 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414431, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991621146.4143 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991622147.5374 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991622147.6230 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991623148.7156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35488768 nr_ops:34657\ntimestamp_ms:1652991624149.8066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70749184 nr_ops:69091\ntimestamp_ms:1652991625150.9185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106302464 nr_ops:103811\ntimestamp_ms:1652991626152.0400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141394944 nr_ops:138081\ntimestamp_ms:1652991627153.1453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176286720 nr_ops:172155\ntimestamp_ms:1652991628154.2463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211561472 nr_ops:206603\ntimestamp_ms:1652991629155.3425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247033856 nr_ops:241244\ntimestamp_ms:1652991630156.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282330112 nr_ops:275713\ntimestamp_ms:1652991631157.5676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317643776 nr_ops:310199\ntimestamp_ms:1652991632158.6697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352883712 nr_ops:344613\ntimestamp_ms:1652991633159.7773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388162560 nr_ops:379065\ntimestamp_ms:1652991634160.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423339008 nr_ops:413417\ntimestamp_ms:1652991635161.9832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458712064 nr_ops:447961\ntimestamp_ms:1652991636163.0928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494021632 nr_ops:482443\ntimestamp_ms:1652991637164.2310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529310720 nr_ops:516905\ntimestamp_ms:1652991638164.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564372480 nr_ops:551145\ntimestamp_ms:1652991639165.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599698432 nr_ops:585643\ntimestamp_ms:1652991640167.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635196416 nr_ops:620309\ntimestamp_ms:1652991641168.1072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670639104 nr_ops:654921\ntimestamp_ms:1652991642169.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705829888 nr_ops:689287\ntimestamp_ms:1652991643169.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741067776 nr_ops:723699\ntimestamp_ms:1652991644170.8796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776289280 nr_ops:758095\ntimestamp_ms:1652991645171.9749 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812010496 nr_ops:792979\ntimestamp_ms:1652991646173.0698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847469568 nr_ops:827607\ntimestamp_ms:1652991647174.1602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882625536 nr_ops:861939\ntimestamp_ms:1652991648175.2507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917959680 nr_ops:896445\ntimestamp_ms:1652991649176.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953579520 nr_ops:931230\ntimestamp_ms:1652991650177.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:988969984 nr_ops:965791\ntimestamp_ms:1652991651178.5576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024362496 nr_ops:1000354\ntimestamp_ms:1652991652179.6516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059706880 nr_ops:1034870\ntimestamp_ms:1652991653180.7485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094953984 nr_ops:1069291\ntimestamp_ms:1652991654181.7937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130257408 nr_ops:1103767\ntimestamp_ms:1652991655182.8884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165949952 nr_ops:1138623\ntimestamp_ms:1652991656183.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201278976 nr_ops:1173124\ntimestamp_ms:1652991657185.0112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236577280 nr_ops:1207595\ntimestamp_ms:1652991658186.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271987200 nr_ops:1242175\ntimestamp_ms:1652991659186.6433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307132928 nr_ops:1276497\ntimestamp_ms:1652991660187.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342239744 nr_ops:1310781\ntimestamp_ms:1652991661188.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377907712 nr_ops:1345613\ntimestamp_ms:1652991662189.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413280768 nr_ops:1380157\ntimestamp_ms:1652991663191.0344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448381440 nr_ops:1414435\ntimestamp_ms:1652991664191.2698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483863040 nr_ops:1449085\ntimestamp_ms:1652991665191.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519227904 nr_ops:1483621\ntimestamp_ms:1652991666192.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1554791424 nr_ops:1518351\ntimestamp_ms:1652991667193.8691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589752832 nr_ops:1552493\ntimestamp_ms:1652991668194.9634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624916992 nr_ops:1586833\ntimestamp_ms:1652991669196.0547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660455936 nr_ops:1621539\ntimestamp_ms:1652991670196.8953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695661056 nr_ops:1655919\ntimestamp_ms:1652991671197.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1730679808 nr_ops:1690117\ntimestamp_ms:1652991672199.0059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766712320 nr_ops:1725305\ntimestamp_ms:1652991673200.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803316224 nr_ops:1761051\ntimestamp_ms:1652991674201.2090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1840299008 nr_ops:1797167\ntimestamp_ms:1652991675202.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1876300800 nr_ops:1832325\ntimestamp_ms:1652991676203.3264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1911538688 nr_ops:1866737\ntimestamp_ms:1652991677204.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1946702848 nr_ops:1901077\ntimestamp_ms:1652991678205.5105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1982276608 nr_ops:1935817\ntimestamp_ms:1652991679205.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2017702912 nr_ops:1970413\ntimestamp_ms:1652991680206.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2052862976 nr_ops:2004749\ntimestamp_ms:1652991681207.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2088295424 nr_ops:2039351\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140109555492608\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.1157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123377664 nr_ops:2073611\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.1846 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.1882 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682509.4053 name:Total nr_bytes:2123377664 nr_ops:2073612\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.2815 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4246755326 nr_ops:4147224\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991682409.2822 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2123377664 nr_ops:2073614\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 192.93us 0.00ns 192.93us 192.93us \nTxn1 1036806 57.87us 0.00ns 3.81ms 22.76us \nTxn2 1 22.58us 0.00ns 22.58us 22.58us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 192.28us 0.00ns 192.28us 192.28us \nwrite 1036806 3.81us 0.00ns 196.77us 2.19us \nread 1036805 53.95us 0.00ns 3.81ms 1.64us \ndisconnect 1 21.79us 0.00ns 21.79us 21.79us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.60b/s \nnet1 16625 16625 144.97Mb/s 144.97Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.119 62.36s 1.98GB 272.38Mb/s 2073613 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.98GB 272.38Mb/s 2073614 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414431, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991621146.4143 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991622147.5374 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991622147.6230 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991623148.7156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35488768 nr_ops:34657
+timestamp_ms:1652991624149.8066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70749184 nr_ops:69091
+timestamp_ms:1652991625150.9185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106302464 nr_ops:103811
+timestamp_ms:1652991626152.0400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141394944 nr_ops:138081
+timestamp_ms:1652991627153.1453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176286720 nr_ops:172155
+timestamp_ms:1652991628154.2463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211561472 nr_ops:206603
+timestamp_ms:1652991629155.3425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247033856 nr_ops:241244
+timestamp_ms:1652991630156.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282330112 nr_ops:275713
+timestamp_ms:1652991631157.5676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317643776 nr_ops:310199
+timestamp_ms:1652991632158.6697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352883712 nr_ops:344613
+timestamp_ms:1652991633159.7773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388162560 nr_ops:379065
+timestamp_ms:1652991634160.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423339008 nr_ops:413417
+timestamp_ms:1652991635161.9832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458712064 nr_ops:447961
+timestamp_ms:1652991636163.0928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494021632 nr_ops:482443
+timestamp_ms:1652991637164.2310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529310720 nr_ops:516905
+timestamp_ms:1652991638164.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564372480 nr_ops:551145
+timestamp_ms:1652991639165.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599698432 nr_ops:585643
+timestamp_ms:1652991640167.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635196416 nr_ops:620309
+timestamp_ms:1652991641168.1072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670639104 nr_ops:654921
+timestamp_ms:1652991642169.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705829888 nr_ops:689287
+timestamp_ms:1652991643169.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741067776 nr_ops:723699
+timestamp_ms:1652991644170.8796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776289280 nr_ops:758095
+timestamp_ms:1652991645171.9749 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812010496 nr_ops:792979
+timestamp_ms:1652991646173.0698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847469568 nr_ops:827607
+timestamp_ms:1652991647174.1602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882625536 nr_ops:861939
+timestamp_ms:1652991648175.2507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917959680 nr_ops:896445
+timestamp_ms:1652991649176.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953579520 nr_ops:931230
+timestamp_ms:1652991650177.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:988969984 nr_ops:965791
+timestamp_ms:1652991651178.5576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024362496 nr_ops:1000354
+timestamp_ms:1652991652179.6516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059706880 nr_ops:1034870
+timestamp_ms:1652991653180.7485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094953984 nr_ops:1069291
+timestamp_ms:1652991654181.7937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130257408 nr_ops:1103767
+timestamp_ms:1652991655182.8884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165949952 nr_ops:1138623
+timestamp_ms:1652991656183.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201278976 nr_ops:1173124
+timestamp_ms:1652991657185.0112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236577280 nr_ops:1207595
+timestamp_ms:1652991658186.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271987200 nr_ops:1242175
+timestamp_ms:1652991659186.6433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307132928 nr_ops:1276497
+timestamp_ms:1652991660187.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342239744 nr_ops:1310781
+timestamp_ms:1652991661188.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377907712 nr_ops:1345613
+timestamp_ms:1652991662189.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413280768 nr_ops:1380157
+timestamp_ms:1652991663191.0344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448381440 nr_ops:1414435
+timestamp_ms:1652991664191.2698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483863040 nr_ops:1449085
+timestamp_ms:1652991665191.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519227904 nr_ops:1483621
+timestamp_ms:1652991666192.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1554791424 nr_ops:1518351
+timestamp_ms:1652991667193.8691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589752832 nr_ops:1552493
+timestamp_ms:1652991668194.9634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624916992 nr_ops:1586833
+timestamp_ms:1652991669196.0547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660455936 nr_ops:1621539
+timestamp_ms:1652991670196.8953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695661056 nr_ops:1655919
+timestamp_ms:1652991671197.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1730679808 nr_ops:1690117
+timestamp_ms:1652991672199.0059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766712320 nr_ops:1725305
+timestamp_ms:1652991673200.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803316224 nr_ops:1761051
+timestamp_ms:1652991674201.2090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1840299008 nr_ops:1797167
+timestamp_ms:1652991675202.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1876300800 nr_ops:1832325
+timestamp_ms:1652991676203.3264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1911538688 nr_ops:1866737
+timestamp_ms:1652991677204.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1946702848 nr_ops:1901077
+timestamp_ms:1652991678205.5105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1982276608 nr_ops:1935817
+timestamp_ms:1652991679205.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2017702912 nr_ops:1970413
+timestamp_ms:1652991680206.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2052862976 nr_ops:2004749
+timestamp_ms:1652991681207.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2088295424 nr_ops:2039351
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140109555492608
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652991682409.1157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123377664 nr_ops:2073611
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991682409.1846 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991682409.1882 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991682509.4053 name:Total nr_bytes:2123377664 nr_ops:2073612
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991682409.2815 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4246755326 nr_ops:4147224
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991682409.2822 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2123377664 nr_ops:2073614
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 192.93us 0.00ns 192.93us 192.93us
+Txn1 1036806 57.87us 0.00ns 3.81ms 22.76us
+Txn2 1 22.58us 0.00ns 22.58us 22.58us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 192.28us 0.00ns 192.28us 192.28us
+write 1036806 3.81us 0.00ns 196.77us 2.19us
+read 1036805 53.95us 0.00ns 3.81ms 1.64us
+disconnect 1 21.79us 0.00ns 21.79us 21.79us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.60b/s
+net1 16625 16625 144.97Mb/s 144.97Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.119 62.36s 1.98GB 272.38Mb/s 2073613 0.00
+master 62.36s 1.98GB 272.38Mb/s 2073614 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:23.148000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:23.148000', 'bytes': 35488768, 'norm_byte': 35488768, 'ops': 34657, 'norm_ops': 34657, 'norm_ltcy': 28.885723787312084, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:23.148000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:23.148000",
+ "bytes": 35488768,
+ "norm_byte": 35488768,
+ "ops": 34657,
+ "norm_ops": 34657,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.885723787312084,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95fbda881171a261e52f983b34523746bd5b805780cf8ddef5a95257e1090b6e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:24.149000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:24.149000', 'bytes': 70749184, 'norm_byte': 35260416, 'ops': 69091, 'norm_ops': 34434, 'norm_ltcy': 29.072749737269124, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:24.149000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:24.149000",
+ "bytes": 70749184,
+ "norm_byte": 35260416,
+ "ops": 69091,
+ "norm_ops": 34434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.072749737269124,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb4e6ea0646224d8d4f557d648c7893548fd91a96e191f0a611454496947baf4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:25.150000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:25.150000', 'bytes': 106302464, 'norm_byte': 35553280, 'ops': 103811, 'norm_ops': 34720, 'norm_ltcy': 28.83386567990351, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:25.150000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:25.150000",
+ "bytes": 106302464,
+ "norm_byte": 35553280,
+ "ops": 103811,
+ "norm_ops": 34720,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.83386567990351,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c44a1be9187f5b08ca29a50a7e5583501fa703534b0562e2f14c515e9c0aa27a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:26.152000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:26.152000', 'bytes': 141394944, 'norm_byte': 35092480, 'ops': 138081, 'norm_ops': 34270, 'norm_ltcy': 29.212768661548, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:26.152000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:26.152000",
+ "bytes": 141394944,
+ "norm_byte": 35092480,
+ "ops": 138081,
+ "norm_ops": 34270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.212768661548,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad6ba9eb5f9094a7c260b7e149c9032b0a5ccb2721d537d43f0d9609053d2f14",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:27.153000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:27.153000', 'bytes': 176286720, 'norm_byte': 34891776, 'ops': 172155, 'norm_ops': 34074, 'norm_ltcy': 29.380325896853172, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:27.153000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:27.153000",
+ "bytes": 176286720,
+ "norm_byte": 34891776,
+ "ops": 172155,
+ "norm_ops": 34074,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.380325896853172,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eacb9e54d2e404ac54db7966e7b139a5fa50b24a316a231bee47f027107cdb63",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:28.154000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:28.154000', 'bytes': 211561472, 'norm_byte': 35274752, 'ops': 206603, 'norm_ops': 34448, 'norm_ltcy': 29.061224867009695, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:28.154000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:28.154000",
+ "bytes": 211561472,
+ "norm_byte": 35274752,
+ "ops": 206603,
+ "norm_ops": 34448,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.061224867009695,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e54625cb85832671739eaaa25ea550c519a19196741af0050aaf356d038d13da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:29.155000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:29.155000', 'bytes': 247033856, 'norm_byte': 35472384, 'ops': 241244, 'norm_ops': 34641, 'norm_ltcy': 28.899171253897116, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:29.155000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:29.155000",
+ "bytes": 247033856,
+ "norm_byte": 35472384,
+ "ops": 241244,
+ "norm_ops": 34641,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.899171253897116,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b40a6f91f9f764eadf8023c81aca9453090489a3f7044ba895f9598c4c634998",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:30.156000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:30.156000', 'bytes': 282330112, 'norm_byte': 35296256, 'ops': 275713, 'norm_ops': 34469, 'norm_ltcy': 29.043682423427573, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:30.156000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:30.156000",
+ "bytes": 282330112,
+ "norm_byte": 35296256,
+ "ops": 275713,
+ "norm_ops": 34469,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.043682423427573,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "32a53ec63a770a1ad5c369fa677a188d2c2033d0acc22ce96ff8126efdcdf058",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:31.157000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:31.157000', 'bytes': 317643776, 'norm_byte': 35313664, 'ops': 310199, 'norm_ops': 34486, 'norm_ltcy': 29.029705045616335, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:31.157000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:31.157000",
+ "bytes": 317643776,
+ "norm_byte": 35313664,
+ "ops": 310199,
+ "norm_ops": 34486,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.029705045616335,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ab8a85b39a440e8f99fc58038e49dcec3cf6bc442f4903ac019cd8dd6697d47",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:32.158000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:32.158000', 'bytes': 352883712, 'norm_byte': 35239936, 'ops': 344613, 'norm_ops': 34414, 'norm_ltcy': 29.089964862592257, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:32.158000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:32.158000",
+ "bytes": 352883712,
+ "norm_byte": 35239936,
+ "ops": 344613,
+ "norm_ops": 34414,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.089964862592257,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a669a392dd34ddac035af46ef2c30f61740d32ec0a2095ceaa458a878e619504",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:33.159000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:33.159000', 'bytes': 388162560, 'norm_byte': 35278848, 'ops': 379065, 'norm_ops': 34452, 'norm_ltcy': 29.058042087995616, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:33.159000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:33.159000",
+ "bytes": 388162560,
+ "norm_byte": 35278848,
+ "ops": 379065,
+ "norm_ops": 34452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.058042087995616,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3853593c920168db0a4c1f2f7d03e6e2611aa921460e27da0b81378e066802d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:34.160000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:34.160000', 'bytes': 423339008, 'norm_byte': 35176448, 'ops': 413417, 'norm_ops': 34352, 'norm_ltcy': 29.142794633500234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:34.160000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:34.160000",
+ "bytes": 423339008,
+ "norm_byte": 35176448,
+ "ops": 413417,
+ "norm_ops": 34352,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.142794633500234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "118bc66a4f4c55e30763b29f936a15d6a98ed9888dc7cbf11d9fa1d7ec494b49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:35.161000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:35.161000', 'bytes': 458712064, 'norm_byte': 35373056, 'ops': 447961, 'norm_ops': 34544, 'norm_ltcy': 28.980214488677486, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:35.161000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:35.161000",
+ "bytes": 458712064,
+ "norm_byte": 35373056,
+ "ops": 447961,
+ "norm_ops": 34544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.980214488677486,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9106a4f4963286cdcdc3795eb4e59fd9905534b54c8228cba39e78c1707ea397",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:36.163000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:36.163000', 'bytes': 494021632, 'norm_byte': 35309568, 'ops': 482443, 'norm_ops': 34482, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03281767706702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:36.163000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:36.163000",
+ "bytes": 494021632,
+ "norm_byte": 35309568,
+ "ops": 482443,
+ "norm_ops": 34482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03281767706702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a43d3698db76c07b274e93652d6c3488c1f51a36405adef5fc98c8e7f28e4bfb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:37.164000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:37.164000', 'bytes': 529310720, 'norm_byte': 35289088, 'ops': 516905, 'norm_ops': 34462, 'norm_ltcy': 29.05049572264378, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:37.164000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:37.164000",
+ "bytes": 529310720,
+ "norm_byte": 35289088,
+ "ops": 516905,
+ "norm_ops": 34462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.05049572264378,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f790e5a40747ecdb846e8145d623a8ff3aecab482f96e509ed35a4676bcba67a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:38.164000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:38.164000', 'bytes': 564372480, 'norm_byte': 35061760, 'ops': 551145, 'norm_ops': 34240, 'norm_ltcy': 29.223376122590537, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:38.164000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:38.164000",
+ "bytes": 564372480,
+ "norm_byte": 35061760,
+ "ops": 551145,
+ "norm_ops": 34240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.223376122590537,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "44b0d0814a74b765408d3f7b1d599033870eb8ec027b4ebe4607abcbe6e17efc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:39.165000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:39.165000', 'bytes': 599698432, 'norm_byte': 35325952, 'ops': 585643, 'norm_ops': 34498, 'norm_ltcy': 29.018821630058262, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:39.165000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:39.165000",
+ "bytes": 599698432,
+ "norm_byte": 35325952,
+ "ops": 585643,
+ "norm_ops": 34498,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.018821630058262,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "213b028d99a90566d60d570f6dc1f2916a8d3984ba401b5543d55e38c03fa863",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:40.167000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:40.167000', 'bytes': 635196416, 'norm_byte': 35497984, 'ops': 620309, 'norm_ops': 34666, 'norm_ltcy': 28.878118825001444, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:40.167000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:40.167000",
+ "bytes": 635196416,
+ "norm_byte": 35497984,
+ "ops": 620309,
+ "norm_ops": 34666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.878118825001444,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "789b59403a89a8a25fdd9d0a0021220c1e9257e53113fc193bde5141c00235f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:41.168000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:41.168000', 'bytes': 670639104, 'norm_byte': 35442688, 'ops': 654921, 'norm_ops': 34612, 'norm_ltcy': 28.923137827469517, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:41.168000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:41.168000",
+ "bytes": 670639104,
+ "norm_byte": 35442688,
+ "ops": 654921,
+ "norm_ops": 34612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.923137827469517,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ad0a3a2d98a1a1148d237a07dbc202c11163e499264c1d45e8764cac90045fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:42.169000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:42.169000', 'bytes': 705829888, 'norm_byte': 35190784, 'ops': 689287, 'norm_ops': 34366, 'norm_ltcy': 29.130233358824857, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:42.169000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:42.169000",
+ "bytes": 705829888,
+ "norm_byte": 35190784,
+ "ops": 689287,
+ "norm_ops": 34366,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.130233358824857,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78dcc3dd028989278a2052a6b1c16b9bc772fafd89c44687eab02e56d576f96d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:43.169000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:43.169000', 'bytes': 741067776, 'norm_byte': 35237888, 'ops': 723699, 'norm_ops': 34412, 'norm_ltcy': 29.07812607838472, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:43.169000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:43.169000",
+ "bytes": 741067776,
+ "norm_byte": 35237888,
+ "ops": 723699,
+ "norm_ops": 34412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.07812607838472,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a89f36c5daf5e768adeba726d6e74f3736f0eeac8fa6b71b765861729d2dff5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:44.170000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:44.170000', 'bytes': 776289280, 'norm_byte': 35221504, 'ops': 758095, 'norm_ops': 34396, 'norm_ltcy': 29.103569796451623, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:44.170000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:44.170000",
+ "bytes": 776289280,
+ "norm_byte": 35221504,
+ "ops": 758095,
+ "norm_ops": 34396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.103569796451623,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50350faac080d58ebcb2a272a7b741f8317994fdd650433c5dca952f98506cf5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:45.171000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:45.171000', 'bytes': 812010496, 'norm_byte': 35721216, 'ops': 792979, 'norm_ops': 34884, 'norm_ltcy': 28.69783324285489, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:45.171000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:45.171000",
+ "bytes": 812010496,
+ "norm_byte": 35721216,
+ "ops": 792979,
+ "norm_ops": 34884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.69783324285489,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "621d6b62bab175d27b9fea3fa60c4cabb5e4f6748832d9e24dad447ec761870f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:46.173000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:46.173000', 'bytes': 847469568, 'norm_byte': 35459072, 'ops': 827607, 'norm_ops': 34628, 'norm_ltcy': 28.90998529233929, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:46.173000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:46.173000",
+ "bytes": 847469568,
+ "norm_byte": 35459072,
+ "ops": 827607,
+ "norm_ops": 34628,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.90998529233929,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fec5ebad7c61a7b056f80f4275a985c790167c19b88bb1445ae9a9b5bbbb6d3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:47.174000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:47.174000', 'bytes': 882625536, 'norm_byte': 35155968, 'ops': 861939, 'norm_ops': 34332, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15910322822003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:47.174000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:47.174000",
+ "bytes": 882625536,
+ "norm_byte": 35155968,
+ "ops": 861939,
+ "norm_ops": 34332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15910322822003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eaaef5e0845c05ff7aa2b4c4e1338ea9faec95f6beef346883ed1520fe58ec4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:48.175000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:48.175000', 'bytes': 917959680, 'norm_byte': 35334144, 'ops': 896445, 'norm_ops': 34506, 'norm_ltcy': 29.0120725720708, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:48.175000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:48.175000",
+ "bytes": 917959680,
+ "norm_byte": 35334144,
+ "ops": 896445,
+ "norm_ops": 34506,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.0120725720708,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d0dae8efb10288deb577f64ecb77ef6e5884bf68e87bcf7b82f3b70cf6affc03",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:49.176000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:49.176000', 'bytes': 953579520, 'norm_byte': 35619840, 'ops': 931230, 'norm_ops': 34785, 'norm_ltcy': 28.77934740863519, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:49.176000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:49.176000",
+ "bytes": 953579520,
+ "norm_byte": 35619840,
+ "ops": 931230,
+ "norm_ops": 34785,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.77934740863519,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7532aa7ab69acd003e8cee774a3ae55cc92eaa181b71b91b93baf6ee5dcc7eca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:50.177000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:50.177000', 'bytes': 988969984, 'norm_byte': 35390464, 'ops': 965791, 'norm_ops': 34561, 'norm_ltcy': 28.966157380700068, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:50.177000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:50.177000",
+ "bytes": 988969984,
+ "norm_byte": 35390464,
+ "ops": 965791,
+ "norm_ops": 34561,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.966157380700068,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "264da6c9cd8006d2179da32925bfdafc41588648c9141302dd76fa87402f5e82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:51.178000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:51.178000', 'bytes': 1024362496, 'norm_byte': 35392512, 'ops': 1000354, 'norm_ops': 34563, 'norm_ltcy': 28.965018080660677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:51.178000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:51.178000",
+ "bytes": 1024362496,
+ "norm_byte": 35392512,
+ "ops": 1000354,
+ "norm_ops": 34563,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.965018080660677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d8c527d251f2560cbc6cea46f62550525740dcdf0c514e936ac9e5cb0047b37",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:52.179000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:52.179000', 'bytes': 1059706880, 'norm_byte': 35344384, 'ops': 1034870, 'norm_ops': 34516, 'norm_ltcy': 29.003766199461843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:52.179000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:52.179000",
+ "bytes": 1059706880,
+ "norm_byte": 35344384,
+ "ops": 1034870,
+ "norm_ops": 34516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.003766199461843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b45f9d535d13dd8c0e37058a4f92761d4c9cfb967a213fe9c82fd6ed0e600f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:53.180000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:53.180000', 'bytes': 1094953984, 'norm_byte': 35247104, 'ops': 1069291, 'norm_ops': 34421, 'norm_ltcy': 29.08390005601595, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:53.180000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:53.180000",
+ "bytes": 1094953984,
+ "norm_byte": 35247104,
+ "ops": 1069291,
+ "norm_ops": 34421,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.08390005601595,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e4e5d8155d444bc6ac4123c54e15c08b3a2d6625185c5d2ff25d4536012442a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:54.181000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:54.181000', 'bytes': 1130257408, 'norm_byte': 35303424, 'ops': 1103767, 'norm_ops': 34476, 'norm_ltcy': 29.036000870623766, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:54.181000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:54.181000",
+ "bytes": 1130257408,
+ "norm_byte": 35303424,
+ "ops": 1103767,
+ "norm_ops": 34476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.036000870623766,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0378cfabf1328e833d047419ef1c9e6816cb848fe46d3bba8b03bee5aeda085e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:55.182000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:55.182000', 'bytes': 1165949952, 'norm_byte': 35692544, 'ops': 1138623, 'norm_ops': 34856, 'norm_ltcy': 28.720872348017558, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:55.182000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:55.182000",
+ "bytes": 1165949952,
+ "norm_byte": 35692544,
+ "ops": 1138623,
+ "norm_ops": 34856,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.720872348017558,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "153c203eb7ec13a7d3c662198a76ae45d2745f13f01b329d1f51d3723f1eb758",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:56.183000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:56.183000', 'bytes': 1201278976, 'norm_byte': 35329024, 'ops': 1173124, 'norm_ops': 34501, 'norm_ltcy': 29.016277098399325, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:56.183000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:56.183000",
+ "bytes": 1201278976,
+ "norm_byte": 35329024,
+ "ops": 1173124,
+ "norm_ops": 34501,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.016277098399325,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "062af30d7404c30bf3a0a8b39babdf172a9f0e82f39f29c17d868d777320820f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:57.185000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:57.185000', 'bytes': 1236577280, 'norm_byte': 35298304, 'ops': 1207595, 'norm_ops': 34471, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03983715478228, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:57.185000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:57.185000",
+ "bytes": 1236577280,
+ "norm_byte": 35298304,
+ "ops": 1207595,
+ "norm_ops": 34471,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03983715478228,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f4d66ab9fb191e968e73d4104b215b7044b5608b6fe39f1619840348c31ef34",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:58.186000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:58.186000', 'bytes': 1271987200, 'norm_byte': 35409920, 'ops': 1242175, 'norm_ops': 34580, 'norm_ltcy': 28.95019954860107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:58.186000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:58.186000",
+ "bytes": 1271987200,
+ "norm_byte": 35409920,
+ "ops": 1242175,
+ "norm_ops": 34580,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.95019954860107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b975a922b42f5b0c5b71e07bda66f00769b90a5b5e10c23f65309199c751f1a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:20:59.186000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:20:59.186000', 'bytes': 1307132928, 'norm_byte': 35145728, 'ops': 1276497, 'norm_ops': 34322, 'norm_ltcy': 29.151395014495076, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:20:59.186000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:20:59.186000",
+ "bytes": 1307132928,
+ "norm_byte": 35145728,
+ "ops": 1276497,
+ "norm_ops": 34322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.151395014495076,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e4d977b1cb9f54055554099ea4193e2ab9c0a9dc46693b59df0f96e69896debb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:00.187000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:00.187000', 'bytes': 1342239744, 'norm_byte': 35106816, 'ops': 1310781, 'norm_ops': 34284, 'norm_ltcy': 29.200319675814523, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:00.187000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:00.187000",
+ "bytes": 1342239744,
+ "norm_byte": 35106816,
+ "ops": 1310781,
+ "norm_ops": 34284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.200319675814523,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6479bd697015804f4c73c338c19c1fa1794179346367bf8d3d6a3518e6adab7a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:01.188000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:01.188000', 'bytes': 1377907712, 'norm_byte': 35667968, 'ops': 1345613, 'norm_ops': 34832, 'norm_ltcy': 28.740759776390963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:01.188000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:01.188000",
+ "bytes": 1377907712,
+ "norm_byte": 35667968,
+ "ops": 1345613,
+ "norm_ops": 34832,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.740759776390963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30a07069adc7f5c01e9d3bbfa72b64f51852a71583f90a8acd8d647691bf2ec0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:02.189000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:02.189000', 'bytes': 1413280768, 'norm_byte': 35373056, 'ops': 1380157, 'norm_ops': 34544, 'norm_ltcy': 28.980285163939467, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:02.189000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:02.189000",
+ "bytes": 1413280768,
+ "norm_byte": 35373056,
+ "ops": 1380157,
+ "norm_ops": 34544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.980285163939467,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "000dcb9bcdc3c7821a65da13f5665c36bdef9d3a6cf0f37e93218323ee7a66d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:03.191000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:03.191000', 'bytes': 1448381440, 'norm_byte': 35100672, 'ops': 1414435, 'norm_ops': 34278, 'norm_ltcy': 29.205153109319387, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:03.191000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:03.191000",
+ "bytes": 1448381440,
+ "norm_byte": 35100672,
+ "ops": 1414435,
+ "norm_ops": 34278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.205153109319387,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b2124e38296a0b42b6c4563990d9833f9e5e68ae2765557b02c598f8fe9e2ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:04.191000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:04.191000', 'bytes': 1483863040, 'norm_byte': 35481600, 'ops': 1449085, 'norm_ops': 34650, 'norm_ltcy': 28.866821112914863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:04.191000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:04.191000",
+ "bytes": 1483863040,
+ "norm_byte": 35481600,
+ "ops": 1449085,
+ "norm_ops": 34650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.866821112914863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66740500a3f321efc8f01d81f7b29e349cbe3104706279ecb79c000ed8d728c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:05.191000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:05.191000', 'bytes': 1519227904, 'norm_byte': 35364864, 'ops': 1483621, 'norm_ops': 34536, 'norm_ltcy': 28.971757108976863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:05.191000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:05.191000",
+ "bytes": 1519227904,
+ "norm_byte": 35364864,
+ "ops": 1483621,
+ "norm_ops": 34536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.971757108976863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "abc870df76818c1ff8c1b5c44c6578e5fa4e567c66db5f10956b4ab23da950e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:06.192000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:06.192000', 'bytes': 1554791424, 'norm_byte': 35563520, 'ops': 1518351, 'norm_ops': 34730, 'norm_ltcy': 28.822210231158223, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:06.192000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:06.192000",
+ "bytes": 1554791424,
+ "norm_byte": 35563520,
+ "ops": 1518351,
+ "norm_ops": 34730,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.822210231158223,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7865e4e4b3047d81fea606156694dc6fc76b80410d690db541d02e1a50a083fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:07.193000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:07.193000', 'bytes': 1589752832, 'norm_byte': 34961408, 'ops': 1552493, 'norm_ops': 34142, 'norm_ltcy': 29.31976452435783, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:07.193000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:07.193000",
+ "bytes": 1589752832,
+ "norm_byte": 34961408,
+ "ops": 1552493,
+ "norm_ops": 34142,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.31976452435783,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d469c3d9d0fa79abe2d5d9b094f3965a0205307b3843c8efca93143be418130",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:08.194000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:08.194000', 'bytes': 1624916992, 'norm_byte': 35164160, 'ops': 1586833, 'norm_ops': 34340, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15242394528975, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:08.194000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:08.194000",
+ "bytes": 1624916992,
+ "norm_byte": 35164160,
+ "ops": 1586833,
+ "norm_ops": 34340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15242394528975,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "daf74538edd563ab7c7e521454ac566d0214910f93b6409f23a10eec2f897a06",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:09.196000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:09.196000', 'bytes': 1660455936, 'norm_byte': 35538944, 'ops': 1621539, 'norm_ops': 34706, 'norm_ltcy': 28.844906027596092, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:09.196000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:09.196000",
+ "bytes": 1660455936,
+ "norm_byte": 35538944,
+ "ops": 1621539,
+ "norm_ops": 34706,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.844906027596092,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "487aee5260928dbdcfb28ae7a6745cb417b917fabe6a0d285f1ce56cc8504913",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:10.196000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:10.196000', 'bytes': 1695661056, 'norm_byte': 35205120, 'ops': 1655919, 'norm_ops': 34380, 'norm_ltcy': 29.111127870037084, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:10.196000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:10.196000",
+ "bytes": 1695661056,
+ "norm_byte": 35205120,
+ "ops": 1655919,
+ "norm_ops": 34380,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.111127870037084,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ee20d7fc50b651d7ff02bc2f5b4fa7a428394d69f8a150302903a56a8718532",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:11.197000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:11.197000', 'bytes': 1730679808, 'norm_byte': 35018752, 'ops': 1690117, 'norm_ops': 34198, 'norm_ltcy': 29.26898994001842, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:11.197000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:11.197000",
+ "bytes": 1730679808,
+ "norm_byte": 35018752,
+ "ops": 1690117,
+ "norm_ops": 34198,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.26898994001842,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4bb81af99caf543fe820407f716ddf15da6aebef176dec353b2ae96eeebb561c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:12.199000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:12.199000', 'bytes': 1766712320, 'norm_byte': 36032512, 'ops': 1725305, 'norm_ops': 35188, 'norm_ltcy': 28.45201994243421, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:12.199000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:12.199000",
+ "bytes": 1766712320,
+ "norm_byte": 36032512,
+ "ops": 1725305,
+ "norm_ops": 35188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.45201994243421,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dadba4a86b6553eedc05f9ca1382e3a6276e9a9d80ece86be86ca6b3fdaa943e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:13.200000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:13.200000', 'bytes': 1803316224, 'norm_byte': 36603904, 'ops': 1761051, 'norm_ops': 35746, 'norm_ltcy': 28.005933465457673, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:13.200000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:13.200000",
+ "bytes": 1803316224,
+ "norm_byte": 36603904,
+ "ops": 1761051,
+ "norm_ops": 35746,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.005933465457673,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04e8f38b4b1ef510b37939de37712f5f590389bac7a3b1c17628804eb946a780",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:14.201000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:14.201000', 'bytes': 1840299008, 'norm_byte': 36982784, 'ops': 1797167, 'norm_ops': 36116, 'norm_ltcy': 27.719100325167513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:14.201000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:14.201000",
+ "bytes": 1840299008,
+ "norm_byte": 36982784,
+ "ops": 1797167,
+ "norm_ops": 36116,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.719100325167513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "007ebd8a32aa441453742f31510bdffce539c96eae5fde0c378de4c3c3613ee8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:15.202000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:15.202000', 'bytes': 1876300800, 'norm_byte': 36001792, 'ops': 1832325, 'norm_ops': 35158, 'norm_ltcy': 28.472395207438563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:15.202000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:15.202000",
+ "bytes": 1876300800,
+ "norm_byte": 36001792,
+ "ops": 1832325,
+ "norm_ops": 35158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.472395207438563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e72137b156bfa9d54784b9aa966becac17a47d706b3ad56c6c5defee85ebbdb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:16.203000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:16.203000', 'bytes': 1911538688, 'norm_byte': 35237888, 'ops': 1866737, 'norm_ops': 34412, 'norm_ltcy': 29.09115892530222, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:16.203000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:16.203000",
+ "bytes": 1911538688,
+ "norm_byte": 35237888,
+ "ops": 1866737,
+ "norm_ops": 34412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.09115892530222,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4dc32b1ba21ec6202db42bc04fe62e82e79ef5dfcf06c5f4f398373d43ef1eb9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:17.204000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:17.204000', 'bytes': 1946702848, 'norm_byte': 35164160, 'ops': 1901077, 'norm_ops': 34340, 'norm_ltcy': 29.152352850174722, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:17.204000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:17.204000",
+ "bytes": 1946702848,
+ "norm_byte": 35164160,
+ "ops": 1901077,
+ "norm_ops": 34340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.152352850174722,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f38fe5026b49dc05be630dc1cb4f00ec7dca7b0c8a7c228fad14400b471a6e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:18.205000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:18.205000', 'bytes': 1982276608, 'norm_byte': 35573760, 'ops': 1935817, 'norm_ops': 34740, 'norm_ltcy': 28.816703660225965, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:18.205000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:18.205000",
+ "bytes": 1982276608,
+ "norm_byte": 35573760,
+ "ops": 1935817,
+ "norm_ops": 34740,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.816703660225965,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d889c9470902569f81f403f5cc206164fe86bbdc1a532b5660ad8a71335737d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:19.205000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:19.205000', 'bytes': 2017702912, 'norm_byte': 35426304, 'ops': 1970413, 'norm_ops': 34596, 'norm_ltcy': 28.91446141262718, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:19.205000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:19.205000",
+ "bytes": 2017702912,
+ "norm_byte": 35426304,
+ "ops": 1970413,
+ "norm_ops": 34596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.91446141262718,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e45a09402bd45644adb07f9fa187268ee4d03e6ffb6a925206ef47dfa6eccea0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:20.206000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:20.206000', 'bytes': 2052862976, 'norm_byte': 35160064, 'ops': 2004749, 'norm_ops': 34336, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15575608736093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:20.206000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:20.206000",
+ "bytes": 2052862976,
+ "norm_byte": 35160064,
+ "ops": 2004749,
+ "norm_ops": 34336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15575608736093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4be91fbf0eb9ba4d2082584cb01100c37710836806d6ab3389155558e6a7555c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:21.207000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:21.207000', 'bytes': 2088295424, 'norm_byte': 35432448, 'ops': 2039351, 'norm_ops': 34602, 'norm_ltcy': 28.926501211544853, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:21.207000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:21.207000",
+ "bytes": 2088295424,
+ "norm_byte": 35432448,
+ "ops": 2039351,
+ "norm_ops": 34602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.926501211544853,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5d58c58fb436efb27ec8212f1fe0ef683ac559a0878f813d20bca265c5db288",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:21:22.409000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:21:22.409000', 'bytes': 2123377664, 'norm_byte': 35082240, 'ops': 2073611, 'norm_ops': 34260, 'norm_ltcy': 35.063446632826185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:21:22.409000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:21:22.409000",
+ "bytes": 2123377664,
+ "norm_byte": 35082240,
+ "ops": 2073611,
+ "norm_ops": 34260,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.063446632826185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9eefd873-e336-55d2-9411-6db92a6e6089",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75500a0f4f992f50eea6402c8089dcd6e85933a767625ada53e32ba82b65b511",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35389627.733333334
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34560.183333333334
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.27152866923539
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:21:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-024-220519201737/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-024-220519201737/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f67c011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-024-220519201737/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-024-220519201737/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-024-220519201737/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-024-220519201737/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-024-220519201737/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-024-220519201737/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f28be9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-024-220519201737/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=200
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-025-220519201939/220519201939-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-025-220519201939/220519201939-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a69b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-025-220519201939/220519201939-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:22:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991742975.3799 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991743976.4792 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991743976.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991744977.5950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63363072 nr_ops:61878\ntimestamp_ms:1652991745978.6350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128123904 nr_ops:125121\ntimestamp_ms:1652991746979.6765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191501312 nr_ops:187013\ntimestamp_ms:1652991747980.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255460352 nr_ops:249473\ntimestamp_ms:1652991748981.7551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319409152 nr_ops:311923\ntimestamp_ms:1652991749982.8462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382986240 nr_ops:374010\ntimestamp_ms:1652991750983.8877 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446276608 nr_ops:435817\ntimestamp_ms:1652991751984.9836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509547520 nr_ops:497605\ntimestamp_ms:1652991752986.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573154304 nr_ops:559721\ntimestamp_ms:1652991753987.1155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636802048 nr_ops:621877\ntimestamp_ms:1652991754987.8931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700360704 nr_ops:683946\ntimestamp_ms:1652991755988.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763796480 nr_ops:745895\ntimestamp_ms:1652991756989.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827773952 nr_ops:808373\ntimestamp_ms:1652991757991.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891032576 nr_ops:870149\ntimestamp_ms:1652991758992.1377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955010048 nr_ops:932627\ntimestamp_ms:1652991759993.1863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018336256 nr_ops:994469\ntimestamp_ms:1652991760994.3613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1080858624 nr_ops:1055526\ntimestamp_ms:1652991761995.4663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1144318976 nr_ops:1117499\ntimestamp_ms:1652991762996.5039 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208091648 nr_ops:1179777\ntimestamp_ms:1652991763997.5984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271643136 nr_ops:1241839\ntimestamp_ms:1652991764998.6946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1336335360 nr_ops:1305015\ntimestamp_ms:1652991765999.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1399368704 nr_ops:1366571\ntimestamp_ms:1652991767000.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1462958080 nr_ops:1428670\ntimestamp_ms:1652991768002.0957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1526672384 nr_ops:1490891\ntimestamp_ms:1652991769003.1897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1588892672 nr_ops:1551653\ntimestamp_ms:1652991770004.2771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652171776 nr_ops:1613449\ntimestamp_ms:1652991771005.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1715364864 nr_ops:1675161\ntimestamp_ms:1652991772005.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1779149824 nr_ops:1737451\ntimestamp_ms:1652991773006.9253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842201600 nr_ops:1799025\ntimestamp_ms:1652991774008.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905463296 nr_ops:1860804\ntimestamp_ms:1652991775009.1272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968655360 nr_ops:1922515\ntimestamp_ms:1652991776009.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031930368 nr_ops:1984307\ntimestamp_ms:1652991777010.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095135744 nr_ops:2046031\ntimestamp_ms:1652991778012.0369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159119360 nr_ops:2108515\ntimestamp_ms:1652991779013.1321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2224267264 nr_ops:2172136\ntimestamp_ms:1652991780014.2288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2289979392 nr_ops:2236308\ntimestamp_ms:1652991781015.3215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2356549632 nr_ops:2301318\ntimestamp_ms:1652991782016.4155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2419784704 nr_ops:2363071\ntimestamp_ms:1652991783017.5103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2483299328 nr_ops:2425097\ntimestamp_ms:1652991784018.6086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2546696192 nr_ops:2487008\ntimestamp_ms:1652991785019.7085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2608856064 nr_ops:2547711\ntimestamp_ms:1652991786020.8098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2672565248 nr_ops:2609927\ntimestamp_ms:1652991787021.9182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2736886784 nr_ops:2672741\ntimestamp_ms:1652991788022.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2800876544 nr_ops:2735231\ntimestamp_ms:1652991789024.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2864399360 nr_ops:2797265\ntimestamp_ms:1652991790025.0872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2927741952 nr_ops:2859123\ntimestamp_ms:1652991791026.1807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2994756608 nr_ops:2924567\ntimestamp_ms:1652991792027.2778 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3058492416 nr_ops:2986809\ntimestamp_ms:1652991793028.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3121931264 nr_ops:3048761\ntimestamp_ms:1652991794029.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3184477184 nr_ops:3109841\ntimestamp_ms:1652991795030.5959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3247729664 nr_ops:3171611\ntimestamp_ms:1652991796031.6851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3311800320 nr_ops:3234180\ntimestamp_ms:1652991797032.7766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3374402560 nr_ops:3295315\ntimestamp_ms:1652991798033.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437685760 nr_ops:3357115\ntimestamp_ms:1652991799034.9600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3500771328 nr_ops:3418722\ntimestamp_ms:1652991800036.0469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3563879424 nr_ops:3480351\ntimestamp_ms:1652991801037.1477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3627805696 nr_ops:3542779\ntimestamp_ms:1652991802038.2542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3690902528 nr_ops:3604397\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139682941138688\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.6130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3753958400 nr_ops:3665975\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.8442 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.8586 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803340.0823 name:Total nr_bytes:3753958400 nr_ops:3665976\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.9329 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7507916798 nr_ops:7331952\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.9343 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3753958400 nr_ops:3665978\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 209.57us 0.00ns 209.57us 209.57us \nTxn1 1832988 32.17us 0.00ns 3.48ms 26.07us \nTxn2 1 48.02us 0.00ns 48.02us 48.02us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 208.95us 0.00ns 208.95us 208.95us \nwrite 1832988 3.16us 0.00ns 84.41us 2.38us \nread 1832987 28.93us 0.00ns 3.48ms 1.43us \ndisconnect 1 47.35us 0.00ns 47.35us 47.35us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 804.87b/s \nnet1 29870 29870 260.46Mb/s 260.46Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.120 61.37s 3.50GB 489.39Mb/s 3665978 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.50GB 489.39Mb/s 3665978 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.416117, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991742975.3799 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991743976.4792 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991743976.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991744977.5950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63363072 nr_ops:61878\ntimestamp_ms:1652991745978.6350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128123904 nr_ops:125121\ntimestamp_ms:1652991746979.6765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191501312 nr_ops:187013\ntimestamp_ms:1652991747980.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255460352 nr_ops:249473\ntimestamp_ms:1652991748981.7551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319409152 nr_ops:311923\ntimestamp_ms:1652991749982.8462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382986240 nr_ops:374010\ntimestamp_ms:1652991750983.8877 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446276608 nr_ops:435817\ntimestamp_ms:1652991751984.9836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509547520 nr_ops:497605\ntimestamp_ms:1652991752986.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573154304 nr_ops:559721\ntimestamp_ms:1652991753987.1155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636802048 nr_ops:621877\ntimestamp_ms:1652991754987.8931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700360704 nr_ops:683946\ntimestamp_ms:1652991755988.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763796480 nr_ops:745895\ntimestamp_ms:1652991756989.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827773952 nr_ops:808373\ntimestamp_ms:1652991757991.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891032576 nr_ops:870149\ntimestamp_ms:1652991758992.1377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955010048 nr_ops:932627\ntimestamp_ms:1652991759993.1863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018336256 nr_ops:994469\ntimestamp_ms:1652991760994.3613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1080858624 nr_ops:1055526\ntimestamp_ms:1652991761995.4663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1144318976 nr_ops:1117499\ntimestamp_ms:1652991762996.5039 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208091648 nr_ops:1179777\ntimestamp_ms:1652991763997.5984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271643136 nr_ops:1241839\ntimestamp_ms:1652991764998.6946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1336335360 nr_ops:1305015\ntimestamp_ms:1652991765999.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1399368704 nr_ops:1366571\ntimestamp_ms:1652991767000.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1462958080 nr_ops:1428670\ntimestamp_ms:1652991768002.0957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1526672384 nr_ops:1490891\ntimestamp_ms:1652991769003.1897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1588892672 nr_ops:1551653\ntimestamp_ms:1652991770004.2771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652171776 nr_ops:1613449\ntimestamp_ms:1652991771005.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1715364864 nr_ops:1675161\ntimestamp_ms:1652991772005.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1779149824 nr_ops:1737451\ntimestamp_ms:1652991773006.9253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842201600 nr_ops:1799025\ntimestamp_ms:1652991774008.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905463296 nr_ops:1860804\ntimestamp_ms:1652991775009.1272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968655360 nr_ops:1922515\ntimestamp_ms:1652991776009.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031930368 nr_ops:1984307\ntimestamp_ms:1652991777010.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095135744 nr_ops:2046031\ntimestamp_ms:1652991778012.0369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159119360 nr_ops:2108515\ntimestamp_ms:1652991779013.1321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2224267264 nr_ops:2172136\ntimestamp_ms:1652991780014.2288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2289979392 nr_ops:2236308\ntimestamp_ms:1652991781015.3215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2356549632 nr_ops:2301318\ntimestamp_ms:1652991782016.4155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2419784704 nr_ops:2363071\ntimestamp_ms:1652991783017.5103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2483299328 nr_ops:2425097\ntimestamp_ms:1652991784018.6086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2546696192 nr_ops:2487008\ntimestamp_ms:1652991785019.7085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2608856064 nr_ops:2547711\ntimestamp_ms:1652991786020.8098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2672565248 nr_ops:2609927\ntimestamp_ms:1652991787021.9182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2736886784 nr_ops:2672741\ntimestamp_ms:1652991788022.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2800876544 nr_ops:2735231\ntimestamp_ms:1652991789024.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2864399360 nr_ops:2797265\ntimestamp_ms:1652991790025.0872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2927741952 nr_ops:2859123\ntimestamp_ms:1652991791026.1807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2994756608 nr_ops:2924567\ntimestamp_ms:1652991792027.2778 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3058492416 nr_ops:2986809\ntimestamp_ms:1652991793028.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3121931264 nr_ops:3048761\ntimestamp_ms:1652991794029.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3184477184 nr_ops:3109841\ntimestamp_ms:1652991795030.5959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3247729664 nr_ops:3171611\ntimestamp_ms:1652991796031.6851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3311800320 nr_ops:3234180\ntimestamp_ms:1652991797032.7766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3374402560 nr_ops:3295315\ntimestamp_ms:1652991798033.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437685760 nr_ops:3357115\ntimestamp_ms:1652991799034.9600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3500771328 nr_ops:3418722\ntimestamp_ms:1652991800036.0469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3563879424 nr_ops:3480351\ntimestamp_ms:1652991801037.1477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3627805696 nr_ops:3542779\ntimestamp_ms:1652991802038.2542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3690902528 nr_ops:3604397\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139682941138688\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.6130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3753958400 nr_ops:3665975\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.8442 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.8586 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803340.0823 name:Total nr_bytes:3753958400 nr_ops:3665976\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.9329 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7507916798 nr_ops:7331952\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.9343 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3753958400 nr_ops:3665978\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 209.57us 0.00ns 209.57us 209.57us \nTxn1 1832988 32.17us 0.00ns 3.48ms 26.07us \nTxn2 1 48.02us 0.00ns 48.02us 48.02us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 208.95us 0.00ns 208.95us 208.95us \nwrite 1832988 3.16us 0.00ns 84.41us 2.38us \nread 1832987 28.93us 0.00ns 3.48ms 1.43us \ndisconnect 1 47.35us 0.00ns 47.35us 47.35us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 804.87b/s \nnet1 29870 29870 260.46Mb/s 260.46Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.120 61.37s 3.50GB 489.39Mb/s 3665978 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.50GB 489.39Mb/s 3665978 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.416117, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991742975.3799 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991743976.4792 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991743976.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991744977.5950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63363072 nr_ops:61878\ntimestamp_ms:1652991745978.6350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128123904 nr_ops:125121\ntimestamp_ms:1652991746979.6765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191501312 nr_ops:187013\ntimestamp_ms:1652991747980.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255460352 nr_ops:249473\ntimestamp_ms:1652991748981.7551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319409152 nr_ops:311923\ntimestamp_ms:1652991749982.8462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382986240 nr_ops:374010\ntimestamp_ms:1652991750983.8877 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446276608 nr_ops:435817\ntimestamp_ms:1652991751984.9836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509547520 nr_ops:497605\ntimestamp_ms:1652991752986.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573154304 nr_ops:559721\ntimestamp_ms:1652991753987.1155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636802048 nr_ops:621877\ntimestamp_ms:1652991754987.8931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700360704 nr_ops:683946\ntimestamp_ms:1652991755988.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763796480 nr_ops:745895\ntimestamp_ms:1652991756989.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827773952 nr_ops:808373\ntimestamp_ms:1652991757991.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891032576 nr_ops:870149\ntimestamp_ms:1652991758992.1377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955010048 nr_ops:932627\ntimestamp_ms:1652991759993.1863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018336256 nr_ops:994469\ntimestamp_ms:1652991760994.3613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1080858624 nr_ops:1055526\ntimestamp_ms:1652991761995.4663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1144318976 nr_ops:1117499\ntimestamp_ms:1652991762996.5039 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208091648 nr_ops:1179777\ntimestamp_ms:1652991763997.5984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271643136 nr_ops:1241839\ntimestamp_ms:1652991764998.6946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1336335360 nr_ops:1305015\ntimestamp_ms:1652991765999.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1399368704 nr_ops:1366571\ntimestamp_ms:1652991767000.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1462958080 nr_ops:1428670\ntimestamp_ms:1652991768002.0957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1526672384 nr_ops:1490891\ntimestamp_ms:1652991769003.1897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1588892672 nr_ops:1551653\ntimestamp_ms:1652991770004.2771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652171776 nr_ops:1613449\ntimestamp_ms:1652991771005.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1715364864 nr_ops:1675161\ntimestamp_ms:1652991772005.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1779149824 nr_ops:1737451\ntimestamp_ms:1652991773006.9253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842201600 nr_ops:1799025\ntimestamp_ms:1652991774008.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905463296 nr_ops:1860804\ntimestamp_ms:1652991775009.1272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968655360 nr_ops:1922515\ntimestamp_ms:1652991776009.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031930368 nr_ops:1984307\ntimestamp_ms:1652991777010.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095135744 nr_ops:2046031\ntimestamp_ms:1652991778012.0369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159119360 nr_ops:2108515\ntimestamp_ms:1652991779013.1321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2224267264 nr_ops:2172136\ntimestamp_ms:1652991780014.2288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2289979392 nr_ops:2236308\ntimestamp_ms:1652991781015.3215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2356549632 nr_ops:2301318\ntimestamp_ms:1652991782016.4155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2419784704 nr_ops:2363071\ntimestamp_ms:1652991783017.5103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2483299328 nr_ops:2425097\ntimestamp_ms:1652991784018.6086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2546696192 nr_ops:2487008\ntimestamp_ms:1652991785019.7085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2608856064 nr_ops:2547711\ntimestamp_ms:1652991786020.8098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2672565248 nr_ops:2609927\ntimestamp_ms:1652991787021.9182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2736886784 nr_ops:2672741\ntimestamp_ms:1652991788022.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2800876544 nr_ops:2735231\ntimestamp_ms:1652991789024.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2864399360 nr_ops:2797265\ntimestamp_ms:1652991790025.0872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2927741952 nr_ops:2859123\ntimestamp_ms:1652991791026.1807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2994756608 nr_ops:2924567\ntimestamp_ms:1652991792027.2778 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3058492416 nr_ops:2986809\ntimestamp_ms:1652991793028.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3121931264 nr_ops:3048761\ntimestamp_ms:1652991794029.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3184477184 nr_ops:3109841\ntimestamp_ms:1652991795030.5959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3247729664 nr_ops:3171611\ntimestamp_ms:1652991796031.6851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3311800320 nr_ops:3234180\ntimestamp_ms:1652991797032.7766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3374402560 nr_ops:3295315\ntimestamp_ms:1652991798033.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437685760 nr_ops:3357115\ntimestamp_ms:1652991799034.9600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3500771328 nr_ops:3418722\ntimestamp_ms:1652991800036.0469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3563879424 nr_ops:3480351\ntimestamp_ms:1652991801037.1477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3627805696 nr_ops:3542779\ntimestamp_ms:1652991802038.2542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3690902528 nr_ops:3604397\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139682941138688\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.6130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3753958400 nr_ops:3665975\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.8442 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.8586 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803340.0823 name:Total nr_bytes:3753958400 nr_ops:3665976\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.9329 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7507916798 nr_ops:7331952\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991803239.9343 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3753958400 nr_ops:3665978\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 209.57us 0.00ns 209.57us 209.57us \nTxn1 1832988 32.17us 0.00ns 3.48ms 26.07us \nTxn2 1 48.02us 0.00ns 48.02us 48.02us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 208.95us 0.00ns 208.95us 208.95us \nwrite 1832988 3.16us 0.00ns 84.41us 2.38us \nread 1832987 28.93us 0.00ns 3.48ms 1.43us \ndisconnect 1 47.35us 0.00ns 47.35us 47.35us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 804.87b/s \nnet1 29870 29870 260.46Mb/s 260.46Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.120 61.37s 3.50GB 489.39Mb/s 3665978 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.50GB 489.39Mb/s 3665978 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.416117, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991742975.3799 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991743976.4792 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991743976.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991744977.5950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63363072 nr_ops:61878
+timestamp_ms:1652991745978.6350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128123904 nr_ops:125121
+timestamp_ms:1652991746979.6765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191501312 nr_ops:187013
+timestamp_ms:1652991747980.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255460352 nr_ops:249473
+timestamp_ms:1652991748981.7551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319409152 nr_ops:311923
+timestamp_ms:1652991749982.8462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382986240 nr_ops:374010
+timestamp_ms:1652991750983.8877 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446276608 nr_ops:435817
+timestamp_ms:1652991751984.9836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509547520 nr_ops:497605
+timestamp_ms:1652991752986.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573154304 nr_ops:559721
+timestamp_ms:1652991753987.1155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636802048 nr_ops:621877
+timestamp_ms:1652991754987.8931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700360704 nr_ops:683946
+timestamp_ms:1652991755988.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763796480 nr_ops:745895
+timestamp_ms:1652991756989.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827773952 nr_ops:808373
+timestamp_ms:1652991757991.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891032576 nr_ops:870149
+timestamp_ms:1652991758992.1377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955010048 nr_ops:932627
+timestamp_ms:1652991759993.1863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018336256 nr_ops:994469
+timestamp_ms:1652991760994.3613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1080858624 nr_ops:1055526
+timestamp_ms:1652991761995.4663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1144318976 nr_ops:1117499
+timestamp_ms:1652991762996.5039 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208091648 nr_ops:1179777
+timestamp_ms:1652991763997.5984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271643136 nr_ops:1241839
+timestamp_ms:1652991764998.6946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1336335360 nr_ops:1305015
+timestamp_ms:1652991765999.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1399368704 nr_ops:1366571
+timestamp_ms:1652991767000.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1462958080 nr_ops:1428670
+timestamp_ms:1652991768002.0957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1526672384 nr_ops:1490891
+timestamp_ms:1652991769003.1897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1588892672 nr_ops:1551653
+timestamp_ms:1652991770004.2771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652171776 nr_ops:1613449
+timestamp_ms:1652991771005.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1715364864 nr_ops:1675161
+timestamp_ms:1652991772005.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1779149824 nr_ops:1737451
+timestamp_ms:1652991773006.9253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842201600 nr_ops:1799025
+timestamp_ms:1652991774008.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905463296 nr_ops:1860804
+timestamp_ms:1652991775009.1272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968655360 nr_ops:1922515
+timestamp_ms:1652991776009.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031930368 nr_ops:1984307
+timestamp_ms:1652991777010.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095135744 nr_ops:2046031
+timestamp_ms:1652991778012.0369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159119360 nr_ops:2108515
+timestamp_ms:1652991779013.1321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2224267264 nr_ops:2172136
+timestamp_ms:1652991780014.2288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2289979392 nr_ops:2236308
+timestamp_ms:1652991781015.3215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2356549632 nr_ops:2301318
+timestamp_ms:1652991782016.4155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2419784704 nr_ops:2363071
+timestamp_ms:1652991783017.5103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2483299328 nr_ops:2425097
+timestamp_ms:1652991784018.6086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2546696192 nr_ops:2487008
+timestamp_ms:1652991785019.7085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2608856064 nr_ops:2547711
+timestamp_ms:1652991786020.8098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2672565248 nr_ops:2609927
+timestamp_ms:1652991787021.9182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2736886784 nr_ops:2672741
+timestamp_ms:1652991788022.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2800876544 nr_ops:2735231
+timestamp_ms:1652991789024.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2864399360 nr_ops:2797265
+timestamp_ms:1652991790025.0872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2927741952 nr_ops:2859123
+timestamp_ms:1652991791026.1807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2994756608 nr_ops:2924567
+timestamp_ms:1652991792027.2778 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3058492416 nr_ops:2986809
+timestamp_ms:1652991793028.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3121931264 nr_ops:3048761
+timestamp_ms:1652991794029.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3184477184 nr_ops:3109841
+timestamp_ms:1652991795030.5959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3247729664 nr_ops:3171611
+timestamp_ms:1652991796031.6851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3311800320 nr_ops:3234180
+timestamp_ms:1652991797032.7766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3374402560 nr_ops:3295315
+timestamp_ms:1652991798033.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437685760 nr_ops:3357115
+timestamp_ms:1652991799034.9600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3500771328 nr_ops:3418722
+timestamp_ms:1652991800036.0469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3563879424 nr_ops:3480351
+timestamp_ms:1652991801037.1477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3627805696 nr_ops:3542779
+timestamp_ms:1652991802038.2542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3690902528 nr_ops:3604397
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139682941138688
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652991803239.6130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3753958400 nr_ops:3665975
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991803239.8442 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991803239.8586 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991803340.0823 name:Total nr_bytes:3753958400 nr_ops:3665976
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991803239.9329 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7507916798 nr_ops:7331952
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991803239.9343 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3753958400 nr_ops:3665978
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 209.57us 0.00ns 209.57us 209.57us
+Txn1 1832988 32.17us 0.00ns 3.48ms 26.07us
+Txn2 1 48.02us 0.00ns 48.02us 48.02us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 208.95us 0.00ns 208.95us 208.95us
+write 1832988 3.16us 0.00ns 84.41us 2.38us
+read 1832987 28.93us 0.00ns 3.48ms 1.43us
+disconnect 1 47.35us 0.00ns 47.35us 47.35us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 804.87b/s
+net1 29870 29870 260.46Mb/s 260.46Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.120 61.37s 3.50GB 489.39Mb/s 3665978 0.00
+master 61.37s 3.50GB 489.39Mb/s 3665978 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:24.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:24.977000', 'bytes': 63363072, 'norm_byte': 63363072, 'ops': 61878, 'norm_ops': 61878, 'norm_ltcy': 16.1774550640474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:24.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:24.977000",
+ "bytes": 63363072,
+ "norm_byte": 63363072,
+ "ops": 61878,
+ "norm_ops": 61878,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.1774550640474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b56a3513e07b2fbe5b7eb5816fee15a381c9583010cb236480de39dd32a53b96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:25.978000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:25.978000', 'bytes': 128123904, 'norm_byte': 64760832, 'ops': 125121, 'norm_ops': 63243, 'norm_ltcy': 15.828471752802681, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:25.978000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:25.978000",
+ "bytes": 128123904,
+ "norm_byte": 64760832,
+ "ops": 125121,
+ "norm_ops": 63243,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.828471752802681,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb2d9cfa6498139b0761bca46a361ec38b2cbf7228e492b9dc3866bbb52f1d16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:26.979000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:26.979000', 'bytes': 191501312, 'norm_byte': 63377408, 'ops': 187013, 'norm_ops': 61892, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17400478100966, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:26.979000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:26.979000",
+ "bytes": 191501312,
+ "norm_byte": 63377408,
+ "ops": 187013,
+ "norm_ops": 61892,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17400478100966,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88f1a99ab2d5b821867d7e6348bb157df9f420f96ce06d3ce80f11ac1321b985",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:27.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:27.980000', 'bytes': 255460352, 'norm_byte': 63959040, 'ops': 249473, 'norm_ops': 62460, 'norm_ltcy': 16.026925200878562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:27.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:27.980000",
+ "bytes": 255460352,
+ "norm_byte": 63959040,
+ "ops": 249473,
+ "norm_ops": 62460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.026925200878562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "46faaac3c36e61ff144d2ad66ac1e733b30689fbade51845e10e51931f5c3df1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:28.981000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:28.981000', 'bytes': 319409152, 'norm_byte': 63948800, 'ops': 311923, 'norm_ops': 62450, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02941337444956, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:28.981000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:28.981000",
+ "bytes": 319409152,
+ "norm_byte": 63948800,
+ "ops": 311923,
+ "norm_ops": 62450,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02941337444956,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e2a71b7e2fa48fbf85378f9cf3aee628da6893b21586d8e5a7a596cdb509e6e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:29.982000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:29.982000', 'bytes': 382986240, 'norm_byte': 63577088, 'ops': 374010, 'norm_ops': 62087, 'norm_ltcy': 16.124004452673265, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:29.982000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:29.982000",
+ "bytes": 382986240,
+ "norm_byte": 63577088,
+ "ops": 374010,
+ "norm_ops": 62087,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.124004452673265,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "904e5b4a0733e6949420f3e2223766fa8458777a3c1ce06d49bbc4ae5ea1fef2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:30.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:30.983000', 'bytes': 446276608, 'norm_byte': 63290368, 'ops': 435817, 'norm_ops': 61807, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19624806100037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:30.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:30.983000",
+ "bytes": 446276608,
+ "norm_byte": 63290368,
+ "ops": 435817,
+ "norm_ops": 61807,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19624806100037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3eacac399766cb4f066a86a05a04662c6d5c0cd5a3fb022f9529c7747859516f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:31.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:31.984000', 'bytes': 509547520, 'norm_byte': 63270912, 'ops': 497605, 'norm_ops': 61788, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20210958868429, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:31.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:31.984000",
+ "bytes": 509547520,
+ "norm_byte": 63270912,
+ "ops": 497605,
+ "norm_ops": 61788,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20210958868429,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec88b6d193c2781c95ae4bb4524f8f5c67909ef3dd1c391e5be5b59deab8033f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:32.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:32.986000', 'bytes': 573154304, 'norm_byte': 63606784, 'ops': 559721, 'norm_ops': 62116, 'norm_ltcy': 16.115667001809115, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:32.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:32.986000",
+ "bytes": 573154304,
+ "norm_byte": 63606784,
+ "ops": 559721,
+ "norm_ops": 62116,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.115667001809115,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e5d2bafb725c5dae17a70d437467c138bf9ab7379b8ee14c8c536ad18567644",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:33.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:33.987000', 'bytes': 636802048, 'norm_byte': 63647744, 'ops': 621877, 'norm_ops': 62156, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10610503335358, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:33.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:33.987000",
+ "bytes": 636802048,
+ "norm_byte": 63647744,
+ "ops": 621877,
+ "norm_ops": 62156,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10610503335358,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fd1fa79e9f2a01b1f2ddaebcebb1d8b5c25a850aebdf3d72607d03fde51c5b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:34.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:34.987000', 'bytes': 700360704, 'norm_byte': 63558656, 'ops': 683946, 'norm_ops': 62069, 'norm_ltcy': 16.123629958443427, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:34.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:34.987000",
+ "bytes": 700360704,
+ "norm_byte": 63558656,
+ "ops": 683946,
+ "norm_ops": 62069,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.123629958443427,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "92159f3d876cb03fdd7748928decf301ca50e4af92c38cb490a141fd71e6428f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:35.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:35.988000', 'bytes': 763796480, 'norm_byte': 63435776, 'ops': 745895, 'norm_ops': 61949, 'norm_ltcy': 16.15759772529621, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:35.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:35.988000",
+ "bytes": 763796480,
+ "norm_byte": 63435776,
+ "ops": 745895,
+ "norm_ops": 61949,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.15759772529621,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9673a2febaf3623a737556eb41136b24996b200f3292271b274b6f9a4909f016",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:36.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:36.989000', 'bytes': 827773952, 'norm_byte': 63977472, 'ops': 808373, 'norm_ops': 62478, 'norm_ltcy': 16.023296450350525, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:36.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:36.989000",
+ "bytes": 827773952,
+ "norm_byte": 63977472,
+ "ops": 808373,
+ "norm_ops": 62478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.023296450350525,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e62c034e51e497b22b759544a9eb8dbaab31374c20e9785985a3c8c4bac6c908",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:37.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:37.991000', 'bytes': 891032576, 'norm_byte': 63258624, 'ops': 870149, 'norm_ops': 61776, 'norm_ltcy': 16.205312180043624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:37.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:37.991000",
+ "bytes": 891032576,
+ "norm_byte": 63258624,
+ "ops": 870149,
+ "norm_ops": 61776,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.205312180043624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "806cc7d4b0809a7a1421248fffe71892269eb5e7fa7fd5aa1dc7dda3996ce255",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:38.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:38.992000', 'bytes': 955010048, 'norm_byte': 63977472, 'ops': 932627, 'norm_ops': 62478, 'norm_ltcy': 16.023155775833093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:38.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:38.992000",
+ "bytes": 955010048,
+ "norm_byte": 63977472,
+ "ops": 932627,
+ "norm_ops": 62478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.023155775833093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55408dda108a3eb62c4051734f486402b2a56cb91dfb20aa5c8db5779b98f436",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:39.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:39.993000', 'bytes': 1018336256, 'norm_byte': 63326208, 'ops': 994469, 'norm_ops': 61842, 'norm_ltcy': 16.187196144762055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:39.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:39.993000",
+ "bytes": 1018336256,
+ "norm_byte": 63326208,
+ "ops": 994469,
+ "norm_ops": 61842,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.187196144762055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1dcc91a5c791726c859d906002548a5e740553692a5950501f0d680ab10510a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:40.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:40.994000', 'bytes': 1080858624, 'norm_byte': 62522368, 'ops': 1055526, 'norm_ops': 61057, 'norm_ltcy': 16.39738357318776, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:40.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:40.994000",
+ "bytes": 1080858624,
+ "norm_byte": 62522368,
+ "ops": 1055526,
+ "norm_ops": 61057,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.39738357318776,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66d4ccf8c46505f042b7ed17e844efda1916f7447a76388874c9bf270866dd72",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:41.995000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:41.995000', 'bytes': 1144318976, 'norm_byte': 63460352, 'ops': 1117499, 'norm_ops': 61973, 'norm_ltcy': 16.153889281925192, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:41.995000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:41.995000",
+ "bytes": 1144318976,
+ "norm_byte": 63460352,
+ "ops": 1117499,
+ "norm_ops": 61973,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.153889281925192,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c91645514cf1476617c8115d79fd0a103524bed766e5bddbbbbc915ae3d176f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:42.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:42.996000', 'bytes': 1208091648, 'norm_byte': 63772672, 'ops': 1179777, 'norm_ops': 62278, 'norm_ltcy': 16.073695328306144, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:42.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:42.996000",
+ "bytes": 1208091648,
+ "norm_byte": 63772672,
+ "ops": 1179777,
+ "norm_ops": 62278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.073695328306144,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3286fffb4d027d1a51df04c3890f982da8571011b4d81ed202961869db9d4da9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:43.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:43.997000', 'bytes': 1271643136, 'norm_byte': 63551488, 'ops': 1241839, 'norm_ops': 62062, 'norm_ltcy': 16.130554645707115, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:43.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:43.997000",
+ "bytes": 1271643136,
+ "norm_byte": 63551488,
+ "ops": 1241839,
+ "norm_ops": 62062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.130554645707115,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b17fe24e1036b4ff6d37226ab221adca6464aa43a9d8591a4e964c1d06f9236",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:44.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:44.998000', 'bytes': 1336335360, 'norm_byte': 64692224, 'ops': 1305015, 'norm_ops': 63176, 'norm_ltcy': 15.846147135086902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:44.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:44.998000",
+ "bytes": 1336335360,
+ "norm_byte": 64692224,
+ "ops": 1305015,
+ "norm_ops": 63176,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.846147135086902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3576444fb52259f1c7df9a9e130fbe5df1271764664cf9c74497bb5d5257d70a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:45.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:45.999000', 'bytes': 1399368704, 'norm_byte': 63033344, 'ops': 1366571, 'norm_ops': 61556, 'norm_ltcy': 16.263420040034685, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:45.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:45.999000",
+ "bytes": 1399368704,
+ "norm_byte": 63033344,
+ "ops": 1366571,
+ "norm_ops": 61556,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.263420040034685,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d5cf781653a213b52ebfed02ff8b5379b55551900ef131c27551032b2fb28ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:47', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:47', 'bytes': 1462958080, 'norm_byte': 63589376, 'ops': 1428670, 'norm_ops': 62099, 'norm_ltcy': 16.121317183549653, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:47",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:47",
+ "bytes": 1462958080,
+ "norm_byte": 63589376,
+ "ops": 1428670,
+ "norm_ops": 62099,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.121317183549653,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ba34778275b54c4bdaa702ee2bb3ffcce149fca7a0b4528f756b627e74406bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:48.002000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:48.002000', 'bytes': 1526672384, 'norm_byte': 63714304, 'ops': 1490891, 'norm_ops': 62221, 'norm_ltcy': 16.090586189248807, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:48.002000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:48.002000",
+ "bytes": 1526672384,
+ "norm_byte": 63714304,
+ "ops": 1490891,
+ "norm_ops": 62221,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.090586189248807,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "167a61a643e21fc5060c38503f8e771a2905dbd2c543fa67a2cb28e9dd1399f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:49.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:49.003000', 'bytes': 1588892672, 'norm_byte': 62220288, 'ops': 1551653, 'norm_ops': 60762, 'norm_ltcy': 16.47565903262936, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:49.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:49.003000",
+ "bytes": 1588892672,
+ "norm_byte": 62220288,
+ "ops": 1551653,
+ "norm_ops": 60762,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.47565903262936,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34d88ec2a7327fb70b7a4855b75872f045a45691030c83bda95650327ae4d7fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:50.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:50.004000', 'bytes': 1652171776, 'norm_byte': 63279104, 'ops': 1613449, 'norm_ops': 61796, 'norm_ltcy': 16.199873816165283, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:50.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:50.004000",
+ "bytes": 1652171776,
+ "norm_byte": 63279104,
+ "ops": 1613449,
+ "norm_ops": 61796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.199873816165283,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eec0fcda39b5780ee6aa8cc4f5f25f581bf28704230ad543e76f90373958bffb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:51.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:51.005000', 'bytes': 1715364864, 'norm_byte': 63193088, 'ops': 1675161, 'norm_ops': 61712, 'norm_ltcy': 16.222047101100678, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:51.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:51.005000",
+ "bytes": 1715364864,
+ "norm_byte": 63193088,
+ "ops": 1675161,
+ "norm_ops": 61712,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.222047101100678,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4bb6c6ee5c723a0fac96f2b0d721cdd74629608d2418effe7acb26cc2e5f7d9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:52.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:52.005000', 'bytes': 1779149824, 'norm_byte': 63784960, 'ops': 1737451, 'norm_ops': 62290, 'norm_ltcy': 16.061305831343315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:52.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:52.005000",
+ "bytes": 1779149824,
+ "norm_byte": 63784960,
+ "ops": 1737451,
+ "norm_ops": 62290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.061305831343315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7e3f7376768ee2d6791d24c0a9393aa6dc3f6a999dcccf6b6d0658bf09638e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:53.006000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:53.006000', 'bytes': 1842201600, 'norm_byte': 63051776, 'ops': 1799025, 'norm_ops': 61574, 'norm_ltcy': 16.25839611559871, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:53.006000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:53.006000",
+ "bytes": 1842201600,
+ "norm_byte": 63051776,
+ "ops": 1799025,
+ "norm_ops": 61574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.25839611559871,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "07f6f1b46ce0777c4693ec5cffb7a956b595100b27cba84b2f911d8518580778",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:54.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:54.008000', 'bytes': 1905463296, 'norm_byte': 63261696, 'ops': 1860804, 'norm_ops': 61779, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20447387310008, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:54.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:54.008000",
+ "bytes": 1905463296,
+ "norm_byte": 63261696,
+ "ops": 1860804,
+ "norm_ops": 61779,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20447387310008,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8bd161ee779755bcc0197870f8c3e694307b6017a444f8e23c195a1d12c8a584",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:55.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:55.009000', 'bytes': 1968655360, 'norm_byte': 63192064, 'ops': 1922515, 'norm_ops': 61711, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22248404483196, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:55.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:55.009000",
+ "bytes": 1968655360,
+ "norm_byte": 63192064,
+ "ops": 1922515,
+ "norm_ops": 61711,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22248404483196,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f2680baa5d703f22da5f5a5a8cb775ff9c64008c61384761732241234577214",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:56.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:56.009000', 'bytes': 2031930368, 'norm_byte': 63275008, 'ops': 1984307, 'norm_ops': 61792, 'norm_ltcy': 16.194877446716404, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:56.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:56.009000",
+ "bytes": 2031930368,
+ "norm_byte": 63275008,
+ "ops": 1984307,
+ "norm_ops": 61792,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.194877446716404,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f07bfde51a5cb3702df38651ba033b56659c3a5af5484b7c53b8f122eb856a4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:57.010000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:57.010000', 'bytes': 2095135744, 'norm_byte': 63205376, 'ops': 2046031, 'norm_ops': 61724, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21902383746598, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:57.010000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:57.010000",
+ "bytes": 2095135744,
+ "norm_byte": 63205376,
+ "ops": 2046031,
+ "norm_ops": 61724,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21902383746598,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b42722c193c86f09bfd3d427def3a58cb958ec7c38f11f58ea2e3335e2c68940",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:58.012000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:58.012000', 'bytes': 2159119360, 'norm_byte': 63983616, 'ops': 2108515, 'norm_ops': 62484, 'norm_ltcy': 16.021585900990654, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:58.012000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:58.012000",
+ "bytes": 2159119360,
+ "norm_byte": 63983616,
+ "ops": 2108515,
+ "norm_ops": 62484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.021585900990654,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e2a3ff012ad975efc7e57fa85324e1ac20b4842ae1f9ddccf7d79825bf9f2c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:22:59.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:22:59.013000', 'bytes': 2224267264, 'norm_byte': 65147904, 'ops': 2172136, 'norm_ops': 63621, 'norm_ltcy': 15.735295183095989, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:22:59.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:22:59.013000",
+ "bytes": 2224267264,
+ "norm_byte": 65147904,
+ "ops": 2172136,
+ "norm_ops": 63621,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.735295183095989,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c142fd01d7d7b15492b825a17f5652e143eab17486eea343537edf46791805f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:00.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:00.014000', 'bytes': 2289979392, 'norm_byte': 65712128, 'ops': 2236308, 'norm_ops': 64172, 'norm_ltcy': 15.600210055592783, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:00.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:00.014000",
+ "bytes": 2289979392,
+ "norm_byte": 65712128,
+ "ops": 2236308,
+ "norm_ops": 64172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.600210055592783,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59795fcda3eb2922ec53e0802cb1c93b92b65c44688ade995a220da70ba145ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:01.015000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:01.015000', 'bytes': 2356549632, 'norm_byte': 66570240, 'ops': 2301318, 'norm_ops': 65010, 'norm_ltcy': 15.399058197777265, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:01.015000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:01.015000",
+ "bytes": 2356549632,
+ "norm_byte": 66570240,
+ "ops": 2301318,
+ "norm_ops": 65010,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.399058197777265,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6281cf7087c51c12055cc3fa6c07456a2c37ce8061562ef9f2de53e75c7b5456",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:02.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:02.016000', 'bytes': 2419784704, 'norm_byte': 63235072, 'ops': 2363071, 'norm_ops': 61753, 'norm_ltcy': 16.211260896484788, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:02.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:02.016000",
+ "bytes": 2419784704,
+ "norm_byte": 63235072,
+ "ops": 2363071,
+ "norm_ops": 61753,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.211260896484788,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48fd715707eab9d5a24c633296935fc5cd12e291eb0da6f3bba43222c5f18b73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:03.017000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:03.017000', 'bytes': 2483299328, 'norm_byte': 63514624, 'ops': 2425097, 'norm_ops': 62026, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13992078422758, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:03.017000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:03.017000",
+ "bytes": 2483299328,
+ "norm_byte": 63514624,
+ "ops": 2425097,
+ "norm_ops": 62026,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13992078422758,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "274b66866d47c351c579f2e2c3b09dd6ad171df0d947a604206b10fe7a7d42a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:04.018000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:04.018000', 'bytes': 2546696192, 'norm_byte': 63396864, 'ops': 2487008, 'norm_ops': 61911, 'norm_ltcy': 16.169959921045937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:04.018000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:04.018000",
+ "bytes": 2546696192,
+ "norm_byte": 63396864,
+ "ops": 2487008,
+ "norm_ops": 61911,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.169959921045937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf700d7d69632f2837b3c51da427f6b6266f8e3709a007812ab296548adbcd28",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:05.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:05.019000', 'bytes': 2608856064, 'norm_byte': 62159872, 'ops': 2547711, 'norm_ops': 60703, 'norm_ltcy': 16.49176899849472, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:05.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:05.019000",
+ "bytes": 2608856064,
+ "norm_byte": 62159872,
+ "ops": 2547711,
+ "norm_ops": 60703,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.49176899849472,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d125315d9d3844e4ccb0eeaef6c92b55bd1b27914908f8f11b0eb31b6e8853ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:06.020000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:06.020000', 'bytes': 2672565248, 'norm_byte': 63709184, 'ops': 2609927, 'norm_ops': 62216, 'norm_ltcy': 16.090737404516123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:06.020000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:06.020000",
+ "bytes": 2672565248,
+ "norm_byte": 63709184,
+ "ops": 2609927,
+ "norm_ops": 62216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.090737404516123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "63cc77c53f63fcd6a2b01fb6efbd256de1f8f48650a480b159b0a466dc91e90f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:07.021000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:07.021000', 'bytes': 2736886784, 'norm_byte': 64321536, 'ops': 2672741, 'norm_ops': 62814, 'norm_ltcy': 15.937663553308179, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:07.021000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:07.021000",
+ "bytes": 2736886784,
+ "norm_byte": 64321536,
+ "ops": 2672741,
+ "norm_ops": 62814,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.937663553308179,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b70501b98d69c264a046e72bafa947588ccbf9fdddb21c0964b8efb577ad8ae6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:08.022000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:08.022000', 'bytes': 2800876544, 'norm_byte': 63989760, 'ops': 2735231, 'norm_ops': 62490, 'norm_ltcy': 16.019098211963914, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:08.022000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:08.022000",
+ "bytes": 2800876544,
+ "norm_byte": 63989760,
+ "ops": 2735231,
+ "norm_ops": 62490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.019098211963914,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00a8bde033cced3151f84a167e62a6137ca773d7db7eaca300a0a8c354bb1fd6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:09.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:09.024000', 'bytes': 2864399360, 'norm_byte': 63522816, 'ops': 2797265, 'norm_ops': 62034, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13789051795185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:09.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:09.024000",
+ "bytes": 2864399360,
+ "norm_byte": 63522816,
+ "ops": 2797265,
+ "norm_ops": 62034,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13789051795185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2cdba841c8c5ed029365d58df0a28bc3103a918c87b731e70653397c6fcab0a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:10.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:10.025000', 'bytes': 2927741952, 'norm_byte': 63342592, 'ops': 2859123, 'norm_ops': 61858, 'norm_ltcy': 16.182831608785445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:10.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:10.025000",
+ "bytes": 2927741952,
+ "norm_byte": 63342592,
+ "ops": 2859123,
+ "norm_ops": 61858,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.182831608785445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08f4c78612a3d2e918a851cda8df93422a255a39248d5aad00343e4e189c844e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:11.026000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:11.026000', 'bytes': 2994756608, 'norm_byte': 67014656, 'ops': 2924567, 'norm_ops': 65444, 'norm_ltcy': 15.296948625685701, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:11.026000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:11.026000",
+ "bytes": 2994756608,
+ "norm_byte": 67014656,
+ "ops": 2924567,
+ "norm_ops": 65444,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.296948625685701,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6fe6ac0bf5fc26048180d6b28afc5c60198074b80d2fb1c0d83db4b36aaf493",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:12.027000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:12.027000', 'bytes': 3058492416, 'norm_byte': 63735808, 'ops': 2986809, 'norm_ops': 62242, 'norm_ltcy': 16.083949229921114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:12.027000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:12.027000",
+ "bytes": 3058492416,
+ "norm_byte": 63735808,
+ "ops": 2986809,
+ "norm_ops": 62242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.083949229921114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "936e87f39a30059a2ac9485809aee7d0a12b31840638104f4278bcc4b57b588f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:13.028000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:13.028000', 'bytes': 3121931264, 'norm_byte': 63438848, 'ops': 3048761, 'norm_ops': 61952, 'norm_ltcy': 16.159262538941437, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:13.028000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:13.028000",
+ "bytes": 3121931264,
+ "norm_byte": 63438848,
+ "ops": 3048761,
+ "norm_ops": 61952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.159262538941437,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d93f242823fe4318f86cb54aa01ea33929af0ab668f72fd4ba0085c9f46f501d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:14.029000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:14.029000', 'bytes': 3184477184, 'norm_byte': 62545920, 'ops': 3109841, 'norm_ops': 61080, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38991000532089, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:14.029000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:14.029000",
+ "bytes": 3184477184,
+ "norm_byte": 62545920,
+ "ops": 3109841,
+ "norm_ops": 61080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38991000532089,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6118a863b7d9aeaa864261c50ca0bf9fed6d7b2c7ad20f01badaed192e0e857",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:15.030000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:15.030000', 'bytes': 3247729664, 'norm_byte': 63252480, 'ops': 3171611, 'norm_ops': 61770, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20728151686701, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:15.030000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:15.030000",
+ "bytes": 3247729664,
+ "norm_byte": 63252480,
+ "ops": 3171611,
+ "norm_ops": 61770,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20728151686701,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8df8d0160ea8586f31107c16515184e49d902b36f2cb9257685d545c52f113f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:16.031000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:16.031000', 'bytes': 3311800320, 'norm_byte': 64070656, 'ops': 3234180, 'norm_ops': 62569, 'norm_ltcy': 15.999762043953478, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:16.031000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:16.031000",
+ "bytes": 3311800320,
+ "norm_byte": 64070656,
+ "ops": 3234180,
+ "norm_ops": 62569,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.999762043953478,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52da2468c2b448bb6cdfe8613f39f55a6e49a49ab2de19d604f77073fec5029e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:17.032000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:17.032000', 'bytes': 3374402560, 'norm_byte': 62602240, 'ops': 3295315, 'norm_ops': 61135, 'norm_ltcy': 16.375096961386685, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:17.032000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:17.032000",
+ "bytes": 3374402560,
+ "norm_byte": 62602240,
+ "ops": 3295315,
+ "norm_ops": 61135,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.375096961386685,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "24c7bf65b7b0de66944c57481b8ab375f950d202ccc20293ff6845bcda5e2747",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:18.033000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:18.033000', 'bytes': 3437685760, 'norm_byte': 63283200, 'ops': 3357115, 'norm_ops': 61800, 'norm_ltcy': 16.198916142040858, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:18.033000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:18.033000",
+ "bytes": 3437685760,
+ "norm_byte": 63283200,
+ "ops": 3357115,
+ "norm_ops": 61800,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.198916142040858,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f4750f63b494c41a615f070e800c391c8e6bde73bfae557c3f1399be3e7de17e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:19.034000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:19.034000', 'bytes': 3500771328, 'norm_byte': 63085568, 'ops': 3418722, 'norm_ops': 61607, 'norm_ltcy': 16.249619881364943, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:19.034000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:19.034000",
+ "bytes": 3500771328,
+ "norm_byte": 63085568,
+ "ops": 3418722,
+ "norm_ops": 61607,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.249619881364943,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d2c3a0dfccea3cb52007ea1f33d4c65b6386b2b865e29d8087c40d9c6b3ac98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:20.036000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:20.036000', 'bytes': 3563879424, 'norm_byte': 63108096, 'ops': 3480351, 'norm_ops': 61629, 'norm_ltcy': 16.243763716148244, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:20.036000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:20.036000",
+ "bytes": 3563879424,
+ "norm_byte": 63108096,
+ "ops": 3480351,
+ "norm_ops": 61629,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.243763716148244,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d3475ece16306cdff7c8b417ea699650cc08fd342154693f8d372ee7df77080",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:21.037000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:21.037000', 'bytes': 3627805696, 'norm_byte': 63926272, 'ops': 3542779, 'norm_ops': 62428, 'norm_ltcy': 16.036086853305008, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:21.037000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:21.037000",
+ "bytes": 3627805696,
+ "norm_byte": 63926272,
+ "ops": 3542779,
+ "norm_ops": 62428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.036086853305008,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85fc0016d8a952afd43c9103c1e937f38cf67ae0805ebdf21b0857793e2b2328",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:22.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:22.038000', 'bytes': 3690902528, 'norm_byte': 63096832, 'ops': 3604397, 'norm_ops': 61618, 'norm_ltcy': 16.246980514013764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:22.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:22.038000",
+ "bytes": 3690902528,
+ "norm_byte": 63096832,
+ "ops": 3604397,
+ "norm_ops": 61618,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.246980514013764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b877a413dc4e1a762213fe94c8a72d63bbebbe3715821e2f096ce1a8955c72a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:23:23.239000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:23:23.239000', 'bytes': 3753958400, 'norm_byte': 63055872, 'ops': 3665975, 'norm_ops': 61578, 'norm_ltcy': 19.509547025215987, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:23:23.239000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:23:23.239000",
+ "bytes": 3753958400,
+ "norm_byte": 63055872,
+ "ops": 3665975,
+ "norm_ops": 61578,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.509547025215987,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ab8e9b49-6f5d-55a0-9a28-6e20ca9e1bde",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5785d5843633c0555b444ddeb20843df33b8ad9a9450e259ff3cc9e5e460c117",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63626413.55932204
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62135.16949152543
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.40521111913192
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:23:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-025-220519201939/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-025-220519201939/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8522ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-025-220519201939/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-025-220519201939/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-025-220519201939/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-025-220519201939/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-025-220519201939/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-025-220519201939/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc12ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-025-220519201939/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=35
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=50
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-026-220519202140/220519202140-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-026-220519202140/220519202140-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05d285c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-026-220519202140/220519202140-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:24:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991863791.5156 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991864792.6099 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991864792.6584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991865793.7468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67779584 nr_ops:66191\ntimestamp_ms:1652991866793.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135377920 nr_ops:132205\ntimestamp_ms:1652991867794.8435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:203127808 nr_ops:198367\ntimestamp_ms:1652991868795.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271252480 nr_ops:264895\ntimestamp_ms:1652991869797.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:339362816 nr_ops:331409\ntimestamp_ms:1652991870798.1428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:407374848 nr_ops:397827\ntimestamp_ms:1652991871798.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475139072 nr_ops:464003\ntimestamp_ms:1652991872799.9434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:543040512 nr_ops:530313\ntimestamp_ms:1652991873801.0435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:611259392 nr_ops:596933\ntimestamp_ms:1652991874802.1416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:679232512 nr_ops:663313\ntimestamp_ms:1652991875803.2451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:747893760 nr_ops:730365\ntimestamp_ms:1652991876804.3423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:802266112 nr_ops:783463\ntimestamp_ms:1652991877805.4443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:869917696 nr_ops:849529\ntimestamp_ms:1652991878806.5630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:937738240 nr_ops:915760\ntimestamp_ms:1652991879807.6663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005122560 nr_ops:981565\ntimestamp_ms:1652991880808.7690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1072598016 nr_ops:1047459\ntimestamp_ms:1652991881809.8083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140270080 nr_ops:1113545\ntimestamp_ms:1652991882810.9153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209463808 nr_ops:1181117\ntimestamp_ms:1652991883812.0105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1279366144 nr_ops:1249381\ntimestamp_ms:1652991884813.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349364736 nr_ops:1317739\ntimestamp_ms:1652991885814.2061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418656768 nr_ops:1385407\ntimestamp_ms:1652991886814.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486208000 nr_ops:1451375\ntimestamp_ms:1652991887815.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1542069248 nr_ops:1505927\ntimestamp_ms:1652991888816.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1610931200 nr_ops:1573175\ntimestamp_ms:1652991889817.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1653758976 nr_ops:1614999\ntimestamp_ms:1652991890818.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1686453248 nr_ops:1646927\ntimestamp_ms:1652991891819.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1745898496 nr_ops:1704979\ntimestamp_ms:1652991892820.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785529344 nr_ops:1743681\ntimestamp_ms:1652991893821.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839006720 nr_ops:1795905\ntimestamp_ms:1652991894822.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909052416 nr_ops:1864309\ntimestamp_ms:1652991895823.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979241472 nr_ops:1932853\ntimestamp_ms:1652991896824.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2033148928 nr_ops:1985497\ntimestamp_ms:1652991897825.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2101136384 nr_ops:2051891\ntimestamp_ms:1652991898826.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2169222144 nr_ops:2118381\ntimestamp_ms:1652991899827.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2230486016 nr_ops:2178209\ntimestamp_ms:1652991900828.8928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291819520 nr_ops:2238105\ntimestamp_ms:1652991901829.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2346011648 nr_ops:2291027\ntimestamp_ms:1652991902831.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385796096 nr_ops:2329879\ntimestamp_ms:1652991903832.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2453392384 nr_ops:2395891\ntimestamp_ms:1652991904833.2368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2506406912 nr_ops:2447663\ntimestamp_ms:1652991905834.2883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2572913664 nr_ops:2512611\ntimestamp_ms:1652991906835.3455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2627396608 nr_ops:2565817\ntimestamp_ms:1652991907836.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2679628800 nr_ops:2616825\ntimestamp_ms:1652991908837.5549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2746973184 nr_ops:2682591\ntimestamp_ms:1652991909838.5933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814229504 nr_ops:2748271\ntimestamp_ms:1652991910839.6343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2868409344 nr_ops:2801181\ntimestamp_ms:1652991911840.6853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2936087552 nr_ops:2867273\ntimestamp_ms:1652991912841.7920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2990130176 nr_ops:2920049\ntimestamp_ms:1652991913842.8850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057560576 nr_ops:2985899\ntimestamp_ms:1652991914843.9832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097328640 nr_ops:3024735\ntimestamp_ms:1652991915845.0811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3151500288 nr_ops:3077637\ntimestamp_ms:1652991916845.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3220014080 nr_ops:3144545\ntimestamp_ms:1652991917846.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3260099584 nr_ops:3183691\ntimestamp_ms:1652991918848.0310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3328580608 nr_ops:3250567\ntimestamp_ms:1652991919849.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3397139456 nr_ops:3317519\ntimestamp_ms:1652991920850.2275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437308928 nr_ops:3356747\ntimestamp_ms:1652991921851.3218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3505703936 nr_ops:3423539\ntimestamp_ms:1652991922852.4133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3560080384 nr_ops:3476641\ntimestamp_ms:1652991923853.5112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3614682112 nr_ops:3529963\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139652925826816\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925054.8523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3655019520 nr_ops:3569355\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925054.9246 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925054.9292 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925155.1428 name:Total nr_bytes:3655019520 nr_ops:3569356\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925055.0667 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7310039038 nr_ops:7138712\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925055.0676 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3655019520 nr_ops:3569358\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 271.25us 0.00ns 271.25us 271.25us \nTxn1 1784678 33.62us 0.00ns 209.24ms 18.31us \nTxn2 1 41.01us 0.00ns 41.01us 41.01us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.88us 0.00ns 270.88us 270.88us \nwrite 1784678 2.42us 0.00ns 311.59us 2.13us \nread 1784677 31.12us 0.00ns 209.24ms 1.29us \ndisconnect 1 40.66us 0.00ns 40.66us 40.66us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.14b/s \nnet1 28617 28617 249.54Mb/s 249.54Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.121 62.37s 3.40GB 468.85Mb/s 3569358 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.40GB 468.86Mb/s 3569358 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414933, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991863791.5156 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991864792.6099 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991864792.6584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991865793.7468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67779584 nr_ops:66191\ntimestamp_ms:1652991866793.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135377920 nr_ops:132205\ntimestamp_ms:1652991867794.8435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:203127808 nr_ops:198367\ntimestamp_ms:1652991868795.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271252480 nr_ops:264895\ntimestamp_ms:1652991869797.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:339362816 nr_ops:331409\ntimestamp_ms:1652991870798.1428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:407374848 nr_ops:397827\ntimestamp_ms:1652991871798.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475139072 nr_ops:464003\ntimestamp_ms:1652991872799.9434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:543040512 nr_ops:530313\ntimestamp_ms:1652991873801.0435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:611259392 nr_ops:596933\ntimestamp_ms:1652991874802.1416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:679232512 nr_ops:663313\ntimestamp_ms:1652991875803.2451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:747893760 nr_ops:730365\ntimestamp_ms:1652991876804.3423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:802266112 nr_ops:783463\ntimestamp_ms:1652991877805.4443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:869917696 nr_ops:849529\ntimestamp_ms:1652991878806.5630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:937738240 nr_ops:915760\ntimestamp_ms:1652991879807.6663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005122560 nr_ops:981565\ntimestamp_ms:1652991880808.7690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1072598016 nr_ops:1047459\ntimestamp_ms:1652991881809.8083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140270080 nr_ops:1113545\ntimestamp_ms:1652991882810.9153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209463808 nr_ops:1181117\ntimestamp_ms:1652991883812.0105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1279366144 nr_ops:1249381\ntimestamp_ms:1652991884813.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349364736 nr_ops:1317739\ntimestamp_ms:1652991885814.2061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418656768 nr_ops:1385407\ntimestamp_ms:1652991886814.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486208000 nr_ops:1451375\ntimestamp_ms:1652991887815.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1542069248 nr_ops:1505927\ntimestamp_ms:1652991888816.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1610931200 nr_ops:1573175\ntimestamp_ms:1652991889817.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1653758976 nr_ops:1614999\ntimestamp_ms:1652991890818.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1686453248 nr_ops:1646927\ntimestamp_ms:1652991891819.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1745898496 nr_ops:1704979\ntimestamp_ms:1652991892820.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785529344 nr_ops:1743681\ntimestamp_ms:1652991893821.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839006720 nr_ops:1795905\ntimestamp_ms:1652991894822.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909052416 nr_ops:1864309\ntimestamp_ms:1652991895823.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979241472 nr_ops:1932853\ntimestamp_ms:1652991896824.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2033148928 nr_ops:1985497\ntimestamp_ms:1652991897825.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2101136384 nr_ops:2051891\ntimestamp_ms:1652991898826.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2169222144 nr_ops:2118381\ntimestamp_ms:1652991899827.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2230486016 nr_ops:2178209\ntimestamp_ms:1652991900828.8928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291819520 nr_ops:2238105\ntimestamp_ms:1652991901829.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2346011648 nr_ops:2291027\ntimestamp_ms:1652991902831.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385796096 nr_ops:2329879\ntimestamp_ms:1652991903832.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2453392384 nr_ops:2395891\ntimestamp_ms:1652991904833.2368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2506406912 nr_ops:2447663\ntimestamp_ms:1652991905834.2883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2572913664 nr_ops:2512611\ntimestamp_ms:1652991906835.3455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2627396608 nr_ops:2565817\ntimestamp_ms:1652991907836.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2679628800 nr_ops:2616825\ntimestamp_ms:1652991908837.5549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2746973184 nr_ops:2682591\ntimestamp_ms:1652991909838.5933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814229504 nr_ops:2748271\ntimestamp_ms:1652991910839.6343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2868409344 nr_ops:2801181\ntimestamp_ms:1652991911840.6853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2936087552 nr_ops:2867273\ntimestamp_ms:1652991912841.7920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2990130176 nr_ops:2920049\ntimestamp_ms:1652991913842.8850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057560576 nr_ops:2985899\ntimestamp_ms:1652991914843.9832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097328640 nr_ops:3024735\ntimestamp_ms:1652991915845.0811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3151500288 nr_ops:3077637\ntimestamp_ms:1652991916845.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3220014080 nr_ops:3144545\ntimestamp_ms:1652991917846.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3260099584 nr_ops:3183691\ntimestamp_ms:1652991918848.0310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3328580608 nr_ops:3250567\ntimestamp_ms:1652991919849.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3397139456 nr_ops:3317519\ntimestamp_ms:1652991920850.2275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437308928 nr_ops:3356747\ntimestamp_ms:1652991921851.3218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3505703936 nr_ops:3423539\ntimestamp_ms:1652991922852.4133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3560080384 nr_ops:3476641\ntimestamp_ms:1652991923853.5112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3614682112 nr_ops:3529963\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139652925826816\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925054.8523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3655019520 nr_ops:3569355\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925054.9246 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925054.9292 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925155.1428 name:Total nr_bytes:3655019520 nr_ops:3569356\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925055.0667 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7310039038 nr_ops:7138712\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925055.0676 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3655019520 nr_ops:3569358\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 271.25us 0.00ns 271.25us 271.25us \nTxn1 1784678 33.62us 0.00ns 209.24ms 18.31us \nTxn2 1 41.01us 0.00ns 41.01us 41.01us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.88us 0.00ns 270.88us 270.88us \nwrite 1784678 2.42us 0.00ns 311.59us 2.13us \nread 1784677 31.12us 0.00ns 209.24ms 1.29us \ndisconnect 1 40.66us 0.00ns 40.66us 40.66us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.14b/s \nnet1 28617 28617 249.54Mb/s 249.54Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.121 62.37s 3.40GB 468.85Mb/s 3569358 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.40GB 468.86Mb/s 3569358 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414933, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991863791.5156 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991864792.6099 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991864792.6584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991865793.7468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67779584 nr_ops:66191\ntimestamp_ms:1652991866793.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135377920 nr_ops:132205\ntimestamp_ms:1652991867794.8435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:203127808 nr_ops:198367\ntimestamp_ms:1652991868795.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271252480 nr_ops:264895\ntimestamp_ms:1652991869797.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:339362816 nr_ops:331409\ntimestamp_ms:1652991870798.1428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:407374848 nr_ops:397827\ntimestamp_ms:1652991871798.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475139072 nr_ops:464003\ntimestamp_ms:1652991872799.9434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:543040512 nr_ops:530313\ntimestamp_ms:1652991873801.0435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:611259392 nr_ops:596933\ntimestamp_ms:1652991874802.1416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:679232512 nr_ops:663313\ntimestamp_ms:1652991875803.2451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:747893760 nr_ops:730365\ntimestamp_ms:1652991876804.3423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:802266112 nr_ops:783463\ntimestamp_ms:1652991877805.4443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:869917696 nr_ops:849529\ntimestamp_ms:1652991878806.5630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:937738240 nr_ops:915760\ntimestamp_ms:1652991879807.6663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005122560 nr_ops:981565\ntimestamp_ms:1652991880808.7690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1072598016 nr_ops:1047459\ntimestamp_ms:1652991881809.8083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140270080 nr_ops:1113545\ntimestamp_ms:1652991882810.9153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209463808 nr_ops:1181117\ntimestamp_ms:1652991883812.0105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1279366144 nr_ops:1249381\ntimestamp_ms:1652991884813.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349364736 nr_ops:1317739\ntimestamp_ms:1652991885814.2061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418656768 nr_ops:1385407\ntimestamp_ms:1652991886814.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486208000 nr_ops:1451375\ntimestamp_ms:1652991887815.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1542069248 nr_ops:1505927\ntimestamp_ms:1652991888816.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1610931200 nr_ops:1573175\ntimestamp_ms:1652991889817.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1653758976 nr_ops:1614999\ntimestamp_ms:1652991890818.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1686453248 nr_ops:1646927\ntimestamp_ms:1652991891819.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1745898496 nr_ops:1704979\ntimestamp_ms:1652991892820.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785529344 nr_ops:1743681\ntimestamp_ms:1652991893821.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839006720 nr_ops:1795905\ntimestamp_ms:1652991894822.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909052416 nr_ops:1864309\ntimestamp_ms:1652991895823.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979241472 nr_ops:1932853\ntimestamp_ms:1652991896824.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2033148928 nr_ops:1985497\ntimestamp_ms:1652991897825.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2101136384 nr_ops:2051891\ntimestamp_ms:1652991898826.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2169222144 nr_ops:2118381\ntimestamp_ms:1652991899827.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2230486016 nr_ops:2178209\ntimestamp_ms:1652991900828.8928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291819520 nr_ops:2238105\ntimestamp_ms:1652991901829.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2346011648 nr_ops:2291027\ntimestamp_ms:1652991902831.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385796096 nr_ops:2329879\ntimestamp_ms:1652991903832.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2453392384 nr_ops:2395891\ntimestamp_ms:1652991904833.2368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2506406912 nr_ops:2447663\ntimestamp_ms:1652991905834.2883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2572913664 nr_ops:2512611\ntimestamp_ms:1652991906835.3455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2627396608 nr_ops:2565817\ntimestamp_ms:1652991907836.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2679628800 nr_ops:2616825\ntimestamp_ms:1652991908837.5549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2746973184 nr_ops:2682591\ntimestamp_ms:1652991909838.5933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814229504 nr_ops:2748271\ntimestamp_ms:1652991910839.6343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2868409344 nr_ops:2801181\ntimestamp_ms:1652991911840.6853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2936087552 nr_ops:2867273\ntimestamp_ms:1652991912841.7920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2990130176 nr_ops:2920049\ntimestamp_ms:1652991913842.8850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057560576 nr_ops:2985899\ntimestamp_ms:1652991914843.9832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097328640 nr_ops:3024735\ntimestamp_ms:1652991915845.0811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3151500288 nr_ops:3077637\ntimestamp_ms:1652991916845.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3220014080 nr_ops:3144545\ntimestamp_ms:1652991917846.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3260099584 nr_ops:3183691\ntimestamp_ms:1652991918848.0310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3328580608 nr_ops:3250567\ntimestamp_ms:1652991919849.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3397139456 nr_ops:3317519\ntimestamp_ms:1652991920850.2275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437308928 nr_ops:3356747\ntimestamp_ms:1652991921851.3218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3505703936 nr_ops:3423539\ntimestamp_ms:1652991922852.4133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3560080384 nr_ops:3476641\ntimestamp_ms:1652991923853.5112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3614682112 nr_ops:3529963\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139652925826816\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925054.8523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3655019520 nr_ops:3569355\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925054.9246 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925054.9292 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925155.1428 name:Total nr_bytes:3655019520 nr_ops:3569356\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925055.0667 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7310039038 nr_ops:7138712\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652991925055.0676 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3655019520 nr_ops:3569358\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 271.25us 0.00ns 271.25us 271.25us \nTxn1 1784678 33.62us 0.00ns 209.24ms 18.31us \nTxn2 1 41.01us 0.00ns 41.01us 41.01us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.88us 0.00ns 270.88us 270.88us \nwrite 1784678 2.42us 0.00ns 311.59us 2.13us \nread 1784677 31.12us 0.00ns 209.24ms 1.29us \ndisconnect 1 40.66us 0.00ns 40.66us 40.66us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.14b/s \nnet1 28617 28617 249.54Mb/s 249.54Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.121 62.37s 3.40GB 468.85Mb/s 3569358 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.40GB 468.86Mb/s 3569358 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414933, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991863791.5156 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991864792.6099 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991864792.6584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991865793.7468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67779584 nr_ops:66191
+timestamp_ms:1652991866793.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135377920 nr_ops:132205
+timestamp_ms:1652991867794.8435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:203127808 nr_ops:198367
+timestamp_ms:1652991868795.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271252480 nr_ops:264895
+timestamp_ms:1652991869797.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:339362816 nr_ops:331409
+timestamp_ms:1652991870798.1428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:407374848 nr_ops:397827
+timestamp_ms:1652991871798.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475139072 nr_ops:464003
+timestamp_ms:1652991872799.9434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:543040512 nr_ops:530313
+timestamp_ms:1652991873801.0435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:611259392 nr_ops:596933
+timestamp_ms:1652991874802.1416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:679232512 nr_ops:663313
+timestamp_ms:1652991875803.2451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:747893760 nr_ops:730365
+timestamp_ms:1652991876804.3423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:802266112 nr_ops:783463
+timestamp_ms:1652991877805.4443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:869917696 nr_ops:849529
+timestamp_ms:1652991878806.5630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:937738240 nr_ops:915760
+timestamp_ms:1652991879807.6663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005122560 nr_ops:981565
+timestamp_ms:1652991880808.7690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1072598016 nr_ops:1047459
+timestamp_ms:1652991881809.8083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140270080 nr_ops:1113545
+timestamp_ms:1652991882810.9153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209463808 nr_ops:1181117
+timestamp_ms:1652991883812.0105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1279366144 nr_ops:1249381
+timestamp_ms:1652991884813.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349364736 nr_ops:1317739
+timestamp_ms:1652991885814.2061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418656768 nr_ops:1385407
+timestamp_ms:1652991886814.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486208000 nr_ops:1451375
+timestamp_ms:1652991887815.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1542069248 nr_ops:1505927
+timestamp_ms:1652991888816.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1610931200 nr_ops:1573175
+timestamp_ms:1652991889817.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1653758976 nr_ops:1614999
+timestamp_ms:1652991890818.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1686453248 nr_ops:1646927
+timestamp_ms:1652991891819.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1745898496 nr_ops:1704979
+timestamp_ms:1652991892820.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785529344 nr_ops:1743681
+timestamp_ms:1652991893821.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839006720 nr_ops:1795905
+timestamp_ms:1652991894822.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909052416 nr_ops:1864309
+timestamp_ms:1652991895823.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979241472 nr_ops:1932853
+timestamp_ms:1652991896824.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2033148928 nr_ops:1985497
+timestamp_ms:1652991897825.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2101136384 nr_ops:2051891
+timestamp_ms:1652991898826.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2169222144 nr_ops:2118381
+timestamp_ms:1652991899827.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2230486016 nr_ops:2178209
+timestamp_ms:1652991900828.8928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291819520 nr_ops:2238105
+timestamp_ms:1652991901829.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2346011648 nr_ops:2291027
+timestamp_ms:1652991902831.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385796096 nr_ops:2329879
+timestamp_ms:1652991903832.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2453392384 nr_ops:2395891
+timestamp_ms:1652991904833.2368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2506406912 nr_ops:2447663
+timestamp_ms:1652991905834.2883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2572913664 nr_ops:2512611
+timestamp_ms:1652991906835.3455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2627396608 nr_ops:2565817
+timestamp_ms:1652991907836.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2679628800 nr_ops:2616825
+timestamp_ms:1652991908837.5549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2746973184 nr_ops:2682591
+timestamp_ms:1652991909838.5933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814229504 nr_ops:2748271
+timestamp_ms:1652991910839.6343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2868409344 nr_ops:2801181
+timestamp_ms:1652991911840.6853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2936087552 nr_ops:2867273
+timestamp_ms:1652991912841.7920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2990130176 nr_ops:2920049
+timestamp_ms:1652991913842.8850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057560576 nr_ops:2985899
+timestamp_ms:1652991914843.9832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097328640 nr_ops:3024735
+timestamp_ms:1652991915845.0811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3151500288 nr_ops:3077637
+timestamp_ms:1652991916845.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3220014080 nr_ops:3144545
+timestamp_ms:1652991917846.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3260099584 nr_ops:3183691
+timestamp_ms:1652991918848.0310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3328580608 nr_ops:3250567
+timestamp_ms:1652991919849.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3397139456 nr_ops:3317519
+timestamp_ms:1652991920850.2275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437308928 nr_ops:3356747
+timestamp_ms:1652991921851.3218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3505703936 nr_ops:3423539
+timestamp_ms:1652991922852.4133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3560080384 nr_ops:3476641
+timestamp_ms:1652991923853.5112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3614682112 nr_ops:3529963
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139652925826816
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652991925054.8523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3655019520 nr_ops:3569355
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991925054.9246 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991925054.9292 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991925155.1428 name:Total nr_bytes:3655019520 nr_ops:3569356
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991925055.0667 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7310039038 nr_ops:7138712
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652991925055.0676 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3655019520 nr_ops:3569358
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 271.25us 0.00ns 271.25us 271.25us
+Txn1 1784678 33.62us 0.00ns 209.24ms 18.31us
+Txn2 1 41.01us 0.00ns 41.01us 41.01us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 270.88us 0.00ns 270.88us 270.88us
+write 1784678 2.42us 0.00ns 311.59us 2.13us
+read 1784677 31.12us 0.00ns 209.24ms 1.29us
+disconnect 1 40.66us 0.00ns 40.66us 40.66us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.14b/s
+net1 28617 28617 249.54Mb/s 249.54Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.121 62.37s 3.40GB 468.85Mb/s 3569358 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.40GB 468.86Mb/s 3569358 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:25.793000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:25.793000', 'bytes': 67779584, 'norm_byte': 67779584, 'ops': 66191, 'norm_ops': 66191, 'norm_ltcy': 15.124237115412217, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:25.793000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:25.793000",
+ "bytes": 67779584,
+ "norm_byte": 67779584,
+ "ops": 66191,
+ "norm_ops": 66191,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.124237115412217,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6697e4ac54cc1158beed513a63ed8dc25766d7f0d27142c6d452e783d7be0936",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:26.793000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:26.793000', 'bytes': 135377920, 'norm_byte': 67598336, 'ops': 132205, 'norm_ops': 66014, 'norm_ltcy': 15.14976271013535, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:26.793000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:26.793000",
+ "bytes": 135377920,
+ "norm_byte": 67598336,
+ "ops": 132205,
+ "norm_ops": 66014,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.14976271013535,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e69f6c1cf531f1f32e680b3901b729bab8d4bf2abd8dadf61bd0e40666b73f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:27.794000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:27.794000', 'bytes': 203127808, 'norm_byte': 67749888, 'ops': 198367, 'norm_ops': 66162, 'norm_ltcy': 15.129534236278, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:27.794000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:27.794000",
+ "bytes": 203127808,
+ "norm_byte": 67749888,
+ "ops": 198367,
+ "norm_ops": 66162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.129534236278,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7270c8710322212a5fb6fb978030ced05cccfb5529e4fa53b4d91b2807482e21",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:28.795000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:28.795000', 'bytes': 271252480, 'norm_byte': 68124672, 'ops': 264895, 'norm_ops': 66528, 'norm_ltcy': 15.04774584455981, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:28.795000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:28.795000",
+ "bytes": 271252480,
+ "norm_byte": 68124672,
+ "ops": 264895,
+ "norm_ops": 66528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.04774584455981,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c075600de0b57b46be7083aca81b4aae6b2ffc0b29523ed877d8a30e89204cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:29.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:29.797000', 'bytes': 339362816, 'norm_byte': 68110336, 'ops': 331409, 'norm_ops': 66514, 'norm_ltcy': 15.051015898673588, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:29.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:29.797000",
+ "bytes": 339362816,
+ "norm_byte": 68110336,
+ "ops": 331409,
+ "norm_ops": 66514,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.051015898673588,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad47c670b4c6b3a669484b1f9058b1fac89b9cbfea8312e247edbe97f56784e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:30.798000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:30.798000', 'bytes': 407374848, 'norm_byte': 68012032, 'ops': 397827, 'norm_ops': 66418, 'norm_ltcy': 15.072715368951188, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:30.798000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:30.798000",
+ "bytes": 407374848,
+ "norm_byte": 68012032,
+ "ops": 397827,
+ "norm_ops": 66418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.072715368951188,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f47950acc66e7d14a1df6aed815e28e976c14b27d7493032a49447cc92d1b47c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:31.798000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:31.798000', 'bytes': 475139072, 'norm_byte': 67764224, 'ops': 464003, 'norm_ops': 66176, 'norm_ltcy': 15.121718209301712, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:31.798000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:31.798000",
+ "bytes": 475139072,
+ "norm_byte": 67764224,
+ "ops": 464003,
+ "norm_ops": 66176,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.121718209301712,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "601f720256d6d7497710cd6bd7419df130df528098b264806560eb8495a3d10a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:32.799000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:32.799000', 'bytes': 543040512, 'norm_byte': 67901440, 'ops': 530313, 'norm_ops': 66310, 'norm_ltcy': 15.097356550906726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:32.799000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:32.799000",
+ "bytes": 543040512,
+ "norm_byte": 67901440,
+ "ops": 530313,
+ "norm_ops": 66310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.097356550906726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ff58e80ec311d6ecd30ab267b61e0bfd81751c5f24c8eb8d7f246ebb60f6c58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:33.801000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:33.801000', 'bytes': 611259392, 'norm_byte': 68218880, 'ops': 596933, 'norm_ops': 66620, 'norm_ltcy': 15.027020379109127, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:33.801000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:33.801000",
+ "bytes": 611259392,
+ "norm_byte": 68218880,
+ "ops": 596933,
+ "norm_ops": 66620,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.027020379109127,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74d6c58a1093121e84a23e1fa06386cf4b3a9a2f73605c3c5bdce333140182fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:34.802000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:34.802000', 'bytes': 679232512, 'norm_byte': 67973120, 'ops': 663313, 'norm_ops': 66380, 'norm_ltcy': 15.081321851932058, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:34.802000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:34.802000",
+ "bytes": 679232512,
+ "norm_byte": 67973120,
+ "ops": 663313,
+ "norm_ops": 66380,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.081321851932058,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b699727380b0c09bbb5b108b4ab465053f438f2c61ac53cdde264b8aa3022b17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:35.803000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:35.803000', 'bytes': 747893760, 'norm_byte': 68661248, 'ops': 730365, 'norm_ops': 67052, 'norm_ltcy': 14.930255855530035, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:35.803000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:35.803000",
+ "bytes": 747893760,
+ "norm_byte": 68661248,
+ "ops": 730365,
+ "norm_ops": 67052,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.930255855530035,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db9cd10d5b9b1706314f7bf919fe590dec5013edb06f975fa07c5385ca381739",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:36.804000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:36.804000', 'bytes': 802266112, 'norm_byte': 54372352, 'ops': 783463, 'norm_ops': 53098, 'norm_ltcy': 18.853764133653808, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:36.804000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:36.804000",
+ "bytes": 802266112,
+ "norm_byte": 54372352,
+ "ops": 783463,
+ "norm_ops": 53098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.853764133653808,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b77542b3cc00853abfc184d25994b3766bf134920412c297a977e3352f0ecc2f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:37.805000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:37.805000', 'bytes': 869917696, 'norm_byte': 67651584, 'ops': 849529, 'norm_ops': 66066, 'norm_ltcy': 15.153059830794206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:37.805000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:37.805000",
+ "bytes": 869917696,
+ "norm_byte": 67651584,
+ "ops": 849529,
+ "norm_ops": 66066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.153059830794206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6681b60a7d78640dede92043ad07c7ad977b189a4ff1273053c6aca19ba32ccc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:38.806000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:38.806000', 'bytes': 937738240, 'norm_byte': 67820544, 'ops': 915760, 'norm_ops': 66231, 'norm_ltcy': 15.115559969557307, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:38.806000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:38.806000",
+ "bytes": 937738240,
+ "norm_byte": 67820544,
+ "ops": 915760,
+ "norm_ops": 66231,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.115559969557307,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b3f80ae1140856c41217669b64c8ab53c6711817dbc82e8f961eb8535ce015bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:39.807000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:39.807000', 'bytes': 1005122560, 'norm_byte': 67384320, 'ops': 981565, 'norm_ops': 65805, 'norm_ltcy': 15.213179416220273, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:39.807000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:39.807000",
+ "bytes": 1005122560,
+ "norm_byte": 67384320,
+ "ops": 981565,
+ "norm_ops": 65805,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.213179416220273,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba8da9412f01ea64258ac36d4dab11db04df75643b9f94853f45e6074e9c59d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:40.808000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:40.808000', 'bytes': 1072598016, 'norm_byte': 67475456, 'ops': 1047459, 'norm_ops': 65894, 'norm_ltcy': 15.192624263258034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:40.808000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:40.808000",
+ "bytes": 1072598016,
+ "norm_byte": 67475456,
+ "ops": 1047459,
+ "norm_ops": 65894,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.192624263258034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2275493af57f8be75f0947ca549a535c17965763bf22022df248ec1ecc156c3d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:41.809000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:41.809000', 'bytes': 1140270080, 'norm_byte': 67672064, 'ops': 1113545, 'norm_ops': 66086, 'norm_ltcy': 15.147524538338303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:41.809000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:41.809000",
+ "bytes": 1140270080,
+ "norm_byte": 67672064,
+ "ops": 1113545,
+ "norm_ops": 66086,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.147524538338303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d4b67b33aad4b885df74feeeb00617bfba207bd75a8a9afdd2a35e1e971ef67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:42.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:42.810000', 'bytes': 1209463808, 'norm_byte': 69193728, 'ops': 1181117, 'norm_ops': 67572, 'norm_ltcy': 14.815410726243858, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:42.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:42.810000",
+ "bytes": 1209463808,
+ "norm_byte": 69193728,
+ "ops": 1181117,
+ "norm_ops": 67572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.815410726243858,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efe4ec15eb24b8b76e8fc0122a3128f75ea2f266f117f60d441152895f00ac4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:43.812000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:43.812000', 'bytes': 1279366144, 'norm_byte': 69902336, 'ops': 1249381, 'norm_ops': 68264, 'norm_ltcy': 14.665053539841644, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:43.812000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:43.812000",
+ "bytes": 1279366144,
+ "norm_byte": 69902336,
+ "ops": 1249381,
+ "norm_ops": 68264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.665053539841644,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78c6b1314bb0046d088c58dc9432fbf75369d30070ba9f880e22a294c69ba00a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:44.813000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:44.813000', 'bytes': 1349364736, 'norm_byte': 69998592, 'ops': 1317739, 'norm_ops': 68358, 'norm_ltcy': 14.644983859103908, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:44.813000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:44.813000",
+ "bytes": 1349364736,
+ "norm_byte": 69998592,
+ "ops": 1317739,
+ "norm_ops": 68358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.644983859103908,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4cc0ba38866433ad8a65e2ccb8cb226a93a3e9a76be116fd28cb47e0b810db2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:45.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:45.814000', 'bytes': 1418656768, 'norm_byte': 69292032, 'ops': 1385407, 'norm_ops': 67668, 'norm_ltcy': 14.794197404977242, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:45.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:45.814000",
+ "bytes": 1418656768,
+ "norm_byte": 69292032,
+ "ops": 1385407,
+ "norm_ops": 67668,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.794197404977242,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6cea6306b242737859bfcead5e0814ee39f60d12626c441c3484e2aa84f86184",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:46.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:46.814000', 'bytes': 1486208000, 'norm_byte': 67551232, 'ops': 1451375, 'norm_ops': 65968, 'norm_ltcy': 15.168383605498121, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:46.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:46.814000",
+ "bytes": 1486208000,
+ "norm_byte": 67551232,
+ "ops": 1451375,
+ "norm_ops": 65968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.168383605498121,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "541c57e59e648c829edb7ad079fb22cfd7922f8a12824ee9e114b66d760f99c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:47.815000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:47.815000', 'bytes': 1542069248, 'norm_byte': 55861248, 'ops': 1505927, 'norm_ops': 54552, 'norm_ltcy': 18.34949158314544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:47.815000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:47.815000",
+ "bytes": 1542069248,
+ "norm_byte": 55861248,
+ "ops": 1505927,
+ "norm_ops": 54552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.34949158314544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad0f38fb4a3ba50f492f8d69d9d42bb924b015a32b46770d918455b69dcf04d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:48.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:48.816000', 'bytes': 1610931200, 'norm_byte': 68861952, 'ops': 1573175, 'norm_ops': 67248, 'norm_ltcy': 14.88671857573831, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:48.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:48.816000",
+ "bytes": 1610931200,
+ "norm_byte": 68861952,
+ "ops": 1573175,
+ "norm_ops": 67248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.88671857573831,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b73ea272582b833fda7dd011e6a35df96bc7b922d3af72451ec8b28a20c2b96f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:49.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:49.817000', 'bytes': 1653758976, 'norm_byte': 42827776, 'ops': 1614999, 'norm_ops': 41824, 'norm_ltcy': 23.931163271237804, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:49.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:49.817000",
+ "bytes": 1653758976,
+ "norm_byte": 42827776,
+ "ops": 1614999,
+ "norm_ops": 41824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.931163271237804,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b847b44700c04f10a4b477eb3d62a87da06b6b8ad929f404dd656f3c3420805",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:50.818000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:50.818000', 'bytes': 1686453248, 'norm_byte': 32694272, 'ops': 1646927, 'norm_ops': 31928, 'norm_ltcy': 31.355094861876722, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:50.818000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:50.818000",
+ "bytes": 1686453248,
+ "norm_byte": 32694272,
+ "ops": 1646927,
+ "norm_ops": 31928,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.355094861876722,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6542fd77b2923578ca61843d827e1f6f25cc17c9c0aa15a1bc00629999870fdd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:51.819000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:51.819000', 'bytes': 1745898496, 'norm_byte': 59445248, 'ops': 1704979, 'norm_ops': 58052, 'norm_ltcy': 17.24138235574356, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:51.819000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:51.819000",
+ "bytes": 1745898496,
+ "norm_byte": 59445248,
+ "ops": 1704979,
+ "norm_ops": 58052,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.24138235574356,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ad7449560f801a1cebb9ddb4f57d1a035f37dbd0267e177d22b1b6ad0929194",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:52.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:52.820000', 'bytes': 1785529344, 'norm_byte': 39630848, 'ops': 1743681, 'norm_ops': 38702, 'norm_ltcy': 25.864359500962482, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:52.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:52.820000",
+ "bytes": 1785529344,
+ "norm_byte": 39630848,
+ "ops": 1743681,
+ "norm_ops": 38702,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.864359500962482,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ad2ca8daa4f93872f41a0dcf2e75dab65c18f2c5cc5d1da9bdbc1a578508482",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:53.821000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:53.821000', 'bytes': 1839006720, 'norm_byte': 53477376, 'ops': 1795905, 'norm_ops': 52224, 'norm_ltcy': 19.167395199046414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:53.821000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:53.821000",
+ "bytes": 1839006720,
+ "norm_byte": 53477376,
+ "ops": 1795905,
+ "norm_ops": 52224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.167395199046414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7bd256833ce6b5cffc1a7409277169b46ca2777d198df85c70e82808108f848",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:54.822000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:54.822000', 'bytes': 1909052416, 'norm_byte': 70045696, 'ops': 1864309, 'norm_ops': 68404, 'norm_ltcy': 14.633636447841134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:54.822000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:54.822000",
+ "bytes": 1909052416,
+ "norm_byte": 70045696,
+ "ops": 1864309,
+ "norm_ops": 68404,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.633636447841134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ac39b4e4d954ed0f6a552bd50ce778f09e2df0056b005583c6fde39a5a8b41a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:55.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:55.823000', 'bytes': 1979241472, 'norm_byte': 70189056, 'ops': 1932853, 'norm_ops': 68544, 'norm_ltcy': 14.60374036089045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:55.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:55.823000",
+ "bytes": 1979241472,
+ "norm_byte": 70189056,
+ "ops": 1932853,
+ "norm_ops": 68544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.60374036089045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "152a5ac92c222f6a0e4c934b2a79222db588e84cb4c176ea5e576898bdeb2a52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:56.824000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:56.824000', 'bytes': 2033148928, 'norm_byte': 53907456, 'ops': 1985497, 'norm_ops': 52644, 'norm_ltcy': 19.014609964157835, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:56.824000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:56.824000",
+ "bytes": 2033148928,
+ "norm_byte": 53907456,
+ "ops": 1985497,
+ "norm_ops": 52644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.014609964157835,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "457f0388591a40cc0460d618f88373e02980e5df5a1275b67fa402c7465a9ab6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:57.825000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:57.825000', 'bytes': 2101136384, 'norm_byte': 67987456, 'ops': 2051891, 'norm_ops': 66394, 'norm_ltcy': 15.076582656659488, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:57.825000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:57.825000",
+ "bytes": 2101136384,
+ "norm_byte": 67987456,
+ "ops": 2051891,
+ "norm_ops": 66394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.076582656659488,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d52e6f89d361309e568b23e64d8ce7656c5429c5355364039ba4e20c6868ddab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:58.826000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:58.826000', 'bytes': 2169222144, 'norm_byte': 68085760, 'ops': 2118381, 'norm_ops': 66490, 'norm_ltcy': 15.054899144843208, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:58.826000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:58.826000",
+ "bytes": 2169222144,
+ "norm_byte": 68085760,
+ "ops": 2118381,
+ "norm_ops": 66490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.054899144843208,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "31dc059468558c63e474787600a677112ca2420df8807d9f342f9c633c61c732",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:24:59.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:24:59.827000', 'bytes': 2230486016, 'norm_byte': 61263872, 'ops': 2178209, 'norm_ops': 59828, 'norm_ltcy': 16.73278176083941, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:24:59.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:24:59.827000",
+ "bytes": 2230486016,
+ "norm_byte": 61263872,
+ "ops": 2178209,
+ "norm_ops": 59828,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.73278176083941,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d032545ddb727c288bcccd0f1f71dbbea63cae2a6a4f1d7287f81bd936991cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:00.828000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:00.828000', 'bytes': 2291819520, 'norm_byte': 61333504, 'ops': 2238105, 'norm_ops': 59896, 'norm_ltcy': 16.71177958461333, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:00.828000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:00.828000",
+ "bytes": 2291819520,
+ "norm_byte": 61333504,
+ "ops": 2238105,
+ "norm_ops": 59896,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.71177958461333,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b5b2b9455df3bfa776fcc059eb30842705a041493cc42d0dad37a73d1e13f81",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:01.829000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:01.829000', 'bytes': 2346011648, 'norm_byte': 54192128, 'ops': 2291027, 'norm_ops': 52922, 'norm_ltcy': 18.915348738473604, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:01.829000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:01.829000",
+ "bytes": 2346011648,
+ "norm_byte": 54192128,
+ "ops": 2291027,
+ "norm_ops": 52922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.915348738473604,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18fc8aabcfd6afad149a0bdf7b748a0d058debe0d0f74c483ceabb8af9c799ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:02.831000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:02.831000', 'bytes': 2385796096, 'norm_byte': 39784448, 'ops': 2329879, 'norm_ops': 38852, 'norm_ltcy': 25.767172891276513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:02.831000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:02.831000",
+ "bytes": 2385796096,
+ "norm_byte": 39784448,
+ "ops": 2329879,
+ "norm_ops": 38852,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.767172891276513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d52ede1e0ee39b5e192c1433cd9541fc4a7596a6aa0924b6bf0eea0a8324bb8f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:03.832000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:03.832000', 'bytes': 2453392384, 'norm_byte': 67596288, 'ops': 2395891, 'norm_ops': 66012, 'norm_ltcy': 15.165525805203977, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:03.832000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:03.832000",
+ "bytes": 2453392384,
+ "norm_byte": 67596288,
+ "ops": 2395891,
+ "norm_ops": 66012,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.165525805203977,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d38d94e9f741ea83f2918664574e77b623eb1cef08450b6a3b4d32336eb0d29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:04.833000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:04.833000', 'bytes': 2506406912, 'norm_byte': 53014528, 'ops': 2447663, 'norm_ops': 51772, 'norm_ltcy': 19.336572231672044, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:04.833000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:04.833000",
+ "bytes": 2506406912,
+ "norm_byte": 53014528,
+ "ops": 2447663,
+ "norm_ops": 51772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.336572231672044,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "314509a8001c6e71783f9f106f16321e542c4c348e3101664af01d2a245dea36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:05.834000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:05.834000', 'bytes': 2572913664, 'norm_byte': 66506752, 'ops': 2512611, 'norm_ops': 64948, 'norm_ltcy': 15.413123016442, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:05.834000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:05.834000",
+ "bytes": 2572913664,
+ "norm_byte": 66506752,
+ "ops": 2512611,
+ "norm_ops": 64948,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.413123016442,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "97299afc86306eea67d3452b2978f4dc35215384d35f527da16f5bc1e0aa9c58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:06.835000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:06.835000', 'bytes': 2627396608, 'norm_byte': 54482944, 'ops': 2565817, 'norm_ops': 53206, 'norm_ltcy': 18.81474136199395, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:06.835000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:06.835000",
+ "bytes": 2627396608,
+ "norm_byte": 54482944,
+ "ops": 2565817,
+ "norm_ops": 53206,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.81474136199395,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "606854910a1c958f2fdcf49160a81c595a2fd0a7a2d870bf129773d84226c15e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:07.836000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:07.836000', 'bytes': 2679628800, 'norm_byte': 52232192, 'ops': 2616825, 'norm_ops': 51008, 'norm_ltcy': 19.626526491555246, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:07.836000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:07.836000",
+ "bytes": 2679628800,
+ "norm_byte": 52232192,
+ "ops": 2616825,
+ "norm_ops": 51008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.626526491555246,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0ed26205b49f02503b873145d62e28b6e7f6c4b4c9c353ac0df7e0984b09642",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:08.837000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:08.837000', 'bytes': 2746973184, 'norm_byte': 67344384, 'ops': 2682591, 'norm_ops': 65766, 'norm_ltcy': 15.222145323951585, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:08.837000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:08.837000",
+ "bytes": 2746973184,
+ "norm_byte": 67344384,
+ "ops": 2682591,
+ "norm_ops": 65766,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.222145323951585,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11772ec736de8c09542a591b2bc49e4ca7cc58fe04a829eeb5d36055f2166500",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:09.838000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:09.838000', 'bytes': 2814229504, 'norm_byte': 67256320, 'ops': 2748271, 'norm_ops': 65680, 'norm_ltcy': 15.241143880604826, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:09.838000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:09.838000",
+ "bytes": 2814229504,
+ "norm_byte": 67256320,
+ "ops": 2748271,
+ "norm_ops": 65680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.241143880604826,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e0ab3ab6024907aef6f9ea13e2f87cb8160a3df3ad19a4d64b44ebfd07ef690c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:10.839000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:10.839000', 'bytes': 2868409344, 'norm_byte': 54179840, 'ops': 2801181, 'norm_ops': 52910, 'norm_ltcy': 18.919694115006617, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:10.839000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:10.839000",
+ "bytes": 2868409344,
+ "norm_byte": 54179840,
+ "ops": 2801181,
+ "norm_ops": 52910,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.919694115006617,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f05bc4144c26a60c3c6701d1a6e2bcb35c80901bc404e93a67ae0d3f1c041e2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:11.840000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:11.840000', 'bytes': 2936087552, 'norm_byte': 67678208, 'ops': 2867273, 'norm_ops': 66092, 'norm_ltcy': 15.146326717161307, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:11.840000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:11.840000",
+ "bytes": 2936087552,
+ "norm_byte": 67678208,
+ "ops": 2867273,
+ "norm_ops": 66092,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.146326717161307,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79773f9d1889e85293de8271b272d0851fd63887a6a102e048ca1dfe31b75740",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:12.841000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:12.841000', 'bytes': 2990130176, 'norm_byte': 54042624, 'ops': 2920049, 'norm_ops': 52776, 'norm_ltcy': 18.968976228837445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:12.841000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:12.841000",
+ "bytes": 2990130176,
+ "norm_byte": 54042624,
+ "ops": 2920049,
+ "norm_ops": 52776,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.968976228837445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d30d5440053dc32f054a12b34644a5d5945f7225ac31e39c53e164168157ce1f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:13.842000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:13.842000', 'bytes': 3057560576, 'norm_byte': 67430400, 'ops': 2985899, 'norm_ops': 65850, 'norm_ltcy': 15.20262744993356, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:13.842000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:13.842000",
+ "bytes": 3057560576,
+ "norm_byte": 67430400,
+ "ops": 2985899,
+ "norm_ops": 65850,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.20262744993356,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff6bc71849d161cb9b0ee0b8a3966e1d481d337198c30672641f0b549fda436f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:14.843000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:14.843000', 'bytes': 3097328640, 'norm_byte': 39768064, 'ops': 3024735, 'norm_ops': 38836, 'norm_ltcy': 25.77758122698656, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:14.843000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:14.843000",
+ "bytes": 3097328640,
+ "norm_byte": 39768064,
+ "ops": 3024735,
+ "norm_ops": 38836,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.77758122698656,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5bf9518d9e8cce81d156166b05a8b4081ab2f51b18fa22fb5ed7ed385832522f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:15.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:15.845000', 'bytes': 3151500288, 'norm_byte': 54171648, 'ops': 3077637, 'norm_ops': 52902, 'norm_ltcy': 18.92363049394399, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:15.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:15.845000",
+ "bytes": 3151500288,
+ "norm_byte": 54171648,
+ "ops": 3077637,
+ "norm_ops": 52902,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.92363049394399,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3be6d20e9c720ef035beef2e34e28e65e40154dded2bc5524f34393caf7bec53",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:16.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:16.845000', 'bytes': 3220014080, 'norm_byte': 68513792, 'ops': 3144545, 'norm_ops': 66908, 'norm_ltcy': 14.957174607997175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:16.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:16.845000",
+ "bytes": 3220014080,
+ "norm_byte": 68513792,
+ "ops": 3144545,
+ "norm_ops": 66908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.957174607997175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e0926793d3a0ae43503c18ecabf1e3adfeb7be6ac596d4eba277e7adf130aa41",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:17.846000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:17.846000', 'bytes': 3260099584, 'norm_byte': 40085504, 'ops': 3183691, 'norm_ops': 39146, 'norm_ltcy': 25.573427990327875, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:17.846000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:17.846000",
+ "bytes": 3260099584,
+ "norm_byte": 40085504,
+ "ops": 3183691,
+ "norm_ops": 39146,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.573427990327875,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ce41c0f1a610c1c8b8e5c81144196771daadf2d0a8a3f6fbbc6197785991a57",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:18.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:18.848000', 'bytes': 3328580608, 'norm_byte': 68481024, 'ops': 3250567, 'norm_ops': 66876, 'norm_ltcy': 14.969464387682054, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:18.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:18.848000",
+ "bytes": 3328580608,
+ "norm_byte": 68481024,
+ "ops": 3250567,
+ "norm_ops": 66876,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.969464387682054,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec394a934c25c0f8ff77f51618c4997bd226e866e0954d10736e25b968ae6251",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:19.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:19.849000', 'bytes': 3397139456, 'norm_byte': 68558848, 'ops': 3317519, 'norm_ops': 66952, 'norm_ltcy': 14.952428167987886, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:19.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:19.849000",
+ "bytes": 3397139456,
+ "norm_byte": 68558848,
+ "ops": 3317519,
+ "norm_ops": 66952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.952428167987886,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e95e787f66092ef4b4cd29135da29820a3ebafbf872eb25d994a702f0766c091",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:20.850000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:20.850000', 'bytes': 3437308928, 'norm_byte': 40169472, 'ops': 3356747, 'norm_ops': 39228, 'norm_ltcy': 25.520076539716527, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:20.850000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:20.850000",
+ "bytes": 3437308928,
+ "norm_byte": 40169472,
+ "ops": 3356747,
+ "norm_ops": 39228,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.520076539716527,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a97eb7c8635d022a9f21583b78e42d4eca2f8156aa422e314a7d28c15d4831d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:21.851000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:21.851000', 'bytes': 3505703936, 'norm_byte': 68395008, 'ops': 3423539, 'norm_ops': 66792, 'norm_ltcy': 14.988235691119446, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:21.851000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:21.851000",
+ "bytes": 3505703936,
+ "norm_byte": 68395008,
+ "ops": 3423539,
+ "norm_ops": 66792,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.988235691119446,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9d01b55583f33aa29bb0f08d9542d7435806ea754db09bbfdaf62030bac39d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:22.852000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:22.852000', 'bytes': 3560080384, 'norm_byte': 54376448, 'ops': 3476641, 'norm_ops': 53102, 'norm_ltcy': 18.852238196948797, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:22.852000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:22.852000",
+ "bytes": 3560080384,
+ "norm_byte": 54376448,
+ "ops": 3476641,
+ "norm_ops": 53102,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.852238196948797,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f444d12f03e5f60c2637d0969759d1ad2b8b700d1b500da34ba9590cc3760b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:23.853000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:23.853000', 'bytes': 3614682112, 'norm_byte': 54601728, 'ops': 3529963, 'norm_ops': 53322, 'norm_ltcy': 18.7745752295605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:23.853000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:23.853000",
+ "bytes": 3614682112,
+ "norm_byte": 54601728,
+ "ops": 3529963,
+ "norm_ops": 53322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.7745752295605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e17901aedf7801ff912c1e2109f54ad0d1f7b850fb1790d06da37beb5ad8229a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:25:25.054000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:25:25.054000', 'bytes': 3655019520, 'norm_byte': 40337408, 'ops': 3569355, 'norm_ops': 39392, 'norm_ltcy': 30.49708226170606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:25:25.054000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:25:25.054000",
+ "bytes": 3655019520,
+ "norm_byte": 40337408,
+ "ops": 3569355,
+ "norm_ops": 39392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.49708226170606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ccc2d8-8e77-5571-a04b-3f3a9dbaa7ed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b33aefb694a875eb853823ab4dae7f6b1b164e52aa44c82cba148fb05ca3f399",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 60916992.0
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 59489.25
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 25.781920140685354
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:25:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-026-220519202140/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-026-220519202140/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0429bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-026-220519202140/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-026-220519202140/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-026-220519202140/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-026-220519202140/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-026-220519202140/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-026-220519202140/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..490f1c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-026-220519202140/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=40
+ net.core.busy_poll=30
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-027-220519202342/220519202342-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-027-220519202342/220519202342-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c529d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-027-220519202342/220519202342-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:26:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991986005.5530 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991987006.6570 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991987006.7427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991988007.8511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56409088 nr_ops:55087\ntimestamp_ms:1652991989008.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125275136 nr_ops:122339\ntimestamp_ms:1652991990010.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:184222720 nr_ops:179905\ntimestamp_ms:1652991991011.1460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248671232 nr_ops:242843\ntimestamp_ms:1652991992012.2529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312620032 nr_ops:305293\ntimestamp_ms:1652991993013.3484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:370322432 nr_ops:361643\ntimestamp_ms:1652991994014.4497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441467904 nr_ops:431121\ntimestamp_ms:1652991995015.5391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:513440768 nr_ops:501407\ntimestamp_ms:1652991996016.6272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:585286656 nr_ops:571569\ntimestamp_ms:1652991997017.7236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:657024000 nr_ops:641625\ntimestamp_ms:1652991998018.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:725722112 nr_ops:708713\ntimestamp_ms:1652991999019.9570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776657920 nr_ops:758455\ntimestamp_ms:1652992000020.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:841092096 nr_ops:821379\ntimestamp_ms:1652992001021.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883532800 nr_ops:862825\ntimestamp_ms:1652992002023.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:940325888 nr_ops:918287\ntimestamp_ms:1652992003024.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997019648 nr_ops:973652\ntimestamp_ms:1652992004025.1519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1054002176 nr_ops:1029299\ntimestamp_ms:1652992005026.2434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125544960 nr_ops:1099165\ntimestamp_ms:1652992006026.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197022208 nr_ops:1168967\ntimestamp_ms:1652992007028.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1253567488 nr_ops:1224187\ntimestamp_ms:1652992008029.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324962816 nr_ops:1293909\ntimestamp_ms:1652992009030.2070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396335616 nr_ops:1363609\ntimestamp_ms:1652992010031.2974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1453151232 nr_ops:1419093\ntimestamp_ms:1652992011032.3845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524671488 nr_ops:1488937\ntimestamp_ms:1652992012033.4749 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595874304 nr_ops:1558471\ntimestamp_ms:1652992013034.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1667277824 nr_ops:1628201\ntimestamp_ms:1652992014035.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1738841088 nr_ops:1698087\ntimestamp_ms:1652992015035.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1810191360 nr_ops:1767765\ntimestamp_ms:1652992016036.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1881326592 nr_ops:1837233\ntimestamp_ms:1652992017038.0122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1952521216 nr_ops:1906759\ntimestamp_ms:1652992018039.1201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2019011584 nr_ops:1971691\ntimestamp_ms:1652992019040.2070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2080791552 nr_ops:2032023\ntimestamp_ms:1652992020041.2920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2151865344 nr_ops:2101431\ntimestamp_ms:1652992021042.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223027200 nr_ops:2170925\ntimestamp_ms:1652992022043.4812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2284053504 nr_ops:2230521\ntimestamp_ms:1652992023044.5967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2347332608 nr_ops:2292317\ntimestamp_ms:1652992024045.7058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2393922560 nr_ops:2337815\ntimestamp_ms:1652992025046.7961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2464578560 nr_ops:2406815\ntimestamp_ms:1652992026047.8850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2506691584 nr_ops:2447941\ntimestamp_ms:1652992027048.9788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562961408 nr_ops:2502892\ntimestamp_ms:1652992028050.0723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619318272 nr_ops:2557928\ntimestamp_ms:1652992029051.1709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2690297856 nr_ops:2627244\ntimestamp_ms:1652992030052.2690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2737222656 nr_ops:2673069\ntimestamp_ms:1652992031053.3755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802484224 nr_ops:2736801\ntimestamp_ms:1652992032053.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2858888192 nr_ops:2791883\ntimestamp_ms:1652992033054.9177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929772544 nr_ops:2861106\ntimestamp_ms:1652992034056.0049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000878080 nr_ops:2930545\ntimestamp_ms:1652992035056.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057507328 nr_ops:2985847\ntimestamp_ms:1652992036057.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3113745408 nr_ops:3040767\ntimestamp_ms:1652992037059.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3170335744 nr_ops:3096031\ntimestamp_ms:1652992038060.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3226975232 nr_ops:3151343\ntimestamp_ms:1652992039061.1479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3283553280 nr_ops:3206595\ntimestamp_ms:1652992040062.2385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3325588480 nr_ops:3247645\ntimestamp_ms:1652992041063.3311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3396860928 nr_ops:3317247\ntimestamp_ms:1652992042064.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3453584384 nr_ops:3372641\ntimestamp_ms:1652992043065.5066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3524486144 nr_ops:3441881\ntimestamp_ms:1652992044066.5967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3595987968 nr_ops:3511707\ntimestamp_ms:1652992045067.6931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3650950144 nr_ops:3565381\ntimestamp_ms:1652992046068.7976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3709316096 nr_ops:3622379\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139650061420288\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.1829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3780396032 nr_ops:3691793\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.2686 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.2791 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047370.4998 name:Total nr_bytes:3780396032 nr_ops:3691794\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.3918 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7560792062 nr_ops:7383588\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.3933 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3780396032 nr_ops:3691796\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 367.11us 0.00ns 367.11us 367.11us \nTxn1 1845897 32.51us 0.00ns 209.24ms 18.31us \nTxn2 1 52.13us 0.00ns 52.13us 52.13us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 366.56us 0.00ns 366.56us 366.56us \nwrite 1845897 2.39us 0.00ns 136.20us 2.09us \nread 1845896 30.04us 0.00ns 209.24ms 1.31us \ndisconnect 1 51.45us 0.00ns 51.45us 51.45us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.74b/s \nnet1 29598 29598 258.09Mb/s 258.09Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.122 62.37s 3.52GB 484.93Mb/s 3691796 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.52GB 484.93Mb/s 3691796 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417022, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991986005.5530 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991987006.6570 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991987006.7427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991988007.8511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56409088 nr_ops:55087\ntimestamp_ms:1652991989008.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125275136 nr_ops:122339\ntimestamp_ms:1652991990010.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:184222720 nr_ops:179905\ntimestamp_ms:1652991991011.1460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248671232 nr_ops:242843\ntimestamp_ms:1652991992012.2529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312620032 nr_ops:305293\ntimestamp_ms:1652991993013.3484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:370322432 nr_ops:361643\ntimestamp_ms:1652991994014.4497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441467904 nr_ops:431121\ntimestamp_ms:1652991995015.5391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:513440768 nr_ops:501407\ntimestamp_ms:1652991996016.6272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:585286656 nr_ops:571569\ntimestamp_ms:1652991997017.7236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:657024000 nr_ops:641625\ntimestamp_ms:1652991998018.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:725722112 nr_ops:708713\ntimestamp_ms:1652991999019.9570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776657920 nr_ops:758455\ntimestamp_ms:1652992000020.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:841092096 nr_ops:821379\ntimestamp_ms:1652992001021.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883532800 nr_ops:862825\ntimestamp_ms:1652992002023.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:940325888 nr_ops:918287\ntimestamp_ms:1652992003024.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997019648 nr_ops:973652\ntimestamp_ms:1652992004025.1519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1054002176 nr_ops:1029299\ntimestamp_ms:1652992005026.2434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125544960 nr_ops:1099165\ntimestamp_ms:1652992006026.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197022208 nr_ops:1168967\ntimestamp_ms:1652992007028.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1253567488 nr_ops:1224187\ntimestamp_ms:1652992008029.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324962816 nr_ops:1293909\ntimestamp_ms:1652992009030.2070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396335616 nr_ops:1363609\ntimestamp_ms:1652992010031.2974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1453151232 nr_ops:1419093\ntimestamp_ms:1652992011032.3845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524671488 nr_ops:1488937\ntimestamp_ms:1652992012033.4749 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595874304 nr_ops:1558471\ntimestamp_ms:1652992013034.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1667277824 nr_ops:1628201\ntimestamp_ms:1652992014035.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1738841088 nr_ops:1698087\ntimestamp_ms:1652992015035.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1810191360 nr_ops:1767765\ntimestamp_ms:1652992016036.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1881326592 nr_ops:1837233\ntimestamp_ms:1652992017038.0122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1952521216 nr_ops:1906759\ntimestamp_ms:1652992018039.1201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2019011584 nr_ops:1971691\ntimestamp_ms:1652992019040.2070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2080791552 nr_ops:2032023\ntimestamp_ms:1652992020041.2920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2151865344 nr_ops:2101431\ntimestamp_ms:1652992021042.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223027200 nr_ops:2170925\ntimestamp_ms:1652992022043.4812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2284053504 nr_ops:2230521\ntimestamp_ms:1652992023044.5967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2347332608 nr_ops:2292317\ntimestamp_ms:1652992024045.7058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2393922560 nr_ops:2337815\ntimestamp_ms:1652992025046.7961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2464578560 nr_ops:2406815\ntimestamp_ms:1652992026047.8850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2506691584 nr_ops:2447941\ntimestamp_ms:1652992027048.9788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562961408 nr_ops:2502892\ntimestamp_ms:1652992028050.0723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619318272 nr_ops:2557928\ntimestamp_ms:1652992029051.1709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2690297856 nr_ops:2627244\ntimestamp_ms:1652992030052.2690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2737222656 nr_ops:2673069\ntimestamp_ms:1652992031053.3755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802484224 nr_ops:2736801\ntimestamp_ms:1652992032053.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2858888192 nr_ops:2791883\ntimestamp_ms:1652992033054.9177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929772544 nr_ops:2861106\ntimestamp_ms:1652992034056.0049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000878080 nr_ops:2930545\ntimestamp_ms:1652992035056.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057507328 nr_ops:2985847\ntimestamp_ms:1652992036057.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3113745408 nr_ops:3040767\ntimestamp_ms:1652992037059.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3170335744 nr_ops:3096031\ntimestamp_ms:1652992038060.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3226975232 nr_ops:3151343\ntimestamp_ms:1652992039061.1479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3283553280 nr_ops:3206595\ntimestamp_ms:1652992040062.2385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3325588480 nr_ops:3247645\ntimestamp_ms:1652992041063.3311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3396860928 nr_ops:3317247\ntimestamp_ms:1652992042064.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3453584384 nr_ops:3372641\ntimestamp_ms:1652992043065.5066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3524486144 nr_ops:3441881\ntimestamp_ms:1652992044066.5967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3595987968 nr_ops:3511707\ntimestamp_ms:1652992045067.6931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3650950144 nr_ops:3565381\ntimestamp_ms:1652992046068.7976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3709316096 nr_ops:3622379\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139650061420288\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.1829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3780396032 nr_ops:3691793\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.2686 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.2791 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047370.4998 name:Total nr_bytes:3780396032 nr_ops:3691794\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.3918 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7560792062 nr_ops:7383588\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.3933 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3780396032 nr_ops:3691796\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 367.11us 0.00ns 367.11us 367.11us \nTxn1 1845897 32.51us 0.00ns 209.24ms 18.31us \nTxn2 1 52.13us 0.00ns 52.13us 52.13us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 366.56us 0.00ns 366.56us 366.56us \nwrite 1845897 2.39us 0.00ns 136.20us 2.09us \nread 1845896 30.04us 0.00ns 209.24ms 1.31us \ndisconnect 1 51.45us 0.00ns 51.45us 51.45us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.74b/s \nnet1 29598 29598 258.09Mb/s 258.09Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.122 62.37s 3.52GB 484.93Mb/s 3691796 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.52GB 484.93Mb/s 3691796 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417022, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991986005.5530 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991987006.6570 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652991987006.7427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652991988007.8511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56409088 nr_ops:55087\ntimestamp_ms:1652991989008.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125275136 nr_ops:122339\ntimestamp_ms:1652991990010.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:184222720 nr_ops:179905\ntimestamp_ms:1652991991011.1460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248671232 nr_ops:242843\ntimestamp_ms:1652991992012.2529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312620032 nr_ops:305293\ntimestamp_ms:1652991993013.3484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:370322432 nr_ops:361643\ntimestamp_ms:1652991994014.4497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441467904 nr_ops:431121\ntimestamp_ms:1652991995015.5391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:513440768 nr_ops:501407\ntimestamp_ms:1652991996016.6272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:585286656 nr_ops:571569\ntimestamp_ms:1652991997017.7236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:657024000 nr_ops:641625\ntimestamp_ms:1652991998018.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:725722112 nr_ops:708713\ntimestamp_ms:1652991999019.9570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776657920 nr_ops:758455\ntimestamp_ms:1652992000020.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:841092096 nr_ops:821379\ntimestamp_ms:1652992001021.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883532800 nr_ops:862825\ntimestamp_ms:1652992002023.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:940325888 nr_ops:918287\ntimestamp_ms:1652992003024.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997019648 nr_ops:973652\ntimestamp_ms:1652992004025.1519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1054002176 nr_ops:1029299\ntimestamp_ms:1652992005026.2434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125544960 nr_ops:1099165\ntimestamp_ms:1652992006026.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197022208 nr_ops:1168967\ntimestamp_ms:1652992007028.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1253567488 nr_ops:1224187\ntimestamp_ms:1652992008029.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324962816 nr_ops:1293909\ntimestamp_ms:1652992009030.2070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396335616 nr_ops:1363609\ntimestamp_ms:1652992010031.2974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1453151232 nr_ops:1419093\ntimestamp_ms:1652992011032.3845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524671488 nr_ops:1488937\ntimestamp_ms:1652992012033.4749 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595874304 nr_ops:1558471\ntimestamp_ms:1652992013034.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1667277824 nr_ops:1628201\ntimestamp_ms:1652992014035.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1738841088 nr_ops:1698087\ntimestamp_ms:1652992015035.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1810191360 nr_ops:1767765\ntimestamp_ms:1652992016036.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1881326592 nr_ops:1837233\ntimestamp_ms:1652992017038.0122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1952521216 nr_ops:1906759\ntimestamp_ms:1652992018039.1201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2019011584 nr_ops:1971691\ntimestamp_ms:1652992019040.2070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2080791552 nr_ops:2032023\ntimestamp_ms:1652992020041.2920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2151865344 nr_ops:2101431\ntimestamp_ms:1652992021042.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223027200 nr_ops:2170925\ntimestamp_ms:1652992022043.4812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2284053504 nr_ops:2230521\ntimestamp_ms:1652992023044.5967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2347332608 nr_ops:2292317\ntimestamp_ms:1652992024045.7058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2393922560 nr_ops:2337815\ntimestamp_ms:1652992025046.7961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2464578560 nr_ops:2406815\ntimestamp_ms:1652992026047.8850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2506691584 nr_ops:2447941\ntimestamp_ms:1652992027048.9788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562961408 nr_ops:2502892\ntimestamp_ms:1652992028050.0723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619318272 nr_ops:2557928\ntimestamp_ms:1652992029051.1709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2690297856 nr_ops:2627244\ntimestamp_ms:1652992030052.2690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2737222656 nr_ops:2673069\ntimestamp_ms:1652992031053.3755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802484224 nr_ops:2736801\ntimestamp_ms:1652992032053.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2858888192 nr_ops:2791883\ntimestamp_ms:1652992033054.9177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929772544 nr_ops:2861106\ntimestamp_ms:1652992034056.0049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000878080 nr_ops:2930545\ntimestamp_ms:1652992035056.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057507328 nr_ops:2985847\ntimestamp_ms:1652992036057.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3113745408 nr_ops:3040767\ntimestamp_ms:1652992037059.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3170335744 nr_ops:3096031\ntimestamp_ms:1652992038060.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3226975232 nr_ops:3151343\ntimestamp_ms:1652992039061.1479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3283553280 nr_ops:3206595\ntimestamp_ms:1652992040062.2385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3325588480 nr_ops:3247645\ntimestamp_ms:1652992041063.3311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3396860928 nr_ops:3317247\ntimestamp_ms:1652992042064.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3453584384 nr_ops:3372641\ntimestamp_ms:1652992043065.5066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3524486144 nr_ops:3441881\ntimestamp_ms:1652992044066.5967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3595987968 nr_ops:3511707\ntimestamp_ms:1652992045067.6931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3650950144 nr_ops:3565381\ntimestamp_ms:1652992046068.7976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3709316096 nr_ops:3622379\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139650061420288\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.1829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3780396032 nr_ops:3691793\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.2686 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.2791 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047370.4998 name:Total nr_bytes:3780396032 nr_ops:3691794\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.3918 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7560792062 nr_ops:7383588\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992047270.3933 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3780396032 nr_ops:3691796\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 367.11us 0.00ns 367.11us 367.11us \nTxn1 1845897 32.51us 0.00ns 209.24ms 18.31us \nTxn2 1 52.13us 0.00ns 52.13us 52.13us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 366.56us 0.00ns 366.56us 366.56us \nwrite 1845897 2.39us 0.00ns 136.20us 2.09us \nread 1845896 30.04us 0.00ns 209.24ms 1.31us \ndisconnect 1 51.45us 0.00ns 51.45us 51.45us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.74b/s \nnet1 29598 29598 258.09Mb/s 258.09Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.122 62.37s 3.52GB 484.93Mb/s 3691796 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.52GB 484.93Mb/s 3691796 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417022, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991986005.5530 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991987006.6570 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652991987006.7427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652991988007.8511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56409088 nr_ops:55087
+timestamp_ms:1652991989008.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125275136 nr_ops:122339
+timestamp_ms:1652991990010.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:184222720 nr_ops:179905
+timestamp_ms:1652991991011.1460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248671232 nr_ops:242843
+timestamp_ms:1652991992012.2529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312620032 nr_ops:305293
+timestamp_ms:1652991993013.3484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:370322432 nr_ops:361643
+timestamp_ms:1652991994014.4497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441467904 nr_ops:431121
+timestamp_ms:1652991995015.5391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:513440768 nr_ops:501407
+timestamp_ms:1652991996016.6272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:585286656 nr_ops:571569
+timestamp_ms:1652991997017.7236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:657024000 nr_ops:641625
+timestamp_ms:1652991998018.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:725722112 nr_ops:708713
+timestamp_ms:1652991999019.9570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776657920 nr_ops:758455
+timestamp_ms:1652992000020.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:841092096 nr_ops:821379
+timestamp_ms:1652992001021.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883532800 nr_ops:862825
+timestamp_ms:1652992002023.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:940325888 nr_ops:918287
+timestamp_ms:1652992003024.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997019648 nr_ops:973652
+timestamp_ms:1652992004025.1519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1054002176 nr_ops:1029299
+timestamp_ms:1652992005026.2434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125544960 nr_ops:1099165
+timestamp_ms:1652992006026.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197022208 nr_ops:1168967
+timestamp_ms:1652992007028.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1253567488 nr_ops:1224187
+timestamp_ms:1652992008029.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324962816 nr_ops:1293909
+timestamp_ms:1652992009030.2070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396335616 nr_ops:1363609
+timestamp_ms:1652992010031.2974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1453151232 nr_ops:1419093
+timestamp_ms:1652992011032.3845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524671488 nr_ops:1488937
+timestamp_ms:1652992012033.4749 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595874304 nr_ops:1558471
+timestamp_ms:1652992013034.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1667277824 nr_ops:1628201
+timestamp_ms:1652992014035.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1738841088 nr_ops:1698087
+timestamp_ms:1652992015035.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1810191360 nr_ops:1767765
+timestamp_ms:1652992016036.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1881326592 nr_ops:1837233
+timestamp_ms:1652992017038.0122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1952521216 nr_ops:1906759
+timestamp_ms:1652992018039.1201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2019011584 nr_ops:1971691
+timestamp_ms:1652992019040.2070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2080791552 nr_ops:2032023
+timestamp_ms:1652992020041.2920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2151865344 nr_ops:2101431
+timestamp_ms:1652992021042.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223027200 nr_ops:2170925
+timestamp_ms:1652992022043.4812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2284053504 nr_ops:2230521
+timestamp_ms:1652992023044.5967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2347332608 nr_ops:2292317
+timestamp_ms:1652992024045.7058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2393922560 nr_ops:2337815
+timestamp_ms:1652992025046.7961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2464578560 nr_ops:2406815
+timestamp_ms:1652992026047.8850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2506691584 nr_ops:2447941
+timestamp_ms:1652992027048.9788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562961408 nr_ops:2502892
+timestamp_ms:1652992028050.0723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619318272 nr_ops:2557928
+timestamp_ms:1652992029051.1709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2690297856 nr_ops:2627244
+timestamp_ms:1652992030052.2690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2737222656 nr_ops:2673069
+timestamp_ms:1652992031053.3755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802484224 nr_ops:2736801
+timestamp_ms:1652992032053.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2858888192 nr_ops:2791883
+timestamp_ms:1652992033054.9177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929772544 nr_ops:2861106
+timestamp_ms:1652992034056.0049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000878080 nr_ops:2930545
+timestamp_ms:1652992035056.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057507328 nr_ops:2985847
+timestamp_ms:1652992036057.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3113745408 nr_ops:3040767
+timestamp_ms:1652992037059.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3170335744 nr_ops:3096031
+timestamp_ms:1652992038060.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3226975232 nr_ops:3151343
+timestamp_ms:1652992039061.1479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3283553280 nr_ops:3206595
+timestamp_ms:1652992040062.2385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3325588480 nr_ops:3247645
+timestamp_ms:1652992041063.3311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3396860928 nr_ops:3317247
+timestamp_ms:1652992042064.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3453584384 nr_ops:3372641
+timestamp_ms:1652992043065.5066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3524486144 nr_ops:3441881
+timestamp_ms:1652992044066.5967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3595987968 nr_ops:3511707
+timestamp_ms:1652992045067.6931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3650950144 nr_ops:3565381
+timestamp_ms:1652992046068.7976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3709316096 nr_ops:3622379
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139650061420288
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652992047270.1829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3780396032 nr_ops:3691793
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992047270.2686 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992047270.2791 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992047370.4998 name:Total nr_bytes:3780396032 nr_ops:3691794
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992047270.3918 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7560792062 nr_ops:7383588
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992047270.3933 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3780396032 nr_ops:3691796
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 367.11us 0.00ns 367.11us 367.11us
+Txn1 1845897 32.51us 0.00ns 209.24ms 18.31us
+Txn2 1 52.13us 0.00ns 52.13us 52.13us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 366.56us 0.00ns 366.56us 366.56us
+write 1845897 2.39us 0.00ns 136.20us 2.09us
+read 1845896 30.04us 0.00ns 209.24ms 1.31us
+disconnect 1 51.45us 0.00ns 51.45us 51.45us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.74b/s
+net1 29598 29598 258.09Mb/s 258.09Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.122 62.37s 3.52GB 484.93Mb/s 3691796 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.52GB 484.93Mb/s 3691796 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:28.007000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:28.007000', 'bytes': 56409088, 'norm_byte': 56409088, 'ops': 55087, 'norm_ops': 55087, 'norm_ltcy': 18.173224144308094, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:28.007000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:28.007000",
+ "bytes": 56409088,
+ "norm_byte": 56409088,
+ "ops": 55087,
+ "norm_ops": 55087,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.173224144308094,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "89dc1b69a7ed7bfc0aad5b18da7c9318aeb672dd00a668376d7f17d9f4d38b10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:29.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:29.008000', 'bytes': 125275136, 'norm_byte': 68866048, 'ops': 122339, 'norm_ops': 67252, 'norm_ltcy': 14.88570245819827, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:29.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:29.008000",
+ "bytes": 125275136,
+ "norm_byte": 68866048,
+ "ops": 122339,
+ "norm_ops": 67252,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.88570245819827,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d95e1c917e2095d0a9e0ff9890de0b6e9074c8551bd72346ecb0371086a2b402",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:30.010000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:30.010000', 'bytes': 184222720, 'norm_byte': 58947584, 'ops': 179905, 'norm_ops': 57566, 'norm_ltcy': 17.39058126623137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:30.010000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:30.010000",
+ "bytes": 184222720,
+ "norm_byte": 58947584,
+ "ops": 179905,
+ "norm_ops": 57566,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.39058126623137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3643f12cd89ac496b6ae9e4391ead4587e7a30bd73baea6b2db5f1361dcf8525",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:31.011000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:31.011000', 'bytes': 248671232, 'norm_byte': 64448512, 'ops': 242843, 'norm_ops': 62938, 'norm_ltcy': 15.90605769144833, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:31.011000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:31.011000",
+ "bytes": 248671232,
+ "norm_byte": 64448512,
+ "ops": 242843,
+ "norm_ops": 62938,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.90605769144833,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b98ea77bc10de124222fdff7336b24f5cea202a0e1d346862ae4f1e06d49509",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:32.012000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:32.012000', 'bytes': 312620032, 'norm_byte': 63948800, 'ops': 305293, 'norm_ops': 62450, 'norm_ltcy': 16.030535365792634, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:32.012000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:32.012000",
+ "bytes": 312620032,
+ "norm_byte": 63948800,
+ "ops": 305293,
+ "norm_ops": 62450,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.030535365792634,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0828034a9c9d5e6b857d20b0279bf4e4e20b054d10a2c56905bd953b5ab4aaca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:33.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:33.013000', 'bytes': 370322432, 'norm_byte': 57702400, 'ops': 361643, 'norm_ops': 56350, 'norm_ltcy': 17.7656691922693, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:33.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:33.013000",
+ "bytes": 370322432,
+ "norm_byte": 57702400,
+ "ops": 361643,
+ "norm_ops": 56350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.7656691922693,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09957da87639d36975f52326120efab11c9c0d8728362f587b7035f48357fb4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:34.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:34.014000', 'bytes': 441467904, 'norm_byte': 71145472, 'ops': 431121, 'norm_ops': 69478, 'norm_ltcy': 14.408896605535206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:34.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:34.014000",
+ "bytes": 441467904,
+ "norm_byte": 71145472,
+ "ops": 431121,
+ "norm_ops": 69478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.408896605535206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0285e7a4ff026897c5ea89d6b9fcfcc9561ed7f1d63de9504514568ec089f529",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:35.015000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:35.015000', 'bytes': 513440768, 'norm_byte': 71972864, 'ops': 501407, 'norm_ops': 70286, 'norm_ltcy': 14.24308333763125, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:35.015000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:35.015000",
+ "bytes": 513440768,
+ "norm_byte": 71972864,
+ "ops": 501407,
+ "norm_ops": 70286,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.24308333763125,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "07ad4bfc6d55f23a7ffa0f964f47165084082ce78dfc1889e60bf59c16401733",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:36.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:36.016000', 'bytes': 585286656, 'norm_byte': 71845888, 'ops': 571569, 'norm_ops': 70162, 'norm_ltcy': 14.268238288042317, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:36.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:36.016000",
+ "bytes": 585286656,
+ "norm_byte": 71845888,
+ "ops": 571569,
+ "norm_ops": 70162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.268238288042317,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b406e9ccca373a29dcd05549b94b51a8358fc55cc7ebfd906f3b738c05f34f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:37.017000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:37.017000', 'bytes': 657024000, 'norm_byte': 71737344, 'ops': 641625, 'norm_ops': 70056, 'norm_ltcy': 14.289945694114351, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:37.017000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:37.017000",
+ "bytes": 657024000,
+ "norm_byte": 71737344,
+ "ops": 641625,
+ "norm_ops": 70056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.289945694114351,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7dcc8c0c2fa0d0e7cbe549366cb69c423f7cea81b7fb188c7e459167abab3d11",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:38.018000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:38.018000', 'bytes': 725722112, 'norm_byte': 68698112, 'ops': 708713, 'norm_ops': 67088, 'norm_ltcy': 14.922480693501445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:38.018000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:38.018000",
+ "bytes": 725722112,
+ "norm_byte": 68698112,
+ "ops": 708713,
+ "norm_ops": 67088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.922480693501445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a49ce3d3e7bcb377749157a6c991fc469ef96ac365e60fd64b4c6777f3e151a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:39.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:39.019000', 'bytes': 776657920, 'norm_byte': 50935808, 'ops': 758455, 'norm_ops': 49742, 'norm_ltcy': 20.126131109964916, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:39.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:39.019000",
+ "bytes": 776657920,
+ "norm_byte": 50935808,
+ "ops": 758455,
+ "norm_ops": 49742,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.126131109964916,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e7e1627c07c1f1853d2293f9edf07ed5e7737e8630acd8f2fdc0987ccc83a90",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:40.020000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:40.020000', 'bytes': 841092096, 'norm_byte': 64434176, 'ops': 821379, 'norm_ops': 62924, 'norm_ltcy': 15.906155143506451, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:40.020000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:40.020000",
+ "bytes": 841092096,
+ "norm_byte": 64434176,
+ "ops": 821379,
+ "norm_ops": 62924,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.906155143506451,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27984048543ff55472c74960f1a0e0c9adbfa4bac654883d135214cb74019840",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:41.021000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:41.021000', 'bytes': 883532800, 'norm_byte': 42440704, 'ops': 862825, 'norm_ops': 41446, 'norm_ltcy': 24.154223502041813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:41.021000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:41.021000",
+ "bytes": 883532800,
+ "norm_byte": 42440704,
+ "ops": 862825,
+ "norm_ops": 41446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.154223502041813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6a179d9c9c7d0fe7f05998a096d59af4eceec2148eeb89dc6a2b3ec2a026860",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:42.023000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:42.023000', 'bytes': 940325888, 'norm_byte': 56793088, 'ops': 918287, 'norm_ops': 55462, 'norm_ltcy': 18.050061831467943, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:42.023000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:42.023000",
+ "bytes": 940325888,
+ "norm_byte": 56793088,
+ "ops": 918287,
+ "norm_ops": 55462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.050061831467943,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c83291781dc33410efa2e1ceca6de683f87ae53627c89fb3ac3bff641b68dbb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:43.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:43.024000', 'bytes': 997019648, 'norm_byte': 56693760, 'ops': 973652, 'norm_ops': 55365, 'norm_ltcy': 18.0807067656123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:43.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:43.024000",
+ "bytes": 997019648,
+ "norm_byte": 56693760,
+ "ops": 973652,
+ "norm_ops": 55365,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.0807067656123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8b6c0ad63725342edcdda7142c97a640348d719730008118b35ca672e522de89",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:44.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:44.025000', 'bytes': 1054002176, 'norm_byte': 56982528, 'ops': 1029299, 'norm_ops': 55647, 'norm_ltcy': 17.98999247629028, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:44.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:44.025000",
+ "bytes": 1054002176,
+ "norm_byte": 56982528,
+ "ops": 1029299,
+ "norm_ops": 55647,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.98999247629028,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c9d63dae6dbe42847f5739a0d4061939744abe379366e241412dd59b7d85916",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:45.026000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:45.026000', 'bytes': 1125544960, 'norm_byte': 71542784, 'ops': 1099165, 'norm_ops': 69866, 'norm_ltcy': 14.328737193117897, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:45.026000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:45.026000",
+ "bytes": 1125544960,
+ "norm_byte": 71542784,
+ "ops": 1099165,
+ "norm_ops": 69866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.328737193117897,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "97897d8947f662bb777232f8d247c98c199d4646a0d850ebffab0eab6fe961a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:46.026000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:46.026000', 'bytes': 1197022208, 'norm_byte': 71477248, 'ops': 1168967, 'norm_ops': 69802, 'norm_ltcy': 14.335928965815807, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:46.026000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:46.026000",
+ "bytes": 1197022208,
+ "norm_byte": 71477248,
+ "ops": 1168967,
+ "norm_ops": 69802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.335928965815807,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87d33c816422efff1301110d16602ca16d961e44e07b8d3067d48da5e15b67df",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:47.028000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:47.028000', 'bytes': 1253567488, 'norm_byte': 56545280, 'ops': 1224187, 'norm_ops': 55220, 'norm_ltcy': 18.12923200663256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:47.028000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:47.028000",
+ "bytes": 1253567488,
+ "norm_byte": 56545280,
+ "ops": 1224187,
+ "norm_ops": 55220,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.12923200663256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c0b1abbbd6e3771ed71557ce63475f04cc8b2f4e2dbfc695e03b003f3daa016",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:48.029000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:48.029000', 'bytes': 1324962816, 'norm_byte': 71395328, 'ops': 1293909, 'norm_ops': 69722, 'norm_ltcy': 14.358358995143211, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:48.029000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:48.029000",
+ "bytes": 1324962816,
+ "norm_byte": 71395328,
+ "ops": 1293909,
+ "norm_ops": 69722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.358358995143211,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c1afaa03cfd63b00613733b974e515f8d94f95c867aa38af5b8967b8e7f9d09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:49.030000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:49.030000', 'bytes': 1396335616, 'norm_byte': 71372800, 'ops': 1363609, 'norm_ops': 69700, 'norm_ltcy': 14.36294708908716, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:49.030000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:49.030000",
+ "bytes": 1396335616,
+ "norm_byte": 71372800,
+ "ops": 1363609,
+ "norm_ops": 69700,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.36294708908716,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3be4275ac180d5724f16752c52877dc9b3e8063f1ad06f1014faa82b100e7fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:50.031000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:50.031000', 'bytes': 1453151232, 'norm_byte': 56815616, 'ops': 1419093, 'norm_ops': 55484, 'norm_ltcy': 18.042865186923255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:50.031000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:50.031000",
+ "bytes": 1453151232,
+ "norm_byte": 56815616,
+ "ops": 1419093,
+ "norm_ops": 55484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.042865186923255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cfd0ebdcd7cf776f13d905b32883b7e266cc31627ebd901b8bad42799ad6de80",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:51.032000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:51.032000', 'bytes': 1524671488, 'norm_byte': 71520256, 'ops': 1488937, 'norm_ops': 69844, 'norm_ltcy': 14.333187649663895, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:51.032000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:51.032000",
+ "bytes": 1524671488,
+ "norm_byte": 71520256,
+ "ops": 1488937,
+ "norm_ops": 69844,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.333187649663895,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ccdfd1c39a653358ced0af7fc7bb308bf24baa132722150cdf4b07defeb0ccdf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:52.033000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:52.033000', 'bytes': 1595874304, 'norm_byte': 71202816, 'ops': 1558471, 'norm_ops': 69534, 'norm_ltcy': 14.397134236938044, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:52.033000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:52.033000",
+ "bytes": 1595874304,
+ "norm_byte": 71202816,
+ "ops": 1558471,
+ "norm_ops": 69534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.397134236938044,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b3a01c3eb346e20cb253bcb8199499a7bdf8c82ece17b1658f111dfab2c75da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:53.034000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:53.034000', 'bytes': 1667277824, 'norm_byte': 71403520, 'ops': 1628201, 'norm_ops': 69730, 'norm_ltcy': 14.357828577638749, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:53.034000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:53.034000",
+ "bytes": 1667277824,
+ "norm_byte": 71403520,
+ "ops": 1628201,
+ "norm_ops": 69730,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.357828577638749,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59db0d32944c62106f07ac2904b9dca9bf4ab6814d4a68c2ad122aa775b9dbd0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:54.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:54.035000', 'bytes': 1738841088, 'norm_byte': 71563264, 'ops': 1698087, 'norm_ops': 69886, 'norm_ltcy': 14.324727418805269, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:54.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:54.035000",
+ "bytes": 1738841088,
+ "norm_byte": 71563264,
+ "ops": 1698087,
+ "norm_ops": 69886,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.324727418805269,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1be2a05dd7d5c102c65df7a6b4af4fbc60535577cccf89ad7aafd41369ca412e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:55.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:55.035000', 'bytes': 1810191360, 'norm_byte': 71350272, 'ops': 1767765, 'norm_ops': 69678, 'norm_ltcy': 14.352997140641595, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:55.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:55.035000",
+ "bytes": 1810191360,
+ "norm_byte": 71350272,
+ "ops": 1767765,
+ "norm_ops": 69678,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.352997140641595,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a8f656ca0f857f42fc3785f7382434fc3a1d6b692711ad921546199cb1f5a7e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:56.036000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:56.036000', 'bytes': 1881326592, 'norm_byte': 71135232, 'ops': 1837233, 'norm_ops': 69468, 'norm_ltcy': 14.41078803257435, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:56.036000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:56.036000",
+ "bytes": 1881326592,
+ "norm_byte": 71135232,
+ "ops": 1837233,
+ "norm_ops": 69468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.41078803257435,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b9f8fe3e38b6801ea035e03e0448c7ae2173c0d4f721aa4a3d53ffb99a63901",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:57.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:57.038000', 'bytes': 1952521216, 'norm_byte': 71194624, 'ops': 1906759, 'norm_ops': 69526, 'norm_ltcy': 14.398804887290366, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:57.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:57.038000",
+ "bytes": 1952521216,
+ "norm_byte": 71194624,
+ "ops": 1906759,
+ "norm_ops": 69526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.398804887290366,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c52b314d4f418c4fc4924f0e83e2c3dc96ccafc87e6584d1124fca4a851061e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:58.039000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:58.039000', 'bytes': 2019011584, 'norm_byte': 66490368, 'ops': 1971691, 'norm_ops': 64932, 'norm_ltcy': 15.417789536072352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:58.039000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:58.039000",
+ "bytes": 2019011584,
+ "norm_byte": 66490368,
+ "ops": 1971691,
+ "norm_ops": 64932,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.417789536072352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10076136ad7aa9eda458626161e1ec815276cb92e7472d50fa00a296c6fc169c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:26:59.040000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:26:59.040000', 'bytes': 2080791552, 'norm_byte': 61779968, 'ops': 2032023, 'norm_ops': 60332, 'norm_ltcy': 16.592967480980242, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:26:59.040000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:26:59.040000",
+ "bytes": 2080791552,
+ "norm_byte": 61779968,
+ "ops": 2032023,
+ "norm_ops": 60332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.592967480980242,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c60a8aabf7a1f7ea42a9400b2cc9c4b6f64f0b24db5f3b2714b941a74b84a624",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:00.041000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:00.041000', 'bytes': 2151865344, 'norm_byte': 71073792, 'ops': 2101431, 'norm_ops': 69408, 'norm_ltcy': 14.423192729044203, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:00.041000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:00.041000",
+ "bytes": 2151865344,
+ "norm_byte": 71073792,
+ "ops": 2101431,
+ "norm_ops": 69408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.423192729044203,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45fc2656931f70891ef8685f4cf61105951748f691939c355e74ea2d987153dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:01.042000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:01.042000', 'bytes': 2223027200, 'norm_byte': 71161856, 'ops': 2170925, 'norm_ops': 69494, 'norm_ltcy': 14.405410533418353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:01.042000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:01.042000",
+ "bytes": 2223027200,
+ "norm_byte": 71161856,
+ "ops": 2170925,
+ "norm_ops": 69494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.405410533418353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e118a4783c81ea29b5c35cb733ba85f59c62b7472148d67c7d536fa1c8704c74",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:02.043000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:02.043000', 'bytes': 2284053504, 'norm_byte': 61026304, 'ops': 2230521, 'norm_ops': 59596, 'norm_ltcy': 16.798100700969865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:02.043000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:02.043000",
+ "bytes": 2284053504,
+ "norm_byte": 61026304,
+ "ops": 2230521,
+ "norm_ops": 59596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.798100700969865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a8327951b5d8b5ecd138c5c629021f86461d896ca28dedd2d7657c608e7a270",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:03.044000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:03.044000', 'bytes': 2347332608, 'norm_byte': 63279104, 'ops': 2292317, 'norm_ops': 61796, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20032815256044, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:03.044000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:03.044000",
+ "bytes": 2347332608,
+ "norm_byte": 63279104,
+ "ops": 2292317,
+ "norm_ops": 61796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20032815256044,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fa952c54129d3b0f5923018b9c0e384063def61a2102c0cbb99cdd7d157af1d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:04.045000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:04.045000', 'bytes': 2393922560, 'norm_byte': 46589952, 'ops': 2337815, 'norm_ops': 45498, 'norm_ltcy': 22.003365661334016, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:04.045000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:04.045000",
+ "bytes": 2393922560,
+ "norm_byte": 46589952,
+ "ops": 2337815,
+ "norm_ops": 45498,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.003365661334016,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08b08a01e08a91c1600ac22775fb7b0e7420054f90b82d7d4b451a966990adad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:05.046000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:05.046000', 'bytes': 2464578560, 'norm_byte': 70656000, 'ops': 2406815, 'norm_ops': 69000, 'norm_ltcy': 14.508555536684783, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:05.046000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:05.046000",
+ "bytes": 2464578560,
+ "norm_byte": 70656000,
+ "ops": 2406815,
+ "norm_ops": 69000,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.508555536684783,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04a7b04b0b4ee15d50853fc70ead81d5702035f0342f909af8d92ec28c721014",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:06.047000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:06.047000', 'bytes': 2506691584, 'norm_byte': 42113024, 'ops': 2447941, 'norm_ops': 41126, 'norm_ltcy': 24.341994533567576, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:06.047000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:06.047000",
+ "bytes": 2506691584,
+ "norm_byte": 42113024,
+ "ops": 2447941,
+ "norm_ops": 41126,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.341994533567576,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60e9c9c979d03c8875f3c886f538367e8cdd91fd6b5092b21e7bac45cf0853f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:07.048000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:07.048000', 'bytes': 2562961408, 'norm_byte': 56269824, 'ops': 2502892, 'norm_ops': 54951, 'norm_ltcy': 18.217935069425486, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:07.048000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:07.048000",
+ "bytes": 2562961408,
+ "norm_byte": 56269824,
+ "ops": 2502892,
+ "norm_ops": 54951,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.217935069425486,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7766bd3a70fc614775a01d5e73a302ca8a0c2db01c9a0a91d0f249d76f3efa5e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:08.050000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:08.050000', 'bytes': 2619318272, 'norm_byte': 56356864, 'ops': 2557928, 'norm_ops': 55036, 'norm_ltcy': 18.18979405951332, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:08.050000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:08.050000",
+ "bytes": 2619318272,
+ "norm_byte": 56356864,
+ "ops": 2557928,
+ "norm_ops": 55036,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.18979405951332,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "31f73cec38bfede081993fafa1c29419c36476d8f712bfe00cb34819277cfebc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:09.051000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:09.051000', 'bytes': 2690297856, 'norm_byte': 70979584, 'ops': 2627244, 'norm_ops': 69316, 'norm_ltcy': 14.442533221947313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:09.051000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:09.051000",
+ "bytes": 2690297856,
+ "norm_byte": 70979584,
+ "ops": 2627244,
+ "norm_ops": 69316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.442533221947313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb121ad7951154deaa55058948855511031f40024a0dbd5e076063f576f2a90a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:10.052000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:10.052000', 'bytes': 2737222656, 'norm_byte': 46924800, 'ops': 2673069, 'norm_ops': 45825, 'norm_ltcy': 21.846113355837424, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:10.052000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:10.052000",
+ "bytes": 2737222656,
+ "norm_byte": 46924800,
+ "ops": 2673069,
+ "norm_ops": 45825,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.846113355837424,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1114d060c89902d5af82bd6f934d69ed5a25512439145eda79d2840a9a1fafc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:11.053000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:11.053000', 'bytes': 2802484224, 'norm_byte': 65261568, 'ops': 2736801, 'norm_ops': 63732, 'norm_ltcy': 15.708065733265865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:11.053000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:11.053000",
+ "bytes": 2802484224,
+ "norm_byte": 65261568,
+ "ops": 2736801,
+ "norm_ops": 63732,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.708065733265865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "625740d224dd981130b934b884e2e0115fd64e4d18069f1d4fd2a440f7050ae9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:12.053000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:12.053000', 'bytes': 2858888192, 'norm_byte': 56403968, 'ops': 2791883, 'norm_ops': 55082, 'norm_ltcy': 18.163057251574923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:12.053000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:12.053000",
+ "bytes": 2858888192,
+ "norm_byte": 56403968,
+ "ops": 2791883,
+ "norm_ops": 55082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.163057251574923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5e1070c85fdae12b7d6c5fe9d3e3131184b1ffe93548a51edaec0a155497fd0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:13.054000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:13.054000', 'bytes': 2929772544, 'norm_byte': 70884352, 'ops': 2861106, 'norm_ops': 69223, 'norm_ltcy': 14.461735504050315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:13.054000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:13.054000",
+ "bytes": 2929772544,
+ "norm_byte": 70884352,
+ "ops": 2861106,
+ "norm_ops": 69223,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.461735504050315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88b28721ebf1302471787f2f1774c344d937a5d868ddc4698a8caefba76474bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:14.056000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:14.056000', 'bytes': 3000878080, 'norm_byte': 71105536, 'ops': 2930545, 'norm_ops': 69439, 'norm_ltcy': 14.416785354096762, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:14.056000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:14.056000",
+ "bytes": 3000878080,
+ "norm_byte": 71105536,
+ "ops": 2930545,
+ "norm_ops": 69439,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.416785354096762,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6783b331faf5e413651a678df430f64c678686b4bd0c42c27dc8ff9b0448a843",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:15.056000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:15.056000', 'bytes': 3057507328, 'norm_byte': 56629248, 'ops': 2985847, 'norm_ops': 55302, 'norm_ltcy': 18.097560645693193, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:15.056000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:15.056000",
+ "bytes": 3057507328,
+ "norm_byte": 56629248,
+ "ops": 2985847,
+ "norm_ops": 55302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.097560645693193,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13ee74cf02802a897fa911df4e98a4abcfa7139ed2f10aa3d9be1032aeb7ebbd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:16.057000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:16.057000', 'bytes': 3113745408, 'norm_byte': 56238080, 'ops': 3040767, 'norm_ops': 54920, 'norm_ltcy': 18.228400578398123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:16.057000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:16.057000",
+ "bytes": 3113745408,
+ "norm_byte": 56238080,
+ "ops": 3040767,
+ "norm_ops": 54920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.228400578398123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0287da1226f8569d7a70aa232f81541d5ad0da5cc1c7f2fd20d85c1634629e52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:17.059000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:17.059000', 'bytes': 3170335744, 'norm_byte': 56590336, 'ops': 3096031, 'norm_ops': 55264, 'norm_ltcy': 18.11468304411552, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:17.059000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:17.059000",
+ "bytes": 3170335744,
+ "norm_byte": 56590336,
+ "ops": 3096031,
+ "norm_ops": 55264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.11468304411552,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd69a29340fdab296964aea028928f53c69d26ee66fdc556245efe406ba29a56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:18.060000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:18.060000', 'bytes': 3226975232, 'norm_byte': 56639488, 'ops': 3151343, 'norm_ops': 55312, 'norm_ltcy': 18.09794784868112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:18.060000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:18.060000",
+ "bytes": 3226975232,
+ "norm_byte": 56639488,
+ "ops": 3151343,
+ "norm_ops": 55312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.09794784868112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e694dd24803cf5d5fdcc207d76c9a93daef144a56e244c29b67eb22b8c299e49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:19.061000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:19.061000', 'bytes': 3283553280, 'norm_byte': 56578048, 'ops': 3206595, 'norm_ops': 55252, 'norm_ltcy': 18.118520101647903, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:19.061000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:19.061000",
+ "bytes": 3283553280,
+ "norm_byte": 56578048,
+ "ops": 3206595,
+ "norm_ops": 55252,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.118520101647903,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6d0574df3a4e91fe8e408845661af9f308e3783d0b8faf3fc829f1a9c0d34c9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:20.062000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:20.062000', 'bytes': 3325588480, 'norm_byte': 42035200, 'ops': 3247645, 'norm_ops': 41050, 'norm_ltcy': 24.387102951811816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:20.062000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:20.062000",
+ "bytes": 3325588480,
+ "norm_byte": 42035200,
+ "ops": 3247645,
+ "norm_ops": 41050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.387102951811816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2823408ef5592b358592a6de14b84c68af2427f9e841107629a0d92630061d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:21.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:21.063000', 'bytes': 3396860928, 'norm_byte': 71272448, 'ops': 3317247, 'norm_ops': 69602, 'norm_ltcy': 14.383100044494052, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:21.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:21.063000",
+ "bytes": 3396860928,
+ "norm_byte": 71272448,
+ "ops": 3317247,
+ "norm_ops": 69602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.383100044494052,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c5218c9e9853fed293293fc0aa47b80c295b3268c8953cf926d445a4a35c1a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:22.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:22.064000', 'bytes': 3453584384, 'norm_byte': 56723456, 'ops': 3372641, 'norm_ops': 55394, 'norm_ltcy': 18.072109358075785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:22.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:22.064000",
+ "bytes": 3453584384,
+ "norm_byte": 56723456,
+ "ops": 3372641,
+ "norm_ops": 55394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.072109358075785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45a45dad893fc5529d256bb21a1cc00e6646ae6d3728006f9751bbb0919c0c49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:23.065000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:23.065000', 'bytes': 3524486144, 'norm_byte': 70901760, 'ops': 3441881, 'norm_ops': 69240, 'norm_ltcy': 14.458248286079218, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:23.065000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:23.065000",
+ "bytes": 3524486144,
+ "norm_byte": 70901760,
+ "ops": 3441881,
+ "norm_ops": 69240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.458248286079218,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a92e8462a12758e688eae6bf1d79e5b4b670b3a031c198b1933e535be900a117",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:24.066000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:24.066000', 'bytes': 3595987968, 'norm_byte': 71501824, 'ops': 3511707, 'norm_ops': 69826, 'norm_ltcy': 14.336924467828961, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:24.066000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:24.066000",
+ "bytes": 3595987968,
+ "norm_byte": 71501824,
+ "ops": 3511707,
+ "norm_ops": 69826,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.336924467828961,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfa47953a8bcbf0484c24ada9ea3211535ec90fd349372960dd77c2801a768b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:25.067000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:25.067000', 'bytes': 3650950144, 'norm_byte': 54962176, 'ops': 3565381, 'norm_ops': 53674, 'norm_ltcy': 18.6514222071557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:25.067000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:25.067000",
+ "bytes": 3650950144,
+ "norm_byte": 54962176,
+ "ops": 3565381,
+ "norm_ops": 53674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.6514222071557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83f9d5c63d3c1db53b42445bce654429563097b7b45c5a7c65d7d735bca3f48e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:26.068000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:26.068000', 'bytes': 3709316096, 'norm_byte': 58365952, 'ops': 3622379, 'norm_ops': 56998, 'norm_ltcy': 17.563852980587036, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:26.068000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:26.068000",
+ "bytes": 3709316096,
+ "norm_byte": 58365952,
+ "ops": 3622379,
+ "norm_ops": 56998,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.563852980587036,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad2ac594c8bdc9527e0526bd74ae8edd641801f6328822f4998aed2b5b2bbf82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:27:27.270000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:27:27.270000', 'bytes': 3780396032, 'norm_byte': 71079936, 'ops': 3691793, 'norm_ops': 69414, 'norm_ltcy': 17.307535279716628, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:27:27.270000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:27:27.270000",
+ "bytes": 3780396032,
+ "norm_byte": 71079936,
+ "ops": 3691793,
+ "norm_ops": 69414,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.307535279716628,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "20d8b6d0-6e5d-5413-9bfc-f18b5cb09de3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "42b8578da16a1472ac5e75fa6b2702093e11fac3d4b25cebefbb458b58886aa5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63006600.53333333
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61529.88333333333
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 22.110908553369402
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:27:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-027-220519202342/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-027-220519202342/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ced162a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-027-220519202342/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-027-220519202342/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-027-220519202342/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-027-220519202342/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-027-220519202342/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-027-220519202342/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5575c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-027-220519202342/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=45
+ vm.swappiness=45
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=80
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-028-220519202543/220519202543-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-028-220519202543/220519202543-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a2a653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-028-220519202543/220519202543-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:28:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992107318.5330 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992108319.5959 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992108319.6777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992109320.7119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:64034816 nr_ops:62534\ntimestamp_ms:1652992110321.8091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128710656 nr_ops:125694\ntimestamp_ms:1652992111322.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:192361472 nr_ops:187853\ntimestamp_ms:1652992112323.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:258280448 nr_ops:252227\ntimestamp_ms:1652992113324.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:322178048 nr_ops:314627\ntimestamp_ms:1652992114325.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:386061312 nr_ops:377013\ntimestamp_ms:1652992115326.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:449383424 nr_ops:438851\ntimestamp_ms:1652992116328.0286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511955968 nr_ops:499957\ntimestamp_ms:1652992117329.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575396864 nr_ops:561911\ntimestamp_ms:1652992118330.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638856192 nr_ops:623883\ntimestamp_ms:1652992119331.3340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702749696 nr_ops:686279\ntimestamp_ms:1652992120332.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766027776 nr_ops:748074\ntimestamp_ms:1652992121333.5198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:829985792 nr_ops:810533\ntimestamp_ms:1652992122334.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:892470272 nr_ops:871553\ntimestamp_ms:1652992123335.6995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955932672 nr_ops:933528\ntimestamp_ms:1652992124336.7913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019016192 nr_ops:995133\ntimestamp_ms:1652992125337.8779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1088967680 nr_ops:1063445\ntimestamp_ms:1652992126338.9741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152889856 nr_ops:1125869\ntimestamp_ms:1652992127340.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1216190464 nr_ops:1187686\ntimestamp_ms:1652992128341.1565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1279505408 nr_ops:1249517\ntimestamp_ms:1652992129342.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343480832 nr_ops:1311993\ntimestamp_ms:1652992130343.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1405987840 nr_ops:1373035\ntimestamp_ms:1652992131344.3982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1470356480 nr_ops:1435895\ntimestamp_ms:1652992132344.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1533981696 nr_ops:1498029\ntimestamp_ms:1652992133345.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597594624 nr_ops:1560151\ntimestamp_ms:1652992134346.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1661252608 nr_ops:1622317\ntimestamp_ms:1652992135348.0356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724343296 nr_ops:1683929\ntimestamp_ms:1652992136348.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788431360 nr_ops:1746515\ntimestamp_ms:1652992137349.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1851567104 nr_ops:1808171\ntimestamp_ms:1652992138351.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915134976 nr_ops:1870249\ntimestamp_ms:1652992139352.1384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977783296 nr_ops:1931429\ntimestamp_ms:1652992140353.1736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040945664 nr_ops:1993111\ntimestamp_ms:1652992141354.2686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2104714240 nr_ops:2055385\ntimestamp_ms:1652992142355.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2167176192 nr_ops:2116383\ntimestamp_ms:1652992143355.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231098368 nr_ops:2178807\ntimestamp_ms:1652992144356.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294817792 nr_ops:2241033\ntimestamp_ms:1652992145357.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2357918720 nr_ops:2302655\ntimestamp_ms:1652992146359.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2421855232 nr_ops:2365093\ntimestamp_ms:1652992147360.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2484337664 nr_ops:2426111\ntimestamp_ms:1652992148361.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547143680 nr_ops:2487445\ntimestamp_ms:1652992149362.2839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2610295808 nr_ops:2549117\ntimestamp_ms:1652992150363.3250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2673458176 nr_ops:2610799\ntimestamp_ms:1652992151364.4280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2736688128 nr_ops:2672547\ntimestamp_ms:1652992152365.5154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2800428032 nr_ops:2734793\ntimestamp_ms:1652992153366.5513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2863074304 nr_ops:2795971\ntimestamp_ms:1652992154367.6008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2926181376 nr_ops:2857599\ntimestamp_ms:1652992155368.6938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2989990912 nr_ops:2919913\ntimestamp_ms:1652992156368.8494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3052291072 nr_ops:2980753\ntimestamp_ms:1652992157369.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3115359232 nr_ops:3042343\ntimestamp_ms:1652992158371.0439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3178050560 nr_ops:3103565\ntimestamp_ms:1652992159372.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241631744 nr_ops:3165656\ntimestamp_ms:1652992160373.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306146816 nr_ops:3228659\ntimestamp_ms:1652992161374.3345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370364928 nr_ops:3291372\ntimestamp_ms:1652992162374.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3433667584 nr_ops:3353191\ntimestamp_ms:1652992163375.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3497489408 nr_ops:3415517\ntimestamp_ms:1652992164376.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3561618432 nr_ops:3478143\ntimestamp_ms:1652992165378.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3627944960 nr_ops:3542915\ntimestamp_ms:1652992166378.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691686912 nr_ops:3605163\ntimestamp_ms:1652992167379.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3753948160 nr_ops:3665965\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140057958192896\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3817481216 nr_ops:3728009\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.3970 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.4067 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168681.5869 name:Total nr_bytes:3817481216 nr_ops:3728010\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.5269 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7634962430 nr_ops:7456020\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.5283 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3817481216 nr_ops:3728012\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 416.92us 0.00ns 416.92us 416.92us \nTxn1 1864005 32.19us 0.00ns 2.19ms 25.73us \nTxn2 1 48.31us 0.00ns 48.31us 48.31us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 415.76us 0.00ns 415.76us 415.76us \nwrite 1864005 3.23us 0.00ns 208.96us 2.44us \nread 1864004 28.88us 0.00ns 2.18ms 1.08us \ndisconnect 1 47.62us 0.00ns 47.62us 47.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.60b/s \nnet1 29889 29889 260.63Mb/s 260.63Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.123 62.36s 3.56GB 489.70Mb/s 3728012 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 489.70Mb/s 3728012 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414539, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992107318.5330 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992108319.5959 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992108319.6777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992109320.7119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:64034816 nr_ops:62534\ntimestamp_ms:1652992110321.8091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128710656 nr_ops:125694\ntimestamp_ms:1652992111322.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:192361472 nr_ops:187853\ntimestamp_ms:1652992112323.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:258280448 nr_ops:252227\ntimestamp_ms:1652992113324.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:322178048 nr_ops:314627\ntimestamp_ms:1652992114325.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:386061312 nr_ops:377013\ntimestamp_ms:1652992115326.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:449383424 nr_ops:438851\ntimestamp_ms:1652992116328.0286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511955968 nr_ops:499957\ntimestamp_ms:1652992117329.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575396864 nr_ops:561911\ntimestamp_ms:1652992118330.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638856192 nr_ops:623883\ntimestamp_ms:1652992119331.3340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702749696 nr_ops:686279\ntimestamp_ms:1652992120332.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766027776 nr_ops:748074\ntimestamp_ms:1652992121333.5198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:829985792 nr_ops:810533\ntimestamp_ms:1652992122334.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:892470272 nr_ops:871553\ntimestamp_ms:1652992123335.6995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955932672 nr_ops:933528\ntimestamp_ms:1652992124336.7913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019016192 nr_ops:995133\ntimestamp_ms:1652992125337.8779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1088967680 nr_ops:1063445\ntimestamp_ms:1652992126338.9741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152889856 nr_ops:1125869\ntimestamp_ms:1652992127340.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1216190464 nr_ops:1187686\ntimestamp_ms:1652992128341.1565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1279505408 nr_ops:1249517\ntimestamp_ms:1652992129342.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343480832 nr_ops:1311993\ntimestamp_ms:1652992130343.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1405987840 nr_ops:1373035\ntimestamp_ms:1652992131344.3982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1470356480 nr_ops:1435895\ntimestamp_ms:1652992132344.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1533981696 nr_ops:1498029\ntimestamp_ms:1652992133345.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597594624 nr_ops:1560151\ntimestamp_ms:1652992134346.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1661252608 nr_ops:1622317\ntimestamp_ms:1652992135348.0356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724343296 nr_ops:1683929\ntimestamp_ms:1652992136348.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788431360 nr_ops:1746515\ntimestamp_ms:1652992137349.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1851567104 nr_ops:1808171\ntimestamp_ms:1652992138351.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915134976 nr_ops:1870249\ntimestamp_ms:1652992139352.1384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977783296 nr_ops:1931429\ntimestamp_ms:1652992140353.1736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040945664 nr_ops:1993111\ntimestamp_ms:1652992141354.2686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2104714240 nr_ops:2055385\ntimestamp_ms:1652992142355.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2167176192 nr_ops:2116383\ntimestamp_ms:1652992143355.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231098368 nr_ops:2178807\ntimestamp_ms:1652992144356.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294817792 nr_ops:2241033\ntimestamp_ms:1652992145357.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2357918720 nr_ops:2302655\ntimestamp_ms:1652992146359.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2421855232 nr_ops:2365093\ntimestamp_ms:1652992147360.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2484337664 nr_ops:2426111\ntimestamp_ms:1652992148361.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547143680 nr_ops:2487445\ntimestamp_ms:1652992149362.2839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2610295808 nr_ops:2549117\ntimestamp_ms:1652992150363.3250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2673458176 nr_ops:2610799\ntimestamp_ms:1652992151364.4280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2736688128 nr_ops:2672547\ntimestamp_ms:1652992152365.5154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2800428032 nr_ops:2734793\ntimestamp_ms:1652992153366.5513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2863074304 nr_ops:2795971\ntimestamp_ms:1652992154367.6008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2926181376 nr_ops:2857599\ntimestamp_ms:1652992155368.6938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2989990912 nr_ops:2919913\ntimestamp_ms:1652992156368.8494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3052291072 nr_ops:2980753\ntimestamp_ms:1652992157369.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3115359232 nr_ops:3042343\ntimestamp_ms:1652992158371.0439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3178050560 nr_ops:3103565\ntimestamp_ms:1652992159372.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241631744 nr_ops:3165656\ntimestamp_ms:1652992160373.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306146816 nr_ops:3228659\ntimestamp_ms:1652992161374.3345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370364928 nr_ops:3291372\ntimestamp_ms:1652992162374.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3433667584 nr_ops:3353191\ntimestamp_ms:1652992163375.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3497489408 nr_ops:3415517\ntimestamp_ms:1652992164376.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3561618432 nr_ops:3478143\ntimestamp_ms:1652992165378.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3627944960 nr_ops:3542915\ntimestamp_ms:1652992166378.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691686912 nr_ops:3605163\ntimestamp_ms:1652992167379.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3753948160 nr_ops:3665965\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140057958192896\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3817481216 nr_ops:3728009\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.3970 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.4067 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168681.5869 name:Total nr_bytes:3817481216 nr_ops:3728010\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.5269 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7634962430 nr_ops:7456020\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.5283 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3817481216 nr_ops:3728012\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 416.92us 0.00ns 416.92us 416.92us \nTxn1 1864005 32.19us 0.00ns 2.19ms 25.73us \nTxn2 1 48.31us 0.00ns 48.31us 48.31us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 415.76us 0.00ns 415.76us 415.76us \nwrite 1864005 3.23us 0.00ns 208.96us 2.44us \nread 1864004 28.88us 0.00ns 2.18ms 1.08us \ndisconnect 1 47.62us 0.00ns 47.62us 47.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.60b/s \nnet1 29889 29889 260.63Mb/s 260.63Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.123 62.36s 3.56GB 489.70Mb/s 3728012 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 489.70Mb/s 3728012 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414539, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992107318.5330 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992108319.5959 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992108319.6777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992109320.7119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:64034816 nr_ops:62534\ntimestamp_ms:1652992110321.8091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128710656 nr_ops:125694\ntimestamp_ms:1652992111322.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:192361472 nr_ops:187853\ntimestamp_ms:1652992112323.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:258280448 nr_ops:252227\ntimestamp_ms:1652992113324.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:322178048 nr_ops:314627\ntimestamp_ms:1652992114325.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:386061312 nr_ops:377013\ntimestamp_ms:1652992115326.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:449383424 nr_ops:438851\ntimestamp_ms:1652992116328.0286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511955968 nr_ops:499957\ntimestamp_ms:1652992117329.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575396864 nr_ops:561911\ntimestamp_ms:1652992118330.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638856192 nr_ops:623883\ntimestamp_ms:1652992119331.3340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702749696 nr_ops:686279\ntimestamp_ms:1652992120332.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766027776 nr_ops:748074\ntimestamp_ms:1652992121333.5198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:829985792 nr_ops:810533\ntimestamp_ms:1652992122334.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:892470272 nr_ops:871553\ntimestamp_ms:1652992123335.6995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955932672 nr_ops:933528\ntimestamp_ms:1652992124336.7913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019016192 nr_ops:995133\ntimestamp_ms:1652992125337.8779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1088967680 nr_ops:1063445\ntimestamp_ms:1652992126338.9741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152889856 nr_ops:1125869\ntimestamp_ms:1652992127340.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1216190464 nr_ops:1187686\ntimestamp_ms:1652992128341.1565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1279505408 nr_ops:1249517\ntimestamp_ms:1652992129342.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343480832 nr_ops:1311993\ntimestamp_ms:1652992130343.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1405987840 nr_ops:1373035\ntimestamp_ms:1652992131344.3982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1470356480 nr_ops:1435895\ntimestamp_ms:1652992132344.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1533981696 nr_ops:1498029\ntimestamp_ms:1652992133345.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597594624 nr_ops:1560151\ntimestamp_ms:1652992134346.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1661252608 nr_ops:1622317\ntimestamp_ms:1652992135348.0356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724343296 nr_ops:1683929\ntimestamp_ms:1652992136348.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788431360 nr_ops:1746515\ntimestamp_ms:1652992137349.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1851567104 nr_ops:1808171\ntimestamp_ms:1652992138351.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915134976 nr_ops:1870249\ntimestamp_ms:1652992139352.1384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977783296 nr_ops:1931429\ntimestamp_ms:1652992140353.1736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040945664 nr_ops:1993111\ntimestamp_ms:1652992141354.2686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2104714240 nr_ops:2055385\ntimestamp_ms:1652992142355.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2167176192 nr_ops:2116383\ntimestamp_ms:1652992143355.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231098368 nr_ops:2178807\ntimestamp_ms:1652992144356.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294817792 nr_ops:2241033\ntimestamp_ms:1652992145357.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2357918720 nr_ops:2302655\ntimestamp_ms:1652992146359.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2421855232 nr_ops:2365093\ntimestamp_ms:1652992147360.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2484337664 nr_ops:2426111\ntimestamp_ms:1652992148361.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547143680 nr_ops:2487445\ntimestamp_ms:1652992149362.2839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2610295808 nr_ops:2549117\ntimestamp_ms:1652992150363.3250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2673458176 nr_ops:2610799\ntimestamp_ms:1652992151364.4280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2736688128 nr_ops:2672547\ntimestamp_ms:1652992152365.5154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2800428032 nr_ops:2734793\ntimestamp_ms:1652992153366.5513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2863074304 nr_ops:2795971\ntimestamp_ms:1652992154367.6008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2926181376 nr_ops:2857599\ntimestamp_ms:1652992155368.6938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2989990912 nr_ops:2919913\ntimestamp_ms:1652992156368.8494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3052291072 nr_ops:2980753\ntimestamp_ms:1652992157369.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3115359232 nr_ops:3042343\ntimestamp_ms:1652992158371.0439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3178050560 nr_ops:3103565\ntimestamp_ms:1652992159372.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241631744 nr_ops:3165656\ntimestamp_ms:1652992160373.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306146816 nr_ops:3228659\ntimestamp_ms:1652992161374.3345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370364928 nr_ops:3291372\ntimestamp_ms:1652992162374.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3433667584 nr_ops:3353191\ntimestamp_ms:1652992163375.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3497489408 nr_ops:3415517\ntimestamp_ms:1652992164376.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3561618432 nr_ops:3478143\ntimestamp_ms:1652992165378.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3627944960 nr_ops:3542915\ntimestamp_ms:1652992166378.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691686912 nr_ops:3605163\ntimestamp_ms:1652992167379.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3753948160 nr_ops:3665965\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140057958192896\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3817481216 nr_ops:3728009\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.3970 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.4067 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168681.5869 name:Total nr_bytes:3817481216 nr_ops:3728010\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.5269 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7634962430 nr_ops:7456020\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992168581.5283 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3817481216 nr_ops:3728012\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 416.92us 0.00ns 416.92us 416.92us \nTxn1 1864005 32.19us 0.00ns 2.19ms 25.73us \nTxn2 1 48.31us 0.00ns 48.31us 48.31us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 415.76us 0.00ns 415.76us 415.76us \nwrite 1864005 3.23us 0.00ns 208.96us 2.44us \nread 1864004 28.88us 0.00ns 2.18ms 1.08us \ndisconnect 1 47.62us 0.00ns 47.62us 47.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.60b/s \nnet1 29889 29889 260.63Mb/s 260.63Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.123 62.36s 3.56GB 489.70Mb/s 3728012 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 489.70Mb/s 3728012 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414539, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992107318.5330 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992108319.5959 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992108319.6777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992109320.7119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:64034816 nr_ops:62534
+timestamp_ms:1652992110321.8091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128710656 nr_ops:125694
+timestamp_ms:1652992111322.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:192361472 nr_ops:187853
+timestamp_ms:1652992112323.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:258280448 nr_ops:252227
+timestamp_ms:1652992113324.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:322178048 nr_ops:314627
+timestamp_ms:1652992114325.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:386061312 nr_ops:377013
+timestamp_ms:1652992115326.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:449383424 nr_ops:438851
+timestamp_ms:1652992116328.0286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511955968 nr_ops:499957
+timestamp_ms:1652992117329.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575396864 nr_ops:561911
+timestamp_ms:1652992118330.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638856192 nr_ops:623883
+timestamp_ms:1652992119331.3340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702749696 nr_ops:686279
+timestamp_ms:1652992120332.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766027776 nr_ops:748074
+timestamp_ms:1652992121333.5198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:829985792 nr_ops:810533
+timestamp_ms:1652992122334.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:892470272 nr_ops:871553
+timestamp_ms:1652992123335.6995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955932672 nr_ops:933528
+timestamp_ms:1652992124336.7913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019016192 nr_ops:995133
+timestamp_ms:1652992125337.8779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1088967680 nr_ops:1063445
+timestamp_ms:1652992126338.9741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152889856 nr_ops:1125869
+timestamp_ms:1652992127340.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1216190464 nr_ops:1187686
+timestamp_ms:1652992128341.1565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1279505408 nr_ops:1249517
+timestamp_ms:1652992129342.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343480832 nr_ops:1311993
+timestamp_ms:1652992130343.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1405987840 nr_ops:1373035
+timestamp_ms:1652992131344.3982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1470356480 nr_ops:1435895
+timestamp_ms:1652992132344.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1533981696 nr_ops:1498029
+timestamp_ms:1652992133345.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597594624 nr_ops:1560151
+timestamp_ms:1652992134346.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1661252608 nr_ops:1622317
+timestamp_ms:1652992135348.0356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724343296 nr_ops:1683929
+timestamp_ms:1652992136348.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788431360 nr_ops:1746515
+timestamp_ms:1652992137349.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1851567104 nr_ops:1808171
+timestamp_ms:1652992138351.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915134976 nr_ops:1870249
+timestamp_ms:1652992139352.1384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977783296 nr_ops:1931429
+timestamp_ms:1652992140353.1736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040945664 nr_ops:1993111
+timestamp_ms:1652992141354.2686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2104714240 nr_ops:2055385
+timestamp_ms:1652992142355.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2167176192 nr_ops:2116383
+timestamp_ms:1652992143355.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231098368 nr_ops:2178807
+timestamp_ms:1652992144356.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294817792 nr_ops:2241033
+timestamp_ms:1652992145357.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2357918720 nr_ops:2302655
+timestamp_ms:1652992146359.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2421855232 nr_ops:2365093
+timestamp_ms:1652992147360.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2484337664 nr_ops:2426111
+timestamp_ms:1652992148361.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547143680 nr_ops:2487445
+timestamp_ms:1652992149362.2839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2610295808 nr_ops:2549117
+timestamp_ms:1652992150363.3250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2673458176 nr_ops:2610799
+timestamp_ms:1652992151364.4280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2736688128 nr_ops:2672547
+timestamp_ms:1652992152365.5154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2800428032 nr_ops:2734793
+timestamp_ms:1652992153366.5513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2863074304 nr_ops:2795971
+timestamp_ms:1652992154367.6008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2926181376 nr_ops:2857599
+timestamp_ms:1652992155368.6938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2989990912 nr_ops:2919913
+timestamp_ms:1652992156368.8494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3052291072 nr_ops:2980753
+timestamp_ms:1652992157369.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3115359232 nr_ops:3042343
+timestamp_ms:1652992158371.0439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3178050560 nr_ops:3103565
+timestamp_ms:1652992159372.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241631744 nr_ops:3165656
+timestamp_ms:1652992160373.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306146816 nr_ops:3228659
+timestamp_ms:1652992161374.3345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370364928 nr_ops:3291372
+timestamp_ms:1652992162374.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3433667584 nr_ops:3353191
+timestamp_ms:1652992163375.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3497489408 nr_ops:3415517
+timestamp_ms:1652992164376.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3561618432 nr_ops:3478143
+timestamp_ms:1652992165378.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3627944960 nr_ops:3542915
+timestamp_ms:1652992166378.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691686912 nr_ops:3605163
+timestamp_ms:1652992167379.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3753948160 nr_ops:3665965
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140057958192896
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652992168581.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3817481216 nr_ops:3728009
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992168581.3970 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992168581.4067 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992168681.5869 name:Total nr_bytes:3817481216 nr_ops:3728010
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992168581.5269 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7634962430 nr_ops:7456020
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992168581.5283 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3817481216 nr_ops:3728012
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 416.92us 0.00ns 416.92us 416.92us
+Txn1 1864005 32.19us 0.00ns 2.19ms 25.73us
+Txn2 1 48.31us 0.00ns 48.31us 48.31us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 415.76us 0.00ns 415.76us 415.76us
+write 1864005 3.23us 0.00ns 208.96us 2.44us
+read 1864004 28.88us 0.00ns 2.18ms 1.08us
+disconnect 1 47.62us 0.00ns 47.62us 47.62us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.60b/s
+net1 29889 29889 260.63Mb/s 260.63Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.123 62.36s 3.56GB 489.70Mb/s 3728012 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.56GB 489.70Mb/s 3728012 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:29.320000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:29.320000', 'bytes': 64034816, 'norm_byte': 64034816, 'ops': 62534, 'norm_ops': 62534, 'norm_ltcy': 16.007838610795726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:29.320000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:29.320000",
+ "bytes": 64034816,
+ "norm_byte": 64034816,
+ "ops": 62534,
+ "norm_ops": 62534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.007838610795726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "adceac61fd2ad4628ea4dcc48268695fba47ba57cb2246f85fc59402b6d280c7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:30.321000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:30.321000', 'bytes': 128710656, 'norm_byte': 64675840, 'ops': 125694, 'norm_ops': 63160, 'norm_ltcy': 15.850176820277866, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:30.321000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:30.321000",
+ "bytes": 128710656,
+ "norm_byte": 64675840,
+ "ops": 125694,
+ "norm_ops": 63160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.850176820277866,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "05f47d43acc63e0900cad9e3d94e1a5cc341fd9decc6efb5850e9b1040044f83",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:31.322000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:31.322000', 'bytes': 192361472, 'norm_byte': 63650816, 'ops': 187853, 'norm_ops': 62159, 'norm_ltcy': 16.104333996283724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:31.322000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:31.322000",
+ "bytes": 192361472,
+ "norm_byte": 63650816,
+ "ops": 187853,
+ "norm_ops": 62159,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.104333996283724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e984dea63d2924e26eb344705ff6753902c67926f6088d09b848185e7361fe68",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:32.323000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:32.323000', 'bytes': 258280448, 'norm_byte': 65918976, 'ops': 252227, 'norm_ops': 64374, 'norm_ltcy': 15.549665091884922, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:32.323000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:32.323000",
+ "bytes": 258280448,
+ "norm_byte": 65918976,
+ "ops": 252227,
+ "norm_ops": 64374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.549665091884922,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "acacfa8d35a66fc1fc6fedf35785491a39c1e299e395a970b4517d7df22b6119",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:33.324000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:33.324000', 'bytes': 322178048, 'norm_byte': 63897600, 'ops': 314627, 'norm_ops': 62400, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04167057917668, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:33.324000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:33.324000",
+ "bytes": 322178048,
+ "norm_byte": 63897600,
+ "ops": 314627,
+ "norm_ops": 62400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04167057917668,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8f97433094a4890354074ca6af04805f4f8162f2a230e35e11802a425e555e5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:34.325000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:34.325000', 'bytes': 386061312, 'norm_byte': 63883264, 'ops': 377013, 'norm_ops': 62386, 'norm_ltcy': 16.045340920589155, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:34.325000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:34.325000",
+ "bytes": 386061312,
+ "norm_byte": 63883264,
+ "ops": 377013,
+ "norm_ops": 62386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.045340920589155,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "041267a9c9b2ab1126386c7985c75c0634dc51d3f19861aa7450ba4d123be328",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:35.326000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:35.326000', 'bytes': 449383424, 'norm_byte': 63322112, 'ops': 438851, 'norm_ops': 61838, 'norm_ltcy': 16.188985452664625, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:35.326000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:35.326000",
+ "bytes": 449383424,
+ "norm_byte": 63322112,
+ "ops": 438851,
+ "norm_ops": 61838,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.188985452664625,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4001727f2af5c5623f8536df15b6d3682ca7ac1248053ad3313a34b62e35f665",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:36.328000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:36.328000', 'bytes': 511955968, 'norm_byte': 62572544, 'ops': 499957, 'norm_ops': 61106, 'norm_ltcy': 16.382952241801135, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:36.328000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:36.328000",
+ "bytes": 511955968,
+ "norm_byte": 62572544,
+ "ops": 499957,
+ "norm_ops": 61106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.382952241801135,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5065b61d1f13bc6c16e2528a7803ecb9dcc9205fe87af7e7bc02856a3971e05b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:37.329000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:37.329000', 'bytes': 575396864, 'norm_byte': 63440896, 'ops': 561911, 'norm_ops': 61954, 'norm_ltcy': 16.158638427805307, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:37.329000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:37.329000",
+ "bytes": 575396864,
+ "norm_byte": 63440896,
+ "ops": 561911,
+ "norm_ops": 61954,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.158638427805307,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb8181042371fe069dcd711fb8135fcbd0a09308ede730df5b25e2bb1f0bb744",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:38.330000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:38.330000', 'bytes': 638856192, 'norm_byte': 63459328, 'ops': 623883, 'norm_ops': 61972, 'norm_ltcy': 16.15426025311834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:38.330000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:38.330000",
+ "bytes": 638856192,
+ "norm_byte": 63459328,
+ "ops": 623883,
+ "norm_ops": 61972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.15426025311834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b6d2ad1d873720ce90733a0d112b0fe49f8fdf4d2ad8fbc2335709f4e687042f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:39.331000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:39.331000', 'bytes': 702749696, 'norm_byte': 63893504, 'ops': 686279, 'norm_ops': 62396, 'norm_ltcy': 16.044318840300257, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:39.331000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:39.331000",
+ "bytes": 702749696,
+ "norm_byte": 63893504,
+ "ops": 686279,
+ "norm_ops": 62396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.044318840300257,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e12820446dc0e62df2d9d9ea97de22cd9826682e19a3538e090e404c6295d4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:40.332000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:40.332000', 'bytes': 766027776, 'norm_byte': 63278080, 'ops': 748074, 'norm_ops': 61795, 'norm_ltcy': 16.200214987559672, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:40.332000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:40.332000",
+ "bytes": 766027776,
+ "norm_byte": 63278080,
+ "ops": 748074,
+ "norm_ops": 61795,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.200214987559672,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "486f751656ebf5bd37a007aefcf1bfe9251d9e39d9767588eadeea50dc609eca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:41.333000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:41.333000', 'bytes': 829985792, 'norm_byte': 63958016, 'ops': 810533, 'norm_ops': 62459, 'norm_ltcy': 16.028010468617413, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:41.333000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:41.333000",
+ "bytes": 829985792,
+ "norm_byte": 63958016,
+ "ops": 810533,
+ "norm_ops": 62459,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.028010468617413,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da3a407117beaedc2efdcab57a453251f756a6ea5cd98fe8a04445437042c684",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:42.334000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:42.334000', 'bytes': 892470272, 'norm_byte': 62484480, 'ops': 871553, 'norm_ops': 61020, 'norm_ltcy': 16.405905914556705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:42.334000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:42.334000",
+ "bytes": 892470272,
+ "norm_byte": 62484480,
+ "ops": 871553,
+ "norm_ops": 61020,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.405905914556705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc05ed02a8b70cd2e8c15dafa93014a49e6522cac10740f67a077b74672bea9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:43.335000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:43.335000', 'bytes': 955932672, 'norm_byte': 63462400, 'ops': 933528, 'norm_ops': 61975, 'norm_ltcy': 16.153147375453813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:43.335000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:43.335000",
+ "bytes": 955932672,
+ "norm_byte": 63462400,
+ "ops": 933528,
+ "norm_ops": 61975,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.153147375453813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3cdadbeaa4793ce821afd1c6f514689d9032ae42ca400ce0d07c677643f845b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:44.336000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:44.336000', 'bytes': 1019016192, 'norm_byte': 63083520, 'ops': 995133, 'norm_ops': 61605, 'norm_ltcy': 16.250171201607014, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:44.336000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:44.336000",
+ "bytes": 1019016192,
+ "norm_byte": 63083520,
+ "ops": 995133,
+ "norm_ops": 61605,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.250171201607014,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e8afe3e9b77dd6002a0fecdc70c76315246ccfeaffd07cb582403946465b1f65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:45.337000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:45.337000', 'bytes': 1088967680, 'norm_byte': 69951488, 'ops': 1063445, 'norm_ops': 68312, 'norm_ltcy': 14.654623930230049, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:45.337000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:45.337000",
+ "bytes": 1088967680,
+ "norm_byte": 69951488,
+ "ops": 1063445,
+ "norm_ops": 68312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.654623930230049,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de5e6996117d91c2324e556e32b18f0eae1421b078d83351ad9a142c4bc2b5ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:46.338000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:46.338000', 'bytes': 1152889856, 'norm_byte': 63922176, 'ops': 1125869, 'norm_ops': 62424, 'norm_ltcy': 16.03704010326557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:46.338000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:46.338000",
+ "bytes": 1152889856,
+ "norm_byte": 63922176,
+ "ops": 1125869,
+ "norm_ops": 62424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.03704010326557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f1cf5a96cfb05ee2dab6c12a043ac6b5d11d5fcc5989f0d1098ce1f46fcbfacf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:47.340000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:47.340000', 'bytes': 1216190464, 'norm_byte': 63300608, 'ops': 1187686, 'norm_ops': 61817, 'norm_ltcy': 16.1944021137996, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:47.340000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:47.340000",
+ "bytes": 1216190464,
+ "norm_byte": 63300608,
+ "ops": 1187686,
+ "norm_ops": 61817,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.1944021137996,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c318f975ada73e782ec1769cbdac4c0423282a5d2e0db993246ba5983f9dc93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:48.341000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:48.341000', 'bytes': 1279505408, 'norm_byte': 63314944, 'ops': 1249517, 'norm_ops': 61831, 'norm_ltcy': 16.190794546071146, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:48.341000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:48.341000",
+ "bytes": 1279505408,
+ "norm_byte": 63314944,
+ "ops": 1249517,
+ "norm_ops": 61831,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.190794546071146,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c1db9b77506c281a30830b6f02f18103a54c1691194f05a5da8c52c13da9ae6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:49.342000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:49.342000', 'bytes': 1343480832, 'norm_byte': 63975424, 'ops': 1311993, 'norm_ops': 62476, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02269177614204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:49.342000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:49.342000",
+ "bytes": 1343480832,
+ "norm_byte": 63975424,
+ "ops": 1311993,
+ "norm_ops": 62476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02269177614204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "420c57c426912290610bb8ba42724f51763864f1c47d0075456e156a621da279",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:50.343000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:50.343000', 'bytes': 1405987840, 'norm_byte': 62507008, 'ops': 1373035, 'norm_ops': 61042, 'norm_ltcy': 16.399997101125045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:50.343000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:50.343000",
+ "bytes": 1405987840,
+ "norm_byte": 62507008,
+ "ops": 1373035,
+ "norm_ops": 61042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.399997101125045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85d1ac55cbaf198ddc2d6ab73b5f8c0f5c2b115c02a396a511572b207463ace4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:51.344000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:51.344000', 'bytes': 1470356480, 'norm_byte': 64368640, 'ops': 1435895, 'norm_ops': 62860, 'norm_ltcy': 15.926175386026486, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:51.344000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:51.344000",
+ "bytes": 1470356480,
+ "norm_byte": 64368640,
+ "ops": 1435895,
+ "norm_ops": 62860,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.926175386026486,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1014537f5c738e326c7e16b67825430e4abf0936b50ee78fac9856336ea5bc0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:52.344000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:52.344000', 'bytes': 1533981696, 'norm_byte': 63625216, 'ops': 1498029, 'norm_ops': 62134, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10126950295933, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:52.344000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:52.344000",
+ "bytes": 1533981696,
+ "norm_byte": 63625216,
+ "ops": 1498029,
+ "norm_ops": 62134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10126950295933,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10e785b67737ca75dedef322b07cc37bbd6f13f8c9be8148d66b006ab6e580a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:53.345000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:53.345000', 'bytes': 1597594624, 'norm_byte': 63612928, 'ops': 1560151, 'norm_ops': 62122, 'norm_ltcy': 16.113528841181466, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:53.345000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:53.345000",
+ "bytes": 1597594624,
+ "norm_byte": 63612928,
+ "ops": 1560151,
+ "norm_ops": 62122,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.113528841181466,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df991ce3de1d51e0f32fa9c899921fa27487f3914de8cddeb7b5c97095027d5c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:54.346000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:54.346000', 'bytes': 1661252608, 'norm_byte': 63657984, 'ops': 1622317, 'norm_ops': 62166, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10366344620653, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:54.346000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:54.346000",
+ "bytes": 1661252608,
+ "norm_byte": 63657984,
+ "ops": 1622317,
+ "norm_ops": 62166,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10366344620653,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b57ecf2c40f4e60d3292a5a33c0f904348208f8fe298dab767e34d6e14ca5500",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:55.348000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:55.348000', 'bytes': 1724343296, 'norm_byte': 63090688, 'ops': 1683929, 'norm_ops': 61612, 'norm_ltcy': 16.248396276800786, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:55.348000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:55.348000",
+ "bytes": 1724343296,
+ "norm_byte": 63090688,
+ "ops": 1683929,
+ "norm_ops": 61612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.248396276800786,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b498c789c88cb160508519866582f8af75de7fec07c5f97fbeda1f7635ad404",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:56.348000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:56.348000', 'bytes': 1788431360, 'norm_byte': 64088064, 'ops': 1746515, 'norm_ops': 62586, 'norm_ltcy': 15.99088326337959, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:56.348000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:56.348000",
+ "bytes": 1788431360,
+ "norm_byte": 64088064,
+ "ops": 1746515,
+ "norm_ops": 62586,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.99088326337959,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39b981b8e6f8f5315cfefccc90ed0d3adda2ab3b0156ff193290c30940f0ad60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:57.349000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:57.349000', 'bytes': 1851567104, 'norm_byte': 63135744, 'ops': 1808171, 'norm_ops': 61656, 'norm_ltcy': 16.236939411056913, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:57.349000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:57.349000",
+ "bytes": 1851567104,
+ "norm_byte": 63135744,
+ "ops": 1808171,
+ "norm_ops": 61656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.236939411056913,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee73eee625d9a8ca0ccb5fc683c1f2d499bb9b7b437333ed6ed2492e8a5307d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:58.351000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:58.351000', 'bytes': 1915134976, 'norm_byte': 63567872, 'ops': 1870249, 'norm_ops': 62078, 'norm_ltcy': 16.126357824279534, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:58.351000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:58.351000",
+ "bytes": 1915134976,
+ "norm_byte": 63567872,
+ "ops": 1870249,
+ "norm_ops": 62078,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.126357824279534,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cfe1fcbf9bf1cdb5f991967ec6888b35ff4001f56c9cb6a607647ad7cd51053f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:28:59.352000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:28:59.352000', 'bytes': 1977783296, 'norm_byte': 62648320, 'ops': 1931429, 'norm_ops': 61180, 'norm_ltcy': 16.363200162430534, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:28:59.352000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:28:59.352000",
+ "bytes": 1977783296,
+ "norm_byte": 62648320,
+ "ops": 1931429,
+ "norm_ops": 61180,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.363200162430534,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c8ee1b818a3c81e274f2a225785ec67c19c3883cb5a67d6f5b22d95f4ec5c81",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:00.353000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:00.353000', 'bytes': 2040945664, 'norm_byte': 63162368, 'ops': 1993111, 'norm_ops': 61682, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22896722301482, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:00.353000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:00.353000",
+ "bytes": 2040945664,
+ "norm_byte": 63162368,
+ "ops": 1993111,
+ "norm_ops": 61682,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22896722301482,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6dcf6a70db4424ffd25261d89e9be8fcaa84ddda1c0965d22881d702707c27fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:01.354000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:01.354000', 'bytes': 2104714240, 'norm_byte': 63768576, 'ops': 2055385, 'norm_ops': 62274, 'norm_ltcy': 16.075649078317195, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:01.354000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:01.354000",
+ "bytes": 2104714240,
+ "norm_byte": 63768576,
+ "ops": 2055385,
+ "norm_ops": 62274,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.075649078317195,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a79e2da4d8f5b54f167865281ed03cbffcfa402bf113601237c2f57fe8274cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:02.355000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:02.355000', 'bytes': 2167176192, 'norm_byte': 62461952, 'ops': 2116383, 'norm_ops': 60998, 'norm_ltcy': 16.411943065756255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:02.355000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:02.355000",
+ "bytes": 2167176192,
+ "norm_byte": 62461952,
+ "ops": 2116383,
+ "norm_ops": 60998,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.411943065756255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f953a7eaf38c056e1cf52cb72c490ed07b2a465d9bce93992324b7858586eb9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:03.355000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:03.355000', 'bytes': 2231098368, 'norm_byte': 63922176, 'ops': 2178807, 'norm_ops': 62424, 'norm_ltcy': 16.026965352368478, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:03.355000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:03.355000",
+ "bytes": 2231098368,
+ "norm_byte": 63922176,
+ "ops": 2178807,
+ "norm_ops": 62424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.026965352368478,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e3b410c1bc4fac8b821405d0b042bfe1d74a5b0a9451be6b425fe35826a3fc28",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:04.356000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:04.356000', 'bytes': 2294817792, 'norm_byte': 63719424, 'ops': 2241033, 'norm_ops': 62226, 'norm_ltcy': 16.086695950044994, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:04.356000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:04.356000",
+ "bytes": 2294817792,
+ "norm_byte": 63719424,
+ "ops": 2241033,
+ "norm_ops": 62226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.086695950044994,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c38e47a10b41e5b7335fb0c611ee46151c0b7fad0b0b57297f7e83eac3859e02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:05.357000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:05.357000', 'bytes': 2357918720, 'norm_byte': 63100928, 'ops': 2302655, 'norm_ops': 61622, 'norm_ltcy': 16.245846653792476, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:05.357000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:05.357000",
+ "bytes": 2357918720,
+ "norm_byte": 63100928,
+ "ops": 2302655,
+ "norm_ops": 61622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.245846653792476,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e36f4e9f0b74c850d7cde7f093bad111571fd710b6658eb3b0c30ba42e86bb4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:06.359000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:06.359000', 'bytes': 2421855232, 'norm_byte': 63936512, 'ops': 2365093, 'norm_ops': 62438, 'norm_ltcy': 16.033690577302686, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:06.359000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:06.359000",
+ "bytes": 2421855232,
+ "norm_byte": 63936512,
+ "ops": 2365093,
+ "norm_ops": 62438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.033690577302686,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6ae014685ff652438194592b0550ef725d7d79156139795474b018a051f1985",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:07.360000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:07.360000', 'bytes': 2484337664, 'norm_byte': 62482432, 'ops': 2426111, 'norm_ops': 61018, 'norm_ltcy': 16.40645965893261, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:07.360000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:07.360000",
+ "bytes": 2484337664,
+ "norm_byte": 62482432,
+ "ops": 2426111,
+ "norm_ops": 61018,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.40645965893261,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dbc997209b1e40148c7265f00cae85d76511f716cc6196daaa22b0f57f4ac560",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:08.361000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:08.361000', 'bytes': 2547143680, 'norm_byte': 62806016, 'ops': 2487445, 'norm_ops': 61334, 'norm_ltcy': 16.322027176504875, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:08.361000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:08.361000",
+ "bytes": 2547143680,
+ "norm_byte": 62806016,
+ "ops": 2487445,
+ "norm_ops": 61334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.322027176504875,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19f703b88cb21b45734dfe30671cf3c52f80c4c19aa3788db9240236499cb996",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:09.362000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:09.362000', 'bytes': 2610295808, 'norm_byte': 63152128, 'ops': 2549117, 'norm_ops': 61672, 'norm_ltcy': 16.231741232852833, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:09.362000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:09.362000",
+ "bytes": 2610295808,
+ "norm_byte": 63152128,
+ "ops": 2549117,
+ "norm_ops": 61672,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.231741232852833,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf294e014e308ef35ccd2b266ce21afe08ab027b45b8143d3a4e943df00a7b40",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:10.363000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:10.363000', 'bytes': 2673458176, 'norm_byte': 63162368, 'ops': 2610799, 'norm_ops': 61682, 'norm_ltcy': 16.229062216286763, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:10.363000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:10.363000",
+ "bytes": 2673458176,
+ "norm_byte": 63162368,
+ "ops": 2610799,
+ "norm_ops": 61682,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.229062216286763,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d5c25709f97b1e119ac0b13c7541352ab12ae143ee9e0b560f3b07f0f5a604fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:11.364000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:11.364000', 'bytes': 2736688128, 'norm_byte': 63229952, 'ops': 2672547, 'norm_ops': 61748, 'norm_ltcy': 16.212719883133865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:11.364000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:11.364000",
+ "bytes": 2736688128,
+ "norm_byte": 63229952,
+ "ops": 2672547,
+ "norm_ops": 61748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.212719883133865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c691c05a251e827ce0b79cd358942d79ede3d05e689220d58f873288e60df29c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:12.365000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:12.365000', 'bytes': 2800428032, 'norm_byte': 63739904, 'ops': 2734793, 'norm_ops': 62246, 'norm_ltcy': 16.082758769137776, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:12.365000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:12.365000",
+ "bytes": 2800428032,
+ "norm_byte": 63739904,
+ "ops": 2734793,
+ "norm_ops": 62246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.082758769137776,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9d012eec392e4b03a4371b16abdfde45c236013c4cf7951ca5821a70df49451",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:13.366000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:13.366000', 'bytes': 2863074304, 'norm_byte': 62646272, 'ops': 2795971, 'norm_ops': 61178, 'norm_ltcy': 16.362677574812434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:13.366000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:13.366000",
+ "bytes": 2863074304,
+ "norm_byte": 62646272,
+ "ops": 2795971,
+ "norm_ops": 61178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.362677574812434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee76402704c60d70e20baa83ffa3fc1c85450ee3acefdb0d721bff3a2c4426d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:14.367000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:14.367000', 'bytes': 2926181376, 'norm_byte': 63107072, 'ops': 2857599, 'norm_ops': 61628, 'norm_ltcy': 16.243421181068264, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:14.367000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:14.367000",
+ "bytes": 2926181376,
+ "norm_byte": 63107072,
+ "ops": 2857599,
+ "norm_ops": 61628,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.243421181068264,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d7309b7296d64324436eee95e708b4b9c5f2d08e994a44ae472025c9e31ee51",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:15.368000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:15.368000', 'bytes': 2989990912, 'norm_byte': 63809536, 'ops': 2919913, 'norm_ops': 62314, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0652986099131, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:15.368000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:15.368000",
+ "bytes": 2989990912,
+ "norm_byte": 63809536,
+ "ops": 2919913,
+ "norm_ops": 62314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0652986099131,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db97089837d19ffe29ca072c74fe445abaab057fd21cb4cd9b88647f7ab5e54b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:16.368000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:16.368000', 'bytes': 3052291072, 'norm_byte': 62300160, 'ops': 2980753, 'norm_ops': 60840, 'norm_ltcy': 16.43911107130383, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:16.368000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:16.368000",
+ "bytes": 3052291072,
+ "norm_byte": 62300160,
+ "ops": 2980753,
+ "norm_ops": 60840,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.43911107130383,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d0ee92b63a4513e156b46182e7f51aed5c1be729aca1bb8c4a4cc87430361ae5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:17.369000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:17.369000', 'bytes': 3115359232, 'norm_byte': 63068160, 'ops': 3042343, 'norm_ops': 61590, 'norm_ltcy': 16.254267605079963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:17.369000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:17.369000",
+ "bytes": 3115359232,
+ "norm_byte": 63068160,
+ "ops": 3042343,
+ "norm_ops": 61590,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.254267605079963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "530ff5aa13fca2864270e05d348a1f260c9ed9c3808ca8a47d078c94b1455f60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:18.371000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:18.371000', 'bytes': 3178050560, 'norm_byte': 62691328, 'ops': 3103565, 'norm_ops': 61222, 'norm_ltcy': 16.351870868009048, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:18.371000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:18.371000",
+ "bytes": 3178050560,
+ "norm_byte": 62691328,
+ "ops": 3103565,
+ "norm_ops": 61222,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.351870868009048,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "977fbee470db011a641b4b6c1a8e8be3ea2760bcce40185707b4fb647fb2ece8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:19.372000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:19.372000', 'bytes': 3241631744, 'norm_byte': 63581184, 'ops': 3165656, 'norm_ops': 62091, 'norm_ltcy': 16.122961786933693, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:19.372000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:19.372000",
+ "bytes": 3241631744,
+ "norm_byte": 63581184,
+ "ops": 3165656,
+ "norm_ops": 62091,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.122961786933693,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9da2ae86320a9c0283b52c1bdde9d0c8c49dbbdebfdf5d3d09d4807b8bc1ef27",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:20.373000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:20.373000', 'bytes': 3306146816, 'norm_byte': 64515072, 'ops': 3228659, 'norm_ops': 63003, 'norm_ltcy': 15.889701711872847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:20.373000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:20.373000",
+ "bytes": 3306146816,
+ "norm_byte": 64515072,
+ "ops": 3228659,
+ "norm_ops": 63003,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.889701711872847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7bbc9a646e7ea061fe9545ffa3744f439290009d36039a74ba92ff99c0c4b2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:21.374000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:21.374000', 'bytes': 3370364928, 'norm_byte': 64218112, 'ops': 3291372, 'norm_ops': 62713, 'norm_ltcy': 15.963210659323028, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:21.374000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:21.374000",
+ "bytes": 3370364928,
+ "norm_byte": 64218112,
+ "ops": 3291372,
+ "norm_ops": 62713,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.963210659323028,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2c463d8752762b6695e446777819e5645f72fa137fa47288a88f7d3038cac5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:22.374000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:22.374000', 'bytes': 3433667584, 'norm_byte': 63302656, 'ops': 3353191, 'norm_ops': 61819, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18432487256143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:22.374000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:22.374000",
+ "bytes": 3433667584,
+ "norm_byte": 63302656,
+ "ops": 3353191,
+ "norm_ops": 61819,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18432487256143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2a2b6e25fbb4a1dd37ef1caa26bd47943dfcf80503031455b0e7b93bda7fee0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:23.375000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:23.375000', 'bytes': 3497489408, 'norm_byte': 63821824, 'ops': 3415517, 'norm_ops': 62326, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06068560497425, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:23.375000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:23.375000",
+ "bytes": 3497489408,
+ "norm_byte": 63821824,
+ "ops": 3415517,
+ "norm_ops": 62326,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06068560497425,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d18ef58d15062f8316e325dbd571312895ba1acad0d265786b401a1b06ce3bf9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:24.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:24.376000', 'bytes': 3561618432, 'norm_byte': 64129024, 'ops': 3478143, 'norm_ops': 62626, 'norm_ltcy': 15.98553488043105, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:24.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:24.376000",
+ "bytes": 3561618432,
+ "norm_byte": 64129024,
+ "ops": 3478143,
+ "norm_ops": 62626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.98553488043105,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a03e71c8df333b2ee1a71a17c3546ccf8975bca57c6e3fd5351ba53dc35ba98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:25.378000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:25.378000', 'bytes': 3627944960, 'norm_byte': 66326528, 'ops': 3542915, 'norm_ops': 64772, 'norm_ltcy': 15.455622070252192, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:25.378000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:25.378000",
+ "bytes": 3627944960,
+ "norm_byte": 66326528,
+ "ops": 3542915,
+ "norm_ops": 64772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.455622070252192,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a9162c5c0d0ec47c69906dcbabcb9f9b791561b113df838fa47313befee6b9e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:26.378000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:26.378000', 'bytes': 3691686912, 'norm_byte': 63741952, 'ops': 3605163, 'norm_ops': 62248, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07777872883466, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:26.378000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:26.378000",
+ "bytes": 3691686912,
+ "norm_byte": 63741952,
+ "ops": 3605163,
+ "norm_ops": 62248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07777872883466,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e5c9aaea9d3ab1cf978e7a5cd45739aef9e282fb6782fdc480504b6f2567855",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:27.379000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:27.379000', 'bytes': 3753948160, 'norm_byte': 62261248, 'ops': 3665965, 'norm_ops': 60802, 'norm_ltcy': 16.464976738018485, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:27.379000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:27.379000",
+ "bytes": 3753948160,
+ "norm_byte": 62261248,
+ "ops": 3665965,
+ "norm_ops": 60802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.464976738018485,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "539c84a444a26a54620d5bf936f8d20987a7da52a1c4017a4feaa20331fb1469",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:29:28.581000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:29:28.581000', 'bytes': 3817481216, 'norm_byte': 63533056, 'ops': 3728009, 'norm_ops': 62044, 'norm_ltcy': 19.363223295917013, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:29:28.581000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:29:28.581000",
+ "bytes": 3817481216,
+ "norm_byte": 63533056,
+ "ops": 3728009,
+ "norm_ops": 62044,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.363223295917013,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0a2c558f-bd4a-565a-826e-fd9a1210ab81",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e7047d9a299cba6f09d9c01b4054b3f8db44e63a54b297b673c7866836f3f99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63624686.93333333
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62133.48333333333
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.413301466033634
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:29:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-028-220519202543/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-028-220519202543/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d12516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-028-220519202543/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-028-220519202543/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-028-220519202543/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-028-220519202543/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-028-220519202543/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-028-220519202543/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c0d4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-028-220519202543/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=35
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=70
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-029-220519202745/220519202745-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-029-220519202745/220519202745-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..012c233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-029-220519202745/220519202745-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:30:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992229082.3560 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992230083.4666 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992230083.5520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992231084.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63749120 nr_ops:62255\ntimestamp_ms:1652992232085.7263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127392768 nr_ops:124407\ntimestamp_ms:1652992233086.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190924800 nr_ops:186450\ntimestamp_ms:1652992234087.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255040512 nr_ops:249063\ntimestamp_ms:1652992235089.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319421440 nr_ops:311935\ntimestamp_ms:1652992236089.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382224384 nr_ops:373266\ntimestamp_ms:1652992237090.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444761088 nr_ops:434337\ntimestamp_ms:1652992238092.0232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508502016 nr_ops:496584\ntimestamp_ms:1652992239092.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575384576 nr_ops:561899\ntimestamp_ms:1652992240093.8762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639349760 nr_ops:624365\ntimestamp_ms:1652992241094.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703093760 nr_ops:686615\ntimestamp_ms:1652992242096.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766435328 nr_ops:748472\ntimestamp_ms:1652992243097.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830069760 nr_ops:810615\ntimestamp_ms:1652992244098.2068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894555136 nr_ops:873589\ntimestamp_ms:1652992245099.2988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:958796800 nr_ops:936325\ntimestamp_ms:1652992246100.3962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1022872576 nr_ops:998899\ntimestamp_ms:1652992247101.4851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086016512 nr_ops:1060563\ntimestamp_ms:1652992248102.5835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152496640 nr_ops:1125485\ntimestamp_ms:1652992249103.6824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217328128 nr_ops:1188797\ntimestamp_ms:1652992250104.7771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281494016 nr_ops:1251459\ntimestamp_ms:1652992251105.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344814080 nr_ops:1313295\ntimestamp_ms:1652992252106.9668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1407329280 nr_ops:1374345\ntimestamp_ms:1652992253108.1372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1471216640 nr_ops:1436735\ntimestamp_ms:1652992254108.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1533965312 nr_ops:1498013\ntimestamp_ms:1652992255109.9238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598033920 nr_ops:1560580\ntimestamp_ms:1652992256111.0237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660734464 nr_ops:1621811\ntimestamp_ms:1652992257111.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723552768 nr_ops:1683157\ntimestamp_ms:1652992258112.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1787862016 nr_ops:1745959\ntimestamp_ms:1652992259114.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1851732992 nr_ops:1808333\ntimestamp_ms:1652992260115.1108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915227136 nr_ops:1870339\ntimestamp_ms:1652992261116.1545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1978753024 nr_ops:1932376\ntimestamp_ms:1652992262117.2524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041418752 nr_ops:1993573\ntimestamp_ms:1652992263118.3513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2105356288 nr_ops:2056012\ntimestamp_ms:1652992264119.4609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2169666560 nr_ops:2118815\ntimestamp_ms:1652992265120.5562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2233191424 nr_ops:2180851\ntimestamp_ms:1652992266121.6560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2297799680 nr_ops:2243945\ntimestamp_ms:1652992267122.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2360695808 nr_ops:2305367\ntimestamp_ms:1652992268123.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2429025280 nr_ops:2372095\ntimestamp_ms:1652992269124.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493547520 nr_ops:2435105\ntimestamp_ms:1652992270126.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2557363200 nr_ops:2497425\ntimestamp_ms:1652992271127.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2621314048 nr_ops:2559877\ntimestamp_ms:1652992272128.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2684906496 nr_ops:2621979\ntimestamp_ms:1652992273129.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2748978176 nr_ops:2684549\ntimestamp_ms:1652992274130.4202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2813168640 nr_ops:2747235\ntimestamp_ms:1652992275131.5134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2876574720 nr_ops:2809155\ntimestamp_ms:1652992276132.6042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2937986048 nr_ops:2869127\ntimestamp_ms:1652992277133.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000933376 nr_ops:2930599\ntimestamp_ms:1652992278134.7891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064316928 nr_ops:2992497\ntimestamp_ms:1652992279135.8777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3128222720 nr_ops:3054905\ntimestamp_ms:1652992280136.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3191849984 nr_ops:3117041\ntimestamp_ms:1652992281137.9297 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3254768640 nr_ops:3178485\ntimestamp_ms:1652992282139.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3318607872 nr_ops:3240828\ntimestamp_ms:1652992283139.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3381908480 nr_ops:3302645\ntimestamp_ms:1652992284140.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3445746688 nr_ops:3364987\ntimestamp_ms:1652992285141.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3509110784 nr_ops:3426866\ntimestamp_ms:1652992286143.0618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571807232 nr_ops:3488093\ntimestamp_ms:1652992287144.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3635435520 nr_ops:3550230\ntimestamp_ms:1652992288145.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3699876864 nr_ops:3613161\ntimestamp_ms:1652992289146.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3764317184 nr_ops:3676091\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139862561638144\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.7429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3828483072 nr_ops:3738753\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.7783 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.7822 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290447.9001 name:Total nr_bytes:3828483072 nr_ops:3738754\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.8779 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7656966142 nr_ops:7477508\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.8784 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3828483072 nr_ops:3738756\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 380.32us 0.00ns 380.32us 380.32us \nTxn1 1869377 32.08us 0.00ns 4.81ms 25.95us \nTxn2 1 20.84us 0.00ns 20.84us 20.84us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 379.48us 0.00ns 379.48us 379.48us \nwrite 1869377 3.21us 0.00ns 88.50us 2.44us \nread 1869376 28.79us 0.00ns 4.81ms 6.43us \ndisconnect 1 20.65us 0.00ns 20.65us 20.65us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29974 29974 261.37Mb/s 261.37Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.57b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.124 62.37s 3.57GB 491.09Mb/s 3738756 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.09Mb/s 3738756 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416206, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992229082.3560 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992230083.4666 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992230083.5520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992231084.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63749120 nr_ops:62255\ntimestamp_ms:1652992232085.7263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127392768 nr_ops:124407\ntimestamp_ms:1652992233086.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190924800 nr_ops:186450\ntimestamp_ms:1652992234087.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255040512 nr_ops:249063\ntimestamp_ms:1652992235089.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319421440 nr_ops:311935\ntimestamp_ms:1652992236089.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382224384 nr_ops:373266\ntimestamp_ms:1652992237090.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444761088 nr_ops:434337\ntimestamp_ms:1652992238092.0232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508502016 nr_ops:496584\ntimestamp_ms:1652992239092.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575384576 nr_ops:561899\ntimestamp_ms:1652992240093.8762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639349760 nr_ops:624365\ntimestamp_ms:1652992241094.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703093760 nr_ops:686615\ntimestamp_ms:1652992242096.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766435328 nr_ops:748472\ntimestamp_ms:1652992243097.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830069760 nr_ops:810615\ntimestamp_ms:1652992244098.2068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894555136 nr_ops:873589\ntimestamp_ms:1652992245099.2988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:958796800 nr_ops:936325\ntimestamp_ms:1652992246100.3962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1022872576 nr_ops:998899\ntimestamp_ms:1652992247101.4851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086016512 nr_ops:1060563\ntimestamp_ms:1652992248102.5835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152496640 nr_ops:1125485\ntimestamp_ms:1652992249103.6824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217328128 nr_ops:1188797\ntimestamp_ms:1652992250104.7771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281494016 nr_ops:1251459\ntimestamp_ms:1652992251105.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344814080 nr_ops:1313295\ntimestamp_ms:1652992252106.9668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1407329280 nr_ops:1374345\ntimestamp_ms:1652992253108.1372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1471216640 nr_ops:1436735\ntimestamp_ms:1652992254108.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1533965312 nr_ops:1498013\ntimestamp_ms:1652992255109.9238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598033920 nr_ops:1560580\ntimestamp_ms:1652992256111.0237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660734464 nr_ops:1621811\ntimestamp_ms:1652992257111.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723552768 nr_ops:1683157\ntimestamp_ms:1652992258112.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1787862016 nr_ops:1745959\ntimestamp_ms:1652992259114.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1851732992 nr_ops:1808333\ntimestamp_ms:1652992260115.1108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915227136 nr_ops:1870339\ntimestamp_ms:1652992261116.1545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1978753024 nr_ops:1932376\ntimestamp_ms:1652992262117.2524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041418752 nr_ops:1993573\ntimestamp_ms:1652992263118.3513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2105356288 nr_ops:2056012\ntimestamp_ms:1652992264119.4609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2169666560 nr_ops:2118815\ntimestamp_ms:1652992265120.5562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2233191424 nr_ops:2180851\ntimestamp_ms:1652992266121.6560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2297799680 nr_ops:2243945\ntimestamp_ms:1652992267122.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2360695808 nr_ops:2305367\ntimestamp_ms:1652992268123.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2429025280 nr_ops:2372095\ntimestamp_ms:1652992269124.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493547520 nr_ops:2435105\ntimestamp_ms:1652992270126.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2557363200 nr_ops:2497425\ntimestamp_ms:1652992271127.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2621314048 nr_ops:2559877\ntimestamp_ms:1652992272128.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2684906496 nr_ops:2621979\ntimestamp_ms:1652992273129.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2748978176 nr_ops:2684549\ntimestamp_ms:1652992274130.4202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2813168640 nr_ops:2747235\ntimestamp_ms:1652992275131.5134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2876574720 nr_ops:2809155\ntimestamp_ms:1652992276132.6042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2937986048 nr_ops:2869127\ntimestamp_ms:1652992277133.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000933376 nr_ops:2930599\ntimestamp_ms:1652992278134.7891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064316928 nr_ops:2992497\ntimestamp_ms:1652992279135.8777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3128222720 nr_ops:3054905\ntimestamp_ms:1652992280136.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3191849984 nr_ops:3117041\ntimestamp_ms:1652992281137.9297 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3254768640 nr_ops:3178485\ntimestamp_ms:1652992282139.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3318607872 nr_ops:3240828\ntimestamp_ms:1652992283139.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3381908480 nr_ops:3302645\ntimestamp_ms:1652992284140.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3445746688 nr_ops:3364987\ntimestamp_ms:1652992285141.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3509110784 nr_ops:3426866\ntimestamp_ms:1652992286143.0618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571807232 nr_ops:3488093\ntimestamp_ms:1652992287144.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3635435520 nr_ops:3550230\ntimestamp_ms:1652992288145.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3699876864 nr_ops:3613161\ntimestamp_ms:1652992289146.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3764317184 nr_ops:3676091\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139862561638144\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.7429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3828483072 nr_ops:3738753\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.7783 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.7822 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290447.9001 name:Total nr_bytes:3828483072 nr_ops:3738754\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.8779 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7656966142 nr_ops:7477508\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.8784 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3828483072 nr_ops:3738756\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 380.32us 0.00ns 380.32us 380.32us \nTxn1 1869377 32.08us 0.00ns 4.81ms 25.95us \nTxn2 1 20.84us 0.00ns 20.84us 20.84us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 379.48us 0.00ns 379.48us 379.48us \nwrite 1869377 3.21us 0.00ns 88.50us 2.44us \nread 1869376 28.79us 0.00ns 4.81ms 6.43us \ndisconnect 1 20.65us 0.00ns 20.65us 20.65us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29974 29974 261.37Mb/s 261.37Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.57b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.124 62.37s 3.57GB 491.09Mb/s 3738756 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.09Mb/s 3738756 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416206, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992229082.3560 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992230083.4666 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992230083.5520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992231084.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63749120 nr_ops:62255\ntimestamp_ms:1652992232085.7263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127392768 nr_ops:124407\ntimestamp_ms:1652992233086.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190924800 nr_ops:186450\ntimestamp_ms:1652992234087.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255040512 nr_ops:249063\ntimestamp_ms:1652992235089.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319421440 nr_ops:311935\ntimestamp_ms:1652992236089.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382224384 nr_ops:373266\ntimestamp_ms:1652992237090.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444761088 nr_ops:434337\ntimestamp_ms:1652992238092.0232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508502016 nr_ops:496584\ntimestamp_ms:1652992239092.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575384576 nr_ops:561899\ntimestamp_ms:1652992240093.8762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639349760 nr_ops:624365\ntimestamp_ms:1652992241094.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703093760 nr_ops:686615\ntimestamp_ms:1652992242096.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766435328 nr_ops:748472\ntimestamp_ms:1652992243097.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830069760 nr_ops:810615\ntimestamp_ms:1652992244098.2068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894555136 nr_ops:873589\ntimestamp_ms:1652992245099.2988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:958796800 nr_ops:936325\ntimestamp_ms:1652992246100.3962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1022872576 nr_ops:998899\ntimestamp_ms:1652992247101.4851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086016512 nr_ops:1060563\ntimestamp_ms:1652992248102.5835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152496640 nr_ops:1125485\ntimestamp_ms:1652992249103.6824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217328128 nr_ops:1188797\ntimestamp_ms:1652992250104.7771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281494016 nr_ops:1251459\ntimestamp_ms:1652992251105.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344814080 nr_ops:1313295\ntimestamp_ms:1652992252106.9668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1407329280 nr_ops:1374345\ntimestamp_ms:1652992253108.1372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1471216640 nr_ops:1436735\ntimestamp_ms:1652992254108.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1533965312 nr_ops:1498013\ntimestamp_ms:1652992255109.9238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598033920 nr_ops:1560580\ntimestamp_ms:1652992256111.0237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660734464 nr_ops:1621811\ntimestamp_ms:1652992257111.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723552768 nr_ops:1683157\ntimestamp_ms:1652992258112.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1787862016 nr_ops:1745959\ntimestamp_ms:1652992259114.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1851732992 nr_ops:1808333\ntimestamp_ms:1652992260115.1108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915227136 nr_ops:1870339\ntimestamp_ms:1652992261116.1545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1978753024 nr_ops:1932376\ntimestamp_ms:1652992262117.2524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041418752 nr_ops:1993573\ntimestamp_ms:1652992263118.3513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2105356288 nr_ops:2056012\ntimestamp_ms:1652992264119.4609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2169666560 nr_ops:2118815\ntimestamp_ms:1652992265120.5562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2233191424 nr_ops:2180851\ntimestamp_ms:1652992266121.6560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2297799680 nr_ops:2243945\ntimestamp_ms:1652992267122.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2360695808 nr_ops:2305367\ntimestamp_ms:1652992268123.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2429025280 nr_ops:2372095\ntimestamp_ms:1652992269124.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493547520 nr_ops:2435105\ntimestamp_ms:1652992270126.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2557363200 nr_ops:2497425\ntimestamp_ms:1652992271127.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2621314048 nr_ops:2559877\ntimestamp_ms:1652992272128.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2684906496 nr_ops:2621979\ntimestamp_ms:1652992273129.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2748978176 nr_ops:2684549\ntimestamp_ms:1652992274130.4202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2813168640 nr_ops:2747235\ntimestamp_ms:1652992275131.5134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2876574720 nr_ops:2809155\ntimestamp_ms:1652992276132.6042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2937986048 nr_ops:2869127\ntimestamp_ms:1652992277133.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000933376 nr_ops:2930599\ntimestamp_ms:1652992278134.7891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064316928 nr_ops:2992497\ntimestamp_ms:1652992279135.8777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3128222720 nr_ops:3054905\ntimestamp_ms:1652992280136.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3191849984 nr_ops:3117041\ntimestamp_ms:1652992281137.9297 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3254768640 nr_ops:3178485\ntimestamp_ms:1652992282139.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3318607872 nr_ops:3240828\ntimestamp_ms:1652992283139.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3381908480 nr_ops:3302645\ntimestamp_ms:1652992284140.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3445746688 nr_ops:3364987\ntimestamp_ms:1652992285141.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3509110784 nr_ops:3426866\ntimestamp_ms:1652992286143.0618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571807232 nr_ops:3488093\ntimestamp_ms:1652992287144.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3635435520 nr_ops:3550230\ntimestamp_ms:1652992288145.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3699876864 nr_ops:3613161\ntimestamp_ms:1652992289146.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3764317184 nr_ops:3676091\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139862561638144\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.7429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3828483072 nr_ops:3738753\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.7783 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.7822 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290447.9001 name:Total nr_bytes:3828483072 nr_ops:3738754\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.8779 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7656966142 nr_ops:7477508\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992290347.8784 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3828483072 nr_ops:3738756\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 380.32us 0.00ns 380.32us 380.32us \nTxn1 1869377 32.08us 0.00ns 4.81ms 25.95us \nTxn2 1 20.84us 0.00ns 20.84us 20.84us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 379.48us 0.00ns 379.48us 379.48us \nwrite 1869377 3.21us 0.00ns 88.50us 2.44us \nread 1869376 28.79us 0.00ns 4.81ms 6.43us \ndisconnect 1 20.65us 0.00ns 20.65us 20.65us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29974 29974 261.37Mb/s 261.37Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.57b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.124 62.37s 3.57GB 491.09Mb/s 3738756 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.09Mb/s 3738756 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416206, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992229082.3560 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992230083.4666 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992230083.5520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992231084.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63749120 nr_ops:62255
+timestamp_ms:1652992232085.7263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127392768 nr_ops:124407
+timestamp_ms:1652992233086.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190924800 nr_ops:186450
+timestamp_ms:1652992234087.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255040512 nr_ops:249063
+timestamp_ms:1652992235089.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319421440 nr_ops:311935
+timestamp_ms:1652992236089.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382224384 nr_ops:373266
+timestamp_ms:1652992237090.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444761088 nr_ops:434337
+timestamp_ms:1652992238092.0232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508502016 nr_ops:496584
+timestamp_ms:1652992239092.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575384576 nr_ops:561899
+timestamp_ms:1652992240093.8762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639349760 nr_ops:624365
+timestamp_ms:1652992241094.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703093760 nr_ops:686615
+timestamp_ms:1652992242096.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766435328 nr_ops:748472
+timestamp_ms:1652992243097.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830069760 nr_ops:810615
+timestamp_ms:1652992244098.2068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894555136 nr_ops:873589
+timestamp_ms:1652992245099.2988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:958796800 nr_ops:936325
+timestamp_ms:1652992246100.3962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1022872576 nr_ops:998899
+timestamp_ms:1652992247101.4851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086016512 nr_ops:1060563
+timestamp_ms:1652992248102.5835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152496640 nr_ops:1125485
+timestamp_ms:1652992249103.6824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217328128 nr_ops:1188797
+timestamp_ms:1652992250104.7771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281494016 nr_ops:1251459
+timestamp_ms:1652992251105.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344814080 nr_ops:1313295
+timestamp_ms:1652992252106.9668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1407329280 nr_ops:1374345
+timestamp_ms:1652992253108.1372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1471216640 nr_ops:1436735
+timestamp_ms:1652992254108.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1533965312 nr_ops:1498013
+timestamp_ms:1652992255109.9238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598033920 nr_ops:1560580
+timestamp_ms:1652992256111.0237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660734464 nr_ops:1621811
+timestamp_ms:1652992257111.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723552768 nr_ops:1683157
+timestamp_ms:1652992258112.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1787862016 nr_ops:1745959
+timestamp_ms:1652992259114.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1851732992 nr_ops:1808333
+timestamp_ms:1652992260115.1108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915227136 nr_ops:1870339
+timestamp_ms:1652992261116.1545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1978753024 nr_ops:1932376
+timestamp_ms:1652992262117.2524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041418752 nr_ops:1993573
+timestamp_ms:1652992263118.3513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2105356288 nr_ops:2056012
+timestamp_ms:1652992264119.4609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2169666560 nr_ops:2118815
+timestamp_ms:1652992265120.5562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2233191424 nr_ops:2180851
+timestamp_ms:1652992266121.6560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2297799680 nr_ops:2243945
+timestamp_ms:1652992267122.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2360695808 nr_ops:2305367
+timestamp_ms:1652992268123.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2429025280 nr_ops:2372095
+timestamp_ms:1652992269124.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493547520 nr_ops:2435105
+timestamp_ms:1652992270126.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2557363200 nr_ops:2497425
+timestamp_ms:1652992271127.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2621314048 nr_ops:2559877
+timestamp_ms:1652992272128.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2684906496 nr_ops:2621979
+timestamp_ms:1652992273129.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2748978176 nr_ops:2684549
+timestamp_ms:1652992274130.4202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2813168640 nr_ops:2747235
+timestamp_ms:1652992275131.5134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2876574720 nr_ops:2809155
+timestamp_ms:1652992276132.6042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2937986048 nr_ops:2869127
+timestamp_ms:1652992277133.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000933376 nr_ops:2930599
+timestamp_ms:1652992278134.7891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064316928 nr_ops:2992497
+timestamp_ms:1652992279135.8777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3128222720 nr_ops:3054905
+timestamp_ms:1652992280136.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3191849984 nr_ops:3117041
+timestamp_ms:1652992281137.9297 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3254768640 nr_ops:3178485
+timestamp_ms:1652992282139.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3318607872 nr_ops:3240828
+timestamp_ms:1652992283139.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3381908480 nr_ops:3302645
+timestamp_ms:1652992284140.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3445746688 nr_ops:3364987
+timestamp_ms:1652992285141.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3509110784 nr_ops:3426866
+timestamp_ms:1652992286143.0618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571807232 nr_ops:3488093
+timestamp_ms:1652992287144.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3635435520 nr_ops:3550230
+timestamp_ms:1652992288145.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3699876864 nr_ops:3613161
+timestamp_ms:1652992289146.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3764317184 nr_ops:3676091
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139862561638144
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652992290347.7429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3828483072 nr_ops:3738753
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992290347.7783 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992290347.7822 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992290447.9001 name:Total nr_bytes:3828483072 nr_ops:3738754
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992290347.8779 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7656966142 nr_ops:7477508
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992290347.8784 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3828483072 nr_ops:3738756
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 380.32us 0.00ns 380.32us 380.32us
+Txn1 1869377 32.08us 0.00ns 4.81ms 25.95us
+Txn2 1 20.84us 0.00ns 20.84us 20.84us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 379.48us 0.00ns 379.48us 379.48us
+write 1869377 3.21us 0.00ns 88.50us 2.44us
+read 1869376 28.79us 0.00ns 4.81ms 6.43us
+disconnect 1 20.65us 0.00ns 20.65us 20.65us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29974 29974 261.37Mb/s 261.37Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.57b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.124 62.37s 3.57GB 491.09Mb/s 3738756 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.57GB 491.09Mb/s 3738756 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:31.084000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:31.084000', 'bytes': 63749120, 'norm_byte': 63749120, 'ops': 62255, 'norm_ops': 62255, 'norm_ltcy': 16.080359226919523, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:31.084000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:31.084000",
+ "bytes": 63749120,
+ "norm_byte": 63749120,
+ "ops": 62255,
+ "norm_ops": 62255,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.080359226919523,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3551c94207d2d5201690ff6352f28d3f54ab2cae8e0e207fe5f57ba2badb29a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:32.085000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:32.085000', 'bytes': 127392768, 'norm_byte': 63643648, 'ops': 124407, 'norm_ops': 62152, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10714945189817, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:32.085000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:32.085000",
+ "bytes": 127392768,
+ "norm_byte": 63643648,
+ "ops": 124407,
+ "norm_ops": 62152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10714945189817,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48cc932bb77107bc0999cca4ad63ceb5401ec5b98957a89fcd512944c6923cb8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:33.086000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:33.086000', 'bytes': 190924800, 'norm_byte': 63532032, 'ops': 186450, 'norm_ops': 62043, 'norm_ltcy': 16.135880086442064, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:33.086000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:33.086000",
+ "bytes": 190924800,
+ "norm_byte": 63532032,
+ "ops": 186450,
+ "norm_ops": 62043,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.135880086442064,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c3e4b72083151205bd6e8479c65438fcc81cbb06c709c5166f18ac8931840f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:34.087000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:34.087000', 'bytes': 255040512, 'norm_byte': 64115712, 'ops': 249063, 'norm_ops': 62613, 'norm_ltcy': 15.988717398942711, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:34.087000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:34.087000",
+ "bytes": 255040512,
+ "norm_byte": 64115712,
+ "ops": 249063,
+ "norm_ops": 62613,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.988717398942711,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2570246ab97142662aeee95e0f6b7ee3ef4ec6835c0d42b82f1255c055ce7f07",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:35.089000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:35.089000', 'bytes': 319421440, 'norm_byte': 64380928, 'ops': 311935, 'norm_ops': 62872, 'norm_ltcy': 15.92270074143697, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:35.089000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:35.089000",
+ "bytes": 319421440,
+ "norm_byte": 64380928,
+ "ops": 311935,
+ "norm_ops": 62872,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.92270074143697,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c24e38a6fc58c0c8d3538e5d650d775fea2e141be40b1f1f7b4e5040163e3f52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:36.089000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:36.089000', 'bytes': 382224384, 'norm_byte': 62802944, 'ops': 373266, 'norm_ops': 61331, 'norm_ltcy': 16.317977068081394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:36.089000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:36.089000",
+ "bytes": 382224384,
+ "norm_byte": 62802944,
+ "ops": 373266,
+ "norm_ops": 61331,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.317977068081394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "732f8f0cb4ad071489797764ba123bafb3cc40b9c795ffb21ca843b12958ae5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:37.090000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:37.090000', 'bytes': 444761088, 'norm_byte': 62536704, 'ops': 434337, 'norm_ops': 61071, 'norm_ltcy': 16.39231338447258, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:37.090000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:37.090000",
+ "bytes": 444761088,
+ "norm_byte": 62536704,
+ "ops": 434337,
+ "norm_ops": 61071,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.39231338447258,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df3b90d66c1ba0c7983e9359a11e1dca9e3b75394e420fd7af08e13831aa6255",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:38.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:38.092000', 'bytes': 508502016, 'norm_byte': 63740928, 'ops': 496584, 'norm_ops': 62247, 'norm_ltcy': 16.082574919524234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:38.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:38.092000",
+ "bytes": 508502016,
+ "norm_byte": 63740928,
+ "ops": 496584,
+ "norm_ops": 62247,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.082574919524234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3729de0cf3a78fe83afcee65edb036f56c5461ec5d31f4a2af3783c44dfa39a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:39.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:39.092000', 'bytes': 575384576, 'norm_byte': 66882560, 'ops': 561899, 'norm_ops': 65315, 'norm_ltcy': 15.322809862541147, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:39.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:39.092000",
+ "bytes": 575384576,
+ "norm_byte": 66882560,
+ "ops": 561899,
+ "norm_ops": 65315,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.322809862541147,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e3c5a82b7157443a46d181046247d2d9f60882b4b84ff7d5e1398740826b92aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:40.093000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:40.093000', 'bytes': 639349760, 'norm_byte': 63965184, 'ops': 624365, 'norm_ops': 62466, 'norm_ltcy': 16.025417045622817, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:40.093000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:40.093000",
+ "bytes": 639349760,
+ "norm_byte": 63965184,
+ "ops": 624365,
+ "norm_ops": 62466,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.025417045622817,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ac4f3639492d595101e417c9cbdadea1eb53c3a86c5d1b49f44a20c736a9500",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:41.094000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:41.094000', 'bytes': 703093760, 'norm_byte': 63744000, 'ops': 686615, 'norm_ops': 62250, 'norm_ltcy': 16.081933201556225, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:41.094000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:41.094000",
+ "bytes": 703093760,
+ "norm_byte": 63744000,
+ "ops": 686615,
+ "norm_ops": 62250,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.081933201556225,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a78c27564105f6835f7514c6c2f85903753b74aea2217a6a421b994c80b84292",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:42.096000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:42.096000', 'bytes': 766435328, 'norm_byte': 63341568, 'ops': 748472, 'norm_ops': 61857, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18317216270996, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:42.096000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:42.096000",
+ "bytes": 766435328,
+ "norm_byte": 63341568,
+ "ops": 748472,
+ "norm_ops": 61857,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18317216270996,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8542ba547d34cd9332152a8ffa69eab084c521172970b539bdaf81c01610aa02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:43.097000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:43.097000', 'bytes': 830069760, 'norm_byte': 63634432, 'ops': 810615, 'norm_ops': 62143, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10945863396722, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:43.097000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:43.097000",
+ "bytes": 830069760,
+ "norm_byte": 63634432,
+ "ops": 810615,
+ "norm_ops": 62143,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10945863396722,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc1ca8663f5c97dd6fcd68e49aec99b914c7d67b6517235f6e722f2feaec52e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:44.098000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:44.098000', 'bytes': 894555136, 'norm_byte': 64485376, 'ops': 873589, 'norm_ops': 62974, 'norm_ltcy': 15.896999654619368, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:44.098000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:44.098000",
+ "bytes": 894555136,
+ "norm_byte": 64485376,
+ "ops": 873589,
+ "norm_ops": 62974,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.896999654619368,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "341fa6d92d94484dd9af52d47e754153850149a564b4f3d36fa8f6e8a8738eb5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:45.099000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:45.099000', 'bytes': 958796800, 'norm_byte': 64241664, 'ops': 936325, 'norm_ops': 62736, 'norm_ltcy': 15.95721820032557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:45.099000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:45.099000",
+ "bytes": 958796800,
+ "norm_byte": 64241664,
+ "ops": 936325,
+ "norm_ops": 62736,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.95721820032557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8eb9708a615dfdfcc6c7d790826e954d91e253543e02c41dad52b4ee35656fd6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:46.100000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:46.100000', 'bytes': 1022872576, 'norm_byte': 64075776, 'ops': 998899, 'norm_ops': 62574, 'norm_ltcy': 15.998616232131159, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:46.100000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:46.100000",
+ "bytes": 1022872576,
+ "norm_byte": 64075776,
+ "ops": 998899,
+ "norm_ops": 62574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.998616232131159,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa16f6c08986b09e1c4d9aa1eb5df84722e57e55d0edfc5916cfe824b0e9e6fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:47.101000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:47.101000', 'bytes': 1086016512, 'norm_byte': 63143936, 'ops': 1060563, 'norm_ops': 61664, 'norm_ltcy': 16.234575557659248, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:47.101000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:47.101000",
+ "bytes": 1086016512,
+ "norm_byte": 63143936,
+ "ops": 1060563,
+ "norm_ops": 61664,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.234575557659248,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "faaaf131a45f2c40864d577b3602a9a9702e69d9566fd68fb09cc789bdf8687a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:48.102000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:48.102000', 'bytes': 1152496640, 'norm_byte': 66480128, 'ops': 1125485, 'norm_ops': 64922, 'norm_ltcy': 15.420017693106727, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:48.102000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:48.102000",
+ "bytes": 1152496640,
+ "norm_byte": 66480128,
+ "ops": 1125485,
+ "norm_ops": 64922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.420017693106727,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c542240ee698e35f98411fbbd43f75bc7dcdff63a77610f79750183457f9fc52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:49.103000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:49.103000', 'bytes': 1217328128, 'norm_byte': 64831488, 'ops': 1188797, 'norm_ops': 63312, 'norm_ltcy': 15.812150571031165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:49.103000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:49.103000",
+ "bytes": 1217328128,
+ "norm_byte": 64831488,
+ "ops": 1188797,
+ "norm_ops": 63312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.812150571031165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ece95e548b658b2124aced52c8e362afedc8ea8308dd03126b90dcb01b64894a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:50.104000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:50.104000', 'bytes': 1281494016, 'norm_byte': 64165888, 'ops': 1251459, 'norm_ops': 62662, 'norm_ltcy': 15.97610555939006, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:50.104000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:50.104000",
+ "bytes": 1281494016,
+ "norm_byte": 64165888,
+ "ops": 1251459,
+ "norm_ops": 62662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.97610555939006,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08465b895064aa107a8656b7dd75628d05562581208f626c4836a5aa70138220",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:51.105000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:51.105000', 'bytes': 1344814080, 'norm_byte': 63320064, 'ops': 1313295, 'norm_ops': 61836, 'norm_ltcy': 16.189560389578887, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:51.105000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:51.105000",
+ "bytes": 1344814080,
+ "norm_byte": 63320064,
+ "ops": 1313295,
+ "norm_ops": 61836,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.189560389578887,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "010efa60424b81cac6b320bdd7d6ac0b917387665285db2dce5833fe46059d2d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:52.106000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:52.106000', 'bytes': 1407329280, 'norm_byte': 62515200, 'ops': 1374345, 'norm_ops': 61050, 'norm_ltcy': 16.39790402973997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:52.106000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:52.106000",
+ "bytes": 1407329280,
+ "norm_byte": 62515200,
+ "ops": 1374345,
+ "norm_ops": 61050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.39790402973997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf9d325df2a5990a83ceaabbb0433c2265101c434c81726ba0b66c216588ed9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:53.108000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:53.108000', 'bytes': 1471216640, 'norm_byte': 63887360, 'ops': 1436735, 'norm_ops': 62390, 'norm_ltcy': 16.046969228341883, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:53.108000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:53.108000",
+ "bytes": 1471216640,
+ "norm_byte": 63887360,
+ "ops": 1436735,
+ "norm_ops": 62390,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.046969228341883,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1aae3adef13733d5943edac19c54d38a864a47c49353ba06a0e456122aca5604",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:54.108000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:54.108000', 'bytes': 1533965312, 'norm_byte': 62748672, 'ops': 1498013, 'norm_ops': 61278, 'norm_ltcy': 16.330457160910115, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:54.108000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:54.108000",
+ "bytes": 1533965312,
+ "norm_byte": 62748672,
+ "ops": 1498013,
+ "norm_ops": 61278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.330457160910115,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5271e85c8cd052c2eab2091a59e11b40c5c353d908683c8d472debcd8c9e35ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:55.109000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:55.109000', 'bytes': 1598033920, 'norm_byte': 64068608, 'ops': 1560580, 'norm_ops': 62567, 'norm_ltcy': 16.000269586003807, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:55.109000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:55.109000",
+ "bytes": 1598033920,
+ "norm_byte": 64068608,
+ "ops": 1560580,
+ "norm_ops": 62567,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.000269586003807,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83b725ffb3104937f83fcb964922fff0cbd3fc217b8ba009c91820fe603de8bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:56.111000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:56.111000', 'bytes': 1660734464, 'norm_byte': 62700544, 'ops': 1621811, 'norm_ops': 61231, 'norm_ltcy': 16.349559104303783, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:56.111000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:56.111000",
+ "bytes": 1660734464,
+ "norm_byte": 62700544,
+ "ops": 1621811,
+ "norm_ops": 61231,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.349559104303783,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e4a26be843d8a8faaf8efd682278d11dfd75741a4f5899992b09c60dba89d09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:57.111000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:57.111000', 'bytes': 1723552768, 'norm_byte': 62818304, 'ops': 1683157, 'norm_ops': 61346, 'norm_ltcy': 16.31415821095711, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:57.111000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:57.111000",
+ "bytes": 1723552768,
+ "norm_byte": 62818304,
+ "ops": 1683157,
+ "norm_ops": 61346,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.31415821095711,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea365acca0ae681db54e15e89709004f58224316ff6ccae313a1cc72f4d8f86c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:58.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:58.112000', 'bytes': 1787862016, 'norm_byte': 64309248, 'ops': 1745959, 'norm_ops': 62802, 'norm_ltcy': 15.940498946590077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:58.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:58.112000",
+ "bytes": 1787862016,
+ "norm_byte": 64309248,
+ "ops": 1745959,
+ "norm_ops": 62802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.940498946590077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a80a763eb5b39319e0b7ea22254cc6cd22a33cc3b2739666ece28dc4e3a24269",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:30:59.114000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:30:59.114000', 'bytes': 1851732992, 'norm_byte': 63870976, 'ops': 1808333, 'norm_ops': 62374, 'norm_ltcy': 16.049872167289255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:30:59.114000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:30:59.114000",
+ "bytes": 1851732992,
+ "norm_byte": 63870976,
+ "ops": 1808333,
+ "norm_ops": 62374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.049872167289255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15ce688a4a0c59341fea63b9a5a43b139f4ea470ccb859265483db5b743a0455",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:00.115000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:00.115000', 'bytes': 1915227136, 'norm_byte': 63494144, 'ops': 1870339, 'norm_ops': 62006, 'norm_ltcy': 16.145032209584556, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:00.115000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:00.115000",
+ "bytes": 1915227136,
+ "norm_byte": 63494144,
+ "ops": 1870339,
+ "norm_ops": 62006,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.145032209584556,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c36f08d440019cc259e449a1886b9c5a4e0588a9af202563091269fde6e096b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:01.116000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:01.116000', 'bytes': 1978753024, 'norm_byte': 63525888, 'ops': 1932376, 'norm_ops': 62037, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13623645843408, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:01.116000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:01.116000",
+ "bytes": 1978753024,
+ "norm_byte": 63525888,
+ "ops": 1932376,
+ "norm_ops": 62037,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13623645843408,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e9f545c220bbf50b9cd36947224890d660df3c5850db66f7fbba37795390c35",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:02.117000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:02.117000', 'bytes': 2041418752, 'norm_byte': 62665728, 'ops': 1993573, 'norm_ops': 61197, 'norm_ltcy': 16.358610722594655, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:02.117000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:02.117000",
+ "bytes": 2041418752,
+ "norm_byte": 62665728,
+ "ops": 1993573,
+ "norm_ops": 61197,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.358610722594655,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f92e59ad48aee13cd0c4bcd703359d439ae365778711b2323cd84921d6608ddf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:03.118000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:03.118000', 'bytes': 2105356288, 'norm_byte': 63937536, 'ops': 2056012, 'norm_ops': 62439, 'norm_ltcy': 16.033230464183042, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:03.118000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:03.118000",
+ "bytes": 2105356288,
+ "norm_byte": 63937536,
+ "ops": 2056012,
+ "norm_ops": 62439,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.033230464183042,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c2a60cd8fb39757080801924cd268fbdceb39eb232660a57bc257300bdda15b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:04.119000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:04.119000', 'bytes': 2169666560, 'norm_byte': 64310272, 'ops': 2118815, 'norm_ops': 62803, 'norm_ltcy': 15.94047448594215, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:04.119000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:04.119000",
+ "bytes": 2169666560,
+ "norm_byte": 64310272,
+ "ops": 2118815,
+ "norm_ops": 62803,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.94047448594215,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b21447ba9a48f684a75727c4410ca6e01e0412b4c615abf71de0f92cd367081c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:05.120000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:05.120000', 'bytes': 2233191424, 'norm_byte': 63524864, 'ops': 2180851, 'norm_ops': 62036, 'norm_ltcy': 16.137326952797572, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:05.120000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:05.120000",
+ "bytes": 2233191424,
+ "norm_byte": 63524864,
+ "ops": 2180851,
+ "norm_ops": 62036,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.137326952797572,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1fe7f9307455eba4dd598e1ce666ad4a32511a640863d93d46a8a21980cc2777",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:06.121000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:06.121000', 'bytes': 2297799680, 'norm_byte': 64608256, 'ops': 2243945, 'norm_ops': 63094, 'norm_ltcy': 15.866799592918898, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:06.121000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:06.121000",
+ "bytes": 2297799680,
+ "norm_byte": 64608256,
+ "ops": 2243945,
+ "norm_ops": 63094,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.866799592918898,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d87e799709c74e7fd8b5c34e0fc91466730db86bfc0a466e16412cf0618b081c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:07.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:07.122000', 'bytes': 2360695808, 'norm_byte': 62896128, 'ops': 2305367, 'norm_ops': 61422, 'norm_ltcy': 16.29857485026741, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:07.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:07.122000",
+ "bytes": 2360695808,
+ "norm_byte": 62896128,
+ "ops": 2305367,
+ "norm_ops": 61422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.29857485026741,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "feda45656f2b84f667af2083af633d9cbb4aba94d5fc7979886a92da255f200a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:08.123000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:08.123000', 'bytes': 2429025280, 'norm_byte': 68329472, 'ops': 2372095, 'norm_ops': 66728, 'norm_ltcy': 15.002640441887214, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:08.123000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:08.123000",
+ "bytes": 2429025280,
+ "norm_byte": 68329472,
+ "ops": 2372095,
+ "norm_ops": 66728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.002640441887214,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de95f63dc6a139ae1b1f00b1de8501d96fee968aea7a6d735c0927347b57547a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:09.124000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:09.124000', 'bytes': 2493547520, 'norm_byte': 64522240, 'ops': 2435105, 'norm_ops': 63010, 'norm_ltcy': 15.887963592088557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:09.124000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:09.124000",
+ "bytes": 2493547520,
+ "norm_byte": 64522240,
+ "ops": 2435105,
+ "norm_ops": 63010,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.887963592088557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b18565883e5b0fc8259a11bb3bd4e31dcdcbba5c1cc5af73fac12b6c1d7d4ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:10.126000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:10.126000', 'bytes': 2557363200, 'norm_byte': 63815680, 'ops': 2497425, 'norm_ops': 62320, 'norm_ltcy': 16.063755804216143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:10.126000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:10.126000",
+ "bytes": 2557363200,
+ "norm_byte": 63815680,
+ "ops": 2497425,
+ "norm_ops": 62320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.063755804216143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30ceb639b690ba454f9c2fbe1af4ca8b97262d0390b5eb1aa6de40f68b27d7e9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:11.127000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:11.127000', 'bytes': 2621314048, 'norm_byte': 63950848, 'ops': 2559877, 'norm_ops': 62452, 'norm_ltcy': 16.029959446354802, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:11.127000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:11.127000",
+ "bytes": 2621314048,
+ "norm_byte": 63950848,
+ "ops": 2559877,
+ "norm_ops": 62452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.029959446354802,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e55e3faa6a140c143a24c644f20b4920fa41dc3b868607b6a4faaf92cbd5008",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:12.128000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:12.128000', 'bytes': 2684906496, 'norm_byte': 63592448, 'ops': 2621979, 'norm_ops': 62102, 'norm_ltcy': 16.120133478742634, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:12.128000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:12.128000",
+ "bytes": 2684906496,
+ "norm_byte": 63592448,
+ "ops": 2621979,
+ "norm_ops": 62102,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.120133478742634,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d5f74ce852795f7966f00608717344dd26e0e8a4165e6d43be7784b09561c9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:13.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:13.129000', 'bytes': 2748978176, 'norm_byte': 64071680, 'ops': 2684549, 'norm_ops': 62570, 'norm_ltcy': 15.999588273633531, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:13.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:13.129000",
+ "bytes": 2748978176,
+ "norm_byte": 64071680,
+ "ops": 2684549,
+ "norm_ops": 62570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.999588273633531,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aff971c3e8975bb00ad536021ce223df9e4af781705e452cd22f95e38fe4c15b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:14.130000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:14.130000', 'bytes': 2813168640, 'norm_byte': 64190464, 'ops': 2747235, 'norm_ops': 62686, 'norm_ltcy': 15.969965569963787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:14.130000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:14.130000",
+ "bytes": 2813168640,
+ "norm_byte": 64190464,
+ "ops": 2747235,
+ "norm_ops": 62686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.969965569963787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81991c4cae0531e3619f022a57ec799eb90288a369787de8cd7422b75a71520f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:15.131000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:15.131000', 'bytes': 2876574720, 'norm_byte': 63406080, 'ops': 2809155, 'norm_ops': 61920, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16752683654312, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:15.131000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:15.131000",
+ "bytes": 2876574720,
+ "norm_byte": 63406080,
+ "ops": 2809155,
+ "norm_ops": 61920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16752683654312,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c087e6cf216f327dda38f8b42bc427909c2391e1d0c80c3c0efcef1e48b8d711",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:16.132000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:16.132000', 'bytes': 2937986048, 'norm_byte': 61411328, 'ops': 2869127, 'norm_ops': 59972, 'norm_ltcy': 16.692636902429467, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:16.132000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:16.132000",
+ "bytes": 2937986048,
+ "norm_byte": 61411328,
+ "ops": 2869127,
+ "norm_ops": 59972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.692636902429467,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dcdf71635b78978fa9a4c6a9e8c48b3fda55af0e1386865ee517fbe56252fdda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:17.133000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:17.133000', 'bytes': 3000933376, 'norm_byte': 62947328, 'ops': 2930599, 'norm_ops': 61472, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2853616280583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:17.133000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:17.133000",
+ "bytes": 3000933376,
+ "norm_byte": 62947328,
+ "ops": 2930599,
+ "norm_ops": 61472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2853616280583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7a9fce9108ab7e9fa5e19003634c5fa023e7f905adf6db6b3b59180c82de559",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:18.134000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:18.134000', 'bytes': 3064316928, 'norm_byte': 63383552, 'ops': 2992497, 'norm_ops': 61898, 'norm_ltcy': 16.173237656356022, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:18.134000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:18.134000",
+ "bytes": 3064316928,
+ "norm_byte": 63383552,
+ "ops": 2992497,
+ "norm_ops": 61898,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.173237656356022,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a0b82d996fcc49272a4d42cea622a85d6e700abc75c20d8eea077a18ed94f431",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:19.135000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:19.135000', 'bytes': 3128222720, 'norm_byte': 63905792, 'ops': 3054905, 'norm_ops': 62408, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04103036544794, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:19.135000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:19.135000",
+ "bytes": 3128222720,
+ "norm_byte": 63905792,
+ "ops": 3054905,
+ "norm_ops": 62408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04103036544794,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4758d724f2b1ba6ef5d10d3a0bf9aa8a27a05392272abc5d2446e6b777f1021e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:20.136000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:20.136000', 'bytes': 3191849984, 'norm_byte': 63627264, 'ops': 3117041, 'norm_ops': 62136, 'norm_ltcy': 16.109155660064214, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:20.136000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:20.136000",
+ "bytes": 3191849984,
+ "norm_byte": 63627264,
+ "ops": 3117041,
+ "norm_ops": 62136,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.109155660064214,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10f04c38901cd6e1baa6301ba319c01e6ad4c3d7377df9a452dc97bc011cb56c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:21.137000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:21.137000', 'bytes': 3254768640, 'norm_byte': 62918656, 'ops': 3178485, 'norm_ops': 61444, 'norm_ltcy': 16.29277888580455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:21.137000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:21.137000",
+ "bytes": 3254768640,
+ "norm_byte": 62918656,
+ "ops": 3178485,
+ "norm_ops": 61444,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.29277888580455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e85f2821bad8622ccaad5af4a0b6ba4373c42233be04dc8dcbceee78197636cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:22.139000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:22.139000', 'bytes': 3318607872, 'norm_byte': 63839232, 'ops': 3240828, 'norm_ops': 62343, 'norm_ltcy': 16.057817706829557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:22.139000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:22.139000",
+ "bytes": 3318607872,
+ "norm_byte": 63839232,
+ "ops": 3240828,
+ "norm_ops": 62343,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.057817706829557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79aa7e3a83022491b341bc14118c275beb651e96ebc8f382183781cbda17ec24",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:23.139000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:23.139000', 'bytes': 3381908480, 'norm_byte': 63300608, 'ops': 3302645, 'norm_ops': 61817, 'norm_ltcy': 16.189919534422167, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:23.139000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:23.139000",
+ "bytes": 3381908480,
+ "norm_byte": 63300608,
+ "ops": 3302645,
+ "norm_ops": 61817,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.189919534422167,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "260155be603e9d53129d58bd97ad6caa691b0ef7903898ed74dc965600bf8f1d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:24.140000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:24.140000', 'bytes': 3445746688, 'norm_byte': 63838208, 'ops': 3364987, 'norm_ops': 62342, 'norm_ltcy': 16.056563649155063, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:24.140000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:24.140000",
+ "bytes": 3445746688,
+ "norm_byte": 63838208,
+ "ops": 3364987,
+ "norm_ops": 62342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.056563649155063,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a88d261f4559a4979a5fd0f00d2af7d59bf8fba0aefab929452ef3e0b759202f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:25.141000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:25.141000', 'bytes': 3509110784, 'norm_byte': 63364096, 'ops': 3426866, 'norm_ops': 61879, 'norm_ltcy': 16.178763917029606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:25.141000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:25.141000",
+ "bytes": 3509110784,
+ "norm_byte": 63364096,
+ "ops": 3426866,
+ "norm_ops": 61879,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.178763917029606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "511f49cd609c49178ffe76a9eb69cf09d79bdf95d3aadff5cc2f28e9839d899a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:26.143000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:26.143000', 'bytes': 3571807232, 'norm_byte': 62696448, 'ops': 3488093, 'norm_ops': 61227, 'norm_ltcy': 16.350683056239486, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:26.143000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:26.143000",
+ "bytes": 3571807232,
+ "norm_byte": 62696448,
+ "ops": 3488093,
+ "norm_ops": 61227,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.350683056239486,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3c836f7ded1500e632096d2807a1b4bcc01e4e21671ca7ed556e6a527a2b905",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:27.144000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:27.144000', 'bytes': 3635435520, 'norm_byte': 63628288, 'ops': 3550230, 'norm_ops': 62137, 'norm_ltcy': 16.111124190548708, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:27.144000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:27.144000",
+ "bytes": 3635435520,
+ "norm_byte": 63628288,
+ "ops": 3550230,
+ "norm_ops": 62137,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.111124190548708,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "600affd5d4b95051529a2d7f2158b432ed870c868b0ef41bbe459e61c2769377",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:28.145000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:28.145000', 'bytes': 3699876864, 'norm_byte': 64441344, 'ops': 3613161, 'norm_ops': 62931, 'norm_ltcy': 15.908032582312375, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:28.145000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:28.145000",
+ "bytes": 3699876864,
+ "norm_byte": 64441344,
+ "ops": 3613161,
+ "norm_ops": 62931,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.908032582312375,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8fd59f5e4df333416e443d6d522e405b410ada43362976e282f4a8b8a82b5b01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:29.146000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:29.146000', 'bytes': 3764317184, 'norm_byte': 64440320, 'ops': 3676091, 'norm_ops': 62930, 'norm_ltcy': 15.908153466649454, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:29.146000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:29.146000",
+ "bytes": 3764317184,
+ "norm_byte": 64440320,
+ "ops": 3676091,
+ "norm_ops": 62930,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.908153466649454,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f345d960f30ae362b1ef3aa4dc3ae88c14687dbd998257910f204162a469efd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:31:30.347000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:31:30.347000', 'bytes': 3828483072, 'norm_byte': 64165888, 'ops': 3738753, 'norm_ops': 62662, 'norm_ltcy': 19.17231707289705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:31:30.347000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:31:30.347000",
+ "bytes": 3828483072,
+ "norm_byte": 64165888,
+ "ops": 3738753,
+ "norm_ops": 62662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.17231707289705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "409ee2e9-6264-5eb1-a171-3216bfa45c6a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fc461eae9d7e98152380b1c1cecf0e8d2eb8f34e9e4cb283433703b306ee5adb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63808051.2
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62312.55
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.39259291673595
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:31:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-029-220519202745/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-029-220519202745/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aaca01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-029-220519202745/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-029-220519202745/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-029-220519202745/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-029-220519202745/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-029-220519202745/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-029-220519202745/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf0b30e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-029-220519202745/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=100
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-030-220519202947/220519202947-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-030-220519202947/220519202947-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecf41a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-030-220519202947/220519202947-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:32:29Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992350437.3281 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992351438.3708 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992351438.4307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992352439.5195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35132416 nr_ops:34309\ntimestamp_ms:1652992353440.6143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70584320 nr_ops:68930\ntimestamp_ms:1652992354440.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106068992 nr_ops:103583\ntimestamp_ms:1652992355441.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141581312 nr_ops:138263\ntimestamp_ms:1652992356442.9341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177300480 nr_ops:173145\ntimestamp_ms:1652992357444.0334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213128192 nr_ops:208133\ntimestamp_ms:1652992358445.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248404992 nr_ops:242583\ntimestamp_ms:1652992359446.2119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283624448 nr_ops:276977\ntimestamp_ms:1652992360446.8499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319333376 nr_ops:311849\ntimestamp_ms:1652992361447.9536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354600960 nr_ops:346290\ntimestamp_ms:1652992362449.0549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390128640 nr_ops:380985\ntimestamp_ms:1652992363450.1509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425559040 nr_ops:415585\ntimestamp_ms:1652992364451.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460962816 nr_ops:450159\ntimestamp_ms:1652992365451.8481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496494592 nr_ops:484858\ntimestamp_ms:1652992366452.9026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531815424 nr_ops:519351\ntimestamp_ms:1652992367453.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567077888 nr_ops:553787\ntimestamp_ms:1652992368455.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602959872 nr_ops:588828\ntimestamp_ms:1652992369456.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638336000 nr_ops:623375\ntimestamp_ms:1652992370456.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673577984 nr_ops:657791\ntimestamp_ms:1652992371457.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708731904 nr_ops:692121\ntimestamp_ms:1652992372459.0359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743953408 nr_ops:726517\ntimestamp_ms:1652992373460.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779357184 nr_ops:761091\ntimestamp_ms:1652992374461.1819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815160320 nr_ops:796055\ntimestamp_ms:1652992375461.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:850627584 nr_ops:830691\ntimestamp_ms:1652992376462.8857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885984256 nr_ops:865219\ntimestamp_ms:1652992377463.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:921279488 nr_ops:899687\ntimestamp_ms:1652992378464.9333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956464128 nr_ops:934047\ntimestamp_ms:1652992379466.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:992027648 nr_ops:968777\ntimestamp_ms:1652992380466.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1027458048 nr_ops:1003377\ntimestamp_ms:1652992381467.8721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062800384 nr_ops:1037891\ntimestamp_ms:1652992382468.9160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1097976832 nr_ops:1072243\ntimestamp_ms:1652992383469.9480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133237248 nr_ops:1106677\ntimestamp_ms:1652992384470.9807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1168550912 nr_ops:1141163\ntimestamp_ms:1652992385472.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203827712 nr_ops:1175613\ntimestamp_ms:1652992386472.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238979584 nr_ops:1209941\ntimestamp_ms:1652992387473.8743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273973760 nr_ops:1244115\ntimestamp_ms:1652992388474.9106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1309304832 nr_ops:1278618\ntimestamp_ms:1652992389476.0037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344568320 nr_ops:1313055\ntimestamp_ms:1652992390477.0928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1379506176 nr_ops:1347174\ntimestamp_ms:1652992391478.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414855680 nr_ops:1381695\ntimestamp_ms:1652992392478.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449714688 nr_ops:1415737\ntimestamp_ms:1652992393479.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484833792 nr_ops:1450033\ntimestamp_ms:1652992394481.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1520096256 nr_ops:1484469\ntimestamp_ms:1652992395482.0598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555278848 nr_ops:1518827\ntimestamp_ms:1652992396483.1526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1590330368 nr_ops:1553057\ntimestamp_ms:1652992397484.2454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625572352 nr_ops:1587473\ntimestamp_ms:1652992398485.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660955648 nr_ops:1622027\ntimestamp_ms:1652992399486.4373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696342016 nr_ops:1656584\ntimestamp_ms:1652992400487.5129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731798016 nr_ops:1691209\ntimestamp_ms:1652992401488.5715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766874112 nr_ops:1725463\ntimestamp_ms:1652992402489.6599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1801979904 nr_ops:1759746\ntimestamp_ms:1652992403490.7522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837209600 nr_ops:1794150\ntimestamp_ms:1652992404491.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872563200 nr_ops:1828675\ntimestamp_ms:1652992405492.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907747840 nr_ops:1863035\ntimestamp_ms:1652992406494.0435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1943057408 nr_ops:1897517\ntimestamp_ms:1652992407495.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977961472 nr_ops:1931603\ntimestamp_ms:1652992408495.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2013214720 nr_ops:1966030\ntimestamp_ms:1652992409496.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2048537600 nr_ops:2000525\ntimestamp_ms:1652992410498.0205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2083774464 nr_ops:2034936\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140125955122944\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.3223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119011328 nr_ops:2069347\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.3784 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.3823 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411799.5056 name:Total nr_bytes:2119011328 nr_ops:2069348\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.4082 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4238022654 nr_ops:4138696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.4089 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2119011328 nr_ops:2069350\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 322.94us 0.00ns 322.94us 322.94us \nTxn1 1034674 58.01us 0.00ns 1.91ms 21.81us \nTxn2 1 23.04us 0.00ns 23.04us 23.04us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 322.45us 0.00ns 322.45us 322.45us \nwrite 1034674 3.87us 0.00ns 538.00us 2.19us \nread 1034673 54.02us 0.00ns 1.91ms 2.68us \ndisconnect 1 22.61us 0.00ns 22.61us 22.61us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16591 16591 144.67Mb/s 144.67Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.125 62.36s 1.97GB 271.83Mb/s 2069350 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.97GB 271.83Mb/s 2069350 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413023, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992350437.3281 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992351438.3708 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992351438.4307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992352439.5195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35132416 nr_ops:34309\ntimestamp_ms:1652992353440.6143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70584320 nr_ops:68930\ntimestamp_ms:1652992354440.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106068992 nr_ops:103583\ntimestamp_ms:1652992355441.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141581312 nr_ops:138263\ntimestamp_ms:1652992356442.9341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177300480 nr_ops:173145\ntimestamp_ms:1652992357444.0334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213128192 nr_ops:208133\ntimestamp_ms:1652992358445.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248404992 nr_ops:242583\ntimestamp_ms:1652992359446.2119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283624448 nr_ops:276977\ntimestamp_ms:1652992360446.8499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319333376 nr_ops:311849\ntimestamp_ms:1652992361447.9536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354600960 nr_ops:346290\ntimestamp_ms:1652992362449.0549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390128640 nr_ops:380985\ntimestamp_ms:1652992363450.1509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425559040 nr_ops:415585\ntimestamp_ms:1652992364451.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460962816 nr_ops:450159\ntimestamp_ms:1652992365451.8481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496494592 nr_ops:484858\ntimestamp_ms:1652992366452.9026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531815424 nr_ops:519351\ntimestamp_ms:1652992367453.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567077888 nr_ops:553787\ntimestamp_ms:1652992368455.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602959872 nr_ops:588828\ntimestamp_ms:1652992369456.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638336000 nr_ops:623375\ntimestamp_ms:1652992370456.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673577984 nr_ops:657791\ntimestamp_ms:1652992371457.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708731904 nr_ops:692121\ntimestamp_ms:1652992372459.0359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743953408 nr_ops:726517\ntimestamp_ms:1652992373460.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779357184 nr_ops:761091\ntimestamp_ms:1652992374461.1819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815160320 nr_ops:796055\ntimestamp_ms:1652992375461.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:850627584 nr_ops:830691\ntimestamp_ms:1652992376462.8857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885984256 nr_ops:865219\ntimestamp_ms:1652992377463.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:921279488 nr_ops:899687\ntimestamp_ms:1652992378464.9333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956464128 nr_ops:934047\ntimestamp_ms:1652992379466.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:992027648 nr_ops:968777\ntimestamp_ms:1652992380466.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1027458048 nr_ops:1003377\ntimestamp_ms:1652992381467.8721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062800384 nr_ops:1037891\ntimestamp_ms:1652992382468.9160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1097976832 nr_ops:1072243\ntimestamp_ms:1652992383469.9480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133237248 nr_ops:1106677\ntimestamp_ms:1652992384470.9807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1168550912 nr_ops:1141163\ntimestamp_ms:1652992385472.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203827712 nr_ops:1175613\ntimestamp_ms:1652992386472.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238979584 nr_ops:1209941\ntimestamp_ms:1652992387473.8743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273973760 nr_ops:1244115\ntimestamp_ms:1652992388474.9106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1309304832 nr_ops:1278618\ntimestamp_ms:1652992389476.0037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344568320 nr_ops:1313055\ntimestamp_ms:1652992390477.0928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1379506176 nr_ops:1347174\ntimestamp_ms:1652992391478.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414855680 nr_ops:1381695\ntimestamp_ms:1652992392478.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449714688 nr_ops:1415737\ntimestamp_ms:1652992393479.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484833792 nr_ops:1450033\ntimestamp_ms:1652992394481.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1520096256 nr_ops:1484469\ntimestamp_ms:1652992395482.0598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555278848 nr_ops:1518827\ntimestamp_ms:1652992396483.1526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1590330368 nr_ops:1553057\ntimestamp_ms:1652992397484.2454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625572352 nr_ops:1587473\ntimestamp_ms:1652992398485.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660955648 nr_ops:1622027\ntimestamp_ms:1652992399486.4373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696342016 nr_ops:1656584\ntimestamp_ms:1652992400487.5129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731798016 nr_ops:1691209\ntimestamp_ms:1652992401488.5715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766874112 nr_ops:1725463\ntimestamp_ms:1652992402489.6599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1801979904 nr_ops:1759746\ntimestamp_ms:1652992403490.7522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837209600 nr_ops:1794150\ntimestamp_ms:1652992404491.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872563200 nr_ops:1828675\ntimestamp_ms:1652992405492.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907747840 nr_ops:1863035\ntimestamp_ms:1652992406494.0435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1943057408 nr_ops:1897517\ntimestamp_ms:1652992407495.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977961472 nr_ops:1931603\ntimestamp_ms:1652992408495.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2013214720 nr_ops:1966030\ntimestamp_ms:1652992409496.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2048537600 nr_ops:2000525\ntimestamp_ms:1652992410498.0205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2083774464 nr_ops:2034936\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140125955122944\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.3223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119011328 nr_ops:2069347\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.3784 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.3823 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411799.5056 name:Total nr_bytes:2119011328 nr_ops:2069348\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.4082 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4238022654 nr_ops:4138696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.4089 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2119011328 nr_ops:2069350\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 322.94us 0.00ns 322.94us 322.94us \nTxn1 1034674 58.01us 0.00ns 1.91ms 21.81us \nTxn2 1 23.04us 0.00ns 23.04us 23.04us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 322.45us 0.00ns 322.45us 322.45us \nwrite 1034674 3.87us 0.00ns 538.00us 2.19us \nread 1034673 54.02us 0.00ns 1.91ms 2.68us \ndisconnect 1 22.61us 0.00ns 22.61us 22.61us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16591 16591 144.67Mb/s 144.67Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.125 62.36s 1.97GB 271.83Mb/s 2069350 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.97GB 271.83Mb/s 2069350 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413023, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992350437.3281 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992351438.3708 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992351438.4307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992352439.5195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35132416 nr_ops:34309\ntimestamp_ms:1652992353440.6143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70584320 nr_ops:68930\ntimestamp_ms:1652992354440.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106068992 nr_ops:103583\ntimestamp_ms:1652992355441.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141581312 nr_ops:138263\ntimestamp_ms:1652992356442.9341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177300480 nr_ops:173145\ntimestamp_ms:1652992357444.0334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213128192 nr_ops:208133\ntimestamp_ms:1652992358445.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248404992 nr_ops:242583\ntimestamp_ms:1652992359446.2119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283624448 nr_ops:276977\ntimestamp_ms:1652992360446.8499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319333376 nr_ops:311849\ntimestamp_ms:1652992361447.9536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354600960 nr_ops:346290\ntimestamp_ms:1652992362449.0549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390128640 nr_ops:380985\ntimestamp_ms:1652992363450.1509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425559040 nr_ops:415585\ntimestamp_ms:1652992364451.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460962816 nr_ops:450159\ntimestamp_ms:1652992365451.8481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496494592 nr_ops:484858\ntimestamp_ms:1652992366452.9026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531815424 nr_ops:519351\ntimestamp_ms:1652992367453.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567077888 nr_ops:553787\ntimestamp_ms:1652992368455.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602959872 nr_ops:588828\ntimestamp_ms:1652992369456.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638336000 nr_ops:623375\ntimestamp_ms:1652992370456.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673577984 nr_ops:657791\ntimestamp_ms:1652992371457.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708731904 nr_ops:692121\ntimestamp_ms:1652992372459.0359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743953408 nr_ops:726517\ntimestamp_ms:1652992373460.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779357184 nr_ops:761091\ntimestamp_ms:1652992374461.1819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815160320 nr_ops:796055\ntimestamp_ms:1652992375461.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:850627584 nr_ops:830691\ntimestamp_ms:1652992376462.8857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885984256 nr_ops:865219\ntimestamp_ms:1652992377463.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:921279488 nr_ops:899687\ntimestamp_ms:1652992378464.9333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956464128 nr_ops:934047\ntimestamp_ms:1652992379466.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:992027648 nr_ops:968777\ntimestamp_ms:1652992380466.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1027458048 nr_ops:1003377\ntimestamp_ms:1652992381467.8721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062800384 nr_ops:1037891\ntimestamp_ms:1652992382468.9160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1097976832 nr_ops:1072243\ntimestamp_ms:1652992383469.9480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133237248 nr_ops:1106677\ntimestamp_ms:1652992384470.9807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1168550912 nr_ops:1141163\ntimestamp_ms:1652992385472.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203827712 nr_ops:1175613\ntimestamp_ms:1652992386472.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238979584 nr_ops:1209941\ntimestamp_ms:1652992387473.8743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273973760 nr_ops:1244115\ntimestamp_ms:1652992388474.9106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1309304832 nr_ops:1278618\ntimestamp_ms:1652992389476.0037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344568320 nr_ops:1313055\ntimestamp_ms:1652992390477.0928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1379506176 nr_ops:1347174\ntimestamp_ms:1652992391478.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414855680 nr_ops:1381695\ntimestamp_ms:1652992392478.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449714688 nr_ops:1415737\ntimestamp_ms:1652992393479.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484833792 nr_ops:1450033\ntimestamp_ms:1652992394481.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1520096256 nr_ops:1484469\ntimestamp_ms:1652992395482.0598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555278848 nr_ops:1518827\ntimestamp_ms:1652992396483.1526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1590330368 nr_ops:1553057\ntimestamp_ms:1652992397484.2454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625572352 nr_ops:1587473\ntimestamp_ms:1652992398485.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660955648 nr_ops:1622027\ntimestamp_ms:1652992399486.4373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696342016 nr_ops:1656584\ntimestamp_ms:1652992400487.5129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731798016 nr_ops:1691209\ntimestamp_ms:1652992401488.5715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766874112 nr_ops:1725463\ntimestamp_ms:1652992402489.6599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1801979904 nr_ops:1759746\ntimestamp_ms:1652992403490.7522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837209600 nr_ops:1794150\ntimestamp_ms:1652992404491.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872563200 nr_ops:1828675\ntimestamp_ms:1652992405492.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907747840 nr_ops:1863035\ntimestamp_ms:1652992406494.0435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1943057408 nr_ops:1897517\ntimestamp_ms:1652992407495.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977961472 nr_ops:1931603\ntimestamp_ms:1652992408495.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2013214720 nr_ops:1966030\ntimestamp_ms:1652992409496.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2048537600 nr_ops:2000525\ntimestamp_ms:1652992410498.0205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2083774464 nr_ops:2034936\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140125955122944\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.3223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119011328 nr_ops:2069347\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.3784 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.3823 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411799.5056 name:Total nr_bytes:2119011328 nr_ops:2069348\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.4082 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4238022654 nr_ops:4138696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992411699.4089 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2119011328 nr_ops:2069350\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 322.94us 0.00ns 322.94us 322.94us \nTxn1 1034674 58.01us 0.00ns 1.91ms 21.81us \nTxn2 1 23.04us 0.00ns 23.04us 23.04us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 322.45us 0.00ns 322.45us 322.45us \nwrite 1034674 3.87us 0.00ns 538.00us 2.19us \nread 1034673 54.02us 0.00ns 1.91ms 2.68us \ndisconnect 1 22.61us 0.00ns 22.61us 22.61us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16591 16591 144.67Mb/s 144.67Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.125 62.36s 1.97GB 271.83Mb/s 2069350 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.97GB 271.83Mb/s 2069350 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413023, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992350437.3281 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992351438.3708 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992351438.4307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992352439.5195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35132416 nr_ops:34309
+timestamp_ms:1652992353440.6143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70584320 nr_ops:68930
+timestamp_ms:1652992354440.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106068992 nr_ops:103583
+timestamp_ms:1652992355441.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141581312 nr_ops:138263
+timestamp_ms:1652992356442.9341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177300480 nr_ops:173145
+timestamp_ms:1652992357444.0334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213128192 nr_ops:208133
+timestamp_ms:1652992358445.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248404992 nr_ops:242583
+timestamp_ms:1652992359446.2119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283624448 nr_ops:276977
+timestamp_ms:1652992360446.8499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319333376 nr_ops:311849
+timestamp_ms:1652992361447.9536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354600960 nr_ops:346290
+timestamp_ms:1652992362449.0549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390128640 nr_ops:380985
+timestamp_ms:1652992363450.1509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425559040 nr_ops:415585
+timestamp_ms:1652992364451.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460962816 nr_ops:450159
+timestamp_ms:1652992365451.8481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496494592 nr_ops:484858
+timestamp_ms:1652992366452.9026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531815424 nr_ops:519351
+timestamp_ms:1652992367453.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567077888 nr_ops:553787
+timestamp_ms:1652992368455.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602959872 nr_ops:588828
+timestamp_ms:1652992369456.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638336000 nr_ops:623375
+timestamp_ms:1652992370456.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673577984 nr_ops:657791
+timestamp_ms:1652992371457.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708731904 nr_ops:692121
+timestamp_ms:1652992372459.0359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743953408 nr_ops:726517
+timestamp_ms:1652992373460.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779357184 nr_ops:761091
+timestamp_ms:1652992374461.1819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815160320 nr_ops:796055
+timestamp_ms:1652992375461.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:850627584 nr_ops:830691
+timestamp_ms:1652992376462.8857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885984256 nr_ops:865219
+timestamp_ms:1652992377463.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:921279488 nr_ops:899687
+timestamp_ms:1652992378464.9333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956464128 nr_ops:934047
+timestamp_ms:1652992379466.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:992027648 nr_ops:968777
+timestamp_ms:1652992380466.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1027458048 nr_ops:1003377
+timestamp_ms:1652992381467.8721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062800384 nr_ops:1037891
+timestamp_ms:1652992382468.9160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1097976832 nr_ops:1072243
+timestamp_ms:1652992383469.9480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133237248 nr_ops:1106677
+timestamp_ms:1652992384470.9807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1168550912 nr_ops:1141163
+timestamp_ms:1652992385472.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203827712 nr_ops:1175613
+timestamp_ms:1652992386472.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238979584 nr_ops:1209941
+timestamp_ms:1652992387473.8743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273973760 nr_ops:1244115
+timestamp_ms:1652992388474.9106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1309304832 nr_ops:1278618
+timestamp_ms:1652992389476.0037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344568320 nr_ops:1313055
+timestamp_ms:1652992390477.0928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1379506176 nr_ops:1347174
+timestamp_ms:1652992391478.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414855680 nr_ops:1381695
+timestamp_ms:1652992392478.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449714688 nr_ops:1415737
+timestamp_ms:1652992393479.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484833792 nr_ops:1450033
+timestamp_ms:1652992394481.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1520096256 nr_ops:1484469
+timestamp_ms:1652992395482.0598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555278848 nr_ops:1518827
+timestamp_ms:1652992396483.1526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1590330368 nr_ops:1553057
+timestamp_ms:1652992397484.2454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625572352 nr_ops:1587473
+timestamp_ms:1652992398485.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660955648 nr_ops:1622027
+timestamp_ms:1652992399486.4373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696342016 nr_ops:1656584
+timestamp_ms:1652992400487.5129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731798016 nr_ops:1691209
+timestamp_ms:1652992401488.5715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766874112 nr_ops:1725463
+timestamp_ms:1652992402489.6599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1801979904 nr_ops:1759746
+timestamp_ms:1652992403490.7522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837209600 nr_ops:1794150
+timestamp_ms:1652992404491.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872563200 nr_ops:1828675
+timestamp_ms:1652992405492.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907747840 nr_ops:1863035
+timestamp_ms:1652992406494.0435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1943057408 nr_ops:1897517
+timestamp_ms:1652992407495.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977961472 nr_ops:1931603
+timestamp_ms:1652992408495.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2013214720 nr_ops:1966030
+timestamp_ms:1652992409496.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2048537600 nr_ops:2000525
+timestamp_ms:1652992410498.0205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2083774464 nr_ops:2034936
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140125955122944
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652992411699.3223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119011328 nr_ops:2069347
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992411699.3784 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992411699.3823 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992411799.5056 name:Total nr_bytes:2119011328 nr_ops:2069348
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992411699.4082 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4238022654 nr_ops:4138696
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992411699.4089 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2119011328 nr_ops:2069350
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 322.94us 0.00ns 322.94us 322.94us
+Txn1 1034674 58.01us 0.00ns 1.91ms 21.81us
+Txn2 1 23.04us 0.00ns 23.04us 23.04us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 322.45us 0.00ns 322.45us 322.45us
+write 1034674 3.87us 0.00ns 538.00us 2.19us
+read 1034673 54.02us 0.00ns 1.91ms 2.68us
+disconnect 1 22.61us 0.00ns 22.61us 22.61us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 16591 16591 144.67Mb/s 144.67Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.125 62.36s 1.97GB 271.83Mb/s 2069350 0.00
+master 62.36s 1.97GB 271.83Mb/s 2069350 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:32.439000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:32.439000', 'bytes': 35132416, 'norm_byte': 35132416, 'ops': 34309, 'norm_ops': 34309, 'norm_ltcy': 29.178608154930192, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:32.439000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:32.439000",
+ "bytes": 35132416,
+ "norm_byte": 35132416,
+ "ops": 34309,
+ "norm_ops": 34309,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.178608154930192,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "36d43ad7335c816bd3ea0729fdf22a5cfcdd81c85f514df9db65062ca1755ce5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:33.440000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:33.440000', 'bytes': 70584320, 'norm_byte': 35451904, 'ops': 68930, 'norm_ops': 34621, 'norm_ltcy': 28.915823533765632, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:33.440000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:33.440000",
+ "bytes": 70584320,
+ "norm_byte": 35451904,
+ "ops": 68930,
+ "norm_ops": 34621,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.915823533765632,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "497ce942179044c35c2540e73e5ec3f55f3d7ff53259d429bc6870735565e082",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:34.440000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:34.440000', 'bytes': 106068992, 'norm_byte': 35484672, 'ops': 103583, 'norm_ops': 34653, 'norm_ltcy': 28.8637795496602, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:34.440000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:34.440000",
+ "bytes": 106068992,
+ "norm_byte": 35484672,
+ "ops": 103583,
+ "norm_ops": 34653,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.8637795496602,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f2b7956ee2593363da944f198fa1391fadc64ba2eaf1c51d28185021cc38650d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:35.441000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:35.441000', 'bytes': 141581312, 'norm_byte': 35512320, 'ops': 138263, 'norm_ops': 34680, 'norm_ltcy': 28.864088575457757, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:35.441000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:35.441000",
+ "bytes": 141581312,
+ "norm_byte": 35512320,
+ "ops": 138263,
+ "norm_ops": 34680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.864088575457757,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f1678df33d9b921a3e47f6f62c1aae5ea3b472fa5d20bb7d5276f579b47d5ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:36.442000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:36.442000', 'bytes': 177300480, 'norm_byte': 35719168, 'ops': 173145, 'norm_ops': 34882, 'norm_ltcy': 28.699520660727597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:36.442000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:36.442000",
+ "bytes": 177300480,
+ "norm_byte": 35719168,
+ "ops": 173145,
+ "norm_ops": 34882,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.699520660727597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3a0a038bc205103ddb10a5625b87c9ec32d84d2eef268c5e83f181349cc3272",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:37.444000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:37.444000', 'bytes': 213128192, 'norm_byte': 35827712, 'ops': 208133, 'norm_ops': 34988, 'norm_ltcy': 28.61264905780196, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:37.444000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:37.444000",
+ "bytes": 213128192,
+ "norm_byte": 35827712,
+ "ops": 208133,
+ "norm_ops": 34988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.61264905780196,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c7ee8c5e72c31318844f095cbefb781ea6a1d96198bd1847580d66f02337ac97",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:38.445000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:38.445000', 'bytes': 248404992, 'norm_byte': 35276800, 'ops': 242583, 'norm_ops': 34450, 'norm_ltcy': 29.060239307420176, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:38.445000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:38.445000",
+ "bytes": 248404992,
+ "norm_byte": 35276800,
+ "ops": 242583,
+ "norm_ops": 34450,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.060239307420176,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "07e1f9c40b8bfb72c3b914a706c59a5eb719d8e33c0d223a3b2f003f6809bd5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:39.446000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:39.446000', 'bytes': 283624448, 'norm_byte': 35219456, 'ops': 276977, 'norm_ops': 34394, 'norm_ltcy': 29.1054609134224, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:39.446000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:39.446000",
+ "bytes": 283624448,
+ "norm_byte": 35219456,
+ "ops": 276977,
+ "norm_ops": 34394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.1054609134224,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e19330c08a5ad06acdc1b00abc6965dffa2225fc2409bb42bdc307f48803683f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:40.446000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:40.446000', 'bytes': 319333376, 'norm_byte': 35708928, 'ops': 311849, 'norm_ops': 34872, 'norm_ltcy': 28.694595648460798, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:40.446000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:40.446000",
+ "bytes": 319333376,
+ "norm_byte": 35708928,
+ "ops": 311849,
+ "norm_ops": 34872,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.694595648460798,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b443f348f56ef10aa1fa3ce658598950e039128ce7b940833e0763ef24dc7053",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:41.447000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:41.447000', 'bytes': 354600960, 'norm_byte': 35267584, 'ops': 346290, 'norm_ops': 34441, 'norm_ltcy': 29.067209423815363, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:41.447000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:41.447000",
+ "bytes": 354600960,
+ "norm_byte": 35267584,
+ "ops": 346290,
+ "norm_ops": 34441,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.067209423815363,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19407a0649bd36936ca8c5d5bc9bc9dedf3416d4934f71331b80867b10182a6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:42.449000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:42.449000', 'bytes': 390128640, 'norm_byte': 35527680, 'ops': 380985, 'norm_ops': 34695, 'norm_ltcy': 28.854339771130565, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:42.449000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:42.449000",
+ "bytes": 390128640,
+ "norm_byte": 35527680,
+ "ops": 380985,
+ "norm_ops": 34695,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.854339771130565,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33cc91dbcdf361db05ac69223e8f7686e1fe0900197e8273bb4e05e454b8728a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:43.450000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:43.450000', 'bytes': 425559040, 'norm_byte': 35430400, 'ops': 415585, 'norm_ops': 34600, 'norm_ltcy': 28.933408880509393, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:43.450000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:43.450000",
+ "bytes": 425559040,
+ "norm_byte": 35430400,
+ "ops": 415585,
+ "norm_ops": 34600,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.933408880509393,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c24eb20d54cec9847219415e040602cd05ec60911edfdf2b1f168187e093b2ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:44.451000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:44.451000', 'bytes': 460962816, 'norm_byte': 35403776, 'ops': 450159, 'norm_ops': 34574, 'norm_ltcy': 28.955732010054522, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:44.451000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:44.451000",
+ "bytes": 460962816,
+ "norm_byte": 35403776,
+ "ops": 450159,
+ "norm_ops": 34574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.955732010054522,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ab90fc1193e4a7cb32e2704e2002fcdb1f81382abb3d176bb1300bd89444014",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:45.451000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:45.451000', 'bytes': 496494592, 'norm_byte': 35531776, 'ops': 484858, 'norm_ops': 34699, 'norm_ltcy': 28.836041012979482, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:45.451000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:45.451000",
+ "bytes": 496494592,
+ "norm_byte": 35531776,
+ "ops": 484858,
+ "norm_ops": 34699,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.836041012979482,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f43c64124cef4666a1d6e3c3d08e813fb3249ec799e3139c6cdceb38bb4a0b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:46.452000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:46.452000', 'bytes': 531815424, 'norm_byte': 35320832, 'ops': 519351, 'norm_ops': 34493, 'norm_ltcy': 29.021959335499233, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:46.452000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:46.452000",
+ "bytes": 531815424,
+ "norm_byte": 35320832,
+ "ops": 519351,
+ "norm_ops": 34493,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.021959335499233,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e250440282f97347f788485c56c9eef68424ee03bc8c7c18c31c45b9f03cae5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:47.453000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:47.453000', 'bytes': 567077888, 'norm_byte': 35262464, 'ops': 553787, 'norm_ops': 34436, 'norm_ltcy': 29.07108249724126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:47.453000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:47.453000",
+ "bytes": 567077888,
+ "norm_byte": 35262464,
+ "ops": 553787,
+ "norm_ops": 34436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.07108249724126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b250239bae87e14e3c684f07b84c837feb6d8c715300cdaadb5d8da5fc3e2990",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:48.455000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:48.455000', 'bytes': 602959872, 'norm_byte': 35881984, 'ops': 588828, 'norm_ops': 35041, 'norm_ltcy': 28.569309322472247, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:48.455000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:48.455000",
+ "bytes": 602959872,
+ "norm_byte": 35881984,
+ "ops": 588828,
+ "norm_ops": 35041,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.569309322472247,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "36de2f86b6e83f9318b9ff639329b74125200db0f0c4af8f3903963eb2a131d0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:49.456000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:49.456000', 'bytes': 638336000, 'norm_byte': 35376128, 'ops': 623375, 'norm_ops': 34547, 'norm_ltcy': 28.97770496533708, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:49.456000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:49.456000",
+ "bytes": 638336000,
+ "norm_byte": 35376128,
+ "ops": 623375,
+ "norm_ops": 34547,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.97770496533708,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06134698c5997be9083f8829b0eb70df85345e9fbad0ff5bd6cc342236f1dc3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:50.456000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:50.456000', 'bytes': 673577984, 'norm_byte': 35241984, 'ops': 657791, 'norm_ops': 34416, 'norm_ltcy': 29.07523594585367, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:50.456000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:50.456000",
+ "bytes": 673577984,
+ "norm_byte": 35241984,
+ "ops": 657791,
+ "norm_ops": 34416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.07523594585367,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e698a02c3d14e1013a30e4e70d593ca9dc2b6a66e1b4e77b776d79e013f3097b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:51.457000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:51.457000', 'bytes': 708731904, 'norm_byte': 35153920, 'ops': 692121, 'norm_ops': 34330, 'norm_ltcy': 29.16116467238931, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:51.457000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:51.457000",
+ "bytes": 708731904,
+ "norm_byte": 35153920,
+ "ops": 692121,
+ "norm_ops": 34330,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.16116467238931,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c74c8086fea31122182e3b876a6578660eee18c62f890df13a57035a3b01d6f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:52.459000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:52.459000', 'bytes': 743953408, 'norm_byte': 35221504, 'ops': 726517, 'norm_ops': 34396, 'norm_ltcy': 29.10499648169482, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:52.459000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:52.459000",
+ "bytes": 743953408,
+ "norm_byte": 35221504,
+ "ops": 726517,
+ "norm_ops": 34396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.10499648169482,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c2b5e194d1983edc7ea53c1d16336961975c0abc97a30323ee7140b35831b6e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:53.460000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:53.460000', 'bytes': 779357184, 'norm_byte': 35403776, 'ops': 761091, 'norm_ops': 34574, 'norm_ltcy': 28.955195344135042, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:53.460000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:53.460000",
+ "bytes": 779357184,
+ "norm_byte": 35403776,
+ "ops": 761091,
+ "norm_ops": 34574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.955195344135042,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a343c5df413e2497e2dde2c53e3ffa1328663c302d128cbcf5ca663473f64b9b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:54.461000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:54.461000', 'bytes': 815160320, 'norm_byte': 35803136, 'ops': 796055, 'norm_ops': 34964, 'norm_ltcy': 28.630850939984697, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:54.461000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:54.461000",
+ "bytes": 815160320,
+ "norm_byte": 35803136,
+ "ops": 796055,
+ "norm_ops": 34964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.630850939984697,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "24c747aeb43c3ce67eafc553eafc02704fb785bce8d06f9388ed207ac7bb9e86",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:55.461000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:55.461000', 'bytes': 850627584, 'norm_byte': 35467264, 'ops': 830691, 'norm_ops': 34636, 'norm_ltcy': 28.890718776616094, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:55.461000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:55.461000",
+ "bytes": 850627584,
+ "norm_byte": 35467264,
+ "ops": 830691,
+ "norm_ops": 34636,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.890718776616094,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e60143b59a544b3b48c300915ba08aea4cb9deb642e744bd9927bf6efd61e98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:56.462000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:56.462000', 'bytes': 885984256, 'norm_byte': 35356672, 'ops': 865219, 'norm_ops': 34528, 'norm_ltcy': 28.992264882848705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:56.462000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:56.462000",
+ "bytes": 885984256,
+ "norm_byte": 35356672,
+ "ops": 865219,
+ "norm_ops": 34528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.992264882848705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae5dd302564749a441f8d72e57443054f288ea531cedc2c66d541f61728d81c9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:57.463000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:57.463000', 'bytes': 921279488, 'norm_byte': 35295232, 'ops': 899687, 'norm_ops': 34468, 'norm_ltcy': 29.039998943766683, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:57.463000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:57.463000",
+ "bytes": 921279488,
+ "norm_byte": 35295232,
+ "ops": 899687,
+ "norm_ops": 34468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.039998943766683,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a7bb1cc82ea205d51c537b9f92826ea893c3d4d79d4922664091dc5cae4a0fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:58.464000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:58.464000', 'bytes': 956464128, 'norm_byte': 35184640, 'ops': 934047, 'norm_ops': 34360, 'norm_ltcy': 29.13553328952634, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:58.464000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:58.464000",
+ "bytes": 956464128,
+ "norm_byte": 35184640,
+ "ops": 934047,
+ "norm_ops": 34360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.13553328952634,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49b31eb553c43d027bc7ec7a35e7fbd3c2ddab5c0bf9c32364ae5ce705b4656e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:32:59.466000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:32:59.466000', 'bytes': 992027648, 'norm_byte': 35563520, 'ops': 968777, 'norm_ops': 34730, 'norm_ltcy': 28.82535249604089, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:32:59.466000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:32:59.466000",
+ "bytes": 992027648,
+ "norm_byte": 35563520,
+ "ops": 968777,
+ "norm_ops": 34730,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.82535249604089,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0ef0818a5165fe6ae598c3d724875c211cc5453c8c9214b68818b7058f18834",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:00.466000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:00.466000', 'bytes': 1027458048, 'norm_byte': 35430400, 'ops': 1003377, 'norm_ops': 34600, 'norm_ltcy': 28.924793397760116, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:00.466000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:00.466000",
+ "bytes": 1027458048,
+ "norm_byte": 35430400,
+ "ops": 1003377,
+ "norm_ops": 34600,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.924793397760116,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3930faf00a92e53f925fbb3b863a613c537714a234cbfc845c2dd88e98bcc05b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:01.467000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:01.467000', 'bytes': 1062800384, 'norm_byte': 35342336, 'ops': 1037891, 'norm_ops': 34514, 'norm_ltcy': 29.003777509217272, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:01.467000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:01.467000",
+ "bytes": 1062800384,
+ "norm_byte": 35342336,
+ "ops": 1037891,
+ "norm_ops": 34514,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.003777509217272,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6d22fa7a7bb4621cfcb1fdc1cf3303ce336af109aff29a09daa4f61ad46b00c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:02.468000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:02.468000', 'bytes': 1097976832, 'norm_byte': 35176448, 'ops': 1072243, 'norm_ops': 34352, 'norm_ltcy': 29.140776237555308, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:02.468000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:02.468000",
+ "bytes": 1097976832,
+ "norm_byte": 35176448,
+ "ops": 1072243,
+ "norm_ops": 34352,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.140776237555308,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a1c69bd575b98db09e4046a9520e9ce380b4dd087cee5b05d362de4d95d8e29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:03.469000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:03.469000', 'bytes': 1133237248, 'norm_byte': 35260416, 'ops': 1106677, 'norm_ops': 34434, 'norm_ltcy': 29.071033932214526, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:03.469000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:03.469000",
+ "bytes": 1133237248,
+ "norm_byte": 35260416,
+ "ops": 1106677,
+ "norm_ops": 34434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.071033932214526,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "763b1093d79ce54ba4ef0d76f421b9c9f8484286b9139d0fbcdaf52aae060d54",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:04.470000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:04.470000', 'bytes': 1168550912, 'norm_byte': 35313664, 'ops': 1141163, 'norm_ops': 34486, 'norm_ltcy': 29.0272201717726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:04.470000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:04.470000",
+ "bytes": 1168550912,
+ "norm_byte": 35313664,
+ "ops": 1141163,
+ "norm_ops": 34486,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.0272201717726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4afb5396bb48ed23b278a5a2385e0970f199c602c4766eed06b44e6121f06923",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:05.472000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:05.472000', 'bytes': 1203827712, 'norm_byte': 35276800, 'ops': 1175613, 'norm_ops': 34450, 'norm_ltcy': 29.057603013878808, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:05.472000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:05.472000",
+ "bytes": 1203827712,
+ "norm_byte": 35276800,
+ "ops": 1175613,
+ "norm_ops": 34450,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.057603013878808,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f5b2920936e60f01e33fa6ae6eab58ad9c28d6e15200729727d6f1f97706f1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:06.472000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:06.472000', 'bytes': 1238979584, 'norm_byte': 35151872, 'ops': 1209941, 'norm_ops': 34328, 'norm_ltcy': 29.154706184637906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:06.472000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:06.472000",
+ "bytes": 1238979584,
+ "norm_byte": 35151872,
+ "ops": 1209941,
+ "norm_ops": 34328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.154706184637906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "29d5a31b43f79c46ff9c7b3f94039b6c218d0a96970fb8fe5cf4c834db991c43",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:07.473000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:07.473000', 'bytes': 1273973760, 'norm_byte': 34994176, 'ops': 1244115, 'norm_ops': 34174, 'norm_ltcy': 29.29233853084582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:07.473000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:07.473000",
+ "bytes": 1273973760,
+ "norm_byte": 34994176,
+ "ops": 1244115,
+ "norm_ops": 34174,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.29233853084582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68d18517c7899945e47540f4a20d657276a6cda2d4c07263fcc8906742607192",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:08.474000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:08.474000', 'bytes': 1309304832, 'norm_byte': 35331072, 'ops': 1278618, 'norm_ops': 34503, 'norm_ltcy': 29.013024286384518, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:08.474000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:08.474000",
+ "bytes": 1309304832,
+ "norm_byte": 35331072,
+ "ops": 1278618,
+ "norm_ops": 34503,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.013024286384518,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff961a0173793d5cedd09dc9cf4a820be5bb35a2ddfdc1953afc4810a3ce1cb8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:09.476000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:09.476000', 'bytes': 1344568320, 'norm_byte': 35263488, 'ops': 1313055, 'norm_ops': 34437, 'norm_ltcy': 29.07027376304919, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:09.476000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:09.476000",
+ "bytes": 1344568320,
+ "norm_byte": 35263488,
+ "ops": 1313055,
+ "norm_ops": 34437,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.07027376304919,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ab13feba4b17822b0776fef2653ceaf62a44e5fbc3abb2512afe791c694ac4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:10.477000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:10.477000', 'bytes': 1379506176, 'norm_byte': 34937856, 'ops': 1347174, 'norm_ops': 34119, 'norm_ltcy': 29.3411035296499, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:10.477000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:10.477000",
+ "bytes": 1379506176,
+ "norm_byte": 34937856,
+ "ops": 1347174,
+ "norm_ops": 34119,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.3411035296499,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed63d09836fda33eb4be4fec95229267028469fd13f699c2dda302f2376ebf72",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:11.478000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:11.478000', 'bytes': 1414855680, 'norm_byte': 35349504, 'ops': 1381695, 'norm_ops': 34521, 'norm_ltcy': 28.99960067332204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:11.478000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:11.478000",
+ "bytes": 1414855680,
+ "norm_byte": 35349504,
+ "ops": 1381695,
+ "norm_ops": 34521,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.99960067332204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f4d9cea0a778d956b628564c1c2464d3c91088ef5dfccfe3de6e378ebcb5af9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:12.478000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:12.478000', 'bytes': 1449714688, 'norm_byte': 34859008, 'ops': 1415737, 'norm_ops': 34042, 'norm_ltcy': 29.39454702784428, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:12.478000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:12.478000",
+ "bytes": 1449714688,
+ "norm_byte": 34859008,
+ "ops": 1415737,
+ "norm_ops": 34042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.39454702784428,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7587f3ef085166dda98f31900bc813146e2358972c86389d84fad5804a347e7f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:13.479000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:13.479000', 'bytes': 1484833792, 'norm_byte': 35119104, 'ops': 1450033, 'norm_ops': 34296, 'norm_ltcy': 29.189896188695474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:13.479000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:13.479000",
+ "bytes": 1484833792,
+ "norm_byte": 35119104,
+ "ops": 1450033,
+ "norm_ops": 34296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.189896188695474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec3dc67e00090f0816e4a14a72e2be0b0a73ed9beb0ba04a9b232e62e9ec70f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:14.481000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:14.481000', 'bytes': 1520096256, 'norm_byte': 35262464, 'ops': 1484469, 'norm_ops': 34436, 'norm_ltcy': 29.07106122816602, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:14.481000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:14.481000",
+ "bytes": 1520096256,
+ "norm_byte": 35262464,
+ "ops": 1484469,
+ "norm_ops": 34436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.07106122816602,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7227d96f583fb3f6e1a289f79b04e6b4401cc06848492367dd2dc3682125fa38",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:15.482000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:15.482000', 'bytes': 1555278848, 'norm_byte': 35182592, 'ops': 1518827, 'norm_ops': 34358, 'norm_ltcy': 29.135424416711537, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:15.482000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:15.482000",
+ "bytes": 1555278848,
+ "norm_byte": 35182592,
+ "ops": 1518827,
+ "norm_ops": 34358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.135424416711537,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b109a743875c14a810abdacef089b0acbfefdc81787b4d47abdacf8f3c4db09f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:16.483000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:16.483000', 'bytes': 1590330368, 'norm_byte': 35051520, 'ops': 1553057, 'norm_ops': 34230, 'norm_ltcy': 29.246064079389424, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:16.483000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:16.483000",
+ "bytes": 1590330368,
+ "norm_byte": 35051520,
+ "ops": 1553057,
+ "norm_ops": 34230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.246064079389424,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c580eebcb5516b6b806fd51dc7784a0a80256696190ef5309e8f9eb997ed4945",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:17.484000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:17.484000', 'bytes': 1625572352, 'norm_byte': 35241984, 'ops': 1587473, 'norm_ops': 34416, 'norm_ltcy': 29.08800480699384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:17.484000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:17.484000",
+ "bytes": 1625572352,
+ "norm_byte": 35241984,
+ "ops": 1587473,
+ "norm_ops": 34416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.08800480699384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64e7b9600ea6f4d97438dc6717718852d38ab7706ee2a408ff3fbb8a56dba16b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:18.485000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:18.485000', 'bytes': 1660955648, 'norm_byte': 35383296, 'ops': 1622027, 'norm_ops': 34554, 'norm_ltcy': 28.971806357440528, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:18.485000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:18.485000",
+ "bytes": 1660955648,
+ "norm_byte": 35383296,
+ "ops": 1622027,
+ "norm_ops": 34554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.971806357440528,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68e2e43b5d8e49f8a001483fec90f57ffb7fde5a2971a2d587ba838cca28d07d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:19.486000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:19.486000', 'bytes': 1696342016, 'norm_byte': 35386368, 'ops': 1656584, 'norm_ops': 34557, 'norm_ltcy': 28.969531430860606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:19.486000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:19.486000",
+ "bytes": 1696342016,
+ "norm_byte": 35386368,
+ "ops": 1656584,
+ "norm_ops": 34557,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.969531430860606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ce211fa9c7f6da22d3a9256e1f0757962626d9b7476e94a74f9f5e61cc41217",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:20.487000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:20.487000', 'bytes': 1731798016, 'norm_byte': 35456000, 'ops': 1691209, 'norm_ops': 34625, 'norm_ltcy': 28.91193310018051, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:20.487000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:20.487000",
+ "bytes": 1731798016,
+ "norm_byte": 35456000,
+ "ops": 1691209,
+ "norm_ops": 34625,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.91193310018051,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2c9d6c75582a014fc93c1041b556b86031a5eac0a9659dbfeedbd651a8a2ca7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:21.488000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:21.488000', 'bytes': 1766874112, 'norm_byte': 35076096, 'ops': 1725463, 'norm_ops': 34254, 'norm_ltcy': 29.22457504962924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:21.488000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:21.488000",
+ "bytes": 1766874112,
+ "norm_byte": 35076096,
+ "ops": 1725463,
+ "norm_ops": 34254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.22457504962924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "634fd4cef94eb648cd7bf5d43bdddb69640d70cb83f749b73c2a8ffbf853ad4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:22.489000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:22.489000', 'bytes': 1801979904, 'norm_byte': 35105792, 'ops': 1759746, 'norm_ops': 34283, 'norm_ltcy': 29.200722775318674, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:22.489000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:22.489000",
+ "bytes": 1801979904,
+ "norm_byte": 35105792,
+ "ops": 1759746,
+ "norm_ops": 34283,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.200722775318674,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4bdc383a7042fcd930b53380d19228baae372b0c2c2230b26f94900a399d4b6e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:23.490000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:23.490000', 'bytes': 1837209600, 'norm_byte': 35229696, 'ops': 1794150, 'norm_ops': 34404, 'norm_ltcy': 29.098136413098768, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:23.490000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:23.490000",
+ "bytes": 1837209600,
+ "norm_byte": 35229696,
+ "ops": 1794150,
+ "norm_ops": 34404,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.098136413098768,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a3e35309232e37fb078bd78082c4e75c5833d587c9afbd3fcff2a233fd945ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:24.491000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:24.491000', 'bytes': 1872563200, 'norm_byte': 35353600, 'ops': 1828675, 'norm_ops': 34525, 'norm_ltcy': 28.99616304987328, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:24.491000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:24.491000",
+ "bytes": 1872563200,
+ "norm_byte": 35353600,
+ "ops": 1828675,
+ "norm_ops": 34525,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.99616304987328,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c010cdff0fb2fb8e9e6b5cb0d58ba4ea438a3a8fd35eb59cb967b5aa7eaa42e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:25.492000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:25.492000', 'bytes': 1907747840, 'norm_byte': 35184640, 'ops': 1863035, 'norm_ops': 34360, 'norm_ltcy': 29.135412498181022, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:25.492000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:25.492000",
+ "bytes": 1907747840,
+ "norm_byte": 35184640,
+ "ops": 1863035,
+ "norm_ops": 34360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.135412498181022,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5830436db094f19743941c2c69fcf0fa0f730a93be1c67ab9f5c7b5bc283587",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:26.494000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:26.494000', 'bytes': 1943057408, 'norm_byte': 35309568, 'ops': 1897517, 'norm_ops': 34482, 'norm_ltcy': 29.032711473558667, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:26.494000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:26.494000",
+ "bytes": 1943057408,
+ "norm_byte": 35309568,
+ "ops": 1897517,
+ "norm_ops": 34482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.032711473558667,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab1ef5b80927bfe77b561ddb527c27b89d636c946783131aa76bce10921ab0bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:27.495000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:27.495000', 'bytes': 1977961472, 'norm_byte': 34904064, 'ops': 1931603, 'norm_ops': 34086, 'norm_ltcy': 29.370089970039018, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:27.495000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:27.495000",
+ "bytes": 1977961472,
+ "norm_byte": 34904064,
+ "ops": 1931603,
+ "norm_ops": 34086,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.370089970039018,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fc0a9ed50a69b048f2b54f88fef77aae6a3d25ebff01dd195ff56082487eda56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:28.495000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:28.495000', 'bytes': 2013214720, 'norm_byte': 35253248, 'ops': 1966030, 'norm_ops': 34427, 'norm_ltcy': 29.066995472303716, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:28.495000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:28.495000",
+ "bytes": 2013214720,
+ "norm_byte": 35253248,
+ "ops": 1966030,
+ "norm_ops": 34427,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.066995472303716,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d06cb51894811e7b6bec197f28c6d6a2463c5e062deeee0ea33e268583ba63f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:29.496000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:29.496000', 'bytes': 2048537600, 'norm_byte': 35322880, 'ops': 2000525, 'norm_ops': 34495, 'norm_ltcy': 29.02120382030004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:29.496000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:29.496000",
+ "bytes": 2048537600,
+ "norm_byte": 35322880,
+ "ops": 2000525,
+ "norm_ops": 34495,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.02120382030004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "247cdf7b62b1689fce4e271b8115642c248c3f7b99e4488992036b5283abe48d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:30.498000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:30.498000', 'bytes': 2083774464, 'norm_byte': 35236864, 'ops': 2034936, 'norm_ops': 34411, 'norm_ltcy': 29.09221717346924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:30.498000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:30.498000",
+ "bytes": 2083774464,
+ "norm_byte": 35236864,
+ "ops": 2034936,
+ "norm_ops": 34411,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.09221717346924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca806b3a48f360b2a954c501eff364f23e628f2c58c33c19115305d509f08612",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:33:31.699000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:33:31.699000', 'bytes': 2119011328, 'norm_byte': 35236864, 'ops': 2069347, 'norm_ops': 34411, 'norm_ltcy': 34.91039951795937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:33:31.699000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:33:31.699000",
+ "bytes": 2119011328,
+ "norm_byte": 35236864,
+ "ops": 2069347,
+ "norm_ops": 34411,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.91039951795937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7f9b3ada-7b04-556e-8223-486f7ada5e57",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2963d8a3bbc985381e021baa5d5435d01f26beaa32be7e3fba4b73395b254328",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35316855.46666667
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34489.11666666667
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.342552851669357
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:33:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-030-220519202947/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-030-220519202947/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fce21e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-030-220519202947/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-030-220519202947/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-030-220519202947/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-030-220519202947/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-030-220519202947/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-030-220519202947/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77a8151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-030-220519202947/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=45
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=80
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-031-220519203148/220519203148-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-031-220519203148/220519203148-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09eed37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-031-220519203148/220519203148-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:34:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992472022.5518 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992473023.6553 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992473023.7393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992474024.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62750720 nr_ops:61280\ntimestamp_ms:1652992475025.9739 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125836288 nr_ops:122887\ntimestamp_ms:1652992476027.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189014016 nr_ops:184584\ntimestamp_ms:1652992477028.1816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252208128 nr_ops:246297\ntimestamp_ms:1652992478029.2810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317316096 nr_ops:309879\ntimestamp_ms:1652992479030.3730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381493248 nr_ops:372552\ntimestamp_ms:1652992480031.4114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444535808 nr_ops:434117\ntimestamp_ms:1652992481032.5117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509414400 nr_ops:497475\ntimestamp_ms:1652992482033.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573426688 nr_ops:559987\ntimestamp_ms:1652992483034.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637774848 nr_ops:622827\ntimestamp_ms:1652992484035.8628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702031872 nr_ops:685578\ntimestamp_ms:1652992485036.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766252032 nr_ops:748293\ntimestamp_ms:1652992486038.1064 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830383104 nr_ops:810921\ntimestamp_ms:1652992487039.2080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894275584 nr_ops:873316\ntimestamp_ms:1652992488040.3110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956273664 nr_ops:933861\ntimestamp_ms:1652992489041.4136 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019046912 nr_ops:995163\ntimestamp_ms:1652992490042.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086146560 nr_ops:1060690\ntimestamp_ms:1652992491043.6111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150730240 nr_ops:1123760\ntimestamp_ms:1652992492044.7139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218237440 nr_ops:1189685\ntimestamp_ms:1652992493045.8120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281092608 nr_ops:1251067\ntimestamp_ms:1652992494046.9216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343847424 nr_ops:1312351\ntimestamp_ms:1652992495047.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1406567424 nr_ops:1373601\ntimestamp_ms:1652992496048.8701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1470362624 nr_ops:1435901\ntimestamp_ms:1652992497049.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1533649920 nr_ops:1497705\ntimestamp_ms:1652992498051.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597058048 nr_ops:1559627\ntimestamp_ms:1652992499052.1760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660670976 nr_ops:1621749\ntimestamp_ms:1652992500053.2708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723734016 nr_ops:1683334\ntimestamp_ms:1652992501054.3772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788046336 nr_ops:1746139\ntimestamp_ms:1652992502055.4797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1851063296 nr_ops:1807679\ntimestamp_ms:1652992503056.5715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1916300288 nr_ops:1871387\ntimestamp_ms:1652992504057.6672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1986585600 nr_ops:1940025\ntimestamp_ms:1652992505058.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2050622464 nr_ops:2002561\ntimestamp_ms:1652992506059.8855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2113916928 nr_ops:2064372\ntimestamp_ms:1652992507060.9761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2177870848 nr_ops:2126827\ntimestamp_ms:1652992508062.0691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241408000 nr_ops:2188875\ntimestamp_ms:1652992509063.1663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2304461824 nr_ops:2250451\ntimestamp_ms:1652992510064.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2367810560 nr_ops:2312315\ntimestamp_ms:1652992511065.2954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430952448 nr_ops:2373977\ntimestamp_ms:1652992512066.3889 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493508608 nr_ops:2435067\ntimestamp_ms:1652992513067.4773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2556101632 nr_ops:2496193\ntimestamp_ms:1652992514068.5750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619546624 nr_ops:2558151\ntimestamp_ms:1652992515069.6653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2684181504 nr_ops:2621271\ntimestamp_ms:1652992516070.7087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2747696128 nr_ops:2683297\ntimestamp_ms:1652992517071.8066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2809615360 nr_ops:2743765\ntimestamp_ms:1652992518072.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2872481792 nr_ops:2805158\ntimestamp_ms:1652992519074.0022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2935638016 nr_ops:2866834\ntimestamp_ms:1652992520075.0933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000103936 nr_ops:2929789\ntimestamp_ms:1652992521076.1885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064181760 nr_ops:2992365\ntimestamp_ms:1652992522077.2896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3127720960 nr_ops:3054415\ntimestamp_ms:1652992523078.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190492160 nr_ops:3115715\ntimestamp_ms:1652992524079.4724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3254041600 nr_ops:3177775\ntimestamp_ms:1652992525080.5686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317881856 nr_ops:3240119\ntimestamp_ms:1652992526081.6648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3380288512 nr_ops:3301063\ntimestamp_ms:1652992527081.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3442765824 nr_ops:3362076\ntimestamp_ms:1652992528082.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3505959936 nr_ops:3423789\ntimestamp_ms:1652992529084.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3569009664 nr_ops:3485361\ntimestamp_ms:1652992530084.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3633127424 nr_ops:3547976\ntimestamp_ms:1652992531085.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3699305472 nr_ops:3612603\ntimestamp_ms:1652992532087.0374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3762727936 nr_ops:3674539\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139850620712704\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.4109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3824995328 nr_ops:3735347\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.4915 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.5020 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533388.6987 name:Total nr_bytes:3824995328 nr_ops:3735348\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.5681 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7649990654 nr_ops:7470696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.5691 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3824995328 nr_ops:3735350\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 246.79us 0.00ns 246.79us 246.79us \nTxn1 1867674 32.11us 0.00ns 3.14ms 25.25us \nTxn2 1 60.88us 0.00ns 60.88us 60.88us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 246.28us 0.00ns 246.28us 246.28us \nwrite 1867674 3.21us 0.00ns 172.00us 2.43us \nread 1867673 28.82us 0.00ns 3.14ms 1.54us \ndisconnect 1 60.39us 0.00ns 60.39us 60.39us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29946 29947 261.13Mb/s 261.13Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.126 62.37s 3.56GB 490.64Mb/s 3735350 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.64Mb/s 3735350 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416349, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992472022.5518 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992473023.6553 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992473023.7393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992474024.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62750720 nr_ops:61280\ntimestamp_ms:1652992475025.9739 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125836288 nr_ops:122887\ntimestamp_ms:1652992476027.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189014016 nr_ops:184584\ntimestamp_ms:1652992477028.1816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252208128 nr_ops:246297\ntimestamp_ms:1652992478029.2810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317316096 nr_ops:309879\ntimestamp_ms:1652992479030.3730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381493248 nr_ops:372552\ntimestamp_ms:1652992480031.4114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444535808 nr_ops:434117\ntimestamp_ms:1652992481032.5117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509414400 nr_ops:497475\ntimestamp_ms:1652992482033.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573426688 nr_ops:559987\ntimestamp_ms:1652992483034.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637774848 nr_ops:622827\ntimestamp_ms:1652992484035.8628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702031872 nr_ops:685578\ntimestamp_ms:1652992485036.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766252032 nr_ops:748293\ntimestamp_ms:1652992486038.1064 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830383104 nr_ops:810921\ntimestamp_ms:1652992487039.2080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894275584 nr_ops:873316\ntimestamp_ms:1652992488040.3110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956273664 nr_ops:933861\ntimestamp_ms:1652992489041.4136 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019046912 nr_ops:995163\ntimestamp_ms:1652992490042.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086146560 nr_ops:1060690\ntimestamp_ms:1652992491043.6111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150730240 nr_ops:1123760\ntimestamp_ms:1652992492044.7139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218237440 nr_ops:1189685\ntimestamp_ms:1652992493045.8120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281092608 nr_ops:1251067\ntimestamp_ms:1652992494046.9216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343847424 nr_ops:1312351\ntimestamp_ms:1652992495047.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1406567424 nr_ops:1373601\ntimestamp_ms:1652992496048.8701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1470362624 nr_ops:1435901\ntimestamp_ms:1652992497049.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1533649920 nr_ops:1497705\ntimestamp_ms:1652992498051.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597058048 nr_ops:1559627\ntimestamp_ms:1652992499052.1760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660670976 nr_ops:1621749\ntimestamp_ms:1652992500053.2708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723734016 nr_ops:1683334\ntimestamp_ms:1652992501054.3772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788046336 nr_ops:1746139\ntimestamp_ms:1652992502055.4797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1851063296 nr_ops:1807679\ntimestamp_ms:1652992503056.5715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1916300288 nr_ops:1871387\ntimestamp_ms:1652992504057.6672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1986585600 nr_ops:1940025\ntimestamp_ms:1652992505058.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2050622464 nr_ops:2002561\ntimestamp_ms:1652992506059.8855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2113916928 nr_ops:2064372\ntimestamp_ms:1652992507060.9761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2177870848 nr_ops:2126827\ntimestamp_ms:1652992508062.0691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241408000 nr_ops:2188875\ntimestamp_ms:1652992509063.1663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2304461824 nr_ops:2250451\ntimestamp_ms:1652992510064.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2367810560 nr_ops:2312315\ntimestamp_ms:1652992511065.2954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430952448 nr_ops:2373977\ntimestamp_ms:1652992512066.3889 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493508608 nr_ops:2435067\ntimestamp_ms:1652992513067.4773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2556101632 nr_ops:2496193\ntimestamp_ms:1652992514068.5750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619546624 nr_ops:2558151\ntimestamp_ms:1652992515069.6653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2684181504 nr_ops:2621271\ntimestamp_ms:1652992516070.7087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2747696128 nr_ops:2683297\ntimestamp_ms:1652992517071.8066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2809615360 nr_ops:2743765\ntimestamp_ms:1652992518072.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2872481792 nr_ops:2805158\ntimestamp_ms:1652992519074.0022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2935638016 nr_ops:2866834\ntimestamp_ms:1652992520075.0933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000103936 nr_ops:2929789\ntimestamp_ms:1652992521076.1885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064181760 nr_ops:2992365\ntimestamp_ms:1652992522077.2896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3127720960 nr_ops:3054415\ntimestamp_ms:1652992523078.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190492160 nr_ops:3115715\ntimestamp_ms:1652992524079.4724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3254041600 nr_ops:3177775\ntimestamp_ms:1652992525080.5686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317881856 nr_ops:3240119\ntimestamp_ms:1652992526081.6648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3380288512 nr_ops:3301063\ntimestamp_ms:1652992527081.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3442765824 nr_ops:3362076\ntimestamp_ms:1652992528082.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3505959936 nr_ops:3423789\ntimestamp_ms:1652992529084.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3569009664 nr_ops:3485361\ntimestamp_ms:1652992530084.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3633127424 nr_ops:3547976\ntimestamp_ms:1652992531085.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3699305472 nr_ops:3612603\ntimestamp_ms:1652992532087.0374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3762727936 nr_ops:3674539\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139850620712704\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.4109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3824995328 nr_ops:3735347\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.4915 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.5020 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533388.6987 name:Total nr_bytes:3824995328 nr_ops:3735348\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.5681 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7649990654 nr_ops:7470696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.5691 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3824995328 nr_ops:3735350\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 246.79us 0.00ns 246.79us 246.79us \nTxn1 1867674 32.11us 0.00ns 3.14ms 25.25us \nTxn2 1 60.88us 0.00ns 60.88us 60.88us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 246.28us 0.00ns 246.28us 246.28us \nwrite 1867674 3.21us 0.00ns 172.00us 2.43us \nread 1867673 28.82us 0.00ns 3.14ms 1.54us \ndisconnect 1 60.39us 0.00ns 60.39us 60.39us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29946 29947 261.13Mb/s 261.13Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.126 62.37s 3.56GB 490.64Mb/s 3735350 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.64Mb/s 3735350 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416349, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992472022.5518 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992473023.6553 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992473023.7393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992474024.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62750720 nr_ops:61280\ntimestamp_ms:1652992475025.9739 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125836288 nr_ops:122887\ntimestamp_ms:1652992476027.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189014016 nr_ops:184584\ntimestamp_ms:1652992477028.1816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252208128 nr_ops:246297\ntimestamp_ms:1652992478029.2810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317316096 nr_ops:309879\ntimestamp_ms:1652992479030.3730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381493248 nr_ops:372552\ntimestamp_ms:1652992480031.4114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444535808 nr_ops:434117\ntimestamp_ms:1652992481032.5117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509414400 nr_ops:497475\ntimestamp_ms:1652992482033.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573426688 nr_ops:559987\ntimestamp_ms:1652992483034.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637774848 nr_ops:622827\ntimestamp_ms:1652992484035.8628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702031872 nr_ops:685578\ntimestamp_ms:1652992485036.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766252032 nr_ops:748293\ntimestamp_ms:1652992486038.1064 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830383104 nr_ops:810921\ntimestamp_ms:1652992487039.2080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894275584 nr_ops:873316\ntimestamp_ms:1652992488040.3110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956273664 nr_ops:933861\ntimestamp_ms:1652992489041.4136 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019046912 nr_ops:995163\ntimestamp_ms:1652992490042.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086146560 nr_ops:1060690\ntimestamp_ms:1652992491043.6111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150730240 nr_ops:1123760\ntimestamp_ms:1652992492044.7139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218237440 nr_ops:1189685\ntimestamp_ms:1652992493045.8120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281092608 nr_ops:1251067\ntimestamp_ms:1652992494046.9216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343847424 nr_ops:1312351\ntimestamp_ms:1652992495047.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1406567424 nr_ops:1373601\ntimestamp_ms:1652992496048.8701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1470362624 nr_ops:1435901\ntimestamp_ms:1652992497049.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1533649920 nr_ops:1497705\ntimestamp_ms:1652992498051.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597058048 nr_ops:1559627\ntimestamp_ms:1652992499052.1760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660670976 nr_ops:1621749\ntimestamp_ms:1652992500053.2708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723734016 nr_ops:1683334\ntimestamp_ms:1652992501054.3772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788046336 nr_ops:1746139\ntimestamp_ms:1652992502055.4797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1851063296 nr_ops:1807679\ntimestamp_ms:1652992503056.5715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1916300288 nr_ops:1871387\ntimestamp_ms:1652992504057.6672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1986585600 nr_ops:1940025\ntimestamp_ms:1652992505058.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2050622464 nr_ops:2002561\ntimestamp_ms:1652992506059.8855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2113916928 nr_ops:2064372\ntimestamp_ms:1652992507060.9761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2177870848 nr_ops:2126827\ntimestamp_ms:1652992508062.0691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241408000 nr_ops:2188875\ntimestamp_ms:1652992509063.1663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2304461824 nr_ops:2250451\ntimestamp_ms:1652992510064.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2367810560 nr_ops:2312315\ntimestamp_ms:1652992511065.2954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430952448 nr_ops:2373977\ntimestamp_ms:1652992512066.3889 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493508608 nr_ops:2435067\ntimestamp_ms:1652992513067.4773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2556101632 nr_ops:2496193\ntimestamp_ms:1652992514068.5750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619546624 nr_ops:2558151\ntimestamp_ms:1652992515069.6653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2684181504 nr_ops:2621271\ntimestamp_ms:1652992516070.7087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2747696128 nr_ops:2683297\ntimestamp_ms:1652992517071.8066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2809615360 nr_ops:2743765\ntimestamp_ms:1652992518072.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2872481792 nr_ops:2805158\ntimestamp_ms:1652992519074.0022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2935638016 nr_ops:2866834\ntimestamp_ms:1652992520075.0933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000103936 nr_ops:2929789\ntimestamp_ms:1652992521076.1885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064181760 nr_ops:2992365\ntimestamp_ms:1652992522077.2896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3127720960 nr_ops:3054415\ntimestamp_ms:1652992523078.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190492160 nr_ops:3115715\ntimestamp_ms:1652992524079.4724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3254041600 nr_ops:3177775\ntimestamp_ms:1652992525080.5686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317881856 nr_ops:3240119\ntimestamp_ms:1652992526081.6648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3380288512 nr_ops:3301063\ntimestamp_ms:1652992527081.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3442765824 nr_ops:3362076\ntimestamp_ms:1652992528082.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3505959936 nr_ops:3423789\ntimestamp_ms:1652992529084.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3569009664 nr_ops:3485361\ntimestamp_ms:1652992530084.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3633127424 nr_ops:3547976\ntimestamp_ms:1652992531085.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3699305472 nr_ops:3612603\ntimestamp_ms:1652992532087.0374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3762727936 nr_ops:3674539\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139850620712704\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.4109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3824995328 nr_ops:3735347\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.4915 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.5020 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533388.6987 name:Total nr_bytes:3824995328 nr_ops:3735348\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.5681 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7649990654 nr_ops:7470696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992533288.5691 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3824995328 nr_ops:3735350\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 246.79us 0.00ns 246.79us 246.79us \nTxn1 1867674 32.11us 0.00ns 3.14ms 25.25us \nTxn2 1 60.88us 0.00ns 60.88us 60.88us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 246.28us 0.00ns 246.28us 246.28us \nwrite 1867674 3.21us 0.00ns 172.00us 2.43us \nread 1867673 28.82us 0.00ns 3.14ms 1.54us \ndisconnect 1 60.39us 0.00ns 60.39us 60.39us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29946 29947 261.13Mb/s 261.13Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.126 62.37s 3.56GB 490.64Mb/s 3735350 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.64Mb/s 3735350 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416349, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992472022.5518 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992473023.6553 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992473023.7393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992474024.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62750720 nr_ops:61280
+timestamp_ms:1652992475025.9739 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125836288 nr_ops:122887
+timestamp_ms:1652992476027.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189014016 nr_ops:184584
+timestamp_ms:1652992477028.1816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252208128 nr_ops:246297
+timestamp_ms:1652992478029.2810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317316096 nr_ops:309879
+timestamp_ms:1652992479030.3730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381493248 nr_ops:372552
+timestamp_ms:1652992480031.4114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444535808 nr_ops:434117
+timestamp_ms:1652992481032.5117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509414400 nr_ops:497475
+timestamp_ms:1652992482033.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573426688 nr_ops:559987
+timestamp_ms:1652992483034.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637774848 nr_ops:622827
+timestamp_ms:1652992484035.8628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702031872 nr_ops:685578
+timestamp_ms:1652992485036.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766252032 nr_ops:748293
+timestamp_ms:1652992486038.1064 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830383104 nr_ops:810921
+timestamp_ms:1652992487039.2080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894275584 nr_ops:873316
+timestamp_ms:1652992488040.3110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956273664 nr_ops:933861
+timestamp_ms:1652992489041.4136 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019046912 nr_ops:995163
+timestamp_ms:1652992490042.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086146560 nr_ops:1060690
+timestamp_ms:1652992491043.6111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150730240 nr_ops:1123760
+timestamp_ms:1652992492044.7139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218237440 nr_ops:1189685
+timestamp_ms:1652992493045.8120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281092608 nr_ops:1251067
+timestamp_ms:1652992494046.9216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343847424 nr_ops:1312351
+timestamp_ms:1652992495047.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1406567424 nr_ops:1373601
+timestamp_ms:1652992496048.8701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1470362624 nr_ops:1435901
+timestamp_ms:1652992497049.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1533649920 nr_ops:1497705
+timestamp_ms:1652992498051.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597058048 nr_ops:1559627
+timestamp_ms:1652992499052.1760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660670976 nr_ops:1621749
+timestamp_ms:1652992500053.2708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723734016 nr_ops:1683334
+timestamp_ms:1652992501054.3772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788046336 nr_ops:1746139
+timestamp_ms:1652992502055.4797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1851063296 nr_ops:1807679
+timestamp_ms:1652992503056.5715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1916300288 nr_ops:1871387
+timestamp_ms:1652992504057.6672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1986585600 nr_ops:1940025
+timestamp_ms:1652992505058.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2050622464 nr_ops:2002561
+timestamp_ms:1652992506059.8855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2113916928 nr_ops:2064372
+timestamp_ms:1652992507060.9761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2177870848 nr_ops:2126827
+timestamp_ms:1652992508062.0691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241408000 nr_ops:2188875
+timestamp_ms:1652992509063.1663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2304461824 nr_ops:2250451
+timestamp_ms:1652992510064.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2367810560 nr_ops:2312315
+timestamp_ms:1652992511065.2954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430952448 nr_ops:2373977
+timestamp_ms:1652992512066.3889 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493508608 nr_ops:2435067
+timestamp_ms:1652992513067.4773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2556101632 nr_ops:2496193
+timestamp_ms:1652992514068.5750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619546624 nr_ops:2558151
+timestamp_ms:1652992515069.6653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2684181504 nr_ops:2621271
+timestamp_ms:1652992516070.7087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2747696128 nr_ops:2683297
+timestamp_ms:1652992517071.8066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2809615360 nr_ops:2743765
+timestamp_ms:1652992518072.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2872481792 nr_ops:2805158
+timestamp_ms:1652992519074.0022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2935638016 nr_ops:2866834
+timestamp_ms:1652992520075.0933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000103936 nr_ops:2929789
+timestamp_ms:1652992521076.1885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064181760 nr_ops:2992365
+timestamp_ms:1652992522077.2896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3127720960 nr_ops:3054415
+timestamp_ms:1652992523078.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190492160 nr_ops:3115715
+timestamp_ms:1652992524079.4724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3254041600 nr_ops:3177775
+timestamp_ms:1652992525080.5686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317881856 nr_ops:3240119
+timestamp_ms:1652992526081.6648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3380288512 nr_ops:3301063
+timestamp_ms:1652992527081.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3442765824 nr_ops:3362076
+timestamp_ms:1652992528082.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3505959936 nr_ops:3423789
+timestamp_ms:1652992529084.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3569009664 nr_ops:3485361
+timestamp_ms:1652992530084.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3633127424 nr_ops:3547976
+timestamp_ms:1652992531085.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3699305472 nr_ops:3612603
+timestamp_ms:1652992532087.0374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3762727936 nr_ops:3674539
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139850620712704
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652992533288.4109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3824995328 nr_ops:3735347
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992533288.4915 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992533288.5020 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992533388.6987 name:Total nr_bytes:3824995328 nr_ops:3735348
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992533288.5681 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7649990654 nr_ops:7470696
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992533288.5691 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3824995328 nr_ops:3735350
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 246.79us 0.00ns 246.79us 246.79us
+Txn1 1867674 32.11us 0.00ns 3.14ms 25.25us
+Txn2 1 60.88us 0.00ns 60.88us 60.88us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 246.28us 0.00ns 246.28us 246.28us
+write 1867674 3.21us 0.00ns 172.00us 2.43us
+read 1867673 28.82us 0.00ns 3.14ms 1.54us
+disconnect 1 60.39us 0.00ns 60.39us 60.39us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29946 29947 261.13Mb/s 261.13Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.126 62.37s 3.56GB 490.64Mb/s 3735350 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.56GB 490.64Mb/s 3735350 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:34.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:34.024000', 'bytes': 62750720, 'norm_byte': 62750720, 'ops': 61280, 'norm_ops': 61280, 'norm_ltcy': 16.336434068007506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:34.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:34.024000",
+ "bytes": 62750720,
+ "norm_byte": 62750720,
+ "ops": 61280,
+ "norm_ops": 61280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.336434068007506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a4a3f8b0c796d377c055fd9436a28ded3975e39e087c12fc5ebff4031cd0028",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:35.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:35.025000', 'bytes': 125836288, 'norm_byte': 63085568, 'ops': 122887, 'norm_ops': 61607, 'norm_ltcy': 16.250392641309023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:35.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:35.025000",
+ "bytes": 125836288,
+ "norm_byte": 63085568,
+ "ops": 122887,
+ "norm_ops": 61607,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.250392641309023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14e8966f28f416d51289b1593bd533212cb72210c4dd183e607466683b4d0c1e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:36.027000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:36.027000', 'bytes': 189014016, 'norm_byte': 63177728, 'ops': 184584, 'norm_ops': 61697, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22610186298564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:36.027000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:36.027000",
+ "bytes": 189014016,
+ "norm_byte": 63177728,
+ "ops": 184584,
+ "norm_ops": 61697,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22610186298564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d875f94214bf466eafd623c431979cec3ff03b77b2be31d23f776d8c61f9788",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:37.028000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:37.028000', 'bytes': 252208128, 'norm_byte': 63194112, 'ops': 246297, 'norm_ops': 61713, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22196226129422, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:37.028000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:37.028000",
+ "bytes": 252208128,
+ "norm_byte": 63194112,
+ "ops": 246297,
+ "norm_ops": 61713,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22196226129422,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7a58445ecee01972fc7931926285e60112357d9fa1e973bb74a4fde46f73f4c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:38.029000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:38.029000', 'bytes': 317316096, 'norm_byte': 65107968, 'ops': 309879, 'norm_ops': 63582, 'norm_ltcy': 15.74501219267049, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:38.029000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:38.029000",
+ "bytes": 317316096,
+ "norm_byte": 65107968,
+ "ops": 309879,
+ "norm_ops": 63582,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.74501219267049,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5035ab3c63c1a8990b6bf68c592c18071747ce09f1d357cddb9fa3a75d47cf9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:39.030000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:39.030000', 'bytes': 381493248, 'norm_byte': 64177152, 'ops': 372552, 'norm_ops': 62673, 'norm_ltcy': 15.973258676234185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:39.030000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:39.030000",
+ "bytes": 381493248,
+ "norm_byte": 64177152,
+ "ops": 372552,
+ "norm_ops": 62673,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.973258676234185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ff5ef58f5730449889bfe0378d3eac9c10d2bd45fd3029e3dd8a3c01ca0b5a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:40.031000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:40.031000', 'bytes': 444535808, 'norm_byte': 63042560, 'ops': 434117, 'norm_ops': 61565, 'norm_ltcy': 16.259860798800048, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:40.031000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:40.031000",
+ "bytes": 444535808,
+ "norm_byte": 63042560,
+ "ops": 434117,
+ "norm_ops": 61565,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.259860798800048,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37dd9f2bd7d1e471cadc70f1b74842b838b0d2c60f06d9a57bd1ec7ca55e31ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:41.032000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:41.032000', 'bytes': 509414400, 'norm_byte': 64878592, 'ops': 497475, 'norm_ops': 63358, 'norm_ltcy': 15.800693547726805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:41.032000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:41.032000",
+ "bytes": 509414400,
+ "norm_byte": 64878592,
+ "ops": 497475,
+ "norm_ops": 63358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.800693547726805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d3903635430a327c1d476cd07e097b65e34e4355b281200912531a7b8b53ed5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:42.033000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:42.033000', 'bytes': 573426688, 'norm_byte': 64012288, 'ops': 559987, 'norm_ops': 62512, 'norm_ltcy': 16.014632221863405, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:42.033000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:42.033000",
+ "bytes": 573426688,
+ "norm_byte": 64012288,
+ "ops": 559987,
+ "norm_ops": 62512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.014632221863405,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e0b2d5400c380eadb8b10fedad49a320a3fa2338e7a5e4ef7ae33ccf88986a14",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:43.034000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:43.034000', 'bytes': 637774848, 'norm_byte': 64348160, 'ops': 622827, 'norm_ops': 62840, 'norm_ltcy': 15.931170370683482, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:43.034000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:43.034000",
+ "bytes": 637774848,
+ "norm_byte": 64348160,
+ "ops": 622827,
+ "norm_ops": 62840,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.931170370683482,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac7671c4670c4fbbaca379ca097703c25d948300725e571a1ee96d40a431b8b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:44.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:44.035000', 'bytes': 702031872, 'norm_byte': 64257024, 'ops': 685578, 'norm_ops': 62751, 'norm_ltcy': 15.95400294293119, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:44.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:44.035000",
+ "bytes": 702031872,
+ "norm_byte": 64257024,
+ "ops": 685578,
+ "norm_ops": 62751,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.95400294293119,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "543dfd2c1807494934351e99ca2ef790010fab25743eb829b1752714cd1f8634",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:45.036000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:45.036000', 'bytes': 766252032, 'norm_byte': 64220160, 'ops': 748293, 'norm_ops': 62715, 'norm_ltcy': 15.963242695128756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:45.036000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:45.036000",
+ "bytes": 766252032,
+ "norm_byte": 64220160,
+ "ops": 748293,
+ "norm_ops": 62715,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.963242695128756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9aec12d2e3fc0e82ab6e056bcb3d38871e94f9d02b5be61c4e93c6fcc76fa5a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:46.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:46.038000', 'bytes': 830383104, 'norm_byte': 64131072, 'ops': 810921, 'norm_ops': 62628, 'norm_ltcy': 15.985004897469981, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:46.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:46.038000",
+ "bytes": 830383104,
+ "norm_byte": 64131072,
+ "ops": 810921,
+ "norm_ops": 62628,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.985004897469981,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78b230de942e2ded50256f1c70ee610529b5b4afd3beed10bdab2166d666d19b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:47.039000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:47.039000', 'bytes': 894275584, 'norm_byte': 63892480, 'ops': 873316, 'norm_ops': 62395, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04457989422229, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:47.039000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:47.039000",
+ "bytes": 894275584,
+ "norm_byte": 63892480,
+ "ops": 873316,
+ "norm_ops": 62395,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04457989422229,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "657957ad4d3967a4d58c3029af30c4195f26f1cdaf444a85af5487a3afdd12f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:48.040000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:48.040000', 'bytes': 956273664, 'norm_byte': 61998080, 'ops': 933861, 'norm_ops': 60545, 'norm_ltcy': 16.53485882143447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:48.040000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:48.040000",
+ "bytes": 956273664,
+ "norm_byte": 61998080,
+ "ops": 933861,
+ "norm_ops": 60545,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.53485882143447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "199c39ed3b87f7e7500f0f38eb631d9271596023f2aace904517da042cbe984b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:49.041000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:49.041000', 'bytes': 1019046912, 'norm_byte': 62773248, 'ops': 995163, 'norm_ops': 61302, 'norm_ltcy': 16.330666847125705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:49.041000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:49.041000",
+ "bytes": 1019046912,
+ "norm_byte": 62773248,
+ "ops": 995163,
+ "norm_ops": 61302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.330666847125705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5abe2ea58132349fbb494eb8156f3181dba331e32c84cc89e505ef92d39ab4ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:50.042000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:50.042000', 'bytes': 1086146560, 'norm_byte': 67099648, 'ops': 1060690, 'norm_ops': 65527, 'norm_ltcy': 15.277587596286645, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:50.042000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:50.042000",
+ "bytes": 1086146560,
+ "norm_byte": 67099648,
+ "ops": 1060690,
+ "norm_ops": 65527,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.277587596286645,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20dcc448c7065b11cacc6289f0cbf545a9a800125deefa7f6a6690b762248bbc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:51.043000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:51.043000', 'bytes': 1150730240, 'norm_byte': 64583680, 'ops': 1123760, 'norm_ops': 63070, 'norm_ltcy': 15.872887701660852, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:51.043000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:51.043000",
+ "bytes": 1150730240,
+ "norm_byte": 64583680,
+ "ops": 1123760,
+ "norm_ops": 63070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.872887701660852,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fcf362b53d39b1e93a7d6caab74c89367f64bff579e99d2535b974ed1226a3cd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:52.044000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:52.044000', 'bytes': 1218237440, 'norm_byte': 67507200, 'ops': 1189685, 'norm_ops': 65925, 'norm_ltcy': 15.185480215443686, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:52.044000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:52.044000",
+ "bytes": 1218237440,
+ "norm_byte": 67507200,
+ "ops": 1189685,
+ "norm_ops": 65925,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.185480215443686,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34851a6b6588c93a759f31254ec70a80edf84447e3ab6130534d9c0c67f2a5a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:53.045000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:53.045000', 'bytes': 1281092608, 'norm_byte': 62855168, 'ops': 1251067, 'norm_ops': 61382, 'norm_ltcy': 16.309311272543255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:53.045000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:53.045000",
+ "bytes": 1281092608,
+ "norm_byte": 62855168,
+ "ops": 1251067,
+ "norm_ops": 61382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.309311272543255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "41b98481828d0626dea78bc849b639475f2a5606dd5faabc0bb8b9e1d2b7ded9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:54.046000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:54.046000', 'bytes': 1343847424, 'norm_byte': 62754816, 'ops': 1312351, 'norm_ops': 61284, 'norm_ltcy': 16.335578929910337, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:54.046000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:54.046000",
+ "bytes": 1343847424,
+ "norm_byte": 62754816,
+ "ops": 1312351,
+ "norm_ops": 61284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.335578929910337,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2e16e4d1555766da189a7263f0811b5c6491c97ea2382690a013ed5f8ee6e96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:55.047000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:55.047000', 'bytes': 1406567424, 'norm_byte': 62720000, 'ops': 1373601, 'norm_ops': 61250, 'norm_ltcy': 16.341422193877552, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:55.047000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:55.047000",
+ "bytes": 1406567424,
+ "norm_byte": 62720000,
+ "ops": 1373601,
+ "norm_ops": 61250,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.341422193877552,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac01219ea4bd8e62d47b3a54c724323c10dc71c7a97a4816d81ed0527d816d23",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:56.048000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:56.048000', 'bytes': 1470362624, 'norm_byte': 63795200, 'ops': 1435901, 'norm_ops': 62300, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06799963006621, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:56.048000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:56.048000",
+ "bytes": 1470362624,
+ "norm_byte": 63795200,
+ "ops": 1435901,
+ "norm_ops": 62300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06799963006621,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7967a77fc0adc2c1cdcd8bdc3c89a02ef14fd2901e3d389651f4c1ccda683a36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:57.049000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:57.049000', 'bytes': 1533649920, 'norm_byte': 63287296, 'ops': 1497705, 'norm_ops': 61804, 'norm_ltcy': 16.197982293318393, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:57.049000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:57.049000",
+ "bytes": 1533649920,
+ "norm_byte": 63287296,
+ "ops": 1497705,
+ "norm_ops": 61804,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.197982293318393,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb67c295299ae99a921880b748b3e172323a5d3f89083bb0762d3cdbac773eb5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:58.051000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:58.051000', 'bytes': 1597058048, 'norm_byte': 63408128, 'ops': 1559627, 'norm_ops': 61922, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16719783936848, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:58.051000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:58.051000",
+ "bytes": 1597058048,
+ "norm_byte": 63408128,
+ "ops": 1559627,
+ "norm_ops": 61922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16719783936848,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa4f57672717ad63b28c70f9fbd314b3277d741504f66e9e0a0b1ffd5441bad3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:34:59.052000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:34:59.052000', 'bytes': 1660670976, 'norm_byte': 63612928, 'ops': 1621749, 'norm_ops': 62122, 'norm_ltcy': 16.115073338551557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:34:59.052000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:34:59.052000",
+ "bytes": 1660670976,
+ "norm_byte": 63612928,
+ "ops": 1621749,
+ "norm_ops": 62122,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.115073338551557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a33031f590e8b3e9b57e835b969d777bbbaae353d96e6044cc1b8cf1c30db016",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:00.053000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:00.053000', 'bytes': 1723734016, 'norm_byte': 63063040, 'ops': 1683334, 'norm_ops': 61585, 'norm_ltcy': 16.255496087724286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:00.053000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:00.053000",
+ "bytes": 1723734016,
+ "norm_byte": 63063040,
+ "ops": 1683334,
+ "norm_ops": 61585,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.255496087724286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "837a8bb69012ba09158459c614c38bd0616da5dce67f31805be5bca4bc5d46b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:01.054000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:01.054000', 'bytes': 1788046336, 'norm_byte': 64312320, 'ops': 1746139, 'norm_ops': 62805, 'norm_ltcy': 15.939916333293526, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:01.054000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:01.054000",
+ "bytes": 1788046336,
+ "norm_byte": 64312320,
+ "ops": 1746139,
+ "norm_ops": 62805,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.939916333293526,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b7874716af1239b1756469d1b9bc2f21e2578b61f352cebfe5db625a8eb66ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:02.055000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:02.055000', 'bytes': 1851063296, 'norm_byte': 63016960, 'ops': 1807679, 'norm_ops': 61540, 'norm_ltcy': 16.267509572026324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:02.055000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:02.055000",
+ "bytes": 1851063296,
+ "norm_byte": 63016960,
+ "ops": 1807679,
+ "norm_ops": 61540,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.267509572026324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d49fd09b48f99d0de3cc4fdcd50f5fb76ded9451bf1c6ffdd5379548b4511bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:03.056000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:03.056000', 'bytes': 1916300288, 'norm_byte': 65236992, 'ops': 1871387, 'norm_ops': 63708, 'norm_ltcy': 15.713753325720475, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:03.056000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:03.056000",
+ "bytes": 1916300288,
+ "norm_byte": 65236992,
+ "ops": 1871387,
+ "norm_ops": 63708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.713753325720475,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8bca9d9b4cd9c295853c6b4ba959436937ebf6e2be72a0283e237047bc48ade1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:04.057000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:04.057000', 'bytes': 1986585600, 'norm_byte': 70285312, 'ops': 1940025, 'norm_ops': 68638, 'norm_ltcy': 14.585152584938372, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:04.057000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:04.057000",
+ "bytes": 1986585600,
+ "norm_byte": 70285312,
+ "ops": 1940025,
+ "norm_ops": 68638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.585152584938372,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6caf04d8438a76bd33958d625c07318f9bc7bc8f6a028e50b1029bc083c9402",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:05.058000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:05.058000', 'bytes': 2050622464, 'norm_byte': 64036864, 'ops': 2002561, 'norm_ops': 62536, 'norm_ltcy': 16.009665151622666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:05.058000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:05.058000",
+ "bytes": 2050622464,
+ "norm_byte": 64036864,
+ "ops": 2002561,
+ "norm_ops": 62536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.009665151622666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "07cf285c6e9073fe79ce2b781c0e82627047c5b6912626bba00057cc691f30c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:06.059000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:06.059000', 'bytes': 2113916928, 'norm_byte': 63294464, 'ops': 2064372, 'norm_ops': 61811, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19514069982487, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:06.059000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:06.059000",
+ "bytes": 2113916928,
+ "norm_byte": 63294464,
+ "ops": 2064372,
+ "norm_ops": 61811,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19514069982487,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ced38c9ff220c4ea779a325f8993c43c3970352f0f8425361e0dd6fb6b1a4a2a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:07.060000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:07.060000', 'bytes': 2177870848, 'norm_byte': 63953920, 'ops': 2126827, 'norm_ops': 62455, 'norm_ltcy': 16.028990091615963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:07.060000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:07.060000",
+ "bytes": 2177870848,
+ "norm_byte": 63953920,
+ "ops": 2126827,
+ "norm_ops": 62455,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.028990091615963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb628f33220694e3d548e123400211ba3b625cc0147dec18a8cacbd8b172bb40",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:08.062000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:08.062000', 'bytes': 2241408000, 'norm_byte': 63537152, 'ops': 2188875, 'norm_ops': 62048, 'norm_ltcy': 16.134170603051267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:08.062000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:08.062000",
+ "bytes": 2241408000,
+ "norm_byte": 63537152,
+ "ops": 2188875,
+ "norm_ops": 62048,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.134170603051267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02d672926156033b89330e3412ed5a171d6628933078091b58b76791febc6cd5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:09.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:09.063000', 'bytes': 2304461824, 'norm_byte': 63053824, 'ops': 2250451, 'norm_ops': 61576, 'norm_ltcy': 16.257911653383626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:09.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:09.063000",
+ "bytes": 2304461824,
+ "norm_byte": 63053824,
+ "ops": 2250451,
+ "norm_ops": 61576,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.257911653383626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da7157076f9bd077e1075b957424b4247e59689b5ca181c48a3f7f9635e2f735",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:10.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:10.064000', 'bytes': 2367810560, 'norm_byte': 63348736, 'ops': 2312315, 'norm_ops': 61864, 'norm_ltcy': 16.1821342417945, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:10.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:10.064000",
+ "bytes": 2367810560,
+ "norm_byte": 63348736,
+ "ops": 2312315,
+ "norm_ops": 61864,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.1821342417945,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7c4ad5282a104a271fab6f05f0fd2e635f24f83ba426d02b120deac3d546019",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:11.065000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:11.065000', 'bytes': 2430952448, 'norm_byte': 63141888, 'ops': 2373977, 'norm_ops': 61662, 'norm_ltcy': 16.234270663556973, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:11.065000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:11.065000",
+ "bytes": 2430952448,
+ "norm_byte": 63141888,
+ "ops": 2373977,
+ "norm_ops": 61662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.234270663556973,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea3552667579fa0a86ff31b0fa43de6e52aabe526f8bd00b2f1db347049fa5b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:12.066000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:12.066000', 'bytes': 2493508608, 'norm_byte': 62556160, 'ops': 2435067, 'norm_ops': 61090, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38719112554223, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:12.066000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:12.066000",
+ "bytes": 2493508608,
+ "norm_byte": 62556160,
+ "ops": 2435067,
+ "norm_ops": 61090,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38719112554223,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a0954035f9bb56a9bf7dad46445355c3c7a39536b3f2834a8c4589eda192a39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:13.067000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:13.067000', 'bytes': 2556101632, 'norm_byte': 62593024, 'ops': 2496193, 'norm_ops': 61126, 'norm_ltcy': 16.377456056444885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:13.067000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:13.067000",
+ "bytes": 2556101632,
+ "norm_byte": 62593024,
+ "ops": 2496193,
+ "norm_ops": 61126,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.377456056444885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8cc221cf6dd825f107a1424439b69c385025732441a5c6ae9d23103422e4834b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:14.068000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:14.068000', 'bytes': 2619546624, 'norm_byte': 63444992, 'ops': 2558151, 'norm_ops': 61958, 'norm_ltcy': 16.157681917589336, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:14.068000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:14.068000",
+ "bytes": 2619546624,
+ "norm_byte": 63444992,
+ "ops": 2558151,
+ "norm_ops": 61958,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.157681917589336,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd9fbe1333f7dcd5b097c9b0c0b806d8cd713c10b2a159e36d68933bb27dce02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:15.069000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:15.069000', 'bytes': 2684181504, 'norm_byte': 64634880, 'ops': 2621271, 'norm_ops': 63120, 'norm_ltcy': 15.8601129916231, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:15.069000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:15.069000",
+ "bytes": 2684181504,
+ "norm_byte": 64634880,
+ "ops": 2621271,
+ "norm_ops": 63120,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.8601129916231,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3688f15322615530991b1662f49aac4b1d818c16692c7cf07703ca6b8ee8e506",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:16.070000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:16.070000', 'bytes': 2747696128, 'norm_byte': 63514624, 'ops': 2683297, 'norm_ops': 62026, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13909420293506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:16.070000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:16.070000",
+ "bytes": 2747696128,
+ "norm_byte": 63514624,
+ "ops": 2683297,
+ "norm_ops": 62026,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13909420293506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b0a6857f85d9ca25fa4b8a69faf12e35007f3977495b8c0249a87219389d9ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:17.071000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:17.071000', 'bytes': 2809615360, 'norm_byte': 61919232, 'ops': 2743765, 'norm_ops': 60468, 'norm_ltcy': 16.555829536128616, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:17.071000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:17.071000",
+ "bytes": 2809615360,
+ "norm_byte": 61919232,
+ "ops": 2743765,
+ "norm_ops": 60468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.555829536128616,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "92b6b59104156409167d6ec0f2ba3f2eef9e6011fafe4514187afeb992134729",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:18.072000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:18.072000', 'bytes': 2872481792, 'norm_byte': 62866432, 'ops': 2805158, 'norm_ops': 61393, 'norm_ltcy': 16.30643281934626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:18.072000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:18.072000",
+ "bytes": 2872481792,
+ "norm_byte": 62866432,
+ "ops": 2805158,
+ "norm_ops": 61393,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.30643281934626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd37ca9e4fdd0e0a73645d5cfd15ecc5a5f194bbf60bce722803da8cfb719611",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:19.074000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:19.074000', 'bytes': 2935638016, 'norm_byte': 63156224, 'ops': 2866834, 'norm_ops': 61676, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2315118775942, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:19.074000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:19.074000",
+ "bytes": 2935638016,
+ "norm_byte": 63156224,
+ "ops": 2866834,
+ "norm_ops": 61676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2315118775942,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "192282abbe438f2d854cf9a630b8d078c25ac6b9eac8bf5a8e33578adad135ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:20.075000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:20.075000', 'bytes': 3000103936, 'norm_byte': 64465920, 'ops': 2929789, 'norm_ops': 62955, 'norm_ltcy': 15.901692708333336, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:20.075000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:20.075000",
+ "bytes": 3000103936,
+ "norm_byte": 64465920,
+ "ops": 2929789,
+ "norm_ops": 62955,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.901692708333336,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e690edb2f55fa5dd7a5c00108fc0aab9f1a3ccd5dadb67389b2f72cafeb12485",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:21.076000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:21.076000', 'bytes': 3064181760, 'norm_byte': 64077824, 'ops': 2992365, 'norm_ops': 62576, 'norm_ltcy': 15.998069784641876, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:21.076000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:21.076000",
+ "bytes": 3064181760,
+ "norm_byte": 64077824,
+ "ops": 2992365,
+ "norm_ops": 62576,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.998069784641876,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15129b04c5fb4c47ce4dff2ec2795f16ee6d907b6176e924dff61c7daf1b76e2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:22.077000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:22.077000', 'bytes': 3127720960, 'norm_byte': 63539200, 'ops': 3054415, 'norm_ops': 62050, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13378040642627, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:22.077000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:22.077000",
+ "bytes": 3127720960,
+ "norm_byte": 63539200,
+ "ops": 3054415,
+ "norm_ops": 62050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13378040642627,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5cd8a4e74f72e3a5c5db2633d5f4f00f7af7ecb5bbc5474e5e55fa7adf45bc2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:23.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:23.078000', 'bytes': 3190492160, 'norm_byte': 62771200, 'ops': 3115715, 'norm_ops': 61300, 'norm_ltcy': 16.331028401559948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:23.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:23.078000",
+ "bytes": 3190492160,
+ "norm_byte": 62771200,
+ "ops": 3115715,
+ "norm_ops": 61300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.331028401559948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e261cb1c0d53cce6bdb1b5349059870ef05d8f1df74597280a532146cf65175",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:24.079000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:24.079000', 'bytes': 3254041600, 'norm_byte': 63549440, 'ops': 3177775, 'norm_ops': 62060, 'norm_ltcy': 16.131015473936515, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:24.079000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:24.079000",
+ "bytes": 3254041600,
+ "norm_byte": 63549440,
+ "ops": 3177775,
+ "norm_ops": 62060,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.131015473936515,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86a97a110e4e0b1e951d3d9835f7b76677e51f3783c2cd4d17766d1889c4ff1d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:25.080000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:25.080000', 'bytes': 3317881856, 'norm_byte': 63840256, 'ops': 3240119, 'norm_ops': 62344, 'norm_ltcy': 16.05761887922254, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:25.080000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:25.080000",
+ "bytes": 3317881856,
+ "norm_byte": 63840256,
+ "ops": 3240119,
+ "norm_ops": 62344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.05761887922254,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aec837b35f272fbf09d1141ee2e5cd6b0ef8227ac314b208b096819ab7f34119",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:26.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:26.081000', 'bytes': 3380288512, 'norm_byte': 62406656, 'ops': 3301063, 'norm_ops': 60944, 'norm_ltcy': 16.426493033050832, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:26.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:26.081000",
+ "bytes": 3380288512,
+ "norm_byte": 62406656,
+ "ops": 3301063,
+ "norm_ops": 60944,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.426493033050832,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a8eb599257ab410a61ed9b28cfbbd632a0a6193a384c31fbc4f0a79ae1d11bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:27.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:27.081000', 'bytes': 3442765824, 'norm_byte': 62477312, 'ops': 3362076, 'norm_ops': 61013, 'norm_ltcy': 16.39278271126645, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:27.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:27.081000",
+ "bytes": 3442765824,
+ "norm_byte": 62477312,
+ "ops": 3362076,
+ "norm_ops": 61013,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.39278271126645,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1f8c14c9077f15203eca41b8b95ab5c19d55c2b99f8ed2e1615fb5bc29df9b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:28.082000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:28.082000', 'bytes': 3505959936, 'norm_byte': 63194112, 'ops': 3423789, 'norm_ops': 61713, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2217328095377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:28.082000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:28.082000",
+ "bytes": 3505959936,
+ "norm_byte": 63194112,
+ "ops": 3423789,
+ "norm_ops": 61713,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2217328095377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf730b85978c4ea49bd7ce19e3159b3e845dc067dfaff5471ae67875233a7877",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:29.084000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:29.084000', 'bytes': 3569009664, 'norm_byte': 63049728, 'ops': 3485361, 'norm_ops': 61572, 'norm_ltcy': 16.25886078366587, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:29.084000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:29.084000",
+ "bytes": 3569009664,
+ "norm_byte": 63049728,
+ "ops": 3485361,
+ "norm_ops": 61572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.25886078366587,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8645f3abfe7bfcdaadcc22d9db1e8cd8e743818729ccbeb2a17395fcc14116d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:30.084000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:30.084000', 'bytes': 3633127424, 'norm_byte': 64117760, 'ops': 3547976, 'norm_ops': 62615, 'norm_ltcy': 15.983605790345763, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:30.084000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:30.084000",
+ "bytes": 3633127424,
+ "norm_byte": 64117760,
+ "ops": 3547976,
+ "norm_ops": 62615,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.983605790345763,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43e4284a140dad6bb7c2de65a885468721744765efb0842e97a9f520c9b23188",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:31.085000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:31.085000', 'bytes': 3699305472, 'norm_byte': 66178048, 'ops': 3612603, 'norm_ops': 64627, 'norm_ltcy': 15.490616314340368, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:31.085000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:31.085000",
+ "bytes": 3699305472,
+ "norm_byte": 66178048,
+ "ops": 3612603,
+ "norm_ops": 64627,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.490616314340368,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "724004a3378d67228fce311e27790b3e686cce3d9283bd12385d791ee3076fe8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:32.087000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:32.087000', 'bytes': 3762727936, 'norm_byte': 63422464, 'ops': 3674539, 'norm_ops': 61936, 'norm_ltcy': 16.163326609322525, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:32.087000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:32.087000",
+ "bytes": 3762727936,
+ "norm_byte": 63422464,
+ "ops": 3674539,
+ "norm_ops": 61936,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.163326609322525,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4107c0d42939810cbe63d3e210b84365d71657ad165072761f7168002edb48e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:35:33.288000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:35:33.288000', 'bytes': 3824995328, 'norm_byte': 62267392, 'ops': 3735347, 'norm_ops': 60808, 'norm_ltcy': 19.756833560654023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:35:33.288000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:35:33.288000",
+ "bytes": 3824995328,
+ "norm_byte": 62267392,
+ "ops": 3735347,
+ "norm_ops": 60808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.756833560654023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1619abc1-bed3-561f-87da-13d92acaeb49",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8f986133e48138d7d9e2ef524e200755b7cdc990ca66e508d12d24dd16796f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63749922.13333333
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62255.78333333333
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.431911322470015
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:35:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-031-220519203148/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-031-220519203148/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b3a428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-031-220519203148/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-031-220519203148/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-031-220519203148/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-031-220519203148/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-031-220519203148/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-031-220519203148/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a770a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-031-220519203148/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=40
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-032-220519203350/220519203350-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-032-220519203350/220519203350-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f725ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-032-220519203350/220519203350-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:36:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992593539.6687 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992594540.7849 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992594540.8975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992595541.9226 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:51534848 nr_ops:50327\ntimestamp_ms:1652992596542.9736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:103087104 nr_ops:100671\ntimestamp_ms:1652992597544.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:167945216 nr_ops:164009\ntimestamp_ms:1652992598545.0527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:220130304 nr_ops:214971\ntimestamp_ms:1652992599546.1011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:285895680 nr_ops:279195\ntimestamp_ms:1652992600547.1335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:351597568 nr_ops:343357\ntimestamp_ms:1652992601548.2646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:403921920 nr_ops:394455\ntimestamp_ms:1652992602549.3638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:468854784 nr_ops:457866\ntimestamp_ms:1652992603550.4600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:533924864 nr_ops:521411\ntimestamp_ms:1652992604551.5552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599135232 nr_ops:585093\ntimestamp_ms:1652992605552.6484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664167424 nr_ops:648601\ntimestamp_ms:1652992606553.7517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705199104 nr_ops:688671\ntimestamp_ms:1652992607554.8604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:739757056 nr_ops:722419\ntimestamp_ms:1652992608555.9583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:792225792 nr_ops:773658\ntimestamp_ms:1652992609557.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:857992192 nr_ops:837883\ntimestamp_ms:1652992610558.1514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:923628544 nr_ops:901981\ntimestamp_ms:1652992611559.2500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989273088 nr_ops:966087\ntimestamp_ms:1652992612560.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1041757184 nr_ops:1017341\ntimestamp_ms:1652992613561.4290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093782528 nr_ops:1068147\ntimestamp_ms:1652992614562.5227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1159023616 nr_ops:1131859\ntimestamp_ms:1652992615563.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1224000512 nr_ops:1195313\ntimestamp_ms:1652992616564.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1289137152 nr_ops:1258923\ntimestamp_ms:1652992617565.8071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1354238976 nr_ops:1322499\ntimestamp_ms:1652992618566.9189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1419430912 nr_ops:1386163\ntimestamp_ms:1652992619568.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484698624 nr_ops:1449901\ntimestamp_ms:1652992620569.1130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1549159424 nr_ops:1512851\ntimestamp_ms:1652992621570.2131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587700736 nr_ops:1550489\ntimestamp_ms:1652992622571.2983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1653382144 nr_ops:1614631\ntimestamp_ms:1652992623572.3943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1705452544 nr_ops:1665481\ntimestamp_ms:1652992624573.4849 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1770796032 nr_ops:1729293\ntimestamp_ms:1652992625574.5830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1824680960 nr_ops:1781915\ntimestamp_ms:1652992626575.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1879005184 nr_ops:1834966\ntimestamp_ms:1652992627576.2310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1942346752 nr_ops:1896823\ntimestamp_ms:1652992628577.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1992772608 nr_ops:1946067\ntimestamp_ms:1652992629578.3538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2043335680 nr_ops:1995445\ntimestamp_ms:1652992630579.4653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097949696 nr_ops:2048779\ntimestamp_ms:1652992631580.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157308928 nr_ops:2106747\ntimestamp_ms:1652992632581.6616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220408832 nr_ops:2168368\ntimestamp_ms:1652992633582.7629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2258463744 nr_ops:2205531\ntimestamp_ms:1652992634583.1809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323467264 nr_ops:2269011\ntimestamp_ms:1652992635584.2759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2388462592 nr_ops:2332483\ntimestamp_ms:1652992636585.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2453556224 nr_ops:2396051\ntimestamp_ms:1652992637586.4773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2518670336 nr_ops:2459639\ntimestamp_ms:1652992638587.5820 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2583755776 nr_ops:2523199\ntimestamp_ms:1652992639588.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648851456 nr_ops:2586769\ntimestamp_ms:1652992640589.7161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2713863168 nr_ops:2650257\ntimestamp_ms:1652992641590.8147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2778993664 nr_ops:2713861\ntimestamp_ms:1652992642591.9253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2844036096 nr_ops:2777379\ntimestamp_ms:1652992643593.0193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2909079552 nr_ops:2840898\ntimestamp_ms:1652992644594.1157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2974172160 nr_ops:2904465\ntimestamp_ms:1652992645595.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041766400 nr_ops:2970475\ntimestamp_ms:1652992646596.3972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3096562688 nr_ops:3023987\ntimestamp_ms:1652992647597.5061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3162792960 nr_ops:3088665\ntimestamp_ms:1652992648598.6104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3227952128 nr_ops:3152297\ntimestamp_ms:1652992649599.7036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3293166592 nr_ops:3215983\ntimestamp_ms:1652992650600.8000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358313472 nr_ops:3279603\ntimestamp_ms:1652992651601.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3423542272 nr_ops:3343303\ntimestamp_ms:1652992652603.0015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3488687104 nr_ops:3406921\ntimestamp_ms:1652992653604.0999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3540685824 nr_ops:3457701\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139884127516416\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.4124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3606238208 nr_ops:3521717\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.4924 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.5027 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654905.7046 name:Total nr_bytes:3606238208 nr_ops:3521718\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.6274 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7212476414 nr_ops:7043436\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.6287 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3606238208 nr_ops:3521720\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 361.46us 0.00ns 361.46us 361.46us \nTxn1 1760859 34.06us 0.00ns 209.20ms 18.48us \nTxn2 1 51.46us 0.00ns 51.46us 51.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 360.88us 0.00ns 360.88us 360.88us \nwrite 1760859 2.60us 0.00ns 123.69us 2.27us \nread 1760858 31.37us 0.00ns 209.20ms 1.18us \ndisconnect 1 50.68us 0.00ns 50.68us 50.68us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 28234 28234 246.20Mb/s 246.20Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.73b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.127 62.37s 3.36GB 462.58Mb/s 3521719 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.36GB 462.58Mb/s 3521720 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417436, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992593539.6687 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992594540.7849 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992594540.8975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992595541.9226 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:51534848 nr_ops:50327\ntimestamp_ms:1652992596542.9736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:103087104 nr_ops:100671\ntimestamp_ms:1652992597544.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:167945216 nr_ops:164009\ntimestamp_ms:1652992598545.0527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:220130304 nr_ops:214971\ntimestamp_ms:1652992599546.1011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:285895680 nr_ops:279195\ntimestamp_ms:1652992600547.1335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:351597568 nr_ops:343357\ntimestamp_ms:1652992601548.2646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:403921920 nr_ops:394455\ntimestamp_ms:1652992602549.3638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:468854784 nr_ops:457866\ntimestamp_ms:1652992603550.4600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:533924864 nr_ops:521411\ntimestamp_ms:1652992604551.5552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599135232 nr_ops:585093\ntimestamp_ms:1652992605552.6484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664167424 nr_ops:648601\ntimestamp_ms:1652992606553.7517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705199104 nr_ops:688671\ntimestamp_ms:1652992607554.8604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:739757056 nr_ops:722419\ntimestamp_ms:1652992608555.9583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:792225792 nr_ops:773658\ntimestamp_ms:1652992609557.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:857992192 nr_ops:837883\ntimestamp_ms:1652992610558.1514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:923628544 nr_ops:901981\ntimestamp_ms:1652992611559.2500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989273088 nr_ops:966087\ntimestamp_ms:1652992612560.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1041757184 nr_ops:1017341\ntimestamp_ms:1652992613561.4290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093782528 nr_ops:1068147\ntimestamp_ms:1652992614562.5227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1159023616 nr_ops:1131859\ntimestamp_ms:1652992615563.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1224000512 nr_ops:1195313\ntimestamp_ms:1652992616564.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1289137152 nr_ops:1258923\ntimestamp_ms:1652992617565.8071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1354238976 nr_ops:1322499\ntimestamp_ms:1652992618566.9189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1419430912 nr_ops:1386163\ntimestamp_ms:1652992619568.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484698624 nr_ops:1449901\ntimestamp_ms:1652992620569.1130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1549159424 nr_ops:1512851\ntimestamp_ms:1652992621570.2131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587700736 nr_ops:1550489\ntimestamp_ms:1652992622571.2983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1653382144 nr_ops:1614631\ntimestamp_ms:1652992623572.3943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1705452544 nr_ops:1665481\ntimestamp_ms:1652992624573.4849 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1770796032 nr_ops:1729293\ntimestamp_ms:1652992625574.5830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1824680960 nr_ops:1781915\ntimestamp_ms:1652992626575.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1879005184 nr_ops:1834966\ntimestamp_ms:1652992627576.2310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1942346752 nr_ops:1896823\ntimestamp_ms:1652992628577.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1992772608 nr_ops:1946067\ntimestamp_ms:1652992629578.3538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2043335680 nr_ops:1995445\ntimestamp_ms:1652992630579.4653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097949696 nr_ops:2048779\ntimestamp_ms:1652992631580.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157308928 nr_ops:2106747\ntimestamp_ms:1652992632581.6616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220408832 nr_ops:2168368\ntimestamp_ms:1652992633582.7629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2258463744 nr_ops:2205531\ntimestamp_ms:1652992634583.1809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323467264 nr_ops:2269011\ntimestamp_ms:1652992635584.2759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2388462592 nr_ops:2332483\ntimestamp_ms:1652992636585.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2453556224 nr_ops:2396051\ntimestamp_ms:1652992637586.4773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2518670336 nr_ops:2459639\ntimestamp_ms:1652992638587.5820 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2583755776 nr_ops:2523199\ntimestamp_ms:1652992639588.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648851456 nr_ops:2586769\ntimestamp_ms:1652992640589.7161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2713863168 nr_ops:2650257\ntimestamp_ms:1652992641590.8147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2778993664 nr_ops:2713861\ntimestamp_ms:1652992642591.9253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2844036096 nr_ops:2777379\ntimestamp_ms:1652992643593.0193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2909079552 nr_ops:2840898\ntimestamp_ms:1652992644594.1157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2974172160 nr_ops:2904465\ntimestamp_ms:1652992645595.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041766400 nr_ops:2970475\ntimestamp_ms:1652992646596.3972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3096562688 nr_ops:3023987\ntimestamp_ms:1652992647597.5061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3162792960 nr_ops:3088665\ntimestamp_ms:1652992648598.6104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3227952128 nr_ops:3152297\ntimestamp_ms:1652992649599.7036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3293166592 nr_ops:3215983\ntimestamp_ms:1652992650600.8000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358313472 nr_ops:3279603\ntimestamp_ms:1652992651601.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3423542272 nr_ops:3343303\ntimestamp_ms:1652992652603.0015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3488687104 nr_ops:3406921\ntimestamp_ms:1652992653604.0999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3540685824 nr_ops:3457701\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139884127516416\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.4124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3606238208 nr_ops:3521717\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.4924 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.5027 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654905.7046 name:Total nr_bytes:3606238208 nr_ops:3521718\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.6274 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7212476414 nr_ops:7043436\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.6287 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3606238208 nr_ops:3521720\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 361.46us 0.00ns 361.46us 361.46us \nTxn1 1760859 34.06us 0.00ns 209.20ms 18.48us \nTxn2 1 51.46us 0.00ns 51.46us 51.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 360.88us 0.00ns 360.88us 360.88us \nwrite 1760859 2.60us 0.00ns 123.69us 2.27us \nread 1760858 31.37us 0.00ns 209.20ms 1.18us \ndisconnect 1 50.68us 0.00ns 50.68us 50.68us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 28234 28234 246.20Mb/s 246.20Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.73b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.127 62.37s 3.36GB 462.58Mb/s 3521719 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.36GB 462.58Mb/s 3521720 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417436, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992593539.6687 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992594540.7849 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992594540.8975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992595541.9226 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:51534848 nr_ops:50327\ntimestamp_ms:1652992596542.9736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:103087104 nr_ops:100671\ntimestamp_ms:1652992597544.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:167945216 nr_ops:164009\ntimestamp_ms:1652992598545.0527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:220130304 nr_ops:214971\ntimestamp_ms:1652992599546.1011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:285895680 nr_ops:279195\ntimestamp_ms:1652992600547.1335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:351597568 nr_ops:343357\ntimestamp_ms:1652992601548.2646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:403921920 nr_ops:394455\ntimestamp_ms:1652992602549.3638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:468854784 nr_ops:457866\ntimestamp_ms:1652992603550.4600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:533924864 nr_ops:521411\ntimestamp_ms:1652992604551.5552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599135232 nr_ops:585093\ntimestamp_ms:1652992605552.6484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664167424 nr_ops:648601\ntimestamp_ms:1652992606553.7517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705199104 nr_ops:688671\ntimestamp_ms:1652992607554.8604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:739757056 nr_ops:722419\ntimestamp_ms:1652992608555.9583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:792225792 nr_ops:773658\ntimestamp_ms:1652992609557.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:857992192 nr_ops:837883\ntimestamp_ms:1652992610558.1514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:923628544 nr_ops:901981\ntimestamp_ms:1652992611559.2500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989273088 nr_ops:966087\ntimestamp_ms:1652992612560.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1041757184 nr_ops:1017341\ntimestamp_ms:1652992613561.4290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093782528 nr_ops:1068147\ntimestamp_ms:1652992614562.5227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1159023616 nr_ops:1131859\ntimestamp_ms:1652992615563.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1224000512 nr_ops:1195313\ntimestamp_ms:1652992616564.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1289137152 nr_ops:1258923\ntimestamp_ms:1652992617565.8071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1354238976 nr_ops:1322499\ntimestamp_ms:1652992618566.9189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1419430912 nr_ops:1386163\ntimestamp_ms:1652992619568.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484698624 nr_ops:1449901\ntimestamp_ms:1652992620569.1130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1549159424 nr_ops:1512851\ntimestamp_ms:1652992621570.2131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587700736 nr_ops:1550489\ntimestamp_ms:1652992622571.2983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1653382144 nr_ops:1614631\ntimestamp_ms:1652992623572.3943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1705452544 nr_ops:1665481\ntimestamp_ms:1652992624573.4849 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1770796032 nr_ops:1729293\ntimestamp_ms:1652992625574.5830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1824680960 nr_ops:1781915\ntimestamp_ms:1652992626575.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1879005184 nr_ops:1834966\ntimestamp_ms:1652992627576.2310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1942346752 nr_ops:1896823\ntimestamp_ms:1652992628577.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1992772608 nr_ops:1946067\ntimestamp_ms:1652992629578.3538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2043335680 nr_ops:1995445\ntimestamp_ms:1652992630579.4653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097949696 nr_ops:2048779\ntimestamp_ms:1652992631580.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157308928 nr_ops:2106747\ntimestamp_ms:1652992632581.6616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220408832 nr_ops:2168368\ntimestamp_ms:1652992633582.7629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2258463744 nr_ops:2205531\ntimestamp_ms:1652992634583.1809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323467264 nr_ops:2269011\ntimestamp_ms:1652992635584.2759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2388462592 nr_ops:2332483\ntimestamp_ms:1652992636585.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2453556224 nr_ops:2396051\ntimestamp_ms:1652992637586.4773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2518670336 nr_ops:2459639\ntimestamp_ms:1652992638587.5820 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2583755776 nr_ops:2523199\ntimestamp_ms:1652992639588.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648851456 nr_ops:2586769\ntimestamp_ms:1652992640589.7161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2713863168 nr_ops:2650257\ntimestamp_ms:1652992641590.8147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2778993664 nr_ops:2713861\ntimestamp_ms:1652992642591.9253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2844036096 nr_ops:2777379\ntimestamp_ms:1652992643593.0193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2909079552 nr_ops:2840898\ntimestamp_ms:1652992644594.1157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2974172160 nr_ops:2904465\ntimestamp_ms:1652992645595.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041766400 nr_ops:2970475\ntimestamp_ms:1652992646596.3972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3096562688 nr_ops:3023987\ntimestamp_ms:1652992647597.5061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3162792960 nr_ops:3088665\ntimestamp_ms:1652992648598.6104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3227952128 nr_ops:3152297\ntimestamp_ms:1652992649599.7036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3293166592 nr_ops:3215983\ntimestamp_ms:1652992650600.8000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358313472 nr_ops:3279603\ntimestamp_ms:1652992651601.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3423542272 nr_ops:3343303\ntimestamp_ms:1652992652603.0015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3488687104 nr_ops:3406921\ntimestamp_ms:1652992653604.0999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3540685824 nr_ops:3457701\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139884127516416\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.4124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3606238208 nr_ops:3521717\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.4924 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.5027 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654905.7046 name:Total nr_bytes:3606238208 nr_ops:3521718\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.6274 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7212476414 nr_ops:7043436\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992654805.6287 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3606238208 nr_ops:3521720\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 361.46us 0.00ns 361.46us 361.46us \nTxn1 1760859 34.06us 0.00ns 209.20ms 18.48us \nTxn2 1 51.46us 0.00ns 51.46us 51.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 360.88us 0.00ns 360.88us 360.88us \nwrite 1760859 2.60us 0.00ns 123.69us 2.27us \nread 1760858 31.37us 0.00ns 209.20ms 1.18us \ndisconnect 1 50.68us 0.00ns 50.68us 50.68us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 28234 28234 246.20Mb/s 246.20Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.73b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.127 62.37s 3.36GB 462.58Mb/s 3521719 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.36GB 462.58Mb/s 3521720 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417436, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992593539.6687 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992594540.7849 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992594540.8975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992595541.9226 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:51534848 nr_ops:50327
+timestamp_ms:1652992596542.9736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:103087104 nr_ops:100671
+timestamp_ms:1652992597544.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:167945216 nr_ops:164009
+timestamp_ms:1652992598545.0527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:220130304 nr_ops:214971
+timestamp_ms:1652992599546.1011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:285895680 nr_ops:279195
+timestamp_ms:1652992600547.1335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:351597568 nr_ops:343357
+timestamp_ms:1652992601548.2646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:403921920 nr_ops:394455
+timestamp_ms:1652992602549.3638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:468854784 nr_ops:457866
+timestamp_ms:1652992603550.4600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:533924864 nr_ops:521411
+timestamp_ms:1652992604551.5552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599135232 nr_ops:585093
+timestamp_ms:1652992605552.6484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664167424 nr_ops:648601
+timestamp_ms:1652992606553.7517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705199104 nr_ops:688671
+timestamp_ms:1652992607554.8604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:739757056 nr_ops:722419
+timestamp_ms:1652992608555.9583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:792225792 nr_ops:773658
+timestamp_ms:1652992609557.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:857992192 nr_ops:837883
+timestamp_ms:1652992610558.1514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:923628544 nr_ops:901981
+timestamp_ms:1652992611559.2500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989273088 nr_ops:966087
+timestamp_ms:1652992612560.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1041757184 nr_ops:1017341
+timestamp_ms:1652992613561.4290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093782528 nr_ops:1068147
+timestamp_ms:1652992614562.5227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1159023616 nr_ops:1131859
+timestamp_ms:1652992615563.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1224000512 nr_ops:1195313
+timestamp_ms:1652992616564.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1289137152 nr_ops:1258923
+timestamp_ms:1652992617565.8071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1354238976 nr_ops:1322499
+timestamp_ms:1652992618566.9189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1419430912 nr_ops:1386163
+timestamp_ms:1652992619568.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484698624 nr_ops:1449901
+timestamp_ms:1652992620569.1130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1549159424 nr_ops:1512851
+timestamp_ms:1652992621570.2131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587700736 nr_ops:1550489
+timestamp_ms:1652992622571.2983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1653382144 nr_ops:1614631
+timestamp_ms:1652992623572.3943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1705452544 nr_ops:1665481
+timestamp_ms:1652992624573.4849 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1770796032 nr_ops:1729293
+timestamp_ms:1652992625574.5830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1824680960 nr_ops:1781915
+timestamp_ms:1652992626575.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1879005184 nr_ops:1834966
+timestamp_ms:1652992627576.2310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1942346752 nr_ops:1896823
+timestamp_ms:1652992628577.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1992772608 nr_ops:1946067
+timestamp_ms:1652992629578.3538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2043335680 nr_ops:1995445
+timestamp_ms:1652992630579.4653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097949696 nr_ops:2048779
+timestamp_ms:1652992631580.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157308928 nr_ops:2106747
+timestamp_ms:1652992632581.6616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220408832 nr_ops:2168368
+timestamp_ms:1652992633582.7629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2258463744 nr_ops:2205531
+timestamp_ms:1652992634583.1809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323467264 nr_ops:2269011
+timestamp_ms:1652992635584.2759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2388462592 nr_ops:2332483
+timestamp_ms:1652992636585.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2453556224 nr_ops:2396051
+timestamp_ms:1652992637586.4773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2518670336 nr_ops:2459639
+timestamp_ms:1652992638587.5820 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2583755776 nr_ops:2523199
+timestamp_ms:1652992639588.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648851456 nr_ops:2586769
+timestamp_ms:1652992640589.7161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2713863168 nr_ops:2650257
+timestamp_ms:1652992641590.8147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2778993664 nr_ops:2713861
+timestamp_ms:1652992642591.9253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2844036096 nr_ops:2777379
+timestamp_ms:1652992643593.0193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2909079552 nr_ops:2840898
+timestamp_ms:1652992644594.1157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2974172160 nr_ops:2904465
+timestamp_ms:1652992645595.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041766400 nr_ops:2970475
+timestamp_ms:1652992646596.3972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3096562688 nr_ops:3023987
+timestamp_ms:1652992647597.5061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3162792960 nr_ops:3088665
+timestamp_ms:1652992648598.6104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3227952128 nr_ops:3152297
+timestamp_ms:1652992649599.7036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3293166592 nr_ops:3215983
+timestamp_ms:1652992650600.8000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358313472 nr_ops:3279603
+timestamp_ms:1652992651601.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3423542272 nr_ops:3343303
+timestamp_ms:1652992652603.0015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3488687104 nr_ops:3406921
+timestamp_ms:1652992653604.0999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3540685824 nr_ops:3457701
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139884127516416
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652992654805.4124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3606238208 nr_ops:3521717
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992654805.4924 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992654805.5027 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992654905.7046 name:Total nr_bytes:3606238208 nr_ops:3521718
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992654805.6274 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7212476414 nr_ops:7043436
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992654805.6287 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3606238208 nr_ops:3521720
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 361.46us 0.00ns 361.46us 361.46us
+Txn1 1760859 34.06us 0.00ns 209.20ms 18.48us
+Txn2 1 51.46us 0.00ns 51.46us 51.46us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 360.88us 0.00ns 360.88us 360.88us
+write 1760859 2.60us 0.00ns 123.69us 2.27us
+read 1760858 31.37us 0.00ns 209.20ms 1.18us
+disconnect 1 50.68us 0.00ns 50.68us 50.68us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 28234 28234 246.20Mb/s 246.20Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.73b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.127 62.37s 3.36GB 462.58Mb/s 3521719 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.36GB 462.58Mb/s 3521720 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:35.541000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:35.541000', 'bytes': 51534848, 'norm_byte': 51534848, 'ops': 50327, 'norm_ops': 50327, 'norm_ltcy': 19.89041958559769, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:35.541000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:35.541000",
+ "bytes": 51534848,
+ "norm_byte": 51534848,
+ "ops": 50327,
+ "norm_ops": 50327,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.89041958559769,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3f92580ea8ce91da380784b8f9bd32b661dbd52ac5e5244e1cb5765e82de31a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:36.542000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:36.542000', 'bytes': 103087104, 'norm_byte': 51552256, 'ops': 100671, 'norm_ops': 50344, 'norm_ltcy': 19.884217094204374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:36.542000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:36.542000",
+ "bytes": 103087104,
+ "norm_byte": 51552256,
+ "ops": 100671,
+ "norm_ops": 50344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.884217094204374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f4f67b2bf4bb9199095409fd9e251965748da5844026bdef9e22b93ac0de5d1a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:37.544000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:37.544000', 'bytes': 167945216, 'norm_byte': 64858112, 'ops': 164009, 'norm_ops': 63338, 'norm_ltcy': 15.804642139444331, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:37.544000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:37.544000",
+ "bytes": 167945216,
+ "norm_byte": 64858112,
+ "ops": 164009,
+ "norm_ops": 63338,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.804642139444331,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d455d99ba0e89feb502378a4a93b8d63884fa6f469ab3669b0562f24fb78768",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:38.545000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:38.545000', 'bytes': 220130304, 'norm_byte': 52185088, 'ops': 214971, 'norm_ops': 50962, 'norm_ltcy': 19.642962947576134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:38.545000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:38.545000",
+ "bytes": 220130304,
+ "norm_byte": 52185088,
+ "ops": 214971,
+ "norm_ops": 50962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.642962947576134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "24e9289e72875d577ada5ad5a8873d1bd60038c5404c00433f2112094bebf728",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:39.546000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:39.546000', 'bytes': 285895680, 'norm_byte': 65765376, 'ops': 279195, 'norm_ops': 64224, 'norm_ltcy': 15.586826417597004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:39.546000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:39.546000",
+ "bytes": 285895680,
+ "norm_byte": 65765376,
+ "ops": 279195,
+ "norm_ops": 64224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.586826417597004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "068c87b793f7522ebe566755fefe207b931860f45b53e7f01543e16489e8237b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:40.547000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:40.547000', 'bytes': 351597568, 'norm_byte': 65701888, 'ops': 343357, 'norm_ops': 64162, 'norm_ltcy': 15.601640701710124, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:40.547000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:40.547000",
+ "bytes": 351597568,
+ "norm_byte": 65701888,
+ "ops": 343357,
+ "norm_ops": 64162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.601640701710124,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7321ac7b584db70175a61247846524683391490e3178d02b557c7b3341a02d01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:41.548000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:41.548000', 'bytes': 403921920, 'norm_byte': 52324352, 'ops': 394455, 'norm_ops': 51098, 'norm_ltcy': 19.592373547215644, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:41.548000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:41.548000",
+ "bytes": 403921920,
+ "norm_byte": 52324352,
+ "ops": 394455,
+ "norm_ops": 51098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.592373547215644,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b23ce8fecba685be810e0cf6f456a777bfd5e1419f1b8a7263a5ddce02ec4ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:42.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:42.549000', 'bytes': 468854784, 'norm_byte': 64932864, 'ops': 457866, 'norm_ops': 63411, 'norm_ltcy': 15.78746780674883, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:42.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:42.549000",
+ "bytes": 468854784,
+ "norm_byte": 64932864,
+ "ops": 457866,
+ "norm_ops": 63411,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.78746780674883,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d1fc22b9bbb2b655b89d02604fee489742f17e1c3c1306b5d62aa0a44d3d147",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:43.550000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:43.550000', 'bytes': 533924864, 'norm_byte': 65070080, 'ops': 521411, 'norm_ops': 63545, 'norm_ltcy': 15.754130008753638, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:43.550000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:43.550000",
+ "bytes": 533924864,
+ "norm_byte": 65070080,
+ "ops": 521411,
+ "norm_ops": 63545,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.754130008753638,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d7bcc7ae65b6f854d14fbbf85901caaf44cfb4e379e118c69b8a3bef8b316b9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:44.551000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:44.551000', 'bytes': 599135232, 'norm_byte': 65210368, 'ops': 585093, 'norm_ops': 63682, 'norm_ltcy': 15.720222587917307, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:44.551000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:44.551000",
+ "bytes": 599135232,
+ "norm_byte": 65210368,
+ "ops": 585093,
+ "norm_ops": 63682,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.720222587917307,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7da00d16fe5da290a038bc69a7995dfaaa59c0a36ef0116ecd80f0747a0e74a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:45.552000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:45.552000', 'bytes': 664167424, 'norm_byte': 65032192, 'ops': 648601, 'norm_ops': 63508, 'norm_ltcy': 15.76326229323471, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:45.552000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:45.552000",
+ "bytes": 664167424,
+ "norm_byte": 65032192,
+ "ops": 648601,
+ "norm_ops": 63508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.76326229323471,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d81c415d6653da4e5fff58ded54689348b863bfaa8b757a8d507da2076b867bd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:46.553000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:46.553000', 'bytes': 705199104, 'norm_byte': 41031680, 'ops': 688671, 'norm_ops': 40070, 'norm_ltcy': 24.98386003205328, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:46.553000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:46.553000",
+ "bytes": 705199104,
+ "norm_byte": 41031680,
+ "ops": 688671,
+ "norm_ops": 40070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.98386003205328,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd50cb7f053cea38894a7e7fdfbf4a30475284d2e0f28d7db68906183eae102f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:47.554000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:47.554000', 'bytes': 739757056, 'norm_byte': 34557952, 'ops': 722419, 'norm_ops': 33748, 'norm_ltcy': 29.664236179273587, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:47.554000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:47.554000",
+ "bytes": 739757056,
+ "norm_byte": 34557952,
+ "ops": 722419,
+ "norm_ops": 33748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.664236179273587,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "58907b7260c42cfe3c22a303dffd1a72f09f5d6d14d0690bd2dc695f0a1bf6e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:48.555000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:48.555000', 'bytes': 792225792, 'norm_byte': 52468736, 'ops': 773658, 'norm_ops': 51239, 'norm_ltcy': 19.537811049993657, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:48.555000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:48.555000",
+ "bytes": 792225792,
+ "norm_byte": 52468736,
+ "ops": 773658,
+ "norm_ops": 51239,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.537811049993657,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b429c1cbd49139e1ac53baceb5debc9a8f798c24614576f6726c89ee2f8990ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:49.557000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:49.557000', 'bytes': 857992192, 'norm_byte': 65766400, 'ops': 837883, 'norm_ops': 64225, 'norm_ltcy': 15.5873173839529, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:49.557000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:49.557000",
+ "bytes": 857992192,
+ "norm_byte": 65766400,
+ "ops": 837883,
+ "norm_ops": 64225,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.5873173839529,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b3ac07a1955902d2b2dba21d4506bd9c795b5751e81f66770077805135192ca3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:50.558000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:50.558000', 'bytes': 923628544, 'norm_byte': 65636352, 'ops': 901981, 'norm_ops': 64098, 'norm_ltcy': 15.618235455864456, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:50.558000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:50.558000",
+ "bytes": 923628544,
+ "norm_byte": 65636352,
+ "ops": 901981,
+ "norm_ops": 64098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.618235455864456,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52159e7c17000942cff88945593bf59fe87bb80aebf5e00df93ccbb35c4a2edf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:51.559000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:51.559000', 'bytes': 989273088, 'norm_byte': 65644544, 'ops': 966087, 'norm_ops': 64106, 'norm_ltcy': 15.616301638107197, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:51.559000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:51.559000",
+ "bytes": 989273088,
+ "norm_byte": 65644544,
+ "ops": 966087,
+ "norm_ops": 64106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.616301638107197,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c7c6aac4aa1b9e9b0f781da80256087341b6cd00a4d8f61dbd6989f93b4474a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:52.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:52.560000', 'bytes': 1041757184, 'norm_byte': 52484096, 'ops': 1017341, 'norm_ops': 51254, 'norm_ltcy': 19.53188352524925, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:52.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:52.560000",
+ "bytes": 1041757184,
+ "norm_byte": 52484096,
+ "ops": 1017341,
+ "norm_ops": 51254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.53188352524925,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c45f15b4ee33366d8a493f13adac846ff7726ba0af0ca37a476809ce8caf3b5c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:53.561000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:53.561000', 'bytes': 1093782528, 'norm_byte': 52025344, 'ops': 1068147, 'norm_ops': 50806, 'norm_ltcy': 19.704204166338624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:53.561000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:53.561000",
+ "bytes": 1093782528,
+ "norm_byte": 52025344,
+ "ops": 1068147,
+ "norm_ops": 50806,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.704204166338624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e55b96ef76c0237db3495b51d95984c9d12ee4805894ca94506ab8c7a60b9c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:54.562000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:54.562000', 'bytes': 1159023616, 'norm_byte': 65241088, 'ops': 1131859, 'norm_ops': 63712, 'norm_ltcy': 15.712797432194877, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:54.562000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:54.562000",
+ "bytes": 1159023616,
+ "norm_byte": 65241088,
+ "ops": 1131859,
+ "norm_ops": 63712,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.712797432194877,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5774946f88aa8961d0b5e58423a01789fb96fd73ae07d47ce0fa14e7d1788ddf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:55.563000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:55.563000', 'bytes': 1224000512, 'norm_byte': 64976896, 'ops': 1195313, 'norm_ops': 63454, 'norm_ltcy': 15.77668468496864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:55.563000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:55.563000",
+ "bytes": 1224000512,
+ "norm_byte": 64976896,
+ "ops": 1195313,
+ "norm_ops": 63454,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.77668468496864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a049fe0c554f851f8a40b5acaede41a946eceb549721c5d8fb54c0531e2bb08",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:56.564000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:56.564000', 'bytes': 1289137152, 'norm_byte': 65136640, 'ops': 1258923, 'norm_ops': 63610, 'norm_ltcy': 15.737977887714198, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:56.564000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:56.564000",
+ "bytes": 1289137152,
+ "norm_byte": 65136640,
+ "ops": 1258923,
+ "norm_ops": 63610,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.737977887714198,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "61a18339b8616c21a0ff2bdb09bd83f9fb546454c422df416720ceb0c90fbc53",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:57.565000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:57.565000', 'bytes': 1354238976, 'norm_byte': 65101824, 'ops': 1322499, 'norm_ops': 63576, 'norm_ltcy': 15.746475091081933, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:57.565000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:57.565000",
+ "bytes": 1354238976,
+ "norm_byte": 65101824,
+ "ops": 1322499,
+ "norm_ops": 63576,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.746475091081933,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ccd7f69e86e359847a62954b429fcdc212876e40c81405d180e5f1de875b36e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:58.566000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:58.566000', 'bytes': 1419430912, 'norm_byte': 65191936, 'ops': 1386163, 'norm_ops': 63664, 'norm_ltcy': 15.724928003365324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:58.566000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:58.566000",
+ "bytes": 1419430912,
+ "norm_byte": 65191936,
+ "ops": 1386163,
+ "norm_ops": 63664,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.724928003365324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d23f2ecdf6c114f1b87c58701755b878447b99ff68ce2fbfc5159fa333f603bd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:36:59.568000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:36:59.568000', 'bytes': 1484698624, 'norm_byte': 65267712, 'ops': 1449901, 'norm_ops': 63738, 'norm_ltcy': 15.706441494379334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:36:59.568000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:36:59.568000",
+ "bytes": 1484698624,
+ "norm_byte": 65267712,
+ "ops": 1449901,
+ "norm_ops": 63738,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.706441494379334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e18aa3685ec4396873ffdbab28c7cbf82f74f90fa8315344bdebd619f19316b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:00.569000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:00.569000', 'bytes': 1549159424, 'norm_byte': 64460800, 'ops': 1512851, 'norm_ops': 62950, 'norm_ltcy': 15.903048829676331, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:00.569000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:00.569000",
+ "bytes": 1549159424,
+ "norm_byte": 64460800,
+ "ops": 1512851,
+ "norm_ops": 62950,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.903048829676331,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "320c408e6d75597115357d9ee99cc0e473e382e54a5598b84b7963d8fa78d593",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:01.570000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:01.570000', 'bytes': 1587700736, 'norm_byte': 38541312, 'ops': 1550489, 'norm_ops': 37638, 'norm_ltcy': 26.598121516984165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:01.570000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:01.570000",
+ "bytes": 1587700736,
+ "norm_byte": 38541312,
+ "ops": 1550489,
+ "norm_ops": 37638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.598121516984165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a20253d3b4a374a8884b578f7f6c48f4687569aec1ef801c46029554de9b00a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:02.571000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:02.571000', 'bytes': 1653382144, 'norm_byte': 65681408, 'ops': 1614631, 'norm_ops': 64142, 'norm_ltcy': 15.607327571296889, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:02.571000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:02.571000",
+ "bytes": 1653382144,
+ "norm_byte": 65681408,
+ "ops": 1614631,
+ "norm_ops": 64142,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.607327571296889,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b0b3a7acc5a509168757c1108c55334b2d0b4e3e59cf0c294c44ea38ea69f13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:03.572000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:03.572000', 'bytes': 1705452544, 'norm_byte': 52070400, 'ops': 1665481, 'norm_ops': 50850, 'norm_ltcy': 19.68723593442724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:03.572000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:03.572000",
+ "bytes": 1705452544,
+ "norm_byte": 52070400,
+ "ops": 1665481,
+ "norm_ops": 50850,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.68723593442724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b1aa21ae53e3a92a31848c9be9534eeca7ad2a1b768d2445796621bb11e6da7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:04.573000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:04.573000', 'bytes': 1770796032, 'norm_byte': 65343488, 'ops': 1729293, 'norm_ops': 63812, 'norm_ltcy': 15.688124117280058, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:04.573000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:04.573000",
+ "bytes": 1770796032,
+ "norm_byte": 65343488,
+ "ops": 1729293,
+ "norm_ops": 63812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.688124117280058,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "330d2a3cdf73226c65df97fdea8babb8e7a40c9f657d0438f50207f3f7fb9158",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:05.574000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:05.574000', 'bytes': 1824680960, 'norm_byte': 53884928, 'ops': 1781915, 'norm_ops': 52622, 'norm_ltcy': 19.024327173639353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:05.574000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:05.574000",
+ "bytes": 1824680960,
+ "norm_byte": 53884928,
+ "ops": 1781915,
+ "norm_ops": 52622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.024327173639353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8aba1ee5eb2676936d9f65d0dab4b346348b7b32c42698ca3f1003edb221acd1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:06.575000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:06.575000', 'bytes': 1879005184, 'norm_byte': 54324224, 'ops': 1834966, 'norm_ops': 53051, 'norm_ltcy': 18.86014975565965, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:06.575000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:06.575000",
+ "bytes": 1879005184,
+ "norm_byte": 54324224,
+ "ops": 1834966,
+ "norm_ops": 53051,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.86014975565965,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "530066bff9a9e693590061e521ecaca13375a6b169bf73f9c06e91d33369f3c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:07.576000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:07.576000', 'bytes': 1942346752, 'norm_byte': 63341568, 'ops': 1896823, 'norm_ops': 61857, 'norm_ltcy': 16.184072045706223, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:07.576000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:07.576000",
+ "bytes": 1942346752,
+ "norm_byte": 63341568,
+ "ops": 1896823,
+ "norm_ops": 61857,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.184072045706223,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e52963c4d908456c3b20d9c892ab4e7253d29e53c7cbeae154c76f665474e5a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:08.577000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:08.577000', 'bytes': 1992772608, 'norm_byte': 50425856, 'ops': 1946067, 'norm_ops': 49244, 'norm_ltcy': 20.32805848650343, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:08.577000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:08.577000",
+ "bytes": 1992772608,
+ "norm_byte": 50425856,
+ "ops": 1946067,
+ "norm_ops": 49244,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.32805848650343,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a21c5a24af70678d70c14f04b8f818e9e9e25aeb48fb29bb33f763907e5be8c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:09.578000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:09.578000', 'bytes': 2043335680, 'norm_byte': 50563072, 'ops': 1995445, 'norm_ops': 49378, 'norm_ltcy': 20.27396594890437, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:09.578000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:09.578000",
+ "bytes": 2043335680,
+ "norm_byte": 50563072,
+ "ops": 1995445,
+ "norm_ops": 49378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.27396594890437,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4e287a0da556d9c2d76fc4450449bb65a83022e8fe7d0845247f7b9e1abba2f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:10.579000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:10.579000', 'bytes': 2097949696, 'norm_byte': 54614016, 'ops': 2048779, 'norm_ops': 53334, 'norm_ltcy': 18.770607347388626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:10.579000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:10.579000",
+ "bytes": 2097949696,
+ "norm_byte": 54614016,
+ "ops": 2048779,
+ "norm_ops": 53334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.770607347388626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b71ee046af318e33250f09ab4e9edf8788dfc40999ef90f94774955a5c1834c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:11.580000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:11.580000', 'bytes': 2157308928, 'norm_byte': 59359232, 'ops': 2106747, 'norm_ops': 57968, 'norm_ltcy': 17.269828389962996, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:11.580000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:11.580000",
+ "bytes": 2157308928,
+ "norm_byte": 59359232,
+ "ops": 2106747,
+ "norm_ops": 57968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.269828389962996,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7db46ac65a9f00d40b39684108db4657b2d8c124bae5e9d5fe7fbd7e23bb72ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:12.581000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:12.581000', 'bytes': 2220408832, 'norm_byte': 63099904, 'ops': 2168368, 'norm_ops': 61621, 'norm_ltcy': 16.246066713508785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:12.581000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:12.581000",
+ "bytes": 2220408832,
+ "norm_byte": 63099904,
+ "ops": 2168368,
+ "norm_ops": 61621,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.246066713508785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7121c4edf583640308d20bf2d6858e7653bedde916e81d206f005b484f776759",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:13.582000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:13.582000', 'bytes': 2258463744, 'norm_byte': 38054912, 'ops': 2205531, 'norm_ops': 37163, 'norm_ltcy': 26.938119052804538, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:13.582000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:13.582000",
+ "bytes": 2258463744,
+ "norm_byte": 38054912,
+ "ops": 2205531,
+ "norm_ops": 37163,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.938119052804538,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d83128846983dab9ededf6dc245a694b3414873649dd826e9e79344cad313bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:14.583000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:14.583000', 'bytes': 2323467264, 'norm_byte': 65003520, 'ops': 2269011, 'norm_ops': 63480, 'norm_ltcy': 15.759577327504726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:14.583000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:14.583000",
+ "bytes": 2323467264,
+ "norm_byte": 65003520,
+ "ops": 2269011,
+ "norm_ops": 63480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.759577327504726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f4a9ae29b9d74e97badc3c9fefa30338f1d9b82dbccf17cc36b5589bc1387c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:15.584000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:15.584000', 'bytes': 2388462592, 'norm_byte': 64995328, 'ops': 2332483, 'norm_ops': 63472, 'norm_ltcy': 15.772229813195187, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:15.584000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:15.584000",
+ "bytes": 2388462592,
+ "norm_byte": 64995328,
+ "ops": 2332483,
+ "norm_ops": 63472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.772229813195187,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a7c0656f566afb4bea4ef76ccea1c13ff633f604aef94c79695d2b7fa935dc9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:16.585000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:16.585000', 'bytes': 2453556224, 'norm_byte': 65093632, 'ops': 2396051, 'norm_ops': 63568, 'norm_ltcy': 15.748429892497011, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:16.585000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:16.585000",
+ "bytes": 2453556224,
+ "norm_byte": 65093632,
+ "ops": 2396051,
+ "norm_ops": 63568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.748429892497011,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "185c0f51e58f648d7caf0dd25396af093194a9a32b7ee8e7deb1f6cce7841a6b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:17.586000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:17.586000', 'bytes': 2518670336, 'norm_byte': 65114112, 'ops': 2459639, 'norm_ops': 63588, 'norm_ltcy': 15.74361867977252, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:17.586000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:17.586000",
+ "bytes": 2518670336,
+ "norm_byte": 65114112,
+ "ops": 2459639,
+ "norm_ops": 63588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.74361867977252,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7c758d342b4805ba4e560b6fe9438b2bb8de53bd395c74b00b37ea10271ca82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:18.587000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:18.587000', 'bytes': 2583755776, 'norm_byte': 65085440, 'ops': 2523199, 'norm_ops': 63560, 'norm_ltcy': 15.7505465123997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:18.587000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:18.587000",
+ "bytes": 2583755776,
+ "norm_byte": 65085440,
+ "ops": 2523199,
+ "norm_ops": 63560,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.7505465123997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88dde08bda5009371e14e8550bbebbc39430a8dd869c732088e11381c2f8c47c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:19.588000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:19.588000', 'bytes': 2648851456, 'norm_byte': 65095680, 'ops': 2586769, 'norm_ops': 63570, 'norm_ltcy': 15.74697429998427, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:19.588000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:19.588000",
+ "bytes": 2648851456,
+ "norm_byte": 65095680,
+ "ops": 2586769,
+ "norm_ops": 63570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.74697429998427,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e02edb81076433b9e88d5a8b6dccd16905077f8147475df3d31a0523de71ae9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:20.589000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:20.589000', 'bytes': 2713863168, 'norm_byte': 65011712, 'ops': 2650257, 'norm_ops': 63488, 'norm_ltcy': 15.76831648426671, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:20.589000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:20.589000",
+ "bytes": 2713863168,
+ "norm_byte": 65011712,
+ "ops": 2650257,
+ "norm_ops": 63488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.76831648426671,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a564dc1f6705dbeede4e4df26ccc50795dd0755451208e2b30cfa1e22edd5aa7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:21.590000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:21.590000', 'bytes': 2778993664, 'norm_byte': 65130496, 'ops': 2713861, 'norm_ops': 63604, 'norm_ltcy': 15.739554631980694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:21.590000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:21.590000",
+ "bytes": 2778993664,
+ "norm_byte": 65130496,
+ "ops": 2713861,
+ "norm_ops": 63604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.739554631980694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "091288b22217fabf3c3627cb2e685e1f756e3b06e9702d4efc185770fdff371d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:22.591000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:22.591000', 'bytes': 2844036096, 'norm_byte': 65042432, 'ops': 2777379, 'norm_ops': 63518, 'norm_ltcy': 15.761053491972747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:22.591000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:22.591000",
+ "bytes": 2844036096,
+ "norm_byte": 65042432,
+ "ops": 2777379,
+ "norm_ops": 63518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.761053491972747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e76ed14ad85071c6561856c162ed6be7f1737b3689bb35d8e0bf937e5d5e535",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:23.593000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:23.593000', 'bytes': 2909079552, 'norm_byte': 65043456, 'ops': 2840898, 'norm_ops': 63519, 'norm_ltcy': 15.760543996924149, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:23.593000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:23.593000",
+ "bytes": 2909079552,
+ "norm_byte": 65043456,
+ "ops": 2840898,
+ "norm_ops": 63519,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.760543996924149,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01e13fb9b8b46856be723ed0b8d1cd7c3e4fb55206b01a6816419dceef0ccbdf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:24.594000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:24.594000', 'bytes': 2974172160, 'norm_byte': 65092608, 'ops': 2904465, 'norm_ops': 63567, 'norm_ltcy': 15.748681478548226, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:24.594000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:24.594000",
+ "bytes": 2974172160,
+ "norm_byte": 65092608,
+ "ops": 2904465,
+ "norm_ops": 63567,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.748681478548226,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a850807a42561b4415a24ed5018ef2fd153165b54bafc1c084c2434de20cd76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:25.595000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:25.595000', 'bytes': 3041766400, 'norm_byte': 67594240, 'ops': 2970475, 'norm_ops': 66010, 'norm_ltcy': 15.165903929092183, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:25.595000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:25.595000",
+ "bytes": 3041766400,
+ "norm_byte": 67594240,
+ "ops": 2970475,
+ "norm_ops": 66010,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.165903929092183,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fb5dfa77fbe04e35434e7e3a6852ef74861bec8cdc27fb935b133c5baa301475",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:26.596000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:26.596000', 'bytes': 3096562688, 'norm_byte': 54796288, 'ops': 3023987, 'norm_ops': 53512, 'norm_ltcy': 18.70945163292813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:26.596000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:26.596000",
+ "bytes": 3096562688,
+ "norm_byte": 54796288,
+ "ops": 3023987,
+ "norm_ops": 53512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.70945163292813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9862e2d5197bb3ac2fca008d45ae2c38341b0535da74874b506f0dc94740dbda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:27.597000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:27.597000', 'bytes': 3162792960, 'norm_byte': 66230272, 'ops': 3088665, 'norm_ops': 64678, 'norm_ltcy': 15.478352557573672, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:27.597000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:27.597000",
+ "bytes": 3162792960,
+ "norm_byte": 66230272,
+ "ops": 3088665,
+ "norm_ops": 64678,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.478352557573672,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b96b3cdb8f6b0849e2647c7e7f24c80557c233a68b7b4f6e7f4af894baedfa5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:28.598000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:28.598000', 'bytes': 3227952128, 'norm_byte': 65159168, 'ops': 3152297, 'norm_ops': 63632, 'norm_ltcy': 15.732716998473645, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:28.598000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:28.598000",
+ "bytes": 3227952128,
+ "norm_byte": 65159168,
+ "ops": 3152297,
+ "norm_ops": 63632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.732716998473645,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e53b8283efce23ce654b7fb3a43b1847b27db9ad5bd303e0037ade4e3f435141",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:29.599000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:29.599000', 'bytes': 3293166592, 'norm_byte': 65214464, 'ops': 3215983, 'norm_ops': 63686, 'norm_ltcy': 15.719204561736488, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:29.599000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:29.599000",
+ "bytes": 3293166592,
+ "norm_byte": 65214464,
+ "ops": 3215983,
+ "norm_ops": 63686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.719204561736488,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b996f44473311b545e0d7f56c899aa5e218ddd5e40efb15b83c135ae9f7ffa7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:30.600000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:30.600000', 'bytes': 3358313472, 'norm_byte': 65146880, 'ops': 3279603, 'norm_ops': 63620, 'norm_ltcy': 15.735561703031673, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:30.600000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:30.600000",
+ "bytes": 3358313472,
+ "norm_byte": 65146880,
+ "ops": 3279603,
+ "norm_ops": 63620,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.735561703031673,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c13ac9d8a225350c4b85a63dcd04c5647611bf1b1032c1cf2c076cb78d22d994",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:31.601000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:31.601000', 'bytes': 3423542272, 'norm_byte': 65228800, 'ops': 3343303, 'norm_ops': 63700, 'norm_ltcy': 15.715906930680926, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:31.601000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:31.601000",
+ "bytes": 3423542272,
+ "norm_byte": 65228800,
+ "ops": 3343303,
+ "norm_ops": 63700,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.715906930680926,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "12841532e8a11c314885fd560510741897a20583a1e775d9331bd4b9fea2f723",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:32.603000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:32.603000', 'bytes': 3488687104, 'norm_byte': 65144832, 'ops': 3406921, 'norm_ops': 63618, 'norm_ltcy': 15.736083255230438, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:32.603000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:32.603000",
+ "bytes": 3488687104,
+ "norm_byte": 65144832,
+ "ops": 3406921,
+ "norm_ops": 63618,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.736083255230438,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33188a1b69d2c86cf708f46304dc921d66cd90ae87d829ab0771d5ea8f489b12",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:33.604000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:33.604000', 'bytes': 3540685824, 'norm_byte': 51998720, 'ops': 3457701, 'norm_ops': 50780, 'norm_ltcy': 19.714422778099152, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:33.604000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:33.604000",
+ "bytes": 3540685824,
+ "norm_byte": 51998720,
+ "ops": 3457701,
+ "norm_ops": 50780,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.714422778099152,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fea49f92703c7a83040c08a5935ff0a06fd748f632e28fb626e09a1c6664df1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:37:34.805000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:37:34.805000', 'bytes': 3606238208, 'norm_byte': 65552384, 'ops': 3521717, 'norm_ops': 64016, 'norm_ltcy': 18.765816358410397, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:37:34.805000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:37:34.805000",
+ "bytes": 3606238208,
+ "norm_byte": 65552384,
+ "ops": 3521717,
+ "norm_ops": 64016,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.765816358410397,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8dcefdf6-4a01-5138-9545-ef6950b7b042",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7cd48ef61747efc255732b73c620a44f3286877355ac545a23207283f55c7251",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 60103970.13333333
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 58695.28333333333
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 25.064573106299818
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:37:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-032-220519203350/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-032-220519203350/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e29440b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-032-220519203350/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-032-220519203350/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-032-220519203350/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-032-220519203350/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-032-220519203350/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-032-220519203350/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e77e796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-032-220519203350/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=35
+ net.core.busy_read=50
+ net.core.busy_poll=90
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-033-220519203551/220519203551-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-033-220519203551/220519203551-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed4ea9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-033-220519203551/220519203551-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:38:34Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992715694.9087 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992716695.9646 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992716696.0105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992717697.0842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35623936 nr_ops:34789\ntimestamp_ms:1652992718698.1714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71330816 nr_ops:69659\ntimestamp_ms:1652992719699.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:107027456 nr_ops:104519\ntimestamp_ms:1652992720700.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142273536 nr_ops:138939\ntimestamp_ms:1652992721701.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177588224 nr_ops:173426\ntimestamp_ms:1652992722701.8953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212954112 nr_ops:207963\ntimestamp_ms:1652992723702.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248278016 nr_ops:242459\ntimestamp_ms:1652992724704.0789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:284150784 nr_ops:277491\ntimestamp_ms:1652992725705.1721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319609856 nr_ops:312119\ntimestamp_ms:1652992726706.2600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:355055616 nr_ops:346734\ntimestamp_ms:1652992727707.2949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390218752 nr_ops:381073\ntimestamp_ms:1652992728707.9014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425484288 nr_ops:415512\ntimestamp_ms:1652992729708.9927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460915712 nr_ops:450113\ntimestamp_ms:1652992730710.0872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496264192 nr_ops:484633\ntimestamp_ms:1652992731711.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531680256 nr_ops:519219\ntimestamp_ms:1652992732712.2939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567525376 nr_ops:554224\ntimestamp_ms:1652992733713.3989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:604004352 nr_ops:589848\ntimestamp_ms:1652992734714.4976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:640113664 nr_ops:625111\ntimestamp_ms:1652992735715.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676152320 nr_ops:660305\ntimestamp_ms:1652992736716.6992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:711195648 nr_ops:694527\ntimestamp_ms:1652992737717.7864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:746610688 nr_ops:729112\ntimestamp_ms:1652992738718.8289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781743104 nr_ops:763421\ntimestamp_ms:1652992739719.9192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:817282048 nr_ops:798127\ntimestamp_ms:1652992740721.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852470784 nr_ops:832491\ntimestamp_ms:1652992741722.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887647232 nr_ops:866843\ntimestamp_ms:1652992742723.1353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:922985472 nr_ops:901353\ntimestamp_ms:1652992743724.2236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:958256128 nr_ops:935797\ntimestamp_ms:1652992744725.2556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:993768448 nr_ops:970477\ntimestamp_ms:1652992745726.2903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1029049344 nr_ops:1004931\ntimestamp_ms:1652992746727.3833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1064336384 nr_ops:1039391\ntimestamp_ms:1652992747728.4734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1099660288 nr_ops:1073887\ntimestamp_ms:1652992748728.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134857216 nr_ops:1108259\ntimestamp_ms:1652992749729.9189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1169591296 nr_ops:1142179\ntimestamp_ms:1652992750731.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204923392 nr_ops:1176683\ntimestamp_ms:1652992751732.1453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240042496 nr_ops:1210979\ntimestamp_ms:1652992752733.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275001856 nr_ops:1245119\ntimestamp_ms:1652992753734.2703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310266368 nr_ops:1279557\ntimestamp_ms:1652992754735.3699 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345252352 nr_ops:1313723\ntimestamp_ms:1652992755736.4246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1380598784 nr_ops:1348241\ntimestamp_ms:1652992756737.4590 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1415836672 nr_ops:1382653\ntimestamp_ms:1652992757737.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450988544 nr_ops:1416981\ntimestamp_ms:1652992758738.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486253056 nr_ops:1451419\ntimestamp_ms:1652992759739.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521769472 nr_ops:1486103\ntimestamp_ms:1652992760741.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556933632 nr_ops:1520443\ntimestamp_ms:1652992761742.2053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592335360 nr_ops:1555015\ntimestamp_ms:1652992762743.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1627587584 nr_ops:1589441\ntimestamp_ms:1652992763744.4038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663165440 nr_ops:1624185\ntimestamp_ms:1652992764745.5117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698591744 nr_ops:1658781\ntimestamp_ms:1652992765745.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1733716992 nr_ops:1693083\ntimestamp_ms:1652992766746.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1769022464 nr_ops:1727561\ntimestamp_ms:1652992767748.0232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1804053504 nr_ops:1761771\ntimestamp_ms:1652992768749.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839494144 nr_ops:1796381\ntimestamp_ms:1652992769750.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1875020800 nr_ops:1831075\ntimestamp_ms:1652992770750.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1910074368 nr_ops:1865307\ntimestamp_ms:1652992771751.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1945428992 nr_ops:1899833\ntimestamp_ms:1652992772753.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1981434880 nr_ops:1934995\ntimestamp_ms:1652992773754.1128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2016996352 nr_ops:1969723\ntimestamp_ms:1652992774755.1470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2052376576 nr_ops:2004274\ntimestamp_ms:1652992775756.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087486464 nr_ops:2038561\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140670217619200\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.4639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2122748928 nr_ops:2072997\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.5474 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.5566 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992777057.7769 name:Total nr_bytes:2122748928 nr_ops:2072998\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.6504 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4245497854 nr_ops:4145996\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.6523 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2122748928 nr_ops:2073000\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 357.04us 0.00ns 357.04us 357.04us \nTxn1 1036499 57.90us 0.00ns 2.50ms 23.28us \nTxn2 1 48.81us 0.00ns 48.81us 48.81us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 355.92us 0.00ns 355.92us 355.92us \nwrite 1036499 3.84us 0.00ns 89.92us 2.21us \nread 1036498 53.96us 0.00ns 2.49ms 1.01us \ndisconnect 1 47.98us 0.00ns 47.98us 47.98us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16620 16620 144.93Mb/s 144.93Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.16b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.128 62.36s 1.98GB 272.31Mb/s 2073000 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.98GB 272.31Mb/s 2073000 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414026, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992715694.9087 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992716695.9646 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992716696.0105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992717697.0842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35623936 nr_ops:34789\ntimestamp_ms:1652992718698.1714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71330816 nr_ops:69659\ntimestamp_ms:1652992719699.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:107027456 nr_ops:104519\ntimestamp_ms:1652992720700.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142273536 nr_ops:138939\ntimestamp_ms:1652992721701.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177588224 nr_ops:173426\ntimestamp_ms:1652992722701.8953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212954112 nr_ops:207963\ntimestamp_ms:1652992723702.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248278016 nr_ops:242459\ntimestamp_ms:1652992724704.0789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:284150784 nr_ops:277491\ntimestamp_ms:1652992725705.1721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319609856 nr_ops:312119\ntimestamp_ms:1652992726706.2600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:355055616 nr_ops:346734\ntimestamp_ms:1652992727707.2949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390218752 nr_ops:381073\ntimestamp_ms:1652992728707.9014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425484288 nr_ops:415512\ntimestamp_ms:1652992729708.9927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460915712 nr_ops:450113\ntimestamp_ms:1652992730710.0872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496264192 nr_ops:484633\ntimestamp_ms:1652992731711.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531680256 nr_ops:519219\ntimestamp_ms:1652992732712.2939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567525376 nr_ops:554224\ntimestamp_ms:1652992733713.3989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:604004352 nr_ops:589848\ntimestamp_ms:1652992734714.4976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:640113664 nr_ops:625111\ntimestamp_ms:1652992735715.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676152320 nr_ops:660305\ntimestamp_ms:1652992736716.6992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:711195648 nr_ops:694527\ntimestamp_ms:1652992737717.7864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:746610688 nr_ops:729112\ntimestamp_ms:1652992738718.8289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781743104 nr_ops:763421\ntimestamp_ms:1652992739719.9192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:817282048 nr_ops:798127\ntimestamp_ms:1652992740721.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852470784 nr_ops:832491\ntimestamp_ms:1652992741722.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887647232 nr_ops:866843\ntimestamp_ms:1652992742723.1353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:922985472 nr_ops:901353\ntimestamp_ms:1652992743724.2236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:958256128 nr_ops:935797\ntimestamp_ms:1652992744725.2556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:993768448 nr_ops:970477\ntimestamp_ms:1652992745726.2903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1029049344 nr_ops:1004931\ntimestamp_ms:1652992746727.3833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1064336384 nr_ops:1039391\ntimestamp_ms:1652992747728.4734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1099660288 nr_ops:1073887\ntimestamp_ms:1652992748728.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134857216 nr_ops:1108259\ntimestamp_ms:1652992749729.9189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1169591296 nr_ops:1142179\ntimestamp_ms:1652992750731.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204923392 nr_ops:1176683\ntimestamp_ms:1652992751732.1453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240042496 nr_ops:1210979\ntimestamp_ms:1652992752733.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275001856 nr_ops:1245119\ntimestamp_ms:1652992753734.2703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310266368 nr_ops:1279557\ntimestamp_ms:1652992754735.3699 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345252352 nr_ops:1313723\ntimestamp_ms:1652992755736.4246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1380598784 nr_ops:1348241\ntimestamp_ms:1652992756737.4590 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1415836672 nr_ops:1382653\ntimestamp_ms:1652992757737.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450988544 nr_ops:1416981\ntimestamp_ms:1652992758738.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486253056 nr_ops:1451419\ntimestamp_ms:1652992759739.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521769472 nr_ops:1486103\ntimestamp_ms:1652992760741.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556933632 nr_ops:1520443\ntimestamp_ms:1652992761742.2053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592335360 nr_ops:1555015\ntimestamp_ms:1652992762743.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1627587584 nr_ops:1589441\ntimestamp_ms:1652992763744.4038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663165440 nr_ops:1624185\ntimestamp_ms:1652992764745.5117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698591744 nr_ops:1658781\ntimestamp_ms:1652992765745.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1733716992 nr_ops:1693083\ntimestamp_ms:1652992766746.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1769022464 nr_ops:1727561\ntimestamp_ms:1652992767748.0232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1804053504 nr_ops:1761771\ntimestamp_ms:1652992768749.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839494144 nr_ops:1796381\ntimestamp_ms:1652992769750.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1875020800 nr_ops:1831075\ntimestamp_ms:1652992770750.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1910074368 nr_ops:1865307\ntimestamp_ms:1652992771751.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1945428992 nr_ops:1899833\ntimestamp_ms:1652992772753.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1981434880 nr_ops:1934995\ntimestamp_ms:1652992773754.1128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2016996352 nr_ops:1969723\ntimestamp_ms:1652992774755.1470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2052376576 nr_ops:2004274\ntimestamp_ms:1652992775756.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087486464 nr_ops:2038561\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140670217619200\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.4639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2122748928 nr_ops:2072997\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.5474 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.5566 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992777057.7769 name:Total nr_bytes:2122748928 nr_ops:2072998\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.6504 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4245497854 nr_ops:4145996\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.6523 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2122748928 nr_ops:2073000\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 357.04us 0.00ns 357.04us 357.04us \nTxn1 1036499 57.90us 0.00ns 2.50ms 23.28us \nTxn2 1 48.81us 0.00ns 48.81us 48.81us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 355.92us 0.00ns 355.92us 355.92us \nwrite 1036499 3.84us 0.00ns 89.92us 2.21us \nread 1036498 53.96us 0.00ns 2.49ms 1.01us \ndisconnect 1 47.98us 0.00ns 47.98us 47.98us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16620 16620 144.93Mb/s 144.93Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.16b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.128 62.36s 1.98GB 272.31Mb/s 2073000 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.98GB 272.31Mb/s 2073000 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414026, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992715694.9087 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992716695.9646 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992716696.0105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992717697.0842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35623936 nr_ops:34789\ntimestamp_ms:1652992718698.1714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71330816 nr_ops:69659\ntimestamp_ms:1652992719699.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:107027456 nr_ops:104519\ntimestamp_ms:1652992720700.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142273536 nr_ops:138939\ntimestamp_ms:1652992721701.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177588224 nr_ops:173426\ntimestamp_ms:1652992722701.8953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212954112 nr_ops:207963\ntimestamp_ms:1652992723702.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248278016 nr_ops:242459\ntimestamp_ms:1652992724704.0789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:284150784 nr_ops:277491\ntimestamp_ms:1652992725705.1721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319609856 nr_ops:312119\ntimestamp_ms:1652992726706.2600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:355055616 nr_ops:346734\ntimestamp_ms:1652992727707.2949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390218752 nr_ops:381073\ntimestamp_ms:1652992728707.9014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425484288 nr_ops:415512\ntimestamp_ms:1652992729708.9927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460915712 nr_ops:450113\ntimestamp_ms:1652992730710.0872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496264192 nr_ops:484633\ntimestamp_ms:1652992731711.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531680256 nr_ops:519219\ntimestamp_ms:1652992732712.2939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567525376 nr_ops:554224\ntimestamp_ms:1652992733713.3989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:604004352 nr_ops:589848\ntimestamp_ms:1652992734714.4976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:640113664 nr_ops:625111\ntimestamp_ms:1652992735715.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676152320 nr_ops:660305\ntimestamp_ms:1652992736716.6992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:711195648 nr_ops:694527\ntimestamp_ms:1652992737717.7864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:746610688 nr_ops:729112\ntimestamp_ms:1652992738718.8289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781743104 nr_ops:763421\ntimestamp_ms:1652992739719.9192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:817282048 nr_ops:798127\ntimestamp_ms:1652992740721.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852470784 nr_ops:832491\ntimestamp_ms:1652992741722.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887647232 nr_ops:866843\ntimestamp_ms:1652992742723.1353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:922985472 nr_ops:901353\ntimestamp_ms:1652992743724.2236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:958256128 nr_ops:935797\ntimestamp_ms:1652992744725.2556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:993768448 nr_ops:970477\ntimestamp_ms:1652992745726.2903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1029049344 nr_ops:1004931\ntimestamp_ms:1652992746727.3833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1064336384 nr_ops:1039391\ntimestamp_ms:1652992747728.4734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1099660288 nr_ops:1073887\ntimestamp_ms:1652992748728.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134857216 nr_ops:1108259\ntimestamp_ms:1652992749729.9189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1169591296 nr_ops:1142179\ntimestamp_ms:1652992750731.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204923392 nr_ops:1176683\ntimestamp_ms:1652992751732.1453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240042496 nr_ops:1210979\ntimestamp_ms:1652992752733.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275001856 nr_ops:1245119\ntimestamp_ms:1652992753734.2703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310266368 nr_ops:1279557\ntimestamp_ms:1652992754735.3699 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345252352 nr_ops:1313723\ntimestamp_ms:1652992755736.4246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1380598784 nr_ops:1348241\ntimestamp_ms:1652992756737.4590 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1415836672 nr_ops:1382653\ntimestamp_ms:1652992757737.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450988544 nr_ops:1416981\ntimestamp_ms:1652992758738.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486253056 nr_ops:1451419\ntimestamp_ms:1652992759739.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521769472 nr_ops:1486103\ntimestamp_ms:1652992760741.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556933632 nr_ops:1520443\ntimestamp_ms:1652992761742.2053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592335360 nr_ops:1555015\ntimestamp_ms:1652992762743.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1627587584 nr_ops:1589441\ntimestamp_ms:1652992763744.4038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663165440 nr_ops:1624185\ntimestamp_ms:1652992764745.5117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698591744 nr_ops:1658781\ntimestamp_ms:1652992765745.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1733716992 nr_ops:1693083\ntimestamp_ms:1652992766746.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1769022464 nr_ops:1727561\ntimestamp_ms:1652992767748.0232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1804053504 nr_ops:1761771\ntimestamp_ms:1652992768749.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839494144 nr_ops:1796381\ntimestamp_ms:1652992769750.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1875020800 nr_ops:1831075\ntimestamp_ms:1652992770750.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1910074368 nr_ops:1865307\ntimestamp_ms:1652992771751.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1945428992 nr_ops:1899833\ntimestamp_ms:1652992772753.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1981434880 nr_ops:1934995\ntimestamp_ms:1652992773754.1128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2016996352 nr_ops:1969723\ntimestamp_ms:1652992774755.1470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2052376576 nr_ops:2004274\ntimestamp_ms:1652992775756.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087486464 nr_ops:2038561\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140670217619200\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.4639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2122748928 nr_ops:2072997\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.5474 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.5566 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992777057.7769 name:Total nr_bytes:2122748928 nr_ops:2072998\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.6504 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4245497854 nr_ops:4145996\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992776957.6523 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2122748928 nr_ops:2073000\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 357.04us 0.00ns 357.04us 357.04us \nTxn1 1036499 57.90us 0.00ns 2.50ms 23.28us \nTxn2 1 48.81us 0.00ns 48.81us 48.81us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 355.92us 0.00ns 355.92us 355.92us \nwrite 1036499 3.84us 0.00ns 89.92us 2.21us \nread 1036498 53.96us 0.00ns 2.49ms 1.01us \ndisconnect 1 47.98us 0.00ns 47.98us 47.98us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16620 16620 144.93Mb/s 144.93Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.16b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.128 62.36s 1.98GB 272.31Mb/s 2073000 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.98GB 272.31Mb/s 2073000 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414026, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992715694.9087 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992716695.9646 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992716696.0105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992717697.0842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35623936 nr_ops:34789
+timestamp_ms:1652992718698.1714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71330816 nr_ops:69659
+timestamp_ms:1652992719699.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:107027456 nr_ops:104519
+timestamp_ms:1652992720700.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142273536 nr_ops:138939
+timestamp_ms:1652992721701.1587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177588224 nr_ops:173426
+timestamp_ms:1652992722701.8953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212954112 nr_ops:207963
+timestamp_ms:1652992723702.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248278016 nr_ops:242459
+timestamp_ms:1652992724704.0789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:284150784 nr_ops:277491
+timestamp_ms:1652992725705.1721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319609856 nr_ops:312119
+timestamp_ms:1652992726706.2600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:355055616 nr_ops:346734
+timestamp_ms:1652992727707.2949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390218752 nr_ops:381073
+timestamp_ms:1652992728707.9014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425484288 nr_ops:415512
+timestamp_ms:1652992729708.9927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460915712 nr_ops:450113
+timestamp_ms:1652992730710.0872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496264192 nr_ops:484633
+timestamp_ms:1652992731711.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531680256 nr_ops:519219
+timestamp_ms:1652992732712.2939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567525376 nr_ops:554224
+timestamp_ms:1652992733713.3989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:604004352 nr_ops:589848
+timestamp_ms:1652992734714.4976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:640113664 nr_ops:625111
+timestamp_ms:1652992735715.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676152320 nr_ops:660305
+timestamp_ms:1652992736716.6992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:711195648 nr_ops:694527
+timestamp_ms:1652992737717.7864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:746610688 nr_ops:729112
+timestamp_ms:1652992738718.8289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781743104 nr_ops:763421
+timestamp_ms:1652992739719.9192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:817282048 nr_ops:798127
+timestamp_ms:1652992740721.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852470784 nr_ops:832491
+timestamp_ms:1652992741722.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887647232 nr_ops:866843
+timestamp_ms:1652992742723.1353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:922985472 nr_ops:901353
+timestamp_ms:1652992743724.2236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:958256128 nr_ops:935797
+timestamp_ms:1652992744725.2556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:993768448 nr_ops:970477
+timestamp_ms:1652992745726.2903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1029049344 nr_ops:1004931
+timestamp_ms:1652992746727.3833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1064336384 nr_ops:1039391
+timestamp_ms:1652992747728.4734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1099660288 nr_ops:1073887
+timestamp_ms:1652992748728.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134857216 nr_ops:1108259
+timestamp_ms:1652992749729.9189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1169591296 nr_ops:1142179
+timestamp_ms:1652992750731.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204923392 nr_ops:1176683
+timestamp_ms:1652992751732.1453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240042496 nr_ops:1210979
+timestamp_ms:1652992752733.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275001856 nr_ops:1245119
+timestamp_ms:1652992753734.2703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310266368 nr_ops:1279557
+timestamp_ms:1652992754735.3699 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345252352 nr_ops:1313723
+timestamp_ms:1652992755736.4246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1380598784 nr_ops:1348241
+timestamp_ms:1652992756737.4590 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1415836672 nr_ops:1382653
+timestamp_ms:1652992757737.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450988544 nr_ops:1416981
+timestamp_ms:1652992758738.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486253056 nr_ops:1451419
+timestamp_ms:1652992759739.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521769472 nr_ops:1486103
+timestamp_ms:1652992760741.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556933632 nr_ops:1520443
+timestamp_ms:1652992761742.2053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592335360 nr_ops:1555015
+timestamp_ms:1652992762743.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1627587584 nr_ops:1589441
+timestamp_ms:1652992763744.4038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663165440 nr_ops:1624185
+timestamp_ms:1652992764745.5117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698591744 nr_ops:1658781
+timestamp_ms:1652992765745.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1733716992 nr_ops:1693083
+timestamp_ms:1652992766746.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1769022464 nr_ops:1727561
+timestamp_ms:1652992767748.0232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1804053504 nr_ops:1761771
+timestamp_ms:1652992768749.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839494144 nr_ops:1796381
+timestamp_ms:1652992769750.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1875020800 nr_ops:1831075
+timestamp_ms:1652992770750.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1910074368 nr_ops:1865307
+timestamp_ms:1652992771751.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1945428992 nr_ops:1899833
+timestamp_ms:1652992772753.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1981434880 nr_ops:1934995
+timestamp_ms:1652992773754.1128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2016996352 nr_ops:1969723
+timestamp_ms:1652992774755.1470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2052376576 nr_ops:2004274
+timestamp_ms:1652992775756.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087486464 nr_ops:2038561
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140670217619200
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652992776957.4639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2122748928 nr_ops:2072997
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992776957.5474 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992776957.5566 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992777057.7769 name:Total nr_bytes:2122748928 nr_ops:2072998
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992776957.6504 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4245497854 nr_ops:4145996
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992776957.6523 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2122748928 nr_ops:2073000
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 357.04us 0.00ns 357.04us 357.04us
+Txn1 1036499 57.90us 0.00ns 2.50ms 23.28us
+Txn2 1 48.81us 0.00ns 48.81us 48.81us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 355.92us 0.00ns 355.92us 355.92us
+write 1036499 3.84us 0.00ns 89.92us 2.21us
+read 1036498 53.96us 0.00ns 2.49ms 1.01us
+disconnect 1 47.98us 0.00ns 47.98us 47.98us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 16620 16620 144.93Mb/s 144.93Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.16b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.128 62.36s 1.98GB 272.31Mb/s 2073000 0.00
+master 62.36s 1.98GB 272.31Mb/s 2073000 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:37.697000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:37.697000', 'bytes': 35623936, 'norm_byte': 35623936, 'ops': 34789, 'norm_ops': 34789, 'norm_ltcy': 28.775582237740377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:37.697000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:37.697000",
+ "bytes": 35623936,
+ "norm_byte": 35623936,
+ "ops": 34789,
+ "norm_ops": 34789,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.775582237740377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fc79473c3279d6cf2abf82e982e6ef0cc6d2ffef518ad0d129613ae966d73dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:38.698000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:38.698000', 'bytes': 71330816, 'norm_byte': 35706880, 'ops': 69659, 'norm_ops': 34870, 'norm_ltcy': 28.70912412397835, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:38.698000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:38.698000",
+ "bytes": 71330816,
+ "norm_byte": 35706880,
+ "ops": 69659,
+ "norm_ops": 34870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.70912412397835,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ddbe4558c4f10b2d0ab82ab2cec93641c4047c263af077b59ac9e487ca7c4b2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:39.699000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:39.699000', 'bytes': 107027456, 'norm_byte': 35696640, 'ops': 104519, 'norm_ops': 34860, 'norm_ltcy': 28.71107056574512, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:39.699000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:39.699000",
+ "bytes": 107027456,
+ "norm_byte": 35696640,
+ "ops": 104519,
+ "norm_ops": 34860,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.71107056574512,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce5c69cd58b4d162f24b1eac54732f323da823c13516a132e06dcedf236e59ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:40.700000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:40.700000', 'bytes': 142273536, 'norm_byte': 35246080, 'ops': 138939, 'norm_ops': 34420, 'norm_ltcy': 29.082915036225305, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:40.700000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:40.700000",
+ "bytes": 142273536,
+ "norm_byte": 35246080,
+ "ops": 138939,
+ "norm_ops": 34420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.082915036225305,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "618898533dc7b51ec18ee8e63c58b9f2f8acf6b6ac9e361de1cfa0b2c837366d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:41.701000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:41.701000', 'bytes': 177588224, 'norm_byte': 35314688, 'ops': 173426, 'norm_ops': 34487, 'norm_ltcy': 29.0279075947096, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:41.701000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:41.701000",
+ "bytes": 177588224,
+ "norm_byte": 35314688,
+ "ops": 173426,
+ "norm_ops": 34487,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.0279075947096,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9da15b676c75e0430419bcd5ec9796fdca67d48a7155897c6c00dd261224ce6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:42.701000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:42.701000', 'bytes': 212954112, 'norm_byte': 35365888, 'ops': 207963, 'norm_ops': 34537, 'norm_ltcy': 28.97578169110302, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:42.701000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:42.701000",
+ "bytes": 212954112,
+ "norm_byte": 35365888,
+ "ops": 207963,
+ "norm_ops": 34537,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.97578169110302,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "105504131f7654005db8d8cfac6103c9078b8b9ab353a2434019ca0dc3a94ab4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:43.702000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:43.702000', 'bytes': 248278016, 'norm_byte': 35323904, 'ops': 242459, 'norm_ops': 34496, 'norm_ltcy': 29.02056777189747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:43.702000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:43.702000",
+ "bytes": 248278016,
+ "norm_byte": 35323904,
+ "ops": 242459,
+ "norm_ops": 34496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.02056777189747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95e036135615cc46a79e10d30a92fe0896764b7521bacfefdeefb88d1311a2d0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:44.704000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:44.704000', 'bytes': 284150784, 'norm_byte': 35872768, 'ops': 277491, 'norm_ops': 35032, 'norm_ltcy': 28.576446902564083, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:44.704000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:44.704000",
+ "bytes": 284150784,
+ "norm_byte": 35872768,
+ "ops": 277491,
+ "norm_ops": 35032,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.576446902564083,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c92bf1727b9fde317439e099a4fb37a8eb73ab9c057cd0ae3df77fef8e5d9d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:45.705000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:45.705000', 'bytes': 319609856, 'norm_byte': 35459072, 'ops': 312119, 'norm_ops': 34628, 'norm_ltcy': 28.90993593966588, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:45.705000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:45.705000",
+ "bytes": 319609856,
+ "norm_byte": 35459072,
+ "ops": 312119,
+ "norm_ops": 34628,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.90993593966588,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a7abfdc14dc229bd6d90bcf13fdfac55b0d009660f15763add0c91f0eaf49bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:46.706000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:46.706000', 'bytes': 355055616, 'norm_byte': 35445760, 'ops': 346734, 'norm_ops': 34615, 'norm_ltcy': 28.920638180702007, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:46.706000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:46.706000",
+ "bytes": 355055616,
+ "norm_byte": 35445760,
+ "ops": 346734,
+ "norm_ops": 34615,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.920638180702007,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a89de73ed1736ff9d6161ff0908e3ff182b2bd76d449bd847990951cdbbd01a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:47.707000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:47.707000', 'bytes': 390218752, 'norm_byte': 35163136, 'ops': 381073, 'norm_ops': 34339, 'norm_ltcy': 29.151545243291157, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:47.707000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:47.707000",
+ "bytes": 390218752,
+ "norm_byte": 35163136,
+ "ops": 381073,
+ "norm_ops": 34339,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.151545243291157,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15f560185834204b72720a1c7d1c2300daa91351b4605b9cb96706a46bd40297",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:48.707000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:48.707000', 'bytes': 425484288, 'norm_byte': 35265536, 'ops': 415512, 'norm_ops': 34439, 'norm_ltcy': 29.05445702002091, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:48.707000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:48.707000",
+ "bytes": 425484288,
+ "norm_byte": 35265536,
+ "ops": 415512,
+ "norm_ops": 34439,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.05445702002091,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d1123665bcb01385e91cfc13af4295e635a88819e9627d3e9b0da5a258dd557",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:49.708000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:49.708000', 'bytes': 460915712, 'norm_byte': 35431424, 'ops': 450113, 'norm_ops': 34601, 'norm_ltcy': 28.93243861720037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:49.708000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:49.708000",
+ "bytes": 460915712,
+ "norm_byte": 35431424,
+ "ops": 450113,
+ "norm_ops": 34601,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.93243861720037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b84bf1e1d04dfc5a48d9715be6f2ee3fd8acf1bb3e534b410bdff6b686089cd3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:50.710000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:50.710000', 'bytes': 496264192, 'norm_byte': 35348480, 'ops': 484633, 'norm_ops': 34520, 'norm_ltcy': 29.00041953713427, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:50.710000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:50.710000",
+ "bytes": 496264192,
+ "norm_byte": 35348480,
+ "ops": 484633,
+ "norm_ops": 34520,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.00041953713427,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b4743336971e42e09a7508a96e3c16f22b0f5eaddb270fd10fbda1ec135c022",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:51.711000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:51.711000', 'bytes': 531680256, 'norm_byte': 35416064, 'ops': 519219, 'norm_ops': 34586, 'norm_ltcy': 28.94526195796348, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:51.711000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:51.711000",
+ "bytes": 531680256,
+ "norm_byte": 35416064,
+ "ops": 519219,
+ "norm_ops": 34586,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.94526195796348,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b7a2a6c3dd67f1eb9db5d94780a63b756b26ea4757280feec6268ec1e030d71",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:52.712000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:52.712000', 'bytes': 567525376, 'norm_byte': 35845120, 'ops': 554224, 'norm_ops': 35005, 'norm_ltcy': 28.59894178063848, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:52.712000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:52.712000",
+ "bytes": 567525376,
+ "norm_byte": 35845120,
+ "ops": 554224,
+ "norm_ops": 35005,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.59894178063848,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04a327eba28db61b7b00dfea8eb2244794886ccaceff23e9d5c856e33be55220",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:53.713000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:53.713000', 'bytes': 604004352, 'norm_byte': 36478976, 'ops': 589848, 'norm_ops': 35624, 'norm_ltcy': 28.101981261754716, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:53.713000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:53.713000",
+ "bytes": 604004352,
+ "norm_byte": 36478976,
+ "ops": 589848,
+ "norm_ops": 35624,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.101981261754716,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "598325b9bdd3668c217347085e61d9cf544ae0c215ae279d9daacd08792f188d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:54.714000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:54.714000', 'bytes': 640113664, 'norm_byte': 36109312, 'ops': 625111, 'norm_ops': 35263, 'norm_ltcy': 28.389491331211183, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:54.714000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:54.714000",
+ "bytes": 640113664,
+ "norm_byte": 36109312,
+ "ops": 625111,
+ "norm_ops": 35263,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.389491331211183,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9618da86ebd02cac5d0605c80838faad5cce1d0487209da5e9dd6e7c6ffd7959",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:55.715000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:55.715000', 'bytes': 676152320, 'norm_byte': 36038656, 'ops': 660305, 'norm_ops': 35194, 'norm_ltcy': 28.445490586552395, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:55.715000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:55.715000",
+ "bytes": 676152320,
+ "norm_byte": 36038656,
+ "ops": 660305,
+ "norm_ops": 35194,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.445490586552395,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf61deb0ad4ab0bb3883b0553d5c9c2e855f2047b45b628c623f6564aeefcea5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:56.716000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:56.716000', 'bytes': 711195648, 'norm_byte': 35043328, 'ops': 694527, 'norm_ops': 34222, 'norm_ltcy': 29.25285092785708, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:56.716000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:56.716000",
+ "bytes": 711195648,
+ "norm_byte": 35043328,
+ "ops": 694527,
+ "norm_ops": 34222,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.25285092785708,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b70deea1e67c11c3cd08b1389590a6ddfbeec28a0fdebfe6be427521d451bb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:57.717000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:57.717000', 'bytes': 746610688, 'norm_byte': 35415040, 'ops': 729112, 'norm_ops': 34585, 'norm_ltcy': 28.945703576785455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:57.717000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:57.717000",
+ "bytes": 746610688,
+ "norm_byte": 35415040,
+ "ops": 729112,
+ "norm_ops": 34585,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.945703576785455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "614a693273febea93ae673fb4ac672192204d5240485077f4c84c806039502b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:58.718000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:58.718000', 'bytes': 781743104, 'norm_byte': 35132416, 'ops': 763421, 'norm_ops': 34309, 'norm_ltcy': 29.177256127218808, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:58.718000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:58.718000",
+ "bytes": 781743104,
+ "norm_byte": 35132416,
+ "ops": 763421,
+ "norm_ops": 34309,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.177256127218808,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "805abdcd6c1fb3ed621898264ca9a1ca982daf06335bd91b82a0c5d4041aaa97",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:38:59.719000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:38:59.719000', 'bytes': 817282048, 'norm_byte': 35538944, 'ops': 798127, 'norm_ops': 34706, 'norm_ltcy': 28.844877889449954, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:38:59.719000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:38:59.719000",
+ "bytes": 817282048,
+ "norm_byte": 35538944,
+ "ops": 798127,
+ "norm_ops": 34706,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.844877889449954,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "643ca2fec2b90930580af7e8f626a58462dc970cd06fdceda4b65c28740c2965",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:00.721000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:00.721000', 'bytes': 852470784, 'norm_byte': 35188736, 'ops': 832491, 'norm_ops': 34364, 'norm_ltcy': 29.13212057403824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:00.721000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:00.721000",
+ "bytes": 852470784,
+ "norm_byte": 35188736,
+ "ops": 832491,
+ "norm_ops": 34364,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.13212057403824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4f7a175e841568ee0ce6704cf55ba80e9e1f418e9e70dbbf37244d08c78aeef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:01.722000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:01.722000', 'bytes': 887647232, 'norm_byte': 35176448, 'ops': 866843, 'norm_ops': 34352, 'norm_ltcy': 29.140520384548207, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:01.722000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:01.722000",
+ "bytes": 887647232,
+ "norm_byte": 35176448,
+ "ops": 866843,
+ "norm_ops": 34352,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.140520384548207,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f356aa3ca11ac912b93c380c4af7272f5efba8f478270a83473be724b6971611",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:02.723000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:02.723000', 'bytes': 922985472, 'norm_byte': 35338240, 'ops': 901353, 'norm_ops': 34510, 'norm_ltcy': 29.0085400404774, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:02.723000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:02.723000",
+ "bytes": 922985472,
+ "norm_byte": 35338240,
+ "ops": 901353,
+ "norm_ops": 34510,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.0085400404774,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee772938e9feec1d9e1323f98008b5628b3638833d95430904257a1f7b3fe836",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:03.724000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:03.724000', 'bytes': 958256128, 'norm_byte': 35270656, 'ops': 935797, 'norm_ops': 34444, 'norm_ltcy': 29.064231184132215, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:03.724000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:03.724000",
+ "bytes": 958256128,
+ "norm_byte": 35270656,
+ "ops": 935797,
+ "norm_ops": 34444,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.064231184132215,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7be6e45a68da97bde6405ff5a090b71a87b4f39013fe60f7c39dfa6ab9314787",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:04.725000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:04.725000', 'bytes': 993768448, 'norm_byte': 35512320, 'ops': 970477, 'norm_ops': 34680, 'norm_ltcy': 28.86482071574034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:04.725000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:04.725000",
+ "bytes": 993768448,
+ "norm_byte": 35512320,
+ "ops": 970477,
+ "norm_ops": 34680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.86482071574034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a69f3001f0895532a46706a240b9b8451a7eb5aa97e237290118e131770b1b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:05.726000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:05.726000', 'bytes': 1029049344, 'norm_byte': 35280896, 'ops': 1004931, 'norm_ops': 34454, 'norm_ltcy': 29.054236604421835, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:05.726000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:05.726000",
+ "bytes": 1029049344,
+ "norm_byte": 35280896,
+ "ops": 1004931,
+ "norm_ops": 34454,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.054236604421835,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efe4db4bc759a6ad5d354279afc5b355414b1a0294691b28cec955964a7503ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:06.727000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:06.727000', 'bytes': 1064336384, 'norm_byte': 35287040, 'ops': 1039391, 'norm_ops': 34460, 'norm_ltcy': 29.050871084681514, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:06.727000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:06.727000",
+ "bytes": 1064336384,
+ "norm_byte": 35287040,
+ "ops": 1039391,
+ "norm_ops": 34460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.050871084681514,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0cf0b21c278571205f899b50c1eb200f78b6b9122c74f6f2b9a8375199cee212",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:07.728000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:07.728000', 'bytes': 1099660288, 'norm_byte': 35323904, 'ops': 1073887, 'norm_ops': 34496, 'norm_ltcy': 29.020468688851604, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:07.728000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:07.728000",
+ "bytes": 1099660288,
+ "norm_byte": 35323904,
+ "ops": 1073887,
+ "norm_ops": 34496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.020468688851604,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a9aab071e82a7f82d250236ba9540bf3fa083d2ebb2f42840ae94ed6d11c351",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:08.728000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:08.728000', 'bytes': 1134857216, 'norm_byte': 35196928, 'ops': 1108259, 'norm_ops': 34372, 'norm_ltcy': 29.103988848117652, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:08.728000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:08.728000",
+ "bytes": 1134857216,
+ "norm_byte": 35196928,
+ "ops": 1108259,
+ "norm_ops": 34372,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.103988848117652,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8691089635259c1a5f83326bc1cc0ce3d8cf28051ec23fc3f911770459b89747",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:09.729000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:09.729000', 'bytes': 1169591296, 'norm_byte': 34734080, 'ops': 1142179, 'norm_ops': 33920, 'norm_ltcy': 29.51306756937279, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:09.729000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:09.729000",
+ "bytes": 1169591296,
+ "norm_byte": 34734080,
+ "ops": 1142179,
+ "norm_ops": 33920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.51306756937279,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "153354eab878289a264e0422f5c453ff809a7035d313d2fab8af89435e0bd902",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:10.731000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:10.731000', 'bytes': 1204923392, 'norm_byte': 35332096, 'ops': 1176683, 'norm_ops': 34504, 'norm_ltcy': 29.01438397540865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:10.731000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:10.731000",
+ "bytes": 1204923392,
+ "norm_byte": 35332096,
+ "ops": 1176683,
+ "norm_ops": 34504,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.01438397540865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "46c0171b741b3cdb677e69714e78ebfccb740d25fa2d4482b9b9302e78e67d5c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:11.732000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:11.732000', 'bytes': 1240042496, 'norm_byte': 35119104, 'ops': 1210979, 'norm_ops': 34296, 'norm_ltcy': 29.19040161161287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:11.732000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:11.732000",
+ "bytes": 1240042496,
+ "norm_byte": 35119104,
+ "ops": 1210979,
+ "norm_ops": 34296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.19040161161287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "24793045913f330fc94e0911dc130da4ebf5436f21566b902f00c5046c14cd52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:12.733000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:12.733000', 'bytes': 1275001856, 'norm_byte': 34959360, 'ops': 1245119, 'norm_ops': 34140, 'norm_ltcy': 29.321467841516547, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:12.733000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:12.733000",
+ "bytes": 1275001856,
+ "norm_byte": 34959360,
+ "ops": 1245119,
+ "norm_ops": 34140,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.321467841516547,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06373e48704cadeadec771dfd1000b1c4234df5a4dbcf2086beca65f56f9000f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:13.734000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:13.734000', 'bytes': 1310266368, 'norm_byte': 35264512, 'ops': 1279557, 'norm_ops': 34438, 'norm_ltcy': 29.069344558064493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:13.734000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:13.734000",
+ "bytes": 1310266368,
+ "norm_byte": 35264512,
+ "ops": 1279557,
+ "norm_ops": 34438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.069344558064493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47354770e2559e76621c798faa91d9c015083b66568dafe6e21fead1dfd00a0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:14.735000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:14.735000', 'bytes': 1345252352, 'norm_byte': 34985984, 'ops': 1313723, 'norm_ops': 34166, 'norm_ltcy': 29.30104809971902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:14.735000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:14.735000",
+ "bytes": 1345252352,
+ "norm_byte": 34985984,
+ "ops": 1313723,
+ "norm_ops": 34166,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.30104809971902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9580703708a4ccbeeb6e368b068f5c74f1771936bbf55d94584e7542597783f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:15.736000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:15.736000', 'bytes': 1380598784, 'norm_byte': 35346432, 'ops': 1348241, 'norm_ops': 34518, 'norm_ltcy': 29.00094696969697, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:15.736000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:15.736000",
+ "bytes": 1380598784,
+ "norm_byte": 35346432,
+ "ops": 1348241,
+ "norm_ops": 34518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.00094696969697,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4fef82018f3b04c6a7219fee65b51c3bc9abdb1a4cf80cd510d690b46d3064a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:16.737000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:16.737000', 'bytes': 1415836672, 'norm_byte': 35237888, 'ops': 1382653, 'norm_ops': 34412, 'norm_ltcy': 29.089690335584244, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:16.737000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:16.737000",
+ "bytes": 1415836672,
+ "norm_byte": 35237888,
+ "ops": 1382653,
+ "norm_ops": 34412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.089690335584244,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "160da65d0d3c1c90a4ea231efe568eb3523113d8e41eeb00458cfd83495a8e9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:17.737000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:17.737000', 'bytes': 1450988544, 'norm_byte': 35151872, 'ops': 1416981, 'norm_ops': 34328, 'norm_ltcy': 29.141570326610204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:17.737000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:17.737000",
+ "bytes": 1450988544,
+ "norm_byte": 35151872,
+ "ops": 1416981,
+ "norm_ops": 34328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.141570326610204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ffbd68de30c289fe9284b95bc1f2f4e830cfc6676d8f6d857b0584f5ddf1191",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:18.738000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:18.738000', 'bytes': 1486253056, 'norm_byte': 35264512, 'ops': 1451419, 'norm_ops': 34438, 'norm_ltcy': 29.066856220780824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:18.738000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:18.738000",
+ "bytes": 1486253056,
+ "norm_byte": 35264512,
+ "ops": 1451419,
+ "norm_ops": 34438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.066856220780824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91315743ea0cabda0a72e49171aebcc549c7b828d6fc8866eb64019782a5341a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:19.739000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:19.739000', 'bytes': 1521769472, 'norm_byte': 35516416, 'ops': 1486103, 'norm_ops': 34684, 'norm_ltcy': 28.863244534583668, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:19.739000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:19.739000",
+ "bytes": 1521769472,
+ "norm_byte": 35516416,
+ "ops": 1486103,
+ "norm_ops": 34684,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.863244534583668,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c63a4046d6064778be92ee31e3ffdf58490a36a310f2efdc77e6ea7cd7d3add",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:20.741000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:20.741000', 'bytes': 1556933632, 'norm_byte': 35164160, 'ops': 1520443, 'norm_ops': 34340, 'norm_ltcy': 29.155018916988205, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:20.741000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:20.741000",
+ "bytes": 1556933632,
+ "norm_byte": 35164160,
+ "ops": 1520443,
+ "norm_ops": 34340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.155018916988205,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b632b3eda96a96afa204b9e6e8b947eeb06032a3b4a9fe87b17c4dcb7b884e4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:21.742000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:21.742000', 'bytes': 1592335360, 'norm_byte': 35401728, 'ops': 1555015, 'norm_ops': 34572, 'norm_ltcy': 28.956785668767356, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:21.742000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:21.742000",
+ "bytes": 1592335360,
+ "norm_byte": 35401728,
+ "ops": 1555015,
+ "norm_ops": 34572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.956785668767356,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d78ff9f3c49c30d599da2a4c26f522dbac7a30fe0e01cebd2cf60dd8ac49ae8c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:22.743000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:22.743000', 'bytes': 1627587584, 'norm_byte': 35252224, 'ops': 1589441, 'norm_ops': 34426, 'norm_ltcy': 29.07970430461352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:22.743000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:22.743000",
+ "bytes": 1627587584,
+ "norm_byte": 35252224,
+ "ops": 1589441,
+ "norm_ops": 34426,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.07970430461352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "015ced3c65a025d52896a635722ecbfe670972cf3bfaf591a3ea39e3b58a2d5a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:23.744000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:23.744000', 'bytes': 1663165440, 'norm_byte': 35577856, 'ops': 1624185, 'norm_ops': 34744, 'norm_ltcy': 28.81362496941918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:23.744000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:23.744000",
+ "bytes": 1663165440,
+ "norm_byte": 35577856,
+ "ops": 1624185,
+ "norm_ops": 34744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.81362496941918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6560fdd889397a1b7588f99dbaa948cc2353b31cf669f2ebccb079d026fa0659",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:24.745000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:24.745000', 'bytes': 1698591744, 'norm_byte': 35426304, 'ops': 1658781, 'norm_ops': 34596, 'norm_ltcy': 28.937099958268295, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:24.745000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:24.745000",
+ "bytes": 1698591744,
+ "norm_byte": 35426304,
+ "ops": 1658781,
+ "norm_ops": 34596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.937099958268295,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f6300414f56b2313b2278bb65eea1fe0bc7392a33e0d395925f7c45fc7ae36e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:25.745000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:25.745000', 'bytes': 1733716992, 'norm_byte': 35125248, 'ops': 1693083, 'norm_ops': 34302, 'norm_ltcy': 29.1622282638403, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:25.745000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:25.745000",
+ "bytes": 1733716992,
+ "norm_byte": 35125248,
+ "ops": 1693083,
+ "norm_ops": 34302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.1622282638403,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fff4a29da81a4da5a0dc9c2090d70955e3cfde18c079bac62bbad0d253a3a3e5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:26.746000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:26.746000', 'bytes': 1769022464, 'norm_byte': 35305472, 'ops': 1727561, 'norm_ops': 34478, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03574692330979, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:26.746000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:26.746000",
+ "bytes": 1769022464,
+ "norm_byte": 35305472,
+ "ops": 1727561,
+ "norm_ops": 34478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03574692330979,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e12c39d3e6afbfffa221821b481ab44d1531e0682257006bd37a66fdaa885633",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:27.748000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:27.748000', 'bytes': 1804053504, 'norm_byte': 35031040, 'ops': 1761771, 'norm_ops': 34210, 'norm_ltcy': 29.263204860603626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:27.748000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:27.748000",
+ "bytes": 1804053504,
+ "norm_byte": 35031040,
+ "ops": 1761771,
+ "norm_ops": 34210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.263204860603626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6cab9654f9f20186e1f53b0f22df71797ef6a683ace07ddcb1632670e3e5dbde",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:28.749000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:28.749000', 'bytes': 1839494144, 'norm_byte': 35440640, 'ops': 1796381, 'norm_ops': 34610, 'norm_ltcy': 28.924893850675385, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:28.749000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:28.749000",
+ "bytes": 1839494144,
+ "norm_byte": 35440640,
+ "ops": 1796381,
+ "norm_ops": 34610,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.924893850675385,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "899d1923aeafb67708506a03f9eaaf6eae60d2a747b9f5f0b55fd78b84f58650",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:29.750000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:29.750000', 'bytes': 1875020800, 'norm_byte': 35526656, 'ops': 1831075, 'norm_ops': 34694, 'norm_ltcy': 28.8550025648347, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:29.750000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:29.750000",
+ "bytes": 1875020800,
+ "norm_byte": 35526656,
+ "ops": 1831075,
+ "norm_ops": 34694,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.8550025648347,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78bba61c627a47e3c826fe41c72e057976463e9e696e43755f4666d6c77f2c75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:30.750000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:30.750000', 'bytes': 1910074368, 'norm_byte': 35053568, 'ops': 1865307, 'norm_ops': 34232, 'norm_ltcy': 29.23076903326931, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:30.750000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:30.750000",
+ "bytes": 1910074368,
+ "norm_byte": 35053568,
+ "ops": 1865307,
+ "norm_ops": 34232,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.23076903326931,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33843f28a7933ee2efe8f277d413161b5dccf3e6e694389ab9e7e65620bfb26d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:31.751000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:31.751000', 'bytes': 1945428992, 'norm_byte': 35354624, 'ops': 1899833, 'norm_ops': 34526, 'norm_ltcy': 28.995429282461043, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:31.751000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:31.751000",
+ "bytes": 1945428992,
+ "norm_byte": 35354624,
+ "ops": 1899833,
+ "norm_ops": 34526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.995429282461043,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0dcdc92adb934bd8ad67e424aa5b889c563efaa98453a178d936e7beb61ddb56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:32.753000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:32.753000', 'bytes': 1981434880, 'norm_byte': 36005888, 'ops': 1934995, 'norm_ops': 35162, 'norm_ltcy': 28.47084343538479, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:32.753000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:32.753000",
+ "bytes": 1981434880,
+ "norm_byte": 36005888,
+ "ops": 1934995,
+ "norm_ops": 35162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.47084343538479,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "97a8393ab30e279689b2b4832a64a1550b225008861f42a5973b7da7b587e63d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:33.754000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:33.754000', 'bytes': 2016996352, 'norm_byte': 35561472, 'ops': 1969723, 'norm_ops': 34728, 'norm_ltcy': 28.826534514656764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:33.754000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:33.754000",
+ "bytes": 2016996352,
+ "norm_byte": 35561472,
+ "ops": 1969723,
+ "norm_ops": 34728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.826534514656764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a337e6d7881e3af0d4c038d7cca29dbee9ae01865c48a2b77396b490aac75e29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:34.755000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:34.755000', 'bytes': 2052376576, 'norm_byte': 35380224, 'ops': 2004274, 'norm_ops': 34551, 'norm_ltcy': 28.972654328022344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:34.755000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:34.755000",
+ "bytes": 2052376576,
+ "norm_byte": 35380224,
+ "ops": 2004274,
+ "norm_ops": 34551,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.972654328022344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "918a3936e76aa5137b8f8016f2f1b3cd5a457cdc291af9cb3571344595aafe60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:35.756000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:35.756000', 'bytes': 2087486464, 'norm_byte': 35109888, 'ops': 2038561, 'norm_ops': 34287, 'norm_ltcy': 29.19720934455843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:35.756000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:35.756000",
+ "bytes": 2087486464,
+ "norm_byte": 35109888,
+ "ops": 2038561,
+ "norm_ops": 34287,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.19720934455843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fbc4ac522bf50c4a575349e733be73284ee70faf51f379c9b46536bea525a521",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:39:36.957000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:39:36.957000', 'bytes': 2122748928, 'norm_byte': 35262464, 'ops': 2072997, 'norm_ops': 34436, 'norm_ltcy': 34.88303454914551, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:39:36.957000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:39:36.957000",
+ "bytes": 2122748928,
+ "norm_byte": 35262464,
+ "ops": 2072997,
+ "norm_ops": 34436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.88303454914551,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd0d6cda-da53-5805-b04f-537f1a11bc5a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1bbaba2d7cfd9860a6325d00f98e940d82518fbe9061d1a5f059b106184a705b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35379148.8
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34549.95
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.302069086808892
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:39:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-033-220519203551/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-033-220519203551/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d85f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-033-220519203551/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-033-220519203551/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-033-220519203551/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-033-220519203551/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-033-220519203551/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-033-220519203551/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c23db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-033-220519203551/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=120
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-034-220519203753/220519203753-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-034-220519203753/220519203753-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b83cb4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-034-220519203753/220519203753-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:40:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992837032.4419 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992838032.8601 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992838032.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992839034.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62360576 nr_ops:60899\ntimestamp_ms:1652992840035.1313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125471744 nr_ops:122531\ntimestamp_ms:1652992841035.9070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187466752 nr_ops:183073\ntimestamp_ms:1652992842037.0051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249842688 nr_ops:243987\ntimestamp_ms:1652992843038.0984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313387008 nr_ops:306042\ntimestamp_ms:1652992844039.1855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376742912 nr_ops:367913\ntimestamp_ms:1652992845040.2808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440523776 nr_ops:430199\ntimestamp_ms:1652992846040.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503831552 nr_ops:492023\ntimestamp_ms:1652992847041.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567198720 nr_ops:553905\ntimestamp_ms:1652992848043.0137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630219776 nr_ops:615449\ntimestamp_ms:1652992849044.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:693556224 nr_ops:677301\ntimestamp_ms:1652992850045.2144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756945920 nr_ops:739205\ntimestamp_ms:1652992851046.3022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821126144 nr_ops:801881\ntimestamp_ms:1652992852047.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884985856 nr_ops:864244\ntimestamp_ms:1652992853048.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:948332544 nr_ops:926106\ntimestamp_ms:1652992854049.5276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1011753984 nr_ops:988041\ntimestamp_ms:1652992855050.3176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1074936832 nr_ops:1049743\ntimestamp_ms:1652992856050.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139653632 nr_ops:1112943\ntimestamp_ms:1652992857051.9861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204260864 nr_ops:1176036\ntimestamp_ms:1652992858052.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267426304 nr_ops:1237721\ntimestamp_ms:1652992859053.9292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329864704 nr_ops:1298696\ntimestamp_ms:1652992860055.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392755712 nr_ops:1360113\ntimestamp_ms:1652992861056.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455869952 nr_ops:1421748\ntimestamp_ms:1652992862057.2637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518832640 nr_ops:1483235\ntimestamp_ms:1652992863058.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581925376 nr_ops:1544849\ntimestamp_ms:1652992864059.3979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1645908992 nr_ops:1607333\ntimestamp_ms:1652992865060.5015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710744576 nr_ops:1670649\ntimestamp_ms:1652992866061.5964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774375936 nr_ops:1732789\ntimestamp_ms:1652992867062.6985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837905920 nr_ops:1794830\ntimestamp_ms:1652992868063.7888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1900717056 nr_ops:1856169\ntimestamp_ms:1652992869063.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963914240 nr_ops:1917885\ntimestamp_ms:1652992870064.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026677248 nr_ops:1979177\ntimestamp_ms:1652992871066.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2090943488 nr_ops:2041937\ntimestamp_ms:1652992872067.1160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2156291072 nr_ops:2105753\ntimestamp_ms:1652992873068.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223838208 nr_ops:2171717\ntimestamp_ms:1652992874069.2993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2288661504 nr_ops:2235021\ntimestamp_ms:1652992875070.3984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2352053248 nr_ops:2296927\ntimestamp_ms:1652992876070.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2415827968 nr_ops:2359207\ntimestamp_ms:1652992877071.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2483134464 nr_ops:2424936\ntimestamp_ms:1652992878072.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547473408 nr_ops:2487767\ntimestamp_ms:1652992879073.5125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2616507392 nr_ops:2555183\ntimestamp_ms:1652992880074.6045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2678779904 nr_ops:2615996\ntimestamp_ms:1652992881075.7085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2739440640 nr_ops:2675235\ntimestamp_ms:1652992882076.7971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802793472 nr_ops:2737103\ntimestamp_ms:1652992883077.8892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2866077696 nr_ops:2798904\ntimestamp_ms:1652992884078.9795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929474560 nr_ops:2860815\ntimestamp_ms:1652992885080.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2992704512 nr_ops:2922563\ntimestamp_ms:1652992886081.1680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3055729664 nr_ops:2984111\ntimestamp_ms:1652992887082.2603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3118273536 nr_ops:3045189\ntimestamp_ms:1652992888083.3579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3181112320 nr_ops:3106555\ntimestamp_ms:1652992889084.4521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3243514880 nr_ops:3167495\ntimestamp_ms:1652992890085.5430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3307869184 nr_ops:3230341\ntimestamp_ms:1652992891086.6396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3372947456 nr_ops:3293894\ntimestamp_ms:1652992892087.7319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3436096512 nr_ops:3355563\ntimestamp_ms:1652992893088.8286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498386432 nr_ops:3416393\ntimestamp_ms:1652992894089.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3561374720 nr_ops:3477905\ntimestamp_ms:1652992895090.9827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3625249792 nr_ops:3540283\ntimestamp_ms:1652992896092.0840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3688604672 nr_ops:3602153\ntimestamp_ms:1652992897093.1777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3751252992 nr_ops:3663333\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140177793808128\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.5186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3813064704 nr_ops:3723696\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.6050 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.6155 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898394.8542 name:Total nr_bytes:3813064704 nr_ops:3723697\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.7100 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7626129408 nr_ops:7447394\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.7107 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3813064704 nr_ops:3723699\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 325.31us 0.00ns 325.31us 325.31us \nTxn1 1861848 32.21us 0.00ns 3.30ms 25.84us \nTxn2 1 25.80us 0.00ns 25.80us 25.80us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 324.63us 0.00ns 324.63us 324.63us \nwrite 1861848 3.21us 0.00ns 84.10us 2.43us \nread 1861848 28.92us 0.00ns 3.30ms 1.48us \ndisconnect 1 25.47us 0.00ns 25.47us 25.47us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.77b/s \nnet1 29855 29855 260.33Mb/s 260.33Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.129 62.36s 3.55GB 489.14Mb/s 3723699 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.55GB 489.14Mb/s 3723699 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412612, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992837032.4419 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992838032.8601 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992838032.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992839034.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62360576 nr_ops:60899\ntimestamp_ms:1652992840035.1313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125471744 nr_ops:122531\ntimestamp_ms:1652992841035.9070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187466752 nr_ops:183073\ntimestamp_ms:1652992842037.0051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249842688 nr_ops:243987\ntimestamp_ms:1652992843038.0984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313387008 nr_ops:306042\ntimestamp_ms:1652992844039.1855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376742912 nr_ops:367913\ntimestamp_ms:1652992845040.2808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440523776 nr_ops:430199\ntimestamp_ms:1652992846040.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503831552 nr_ops:492023\ntimestamp_ms:1652992847041.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567198720 nr_ops:553905\ntimestamp_ms:1652992848043.0137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630219776 nr_ops:615449\ntimestamp_ms:1652992849044.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:693556224 nr_ops:677301\ntimestamp_ms:1652992850045.2144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756945920 nr_ops:739205\ntimestamp_ms:1652992851046.3022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821126144 nr_ops:801881\ntimestamp_ms:1652992852047.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884985856 nr_ops:864244\ntimestamp_ms:1652992853048.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:948332544 nr_ops:926106\ntimestamp_ms:1652992854049.5276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1011753984 nr_ops:988041\ntimestamp_ms:1652992855050.3176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1074936832 nr_ops:1049743\ntimestamp_ms:1652992856050.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139653632 nr_ops:1112943\ntimestamp_ms:1652992857051.9861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204260864 nr_ops:1176036\ntimestamp_ms:1652992858052.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267426304 nr_ops:1237721\ntimestamp_ms:1652992859053.9292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329864704 nr_ops:1298696\ntimestamp_ms:1652992860055.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392755712 nr_ops:1360113\ntimestamp_ms:1652992861056.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455869952 nr_ops:1421748\ntimestamp_ms:1652992862057.2637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518832640 nr_ops:1483235\ntimestamp_ms:1652992863058.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581925376 nr_ops:1544849\ntimestamp_ms:1652992864059.3979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1645908992 nr_ops:1607333\ntimestamp_ms:1652992865060.5015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710744576 nr_ops:1670649\ntimestamp_ms:1652992866061.5964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774375936 nr_ops:1732789\ntimestamp_ms:1652992867062.6985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837905920 nr_ops:1794830\ntimestamp_ms:1652992868063.7888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1900717056 nr_ops:1856169\ntimestamp_ms:1652992869063.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963914240 nr_ops:1917885\ntimestamp_ms:1652992870064.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026677248 nr_ops:1979177\ntimestamp_ms:1652992871066.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2090943488 nr_ops:2041937\ntimestamp_ms:1652992872067.1160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2156291072 nr_ops:2105753\ntimestamp_ms:1652992873068.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223838208 nr_ops:2171717\ntimestamp_ms:1652992874069.2993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2288661504 nr_ops:2235021\ntimestamp_ms:1652992875070.3984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2352053248 nr_ops:2296927\ntimestamp_ms:1652992876070.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2415827968 nr_ops:2359207\ntimestamp_ms:1652992877071.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2483134464 nr_ops:2424936\ntimestamp_ms:1652992878072.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547473408 nr_ops:2487767\ntimestamp_ms:1652992879073.5125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2616507392 nr_ops:2555183\ntimestamp_ms:1652992880074.6045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2678779904 nr_ops:2615996\ntimestamp_ms:1652992881075.7085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2739440640 nr_ops:2675235\ntimestamp_ms:1652992882076.7971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802793472 nr_ops:2737103\ntimestamp_ms:1652992883077.8892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2866077696 nr_ops:2798904\ntimestamp_ms:1652992884078.9795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929474560 nr_ops:2860815\ntimestamp_ms:1652992885080.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2992704512 nr_ops:2922563\ntimestamp_ms:1652992886081.1680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3055729664 nr_ops:2984111\ntimestamp_ms:1652992887082.2603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3118273536 nr_ops:3045189\ntimestamp_ms:1652992888083.3579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3181112320 nr_ops:3106555\ntimestamp_ms:1652992889084.4521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3243514880 nr_ops:3167495\ntimestamp_ms:1652992890085.5430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3307869184 nr_ops:3230341\ntimestamp_ms:1652992891086.6396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3372947456 nr_ops:3293894\ntimestamp_ms:1652992892087.7319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3436096512 nr_ops:3355563\ntimestamp_ms:1652992893088.8286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498386432 nr_ops:3416393\ntimestamp_ms:1652992894089.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3561374720 nr_ops:3477905\ntimestamp_ms:1652992895090.9827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3625249792 nr_ops:3540283\ntimestamp_ms:1652992896092.0840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3688604672 nr_ops:3602153\ntimestamp_ms:1652992897093.1777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3751252992 nr_ops:3663333\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140177793808128\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.5186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3813064704 nr_ops:3723696\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.6050 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.6155 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898394.8542 name:Total nr_bytes:3813064704 nr_ops:3723697\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.7100 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7626129408 nr_ops:7447394\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.7107 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3813064704 nr_ops:3723699\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 325.31us 0.00ns 325.31us 325.31us \nTxn1 1861848 32.21us 0.00ns 3.30ms 25.84us \nTxn2 1 25.80us 0.00ns 25.80us 25.80us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 324.63us 0.00ns 324.63us 324.63us \nwrite 1861848 3.21us 0.00ns 84.10us 2.43us \nread 1861848 28.92us 0.00ns 3.30ms 1.48us \ndisconnect 1 25.47us 0.00ns 25.47us 25.47us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.77b/s \nnet1 29855 29855 260.33Mb/s 260.33Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.129 62.36s 3.55GB 489.14Mb/s 3723699 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.55GB 489.14Mb/s 3723699 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412612, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992837032.4419 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992838032.8601 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992838032.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992839034.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62360576 nr_ops:60899\ntimestamp_ms:1652992840035.1313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125471744 nr_ops:122531\ntimestamp_ms:1652992841035.9070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187466752 nr_ops:183073\ntimestamp_ms:1652992842037.0051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249842688 nr_ops:243987\ntimestamp_ms:1652992843038.0984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313387008 nr_ops:306042\ntimestamp_ms:1652992844039.1855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376742912 nr_ops:367913\ntimestamp_ms:1652992845040.2808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440523776 nr_ops:430199\ntimestamp_ms:1652992846040.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503831552 nr_ops:492023\ntimestamp_ms:1652992847041.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567198720 nr_ops:553905\ntimestamp_ms:1652992848043.0137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630219776 nr_ops:615449\ntimestamp_ms:1652992849044.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:693556224 nr_ops:677301\ntimestamp_ms:1652992850045.2144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756945920 nr_ops:739205\ntimestamp_ms:1652992851046.3022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821126144 nr_ops:801881\ntimestamp_ms:1652992852047.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884985856 nr_ops:864244\ntimestamp_ms:1652992853048.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:948332544 nr_ops:926106\ntimestamp_ms:1652992854049.5276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1011753984 nr_ops:988041\ntimestamp_ms:1652992855050.3176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1074936832 nr_ops:1049743\ntimestamp_ms:1652992856050.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139653632 nr_ops:1112943\ntimestamp_ms:1652992857051.9861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204260864 nr_ops:1176036\ntimestamp_ms:1652992858052.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267426304 nr_ops:1237721\ntimestamp_ms:1652992859053.9292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329864704 nr_ops:1298696\ntimestamp_ms:1652992860055.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392755712 nr_ops:1360113\ntimestamp_ms:1652992861056.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455869952 nr_ops:1421748\ntimestamp_ms:1652992862057.2637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518832640 nr_ops:1483235\ntimestamp_ms:1652992863058.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581925376 nr_ops:1544849\ntimestamp_ms:1652992864059.3979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1645908992 nr_ops:1607333\ntimestamp_ms:1652992865060.5015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710744576 nr_ops:1670649\ntimestamp_ms:1652992866061.5964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774375936 nr_ops:1732789\ntimestamp_ms:1652992867062.6985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837905920 nr_ops:1794830\ntimestamp_ms:1652992868063.7888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1900717056 nr_ops:1856169\ntimestamp_ms:1652992869063.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963914240 nr_ops:1917885\ntimestamp_ms:1652992870064.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026677248 nr_ops:1979177\ntimestamp_ms:1652992871066.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2090943488 nr_ops:2041937\ntimestamp_ms:1652992872067.1160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2156291072 nr_ops:2105753\ntimestamp_ms:1652992873068.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223838208 nr_ops:2171717\ntimestamp_ms:1652992874069.2993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2288661504 nr_ops:2235021\ntimestamp_ms:1652992875070.3984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2352053248 nr_ops:2296927\ntimestamp_ms:1652992876070.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2415827968 nr_ops:2359207\ntimestamp_ms:1652992877071.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2483134464 nr_ops:2424936\ntimestamp_ms:1652992878072.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547473408 nr_ops:2487767\ntimestamp_ms:1652992879073.5125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2616507392 nr_ops:2555183\ntimestamp_ms:1652992880074.6045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2678779904 nr_ops:2615996\ntimestamp_ms:1652992881075.7085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2739440640 nr_ops:2675235\ntimestamp_ms:1652992882076.7971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802793472 nr_ops:2737103\ntimestamp_ms:1652992883077.8892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2866077696 nr_ops:2798904\ntimestamp_ms:1652992884078.9795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929474560 nr_ops:2860815\ntimestamp_ms:1652992885080.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2992704512 nr_ops:2922563\ntimestamp_ms:1652992886081.1680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3055729664 nr_ops:2984111\ntimestamp_ms:1652992887082.2603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3118273536 nr_ops:3045189\ntimestamp_ms:1652992888083.3579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3181112320 nr_ops:3106555\ntimestamp_ms:1652992889084.4521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3243514880 nr_ops:3167495\ntimestamp_ms:1652992890085.5430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3307869184 nr_ops:3230341\ntimestamp_ms:1652992891086.6396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3372947456 nr_ops:3293894\ntimestamp_ms:1652992892087.7319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3436096512 nr_ops:3355563\ntimestamp_ms:1652992893088.8286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498386432 nr_ops:3416393\ntimestamp_ms:1652992894089.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3561374720 nr_ops:3477905\ntimestamp_ms:1652992895090.9827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3625249792 nr_ops:3540283\ntimestamp_ms:1652992896092.0840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3688604672 nr_ops:3602153\ntimestamp_ms:1652992897093.1777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3751252992 nr_ops:3663333\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140177793808128\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.5186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3813064704 nr_ops:3723696\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.6050 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.6155 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898394.8542 name:Total nr_bytes:3813064704 nr_ops:3723697\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.7100 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7626129408 nr_ops:7447394\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652992898294.7107 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3813064704 nr_ops:3723699\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 325.31us 0.00ns 325.31us 325.31us \nTxn1 1861848 32.21us 0.00ns 3.30ms 25.84us \nTxn2 1 25.80us 0.00ns 25.80us 25.80us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 324.63us 0.00ns 324.63us 324.63us \nwrite 1861848 3.21us 0.00ns 84.10us 2.43us \nread 1861848 28.92us 0.00ns 3.30ms 1.48us \ndisconnect 1 25.47us 0.00ns 25.47us 25.47us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.77b/s \nnet1 29855 29855 260.33Mb/s 260.33Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.129 62.36s 3.55GB 489.14Mb/s 3723699 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.55GB 489.14Mb/s 3723699 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412612, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992837032.4419 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992838032.8601 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992838032.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992839034.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62360576 nr_ops:60899
+timestamp_ms:1652992840035.1313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125471744 nr_ops:122531
+timestamp_ms:1652992841035.9070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187466752 nr_ops:183073
+timestamp_ms:1652992842037.0051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249842688 nr_ops:243987
+timestamp_ms:1652992843038.0984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313387008 nr_ops:306042
+timestamp_ms:1652992844039.1855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376742912 nr_ops:367913
+timestamp_ms:1652992845040.2808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440523776 nr_ops:430199
+timestamp_ms:1652992846040.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503831552 nr_ops:492023
+timestamp_ms:1652992847041.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567198720 nr_ops:553905
+timestamp_ms:1652992848043.0137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630219776 nr_ops:615449
+timestamp_ms:1652992849044.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:693556224 nr_ops:677301
+timestamp_ms:1652992850045.2144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756945920 nr_ops:739205
+timestamp_ms:1652992851046.3022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821126144 nr_ops:801881
+timestamp_ms:1652992852047.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884985856 nr_ops:864244
+timestamp_ms:1652992853048.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:948332544 nr_ops:926106
+timestamp_ms:1652992854049.5276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1011753984 nr_ops:988041
+timestamp_ms:1652992855050.3176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1074936832 nr_ops:1049743
+timestamp_ms:1652992856050.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139653632 nr_ops:1112943
+timestamp_ms:1652992857051.9861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204260864 nr_ops:1176036
+timestamp_ms:1652992858052.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267426304 nr_ops:1237721
+timestamp_ms:1652992859053.9292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329864704 nr_ops:1298696
+timestamp_ms:1652992860055.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392755712 nr_ops:1360113
+timestamp_ms:1652992861056.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455869952 nr_ops:1421748
+timestamp_ms:1652992862057.2637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518832640 nr_ops:1483235
+timestamp_ms:1652992863058.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581925376 nr_ops:1544849
+timestamp_ms:1652992864059.3979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1645908992 nr_ops:1607333
+timestamp_ms:1652992865060.5015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710744576 nr_ops:1670649
+timestamp_ms:1652992866061.5964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774375936 nr_ops:1732789
+timestamp_ms:1652992867062.6985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837905920 nr_ops:1794830
+timestamp_ms:1652992868063.7888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1900717056 nr_ops:1856169
+timestamp_ms:1652992869063.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963914240 nr_ops:1917885
+timestamp_ms:1652992870064.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026677248 nr_ops:1979177
+timestamp_ms:1652992871066.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2090943488 nr_ops:2041937
+timestamp_ms:1652992872067.1160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2156291072 nr_ops:2105753
+timestamp_ms:1652992873068.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223838208 nr_ops:2171717
+timestamp_ms:1652992874069.2993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2288661504 nr_ops:2235021
+timestamp_ms:1652992875070.3984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2352053248 nr_ops:2296927
+timestamp_ms:1652992876070.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2415827968 nr_ops:2359207
+timestamp_ms:1652992877071.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2483134464 nr_ops:2424936
+timestamp_ms:1652992878072.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547473408 nr_ops:2487767
+timestamp_ms:1652992879073.5125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2616507392 nr_ops:2555183
+timestamp_ms:1652992880074.6045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2678779904 nr_ops:2615996
+timestamp_ms:1652992881075.7085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2739440640 nr_ops:2675235
+timestamp_ms:1652992882076.7971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802793472 nr_ops:2737103
+timestamp_ms:1652992883077.8892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2866077696 nr_ops:2798904
+timestamp_ms:1652992884078.9795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929474560 nr_ops:2860815
+timestamp_ms:1652992885080.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2992704512 nr_ops:2922563
+timestamp_ms:1652992886081.1680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3055729664 nr_ops:2984111
+timestamp_ms:1652992887082.2603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3118273536 nr_ops:3045189
+timestamp_ms:1652992888083.3579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3181112320 nr_ops:3106555
+timestamp_ms:1652992889084.4521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3243514880 nr_ops:3167495
+timestamp_ms:1652992890085.5430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3307869184 nr_ops:3230341
+timestamp_ms:1652992891086.6396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3372947456 nr_ops:3293894
+timestamp_ms:1652992892087.7319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3436096512 nr_ops:3355563
+timestamp_ms:1652992893088.8286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498386432 nr_ops:3416393
+timestamp_ms:1652992894089.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3561374720 nr_ops:3477905
+timestamp_ms:1652992895090.9827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3625249792 nr_ops:3540283
+timestamp_ms:1652992896092.0840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3688604672 nr_ops:3602153
+timestamp_ms:1652992897093.1777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3751252992 nr_ops:3663333
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140177793808128
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652992898294.5186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3813064704 nr_ops:3723696
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992898294.6050 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992898294.6155 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992898394.8542 name:Total nr_bytes:3813064704 nr_ops:3723697
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992898294.7100 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7626129408 nr_ops:7447394
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652992898294.7107 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3813064704 nr_ops:3723699
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 325.31us 0.00ns 325.31us 325.31us
+Txn1 1861848 32.21us 0.00ns 3.30ms 25.84us
+Txn2 1 25.80us 0.00ns 25.80us 25.80us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 324.63us 0.00ns 324.63us 324.63us
+write 1861848 3.21us 0.00ns 84.10us 2.43us
+read 1861848 28.92us 0.00ns 3.30ms 1.48us
+disconnect 1 25.47us 0.00ns 25.47us 25.47us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.77b/s
+net1 29855 29855 260.33Mb/s 260.33Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.129 62.36s 3.55GB 489.14Mb/s 3723699 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.55GB 489.14Mb/s 3723699 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:39.034000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:39.034000', 'bytes': 62360576, 'norm_byte': 62360576, 'ops': 60899, 'norm_ops': 60899, 'norm_ltcy': 16.438518784688583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:39.034000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:39.034000",
+ "bytes": 62360576,
+ "norm_byte": 62360576,
+ "ops": 60899,
+ "norm_ops": 60899,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.438518784688583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ef138aa482d619f861649ffe444add5b3261877508940616731f1df58eebd95",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:40.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:40.035000', 'bytes': 125471744, 'norm_byte': 63111168, 'ops': 122531, 'norm_ops': 61632, 'norm_ltcy': 16.243068104840017, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:40.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:40.035000",
+ "bytes": 125471744,
+ "norm_byte": 63111168,
+ "ops": 122531,
+ "norm_ops": 61632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.243068104840017,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "543e10bc020f8c20081d2474a9dcd51d681221d6f7d99619e86ce902922f889a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:41.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:41.035000', 'bytes': 187466752, 'norm_byte': 61995008, 'ops': 183073, 'norm_ops': 60542, 'norm_ltcy': 16.530270469519092, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:41.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:41.035000",
+ "bytes": 187466752,
+ "norm_byte": 61995008,
+ "ops": 183073,
+ "norm_ops": 60542,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.530270469519092,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d4541640b6c0dcb189f9dac9d8fee0126bcd3a73b0041695ce76d47486c6e7d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:42.037000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:42.037000', 'bytes': 249842688, 'norm_byte': 62375936, 'ops': 243987, 'norm_ops': 60914, 'norm_ltcy': 16.43461510541501, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:42.037000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:42.037000",
+ "bytes": 249842688,
+ "norm_byte": 62375936,
+ "ops": 243987,
+ "norm_ops": 60914,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.43461510541501,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11ea58d04e79e98e0310dcd6bbb72ae5d8627acc0352f091852a31466754c1ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:43.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:43.038000', 'bytes': 313387008, 'norm_byte': 63544320, 'ops': 306042, 'norm_ops': 62055, 'norm_ltcy': 16.132354551909597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:43.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:43.038000",
+ "bytes": 313387008,
+ "norm_byte": 63544320,
+ "ops": 306042,
+ "norm_ops": 62055,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.132354551909597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5bfb177ed192ec416fd5f696e6edda5bcab4f15c1187ce257c968930023ace95",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:44.039000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:44.039000', 'bytes': 376742912, 'norm_byte': 63355904, 'ops': 367913, 'norm_ops': 61871, 'norm_ltcy': 16.180232390023193, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:44.039000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:44.039000",
+ "bytes": 376742912,
+ "norm_byte": 63355904,
+ "ops": 367913,
+ "norm_ops": 61871,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.180232390023193,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fededb73b7031d0b5a41e9dd9b0703cf3c0ae3ae8d6a7cd0a6cf9d11763cecc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:45.040000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:45.040000', 'bytes': 440523776, 'norm_byte': 63780864, 'ops': 430199, 'norm_ops': 62286, 'norm_ltcy': 16.072555868794755, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:45.040000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:45.040000",
+ "bytes": 440523776,
+ "norm_byte": 63780864,
+ "ops": 430199,
+ "norm_ops": 62286,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.072555868794755,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9683e79e4ea55e91d4aa789840b4dda75542b2e4bfaf6b51ad998c1a0195c5cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:46.040000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:46.040000', 'bytes': 503831552, 'norm_byte': 63307776, 'ops': 492023, 'norm_ops': 61824, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18389263903379, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:46.040000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:46.040000",
+ "bytes": 503831552,
+ "norm_byte": 63307776,
+ "ops": 492023,
+ "norm_ops": 61824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18389263903379,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "12c4c3d996b3af3d937530c99307b5ac2658efa6e5f09edff1034798bba49174",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:47.041000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:47.041000', 'bytes': 567198720, 'norm_byte': 63367168, 'ops': 553905, 'norm_ops': 61882, 'norm_ltcy': 16.177470642210174, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:47.041000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:47.041000",
+ "bytes": 567198720,
+ "norm_byte": 63367168,
+ "ops": 553905,
+ "norm_ops": 61882,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.177470642210174,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1619e625b726926608c24d2821226245b5c965e7e93a4af6247c219064d9c68e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:48.043000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:48.043000', 'bytes': 630219776, 'norm_byte': 63021056, 'ops': 615449, 'norm_ops': 61544, 'norm_ltcy': 16.266178561019352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:48.043000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:48.043000",
+ "bytes": 630219776,
+ "norm_byte": 63021056,
+ "ops": 615449,
+ "norm_ops": 61544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.266178561019352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "350bdc77208362bc452ea2ac48fa9df9cb902f4a173b92bd38d8eba11211c8ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:49.044000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:49.044000', 'bytes': 693556224, 'norm_byte': 63336448, 'ops': 677301, 'norm_ops': 61852, 'norm_ltcy': 16.185344811253074, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:49.044000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:49.044000",
+ "bytes": 693556224,
+ "norm_byte": 63336448,
+ "ops": 677301,
+ "norm_ops": 61852,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.185344811253074,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76a0a2bab13be24ae1eda302687f4b596c6f4078621e7a3459a995fe7f98d6c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:50.045000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:50.045000', 'bytes': 756945920, 'norm_byte': 63389696, 'ops': 739205, 'norm_ops': 61904, 'norm_ltcy': 16.171890933188887, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:50.045000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:50.045000",
+ "bytes": 756945920,
+ "norm_byte": 63389696,
+ "ops": 739205,
+ "norm_ops": 61904,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.171890933188887,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66ea470417f2f75b68747c8350498880c6a61d4f81b9823f22a4a64a1d0e86b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:51.046000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:51.046000', 'bytes': 821126144, 'norm_byte': 64180224, 'ops': 801881, 'norm_ops': 62676, 'norm_ltcy': 15.972427893053164, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:51.046000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:51.046000",
+ "bytes": 821126144,
+ "norm_byte": 64180224,
+ "ops": 801881,
+ "norm_ops": 62676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.972427893053164,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "516f2608273149f697dc57303efff975cff9aceb25d55f820318b4b339f7039e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:52.047000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:52.047000', 'bytes': 884985856, 'norm_byte': 63859712, 'ops': 864244, 'norm_ops': 62363, 'norm_ltcy': 16.051794909441494, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:52.047000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:52.047000",
+ "bytes": 884985856,
+ "norm_byte": 63859712,
+ "ops": 864244,
+ "norm_ops": 62363,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.051794909441494,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20ee53b7f64cdf07807bf319df48fb07441f4436ed7af7fb4cd16f1fbdc53275",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:53.048000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:53.048000', 'bytes': 948332544, 'norm_byte': 63346688, 'ops': 926106, 'norm_ops': 61862, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18265741059738, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:53.048000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:53.048000",
+ "bytes": 948332544,
+ "norm_byte": 63346688,
+ "ops": 926106,
+ "norm_ops": 61862,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18265741059738,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c752008d529a094cb3bdf16eb027a879b2c2618e3d45f73c6072ae1d30d8aa3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:54.049000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:54.049000', 'bytes': 1011753984, 'norm_byte': 63421440, 'ops': 988041, 'norm_ops': 61935, 'norm_ltcy': 16.163650651893114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:54.049000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:54.049000",
+ "bytes": 1011753984,
+ "norm_byte": 63421440,
+ "ops": 988041,
+ "norm_ops": 61935,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.163650651893114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f85de299e07fe0b65f726abd650e60470385969f89a186e9e9ee637a8bb81b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:55.050000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:55.050000', 'bytes': 1074936832, 'norm_byte': 63182848, 'ops': 1049743, 'norm_ops': 61702, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21973419115264, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:55.050000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:55.050000",
+ "bytes": 1074936832,
+ "norm_byte": 63182848,
+ "ops": 1049743,
+ "norm_ops": 61702,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21973419115264,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfdd014d4f95bbe61ff2c87611688dc82d2383776e09e8c3a828e6ccc53c304a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:56.050000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:56.050000', 'bytes': 1139653632, 'norm_byte': 64716800, 'ops': 1112943, 'norm_ops': 63200, 'norm_ltcy': 15.831152034711234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:56.050000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:56.050000",
+ "bytes": 1139653632,
+ "norm_byte": 64716800,
+ "ops": 1112943,
+ "norm_ops": 63200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.831152034711234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8cc82257ec66ecc48d196ccdd81507bf7904ba57408c62c79cbdef01d58a9404",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:57.051000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:57.051000', 'bytes': 1204260864, 'norm_byte': 64607232, 'ops': 1176036, 'norm_ops': 63093, 'norm_ltcy': 15.867681809986847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:57.051000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:57.051000",
+ "bytes": 1204260864,
+ "norm_byte": 64607232,
+ "ops": 1176036,
+ "norm_ops": 63093,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.867681809986847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c009d4e345155f648baf96e465f4c07b163f6d91947deb9a993b0a42aec90017",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:58.052000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:58.052000', 'bytes': 1267426304, 'norm_byte': 63165440, 'ops': 1237721, 'norm_ops': 61685, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22515413491935, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:58.052000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:58.052000",
+ "bytes": 1267426304,
+ "norm_byte": 63165440,
+ "ops": 1237721,
+ "norm_ops": 61685,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22515413491935,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac7f45d3e29074d0fa72af09e2f209fcfe1efa048062813e759e240fa0330312",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:40:59.053000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:40:59.053000', 'bytes': 1329864704, 'norm_byte': 62438400, 'ops': 1298696, 'norm_ops': 60975, 'norm_ltcy': 16.418113692855677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:40:59.053000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:40:59.053000",
+ "bytes": 1329864704,
+ "norm_byte": 62438400,
+ "ops": 1298696,
+ "norm_ops": 60975,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.418113692855677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c076a31353ff5bec81ea7bdc23f36de5860e61f46ecc1241ebdca559ebe95854",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:00.055000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:00.055000', 'bytes': 1392755712, 'norm_byte': 62891008, 'ops': 1360113, 'norm_ops': 61417, 'norm_ltcy': 16.29992955431721, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:00.055000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:00.055000",
+ "bytes": 1392755712,
+ "norm_byte": 62891008,
+ "ops": 1360113,
+ "norm_ops": 61417,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.29992955431721,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d12408f35650d87420f36252bf451c26c188fcf5f9b0e6e3458976eb41fa8b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:01.056000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:01.056000', 'bytes': 1455869952, 'norm_byte': 63114240, 'ops': 1421748, 'norm_ops': 61635, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2422854176807, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:01.056000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:01.056000",
+ "bytes": 1455869952,
+ "norm_byte": 63114240,
+ "ops": 1421748,
+ "norm_ops": 61635,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2422854176807,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e95b21ff6af897f79b19b310624e39403537e70730982532047f0f7052f5bb0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:02.057000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:02.057000', 'bytes': 1518832640, 'norm_byte': 62962688, 'ops': 1483235, 'norm_ops': 61487, 'norm_ltcy': 16.282278164490055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:02.057000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:02.057000",
+ "bytes": 1518832640,
+ "norm_byte": 62962688,
+ "ops": 1483235,
+ "norm_ops": 61487,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.282278164490055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8de1580f78ff5a5fc71938c804c46ff7aa4ffa73518ed617edbdbd32efab690",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:03.058000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:03.058000', 'bytes': 1581925376, 'norm_byte': 63092736, 'ops': 1544849, 'norm_ops': 61614, 'norm_ltcy': 16.24692183264964, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:03.058000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:03.058000",
+ "bytes": 1581925376,
+ "norm_byte": 63092736,
+ "ops": 1544849,
+ "norm_ops": 61614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.24692183264964,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dad467beb49c5bbabe1899b2f3ccc01e9a27be1ca5288cbced958371d733bf1a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:04.059000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:04.059000', 'bytes': 1645908992, 'norm_byte': 63983616, 'ops': 1607333, 'norm_ops': 62484, 'norm_ltcy': 16.021644509744494, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:04.059000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:04.059000",
+ "bytes": 1645908992,
+ "norm_byte": 63983616,
+ "ops": 1607333,
+ "norm_ops": 62484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.021644509744494,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e71f8e4268d0f38c5fb0ef9789af39e985fb1709735b7b83950e95d55f3ad9e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:05.060000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:05.060000', 'bytes': 1710744576, 'norm_byte': 64835584, 'ops': 1670649, 'norm_ops': 63316, 'norm_ltcy': 15.811224897735169, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:05.060000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:05.060000",
+ "bytes": 1710744576,
+ "norm_byte": 64835584,
+ "ops": 1670649,
+ "norm_ops": 63316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.811224897735169,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8ac2c967bc2e5ef1290017a5cb499de0bdec64da6a6a527ca2e0d25d118cfcc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:06.061000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:06.061000', 'bytes': 1774375936, 'norm_byte': 63631360, 'ops': 1732789, 'norm_ops': 62140, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11031494533513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:06.061000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:06.061000",
+ "bytes": 1774375936,
+ "norm_byte": 63631360,
+ "ops": 1732789,
+ "norm_ops": 62140,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11031494533513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8df38d72b6a54beac7337242addc7f09babf17771056df522212f01dc5a1b4bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:07.062000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:07.062000', 'bytes': 1837905920, 'norm_byte': 63529984, 'ops': 1794830, 'norm_ops': 62041, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13613659968811, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:07.062000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:07.062000",
+ "bytes": 1837905920,
+ "norm_byte": 63529984,
+ "ops": 1794830,
+ "norm_ops": 62041,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13613659968811,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dbb7f9c6f86ec7629751dbf16cb7a79308da27168cf891b272c2b425c633c8f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:08.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:08.063000', 'bytes': 1900717056, 'norm_byte': 62811136, 'ops': 1856169, 'norm_ops': 61339, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32061709566915, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:08.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:08.063000",
+ "bytes": 1900717056,
+ "norm_byte": 62811136,
+ "ops": 1856169,
+ "norm_ops": 61339,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32061709566915,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db13136bbaca41af497530b775b1bc2aa2293d2208084efbcb9c81366f4f3391",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:09.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:09.063000', 'bytes': 1963914240, 'norm_byte': 63197184, 'ops': 1917885, 'norm_ops': 61716, 'norm_ltcy': 16.204028964328536, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:09.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:09.063000",
+ "bytes": 1963914240,
+ "norm_byte": 63197184,
+ "ops": 1917885,
+ "norm_ops": 61716,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.204028964328536,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25cf881bf4925f27bb6e83a7d1d8d45d2902a42bbe8b221686ceaa09ac1e6bdd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:10.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:10.064000', 'bytes': 2026677248, 'norm_byte': 62763008, 'ops': 1979177, 'norm_ops': 61292, 'norm_ltcy': 16.333144039240437, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:10.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:10.064000",
+ "bytes": 2026677248,
+ "norm_byte": 62763008,
+ "ops": 1979177,
+ "norm_ops": 61292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.333144039240437,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d2e5f7e7c795a83d7596ac89cc746451d3188b23bcdbda3b2d2403d4afb2dcf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:11.066000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:11.066000', 'bytes': 2090943488, 'norm_byte': 64266240, 'ops': 2041937, 'norm_ops': 62760, 'norm_ltcy': 15.951057662623485, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:11.066000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:11.066000",
+ "bytes": 2090943488,
+ "norm_byte": 64266240,
+ "ops": 2041937,
+ "norm_ops": 62760,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.951057662623485,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef523eadd8cb8cb308046f5690ef837459f0c6a766875ec289ab5af1bccd32ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:12.067000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:12.067000', 'bytes': 2156291072, 'norm_byte': 65347584, 'ops': 2105753, 'norm_ops': 63816, 'norm_ltcy': 15.687286158888446, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:12.067000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:12.067000",
+ "bytes": 2156291072,
+ "norm_byte": 65347584,
+ "ops": 2105753,
+ "norm_ops": 63816,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.687286158888446,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e33258bef24b7da56b75391a50cdd060e5b5b029bd56a2dd895f78f08b52eb93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:13.068000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:13.068000', 'bytes': 2223838208, 'norm_byte': 67547136, 'ops': 2171717, 'norm_ops': 65964, 'norm_ltcy': 15.17640955199048, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:13.068000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:13.068000",
+ "bytes": 2223838208,
+ "norm_byte": 67547136,
+ "ops": 2171717,
+ "norm_ops": 65964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.17640955199048,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "216f42e3651d672e30fe4412d30909a26aaf5ada226c10522d9b81e5b9cc0709",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:14.069000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:14.069000', 'bytes': 2288661504, 'norm_byte': 64823296, 'ops': 2235021, 'norm_ops': 63304, 'norm_ltcy': 15.813955988908678, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:14.069000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:14.069000",
+ "bytes": 2288661504,
+ "norm_byte": 64823296,
+ "ops": 2235021,
+ "norm_ops": 63304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.813955988908678,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4dcb2e6c7340a6d5e550670cad6af19a4095f7cac0f8106100d6efe4bd285abd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:15.070000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:15.070000', 'bytes': 2352053248, 'norm_byte': 63391744, 'ops': 2296927, 'norm_ops': 61906, 'norm_ltcy': 16.171277761343813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:15.070000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:15.070000",
+ "bytes": 2352053248,
+ "norm_byte": 63391744,
+ "ops": 2296927,
+ "norm_ops": 61906,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.171277761343813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d69bf9a6fb5176f9247e0e63cd004cca12e948f225069d3ba1aa9619e572628",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:16.070000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:16.070000', 'bytes': 2415827968, 'norm_byte': 63774720, 'ops': 2359207, 'norm_ops': 62280, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06352407348868, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:16.070000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:16.070000",
+ "bytes": 2415827968,
+ "norm_byte": 63774720,
+ "ops": 2359207,
+ "norm_ops": 62280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06352407348868,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a760f1e06d7ebb8d6c5106e88460d3e03fe04d1afdc19e482da350df8c921ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:17.071000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:17.071000', 'bytes': 2483134464, 'norm_byte': 67306496, 'ops': 2424936, 'norm_ops': 65729, 'norm_ltcy': 15.23074756409842, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:17.071000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:17.071000",
+ "bytes": 2483134464,
+ "norm_byte": 67306496,
+ "ops": 2424936,
+ "norm_ops": 65729,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.23074756409842,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "618d8f2df53b301b04691c8cba169740d8f27b386eca1d7051b17298f83af2b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:18.072000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:18.072000', 'bytes': 2547473408, 'norm_byte': 64338944, 'ops': 2487767, 'norm_ops': 62831, 'norm_ltcy': 15.92999412610813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:18.072000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:18.072000",
+ "bytes": 2547473408,
+ "norm_byte": 64338944,
+ "ops": 2487767,
+ "norm_ops": 62831,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.92999412610813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1dbf9c99dcbc8a41539359a88ab991947c2b02dd642f3bec6077aba9a9e9ee77",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:19.073000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:19.073000', 'bytes': 2616507392, 'norm_byte': 69033984, 'ops': 2555183, 'norm_ops': 67416, 'norm_ltcy': 14.843337884135442, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:19.073000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:19.073000",
+ "bytes": 2616507392,
+ "norm_byte": 69033984,
+ "ops": 2555183,
+ "norm_ops": 67416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.843337884135442,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "917760c81f75c019ceb46923db3d887e44a9d9e35d1a749caf066fd948c4b03c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:20.074000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:20.074000', 'bytes': 2678779904, 'norm_byte': 62272512, 'ops': 2615996, 'norm_ops': 60813, 'norm_ltcy': 16.461809827103167, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:20.074000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:20.074000",
+ "bytes": 2678779904,
+ "norm_byte": 62272512,
+ "ops": 2615996,
+ "norm_ops": 60813,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.461809827103167,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45f4a6ab231a4fa8e02c9c49e81177d4feb683749d667eceb3365fd67a30efb2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:21.075000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:21.075000', 'bytes': 2739440640, 'norm_byte': 60660736, 'ops': 2675235, 'norm_ops': 59239, 'norm_ltcy': 16.899407550874425, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:21.075000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:21.075000",
+ "bytes": 2739440640,
+ "norm_byte": 60660736,
+ "ops": 2675235,
+ "norm_ops": 59239,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.899407550874425,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a39570ae153c8c30b26fe3316f99efb3fdb7f0e329a6d54ce13558819806eef0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:22.076000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:22.076000', 'bytes': 2802793472, 'norm_byte': 63352832, 'ops': 2737103, 'norm_ops': 61868, 'norm_ltcy': 16.181040651821217, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:22.076000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:22.076000",
+ "bytes": 2802793472,
+ "norm_byte": 63352832,
+ "ops": 2737103,
+ "norm_ops": 61868,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.181040651821217,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a98f8aa5bee555c5f22c291abbcad8b412840cc67ab13f25c7031f86289605cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:23.077000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:23.077000', 'bytes': 2866077696, 'norm_byte': 63284224, 'ops': 2798904, 'norm_ops': 61801, 'norm_ltcy': 16.198638226171504, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:23.077000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:23.077000",
+ "bytes": 2866077696,
+ "norm_byte": 63284224,
+ "ops": 2798904,
+ "norm_ops": 61801,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.198638226171504,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a3852b5cede5faac176a71c282fa8c65e51050a4353095512a8e0ca40a0b22e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:24.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:24.078000', 'bytes': 2929474560, 'norm_byte': 63396864, 'ops': 2860815, 'norm_ops': 61911, 'norm_ltcy': 16.169829788426128, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:24.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:24.078000",
+ "bytes": 2929474560,
+ "norm_byte": 63396864,
+ "ops": 2860815,
+ "norm_ops": 61911,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.169829788426128,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4ffcaf2703160de0285afb0ad0b448a8e760e2ddf7f87689b9ff647a970dcbb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:25.080000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:25.080000', 'bytes': 2992704512, 'norm_byte': 63229952, 'ops': 2922563, 'norm_ops': 61748, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21260917610692, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:25.080000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:25.080000",
+ "bytes": 2992704512,
+ "norm_byte": 63229952,
+ "ops": 2922563,
+ "norm_ops": 61748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21260917610692,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84b0a394ab3126c46e9ad6a2200a1844c18802c44a3e3394c2895b2e0298b7b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:26.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:26.081000', 'bytes': 3055729664, 'norm_byte': 63025152, 'ops': 2984111, 'norm_ops': 61548, 'norm_ltcy': 16.265228523367938, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:26.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:26.081000",
+ "bytes": 3055729664,
+ "norm_byte": 63025152,
+ "ops": 2984111,
+ "norm_ops": 61548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.265228523367938,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8e66cd19d599b8facb68ee083ba135627a3df8901efe38a304fb8895188a514",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:27.082000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:27.082000', 'bytes': 3118273536, 'norm_byte': 62543872, 'ops': 3045189, 'norm_ops': 61078, 'norm_ltcy': 16.39039073244458, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:27.082000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:27.082000",
+ "bytes": 3118273536,
+ "norm_byte": 62543872,
+ "ops": 3045189,
+ "norm_ops": 61078,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.39039073244458,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26f7a41e7e9eb86e58cb49e7880e72a94560d73ccb76fab4de37da9031c7653d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:28.083000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:28.083000', 'bytes': 3181112320, 'norm_byte': 62838784, 'ops': 3106555, 'norm_ops': 61366, 'norm_ltcy': 16.313555653782224, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:28.083000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:28.083000",
+ "bytes": 3181112320,
+ "norm_byte": 62838784,
+ "ops": 3106555,
+ "norm_ops": 61366,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.313555653782224,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b8aa00f48431d92fd1f5d45800cbb9ba91cd622aa0c7423c5a1f8c78c6ec586",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:29.084000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:29.084000', 'bytes': 3243514880, 'norm_byte': 62402560, 'ops': 3167495, 'norm_ops': 60940, 'norm_ltcy': 16.427539190699868, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:29.084000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:29.084000",
+ "bytes": 3243514880,
+ "norm_byte": 62402560,
+ "ops": 3167495,
+ "norm_ops": 60940,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.427539190699868,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d43f000eb9f9b30d7c4b8f15766731a6abd22e7192c4752dbb0470278f34f25",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:30.085000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:30.085000', 'bytes': 3307869184, 'norm_byte': 64354304, 'ops': 3230341, 'norm_ops': 62846, 'norm_ltcy': 15.929268693512713, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:30.085000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:30.085000",
+ "bytes": 3307869184,
+ "norm_byte": 64354304,
+ "ops": 3230341,
+ "norm_ops": 62846,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.929268693512713,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b469205ed5d95aa2351c09bb56c5aaafb307d47f52fc51cb0823dda5fecf1265",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:31.086000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:31.086000', 'bytes': 3372947456, 'norm_byte': 65078272, 'ops': 3293894, 'norm_ops': 63553, 'norm_ltcy': 15.752154574725033, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:31.086000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:31.086000",
+ "bytes": 3372947456,
+ "norm_byte": 65078272,
+ "ops": 3293894,
+ "norm_ops": 63553,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.752154574725033,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e259ef7026969a52f0d8b5008ee11ed2aedbccfd5b8187f53dca9624496f7a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:32.087000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:32.087000', 'bytes': 3436096512, 'norm_byte': 63149056, 'ops': 3355563, 'norm_ops': 61669, 'norm_ltcy': 16.233314714949977, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:32.087000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:32.087000",
+ "bytes": 3436096512,
+ "norm_byte": 63149056,
+ "ops": 3355563,
+ "norm_ops": 61669,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.233314714949977,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51d42864ddf9e64d2ceda52f6e78cea5b219cf206cfa016ad76270cef603c905",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:33.088000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:33.088000', 'bytes': 3498386432, 'norm_byte': 62289920, 'ops': 3416393, 'norm_ops': 60830, 'norm_ltcy': 16.457285544755877, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:33.088000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:33.088000",
+ "bytes": 3498386432,
+ "norm_byte": 62289920,
+ "ops": 3416393,
+ "norm_ops": 60830,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.457285544755877,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fb4a512980305e972d2c79435e41ba146506eaa01e585aa241d8742877cad15e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:34.089000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:34.089000', 'bytes': 3561374720, 'norm_byte': 62988288, 'ops': 3477905, 'norm_ops': 61512, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27507720165374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:34.089000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:34.089000",
+ "bytes": 3561374720,
+ "norm_byte": 62988288,
+ "ops": 3477905,
+ "norm_ops": 61512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27507720165374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "edba7b11d54752e5e19fab8fc6e4918a310811c2a1fba4a8332960967332ba2c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:35.090000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:35.090000', 'bytes': 3625249792, 'norm_byte': 63875072, 'ops': 3540283, 'norm_ops': 62378, 'norm_ltcy': 16.047989738469493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:35.090000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:35.090000",
+ "bytes": 3625249792,
+ "norm_byte": 63875072,
+ "ops": 3540283,
+ "norm_ops": 62378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.047989738469493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e4c51e84d178393272815b43c9ce613f751b21755ff8b449f549bbbd6ab275a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:36.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:36.092000', 'bytes': 3688604672, 'norm_byte': 63354880, 'ops': 3602153, 'norm_ops': 61870, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18072277936601, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:36.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:36.092000",
+ "bytes": 3688604672,
+ "norm_byte": 63354880,
+ "ops": 3602153,
+ "norm_ops": 61870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18072277936601,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdc72fa5a0b3887733aef258e516acb6ac2efde361bd6f04bbb4762318a2971f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:37.093000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:37.093000', 'bytes': 3751252992, 'norm_byte': 62648320, 'ops': 3663333, 'norm_ops': 61180, 'norm_ltcy': 16.363088427590718, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:37.093000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:37.093000",
+ "bytes": 3751252992,
+ "norm_byte": 62648320,
+ "ops": 3663333,
+ "norm_ops": 61180,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.363088427590718,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "980c5fff699df3fa51ec595c17d74bceb063c8629ff0c3e241ca5cdf2c645a8f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:41:38.294000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:41:38.294000', 'bytes': 3813064704, 'norm_byte': 61811712, 'ops': 3723696, 'norm_ops': 60363, 'norm_ltcy': 19.901940266595428, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:41:38.294000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:41:38.294000",
+ "bytes": 3813064704,
+ "norm_byte": 61811712,
+ "ops": 3723696,
+ "norm_ops": 60363,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.901940266595428,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4be5c809-da5f-5e12-a3e9-b26b09ab0331",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "381741a8b8d82c685ed6938d517efc19f742f57fe6de0f20ba9425a88de6727c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63551078.4
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62061.6
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.465232859223963
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:41:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-034-220519203753/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-034-220519203753/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c41b27d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-034-220519203753/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-034-220519203753/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-034-220519203753/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-034-220519203753/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-034-220519203753/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-034-220519203753/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8051e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-034-220519203753/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=45
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=90
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-035-220519203955/220519203955-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-035-220519203955/220519203955-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fdf487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-035-220519203955/220519203955-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:42:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992958364.4744 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992959365.5854 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992959365.6721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992960365.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62999552 nr_ops:61523\ntimestamp_ms:1652992961366.8882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125811712 nr_ops:122863\ntimestamp_ms:1652992962367.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190899200 nr_ops:186425\ntimestamp_ms:1652992963369.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255228928 nr_ops:249247\ntimestamp_ms:1652992964369.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319883264 nr_ops:312386\ntimestamp_ms:1652992965370.8945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382264320 nr_ops:373305\ntimestamp_ms:1652992966372.0706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442948608 nr_ops:432567\ntimestamp_ms:1652992967373.1655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506346496 nr_ops:494479\ntimestamp_ms:1652992968374.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569801728 nr_ops:556447\ntimestamp_ms:1652992969375.3569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633562112 nr_ops:618713\ntimestamp_ms:1652992970376.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:697472000 nr_ops:681125\ntimestamp_ms:1652992971377.5796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:760779776 nr_ops:742949\ntimestamp_ms:1652992972378.6704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827699200 nr_ops:808300\ntimestamp_ms:1652992973379.7712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893178880 nr_ops:872245\ntimestamp_ms:1652992974380.8787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956651520 nr_ops:934230\ntimestamp_ms:1652992975381.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018536960 nr_ops:994665\ntimestamp_ms:1652992976382.9529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1081836544 nr_ops:1056481\ntimestamp_ms:1652992977384.0574 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1145126912 nr_ops:1118288\ntimestamp_ms:1652992978385.0964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208620032 nr_ops:1180293\ntimestamp_ms:1652992979386.1970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272478720 nr_ops:1242655\ntimestamp_ms:1652992980387.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335471104 nr_ops:1304171\ntimestamp_ms:1652992981388.3950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1397820416 nr_ops:1365059\ntimestamp_ms:1652992982389.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461208064 nr_ops:1426961\ntimestamp_ms:1652992983390.5828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524382720 nr_ops:1488655\ntimestamp_ms:1652992984391.6741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587559424 nr_ops:1550351\ntimestamp_ms:1652992985392.7114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650705408 nr_ops:1612017\ntimestamp_ms:1652992986393.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1713742848 nr_ops:1673577\ntimestamp_ms:1652992987394.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1781801984 nr_ops:1740041\ntimestamp_ms:1652992988395.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1849379840 nr_ops:1806035\ntimestamp_ms:1652992989396.9661 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1913426944 nr_ops:1868581\ntimestamp_ms:1652992990398.0020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976372224 nr_ops:1930051\ntimestamp_ms:1652992991399.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2039140352 nr_ops:1991348\ntimestamp_ms:1652992992400.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2102865920 nr_ops:2053580\ntimestamp_ms:1652992993401.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166690816 nr_ops:2115909\ntimestamp_ms:1652992994402.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2230481920 nr_ops:2178205\ntimestamp_ms:1652992995403.4434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294365184 nr_ops:2240591\ntimestamp_ms:1652992996404.5386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2358244352 nr_ops:2302973\ntimestamp_ms:1652992997404.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2421840896 nr_ops:2365079\ntimestamp_ms:1652992998405.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2485548032 nr_ops:2427293\ntimestamp_ms:1652992999406.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2549156864 nr_ops:2489411\ntimestamp_ms:1652993000407.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2612837376 nr_ops:2551599\ntimestamp_ms:1652993001408.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2676988928 nr_ops:2614247\ntimestamp_ms:1652993002409.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2740919296 nr_ops:2676679\ntimestamp_ms:1652993003410.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2804277248 nr_ops:2738552\ntimestamp_ms:1652993004411.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2867448832 nr_ops:2800243\ntimestamp_ms:1652993005412.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929986560 nr_ops:2861315\ntimestamp_ms:1652993006412.9043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2993718272 nr_ops:2923553\ntimestamp_ms:1652993007414.0020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057264640 nr_ops:2985610\ntimestamp_ms:1652993008415.0996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3121357824 nr_ops:3048201\ntimestamp_ms:1652993009416.1953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3185196032 nr_ops:3110543\ntimestamp_ms:1652993010417.2903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3248706560 nr_ops:3172565\ntimestamp_ms:1652993011418.3850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3312661504 nr_ops:3235021\ntimestamp_ms:1652993012419.4795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3376884736 nr_ops:3297739\ntimestamp_ms:1652993013420.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3439836160 nr_ops:3359215\ntimestamp_ms:1652993014421.6665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3503072256 nr_ops:3420969\ntimestamp_ms:1652993015422.7080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3566478336 nr_ops:3482889\ntimestamp_ms:1652993016423.7993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3632956416 nr_ops:3547809\ntimestamp_ms:1652993017424.9016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3696507904 nr_ops:3609871\ntimestamp_ms:1652993018425.9956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3760028672 nr_ops:3671903\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140579742828288\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.2957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3823975424 nr_ops:3734351\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.3582 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.3623 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019727.5979 name:Total nr_bytes:3823975424 nr_ops:3734352\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.4580 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7647950846 nr_ops:7468704\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.4587 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3823975424 nr_ops:3734354\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 238.84us 0.00ns 238.84us 238.84us \nTxn1 1867176 32.12us 0.00ns 35.41ms 25.09us \nTxn2 1 30.04us 0.00ns 30.04us 30.04us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 238.30us 0.00ns 238.30us 238.30us \nwrite 1867176 3.21us 0.00ns 89.86us 2.37us \nread 1867175 28.84us 0.00ns 35.40ms 1.28us \ndisconnect 1 29.60us 0.00ns 29.60us 29.60us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.99b/s \nnet1 29940 29940 261.07Mb/s 261.07Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.130 62.36s 3.56GB 490.53Mb/s 3734354 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 490.53Mb/s 3734354 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414676, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992958364.4744 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992959365.5854 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992959365.6721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992960365.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62999552 nr_ops:61523\ntimestamp_ms:1652992961366.8882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125811712 nr_ops:122863\ntimestamp_ms:1652992962367.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190899200 nr_ops:186425\ntimestamp_ms:1652992963369.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255228928 nr_ops:249247\ntimestamp_ms:1652992964369.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319883264 nr_ops:312386\ntimestamp_ms:1652992965370.8945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382264320 nr_ops:373305\ntimestamp_ms:1652992966372.0706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442948608 nr_ops:432567\ntimestamp_ms:1652992967373.1655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506346496 nr_ops:494479\ntimestamp_ms:1652992968374.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569801728 nr_ops:556447\ntimestamp_ms:1652992969375.3569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633562112 nr_ops:618713\ntimestamp_ms:1652992970376.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:697472000 nr_ops:681125\ntimestamp_ms:1652992971377.5796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:760779776 nr_ops:742949\ntimestamp_ms:1652992972378.6704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827699200 nr_ops:808300\ntimestamp_ms:1652992973379.7712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893178880 nr_ops:872245\ntimestamp_ms:1652992974380.8787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956651520 nr_ops:934230\ntimestamp_ms:1652992975381.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018536960 nr_ops:994665\ntimestamp_ms:1652992976382.9529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1081836544 nr_ops:1056481\ntimestamp_ms:1652992977384.0574 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1145126912 nr_ops:1118288\ntimestamp_ms:1652992978385.0964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208620032 nr_ops:1180293\ntimestamp_ms:1652992979386.1970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272478720 nr_ops:1242655\ntimestamp_ms:1652992980387.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335471104 nr_ops:1304171\ntimestamp_ms:1652992981388.3950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1397820416 nr_ops:1365059\ntimestamp_ms:1652992982389.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461208064 nr_ops:1426961\ntimestamp_ms:1652992983390.5828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524382720 nr_ops:1488655\ntimestamp_ms:1652992984391.6741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587559424 nr_ops:1550351\ntimestamp_ms:1652992985392.7114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650705408 nr_ops:1612017\ntimestamp_ms:1652992986393.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1713742848 nr_ops:1673577\ntimestamp_ms:1652992987394.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1781801984 nr_ops:1740041\ntimestamp_ms:1652992988395.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1849379840 nr_ops:1806035\ntimestamp_ms:1652992989396.9661 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1913426944 nr_ops:1868581\ntimestamp_ms:1652992990398.0020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976372224 nr_ops:1930051\ntimestamp_ms:1652992991399.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2039140352 nr_ops:1991348\ntimestamp_ms:1652992992400.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2102865920 nr_ops:2053580\ntimestamp_ms:1652992993401.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166690816 nr_ops:2115909\ntimestamp_ms:1652992994402.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2230481920 nr_ops:2178205\ntimestamp_ms:1652992995403.4434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294365184 nr_ops:2240591\ntimestamp_ms:1652992996404.5386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2358244352 nr_ops:2302973\ntimestamp_ms:1652992997404.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2421840896 nr_ops:2365079\ntimestamp_ms:1652992998405.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2485548032 nr_ops:2427293\ntimestamp_ms:1652992999406.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2549156864 nr_ops:2489411\ntimestamp_ms:1652993000407.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2612837376 nr_ops:2551599\ntimestamp_ms:1652993001408.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2676988928 nr_ops:2614247\ntimestamp_ms:1652993002409.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2740919296 nr_ops:2676679\ntimestamp_ms:1652993003410.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2804277248 nr_ops:2738552\ntimestamp_ms:1652993004411.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2867448832 nr_ops:2800243\ntimestamp_ms:1652993005412.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929986560 nr_ops:2861315\ntimestamp_ms:1652993006412.9043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2993718272 nr_ops:2923553\ntimestamp_ms:1652993007414.0020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057264640 nr_ops:2985610\ntimestamp_ms:1652993008415.0996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3121357824 nr_ops:3048201\ntimestamp_ms:1652993009416.1953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3185196032 nr_ops:3110543\ntimestamp_ms:1652993010417.2903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3248706560 nr_ops:3172565\ntimestamp_ms:1652993011418.3850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3312661504 nr_ops:3235021\ntimestamp_ms:1652993012419.4795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3376884736 nr_ops:3297739\ntimestamp_ms:1652993013420.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3439836160 nr_ops:3359215\ntimestamp_ms:1652993014421.6665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3503072256 nr_ops:3420969\ntimestamp_ms:1652993015422.7080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3566478336 nr_ops:3482889\ntimestamp_ms:1652993016423.7993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3632956416 nr_ops:3547809\ntimestamp_ms:1652993017424.9016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3696507904 nr_ops:3609871\ntimestamp_ms:1652993018425.9956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3760028672 nr_ops:3671903\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140579742828288\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.2957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3823975424 nr_ops:3734351\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.3582 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.3623 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019727.5979 name:Total nr_bytes:3823975424 nr_ops:3734352\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.4580 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7647950846 nr_ops:7468704\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.4587 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3823975424 nr_ops:3734354\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 238.84us 0.00ns 238.84us 238.84us \nTxn1 1867176 32.12us 0.00ns 35.41ms 25.09us \nTxn2 1 30.04us 0.00ns 30.04us 30.04us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 238.30us 0.00ns 238.30us 238.30us \nwrite 1867176 3.21us 0.00ns 89.86us 2.37us \nread 1867175 28.84us 0.00ns 35.40ms 1.28us \ndisconnect 1 29.60us 0.00ns 29.60us 29.60us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.99b/s \nnet1 29940 29940 261.07Mb/s 261.07Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.130 62.36s 3.56GB 490.53Mb/s 3734354 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 490.53Mb/s 3734354 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414676, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992958364.4744 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992959365.5854 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652992959365.6721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652992960365.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62999552 nr_ops:61523\ntimestamp_ms:1652992961366.8882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125811712 nr_ops:122863\ntimestamp_ms:1652992962367.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190899200 nr_ops:186425\ntimestamp_ms:1652992963369.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255228928 nr_ops:249247\ntimestamp_ms:1652992964369.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319883264 nr_ops:312386\ntimestamp_ms:1652992965370.8945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382264320 nr_ops:373305\ntimestamp_ms:1652992966372.0706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442948608 nr_ops:432567\ntimestamp_ms:1652992967373.1655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506346496 nr_ops:494479\ntimestamp_ms:1652992968374.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569801728 nr_ops:556447\ntimestamp_ms:1652992969375.3569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633562112 nr_ops:618713\ntimestamp_ms:1652992970376.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:697472000 nr_ops:681125\ntimestamp_ms:1652992971377.5796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:760779776 nr_ops:742949\ntimestamp_ms:1652992972378.6704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827699200 nr_ops:808300\ntimestamp_ms:1652992973379.7712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893178880 nr_ops:872245\ntimestamp_ms:1652992974380.8787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956651520 nr_ops:934230\ntimestamp_ms:1652992975381.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018536960 nr_ops:994665\ntimestamp_ms:1652992976382.9529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1081836544 nr_ops:1056481\ntimestamp_ms:1652992977384.0574 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1145126912 nr_ops:1118288\ntimestamp_ms:1652992978385.0964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208620032 nr_ops:1180293\ntimestamp_ms:1652992979386.1970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272478720 nr_ops:1242655\ntimestamp_ms:1652992980387.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335471104 nr_ops:1304171\ntimestamp_ms:1652992981388.3950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1397820416 nr_ops:1365059\ntimestamp_ms:1652992982389.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461208064 nr_ops:1426961\ntimestamp_ms:1652992983390.5828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524382720 nr_ops:1488655\ntimestamp_ms:1652992984391.6741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587559424 nr_ops:1550351\ntimestamp_ms:1652992985392.7114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650705408 nr_ops:1612017\ntimestamp_ms:1652992986393.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1713742848 nr_ops:1673577\ntimestamp_ms:1652992987394.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1781801984 nr_ops:1740041\ntimestamp_ms:1652992988395.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1849379840 nr_ops:1806035\ntimestamp_ms:1652992989396.9661 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1913426944 nr_ops:1868581\ntimestamp_ms:1652992990398.0020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976372224 nr_ops:1930051\ntimestamp_ms:1652992991399.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2039140352 nr_ops:1991348\ntimestamp_ms:1652992992400.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2102865920 nr_ops:2053580\ntimestamp_ms:1652992993401.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166690816 nr_ops:2115909\ntimestamp_ms:1652992994402.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2230481920 nr_ops:2178205\ntimestamp_ms:1652992995403.4434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294365184 nr_ops:2240591\ntimestamp_ms:1652992996404.5386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2358244352 nr_ops:2302973\ntimestamp_ms:1652992997404.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2421840896 nr_ops:2365079\ntimestamp_ms:1652992998405.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2485548032 nr_ops:2427293\ntimestamp_ms:1652992999406.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2549156864 nr_ops:2489411\ntimestamp_ms:1652993000407.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2612837376 nr_ops:2551599\ntimestamp_ms:1652993001408.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2676988928 nr_ops:2614247\ntimestamp_ms:1652993002409.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2740919296 nr_ops:2676679\ntimestamp_ms:1652993003410.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2804277248 nr_ops:2738552\ntimestamp_ms:1652993004411.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2867448832 nr_ops:2800243\ntimestamp_ms:1652993005412.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929986560 nr_ops:2861315\ntimestamp_ms:1652993006412.9043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2993718272 nr_ops:2923553\ntimestamp_ms:1652993007414.0020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057264640 nr_ops:2985610\ntimestamp_ms:1652993008415.0996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3121357824 nr_ops:3048201\ntimestamp_ms:1652993009416.1953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3185196032 nr_ops:3110543\ntimestamp_ms:1652993010417.2903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3248706560 nr_ops:3172565\ntimestamp_ms:1652993011418.3850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3312661504 nr_ops:3235021\ntimestamp_ms:1652993012419.4795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3376884736 nr_ops:3297739\ntimestamp_ms:1652993013420.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3439836160 nr_ops:3359215\ntimestamp_ms:1652993014421.6665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3503072256 nr_ops:3420969\ntimestamp_ms:1652993015422.7080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3566478336 nr_ops:3482889\ntimestamp_ms:1652993016423.7993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3632956416 nr_ops:3547809\ntimestamp_ms:1652993017424.9016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3696507904 nr_ops:3609871\ntimestamp_ms:1652993018425.9956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3760028672 nr_ops:3671903\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140579742828288\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.2957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3823975424 nr_ops:3734351\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.3582 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.3623 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019727.5979 name:Total nr_bytes:3823975424 nr_ops:3734352\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.4580 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7647950846 nr_ops:7468704\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993019627.4587 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3823975424 nr_ops:3734354\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 238.84us 0.00ns 238.84us 238.84us \nTxn1 1867176 32.12us 0.00ns 35.41ms 25.09us \nTxn2 1 30.04us 0.00ns 30.04us 30.04us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 238.30us 0.00ns 238.30us 238.30us \nwrite 1867176 3.21us 0.00ns 89.86us 2.37us \nread 1867175 28.84us 0.00ns 35.40ms 1.28us \ndisconnect 1 29.60us 0.00ns 29.60us 29.60us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.99b/s \nnet1 29940 29940 261.07Mb/s 261.07Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.130 62.36s 3.56GB 490.53Mb/s 3734354 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 490.53Mb/s 3734354 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414676, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992958364.4744 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992959365.5854 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652992959365.6721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652992960365.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62999552 nr_ops:61523
+timestamp_ms:1652992961366.8882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125811712 nr_ops:122863
+timestamp_ms:1652992962367.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190899200 nr_ops:186425
+timestamp_ms:1652992963369.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255228928 nr_ops:249247
+timestamp_ms:1652992964369.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319883264 nr_ops:312386
+timestamp_ms:1652992965370.8945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382264320 nr_ops:373305
+timestamp_ms:1652992966372.0706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442948608 nr_ops:432567
+timestamp_ms:1652992967373.1655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506346496 nr_ops:494479
+timestamp_ms:1652992968374.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569801728 nr_ops:556447
+timestamp_ms:1652992969375.3569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633562112 nr_ops:618713
+timestamp_ms:1652992970376.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:697472000 nr_ops:681125
+timestamp_ms:1652992971377.5796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:760779776 nr_ops:742949
+timestamp_ms:1652992972378.6704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827699200 nr_ops:808300
+timestamp_ms:1652992973379.7712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893178880 nr_ops:872245
+timestamp_ms:1652992974380.8787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956651520 nr_ops:934230
+timestamp_ms:1652992975381.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018536960 nr_ops:994665
+timestamp_ms:1652992976382.9529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1081836544 nr_ops:1056481
+timestamp_ms:1652992977384.0574 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1145126912 nr_ops:1118288
+timestamp_ms:1652992978385.0964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208620032 nr_ops:1180293
+timestamp_ms:1652992979386.1970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272478720 nr_ops:1242655
+timestamp_ms:1652992980387.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335471104 nr_ops:1304171
+timestamp_ms:1652992981388.3950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1397820416 nr_ops:1365059
+timestamp_ms:1652992982389.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461208064 nr_ops:1426961
+timestamp_ms:1652992983390.5828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524382720 nr_ops:1488655
+timestamp_ms:1652992984391.6741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587559424 nr_ops:1550351
+timestamp_ms:1652992985392.7114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650705408 nr_ops:1612017
+timestamp_ms:1652992986393.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1713742848 nr_ops:1673577
+timestamp_ms:1652992987394.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1781801984 nr_ops:1740041
+timestamp_ms:1652992988395.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1849379840 nr_ops:1806035
+timestamp_ms:1652992989396.9661 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1913426944 nr_ops:1868581
+timestamp_ms:1652992990398.0020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976372224 nr_ops:1930051
+timestamp_ms:1652992991399.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2039140352 nr_ops:1991348
+timestamp_ms:1652992992400.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2102865920 nr_ops:2053580
+timestamp_ms:1652992993401.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166690816 nr_ops:2115909
+timestamp_ms:1652992994402.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2230481920 nr_ops:2178205
+timestamp_ms:1652992995403.4434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294365184 nr_ops:2240591
+timestamp_ms:1652992996404.5386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2358244352 nr_ops:2302973
+timestamp_ms:1652992997404.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2421840896 nr_ops:2365079
+timestamp_ms:1652992998405.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2485548032 nr_ops:2427293
+timestamp_ms:1652992999406.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2549156864 nr_ops:2489411
+timestamp_ms:1652993000407.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2612837376 nr_ops:2551599
+timestamp_ms:1652993001408.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2676988928 nr_ops:2614247
+timestamp_ms:1652993002409.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2740919296 nr_ops:2676679
+timestamp_ms:1652993003410.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2804277248 nr_ops:2738552
+timestamp_ms:1652993004411.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2867448832 nr_ops:2800243
+timestamp_ms:1652993005412.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929986560 nr_ops:2861315
+timestamp_ms:1652993006412.9043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2993718272 nr_ops:2923553
+timestamp_ms:1652993007414.0020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057264640 nr_ops:2985610
+timestamp_ms:1652993008415.0996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3121357824 nr_ops:3048201
+timestamp_ms:1652993009416.1953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3185196032 nr_ops:3110543
+timestamp_ms:1652993010417.2903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3248706560 nr_ops:3172565
+timestamp_ms:1652993011418.3850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3312661504 nr_ops:3235021
+timestamp_ms:1652993012419.4795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3376884736 nr_ops:3297739
+timestamp_ms:1652993013420.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3439836160 nr_ops:3359215
+timestamp_ms:1652993014421.6665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3503072256 nr_ops:3420969
+timestamp_ms:1652993015422.7080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3566478336 nr_ops:3482889
+timestamp_ms:1652993016423.7993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3632956416 nr_ops:3547809
+timestamp_ms:1652993017424.9016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3696507904 nr_ops:3609871
+timestamp_ms:1652993018425.9956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3760028672 nr_ops:3671903
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140579742828288
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652993019627.2957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3823975424 nr_ops:3734351
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993019627.3582 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993019627.3623 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993019727.5979 name:Total nr_bytes:3823975424 nr_ops:3734352
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993019627.4580 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7647950846 nr_ops:7468704
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993019627.4587 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3823975424 nr_ops:3734354
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 238.84us 0.00ns 238.84us 238.84us
+Txn1 1867176 32.12us 0.00ns 35.41ms 25.09us
+Txn2 1 30.04us 0.00ns 30.04us 30.04us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 238.30us 0.00ns 238.30us 238.30us
+write 1867176 3.21us 0.00ns 89.86us 2.37us
+read 1867175 28.84us 0.00ns 35.40ms 1.28us
+disconnect 1 29.60us 0.00ns 29.60us 29.60us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.99b/s
+net1 29940 29940 261.07Mb/s 261.07Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.130 62.36s 3.56GB 490.53Mb/s 3734354 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.56GB 490.53Mb/s 3734354 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:40.365000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:40.365000', 'bytes': 62999552, 'norm_byte': 62999552, 'ops': 61523, 'norm_ops': 61523, 'norm_ltcy': 16.257040208793864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:40.365000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:40.365000",
+ "bytes": 62999552,
+ "norm_byte": 62999552,
+ "ops": 61523,
+ "norm_ops": 61523,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.257040208793864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dca804d5c5607c532f1d5ac9adb503aad5865104ba6fe5a6a196fc96a29aa031",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:41.366000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:41.366000', 'bytes': 125811712, 'norm_byte': 62812160, 'ops': 122863, 'norm_ops': 61340, 'norm_ltcy': 16.31943559973101, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:41.366000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:41.366000",
+ "bytes": 125811712,
+ "norm_byte": 62812160,
+ "ops": 122863,
+ "norm_ops": 61340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.31943559973101,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5ad09955bc3e77c5b05a8690c2732a03442df0e8f725010014603ba93382cc7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:42.367000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:42.367000', 'bytes': 190899200, 'norm_byte': 65087488, 'ops': 186425, 'norm_ops': 63562, 'norm_ltcy': 15.749916481643908, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:42.367000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:42.367000",
+ "bytes": 190899200,
+ "norm_byte": 65087488,
+ "ops": 186425,
+ "norm_ops": 63562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.749916481643908,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6423a9fa4728a81c51b331f5e2479f67d498b1e42cdf7a5e489624b959cb0c3b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:43.369000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:43.369000', 'bytes': 255228928, 'norm_byte': 64329728, 'ops': 249247, 'norm_ops': 62822, 'norm_ltcy': 15.935400815001113, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:43.369000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:43.369000",
+ "bytes": 255228928,
+ "norm_byte": 64329728,
+ "ops": 249247,
+ "norm_ops": 62822,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.935400815001113,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0415350a8a984b77a3da3add6f467f5125cabf5334dab10bd536e6ce9aa8f04a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:44.369000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:44.369000', 'bytes': 319883264, 'norm_byte': 64654336, 'ops': 312386, 'norm_ops': 63139, 'norm_ltcy': 15.850263314126371, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:44.369000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:44.369000",
+ "bytes": 319883264,
+ "norm_byte": 64654336,
+ "ops": 312386,
+ "norm_ops": 63139,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.850263314126371,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7305b1f6606ee7fdb009099e66a1ad38bb42057b24110ef6429d07e50b7301d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:45.370000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:45.370000', 'bytes': 382264320, 'norm_byte': 62381056, 'ops': 373305, 'norm_ops': 60919, 'norm_ltcy': 16.432420605383786, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:45.370000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:45.370000",
+ "bytes": 382264320,
+ "norm_byte": 62381056,
+ "ops": 373305,
+ "norm_ops": 60919,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.432420605383786,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d9e46af7c81e6617cda8c9c21cfb28f0bb44471c13b6443f1526f6f57e7b6ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:46.372000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:46.372000', 'bytes': 442948608, 'norm_byte': 60684288, 'ops': 432567, 'norm_ops': 59262, 'norm_ltcy': 16.894064078003186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:46.372000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:46.372000",
+ "bytes": 442948608,
+ "norm_byte": 60684288,
+ "ops": 432567,
+ "norm_ops": 59262,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.894064078003186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f2b1d0df0b948d04cba7305410b028a6e5ca940b217c0d1b80d40b47be0866d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:47.373000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:47.373000', 'bytes': 506346496, 'norm_byte': 63397888, 'ops': 494479, 'norm_ops': 61912, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16964353765223, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:47.373000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:47.373000",
+ "bytes": 506346496,
+ "norm_byte": 63397888,
+ "ops": 494479,
+ "norm_ops": 61912,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16964353765223,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25984a6f44d0877c8a091dbc0df9ccaa9a7954511bc0df87e8ad9c978e7090f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:48.374000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:48.374000', 'bytes': 569801728, 'norm_byte': 63455232, 'ops': 556447, 'norm_ops': 61968, 'norm_ltcy': 16.155050855381003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:48.374000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:48.374000",
+ "bytes": 569801728,
+ "norm_byte": 63455232,
+ "ops": 556447,
+ "norm_ops": 61968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.155050855381003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "410cb48ca32c63c5b977808ae480c0d02cd5a673d1a86abae152ce42a48856d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:49.375000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:49.375000', 'bytes': 633562112, 'norm_byte': 63760384, 'ops': 618713, 'norm_ops': 62266, 'norm_ltcy': 16.077718415246682, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:49.375000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:49.375000",
+ "bytes": 633562112,
+ "norm_byte": 63760384,
+ "ops": 618713,
+ "norm_ops": 62266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.077718415246682,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "629ffa6c910f4e11c86d32521e2b8ab6d0e4471306fab03c594c9144fc5a9ed8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:50.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:50.376000', 'bytes': 697472000, 'norm_byte': 63909888, 'ops': 681125, 'norm_ops': 62412, 'norm_ltcy': 16.040190056349342, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:50.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:50.376000",
+ "bytes": 697472000,
+ "norm_byte": 63909888,
+ "ops": 681125,
+ "norm_ops": 62412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.040190056349342,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8817b4b6ea8f93590bc0efcbd39d62b0692fb307c350810881e5093368687dc7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:51.377000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:51.377000', 'bytes': 760779776, 'norm_byte': 63307776, 'ops': 742949, 'norm_ops': 61824, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19310161835412, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:51.377000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:51.377000",
+ "bytes": 760779776,
+ "norm_byte": 63307776,
+ "ops": 742949,
+ "norm_ops": 61824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19310161835412,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c683e6c8cdcc00be27ce934e5d2882c4b188184cf6888407ac151075d741ff78",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:52.378000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:52.378000', 'bytes': 827699200, 'norm_byte': 66919424, 'ops': 808300, 'norm_ops': 65351, 'norm_ltcy': 15.318676383108139, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:52.378000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:52.378000",
+ "bytes": 827699200,
+ "norm_byte": 66919424,
+ "ops": 808300,
+ "norm_ops": 65351,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.318676383108139,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "923f64ddf74d972aa51f07284384971d672be5302cebe6851887617ad989ca08",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:53.379000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:53.379000', 'bytes': 893178880, 'norm_byte': 65479680, 'ops': 872245, 'norm_ops': 63945, 'norm_ltcy': 15.655654548097974, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:53.379000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:53.379000",
+ "bytes": 893178880,
+ "norm_byte": 65479680,
+ "ops": 872245,
+ "norm_ops": 63945,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.655654548097974,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ae0e2c43e47edcbb8d588f4ea4122f8e86cd55bd1217c6ae6e2dd3b8fd4b354",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:54.380000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:54.380000', 'bytes': 956651520, 'norm_byte': 63472640, 'ops': 934230, 'norm_ops': 61985, 'norm_ltcy': 16.150801353149955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:54.380000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:54.380000",
+ "bytes": 956651520,
+ "norm_byte": 63472640,
+ "ops": 934230,
+ "norm_ops": 61985,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.150801353149955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cd71220f8888f935d353fbd9b78d8125f6f14fb7d19dbff2ccc71678f19956e6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:55.381000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:55.381000', 'bytes': 1018536960, 'norm_byte': 61885440, 'ops': 994665, 'norm_ops': 60435, 'norm_ltcy': 16.563835532235046, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:55.381000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:55.381000",
+ "bytes": 1018536960,
+ "norm_byte": 61885440,
+ "ops": 994665,
+ "norm_ops": 60435,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.563835532235046,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ef9bcb39014bd3c09e3bf44bdb1349bcf2c49a9dc862030b1492b90553b6b6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:56.382000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:56.382000', 'bytes': 1081836544, 'norm_byte': 63299584, 'ops': 1056481, 'norm_ops': 61816, 'norm_ltcy': 16.193846550397552, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:56.382000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:56.382000",
+ "bytes": 1081836544,
+ "norm_byte": 63299584,
+ "ops": 1056481,
+ "norm_ops": 61816,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.193846550397552,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "62441aa0b79136ccc3dd89f7ca69be076c6f16f805ab02324ec0521f3c6e1a7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:57.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:57.384000', 'bytes': 1145126912, 'norm_byte': 63290368, 'ops': 1118288, 'norm_ops': 61807, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19726717341887, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:57.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:57.384000",
+ "bytes": 1145126912,
+ "norm_byte": 63290368,
+ "ops": 1118288,
+ "norm_ops": 61807,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19726717341887,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3c73779acd45605371045de64071ebd163d2d4fd76088d67e2f16323e154488",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:58.385000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:58.385000', 'bytes': 1208620032, 'norm_byte': 63493120, 'ops': 1180293, 'norm_ops': 62005, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14448935569712, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:58.385000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:58.385000",
+ "bytes": 1208620032,
+ "norm_byte": 63493120,
+ "ops": 1180293,
+ "norm_ops": 62005,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14448935569712,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7dbe221f8e5d159129e73776be3d07d5f4a17610c96a0525b39f98ab83e11d25",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:42:59.386000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:42:59.386000', 'bytes': 1272478720, 'norm_byte': 63858688, 'ops': 1242655, 'norm_ops': 62362, 'norm_ltcy': 16.053054519378787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:42:59.386000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:42:59.386000",
+ "bytes": 1272478720,
+ "norm_byte": 63858688,
+ "ops": 1242655,
+ "norm_ops": 62362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.053054519378787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "597384df89f39a1ea9fa52efd87aa368d9241369895e005f5d8e784d1460fac0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:00.387000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:00.387000', 'bytes': 1335471104, 'norm_byte': 62992384, 'ops': 1304171, 'norm_ops': 61516, 'norm_ltcy': 16.273887967154888, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:00.387000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:00.387000",
+ "bytes": 1335471104,
+ "norm_byte": 62992384,
+ "ops": 1304171,
+ "norm_ops": 61516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.273887967154888,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b529c6ef3222f59864ee4a2859884c0dc90f412566b1f04516633af0194601a3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:01.388000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:01.388000', 'bytes': 1397820416, 'norm_byte': 62349312, 'ops': 1365059, 'norm_ops': 60888, 'norm_ltcy': 16.441556724795937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:01.388000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:01.388000",
+ "bytes": 1397820416,
+ "norm_byte": 62349312,
+ "ops": 1365059,
+ "norm_ops": 60888,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.441556724795937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4703266af756e6f230f441c36c08aaca389ffc169764708f3876a2e3e43bcafb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:02.389000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:02.389000', 'bytes': 1461208064, 'norm_byte': 63387648, 'ops': 1426961, 'norm_ops': 61902, 'norm_ltcy': 16.172314833325256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:02.389000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:02.389000",
+ "bytes": 1461208064,
+ "norm_byte": 63387648,
+ "ops": 1426961,
+ "norm_ops": 61902,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.172314833325256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4de70b3a093142bee88c1dabe71dacf130a86274ffbe924091a6a4594b1115e3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:03.390000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:03.390000', 'bytes': 1524382720, 'norm_byte': 63174656, 'ops': 1488655, 'norm_ops': 61694, 'norm_ltcy': 16.226685112460288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:03.390000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:03.390000",
+ "bytes": 1524382720,
+ "norm_byte": 63174656,
+ "ops": 1488655,
+ "norm_ops": 61694,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.226685112460288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55d7bfba056bd395093e79a5defa2f32c09a1365e6519575d3d3e14c8d46249c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:04.391000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:04.391000', 'bytes': 1587559424, 'norm_byte': 63176704, 'ops': 1550351, 'norm_ops': 61696, 'norm_ltcy': 16.226194706200562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:04.391000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:04.391000",
+ "bytes": 1587559424,
+ "norm_byte": 63176704,
+ "ops": 1550351,
+ "norm_ops": 61696,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.226194706200562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9c3ed198072c1924c795f5b3800709e26c6556927e5ac1e26073701136e7bbc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:05.392000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:05.392000', 'bytes': 1650705408, 'norm_byte': 63145984, 'ops': 1612017, 'norm_ops': 61666, 'norm_ltcy': 16.233213659319965, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:05.392000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:05.392000",
+ "bytes": 1650705408,
+ "norm_byte": 63145984,
+ "ops": 1612017,
+ "norm_ops": 61666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.233213659319965,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b553f4793b59c14c86ff25995035fc6eaf92a8d2b0db0a5b45d3e3ba6dd0d2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:06.393000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:06.393000', 'bytes': 1713742848, 'norm_byte': 63037440, 'ops': 1673577, 'norm_ops': 61560, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26275987730466, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:06.393000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:06.393000",
+ "bytes": 1713742848,
+ "norm_byte": 63037440,
+ "ops": 1673577,
+ "norm_ops": 61560,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26275987730466,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0e9b185476ac4fbc82babe500acc61dc50770cd5b6ef0eb67050ace2a584388",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:07.394000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:07.394000', 'bytes': 1781801984, 'norm_byte': 68059136, 'ops': 1740041, 'norm_ops': 66464, 'norm_ltcy': 15.060630508151029, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:07.394000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:07.394000",
+ "bytes": 1781801984,
+ "norm_byte": 68059136,
+ "ops": 1740041,
+ "norm_ops": 66464,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.060630508151029,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "476e9166575e535c59406928f78a7a1d2d93d142877064976bac1ad6ef02ae9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:08.395000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:08.395000', 'bytes': 1849379840, 'norm_byte': 67577856, 'ops': 1806035, 'norm_ops': 65994, 'norm_ltcy': 15.168596795968194, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:08.395000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:08.395000",
+ "bytes": 1849379840,
+ "norm_byte": 67577856,
+ "ops": 1806035,
+ "norm_ops": 65994,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.168596795968194,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa22f5276556f171cbc5ba1a5fd6e2aed72cd7e771df77ed648ea17560790bdf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:09.396000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:09.396000', 'bytes': 1913426944, 'norm_byte': 64047104, 'ops': 1868581, 'norm_ops': 62546, 'norm_ltcy': 16.00570808010304, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:09.396000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:09.396000",
+ "bytes": 1913426944,
+ "norm_byte": 64047104,
+ "ops": 1868581,
+ "norm_ops": 62546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.00570808010304,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6db52891cd35e2a85197ab391efcb5eb702b6c58ba8efd6a945b0b52ed10f9af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:10.398000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:10.398000', 'bytes': 1976372224, 'norm_byte': 62945280, 'ops': 1930051, 'norm_ops': 61470, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28495019801326, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:10.398000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:10.398000",
+ "bytes": 1976372224,
+ "norm_byte": 62945280,
+ "ops": 1930051,
+ "norm_ops": 61470,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28495019801326,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a642acd3f29e6e85203c5a0d7a0effad2532980fa5bc0715d9c5ff891681171",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:11.399000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:11.399000', 'bytes': 2039140352, 'norm_byte': 62768128, 'ops': 1991348, 'norm_ops': 61297, 'norm_ltcy': 16.332070633044847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:11.399000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:11.399000",
+ "bytes": 2039140352,
+ "norm_byte": 62768128,
+ "ops": 1991348,
+ "norm_ops": 61297,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.332070633044847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34a7a48414db6443deb45702c2a85e6fe1fd8715c7a2902c30e635490c0608c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:12.400000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:12.400000', 'bytes': 2102865920, 'norm_byte': 63725568, 'ops': 2053580, 'norm_ops': 62232, 'norm_ltcy': 16.08660435949351, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:12.400000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:12.400000",
+ "bytes": 2102865920,
+ "norm_byte": 63725568,
+ "ops": 2053580,
+ "norm_ops": 62232,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.08660435949351,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b34458bf6c051c9b68467b901f2a6b5c78f0d6a4231814d4d52063018d0f9c6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:13.401000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:13.401000', 'bytes': 2166690816, 'norm_byte': 63824896, 'ops': 2115909, 'norm_ops': 62329, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06051970691813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:13.401000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:13.401000",
+ "bytes": 2166690816,
+ "norm_byte": 63824896,
+ "ops": 2115909,
+ "norm_ops": 62329,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06051970691813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "697d9359f439c1fd0f580156ca439ac725a0201a004887c07a8daf27ca029c47",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:14.402000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:14.402000', 'bytes': 2230481920, 'norm_byte': 63791104, 'ops': 2178205, 'norm_ops': 62296, 'norm_ltcy': 16.069952324386797, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:14.402000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:14.402000",
+ "bytes": 2230481920,
+ "norm_byte": 63791104,
+ "ops": 2178205,
+ "norm_ops": 62296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.069952324386797,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b21df0ac1e27670f5c8f7d162fe6d30a45b0a203492fc85ddcc6b0f4660aaf9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:15.403000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:15.403000', 'bytes': 2294365184, 'norm_byte': 63883264, 'ops': 2240591, 'norm_ops': 62386, 'norm_ltcy': 16.046918015961115, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:15.403000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:15.403000",
+ "bytes": 2294365184,
+ "norm_byte": 63883264,
+ "ops": 2240591,
+ "norm_ops": 62386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.046918015961115,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "061173e62c976d35f2f6860fbddd2a37dfd6bc66554d222ee10117f4c15ec46a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:16.404000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:16.404000', 'bytes': 2358244352, 'norm_byte': 63879168, 'ops': 2302973, 'norm_ops': 62382, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04782172491664, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:16.404000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:16.404000",
+ "bytes": 2358244352,
+ "norm_byte": 63879168,
+ "ops": 2302973,
+ "norm_ops": 62382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04782172491664,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7748bc3ae115fa66fcd50206423ace8448a515c963ad3d288e237ddebcb704a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:17.404000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:17.404000', 'bytes': 2421840896, 'norm_byte': 63596544, 'ops': 2365079, 'norm_ops': 62106, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10624470411474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:17.404000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:17.404000",
+ "bytes": 2421840896,
+ "norm_byte": 63596544,
+ "ops": 2365079,
+ "norm_ops": 62106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10624470411474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f1df3f670c236f5954a7e45a64c6aeb3a453abeb8d78aede3f435565408e18ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:18.405000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:18.405000', 'bytes': 2485548032, 'norm_byte': 63707136, 'ops': 2427293, 'norm_ops': 62214, 'norm_ltcy': 16.089747779589402, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:18.405000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:18.405000",
+ "bytes": 2485548032,
+ "norm_byte": 63707136,
+ "ops": 2427293,
+ "norm_ops": 62214,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.089747779589402,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91c6684fd4bee828417eceb033d1f094538eb987f2c051c79889069932d2a221",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:19.406000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:19.406000', 'bytes': 2549156864, 'norm_byte': 63608832, 'ops': 2489411, 'norm_ops': 62118, 'norm_ltcy': 16.114456401274587, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:19.406000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:19.406000",
+ "bytes": 2549156864,
+ "norm_byte": 63608832,
+ "ops": 2489411,
+ "norm_ops": 62118,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.114456401274587,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f22154ae99bbfe7e425a54e72f0ad8d1cee3cc8ecbb802ff2ed8289f8659a374",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:20.407000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:20.407000', 'bytes': 2612837376, 'norm_byte': 63680512, 'ops': 2551599, 'norm_ops': 62188, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0979194074319, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:20.407000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:20.407000",
+ "bytes": 2612837376,
+ "norm_byte": 63680512,
+ "ops": 2551599,
+ "norm_ops": 62188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0979194074319,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b76bf6b3b888a087bd4f018d2ce91fed38ed6f427a95d79050cd955ad494efd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:21.408000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:21.408000', 'bytes': 2676988928, 'norm_byte': 64151552, 'ops': 2614247, 'norm_ops': 62648, 'norm_ltcy': 15.97662048768516, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:21.408000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:21.408000",
+ "bytes": 2676988928,
+ "norm_byte": 64151552,
+ "ops": 2614247,
+ "norm_ops": 62648,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.97662048768516,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9475026d03f9b7c29072987907d2127e37e0de55e2d4f176ebad382b926df3f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:22.409000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:22.409000', 'bytes': 2740919296, 'norm_byte': 63930368, 'ops': 2676679, 'norm_ops': 62432, 'norm_ltcy': 16.033315340840833, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:22.409000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:22.409000",
+ "bytes": 2740919296,
+ "norm_byte": 63930368,
+ "ops": 2676679,
+ "norm_ops": 62432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.033315340840833,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "38a0bb0b87ba06778eec2cfd9df1bca51bba7465622247fd6cd399a41cd747f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:23.410000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:23.410000', 'bytes': 2804277248, 'norm_byte': 63357952, 'ops': 2738552, 'norm_ops': 61873, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17839541278102, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:23.410000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:23.410000",
+ "bytes": 2804277248,
+ "norm_byte": 63357952,
+ "ops": 2738552,
+ "norm_ops": 61873,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17839541278102,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f048ef98d12b6d1a66a40a43f873322fcb5dd0077b5dc330468af5daa0402eb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:24.411000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:24.411000', 'bytes': 2867448832, 'norm_byte': 63171584, 'ops': 2800243, 'norm_ops': 61691, 'norm_ltcy': 16.225950579298438, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:24.411000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:24.411000",
+ "bytes": 2867448832,
+ "norm_byte": 63171584,
+ "ops": 2800243,
+ "norm_ops": 61691,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.225950579298438,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dabbeb2b9f273daac520fa67673f223679be2b390a73cc9c8ea747794ac90c38",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:25.412000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:25.412000', 'bytes': 2929986560, 'norm_byte': 62537728, 'ops': 2861315, 'norm_ops': 61072, 'norm_ltcy': 16.390549877347638, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:25.412000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:25.412000",
+ "bytes": 2929986560,
+ "norm_byte": 62537728,
+ "ops": 2861315,
+ "norm_ops": 61072,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.390549877347638,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "afad4407ab1295d2be9fc70c2f6c6ae0215bcdc498496e6da85639f6c3756689",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:26.412000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:26.412000', 'bytes': 2993718272, 'norm_byte': 63731712, 'ops': 2923553, 'norm_ops': 62238, 'norm_ltcy': 16.068456626427988, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:26.412000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:26.412000",
+ "bytes": 2993718272,
+ "norm_byte": 63731712,
+ "ops": 2923553,
+ "norm_ops": 62238,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.068456626427988,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26834ddf3ba275a0842129604ece492284fbd823c1596f0799316a52f87512bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:27.414000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:27.414000', 'bytes': 3057264640, 'norm_byte': 63546368, 'ops': 2985610, 'norm_ops': 62057, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13190544579983, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:27.414000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:27.414000",
+ "bytes": 3057264640,
+ "norm_byte": 63546368,
+ "ops": 2985610,
+ "norm_ops": 62057,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13190544579983,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7445195f84cd7c2275d42c4e512df7f07f74811064f4f73bd778c69f7ab1518a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:28.415000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:28.415000', 'bytes': 3121357824, 'norm_byte': 64093184, 'ops': 3048201, 'norm_ops': 62591, 'norm_ltcy': 15.994274835839018, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:28.415000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:28.415000",
+ "bytes": 3121357824,
+ "norm_byte": 64093184,
+ "ops": 3048201,
+ "norm_ops": 62591,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.994274835839018,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d89ae14bd36d321e6030736eb395f1f3f1c992a90dbde0fe5a7dfe062158788c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:29.416000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:29.416000', 'bytes': 3185196032, 'norm_byte': 63838208, 'ops': 3110543, 'norm_ops': 62342, 'norm_ltcy': 16.058126193015944, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:29.416000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:29.416000",
+ "bytes": 3185196032,
+ "norm_byte": 63838208,
+ "ops": 3110543,
+ "norm_ops": 62342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.058126193015944,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0bb6d1c71fdf3978432e0744b4f3f26fb4f0de7648a176a59a8d540337d964cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:30.417000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:30.417000', 'bytes': 3248706560, 'norm_byte': 63510528, 'ops': 3172565, 'norm_ops': 62022, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14096563643747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:30.417000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:30.417000",
+ "bytes": 3248706560,
+ "norm_byte": 63510528,
+ "ops": 3172565,
+ "norm_ops": 62022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14096563643747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40bdd5ad044114edbd4d1c03500bf74163e0479f3ee029b720118eacf537180b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:31.418000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:31.418000', 'bytes': 3312661504, 'norm_byte': 63954944, 'ops': 3235021, 'norm_ops': 62456, 'norm_ltcy': 16.028799900129695, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:31.418000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:31.418000",
+ "bytes": 3312661504,
+ "norm_byte": 63954944,
+ "ops": 3235021,
+ "norm_ops": 62456,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.028799900129695,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "244e616a27dc089c69868119df7d01c5a092a7a4295f796ebc13ecb266d3cad8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:32.419000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:32.419000', 'bytes': 3376884736, 'norm_byte': 64223232, 'ops': 3297739, 'norm_ops': 62718, 'norm_ltcy': 15.961836831880401, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:32.419000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:32.419000",
+ "bytes": 3376884736,
+ "norm_byte": 64223232,
+ "ops": 3297739,
+ "norm_ops": 62718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.961836831880401,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2cfacbb29cc46bb451daba5d09f4889f9bd4127cbef6251a644040b367d5925",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:33.420000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:33.420000', 'bytes': 3439836160, 'norm_byte': 62951424, 'ops': 3359215, 'norm_ops': 61476, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28425434824159, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:33.420000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:33.420000",
+ "bytes": 3439836160,
+ "norm_byte": 62951424,
+ "ops": 3359215,
+ "norm_ops": 61476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28425434824159,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0640b6be121caa002b6960377906065ca2e711a715cbcb9f98ecb98da61f91d0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:34.421000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:34.421000', 'bytes': 3503072256, 'norm_byte': 63236096, 'ops': 3420969, 'norm_ops': 61754, 'norm_ltcy': 16.211033963893026, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:34.421000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:34.421000",
+ "bytes": 3503072256,
+ "norm_byte": 63236096,
+ "ops": 3420969,
+ "norm_ops": 61754,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.211033963893026,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27617bfac1520f6a075bf50519f4482181a530ed8069c243d85980dee5291d51",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:35.422000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:35.422000', 'bytes': 3566478336, 'norm_byte': 63406080, 'ops': 3482889, 'norm_ops': 61920, 'norm_ltcy': 16.1666909545583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:35.422000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:35.422000",
+ "bytes": 3566478336,
+ "norm_byte": 63406080,
+ "ops": 3482889,
+ "norm_ops": 61920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.1666909545583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a067d4e37dd9a26973ff8954471be98f7fedab830347b42416ccd766b58772c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:36.423000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:36.423000', 'bytes': 3632956416, 'norm_byte': 66478080, 'ops': 3547809, 'norm_ops': 64920, 'norm_ltcy': 15.420383681357825, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:36.423000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:36.423000",
+ "bytes": 3632956416,
+ "norm_byte": 66478080,
+ "ops": 3547809,
+ "norm_ops": 64920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.420383681357825,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d58c15d1915a1826d224baf16450408f2fbf9f8f196564a48af540795656aef8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:37.424000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:37.424000', 'bytes': 3696507904, 'norm_byte': 63551488, 'ops': 3609871, 'norm_ops': 62062, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13068052788945, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:37.424000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:37.424000",
+ "bytes": 3696507904,
+ "norm_byte": 63551488,
+ "ops": 3609871,
+ "norm_ops": 62062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13068052788945,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15de262305fc38c44e0ed8089842ad061441d82e295257d01f961010d7a1bbba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:38.425000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:38.425000', 'bytes': 3760028672, 'norm_byte': 63520768, 'ops': 3671903, 'norm_ops': 62032, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13834785498815, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:38.425000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:38.425000",
+ "bytes": 3760028672,
+ "norm_byte": 63520768,
+ "ops": 3671903,
+ "norm_ops": 62032,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13834785498815,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "435fd8dbecc39b5b9c3cee0194fcd75b589a92b3bf191f025631e8099d8e1503",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:43:39.627000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:43:39.627000', 'bytes': 3823975424, 'norm_byte': 63946752, 'ops': 3734351, 'norm_ops': 62448, 'norm_ltcy': 19.23680580367866, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:43:39.627000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:43:39.627000",
+ "bytes": 3823975424,
+ "norm_byte": 63946752,
+ "ops": 3734351,
+ "norm_ops": 62448,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.23680580367866,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ac6492d0-8bc1-5a6e-b37c-3bca44f98ca6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e0be12eaf808334485bc5ccc63e823fca7233fab3a329e80de2d94ca5e95515e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63732923.733333334
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62239.183333333334
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.447670665167895
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:43:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-035-220519203955/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-035-220519203955/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a42f44c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-035-220519203955/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-035-220519203955/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-035-220519203955/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-035-220519203955/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-035-220519203955/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-035-220519203955/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea68fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-035-220519203955/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=45
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=140
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-036-220519204156/220519204156-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-036-220519204156/220519204156-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f486a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-036-220519204156/220519204156-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:44:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993080426.4092 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993081427.5278 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993081427.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993082428.7090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35019776 nr_ops:34199\ntimestamp_ms:1652993083429.8005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70210560 nr_ops:68565\ntimestamp_ms:1652993084430.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105696256 nr_ops:103219\ntimestamp_ms:1652993085431.9968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140987392 nr_ops:137683\ntimestamp_ms:1652993086433.0896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176382976 nr_ops:172249\ntimestamp_ms:1652993087434.1858 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211637248 nr_ops:206677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993088435.2766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246802432 nr_ops:241018\ntimestamp_ms:1652993089436.3728 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282258432 nr_ops:275643\ntimestamp_ms:1652993090436.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317512704 nr_ops:310071\ntimestamp_ms:1652993091437.8816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352921600 nr_ops:344650\ntimestamp_ms:1652993092438.9836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388076544 nr_ops:378981\ntimestamp_ms:1652993093440.0730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423107584 nr_ops:413191\ntimestamp_ms:1652993094441.1682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458764288 nr_ops:448012\ntimestamp_ms:1652993095441.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494068736 nr_ops:482489\ntimestamp_ms:1652993096442.9409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529357824 nr_ops:516951\ntimestamp_ms:1652993097444.0938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564562944 nr_ops:551331\ntimestamp_ms:1652993098445.1863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599735296 nr_ops:585679\ntimestamp_ms:1652993099446.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635309056 nr_ops:620419\ntimestamp_ms:1652993100446.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670696448 nr_ops:654977\ntimestamp_ms:1652993101447.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705491968 nr_ops:688957\ntimestamp_ms:1652993102448.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740652032 nr_ops:723293\ntimestamp_ms:1652993103449.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775861248 nr_ops:757677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993104450.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811142144 nr_ops:792131\ntimestamp_ms:1652993105451.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846351360 nr_ops:826515\ntimestamp_ms:1652993106452.8818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881435648 nr_ops:860777\ntimestamp_ms:1652993107453.8301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916573184 nr_ops:895091\ntimestamp_ms:1652993108454.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951997440 nr_ops:929685\ntimestamp_ms:1652993109455.8845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987100160 nr_ops:963965\ntimestamp_ms:1652993110456.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1022278656 nr_ops:998319\ntimestamp_ms:1652993111457.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1057600512 nr_ops:1032813\ntimestamp_ms:1652993112459.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092838400 nr_ops:1067225\ntimestamp_ms:1652993113460.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1128348672 nr_ops:1101903\ntimestamp_ms:1652993114461.2561 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163940864 nr_ops:1136661\ntimestamp_ms:1652993115462.2991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199481856 nr_ops:1171369\ntimestamp_ms:1652993116463.3945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234616320 nr_ops:1205680\ntimestamp_ms:1652993117464.4941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269750784 nr_ops:1239991\ntimestamp_ms:1652993118465.5991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305084928 nr_ops:1274497\ntimestamp_ms:1652993119466.6865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340488704 nr_ops:1309071\ntimestamp_ms:1652993120467.7258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375511552 nr_ops:1343273\ntimestamp_ms:1652993121468.9243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1410765824 nr_ops:1377701\ntimestamp_ms:1652993122470.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1445833728 nr_ops:1411947\ntimestamp_ms:1652993123471.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481196544 nr_ops:1446481\ntimestamp_ms:1652993124472.2168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1516631040 nr_ops:1481085\ntimestamp_ms:1652993125472.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1551805440 nr_ops:1515435\ntimestamp_ms:1652993126473.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586881536 nr_ops:1549689\ntimestamp_ms:1652993127474.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622026240 nr_ops:1584010\ntimestamp_ms:1652993128476.0796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657525248 nr_ops:1618677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993129477.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1692511232 nr_ops:1652843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993130478.2163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1727704064 nr_ops:1687211\ntimestamp_ms:1652993131479.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763161088 nr_ops:1721837\ntimestamp_ms:1652993132480.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1798212608 nr_ops:1756067\ntimestamp_ms:1652993133481.6045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1833780224 nr_ops:1790801\ntimestamp_ms:1652993134482.6992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1869306880 nr_ops:1825495\ntimestamp_ms:1652993135482.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904661504 nr_ops:1860021\ntimestamp_ms:1652993136483.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1939786752 nr_ops:1894323\ntimestamp_ms:1652993137485.0308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1975168000 nr_ops:1928875\ntimestamp_ms:1652993138486.1194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2010704896 nr_ops:1963579\ntimestamp_ms:1652993139487.2100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046852096 nr_ops:1998879\ntimestamp_ms:1652993140488.3115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082987008 nr_ops:2034167\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139766168254208\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.6499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2118228992 nr_ops:2068583\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.6917 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.6951 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141789.9089 name:Total nr_bytes:2118228992 nr_ops:2068584\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.7930 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4236457982 nr_ops:4137168\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.7937 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2118228992 nr_ops:2068586\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 301.20us 0.00ns 301.20us 301.20us \nTxn1 1034292 58.02us 0.00ns 6.14ms 25.60us \nTxn2 1 24.89us 0.00ns 24.89us 24.89us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 300.56us 0.00ns 300.56us 300.56us \nwrite 1034292 3.81us 0.00ns 85.24us 2.25us \nread 1034291 54.11us 0.00ns 6.14ms 2.20us \ndisconnect 1 24.49us 0.00ns 24.49us 24.49us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.98b/s \nnet1 16585 16585 144.62Mb/s 144.62Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.131 62.36s 1.97GB 271.72Mb/s 2068585 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.97GB 271.72Mb/s 2068586 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414155, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993080426.4092 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993081427.5278 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993081427.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993082428.7090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35019776 nr_ops:34199\ntimestamp_ms:1652993083429.8005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70210560 nr_ops:68565\ntimestamp_ms:1652993084430.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105696256 nr_ops:103219\ntimestamp_ms:1652993085431.9968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140987392 nr_ops:137683\ntimestamp_ms:1652993086433.0896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176382976 nr_ops:172249\ntimestamp_ms:1652993087434.1858 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211637248 nr_ops:206677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993088435.2766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246802432 nr_ops:241018\ntimestamp_ms:1652993089436.3728 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282258432 nr_ops:275643\ntimestamp_ms:1652993090436.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317512704 nr_ops:310071\ntimestamp_ms:1652993091437.8816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352921600 nr_ops:344650\ntimestamp_ms:1652993092438.9836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388076544 nr_ops:378981\ntimestamp_ms:1652993093440.0730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423107584 nr_ops:413191\ntimestamp_ms:1652993094441.1682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458764288 nr_ops:448012\ntimestamp_ms:1652993095441.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494068736 nr_ops:482489\ntimestamp_ms:1652993096442.9409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529357824 nr_ops:516951\ntimestamp_ms:1652993097444.0938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564562944 nr_ops:551331\ntimestamp_ms:1652993098445.1863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599735296 nr_ops:585679\ntimestamp_ms:1652993099446.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635309056 nr_ops:620419\ntimestamp_ms:1652993100446.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670696448 nr_ops:654977\ntimestamp_ms:1652993101447.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705491968 nr_ops:688957\ntimestamp_ms:1652993102448.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740652032 nr_ops:723293\ntimestamp_ms:1652993103449.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775861248 nr_ops:757677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993104450.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811142144 nr_ops:792131\ntimestamp_ms:1652993105451.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846351360 nr_ops:826515\ntimestamp_ms:1652993106452.8818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881435648 nr_ops:860777\ntimestamp_ms:1652993107453.8301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916573184 nr_ops:895091\ntimestamp_ms:1652993108454.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951997440 nr_ops:929685\ntimestamp_ms:1652993109455.8845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987100160 nr_ops:963965\ntimestamp_ms:1652993110456.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1022278656 nr_ops:998319\ntimestamp_ms:1652993111457.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1057600512 nr_ops:1032813\ntimestamp_ms:1652993112459.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092838400 nr_ops:1067225\ntimestamp_ms:1652993113460.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1128348672 nr_ops:1101903\ntimestamp_ms:1652993114461.2561 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163940864 nr_ops:1136661\ntimestamp_ms:1652993115462.2991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199481856 nr_ops:1171369\ntimestamp_ms:1652993116463.3945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234616320 nr_ops:1205680\ntimestamp_ms:1652993117464.4941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269750784 nr_ops:1239991\ntimestamp_ms:1652993118465.5991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305084928 nr_ops:1274497\ntimestamp_ms:1652993119466.6865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340488704 nr_ops:1309071\ntimestamp_ms:1652993120467.7258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375511552 nr_ops:1343273\ntimestamp_ms:1652993121468.9243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1410765824 nr_ops:1377701\ntimestamp_ms:1652993122470.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1445833728 nr_ops:1411947\ntimestamp_ms:1652993123471.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481196544 nr_ops:1446481\ntimestamp_ms:1652993124472.2168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1516631040 nr_ops:1481085\ntimestamp_ms:1652993125472.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1551805440 nr_ops:1515435\ntimestamp_ms:1652993126473.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586881536 nr_ops:1549689\ntimestamp_ms:1652993127474.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622026240 nr_ops:1584010\ntimestamp_ms:1652993128476.0796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657525248 nr_ops:1618677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993129477.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1692511232 nr_ops:1652843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993130478.2163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1727704064 nr_ops:1687211\ntimestamp_ms:1652993131479.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763161088 nr_ops:1721837\ntimestamp_ms:1652993132480.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1798212608 nr_ops:1756067\ntimestamp_ms:1652993133481.6045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1833780224 nr_ops:1790801\ntimestamp_ms:1652993134482.6992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1869306880 nr_ops:1825495\ntimestamp_ms:1652993135482.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904661504 nr_ops:1860021\ntimestamp_ms:1652993136483.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1939786752 nr_ops:1894323\ntimestamp_ms:1652993137485.0308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1975168000 nr_ops:1928875\ntimestamp_ms:1652993138486.1194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2010704896 nr_ops:1963579\ntimestamp_ms:1652993139487.2100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046852096 nr_ops:1998879\ntimestamp_ms:1652993140488.3115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082987008 nr_ops:2034167\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139766168254208\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.6499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2118228992 nr_ops:2068583\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.6917 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.6951 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141789.9089 name:Total nr_bytes:2118228992 nr_ops:2068584\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.7930 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4236457982 nr_ops:4137168\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.7937 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2118228992 nr_ops:2068586\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 301.20us 0.00ns 301.20us 301.20us \nTxn1 1034292 58.02us 0.00ns 6.14ms 25.60us \nTxn2 1 24.89us 0.00ns 24.89us 24.89us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 300.56us 0.00ns 300.56us 300.56us \nwrite 1034292 3.81us 0.00ns 85.24us 2.25us \nread 1034291 54.11us 0.00ns 6.14ms 2.20us \ndisconnect 1 24.49us 0.00ns 24.49us 24.49us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.98b/s \nnet1 16585 16585 144.62Mb/s 144.62Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.131 62.36s 1.97GB 271.72Mb/s 2068585 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.97GB 271.72Mb/s 2068586 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414155, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993080426.4092 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993081427.5278 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993081427.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993082428.7090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35019776 nr_ops:34199\ntimestamp_ms:1652993083429.8005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70210560 nr_ops:68565\ntimestamp_ms:1652993084430.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105696256 nr_ops:103219\ntimestamp_ms:1652993085431.9968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140987392 nr_ops:137683\ntimestamp_ms:1652993086433.0896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176382976 nr_ops:172249\ntimestamp_ms:1652993087434.1858 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211637248 nr_ops:206677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993088435.2766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246802432 nr_ops:241018\ntimestamp_ms:1652993089436.3728 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282258432 nr_ops:275643\ntimestamp_ms:1652993090436.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317512704 nr_ops:310071\ntimestamp_ms:1652993091437.8816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352921600 nr_ops:344650\ntimestamp_ms:1652993092438.9836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388076544 nr_ops:378981\ntimestamp_ms:1652993093440.0730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423107584 nr_ops:413191\ntimestamp_ms:1652993094441.1682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458764288 nr_ops:448012\ntimestamp_ms:1652993095441.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494068736 nr_ops:482489\ntimestamp_ms:1652993096442.9409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529357824 nr_ops:516951\ntimestamp_ms:1652993097444.0938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564562944 nr_ops:551331\ntimestamp_ms:1652993098445.1863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599735296 nr_ops:585679\ntimestamp_ms:1652993099446.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635309056 nr_ops:620419\ntimestamp_ms:1652993100446.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670696448 nr_ops:654977\ntimestamp_ms:1652993101447.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705491968 nr_ops:688957\ntimestamp_ms:1652993102448.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740652032 nr_ops:723293\ntimestamp_ms:1652993103449.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775861248 nr_ops:757677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993104450.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811142144 nr_ops:792131\ntimestamp_ms:1652993105451.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846351360 nr_ops:826515\ntimestamp_ms:1652993106452.8818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881435648 nr_ops:860777\ntimestamp_ms:1652993107453.8301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916573184 nr_ops:895091\ntimestamp_ms:1652993108454.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951997440 nr_ops:929685\ntimestamp_ms:1652993109455.8845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987100160 nr_ops:963965\ntimestamp_ms:1652993110456.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1022278656 nr_ops:998319\ntimestamp_ms:1652993111457.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1057600512 nr_ops:1032813\ntimestamp_ms:1652993112459.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092838400 nr_ops:1067225\ntimestamp_ms:1652993113460.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1128348672 nr_ops:1101903\ntimestamp_ms:1652993114461.2561 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163940864 nr_ops:1136661\ntimestamp_ms:1652993115462.2991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199481856 nr_ops:1171369\ntimestamp_ms:1652993116463.3945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234616320 nr_ops:1205680\ntimestamp_ms:1652993117464.4941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269750784 nr_ops:1239991\ntimestamp_ms:1652993118465.5991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305084928 nr_ops:1274497\ntimestamp_ms:1652993119466.6865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340488704 nr_ops:1309071\ntimestamp_ms:1652993120467.7258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375511552 nr_ops:1343273\ntimestamp_ms:1652993121468.9243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1410765824 nr_ops:1377701\ntimestamp_ms:1652993122470.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1445833728 nr_ops:1411947\ntimestamp_ms:1652993123471.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481196544 nr_ops:1446481\ntimestamp_ms:1652993124472.2168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1516631040 nr_ops:1481085\ntimestamp_ms:1652993125472.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1551805440 nr_ops:1515435\ntimestamp_ms:1652993126473.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586881536 nr_ops:1549689\ntimestamp_ms:1652993127474.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622026240 nr_ops:1584010\ntimestamp_ms:1652993128476.0796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657525248 nr_ops:1618677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993129477.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1692511232 nr_ops:1652843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993130478.2163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1727704064 nr_ops:1687211\ntimestamp_ms:1652993131479.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763161088 nr_ops:1721837\ntimestamp_ms:1652993132480.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1798212608 nr_ops:1756067\ntimestamp_ms:1652993133481.6045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1833780224 nr_ops:1790801\ntimestamp_ms:1652993134482.6992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1869306880 nr_ops:1825495\ntimestamp_ms:1652993135482.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904661504 nr_ops:1860021\ntimestamp_ms:1652993136483.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1939786752 nr_ops:1894323\ntimestamp_ms:1652993137485.0308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1975168000 nr_ops:1928875\ntimestamp_ms:1652993138486.1194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2010704896 nr_ops:1963579\ntimestamp_ms:1652993139487.2100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046852096 nr_ops:1998879\ntimestamp_ms:1652993140488.3115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082987008 nr_ops:2034167\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139766168254208\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.6499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2118228992 nr_ops:2068583\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.6917 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.6951 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141789.9089 name:Total nr_bytes:2118228992 nr_ops:2068584\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.7930 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4236457982 nr_ops:4137168\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993141689.7937 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2118228992 nr_ops:2068586\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 301.20us 0.00ns 301.20us 301.20us \nTxn1 1034292 58.02us 0.00ns 6.14ms 25.60us \nTxn2 1 24.89us 0.00ns 24.89us 24.89us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 300.56us 0.00ns 300.56us 300.56us \nwrite 1034292 3.81us 0.00ns 85.24us 2.25us \nread 1034291 54.11us 0.00ns 6.14ms 2.20us \ndisconnect 1 24.49us 0.00ns 24.49us 24.49us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.98b/s \nnet1 16585 16585 144.62Mb/s 144.62Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.131 62.36s 1.97GB 271.72Mb/s 2068585 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.97GB 271.72Mb/s 2068586 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414155, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993080426.4092 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993081427.5278 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993081427.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993082428.7090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35019776 nr_ops:34199
+timestamp_ms:1652993083429.8005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70210560 nr_ops:68565
+timestamp_ms:1652993084430.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105696256 nr_ops:103219
+timestamp_ms:1652993085431.9968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140987392 nr_ops:137683
+timestamp_ms:1652993086433.0896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176382976 nr_ops:172249
+timestamp_ms:1652993087434.1858 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211637248 nr_ops:206677
+timestamp_ms:1652993088435.2766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246802432 nr_ops:241018
+timestamp_ms:1652993089436.3728 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282258432 nr_ops:275643
+timestamp_ms:1652993090436.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317512704 nr_ops:310071
+timestamp_ms:1652993091437.8816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352921600 nr_ops:344650
+timestamp_ms:1652993092438.9836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388076544 nr_ops:378981
+timestamp_ms:1652993093440.0730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423107584 nr_ops:413191
+timestamp_ms:1652993094441.1682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458764288 nr_ops:448012
+timestamp_ms:1652993095441.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494068736 nr_ops:482489
+timestamp_ms:1652993096442.9409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529357824 nr_ops:516951
+timestamp_ms:1652993097444.0938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564562944 nr_ops:551331
+timestamp_ms:1652993098445.1863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599735296 nr_ops:585679
+timestamp_ms:1652993099446.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635309056 nr_ops:620419
+timestamp_ms:1652993100446.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670696448 nr_ops:654977
+timestamp_ms:1652993101447.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705491968 nr_ops:688957
+timestamp_ms:1652993102448.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740652032 nr_ops:723293
+timestamp_ms:1652993103449.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775861248 nr_ops:757677
+timestamp_ms:1652993104450.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811142144 nr_ops:792131
+timestamp_ms:1652993105451.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846351360 nr_ops:826515
+timestamp_ms:1652993106452.8818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881435648 nr_ops:860777
+timestamp_ms:1652993107453.8301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916573184 nr_ops:895091
+timestamp_ms:1652993108454.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951997440 nr_ops:929685
+timestamp_ms:1652993109455.8845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987100160 nr_ops:963965
+timestamp_ms:1652993110456.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1022278656 nr_ops:998319
+timestamp_ms:1652993111457.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1057600512 nr_ops:1032813
+timestamp_ms:1652993112459.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092838400 nr_ops:1067225
+timestamp_ms:1652993113460.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1128348672 nr_ops:1101903
+timestamp_ms:1652993114461.2561 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163940864 nr_ops:1136661
+timestamp_ms:1652993115462.2991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199481856 nr_ops:1171369
+timestamp_ms:1652993116463.3945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234616320 nr_ops:1205680
+timestamp_ms:1652993117464.4941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269750784 nr_ops:1239991
+timestamp_ms:1652993118465.5991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305084928 nr_ops:1274497
+timestamp_ms:1652993119466.6865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340488704 nr_ops:1309071
+timestamp_ms:1652993120467.7258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375511552 nr_ops:1343273
+timestamp_ms:1652993121468.9243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1410765824 nr_ops:1377701
+timestamp_ms:1652993122470.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1445833728 nr_ops:1411947
+timestamp_ms:1652993123471.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481196544 nr_ops:1446481
+timestamp_ms:1652993124472.2168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1516631040 nr_ops:1481085
+timestamp_ms:1652993125472.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1551805440 nr_ops:1515435
+timestamp_ms:1652993126473.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586881536 nr_ops:1549689
+timestamp_ms:1652993127474.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622026240 nr_ops:1584010
+timestamp_ms:1652993128476.0796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657525248 nr_ops:1618677
+timestamp_ms:1652993129477.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1692511232 nr_ops:1652843
+timestamp_ms:1652993130478.2163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1727704064 nr_ops:1687211
+timestamp_ms:1652993131479.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763161088 nr_ops:1721837
+timestamp_ms:1652993132480.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1798212608 nr_ops:1756067
+timestamp_ms:1652993133481.6045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1833780224 nr_ops:1790801
+timestamp_ms:1652993134482.6992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1869306880 nr_ops:1825495
+timestamp_ms:1652993135482.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904661504 nr_ops:1860021
+timestamp_ms:1652993136483.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1939786752 nr_ops:1894323
+timestamp_ms:1652993137485.0308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1975168000 nr_ops:1928875
+timestamp_ms:1652993138486.1194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2010704896 nr_ops:1963579
+timestamp_ms:1652993139487.2100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046852096 nr_ops:1998879
+timestamp_ms:1652993140488.3115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082987008 nr_ops:2034167
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139766168254208
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652993141689.6499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2118228992 nr_ops:2068583
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993141689.6917 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993141689.6951 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993141789.9089 name:Total nr_bytes:2118228992 nr_ops:2068584
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993141689.7930 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4236457982 nr_ops:4137168
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993141689.7937 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2118228992 nr_ops:2068586
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 301.20us 0.00ns 301.20us 301.20us
+Txn1 1034292 58.02us 0.00ns 6.14ms 25.60us
+Txn2 1 24.89us 0.00ns 24.89us 24.89us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 300.56us 0.00ns 300.56us 300.56us
+write 1034292 3.81us 0.00ns 85.24us 2.25us
+read 1034291 54.11us 0.00ns 6.14ms 2.20us
+disconnect 1 24.49us 0.00ns 24.49us 24.49us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.98b/s
+net1 16585 16585 144.62Mb/s 144.62Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.131 62.36s 1.97GB 271.72Mb/s 2068585 0.00
+master 62.36s 1.97GB 271.72Mb/s 2068586 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:42.428000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:42.428000', 'bytes': 35019776, 'norm_byte': 35019776, 'ops': 34199, 'norm_ops': 34199, 'norm_ltcy': 29.272510195382175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:42.428000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:42.428000",
+ "bytes": 35019776,
+ "norm_byte": 35019776,
+ "ops": 34199,
+ "norm_ops": 34199,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.272510195382175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b8ef4b3ec5c359904c4a8136ceb0d5ad0d84115a03b841a2329c6f2c13fe3a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:43.429000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:43.429000', 'bytes': 70210560, 'norm_byte': 35190784, 'ops': 68565, 'norm_ops': 34366, 'norm_ltcy': 29.130290191886605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:43.429000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:43.429000",
+ "bytes": 70210560,
+ "norm_byte": 35190784,
+ "ops": 68565,
+ "norm_ops": 34366,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.130290191886605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2b4e0bb1f8dd570edff6cab74cf0412887dc5b616ce17b2ed84aae18c84c69e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:44.430000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:44.430000', 'bytes': 105696256, 'norm_byte': 35485696, 'ops': 103219, 'norm_ops': 34654, 'norm_ltcy': 28.888675313004992, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:44.430000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:44.430000",
+ "bytes": 105696256,
+ "norm_byte": 35485696,
+ "ops": 103219,
+ "norm_ops": 34654,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.888675313004992,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c451993c7f955144ab9595272f8136fc258669ede8a23df83dd6755ca19457a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:45.431000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:45.431000', 'bytes': 140987392, 'norm_byte': 35291136, 'ops': 137683, 'norm_ops': 34464, 'norm_ltcy': 29.047357670776027, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:45.431000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:45.431000",
+ "bytes": 140987392,
+ "norm_byte": 35291136,
+ "ops": 137683,
+ "norm_ops": 34464,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.047357670776027,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cae0d9df7b693707a22717822fafce186ec8c34f733050699aa72101fb869b73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:46.433000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:46.433000', 'bytes': 176382976, 'norm_byte': 35395584, 'ops': 172249, 'norm_ops': 34566, 'norm_ltcy': 28.96177670073193, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:46.433000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:46.433000",
+ "bytes": 176382976,
+ "norm_byte": 35395584,
+ "ops": 172249,
+ "norm_ops": 34566,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.96177670073193,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0e44646a7710e679dd824916bfd7b58ab4220c233d19f57b8b33cb1b08d746b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:47.434000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:47.434000', 'bytes': 211637248, 'norm_byte': 35254272, 'ops': 206677, 'norm_ops': 34428, 'norm_ltcy': 29.07796535977257, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:47.434000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:47.434000",
+ "bytes": 211637248,
+ "norm_byte": 35254272,
+ "ops": 206677,
+ "norm_ops": 34428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.07796535977257,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "971c5a472058bb3b3a7c6ac947124f17277b27651ddc403ac026a0ea76f8aaa3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:48.435000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:48.435000', 'bytes': 246802432, 'norm_byte': 35165184, 'ops': 241018, 'norm_ops': 34341, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15147550486299, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:48.435000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:48.435000",
+ "bytes": 246802432,
+ "norm_byte": 35165184,
+ "ops": 241018,
+ "norm_ops": 34341,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15147550486299,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43c41fbfb3f3d9657d946d02dec73e8c1d9c51c7081b5d3b1e1a2147371e53fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:49.436000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:49.436000', 'bytes': 282258432, 'norm_byte': 35456000, 'ops': 275643, 'norm_ops': 34625, 'norm_ltcy': 28.912525383574007, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:49.436000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:49.436000",
+ "bytes": 282258432,
+ "norm_byte": 35456000,
+ "ops": 275643,
+ "norm_ops": 34625,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.912525383574007,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e2d2d5645e5176062173c30e4572b5cf6eccc615c9957333c641050a6b87505",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:50.436000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:50.436000', 'bytes': 317512704, 'norm_byte': 35254272, 'ops': 310071, 'norm_ops': 34428, 'norm_ltcy': 29.059612973996455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:50.436000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:50.436000",
+ "bytes": 317512704,
+ "norm_byte": 35254272,
+ "ops": 310071,
+ "norm_ops": 34428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.059612973996455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b586b027a8a36db3dfe11151f1a789b0466480448618f0660f68126aa582d6ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:51.437000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:51.437000', 'bytes': 352921600, 'norm_byte': 35408896, 'ops': 344650, 'norm_ops': 34579, 'norm_ltcy': 28.949490546104574, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:51.437000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:51.437000",
+ "bytes": 352921600,
+ "norm_byte": 35408896,
+ "ops": 344650,
+ "norm_ops": 34579,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.949490546104574,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7bd7a04afba9178656d327903e41bc4b479b6547ef491d0c7acb67fdee771032",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:52.438000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:52.438000', 'bytes': 388076544, 'norm_byte': 35154944, 'ops': 378981, 'norm_ops': 34331, 'norm_ltcy': 29.16029392622557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:52.438000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:52.438000",
+ "bytes": 388076544,
+ "norm_byte": 35154944,
+ "ops": 378981,
+ "norm_ops": 34331,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.16029392622557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1bdf9a2fbfed83b6b20063da31aec3ae1a0b9347dad0ca1a5ea987a38454c0c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:53.440000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:53.440000', 'bytes': 423107584, 'norm_byte': 35031040, 'ops': 413191, 'norm_ops': 34210, 'norm_ltcy': 29.263062130042385, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:53.440000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:53.440000",
+ "bytes": 423107584,
+ "norm_byte": 35031040,
+ "ops": 413191,
+ "norm_ops": 34210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.263062130042385,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a83210b9573b1fed1cefbd3e93ebba4fedf9372eafcabdad62f61c30526513dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:54.441000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:54.441000', 'bytes': 458764288, 'norm_byte': 35656704, 'ops': 448012, 'norm_ops': 34821, 'norm_ltcy': 28.74975488480371, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:54.441000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:54.441000",
+ "bytes": 458764288,
+ "norm_byte": 35656704,
+ "ops": 448012,
+ "norm_ops": 34821,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.74975488480371,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5f00cf2b901e5448b4c7d6daf02c07633bb26a67789198f1f2a521e05826b17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:55.441000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:55.441000', 'bytes': 494068736, 'norm_byte': 35304448, 'ops': 482489, 'norm_ops': 34477, 'norm_ltcy': 29.024359763392987, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:55.441000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:55.441000",
+ "bytes": 494068736,
+ "norm_byte": 35304448,
+ "ops": 482489,
+ "norm_ops": 34477,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.024359763392987,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a98d84814568f05f26c5480385de13b4d3561a1c7e1d60a98b3b4bbb43f60275",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:56.442000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:56.442000', 'bytes': 529357824, 'norm_byte': 35289088, 'ops': 516951, 'norm_ops': 34462, 'norm_ltcy': 29.049383480808572, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:56.442000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:56.442000",
+ "bytes": 529357824,
+ "norm_byte": 35289088,
+ "ops": 516951,
+ "norm_ops": 34462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.049383480808572,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c159aedf721fcf2a9f31dd8e2959b3540c827eb26dbdad0171edbe899db565e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:57.444000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:57.444000', 'bytes': 564562944, 'norm_byte': 35205120, 'ops': 551331, 'norm_ops': 34380, 'norm_ltcy': 29.120210355766435, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:57.444000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:57.444000",
+ "bytes": 564562944,
+ "norm_byte": 35205120,
+ "ops": 551331,
+ "norm_ops": 34380,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.120210355766435,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9096e7f107c98c78c0ae5273f2879c420305be6f00426fd24c7908e8801ea901",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:58.445000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:58.445000', 'bytes': 599735296, 'norm_byte': 35172352, 'ops': 585679, 'norm_ops': 34348, 'norm_ltcy': 29.145584293026523, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:58.445000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:58.445000",
+ "bytes": 599735296,
+ "norm_byte": 35172352,
+ "ops": 585679,
+ "norm_ops": 34348,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.145584293026523,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93ab7c4b5499a48811ea4e0a843bedfeab109c9fe995c508239c3d26536795c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:44:59.446000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:44:59.446000', 'bytes': 635309056, 'norm_byte': 35573760, 'ops': 620419, 'norm_ops': 34740, 'norm_ltcy': 28.816710687877805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:44:59.446000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:44:59.446000",
+ "bytes": 635309056,
+ "norm_byte": 35573760,
+ "ops": 620419,
+ "norm_ops": 34740,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.816710687877805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad4aba5d035cf962004849ba4d33716eaf9af3a3c3552175b78de65d67c34544",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:00.446000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:00.446000', 'bytes': 670696448, 'norm_byte': 35387392, 'ops': 654977, 'norm_ops': 34558, 'norm_ltcy': 28.95296720368656, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:00.446000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:00.446000",
+ "bytes": 670696448,
+ "norm_byte": 35387392,
+ "ops": 654977,
+ "norm_ops": 34558,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.95296720368656,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b6104d664059f6f0a66954f43bad23b94b3eb0fba4bcf429516145606333896c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:01.447000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:01.447000', 'bytes': 705491968, 'norm_byte': 34795520, 'ops': 688957, 'norm_ops': 33980, 'norm_ltcy': 29.458447524278988, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:01.447000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:01.447000",
+ "bytes": 705491968,
+ "norm_byte": 34795520,
+ "ops": 688957,
+ "norm_ops": 33980,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.458447524278988,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d42c059f7913f116bea85fb5ab98022c3ee35c879096e14e8d6aa238eb14285a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:02.448000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:02.448000', 'bytes': 740652032, 'norm_byte': 35160064, 'ops': 723293, 'norm_ops': 34336, 'norm_ltcy': 29.153082599622117, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:02.448000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:02.448000",
+ "bytes": 740652032,
+ "norm_byte": 35160064,
+ "ops": 723293,
+ "norm_ops": 34336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.153082599622117,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5471f3c631004135de1a6accc40e15b5120df85d256c4375ec39f1ca27ef8fa2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:03.449000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:03.449000', 'bytes': 775861248, 'norm_byte': 35209216, 'ops': 757677, 'norm_ops': 34384, 'norm_ltcy': 29.112278444370926, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:03.449000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:03.449000",
+ "bytes": 775861248,
+ "norm_byte": 35209216,
+ "ops": 757677,
+ "norm_ops": 34384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.112278444370926,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20d2f75bda4d51815e32793e6bda1300deb90517b5b47ec18101b0bd2ec4e95b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:04.450000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:04.450000', 'bytes': 811142144, 'norm_byte': 35280896, 'ops': 792131, 'norm_ops': 34454, 'norm_ltcy': 29.05323748013656, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:04.450000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:04.450000",
+ "bytes": 811142144,
+ "norm_byte": 35280896,
+ "ops": 792131,
+ "norm_ops": 34454,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.05323748013656,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7767bc16be2e2b0763ac1690befec355dcb1199c466e3892f76b3f572269bb34",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:05.451000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:05.451000', 'bytes': 846351360, 'norm_byte': 35209216, 'ops': 826515, 'norm_ops': 34384, 'norm_ltcy': 29.112612163815292, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:05.451000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:05.451000",
+ "bytes": 846351360,
+ "norm_byte": 35209216,
+ "ops": 826515,
+ "norm_ops": 34384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.112612163815292,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c966190b8ee94cc63052f344d45bd0f15bfd1aab75201e724914b73d32a77a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:06.452000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:06.452000', 'bytes': 881435648, 'norm_byte': 35084288, 'ops': 860777, 'norm_ops': 34262, 'norm_ltcy': 29.21730234343077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:06.452000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:06.452000",
+ "bytes": 881435648,
+ "norm_byte": 35084288,
+ "ops": 860777,
+ "norm_ops": 34262,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.21730234343077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ace6b029d9bec4238df15c37d67dde055f4d955836a95e00aa0c081ca5e8c9b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:07.453000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:07.453000', 'bytes': 916573184, 'norm_byte': 35137536, 'ops': 895091, 'norm_ops': 34314, 'norm_ltcy': 29.170258267398147, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:07.453000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:07.453000",
+ "bytes": 916573184,
+ "norm_byte": 35137536,
+ "ops": 895091,
+ "norm_ops": 34314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.170258267398147,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "462f6449a6b3a9a6cf5a4091f769e09898ca0fec9016a5476ac870ff28b37080",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:08.454000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:08.454000', 'bytes': 951997440, 'norm_byte': 35424256, 'ops': 929685, 'norm_ops': 34594, 'norm_ltcy': 28.935724154658324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:08.454000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:08.454000",
+ "bytes": 951997440,
+ "norm_byte": 35424256,
+ "ops": 929685,
+ "norm_ops": 34594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.935724154658324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70a9f1bab89eb99a72a31796e692b1adec59e00518a35134b76db30eaacd2ae1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:09.455000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:09.455000', 'bytes': 987100160, 'norm_byte': 35102720, 'ops': 963965, 'norm_ops': 34280, 'norm_ltcy': 29.202217093148338, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:09.455000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:09.455000",
+ "bytes": 987100160,
+ "norm_byte": 35102720,
+ "ops": 963965,
+ "norm_ops": 34280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.202217093148338,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "661199c076ebfd09a124cdfc6920010b2ccf7952b81b0afea4299e20d89747a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:10.456000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:10.456000', 'bytes': 1022278656, 'norm_byte': 35178496, 'ops': 998319, 'norm_ops': 34354, 'norm_ltcy': 29.13637211778468, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:10.456000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:10.456000",
+ "bytes": 1022278656,
+ "norm_byte": 35178496,
+ "ops": 998319,
+ "norm_ops": 34354,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.13637211778468,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e20666f1bb2e54d6e302ab17987ce76927c66390eec233eddcbed3788901916",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:11.457000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:11.457000', 'bytes': 1057600512, 'norm_byte': 35321856, 'ops': 1032813, 'norm_ops': 34494, 'norm_ltcy': 29.022696315844787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:11.457000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:11.457000",
+ "bytes": 1057600512,
+ "norm_byte": 35321856,
+ "ops": 1032813,
+ "norm_ops": 34494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.022696315844787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6df7ced18e87bdc2092923828f0d9caeda6647da80c6c331aeb290a6b29b28cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:12.459000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:12.459000', 'bytes': 1092838400, 'norm_byte': 35237888, 'ops': 1067225, 'norm_ops': 34412, 'norm_ltcy': 29.091513657118156, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:12.459000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:12.459000",
+ "bytes": 1092838400,
+ "norm_byte": 35237888,
+ "ops": 1067225,
+ "norm_ops": 34412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.091513657118156,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf7b14b36afd289485900c72a81a9c5621d4a0785624d2e2ccee49ac158ddd86",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:13.460000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:13.460000', 'bytes': 1128348672, 'norm_byte': 35510272, 'ops': 1101903, 'norm_ops': 34678, 'norm_ltcy': 28.868541192813165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:13.460000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:13.460000",
+ "bytes": 1128348672,
+ "norm_byte": 35510272,
+ "ops": 1101903,
+ "norm_ops": 34678,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.868541192813165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "61f575ef14fe0d80dd3a021359eadc2517d9837bb104fb4712d51a6015c03217",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:14.461000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:14.461000', 'bytes': 1163940864, 'norm_byte': 35592192, 'ops': 1136661, 'norm_ops': 34758, 'norm_ltcy': 28.802328330887853, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:14.461000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:14.461000",
+ "bytes": 1163940864,
+ "norm_byte": 35592192,
+ "ops": 1136661,
+ "norm_ops": 34758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.802328330887853,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "247e2afc4990431e5846fd85e744b36b5710ff449fee9fbd09f9754467087b6e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:15.462000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:15.462000', 'bytes': 1199481856, 'norm_byte': 35540992, 'ops': 1171369, 'norm_ops': 34708, 'norm_ltcy': 28.84185112221966, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:15.462000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:15.462000",
+ "bytes": 1199481856,
+ "norm_byte": 35540992,
+ "ops": 1171369,
+ "norm_ops": 34708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.84185112221966,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a3ae958a4f6b1d05ef6f6416e75b361ef6b88aa28b0871159e148b474d5f34c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:16.463000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:16.463000', 'bytes': 1234616320, 'norm_byte': 35134464, 'ops': 1205680, 'norm_ops': 34311, 'norm_ltcy': 29.17709944287182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:16.463000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:16.463000",
+ "bytes": 1234616320,
+ "norm_byte": 35134464,
+ "ops": 1205680,
+ "norm_ops": 34311,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.17709944287182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c994e72b36c97673a5b3d76c8a1c4b3cf09a030a7537104d534d829a1c613629",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:17.464000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:17.464000', 'bytes': 1269750784, 'norm_byte': 35134464, 'ops': 1239991, 'norm_ops': 34311, 'norm_ltcy': 29.177220406720878, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:17.464000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:17.464000",
+ "bytes": 1269750784,
+ "norm_byte": 35134464,
+ "ops": 1239991,
+ "norm_ops": 34311,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.177220406720878,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d423d880f5c2952f527bf5ffa341b554e040ae3755ab4838e6058cabde7b7ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:18.465000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:18.465000', 'bytes': 1305084928, 'norm_byte': 35334144, 'ops': 1274497, 'norm_ops': 34506, 'norm_ltcy': 29.012490015323422, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:18.465000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:18.465000",
+ "bytes": 1305084928,
+ "norm_byte": 35334144,
+ "ops": 1274497,
+ "norm_ops": 34506,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.012490015323422,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1504617bf3d56c474793748386dae228cddba9c3f7d3fde819a86ccd49d681c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:19.466000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:19.466000', 'bytes': 1340488704, 'norm_byte': 35403776, 'ops': 1309071, 'norm_ops': 34574, 'norm_ltcy': 28.954919949781626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:19.466000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:19.466000",
+ "bytes": 1340488704,
+ "norm_byte": 35403776,
+ "ops": 1309071,
+ "norm_ops": 34574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.954919949781626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bbf2021c14ba608f2b77f8e0d183fc71350855a3460cd846a68d8633050b4073",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:20.467000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:20.467000', 'bytes': 1375511552, 'norm_byte': 35022848, 'ops': 1343273, 'norm_ops': 34202, 'norm_ltcy': 29.268443560044002, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:20.467000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:20.467000",
+ "bytes": 1375511552,
+ "norm_byte": 35022848,
+ "ops": 1343273,
+ "norm_ops": 34202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.268443560044002,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d80e1aab4a02eec64a0e6ae816f04d1bf682c683bb9b852e7dc80e762c3d502",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:21.468000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:21.468000', 'bytes': 1410765824, 'norm_byte': 35254272, 'ops': 1377701, 'norm_ops': 34428, 'norm_ltcy': 29.08093663088547, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:21.468000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:21.468000",
+ "bytes": 1410765824,
+ "norm_byte": 35254272,
+ "ops": 1377701,
+ "norm_ops": 34428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.08093663088547,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9cbea9cff414e7ccdc5deb93f1ca1bfb7ca8d85cd4940a88cc200ee97a63a97f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:22.470000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:22.470000', 'bytes': 1445833728, 'norm_byte': 35067904, 'ops': 1411947, 'norm_ops': 34246, 'norm_ltcy': 29.2324856370087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:22.470000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:22.470000",
+ "bytes": 1445833728,
+ "norm_byte": 35067904,
+ "ops": 1411947,
+ "norm_ops": 34246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.2324856370087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ffea0b036a92cd296d59a3b5a41994804017760a836b3ae1f0e05d994676961c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:23.471000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:23.471000', 'bytes': 1481196544, 'norm_byte': 35362816, 'ops': 1446481, 'norm_ops': 34534, 'norm_ltcy': 28.988938550595066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:23.471000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:23.471000",
+ "bytes": 1481196544,
+ "norm_byte": 35362816,
+ "ops": 1446481,
+ "norm_ops": 34534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.988938550595066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59c25daeaa0b6cd77688838edb02a19d1f1ed931cf1724146b3ed091a5dcb26b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:24.472000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:24.472000', 'bytes': 1516631040, 'norm_byte': 35434496, 'ops': 1481085, 'norm_ops': 34604, 'norm_ltcy': 28.92997264586464, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:24.472000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:24.472000",
+ "bytes": 1516631040,
+ "norm_byte": 35434496,
+ "ops": 1481085,
+ "norm_ops": 34604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.92997264586464,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "63dfedd68ee169312de076b8ee4b61ccd873473660e282d2e69defdd50e56fce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:25.472000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:25.472000', 'bytes': 1551805440, 'norm_byte': 35174400, 'ops': 1515435, 'norm_ops': 34350, 'norm_ltcy': 29.130631936863175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:25.472000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:25.472000",
+ "bytes": 1551805440,
+ "norm_byte": 35174400,
+ "ops": 1515435,
+ "norm_ops": 34350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.130631936863175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "774d2fae22d585481108ffb3951ae37449c67ac9fa73adecbfd24bc5e5a8299e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:26.473000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:26.473000', 'bytes': 1586881536, 'norm_byte': 35076096, 'ops': 1549689, 'norm_ops': 34254, 'norm_ltcy': 29.22393358713581, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:26.473000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:26.473000",
+ "bytes": 1586881536,
+ "norm_byte": 35076096,
+ "ops": 1549689,
+ "norm_ops": 34254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.22393358713581,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "edab84106965a98cdb90ef94291f7ecee861f37ee2af0f46314598497e5d0dbc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:27.474000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:27.474000', 'bytes': 1622026240, 'norm_byte': 35144704, 'ops': 1584010, 'norm_ops': 34321, 'norm_ltcy': 29.16860531817255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:27.474000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:27.474000",
+ "bytes": 1622026240,
+ "norm_byte": 35144704,
+ "ops": 1584010,
+ "norm_ops": 34321,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.16860531817255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b270cb6db52cec3441a67b7b3368ecc963c620b5df340f89b1b738607082bbec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:28.476000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:28.476000', 'bytes': 1657525248, 'norm_byte': 35499008, 'ops': 1618677, 'norm_ops': 34667, 'norm_ltcy': 28.87741257445842, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:28.476000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:28.476000",
+ "bytes": 1657525248,
+ "norm_byte": 35499008,
+ "ops": 1618677,
+ "norm_ops": 34667,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.87741257445842,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "778ec3eb6c19a4c398a723303cb41e05ebb05f63a1501ce01413dbcf962a3a4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:29.477000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:29.477000', 'bytes': 1692511232, 'norm_byte': 34985984, 'ops': 1652843, 'norm_ops': 34166, 'norm_ltcy': 29.30090518534508, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:29.477000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:29.477000",
+ "bytes": 1692511232,
+ "norm_byte": 34985984,
+ "ops": 1652843,
+ "norm_ops": 34166,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.30090518534508,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0bc6b1b68968a90fbb83fb4c4079333cde88460f3c7bc3e4e3e7b96746bf59a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:30.478000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:30.478000', 'bytes': 1727704064, 'norm_byte': 35192832, 'ops': 1687211, 'norm_ops': 34368, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12715293841655, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:30.478000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:30.478000",
+ "bytes": 1727704064,
+ "norm_byte": 35192832,
+ "ops": 1687211,
+ "norm_ops": 34368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12715293841655,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2bd5e53e16b3003354b081633ed408c1d29a4984051f4f97e4dbc8fc029bede5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:31.479000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:31.479000', 'bytes': 1763161088, 'norm_byte': 35457024, 'ops': 1721837, 'norm_ops': 34626, 'norm_ltcy': 28.911859607845262, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:31.479000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:31.479000",
+ "bytes": 1763161088,
+ "norm_byte": 35457024,
+ "ops": 1721837,
+ "norm_ops": 34626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.911859607845262,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a03cd9d8ff47300f57a036740614d3ff0707bfc24294ceb88a1442e06ebf9bb1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:32.480000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:32.480000', 'bytes': 1798212608, 'norm_byte': 35051520, 'ops': 1756067, 'norm_ops': 34230, 'norm_ltcy': 29.24634937372188, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:32.480000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:32.480000",
+ "bytes": 1798212608,
+ "norm_byte": 35051520,
+ "ops": 1756067,
+ "norm_ops": 34230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.24634937372188,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dcff9bf00110af01a78f19ca4378643151bdc844f669e20a59ed3be6a8ac684c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:33.481000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:33.481000', 'bytes': 1833780224, 'norm_byte': 35567616, 'ops': 1790801, 'norm_ops': 34734, 'norm_ltcy': 28.82431029394829, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:33.481000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:33.481000",
+ "bytes": 1833780224,
+ "norm_byte": 35567616,
+ "ops": 1790801,
+ "norm_ops": 34734,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.82431029394829,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "781b0b97e9fdb4d2784848bc7b9849ab31f3b0dcad59db78df3d3147114538cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:34.482000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:34.482000', 'bytes': 1869306880, 'norm_byte': 35526656, 'ops': 1825495, 'norm_ops': 34694, 'norm_ltcy': 28.85498145392575, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:34.482000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:34.482000",
+ "bytes": 1869306880,
+ "norm_byte": 35526656,
+ "ops": 1825495,
+ "norm_ops": 34694,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.85498145392575,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51ace67fb3efe64ea1718610f335c4540d3179ec80b95a6e0f8d9988bd1a5fdc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:35.482000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:35.482000', 'bytes': 1904661504, 'norm_byte': 35354624, 'ops': 1860021, 'norm_ops': 34526, 'norm_ltcy': 28.967589925436627, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:35.482000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:35.482000",
+ "bytes": 1904661504,
+ "norm_byte": 35354624,
+ "ops": 1860021,
+ "norm_ops": 34526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.967589925436627,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1a495de609e4fb280a8cb7204789623f31bdce35eb6c5bfdc1457464263ef58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:36.483000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:36.483000', 'bytes': 1939786752, 'norm_byte': 35125248, 'ops': 1894323, 'norm_ops': 34302, 'norm_ltcy': 29.184811734282988, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:36.483000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:36.483000",
+ "bytes": 1939786752,
+ "norm_byte": 35125248,
+ "ops": 1894323,
+ "norm_ops": 34302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.184811734282988,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ab93a85c59dd80faae0ec93c7fb32a519a6940859be886b03feefe5f757f82a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:37.485000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:37.485000', 'bytes': 1975168000, 'norm_byte': 35381248, 'ops': 1928875, 'norm_ops': 34552, 'norm_ltcy': 28.97369533149311, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:37.485000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:37.485000",
+ "bytes": 1975168000,
+ "norm_byte": 35381248,
+ "ops": 1928875,
+ "norm_ops": 34552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.97369533149311,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7b75e9721a57899c30852752388556c243b4260fda64397856b7ebdb16b8675",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:38.486000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:38.486000', 'bytes': 2010704896, 'norm_byte': 35536896, 'ops': 1963579, 'norm_ops': 34704, 'norm_ltcy': 28.846490982217468, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:38.486000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:38.486000",
+ "bytes": 2010704896,
+ "norm_byte": 35536896,
+ "ops": 1963579,
+ "norm_ops": 34704,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.846490982217468,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01ff59d1eca9d78f4cf38f52b16ed04bee2b15bf8dcd91daf9d89d054df68c99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:39.487000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:39.487000', 'bytes': 2046852096, 'norm_byte': 36147200, 'ops': 1998879, 'norm_ops': 35300, 'norm_ltcy': 28.35950640713527, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:39.487000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:39.487000",
+ "bytes": 2046852096,
+ "norm_byte": 36147200,
+ "ops": 1998879,
+ "norm_ops": 35300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.35950640713527,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e45002f780bb16bb7611d2126ab5045196f519b254d13b7cbcfca1ed97bf638",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:40.488000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:40.488000', 'bytes': 2082987008, 'norm_byte': 36134912, 'ops': 2034167, 'norm_ops': 35288, 'norm_ltcy': 28.36946164418499, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:40.488000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:40.488000",
+ "bytes": 2082987008,
+ "norm_byte": 36134912,
+ "ops": 2034167,
+ "norm_ops": 35288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.36946164418499,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53c87506a48a7d53e81815bbc9a8fed7e898de7d5af109de367548a1fc0d1546",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:45:41.689000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:45:41.689000', 'bytes': 2118228992, 'norm_byte': 35241984, 'ops': 2068583, 'norm_ops': 34416, 'norm_ltcy': 34.906391762733904, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:45:41.689000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:45:41.689000",
+ "bytes": 2118228992,
+ "norm_byte": 35241984,
+ "ops": 2068583,
+ "norm_ops": 34416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.906391762733904,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e74b8e18-1bd7-55b4-8c58-d2e673a4f9eb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac62c577fe212c033c4cc225415137f18343249acbb892cd7380df0a68f56c10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35303816.53333333
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34476.38333333333
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.273929944880322
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:45:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-036-220519204156/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-036-220519204156/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1dc8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-036-220519204156/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-036-220519204156/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-036-220519204156/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-036-220519204156/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-036-220519204156/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-036-220519204156/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc30400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-036-220519204156/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=150
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-037-220519204358/220519204358-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-037-220519204358/220519204358-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae32ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-037-220519204358/220519204358-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:46:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993201524.5044 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993202525.6350 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993202525.6936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993203526.7820 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56667136 nr_ops:55339\ntimestamp_ms:1652993204527.8801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:97559552 nr_ops:95273\ntimestamp_ms:1652993205529.1035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155020288 nr_ops:151387\ntimestamp_ms:1652993206530.2017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:226106368 nr_ops:220807\ntimestamp_ms:1652993207531.2910 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:297700352 nr_ops:290723\ntimestamp_ms:1652993208532.3801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354509824 nr_ops:346201\ntimestamp_ms:1652993209533.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:405541888 nr_ops:396037\ntimestamp_ms:1652993210534.5981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:455525376 nr_ops:444849\ntimestamp_ms:1652993211535.7107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:524735488 nr_ops:512437\ntimestamp_ms:1652993212536.8047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567102464 nr_ops:553811\ntimestamp_ms:1652993213537.8989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638194688 nr_ops:623237\ntimestamp_ms:1652993214539.0042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672762880 nr_ops:656995\ntimestamp_ms:1652993215540.0969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:737463296 nr_ops:720179\ntimestamp_ms:1652993216541.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:796564480 nr_ops:777895\ntimestamp_ms:1652993217542.2888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865571840 nr_ops:845285\ntimestamp_ms:1652993218543.3369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936229888 nr_ops:914287\ntimestamp_ms:1652993219544.4324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006576640 nr_ops:982985\ntimestamp_ms:1652993220545.5332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062890496 nr_ops:1037979\ntimestamp_ms:1652993221546.6292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1105075200 nr_ops:1079175\ntimestamp_ms:1652993222547.7280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172380672 nr_ops:1144903\ntimestamp_ms:1652993223548.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1232475136 nr_ops:1203589\ntimestamp_ms:1652993224549.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1303071744 nr_ops:1272531\ntimestamp_ms:1652993225551.0273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1373568000 nr_ops:1341375\ntimestamp_ms:1652993226552.1226 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1444307968 nr_ops:1410457\ntimestamp_ms:1652993227553.2183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1514732544 nr_ops:1479231\ntimestamp_ms:1652993228554.3125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1571129344 nr_ops:1534306\ntimestamp_ms:1652993229555.4062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1642370048 nr_ops:1603877\ntimestamp_ms:1652993230556.4438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1713619968 nr_ops:1673457\ntimestamp_ms:1652993231557.4819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785437184 nr_ops:1743591\ntimestamp_ms:1652993232558.5159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1857255424 nr_ops:1813726\ntimestamp_ms:1652993233559.5610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1928616960 nr_ops:1883415\ntimestamp_ms:1652993234559.7395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1999576064 nr_ops:1952711\ntimestamp_ms:1652993235560.1357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2070621184 nr_ops:2022091\ntimestamp_ms:1652993236561.1819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2141763584 nr_ops:2091566\ntimestamp_ms:1652993237562.2205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2212639744 nr_ops:2160781\ntimestamp_ms:1652993238563.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2283514880 nr_ops:2229995\ntimestamp_ms:1652993239564.2998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2340068352 nr_ops:2285223\ntimestamp_ms:1652993240565.3708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2410875904 nr_ops:2354371\ntimestamp_ms:1652993241566.4084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2481564672 nr_ops:2423403\ntimestamp_ms:1652993242567.4524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2552292352 nr_ops:2492473\ntimestamp_ms:1652993243568.4866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2622871552 nr_ops:2561398\ntimestamp_ms:1652993244569.5249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693915648 nr_ops:2630777\ntimestamp_ms:1652993245570.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2764930048 nr_ops:2700127\ntimestamp_ms:1652993246571.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2836007936 nr_ops:2769539\ntimestamp_ms:1652993247572.6426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2906776576 nr_ops:2838649\ntimestamp_ms:1652993248573.6799 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977682432 nr_ops:2907893\ntimestamp_ms:1652993249574.7180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3048620032 nr_ops:2977168\ntimestamp_ms:1652993250575.7507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3104799744 nr_ops:3032031\ntimestamp_ms:1652993251576.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3175537664 nr_ops:3101111\ntimestamp_ms:1652993252577.8291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246246912 nr_ops:3170163\ntimestamp_ms:1652993253578.8604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317144576 nr_ops:3239399\ntimestamp_ms:1652993254579.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3388410880 nr_ops:3308995\ntimestamp_ms:1652993255580.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3459243008 nr_ops:3378167\ntimestamp_ms:1652993256582.0251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3530089472 nr_ops:3447353\ntimestamp_ms:1652993257583.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3601318912 nr_ops:3516913\ntimestamp_ms:1652993258584.2156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3643405312 nr_ops:3558013\ntimestamp_ms:1652993259585.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3714911232 nr_ops:3627843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993260586.3972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3785815040 nr_ops:3697085\ntimestamp_ms:1652993261587.5056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3856796672 nr_ops:3766403\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140547425380096\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3927708672 nr_ops:3835653\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8528 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8567 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262889.0388 name:Total nr_bytes:3927708672 nr_ops:3835654\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8831 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7855417342 nr_ops:7671308\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8838 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3927708672 nr_ops:3835656\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 322.49us 0.00ns 322.49us 322.49us \nTxn1 1917827 31.29us 0.00ns 208.03ms 18.25us \nTxn2 1 23.31us 0.00ns 23.31us 23.31us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 321.81us 0.00ns 321.81us 321.81us \nwrite 1917827 2.44us 0.00ns 280.71us 2.12us \nread 1917826 28.77us 0.00ns 208.03ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 23.07us 0.00ns 23.07us 23.07us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30752 30752 268.15Mb/s 268.15Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.97b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.132 62.37s 3.66GB 503.83Mb/s 3835656 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.66GB 503.83Mb/s 3835656 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.41595, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993201524.5044 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993202525.6350 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993202525.6936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993203526.7820 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56667136 nr_ops:55339\ntimestamp_ms:1652993204527.8801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:97559552 nr_ops:95273\ntimestamp_ms:1652993205529.1035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155020288 nr_ops:151387\ntimestamp_ms:1652993206530.2017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:226106368 nr_ops:220807\ntimestamp_ms:1652993207531.2910 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:297700352 nr_ops:290723\ntimestamp_ms:1652993208532.3801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354509824 nr_ops:346201\ntimestamp_ms:1652993209533.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:405541888 nr_ops:396037\ntimestamp_ms:1652993210534.5981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:455525376 nr_ops:444849\ntimestamp_ms:1652993211535.7107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:524735488 nr_ops:512437\ntimestamp_ms:1652993212536.8047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567102464 nr_ops:553811\ntimestamp_ms:1652993213537.8989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638194688 nr_ops:623237\ntimestamp_ms:1652993214539.0042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672762880 nr_ops:656995\ntimestamp_ms:1652993215540.0969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:737463296 nr_ops:720179\ntimestamp_ms:1652993216541.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:796564480 nr_ops:777895\ntimestamp_ms:1652993217542.2888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865571840 nr_ops:845285\ntimestamp_ms:1652993218543.3369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936229888 nr_ops:914287\ntimestamp_ms:1652993219544.4324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006576640 nr_ops:982985\ntimestamp_ms:1652993220545.5332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062890496 nr_ops:1037979\ntimestamp_ms:1652993221546.6292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1105075200 nr_ops:1079175\ntimestamp_ms:1652993222547.7280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172380672 nr_ops:1144903\ntimestamp_ms:1652993223548.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1232475136 nr_ops:1203589\ntimestamp_ms:1652993224549.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1303071744 nr_ops:1272531\ntimestamp_ms:1652993225551.0273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1373568000 nr_ops:1341375\ntimestamp_ms:1652993226552.1226 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1444307968 nr_ops:1410457\ntimestamp_ms:1652993227553.2183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1514732544 nr_ops:1479231\ntimestamp_ms:1652993228554.3125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1571129344 nr_ops:1534306\ntimestamp_ms:1652993229555.4062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1642370048 nr_ops:1603877\ntimestamp_ms:1652993230556.4438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1713619968 nr_ops:1673457\ntimestamp_ms:1652993231557.4819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785437184 nr_ops:1743591\ntimestamp_ms:1652993232558.5159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1857255424 nr_ops:1813726\ntimestamp_ms:1652993233559.5610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1928616960 nr_ops:1883415\ntimestamp_ms:1652993234559.7395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1999576064 nr_ops:1952711\ntimestamp_ms:1652993235560.1357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2070621184 nr_ops:2022091\ntimestamp_ms:1652993236561.1819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2141763584 nr_ops:2091566\ntimestamp_ms:1652993237562.2205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2212639744 nr_ops:2160781\ntimestamp_ms:1652993238563.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2283514880 nr_ops:2229995\ntimestamp_ms:1652993239564.2998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2340068352 nr_ops:2285223\ntimestamp_ms:1652993240565.3708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2410875904 nr_ops:2354371\ntimestamp_ms:1652993241566.4084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2481564672 nr_ops:2423403\ntimestamp_ms:1652993242567.4524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2552292352 nr_ops:2492473\ntimestamp_ms:1652993243568.4866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2622871552 nr_ops:2561398\ntimestamp_ms:1652993244569.5249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693915648 nr_ops:2630777\ntimestamp_ms:1652993245570.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2764930048 nr_ops:2700127\ntimestamp_ms:1652993246571.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2836007936 nr_ops:2769539\ntimestamp_ms:1652993247572.6426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2906776576 nr_ops:2838649\ntimestamp_ms:1652993248573.6799 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977682432 nr_ops:2907893\ntimestamp_ms:1652993249574.7180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3048620032 nr_ops:2977168\ntimestamp_ms:1652993250575.7507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3104799744 nr_ops:3032031\ntimestamp_ms:1652993251576.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3175537664 nr_ops:3101111\ntimestamp_ms:1652993252577.8291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246246912 nr_ops:3170163\ntimestamp_ms:1652993253578.8604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317144576 nr_ops:3239399\ntimestamp_ms:1652993254579.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3388410880 nr_ops:3308995\ntimestamp_ms:1652993255580.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3459243008 nr_ops:3378167\ntimestamp_ms:1652993256582.0251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3530089472 nr_ops:3447353\ntimestamp_ms:1652993257583.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3601318912 nr_ops:3516913\ntimestamp_ms:1652993258584.2156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3643405312 nr_ops:3558013\ntimestamp_ms:1652993259585.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3714911232 nr_ops:3627843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993260586.3972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3785815040 nr_ops:3697085\ntimestamp_ms:1652993261587.5056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3856796672 nr_ops:3766403\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140547425380096\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3927708672 nr_ops:3835653\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8528 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8567 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262889.0388 name:Total nr_bytes:3927708672 nr_ops:3835654\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8831 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7855417342 nr_ops:7671308\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8838 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3927708672 nr_ops:3835656\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 322.49us 0.00ns 322.49us 322.49us \nTxn1 1917827 31.29us 0.00ns 208.03ms 18.25us \nTxn2 1 23.31us 0.00ns 23.31us 23.31us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 321.81us 0.00ns 321.81us 321.81us \nwrite 1917827 2.44us 0.00ns 280.71us 2.12us \nread 1917826 28.77us 0.00ns 208.03ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 23.07us 0.00ns 23.07us 23.07us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30752 30752 268.15Mb/s 268.15Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.97b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.132 62.37s 3.66GB 503.83Mb/s 3835656 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.66GB 503.83Mb/s 3835656 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.41595, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993201524.5044 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993202525.6350 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993202525.6936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993203526.7820 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56667136 nr_ops:55339\ntimestamp_ms:1652993204527.8801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:97559552 nr_ops:95273\ntimestamp_ms:1652993205529.1035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155020288 nr_ops:151387\ntimestamp_ms:1652993206530.2017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:226106368 nr_ops:220807\ntimestamp_ms:1652993207531.2910 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:297700352 nr_ops:290723\ntimestamp_ms:1652993208532.3801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354509824 nr_ops:346201\ntimestamp_ms:1652993209533.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:405541888 nr_ops:396037\ntimestamp_ms:1652993210534.5981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:455525376 nr_ops:444849\ntimestamp_ms:1652993211535.7107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:524735488 nr_ops:512437\ntimestamp_ms:1652993212536.8047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567102464 nr_ops:553811\ntimestamp_ms:1652993213537.8989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638194688 nr_ops:623237\ntimestamp_ms:1652993214539.0042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672762880 nr_ops:656995\ntimestamp_ms:1652993215540.0969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:737463296 nr_ops:720179\ntimestamp_ms:1652993216541.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:796564480 nr_ops:777895\ntimestamp_ms:1652993217542.2888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865571840 nr_ops:845285\ntimestamp_ms:1652993218543.3369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936229888 nr_ops:914287\ntimestamp_ms:1652993219544.4324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006576640 nr_ops:982985\ntimestamp_ms:1652993220545.5332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062890496 nr_ops:1037979\ntimestamp_ms:1652993221546.6292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1105075200 nr_ops:1079175\ntimestamp_ms:1652993222547.7280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172380672 nr_ops:1144903\ntimestamp_ms:1652993223548.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1232475136 nr_ops:1203589\ntimestamp_ms:1652993224549.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1303071744 nr_ops:1272531\ntimestamp_ms:1652993225551.0273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1373568000 nr_ops:1341375\ntimestamp_ms:1652993226552.1226 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1444307968 nr_ops:1410457\ntimestamp_ms:1652993227553.2183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1514732544 nr_ops:1479231\ntimestamp_ms:1652993228554.3125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1571129344 nr_ops:1534306\ntimestamp_ms:1652993229555.4062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1642370048 nr_ops:1603877\ntimestamp_ms:1652993230556.4438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1713619968 nr_ops:1673457\ntimestamp_ms:1652993231557.4819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785437184 nr_ops:1743591\ntimestamp_ms:1652993232558.5159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1857255424 nr_ops:1813726\ntimestamp_ms:1652993233559.5610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1928616960 nr_ops:1883415\ntimestamp_ms:1652993234559.7395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1999576064 nr_ops:1952711\ntimestamp_ms:1652993235560.1357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2070621184 nr_ops:2022091\ntimestamp_ms:1652993236561.1819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2141763584 nr_ops:2091566\ntimestamp_ms:1652993237562.2205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2212639744 nr_ops:2160781\ntimestamp_ms:1652993238563.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2283514880 nr_ops:2229995\ntimestamp_ms:1652993239564.2998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2340068352 nr_ops:2285223\ntimestamp_ms:1652993240565.3708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2410875904 nr_ops:2354371\ntimestamp_ms:1652993241566.4084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2481564672 nr_ops:2423403\ntimestamp_ms:1652993242567.4524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2552292352 nr_ops:2492473\ntimestamp_ms:1652993243568.4866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2622871552 nr_ops:2561398\ntimestamp_ms:1652993244569.5249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693915648 nr_ops:2630777\ntimestamp_ms:1652993245570.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2764930048 nr_ops:2700127\ntimestamp_ms:1652993246571.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2836007936 nr_ops:2769539\ntimestamp_ms:1652993247572.6426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2906776576 nr_ops:2838649\ntimestamp_ms:1652993248573.6799 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977682432 nr_ops:2907893\ntimestamp_ms:1652993249574.7180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3048620032 nr_ops:2977168\ntimestamp_ms:1652993250575.7507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3104799744 nr_ops:3032031\ntimestamp_ms:1652993251576.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3175537664 nr_ops:3101111\ntimestamp_ms:1652993252577.8291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246246912 nr_ops:3170163\ntimestamp_ms:1652993253578.8604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317144576 nr_ops:3239399\ntimestamp_ms:1652993254579.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3388410880 nr_ops:3308995\ntimestamp_ms:1652993255580.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3459243008 nr_ops:3378167\ntimestamp_ms:1652993256582.0251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3530089472 nr_ops:3447353\ntimestamp_ms:1652993257583.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3601318912 nr_ops:3516913\ntimestamp_ms:1652993258584.2156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3643405312 nr_ops:3558013\ntimestamp_ms:1652993259585.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3714911232 nr_ops:3627843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993260586.3972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3785815040 nr_ops:3697085\ntimestamp_ms:1652993261587.5056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3856796672 nr_ops:3766403\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140547425380096\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3927708672 nr_ops:3835653\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8528 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8567 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262889.0388 name:Total nr_bytes:3927708672 nr_ops:3835654\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8831 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7855417342 nr_ops:7671308\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993262788.8838 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3927708672 nr_ops:3835656\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 322.49us 0.00ns 322.49us 322.49us \nTxn1 1917827 31.29us 0.00ns 208.03ms 18.25us \nTxn2 1 23.31us 0.00ns 23.31us 23.31us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 321.81us 0.00ns 321.81us 321.81us \nwrite 1917827 2.44us 0.00ns 280.71us 2.12us \nread 1917826 28.77us 0.00ns 208.03ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 23.07us 0.00ns 23.07us 23.07us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30752 30752 268.15Mb/s 268.15Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.97b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.132 62.37s 3.66GB 503.83Mb/s 3835656 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.66GB 503.83Mb/s 3835656 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.41595, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993201524.5044 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993202525.6350 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993202525.6936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993203526.7820 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56667136 nr_ops:55339
+timestamp_ms:1652993204527.8801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:97559552 nr_ops:95273
+timestamp_ms:1652993205529.1035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155020288 nr_ops:151387
+timestamp_ms:1652993206530.2017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:226106368 nr_ops:220807
+timestamp_ms:1652993207531.2910 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:297700352 nr_ops:290723
+timestamp_ms:1652993208532.3801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354509824 nr_ops:346201
+timestamp_ms:1652993209533.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:405541888 nr_ops:396037
+timestamp_ms:1652993210534.5981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:455525376 nr_ops:444849
+timestamp_ms:1652993211535.7107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:524735488 nr_ops:512437
+timestamp_ms:1652993212536.8047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567102464 nr_ops:553811
+timestamp_ms:1652993213537.8989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638194688 nr_ops:623237
+timestamp_ms:1652993214539.0042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672762880 nr_ops:656995
+timestamp_ms:1652993215540.0969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:737463296 nr_ops:720179
+timestamp_ms:1652993216541.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:796564480 nr_ops:777895
+timestamp_ms:1652993217542.2888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865571840 nr_ops:845285
+timestamp_ms:1652993218543.3369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936229888 nr_ops:914287
+timestamp_ms:1652993219544.4324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006576640 nr_ops:982985
+timestamp_ms:1652993220545.5332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062890496 nr_ops:1037979
+timestamp_ms:1652993221546.6292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1105075200 nr_ops:1079175
+timestamp_ms:1652993222547.7280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172380672 nr_ops:1144903
+timestamp_ms:1652993223548.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1232475136 nr_ops:1203589
+timestamp_ms:1652993224549.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1303071744 nr_ops:1272531
+timestamp_ms:1652993225551.0273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1373568000 nr_ops:1341375
+timestamp_ms:1652993226552.1226 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1444307968 nr_ops:1410457
+timestamp_ms:1652993227553.2183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1514732544 nr_ops:1479231
+timestamp_ms:1652993228554.3125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1571129344 nr_ops:1534306
+timestamp_ms:1652993229555.4062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1642370048 nr_ops:1603877
+timestamp_ms:1652993230556.4438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1713619968 nr_ops:1673457
+timestamp_ms:1652993231557.4819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785437184 nr_ops:1743591
+timestamp_ms:1652993232558.5159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1857255424 nr_ops:1813726
+timestamp_ms:1652993233559.5610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1928616960 nr_ops:1883415
+timestamp_ms:1652993234559.7395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1999576064 nr_ops:1952711
+timestamp_ms:1652993235560.1357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2070621184 nr_ops:2022091
+timestamp_ms:1652993236561.1819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2141763584 nr_ops:2091566
+timestamp_ms:1652993237562.2205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2212639744 nr_ops:2160781
+timestamp_ms:1652993238563.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2283514880 nr_ops:2229995
+timestamp_ms:1652993239564.2998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2340068352 nr_ops:2285223
+timestamp_ms:1652993240565.3708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2410875904 nr_ops:2354371
+timestamp_ms:1652993241566.4084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2481564672 nr_ops:2423403
+timestamp_ms:1652993242567.4524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2552292352 nr_ops:2492473
+timestamp_ms:1652993243568.4866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2622871552 nr_ops:2561398
+timestamp_ms:1652993244569.5249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693915648 nr_ops:2630777
+timestamp_ms:1652993245570.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2764930048 nr_ops:2700127
+timestamp_ms:1652993246571.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2836007936 nr_ops:2769539
+timestamp_ms:1652993247572.6426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2906776576 nr_ops:2838649
+timestamp_ms:1652993248573.6799 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977682432 nr_ops:2907893
+timestamp_ms:1652993249574.7180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3048620032 nr_ops:2977168
+timestamp_ms:1652993250575.7507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3104799744 nr_ops:3032031
+timestamp_ms:1652993251576.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3175537664 nr_ops:3101111
+timestamp_ms:1652993252577.8291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246246912 nr_ops:3170163
+timestamp_ms:1652993253578.8604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317144576 nr_ops:3239399
+timestamp_ms:1652993254579.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3388410880 nr_ops:3308995
+timestamp_ms:1652993255580.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3459243008 nr_ops:3378167
+timestamp_ms:1652993256582.0251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3530089472 nr_ops:3447353
+timestamp_ms:1652993257583.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3601318912 nr_ops:3516913
+timestamp_ms:1652993258584.2156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3643405312 nr_ops:3558013
+timestamp_ms:1652993259585.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3714911232 nr_ops:3627843
+timestamp_ms:1652993260586.3972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3785815040 nr_ops:3697085
+timestamp_ms:1652993261587.5056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3856796672 nr_ops:3766403
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140547425380096
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652993262788.8013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3927708672 nr_ops:3835653
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993262788.8528 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993262788.8567 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993262889.0388 name:Total nr_bytes:3927708672 nr_ops:3835654
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993262788.8831 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7855417342 nr_ops:7671308
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993262788.8838 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3927708672 nr_ops:3835656
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 322.49us 0.00ns 322.49us 322.49us
+Txn1 1917827 31.29us 0.00ns 208.03ms 18.25us
+Txn2 1 23.31us 0.00ns 23.31us 23.31us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 321.81us 0.00ns 321.81us 321.81us
+write 1917827 2.44us 0.00ns 280.71us 2.12us
+read 1917826 28.77us 0.00ns 208.03ms 1.09us
+disconnect 1 23.07us 0.00ns 23.07us 23.07us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 30752 30752 268.15Mb/s 268.15Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.97b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.132 62.37s 3.66GB 503.83Mb/s 3835656 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.66GB 503.83Mb/s 3835656 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:43.526000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:43.526000', 'bytes': 56667136, 'norm_byte': 56667136, 'ops': 55339, 'norm_ops': 55339, 'norm_ltcy': 18.09010605370986, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:43.526000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:43.526000",
+ "bytes": 56667136,
+ "norm_byte": 56667136,
+ "ops": 55339,
+ "norm_ops": 55339,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.09010605370986,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30e8c3f7d3e6a8b7c5259256a9b8ceb03c16c2e57bdeb66fcb5d49bfde3c4484",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:44.527000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:44.527000', 'bytes': 97559552, 'norm_byte': 40892416, 'ops': 95273, 'norm_ops': 39934, 'norm_ltcy': 25.068817161597888, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:44.527000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:44.527000",
+ "bytes": 97559552,
+ "norm_byte": 40892416,
+ "ops": 95273,
+ "norm_ops": 39934,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.068817161597888,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "379d0e48d1c277e9cee56c4252c6bc6f2a6120644d71af2c8e810aaae31d4461",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:45.529000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:45.529000', 'bytes': 155020288, 'norm_byte': 57460736, 'ops': 151387, 'norm_ops': 56114, 'norm_ltcy': 17.842666512311993, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:45.529000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:45.529000",
+ "bytes": 155020288,
+ "norm_byte": 57460736,
+ "ops": 151387,
+ "norm_ops": 56114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.842666512311993,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3adf8f312347cb5567f79a85679557e6cc5532797253c822c3b794975f949ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:46.530000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:46.530000', 'bytes': 226106368, 'norm_byte': 71086080, 'ops': 220807, 'norm_ops': 69420, 'norm_ltcy': 14.420889434330885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:46.530000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:46.530000",
+ "bytes": 226106368,
+ "norm_byte": 71086080,
+ "ops": 220807,
+ "norm_ops": 69420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.420889434330885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59a7ac702f0344a54127db1986c3c9294afac1f1db498748c976c4957aa34607",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:47.531000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:47.531000', 'bytes': 297700352, 'norm_byte': 71593984, 'ops': 290723, 'norm_ops': 69916, 'norm_ltcy': 14.31845865708493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:47.531000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:47.531000",
+ "bytes": 297700352,
+ "norm_byte": 71593984,
+ "ops": 290723,
+ "norm_ops": 69916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.31845865708493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ee953307f354da3383c35ec93137ec09250d13df46979e69cdb8a93edc4cefa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:48.532000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:48.532000', 'bytes': 354509824, 'norm_byte': 56809472, 'ops': 346201, 'norm_ops': 55478, 'norm_ltcy': 18.044794537080016, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:48.532000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:48.532000",
+ "bytes": 354509824,
+ "norm_byte": 56809472,
+ "ops": 346201,
+ "norm_ops": 55478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.044794537080016,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25a59cc84ec5e16788682eff2613d6c550202f05152b7a2058835b0b37bb4fea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:49.533000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:49.533000', 'bytes': 405541888, 'norm_byte': 51032064, 'ops': 396037, 'norm_ops': 49836, 'norm_ltcy': 20.088159671535134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:49.533000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:49.533000",
+ "bytes": 405541888,
+ "norm_byte": 51032064,
+ "ops": 396037,
+ "norm_ops": 49836,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.088159671535134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34732c06e834f785790db2eee9ff25d3930a25491f9907b8fa47b944085a891c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:50.534000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:50.534000', 'bytes': 455525376, 'norm_byte': 49983488, 'ops': 444849, 'norm_ops': 48812, 'norm_ltcy': 20.50939302195157, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:50.534000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:50.534000",
+ "bytes": 455525376,
+ "norm_byte": 49983488,
+ "ops": 444849,
+ "norm_ops": 48812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.50939302195157,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "62f9a0914567c710002aa1689cadc8cd61e1fab41e8031540c58c93c7565f82a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:51.535000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:51.535000', 'bytes': 524735488, 'norm_byte': 69210112, 'ops': 512437, 'norm_ops': 67588, 'norm_ltcy': 14.811986577915087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:51.535000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:51.535000",
+ "bytes": 524735488,
+ "norm_byte": 69210112,
+ "ops": 512437,
+ "norm_ops": 67588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.811986577915087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8090a8e05e52a407ab8744ce98c17eecda370275c083365e35e77b1d3b670d19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:52.536000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:52.536000', 'bytes': 567102464, 'norm_byte': 42366976, 'ops': 553811, 'norm_ops': 41374, 'norm_ltcy': 24.196210038686736, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:52.536000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:52.536000",
+ "bytes": 567102464,
+ "norm_byte": 42366976,
+ "ops": 553811,
+ "norm_ops": 41374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.196210038686736,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab6a94d54efba642c241c3dd158a53bd7c53e1a771aace3aba6d0ff7bd118c74",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:53.537000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:53.537000', 'bytes': 638194688, 'norm_byte': 71092224, 'ops': 623237, 'norm_ops': 69426, 'norm_ltcy': 14.419586873523608, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:53.537000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:53.537000",
+ "bytes": 638194688,
+ "norm_byte": 71092224,
+ "ops": 623237,
+ "norm_ops": 69426,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.419586873523608,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b33d32aa5ca38017f952d3d2d8e92f5838b8147f1b5470e1208378e1a20514a3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:54.539000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:54.539000', 'bytes': 672762880, 'norm_byte': 34568192, 'ops': 656995, 'norm_ops': 33758, 'norm_ltcy': 29.655347609733248, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:54.539000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:54.539000",
+ "bytes": 672762880,
+ "norm_byte": 34568192,
+ "ops": 656995,
+ "norm_ops": 33758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.655347609733248,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "017a6395e5ad7029373aa638c25da815b761743beeffafbd16a1c51193431bca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:55.540000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:55.540000', 'bytes': 737463296, 'norm_byte': 64700416, 'ops': 720179, 'norm_ops': 63184, 'norm_ltcy': 15.844086690261776, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:55.540000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:55.540000",
+ "bytes": 737463296,
+ "norm_byte": 64700416,
+ "ops": 720179,
+ "norm_ops": 63184,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.844086690261776,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d0499d8a28f069ed6c8a145fdbe754e7b70704d3e7f7e337c7db27593ac943b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:56.541000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:56.541000', 'bytes': 796564480, 'norm_byte': 59101184, 'ops': 777895, 'norm_ops': 57716, 'norm_ltcy': 17.345164354067766, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:56.541000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:56.541000",
+ "bytes": 796564480,
+ "norm_byte": 59101184,
+ "ops": 777895,
+ "norm_ops": 57716,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.345164354067766,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f556dae92b523339ff47dc9700e0db6715a691d23fc3b50ef45c752855e9e04",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:57.542000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:57.542000', 'bytes': 865571840, 'norm_byte': 69007360, 'ops': 845285, 'norm_ops': 67390, 'norm_ltcy': 14.85529586988982, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:57.542000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:57.542000",
+ "bytes": 865571840,
+ "norm_byte": 69007360,
+ "ops": 845285,
+ "norm_ops": 67390,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.85529586988982,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8689a6f1ac5fc7cb0cf4b7a8077ec457cbb60c58ca9db9309388d8ac58c15619",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:58.543000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:58.543000', 'bytes': 936229888, 'norm_byte': 70658048, 'ops': 914287, 'norm_ops': 69002, 'norm_ltcy': 14.50752290807694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:58.543000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:58.543000",
+ "bytes": 936229888,
+ "norm_byte": 70658048,
+ "ops": 914287,
+ "norm_ops": 69002,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.50752290807694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdd8b8d794c1e885c94d9dae138c5888849542483f7c3c5af8a7cc54a4b095df",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:46:59.544000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:46:59.544000', 'bytes': 1006576640, 'norm_byte': 70346752, 'ops': 982985, 'norm_ops': 68698, 'norm_ltcy': 14.572410535741579, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:46:59.544000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:46:59.544000",
+ "bytes": 1006576640,
+ "norm_byte": 70346752,
+ "ops": 982985,
+ "norm_ops": 68698,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.572410535741579,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "99ba28321db50967310f3fddb6476a378ca1ac6d7aad23e4b0f5d2e38b549896",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:00.545000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:00.545000', 'bytes': 1062890496, 'norm_byte': 56313856, 'ops': 1037979, 'norm_ops': 54994, 'norm_ltcy': 18.20381914532722, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:00.545000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:00.545000",
+ "bytes": 1062890496,
+ "norm_byte": 56313856,
+ "ops": 1037979,
+ "norm_ops": 54994,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.20381914532722,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21d5aed983e7d3cb329891575a369a298cecbd3412420b5b7f3cd1ebdd7d5c01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:01.546000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:01.546000', 'bytes': 1105075200, 'norm_byte': 42184704, 'ops': 1079175, 'norm_ops': 41196, 'norm_ltcy': 24.300804623400936, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:01.546000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:01.546000",
+ "bytes": 1105075200,
+ "norm_byte": 42184704,
+ "ops": 1079175,
+ "norm_ops": 41196,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.300804623400936,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4619a219011a087c0332f2c833f347f2b22b39367076c7abbe841c40c4996fe4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:02.547000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:02.547000', 'bytes': 1172380672, 'norm_byte': 67305472, 'ops': 1144903, 'norm_ops': 65728, 'norm_ltcy': 15.230934715085276, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:02.547000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:02.547000",
+ "bytes": 1172380672,
+ "norm_byte": 67305472,
+ "ops": 1144903,
+ "norm_ops": 65728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.230934715085276,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "063bc7dc006452bd369e1672890521da126776b10b47293ac60f02689fe64eb3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:03.548000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:03.548000', 'bytes': 1232475136, 'norm_byte': 60094464, 'ops': 1203589, 'norm_ops': 58686, 'norm_ltcy': 17.058800957106467, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:03.548000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:03.548000",
+ "bytes": 1232475136,
+ "norm_byte": 60094464,
+ "ops": 1203589,
+ "norm_ops": 58686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.058800957106467,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a1e7a634fae9625b96eaf3b5f4a4bdc15720aae4d2f6317ba319be4b6df44455",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:04.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:04.549000', 'bytes': 1303071744, 'norm_byte': 70596608, 'ops': 1272531, 'norm_ops': 68942, 'norm_ltcy': 14.520810971541296, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:04.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:04.549000",
+ "bytes": 1303071744,
+ "norm_byte": 70596608,
+ "ops": 1272531,
+ "norm_ops": 68942,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.520810971541296,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "067eaf143a63d8d8b0059e30deaa58c09a2555f04f767778deb6f3f0462b5db3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:05.551000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:05.551000', 'bytes': 1373568000, 'norm_byte': 70496256, 'ops': 1341375, 'norm_ops': 68844, 'norm_ltcy': 14.541467280191448, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:05.551000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:05.551000",
+ "bytes": 1373568000,
+ "norm_byte": 70496256,
+ "ops": 1341375,
+ "norm_ops": 68844,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.541467280191448,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f21ffe98029f47c62e6aad193552d11d7c5606baa627e16839129d6d3b0d4517",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:06.552000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:06.552000', 'bytes': 1444307968, 'norm_byte': 70739968, 'ops': 1410457, 'norm_ops': 69082, 'norm_ltcy': 14.491404632809559, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:06.552000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:06.552000",
+ "bytes": 1444307968,
+ "norm_byte": 70739968,
+ "ops": 1410457,
+ "norm_ops": 69082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.491404632809559,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de6c609672ad45fc05a6e751975d5d4f8de5ba2cb2a2b2381d50e4fb29437e99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:07.553000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:07.553000', 'bytes': 1514732544, 'norm_byte': 70424576, 'ops': 1479231, 'norm_ops': 68774, 'norm_ltcy': 14.556310569764737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:07.553000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:07.553000",
+ "bytes": 1514732544,
+ "norm_byte": 70424576,
+ "ops": 1479231,
+ "norm_ops": 68774,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.556310569764737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49d8793fdc9aa939aaa38d5fff8a3cfd99cd1831a1e9dec3870e0f43f360e96c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:08.554000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:08.554000', 'bytes': 1571129344, 'norm_byte': 56396800, 'ops': 1534306, 'norm_ops': 55075, 'norm_ltcy': 18.17692670506128, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:08.554000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:08.554000",
+ "bytes": 1571129344,
+ "norm_byte": 56396800,
+ "ops": 1534306,
+ "norm_ops": 55075,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.17692670506128,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c0fd08b9411ef00fcc706e31b7c321701fdcae8953269f5767e9f7dd369bb2ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:09.555000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:09.555000', 'bytes': 1642370048, 'norm_byte': 71240704, 'ops': 1603877, 'norm_ops': 69571, 'norm_ltcy': 14.389526526857455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:09.555000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:09.555000",
+ "bytes": 1642370048,
+ "norm_byte": 71240704,
+ "ops": 1603877,
+ "norm_ops": 69571,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.389526526857455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b6d1062afc313bb001dde164174279de6f307187ac929397b00d5f78d8292f48",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:10.556000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:10.556000', 'bytes': 1713619968, 'norm_byte': 71249920, 'ops': 1673457, 'norm_ops': 69580, 'norm_ltcy': 14.386858258928571, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:10.556000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:10.556000",
+ "bytes": 1713619968,
+ "norm_byte": 71249920,
+ "ops": 1673457,
+ "norm_ops": 69580,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.386858258928571,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1158800a6556e0fe91d8624c54783cbc35d4f51003ae7c938d4e25c07396f7ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:11.557000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:11.557000', 'bytes': 1785437184, 'norm_byte': 71817216, 'ops': 1743591, 'norm_ops': 70134, 'norm_ltcy': 14.273221061646277, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:11.557000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:11.557000",
+ "bytes": 1785437184,
+ "norm_byte": 71817216,
+ "ops": 1743591,
+ "norm_ops": 70134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.273221061646277,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77aebf4a8354bf2358444dff976545fa01155c35354b4e5172bd624be225d953",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:12.558000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:12.558000', 'bytes': 1857255424, 'norm_byte': 71818240, 'ops': 1813726, 'norm_ops': 70135, 'norm_ltcy': 14.272958373805874, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:12.558000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:12.558000",
+ "bytes": 1857255424,
+ "norm_byte": 71818240,
+ "ops": 1813726,
+ "norm_ops": 70135,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.272958373805874,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70917870133b305bfb324e529ec802cd58cfc6bf6fe1dd9d6341a3c960ecf8e2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:13.559000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:13.559000', 'bytes': 1928616960, 'norm_byte': 71361536, 'ops': 1883415, 'norm_ops': 69689, 'norm_ltcy': 14.364464492468324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:13.559000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:13.559000",
+ "bytes": 1928616960,
+ "norm_byte": 71361536,
+ "ops": 1883415,
+ "norm_ops": 69689,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.364464492468324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b8fb1757f92c516c62bea779651052d21dae331da67fd8cfa8ebd940bd2010e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:14.559000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:14.559000', 'bytes': 1999576064, 'norm_byte': 70959104, 'ops': 1952711, 'norm_ops': 69296, 'norm_ltcy': 14.433422806466101, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:14.559000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:14.559000",
+ "bytes": 1999576064,
+ "norm_byte": 70959104,
+ "ops": 1952711,
+ "norm_ops": 69296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.433422806466101,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1962131f18ddd301013659fac17e30df53fa7027ea89b2f6b92975c964d4105",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:15.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:15.560000', 'bytes': 2070621184, 'norm_byte': 71045120, 'ops': 2022091, 'norm_ops': 69380, 'norm_ltcy': 14.419086771899323, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:15.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:15.560000",
+ "bytes": 2070621184,
+ "norm_byte": 71045120,
+ "ops": 2022091,
+ "norm_ops": 69380,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.419086771899323,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76cede3af310be1f05337656c69b2a2460fae15070234effb4aecd106ad62958",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:16.561000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:16.561000', 'bytes': 2141763584, 'norm_byte': 71142400, 'ops': 2091566, 'norm_ops': 69475, 'norm_ltcy': 14.40872461429471, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:16.561000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:16.561000",
+ "bytes": 2141763584,
+ "norm_byte": 71142400,
+ "ops": 2091566,
+ "norm_ops": 69475,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.40872461429471,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f45d47f761e5c068b3aacca34226066b06eb93bfca55fe770174c111c4a2cd21",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:17.562000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:17.562000', 'bytes': 2212639744, 'norm_byte': 70876160, 'ops': 2160781, 'norm_ops': 69215, 'norm_ltcy': 14.462740362909052, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:17.562000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:17.562000",
+ "bytes": 2212639744,
+ "norm_byte": 70876160,
+ "ops": 2160781,
+ "norm_ops": 69215,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.462740362909052,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "97c7f6350895a3ea7289b53985cd627bc75edc82c013c8b88186b5a679dd6a55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:18.563000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:18.563000', 'bytes': 2283514880, 'norm_byte': 70875136, 'ops': 2229995, 'norm_ops': 69214, 'norm_ltcy': 14.462914046471813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:18.563000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:18.563000",
+ "bytes": 2283514880,
+ "norm_byte": 70875136,
+ "ops": 2229995,
+ "norm_ops": 69214,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.462914046471813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e6dac99c064495a2414f2098f52ed79b85c6d9d95e6569624d1572e11c0a0f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:19.564000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:19.564000', 'bytes': 2340068352, 'norm_byte': 56553472, 'ops': 2285223, 'norm_ops': 55228, 'norm_ltcy': 18.125646644648093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:19.564000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:19.564000",
+ "bytes": 2340068352,
+ "norm_byte": 56553472,
+ "ops": 2285223,
+ "norm_ops": 55228,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.125646644648093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ffc9fb2b50faed2d11e716f8271e2f5e9cd7254b0f65c8d4a74aa2dfd802245",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:20.565000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:20.565000', 'bytes': 2410875904, 'norm_byte': 70807552, 'ops': 2354371, 'norm_ops': 69148, 'norm_ltcy': 14.477223418202623, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:20.565000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:20.565000",
+ "bytes": 2410875904,
+ "norm_byte": 70807552,
+ "ops": 2354371,
+ "norm_ops": 69148,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.477223418202623,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6155ac9afd9cbafbeda37f867849a56b8eeca51662667431eee75c524abb108f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:21.566000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:21.566000', 'bytes': 2481564672, 'norm_byte': 70688768, 'ops': 2423403, 'norm_ops': 69032, 'norm_ltcy': 14.501066138258343, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:21.566000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:21.566000",
+ "bytes": 2481564672,
+ "norm_byte": 70688768,
+ "ops": 2423403,
+ "norm_ops": 69032,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.501066138258343,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51b8ee382eca7e5df1e29896aa8ab5671f368f87b2007d55b6e5880c17f4b46c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:22.567000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:22.567000', 'bytes': 2552292352, 'norm_byte': 70727680, 'ops': 2492473, 'norm_ops': 69070, 'norm_ltcy': 14.493180039271754, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:22.567000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:22.567000",
+ "bytes": 2552292352,
+ "norm_byte": 70727680,
+ "ops": 2492473,
+ "norm_ops": 69070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.493180039271754,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ada590d786afe6f34c4734d699b8caf5dd5ce9f7e800e74da8093abfb6fcba4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:23.568000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:23.568000', 'bytes': 2622871552, 'norm_byte': 70579200, 'ops': 2561398, 'norm_ops': 68925, 'norm_ltcy': 14.523528178273486, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:23.568000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:23.568000",
+ "bytes": 2622871552,
+ "norm_byte": 70579200,
+ "ops": 2561398,
+ "norm_ops": 68925,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.523528178273486,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9b78452f59eae221e160840df42fedeb9fa058b055b0ff2aa2c1742dc9a9b82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:24.569000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:24.569000', 'bytes': 2693915648, 'norm_byte': 71044096, 'ops': 2630777, 'norm_ops': 69379, 'norm_ltcy': 14.428549418096614, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:24.569000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:24.569000",
+ "bytes": 2693915648,
+ "norm_byte": 71044096,
+ "ops": 2630777,
+ "norm_ops": 69379,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.428549418096614,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "17aa4f72ecb7d225e9469808d1681719645e416fbf7bddad758f85f932deade5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:25.570000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:25.570000', 'bytes': 2764930048, 'norm_byte': 71014400, 'ops': 2700127, 'norm_ops': 69350, 'norm_ltcy': 14.434575945160418, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:25.570000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:25.570000",
+ "bytes": 2764930048,
+ "norm_byte": 71014400,
+ "ops": 2700127,
+ "norm_ops": 69350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.434575945160418,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb7893f86ec0cd370c8d85147fb3dad1b1c3e0c464e4a2d3e65a88c33efbc75d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:26.571000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:26.571000', 'bytes': 2836007936, 'norm_byte': 71077888, 'ops': 2769539, 'norm_ops': 69412, 'norm_ltcy': 14.421791767363713, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:26.571000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:26.571000",
+ "bytes": 2836007936,
+ "norm_byte": 71077888,
+ "ops": 2769539,
+ "norm_ops": 69412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.421791767363713,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c2c6bf1095cf08d46d7514f3079a308389bc1cbb0906f33931c9ec3e1d52bae4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:27.572000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:27.572000', 'bytes': 2906776576, 'norm_byte': 70768640, 'ops': 2838649, 'norm_ops': 69110, 'norm_ltcy': 14.4846537958056, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:27.572000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:27.572000",
+ "bytes": 2906776576,
+ "norm_byte": 70768640,
+ "ops": 2838649,
+ "norm_ops": 69110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.4846537958056,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d1616a8563a24b7fe3684da62122205bdb8e55eec4aafe6927d60d7dcc9dccd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:28.573000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:28.573000', 'bytes': 2977682432, 'norm_byte': 70905856, 'ops': 2907893, 'norm_ops': 69244, 'norm_ltcy': 14.456665610242403, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:28.573000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:28.573000",
+ "bytes": 2977682432,
+ "norm_byte": 70905856,
+ "ops": 2907893,
+ "norm_ops": 69244,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.456665610242403,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0050bd8a7e9630850bee96b84d416f6594b30f4d262c63742e7685ebd15fdc67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:29.574000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:29.574000', 'bytes': 3048620032, 'norm_byte': 70937600, 'ops': 2977168, 'norm_ops': 69275, 'norm_ltcy': 14.450206942439552, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:29.574000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:29.574000",
+ "bytes": 3048620032,
+ "norm_byte": 70937600,
+ "ops": 2977168,
+ "norm_ops": 69275,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.450206942439552,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a3860164cef092460d48ae4f83a51c4f2f81a2c750d4a808f5b1014c87010a62",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:30.575000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:30.575000', 'bytes': 3104799744, 'norm_byte': 56179712, 'ops': 3032031, 'norm_ops': 54863, 'norm_ltcy': 18.246044052344022, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:30.575000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:30.575000",
+ "bytes": 3104799744,
+ "norm_byte": 56179712,
+ "ops": 3032031,
+ "norm_ops": 54863,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.246044052344022,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21236e5bc5438f798fee95b9cd12e9dbfa1060ac4fceae8175632b2de86f5b32",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:31.576000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:31.576000', 'bytes': 3175537664, 'norm_byte': 70737920, 'ops': 3101111, 'norm_ops': 69080, 'norm_ltcy': 14.490968917378403, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:31.576000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:31.576000",
+ "bytes": 3175537664,
+ "norm_byte": 70737920,
+ "ops": 3101111,
+ "norm_ops": 69080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.490968917378403,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7d7acb27ba338015e52dba0f859c6bdb765119246625f263f3193162cb1ac71",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:32.577000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:32.577000', 'bytes': 3246246912, 'norm_byte': 70709248, 'ops': 3170163, 'norm_ops': 69052, 'norm_ltcy': 14.496933272434179, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:32.577000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:32.577000",
+ "bytes": 3246246912,
+ "norm_byte": 70709248,
+ "ops": 3170163,
+ "norm_ops": 69052,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.496933272434179,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c6c10e3b44ed53ab82fce4bcfb3ab46e50b628ab78aa1d54da7611c661c544c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:33.578000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:33.578000', 'bytes': 3317144576, 'norm_byte': 70897664, 'ops': 3239399, 'norm_ops': 69236, 'norm_ltcy': 14.458247876827084, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:33.578000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:33.578000",
+ "bytes": 3317144576,
+ "norm_byte": 70897664,
+ "ops": 3239399,
+ "norm_ops": 69236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.458247876827084,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "562383b6b90e5389670a122120ea2f1659726fa82abda864ef6d9fe5a7be48b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:34.579000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:34.579000', 'bytes': 3388410880, 'norm_byte': 71266304, 'ops': 3308995, 'norm_ops': 69596, 'norm_ltcy': 14.382642181079014, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:34.579000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:34.579000",
+ "bytes": 3388410880,
+ "norm_byte": 71266304,
+ "ops": 3308995,
+ "norm_ops": 69596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.382642181079014,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c823e704c85788cbd26eb51ea2795b69136af6e060c034192c116d95ef493f33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:35.580000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:35.580000', 'bytes': 3459243008, 'norm_byte': 70832128, 'ops': 3378167, 'norm_ops': 69172, 'norm_ltcy': 14.472535683242498, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:35.580000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:35.580000",
+ "bytes": 3459243008,
+ "norm_byte": 70832128,
+ "ops": 3378167,
+ "norm_ops": 69172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.472535683242498,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "92586e8247ab64275198bc0db9170c684bf703e2c995b4e5fd8fee8b4246262a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:36.582000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:36.582000', 'bytes': 3530089472, 'norm_byte': 70846464, 'ops': 3447353, 'norm_ops': 69186, 'norm_ltcy': 14.469635351172926, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:36.582000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:36.582000",
+ "bytes": 3530089472,
+ "norm_byte": 70846464,
+ "ops": 3447353,
+ "norm_ops": 69186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.469635351172926,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba47ecb2a4546f1d8dfea9aa790650846fab9bf04376d6e580388a8456e28631",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:37.583000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:37.583000', 'bytes': 3601318912, 'norm_byte': 71229440, 'ops': 3516913, 'norm_ops': 69560, 'norm_ltcy': 14.391879256666906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:37.583000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:37.583000",
+ "bytes": 3601318912,
+ "norm_byte": 71229440,
+ "ops": 3516913,
+ "norm_ops": 69560,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.391879256666906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4bba8e8c30db5ed676d59cb702decbf04126812333741cba40b2fc7b6f120ba5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:38.584000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:38.584000', 'bytes': 3643405312, 'norm_byte': 42086400, 'ops': 3558013, 'norm_ops': 41100, 'norm_ltcy': 24.3574527638382, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:38.584000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:38.584000",
+ "bytes": 3643405312,
+ "norm_byte": 42086400,
+ "ops": 3558013,
+ "norm_ops": 41100,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.3574527638382,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ccfc56128b270cbfd664908eda03eb2999804d96da0d3a68685a296b7e9ce0b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:39.585000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:39.585000', 'bytes': 3714911232, 'norm_byte': 71505920, 'ops': 3627843, 'norm_ops': 69830, 'norm_ltcy': 14.336068258404339, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:39.585000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:39.585000",
+ "bytes": 3714911232,
+ "norm_byte": 71505920,
+ "ops": 3627843,
+ "norm_ops": 69830,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.336068258404339,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f4d9a15ebd092c34a256abf72af8e1f01f2e2d2b29b8bd0a2a044049e687e72",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:40.586000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:40.586000', 'bytes': 3785815040, 'norm_byte': 70903808, 'ops': 3697085, 'norm_ops': 69242, 'norm_ltcy': 14.457901189171674, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:40.586000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:40.586000",
+ "bytes": 3785815040,
+ "norm_byte": 70903808,
+ "ops": 3697085,
+ "norm_ops": 69242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.457901189171674,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51e37e55641afddfe569843b6e32ea72013dca4deb8841c6fdd3fb6ce46426c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:41.587000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:41.587000', 'bytes': 3856796672, 'norm_byte': 70981632, 'ops': 3766403, 'norm_ops': 69318, 'norm_ltcy': 14.442257399773508, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:41.587000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:41.587000",
+ "bytes": 3856796672,
+ "norm_byte": 70981632,
+ "ops": 3766403,
+ "norm_ops": 69318,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.442257399773508,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ca9d958af38fe0a95b37296d8b40d5cc0e7dce14c5d1d05944fa4675d401571",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:47:42.788000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:47:42.788000', 'bytes': 3927708672, 'norm_byte': 70912000, 'ops': 3835653, 'norm_ops': 69250, 'norm_ltcy': 17.347229664936823, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:47:42.788000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:47:42.788000",
+ "bytes": 3927708672,
+ "norm_byte": 70912000,
+ "ops": 3835653,
+ "norm_ops": 69250,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.347229664936823,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee2cb306-ad5e-5276-ba7d-6e650efe278e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7cdbf8956e56cddeb9b3c123b2d376d30dc3058fff3b30405973c248c670887",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 65461811.2
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 63927.55
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.3036370304228
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:47:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-037-220519204358/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-037-220519204358/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51e8dc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-037-220519204358/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-037-220519204358/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-037-220519204358/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-037-220519204358/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-037-220519204358/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-037-220519204358/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebe00e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-037-220519204358/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=30
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-038-220519204559/220519204559-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-038-220519204559/220519204559-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfdc5f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-038-220519204559/220519204559-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:48:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993323839.5620 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993324840.6665 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993324840.7515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993325841.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:38970368 nr_ops:38057\ntimestamp_ms:1652993326842.9648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:52820992 nr_ops:51583\ntimestamp_ms:1652993327844.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:65211392 nr_ops:63683\ntimestamp_ms:1652993328845.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:92015616 nr_ops:89859\ntimestamp_ms:1652993329845.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125234176 nr_ops:122299\ntimestamp_ms:1652993330846.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136031232 nr_ops:132843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993331847.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:161207296 nr_ops:157429\ntimestamp_ms:1652993332848.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199519232 nr_ops:194843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993333849.7927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:224603136 nr_ops:219339\ntimestamp_ms:1652993334850.8892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259970048 nr_ops:253877\ntimestamp_ms:1652993335852.0034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275962880 nr_ops:269495\ntimestamp_ms:1652993336853.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:299856896 nr_ops:292829\ntimestamp_ms:1652993337854.2344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314446848 nr_ops:307077\ntimestamp_ms:1652993338855.3245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:347979776 nr_ops:339824\ntimestamp_ms:1652993339856.4224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376001536 nr_ops:367189\ntimestamp_ms:1652993340857.4829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397399040 nr_ops:388085\ntimestamp_ms:1652993341858.5920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432000000 nr_ops:421875\ntimestamp_ms:1652993342859.7043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:449051648 nr_ops:438527\ntimestamp_ms:1652993343860.7517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:469664768 nr_ops:458657\ntimestamp_ms:1652993344861.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516031488 nr_ops:503937\ntimestamp_ms:1652993345862.8938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:545670144 nr_ops:532881\ntimestamp_ms:1652993346863.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:593869824 nr_ops:579951\ntimestamp_ms:1652993347864.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:618505216 nr_ops:604009\ntimestamp_ms:1652993348866.0273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:649350144 nr_ops:634131\ntimestamp_ms:1652993349867.1870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670077952 nr_ops:654373\ntimestamp_ms:1652993350868.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687365120 nr_ops:671255\ntimestamp_ms:1652993351869.4055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:714163200 nr_ops:697425\ntimestamp_ms:1652993352870.4468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744418304 nr_ops:726971\ntimestamp_ms:1652993353871.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779672576 nr_ops:761399\ntimestamp_ms:1652993354872.6042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:797299712 nr_ops:778613\ntimestamp_ms:1652993355873.7896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:817935360 nr_ops:798765\ntimestamp_ms:1652993356874.8857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:842189824 nr_ops:822451\ntimestamp_ms:1652993357875.9900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:856906752 nr_ops:836823\ntimestamp_ms:1652993358877.1038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:879862784 nr_ops:859241\ntimestamp_ms:1652993359878.2131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901010432 nr_ops:879893\ntimestamp_ms:1652993360879.2551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:925158400 nr_ops:903475\ntimestamp_ms:1652993361880.3018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950039552 nr_ops:927773\ntimestamp_ms:1652993362881.4099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963886080 nr_ops:941295\ntimestamp_ms:1652993363882.4473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986227712 nr_ops:963113\ntimestamp_ms:1652993364883.5630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010166784 nr_ops:986491\ntimestamp_ms:1652993365884.6543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023205376 nr_ops:999224\ntimestamp_ms:1652993366885.7556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1036567552 nr_ops:1012273\ntimestamp_ms:1652993367886.8560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1044722688 nr_ops:1020237\ntimestamp_ms:1652993368887.9595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069937664 nr_ops:1044861\ntimestamp_ms:1652993369889.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093837824 nr_ops:1068201\ntimestamp_ms:1652993370890.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125622784 nr_ops:1099241\ntimestamp_ms:1652993371891.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152998400 nr_ops:1125975\ntimestamp_ms:1652993372892.3887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1184773120 nr_ops:1157005\ntimestamp_ms:1652993373893.4824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1193759744 nr_ops:1165781\ntimestamp_ms:1652993374894.5913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212417024 nr_ops:1184001\ntimestamp_ms:1652993375895.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1227932672 nr_ops:1199153\ntimestamp_ms:1652993376896.7864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240345600 nr_ops:1211275\ntimestamp_ms:1652993377897.8823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1251953664 nr_ops:1222611\ntimestamp_ms:1652993378898.9988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1276242944 nr_ops:1246331\ntimestamp_ms:1652993379900.1233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1288664064 nr_ops:1258461\ntimestamp_ms:1652993380901.2490 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319013376 nr_ops:1288099\ntimestamp_ms:1652993381902.3665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335704576 nr_ops:1304399\ntimestamp_ms:1652993382903.4189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1357487104 nr_ops:1325671\ntimestamp_ms:1652993383904.5237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392110592 nr_ops:1359483\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140209283356416\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385105.8650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1421155328 nr_ops:1387847\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385105.9438 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385105.9539 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385206.1765 name:Total nr_bytes:1421155328 nr_ops:1387848\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385106.0383 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2842310654 nr_ops:2775696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385106.0391 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1421155328 nr_ops:1387850\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 211.11us 0.00ns 211.11us 211.11us \nTxn1 693924 86.53us 0.00ns 211.70ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 37.74us 0.00ns 37.74us 37.74us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 210.39us 0.00ns 210.39us 210.39us \nwrite 693924 2.86us 0.00ns 159.92us 2.15us \nread 693923 83.58us 0.00ns 211.70ms 2.52us \ndisconnect 1 37.20us 0.00ns 37.20us 37.20us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 11130 11130 97.03Mb/s 97.04Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.72b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.133 62.37s 1.32GB 182.29Mb/s 1387849 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.32GB 182.29Mb/s 1387850 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.41759, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993323839.5620 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993324840.6665 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993324840.7515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993325841.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:38970368 nr_ops:38057\ntimestamp_ms:1652993326842.9648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:52820992 nr_ops:51583\ntimestamp_ms:1652993327844.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:65211392 nr_ops:63683\ntimestamp_ms:1652993328845.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:92015616 nr_ops:89859\ntimestamp_ms:1652993329845.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125234176 nr_ops:122299\ntimestamp_ms:1652993330846.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136031232 nr_ops:132843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993331847.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:161207296 nr_ops:157429\ntimestamp_ms:1652993332848.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199519232 nr_ops:194843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993333849.7927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:224603136 nr_ops:219339\ntimestamp_ms:1652993334850.8892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259970048 nr_ops:253877\ntimestamp_ms:1652993335852.0034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275962880 nr_ops:269495\ntimestamp_ms:1652993336853.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:299856896 nr_ops:292829\ntimestamp_ms:1652993337854.2344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314446848 nr_ops:307077\ntimestamp_ms:1652993338855.3245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:347979776 nr_ops:339824\ntimestamp_ms:1652993339856.4224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376001536 nr_ops:367189\ntimestamp_ms:1652993340857.4829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397399040 nr_ops:388085\ntimestamp_ms:1652993341858.5920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432000000 nr_ops:421875\ntimestamp_ms:1652993342859.7043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:449051648 nr_ops:438527\ntimestamp_ms:1652993343860.7517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:469664768 nr_ops:458657\ntimestamp_ms:1652993344861.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516031488 nr_ops:503937\ntimestamp_ms:1652993345862.8938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:545670144 nr_ops:532881\ntimestamp_ms:1652993346863.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:593869824 nr_ops:579951\ntimestamp_ms:1652993347864.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:618505216 nr_ops:604009\ntimestamp_ms:1652993348866.0273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:649350144 nr_ops:634131\ntimestamp_ms:1652993349867.1870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670077952 nr_ops:654373\ntimestamp_ms:1652993350868.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687365120 nr_ops:671255\ntimestamp_ms:1652993351869.4055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:714163200 nr_ops:697425\ntimestamp_ms:1652993352870.4468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744418304 nr_ops:726971\ntimestamp_ms:1652993353871.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779672576 nr_ops:761399\ntimestamp_ms:1652993354872.6042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:797299712 nr_ops:778613\ntimestamp_ms:1652993355873.7896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:817935360 nr_ops:798765\ntimestamp_ms:1652993356874.8857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:842189824 nr_ops:822451\ntimestamp_ms:1652993357875.9900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:856906752 nr_ops:836823\ntimestamp_ms:1652993358877.1038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:879862784 nr_ops:859241\ntimestamp_ms:1652993359878.2131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901010432 nr_ops:879893\ntimestamp_ms:1652993360879.2551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:925158400 nr_ops:903475\ntimestamp_ms:1652993361880.3018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950039552 nr_ops:927773\ntimestamp_ms:1652993362881.4099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963886080 nr_ops:941295\ntimestamp_ms:1652993363882.4473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986227712 nr_ops:963113\ntimestamp_ms:1652993364883.5630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010166784 nr_ops:986491\ntimestamp_ms:1652993365884.6543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023205376 nr_ops:999224\ntimestamp_ms:1652993366885.7556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1036567552 nr_ops:1012273\ntimestamp_ms:1652993367886.8560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1044722688 nr_ops:1020237\ntimestamp_ms:1652993368887.9595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069937664 nr_ops:1044861\ntimestamp_ms:1652993369889.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093837824 nr_ops:1068201\ntimestamp_ms:1652993370890.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125622784 nr_ops:1099241\ntimestamp_ms:1652993371891.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152998400 nr_ops:1125975\ntimestamp_ms:1652993372892.3887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1184773120 nr_ops:1157005\ntimestamp_ms:1652993373893.4824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1193759744 nr_ops:1165781\ntimestamp_ms:1652993374894.5913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212417024 nr_ops:1184001\ntimestamp_ms:1652993375895.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1227932672 nr_ops:1199153\ntimestamp_ms:1652993376896.7864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240345600 nr_ops:1211275\ntimestamp_ms:1652993377897.8823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1251953664 nr_ops:1222611\ntimestamp_ms:1652993378898.9988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1276242944 nr_ops:1246331\ntimestamp_ms:1652993379900.1233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1288664064 nr_ops:1258461\ntimestamp_ms:1652993380901.2490 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319013376 nr_ops:1288099\ntimestamp_ms:1652993381902.3665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335704576 nr_ops:1304399\ntimestamp_ms:1652993382903.4189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1357487104 nr_ops:1325671\ntimestamp_ms:1652993383904.5237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392110592 nr_ops:1359483\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140209283356416\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385105.8650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1421155328 nr_ops:1387847\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385105.9438 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385105.9539 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385206.1765 name:Total nr_bytes:1421155328 nr_ops:1387848\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385106.0383 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2842310654 nr_ops:2775696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385106.0391 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1421155328 nr_ops:1387850\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 211.11us 0.00ns 211.11us 211.11us \nTxn1 693924 86.53us 0.00ns 211.70ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 37.74us 0.00ns 37.74us 37.74us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 210.39us 0.00ns 210.39us 210.39us \nwrite 693924 2.86us 0.00ns 159.92us 2.15us \nread 693923 83.58us 0.00ns 211.70ms 2.52us \ndisconnect 1 37.20us 0.00ns 37.20us 37.20us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 11130 11130 97.03Mb/s 97.04Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.72b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.133 62.37s 1.32GB 182.29Mb/s 1387849 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.32GB 182.29Mb/s 1387850 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.41759, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993323839.5620 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993324840.6665 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993324840.7515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993325841.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:38970368 nr_ops:38057\ntimestamp_ms:1652993326842.9648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:52820992 nr_ops:51583\ntimestamp_ms:1652993327844.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:65211392 nr_ops:63683\ntimestamp_ms:1652993328845.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:92015616 nr_ops:89859\ntimestamp_ms:1652993329845.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125234176 nr_ops:122299\ntimestamp_ms:1652993330846.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136031232 nr_ops:132843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993331847.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:161207296 nr_ops:157429\ntimestamp_ms:1652993332848.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199519232 nr_ops:194843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993333849.7927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:224603136 nr_ops:219339\ntimestamp_ms:1652993334850.8892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259970048 nr_ops:253877\ntimestamp_ms:1652993335852.0034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275962880 nr_ops:269495\ntimestamp_ms:1652993336853.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:299856896 nr_ops:292829\ntimestamp_ms:1652993337854.2344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314446848 nr_ops:307077\ntimestamp_ms:1652993338855.3245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:347979776 nr_ops:339824\ntimestamp_ms:1652993339856.4224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376001536 nr_ops:367189\ntimestamp_ms:1652993340857.4829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397399040 nr_ops:388085\ntimestamp_ms:1652993341858.5920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432000000 nr_ops:421875\ntimestamp_ms:1652993342859.7043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:449051648 nr_ops:438527\ntimestamp_ms:1652993343860.7517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:469664768 nr_ops:458657\ntimestamp_ms:1652993344861.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516031488 nr_ops:503937\ntimestamp_ms:1652993345862.8938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:545670144 nr_ops:532881\ntimestamp_ms:1652993346863.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:593869824 nr_ops:579951\ntimestamp_ms:1652993347864.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:618505216 nr_ops:604009\ntimestamp_ms:1652993348866.0273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:649350144 nr_ops:634131\ntimestamp_ms:1652993349867.1870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670077952 nr_ops:654373\ntimestamp_ms:1652993350868.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687365120 nr_ops:671255\ntimestamp_ms:1652993351869.4055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:714163200 nr_ops:697425\ntimestamp_ms:1652993352870.4468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744418304 nr_ops:726971\ntimestamp_ms:1652993353871.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779672576 nr_ops:761399\ntimestamp_ms:1652993354872.6042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:797299712 nr_ops:778613\ntimestamp_ms:1652993355873.7896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:817935360 nr_ops:798765\ntimestamp_ms:1652993356874.8857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:842189824 nr_ops:822451\ntimestamp_ms:1652993357875.9900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:856906752 nr_ops:836823\ntimestamp_ms:1652993358877.1038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:879862784 nr_ops:859241\ntimestamp_ms:1652993359878.2131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901010432 nr_ops:879893\ntimestamp_ms:1652993360879.2551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:925158400 nr_ops:903475\ntimestamp_ms:1652993361880.3018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950039552 nr_ops:927773\ntimestamp_ms:1652993362881.4099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963886080 nr_ops:941295\ntimestamp_ms:1652993363882.4473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986227712 nr_ops:963113\ntimestamp_ms:1652993364883.5630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010166784 nr_ops:986491\ntimestamp_ms:1652993365884.6543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023205376 nr_ops:999224\ntimestamp_ms:1652993366885.7556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1036567552 nr_ops:1012273\ntimestamp_ms:1652993367886.8560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1044722688 nr_ops:1020237\ntimestamp_ms:1652993368887.9595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069937664 nr_ops:1044861\ntimestamp_ms:1652993369889.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093837824 nr_ops:1068201\ntimestamp_ms:1652993370890.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125622784 nr_ops:1099241\ntimestamp_ms:1652993371891.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152998400 nr_ops:1125975\ntimestamp_ms:1652993372892.3887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1184773120 nr_ops:1157005\ntimestamp_ms:1652993373893.4824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1193759744 nr_ops:1165781\ntimestamp_ms:1652993374894.5913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212417024 nr_ops:1184001\ntimestamp_ms:1652993375895.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1227932672 nr_ops:1199153\ntimestamp_ms:1652993376896.7864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240345600 nr_ops:1211275\ntimestamp_ms:1652993377897.8823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1251953664 nr_ops:1222611\ntimestamp_ms:1652993378898.9988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1276242944 nr_ops:1246331\ntimestamp_ms:1652993379900.1233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1288664064 nr_ops:1258461\ntimestamp_ms:1652993380901.2490 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319013376 nr_ops:1288099\ntimestamp_ms:1652993381902.3665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335704576 nr_ops:1304399\ntimestamp_ms:1652993382903.4189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1357487104 nr_ops:1325671\ntimestamp_ms:1652993383904.5237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392110592 nr_ops:1359483\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140209283356416\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385105.8650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1421155328 nr_ops:1387847\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385105.9438 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385105.9539 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385206.1765 name:Total nr_bytes:1421155328 nr_ops:1387848\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385106.0383 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2842310654 nr_ops:2775696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993385106.0391 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1421155328 nr_ops:1387850\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 211.11us 0.00ns 211.11us 211.11us \nTxn1 693924 86.53us 0.00ns 211.70ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 37.74us 0.00ns 37.74us 37.74us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 210.39us 0.00ns 210.39us 210.39us \nwrite 693924 2.86us 0.00ns 159.92us 2.15us \nread 693923 83.58us 0.00ns 211.70ms 2.52us \ndisconnect 1 37.20us 0.00ns 37.20us 37.20us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 11130 11130 97.03Mb/s 97.04Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.72b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.133 62.37s 1.32GB 182.29Mb/s 1387849 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.32GB 182.29Mb/s 1387850 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.41759, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993323839.5620 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993324840.6665 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993324840.7515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993325841.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:38970368 nr_ops:38057
+timestamp_ms:1652993326842.9648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:52820992 nr_ops:51583
+timestamp_ms:1652993327844.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:65211392 nr_ops:63683
+timestamp_ms:1652993328845.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:92015616 nr_ops:89859
+timestamp_ms:1652993329845.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125234176 nr_ops:122299
+timestamp_ms:1652993330846.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136031232 nr_ops:132843
+timestamp_ms:1652993331847.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:161207296 nr_ops:157429
+timestamp_ms:1652993332848.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199519232 nr_ops:194843
+timestamp_ms:1652993333849.7927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:224603136 nr_ops:219339
+timestamp_ms:1652993334850.8892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259970048 nr_ops:253877
+timestamp_ms:1652993335852.0034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275962880 nr_ops:269495
+timestamp_ms:1652993336853.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:299856896 nr_ops:292829
+timestamp_ms:1652993337854.2344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314446848 nr_ops:307077
+timestamp_ms:1652993338855.3245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:347979776 nr_ops:339824
+timestamp_ms:1652993339856.4224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376001536 nr_ops:367189
+timestamp_ms:1652993340857.4829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397399040 nr_ops:388085
+timestamp_ms:1652993341858.5920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432000000 nr_ops:421875
+timestamp_ms:1652993342859.7043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:449051648 nr_ops:438527
+timestamp_ms:1652993343860.7517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:469664768 nr_ops:458657
+timestamp_ms:1652993344861.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516031488 nr_ops:503937
+timestamp_ms:1652993345862.8938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:545670144 nr_ops:532881
+timestamp_ms:1652993346863.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:593869824 nr_ops:579951
+timestamp_ms:1652993347864.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:618505216 nr_ops:604009
+timestamp_ms:1652993348866.0273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:649350144 nr_ops:634131
+timestamp_ms:1652993349867.1870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670077952 nr_ops:654373
+timestamp_ms:1652993350868.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687365120 nr_ops:671255
+timestamp_ms:1652993351869.4055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:714163200 nr_ops:697425
+timestamp_ms:1652993352870.4468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744418304 nr_ops:726971
+timestamp_ms:1652993353871.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779672576 nr_ops:761399
+timestamp_ms:1652993354872.6042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:797299712 nr_ops:778613
+timestamp_ms:1652993355873.7896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:817935360 nr_ops:798765
+timestamp_ms:1652993356874.8857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:842189824 nr_ops:822451
+timestamp_ms:1652993357875.9900 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:856906752 nr_ops:836823
+timestamp_ms:1652993358877.1038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:879862784 nr_ops:859241
+timestamp_ms:1652993359878.2131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901010432 nr_ops:879893
+timestamp_ms:1652993360879.2551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:925158400 nr_ops:903475
+timestamp_ms:1652993361880.3018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950039552 nr_ops:927773
+timestamp_ms:1652993362881.4099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963886080 nr_ops:941295
+timestamp_ms:1652993363882.4473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986227712 nr_ops:963113
+timestamp_ms:1652993364883.5630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010166784 nr_ops:986491
+timestamp_ms:1652993365884.6543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023205376 nr_ops:999224
+timestamp_ms:1652993366885.7556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1036567552 nr_ops:1012273
+timestamp_ms:1652993367886.8560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1044722688 nr_ops:1020237
+timestamp_ms:1652993368887.9595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069937664 nr_ops:1044861
+timestamp_ms:1652993369889.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093837824 nr_ops:1068201
+timestamp_ms:1652993370890.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125622784 nr_ops:1099241
+timestamp_ms:1652993371891.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152998400 nr_ops:1125975
+timestamp_ms:1652993372892.3887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1184773120 nr_ops:1157005
+timestamp_ms:1652993373893.4824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1193759744 nr_ops:1165781
+timestamp_ms:1652993374894.5913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212417024 nr_ops:1184001
+timestamp_ms:1652993375895.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1227932672 nr_ops:1199153
+timestamp_ms:1652993376896.7864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240345600 nr_ops:1211275
+timestamp_ms:1652993377897.8823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1251953664 nr_ops:1222611
+timestamp_ms:1652993378898.9988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1276242944 nr_ops:1246331
+timestamp_ms:1652993379900.1233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1288664064 nr_ops:1258461
+timestamp_ms:1652993380901.2490 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319013376 nr_ops:1288099
+timestamp_ms:1652993381902.3665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335704576 nr_ops:1304399
+timestamp_ms:1652993382903.4189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1357487104 nr_ops:1325671
+timestamp_ms:1652993383904.5237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392110592 nr_ops:1359483
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140209283356416
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652993385105.8650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1421155328 nr_ops:1387847
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993385105.9438 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993385105.9539 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993385206.1765 name:Total nr_bytes:1421155328 nr_ops:1387848
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993385106.0383 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2842310654 nr_ops:2775696
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993385106.0391 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1421155328 nr_ops:1387850
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 211.11us 0.00ns 211.11us 211.11us
+Txn1 693924 86.53us 0.00ns 211.70ms 18.42us
+Txn2 1 37.74us 0.00ns 37.74us 37.74us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 210.39us 0.00ns 210.39us 210.39us
+write 693924 2.86us 0.00ns 159.92us 2.15us
+read 693923 83.58us 0.00ns 211.70ms 2.52us
+disconnect 1 37.20us 0.00ns 37.20us 37.20us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 11130 11130 97.03Mb/s 97.04Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.72b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.133 62.37s 1.32GB 182.29Mb/s 1387849 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.32GB 182.29Mb/s 1387850 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:45.841000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:45.841000', 'bytes': 38970368, 'norm_byte': 38970368, 'ops': 38057, 'norm_ops': 38057, 'norm_ltcy': 26.30505054507055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:45.841000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:45.841000",
+ "bytes": 38970368,
+ "norm_byte": 38970368,
+ "ops": 38057,
+ "norm_ops": 38057,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.30505054507055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c245b213400b1532240ef46c02cf876e534596c74a3116d83b83c80887d4b3ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:46.842000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:46.842000', 'bytes': 52820992, 'norm_byte': 13850624, 'ops': 51583, 'norm_ops': 13526, 'norm_ltcy': 74.01464367237173, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:46.842000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:46.842000",
+ "bytes": 52820992,
+ "norm_byte": 13850624,
+ "ops": 51583,
+ "norm_ops": 13526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 74.01464367237173,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "538dec3fed136bf5124428d08000ce2de8698594b1d870312571463f5a715176",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:47.844000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:47.844000', 'bytes': 65211392, 'norm_byte': 12390400, 'ops': 63683, 'norm_ops': 12100, 'norm_ltcy': 82.73556543775827, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:47.844000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:47.844000",
+ "bytes": 65211392,
+ "norm_byte": 12390400,
+ "ops": 63683,
+ "norm_ops": 12100,
+ "norm_ltcy": 82.73556543775827,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2973bb8f6f04b9e670d8df7bc00ea027ee8a71b617c04ae0ca8ed3d2c8af262d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:48.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:48.845000', 'bytes': 92015616, 'norm_byte': 26804224, 'ops': 89859, 'norm_ops': 26176, 'norm_ltcy': 38.24299297006323, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:48.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:48.845000",
+ "bytes": 92015616,
+ "norm_byte": 26804224,
+ "ops": 89859,
+ "norm_ops": 26176,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.24299297006323,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "601ad20f808253ea0bf49d5a48003f26f5af778a8259fc8054310b8d1e998f21",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:49.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:49.845000', 'bytes': 125234176, 'norm_byte': 33218560, 'ops': 122299, 'norm_ops': 32440, 'norm_ltcy': 30.850644940659677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:49.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:49.845000",
+ "bytes": 125234176,
+ "norm_byte": 33218560,
+ "ops": 122299,
+ "norm_ops": 32440,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.850644940659677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a4437032487be6c1bfe124523b6a7fc768a23708026e6515feb1131e5ce043b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:50.846000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:50.846000', 'bytes': 136031232, 'norm_byte': 10797056, 'ops': 132843, 'norm_ops': 10544, 'norm_ltcy': 94.92833046341521, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:50.846000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:50.846000",
+ "bytes": 136031232,
+ "norm_byte": 10797056,
+ "ops": 132843,
+ "norm_ops": 10544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 94.92833046341521,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75ab30c7266ea54a34c6711a36557673be289bb058665a784b78054b871d6a3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:51.847000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:51.847000', 'bytes': 161207296, 'norm_byte': 25176064, 'ops': 157429, 'norm_ops': 24586, 'norm_ltcy': 40.71780243329537, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:51.847000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:51.847000",
+ "bytes": 161207296,
+ "norm_byte": 25176064,
+ "ops": 157429,
+ "norm_ops": 24586,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.71780243329537,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a194cea962ab7112fd7c20fd98dcec54686bf9f8f5265312c120aaedd6966930",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:52.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:52.848000', 'bytes': 199519232, 'norm_byte': 38311936, 'ops': 194843, 'norm_ops': 37414, 'norm_ltcy': 26.756296001329716, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:52.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:52.848000",
+ "bytes": 199519232,
+ "norm_byte": 38311936,
+ "ops": 194843,
+ "norm_ops": 37414,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.756296001329716,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f06615a4c9a16d2719cffb4d302b3f0d88c066fd01922d76b49b6de00ea21b1e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:53.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:53.849000', 'bytes': 224603136, 'norm_byte': 25083904, 'ops': 219339, 'norm_ops': 24496, 'norm_ltcy': 40.856130289766696, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:53.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:53.849000",
+ "bytes": 224603136,
+ "norm_byte": 25083904,
+ "ops": 219339,
+ "norm_ops": 24496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.856130289766696,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e2e7d20a44fb39f028e7548752c5950b767cfd38806ce531c95415412b3c9dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:54.850000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:54.850000', 'bytes': 259970048, 'norm_byte': 35366912, 'ops': 253877, 'norm_ops': 34538, 'norm_ltcy': 28.985362080805924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:54.850000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:54.850000",
+ "bytes": 259970048,
+ "norm_byte": 35366912,
+ "ops": 253877,
+ "norm_ops": 34538,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.985362080805924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dfcb1668287fb83e84d2f5b246db1789044d97db9636835bf26aa9a92291113c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:55.852000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:55.852000', 'bytes': 275962880, 'norm_byte': 15992832, 'ops': 269495, 'norm_ops': 15618, 'norm_ltcy': 64.10002931313228, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:55.852000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:55.852000",
+ "bytes": 275962880,
+ "norm_byte": 15992832,
+ "ops": 269495,
+ "norm_ops": 15618,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.10002931313228,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d35bbc88cb75a93689970243058d56eedc7778b77617104d7a0e5b6f5808646",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:56.853000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:56.853000', 'bytes': 299856896, 'norm_byte': 23894016, 'ops': 292829, 'norm_ops': 23334, 'norm_ltcy': 42.90370233283514, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:56.853000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:56.853000",
+ "bytes": 299856896,
+ "norm_byte": 23894016,
+ "ops": 292829,
+ "norm_ops": 23334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.90370233283514,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca6a50fad68972e274b40dd09845ae8b5d7932677598b02f2caadafa4cf5181d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:57.854000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:57.854000', 'bytes': 314446848, 'norm_byte': 14589952, 'ops': 307077, 'norm_ops': 14248, 'norm_ltcy': 70.26361361572677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:57.854000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:57.854000",
+ "bytes": 314446848,
+ "norm_byte": 14589952,
+ "ops": 307077,
+ "norm_ops": 14248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 70.26361361572677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e1ade2adb006cb244656658bf1bfd9a0fe6be9f8780416c486e0e0180f0be87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:58.855000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:58.855000', 'bytes': 347979776, 'norm_byte': 33532928, 'ops': 339824, 'norm_ops': 32747, 'norm_ltcy': 30.570436616808408, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:58.855000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:58.855000",
+ "bytes": 347979776,
+ "norm_byte": 33532928,
+ "ops": 339824,
+ "norm_ops": 32747,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.570436616808408,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f629d76f0f90ca572b3ff3a13712c62a0327f1aa44d7179085d91a73a5bbfaa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:48:59.856000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:48:59.856000', 'bytes': 376001536, 'norm_byte': 28021760, 'ops': 367189, 'norm_ops': 27365, 'norm_ltcy': 36.58315002341038, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:48:59.856000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:48:59.856000",
+ "bytes": 376001536,
+ "norm_byte": 28021760,
+ "ops": 367189,
+ "norm_ops": 27365,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.58315002341038,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b7451a824ac8dc4a174db76cd506429ea68288d0213e4e36471f9c23bed17a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:00.857000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:00.857000', 'bytes': 397399040, 'norm_byte': 21397504, 'ops': 388085, 'norm_ops': 20896, 'norm_ltcy': 47.90680258781585, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:00.857000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:00.857000",
+ "bytes": 397399040,
+ "norm_byte": 21397504,
+ "ops": 388085,
+ "norm_ops": 20896,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.90680258781585,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "198070b4738496409677b77189e71885149f009229789b01ad436b273144be49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:01.858000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:01.858000', 'bytes': 432000000, 'norm_byte': 34600960, 'ops': 421875, 'norm_ops': 33790, 'norm_ltcy': 29.627378835731726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:01.858000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:01.858000",
+ "bytes": 432000000,
+ "norm_byte": 34600960,
+ "ops": 421875,
+ "norm_ops": 33790,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.627378835731726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22a1af4a10369c265713d4317b963977f566c920adff2b08abcd5e05bdf81429",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:02.859000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:02.859000', 'bytes': 449051648, 'norm_byte': 17051648, 'ops': 438527, 'norm_ops': 16652, 'norm_ltcy': 60.11964356758948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:02.859000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:02.859000",
+ "bytes": 449051648,
+ "norm_byte": 17051648,
+ "ops": 438527,
+ "norm_ops": 16652,
+ "norm_ltcy": 60.11964356758948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac5f58b1e194d6925e5306a7c950a6dc85c19b5547fe75bf5452ec5f42028d0e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:03.860000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:03.860000', 'bytes': 469664768, 'norm_byte': 20613120, 'ops': 458657, 'norm_ops': 20130, 'norm_ltcy': 49.72912882668902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:03.860000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:03.860000",
+ "bytes": 469664768,
+ "norm_byte": 20613120,
+ "ops": 458657,
+ "norm_ops": 20130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.72912882668902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c9942fde8f8cb29333398c7b53be0e5b7b8811b18a535e0b51cb65053661a2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:04.861000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:04.861000', 'bytes': 516031488, 'norm_byte': 46366720, 'ops': 503937, 'norm_ops': 45280, 'norm_ltcy': 22.10914962283293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:04.861000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:04.861000",
+ "bytes": 516031488,
+ "norm_byte": 46366720,
+ "ops": 503937,
+ "norm_ops": 45280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.10914962283293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f120dad8b59c66a1cb1c95f35bcafd99d8e620e57d6d9213817c37f59e240df2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:05.862000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:05.862000', 'bytes': 545670144, 'norm_byte': 29638656, 'ops': 532881, 'norm_ops': 28944, 'norm_ltcy': 34.58539921648269, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:05.862000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:05.862000",
+ "bytes": 545670144,
+ "norm_byte": 29638656,
+ "ops": 532881,
+ "norm_ops": 28944,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.58539921648269,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5586ab45135be503f129df96a2d4274ad77a0fcad3f43a602fd4f647fcaca6c9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:06.863000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:06.863000', 'bytes': 593869824, 'norm_byte': 48199680, 'ops': 579951, 'norm_ops': 47070, 'norm_ltcy': 21.267049905725514, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:06.863000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:06.863000",
+ "bytes": 593869824,
+ "norm_byte": 48199680,
+ "ops": 579951,
+ "norm_ops": 47070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.267049905725514,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "096aa29094b3b845fd0178e4e6b0dff90448a80a7a7385de5c8c492167703bbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:07.864000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:07.864000', 'bytes': 618505216, 'norm_byte': 24635392, 'ops': 604009, 'norm_ops': 24058, 'norm_ltcy': 41.61029789986699, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:07.864000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:07.864000",
+ "bytes": 618505216,
+ "norm_byte": 24635392,
+ "ops": 604009,
+ "norm_ops": 24058,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.61029789986699,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "69469b5b1fa22c45ba7d1b5cd0f6e5bd152955420b652eed64317fc977606b2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:08.866000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:08.866000', 'bytes': 649350144, 'norm_byte': 30844928, 'ops': 634131, 'norm_ops': 30122, 'norm_ltcy': 33.23261931426781, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:08.866000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:08.866000",
+ "bytes": 649350144,
+ "norm_byte": 30844928,
+ "ops": 634131,
+ "norm_ops": 30122,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.23261931426781,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "54d5c1d427ce00b98040911fd894c3e7552a63d64c0b51f7ef4dc8af469a4430",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:09.867000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:09.867000', 'bytes': 670077952, 'norm_byte': 20727808, 'ops': 654373, 'norm_ops': 20242, 'norm_ltcy': 49.459523168103445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:09.867000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:09.867000",
+ "bytes": 670077952,
+ "norm_byte": 20727808,
+ "ops": 654373,
+ "norm_ops": 20242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.459523168103445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84c438df3ec49aa4a34d893ab9779347506431633d83c3251863a3d22acaee9a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:10.868000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:10.868000', 'bytes': 687365120, 'norm_byte': 17287168, 'ops': 671255, 'norm_ops': 16882, 'norm_ltcy': 59.299678235324606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:10.868000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:10.868000",
+ "bytes": 687365120,
+ "norm_byte": 17287168,
+ "ops": 671255,
+ "norm_ops": 16882,
+ "norm_ltcy": 59.299678235324606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18fb9e7d8126d2337b2a6541542a29bc6fbe0b45bebbfb878467e245d4b32b13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:11.869000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:11.869000', 'bytes': 714163200, 'norm_byte': 26798080, 'ops': 697425, 'norm_ops': 26170, 'norm_ltcy': 38.25454099696695, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:11.869000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:11.869000",
+ "bytes": 714163200,
+ "norm_byte": 26798080,
+ "ops": 697425,
+ "norm_ops": 26170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.25454099696695,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d1e618f1f85e78419c5fb776bbd10ecfbd4c626cc73242e25a09a1576c2bbe8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:12.870000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:12.870000', 'bytes': 744418304, 'norm_byte': 30255104, 'ops': 726971, 'norm_ops': 29546, 'norm_ltcy': 33.8807709932182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:12.870000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:12.870000",
+ "bytes": 744418304,
+ "norm_byte": 30255104,
+ "ops": 726971,
+ "norm_ops": 29546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.8807709932182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86fc7e94b168015afb7bdd63a7141d2ffff499643eceea13a017e0fe771e1c8b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:13.871000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:13.871000', 'bytes': 779672576, 'norm_byte': 35254272, 'ops': 761399, 'norm_ops': 34428, 'norm_ltcy': 29.076532909259907, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:13.871000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:13.871000",
+ "bytes": 779672576,
+ "norm_byte": 35254272,
+ "ops": 761399,
+ "norm_ops": 34428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.076532909259907,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b3f4206cb119380f6b74b768a394d931b0c6705572d69ba6e2571d66ea30139",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:14.872000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:14.872000', 'bytes': 797299712, 'norm_byte': 17627136, 'ops': 778613, 'norm_ops': 17214, 'norm_ltcy': 58.15676749756739, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:14.872000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:14.872000",
+ "bytes": 797299712,
+ "norm_byte": 17627136,
+ "ops": 778613,
+ "norm_ops": 17214,
+ "norm_ltcy": 58.15676749756739,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a206e95efcc9c65fd54b243ba3bae272a7b65cf169fc1700ec018f1e307dd30",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:15.873000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:15.873000', 'bytes': 817935360, 'norm_byte': 20635648, 'ops': 798765, 'norm_ops': 20152, 'norm_ltcy': 49.68168433576692, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:15.873000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:15.873000",
+ "bytes": 817935360,
+ "norm_byte": 20635648,
+ "ops": 798765,
+ "norm_ops": 20152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.68168433576692,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3772df5caa82d448cd66d32e314bf7e9f363e3663dddbf16306521affba80334",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:16.874000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:16.874000', 'bytes': 842189824, 'norm_byte': 24254464, 'ops': 822451, 'norm_ops': 23686, 'norm_ltcy': 42.26531248020983, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:16.874000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:16.874000",
+ "bytes": 842189824,
+ "norm_byte": 24254464,
+ "ops": 822451,
+ "norm_ops": 23686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.26531248020983,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3c6a4c72e3fa9dd84cb067137393dbc35d5440214b3cb9b40d0706bd529b50f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:17.875000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:17.875000', 'bytes': 856906752, 'norm_byte': 14716928, 'ops': 836823, 'norm_ops': 14372, 'norm_ltcy': 69.65657167039208, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:17.875000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:17.875000",
+ "bytes": 856906752,
+ "norm_byte": 14716928,
+ "ops": 836823,
+ "norm_ops": 14372,
+ "norm_ltcy": 69.65657167039208,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c0644ff3dd25022798407f563d8ad615819da77df5e379abc54a7a915d595654",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:18.877000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:18.877000', 'bytes': 879862784, 'norm_byte': 22956032, 'ops': 859241, 'norm_ops': 22418, 'norm_ltcy': 44.65669415341467, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:18.877000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:18.877000",
+ "bytes": 879862784,
+ "norm_byte": 22956032,
+ "ops": 859241,
+ "norm_ops": 22418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.65669415341467,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02d7d25f67a658036c97b0f5a06c720213241dfa503c55ce9059cb6cb0c74aa2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:19.878000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:19.878000', 'bytes': 901010432, 'norm_byte': 21147648, 'ops': 879893, 'norm_ops': 20652, 'norm_ltcy': 48.475177948866936, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:19.878000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:19.878000",
+ "bytes": 901010432,
+ "norm_byte": 21147648,
+ "ops": 879893,
+ "norm_ops": 20652,
+ "norm_ltcy": 48.475177948866936,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5fce87d6b3c73d952921eaa2532b1e2de7680573013be92bad3550a0afa52c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:20.879000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:20.879000', 'bytes': 925158400, 'norm_byte': 24147968, 'ops': 903475, 'norm_ops': 23582, 'norm_ltcy': 42.44941023609108, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:20.879000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:20.879000",
+ "bytes": 925158400,
+ "norm_byte": 24147968,
+ "ops": 903475,
+ "norm_ops": 23582,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.44941023609108,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e804bcac754e3a344e7a6cf0dd615f9b86b91e5b481446e0408e13c8194bcd94",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:21.880000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:21.880000', 'bytes': 950039552, 'norm_byte': 24881152, 'ops': 927773, 'norm_ops': 24298, 'norm_ltcy': 41.19872544486687, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:21.880000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:21.880000",
+ "bytes": 950039552,
+ "norm_byte": 24881152,
+ "ops": 927773,
+ "norm_ops": 24298,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.19872544486687,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db1c8afd157649d4e4e14b59263ebc47c4718b46875c29fca097d3948badc26e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:22.881000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:22.881000', 'bytes': 963886080, 'norm_byte': 13846528, 'ops': 941295, 'norm_ops': 13522, 'norm_ltcy': 74.0355091182425, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:22.881000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:22.881000",
+ "bytes": 963886080,
+ "norm_byte": 13846528,
+ "ops": 941295,
+ "norm_ops": 13522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 74.0355091182425,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f80e0d38073877e550c59b66ceff04cac82bca1100616cdf1da798b1d53265b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:23.882000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:23.882000', 'bytes': 986227712, 'norm_byte': 22341632, 'ops': 963113, 'norm_ops': 21818, 'norm_ltcy': 45.88126104664154, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:23.882000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:23.882000",
+ "bytes": 986227712,
+ "norm_byte": 22341632,
+ "ops": 963113,
+ "norm_ops": 21818,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.88126104664154,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84d85885a9d78a20df9b168d4228fa238a293176b444f657f3cf7abe319b971d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:24.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:24.883000', 'bytes': 1010166784, 'norm_byte': 23939072, 'ops': 986491, 'norm_ops': 23378, 'norm_ltcy': 42.82298411567499, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:24.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:24.883000",
+ "bytes": 1010166784,
+ "norm_byte": 23939072,
+ "ops": 986491,
+ "norm_ops": 23378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.82298411567499,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e00164f2ffb1f338f8dd3b6cad28470d4801d45cecfcaed6b8499fa27f7e4ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:25.884000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:25.884000', 'bytes': 1023205376, 'norm_byte': 13038592, 'ops': 999224, 'norm_ops': 12733, 'norm_ltcy': 78.62179443915417, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:25.884000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:25.884000",
+ "bytes": 1023205376,
+ "norm_byte": 13038592,
+ "ops": 999224,
+ "norm_ops": 12733,
+ "norm_ltcy": 78.62179443915417,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "612c35cfa5ce8ba17ca71885e0888f35ba119ab5f7781e5d6077576ae9bc5b5e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:26.885000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:26.885000', 'bytes': 1036567552, 'norm_byte': 13362176, 'ops': 1012273, 'norm_ops': 13049, 'norm_ltcy': 76.71862352359376, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:26.885000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:26.885000",
+ "bytes": 1036567552,
+ "norm_byte": 13362176,
+ "ops": 1012273,
+ "norm_ops": 13049,
+ "norm_ltcy": 76.71862352359376,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2f026aad7013626f6d323d84b08b11b755d7f50f9b5b420847d482b1772afdd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:27.886000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:27.886000', 'bytes': 1044722688, 'norm_byte': 8155136, 'ops': 1020237, 'norm_ops': 7964, 'norm_ltcy': 125.70320715681504, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:27.886000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:27.886000",
+ "bytes": 1044722688,
+ "norm_byte": 8155136,
+ "ops": 1020237,
+ "norm_ops": 7964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 125.70320715681504,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0833b22986be60555a370e285df784bcf0d2a935297f40d307bf0961e091afad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:28.887000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:28.887000', 'bytes': 1069937664, 'norm_byte': 25214976, 'ops': 1044861, 'norm_ops': 24624, 'norm_ltcy': 40.65560086196394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:28.887000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:28.887000",
+ "bytes": 1069937664,
+ "norm_byte": 25214976,
+ "ops": 1044861,
+ "norm_ops": 24624,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.65560086196394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6cdc5cc68c3f626aca5914ef5d84aae351f74081eaff89c45f9ce01442d0100",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:29.889000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:29.889000', 'bytes': 1093837824, 'norm_byte': 23900160, 'ops': 1068201, 'norm_ops': 23340, 'norm_ltcy': 42.891919970410235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:29.889000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:29.889000",
+ "bytes": 1093837824,
+ "norm_byte": 23900160,
+ "ops": 1068201,
+ "norm_ops": 23340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.891919970410235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95bc68da04c00ef5da8525f859b168fb440a7800380fa2c065317598ef3b197d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:30.890000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:30.890000', 'bytes': 1125622784, 'norm_byte': 31784960, 'ops': 1099241, 'norm_ops': 31040, 'norm_ltcy': 32.25195186654317, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:30.890000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:30.890000",
+ "bytes": 1125622784,
+ "norm_byte": 31784960,
+ "ops": 1099241,
+ "norm_ops": 31040,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.25195186654317,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e16a663220315d51d4a62166668dfe3a8b5c2504b9c905bbd2edfda154129056",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:31.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:31.891000', 'bytes': 1152998400, 'norm_byte': 27375616, 'ops': 1125975, 'norm_ops': 26734, 'norm_ltcy': 37.4470568991032, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:31.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:31.891000",
+ "bytes": 1152998400,
+ "norm_byte": 27375616,
+ "ops": 1125975,
+ "norm_ops": 26734,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.4470568991032,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49073062d5ab14da8438f106f86a520641391437964ef8bc598da75c0d5bdec1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:32.892000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:32.892000', 'bytes': 1184773120, 'norm_byte': 31774720, 'ops': 1157005, 'norm_ops': 31030, 'norm_ltcy': 32.26302230200612, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:32.892000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:32.892000",
+ "bytes": 1184773120,
+ "norm_byte": 31774720,
+ "ops": 1157005,
+ "norm_ops": 31030,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.26302230200612,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0487c27d603d8710941c4ee04e29bae620834185b0257dae17d422b205c2f4b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:33.893000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:33.893000', 'bytes': 1193759744, 'norm_byte': 8986624, 'ops': 1165781, 'norm_ops': 8776, 'norm_ltcy': 114.07175820419326, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:33.893000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:33.893000",
+ "bytes": 1193759744,
+ "norm_byte": 8986624,
+ "ops": 1165781,
+ "norm_ops": 8776,
+ "norm_ltcy": 114.07175820419326,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "853a9e71c8325201cbbb2b6bc7945524fcf37f74f4081f2f128be6591607c865",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:34.894000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:34.894000', 'bytes': 1212417024, 'norm_byte': 18657280, 'ops': 1184001, 'norm_ops': 18220, 'norm_ltcy': 54.94560300322448, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:34.894000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:34.894000",
+ "bytes": 1212417024,
+ "norm_byte": 18657280,
+ "ops": 1184001,
+ "norm_ops": 18220,
+ "norm_ltcy": 54.94560300322448,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "026c68ca23dfdbfbdda0f6ecde4f11c760e0f9b9c1abfa6d519e71bed31e086c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:35.895000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:35.895000', 'bytes': 1227932672, 'norm_byte': 15515648, 'ops': 1199153, 'norm_ops': 15152, 'norm_ltcy': 66.07178121081375, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:35.895000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:35.895000",
+ "bytes": 1227932672,
+ "norm_byte": 15515648,
+ "ops": 1199153,
+ "norm_ops": 15152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 66.07178121081375,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7bca89467128516b8f9e703ec4b37f8339a8680f856616525376012b55333c30",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:36.896000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:36.896000', 'bytes': 1240345600, 'norm_byte': 12412928, 'ops': 1211275, 'norm_ops': 12122, 'norm_ltcy': 82.58335583675343, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:36.896000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:36.896000",
+ "bytes": 1240345600,
+ "norm_byte": 12412928,
+ "ops": 1211275,
+ "norm_ops": 12122,
+ "norm_ltcy": 82.58335583675343,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8868a73caf4bcb5dedd8a3cc71d2f69adff1f9331cf07d98899bc4cd1b3ed855",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:37.897000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:37.897000', 'bytes': 1251953664, 'norm_byte': 11608064, 'ops': 1222611, 'norm_ops': 11336, 'norm_ltcy': 88.31121623726402, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:37.897000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:37.897000",
+ "bytes": 1251953664,
+ "norm_byte": 11608064,
+ "ops": 1222611,
+ "norm_ops": 11336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 88.31121623726402,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb52f552b45034986c7b82f056e551f9fc1dabe600a1d1a49eb2207a783c114a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:38.898000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:38.898000', 'bytes': 1276242944, 'norm_byte': 24289280, 'ops': 1246331, 'norm_ops': 23720, 'norm_ltcy': 42.20558410953309, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:38.898000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:38.898000",
+ "bytes": 1276242944,
+ "norm_byte": 24289280,
+ "ops": 1246331,
+ "norm_ops": 23720,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.20558410953309,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3bef2058d8845255abde4c6ab5d141d1dbf18c143f444d5425dbd5c2dc2282db",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:39.900000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:39.900000', 'bytes': 1288664064, 'norm_byte': 12421120, 'ops': 1258461, 'norm_ops': 12130, 'norm_ltcy': 82.5329358383141, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:39.900000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:39.900000",
+ "bytes": 1288664064,
+ "norm_byte": 12421120,
+ "ops": 1258461,
+ "norm_ops": 12130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 82.5329358383141,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "646083be372beafb11c795a8023b8b79a6bcd6f43a98fdf1be2b4eb84655c27b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:40.901000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:40.901000', 'bytes': 1319013376, 'norm_byte': 30349312, 'ops': 1288099, 'norm_ops': 29638, 'norm_ltcy': 33.77845105681473, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:40.901000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:40.901000",
+ "bytes": 1319013376,
+ "norm_byte": 30349312,
+ "ops": 1288099,
+ "norm_ops": 29638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.77845105681473,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d02b7f254d14e8322d99b929221bc57250e5ca152a9adca4df751f06aefa5bf1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:41.902000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:41.902000', 'bytes': 1335704576, 'norm_byte': 16691200, 'ops': 1304399, 'norm_ops': 16300, 'norm_ltcy': 61.418247339915645, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:41.902000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:41.902000",
+ "bytes": 1335704576,
+ "norm_byte": 16691200,
+ "ops": 1304399,
+ "norm_ops": 16300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 61.418247339915645,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fc6f5d42a056a9953b1b3edf825176a8f3dae96f035f1ddd8a15b76d2d736aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:42.903000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:42.903000', 'bytes': 1357487104, 'norm_byte': 21782528, 'ops': 1325671, 'norm_ops': 21272, 'norm_ltcy': 47.05963192151067, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:42.903000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:42.903000",
+ "bytes": 1357487104,
+ "norm_byte": 21782528,
+ "ops": 1325671,
+ "norm_ops": 21272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.05963192151067,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9563c92bb58010f2d67b28a7b23578376536bb72fc0d546d0ed165c22a61ed7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:43.904000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:43.904000', 'bytes': 1392110592, 'norm_byte': 34623488, 'ops': 1359483, 'norm_ops': 33812, 'norm_ltcy': 29.607971617417633, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:43.904000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:43.904000",
+ "bytes": 1392110592,
+ "norm_byte": 34623488,
+ "ops": 1359483,
+ "norm_ops": 33812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.607971617417633,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "974bedf17f749faf5917f9dd8f715407e7a503602d0a87b0347a6d70fd9d4f87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:49:45.105000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:49:45.105000', 'bytes': 1421155328, 'norm_byte': 29044736, 'ops': 1387847, 'norm_ops': 28364, 'norm_ltcy': 42.35443902812544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:49:45.105000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:49:45.105000",
+ "bytes": 1421155328,
+ "norm_byte": 29044736,
+ "ops": 1387847,
+ "norm_ops": 28364,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.35443902812544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e9393b4c-4549-59ce-b5c6-71b8759f2ac4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e12aeeddb7c17695e2f940f0cac7e083e46de89339475f7fb602aa3b2b0a2a5f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 23685922.133333333
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 23130.783333333333
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 88.64207194857157
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:49:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-038-220519204559/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-038-220519204559/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1eeff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-038-220519204559/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-038-220519204559/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-038-220519204559/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-038-220519204559/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-038-220519204559/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-038-220519204559/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ff7428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-038-220519204559/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=45
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=35
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=90
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-039-220519204801/220519204801-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-039-220519204801/220519204801-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..158a729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-039-220519204801/220519204801-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:50:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993445065.5247 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993446066.6411 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993446066.7300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993447067.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:51645440 nr_ops:50435\ntimestamp_ms:1652993448068.9329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:102855680 nr_ops:100445\ntimestamp_ms:1652993449070.0559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155485184 nr_ops:151841\ntimestamp_ms:1652993450071.1462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:207412224 nr_ops:202551\ntimestamp_ms:1652993451072.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259415040 nr_ops:253335\ntimestamp_ms:1652993452073.4072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:310750208 nr_ops:303467\ntimestamp_ms:1652993453074.4998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:359441408 nr_ops:351017\ntimestamp_ms:1652993454075.6023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:410756096 nr_ops:401129\ntimestamp_ms:1652993455076.7114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:461839360 nr_ops:451015\ntimestamp_ms:1652993456077.8142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:512855040 nr_ops:500835\ntimestamp_ms:1652993457078.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564665344 nr_ops:551431\ntimestamp_ms:1652993458080.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617591808 nr_ops:603117\ntimestamp_ms:1652993459081.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:668044288 nr_ops:652387\ntimestamp_ms:1652993460081.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:719461376 nr_ops:702599\ntimestamp_ms:1652993461082.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771105792 nr_ops:753033\ntimestamp_ms:1652993462084.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820999168 nr_ops:801757\ntimestamp_ms:1652993463085.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:866522112 nr_ops:846213\ntimestamp_ms:1652993464086.2183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:914520064 nr_ops:893086\ntimestamp_ms:1652993465087.3179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:964875264 nr_ops:942261\ntimestamp_ms:1652993466088.4124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1016992768 nr_ops:993157\ntimestamp_ms:1652993467089.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069841408 nr_ops:1044767\ntimestamp_ms:1652993468090.6116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1116720128 nr_ops:1090547\ntimestamp_ms:1652993469091.6479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1162040320 nr_ops:1134805\ntimestamp_ms:1652993470092.7393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1207327744 nr_ops:1179031\ntimestamp_ms:1652993471093.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1252750336 nr_ops:1223389\ntimestamp_ms:1652993472094.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1298021376 nr_ops:1267599\ntimestamp_ms:1652993473096.0437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343327232 nr_ops:1311843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993474097.1389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1391234048 nr_ops:1358627\ntimestamp_ms:1652993475098.2341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440422912 nr_ops:1406663\ntimestamp_ms:1652993476099.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1492759552 nr_ops:1457773\ntimestamp_ms:1652993477100.4238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1544881152 nr_ops:1508673\ntimestamp_ms:1652993478101.5208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597178880 nr_ops:1559745\ntimestamp_ms:1652993479102.5596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649498112 nr_ops:1610838\ntimestamp_ms:1652993480103.6521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1700803584 nr_ops:1660941\ntimestamp_ms:1652993481103.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1752169472 nr_ops:1711103\ntimestamp_ms:1652993482105.0874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803783168 nr_ops:1761507\ntimestamp_ms:1652993483106.2004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1855210496 nr_ops:1811729\ntimestamp_ms:1652993484107.2930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906842624 nr_ops:1862151\ntimestamp_ms:1652993485108.3850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1958253568 nr_ops:1912357\ntimestamp_ms:1652993486109.4775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2010792960 nr_ops:1963665\ntimestamp_ms:1652993487110.5762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062509056 nr_ops:2014169\ntimestamp_ms:1652993488111.6677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2112160768 nr_ops:2062657\ntimestamp_ms:1652993489112.7625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157447168 nr_ops:2106882\ntimestamp_ms:1652993490113.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2202973184 nr_ops:2151341\ntimestamp_ms:1652993491115.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2248711168 nr_ops:2196007\ntimestamp_ms:1652993492116.1362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294504448 nr_ops:2240727\ntimestamp_ms:1652993493117.2322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2339859456 nr_ops:2285019\ntimestamp_ms:1652993494118.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385232896 nr_ops:2329329\ntimestamp_ms:1652993495119.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430905344 nr_ops:2373931\ntimestamp_ms:1652993496120.5122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476340224 nr_ops:2418301\ntimestamp_ms:1652993497121.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521852928 nr_ops:2462747\ntimestamp_ms:1652993498122.7029 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2567435264 nr_ops:2507261\ntimestamp_ms:1652993499122.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2612964352 nr_ops:2551723\ntimestamp_ms:1652993500123.9490 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658874368 nr_ops:2596557\ntimestamp_ms:1652993501125.0483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2704864256 nr_ops:2641469\ntimestamp_ms:1652993502126.1440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750479360 nr_ops:2686015\ntimestamp_ms:1652993503127.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2801101824 nr_ops:2735451\ntimestamp_ms:1652993504128.3433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2852932608 nr_ops:2786067\ntimestamp_ms:1652993505129.4390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2905218048 nr_ops:2837127\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139814585386752\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.7722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2957861888 nr_ops:2888537\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.8721 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.8831 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506431.1069 name:Total nr_bytes:2957861888 nr_ops:2888538\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.9958 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5915723774 nr_ops:5777076\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.9966 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2957861888 nr_ops:2888540\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 260.43us 0.00ns 260.43us 260.43us \nTxn1 1444269 41.56us 0.00ns 978.63us 18.43us \nTxn2 1 35.73us 0.00ns 35.73us 35.73us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 260.05us 0.00ns 260.05us 260.05us \nwrite 1444269 2.41us 0.00ns 243.18us 2.10us \nread 1444268 39.07us 0.00ns 975.84us 1.10us \ndisconnect 1 35.26us 0.00ns 35.26us 35.26us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 23158 23158 201.93Mb/s 201.93Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.96b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.134 62.37s 2.75GB 379.41Mb/s 2888539 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.75GB 379.42Mb/s 2888540 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416505, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993445065.5247 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993446066.6411 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993446066.7300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993447067.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:51645440 nr_ops:50435\ntimestamp_ms:1652993448068.9329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:102855680 nr_ops:100445\ntimestamp_ms:1652993449070.0559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155485184 nr_ops:151841\ntimestamp_ms:1652993450071.1462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:207412224 nr_ops:202551\ntimestamp_ms:1652993451072.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259415040 nr_ops:253335\ntimestamp_ms:1652993452073.4072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:310750208 nr_ops:303467\ntimestamp_ms:1652993453074.4998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:359441408 nr_ops:351017\ntimestamp_ms:1652993454075.6023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:410756096 nr_ops:401129\ntimestamp_ms:1652993455076.7114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:461839360 nr_ops:451015\ntimestamp_ms:1652993456077.8142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:512855040 nr_ops:500835\ntimestamp_ms:1652993457078.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564665344 nr_ops:551431\ntimestamp_ms:1652993458080.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617591808 nr_ops:603117\ntimestamp_ms:1652993459081.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:668044288 nr_ops:652387\ntimestamp_ms:1652993460081.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:719461376 nr_ops:702599\ntimestamp_ms:1652993461082.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771105792 nr_ops:753033\ntimestamp_ms:1652993462084.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820999168 nr_ops:801757\ntimestamp_ms:1652993463085.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:866522112 nr_ops:846213\ntimestamp_ms:1652993464086.2183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:914520064 nr_ops:893086\ntimestamp_ms:1652993465087.3179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:964875264 nr_ops:942261\ntimestamp_ms:1652993466088.4124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1016992768 nr_ops:993157\ntimestamp_ms:1652993467089.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069841408 nr_ops:1044767\ntimestamp_ms:1652993468090.6116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1116720128 nr_ops:1090547\ntimestamp_ms:1652993469091.6479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1162040320 nr_ops:1134805\ntimestamp_ms:1652993470092.7393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1207327744 nr_ops:1179031\ntimestamp_ms:1652993471093.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1252750336 nr_ops:1223389\ntimestamp_ms:1652993472094.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1298021376 nr_ops:1267599\ntimestamp_ms:1652993473096.0437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343327232 nr_ops:1311843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993474097.1389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1391234048 nr_ops:1358627\ntimestamp_ms:1652993475098.2341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440422912 nr_ops:1406663\ntimestamp_ms:1652993476099.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1492759552 nr_ops:1457773\ntimestamp_ms:1652993477100.4238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1544881152 nr_ops:1508673\ntimestamp_ms:1652993478101.5208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597178880 nr_ops:1559745\ntimestamp_ms:1652993479102.5596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649498112 nr_ops:1610838\ntimestamp_ms:1652993480103.6521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1700803584 nr_ops:1660941\ntimestamp_ms:1652993481103.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1752169472 nr_ops:1711103\ntimestamp_ms:1652993482105.0874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803783168 nr_ops:1761507\ntimestamp_ms:1652993483106.2004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1855210496 nr_ops:1811729\ntimestamp_ms:1652993484107.2930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906842624 nr_ops:1862151\ntimestamp_ms:1652993485108.3850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1958253568 nr_ops:1912357\ntimestamp_ms:1652993486109.4775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2010792960 nr_ops:1963665\ntimestamp_ms:1652993487110.5762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062509056 nr_ops:2014169\ntimestamp_ms:1652993488111.6677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2112160768 nr_ops:2062657\ntimestamp_ms:1652993489112.7625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157447168 nr_ops:2106882\ntimestamp_ms:1652993490113.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2202973184 nr_ops:2151341\ntimestamp_ms:1652993491115.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2248711168 nr_ops:2196007\ntimestamp_ms:1652993492116.1362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294504448 nr_ops:2240727\ntimestamp_ms:1652993493117.2322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2339859456 nr_ops:2285019\ntimestamp_ms:1652993494118.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385232896 nr_ops:2329329\ntimestamp_ms:1652993495119.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430905344 nr_ops:2373931\ntimestamp_ms:1652993496120.5122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476340224 nr_ops:2418301\ntimestamp_ms:1652993497121.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521852928 nr_ops:2462747\ntimestamp_ms:1652993498122.7029 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2567435264 nr_ops:2507261\ntimestamp_ms:1652993499122.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2612964352 nr_ops:2551723\ntimestamp_ms:1652993500123.9490 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658874368 nr_ops:2596557\ntimestamp_ms:1652993501125.0483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2704864256 nr_ops:2641469\ntimestamp_ms:1652993502126.1440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750479360 nr_ops:2686015\ntimestamp_ms:1652993503127.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2801101824 nr_ops:2735451\ntimestamp_ms:1652993504128.3433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2852932608 nr_ops:2786067\ntimestamp_ms:1652993505129.4390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2905218048 nr_ops:2837127\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139814585386752\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.7722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2957861888 nr_ops:2888537\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.8721 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.8831 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506431.1069 name:Total nr_bytes:2957861888 nr_ops:2888538\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.9958 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5915723774 nr_ops:5777076\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.9966 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2957861888 nr_ops:2888540\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 260.43us 0.00ns 260.43us 260.43us \nTxn1 1444269 41.56us 0.00ns 978.63us 18.43us \nTxn2 1 35.73us 0.00ns 35.73us 35.73us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 260.05us 0.00ns 260.05us 260.05us \nwrite 1444269 2.41us 0.00ns 243.18us 2.10us \nread 1444268 39.07us 0.00ns 975.84us 1.10us \ndisconnect 1 35.26us 0.00ns 35.26us 35.26us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 23158 23158 201.93Mb/s 201.93Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.96b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.134 62.37s 2.75GB 379.41Mb/s 2888539 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.75GB 379.42Mb/s 2888540 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416505, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993445065.5247 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993446066.6411 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993446066.7300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993447067.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:51645440 nr_ops:50435\ntimestamp_ms:1652993448068.9329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:102855680 nr_ops:100445\ntimestamp_ms:1652993449070.0559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155485184 nr_ops:151841\ntimestamp_ms:1652993450071.1462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:207412224 nr_ops:202551\ntimestamp_ms:1652993451072.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259415040 nr_ops:253335\ntimestamp_ms:1652993452073.4072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:310750208 nr_ops:303467\ntimestamp_ms:1652993453074.4998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:359441408 nr_ops:351017\ntimestamp_ms:1652993454075.6023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:410756096 nr_ops:401129\ntimestamp_ms:1652993455076.7114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:461839360 nr_ops:451015\ntimestamp_ms:1652993456077.8142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:512855040 nr_ops:500835\ntimestamp_ms:1652993457078.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564665344 nr_ops:551431\ntimestamp_ms:1652993458080.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617591808 nr_ops:603117\ntimestamp_ms:1652993459081.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:668044288 nr_ops:652387\ntimestamp_ms:1652993460081.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:719461376 nr_ops:702599\ntimestamp_ms:1652993461082.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771105792 nr_ops:753033\ntimestamp_ms:1652993462084.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820999168 nr_ops:801757\ntimestamp_ms:1652993463085.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:866522112 nr_ops:846213\ntimestamp_ms:1652993464086.2183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:914520064 nr_ops:893086\ntimestamp_ms:1652993465087.3179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:964875264 nr_ops:942261\ntimestamp_ms:1652993466088.4124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1016992768 nr_ops:993157\ntimestamp_ms:1652993467089.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069841408 nr_ops:1044767\ntimestamp_ms:1652993468090.6116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1116720128 nr_ops:1090547\ntimestamp_ms:1652993469091.6479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1162040320 nr_ops:1134805\ntimestamp_ms:1652993470092.7393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1207327744 nr_ops:1179031\ntimestamp_ms:1652993471093.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1252750336 nr_ops:1223389\ntimestamp_ms:1652993472094.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1298021376 nr_ops:1267599\ntimestamp_ms:1652993473096.0437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343327232 nr_ops:1311843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993474097.1389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1391234048 nr_ops:1358627\ntimestamp_ms:1652993475098.2341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440422912 nr_ops:1406663\ntimestamp_ms:1652993476099.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1492759552 nr_ops:1457773\ntimestamp_ms:1652993477100.4238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1544881152 nr_ops:1508673\ntimestamp_ms:1652993478101.5208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597178880 nr_ops:1559745\ntimestamp_ms:1652993479102.5596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649498112 nr_ops:1610838\ntimestamp_ms:1652993480103.6521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1700803584 nr_ops:1660941\ntimestamp_ms:1652993481103.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1752169472 nr_ops:1711103\ntimestamp_ms:1652993482105.0874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803783168 nr_ops:1761507\ntimestamp_ms:1652993483106.2004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1855210496 nr_ops:1811729\ntimestamp_ms:1652993484107.2930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906842624 nr_ops:1862151\ntimestamp_ms:1652993485108.3850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1958253568 nr_ops:1912357\ntimestamp_ms:1652993486109.4775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2010792960 nr_ops:1963665\ntimestamp_ms:1652993487110.5762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062509056 nr_ops:2014169\ntimestamp_ms:1652993488111.6677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2112160768 nr_ops:2062657\ntimestamp_ms:1652993489112.7625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157447168 nr_ops:2106882\ntimestamp_ms:1652993490113.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2202973184 nr_ops:2151341\ntimestamp_ms:1652993491115.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2248711168 nr_ops:2196007\ntimestamp_ms:1652993492116.1362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294504448 nr_ops:2240727\ntimestamp_ms:1652993493117.2322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2339859456 nr_ops:2285019\ntimestamp_ms:1652993494118.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385232896 nr_ops:2329329\ntimestamp_ms:1652993495119.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430905344 nr_ops:2373931\ntimestamp_ms:1652993496120.5122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476340224 nr_ops:2418301\ntimestamp_ms:1652993497121.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521852928 nr_ops:2462747\ntimestamp_ms:1652993498122.7029 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2567435264 nr_ops:2507261\ntimestamp_ms:1652993499122.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2612964352 nr_ops:2551723\ntimestamp_ms:1652993500123.9490 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658874368 nr_ops:2596557\ntimestamp_ms:1652993501125.0483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2704864256 nr_ops:2641469\ntimestamp_ms:1652993502126.1440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750479360 nr_ops:2686015\ntimestamp_ms:1652993503127.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2801101824 nr_ops:2735451\ntimestamp_ms:1652993504128.3433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2852932608 nr_ops:2786067\ntimestamp_ms:1652993505129.4390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2905218048 nr_ops:2837127\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139814585386752\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.7722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2957861888 nr_ops:2888537\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.8721 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.8831 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506431.1069 name:Total nr_bytes:2957861888 nr_ops:2888538\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.9958 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5915723774 nr_ops:5777076\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993506330.9966 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2957861888 nr_ops:2888540\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 260.43us 0.00ns 260.43us 260.43us \nTxn1 1444269 41.56us 0.00ns 978.63us 18.43us \nTxn2 1 35.73us 0.00ns 35.73us 35.73us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 260.05us 0.00ns 260.05us 260.05us \nwrite 1444269 2.41us 0.00ns 243.18us 2.10us \nread 1444268 39.07us 0.00ns 975.84us 1.10us \ndisconnect 1 35.26us 0.00ns 35.26us 35.26us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 23158 23158 201.93Mb/s 201.93Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.96b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.134 62.37s 2.75GB 379.41Mb/s 2888539 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.75GB 379.42Mb/s 2888540 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416505, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993445065.5247 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993446066.6411 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993446066.7300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993447067.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:51645440 nr_ops:50435
+timestamp_ms:1652993448068.9329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:102855680 nr_ops:100445
+timestamp_ms:1652993449070.0559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155485184 nr_ops:151841
+timestamp_ms:1652993450071.1462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:207412224 nr_ops:202551
+timestamp_ms:1652993451072.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259415040 nr_ops:253335
+timestamp_ms:1652993452073.4072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:310750208 nr_ops:303467
+timestamp_ms:1652993453074.4998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:359441408 nr_ops:351017
+timestamp_ms:1652993454075.6023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:410756096 nr_ops:401129
+timestamp_ms:1652993455076.7114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:461839360 nr_ops:451015
+timestamp_ms:1652993456077.8142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:512855040 nr_ops:500835
+timestamp_ms:1652993457078.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564665344 nr_ops:551431
+timestamp_ms:1652993458080.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617591808 nr_ops:603117
+timestamp_ms:1652993459081.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:668044288 nr_ops:652387
+timestamp_ms:1652993460081.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:719461376 nr_ops:702599
+timestamp_ms:1652993461082.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771105792 nr_ops:753033
+timestamp_ms:1652993462084.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820999168 nr_ops:801757
+timestamp_ms:1652993463085.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:866522112 nr_ops:846213
+timestamp_ms:1652993464086.2183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:914520064 nr_ops:893086
+timestamp_ms:1652993465087.3179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:964875264 nr_ops:942261
+timestamp_ms:1652993466088.4124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1016992768 nr_ops:993157
+timestamp_ms:1652993467089.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069841408 nr_ops:1044767
+timestamp_ms:1652993468090.6116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1116720128 nr_ops:1090547
+timestamp_ms:1652993469091.6479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1162040320 nr_ops:1134805
+timestamp_ms:1652993470092.7393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1207327744 nr_ops:1179031
+timestamp_ms:1652993471093.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1252750336 nr_ops:1223389
+timestamp_ms:1652993472094.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1298021376 nr_ops:1267599
+timestamp_ms:1652993473096.0437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343327232 nr_ops:1311843
+timestamp_ms:1652993474097.1389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1391234048 nr_ops:1358627
+timestamp_ms:1652993475098.2341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440422912 nr_ops:1406663
+timestamp_ms:1652993476099.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1492759552 nr_ops:1457773
+timestamp_ms:1652993477100.4238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1544881152 nr_ops:1508673
+timestamp_ms:1652993478101.5208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597178880 nr_ops:1559745
+timestamp_ms:1652993479102.5596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649498112 nr_ops:1610838
+timestamp_ms:1652993480103.6521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1700803584 nr_ops:1660941
+timestamp_ms:1652993481103.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1752169472 nr_ops:1711103
+timestamp_ms:1652993482105.0874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803783168 nr_ops:1761507
+timestamp_ms:1652993483106.2004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1855210496 nr_ops:1811729
+timestamp_ms:1652993484107.2930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906842624 nr_ops:1862151
+timestamp_ms:1652993485108.3850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1958253568 nr_ops:1912357
+timestamp_ms:1652993486109.4775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2010792960 nr_ops:1963665
+timestamp_ms:1652993487110.5762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062509056 nr_ops:2014169
+timestamp_ms:1652993488111.6677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2112160768 nr_ops:2062657
+timestamp_ms:1652993489112.7625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157447168 nr_ops:2106882
+timestamp_ms:1652993490113.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2202973184 nr_ops:2151341
+timestamp_ms:1652993491115.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2248711168 nr_ops:2196007
+timestamp_ms:1652993492116.1362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294504448 nr_ops:2240727
+timestamp_ms:1652993493117.2322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2339859456 nr_ops:2285019
+timestamp_ms:1652993494118.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385232896 nr_ops:2329329
+timestamp_ms:1652993495119.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430905344 nr_ops:2373931
+timestamp_ms:1652993496120.5122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476340224 nr_ops:2418301
+timestamp_ms:1652993497121.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521852928 nr_ops:2462747
+timestamp_ms:1652993498122.7029 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2567435264 nr_ops:2507261
+timestamp_ms:1652993499122.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2612964352 nr_ops:2551723
+timestamp_ms:1652993500123.9490 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658874368 nr_ops:2596557
+timestamp_ms:1652993501125.0483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2704864256 nr_ops:2641469
+timestamp_ms:1652993502126.1440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750479360 nr_ops:2686015
+timestamp_ms:1652993503127.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2801101824 nr_ops:2735451
+timestamp_ms:1652993504128.3433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2852932608 nr_ops:2786067
+timestamp_ms:1652993505129.4390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2905218048 nr_ops:2837127
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139814585386752
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652993506330.7722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2957861888 nr_ops:2888537
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993506330.8721 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993506330.8831 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993506431.1069 name:Total nr_bytes:2957861888 nr_ops:2888538
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993506330.9958 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5915723774 nr_ops:5777076
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993506330.9966 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2957861888 nr_ops:2888540
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 260.43us 0.00ns 260.43us 260.43us
+Txn1 1444269 41.56us 0.00ns 978.63us 18.43us
+Txn2 1 35.73us 0.00ns 35.73us 35.73us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 260.05us 0.00ns 260.05us 260.05us
+write 1444269 2.41us 0.00ns 243.18us 2.10us
+read 1444268 39.07us 0.00ns 975.84us 1.10us
+disconnect 1 35.26us 0.00ns 35.26us 35.26us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 23158 23158 201.93Mb/s 201.93Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.96b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.134 62.37s 2.75GB 379.41Mb/s 2888539 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.75GB 379.42Mb/s 2888540 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:47.067000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:47.067000', 'bytes': 51645440, 'norm_byte': 51645440, 'ops': 50435, 'norm_ops': 50435, 'norm_ltcy': 19.849472673676512, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:47.067000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:47.067000",
+ "bytes": 51645440,
+ "norm_byte": 51645440,
+ "ops": 50435,
+ "norm_ops": 50435,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.849472673676512,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cbb2a8f4c26da374c2c0d7f042f6f3ec807a3a78e2bef6e3b90afd410acbbb27",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:48.068000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:48.068000', 'bytes': 102855680, 'norm_byte': 51210240, 'ops': 100445, 'norm_ops': 50010, 'norm_ltcy': 20.01789095305939, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:48.068000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:48.068000",
+ "bytes": 102855680,
+ "norm_byte": 51210240,
+ "ops": 100445,
+ "norm_ops": 50010,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.01789095305939,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f7d87e133a842a97ff2dab7d33998c68ad96a5e3187fed29334873e35aefd1a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:49.070000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:49.070000', 'bytes': 155485184, 'norm_byte': 52629504, 'ops': 151841, 'norm_ops': 51396, 'norm_ltcy': 19.478617925033078, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:49.070000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:49.070000",
+ "bytes": 155485184,
+ "norm_byte": 52629504,
+ "ops": 151841,
+ "norm_ops": 51396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.478617925033078,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43b5056ce43e2c7bacd0d21956897939658f35e63f4ac1f994d87e1f831553e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:50.071000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:50.071000', 'bytes': 207412224, 'norm_byte': 51927040, 'ops': 202551, 'norm_ops': 50710, 'norm_ltcy': 19.74147765788306, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:50.071000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:50.071000",
+ "bytes": 207412224,
+ "norm_byte": 51927040,
+ "ops": 202551,
+ "norm_ops": 50710,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.74147765788306,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d7f051ffb3bf9cf13c95a102885632f1b850ddfdf60273508b0380edca4704e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:51.072000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:51.072000', 'bytes': 259415040, 'norm_byte': 52002816, 'ops': 253335, 'norm_ops': 50784, 'norm_ltcy': 19.713461286404183, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:51.072000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:51.072000",
+ "bytes": 259415040,
+ "norm_byte": 52002816,
+ "ops": 253335,
+ "norm_ops": 50784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.713461286404183,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6bbdab92c350c14e5225a78a25a715e02d99e08bc419605cf1becd67c88c74c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:52.073000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:52.073000', 'bytes': 310750208, 'norm_byte': 51335168, 'ops': 303467, 'norm_ops': 50132, 'norm_ltcy': 19.96993075000748, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:52.073000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:52.073000",
+ "bytes": 310750208,
+ "norm_byte": 51335168,
+ "ops": 303467,
+ "norm_ops": 50132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.96993075000748,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35d53941faf93a640dd84bca7a936b499c2183ae45fab7228894db034df7308a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:53.074000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:53.074000', 'bytes': 359441408, 'norm_byte': 48691200, 'ops': 351017, 'norm_ops': 47550, 'norm_ltcy': 21.053470647673503, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:53.074000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:53.074000",
+ "bytes": 359441408,
+ "norm_byte": 48691200,
+ "ops": 351017,
+ "norm_ops": 47550,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.053470647673503,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64b54e98b46c376953d609da9391b56bd78430c597fe5e7f9e0f6f0b6e7c0656",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:54.075000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:54.075000', 'bytes': 410756096, 'norm_byte': 51314688, 'ops': 401129, 'norm_ops': 50112, 'norm_ltcy': 19.977301625608636, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:54.075000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:54.075000",
+ "bytes": 410756096,
+ "norm_byte": 51314688,
+ "ops": 401129,
+ "norm_ops": 50112,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.977301625608636,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d15ccfd025f3ed45764909e30a2718d9a06c1d1d3a353a9f06023ae34dd89aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:55.076000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:55.076000', 'bytes': 461839360, 'norm_byte': 51083264, 'ops': 451015, 'norm_ops': 49886, 'norm_ltcy': 20.067937514721066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:55.076000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:55.076000",
+ "bytes": 461839360,
+ "norm_byte": 51083264,
+ "ops": 451015,
+ "norm_ops": 49886,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.067937514721066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e73f5280b258c3c2176e54f447ff0c51e51266d89ecbd5e870b2a3acb8e9ab87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:56.077000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:56.077000', 'bytes': 512855040, 'norm_byte': 51015680, 'ops': 500835, 'norm_ops': 49820, 'norm_ltcy': 20.094395487818648, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:56.077000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:56.077000",
+ "bytes": 512855040,
+ "norm_byte": 51015680,
+ "ops": 500835,
+ "norm_ops": 49820,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.094395487818648,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "574601c68bab3acbc5278b3af3706def8d9dd67bc9048c1ce047ce9722d7b705",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:57.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:57.078000', 'bytes': 564665344, 'norm_byte': 51810304, 'ops': 551431, 'norm_ops': 50596, 'norm_ltcy': 19.78628131577842, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:57.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:57.078000",
+ "bytes": 564665344,
+ "norm_byte": 51810304,
+ "ops": 551431,
+ "norm_ops": 50596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.78628131577842,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a42ec14999e4fa9e58dc1bab2c90198b6a92cffe35c685a1b6a974ac1222cf73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:58.080000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:58.080000', 'bytes': 617591808, 'norm_byte': 52926464, 'ops': 603117, 'norm_ops': 51686, 'norm_ltcy': 19.368906828916437, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:58.080000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:58.080000",
+ "bytes": 617591808,
+ "norm_byte": 52926464,
+ "ops": 603117,
+ "norm_ops": 51686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.368906828916437,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "acf069d3eb6f9ceb9367babc27f9569d87b0150d59d6c0e99dd2dc73fb2b2c63",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:50:59.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:50:59.081000', 'bytes': 668044288, 'norm_byte': 50452480, 'ops': 652387, 'norm_ops': 49270, 'norm_ltcy': 20.31871872304394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:50:59.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:50:59.081000",
+ "bytes": 668044288,
+ "norm_byte": 50452480,
+ "ops": 652387,
+ "norm_ops": 49270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.31871872304394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91bf47ed1d02959e83398d7d2d57a7ec2bb8441fc2114269f49aad15c66f9dcc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:00.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:00.081000', 'bytes': 719461376, 'norm_byte': 51417088, 'ops': 702599, 'norm_ops': 50212, 'norm_ltcy': 19.92976051074693, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:00.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:00.081000",
+ "bytes": 719461376,
+ "norm_byte": 51417088,
+ "ops": 702599,
+ "norm_ops": 50212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.92976051074693,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0cdc25e0efc43656679c3d4ce34d1bf294af263bd5c5d246036f25b232c32b5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:01.082000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:01.082000', 'bytes': 771105792, 'norm_byte': 51644416, 'ops': 753033, 'norm_ops': 50434, 'norm_ltcy': 19.849512868922748, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:01.082000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:01.082000",
+ "bytes": 771105792,
+ "norm_byte": 51644416,
+ "ops": 753033,
+ "norm_ops": 50434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.849512868922748,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f4ea7841478b26060ebe67dd9d4ed506af13f12fee2a9a6b71c95c68d163eccc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:02.084000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:02.084000', 'bytes': 820999168, 'norm_byte': 49893376, 'ops': 801757, 'norm_ops': 48724, 'norm_ltcy': 20.546204369894713, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:02.084000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:02.084000",
+ "bytes": 820999168,
+ "norm_byte": 49893376,
+ "ops": 801757,
+ "norm_ops": 48724,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.546204369894713,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5097c2e28965e755513e63b5db6b0df3de9d3adc665c9d79ed1e86a91ad541cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:03.085000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:03.085000', 'bytes': 866522112, 'norm_byte': 45522944, 'ops': 846213, 'norm_ops': 44456, 'norm_ltcy': 22.518869825290736, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:03.085000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:03.085000",
+ "bytes": 866522112,
+ "norm_byte": 45522944,
+ "ops": 846213,
+ "norm_ops": 44456,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.518869825290736,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "859bd918371468e517d1cd422e5b0c2ac2ec60e57308b495bb393d4ea36014b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:04.086000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:04.086000', 'bytes': 914520064, 'norm_byte': 47997952, 'ops': 893086, 'norm_ops': 46873, 'norm_ltcy': 21.35765084310264, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:04.086000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:04.086000",
+ "bytes": 914520064,
+ "norm_byte": 47997952,
+ "ops": 893086,
+ "norm_ops": 46873,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.35765084310264,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db8c8252db9632416968b623bffce29555783ce7c251c682dd2bfb2ba616dd67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:05.087000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:05.087000', 'bytes': 964875264, 'norm_byte': 50355200, 'ops': 942261, 'norm_ops': 49175, 'norm_ltcy': 20.35789749618709, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:05.087000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:05.087000",
+ "bytes": 964875264,
+ "norm_byte": 50355200,
+ "ops": 942261,
+ "norm_ops": 49175,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.35789749618709,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db1508ca6f7ef3f6f235374ca411f097056db28410ce0213d25ad3ed32313453",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:06.088000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:06.088000', 'bytes': 1016992768, 'norm_byte': 52117504, 'ops': 993157, 'norm_ops': 50896, 'norm_ltcy': 19.66941375396642, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:06.088000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:06.088000",
+ "bytes": 1016992768,
+ "norm_byte": 52117504,
+ "ops": 993157,
+ "norm_ops": 50896,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.66941375396642,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6a0f0c6d525f4981a86db28c41b3d2c7cf18a400db7e274d237c0921d44128d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:07.089000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:07.089000', 'bytes': 1069841408, 'norm_byte': 52848640, 'ops': 1044767, 'norm_ops': 51610, 'norm_ltcy': 19.397258850937316, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:07.089000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:07.089000",
+ "bytes": 1069841408,
+ "norm_byte": 52848640,
+ "ops": 1044767,
+ "norm_ops": 51610,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.397258850937316,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70a8da96b121886db85e7c39bd52f44b6417fbd368e9ab70320af15a84f8367e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:08.090000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:08.090000', 'bytes': 1116720128, 'norm_byte': 46878720, 'ops': 1090547, 'norm_ops': 45780, 'norm_ltcy': 21.86777390679609, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:08.090000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:08.090000",
+ "bytes": 1116720128,
+ "norm_byte": 46878720,
+ "ops": 1090547,
+ "norm_ops": 45780,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.86777390679609,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b9e5e932607c4fc3f619efed4863fb8126d6db6807756b38cb8dc61e9276cca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:09.091000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:09.091000', 'bytes': 1162040320, 'norm_byte': 45320192, 'ops': 1134805, 'norm_ops': 44258, 'norm_ltcy': 22.618201838156377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:09.091000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:09.091000",
+ "bytes": 1162040320,
+ "norm_byte": 45320192,
+ "ops": 1134805,
+ "norm_ops": 44258,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.618201838156377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ad8b3aa4025ee662d16864347c573ce5c2a469c84deb29b0da33b55f6977277",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:10.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:10.092000', 'bytes': 1207327744, 'norm_byte': 45287424, 'ops': 1179031, 'norm_ops': 44226, 'norm_ltcy': 22.63580944679035, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:10.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:10.092000",
+ "bytes": 1207327744,
+ "norm_byte": 45287424,
+ "ops": 1179031,
+ "norm_ops": 44226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.63580944679035,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d8d9db85ea032ab837bd47236c32a058fbcab708106fc425687082dd17e6345e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:11.093000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:11.093000', 'bytes': 1252750336, 'norm_byte': 45422592, 'ops': 1223389, 'norm_ops': 44358, 'norm_ltcy': 22.568725272216962, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:11.093000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:11.093000",
+ "bytes": 1252750336,
+ "norm_byte": 45422592,
+ "ops": 1223389,
+ "norm_ops": 44358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.568725272216962,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5107f431cf88ec295814241eb93a88c47f33b4a68f47264b9603038b75a8c75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:12.094000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:12.094000', 'bytes': 1298021376, 'norm_byte': 45271040, 'ops': 1267599, 'norm_ops': 44210, 'norm_ltcy': 22.644283188546144, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:12.094000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:12.094000",
+ "bytes": 1298021376,
+ "norm_byte": 45271040,
+ "ops": 1267599,
+ "norm_ops": 44210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.644283188546144,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a57380c9f4f7d4493441ce73b666f61a1da5bcb40710285e3e21af948abe1594",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:13.096000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:13.096000', 'bytes': 1343327232, 'norm_byte': 45305856, 'ops': 1311843, 'norm_ops': 44244, 'norm_ltcy': 22.62673284442523, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:13.096000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:13.096000",
+ "bytes": 1343327232,
+ "norm_byte": 45305856,
+ "ops": 1311843,
+ "norm_ops": 44244,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.62673284442523,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "455341d698a5467d428ac18248bb9931d0b7c69613e20b21283489845a29748f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:14.097000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:14.097000', 'bytes': 1391234048, 'norm_byte': 47906816, 'ops': 1358627, 'norm_ops': 46784, 'norm_ltcy': 21.398239031372903, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:14.097000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:14.097000",
+ "bytes": 1391234048,
+ "norm_byte": 47906816,
+ "ops": 1358627,
+ "norm_ops": 46784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.398239031372903,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5a40ad037261864ef475edf609eef189312e041994c0fde2336cdb95a901189",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:15.098000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:15.098000', 'bytes': 1440422912, 'norm_byte': 49188864, 'ops': 1406663, 'norm_ops': 48036, 'norm_ltcy': 20.840519919305315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:15.098000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:15.098000",
+ "bytes": 1440422912,
+ "norm_byte": 49188864,
+ "ops": 1406663,
+ "norm_ops": 48036,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.840519919305315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "63f93d09452cb0af318ea757bb70f1a1e5549b091f4febdb57195ccc3db9bfe9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:16.099000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:16.099000', 'bytes': 1492759552, 'norm_byte': 52336640, 'ops': 1457773, 'norm_ops': 51110, 'norm_ltcy': 19.587009215723437, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:16.099000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:16.099000",
+ "bytes": 1492759552,
+ "norm_byte": 52336640,
+ "ops": 1457773,
+ "norm_ops": 51110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.587009215723437,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77a7d854f32783ca8b4df8a032129ecadb936713729edb501c6d5f99c4fa62e5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:17.100000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:17.100000', 'bytes': 1544881152, 'norm_byte': 52121600, 'ops': 1508673, 'norm_ops': 50900, 'norm_ltcy': 19.667930378192533, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:17.100000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:17.100000",
+ "bytes": 1544881152,
+ "norm_byte": 52121600,
+ "ops": 1508673,
+ "norm_ops": 50900,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.667930378192533,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "961dbe4014f29d2cf801577a812423b11a0f85a599adfe37a4f9682ec1e772ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:18.101000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:18.101000', 'bytes': 1597178880, 'norm_byte': 52297728, 'ops': 1559745, 'norm_ops': 51072, 'norm_ltcy': 19.601678489742422, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:18.101000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:18.101000",
+ "bytes": 1597178880,
+ "norm_byte": 52297728,
+ "ops": 1559745,
+ "norm_ops": 51072,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.601678489742422,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ede018efbe57113bdfd1655929a7f7d950c04f86f22d203c55505470d73ecde",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:19.102000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:19.102000', 'bytes': 1649498112, 'norm_byte': 52319232, 'ops': 1610838, 'norm_ops': 51093, 'norm_ltcy': 19.592484652679918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:19.102000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:19.102000",
+ "bytes": 1649498112,
+ "norm_byte": 52319232,
+ "ops": 1610838,
+ "norm_ops": 51093,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.592484652679918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc489540f9951c896ea78d24158df4ca75b9239f66dd7015ac17b2d3c5988d5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:20.103000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:20.103000', 'bytes': 1700803584, 'norm_byte': 51305472, 'ops': 1660941, 'norm_ops': 50103, 'norm_ltcy': 19.980690363788096, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:20.103000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:20.103000",
+ "bytes": 1700803584,
+ "norm_byte": 51305472,
+ "ops": 1660941,
+ "norm_ops": 50103,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.980690363788096,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a3643cf1c9b8e87c527aa1fc17c0167a5ade177873791fd3864641535bc5499e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:21.103000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:21.103000', 'bytes': 1752169472, 'norm_byte': 51365888, 'ops': 1711103, 'norm_ops': 50162, 'norm_ltcy': 19.94193111194729, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:21.103000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:21.103000",
+ "bytes": 1752169472,
+ "norm_byte": 51365888,
+ "ops": 1711103,
+ "norm_ops": 50162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.94193111194729,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd9258c7a1bbb6124632a28361d9633c17c9e8a89ba04165bcc84e3aaf9c841c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:22.105000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:22.105000', 'bytes': 1803783168, 'norm_byte': 51613696, 'ops': 1761507, 'norm_ops': 50404, 'norm_ltcy': 19.86168070583436, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:22.105000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:22.105000",
+ "bytes": 1803783168,
+ "norm_byte": 51613696,
+ "ops": 1761507,
+ "norm_ops": 50404,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.86168070583436,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f4bf886395dd055189b3103bc08e45db85d7e98e565d48cc5f51f5155e7b4dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:23.106000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:23.106000', 'bytes': 1855210496, 'norm_byte': 51427328, 'ops': 1811729, 'norm_ops': 50222, 'norm_ltcy': 19.933754870562204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:23.106000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:23.106000",
+ "bytes": 1855210496,
+ "norm_byte": 51427328,
+ "ops": 1811729,
+ "norm_ops": 50222,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.933754870562204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab01bb9e94bc13be6b625d5c9521be50d227ecb4f846595a3f5465432baf7750",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:24.107000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:24.107000', 'bytes': 1906842624, 'norm_byte': 51632128, 'ops': 1862151, 'norm_ops': 50422, 'norm_ltcy': 19.854280458864682, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:24.107000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:24.107000",
+ "bytes": 1906842624,
+ "norm_byte": 51632128,
+ "ops": 1862151,
+ "norm_ops": 50422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.854280458864682,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "61bece5b496435b6570bb3b372d0552e89ee4e612d4a685f375105c20ef98fae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:25.108000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:25.108000', 'bytes': 1958253568, 'norm_byte': 51410944, 'ops': 1912357, 'norm_ops': 50206, 'norm_ltcy': 19.93968930039487, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:25.108000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:25.108000",
+ "bytes": 1958253568,
+ "norm_byte": 51410944,
+ "ops": 1912357,
+ "norm_ops": 50206,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.93968930039487,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13efdc660590400e20215f821fa2260099e2258657c3c9cc318cf0cdbd38e6eb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:26.109000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:26.109000', 'bytes': 2010792960, 'norm_byte': 52539392, 'ops': 1963665, 'norm_ops': 51308, 'norm_ltcy': 19.511431536931372, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:26.109000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:26.109000",
+ "bytes": 2010792960,
+ "norm_byte": 52539392,
+ "ops": 1963665,
+ "norm_ops": 51308,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.511431536931372,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c0bbb91f85c2f29780441733b4ca90e7a7efb5e01d290a974c6e96b4d726c48",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:27.110000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:27.110000', 'bytes': 2062509056, 'norm_byte': 51716096, 'ops': 2014169, 'norm_ops': 50504, 'norm_ltcy': 19.8221652307243, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:27.110000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:27.110000",
+ "bytes": 2062509056,
+ "norm_byte": 51716096,
+ "ops": 2014169,
+ "norm_ops": 50504,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.8221652307243,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a15c09d502c3f6b4cafc4eb440f8f9aaed25944007f5db2c2473a60bc39bd961",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:28.111000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:28.111000', 'bytes': 2112160768, 'norm_byte': 49651712, 'ops': 2062657, 'norm_ops': 48488, 'norm_ltcy': 20.646171274013675, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:28.111000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:28.111000",
+ "bytes": 2112160768,
+ "norm_byte": 49651712,
+ "ops": 2062657,
+ "norm_ops": 48488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.646171274013675,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c77d05b9373297ee0e2c387c0b326e270584679298fc7976306e71e88bd95a68",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:29.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:29.112000', 'bytes': 2157447168, 'norm_byte': 45286400, 'ops': 2106882, 'norm_ops': 44225, 'norm_ltcy': 22.63639856557377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:29.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:29.112000",
+ "bytes": 2157447168,
+ "norm_byte": 45286400,
+ "ops": 2106882,
+ "norm_ops": 44225,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.63639856557377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2362b672c3f3ea09049ecde7dc354561a1f771d1b37cf7d17cdf98b4dbe54a93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:30.113000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:30.113000', 'bytes': 2202973184, 'norm_byte': 45526016, 'ops': 2151341, 'norm_ops': 44459, 'norm_ltcy': 22.51914597578668, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:30.113000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:30.113000",
+ "bytes": 2202973184,
+ "norm_byte": 45526016,
+ "ops": 2151341,
+ "norm_ops": 44459,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.51914597578668,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "32e3b9b59805edf3b8a6eacbbf94b0cde1da36c3631024345722b5594912ae34",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:31.115000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:31.115000', 'bytes': 2248711168, 'norm_byte': 45737984, 'ops': 2196007, 'norm_ops': 44666, 'norm_ltcy': 22.412979548901852, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:31.115000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:31.115000",
+ "bytes": 2248711168,
+ "norm_byte": 45737984,
+ "ops": 2196007,
+ "norm_ops": 44666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.412979548901852,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b8f7afb26486bf526c90f314a36b4d8a04d775f2b708ffbe8f8766d16afed56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:32.116000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:32.116000', 'bytes': 2294504448, 'norm_byte': 45793280, 'ops': 2240727, 'norm_ops': 44720, 'norm_ltcy': 22.385888278804227, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:32.116000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:32.116000",
+ "bytes": 2294504448,
+ "norm_byte": 45793280,
+ "ops": 2240727,
+ "norm_ops": 44720,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.385888278804227,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8f17fa3aa0afa5004c35105630339fbaa24c41034539c35733d296a4c9840b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:33.117000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:33.117000', 'bytes': 2339859456, 'norm_byte': 45355008, 'ops': 2285019, 'norm_ops': 44292, 'norm_ltcy': 22.602184305644922, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:33.117000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:33.117000",
+ "bytes": 2339859456,
+ "norm_byte": 45355008,
+ "ops": 2285019,
+ "norm_ops": 44292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.602184305644922,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18fd77d881a63d6a700565366038513087d89b079a0c3ce9c3b696e3d3cf8b6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:34.118000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:34.118000', 'bytes': 2385232896, 'norm_byte': 45373440, 'ops': 2329329, 'norm_ops': 44310, 'norm_ltcy': 22.59290897935003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:34.118000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:34.118000",
+ "bytes": 2385232896,
+ "norm_byte": 45373440,
+ "ops": 2329329,
+ "norm_ops": 44310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.59290897935003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "56ff1dddbd22a40ed6cf1f1ed1824f422981bfc7b93c41b68b07612ab2a24d74",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:35.119000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:35.119000', 'bytes': 2430905344, 'norm_byte': 45672448, 'ops': 2373931, 'norm_ops': 44602, 'norm_ltcy': 22.445047175925406, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:35.119000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:35.119000",
+ "bytes": 2430905344,
+ "norm_byte": 45672448,
+ "ops": 2373931,
+ "norm_ops": 44602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.445047175925406,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81ba1014e1fb39142a92246f667bd299e77ace085812a36ce44de5f04b0795a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:36.120000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:36.120000', 'bytes': 2476340224, 'norm_byte': 45434880, 'ops': 2418301, 'norm_ops': 44370, 'norm_ltcy': 22.562412402101643, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:36.120000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:36.120000",
+ "bytes": 2476340224,
+ "norm_byte": 45434880,
+ "ops": 2418301,
+ "norm_ops": 44370,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.562412402101643,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "401d5455656805f933120bcc271e851d5b695a3b23de7834f221b92d42170740",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:37.121000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:37.121000', 'bytes': 2521852928, 'norm_byte': 45512704, 'ops': 2462747, 'norm_ops': 44446, 'norm_ltcy': 22.523848506122597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:37.121000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:37.121000",
+ "bytes": 2521852928,
+ "norm_byte": 45512704,
+ "ops": 2462747,
+ "norm_ops": 44446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.523848506122597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "12fdc654d9e334a0201dad8e01df7c2ef5e892351b1501a287527300665187d9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:38.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:38.122000', 'bytes': 2567435264, 'norm_byte': 45582336, 'ops': 2507261, 'norm_ops': 44514, 'norm_ltcy': 22.489457319607315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:38.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:38.122000",
+ "bytes": 2567435264,
+ "norm_byte": 45582336,
+ "ops": 2507261,
+ "norm_ops": 44514,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.489457319607315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "170adde350ae086a9f739305dc1df15cdd2fe43352f82daf8b6a18fb8d370233",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:39.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:39.122000', 'bytes': 2612964352, 'norm_byte': 45529088, 'ops': 2551723, 'norm_ops': 44462, 'norm_ltcy': 22.494185475448134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:39.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:39.122000",
+ "bytes": 2612964352,
+ "norm_byte": 45529088,
+ "ops": 2551723,
+ "norm_ops": 44462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.494185475448134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "31b27ee35f22698a1fd68cf889453886097ee99fc2fc7909e844ddb99e0e8aa7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:40.123000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:40.123000', 'bytes': 2658874368, 'norm_byte': 45910016, 'ops': 2596557, 'norm_ops': 44834, 'norm_ltcy': 22.329250549596846, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:40.123000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:40.123000",
+ "bytes": 2658874368,
+ "norm_byte": 45910016,
+ "ops": 2596557,
+ "norm_ops": 44834,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.329250549596846,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4cc5d2e96ac1b88b8258a679b3c9d4e5d4820c39fd4633983c659af0c7846592",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:41.125000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:41.125000', 'bytes': 2704864256, 'norm_byte': 45989888, 'ops': 2641469, 'norm_ops': 44912, 'norm_ltcy': 22.29024236806143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:41.125000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:41.125000",
+ "bytes": 2704864256,
+ "norm_byte": 45989888,
+ "ops": 2641469,
+ "norm_ops": 44912,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.29024236806143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26add9d6a8abe830e0a8486f57d467d2bc1805cc6d1166ab03e7b5e45564bc83",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:42.126000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:42.126000', 'bytes': 2750479360, 'norm_byte': 45615104, 'ops': 2686015, 'norm_ops': 44546, 'norm_ltcy': 22.47330182564091, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:42.126000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:42.126000",
+ "bytes": 2750479360,
+ "norm_byte": 45615104,
+ "ops": 2686015,
+ "norm_ops": 44546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.47330182564091,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aaf2ef3fba596a5bf22785e1b0acbaf146ee06de1b9e5a4ce2c1b65c5e28bf0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:43.127000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:43.127000', 'bytes': 2801101824, 'norm_byte': 50622464, 'ops': 2735451, 'norm_ops': 49436, 'norm_ltcy': 20.250402074462436, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:43.127000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:43.127000",
+ "bytes": 2801101824,
+ "norm_byte": 50622464,
+ "ops": 2735451,
+ "norm_ops": 49436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.250402074462436,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25a923618aa6d85db090636f01518636f54641ac931662dd05c0d794e4a92273",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:44.128000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:44.128000', 'bytes': 2852932608, 'norm_byte': 51830784, 'ops': 2786067, 'norm_ops': 50616, 'norm_ltcy': 19.778337715285186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:44.128000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:44.128000",
+ "bytes": 2852932608,
+ "norm_byte": 51830784,
+ "ops": 2786067,
+ "norm_ops": 50616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.778337715285186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "661a38c36c334cdcda268741576d7bdb05bd4cf4f3288c332b5b02f35ca13d5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:45.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:45.129000', 'bytes': 2905218048, 'norm_byte': 52285440, 'ops': 2837127, 'norm_ops': 51060, 'norm_ltcy': 19.606261322463766, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:45.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:45.129000",
+ "bytes": 2905218048,
+ "norm_byte": 52285440,
+ "ops": 2837127,
+ "norm_ops": 51060,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.606261322463766,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6976f959658204d74c347f77db62c693255531cfc5899a7ca90f6ff545dfda9a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:51:46.330000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:51:46.330000', 'bytes': 2957861888, 'norm_byte': 52643840, 'ops': 2888537, 'norm_ops': 51410, 'norm_ltcy': 23.367696011537152, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:51:46.330000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:51:46.330000",
+ "bytes": 2957861888,
+ "norm_byte": 52643840,
+ "ops": 2888537,
+ "norm_ops": 51410,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.367696011537152,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1018cc35-ca03-50fb-a319-67b2901c4aeb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5955a6eb21b850974a41739b231ec7f3bab21b664d39177a61661184eb558508",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 49297698.13333333
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 48142.28333333333
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 22.63583890272952
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:51:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-039-220519204801/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-039-220519204801/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e52af07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-039-220519204801/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-039-220519204801/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-039-220519204801/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-039-220519204801/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-039-220519204801/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-039-220519204801/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e75eec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-039-220519204801/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=15
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=160
+ net.core.busy_poll=20
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-040-220519205003/220519205003-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-040-220519205003/220519205003-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1203fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-040-220519205003/220519205003-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:52:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993566385.5742 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993567386.6917 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993567386.8132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993568387.9036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:20433920 nr_ops:19955\ntimestamp_ms:1652993569389.0708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:33938432 nr_ops:33143\ntimestamp_ms:1652993570390.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:48768000 nr_ops:47625\ntimestamp_ms:1652993571391.3005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81486848 nr_ops:79577\ntimestamp_ms:1652993572392.4351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:94782464 nr_ops:92561\ntimestamp_ms:1652993573393.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:120398848 nr_ops:117577\ntimestamp_ms:1652993574394.6311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:152054784 nr_ops:148491\ntimestamp_ms:1652993575395.7527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:162757632 nr_ops:158943\ntimestamp_ms:1652993576396.8735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176151552 nr_ops:172023\ntimestamp_ms:1652993577397.9802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199226368 nr_ops:194557\ntimestamp_ms:1652993578399.1003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221090816 nr_ops:215909\ntimestamp_ms:1652993579400.2146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:239627264 nr_ops:234011\ntimestamp_ms:1652993580400.9048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251120640 nr_ops:245235\ntimestamp_ms:1652993581402.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:274070528 nr_ops:267647\ntimestamp_ms:1652993582403.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:289932288 nr_ops:283137\ntimestamp_ms:1652993583404.1592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307657728 nr_ops:300447\ntimestamp_ms:1652993584405.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318338048 nr_ops:310877\ntimestamp_ms:1652993585406.3547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:347330560 nr_ops:339190\ntimestamp_ms:1652993586407.4456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:364286976 nr_ops:355749\ntimestamp_ms:1652993587408.5405 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382985216 nr_ops:374009\ntimestamp_ms:1652993588409.6396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397767680 nr_ops:388445\ntimestamp_ms:1652993589410.7153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:431207424 nr_ops:421101\ntimestamp_ms:1652993590410.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:453161984 nr_ops:442541\ntimestamp_ms:1652993591411.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462119936 nr_ops:451289\ntimestamp_ms:1652993592413.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:471778304 nr_ops:460721\ntimestamp_ms:1652993593414.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493878272 nr_ops:482303\ntimestamp_ms:1652993594415.3887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:514741248 nr_ops:502677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993595416.4456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:536079360 nr_ops:523515\ntimestamp_ms:1652993596417.5432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548416512 nr_ops:535563\ntimestamp_ms:1652993597418.6138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:572470272 nr_ops:559053\ntimestamp_ms:1652993598418.9788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:598400000 nr_ops:584375\ntimestamp_ms:1652993599420.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612819968 nr_ops:598457\ntimestamp_ms:1652993600421.1958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638608384 nr_ops:623641\ntimestamp_ms:1652993601422.2883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:649972736 nr_ops:634739\ntimestamp_ms:1652993602423.3862 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:662744064 nr_ops:647211\ntimestamp_ms:1652993603424.5012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:699638784 nr_ops:683241\ntimestamp_ms:1652993604425.5979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705805312 nr_ops:689263\ntimestamp_ms:1652993605426.7139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:719158272 nr_ops:702303\ntimestamp_ms:1652993606427.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:751932416 nr_ops:734309\ntimestamp_ms:1652993607428.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:768357376 nr_ops:750349\ntimestamp_ms:1652993608430.0164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:780510208 nr_ops:762217\ntimestamp_ms:1652993609431.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:814541824 nr_ops:795451\ntimestamp_ms:1652993610431.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822176768 nr_ops:802907\ntimestamp_ms:1652993611432.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:836264960 nr_ops:816665\ntimestamp_ms:1652993612434.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:851577856 nr_ops:831619\ntimestamp_ms:1652993613435.1770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:875942912 nr_ops:855413\ntimestamp_ms:1652993614436.2688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912454656 nr_ops:891069\ntimestamp_ms:1652993615436.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919909376 nr_ops:898349\ntimestamp_ms:1652993616437.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:928928768 nr_ops:907157\ntimestamp_ms:1652993617438.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:944307200 nr_ops:922175\ntimestamp_ms:1652993618439.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981627904 nr_ops:958621\ntimestamp_ms:1652993619441.0459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990206976 nr_ops:966999\ntimestamp_ms:1652993620441.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1004395520 nr_ops:980855\ntimestamp_ms:1652993621442.9351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014807552 nr_ops:991023\ntimestamp_ms:1652993622444.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1050729472 nr_ops:1026103\ntimestamp_ms:1652993623445.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1078107136 nr_ops:1052839\ntimestamp_ms:1652993624446.3604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1096254464 nr_ops:1070561\ntimestamp_ms:1652993625447.4045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1108628480 nr_ops:1082645\ntimestamp_ms:1652993626448.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125999616 nr_ops:1099609\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140310223656704\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627649.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142051840 nr_ops:1115285\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627649.9265 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627649.9363 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627750.1614 name:Total nr_bytes:1142051840 nr_ops:1115286\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627650.0540 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2284103678 nr_ops:2230572\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627650.0552 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1142051840 nr_ops:1115288\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 363.46us 0.00ns 363.46us 363.46us \nTxn1 557643 107.66us 0.00ns 211.60ms 18.65us \nTxn2 1 46.41us 0.00ns 46.41us 46.41us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 362.75us 0.00ns 362.75us 362.75us \nwrite 557643 2.90us 0.00ns 137.67us 2.15us \nread 557642 104.69us 0.00ns 211.60ms 2.15us \ndisconnect 1 45.62us 0.00ns 45.62us 45.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \nnet1 8945 8945 77.98Mb/s 77.99Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.135 62.37s 1.06GB 146.50Mb/s 1115288 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.06GB 146.50Mb/s 1115288 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416738, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993566385.5742 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993567386.6917 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993567386.8132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993568387.9036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:20433920 nr_ops:19955\ntimestamp_ms:1652993569389.0708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:33938432 nr_ops:33143\ntimestamp_ms:1652993570390.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:48768000 nr_ops:47625\ntimestamp_ms:1652993571391.3005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81486848 nr_ops:79577\ntimestamp_ms:1652993572392.4351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:94782464 nr_ops:92561\ntimestamp_ms:1652993573393.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:120398848 nr_ops:117577\ntimestamp_ms:1652993574394.6311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:152054784 nr_ops:148491\ntimestamp_ms:1652993575395.7527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:162757632 nr_ops:158943\ntimestamp_ms:1652993576396.8735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176151552 nr_ops:172023\ntimestamp_ms:1652993577397.9802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199226368 nr_ops:194557\ntimestamp_ms:1652993578399.1003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221090816 nr_ops:215909\ntimestamp_ms:1652993579400.2146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:239627264 nr_ops:234011\ntimestamp_ms:1652993580400.9048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251120640 nr_ops:245235\ntimestamp_ms:1652993581402.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:274070528 nr_ops:267647\ntimestamp_ms:1652993582403.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:289932288 nr_ops:283137\ntimestamp_ms:1652993583404.1592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307657728 nr_ops:300447\ntimestamp_ms:1652993584405.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318338048 nr_ops:310877\ntimestamp_ms:1652993585406.3547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:347330560 nr_ops:339190\ntimestamp_ms:1652993586407.4456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:364286976 nr_ops:355749\ntimestamp_ms:1652993587408.5405 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382985216 nr_ops:374009\ntimestamp_ms:1652993588409.6396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397767680 nr_ops:388445\ntimestamp_ms:1652993589410.7153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:431207424 nr_ops:421101\ntimestamp_ms:1652993590410.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:453161984 nr_ops:442541\ntimestamp_ms:1652993591411.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462119936 nr_ops:451289\ntimestamp_ms:1652993592413.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:471778304 nr_ops:460721\ntimestamp_ms:1652993593414.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493878272 nr_ops:482303\ntimestamp_ms:1652993594415.3887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:514741248 nr_ops:502677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993595416.4456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:536079360 nr_ops:523515\ntimestamp_ms:1652993596417.5432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548416512 nr_ops:535563\ntimestamp_ms:1652993597418.6138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:572470272 nr_ops:559053\ntimestamp_ms:1652993598418.9788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:598400000 nr_ops:584375\ntimestamp_ms:1652993599420.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612819968 nr_ops:598457\ntimestamp_ms:1652993600421.1958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638608384 nr_ops:623641\ntimestamp_ms:1652993601422.2883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:649972736 nr_ops:634739\ntimestamp_ms:1652993602423.3862 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:662744064 nr_ops:647211\ntimestamp_ms:1652993603424.5012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:699638784 nr_ops:683241\ntimestamp_ms:1652993604425.5979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705805312 nr_ops:689263\ntimestamp_ms:1652993605426.7139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:719158272 nr_ops:702303\ntimestamp_ms:1652993606427.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:751932416 nr_ops:734309\ntimestamp_ms:1652993607428.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:768357376 nr_ops:750349\ntimestamp_ms:1652993608430.0164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:780510208 nr_ops:762217\ntimestamp_ms:1652993609431.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:814541824 nr_ops:795451\ntimestamp_ms:1652993610431.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822176768 nr_ops:802907\ntimestamp_ms:1652993611432.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:836264960 nr_ops:816665\ntimestamp_ms:1652993612434.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:851577856 nr_ops:831619\ntimestamp_ms:1652993613435.1770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:875942912 nr_ops:855413\ntimestamp_ms:1652993614436.2688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912454656 nr_ops:891069\ntimestamp_ms:1652993615436.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919909376 nr_ops:898349\ntimestamp_ms:1652993616437.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:928928768 nr_ops:907157\ntimestamp_ms:1652993617438.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:944307200 nr_ops:922175\ntimestamp_ms:1652993618439.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981627904 nr_ops:958621\ntimestamp_ms:1652993619441.0459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990206976 nr_ops:966999\ntimestamp_ms:1652993620441.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1004395520 nr_ops:980855\ntimestamp_ms:1652993621442.9351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014807552 nr_ops:991023\ntimestamp_ms:1652993622444.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1050729472 nr_ops:1026103\ntimestamp_ms:1652993623445.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1078107136 nr_ops:1052839\ntimestamp_ms:1652993624446.3604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1096254464 nr_ops:1070561\ntimestamp_ms:1652993625447.4045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1108628480 nr_ops:1082645\ntimestamp_ms:1652993626448.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125999616 nr_ops:1099609\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140310223656704\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627649.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142051840 nr_ops:1115285\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627649.9265 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627649.9363 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627750.1614 name:Total nr_bytes:1142051840 nr_ops:1115286\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627650.0540 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2284103678 nr_ops:2230572\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627650.0552 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1142051840 nr_ops:1115288\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 363.46us 0.00ns 363.46us 363.46us \nTxn1 557643 107.66us 0.00ns 211.60ms 18.65us \nTxn2 1 46.41us 0.00ns 46.41us 46.41us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 362.75us 0.00ns 362.75us 362.75us \nwrite 557643 2.90us 0.00ns 137.67us 2.15us \nread 557642 104.69us 0.00ns 211.60ms 2.15us \ndisconnect 1 45.62us 0.00ns 45.62us 45.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \nnet1 8945 8945 77.98Mb/s 77.99Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.135 62.37s 1.06GB 146.50Mb/s 1115288 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.06GB 146.50Mb/s 1115288 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416738, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993566385.5742 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993567386.6917 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993567386.8132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993568387.9036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:20433920 nr_ops:19955\ntimestamp_ms:1652993569389.0708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:33938432 nr_ops:33143\ntimestamp_ms:1652993570390.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:48768000 nr_ops:47625\ntimestamp_ms:1652993571391.3005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81486848 nr_ops:79577\ntimestamp_ms:1652993572392.4351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:94782464 nr_ops:92561\ntimestamp_ms:1652993573393.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:120398848 nr_ops:117577\ntimestamp_ms:1652993574394.6311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:152054784 nr_ops:148491\ntimestamp_ms:1652993575395.7527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:162757632 nr_ops:158943\ntimestamp_ms:1652993576396.8735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176151552 nr_ops:172023\ntimestamp_ms:1652993577397.9802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199226368 nr_ops:194557\ntimestamp_ms:1652993578399.1003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221090816 nr_ops:215909\ntimestamp_ms:1652993579400.2146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:239627264 nr_ops:234011\ntimestamp_ms:1652993580400.9048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251120640 nr_ops:245235\ntimestamp_ms:1652993581402.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:274070528 nr_ops:267647\ntimestamp_ms:1652993582403.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:289932288 nr_ops:283137\ntimestamp_ms:1652993583404.1592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307657728 nr_ops:300447\ntimestamp_ms:1652993584405.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318338048 nr_ops:310877\ntimestamp_ms:1652993585406.3547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:347330560 nr_ops:339190\ntimestamp_ms:1652993586407.4456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:364286976 nr_ops:355749\ntimestamp_ms:1652993587408.5405 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382985216 nr_ops:374009\ntimestamp_ms:1652993588409.6396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397767680 nr_ops:388445\ntimestamp_ms:1652993589410.7153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:431207424 nr_ops:421101\ntimestamp_ms:1652993590410.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:453161984 nr_ops:442541\ntimestamp_ms:1652993591411.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462119936 nr_ops:451289\ntimestamp_ms:1652993592413.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:471778304 nr_ops:460721\ntimestamp_ms:1652993593414.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493878272 nr_ops:482303\ntimestamp_ms:1652993594415.3887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:514741248 nr_ops:502677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993595416.4456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:536079360 nr_ops:523515\ntimestamp_ms:1652993596417.5432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548416512 nr_ops:535563\ntimestamp_ms:1652993597418.6138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:572470272 nr_ops:559053\ntimestamp_ms:1652993598418.9788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:598400000 nr_ops:584375\ntimestamp_ms:1652993599420.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612819968 nr_ops:598457\ntimestamp_ms:1652993600421.1958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638608384 nr_ops:623641\ntimestamp_ms:1652993601422.2883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:649972736 nr_ops:634739\ntimestamp_ms:1652993602423.3862 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:662744064 nr_ops:647211\ntimestamp_ms:1652993603424.5012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:699638784 nr_ops:683241\ntimestamp_ms:1652993604425.5979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705805312 nr_ops:689263\ntimestamp_ms:1652993605426.7139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:719158272 nr_ops:702303\ntimestamp_ms:1652993606427.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:751932416 nr_ops:734309\ntimestamp_ms:1652993607428.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:768357376 nr_ops:750349\ntimestamp_ms:1652993608430.0164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:780510208 nr_ops:762217\ntimestamp_ms:1652993609431.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:814541824 nr_ops:795451\ntimestamp_ms:1652993610431.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822176768 nr_ops:802907\ntimestamp_ms:1652993611432.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:836264960 nr_ops:816665\ntimestamp_ms:1652993612434.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:851577856 nr_ops:831619\ntimestamp_ms:1652993613435.1770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:875942912 nr_ops:855413\ntimestamp_ms:1652993614436.2688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912454656 nr_ops:891069\ntimestamp_ms:1652993615436.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919909376 nr_ops:898349\ntimestamp_ms:1652993616437.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:928928768 nr_ops:907157\ntimestamp_ms:1652993617438.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:944307200 nr_ops:922175\ntimestamp_ms:1652993618439.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981627904 nr_ops:958621\ntimestamp_ms:1652993619441.0459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990206976 nr_ops:966999\ntimestamp_ms:1652993620441.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1004395520 nr_ops:980855\ntimestamp_ms:1652993621442.9351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014807552 nr_ops:991023\ntimestamp_ms:1652993622444.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1050729472 nr_ops:1026103\ntimestamp_ms:1652993623445.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1078107136 nr_ops:1052839\ntimestamp_ms:1652993624446.3604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1096254464 nr_ops:1070561\ntimestamp_ms:1652993625447.4045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1108628480 nr_ops:1082645\ntimestamp_ms:1652993626448.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125999616 nr_ops:1099609\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140310223656704\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627649.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142051840 nr_ops:1115285\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627649.9265 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627649.9363 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627750.1614 name:Total nr_bytes:1142051840 nr_ops:1115286\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627650.0540 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2284103678 nr_ops:2230572\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993627650.0552 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1142051840 nr_ops:1115288\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 363.46us 0.00ns 363.46us 363.46us \nTxn1 557643 107.66us 0.00ns 211.60ms 18.65us \nTxn2 1 46.41us 0.00ns 46.41us 46.41us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 362.75us 0.00ns 362.75us 362.75us \nwrite 557643 2.90us 0.00ns 137.67us 2.15us \nread 557642 104.69us 0.00ns 211.60ms 2.15us \ndisconnect 1 45.62us 0.00ns 45.62us 45.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \nnet1 8945 8945 77.98Mb/s 77.99Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.135 62.37s 1.06GB 146.50Mb/s 1115288 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.06GB 146.50Mb/s 1115288 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416738, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993566385.5742 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993567386.6917 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993567386.8132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993568387.9036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:20433920 nr_ops:19955
+timestamp_ms:1652993569389.0708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:33938432 nr_ops:33143
+timestamp_ms:1652993570390.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:48768000 nr_ops:47625
+timestamp_ms:1652993571391.3005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81486848 nr_ops:79577
+timestamp_ms:1652993572392.4351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:94782464 nr_ops:92561
+timestamp_ms:1652993573393.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:120398848 nr_ops:117577
+timestamp_ms:1652993574394.6311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:152054784 nr_ops:148491
+timestamp_ms:1652993575395.7527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:162757632 nr_ops:158943
+timestamp_ms:1652993576396.8735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176151552 nr_ops:172023
+timestamp_ms:1652993577397.9802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199226368 nr_ops:194557
+timestamp_ms:1652993578399.1003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221090816 nr_ops:215909
+timestamp_ms:1652993579400.2146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:239627264 nr_ops:234011
+timestamp_ms:1652993580400.9048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251120640 nr_ops:245235
+timestamp_ms:1652993581402.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:274070528 nr_ops:267647
+timestamp_ms:1652993582403.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:289932288 nr_ops:283137
+timestamp_ms:1652993583404.1592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307657728 nr_ops:300447
+timestamp_ms:1652993584405.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318338048 nr_ops:310877
+timestamp_ms:1652993585406.3547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:347330560 nr_ops:339190
+timestamp_ms:1652993586407.4456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:364286976 nr_ops:355749
+timestamp_ms:1652993587408.5405 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382985216 nr_ops:374009
+timestamp_ms:1652993588409.6396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397767680 nr_ops:388445
+timestamp_ms:1652993589410.7153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:431207424 nr_ops:421101
+timestamp_ms:1652993590410.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:453161984 nr_ops:442541
+timestamp_ms:1652993591411.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462119936 nr_ops:451289
+timestamp_ms:1652993592413.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:471778304 nr_ops:460721
+timestamp_ms:1652993593414.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493878272 nr_ops:482303
+timestamp_ms:1652993594415.3887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:514741248 nr_ops:502677
+timestamp_ms:1652993595416.4456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:536079360 nr_ops:523515
+timestamp_ms:1652993596417.5432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548416512 nr_ops:535563
+timestamp_ms:1652993597418.6138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:572470272 nr_ops:559053
+timestamp_ms:1652993598418.9788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:598400000 nr_ops:584375
+timestamp_ms:1652993599420.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612819968 nr_ops:598457
+timestamp_ms:1652993600421.1958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638608384 nr_ops:623641
+timestamp_ms:1652993601422.2883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:649972736 nr_ops:634739
+timestamp_ms:1652993602423.3862 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:662744064 nr_ops:647211
+timestamp_ms:1652993603424.5012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:699638784 nr_ops:683241
+timestamp_ms:1652993604425.5979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705805312 nr_ops:689263
+timestamp_ms:1652993605426.7139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:719158272 nr_ops:702303
+timestamp_ms:1652993606427.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:751932416 nr_ops:734309
+timestamp_ms:1652993607428.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:768357376 nr_ops:750349
+timestamp_ms:1652993608430.0164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:780510208 nr_ops:762217
+timestamp_ms:1652993609431.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:814541824 nr_ops:795451
+timestamp_ms:1652993610431.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822176768 nr_ops:802907
+timestamp_ms:1652993611432.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:836264960 nr_ops:816665
+timestamp_ms:1652993612434.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:851577856 nr_ops:831619
+timestamp_ms:1652993613435.1770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:875942912 nr_ops:855413
+timestamp_ms:1652993614436.2688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912454656 nr_ops:891069
+timestamp_ms:1652993615436.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919909376 nr_ops:898349
+timestamp_ms:1652993616437.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:928928768 nr_ops:907157
+timestamp_ms:1652993617438.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:944307200 nr_ops:922175
+timestamp_ms:1652993618439.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981627904 nr_ops:958621
+timestamp_ms:1652993619441.0459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990206976 nr_ops:966999
+timestamp_ms:1652993620441.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1004395520 nr_ops:980855
+timestamp_ms:1652993621442.9351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014807552 nr_ops:991023
+timestamp_ms:1652993622444.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1050729472 nr_ops:1026103
+timestamp_ms:1652993623445.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1078107136 nr_ops:1052839
+timestamp_ms:1652993624446.3604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1096254464 nr_ops:1070561
+timestamp_ms:1652993625447.4045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1108628480 nr_ops:1082645
+timestamp_ms:1652993626448.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125999616 nr_ops:1099609
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140310223656704
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652993627649.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142051840 nr_ops:1115285
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993627649.9265 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993627649.9363 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993627750.1614 name:Total nr_bytes:1142051840 nr_ops:1115286
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993627650.0540 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2284103678 nr_ops:2230572
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993627650.0552 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1142051840 nr_ops:1115288
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 363.46us 0.00ns 363.46us 363.46us
+Txn1 557643 107.66us 0.00ns 211.60ms 18.65us
+Txn2 1 46.41us 0.00ns 46.41us 46.41us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 362.75us 0.00ns 362.75us 362.75us
+write 557643 2.90us 0.00ns 137.67us 2.15us
+read 557642 104.69us 0.00ns 211.60ms 2.15us
+disconnect 1 45.62us 0.00ns 45.62us 45.62us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s
+net1 8945 8945 77.98Mb/s 77.99Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.135 62.37s 1.06GB 146.50Mb/s 1115288 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.06GB 146.50Mb/s 1115288 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:52:48.387000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:52:48.387000', 'bytes': 20433920, 'norm_byte': 20433920, 'ops': 19955, 'norm_ops': 19955, 'norm_ltcy': 50.167393236344274, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:52:48.387000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:52:48.387000",
+ "bytes": 20433920,
+ "norm_byte": 20433920,
+ "ops": 19955,
+ "norm_ops": 19955,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.167393236344274,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52a90e1c26032f6668e05e5d7d5978f8f39a9866b84938abf17fdc467be5129c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:52:49.389000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:52:49.389000', 'bytes': 33938432, 'norm_byte': 13504512, 'ops': 33143, 'norm_ops': 13188, 'norm_ltcy': 75.91501640340651, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:52:49.389000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:52:49.389000",
+ "bytes": 33938432,
+ "norm_byte": 13504512,
+ "ops": 33143,
+ "norm_ops": 13188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 75.91501640340651,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd878285ca07f74ed6733443c1f01c7ca7d3c2d8b206521c5ad3504bd6a889d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:52:50.390000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:52:50.390000', 'bytes': 48768000, 'norm_byte': 14829568, 'ops': 47625, 'norm_ops': 14482, 'norm_ltcy': 69.12735084393557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:52:50.390000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:52:50.390000",
+ "bytes": 48768000,
+ "norm_byte": 14829568,
+ "ops": 47625,
+ "norm_ops": 14482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 69.12735084393557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1c1c205e5c3420e69068f5316c7628abaee0054f4e0b89652814c9bd7880359",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:52:51.391000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:52:51.391000', 'bytes': 81486848, 'norm_byte': 32718848, 'ops': 79577, 'norm_ops': 31952, 'norm_ltcy': 31.332230890280734, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:52:51.391000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:52:51.391000",
+ "bytes": 81486848,
+ "norm_byte": 32718848,
+ "ops": 79577,
+ "norm_ops": 31952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.332230890280734,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "edc20b6521162c8e96d099a2dffdc039390850eafbd24a53529f9ec8eb39d171",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:52:52.392000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:52:52.392000', 'bytes': 94782464, 'norm_byte': 13295616, 'ops': 92561, 'norm_ops': 12984, 'norm_ltcy': 77.10524657150145, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:52:52.392000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:52:52.392000",
+ "bytes": 94782464,
+ "norm_byte": 13295616,
+ "ops": 92561,
+ "norm_ops": 12984,
+ "norm_ltcy": 77.10524657150145,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c96c70e23a88f73d5500deb7ac03e0d9ed6b9dc0716e8a59267bbe0137e6641d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:52:53.393000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:52:53.393000', 'bytes': 120398848, 'norm_byte': 25616384, 'ops': 117577, 'norm_ops': 25016, 'norm_ltcy': 40.01814815080848, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:52:53.393000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:52:53.393000",
+ "bytes": 120398848,
+ "norm_byte": 25616384,
+ "ops": 117577,
+ "norm_ops": 25016,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.01814815080848,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93dfa1a64533378ad87ffea89dc9bf96de75698e1b689bfeb4748d0a3e76f0d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:52:54.394000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:52:54.394000', 'bytes': 152054784, 'norm_byte': 31655936, 'ops': 148491, 'norm_ops': 30914, 'norm_ltcy': 32.383452506348256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:52:54.394000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:52:54.394000",
+ "bytes": 152054784,
+ "norm_byte": 31655936,
+ "ops": 148491,
+ "norm_ops": 30914,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.383452506348256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5528fac8c90d0fb29719e04a90c6550503f7aaff32f4c5883f2e9a7939e283de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:52:55.395000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:52:55.395000', 'bytes': 162757632, 'norm_byte': 10702848, 'ops': 158943, 'norm_ops': 10452, 'norm_ltcy': 95.78277669644565, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:52:55.395000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:52:55.395000",
+ "bytes": 162757632,
+ "norm_byte": 10702848,
+ "ops": 158943,
+ "norm_ops": 10452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 95.78277669644565,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c1daf5ffa2a0f181484ac00fa375b56a5734bf795c613a7eba704b0b15b0c8f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:52:56.396000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:52:56.396000', 'bytes': 176151552, 'norm_byte': 13393920, 'ops': 172023, 'norm_ops': 13080, 'norm_ltcy': 76.53829125453937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:52:56.396000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:52:56.396000",
+ "bytes": 176151552,
+ "norm_byte": 13393920,
+ "ops": 172023,
+ "norm_ops": 13080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 76.53829125453937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd5da69e4e16e64a41893e4315a31c624db4d93fde88df932ffc63afd5a99e3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:52:57.397000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:52:57.397000', 'bytes': 199226368, 'norm_byte': 23074816, 'ops': 194557, 'norm_ops': 22534, 'norm_ltcy': 44.42649726871061, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:52:57.397000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:52:57.397000",
+ "bytes": 199226368,
+ "norm_byte": 23074816,
+ "ops": 194557,
+ "norm_ops": 22534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.42649726871061,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "214c2538b4d891727cb96bbd4bd7acb09693a7d42a9dc5ac8ac5acde9443daf4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:52:58.399000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:52:58.399000', 'bytes': 221090816, 'norm_byte': 21864448, 'ops': 215909, 'norm_ops': 21352, 'norm_ltcy': 46.88647982331866, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:52:58.399000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:52:58.399000",
+ "bytes": 221090816,
+ "norm_byte": 21864448,
+ "ops": 215909,
+ "norm_ops": 21352,
+ "norm_ltcy": 46.88647982331866,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "315cf47ffabdeb5388bc6cd1f2cc12dfef07ffd878bef06976c1217a961341c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:52:59.400000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:52:59.400000', 'bytes': 239627264, 'norm_byte': 18536448, 'ops': 234011, 'norm_ops': 18102, 'norm_ltcy': 55.30406904278533, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:52:59.400000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:52:59.400000",
+ "bytes": 239627264,
+ "norm_byte": 18536448,
+ "ops": 234011,
+ "norm_ops": 18102,
+ "norm_ltcy": 55.30406904278533,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "776d61600b8153217642b59a207138eb13ce0f8848e583c20abcbeff8a8766b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:00.400000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:00.400000', 'bytes': 251120640, 'norm_byte': 11493376, 'ops': 245235, 'norm_ops': 11224, 'norm_ltcy': 89.15628880496035, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:00.400000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:00.400000",
+ "bytes": 251120640,
+ "norm_byte": 11493376,
+ "ops": 245235,
+ "norm_ops": 11224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 89.15628880496035,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06b79f699edc8cdb8f55216277c7b016295c48c87b266783b95ab7c96d75ea92",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:01.402000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:01.402000', 'bytes': 274070528, 'norm_byte': 22949888, 'ops': 267647, 'norm_ops': 22412, 'norm_ltcy': 44.66812648497457, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:01.402000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:01.402000",
+ "bytes": 274070528,
+ "norm_byte": 22949888,
+ "ops": 267647,
+ "norm_ops": 22412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.66812648497457,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d177ddded560f8b61903e33b0da81482fba0e1cc732c975dec1889af8cacef4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:02.403000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:02.403000', 'bytes': 289932288, 'norm_byte': 15861760, 'ops': 283137, 'norm_ops': 15490, 'norm_ltcy': 64.62570988339252, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:02.403000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:02.403000",
+ "bytes": 289932288,
+ "norm_byte": 15861760,
+ "ops": 283137,
+ "norm_ops": 15490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.62570988339252,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2ac2790b64b9d2a3114585a148efc074bfe8f4d36e42a70ec19d9dbf5c36746",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:03.404000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:03.404000', 'bytes': 307657728, 'norm_byte': 17725440, 'ops': 300447, 'norm_ops': 17310, 'norm_ltcy': 57.833627825317734, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:03.404000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:03.404000",
+ "bytes": 307657728,
+ "norm_byte": 17725440,
+ "ops": 300447,
+ "norm_ops": 17310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 57.833627825317734,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "090cf77d220e8b45ebba27d12321c6bd76436387b60f759e2a437ae4b4f63ae7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:04.405000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:04.405000', 'bytes': 318338048, 'norm_byte': 10680320, 'ops': 310877, 'norm_ops': 10430, 'norm_ltcy': 95.98343027175216, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:04.405000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:04.405000",
+ "bytes": 318338048,
+ "norm_byte": 10680320,
+ "ops": 310877,
+ "norm_ops": 10430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 95.98343027175216,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45a74b604096e1040dd626f60b685767278fd89dd91775fde9c9797fc4f65e4d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:05.406000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:05.406000', 'bytes': 347330560, 'norm_byte': 28992512, 'ops': 339190, 'norm_ops': 28313, 'norm_ltcy': 35.35790551712111, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:05.406000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:05.406000",
+ "bytes": 347330560,
+ "norm_byte": 28992512,
+ "ops": 339190,
+ "norm_ops": 28313,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.35790551712111,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3fd5a336c3492b149b17fee30b83f4e61980c0853b3433ae1f9eb6b9ca8f7061",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:06.407000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:06.407000', 'bytes': 364286976, 'norm_byte': 16956416, 'ops': 355749, 'norm_ops': 16559, 'norm_ltcy': 60.45599494610182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:06.407000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:06.407000",
+ "bytes": 364286976,
+ "norm_byte": 16956416,
+ "ops": 355749,
+ "norm_ops": 16559,
+ "norm_ltcy": 60.45599494610182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f37102297f60b0ffb481e4337dae03a5c8ec86f2ce12339cd2ec9d1c10afcee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:07.408000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:07.408000', 'bytes': 382985216, 'norm_byte': 18698240, 'ops': 374009, 'norm_ops': 18260, 'norm_ltcy': 54.824478132701266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:07.408000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:07.408000",
+ "bytes": 382985216,
+ "norm_byte": 18698240,
+ "ops": 374009,
+ "norm_ops": 18260,
+ "norm_ltcy": 54.824478132701266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8543c4330e3f6a409f6a5d16de8c3c91f28a81dc8b1dbceea3cabc4ea92b434e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:08.409000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:08.409000', 'bytes': 397767680, 'norm_byte': 14782464, 'ops': 388445, 'norm_ops': 14436, 'norm_ltcy': 69.34740378870532, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:08.409000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:08.409000",
+ "bytes": 397767680,
+ "norm_byte": 14782464,
+ "ops": 388445,
+ "norm_ops": 14436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 69.34740378870532,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2976b70f418ebb0770ce81abcdd63e3586e6c1115ce7c1e310da5380d1e4115f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:09.410000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:09.410000', 'bytes': 431207424, 'norm_byte': 33439744, 'ops': 421101, 'norm_ops': 32656, 'norm_ltcy': 30.655183843512678, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:09.410000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:09.410000",
+ "bytes": 431207424,
+ "norm_byte": 33439744,
+ "ops": 421101,
+ "norm_ops": 32656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.655183843512678,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48be7cf343f999bd7e4957db456888f8fca8bac34eac995eba300a2b4ff3bc20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:10.410000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:10.410000', 'bytes': 453161984, 'norm_byte': 21954560, 'ops': 442541, 'norm_ops': 21440, 'norm_ltcy': 46.6475415585646, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:10.410000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:10.410000",
+ "bytes": 453161984,
+ "norm_byte": 21954560,
+ "ops": 442541,
+ "norm_ops": 21440,
+ "norm_ltcy": 46.6475415585646,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "804175990ce5b83d184434ff1c07895730086fa73f26cde05b7f9802ed218637",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:11.411000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:11.411000', 'bytes': 462119936, 'norm_byte': 8957952, 'ops': 451289, 'norm_ops': 8748, 'norm_ltcy': 114.43846205025434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:11.411000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:11.411000",
+ "bytes": 462119936,
+ "norm_byte": 8957952,
+ "ops": 451289,
+ "norm_ops": 8748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 114.43846205025434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b494a9d98cb406a5989a0a16f18878923e1f16a32488e65847cddf4298d2d7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:12.413000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:12.413000', 'bytes': 471778304, 'norm_byte': 9658368, 'ops': 460721, 'norm_ops': 9432, 'norm_ltcy': 106.15395892970737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:12.413000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:12.413000",
+ "bytes": 471778304,
+ "norm_byte": 9658368,
+ "ops": 460721,
+ "norm_ops": 9432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 106.15395892970737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7187ee68c5dabbc98a49358af96dc62d67601d8e6e7b09f2edd7ac5ef9e30503",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:13.414000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:13.414000', 'bytes': 493878272, 'norm_byte': 22099968, 'ops': 482303, 'norm_ops': 21582, 'norm_ltcy': 46.38533865750394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:13.414000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:13.414000",
+ "bytes": 493878272,
+ "norm_byte": 22099968,
+ "ops": 482303,
+ "norm_ops": 21582,
+ "norm_ltcy": 46.38533865750394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ea718524d832e2d4b09c099ff875ca2038f6825a2e3903e64749199d415bd3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:14.415000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:14.415000', 'bytes': 514741248, 'norm_byte': 20862976, 'ops': 502677, 'norm_ops': 20374, 'norm_ltcy': 49.13663803284824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:14.415000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:14.415000",
+ "bytes": 514741248,
+ "norm_byte": 20862976,
+ "ops": 502677,
+ "norm_ops": 20374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.13663803284824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8bd6a801161549ad3b28194f91babfde08bbe61cca46b11ae6b67acafc50cb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:15.416000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:15.416000', 'bytes': 536079360, 'norm_byte': 21338112, 'ops': 523515, 'norm_ops': 20838, 'norm_ltcy': 48.03996951557851, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:15.416000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:15.416000",
+ "bytes": 536079360,
+ "norm_byte": 21338112,
+ "ops": 523515,
+ "norm_ops": 20838,
+ "norm_ltcy": 48.03996951557851,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f4131c31750796f03ce472b4e0657dbcea1ee6680a9786ab6caa316a4e91221",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:16.417000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:16.417000', 'bytes': 548416512, 'norm_byte': 12337152, 'ops': 535563, 'norm_ops': 12048, 'norm_ltcy': 83.09243494770917, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:16.417000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:16.417000",
+ "bytes": 548416512,
+ "norm_byte": 12337152,
+ "ops": 535563,
+ "norm_ops": 12048,
+ "norm_ltcy": 83.09243494770917,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6bcdd56b687c9ed713ca4c94530a5a0ca9f0a49e32dabf027412c4b409025e98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:17.418000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:17.418000', 'bytes': 572470272, 'norm_byte': 24053760, 'ops': 559053, 'norm_ops': 23490, 'norm_ltcy': 42.61688193446679, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:17.418000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:17.418000",
+ "bytes": 572470272,
+ "norm_byte": 24053760,
+ "ops": 559053,
+ "norm_ops": 23490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.61688193446679,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74a3faf6503d6661114065cf8b7513a54739e607d314ab69f9bc94d0022a3868",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:18.418000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:18.418000', 'bytes': 598400000, 'norm_byte': 25929728, 'ops': 584375, 'norm_ops': 25322, 'norm_ltcy': 39.5057653516458, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:18.418000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:18.418000",
+ "bytes": 598400000,
+ "norm_byte": 25929728,
+ "ops": 584375,
+ "norm_ops": 25322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.5057653516458,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1324ae92ef7f0f527211453e35318fecf32ba3289a7fbb9f4280529893f1baf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:19.420000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:19.420000', 'bytes': 612819968, 'norm_byte': 14419968, 'ops': 598457, 'norm_ops': 14082, 'norm_ltcy': 71.09256414438644, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:19.420000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:19.420000",
+ "bytes": 612819968,
+ "norm_byte": 14419968,
+ "ops": 598457,
+ "norm_ops": 14082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 71.09256414438644,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "565b7810ca80cc750e16dff353d05a53638820b531c32b3a31472abedef0ccb1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:20.421000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:20.421000', 'bytes': 638608384, 'norm_byte': 25788416, 'ops': 623641, 'norm_ops': 25184, 'norm_ltcy': 39.751094057114635, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:20.421000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:20.421000",
+ "bytes": 638608384,
+ "norm_byte": 25788416,
+ "ops": 623641,
+ "norm_ops": 25184,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.751094057114635,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "783412c51b59573454c640ca3092be86feef6ac7d71b949abbf98787c6caf96b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:21.422000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:21.422000', 'bytes': 649972736, 'norm_byte': 11364352, 'ops': 634739, 'norm_ops': 11098, 'norm_ltcy': 90.2047692644508, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:21.422000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:21.422000",
+ "bytes": 649972736,
+ "norm_byte": 11364352,
+ "ops": 634739,
+ "norm_ops": 11098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 90.2047692644508,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c158acfa25a0eedf1928796d4ef2fe0851e75fa681e5bd645c6123a3587e07a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:22.423000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:22.423000', 'bytes': 662744064, 'norm_byte': 12771328, 'ops': 647211, 'norm_ops': 12472, 'norm_ltcy': 80.26763152586794, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:22.423000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:22.423000",
+ "bytes": 662744064,
+ "norm_byte": 12771328,
+ "ops": 647211,
+ "norm_ops": 12472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 80.26763152586794,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab4c971508cf96d4b96f567f3acc8ea672781f3732ce458f6b00df98d52e0866",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:23.424000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:23.424000', 'bytes': 699638784, 'norm_byte': 36894720, 'ops': 683241, 'norm_ops': 36030, 'norm_ltcy': 27.78559506617749, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:23.424000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:23.424000",
+ "bytes": 699638784,
+ "norm_byte": 36894720,
+ "ops": 683241,
+ "norm_ops": 36030,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.78559506617749,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ce8ed476baad085021c71bc133984910b729fc67e6d2046843dda3276349d61",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:24.425000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:24.425000', 'bytes': 705805312, 'norm_byte': 6166528, 'ops': 689263, 'norm_ops': 6022, 'norm_ltcy': 166.23990031343408, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:24.425000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:24.425000",
+ "bytes": 705805312,
+ "norm_byte": 6166528,
+ "ops": 689263,
+ "norm_ops": 6022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 166.23990031343408,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04367b086674e5495d97a4d3e5c3938f1bb790170209b7c947b0c99b6d627e67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:25.426000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:25.426000', 'bytes': 719158272, 'norm_byte': 13352960, 'ops': 702303, 'norm_ops': 13040, 'norm_ltcy': 76.77269684025114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:25.426000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:25.426000",
+ "bytes": 719158272,
+ "norm_byte": 13352960,
+ "ops": 702303,
+ "norm_ops": 13040,
+ "norm_ltcy": 76.77269684025114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a0f0de3659fbbad84ee56fe0a6c2285c8340071436a8f5e35e24591191a7d0c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:26.427000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:26.427000', 'bytes': 751932416, 'norm_byte': 32774144, 'ops': 734309, 'norm_ops': 32006, 'norm_ltcy': 31.278253979722553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:26.427000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:26.427000",
+ "bytes": 751932416,
+ "norm_byte": 32774144,
+ "ops": 734309,
+ "norm_ops": 32006,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.278253979722553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53f46743dc3b75a61efee2ae803c9135a226aeb66e5932b6efd97cccca3a182d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:27.428000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:27.428000', 'bytes': 768357376, 'norm_byte': 16424960, 'ops': 750349, 'norm_ops': 16040, 'norm_ltcy': 62.41273951352089, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:27.428000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:27.428000",
+ "bytes": 768357376,
+ "norm_byte": 16424960,
+ "ops": 750349,
+ "norm_ops": 16040,
+ "norm_ltcy": 62.41273951352089,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "536cb3f1af807caca394b96bba774b97679a3deab8d9173505d1e921196f5817",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:28.430000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:28.430000', 'bytes': 780510208, 'norm_byte': 12152832, 'ops': 762217, 'norm_ops': 11868, 'norm_ltcy': 84.35375392336535, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:28.430000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:28.430000",
+ "bytes": 780510208,
+ "norm_byte": 12152832,
+ "ops": 762217,
+ "norm_ops": 11868,
+ "norm_ltcy": 84.35375392336535,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ef649db6251f276416879e3d4f5bb2dbcd40e2ea472a8fb43088e5640cdc71a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:29.431000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:29.431000', 'bytes': 814541824, 'norm_byte': 34031616, 'ops': 795451, 'norm_ops': 33234, 'norm_ltcy': 30.12250432068815, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:29.431000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:29.431000",
+ "bytes": 814541824,
+ "norm_byte": 34031616,
+ "ops": 795451,
+ "norm_ops": 33234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.12250432068815,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "572b8a0039d075441a80ca937897542b6d13dd981947ab383885d58d0bd0d94f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:30.431000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:30.431000', 'bytes': 822176768, 'norm_byte': 7634944, 'ops': 802907, 'norm_ops': 7456, 'norm_ltcy': 134.21827324470226, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:30.431000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:30.431000",
+ "bytes": 822176768,
+ "norm_byte": 7634944,
+ "ops": 802907,
+ "norm_ops": 7456,
+ "norm_ltcy": 134.21827324470226,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "610d675a531920c2274a4282530e7cf7647974fd0521b7332b4f414e69c9f2c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:31.432000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:31.432000', 'bytes': 836264960, 'norm_byte': 14088192, 'ops': 816665, 'norm_ops': 13758, 'norm_ltcy': 72.76503258899368, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:31.432000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:31.432000",
+ "bytes": 836264960,
+ "norm_byte": 14088192,
+ "ops": 816665,
+ "norm_ops": 13758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 72.76503258899368,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e6280b6158a2651c823394236d362f001cd7b544ffab0263419438b05fcaf09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:32.434000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:32.434000', 'bytes': 851577856, 'norm_byte': 15312896, 'ops': 831619, 'norm_ops': 14954, 'norm_ltcy': 66.9463992963839, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:32.434000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:32.434000",
+ "bytes": 851577856,
+ "norm_byte": 15312896,
+ "ops": 831619,
+ "norm_ops": 14954,
+ "norm_ltcy": 66.9463992963839,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0733c12669abb3e1a5ea63e347aff14562c48ea93628e66deb06e00809d4b310",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:33.435000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:33.435000', 'bytes': 875942912, 'norm_byte': 24365056, 'ops': 855413, 'norm_ops': 23794, 'norm_ltcy': 42.07447748119274, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:33.435000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:33.435000",
+ "bytes": 875942912,
+ "norm_byte": 24365056,
+ "ops": 855413,
+ "norm_ops": 23794,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.07447748119274,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c5e2594867cc20d415811227a13fa514b6a2c6fecfc500119ed06b3fb86b03a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:34.436000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:34.436000', 'bytes': 912454656, 'norm_byte': 36511744, 'ops': 891069, 'norm_ops': 35656, 'norm_ltcy': 28.076390982583575, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:34.436000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:34.436000",
+ "bytes": 912454656,
+ "norm_byte": 36511744,
+ "ops": 891069,
+ "norm_ops": 35656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.076390982583575,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53759d2983ff760446134f80f381a053ca1e0b260138e4b208e27cced96e61f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:35.436000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:35.436000', 'bytes': 919909376, 'norm_byte': 7454720, 'ops': 898349, 'norm_ops': 7280, 'norm_ltcy': 137.4411111349588, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:35.436000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:35.436000",
+ "bytes": 919909376,
+ "norm_byte": 7454720,
+ "ops": 898349,
+ "norm_ops": 7280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 137.4411111349588,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "560ce02121cd55f7f3a8d139b23f183c66f22fb5f86017f1124618d0619ec5b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:36.437000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:36.437000', 'bytes': 928928768, 'norm_byte': 9019392, 'ops': 907157, 'norm_ops': 8808, 'norm_ltcy': 113.65810467047002, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:36.437000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:36.437000",
+ "bytes": 928928768,
+ "norm_byte": 9019392,
+ "ops": 907157,
+ "norm_ops": 8808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 113.65810467047002,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27c9fcbb4e1a839b0f605b650b205292e249ec36e6863026e5cfc5f8e0aeb86b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:37.438000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:37.438000', 'bytes': 944307200, 'norm_byte': 15378432, 'ops': 922175, 'norm_ops': 15018, 'norm_ltcy': 66.64676541795679, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:37.438000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:37.438000",
+ "bytes": 944307200,
+ "norm_byte": 15378432,
+ "ops": 922175,
+ "norm_ops": 15018,
+ "norm_ltcy": 66.64676541795679,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec258bb4194150db13b4c53ecd726b8ff3807c30f6b462d93981973d4a8317fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:38.439000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:38.439000', 'bytes': 981627904, 'norm_byte': 37320704, 'ops': 958621, 'norm_ops': 36446, 'norm_ltcy': 27.467870113061103, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:38.439000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:38.439000",
+ "bytes": 981627904,
+ "norm_byte": 37320704,
+ "ops": 958621,
+ "norm_ops": 36446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.467870113061103,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "07e44dbd14bd1aee211da98c702bbc994c0dec2e3dc03f6cb9b3b613392c2234",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:39.441000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:39.441000', 'bytes': 990206976, 'norm_byte': 8579072, 'ops': 966999, 'norm_ops': 8378, 'norm_ltcy': 119.49273184792014, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:39.441000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:39.441000",
+ "bytes": 990206976,
+ "norm_byte": 8579072,
+ "ops": 966999,
+ "norm_ops": 8378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 119.49273184792014,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b95ad98f5181a75b074d26f5c9f46f77460954c11c703cba7dac18b5494fae77",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:40.441000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:40.441000', 'bytes': 1004395520, 'norm_byte': 14188544, 'ops': 980855, 'norm_ops': 13856, 'norm_ltcy': 72.227989002959, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:40.441000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:40.441000",
+ "bytes": 1004395520,
+ "norm_byte": 14188544,
+ "ops": 980855,
+ "norm_ops": 13856,
+ "norm_ltcy": 72.227989002959,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d4dc38869e93134da8e2fa8817e1828f871770a5d05785b211b8c60bf23f2f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:41.442000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:41.442000', 'bytes': 1014807552, 'norm_byte': 10412032, 'ops': 991023, 'norm_ops': 10168, 'norm_ltcy': 98.45575772337234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:41.442000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:41.442000",
+ "bytes": 1014807552,
+ "norm_byte": 10412032,
+ "ops": 991023,
+ "norm_ops": 10168,
+ "norm_ltcy": 98.45575772337234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4fc02fe4049b6c9bbc925be7840b34432973fe973214c91d0278b1c833dc5d8b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:42.444000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:42.444000', 'bytes': 1050729472, 'norm_byte': 35921920, 'ops': 1026103, 'norm_ops': 35080, 'norm_ltcy': 28.53747795218073, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:42.444000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:42.444000",
+ "bytes": 1050729472,
+ "norm_byte": 35921920,
+ "ops": 1026103,
+ "norm_ops": 35080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.53747795218073,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "65385980a8ffa5c69bad338824217436041375b379c09db5a5b592713836e140",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:43.445000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:43.445000', 'bytes': 1078107136, 'norm_byte': 27377664, 'ops': 1052839, 'norm_ops': 26736, 'norm_ltcy': 37.444073022446325, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:43.445000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:43.445000",
+ "bytes": 1078107136,
+ "norm_byte": 27377664,
+ "ops": 1052839,
+ "norm_ops": 26736,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.444073022446325,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7eaf26e7def81faba82b6d4ab3299205a8c3b674e563f55149db3d227d3d02a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:44.446000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:44.446000', 'bytes': 1096254464, 'norm_byte': 18147328, 'ops': 1070561, 'norm_ops': 17722, 'norm_ltcy': 56.49620980014248, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:44.446000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:44.446000",
+ "bytes": 1096254464,
+ "norm_byte": 18147328,
+ "ops": 1070561,
+ "norm_ops": 17722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 56.49620980014248,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a730caacd823533ce69e51ca159bd7054f6926c482f6315c3fed5191f0ad2d1b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:45.447000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:45.447000', 'bytes': 1108628480, 'norm_byte': 12374016, 'ops': 1082645, 'norm_ops': 12084, 'norm_ltcy': 82.84046586007324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:45.447000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:45.447000",
+ "bytes": 1108628480,
+ "norm_byte": 12374016,
+ "ops": 1082645,
+ "norm_ops": 12084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 82.84046586007324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28ffce54e91822a23d88932fc8c95bfec32f6e2f5b0799856936cbd12437091f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:46.448000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:46.448000', 'bytes': 1125999616, 'norm_byte': 17371136, 'ops': 1099609, 'norm_ops': 16964, 'norm_ltcy': 59.01382903225212, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:46.448000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:46.448000",
+ "bytes": 1125999616,
+ "norm_byte": 17371136,
+ "ops": 1099609,
+ "norm_ops": 16964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 59.01382903225212,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e4c10690278e12887fc04ce7daae08b36c53f0b0e9d6354d7b63fe65098255bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:53:47.649000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:53:47.649000', 'bytes': 1142051840, 'norm_byte': 16052224, 'ops': 1115285, 'norm_ops': 15676, 'norm_ltcy': 76.63522201035819, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:53:47.649000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:53:47.649000",
+ "bytes": 1142051840,
+ "norm_byte": 16052224,
+ "ops": 1115285,
+ "norm_ops": 15676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 76.63522201035819,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "52841720-6267-5681-8969-b6e845bb0afb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc51ba242db086d9f5a03e4d1a4ececcb27f73e6c2e47d540e7b353241e5b059",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 19034197.333333332
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 18588.083333333332
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 120.2290089177592
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:53:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-040-220519205003/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-040-220519205003/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a5b1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-040-220519205003/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-040-220519205003/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-040-220519205003/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-040-220519205003/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-040-220519205003/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-040-220519205003/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a43327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-040-220519205003/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=180
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-041-220519205204/220519205204-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-041-220519205204/220519205204-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28deb24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-041-220519205204/220519205204-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:54:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993688011.4324 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993689012.5471 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993689012.5940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993690013.6323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:54004736 nr_ops:52739\ntimestamp_ms:1652993691014.7561 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:101909504 nr_ops:99521\ntimestamp_ms:1652993692014.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:159089664 nr_ops:155361\ntimestamp_ms:1652993693015.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:218878976 nr_ops:213749\ntimestamp_ms:1652993694016.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278275072 nr_ops:271753\ntimestamp_ms:1652993695017.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:337571840 nr_ops:329660\ntimestamp_ms:1652993696018.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397272064 nr_ops:387961\ntimestamp_ms:1652993697019.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432329728 nr_ops:422197\ntimestamp_ms:1652993698020.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:483066880 nr_ops:471745\ntimestamp_ms:1652993699021.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:535837696 nr_ops:523279\ntimestamp_ms:1652993700022.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602266624 nr_ops:588151\ntimestamp_ms:1652993701023.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:668975104 nr_ops:653296\ntimestamp_ms:1652993702024.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708193280 nr_ops:691595\ntimestamp_ms:1652993703025.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:768320512 nr_ops:750313\ntimestamp_ms:1652993704026.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:828324864 nr_ops:808911\ntimestamp_ms:1652993705027.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:889928704 nr_ops:869071\ntimestamp_ms:1652993706028.8970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951063552 nr_ops:928773\ntimestamp_ms:1652993707029.9929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999072768 nr_ops:975657\ntimestamp_ms:1652993708031.0833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058855936 nr_ops:1034039\ntimestamp_ms:1652993709031.5354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1118460928 nr_ops:1092247\ntimestamp_ms:1652993710032.6277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1175782400 nr_ops:1148225\ntimestamp_ms:1652993711033.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1225735168 nr_ops:1197007\ntimestamp_ms:1652993712034.8105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274061824 nr_ops:1244201\ntimestamp_ms:1652993713035.9180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1311747072 nr_ops:1281003\ntimestamp_ms:1652993714037.0137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1368841216 nr_ops:1336759\ntimestamp_ms:1652993715038.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411896320 nr_ops:1378805\ntimestamp_ms:1652993716038.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1475085312 nr_ops:1440513\ntimestamp_ms:1652993717039.9521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1530229760 nr_ops:1494365\ntimestamp_ms:1652993718041.0479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1572589568 nr_ops:1535732\ntimestamp_ms:1652993719042.1418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619598336 nr_ops:1581639\ntimestamp_ms:1652993720043.2375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1679080448 nr_ops:1639727\ntimestamp_ms:1652993721044.3359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1738638336 nr_ops:1697889\ntimestamp_ms:1652993722045.4373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797874688 nr_ops:1755737\ntimestamp_ms:1652993723046.5332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1844950016 nr_ops:1801709\ntimestamp_ms:1652993724047.6328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1903691776 nr_ops:1859074\ntimestamp_ms:1652993725048.7302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1962712064 nr_ops:1916711\ntimestamp_ms:1652993726048.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024469504 nr_ops:1977021\ntimestamp_ms:1652993727049.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2072278016 nr_ops:2023709\ntimestamp_ms:1652993728050.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2131969024 nr_ops:2082001\ntimestamp_ms:1652993729051.9639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2191987712 nr_ops:2140613\ntimestamp_ms:1652993730053.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2252211200 nr_ops:2199425\ntimestamp_ms:1652993731054.2151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2289767424 nr_ops:2236101\ntimestamp_ms:1652993732055.3127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2352346112 nr_ops:2297213\ntimestamp_ms:1652993733056.4167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2414853120 nr_ops:2358255\ntimestamp_ms:1652993734057.5146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479569920 nr_ops:2421455\ntimestamp_ms:1652993735058.6121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2528844800 nr_ops:2469575\ntimestamp_ms:1652993736059.7915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2576376832 nr_ops:2515993\ntimestamp_ms:1652993737060.8965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2628361216 nr_ops:2566759\ntimestamp_ms:1652993738062.0049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2683081728 nr_ops:2620197\ntimestamp_ms:1652993739062.6360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2731811840 nr_ops:2667785\ntimestamp_ms:1652993740062.8101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2781746176 nr_ops:2716549\ntimestamp_ms:1652993741062.9990 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2831660032 nr_ops:2765293\ntimestamp_ms:1652993742063.1833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2894759936 nr_ops:2826914\ntimestamp_ms:1652993743063.3049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2957941760 nr_ops:2888615\ntimestamp_ms:1652993744063.6194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3021065216 nr_ops:2950259\ntimestamp_ms:1652993745063.7961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3084293120 nr_ops:3012005\ntimestamp_ms:1652993746063.9180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3134493696 nr_ops:3061029\ntimestamp_ms:1652993747064.2073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3184598016 nr_ops:3109959\ntimestamp_ms:1652993748064.3750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3234720768 nr_ops:3158907\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139705134491392\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3284635648 nr_ops:3207652\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.7937 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.8035 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749365.0271 name:Total nr_bytes:3284635648 nr_ops:3207653\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.9370 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6569271296 nr_ops:6415306\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.9375 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3284635648 nr_ops:3207655\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 249.81us 0.00ns 249.81us 249.81us \nTxn1 1603826 37.41us 0.00ns 209.21ms 18.53us \nTxn2 1 59.31us 0.00ns 59.31us 59.31us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 237.78us 0.00ns 237.78us 237.78us \nwrite 1603826 2.43us 0.00ns 133.50us 2.12us \nread 1603826 34.91us 0.00ns 209.21ms 1.17us \ndisconnect 1 58.71us 0.00ns 58.71us 58.71us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.72b/s \nnet1 25722 25722 224.29Mb/s 224.29Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.136 62.35s 3.06GB 421.41Mb/s 3207655 0.00\nmaster 62.35s 3.06GB 421.41Mb/s 3207655 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.404803, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993688011.4324 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993689012.5471 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993689012.5940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993690013.6323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:54004736 nr_ops:52739\ntimestamp_ms:1652993691014.7561 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:101909504 nr_ops:99521\ntimestamp_ms:1652993692014.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:159089664 nr_ops:155361\ntimestamp_ms:1652993693015.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:218878976 nr_ops:213749\ntimestamp_ms:1652993694016.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278275072 nr_ops:271753\ntimestamp_ms:1652993695017.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:337571840 nr_ops:329660\ntimestamp_ms:1652993696018.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397272064 nr_ops:387961\ntimestamp_ms:1652993697019.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432329728 nr_ops:422197\ntimestamp_ms:1652993698020.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:483066880 nr_ops:471745\ntimestamp_ms:1652993699021.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:535837696 nr_ops:523279\ntimestamp_ms:1652993700022.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602266624 nr_ops:588151\ntimestamp_ms:1652993701023.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:668975104 nr_ops:653296\ntimestamp_ms:1652993702024.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708193280 nr_ops:691595\ntimestamp_ms:1652993703025.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:768320512 nr_ops:750313\ntimestamp_ms:1652993704026.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:828324864 nr_ops:808911\ntimestamp_ms:1652993705027.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:889928704 nr_ops:869071\ntimestamp_ms:1652993706028.8970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951063552 nr_ops:928773\ntimestamp_ms:1652993707029.9929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999072768 nr_ops:975657\ntimestamp_ms:1652993708031.0833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058855936 nr_ops:1034039\ntimestamp_ms:1652993709031.5354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1118460928 nr_ops:1092247\ntimestamp_ms:1652993710032.6277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1175782400 nr_ops:1148225\ntimestamp_ms:1652993711033.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1225735168 nr_ops:1197007\ntimestamp_ms:1652993712034.8105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274061824 nr_ops:1244201\ntimestamp_ms:1652993713035.9180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1311747072 nr_ops:1281003\ntimestamp_ms:1652993714037.0137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1368841216 nr_ops:1336759\ntimestamp_ms:1652993715038.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411896320 nr_ops:1378805\ntimestamp_ms:1652993716038.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1475085312 nr_ops:1440513\ntimestamp_ms:1652993717039.9521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1530229760 nr_ops:1494365\ntimestamp_ms:1652993718041.0479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1572589568 nr_ops:1535732\ntimestamp_ms:1652993719042.1418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619598336 nr_ops:1581639\ntimestamp_ms:1652993720043.2375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1679080448 nr_ops:1639727\ntimestamp_ms:1652993721044.3359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1738638336 nr_ops:1697889\ntimestamp_ms:1652993722045.4373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797874688 nr_ops:1755737\ntimestamp_ms:1652993723046.5332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1844950016 nr_ops:1801709\ntimestamp_ms:1652993724047.6328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1903691776 nr_ops:1859074\ntimestamp_ms:1652993725048.7302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1962712064 nr_ops:1916711\ntimestamp_ms:1652993726048.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024469504 nr_ops:1977021\ntimestamp_ms:1652993727049.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2072278016 nr_ops:2023709\ntimestamp_ms:1652993728050.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2131969024 nr_ops:2082001\ntimestamp_ms:1652993729051.9639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2191987712 nr_ops:2140613\ntimestamp_ms:1652993730053.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2252211200 nr_ops:2199425\ntimestamp_ms:1652993731054.2151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2289767424 nr_ops:2236101\ntimestamp_ms:1652993732055.3127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2352346112 nr_ops:2297213\ntimestamp_ms:1652993733056.4167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2414853120 nr_ops:2358255\ntimestamp_ms:1652993734057.5146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479569920 nr_ops:2421455\ntimestamp_ms:1652993735058.6121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2528844800 nr_ops:2469575\ntimestamp_ms:1652993736059.7915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2576376832 nr_ops:2515993\ntimestamp_ms:1652993737060.8965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2628361216 nr_ops:2566759\ntimestamp_ms:1652993738062.0049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2683081728 nr_ops:2620197\ntimestamp_ms:1652993739062.6360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2731811840 nr_ops:2667785\ntimestamp_ms:1652993740062.8101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2781746176 nr_ops:2716549\ntimestamp_ms:1652993741062.9990 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2831660032 nr_ops:2765293\ntimestamp_ms:1652993742063.1833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2894759936 nr_ops:2826914\ntimestamp_ms:1652993743063.3049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2957941760 nr_ops:2888615\ntimestamp_ms:1652993744063.6194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3021065216 nr_ops:2950259\ntimestamp_ms:1652993745063.7961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3084293120 nr_ops:3012005\ntimestamp_ms:1652993746063.9180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3134493696 nr_ops:3061029\ntimestamp_ms:1652993747064.2073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3184598016 nr_ops:3109959\ntimestamp_ms:1652993748064.3750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3234720768 nr_ops:3158907\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139705134491392\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3284635648 nr_ops:3207652\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.7937 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.8035 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749365.0271 name:Total nr_bytes:3284635648 nr_ops:3207653\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.9370 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6569271296 nr_ops:6415306\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.9375 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3284635648 nr_ops:3207655\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 249.81us 0.00ns 249.81us 249.81us \nTxn1 1603826 37.41us 0.00ns 209.21ms 18.53us \nTxn2 1 59.31us 0.00ns 59.31us 59.31us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 237.78us 0.00ns 237.78us 237.78us \nwrite 1603826 2.43us 0.00ns 133.50us 2.12us \nread 1603826 34.91us 0.00ns 209.21ms 1.17us \ndisconnect 1 58.71us 0.00ns 58.71us 58.71us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.72b/s \nnet1 25722 25722 224.29Mb/s 224.29Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.136 62.35s 3.06GB 421.41Mb/s 3207655 0.00\nmaster 62.35s 3.06GB 421.41Mb/s 3207655 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.404803, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993688011.4324 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993689012.5471 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993689012.5940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993690013.6323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:54004736 nr_ops:52739\ntimestamp_ms:1652993691014.7561 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:101909504 nr_ops:99521\ntimestamp_ms:1652993692014.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:159089664 nr_ops:155361\ntimestamp_ms:1652993693015.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:218878976 nr_ops:213749\ntimestamp_ms:1652993694016.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278275072 nr_ops:271753\ntimestamp_ms:1652993695017.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:337571840 nr_ops:329660\ntimestamp_ms:1652993696018.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397272064 nr_ops:387961\ntimestamp_ms:1652993697019.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432329728 nr_ops:422197\ntimestamp_ms:1652993698020.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:483066880 nr_ops:471745\ntimestamp_ms:1652993699021.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:535837696 nr_ops:523279\ntimestamp_ms:1652993700022.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602266624 nr_ops:588151\ntimestamp_ms:1652993701023.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:668975104 nr_ops:653296\ntimestamp_ms:1652993702024.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708193280 nr_ops:691595\ntimestamp_ms:1652993703025.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:768320512 nr_ops:750313\ntimestamp_ms:1652993704026.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:828324864 nr_ops:808911\ntimestamp_ms:1652993705027.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:889928704 nr_ops:869071\ntimestamp_ms:1652993706028.8970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951063552 nr_ops:928773\ntimestamp_ms:1652993707029.9929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999072768 nr_ops:975657\ntimestamp_ms:1652993708031.0833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058855936 nr_ops:1034039\ntimestamp_ms:1652993709031.5354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1118460928 nr_ops:1092247\ntimestamp_ms:1652993710032.6277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1175782400 nr_ops:1148225\ntimestamp_ms:1652993711033.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1225735168 nr_ops:1197007\ntimestamp_ms:1652993712034.8105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274061824 nr_ops:1244201\ntimestamp_ms:1652993713035.9180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1311747072 nr_ops:1281003\ntimestamp_ms:1652993714037.0137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1368841216 nr_ops:1336759\ntimestamp_ms:1652993715038.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411896320 nr_ops:1378805\ntimestamp_ms:1652993716038.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1475085312 nr_ops:1440513\ntimestamp_ms:1652993717039.9521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1530229760 nr_ops:1494365\ntimestamp_ms:1652993718041.0479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1572589568 nr_ops:1535732\ntimestamp_ms:1652993719042.1418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619598336 nr_ops:1581639\ntimestamp_ms:1652993720043.2375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1679080448 nr_ops:1639727\ntimestamp_ms:1652993721044.3359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1738638336 nr_ops:1697889\ntimestamp_ms:1652993722045.4373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797874688 nr_ops:1755737\ntimestamp_ms:1652993723046.5332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1844950016 nr_ops:1801709\ntimestamp_ms:1652993724047.6328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1903691776 nr_ops:1859074\ntimestamp_ms:1652993725048.7302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1962712064 nr_ops:1916711\ntimestamp_ms:1652993726048.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024469504 nr_ops:1977021\ntimestamp_ms:1652993727049.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2072278016 nr_ops:2023709\ntimestamp_ms:1652993728050.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2131969024 nr_ops:2082001\ntimestamp_ms:1652993729051.9639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2191987712 nr_ops:2140613\ntimestamp_ms:1652993730053.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2252211200 nr_ops:2199425\ntimestamp_ms:1652993731054.2151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2289767424 nr_ops:2236101\ntimestamp_ms:1652993732055.3127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2352346112 nr_ops:2297213\ntimestamp_ms:1652993733056.4167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2414853120 nr_ops:2358255\ntimestamp_ms:1652993734057.5146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479569920 nr_ops:2421455\ntimestamp_ms:1652993735058.6121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2528844800 nr_ops:2469575\ntimestamp_ms:1652993736059.7915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2576376832 nr_ops:2515993\ntimestamp_ms:1652993737060.8965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2628361216 nr_ops:2566759\ntimestamp_ms:1652993738062.0049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2683081728 nr_ops:2620197\ntimestamp_ms:1652993739062.6360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2731811840 nr_ops:2667785\ntimestamp_ms:1652993740062.8101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2781746176 nr_ops:2716549\ntimestamp_ms:1652993741062.9990 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2831660032 nr_ops:2765293\ntimestamp_ms:1652993742063.1833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2894759936 nr_ops:2826914\ntimestamp_ms:1652993743063.3049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2957941760 nr_ops:2888615\ntimestamp_ms:1652993744063.6194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3021065216 nr_ops:2950259\ntimestamp_ms:1652993745063.7961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3084293120 nr_ops:3012005\ntimestamp_ms:1652993746063.9180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3134493696 nr_ops:3061029\ntimestamp_ms:1652993747064.2073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3184598016 nr_ops:3109959\ntimestamp_ms:1652993748064.3750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3234720768 nr_ops:3158907\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139705134491392\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3284635648 nr_ops:3207652\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.7937 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.8035 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749365.0271 name:Total nr_bytes:3284635648 nr_ops:3207653\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.9370 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6569271296 nr_ops:6415306\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993749264.9375 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3284635648 nr_ops:3207655\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 249.81us 0.00ns 249.81us 249.81us \nTxn1 1603826 37.41us 0.00ns 209.21ms 18.53us \nTxn2 1 59.31us 0.00ns 59.31us 59.31us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 237.78us 0.00ns 237.78us 237.78us \nwrite 1603826 2.43us 0.00ns 133.50us 2.12us \nread 1603826 34.91us 0.00ns 209.21ms 1.17us \ndisconnect 1 58.71us 0.00ns 58.71us 58.71us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.72b/s \nnet1 25722 25722 224.29Mb/s 224.29Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.136 62.35s 3.06GB 421.41Mb/s 3207655 0.00\nmaster 62.35s 3.06GB 421.41Mb/s 3207655 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.404803, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993688011.4324 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993689012.5471 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993689012.5940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993690013.6323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:54004736 nr_ops:52739
+timestamp_ms:1652993691014.7561 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:101909504 nr_ops:99521
+timestamp_ms:1652993692014.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:159089664 nr_ops:155361
+timestamp_ms:1652993693015.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:218878976 nr_ops:213749
+timestamp_ms:1652993694016.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278275072 nr_ops:271753
+timestamp_ms:1652993695017.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:337571840 nr_ops:329660
+timestamp_ms:1652993696018.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397272064 nr_ops:387961
+timestamp_ms:1652993697019.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432329728 nr_ops:422197
+timestamp_ms:1652993698020.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:483066880 nr_ops:471745
+timestamp_ms:1652993699021.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:535837696 nr_ops:523279
+timestamp_ms:1652993700022.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602266624 nr_ops:588151
+timestamp_ms:1652993701023.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:668975104 nr_ops:653296
+timestamp_ms:1652993702024.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708193280 nr_ops:691595
+timestamp_ms:1652993703025.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:768320512 nr_ops:750313
+timestamp_ms:1652993704026.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:828324864 nr_ops:808911
+timestamp_ms:1652993705027.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:889928704 nr_ops:869071
+timestamp_ms:1652993706028.8970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951063552 nr_ops:928773
+timestamp_ms:1652993707029.9929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999072768 nr_ops:975657
+timestamp_ms:1652993708031.0833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058855936 nr_ops:1034039
+timestamp_ms:1652993709031.5354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1118460928 nr_ops:1092247
+timestamp_ms:1652993710032.6277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1175782400 nr_ops:1148225
+timestamp_ms:1652993711033.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1225735168 nr_ops:1197007
+timestamp_ms:1652993712034.8105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274061824 nr_ops:1244201
+timestamp_ms:1652993713035.9180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1311747072 nr_ops:1281003
+timestamp_ms:1652993714037.0137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1368841216 nr_ops:1336759
+timestamp_ms:1652993715038.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411896320 nr_ops:1378805
+timestamp_ms:1652993716038.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1475085312 nr_ops:1440513
+timestamp_ms:1652993717039.9521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1530229760 nr_ops:1494365
+timestamp_ms:1652993718041.0479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1572589568 nr_ops:1535732
+timestamp_ms:1652993719042.1418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619598336 nr_ops:1581639
+timestamp_ms:1652993720043.2375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1679080448 nr_ops:1639727
+timestamp_ms:1652993721044.3359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1738638336 nr_ops:1697889
+timestamp_ms:1652993722045.4373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797874688 nr_ops:1755737
+timestamp_ms:1652993723046.5332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1844950016 nr_ops:1801709
+timestamp_ms:1652993724047.6328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1903691776 nr_ops:1859074
+timestamp_ms:1652993725048.7302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1962712064 nr_ops:1916711
+timestamp_ms:1652993726048.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024469504 nr_ops:1977021
+timestamp_ms:1652993727049.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2072278016 nr_ops:2023709
+timestamp_ms:1652993728050.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2131969024 nr_ops:2082001
+timestamp_ms:1652993729051.9639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2191987712 nr_ops:2140613
+timestamp_ms:1652993730053.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2252211200 nr_ops:2199425
+timestamp_ms:1652993731054.2151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2289767424 nr_ops:2236101
+timestamp_ms:1652993732055.3127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2352346112 nr_ops:2297213
+timestamp_ms:1652993733056.4167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2414853120 nr_ops:2358255
+timestamp_ms:1652993734057.5146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479569920 nr_ops:2421455
+timestamp_ms:1652993735058.6121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2528844800 nr_ops:2469575
+timestamp_ms:1652993736059.7915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2576376832 nr_ops:2515993
+timestamp_ms:1652993737060.8965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2628361216 nr_ops:2566759
+timestamp_ms:1652993738062.0049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2683081728 nr_ops:2620197
+timestamp_ms:1652993739062.6360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2731811840 nr_ops:2667785
+timestamp_ms:1652993740062.8101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2781746176 nr_ops:2716549
+timestamp_ms:1652993741062.9990 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2831660032 nr_ops:2765293
+timestamp_ms:1652993742063.1833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2894759936 nr_ops:2826914
+timestamp_ms:1652993743063.3049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2957941760 nr_ops:2888615
+timestamp_ms:1652993744063.6194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3021065216 nr_ops:2950259
+timestamp_ms:1652993745063.7961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3084293120 nr_ops:3012005
+timestamp_ms:1652993746063.9180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3134493696 nr_ops:3061029
+timestamp_ms:1652993747064.2073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3184598016 nr_ops:3109959
+timestamp_ms:1652993748064.3750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3234720768 nr_ops:3158907
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139705134491392
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652993749264.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3284635648 nr_ops:3207652
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993749264.7937 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993749264.8035 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993749365.0271 name:Total nr_bytes:3284635648 nr_ops:3207653
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993749264.9370 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6569271296 nr_ops:6415306
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993749264.9375 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3284635648 nr_ops:3207655
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 249.81us 0.00ns 249.81us 249.81us
+Txn1 1603826 37.41us 0.00ns 209.21ms 18.53us
+Txn2 1 59.31us 0.00ns 59.31us 59.31us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 237.78us 0.00ns 237.78us 237.78us
+write 1603826 2.43us 0.00ns 133.50us 2.12us
+read 1603826 34.91us 0.00ns 209.21ms 1.17us
+disconnect 1 58.71us 0.00ns 58.71us 58.71us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.72b/s
+net1 25722 25722 224.29Mb/s 224.29Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.136 62.35s 3.06GB 421.41Mb/s 3207655 0.00
+master 62.35s 3.06GB 421.41Mb/s 3207655 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:54:50.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:54:50.013000', 'bytes': 54004736, 'norm_byte': 54004736, 'ops': 52739, 'norm_ops': 52739, 'norm_ltcy': 18.98098807482366, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:54:50.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:54:50.013000",
+ "bytes": 54004736,
+ "norm_byte": 54004736,
+ "ops": 52739,
+ "norm_ops": 52739,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.98098807482366,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e320f00693f758421387f225516e3ced45d630f023e74d7e4f981a80f6d42ac5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:54:51.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:54:51.014000', 'bytes': 101909504, 'norm_byte': 47904768, 'ops': 99521, 'norm_ops': 46782, 'norm_ltcy': 21.399764424284445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:54:51.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:54:51.014000",
+ "bytes": 101909504,
+ "norm_byte": 47904768,
+ "ops": 99521,
+ "norm_ops": 46782,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.399764424284445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ba7c1a030cd6a94d89d851d17a8f6f062d461ef75f0b4442d2b578d6fa9bdd2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:54:52.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:54:52.014000', 'bytes': 159089664, 'norm_byte': 57180160, 'ops': 155361, 'norm_ops': 55840, 'norm_ltcy': 17.909691053680156, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:54:52.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:54:52.014000",
+ "bytes": 159089664,
+ "norm_byte": 57180160,
+ "ops": 155361,
+ "norm_ops": 55840,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.909691053680156,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82c5e607849dffe4663fc7e9394b9e4091ce42edda38e8b6d84980ff8ce61f88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:54:53.015000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:54:53.015000', 'bytes': 218878976, 'norm_byte': 59789312, 'ops': 213749, 'norm_ops': 58388, 'norm_ltcy': 17.143954591750447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:54:53.015000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:54:53.015000",
+ "bytes": 218878976,
+ "norm_byte": 59789312,
+ "ops": 213749,
+ "norm_ops": 58388,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.143954591750447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ce7cb432f35617bba19fcc32072e51296d2ad608169c3e5163191acf54c1c01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:54:54.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:54:54.016000', 'bytes': 278275072, 'norm_byte': 59396096, 'ops': 271753, 'norm_ops': 58004, 'norm_ltcy': 17.257422103971276, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:54:54.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:54:54.016000",
+ "bytes": 278275072,
+ "norm_byte": 59396096,
+ "ops": 271753,
+ "norm_ops": 58004,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.257422103971276,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f05c9b810e0da8d999a5b6e88468c5e11ca9400d985c7e6800d56e3d0038103",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:54:55.017000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:54:55.017000', 'bytes': 337571840, 'norm_byte': 59296768, 'ops': 329660, 'norm_ops': 57907, 'norm_ltcy': 17.28633000705873, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:54:55.017000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:54:55.017000",
+ "bytes": 337571840,
+ "norm_byte": 59296768,
+ "ops": 329660,
+ "norm_ops": 57907,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.28633000705873,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9faa832beeac2af401034315760514f78fb5b5eef8e4e1d4e6a3765dd68c3086",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:54:56.018000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:54:56.018000', 'bytes': 397272064, 'norm_byte': 59700224, 'ops': 387961, 'norm_ops': 58301, 'norm_ltcy': 17.169516817893346, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:54:56.018000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:54:56.018000",
+ "bytes": 397272064,
+ "norm_byte": 59700224,
+ "ops": 387961,
+ "norm_ops": 58301,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.169516817893346,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0faa2d5d9b90aa2faf8163b939bd023dcf96ce8fd216c0f7be1652550c8f1b30",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:54:57.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:54:57.019000', 'bytes': 432329728, 'norm_byte': 35057664, 'ops': 422197, 'norm_ops': 34236, 'norm_ltcy': 29.238321469451016, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:54:57.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:54:57.019000",
+ "bytes": 432329728,
+ "norm_byte": 35057664,
+ "ops": 422197,
+ "norm_ops": 34236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.238321469451016,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf1c902abcf8d9eb53c8c55d2acd189c9a012290b3df2c854470775908e5412e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:54:58.020000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:54:58.020000', 'bytes': 483066880, 'norm_byte': 50737152, 'ops': 471745, 'norm_ops': 49548, 'norm_ltcy': 20.202557881057256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:54:58.020000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:54:58.020000",
+ "bytes": 483066880,
+ "norm_byte": 50737152,
+ "ops": 471745,
+ "norm_ops": 49548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.202557881057256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f825697478b94dd2624cb083c1feb9985a1880eff6d4728ed8d5cf2884d000e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:54:59.021000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:54:59.021000', 'bytes': 535837696, 'norm_byte': 52770816, 'ops': 523279, 'norm_ops': 51534, 'norm_ltcy': 19.42413113339009, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:54:59.021000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:54:59.021000",
+ "bytes": 535837696,
+ "norm_byte": 52770816,
+ "ops": 523279,
+ "norm_ops": 51534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.42413113339009,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7d62cd75230176dad7f41089c9103ef13754dc9ad3bdeebee6124230c92a99f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:00.022000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:00.022000', 'bytes': 602266624, 'norm_byte': 66428928, 'ops': 588151, 'norm_ops': 64872, 'norm_ltcy': 15.430468786128838, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:00.022000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:00.022000",
+ "bytes": 602266624,
+ "norm_byte": 66428928,
+ "ops": 588151,
+ "norm_ops": 64872,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.430468786128838,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22d6eaa9659113c3c38f2ae182924472401e27e76dc4eff95a34ed007ed7441f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:01.023000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:01.023000', 'bytes': 668975104, 'norm_byte': 66708480, 'ops': 653296, 'norm_ops': 65145, 'norm_ltcy': 15.365647665784019, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:01.023000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:01.023000",
+ "bytes": 668975104,
+ "norm_byte": 66708480,
+ "ops": 653296,
+ "norm_ops": 65145,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.365647665784019,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26f6c2a050b131293e9efdea4f983f6836dd440a4c0814671bb4ccf58a1ef537",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:02.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:02.024000', 'bytes': 708193280, 'norm_byte': 39218176, 'ops': 691595, 'norm_ops': 38299, 'norm_ltcy': 26.136465398084805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:02.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:02.024000",
+ "bytes": 708193280,
+ "norm_byte": 39218176,
+ "ops": 691595,
+ "norm_ops": 38299,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.136465398084805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1d3a554b14d9ec099fb2bd82c75e204cc960b1ac37e092d61fc22a510355d7c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:03.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:03.025000', 'bytes': 768320512, 'norm_byte': 60127232, 'ops': 750313, 'norm_ops': 58718, 'norm_ltcy': 17.047529312508516, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:03.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:03.025000",
+ "bytes": 768320512,
+ "norm_byte": 60127232,
+ "ops": 750313,
+ "norm_ops": 58718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.047529312508516,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "823d2cd2aa29ffdc6e169aa6591392217a9183d10d90700529f1d0eee33ca0ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:04.026000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:04.026000', 'bytes': 828324864, 'norm_byte': 60004352, 'ops': 808911, 'norm_ops': 58598, 'norm_ltcy': 17.082502615810267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:04.026000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:04.026000",
+ "bytes": 828324864,
+ "norm_byte": 60004352,
+ "ops": 808911,
+ "norm_ops": 58598,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.082502615810267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1687f8ee14f879a358d55ae5d3395c4a38ff80d97e639558c884afb829e7978",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:05.027000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:05.027000', 'bytes': 889928704, 'norm_byte': 61603840, 'ops': 869071, 'norm_ops': 60160, 'norm_ltcy': 16.638970882334608, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:05.027000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:05.027000",
+ "bytes": 889928704,
+ "norm_byte": 61603840,
+ "ops": 869071,
+ "norm_ops": 60160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.638970882334608,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c583ac38df700738b70a1cf642e55696f3bab376f46e807cae4c86006969e07",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:06.028000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:06.028000', 'bytes': 951063552, 'norm_byte': 61134848, 'ops': 928773, 'norm_ops': 59702, 'norm_ltcy': 16.767646171296605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:06.028000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:06.028000",
+ "bytes": 951063552,
+ "norm_byte": 61134848,
+ "ops": 928773,
+ "norm_ops": 59702,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.767646171296605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d546ddaf0841421a1fd806c97f01cb789ed0a5d15ae82aba4db2224719381fc3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:07.029000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:07.029000', 'bytes': 999072768, 'norm_byte': 48009216, 'ops': 975657, 'norm_ops': 46884, 'norm_ltcy': 21.352613839809422, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:07.029000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:07.029000",
+ "bytes": 999072768,
+ "norm_byte": 48009216,
+ "ops": 975657,
+ "norm_ops": 46884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.352613839809422,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1ee0bb3af9d1d5eb5aa55c2d3b71e38053b1f3d0a82786dae7ec96e2728a04e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:08.031000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:08.031000', 'bytes': 1058855936, 'norm_byte': 59783168, 'ops': 1034039, 'norm_ops': 58382, 'norm_ltcy': 17.147242849358534, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:08.031000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:08.031000",
+ "bytes": 1058855936,
+ "norm_byte": 59783168,
+ "ops": 1034039,
+ "norm_ops": 58382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.147242849358534,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "797bd4817f189c670b9807ea488223700518629517c4b08cf17305b8e871189d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:09.031000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:09.031000', 'bytes': 1118460928, 'norm_byte': 59604992, 'ops': 1092247, 'norm_ops': 58208, 'norm_ltcy': 17.187536909660185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:09.031000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:09.031000",
+ "bytes": 1118460928,
+ "norm_byte": 59604992,
+ "ops": 1092247,
+ "norm_ops": 58208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.187536909660185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b354000d005ef2279f87d9df69a9005d6f4ff7ffd410c5f64130c65e09ee90e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:10.032000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:10.032000', 'bytes': 1175782400, 'norm_byte': 57321472, 'ops': 1148225, 'norm_ops': 55978, 'norm_ltcy': 17.883673678163742, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:10.032000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:10.032000",
+ "bytes": 1175782400,
+ "norm_byte": 57321472,
+ "ops": 1148225,
+ "norm_ops": 55978,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.883673678163742,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b32dcee2e362d84ef9f6932438b6d1ca71e1a9ddd53b683b7a4f0168367d9dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:11.033000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:11.033000', 'bytes': 1225735168, 'norm_byte': 49952768, 'ops': 1197007, 'norm_ops': 48782, 'norm_ltcy': 20.521720638183655, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:11.033000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:11.033000",
+ "bytes": 1225735168,
+ "norm_byte": 49952768,
+ "ops": 1197007,
+ "norm_ops": 48782,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.521720638183655,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c6b0ce7e8ee45692b2521064fc22ad3105018fd02893eff17f0465b094b5df7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:12.034000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:12.034000', 'bytes': 1274061824, 'norm_byte': 48326656, 'ops': 1244201, 'norm_ops': 47194, 'norm_ltcy': 21.21227878874963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:12.034000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:12.034000",
+ "bytes": 1274061824,
+ "norm_byte": 48326656,
+ "ops": 1244201,
+ "norm_ops": 47194,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.21227878874963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01771b96e62e807693e24fd37bf7de347677a8c180a71ae48ffa4b7d965f9fe6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:13.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:13.035000', 'bytes': 1311747072, 'norm_byte': 37685248, 'ops': 1281003, 'norm_ops': 36802, 'norm_ltcy': 27.202527630971144, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:13.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:13.035000",
+ "bytes": 1311747072,
+ "norm_byte": 37685248,
+ "ops": 1281003,
+ "norm_ops": 36802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.202527630971144,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ce514935f79e1b908438a9cee437f39d771ce4e215b646a47fe837eb505cf3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:14.037000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:14.037000', 'bytes': 1368841216, 'norm_byte': 57094144, 'ops': 1336759, 'norm_ops': 55756, 'norm_ltcy': 17.9549412282983, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:14.037000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:14.037000",
+ "bytes": 1368841216,
+ "norm_byte": 57094144,
+ "ops": 1336759,
+ "norm_ops": 55756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.9549412282983,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de0f87ac036f36397f013414a7bffdb8b6582a3ff63fa4bcd337a098854261f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:15.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:15.038000', 'bytes': 1411896320, 'norm_byte': 43055104, 'ops': 1378805, 'norm_ops': 42046, 'norm_ltcy': 23.80971487143545, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:15.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:15.038000",
+ "bytes": 1411896320,
+ "norm_byte": 43055104,
+ "ops": 1378805,
+ "norm_ops": 42046,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.80971487143545,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cd25349b1a471cb8d5881585ec497cbc3775d1bd0f964184d225a55aa0bf1efa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:16.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:16.038000', 'bytes': 1475085312, 'norm_byte': 63188992, 'ops': 1440513, 'norm_ops': 61708, 'norm_ltcy': 16.217025585722272, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:16.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:16.038000",
+ "bytes": 1475085312,
+ "norm_byte": 63188992,
+ "ops": 1440513,
+ "norm_ops": 61708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.217025585722272,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59d6fa9602b610283b136a71cb6b7ec7e24b099b4c540e6a8aae59d6d78c7338",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:17.039000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:17.039000', 'bytes': 1530229760, 'norm_byte': 55144448, 'ops': 1494365, 'norm_ops': 53852, 'norm_ltcy': 18.590117177344855, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:17.039000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:17.039000",
+ "bytes": 1530229760,
+ "norm_byte": 55144448,
+ "ops": 1494365,
+ "norm_ops": 53852,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.590117177344855,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e69842d7bf9d139935d50bf2dd42d23ab3091df5910573a29d6ee91f02ae6ada",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:18.041000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:18.041000', 'bytes': 1572589568, 'norm_byte': 42359808, 'ops': 1535732, 'norm_ops': 41367, 'norm_ltcy': 24.20034576171828, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:18.041000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:18.041000",
+ "bytes": 1572589568,
+ "norm_byte": 42359808,
+ "ops": 1535732,
+ "norm_ops": 41367,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.20034576171828,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5bea0bbb678be07d1c7b0e580e741f25425eb79c4beca13f506cc8ab8dd23f72",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:19.042000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:19.042000', 'bytes': 1619598336, 'norm_byte': 47008768, 'ops': 1581639, 'norm_ops': 45907, 'norm_ltcy': 21.807000983305922, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:19.042000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:19.042000",
+ "bytes": 1619598336,
+ "norm_byte": 47008768,
+ "ops": 1581639,
+ "norm_ops": 45907,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.807000983305922,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c3ebe1ad1eb2ad7fb0204e1685c119f263607522922ca4bbc102545fa695424",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:20.043000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:20.043000', 'bytes': 1679080448, 'norm_byte': 59482112, 'ops': 1639727, 'norm_ops': 58088, 'norm_ltcy': 17.234122419862963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:20.043000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:20.043000",
+ "bytes": 1679080448,
+ "norm_byte": 59482112,
+ "ops": 1639727,
+ "norm_ops": 58088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.234122419862963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4b8b96ed84891a4d0954b667610b30a7fbc11fa98b762dd326750df27142dc5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:21.044000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:21.044000', 'bytes': 1738638336, 'norm_byte': 59557888, 'ops': 1697889, 'norm_ops': 58162, 'norm_ltcy': 17.21224147505029, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:21.044000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:21.044000",
+ "bytes": 1738638336,
+ "norm_byte": 59557888,
+ "ops": 1697889,
+ "norm_ops": 58162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.21224147505029,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f51038ded188980ef0cf72c14eba0d1a21c5266809123996a9d704cfb3993197",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:22.045000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:22.045000', 'bytes': 1797874688, 'norm_byte': 59236352, 'ops': 1755737, 'norm_ops': 57848, 'norm_ltcy': 17.305720480558964, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:22.045000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:22.045000",
+ "bytes": 1797874688,
+ "norm_byte": 59236352,
+ "ops": 1755737,
+ "norm_ops": 57848,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.305720480558964,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7625f31a43b7f314c10b111cadac75458e061de3cd16b9cc7e7699f66dc131d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:23.046000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:23.046000', 'bytes': 1844950016, 'norm_byte': 47075328, 'ops': 1801709, 'norm_ops': 45972, 'norm_ltcy': 21.77621045996748, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:23.046000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:23.046000",
+ "bytes": 1844950016,
+ "norm_byte": 47075328,
+ "ops": 1801709,
+ "norm_ops": 45972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.77621045996748,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1061070c0ce7b125912eb3c52ebb0d1e19450b56dbddeae761d07c83a7943f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:24.047000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:24.047000', 'bytes': 1903691776, 'norm_byte': 58741760, 'ops': 1859074, 'norm_ops': 57365, 'norm_ltcy': 17.451400843284233, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:24.047000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:24.047000",
+ "bytes": 1903691776,
+ "norm_byte": 58741760,
+ "ops": 1859074,
+ "norm_ops": 57365,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.451400843284233,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c7760e87386ab43dbecfcd163ee79fd1073cfb9b1d95da1391f93af07ea41f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:25.048000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:25.048000', 'bytes': 1962712064, 'norm_byte': 59020288, 'ops': 1916711, 'norm_ops': 57637, 'norm_ltcy': 17.369006230535508, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:25.048000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:25.048000",
+ "bytes": 1962712064,
+ "norm_byte": 59020288,
+ "ops": 1916711,
+ "norm_ops": 57637,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.369006230535508,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a7c822c22ec041e1cb0d8f92907643a7a563a8ff663fa5edac4c981dc849fde",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:26.048000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:26.048000', 'bytes': 2024469504, 'norm_byte': 61757440, 'ops': 1977021, 'norm_ops': 60310, 'norm_ltcy': 16.58277124181313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:26.048000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:26.048000",
+ "bytes": 2024469504,
+ "norm_byte": 61757440,
+ "ops": 1977021,
+ "norm_ops": 60310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.58277124181313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28612dfc69aa42c6ad42bd201fcb867c249d9bea2e626e1071eb87aa5f822d83",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:27.049000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:27.049000', 'bytes': 2072278016, 'norm_byte': 47808512, 'ops': 2023709, 'norm_ops': 46688, 'norm_ltcy': 21.44214925576433, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:27.049000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:27.049000",
+ "bytes": 2072278016,
+ "norm_byte": 47808512,
+ "ops": 2023709,
+ "norm_ops": 46688,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.44214925576433,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5800ee8bb6c00cbecb21aff1b0ac4f75d015c5eb60289a1be1c08f9e6442c584",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:28.050000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:28.050000', 'bytes': 2131969024, 'norm_byte': 59691008, 'ops': 2082001, 'norm_ops': 58292, 'norm_ltcy': 17.17096149557401, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:28.050000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:28.050000",
+ "bytes": 2131969024,
+ "norm_byte": 59691008,
+ "ops": 2082001,
+ "norm_ops": 58292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.17096149557401,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ddb27508f65c47b7d52e1546398500ac0b8cefb775e144b6a46696786f94ceae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:29.051000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:29.051000', 'bytes': 2191987712, 'norm_byte': 60018688, 'ops': 2140613, 'norm_ops': 58612, 'norm_ltcy': 17.080221746933223, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:29.051000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:29.051000",
+ "bytes": 2191987712,
+ "norm_byte": 60018688,
+ "ops": 2140613,
+ "norm_ops": 58612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.080221746933223,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d720ab4092d60423fb61d861fb6da132ecc47f84c99b919121d47aa5230a00aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:30.053000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:30.053000', 'bytes': 2252211200, 'norm_byte': 60223488, 'ops': 2199425, 'norm_ops': 58812, 'norm_ltcy': 17.022976151763245, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:30.053000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:30.053000",
+ "bytes": 2252211200,
+ "norm_byte": 60223488,
+ "ops": 2199425,
+ "norm_ops": 58812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.022976151763245,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b5a876f0efe9758c542ad6b235059939502187a440778f544352616c81bd32e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:31.054000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:31.054000', 'bytes': 2289767424, 'norm_byte': 37556224, 'ops': 2236101, 'norm_ops': 36676, 'norm_ltcy': 27.295668755197543, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:31.054000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:31.054000",
+ "bytes": 2289767424,
+ "norm_byte": 37556224,
+ "ops": 2236101,
+ "norm_ops": 36676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.295668755197543,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2ef83086690f6098e54ef57ad82b3bc37c21a2364eb5414a1a45a32dc2024f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:32.055000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:32.055000', 'bytes': 2352346112, 'norm_byte': 62578688, 'ops': 2297213, 'norm_ops': 61112, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38135973704019, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:32.055000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:32.055000",
+ "bytes": 2352346112,
+ "norm_byte": 62578688,
+ "ops": 2297213,
+ "norm_ops": 61112,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38135973704019,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "027d36a3ff6ca93d182bd5491fe586e92f57fd2339c3209b92e8e0eb4dd90371",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:33.056000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:33.056000', 'bytes': 2414853120, 'norm_byte': 62507008, 'ops': 2358255, 'norm_ops': 61042, 'norm_ltcy': 16.400249072871958, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:33.056000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:33.056000",
+ "bytes": 2414853120,
+ "norm_byte": 62507008,
+ "ops": 2358255,
+ "norm_ops": 61042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.400249072871958,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e1f60d5045d3271c7c080213b7a27593d55fb57a7f93779594f18877b23f8e3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:34.057000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:34.057000', 'bytes': 2479569920, 'norm_byte': 64716800, 'ops': 2421455, 'norm_ops': 63200, 'norm_ltcy': 15.840156651750394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:34.057000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:34.057000",
+ "bytes": 2479569920,
+ "norm_byte": 64716800,
+ "ops": 2421455,
+ "norm_ops": 63200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.840156651750394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e5c34fd0e6412efb6a7b735f371c00fbfc840461ecc2c5d95b6fc02c6861e2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:35.058000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:35.058000', 'bytes': 2528844800, 'norm_byte': 49274880, 'ops': 2469575, 'norm_ops': 48120, 'norm_ltcy': 20.804185621558087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:35.058000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:35.058000",
+ "bytes": 2528844800,
+ "norm_byte": 49274880,
+ "ops": 2469575,
+ "norm_ops": 48120,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.804185621558087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6bb6b11aed48ccf8b0c1f25273a47a066509d83a9a7b32a7ce07567e7d0ee6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:36.059000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:36.059000', 'bytes': 2576376832, 'norm_byte': 47532032, 'ops': 2515993, 'norm_ops': 46418, 'norm_ltcy': 21.56877597827082, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:36.059000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:36.059000",
+ "bytes": 2576376832,
+ "norm_byte": 47532032,
+ "ops": 2515993,
+ "norm_ops": 46418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.56877597827082,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "94fb11c8a55498b0dd55ce0272c3ec4f418c315a34a0e77a7dbba8078fa801b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:37.060000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:37.060000', 'bytes': 2628361216, 'norm_byte': 51984384, 'ops': 2566759, 'norm_ops': 50766, 'norm_ltcy': 19.719989372193, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:37.060000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:37.060000",
+ "bytes": 2628361216,
+ "norm_byte": 51984384,
+ "ops": 2566759,
+ "norm_ops": 50766,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.719989372193,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fa442607b6d60699ea0f3db4a6aff36f6063a2310509f1fac3bf47b62b60d2d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:38.062000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:38.062000', 'bytes': 2683081728, 'norm_byte': 54720512, 'ops': 2620197, 'norm_ops': 53438, 'norm_ltcy': 18.734016962414387, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:38.062000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:38.062000",
+ "bytes": 2683081728,
+ "norm_byte": 54720512,
+ "ops": 2620197,
+ "norm_ops": 53438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.734016962414387,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d21c38e3df5881dd38e14c26836b87628c0fb0fa788fa868668dac96bb6f088",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:39.062000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:39.062000', 'bytes': 2731811840, 'norm_byte': 48730112, 'ops': 2667785, 'norm_ops': 47588, 'norm_ltcy': 21.026962753543437, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:39.062000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:39.062000",
+ "bytes": 2731811840,
+ "norm_byte": 48730112,
+ "ops": 2667785,
+ "norm_ops": 47588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.026962753543437,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c3abe872360fd9092a11a9673665330096627ff23eead67bf7dee706ecad6c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:40.062000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:40.062000', 'bytes': 2781746176, 'norm_byte': 49934336, 'ops': 2716549, 'norm_ops': 48764, 'norm_ltcy': 20.510501030793723, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:40.062000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:40.062000",
+ "bytes": 2781746176,
+ "norm_byte": 49934336,
+ "ops": 2716549,
+ "norm_ops": 48764,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.510501030793723,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bdda0f1b7f2227962c4a680d905adca354be2d6449e9a47c5da41314a61caaf2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:41.062000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:41.062000', 'bytes': 2831660032, 'norm_byte': 49913856, 'ops': 2765293, 'norm_ops': 48744, 'norm_ltcy': 20.51922215747066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:41.062000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:41.062000",
+ "bytes": 2831660032,
+ "norm_byte": 49913856,
+ "ops": 2765293,
+ "norm_ops": 48744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.51922215747066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c4d37ce52d60e9b1dc54733734210364cd2333d7c09f159fbcae2b2bd500a062",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:42.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:42.063000', 'bytes': 2894759936, 'norm_byte': 63099904, 'ops': 2826914, 'norm_ops': 61621, 'norm_ltcy': 16.23122516953433, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:42.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:42.063000",
+ "bytes": 2894759936,
+ "norm_byte": 63099904,
+ "ops": 2826914,
+ "norm_ops": 61621,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.23122516953433,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb0f12252f5ade3e9f538da6e52d0c7b1dbbd37d72b6d12e34de275f470773be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:43.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:43.063000', 'bytes': 2957941760, 'norm_byte': 63181824, 'ops': 2888615, 'norm_ops': 61701, 'norm_ltcy': 16.209163255559066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:43.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:43.063000",
+ "bytes": 2957941760,
+ "norm_byte": 63181824,
+ "ops": 2888615,
+ "norm_ops": 61701,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.209163255559066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30be98474a1949a408ab01e4b0a065f7d9b678afdaa0b047d9599d3e58117a67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:44.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:44.063000', 'bytes': 3021065216, 'norm_byte': 63123456, 'ops': 2950259, 'norm_ops': 61644, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22728007794757, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:44.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:44.063000",
+ "bytes": 3021065216,
+ "norm_byte": 63123456,
+ "ops": 2950259,
+ "norm_ops": 61644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22728007794757,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c6f15f36dd1ace6af8ac3791dd48f406a9803331e6e28b109d020aeb200d54e9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:45.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:45.063000', 'bytes': 3084293120, 'norm_byte': 63227904, 'ops': 3012005, 'norm_ops': 61746, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19824373744858, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:45.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:45.063000",
+ "bytes": 3084293120,
+ "norm_byte": 63227904,
+ "ops": 3012005,
+ "norm_ops": 61746,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19824373744858,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c19fde94b8cfa3ee7da6c211234ee01dc90584d26af6d47144b270540e10bf3b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:46.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:46.063000', 'bytes': 3134493696, 'norm_byte': 50200576, 'ops': 3061029, 'norm_ops': 49024, 'norm_ltcy': 20.40065735500724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:46.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:46.063000",
+ "bytes": 3134493696,
+ "norm_byte": 50200576,
+ "ops": 3061029,
+ "norm_ops": 49024,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.40065735500724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "31024150810732715b7b75a08f7f172057522606ac27f9a9e0fb55d6385df482",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:47.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:47.064000', 'bytes': 3184598016, 'norm_byte': 50104320, 'ops': 3109959, 'norm_ops': 48930, 'norm_ltcy': 20.443272156971695, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:47.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:47.064000",
+ "bytes": 3184598016,
+ "norm_byte": 50104320,
+ "ops": 3109959,
+ "norm_ops": 48930,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.443272156971695,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb48923e54a9b637d692a97f991c495fbed99b2789d5f246644e5ffe15f9c4c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:48.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:48.064000', 'bytes': 3234720768, 'norm_byte': 50122752, 'ops': 3158907, 'norm_ops': 48948, 'norm_ltcy': 20.433270503582882, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:48.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:48.064000",
+ "bytes": 3234720768,
+ "norm_byte": 50122752,
+ "ops": 3158907,
+ "norm_ops": 48948,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.433270503582882,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f6773f2e5dce1e2754f9bafdbf3f3bd82d96150964e16501f3d142778592083",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:55:49.264000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:55:49.264000', 'bytes': 3284635648, 'norm_byte': 49914880, 'ops': 3207652, 'norm_ops': 48745, 'norm_ltcy': 24.624801261667862, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:55:49.264000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:55:49.264000",
+ "bytes": 3284635648,
+ "norm_byte": 49914880,
+ "ops": 3207652,
+ "norm_ops": 48745,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.624801261667862,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "322dc69a-6d30-5781-a2c3-7ecc4c32022c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b64b8e366e925f1eef7ceb8816224fa7f487f239752397991c952b9448a5f33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 54743927.46666667
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 53460.86666666667
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 26.18976850972912
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:55:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-041-220519205204/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-041-220519205204/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c52fc19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-041-220519205204/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-041-220519205204/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-041-220519205204/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-041-220519205204/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-041-220519205204/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-041-220519205204/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ecad6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-041-220519205204/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=45
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=60
+ net.core.busy_poll=30
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-042-220519205406/220519205406-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-042-220519205406/220519205406-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9faf18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-042-220519205406/220519205406-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:56:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993809872.4316 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993810873.5547 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993810873.6453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993811874.7527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:28077056 nr_ops:27419\ntimestamp_ms:1652993812875.8474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63417344 nr_ops:61931\ntimestamp_ms:1652993813877.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98905088 nr_ops:96587\ntimestamp_ms:1652993814878.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:134280192 nr_ops:131133\ntimestamp_ms:1652993815879.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:169548800 nr_ops:165575\ntimestamp_ms:1652993816880.2539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204811264 nr_ops:200011\ntimestamp_ms:1652993817881.3611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240079872 nr_ops:234453\ntimestamp_ms:1652993818882.4583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275549184 nr_ops:269091\ntimestamp_ms:1652993819883.5596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311084032 nr_ops:303793\ntimestamp_ms:1652993820884.6543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:346159104 nr_ops:338046\ntimestamp_ms:1652993821884.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381283328 nr_ops:372347\ntimestamp_ms:1652993822885.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:416584704 nr_ops:406821\ntimestamp_ms:1652993823887.0493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:451869696 nr_ops:441279\ntimestamp_ms:1652993824888.1470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487388160 nr_ops:475965\ntimestamp_ms:1652993825889.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522974208 nr_ops:510717\ntimestamp_ms:1652993826890.3386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558227456 nr_ops:545144\ntimestamp_ms:1652993827891.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:593651712 nr_ops:579738\ntimestamp_ms:1652993828892.5222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:629210112 nr_ops:614463\ntimestamp_ms:1652993829893.6213 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664802304 nr_ops:649221\ntimestamp_ms:1652993830894.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700083200 nr_ops:683675\ntimestamp_ms:1652993831895.8425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:735194112 nr_ops:717963\ntimestamp_ms:1652993832896.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:770481152 nr_ops:752423\ntimestamp_ms:1652993833898.0251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:805760000 nr_ops:786875\ntimestamp_ms:1652993834899.0647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:841210880 nr_ops:821495\ntimestamp_ms:1652993835900.1616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876278784 nr_ops:855741\ntimestamp_ms:1652993836900.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:911324160 nr_ops:889965\ntimestamp_ms:1652993837901.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946807808 nr_ops:924617\ntimestamp_ms:1652993838903.0278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:982116352 nr_ops:959098\ntimestamp_ms:1652993839904.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017271296 nr_ops:993429\ntimestamp_ms:1652993840905.1897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1052556288 nr_ops:1027887\ntimestamp_ms:1652993841906.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1087656960 nr_ops:1062165\ntimestamp_ms:1652993842907.3198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123043328 nr_ops:1096722\ntimestamp_ms:1652993843908.4216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1158814720 nr_ops:1131655\ntimestamp_ms:1652993844909.5374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194099712 nr_ops:1166113\ntimestamp_ms:1652993845910.6292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1229460480 nr_ops:1200645\ntimestamp_ms:1652993846911.7239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264523264 nr_ops:1234886\ntimestamp_ms:1652993847912.8169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299983360 nr_ops:1269515\ntimestamp_ms:1652993848913.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335399424 nr_ops:1304101\ntimestamp_ms:1652993849915.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1370923008 nr_ops:1338792\ntimestamp_ms:1652993850916.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1406616576 nr_ops:1373649\ntimestamp_ms:1652993851917.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1441825792 nr_ops:1408033\ntimestamp_ms:1652993852918.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1477057536 nr_ops:1442439\ntimestamp_ms:1652993853919.4392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1512401920 nr_ops:1476955\ntimestamp_ms:1652993854919.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1547805696 nr_ops:1511529\ntimestamp_ms:1652993855920.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582918656 nr_ops:1545819\ntimestamp_ms:1652993856921.9453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1617735680 nr_ops:1579820\ntimestamp_ms:1652993857923.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652968448 nr_ops:1614227\ntimestamp_ms:1652993858924.1511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688366080 nr_ops:1648795\ntimestamp_ms:1652993859925.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721736192 nr_ops:1681383\ntimestamp_ms:1652993860926.2615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1751663616 nr_ops:1710609\ntimestamp_ms:1652993861926.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1786991616 nr_ops:1745109\ntimestamp_ms:1652993862927.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1822389248 nr_ops:1779677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993863929.0168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1857727488 nr_ops:1814187\ntimestamp_ms:1652993864930.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1893117952 nr_ops:1848748\ntimestamp_ms:1652993865931.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1928371200 nr_ops:1883175\ntimestamp_ms:1652993866932.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963627520 nr_ops:1917605\ntimestamp_ms:1652993867933.5103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1999006720 nr_ops:1952155\ntimestamp_ms:1652993868934.5510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2034460672 nr_ops:1986778\ntimestamp_ms:1652993869935.5896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2070008832 nr_ops:2021493\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140271556282112\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871136.8630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2105230336 nr_ops:2055889\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871136.9424 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871136.9526 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871237.1794 name:Total nr_bytes:2105230336 nr_ops:2055890\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871137.0696 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4210460670 nr_ops:4111780\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871137.0708 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2105230336 nr_ops:2055892\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 350.48us 0.00ns 350.48us 350.48us \nTxn1 1027945 58.38us 0.00ns 204.00ms 25.11us \nTxn2 1 47.49us 0.00ns 47.49us 47.49us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 349.75us 0.00ns 349.75us 349.75us \nwrite 1027945 3.90us 0.00ns 86.20us 2.27us \nread 1027944 54.35us 0.00ns 204.00ms 2.58us \ndisconnect 1 46.69us 0.00ns 46.69us 46.69us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16483 16483 143.73Mb/s 143.73Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.19b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.137 62.37s 1.96GB 270.05Mb/s 2055892 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.96GB 270.05Mb/s 2055892 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415797, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993809872.4316 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993810873.5547 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993810873.6453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993811874.7527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:28077056 nr_ops:27419\ntimestamp_ms:1652993812875.8474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63417344 nr_ops:61931\ntimestamp_ms:1652993813877.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98905088 nr_ops:96587\ntimestamp_ms:1652993814878.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:134280192 nr_ops:131133\ntimestamp_ms:1652993815879.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:169548800 nr_ops:165575\ntimestamp_ms:1652993816880.2539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204811264 nr_ops:200011\ntimestamp_ms:1652993817881.3611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240079872 nr_ops:234453\ntimestamp_ms:1652993818882.4583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275549184 nr_ops:269091\ntimestamp_ms:1652993819883.5596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311084032 nr_ops:303793\ntimestamp_ms:1652993820884.6543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:346159104 nr_ops:338046\ntimestamp_ms:1652993821884.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381283328 nr_ops:372347\ntimestamp_ms:1652993822885.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:416584704 nr_ops:406821\ntimestamp_ms:1652993823887.0493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:451869696 nr_ops:441279\ntimestamp_ms:1652993824888.1470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487388160 nr_ops:475965\ntimestamp_ms:1652993825889.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522974208 nr_ops:510717\ntimestamp_ms:1652993826890.3386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558227456 nr_ops:545144\ntimestamp_ms:1652993827891.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:593651712 nr_ops:579738\ntimestamp_ms:1652993828892.5222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:629210112 nr_ops:614463\ntimestamp_ms:1652993829893.6213 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664802304 nr_ops:649221\ntimestamp_ms:1652993830894.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700083200 nr_ops:683675\ntimestamp_ms:1652993831895.8425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:735194112 nr_ops:717963\ntimestamp_ms:1652993832896.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:770481152 nr_ops:752423\ntimestamp_ms:1652993833898.0251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:805760000 nr_ops:786875\ntimestamp_ms:1652993834899.0647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:841210880 nr_ops:821495\ntimestamp_ms:1652993835900.1616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876278784 nr_ops:855741\ntimestamp_ms:1652993836900.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:911324160 nr_ops:889965\ntimestamp_ms:1652993837901.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946807808 nr_ops:924617\ntimestamp_ms:1652993838903.0278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:982116352 nr_ops:959098\ntimestamp_ms:1652993839904.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017271296 nr_ops:993429\ntimestamp_ms:1652993840905.1897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1052556288 nr_ops:1027887\ntimestamp_ms:1652993841906.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1087656960 nr_ops:1062165\ntimestamp_ms:1652993842907.3198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123043328 nr_ops:1096722\ntimestamp_ms:1652993843908.4216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1158814720 nr_ops:1131655\ntimestamp_ms:1652993844909.5374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194099712 nr_ops:1166113\ntimestamp_ms:1652993845910.6292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1229460480 nr_ops:1200645\ntimestamp_ms:1652993846911.7239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264523264 nr_ops:1234886\ntimestamp_ms:1652993847912.8169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299983360 nr_ops:1269515\ntimestamp_ms:1652993848913.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335399424 nr_ops:1304101\ntimestamp_ms:1652993849915.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1370923008 nr_ops:1338792\ntimestamp_ms:1652993850916.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1406616576 nr_ops:1373649\ntimestamp_ms:1652993851917.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1441825792 nr_ops:1408033\ntimestamp_ms:1652993852918.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1477057536 nr_ops:1442439\ntimestamp_ms:1652993853919.4392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1512401920 nr_ops:1476955\ntimestamp_ms:1652993854919.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1547805696 nr_ops:1511529\ntimestamp_ms:1652993855920.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582918656 nr_ops:1545819\ntimestamp_ms:1652993856921.9453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1617735680 nr_ops:1579820\ntimestamp_ms:1652993857923.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652968448 nr_ops:1614227\ntimestamp_ms:1652993858924.1511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688366080 nr_ops:1648795\ntimestamp_ms:1652993859925.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721736192 nr_ops:1681383\ntimestamp_ms:1652993860926.2615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1751663616 nr_ops:1710609\ntimestamp_ms:1652993861926.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1786991616 nr_ops:1745109\ntimestamp_ms:1652993862927.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1822389248 nr_ops:1779677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993863929.0168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1857727488 nr_ops:1814187\ntimestamp_ms:1652993864930.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1893117952 nr_ops:1848748\ntimestamp_ms:1652993865931.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1928371200 nr_ops:1883175\ntimestamp_ms:1652993866932.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963627520 nr_ops:1917605\ntimestamp_ms:1652993867933.5103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1999006720 nr_ops:1952155\ntimestamp_ms:1652993868934.5510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2034460672 nr_ops:1986778\ntimestamp_ms:1652993869935.5896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2070008832 nr_ops:2021493\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140271556282112\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871136.8630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2105230336 nr_ops:2055889\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871136.9424 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871136.9526 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871237.1794 name:Total nr_bytes:2105230336 nr_ops:2055890\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871137.0696 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4210460670 nr_ops:4111780\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871137.0708 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2105230336 nr_ops:2055892\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 350.48us 0.00ns 350.48us 350.48us \nTxn1 1027945 58.38us 0.00ns 204.00ms 25.11us \nTxn2 1 47.49us 0.00ns 47.49us 47.49us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 349.75us 0.00ns 349.75us 349.75us \nwrite 1027945 3.90us 0.00ns 86.20us 2.27us \nread 1027944 54.35us 0.00ns 204.00ms 2.58us \ndisconnect 1 46.69us 0.00ns 46.69us 46.69us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16483 16483 143.73Mb/s 143.73Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.19b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.137 62.37s 1.96GB 270.05Mb/s 2055892 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.96GB 270.05Mb/s 2055892 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415797, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993809872.4316 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993810873.5547 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993810873.6453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993811874.7527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:28077056 nr_ops:27419\ntimestamp_ms:1652993812875.8474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63417344 nr_ops:61931\ntimestamp_ms:1652993813877.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98905088 nr_ops:96587\ntimestamp_ms:1652993814878.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:134280192 nr_ops:131133\ntimestamp_ms:1652993815879.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:169548800 nr_ops:165575\ntimestamp_ms:1652993816880.2539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204811264 nr_ops:200011\ntimestamp_ms:1652993817881.3611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240079872 nr_ops:234453\ntimestamp_ms:1652993818882.4583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275549184 nr_ops:269091\ntimestamp_ms:1652993819883.5596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311084032 nr_ops:303793\ntimestamp_ms:1652993820884.6543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:346159104 nr_ops:338046\ntimestamp_ms:1652993821884.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381283328 nr_ops:372347\ntimestamp_ms:1652993822885.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:416584704 nr_ops:406821\ntimestamp_ms:1652993823887.0493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:451869696 nr_ops:441279\ntimestamp_ms:1652993824888.1470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487388160 nr_ops:475965\ntimestamp_ms:1652993825889.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522974208 nr_ops:510717\ntimestamp_ms:1652993826890.3386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558227456 nr_ops:545144\ntimestamp_ms:1652993827891.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:593651712 nr_ops:579738\ntimestamp_ms:1652993828892.5222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:629210112 nr_ops:614463\ntimestamp_ms:1652993829893.6213 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664802304 nr_ops:649221\ntimestamp_ms:1652993830894.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700083200 nr_ops:683675\ntimestamp_ms:1652993831895.8425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:735194112 nr_ops:717963\ntimestamp_ms:1652993832896.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:770481152 nr_ops:752423\ntimestamp_ms:1652993833898.0251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:805760000 nr_ops:786875\ntimestamp_ms:1652993834899.0647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:841210880 nr_ops:821495\ntimestamp_ms:1652993835900.1616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876278784 nr_ops:855741\ntimestamp_ms:1652993836900.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:911324160 nr_ops:889965\ntimestamp_ms:1652993837901.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946807808 nr_ops:924617\ntimestamp_ms:1652993838903.0278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:982116352 nr_ops:959098\ntimestamp_ms:1652993839904.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017271296 nr_ops:993429\ntimestamp_ms:1652993840905.1897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1052556288 nr_ops:1027887\ntimestamp_ms:1652993841906.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1087656960 nr_ops:1062165\ntimestamp_ms:1652993842907.3198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123043328 nr_ops:1096722\ntimestamp_ms:1652993843908.4216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1158814720 nr_ops:1131655\ntimestamp_ms:1652993844909.5374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194099712 nr_ops:1166113\ntimestamp_ms:1652993845910.6292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1229460480 nr_ops:1200645\ntimestamp_ms:1652993846911.7239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264523264 nr_ops:1234886\ntimestamp_ms:1652993847912.8169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299983360 nr_ops:1269515\ntimestamp_ms:1652993848913.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335399424 nr_ops:1304101\ntimestamp_ms:1652993849915.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1370923008 nr_ops:1338792\ntimestamp_ms:1652993850916.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1406616576 nr_ops:1373649\ntimestamp_ms:1652993851917.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1441825792 nr_ops:1408033\ntimestamp_ms:1652993852918.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1477057536 nr_ops:1442439\ntimestamp_ms:1652993853919.4392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1512401920 nr_ops:1476955\ntimestamp_ms:1652993854919.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1547805696 nr_ops:1511529\ntimestamp_ms:1652993855920.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582918656 nr_ops:1545819\ntimestamp_ms:1652993856921.9453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1617735680 nr_ops:1579820\ntimestamp_ms:1652993857923.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652968448 nr_ops:1614227\ntimestamp_ms:1652993858924.1511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688366080 nr_ops:1648795\ntimestamp_ms:1652993859925.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721736192 nr_ops:1681383\ntimestamp_ms:1652993860926.2615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1751663616 nr_ops:1710609\ntimestamp_ms:1652993861926.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1786991616 nr_ops:1745109\ntimestamp_ms:1652993862927.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1822389248 nr_ops:1779677\ntimestamp_ms:1652993863929.0168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1857727488 nr_ops:1814187\ntimestamp_ms:1652993864930.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1893117952 nr_ops:1848748\ntimestamp_ms:1652993865931.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1928371200 nr_ops:1883175\ntimestamp_ms:1652993866932.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963627520 nr_ops:1917605\ntimestamp_ms:1652993867933.5103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1999006720 nr_ops:1952155\ntimestamp_ms:1652993868934.5510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2034460672 nr_ops:1986778\ntimestamp_ms:1652993869935.5896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2070008832 nr_ops:2021493\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140271556282112\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871136.8630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2105230336 nr_ops:2055889\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871136.9424 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871136.9526 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871237.1794 name:Total nr_bytes:2105230336 nr_ops:2055890\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871137.0696 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4210460670 nr_ops:4111780\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993871137.0708 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2105230336 nr_ops:2055892\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 350.48us 0.00ns 350.48us 350.48us \nTxn1 1027945 58.38us 0.00ns 204.00ms 25.11us \nTxn2 1 47.49us 0.00ns 47.49us 47.49us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 349.75us 0.00ns 349.75us 349.75us \nwrite 1027945 3.90us 0.00ns 86.20us 2.27us \nread 1027944 54.35us 0.00ns 204.00ms 2.58us \ndisconnect 1 46.69us 0.00ns 46.69us 46.69us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16483 16483 143.73Mb/s 143.73Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.19b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.137 62.37s 1.96GB 270.05Mb/s 2055892 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.96GB 270.05Mb/s 2055892 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415797, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993809872.4316 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993810873.5547 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993810873.6453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993811874.7527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:28077056 nr_ops:27419
+timestamp_ms:1652993812875.8474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63417344 nr_ops:61931
+timestamp_ms:1652993813877.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98905088 nr_ops:96587
+timestamp_ms:1652993814878.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:134280192 nr_ops:131133
+timestamp_ms:1652993815879.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:169548800 nr_ops:165575
+timestamp_ms:1652993816880.2539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204811264 nr_ops:200011
+timestamp_ms:1652993817881.3611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240079872 nr_ops:234453
+timestamp_ms:1652993818882.4583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275549184 nr_ops:269091
+timestamp_ms:1652993819883.5596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311084032 nr_ops:303793
+timestamp_ms:1652993820884.6543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:346159104 nr_ops:338046
+timestamp_ms:1652993821884.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381283328 nr_ops:372347
+timestamp_ms:1652993822885.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:416584704 nr_ops:406821
+timestamp_ms:1652993823887.0493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:451869696 nr_ops:441279
+timestamp_ms:1652993824888.1470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487388160 nr_ops:475965
+timestamp_ms:1652993825889.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522974208 nr_ops:510717
+timestamp_ms:1652993826890.3386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558227456 nr_ops:545144
+timestamp_ms:1652993827891.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:593651712 nr_ops:579738
+timestamp_ms:1652993828892.5222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:629210112 nr_ops:614463
+timestamp_ms:1652993829893.6213 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664802304 nr_ops:649221
+timestamp_ms:1652993830894.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700083200 nr_ops:683675
+timestamp_ms:1652993831895.8425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:735194112 nr_ops:717963
+timestamp_ms:1652993832896.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:770481152 nr_ops:752423
+timestamp_ms:1652993833898.0251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:805760000 nr_ops:786875
+timestamp_ms:1652993834899.0647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:841210880 nr_ops:821495
+timestamp_ms:1652993835900.1616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876278784 nr_ops:855741
+timestamp_ms:1652993836900.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:911324160 nr_ops:889965
+timestamp_ms:1652993837901.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946807808 nr_ops:924617
+timestamp_ms:1652993838903.0278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:982116352 nr_ops:959098
+timestamp_ms:1652993839904.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017271296 nr_ops:993429
+timestamp_ms:1652993840905.1897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1052556288 nr_ops:1027887
+timestamp_ms:1652993841906.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1087656960 nr_ops:1062165
+timestamp_ms:1652993842907.3198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123043328 nr_ops:1096722
+timestamp_ms:1652993843908.4216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1158814720 nr_ops:1131655
+timestamp_ms:1652993844909.5374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194099712 nr_ops:1166113
+timestamp_ms:1652993845910.6292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1229460480 nr_ops:1200645
+timestamp_ms:1652993846911.7239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264523264 nr_ops:1234886
+timestamp_ms:1652993847912.8169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299983360 nr_ops:1269515
+timestamp_ms:1652993848913.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335399424 nr_ops:1304101
+timestamp_ms:1652993849915.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1370923008 nr_ops:1338792
+timestamp_ms:1652993850916.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1406616576 nr_ops:1373649
+timestamp_ms:1652993851917.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1441825792 nr_ops:1408033
+timestamp_ms:1652993852918.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1477057536 nr_ops:1442439
+timestamp_ms:1652993853919.4392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1512401920 nr_ops:1476955
+timestamp_ms:1652993854919.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1547805696 nr_ops:1511529
+timestamp_ms:1652993855920.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582918656 nr_ops:1545819
+timestamp_ms:1652993856921.9453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1617735680 nr_ops:1579820
+timestamp_ms:1652993857923.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652968448 nr_ops:1614227
+timestamp_ms:1652993858924.1511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688366080 nr_ops:1648795
+timestamp_ms:1652993859925.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721736192 nr_ops:1681383
+timestamp_ms:1652993860926.2615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1751663616 nr_ops:1710609
+timestamp_ms:1652993861926.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1786991616 nr_ops:1745109
+timestamp_ms:1652993862927.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1822389248 nr_ops:1779677
+timestamp_ms:1652993863929.0168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1857727488 nr_ops:1814187
+timestamp_ms:1652993864930.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1893117952 nr_ops:1848748
+timestamp_ms:1652993865931.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1928371200 nr_ops:1883175
+timestamp_ms:1652993866932.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963627520 nr_ops:1917605
+timestamp_ms:1652993867933.5103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1999006720 nr_ops:1952155
+timestamp_ms:1652993868934.5510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2034460672 nr_ops:1986778
+timestamp_ms:1652993869935.5896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2070008832 nr_ops:2021493
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140271556282112
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652993871136.8630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2105230336 nr_ops:2055889
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993871136.9424 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993871136.9526 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993871237.1794 name:Total nr_bytes:2105230336 nr_ops:2055890
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993871137.0696 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4210460670 nr_ops:4111780
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993871137.0708 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2105230336 nr_ops:2055892
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 350.48us 0.00ns 350.48us 350.48us
+Txn1 1027945 58.38us 0.00ns 204.00ms 25.11us
+Txn2 1 47.49us 0.00ns 47.49us 47.49us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 349.75us 0.00ns 349.75us 349.75us
+write 1027945 3.90us 0.00ns 86.20us 2.27us
+read 1027944 54.35us 0.00ns 204.00ms 2.58us
+disconnect 1 46.69us 0.00ns 46.69us 46.69us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 16483 16483 143.73Mb/s 143.73Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.19b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.137 62.37s 1.96GB 270.05Mb/s 2055892 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.96GB 270.05Mb/s 2055892 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:56:51.874000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:56:51.874000', 'bytes': 28077056, 'norm_byte': 28077056, 'ops': 27419, 'norm_ops': 27419, 'norm_ltcy': 36.51144906360553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:56:51.874000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:56:51.874000",
+ "bytes": 28077056,
+ "norm_byte": 28077056,
+ "ops": 27419,
+ "norm_ops": 27419,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.51144906360553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e28b202d1e39676199a8f37a250a8b1a04d52b65c6e3cdb43e7dc086561bec96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:56:52.875000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:56:52.875000', 'bytes': 63417344, 'norm_byte': 35340288, 'ops': 61931, 'norm_ops': 34512, 'norm_ltcy': 29.007149007953757, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:56:52.875000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:56:52.875000",
+ "bytes": 63417344,
+ "norm_byte": 35340288,
+ "ops": 61931,
+ "norm_ops": 34512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.007149007953757,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "682400a70111dbaee93169d7a687868769706d087c5a49854ee5762a36de1719",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:56:53.877000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:56:53.877000', 'bytes': 98905088, 'norm_byte': 35487744, 'ops': 96587, 'norm_ops': 34656, 'norm_ltcy': 28.8888679426903, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:56:53.877000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:56:53.877000",
+ "bytes": 98905088,
+ "norm_byte": 35487744,
+ "ops": 96587,
+ "norm_ops": 34656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.8888679426903,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "507ab33d420db8a0deaaf02b3fd23d05a119319ff61a752e0f75d1f1dd00308b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:56:54.878000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:56:54.878000', 'bytes': 134280192, 'norm_byte': 35375104, 'ops': 131133, 'norm_ops': 34546, 'norm_ltcy': 28.976946611944943, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:56:54.878000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:56:54.878000",
+ "bytes": 134280192,
+ "norm_byte": 35375104,
+ "ops": 131133,
+ "norm_ops": 34546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.976946611944943,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf582d2df2cfb571e30005569e64866ea6b03d6319c3ddbaa2bfb07919837d09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:56:55.879000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:56:55.879000', 'bytes': 169548800, 'norm_byte': 35268608, 'ops': 165575, 'norm_ops': 34442, 'norm_ltcy': 29.06610320429998, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:56:55.879000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:56:55.879000",
+ "bytes": 169548800,
+ "norm_byte": 35268608,
+ "ops": 165575,
+ "norm_ops": 34442,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.06610320429998,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ce4238075af39630778f355a7c256fccf9876ad02d87b15818676221a24f8a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:56:56.880000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:56:56.880000', 'bytes': 204811264, 'norm_byte': 35262464, 'ops': 200011, 'norm_ops': 34436, 'norm_ltcy': 29.071366084911137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:56:56.880000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:56:56.880000",
+ "bytes": 204811264,
+ "norm_byte": 35262464,
+ "ops": 200011,
+ "norm_ops": 34436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.071366084911137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80d35833583b06c882d525609f0f71e0d37fbb707410afa4e3e68ce95cec21a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:56:57.881000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:56:57.881000', 'bytes': 240079872, 'norm_byte': 35268608, 'ops': 234453, 'norm_ops': 34442, 'norm_ltcy': 29.066464715590705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:56:57.881000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:56:57.881000",
+ "bytes": 240079872,
+ "norm_byte": 35268608,
+ "ops": 234453,
+ "norm_ops": 34442,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.066464715590705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "56fea9b92efc2d5a8dadb364f37f5090ea93d212496d884fea6fae52d7821ab2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:56:58.882000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:56:58.882000', 'bytes': 275549184, 'norm_byte': 35469312, 'ops': 269091, 'norm_ops': 34638, 'norm_ltcy': 28.901702406858078, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:56:58.882000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:56:58.882000",
+ "bytes": 275549184,
+ "norm_byte": 35469312,
+ "ops": 269091,
+ "norm_ops": 34638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.901702406858078,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d95468b2f6e79c612e5a9d077a30efc5435fa8de39efa0cd2c04f30421ade1a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:56:59.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:56:59.883000', 'bytes': 311084032, 'norm_byte': 35534848, 'ops': 303793, 'norm_ops': 34702, 'norm_ltcy': 28.84851934641735, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:56:59.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:56:59.883000",
+ "bytes": 311084032,
+ "norm_byte": 35534848,
+ "ops": 303793,
+ "norm_ops": 34702,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.84851934641735,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "144bdc1132a77ae9fd2834dadf184efacd397d68eac3bba92d26eae2b57367fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:00.884000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:00.884000', 'bytes': 346159104, 'norm_byte': 35075072, 'ops': 338046, 'norm_ops': 34253, 'norm_ltcy': 29.2264831273903, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:00.884000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:00.884000",
+ "bytes": 346159104,
+ "norm_byte": 35075072,
+ "ops": 338046,
+ "norm_ops": 34253,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.2264831273903,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e0e28c83b33c3cc25e6eeb9bece3040e98f46cd57316947a0547be401f093327",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:01.884000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:01.884000', 'bytes': 381283328, 'norm_byte': 35124224, 'ops': 372347, 'norm_ops': 34301, 'norm_ltcy': 29.158992950278417, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:01.884000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:01.884000",
+ "bytes": 381283328,
+ "norm_byte": 35124224,
+ "ops": 372347,
+ "norm_ops": 34301,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.158992950278417,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a96c75eaa104994a702d9e71f74c6b439574e4e223c86f547f9ea17b4e3cf4d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:02.885000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:02.885000', 'bytes': 416584704, 'norm_byte': 35301376, 'ops': 406821, 'norm_ops': 34474, 'norm_ltcy': 29.039292972602542, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:02.885000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:02.885000",
+ "bytes": 416584704,
+ "norm_byte": 35301376,
+ "ops": 406821,
+ "norm_ops": 34474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.039292972602542,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba752227d35ccf54e9ec8e8fe9245b36ffeb63691859171880737915c6f68fe5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:03.887000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:03.887000', 'bytes': 451869696, 'norm_byte': 35284992, 'ops': 441279, 'norm_ops': 34458, 'norm_ltcy': 29.05310280359423, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:03.887000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:03.887000",
+ "bytes": 451869696,
+ "norm_byte": 35284992,
+ "ops": 441279,
+ "norm_ops": 34458,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.05310280359423,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5fb85fe70252b0beaa213dfa9b75241bf756653652e72b4f23da09fdaf3c315",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:04.888000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:04.888000', 'bytes': 487388160, 'norm_byte': 35518464, 'ops': 475965, 'norm_ops': 34686, 'norm_ltcy': 28.861721047396646, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:04.888000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:04.888000",
+ "bytes": 487388160,
+ "norm_byte": 35518464,
+ "ops": 475965,
+ "norm_ops": 34686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.861721047396646,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e77a1f4910168f686cbca1d503eb14a833a30a3753b087067477aee32c818fe7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:05.889000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:05.889000', 'bytes': 522974208, 'norm_byte': 35586048, 'ops': 510717, 'norm_ops': 34752, 'norm_ltcy': 28.807013074337448, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:05.889000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:05.889000",
+ "bytes": 522974208,
+ "norm_byte": 35586048,
+ "ops": 510717,
+ "norm_ops": 34752,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.807013074337448,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8cb80bb253dcdbc7ee169b208bac655d4a266abb6b9fef12a796c3bd6dce14e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:06.890000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:06.890000', 'bytes': 558227456, 'norm_byte': 35253248, 'ops': 545144, 'norm_ops': 34427, 'norm_ltcy': 29.078639789445784, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:06.890000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:06.890000",
+ "bytes": 558227456,
+ "norm_byte": 35253248,
+ "ops": 545144,
+ "norm_ops": 34427,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.078639789445784,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "17c542916baf9bf8bb5c0b9175466a6184b8c4805ff0b330c05879ff629ad55e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:07.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:07.891000', 'bytes': 593651712, 'norm_byte': 35424256, 'ops': 579738, 'norm_ops': 34594, 'norm_ltcy': 28.93834947443921, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:07.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:07.891000",
+ "bytes": 593651712,
+ "norm_byte": 35424256,
+ "ops": 579738,
+ "norm_ops": 34594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.93834947443921,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04113a3acd86eb294a64b1c5030444e9cc2ef5efe64535a83d6356c465852db1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:08.892000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:08.892000', 'bytes': 629210112, 'norm_byte': 35558400, 'ops': 614463, 'norm_ops': 34725, 'norm_ltcy': 28.829095234881212, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:08.892000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:08.892000",
+ "bytes": 629210112,
+ "norm_byte": 35558400,
+ "ops": 614463,
+ "norm_ops": 34725,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.829095234881212,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "23a615d4c4de2f9357a7be8d3b2a95aa26e806095713b6dc6382e37d9002f6a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:09.893000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:09.893000', 'bytes': 664802304, 'norm_byte': 35592192, 'ops': 649221, 'norm_ops': 34758, 'norm_ltcy': 28.801977130264977, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:09.893000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:09.893000",
+ "bytes": 664802304,
+ "norm_byte": 35592192,
+ "ops": 649221,
+ "norm_ops": 34758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.801977130264977,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "521dcb11495464a9b2f83cf4ebe2883963f5690d37960336e7b6c1409ca14191",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:10.894000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:10.894000', 'bytes': 700083200, 'norm_byte': 35280896, 'ops': 683675, 'norm_ops': 34454, 'norm_ltcy': 29.056100219223456, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:10.894000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:10.894000",
+ "bytes": 700083200,
+ "norm_byte": 35280896,
+ "ops": 683675,
+ "norm_ops": 34454,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.056100219223456,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6eb249969abb6a274fdc4d001de0e14aad5d97f93af9092d9cfb61319ad6a001",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:11.895000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:11.895000', 'bytes': 735194112, 'norm_byte': 35110912, 'ops': 717963, 'norm_ops': 34288, 'norm_ltcy': 29.197454341260062, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:11.895000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:11.895000",
+ "bytes": 735194112,
+ "norm_byte": 35110912,
+ "ops": 717963,
+ "norm_ops": 34288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.197454341260062,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8650970ed5cccd1d988848ddaf8b90731f0962298e774f0694cb3c4c0e932ec3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:12.896000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:12.896000', 'bytes': 770481152, 'norm_byte': 35287040, 'ops': 752423, 'norm_ops': 34460, 'norm_ltcy': 29.050949016976205, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:12.896000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:12.896000",
+ "bytes": 770481152,
+ "norm_byte": 35287040,
+ "ops": 752423,
+ "norm_ops": 34460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.050949016976205,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0046b315225c4ce15956f87022003dad2cc1b3ac1a1560811e4d656781fe6f7c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:13.898000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:13.898000', 'bytes': 805760000, 'norm_byte': 35278848, 'ops': 786875, 'norm_ops': 34452, 'norm_ltcy': 29.057439744064208, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:13.898000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:13.898000",
+ "bytes": 805760000,
+ "norm_byte": 35278848,
+ "ops": 786875,
+ "norm_ops": 34452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.057439744064208,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27b6a86fc0bd7d589dea5dffc58eeb800fb0119c361e96d362f1c987436ef6ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:14.899000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:14.899000', 'bytes': 841210880, 'norm_byte': 35450880, 'ops': 821495, 'norm_ops': 34620, 'norm_ltcy': 28.915065013900925, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:14.899000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:14.899000",
+ "bytes": 841210880,
+ "norm_byte": 35450880,
+ "ops": 821495,
+ "norm_ops": 34620,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.915065013900925,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0763b5a4c0fe3661e60cb2ebc7d80724ae964ef81230ca858d266193f56633d9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:15.900000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:15.900000', 'bytes': 876278784, 'norm_byte': 35067904, 'ops': 855741, 'norm_ops': 34246, 'norm_ltcy': 29.232521282138787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:15.900000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:15.900000",
+ "bytes": 876278784,
+ "norm_byte": 35067904,
+ "ops": 855741,
+ "norm_ops": 34246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.232521282138787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "546342a7b1f5cd3bad769d1dc809a1638edb9e848fcf1504bdb63c61a5ac41d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:16.900000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:16.900000', 'bytes': 911324160, 'norm_byte': 35045376, 'ops': 889965, 'norm_ops': 34224, 'norm_ltcy': 29.239142704589614, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:16.900000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:16.900000",
+ "bytes": 911324160,
+ "norm_byte": 35045376,
+ "ops": 889965,
+ "norm_ops": 34224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.239142704589614,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d0ad8d64b37dbb7bece4d02cfd92cd22a8a95b645289793ab6523feb9b2ae8bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:17.901000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:17.901000', 'bytes': 946807808, 'norm_byte': 35483648, 'ops': 924617, 'norm_ops': 34652, 'norm_ltcy': 28.8898353968566, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:17.901000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:17.901000",
+ "bytes": 946807808,
+ "norm_byte": 35483648,
+ "ops": 924617,
+ "norm_ops": 34652,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.8898353968566,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f886fc571746d09cbfe63b7c8626f811fe522f4e039972ec2ddb1cf962386db5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:18.903000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:18.903000', 'bytes': 982116352, 'norm_byte': 35308544, 'ops': 959098, 'norm_ops': 34481, 'norm_ltcy': 29.033241925806966, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:18.903000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:18.903000",
+ "bytes": 982116352,
+ "norm_byte": 35308544,
+ "ops": 959098,
+ "norm_ops": 34481,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.033241925806966,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7a8794d963dac99d0eb3889071d323e2d6cba26931b3fe44f7046cf0443f08e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:19.904000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:19.904000', 'bytes': 1017271296, 'norm_byte': 35154944, 'ops': 993429, 'norm_ops': 34331, 'norm_ltcy': 29.160308148976142, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:19.904000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:19.904000",
+ "bytes": 1017271296,
+ "norm_byte": 35154944,
+ "ops": 993429,
+ "norm_ops": 34331,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.160308148976142,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9baaede66a321502863bc59f7b77205fad38f00dfbbb191dd8e8b19af3674ba1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:20.905000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:20.905000', 'bytes': 1052556288, 'norm_byte': 35284992, 'ops': 1027887, 'norm_ops': 34458, 'norm_ltcy': 29.05157949306039, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:20.905000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:20.905000",
+ "bytes": 1052556288,
+ "norm_byte": 35284992,
+ "ops": 1027887,
+ "norm_ops": 34458,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.05157949306039,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40d4ac5b773efd04005cef66c24d342a32857921077268181f1c2f89d6a07d3d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:21.906000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:21.906000', 'bytes': 1087656960, 'norm_byte': 35100672, 'ops': 1062165, 'norm_ops': 34278, 'norm_ltcy': 29.203614677234672, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:21.906000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:21.906000",
+ "bytes": 1087656960,
+ "norm_byte": 35100672,
+ "ops": 1062165,
+ "norm_ops": 34278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.203614677234672,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66ae90ecabe039a168ea32156e74f3be1db2edc43ad7cec66e2d3bde960687d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:22.907000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:22.907000', 'bytes': 1123043328, 'norm_byte': 35386368, 'ops': 1096722, 'norm_ops': 34557, 'norm_ltcy': 28.969199382089737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:22.907000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:22.907000",
+ "bytes": 1123043328,
+ "norm_byte": 35386368,
+ "ops": 1096722,
+ "norm_ops": 34557,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.969199382089737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be67bbf7f31d6f54ae7f53a95dce595dadf6fb7ba543859011f257ce46737870",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:23.908000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:23.908000', 'bytes': 1158814720, 'norm_byte': 35771392, 'ops': 1131655, 'norm_ops': 34933, 'norm_ltcy': 28.657767916887327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:23.908000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:23.908000",
+ "bytes": 1158814720,
+ "norm_byte": 35771392,
+ "ops": 1131655,
+ "norm_ops": 34933,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.657767916887327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cfbb16ff01d5e3afcaf00c2fd00f80be712e2fc662d0be170b6c6920850b5c19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:24.909000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:24.909000', 'bytes': 1194099712, 'norm_byte': 35284992, 'ops': 1166113, 'norm_ops': 34458, 'norm_ltcy': 29.05321616623861, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:24.909000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:24.909000",
+ "bytes": 1194099712,
+ "norm_byte": 35284992,
+ "ops": 1166113,
+ "norm_ops": 34458,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.05321616623861,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14b1fb29ef827be7d42e07d6cc5a6408f5ef82f473716543da77705e0aeeb8ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:25.910000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:25.910000', 'bytes': 1229460480, 'norm_byte': 35360768, 'ops': 1200645, 'norm_ops': 34532, 'norm_ltcy': 28.990264012365344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:25.910000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:25.910000",
+ "bytes": 1229460480,
+ "norm_byte": 35360768,
+ "ops": 1200645,
+ "norm_ops": 34532,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.990264012365344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "107aa6e763aba9be338ee60638f10d5f1e2b2ddfe53168eeaee6c7b8ce024666",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:26.911000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:26.911000', 'bytes': 1264523264, 'norm_byte': 35062784, 'ops': 1234886, 'norm_ops': 34241, 'norm_ltcy': 29.236725754577847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:26.911000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:26.911000",
+ "bytes": 1264523264,
+ "norm_byte": 35062784,
+ "ops": 1234886,
+ "norm_ops": 34241,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.236725754577847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25943b52e1ad68047d0e0bb9e673c7f6f9419b818c02bf428a70dc80a68d9bfb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:27.912000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:27.912000', 'bytes': 1299983360, 'norm_byte': 35460096, 'ops': 1269515, 'norm_ops': 34629, 'norm_ltcy': 28.909094041933784, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:27.912000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:27.912000",
+ "bytes": 1299983360,
+ "norm_byte": 35460096,
+ "ops": 1269515,
+ "norm_ops": 34629,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.909094041933784,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a311deb8999e0ee8768514701d6bdf4a343a2a0b3ba037fb01f62fbb49f5b49e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:28.913000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:28.913000', 'bytes': 1335399424, 'norm_byte': 35416064, 'ops': 1304101, 'norm_ops': 34586, 'norm_ltcy': 28.945530197822094, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:28.913000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:28.913000",
+ "bytes": 1335399424,
+ "norm_byte": 35416064,
+ "ops": 1304101,
+ "norm_ops": 34586,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.945530197822094,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7042f502c3382deaa4a02b8a126884aef44dfe726ad6f92ef426b2bbb1fd3c41",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:29.915000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:29.915000', 'bytes': 1370923008, 'norm_byte': 35523584, 'ops': 1338792, 'norm_ops': 34691, 'norm_ltcy': 28.857709008190167, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:29.915000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:29.915000",
+ "bytes": 1370923008,
+ "norm_byte": 35523584,
+ "ops": 1338792,
+ "norm_ops": 34691,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.857709008190167,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "863b828288f5e346df4a29e451560e977d112a8fdd66bf787a8ad30ebb80d5c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:30.916000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:30.916000', 'bytes': 1406616576, 'norm_byte': 35693568, 'ops': 1373649, 'norm_ops': 34857, 'norm_ltcy': 28.72033555177224, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:30.916000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:30.916000",
+ "bytes": 1406616576,
+ "norm_byte": 35693568,
+ "ops": 1373649,
+ "norm_ops": 34857,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.72033555177224,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f4dde257244d1e00668431df3990f0dc9d2b27bd213b10a06310dc2f6a7b8748",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:31.917000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:31.917000', 'bytes': 1441825792, 'norm_byte': 35209216, 'ops': 1408033, 'norm_ops': 34384, 'norm_ltcy': 29.115139911096, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:31.917000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:31.917000",
+ "bytes": 1441825792,
+ "norm_byte": 35209216,
+ "ops": 1408033,
+ "norm_ops": 34384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.115139911096,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5b6365baeec4c6d58e6bae90441de54d6f49176c3fb18f9380db7764e0d67d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:32.918000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:32.918000', 'bytes': 1477057536, 'norm_byte': 35231744, 'ops': 1442439, 'norm_ops': 34406, 'norm_ltcy': 29.097239693839736, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:32.918000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:32.918000",
+ "bytes": 1477057536,
+ "norm_byte": 35231744,
+ "ops": 1442439,
+ "norm_ops": 34406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.097239693839736,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39fab1b829fd0a993f6f905207c5f844c107471dc327c4cd7ce12f129c4eab2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:33.919000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:33.919000', 'bytes': 1512401920, 'norm_byte': 35344384, 'ops': 1476955, 'norm_ops': 34516, 'norm_ltcy': 29.0036530273098, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:33.919000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:33.919000",
+ "bytes": 1512401920,
+ "norm_byte": 35344384,
+ "ops": 1476955,
+ "norm_ops": 34516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.0036530273098,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "98a38d2f3d1e16481c38b20ce969a8c38fc21995fe75687fb1126e87e6e73bd7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:34.919000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:34.919000', 'bytes': 1547805696, 'norm_byte': 35403776, 'ops': 1511529, 'norm_ops': 34574, 'norm_ltcy': 28.934830284769625, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:34.919000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:34.919000",
+ "bytes": 1547805696,
+ "norm_byte": 35403776,
+ "ops": 1511529,
+ "norm_ops": 34574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.934830284769625,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ac40aa3d905a4e85c20c7efa79b313cc15c98b56e078d431488f1e461169187",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:35.920000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:35.920000', 'bytes': 1582918656, 'norm_byte': 35112960, 'ops': 1545819, 'norm_ops': 34290, 'norm_ltcy': 29.192568783719743, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:35.920000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:35.920000",
+ "bytes": 1582918656,
+ "norm_byte": 35112960,
+ "ops": 1545819,
+ "norm_ops": 34290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.192568783719743,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "020be2281817d1de0f5354934edcbe127dc8ec38a91303440393bfe12520df42",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:36.921000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:36.921000', 'bytes': 1617735680, 'norm_byte': 34817024, 'ops': 1579820, 'norm_ops': 34001, 'norm_ltcy': 29.44325454122673, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:36.921000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:36.921000",
+ "bytes": 1617735680,
+ "norm_byte": 34817024,
+ "ops": 1579820,
+ "norm_ops": 34001,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.44325454122673,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e7f60fbd585bf921a4f2c89f14bf0dea81bab086fb19f97e58b020805dd7e1d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:37.923000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:37.923000', 'bytes': 1652968448, 'norm_byte': 35232768, 'ops': 1614227, 'norm_ops': 34407, 'norm_ltcy': 29.095812171215158, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:37.923000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:37.923000",
+ "bytes": 1652968448,
+ "norm_byte": 35232768,
+ "ops": 1614227,
+ "norm_ops": 34407,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.095812171215158,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25aa018a289645a1070184c67c628ecf687f2840042f43d6bd13ab33903f0535",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:38.924000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:38.924000', 'bytes': 1688366080, 'norm_byte': 35397632, 'ops': 1648795, 'norm_ops': 34568, 'norm_ltcy': 28.96048950393066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:38.924000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:38.924000",
+ "bytes": 1688366080,
+ "norm_byte": 35397632,
+ "ops": 1648795,
+ "norm_ops": 34568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.96048950393066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d979b181b7a29d80907fae6bc25fea9a7d2318d6b7fa9c9e5e8d4a47bcc4f65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:39.925000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:39.925000', 'bytes': 1721736192, 'norm_byte': 33370112, 'ops': 1681383, 'norm_ops': 32588, 'norm_ltcy': 30.71899339145161, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:39.925000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:39.925000",
+ "bytes": 1721736192,
+ "norm_byte": 33370112,
+ "ops": 1681383,
+ "norm_ops": 32588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.71899339145161,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aaa10764eb053a9c66d3ee99fa9f8f918a68e0b5218ab3c3f4009a786bb18406",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:40.926000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:40.926000', 'bytes': 1751663616, 'norm_byte': 29927424, 'ops': 1710609, 'norm_ops': 29226, 'norm_ltcy': 34.251686680417265, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:40.926000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:40.926000",
+ "bytes": 1751663616,
+ "norm_byte": 29927424,
+ "ops": 1710609,
+ "norm_ops": 29226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.251686680417265,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7e9180708e856bdca2cc3d71729ac3205211b1a631e65b655f2c787e216380c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:41.926000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:41.926000', 'bytes': 1786991616, 'norm_byte': 35328000, 'ops': 1745109, 'norm_ops': 34500, 'norm_ltcy': 29.002045120018117, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:41.926000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:41.926000",
+ "bytes": 1786991616,
+ "norm_byte": 35328000,
+ "ops": 1745109,
+ "norm_ops": 34500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.002045120018117,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a3e528370c5a1ac491a81888e94613bcd20e576d368e3373f9c8906d94d00fea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:42.927000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:42.927000', 'bytes': 1822389248, 'norm_byte': 35397632, 'ops': 1779677, 'norm_ops': 34568, 'norm_ltcy': 28.96009399724818, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:42.927000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:42.927000",
+ "bytes": 1822389248,
+ "norm_byte": 35397632,
+ "ops": 1779677,
+ "norm_ops": 34568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.96009399724818,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae1b2994eb5e636f30773c74aefc2374ba57923f2a7d60818f5158f55aff7b3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:43.929000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:43.929000', 'bytes': 1857727488, 'norm_byte': 35338240, 'ops': 1814187, 'norm_ops': 34510, 'norm_ltcy': 29.00875934964503, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:43.929000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:43.929000",
+ "bytes": 1857727488,
+ "norm_byte": 35338240,
+ "ops": 1814187,
+ "norm_ops": 34510,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.00875934964503,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22f9f9206e28d55b3a8810aaf4be2a33e0ba887a704885d796c7f34949972455",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:44.930000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:44.930000', 'bytes': 1893117952, 'norm_byte': 35390464, 'ops': 1848748, 'norm_ops': 34561, 'norm_ltcy': 28.966178572849454, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:44.930000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:44.930000",
+ "bytes": 1893117952,
+ "norm_byte": 35390464,
+ "ops": 1848748,
+ "norm_ops": 34561,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.966178572849454,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d6054f766bcbc86f7c7f9c3cd525f33c4eb855b7c6eaa85082161cd956f65a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:45.931000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:45.931000', 'bytes': 1928371200, 'norm_byte': 35253248, 'ops': 1883175, 'norm_ops': 34427, 'norm_ltcy': 29.078944725887382, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:45.931000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:45.931000",
+ "bytes": 1928371200,
+ "norm_byte": 35253248,
+ "ops": 1883175,
+ "norm_ops": 34427,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.078944725887382,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bcc5cbc34242e8ee0bc924bdfe30c17e7c7480f65a6ed9a136adf73fc6008744",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:46.932000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:46.932000', 'bytes': 1963627520, 'norm_byte': 35256320, 'ops': 1917605, 'norm_ops': 34430, 'norm_ltcy': 29.07643934477563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:46.932000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:46.932000",
+ "bytes": 1963627520,
+ "norm_byte": 35256320,
+ "ops": 1917605,
+ "norm_ops": 34430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.07643934477563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c7de31a4596e139621066d2dd9d303b91558ca8628afcb90a716c1c72911825",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:47.933000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:47.933000', 'bytes': 1999006720, 'norm_byte': 35379200, 'ops': 1952155, 'norm_ops': 34550, 'norm_ltcy': 28.978022397340812, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:47.933000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:47.933000",
+ "bytes": 1999006720,
+ "norm_byte": 35379200,
+ "ops": 1952155,
+ "norm_ops": 34550,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.978022397340812,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e9f7eb449d683acee175deeb27857d556ef5fce989b124c8fab6b5845f8ec876",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:48.934000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:48.934000', 'bytes': 2034460672, 'norm_byte': 35453952, 'ops': 1986778, 'norm_ops': 34623, 'norm_ltcy': 28.912594849792768, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:48.934000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:48.934000",
+ "bytes": 2034460672,
+ "norm_byte": 35453952,
+ "ops": 1986778,
+ "norm_ops": 34623,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.912594849792768,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cecddd77fe308f34181135f0363699de7fb65298218d56ff729296d73f33ec3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:49.935000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:49.935000', 'bytes': 2070008832, 'norm_byte': 35548160, 'ops': 2021493, 'norm_ops': 34715, 'norm_ltcy': 28.83590880653176, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:49.935000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:49.935000",
+ "bytes": 2070008832,
+ "norm_byte": 35548160,
+ "ops": 2021493,
+ "norm_ops": 34715,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.83590880653176,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dcc519fa52ae56e8c22388e6cd074b13cd6991841d64af39c1c690dd03e37a2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:57:51.136000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:57:51.136000', 'bytes': 2105230336, 'norm_byte': 35221504, 'ops': 2055889, 'norm_ops': 34396, 'norm_ltcy': 34.92480048552157, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:57:51.136000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:57:51.136000",
+ "bytes": 2105230336,
+ "norm_byte": 35221504,
+ "ops": 2055889,
+ "norm_ops": 34396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.92480048552157,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5f65ebb3-23c6-5e5a-a3d5-7544057e9a87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c758ae0c091a2056f25f7ec724767d7832506b7720654abe93cf09b5b611dba5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35087172.266666666
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34264.816666666666
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 30.89562805589988
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:57:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-042-220519205406/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-042-220519205406/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..637329a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-042-220519205406/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-042-220519205406/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-042-220519205406/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-042-220519205406/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-042-220519205406/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-042-220519205406/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..441c862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-042-220519205406/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=30
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-043-220519205607/220519205607-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-043-220519205607/220519205607-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17dd9fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-043-220519205607/220519205607-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T20:58:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993931489.3572 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993932490.4707 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993932490.5508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993933491.6321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62182400 nr_ops:60725\ntimestamp_ms:1652993934492.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124963840 nr_ops:122035\ntimestamp_ms:1652993935493.7542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187918336 nr_ops:183514\ntimestamp_ms:1652993936494.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251887616 nr_ops:245984\ntimestamp_ms:1652993937495.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317275136 nr_ops:309839\ntimestamp_ms:1652993938496.8909 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381207552 nr_ops:372273\ntimestamp_ms:1652993939497.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444916736 nr_ops:434489\ntimestamp_ms:1652993940498.9509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508879872 nr_ops:496953\ntimestamp_ms:1652993941500.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:572737536 nr_ops:559314\ntimestamp_ms:1652993942501.1279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636034048 nr_ops:621127\ntimestamp_ms:1652993943502.2124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:698678272 nr_ops:682303\ntimestamp_ms:1652993944503.3147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:761369600 nr_ops:743525\ntimestamp_ms:1652993945504.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:824283136 nr_ops:804964\ntimestamp_ms:1652993946504.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887368704 nr_ops:866571\ntimestamp_ms:1652993947505.9670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949579776 nr_ops:927324\ntimestamp_ms:1652993948507.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012794368 nr_ops:989057\ntimestamp_ms:1652993949508.0845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076489216 nr_ops:1051259\ntimestamp_ms:1652993950508.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139719168 nr_ops:1113007\ntimestamp_ms:1652993951510.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203012608 nr_ops:1174817\ntimestamp_ms:1652993952511.1006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1266418688 nr_ops:1236737\ntimestamp_ms:1652993953512.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329965056 nr_ops:1298794\ntimestamp_ms:1652993954513.2791 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392884736 nr_ops:1360239\ntimestamp_ms:1652993955514.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455308800 nr_ops:1421200\ntimestamp_ms:1652993956515.4548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518531584 nr_ops:1482941\ntimestamp_ms:1652993957516.4861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581362176 nr_ops:1544299\ntimestamp_ms:1652993958517.6418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1643912192 nr_ops:1605383\ntimestamp_ms:1652993959518.7275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1707897856 nr_ops:1667869\ntimestamp_ms:1652993960519.7720 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1771355136 nr_ops:1729839\ntimestamp_ms:1652993961520.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834433536 nr_ops:1791439\ntimestamp_ms:1652993962521.9629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896524800 nr_ops:1852075\ntimestamp_ms:1652993963523.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1959168000 nr_ops:1913250\ntimestamp_ms:1652993964524.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2022818816 nr_ops:1975409\ntimestamp_ms:1652993965525.1819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086462464 nr_ops:2037561\ntimestamp_ms:1652993966526.2778 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2150419456 nr_ops:2100019\ntimestamp_ms:1652993967527.3713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2213373952 nr_ops:2161498\ntimestamp_ms:1652993968528.4614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2276941824 nr_ops:2223576\ntimestamp_ms:1652993969529.5718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2340571136 nr_ops:2285714\ntimestamp_ms:1652993970530.6826 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2404909056 nr_ops:2348544\ntimestamp_ms:1652993971531.7766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2467640320 nr_ops:2409805\ntimestamp_ms:1652993972532.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530105344 nr_ops:2470806\ntimestamp_ms:1652993973533.9641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593667072 nr_ops:2532878\ntimestamp_ms:1652993974535.0571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2661622784 nr_ops:2599241\ntimestamp_ms:1652993975536.1458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2724488192 nr_ops:2660633\ntimestamp_ms:1652993976537.2407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2787531776 nr_ops:2722199\ntimestamp_ms:1652993977538.3350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2850169856 nr_ops:2783369\ntimestamp_ms:1652993978539.4216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2913228800 nr_ops:2844950\ntimestamp_ms:1652993979540.5178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977642496 nr_ops:2907854\ntimestamp_ms:1652993980541.6099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041504256 nr_ops:2970219\ntimestamp_ms:1652993981542.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3104191488 nr_ops:3031437\ntimestamp_ms:1652993982543.8027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3167331328 nr_ops:3093097\ntimestamp_ms:1652993983544.9028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3230559232 nr_ops:3154843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993984546.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295032320 nr_ops:3217805\ntimestamp_ms:1652993985547.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358954496 nr_ops:3280229\ntimestamp_ms:1652993986548.1853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3422891008 nr_ops:3342667\ntimestamp_ms:1652993987549.2771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3485529088 nr_ops:3403837\ntimestamp_ms:1652993988550.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3548611584 nr_ops:3465441\ntimestamp_ms:1652993989551.4502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3612276736 nr_ops:3527614\ntimestamp_ms:1652993990552.5410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3675884544 nr_ops:3589731\ntimestamp_ms:1652993991553.6377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3738693632 nr_ops:3651068\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140114359654144\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992754.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3801529344 nr_ops:3712431\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992755.0574 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992755.0669 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992855.2917 name:Total nr_bytes:3801529344 nr_ops:3712432\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992755.1687 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7603058686 nr_ops:7424864\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992755.1704 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3801529344 nr_ops:3712434\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 271.52us 0.00ns 271.52us 271.52us \nTxn1 1856216 32.31us 0.00ns 4.10ms 26.32us \nTxn2 1 50.45us 0.00ns 50.45us 50.45us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.90us 0.00ns 270.90us 270.90us \nwrite 1856216 3.24us 0.00ns 95.14us 2.63us \nread 1856215 28.98us 0.00ns 4.10ms 1.23us \ndisconnect 1 49.72us 0.00ns 49.72us 49.72us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.95b/s \nnet1 29763 29763 259.53Mb/s 259.53Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.138 62.37s 3.54GB 487.63Mb/s 3712434 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.63Mb/s 3712434 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417679, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993931489.3572 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993932490.4707 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993932490.5508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993933491.6321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62182400 nr_ops:60725\ntimestamp_ms:1652993934492.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124963840 nr_ops:122035\ntimestamp_ms:1652993935493.7542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187918336 nr_ops:183514\ntimestamp_ms:1652993936494.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251887616 nr_ops:245984\ntimestamp_ms:1652993937495.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317275136 nr_ops:309839\ntimestamp_ms:1652993938496.8909 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381207552 nr_ops:372273\ntimestamp_ms:1652993939497.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444916736 nr_ops:434489\ntimestamp_ms:1652993940498.9509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508879872 nr_ops:496953\ntimestamp_ms:1652993941500.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:572737536 nr_ops:559314\ntimestamp_ms:1652993942501.1279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636034048 nr_ops:621127\ntimestamp_ms:1652993943502.2124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:698678272 nr_ops:682303\ntimestamp_ms:1652993944503.3147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:761369600 nr_ops:743525\ntimestamp_ms:1652993945504.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:824283136 nr_ops:804964\ntimestamp_ms:1652993946504.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887368704 nr_ops:866571\ntimestamp_ms:1652993947505.9670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949579776 nr_ops:927324\ntimestamp_ms:1652993948507.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012794368 nr_ops:989057\ntimestamp_ms:1652993949508.0845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076489216 nr_ops:1051259\ntimestamp_ms:1652993950508.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139719168 nr_ops:1113007\ntimestamp_ms:1652993951510.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203012608 nr_ops:1174817\ntimestamp_ms:1652993952511.1006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1266418688 nr_ops:1236737\ntimestamp_ms:1652993953512.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329965056 nr_ops:1298794\ntimestamp_ms:1652993954513.2791 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392884736 nr_ops:1360239\ntimestamp_ms:1652993955514.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455308800 nr_ops:1421200\ntimestamp_ms:1652993956515.4548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518531584 nr_ops:1482941\ntimestamp_ms:1652993957516.4861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581362176 nr_ops:1544299\ntimestamp_ms:1652993958517.6418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1643912192 nr_ops:1605383\ntimestamp_ms:1652993959518.7275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1707897856 nr_ops:1667869\ntimestamp_ms:1652993960519.7720 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1771355136 nr_ops:1729839\ntimestamp_ms:1652993961520.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834433536 nr_ops:1791439\ntimestamp_ms:1652993962521.9629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896524800 nr_ops:1852075\ntimestamp_ms:1652993963523.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1959168000 nr_ops:1913250\ntimestamp_ms:1652993964524.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2022818816 nr_ops:1975409\ntimestamp_ms:1652993965525.1819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086462464 nr_ops:2037561\ntimestamp_ms:1652993966526.2778 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2150419456 nr_ops:2100019\ntimestamp_ms:1652993967527.3713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2213373952 nr_ops:2161498\ntimestamp_ms:1652993968528.4614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2276941824 nr_ops:2223576\ntimestamp_ms:1652993969529.5718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2340571136 nr_ops:2285714\ntimestamp_ms:1652993970530.6826 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2404909056 nr_ops:2348544\ntimestamp_ms:1652993971531.7766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2467640320 nr_ops:2409805\ntimestamp_ms:1652993972532.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530105344 nr_ops:2470806\ntimestamp_ms:1652993973533.9641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593667072 nr_ops:2532878\ntimestamp_ms:1652993974535.0571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2661622784 nr_ops:2599241\ntimestamp_ms:1652993975536.1458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2724488192 nr_ops:2660633\ntimestamp_ms:1652993976537.2407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2787531776 nr_ops:2722199\ntimestamp_ms:1652993977538.3350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2850169856 nr_ops:2783369\ntimestamp_ms:1652993978539.4216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2913228800 nr_ops:2844950\ntimestamp_ms:1652993979540.5178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977642496 nr_ops:2907854\ntimestamp_ms:1652993980541.6099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041504256 nr_ops:2970219\ntimestamp_ms:1652993981542.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3104191488 nr_ops:3031437\ntimestamp_ms:1652993982543.8027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3167331328 nr_ops:3093097\ntimestamp_ms:1652993983544.9028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3230559232 nr_ops:3154843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993984546.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295032320 nr_ops:3217805\ntimestamp_ms:1652993985547.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358954496 nr_ops:3280229\ntimestamp_ms:1652993986548.1853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3422891008 nr_ops:3342667\ntimestamp_ms:1652993987549.2771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3485529088 nr_ops:3403837\ntimestamp_ms:1652993988550.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3548611584 nr_ops:3465441\ntimestamp_ms:1652993989551.4502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3612276736 nr_ops:3527614\ntimestamp_ms:1652993990552.5410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3675884544 nr_ops:3589731\ntimestamp_ms:1652993991553.6377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3738693632 nr_ops:3651068\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140114359654144\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992754.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3801529344 nr_ops:3712431\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992755.0574 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992755.0669 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992855.2917 name:Total nr_bytes:3801529344 nr_ops:3712432\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992755.1687 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7603058686 nr_ops:7424864\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992755.1704 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3801529344 nr_ops:3712434\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 271.52us 0.00ns 271.52us 271.52us \nTxn1 1856216 32.31us 0.00ns 4.10ms 26.32us \nTxn2 1 50.45us 0.00ns 50.45us 50.45us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.90us 0.00ns 270.90us 270.90us \nwrite 1856216 3.24us 0.00ns 95.14us 2.63us \nread 1856215 28.98us 0.00ns 4.10ms 1.23us \ndisconnect 1 49.72us 0.00ns 49.72us 49.72us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.95b/s \nnet1 29763 29763 259.53Mb/s 259.53Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.138 62.37s 3.54GB 487.63Mb/s 3712434 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.63Mb/s 3712434 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417679, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993931489.3572 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993932490.4707 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993932490.5508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993933491.6321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62182400 nr_ops:60725\ntimestamp_ms:1652993934492.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124963840 nr_ops:122035\ntimestamp_ms:1652993935493.7542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187918336 nr_ops:183514\ntimestamp_ms:1652993936494.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251887616 nr_ops:245984\ntimestamp_ms:1652993937495.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317275136 nr_ops:309839\ntimestamp_ms:1652993938496.8909 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381207552 nr_ops:372273\ntimestamp_ms:1652993939497.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444916736 nr_ops:434489\ntimestamp_ms:1652993940498.9509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508879872 nr_ops:496953\ntimestamp_ms:1652993941500.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:572737536 nr_ops:559314\ntimestamp_ms:1652993942501.1279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636034048 nr_ops:621127\ntimestamp_ms:1652993943502.2124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:698678272 nr_ops:682303\ntimestamp_ms:1652993944503.3147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:761369600 nr_ops:743525\ntimestamp_ms:1652993945504.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:824283136 nr_ops:804964\ntimestamp_ms:1652993946504.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887368704 nr_ops:866571\ntimestamp_ms:1652993947505.9670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949579776 nr_ops:927324\ntimestamp_ms:1652993948507.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012794368 nr_ops:989057\ntimestamp_ms:1652993949508.0845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076489216 nr_ops:1051259\ntimestamp_ms:1652993950508.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139719168 nr_ops:1113007\ntimestamp_ms:1652993951510.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203012608 nr_ops:1174817\ntimestamp_ms:1652993952511.1006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1266418688 nr_ops:1236737\ntimestamp_ms:1652993953512.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329965056 nr_ops:1298794\ntimestamp_ms:1652993954513.2791 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392884736 nr_ops:1360239\ntimestamp_ms:1652993955514.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455308800 nr_ops:1421200\ntimestamp_ms:1652993956515.4548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518531584 nr_ops:1482941\ntimestamp_ms:1652993957516.4861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581362176 nr_ops:1544299\ntimestamp_ms:1652993958517.6418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1643912192 nr_ops:1605383\ntimestamp_ms:1652993959518.7275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1707897856 nr_ops:1667869\ntimestamp_ms:1652993960519.7720 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1771355136 nr_ops:1729839\ntimestamp_ms:1652993961520.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834433536 nr_ops:1791439\ntimestamp_ms:1652993962521.9629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896524800 nr_ops:1852075\ntimestamp_ms:1652993963523.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1959168000 nr_ops:1913250\ntimestamp_ms:1652993964524.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2022818816 nr_ops:1975409\ntimestamp_ms:1652993965525.1819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086462464 nr_ops:2037561\ntimestamp_ms:1652993966526.2778 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2150419456 nr_ops:2100019\ntimestamp_ms:1652993967527.3713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2213373952 nr_ops:2161498\ntimestamp_ms:1652993968528.4614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2276941824 nr_ops:2223576\ntimestamp_ms:1652993969529.5718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2340571136 nr_ops:2285714\ntimestamp_ms:1652993970530.6826 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2404909056 nr_ops:2348544\ntimestamp_ms:1652993971531.7766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2467640320 nr_ops:2409805\ntimestamp_ms:1652993972532.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530105344 nr_ops:2470806\ntimestamp_ms:1652993973533.9641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593667072 nr_ops:2532878\ntimestamp_ms:1652993974535.0571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2661622784 nr_ops:2599241\ntimestamp_ms:1652993975536.1458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2724488192 nr_ops:2660633\ntimestamp_ms:1652993976537.2407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2787531776 nr_ops:2722199\ntimestamp_ms:1652993977538.3350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2850169856 nr_ops:2783369\ntimestamp_ms:1652993978539.4216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2913228800 nr_ops:2844950\ntimestamp_ms:1652993979540.5178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977642496 nr_ops:2907854\ntimestamp_ms:1652993980541.6099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041504256 nr_ops:2970219\ntimestamp_ms:1652993981542.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3104191488 nr_ops:3031437\ntimestamp_ms:1652993982543.8027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3167331328 nr_ops:3093097\ntimestamp_ms:1652993983544.9028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3230559232 nr_ops:3154843\ntimestamp_ms:1652993984546.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295032320 nr_ops:3217805\ntimestamp_ms:1652993985547.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358954496 nr_ops:3280229\ntimestamp_ms:1652993986548.1853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3422891008 nr_ops:3342667\ntimestamp_ms:1652993987549.2771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3485529088 nr_ops:3403837\ntimestamp_ms:1652993988550.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3548611584 nr_ops:3465441\ntimestamp_ms:1652993989551.4502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3612276736 nr_ops:3527614\ntimestamp_ms:1652993990552.5410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3675884544 nr_ops:3589731\ntimestamp_ms:1652993991553.6377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3738693632 nr_ops:3651068\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140114359654144\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992754.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3801529344 nr_ops:3712431\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992755.0574 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992755.0669 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992855.2917 name:Total nr_bytes:3801529344 nr_ops:3712432\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992755.1687 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7603058686 nr_ops:7424864\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652993992755.1704 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3801529344 nr_ops:3712434\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 271.52us 0.00ns 271.52us 271.52us \nTxn1 1856216 32.31us 0.00ns 4.10ms 26.32us \nTxn2 1 50.45us 0.00ns 50.45us 50.45us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.90us 0.00ns 270.90us 270.90us \nwrite 1856216 3.24us 0.00ns 95.14us 2.63us \nread 1856215 28.98us 0.00ns 4.10ms 1.23us \ndisconnect 1 49.72us 0.00ns 49.72us 49.72us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.95b/s \nnet1 29763 29763 259.53Mb/s 259.53Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.138 62.37s 3.54GB 487.63Mb/s 3712434 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.63Mb/s 3712434 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417679, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993931489.3572 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993932490.4707 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993932490.5508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993933491.6321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62182400 nr_ops:60725
+timestamp_ms:1652993934492.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124963840 nr_ops:122035
+timestamp_ms:1652993935493.7542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187918336 nr_ops:183514
+timestamp_ms:1652993936494.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251887616 nr_ops:245984
+timestamp_ms:1652993937495.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317275136 nr_ops:309839
+timestamp_ms:1652993938496.8909 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381207552 nr_ops:372273
+timestamp_ms:1652993939497.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444916736 nr_ops:434489
+timestamp_ms:1652993940498.9509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508879872 nr_ops:496953
+timestamp_ms:1652993941500.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:572737536 nr_ops:559314
+timestamp_ms:1652993942501.1279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636034048 nr_ops:621127
+timestamp_ms:1652993943502.2124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:698678272 nr_ops:682303
+timestamp_ms:1652993944503.3147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:761369600 nr_ops:743525
+timestamp_ms:1652993945504.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:824283136 nr_ops:804964
+timestamp_ms:1652993946504.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:887368704 nr_ops:866571
+timestamp_ms:1652993947505.9670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949579776 nr_ops:927324
+timestamp_ms:1652993948507.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012794368 nr_ops:989057
+timestamp_ms:1652993949508.0845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076489216 nr_ops:1051259
+timestamp_ms:1652993950508.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139719168 nr_ops:1113007
+timestamp_ms:1652993951510.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203012608 nr_ops:1174817
+timestamp_ms:1652993952511.1006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1266418688 nr_ops:1236737
+timestamp_ms:1652993953512.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329965056 nr_ops:1298794
+timestamp_ms:1652993954513.2791 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392884736 nr_ops:1360239
+timestamp_ms:1652993955514.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455308800 nr_ops:1421200
+timestamp_ms:1652993956515.4548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518531584 nr_ops:1482941
+timestamp_ms:1652993957516.4861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581362176 nr_ops:1544299
+timestamp_ms:1652993958517.6418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1643912192 nr_ops:1605383
+timestamp_ms:1652993959518.7275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1707897856 nr_ops:1667869
+timestamp_ms:1652993960519.7720 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1771355136 nr_ops:1729839
+timestamp_ms:1652993961520.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834433536 nr_ops:1791439
+timestamp_ms:1652993962521.9629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896524800 nr_ops:1852075
+timestamp_ms:1652993963523.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1959168000 nr_ops:1913250
+timestamp_ms:1652993964524.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2022818816 nr_ops:1975409
+timestamp_ms:1652993965525.1819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086462464 nr_ops:2037561
+timestamp_ms:1652993966526.2778 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2150419456 nr_ops:2100019
+timestamp_ms:1652993967527.3713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2213373952 nr_ops:2161498
+timestamp_ms:1652993968528.4614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2276941824 nr_ops:2223576
+timestamp_ms:1652993969529.5718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2340571136 nr_ops:2285714
+timestamp_ms:1652993970530.6826 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2404909056 nr_ops:2348544
+timestamp_ms:1652993971531.7766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2467640320 nr_ops:2409805
+timestamp_ms:1652993972532.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530105344 nr_ops:2470806
+timestamp_ms:1652993973533.9641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593667072 nr_ops:2532878
+timestamp_ms:1652993974535.0571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2661622784 nr_ops:2599241
+timestamp_ms:1652993975536.1458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2724488192 nr_ops:2660633
+timestamp_ms:1652993976537.2407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2787531776 nr_ops:2722199
+timestamp_ms:1652993977538.3350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2850169856 nr_ops:2783369
+timestamp_ms:1652993978539.4216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2913228800 nr_ops:2844950
+timestamp_ms:1652993979540.5178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977642496 nr_ops:2907854
+timestamp_ms:1652993980541.6099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041504256 nr_ops:2970219
+timestamp_ms:1652993981542.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3104191488 nr_ops:3031437
+timestamp_ms:1652993982543.8027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3167331328 nr_ops:3093097
+timestamp_ms:1652993983544.9028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3230559232 nr_ops:3154843
+timestamp_ms:1652993984546.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295032320 nr_ops:3217805
+timestamp_ms:1652993985547.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358954496 nr_ops:3280229
+timestamp_ms:1652993986548.1853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3422891008 nr_ops:3342667
+timestamp_ms:1652993987549.2771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3485529088 nr_ops:3403837
+timestamp_ms:1652993988550.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3548611584 nr_ops:3465441
+timestamp_ms:1652993989551.4502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3612276736 nr_ops:3527614
+timestamp_ms:1652993990552.5410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3675884544 nr_ops:3589731
+timestamp_ms:1652993991553.6377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3738693632 nr_ops:3651068
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140114359654144
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652993992754.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3801529344 nr_ops:3712431
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993992755.0574 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652993992755.0669 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652993992855.2917 name:Total nr_bytes:3801529344 nr_ops:3712432
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993992755.1687 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7603058686 nr_ops:7424864
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652993992755.1704 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3801529344 nr_ops:3712434
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 271.52us 0.00ns 271.52us 271.52us
+Txn1 1856216 32.31us 0.00ns 4.10ms 26.32us
+Txn2 1 50.45us 0.00ns 50.45us 50.45us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 270.90us 0.00ns 270.90us 270.90us
+write 1856216 3.24us 0.00ns 95.14us 2.63us
+read 1856215 28.98us 0.00ns 4.10ms 1.23us
+disconnect 1 49.72us 0.00ns 49.72us 49.72us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.95b/s
+net1 29763 29763 259.53Mb/s 259.53Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.138 62.37s 3.54GB 487.63Mb/s 3712434 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.54GB 487.63Mb/s 3712434 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:58:53.491000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:58:53.491000', 'bytes': 62182400, 'norm_byte': 62182400, 'ops': 60725, 'norm_ops': 60725, 'norm_ltcy': 16.48548865917044, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:58:53.491000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:58:53.491000",
+ "bytes": 62182400,
+ "norm_byte": 62182400,
+ "ops": 60725,
+ "norm_ops": 60725,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.48548865917044,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b87f11345b320beabad8044bd0f6f18f68c9799b8bf3d1dc4a21b71606eaf02f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:58:54.492000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:58:54.492000', 'bytes': 124963840, 'norm_byte': 62781440, 'ops': 122035, 'norm_ops': 61310, 'norm_ltcy': 16.327413006136847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:58:54.492000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:58:54.492000",
+ "bytes": 124963840,
+ "norm_byte": 62781440,
+ "ops": 122035,
+ "norm_ops": 61310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.327413006136847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "302d764eaf45a1e1231c313d5efa80f19f0d34dc09d5e5477bb2e64754b0a954",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:58:55.493000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:58:55.493000', 'bytes': 187918336, 'norm_byte': 62954496, 'ops': 183514, 'norm_ops': 61479, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28342001181298, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:58:55.493000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:58:55.493000",
+ "bytes": 187918336,
+ "norm_byte": 62954496,
+ "ops": 183514,
+ "norm_ops": 61479,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28342001181298,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa34c07d55b3704e8b17592a294f1dd2dab0490ae8ce3cf404156cee0e151e72",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:58:56.494000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:58:56.494000', 'bytes': 251887616, 'norm_byte': 63969280, 'ops': 245984, 'norm_ops': 62470, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02521944908556, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:58:56.494000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:58:56.494000",
+ "bytes": 251887616,
+ "norm_byte": 63969280,
+ "ops": 245984,
+ "norm_ops": 62470,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02521944908556,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a103b00514de30309fb933303f019863a7d83d4fa6a5520a640ac1c9f49d034d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:58:57.495000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:58:57.495000', 'bytes': 317275136, 'norm_byte': 65387520, 'ops': 309839, 'norm_ops': 63855, 'norm_ltcy': 15.67584685885013, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:58:57.495000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:58:57.495000",
+ "bytes": 317275136,
+ "norm_byte": 65387520,
+ "ops": 309839,
+ "norm_ops": 63855,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.67584685885013,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5685043925bcf9bed7b38521e1e44d28e6a0cb12b86c08e8cf6dc14b36dd1a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:58:58.496000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:58:58.496000', 'bytes': 381207552, 'norm_byte': 63932416, 'ops': 372273, 'norm_ops': 62434, 'norm_ltcy': 16.033892728221, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:58:58.496000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:58:58.496000",
+ "bytes": 381207552,
+ "norm_byte": 63932416,
+ "ops": 372273,
+ "norm_ops": 62434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.033892728221,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82fb131c3b62c5c1558b722cf665407b6a6806312c676d75bdb4968375196374",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:58:59.497000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:58:59.497000', 'bytes': 444916736, 'norm_byte': 63709184, 'ops': 434489, 'norm_ops': 62216, 'norm_ltcy': 16.089575876532965, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:58:59.497000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:58:59.497000",
+ "bytes": 444916736,
+ "norm_byte": 63709184,
+ "ops": 434489,
+ "norm_ops": 62216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.089575876532965,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16eee8688f0b367a17e05bd13659be0e23a6008ad58adb719eab72353ba5e1e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:00.498000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:00.498000', 'bytes': 508879872, 'norm_byte': 63963136, 'ops': 496953, 'norm_ops': 62464, 'norm_ltcy': 16.025726912451574, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:00.498000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:00.498000",
+ "bytes": 508879872,
+ "norm_byte": 63963136,
+ "ops": 496953,
+ "norm_ops": 62464,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.025726912451574,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3beb7d44e295eac929472361cc9f97756350a2d0433807369e70f427e5b2a20b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:01.500000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:01.500000', 'bytes': 572737536, 'norm_byte': 63857664, 'ops': 559314, 'norm_ops': 62361, 'norm_ltcy': 16.053159257438544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:01.500000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:01.500000",
+ "bytes": 572737536,
+ "norm_byte": 63857664,
+ "ops": 559314,
+ "norm_ops": 62361,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.053159257438544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cfd38592b6791b5f475a9a2f81e51f29e4c99c9d4be1b1fda1036fbd5aa886dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:02.501000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:02.501000', 'bytes': 636034048, 'norm_byte': 63296512, 'ops': 621127, 'norm_ops': 61813, 'norm_ltcy': 16.195394779415334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:02.501000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:02.501000",
+ "bytes": 636034048,
+ "norm_byte": 63296512,
+ "ops": 621127,
+ "norm_ops": 61813,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.195394779415334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "768e41b94767c7f9438c282c3e7273062c7f954a43d5d1d5e754acc99ca07839",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:03.502000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:03.502000', 'bytes': 698678272, 'norm_byte': 62644224, 'ops': 682303, 'norm_ops': 61176, 'norm_ltcy': 16.364006680009318, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:03.502000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:03.502000",
+ "bytes": 698678272,
+ "norm_byte": 62644224,
+ "ops": 682303,
+ "norm_ops": 61176,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.364006680009318,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75cbdf713565432c5d5fe6e254f10965c9ab3f0945346452428c69015f48d6e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:04.503000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:04.503000', 'bytes': 761369600, 'norm_byte': 62691328, 'ops': 743525, 'norm_ops': 61222, 'norm_ltcy': 16.352002465157543, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:04.503000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:04.503000",
+ "bytes": 761369600,
+ "norm_byte": 62691328,
+ "ops": 743525,
+ "norm_ops": 61222,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.352002465157543,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e252631e5a344767fc4e1f66783e4c92bf161d18c06faaf3ffd820800d5e9e48",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:05.504000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:05.504000', 'bytes': 824283136, 'norm_byte': 62913536, 'ops': 804964, 'norm_ops': 61439, 'norm_ltcy': 16.294049185218267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:05.504000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:05.504000",
+ "bytes": 824283136,
+ "norm_byte": 62913536,
+ "ops": 804964,
+ "norm_ops": 61439,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.294049185218267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79f780d4b053f819734f5980526f5a71ad75f8ddcac7a84b9b525f0e2e43bd3b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:06.504000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:06.504000', 'bytes': 887368704, 'norm_byte': 63085568, 'ops': 866571, 'norm_ops': 61607, 'norm_ltcy': 16.238928054036066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:06.504000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:06.504000",
+ "bytes": 887368704,
+ "norm_byte": 63085568,
+ "ops": 866571,
+ "norm_ops": 61607,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.238928054036066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed7229edc45850df665abbeea89445a04e2b6d02d89dc1b2a987c34256707d33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:07.505000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:07.505000', 'bytes': 949579776, 'norm_byte': 62211072, 'ops': 927324, 'norm_ops': 60753, 'norm_ltcy': 16.47870253706607, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:07.505000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:07.505000",
+ "bytes": 949579776,
+ "norm_byte": 62211072,
+ "ops": 927324,
+ "norm_ops": 60753,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.47870253706607,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf7fe3cd5d689dddfea9d66f133b5a92f8ead26d2719989f1f7ad539bfd7b57d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:08.507000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:08.507000', 'bytes': 1012794368, 'norm_byte': 63214592, 'ops': 989057, 'norm_ops': 61733, 'norm_ltcy': 16.216433857549852, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:08.507000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:08.507000",
+ "bytes": 1012794368,
+ "norm_byte": 63214592,
+ "ops": 989057,
+ "norm_ops": 61733,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.216433857549852,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e87727f67911b934c1cb0444a97b3ed1943c9fe6b6a9fa1cfd1d1b4c1c19e689",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:09.508000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:09.508000', 'bytes': 1076489216, 'norm_byte': 63694848, 'ops': 1051259, 'norm_ops': 62202, 'norm_ltcy': 16.093185433145237, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:09.508000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:09.508000",
+ "bytes": 1076489216,
+ "norm_byte": 63694848,
+ "ops": 1051259,
+ "norm_ops": 62202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.093185433145237,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09ce320759ddb02983a10cd0c284e5167f696aad8b003c67a20883869fac776d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:10.508000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:10.508000', 'bytes': 1139719168, 'norm_byte': 63229952, 'ops': 1113007, 'norm_ops': 61748, 'norm_ltcy': 16.208402309082885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:10.508000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:10.508000",
+ "bytes": 1139719168,
+ "norm_byte": 63229952,
+ "ops": 1113007,
+ "norm_ops": 61748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.208402309082885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "080d948849bfad36132501a1d36b1f6af3dbc0e1dc9507bedb3f1be0588e2701",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:11.510000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:11.510000', 'bytes': 1203012608, 'norm_byte': 63293440, 'ops': 1174817, 'norm_ops': 61810, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19627563298819, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:11.510000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:11.510000",
+ "bytes": 1203012608,
+ "norm_byte": 63293440,
+ "ops": 1174817,
+ "norm_ops": 61810,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19627563298819,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a42d75bfdae12f5d33fb6e41b5a5ce2b9445234523bc8af35e0d7584cc7b703e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:12.511000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:12.511000', 'bytes': 1266418688, 'norm_byte': 63406080, 'ops': 1236737, 'norm_ops': 61920, 'norm_ltcy': 16.167440094072997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:12.511000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:12.511000",
+ "bytes": 1266418688,
+ "norm_byte": 63406080,
+ "ops": 1236737,
+ "norm_ops": 61920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.167440094072997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c5813035d336bed1808e8341fae7c77c0cf255f5e37dcf379746a794aceb848",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:13.512000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:13.512000', 'bytes': 1329965056, 'norm_byte': 63546368, 'ops': 1298794, 'norm_ops': 62057, 'norm_ltcy': 16.131775619339884, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:13.512000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:13.512000",
+ "bytes": 1329965056,
+ "norm_byte": 63546368,
+ "ops": 1298794,
+ "norm_ops": 62057,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.131775619339884,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a924cff40dbe4916ee27e26d96dab042097f2e7db914f956510455a6168bfa3e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:14.513000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:14.513000', 'bytes': 1392884736, 'norm_byte': 62919680, 'ops': 1360239, 'norm_ops': 61445, 'norm_ltcy': 16.292438232362276, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:14.513000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:14.513000",
+ "bytes": 1392884736,
+ "norm_byte": 62919680,
+ "ops": 1360239,
+ "norm_ops": 61445,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.292438232362276,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37286964781aa0c077c2f7caa5e3cda93181d69dcb41792830172ccdb1f1a5b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:15.514000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:15.514000', 'bytes': 1455308800, 'norm_byte': 62424064, 'ops': 1421200, 'norm_ops': 60961, 'norm_ltcy': 16.42173201027091, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:15.514000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:15.514000",
+ "bytes": 1455308800,
+ "norm_byte": 62424064,
+ "ops": 1421200,
+ "norm_ops": 60961,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.42173201027091,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a9d9bc0baf2603de47bb78583378b851954dcd79e4517ce850bbfed9cb45b29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:16.515000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:16.515000', 'bytes': 1518531584, 'norm_byte': 63222784, 'ops': 1482941, 'norm_ops': 61741, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21435636241517, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:16.515000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:16.515000",
+ "bytes": 1518531584,
+ "norm_byte": 63222784,
+ "ops": 1482941,
+ "norm_ops": 61741,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21435636241517,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78bf93009dcb836b5511401e1402eecde44ce1a60823e9151a6e78749c1c5618",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:17.516000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:17.516000', 'bytes': 1581362176, 'norm_byte': 62830592, 'ops': 1544299, 'norm_ops': 61358, 'norm_ltcy': 16.314600378108803, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:17.516000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:17.516000",
+ "bytes": 1581362176,
+ "norm_byte": 62830592,
+ "ops": 1544299,
+ "norm_ops": 61358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.314600378108803,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd258703d9ecccfc05fb56f9889f5a971478db1beeb84e8472a4ac84bd38f7ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:18.517000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:18.517000', 'bytes': 1643912192, 'norm_byte': 62550016, 'ops': 1605383, 'norm_ops': 61084, 'norm_ltcy': 16.389819948247496, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:18.517000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:18.517000",
+ "bytes": 1643912192,
+ "norm_byte": 62550016,
+ "ops": 1605383,
+ "norm_ops": 61084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.389819948247496,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "54463f527c7ba6b1f0d30d6a478cf852cdf669e70edcf0633b77a4b9bdb29416",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:19.518000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:19.518000', 'bytes': 1707897856, 'norm_byte': 63985664, 'ops': 1667869, 'norm_ops': 62486, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02095978874268, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:19.518000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:19.518000",
+ "bytes": 1707897856,
+ "norm_byte": 63985664,
+ "ops": 1667869,
+ "norm_ops": 62486,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02095978874268,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64792ad7575559e7c0452c0fab172935d30c4102fdf618e98e1244fa60219929",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:20.519000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:20.519000', 'bytes': 1771355136, 'norm_byte': 63457280, 'ops': 1729839, 'norm_ops': 61970, 'norm_ltcy': 16.15369426486606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:20.519000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:20.519000",
+ "bytes": 1771355136,
+ "norm_byte": 63457280,
+ "ops": 1729839,
+ "norm_ops": 61970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.15369426486606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "99f3f38e022cb728a66c20441b9faed3b4a0f6f1686ccf2b777e917d22bd515a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:21.520000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:21.520000', 'bytes': 1834433536, 'norm_byte': 63078400, 'ops': 1791439, 'norm_ops': 61600, 'norm_ltcy': 16.25158136541193, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:21.520000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:21.520000",
+ "bytes": 1834433536,
+ "norm_byte": 63078400,
+ "ops": 1791439,
+ "norm_ops": 61600,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.25158136541193,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0cf2eba2b7f05ae3348b8f3256f774f83c9177eeb8430426f494fb8b7166c876",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:22.521000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:22.521000', 'bytes': 1896524800, 'norm_byte': 62091264, 'ops': 1852075, 'norm_ops': 60636, 'norm_ltcy': 16.509886962520206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:22.521000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:22.521000",
+ "bytes": 1896524800,
+ "norm_byte": 62091264,
+ "ops": 1852075,
+ "norm_ops": 60636,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.509886962520206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c3c06f8c9c6a7cc3796be8e8298713b19cbb9ee82aae7f2d1d8b5500f8196f36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:23.523000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:23.523000', 'bytes': 1959168000, 'norm_byte': 62643200, 'ops': 1913250, 'norm_ops': 61175, 'norm_ltcy': 16.36442981840008, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:23.523000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:23.523000",
+ "bytes": 1959168000,
+ "norm_byte": 62643200,
+ "ops": 1913250,
+ "norm_ops": 61175,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.36442981840008,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae3b674a8d345940613bc539c9219bf178fd31684aa0817f1305c8bca05d4e38",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:24.524000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:24.524000', 'bytes': 2022818816, 'norm_byte': 63650816, 'ops': 1975409, 'norm_ops': 62159, 'norm_ltcy': 16.104491103460482, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:24.524000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:24.524000",
+ "bytes": 2022818816,
+ "norm_byte": 63650816,
+ "ops": 1975409,
+ "norm_ops": 62159,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.104491103460482,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3b902ffcfe8d2abfe13940fbb0657e4e2f3b889830593688aaeb24331ebee45",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:25.525000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:25.525000', 'bytes': 2086462464, 'norm_byte': 63643648, 'ops': 2037561, 'norm_ops': 62152, 'norm_ltcy': 16.107059105097182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:25.525000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:25.525000",
+ "bytes": 2086462464,
+ "norm_byte": 63643648,
+ "ops": 2037561,
+ "norm_ops": 62152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.107059105097182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c9cbcc4a20f43891a12582cc95cbc285570bb29b4b161c600f3cbe3b0c31b77",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:26.526000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:26.526000', 'bytes': 2150419456, 'norm_byte': 63956992, 'ops': 2100019, 'norm_ops': 62458, 'norm_ltcy': 16.028306178001618, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:26.526000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:26.526000",
+ "bytes": 2150419456,
+ "norm_byte": 63956992,
+ "ops": 2100019,
+ "norm_ops": 62458,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.028306178001618,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c21b8de5c1f609df2803b3f57a9aa73a853b444f5a8ea964ee47ba538a178434",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:27.527000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:27.527000', 'bytes': 2213373952, 'norm_byte': 62954496, 'ops': 2161498, 'norm_ops': 61479, 'norm_ltcy': 16.283503405380294, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:27.527000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:27.527000",
+ "bytes": 2213373952,
+ "norm_byte": 62954496,
+ "ops": 2161498,
+ "norm_ops": 61479,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.283503405380294,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d949b6dcb38e4aa23099586ce0ae07bb0255156b4e45537ad7de3c64d5d32902",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:28.528000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:28.528000', 'bytes': 2276941824, 'norm_byte': 63567872, 'ops': 2223576, 'norm_ops': 62078, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12632636184518, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:28.528000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:28.528000",
+ "bytes": 2276941824,
+ "norm_byte": 63567872,
+ "ops": 2223576,
+ "norm_ops": 62078,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12632636184518,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1800b04a4d5a5284245b400a08c998a3e909e2d835f2c9a255e74f9760abb0b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:29.529000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:29.529000', 'bytes': 2340571136, 'norm_byte': 63629312, 'ops': 2285714, 'norm_ops': 62138, 'norm_ltcy': 16.111081006187842, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:29.529000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:29.529000",
+ "bytes": 2340571136,
+ "norm_byte": 63629312,
+ "ops": 2285714,
+ "norm_ops": 62138,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.111081006187842,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "432d41544625e264d2ce70e6cc3736be674a1d0acd624d78e928341f08f55eca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:30.530000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:30.530000', 'bytes': 2404909056, 'norm_byte': 64337920, 'ops': 2348544, 'norm_ops': 62830, 'norm_ltcy': 15.933643798245265, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:30.530000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:30.530000",
+ "bytes": 2404909056,
+ "norm_byte": 64337920,
+ "ops": 2348544,
+ "norm_ops": 62830,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.933643798245265,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdeaa85a56f44475e028253204039a49279984b4a607e80b3fa18fc07758f773",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:31.531000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:31.531000', 'bytes': 2467640320, 'norm_byte': 62731264, 'ops': 2409805, 'norm_ops': 61261, 'norm_ltcy': 16.34145694880307, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:31.531000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:31.531000",
+ "bytes": 2467640320,
+ "norm_byte": 62731264,
+ "ops": 2409805,
+ "norm_ops": 61261,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.34145694880307,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49ffb5718a10a28aa52fe314af6cbacd14b9d952ae7bf455fa8b678b973a80a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:32.532000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:32.532000', 'bytes': 2530105344, 'norm_byte': 62465024, 'ops': 2470806, 'norm_ops': 61001, 'norm_ltcy': 16.41109190961009, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:32.532000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:32.532000",
+ "bytes": 2530105344,
+ "norm_byte": 62465024,
+ "ops": 2470806,
+ "norm_ops": 61001,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.41109190961009,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5832a200d6df3742fa230cb9076ed2a6b270665484701dbd4b8ee79fa271cd08",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:33.533000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:33.533000', 'bytes': 2593667072, 'norm_byte': 63561728, 'ops': 2532878, 'norm_ops': 62072, 'norm_ltcy': 16.127955961172106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:33.533000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:33.533000",
+ "bytes": 2593667072,
+ "norm_byte": 63561728,
+ "ops": 2532878,
+ "norm_ops": 62072,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.127955961172106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79878779cd5329510b9ab309eef0e1cacdfaf6a4a768a8448c69a2e1539fb185",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:34.535000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:34.535000', 'bytes': 2661622784, 'norm_byte': 67955712, 'ops': 2599241, 'norm_ops': 66363, 'norm_ltcy': 15.085107930294367, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:34.535000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:34.535000",
+ "bytes": 2661622784,
+ "norm_byte": 67955712,
+ "ops": 2599241,
+ "norm_ops": 66363,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.085107930294367,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "065f542912b9c3918dac4b7f17408359167896e40b8556c466c55b665f0c1551",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:35.536000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:35.536000', 'bytes': 2724488192, 'norm_byte': 62865408, 'ops': 2660633, 'norm_ops': 61392, 'norm_ltcy': 16.306499593544356, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:35.536000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:35.536000",
+ "bytes": 2724488192,
+ "norm_byte": 62865408,
+ "ops": 2660633,
+ "norm_ops": 61392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.306499593544356,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76d75a5891a3c8ecc90e6779b28a1657f7643ad0141780ea6391f23e41e7f776",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:36.537000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:36.537000', 'bytes': 2787531776, 'norm_byte': 63043584, 'ops': 2722199, 'norm_ops': 61566, 'norm_ltcy': 16.260516692705796, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:36.537000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:36.537000",
+ "bytes": 2787531776,
+ "norm_byte": 63043584,
+ "ops": 2722199,
+ "norm_ops": 61566,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.260516692705796,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad2401ef3b9808fb898c5aad6940fca8dc52784e595ce219f49aecdc31c3bf9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:37.538000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:37.538000', 'bytes': 2850169856, 'norm_byte': 62638080, 'ops': 2783369, 'norm_ops': 61170, 'norm_ltcy': 16.365771428498448, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:37.538000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:37.538000",
+ "bytes": 2850169856,
+ "norm_byte": 62638080,
+ "ops": 2783369,
+ "norm_ops": 61170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.365771428498448,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d353a3264ef3af2f3a13a9a0455c79d44ddf68e14f4ea20a9b3d1aa3b7a8766d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:38.539000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:38.539000', 'bytes': 2913228800, 'norm_byte': 63058944, 'ops': 2844950, 'norm_ops': 61581, 'norm_ltcy': 16.256421135120817, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:38.539000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:38.539000",
+ "bytes": 2913228800,
+ "norm_byte": 63058944,
+ "ops": 2844950,
+ "norm_ops": 61581,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.256421135120817,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c4ec9a18dfae6c79ae4cdf4a7f248169a26b3fbfb32413dee2818518b2aba0a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:39.540000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:39.540000', 'bytes': 2977642496, 'norm_byte': 64413696, 'ops': 2907854, 'norm_ops': 62904, 'norm_ltcy': 15.914666657227679, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:39.540000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:39.540000",
+ "bytes": 2977642496,
+ "norm_byte": 64413696,
+ "ops": 2907854,
+ "norm_ops": 62904,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.914666657227679,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ebfdb1a1158d80a2fa26981addc7a54882826cc073dec088764636dbf6a4163b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:40.541000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:40.541000', 'bytes': 3041504256, 'norm_byte': 63861760, 'ops': 2970219, 'norm_ops': 62365, 'norm_ltcy': 16.052145290076563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:40.541000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:40.541000",
+ "bytes": 3041504256,
+ "norm_byte": 63861760,
+ "ops": 2970219,
+ "norm_ops": 62365,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.052145290076563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d13e5dab50a229bfce361d15f1a9527b4ae0d25ff2b2298975eb74433a7de51",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:41.542000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:41.542000', 'bytes': 3104191488, 'norm_byte': 62687232, 'ops': 3031437, 'norm_ops': 61218, 'norm_ltcy': 16.352971207916788, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:41.542000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:41.542000",
+ "bytes": 3104191488,
+ "norm_byte": 62687232,
+ "ops": 3031437,
+ "norm_ops": 61218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.352971207916788,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de2294bed3d4a4bc4774392e972d2ca43240908aba9ee617032571f808bbb242",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:42.543000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:42.543000', 'bytes': 3167331328, 'norm_byte': 63139840, 'ops': 3093097, 'norm_ops': 61660, 'norm_ltcy': 16.235755427951673, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:42.543000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:42.543000",
+ "bytes": 3167331328,
+ "norm_byte": 63139840,
+ "ops": 3093097,
+ "norm_ops": 61660,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.235755427951673,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0dc7e0ea1ac5a20c2b296914e90e4f44989b5685e3e05f4c8ea493ee5c12c676",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:43.544000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:43.544000', 'bytes': 3230559232, 'norm_byte': 63227904, 'ops': 3154843, 'norm_ops': 61746, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21319757808198, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:43.544000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:43.544000",
+ "bytes": 3230559232,
+ "norm_byte": 63227904,
+ "ops": 3154843,
+ "norm_ops": 61746,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21319757808198,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6c7864e18306f2b5a65b37861ed752d8264a9cf1c428f9aba2695ff4f179f92",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:44.546000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:44.546000', 'bytes': 3295032320, 'norm_byte': 64473088, 'ops': 3217805, 'norm_ops': 62962, 'norm_ltcy': 15.90013029932737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:44.546000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:44.546000",
+ "bytes": 3295032320,
+ "norm_byte": 64473088,
+ "ops": 3217805,
+ "norm_ops": 62962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.90013029932737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91dfd3e047857a35710fba931533815c23e959dd77294718664db844e1fd8b2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:45.547000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:45.547000', 'bytes': 3358954496, 'norm_byte': 63922176, 'ops': 3280229, 'norm_ops': 62424, 'norm_ltcy': 16.03696188314991, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:45.547000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:45.547000",
+ "bytes": 3358954496,
+ "norm_byte": 63922176,
+ "ops": 3280229,
+ "norm_ops": 62424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.03696188314991,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb89ba2f6d10c4d46fcc26855ab4e893ab59eb1d0062fb66df06f86e58790eff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:46.548000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:46.548000', 'bytes': 3422891008, 'norm_byte': 63936512, 'ops': 3342667, 'norm_ops': 62438, 'norm_ltcy': 16.033299564417902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:46.548000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:46.548000",
+ "bytes": 3422891008,
+ "norm_byte": 63936512,
+ "ops": 3342667,
+ "norm_ops": 62438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.033299564417902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e7e37dcc69938d0f68c1b46d08181d44280108ed92a1118255bff272a7c745a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:47.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:47.549000', 'bytes': 3485529088, 'norm_byte': 62638080, 'ops': 3403837, 'norm_ops': 61170, 'norm_ltcy': 16.36573151667484, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:47.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:47.549000",
+ "bytes": 3485529088,
+ "norm_byte": 62638080,
+ "ops": 3403837,
+ "norm_ops": 61170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.36573151667484,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "394f43f7bd1944bc544a9f832e691903c76a53d497ba5d21dde114333de50bd8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:48.550000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:48.550000', 'bytes': 3548611584, 'norm_byte': 63082496, 'ops': 3465441, 'norm_ops': 61604, 'norm_ltcy': 16.250359687733344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:48.550000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:48.550000",
+ "bytes": 3548611584,
+ "norm_byte": 63082496,
+ "ops": 3465441,
+ "norm_ops": 61604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.250359687733344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c581e666b1cd9985671e38d7d86f089db1daf5292ea031e0afe28f213b27767d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:49.551000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:49.551000', 'bytes': 3612276736, 'norm_byte': 63665152, 'ops': 3527614, 'norm_ops': 62173, 'norm_ltcy': 16.101618668875556, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:49.551000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:49.551000",
+ "bytes": 3612276736,
+ "norm_byte": 63665152,
+ "ops": 3527614,
+ "norm_ops": 62173,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.101618668875556,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fc3543c38862a0b0235d861eede16f8176c3bfe55f5543a2ae6769cbeee3c6ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:50.552000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:50.552000', 'bytes': 3675884544, 'norm_byte': 63607808, 'ops': 3589731, 'norm_ops': 62117, 'norm_ltcy': 16.116213279979718, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:50.552000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:50.552000",
+ "bytes": 3675884544,
+ "norm_byte": 63607808,
+ "ops": 3589731,
+ "norm_ops": 62117,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.116213279979718,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c1f302b29f56aef04ab9f06aad2b2973d5c36e337a1a74f1c9d9e282d0acc0e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:51.553000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:51.553000', 'bytes': 3738693632, 'norm_byte': 62809088, 'ops': 3651068, 'norm_ops': 61337, 'norm_ltcy': 16.321252746099415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:51.553000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:51.553000",
+ "bytes": 3738693632,
+ "norm_byte": 62809088,
+ "ops": 3651068,
+ "norm_ops": 61337,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.321252746099415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bce520011b555099a20c3fd2cb5662756a247a6cfa457940d4e8ecac462d8072",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T20:59:52.754000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T20:59:52.754000', 'bytes': 3801529344, 'norm_byte': 62835712, 'ops': 3712431, 'norm_ops': 61363, 'norm_ltcy': 19.577577158670532, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T20:59:52.754000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T20:59:52.754000",
+ "bytes": 3801529344,
+ "norm_byte": 62835712,
+ "ops": 3712431,
+ "norm_ops": 61363,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.577577158670532,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76eed6dd-6757-5f50-80a5-15245be939ff",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6844be9fc55872b1654a89f62daa754bc79805ea21496c15a7fedb68388157b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63358822.4
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61873.85
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.479041843171288
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T20:59:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-043-220519205607/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-043-220519205607/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1843c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-043-220519205607/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-043-220519205607/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-043-220519205607/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-043-220519205607/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-043-220519205607/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-043-220519205607/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2edd20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-043-220519205607/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=35
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=20
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-044-220519205809/220519205809-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-044-220519205809/220519205809-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca0541d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-044-220519205809/220519205809-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:00:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994053629.3813 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994054629.8391 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994054629.8835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994055630.9604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62499840 nr_ops:61035\ntimestamp_ms:1652994056632.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124001280 nr_ops:121095\ntimestamp_ms:1652994057633.1028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:185965568 nr_ops:181607\ntimestamp_ms:1652994058633.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249476096 nr_ops:243629\ntimestamp_ms:1652994059634.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311579648 nr_ops:304277\ntimestamp_ms:1652994060635.8682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:373169152 nr_ops:364423\ntimestamp_ms:1652994061636.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:436319232 nr_ops:426093\ntimestamp_ms:1652994062637.8921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:499598336 nr_ops:487889\ntimestamp_ms:1652994063638.9880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563823616 nr_ops:550609\ntimestamp_ms:1652994064639.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:627514368 nr_ops:612807\ntimestamp_ms:1652994065640.8750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690473984 nr_ops:674291\ntimestamp_ms:1652994066641.9639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:753179648 nr_ops:735527\ntimestamp_ms:1652994067643.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816481280 nr_ops:797345\ntimestamp_ms:1652994068643.4119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880452608 nr_ops:859817\ntimestamp_ms:1652994069643.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:944276480 nr_ops:922145\ntimestamp_ms:1652994070644.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006771200 nr_ops:983175\ntimestamp_ms:1652994071645.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069497344 nr_ops:1044431\ntimestamp_ms:1652994072646.9673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133356032 nr_ops:1106793\ntimestamp_ms:1652994073647.9978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197028352 nr_ops:1168973\ntimestamp_ms:1652994074649.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1260792832 nr_ops:1231243\ntimestamp_ms:1652994075650.1250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324168192 nr_ops:1293133\ntimestamp_ms:1652994076651.2180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1387150336 nr_ops:1354639\ntimestamp_ms:1652994077652.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1451212800 nr_ops:1417200\ntimestamp_ms:1652994078653.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1514490880 nr_ops:1478995\ntimestamp_ms:1652994079654.4336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1577747456 nr_ops:1540769\ntimestamp_ms:1652994080655.5264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1641328640 nr_ops:1602860\ntimestamp_ms:1652994081656.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1704141824 nr_ops:1664201\ntimestamp_ms:1652994082657.7087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768379392 nr_ops:1726933\ntimestamp_ms:1652994083658.7964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1833618432 nr_ops:1790643\ntimestamp_ms:1652994084659.8833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902294016 nr_ops:1857709\ntimestamp_ms:1652994085660.9758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968366592 nr_ops:1922233\ntimestamp_ms:1652994086662.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2032798720 nr_ops:1985155\ntimestamp_ms:1652994087663.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097044480 nr_ops:2047895\ntimestamp_ms:1652994088664.3499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2161042432 nr_ops:2110393\ntimestamp_ms:1652994089664.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2224309248 nr_ops:2172177\ntimestamp_ms:1652994090665.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2287987712 nr_ops:2234363\ntimestamp_ms:1652994091667.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2351297536 nr_ops:2296189\ntimestamp_ms:1652994092668.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2413886464 nr_ops:2357311\ntimestamp_ms:1652994093669.2114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2475722752 nr_ops:2417698\ntimestamp_ms:1652994094670.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2538566656 nr_ops:2479069\ntimestamp_ms:1652994095671.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602271744 nr_ops:2541281\ntimestamp_ms:1652994096672.4880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665137152 nr_ops:2602673\ntimestamp_ms:1652994097673.5818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2729282560 nr_ops:2665315\ntimestamp_ms:1652994098674.6760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2795035648 nr_ops:2729527\ntimestamp_ms:1652994099675.7664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2857643008 nr_ops:2790667\ntimestamp_ms:1652994100676.8555 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2919949312 nr_ops:2851513\ntimestamp_ms:1652994101677.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2984954880 nr_ops:2914995\ntimestamp_ms:1652994102679.0442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3050146816 nr_ops:2978659\ntimestamp_ms:1652994103680.1399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3114851328 nr_ops:3041847\ntimestamp_ms:1652994104681.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3178810368 nr_ops:3104307\ntimestamp_ms:1652994105682.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3242694656 nr_ops:3166694\ntimestamp_ms:1652994106683.4214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306777600 nr_ops:3229275\ntimestamp_ms:1652994107684.4600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3369049088 nr_ops:3290087\ntimestamp_ms:1652994108684.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3432550400 nr_ops:3352100\ntimestamp_ms:1652994109685.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3496313856 nr_ops:3414369\ntimestamp_ms:1652994110686.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3559433216 nr_ops:3476009\ntimestamp_ms:1652994111688.1140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3623275520 nr_ops:3538355\ntimestamp_ms:1652994112689.2058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3684418560 nr_ops:3598065\ntimestamp_ms:1652994113690.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3750132736 nr_ops:3662239\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139734818363136\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.5818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3813360640 nr_ops:3723985\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.6721 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.6826 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114991.9275 name:Total nr_bytes:3813360640 nr_ops:3723986\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.7791 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7626721278 nr_ops:7447972\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.7805 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3813360640 nr_ops:3723988\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 368.78us 0.00ns 368.78us 368.78us \nTxn1 1861993 32.20us 0.00ns 6.17ms 25.84us \nTxn2 1 50.50us 0.00ns 50.50us 50.50us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 368.10us 0.00ns 368.10us 368.10us \nwrite 1861993 3.27us 0.00ns 81.92us 2.48us \nread 1861992 28.86us 0.00ns 6.16ms 5.61us \ndisconnect 1 49.66us 0.00ns 49.66us 49.66us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.54b/s \nnet1 29857 29857 260.35Mb/s 260.35Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.139 62.36s 3.55GB 489.18Mb/s 3723987 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.55GB 489.18Mb/s 3723988 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414114, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994053629.3813 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994054629.8391 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994054629.8835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994055630.9604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62499840 nr_ops:61035\ntimestamp_ms:1652994056632.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124001280 nr_ops:121095\ntimestamp_ms:1652994057633.1028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:185965568 nr_ops:181607\ntimestamp_ms:1652994058633.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249476096 nr_ops:243629\ntimestamp_ms:1652994059634.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311579648 nr_ops:304277\ntimestamp_ms:1652994060635.8682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:373169152 nr_ops:364423\ntimestamp_ms:1652994061636.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:436319232 nr_ops:426093\ntimestamp_ms:1652994062637.8921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:499598336 nr_ops:487889\ntimestamp_ms:1652994063638.9880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563823616 nr_ops:550609\ntimestamp_ms:1652994064639.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:627514368 nr_ops:612807\ntimestamp_ms:1652994065640.8750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690473984 nr_ops:674291\ntimestamp_ms:1652994066641.9639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:753179648 nr_ops:735527\ntimestamp_ms:1652994067643.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816481280 nr_ops:797345\ntimestamp_ms:1652994068643.4119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880452608 nr_ops:859817\ntimestamp_ms:1652994069643.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:944276480 nr_ops:922145\ntimestamp_ms:1652994070644.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006771200 nr_ops:983175\ntimestamp_ms:1652994071645.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069497344 nr_ops:1044431\ntimestamp_ms:1652994072646.9673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133356032 nr_ops:1106793\ntimestamp_ms:1652994073647.9978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197028352 nr_ops:1168973\ntimestamp_ms:1652994074649.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1260792832 nr_ops:1231243\ntimestamp_ms:1652994075650.1250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324168192 nr_ops:1293133\ntimestamp_ms:1652994076651.2180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1387150336 nr_ops:1354639\ntimestamp_ms:1652994077652.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1451212800 nr_ops:1417200\ntimestamp_ms:1652994078653.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1514490880 nr_ops:1478995\ntimestamp_ms:1652994079654.4336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1577747456 nr_ops:1540769\ntimestamp_ms:1652994080655.5264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1641328640 nr_ops:1602860\ntimestamp_ms:1652994081656.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1704141824 nr_ops:1664201\ntimestamp_ms:1652994082657.7087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768379392 nr_ops:1726933\ntimestamp_ms:1652994083658.7964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1833618432 nr_ops:1790643\ntimestamp_ms:1652994084659.8833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902294016 nr_ops:1857709\ntimestamp_ms:1652994085660.9758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968366592 nr_ops:1922233\ntimestamp_ms:1652994086662.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2032798720 nr_ops:1985155\ntimestamp_ms:1652994087663.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097044480 nr_ops:2047895\ntimestamp_ms:1652994088664.3499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2161042432 nr_ops:2110393\ntimestamp_ms:1652994089664.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2224309248 nr_ops:2172177\ntimestamp_ms:1652994090665.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2287987712 nr_ops:2234363\ntimestamp_ms:1652994091667.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2351297536 nr_ops:2296189\ntimestamp_ms:1652994092668.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2413886464 nr_ops:2357311\ntimestamp_ms:1652994093669.2114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2475722752 nr_ops:2417698\ntimestamp_ms:1652994094670.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2538566656 nr_ops:2479069\ntimestamp_ms:1652994095671.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602271744 nr_ops:2541281\ntimestamp_ms:1652994096672.4880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665137152 nr_ops:2602673\ntimestamp_ms:1652994097673.5818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2729282560 nr_ops:2665315\ntimestamp_ms:1652994098674.6760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2795035648 nr_ops:2729527\ntimestamp_ms:1652994099675.7664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2857643008 nr_ops:2790667\ntimestamp_ms:1652994100676.8555 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2919949312 nr_ops:2851513\ntimestamp_ms:1652994101677.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2984954880 nr_ops:2914995\ntimestamp_ms:1652994102679.0442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3050146816 nr_ops:2978659\ntimestamp_ms:1652994103680.1399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3114851328 nr_ops:3041847\ntimestamp_ms:1652994104681.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3178810368 nr_ops:3104307\ntimestamp_ms:1652994105682.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3242694656 nr_ops:3166694\ntimestamp_ms:1652994106683.4214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306777600 nr_ops:3229275\ntimestamp_ms:1652994107684.4600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3369049088 nr_ops:3290087\ntimestamp_ms:1652994108684.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3432550400 nr_ops:3352100\ntimestamp_ms:1652994109685.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3496313856 nr_ops:3414369\ntimestamp_ms:1652994110686.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3559433216 nr_ops:3476009\ntimestamp_ms:1652994111688.1140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3623275520 nr_ops:3538355\ntimestamp_ms:1652994112689.2058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3684418560 nr_ops:3598065\ntimestamp_ms:1652994113690.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3750132736 nr_ops:3662239\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139734818363136\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.5818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3813360640 nr_ops:3723985\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.6721 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.6826 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114991.9275 name:Total nr_bytes:3813360640 nr_ops:3723986\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.7791 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7626721278 nr_ops:7447972\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.7805 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3813360640 nr_ops:3723988\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 368.78us 0.00ns 368.78us 368.78us \nTxn1 1861993 32.20us 0.00ns 6.17ms 25.84us \nTxn2 1 50.50us 0.00ns 50.50us 50.50us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 368.10us 0.00ns 368.10us 368.10us \nwrite 1861993 3.27us 0.00ns 81.92us 2.48us \nread 1861992 28.86us 0.00ns 6.16ms 5.61us \ndisconnect 1 49.66us 0.00ns 49.66us 49.66us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.54b/s \nnet1 29857 29857 260.35Mb/s 260.35Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.139 62.36s 3.55GB 489.18Mb/s 3723987 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.55GB 489.18Mb/s 3723988 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414114, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994053629.3813 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994054629.8391 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994054629.8835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994055630.9604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62499840 nr_ops:61035\ntimestamp_ms:1652994056632.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124001280 nr_ops:121095\ntimestamp_ms:1652994057633.1028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:185965568 nr_ops:181607\ntimestamp_ms:1652994058633.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249476096 nr_ops:243629\ntimestamp_ms:1652994059634.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311579648 nr_ops:304277\ntimestamp_ms:1652994060635.8682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:373169152 nr_ops:364423\ntimestamp_ms:1652994061636.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:436319232 nr_ops:426093\ntimestamp_ms:1652994062637.8921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:499598336 nr_ops:487889\ntimestamp_ms:1652994063638.9880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563823616 nr_ops:550609\ntimestamp_ms:1652994064639.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:627514368 nr_ops:612807\ntimestamp_ms:1652994065640.8750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690473984 nr_ops:674291\ntimestamp_ms:1652994066641.9639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:753179648 nr_ops:735527\ntimestamp_ms:1652994067643.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816481280 nr_ops:797345\ntimestamp_ms:1652994068643.4119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880452608 nr_ops:859817\ntimestamp_ms:1652994069643.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:944276480 nr_ops:922145\ntimestamp_ms:1652994070644.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006771200 nr_ops:983175\ntimestamp_ms:1652994071645.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069497344 nr_ops:1044431\ntimestamp_ms:1652994072646.9673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133356032 nr_ops:1106793\ntimestamp_ms:1652994073647.9978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197028352 nr_ops:1168973\ntimestamp_ms:1652994074649.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1260792832 nr_ops:1231243\ntimestamp_ms:1652994075650.1250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324168192 nr_ops:1293133\ntimestamp_ms:1652994076651.2180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1387150336 nr_ops:1354639\ntimestamp_ms:1652994077652.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1451212800 nr_ops:1417200\ntimestamp_ms:1652994078653.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1514490880 nr_ops:1478995\ntimestamp_ms:1652994079654.4336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1577747456 nr_ops:1540769\ntimestamp_ms:1652994080655.5264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1641328640 nr_ops:1602860\ntimestamp_ms:1652994081656.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1704141824 nr_ops:1664201\ntimestamp_ms:1652994082657.7087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768379392 nr_ops:1726933\ntimestamp_ms:1652994083658.7964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1833618432 nr_ops:1790643\ntimestamp_ms:1652994084659.8833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902294016 nr_ops:1857709\ntimestamp_ms:1652994085660.9758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968366592 nr_ops:1922233\ntimestamp_ms:1652994086662.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2032798720 nr_ops:1985155\ntimestamp_ms:1652994087663.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097044480 nr_ops:2047895\ntimestamp_ms:1652994088664.3499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2161042432 nr_ops:2110393\ntimestamp_ms:1652994089664.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2224309248 nr_ops:2172177\ntimestamp_ms:1652994090665.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2287987712 nr_ops:2234363\ntimestamp_ms:1652994091667.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2351297536 nr_ops:2296189\ntimestamp_ms:1652994092668.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2413886464 nr_ops:2357311\ntimestamp_ms:1652994093669.2114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2475722752 nr_ops:2417698\ntimestamp_ms:1652994094670.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2538566656 nr_ops:2479069\ntimestamp_ms:1652994095671.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602271744 nr_ops:2541281\ntimestamp_ms:1652994096672.4880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665137152 nr_ops:2602673\ntimestamp_ms:1652994097673.5818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2729282560 nr_ops:2665315\ntimestamp_ms:1652994098674.6760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2795035648 nr_ops:2729527\ntimestamp_ms:1652994099675.7664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2857643008 nr_ops:2790667\ntimestamp_ms:1652994100676.8555 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2919949312 nr_ops:2851513\ntimestamp_ms:1652994101677.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2984954880 nr_ops:2914995\ntimestamp_ms:1652994102679.0442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3050146816 nr_ops:2978659\ntimestamp_ms:1652994103680.1399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3114851328 nr_ops:3041847\ntimestamp_ms:1652994104681.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3178810368 nr_ops:3104307\ntimestamp_ms:1652994105682.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3242694656 nr_ops:3166694\ntimestamp_ms:1652994106683.4214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306777600 nr_ops:3229275\ntimestamp_ms:1652994107684.4600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3369049088 nr_ops:3290087\ntimestamp_ms:1652994108684.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3432550400 nr_ops:3352100\ntimestamp_ms:1652994109685.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3496313856 nr_ops:3414369\ntimestamp_ms:1652994110686.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3559433216 nr_ops:3476009\ntimestamp_ms:1652994111688.1140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3623275520 nr_ops:3538355\ntimestamp_ms:1652994112689.2058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3684418560 nr_ops:3598065\ntimestamp_ms:1652994113690.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3750132736 nr_ops:3662239\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139734818363136\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.5818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3813360640 nr_ops:3723985\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.6721 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.6826 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114991.9275 name:Total nr_bytes:3813360640 nr_ops:3723986\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.7791 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7626721278 nr_ops:7447972\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994114891.7805 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3813360640 nr_ops:3723988\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 368.78us 0.00ns 368.78us 368.78us \nTxn1 1861993 32.20us 0.00ns 6.17ms 25.84us \nTxn2 1 50.50us 0.00ns 50.50us 50.50us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 368.10us 0.00ns 368.10us 368.10us \nwrite 1861993 3.27us 0.00ns 81.92us 2.48us \nread 1861992 28.86us 0.00ns 6.16ms 5.61us \ndisconnect 1 49.66us 0.00ns 49.66us 49.66us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.54b/s \nnet1 29857 29857 260.35Mb/s 260.35Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.139 62.36s 3.55GB 489.18Mb/s 3723987 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.55GB 489.18Mb/s 3723988 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414114, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994053629.3813 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994054629.8391 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994054629.8835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994055630.9604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62499840 nr_ops:61035
+timestamp_ms:1652994056632.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124001280 nr_ops:121095
+timestamp_ms:1652994057633.1028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:185965568 nr_ops:181607
+timestamp_ms:1652994058633.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249476096 nr_ops:243629
+timestamp_ms:1652994059634.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311579648 nr_ops:304277
+timestamp_ms:1652994060635.8682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:373169152 nr_ops:364423
+timestamp_ms:1652994061636.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:436319232 nr_ops:426093
+timestamp_ms:1652994062637.8921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:499598336 nr_ops:487889
+timestamp_ms:1652994063638.9880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563823616 nr_ops:550609
+timestamp_ms:1652994064639.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:627514368 nr_ops:612807
+timestamp_ms:1652994065640.8750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690473984 nr_ops:674291
+timestamp_ms:1652994066641.9639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:753179648 nr_ops:735527
+timestamp_ms:1652994067643.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816481280 nr_ops:797345
+timestamp_ms:1652994068643.4119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880452608 nr_ops:859817
+timestamp_ms:1652994069643.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:944276480 nr_ops:922145
+timestamp_ms:1652994070644.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006771200 nr_ops:983175
+timestamp_ms:1652994071645.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069497344 nr_ops:1044431
+timestamp_ms:1652994072646.9673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133356032 nr_ops:1106793
+timestamp_ms:1652994073647.9978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197028352 nr_ops:1168973
+timestamp_ms:1652994074649.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1260792832 nr_ops:1231243
+timestamp_ms:1652994075650.1250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324168192 nr_ops:1293133
+timestamp_ms:1652994076651.2180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1387150336 nr_ops:1354639
+timestamp_ms:1652994077652.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1451212800 nr_ops:1417200
+timestamp_ms:1652994078653.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1514490880 nr_ops:1478995
+timestamp_ms:1652994079654.4336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1577747456 nr_ops:1540769
+timestamp_ms:1652994080655.5264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1641328640 nr_ops:1602860
+timestamp_ms:1652994081656.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1704141824 nr_ops:1664201
+timestamp_ms:1652994082657.7087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768379392 nr_ops:1726933
+timestamp_ms:1652994083658.7964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1833618432 nr_ops:1790643
+timestamp_ms:1652994084659.8833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902294016 nr_ops:1857709
+timestamp_ms:1652994085660.9758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968366592 nr_ops:1922233
+timestamp_ms:1652994086662.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2032798720 nr_ops:1985155
+timestamp_ms:1652994087663.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097044480 nr_ops:2047895
+timestamp_ms:1652994088664.3499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2161042432 nr_ops:2110393
+timestamp_ms:1652994089664.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2224309248 nr_ops:2172177
+timestamp_ms:1652994090665.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2287987712 nr_ops:2234363
+timestamp_ms:1652994091667.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2351297536 nr_ops:2296189
+timestamp_ms:1652994092668.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2413886464 nr_ops:2357311
+timestamp_ms:1652994093669.2114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2475722752 nr_ops:2417698
+timestamp_ms:1652994094670.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2538566656 nr_ops:2479069
+timestamp_ms:1652994095671.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602271744 nr_ops:2541281
+timestamp_ms:1652994096672.4880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665137152 nr_ops:2602673
+timestamp_ms:1652994097673.5818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2729282560 nr_ops:2665315
+timestamp_ms:1652994098674.6760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2795035648 nr_ops:2729527
+timestamp_ms:1652994099675.7664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2857643008 nr_ops:2790667
+timestamp_ms:1652994100676.8555 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2919949312 nr_ops:2851513
+timestamp_ms:1652994101677.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2984954880 nr_ops:2914995
+timestamp_ms:1652994102679.0442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3050146816 nr_ops:2978659
+timestamp_ms:1652994103680.1399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3114851328 nr_ops:3041847
+timestamp_ms:1652994104681.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3178810368 nr_ops:3104307
+timestamp_ms:1652994105682.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3242694656 nr_ops:3166694
+timestamp_ms:1652994106683.4214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306777600 nr_ops:3229275
+timestamp_ms:1652994107684.4600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3369049088 nr_ops:3290087
+timestamp_ms:1652994108684.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3432550400 nr_ops:3352100
+timestamp_ms:1652994109685.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3496313856 nr_ops:3414369
+timestamp_ms:1652994110686.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3559433216 nr_ops:3476009
+timestamp_ms:1652994111688.1140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3623275520 nr_ops:3538355
+timestamp_ms:1652994112689.2058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3684418560 nr_ops:3598065
+timestamp_ms:1652994113690.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3750132736 nr_ops:3662239
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139734818363136
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652994114891.5818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3813360640 nr_ops:3723985
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994114891.6721 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994114891.6826 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994114991.9275 name:Total nr_bytes:3813360640 nr_ops:3723986
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994114891.7791 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7626721278 nr_ops:7447972
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994114891.7805 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3813360640 nr_ops:3723988
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 368.78us 0.00ns 368.78us 368.78us
+Txn1 1861993 32.20us 0.00ns 6.17ms 25.84us
+Txn2 1 50.50us 0.00ns 50.50us 50.50us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 368.10us 0.00ns 368.10us 368.10us
+write 1861993 3.27us 0.00ns 81.92us 2.48us
+read 1861992 28.86us 0.00ns 6.16ms 5.61us
+disconnect 1 49.66us 0.00ns 49.66us 49.66us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.54b/s
+net1 29857 29857 260.35Mb/s 260.35Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.139 62.36s 3.55GB 489.18Mb/s 3723987 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.55GB 489.18Mb/s 3723988 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:00:55.630000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:00:55.630000', 'bytes': 62499840, 'norm_byte': 62499840, 'ops': 61035, 'norm_ops': 61035, 'norm_ltcy': 16.401685988316128, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:00:55.630000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:00:55.630000",
+ "bytes": 62499840,
+ "norm_byte": 62499840,
+ "ops": 61035,
+ "norm_ops": 61035,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.401685988316128,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48fa33d3771ddaaab16fa26f271840ebf01034e39dad35b56ec12705ff150582",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:00:56.632000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:00:56.632000', 'bytes': 124001280, 'norm_byte': 61501440, 'ops': 121095, 'norm_ops': 60060, 'norm_ltcy': 16.668284514964203, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:00:56.632000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:00:56.632000",
+ "bytes": 124001280,
+ "norm_byte": 61501440,
+ "ops": 121095,
+ "norm_ops": 60060,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.668284514964203,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "72e509fab16e46a901250c284891e8568051050deb425ff473c696af72f45d4b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:00:57.633000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:00:57.633000', 'bytes': 185965568, 'norm_byte': 61964288, 'ops': 181607, 'norm_ops': 60512, 'norm_ltcy': 16.542919850866355, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:00:57.633000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:00:57.633000",
+ "bytes": 185965568,
+ "norm_byte": 61964288,
+ "ops": 181607,
+ "norm_ops": 60512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.542919850866355,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "950d94bbd7a34ef41360a630c90fcf7bc3b6cf636874048b9ef20ac73f44e814",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:00:58.633000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:00:58.633000', 'bytes': 249476096, 'norm_byte': 63510528, 'ops': 243629, 'norm_ops': 62022, 'norm_ltcy': 16.135065039925347, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:00:58.633000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:00:58.633000",
+ "bytes": 249476096,
+ "norm_byte": 63510528,
+ "ops": 243629,
+ "norm_ops": 62022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.135065039925347,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ff5df9ba47280f880945f71941bc946ed88e7beba1782b10a2b0f2ad714d3e5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:00:59.634000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:00:59.634000', 'bytes': 311579648, 'norm_byte': 62103552, 'ops': 304277, 'norm_ops': 60648, 'norm_ltcy': 16.505082511222547, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:00:59.634000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:00:59.634000",
+ "bytes": 311579648,
+ "norm_byte": 62103552,
+ "ops": 304277,
+ "norm_ops": 60648,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.505082511222547,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "543157ab7b9b8c7ee3e2338e2ac33d7e767a56b45bb8a9fd31c161f3f6a5f9de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:00.635000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:00.635000', 'bytes': 373169152, 'norm_byte': 61589504, 'ops': 364423, 'norm_ops': 60146, 'norm_ltcy': 16.643436518014497, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:00.635000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:00.635000",
+ "bytes": 373169152,
+ "norm_byte": 61589504,
+ "ops": 364423,
+ "norm_ops": 60146,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.643436518014497,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dffcfa3d42f9705452843077277a4963c4073a9c6c791f8d20e61309de1ad69c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:01.636000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:01.636000', 'bytes': 436319232, 'norm_byte': 63150080, 'ops': 426093, 'norm_ops': 61670, 'norm_ltcy': 16.232212215724825, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:01.636000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:01.636000",
+ "bytes": 436319232,
+ "norm_byte": 63150080,
+ "ops": 426093,
+ "norm_ops": 61670,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.232212215724825,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c17821c256dc3e455c82e57d28875b0f04f0f73aeb21d8d8fadf07632e5ff60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:02.637000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:02.637000', 'bytes': 499598336, 'norm_byte': 63279104, 'ops': 487889, 'norm_ops': 61796, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19819079612758, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:02.637000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:02.637000",
+ "bytes": 499598336,
+ "norm_byte": 63279104,
+ "ops": 487889,
+ "norm_ops": 61796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19819079612758,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fde7a410965eac817445725c52c160537284d6323390016c7bae6adfe2dc997b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:03.638000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:03.638000', 'bytes': 563823616, 'norm_byte': 64225280, 'ops': 550609, 'norm_ops': 62720, 'norm_ltcy': 15.961351200025907, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:03.638000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:03.638000",
+ "bytes": 563823616,
+ "norm_byte": 64225280,
+ "ops": 550609,
+ "norm_ops": 62720,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.961351200025907,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c4283eaaa44d4363ed2dd99187b106f04b08b6121affe8a26f93d98620da142",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:04.639000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:04.639000', 'bytes': 627514368, 'norm_byte': 63690752, 'ops': 612807, 'norm_ops': 62198, 'norm_ltcy': 16.091354989810768, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:04.639000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:04.639000",
+ "bytes": 627514368,
+ "norm_byte": 63690752,
+ "ops": 612807,
+ "norm_ops": 62198,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.091354989810768,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a6707ae1dee61c024e6c562333636fb6d88cefe5084e655af2f7fa7173e2f2a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:05.640000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:05.640000', 'bytes': 690473984, 'norm_byte': 62959616, 'ops': 674291, 'norm_ops': 61484, 'norm_ltcy': 16.281257973365022, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:05.640000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:05.640000",
+ "bytes": 690473984,
+ "norm_byte": 62959616,
+ "ops": 674291,
+ "norm_ops": 61484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.281257973365022,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13e99ea70afad3154bdf820869f4a3c36a52814edd6134d124e7500d78273747",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:06.641000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:06.641000', 'bytes': 753179648, 'norm_byte': 62705664, 'ops': 735527, 'norm_ops': 61236, 'norm_ltcy': 16.348044731652948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:06.641000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:06.641000",
+ "bytes": 753179648,
+ "norm_byte": 62705664,
+ "ops": 735527,
+ "norm_ops": 61236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.348044731652948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14dcc967ae3a85d5a0706c83084e3b159ae9adae08a9ce25fde5b1f7fb48017d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:07.643000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:07.643000', 'bytes': 816481280, 'norm_byte': 63301632, 'ops': 797345, 'norm_ops': 61818, 'norm_ltcy': 16.194175688866917, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:07.643000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:07.643000",
+ "bytes": 816481280,
+ "norm_byte": 63301632,
+ "ops": 797345,
+ "norm_ops": 61818,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.194175688866917,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a11fdf531eab90b6d7948a52cf6ac81a45a84e31637c151b5f0c9f79a35f3d4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:08.643000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:08.643000', 'bytes': 880452608, 'norm_byte': 63971328, 'ops': 859817, 'norm_ops': 62472, 'norm_ltcy': 16.012876893848446, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:08.643000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:08.643000",
+ "bytes": 880452608,
+ "norm_byte": 63971328,
+ "ops": 859817,
+ "norm_ops": 62472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.012876893848446,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b36ab29d4a8928946286cf61d49338d46c65148e017c300a855c42113da922e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:09.643000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:09.643000', 'bytes': 944276480, 'norm_byte': 63823872, 'ops': 922145, 'norm_ops': 62328, 'norm_ltcy': 16.05099656128666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:09.643000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:09.643000",
+ "bytes": 944276480,
+ "norm_byte": 63823872,
+ "ops": 922145,
+ "norm_ops": 62328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.05099656128666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3905529ee73c351513744f5d9fae4f5021e8fde51aab8e1b53d6540d38434c55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:10.644000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:10.644000', 'bytes': 1006771200, 'norm_byte': 62494720, 'ops': 983175, 'norm_ops': 61030, 'norm_ltcy': 16.401693615076603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:10.644000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:10.644000",
+ "bytes": 1006771200,
+ "norm_byte": 62494720,
+ "ops": 983175,
+ "norm_ops": 61030,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.401693615076603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad745057e9b09659a8ede39921940a60e76dbc0878c8ba8df01a87ed68592ccc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:11.645000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:11.645000', 'bytes': 1069497344, 'norm_byte': 62726144, 'ops': 1044431, 'norm_ops': 61256, 'norm_ltcy': 16.341838261251958, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:11.645000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:11.645000",
+ "bytes": 1069497344,
+ "norm_byte": 62726144,
+ "ops": 1044431,
+ "norm_ops": 61256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.341838261251958,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d80c0c7a6ad04152f0587d39ab2177230a842f72a7884b25b6225bdec035ab3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:12.646000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:12.646000', 'bytes': 1133356032, 'norm_byte': 63858688, 'ops': 1106793, 'norm_ops': 62362, 'norm_ltcy': 16.053011455543842, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:12.646000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:12.646000",
+ "bytes": 1133356032,
+ "norm_byte": 63858688,
+ "ops": 1106793,
+ "norm_ops": 62362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.053011455543842,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "36bf0004e091cd1dafc6ce2f8183230dde14068eedb75f567dfc577880398c39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:13.647000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:13.647000', 'bytes': 1197028352, 'norm_byte': 63672320, 'ops': 1168973, 'norm_ops': 62180, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09891472464016, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:13.647000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:13.647000",
+ "bytes": 1197028352,
+ "norm_byte": 63672320,
+ "ops": 1168973,
+ "norm_ops": 62180,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09891472464016,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95256cba0119fc3492fcd653222db69841a46a4d2ebae4853b7a82b0646b22f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:14.649000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:14.649000', 'bytes': 1260792832, 'norm_byte': 63764480, 'ops': 1231243, 'norm_ops': 62270, 'norm_ltcy': 16.075670185030916, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:14.649000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:14.649000",
+ "bytes": 1260792832,
+ "norm_byte": 63764480,
+ "ops": 1231243,
+ "norm_ops": 62270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.075670185030916,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae68aeb651c6412e2f5c24d0d231d7e0d51b0bc96558c0bfba217cdad2852195",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:15.650000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:15.650000', 'bytes': 1324168192, 'norm_byte': 63375360, 'ops': 1293133, 'norm_ops': 61890, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17539529558491, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:15.650000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:15.650000",
+ "bytes": 1324168192,
+ "norm_byte": 63375360,
+ "ops": 1293133,
+ "norm_ops": 61890,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17539529558491,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0570fb646b77595a6eb4781c481108e40693f09e7c5c94a68ef0f68accedeecc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:16.651000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:16.651000', 'bytes': 1387150336, 'norm_byte': 62982144, 'ops': 1354639, 'norm_ops': 61506, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27634730884995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:16.651000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:16.651000",
+ "bytes": 1387150336,
+ "norm_byte": 62982144,
+ "ops": 1354639,
+ "norm_ops": 61506,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27634730884995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86d6c8ba5b8a63bfce3fcca635ea6c7b8d5567ca2f1cef53f5b0627f47823af6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:17.652000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:17.652000', 'bytes': 1451212800, 'norm_byte': 64062464, 'ops': 1417200, 'norm_ops': 62561, 'norm_ltcy': 16.001792406860904, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:17.652000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:17.652000",
+ "bytes": 1451212800,
+ "norm_byte": 64062464,
+ "ops": 1417200,
+ "norm_ops": 62561,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.001792406860904,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68755f47a6901b1a50b88b2d3530b108db57bca7c5e58fe8bc5956fcf33d7307",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:18.653000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:18.653000', 'bytes': 1514490880, 'norm_byte': 63278080, 'ops': 1478995, 'norm_ops': 61795, 'norm_ltcy': 16.199274693543167, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:18.653000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:18.653000",
+ "bytes": 1514490880,
+ "norm_byte": 63278080,
+ "ops": 1478995,
+ "norm_ops": 61795,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.199274693543167,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81927bc8c872937fa8b88407a9fa51672942e3c0678703a4b87f8e30bfc5c235",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:19.654000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:19.654000', 'bytes': 1577747456, 'norm_byte': 63256576, 'ops': 1540769, 'norm_ops': 61774, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20573804057937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:19.654000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:19.654000",
+ "bytes": 1577747456,
+ "norm_byte": 63256576,
+ "ops": 1540769,
+ "norm_ops": 61774,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20573804057937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f86abcd0cbf031cf9f348a539824ef4155ae21f1b52dfc7f198c17c57d879f47",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:20.655000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:20.655000', 'bytes': 1641328640, 'norm_byte': 63581184, 'ops': 1602860, 'norm_ops': 62091, 'norm_ltcy': 16.122993242780755, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:20.655000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:20.655000",
+ "bytes": 1641328640,
+ "norm_byte": 63581184,
+ "ops": 1602860,
+ "norm_ops": 62091,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.122993242780755,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd26130bd0bac432e1eb04106958ea9fa479e73b3d8a3a2f812e770531e5daad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:21.656000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:21.656000', 'bytes': 1704141824, 'norm_byte': 62813184, 'ops': 1664201, 'norm_ops': 61341, 'norm_ltcy': 16.320080988093203, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:21.656000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:21.656000",
+ "bytes": 1704141824,
+ "norm_byte": 62813184,
+ "ops": 1664201,
+ "norm_ops": 61341,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.320080988093203,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43990d25263e7750e15834e996b39f0e072e947ccd771e7580fed9d1d6687e5a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:22.657000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:22.657000', 'bytes': 1768379392, 'norm_byte': 64237568, 'ops': 1726933, 'norm_ops': 62732, 'norm_ltcy': 15.958239577189472, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:22.657000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:22.657000",
+ "bytes": 1768379392,
+ "norm_byte": 64237568,
+ "ops": 1726933,
+ "norm_ops": 62732,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.958239577189472,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10be462ac7c00acbcb710fa9d3626f9e504e3ed62da4113bdaf4dc9ce2190148",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:23.658000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:23.658000', 'bytes': 1833618432, 'norm_byte': 65239040, 'ops': 1790643, 'norm_ops': 63710, 'norm_ltcy': 15.713194890666692, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:23.658000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:23.658000",
+ "bytes": 1833618432,
+ "norm_byte": 65239040,
+ "ops": 1790643,
+ "norm_ops": 63710,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.713194890666692,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "12e5e71f6313d87da122848e96a2b3a8f5226667b93b590ae741630100447574",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:24.659000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:24.659000', 'bytes': 1902294016, 'norm_byte': 68675584, 'ops': 1857709, 'norm_ops': 67066, 'norm_ltcy': 14.926891630073362, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:24.659000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:24.659000",
+ "bytes": 1902294016,
+ "norm_byte": 68675584,
+ "ops": 1857709,
+ "norm_ops": 67066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.926891630073362,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8eb82cabb9f8822f82921ce866a374f68fd0fd9ef09756ab7c452af7e2948e12",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:25.660000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:25.660000', 'bytes': 1968366592, 'norm_byte': 66072576, 'ops': 1922233, 'norm_ops': 64524, 'norm_ltcy': 15.515041369054536, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:25.660000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:25.660000",
+ "bytes": 1968366592,
+ "norm_byte": 66072576,
+ "ops": 1922233,
+ "norm_ops": 64524,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.515041369054536,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "375eb5449295ce1dc5ff5d254c11cb17e447b301187e9b1c6f5a2336f5b981ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:26.662000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:26.662000', 'bytes': 2032798720, 'norm_byte': 64432128, 'ops': 1985155, 'norm_ops': 62922, 'norm_ltcy': 15.911471991115985, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:26.662000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:26.662000",
+ "bytes": 2032798720,
+ "norm_byte": 64432128,
+ "ops": 1985155,
+ "norm_ops": 62922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.911471991115985,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f939122e7a443c6bd512259a1b01f5cd9a146bccbe89734b8d665027061c8b84",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:27.663000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:27.663000', 'bytes': 2097044480, 'norm_byte': 64245760, 'ops': 2047895, 'norm_ops': 62740, 'norm_ltcy': 15.956302018997052, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:27.663000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:27.663000",
+ "bytes": 2097044480,
+ "norm_byte": 64245760,
+ "ops": 2047895,
+ "norm_ops": 62740,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.956302018997052,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "167be672892e9ea708c04762e747119863f6aaa8f70e7034168587b7fd06152c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:28.664000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:28.664000', 'bytes': 2161042432, 'norm_byte': 63997952, 'ops': 2110393, 'norm_ops': 62498, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01801648277745, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:28.664000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:28.664000",
+ "bytes": 2161042432,
+ "norm_byte": 63997952,
+ "ops": 2110393,
+ "norm_ops": 62498,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01801648277745,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06464dc166a572204dfaf1a378895070bd11efe29a9746d25c549467e5b68419",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:29.664000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:29.664000', 'bytes': 2224309248, 'norm_byte': 63266816, 'ops': 2172177, 'norm_ops': 61784, 'norm_ltcy': 16.193259986404247, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:29.664000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:29.664000",
+ "bytes": 2224309248,
+ "norm_byte": 63266816,
+ "ops": 2172177,
+ "norm_ops": 61784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.193259986404247,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1806496fe94950bdc71964d10a685ec67f7a21aec194cf9b86ced25399d53cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:30.665000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:30.665000', 'bytes': 2287987712, 'norm_byte': 63678464, 'ops': 2234363, 'norm_ops': 62186, 'norm_ltcy': 16.098409660132504, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:30.665000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:30.665000",
+ "bytes": 2287987712,
+ "norm_byte": 63678464,
+ "ops": 2234363,
+ "norm_ops": 62186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.098409660132504,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc6aff63339d850df01ccc9252182df3f77a2c9a7286daaf201bb98eccb34549",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:31.667000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:31.667000', 'bytes': 2351297536, 'norm_byte': 63309824, 'ops': 2296189, 'norm_ops': 61826, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19211972536837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:31.667000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:31.667000",
+ "bytes": 2351297536,
+ "norm_byte": 63309824,
+ "ops": 2296189,
+ "norm_ops": 61826,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19211972536837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c3d53894c53a37e5af7bd589ef8364f0317bf60ce2c5a846b4d697fbe2c6cb68",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:32.668000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:32.668000', 'bytes': 2413886464, 'norm_byte': 62588928, 'ops': 2357311, 'norm_ops': 61122, 'norm_ltcy': 16.378619713697606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:32.668000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:32.668000",
+ "bytes": 2413886464,
+ "norm_byte": 62588928,
+ "ops": 2357311,
+ "norm_ops": 61122,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.378619713697606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b6a24dbfdb843f2eca8270f24f90f93cab3a4142541276ed849a371821dac8a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:33.669000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:33.669000', 'bytes': 2475722752, 'norm_byte': 61836288, 'ops': 2417698, 'norm_ops': 60387, 'norm_ltcy': 16.577963897186066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:33.669000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:33.669000",
+ "bytes": 2475722752,
+ "norm_byte": 61836288,
+ "ops": 2417698,
+ "norm_ops": 60387,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.577963897186066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d370109b3681d0f771cdc6eb01f6e56cf48f5e7f73fa663f6134c5c87fe3401",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:34.670000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:34.670000', 'bytes': 2538566656, 'norm_byte': 62843904, 'ops': 2479069, 'norm_ops': 61371, 'norm_ltcy': 16.312103239162226, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:34.670000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:34.670000",
+ "bytes": 2538566656,
+ "norm_byte": 62843904,
+ "ops": 2479069,
+ "norm_ops": 61371,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.312103239162226,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed154b32cae2ff1c207321fb9a78202e7bfefbdab6f6af5f62edc95087c3b59c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:35.671000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:35.671000', 'bytes': 2602271744, 'norm_byte': 63705088, 'ops': 2541281, 'norm_ops': 62212, 'norm_ltcy': 16.091615005696248, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:35.671000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:35.671000",
+ "bytes": 2602271744,
+ "norm_byte": 63705088,
+ "ops": 2541281,
+ "norm_ops": 62212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.091615005696248,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e2e3c7785e0debdc19eb9d55706c5a2def4d7fb13a2df022e4af57db999e802",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:36.672000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:36.672000', 'bytes': 2665137152, 'norm_byte': 62865408, 'ops': 2602673, 'norm_ops': 61392, 'norm_ltcy': 16.306602989039696, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:36.672000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:36.672000",
+ "bytes": 2665137152,
+ "norm_byte": 62865408,
+ "ops": 2602673,
+ "norm_ops": 61392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.306602989039696,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "05811fe5592ee67152ecbf01c8431b261fb99accfecbea93371becda1b3b8330",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:37.673000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:37.673000', 'bytes': 2729282560, 'norm_byte': 64145408, 'ops': 2665315, 'norm_ops': 62642, 'norm_ltcy': 15.981190734650873, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:37.673000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:37.673000",
+ "bytes": 2729282560,
+ "norm_byte": 64145408,
+ "ops": 2665315,
+ "norm_ops": 62642,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.981190734650873,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d210da69656fbfebfecfd255a8a2ab3af0a1f06aecdb8a44b3829fdcf31be3f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:38.674000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:38.674000', 'bytes': 2795035648, 'norm_byte': 65753088, 'ops': 2729527, 'norm_ops': 64212, 'norm_ltcy': 15.590454093958295, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:38.674000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:38.674000",
+ "bytes": 2795035648,
+ "norm_byte": 65753088,
+ "ops": 2729527,
+ "norm_ops": 64212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.590454093958295,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a3c309c8d508009fd8762f1182b81c88670bf67f06044f5b90574fe7ec4029e9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:39.675000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:39.675000', 'bytes': 2857643008, 'norm_byte': 62607360, 'ops': 2790667, 'norm_ops': 61140, 'norm_ltcy': 16.373737848074093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:39.675000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:39.675000",
+ "bytes": 2857643008,
+ "norm_byte": 62607360,
+ "ops": 2790667,
+ "norm_ops": 61140,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.373737848074093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8fd958307aa23df65ba6b0152a801e6000c196c1cd8d201344b928de0b670fb4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:40.676000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:40.676000', 'bytes': 2919949312, 'norm_byte': 62306304, 'ops': 2851513, 'norm_ops': 60846, 'norm_ltcy': 16.452833568815123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:40.676000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:40.676000",
+ "bytes": 2919949312,
+ "norm_byte": 62306304,
+ "ops": 2851513,
+ "norm_ops": 60846,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.452833568815123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f200013c2aa1ba65dfa3311f590c67479a6f2d0b622550d9718ea6598e96291",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:41.677000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:41.677000', 'bytes': 2984954880, 'norm_byte': 65005568, 'ops': 2914995, 'norm_ops': 63482, 'norm_ltcy': 15.769764522325227, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:41.677000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:41.677000",
+ "bytes": 2984954880,
+ "norm_byte": 65005568,
+ "ops": 2914995,
+ "norm_ops": 63482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.769764522325227,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4537767fc092ba0115b5f240b1309574e301183891cca2c131b1f8af9f8b804f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:42.679000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:42.679000', 'bytes': 3050146816, 'norm_byte': 65191936, 'ops': 2978659, 'norm_ops': 63664, 'norm_ltcy': 15.724625051785548, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:42.679000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:42.679000",
+ "bytes": 3050146816,
+ "norm_byte": 65191936,
+ "ops": 2978659,
+ "norm_ops": 63664,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.724625051785548,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ced05b8b115c88cdef475646ad844abd5f1851e58c82ecbbb84338238d85b9b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:43.680000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:43.680000', 'bytes': 3114851328, 'norm_byte': 64704512, 'ops': 3041847, 'norm_ops': 63188, 'norm_ltcy': 15.843130074143824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:43.680000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:43.680000",
+ "bytes": 3114851328,
+ "norm_byte": 64704512,
+ "ops": 3041847,
+ "norm_ops": 63188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.843130074143824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "98d4a41814cc56dfc322918b94796914e705c3aca3b2bc0a8e765e1a98b63b61",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:44.681000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:44.681000', 'bytes': 3178810368, 'norm_byte': 63959040, 'ops': 3104307, 'norm_ops': 62460, 'norm_ltcy': 16.027742129963176, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:44.681000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:44.681000",
+ "bytes": 3178810368,
+ "norm_byte": 63959040,
+ "ops": 3104307,
+ "norm_ops": 62460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.027742129963176,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "811f80c30345f8dfa74566518c7595616a4f59bda88d5065425315ac722a61a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:45.682000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:45.682000', 'bytes': 3242694656, 'norm_byte': 63884288, 'ops': 3166694, 'norm_ops': 62387, 'norm_ltcy': 16.046519920516293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:45.682000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:45.682000",
+ "bytes": 3242694656,
+ "norm_byte": 63884288,
+ "ops": 3166694,
+ "norm_ops": 62387,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.046519920516293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64adcb8a5186971a3a28678199db1aa84ccf433d1aa4842aaa9918d20e65b9b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:46.683000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:46.683000', 'bytes': 3306777600, 'norm_byte': 64082944, 'ops': 3229275, 'norm_ops': 62581, 'norm_ltcy': 15.996779892009954, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:46.683000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:46.683000",
+ "bytes": 3306777600,
+ "norm_byte": 64082944,
+ "ops": 3229275,
+ "norm_ops": 62581,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.996779892009954,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45bfdf43d6a52651222894588baf112c58e56be2e478dc79d0a8f7fb878320a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:47.684000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:47.684000', 'bytes': 3369049088, 'norm_byte': 62271488, 'ops': 3290087, 'norm_ops': 60812, 'norm_ltcy': 16.46120131254933, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:47.684000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:47.684000",
+ "bytes": 3369049088,
+ "norm_byte": 62271488,
+ "ops": 3290087,
+ "norm_ops": 60812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.46120131254933,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "707415cd6ca1cab785ad567ca8e34bce91c28fcd14fe6f0278df80e855b08092",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:48.684000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:48.684000', 'bytes': 3432550400, 'norm_byte': 63501312, 'ops': 3352100, 'norm_ops': 62013, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13176118313902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:48.684000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:48.684000",
+ "bytes": 3432550400,
+ "norm_byte": 63501312,
+ "ops": 3352100,
+ "norm_ops": 62013,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13176118313902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c0083e3b94193f7a8cdeb73d3a565e422dbeb1fbc78e1b250aecbe8723a2a38",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:49.685000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:49.685000', 'bytes': 3496313856, 'norm_byte': 63763456, 'ops': 3414369, 'norm_ops': 62269, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07531279358509, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:49.685000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:49.685000",
+ "bytes": 3496313856,
+ "norm_byte": 63763456,
+ "ops": 3414369,
+ "norm_ops": 62269,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07531279358509,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "981546e2c350aa663b15ab3281cb6d94a7f2410e7e49c12016f160da3e2f91be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:50.686000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:50.686000', 'bytes': 3559433216, 'norm_byte': 63119360, 'ops': 3476009, 'norm_ops': 61640, 'norm_ltcy': 16.24130456962808, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:50.686000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:50.686000",
+ "bytes": 3559433216,
+ "norm_byte": 63119360,
+ "ops": 3476009,
+ "norm_ops": 61640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.24130456962808,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8244b16bda38dfaec5ad5a13a074b12cd2b6a0b21761b0c0ed896f242f377b4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:51.688000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:51.688000', 'bytes': 3623275520, 'norm_byte': 63842304, 'ops': 3538355, 'norm_ops': 62346, 'norm_ltcy': 16.058247208622046, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:51.688000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:51.688000",
+ "bytes": 3623275520,
+ "norm_byte": 63842304,
+ "ops": 3538355,
+ "norm_ops": 62346,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.058247208622046,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da69268a471783f8af54992da4c3f7002f18ee876f2a166cf82808a42c156a0e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:52.689000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:52.689000', 'bytes': 3684418560, 'norm_byte': 61143040, 'ops': 3598065, 'norm_ops': 59710, 'norm_ltcy': 16.76589845712611, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:52.689000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:52.689000",
+ "bytes": 3684418560,
+ "norm_byte": 61143040,
+ "ops": 3598065,
+ "norm_ops": 59710,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.76589845712611,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03123af8cb5250a5ec0adc481649e82a75932d5f6d89d9a4476b8d32f0e8ce2c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:53.690000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:53.690000', 'bytes': 3750132736, 'norm_byte': 65714176, 'ops': 3662239, 'norm_ops': 64174, 'norm_ltcy': 15.599967349510704, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:53.690000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:53.690000",
+ "bytes": 3750132736,
+ "norm_byte": 65714176,
+ "ops": 3662239,
+ "norm_ops": 64174,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.599967349510704,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c200b268f13b1ce2202c4b6bcfc9483837820cba26f69c72288919245e3ceb73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:01:54.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:01:54.891000', 'bytes': 3813360640, 'norm_byte': 63227904, 'ops': 3723985, 'norm_ops': 61746, 'norm_ltcy': 19.45492294035241, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:01:54.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:01:54.891000",
+ "bytes": 3813360640,
+ "norm_byte": 63227904,
+ "ops": 3723985,
+ "norm_ops": 61746,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.45492294035241,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2963180d-59e2-52b1-b672-75c6cec9c1f5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af7d4ae775713156815b79a8df57f9c6886cdeb4e31c84f77b1bd3460ddc998b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63556010.666666664
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62066.416666666664
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.64467891786198
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:01:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-044-220519205809/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-044-220519205809/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7dd886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-044-220519205809/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-044-220519205809/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-044-220519205809/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-044-220519205809/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-044-220519205809/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-044-220519205809/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac6ef9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-044-220519205809/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=55
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=80
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-045-220519210011/220519210011-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-045-220519210011/220519210011-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..813864f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-045-220519210011/220519210011-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:02:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994174487.4639 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994175487.8674 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994175488.0090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994176489.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35367936 nr_ops:34539\ntimestamp_ms:1652994177490.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70880256 nr_ops:69219\ntimestamp_ms:1652994178490.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106281984 nr_ops:103791\ntimestamp_ms:1652994179491.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141546496 nr_ops:138229\ntimestamp_ms:1652994180492.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176849920 nr_ops:172705\ntimestamp_ms:1652994181493.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212442112 nr_ops:207463\ntimestamp_ms:1652994182494.9341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247759872 nr_ops:241953\ntimestamp_ms:1652994183495.9883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283294720 nr_ops:276655\ntimestamp_ms:1652994184497.1050 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318534656 nr_ops:311069\ntimestamp_ms:1652994185497.8706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354032640 nr_ops:345735\ntimestamp_ms:1652994186498.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389348352 nr_ops:380223\ntimestamp_ms:1652994187500.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424643584 nr_ops:414691\ntimestamp_ms:1652994188501.1714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459807744 nr_ops:449031\ntimestamp_ms:1652994189502.2598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495242240 nr_ops:483635\ntimestamp_ms:1652994190503.3494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530410496 nr_ops:517979\ntimestamp_ms:1652994191504.4429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565498880 nr_ops:552245\ntimestamp_ms:1652994192505.5725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:601547776 nr_ops:587449\ntimestamp_ms:1652994193506.6655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637502464 nr_ops:622561\ntimestamp_ms:1652994194507.7593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673014784 nr_ops:657241\ntimestamp_ms:1652994195508.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708176896 nr_ops:691579\ntimestamp_ms:1652994196509.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743576576 nr_ops:726149\ntimestamp_ms:1652994197511.0566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:778693632 nr_ops:760443\ntimestamp_ms:1652994198512.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:814076928 nr_ops:794997\ntimestamp_ms:1652994199513.1892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:849521664 nr_ops:829611\ntimestamp_ms:1652994200513.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884829184 nr_ops:864091\ntimestamp_ms:1652994201514.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919974912 nr_ops:898413\ntimestamp_ms:1652994202516.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955087872 nr_ops:932703\ntimestamp_ms:1652994203517.1165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990866432 nr_ops:967643\ntimestamp_ms:1652994204518.2046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026642944 nr_ops:1002581\ntimestamp_ms:1652994205519.3003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062043648 nr_ops:1037152\ntimestamp_ms:1652994206520.3975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1097403392 nr_ops:1071683\ntimestamp_ms:1652994207521.5034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1132182528 nr_ops:1105647\ntimestamp_ms:1652994208522.5942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1167497216 nr_ops:1140134\ntimestamp_ms:1652994209523.6848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202890752 nr_ops:1174698\ntimestamp_ms:1652994210524.7766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238279168 nr_ops:1209257\ntimestamp_ms:1652994211525.8726 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273422848 nr_ops:1243577\ntimestamp_ms:1652994212527.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1308414976 nr_ops:1277749\ntimestamp_ms:1652994213528.1223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343775744 nr_ops:1312281\ntimestamp_ms:1652994214529.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1379226624 nr_ops:1346901\ntimestamp_ms:1652994215530.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414249472 nr_ops:1381103\ntimestamp_ms:1652994216531.3428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449255936 nr_ops:1415289\ntimestamp_ms:1652994217532.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484180480 nr_ops:1449395\ntimestamp_ms:1652994218533.5481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519770624 nr_ops:1484151\ntimestamp_ms:1652994219534.6504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1554874368 nr_ops:1518432\ntimestamp_ms:1652994220534.9055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589952512 nr_ops:1552688\ntimestamp_ms:1652994221536.0017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625459712 nr_ops:1587363\ntimestamp_ms:1652994222536.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660771328 nr_ops:1621847\ntimestamp_ms:1652994223537.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696248832 nr_ops:1656493\ntimestamp_ms:1652994224539.0203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731775488 nr_ops:1691187\ntimestamp_ms:1652994225540.1279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1767508992 nr_ops:1726083\ntimestamp_ms:1652994226541.2185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803784192 nr_ops:1761508\ntimestamp_ms:1652994227542.3108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839162368 nr_ops:1796057\ntimestamp_ms:1652994228543.3447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1874314240 nr_ops:1830385\ntimestamp_ms:1652994229544.4316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909417984 nr_ops:1864666\ntimestamp_ms:1652994230545.5242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1944671232 nr_ops:1899093\ntimestamp_ms:1652994231546.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980127232 nr_ops:1933718\ntimestamp_ms:1652994232547.7197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2015613952 nr_ops:1968373\ntimestamp_ms:1652994233548.8137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2051034112 nr_ops:2002963\ntimestamp_ms:1652994234549.9133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086470656 nr_ops:2037569\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140710427592448\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.2830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2121663488 nr_ops:2071937\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.3645 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.3750 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235851.5979 name:Total nr_bytes:2121663488 nr_ops:2071938\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.5029 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4243326974 nr_ops:4143876\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.5042 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2121663488 nr_ops:2071940\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 261.14us 0.00ns 261.14us 261.14us \nTxn1 1035969 57.92us 0.00ns 3.61ms 23.38us \nTxn2 1 52.58us 0.00ns 52.58us 52.58us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 260.26us 0.00ns 260.26us 260.26us \nwrite 1035969 3.83us 0.00ns 125.61us 2.20us \nread 1035968 53.99us 0.00ns 3.61ms 3.87us \ndisconnect 1 51.69us 0.00ns 51.69us 51.69us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.14b/s \nnet1 16611 16611 144.85Mb/s 144.85Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.140 62.37s 1.98GB 272.16Mb/s 2071940 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.98GB 272.16Mb/s 2071940 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414745, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994174487.4639 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994175487.8674 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994175488.0090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994176489.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35367936 nr_ops:34539\ntimestamp_ms:1652994177490.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70880256 nr_ops:69219\ntimestamp_ms:1652994178490.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106281984 nr_ops:103791\ntimestamp_ms:1652994179491.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141546496 nr_ops:138229\ntimestamp_ms:1652994180492.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176849920 nr_ops:172705\ntimestamp_ms:1652994181493.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212442112 nr_ops:207463\ntimestamp_ms:1652994182494.9341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247759872 nr_ops:241953\ntimestamp_ms:1652994183495.9883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283294720 nr_ops:276655\ntimestamp_ms:1652994184497.1050 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318534656 nr_ops:311069\ntimestamp_ms:1652994185497.8706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354032640 nr_ops:345735\ntimestamp_ms:1652994186498.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389348352 nr_ops:380223\ntimestamp_ms:1652994187500.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424643584 nr_ops:414691\ntimestamp_ms:1652994188501.1714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459807744 nr_ops:449031\ntimestamp_ms:1652994189502.2598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495242240 nr_ops:483635\ntimestamp_ms:1652994190503.3494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530410496 nr_ops:517979\ntimestamp_ms:1652994191504.4429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565498880 nr_ops:552245\ntimestamp_ms:1652994192505.5725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:601547776 nr_ops:587449\ntimestamp_ms:1652994193506.6655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637502464 nr_ops:622561\ntimestamp_ms:1652994194507.7593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673014784 nr_ops:657241\ntimestamp_ms:1652994195508.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708176896 nr_ops:691579\ntimestamp_ms:1652994196509.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743576576 nr_ops:726149\ntimestamp_ms:1652994197511.0566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:778693632 nr_ops:760443\ntimestamp_ms:1652994198512.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:814076928 nr_ops:794997\ntimestamp_ms:1652994199513.1892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:849521664 nr_ops:829611\ntimestamp_ms:1652994200513.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884829184 nr_ops:864091\ntimestamp_ms:1652994201514.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919974912 nr_ops:898413\ntimestamp_ms:1652994202516.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955087872 nr_ops:932703\ntimestamp_ms:1652994203517.1165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990866432 nr_ops:967643\ntimestamp_ms:1652994204518.2046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026642944 nr_ops:1002581\ntimestamp_ms:1652994205519.3003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062043648 nr_ops:1037152\ntimestamp_ms:1652994206520.3975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1097403392 nr_ops:1071683\ntimestamp_ms:1652994207521.5034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1132182528 nr_ops:1105647\ntimestamp_ms:1652994208522.5942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1167497216 nr_ops:1140134\ntimestamp_ms:1652994209523.6848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202890752 nr_ops:1174698\ntimestamp_ms:1652994210524.7766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238279168 nr_ops:1209257\ntimestamp_ms:1652994211525.8726 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273422848 nr_ops:1243577\ntimestamp_ms:1652994212527.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1308414976 nr_ops:1277749\ntimestamp_ms:1652994213528.1223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343775744 nr_ops:1312281\ntimestamp_ms:1652994214529.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1379226624 nr_ops:1346901\ntimestamp_ms:1652994215530.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414249472 nr_ops:1381103\ntimestamp_ms:1652994216531.3428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449255936 nr_ops:1415289\ntimestamp_ms:1652994217532.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484180480 nr_ops:1449395\ntimestamp_ms:1652994218533.5481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519770624 nr_ops:1484151\ntimestamp_ms:1652994219534.6504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1554874368 nr_ops:1518432\ntimestamp_ms:1652994220534.9055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589952512 nr_ops:1552688\ntimestamp_ms:1652994221536.0017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625459712 nr_ops:1587363\ntimestamp_ms:1652994222536.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660771328 nr_ops:1621847\ntimestamp_ms:1652994223537.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696248832 nr_ops:1656493\ntimestamp_ms:1652994224539.0203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731775488 nr_ops:1691187\ntimestamp_ms:1652994225540.1279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1767508992 nr_ops:1726083\ntimestamp_ms:1652994226541.2185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803784192 nr_ops:1761508\ntimestamp_ms:1652994227542.3108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839162368 nr_ops:1796057\ntimestamp_ms:1652994228543.3447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1874314240 nr_ops:1830385\ntimestamp_ms:1652994229544.4316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909417984 nr_ops:1864666\ntimestamp_ms:1652994230545.5242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1944671232 nr_ops:1899093\ntimestamp_ms:1652994231546.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980127232 nr_ops:1933718\ntimestamp_ms:1652994232547.7197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2015613952 nr_ops:1968373\ntimestamp_ms:1652994233548.8137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2051034112 nr_ops:2002963\ntimestamp_ms:1652994234549.9133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086470656 nr_ops:2037569\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140710427592448\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.2830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2121663488 nr_ops:2071937\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.3645 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.3750 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235851.5979 name:Total nr_bytes:2121663488 nr_ops:2071938\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.5029 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4243326974 nr_ops:4143876\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.5042 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2121663488 nr_ops:2071940\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 261.14us 0.00ns 261.14us 261.14us \nTxn1 1035969 57.92us 0.00ns 3.61ms 23.38us \nTxn2 1 52.58us 0.00ns 52.58us 52.58us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 260.26us 0.00ns 260.26us 260.26us \nwrite 1035969 3.83us 0.00ns 125.61us 2.20us \nread 1035968 53.99us 0.00ns 3.61ms 3.87us \ndisconnect 1 51.69us 0.00ns 51.69us 51.69us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.14b/s \nnet1 16611 16611 144.85Mb/s 144.85Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.140 62.37s 1.98GB 272.16Mb/s 2071940 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.98GB 272.16Mb/s 2071940 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414745, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994174487.4639 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994175487.8674 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994175488.0090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994176489.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35367936 nr_ops:34539\ntimestamp_ms:1652994177490.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70880256 nr_ops:69219\ntimestamp_ms:1652994178490.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106281984 nr_ops:103791\ntimestamp_ms:1652994179491.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141546496 nr_ops:138229\ntimestamp_ms:1652994180492.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176849920 nr_ops:172705\ntimestamp_ms:1652994181493.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212442112 nr_ops:207463\ntimestamp_ms:1652994182494.9341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247759872 nr_ops:241953\ntimestamp_ms:1652994183495.9883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283294720 nr_ops:276655\ntimestamp_ms:1652994184497.1050 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318534656 nr_ops:311069\ntimestamp_ms:1652994185497.8706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354032640 nr_ops:345735\ntimestamp_ms:1652994186498.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389348352 nr_ops:380223\ntimestamp_ms:1652994187500.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424643584 nr_ops:414691\ntimestamp_ms:1652994188501.1714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459807744 nr_ops:449031\ntimestamp_ms:1652994189502.2598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495242240 nr_ops:483635\ntimestamp_ms:1652994190503.3494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530410496 nr_ops:517979\ntimestamp_ms:1652994191504.4429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565498880 nr_ops:552245\ntimestamp_ms:1652994192505.5725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:601547776 nr_ops:587449\ntimestamp_ms:1652994193506.6655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637502464 nr_ops:622561\ntimestamp_ms:1652994194507.7593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673014784 nr_ops:657241\ntimestamp_ms:1652994195508.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708176896 nr_ops:691579\ntimestamp_ms:1652994196509.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743576576 nr_ops:726149\ntimestamp_ms:1652994197511.0566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:778693632 nr_ops:760443\ntimestamp_ms:1652994198512.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:814076928 nr_ops:794997\ntimestamp_ms:1652994199513.1892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:849521664 nr_ops:829611\ntimestamp_ms:1652994200513.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884829184 nr_ops:864091\ntimestamp_ms:1652994201514.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919974912 nr_ops:898413\ntimestamp_ms:1652994202516.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955087872 nr_ops:932703\ntimestamp_ms:1652994203517.1165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990866432 nr_ops:967643\ntimestamp_ms:1652994204518.2046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026642944 nr_ops:1002581\ntimestamp_ms:1652994205519.3003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062043648 nr_ops:1037152\ntimestamp_ms:1652994206520.3975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1097403392 nr_ops:1071683\ntimestamp_ms:1652994207521.5034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1132182528 nr_ops:1105647\ntimestamp_ms:1652994208522.5942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1167497216 nr_ops:1140134\ntimestamp_ms:1652994209523.6848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202890752 nr_ops:1174698\ntimestamp_ms:1652994210524.7766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238279168 nr_ops:1209257\ntimestamp_ms:1652994211525.8726 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273422848 nr_ops:1243577\ntimestamp_ms:1652994212527.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1308414976 nr_ops:1277749\ntimestamp_ms:1652994213528.1223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343775744 nr_ops:1312281\ntimestamp_ms:1652994214529.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1379226624 nr_ops:1346901\ntimestamp_ms:1652994215530.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414249472 nr_ops:1381103\ntimestamp_ms:1652994216531.3428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449255936 nr_ops:1415289\ntimestamp_ms:1652994217532.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484180480 nr_ops:1449395\ntimestamp_ms:1652994218533.5481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519770624 nr_ops:1484151\ntimestamp_ms:1652994219534.6504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1554874368 nr_ops:1518432\ntimestamp_ms:1652994220534.9055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589952512 nr_ops:1552688\ntimestamp_ms:1652994221536.0017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625459712 nr_ops:1587363\ntimestamp_ms:1652994222536.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660771328 nr_ops:1621847\ntimestamp_ms:1652994223537.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696248832 nr_ops:1656493\ntimestamp_ms:1652994224539.0203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731775488 nr_ops:1691187\ntimestamp_ms:1652994225540.1279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1767508992 nr_ops:1726083\ntimestamp_ms:1652994226541.2185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803784192 nr_ops:1761508\ntimestamp_ms:1652994227542.3108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839162368 nr_ops:1796057\ntimestamp_ms:1652994228543.3447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1874314240 nr_ops:1830385\ntimestamp_ms:1652994229544.4316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909417984 nr_ops:1864666\ntimestamp_ms:1652994230545.5242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1944671232 nr_ops:1899093\ntimestamp_ms:1652994231546.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980127232 nr_ops:1933718\ntimestamp_ms:1652994232547.7197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2015613952 nr_ops:1968373\ntimestamp_ms:1652994233548.8137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2051034112 nr_ops:2002963\ntimestamp_ms:1652994234549.9133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086470656 nr_ops:2037569\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140710427592448\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.2830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2121663488 nr_ops:2071937\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.3645 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.3750 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235851.5979 name:Total nr_bytes:2121663488 nr_ops:2071938\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.5029 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4243326974 nr_ops:4143876\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994235751.5042 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2121663488 nr_ops:2071940\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 261.14us 0.00ns 261.14us 261.14us \nTxn1 1035969 57.92us 0.00ns 3.61ms 23.38us \nTxn2 1 52.58us 0.00ns 52.58us 52.58us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 260.26us 0.00ns 260.26us 260.26us \nwrite 1035969 3.83us 0.00ns 125.61us 2.20us \nread 1035968 53.99us 0.00ns 3.61ms 3.87us \ndisconnect 1 51.69us 0.00ns 51.69us 51.69us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.14b/s \nnet1 16611 16611 144.85Mb/s 144.85Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.140 62.37s 1.98GB 272.16Mb/s 2071940 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.98GB 272.16Mb/s 2071940 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414745, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994174487.4639 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994175487.8674 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994175488.0090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994176489.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35367936 nr_ops:34539
+timestamp_ms:1652994177490.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70880256 nr_ops:69219
+timestamp_ms:1652994178490.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106281984 nr_ops:103791
+timestamp_ms:1652994179491.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141546496 nr_ops:138229
+timestamp_ms:1652994180492.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176849920 nr_ops:172705
+timestamp_ms:1652994181493.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212442112 nr_ops:207463
+timestamp_ms:1652994182494.9341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247759872 nr_ops:241953
+timestamp_ms:1652994183495.9883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283294720 nr_ops:276655
+timestamp_ms:1652994184497.1050 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318534656 nr_ops:311069
+timestamp_ms:1652994185497.8706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354032640 nr_ops:345735
+timestamp_ms:1652994186498.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389348352 nr_ops:380223
+timestamp_ms:1652994187500.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424643584 nr_ops:414691
+timestamp_ms:1652994188501.1714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459807744 nr_ops:449031
+timestamp_ms:1652994189502.2598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495242240 nr_ops:483635
+timestamp_ms:1652994190503.3494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530410496 nr_ops:517979
+timestamp_ms:1652994191504.4429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565498880 nr_ops:552245
+timestamp_ms:1652994192505.5725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:601547776 nr_ops:587449
+timestamp_ms:1652994193506.6655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637502464 nr_ops:622561
+timestamp_ms:1652994194507.7593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673014784 nr_ops:657241
+timestamp_ms:1652994195508.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708176896 nr_ops:691579
+timestamp_ms:1652994196509.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743576576 nr_ops:726149
+timestamp_ms:1652994197511.0566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:778693632 nr_ops:760443
+timestamp_ms:1652994198512.0894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:814076928 nr_ops:794997
+timestamp_ms:1652994199513.1892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:849521664 nr_ops:829611
+timestamp_ms:1652994200513.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884829184 nr_ops:864091
+timestamp_ms:1652994201514.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919974912 nr_ops:898413
+timestamp_ms:1652994202516.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955087872 nr_ops:932703
+timestamp_ms:1652994203517.1165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990866432 nr_ops:967643
+timestamp_ms:1652994204518.2046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026642944 nr_ops:1002581
+timestamp_ms:1652994205519.3003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062043648 nr_ops:1037152
+timestamp_ms:1652994206520.3975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1097403392 nr_ops:1071683
+timestamp_ms:1652994207521.5034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1132182528 nr_ops:1105647
+timestamp_ms:1652994208522.5942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1167497216 nr_ops:1140134
+timestamp_ms:1652994209523.6848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202890752 nr_ops:1174698
+timestamp_ms:1652994210524.7766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238279168 nr_ops:1209257
+timestamp_ms:1652994211525.8726 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273422848 nr_ops:1243577
+timestamp_ms:1652994212527.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1308414976 nr_ops:1277749
+timestamp_ms:1652994213528.1223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1343775744 nr_ops:1312281
+timestamp_ms:1652994214529.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1379226624 nr_ops:1346901
+timestamp_ms:1652994215530.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414249472 nr_ops:1381103
+timestamp_ms:1652994216531.3428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449255936 nr_ops:1415289
+timestamp_ms:1652994217532.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484180480 nr_ops:1449395
+timestamp_ms:1652994218533.5481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519770624 nr_ops:1484151
+timestamp_ms:1652994219534.6504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1554874368 nr_ops:1518432
+timestamp_ms:1652994220534.9055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589952512 nr_ops:1552688
+timestamp_ms:1652994221536.0017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625459712 nr_ops:1587363
+timestamp_ms:1652994222536.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660771328 nr_ops:1621847
+timestamp_ms:1652994223537.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696248832 nr_ops:1656493
+timestamp_ms:1652994224539.0203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731775488 nr_ops:1691187
+timestamp_ms:1652994225540.1279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1767508992 nr_ops:1726083
+timestamp_ms:1652994226541.2185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803784192 nr_ops:1761508
+timestamp_ms:1652994227542.3108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839162368 nr_ops:1796057
+timestamp_ms:1652994228543.3447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1874314240 nr_ops:1830385
+timestamp_ms:1652994229544.4316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909417984 nr_ops:1864666
+timestamp_ms:1652994230545.5242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1944671232 nr_ops:1899093
+timestamp_ms:1652994231546.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980127232 nr_ops:1933718
+timestamp_ms:1652994232547.7197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2015613952 nr_ops:1968373
+timestamp_ms:1652994233548.8137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2051034112 nr_ops:2002963
+timestamp_ms:1652994234549.9133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086470656 nr_ops:2037569
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140710427592448
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652994235751.2830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2121663488 nr_ops:2071937
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994235751.3645 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994235751.3750 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994235851.5979 name:Total nr_bytes:2121663488 nr_ops:2071938
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994235751.5029 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4243326974 nr_ops:4143876
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994235751.5042 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2121663488 nr_ops:2071940
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 261.14us 0.00ns 261.14us 261.14us
+Txn1 1035969 57.92us 0.00ns 3.61ms 23.38us
+Txn2 1 52.58us 0.00ns 52.58us 52.58us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 260.26us 0.00ns 260.26us 260.26us
+write 1035969 3.83us 0.00ns 125.61us 2.20us
+read 1035968 53.99us 0.00ns 3.61ms 3.87us
+disconnect 1 51.69us 0.00ns 51.69us 51.69us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.14b/s
+net1 16611 16611 144.85Mb/s 144.85Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.140 62.37s 1.98GB 272.16Mb/s 2071940 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.98GB 272.16Mb/s 2071940 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:02:56.489000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:02:56.489000', 'bytes': 35367936, 'norm_byte': 35367936, 'ops': 34539, 'norm_ops': 34539, 'norm_ltcy': 28.98448753130519, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:02:56.489000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:02:56.489000",
+ "bytes": 35367936,
+ "norm_byte": 35367936,
+ "ops": 34539,
+ "norm_ops": 34539,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.98448753130519,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "631601d7023a64fae66a8ab22d5ccd53a175c3a55d621f0d63892c1ec06cf7ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:02:57.490000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:02:57.490000', 'bytes': 70880256, 'norm_byte': 35512320, 'ops': 69219, 'norm_ops': 34680, 'norm_ltcy': 28.8651656664504, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:02:57.490000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:02:57.490000",
+ "bytes": 70880256,
+ "norm_byte": 35512320,
+ "ops": 69219,
+ "norm_ops": 34680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.8651656664504,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d17062c9bc3f54fcc26aad564f40365a93e962b6bd75a652c9743e316850b4fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:02:58.490000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:02:58.490000', 'bytes': 106281984, 'norm_byte': 35401728, 'ops': 103791, 'norm_ops': 34572, 'norm_ltcy': 28.945013644531702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:02:58.490000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:02:58.490000",
+ "bytes": 106281984,
+ "norm_byte": 35401728,
+ "ops": 103791,
+ "norm_ops": 34572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.945013644531702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7cd82fe4c60fd607137e0a5af01ad6de7fd84854f95b5a1678fb5c54e7715eeb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:02:59.491000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:02:59.491000', 'bytes': 141546496, 'norm_byte': 35264512, 'ops': 138229, 'norm_ops': 34438, 'norm_ltcy': 29.06974864702509, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:02:59.491000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:02:59.491000",
+ "bytes": 141546496,
+ "norm_byte": 35264512,
+ "ops": 138229,
+ "norm_ops": 34438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.06974864702509,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7debd5875e0028cca3aba0f08d422369aed7b952be7a471760820ac391d691b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:00.492000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:00.492000', 'bytes': 176849920, 'norm_byte': 35303424, 'ops': 172705, 'norm_ops': 34476, 'norm_ltcy': 29.031659931909154, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:00.492000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:00.492000",
+ "bytes": 176849920,
+ "norm_byte": 35303424,
+ "ops": 172705,
+ "norm_ops": 34476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.031659931909154,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b495f6906fce13d836182c6f613e75f1e4db2ba72eb7a2e8f971d8e1084d2b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:01.493000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:01.493000', 'bytes': 212442112, 'norm_byte': 35592192, 'ops': 207463, 'norm_ops': 34758, 'norm_ltcy': 28.799188597319322, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:01.493000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:01.493000",
+ "bytes": 212442112,
+ "norm_byte": 35592192,
+ "ops": 207463,
+ "norm_ops": 34758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.799188597319322,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0953a11cee55d4c2fd759928db2b3e8172be968a42436ed262a4f9f2ae08d467",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:02.494000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:02.494000', 'bytes': 247759872, 'norm_byte': 35317760, 'ops': 241953, 'norm_ops': 34490, 'norm_ltcy': 29.025722469375182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:02.494000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:02.494000",
+ "bytes": 247759872,
+ "norm_byte": 35317760,
+ "ops": 241953,
+ "norm_ops": 34490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.025722469375182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4989ba73b21be86b8992ece208d510e179a67dce5d4d21c6de142ac94ef02156",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:03.495000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:03.495000', 'bytes': 283294720, 'norm_byte': 35534848, 'ops': 276655, 'norm_ops': 34702, 'norm_ltcy': 28.847161524371796, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:03.495000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:03.495000",
+ "bytes": 283294720,
+ "norm_byte": 35534848,
+ "ops": 276655,
+ "norm_ops": 34702,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.847161524371796,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7309e4ec616d4aa90a96a1f860af94364987b0d6c9302036dd37353972d9ea5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:04.497000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:04.497000', 'bytes': 318534656, 'norm_byte': 35239936, 'ops': 311069, 'norm_ops': 34414, 'norm_ltcy': 29.09039051603272, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:04.497000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:04.497000",
+ "bytes": 318534656,
+ "norm_byte": 35239936,
+ "ops": 311069,
+ "norm_ops": 34414,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.09039051603272,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4fbfde2f74a0131542ec17932ed8b1f1bee346e797bf1e4783a1130577ad5167",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:05.497000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:05.497000', 'bytes': 354032640, 'norm_byte': 35497984, 'ops': 345735, 'norm_ops': 34666, 'norm_ltcy': 28.868794351814458, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:05.497000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:05.497000",
+ "bytes": 354032640,
+ "norm_byte": 35497984,
+ "ops": 345735,
+ "norm_ops": 34666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.868794351814458,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c6863063954505a0c20d0099fe7577b208a2ec27c05a8a61d7ca63744056e895",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:06.498000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:06.498000', 'bytes': 389348352, 'norm_byte': 35315712, 'ops': 380223, 'norm_ops': 34488, 'norm_ltcy': 29.02732783640324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:06.498000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:06.498000",
+ "bytes": 389348352,
+ "norm_byte": 35315712,
+ "ops": 380223,
+ "norm_ops": 34488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.02732783640324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3802d95c3888eebd8caa7163355c116806eed1e41677a04f9b4451f1d69e627d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:07.500000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:07.500000', 'bytes': 424643584, 'norm_byte': 35295232, 'ops': 414691, 'norm_ops': 34468, 'norm_ltcy': 29.044262975803644, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:07.500000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:07.500000",
+ "bytes": 424643584,
+ "norm_byte": 35295232,
+ "ops": 414691,
+ "norm_ops": 34468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.044262975803644,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da729577d646c660198ae4df332dd9c9751d2bc399768a39cf789194a2437140",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:08.501000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:08.501000', 'bytes': 459807744, 'norm_byte': 35164160, 'ops': 449031, 'norm_ops': 34340, 'norm_ltcy': 29.152843406468406, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:08.501000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:08.501000",
+ "bytes": 459807744,
+ "norm_byte": 35164160,
+ "ops": 449031,
+ "norm_ops": 34340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.152843406468406,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "797e431145a2f9d2468f947f5d5c7ef7dace8693c6c1e97cc89baf32213ace5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:09.502000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:09.502000', 'bytes': 495242240, 'norm_byte': 35434496, 'ops': 483635, 'norm_ops': 34604, 'norm_ltcy': 28.92984565097243, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:09.502000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:09.502000",
+ "bytes": 495242240,
+ "norm_byte": 35434496,
+ "ops": 483635,
+ "norm_ops": 34604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.92984565097243,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26748c171605e6b91dd63d40ed19f5644917a115476b2ae9d943127fea2243f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:10.503000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:10.503000', 'bytes': 530410496, 'norm_byte': 35168256, 'ops': 517979, 'norm_ops': 34344, 'norm_ltcy': 29.148893536261795, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:10.503000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:10.503000",
+ "bytes": 530410496,
+ "norm_byte": 35168256,
+ "ops": 517979,
+ "norm_ops": 34344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.148893536261795,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d1ba8324ffd68885f9da28313dedcab4321447d29fe42abb11ad66f3aad7dbc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:11.504000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:11.504000', 'bytes': 565498880, 'norm_byte': 35088384, 'ops': 552245, 'norm_ops': 34266, 'norm_ltcy': 29.215359419231163, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:11.504000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:11.504000",
+ "bytes": 565498880,
+ "norm_byte": 35088384,
+ "ops": 552245,
+ "norm_ops": 34266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.215359419231163,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f280f1c85d45ac594d6aebb57c3691f6b5bf29c5be496ab2bf6be8cd51c49b6e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:12.505000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:12.505000', 'bytes': 601547776, 'norm_byte': 36048896, 'ops': 587449, 'norm_ops': 35204, 'norm_ltcy': 28.437951331436057, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:12.505000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:12.505000",
+ "bytes": 601547776,
+ "norm_byte": 36048896,
+ "ops": 587449,
+ "norm_ops": 35204,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.437951331436057,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33090ca267aaadd33baa0ee80c4f95ace450bccd46028f08083a40f654d5ec5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:13.506000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:13.506000', 'bytes': 637502464, 'norm_byte': 35954688, 'ops': 622561, 'norm_ops': 35112, 'norm_ltcy': 28.51142109757704, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:13.506000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:13.506000",
+ "bytes": 637502464,
+ "norm_byte": 35954688,
+ "ops": 622561,
+ "norm_ops": 35112,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.51142109757704,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fc17669a9fe85b6dc069a2c329d1c55bae3936ce0db766421504f6b5ed949fbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:14.507000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:14.507000', 'bytes': 673014784, 'norm_byte': 35512320, 'ops': 657241, 'norm_ops': 34680, 'norm_ltcy': 28.86660178777393, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:14.507000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:14.507000",
+ "bytes": 673014784,
+ "norm_byte": 35512320,
+ "ops": 657241,
+ "norm_ops": 34680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.86660178777393,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0fa9cfb2113a5dda390d20fe7a81c0c496dfef83d276aef1bf73c060928e8815",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:15.508000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:15.508000', 'bytes': 708176896, 'norm_byte': 35162112, 'ops': 691579, 'norm_ops': 34338, 'norm_ltcy': 29.153617109233938, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:15.508000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:15.508000",
+ "bytes": 708176896,
+ "norm_byte": 35162112,
+ "ops": 691579,
+ "norm_ops": 34338,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.153617109233938,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2b99c82492a1c2b69ce05064f9f661f191cccbaea945eb1e8e06df006cdf6ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:16.509000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:16.509000', 'bytes': 743576576, 'norm_byte': 35399680, 'ops': 726149, 'norm_ops': 34570, 'norm_ltcy': 28.95893409205959, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:16.509000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:16.509000",
+ "bytes": 743576576,
+ "norm_byte": 35399680,
+ "ops": 726149,
+ "norm_ops": 34570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.95893409205959,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8b73086b0ec77fd26a6db8f79ebe622c4b8fe10e64bcb0fa4eab8fadc1d552ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:17.511000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:17.511000', 'bytes': 778693632, 'norm_byte': 35117056, 'ops': 760443, 'norm_ops': 34294, 'norm_ltcy': 29.191990068871377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:17.511000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:17.511000",
+ "bytes": 778693632,
+ "norm_byte": 35117056,
+ "ops": 760443,
+ "norm_ops": 34294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.191990068871377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0047297f0873b658d389ac3dd6f7de9c3991e97958f987d42f149ac7f510f48d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:18.512000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:18.512000', 'bytes': 814076928, 'norm_byte': 35383296, 'ops': 794997, 'norm_ops': 34554, 'norm_ltcy': 28.970096511076864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:18.512000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:18.512000",
+ "bytes": 814076928,
+ "norm_byte": 35383296,
+ "ops": 794997,
+ "norm_ops": 34554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.970096511076864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "58f956a2e5ab1ef5a8c3444e970f522e612e89f088eb970d441f3513d73ecb2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:19.513000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:19.513000', 'bytes': 849521664, 'norm_byte': 35444736, 'ops': 829611, 'norm_ops': 34614, 'norm_ltcy': 28.921819307668137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:19.513000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:19.513000",
+ "bytes": 849521664,
+ "norm_byte": 35444736,
+ "ops": 829611,
+ "norm_ops": 34614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.921819307668137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7de35dcbdb41e32a9e4a58772444b224fe022376d9d3764616c2237f29beefda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:20.513000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:20.513000', 'bytes': 884829184, 'norm_byte': 35307520, 'ops': 864091, 'norm_ops': 34480, 'norm_ltcy': 29.021069732453597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:20.513000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:20.513000",
+ "bytes": 884829184,
+ "norm_byte": 35307520,
+ "ops": 864091,
+ "norm_ops": 34480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.021069732453597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e3b5c52b4f3ca56e675a8ed12c02d7e2659faf18490c4fb2ab444157d7927b86",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:21.514000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:21.514000', 'bytes': 919974912, 'norm_byte': 35145728, 'ops': 898413, 'norm_ops': 34322, 'norm_ltcy': 29.167620315049383, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:21.514000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:21.514000",
+ "bytes": 919974912,
+ "norm_byte": 35145728,
+ "ops": 898413,
+ "norm_ops": 34322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.167620315049383,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a730c569565d08970fe9334a339c8591b16fad0f1ca3d2f51ce15a5b99408be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:22.516000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:22.516000', 'bytes': 955087872, 'norm_byte': 35112960, 'ops': 932703, 'norm_ops': 34290, 'norm_ltcy': 29.19501802183581, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:22.516000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:22.516000",
+ "bytes": 955087872,
+ "norm_byte": 35112960,
+ "ops": 932703,
+ "norm_ops": 34290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.19501802183581,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f7724b2f194cbbfe69664c1a7c885b063b5b4e35518985bb640b7832744945d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:23.517000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:23.517000', 'bytes': 990866432, 'norm_byte': 35778560, 'ops': 967643, 'norm_ops': 34940, 'norm_ltcy': 28.65176099876574, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:23.517000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:23.517000",
+ "bytes": 990866432,
+ "norm_byte": 35778560,
+ "ops": 967643,
+ "norm_ops": 34940,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.65176099876574,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "96378bc51326e657b39f71c40a9afa178ebc6670f884409609b2c801223e90a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:24.518000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:24.518000', 'bytes': 1026642944, 'norm_byte': 35776512, 'ops': 1002581, 'norm_ops': 34938, 'norm_ltcy': 28.653275366810494, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:24.518000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:24.518000",
+ "bytes": 1026642944,
+ "norm_byte": 35776512,
+ "ops": 1002581,
+ "norm_ops": 34938,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.653275366810494,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ef1f091f1f54bc0ac5c8d0d8e3d9e9d5b24d93636e11f69cd92b3d06e8094af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:25.519000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:25.519000', 'bytes': 1062043648, 'norm_byte': 35400704, 'ops': 1037152, 'norm_ops': 34571, 'norm_ltcy': 28.957672706169912, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:25.519000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:25.519000",
+ "bytes": 1062043648,
+ "norm_byte": 35400704,
+ "ops": 1037152,
+ "norm_ops": 34571,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.957672706169912,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "242cc825ea652adb2a0050b3d832dc6d12bb8e6cca49f5407b1fbd7649cee975",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:26.520000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:26.520000', 'bytes': 1097403392, 'norm_byte': 35359744, 'ops': 1071683, 'norm_ops': 34531, 'norm_ltcy': 28.99125909961339, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:26.520000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:26.520000",
+ "bytes": 1097403392,
+ "norm_byte": 35359744,
+ "ops": 1071683,
+ "norm_ops": 34531,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.99125909961339,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a581e4d05cb96575bd667ee769b01ba4bf0f7f9e3f0bf9f41d1ba2c55052deb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:27.521000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:27.521000', 'bytes': 1132182528, 'norm_byte': 34779136, 'ops': 1105647, 'norm_ops': 33964, 'norm_ltcy': 29.47550220914056, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:27.521000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:27.521000",
+ "bytes": 1132182528,
+ "norm_byte": 34779136,
+ "ops": 1105647,
+ "norm_ops": 33964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.47550220914056,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "673dde36b410f788ba9cb1fa9d714fc51e048ec9bec28b496868b35b1882bdc8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:28.522000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:28.522000', 'bytes': 1167497216, 'norm_byte': 35314688, 'ops': 1140134, 'norm_ops': 34487, 'norm_ltcy': 29.028063337272016, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:28.522000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:28.522000",
+ "bytes": 1167497216,
+ "norm_byte": 35314688,
+ "ops": 1140134,
+ "norm_ops": 34487,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.028063337272016,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8364330d4a8ec033eb17b6b4eb4f85fd2ee64ea8b8bc5299ef4dccc255afea87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:29.523000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:29.523000', 'bytes': 1202890752, 'norm_byte': 35393536, 'ops': 1174698, 'norm_ops': 34564, 'norm_ltcy': 28.963388964583814, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:29.523000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:29.523000",
+ "bytes": 1202890752,
+ "norm_byte": 35393536,
+ "ops": 1174698,
+ "norm_ops": 34564,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.963388964583814,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13aca0ab8f59deac97c0ce57512dabb7e313fe361042fb6228e0b8c950377501",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:30.524000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:30.524000', 'bytes': 1238279168, 'norm_byte': 35388416, 'ops': 1209257, 'norm_ops': 34559, 'norm_ltcy': 28.967614713244018, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:30.524000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:30.524000",
+ "bytes": 1238279168,
+ "norm_byte": 35388416,
+ "ops": 1209257,
+ "norm_ops": 34559,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.967614713244018,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d6d00bce2df7e44507e5b3fca161bcf98bcfa8e7d2205f12420bad833ec9704",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:31.525000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:31.525000', 'bytes': 1273422848, 'norm_byte': 35143680, 'ops': 1243577, 'norm_ops': 34320, 'norm_ltcy': 29.16946233291448, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:31.525000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:31.525000",
+ "bytes": 1273422848,
+ "norm_byte": 35143680,
+ "ops": 1243577,
+ "norm_ops": 34320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.16946233291448,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28d7609030e8d79366bda1c0ebac0d46ee2b644121bc94e580b699d471513ff8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:32.527000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:32.527000', 'bytes': 1308414976, 'norm_byte': 34992128, 'ops': 1277749, 'norm_ops': 34172, 'norm_ltcy': 29.297575157475418, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:32.527000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:32.527000",
+ "bytes": 1308414976,
+ "norm_byte": 34992128,
+ "ops": 1277749,
+ "norm_ops": 34172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.297575157475418,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6483a79aae428a185e1173d0f597d67ce1f7544b1e384ed02a271c3d2af177fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:33.528000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:33.528000', 'bytes': 1343775744, 'norm_byte': 35360768, 'ops': 1312281, 'norm_ops': 34532, 'norm_ltcy': 28.990299362276293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:33.528000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:33.528000",
+ "bytes": 1343775744,
+ "norm_byte": 35360768,
+ "ops": 1312281,
+ "norm_ops": 34532,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.990299362276293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dea735c3ebaf3376b61fc64e764de8779aba0b5e352c3746327db17f43b73c1a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:34.529000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:34.529000', 'bytes': 1379226624, 'norm_byte': 35450880, 'ops': 1346901, 'norm_ops': 34620, 'norm_ltcy': 28.91482524552282, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:34.529000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:34.529000",
+ "bytes": 1379226624,
+ "norm_byte": 35450880,
+ "ops": 1346901,
+ "norm_ops": 34620,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.91482524552282,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1de8c3e74590152a4007332665e73082b055055aaceec2db4a1971ef66530d04",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:35.530000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:35.530000', 'bytes': 1414249472, 'norm_byte': 35022848, 'ops': 1381103, 'norm_ops': 34202, 'norm_ltcy': 29.270013963456083, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:35.530000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:35.530000",
+ "bytes": 1414249472,
+ "norm_byte": 35022848,
+ "ops": 1381103,
+ "norm_ops": 34202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.270013963456083,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e3cee5cd877caece11f66d2c983614fd349b2eee6c2e87a679f6194511625749",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:36.531000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:36.531000', 'bytes': 1449255936, 'norm_byte': 35006464, 'ops': 1415289, 'norm_ops': 34186, 'norm_ltcy': 29.283805985088925, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:36.531000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:36.531000",
+ "bytes": 1449255936,
+ "norm_byte": 35006464,
+ "ops": 1415289,
+ "norm_ops": 34186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.283805985088925,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c102f151ba5507c1c867088439570e6521eb2661985b58e1b3fdfc531bb07fc2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:37.532000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:37.532000', 'bytes': 1484180480, 'norm_byte': 34924544, 'ops': 1449395, 'norm_ops': 34106, 'norm_ltcy': 29.35297451557277, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:37.532000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:37.532000",
+ "bytes": 1484180480,
+ "norm_byte": 34924544,
+ "ops": 1449395,
+ "norm_ops": 34106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.35297451557277,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "985414f0311f32d81cfadd59e05c9b8caa3208656261043b0bcd98f4d9ce365b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:38.533000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:38.533000', 'bytes': 1519770624, 'norm_byte': 35590144, 'ops': 1484151, 'norm_ops': 34756, 'norm_ltcy': 28.80345187701404, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:38.533000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:38.533000",
+ "bytes": 1519770624,
+ "norm_byte": 35590144,
+ "ops": 1484151,
+ "norm_ops": 34756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.80345187701404,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "098bd6eb0c8077dfb9194603b0bf3650a9caa68c9f224785b61f9b0a1111edec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:39.534000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:39.534000', 'bytes': 1554874368, 'norm_byte': 35103744, 'ops': 1518432, 'norm_ops': 34281, 'norm_ltcy': 29.202832324665998, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:39.534000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:39.534000",
+ "bytes": 1554874368,
+ "norm_byte": 35103744,
+ "ops": 1518432,
+ "norm_ops": 34281,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.202832324665998,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e07bcb5a978171886bb8040987abdae3f3e4ba249177b1ecc3332b9f0bb55552",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:40.534000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:40.534000', 'bytes': 1589952512, 'norm_byte': 35078144, 'ops': 1552688, 'norm_ops': 34256, 'norm_ltcy': 29.199414028290665, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:40.534000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:40.534000",
+ "bytes": 1589952512,
+ "norm_byte": 35078144,
+ "ops": 1552688,
+ "norm_ops": 34256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.199414028290665,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c57901569f3ab940bd97013d42011aa40ab38101e9ef0b729a78f195c7c380a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:41.536000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:41.536000', 'bytes': 1625459712, 'norm_byte': 35507200, 'ops': 1587363, 'norm_ops': 34675, 'norm_ltcy': 28.870834647620764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:41.536000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:41.536000",
+ "bytes": 1625459712,
+ "norm_byte": 35507200,
+ "ops": 1587363,
+ "norm_ops": 34675,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.870834647620764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8e1d281c6c0334ae69992a5266e592d84b2eee320b888ceac6eed67f59e9bfd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:42.536000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:42.536000', 'bytes': 1660771328, 'norm_byte': 35311616, 'ops': 1621847, 'norm_ops': 34484, 'norm_ltcy': 29.02313363398605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:42.536000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:42.536000",
+ "bytes": 1660771328,
+ "norm_byte": 35311616,
+ "ops": 1621847,
+ "norm_ops": 34484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.02313363398605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2bbb6ee7ceb833530861979f0f4010e813f960fb6fbd578915afcc17fb987db4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:43.537000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:43.537000', 'bytes': 1696248832, 'norm_byte': 35477504, 'ops': 1656493, 'norm_ops': 34646, 'norm_ltcy': 28.894761029411764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:43.537000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:43.537000",
+ "bytes": 1696248832,
+ "norm_byte": 35477504,
+ "ops": 1656493,
+ "norm_ops": 34646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.894761029411764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb1ebe67541c7572ccc0b6e54c3a0427d0c3fe39234bcc51df8dc3d20581429d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:44.539000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:44.539000', 'bytes': 1731775488, 'norm_byte': 35526656, 'ops': 1691187, 'norm_ops': 34694, 'norm_ltcy': 28.85504478665259, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:44.539000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:44.539000",
+ "bytes": 1731775488,
+ "norm_byte": 35526656,
+ "ops": 1691187,
+ "norm_ops": 34694,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.85504478665259,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0f503380d74d3080e21a32f05107ff3ac9e235108dc9116c57c43069ee1d9be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:45.540000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:45.540000', 'bytes': 1767508992, 'norm_byte': 35733504, 'ops': 1726083, 'norm_ops': 34896, 'norm_ltcy': 28.68832146995716, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:45.540000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:45.540000",
+ "bytes": 1767508992,
+ "norm_byte": 35733504,
+ "ops": 1726083,
+ "norm_ops": 34896,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.68832146995716,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0803b38df56c3c40468ba39654ec278785514bca8bf5fbfec12cc035184cdb5a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:46.541000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:46.541000', 'bytes': 1803784192, 'norm_byte': 36275200, 'ops': 1761508, 'norm_ops': 35425, 'norm_ltcy': 28.259437577187718, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:46.541000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:46.541000",
+ "bytes": 1803784192,
+ "norm_byte": 36275200,
+ "ops": 1761508,
+ "norm_ops": 35425,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.259437577187718,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d1b87bc431888c821783b242071f4b38b12b36d3717312e0848798a4c400af7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:47.542000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:47.542000', 'bytes': 1839162368, 'norm_byte': 35378176, 'ops': 1796057, 'norm_ops': 34549, 'norm_ltcy': 28.976013347889953, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:47.542000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:47.542000",
+ "bytes": 1839162368,
+ "norm_byte": 35378176,
+ "ops": 1796057,
+ "norm_ops": 34549,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.976013347889953,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "016134b029c29eed3577535fc34fd94612ee7954995d87fe68d79107fa7c9a96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:48.543000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:48.543000', 'bytes': 1874314240, 'norm_byte': 35151872, 'ops': 1830385, 'norm_ops': 34328, 'norm_ltcy': 29.160858061840916, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:48.543000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:48.543000",
+ "bytes": 1874314240,
+ "norm_byte": 35151872,
+ "ops": 1830385,
+ "norm_ops": 34328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.160858061840916,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "066d5f7b342c6f307f49c72e9ecb38e0bf2ac9188a2c5701cb82b16e4015b43e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:49.544000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:49.544000', 'bytes': 1909417984, 'norm_byte': 35103744, 'ops': 1864666, 'norm_ops': 34281, 'norm_ltcy': 29.20238365457542, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:49.544000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:49.544000",
+ "bytes": 1909417984,
+ "norm_byte": 35103744,
+ "ops": 1864666,
+ "norm_ops": 34281,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.20238365457542,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f03e3e5709a230f0f7289f3d2c3d4b3a117a98ffa8248d3aef67d89b3810dabb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:50.545000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:50.545000', 'bytes': 1944671232, 'norm_byte': 35253248, 'ops': 1899093, 'norm_ops': 34427, 'norm_ltcy': 29.078703613352165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:50.545000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:50.545000",
+ "bytes": 1944671232,
+ "norm_byte": 35253248,
+ "ops": 1899093,
+ "norm_ops": 34427,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.078703613352165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cd12c5a32d9db88941d5d166d12a5f0ee609e714d0f462616a4490611ca1f018",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:51.546000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:51.546000', 'bytes': 1980127232, 'norm_byte': 35456000, 'ops': 1933718, 'norm_ops': 34625, 'norm_ltcy': 28.91246897563177, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:51.546000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:51.546000",
+ "bytes": 1980127232,
+ "norm_byte": 35456000,
+ "ops": 1933718,
+ "norm_ops": 34625,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.91246897563177,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c7fca8117842fda8d1ab48a7893ed92b6bcbd5ebdb761b62ffbb9297457f445",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:52.547000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:52.547000', 'bytes': 2015613952, 'norm_byte': 35486720, 'ops': 1968373, 'norm_ops': 34655, 'norm_ltcy': 28.887644448402106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:52.547000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:52.547000",
+ "bytes": 2015613952,
+ "norm_byte": 35486720,
+ "ops": 1968373,
+ "norm_ops": 34655,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.887644448402106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "32909e615a663f4dbf3baf2f8279190ff8368cdeba89f8c42c9bbf35752b9773",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:53.548000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:53.548000', 'bytes': 2051034112, 'norm_byte': 35420160, 'ops': 2002963, 'norm_ops': 34590, 'norm_ltcy': 28.94171708992845, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:53.548000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:53.548000",
+ "bytes": 2051034112,
+ "norm_byte": 35420160,
+ "ops": 2002963,
+ "norm_ops": 34590,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.94171708992845,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d19e210fd40b7368ed5b000bb2a9c0a8be1e0ad1d89c41c88f934f35fa917f91",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:54.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:54.549000', 'bytes': 2086470656, 'norm_byte': 35436544, 'ops': 2037569, 'norm_ops': 34606, 'norm_ltcy': 28.92849821923944, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:54.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:54.549000",
+ "bytes": 2086470656,
+ "norm_byte": 35436544,
+ "ops": 2037569,
+ "norm_ops": 34606,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.92849821923944,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d498ce1674d527ab2e9e8705441b733ea630129e642da5737a5e6e8cb50b456",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:03:55.751000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:03:55.751000', 'bytes': 2121663488, 'norm_byte': 35192832, 'ops': 2071937, 'norm_ops': 34368, 'norm_ltcy': 34.95605298260737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:03:55.751000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:03:55.751000",
+ "bytes": 2121663488,
+ "norm_byte": 35192832,
+ "ops": 2071937,
+ "norm_ops": 34368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.95605298260737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1ed7a786-9ec2-5b27-aad5-12f13953e0e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b3db09347d85d08d4162594a1eb0dbe70d71626bae4abe35eebd31ab6f6c4053",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35361058.13333333
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34532.28333333333
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.300345125380286
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:03:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-045-220519210011/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-045-220519210011/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1645c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-045-220519210011/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-045-220519210011/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-045-220519210011/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-045-220519210011/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-045-220519210011/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-045-220519210011/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef8b07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-045-220519210011/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=45
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=70
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-046-220519210212/220519210212-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-046-220519210212/220519210212-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c16a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-046-220519210212/220519210212-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:04:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994296295.5405 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994297296.6499 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994297296.7407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994298297.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62519296 nr_ops:61054\ntimestamp_ms:1652994299298.9587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125195264 nr_ops:122261\ntimestamp_ms:1652994300300.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188920832 nr_ops:184493\ntimestamp_ms:1652994301301.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253116416 nr_ops:247184\ntimestamp_ms:1652994302302.2505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316685312 nr_ops:309263\ntimestamp_ms:1652994303303.3459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379841536 nr_ops:370939\ntimestamp_ms:1652994304303.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:443225088 nr_ops:432837\ntimestamp_ms:1652994305304.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:507032576 nr_ops:495149\ntimestamp_ms:1652994306305.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:571182080 nr_ops:557795\ntimestamp_ms:1652994307307.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633914368 nr_ops:619057\ntimestamp_ms:1652994308307.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:697420800 nr_ops:681075\ntimestamp_ms:1652994309308.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759872512 nr_ops:742063\ntimestamp_ms:1652994310310.0481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822420480 nr_ops:803145\ntimestamp_ms:1652994311311.1399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885601280 nr_ops:864845\ntimestamp_ms:1652994312312.2302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950023168 nr_ops:927757\ntimestamp_ms:1652994313313.3228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013900288 nr_ops:990137\ntimestamp_ms:1652994314314.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077193728 nr_ops:1051947\ntimestamp_ms:1652994315315.4556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140579328 nr_ops:1113847\ntimestamp_ms:1652994316316.5500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200210944 nr_ops:1172081\ntimestamp_ms:1652994317317.6423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261782016 nr_ops:1232209\ntimestamp_ms:1652994318317.8975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324024832 nr_ops:1292993\ntimestamp_ms:1652994319318.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1386396672 nr_ops:1353903\ntimestamp_ms:1652994320319.8860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449200640 nr_ops:1415235\ntimestamp_ms:1652994321320.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1513071616 nr_ops:1477609\ntimestamp_ms:1652994322322.0769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1576044544 nr_ops:1539106\ntimestamp_ms:1652994323323.1206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1639943168 nr_ops:1601507\ntimestamp_ms:1652994324324.2192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1703688192 nr_ops:1663758\ntimestamp_ms:1652994325325.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766452224 nr_ops:1725051\ntimestamp_ms:1652994326326.3545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1829291008 nr_ops:1786417\ntimestamp_ms:1652994327327.4475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1892286464 nr_ops:1847936\ntimestamp_ms:1652994328327.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1954862080 nr_ops:1909045\ntimestamp_ms:1652994329328.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2017082368 nr_ops:1969807\ntimestamp_ms:1652994330330.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2081197056 nr_ops:2032419\ntimestamp_ms:1652994331331.1296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2145901568 nr_ops:2095607\ntimestamp_ms:1652994332332.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2210221056 nr_ops:2158419\ntimestamp_ms:1652994333333.2537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2274003968 nr_ops:2220707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994334334.3472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2338702336 nr_ops:2283889\ntimestamp_ms:1652994335335.4402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405028864 nr_ops:2348661\ntimestamp_ms:1652994336336.5322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2468496384 nr_ops:2410641\ntimestamp_ms:1652994337337.6228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2531365888 nr_ops:2472037\ntimestamp_ms:1652994338338.7209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593710080 nr_ops:2532920\ntimestamp_ms:1652994339339.8167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2655865856 nr_ops:2593619\ntimestamp_ms:1652994340340.9192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2718931968 nr_ops:2655207\ntimestamp_ms:1652994341342.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2780779520 nr_ops:2715605\ntimestamp_ms:1652994342342.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2842873856 nr_ops:2776244\ntimestamp_ms:1652994343343.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2906287104 nr_ops:2838171\ntimestamp_ms:1652994344345.0208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2970754048 nr_ops:2901127\ntimestamp_ms:1652994345346.1074 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3034729472 nr_ops:2963603\ntimestamp_ms:1652994346347.2031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3098063872 nr_ops:3025453\ntimestamp_ms:1652994347348.2971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3160869888 nr_ops:3086787\ntimestamp_ms:1652994348349.3838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3223462912 nr_ops:3147913\ntimestamp_ms:1652994349350.4763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286853632 nr_ops:3209818\ntimestamp_ms:1652994350351.5669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3350668288 nr_ops:3272137\ntimestamp_ms:1652994351352.6594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3413274624 nr_ops:3333276\ntimestamp_ms:1652994352353.7493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3476335616 nr_ops:3394859\ntimestamp_ms:1652994353354.8440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3539908608 nr_ops:3456942\ntimestamp_ms:1652994354355.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3602770944 nr_ops:3518331\ntimestamp_ms:1652994355357.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3664497664 nr_ops:3578611\ntimestamp_ms:1652994356358.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3726306304 nr_ops:3638971\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140482798171904\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3787795456 nr_ops:3699019\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.7261 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.7363 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357659.9407 name:Total nr_bytes:3787795456 nr_ops:3699020\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.8723 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7575590910 nr_ops:7398040\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.8735 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3787795456 nr_ops:3699022\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 211.71us 0.00ns 211.71us 211.71us \nTxn1 1849510 32.45us 0.00ns 3.13ms 25.67us \nTxn2 1 67.01us 0.00ns 67.01us 67.01us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 211.04us 0.00ns 211.04us 211.04us \nwrite 1849510 3.23us 0.00ns 94.09us 2.45us \nread 1849509 29.14us 0.00ns 3.12ms 1.74us \ndisconnect 1 66.33us 0.00ns 66.33us 66.33us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29656 29656 258.60Mb/s 258.60Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.75b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.141 62.37s 3.53GB 485.88Mb/s 3699021 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.53GB 485.88Mb/s 3699022 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415762, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994296295.5405 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994297296.6499 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994297296.7407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994298297.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62519296 nr_ops:61054\ntimestamp_ms:1652994299298.9587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125195264 nr_ops:122261\ntimestamp_ms:1652994300300.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188920832 nr_ops:184493\ntimestamp_ms:1652994301301.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253116416 nr_ops:247184\ntimestamp_ms:1652994302302.2505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316685312 nr_ops:309263\ntimestamp_ms:1652994303303.3459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379841536 nr_ops:370939\ntimestamp_ms:1652994304303.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:443225088 nr_ops:432837\ntimestamp_ms:1652994305304.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:507032576 nr_ops:495149\ntimestamp_ms:1652994306305.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:571182080 nr_ops:557795\ntimestamp_ms:1652994307307.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633914368 nr_ops:619057\ntimestamp_ms:1652994308307.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:697420800 nr_ops:681075\ntimestamp_ms:1652994309308.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759872512 nr_ops:742063\ntimestamp_ms:1652994310310.0481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822420480 nr_ops:803145\ntimestamp_ms:1652994311311.1399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885601280 nr_ops:864845\ntimestamp_ms:1652994312312.2302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950023168 nr_ops:927757\ntimestamp_ms:1652994313313.3228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013900288 nr_ops:990137\ntimestamp_ms:1652994314314.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077193728 nr_ops:1051947\ntimestamp_ms:1652994315315.4556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140579328 nr_ops:1113847\ntimestamp_ms:1652994316316.5500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200210944 nr_ops:1172081\ntimestamp_ms:1652994317317.6423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261782016 nr_ops:1232209\ntimestamp_ms:1652994318317.8975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324024832 nr_ops:1292993\ntimestamp_ms:1652994319318.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1386396672 nr_ops:1353903\ntimestamp_ms:1652994320319.8860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449200640 nr_ops:1415235\ntimestamp_ms:1652994321320.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1513071616 nr_ops:1477609\ntimestamp_ms:1652994322322.0769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1576044544 nr_ops:1539106\ntimestamp_ms:1652994323323.1206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1639943168 nr_ops:1601507\ntimestamp_ms:1652994324324.2192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1703688192 nr_ops:1663758\ntimestamp_ms:1652994325325.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766452224 nr_ops:1725051\ntimestamp_ms:1652994326326.3545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1829291008 nr_ops:1786417\ntimestamp_ms:1652994327327.4475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1892286464 nr_ops:1847936\ntimestamp_ms:1652994328327.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1954862080 nr_ops:1909045\ntimestamp_ms:1652994329328.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2017082368 nr_ops:1969807\ntimestamp_ms:1652994330330.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2081197056 nr_ops:2032419\ntimestamp_ms:1652994331331.1296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2145901568 nr_ops:2095607\ntimestamp_ms:1652994332332.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2210221056 nr_ops:2158419\ntimestamp_ms:1652994333333.2537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2274003968 nr_ops:2220707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994334334.3472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2338702336 nr_ops:2283889\ntimestamp_ms:1652994335335.4402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405028864 nr_ops:2348661\ntimestamp_ms:1652994336336.5322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2468496384 nr_ops:2410641\ntimestamp_ms:1652994337337.6228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2531365888 nr_ops:2472037\ntimestamp_ms:1652994338338.7209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593710080 nr_ops:2532920\ntimestamp_ms:1652994339339.8167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2655865856 nr_ops:2593619\ntimestamp_ms:1652994340340.9192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2718931968 nr_ops:2655207\ntimestamp_ms:1652994341342.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2780779520 nr_ops:2715605\ntimestamp_ms:1652994342342.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2842873856 nr_ops:2776244\ntimestamp_ms:1652994343343.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2906287104 nr_ops:2838171\ntimestamp_ms:1652994344345.0208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2970754048 nr_ops:2901127\ntimestamp_ms:1652994345346.1074 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3034729472 nr_ops:2963603\ntimestamp_ms:1652994346347.2031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3098063872 nr_ops:3025453\ntimestamp_ms:1652994347348.2971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3160869888 nr_ops:3086787\ntimestamp_ms:1652994348349.3838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3223462912 nr_ops:3147913\ntimestamp_ms:1652994349350.4763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286853632 nr_ops:3209818\ntimestamp_ms:1652994350351.5669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3350668288 nr_ops:3272137\ntimestamp_ms:1652994351352.6594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3413274624 nr_ops:3333276\ntimestamp_ms:1652994352353.7493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3476335616 nr_ops:3394859\ntimestamp_ms:1652994353354.8440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3539908608 nr_ops:3456942\ntimestamp_ms:1652994354355.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3602770944 nr_ops:3518331\ntimestamp_ms:1652994355357.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3664497664 nr_ops:3578611\ntimestamp_ms:1652994356358.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3726306304 nr_ops:3638971\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140482798171904\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3787795456 nr_ops:3699019\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.7261 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.7363 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357659.9407 name:Total nr_bytes:3787795456 nr_ops:3699020\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.8723 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7575590910 nr_ops:7398040\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.8735 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3787795456 nr_ops:3699022\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 211.71us 0.00ns 211.71us 211.71us \nTxn1 1849510 32.45us 0.00ns 3.13ms 25.67us \nTxn2 1 67.01us 0.00ns 67.01us 67.01us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 211.04us 0.00ns 211.04us 211.04us \nwrite 1849510 3.23us 0.00ns 94.09us 2.45us \nread 1849509 29.14us 0.00ns 3.12ms 1.74us \ndisconnect 1 66.33us 0.00ns 66.33us 66.33us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29656 29656 258.60Mb/s 258.60Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.75b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.141 62.37s 3.53GB 485.88Mb/s 3699021 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.53GB 485.88Mb/s 3699022 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415762, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994296295.5405 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994297296.6499 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994297296.7407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994298297.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62519296 nr_ops:61054\ntimestamp_ms:1652994299298.9587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125195264 nr_ops:122261\ntimestamp_ms:1652994300300.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188920832 nr_ops:184493\ntimestamp_ms:1652994301301.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253116416 nr_ops:247184\ntimestamp_ms:1652994302302.2505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316685312 nr_ops:309263\ntimestamp_ms:1652994303303.3459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379841536 nr_ops:370939\ntimestamp_ms:1652994304303.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:443225088 nr_ops:432837\ntimestamp_ms:1652994305304.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:507032576 nr_ops:495149\ntimestamp_ms:1652994306305.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:571182080 nr_ops:557795\ntimestamp_ms:1652994307307.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633914368 nr_ops:619057\ntimestamp_ms:1652994308307.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:697420800 nr_ops:681075\ntimestamp_ms:1652994309308.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759872512 nr_ops:742063\ntimestamp_ms:1652994310310.0481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822420480 nr_ops:803145\ntimestamp_ms:1652994311311.1399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885601280 nr_ops:864845\ntimestamp_ms:1652994312312.2302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950023168 nr_ops:927757\ntimestamp_ms:1652994313313.3228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013900288 nr_ops:990137\ntimestamp_ms:1652994314314.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077193728 nr_ops:1051947\ntimestamp_ms:1652994315315.4556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140579328 nr_ops:1113847\ntimestamp_ms:1652994316316.5500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200210944 nr_ops:1172081\ntimestamp_ms:1652994317317.6423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261782016 nr_ops:1232209\ntimestamp_ms:1652994318317.8975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324024832 nr_ops:1292993\ntimestamp_ms:1652994319318.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1386396672 nr_ops:1353903\ntimestamp_ms:1652994320319.8860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449200640 nr_ops:1415235\ntimestamp_ms:1652994321320.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1513071616 nr_ops:1477609\ntimestamp_ms:1652994322322.0769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1576044544 nr_ops:1539106\ntimestamp_ms:1652994323323.1206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1639943168 nr_ops:1601507\ntimestamp_ms:1652994324324.2192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1703688192 nr_ops:1663758\ntimestamp_ms:1652994325325.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766452224 nr_ops:1725051\ntimestamp_ms:1652994326326.3545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1829291008 nr_ops:1786417\ntimestamp_ms:1652994327327.4475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1892286464 nr_ops:1847936\ntimestamp_ms:1652994328327.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1954862080 nr_ops:1909045\ntimestamp_ms:1652994329328.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2017082368 nr_ops:1969807\ntimestamp_ms:1652994330330.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2081197056 nr_ops:2032419\ntimestamp_ms:1652994331331.1296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2145901568 nr_ops:2095607\ntimestamp_ms:1652994332332.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2210221056 nr_ops:2158419\ntimestamp_ms:1652994333333.2537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2274003968 nr_ops:2220707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994334334.3472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2338702336 nr_ops:2283889\ntimestamp_ms:1652994335335.4402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405028864 nr_ops:2348661\ntimestamp_ms:1652994336336.5322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2468496384 nr_ops:2410641\ntimestamp_ms:1652994337337.6228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2531365888 nr_ops:2472037\ntimestamp_ms:1652994338338.7209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593710080 nr_ops:2532920\ntimestamp_ms:1652994339339.8167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2655865856 nr_ops:2593619\ntimestamp_ms:1652994340340.9192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2718931968 nr_ops:2655207\ntimestamp_ms:1652994341342.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2780779520 nr_ops:2715605\ntimestamp_ms:1652994342342.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2842873856 nr_ops:2776244\ntimestamp_ms:1652994343343.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2906287104 nr_ops:2838171\ntimestamp_ms:1652994344345.0208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2970754048 nr_ops:2901127\ntimestamp_ms:1652994345346.1074 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3034729472 nr_ops:2963603\ntimestamp_ms:1652994346347.2031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3098063872 nr_ops:3025453\ntimestamp_ms:1652994347348.2971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3160869888 nr_ops:3086787\ntimestamp_ms:1652994348349.3838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3223462912 nr_ops:3147913\ntimestamp_ms:1652994349350.4763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286853632 nr_ops:3209818\ntimestamp_ms:1652994350351.5669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3350668288 nr_ops:3272137\ntimestamp_ms:1652994351352.6594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3413274624 nr_ops:3333276\ntimestamp_ms:1652994352353.7493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3476335616 nr_ops:3394859\ntimestamp_ms:1652994353354.8440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3539908608 nr_ops:3456942\ntimestamp_ms:1652994354355.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3602770944 nr_ops:3518331\ntimestamp_ms:1652994355357.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3664497664 nr_ops:3578611\ntimestamp_ms:1652994356358.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3726306304 nr_ops:3638971\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140482798171904\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3787795456 nr_ops:3699019\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.7261 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.7363 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357659.9407 name:Total nr_bytes:3787795456 nr_ops:3699020\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.8723 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7575590910 nr_ops:7398040\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994357559.8735 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3787795456 nr_ops:3699022\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 211.71us 0.00ns 211.71us 211.71us \nTxn1 1849510 32.45us 0.00ns 3.13ms 25.67us \nTxn2 1 67.01us 0.00ns 67.01us 67.01us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 211.04us 0.00ns 211.04us 211.04us \nwrite 1849510 3.23us 0.00ns 94.09us 2.45us \nread 1849509 29.14us 0.00ns 3.12ms 1.74us \ndisconnect 1 66.33us 0.00ns 66.33us 66.33us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29656 29656 258.60Mb/s 258.60Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.75b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.141 62.37s 3.53GB 485.88Mb/s 3699021 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.53GB 485.88Mb/s 3699022 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415762, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994296295.5405 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994297296.6499 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994297296.7407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994298297.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62519296 nr_ops:61054
+timestamp_ms:1652994299298.9587 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125195264 nr_ops:122261
+timestamp_ms:1652994300300.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188920832 nr_ops:184493
+timestamp_ms:1652994301301.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253116416 nr_ops:247184
+timestamp_ms:1652994302302.2505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316685312 nr_ops:309263
+timestamp_ms:1652994303303.3459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379841536 nr_ops:370939
+timestamp_ms:1652994304303.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:443225088 nr_ops:432837
+timestamp_ms:1652994305304.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:507032576 nr_ops:495149
+timestamp_ms:1652994306305.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:571182080 nr_ops:557795
+timestamp_ms:1652994307307.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633914368 nr_ops:619057
+timestamp_ms:1652994308307.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:697420800 nr_ops:681075
+timestamp_ms:1652994309308.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759872512 nr_ops:742063
+timestamp_ms:1652994310310.0481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822420480 nr_ops:803145
+timestamp_ms:1652994311311.1399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885601280 nr_ops:864845
+timestamp_ms:1652994312312.2302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950023168 nr_ops:927757
+timestamp_ms:1652994313313.3228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013900288 nr_ops:990137
+timestamp_ms:1652994314314.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077193728 nr_ops:1051947
+timestamp_ms:1652994315315.4556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140579328 nr_ops:1113847
+timestamp_ms:1652994316316.5500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200210944 nr_ops:1172081
+timestamp_ms:1652994317317.6423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261782016 nr_ops:1232209
+timestamp_ms:1652994318317.8975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324024832 nr_ops:1292993
+timestamp_ms:1652994319318.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1386396672 nr_ops:1353903
+timestamp_ms:1652994320319.8860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449200640 nr_ops:1415235
+timestamp_ms:1652994321320.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1513071616 nr_ops:1477609
+timestamp_ms:1652994322322.0769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1576044544 nr_ops:1539106
+timestamp_ms:1652994323323.1206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1639943168 nr_ops:1601507
+timestamp_ms:1652994324324.2192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1703688192 nr_ops:1663758
+timestamp_ms:1652994325325.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1766452224 nr_ops:1725051
+timestamp_ms:1652994326326.3545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1829291008 nr_ops:1786417
+timestamp_ms:1652994327327.4475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1892286464 nr_ops:1847936
+timestamp_ms:1652994328327.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1954862080 nr_ops:1909045
+timestamp_ms:1652994329328.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2017082368 nr_ops:1969807
+timestamp_ms:1652994330330.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2081197056 nr_ops:2032419
+timestamp_ms:1652994331331.1296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2145901568 nr_ops:2095607
+timestamp_ms:1652994332332.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2210221056 nr_ops:2158419
+timestamp_ms:1652994333333.2537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2274003968 nr_ops:2220707
+timestamp_ms:1652994334334.3472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2338702336 nr_ops:2283889
+timestamp_ms:1652994335335.4402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405028864 nr_ops:2348661
+timestamp_ms:1652994336336.5322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2468496384 nr_ops:2410641
+timestamp_ms:1652994337337.6228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2531365888 nr_ops:2472037
+timestamp_ms:1652994338338.7209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593710080 nr_ops:2532920
+timestamp_ms:1652994339339.8167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2655865856 nr_ops:2593619
+timestamp_ms:1652994340340.9192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2718931968 nr_ops:2655207
+timestamp_ms:1652994341342.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2780779520 nr_ops:2715605
+timestamp_ms:1652994342342.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2842873856 nr_ops:2776244
+timestamp_ms:1652994343343.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2906287104 nr_ops:2838171
+timestamp_ms:1652994344345.0208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2970754048 nr_ops:2901127
+timestamp_ms:1652994345346.1074 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3034729472 nr_ops:2963603
+timestamp_ms:1652994346347.2031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3098063872 nr_ops:3025453
+timestamp_ms:1652994347348.2971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3160869888 nr_ops:3086787
+timestamp_ms:1652994348349.3838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3223462912 nr_ops:3147913
+timestamp_ms:1652994349350.4763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286853632 nr_ops:3209818
+timestamp_ms:1652994350351.5669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3350668288 nr_ops:3272137
+timestamp_ms:1652994351352.6594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3413274624 nr_ops:3333276
+timestamp_ms:1652994352353.7493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3476335616 nr_ops:3394859
+timestamp_ms:1652994353354.8440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3539908608 nr_ops:3456942
+timestamp_ms:1652994354355.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3602770944 nr_ops:3518331
+timestamp_ms:1652994355357.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3664497664 nr_ops:3578611
+timestamp_ms:1652994356358.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3726306304 nr_ops:3638971
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140482798171904
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652994357559.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3787795456 nr_ops:3699019
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994357559.7261 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994357559.7363 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994357659.9407 name:Total nr_bytes:3787795456 nr_ops:3699020
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994357559.8723 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7575590910 nr_ops:7398040
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994357559.8735 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3787795456 nr_ops:3699022
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 211.71us 0.00ns 211.71us 211.71us
+Txn1 1849510 32.45us 0.00ns 3.13ms 25.67us
+Txn2 1 67.01us 0.00ns 67.01us 67.01us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 211.04us 0.00ns 211.04us 211.04us
+write 1849510 3.23us 0.00ns 94.09us 2.45us
+read 1849509 29.14us 0.00ns 3.12ms 1.74us
+disconnect 1 66.33us 0.00ns 66.33us 66.33us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29656 29656 258.60Mb/s 258.60Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.75b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.141 62.37s 3.53GB 485.88Mb/s 3699021 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.53GB 485.88Mb/s 3699022 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:04:58.297000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:04:58.297000', 'bytes': 62519296, 'norm_byte': 62519296, 'ops': 61054, 'norm_ops': 61054, 'norm_ltcy': 16.397093626902006, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:04:58.297000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:04:58.297000",
+ "bytes": 62519296,
+ "norm_byte": 62519296,
+ "ops": 61054,
+ "norm_ops": 61054,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.397093626902006,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1bfa4e1ad240556ff9a8507f77e9055622bbef4715a7f2878b5a22f6ed2c3e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:04:59.298000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:04:59.298000', 'bytes': 125195264, 'norm_byte': 62675968, 'ops': 122261, 'norm_ops': 61207, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3561335023976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:04:59.298000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:04:59.298000",
+ "bytes": 125195264,
+ "norm_byte": 62675968,
+ "ops": 122261,
+ "norm_ops": 61207,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3561335023976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0cc0bdf3808b5e562dc56887fc20298b8470c271b19c9c09b88ff27c4acd1254",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:00.300000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:00.300000', 'bytes': 188920832, 'norm_byte': 63725568, 'ops': 184493, 'norm_ops': 62232, 'norm_ltcy': 16.08661612870991, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:00.300000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:00.300000",
+ "bytes": 188920832,
+ "norm_byte": 63725568,
+ "ops": 184493,
+ "norm_ops": 62232,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.08661612870991,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "883e0e5bb866053438906be447e82b6c6ed3e0df56c2fbf266a899a42795c30b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:01.301000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:01.301000', 'bytes': 253116416, 'norm_byte': 64195584, 'ops': 247184, 'norm_ops': 62691, 'norm_ltcy': 15.968680182113463, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:01.301000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:01.301000",
+ "bytes": 253116416,
+ "norm_byte": 64195584,
+ "ops": 247184,
+ "norm_ops": 62691,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.968680182113463,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74b90d86ded9007df8193dd0cd809fbe8fe00525e09c412b6d32107a3de7a72a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:02.302000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:02.302000', 'bytes': 316685312, 'norm_byte': 63568896, 'ops': 309263, 'norm_ops': 62079, 'norm_ltcy': 16.126176707552073, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:02.302000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:02.302000",
+ "bytes": 316685312,
+ "norm_byte": 63568896,
+ "ops": 309263,
+ "norm_ops": 62079,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.126176707552073,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f48a5829e4b503435f721123cc1452061a792c195ae6504027a35bf435409bcb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:03.303000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:03.303000', 'bytes': 379841536, 'norm_byte': 63156224, 'ops': 370939, 'norm_ops': 61676, 'norm_ltcy': 16.231523752908345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:03.303000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:03.303000",
+ "bytes": 379841536,
+ "norm_byte": 63156224,
+ "ops": 370939,
+ "norm_ops": 61676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.231523752908345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7ecfafb704aec5e479f30e30b979f947f54252f16fc03c164c4acd733cdd1f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:04.303000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:04.303000', 'bytes': 443225088, 'norm_byte': 63383552, 'ops': 432837, 'norm_ops': 61898, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16346382733489, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:04.303000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:04.303000",
+ "bytes": 443225088,
+ "norm_byte": 63383552,
+ "ops": 432837,
+ "norm_ops": 61898,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16346382733489,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ba146cba23c2b9e2e406144e27c513dae3d25e8b33120e456692a20a62bcbfd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:05.304000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:05.304000', 'bytes': 507032576, 'norm_byte': 63807488, 'ops': 495149, 'norm_ops': 62312, 'norm_ltcy': 16.064317560973407, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:05.304000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:05.304000",
+ "bytes": 507032576,
+ "norm_byte": 63807488,
+ "ops": 495149,
+ "norm_ops": 62312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.064317560973407,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4b79dcd2d3d06bca092d4cd0d277c9cddc7c89cda5c092709db75e6a22fe90c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:06.305000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:06.305000', 'bytes': 571182080, 'norm_byte': 64149504, 'ops': 557795, 'norm_ops': 62646, 'norm_ltcy': 15.980310619393096, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:06.305000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:06.305000",
+ "bytes": 571182080,
+ "norm_byte": 64149504,
+ "ops": 557795,
+ "norm_ops": 62646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.980310619393096,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa266b112a82572de847967bf34968db10293404251ff6903aff1a290ac5505d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:07.307000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:07.307000', 'bytes': 633914368, 'norm_byte': 62732288, 'ops': 619057, 'norm_ops': 61262, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3412420092186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:07.307000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:07.307000",
+ "bytes": 633914368,
+ "norm_byte": 62732288,
+ "ops": 619057,
+ "norm_ops": 61262,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3412420092186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e5a437fd3fe83b74abd0e3452aaf8acccd6343c42c13ba69cbdfd9529357ebe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:08.307000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:08.307000', 'bytes': 697420800, 'norm_byte': 63506432, 'ops': 681075, 'norm_ops': 62018, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13735361482755, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:08.307000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:08.307000",
+ "bytes": 697420800,
+ "norm_byte": 63506432,
+ "ops": 681075,
+ "norm_ops": 62018,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13735361482755,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bcdfe2e861077d51978bdc5c40a51245b0773fd104440f011d58fc9a355980a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:09.308000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:09.308000', 'bytes': 759872512, 'norm_byte': 62451712, 'ops': 742063, 'norm_ops': 60988, 'norm_ltcy': 16.414862253896256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:09.308000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:09.308000",
+ "bytes": 759872512,
+ "norm_byte": 62451712,
+ "ops": 742063,
+ "norm_ops": 60988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.414862253896256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f129ce886c1ef164757db5616bb37d846e2fb8d40d808150a407cab31a8ff9c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:10.310000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:10.310000', 'bytes': 822420480, 'norm_byte': 62547968, 'ops': 803145, 'norm_ops': 61082, 'norm_ltcy': 16.389453291272385, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:10.310000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:10.310000",
+ "bytes": 822420480,
+ "norm_byte": 62547968,
+ "ops": 803145,
+ "norm_ops": 61082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.389453291272385,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6470e28ebb9916b8af2ef053e7563934d639edd5f3998631575408ba49525bbe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:11.311000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:11.311000', 'bytes': 885601280, 'norm_byte': 63180800, 'ops': 864845, 'norm_ops': 61700, 'norm_ltcy': 16.225150678687196, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:11.311000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:11.311000",
+ "bytes": 885601280,
+ "norm_byte": 63180800,
+ "ops": 864845,
+ "norm_ops": 61700,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.225150678687196,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08a4779d68217baf4175c8302b08e29e265efc102195eb14a0f85061336c9fb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:12.312000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:12.312000', 'bytes': 950023168, 'norm_byte': 64421888, 'ops': 927757, 'norm_ops': 62912, 'norm_ltcy': 15.912549784321751, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:12.312000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:12.312000",
+ "bytes": 950023168,
+ "norm_byte": 64421888,
+ "ops": 927757,
+ "norm_ops": 62912,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.912549784321751,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5afb2bc62c4214a63651d4da9482ff5f643b25ec16c3dff9766cf93e681eda2d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:13.313000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:13.313000', 'bytes': 1013900288, 'norm_byte': 63877120, 'ops': 990137, 'norm_ops': 62380, 'norm_ltcy': 16.048293191678024, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:13.313000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:13.313000",
+ "bytes": 1013900288,
+ "norm_byte": 63877120,
+ "ops": 990137,
+ "norm_ops": 62380,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.048293191678024,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87f7742ecfaead26e67dba61f7c8a333fc819f4c97ac6de63ffd56ef6d93c7d0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:14.314000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:14.314000', 'bytes': 1077193728, 'norm_byte': 63293440, 'ops': 1051947, 'norm_ops': 61810, 'norm_ltcy': 16.196334880834414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:14.314000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:14.314000",
+ "bytes": 1077193728,
+ "norm_byte": 63293440,
+ "ops": 1051947,
+ "norm_ops": 61810,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.196334880834414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3696bcbb3647fa1ebc3331b4e756e91a672b4401eb8a0e08496ca3369945479f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:15.315000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:15.315000', 'bytes': 1140579328, 'norm_byte': 63385600, 'ops': 1113847, 'norm_ops': 61900, 'norm_ltcy': 16.171847391205574, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:15.315000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:15.315000",
+ "bytes": 1140579328,
+ "norm_byte": 63385600,
+ "ops": 1113847,
+ "norm_ops": 61900,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.171847391205574,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a2417d1c640ea6f3a35ba033a8e17b0662ea609cadfee85f82d35673d59f3ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:16.316000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:16.316000', 'bytes': 1200210944, 'norm_byte': 59631616, 'ops': 1172081, 'norm_ops': 58234, 'norm_ltcy': 17.190893334166894, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:16.316000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:16.316000",
+ "bytes": 1200210944,
+ "norm_byte": 59631616,
+ "ops": 1172081,
+ "norm_ops": 58234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.190893334166894,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "94ae82e3d060ecad5ee4d901cce4577323f6d43e5fbcf1c8b3672074f45797ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:17.317000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:17.317000', 'bytes': 1261782016, 'norm_byte': 61571072, 'ops': 1232209, 'norm_ops': 60128, 'norm_ltcy': 16.649352799964245, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:17.317000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:17.317000",
+ "bytes": 1261782016,
+ "norm_byte": 61571072,
+ "ops": 1232209,
+ "norm_ops": 60128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.649352799964245,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd71e4bdc3f9a4fa64ebc83a8c4ec44607c1ed9688a453b67853a07572e39c5a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:18.317000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:18.317000', 'bytes': 1324024832, 'norm_byte': 62242816, 'ops': 1292993, 'norm_ops': 60784, 'norm_ltcy': 16.45589508675186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:18.317000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:18.317000",
+ "bytes": 1324024832,
+ "norm_byte": 62242816,
+ "ops": 1292993,
+ "norm_ops": 60784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.45589508675186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4882014aa8d64db4127f7c254228e066912e4fd8a9fc5e1e9af4d836b2c8c24",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:19.318000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:19.318000', 'bytes': 1386396672, 'norm_byte': 62371840, 'ops': 1353903, 'norm_ops': 60910, 'norm_ltcy': 16.433141141899934, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:19.318000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:19.318000",
+ "bytes": 1386396672,
+ "norm_byte": 62371840,
+ "ops": 1353903,
+ "norm_ops": 60910,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.433141141899934,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "176d4a3d82f54cf00bd42ce445fc12e06216a1e4e0a9c4aa7378aea139446a60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:20.319000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:20.319000', 'bytes': 1449200640, 'norm_byte': 62803968, 'ops': 1415235, 'norm_ops': 61332, 'norm_ltcy': 16.321755338770952, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:20.319000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:20.319000",
+ "bytes": 1449200640,
+ "norm_byte": 62803968,
+ "ops": 1415235,
+ "norm_ops": 61332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.321755338770952,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb16004797e0b84aff969a276b8691f23244fb289d88b727822de3da1d27532f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:21.320000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:21.320000', 'bytes': 1513071616, 'norm_byte': 63870976, 'ops': 1477609, 'norm_ops': 62374, 'norm_ltcy': 16.049876081430163, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:21.320000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:21.320000",
+ "bytes": 1513071616,
+ "norm_byte": 63870976,
+ "ops": 1477609,
+ "norm_ops": 62374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.049876081430163,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a629802ec1b17aa264c595f4c568aa6e071fa0ac027619d31966d658690778a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:22.322000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:22.322000', 'bytes': 1576044544, 'norm_byte': 62972928, 'ops': 1539106, 'norm_ops': 61497, 'norm_ltcy': 16.278776969049304, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:22.322000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:22.322000",
+ "bytes": 1576044544,
+ "norm_byte": 62972928,
+ "ops": 1539106,
+ "norm_ops": 61497,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.278776969049304,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "524906e4aec2229f041ed99efb4992c37d5013d166b85a0c5793284541ff86f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:23.323000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:23.323000', 'bytes': 1639943168, 'norm_byte': 63898624, 'ops': 1601507, 'norm_ops': 62401, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04210992086465, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:23.323000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:23.323000",
+ "bytes": 1639943168,
+ "norm_byte": 63898624,
+ "ops": 1601507,
+ "norm_ops": 62401,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04210992086465,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4593971a1daa7aa7438947b5e976451077f713bbea0df9b5469db8f3a91b83a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:24.324000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:24.324000', 'bytes': 1703688192, 'norm_byte': 63745024, 'ops': 1663758, 'norm_ops': 62251, 'norm_ltcy': 16.081647408274563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:24.324000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:24.324000",
+ "bytes": 1703688192,
+ "norm_byte": 63745024,
+ "ops": 1663758,
+ "norm_ops": 62251,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.081647408274563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e4b9a2bd94b3378a97094ed6de2ca0ca20ac3a0783c3d087619f8b4c85dc4570",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:25.325000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:25.325000', 'bytes': 1766452224, 'norm_byte': 62764032, 'ops': 1725051, 'norm_ops': 61293, 'norm_ltcy': 16.33198931515426, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:25.325000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:25.325000",
+ "bytes": 1766452224,
+ "norm_byte": 62764032,
+ "ops": 1725051,
+ "norm_ops": 61293,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.33198931515426,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec47881be61101a9a0540a266126a7dd90ebf079e15dbf06fd5443d360fc3c04",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:26.326000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:26.326000', 'bytes': 1829291008, 'norm_byte': 62838784, 'ops': 1786417, 'norm_ops': 61366, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3135715675211, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:26.326000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:26.326000",
+ "bytes": 1829291008,
+ "norm_byte": 62838784,
+ "ops": 1786417,
+ "norm_ops": 61366,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3135715675211,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "760586f869364aeb4eebf70ac6c904693675ee6b10b40c58b7da28d69af74d7d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:27.327000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:27.327000', 'bytes': 1892286464, 'norm_byte': 62995456, 'ops': 1847936, 'norm_ops': 61519, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2729078427498, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:27.327000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:27.327000",
+ "bytes": 1892286464,
+ "norm_byte": 62995456,
+ "ops": 1847936,
+ "norm_ops": 61519,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2729078427498,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f3338c332c9914b19afc5cca0bbc77e076174b690a9f86a3d01b71598b38401",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:28.327000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:28.327000', 'bytes': 1954862080, 'norm_byte': 62575616, 'ops': 1909045, 'norm_ops': 61109, 'norm_ltcy': 16.370581953200432, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:28.327000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:28.327000",
+ "bytes": 1954862080,
+ "norm_byte": 62575616,
+ "ops": 1909045,
+ "norm_ops": 61109,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.370581953200432,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "57db1de4132369d44863b21f9c81686d0edf56e6f31ae3c84a8f01259d003b4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:29.328000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:29.328000', 'bytes': 2017082368, 'norm_byte': 62220288, 'ops': 1969807, 'norm_ops': 60762, 'norm_ltcy': 16.475707248413894, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:29.328000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:29.328000",
+ "bytes": 2017082368,
+ "norm_byte": 62220288,
+ "ops": 1969807,
+ "norm_ops": 60762,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.475707248413894,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4abcf7289e41fcb98b28d6201fecb7e8510a6bc0f61bd392ed6e3d2c8184af9e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:30.330000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:30.330000', 'bytes': 2081197056, 'norm_byte': 64114688, 'ops': 2032419, 'norm_ops': 62612, 'norm_ltcy': 15.989007854175316, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:30.330000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:30.330000",
+ "bytes": 2081197056,
+ "norm_byte": 64114688,
+ "ops": 2032419,
+ "norm_ops": 62612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.989007854175316,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b6ca4e9cacfd5eb2e50262a39280fea90c5a21ad18f39eb8d58142ff953f0f6b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:31.331000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:31.331000', 'bytes': 2145901568, 'norm_byte': 64704512, 'ops': 2095607, 'norm_ops': 63188, 'norm_ltcy': 15.843064390934591, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:31.331000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:31.331000",
+ "bytes": 2145901568,
+ "norm_byte": 64704512,
+ "ops": 2095607,
+ "norm_ops": 63188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.843064390934591,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09847cf67bec0ac5897531119febcc33d0cace239d2bca5dfd398607d0657e3d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:32.332000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:32.332000', 'bytes': 2210221056, 'norm_byte': 64319488, 'ops': 2158419, 'norm_ops': 62812, 'norm_ltcy': 15.93701274487757, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:32.332000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:32.332000",
+ "bytes": 2210221056,
+ "norm_byte": 64319488,
+ "ops": 2158419,
+ "norm_ops": 62812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.93701274487757,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e8c265f67a1df9b1ff955c43b0ef7fa6ac67190692f5631933e11753a552540",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:33.333000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:33.333000', 'bytes': 2274003968, 'norm_byte': 63782912, 'ops': 2220707, 'norm_ops': 62288, 'norm_ltcy': 16.071930049226978, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:33.333000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:33.333000",
+ "bytes": 2274003968,
+ "norm_byte": 63782912,
+ "ops": 2220707,
+ "norm_ops": 62288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.071930049226978,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f673bd647a034cf1f529a10f2063dc85fe23cd7fda5eb0377af47f7239d78913",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:34.334000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:34.334000', 'bytes': 2338702336, 'norm_byte': 64698368, 'ops': 2283889, 'norm_ops': 63182, 'norm_ltcy': 15.84459982050861, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:34.334000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:34.334000",
+ "bytes": 2338702336,
+ "norm_byte": 64698368,
+ "ops": 2283889,
+ "norm_ops": 63182,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.84459982050861,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b41e78d13ce6f8d498bff2bd462e771faf6d253f5feaea26c164bd4f7a3a8ac1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:35.335000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:35.335000', 'bytes': 2405028864, 'norm_byte': 66326528, 'ops': 2348661, 'norm_ops': 64772, 'norm_ltcy': 15.455644685637699, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:35.335000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:35.335000",
+ "bytes": 2405028864,
+ "norm_byte": 66326528,
+ "ops": 2348661,
+ "norm_ops": 64772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.455644685637699,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "033d722de21dead32b6887d0ee446bc900c3dcac003220a6d12c692fc1f82fc1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:36.336000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:36.336000', 'bytes': 2468496384, 'norm_byte': 63467520, 'ops': 2410641, 'norm_ops': 61980, 'norm_ltcy': 16.15185609899363, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:36.336000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:36.336000",
+ "bytes": 2468496384,
+ "norm_byte": 63467520,
+ "ops": 2410641,
+ "norm_ops": 61980,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.15185609899363,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86fad6a004b1d4074f97c969eb1ed544c7eebf77e29782b0a7e4bdb153c3baef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:37.337000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:37.337000', 'bytes': 2531365888, 'norm_byte': 62869504, 'ops': 2472037, 'norm_ops': 61396, 'norm_ltcy': 16.305469023582564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:37.337000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:37.337000",
+ "bytes": 2531365888,
+ "norm_byte": 62869504,
+ "ops": 2472037,
+ "norm_ops": 61396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.305469023582564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1528783a6116d083fd60cbd5afb366c0f7e996964aa048fb89c67297de2c4c37",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:38.338000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:38.338000', 'bytes': 2593710080, 'norm_byte': 62344192, 'ops': 2532920, 'norm_ops': 60883, 'norm_ltcy': 16.44298317315589, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:38.338000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:38.338000",
+ "bytes": 2593710080,
+ "norm_byte": 62344192,
+ "ops": 2532920,
+ "norm_ops": 60883,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.44298317315589,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a52ca0225d364edc25676fa846b7a6b24562eaaa273dc8243c759e5d99359aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:39.339000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:39.339000', 'bytes': 2655865856, 'norm_byte': 62155776, 'ops': 2593619, 'norm_ops': 60699, 'norm_ltcy': 16.492787412066097, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:39.339000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:39.339000",
+ "bytes": 2655865856,
+ "norm_byte": 62155776,
+ "ops": 2593619,
+ "norm_ops": 60699,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.492787412066097,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b5ce12897bfa24d58043bc6186855c1d55889c712196e05d4d4a4fcbc13d64c9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:40.340000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:40.340000', 'bytes': 2718931968, 'norm_byte': 63066112, 'ops': 2655207, 'norm_ops': 61588, 'norm_ltcy': 16.25483112071345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:40.340000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:40.340000",
+ "bytes": 2718931968,
+ "norm_byte": 63066112,
+ "ops": 2655207,
+ "norm_ops": 61588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.25483112071345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a456258389126b2a6c8ec68e022e6483a8dba1ab5dc0749e63c276cdfe5a75e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:41.342000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:41.342000', 'bytes': 2780779520, 'norm_byte': 61847552, 'ops': 2715605, 'norm_ops': 60398, 'norm_ltcy': 16.57492846281127, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:41.342000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:41.342000",
+ "bytes": 2780779520,
+ "norm_byte": 61847552,
+ "ops": 2715605,
+ "norm_ops": 60398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.57492846281127,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a0801d3f5124b72e5a4b03a4e35953a9a506b62acd848bbab7a38a954e85f9a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:42.342000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:42.342000', 'bytes': 2842873856, 'norm_byte': 62094336, 'ops': 2776244, 'norm_ops': 60639, 'norm_ltcy': 16.504689735308546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:42.342000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:42.342000",
+ "bytes": 2842873856,
+ "norm_byte": 62094336,
+ "ops": 2776244,
+ "norm_ops": 60639,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.504689735308546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67292cb3e32b500a700867d3a1a2311aa2431c4f774d09894e88d07617e0324a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:43.343000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:43.343000', 'bytes': 2906287104, 'norm_byte': 63413248, 'ops': 2838171, 'norm_ops': 61927, 'norm_ltcy': 16.165612586190193, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:43.343000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:43.343000",
+ "bytes": 2906287104,
+ "norm_byte": 63413248,
+ "ops": 2838171,
+ "norm_ops": 61927,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.165612586190193,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad54e58fe4b5d6f4829804ba7a40c1d568beba0e4d1b96b2ee49828c0f64f810",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:44.345000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:44.345000', 'bytes': 2970754048, 'norm_byte': 64466944, 'ops': 2901127, 'norm_ops': 62956, 'norm_ltcy': 15.901475025712402, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:44.345000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:44.345000",
+ "bytes": 2970754048,
+ "norm_byte": 64466944,
+ "ops": 2901127,
+ "norm_ops": 62956,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.901475025712402,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5f7b91332d62a753e8aeb884ea7d3e45fefea26abf40791e2630ed7eba9cdb8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:45.346000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:45.346000', 'bytes': 3034729472, 'norm_byte': 63975424, 'ops': 2963603, 'norm_ops': 62476, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02353975801708, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:45.346000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:45.346000",
+ "bytes": 3034729472,
+ "norm_byte": 63975424,
+ "ops": 2963603,
+ "norm_ops": 62476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02353975801708,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1da1304cbdd6430835cbbd93913c437a75ad49bc9ffe2a9af4b4747e97fd2a58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:46.347000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:46.347000', 'bytes': 3098063872, 'norm_byte': 63334400, 'ops': 3025453, 'norm_ops': 61850, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18586423807599, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:46.347000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:46.347000",
+ "bytes": 3098063872,
+ "norm_byte": 63334400,
+ "ops": 3025453,
+ "norm_ops": 61850,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18586423807599,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4811a5114152c90e8b909f38a1f7513118c215b719b57e16d2af1f891a867d1b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:47.348000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:47.348000', 'bytes': 3160869888, 'norm_byte': 62806016, 'ops': 3086787, 'norm_ops': 61334, 'norm_ltcy': 16.322007273952863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:47.348000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:47.348000",
+ "bytes": 3160869888,
+ "norm_byte": 62806016,
+ "ops": 3086787,
+ "norm_ops": 61334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.322007273952863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04ecf1785a436b7463d4b242adba22326cc053bcf57a209ca52cb0e2700b84a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:48.349000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:48.349000', 'bytes': 3223462912, 'norm_byte': 62593024, 'ops': 3147913, 'norm_ops': 61126, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3774280980577, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:48.349000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:48.349000",
+ "bytes": 3223462912,
+ "norm_byte": 62593024,
+ "ops": 3147913,
+ "norm_ops": 61126,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3774280980577,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5bf8d2e56c9a7ed0fbd5076f5479f332f9203c0536096de4ba09c9d7b1b19d0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:49.350000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:49.350000', 'bytes': 3286853632, 'norm_byte': 63390720, 'ops': 3209818, 'norm_ops': 61905, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17143250620911, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:49.350000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:49.350000",
+ "bytes": 3286853632,
+ "norm_byte": 63390720,
+ "ops": 3209818,
+ "norm_ops": 61905,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17143250620911,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce2ac939ddfebbe02dfea8f6b9e2839acd77514c9fff60b9e357051df2d91c0e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:50.351000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:50.351000', 'bytes': 3350668288, 'norm_byte': 63814656, 'ops': 3272137, 'norm_ops': 62319, 'norm_ltcy': 16.063970477252123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:50.351000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:50.351000",
+ "bytes": 3350668288,
+ "norm_byte": 63814656,
+ "ops": 3272137,
+ "norm_ops": 62319,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.063970477252123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac661b607ce9b752950846d180ab323d751425b39502f72273291dd0d5ed9de6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:51.352000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:51.352000', 'bytes': 3413274624, 'norm_byte': 62606336, 'ops': 3333276, 'norm_ops': 61139, 'norm_ltcy': 16.37404159860114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:51.352000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:51.352000",
+ "bytes": 3413274624,
+ "norm_byte": 62606336,
+ "ops": 3333276,
+ "norm_ops": 61139,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.37404159860114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d32e4ac7237a1052fb4ff4655ead135e4369ca80c83cd36f6431e1ca213a04a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:52.353000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:52.353000', 'bytes': 3476335616, 'norm_byte': 63060992, 'ops': 3394859, 'norm_ops': 61583, 'norm_ltcy': 16.255944720945713, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:52.353000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:52.353000",
+ "bytes": 3476335616,
+ "norm_byte": 63060992,
+ "ops": 3394859,
+ "norm_ops": 61583,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.255944720945713,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d14498b6bac51b010b1a7a2cad0ee32919f97fec1b9b08dc7f4c63a08235c6b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:53.354000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:53.354000', 'bytes': 3539908608, 'norm_byte': 63572992, 'ops': 3456942, 'norm_ops': 62083, 'norm_ltcy': 16.125102307596283, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:53.354000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:53.354000",
+ "bytes": 3539908608,
+ "norm_byte": 63572992,
+ "ops": 3456942,
+ "norm_ops": 62083,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.125102307596283,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf1b778b9b2f6751fac1c8c39b3a83f9c331159bdbfa6fc4377107b23ceba8c9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:54.355000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:54.355000', 'bytes': 3602770944, 'norm_byte': 62862336, 'ops': 3518331, 'norm_ops': 61389, 'norm_ltcy': 16.30741975608415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:54.355000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:54.355000",
+ "bytes": 3602770944,
+ "norm_byte": 62862336,
+ "ops": 3518331,
+ "norm_ops": 61389,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.30741975608415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "726e55e5050a7170628273ab437bfffb2714c8a75904e736ff73dfd6f91d692a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:55.357000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:55.357000', 'bytes': 3664497664, 'norm_byte': 61726720, 'ops': 3578611, 'norm_ops': 60280, 'norm_ltcy': 16.6076619655151, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:55.357000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:55.357000",
+ "bytes": 3664497664,
+ "norm_byte": 61726720,
+ "ops": 3578611,
+ "norm_ops": 60280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.6076619655151,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cee7503279e1509218ac5f24354562d1ea05e4faa1adf56c506c7e4590de8461",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:56.358000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:56.358000', 'bytes': 3726306304, 'norm_byte': 61808640, 'ops': 3638971, 'norm_ops': 60360, 'norm_ltcy': 16.587118726443425, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:56.358000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:56.358000",
+ "bytes": 3726306304,
+ "norm_byte": 61808640,
+ "ops": 3638971,
+ "norm_ops": 60360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.587118726443425,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ace4cb55a89f8f5899a8d5781faedb861d2709d8855a920f2ceb03420840f4e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:05:57.559000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:05:57.559000', 'bytes': 3787795456, 'norm_byte': 61489152, 'ops': 3699019, 'norm_ops': 60048, 'norm_ltcy': 20.00728112171721, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:05:57.559000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:05:57.559000",
+ "bytes": 3787795456,
+ "norm_byte": 61489152,
+ "ops": 3699019,
+ "norm_ops": 60048,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.00728112171721,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e52648c2-f5a0-5fbb-81b3-1022d03174e3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c82783d555721caed6d0c44a0dd73c8e071d1bb0b48c9020ad9c39d24f80af1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63129924.266666666
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61650.316666666666
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.609746507237556
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:05:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-046-220519210212/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-046-220519210212/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fff092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-046-220519210212/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-046-220519210212/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-046-220519210212/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-046-220519210212/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-046-220519210212/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-046-220519210212/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f152a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-046-220519210212/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=35
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=50
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-047-220519210414/220519210414-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-047-220519210414/220519210414-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4272433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-047-220519210414/220519210414-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:06:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994417874.5913 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994418875.7090 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994418875.7893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994419876.8804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44190720 nr_ops:43155\ntimestamp_ms:1652994420877.9714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:88281088 nr_ops:86212\ntimestamp_ms:1652994421879.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:132533248 nr_ops:129427\ntimestamp_ms:1652994422880.1794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176960512 nr_ops:172813\ntimestamp_ms:1652994423881.2725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221389824 nr_ops:216201\ntimestamp_ms:1652994424882.3657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:265745408 nr_ops:259517\ntimestamp_ms:1652994425883.4602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309971968 nr_ops:302707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994426884.5020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354167808 nr_ops:345867\ntimestamp_ms:1652994427885.5955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398470144 nr_ops:389131\ntimestamp_ms:1652994428886.6919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442756096 nr_ops:432379\ntimestamp_ms:1652994429887.7832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487072768 nr_ops:475657\ntimestamp_ms:1652994430888.8752 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531551232 nr_ops:519093\ntimestamp_ms:1652994431889.9646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575806464 nr_ops:562311\ntimestamp_ms:1652994432891.0566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:620121088 nr_ops:605587\ntimestamp_ms:1652994433892.1558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664300544 nr_ops:648731\ntimestamp_ms:1652994434893.2471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708549632 nr_ops:691943\ntimestamp_ms:1652994435894.3577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:752845824 nr_ops:735201\ntimestamp_ms:1652994436895.4565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:797082624 nr_ops:778401\ntimestamp_ms:1652994437895.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:841329664 nr_ops:821611\ntimestamp_ms:1652994438896.9949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885752832 nr_ops:864993\ntimestamp_ms:1652994439898.0908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:930089984 nr_ops:908291\ntimestamp_ms:1652994440899.1853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:974244864 nr_ops:951411\ntimestamp_ms:1652994441900.2761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018448896 nr_ops:994579\ntimestamp_ms:1652994442901.3750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062771712 nr_ops:1037863\ntimestamp_ms:1652994443902.4714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1106975744 nr_ops:1081031\ntimestamp_ms:1652994444903.5642 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1151333376 nr_ops:1124349\ntimestamp_ms:1652994445904.6555 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195527168 nr_ops:1167507\ntimestamp_ms:1652994446905.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239862272 nr_ops:1210803\ntimestamp_ms:1652994447906.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1284129792 nr_ops:1254033\ntimestamp_ms:1652994448908.0374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1328352256 nr_ops:1297219\ntimestamp_ms:1652994449909.1267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372638208 nr_ops:1340467\ntimestamp_ms:1652994450910.2229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417085952 nr_ops:1383873\ntimestamp_ms:1652994451911.3164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461457920 nr_ops:1427205\ntimestamp_ms:1652994452912.4111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1506094080 nr_ops:1470795\ntimestamp_ms:1652994453913.5020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1550685184 nr_ops:1514341\ntimestamp_ms:1652994454914.5398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595094016 nr_ops:1557709\ntimestamp_ms:1652994455914.9106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1639554048 nr_ops:1601127\ntimestamp_ms:1652994456916.0115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1684018176 nr_ops:1644549\ntimestamp_ms:1652994457917.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728523264 nr_ops:1688011\ntimestamp_ms:1652994458918.1965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773130752 nr_ops:1731573\ntimestamp_ms:1652994459919.2979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1817488384 nr_ops:1774891\ntimestamp_ms:1652994460920.3909 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1861864448 nr_ops:1818227\ntimestamp_ms:1652994461921.4893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906603008 nr_ops:1861917\ntimestamp_ms:1652994462922.5801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1951224832 nr_ops:1905493\ntimestamp_ms:1652994463923.6736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1995756544 nr_ops:1948981\ntimestamp_ms:1652994464924.7192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040304640 nr_ops:1992485\ntimestamp_ms:1652994465925.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084684800 nr_ops:2035825\ntimestamp_ms:1652994466926.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2131055616 nr_ops:2081109\ntimestamp_ms:1652994467928.0295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2181479424 nr_ops:2130351\ntimestamp_ms:1652994468929.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231680000 nr_ops:2179375\ntimestamp_ms:1652994469930.2241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281018368 nr_ops:2227557\ntimestamp_ms:1652994470931.3208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2330278912 nr_ops:2275663\ntimestamp_ms:1652994471932.4155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2380405760 nr_ops:2324615\ntimestamp_ms:1652994472933.5110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2431237120 nr_ops:2374255\ntimestamp_ms:1652994473934.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2482082816 nr_ops:2423909\ntimestamp_ms:1652994474935.7100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530817024 nr_ops:2471501\ntimestamp_ms:1652994475936.8047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2580651008 nr_ops:2520167\ntimestamp_ms:1652994476937.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2631912448 nr_ops:2570227\ntimestamp_ms:1652994477939.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2683769856 nr_ops:2620869\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140577567176448\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.3123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2733358080 nr_ops:2669295\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.3723 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.3765 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479240.5889 name:Total nr_bytes:2733358080 nr_ops:2669296\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.4880 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5466716158 nr_ops:5338592\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.4888 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2733358080 nr_ops:2669298\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 241.02us 0.00ns 241.02us 241.02us \nTxn1 1334648 44.97us 0.00ns 1.07ms 18.62us \nTxn2 1 41.04us 0.00ns 41.04us 41.04us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 240.48us 0.00ns 240.48us 240.48us \nwrite 1334648 2.46us 0.00ns 123.87us 2.18us \nread 1334647 42.43us 0.00ns 1.07ms 960.00ns \ndisconnect 1 29.02us 0.00ns 29.02us 29.02us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \nnet1 21400 21400 186.61Mb/s 186.61Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.142 62.37s 2.55GB 350.61Mb/s 2669297 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.55GB 350.62Mb/s 2669298 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418452, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994417874.5913 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994418875.7090 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994418875.7893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994419876.8804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44190720 nr_ops:43155\ntimestamp_ms:1652994420877.9714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:88281088 nr_ops:86212\ntimestamp_ms:1652994421879.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:132533248 nr_ops:129427\ntimestamp_ms:1652994422880.1794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176960512 nr_ops:172813\ntimestamp_ms:1652994423881.2725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221389824 nr_ops:216201\ntimestamp_ms:1652994424882.3657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:265745408 nr_ops:259517\ntimestamp_ms:1652994425883.4602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309971968 nr_ops:302707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994426884.5020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354167808 nr_ops:345867\ntimestamp_ms:1652994427885.5955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398470144 nr_ops:389131\ntimestamp_ms:1652994428886.6919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442756096 nr_ops:432379\ntimestamp_ms:1652994429887.7832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487072768 nr_ops:475657\ntimestamp_ms:1652994430888.8752 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531551232 nr_ops:519093\ntimestamp_ms:1652994431889.9646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575806464 nr_ops:562311\ntimestamp_ms:1652994432891.0566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:620121088 nr_ops:605587\ntimestamp_ms:1652994433892.1558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664300544 nr_ops:648731\ntimestamp_ms:1652994434893.2471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708549632 nr_ops:691943\ntimestamp_ms:1652994435894.3577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:752845824 nr_ops:735201\ntimestamp_ms:1652994436895.4565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:797082624 nr_ops:778401\ntimestamp_ms:1652994437895.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:841329664 nr_ops:821611\ntimestamp_ms:1652994438896.9949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885752832 nr_ops:864993\ntimestamp_ms:1652994439898.0908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:930089984 nr_ops:908291\ntimestamp_ms:1652994440899.1853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:974244864 nr_ops:951411\ntimestamp_ms:1652994441900.2761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018448896 nr_ops:994579\ntimestamp_ms:1652994442901.3750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062771712 nr_ops:1037863\ntimestamp_ms:1652994443902.4714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1106975744 nr_ops:1081031\ntimestamp_ms:1652994444903.5642 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1151333376 nr_ops:1124349\ntimestamp_ms:1652994445904.6555 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195527168 nr_ops:1167507\ntimestamp_ms:1652994446905.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239862272 nr_ops:1210803\ntimestamp_ms:1652994447906.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1284129792 nr_ops:1254033\ntimestamp_ms:1652994448908.0374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1328352256 nr_ops:1297219\ntimestamp_ms:1652994449909.1267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372638208 nr_ops:1340467\ntimestamp_ms:1652994450910.2229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417085952 nr_ops:1383873\ntimestamp_ms:1652994451911.3164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461457920 nr_ops:1427205\ntimestamp_ms:1652994452912.4111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1506094080 nr_ops:1470795\ntimestamp_ms:1652994453913.5020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1550685184 nr_ops:1514341\ntimestamp_ms:1652994454914.5398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595094016 nr_ops:1557709\ntimestamp_ms:1652994455914.9106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1639554048 nr_ops:1601127\ntimestamp_ms:1652994456916.0115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1684018176 nr_ops:1644549\ntimestamp_ms:1652994457917.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728523264 nr_ops:1688011\ntimestamp_ms:1652994458918.1965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773130752 nr_ops:1731573\ntimestamp_ms:1652994459919.2979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1817488384 nr_ops:1774891\ntimestamp_ms:1652994460920.3909 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1861864448 nr_ops:1818227\ntimestamp_ms:1652994461921.4893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906603008 nr_ops:1861917\ntimestamp_ms:1652994462922.5801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1951224832 nr_ops:1905493\ntimestamp_ms:1652994463923.6736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1995756544 nr_ops:1948981\ntimestamp_ms:1652994464924.7192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040304640 nr_ops:1992485\ntimestamp_ms:1652994465925.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084684800 nr_ops:2035825\ntimestamp_ms:1652994466926.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2131055616 nr_ops:2081109\ntimestamp_ms:1652994467928.0295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2181479424 nr_ops:2130351\ntimestamp_ms:1652994468929.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231680000 nr_ops:2179375\ntimestamp_ms:1652994469930.2241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281018368 nr_ops:2227557\ntimestamp_ms:1652994470931.3208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2330278912 nr_ops:2275663\ntimestamp_ms:1652994471932.4155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2380405760 nr_ops:2324615\ntimestamp_ms:1652994472933.5110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2431237120 nr_ops:2374255\ntimestamp_ms:1652994473934.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2482082816 nr_ops:2423909\ntimestamp_ms:1652994474935.7100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530817024 nr_ops:2471501\ntimestamp_ms:1652994475936.8047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2580651008 nr_ops:2520167\ntimestamp_ms:1652994476937.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2631912448 nr_ops:2570227\ntimestamp_ms:1652994477939.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2683769856 nr_ops:2620869\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140577567176448\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.3123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2733358080 nr_ops:2669295\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.3723 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.3765 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479240.5889 name:Total nr_bytes:2733358080 nr_ops:2669296\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.4880 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5466716158 nr_ops:5338592\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.4888 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2733358080 nr_ops:2669298\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 241.02us 0.00ns 241.02us 241.02us \nTxn1 1334648 44.97us 0.00ns 1.07ms 18.62us \nTxn2 1 41.04us 0.00ns 41.04us 41.04us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 240.48us 0.00ns 240.48us 240.48us \nwrite 1334648 2.46us 0.00ns 123.87us 2.18us \nread 1334647 42.43us 0.00ns 1.07ms 960.00ns \ndisconnect 1 29.02us 0.00ns 29.02us 29.02us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \nnet1 21400 21400 186.61Mb/s 186.61Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.142 62.37s 2.55GB 350.61Mb/s 2669297 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.55GB 350.62Mb/s 2669298 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418452, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994417874.5913 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994418875.7090 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994418875.7893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994419876.8804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44190720 nr_ops:43155\ntimestamp_ms:1652994420877.9714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:88281088 nr_ops:86212\ntimestamp_ms:1652994421879.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:132533248 nr_ops:129427\ntimestamp_ms:1652994422880.1794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176960512 nr_ops:172813\ntimestamp_ms:1652994423881.2725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221389824 nr_ops:216201\ntimestamp_ms:1652994424882.3657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:265745408 nr_ops:259517\ntimestamp_ms:1652994425883.4602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309971968 nr_ops:302707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994426884.5020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354167808 nr_ops:345867\ntimestamp_ms:1652994427885.5955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398470144 nr_ops:389131\ntimestamp_ms:1652994428886.6919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442756096 nr_ops:432379\ntimestamp_ms:1652994429887.7832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487072768 nr_ops:475657\ntimestamp_ms:1652994430888.8752 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531551232 nr_ops:519093\ntimestamp_ms:1652994431889.9646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575806464 nr_ops:562311\ntimestamp_ms:1652994432891.0566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:620121088 nr_ops:605587\ntimestamp_ms:1652994433892.1558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664300544 nr_ops:648731\ntimestamp_ms:1652994434893.2471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708549632 nr_ops:691943\ntimestamp_ms:1652994435894.3577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:752845824 nr_ops:735201\ntimestamp_ms:1652994436895.4565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:797082624 nr_ops:778401\ntimestamp_ms:1652994437895.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:841329664 nr_ops:821611\ntimestamp_ms:1652994438896.9949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885752832 nr_ops:864993\ntimestamp_ms:1652994439898.0908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:930089984 nr_ops:908291\ntimestamp_ms:1652994440899.1853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:974244864 nr_ops:951411\ntimestamp_ms:1652994441900.2761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018448896 nr_ops:994579\ntimestamp_ms:1652994442901.3750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062771712 nr_ops:1037863\ntimestamp_ms:1652994443902.4714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1106975744 nr_ops:1081031\ntimestamp_ms:1652994444903.5642 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1151333376 nr_ops:1124349\ntimestamp_ms:1652994445904.6555 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195527168 nr_ops:1167507\ntimestamp_ms:1652994446905.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239862272 nr_ops:1210803\ntimestamp_ms:1652994447906.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1284129792 nr_ops:1254033\ntimestamp_ms:1652994448908.0374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1328352256 nr_ops:1297219\ntimestamp_ms:1652994449909.1267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372638208 nr_ops:1340467\ntimestamp_ms:1652994450910.2229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417085952 nr_ops:1383873\ntimestamp_ms:1652994451911.3164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461457920 nr_ops:1427205\ntimestamp_ms:1652994452912.4111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1506094080 nr_ops:1470795\ntimestamp_ms:1652994453913.5020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1550685184 nr_ops:1514341\ntimestamp_ms:1652994454914.5398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595094016 nr_ops:1557709\ntimestamp_ms:1652994455914.9106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1639554048 nr_ops:1601127\ntimestamp_ms:1652994456916.0115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1684018176 nr_ops:1644549\ntimestamp_ms:1652994457917.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728523264 nr_ops:1688011\ntimestamp_ms:1652994458918.1965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773130752 nr_ops:1731573\ntimestamp_ms:1652994459919.2979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1817488384 nr_ops:1774891\ntimestamp_ms:1652994460920.3909 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1861864448 nr_ops:1818227\ntimestamp_ms:1652994461921.4893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906603008 nr_ops:1861917\ntimestamp_ms:1652994462922.5801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1951224832 nr_ops:1905493\ntimestamp_ms:1652994463923.6736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1995756544 nr_ops:1948981\ntimestamp_ms:1652994464924.7192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040304640 nr_ops:1992485\ntimestamp_ms:1652994465925.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084684800 nr_ops:2035825\ntimestamp_ms:1652994466926.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2131055616 nr_ops:2081109\ntimestamp_ms:1652994467928.0295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2181479424 nr_ops:2130351\ntimestamp_ms:1652994468929.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231680000 nr_ops:2179375\ntimestamp_ms:1652994469930.2241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281018368 nr_ops:2227557\ntimestamp_ms:1652994470931.3208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2330278912 nr_ops:2275663\ntimestamp_ms:1652994471932.4155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2380405760 nr_ops:2324615\ntimestamp_ms:1652994472933.5110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2431237120 nr_ops:2374255\ntimestamp_ms:1652994473934.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2482082816 nr_ops:2423909\ntimestamp_ms:1652994474935.7100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530817024 nr_ops:2471501\ntimestamp_ms:1652994475936.8047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2580651008 nr_ops:2520167\ntimestamp_ms:1652994476937.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2631912448 nr_ops:2570227\ntimestamp_ms:1652994477939.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2683769856 nr_ops:2620869\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140577567176448\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.3123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2733358080 nr_ops:2669295\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.3723 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.3765 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479240.5889 name:Total nr_bytes:2733358080 nr_ops:2669296\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.4880 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5466716158 nr_ops:5338592\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994479140.4888 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2733358080 nr_ops:2669298\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 241.02us 0.00ns 241.02us 241.02us \nTxn1 1334648 44.97us 0.00ns 1.07ms 18.62us \nTxn2 1 41.04us 0.00ns 41.04us 41.04us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 240.48us 0.00ns 240.48us 240.48us \nwrite 1334648 2.46us 0.00ns 123.87us 2.18us \nread 1334647 42.43us 0.00ns 1.07ms 960.00ns \ndisconnect 1 29.02us 0.00ns 29.02us 29.02us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \nnet1 21400 21400 186.61Mb/s 186.61Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.142 62.37s 2.55GB 350.61Mb/s 2669297 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.55GB 350.62Mb/s 2669298 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418452, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994417874.5913 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994418875.7090 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994418875.7893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994419876.8804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44190720 nr_ops:43155
+timestamp_ms:1652994420877.9714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:88281088 nr_ops:86212
+timestamp_ms:1652994421879.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:132533248 nr_ops:129427
+timestamp_ms:1652994422880.1794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176960512 nr_ops:172813
+timestamp_ms:1652994423881.2725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221389824 nr_ops:216201
+timestamp_ms:1652994424882.3657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:265745408 nr_ops:259517
+timestamp_ms:1652994425883.4602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309971968 nr_ops:302707
+timestamp_ms:1652994426884.5020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354167808 nr_ops:345867
+timestamp_ms:1652994427885.5955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398470144 nr_ops:389131
+timestamp_ms:1652994428886.6919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442756096 nr_ops:432379
+timestamp_ms:1652994429887.7832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487072768 nr_ops:475657
+timestamp_ms:1652994430888.8752 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531551232 nr_ops:519093
+timestamp_ms:1652994431889.9646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575806464 nr_ops:562311
+timestamp_ms:1652994432891.0566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:620121088 nr_ops:605587
+timestamp_ms:1652994433892.1558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664300544 nr_ops:648731
+timestamp_ms:1652994434893.2471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708549632 nr_ops:691943
+timestamp_ms:1652994435894.3577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:752845824 nr_ops:735201
+timestamp_ms:1652994436895.4565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:797082624 nr_ops:778401
+timestamp_ms:1652994437895.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:841329664 nr_ops:821611
+timestamp_ms:1652994438896.9949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885752832 nr_ops:864993
+timestamp_ms:1652994439898.0908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:930089984 nr_ops:908291
+timestamp_ms:1652994440899.1853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:974244864 nr_ops:951411
+timestamp_ms:1652994441900.2761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018448896 nr_ops:994579
+timestamp_ms:1652994442901.3750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062771712 nr_ops:1037863
+timestamp_ms:1652994443902.4714 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1106975744 nr_ops:1081031
+timestamp_ms:1652994444903.5642 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1151333376 nr_ops:1124349
+timestamp_ms:1652994445904.6555 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195527168 nr_ops:1167507
+timestamp_ms:1652994446905.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239862272 nr_ops:1210803
+timestamp_ms:1652994447906.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1284129792 nr_ops:1254033
+timestamp_ms:1652994448908.0374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1328352256 nr_ops:1297219
+timestamp_ms:1652994449909.1267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372638208 nr_ops:1340467
+timestamp_ms:1652994450910.2229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417085952 nr_ops:1383873
+timestamp_ms:1652994451911.3164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461457920 nr_ops:1427205
+timestamp_ms:1652994452912.4111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1506094080 nr_ops:1470795
+timestamp_ms:1652994453913.5020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1550685184 nr_ops:1514341
+timestamp_ms:1652994454914.5398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595094016 nr_ops:1557709
+timestamp_ms:1652994455914.9106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1639554048 nr_ops:1601127
+timestamp_ms:1652994456916.0115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1684018176 nr_ops:1644549
+timestamp_ms:1652994457917.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728523264 nr_ops:1688011
+timestamp_ms:1652994458918.1965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773130752 nr_ops:1731573
+timestamp_ms:1652994459919.2979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1817488384 nr_ops:1774891
+timestamp_ms:1652994460920.3909 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1861864448 nr_ops:1818227
+timestamp_ms:1652994461921.4893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906603008 nr_ops:1861917
+timestamp_ms:1652994462922.5801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1951224832 nr_ops:1905493
+timestamp_ms:1652994463923.6736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1995756544 nr_ops:1948981
+timestamp_ms:1652994464924.7192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040304640 nr_ops:1992485
+timestamp_ms:1652994465925.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084684800 nr_ops:2035825
+timestamp_ms:1652994466926.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2131055616 nr_ops:2081109
+timestamp_ms:1652994467928.0295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2181479424 nr_ops:2130351
+timestamp_ms:1652994468929.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2231680000 nr_ops:2179375
+timestamp_ms:1652994469930.2241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281018368 nr_ops:2227557
+timestamp_ms:1652994470931.3208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2330278912 nr_ops:2275663
+timestamp_ms:1652994471932.4155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2380405760 nr_ops:2324615
+timestamp_ms:1652994472933.5110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2431237120 nr_ops:2374255
+timestamp_ms:1652994473934.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2482082816 nr_ops:2423909
+timestamp_ms:1652994474935.7100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530817024 nr_ops:2471501
+timestamp_ms:1652994475936.8047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2580651008 nr_ops:2520167
+timestamp_ms:1652994476937.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2631912448 nr_ops:2570227
+timestamp_ms:1652994477939.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2683769856 nr_ops:2620869
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140577567176448
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652994479140.3123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2733358080 nr_ops:2669295
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994479140.3723 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994479140.3765 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994479240.5889 name:Total nr_bytes:2733358080 nr_ops:2669296
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994479140.4880 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5466716158 nr_ops:5338592
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994479140.4888 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2733358080 nr_ops:2669298
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 241.02us 0.00ns 241.02us 241.02us
+Txn1 1334648 44.97us 0.00ns 1.07ms 18.62us
+Txn2 1 41.04us 0.00ns 41.04us 41.04us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 240.48us 0.00ns 240.48us 240.48us
+write 1334648 2.46us 0.00ns 123.87us 2.18us
+read 1334647 42.43us 0.00ns 1.07ms 960.00ns
+disconnect 1 29.02us 0.00ns 29.02us 29.02us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s
+net1 21400 21400 186.61Mb/s 186.61Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.142 62.37s 2.55GB 350.61Mb/s 2669297 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.55GB 350.62Mb/s 2669298 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:06:59.876000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:06:59.876000', 'bytes': 44190720, 'norm_byte': 44190720, 'ops': 43155, 'norm_ops': 43155, 'norm_ltcy': 23.19756840350191, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:06:59.876000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:06:59.876000",
+ "bytes": 44190720,
+ "norm_byte": 44190720,
+ "ops": 43155,
+ "norm_ops": 43155,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.19756840350191,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea549fd2104b1520c6ad9119c7b7a2f795332dbd895a4f95fc5f53c39c6aa00a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:00.877000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:00.877000', 'bytes': 88281088, 'norm_byte': 44090368, 'ops': 86212, 'norm_ops': 43057, 'norm_ltcy': 23.250367291105395, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:00.877000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:00.877000",
+ "bytes": 88281088,
+ "norm_byte": 44090368,
+ "ops": 86212,
+ "norm_ops": 43057,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.250367291105395,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8500ac25c2c221d4cd0c1df401a83359b61ba1ebf78c3084ada449fddcba6c01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:01.879000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:01.879000', 'bytes': 132533248, 'norm_byte': 44252160, 'ops': 129427, 'norm_ops': 43215, 'norm_ltcy': 23.165609317149716, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:01.879000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:01.879000",
+ "bytes": 132533248,
+ "norm_byte": 44252160,
+ "ops": 129427,
+ "norm_ops": 43215,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.165609317149716,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3beccd91b57181d1fb3431d18ef6ccf5e4c79552738ef52d36cab88534567dfd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:02.880000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:02.880000', 'bytes': 176960512, 'norm_byte': 44427264, 'ops': 172813, 'norm_ops': 43386, 'norm_ltcy': 23.074406517583437, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:02.880000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:02.880000",
+ "bytes": 176960512,
+ "norm_byte": 44427264,
+ "ops": 172813,
+ "norm_ops": 43386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.074406517583437,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aeafa08b05096431c9a0b2e2fdcf00f9edcbab7103419000abd7ce1a5b894e90",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:03.881000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:03.881000', 'bytes': 221389824, 'norm_byte': 44429312, 'ops': 216201, 'norm_ops': 43388, 'norm_ltcy': 23.07303903333007, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:03.881000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:03.881000",
+ "bytes": 221389824,
+ "norm_byte": 44429312,
+ "ops": 216201,
+ "norm_ops": 43388,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.07303903333007,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d61216f2406519d3e412929f83b66d321865b1850b6a9e0c51db0b049c15b54",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:04.882000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:04.882000', 'bytes': 265745408, 'norm_byte': 44355584, 'ops': 259517, 'norm_ops': 43316, 'norm_ltcy': 23.1113967522105, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:04.882000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:04.882000",
+ "bytes": 265745408,
+ "norm_byte": 44355584,
+ "ops": 259517,
+ "norm_ops": 43316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.1113967522105,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ffaa644117469bd3a4ec81736e0170964c0023fcc4013ce7490c3c0b0809ef6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:05.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:05.883000', 'bytes': 309971968, 'norm_byte': 44226560, 'ops': 302707, 'norm_ops': 43190, 'norm_ltcy': 23.178848863669252, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:05.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:05.883000",
+ "bytes": 309971968,
+ "norm_byte": 44226560,
+ "ops": 302707,
+ "norm_ops": 43190,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.178848863669252,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d6dea9ae49ab23eedf3f97cde981c125ba25e5a14e6f38a172340fbf0b8cd30",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:06.884000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:06.884000', 'bytes': 354167808, 'norm_byte': 44195840, 'ops': 345867, 'norm_ops': 43160, 'norm_ltcy': 23.193738369946132, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:06.884000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:06.884000",
+ "bytes": 354167808,
+ "norm_byte": 44195840,
+ "ops": 345867,
+ "norm_ops": 43160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.193738369946132,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7a5f2ea912e2befcd54f9b29582aa67962c083677a43430a840458874a5d1dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:07.885000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:07.885000', 'bytes': 398470144, 'norm_byte': 44302336, 'ops': 389131, 'norm_ops': 43264, 'norm_ltcy': 23.139180516350198, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:07.885000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:07.885000",
+ "bytes": 398470144,
+ "norm_byte": 44302336,
+ "ops": 389131,
+ "norm_ops": 43264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.139180516350198,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "697f8e6c715b28788ff883eb66e449770504e281a7809549d905b5a561723c31",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:08.886000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:08.886000', 'bytes': 442756096, 'norm_byte': 44285952, 'ops': 432379, 'norm_ops': 43248, 'norm_ltcy': 23.14780881305205, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:08.886000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:08.886000",
+ "bytes": 442756096,
+ "norm_byte": 44285952,
+ "ops": 432379,
+ "norm_ops": 43248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.14780881305205,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b644d9feae2f28c6f1bc979c82f2a2825f238eda1f5340d4b33222008422d1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:09.887000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:09.887000', 'bytes': 487072768, 'norm_byte': 44316672, 'ops': 475657, 'norm_ops': 43278, 'norm_ltcy': 23.13164445200217, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:09.887000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:09.887000",
+ "bytes": 487072768,
+ "norm_byte": 44316672,
+ "ops": 475657,
+ "norm_ops": 43278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.13164445200217,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac440c31057aad57065de7096b5c8c1a96d2ced897b1c3704f4e7a1a05d66326",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:10.888000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:10.888000', 'bytes': 531551232, 'norm_byte': 44478464, 'ops': 519093, 'norm_ops': 43436, 'norm_ltcy': 23.047519131955635, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:10.888000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:10.888000",
+ "bytes": 531551232,
+ "norm_byte": 44478464,
+ "ops": 519093,
+ "norm_ops": 43436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.047519131955635,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d18eecb0c6abbe86642e218dd352c51378b451346443ec6ae46fda1a6033d692",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:11.889000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:11.889000', 'bytes': 575806464, 'norm_byte': 44255232, 'ops': 562311, 'norm_ops': 43218, 'norm_ltcy': 23.163713162773615, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:11.889000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:11.889000",
+ "bytes": 575806464,
+ "norm_byte": 44255232,
+ "ops": 562311,
+ "norm_ops": 43218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.163713162773615,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16e2e0f57aa2750ed00e110736cd48c83493c4c43077be8af7ea3156b3c6b8b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:12.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:12.891000', 'bytes': 620121088, 'norm_byte': 44314624, 'ops': 605587, 'norm_ops': 43276, 'norm_ltcy': 23.132730405204384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:12.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:12.891000",
+ "bytes": 620121088,
+ "norm_byte": 44314624,
+ "ops": 605587,
+ "norm_ops": 43276,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.132730405204384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5a86a22bb48d603e8e7eafe3bdcf939aeb74f98e255b5426a25e3bbfa78ef58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:13.892000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:13.892000', 'bytes': 664300544, 'norm_byte': 44179456, 'ops': 648731, 'norm_ops': 43144, 'norm_ltcy': 23.203669597018127, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:13.892000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:13.892000",
+ "bytes": 664300544,
+ "norm_byte": 44179456,
+ "ops": 648731,
+ "norm_ops": 43144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.203669597018127,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c37f9cc48a15ff9c1708b906ff43873b211dda2be204a527049ec2148fd6f0c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:14.893000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:14.893000', 'bytes': 708549632, 'norm_byte': 44249088, 'ops': 691943, 'norm_ops': 43212, 'norm_ltcy': 23.166974650415394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:14.893000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:14.893000",
+ "bytes": 708549632,
+ "norm_byte": 44249088,
+ "ops": 691943,
+ "norm_ops": 43212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.166974650415394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81cb8cf0f917cebd47c3151871ffdbd85259cd0b775ad751fed6f28168e14953",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:15.894000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:15.894000', 'bytes': 752845824, 'norm_byte': 44296192, 'ops': 735201, 'norm_ops': 43258, 'norm_ltcy': 23.142785050236373, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:15.894000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:15.894000",
+ "bytes": 752845824,
+ "norm_byte": 44296192,
+ "ops": 735201,
+ "norm_ops": 43258,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.142785050236373,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a21633d56f84a4f573b9830e5e0a7a30afe64482c4aa8dcee820612b14cc3014",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:16.895000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:16.895000', 'bytes': 797082624, 'norm_byte': 44236800, 'ops': 778401, 'norm_ops': 43200, 'norm_ltcy': 23.17358511465567, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:16.895000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:16.895000",
+ "bytes": 797082624,
+ "norm_byte": 44236800,
+ "ops": 778401,
+ "norm_ops": 43200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.17358511465567,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fb16a93d183e4682732de3e17afbfaf05aedc4dc4a90099ca308ff6c8a9278dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:17.895000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:17.895000', 'bytes': 841329664, 'norm_byte': 44247040, 'ops': 821611, 'norm_ops': 43210, 'norm_ltcy': 23.15158821923455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:17.895000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:17.895000",
+ "bytes": 841329664,
+ "norm_byte": 44247040,
+ "ops": 821611,
+ "norm_ops": 43210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.15158821923455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43b0443de39435782783738341d410bdda42d4e3cdf395fff500b6f48d78832c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:18.896000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:18.896000', 'bytes': 885752832, 'norm_byte': 44423168, 'ops': 864993, 'norm_ops': 43382, 'norm_ltcy': 23.07773277223272, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:18.896000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:18.896000",
+ "bytes": 885752832,
+ "norm_byte": 44423168,
+ "ops": 864993,
+ "norm_ops": 43382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.07773277223272,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "36468d19b1fd6e3561bcaa7f37030f790e42e9cf26b6c0f1e3f88c1425eadc00",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:19.898000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:19.898000', 'bytes': 930089984, 'norm_byte': 44337152, 'ops': 908291, 'norm_ops': 43298, 'norm_ltcy': 23.121066729771005, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:19.898000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:19.898000",
+ "bytes": 930089984,
+ "norm_byte": 44337152,
+ "ops": 908291,
+ "norm_ops": 43298,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.121066729771005,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2380f45a1d3fad7bb81291afaa378b3d0de7a3e7d208bfd40d8806e5576cde63",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:20.899000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:20.899000', 'bytes': 974244864, 'norm_byte': 44154880, 'ops': 951411, 'norm_ops': 43120, 'norm_ltcy': 23.216476865071314, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:20.899000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:20.899000",
+ "bytes": 974244864,
+ "norm_byte": 44154880,
+ "ops": 951411,
+ "norm_ops": 43120,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.216476865071314,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ab331333483d1a6571ada86e89b46a43b6deef81aa4b17d3004747de786de36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:21.900000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:21.900000', 'bytes': 1018448896, 'norm_byte': 44204032, 'ops': 994579, 'norm_ops': 43168, 'norm_ltcy': 23.190576823399276, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:21.900000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:21.900000",
+ "bytes": 1018448896,
+ "norm_byte": 44204032,
+ "ops": 994579,
+ "norm_ops": 43168,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.190576823399276,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "756b9876fce8b8cceba0a785519ead2028320f84858f9ad6c827d2731e877154",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:22.901000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:22.901000', 'bytes': 1062771712, 'norm_byte': 44322816, 'ops': 1037863, 'norm_ops': 43284, 'norm_ltcy': 23.128612811965738, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:22.901000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:22.901000",
+ "bytes": 1062771712,
+ "norm_byte": 44322816,
+ "ops": 1037863,
+ "norm_ops": 43284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.128612811965738,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bef58710a3a61dd5c7668c28920ede12a1079557f4891f8c2109def0bf84cdbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:23.902000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:23.902000', 'bytes': 1106975744, 'norm_byte': 44204032, 'ops': 1081031, 'norm_ops': 43168, 'norm_ltcy': 23.190706902031017, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:23.902000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:23.902000",
+ "bytes": 1106975744,
+ "norm_byte": 44204032,
+ "ops": 1081031,
+ "norm_ops": 43168,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.190706902031017,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70fce8ac202a01d1ae4780ee28ac7a7411c0866287ab5f8311594f3cb7d28e4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:24.903000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:24.903000', 'bytes': 1151333376, 'norm_byte': 44357632, 'ops': 1124349, 'norm_ops': 43318, 'norm_ltcy': 23.110318422768824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:24.903000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:24.903000",
+ "bytes": 1151333376,
+ "norm_byte": 44357632,
+ "ops": 1124349,
+ "norm_ops": 43318,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.110318422768824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34a8cecd28bb43e67a6a438429ec109a6a8b70d806c1584a86157ff0aadd1403",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:25.904000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:25.904000', 'bytes': 1195527168, 'norm_byte': 44193792, 'ops': 1167507, 'norm_ops': 43158, 'norm_ltcy': 23.195961550436767, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:25.904000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:25.904000",
+ "bytes": 1195527168,
+ "norm_byte": 44193792,
+ "ops": 1167507,
+ "norm_ops": 43158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.195961550436767,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10e722557bdde7e491a22e06fe301a41f4efab35f37aecfa538b329a72d15f88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:26.905000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:26.905000', 'bytes': 1239862272, 'norm_byte': 44335104, 'ops': 1210803, 'norm_ops': 43296, 'norm_ltcy': 23.122021998640175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:26.905000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:26.905000",
+ "bytes": 1239862272,
+ "norm_byte": 44335104,
+ "ops": 1210803,
+ "norm_ops": 43296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.122021998640175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "469d2ef3552dd7c64edd2de7f96c0b51055a2fd2a7b00a8c445db6b4aedd5455",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:27.906000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:27.906000', 'bytes': 1284129792, 'norm_byte': 44267520, 'ops': 1254033, 'norm_ops': 43230, 'norm_ltcy': 23.159824629886653, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:27.906000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:27.906000",
+ "bytes": 1284129792,
+ "norm_byte": 44267520,
+ "ops": 1254033,
+ "norm_ops": 43230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.159824629886653,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e9b355555ad07ceaa029d631d3bdfb81d307bf5298171dc589c32901543352e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:28.908000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:28.908000', 'bytes': 1328352256, 'norm_byte': 44222464, 'ops': 1297219, 'norm_ops': 43186, 'norm_ltcy': 23.180927910303687, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:28.908000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:28.908000",
+ "bytes": 1328352256,
+ "norm_byte": 44222464,
+ "ops": 1297219,
+ "norm_ops": 43186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.180927910303687,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d99f32f40dff2bc9693a3f5ff87573b39107263d54a23fd2f0d944899730621e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:29.909000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:29.909000', 'bytes': 1372638208, 'norm_byte': 44285952, 'ops': 1340467, 'norm_ops': 43248, 'norm_ltcy': 23.147645104253375, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:29.909000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:29.909000",
+ "bytes": 1372638208,
+ "norm_byte": 44285952,
+ "ops": 1340467,
+ "norm_ops": 43248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.147645104253375,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "415d4bf0ae245dc7524ee81937c178c049f6ddb88dee5eda940a850af5b80c26",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:30.910000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:30.910000', 'bytes': 1417085952, 'norm_byte': 44447744, 'ops': 1383873, 'norm_ops': 43406, 'norm_ltcy': 23.063544012492514, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:30.910000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:30.910000",
+ "bytes": 1417085952,
+ "norm_byte": 44447744,
+ "ops": 1383873,
+ "norm_ops": 43406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.063544012492514,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "430cd3197e3aeed65bc30951dc427086eb33431f01d615138ee91926fa7ce70b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:31.911000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:31.911000', 'bytes': 1461457920, 'norm_byte': 44371968, 'ops': 1427205, 'norm_ops': 43332, 'norm_ltcy': 23.102868685022038, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:31.911000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:31.911000",
+ "bytes": 1461457920,
+ "norm_byte": 44371968,
+ "ops": 1427205,
+ "norm_ops": 43332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.102868685022038,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea1254ad6009a0f07a2356ea71eb20143239cad9992a290d2dca35599dc44d18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:32.912000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:32.912000', 'bytes': 1506094080, 'norm_byte': 44636160, 'ops': 1470795, 'norm_ops': 43590, 'norm_ltcy': 22.966155690812116, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:32.912000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:32.912000",
+ "bytes": 1506094080,
+ "norm_byte": 44636160,
+ "ops": 1470795,
+ "norm_ops": 43590,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.966155690812116,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f8dd4121302c5f3d6b654dad1f9e7f6c0a4ad71914155cc0ce95b1e2f437e05",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:33.913000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:33.913000', 'bytes': 1550685184, 'norm_byte': 44591104, 'ops': 1514341, 'norm_ops': 43546, 'norm_ltcy': 22.989271582062646, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:33.913000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:33.913000",
+ "bytes": 1550685184,
+ "norm_byte": 44591104,
+ "ops": 1514341,
+ "norm_ops": 43546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.989271582062646,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee1330654d5efc5213295386a85141a8d8fb7c7c591b2ac7b2dd451b3e28dd44",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:34.914000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:34.914000', 'bytes': 1595094016, 'norm_byte': 44408832, 'ops': 1557709, 'norm_ops': 43368, 'norm_ltcy': 23.08240734635849, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:34.914000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:34.914000",
+ "bytes": 1595094016,
+ "norm_byte": 44408832,
+ "ops": 1557709,
+ "norm_ops": 43368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.08240734635849,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e2efaa8bcb4df92574bc82dd1177def6dbe3629635201a5ac90a781af87c9f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:35.914000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:35.914000', 'bytes': 1639554048, 'norm_byte': 44460032, 'ops': 1601127, 'norm_ops': 43418, 'norm_ltcy': 23.04046362359793, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:35.914000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:35.914000",
+ "bytes": 1639554048,
+ "norm_byte": 44460032,
+ "ops": 1601127,
+ "norm_ops": 43418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.04046362359793,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49b6b600f740db16553df15d4f37f633c101edaacc8c9ec08c1f15028c106837",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:36.916000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:36.916000', 'bytes': 1684018176, 'norm_byte': 44464128, 'ops': 1644549, 'norm_ops': 43422, 'norm_ltcy': 23.055152459078922, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:36.916000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:36.916000",
+ "bytes": 1684018176,
+ "norm_byte": 44464128,
+ "ops": 1644549,
+ "norm_ops": 43422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.055152459078922,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b21ea72eca625d89303bc4d5d94267a4a4f52b3d10f728453dd51b44f01889ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:37.917000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:37.917000', 'bytes': 1728523264, 'norm_byte': 44505088, 'ops': 1688011, 'norm_ops': 43462, 'norm_ltcy': 23.03388884434966, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:37.917000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:37.917000",
+ "bytes": 1728523264,
+ "norm_byte": 44505088,
+ "ops": 1688011,
+ "norm_ops": 43462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.03388884434966,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7316d1799f79ef1386891048f777d98fba37db4b8ac192a1f705440bfe2d3505",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:38.918000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:38.918000', 'bytes': 1773130752, 'norm_byte': 44607488, 'ops': 1731573, 'norm_ops': 43562, 'norm_ltcy': 22.980721308494214, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:38.918000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:38.918000",
+ "bytes": 1773130752,
+ "norm_byte": 44607488,
+ "ops": 1731573,
+ "norm_ops": 43562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.980721308494214,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce0dbee42080bb4cefedec115918129f949f733d7c41f0e41a4aeb633d8945a3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:39.919000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:39.919000', 'bytes': 1817488384, 'norm_byte': 44357632, 'ops': 1774891, 'norm_ops': 43318, 'norm_ltcy': 23.110515683073434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:39.919000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:39.919000",
+ "bytes": 1817488384,
+ "norm_byte": 44357632,
+ "ops": 1774891,
+ "norm_ops": 43318,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.110515683073434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50772f3e8a98937e8ed4566e09dd5748bd8f8c0ff017e27e73cb35655a0accd9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:40.920000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:40.920000', 'bytes': 1861864448, 'norm_byte': 44376064, 'ops': 1818227, 'norm_ops': 43336, 'norm_ltcy': 23.10072497641972, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:40.920000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:40.920000",
+ "bytes": 1861864448,
+ "norm_byte": 44376064,
+ "ops": 1818227,
+ "norm_ops": 43336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.10072497641972,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c575123fc3e6b15fa32128592b86394c1e1b015be8d2e4c6e009a91a950a99e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:41.921000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:41.921000', 'bytes': 1906603008, 'norm_byte': 44738560, 'ops': 1861917, 'norm_ops': 43690, 'norm_ltcy': 22.91367335023747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:41.921000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:41.921000",
+ "bytes": 1906603008,
+ "norm_byte": 44738560,
+ "ops": 1861917,
+ "norm_ops": 43690,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.91367335023747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9793f77bf7f207070cab753e831ef463b35a3b211d4758599654f7f3a3a42157",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:42.922000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:42.922000', 'bytes': 1951224832, 'norm_byte': 44621824, 'ops': 1905493, 'norm_ops': 43576, 'norm_ltcy': 22.97344456380806, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:42.922000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:42.922000",
+ "bytes": 1951224832,
+ "norm_byte": 44621824,
+ "ops": 1905493,
+ "norm_ops": 43576,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.97344456380806,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40ef0df288f75b05af4d90ea215506ae5620977905cf36fddcc38ddb48b99d75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:43.923000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:43.923000', 'bytes': 1995756544, 'norm_byte': 44531712, 'ops': 1948981, 'norm_ops': 43488, 'norm_ltcy': 23.019994156074667, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:43.923000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:43.923000",
+ "bytes": 1995756544,
+ "norm_byte": 44531712,
+ "ops": 1948981,
+ "norm_ops": 43488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.019994156074667,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6fd80d61afb782183ca00f9dea89a30f3257061572da1eb815b23ba4179b31b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:44.924000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:44.924000', 'bytes': 2040304640, 'norm_byte': 44548096, 'ops': 1992485, 'norm_ops': 43504, 'norm_ltcy': 23.010427875525814, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:44.924000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:44.924000",
+ "bytes": 2040304640,
+ "norm_byte": 44548096,
+ "ops": 1992485,
+ "norm_ops": 43504,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.010427875525814,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d132539c52f33dee77d67a5973e28b4b1162270dcba57aea3b1cbac3ca2fa95",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:45.925000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:45.925000', 'bytes': 2084684800, 'norm_byte': 44380160, 'ops': 2035825, 'norm_ops': 43340, 'norm_ltcy': 23.09909991311433, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:45.925000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:45.925000",
+ "bytes": 2084684800,
+ "norm_byte": 44380160,
+ "ops": 2035825,
+ "norm_ops": 43340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.09909991311433,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a338b4f42a8f71367ec4a6633cb3c480885d915ef679cb48f573515a3c5f8590",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:46.926000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:46.926000', 'bytes': 2131055616, 'norm_byte': 46370816, 'ops': 2081109, 'norm_ops': 45284, 'norm_ltcy': 22.107261386126996, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:46.926000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:46.926000",
+ "bytes": 2131055616,
+ "norm_byte": 46370816,
+ "ops": 2081109,
+ "norm_ops": 45284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.107261386126996,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b109d3dc2fa8dfb154c19fa6dbfa8a3b98cc606f5d2e8fdb635aa634526a5ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:47.928000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:47.928000', 'bytes': 2181479424, 'norm_byte': 50423808, 'ops': 2130351, 'norm_ops': 49242, 'norm_ltcy': 20.330004627972563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:47.928000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:47.928000",
+ "bytes": 2181479424,
+ "norm_byte": 50423808,
+ "ops": 2130351,
+ "norm_ops": 49242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.330004627972563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9a06b0fa9c026a24403fa95e8b0fbbbaeefa375eb2fbe55c18440806818293d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:48.929000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:48.929000', 'bytes': 2231680000, 'norm_byte': 50200576, 'ops': 2179375, 'norm_ops': 49024, 'norm_ltcy': 20.42050274482906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:48.929000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:48.929000",
+ "bytes": 2231680000,
+ "norm_byte": 50200576,
+ "ops": 2179375,
+ "norm_ops": 49024,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.42050274482906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37ec282058003a98f380c8300d7a536c60ae84603c94074a505dc0d3b81947bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:49.930000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:49.930000', 'bytes': 2281018368, 'norm_byte': 49338368, 'ops': 2227557, 'norm_ops': 48182, 'norm_ltcy': 20.777465724038542, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:49.930000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:49.930000",
+ "bytes": 2281018368,
+ "norm_byte": 49338368,
+ "ops": 2227557,
+ "norm_ops": 48182,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.777465724038542,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "056d1613b8762939bab0c413861d969f586e19aae5b95122f4d879e13b6c0cf9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:50.931000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:50.931000', 'bytes': 2330278912, 'norm_byte': 49260544, 'ops': 2275663, 'norm_ops': 48106, 'norm_ltcy': 20.810224913472332, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:50.931000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:50.931000",
+ "bytes": 2330278912,
+ "norm_byte": 49260544,
+ "ops": 2275663,
+ "norm_ops": 48106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.810224913472332,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "442561a64e5257872b6c5992581eb2d9f7e2f50f02e917facc8fa029e1b2e266",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:51.932000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:51.932000', 'bytes': 2380405760, 'norm_byte': 50126848, 'ops': 2324615, 'norm_ops': 48952, 'norm_ltcy': 20.45053780361374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:51.932000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:51.932000",
+ "bytes": 2380405760,
+ "norm_byte": 50126848,
+ "ops": 2324615,
+ "norm_ops": 48952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.45053780361374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "735e233063f503fa28940c342402c4a924193acfc535804833fea70fb874b339",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:52.933000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:52.933000', 'bytes': 2431237120, 'norm_byte': 50831360, 'ops': 2374255, 'norm_ops': 49640, 'norm_ltcy': 20.16711238888749, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:52.933000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:52.933000",
+ "bytes": 2431237120,
+ "norm_byte": 50831360,
+ "ops": 2374255,
+ "norm_ops": 49640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.16711238888749,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a72c362494bb506a331eadc01c3c9f516820c1b97d5ee9b744bbb292ba4526b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:53.934000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:53.934000', 'bytes': 2482082816, 'norm_byte': 50845696, 'ops': 2423909, 'norm_ops': 49654, 'norm_ltcy': 20.16144099984392, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:53.934000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:53.934000",
+ "bytes": 2482082816,
+ "norm_byte": 50845696,
+ "ops": 2423909,
+ "norm_ops": 49654,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.16144099984392,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0bd5791b310acddd6c06e917b038898f9095186e86896b63cd4464646b295d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:54.935000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:54.935000', 'bytes': 2530817024, 'norm_byte': 48734208, 'ops': 2471501, 'norm_ops': 47592, 'norm_ltcy': 21.035106387693837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:54.935000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:54.935000",
+ "bytes": 2530817024,
+ "norm_byte": 48734208,
+ "ops": 2471501,
+ "norm_ops": 47592,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.035106387693837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00db682d736340bb4ebcd30dd2124e04b74c6f653ebdc12d06949c5e8a4aa854",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:55.936000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:55.936000', 'bytes': 2580651008, 'norm_byte': 49833984, 'ops': 2520167, 'norm_ops': 48666, 'norm_ltcy': 20.570721377604485, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:55.936000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:55.936000",
+ "bytes": 2580651008,
+ "norm_byte": 49833984,
+ "ops": 2520167,
+ "norm_ops": 48666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.570721377604485,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0610a13ede783c4010f48ab7c7ba0e654c2a07f17cb742daa690910c4f93fa3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:56.937000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:56.937000', 'bytes': 2631912448, 'norm_byte': 51261440, 'ops': 2570227, 'norm_ops': 50060, 'norm_ltcy': 19.998487166962143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:56.937000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:56.937000",
+ "bytes": 2631912448,
+ "norm_byte": 51261440,
+ "ops": 2570227,
+ "norm_ops": 50060,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.998487166962143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d97427acae09e8ce4f3c7a07cf05d96a0b5f5d77e8afb25c5d9c519008dfb8ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:57.939000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:57.939000', 'bytes': 2683769856, 'norm_byte': 51857408, 'ops': 2620869, 'norm_ops': 50642, 'norm_ltcy': 19.767894106855476, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:57.939000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:57.939000",
+ "bytes": 2683769856,
+ "norm_byte": 51857408,
+ "ops": 2620869,
+ "norm_ops": 50642,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.767894106855476,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e8e5958e30fa07dfb4ad699743d97191b0bafcd76bf3c2c5d3d32eb3f36ee7ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:07:59.140000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:07:59.140000', 'bytes': 2733358080, 'norm_byte': 49588224, 'ops': 2669295, 'norm_ops': 48426, 'norm_ltcy': 24.806872494566452, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:07:59.140000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:07:59.140000",
+ "bytes": 2733358080,
+ "norm_byte": 49588224,
+ "ops": 2669295,
+ "norm_ops": 48426,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.806872494566452,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "32d17430-94af-5cad-8091-f2d1facbab8f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "72f8b1719c3af8bdaeef111a1ed520b5092c22e762958698ac5854371483c6da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 45555968.0
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 44488.25
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 23.204309960420787
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:07:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-047-220519210414/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-047-220519210414/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09f0918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-047-220519210414/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-047-220519210414/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-047-220519210414/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-047-220519210414/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-047-220519210414/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-047-220519210414/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2209bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-047-220519210414/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=35
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=45
+ vm.swappiness=35
+ net.core.busy_read=170
+ net.core.busy_poll=190
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-048-220519210615/220519210615-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-048-220519210615/220519210615-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..702a9e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-048-220519210615/220519210615-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:08:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994539367.2834 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994540368.3870 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994540368.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994541369.5078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62134272 nr_ops:60678\ntimestamp_ms:1652994542370.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:123128832 nr_ops:120243\ntimestamp_ms:1652994543371.7261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:185676800 nr_ops:181325\ntimestamp_ms:1652994544372.8147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249297920 nr_ops:243455\ntimestamp_ms:1652994545373.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311964672 nr_ops:304653\ntimestamp_ms:1652994546374.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375854080 nr_ops:367045\ntimestamp_ms:1652994547376.0283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439374848 nr_ops:429077\ntimestamp_ms:1652994548377.1218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:502739968 nr_ops:490957\ntimestamp_ms:1652994549378.2080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566723584 nr_ops:553441\ntimestamp_ms:1652994550379.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631417856 nr_ops:616619\ntimestamp_ms:1652994551380.2837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694987776 nr_ops:678699\ntimestamp_ms:1652994552380.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758406144 nr_ops:740631\ntimestamp_ms:1652994553381.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821564416 nr_ops:802309\ntimestamp_ms:1652994554382.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885480448 nr_ops:864727\ntimestamp_ms:1652994555384.0166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949126144 nr_ops:926881\ntimestamp_ms:1652994556385.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012462592 nr_ops:988733\ntimestamp_ms:1652994557386.1936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075127296 nr_ops:1049929\ntimestamp_ms:1652994558386.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138387968 nr_ops:1111707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994559387.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202030592 nr_ops:1173858\ntimestamp_ms:1652994560389.0073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265695744 nr_ops:1236031\ntimestamp_ms:1652994561390.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329214464 nr_ops:1298061\ntimestamp_ms:1652994562391.1562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392421888 nr_ops:1359787\ntimestamp_ms:1652994563392.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1457521664 nr_ops:1423361\ntimestamp_ms:1652994564392.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521529856 nr_ops:1485869\ntimestamp_ms:1652994565393.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582934016 nr_ops:1545834\ntimestamp_ms:1652994566395.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646456832 nr_ops:1607868\ntimestamp_ms:1652994567396.1094 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1709224960 nr_ops:1669165\ntimestamp_ms:1652994568397.1997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773644800 nr_ops:1732075\ntimestamp_ms:1652994569398.2917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837584384 nr_ops:1794516\ntimestamp_ms:1652994570399.3857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901433856 nr_ops:1856869\ntimestamp_ms:1652994571400.4963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963364352 nr_ops:1917348\ntimestamp_ms:1652994572401.5850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2025487360 nr_ops:1978015\ntimestamp_ms:1652994573402.6765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089937920 nr_ops:2040955\ntimestamp_ms:1652994574403.7668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153665536 nr_ops:2103189\ntimestamp_ms:1652994575404.8547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216428544 nr_ops:2164481\ntimestamp_ms:1652994576405.8425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2279319552 nr_ops:2225898\ntimestamp_ms:1652994577406.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341547008 nr_ops:2286667\ntimestamp_ms:1652994578408.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405532672 nr_ops:2349153\ntimestamp_ms:1652994579409.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469521408 nr_ops:2411642\ntimestamp_ms:1652994580410.2278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532873216 nr_ops:2473509\ntimestamp_ms:1652994581411.3127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2594392064 nr_ops:2533586\ntimestamp_ms:1652994582412.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2657084416 nr_ops:2594809\ntimestamp_ms:1652994583413.5967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2721199104 nr_ops:2657421\ntimestamp_ms:1652994584414.6924 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785092608 nr_ops:2719817\ntimestamp_ms:1652994585415.7852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849316864 nr_ops:2782536\ntimestamp_ms:1652994586416.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2912885760 nr_ops:2844615\ntimestamp_ms:1652994587417.9353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2976140288 nr_ops:2906387\ntimestamp_ms:1652994588418.8301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3040099328 nr_ops:2968847\ntimestamp_ms:1652994589419.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3103355904 nr_ops:3030621\ntimestamp_ms:1652994590420.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3166426112 nr_ops:3092213\ntimestamp_ms:1652994591421.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3229467648 nr_ops:3153777\ntimestamp_ms:1652994592422.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3293266944 nr_ops:3216081\ntimestamp_ms:1652994593424.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3357395968 nr_ops:3278707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994594425.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3421281280 nr_ops:3341095\ntimestamp_ms:1652994595425.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3484695552 nr_ops:3403023\ntimestamp_ms:1652994596426.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3548533760 nr_ops:3465365\ntimestamp_ms:1652994597428.0205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3611507712 nr_ops:3526863\ntimestamp_ms:1652994598429.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3675360256 nr_ops:3589219\ntimestamp_ms:1652994599430.1975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3739624448 nr_ops:3651977\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139688468801280\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.4504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3802483712 nr_ops:3713363\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.5427 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.5527 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600731.7834 name:Total nr_bytes:3802483712 nr_ops:3713364\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.6145 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7604967422 nr_ops:7426728\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.6157 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3802483712 nr_ops:3713366\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 278.67us 0.00ns 278.67us 278.67us \nTxn1 1856682 32.32us 0.00ns 3.83ms 26.74us \nTxn2 1 55.40us 0.00ns 55.40us 55.40us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 278.30us 0.00ns 278.30us 278.30us \nwrite 1856682 3.26us 0.00ns 74.22us 2.46us \nread 1856681 28.97us 0.00ns 3.83ms 6.69us \ndisconnect 1 54.62us 0.00ns 54.62us 54.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.58b/s \nnet1 29771 29771 259.60Mb/s 259.60Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.143 62.37s 3.54GB 487.77Mb/s 3713365 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.77Mb/s 3713366 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416913, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994539367.2834 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994540368.3870 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994540368.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994541369.5078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62134272 nr_ops:60678\ntimestamp_ms:1652994542370.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:123128832 nr_ops:120243\ntimestamp_ms:1652994543371.7261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:185676800 nr_ops:181325\ntimestamp_ms:1652994544372.8147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249297920 nr_ops:243455\ntimestamp_ms:1652994545373.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311964672 nr_ops:304653\ntimestamp_ms:1652994546374.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375854080 nr_ops:367045\ntimestamp_ms:1652994547376.0283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439374848 nr_ops:429077\ntimestamp_ms:1652994548377.1218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:502739968 nr_ops:490957\ntimestamp_ms:1652994549378.2080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566723584 nr_ops:553441\ntimestamp_ms:1652994550379.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631417856 nr_ops:616619\ntimestamp_ms:1652994551380.2837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694987776 nr_ops:678699\ntimestamp_ms:1652994552380.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758406144 nr_ops:740631\ntimestamp_ms:1652994553381.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821564416 nr_ops:802309\ntimestamp_ms:1652994554382.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885480448 nr_ops:864727\ntimestamp_ms:1652994555384.0166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949126144 nr_ops:926881\ntimestamp_ms:1652994556385.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012462592 nr_ops:988733\ntimestamp_ms:1652994557386.1936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075127296 nr_ops:1049929\ntimestamp_ms:1652994558386.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138387968 nr_ops:1111707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994559387.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202030592 nr_ops:1173858\ntimestamp_ms:1652994560389.0073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265695744 nr_ops:1236031\ntimestamp_ms:1652994561390.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329214464 nr_ops:1298061\ntimestamp_ms:1652994562391.1562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392421888 nr_ops:1359787\ntimestamp_ms:1652994563392.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1457521664 nr_ops:1423361\ntimestamp_ms:1652994564392.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521529856 nr_ops:1485869\ntimestamp_ms:1652994565393.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582934016 nr_ops:1545834\ntimestamp_ms:1652994566395.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646456832 nr_ops:1607868\ntimestamp_ms:1652994567396.1094 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1709224960 nr_ops:1669165\ntimestamp_ms:1652994568397.1997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773644800 nr_ops:1732075\ntimestamp_ms:1652994569398.2917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837584384 nr_ops:1794516\ntimestamp_ms:1652994570399.3857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901433856 nr_ops:1856869\ntimestamp_ms:1652994571400.4963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963364352 nr_ops:1917348\ntimestamp_ms:1652994572401.5850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2025487360 nr_ops:1978015\ntimestamp_ms:1652994573402.6765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089937920 nr_ops:2040955\ntimestamp_ms:1652994574403.7668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153665536 nr_ops:2103189\ntimestamp_ms:1652994575404.8547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216428544 nr_ops:2164481\ntimestamp_ms:1652994576405.8425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2279319552 nr_ops:2225898\ntimestamp_ms:1652994577406.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341547008 nr_ops:2286667\ntimestamp_ms:1652994578408.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405532672 nr_ops:2349153\ntimestamp_ms:1652994579409.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469521408 nr_ops:2411642\ntimestamp_ms:1652994580410.2278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532873216 nr_ops:2473509\ntimestamp_ms:1652994581411.3127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2594392064 nr_ops:2533586\ntimestamp_ms:1652994582412.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2657084416 nr_ops:2594809\ntimestamp_ms:1652994583413.5967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2721199104 nr_ops:2657421\ntimestamp_ms:1652994584414.6924 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785092608 nr_ops:2719817\ntimestamp_ms:1652994585415.7852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849316864 nr_ops:2782536\ntimestamp_ms:1652994586416.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2912885760 nr_ops:2844615\ntimestamp_ms:1652994587417.9353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2976140288 nr_ops:2906387\ntimestamp_ms:1652994588418.8301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3040099328 nr_ops:2968847\ntimestamp_ms:1652994589419.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3103355904 nr_ops:3030621\ntimestamp_ms:1652994590420.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3166426112 nr_ops:3092213\ntimestamp_ms:1652994591421.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3229467648 nr_ops:3153777\ntimestamp_ms:1652994592422.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3293266944 nr_ops:3216081\ntimestamp_ms:1652994593424.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3357395968 nr_ops:3278707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994594425.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3421281280 nr_ops:3341095\ntimestamp_ms:1652994595425.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3484695552 nr_ops:3403023\ntimestamp_ms:1652994596426.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3548533760 nr_ops:3465365\ntimestamp_ms:1652994597428.0205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3611507712 nr_ops:3526863\ntimestamp_ms:1652994598429.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3675360256 nr_ops:3589219\ntimestamp_ms:1652994599430.1975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3739624448 nr_ops:3651977\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139688468801280\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.4504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3802483712 nr_ops:3713363\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.5427 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.5527 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600731.7834 name:Total nr_bytes:3802483712 nr_ops:3713364\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.6145 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7604967422 nr_ops:7426728\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.6157 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3802483712 nr_ops:3713366\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 278.67us 0.00ns 278.67us 278.67us \nTxn1 1856682 32.32us 0.00ns 3.83ms 26.74us \nTxn2 1 55.40us 0.00ns 55.40us 55.40us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 278.30us 0.00ns 278.30us 278.30us \nwrite 1856682 3.26us 0.00ns 74.22us 2.46us \nread 1856681 28.97us 0.00ns 3.83ms 6.69us \ndisconnect 1 54.62us 0.00ns 54.62us 54.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.58b/s \nnet1 29771 29771 259.60Mb/s 259.60Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.143 62.37s 3.54GB 487.77Mb/s 3713365 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.77Mb/s 3713366 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416913, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994539367.2834 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994540368.3870 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994540368.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994541369.5078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62134272 nr_ops:60678\ntimestamp_ms:1652994542370.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:123128832 nr_ops:120243\ntimestamp_ms:1652994543371.7261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:185676800 nr_ops:181325\ntimestamp_ms:1652994544372.8147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249297920 nr_ops:243455\ntimestamp_ms:1652994545373.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311964672 nr_ops:304653\ntimestamp_ms:1652994546374.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375854080 nr_ops:367045\ntimestamp_ms:1652994547376.0283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439374848 nr_ops:429077\ntimestamp_ms:1652994548377.1218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:502739968 nr_ops:490957\ntimestamp_ms:1652994549378.2080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566723584 nr_ops:553441\ntimestamp_ms:1652994550379.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631417856 nr_ops:616619\ntimestamp_ms:1652994551380.2837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694987776 nr_ops:678699\ntimestamp_ms:1652994552380.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758406144 nr_ops:740631\ntimestamp_ms:1652994553381.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821564416 nr_ops:802309\ntimestamp_ms:1652994554382.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885480448 nr_ops:864727\ntimestamp_ms:1652994555384.0166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949126144 nr_ops:926881\ntimestamp_ms:1652994556385.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012462592 nr_ops:988733\ntimestamp_ms:1652994557386.1936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075127296 nr_ops:1049929\ntimestamp_ms:1652994558386.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138387968 nr_ops:1111707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994559387.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202030592 nr_ops:1173858\ntimestamp_ms:1652994560389.0073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265695744 nr_ops:1236031\ntimestamp_ms:1652994561390.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329214464 nr_ops:1298061\ntimestamp_ms:1652994562391.1562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392421888 nr_ops:1359787\ntimestamp_ms:1652994563392.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1457521664 nr_ops:1423361\ntimestamp_ms:1652994564392.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521529856 nr_ops:1485869\ntimestamp_ms:1652994565393.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582934016 nr_ops:1545834\ntimestamp_ms:1652994566395.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646456832 nr_ops:1607868\ntimestamp_ms:1652994567396.1094 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1709224960 nr_ops:1669165\ntimestamp_ms:1652994568397.1997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773644800 nr_ops:1732075\ntimestamp_ms:1652994569398.2917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837584384 nr_ops:1794516\ntimestamp_ms:1652994570399.3857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901433856 nr_ops:1856869\ntimestamp_ms:1652994571400.4963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963364352 nr_ops:1917348\ntimestamp_ms:1652994572401.5850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2025487360 nr_ops:1978015\ntimestamp_ms:1652994573402.6765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089937920 nr_ops:2040955\ntimestamp_ms:1652994574403.7668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153665536 nr_ops:2103189\ntimestamp_ms:1652994575404.8547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216428544 nr_ops:2164481\ntimestamp_ms:1652994576405.8425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2279319552 nr_ops:2225898\ntimestamp_ms:1652994577406.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341547008 nr_ops:2286667\ntimestamp_ms:1652994578408.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405532672 nr_ops:2349153\ntimestamp_ms:1652994579409.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469521408 nr_ops:2411642\ntimestamp_ms:1652994580410.2278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532873216 nr_ops:2473509\ntimestamp_ms:1652994581411.3127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2594392064 nr_ops:2533586\ntimestamp_ms:1652994582412.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2657084416 nr_ops:2594809\ntimestamp_ms:1652994583413.5967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2721199104 nr_ops:2657421\ntimestamp_ms:1652994584414.6924 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785092608 nr_ops:2719817\ntimestamp_ms:1652994585415.7852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849316864 nr_ops:2782536\ntimestamp_ms:1652994586416.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2912885760 nr_ops:2844615\ntimestamp_ms:1652994587417.9353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2976140288 nr_ops:2906387\ntimestamp_ms:1652994588418.8301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3040099328 nr_ops:2968847\ntimestamp_ms:1652994589419.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3103355904 nr_ops:3030621\ntimestamp_ms:1652994590420.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3166426112 nr_ops:3092213\ntimestamp_ms:1652994591421.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3229467648 nr_ops:3153777\ntimestamp_ms:1652994592422.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3293266944 nr_ops:3216081\ntimestamp_ms:1652994593424.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3357395968 nr_ops:3278707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994594425.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3421281280 nr_ops:3341095\ntimestamp_ms:1652994595425.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3484695552 nr_ops:3403023\ntimestamp_ms:1652994596426.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3548533760 nr_ops:3465365\ntimestamp_ms:1652994597428.0205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3611507712 nr_ops:3526863\ntimestamp_ms:1652994598429.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3675360256 nr_ops:3589219\ntimestamp_ms:1652994599430.1975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3739624448 nr_ops:3651977\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139688468801280\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.4504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3802483712 nr_ops:3713363\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.5427 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.5527 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600731.7834 name:Total nr_bytes:3802483712 nr_ops:3713364\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.6145 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7604967422 nr_ops:7426728\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994600631.6157 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3802483712 nr_ops:3713366\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 278.67us 0.00ns 278.67us 278.67us \nTxn1 1856682 32.32us 0.00ns 3.83ms 26.74us \nTxn2 1 55.40us 0.00ns 55.40us 55.40us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 278.30us 0.00ns 278.30us 278.30us \nwrite 1856682 3.26us 0.00ns 74.22us 2.46us \nread 1856681 28.97us 0.00ns 3.83ms 6.69us \ndisconnect 1 54.62us 0.00ns 54.62us 54.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.58b/s \nnet1 29771 29771 259.60Mb/s 259.60Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.143 62.37s 3.54GB 487.77Mb/s 3713365 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.77Mb/s 3713366 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416913, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994539367.2834 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994540368.3870 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994540368.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994541369.5078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62134272 nr_ops:60678
+timestamp_ms:1652994542370.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:123128832 nr_ops:120243
+timestamp_ms:1652994543371.7261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:185676800 nr_ops:181325
+timestamp_ms:1652994544372.8147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249297920 nr_ops:243455
+timestamp_ms:1652994545373.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311964672 nr_ops:304653
+timestamp_ms:1652994546374.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375854080 nr_ops:367045
+timestamp_ms:1652994547376.0283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439374848 nr_ops:429077
+timestamp_ms:1652994548377.1218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:502739968 nr_ops:490957
+timestamp_ms:1652994549378.2080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566723584 nr_ops:553441
+timestamp_ms:1652994550379.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631417856 nr_ops:616619
+timestamp_ms:1652994551380.2837 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694987776 nr_ops:678699
+timestamp_ms:1652994552380.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758406144 nr_ops:740631
+timestamp_ms:1652994553381.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821564416 nr_ops:802309
+timestamp_ms:1652994554382.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885480448 nr_ops:864727
+timestamp_ms:1652994555384.0166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949126144 nr_ops:926881
+timestamp_ms:1652994556385.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012462592 nr_ops:988733
+timestamp_ms:1652994557386.1936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075127296 nr_ops:1049929
+timestamp_ms:1652994558386.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138387968 nr_ops:1111707
+timestamp_ms:1652994559387.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202030592 nr_ops:1173858
+timestamp_ms:1652994560389.0073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265695744 nr_ops:1236031
+timestamp_ms:1652994561390.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329214464 nr_ops:1298061
+timestamp_ms:1652994562391.1562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392421888 nr_ops:1359787
+timestamp_ms:1652994563392.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1457521664 nr_ops:1423361
+timestamp_ms:1652994564392.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521529856 nr_ops:1485869
+timestamp_ms:1652994565393.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582934016 nr_ops:1545834
+timestamp_ms:1652994566395.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646456832 nr_ops:1607868
+timestamp_ms:1652994567396.1094 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1709224960 nr_ops:1669165
+timestamp_ms:1652994568397.1997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1773644800 nr_ops:1732075
+timestamp_ms:1652994569398.2917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837584384 nr_ops:1794516
+timestamp_ms:1652994570399.3857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901433856 nr_ops:1856869
+timestamp_ms:1652994571400.4963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963364352 nr_ops:1917348
+timestamp_ms:1652994572401.5850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2025487360 nr_ops:1978015
+timestamp_ms:1652994573402.6765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089937920 nr_ops:2040955
+timestamp_ms:1652994574403.7668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153665536 nr_ops:2103189
+timestamp_ms:1652994575404.8547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216428544 nr_ops:2164481
+timestamp_ms:1652994576405.8425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2279319552 nr_ops:2225898
+timestamp_ms:1652994577406.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341547008 nr_ops:2286667
+timestamp_ms:1652994578408.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405532672 nr_ops:2349153
+timestamp_ms:1652994579409.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469521408 nr_ops:2411642
+timestamp_ms:1652994580410.2278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532873216 nr_ops:2473509
+timestamp_ms:1652994581411.3127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2594392064 nr_ops:2533586
+timestamp_ms:1652994582412.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2657084416 nr_ops:2594809
+timestamp_ms:1652994583413.5967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2721199104 nr_ops:2657421
+timestamp_ms:1652994584414.6924 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785092608 nr_ops:2719817
+timestamp_ms:1652994585415.7852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849316864 nr_ops:2782536
+timestamp_ms:1652994586416.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2912885760 nr_ops:2844615
+timestamp_ms:1652994587417.9353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2976140288 nr_ops:2906387
+timestamp_ms:1652994588418.8301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3040099328 nr_ops:2968847
+timestamp_ms:1652994589419.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3103355904 nr_ops:3030621
+timestamp_ms:1652994590420.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3166426112 nr_ops:3092213
+timestamp_ms:1652994591421.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3229467648 nr_ops:3153777
+timestamp_ms:1652994592422.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3293266944 nr_ops:3216081
+timestamp_ms:1652994593424.0161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3357395968 nr_ops:3278707
+timestamp_ms:1652994594425.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3421281280 nr_ops:3341095
+timestamp_ms:1652994595425.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3484695552 nr_ops:3403023
+timestamp_ms:1652994596426.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3548533760 nr_ops:3465365
+timestamp_ms:1652994597428.0205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3611507712 nr_ops:3526863
+timestamp_ms:1652994598429.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3675360256 nr_ops:3589219
+timestamp_ms:1652994599430.1975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3739624448 nr_ops:3651977
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139688468801280
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652994600631.4504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3802483712 nr_ops:3713363
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994600631.5427 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994600631.5527 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994600731.7834 name:Total nr_bytes:3802483712 nr_ops:3713364
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994600631.6145 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7604967422 nr_ops:7426728
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994600631.6157 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3802483712 nr_ops:3713366
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 278.67us 0.00ns 278.67us 278.67us
+Txn1 1856682 32.32us 0.00ns 3.83ms 26.74us
+Txn2 1 55.40us 0.00ns 55.40us 55.40us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 278.30us 0.00ns 278.30us 278.30us
+write 1856682 3.26us 0.00ns 74.22us 2.46us
+read 1856681 28.97us 0.00ns 3.83ms 6.69us
+disconnect 1 54.62us 0.00ns 54.62us 54.62us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.58b/s
+net1 29771 29771 259.60Mb/s 259.60Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.143 62.37s 3.54GB 487.77Mb/s 3713365 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.54GB 487.77Mb/s 3713366 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:01.369000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:01.369000', 'bytes': 62134272, 'norm_byte': 62134272, 'ops': 60678, 'norm_ops': 60678, 'norm_ltcy': 16.498181551076996, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:01.369000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:01.369000",
+ "bytes": 62134272,
+ "norm_byte": 62134272,
+ "ops": 60678,
+ "norm_ops": 60678,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.498181551076996,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "89a5ab3fb207979060083b360fdf7c83007f3aea8be372686e8336765fe0c06f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:02.370000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:02.370000', 'bytes': 123128832, 'norm_byte': 60994560, 'ops': 120243, 'norm_ops': 59565, 'norm_ltcy': 16.80685539825191, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:02.370000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:02.370000",
+ "bytes": 123128832,
+ "norm_byte": 60994560,
+ "ops": 120243,
+ "norm_ops": 59565,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.80685539825191,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01dee7572b879d3c7de96f3d48f7babbd1b74522114ac589f1dd4c95646e6f4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:03.371000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:03.371000', 'bytes': 185676800, 'norm_byte': 62547968, 'ops': 181325, 'norm_ops': 61082, 'norm_ltcy': 16.389737073472954, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:03.371000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:03.371000",
+ "bytes": 185676800,
+ "norm_byte": 62547968,
+ "ops": 181325,
+ "norm_ops": 61082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.389737073472954,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7994b550910844b7606da560a09e41dd1b90b925ed547bc8ed747ce01a1ebadf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:04.372000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:04.372000', 'bytes': 249297920, 'norm_byte': 63621120, 'ops': 243455, 'norm_ops': 62130, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11280577896145, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:04.372000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:04.372000",
+ "bytes": 249297920,
+ "norm_byte": 63621120,
+ "ops": 243455,
+ "norm_ops": 62130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11280577896145,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85b43f9f7bc95a7ea60a5a89fc8c003735e43f9ad78d7c5b1eb9ff8a5dee6511",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:05.373000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:05.373000', 'bytes': 311964672, 'norm_byte': 62666752, 'ops': 304653, 'norm_ops': 61198, 'norm_ltcy': 16.357138630704842, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:05.373000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:05.373000",
+ "bytes": 311964672,
+ "norm_byte": 62666752,
+ "ops": 304653,
+ "norm_ops": 61198,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.357138630704842,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce947f4e192a3f150ccec71d9372695bb419c7ab71c486bc213169160f8c184d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:06.374000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:06.374000', 'bytes': 375854080, 'norm_byte': 63889408, 'ops': 367045, 'norm_ops': 62392, 'norm_ltcy': 16.045257454882034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:06.374000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:06.374000",
+ "bytes": 375854080,
+ "norm_byte": 63889408,
+ "ops": 367045,
+ "norm_ops": 62392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.045257454882034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c097675b58367b9f36c086ac9dab9d16de3797d0f6ee007e03d366ea0643fba5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:07.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:07.376000', 'bytes': 439374848, 'norm_byte': 63520768, 'ops': 429077, 'norm_ops': 62032, 'norm_ltcy': 16.138343919267474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:07.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:07.376000",
+ "bytes": 439374848,
+ "norm_byte": 63520768,
+ "ops": 429077,
+ "norm_ops": 62032,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.138343919267474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c957dd839feb536a8c4d09c23252d38d7560cd24c5434b19e5ad72a59ed83604",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:08.377000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:08.377000', 'bytes': 502739968, 'norm_byte': 63365120, 'ops': 490957, 'norm_ops': 61880, 'norm_ltcy': 16.1779816719356, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:08.377000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:08.377000",
+ "bytes": 502739968,
+ "norm_byte": 63365120,
+ "ops": 490957,
+ "norm_ops": 61880,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.1779816719356,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "401cd95604eb005a7ea2979eb1706dcdfa047cd5c9610e2ef2ec7b626259a105",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:09.378000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:09.378000', 'bytes': 566723584, 'norm_byte': 63983616, 'ops': 553441, 'norm_ops': 62484, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02148040523374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:09.378000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:09.378000",
+ "bytes": 566723584,
+ "norm_byte": 63983616,
+ "ops": 553441,
+ "norm_ops": 62484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02148040523374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "41db8388fb420bc8a16eac6ee95a744921c2f253862a4ece2fc1a5efd6dcf49c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:10.379000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:10.379000', 'bytes': 631417856, 'norm_byte': 64694272, 'ops': 616619, 'norm_ops': 63178, 'norm_ltcy': 15.84473351829355, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:10.379000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:10.379000",
+ "bytes": 631417856,
+ "norm_byte": 64694272,
+ "ops": 616619,
+ "norm_ops": 63178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.84473351829355,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a0078e53953a9505b05dddb4c9cc3888cc36c14f57139b882f5f4658c132e3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:11.380000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:11.380000', 'bytes': 694987776, 'norm_byte': 63569920, 'ops': 678699, 'norm_ops': 62080, 'norm_ltcy': 16.124953437097293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:11.380000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:11.380000",
+ "bytes": 694987776,
+ "norm_byte": 63569920,
+ "ops": 678699,
+ "norm_ops": 62080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.124953437097293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4582034e69ecbb77eacac00499f46b1a06d401f841e8d2a8e8a651f62c227b53",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:12.380000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:12.380000', 'bytes': 758406144, 'norm_byte': 63418368, 'ops': 740631, 'norm_ops': 61932, 'norm_ltcy': 16.155650678364978, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:12.380000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:12.380000",
+ "bytes": 758406144,
+ "norm_byte": 63418368,
+ "ops": 740631,
+ "norm_ops": 61932,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.155650678364978,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab6d932b2c532e03f7c2434bd9eed4767cdc450e698aeb155fda5fdc045eae18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:13.381000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:13.381000', 'bytes': 821564416, 'norm_byte': 63158272, 'ops': 802309, 'norm_ops': 61678, 'norm_ltcy': 16.229497222469924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:13.381000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:13.381000",
+ "bytes": 821564416,
+ "norm_byte": 63158272,
+ "ops": 802309,
+ "norm_ops": 61678,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.229497222469924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b57c41587b4fdaad4f5283ca8e43a9573bae7f3c74f1b94b34b300988fe74e9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:14.382000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:14.382000', 'bytes': 885480448, 'norm_byte': 63916032, 'ops': 864727, 'norm_ops': 62418, 'norm_ltcy': 16.038483897123026, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:14.382000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:14.382000",
+ "bytes": 885480448,
+ "norm_byte": 63916032,
+ "ops": 864727,
+ "norm_ops": 62418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.038483897123026,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5f76a0ce785db18a5ee1baca18512115a9dd0e725c503af8a86f57a77448fcf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:15.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:15.384000', 'bytes': 949126144, 'norm_byte': 63645696, 'ops': 926881, 'norm_ops': 62154, 'norm_ltcy': 16.106576161882177, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:15.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:15.384000",
+ "bytes": 949126144,
+ "norm_byte": 63645696,
+ "ops": 926881,
+ "norm_ops": 62154,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.106576161882177,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "685c91ca52172033e7ee60ef12021a16c9ec921db6d1a575d8aafbb02fdc47c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:16.385000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:16.385000', 'bytes': 1012462592, 'norm_byte': 63336448, 'ops': 988733, 'norm_ops': 61852, 'norm_ltcy': 16.185210607326763, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:16.385000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:16.385000",
+ "bytes": 1012462592,
+ "norm_byte": 63336448,
+ "ops": 988733,
+ "norm_ops": 61852,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.185210607326763,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6869f94471f1abf6a97112c1af8c5288c9ab3e3bd80b734a7006f60e88d60d56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:17.386000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:17.386000', 'bytes': 1075127296, 'norm_byte': 62664704, 'ops': 1049929, 'norm_ops': 61196, 'norm_ltcy': 16.35873840559432, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:17.386000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:17.386000",
+ "bytes": 1075127296,
+ "norm_byte": 62664704,
+ "ops": 1049929,
+ "norm_ops": 61196,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.35873840559432,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "495e32a4d1932b635f2fb6b29cd566a85729e302dc42a101695bb63a5015a172",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:18.386000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:18.386000', 'bytes': 1138387968, 'norm_byte': 63260672, 'ops': 1111707, 'norm_ops': 61778, 'norm_ltcy': 16.197326357835717, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:18.386000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:18.386000",
+ "bytes": 1138387968,
+ "norm_byte": 63260672,
+ "ops": 1111707,
+ "norm_ops": 61778,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.197326357835717,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "525b1b2f746767d3f3d238dd82dfc61174893da436bd93788e9bc8def01c818e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:19.387000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:19.387000', 'bytes': 1202030592, 'norm_byte': 63642624, 'ops': 1173858, 'norm_ops': 62151, 'norm_ltcy': 16.107369331597642, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:19.387000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:19.387000",
+ "bytes": 1202030592,
+ "norm_byte": 63642624,
+ "ops": 1173858,
+ "norm_ops": 62151,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.107369331597642,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba622094de20bd18b919f0737174484ff01fe9359fd34c03be135bd634820259",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:20.389000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:20.389000', 'bytes': 1265695744, 'norm_byte': 63665152, 'ops': 1236031, 'norm_ops': 62173, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10162259567055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:20.389000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:20.389000",
+ "bytes": 1265695744,
+ "norm_byte": 63665152,
+ "ops": 1236031,
+ "norm_ops": 62173,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10162259567055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa7a7ba2d0b5caedd5ae918318544cf5879a92b188a9804ecdd4d6319e82eec7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:21.390000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:21.390000', 'bytes': 1329214464, 'norm_byte': 63518720, 'ops': 1298061, 'norm_ops': 62030, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13881309321095, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:21.390000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:21.390000",
+ "bytes": 1329214464,
+ "norm_byte": 63518720,
+ "ops": 1298061,
+ "norm_ops": 62030,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13881309321095,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a416c7254c936fca9645c8c0722ec29159e07ff7d34f89f24050187b725c41b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:22.391000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:22.391000', 'bytes': 1392421888, 'norm_byte': 63207424, 'ops': 1359787, 'norm_ops': 61726, 'norm_ltcy': 16.217774513322993, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:22.391000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:22.391000",
+ "bytes": 1392421888,
+ "norm_byte": 63207424,
+ "ops": 1359787,
+ "norm_ops": 61726,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.217774513322993,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15109a37ba33bd555dbc286f9d0fc95ac5452842cbbfc30b05d24d2df7be339f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:23.392000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:23.392000', 'bytes': 1457521664, 'norm_byte': 65099776, 'ops': 1423361, 'norm_ops': 63574, 'norm_ltcy': 15.746002720500911, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:23.392000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:23.392000",
+ "bytes": 1457521664,
+ "norm_byte": 65099776,
+ "ops": 1423361,
+ "norm_ops": 63574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.746002720500911,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d64d12eb1b6f2a049c73b42b3f154102698626c821aba545b3097889a2649232",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:24.392000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:24.392000', 'bytes': 1521529856, 'norm_byte': 64008192, 'ops': 1485869, 'norm_ops': 62508, 'norm_ltcy': 16.00815798702766, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:24.392000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:24.392000",
+ "bytes": 1521529856,
+ "norm_byte": 64008192,
+ "ops": 1485869,
+ "norm_ops": 62508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.00815798702766,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b71de1089d5e4d376e63e726cfd39fbaef5160aec2259c920c3972f657a68747",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:25.393000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:25.393000', 'bytes': 1582934016, 'norm_byte': 61404160, 'ops': 1545834, 'norm_ops': 59965, 'norm_ltcy': 16.694638441434588, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:25.393000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:25.393000",
+ "bytes": 1582934016,
+ "norm_byte": 61404160,
+ "ops": 1545834,
+ "norm_ops": 59965,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.694638441434588,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91c1a50ec4ca4db742d833649e71a3ae98649add0d23f4ed8c72be6e6b261768",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:26.395000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:26.395000', 'bytes': 1646456832, 'norm_byte': 63522816, 'ops': 1607868, 'norm_ops': 62034, 'norm_ltcy': 16.137835419638826, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:26.395000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:26.395000",
+ "bytes": 1646456832,
+ "norm_byte": 63522816,
+ "ops": 1607868,
+ "norm_ops": 62034,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.137835419638826,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "23ab3faad79cb583d6b42451eb21614f36e350deea56389fc73d20268f08ed4c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:27.396000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:27.396000', 'bytes': 1709224960, 'norm_byte': 62768128, 'ops': 1669165, 'norm_ops': 61297, 'norm_ltcy': 16.33179979495326, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:27.396000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:27.396000",
+ "bytes": 1709224960,
+ "norm_byte": 62768128,
+ "ops": 1669165,
+ "norm_ops": 61297,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.33179979495326,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ab06d0a723b6dc138ffc65d875e2ca3f7d710b571f152e1b286b44fb90890e6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:28.397000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:28.397000', 'bytes': 1773644800, 'norm_byte': 64419840, 'ops': 1732075, 'norm_ops': 62910, 'norm_ltcy': 15.913055667322366, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:28.397000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:28.397000",
+ "bytes": 1773644800,
+ "norm_byte": 64419840,
+ "ops": 1732075,
+ "norm_ops": 62910,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.913055667322366,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7cef1c7f520afefdf03417019f79e9ec2ec98503db2f9ac9292c99135cf7ad1e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:29.398000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:29.398000', 'bytes': 1837584384, 'norm_byte': 63939584, 'ops': 1794516, 'norm_ops': 62441, 'norm_ltcy': 16.03260743767116, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:29.398000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:29.398000",
+ "bytes": 1837584384,
+ "norm_byte": 63939584,
+ "ops": 1794516,
+ "norm_ops": 62441,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.03260743767116,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0324f5da0ce8111f389aca021b1e9eed3d18d1d275e84346ead2b43252f82cec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:30.399000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:30.399000', 'bytes': 1901433856, 'norm_byte': 63849472, 'ops': 1856869, 'norm_ops': 62353, 'norm_ltcy': 16.05526589162711, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:30.399000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:30.399000",
+ "bytes": 1901433856,
+ "norm_byte": 63849472,
+ "ops": 1856869,
+ "norm_ops": 62353,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.05526589162711,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50574cc154f8bb36b6ab0f7bdaf099c285eb5df523935631aec8944068fd2734",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:31.400000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:31.400000', 'bytes': 1963364352, 'norm_byte': 61930496, 'ops': 1917348, 'norm_ops': 60479, 'norm_ltcy': 16.55302825283363, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:31.400000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:31.400000",
+ "bytes": 1963364352,
+ "norm_byte": 61930496,
+ "ops": 1917348,
+ "norm_ops": 60479,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.55302825283363,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f125bbed7867a04615a350afb29b7ce42176d40b9f40c0d49ef4f9f3ea47d281",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:32.401000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:32.401000', 'bytes': 2025487360, 'norm_byte': 62123008, 'ops': 1978015, 'norm_ops': 60667, 'norm_ltcy': 16.50137015258501, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:32.401000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:32.401000",
+ "bytes": 2025487360,
+ "norm_byte": 62123008,
+ "ops": 1978015,
+ "norm_ops": 60667,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.50137015258501,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d45fade6b00725b662e3bc7f77a781f55e5e93c1023c74fe8c3dcdf6007b12a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:33.402000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:33.402000', 'bytes': 2089937920, 'norm_byte': 64450560, 'ops': 2040955, 'norm_ops': 62940, 'norm_ltcy': 15.905490192792739, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:33.402000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:33.402000",
+ "bytes": 2089937920,
+ "norm_byte": 64450560,
+ "ops": 2040955,
+ "norm_ops": 62940,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.905490192792739,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "173954b7b5074fcdb665dee401195bb029cad00a075e144a259720976c00069d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:34.403000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:34.403000', 'bytes': 2153665536, 'norm_byte': 63727616, 'ops': 2103189, 'norm_ops': 62234, 'norm_ltcy': 16.085906932404313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:34.403000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:34.403000",
+ "bytes": 2153665536,
+ "norm_byte": 63727616,
+ "ops": 2103189,
+ "norm_ops": 62234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.085906932404313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9960e78a1cc7265785d6a9d0eaebaf41f18fa1f9cab75afe97e9e8281c2cc7f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:35.404000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:35.404000', 'bytes': 2216428544, 'norm_byte': 62763008, 'ops': 2164481, 'norm_ops': 61292, 'norm_ltcy': 16.33309225714612, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:35.404000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:35.404000",
+ "bytes": 2216428544,
+ "norm_byte": 62763008,
+ "ops": 2164481,
+ "norm_ops": 61292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.33309225714612,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0e767eb58c9ad3ec8598dc189a4c251cef9670d3c6a954a80c970233e3b7313",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:36.405000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:36.405000', 'bytes': 2279319552, 'norm_byte': 62891008, 'ops': 2225898, 'norm_ops': 61417, 'norm_ltcy': 16.298220247956593, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:36.405000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:36.405000",
+ "bytes": 2279319552,
+ "norm_byte": 62891008,
+ "ops": 2225898,
+ "norm_ops": 61417,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.298220247956593,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d6ee81c209afb7b3a09ca7b1e38042aaad7405f1311c61132ca68db44f8157a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:37.406000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:37.406000', 'bytes': 2341547008, 'norm_byte': 62227456, 'ops': 2286667, 'norm_ops': 60769, 'norm_ltcy': 16.47382949417055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:37.406000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:37.406000",
+ "bytes": 2341547008,
+ "norm_byte": 62227456,
+ "ops": 2286667,
+ "norm_ops": 60769,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.47382949417055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a1c73a7e5e351eb5e2c6131f00d232a086bf895620b924d1c11161b89c7b6a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:38.408000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:38.408000', 'bytes': 2405532672, 'norm_byte': 63985664, 'ops': 2349153, 'norm_ops': 62486, 'norm_ltcy': 16.021131702251303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:38.408000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:38.408000",
+ "bytes": 2405532672,
+ "norm_byte": 63985664,
+ "ops": 2349153,
+ "norm_ops": 62486,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.021131702251303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ee7201c4ddd6bd602508da96d54e60cace9048beb3d196b9d0328badb3934f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:39.409000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:39.409000', 'bytes': 2469521408, 'norm_byte': 63988736, 'ops': 2411642, 'norm_ops': 62489, 'norm_ltcy': 16.020264879118724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:39.409000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:39.409000",
+ "bytes": 2469521408,
+ "norm_byte": 63988736,
+ "ops": 2411642,
+ "norm_ops": 62489,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.020264879118724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f7f72a1c72ed2e41e2f5209e0183d71d90d5625213c7715ec467a4fa196fc7c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:40.410000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:40.410000', 'bytes': 2532873216, 'norm_byte': 63351808, 'ops': 2473509, 'norm_ops': 61867, 'norm_ltcy': 16.181491615835178, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:40.410000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:40.410000",
+ "bytes": 2532873216,
+ "norm_byte": 63351808,
+ "ops": 2473509,
+ "norm_ops": 61867,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.181491615835178,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cd5af902ab1df2377a458962dadc89d67378d8607dcbb8500f2a374acf524671",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:41.411000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:41.411000', 'bytes': 2594392064, 'norm_byte': 61518848, 'ops': 2533586, 'norm_ops': 60077, 'norm_ltcy': 16.663364697596418, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:41.411000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:41.411000",
+ "bytes": 2594392064,
+ "norm_byte": 61518848,
+ "ops": 2533586,
+ "norm_ops": 60077,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.663364697596418,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34e799d29f14182eff31096a21b4a6fa2f252f39aa35ad2f420d5e3164c35771",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:42.412000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:42.412000', 'bytes': 2657084416, 'norm_byte': 62692352, 'ops': 2594809, 'norm_ops': 61223, 'norm_ltcy': 16.351687523224523, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:42.412000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:42.412000",
+ "bytes": 2657084416,
+ "norm_byte": 62692352,
+ "ops": 2594809,
+ "norm_ops": 61223,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.351687523224523,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d062d8cfb3436a9f67459510532e2a841ee689aeb9cabc3cf5aa0a274ddf6258",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:43.413000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:43.413000', 'bytes': 2721199104, 'norm_byte': 64114688, 'ops': 2657421, 'norm_ops': 62612, 'norm_ltcy': 15.990298510069955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:43.413000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:43.413000",
+ "bytes": 2721199104,
+ "norm_byte": 64114688,
+ "ops": 2657421,
+ "norm_ops": 62612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.990298510069955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e762592686f234479d21af38325ed88995b49324f3f031fc18035e0dc93498e2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:44.414000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:44.414000', 'bytes': 2785092608, 'norm_byte': 63893504, 'ops': 2719817, 'norm_ops': 62396, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04422884680108, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:44.414000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:44.414000",
+ "bytes": 2785092608,
+ "norm_byte": 63893504,
+ "ops": 2719817,
+ "norm_ops": 62396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04422884680108,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9800e386c6e8f314858ca2f8e52818ee88403bed3b7e8afca8074926a0967e77",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:45.415000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:45.415000', 'bytes': 2849316864, 'norm_byte': 64224256, 'ops': 2782536, 'norm_ops': 62719, 'norm_ltcy': 15.96155508597873, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:45.415000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:45.415000",
+ "bytes": 2849316864,
+ "norm_byte": 64224256,
+ "ops": 2782536,
+ "norm_ops": 62719,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.96155508597873,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f796c8bb482291cc6d75d5bf3f821bbbf725565bc36fc69d1b46bfac0ae20c0f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:46.416000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:46.416000', 'bytes': 2912885760, 'norm_byte': 63568896, 'ops': 2844615, 'norm_ops': 62079, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12543735225479, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:46.416000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:46.416000",
+ "bytes": 2912885760,
+ "norm_byte": 63568896,
+ "ops": 2844615,
+ "norm_ops": 62079,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12543735225479,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6bd38c8abc6e48a9e980e468d21ac453254f2783c6ee4616150c5bf4610395e9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:47.417000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:47.417000', 'bytes': 2976140288, 'norm_byte': 63254528, 'ops': 2906387, 'norm_ops': 61772, 'norm_ltcy': 16.206357590716667, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:47.417000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:47.417000",
+ "bytes": 2976140288,
+ "norm_byte": 63254528,
+ "ops": 2906387,
+ "norm_ops": 61772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.206357590716667,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c18a2c677dc05d006d2db4f22380cb566e9ed6b538ec8021d72ad1ddc3ba38f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:48.418000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:48.418000', 'bytes': 3040099328, 'norm_byte': 63959040, 'ops': 2968847, 'norm_ops': 62460, 'norm_ltcy': 16.024572132414747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:48.418000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:48.418000",
+ "bytes": 3040099328,
+ "norm_byte": 63959040,
+ "ops": 2968847,
+ "norm_ops": 62460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.024572132414747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15be05faf24d286f7b7d4641eb673c7f1030b558645939663d578d2e72fb1293",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:49.419000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:49.419000', 'bytes': 3103355904, 'norm_byte': 63256576, 'ops': 3030621, 'norm_ops': 61774, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20575780137072, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:49.419000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:49.419000",
+ "bytes": 3103355904,
+ "norm_byte": 63256576,
+ "ops": 3030621,
+ "norm_ops": 61774,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20575780137072,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb91f0f23fe32804ad95f3c14e77000e4698dfc6237d3394029ba3fe8a70bd3d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:50.420000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:50.420000', 'bytes': 3166426112, 'norm_byte': 63070208, 'ops': 3092213, 'norm_ops': 61592, 'norm_ltcy': 16.25065197184699, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:50.420000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:50.420000",
+ "bytes": 3166426112,
+ "norm_byte": 63070208,
+ "ops": 3092213,
+ "norm_ops": 61592,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.25065197184699,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4787f9222ed6e86dbe3279de80c474c2d27631c0869cf2d718f68a8c83de3f8b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:51.421000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:51.421000', 'bytes': 3229467648, 'norm_byte': 63041536, 'ops': 3153777, 'norm_ops': 61564, 'norm_ltcy': 16.259478512706288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:51.421000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:51.421000",
+ "bytes": 3229467648,
+ "norm_byte": 63041536,
+ "ops": 3153777,
+ "norm_ops": 61564,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.259478512706288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95621828bfd7e361d8f7a1ebcb3f57ca894f32603a990648fe7a3895da87ac0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:52.422000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:52.422000', 'bytes': 3293266944, 'norm_byte': 63799296, 'ops': 3216081, 'norm_ops': 62304, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06783012151106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:52.422000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:52.422000",
+ "bytes": 3293266944,
+ "norm_byte": 63799296,
+ "ops": 3216081,
+ "norm_ops": 62304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06783012151106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e696ec54a0f187cd24cdc0da34ea47fe6f62a8707c6c1b23f1753a81fa588a29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:53.424000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:53.424000', 'bytes': 3357395968, 'norm_byte': 64129024, 'ops': 3278707, 'norm_ops': 62626, 'norm_ltcy': 15.985258094681123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:53.424000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:53.424000",
+ "bytes": 3357395968,
+ "norm_byte": 64129024,
+ "ops": 3278707,
+ "norm_ops": 62626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.985258094681123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cbc92d49605b3fde322856cc6458e35509f75c88cd4e2bfba93955718d1010e9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:54.425000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:54.425000', 'bytes': 3421281280, 'norm_byte': 63885312, 'ops': 3341095, 'norm_ops': 62388, 'norm_ltcy': 16.046192276559594, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:54.425000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:54.425000",
+ "bytes": 3421281280,
+ "norm_byte": 63885312,
+ "ops": 3341095,
+ "norm_ops": 62388,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.046192276559594,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b95a6c56f880d0cb51520ad777944ae89215a101e0acb7dda47b92b99d5a788c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:55.425000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:55.425000', 'bytes': 3484695552, 'norm_byte': 63414272, 'ops': 3403023, 'norm_ops': 61928, 'norm_ltcy': 16.159579975939803, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:55.425000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:55.425000",
+ "bytes": 3484695552,
+ "norm_byte": 63414272,
+ "ops": 3403023,
+ "norm_ops": 61928,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.159579975939803,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "63b685cb27c87985924995345067ea7bb43617a84572b5a5aacd7112d2e6657c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:56.426000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:56.426000', 'bytes': 3548533760, 'norm_byte': 63838208, 'ops': 3465365, 'norm_ops': 62342, 'norm_ltcy': 16.05806353461551, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:56.426000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:56.426000",
+ "bytes": 3548533760,
+ "norm_byte": 63838208,
+ "ops": 3465365,
+ "norm_ops": 62342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.05806353461551,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78cede7ac76edc2f4afd9355d63042c31096bc70a5a2bd959e9325bce3d162c9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:57.428000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:57.428000', 'bytes': 3611507712, 'norm_byte': 62973952, 'ops': 3526863, 'norm_ops': 61498, 'norm_ltcy': 16.278452716450126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:57.428000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:57.428000",
+ "bytes": 3611507712,
+ "norm_byte": 62973952,
+ "ops": 3526863,
+ "norm_ops": 61498,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.278452716450126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1682e2de812e02319d5805b9d75915fca23b8987a041019ce9e9c6cda78af4ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:58.429000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:58.429000', 'bytes': 3675360256, 'norm_byte': 63852544, 'ops': 3589219, 'norm_ops': 62356, 'norm_ltcy': 16.054407323222705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:58.429000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:58.429000",
+ "bytes": 3675360256,
+ "norm_byte": 63852544,
+ "ops": 3589219,
+ "norm_ops": 62356,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.054407323222705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "738586642761a87d1fc8fd35d4a65b7ea9444013fc39a9963cb739ecda33a52c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:09:59.430000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:09:59.430000', 'bytes': 3739624448, 'norm_byte': 64264192, 'ops': 3651977, 'norm_ops': 62758, 'norm_ltcy': 15.951565998060007, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:09:59.430000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:09:59.430000",
+ "bytes": 3739624448,
+ "norm_byte": 64264192,
+ "ops": 3651977,
+ "norm_ops": 62758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.951565998060007,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "71531c7f777bee8dcd9353435cb9dd265180031c8aa739836895a324ca40012f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:10:00.631000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:10:00.631000', 'bytes': 3802483712, 'norm_byte': 62859264, 'ops': 3713363, 'norm_ops': 61386, 'norm_ltcy': 19.56884191326198, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:10:00.631000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:10:00.631000",
+ "bytes": 3802483712,
+ "norm_byte": 62859264,
+ "ops": 3713363,
+ "norm_ops": 61386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.56884191326198,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "656f9902-b30f-51e1-a0e7-ec660fbbcf87",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "565a2a25916af9ad75deafe27e84fc9c24b939ced357120f014f94825c6a314a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63374728.53333333
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61889.38333333333
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.664928384788325
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:10:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-048-220519210615/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-048-220519210615/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4e15f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-048-220519210615/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-048-220519210615/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-048-220519210615/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-048-220519210615/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-048-220519210615/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-048-220519210615/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d37fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-048-220519210615/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=70
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-049-220519210817/220519210817-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-049-220519210817/220519210817-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adb020a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-049-220519210817/220519210817-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:10:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994661028.3989 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994662029.5139 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994662029.6062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994663030.6926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62628864 nr_ops:61161\ntimestamp_ms:1652994664031.8120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125705216 nr_ops:122759\ntimestamp_ms:1652994665032.9182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189428736 nr_ops:184989\ntimestamp_ms:1652994666034.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253465600 nr_ops:247525\ntimestamp_ms:1652994667035.1252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317336576 nr_ops:309899\ntimestamp_ms:1652994668036.2224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381751296 nr_ops:372804\ntimestamp_ms:1652994669037.3220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445595648 nr_ops:435152\ntimestamp_ms:1652994670038.4099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:510790656 nr_ops:498819\ntimestamp_ms:1652994671039.5063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574852096 nr_ops:561379\ntimestamp_ms:1652994672040.6006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638747648 nr_ops:623777\ntimestamp_ms:1652994673041.6936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702651392 nr_ops:686183\ntimestamp_ms:1652994674042.7961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766619648 nr_ops:748652\ntimestamp_ms:1652994675043.8928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830196736 nr_ops:810739\ntimestamp_ms:1652994676044.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893969408 nr_ops:873017\ntimestamp_ms:1652994677046.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:957845504 nr_ops:935396\ntimestamp_ms:1652994678047.1621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024158720 nr_ops:1000155\ntimestamp_ms:1652994679048.1970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1090290688 nr_ops:1064737\ntimestamp_ms:1652994680048.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154305024 nr_ops:1127251\ntimestamp_ms:1652994681049.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218225152 nr_ops:1189673\ntimestamp_ms:1652994682050.9712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281677312 nr_ops:1251638\ntimestamp_ms:1652994683052.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1346684928 nr_ops:1315122\ntimestamp_ms:1652994684053.1624 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408944128 nr_ops:1375922\ntimestamp_ms:1652994685054.2537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1472764928 nr_ops:1438247\ntimestamp_ms:1652994686055.3428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535985664 nr_ops:1499986\ntimestamp_ms:1652994687056.4331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599560704 nr_ops:1562071\ntimestamp_ms:1652994688057.5288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663591424 nr_ops:1624601\ntimestamp_ms:1652994689058.6179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728738304 nr_ops:1688221\ntimestamp_ms:1652994690059.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799324672 nr_ops:1757153\ntimestamp_ms:1652994691060.8181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1864360960 nr_ops:1820665\ntimestamp_ms:1652994692061.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1927975936 nr_ops:1882789\ntimestamp_ms:1652994693063.1008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1990493184 nr_ops:1943841\ntimestamp_ms:1652994694064.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2053491712 nr_ops:2005363\ntimestamp_ms:1652994695065.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117520384 nr_ops:2067891\ntimestamp_ms:1652994696066.4199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180977664 nr_ops:2129861\ntimestamp_ms:1652994697067.5271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2244541440 nr_ops:2191935\ntimestamp_ms:1652994698068.6201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2308299776 nr_ops:2254199\ntimestamp_ms:1652994699069.7339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2372389888 nr_ops:2316787\ntimestamp_ms:1652994700070.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435484672 nr_ops:2378403\ntimestamp_ms:1652994701071.9185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2497756160 nr_ops:2439215\ntimestamp_ms:1652994702073.0334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2560814080 nr_ops:2500795\ntimestamp_ms:1652994703074.1292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2623499264 nr_ops:2562011\ntimestamp_ms:1652994704075.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2687650816 nr_ops:2624659\ntimestamp_ms:1652994705076.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2751655936 nr_ops:2687164\ntimestamp_ms:1652994706077.3838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814985216 nr_ops:2749009\ntimestamp_ms:1652994707078.4392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2878538752 nr_ops:2811073\ntimestamp_ms:1652994708079.4775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2941289472 nr_ops:2872353\ntimestamp_ms:1652994709080.5696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3006676992 nr_ops:2936208\ntimestamp_ms:1652994710080.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3070737408 nr_ops:2998767\ntimestamp_ms:1652994711081.9819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3133949952 nr_ops:3060498\ntimestamp_ms:1652994712082.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3197264896 nr_ops:3122329\ntimestamp_ms:1652994713083.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3260088320 nr_ops:3183680\ntimestamp_ms:1652994714085.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3324695552 nr_ops:3246773\ntimestamp_ms:1652994715086.0674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3387798528 nr_ops:3308397\ntimestamp_ms:1652994716087.1614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3451354112 nr_ops:3370463\ntimestamp_ms:1652994717088.2585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3514162176 nr_ops:3431799\ntimestamp_ms:1652994718089.3574 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3577584640 nr_ops:3493735\ntimestamp_ms:1652994719090.4751 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3642187776 nr_ops:3556824\ntimestamp_ms:1652994720091.5747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3706009600 nr_ops:3619150\ntimestamp_ms:1652994721092.6868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3769390080 nr_ops:3681045\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139813039339264\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722293.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3831172096 nr_ops:3741379\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722293.9949 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722293.9978 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722394.1533 name:Total nr_bytes:3831172096 nr_ops:3741380\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722294.0811 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7662344190 nr_ops:7482760\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722294.0818 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3831172096 nr_ops:3741382\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 258.67us 0.00ns 258.67us 258.67us \nTxn1 1870690 32.06us 0.00ns 12.27ms 25.14us \nTxn2 1 32.12us 0.00ns 32.12us 32.12us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 258.29us 0.00ns 258.29us 258.29us \nwrite 1870690 3.19us 0.00ns 114.30us 2.38us \nread 1870689 28.80us 0.00ns 12.27ms 1.13us \ndisconnect 1 31.77us 0.00ns 31.77us 31.77us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \nnet1 29995 29995 261.55Mb/s 261.55Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.144 62.37s 3.57GB 491.43Mb/s 3741381 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.44Mb/s 3741382 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416728, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994661028.3989 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994662029.5139 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994662029.6062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994663030.6926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62628864 nr_ops:61161\ntimestamp_ms:1652994664031.8120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125705216 nr_ops:122759\ntimestamp_ms:1652994665032.9182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189428736 nr_ops:184989\ntimestamp_ms:1652994666034.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253465600 nr_ops:247525\ntimestamp_ms:1652994667035.1252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317336576 nr_ops:309899\ntimestamp_ms:1652994668036.2224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381751296 nr_ops:372804\ntimestamp_ms:1652994669037.3220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445595648 nr_ops:435152\ntimestamp_ms:1652994670038.4099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:510790656 nr_ops:498819\ntimestamp_ms:1652994671039.5063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574852096 nr_ops:561379\ntimestamp_ms:1652994672040.6006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638747648 nr_ops:623777\ntimestamp_ms:1652994673041.6936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702651392 nr_ops:686183\ntimestamp_ms:1652994674042.7961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766619648 nr_ops:748652\ntimestamp_ms:1652994675043.8928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830196736 nr_ops:810739\ntimestamp_ms:1652994676044.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893969408 nr_ops:873017\ntimestamp_ms:1652994677046.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:957845504 nr_ops:935396\ntimestamp_ms:1652994678047.1621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024158720 nr_ops:1000155\ntimestamp_ms:1652994679048.1970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1090290688 nr_ops:1064737\ntimestamp_ms:1652994680048.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154305024 nr_ops:1127251\ntimestamp_ms:1652994681049.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218225152 nr_ops:1189673\ntimestamp_ms:1652994682050.9712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281677312 nr_ops:1251638\ntimestamp_ms:1652994683052.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1346684928 nr_ops:1315122\ntimestamp_ms:1652994684053.1624 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408944128 nr_ops:1375922\ntimestamp_ms:1652994685054.2537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1472764928 nr_ops:1438247\ntimestamp_ms:1652994686055.3428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535985664 nr_ops:1499986\ntimestamp_ms:1652994687056.4331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599560704 nr_ops:1562071\ntimestamp_ms:1652994688057.5288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663591424 nr_ops:1624601\ntimestamp_ms:1652994689058.6179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728738304 nr_ops:1688221\ntimestamp_ms:1652994690059.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799324672 nr_ops:1757153\ntimestamp_ms:1652994691060.8181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1864360960 nr_ops:1820665\ntimestamp_ms:1652994692061.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1927975936 nr_ops:1882789\ntimestamp_ms:1652994693063.1008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1990493184 nr_ops:1943841\ntimestamp_ms:1652994694064.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2053491712 nr_ops:2005363\ntimestamp_ms:1652994695065.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117520384 nr_ops:2067891\ntimestamp_ms:1652994696066.4199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180977664 nr_ops:2129861\ntimestamp_ms:1652994697067.5271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2244541440 nr_ops:2191935\ntimestamp_ms:1652994698068.6201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2308299776 nr_ops:2254199\ntimestamp_ms:1652994699069.7339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2372389888 nr_ops:2316787\ntimestamp_ms:1652994700070.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435484672 nr_ops:2378403\ntimestamp_ms:1652994701071.9185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2497756160 nr_ops:2439215\ntimestamp_ms:1652994702073.0334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2560814080 nr_ops:2500795\ntimestamp_ms:1652994703074.1292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2623499264 nr_ops:2562011\ntimestamp_ms:1652994704075.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2687650816 nr_ops:2624659\ntimestamp_ms:1652994705076.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2751655936 nr_ops:2687164\ntimestamp_ms:1652994706077.3838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814985216 nr_ops:2749009\ntimestamp_ms:1652994707078.4392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2878538752 nr_ops:2811073\ntimestamp_ms:1652994708079.4775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2941289472 nr_ops:2872353\ntimestamp_ms:1652994709080.5696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3006676992 nr_ops:2936208\ntimestamp_ms:1652994710080.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3070737408 nr_ops:2998767\ntimestamp_ms:1652994711081.9819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3133949952 nr_ops:3060498\ntimestamp_ms:1652994712082.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3197264896 nr_ops:3122329\ntimestamp_ms:1652994713083.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3260088320 nr_ops:3183680\ntimestamp_ms:1652994714085.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3324695552 nr_ops:3246773\ntimestamp_ms:1652994715086.0674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3387798528 nr_ops:3308397\ntimestamp_ms:1652994716087.1614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3451354112 nr_ops:3370463\ntimestamp_ms:1652994717088.2585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3514162176 nr_ops:3431799\ntimestamp_ms:1652994718089.3574 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3577584640 nr_ops:3493735\ntimestamp_ms:1652994719090.4751 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3642187776 nr_ops:3556824\ntimestamp_ms:1652994720091.5747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3706009600 nr_ops:3619150\ntimestamp_ms:1652994721092.6868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3769390080 nr_ops:3681045\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139813039339264\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722293.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3831172096 nr_ops:3741379\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722293.9949 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722293.9978 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722394.1533 name:Total nr_bytes:3831172096 nr_ops:3741380\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722294.0811 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7662344190 nr_ops:7482760\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722294.0818 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3831172096 nr_ops:3741382\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 258.67us 0.00ns 258.67us 258.67us \nTxn1 1870690 32.06us 0.00ns 12.27ms 25.14us \nTxn2 1 32.12us 0.00ns 32.12us 32.12us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 258.29us 0.00ns 258.29us 258.29us \nwrite 1870690 3.19us 0.00ns 114.30us 2.38us \nread 1870689 28.80us 0.00ns 12.27ms 1.13us \ndisconnect 1 31.77us 0.00ns 31.77us 31.77us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \nnet1 29995 29995 261.55Mb/s 261.55Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.144 62.37s 3.57GB 491.43Mb/s 3741381 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.44Mb/s 3741382 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416728, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994661028.3989 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994662029.5139 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994662029.6062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994663030.6926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62628864 nr_ops:61161\ntimestamp_ms:1652994664031.8120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125705216 nr_ops:122759\ntimestamp_ms:1652994665032.9182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189428736 nr_ops:184989\ntimestamp_ms:1652994666034.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253465600 nr_ops:247525\ntimestamp_ms:1652994667035.1252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317336576 nr_ops:309899\ntimestamp_ms:1652994668036.2224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381751296 nr_ops:372804\ntimestamp_ms:1652994669037.3220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445595648 nr_ops:435152\ntimestamp_ms:1652994670038.4099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:510790656 nr_ops:498819\ntimestamp_ms:1652994671039.5063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574852096 nr_ops:561379\ntimestamp_ms:1652994672040.6006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638747648 nr_ops:623777\ntimestamp_ms:1652994673041.6936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702651392 nr_ops:686183\ntimestamp_ms:1652994674042.7961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766619648 nr_ops:748652\ntimestamp_ms:1652994675043.8928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830196736 nr_ops:810739\ntimestamp_ms:1652994676044.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893969408 nr_ops:873017\ntimestamp_ms:1652994677046.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:957845504 nr_ops:935396\ntimestamp_ms:1652994678047.1621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024158720 nr_ops:1000155\ntimestamp_ms:1652994679048.1970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1090290688 nr_ops:1064737\ntimestamp_ms:1652994680048.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154305024 nr_ops:1127251\ntimestamp_ms:1652994681049.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218225152 nr_ops:1189673\ntimestamp_ms:1652994682050.9712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281677312 nr_ops:1251638\ntimestamp_ms:1652994683052.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1346684928 nr_ops:1315122\ntimestamp_ms:1652994684053.1624 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408944128 nr_ops:1375922\ntimestamp_ms:1652994685054.2537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1472764928 nr_ops:1438247\ntimestamp_ms:1652994686055.3428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535985664 nr_ops:1499986\ntimestamp_ms:1652994687056.4331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599560704 nr_ops:1562071\ntimestamp_ms:1652994688057.5288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663591424 nr_ops:1624601\ntimestamp_ms:1652994689058.6179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728738304 nr_ops:1688221\ntimestamp_ms:1652994690059.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799324672 nr_ops:1757153\ntimestamp_ms:1652994691060.8181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1864360960 nr_ops:1820665\ntimestamp_ms:1652994692061.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1927975936 nr_ops:1882789\ntimestamp_ms:1652994693063.1008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1990493184 nr_ops:1943841\ntimestamp_ms:1652994694064.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2053491712 nr_ops:2005363\ntimestamp_ms:1652994695065.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117520384 nr_ops:2067891\ntimestamp_ms:1652994696066.4199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180977664 nr_ops:2129861\ntimestamp_ms:1652994697067.5271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2244541440 nr_ops:2191935\ntimestamp_ms:1652994698068.6201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2308299776 nr_ops:2254199\ntimestamp_ms:1652994699069.7339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2372389888 nr_ops:2316787\ntimestamp_ms:1652994700070.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435484672 nr_ops:2378403\ntimestamp_ms:1652994701071.9185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2497756160 nr_ops:2439215\ntimestamp_ms:1652994702073.0334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2560814080 nr_ops:2500795\ntimestamp_ms:1652994703074.1292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2623499264 nr_ops:2562011\ntimestamp_ms:1652994704075.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2687650816 nr_ops:2624659\ntimestamp_ms:1652994705076.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2751655936 nr_ops:2687164\ntimestamp_ms:1652994706077.3838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814985216 nr_ops:2749009\ntimestamp_ms:1652994707078.4392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2878538752 nr_ops:2811073\ntimestamp_ms:1652994708079.4775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2941289472 nr_ops:2872353\ntimestamp_ms:1652994709080.5696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3006676992 nr_ops:2936208\ntimestamp_ms:1652994710080.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3070737408 nr_ops:2998767\ntimestamp_ms:1652994711081.9819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3133949952 nr_ops:3060498\ntimestamp_ms:1652994712082.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3197264896 nr_ops:3122329\ntimestamp_ms:1652994713083.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3260088320 nr_ops:3183680\ntimestamp_ms:1652994714085.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3324695552 nr_ops:3246773\ntimestamp_ms:1652994715086.0674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3387798528 nr_ops:3308397\ntimestamp_ms:1652994716087.1614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3451354112 nr_ops:3370463\ntimestamp_ms:1652994717088.2585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3514162176 nr_ops:3431799\ntimestamp_ms:1652994718089.3574 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3577584640 nr_ops:3493735\ntimestamp_ms:1652994719090.4751 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3642187776 nr_ops:3556824\ntimestamp_ms:1652994720091.5747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3706009600 nr_ops:3619150\ntimestamp_ms:1652994721092.6868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3769390080 nr_ops:3681045\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139813039339264\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722293.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3831172096 nr_ops:3741379\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722293.9949 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722293.9978 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722394.1533 name:Total nr_bytes:3831172096 nr_ops:3741380\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722294.0811 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7662344190 nr_ops:7482760\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994722294.0818 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3831172096 nr_ops:3741382\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 258.67us 0.00ns 258.67us 258.67us \nTxn1 1870690 32.06us 0.00ns 12.27ms 25.14us \nTxn2 1 32.12us 0.00ns 32.12us 32.12us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 258.29us 0.00ns 258.29us 258.29us \nwrite 1870690 3.19us 0.00ns 114.30us 2.38us \nread 1870689 28.80us 0.00ns 12.27ms 1.13us \ndisconnect 1 31.77us 0.00ns 31.77us 31.77us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \nnet1 29995 29995 261.55Mb/s 261.55Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.144 62.37s 3.57GB 491.43Mb/s 3741381 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.44Mb/s 3741382 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416728, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994661028.3989 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994662029.5139 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994662029.6062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994663030.6926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62628864 nr_ops:61161
+timestamp_ms:1652994664031.8120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125705216 nr_ops:122759
+timestamp_ms:1652994665032.9182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189428736 nr_ops:184989
+timestamp_ms:1652994666034.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253465600 nr_ops:247525
+timestamp_ms:1652994667035.1252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317336576 nr_ops:309899
+timestamp_ms:1652994668036.2224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381751296 nr_ops:372804
+timestamp_ms:1652994669037.3220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445595648 nr_ops:435152
+timestamp_ms:1652994670038.4099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:510790656 nr_ops:498819
+timestamp_ms:1652994671039.5063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574852096 nr_ops:561379
+timestamp_ms:1652994672040.6006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638747648 nr_ops:623777
+timestamp_ms:1652994673041.6936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702651392 nr_ops:686183
+timestamp_ms:1652994674042.7961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766619648 nr_ops:748652
+timestamp_ms:1652994675043.8928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830196736 nr_ops:810739
+timestamp_ms:1652994676044.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893969408 nr_ops:873017
+timestamp_ms:1652994677046.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:957845504 nr_ops:935396
+timestamp_ms:1652994678047.1621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024158720 nr_ops:1000155
+timestamp_ms:1652994679048.1970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1090290688 nr_ops:1064737
+timestamp_ms:1652994680048.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154305024 nr_ops:1127251
+timestamp_ms:1652994681049.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218225152 nr_ops:1189673
+timestamp_ms:1652994682050.9712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281677312 nr_ops:1251638
+timestamp_ms:1652994683052.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1346684928 nr_ops:1315122
+timestamp_ms:1652994684053.1624 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408944128 nr_ops:1375922
+timestamp_ms:1652994685054.2537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1472764928 nr_ops:1438247
+timestamp_ms:1652994686055.3428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535985664 nr_ops:1499986
+timestamp_ms:1652994687056.4331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599560704 nr_ops:1562071
+timestamp_ms:1652994688057.5288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663591424 nr_ops:1624601
+timestamp_ms:1652994689058.6179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728738304 nr_ops:1688221
+timestamp_ms:1652994690059.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799324672 nr_ops:1757153
+timestamp_ms:1652994691060.8181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1864360960 nr_ops:1820665
+timestamp_ms:1652994692061.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1927975936 nr_ops:1882789
+timestamp_ms:1652994693063.1008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1990493184 nr_ops:1943841
+timestamp_ms:1652994694064.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2053491712 nr_ops:2005363
+timestamp_ms:1652994695065.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117520384 nr_ops:2067891
+timestamp_ms:1652994696066.4199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180977664 nr_ops:2129861
+timestamp_ms:1652994697067.5271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2244541440 nr_ops:2191935
+timestamp_ms:1652994698068.6201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2308299776 nr_ops:2254199
+timestamp_ms:1652994699069.7339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2372389888 nr_ops:2316787
+timestamp_ms:1652994700070.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435484672 nr_ops:2378403
+timestamp_ms:1652994701071.9185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2497756160 nr_ops:2439215
+timestamp_ms:1652994702073.0334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2560814080 nr_ops:2500795
+timestamp_ms:1652994703074.1292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2623499264 nr_ops:2562011
+timestamp_ms:1652994704075.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2687650816 nr_ops:2624659
+timestamp_ms:1652994705076.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2751655936 nr_ops:2687164
+timestamp_ms:1652994706077.3838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814985216 nr_ops:2749009
+timestamp_ms:1652994707078.4392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2878538752 nr_ops:2811073
+timestamp_ms:1652994708079.4775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2941289472 nr_ops:2872353
+timestamp_ms:1652994709080.5696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3006676992 nr_ops:2936208
+timestamp_ms:1652994710080.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3070737408 nr_ops:2998767
+timestamp_ms:1652994711081.9819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3133949952 nr_ops:3060498
+timestamp_ms:1652994712082.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3197264896 nr_ops:3122329
+timestamp_ms:1652994713083.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3260088320 nr_ops:3183680
+timestamp_ms:1652994714085.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3324695552 nr_ops:3246773
+timestamp_ms:1652994715086.0674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3387798528 nr_ops:3308397
+timestamp_ms:1652994716087.1614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3451354112 nr_ops:3370463
+timestamp_ms:1652994717088.2585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3514162176 nr_ops:3431799
+timestamp_ms:1652994718089.3574 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3577584640 nr_ops:3493735
+timestamp_ms:1652994719090.4751 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3642187776 nr_ops:3556824
+timestamp_ms:1652994720091.5747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3706009600 nr_ops:3619150
+timestamp_ms:1652994721092.6868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3769390080 nr_ops:3681045
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139813039339264
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652994722293.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3831172096 nr_ops:3741379
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994722293.9949 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994722293.9978 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994722394.1533 name:Total nr_bytes:3831172096 nr_ops:3741380
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994722294.0811 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7662344190 nr_ops:7482760
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994722294.0818 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3831172096 nr_ops:3741382
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 258.67us 0.00ns 258.67us 258.67us
+Txn1 1870690 32.06us 0.00ns 12.27ms 25.14us
+Txn2 1 32.12us 0.00ns 32.12us 32.12us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 258.29us 0.00ns 258.29us 258.29us
+write 1870690 3.19us 0.00ns 114.30us 2.38us
+read 1870689 28.80us 0.00ns 12.27ms 1.13us
+disconnect 1 31.77us 0.00ns 31.77us 31.77us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s
+net1 29995 29995 261.55Mb/s 261.55Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.144 62.37s 3.57GB 491.43Mb/s 3741381 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.57GB 491.44Mb/s 3741382 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:03.030000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:03.030000', 'bytes': 62628864, 'norm_byte': 62628864, 'ops': 61161, 'norm_ops': 61161, 'norm_ltcy': 16.36805195764049, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:03.030000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:03.030000",
+ "bytes": 62628864,
+ "norm_byte": 62628864,
+ "ops": 61161,
+ "norm_ops": 61161,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.36805195764049,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a08db8183f881bc900da7a05fb4954115c9ebcb273744ff25a8ca6441cbd65ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:04.031000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:04.031000', 'bytes': 125705216, 'norm_byte': 63076352, 'ops': 122759, 'norm_ops': 61598, 'norm_ltcy': 16.25246574183618, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:04.031000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:04.031000",
+ "bytes": 125705216,
+ "norm_byte": 63076352,
+ "ops": 122759,
+ "norm_ops": 61598,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.25246574183618,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd4f609d693938f1a3fbac230218a11bad6016a438993b71fc84c4bc3fd24a58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:05.032000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:05.032000', 'bytes': 189428736, 'norm_byte': 63723520, 'ops': 184989, 'norm_ops': 62230, 'norm_ltcy': 16.087195905059858, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:05.032000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:05.032000",
+ "bytes": 189428736,
+ "norm_byte": 63723520,
+ "ops": 184989,
+ "norm_ops": 62230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.087195905059858,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bce8f0e6452b2905a1f4a9ff03a3e03f2c4e968abcb43f0dcec673f5b09d4dba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:06.034000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:06.034000', 'bytes': 253465600, 'norm_byte': 64036864, 'ops': 247525, 'norm_ops': 62536, 'norm_ltcy': 16.008575935261288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:06.034000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:06.034000",
+ "bytes": 253465600,
+ "norm_byte": 64036864,
+ "ops": 247525,
+ "norm_ops": 62536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.008575935261288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6eb8d0d58cd9462d5ad51dcde4b6545ab319a703f7d2b667d11507d8321167ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:07.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:07.035000', 'bytes': 317336576, 'norm_byte': 63870976, 'ops': 309899, 'norm_ops': 62374, 'norm_ltcy': 16.049872167289255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:07.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:07.035000",
+ "bytes": 317336576,
+ "norm_byte": 63870976,
+ "ops": 309899,
+ "norm_ops": 62374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.049872167289255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a3de999a1b7c8c4c8d2394ce1561932a914c90a0f9d269ceba8281e27e58809",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:08.036000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:08.036000', 'bytes': 381751296, 'norm_byte': 64414720, 'ops': 372804, 'norm_ops': 62905, 'norm_ltcy': 15.914429186372308, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:08.036000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:08.036000",
+ "bytes": 381751296,
+ "norm_byte": 64414720,
+ "ops": 372804,
+ "norm_ops": 62905,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.914429186372308,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d772fc68c6e0415777d43583cb84336e7b87029f0ebcca49f028b7c0406bf4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:09.037000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:09.037000', 'bytes': 445595648, 'norm_byte': 63844352, 'ops': 435152, 'norm_ops': 62348, 'norm_ltcy': 16.056643507009046, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:09.037000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:09.037000",
+ "bytes": 445595648,
+ "norm_byte": 63844352,
+ "ops": 435152,
+ "norm_ops": 62348,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.056643507009046,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a4ae0c668c5652cb26ba7c9e5b90cb59be7207072a02ae7f33dcbb547ef0615",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:10.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:10.038000', 'bytes': 510790656, 'norm_byte': 65195008, 'ops': 498819, 'norm_ops': 63667, 'norm_ltcy': 15.723811246407086, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:10.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:10.038000",
+ "bytes": 510790656,
+ "norm_byte": 65195008,
+ "ops": 498819,
+ "norm_ops": 63667,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.723811246407086,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2861ccab8501df1508afa186ff0e8897dc4d864c7212ca1ab3741402139b8ae7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:11.039000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:11.039000', 'bytes': 574852096, 'norm_byte': 64061440, 'ops': 561379, 'norm_ops': 62560, 'norm_ltcy': 16.002180875109897, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:11.039000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:11.039000",
+ "bytes": 574852096,
+ "norm_byte": 64061440,
+ "ops": 561379,
+ "norm_ops": 62560,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.002180875109897,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3ebf587f6a653769cd954041f1f6b798d4fe9a7b11512380b1f98b5d60141b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:12.040000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:12.040000', 'bytes': 638747648, 'norm_byte': 63895552, 'ops': 623777, 'norm_ops': 62398, 'norm_ltcy': 16.043691116401966, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:12.040000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:12.040000",
+ "bytes": 638747648,
+ "norm_byte": 63895552,
+ "ops": 623777,
+ "norm_ops": 62398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.043691116401966,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf8fd073673033c26061c7769cafe2a33d7cc65ddf5076193c2c9abd1048830b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:13.041000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:13.041000', 'bytes': 702651392, 'norm_byte': 63903744, 'ops': 686183, 'norm_ops': 62406, 'norm_ltcy': 16.041614870014502, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:13.041000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:13.041000",
+ "bytes": 702651392,
+ "norm_byte": 63903744,
+ "ops": 686183,
+ "norm_ops": 62406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.041614870014502,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c28cca19995f912f320593f95cbca6f05316ab7bde19444458220ff3afb99d40",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:14.042000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:14.042000', 'bytes': 766619648, 'norm_byte': 63968256, 'ops': 748652, 'norm_ops': 62469, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02558931730138, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:14.042000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:14.042000",
+ "bytes": 766619648,
+ "norm_byte": 63968256,
+ "ops": 748652,
+ "norm_ops": 62469,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02558931730138,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5bbc310a71bf57e884746b206ae19c107a4687bbb2311e8fff302afe62d4fa8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:15.043000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:15.043000', 'bytes': 830196736, 'norm_byte': 63577088, 'ops': 810739, 'norm_ops': 62087, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12409489405995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:15.043000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:15.043000",
+ "bytes": 830196736,
+ "norm_byte": 63577088,
+ "ops": 810739,
+ "norm_ops": 62087,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12409489405995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d4136a395c651e7ab9508d54a338ab6c08a8ed94f1a3d9d97457c3ae283a13e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:16.044000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:16.044000', 'bytes': 893969408, 'norm_byte': 63772672, 'ops': 873017, 'norm_ops': 62278, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07447936319808, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:16.044000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:16.044000",
+ "bytes": 893969408,
+ "norm_byte": 63772672,
+ "ops": 873017,
+ "norm_ops": 62278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07447936319808,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f5da0fda770731ed4e5f5614e1f2facf75bb293e398dcbac839bd3e26eb6d4d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:17.046000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:17.046000', 'bytes': 957845504, 'norm_byte': 63876096, 'ops': 935396, 'norm_ops': 62379, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04857785923548, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:17.046000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:17.046000",
+ "bytes": 957845504,
+ "norm_byte": 63876096,
+ "ops": 935396,
+ "norm_ops": 62379,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04857785923548,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8461126b16bb96c88346d938ef6203645e1151da7c5bc89520a471b943b68fbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:18.047000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:18.047000', 'bytes': 1024158720, 'norm_byte': 66313216, 'ops': 1000155, 'norm_ops': 64759, 'norm_ltcy': 15.458679458405395, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:18.047000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:18.047000",
+ "bytes": 1024158720,
+ "norm_byte": 66313216,
+ "ops": 1000155,
+ "norm_ops": 64759,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.458679458405395,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8cdce951c89016d12d7086491613a8dae6602e3e79ed10aad2b85e1a3367c2af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:19.048000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:19.048000', 'bytes': 1090290688, 'norm_byte': 66131968, 'ops': 1064737, 'norm_ops': 64582, 'norm_ltcy': 15.500215417753786, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:19.048000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:19.048000",
+ "bytes": 1090290688,
+ "norm_byte": 66131968,
+ "ops": 1064737,
+ "norm_ops": 64582,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.500215417753786,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a3a26987f4cd802dd707f779e23f77e932972843407ab781a433f5ca0c3d5878",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:20.048000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:20.048000', 'bytes': 1154305024, 'norm_byte': 64014336, 'ops': 1127251, 'norm_ops': 62514, 'norm_ltcy': 16.00661373727285, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:20.048000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:20.048000",
+ "bytes": 1154305024,
+ "norm_byte": 64014336,
+ "ops": 1127251,
+ "norm_ops": 62514,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.00661373727285,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f6754c90d0343f60fc1e6265d31185e2437c15de9b9c418772320673b2d4bf9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:21.049000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:21.049000', 'bytes': 1218225152, 'norm_byte': 63920128, 'ops': 1189673, 'norm_ops': 62422, 'norm_ltcy': 16.03761259677077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:21.049000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:21.049000",
+ "bytes": 1218225152,
+ "norm_byte": 63920128,
+ "ops": 1189673,
+ "norm_ops": 62422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.03761259677077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b9bef1784e39b219bbf965bd882989b7dafe33b6697c8d6d4cc6a26def3ef97",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:22.050000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:22.050000', 'bytes': 1281677312, 'norm_byte': 63452160, 'ops': 1251638, 'norm_ops': 61965, 'norm_ltcy': 16.154875578703702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:22.050000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:22.050000",
+ "bytes": 1281677312,
+ "norm_byte": 63452160,
+ "ops": 1251638,
+ "norm_ops": 61965,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.154875578703702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be9add2d278e39551669e01562de63f2efab130027737851d87a382bf7eef4fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:23.052000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:23.052000', 'bytes': 1346684928, 'norm_byte': 65007616, 'ops': 1315122, 'norm_ops': 63484, 'norm_ltcy': 15.769136957737382, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:23.052000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:23.052000",
+ "bytes": 1346684928,
+ "norm_byte": 65007616,
+ "ops": 1315122,
+ "norm_ops": 63484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.769136957737382,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f83803fb02b1578c098600300f6743370054f35fbcbc7e93c3c5f45a89569232",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:24.053000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:24.053000', 'bytes': 1408944128, 'norm_byte': 62259200, 'ops': 1375922, 'norm_ops': 60800, 'norm_ltcy': 16.46551433362459, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:24.053000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:24.053000",
+ "bytes": 1408944128,
+ "norm_byte": 62259200,
+ "ops": 1375922,
+ "norm_ops": 60800,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.46551433362459,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "513231af0d8b61710cf08a1b9b82833d6e4dce26f376404a98d06b5fa731cc83",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:25.054000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:25.054000', 'bytes': 1472764928, 'norm_byte': 63820800, 'ops': 1438247, 'norm_ops': 62325, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06243575762134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:25.054000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:25.054000",
+ "bytes": 1472764928,
+ "norm_byte": 63820800,
+ "ops": 1438247,
+ "norm_ops": 62325,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06243575762134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1cbb5e5e6be88fc716070bb398f2916b9ee7e4c67f5c9be4937bd90952f23ce7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:26.055000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:26.055000', 'bytes': 1535985664, 'norm_byte': 63220736, 'ops': 1499986, 'norm_ops': 61739, 'norm_ltcy': 16.214857890929963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:26.055000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:26.055000",
+ "bytes": 1535985664,
+ "norm_byte": 63220736,
+ "ops": 1499986,
+ "norm_ops": 61739,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.214857890929963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1aa40acdd3e2dbe0434392a9c5390ce07ab318310843480035c434402662fa1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:27.056000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:27.056000', 'bytes': 1599560704, 'norm_byte': 63575040, 'ops': 1562071, 'norm_ops': 62085, 'norm_ltcy': 16.124512072662476, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:27.056000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:27.056000",
+ "bytes": 1599560704,
+ "norm_byte": 63575040,
+ "ops": 1562071,
+ "norm_ops": 62085,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.124512072662476,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "928643f639cd261438c22a29da2ba5859c99eb4c79edd6b2cf8fd03cf7f772f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:28.057000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:28.057000', 'bytes': 1663591424, 'norm_byte': 64030720, 'ops': 1624601, 'norm_ops': 62530, 'norm_ltcy': 16.00984652366864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:28.057000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:28.057000",
+ "bytes": 1663591424,
+ "norm_byte": 64030720,
+ "ops": 1624601,
+ "norm_ops": 62530,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.00984652366864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "048d2fbf77d7b363d3200a6440151c84ad68f0b5603e2363edddc16fd48e14b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:29.058000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:29.058000', 'bytes': 1728738304, 'norm_byte': 65146880, 'ops': 1688221, 'norm_ops': 63620, 'norm_ltcy': 15.735446578562167, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:29.058000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:29.058000",
+ "bytes": 1728738304,
+ "norm_byte": 65146880,
+ "ops": 1688221,
+ "norm_ops": 63620,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.735446578562167,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6abfb4d736677d0a48fe3ddac1646ace0cd4744ec61dc00720809ec5820ee5b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:30.059000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:30.059000', 'bytes': 1799324672, 'norm_byte': 70586368, 'ops': 1757153, 'norm_ops': 68932, 'norm_ltcy': 14.522967097556288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:30.059000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:30.059000",
+ "bytes": 1799324672,
+ "norm_byte": 70586368,
+ "ops": 1757153,
+ "norm_ops": 68932,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.522967097556288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "315cf6efc5f8c3d2207a37cc05d035d303d038964f384538e5fa838ef610720e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:31.060000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:31.060000', 'bytes': 1864360960, 'norm_byte': 65036288, 'ops': 1820665, 'norm_ops': 63512, 'norm_ltcy': 15.762423279754222, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:31.060000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:31.060000",
+ "bytes": 1864360960,
+ "norm_byte": 65036288,
+ "ops": 1820665,
+ "norm_ops": 63512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.762423279754222,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e09578b8e159f528064efd0007c2b62e02dd8909428503d3a821aada48aa8377",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:32.061000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:32.061000', 'bytes': 1927975936, 'norm_byte': 63614976, 'ops': 1882789, 'norm_ops': 62124, 'norm_ltcy': 16.114711730772324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:32.061000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:32.061000",
+ "bytes": 1927975936,
+ "norm_byte": 63614976,
+ "ops": 1882789,
+ "norm_ops": 62124,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.114711730772324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4db91fe4e390cb0c24dd3a857f4de1a236d37e5e06c140133635d3352e0f122c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:33.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:33.063000', 'bytes': 1990493184, 'norm_byte': 62517248, 'ops': 1943841, 'norm_ops': 61052, 'norm_ltcy': 16.398682488391046, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:33.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:33.063000",
+ "bytes": 1990493184,
+ "norm_byte": 62517248,
+ "ops": 1943841,
+ "norm_ops": 61052,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.398682488391046,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a754aef96913d1ebd81d8f368f7c5a01de5a2ce06e0e64bacef35cdba14fdfc5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:34.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:34.064000', 'bytes': 2053491712, 'norm_byte': 62998528, 'ops': 2005363, 'norm_ops': 61522, 'norm_ltcy': 16.272503224202318, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:34.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:34.064000",
+ "bytes": 2053491712,
+ "norm_byte": 62998528,
+ "ops": 2005363,
+ "norm_ops": 61522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.272503224202318,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "216bc885c50f0b8612d809ff486c9cc894f67cda34f14a4f1e513b1209e9c319",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:35.065000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:35.065000', 'bytes': 2117520384, 'norm_byte': 64028672, 'ops': 2067891, 'norm_ops': 62528, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01043669935869, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:35.065000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:35.065000",
+ "bytes": 2117520384,
+ "norm_byte": 64028672,
+ "ops": 2067891,
+ "norm_ops": 62528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01043669935869,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e0607e2c11d11a4f97c4cc52c1a9b85b3af4f197abb34586419e42620ca91b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:36.066000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:36.066000', 'bytes': 2180977664, 'norm_byte': 63457280, 'ops': 2129861, 'norm_ops': 61970, 'norm_ltcy': 16.15461614490883, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:36.066000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:36.066000",
+ "bytes": 2180977664,
+ "norm_byte": 63457280,
+ "ops": 2129861,
+ "norm_ops": 61970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.15461614490883,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce66f904bf39058dac168c58c7dea32d3baca6dfcb45103661ec9437679df81b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:37.067000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:37.067000', 'bytes': 2244541440, 'norm_byte': 63563776, 'ops': 2191935, 'norm_ops': 62074, 'norm_ltcy': 16.127640843740938, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:37.067000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:37.067000",
+ "bytes": 2244541440,
+ "norm_byte": 63563776,
+ "ops": 2191935,
+ "norm_ops": 62074,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.127640843740938,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9496f60711fcabc3ac104c9ef13c337938575b3100004b8555cc0f0819ed6982",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:38.068000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:38.068000', 'bytes': 2308299776, 'norm_byte': 63758336, 'ops': 2254199, 'norm_ops': 62264, 'norm_ltcy': 16.078199562799128, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:38.068000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:38.068000",
+ "bytes": 2308299776,
+ "norm_byte": 63758336,
+ "ops": 2254199,
+ "norm_ops": 62264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.078199562799128,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8755f23654f372ab86bd0692a0b45eea15c77516245414511e14d307955f877f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:39.069000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:39.069000', 'bytes': 2372389888, 'norm_byte': 64090112, 'ops': 2316787, 'norm_ops': 62588, 'norm_ltcy': 15.995298931604303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:39.069000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:39.069000",
+ "bytes": 2372389888,
+ "norm_byte": 64090112,
+ "ops": 2316787,
+ "norm_ops": 62588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.995298931604303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d77dc777ef1240bae7825a8b60b012180bad51a48d5422a2644fa1f8f96df42",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:40.070000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:40.070000', 'bytes': 2435484672, 'norm_byte': 63094784, 'ops': 2378403, 'norm_ops': 61616, 'norm_ltcy': 16.247357309282492, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:40.070000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:40.070000",
+ "bytes": 2435484672,
+ "norm_byte": 63094784,
+ "ops": 2378403,
+ "norm_ops": 61616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.247357309282492,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e4c72f0d00f111770b88f88f00dd825b05bbf69972e3e71d7bc4bbf213cf8c36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:41.071000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:41.071000', 'bytes': 2497756160, 'norm_byte': 62271488, 'ops': 2439215, 'norm_ops': 60812, 'norm_ltcy': 16.46200424823637, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:41.071000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:41.071000",
+ "bytes": 2497756160,
+ "norm_byte": 62271488,
+ "ops": 2439215,
+ "norm_ops": 60812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.46200424823637,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03dcc04b549ae2590a0c341e0c3dbc09f63d067356f40218f8a4dadc9893e5ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:42.073000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:42.073000', 'bytes': 2560814080, 'norm_byte': 63057920, 'ops': 2500795, 'norm_ops': 61580, 'norm_ltcy': 16.257145018421163, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:42.073000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:42.073000",
+ "bytes": 2560814080,
+ "norm_byte": 63057920,
+ "ops": 2500795,
+ "norm_ops": 61580,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.257145018421163,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6eb9f38367ff280a9ba911f3c7f547e4dd073d675b3351ee01cf747920d42388",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:43.074000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:43.074000', 'bytes': 2623499264, 'norm_byte': 62685184, 'ops': 2562011, 'norm_ops': 61216, 'norm_ltcy': 16.353497502695372, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:43.074000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:43.074000",
+ "bytes": 2623499264,
+ "norm_byte": 62685184,
+ "ops": 2562011,
+ "norm_ops": 61216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.353497502695372,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "727c6ca676197dd7d19013ac2efc28da29ac06b294354aff23b4f8ae1b42c7ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:44.075000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:44.075000', 'bytes': 2687650816, 'norm_byte': 64151552, 'ops': 2624659, 'norm_ops': 62648, 'norm_ltcy': 15.979757590276224, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:44.075000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:44.075000",
+ "bytes": 2687650816,
+ "norm_byte": 64151552,
+ "ops": 2624659,
+ "norm_ops": 62648,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.979757590276224,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b6b12c5dc0bd1889f245ff4237ef1c73ef94a087a0e486108de3eb44c085c4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:45.076000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:45.076000', 'bytes': 2751655936, 'norm_byte': 64005120, 'ops': 2687164, 'norm_ops': 62505, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0155156337493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:45.076000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:45.076000",
+ "bytes": 2751655936,
+ "norm_byte": 64005120,
+ "ops": 2687164,
+ "norm_ops": 62505,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0155156337493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16d5a2fc0a0a71d93382c6eb2837272f2013127127ba5a1867aa3fb24944075c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:46.077000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:46.077000', 'bytes': 2814985216, 'norm_byte': 63329280, 'ops': 2749009, 'norm_ops': 61845, 'norm_ltcy': 16.187322830766433, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:46.077000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:46.077000",
+ "bytes": 2814985216,
+ "norm_byte": 63329280,
+ "ops": 2749009,
+ "norm_ops": 61845,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.187322830766433,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64b3cf56727ebc0c83b98610a46bd594ae2635965d09b0d6fbe1eaa625c83123",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:47.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:47.078000', 'bytes': 2878538752, 'norm_byte': 63553536, 'ops': 2811073, 'norm_ops': 62064, 'norm_ltcy': 16.129405451177416, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:47.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:47.078000",
+ "bytes": 2878538752,
+ "norm_byte": 63553536,
+ "ops": 2811073,
+ "norm_ops": 62064,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.129405451177416,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e966e39f8ee1f9a35a06223c92028b4267d77db34f783ce5d92745c6d42456c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:48.079000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:48.079000', 'bytes': 2941289472, 'norm_byte': 62750720, 'ops': 2872353, 'norm_ops': 61280, 'norm_ltcy': 16.335481887697863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:48.079000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:48.079000",
+ "bytes": 2941289472,
+ "norm_byte": 62750720,
+ "ops": 2872353,
+ "norm_ops": 61280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.335481887697863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d0671d64886489bc3a44e94036e93a2fe8fbb5809029dddc6d65c2e235d3ff5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:49.080000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:49.080000', 'bytes': 3006676992, 'norm_byte': 65387520, 'ops': 2936208, 'norm_ops': 63855, 'norm_ltcy': 15.677582664092474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:49.080000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:49.080000",
+ "bytes": 3006676992,
+ "norm_byte": 65387520,
+ "ops": 2936208,
+ "norm_ops": 63855,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.677582664092474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cfb963b62d090a053a169eebd21fcf22e19f19aabb711306508890c679b8ac5c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:50.080000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:50.080000', 'bytes': 3070737408, 'norm_byte': 64060416, 'ops': 2998767, 'norm_ops': 62559, 'norm_ltcy': 15.989132821116865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:50.080000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:50.080000",
+ "bytes": 3070737408,
+ "norm_byte": 64060416,
+ "ops": 2998767,
+ "norm_ops": 62559,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.989132821116865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b790f2427348db7192fc0b5ed1166dd2d08746c39acc6d116a35e2debdffe89",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:51.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:51.081000', 'bytes': 3133949952, 'norm_byte': 63212544, 'ops': 3060498, 'norm_ops': 61731, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21791633635248, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:51.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:51.081000",
+ "bytes": 3133949952,
+ "norm_byte": 63212544,
+ "ops": 3060498,
+ "norm_ops": 61731,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21791633635248,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ae289f559c942e11f4573414fa5d9635eac69aca4e191e2c6d45bc819dc8f73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:52.082000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:52.082000', 'bytes': 3197264896, 'norm_byte': 63314944, 'ops': 3122329, 'norm_ops': 61831, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18691315592098, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:52.082000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:52.082000",
+ "bytes": 3197264896,
+ "norm_byte": 63314944,
+ "ops": 3122329,
+ "norm_ops": 61831,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18691315592098,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7353dd762233d56503189848d26e830694e926136d229db465bc091246d2d12b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:53.083000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:53.083000', 'bytes': 3260088320, 'norm_byte': 62823424, 'ops': 3183680, 'norm_ops': 61351, 'norm_ltcy': 16.31746464503431, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:53.083000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:53.083000",
+ "bytes": 3260088320,
+ "norm_byte": 62823424,
+ "ops": 3183680,
+ "norm_ops": 61351,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.31746464503431,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd67e42a5578961e0b2e1c7ba6a25fb2b04e6e001590c036b782d6b943daf2a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:54.085000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:54.085000', 'bytes': 3324695552, 'norm_byte': 64607232, 'ops': 3246773, 'norm_ops': 63093, 'norm_ltcy': 15.867058814715975, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:54.085000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:54.085000",
+ "bytes": 3324695552,
+ "norm_byte": 64607232,
+ "ops": 3246773,
+ "norm_ops": 63093,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.867058814715975,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3dcfee28489121b825e91b8af16cba0b4e0c1c7b80e03bde10327656ce0039c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:55.086000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:55.086000', 'bytes': 3387798528, 'norm_byte': 63102976, 'ops': 3308397, 'norm_ops': 61624, 'norm_ltcy': 16.244309143201107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:55.086000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:55.086000",
+ "bytes": 3387798528,
+ "norm_byte": 63102976,
+ "ops": 3308397,
+ "norm_ops": 61624,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.244309143201107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5325623fae3c2cf3066e3d9ceffd30a2bb15bff4e22de5f8deae67c9c9862b9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:56.087000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:56.087000', 'bytes': 3451354112, 'norm_byte': 63555584, 'ops': 3370463, 'norm_ops': 62066, 'norm_ltcy': 16.129507204276496, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:56.087000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:56.087000",
+ "bytes": 3451354112,
+ "norm_byte": 63555584,
+ "ops": 3370463,
+ "norm_ops": 62066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.129507204276496,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11b434960dcac4b50d6d488c13b4c582753409453189ac2fc79cdc688425f1d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:57.088000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:57.088000', 'bytes': 3514162176, 'norm_byte': 62808064, 'ops': 3431799, 'norm_ops': 61336, 'norm_ltcy': 16.321526802672985, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:57.088000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:57.088000",
+ "bytes": 3514162176,
+ "norm_byte": 62808064,
+ "ops": 3431799,
+ "norm_ops": 61336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.321526802672985,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d1a05d8166da082d97794f26367024fac9869762f2f656145df0c361b262b52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:58.089000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:58.089000', 'bytes': 3577584640, 'norm_byte': 63422464, 'ops': 3493735, 'norm_ops': 61936, 'norm_ltcy': 16.163440922131315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:58.089000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:58.089000",
+ "bytes": 3577584640,
+ "norm_byte": 63422464,
+ "ops": 3493735,
+ "norm_ops": 61936,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.163440922131315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "12e5562b0316e4367f3465e81c8d653601fba79730da5a20c2bd308c682b3b70",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:11:59.090000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:11:59.090000', 'bytes': 3642187776, 'norm_byte': 64603136, 'ops': 3556824, 'norm_ops': 63089, 'norm_ltcy': 15.868339580295297, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:11:59.090000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:11:59.090000",
+ "bytes": 3642187776,
+ "norm_byte": 64603136,
+ "ops": 3556824,
+ "norm_ops": 63089,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.868339580295297,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af179d0c29fd2a89fab88780e63ab5408131fd91ea825313a4592c6052c83795",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:12:00.091000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:12:00.091000', 'bytes': 3706009600, 'norm_byte': 63821824, 'ops': 3619150, 'norm_ops': 62326, 'norm_ltcy': 16.062311224448866, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:12:00.091000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:12:00.091000",
+ "bytes": 3706009600,
+ "norm_byte": 63821824,
+ "ops": 3619150,
+ "norm_ops": 62326,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.062311224448866,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78f967c0ac8fa684d091ac0185c2882b08d574e63ef62735ca4fb88a79b08756",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:12:01.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:12:01.092000', 'bytes': 3769390080, 'norm_byte': 63380480, 'ops': 3681045, 'norm_ops': 61895, 'norm_ltcy': 16.174360781111158, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:12:01.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:12:01.092000",
+ "bytes": 3769390080,
+ "norm_byte": 63380480,
+ "ops": 3681045,
+ "norm_ops": 61895,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.174360781111158,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e12c0bd923be8bbd4d378b45073f2c9730436bbe88adac22f56942af3ccadce2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:12:02.293000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:12:02.293000', 'bytes': 3831172096, 'norm_byte': 61782016, 'ops': 3741379, 'norm_ops': 60334, 'norm_ltcy': 19.91036113162769, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:12:02.293000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:12:02.293000",
+ "bytes": 3831172096,
+ "norm_byte": 61782016,
+ "ops": 3741379,
+ "norm_ops": 60334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.91036113162769,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1e2f8580-eb8f-5270-9f60-6ac579482120",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45503de46a962f8326b9c8f78924c5315ab91a8826c1859e036aa47fc950f8c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63852868.266666666
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62356.316666666666
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.401848576383312
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:12:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-049-220519210817/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-049-220519210817/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8523ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-049-220519210817/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-049-220519210817/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-049-220519210817/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-049-220519210817/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-049-220519210817/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-049-220519210817/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dc76dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-049-220519210817/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=50
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-050-220519211018/220519211018-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-050-220519211018/220519211018-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1e1c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-050-220519211018/220519211018-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:13:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994782639.5234 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994783640.6394 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994783640.7292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994784641.7246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44622848 nr_ops:43577\ntimestamp_ms:1652994785642.8293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:89411584 nr_ops:87316\ntimestamp_ms:1652994786643.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133647360 nr_ops:130515\ntimestamp_ms:1652994787645.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177703936 nr_ops:173539\ntimestamp_ms:1652994788646.1074 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221654016 nr_ops:216459\ntimestamp_ms:1652994789647.1946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:265833472 nr_ops:259603\ntimestamp_ms:1652994790648.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:310263808 nr_ops:302992\ntimestamp_ms:1652994791649.3840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354491392 nr_ops:346183\ntimestamp_ms:1652994792650.4985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398702592 nr_ops:389358\ntimestamp_ms:1652994793651.5925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442954752 nr_ops:432573\ntimestamp_ms:1652994794652.6301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487285760 nr_ops:475865\ntimestamp_ms:1652994795653.7324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531831808 nr_ops:519367\ntimestamp_ms:1652994796654.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:576068608 nr_ops:562567\ntimestamp_ms:1652994797655.8789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:620555264 nr_ops:606011\ntimestamp_ms:1652994798656.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664822784 nr_ops:649241\ntimestamp_ms:1652994799658.0691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708977664 nr_ops:692361\ntimestamp_ms:1652994800659.1689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:753216512 nr_ops:735563\ntimestamp_ms:1652994801660.2651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:799646720 nr_ops:780905\ntimestamp_ms:1652994802661.3562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845958144 nr_ops:826131\ntimestamp_ms:1652994803662.4551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:892625920 nr_ops:871705\ntimestamp_ms:1652994804663.6362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936911872 nr_ops:914953\ntimestamp_ms:1652994805664.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981144576 nr_ops:958149\ntimestamp_ms:1652994806665.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025238016 nr_ops:1001209\ntimestamp_ms:1652994807666.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069378560 nr_ops:1044315\ntimestamp_ms:1652994808668.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1113492480 nr_ops:1087395\ntimestamp_ms:1652994809669.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1157755904 nr_ops:1130621\ntimestamp_ms:1652994810670.2239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201838080 nr_ops:1173670\ntimestamp_ms:1652994811671.3208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1245783040 nr_ops:1216585\ntimestamp_ms:1652994812672.4419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1290017792 nr_ops:1259783\ntimestamp_ms:1652994813673.5549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1334273024 nr_ops:1303001\ntimestamp_ms:1652994814674.6646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378591744 nr_ops:1346281\ntimestamp_ms:1652994815675.7559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1422597120 nr_ops:1389255\ntimestamp_ms:1652994816676.8481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1466741760 nr_ops:1432365\ntimestamp_ms:1652994817677.9390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1510614016 nr_ops:1475209\ntimestamp_ms:1652994818678.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555196928 nr_ops:1518747\ntimestamp_ms:1652994819679.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599599616 nr_ops:1562109\ntimestamp_ms:1652994820680.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1643955200 nr_ops:1605425\ntimestamp_ms:1652994821682.1570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688421376 nr_ops:1648849\ntimestamp_ms:1652994822682.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1732580352 nr_ops:1691973\ntimestamp_ms:1652994823683.9460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1776960512 nr_ops:1735313\ntimestamp_ms:1652994824684.9812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1821205504 nr_ops:1778521\ntimestamp_ms:1652994825686.0789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1865413632 nr_ops:1821693\ntimestamp_ms:1652994826687.1724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909507072 nr_ops:1864753\ntimestamp_ms:1652994827688.2649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1953788928 nr_ops:1907997\ntimestamp_ms:1652994828689.3647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1998076928 nr_ops:1951247\ntimestamp_ms:1652994829690.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042196992 nr_ops:1994333\ntimestamp_ms:1652994830691.5500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2090036224 nr_ops:2041051\ntimestamp_ms:1652994831692.5671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2138596352 nr_ops:2088473\ntimestamp_ms:1652994832692.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2182616064 nr_ops:2131461\ntimestamp_ms:1652994833693.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2226753536 nr_ops:2174564\ntimestamp_ms:1652994834694.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2270831616 nr_ops:2217609\ntimestamp_ms:1652994835695.9360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2315172864 nr_ops:2260911\ntimestamp_ms:1652994836697.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2359233536 nr_ops:2303939\ntimestamp_ms:1652994837698.0684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2403392512 nr_ops:2347063\ntimestamp_ms:1652994838699.1611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2447311872 nr_ops:2389953\ntimestamp_ms:1652994839700.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2491302912 nr_ops:2432913\ntimestamp_ms:1652994840701.3503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2535265280 nr_ops:2475845\ntimestamp_ms:1652994841702.4409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579360768 nr_ops:2518907\ntimestamp_ms:1652994842703.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2623523840 nr_ops:2562035\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139989798586112\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843904.8557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2667611136 nr_ops:2605089\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843904.9456 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843904.9502 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994844005.1619 name:Total nr_bytes:2667611136 nr_ops:2605090\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843905.0208 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5335222270 nr_ops:5210180\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843905.0215 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2667611136 nr_ops:2605092\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 283.05us 0.00ns 283.05us 283.05us \nTxn1 1302545 46.08us 0.00ns 3.83ms 18.37us \nTxn2 1 42.29us 0.00ns 42.29us 42.29us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 282.39us 0.00ns 282.39us 282.39us \nwrite 1302545 2.46us 0.00ns 91.11us 2.15us \nread 1302544 43.54us 0.00ns 3.82ms 1.06us \ndisconnect 1 41.61us 0.00ns 41.61us 41.61us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.96b/s \nnet1 20885 20885 182.12Mb/s 182.12Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.145 62.37s 2.48GB 342.18Mb/s 2605092 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.48GB 342.18Mb/s 2605092 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417315, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994782639.5234 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994783640.6394 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994783640.7292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994784641.7246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44622848 nr_ops:43577\ntimestamp_ms:1652994785642.8293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:89411584 nr_ops:87316\ntimestamp_ms:1652994786643.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133647360 nr_ops:130515\ntimestamp_ms:1652994787645.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177703936 nr_ops:173539\ntimestamp_ms:1652994788646.1074 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221654016 nr_ops:216459\ntimestamp_ms:1652994789647.1946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:265833472 nr_ops:259603\ntimestamp_ms:1652994790648.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:310263808 nr_ops:302992\ntimestamp_ms:1652994791649.3840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354491392 nr_ops:346183\ntimestamp_ms:1652994792650.4985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398702592 nr_ops:389358\ntimestamp_ms:1652994793651.5925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442954752 nr_ops:432573\ntimestamp_ms:1652994794652.6301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487285760 nr_ops:475865\ntimestamp_ms:1652994795653.7324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531831808 nr_ops:519367\ntimestamp_ms:1652994796654.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:576068608 nr_ops:562567\ntimestamp_ms:1652994797655.8789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:620555264 nr_ops:606011\ntimestamp_ms:1652994798656.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664822784 nr_ops:649241\ntimestamp_ms:1652994799658.0691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708977664 nr_ops:692361\ntimestamp_ms:1652994800659.1689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:753216512 nr_ops:735563\ntimestamp_ms:1652994801660.2651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:799646720 nr_ops:780905\ntimestamp_ms:1652994802661.3562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845958144 nr_ops:826131\ntimestamp_ms:1652994803662.4551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:892625920 nr_ops:871705\ntimestamp_ms:1652994804663.6362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936911872 nr_ops:914953\ntimestamp_ms:1652994805664.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981144576 nr_ops:958149\ntimestamp_ms:1652994806665.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025238016 nr_ops:1001209\ntimestamp_ms:1652994807666.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069378560 nr_ops:1044315\ntimestamp_ms:1652994808668.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1113492480 nr_ops:1087395\ntimestamp_ms:1652994809669.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1157755904 nr_ops:1130621\ntimestamp_ms:1652994810670.2239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201838080 nr_ops:1173670\ntimestamp_ms:1652994811671.3208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1245783040 nr_ops:1216585\ntimestamp_ms:1652994812672.4419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1290017792 nr_ops:1259783\ntimestamp_ms:1652994813673.5549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1334273024 nr_ops:1303001\ntimestamp_ms:1652994814674.6646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378591744 nr_ops:1346281\ntimestamp_ms:1652994815675.7559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1422597120 nr_ops:1389255\ntimestamp_ms:1652994816676.8481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1466741760 nr_ops:1432365\ntimestamp_ms:1652994817677.9390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1510614016 nr_ops:1475209\ntimestamp_ms:1652994818678.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555196928 nr_ops:1518747\ntimestamp_ms:1652994819679.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599599616 nr_ops:1562109\ntimestamp_ms:1652994820680.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1643955200 nr_ops:1605425\ntimestamp_ms:1652994821682.1570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688421376 nr_ops:1648849\ntimestamp_ms:1652994822682.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1732580352 nr_ops:1691973\ntimestamp_ms:1652994823683.9460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1776960512 nr_ops:1735313\ntimestamp_ms:1652994824684.9812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1821205504 nr_ops:1778521\ntimestamp_ms:1652994825686.0789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1865413632 nr_ops:1821693\ntimestamp_ms:1652994826687.1724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909507072 nr_ops:1864753\ntimestamp_ms:1652994827688.2649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1953788928 nr_ops:1907997\ntimestamp_ms:1652994828689.3647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1998076928 nr_ops:1951247\ntimestamp_ms:1652994829690.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042196992 nr_ops:1994333\ntimestamp_ms:1652994830691.5500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2090036224 nr_ops:2041051\ntimestamp_ms:1652994831692.5671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2138596352 nr_ops:2088473\ntimestamp_ms:1652994832692.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2182616064 nr_ops:2131461\ntimestamp_ms:1652994833693.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2226753536 nr_ops:2174564\ntimestamp_ms:1652994834694.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2270831616 nr_ops:2217609\ntimestamp_ms:1652994835695.9360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2315172864 nr_ops:2260911\ntimestamp_ms:1652994836697.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2359233536 nr_ops:2303939\ntimestamp_ms:1652994837698.0684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2403392512 nr_ops:2347063\ntimestamp_ms:1652994838699.1611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2447311872 nr_ops:2389953\ntimestamp_ms:1652994839700.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2491302912 nr_ops:2432913\ntimestamp_ms:1652994840701.3503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2535265280 nr_ops:2475845\ntimestamp_ms:1652994841702.4409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579360768 nr_ops:2518907\ntimestamp_ms:1652994842703.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2623523840 nr_ops:2562035\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139989798586112\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843904.8557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2667611136 nr_ops:2605089\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843904.9456 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843904.9502 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994844005.1619 name:Total nr_bytes:2667611136 nr_ops:2605090\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843905.0208 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5335222270 nr_ops:5210180\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843905.0215 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2667611136 nr_ops:2605092\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 283.05us 0.00ns 283.05us 283.05us \nTxn1 1302545 46.08us 0.00ns 3.83ms 18.37us \nTxn2 1 42.29us 0.00ns 42.29us 42.29us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 282.39us 0.00ns 282.39us 282.39us \nwrite 1302545 2.46us 0.00ns 91.11us 2.15us \nread 1302544 43.54us 0.00ns 3.82ms 1.06us \ndisconnect 1 41.61us 0.00ns 41.61us 41.61us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.96b/s \nnet1 20885 20885 182.12Mb/s 182.12Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.145 62.37s 2.48GB 342.18Mb/s 2605092 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.48GB 342.18Mb/s 2605092 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417315, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994782639.5234 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994783640.6394 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994783640.7292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994784641.7246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44622848 nr_ops:43577\ntimestamp_ms:1652994785642.8293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:89411584 nr_ops:87316\ntimestamp_ms:1652994786643.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133647360 nr_ops:130515\ntimestamp_ms:1652994787645.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177703936 nr_ops:173539\ntimestamp_ms:1652994788646.1074 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221654016 nr_ops:216459\ntimestamp_ms:1652994789647.1946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:265833472 nr_ops:259603\ntimestamp_ms:1652994790648.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:310263808 nr_ops:302992\ntimestamp_ms:1652994791649.3840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354491392 nr_ops:346183\ntimestamp_ms:1652994792650.4985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398702592 nr_ops:389358\ntimestamp_ms:1652994793651.5925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442954752 nr_ops:432573\ntimestamp_ms:1652994794652.6301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487285760 nr_ops:475865\ntimestamp_ms:1652994795653.7324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531831808 nr_ops:519367\ntimestamp_ms:1652994796654.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:576068608 nr_ops:562567\ntimestamp_ms:1652994797655.8789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:620555264 nr_ops:606011\ntimestamp_ms:1652994798656.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664822784 nr_ops:649241\ntimestamp_ms:1652994799658.0691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708977664 nr_ops:692361\ntimestamp_ms:1652994800659.1689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:753216512 nr_ops:735563\ntimestamp_ms:1652994801660.2651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:799646720 nr_ops:780905\ntimestamp_ms:1652994802661.3562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845958144 nr_ops:826131\ntimestamp_ms:1652994803662.4551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:892625920 nr_ops:871705\ntimestamp_ms:1652994804663.6362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936911872 nr_ops:914953\ntimestamp_ms:1652994805664.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981144576 nr_ops:958149\ntimestamp_ms:1652994806665.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025238016 nr_ops:1001209\ntimestamp_ms:1652994807666.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069378560 nr_ops:1044315\ntimestamp_ms:1652994808668.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1113492480 nr_ops:1087395\ntimestamp_ms:1652994809669.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1157755904 nr_ops:1130621\ntimestamp_ms:1652994810670.2239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201838080 nr_ops:1173670\ntimestamp_ms:1652994811671.3208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1245783040 nr_ops:1216585\ntimestamp_ms:1652994812672.4419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1290017792 nr_ops:1259783\ntimestamp_ms:1652994813673.5549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1334273024 nr_ops:1303001\ntimestamp_ms:1652994814674.6646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378591744 nr_ops:1346281\ntimestamp_ms:1652994815675.7559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1422597120 nr_ops:1389255\ntimestamp_ms:1652994816676.8481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1466741760 nr_ops:1432365\ntimestamp_ms:1652994817677.9390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1510614016 nr_ops:1475209\ntimestamp_ms:1652994818678.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555196928 nr_ops:1518747\ntimestamp_ms:1652994819679.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599599616 nr_ops:1562109\ntimestamp_ms:1652994820680.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1643955200 nr_ops:1605425\ntimestamp_ms:1652994821682.1570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688421376 nr_ops:1648849\ntimestamp_ms:1652994822682.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1732580352 nr_ops:1691973\ntimestamp_ms:1652994823683.9460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1776960512 nr_ops:1735313\ntimestamp_ms:1652994824684.9812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1821205504 nr_ops:1778521\ntimestamp_ms:1652994825686.0789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1865413632 nr_ops:1821693\ntimestamp_ms:1652994826687.1724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909507072 nr_ops:1864753\ntimestamp_ms:1652994827688.2649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1953788928 nr_ops:1907997\ntimestamp_ms:1652994828689.3647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1998076928 nr_ops:1951247\ntimestamp_ms:1652994829690.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042196992 nr_ops:1994333\ntimestamp_ms:1652994830691.5500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2090036224 nr_ops:2041051\ntimestamp_ms:1652994831692.5671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2138596352 nr_ops:2088473\ntimestamp_ms:1652994832692.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2182616064 nr_ops:2131461\ntimestamp_ms:1652994833693.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2226753536 nr_ops:2174564\ntimestamp_ms:1652994834694.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2270831616 nr_ops:2217609\ntimestamp_ms:1652994835695.9360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2315172864 nr_ops:2260911\ntimestamp_ms:1652994836697.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2359233536 nr_ops:2303939\ntimestamp_ms:1652994837698.0684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2403392512 nr_ops:2347063\ntimestamp_ms:1652994838699.1611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2447311872 nr_ops:2389953\ntimestamp_ms:1652994839700.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2491302912 nr_ops:2432913\ntimestamp_ms:1652994840701.3503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2535265280 nr_ops:2475845\ntimestamp_ms:1652994841702.4409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579360768 nr_ops:2518907\ntimestamp_ms:1652994842703.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2623523840 nr_ops:2562035\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139989798586112\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843904.8557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2667611136 nr_ops:2605089\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843904.9456 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843904.9502 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994844005.1619 name:Total nr_bytes:2667611136 nr_ops:2605090\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843905.0208 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5335222270 nr_ops:5210180\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994843905.0215 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2667611136 nr_ops:2605092\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 283.05us 0.00ns 283.05us 283.05us \nTxn1 1302545 46.08us 0.00ns 3.83ms 18.37us \nTxn2 1 42.29us 0.00ns 42.29us 42.29us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 282.39us 0.00ns 282.39us 282.39us \nwrite 1302545 2.46us 0.00ns 91.11us 2.15us \nread 1302544 43.54us 0.00ns 3.82ms 1.06us \ndisconnect 1 41.61us 0.00ns 41.61us 41.61us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.96b/s \nnet1 20885 20885 182.12Mb/s 182.12Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.145 62.37s 2.48GB 342.18Mb/s 2605092 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.48GB 342.18Mb/s 2605092 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417315, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994782639.5234 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994783640.6394 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994783640.7292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994784641.7246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44622848 nr_ops:43577
+timestamp_ms:1652994785642.8293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:89411584 nr_ops:87316
+timestamp_ms:1652994786643.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133647360 nr_ops:130515
+timestamp_ms:1652994787645.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177703936 nr_ops:173539
+timestamp_ms:1652994788646.1074 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221654016 nr_ops:216459
+timestamp_ms:1652994789647.1946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:265833472 nr_ops:259603
+timestamp_ms:1652994790648.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:310263808 nr_ops:302992
+timestamp_ms:1652994791649.3840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354491392 nr_ops:346183
+timestamp_ms:1652994792650.4985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398702592 nr_ops:389358
+timestamp_ms:1652994793651.5925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442954752 nr_ops:432573
+timestamp_ms:1652994794652.6301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487285760 nr_ops:475865
+timestamp_ms:1652994795653.7324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:531831808 nr_ops:519367
+timestamp_ms:1652994796654.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:576068608 nr_ops:562567
+timestamp_ms:1652994797655.8789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:620555264 nr_ops:606011
+timestamp_ms:1652994798656.9766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664822784 nr_ops:649241
+timestamp_ms:1652994799658.0691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708977664 nr_ops:692361
+timestamp_ms:1652994800659.1689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:753216512 nr_ops:735563
+timestamp_ms:1652994801660.2651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:799646720 nr_ops:780905
+timestamp_ms:1652994802661.3562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845958144 nr_ops:826131
+timestamp_ms:1652994803662.4551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:892625920 nr_ops:871705
+timestamp_ms:1652994804663.6362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936911872 nr_ops:914953
+timestamp_ms:1652994805664.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981144576 nr_ops:958149
+timestamp_ms:1652994806665.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025238016 nr_ops:1001209
+timestamp_ms:1652994807666.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069378560 nr_ops:1044315
+timestamp_ms:1652994808668.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1113492480 nr_ops:1087395
+timestamp_ms:1652994809669.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1157755904 nr_ops:1130621
+timestamp_ms:1652994810670.2239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201838080 nr_ops:1173670
+timestamp_ms:1652994811671.3208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1245783040 nr_ops:1216585
+timestamp_ms:1652994812672.4419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1290017792 nr_ops:1259783
+timestamp_ms:1652994813673.5549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1334273024 nr_ops:1303001
+timestamp_ms:1652994814674.6646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378591744 nr_ops:1346281
+timestamp_ms:1652994815675.7559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1422597120 nr_ops:1389255
+timestamp_ms:1652994816676.8481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1466741760 nr_ops:1432365
+timestamp_ms:1652994817677.9390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1510614016 nr_ops:1475209
+timestamp_ms:1652994818678.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555196928 nr_ops:1518747
+timestamp_ms:1652994819679.9458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599599616 nr_ops:1562109
+timestamp_ms:1652994820680.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1643955200 nr_ops:1605425
+timestamp_ms:1652994821682.1570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688421376 nr_ops:1648849
+timestamp_ms:1652994822682.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1732580352 nr_ops:1691973
+timestamp_ms:1652994823683.9460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1776960512 nr_ops:1735313
+timestamp_ms:1652994824684.9812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1821205504 nr_ops:1778521
+timestamp_ms:1652994825686.0789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1865413632 nr_ops:1821693
+timestamp_ms:1652994826687.1724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909507072 nr_ops:1864753
+timestamp_ms:1652994827688.2649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1953788928 nr_ops:1907997
+timestamp_ms:1652994828689.3647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1998076928 nr_ops:1951247
+timestamp_ms:1652994829690.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042196992 nr_ops:1994333
+timestamp_ms:1652994830691.5500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2090036224 nr_ops:2041051
+timestamp_ms:1652994831692.5671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2138596352 nr_ops:2088473
+timestamp_ms:1652994832692.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2182616064 nr_ops:2131461
+timestamp_ms:1652994833693.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2226753536 nr_ops:2174564
+timestamp_ms:1652994834694.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2270831616 nr_ops:2217609
+timestamp_ms:1652994835695.9360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2315172864 nr_ops:2260911
+timestamp_ms:1652994836697.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2359233536 nr_ops:2303939
+timestamp_ms:1652994837698.0684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2403392512 nr_ops:2347063
+timestamp_ms:1652994838699.1611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2447311872 nr_ops:2389953
+timestamp_ms:1652994839700.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2491302912 nr_ops:2432913
+timestamp_ms:1652994840701.3503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2535265280 nr_ops:2475845
+timestamp_ms:1652994841702.4409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579360768 nr_ops:2518907
+timestamp_ms:1652994842703.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2623523840 nr_ops:2562035
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139989798586112
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652994843904.8557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2667611136 nr_ops:2605089
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994843904.9456 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994843904.9502 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994844005.1619 name:Total nr_bytes:2667611136 nr_ops:2605090
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994843905.0208 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5335222270 nr_ops:5210180
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994843905.0215 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2667611136 nr_ops:2605092
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 283.05us 0.00ns 283.05us 283.05us
+Txn1 1302545 46.08us 0.00ns 3.83ms 18.37us
+Txn2 1 42.29us 0.00ns 42.29us 42.29us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 282.39us 0.00ns 282.39us 282.39us
+write 1302545 2.46us 0.00ns 91.11us 2.15us
+read 1302544 43.54us 0.00ns 3.82ms 1.06us
+disconnect 1 41.61us 0.00ns 41.61us 41.61us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.96b/s
+net1 20885 20885 182.12Mb/s 182.12Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.145 62.37s 2.48GB 342.18Mb/s 2605092 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.48GB 342.18Mb/s 2605092 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:04.641000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:04.641000', 'bytes': 44622848, 'norm_byte': 44622848, 'ops': 43577, 'norm_ops': 43577, 'norm_ltcy': 22.97072679000677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:04.641000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:04.641000",
+ "bytes": 44622848,
+ "norm_byte": 44622848,
+ "ops": 43577,
+ "norm_ops": 43577,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.97072679000677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50a0e728a6e3726c8785371faac7212577e46df7208d11dc531b096149e1c119",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:05.642000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:05.642000', 'bytes': 89411584, 'norm_byte': 44788736, 'ops': 87316, 'norm_ops': 43739, 'norm_ltcy': 22.888148707746517, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:05.642000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:05.642000",
+ "bytes": 89411584,
+ "norm_byte": 44788736,
+ "ops": 87316,
+ "norm_ops": 43739,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.888148707746517,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "63dc49f2eeee74d83575746a0d1b63fe838f31380d13a5459d6d6b93f475c3cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:06.643000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:06.643000', 'bytes': 133647360, 'norm_byte': 44235776, 'ops': 130515, 'norm_ops': 43199, 'norm_ltcy': 23.17403677964189, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:06.643000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:06.643000",
+ "bytes": 133647360,
+ "norm_byte": 44235776,
+ "ops": 130515,
+ "norm_ops": 43199,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.17403677964189,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a39eec9a5478abad4b210feb3086b122259fb46fe4926b3e4fc2d97b451567eb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:07.645000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:07.645000', 'bytes': 177703936, 'norm_byte': 44056576, 'ops': 173539, 'norm_ops': 43024, 'norm_ltcy': 23.268177944650077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:07.645000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:07.645000",
+ "bytes": 177703936,
+ "norm_byte": 44056576,
+ "ops": 173539,
+ "norm_ops": 43024,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.268177944650077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3864c84f432c4bd6b230a85d6f307673b063a55751bf4cfa49d00d97f2c9311f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:08.646000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:08.646000', 'bytes': 221654016, 'norm_byte': 43950080, 'ops': 216459, 'norm_ops': 42920, 'norm_ltcy': 23.324621934704098, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:08.646000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:08.646000",
+ "bytes": 221654016,
+ "norm_byte": 43950080,
+ "ops": 216459,
+ "norm_ops": 42920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.324621934704098,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7847fa0eafb51d8050a3e6e020ec5ed587ae3c4610c93918286c7985ed428f8b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:09.647000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:09.647000', 'bytes': 265833472, 'norm_byte': 44179456, 'ops': 259603, 'norm_ops': 43144, 'norm_ltcy': 23.203392318818953, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:09.647000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:09.647000",
+ "bytes": 265833472,
+ "norm_byte": 44179456,
+ "ops": 259603,
+ "norm_ops": 43144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.203392318818953,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b5815aeb1fa91f6274dd405a9c7adc0bf2fd8e6183e14cb247a1e7bceb981aa4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:10.648000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:10.648000', 'bytes': 310263808, 'norm_byte': 44430336, 'ops': 302992, 'norm_ops': 43389, 'norm_ltcy': 23.07251288849132, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:10.648000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:10.648000",
+ "bytes": 310263808,
+ "norm_byte": 44430336,
+ "ops": 302992,
+ "norm_ops": 43389,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.07251288849132,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "710de1b39d1793002b9ba947a6531954d252dbc057bc755787b1b331c38c5761",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:11.649000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:11.649000', 'bytes': 354491392, 'norm_byte': 44227584, 'ops': 346183, 'norm_ops': 43191, 'norm_ltcy': 23.178351772504687, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:11.649000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:11.649000",
+ "bytes": 354491392,
+ "norm_byte": 44227584,
+ "ops": 346183,
+ "norm_ops": 43191,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.178351772504687,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37e60b24183f21ea91de6112eb1dff88ad5375423df781eb9570c5b176b7a2be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:12.650000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:12.650000', 'bytes': 398702592, 'norm_byte': 44211200, 'ops': 389358, 'norm_ops': 43175, 'norm_ltcy': 23.18736541871743, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:12.650000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:12.650000",
+ "bytes": 398702592,
+ "norm_byte": 44211200,
+ "ops": 389358,
+ "norm_ops": 43175,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.18736541871743,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "515187f30767dd89ad0afe84942cdf95f094df7a819e76b9252709e3d2562d39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:13.651000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:13.651000', 'bytes': 442954752, 'norm_byte': 44252160, 'ops': 432573, 'norm_ops': 43215, 'norm_ltcy': 23.165428535013884, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:13.651000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:13.651000",
+ "bytes": 442954752,
+ "norm_byte": 44252160,
+ "ops": 432573,
+ "norm_ops": 43215,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.165428535013884,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a61ff2e33c10c6a375b31fe913cef46cea6a18cbe6482888dd0090326aa4dc92",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:14.652000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:14.652000', 'bytes': 487285760, 'norm_byte': 44331008, 'ops': 475865, 'norm_ops': 43292, 'norm_ltcy': 23.12292334972397, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:14.652000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:14.652000",
+ "bytes": 487285760,
+ "norm_byte": 44331008,
+ "ops": 475865,
+ "norm_ops": 43292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.12292334972397,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f7eef6a95d5bfdbf6e12d9bb76278f6674418f83bf9fe6fa8231ec5482526e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:15.653000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:15.653000', 'bytes': 531831808, 'norm_byte': 44546048, 'ops': 519367, 'norm_ops': 43502, 'norm_ltcy': 23.012787801063745, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:15.653000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:15.653000",
+ "bytes": 531831808,
+ "norm_byte": 44546048,
+ "ops": 519367,
+ "norm_ops": 43502,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.012787801063745,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "522a8db4a97d5fb097ec2450b87aed6e0c86f31b6d02f63b293bf384ea9301d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:16.654000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:16.654000', 'bytes': 576068608, 'norm_byte': 44236800, 'ops': 562567, 'norm_ops': 43200, 'norm_ltcy': 23.17372074833623, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:16.654000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:16.654000",
+ "bytes": 576068608,
+ "norm_byte": 44236800,
+ "ops": 562567,
+ "norm_ops": 43200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.17372074833623,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "340ab29ed1342e5f352e27e65cc213f278a9a92f13d88549eb9470d0e536a653",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:17.655000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:17.655000', 'bytes': 620555264, 'norm_byte': 44486656, 'ops': 606011, 'norm_ops': 43444, 'norm_ltcy': 23.04211739358427, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:17.655000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:17.655000",
+ "bytes": 620555264,
+ "norm_byte": 44486656,
+ "ops": 606011,
+ "norm_ops": 43444,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.04211739358427,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60756f31223ca2519518255097093a26d2bce8218c42c6e1495a3b04f71ffa10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:18.656000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:18.656000', 'bytes': 664822784, 'norm_byte': 44267520, 'ops': 649241, 'norm_ops': 43230, 'norm_ltcy': 23.15747527758501, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:18.656000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:18.656000",
+ "bytes": 664822784,
+ "norm_byte": 44267520,
+ "ops": 649241,
+ "norm_ops": 43230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.15747527758501,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a17c22a0a6d342a12c6d92a9384108e923d746437e987efa382f84864604883d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:19.658000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:19.658000', 'bytes': 708977664, 'norm_byte': 44154880, 'ops': 692361, 'norm_ops': 43120, 'norm_ltcy': 23.216431569964634, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:19.658000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:19.658000",
+ "bytes": 708977664,
+ "norm_byte": 44154880,
+ "ops": 692361,
+ "norm_ops": 43120,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.216431569964634,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49663d0927711b1b3701a27cf7de5299d27c4dcda1990d55aaf71fa9ca4b4939",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:20.659000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:20.659000', 'bytes': 753216512, 'norm_byte': 44238848, 'ops': 735563, 'norm_ops': 43202, 'norm_ltcy': 23.172534917726612, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:20.659000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:20.659000",
+ "bytes": 753216512,
+ "norm_byte": 44238848,
+ "ops": 735563,
+ "norm_ops": 43202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.172534917726612,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5dc20825e93c608223b9fb5ab66a72a78255229d29261256defc8da64dab4ea0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:21.660000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:21.660000', 'bytes': 799646720, 'norm_byte': 46430208, 'ops': 780905, 'norm_ops': 45342, 'norm_ltcy': 22.078783278334654, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:21.660000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:21.660000",
+ "bytes": 799646720,
+ "norm_byte": 46430208,
+ "ops": 780905,
+ "norm_ops": 45342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.078783278334654,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9c7c698a67ce87ef374ce28ea5f2103fe403e3c551118f7d076b188a4a5c055",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:22.661000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:22.661000', 'bytes': 845958144, 'norm_byte': 46311424, 'ops': 826131, 'norm_ops': 45226, 'norm_ltcy': 22.13529970488491, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:22.661000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:22.661000",
+ "bytes": 845958144,
+ "norm_byte": 46311424,
+ "ops": 826131,
+ "norm_ops": 45226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.13529970488491,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f1d8cdb5f440f1128ebec835cb80742509f60a065991497fdd13deadd8f54ab2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:23.662000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:23.662000', 'bytes': 892625920, 'norm_byte': 46667776, 'ops': 871705, 'norm_ops': 45574, 'norm_ltcy': 21.966447469020167, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:23.662000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:23.662000",
+ "bytes": 892625920,
+ "norm_byte": 46667776,
+ "ops": 871705,
+ "norm_ops": 45574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.966447469020167,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86547e9f039b572ece7cb892a6d3ba1b39c1d4a7a70153799b87e67bc31b48c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:24.663000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:24.663000', 'bytes': 936911872, 'norm_byte': 44285952, 'ops': 914953, 'norm_ops': 43248, 'norm_ltcy': 23.14976767350513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:24.663000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:24.663000",
+ "bytes": 936911872,
+ "norm_byte": 44285952,
+ "ops": 914953,
+ "norm_ops": 43248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.14976767350513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa150fc909de55eedab832ef2d344c868d5f439f3f45edc62991d75baebbd41d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:25.664000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:25.664000', 'bytes': 981144576, 'norm_byte': 44232704, 'ops': 958149, 'norm_ops': 43196, 'norm_ltcy': 23.17550493860832, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:25.664000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:25.664000",
+ "bytes": 981144576,
+ "norm_byte": 44232704,
+ "ops": 958149,
+ "norm_ops": 43196,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.17550493860832,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "61954c31bb46a1be6bcb714110e1f6e5119513e80a9728397a2c456cf7eccfae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:26.665000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:26.665000', 'bytes': 1025238016, 'norm_byte': 44093440, 'ops': 1001209, 'norm_ops': 43060, 'norm_ltcy': 23.24909895893811, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:26.665000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:26.665000",
+ "bytes": 1025238016,
+ "norm_byte": 44093440,
+ "ops": 1001209,
+ "norm_ops": 43060,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.24909895893811,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a9c5e601448548e49281a71376851dd76580f837fa7703fb228566e9e4f29c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:27.666000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:27.666000', 'bytes': 1069378560, 'norm_byte': 44140544, 'ops': 1044315, 'norm_ops': 43106, 'norm_ltcy': 23.224181378462394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:27.666000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:27.666000",
+ "bytes": 1069378560,
+ "norm_byte": 44140544,
+ "ops": 1044315,
+ "norm_ops": 43106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.224181378462394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ccd15652eb3e992e9aef3383cdd8917ed0c49dcc95e1d6083d86c977335b838",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:28.668000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:28.668000', 'bytes': 1113492480, 'norm_byte': 44113920, 'ops': 1087395, 'norm_ops': 43080, 'norm_ltcy': 23.238016480965648, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:28.668000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:28.668000",
+ "bytes": 1113492480,
+ "norm_byte": 44113920,
+ "ops": 1087395,
+ "norm_ops": 43080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.238016480965648,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59a48b131fc7381c0d5789650c6d10b2d55381dd6f583befdf95f8c2546f3aa0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:29.669000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:29.669000', 'bytes': 1157755904, 'norm_byte': 44263424, 'ops': 1130621, 'norm_ops': 43226, 'norm_ltcy': 23.159606902529728, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:29.669000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:29.669000",
+ "bytes": 1157755904,
+ "norm_byte": 44263424,
+ "ops": 1130621,
+ "norm_ops": 43226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.159606902529728,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba349aaed1d7be9823b0ce0d457267ad9ddda7a11770b600c19ab23fae1641e6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:30.670000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:30.670000', 'bytes': 1201838080, 'norm_byte': 44082176, 'ops': 1173670, 'norm_ops': 43049, 'norm_ltcy': 23.254892181366003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:30.670000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:30.670000",
+ "bytes": 1201838080,
+ "norm_byte": 44082176,
+ "ops": 1173670,
+ "norm_ops": 43049,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.254892181366003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af2f9888d8def75b4b417991fdb2b10c16003657fad5b3431d42bd6c1f9a7c36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:31.671000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:31.671000', 'bytes': 1245783040, 'norm_byte': 43944960, 'ops': 1216585, 'norm_ops': 42915, 'norm_ltcy': 23.327436183808107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:31.671000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:31.671000",
+ "bytes": 1245783040,
+ "norm_byte": 43944960,
+ "ops": 1216585,
+ "norm_ops": 42915,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.327436183808107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d443629cb1a844860fcbff08fea7720a6c07f710e696835a0bc407036893703",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:32.672000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:32.672000', 'bytes': 1290017792, 'norm_byte': 44234752, 'ops': 1259783, 'norm_ops': 43198, 'norm_ltcy': 23.175172317005416, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:32.672000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:32.672000",
+ "bytes": 1290017792,
+ "norm_byte": 44234752,
+ "ops": 1259783,
+ "norm_ops": 43198,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.175172317005416,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9823c69d64bfd9d4ca07480b3f575b6008aaa06aeff956a67ff1acb79dcb17dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:33.673000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:33.673000', 'bytes': 1334273024, 'norm_byte': 44255232, 'ops': 1303001, 'norm_ops': 43218, 'norm_ltcy': 23.164261120583436, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:33.673000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:33.673000",
+ "bytes": 1334273024,
+ "norm_byte": 44255232,
+ "ops": 1303001,
+ "norm_ops": 43218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.164261120583436,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d0a6de3a59e87995510acfc707ead1a7eba0d50be6ca1f16cfb67408bb132ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:34.674000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:34.674000', 'bytes': 1378591744, 'norm_byte': 44318720, 'ops': 1346281, 'norm_ops': 43280, 'norm_ltcy': 23.130998593822202, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:34.674000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:34.674000",
+ "bytes": 1378591744,
+ "norm_byte": 44318720,
+ "ops": 1346281,
+ "norm_ops": 43280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.130998593822202,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "820879555f47e29662253c5af35e977a48abf44a2bb3d097bfc808562dfadfd4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:35.675000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:35.675000', 'bytes': 1422597120, 'norm_byte': 44005376, 'ops': 1389255, 'norm_ops': 42974, 'norm_ltcy': 23.295278740488435, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:35.675000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:35.675000",
+ "bytes": 1422597120,
+ "norm_byte": 44005376,
+ "ops": 1389255,
+ "norm_ops": 42974,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.295278740488435,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3bfe7fe6216324a8750ea6687728c126709237a2318e8da415dc31d030fba78d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:36.676000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:36.676000', 'bytes': 1466741760, 'norm_byte': 44144640, 'ops': 1432365, 'norm_ops': 43110, 'norm_ltcy': 23.221811300307355, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:36.676000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:36.676000",
+ "bytes": 1466741760,
+ "norm_byte": 44144640,
+ "ops": 1432365,
+ "norm_ops": 43110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.221811300307355,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8ac8fd156f02de32cdc7b736a8ed93df7fbe986f70078559327985127bf6316",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:37.677000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:37.677000', 'bytes': 1510614016, 'norm_byte': 43872256, 'ops': 1475209, 'norm_ops': 42844, 'norm_ltcy': 23.365951365710487, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:37.677000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:37.677000",
+ "bytes": 1510614016,
+ "norm_byte": 43872256,
+ "ops": 1475209,
+ "norm_ops": 42844,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.365951365710487,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1f49236d37ceb00a25dc133ea61ab0173a5d25155344e112d116f1aba5b32f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:38.678000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:38.678000', 'bytes': 1555196928, 'norm_byte': 44582912, 'ops': 1518747, 'norm_ops': 43538, 'norm_ltcy': 22.989189221197574, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:38.678000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:38.678000",
+ "bytes": 1555196928,
+ "norm_byte": 44582912,
+ "ops": 1518747,
+ "norm_ops": 43538,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.989189221197574,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "accd129b7478a202f7a3736ae720ad612c08d3f852100c82da29103cfdbdd535",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:39.679000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:39.679000', 'bytes': 1599599616, 'norm_byte': 44402688, 'ops': 1562109, 'norm_ops': 43362, 'norm_ltcy': 23.08711580704303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:39.679000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:39.679000",
+ "bytes": 1599599616,
+ "norm_byte": 44402688,
+ "ops": 1562109,
+ "norm_ops": 43362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.08711580704303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dabf68900b34f00c4baea24377dc69710f621eaa17ee471378a43943d9554d50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:40.680000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:40.680000', 'bytes': 1643955200, 'norm_byte': 44355584, 'ops': 1605425, 'norm_ops': 43316, 'norm_ltcy': 23.110179318121478, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:40.680000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:40.680000",
+ "bytes": 1643955200,
+ "norm_byte": 44355584,
+ "ops": 1605425,
+ "norm_ops": 43316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.110179318121478,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab074d62286f7ee8603a1606c1e70447456ad9b3dc83eeb9b0447cd9b8d48137",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:41.682000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:41.682000', 'bytes': 1688421376, 'norm_byte': 44466176, 'ops': 1648849, 'norm_ops': 43424, 'norm_ltcy': 23.055698560631793, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:41.682000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:41.682000",
+ "bytes": 1688421376,
+ "norm_byte": 44466176,
+ "ops": 1648849,
+ "norm_ops": 43424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.055698560631793,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5343dfec795aa6f77bcb12ff10b4a5413ccc81fd2a4b3bb779ccd0379e8d7163",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:42.682000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:42.682000', 'bytes': 1732580352, 'norm_byte': 44158976, 'ops': 1691973, 'norm_ops': 43124, 'norm_ltcy': 23.204784005861004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:42.682000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:42.682000",
+ "bytes": 1732580352,
+ "norm_byte": 44158976,
+ "ops": 1691973,
+ "norm_ops": 43124,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.204784005861004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2eda11279cbca991feb37a51391d1a9d800cfb140b95de26c33728deadb5548a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:43.683000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:43.683000', 'bytes': 1776960512, 'norm_byte': 44380160, 'ops': 1735313, 'norm_ops': 43340, 'norm_ltcy': 23.098891486646284, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:43.683000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:43.683000",
+ "bytes": 1776960512,
+ "norm_byte": 44380160,
+ "ops": 1735313,
+ "norm_ops": 43340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.098891486646284,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4dc19961e77091e4fb7d60c3e7429f936f33f0ba3221260e14f24756cde59073",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:44.684000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:44.684000', 'bytes': 1821205504, 'norm_byte': 44244992, 'ops': 1778521, 'norm_ops': 43208, 'norm_ltcy': 23.16781976138678, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:44.684000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:44.684000",
+ "bytes": 1821205504,
+ "norm_byte": 44244992,
+ "ops": 1778521,
+ "norm_ops": 43208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.16781976138678,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9165bdb162e6a2e12e4ecf2c859a59d5ffe75f0b55b8b8df77403e8e224d2bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:45.686000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:45.686000', 'bytes': 1865413632, 'norm_byte': 44208128, 'ops': 1821693, 'norm_ops': 43172, 'norm_ltcy': 23.188586497035114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:45.686000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:45.686000",
+ "bytes": 1865413632,
+ "norm_byte": 44208128,
+ "ops": 1821693,
+ "norm_ops": 43172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.188586497035114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b66cbe39cecbff6deec655aa6d84333d123cf1d1020a3043ff0fde74372eb789",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:46.687000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:46.687000', 'bytes': 1909507072, 'norm_byte': 44093440, 'ops': 1864753, 'norm_ops': 43060, 'norm_ltcy': 23.248804130501046, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:46.687000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:46.687000",
+ "bytes": 1909507072,
+ "norm_byte": 44093440,
+ "ops": 1864753,
+ "norm_ops": 43060,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.248804130501046,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "57516884bc737e3527de0faacf887ed614d63e21ce378484857d4d11638d031b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:47.688000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:47.688000', 'bytes': 1953788928, 'norm_byte': 44281856, 'ops': 1907997, 'norm_ops': 43244, 'norm_ltcy': 23.14985961744693, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:47.688000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:47.688000",
+ "bytes": 1953788928,
+ "norm_byte": 44281856,
+ "ops": 1907997,
+ "norm_ops": 43244,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.14985961744693,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b18acb17b836305a903616260d4e247dfc1777ec9fb2b99bec8e195505519ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:48.689000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:48.689000', 'bytes': 1998076928, 'norm_byte': 44288000, 'ops': 1951247, 'norm_ops': 43250, 'norm_ltcy': 23.146817422326592, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:48.689000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:48.689000",
+ "bytes": 1998076928,
+ "norm_byte": 44288000,
+ "ops": 1951247,
+ "norm_ops": 43250,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.146817422326592,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "63607519e52bb9773171f05fa6bab261a68663a586caea8c50701ec729aa6e7a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:49.690000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:49.690000', 'bytes': 2042196992, 'norm_byte': 44120064, 'ops': 1994333, 'norm_ops': 43086, 'norm_ltcy': 23.23475210734055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:49.690000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:49.690000",
+ "bytes": 2042196992,
+ "norm_byte": 44120064,
+ "ops": 1994333,
+ "norm_ops": 43086,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.23475210734055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6935cea7191a1d04fa18a7ec4e8a656892cde7859c4a5f412a15a077611741e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:50.691000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:50.691000', 'bytes': 2090036224, 'norm_byte': 47839232, 'ops': 2041051, 'norm_ops': 46718, 'norm_ltcy': 21.428416743813948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:50.691000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:50.691000",
+ "bytes": 2090036224,
+ "norm_byte": 47839232,
+ "ops": 2041051,
+ "norm_ops": 46718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.428416743813948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "382d372acaa347853a5976b9a3d4d6858c86602e4f86bac0ac5b3b52660c6651",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:51.692000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:51.692000', 'bytes': 2138596352, 'norm_byte': 48560128, 'ops': 2088473, 'norm_ops': 47422, 'norm_ltcy': 21.108706715105857, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:51.692000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:51.692000",
+ "bytes": 2138596352,
+ "norm_byte": 48560128,
+ "ops": 2088473,
+ "norm_ops": 47422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.108706715105857,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47c118f23d0fcfbab015b842deb53e8c353b404d621412bbeebb29c8bea62612",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:52.692000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:52.692000', 'bytes': 2182616064, 'norm_byte': 44019712, 'ops': 2131461, 'norm_ops': 42988, 'norm_ltcy': 23.26862679156102, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:52.692000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:52.692000",
+ "bytes": 2182616064,
+ "norm_byte": 44019712,
+ "ops": 2131461,
+ "norm_ops": 42988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.26862679156102,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de5ae0435c5ecdfd82c4400195164d59d1c3ab2a9a13ba26885b31af72bf2703",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:53.693000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:53.693000', 'bytes': 2226753536, 'norm_byte': 44137472, 'ops': 2174564, 'norm_ops': 43103, 'norm_ltcy': 23.223362226092153, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:53.693000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:53.693000",
+ "bytes": 2226753536,
+ "norm_byte": 44137472,
+ "ops": 2174564,
+ "norm_ops": 43103,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.223362226092153,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf55b9c6afcbf31c2590eb7879349dd77c31542c10341f68ccddef2a1a1b41aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:54.694000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:54.694000', 'bytes': 2270831616, 'norm_byte': 44078080, 'ops': 2217609, 'norm_ops': 43045, 'norm_ltcy': 23.254778792542687, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:54.694000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:54.694000",
+ "bytes": 2270831616,
+ "norm_byte": 44078080,
+ "ops": 2217609,
+ "norm_ops": 43045,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.254778792542687,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74350f25a82ef588e344ede1a41881d816d02f3b3d68c6cf43fea395fe260ddc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:55.695000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:55.695000', 'bytes': 2315172864, 'norm_byte': 44341248, 'ops': 2260911, 'norm_ops': 43302, 'norm_ltcy': 23.118992952115374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:55.695000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:55.695000",
+ "bytes": 2315172864,
+ "norm_byte": 44341248,
+ "ops": 2260911,
+ "norm_ops": 43302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.118992952115374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cbf1218671c1d98abc6430e5d164146c276c6494b8c3ae548d04abce5e8c3fa7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:56.697000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:56.697000', 'bytes': 2359233536, 'norm_byte': 44060672, 'ops': 2303939, 'norm_ops': 43028, 'norm_ltcy': 23.26615104735579, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:56.697000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:56.697000",
+ "bytes": 2359233536,
+ "norm_byte": 44060672,
+ "ops": 2303939,
+ "norm_ops": 43028,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.26615104735579,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3840e346d4374f048145dd40f14fab7930a7665f2090800bb8bb69d02a89f590",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:57.698000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:57.698000', 'bytes': 2403392512, 'norm_byte': 44158976, 'ops': 2347063, 'norm_ops': 43124, 'norm_ltcy': 23.212975998356484, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:57.698000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:57.698000",
+ "bytes": 2403392512,
+ "norm_byte": 44158976,
+ "ops": 2347063,
+ "norm_ops": 43124,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.212975998356484,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1bac8bfa86fafc3d4f917032af046a1cd2694b3a791c93703a18e451eb4fcc9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:58.699000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:58.699000', 'bytes': 2447311872, 'norm_byte': 43919360, 'ops': 2389953, 'norm_ops': 42890, 'norm_ltcy': 23.34093666210072, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:58.699000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:58.699000",
+ "bytes": 2447311872,
+ "norm_byte": 43919360,
+ "ops": 2389953,
+ "norm_ops": 42890,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.34093666210072,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e3228e03d28b6d9e10cba240e1ab0afa234293bde1601cad78e380108a509cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:13:59.700000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:13:59.700000', 'bytes': 2491302912, 'norm_byte': 43991040, 'ops': 2432913, 'norm_ops': 42960, 'norm_ltcy': 23.302836213919925, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:13:59.700000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:13:59.700000",
+ "bytes": 2491302912,
+ "norm_byte": 43991040,
+ "ops": 2432913,
+ "norm_ops": 42960,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.302836213919925,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d14d0f9528c36e062e8603819663eac5cf5695fcf9304bf7ac0a2cbab200411",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:14:00.701000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:14:00.701000', 'bytes': 2535265280, 'norm_byte': 43962368, 'ops': 2475845, 'norm_ops': 42932, 'norm_ltcy': 23.31825596837732, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:14:00.701000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:14:00.701000",
+ "bytes": 2535265280,
+ "norm_byte": 43962368,
+ "ops": 2475845,
+ "norm_ops": 42932,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.31825596837732,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7551c95d23be368e1c656b4460032d60ef3e113e6250e4e3c2c70c66a72c9c2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:14:01.702000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:14:01.702000', 'bytes': 2579360768, 'norm_byte': 44095488, 'ops': 2518907, 'norm_ops': 43062, 'norm_ltcy': 23.24765631349856, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:14:01.702000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:14:01.702000",
+ "bytes": 2579360768,
+ "norm_byte": 44095488,
+ "ops": 2518907,
+ "norm_ops": 43062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.24765631349856,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a6263867389cc75a529e3ffe452e4b32a2c95fadd999c841c2a6f28e38acad1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:14:02.703000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:14:02.703000', 'bytes': 2623523840, 'norm_byte': 44163072, 'ops': 2562035, 'norm_ops': 43128, 'norm_ltcy': 23.210868347201934, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:14:02.703000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:14:02.703000",
+ "bytes": 2623523840,
+ "norm_byte": 44163072,
+ "ops": 2562035,
+ "norm_ops": 43128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.210868347201934,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "715948a219fe4da83c55b4696daa29542b42f6931a77e51e64e62f7f70932fe7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:14:03.904000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:14:03.904000', 'bytes': 2667611136, 'norm_byte': 44087296, 'ops': 2605089, 'norm_ops': 43054, 'norm_ltcy': 27.903945390527014, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:14:03.904000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:14:03.904000",
+ "bytes": 2667611136,
+ "norm_byte": 44087296,
+ "ops": 2605089,
+ "norm_ops": 43054,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.903945390527014,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "866ee0df-49a8-59a8-8473-91aa7dd4e7f9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d664a0d44be60c32a49200f1f52c0b639f293c3cb3081160a68187866dc6f8a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 44460185.6
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 43418.15
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 23.32811120772274
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:14:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-050-220519211018/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-050-220519211018/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4653fb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-050-220519211018/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-050-220519211018/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-050-220519211018/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-050-220519211018/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-050-220519211018/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-050-220519211018/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee984ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-050-220519211018/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=5
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=5
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=170
+ net.core.busy_poll=30
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-051-220519211220/220519211220-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-051-220519211220/220519211220-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2dd085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-051-220519211220/220519211220-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:15:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994904480.6626 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994905481.7090 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994905481.7537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994906482.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:42112000 nr_ops:41125\ntimestamp_ms:1652994907483.9504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:84167680 nr_ops:82195\ntimestamp_ms:1652994908485.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125936640 nr_ops:122985\ntimestamp_ms:1652994909486.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:167371776 nr_ops:163449\ntimestamp_ms:1652994910486.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:208872448 nr_ops:203977\ntimestamp_ms:1652994911487.9260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250977280 nr_ops:245095\ntimestamp_ms:1652994912489.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:292846592 nr_ops:285983\ntimestamp_ms:1652994913490.1626 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:334540800 nr_ops:326700\ntimestamp_ms:1652994914490.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376176640 nr_ops:367360\ntimestamp_ms:1652994915491.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:418118656 nr_ops:408319\ntimestamp_ms:1652994916492.9709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460440576 nr_ops:449649\ntimestamp_ms:1652994917494.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505840640 nr_ops:493985\ntimestamp_ms:1652994918495.1660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:554390528 nr_ops:541397\ntimestamp_ms:1652994919496.1982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:604679168 nr_ops:590507\ntimestamp_ms:1652994920496.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:654883840 nr_ops:639535\ntimestamp_ms:1652994921497.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704969728 nr_ops:688447\ntimestamp_ms:1652994922499.0168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:754686976 nr_ops:736999\ntimestamp_ms:1652994923500.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:803539968 nr_ops:784707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994924500.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852245504 nr_ops:832271\ntimestamp_ms:1652994925501.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901733376 nr_ops:880599\ntimestamp_ms:1652994926502.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951303168 nr_ops:929007\ntimestamp_ms:1652994927504.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998507520 nr_ops:975105\ntimestamp_ms:1652994928505.0803 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1040274432 nr_ops:1015893\ntimestamp_ms:1652994929506.1826 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083710464 nr_ops:1058311\ntimestamp_ms:1652994930506.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125319680 nr_ops:1098945\ntimestamp_ms:1652994931507.9512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166812160 nr_ops:1139465\ntimestamp_ms:1652994932509.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208398848 nr_ops:1180077\ntimestamp_ms:1652994933510.1426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250024448 nr_ops:1220727\ntimestamp_ms:1652994934511.2395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1291566080 nr_ops:1261295\ntimestamp_ms:1652994935512.2722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1333271552 nr_ops:1302023\ntimestamp_ms:1652994936513.3787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1374979072 nr_ops:1342753\ntimestamp_ms:1652994937514.4644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1416958976 nr_ops:1383749\ntimestamp_ms:1652994938515.5515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458566144 nr_ops:1424381\ntimestamp_ms:1652994939515.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1500045312 nr_ops:1464888\ntimestamp_ms:1652994940516.8513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1545352192 nr_ops:1509133\ntimestamp_ms:1652994941518.0510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586959360 nr_ops:1549765\ntimestamp_ms:1652994942519.1643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1628029952 nr_ops:1589873\ntimestamp_ms:1652994943520.2524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1669563392 nr_ops:1630433\ntimestamp_ms:1652994944521.3416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1711076352 nr_ops:1670973\ntimestamp_ms:1652994945522.4290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1752464384 nr_ops:1711391\ntimestamp_ms:1652994946523.5269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1793727488 nr_ops:1751687\ntimestamp_ms:1652994947524.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835369472 nr_ops:1792353\ntimestamp_ms:1652994948525.7058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1876820992 nr_ops:1832833\ntimestamp_ms:1652994949526.8003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1918272512 nr_ops:1873313\ntimestamp_ms:1652994950527.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1959953408 nr_ops:1914017\ntimestamp_ms:1652994951528.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2001419264 nr_ops:1954511\ntimestamp_ms:1652994952530.0171 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042823680 nr_ops:1994945\ntimestamp_ms:1652994953531.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084484096 nr_ops:2035629\ntimestamp_ms:1652994954532.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2126525440 nr_ops:2076685\ntimestamp_ms:1652994955533.2476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2168505344 nr_ops:2117681\ntimestamp_ms:1652994956534.3503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216327168 nr_ops:2164382\ntimestamp_ms:1652994957535.4541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2258242560 nr_ops:2205315\ntimestamp_ms:1652994958536.5474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2300222464 nr_ops:2246311\ntimestamp_ms:1652994959536.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2342134784 nr_ops:2287241\ntimestamp_ms:1652994960537.9229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2383690752 nr_ops:2327823\ntimestamp_ms:1652994961538.9653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2426151936 nr_ops:2369289\ntimestamp_ms:1652994962540.0583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2468117504 nr_ops:2410271\ntimestamp_ms:1652994963541.1460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2510482432 nr_ops:2451643\ntimestamp_ms:1652994964542.2432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2552696832 nr_ops:2492868\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139670920861440\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.5715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595381248 nr_ops:2534552\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.6509 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.6611 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965843.8843 name:Total nr_bytes:2595381248 nr_ops:2534553\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.7834 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5190762496 nr_ops:5069106\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.7847 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2595381248 nr_ops:2534555\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 276.24us 0.00ns 276.24us 276.24us \nTxn1 1267276 47.36us 0.00ns 899.89us 18.45us \nTxn2 1 50.65us 0.00ns 50.65us 50.65us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 275.51us 0.00ns 275.51us 275.51us \nwrite 1267276 2.44us 0.00ns 253.07us 2.11us \nread 1267276 44.85us 0.00ns 896.24us 1.18us \ndisconnect 1 49.88us 0.00ns 49.88us 49.88us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.76b/s \nnet1 20321 20321 177.19Mb/s 177.19Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.146 62.36s 2.42GB 332.93Mb/s 2534555 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 2.42GB 332.93Mb/s 2534555 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414966, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994904480.6626 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994905481.7090 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994905481.7537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994906482.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:42112000 nr_ops:41125\ntimestamp_ms:1652994907483.9504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:84167680 nr_ops:82195\ntimestamp_ms:1652994908485.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125936640 nr_ops:122985\ntimestamp_ms:1652994909486.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:167371776 nr_ops:163449\ntimestamp_ms:1652994910486.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:208872448 nr_ops:203977\ntimestamp_ms:1652994911487.9260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250977280 nr_ops:245095\ntimestamp_ms:1652994912489.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:292846592 nr_ops:285983\ntimestamp_ms:1652994913490.1626 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:334540800 nr_ops:326700\ntimestamp_ms:1652994914490.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376176640 nr_ops:367360\ntimestamp_ms:1652994915491.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:418118656 nr_ops:408319\ntimestamp_ms:1652994916492.9709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460440576 nr_ops:449649\ntimestamp_ms:1652994917494.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505840640 nr_ops:493985\ntimestamp_ms:1652994918495.1660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:554390528 nr_ops:541397\ntimestamp_ms:1652994919496.1982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:604679168 nr_ops:590507\ntimestamp_ms:1652994920496.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:654883840 nr_ops:639535\ntimestamp_ms:1652994921497.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704969728 nr_ops:688447\ntimestamp_ms:1652994922499.0168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:754686976 nr_ops:736999\ntimestamp_ms:1652994923500.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:803539968 nr_ops:784707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994924500.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852245504 nr_ops:832271\ntimestamp_ms:1652994925501.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901733376 nr_ops:880599\ntimestamp_ms:1652994926502.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951303168 nr_ops:929007\ntimestamp_ms:1652994927504.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998507520 nr_ops:975105\ntimestamp_ms:1652994928505.0803 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1040274432 nr_ops:1015893\ntimestamp_ms:1652994929506.1826 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083710464 nr_ops:1058311\ntimestamp_ms:1652994930506.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125319680 nr_ops:1098945\ntimestamp_ms:1652994931507.9512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166812160 nr_ops:1139465\ntimestamp_ms:1652994932509.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208398848 nr_ops:1180077\ntimestamp_ms:1652994933510.1426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250024448 nr_ops:1220727\ntimestamp_ms:1652994934511.2395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1291566080 nr_ops:1261295\ntimestamp_ms:1652994935512.2722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1333271552 nr_ops:1302023\ntimestamp_ms:1652994936513.3787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1374979072 nr_ops:1342753\ntimestamp_ms:1652994937514.4644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1416958976 nr_ops:1383749\ntimestamp_ms:1652994938515.5515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458566144 nr_ops:1424381\ntimestamp_ms:1652994939515.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1500045312 nr_ops:1464888\ntimestamp_ms:1652994940516.8513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1545352192 nr_ops:1509133\ntimestamp_ms:1652994941518.0510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586959360 nr_ops:1549765\ntimestamp_ms:1652994942519.1643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1628029952 nr_ops:1589873\ntimestamp_ms:1652994943520.2524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1669563392 nr_ops:1630433\ntimestamp_ms:1652994944521.3416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1711076352 nr_ops:1670973\ntimestamp_ms:1652994945522.4290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1752464384 nr_ops:1711391\ntimestamp_ms:1652994946523.5269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1793727488 nr_ops:1751687\ntimestamp_ms:1652994947524.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835369472 nr_ops:1792353\ntimestamp_ms:1652994948525.7058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1876820992 nr_ops:1832833\ntimestamp_ms:1652994949526.8003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1918272512 nr_ops:1873313\ntimestamp_ms:1652994950527.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1959953408 nr_ops:1914017\ntimestamp_ms:1652994951528.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2001419264 nr_ops:1954511\ntimestamp_ms:1652994952530.0171 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042823680 nr_ops:1994945\ntimestamp_ms:1652994953531.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084484096 nr_ops:2035629\ntimestamp_ms:1652994954532.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2126525440 nr_ops:2076685\ntimestamp_ms:1652994955533.2476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2168505344 nr_ops:2117681\ntimestamp_ms:1652994956534.3503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216327168 nr_ops:2164382\ntimestamp_ms:1652994957535.4541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2258242560 nr_ops:2205315\ntimestamp_ms:1652994958536.5474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2300222464 nr_ops:2246311\ntimestamp_ms:1652994959536.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2342134784 nr_ops:2287241\ntimestamp_ms:1652994960537.9229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2383690752 nr_ops:2327823\ntimestamp_ms:1652994961538.9653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2426151936 nr_ops:2369289\ntimestamp_ms:1652994962540.0583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2468117504 nr_ops:2410271\ntimestamp_ms:1652994963541.1460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2510482432 nr_ops:2451643\ntimestamp_ms:1652994964542.2432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2552696832 nr_ops:2492868\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139670920861440\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.5715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595381248 nr_ops:2534552\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.6509 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.6611 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965843.8843 name:Total nr_bytes:2595381248 nr_ops:2534553\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.7834 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5190762496 nr_ops:5069106\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.7847 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2595381248 nr_ops:2534555\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 276.24us 0.00ns 276.24us 276.24us \nTxn1 1267276 47.36us 0.00ns 899.89us 18.45us \nTxn2 1 50.65us 0.00ns 50.65us 50.65us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 275.51us 0.00ns 275.51us 275.51us \nwrite 1267276 2.44us 0.00ns 253.07us 2.11us \nread 1267276 44.85us 0.00ns 896.24us 1.18us \ndisconnect 1 49.88us 0.00ns 49.88us 49.88us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.76b/s \nnet1 20321 20321 177.19Mb/s 177.19Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.146 62.36s 2.42GB 332.93Mb/s 2534555 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 2.42GB 332.93Mb/s 2534555 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414966, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994904480.6626 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994905481.7090 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994905481.7537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994906482.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:42112000 nr_ops:41125\ntimestamp_ms:1652994907483.9504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:84167680 nr_ops:82195\ntimestamp_ms:1652994908485.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125936640 nr_ops:122985\ntimestamp_ms:1652994909486.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:167371776 nr_ops:163449\ntimestamp_ms:1652994910486.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:208872448 nr_ops:203977\ntimestamp_ms:1652994911487.9260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250977280 nr_ops:245095\ntimestamp_ms:1652994912489.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:292846592 nr_ops:285983\ntimestamp_ms:1652994913490.1626 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:334540800 nr_ops:326700\ntimestamp_ms:1652994914490.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376176640 nr_ops:367360\ntimestamp_ms:1652994915491.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:418118656 nr_ops:408319\ntimestamp_ms:1652994916492.9709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460440576 nr_ops:449649\ntimestamp_ms:1652994917494.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505840640 nr_ops:493985\ntimestamp_ms:1652994918495.1660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:554390528 nr_ops:541397\ntimestamp_ms:1652994919496.1982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:604679168 nr_ops:590507\ntimestamp_ms:1652994920496.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:654883840 nr_ops:639535\ntimestamp_ms:1652994921497.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704969728 nr_ops:688447\ntimestamp_ms:1652994922499.0168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:754686976 nr_ops:736999\ntimestamp_ms:1652994923500.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:803539968 nr_ops:784707\ntimestamp_ms:1652994924500.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852245504 nr_ops:832271\ntimestamp_ms:1652994925501.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901733376 nr_ops:880599\ntimestamp_ms:1652994926502.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951303168 nr_ops:929007\ntimestamp_ms:1652994927504.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998507520 nr_ops:975105\ntimestamp_ms:1652994928505.0803 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1040274432 nr_ops:1015893\ntimestamp_ms:1652994929506.1826 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083710464 nr_ops:1058311\ntimestamp_ms:1652994930506.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125319680 nr_ops:1098945\ntimestamp_ms:1652994931507.9512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166812160 nr_ops:1139465\ntimestamp_ms:1652994932509.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208398848 nr_ops:1180077\ntimestamp_ms:1652994933510.1426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250024448 nr_ops:1220727\ntimestamp_ms:1652994934511.2395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1291566080 nr_ops:1261295\ntimestamp_ms:1652994935512.2722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1333271552 nr_ops:1302023\ntimestamp_ms:1652994936513.3787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1374979072 nr_ops:1342753\ntimestamp_ms:1652994937514.4644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1416958976 nr_ops:1383749\ntimestamp_ms:1652994938515.5515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458566144 nr_ops:1424381\ntimestamp_ms:1652994939515.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1500045312 nr_ops:1464888\ntimestamp_ms:1652994940516.8513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1545352192 nr_ops:1509133\ntimestamp_ms:1652994941518.0510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586959360 nr_ops:1549765\ntimestamp_ms:1652994942519.1643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1628029952 nr_ops:1589873\ntimestamp_ms:1652994943520.2524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1669563392 nr_ops:1630433\ntimestamp_ms:1652994944521.3416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1711076352 nr_ops:1670973\ntimestamp_ms:1652994945522.4290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1752464384 nr_ops:1711391\ntimestamp_ms:1652994946523.5269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1793727488 nr_ops:1751687\ntimestamp_ms:1652994947524.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835369472 nr_ops:1792353\ntimestamp_ms:1652994948525.7058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1876820992 nr_ops:1832833\ntimestamp_ms:1652994949526.8003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1918272512 nr_ops:1873313\ntimestamp_ms:1652994950527.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1959953408 nr_ops:1914017\ntimestamp_ms:1652994951528.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2001419264 nr_ops:1954511\ntimestamp_ms:1652994952530.0171 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042823680 nr_ops:1994945\ntimestamp_ms:1652994953531.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084484096 nr_ops:2035629\ntimestamp_ms:1652994954532.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2126525440 nr_ops:2076685\ntimestamp_ms:1652994955533.2476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2168505344 nr_ops:2117681\ntimestamp_ms:1652994956534.3503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216327168 nr_ops:2164382\ntimestamp_ms:1652994957535.4541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2258242560 nr_ops:2205315\ntimestamp_ms:1652994958536.5474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2300222464 nr_ops:2246311\ntimestamp_ms:1652994959536.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2342134784 nr_ops:2287241\ntimestamp_ms:1652994960537.9229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2383690752 nr_ops:2327823\ntimestamp_ms:1652994961538.9653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2426151936 nr_ops:2369289\ntimestamp_ms:1652994962540.0583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2468117504 nr_ops:2410271\ntimestamp_ms:1652994963541.1460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2510482432 nr_ops:2451643\ntimestamp_ms:1652994964542.2432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2552696832 nr_ops:2492868\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139670920861440\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.5715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595381248 nr_ops:2534552\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.6509 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.6611 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965843.8843 name:Total nr_bytes:2595381248 nr_ops:2534553\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.7834 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5190762496 nr_ops:5069106\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652994965743.7847 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2595381248 nr_ops:2534555\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 276.24us 0.00ns 276.24us 276.24us \nTxn1 1267276 47.36us 0.00ns 899.89us 18.45us \nTxn2 1 50.65us 0.00ns 50.65us 50.65us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 275.51us 0.00ns 275.51us 275.51us \nwrite 1267276 2.44us 0.00ns 253.07us 2.11us \nread 1267276 44.85us 0.00ns 896.24us 1.18us \ndisconnect 1 49.88us 0.00ns 49.88us 49.88us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.76b/s \nnet1 20321 20321 177.19Mb/s 177.19Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.146 62.36s 2.42GB 332.93Mb/s 2534555 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 2.42GB 332.93Mb/s 2534555 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414966, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994904480.6626 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994905481.7090 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994905481.7537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994906482.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:42112000 nr_ops:41125
+timestamp_ms:1652994907483.9504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:84167680 nr_ops:82195
+timestamp_ms:1652994908485.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125936640 nr_ops:122985
+timestamp_ms:1652994909486.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:167371776 nr_ops:163449
+timestamp_ms:1652994910486.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:208872448 nr_ops:203977
+timestamp_ms:1652994911487.9260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250977280 nr_ops:245095
+timestamp_ms:1652994912489.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:292846592 nr_ops:285983
+timestamp_ms:1652994913490.1626 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:334540800 nr_ops:326700
+timestamp_ms:1652994914490.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376176640 nr_ops:367360
+timestamp_ms:1652994915491.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:418118656 nr_ops:408319
+timestamp_ms:1652994916492.9709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460440576 nr_ops:449649
+timestamp_ms:1652994917494.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505840640 nr_ops:493985
+timestamp_ms:1652994918495.1660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:554390528 nr_ops:541397
+timestamp_ms:1652994919496.1982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:604679168 nr_ops:590507
+timestamp_ms:1652994920496.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:654883840 nr_ops:639535
+timestamp_ms:1652994921497.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704969728 nr_ops:688447
+timestamp_ms:1652994922499.0168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:754686976 nr_ops:736999
+timestamp_ms:1652994923500.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:803539968 nr_ops:784707
+timestamp_ms:1652994924500.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852245504 nr_ops:832271
+timestamp_ms:1652994925501.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901733376 nr_ops:880599
+timestamp_ms:1652994926502.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951303168 nr_ops:929007
+timestamp_ms:1652994927504.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998507520 nr_ops:975105
+timestamp_ms:1652994928505.0803 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1040274432 nr_ops:1015893
+timestamp_ms:1652994929506.1826 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083710464 nr_ops:1058311
+timestamp_ms:1652994930506.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125319680 nr_ops:1098945
+timestamp_ms:1652994931507.9512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166812160 nr_ops:1139465
+timestamp_ms:1652994932509.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1208398848 nr_ops:1180077
+timestamp_ms:1652994933510.1426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250024448 nr_ops:1220727
+timestamp_ms:1652994934511.2395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1291566080 nr_ops:1261295
+timestamp_ms:1652994935512.2722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1333271552 nr_ops:1302023
+timestamp_ms:1652994936513.3787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1374979072 nr_ops:1342753
+timestamp_ms:1652994937514.4644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1416958976 nr_ops:1383749
+timestamp_ms:1652994938515.5515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458566144 nr_ops:1424381
+timestamp_ms:1652994939515.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1500045312 nr_ops:1464888
+timestamp_ms:1652994940516.8513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1545352192 nr_ops:1509133
+timestamp_ms:1652994941518.0510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586959360 nr_ops:1549765
+timestamp_ms:1652994942519.1643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1628029952 nr_ops:1589873
+timestamp_ms:1652994943520.2524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1669563392 nr_ops:1630433
+timestamp_ms:1652994944521.3416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1711076352 nr_ops:1670973
+timestamp_ms:1652994945522.4290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1752464384 nr_ops:1711391
+timestamp_ms:1652994946523.5269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1793727488 nr_ops:1751687
+timestamp_ms:1652994947524.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835369472 nr_ops:1792353
+timestamp_ms:1652994948525.7058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1876820992 nr_ops:1832833
+timestamp_ms:1652994949526.8003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1918272512 nr_ops:1873313
+timestamp_ms:1652994950527.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1959953408 nr_ops:1914017
+timestamp_ms:1652994951528.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2001419264 nr_ops:1954511
+timestamp_ms:1652994952530.0171 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042823680 nr_ops:1994945
+timestamp_ms:1652994953531.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084484096 nr_ops:2035629
+timestamp_ms:1652994954532.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2126525440 nr_ops:2076685
+timestamp_ms:1652994955533.2476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2168505344 nr_ops:2117681
+timestamp_ms:1652994956534.3503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216327168 nr_ops:2164382
+timestamp_ms:1652994957535.4541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2258242560 nr_ops:2205315
+timestamp_ms:1652994958536.5474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2300222464 nr_ops:2246311
+timestamp_ms:1652994959536.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2342134784 nr_ops:2287241
+timestamp_ms:1652994960537.9229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2383690752 nr_ops:2327823
+timestamp_ms:1652994961538.9653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2426151936 nr_ops:2369289
+timestamp_ms:1652994962540.0583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2468117504 nr_ops:2410271
+timestamp_ms:1652994963541.1460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2510482432 nr_ops:2451643
+timestamp_ms:1652994964542.2432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2552696832 nr_ops:2492868
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139670920861440
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652994965743.5715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595381248 nr_ops:2534552
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994965743.6509 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652994965743.6611 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652994965843.8843 name:Total nr_bytes:2595381248 nr_ops:2534553
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994965743.7834 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5190762496 nr_ops:5069106
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652994965743.7847 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2595381248 nr_ops:2534555
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 276.24us 0.00ns 276.24us 276.24us
+Txn1 1267276 47.36us 0.00ns 899.89us 18.45us
+Txn2 1 50.65us 0.00ns 50.65us 50.65us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 275.51us 0.00ns 275.51us 275.51us
+write 1267276 2.44us 0.00ns 253.07us 2.11us
+read 1267276 44.85us 0.00ns 896.24us 1.18us
+disconnect 1 49.88us 0.00ns 49.88us 49.88us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.76b/s
+net1 20321 20321 177.19Mb/s 177.19Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.146 62.36s 2.42GB 332.93Mb/s 2534555 0.00
+master 62.36s 2.42GB 332.93Mb/s 2534555 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:06.482000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:06.482000', 'bytes': 42112000, 'norm_byte': 42112000, 'ops': 41125, 'norm_ops': 41125, 'norm_ltcy': 24.34246176861702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:06.482000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:06.482000",
+ "bytes": 42112000,
+ "norm_byte": 42112000,
+ "ops": 41125,
+ "norm_ops": 41125,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.34246176861702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f56cedbb9cc0d2ed76f394b7e02adf100d017d4ebb0cf58e6bc007c44fd6a13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:07.483000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:07.483000', 'bytes': 84167680, 'norm_byte': 42055680, 'ops': 82195, 'norm_ops': 41070, 'norm_ltcy': 24.375773973931704, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:07.483000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:07.483000",
+ "bytes": 84167680,
+ "norm_byte": 42055680,
+ "ops": 82195,
+ "norm_ops": 41070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.375773973931704,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c28df870b6257427a4221ee6b94b0b8fadfc84421ac2fa20f0b9c3b7cad84e7d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:08.485000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:08.485000', 'bytes': 125936640, 'norm_byte': 41768960, 'ops': 122985, 'norm_ops': 40790, 'norm_ltcy': 24.54290219339912, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:08.485000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:08.485000",
+ "bytes": 125936640,
+ "norm_byte": 41768960,
+ "ops": 122985,
+ "norm_ops": 40790,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.54290219339912,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c0be7a45bfdb838b43fde26721a7b45d73240edbb0220b0ebfdd5ac6757fe14",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:09.486000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:09.486000', 'bytes': 167371776, 'norm_byte': 41435136, 'ops': 163449, 'norm_ops': 40464, 'norm_ltcy': 24.740138417791123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:09.486000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:09.486000",
+ "bytes": 167371776,
+ "norm_byte": 41435136,
+ "ops": 163449,
+ "norm_ops": 40464,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.740138417791123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "579e615b53ec05c99a3f1e0f0f00da01e76bb54379f4f631aa9bc5121fecc33f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:10.486000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:10.486000', 'bytes': 208872448, 'norm_byte': 41500672, 'ops': 203977, 'norm_ops': 40528, 'norm_ltcy': 24.69146162259734, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:10.486000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:10.486000",
+ "bytes": 208872448,
+ "norm_byte": 41500672,
+ "ops": 203977,
+ "norm_ops": 40528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.69146162259734,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f9dc2c3d3f420855e72ee44b81a4ee4d8128936a2b0849d867c38ba5691db66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:11.487000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:11.487000', 'bytes': 250977280, 'norm_byte': 42104832, 'ops': 245095, 'norm_ops': 41118, 'norm_ltcy': 24.34676024832494, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:11.487000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:11.487000",
+ "bytes": 250977280,
+ "norm_byte": 42104832,
+ "ops": 245095,
+ "norm_ops": 41118,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.34676024832494,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e36278432f4b427e60cd0c1da1f9a09bccf56ae1f9b10d13fa7335f5cd6034b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:12.489000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:12.489000', 'bytes': 292846592, 'norm_byte': 41869312, 'ops': 285983, 'norm_ops': 40888, 'norm_ltcy': 24.484919885953705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:12.489000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:12.489000",
+ "bytes": 292846592,
+ "norm_byte": 41869312,
+ "ops": 285983,
+ "norm_ops": 40888,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.484919885953705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da4604dccb655852ce41d9799ecc173c27498840ccfa8a49a78f92dab8e2aeee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:13.490000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:13.490000', 'bytes': 334540800, 'norm_byte': 41694208, 'ops': 326700, 'norm_ops': 40717, 'norm_ltcy': 24.586712379810646, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:13.490000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:13.490000",
+ "bytes": 334540800,
+ "norm_byte": 41694208,
+ "ops": 326700,
+ "norm_ops": 40717,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.586712379810646,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08a8be4b1ba6daf27a4576fd1625f603b34b490952fc2c9e2f457db20cf25a4b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:14.490000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:14.490000', 'bytes': 376176640, 'norm_byte': 41635840, 'ops': 367360, 'norm_ops': 40660, 'norm_ltcy': 24.61066595510022, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:14.490000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:14.490000",
+ "bytes": 376176640,
+ "norm_byte": 41635840,
+ "ops": 367360,
+ "norm_ops": 40660,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.61066595510022,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ddfd5b35ea511dc13460f24eb5cf91543263fee119dee15f5e2f39fc06424954",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:15.491000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:15.491000', 'bytes': 418118656, 'norm_byte': 41942016, 'ops': 408319, 'norm_ops': 40959, 'norm_ltcy': 24.43925799847103, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:15.491000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:15.491000",
+ "bytes": 418118656,
+ "norm_byte": 41942016,
+ "ops": 408319,
+ "norm_ops": 40959,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.43925799847103,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3445f49558c69176b479b0c6fdeb8afff863f9f4d2acddd6f4ad6bef3be5555",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:16.492000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:16.492000', 'bytes': 460440576, 'norm_byte': 42321920, 'ops': 449649, 'norm_ops': 41330, 'norm_ltcy': 24.222867251769294, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:16.492000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:16.492000",
+ "bytes": 460440576,
+ "norm_byte": 42321920,
+ "ops": 449649,
+ "norm_ops": 41330,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.222867251769294,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "117db8619d5a3b4b83feaf791fc0d2be1ce909b176658403286635b8e88c995b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:17.494000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:17.494000', 'bytes': 505840640, 'norm_byte': 45400064, 'ops': 493985, 'norm_ops': 44336, 'norm_ltcy': 22.579714865600188, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:17.494000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:17.494000",
+ "bytes": 505840640,
+ "norm_byte": 45400064,
+ "ops": 493985,
+ "norm_ops": 44336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.579714865600188,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "239b6585009cc51e2c7f35b91f88db511bfdf380766f665338adef12ae14f18e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:18.495000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:18.495000', 'bytes': 554390528, 'norm_byte': 48549888, 'ops': 541397, 'norm_ops': 47412, 'norm_ltcy': 21.114925126088856, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:18.495000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:18.495000",
+ "bytes": 554390528,
+ "norm_byte": 48549888,
+ "ops": 541397,
+ "norm_ops": 47412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.114925126088856,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f45d0d74f09a0b1c151aaa4967fb33f608b198031d43183409ddfbf2013633da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:19.496000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:19.496000', 'bytes': 604679168, 'norm_byte': 50288640, 'ops': 590507, 'norm_ops': 49110, 'norm_ltcy': 20.383470302636937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:19.496000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:19.496000",
+ "bytes": 604679168,
+ "norm_byte": 50288640,
+ "ops": 590507,
+ "norm_ops": 49110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.383470302636937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "182dd9b9c9db212f3b8eab6254479253bacebde10299e3c2dc7e7ae307b58ba1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:20.496000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:20.496000', 'bytes': 654883840, 'norm_byte': 50204672, 'ops': 639535, 'norm_ops': 49028, 'norm_ltcy': 20.409549732742004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:20.496000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:20.496000",
+ "bytes": 654883840,
+ "norm_byte": 50204672,
+ "ops": 639535,
+ "norm_ops": 49028,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.409549732742004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85044d9758db04312d58caff04a20456205476bb68a823a900b1a6fa5cc82f56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:21.497000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:21.497000', 'bytes': 704969728, 'norm_byte': 50085888, 'ops': 688447, 'norm_ops': 48912, 'norm_ltcy': 20.46721224150004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:21.497000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:21.497000",
+ "bytes": 704969728,
+ "norm_byte": 50085888,
+ "ops": 688447,
+ "norm_ops": 48912,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.46721224150004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7cd85de9636b45437da220c8bfdd36a06e69cc0716fd2b642f9b0f962807eb4b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:22.499000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:22.499000', 'bytes': 754686976, 'norm_byte': 49717248, 'ops': 736999, 'norm_ops': 48552, 'norm_ltcy': 20.61886048077319, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:22.499000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:22.499000",
+ "bytes": 754686976,
+ "norm_byte": 49717248,
+ "ops": 736999,
+ "norm_ops": 48552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.61886048077319,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d73e2e7e7e436cd7257567a57604a434164e8388e1923f26cb94bdd68f5685b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:23.500000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:23.500000', 'bytes': 803539968, 'norm_byte': 48852992, 'ops': 784707, 'norm_ops': 47708, 'norm_ltcy': 20.983924587464365, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:23.500000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:23.500000",
+ "bytes": 803539968,
+ "norm_byte": 48852992,
+ "ops": 784707,
+ "norm_ops": 47708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.983924587464365,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0004b2f4dd5ad6aff45c6a8c2766b297d4fbd940e6668efb382f9202ad5fe6a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:24.500000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:24.500000', 'bytes': 852245504, 'norm_byte': 48705536, 'ops': 832271, 'norm_ops': 47564, 'norm_ltcy': 21.039363985235685, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:24.500000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:24.500000",
+ "bytes": 852245504,
+ "norm_byte": 48705536,
+ "ops": 832271,
+ "norm_ops": 47564,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.039363985235685,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26f1b74eb3f2b153be520998967dc53c546ed403cf1786935cdeecd6b3887283",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:25.501000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:25.501000', 'bytes': 901733376, 'norm_byte': 49487872, 'ops': 880599, 'norm_ops': 48328, 'norm_ltcy': 20.712711187096506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:25.501000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:25.501000",
+ "bytes": 901733376,
+ "norm_byte": 49487872,
+ "ops": 880599,
+ "norm_ops": 48328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.712711187096506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "310b8f08fc926caa20c83d88a16aa32117ead43e48cf8b07946bc285c9c9caa4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:26.502000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:26.502000', 'bytes': 951303168, 'norm_byte': 49569792, 'ops': 929007, 'norm_ops': 48408, 'norm_ltcy': 20.68053866354735, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:26.502000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:26.502000",
+ "bytes": 951303168,
+ "norm_byte": 49569792,
+ "ops": 929007,
+ "norm_ops": 48408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.68053866354735,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b154908006e2ff0543b94771a8aed342ca48e77bf9081676d20daa82071c38e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:27.504000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:27.504000', 'bytes': 998507520, 'norm_byte': 47204352, 'ops': 975105, 'norm_ops': 46098, 'norm_ltcy': 21.71681119571348, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:27.504000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:27.504000",
+ "bytes": 998507520,
+ "norm_byte": 47204352,
+ "ops": 975105,
+ "norm_ops": 46098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.71681119571348,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "62a58dfc8893644c9db233a1ebf8071db2e2a5a8c5a5a31bd015466840441230",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:28.505000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:28.505000', 'bytes': 1040274432, 'norm_byte': 41766912, 'ops': 1015893, 'norm_ops': 40788, 'norm_ltcy': 24.54244163418162, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:28.505000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:28.505000",
+ "bytes": 1040274432,
+ "norm_byte": 41766912,
+ "ops": 1015893,
+ "norm_ops": 40788,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.54244163418162,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c57774e1716f3864d72ee5972b4f217cc039425c8f84b8dd1d1521e7240e4366",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:29.506000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:29.506000', 'bytes': 1083710464, 'norm_byte': 43436032, 'ops': 1058311, 'norm_ops': 42418, 'norm_ltcy': 23.60088393893807, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:29.506000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:29.506000",
+ "bytes": 1083710464,
+ "norm_byte": 43436032,
+ "ops": 1058311,
+ "norm_ops": 42418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.60088393893807,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c8eaa7f971d6b7be8c4749570c8a9c1638c36e50b02ab9374a0446a01f653f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:30.506000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:30.506000', 'bytes': 1125319680, 'norm_byte': 41609216, 'ops': 1098945, 'norm_ops': 40634, 'norm_ltcy': 24.626070820464392, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:30.506000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:30.506000",
+ "bytes": 1125319680,
+ "norm_byte": 41609216,
+ "ops": 1098945,
+ "norm_ops": 40634,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.626070820464392,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e064f7a61d9cd746d3e8a533a85a5268089b0e44abfb991340bc70bd9299af8a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:31.507000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:31.507000', 'bytes': 1166812160, 'norm_byte': 41492480, 'ops': 1139465, 'norm_ops': 40520, 'norm_ltcy': 24.70663358758021, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:31.507000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:31.507000",
+ "bytes": 1166812160,
+ "norm_byte": 41492480,
+ "ops": 1139465,
+ "norm_ops": 40520,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.70663358758021,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2dbf625b9ddbb1ddc1261458eae9e3a457f4cf110af1114a469ed752aed79ee2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:32.509000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:32.509000', 'bytes': 1208398848, 'norm_byte': 41586688, 'ops': 1180077, 'norm_ops': 40612, 'norm_ltcy': 24.65034003188713, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:32.509000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:32.509000",
+ "bytes": 1208398848,
+ "norm_byte": 41586688,
+ "ops": 1180077,
+ "norm_ops": 40612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.65034003188713,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bea369b44023e4d901887f035f17c74596fff91258d8607650e44d0f59f0f8c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:33.510000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:33.510000', 'bytes': 1250024448, 'norm_byte': 41625600, 'ops': 1220727, 'norm_ops': 40650, 'norm_ltcy': 24.62710447416974, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:33.510000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:33.510000",
+ "bytes": 1250024448,
+ "norm_byte": 41625600,
+ "ops": 1220727,
+ "norm_ops": 40650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.62710447416974,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f29a92daece67644d37ab8fb89310315c6b8c99ddf06e3276d15f55c58b877f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:34.511000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:34.511000', 'bytes': 1291566080, 'norm_byte': 41541632, 'ops': 1261295, 'norm_ops': 40568, 'norm_ltcy': 24.67700955995181, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:34.511000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:34.511000",
+ "bytes": 1291566080,
+ "norm_byte": 41541632,
+ "ops": 1261295,
+ "norm_ops": 40568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.67700955995181,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ad31abefb20dd566b322527b9f925e5ca31a457cf15599b6fc938b645679561",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:35.512000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:35.512000', 'bytes': 1333271552, 'norm_byte': 41705472, 'ops': 1302023, 'norm_ops': 40728, 'norm_ltcy': 24.578489364656996, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:35.512000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:35.512000",
+ "bytes": 1333271552,
+ "norm_byte": 41705472,
+ "ops": 1302023,
+ "norm_ops": 40728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.578489364656996,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04fcdca2e2d39d5c5a7935907bc45f54c1a5e164d465ad7b1f057f43e40010db",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:36.513000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:36.513000', 'bytes': 1374979072, 'norm_byte': 41707520, 'ops': 1342753, 'norm_ops': 40730, 'norm_ltcy': 24.579092691198134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:36.513000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:36.513000",
+ "bytes": 1374979072,
+ "norm_byte": 41707520,
+ "ops": 1342753,
+ "norm_ops": 40730,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.579092691198134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c031cc6186913478f8162c62214673c4e609833e772bbdc30f1487b72ed243ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:37.514000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:37.514000', 'bytes': 1416958976, 'norm_byte': 41979904, 'ops': 1383749, 'norm_ops': 40996, 'norm_ltcy': 24.419106580138916, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:37.514000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:37.514000",
+ "bytes": 1416958976,
+ "norm_byte": 41979904,
+ "ops": 1383749,
+ "norm_ops": 40996,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.419106580138916,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85fc509b5f964e492d1496cd7864aac7f1c72688e7481f03e0448150b9414523",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:38.515000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:38.515000', 'bytes': 1458566144, 'norm_byte': 41607168, 'ops': 1424381, 'norm_ops': 40632, 'norm_ltcy': 24.637900132977087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:38.515000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:38.515000",
+ "bytes": 1458566144,
+ "norm_byte": 41607168,
+ "ops": 1424381,
+ "norm_ops": 40632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.637900132977087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fefd6a8ea79c0d3af4712ce4744834890f9e327e0bf003e63823552ba14ddc60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:39.515000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:39.515000', 'bytes': 1500045312, 'norm_byte': 41479168, 'ops': 1464888, 'norm_ops': 40507, 'norm_ltcy': 24.694106689893104, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:39.515000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:39.515000",
+ "bytes": 1500045312,
+ "norm_byte": 41479168,
+ "ops": 1464888,
+ "norm_ops": 40507,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.694106689893104,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7ecd58939a369bf605aee1ec385ef29dd2c7f6d81c6c3689e3a23cd944d58b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:40.516000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:40.516000', 'bytes': 1545352192, 'norm_byte': 45306880, 'ops': 1509133, 'norm_ops': 44245, 'norm_ltcy': 22.624378460843033, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:40.516000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:40.516000",
+ "bytes": 1545352192,
+ "norm_byte": 45306880,
+ "ops": 1509133,
+ "norm_ops": 44245,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.624378460843033,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c67f2c1d6af4f542b067933dccaf1d58f9e2b58c177f608e0c9d516468165e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:41.518000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:41.518000', 'bytes': 1586959360, 'norm_byte': 41607168, 'ops': 1549765, 'norm_ops': 40632, 'norm_ltcy': 24.640670088384773, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:41.518000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:41.518000",
+ "bytes": 1586959360,
+ "norm_byte": 41607168,
+ "ops": 1549765,
+ "norm_ops": 40632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.640670088384773,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a910792f2e7f7b20de2a2a340824445ca7b6dc75b8bfbdc523ae722f4a88271",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:42.519000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:42.519000', 'bytes': 1628029952, 'norm_byte': 41070592, 'ops': 1589873, 'norm_ops': 40108, 'norm_ltcy': 24.960438846364816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:42.519000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:42.519000",
+ "bytes": 1628029952,
+ "norm_byte": 41070592,
+ "ops": 1589873,
+ "norm_ops": 40108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.960438846364816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ed76c883f236569f6bfb755a27df78c124b04210b3915a2a4c827a13faa3fa7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:43.520000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:43.520000', 'bytes': 1669563392, 'norm_byte': 41533440, 'ops': 1630433, 'norm_ops': 40560, 'norm_ltcy': 24.681660127357617, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:43.520000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:43.520000",
+ "bytes": 1669563392,
+ "norm_byte": 41533440,
+ "ops": 1630433,
+ "norm_ops": 40560,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.681660127357617,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c6d0ea132dc267789c9f149b5198b90df4dc9e015d802fe1cfff2299e206a93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:44.521000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:44.521000', 'bytes': 1711076352, 'norm_byte': 41512960, 'ops': 1670973, 'norm_ops': 40540, 'norm_ltcy': 24.693860664235938, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:44.521000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:44.521000",
+ "bytes": 1711076352,
+ "norm_byte": 41512960,
+ "ops": 1670973,
+ "norm_ops": 40540,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.693860664235938,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be85328fcd3e33e123c39919a5b6891577a8b527d6c20b7ff516e508bd9d8eb3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:45.522000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:45.522000', 'bytes': 1752464384, 'norm_byte': 41388032, 'ops': 1711391, 'norm_ops': 40418, 'norm_ltcy': 24.768355741099263, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:45.522000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:45.522000",
+ "bytes": 1752464384,
+ "norm_byte": 41388032,
+ "ops": 1711391,
+ "norm_ops": 40418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.768355741099263,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95ec81a3eae0ebd732c69528b7c474ef5b9bdd21cc25d582d9051093359e4b10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:46.523000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:46.523000', 'bytes': 1793727488, 'norm_byte': 41263104, 'ops': 1751687, 'norm_ops': 40296, 'norm_ltcy': 24.84360483399407, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:46.523000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:46.523000",
+ "bytes": 1793727488,
+ "norm_byte": 41263104,
+ "ops": 1751687,
+ "norm_ops": 40296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.84360483399407,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f562ba9cd5342951bda9fd28de6547654be22c7632649ebcd159adb94cd3167",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:47.524000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:47.524000', 'bytes': 1835369472, 'norm_byte': 41641984, 'ops': 1792353, 'norm_ops': 40666, 'norm_ltcy': 24.617354927181182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:47.524000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:47.524000",
+ "bytes": 1835369472,
+ "norm_byte": 41641984,
+ "ops": 1792353,
+ "norm_ops": 40666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.617354927181182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9413acbab761f5c070ced818611277496ad00b5e9fd6461b4dd6ddd0de8af3e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:48.525000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:48.525000', 'bytes': 1876820992, 'norm_byte': 41451520, 'ops': 1832833, 'norm_ops': 40480, 'norm_ltcy': 24.73047429865057, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:48.525000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:48.525000",
+ "bytes": 1876820992,
+ "norm_byte": 41451520,
+ "ops": 1832833,
+ "norm_ops": 40480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.73047429865057,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e85a843d1c71bd36dd119e54ecd56c47f7f926ee606ad780da6961ae3d1fb83",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:49.526000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:49.526000', 'bytes': 1918272512, 'norm_byte': 41451520, 'ops': 1873313, 'norm_ops': 40480, 'norm_ltcy': 24.730594921489008, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:49.526000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:49.526000",
+ "bytes": 1918272512,
+ "norm_byte": 41451520,
+ "ops": 1873313,
+ "norm_ops": 40480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.730594921489008,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a0685ab56bd91d2d50763d9411efa9669b438bf8cd149e1f03afdb9f6fc33242",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:50.527000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:50.527000', 'bytes': 1959953408, 'norm_byte': 41680896, 'ops': 1914017, 'norm_ops': 40704, 'norm_ltcy': 24.593113353417355, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:50.527000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:50.527000",
+ "bytes": 1959953408,
+ "norm_byte": 41680896,
+ "ops": 1914017,
+ "norm_ops": 40704,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.593113353417355,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "98fe54ba0de2bef2e8916d4a3e8d9c9ed7fcd793b99e312f3bca37d1ee594227",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:51.528000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:51.528000', 'bytes': 2001419264, 'norm_byte': 41465856, 'ops': 1954511, 'norm_ops': 40494, 'norm_ltcy': 24.72196040038339, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:51.528000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:51.528000",
+ "bytes": 2001419264,
+ "norm_byte": 41465856,
+ "ops": 1954511,
+ "norm_ops": 40494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.72196040038339,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b757e319eaf93f824752e2e3927e1a0db9a787ef1bbecadb428578f91a843b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:52.530000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:52.530000', 'bytes': 2042823680, 'norm_byte': 41404416, 'ops': 1994945, 'norm_ops': 40434, 'norm_ltcy': 24.758560777671637, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:52.530000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:52.530000",
+ "bytes": 2042823680,
+ "norm_byte": 41404416,
+ "ops": 1994945,
+ "norm_ops": 40434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.758560777671637,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ef9e5964ce78ddc1e064d89edad329abb724c2c721762ecc88b0428791f66a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:53.531000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:53.531000', 'bytes': 2084484096, 'norm_byte': 41660416, 'ops': 2035629, 'norm_ops': 40684, 'norm_ltcy': 24.60660738481344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:53.531000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:53.531000",
+ "bytes": 2084484096,
+ "norm_byte": 41660416,
+ "ops": 2035629,
+ "norm_ops": 40684,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.60660738481344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0521d8e97c59f8006159f8a0e9963043a2e0a61809eaadae38d247cbef19526",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:54.532000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:54.532000', 'bytes': 2126525440, 'norm_byte': 42041344, 'ops': 2076685, 'norm_ops': 41056, 'norm_ltcy': 24.383521135765783, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:54.532000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:54.532000",
+ "bytes": 2126525440,
+ "norm_byte": 42041344,
+ "ops": 2076685,
+ "norm_ops": 41056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.383521135765783,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d815227ab9ab139868a481e3e45386bcf1e1a57a9ac49ece6c09a2602bfa6f24",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:55.533000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:55.533000', 'bytes': 2168505344, 'norm_byte': 41979904, 'ops': 2117681, 'norm_ops': 40996, 'norm_ltcy': 24.418123967124842, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:55.533000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:55.533000",
+ "bytes": 2168505344,
+ "norm_byte": 41979904,
+ "ops": 2117681,
+ "norm_ops": 40996,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.418123967124842,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "139f5da070930b954e84dba078de26eb81d545dbcff79e73f53f613413f6f309",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:56.534000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:56.534000', 'bytes': 2216327168, 'norm_byte': 47821824, 'ops': 2164382, 'norm_ops': 46701, 'norm_ltcy': 21.436431408387936, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:56.534000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:56.534000",
+ "bytes": 2216327168,
+ "norm_byte": 47821824,
+ "ops": 2164382,
+ "norm_ops": 46701,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.436431408387936,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "46ba1cb4d8dcdaddba9b31ce2598a113a4d8e833059f0de48f5a382c9146be35",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:57.535000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:57.535000', 'bytes': 2258242560, 'norm_byte': 41915392, 'ops': 2205315, 'norm_ops': 40933, 'norm_ltcy': 24.45713140413908, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:57.535000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:57.535000",
+ "bytes": 2258242560,
+ "norm_byte": 41915392,
+ "ops": 2205315,
+ "norm_ops": 40933,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.45713140413908,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95f9541f0216bff7a52760cefe9de14b56db3907b65756b21a947a77af985944",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:58.536000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:58.536000', 'bytes': 2300222464, 'norm_byte': 41979904, 'ops': 2246311, 'norm_ops': 40996, 'norm_ltcy': 24.419291192280955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:58.536000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:58.536000",
+ "bytes": 2300222464,
+ "norm_byte": 41979904,
+ "ops": 2246311,
+ "norm_ops": 40996,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.419291192280955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86a1a838beb4b775a275222fdb6295087890a4ec2fc21515f6e72b8ef6f00f7a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:15:59.536000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:15:59.536000', 'bytes': 2342134784, 'norm_byte': 41912320, 'ops': 2287241, 'norm_ops': 40930, 'norm_ltcy': 24.438971643659908, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:15:59.536000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:15:59.536000",
+ "bytes": 2342134784,
+ "norm_byte": 41912320,
+ "ops": 2287241,
+ "norm_ops": 40930,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.438971643659908,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fac158ba27dafabf983ffff774f2d1823fc1ca44e67ae5eef571c3a3f7272b7d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:16:00.537000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:16:00.537000', 'bytes': 2383690752, 'norm_byte': 41555968, 'ops': 2327823, 'norm_ops': 40582, 'norm_ltcy': 24.66828591262752, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:16:00.537000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:16:00.537000",
+ "bytes": 2383690752,
+ "norm_byte": 41555968,
+ "ops": 2327823,
+ "norm_ops": 40582,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.66828591262752,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e9e90c8c13e0fa3b971214d7c530af6a7992049d53638b341a956d574868bd57",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:16:01.538000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:16:01.538000', 'bytes': 2426151936, 'norm_byte': 42461184, 'ops': 2369289, 'norm_ops': 41466, 'norm_ltcy': 24.141283954776203, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:16:01.538000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:16:01.538000",
+ "bytes": 2426151936,
+ "norm_byte": 42461184,
+ "ops": 2369289,
+ "norm_ops": 41466,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.141283954776203,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5be7a01bc38dbb005012d69075e07b3007865cb0294406031dac55877deda298",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:16:02.540000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:16:02.540000', 'bytes': 2468117504, 'norm_byte': 41965568, 'ops': 2410271, 'norm_ops': 40982, 'norm_ltcy': 24.427627191892174, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:16:02.540000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:16:02.540000",
+ "bytes": 2468117504,
+ "norm_byte": 41965568,
+ "ops": 2410271,
+ "norm_ops": 40982,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.427627191892174,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f95b874ecaec5afc4ceaa041efc291f655cf1739b23c7b5338d8128f9a67ab1a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:16:03.541000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:16:03.541000', 'bytes': 2510482432, 'norm_byte': 42364928, 'ops': 2451643, 'norm_ops': 41372, 'norm_ltcy': 24.19722630001873, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:16:03.541000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:16:03.541000",
+ "bytes": 2510482432,
+ "norm_byte": 42364928,
+ "ops": 2451643,
+ "norm_ops": 41372,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.19722630001873,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "647ee8aa14823b5ec2c388a17e8a726d9a3ffc295e4177076024c58d0ce718db",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:16:04.542000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:16:04.542000', 'bytes': 2552696832, 'norm_byte': 42214400, 'ops': 2492868, 'norm_ops': 41225, 'norm_ltcy': 24.28373967177077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:16:04.542000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:16:04.542000",
+ "bytes": 2552696832,
+ "norm_byte": 42214400,
+ "ops": 2492868,
+ "norm_ops": 41225,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.28373967177077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b713f305bcad93cf5b89069e1f240980ab5a94fae6c4f08e513d72c9a2a98b74",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:16:05.743000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:16:05.743000', 'bytes': 2595381248, 'norm_byte': 42684416, 'ops': 2534552, 'norm_ops': 41684, 'norm_ltcy': 28.819891784392695, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:16:05.743000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:16:05.743000",
+ "bytes": 2595381248,
+ "norm_byte": 42684416,
+ "ops": 2534552,
+ "norm_ops": 41684,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.819891784392695,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "511136fb-f9cd-5bc2-b458-636870ab7717",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e5a49372e3b78acfab671fb8334ea4e94fd05988e005f18db8cea5bcf00445d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 43256354.13333333
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 42242.53333333333
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.772118195744003
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:16:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-051-220519211220/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-051-220519211220/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4ba2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-051-220519211220/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-051-220519211220/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-051-220519211220/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-051-220519211220/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-051-220519211220/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-051-220519211220/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9877f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-051-220519211220/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=25
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=25
+ vm.swappiness=75
+ net.core.busy_read=190
+ net.core.busy_poll=120
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-052-220519211422/220519211422-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-052-220519211422/220519211422-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2523c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-052-220519211422/220519211422-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:17:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995025946.4324 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995026947.5500 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995026947.6377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995027948.7305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:30962688 nr_ops:30237\ntimestamp_ms:1652995028949.8474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:55510016 nr_ops:54209\ntimestamp_ms:1652995029950.8923 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:79381504 nr_ops:77521\ntimestamp_ms:1652995030952.0044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90373120 nr_ops:88255\ntimestamp_ms:1652995031952.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:114951168 nr_ops:112257\ntimestamp_ms:1652995032953.8501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142210048 nr_ops:138877\ntimestamp_ms:1652995033954.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:152087552 nr_ops:148523\ntimestamp_ms:1652995034955.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176776192 nr_ops:172633\ntimestamp_ms:1652995035956.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:194696192 nr_ops:190133\ntimestamp_ms:1652995036957.9460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:209210368 nr_ops:204307\ntimestamp_ms:1652995037959.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:218711040 nr_ops:213585\ntimestamp_ms:1652995038960.1543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240653312 nr_ops:235013\ntimestamp_ms:1652995039961.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:269163520 nr_ops:262855\ntimestamp_ms:1652995040962.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:295973888 nr_ops:289037\ntimestamp_ms:1652995041963.4836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312988672 nr_ops:305653\ntimestamp_ms:1652995042964.5901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:335608832 nr_ops:327743\ntimestamp_ms:1652995043965.6948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:365259776 nr_ops:356699\ntimestamp_ms:1652995044966.8025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390722560 nr_ops:381565\ntimestamp_ms:1652995045967.8979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:421114880 nr_ops:411245\ntimestamp_ms:1652995046969.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:435217408 nr_ops:425017\ntimestamp_ms:1652995047970.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:470694912 nr_ops:459663\ntimestamp_ms:1652995048971.2810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:482532352 nr_ops:471223\ntimestamp_ms:1652995049972.3809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509574144 nr_ops:497631\ntimestamp_ms:1652995050973.4983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:525468672 nr_ops:513153\ntimestamp_ms:1652995051974.6047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:556617728 nr_ops:543572\ntimestamp_ms:1652995052975.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580377600 nr_ops:566775\ntimestamp_ms:1652995053976.8188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:597373952 nr_ops:583373\ntimestamp_ms:1652995054977.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:615639040 nr_ops:601210\ntimestamp_ms:1652995055979.0300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639917056 nr_ops:624919\ntimestamp_ms:1652995056980.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661392384 nr_ops:645891\ntimestamp_ms:1652995057980.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:688757760 nr_ops:672615\ntimestamp_ms:1652995058981.9453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:717437952 nr_ops:700623\ntimestamp_ms:1652995059983.0547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:737319936 nr_ops:720039\ntimestamp_ms:1652995060984.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:748350464 nr_ops:730811\ntimestamp_ms:1652995061985.2705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781304832 nr_ops:762993\ntimestamp_ms:1652995062986.3950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:784251904 nr_ops:765871\ntimestamp_ms:1652995063987.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813919232 nr_ops:794843\ntimestamp_ms:1652995064988.6042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:840733696 nr_ops:821029\ntimestamp_ms:1652995065989.7034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:872426496 nr_ops:851979\ntimestamp_ms:1652995066990.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:900037632 nr_ops:878943\ntimestamp_ms:1652995067991.9512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:913142784 nr_ops:891741\ntimestamp_ms:1652995068993.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:928996352 nr_ops:907223\ntimestamp_ms:1652995069993.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936111104 nr_ops:914171\ntimestamp_ms:1652995070994.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:960424960 nr_ops:937915\ntimestamp_ms:1652995071996.0398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990538752 nr_ops:967323\ntimestamp_ms:1652995072997.1287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006480384 nr_ops:982891\ntimestamp_ms:1652995073998.2219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021170688 nr_ops:997237\ntimestamp_ms:1652995074999.3220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1038363648 nr_ops:1014027\ntimestamp_ms:1652995076000.4521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1050942464 nr_ops:1026311\ntimestamp_ms:1652995077001.5669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068862464 nr_ops:1043811\ntimestamp_ms:1652995078002.6670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086866432 nr_ops:1061393\ntimestamp_ms:1652995079003.7759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1109926912 nr_ops:1083913\ntimestamp_ms:1652995080004.8750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1117809664 nr_ops:1091611\ntimestamp_ms:1652995081005.9905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139260416 nr_ops:1112559\ntimestamp_ms:1652995082007.1252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1160997888 nr_ops:1133787\ntimestamp_ms:1652995083008.2598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1173683200 nr_ops:1146175\ntimestamp_ms:1652995084009.3879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1206914048 nr_ops:1178627\ntimestamp_ms:1652995085010.4763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1227658240 nr_ops:1198885\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140681909266176\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261872128 nr_ops:1232297\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.9109 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.9155 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086312.1304 name:Total nr_bytes:1261872128 nr_ops:1232298\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.9685 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2523744254 nr_ops:2464596\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.9695 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1261872128 nr_ops:1232300\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 357.26us 0.00ns 357.26us 357.26us \nTxn1 616149 95.82us 0.00ns 211.84ms 18.39us \nTxn2 1 31.23us 0.00ns 31.23us 31.23us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 356.57us 0.00ns 356.57us 356.57us \nwrite 616149 2.82us 0.00ns 93.03us 2.11us \nread 616148 92.92us 0.00ns 211.84ms 2.91us \ndisconnect 1 30.75us 0.00ns 30.75us 30.75us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.91b/s \nnet1 10044 10044 87.56Mb/s 87.57Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.147 61.37s 1.18GB 164.50Mb/s 1232299 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 1.18GB 164.50Mb/s 1232300 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.416948, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995025946.4324 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995026947.5500 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995026947.6377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995027948.7305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:30962688 nr_ops:30237\ntimestamp_ms:1652995028949.8474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:55510016 nr_ops:54209\ntimestamp_ms:1652995029950.8923 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:79381504 nr_ops:77521\ntimestamp_ms:1652995030952.0044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90373120 nr_ops:88255\ntimestamp_ms:1652995031952.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:114951168 nr_ops:112257\ntimestamp_ms:1652995032953.8501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142210048 nr_ops:138877\ntimestamp_ms:1652995033954.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:152087552 nr_ops:148523\ntimestamp_ms:1652995034955.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176776192 nr_ops:172633\ntimestamp_ms:1652995035956.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:194696192 nr_ops:190133\ntimestamp_ms:1652995036957.9460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:209210368 nr_ops:204307\ntimestamp_ms:1652995037959.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:218711040 nr_ops:213585\ntimestamp_ms:1652995038960.1543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240653312 nr_ops:235013\ntimestamp_ms:1652995039961.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:269163520 nr_ops:262855\ntimestamp_ms:1652995040962.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:295973888 nr_ops:289037\ntimestamp_ms:1652995041963.4836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312988672 nr_ops:305653\ntimestamp_ms:1652995042964.5901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:335608832 nr_ops:327743\ntimestamp_ms:1652995043965.6948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:365259776 nr_ops:356699\ntimestamp_ms:1652995044966.8025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390722560 nr_ops:381565\ntimestamp_ms:1652995045967.8979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:421114880 nr_ops:411245\ntimestamp_ms:1652995046969.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:435217408 nr_ops:425017\ntimestamp_ms:1652995047970.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:470694912 nr_ops:459663\ntimestamp_ms:1652995048971.2810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:482532352 nr_ops:471223\ntimestamp_ms:1652995049972.3809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509574144 nr_ops:497631\ntimestamp_ms:1652995050973.4983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:525468672 nr_ops:513153\ntimestamp_ms:1652995051974.6047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:556617728 nr_ops:543572\ntimestamp_ms:1652995052975.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580377600 nr_ops:566775\ntimestamp_ms:1652995053976.8188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:597373952 nr_ops:583373\ntimestamp_ms:1652995054977.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:615639040 nr_ops:601210\ntimestamp_ms:1652995055979.0300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639917056 nr_ops:624919\ntimestamp_ms:1652995056980.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661392384 nr_ops:645891\ntimestamp_ms:1652995057980.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:688757760 nr_ops:672615\ntimestamp_ms:1652995058981.9453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:717437952 nr_ops:700623\ntimestamp_ms:1652995059983.0547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:737319936 nr_ops:720039\ntimestamp_ms:1652995060984.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:748350464 nr_ops:730811\ntimestamp_ms:1652995061985.2705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781304832 nr_ops:762993\ntimestamp_ms:1652995062986.3950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:784251904 nr_ops:765871\ntimestamp_ms:1652995063987.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813919232 nr_ops:794843\ntimestamp_ms:1652995064988.6042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:840733696 nr_ops:821029\ntimestamp_ms:1652995065989.7034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:872426496 nr_ops:851979\ntimestamp_ms:1652995066990.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:900037632 nr_ops:878943\ntimestamp_ms:1652995067991.9512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:913142784 nr_ops:891741\ntimestamp_ms:1652995068993.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:928996352 nr_ops:907223\ntimestamp_ms:1652995069993.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936111104 nr_ops:914171\ntimestamp_ms:1652995070994.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:960424960 nr_ops:937915\ntimestamp_ms:1652995071996.0398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990538752 nr_ops:967323\ntimestamp_ms:1652995072997.1287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006480384 nr_ops:982891\ntimestamp_ms:1652995073998.2219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021170688 nr_ops:997237\ntimestamp_ms:1652995074999.3220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1038363648 nr_ops:1014027\ntimestamp_ms:1652995076000.4521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1050942464 nr_ops:1026311\ntimestamp_ms:1652995077001.5669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068862464 nr_ops:1043811\ntimestamp_ms:1652995078002.6670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086866432 nr_ops:1061393\ntimestamp_ms:1652995079003.7759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1109926912 nr_ops:1083913\ntimestamp_ms:1652995080004.8750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1117809664 nr_ops:1091611\ntimestamp_ms:1652995081005.9905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139260416 nr_ops:1112559\ntimestamp_ms:1652995082007.1252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1160997888 nr_ops:1133787\ntimestamp_ms:1652995083008.2598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1173683200 nr_ops:1146175\ntimestamp_ms:1652995084009.3879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1206914048 nr_ops:1178627\ntimestamp_ms:1652995085010.4763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1227658240 nr_ops:1198885\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140681909266176\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261872128 nr_ops:1232297\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.9109 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.9155 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086312.1304 name:Total nr_bytes:1261872128 nr_ops:1232298\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.9685 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2523744254 nr_ops:2464596\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.9695 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1261872128 nr_ops:1232300\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 357.26us 0.00ns 357.26us 357.26us \nTxn1 616149 95.82us 0.00ns 211.84ms 18.39us \nTxn2 1 31.23us 0.00ns 31.23us 31.23us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 356.57us 0.00ns 356.57us 356.57us \nwrite 616149 2.82us 0.00ns 93.03us 2.11us \nread 616148 92.92us 0.00ns 211.84ms 2.91us \ndisconnect 1 30.75us 0.00ns 30.75us 30.75us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.91b/s \nnet1 10044 10044 87.56Mb/s 87.57Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.147 61.37s 1.18GB 164.50Mb/s 1232299 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 1.18GB 164.50Mb/s 1232300 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.416948, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995025946.4324 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995026947.5500 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995026947.6377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995027948.7305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:30962688 nr_ops:30237\ntimestamp_ms:1652995028949.8474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:55510016 nr_ops:54209\ntimestamp_ms:1652995029950.8923 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:79381504 nr_ops:77521\ntimestamp_ms:1652995030952.0044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90373120 nr_ops:88255\ntimestamp_ms:1652995031952.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:114951168 nr_ops:112257\ntimestamp_ms:1652995032953.8501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142210048 nr_ops:138877\ntimestamp_ms:1652995033954.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:152087552 nr_ops:148523\ntimestamp_ms:1652995034955.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176776192 nr_ops:172633\ntimestamp_ms:1652995035956.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:194696192 nr_ops:190133\ntimestamp_ms:1652995036957.9460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:209210368 nr_ops:204307\ntimestamp_ms:1652995037959.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:218711040 nr_ops:213585\ntimestamp_ms:1652995038960.1543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240653312 nr_ops:235013\ntimestamp_ms:1652995039961.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:269163520 nr_ops:262855\ntimestamp_ms:1652995040962.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:295973888 nr_ops:289037\ntimestamp_ms:1652995041963.4836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312988672 nr_ops:305653\ntimestamp_ms:1652995042964.5901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:335608832 nr_ops:327743\ntimestamp_ms:1652995043965.6948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:365259776 nr_ops:356699\ntimestamp_ms:1652995044966.8025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390722560 nr_ops:381565\ntimestamp_ms:1652995045967.8979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:421114880 nr_ops:411245\ntimestamp_ms:1652995046969.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:435217408 nr_ops:425017\ntimestamp_ms:1652995047970.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:470694912 nr_ops:459663\ntimestamp_ms:1652995048971.2810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:482532352 nr_ops:471223\ntimestamp_ms:1652995049972.3809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509574144 nr_ops:497631\ntimestamp_ms:1652995050973.4983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:525468672 nr_ops:513153\ntimestamp_ms:1652995051974.6047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:556617728 nr_ops:543572\ntimestamp_ms:1652995052975.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580377600 nr_ops:566775\ntimestamp_ms:1652995053976.8188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:597373952 nr_ops:583373\ntimestamp_ms:1652995054977.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:615639040 nr_ops:601210\ntimestamp_ms:1652995055979.0300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639917056 nr_ops:624919\ntimestamp_ms:1652995056980.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661392384 nr_ops:645891\ntimestamp_ms:1652995057980.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:688757760 nr_ops:672615\ntimestamp_ms:1652995058981.9453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:717437952 nr_ops:700623\ntimestamp_ms:1652995059983.0547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:737319936 nr_ops:720039\ntimestamp_ms:1652995060984.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:748350464 nr_ops:730811\ntimestamp_ms:1652995061985.2705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781304832 nr_ops:762993\ntimestamp_ms:1652995062986.3950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:784251904 nr_ops:765871\ntimestamp_ms:1652995063987.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813919232 nr_ops:794843\ntimestamp_ms:1652995064988.6042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:840733696 nr_ops:821029\ntimestamp_ms:1652995065989.7034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:872426496 nr_ops:851979\ntimestamp_ms:1652995066990.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:900037632 nr_ops:878943\ntimestamp_ms:1652995067991.9512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:913142784 nr_ops:891741\ntimestamp_ms:1652995068993.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:928996352 nr_ops:907223\ntimestamp_ms:1652995069993.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936111104 nr_ops:914171\ntimestamp_ms:1652995070994.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:960424960 nr_ops:937915\ntimestamp_ms:1652995071996.0398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990538752 nr_ops:967323\ntimestamp_ms:1652995072997.1287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006480384 nr_ops:982891\ntimestamp_ms:1652995073998.2219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021170688 nr_ops:997237\ntimestamp_ms:1652995074999.3220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1038363648 nr_ops:1014027\ntimestamp_ms:1652995076000.4521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1050942464 nr_ops:1026311\ntimestamp_ms:1652995077001.5669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068862464 nr_ops:1043811\ntimestamp_ms:1652995078002.6670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086866432 nr_ops:1061393\ntimestamp_ms:1652995079003.7759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1109926912 nr_ops:1083913\ntimestamp_ms:1652995080004.8750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1117809664 nr_ops:1091611\ntimestamp_ms:1652995081005.9905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139260416 nr_ops:1112559\ntimestamp_ms:1652995082007.1252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1160997888 nr_ops:1133787\ntimestamp_ms:1652995083008.2598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1173683200 nr_ops:1146175\ntimestamp_ms:1652995084009.3879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1206914048 nr_ops:1178627\ntimestamp_ms:1652995085010.4763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1227658240 nr_ops:1198885\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140681909266176\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261872128 nr_ops:1232297\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.9109 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.9155 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086312.1304 name:Total nr_bytes:1261872128 nr_ops:1232298\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.9685 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2523744254 nr_ops:2464596\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995086211.9695 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1261872128 nr_ops:1232300\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 357.26us 0.00ns 357.26us 357.26us \nTxn1 616149 95.82us 0.00ns 211.84ms 18.39us \nTxn2 1 31.23us 0.00ns 31.23us 31.23us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 356.57us 0.00ns 356.57us 356.57us \nwrite 616149 2.82us 0.00ns 93.03us 2.11us \nread 616148 92.92us 0.00ns 211.84ms 2.91us \ndisconnect 1 30.75us 0.00ns 30.75us 30.75us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.91b/s \nnet1 10044 10044 87.56Mb/s 87.57Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.147 61.37s 1.18GB 164.50Mb/s 1232299 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 1.18GB 164.50Mb/s 1232300 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.416948, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995025946.4324 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995026947.5500 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995026947.6377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995027948.7305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:30962688 nr_ops:30237
+timestamp_ms:1652995028949.8474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:55510016 nr_ops:54209
+timestamp_ms:1652995029950.8923 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:79381504 nr_ops:77521
+timestamp_ms:1652995030952.0044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90373120 nr_ops:88255
+timestamp_ms:1652995031952.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:114951168 nr_ops:112257
+timestamp_ms:1652995032953.8501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142210048 nr_ops:138877
+timestamp_ms:1652995033954.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:152087552 nr_ops:148523
+timestamp_ms:1652995034955.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176776192 nr_ops:172633
+timestamp_ms:1652995035956.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:194696192 nr_ops:190133
+timestamp_ms:1652995036957.9460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:209210368 nr_ops:204307
+timestamp_ms:1652995037959.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:218711040 nr_ops:213585
+timestamp_ms:1652995038960.1543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240653312 nr_ops:235013
+timestamp_ms:1652995039961.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:269163520 nr_ops:262855
+timestamp_ms:1652995040962.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:295973888 nr_ops:289037
+timestamp_ms:1652995041963.4836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312988672 nr_ops:305653
+timestamp_ms:1652995042964.5901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:335608832 nr_ops:327743
+timestamp_ms:1652995043965.6948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:365259776 nr_ops:356699
+timestamp_ms:1652995044966.8025 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390722560 nr_ops:381565
+timestamp_ms:1652995045967.8979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:421114880 nr_ops:411245
+timestamp_ms:1652995046969.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:435217408 nr_ops:425017
+timestamp_ms:1652995047970.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:470694912 nr_ops:459663
+timestamp_ms:1652995048971.2810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:482532352 nr_ops:471223
+timestamp_ms:1652995049972.3809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509574144 nr_ops:497631
+timestamp_ms:1652995050973.4983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:525468672 nr_ops:513153
+timestamp_ms:1652995051974.6047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:556617728 nr_ops:543572
+timestamp_ms:1652995052975.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580377600 nr_ops:566775
+timestamp_ms:1652995053976.8188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:597373952 nr_ops:583373
+timestamp_ms:1652995054977.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:615639040 nr_ops:601210
+timestamp_ms:1652995055979.0300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:639917056 nr_ops:624919
+timestamp_ms:1652995056980.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661392384 nr_ops:645891
+timestamp_ms:1652995057980.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:688757760 nr_ops:672615
+timestamp_ms:1652995058981.9453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:717437952 nr_ops:700623
+timestamp_ms:1652995059983.0547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:737319936 nr_ops:720039
+timestamp_ms:1652995060984.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:748350464 nr_ops:730811
+timestamp_ms:1652995061985.2705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781304832 nr_ops:762993
+timestamp_ms:1652995062986.3950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:784251904 nr_ops:765871
+timestamp_ms:1652995063987.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813919232 nr_ops:794843
+timestamp_ms:1652995064988.6042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:840733696 nr_ops:821029
+timestamp_ms:1652995065989.7034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:872426496 nr_ops:851979
+timestamp_ms:1652995066990.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:900037632 nr_ops:878943
+timestamp_ms:1652995067991.9512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:913142784 nr_ops:891741
+timestamp_ms:1652995068993.0942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:928996352 nr_ops:907223
+timestamp_ms:1652995069993.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936111104 nr_ops:914171
+timestamp_ms:1652995070994.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:960424960 nr_ops:937915
+timestamp_ms:1652995071996.0398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990538752 nr_ops:967323
+timestamp_ms:1652995072997.1287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006480384 nr_ops:982891
+timestamp_ms:1652995073998.2219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021170688 nr_ops:997237
+timestamp_ms:1652995074999.3220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1038363648 nr_ops:1014027
+timestamp_ms:1652995076000.4521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1050942464 nr_ops:1026311
+timestamp_ms:1652995077001.5669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068862464 nr_ops:1043811
+timestamp_ms:1652995078002.6670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086866432 nr_ops:1061393
+timestamp_ms:1652995079003.7759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1109926912 nr_ops:1083913
+timestamp_ms:1652995080004.8750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1117809664 nr_ops:1091611
+timestamp_ms:1652995081005.9905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139260416 nr_ops:1112559
+timestamp_ms:1652995082007.1252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1160997888 nr_ops:1133787
+timestamp_ms:1652995083008.2598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1173683200 nr_ops:1146175
+timestamp_ms:1652995084009.3879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1206914048 nr_ops:1178627
+timestamp_ms:1652995085010.4763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1227658240 nr_ops:1198885
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140681909266176
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652995086211.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261872128 nr_ops:1232297
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995086211.9109 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995086211.9155 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995086312.1304 name:Total nr_bytes:1261872128 nr_ops:1232298
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995086211.9685 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2523744254 nr_ops:2464596
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995086211.9695 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1261872128 nr_ops:1232300
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 357.26us 0.00ns 357.26us 357.26us
+Txn1 616149 95.82us 0.00ns 211.84ms 18.39us
+Txn2 1 31.23us 0.00ns 31.23us 31.23us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 356.57us 0.00ns 356.57us 356.57us
+write 616149 2.82us 0.00ns 93.03us 2.11us
+read 616148 92.92us 0.00ns 211.84ms 2.91us
+disconnect 1 30.75us 0.00ns 30.75us 30.75us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.91b/s
+net1 10044 10044 87.56Mb/s 87.57Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.147 61.37s 1.18GB 164.50Mb/s 1232299 0.00
+master 61.37s 1.18GB 164.50Mb/s 1232300 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:07.948000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:07.948000', 'bytes': 30962688, 'norm_byte': 30962688, 'ops': 30237, 'norm_ops': 30237, 'norm_ltcy': 33.10820430060853, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:07.948000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:07.948000",
+ "bytes": 30962688,
+ "norm_byte": 30962688,
+ "ops": 30237,
+ "norm_ops": 30237,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.10820430060853,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d55289afee8d6189cd3a9fceb5b6188713229032c1fb9e537eb820a69fb033be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:08.949000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:08.949000', 'bytes': 55510016, 'norm_byte': 24547328, 'ops': 54209, 'norm_ops': 23972, 'norm_ltcy': 41.76192822290067, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:08.949000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:08.949000",
+ "bytes": 55510016,
+ "norm_byte": 24547328,
+ "ops": 54209,
+ "norm_ops": 23972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.76192822290067,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ffb245fc0f76594c59d6fcb2eba2dc435be50d1ffbbb23cbd0b899060c4fa2af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:09.950000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:09.950000', 'bytes': 79381504, 'norm_byte': 23871488, 'ops': 77521, 'norm_ops': 23312, 'norm_ltcy': 42.941185735887096, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:09.950000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:09.950000",
+ "bytes": 79381504,
+ "norm_byte": 23871488,
+ "ops": 77521,
+ "norm_ops": 23312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.941185735887096,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f828dc8180497618324185896ac6c60f2192b1f61aac81d9d8c69d2875186734",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:10.952000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:10.952000', 'bytes': 90373120, 'norm_byte': 10991616, 'ops': 88255, 'norm_ops': 10734, 'norm_ltcy': 93.26551709957845, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:10.952000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:10.952000",
+ "bytes": 90373120,
+ "norm_byte": 10991616,
+ "ops": 88255,
+ "norm_ops": 10734,
+ "norm_ltcy": 93.26551709957845,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d301573167e0e4d9cc799ba9f479a756f90f8851de488ecad89d6ae2619c35b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:11.952000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:11.952000', 'bytes': 114951168, 'norm_byte': 24578048, 'ops': 112257, 'norm_ops': 24002, 'norm_ltcy': 41.697931015514335, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:11.952000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:11.952000",
+ "bytes": 114951168,
+ "norm_byte": 24578048,
+ "ops": 112257,
+ "norm_ops": 24002,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.697931015514335,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f32e48185a2fefa0bb68fa7e16728b05d528315e93f98b54b88da100c0364a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:12.953000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:12.953000', 'bytes': 142210048, 'norm_byte': 27258880, 'ops': 138877, 'norm_ops': 26620, 'norm_ltcy': 37.60375517996337, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:12.953000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:12.953000",
+ "bytes": 142210048,
+ "norm_byte": 27258880,
+ "ops": 138877,
+ "norm_ops": 26620,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.60375517996337,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85f4d97750b7f9ab1b4d94202f8474ca22dd554c194dc7e5979569816f066572",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:13.954000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:13.954000', 'bytes': 152087552, 'norm_byte': 9877504, 'ops': 148523, 'norm_ops': 9646, 'norm_ltcy': 103.77191444316297, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:13.954000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:13.954000",
+ "bytes": 152087552,
+ "norm_byte": 9877504,
+ "ops": 148523,
+ "norm_ops": 9646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 103.77191444316297,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2ebb2a114506dbde05e7f9fb0fccf19c81cb25a7ea1edca6dc88cce09478613",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:14.955000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:14.955000', 'bytes': 176776192, 'norm_byte': 24688640, 'ops': 172633, 'norm_ops': 24110, 'norm_ltcy': 41.51810306278515, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:14.955000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:14.955000",
+ "bytes": 176776192,
+ "norm_byte": 24688640,
+ "ops": 172633,
+ "norm_ops": 24110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.51810306278515,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "132c1581775fa9d0b59995b14bb97c4d56324aa632d7a6d7e340af4c4f5ad98f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:15.956000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:15.956000', 'bytes': 194696192, 'norm_byte': 17920000, 'ops': 190133, 'norm_ops': 17500, 'norm_ltcy': 57.200125558035715, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:15.956000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:15.956000",
+ "bytes": 194696192,
+ "norm_byte": 17920000,
+ "ops": 190133,
+ "norm_ops": 17500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 57.200125558035715,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f5cfa3bd6b5f6beed69813a015d9978302e68c53f056bbd321bd0e78709fbe7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:16.957000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:16.957000', 'bytes': 209210368, 'norm_byte': 14514176, 'ops': 204307, 'norm_ops': 14174, 'norm_ltcy': 70.62991381667138, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:16.957000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:16.957000",
+ "bytes": 209210368,
+ "norm_byte": 14514176,
+ "ops": 204307,
+ "norm_ops": 14174,
+ "norm_ltcy": 70.62991381667138,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81607b748a37d8273327f678857ff7cd54ef7141706acb3074e03b18aa1d745e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:17.959000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:17.959000', 'bytes': 218711040, 'norm_byte': 9500672, 'ops': 213585, 'norm_ops': 9278, 'norm_ltcy': 107.89952542304377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:17.959000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:17.959000",
+ "bytes": 218711040,
+ "norm_byte": 9500672,
+ "ops": 213585,
+ "norm_ops": 9278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 107.89952542304377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a368f45c802af13a53af1aa7457aeab19c787ade1931387a8635547c191e755",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:18.960000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:18.960000', 'bytes': 240653312, 'norm_byte': 21942272, 'ops': 235013, 'norm_ops': 21428, 'norm_ltcy': 46.72001377067972, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:18.960000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:18.960000",
+ "bytes": 240653312,
+ "norm_byte": 21942272,
+ "ops": 235013,
+ "norm_ops": 21428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 46.72001377067972,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d5edd1d57a24efd14567b661b4563169f646bbbec355fe06eea67fc2b9bf72a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:19.961000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:19.961000', 'bytes': 269163520, 'norm_byte': 28510208, 'ops': 262855, 'norm_ops': 27842, 'norm_ltcy': 35.95833113529021, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:19.961000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:19.961000",
+ "bytes": 269163520,
+ "norm_byte": 28510208,
+ "ops": 262855,
+ "norm_ops": 27842,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.95833113529021,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e2855886d5fe4f5dc3db7afbe5a96b149eaf70655cca90183528daa4363af65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:20.962000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:20.962000', 'bytes': 295973888, 'norm_byte': 26810368, 'ops': 289037, 'norm_ops': 26182, 'norm_ltcy': 38.23470457399168, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:20.962000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:20.962000",
+ "bytes": 295973888,
+ "norm_byte": 26810368,
+ "ops": 289037,
+ "norm_ops": 26182,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.23470457399168,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88b0e0ee6268c2b6002461819940b7a94f03afcb19b9f67aa0ebefa357f63f28",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:21.963000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:21.963000', 'bytes': 312988672, 'norm_byte': 17014784, 'ops': 305653, 'norm_ops': 16616, 'norm_ltcy': 60.25014775385923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:21.963000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:21.963000",
+ "bytes": 312988672,
+ "norm_byte": 17014784,
+ "ops": 305653,
+ "norm_ops": 16616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 60.25014775385923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc911a29bbd369e60785691d243f3bfaba10e2b23ec301073ebdf30044011509",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:22.964000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:22.964000', 'bytes': 335608832, 'norm_byte': 22620160, 'ops': 327743, 'norm_ops': 22090, 'norm_ltcy': 45.3194407112947, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:22.964000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:22.964000",
+ "bytes": 335608832,
+ "norm_byte": 22620160,
+ "ops": 327743,
+ "norm_ops": 22090,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.3194407112947,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18574a9b08aa12695d95a58d4af71994f823819d6f8481a488a3b6ed6cfe3dd8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:23.965000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:23.965000', 'bytes': 365259776, 'norm_byte': 29650944, 'ops': 356699, 'norm_ops': 28956, 'norm_ltcy': 34.5733090319148, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:23.965000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:23.965000",
+ "bytes": 365259776,
+ "norm_byte": 29650944,
+ "ops": 356699,
+ "norm_ops": 28956,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.5733090319148,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0eaee1fda9b33450a278be7158f067450488341529ebd3c280680c2d6c6259eb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:24.966000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:24.966000', 'bytes': 390722560, 'norm_byte': 25462784, 'ops': 381565, 'norm_ops': 24866, 'norm_ltcy': 40.26010078081015, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:24.966000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:24.966000",
+ "bytes": 390722560,
+ "norm_byte": 25462784,
+ "ops": 381565,
+ "norm_ops": 24866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.26010078081015,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9249c202d86be669b9c7e18636c69dde0b7d8f3b510305c9b5b25f1a2d62ad6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:25.967000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:25.967000', 'bytes': 421114880, 'norm_byte': 30392320, 'ops': 411245, 'norm_ops': 29680, 'norm_ltcy': 33.72963136739808, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:25.967000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:25.967000",
+ "bytes": 421114880,
+ "norm_byte": 30392320,
+ "ops": 411245,
+ "norm_ops": 29680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.72963136739808,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3be85e7764e9fed479f65838d299321c933eb4978d61e7094feee8939ab9b57a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:26.969000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:26.969000', 'bytes': 435217408, 'norm_byte': 14102528, 'ops': 425017, 'norm_ops': 13772, 'norm_ltcy': 72.6972851959592, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:26.969000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:26.969000",
+ "bytes": 435217408,
+ "norm_byte": 14102528,
+ "ops": 425017,
+ "norm_ops": 13772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 72.6972851959592,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f221349cb9d4e1b87b0e3f000a0524efb93ddab4f84dfca7268e3fe60e769f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:27.970000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:27.970000', 'bytes': 470694912, 'norm_byte': 35477504, 'ops': 459663, 'norm_ops': 34646, 'norm_ltcy': 28.89533181364732, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:27.970000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:27.970000",
+ "bytes": 470694912,
+ "norm_byte": 35477504,
+ "ops": 459663,
+ "norm_ops": 34646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.89533181364732,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18fb1a16fb67efdd6c378de70139a24143f1dc1ea51a5e726be9e64ae8ac8b10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:28.971000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:28.971000', 'bytes': 482532352, 'norm_byte': 11837440, 'ops': 471223, 'norm_ops': 11560, 'norm_ltcy': 86.59934073583477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:28.971000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:28.971000",
+ "bytes": 482532352,
+ "norm_byte": 11837440,
+ "ops": 471223,
+ "norm_ops": 11560,
+ "norm_ltcy": 86.59934073583477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0945022d624ff868f1c97cc15a9e4c456ad20a678a472bddcb8b2550f2e54436",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:29.972000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:29.972000', 'bytes': 509574144, 'norm_byte': 27041792, 'ops': 497631, 'norm_ops': 26408, 'norm_ltcy': 37.90896143273345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:29.972000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:29.972000",
+ "bytes": 509574144,
+ "norm_byte": 27041792,
+ "ops": 497631,
+ "norm_ops": 26408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.90896143273345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea7c73be6e614244baf369956031c3f40d307cf3c71bed601d15bc1902a49af4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:30.973000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:30.973000', 'bytes': 525468672, 'norm_byte': 15894528, 'ops': 513153, 'norm_ops': 15522, 'norm_ltcy': 64.4966777245603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:30.973000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:30.973000",
+ "bytes": 525468672,
+ "norm_byte": 15894528,
+ "ops": 513153,
+ "norm_ops": 15522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.4966777245603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27cafaecba6d891361a36e6300ec0439a0596dbc38c2366f0151308cb890cf23",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:31.974000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:31.974000', 'bytes': 556617728, 'norm_byte': 31149056, 'ops': 543572, 'norm_ops': 30419, 'norm_ltcy': 32.91056396701075, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:31.974000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:31.974000",
+ "bytes": 556617728,
+ "norm_byte": 31149056,
+ "ops": 543572,
+ "norm_ops": 30419,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.91056396701075,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15e6709c30390842f2b78dfeb4c235b49707d87b7efd0e6df1f467f4cf849c85",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:32.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:32.975000', 'bytes': 580377600, 'norm_byte': 23759872, 'ops': 566775, 'norm_ops': 23203, 'norm_ltcy': 43.14595002868702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:32.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:32.975000",
+ "bytes": 580377600,
+ "norm_byte": 23759872,
+ "ops": 566775,
+ "norm_ops": 23203,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.14595002868702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef03c3e3197a8f4f5c1c7c2f9197319968dd1c8ca7f513d162212db83134fd7d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:33.976000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:33.976000', 'bytes': 597373952, 'norm_byte': 16996352, 'ops': 583373, 'norm_ops': 16598, 'norm_ltcy': 60.31441335175925, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:33.976000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:33.976000",
+ "bytes": 597373952,
+ "norm_byte": 16996352,
+ "ops": 583373,
+ "norm_ops": 16598,
+ "norm_ltcy": 60.31441335175925,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc1ed8c426d46bc0ab36746ae6a5cb49e3b84a59e3596264c567aafd2e6534f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:34.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:34.977000', 'bytes': 615639040, 'norm_byte': 18265088, 'ops': 601210, 'norm_ops': 17837, 'norm_ltcy': 56.126118855819364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:34.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:34.977000",
+ "bytes": 615639040,
+ "norm_byte": 18265088,
+ "ops": 601210,
+ "norm_ops": 17837,
+ "norm_ltcy": 56.126118855819364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70fe8543d80b8fee9ce083ae5b8f6f05d2d6af27ae2f2af0d30aaafbe1735cde",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:35.979000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:35.979000', 'bytes': 639917056, 'norm_byte': 24278016, 'ops': 624919, 'norm_ops': 23709, 'norm_ltcy': 42.22403305113565, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:35.979000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:35.979000",
+ "bytes": 639917056,
+ "norm_byte": 24278016,
+ "ops": 624919,
+ "norm_ops": 23709,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.22403305113565,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84a6bc8c1caa69bfe64ed8617ee12cd46027fa84f48cce690961fafc5dbae45d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:36.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:36.980000', 'bytes': 661392384, 'norm_byte': 21475328, 'ops': 645891, 'norm_ops': 20972, 'norm_ltcy': 47.73555728694807, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:36.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:36.980000",
+ "bytes": 661392384,
+ "norm_byte": 21475328,
+ "ops": 645891,
+ "norm_ops": 20972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.73555728694807,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a535f3994ae7ef69ec2182488447951fd3be16ee8f3786013396fc14bc6e01fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:37.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:37.980000', 'bytes': 688757760, 'norm_byte': 27365376, 'ops': 672615, 'norm_ops': 26724, 'norm_ltcy': 37.44573982831444, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:37.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:37.980000",
+ "bytes": 688757760,
+ "norm_byte": 27365376,
+ "ops": 672615,
+ "norm_ops": 26724,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.44573982831444,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a904e3dd6342e0b5c4e104f7f2d4f32a9c1a97683a42d79de0116ff13a48f06",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:38.981000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:38.981000', 'bytes': 717437952, 'norm_byte': 28680192, 'ops': 700623, 'norm_ops': 28008, 'norm_ltcy': 35.74354558016906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:38.981000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:38.981000",
+ "bytes": 717437952,
+ "norm_byte": 28680192,
+ "ops": 700623,
+ "norm_ops": 28008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.74354558016906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "62b603d51aeb3d417e35c52ac91cfb4300e253ded07306315408f1af78228a87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:39.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:39.983000', 'bytes': 737319936, 'norm_byte': 19881984, 'ops': 720039, 'norm_ops': 19416, 'norm_ltcy': 51.56105145241038, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:39.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:39.983000",
+ "bytes": 737319936,
+ "norm_byte": 19881984,
+ "ops": 720039,
+ "norm_ops": 19416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 51.56105145241038,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a2bf5cc4c0a147489964373f5448c1176e0ed7a760e1bec44b97e3a82a9a2d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:40.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:40.984000', 'bytes': 748350464, 'norm_byte': 11030528, 'ops': 730811, 'norm_ops': 10772, 'norm_ltcy': 92.93528378695925, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:40.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:40.984000",
+ "bytes": 748350464,
+ "norm_byte": 11030528,
+ "ops": 730811,
+ "norm_ops": 10772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 92.93528378695925,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8eafaefe2afe792ccbf4dc1d37f1dd9008a5ceec51d4f08addac69a48966bc4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:41.985000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:41.985000', 'bytes': 781304832, 'norm_byte': 32954368, 'ops': 762993, 'norm_ops': 32182, 'norm_ltcy': 31.107977855924894, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:41.985000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:41.985000",
+ "bytes": 781304832,
+ "norm_byte": 32954368,
+ "ops": 762993,
+ "norm_ops": 32182,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.107977855924894,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70be79b159b9fee01bb47c16104b141f46a9bcfb165febb45c090938ebcfc12a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:42.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:42.986000', 'bytes': 784251904, 'norm_byte': 2947072, 'ops': 765871, 'norm_ops': 2878, 'norm_ltcy': 347.8542431267373, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:42.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:42.986000",
+ "bytes": 784251904,
+ "norm_byte": 2947072,
+ "ops": 765871,
+ "norm_ops": 2878,
+ "norm_ltcy": 347.8542431267373,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51eb9ff068710a9d62925fd5a3d5fc687a3ce1583c391b784466dfb1cc9d04d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:43.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:43.987000', 'bytes': 813919232, 'norm_byte': 29667328, 'ops': 794843, 'norm_ops': 28972, 'norm_ltcy': 34.554502178288516, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:43.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:43.987000",
+ "bytes": 813919232,
+ "norm_byte": 29667328,
+ "ops": 794843,
+ "norm_ops": 28972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.554502178288516,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7392904514dd0fe34a8ea23ea4c9b43a2e13b82e58a1144471c6d1d5e93453ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:44.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:44.988000', 'bytes': 840733696, 'norm_byte': 26814464, 'ops': 821029, 'norm_ops': 26186, 'norm_ltcy': 38.23020665264836, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:44.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:44.988000",
+ "bytes": 840733696,
+ "norm_byte": 26814464,
+ "ops": 821029,
+ "norm_ops": 26186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.23020665264836,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d315feb492442dcb4e9cdabcbc6f3668cc1ee77bc45694f3d660c1f22178d8da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:45.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:45.989000', 'bytes': 872426496, 'norm_byte': 31692800, 'ops': 851979, 'norm_ops': 30950, 'norm_ltcy': 32.345690503836835, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:45.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:45.989000",
+ "bytes": 872426496,
+ "norm_byte": 31692800,
+ "ops": 851979,
+ "norm_ops": 30950,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.345690503836835,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf8c9bc962a850c80a0840daea8f574940d52fac76aa1c8b4cf4693f7ed6f0ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:46.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:46.990000', 'bytes': 900037632, 'norm_byte': 27611136, 'ops': 878943, 'norm_ops': 26964, 'norm_ltcy': 37.128615425312454, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:46.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:46.990000",
+ "bytes": 900037632,
+ "norm_byte": 27611136,
+ "ops": 878943,
+ "norm_ops": 26964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.128615425312454,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "573ed8ec67967672ad5ccd5fe1cd26024eedbb624c78b7120be11a50efb5b6cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:47.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:47.991000', 'bytes': 913142784, 'norm_byte': 13105152, 'ops': 891741, 'norm_ops': 12798, 'norm_ltcy': 78.22408316973355, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:47.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:47.991000",
+ "bytes": 913142784,
+ "norm_byte": 13105152,
+ "ops": 891741,
+ "norm_ops": 12798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 78.22408316973355,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bda4befc9256ea304cfbe22bb0a4d0bf9a41b37113be7665c9153ce16c48825b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:48.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:48.993000', 'bytes': 928996352, 'norm_byte': 15853568, 'ops': 907223, 'norm_ops': 15482, 'norm_ltcy': 64.66497005595208, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:48.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:48.993000",
+ "bytes": 928996352,
+ "norm_byte": 15853568,
+ "ops": 907223,
+ "norm_ops": 15482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.66497005595208,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03a3d25149e19c6bd5603213ed70a774175efee9d5ada51e68037094f0804fbd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:49.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:49.993000', 'bytes': 936111104, 'norm_byte': 7114752, 'ops': 914171, 'norm_ops': 6948, 'norm_ltcy': 144.03313003742085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:49.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:49.993000",
+ "bytes": 936111104,
+ "norm_byte": 7114752,
+ "ops": 914171,
+ "norm_ops": 6948,
+ "norm_ltcy": 144.03313003742085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "347164acf02a2e92bbfb5103239309cbfaea4ebfaebdda356e2f5da0fff6ddda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:50.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:50.994000', 'bytes': 960424960, 'norm_byte': 24313856, 'ops': 937915, 'norm_ops': 23744, 'norm_ltcy': 42.1621523134792, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:50.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:50.994000",
+ "bytes": 960424960,
+ "norm_byte": 24313856,
+ "ops": 937915,
+ "norm_ops": 23744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.1621523134792,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3fbf562b4754872b305a6d42d54c3b9cd923f541fc85e25b8b3523fbb4e8f21f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:51.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:51.996000', 'bytes': 990538752, 'norm_byte': 30113792, 'ops': 967323, 'norm_ops': 29408, 'norm_ltcy': 34.04193500439931, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:51.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:51.996000",
+ "bytes": 990538752,
+ "norm_byte": 30113792,
+ "ops": 967323,
+ "norm_ops": 29408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.04193500439931,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c45ab3b1b12eda7201b6052f45f502eea62a53011a233b9ca97e2b256616c168",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:52.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:52.997000', 'bytes': 1006480384, 'norm_byte': 15941632, 'ops': 982891, 'norm_ops': 15568, 'norm_ltcy': 64.30426947504496, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:52.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:52.997000",
+ "bytes": 1006480384,
+ "norm_byte": 15941632,
+ "ops": 982891,
+ "norm_ops": 15568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.30426947504496,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc04b4352ef817d02f8a763db7da83b00b7ef84624837c2ad2d5ab53422cc6be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:53.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:53.998000', 'bytes': 1021170688, 'norm_byte': 14690304, 'ops': 997237, 'norm_ops': 14346, 'norm_ltcy': 69.78204807742576, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:53.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:53.998000",
+ "bytes": 1021170688,
+ "norm_byte": 14690304,
+ "ops": 997237,
+ "norm_ops": 14346,
+ "norm_ltcy": 69.78204807742576,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "71892340ea767fa9d1cdb4895ac9e505b0a738a3a3ef75aa684839fddb5b9484",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:54.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:54.999000', 'bytes': 1038363648, 'norm_byte': 17192960, 'ops': 1014027, 'norm_ops': 16790, 'norm_ltcy': 59.624782469103636, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:54.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:54.999000",
+ "bytes": 1038363648,
+ "norm_byte": 17192960,
+ "ops": 1014027,
+ "norm_ops": 16790,
+ "norm_ltcy": 59.624782469103636,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5aac8e7be83ef61698a6b02962072bce5d49285922aeafb218f09628dfbd6be4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:56', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:56', 'bytes': 1050942464, 'norm_byte': 12578816, 'ops': 1026311, 'norm_ops': 12284, 'norm_ltcy': 81.49870782750935, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:56",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:56",
+ "bytes": 1050942464,
+ "norm_byte": 12578816,
+ "ops": 1026311,
+ "norm_ops": 12284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 81.49870782750935,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf2cd347c0bc51092e33e0d081e800fa75f27a618c2ced16974097903cd3b3a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:57.001000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:57.001000', 'bytes': 1068862464, 'norm_byte': 17920000, 'ops': 1043811, 'norm_ops': 17500, 'norm_ltcy': 57.206556919642864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:57.001000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:57.001000",
+ "bytes": 1068862464,
+ "norm_byte": 17920000,
+ "ops": 1043811,
+ "norm_ops": 17500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 57.206556919642864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dae63169b641c23128c9a94b40a34536435dbd61a1518fc9ea4eaa8a7267210a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:58.002000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:58.002000', 'bytes': 1086866432, 'norm_byte': 18003968, 'ops': 1061393, 'norm_ops': 17582, 'norm_ltcy': 56.93892035355762, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:58.002000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:58.002000",
+ "bytes": 1086866432,
+ "norm_byte": 18003968,
+ "ops": 1061393,
+ "norm_ops": 17582,
+ "norm_ltcy": 56.93892035355762,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4524a7c7de48511c9397b21777607e8c3c500ff1961487c5611c6983c6554986",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:17:59.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:17:59.003000', 'bytes': 1109926912, 'norm_byte': 23060480, 'ops': 1083913, 'norm_ops': 22520, 'norm_ltcy': 44.45421344221803, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:17:59.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:17:59.003000",
+ "bytes": 1109926912,
+ "norm_byte": 23060480,
+ "ops": 1083913,
+ "norm_ops": 22520,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.45421344221803,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff7b44e81a2d3a142fd4cd7979b932c6523200a1b4c056178a34b91305b4a87b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:18:00.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:18:00.004000', 'bytes': 1117809664, 'norm_byte': 7882752, 'ops': 1091611, 'norm_ops': 7698, 'norm_ltcy': 130.0466512202845, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:18:00.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:18:00.004000",
+ "bytes": 1117809664,
+ "norm_byte": 7882752,
+ "ops": 1091611,
+ "norm_ops": 7698,
+ "norm_ltcy": 130.0466512202845,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc5bdff53ab288d84e429762e36e1c4fa9b051d7ca3bad4013f954bcde197142",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:18:01.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:18:01.005000', 'bytes': 1139260416, 'norm_byte': 21450752, 'ops': 1112559, 'norm_ops': 20948, 'norm_ltcy': 47.79050403454387, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:18:01.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:18:01.005000",
+ "bytes": 1139260416,
+ "norm_byte": 21450752,
+ "ops": 1112559,
+ "norm_ops": 20948,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.79050403454387,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9782d2c6ea94f8179e1bb3e11a9f0388201c3cbda94dc89288c519a42a8ba1a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:18:02.007000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:18:02.007000', 'bytes': 1160997888, 'norm_byte': 21737472, 'ops': 1133787, 'norm_ops': 21228, 'norm_ltcy': 47.161049822168835, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:18:02.007000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:18:02.007000",
+ "bytes": 1160997888,
+ "norm_byte": 21737472,
+ "ops": 1133787,
+ "norm_ops": 21228,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.161049822168835,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae3704e700c0fab1509fbeda5caac67800c766902b799c179d6d6e4e22e1d648",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:18:03.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:18:03.008000', 'bytes': 1173683200, 'norm_byte': 12685312, 'ops': 1146175, 'norm_ops': 12388, 'norm_ltcy': 80.81486289024662, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:18:03.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:18:03.008000",
+ "bytes": 1173683200,
+ "norm_byte": 12685312,
+ "ops": 1146175,
+ "norm_ops": 12388,
+ "norm_ltcy": 80.81486289024662,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d22c1ee63b4400f3d96966292f137d9b18d553c8b361f72c362fbca8abb8a66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:18:04.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:18:04.009000', 'bytes': 1206914048, 'norm_byte': 33230848, 'ops': 1178627, 'norm_ops': 32452, 'norm_ltcy': 30.84950615765207, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:18:04.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:18:04.009000",
+ "bytes": 1206914048,
+ "norm_byte": 33230848,
+ "ops": 1178627,
+ "norm_ops": 32452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.84950615765207,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d35a2e90226fc624287beed349c9ab478f16bfd3b29033048e7e843d19243c4b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:18:05.010000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:18:05.010000', 'bytes': 1227658240, 'norm_byte': 20744192, 'ops': 1198885, 'norm_ops': 20258, 'norm_ltcy': 49.416940413972256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:18:05.010000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:18:05.010000",
+ "bytes": 1227658240,
+ "norm_byte": 20744192,
+ "ops": 1198885,
+ "norm_ops": 20258,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.416940413972256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d0b7f8862c88f35041a990f20134f1be3d29e6b950e3ca28cbffec1ef8c7fc90",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:18:06.211000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:18:06.211000', 'bytes': 1261872128, 'norm_byte': 34213888, 'ops': 1232297, 'norm_ops': 33412, 'norm_ltcy': 35.95647328944317, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:18:06.211000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:18:06.211000",
+ "bytes": 1261872128,
+ "norm_byte": 34213888,
+ "ops": 1232297,
+ "norm_ops": 33412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.95647328944317,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7bd2d98b-b9f6-5f36-8ba5-af4b2d36f1cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "46d70b1b6d304bb4f546497116cb95068e87ef89058d8dbecd6ff870a9a5a759",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 21387663.186440676
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 20886.389830508473
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 110.11423800276772
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:18:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-052-220519211422/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-052-220519211422/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2922171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-052-220519211422/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-052-220519211422/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-052-220519211422/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-052-220519211422/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-052-220519211422/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-052-220519211422/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf62bbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-052-220519211422/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=10
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-053-220519211623/220519211623-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-053-220519211623/220519211623-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c364d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-053-220519211623/220519211623-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:19:06Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995147420.8816 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995148421.9873 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995148422.0459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995149423.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:41964544 nr_ops:40981\ntimestamp_ms:1652995150424.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:112466944 nr_ops:109831\ntimestamp_ms:1652995151425.3215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:183184384 nr_ops:178891\ntimestamp_ms:1652995152426.4187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253926400 nr_ops:247975\ntimestamp_ms:1652995153427.5105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:324715520 nr_ops:317105\ntimestamp_ms:1652995154428.6096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:395529216 nr_ops:386259\ntimestamp_ms:1652995155429.7078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:467250176 nr_ops:456299\ntimestamp_ms:1652995156430.8054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:524243968 nr_ops:511957\ntimestamp_ms:1652995157431.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:595962880 nr_ops:581995\ntimestamp_ms:1652995158432.9993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:667390976 nr_ops:651749\ntimestamp_ms:1652995159434.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:738088960 nr_ops:720790\ntimestamp_ms:1652995160435.1890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:808725504 nr_ops:789771\ntimestamp_ms:1652995161436.3064 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:879430656 nr_ops:858819\ntimestamp_ms:1652995162437.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936111104 nr_ops:914171\ntimestamp_ms:1652995163438.4966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1007610880 nr_ops:983995\ntimestamp_ms:1652995164439.5938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1063816192 nr_ops:1038883\ntimestamp_ms:1652995165440.6892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134291968 nr_ops:1107707\ntimestamp_ms:1652995166441.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1205177344 nr_ops:1176931\ntimestamp_ms:1652995167442.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275859968 nr_ops:1245957\ntimestamp_ms:1652995168443.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1346734080 nr_ops:1315170\ntimestamp_ms:1652995169445.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417530368 nr_ops:1384307\ntimestamp_ms:1652995170445.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1488196608 nr_ops:1453317\ntimestamp_ms:1652995171446.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1559497728 nr_ops:1522947\ntimestamp_ms:1652995172447.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1630755840 nr_ops:1592535\ntimestamp_ms:1652995173449.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1687356416 nr_ops:1647809\ntimestamp_ms:1652995174450.1284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1743920128 nr_ops:1703047\ntimestamp_ms:1652995175451.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800266752 nr_ops:1758073\ntimestamp_ms:1652995176452.3132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1856726016 nr_ops:1813209\ntimestamp_ms:1652995177453.4133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1925153792 nr_ops:1880033\ntimestamp_ms:1652995178454.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1984556032 nr_ops:1938043\ntimestamp_ms:1652995179455.6113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041223168 nr_ops:1993382\ntimestamp_ms:1652995180456.7039 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2112562176 nr_ops:2063049\ntimestamp_ms:1652995181457.7974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2183805952 nr_ops:2132623\ntimestamp_ms:1652995182457.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2255780864 nr_ops:2202911\ntimestamp_ms:1652995183458.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2327890944 nr_ops:2273331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995184459.9260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2399955968 nr_ops:2343707\ntimestamp_ms:1652995185460.8989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2471980032 nr_ops:2414043\ntimestamp_ms:1652995186462.0015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2544047104 nr_ops:2484421\ntimestamp_ms:1652995187463.0947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2615839744 nr_ops:2554531\ntimestamp_ms:1652995188464.1892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2673052672 nr_ops:2610403\ntimestamp_ms:1652995189465.2876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2744437760 nr_ops:2680115\ntimestamp_ms:1652995190466.3665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2804134912 nr_ops:2738413\ntimestamp_ms:1652995191467.4822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2857513984 nr_ops:2790541\ntimestamp_ms:1652995192468.5229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2928344064 nr_ops:2859711\ntimestamp_ms:1652995193469.6245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2984707072 nr_ops:2914753\ntimestamp_ms:1652995194470.7224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041315840 nr_ops:2970035\ntimestamp_ms:1652995195470.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097797632 nr_ops:3025193\ntimestamp_ms:1652995196471.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3141573632 nr_ops:3067943\ntimestamp_ms:1652995197473.0588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3210388480 nr_ops:3135145\ntimestamp_ms:1652995198474.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3267662848 nr_ops:3191077\ntimestamp_ms:1652995199475.2783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3338228736 nr_ops:3259989\ntimestamp_ms:1652995200475.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3409427456 nr_ops:3329519\ntimestamp_ms:1652995201476.9478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3465819136 nr_ops:3384589\ntimestamp_ms:1652995202478.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3534076928 nr_ops:3451247\ntimestamp_ms:1652995203479.1548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3605435392 nr_ops:3520933\ntimestamp_ms:1652995204480.2520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3677254656 nr_ops:3591069\ntimestamp_ms:1652995205481.3003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3734244352 nr_ops:3646723\ntimestamp_ms:1652995206482.4080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3797761024 nr_ops:3708751\ntimestamp_ms:1652995207483.6470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3851432960 nr_ops:3761165\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140705565845248\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.0010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3905063936 nr_ops:3813539\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.0398 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.0432 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208785.2551 name:Total nr_bytes:3905063936 nr_ops:3813540\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.1387 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7810127870 nr_ops:7627080\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.1394 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3905063936 nr_ops:3813542\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 279.37us 0.00ns 279.37us 279.37us \nTxn1 1906770 31.47us 0.00ns 207.98ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 22.75us 0.00ns 22.75us 22.75us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 278.89us 0.00ns 278.89us 278.89us \nwrite 1906770 2.44us 0.00ns 100.89us 2.14us \nread 1906769 28.95us 0.00ns 207.97ms 957.00ns \ndisconnect 1 22.37us 0.00ns 22.37us 22.37us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30575 30575 266.61Mb/s 266.61Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.75b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.148 62.37s 3.64GB 500.93Mb/s 3813542 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.64GB 500.93Mb/s 3813542 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415507, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995147420.8816 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995148421.9873 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995148422.0459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995149423.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:41964544 nr_ops:40981\ntimestamp_ms:1652995150424.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:112466944 nr_ops:109831\ntimestamp_ms:1652995151425.3215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:183184384 nr_ops:178891\ntimestamp_ms:1652995152426.4187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253926400 nr_ops:247975\ntimestamp_ms:1652995153427.5105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:324715520 nr_ops:317105\ntimestamp_ms:1652995154428.6096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:395529216 nr_ops:386259\ntimestamp_ms:1652995155429.7078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:467250176 nr_ops:456299\ntimestamp_ms:1652995156430.8054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:524243968 nr_ops:511957\ntimestamp_ms:1652995157431.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:595962880 nr_ops:581995\ntimestamp_ms:1652995158432.9993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:667390976 nr_ops:651749\ntimestamp_ms:1652995159434.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:738088960 nr_ops:720790\ntimestamp_ms:1652995160435.1890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:808725504 nr_ops:789771\ntimestamp_ms:1652995161436.3064 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:879430656 nr_ops:858819\ntimestamp_ms:1652995162437.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936111104 nr_ops:914171\ntimestamp_ms:1652995163438.4966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1007610880 nr_ops:983995\ntimestamp_ms:1652995164439.5938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1063816192 nr_ops:1038883\ntimestamp_ms:1652995165440.6892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134291968 nr_ops:1107707\ntimestamp_ms:1652995166441.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1205177344 nr_ops:1176931\ntimestamp_ms:1652995167442.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275859968 nr_ops:1245957\ntimestamp_ms:1652995168443.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1346734080 nr_ops:1315170\ntimestamp_ms:1652995169445.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417530368 nr_ops:1384307\ntimestamp_ms:1652995170445.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1488196608 nr_ops:1453317\ntimestamp_ms:1652995171446.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1559497728 nr_ops:1522947\ntimestamp_ms:1652995172447.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1630755840 nr_ops:1592535\ntimestamp_ms:1652995173449.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1687356416 nr_ops:1647809\ntimestamp_ms:1652995174450.1284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1743920128 nr_ops:1703047\ntimestamp_ms:1652995175451.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800266752 nr_ops:1758073\ntimestamp_ms:1652995176452.3132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1856726016 nr_ops:1813209\ntimestamp_ms:1652995177453.4133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1925153792 nr_ops:1880033\ntimestamp_ms:1652995178454.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1984556032 nr_ops:1938043\ntimestamp_ms:1652995179455.6113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041223168 nr_ops:1993382\ntimestamp_ms:1652995180456.7039 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2112562176 nr_ops:2063049\ntimestamp_ms:1652995181457.7974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2183805952 nr_ops:2132623\ntimestamp_ms:1652995182457.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2255780864 nr_ops:2202911\ntimestamp_ms:1652995183458.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2327890944 nr_ops:2273331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995184459.9260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2399955968 nr_ops:2343707\ntimestamp_ms:1652995185460.8989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2471980032 nr_ops:2414043\ntimestamp_ms:1652995186462.0015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2544047104 nr_ops:2484421\ntimestamp_ms:1652995187463.0947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2615839744 nr_ops:2554531\ntimestamp_ms:1652995188464.1892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2673052672 nr_ops:2610403\ntimestamp_ms:1652995189465.2876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2744437760 nr_ops:2680115\ntimestamp_ms:1652995190466.3665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2804134912 nr_ops:2738413\ntimestamp_ms:1652995191467.4822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2857513984 nr_ops:2790541\ntimestamp_ms:1652995192468.5229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2928344064 nr_ops:2859711\ntimestamp_ms:1652995193469.6245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2984707072 nr_ops:2914753\ntimestamp_ms:1652995194470.7224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041315840 nr_ops:2970035\ntimestamp_ms:1652995195470.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097797632 nr_ops:3025193\ntimestamp_ms:1652995196471.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3141573632 nr_ops:3067943\ntimestamp_ms:1652995197473.0588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3210388480 nr_ops:3135145\ntimestamp_ms:1652995198474.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3267662848 nr_ops:3191077\ntimestamp_ms:1652995199475.2783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3338228736 nr_ops:3259989\ntimestamp_ms:1652995200475.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3409427456 nr_ops:3329519\ntimestamp_ms:1652995201476.9478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3465819136 nr_ops:3384589\ntimestamp_ms:1652995202478.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3534076928 nr_ops:3451247\ntimestamp_ms:1652995203479.1548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3605435392 nr_ops:3520933\ntimestamp_ms:1652995204480.2520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3677254656 nr_ops:3591069\ntimestamp_ms:1652995205481.3003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3734244352 nr_ops:3646723\ntimestamp_ms:1652995206482.4080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3797761024 nr_ops:3708751\ntimestamp_ms:1652995207483.6470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3851432960 nr_ops:3761165\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140705565845248\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.0010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3905063936 nr_ops:3813539\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.0398 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.0432 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208785.2551 name:Total nr_bytes:3905063936 nr_ops:3813540\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.1387 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7810127870 nr_ops:7627080\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.1394 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3905063936 nr_ops:3813542\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 279.37us 0.00ns 279.37us 279.37us \nTxn1 1906770 31.47us 0.00ns 207.98ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 22.75us 0.00ns 22.75us 22.75us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 278.89us 0.00ns 278.89us 278.89us \nwrite 1906770 2.44us 0.00ns 100.89us 2.14us \nread 1906769 28.95us 0.00ns 207.97ms 957.00ns \ndisconnect 1 22.37us 0.00ns 22.37us 22.37us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30575 30575 266.61Mb/s 266.61Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.75b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.148 62.37s 3.64GB 500.93Mb/s 3813542 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.64GB 500.93Mb/s 3813542 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415507, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995147420.8816 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995148421.9873 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995148422.0459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995149423.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:41964544 nr_ops:40981\ntimestamp_ms:1652995150424.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:112466944 nr_ops:109831\ntimestamp_ms:1652995151425.3215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:183184384 nr_ops:178891\ntimestamp_ms:1652995152426.4187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253926400 nr_ops:247975\ntimestamp_ms:1652995153427.5105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:324715520 nr_ops:317105\ntimestamp_ms:1652995154428.6096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:395529216 nr_ops:386259\ntimestamp_ms:1652995155429.7078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:467250176 nr_ops:456299\ntimestamp_ms:1652995156430.8054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:524243968 nr_ops:511957\ntimestamp_ms:1652995157431.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:595962880 nr_ops:581995\ntimestamp_ms:1652995158432.9993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:667390976 nr_ops:651749\ntimestamp_ms:1652995159434.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:738088960 nr_ops:720790\ntimestamp_ms:1652995160435.1890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:808725504 nr_ops:789771\ntimestamp_ms:1652995161436.3064 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:879430656 nr_ops:858819\ntimestamp_ms:1652995162437.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936111104 nr_ops:914171\ntimestamp_ms:1652995163438.4966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1007610880 nr_ops:983995\ntimestamp_ms:1652995164439.5938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1063816192 nr_ops:1038883\ntimestamp_ms:1652995165440.6892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134291968 nr_ops:1107707\ntimestamp_ms:1652995166441.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1205177344 nr_ops:1176931\ntimestamp_ms:1652995167442.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275859968 nr_ops:1245957\ntimestamp_ms:1652995168443.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1346734080 nr_ops:1315170\ntimestamp_ms:1652995169445.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417530368 nr_ops:1384307\ntimestamp_ms:1652995170445.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1488196608 nr_ops:1453317\ntimestamp_ms:1652995171446.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1559497728 nr_ops:1522947\ntimestamp_ms:1652995172447.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1630755840 nr_ops:1592535\ntimestamp_ms:1652995173449.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1687356416 nr_ops:1647809\ntimestamp_ms:1652995174450.1284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1743920128 nr_ops:1703047\ntimestamp_ms:1652995175451.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800266752 nr_ops:1758073\ntimestamp_ms:1652995176452.3132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1856726016 nr_ops:1813209\ntimestamp_ms:1652995177453.4133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1925153792 nr_ops:1880033\ntimestamp_ms:1652995178454.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1984556032 nr_ops:1938043\ntimestamp_ms:1652995179455.6113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041223168 nr_ops:1993382\ntimestamp_ms:1652995180456.7039 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2112562176 nr_ops:2063049\ntimestamp_ms:1652995181457.7974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2183805952 nr_ops:2132623\ntimestamp_ms:1652995182457.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2255780864 nr_ops:2202911\ntimestamp_ms:1652995183458.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2327890944 nr_ops:2273331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995184459.9260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2399955968 nr_ops:2343707\ntimestamp_ms:1652995185460.8989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2471980032 nr_ops:2414043\ntimestamp_ms:1652995186462.0015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2544047104 nr_ops:2484421\ntimestamp_ms:1652995187463.0947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2615839744 nr_ops:2554531\ntimestamp_ms:1652995188464.1892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2673052672 nr_ops:2610403\ntimestamp_ms:1652995189465.2876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2744437760 nr_ops:2680115\ntimestamp_ms:1652995190466.3665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2804134912 nr_ops:2738413\ntimestamp_ms:1652995191467.4822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2857513984 nr_ops:2790541\ntimestamp_ms:1652995192468.5229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2928344064 nr_ops:2859711\ntimestamp_ms:1652995193469.6245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2984707072 nr_ops:2914753\ntimestamp_ms:1652995194470.7224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041315840 nr_ops:2970035\ntimestamp_ms:1652995195470.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097797632 nr_ops:3025193\ntimestamp_ms:1652995196471.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3141573632 nr_ops:3067943\ntimestamp_ms:1652995197473.0588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3210388480 nr_ops:3135145\ntimestamp_ms:1652995198474.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3267662848 nr_ops:3191077\ntimestamp_ms:1652995199475.2783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3338228736 nr_ops:3259989\ntimestamp_ms:1652995200475.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3409427456 nr_ops:3329519\ntimestamp_ms:1652995201476.9478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3465819136 nr_ops:3384589\ntimestamp_ms:1652995202478.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3534076928 nr_ops:3451247\ntimestamp_ms:1652995203479.1548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3605435392 nr_ops:3520933\ntimestamp_ms:1652995204480.2520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3677254656 nr_ops:3591069\ntimestamp_ms:1652995205481.3003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3734244352 nr_ops:3646723\ntimestamp_ms:1652995206482.4080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3797761024 nr_ops:3708751\ntimestamp_ms:1652995207483.6470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3851432960 nr_ops:3761165\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140705565845248\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.0010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3905063936 nr_ops:3813539\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.0398 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.0432 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208785.2551 name:Total nr_bytes:3905063936 nr_ops:3813540\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.1387 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7810127870 nr_ops:7627080\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995208685.1394 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3905063936 nr_ops:3813542\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 279.37us 0.00ns 279.37us 279.37us \nTxn1 1906770 31.47us 0.00ns 207.98ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 22.75us 0.00ns 22.75us 22.75us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 278.89us 0.00ns 278.89us 278.89us \nwrite 1906770 2.44us 0.00ns 100.89us 2.14us \nread 1906769 28.95us 0.00ns 207.97ms 957.00ns \ndisconnect 1 22.37us 0.00ns 22.37us 22.37us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30575 30575 266.61Mb/s 266.61Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.75b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.148 62.37s 3.64GB 500.93Mb/s 3813542 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.64GB 500.93Mb/s 3813542 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415507, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995147420.8816 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995148421.9873 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995148422.0459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995149423.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:41964544 nr_ops:40981
+timestamp_ms:1652995150424.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:112466944 nr_ops:109831
+timestamp_ms:1652995151425.3215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:183184384 nr_ops:178891
+timestamp_ms:1652995152426.4187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253926400 nr_ops:247975
+timestamp_ms:1652995153427.5105 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:324715520 nr_ops:317105
+timestamp_ms:1652995154428.6096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:395529216 nr_ops:386259
+timestamp_ms:1652995155429.7078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:467250176 nr_ops:456299
+timestamp_ms:1652995156430.8054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:524243968 nr_ops:511957
+timestamp_ms:1652995157431.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:595962880 nr_ops:581995
+timestamp_ms:1652995158432.9993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:667390976 nr_ops:651749
+timestamp_ms:1652995159434.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:738088960 nr_ops:720790
+timestamp_ms:1652995160435.1890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:808725504 nr_ops:789771
+timestamp_ms:1652995161436.3064 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:879430656 nr_ops:858819
+timestamp_ms:1652995162437.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:936111104 nr_ops:914171
+timestamp_ms:1652995163438.4966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1007610880 nr_ops:983995
+timestamp_ms:1652995164439.5938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1063816192 nr_ops:1038883
+timestamp_ms:1652995165440.6892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134291968 nr_ops:1107707
+timestamp_ms:1652995166441.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1205177344 nr_ops:1176931
+timestamp_ms:1652995167442.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275859968 nr_ops:1245957
+timestamp_ms:1652995168443.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1346734080 nr_ops:1315170
+timestamp_ms:1652995169445.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417530368 nr_ops:1384307
+timestamp_ms:1652995170445.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1488196608 nr_ops:1453317
+timestamp_ms:1652995171446.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1559497728 nr_ops:1522947
+timestamp_ms:1652995172447.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1630755840 nr_ops:1592535
+timestamp_ms:1652995173449.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1687356416 nr_ops:1647809
+timestamp_ms:1652995174450.1284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1743920128 nr_ops:1703047
+timestamp_ms:1652995175451.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800266752 nr_ops:1758073
+timestamp_ms:1652995176452.3132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1856726016 nr_ops:1813209
+timestamp_ms:1652995177453.4133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1925153792 nr_ops:1880033
+timestamp_ms:1652995178454.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1984556032 nr_ops:1938043
+timestamp_ms:1652995179455.6113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041223168 nr_ops:1993382
+timestamp_ms:1652995180456.7039 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2112562176 nr_ops:2063049
+timestamp_ms:1652995181457.7974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2183805952 nr_ops:2132623
+timestamp_ms:1652995182457.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2255780864 nr_ops:2202911
+timestamp_ms:1652995183458.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2327890944 nr_ops:2273331
+timestamp_ms:1652995184459.9260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2399955968 nr_ops:2343707
+timestamp_ms:1652995185460.8989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2471980032 nr_ops:2414043
+timestamp_ms:1652995186462.0015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2544047104 nr_ops:2484421
+timestamp_ms:1652995187463.0947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2615839744 nr_ops:2554531
+timestamp_ms:1652995188464.1892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2673052672 nr_ops:2610403
+timestamp_ms:1652995189465.2876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2744437760 nr_ops:2680115
+timestamp_ms:1652995190466.3665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2804134912 nr_ops:2738413
+timestamp_ms:1652995191467.4822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2857513984 nr_ops:2790541
+timestamp_ms:1652995192468.5229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2928344064 nr_ops:2859711
+timestamp_ms:1652995193469.6245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2984707072 nr_ops:2914753
+timestamp_ms:1652995194470.7224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041315840 nr_ops:2970035
+timestamp_ms:1652995195470.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097797632 nr_ops:3025193
+timestamp_ms:1652995196471.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3141573632 nr_ops:3067943
+timestamp_ms:1652995197473.0588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3210388480 nr_ops:3135145
+timestamp_ms:1652995198474.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3267662848 nr_ops:3191077
+timestamp_ms:1652995199475.2783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3338228736 nr_ops:3259989
+timestamp_ms:1652995200475.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3409427456 nr_ops:3329519
+timestamp_ms:1652995201476.9478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3465819136 nr_ops:3384589
+timestamp_ms:1652995202478.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3534076928 nr_ops:3451247
+timestamp_ms:1652995203479.1548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3605435392 nr_ops:3520933
+timestamp_ms:1652995204480.2520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3677254656 nr_ops:3591069
+timestamp_ms:1652995205481.3003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3734244352 nr_ops:3646723
+timestamp_ms:1652995206482.4080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3797761024 nr_ops:3708751
+timestamp_ms:1652995207483.6470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3851432960 nr_ops:3761165
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140705565845248
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652995208685.0010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3905063936 nr_ops:3813539
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995208685.0398 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995208685.0432 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995208785.2551 name:Total nr_bytes:3905063936 nr_ops:3813540
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995208685.1387 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7810127870 nr_ops:7627080
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995208685.1394 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3905063936 nr_ops:3813542
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 279.37us 0.00ns 279.37us 279.37us
+Txn1 1906770 31.47us 0.00ns 207.98ms 18.43us
+Txn2 1 22.75us 0.00ns 22.75us 22.75us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 278.89us 0.00ns 278.89us 278.89us
+write 1906770 2.44us 0.00ns 100.89us 2.14us
+read 1906769 28.95us 0.00ns 207.97ms 957.00ns
+disconnect 1 22.37us 0.00ns 22.37us 22.37us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 30575 30575 266.61Mb/s 266.61Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.75b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.148 62.37s 3.64GB 500.93Mb/s 3813542 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.64GB 500.93Mb/s 3813542 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:09.423000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:09.423000', 'bytes': 41964544, 'norm_byte': 41964544, 'ops': 40981, 'norm_ops': 40981, 'norm_ltcy': 24.42793135080891, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:09.423000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:09.423000",
+ "bytes": 41964544,
+ "norm_byte": 41964544,
+ "ops": 40981,
+ "norm_ops": 40981,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.42793135080891,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e02d7073517e4fc44a19ff8422edc59d20ac860ca66f40cf6fdf58389b88bd1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:10.424000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:10.424000', 'bytes': 112466944, 'norm_byte': 70502400, 'ops': 109831, 'norm_ops': 68850, 'norm_ltcy': 14.540235509713145, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:10.424000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:10.424000",
+ "bytes": 112466944,
+ "norm_byte": 70502400,
+ "ops": 109831,
+ "norm_ops": 68850,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.540235509713145,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5abfedea4b69e3a2d2789acff05622bd64c7f66726e1e0ed1ca82ab5fa29dc8b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:11.425000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:11.425000', 'bytes': 183184384, 'norm_byte': 70717440, 'ops': 178891, 'norm_ops': 69060, 'norm_ltcy': 14.496081164702794, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:11.425000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:11.425000",
+ "bytes": 183184384,
+ "norm_byte": 70717440,
+ "ops": 178891,
+ "norm_ops": 69060,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.496081164702794,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21859c8e59662c155dc150568487cf3ee3f42f38f83ee1bb2168fec4681bda54",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:12.426000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:12.426000', 'bytes': 253926400, 'norm_byte': 70742016, 'ops': 247975, 'norm_ops': 69084, 'norm_ltcy': 14.491013374569366, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:12.426000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:12.426000",
+ "bytes": 253926400,
+ "norm_byte": 70742016,
+ "ops": 247975,
+ "norm_ops": 69084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.491013374569366,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "293f8f534e5b8661722d075d9704607349bfc757aeae9fc5a2be128112e3a3be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:13.427000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:13.427000', 'bytes': 324715520, 'norm_byte': 70789120, 'ops': 317105, 'norm_ops': 69130, 'norm_ltcy': 14.481293170475915, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:13.427000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:13.427000",
+ "bytes": 324715520,
+ "norm_byte": 70789120,
+ "ops": 317105,
+ "norm_ops": 69130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.481293170475915,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52d39ed2bf07be3c14a2fa0705dd21726a65047ab1c3e6a8abf88357e76d384e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:14.428000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:14.428000', 'bytes': 395529216, 'norm_byte': 70813696, 'ops': 386259, 'norm_ops': 69154, 'norm_ltcy': 14.476373327555166, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:14.428000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:14.428000",
+ "bytes": 395529216,
+ "norm_byte": 70813696,
+ "ops": 386259,
+ "norm_ops": 69154,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.476373327555166,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4f72af6a84b6b7af0ba8b657a49370229c8a9e2082d9201e94944dc439a1632",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:15.429000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:15.429000', 'bytes': 467250176, 'norm_byte': 71720960, 'ops': 456299, 'norm_ops': 70040, 'norm_ltcy': 14.29323450215948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:15.429000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:15.429000",
+ "bytes": 467250176,
+ "norm_byte": 71720960,
+ "ops": 456299,
+ "norm_ops": 70040,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.29323450215948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dba1080699e142fd337a8b3117e208b958bc18e3f00b60f0e7c35d602dc30b1d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:16.430000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:16.430000', 'bytes': 524243968, 'norm_byte': 56993792, 'ops': 511957, 'norm_ops': 55658, 'norm_ltcy': 17.98659053954508, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:16.430000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:16.430000",
+ "bytes": 524243968,
+ "norm_byte": 56993792,
+ "ops": 511957,
+ "norm_ops": 55658,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.98659053954508,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "213522e8e2f6b99ba9095f49a20d4d9c02732ce55b137c70eb4ee0dd97b05dab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:17.431000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:17.431000', 'bytes': 595962880, 'norm_byte': 71718912, 'ops': 581995, 'norm_ops': 70038, 'norm_ltcy': 14.293639172886504, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:17.431000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:17.431000",
+ "bytes": 595962880,
+ "norm_byte": 71718912,
+ "ops": 581995,
+ "norm_ops": 70038,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.293639172886504,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19c996f8da85d7ec9fa278e3cf09986fec0497dd249b1c7bc549ed87286ed217",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:18.432000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:18.432000', 'bytes': 667390976, 'norm_byte': 71428096, 'ops': 651749, 'norm_ops': 69754, 'norm_ltcy': 14.351807025627561, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:18.432000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:18.432000",
+ "bytes": 667390976,
+ "norm_byte": 71428096,
+ "ops": 651749,
+ "norm_ops": 69754,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.351807025627561,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5dcbb4c9df5e2210f9f20868061da3c5a83e22d655b9d56f753a2230ccdd25c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:19.434000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:19.434000', 'bytes': 738088960, 'norm_byte': 70697984, 'ops': 720790, 'norm_ops': 69041, 'norm_ltcy': 14.500031570914384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:19.434000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:19.434000",
+ "bytes": 738088960,
+ "norm_byte": 70697984,
+ "ops": 720790,
+ "norm_ops": 69041,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.500031570914384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "192ff97ac76ad341270122d313d8835d3489665b44996920ecd5b9d324fbe566",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:20.435000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:20.435000', 'bytes': 808725504, 'norm_byte': 70636544, 'ops': 789771, 'norm_ops': 68981, 'norm_ltcy': 14.51259067827554, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:20.435000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:20.435000",
+ "bytes": 808725504,
+ "norm_byte": 70636544,
+ "ops": 789771,
+ "norm_ops": 68981,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.51259067827554,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "601b17c2d9736c817d09662090ca0c6d5e5705d1e0937fcaafafc53910f4e5e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:21.436000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:21.436000', 'bytes': 879430656, 'norm_byte': 70705152, 'ops': 858819, 'norm_ops': 69048, 'norm_ltcy': 14.498862119693909, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:21.436000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:21.436000",
+ "bytes": 879430656,
+ "norm_byte": 70705152,
+ "ops": 858819,
+ "norm_ops": 69048,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.498862119693909,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2fbb3f9b47d21b7a5180a46a2d8fb062dbf03eb19c0faf36a9734c63a6930be9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:22.437000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:22.437000', 'bytes': 936111104, 'norm_byte': 56680448, 'ops': 914171, 'norm_ops': 55352, 'norm_ltcy': 18.085976490517506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:22.437000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:22.437000",
+ "bytes": 936111104,
+ "norm_byte": 56680448,
+ "ops": 914171,
+ "norm_ops": 55352,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.085976490517506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb970dbc1c4d8eb97974a835eba28140d11d6ceae43d2c72ba75d79b3c3c50ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:23.438000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:23.438000', 'bytes': 1007610880, 'norm_byte': 71499776, 'ops': 983995, 'norm_ops': 69824, 'norm_ltcy': 14.337408553559664, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:23.438000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:23.438000",
+ "bytes": 1007610880,
+ "norm_byte": 71499776,
+ "ops": 983995,
+ "norm_ops": 69824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.337408553559664,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f401461ae034957d702cf75544589d57e9840ca614cea48440fb17ac915732f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:24.439000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:24.439000', 'bytes': 1063816192, 'norm_byte': 56205312, 'ops': 1038883, 'norm_ops': 54888, 'norm_ltcy': 18.238907738827248, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:24.439000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:24.439000",
+ "bytes": 1063816192,
+ "norm_byte": 56205312,
+ "ops": 1038883,
+ "norm_ops": 54888,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.238907738827248,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c925a4354cf49f0bc9eab677322b390e4354f5677ea92dc52d1ea8162a4218b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:25.440000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:25.440000', 'bytes': 1134291968, 'norm_byte': 70475776, 'ops': 1107707, 'norm_ops': 68824, 'norm_ltcy': 14.545731997331963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:25.440000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:25.440000",
+ "bytes": 1134291968,
+ "norm_byte": 70475776,
+ "ops": 1107707,
+ "norm_ops": 68824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.545731997331963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c3d391e991ac194718a0656ff6f2c1650bd319e74efd274360c381879461578",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:26.441000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:26.441000', 'bytes': 1205177344, 'norm_byte': 70885376, 'ops': 1176931, 'norm_ops': 69224, 'norm_ltcy': 14.461713513376862, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:26.441000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:26.441000",
+ "bytes": 1205177344,
+ "norm_byte": 70885376,
+ "ops": 1176931,
+ "norm_ops": 69224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.461713513376862,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ef5e1f75f8bda6d9b60534d85c92bc2540d9484c9b9aa83f65cce839d848a5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:27.442000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:27.442000', 'bytes': 1275859968, 'norm_byte': 70682624, 'ops': 1245957, 'norm_ops': 69026, 'norm_ltcy': 14.502496398549097, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:27.442000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:27.442000",
+ "bytes": 1275859968,
+ "norm_byte": 70682624,
+ "ops": 1245957,
+ "norm_ops": 69026,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.502496398549097,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49fcfa766deab0d5da8a2623fadd43032f20c50a34ffa688988f672662721972",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:28.443000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:28.443000', 'bytes': 1346734080, 'norm_byte': 70874112, 'ops': 1315170, 'norm_ops': 69213, 'norm_ltcy': 14.463870813647725, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:28.443000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:28.443000",
+ "bytes": 1346734080,
+ "norm_byte": 70874112,
+ "ops": 1315170,
+ "norm_ops": 69213,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.463870813647725,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9299a50dbe90222fd2aafbdc47deb75c859497d0462816e2a62ee5393e0b0de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:29.445000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:29.445000', 'bytes': 1417530368, 'norm_byte': 70796288, 'ops': 1384307, 'norm_ops': 69137, 'norm_ltcy': 14.479848152490707, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:29.445000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:29.445000",
+ "bytes": 1417530368,
+ "norm_byte": 70796288,
+ "ops": 1384307,
+ "norm_ops": 69137,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.479848152490707,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "29b3e13ea4c539a762f19cb9046ef8144a15bee0fbf99571930aac5ed7307ffe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:30.445000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:30.445000', 'bytes': 1488196608, 'norm_byte': 70666240, 'ops': 1453317, 'norm_ops': 69010, 'norm_ltcy': 14.502572232511593, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:30.445000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:30.445000",
+ "bytes": 1488196608,
+ "norm_byte": 70666240,
+ "ops": 1453317,
+ "norm_ops": 69010,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.502572232511593,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f8c40db0504d8032501af6763ebe7a42051a013909ad177c09fe76f39aa20a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:31.446000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:31.446000', 'bytes': 1559497728, 'norm_byte': 71301120, 'ops': 1522947, 'norm_ops': 69630, 'norm_ltcy': 14.376064499407581, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:31.446000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:31.446000",
+ "bytes": 1559497728,
+ "norm_byte": 71301120,
+ "ops": 1522947,
+ "norm_ops": 69630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.376064499407581,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0075bc7b9345119239d02e2b6022b613ce298c2815949fc56a15076f692c47ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:32.447000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:32.447000', 'bytes': 1630755840, 'norm_byte': 71258112, 'ops': 1592535, 'norm_ops': 69588, 'norm_ltcy': 14.386053338039604, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:32.447000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:32.447000",
+ "bytes": 1630755840,
+ "norm_byte": 71258112,
+ "ops": 1592535,
+ "norm_ops": 69588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.386053338039604,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80ee06605fc69c0185818eec6fbbcd05607242347f29352cb0e8ea40a5c17ae6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:33.449000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:33.449000', 'bytes': 1687356416, 'norm_byte': 56600576, 'ops': 1647809, 'norm_ops': 55274, 'norm_ltcy': 18.11144112738358, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:33.449000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:33.449000",
+ "bytes": 1687356416,
+ "norm_byte": 56600576,
+ "ops": 1647809,
+ "norm_ops": 55274,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.11144112738358,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6aa67b89ae1e2cd248041513b091c3aaf3f8eaac18e9df2cac2f4bfdb671c3e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:34.450000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:34.450000', 'bytes': 1743920128, 'norm_byte': 56563712, 'ops': 1703047, 'norm_ops': 55238, 'norm_ltcy': 18.123297848627754, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:34.450000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:34.450000",
+ "bytes": 1743920128,
+ "norm_byte": 56563712,
+ "ops": 1703047,
+ "norm_ops": 55238,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.123297848627754,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9cd6bd09672fadd6c49a492e018a9dbfc5241fe4c4fc772261deddc8a76924bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:35.451000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:35.451000', 'bytes': 1800266752, 'norm_byte': 56346624, 'ops': 1758073, 'norm_ops': 55026, 'norm_ltcy': 18.193126353053554, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:35.451000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:35.451000",
+ "bytes": 1800266752,
+ "norm_byte": 56346624,
+ "ops": 1758073,
+ "norm_ops": 55026,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.193126353053554,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "811ef19a0ee85722b0bb3840e10a8668aaf0aea0b9304bd362eb70983e6f0eaf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:36.452000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:36.452000', 'bytes': 1856726016, 'norm_byte': 56459264, 'ops': 1813209, 'norm_ops': 55136, 'norm_ltcy': 18.156736864299187, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:36.452000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:36.452000",
+ "bytes": 1856726016,
+ "norm_byte": 56459264,
+ "ops": 1813209,
+ "norm_ops": 55136,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.156736864299187,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bed4bdc9316b9dc57f3dd7219e5dcc78afd06b3a27c316fbdfbcf8541c8f62a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:37.453000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:37.453000', 'bytes': 1925153792, 'norm_byte': 68427776, 'ops': 1880033, 'norm_ops': 66824, 'norm_ltcy': 14.98114596037726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:37.453000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:37.453000",
+ "bytes": 1925153792,
+ "norm_byte": 68427776,
+ "ops": 1880033,
+ "norm_ops": 66824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.98114596037726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f5d4ed4cb4402ebd171bbe3d4767365bc93e5c42b559cade9f5b53b80766f568",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:38.454000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:38.454000', 'bytes': 1984556032, 'norm_byte': 59402240, 'ops': 1938043, 'norm_ops': 58010, 'norm_ltcy': 17.2574847345824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:38.454000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:38.454000",
+ "bytes": 1984556032,
+ "norm_byte": 59402240,
+ "ops": 1938043,
+ "norm_ops": 58010,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.2574847345824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70271ea0ada1d27ef6ce4851200cce01c8ea4861e427d4c1089f2ac88600eb12",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:39.455000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:39.455000', 'bytes': 2041223168, 'norm_byte': 56667136, 'ops': 1993382, 'norm_ops': 55339, 'norm_ltcy': 18.090158994447858, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:39.455000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:39.455000",
+ "bytes": 2041223168,
+ "norm_byte": 56667136,
+ "ops": 1993382,
+ "norm_ops": 55339,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.090158994447858,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a146cfaaa708d58dda37ab0a8eddc9e3c4ea838bb5e527856e192b2614bdd8d0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:40.456000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:40.456000', 'bytes': 2112562176, 'norm_byte': 71339008, 'ops': 2063049, 'norm_ops': 69667, 'norm_ltcy': 14.369680469905049, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:40.456000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:40.456000",
+ "bytes": 2112562176,
+ "norm_byte": 71339008,
+ "ops": 2063049,
+ "norm_ops": 69667,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.369680469905049,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f046b97e21147cf3a73e10a0d22aa51388f1ab18c14c6e7bdf2b5d3e72cee295",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:41.457000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:41.457000', 'bytes': 2183805952, 'norm_byte': 71243776, 'ops': 2132623, 'norm_ops': 69574, 'norm_ltcy': 14.388902547781859, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:41.457000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:41.457000",
+ "bytes": 2183805952,
+ "norm_byte": 71243776,
+ "ops": 2132623,
+ "norm_ops": 69574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.388902547781859,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5faec800d5fd55dade281883cab2dc2015f4840d981ab4f22550d3445b5b2f2f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:42.457000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:42.457000', 'bytes': 2255780864, 'norm_byte': 71974912, 'ops': 2202911, 'norm_ops': 70288, 'norm_ltcy': 14.227728406253558, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:42.457000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:42.457000",
+ "bytes": 2255780864,
+ "norm_byte": 71974912,
+ "ops": 2202911,
+ "norm_ops": 70288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.227728406253558,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aad0a303f74b45f765f4a286227a9820288626ca0fee969896456133cc6e7a5f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:43.458000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:43.458000', 'bytes': 2327890944, 'norm_byte': 72110080, 'ops': 2273331, 'norm_ops': 70420, 'norm_ltcy': 14.21468052732711, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:43.458000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:43.458000",
+ "bytes": 2327890944,
+ "norm_byte": 72110080,
+ "ops": 2273331,
+ "norm_ops": 70420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.21468052732711,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2b52a86e69cbbe3411874a65b76f4724f8e4b4db3af91b741a1d0cfb8cbc191",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:44.459000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:44.459000', 'bytes': 2399955968, 'norm_byte': 72065024, 'ops': 2343707, 'norm_ops': 70376, 'norm_ltcy': 14.224910269925118, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:44.459000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:44.459000",
+ "bytes": 2399955968,
+ "norm_byte": 72065024,
+ "ops": 2343707,
+ "norm_ops": 70376,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.224910269925118,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "178673c29603ed53f0c84d5da1d10e8b47de7fade2e7acdddf22d947d9e74b43",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:45.460000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:45.460000', 'bytes': 2471980032, 'norm_byte': 72024064, 'ops': 2414043, 'norm_ops': 70336, 'norm_ltcy': 14.231302610194282, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:45.460000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:45.460000",
+ "bytes": 2471980032,
+ "norm_byte": 72024064,
+ "ops": 2414043,
+ "norm_ops": 70336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.231302610194282,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "612cef0a7aa27d58faefdf6c8fb023609e19cb0a011bb08498ddb600bd5998f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:46.462000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:46.462000', 'bytes': 2544047104, 'norm_byte': 72067072, 'ops': 2484421, 'norm_ops': 70378, 'norm_ltcy': 14.224651724438035, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:46.462000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:46.462000",
+ "bytes": 2544047104,
+ "norm_byte": 72067072,
+ "ops": 2484421,
+ "norm_ops": 70378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.224651724438035,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fed01704782ab6dcd00fe1a6a6409ba7ca252c25e5b06136a7fa530db4362211",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:47.463000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:47.463000', 'bytes': 2615839744, 'norm_byte': 71792640, 'ops': 2554531, 'norm_ops': 70110, 'norm_ltcy': 14.278894048192125, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:47.463000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:47.463000",
+ "bytes": 2615839744,
+ "norm_byte": 71792640,
+ "ops": 2554531,
+ "norm_ops": 70110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.278894048192125,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c97d76313f57ac3be71699b069492f91a31b4702babd45291badfbec581b7d1f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:48.464000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:48.464000', 'bytes': 2673052672, 'norm_byte': 57212928, 'ops': 2610403, 'norm_ops': 55872, 'norm_ltcy': 17.917641795924165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:48.464000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:48.464000",
+ "bytes": 2673052672,
+ "norm_byte": 57212928,
+ "ops": 2610403,
+ "norm_ops": 55872,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.917641795924165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e9abe92eefe8b620b5e6afc5c3fe833dce79f1138c59c6d31d96b9f8e7139de0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:49.465000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:49.465000', 'bytes': 2744437760, 'norm_byte': 71385088, 'ops': 2680115, 'norm_ops': 69712, 'norm_ltcy': 14.360488705988567, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:49.465000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:49.465000",
+ "bytes": 2744437760,
+ "norm_byte": 71385088,
+ "ops": 2680115,
+ "norm_ops": 69712,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.360488705988567,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1bb8871e1f97aab2cc0bc0f6f670a002165310bc98c34b92bb86b60a3efafd6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:50.466000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:50.466000', 'bytes': 2804134912, 'norm_byte': 59697152, 'ops': 2738413, 'norm_ops': 58298, 'norm_ltcy': 17.171753017631396, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:50.466000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:50.466000",
+ "bytes": 2804134912,
+ "norm_byte": 59697152,
+ "ops": 2738413,
+ "norm_ops": 58298,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.171753017631396,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dcc67bb2ceedfe91d63c4e580355b7d777cab2685f0fc308aa9235bee7854231",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:51.467000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:51.467000', 'bytes': 2857513984, 'norm_byte': 53379072, 'ops': 2790541, 'norm_ops': 52128, 'norm_ltcy': 19.204951708414864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:51.467000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:51.467000",
+ "bytes": 2857513984,
+ "norm_byte": 53379072,
+ "ops": 2790541,
+ "norm_ops": 52128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.204951708414864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f102811fbf4974900c8add8769e29757ceabf314de444d6ae24acd97970e47b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:52.468000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:52.468000', 'bytes': 2928344064, 'norm_byte': 70830080, 'ops': 2859711, 'norm_ops': 69170, 'norm_ltcy': 14.472181169356295, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:52.468000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:52.468000",
+ "bytes": 2928344064,
+ "norm_byte": 70830080,
+ "ops": 2859711,
+ "norm_ops": 69170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.472181169356295,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb014549164e6729579b9dc725951e32e51a9aa4e5fd4c9f952d7a30690b7b86",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:53.469000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:53.469000', 'bytes': 2984707072, 'norm_byte': 56363008, 'ops': 2914753, 'norm_ops': 55042, 'norm_ltcy': 18.18795760510156, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:53.469000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:53.469000",
+ "bytes": 2984707072,
+ "norm_byte": 56363008,
+ "ops": 2914753,
+ "norm_ops": 55042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.18795760510156,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bab01033418cf0eaba8b8005577e1a045e70fc1ec3901bd3eb6a7625ee03d35",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:54.470000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:54.470000', 'bytes': 3041315840, 'norm_byte': 56608768, 'ops': 2970035, 'norm_ops': 55282, 'norm_ltcy': 18.10893058121314, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:54.470000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:54.470000",
+ "bytes": 3041315840,
+ "norm_byte": 56608768,
+ "ops": 2970035,
+ "norm_ops": 55282,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.10893058121314,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d5787882ee25e985b3eedd368cd86314e7e5fa141813661c4ac042bccee605e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:55.470000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:55.470000', 'bytes': 3097797632, 'norm_byte': 56481792, 'ops': 3025193, 'norm_ops': 55158, 'norm_ltcy': 18.131852119706117, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:55.470000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:55.470000",
+ "bytes": 3097797632,
+ "norm_byte": 56481792,
+ "ops": 3025193,
+ "norm_ops": 55158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.131852119706117,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0378f62897eaab16162b8e99b7ab6d226a117717c533d6bc6e57c4a232ce0ab2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:56.471000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:56.471000', 'bytes': 3141573632, 'norm_byte': 43776000, 'ops': 3067943, 'norm_ops': 42750, 'norm_ltcy': 23.417591831140353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:56.471000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:56.471000",
+ "bytes": 3141573632,
+ "norm_byte": 43776000,
+ "ops": 3067943,
+ "norm_ops": 42750,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.417591831140353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d598d17ece77ad60226980d93e77b83dea6072e3d96cff118766b48060285994",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:57.473000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:57.473000', 'bytes': 3210388480, 'norm_byte': 68814848, 'ops': 3135145, 'norm_ops': 67202, 'norm_ltcy': 14.89714109373605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:57.473000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:57.473000",
+ "bytes": 3210388480,
+ "norm_byte": 68814848,
+ "ops": 3135145,
+ "norm_ops": 67202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.89714109373605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3870eaba03ebebab9375a707c1b3e5732713343475217fd5fab9ff4162cc242c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:58.474000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:58.474000', 'bytes': 3267662848, 'norm_byte': 57274368, 'ops': 3191077, 'norm_ops': 55932, 'norm_ltcy': 17.89862613586587, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:58.474000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:58.474000",
+ "bytes": 3267662848,
+ "norm_byte": 57274368,
+ "ops": 3191077,
+ "norm_ops": 55932,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.89862613586587,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ea36ae1ddda0dac99c70b0c0115d6447450bc5233c42c1682b72f944ae4e943",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:19:59.475000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:19:59.475000', 'bytes': 3338228736, 'norm_byte': 70565888, 'ops': 3259989, 'norm_ops': 68912, 'norm_ltcy': 14.527419395615059, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:19:59.475000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:19:59.475000",
+ "bytes": 3338228736,
+ "norm_byte": 70565888,
+ "ops": 3259989,
+ "norm_ops": 68912,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.527419395615059,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aaec0cd939b1964402aa44068d28531442b252ce659f6faac4bf3bd5dbf8c971",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:20:00.475000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:20:00.475000', 'bytes': 3409427456, 'norm_byte': 71198720, 'ops': 3329519, 'norm_ops': 69530, 'norm_ltcy': 14.390406175841363, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:20:00.475000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:20:00.475000",
+ "bytes": 3409427456,
+ "norm_byte": 71198720,
+ "ops": 3329519,
+ "norm_ops": 69530,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.390406175841363,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de38b90c601109f5c8907a68e9b9b4557acc575bf9bbdab944b799ba5f9c0c47",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:20:01.476000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:20:01.476000', 'bytes': 3465819136, 'norm_byte': 56391680, 'ops': 3384589, 'norm_ops': 55070, 'norm_ltcy': 18.17876325018159, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:20:01.476000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:20:01.476000",
+ "bytes": 3465819136,
+ "norm_byte": 56391680,
+ "ops": 3384589,
+ "norm_ops": 55070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.17876325018159,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "58b599f1315e997df33dc95d65f72c81fd31b290dd3847109331b57bd2aa5363",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:20:02.478000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:20:02.478000', 'bytes': 3534076928, 'norm_byte': 68257792, 'ops': 3451247, 'norm_ops': 66658, 'norm_ltcy': 15.018380612135827, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:20:02.478000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:20:02.478000",
+ "bytes": 3534076928,
+ "norm_byte": 68257792,
+ "ops": 3451247,
+ "norm_ops": 66658,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.018380612135827,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b779de1496261eb081761fed0effc07c04d24690f9bfcec4165ef0aa48a2b60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:20:03.479000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:20:03.479000', 'bytes': 3605435392, 'norm_byte': 71358464, 'ops': 3520933, 'norm_ops': 69686, 'norm_ltcy': 14.366039325061706, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:20:03.479000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:20:03.479000",
+ "bytes": 3605435392,
+ "norm_byte": 71358464,
+ "ops": 3520933,
+ "norm_ops": 69686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.366039325061706,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "084bf73c80e521ac9fb73e4285e230eb778c2772ef5a237e0db81ada84012dbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:20:04.480000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:20:04.480000', 'bytes': 3677254656, 'norm_byte': 71819264, 'ops': 3591069, 'norm_ops': 70136, 'norm_ltcy': 14.27365643847311, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:20:04.480000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:20:04.480000",
+ "bytes": 3677254656,
+ "norm_byte": 71819264,
+ "ops": 3591069,
+ "norm_ops": 70136,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.27365643847311,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64b26df36a12f1bbd0c76daba08aad47a25a154da77b22cc11cd3acc100376b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:20:05.481000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:20:05.481000', 'bytes': 3734244352, 'norm_byte': 56989696, 'ops': 3646723, 'norm_ops': 55654, 'norm_ltcy': 17.98699715822313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:20:05.481000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:20:05.481000",
+ "bytes": 3734244352,
+ "norm_byte": 56989696,
+ "ops": 3646723,
+ "norm_ops": 55654,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.98699715822313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b93edc76b466b6e6cb7f122146ab82fd8a574be45a90c825baecb91fa9542d49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:20:06.482000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:20:06.482000', 'bytes': 3797761024, 'norm_byte': 63516672, 'ops': 3708751, 'norm_ops': 62028, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13960898329182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:20:06.482000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:20:06.482000",
+ "bytes": 3797761024,
+ "norm_byte": 63516672,
+ "ops": 3708751,
+ "norm_ops": 62028,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13960898329182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2751d32442fa69c867b8aba0653ebbc64fc18820dfa5578ec5e59e295700e530",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:20:07.483000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:20:07.483000', 'bytes': 3851432960, 'norm_byte': 53671936, 'ops': 3761165, 'norm_ops': 52414, 'norm_ltcy': 19.102511040406668, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:20:07.483000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:20:07.483000",
+ "bytes": 3851432960,
+ "norm_byte": 53671936,
+ "ops": 3761165,
+ "norm_ops": 52414,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.102511040406668,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "698e9a95d16df915c1ba75e42fa05ea0ac0ece3b6f7f1118b07c96b66d2e53ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:20:08.685000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:20:08.685000', 'bytes': 3905063936, 'norm_byte': 53630976, 'ops': 3813539, 'norm_ops': 52374, 'norm_ltcy': 22.937984570707794, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:20:08.685000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:20:08.685000",
+ "bytes": 3905063936,
+ "norm_byte": 53630976,
+ "ops": 3813539,
+ "norm_ops": 52374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.937984570707794,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3ace06ff-5b2e-5907-96a2-6821ab929466",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7231dd6464a1c56e910194db4d53b4a9cda25f77b4b4da5a89f9cfa6a2d345d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 65084398.93333333
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 63558.98333333333
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 19.3916033515295
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:20:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-053-220519211623/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-053-220519211623/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b44f6bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-053-220519211623/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-053-220519211623/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-053-220519211623/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-053-220519211623/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-053-220519211623/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-053-220519211623/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ae0aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-053-220519211623/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=50
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-054-220519211825/220519211825-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-054-220519211825/220519211825-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddf46b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-054-220519211825/220519211825-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:21:08Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995269079.4534 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995270080.5676 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995270080.6572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995271081.7410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62565376 nr_ops:61099\ntimestamp_ms:1652995272082.8440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124645376 nr_ops:121724\ntimestamp_ms:1652995273083.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188148736 nr_ops:183739\ntimestamp_ms:1652995274085.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252220416 nr_ops:246309\ntimestamp_ms:1652995275086.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315542528 nr_ops:308147\ntimestamp_ms:1652995276086.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378690560 nr_ops:369815\ntimestamp_ms:1652995277087.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442268672 nr_ops:431903\ntimestamp_ms:1652995278088.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506223616 nr_ops:494359\ntimestamp_ms:1652995279089.9734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:570436608 nr_ops:557067\ntimestamp_ms:1652995280091.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634007552 nr_ops:619148\ntimestamp_ms:1652995281092.2432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:697052160 nr_ops:680715\ntimestamp_ms:1652995282093.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759854080 nr_ops:742045\ntimestamp_ms:1652995283094.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823626752 nr_ops:804323\ntimestamp_ms:1652995284095.5249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886995968 nr_ops:866207\ntimestamp_ms:1652995285096.6221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950596608 nr_ops:928317\ntimestamp_ms:1652995286097.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013297152 nr_ops:989548\ntimestamp_ms:1652995287098.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075862528 nr_ops:1050647\ntimestamp_ms:1652995288099.8770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139994624 nr_ops:1113276\ntimestamp_ms:1652995289100.9126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204157440 nr_ops:1175935\ntimestamp_ms:1652995290102.0076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267224576 nr_ops:1237524\ntimestamp_ms:1652995291103.1038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1330624512 nr_ops:1299438\ntimestamp_ms:1652995292104.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1394125824 nr_ops:1361451\ntimestamp_ms:1652995293105.2981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458205696 nr_ops:1424029\ntimestamp_ms:1652995294106.3958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522179072 nr_ops:1486503\ntimestamp_ms:1652995295106.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1585525760 nr_ops:1548365\ntimestamp_ms:1652995296107.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1648323584 nr_ops:1609691\ntimestamp_ms:1652995297109.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1711903744 nr_ops:1671781\ntimestamp_ms:1652995298110.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1775261696 nr_ops:1733654\ntimestamp_ms:1652995299111.2124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1838831616 nr_ops:1795734\ntimestamp_ms:1652995300112.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902812160 nr_ops:1858215\ntimestamp_ms:1652995301113.3979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1966646272 nr_ops:1920553\ntimestamp_ms:1652995302114.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029601792 nr_ops:1982033\ntimestamp_ms:1652995303115.5852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093767680 nr_ops:2044695\ntimestamp_ms:1652995304116.6848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157683712 nr_ops:2107113\ntimestamp_ms:1652995305117.7773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220919808 nr_ops:2168867\ntimestamp_ms:1652995306118.8735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2283955200 nr_ops:2230425\ntimestamp_ms:1652995307119.9800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2347011072 nr_ops:2292003\ntimestamp_ms:1652995308121.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2410477568 nr_ops:2353982\ntimestamp_ms:1652995309122.1697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2474394624 nr_ops:2416401\ntimestamp_ms:1652995310123.2666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2538212352 nr_ops:2478723\ntimestamp_ms:1652995311124.3621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2600504320 nr_ops:2539555\ntimestamp_ms:1652995312124.6812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2663693312 nr_ops:2601263\ntimestamp_ms:1652995313125.7715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2727461888 nr_ops:2663537\ntimestamp_ms:1652995314126.9182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790812672 nr_ops:2725403\ntimestamp_ms:1652995315128.0181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2852909056 nr_ops:2786044\ntimestamp_ms:1652995316128.8955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2916492288 nr_ops:2848137\ntimestamp_ms:1652995317129.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2979909632 nr_ops:2910068\ntimestamp_ms:1652995318131.0896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3043482624 nr_ops:2972151\ntimestamp_ms:1652995319132.1838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3106699264 nr_ops:3033886\ntimestamp_ms:1652995320133.2800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171709952 nr_ops:3097373\ntimestamp_ms:1652995321134.3784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3235224576 nr_ops:3159399\ntimestamp_ms:1652995322135.4731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3298735104 nr_ops:3221421\ntimestamp_ms:1652995323136.5696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3361672192 nr_ops:3282883\ntimestamp_ms:1652995324137.6592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424123904 nr_ops:3343871\ntimestamp_ms:1652995325138.7544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3486454784 nr_ops:3404741\ntimestamp_ms:1652995326139.8472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3550333952 nr_ops:3467123\ntimestamp_ms:1652995327140.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3613727744 nr_ops:3529031\ntimestamp_ms:1652995328142.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3677457408 nr_ops:3591267\ntimestamp_ms:1652995329142.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3740892160 nr_ops:3653215\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139781656557312\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.1428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3803380736 nr_ops:3714239\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.1907 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.1956 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330444.4111 name:Total nr_bytes:3803380736 nr_ops:3714240\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.2227 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7606761470 nr_ops:7428480\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.2236 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3803380736 nr_ops:3714242\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 236.48us 0.00ns 236.48us 236.48us \nTxn1 1857120 32.30us 0.00ns 3.17ms 26.73us \nTxn2 1 24.99us 0.00ns 24.99us 24.99us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 236.15us 0.00ns 236.15us 236.15us \nwrite 1857120 3.25us 0.00ns 444.58us 2.42us \nread 1857119 28.96us 0.00ns 3.16ms 2.38us \ndisconnect 1 24.57us 0.00ns 24.57us 24.57us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.58b/s \nnet1 29778 29778 259.66Mb/s 259.66Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.149 62.37s 3.54GB 487.88Mb/s 3714242 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.88Mb/s 3714242 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416358, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995269079.4534 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995270080.5676 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995270080.6572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995271081.7410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62565376 nr_ops:61099\ntimestamp_ms:1652995272082.8440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124645376 nr_ops:121724\ntimestamp_ms:1652995273083.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188148736 nr_ops:183739\ntimestamp_ms:1652995274085.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252220416 nr_ops:246309\ntimestamp_ms:1652995275086.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315542528 nr_ops:308147\ntimestamp_ms:1652995276086.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378690560 nr_ops:369815\ntimestamp_ms:1652995277087.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442268672 nr_ops:431903\ntimestamp_ms:1652995278088.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506223616 nr_ops:494359\ntimestamp_ms:1652995279089.9734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:570436608 nr_ops:557067\ntimestamp_ms:1652995280091.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634007552 nr_ops:619148\ntimestamp_ms:1652995281092.2432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:697052160 nr_ops:680715\ntimestamp_ms:1652995282093.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759854080 nr_ops:742045\ntimestamp_ms:1652995283094.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823626752 nr_ops:804323\ntimestamp_ms:1652995284095.5249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886995968 nr_ops:866207\ntimestamp_ms:1652995285096.6221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950596608 nr_ops:928317\ntimestamp_ms:1652995286097.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013297152 nr_ops:989548\ntimestamp_ms:1652995287098.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075862528 nr_ops:1050647\ntimestamp_ms:1652995288099.8770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139994624 nr_ops:1113276\ntimestamp_ms:1652995289100.9126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204157440 nr_ops:1175935\ntimestamp_ms:1652995290102.0076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267224576 nr_ops:1237524\ntimestamp_ms:1652995291103.1038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1330624512 nr_ops:1299438\ntimestamp_ms:1652995292104.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1394125824 nr_ops:1361451\ntimestamp_ms:1652995293105.2981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458205696 nr_ops:1424029\ntimestamp_ms:1652995294106.3958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522179072 nr_ops:1486503\ntimestamp_ms:1652995295106.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1585525760 nr_ops:1548365\ntimestamp_ms:1652995296107.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1648323584 nr_ops:1609691\ntimestamp_ms:1652995297109.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1711903744 nr_ops:1671781\ntimestamp_ms:1652995298110.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1775261696 nr_ops:1733654\ntimestamp_ms:1652995299111.2124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1838831616 nr_ops:1795734\ntimestamp_ms:1652995300112.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902812160 nr_ops:1858215\ntimestamp_ms:1652995301113.3979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1966646272 nr_ops:1920553\ntimestamp_ms:1652995302114.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029601792 nr_ops:1982033\ntimestamp_ms:1652995303115.5852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093767680 nr_ops:2044695\ntimestamp_ms:1652995304116.6848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157683712 nr_ops:2107113\ntimestamp_ms:1652995305117.7773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220919808 nr_ops:2168867\ntimestamp_ms:1652995306118.8735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2283955200 nr_ops:2230425\ntimestamp_ms:1652995307119.9800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2347011072 nr_ops:2292003\ntimestamp_ms:1652995308121.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2410477568 nr_ops:2353982\ntimestamp_ms:1652995309122.1697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2474394624 nr_ops:2416401\ntimestamp_ms:1652995310123.2666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2538212352 nr_ops:2478723\ntimestamp_ms:1652995311124.3621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2600504320 nr_ops:2539555\ntimestamp_ms:1652995312124.6812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2663693312 nr_ops:2601263\ntimestamp_ms:1652995313125.7715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2727461888 nr_ops:2663537\ntimestamp_ms:1652995314126.9182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790812672 nr_ops:2725403\ntimestamp_ms:1652995315128.0181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2852909056 nr_ops:2786044\ntimestamp_ms:1652995316128.8955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2916492288 nr_ops:2848137\ntimestamp_ms:1652995317129.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2979909632 nr_ops:2910068\ntimestamp_ms:1652995318131.0896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3043482624 nr_ops:2972151\ntimestamp_ms:1652995319132.1838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3106699264 nr_ops:3033886\ntimestamp_ms:1652995320133.2800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171709952 nr_ops:3097373\ntimestamp_ms:1652995321134.3784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3235224576 nr_ops:3159399\ntimestamp_ms:1652995322135.4731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3298735104 nr_ops:3221421\ntimestamp_ms:1652995323136.5696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3361672192 nr_ops:3282883\ntimestamp_ms:1652995324137.6592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424123904 nr_ops:3343871\ntimestamp_ms:1652995325138.7544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3486454784 nr_ops:3404741\ntimestamp_ms:1652995326139.8472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3550333952 nr_ops:3467123\ntimestamp_ms:1652995327140.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3613727744 nr_ops:3529031\ntimestamp_ms:1652995328142.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3677457408 nr_ops:3591267\ntimestamp_ms:1652995329142.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3740892160 nr_ops:3653215\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139781656557312\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.1428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3803380736 nr_ops:3714239\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.1907 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.1956 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330444.4111 name:Total nr_bytes:3803380736 nr_ops:3714240\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.2227 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7606761470 nr_ops:7428480\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.2236 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3803380736 nr_ops:3714242\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 236.48us 0.00ns 236.48us 236.48us \nTxn1 1857120 32.30us 0.00ns 3.17ms 26.73us \nTxn2 1 24.99us 0.00ns 24.99us 24.99us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 236.15us 0.00ns 236.15us 236.15us \nwrite 1857120 3.25us 0.00ns 444.58us 2.42us \nread 1857119 28.96us 0.00ns 3.16ms 2.38us \ndisconnect 1 24.57us 0.00ns 24.57us 24.57us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.58b/s \nnet1 29778 29778 259.66Mb/s 259.66Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.149 62.37s 3.54GB 487.88Mb/s 3714242 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.88Mb/s 3714242 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416358, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995269079.4534 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995270080.5676 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995270080.6572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995271081.7410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62565376 nr_ops:61099\ntimestamp_ms:1652995272082.8440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124645376 nr_ops:121724\ntimestamp_ms:1652995273083.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188148736 nr_ops:183739\ntimestamp_ms:1652995274085.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252220416 nr_ops:246309\ntimestamp_ms:1652995275086.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315542528 nr_ops:308147\ntimestamp_ms:1652995276086.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378690560 nr_ops:369815\ntimestamp_ms:1652995277087.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442268672 nr_ops:431903\ntimestamp_ms:1652995278088.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506223616 nr_ops:494359\ntimestamp_ms:1652995279089.9734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:570436608 nr_ops:557067\ntimestamp_ms:1652995280091.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634007552 nr_ops:619148\ntimestamp_ms:1652995281092.2432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:697052160 nr_ops:680715\ntimestamp_ms:1652995282093.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759854080 nr_ops:742045\ntimestamp_ms:1652995283094.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823626752 nr_ops:804323\ntimestamp_ms:1652995284095.5249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886995968 nr_ops:866207\ntimestamp_ms:1652995285096.6221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950596608 nr_ops:928317\ntimestamp_ms:1652995286097.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013297152 nr_ops:989548\ntimestamp_ms:1652995287098.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075862528 nr_ops:1050647\ntimestamp_ms:1652995288099.8770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139994624 nr_ops:1113276\ntimestamp_ms:1652995289100.9126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204157440 nr_ops:1175935\ntimestamp_ms:1652995290102.0076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267224576 nr_ops:1237524\ntimestamp_ms:1652995291103.1038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1330624512 nr_ops:1299438\ntimestamp_ms:1652995292104.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1394125824 nr_ops:1361451\ntimestamp_ms:1652995293105.2981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458205696 nr_ops:1424029\ntimestamp_ms:1652995294106.3958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522179072 nr_ops:1486503\ntimestamp_ms:1652995295106.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1585525760 nr_ops:1548365\ntimestamp_ms:1652995296107.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1648323584 nr_ops:1609691\ntimestamp_ms:1652995297109.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1711903744 nr_ops:1671781\ntimestamp_ms:1652995298110.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1775261696 nr_ops:1733654\ntimestamp_ms:1652995299111.2124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1838831616 nr_ops:1795734\ntimestamp_ms:1652995300112.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902812160 nr_ops:1858215\ntimestamp_ms:1652995301113.3979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1966646272 nr_ops:1920553\ntimestamp_ms:1652995302114.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029601792 nr_ops:1982033\ntimestamp_ms:1652995303115.5852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093767680 nr_ops:2044695\ntimestamp_ms:1652995304116.6848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157683712 nr_ops:2107113\ntimestamp_ms:1652995305117.7773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220919808 nr_ops:2168867\ntimestamp_ms:1652995306118.8735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2283955200 nr_ops:2230425\ntimestamp_ms:1652995307119.9800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2347011072 nr_ops:2292003\ntimestamp_ms:1652995308121.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2410477568 nr_ops:2353982\ntimestamp_ms:1652995309122.1697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2474394624 nr_ops:2416401\ntimestamp_ms:1652995310123.2666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2538212352 nr_ops:2478723\ntimestamp_ms:1652995311124.3621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2600504320 nr_ops:2539555\ntimestamp_ms:1652995312124.6812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2663693312 nr_ops:2601263\ntimestamp_ms:1652995313125.7715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2727461888 nr_ops:2663537\ntimestamp_ms:1652995314126.9182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790812672 nr_ops:2725403\ntimestamp_ms:1652995315128.0181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2852909056 nr_ops:2786044\ntimestamp_ms:1652995316128.8955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2916492288 nr_ops:2848137\ntimestamp_ms:1652995317129.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2979909632 nr_ops:2910068\ntimestamp_ms:1652995318131.0896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3043482624 nr_ops:2972151\ntimestamp_ms:1652995319132.1838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3106699264 nr_ops:3033886\ntimestamp_ms:1652995320133.2800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171709952 nr_ops:3097373\ntimestamp_ms:1652995321134.3784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3235224576 nr_ops:3159399\ntimestamp_ms:1652995322135.4731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3298735104 nr_ops:3221421\ntimestamp_ms:1652995323136.5696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3361672192 nr_ops:3282883\ntimestamp_ms:1652995324137.6592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424123904 nr_ops:3343871\ntimestamp_ms:1652995325138.7544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3486454784 nr_ops:3404741\ntimestamp_ms:1652995326139.8472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3550333952 nr_ops:3467123\ntimestamp_ms:1652995327140.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3613727744 nr_ops:3529031\ntimestamp_ms:1652995328142.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3677457408 nr_ops:3591267\ntimestamp_ms:1652995329142.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3740892160 nr_ops:3653215\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139781656557312\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.1428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3803380736 nr_ops:3714239\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.1907 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.1956 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330444.4111 name:Total nr_bytes:3803380736 nr_ops:3714240\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.2227 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7606761470 nr_ops:7428480\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995330344.2236 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3803380736 nr_ops:3714242\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 236.48us 0.00ns 236.48us 236.48us \nTxn1 1857120 32.30us 0.00ns 3.17ms 26.73us \nTxn2 1 24.99us 0.00ns 24.99us 24.99us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 236.15us 0.00ns 236.15us 236.15us \nwrite 1857120 3.25us 0.00ns 444.58us 2.42us \nread 1857119 28.96us 0.00ns 3.16ms 2.38us \ndisconnect 1 24.57us 0.00ns 24.57us 24.57us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.58b/s \nnet1 29778 29778 259.66Mb/s 259.66Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.149 62.37s 3.54GB 487.88Mb/s 3714242 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 487.88Mb/s 3714242 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416358, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995269079.4534 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995270080.5676 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995270080.6572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995271081.7410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62565376 nr_ops:61099
+timestamp_ms:1652995272082.8440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124645376 nr_ops:121724
+timestamp_ms:1652995273083.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188148736 nr_ops:183739
+timestamp_ms:1652995274085.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252220416 nr_ops:246309
+timestamp_ms:1652995275086.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315542528 nr_ops:308147
+timestamp_ms:1652995276086.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378690560 nr_ops:369815
+timestamp_ms:1652995277087.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442268672 nr_ops:431903
+timestamp_ms:1652995278088.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:506223616 nr_ops:494359
+timestamp_ms:1652995279089.9734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:570436608 nr_ops:557067
+timestamp_ms:1652995280091.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634007552 nr_ops:619148
+timestamp_ms:1652995281092.2432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:697052160 nr_ops:680715
+timestamp_ms:1652995282093.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759854080 nr_ops:742045
+timestamp_ms:1652995283094.4319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823626752 nr_ops:804323
+timestamp_ms:1652995284095.5249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886995968 nr_ops:866207
+timestamp_ms:1652995285096.6221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950596608 nr_ops:928317
+timestamp_ms:1652995286097.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013297152 nr_ops:989548
+timestamp_ms:1652995287098.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075862528 nr_ops:1050647
+timestamp_ms:1652995288099.8770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139994624 nr_ops:1113276
+timestamp_ms:1652995289100.9126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204157440 nr_ops:1175935
+timestamp_ms:1652995290102.0076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267224576 nr_ops:1237524
+timestamp_ms:1652995291103.1038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1330624512 nr_ops:1299438
+timestamp_ms:1652995292104.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1394125824 nr_ops:1361451
+timestamp_ms:1652995293105.2981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458205696 nr_ops:1424029
+timestamp_ms:1652995294106.3958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522179072 nr_ops:1486503
+timestamp_ms:1652995295106.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1585525760 nr_ops:1548365
+timestamp_ms:1652995296107.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1648323584 nr_ops:1609691
+timestamp_ms:1652995297109.0249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1711903744 nr_ops:1671781
+timestamp_ms:1652995298110.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1775261696 nr_ops:1733654
+timestamp_ms:1652995299111.2124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1838831616 nr_ops:1795734
+timestamp_ms:1652995300112.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902812160 nr_ops:1858215
+timestamp_ms:1652995301113.3979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1966646272 nr_ops:1920553
+timestamp_ms:1652995302114.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029601792 nr_ops:1982033
+timestamp_ms:1652995303115.5852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093767680 nr_ops:2044695
+timestamp_ms:1652995304116.6848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157683712 nr_ops:2107113
+timestamp_ms:1652995305117.7773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220919808 nr_ops:2168867
+timestamp_ms:1652995306118.8735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2283955200 nr_ops:2230425
+timestamp_ms:1652995307119.9800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2347011072 nr_ops:2292003
+timestamp_ms:1652995308121.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2410477568 nr_ops:2353982
+timestamp_ms:1652995309122.1697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2474394624 nr_ops:2416401
+timestamp_ms:1652995310123.2666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2538212352 nr_ops:2478723
+timestamp_ms:1652995311124.3621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2600504320 nr_ops:2539555
+timestamp_ms:1652995312124.6812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2663693312 nr_ops:2601263
+timestamp_ms:1652995313125.7715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2727461888 nr_ops:2663537
+timestamp_ms:1652995314126.9182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790812672 nr_ops:2725403
+timestamp_ms:1652995315128.0181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2852909056 nr_ops:2786044
+timestamp_ms:1652995316128.8955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2916492288 nr_ops:2848137
+timestamp_ms:1652995317129.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2979909632 nr_ops:2910068
+timestamp_ms:1652995318131.0896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3043482624 nr_ops:2972151
+timestamp_ms:1652995319132.1838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3106699264 nr_ops:3033886
+timestamp_ms:1652995320133.2800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171709952 nr_ops:3097373
+timestamp_ms:1652995321134.3784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3235224576 nr_ops:3159399
+timestamp_ms:1652995322135.4731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3298735104 nr_ops:3221421
+timestamp_ms:1652995323136.5696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3361672192 nr_ops:3282883
+timestamp_ms:1652995324137.6592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424123904 nr_ops:3343871
+timestamp_ms:1652995325138.7544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3486454784 nr_ops:3404741
+timestamp_ms:1652995326139.8472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3550333952 nr_ops:3467123
+timestamp_ms:1652995327140.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3613727744 nr_ops:3529031
+timestamp_ms:1652995328142.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3677457408 nr_ops:3591267
+timestamp_ms:1652995329142.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3740892160 nr_ops:3653215
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139781656557312
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652995330344.1428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3803380736 nr_ops:3714239
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995330344.1907 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995330344.1956 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995330444.4111 name:Total nr_bytes:3803380736 nr_ops:3714240
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995330344.2227 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7606761470 nr_ops:7428480
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995330344.2236 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3803380736 nr_ops:3714242
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 236.48us 0.00ns 236.48us 236.48us
+Txn1 1857120 32.30us 0.00ns 3.17ms 26.73us
+Txn2 1 24.99us 0.00ns 24.99us 24.99us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 236.15us 0.00ns 236.15us 236.15us
+write 1857120 3.25us 0.00ns 444.58us 2.42us
+read 1857119 28.96us 0.00ns 3.16ms 2.38us
+disconnect 1 24.57us 0.00ns 24.57us 24.57us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.58b/s
+net1 29778 29778 259.66Mb/s 259.66Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.149 62.37s 3.54GB 487.88Mb/s 3714242 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.54GB 487.88Mb/s 3714242 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:11.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:11.081000', 'bytes': 62565376, 'norm_byte': 62565376, 'ops': 61099, 'norm_ops': 61099, 'norm_ltcy': 16.384617428016416, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:11.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:11.081000",
+ "bytes": 62565376,
+ "norm_byte": 62565376,
+ "ops": 61099,
+ "norm_ops": 61099,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.384617428016416,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20b216582e1078544bc11e7239dc3aac6104a44e6e87ebf4109efab6daf30d60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:12.082000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:12.082000', 'bytes': 124645376, 'norm_byte': 62080000, 'ops': 121724, 'norm_ops': 60625, 'norm_ltcy': 16.51303962628866, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:12.082000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:12.082000",
+ "bytes": 124645376,
+ "norm_byte": 62080000,
+ "ops": 121724,
+ "norm_ops": 60625,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.51303962628866,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "504b997b1da330474f492de034d74679694b6eb9c9df91dd37669415f912aaab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:13.083000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:13.083000', 'bytes': 188148736, 'norm_byte': 63503360, 'ops': 183739, 'norm_ops': 62015, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14279937313553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:13.083000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:13.083000",
+ "bytes": 188148736,
+ "norm_byte": 63503360,
+ "ops": 183739,
+ "norm_ops": 62015,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14279937313553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "61cb3121918ad59e7d3b247e6c5ef21b7ec8a60380399393b77f8b9adb44f945",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:14.085000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:14.085000', 'bytes': 252220416, 'norm_byte': 64071680, 'ops': 246309, 'norm_ops': 62570, 'norm_ltcy': 15.999549254834585, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:14.085000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:14.085000",
+ "bytes": 252220416,
+ "norm_byte": 64071680,
+ "ops": 246309,
+ "norm_ops": 62570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.999549254834585,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf926269a300e10b759e3de11fe5ca11053f5a4b1df7e4a11eee88395373f080",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:15.086000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:15.086000', 'bytes': 315542528, 'norm_byte': 63322112, 'ops': 308147, 'norm_ops': 61838, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18895386812114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:15.086000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:15.086000",
+ "bytes": 315542528,
+ "norm_byte": 63322112,
+ "ops": 308147,
+ "norm_ops": 61838,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18895386812114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5df83a64e15b2f67e2aa99b9384d15fdc1d6e94cbb481dac977a5a0c6b1878ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:16.086000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:16.086000', 'bytes': 378690560, 'norm_byte': 63148032, 'ops': 369815, 'norm_ops': 61668, 'norm_ltcy': 16.227588058484546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:16.086000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:16.086000",
+ "bytes": 378690560,
+ "norm_byte": 63148032,
+ "ops": 369815,
+ "norm_ops": 61668,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.227588058484546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0af5dd5b281e9d222b5739cb03677e0afd1ccc6aee399ef4c7517f3d5da7b22f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:17.087000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:17.087000', 'bytes': 442268672, 'norm_byte': 63578112, 'ops': 431903, 'norm_ops': 62088, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12203819452833, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:17.087000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:17.087000",
+ "bytes": 442268672,
+ "norm_byte": 63578112,
+ "ops": 431903,
+ "norm_ops": 62088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12203819452833,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c22b7fbbfedff64b83e672f114c11fc46fdb10f9af1ac49e29095c37860759a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:18.088000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:18.088000', 'bytes': 506223616, 'norm_byte': 63954944, 'ops': 494359, 'norm_ops': 62456, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02895235120525, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:18.088000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:18.088000",
+ "bytes": 506223616,
+ "norm_byte": 63954944,
+ "ops": 494359,
+ "norm_ops": 62456,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02895235120525,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b6b87acb308f6ca5c8286e86714e54c615633facb743cf8a8794b5e974ff091f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:19.089000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:19.089000', 'bytes': 570436608, 'norm_byte': 64212992, 'ops': 557067, 'norm_ops': 62708, 'norm_ltcy': 15.963467330723354, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:19.089000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:19.089000",
+ "bytes": 570436608,
+ "norm_byte": 64212992,
+ "ops": 557067,
+ "norm_ops": 62708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.963467330723354,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8aca8b22df1541df661db6a1b5e3c92982a51a82e0c9eddaba6c062d099f18f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:20.091000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:20.091000', 'bytes': 634007552, 'norm_byte': 63570944, 'ops': 619148, 'norm_ops': 62081, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12684876914837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:20.091000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:20.091000",
+ "bytes": 634007552,
+ "norm_byte": 63570944,
+ "ops": 619148,
+ "norm_ops": 62081,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12684876914837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad794f1e7a63a60ba9b627913b5c93ec18b5e270d828d4bae1213fc79e858065",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:21.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:21.092000', 'bytes': 697052160, 'norm_byte': 63044608, 'ops': 680715, 'norm_ops': 61567, 'norm_ltcy': 16.260316028929864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:21.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:21.092000",
+ "bytes": 697052160,
+ "norm_byte": 63044608,
+ "ops": 680715,
+ "norm_ops": 61567,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.260316028929864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e30e48c8ad2c5e038ceff518bda98d5d935e7beb391e408b24af86b0e7716abe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:22.093000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:22.093000', 'bytes': 759854080, 'norm_byte': 62801920, 'ops': 742045, 'norm_ops': 61330, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32317929133377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:22.093000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:22.093000",
+ "bytes": 759854080,
+ "norm_byte": 62801920,
+ "ops": 742045,
+ "norm_ops": 61330,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32317929133377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15dd575e95ca6af8ad89bf01b6f441519795038a93a01409544e3101a79c7329",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:23.094000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:23.094000', 'bytes': 823626752, 'norm_byte': 63772672, 'ops': 804323, 'norm_ops': 62278, 'norm_ltcy': 16.074506804419297, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:23.094000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:23.094000",
+ "bytes": 823626752,
+ "norm_byte": 63772672,
+ "ops": 804323,
+ "norm_ops": 62278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.074506804419297,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "247283e389b18d4216c9d4ce8dee88c62ad2509c3dda2b550925fda34caa35f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:24.095000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:24.095000', 'bytes': 886995968, 'norm_byte': 63369216, 'ops': 866207, 'norm_ops': 61884, 'norm_ltcy': 16.176928084450342, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:24.095000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:24.095000",
+ "bytes": 886995968,
+ "norm_byte": 63369216,
+ "ops": 866207,
+ "norm_ops": 61884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.176928084450342,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fcf7207aabafd12d118e6dd7d7b4a2f402db8bfc9d528d1d53d4cbb5580c86b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:25.096000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:25.096000', 'bytes': 950596608, 'norm_byte': 63600640, 'ops': 928317, 'norm_ops': 62110, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11813183011995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:25.096000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:25.096000",
+ "bytes": 950596608,
+ "norm_byte": 63600640,
+ "ops": 928317,
+ "norm_ops": 62110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11813183011995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec4b57af580e689d798133538d6377f62177c30d04943e0786dc59202de5274b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:26.097000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:26.097000', 'bytes': 1013297152, 'norm_byte': 62700544, 'ops': 989548, 'norm_ops': 61231, 'norm_ltcy': 16.349531193860138, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:26.097000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:26.097000",
+ "bytes": 1013297152,
+ "norm_byte": 62700544,
+ "ops": 989548,
+ "norm_ops": 61231,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.349531193860138,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a82fd49155b319aeb6ddadde48f7289051c54a5da0d9aa0a6e85be990372049",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:27.098000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:27.098000', 'bytes': 1075862528, 'norm_byte': 62565376, 'ops': 1050647, 'norm_ops': 61099, 'norm_ltcy': 16.385124897195535, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:27.098000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:27.098000",
+ "bytes": 1075862528,
+ "norm_byte": 62565376,
+ "ops": 1050647,
+ "norm_ops": 61099,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.385124897195535,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f1485823a647eef3f8cbe7c4de6ed3fe7eaa72aa6806399b49d9caf7c0888b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:28.099000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:28.099000', 'bytes': 1139994624, 'norm_byte': 64132096, 'ops': 1113276, 'norm_ops': 62629, 'norm_ltcy': 15.983681556267864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:28.099000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:28.099000",
+ "bytes": 1139994624,
+ "norm_byte": 64132096,
+ "ops": 1113276,
+ "norm_ops": 62629,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.983681556267864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "749bad8b52b5403a46a92436920c87d6457a953a9a64ab47532d961931f13195",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:29.100000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:29.100000', 'bytes': 1204157440, 'norm_byte': 64162816, 'ops': 1175935, 'norm_ops': 62659, 'norm_ltcy': 15.975927552805663, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:29.100000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:29.100000",
+ "bytes": 1204157440,
+ "norm_byte": 64162816,
+ "ops": 1175935,
+ "norm_ops": 62659,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.975927552805663,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "99dad84723f4d38cf1ceb62d08688c601996c68c6a52ff82f33c984837042260",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:30.102000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:30.102000', 'bytes': 1267224576, 'norm_byte': 63067136, 'ops': 1237524, 'norm_ops': 61589, 'norm_ltcy': 16.254444311534932, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:30.102000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:30.102000",
+ "bytes": 1267224576,
+ "norm_byte": 63067136,
+ "ops": 1237524,
+ "norm_ops": 61589,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.254444311534932,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9759d884d89b1b741b468a313e32c9f308240c2e908c4a3e2d8cab4922dc048d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:31.103000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:31.103000', 'bytes': 1330624512, 'norm_byte': 63399936, 'ops': 1299438, 'norm_ops': 61914, 'norm_ltcy': 16.169140927839422, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:31.103000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:31.103000",
+ "bytes": 1330624512,
+ "norm_byte": 63399936,
+ "ops": 1299438,
+ "norm_ops": 61914,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.169140927839422,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2acd64d90fba4b66335018105f7df5c74b88352baea2c7dba251273f43304d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:32.104000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:32.104000', 'bytes': 1394125824, 'norm_byte': 63501312, 'ops': 1361451, 'norm_ops': 62013, 'norm_ltcy': 16.143347557921324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:32.104000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:32.104000",
+ "bytes": 1394125824,
+ "norm_byte": 63501312,
+ "ops": 1361451,
+ "norm_ops": 62013,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.143347557921324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf0cac3b9477b420cb7bf0b9417a2bca5ea49d9225608abb25d1530e140747af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:33.105000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:33.105000', 'bytes': 1458205696, 'norm_byte': 64079872, 'ops': 1424029, 'norm_ops': 62578, 'norm_ltcy': 15.997585794178864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:33.105000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:33.105000",
+ "bytes": 1458205696,
+ "norm_byte": 64079872,
+ "ops": 1424029,
+ "norm_ops": 62578,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.997585794178864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5019eb47f677e80b59247307b532316ffe059011c8b17473f1bb0e92534b722e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:34.106000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:34.106000', 'bytes': 1522179072, 'norm_byte': 63973376, 'ops': 1486503, 'norm_ops': 62474, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0242285790889, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:34.106000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:34.106000",
+ "bytes": 1522179072,
+ "norm_byte": 63973376,
+ "ops": 1486503,
+ "norm_ops": 62474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0242285790889,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82739063431fa3a201ecd42f61388253bdc745459c93f3337eb2c99ffa2647ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:35.106000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:35.106000', 'bytes': 1585525760, 'norm_byte': 63346688, 'ops': 1548365, 'norm_ops': 61862, 'norm_ltcy': 16.172147784585043, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:35.106000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:35.106000",
+ "bytes": 1585525760,
+ "norm_byte": 63346688,
+ "ops": 1548365,
+ "norm_ops": 61862,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.172147784585043,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5198821b838ac84d84464a59c006933276bff4093be1044c363f0780b039b82a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:36.107000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:36.107000', 'bytes': 1648323584, 'norm_byte': 62797824, 'ops': 1609691, 'norm_ops': 61326, 'norm_ltcy': 16.324076770558165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:36.107000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:36.107000",
+ "bytes": 1648323584,
+ "norm_byte": 62797824,
+ "ops": 1609691,
+ "norm_ops": 61326,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.324076770558165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c97b53b4d69e21062ef8a6e9dc58759e74aa08ffc6377a0e59ae8406ccccb36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:37.109000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:37.109000', 'bytes': 1711903744, 'norm_byte': 63580160, 'ops': 1671781, 'norm_ops': 62090, 'norm_ltcy': 16.123327622956594, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:37.109000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:37.109000",
+ "bytes": 1711903744,
+ "norm_byte": 63580160,
+ "ops": 1671781,
+ "norm_ops": 62090,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.123327622956594,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af332baf885ee9c690f46872e2bf912e402e6f14fc1e2701c744bb24a157c5ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:38.110000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:38.110000', 'bytes': 1775261696, 'norm_byte': 63357952, 'ops': 1733654, 'norm_ops': 61873, 'norm_ltcy': 16.179823804910868, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:38.110000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:38.110000",
+ "bytes": 1775261696,
+ "norm_byte": 63357952,
+ "ops": 1733654,
+ "norm_ops": 61873,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.179823804910868,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4cf53efbf62f8ba3bc67f3282906a7aa92099c9dfa868b786d739734fd2f6c20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:39.111000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:39.111000', 'bytes': 1838831616, 'norm_byte': 63569920, 'ops': 1795734, 'norm_ops': 62080, 'norm_ltcy': 16.125857952943782, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:39.111000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:39.111000",
+ "bytes": 1838831616,
+ "norm_byte": 63569920,
+ "ops": 1795734,
+ "norm_ops": 62080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.125857952943782,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bafe52f07d06db861e2cb882420ca95ab563cfba0db4e44e56e9eec9bedc4735",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:40.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:40.112000', 'bytes': 1902812160, 'norm_byte': 63980544, 'ops': 1858215, 'norm_ops': 62481, 'norm_ltcy': 16.022316096593364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:40.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:40.112000",
+ "bytes": 1902812160,
+ "norm_byte": 63980544,
+ "ops": 1858215,
+ "norm_ops": 62481,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.022316096593364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "265212a915072a5a5bdf843ab0f1d3e65ca86e6954a4ae235fbf06aa71123201",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:41.113000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:41.113000', 'bytes': 1966646272, 'norm_byte': 63834112, 'ops': 1920553, 'norm_ops': 62338, 'norm_ltcy': 16.059148751062757, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:41.113000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:41.113000",
+ "bytes": 1966646272,
+ "norm_byte": 63834112,
+ "ops": 1920553,
+ "norm_ops": 62338,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.059148751062757,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "36d34d01698513bc925dd40ed15afc7ab479577dcb11c0957df7eb4c5aaa4c0f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:42.114000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:42.114000', 'bytes': 2029601792, 'norm_byte': 62955520, 'ops': 1982033, 'norm_ops': 61480, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28325046000732, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:42.114000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:42.114000",
+ "bytes": 2029601792,
+ "norm_byte": 62955520,
+ "ops": 1982033,
+ "norm_ops": 61480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28325046000732,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "006694e3673bbeaffcf73083b31fd5201d29255b400401ab04783bbebcaaf228",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:43.115000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:43.115000', 'bytes': 2093767680, 'norm_byte': 64165888, 'ops': 2044695, 'norm_ops': 62662, 'norm_ltcy': 15.976078286331827, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:43.115000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:43.115000",
+ "bytes": 2093767680,
+ "norm_byte": 64165888,
+ "ops": 2044695,
+ "norm_ops": 62662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.976078286331827,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4bf8db65210bf042e28b29d19bc57a72439e0acaecf6c30373c83a15b0eeeb05",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:44.116000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:44.116000', 'bytes': 2157683712, 'norm_byte': 63916032, 'ops': 2107113, 'norm_ops': 62418, 'norm_ltcy': 16.038636441010606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:44.116000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:44.116000",
+ "bytes": 2157683712,
+ "norm_byte": 63916032,
+ "ops": 2107113,
+ "norm_ops": 62418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.038636441010606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01ee6dc7ba78f8db1370aad85d8396a9b3d9dff2dbcc9c96962aa00e0263bfc6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:45.117000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:45.117000', 'bytes': 2220919808, 'norm_byte': 63236096, 'ops': 2168867, 'norm_ops': 61754, 'norm_ltcy': 16.210974662319444, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:45.117000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:45.117000",
+ "bytes": 2220919808,
+ "norm_byte": 63236096,
+ "ops": 2168867,
+ "norm_ops": 61754,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.210974662319444,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ebd05a25af7b2e8115cd94c6c79a55f99e930e477f8028191f45932aee7949b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:46.118000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:46.118000', 'bytes': 2283955200, 'norm_byte': 63035392, 'ops': 2230425, 'norm_ops': 61558, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26264971906576, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:46.118000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:46.118000",
+ "bytes": 2283955200,
+ "norm_byte": 63035392,
+ "ops": 2230425,
+ "norm_ops": 61558,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26264971906576,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "552a8fad4256314a12b8f4f048c18d3e16885b76379a7b2c26982e28d5fe3144",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:47.119000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:47.119000', 'bytes': 2347011072, 'norm_byte': 63055872, 'ops': 2292003, 'norm_ops': 61578, 'norm_ltcy': 16.25753427055929, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:47.119000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:47.119000",
+ "bytes": 2347011072,
+ "norm_byte": 63055872,
+ "ops": 2292003,
+ "norm_ops": 61578,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.25753427055929,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "36d040fcc8bf39142986c0d9d54ac9db49fed2ab4ffe94337282020302e30f94",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:48.121000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:48.121000', 'bytes': 2410477568, 'norm_byte': 63466496, 'ops': 2353982, 'norm_ops': 61979, 'norm_ltcy': 16.152140335587458, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:48.121000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:48.121000",
+ "bytes": 2410477568,
+ "norm_byte": 63466496,
+ "ops": 2353982,
+ "norm_ops": 61979,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.152140335587458,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c4f86d438e4ee76d98126786c96f3732e71979846a1fe9895f52077df538e10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:49.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:49.122000', 'bytes': 2474394624, 'norm_byte': 63917056, 'ops': 2416401, 'norm_ops': 62419, 'norm_ltcy': 16.038324731351832, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:49.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:49.122000",
+ "bytes": 2474394624,
+ "norm_byte": 63917056,
+ "ops": 2416401,
+ "norm_ops": 62419,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.038324731351832,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "805296548619905ddd318b6ebbc541a2799b08f680f3b7229624a6a8f2d82dc0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:50.123000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:50.123000', 'bytes': 2538212352, 'norm_byte': 63817728, 'ops': 2478723, 'norm_ops': 62322, 'norm_ltcy': 16.063299056964237, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:50.123000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:50.123000",
+ "bytes": 2538212352,
+ "norm_byte": 63817728,
+ "ops": 2478723,
+ "norm_ops": 62322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.063299056964237,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a02056b9b9498b22becaadb57938623dadc62ac76f173398b1e8002236c4797d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:51.124000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:51.124000', 'bytes': 2600504320, 'norm_byte': 62291968, 'ops': 2539555, 'norm_ops': 60832, 'norm_ltcy': 16.45672440466161, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:51.124000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:51.124000",
+ "bytes": 2600504320,
+ "norm_byte": 62291968,
+ "ops": 2539555,
+ "norm_ops": 60832,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.45672440466161,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "576afc8566bee7dcfd850bea00f8da6d4cfd4c871ff821e93745a54ccf62c92d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:52.124000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:52.124000', 'bytes': 2663693312, 'norm_byte': 63188992, 'ops': 2601263, 'norm_ops': 61708, 'norm_ltcy': 16.210525244650206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:52.124000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:52.124000",
+ "bytes": 2663693312,
+ "norm_byte": 63188992,
+ "ops": 2601263,
+ "norm_ops": 61708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.210525244650206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6fa7612189eed2da79ea1517b3026b6c1c9264042b36aab7bdae5575e63f2522",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:53.125000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:53.125000', 'bytes': 2727461888, 'norm_byte': 63768576, 'ops': 2663537, 'norm_ops': 62274, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07557459021823, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:53.125000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:53.125000",
+ "bytes": 2727461888,
+ "norm_byte": 63768576,
+ "ops": 2663537,
+ "norm_ops": 62274,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07557459021823,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "027dcd7cf28ddfdb9ab1fd0bdf008f1a9350abea6128da3634078ddc02f19972",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:54.126000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:54.126000', 'bytes': 2790812672, 'norm_byte': 63350784, 'ops': 2725403, 'norm_ops': 61866, 'norm_ltcy': 16.182502966340557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:54.126000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:54.126000",
+ "bytes": 2790812672,
+ "norm_byte": 63350784,
+ "ops": 2725403,
+ "norm_ops": 61866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.182502966340557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "711127095a6512a255c1d7db81425f2e827afc59dc437c704cffd624cd15eea8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:55.128000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:55.128000', 'bytes': 2852909056, 'norm_byte': 62096384, 'ops': 2786044, 'norm_ops': 60641, 'norm_ltcy': 16.508630357606652, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:55.128000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:55.128000",
+ "bytes": 2852909056,
+ "norm_byte": 62096384,
+ "ops": 2786044,
+ "norm_ops": 60641,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.508630357606652,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14ca7a50d62e9cdf66a7693f0ff8bda2947ea9dbc54470714a50033a8956cc88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:56.128000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:56.128000', 'bytes': 2916492288, 'norm_byte': 63583232, 'ops': 2848137, 'norm_ops': 62093, 'norm_ltcy': 16.119006029765835, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:56.128000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:56.128000",
+ "bytes": 2916492288,
+ "norm_byte": 63583232,
+ "ops": 2848137,
+ "norm_ops": 62093,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.119006029765835,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a2f1155806a6010be42a872a54ec4d59f2b6a38cf1960ef89ab3091e9f8b26f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:57.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:57.129000', 'bytes': 2979909632, 'norm_byte': 63417344, 'ops': 2910068, 'norm_ops': 61931, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16474587772077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:57.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:57.129000",
+ "bytes": 2979909632,
+ "norm_byte": 63417344,
+ "ops": 2910068,
+ "norm_ops": 61931,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16474587772077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "daede3dc6417e4a7e2520b2cf6a0c71fcc66cda31a8487591b5d20052e9f2b93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:58.131000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:58.131000', 'bytes': 3043482624, 'norm_byte': 63572992, 'ops': 2972151, 'norm_ops': 62083, 'norm_ltcy': 16.125110172571397, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:58.131000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:58.131000",
+ "bytes": 3043482624,
+ "norm_byte": 63572992,
+ "ops": 2972151,
+ "norm_ops": 62083,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.125110172571397,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3326cc46fff9a5618af3da156771d5cd52b7725f055a9e1ea1b5d39b106b4519",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:21:59.132000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:21:59.132000', 'bytes': 3106699264, 'norm_byte': 63216640, 'ops': 3033886, 'norm_ops': 61735, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2159915490605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:21:59.132000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:21:59.132000",
+ "bytes": 3106699264,
+ "norm_byte": 63216640,
+ "ops": 3033886,
+ "norm_ops": 61735,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2159915490605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad674b61c82f036cc96259d0c934971881a6cab647fd583b80abeb8df0a537ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:22:00.133000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:22:00.133000', 'bytes': 3171709952, 'norm_byte': 65010688, 'ops': 3097373, 'norm_ops': 63487, 'norm_ltcy': 15.768522554322145, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:22:00.133000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:22:00.133000",
+ "bytes": 3171709952,
+ "norm_byte": 65010688,
+ "ops": 3097373,
+ "norm_ops": 63487,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.768522554322145,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a7c2066151e72b83bfdf05efc168f058cc000f55b9c76dcbc6c0b744f7ff88c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:22:01.134000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:22:01.134000', 'bytes': 3235224576, 'norm_byte': 63514624, 'ops': 3159399, 'norm_ops': 62026, 'norm_ltcy': 16.139979825748476, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:22:01.134000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:22:01.134000",
+ "bytes": 3235224576,
+ "norm_byte": 63514624,
+ "ops": 3159399,
+ "norm_ops": 62026,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.139979825748476,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1bad582634178a587ebb7102142d99e0058d2e41c5d861d4df13b30333a1b6a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:22:02.135000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:22:02.135000', 'bytes': 3298735104, 'norm_byte': 63510528, 'ops': 3221421, 'norm_ops': 62022, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14096170008223, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:22:02.135000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:22:02.135000",
+ "bytes": 3298735104,
+ "norm_byte": 63510528,
+ "ops": 3221421,
+ "norm_ops": 62022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14096170008223,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db3b708e4ae3f734e6f2efa48d0540debd2e8d98c9614b9ef18587d15afc790e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:22:03.136000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:22:03.136000', 'bytes': 3361672192, 'norm_byte': 62937088, 'ops': 3282883, 'norm_ops': 61462, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28805498595677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:22:03.136000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:22:03.136000",
+ "bytes": 3361672192,
+ "norm_byte": 62937088,
+ "ops": 3282883,
+ "norm_ops": 61462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28805498595677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8b30d3bdf734254e044556a6347d7721cd8a683eed9eee181d63587c67305a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:22:04.137000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:22:04.137000', 'bytes': 3424123904, 'norm_byte': 62451712, 'ops': 3343871, 'norm_ops': 60988, 'norm_ltcy': 16.414534000284892, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:22:04.137000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:22:04.137000",
+ "bytes": 3424123904,
+ "norm_byte": 62451712,
+ "ops": 3343871,
+ "norm_ops": 60988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.414534000284892,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a6f920556a07a25683941aa8f7ebc6262aaecc3867c8656a81c9829d85064ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:22:05.138000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:22:05.138000', 'bytes': 3486454784, 'norm_byte': 62330880, 'ops': 3404741, 'norm_ops': 60870, 'norm_ltcy': 16.446446769241827, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:22:05.138000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:22:05.138000",
+ "bytes": 3486454784,
+ "norm_byte": 62330880,
+ "ops": 3404741,
+ "norm_ops": 60870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.446446769241827,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e0ea7b7f9f86352b7a4f624708f006e5d7b4bbb0001317640dda661dba152ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:22:06.139000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:22:06.139000', 'bytes': 3550333952, 'norm_byte': 63879168, 'ops': 3467123, 'norm_ops': 62382, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04778258852714, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:22:06.139000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:22:06.139000",
+ "bytes": 3550333952,
+ "norm_byte": 63879168,
+ "ops": 3467123,
+ "norm_ops": 62382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04778258852714,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ffe39bebb7f8a54548dec63bd0c8d1747efa87f772be13be16fbb524e30bf80f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:22:07.140000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:22:07.140000', 'bytes': 3613727744, 'norm_byte': 63393792, 'ops': 3529031, 'norm_ops': 61908, 'norm_ltcy': 16.170640967494105, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:22:07.140000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:22:07.140000",
+ "bytes": 3613727744,
+ "norm_byte": 63393792,
+ "ops": 3529031,
+ "norm_ops": 61908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.170640967494105,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d971c38095b62f598c18b0d7f99d89c2d0e59b02f79a936e02c6345676dc44c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:22:08.142000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:22:08.142000', 'bytes': 3677457408, 'norm_byte': 63729664, 'ops': 3591267, 'norm_ops': 62236, 'norm_ltcy': 16.085421382419337, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:22:08.142000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:22:08.142000",
+ "bytes": 3677457408,
+ "norm_byte": 63729664,
+ "ops": 3591267,
+ "norm_ops": 62236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.085421382419337,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b308e6898439332cc3149203ec52582af78b32f4303aab8767ab1ef1dcae4b66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:22:09.142000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:22:09.142000', 'bytes': 3740892160, 'norm_byte': 63434752, 'ops': 3653215, 'norm_ops': 61948, 'norm_ltcy': 16.155513621303353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:22:09.142000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:22:09.142000",
+ "bytes": 3740892160,
+ "norm_byte": 63434752,
+ "ops": 3653215,
+ "norm_ops": 61948,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.155513621303353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e479a995fa98e1d27ac422d832ecabc4a7f304f69ffd266d403ad9b9e944ee8c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:22:10.344000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:22:10.344000', 'bytes': 3803380736, 'norm_byte': 62488576, 'ops': 3714239, 'norm_ops': 61024, 'norm_ltcy': 19.68585425918491, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:22:10.344000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:22:10.344000",
+ "bytes": 3803380736,
+ "norm_byte": 62488576,
+ "ops": 3714239,
+ "norm_ops": 61024,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.68585425918491,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "8df83f98-3bd4-5c47-a230-7f646d7b2abe",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50e17aed87f45e807143d142a9f54ab638401360ed7c2e6b487258cd9c50aab7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63389678.93333333
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61903.98333333333
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.45931970230886
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:22:10Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-054-220519211825/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-054-220519211825/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..567f60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-054-220519211825/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-054-220519211825/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-054-220519211825/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-054-220519211825/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-054-220519211825/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-054-220519211825/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4391e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-054-220519211825/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=55
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=60
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-055-220519212026/220519212026-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-055-220519212026/220519212026-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3eaab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-055-220519212026/220519212026-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:23:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995390556.3884 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995391557.4893 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995391557.5740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995392558.6589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62161920 nr_ops:60705\ntimestamp_ms:1652995393559.7524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125365248 nr_ops:122427\ntimestamp_ms:1652995394560.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189152256 nr_ops:184719\ntimestamp_ms:1652995395561.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252513280 nr_ops:246595\ntimestamp_ms:1652995396563.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316727296 nr_ops:309304\ntimestamp_ms:1652995397564.1414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379364352 nr_ops:370473\ntimestamp_ms:1652995398565.2319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441129984 nr_ops:430791\ntimestamp_ms:1652995399566.3218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504282112 nr_ops:492463\ntimestamp_ms:1652995400567.4185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567716864 nr_ops:554411\ntimestamp_ms:1652995401567.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630996992 nr_ops:616208\ntimestamp_ms:1652995402568.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694590464 nr_ops:678311\ntimestamp_ms:1652995403569.8708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758574080 nr_ops:740795\ntimestamp_ms:1652995404570.8298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822690816 nr_ops:803409\ntimestamp_ms:1652995405571.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886402048 nr_ops:865627\ntimestamp_ms:1652995406572.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950131712 nr_ops:927863\ntimestamp_ms:1652995407573.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013244928 nr_ops:989497\ntimestamp_ms:1652995408574.9204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077464064 nr_ops:1052211\ntimestamp_ms:1652995409575.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1141523456 nr_ops:1114769\ntimestamp_ms:1652995410576.9336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1205066752 nr_ops:1176823\ntimestamp_ms:1652995411578.0259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269627904 nr_ops:1239871\ntimestamp_ms:1652995412579.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1332345856 nr_ops:1301119\ntimestamp_ms:1652995413580.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396466688 nr_ops:1363737\ntimestamp_ms:1652995414581.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461273600 nr_ops:1427025\ntimestamp_ms:1652995415582.4001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524257792 nr_ops:1488533\ntimestamp_ms:1652995416583.4919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587878912 nr_ops:1550663\ntimestamp_ms:1652995417584.5952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651182592 nr_ops:1612483\ntimestamp_ms:1652995418585.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714235392 nr_ops:1674058\ntimestamp_ms:1652995419586.7903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778625536 nr_ops:1736939\ntimestamp_ms:1652995420587.8806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842259968 nr_ops:1799082\ntimestamp_ms:1652995421588.9746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905964032 nr_ops:1861293\ntimestamp_ms:1652995422590.0745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968665600 nr_ops:1922525\ntimestamp_ms:1652995423591.1082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2032122880 nr_ops:1984495\ntimestamp_ms:1652995424592.1426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2096550912 nr_ops:2047413\ntimestamp_ms:1652995425593.2341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159766528 nr_ops:2109147\ntimestamp_ms:1652995426594.3235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223917056 nr_ops:2171794\ntimestamp_ms:1652995427595.4104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2286465024 nr_ops:2232876\ntimestamp_ms:1652995428596.5056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2350627840 nr_ops:2295535\ntimestamp_ms:1652995429597.5974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2415080448 nr_ops:2358477\ntimestamp_ms:1652995430597.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479307776 nr_ops:2421199\ntimestamp_ms:1652995431598.9207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543207424 nr_ops:2483601\ntimestamp_ms:1652995432600.0225 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2606200832 nr_ops:2545118\ntimestamp_ms:1652995433601.1257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2669968384 nr_ops:2607391\ntimestamp_ms:1652995434602.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2734353408 nr_ops:2670267\ntimestamp_ms:1652995435603.3970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2797334528 nr_ops:2731772\ntimestamp_ms:1652995436604.4907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2861374464 nr_ops:2794311\ntimestamp_ms:1652995437604.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2923858944 nr_ops:2855331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995438605.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2988149760 nr_ops:2918115\ntimestamp_ms:1652995439606.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3051904000 nr_ops:2980375\ntimestamp_ms:1652995440608.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3115309056 nr_ops:3042294\ntimestamp_ms:1652995441609.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3178757120 nr_ops:3104255\ntimestamp_ms:1652995442610.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241440256 nr_ops:3165469\ntimestamp_ms:1652995443611.1829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306304512 nr_ops:3228813\ntimestamp_ms:1652995444612.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370159104 nr_ops:3291171\ntimestamp_ms:1652995445612.8899 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3432244224 nr_ops:3351801\ntimestamp_ms:1652995446613.9919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3495535616 nr_ops:3413609\ntimestamp_ms:1652995447614.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3561488384 nr_ops:3478016\ntimestamp_ms:1652995448615.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3626525696 nr_ops:3541529\ntimestamp_ms:1652995449617.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691836416 nr_ops:3605309\ntimestamp_ms:1652995450618.1111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3757163520 nr_ops:3669105\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140213815572224\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.3733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3821700096 nr_ops:3732129\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.4106 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.4153 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451919.6321 name:Total nr_bytes:3821700096 nr_ops:3732130\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.4355 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7643400190 nr_ops:7464260\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.4363 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3821700096 nr_ops:3732132\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 213.23us 0.00ns 213.23us 213.23us \nTxn1 1866065 32.14us 0.00ns 2.84ms 25.94us \nTxn2 1 19.39us 0.00ns 19.39us 19.39us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 212.37us 0.00ns 212.37us 212.37us \nwrite 1866065 3.19us 0.00ns 134.41us 2.42us \nread 1866064 28.87us 0.00ns 2.83ms 1.31us \ndisconnect 1 19.08us 0.00ns 19.08us 19.08us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.99b/s \nnet1 29922 29922 260.92Mb/s 260.92Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.150 62.36s 3.56GB 490.24Mb/s 3732132 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 490.24Mb/s 3732132 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413644, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995390556.3884 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995391557.4893 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995391557.5740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995392558.6589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62161920 nr_ops:60705\ntimestamp_ms:1652995393559.7524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125365248 nr_ops:122427\ntimestamp_ms:1652995394560.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189152256 nr_ops:184719\ntimestamp_ms:1652995395561.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252513280 nr_ops:246595\ntimestamp_ms:1652995396563.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316727296 nr_ops:309304\ntimestamp_ms:1652995397564.1414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379364352 nr_ops:370473\ntimestamp_ms:1652995398565.2319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441129984 nr_ops:430791\ntimestamp_ms:1652995399566.3218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504282112 nr_ops:492463\ntimestamp_ms:1652995400567.4185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567716864 nr_ops:554411\ntimestamp_ms:1652995401567.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630996992 nr_ops:616208\ntimestamp_ms:1652995402568.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694590464 nr_ops:678311\ntimestamp_ms:1652995403569.8708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758574080 nr_ops:740795\ntimestamp_ms:1652995404570.8298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822690816 nr_ops:803409\ntimestamp_ms:1652995405571.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886402048 nr_ops:865627\ntimestamp_ms:1652995406572.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950131712 nr_ops:927863\ntimestamp_ms:1652995407573.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013244928 nr_ops:989497\ntimestamp_ms:1652995408574.9204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077464064 nr_ops:1052211\ntimestamp_ms:1652995409575.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1141523456 nr_ops:1114769\ntimestamp_ms:1652995410576.9336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1205066752 nr_ops:1176823\ntimestamp_ms:1652995411578.0259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269627904 nr_ops:1239871\ntimestamp_ms:1652995412579.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1332345856 nr_ops:1301119\ntimestamp_ms:1652995413580.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396466688 nr_ops:1363737\ntimestamp_ms:1652995414581.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461273600 nr_ops:1427025\ntimestamp_ms:1652995415582.4001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524257792 nr_ops:1488533\ntimestamp_ms:1652995416583.4919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587878912 nr_ops:1550663\ntimestamp_ms:1652995417584.5952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651182592 nr_ops:1612483\ntimestamp_ms:1652995418585.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714235392 nr_ops:1674058\ntimestamp_ms:1652995419586.7903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778625536 nr_ops:1736939\ntimestamp_ms:1652995420587.8806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842259968 nr_ops:1799082\ntimestamp_ms:1652995421588.9746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905964032 nr_ops:1861293\ntimestamp_ms:1652995422590.0745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968665600 nr_ops:1922525\ntimestamp_ms:1652995423591.1082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2032122880 nr_ops:1984495\ntimestamp_ms:1652995424592.1426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2096550912 nr_ops:2047413\ntimestamp_ms:1652995425593.2341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159766528 nr_ops:2109147\ntimestamp_ms:1652995426594.3235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223917056 nr_ops:2171794\ntimestamp_ms:1652995427595.4104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2286465024 nr_ops:2232876\ntimestamp_ms:1652995428596.5056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2350627840 nr_ops:2295535\ntimestamp_ms:1652995429597.5974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2415080448 nr_ops:2358477\ntimestamp_ms:1652995430597.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479307776 nr_ops:2421199\ntimestamp_ms:1652995431598.9207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543207424 nr_ops:2483601\ntimestamp_ms:1652995432600.0225 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2606200832 nr_ops:2545118\ntimestamp_ms:1652995433601.1257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2669968384 nr_ops:2607391\ntimestamp_ms:1652995434602.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2734353408 nr_ops:2670267\ntimestamp_ms:1652995435603.3970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2797334528 nr_ops:2731772\ntimestamp_ms:1652995436604.4907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2861374464 nr_ops:2794311\ntimestamp_ms:1652995437604.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2923858944 nr_ops:2855331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995438605.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2988149760 nr_ops:2918115\ntimestamp_ms:1652995439606.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3051904000 nr_ops:2980375\ntimestamp_ms:1652995440608.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3115309056 nr_ops:3042294\ntimestamp_ms:1652995441609.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3178757120 nr_ops:3104255\ntimestamp_ms:1652995442610.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241440256 nr_ops:3165469\ntimestamp_ms:1652995443611.1829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306304512 nr_ops:3228813\ntimestamp_ms:1652995444612.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370159104 nr_ops:3291171\ntimestamp_ms:1652995445612.8899 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3432244224 nr_ops:3351801\ntimestamp_ms:1652995446613.9919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3495535616 nr_ops:3413609\ntimestamp_ms:1652995447614.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3561488384 nr_ops:3478016\ntimestamp_ms:1652995448615.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3626525696 nr_ops:3541529\ntimestamp_ms:1652995449617.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691836416 nr_ops:3605309\ntimestamp_ms:1652995450618.1111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3757163520 nr_ops:3669105\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140213815572224\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.3733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3821700096 nr_ops:3732129\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.4106 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.4153 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451919.6321 name:Total nr_bytes:3821700096 nr_ops:3732130\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.4355 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7643400190 nr_ops:7464260\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.4363 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3821700096 nr_ops:3732132\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 213.23us 0.00ns 213.23us 213.23us \nTxn1 1866065 32.14us 0.00ns 2.84ms 25.94us \nTxn2 1 19.39us 0.00ns 19.39us 19.39us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 212.37us 0.00ns 212.37us 212.37us \nwrite 1866065 3.19us 0.00ns 134.41us 2.42us \nread 1866064 28.87us 0.00ns 2.83ms 1.31us \ndisconnect 1 19.08us 0.00ns 19.08us 19.08us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.99b/s \nnet1 29922 29922 260.92Mb/s 260.92Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.150 62.36s 3.56GB 490.24Mb/s 3732132 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 490.24Mb/s 3732132 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413644, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995390556.3884 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995391557.4893 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995391557.5740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995392558.6589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62161920 nr_ops:60705\ntimestamp_ms:1652995393559.7524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125365248 nr_ops:122427\ntimestamp_ms:1652995394560.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189152256 nr_ops:184719\ntimestamp_ms:1652995395561.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252513280 nr_ops:246595\ntimestamp_ms:1652995396563.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316727296 nr_ops:309304\ntimestamp_ms:1652995397564.1414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379364352 nr_ops:370473\ntimestamp_ms:1652995398565.2319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441129984 nr_ops:430791\ntimestamp_ms:1652995399566.3218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504282112 nr_ops:492463\ntimestamp_ms:1652995400567.4185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567716864 nr_ops:554411\ntimestamp_ms:1652995401567.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630996992 nr_ops:616208\ntimestamp_ms:1652995402568.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694590464 nr_ops:678311\ntimestamp_ms:1652995403569.8708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758574080 nr_ops:740795\ntimestamp_ms:1652995404570.8298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822690816 nr_ops:803409\ntimestamp_ms:1652995405571.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886402048 nr_ops:865627\ntimestamp_ms:1652995406572.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950131712 nr_ops:927863\ntimestamp_ms:1652995407573.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013244928 nr_ops:989497\ntimestamp_ms:1652995408574.9204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077464064 nr_ops:1052211\ntimestamp_ms:1652995409575.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1141523456 nr_ops:1114769\ntimestamp_ms:1652995410576.9336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1205066752 nr_ops:1176823\ntimestamp_ms:1652995411578.0259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269627904 nr_ops:1239871\ntimestamp_ms:1652995412579.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1332345856 nr_ops:1301119\ntimestamp_ms:1652995413580.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396466688 nr_ops:1363737\ntimestamp_ms:1652995414581.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461273600 nr_ops:1427025\ntimestamp_ms:1652995415582.4001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524257792 nr_ops:1488533\ntimestamp_ms:1652995416583.4919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587878912 nr_ops:1550663\ntimestamp_ms:1652995417584.5952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651182592 nr_ops:1612483\ntimestamp_ms:1652995418585.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714235392 nr_ops:1674058\ntimestamp_ms:1652995419586.7903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778625536 nr_ops:1736939\ntimestamp_ms:1652995420587.8806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842259968 nr_ops:1799082\ntimestamp_ms:1652995421588.9746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905964032 nr_ops:1861293\ntimestamp_ms:1652995422590.0745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968665600 nr_ops:1922525\ntimestamp_ms:1652995423591.1082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2032122880 nr_ops:1984495\ntimestamp_ms:1652995424592.1426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2096550912 nr_ops:2047413\ntimestamp_ms:1652995425593.2341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159766528 nr_ops:2109147\ntimestamp_ms:1652995426594.3235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223917056 nr_ops:2171794\ntimestamp_ms:1652995427595.4104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2286465024 nr_ops:2232876\ntimestamp_ms:1652995428596.5056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2350627840 nr_ops:2295535\ntimestamp_ms:1652995429597.5974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2415080448 nr_ops:2358477\ntimestamp_ms:1652995430597.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479307776 nr_ops:2421199\ntimestamp_ms:1652995431598.9207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543207424 nr_ops:2483601\ntimestamp_ms:1652995432600.0225 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2606200832 nr_ops:2545118\ntimestamp_ms:1652995433601.1257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2669968384 nr_ops:2607391\ntimestamp_ms:1652995434602.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2734353408 nr_ops:2670267\ntimestamp_ms:1652995435603.3970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2797334528 nr_ops:2731772\ntimestamp_ms:1652995436604.4907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2861374464 nr_ops:2794311\ntimestamp_ms:1652995437604.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2923858944 nr_ops:2855331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995438605.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2988149760 nr_ops:2918115\ntimestamp_ms:1652995439606.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3051904000 nr_ops:2980375\ntimestamp_ms:1652995440608.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3115309056 nr_ops:3042294\ntimestamp_ms:1652995441609.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3178757120 nr_ops:3104255\ntimestamp_ms:1652995442610.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241440256 nr_ops:3165469\ntimestamp_ms:1652995443611.1829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306304512 nr_ops:3228813\ntimestamp_ms:1652995444612.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370159104 nr_ops:3291171\ntimestamp_ms:1652995445612.8899 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3432244224 nr_ops:3351801\ntimestamp_ms:1652995446613.9919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3495535616 nr_ops:3413609\ntimestamp_ms:1652995447614.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3561488384 nr_ops:3478016\ntimestamp_ms:1652995448615.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3626525696 nr_ops:3541529\ntimestamp_ms:1652995449617.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691836416 nr_ops:3605309\ntimestamp_ms:1652995450618.1111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3757163520 nr_ops:3669105\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140213815572224\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.3733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3821700096 nr_ops:3732129\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.4106 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.4153 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451919.6321 name:Total nr_bytes:3821700096 nr_ops:3732130\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.4355 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7643400190 nr_ops:7464260\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995451819.4363 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3821700096 nr_ops:3732132\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 213.23us 0.00ns 213.23us 213.23us \nTxn1 1866065 32.14us 0.00ns 2.84ms 25.94us \nTxn2 1 19.39us 0.00ns 19.39us 19.39us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 212.37us 0.00ns 212.37us 212.37us \nwrite 1866065 3.19us 0.00ns 134.41us 2.42us \nread 1866064 28.87us 0.00ns 2.83ms 1.31us \ndisconnect 1 19.08us 0.00ns 19.08us 19.08us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.99b/s \nnet1 29922 29922 260.92Mb/s 260.92Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.150 62.36s 3.56GB 490.24Mb/s 3732132 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 490.24Mb/s 3732132 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413644, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995390556.3884 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995391557.4893 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995391557.5740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995392558.6589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62161920 nr_ops:60705
+timestamp_ms:1652995393559.7524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125365248 nr_ops:122427
+timestamp_ms:1652995394560.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189152256 nr_ops:184719
+timestamp_ms:1652995395561.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252513280 nr_ops:246595
+timestamp_ms:1652995396563.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316727296 nr_ops:309304
+timestamp_ms:1652995397564.1414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379364352 nr_ops:370473
+timestamp_ms:1652995398565.2319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441129984 nr_ops:430791
+timestamp_ms:1652995399566.3218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504282112 nr_ops:492463
+timestamp_ms:1652995400567.4185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567716864 nr_ops:554411
+timestamp_ms:1652995401567.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630996992 nr_ops:616208
+timestamp_ms:1652995402568.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694590464 nr_ops:678311
+timestamp_ms:1652995403569.8708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758574080 nr_ops:740795
+timestamp_ms:1652995404570.8298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822690816 nr_ops:803409
+timestamp_ms:1652995405571.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886402048 nr_ops:865627
+timestamp_ms:1652995406572.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950131712 nr_ops:927863
+timestamp_ms:1652995407573.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013244928 nr_ops:989497
+timestamp_ms:1652995408574.9204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077464064 nr_ops:1052211
+timestamp_ms:1652995409575.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1141523456 nr_ops:1114769
+timestamp_ms:1652995410576.9336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1205066752 nr_ops:1176823
+timestamp_ms:1652995411578.0259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269627904 nr_ops:1239871
+timestamp_ms:1652995412579.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1332345856 nr_ops:1301119
+timestamp_ms:1652995413580.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396466688 nr_ops:1363737
+timestamp_ms:1652995414581.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461273600 nr_ops:1427025
+timestamp_ms:1652995415582.4001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524257792 nr_ops:1488533
+timestamp_ms:1652995416583.4919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587878912 nr_ops:1550663
+timestamp_ms:1652995417584.5952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651182592 nr_ops:1612483
+timestamp_ms:1652995418585.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714235392 nr_ops:1674058
+timestamp_ms:1652995419586.7903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778625536 nr_ops:1736939
+timestamp_ms:1652995420587.8806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842259968 nr_ops:1799082
+timestamp_ms:1652995421588.9746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905964032 nr_ops:1861293
+timestamp_ms:1652995422590.0745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968665600 nr_ops:1922525
+timestamp_ms:1652995423591.1082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2032122880 nr_ops:1984495
+timestamp_ms:1652995424592.1426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2096550912 nr_ops:2047413
+timestamp_ms:1652995425593.2341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159766528 nr_ops:2109147
+timestamp_ms:1652995426594.3235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223917056 nr_ops:2171794
+timestamp_ms:1652995427595.4104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2286465024 nr_ops:2232876
+timestamp_ms:1652995428596.5056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2350627840 nr_ops:2295535
+timestamp_ms:1652995429597.5974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2415080448 nr_ops:2358477
+timestamp_ms:1652995430597.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479307776 nr_ops:2421199
+timestamp_ms:1652995431598.9207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543207424 nr_ops:2483601
+timestamp_ms:1652995432600.0225 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2606200832 nr_ops:2545118
+timestamp_ms:1652995433601.1257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2669968384 nr_ops:2607391
+timestamp_ms:1652995434602.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2734353408 nr_ops:2670267
+timestamp_ms:1652995435603.3970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2797334528 nr_ops:2731772
+timestamp_ms:1652995436604.4907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2861374464 nr_ops:2794311
+timestamp_ms:1652995437604.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2923858944 nr_ops:2855331
+timestamp_ms:1652995438605.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2988149760 nr_ops:2918115
+timestamp_ms:1652995439606.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3051904000 nr_ops:2980375
+timestamp_ms:1652995440608.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3115309056 nr_ops:3042294
+timestamp_ms:1652995441609.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3178757120 nr_ops:3104255
+timestamp_ms:1652995442610.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241440256 nr_ops:3165469
+timestamp_ms:1652995443611.1829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306304512 nr_ops:3228813
+timestamp_ms:1652995444612.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370159104 nr_ops:3291171
+timestamp_ms:1652995445612.8899 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3432244224 nr_ops:3351801
+timestamp_ms:1652995446613.9919 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3495535616 nr_ops:3413609
+timestamp_ms:1652995447614.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3561488384 nr_ops:3478016
+timestamp_ms:1652995448615.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3626525696 nr_ops:3541529
+timestamp_ms:1652995449617.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691836416 nr_ops:3605309
+timestamp_ms:1652995450618.1111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3757163520 nr_ops:3669105
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140213815572224
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652995451819.3733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3821700096 nr_ops:3732129
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995451819.4106 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995451819.4153 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995451919.6321 name:Total nr_bytes:3821700096 nr_ops:3732130
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995451819.4355 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7643400190 nr_ops:7464260
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995451819.4363 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3821700096 nr_ops:3732132
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 213.23us 0.00ns 213.23us 213.23us
+Txn1 1866065 32.14us 0.00ns 2.84ms 25.94us
+Txn2 1 19.39us 0.00ns 19.39us 19.39us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 212.37us 0.00ns 212.37us 212.37us
+write 1866065 3.19us 0.00ns 134.41us 2.42us
+read 1866064 28.87us 0.00ns 2.83ms 1.31us
+disconnect 1 19.08us 0.00ns 19.08us 19.08us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.99b/s
+net1 29922 29922 260.92Mb/s 260.92Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.150 62.36s 3.56GB 490.24Mb/s 3732132 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.56GB 490.24Mb/s 3732132 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:12.558000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:12.558000', 'bytes': 62161920, 'norm_byte': 62161920, 'ops': 60705, 'norm_ops': 60705, 'norm_ltcy': 16.490980330079896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:12.558000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:12.558000",
+ "bytes": 62161920,
+ "norm_byte": 62161920,
+ "ops": 60705,
+ "norm_ops": 60705,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.490980330079896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b8211511b4685da301cbf41475255a1869dc48ca64532503f97172daf29f975",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:13.559000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:13.559000', 'bytes': 125365248, 'norm_byte': 63203328, 'ops': 122427, 'norm_ops': 61722, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21939512425675, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:13.559000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:13.559000",
+ "bytes": 125365248,
+ "norm_byte": 63203328,
+ "ops": 122427,
+ "norm_ops": 61722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21939512425675,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ea21ad9e4649ac3815dd68614f6189b85482df400d60017ca663b0959c8a58b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:14.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:14.560000', 'bytes': 189152256, 'norm_byte': 63787008, 'ops': 184719, 'norm_ops': 62292, 'norm_ltcy': 16.070964639068823, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:14.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:14.560000",
+ "bytes": 189152256,
+ "norm_byte": 63787008,
+ "ops": 184719,
+ "norm_ops": 62292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.070964639068823,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ceff978dad199bdb6685633bc2cc3c585b2d48427d74c2a242b316de2e1da120",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:15.561000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:15.561000', 'bytes': 252513280, 'norm_byte': 63361024, 'ops': 246595, 'norm_ops': 61876, 'norm_ltcy': 16.179343155817683, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:15.561000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:15.561000",
+ "bytes": 252513280,
+ "norm_byte": 63361024,
+ "ops": 246595,
+ "norm_ops": 61876,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.179343155817683,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6149db1c2e4494d8fdce5fc331fa81422988bf11a461e463b0b6fdb048f6e0ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:16.563000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:16.563000', 'bytes': 316727296, 'norm_byte': 64214016, 'ops': 309304, 'norm_ops': 62709, 'norm_ltcy': 15.964147141957294, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:16.563000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:16.563000",
+ "bytes": 316727296,
+ "norm_byte": 64214016,
+ "ops": 309304,
+ "norm_ops": 62709,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.964147141957294,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb2a8f6078b5dc70700be9aa49dac808d0d368d20277148cf3ac9d08e372c94b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:17.564000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:17.564000', 'bytes': 379364352, 'norm_byte': 62637056, 'ops': 370473, 'norm_ops': 61169, 'norm_ltcy': 16.365931214902563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:17.564000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:17.564000",
+ "bytes": 379364352,
+ "norm_byte": 62637056,
+ "ops": 370473,
+ "norm_ops": 61169,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.365931214902563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7369424430718a941bb0f162466d75e602bf874f39caed0762d8a79c0a03bf2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:18.565000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:18.565000', 'bytes': 441129984, 'norm_byte': 61765632, 'ops': 430791, 'norm_ops': 60318, 'norm_ltcy': 16.59687947498052, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:18.565000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:18.565000",
+ "bytes": 441129984,
+ "norm_byte": 61765632,
+ "ops": 430791,
+ "norm_ops": 60318,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.59687947498052,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "545d2742caf1aef201643d1633abe14a56a9eb3f1c81f4bc6e401901283eb580",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:19.566000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:19.566000', 'bytes': 504282112, 'norm_byte': 63152128, 'ops': 492463, 'norm_ops': 61672, 'norm_ltcy': 16.232485467473083, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:19.566000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:19.566000",
+ "bytes": 504282112,
+ "norm_byte": 63152128,
+ "ops": 492463,
+ "norm_ops": 61672,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.232485467473083,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d9d9a3bb2083f121263fa31572c91e343d24127120cddc7c431b8043c2815a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:20.567000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:20.567000', 'bytes': 567716864, 'norm_byte': 63434752, 'ops': 554411, 'norm_ops': 61948, 'norm_ltcy': 16.160274418665658, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:20.567000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:20.567000",
+ "bytes": 567716864,
+ "norm_byte": 63434752,
+ "ops": 554411,
+ "norm_ops": 61948,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.160274418665658,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d911789c79c286ecb964a809e3bdb1a69c8ad95c0f9bc81252be55149acd3719",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:21.567000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:21.567000', 'bytes': 630996992, 'norm_byte': 63280128, 'ops': 616208, 'norm_ops': 61797, 'norm_ltcy': 16.188767032835333, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:21.567000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:21.567000",
+ "bytes": 630996992,
+ "norm_byte": 63280128,
+ "ops": 616208,
+ "norm_ops": 61797,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.188767032835333,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d5baed8cd7e77f097d47c61762e367aa28e63384cf89de70f64bb9d92344ccc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:22.568000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:22.568000', 'bytes': 694590464, 'norm_byte': 63593472, 'ops': 678311, 'norm_ops': 62103, 'norm_ltcy': 16.118399699893725, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:22.568000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:22.568000",
+ "bytes": 694590464,
+ "norm_byte": 63593472,
+ "ops": 678311,
+ "norm_ops": 62103,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.118399699893725,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0bfa0e21472935d3e64fd9d48ecbcfa4ea3a7d21773a978d8d66423b5d2e5ddc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:23.569000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:23.569000', 'bytes': 758574080, 'norm_byte': 63983616, 'ops': 740795, 'norm_ops': 62484, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0206481609292, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:23.569000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:23.569000",
+ "bytes": 758574080,
+ "norm_byte": 63983616,
+ "ops": 740795,
+ "norm_ops": 62484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0206481609292,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85108a20c3250cbcff252d57dec6cf115983f37044fe61badf38126dc2885346",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:24.570000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:24.570000', 'bytes': 822690816, 'norm_byte': 64116736, 'ops': 803409, 'norm_ops': 62614, 'norm_ltcy': 15.986184948653657, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:24.570000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:24.570000",
+ "bytes": 822690816,
+ "norm_byte": 64116736,
+ "ops": 803409,
+ "norm_ops": 62614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.986184948653657,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "094415883ff03dac11e894d747473013090e593f8db388d9219f9bf539fea0dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:25.571000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:25.571000', 'bytes': 886402048, 'norm_byte': 63711232, 'ops': 865627, 'norm_ops': 62218, 'norm_ltcy': 16.088674128919685, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:25.571000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:25.571000",
+ "bytes": 886402048,
+ "norm_byte": 63711232,
+ "ops": 865627,
+ "norm_ops": 62218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.088674128919685,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cd81257e216fbec7cb1ea7558e74073142a9b36bd82936cb00d53fe34e010334",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:26.572000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:26.572000', 'bytes': 950131712, 'norm_byte': 63729664, 'ops': 927863, 'norm_ops': 62236, 'norm_ltcy': 16.085358617299473, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:26.572000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:26.572000",
+ "bytes": 950131712,
+ "norm_byte": 63729664,
+ "ops": 927863,
+ "norm_ops": 62236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.085358617299473,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60f8d6a3297b188add6a6ec123863fbb73e41e869f19bcbd0c1824c173627eab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:27.573000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:27.573000', 'bytes': 1013244928, 'norm_byte': 63113216, 'ops': 989497, 'norm_ops': 61634, 'norm_ltcy': 16.239593938613428, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:27.573000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:27.573000",
+ "bytes": 1013244928,
+ "norm_byte": 63113216,
+ "ops": 989497,
+ "norm_ops": 61634,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.239593938613428,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "835fc79e0734ff17719b9e4825c1270baff62bf8a32b9e8dac9e2efba0fc893c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:28.574000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:28.574000', 'bytes': 1077464064, 'norm_byte': 64219136, 'ops': 1052211, 'norm_ops': 62714, 'norm_ltcy': 15.962718651337818, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:28.574000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:28.574000",
+ "bytes": 1077464064,
+ "norm_byte": 64219136,
+ "ops": 1052211,
+ "norm_ops": 62714,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.962718651337818,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49298f3d47d23a89c16c11cacd144cc7718ffdea613335a0f1546f89dbc313d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:29.575000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:29.575000', 'bytes': 1141523456, 'norm_byte': 64059392, 'ops': 1114769, 'norm_ops': 62558, 'norm_ltcy': 15.999781109380496, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:29.575000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:29.575000",
+ "bytes": 1141523456,
+ "norm_byte": 64059392,
+ "ops": 1114769,
+ "norm_ops": 62558,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.999781109380496,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e268db94d2e0a6eb55b2cc2255dbd214b0b703d03e063fb62d02be4fbe2a2a1f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:30.576000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:30.576000', 'bytes': 1205066752, 'norm_byte': 63543296, 'ops': 1176823, 'norm_ops': 62054, 'norm_ltcy': 16.132705014231558, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:30.576000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:30.576000",
+ "bytes": 1205066752,
+ "norm_byte": 63543296,
+ "ops": 1176823,
+ "norm_ops": 62054,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.132705014231558,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d3493d27d179e44a058bc4e81521222be5b2f7a9b4a40c6e77855246533ed3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:31.578000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:31.578000', 'bytes': 1269627904, 'norm_byte': 64561152, 'ops': 1239871, 'norm_ops': 63048, 'norm_ltcy': 15.878256013771255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:31.578000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:31.578000",
+ "bytes": 1269627904,
+ "norm_byte": 64561152,
+ "ops": 1239871,
+ "norm_ops": 63048,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.878256013771255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8d11e7e775aa424bef557760a264389223643f71eebf3b2e44a4a7a020006ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:32.579000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:32.579000', 'bytes': 1332345856, 'norm_byte': 62717952, 'ops': 1301119, 'norm_ops': 61248, 'norm_ltcy': 16.34484971703158, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:32.579000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:32.579000",
+ "bytes": 1332345856,
+ "norm_byte": 62717952,
+ "ops": 1301119,
+ "norm_ops": 61248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.34484971703158,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2de1dac04a519dd566984b80dfb407bf14d20db5eab014d6039478f38da320dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:33.580000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:33.580000', 'bytes': 1396466688, 'norm_byte': 64120832, 'ops': 1363737, 'norm_ops': 62618, 'norm_ltcy': 15.987444610824761, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:33.580000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:33.580000",
+ "bytes": 1396466688,
+ "norm_byte": 64120832,
+ "ops": 1363737,
+ "norm_ops": 62618,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.987444610824761,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b54965ed5829710fae90fd07f1b99abe9e939a5e72aeac989ad2c4dc34866a21",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:34.581000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:34.581000', 'bytes': 1461273600, 'norm_byte': 64806912, 'ops': 1427025, 'norm_ops': 63288, 'norm_ltcy': 15.818023392319635, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:34.581000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:34.581000",
+ "bytes": 1461273600,
+ "norm_byte": 64806912,
+ "ops": 1427025,
+ "norm_ops": 63288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.818023392319635,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b82727e39daab1122ac28079160ade77d309fefc4d75b3347bc0d92e3afe509e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:35.582000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:35.582000', 'bytes': 1524257792, 'norm_byte': 62984192, 'ops': 1488533, 'norm_ops': 61508, 'norm_ltcy': 16.275802188587257, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:35.582000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:35.582000",
+ "bytes": 1524257792,
+ "norm_byte": 62984192,
+ "ops": 1488533,
+ "norm_ops": 61508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.275802188587257,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdabe14e20d543a83e1668a021fbac9e9abd26ab8240ebb7dc3843f9435d55a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:36.583000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:36.583000', 'bytes': 1587878912, 'norm_byte': 63621120, 'ops': 1550663, 'norm_ops': 62130, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11285686262675, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:36.583000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:36.583000",
+ "bytes": 1587878912,
+ "norm_byte": 63621120,
+ "ops": 1550663,
+ "norm_ops": 62130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11285686262675,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88106ed1882e853a582499fc5f0ac40faf20f249251980504abd8dfa27a812d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:37.584000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:37.584000', 'bytes': 1651182592, 'norm_byte': 63303680, 'ops': 1612483, 'norm_ops': 61820, 'norm_ltcy': 16.193841337502022, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:37.584000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:37.584000",
+ "bytes": 1651182592,
+ "norm_byte": 63303680,
+ "ops": 1612483,
+ "norm_ops": 61820,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.193841337502022,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75f3608729f2e0efc669ab0e91767d35248edff45266ba1a5c7ccd019b0246b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:38.585000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:38.585000', 'bytes': 1714235392, 'norm_byte': 63052800, 'ops': 1674058, 'norm_ops': 61575, 'norm_ltcy': 16.258266881090137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:38.585000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:38.585000",
+ "bytes": 1714235392,
+ "norm_byte": 63052800,
+ "ops": 1674058,
+ "norm_ops": 61575,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.258266881090137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa86c5340760ccf3aa05cad411de098966e44d0dd7db84ee2a8c8075c266d7ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:39.586000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:39.586000', 'bytes': 1778625536, 'norm_byte': 64390144, 'ops': 1736939, 'norm_ops': 62881, 'norm_ltcy': 15.92042564775131, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:39.586000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:39.586000",
+ "bytes": 1778625536,
+ "norm_byte": 64390144,
+ "ops": 1736939,
+ "norm_ops": 62881,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.92042564775131,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9643aadc222d41ab8e1cbff68b03a44165a7208f18d98bd729c0f4ac4e4657e9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:40.587000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:40.587000', 'bytes': 1842259968, 'norm_byte': 63634432, 'ops': 1799082, 'norm_ops': 62143, 'norm_ltcy': 16.1094625626579, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:40.587000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:40.587000",
+ "bytes": 1842259968,
+ "norm_byte": 63634432,
+ "ops": 1799082,
+ "norm_ops": 62143,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.1094625626579,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8e1d77a3345012b9de1aadc30ae01c9ce0718b70f6546c256a41f7356135086",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:41.588000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:41.588000', 'bytes': 1905964032, 'norm_byte': 63704064, 'ops': 1861293, 'norm_ops': 62211, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09191291155302, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:41.588000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:41.588000",
+ "bytes": 1905964032,
+ "norm_byte": 63704064,
+ "ops": 1861293,
+ "norm_ops": 62211,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09191291155302,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60120d791768fda0ad54b9995c66d2191bea4c97eee85b86e4aaeab4dcf0aee2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:42.590000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:42.590000', 'bytes': 1968665600, 'norm_byte': 62701568, 'ops': 1922525, 'norm_ops': 61232, 'norm_ltcy': 16.349292094258313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:42.590000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:42.590000",
+ "bytes": 1968665600,
+ "norm_byte": 62701568,
+ "ops": 1922525,
+ "norm_ops": 61232,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.349292094258313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be26343cc803d2663515d7b2e03542e22a1928c11b5793fa8657d102592f24ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:43.591000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:43.591000', 'bytes': 2032122880, 'norm_byte': 63457280, 'ops': 1984495, 'norm_ops': 61970, 'norm_ltcy': 16.153520919900757, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:43.591000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:43.591000",
+ "bytes": 2032122880,
+ "norm_byte": 63457280,
+ "ops": 1984495,
+ "norm_ops": 61970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.153520919900757,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "392f5f5c5db0747b91039d83412adf104d0f2fe6845162f199e402b54811a5e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:44.592000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:44.592000', 'bytes': 2096550912, 'norm_byte': 64428032, 'ops': 2047413, 'norm_ops': 62918, 'norm_ltcy': 15.91014373991743, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:44.592000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:44.592000",
+ "bytes": 2096550912,
+ "norm_byte": 64428032,
+ "ops": 2047413,
+ "norm_ops": 62918,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.91014373991743,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf1ef91693a542f2632f34d366c9f8fed37017488545ec275b9ac48eff3788bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:45.593000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:45.593000', 'bytes': 2159766528, 'norm_byte': 63215616, 'ops': 2109147, 'norm_ops': 61734, 'norm_ltcy': 16.216210722363286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:45.593000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:45.593000",
+ "bytes": 2159766528,
+ "norm_byte": 63215616,
+ "ops": 2109147,
+ "norm_ops": 61734,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.216210722363286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "97f507f609a1fbdee4a944bb220f0934981b884c74c8a9b598fbc2c3631139b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:46.594000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:46.594000', 'bytes': 2223917056, 'norm_byte': 64150528, 'ops': 2171794, 'norm_ops': 62647, 'norm_ltcy': 15.979845091843984, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:46.594000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:46.594000",
+ "bytes": 2223917056,
+ "norm_byte": 64150528,
+ "ops": 2171794,
+ "norm_ops": 62647,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.979845091843984,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "610b25281b7698df83741d1af1b8fecbcfcaea4fa2f057fa2c56263b396ba369",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:47.595000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:47.595000', 'bytes': 2286465024, 'norm_byte': 62547968, 'ops': 2232876, 'norm_ops': 61082, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38922946305786, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:47.595000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:47.595000",
+ "bytes": 2286465024,
+ "norm_byte": 62547968,
+ "ops": 2232876,
+ "norm_ops": 61082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38922946305786,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c97d9ce16988e63f316e41d76b33328271a38768a9ea8ea0f2500c0d80c9991f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:48.596000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:48.596000', 'bytes': 2350627840, 'norm_byte': 64162816, 'ops': 2295535, 'norm_ops': 62659, 'norm_ltcy': 15.976878259208574, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:48.596000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:48.596000",
+ "bytes": 2350627840,
+ "norm_byte": 64162816,
+ "ops": 2295535,
+ "norm_ops": 62659,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.976878259208574,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2c7730d06423a646b183e6efca8b90e453a37574d68408292578cc7ca7f3815",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:49.597000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:49.597000', 'bytes': 2415080448, 'norm_byte': 64452608, 'ops': 2358477, 'norm_ops': 62942, 'norm_ltcy': 15.904988670124878, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:49.597000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:49.597000",
+ "bytes": 2415080448,
+ "norm_byte": 64452608,
+ "ops": 2358477,
+ "norm_ops": 62942,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.904988670124878,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "351ee1594d740262cdb89054f1819c4b13c7d18fd35505a11277ec9cf0e42227",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:50.597000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:50.597000', 'bytes': 2479307776, 'norm_byte': 64227328, 'ops': 2421199, 'norm_ops': 62722, 'norm_ltcy': 15.947133126883312, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:50.597000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:50.597000",
+ "bytes": 2479307776,
+ "norm_byte": 64227328,
+ "ops": 2421199,
+ "norm_ops": 62722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.947133126883312,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1506e8a17dfa64ce25d8ebab6d512053ed8d00307c4eb0c5c8e75f091f39533b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:51.598000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:51.598000', 'bytes': 2543207424, 'norm_byte': 63899648, 'ops': 2483601, 'norm_ops': 62402, 'norm_ltcy': 16.042549248471605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:51.598000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:51.598000",
+ "bytes": 2543207424,
+ "norm_byte": 63899648,
+ "ops": 2483601,
+ "norm_ops": 62402,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.042549248471605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08b85bb7eaa274d078aad5932cdcb8eba76bcbe926f980adee3123ff0b9278b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:52.600000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:52.600000', 'bytes': 2606200832, 'norm_byte': 62993408, 'ops': 2545118, 'norm_ops': 61517, 'norm_ltcy': 16.273579768854546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:52.600000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:52.600000",
+ "bytes": 2606200832,
+ "norm_byte": 62993408,
+ "ops": 2545118,
+ "norm_ops": 61517,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.273579768854546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "607f8408be78083521fc2da0ff9ca05b7ba24856b8b69129f6ff75c57ba96d0e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:53.601000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:53.601000', 'bytes': 2669968384, 'norm_byte': 63767552, 'ops': 2607391, 'norm_ops': 62273, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07604052292928, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:53.601000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:53.601000",
+ "bytes": 2669968384,
+ "norm_byte": 63767552,
+ "ops": 2607391,
+ "norm_ops": 62273,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07604052292928,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f3727bbf502a3ca6148072c5cc7aa12da2a80fec04a016978819bb3325eefe3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:54.602000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:54.602000', 'bytes': 2734353408, 'norm_byte': 64385024, 'ops': 2670267, 'norm_ops': 62876, 'norm_ltcy': 15.923039028454815, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:54.602000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:54.602000",
+ "bytes": 2734353408,
+ "norm_byte": 64385024,
+ "ops": 2670267,
+ "norm_ops": 62876,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.923039028454815,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b01fd57390960dfd0523fd3fa01a33ceeaa9d4ed5e8155f948d85f492011341e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:55.603000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:55.603000', 'bytes': 2797334528, 'norm_byte': 62981120, 'ops': 2731772, 'norm_ops': 61505, 'norm_ltcy': 16.276631790606455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:55.603000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:55.603000",
+ "bytes": 2797334528,
+ "norm_byte": 62981120,
+ "ops": 2731772,
+ "norm_ops": 61505,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.276631790606455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a16c48a6839352c25c98ea4499b708dac2f6cdd5464238effa3fb6c5b9ed0808",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:56.604000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:56.604000', 'bytes': 2861374464, 'norm_byte': 64039936, 'ops': 2794311, 'norm_ops': 62539, 'norm_ltcy': 16.007511312940725, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:56.604000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:56.604000",
+ "bytes": 2861374464,
+ "norm_byte": 64039936,
+ "ops": 2794311,
+ "norm_ops": 62539,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.007511312940725,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "306fe6105f1820399c52d5d649f0f26bee4e836951dcc8c5b7d2a0b8a998342b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:57.604000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:57.604000', 'bytes': 2923858944, 'norm_byte': 62484480, 'ops': 2855331, 'norm_ops': 61020, 'norm_ltcy': 16.393774902183708, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:57.604000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:57.604000",
+ "bytes": 2923858944,
+ "norm_byte": 62484480,
+ "ops": 2855331,
+ "norm_ops": 61020,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.393774902183708,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a46e90e198a710d64a6566318f921cea6da0922112e391ee84ff07618bf25185",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:58.605000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:58.605000', 'bytes': 2988149760, 'norm_byte': 64290816, 'ops': 2918115, 'norm_ops': 62784, 'norm_ltcy': 15.943525277389542, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:58.605000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:58.605000",
+ "bytes": 2988149760,
+ "norm_byte": 64290816,
+ "ops": 2918115,
+ "norm_ops": 62784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.943525277389542,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e69f7f34131ff93ce166ce4dc852d07219b97011ac70b6cad34f9f49edd3fd37",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:23:59.606000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:23:59.606000', 'bytes': 3051904000, 'norm_byte': 63754240, 'ops': 2980375, 'norm_ops': 62260, 'norm_ltcy': 16.079193321103034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:23:59.606000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:23:59.606000",
+ "bytes": 3051904000,
+ "norm_byte": 63754240,
+ "ops": 2980375,
+ "norm_ops": 62260,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.079193321103034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dacc29502a92a9acab9b9e869b1feafbdce4aec49dddf0f0c5379dcd555695c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:24:00.608000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:24:00.608000', 'bytes': 3115309056, 'norm_byte': 63405056, 'ops': 3042294, 'norm_ops': 61919, 'norm_ltcy': 16.167772172616644, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:24:00.608000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:24:00.608000",
+ "bytes": 3115309056,
+ "norm_byte": 63405056,
+ "ops": 3042294,
+ "norm_ops": 61919,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.167772172616644,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64fbb3060a5c78ce987fae8ed56b78d28f7c0968416d7a5deba4875531066969",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:24:01.609000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:24:01.609000', 'bytes': 3178757120, 'norm_byte': 63448064, 'ops': 3104255, 'norm_ops': 61961, 'norm_ltcy': 16.155918484762594, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:24:01.609000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:24:01.609000",
+ "bytes": 3178757120,
+ "norm_byte": 63448064,
+ "ops": 3104255,
+ "norm_ops": 61961,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.155918484762594,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b3a7e503b295fb9f50b3fa77ac79e13bc849d980f20542415b4d374974461d9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:24:02.610000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:24:02.610000', 'bytes': 3241440256, 'norm_byte': 62683136, 'ops': 3165469, 'norm_ops': 61214, 'norm_ltcy': 16.35307461324207, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:24:02.610000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:24:02.610000",
+ "bytes": 3241440256,
+ "norm_byte": 62683136,
+ "ops": 3165469,
+ "norm_ops": 61214,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.35307461324207,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78665ea6b3a3d1ccf48cf8d13b86ddd20677793daa98496d781f47e8d58fe1de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:24:03.611000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:24:03.611000', 'bytes': 3306304512, 'norm_byte': 64864256, 'ops': 3228813, 'norm_ops': 63344, 'norm_ltcy': 15.80400459692315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:24:03.611000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:24:03.611000",
+ "bytes": 3306304512,
+ "norm_byte": 64864256,
+ "ops": 3228813,
+ "norm_ops": 63344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.80400459692315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d570b5544db07e6764cad465a7fdcae809e38ace30846834ce267b27b74e3de7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:24:04.612000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:24:04.612000', 'bytes': 3370159104, 'norm_byte': 63854592, 'ops': 3291171, 'norm_ops': 62358, 'norm_ltcy': 16.05302325007417, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:24:04.612000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:24:04.612000",
+ "bytes": 3370159104,
+ "norm_byte": 63854592,
+ "ops": 3291171,
+ "norm_ops": 62358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.05302325007417,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64e683d38e7450d305f13d12ea65885f66939252d39701d3690640c484bf8a70",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:24:05.612000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:24:05.612000', 'bytes': 3432244224, 'norm_byte': 62085120, 'ops': 3351801, 'norm_ops': 60630, 'norm_ltcy': 16.50457871386896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:24:05.612000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:24:05.612000",
+ "bytes": 3432244224,
+ "norm_byte": 62085120,
+ "ops": 3351801,
+ "norm_ops": 60630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.50457871386896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4148c53a8bb37b5555433bfc75789c807b830731afe106f7e06af765ea2320a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:24:06.613000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:24:06.613000', 'bytes': 3495535616, 'norm_byte': 63291392, 'ops': 3413609, 'norm_ops': 61808, 'norm_ltcy': 16.196965615798117, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:24:06.613000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:24:06.613000",
+ "bytes": 3495535616,
+ "norm_byte": 63291392,
+ "ops": 3413609,
+ "norm_ops": 61808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.196965615798117,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85c57332867f14d2a637eaebc6dc9ad4c10699c4bcf3e16f0c6e5c1a557c516c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:24:07.614000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:24:07.614000', 'bytes': 3561488384, 'norm_byte': 65952768, 'ops': 3478016, 'norm_ops': 64407, 'norm_ltcy': 15.53932126093631, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:24:07.614000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:24:07.614000",
+ "bytes": 3561488384,
+ "norm_byte": 65952768,
+ "ops": 3478016,
+ "norm_ops": 64407,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.53932126093631,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "edbf8355609df3a09cb8727ed2041f7944e9d20a95569bea2a88465f44be57d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:24:08.615000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:24:08.615000', 'bytes': 3626525696, 'norm_byte': 65037312, 'ops': 3541529, 'norm_ops': 63513, 'norm_ltcy': 15.762052097110042, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:24:08.615000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:24:08.615000",
+ "bytes": 3626525696,
+ "norm_byte": 65037312,
+ "ops": 3541529,
+ "norm_ops": 63513,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.762052097110042,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ccfff3704ae6d71987030b599bccf7de56d7cdbfd7f8ee72a2e933f6706a1748",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:24:09.617000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:24:09.617000', 'bytes': 3691836416, 'norm_byte': 65310720, 'ops': 3605309, 'norm_ops': 63780, 'norm_ltcy': 15.6960832769873, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:24:09.617000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:24:09.617000",
+ "bytes": 3691836416,
+ "norm_byte": 65310720,
+ "ops": 3605309,
+ "norm_ops": 63780,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.6960832769873,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9baf63afeb7cb16345c1d2a6992c20192c0f84ef9ae48f6582ce267d45518deb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:24:10.618000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:24:10.618000', 'bytes': 3757163520, 'norm_byte': 65327104, 'ops': 3669105, 'norm_ops': 63796, 'norm_ltcy': 15.691997459431235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:24:10.618000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:24:10.618000",
+ "bytes": 3757163520,
+ "norm_byte": 65327104,
+ "ops": 3669105,
+ "norm_ops": 63796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.691997459431235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf0aeb1e31cd243e39fb1523c8a222f7b1d4b9180fe298ed39649129ec58614d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:24:11.819000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:24:11.819000', 'bytes': 3821700096, 'norm_byte': 64536576, 'ops': 3732129, 'norm_ops': 63024, 'norm_ltcy': 19.060392977774338, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:24:11.819000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:24:11.819000",
+ "bytes": 3821700096,
+ "norm_byte": 64536576,
+ "ops": 3732129,
+ "norm_ops": 63024,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.060392977774338,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9cad8fcd-6695-5f05-8a9e-9711651033d5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efd307d57d49df23ac1318cde5d0aa2c5499685bfca5f26dfcfe6998895b3851",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63695001.6
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62202.15
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.49166024926935
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:24:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-055-220519212026/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-055-220519212026/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97145a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-055-220519212026/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-055-220519212026/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-055-220519212026/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-055-220519212026/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-055-220519212026/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-055-220519212026/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b74a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-055-220519212026/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=80
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-056-220519212228/220519212228-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-056-220519212228/220519212228-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8b7a9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-056-220519212228/220519212228-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:25:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995512260.4272 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995513261.5623 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995513261.6431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995514262.7405 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56972288 nr_ops:55637\ntimestamp_ms:1652995515263.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128379904 nr_ops:125371\ntimestamp_ms:1652995516264.9629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199080960 nr_ops:194415\ntimestamp_ms:1652995517265.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:269847552 nr_ops:263523\ntimestamp_ms:1652995518266.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:340923392 nr_ops:332933\ntimestamp_ms:1652995519268.0442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398156800 nr_ops:388825\ntimestamp_ms:1652995520269.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439950336 nr_ops:429639\ntimestamp_ms:1652995521270.2437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511724544 nr_ops:499731\ntimestamp_ms:1652995522271.3420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:583640064 nr_ops:569961\ntimestamp_ms:1652995523272.4417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:655567872 nr_ops:640203\ntimestamp_ms:1652995524272.9031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:727311360 nr_ops:710265\ntimestamp_ms:1652995525274.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:798921728 nr_ops:780197\ntimestamp_ms:1652995526275.1282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:870540288 nr_ops:850137\ntimestamp_ms:1652995527276.2300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942384128 nr_ops:920297\ntimestamp_ms:1652995528277.3525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014289408 nr_ops:990517\ntimestamp_ms:1652995529277.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1084052480 nr_ops:1058645\ntimestamp_ms:1652995530278.9197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125024768 nr_ops:1098657\ntimestamp_ms:1652995531279.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1170062336 nr_ops:1142639\ntimestamp_ms:1652995532281.0613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240894464 nr_ops:1211811\ntimestamp_ms:1652995533282.1670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305588736 nr_ops:1274989\ntimestamp_ms:1652995534283.3391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353063424 nr_ops:1321351\ntimestamp_ms:1652995535284.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1409362944 nr_ops:1376331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995536285.5217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1480559616 nr_ops:1445859\ntimestamp_ms:1652995537286.6160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1551281152 nr_ops:1514923\ntimestamp_ms:1652995538287.7063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622393856 nr_ops:1584369\ntimestamp_ms:1652995539288.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1678451712 nr_ops:1639113\ntimestamp_ms:1652995540289.7817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1720364032 nr_ops:1680043\ntimestamp_ms:1652995541290.8711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1790856192 nr_ops:1748883\ntimestamp_ms:1652995542291.8975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1861581824 nr_ops:1817951\ntimestamp_ms:1652995543292.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1918075904 nr_ops:1873121\ntimestamp_ms:1652995544293.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1988891648 nr_ops:1942277\ntimestamp_ms:1652995545294.8523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046735360 nr_ops:1998765\ntimestamp_ms:1652995546295.9636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103536640 nr_ops:2054235\ntimestamp_ms:1652995547296.3591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157600768 nr_ops:2107032\ntimestamp_ms:1652995548297.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2214484992 nr_ops:2162583\ntimestamp_ms:1652995549298.5740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2286249984 nr_ops:2232666\ntimestamp_ms:1652995550299.6775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2358168576 nr_ops:2302899\ntimestamp_ms:1652995551300.7791 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430067712 nr_ops:2373113\ntimestamp_ms:1652995552300.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2501843968 nr_ops:2443207\ntimestamp_ms:1652995553301.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2573702144 nr_ops:2513381\ntimestamp_ms:1652995554303.0178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2645515264 nr_ops:2583511\ntimestamp_ms:1652995555304.1130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2717332480 nr_ops:2653645\ntimestamp_ms:1652995556305.2100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2788023296 nr_ops:2722679\ntimestamp_ms:1652995557306.3066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2858773504 nr_ops:2791771\ntimestamp_ms:1652995558307.4009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2915570688 nr_ops:2847237\ntimestamp_ms:1652995559308.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2987539456 nr_ops:2917519\ntimestamp_ms:1652995560309.5894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3059465216 nr_ops:2987759\ntimestamp_ms:1652995561310.6260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3131227136 nr_ops:3057839\ntimestamp_ms:1652995562311.7185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3203091456 nr_ops:3128019\ntimestamp_ms:1652995563311.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3274888192 nr_ops:3198133\ntimestamp_ms:1652995564312.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3346709504 nr_ops:3268271\ntimestamp_ms:1652995565314.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3418528768 nr_ops:3338407\ntimestamp_ms:1652995566315.1377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3476003840 nr_ops:3394535\ntimestamp_ms:1652995567316.2371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3547345920 nr_ops:3464205\ntimestamp_ms:1652995568317.3337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3619111936 nr_ops:3534289\ntimestamp_ms:1652995569318.4246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691097088 nr_ops:3604587\ntimestamp_ms:1652995570318.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3762881536 nr_ops:3674689\ntimestamp_ms:1652995571319.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3834541056 nr_ops:3744669\ntimestamp_ms:1652995572321.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3891737600 nr_ops:3800525\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139686232225536\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.3948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3938659328 nr_ops:3846347\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.4338 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.4377 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573622.6360 name:Total nr_bytes:3938659328 nr_ops:3846348\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.5212 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7877318654 nr_ops:7692696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.5220 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3938659328 nr_ops:3846350\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 286.16us 0.00ns 286.16us 286.16us \nTxn1 1923174 31.20us 0.00ns 208.60ms 18.55us \nTxn2 1 21.77us 0.00ns 21.77us 21.77us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 285.62us 0.00ns 285.62us 285.62us \nwrite 1923174 2.44us 0.00ns 187.75us 2.15us \nread 1923173 28.68us 0.00ns 208.60ms 2.22us \ndisconnect 1 21.59us 0.00ns 21.59us 21.59us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30839 30839 268.91Mb/s 268.91Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.151 62.36s 3.67GB 505.25Mb/s 3846349 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.67GB 505.25Mb/s 3846350 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413086, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995512260.4272 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995513261.5623 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995513261.6431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995514262.7405 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56972288 nr_ops:55637\ntimestamp_ms:1652995515263.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128379904 nr_ops:125371\ntimestamp_ms:1652995516264.9629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199080960 nr_ops:194415\ntimestamp_ms:1652995517265.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:269847552 nr_ops:263523\ntimestamp_ms:1652995518266.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:340923392 nr_ops:332933\ntimestamp_ms:1652995519268.0442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398156800 nr_ops:388825\ntimestamp_ms:1652995520269.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439950336 nr_ops:429639\ntimestamp_ms:1652995521270.2437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511724544 nr_ops:499731\ntimestamp_ms:1652995522271.3420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:583640064 nr_ops:569961\ntimestamp_ms:1652995523272.4417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:655567872 nr_ops:640203\ntimestamp_ms:1652995524272.9031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:727311360 nr_ops:710265\ntimestamp_ms:1652995525274.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:798921728 nr_ops:780197\ntimestamp_ms:1652995526275.1282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:870540288 nr_ops:850137\ntimestamp_ms:1652995527276.2300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942384128 nr_ops:920297\ntimestamp_ms:1652995528277.3525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014289408 nr_ops:990517\ntimestamp_ms:1652995529277.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1084052480 nr_ops:1058645\ntimestamp_ms:1652995530278.9197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125024768 nr_ops:1098657\ntimestamp_ms:1652995531279.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1170062336 nr_ops:1142639\ntimestamp_ms:1652995532281.0613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240894464 nr_ops:1211811\ntimestamp_ms:1652995533282.1670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305588736 nr_ops:1274989\ntimestamp_ms:1652995534283.3391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353063424 nr_ops:1321351\ntimestamp_ms:1652995535284.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1409362944 nr_ops:1376331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995536285.5217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1480559616 nr_ops:1445859\ntimestamp_ms:1652995537286.6160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1551281152 nr_ops:1514923\ntimestamp_ms:1652995538287.7063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622393856 nr_ops:1584369\ntimestamp_ms:1652995539288.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1678451712 nr_ops:1639113\ntimestamp_ms:1652995540289.7817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1720364032 nr_ops:1680043\ntimestamp_ms:1652995541290.8711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1790856192 nr_ops:1748883\ntimestamp_ms:1652995542291.8975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1861581824 nr_ops:1817951\ntimestamp_ms:1652995543292.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1918075904 nr_ops:1873121\ntimestamp_ms:1652995544293.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1988891648 nr_ops:1942277\ntimestamp_ms:1652995545294.8523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046735360 nr_ops:1998765\ntimestamp_ms:1652995546295.9636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103536640 nr_ops:2054235\ntimestamp_ms:1652995547296.3591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157600768 nr_ops:2107032\ntimestamp_ms:1652995548297.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2214484992 nr_ops:2162583\ntimestamp_ms:1652995549298.5740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2286249984 nr_ops:2232666\ntimestamp_ms:1652995550299.6775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2358168576 nr_ops:2302899\ntimestamp_ms:1652995551300.7791 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430067712 nr_ops:2373113\ntimestamp_ms:1652995552300.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2501843968 nr_ops:2443207\ntimestamp_ms:1652995553301.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2573702144 nr_ops:2513381\ntimestamp_ms:1652995554303.0178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2645515264 nr_ops:2583511\ntimestamp_ms:1652995555304.1130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2717332480 nr_ops:2653645\ntimestamp_ms:1652995556305.2100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2788023296 nr_ops:2722679\ntimestamp_ms:1652995557306.3066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2858773504 nr_ops:2791771\ntimestamp_ms:1652995558307.4009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2915570688 nr_ops:2847237\ntimestamp_ms:1652995559308.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2987539456 nr_ops:2917519\ntimestamp_ms:1652995560309.5894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3059465216 nr_ops:2987759\ntimestamp_ms:1652995561310.6260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3131227136 nr_ops:3057839\ntimestamp_ms:1652995562311.7185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3203091456 nr_ops:3128019\ntimestamp_ms:1652995563311.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3274888192 nr_ops:3198133\ntimestamp_ms:1652995564312.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3346709504 nr_ops:3268271\ntimestamp_ms:1652995565314.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3418528768 nr_ops:3338407\ntimestamp_ms:1652995566315.1377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3476003840 nr_ops:3394535\ntimestamp_ms:1652995567316.2371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3547345920 nr_ops:3464205\ntimestamp_ms:1652995568317.3337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3619111936 nr_ops:3534289\ntimestamp_ms:1652995569318.4246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691097088 nr_ops:3604587\ntimestamp_ms:1652995570318.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3762881536 nr_ops:3674689\ntimestamp_ms:1652995571319.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3834541056 nr_ops:3744669\ntimestamp_ms:1652995572321.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3891737600 nr_ops:3800525\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139686232225536\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.3948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3938659328 nr_ops:3846347\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.4338 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.4377 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573622.6360 name:Total nr_bytes:3938659328 nr_ops:3846348\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.5212 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7877318654 nr_ops:7692696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.5220 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3938659328 nr_ops:3846350\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 286.16us 0.00ns 286.16us 286.16us \nTxn1 1923174 31.20us 0.00ns 208.60ms 18.55us \nTxn2 1 21.77us 0.00ns 21.77us 21.77us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 285.62us 0.00ns 285.62us 285.62us \nwrite 1923174 2.44us 0.00ns 187.75us 2.15us \nread 1923173 28.68us 0.00ns 208.60ms 2.22us \ndisconnect 1 21.59us 0.00ns 21.59us 21.59us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30839 30839 268.91Mb/s 268.91Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.151 62.36s 3.67GB 505.25Mb/s 3846349 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.67GB 505.25Mb/s 3846350 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413086, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995512260.4272 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995513261.5623 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995513261.6431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995514262.7405 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56972288 nr_ops:55637\ntimestamp_ms:1652995515263.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128379904 nr_ops:125371\ntimestamp_ms:1652995516264.9629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199080960 nr_ops:194415\ntimestamp_ms:1652995517265.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:269847552 nr_ops:263523\ntimestamp_ms:1652995518266.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:340923392 nr_ops:332933\ntimestamp_ms:1652995519268.0442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398156800 nr_ops:388825\ntimestamp_ms:1652995520269.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439950336 nr_ops:429639\ntimestamp_ms:1652995521270.2437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511724544 nr_ops:499731\ntimestamp_ms:1652995522271.3420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:583640064 nr_ops:569961\ntimestamp_ms:1652995523272.4417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:655567872 nr_ops:640203\ntimestamp_ms:1652995524272.9031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:727311360 nr_ops:710265\ntimestamp_ms:1652995525274.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:798921728 nr_ops:780197\ntimestamp_ms:1652995526275.1282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:870540288 nr_ops:850137\ntimestamp_ms:1652995527276.2300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942384128 nr_ops:920297\ntimestamp_ms:1652995528277.3525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014289408 nr_ops:990517\ntimestamp_ms:1652995529277.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1084052480 nr_ops:1058645\ntimestamp_ms:1652995530278.9197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125024768 nr_ops:1098657\ntimestamp_ms:1652995531279.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1170062336 nr_ops:1142639\ntimestamp_ms:1652995532281.0613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240894464 nr_ops:1211811\ntimestamp_ms:1652995533282.1670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305588736 nr_ops:1274989\ntimestamp_ms:1652995534283.3391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353063424 nr_ops:1321351\ntimestamp_ms:1652995535284.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1409362944 nr_ops:1376331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995536285.5217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1480559616 nr_ops:1445859\ntimestamp_ms:1652995537286.6160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1551281152 nr_ops:1514923\ntimestamp_ms:1652995538287.7063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622393856 nr_ops:1584369\ntimestamp_ms:1652995539288.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1678451712 nr_ops:1639113\ntimestamp_ms:1652995540289.7817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1720364032 nr_ops:1680043\ntimestamp_ms:1652995541290.8711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1790856192 nr_ops:1748883\ntimestamp_ms:1652995542291.8975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1861581824 nr_ops:1817951\ntimestamp_ms:1652995543292.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1918075904 nr_ops:1873121\ntimestamp_ms:1652995544293.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1988891648 nr_ops:1942277\ntimestamp_ms:1652995545294.8523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046735360 nr_ops:1998765\ntimestamp_ms:1652995546295.9636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103536640 nr_ops:2054235\ntimestamp_ms:1652995547296.3591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157600768 nr_ops:2107032\ntimestamp_ms:1652995548297.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2214484992 nr_ops:2162583\ntimestamp_ms:1652995549298.5740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2286249984 nr_ops:2232666\ntimestamp_ms:1652995550299.6775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2358168576 nr_ops:2302899\ntimestamp_ms:1652995551300.7791 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430067712 nr_ops:2373113\ntimestamp_ms:1652995552300.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2501843968 nr_ops:2443207\ntimestamp_ms:1652995553301.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2573702144 nr_ops:2513381\ntimestamp_ms:1652995554303.0178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2645515264 nr_ops:2583511\ntimestamp_ms:1652995555304.1130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2717332480 nr_ops:2653645\ntimestamp_ms:1652995556305.2100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2788023296 nr_ops:2722679\ntimestamp_ms:1652995557306.3066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2858773504 nr_ops:2791771\ntimestamp_ms:1652995558307.4009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2915570688 nr_ops:2847237\ntimestamp_ms:1652995559308.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2987539456 nr_ops:2917519\ntimestamp_ms:1652995560309.5894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3059465216 nr_ops:2987759\ntimestamp_ms:1652995561310.6260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3131227136 nr_ops:3057839\ntimestamp_ms:1652995562311.7185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3203091456 nr_ops:3128019\ntimestamp_ms:1652995563311.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3274888192 nr_ops:3198133\ntimestamp_ms:1652995564312.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3346709504 nr_ops:3268271\ntimestamp_ms:1652995565314.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3418528768 nr_ops:3338407\ntimestamp_ms:1652995566315.1377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3476003840 nr_ops:3394535\ntimestamp_ms:1652995567316.2371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3547345920 nr_ops:3464205\ntimestamp_ms:1652995568317.3337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3619111936 nr_ops:3534289\ntimestamp_ms:1652995569318.4246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691097088 nr_ops:3604587\ntimestamp_ms:1652995570318.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3762881536 nr_ops:3674689\ntimestamp_ms:1652995571319.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3834541056 nr_ops:3744669\ntimestamp_ms:1652995572321.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3891737600 nr_ops:3800525\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139686232225536\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.3948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3938659328 nr_ops:3846347\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.4338 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.4377 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573622.6360 name:Total nr_bytes:3938659328 nr_ops:3846348\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.5212 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7877318654 nr_ops:7692696\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995573522.5220 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3938659328 nr_ops:3846350\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 286.16us 0.00ns 286.16us 286.16us \nTxn1 1923174 31.20us 0.00ns 208.60ms 18.55us \nTxn2 1 21.77us 0.00ns 21.77us 21.77us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 285.62us 0.00ns 285.62us 285.62us \nwrite 1923174 2.44us 0.00ns 187.75us 2.15us \nread 1923173 28.68us 0.00ns 208.60ms 2.22us \ndisconnect 1 21.59us 0.00ns 21.59us 21.59us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 30839 30839 268.91Mb/s 268.91Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.151 62.36s 3.67GB 505.25Mb/s 3846349 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.67GB 505.25Mb/s 3846350 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413086, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995512260.4272 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995513261.5623 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995513261.6431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995514262.7405 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56972288 nr_ops:55637
+timestamp_ms:1652995515263.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128379904 nr_ops:125371
+timestamp_ms:1652995516264.9629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199080960 nr_ops:194415
+timestamp_ms:1652995517265.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:269847552 nr_ops:263523
+timestamp_ms:1652995518266.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:340923392 nr_ops:332933
+timestamp_ms:1652995519268.0442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398156800 nr_ops:388825
+timestamp_ms:1652995520269.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439950336 nr_ops:429639
+timestamp_ms:1652995521270.2437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511724544 nr_ops:499731
+timestamp_ms:1652995522271.3420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:583640064 nr_ops:569961
+timestamp_ms:1652995523272.4417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:655567872 nr_ops:640203
+timestamp_ms:1652995524272.9031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:727311360 nr_ops:710265
+timestamp_ms:1652995525274.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:798921728 nr_ops:780197
+timestamp_ms:1652995526275.1282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:870540288 nr_ops:850137
+timestamp_ms:1652995527276.2300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942384128 nr_ops:920297
+timestamp_ms:1652995528277.3525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014289408 nr_ops:990517
+timestamp_ms:1652995529277.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1084052480 nr_ops:1058645
+timestamp_ms:1652995530278.9197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125024768 nr_ops:1098657
+timestamp_ms:1652995531279.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1170062336 nr_ops:1142639
+timestamp_ms:1652995532281.0613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240894464 nr_ops:1211811
+timestamp_ms:1652995533282.1670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305588736 nr_ops:1274989
+timestamp_ms:1652995534283.3391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353063424 nr_ops:1321351
+timestamp_ms:1652995535284.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1409362944 nr_ops:1376331
+timestamp_ms:1652995536285.5217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1480559616 nr_ops:1445859
+timestamp_ms:1652995537286.6160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1551281152 nr_ops:1514923
+timestamp_ms:1652995538287.7063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622393856 nr_ops:1584369
+timestamp_ms:1652995539288.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1678451712 nr_ops:1639113
+timestamp_ms:1652995540289.7817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1720364032 nr_ops:1680043
+timestamp_ms:1652995541290.8711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1790856192 nr_ops:1748883
+timestamp_ms:1652995542291.8975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1861581824 nr_ops:1817951
+timestamp_ms:1652995543292.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1918075904 nr_ops:1873121
+timestamp_ms:1652995544293.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1988891648 nr_ops:1942277
+timestamp_ms:1652995545294.8523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046735360 nr_ops:1998765
+timestamp_ms:1652995546295.9636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103536640 nr_ops:2054235
+timestamp_ms:1652995547296.3591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157600768 nr_ops:2107032
+timestamp_ms:1652995548297.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2214484992 nr_ops:2162583
+timestamp_ms:1652995549298.5740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2286249984 nr_ops:2232666
+timestamp_ms:1652995550299.6775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2358168576 nr_ops:2302899
+timestamp_ms:1652995551300.7791 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430067712 nr_ops:2373113
+timestamp_ms:1652995552300.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2501843968 nr_ops:2443207
+timestamp_ms:1652995553301.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2573702144 nr_ops:2513381
+timestamp_ms:1652995554303.0178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2645515264 nr_ops:2583511
+timestamp_ms:1652995555304.1130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2717332480 nr_ops:2653645
+timestamp_ms:1652995556305.2100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2788023296 nr_ops:2722679
+timestamp_ms:1652995557306.3066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2858773504 nr_ops:2791771
+timestamp_ms:1652995558307.4009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2915570688 nr_ops:2847237
+timestamp_ms:1652995559308.4922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2987539456 nr_ops:2917519
+timestamp_ms:1652995560309.5894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3059465216 nr_ops:2987759
+timestamp_ms:1652995561310.6260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3131227136 nr_ops:3057839
+timestamp_ms:1652995562311.7185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3203091456 nr_ops:3128019
+timestamp_ms:1652995563311.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3274888192 nr_ops:3198133
+timestamp_ms:1652995564312.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3346709504 nr_ops:3268271
+timestamp_ms:1652995565314.0305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3418528768 nr_ops:3338407
+timestamp_ms:1652995566315.1377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3476003840 nr_ops:3394535
+timestamp_ms:1652995567316.2371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3547345920 nr_ops:3464205
+timestamp_ms:1652995568317.3337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3619111936 nr_ops:3534289
+timestamp_ms:1652995569318.4246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691097088 nr_ops:3604587
+timestamp_ms:1652995570318.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3762881536 nr_ops:3674689
+timestamp_ms:1652995571319.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3834541056 nr_ops:3744669
+timestamp_ms:1652995572321.0298 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3891737600 nr_ops:3800525
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139686232225536
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652995573522.3948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3938659328 nr_ops:3846347
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995573522.4338 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995573522.4377 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995573622.6360 name:Total nr_bytes:3938659328 nr_ops:3846348
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995573522.5212 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7877318654 nr_ops:7692696
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995573522.5220 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3938659328 nr_ops:3846350
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 286.16us 0.00ns 286.16us 286.16us
+Txn1 1923174 31.20us 0.00ns 208.60ms 18.55us
+Txn2 1 21.77us 0.00ns 21.77us 21.77us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 285.62us 0.00ns 285.62us 285.62us
+write 1923174 2.44us 0.00ns 187.75us 2.15us
+read 1923173 28.68us 0.00ns 208.60ms 2.22us
+disconnect 1 21.59us 0.00ns 21.59us 21.59us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 30839 30839 268.91Mb/s 268.91Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.151 62.36s 3.67GB 505.25Mb/s 3846349 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.67GB 505.25Mb/s 3846350 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:14.262000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:14.262000', 'bytes': 56972288, 'norm_byte': 56972288, 'ops': 55637, 'norm_ops': 55637, 'norm_ltcy': 17.99337513002813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:14.262000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:14.262000",
+ "bytes": 56972288,
+ "norm_byte": 56972288,
+ "ops": 55637,
+ "norm_ops": 55637,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.99337513002813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67615521eb8b766adcf4c6ba9031a30fcb90c43f0c864b6cb0fc65a9229f29c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:15.263000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:15.263000', 'bytes': 128379904, 'norm_byte': 71407616, 'ops': 125371, 'norm_ops': 69734, 'norm_ltcy': 14.355996704889295, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:15.263000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:15.263000",
+ "bytes": 128379904,
+ "norm_byte": 71407616,
+ "ops": 125371,
+ "norm_ops": 69734,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.355996704889295,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9282a2555056b2306a772933b4cd1ca48ba7d8d6ed5398316a0e7dfafc4bbc8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:16.264000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:16.264000', 'bytes': 199080960, 'norm_byte': 70701056, 'ops': 194415, 'norm_ops': 69044, 'norm_ltcy': 14.499758674043001, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:16.264000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:16.264000",
+ "bytes": 199080960,
+ "norm_byte": 70701056,
+ "ops": 194415,
+ "norm_ops": 69044,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.499758674043001,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00b19d05a9887faa0821abb6a933eb128c070dc9d7dac6311bff685449b96bf9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:17.265000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:17.265000', 'bytes': 269847552, 'norm_byte': 70766592, 'ops': 263523, 'norm_ops': 69108, 'norm_ltcy': 14.482755507005338, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:17.265000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:17.265000",
+ "bytes": 269847552,
+ "norm_byte": 70766592,
+ "ops": 263523,
+ "norm_ops": 69108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.482755507005338,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5107d3f399d7f72e2547be376e2e292c9ab515dc850bec93223d893903786947",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:18.266000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:18.266000', 'bytes': 340923392, 'norm_byte': 71075840, 'ops': 332933, 'norm_ops': 69410, 'norm_ltcy': 14.423114802442011, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:18.266000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:18.266000",
+ "bytes": 340923392,
+ "norm_byte": 71075840,
+ "ops": 332933,
+ "norm_ops": 69410,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.423114802442011,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33c30aafc3bb5bd1d8070d2d7942d671453104fadbd97bc81f33467553da4c3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:19.268000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:19.268000', 'bytes': 398156800, 'norm_byte': 57233408, 'ops': 388825, 'norm_ops': 55892, 'norm_ltcy': 17.911304530388964, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:19.268000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:19.268000",
+ "bytes": 398156800,
+ "norm_byte": 57233408,
+ "ops": 388825,
+ "norm_ops": 55892,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.911304530388964,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d47d979bdf6dca6b5d3b726113c259c33e14899f24d8c8e69ba74cf6e1dcaae2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:20.269000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:20.269000', 'bytes': 439950336, 'norm_byte': 41793536, 'ops': 429639, 'norm_ops': 40814, 'norm_ltcy': 24.528338544984564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:20.269000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:20.269000",
+ "bytes": 439950336,
+ "norm_byte": 41793536,
+ "ops": 429639,
+ "norm_ops": 40814,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.528338544984564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7bbf43716c54732d662a0c5c3cc0d60ffe166f6c12a99339d6bf1340b2101fc9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:21.270000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:21.270000', 'bytes': 511724544, 'norm_byte': 71774208, 'ops': 499731, 'norm_ops': 70092, 'norm_ltcy': 14.28265498938003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:21.270000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:21.270000",
+ "bytes": 511724544,
+ "norm_byte": 71774208,
+ "ops": 499731,
+ "norm_ops": 70092,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.28265498938003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6bef524da2b1bcdad9676a4b5df29fc54d66df546d6c071be6698619a2c32ec3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:22.271000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:22.271000', 'bytes': 583640064, 'norm_byte': 71915520, 'ops': 569961, 'norm_ops': 70230, 'norm_ltcy': 14.254569111090346, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:22.271000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:22.271000",
+ "bytes": 583640064,
+ "norm_byte": 71915520,
+ "ops": 569961,
+ "norm_ops": 70230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.254569111090346,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df56d89d23bd31d454abb4b9bc8fa34feb419b19c49031a3551c4a261e74147a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:23.272000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:23.272000', 'bytes': 655567872, 'norm_byte': 71927808, 'ops': 640203, 'norm_ops': 70242, 'norm_ltcy': 14.252151268115941, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:23.272000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:23.272000",
+ "bytes": 655567872,
+ "norm_byte": 71927808,
+ "ops": 640203,
+ "norm_ops": 70242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.252151268115941,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64504ec04c24a973697709c169ecab609790a8a4d9f67ae9b1a4eec7f2d2a990",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:24.272000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:24.272000', 'bytes': 727311360, 'norm_byte': 71743488, 'ops': 710265, 'norm_ops': 70062, 'norm_ltcy': 14.279658385162428, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:24.272000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:24.272000",
+ "bytes": 727311360,
+ "norm_byte": 71743488,
+ "ops": 710265,
+ "norm_ops": 70062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.279658385162428,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed17f978b64abb48d97a0ff3c1c469d2e86bbe6c9b060411cdadcc44bc1c4271",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:25.274000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:25.274000', 'bytes': 798921728, 'norm_byte': 71610368, 'ops': 780197, 'norm_ops': 69932, 'norm_ltcy': 14.315692386890122, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:25.274000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:25.274000",
+ "bytes": 798921728,
+ "norm_byte": 71610368,
+ "ops": 780197,
+ "norm_ops": 69932,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.315692386890122,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfa4c1fbb3f9b2e4ec2b08a9c8c37b494718ff1e07da1eb1319f9a4c40702e33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:26.275000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:26.275000', 'bytes': 870540288, 'norm_byte': 71618560, 'ops': 850137, 'norm_ops': 69940, 'norm_ltcy': 14.313698851247498, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:26.275000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:26.275000",
+ "bytes": 870540288,
+ "norm_byte": 71618560,
+ "ops": 850137,
+ "norm_ops": 69940,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.313698851247498,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "07943df49bb2a7f6b08e440283b58cbea8680ceeb3a81967d42792905c4a5d52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:27.276000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:27.276000', 'bytes': 942384128, 'norm_byte': 71843840, 'ops': 920297, 'norm_ops': 70160, 'norm_ltcy': 14.268839889404575, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:27.276000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:27.276000",
+ "bytes": 942384128,
+ "norm_byte": 71843840,
+ "ops": 920297,
+ "norm_ops": 70160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.268839889404575,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "672c3719357085d651f896b811ac1b8317bdb4a503681bac9a751a75a5ed3298",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:28.277000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:28.277000', 'bytes': 1014289408, 'norm_byte': 71905280, 'ops': 990517, 'norm_ops': 70220, 'norm_ltcy': 14.256943300964826, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:28.277000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:28.277000",
+ "bytes": 1014289408,
+ "norm_byte": 71905280,
+ "ops": 990517,
+ "norm_ops": 70220,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.256943300964826,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ad1e2fd237ecb5149242a74b8065cfbf2c8721ed752fc5ee443615fefb547ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:29.277000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:29.277000', 'bytes': 1084052480, 'norm_byte': 69763072, 'ops': 1058645, 'norm_ops': 68128, 'norm_ltcy': 14.685670665420238, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:29.277000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:29.277000",
+ "bytes": 1084052480,
+ "norm_byte": 69763072,
+ "ops": 1058645,
+ "norm_ops": 68128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.685670665420238,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b3897bc51646409078e81741ef3f7fac8311ff30f678a1b417c0a35f7d1c46c7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:30.278000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:30.278000', 'bytes': 1125024768, 'norm_byte': 40972288, 'ops': 1098657, 'norm_ops': 40012, 'norm_ltcy': 25.01903847790975, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:30.278000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:30.278000",
+ "bytes": 1125024768,
+ "norm_byte": 40972288,
+ "ops": 1098657,
+ "norm_ops": 40012,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.01903847790975,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d81a2323767ced24d3605524759d76e24610203acaadb1aebed267d377942e73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:31.279000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:31.279000', 'bytes': 1170062336, 'norm_byte': 45037568, 'ops': 1142639, 'norm_ops': 43982, 'norm_ltcy': 22.76016546897026, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:31.279000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:31.279000",
+ "bytes": 1170062336,
+ "norm_byte": 45037568,
+ "ops": 1142639,
+ "norm_ops": 43982,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.76016546897026,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c5caf6f0028233eb9654a7fc315ca5918069f66091f050e9beef612b11cfe13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:32.281000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:32.281000', 'bytes': 1240894464, 'norm_byte': 70832128, 'ops': 1211811, 'norm_ops': 69172, 'norm_ltcy': 14.472676862115451, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:32.281000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:32.281000",
+ "bytes": 1240894464,
+ "norm_byte": 70832128,
+ "ops": 1211811,
+ "norm_ops": 69172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.472676862115451,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d769f4db4ac5df28933f6ec3e0c1c1c0c463b853fa98abe6f77b545992b0f07",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:33.282000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:33.282000', 'bytes': 1305588736, 'norm_byte': 64694272, 'ops': 1274989, 'norm_ops': 63178, 'norm_ltcy': 15.845796208975038, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:33.282000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:33.282000",
+ "bytes": 1305588736,
+ "norm_byte": 64694272,
+ "ops": 1274989,
+ "norm_ops": 63178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.845796208975038,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "873a5e25a5b8dc371ff4b1f6808fc19e4e80e0e3b2141c57d7a7770de536573a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:34.283000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:34.283000', 'bytes': 1353063424, 'norm_byte': 47474688, 'ops': 1321351, 'norm_ops': 46362, 'norm_ltcy': 21.594670616897996, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:34.283000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:34.283000",
+ "bytes": 1353063424,
+ "norm_byte": 47474688,
+ "ops": 1321351,
+ "norm_ops": 46362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.594670616897996,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e8d9c72258db0933f295de03af9775e28d36b8d4496f62e1ff297801695dd86",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:35.284000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:35.284000', 'bytes': 1409362944, 'norm_byte': 56299520, 'ops': 1376331, 'norm_ops': 54980, 'norm_ltcy': 18.20829467107357, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:35.284000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:35.284000",
+ "bytes": 1409362944,
+ "norm_byte": 56299520,
+ "ops": 1376331,
+ "norm_ops": 54980,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.20829467107357,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfd871cb9cebd1ad4af6079d239594b9e0c1e83ac4afefa620b720a301825817",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:36.285000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:36.285000', 'bytes': 1480559616, 'norm_byte': 71196672, 'ops': 1445859, 'norm_ops': 69528, 'norm_ltcy': 14.398380165859438, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:36.285000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:36.285000",
+ "bytes": 1480559616,
+ "norm_byte": 71196672,
+ "ops": 1445859,
+ "norm_ops": 69528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.398380165859438,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e26144939d59823d9dac57956da8d8c2321c77bd1f9c95a97184888fc08c7a2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:37.286000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:37.286000', 'bytes': 1551281152, 'norm_byte': 70721536, 'ops': 1514923, 'norm_ops': 69064, 'norm_ltcy': 14.495167356093623, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:37.286000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:37.286000",
+ "bytes": 1551281152,
+ "norm_byte": 70721536,
+ "ops": 1514923,
+ "norm_ops": 69064,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.495167356093623,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ca118dcb658812e668ba0e5730c80a255e259ad4d2d98b34da36a86670e728e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:38.287000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:38.287000', 'bytes': 1622393856, 'norm_byte': 71112704, 'ops': 1584369, 'norm_ops': 69446, 'norm_ltcy': 14.41537787678556, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:38.287000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:38.287000",
+ "bytes": 1622393856,
+ "norm_byte": 71112704,
+ "ops": 1584369,
+ "norm_ops": 69446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.41537787678556,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f877f2e6fbfd65911a81b22b02a0f7b8688b59dfe73725fc9897f22e380f206",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:39.288000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:39.288000', 'bytes': 1678451712, 'norm_byte': 56057856, 'ops': 1639113, 'norm_ops': 54744, 'norm_ltcy': 18.28585363664283, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:39.288000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:39.288000",
+ "bytes": 1678451712,
+ "norm_byte": 56057856,
+ "ops": 1639113,
+ "norm_ops": 54744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.28585363664283,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3bfce3666892de8c838c43cc5ffdf37c90deeba39c652016013cedd8c71c502d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:40.289000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:40.289000', 'bytes': 1720364032, 'norm_byte': 41912320, 'ops': 1680043, 'norm_ops': 40930, 'norm_ltcy': 24.457235963077206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:40.289000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:40.289000",
+ "bytes": 1720364032,
+ "norm_byte": 41912320,
+ "ops": 1680043,
+ "norm_ops": 40930,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.457235963077206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8b8c3ffc3e3028b7c2292c2348d7f0ccf3d590050631011a8a8e1bae82a62f36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:41.290000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:41.290000', 'bytes': 1790856192, 'norm_byte': 70492160, 'ops': 1748883, 'norm_ops': 68840, 'norm_ltcy': 14.54226257217824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:41.290000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:41.290000",
+ "bytes": 1790856192,
+ "norm_byte": 70492160,
+ "ops": 1748883,
+ "norm_ops": 68840,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.54226257217824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16225640029d5f89e7364e223e33c26c9981688c75a5d57300811101e66814e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:42.291000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:42.291000', 'bytes': 1861581824, 'norm_byte': 70725632, 'ops': 1817951, 'norm_ops': 69068, 'norm_ltcy': 14.493345213231889, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:42.291000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:42.291000",
+ "bytes": 1861581824,
+ "norm_byte": 70725632,
+ "ops": 1817951,
+ "norm_ops": 69068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.493345213231889,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f375e993c68af7ad354c17d7f632b2c7712ded9ce969f6fce1ef00662a4ffb1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:43.292000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:43.292000', 'bytes': 1918075904, 'norm_byte': 56494080, 'ops': 1873121, 'norm_ops': 55170, 'norm_ltcy': 18.142830186808958, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:43.292000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:43.292000",
+ "bytes": 1918075904,
+ "norm_byte": 56494080,
+ "ops": 1873121,
+ "norm_ops": 55170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.142830186808958,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab1a8168e4726b1a5bbf3883004c929a63c723a55c7cb07a08ea1ffb21b2219e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:44.293000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:44.293000', 'bytes': 1988891648, 'norm_byte': 70815744, 'ops': 1942277, 'norm_ops': 69156, 'norm_ltcy': 14.47450019024018, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:44.293000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:44.293000",
+ "bytes": 1988891648,
+ "norm_byte": 70815744,
+ "ops": 1942277,
+ "norm_ops": 69156,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.47450019024018,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50357d958df39e57619b58be9c28be19420b2e0eaa407dc28d823e30b3ca0b1e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:45.294000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:45.294000', 'bytes': 2046735360, 'norm_byte': 57843712, 'ops': 1998765, 'norm_ops': 56488, 'norm_ltcy': 17.720867395232176, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:45.294000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:45.294000",
+ "bytes": 2046735360,
+ "norm_byte": 57843712,
+ "ops": 1998765,
+ "norm_ops": 56488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.720867395232176,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e0809afad95e024d03fd4e132cf74449511e13a7a6f51db0d35890e4fcf5229",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:46.295000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:46.295000', 'bytes': 2103536640, 'norm_byte': 56801280, 'ops': 2054235, 'norm_ops': 55470, 'norm_ltcy': 18.04779751442221, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:46.295000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:46.295000",
+ "bytes": 2103536640,
+ "norm_byte": 56801280,
+ "ops": 2054235,
+ "norm_ops": 55470,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.04779751442221,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ea7c7f669af8dc8113d469ae5ffa23c641d518a538dd00c7b59497ef15427f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:47.296000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:47.296000', 'bytes': 2157600768, 'norm_byte': 54064128, 'ops': 2107032, 'norm_ops': 52797, 'norm_ltcy': 18.947961206365893, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:47.296000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:47.296000",
+ "bytes": 2157600768,
+ "norm_byte": 54064128,
+ "ops": 2107032,
+ "norm_ops": 52797,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.947961206365893,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3624e06cefa4a2619f82cbb972398c4dfb997ac6c3ac7b966c728105ce031ea8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:48.297000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:48.297000', 'bytes': 2214484992, 'norm_byte': 56884224, 'ops': 2162583, 'norm_ops': 55551, 'norm_ltcy': 18.021099312174847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:48.297000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:48.297000",
+ "bytes": 2214484992,
+ "norm_byte": 56884224,
+ "ops": 2162583,
+ "norm_ops": 55551,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.021099312174847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74f7f4b9b607794e2c0dd32a1933495886566769c9a74a716050126d971e8373",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:49.298000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:49.298000', 'bytes': 2286249984, 'norm_byte': 71764992, 'ops': 2232666, 'norm_ops': 70083, 'norm_ltcy': 14.284844482390524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:49.298000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:49.298000",
+ "bytes": 2286249984,
+ "norm_byte": 71764992,
+ "ops": 2232666,
+ "norm_ops": 70083,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.284844482390524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "711273af8f389ce1ba27d0b606d3dafc2994ccfde21be90fbd0e03451851c173",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:50.299000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:50.299000', 'bytes': 2358168576, 'norm_byte': 71918592, 'ops': 2302899, 'norm_ops': 70233, 'norm_ltcy': 14.254033226901884, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:50.299000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:50.299000",
+ "bytes": 2358168576,
+ "norm_byte": 71918592,
+ "ops": 2302899,
+ "norm_ops": 70233,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.254033226901884,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c9d18dfd597e1aa512cfeb2dd907a4d7ea64500231dc469b919cefa81669f1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:51.300000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:51.300000', 'bytes': 2430067712, 'norm_byte': 71899136, 'ops': 2373113, 'norm_ops': 70214, 'norm_ltcy': 14.257862570142708, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:51.300000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:51.300000",
+ "bytes": 2430067712,
+ "norm_byte": 71899136,
+ "ops": 2373113,
+ "norm_ops": 70214,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.257862570142708,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f0227e4e1b5556cbfefaecc2f75a318e398803d2b259118acb887b633c6b60d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:52.300000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:52.300000', 'bytes': 2501843968, 'norm_byte': 71776256, 'ops': 2443207, 'norm_ops': 70094, 'norm_ltcy': 14.267371371390562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:52.300000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:52.300000",
+ "bytes": 2501843968,
+ "norm_byte": 71776256,
+ "ops": 2443207,
+ "norm_ops": 70094,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.267371371390562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1b366ab48f7f94f410843ca7efaaaa0ff9f3a6ccd2a7214b292890d0c119a38",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:53.301000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:53.301000', 'bytes': 2573702144, 'norm_byte': 71858176, 'ops': 2513381, 'norm_ops': 70174, 'norm_ltcy': 14.265787932051044, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:53.301000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:53.301000",
+ "bytes": 2573702144,
+ "norm_byte": 71858176,
+ "ops": 2513381,
+ "norm_ops": 70174,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.265787932051044,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c42f1ae954d37c3f7ca57f9e570ec04b46d8a036542f6ac568cff30a17c10dfa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:54.303000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:54.303000', 'bytes': 2645515264, 'norm_byte': 71813120, 'ops': 2583511, 'norm_ops': 70130, 'norm_ltcy': 14.274835851721802, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:54.303000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:54.303000",
+ "bytes": 2645515264,
+ "norm_byte": 71813120,
+ "ops": 2583511,
+ "norm_ops": 70130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.274835851721802,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9980bfea659a625a9aa1a5a20f57d73fbb2440591bc80f93e93add05ade28698",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:55.304000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:55.304000', 'bytes': 2717332480, 'norm_byte': 71817216, 'ops': 2653645, 'norm_ops': 70134, 'norm_ltcy': 14.274035629562695, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:55.304000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:55.304000",
+ "bytes": 2717332480,
+ "norm_byte": 71817216,
+ "ops": 2653645,
+ "norm_ops": 70134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.274035629562695,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21bb34aa0c32b95722a27be52cc7cdc058fe444347b8824f16736ffb24c160b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:56.305000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:56.305000', 'bytes': 2788023296, 'norm_byte': 70690816, 'ops': 2722679, 'norm_ops': 69034, 'norm_ltcy': 14.501505400644971, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:56.305000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:56.305000",
+ "bytes": 2788023296,
+ "norm_byte": 70690816,
+ "ops": 2722679,
+ "norm_ops": 69034,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.501505400644971,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ba61c4eb03a7dcc9113de961594d83a4b84130519773cfb80d5641061595462",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:57.306000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:57.306000', 'bytes': 2858773504, 'norm_byte': 70750208, 'ops': 2791771, 'norm_ops': 69092, 'norm_ltcy': 14.489328427133387, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:57.306000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:57.306000",
+ "bytes": 2858773504,
+ "norm_byte": 70750208,
+ "ops": 2791771,
+ "norm_ops": 69092,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.489328427133387,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "095ef3df3e7af6d8b094c64ff7829db8884a639d91a9f38fd303a06dd23be337",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:58.307000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:58.307000', 'bytes': 2915570688, 'norm_byte': 56797184, 'ops': 2847237, 'norm_ops': 55466, 'norm_ltcy': 18.048790940057874, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:58.307000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:58.307000",
+ "bytes": 2915570688,
+ "norm_byte": 56797184,
+ "ops": 2847237,
+ "norm_ops": 55466,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.048790940057874,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95ba0ea2b2ffaa8871f8165a44eb846ee5efbd58481e5b604751846a8562c6a3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:25:59.308000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:25:59.308000', 'bytes': 2987539456, 'norm_byte': 71968768, 'ops': 2917519, 'norm_ops': 70282, 'norm_ltcy': 14.243921752280102, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:25:59.308000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:25:59.308000",
+ "bytes": 2987539456,
+ "norm_byte": 71968768,
+ "ops": 2917519,
+ "norm_ops": 70282,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.243921752280102,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e83c1443e158a13dc60687497f92c5a2c6cbec912b4e9ef4a1d863fc7889b805",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:00.309000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:00.309000', 'bytes': 3059465216, 'norm_byte': 71925760, 'ops': 2987759, 'norm_ops': 70240, 'norm_ltcy': 14.252522323017512, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:00.309000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:00.309000",
+ "bytes": 3059465216,
+ "norm_byte": 71925760,
+ "ops": 2987759,
+ "norm_ops": 70240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.252522323017512,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b066c761d43d44c0cf3665c4512170dc0a0b0db20375340e2b2a610ca70958d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:01.310000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:01.310000', 'bytes': 3131227136, 'norm_byte': 71761920, 'ops': 3057839, 'norm_ops': 70080, 'norm_ltcy': 14.284198360356022, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:01.310000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:01.310000",
+ "bytes": 3131227136,
+ "norm_byte": 71761920,
+ "ops": 3057839,
+ "norm_ops": 70080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.284198360356022,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "44398db81a0cdc7af8fe7593b73e395e6b6374c21f431905d74985d1294bd886",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:02.311000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:02.311000', 'bytes': 3203091456, 'norm_byte': 71864320, 'ops': 3128019, 'norm_ops': 70180, 'norm_ltcy': 14.264641340793316, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:02.311000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:02.311000",
+ "bytes": 3203091456,
+ "norm_byte": 71864320,
+ "ops": 3128019,
+ "norm_ops": 70180,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.264641340793316,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f00836521c1cfb00f76c23162474fe13e046339a0fd621f6219a19e8a8b18f2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:03.311000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:03.311000', 'bytes': 3274888192, 'norm_byte': 71796736, 'ops': 3198133, 'norm_ops': 70114, 'norm_ltcy': 14.26416515647731, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:03.311000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:03.311000",
+ "bytes": 3274888192,
+ "norm_byte": 71796736,
+ "ops": 3198133,
+ "norm_ops": 70114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.26416515647731,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac93e6eef793deb6fb81ba12f76b894f290192e2f3eec06c9c0d4cc1fde3a35b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:04.312000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:04.312000', 'bytes': 3346709504, 'norm_byte': 71821312, 'ops': 3268271, 'norm_ops': 70138, 'norm_ltcy': 14.273235498677607, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:04.312000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:04.312000",
+ "bytes": 3346709504,
+ "norm_byte": 71821312,
+ "ops": 3268271,
+ "norm_ops": 70138,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.273235498677607,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8a1374c57b56e84264cf91648a02f160c191b52372c6f38e908dc88ee26c0e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:05.314000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:05.314000', 'bytes': 3418528768, 'norm_byte': 71819264, 'ops': 3338407, 'norm_ops': 70136, 'norm_ltcy': 14.273670362313933, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:05.314000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:05.314000",
+ "bytes": 3418528768,
+ "norm_byte": 71819264,
+ "ops": 3338407,
+ "norm_ops": 70136,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.273670362313933,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "412dcd0963aabae20b9644baa080e8601b675c5e5bad7cd69555f669b17ba99c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:06.315000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:06.315000', 'bytes': 3476003840, 'norm_byte': 57475072, 'ops': 3394535, 'norm_ops': 56128, 'norm_ltcy': 17.836145555415747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:06.315000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:06.315000",
+ "bytes": 3476003840,
+ "norm_byte": 57475072,
+ "ops": 3394535,
+ "norm_ops": 56128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.836145555415747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c146afca7cea94eb52ca83a62cb9da86840fd0ade3ca2962dce7dc32fc52025",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:07.316000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:07.316000', 'bytes': 3547345920, 'norm_byte': 71342080, 'ops': 3464205, 'norm_ops': 69670, 'norm_ltcy': 14.369159828252835, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:07.316000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:07.316000",
+ "bytes": 3547345920,
+ "norm_byte": 71342080,
+ "ops": 3464205,
+ "norm_ops": 69670,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.369159828252835,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "44cf5342d2efabb22bcd9f9bb541b41446f9a0b0aca034be93e8d0481c26a36d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:08.317000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:08.317000', 'bytes': 3619111936, 'norm_byte': 71766016, 'ops': 3534289, 'norm_ops': 70084, 'norm_ltcy': 14.284240050332459, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:08.317000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:08.317000",
+ "bytes": 3619111936,
+ "norm_byte": 71766016,
+ "ops": 3534289,
+ "norm_ops": 70084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.284240050332459,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6c5131e456998c5d955a99f97521ce809e5c084abffeee55785ee42d8740b46",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:09.318000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:09.318000', 'bytes': 3691097088, 'norm_byte': 71985152, 'ops': 3604587, 'norm_ops': 70298, 'norm_ltcy': 14.240672854313068, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:09.318000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:09.318000",
+ "bytes": 3691097088,
+ "norm_byte": 71985152,
+ "ops": 3604587,
+ "norm_ops": 70298,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.240672854313068,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c060746facfb19b9343238fefaeae94da5b5e82ea8a8d41327fc115ddc4cd1d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:10.318000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:10.318000', 'bytes': 3762881536, 'norm_byte': 71784448, 'ops': 3674689, 'norm_ops': 70102, 'norm_ltcy': 14.27086268045134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:10.318000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:10.318000",
+ "bytes": 3762881536,
+ "norm_byte": 71784448,
+ "ops": 3674689,
+ "norm_ops": 70102,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.27086268045134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f43bd79e4c7f54d12af235f25c4a6d66ea0632b0ccfade6df56b6c335bd984b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:11.319000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:11.319000', 'bytes': 3834541056, 'norm_byte': 71659520, 'ops': 3744669, 'norm_ops': 69980, 'norm_ltcy': 14.305475392522863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:11.319000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:11.319000",
+ "bytes": 3834541056,
+ "norm_byte": 71659520,
+ "ops": 3744669,
+ "norm_ops": 69980,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.305475392522863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd3ee6701346599186758f68ac85a71997cfc8ba58f9f2569c36354e12410e5e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:12.321000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:12.321000', 'bytes': 3891737600, 'norm_byte': 57196544, 'ops': 3800525, 'norm_ops': 55856, 'norm_ltcy': 17.922730611136227, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:12.321000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:12.321000",
+ "bytes": 3891737600,
+ "norm_byte": 57196544,
+ "ops": 3800525,
+ "norm_ops": 55856,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.922730611136227,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48909b0a8fea8673b2173a7d011fea9a47e3c53af1cf53773a05524bb333464a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:26:13.522000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:26:13.522000', 'bytes': 3938659328, 'norm_byte': 46921728, 'ops': 3846347, 'norm_ops': 45822, 'norm_ltcy': 26.218082803770567, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:26:13.522000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:26:13.522000",
+ "bytes": 3938659328,
+ "norm_byte": 46921728,
+ "ops": 3846347,
+ "norm_ops": 45822,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.218082803770567,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "49a1e4cc-0c15-5664-aac8-816f4c6499cb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18bcc18f4a295d9e1e2a0f3b7ad3db4b896b51ccfa59b98a84b2192b7fae8fa6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 65644322.13333333
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 64105.78333333333
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.460791092172574
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:26:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-056-220519212228/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-056-220519212228/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..830de28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-056-220519212228/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-056-220519212228/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-056-220519212228/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-056-220519212228/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-056-220519212228/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-056-220519212228/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eabe2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-056-220519212228/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=45
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=0
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-057-220519212430/220519212430-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-057-220519212430/220519212430-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a600683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-057-220519212430/220519212430-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:27:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995633866.8689 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995634867.9700 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995634868.0398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995635869.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:50707456 nr_ops:49519\ntimestamp_ms:1652995636870.1611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:100892672 nr_ops:98528\ntimestamp_ms:1652995637871.2517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:151735296 nr_ops:148179\ntimestamp_ms:1652995638872.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:202920960 nr_ops:198165\ntimestamp_ms:1652995639873.4390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:254057472 nr_ops:248103\ntimestamp_ms:1652995640874.5413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:305296384 nr_ops:298141\ntimestamp_ms:1652995641874.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:356156416 nr_ops:347809\ntimestamp_ms:1652995642875.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:407417856 nr_ops:397869\ntimestamp_ms:1652995643876.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458497024 nr_ops:447751\ntimestamp_ms:1652995644878.0662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:512832512 nr_ops:500813\ntimestamp_ms:1652995645878.8499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569848832 nr_ops:556493\ntimestamp_ms:1652995646879.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:627385344 nr_ops:612681\ntimestamp_ms:1652995647880.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:685491200 nr_ops:669425\ntimestamp_ms:1652995648881.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743732224 nr_ops:726301\ntimestamp_ms:1652995649883.0776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:801606656 nr_ops:782819\ntimestamp_ms:1652995650883.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845212672 nr_ops:825403\ntimestamp_ms:1652995651884.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895921152 nr_ops:874923\ntimestamp_ms:1652995652885.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946758656 nr_ops:924569\ntimestamp_ms:1652995653886.8848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997387264 nr_ops:974011\ntimestamp_ms:1652995654887.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1048005632 nr_ops:1023443\ntimestamp_ms:1652995655888.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098460160 nr_ops:1072715\ntimestamp_ms:1652995656890.0186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1149307904 nr_ops:1122371\ntimestamp_ms:1652995657891.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200380928 nr_ops:1172247\ntimestamp_ms:1652995658892.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239467008 nr_ops:1210417\ntimestamp_ms:1652995659893.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1291951104 nr_ops:1261671\ntimestamp_ms:1652995660894.2451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1350011904 nr_ops:1318371\ntimestamp_ms:1652995661895.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1406125056 nr_ops:1373169\ntimestamp_ms:1652995662896.3647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446388736 nr_ops:1412489\ntimestamp_ms:1652995663897.4062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1497566208 nr_ops:1462467\ntimestamp_ms:1652995664898.4543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1548424192 nr_ops:1512133\ntimestamp_ms:1652995665898.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599251456 nr_ops:1561769\ntimestamp_ms:1652995666899.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650435072 nr_ops:1611753\ntimestamp_ms:1652995667900.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708209152 nr_ops:1668173\ntimestamp_ms:1652995668902.0466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1756079104 nr_ops:1714921\ntimestamp_ms:1652995669903.1030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1811966976 nr_ops:1769499\ntimestamp_ms:1652995670904.1597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1869431808 nr_ops:1825617\ntimestamp_ms:1652995671905.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1926563840 nr_ops:1881410\ntimestamp_ms:1652995672906.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1983894528 nr_ops:1937397\ntimestamp_ms:1652995673907.3047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041050112 nr_ops:1993213\ntimestamp_ms:1652995674908.4656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093067264 nr_ops:2044011\ntimestamp_ms:1652995675909.5027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2142436352 nr_ops:2092223\ntimestamp_ms:1652995676909.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2190523392 nr_ops:2139183\ntimestamp_ms:1652995677910.8813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241868800 nr_ops:2189325\ntimestamp_ms:1652995678911.9099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2293044224 nr_ops:2239301\ntimestamp_ms:1652995679912.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2344238080 nr_ops:2289295\ntimestamp_ms:1652995680913.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2395204608 nr_ops:2339067\ntimestamp_ms:1652995681914.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2446023680 nr_ops:2388695\ntimestamp_ms:1652995682915.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2497029120 nr_ops:2438505\ntimestamp_ms:1652995683916.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547995648 nr_ops:2488277\ntimestamp_ms:1652995684918.0227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2598456320 nr_ops:2537555\ntimestamp_ms:1652995685919.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648980480 nr_ops:2586895\ntimestamp_ms:1652995686920.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2699817984 nr_ops:2636541\ntimestamp_ms:1652995687921.3110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750499840 nr_ops:2686035\ntimestamp_ms:1652995688922.3999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2800061440 nr_ops:2734435\ntimestamp_ms:1652995689923.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849393664 nr_ops:2782611\ntimestamp_ms:1652995690924.5916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2899180544 nr_ops:2831231\ntimestamp_ms:1652995691925.6931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2955482112 nr_ops:2886213\ntimestamp_ms:1652995692926.8149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3008939008 nr_ops:2938417\ntimestamp_ms:1652995693927.9224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3063126016 nr_ops:2991334\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140338208065280\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.2539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3120058368 nr_ops:3046932\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.3357 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.3462 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695229.5710 name:Total nr_bytes:3120058368 nr_ops:3046933\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.3877 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6240116736 nr_ops:6093866\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.3889 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3120058368 nr_ops:3046935\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 203.97us 0.00ns 203.97us 203.97us \nTxn1 1523466 39.39us 0.00ns 203.60ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 43.20us 0.00ns 43.20us 43.20us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 203.52us 0.00ns 203.52us 203.52us \nwrite 1523466 2.44us 0.00ns 129.71us 2.13us \nread 1523466 36.87us 0.00ns 203.60ms 1.20us \ndisconnect 1 42.51us 0.00ns 42.51us 42.51us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.16b/s \nnet1 24429 24429 213.02Mb/s 213.02Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.152 62.36s 2.91GB 400.24Mb/s 3046935 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 2.91GB 400.24Mb/s 3046935 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413754, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995633866.8689 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995634867.9700 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995634868.0398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995635869.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:50707456 nr_ops:49519\ntimestamp_ms:1652995636870.1611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:100892672 nr_ops:98528\ntimestamp_ms:1652995637871.2517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:151735296 nr_ops:148179\ntimestamp_ms:1652995638872.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:202920960 nr_ops:198165\ntimestamp_ms:1652995639873.4390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:254057472 nr_ops:248103\ntimestamp_ms:1652995640874.5413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:305296384 nr_ops:298141\ntimestamp_ms:1652995641874.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:356156416 nr_ops:347809\ntimestamp_ms:1652995642875.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:407417856 nr_ops:397869\ntimestamp_ms:1652995643876.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458497024 nr_ops:447751\ntimestamp_ms:1652995644878.0662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:512832512 nr_ops:500813\ntimestamp_ms:1652995645878.8499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569848832 nr_ops:556493\ntimestamp_ms:1652995646879.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:627385344 nr_ops:612681\ntimestamp_ms:1652995647880.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:685491200 nr_ops:669425\ntimestamp_ms:1652995648881.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743732224 nr_ops:726301\ntimestamp_ms:1652995649883.0776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:801606656 nr_ops:782819\ntimestamp_ms:1652995650883.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845212672 nr_ops:825403\ntimestamp_ms:1652995651884.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895921152 nr_ops:874923\ntimestamp_ms:1652995652885.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946758656 nr_ops:924569\ntimestamp_ms:1652995653886.8848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997387264 nr_ops:974011\ntimestamp_ms:1652995654887.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1048005632 nr_ops:1023443\ntimestamp_ms:1652995655888.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098460160 nr_ops:1072715\ntimestamp_ms:1652995656890.0186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1149307904 nr_ops:1122371\ntimestamp_ms:1652995657891.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200380928 nr_ops:1172247\ntimestamp_ms:1652995658892.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239467008 nr_ops:1210417\ntimestamp_ms:1652995659893.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1291951104 nr_ops:1261671\ntimestamp_ms:1652995660894.2451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1350011904 nr_ops:1318371\ntimestamp_ms:1652995661895.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1406125056 nr_ops:1373169\ntimestamp_ms:1652995662896.3647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446388736 nr_ops:1412489\ntimestamp_ms:1652995663897.4062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1497566208 nr_ops:1462467\ntimestamp_ms:1652995664898.4543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1548424192 nr_ops:1512133\ntimestamp_ms:1652995665898.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599251456 nr_ops:1561769\ntimestamp_ms:1652995666899.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650435072 nr_ops:1611753\ntimestamp_ms:1652995667900.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708209152 nr_ops:1668173\ntimestamp_ms:1652995668902.0466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1756079104 nr_ops:1714921\ntimestamp_ms:1652995669903.1030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1811966976 nr_ops:1769499\ntimestamp_ms:1652995670904.1597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1869431808 nr_ops:1825617\ntimestamp_ms:1652995671905.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1926563840 nr_ops:1881410\ntimestamp_ms:1652995672906.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1983894528 nr_ops:1937397\ntimestamp_ms:1652995673907.3047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041050112 nr_ops:1993213\ntimestamp_ms:1652995674908.4656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093067264 nr_ops:2044011\ntimestamp_ms:1652995675909.5027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2142436352 nr_ops:2092223\ntimestamp_ms:1652995676909.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2190523392 nr_ops:2139183\ntimestamp_ms:1652995677910.8813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241868800 nr_ops:2189325\ntimestamp_ms:1652995678911.9099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2293044224 nr_ops:2239301\ntimestamp_ms:1652995679912.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2344238080 nr_ops:2289295\ntimestamp_ms:1652995680913.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2395204608 nr_ops:2339067\ntimestamp_ms:1652995681914.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2446023680 nr_ops:2388695\ntimestamp_ms:1652995682915.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2497029120 nr_ops:2438505\ntimestamp_ms:1652995683916.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547995648 nr_ops:2488277\ntimestamp_ms:1652995684918.0227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2598456320 nr_ops:2537555\ntimestamp_ms:1652995685919.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648980480 nr_ops:2586895\ntimestamp_ms:1652995686920.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2699817984 nr_ops:2636541\ntimestamp_ms:1652995687921.3110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750499840 nr_ops:2686035\ntimestamp_ms:1652995688922.3999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2800061440 nr_ops:2734435\ntimestamp_ms:1652995689923.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849393664 nr_ops:2782611\ntimestamp_ms:1652995690924.5916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2899180544 nr_ops:2831231\ntimestamp_ms:1652995691925.6931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2955482112 nr_ops:2886213\ntimestamp_ms:1652995692926.8149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3008939008 nr_ops:2938417\ntimestamp_ms:1652995693927.9224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3063126016 nr_ops:2991334\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140338208065280\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.2539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3120058368 nr_ops:3046932\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.3357 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.3462 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695229.5710 name:Total nr_bytes:3120058368 nr_ops:3046933\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.3877 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6240116736 nr_ops:6093866\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.3889 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3120058368 nr_ops:3046935\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 203.97us 0.00ns 203.97us 203.97us \nTxn1 1523466 39.39us 0.00ns 203.60ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 43.20us 0.00ns 43.20us 43.20us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 203.52us 0.00ns 203.52us 203.52us \nwrite 1523466 2.44us 0.00ns 129.71us 2.13us \nread 1523466 36.87us 0.00ns 203.60ms 1.20us \ndisconnect 1 42.51us 0.00ns 42.51us 42.51us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.16b/s \nnet1 24429 24429 213.02Mb/s 213.02Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.152 62.36s 2.91GB 400.24Mb/s 3046935 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 2.91GB 400.24Mb/s 3046935 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413754, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995633866.8689 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995634867.9700 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995634868.0398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995635869.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:50707456 nr_ops:49519\ntimestamp_ms:1652995636870.1611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:100892672 nr_ops:98528\ntimestamp_ms:1652995637871.2517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:151735296 nr_ops:148179\ntimestamp_ms:1652995638872.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:202920960 nr_ops:198165\ntimestamp_ms:1652995639873.4390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:254057472 nr_ops:248103\ntimestamp_ms:1652995640874.5413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:305296384 nr_ops:298141\ntimestamp_ms:1652995641874.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:356156416 nr_ops:347809\ntimestamp_ms:1652995642875.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:407417856 nr_ops:397869\ntimestamp_ms:1652995643876.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458497024 nr_ops:447751\ntimestamp_ms:1652995644878.0662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:512832512 nr_ops:500813\ntimestamp_ms:1652995645878.8499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569848832 nr_ops:556493\ntimestamp_ms:1652995646879.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:627385344 nr_ops:612681\ntimestamp_ms:1652995647880.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:685491200 nr_ops:669425\ntimestamp_ms:1652995648881.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743732224 nr_ops:726301\ntimestamp_ms:1652995649883.0776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:801606656 nr_ops:782819\ntimestamp_ms:1652995650883.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845212672 nr_ops:825403\ntimestamp_ms:1652995651884.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895921152 nr_ops:874923\ntimestamp_ms:1652995652885.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946758656 nr_ops:924569\ntimestamp_ms:1652995653886.8848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997387264 nr_ops:974011\ntimestamp_ms:1652995654887.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1048005632 nr_ops:1023443\ntimestamp_ms:1652995655888.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098460160 nr_ops:1072715\ntimestamp_ms:1652995656890.0186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1149307904 nr_ops:1122371\ntimestamp_ms:1652995657891.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200380928 nr_ops:1172247\ntimestamp_ms:1652995658892.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239467008 nr_ops:1210417\ntimestamp_ms:1652995659893.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1291951104 nr_ops:1261671\ntimestamp_ms:1652995660894.2451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1350011904 nr_ops:1318371\ntimestamp_ms:1652995661895.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1406125056 nr_ops:1373169\ntimestamp_ms:1652995662896.3647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446388736 nr_ops:1412489\ntimestamp_ms:1652995663897.4062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1497566208 nr_ops:1462467\ntimestamp_ms:1652995664898.4543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1548424192 nr_ops:1512133\ntimestamp_ms:1652995665898.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599251456 nr_ops:1561769\ntimestamp_ms:1652995666899.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650435072 nr_ops:1611753\ntimestamp_ms:1652995667900.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708209152 nr_ops:1668173\ntimestamp_ms:1652995668902.0466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1756079104 nr_ops:1714921\ntimestamp_ms:1652995669903.1030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1811966976 nr_ops:1769499\ntimestamp_ms:1652995670904.1597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1869431808 nr_ops:1825617\ntimestamp_ms:1652995671905.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1926563840 nr_ops:1881410\ntimestamp_ms:1652995672906.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1983894528 nr_ops:1937397\ntimestamp_ms:1652995673907.3047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041050112 nr_ops:1993213\ntimestamp_ms:1652995674908.4656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093067264 nr_ops:2044011\ntimestamp_ms:1652995675909.5027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2142436352 nr_ops:2092223\ntimestamp_ms:1652995676909.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2190523392 nr_ops:2139183\ntimestamp_ms:1652995677910.8813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241868800 nr_ops:2189325\ntimestamp_ms:1652995678911.9099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2293044224 nr_ops:2239301\ntimestamp_ms:1652995679912.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2344238080 nr_ops:2289295\ntimestamp_ms:1652995680913.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2395204608 nr_ops:2339067\ntimestamp_ms:1652995681914.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2446023680 nr_ops:2388695\ntimestamp_ms:1652995682915.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2497029120 nr_ops:2438505\ntimestamp_ms:1652995683916.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547995648 nr_ops:2488277\ntimestamp_ms:1652995684918.0227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2598456320 nr_ops:2537555\ntimestamp_ms:1652995685919.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648980480 nr_ops:2586895\ntimestamp_ms:1652995686920.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2699817984 nr_ops:2636541\ntimestamp_ms:1652995687921.3110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750499840 nr_ops:2686035\ntimestamp_ms:1652995688922.3999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2800061440 nr_ops:2734435\ntimestamp_ms:1652995689923.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849393664 nr_ops:2782611\ntimestamp_ms:1652995690924.5916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2899180544 nr_ops:2831231\ntimestamp_ms:1652995691925.6931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2955482112 nr_ops:2886213\ntimestamp_ms:1652995692926.8149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3008939008 nr_ops:2938417\ntimestamp_ms:1652995693927.9224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3063126016 nr_ops:2991334\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140338208065280\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.2539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3120058368 nr_ops:3046932\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.3357 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.3462 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695229.5710 name:Total nr_bytes:3120058368 nr_ops:3046933\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.3877 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6240116736 nr_ops:6093866\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995695129.3889 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3120058368 nr_ops:3046935\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 203.97us 0.00ns 203.97us 203.97us \nTxn1 1523466 39.39us 0.00ns 203.60ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 43.20us 0.00ns 43.20us 43.20us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 203.52us 0.00ns 203.52us 203.52us \nwrite 1523466 2.44us 0.00ns 129.71us 2.13us \nread 1523466 36.87us 0.00ns 203.60ms 1.20us \ndisconnect 1 42.51us 0.00ns 42.51us 42.51us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.16b/s \nnet1 24429 24429 213.02Mb/s 213.02Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.152 62.36s 2.91GB 400.24Mb/s 3046935 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 2.91GB 400.24Mb/s 3046935 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413754, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995633866.8689 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995634867.9700 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995634868.0398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995635869.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:50707456 nr_ops:49519
+timestamp_ms:1652995636870.1611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:100892672 nr_ops:98528
+timestamp_ms:1652995637871.2517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:151735296 nr_ops:148179
+timestamp_ms:1652995638872.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:202920960 nr_ops:198165
+timestamp_ms:1652995639873.4390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:254057472 nr_ops:248103
+timestamp_ms:1652995640874.5413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:305296384 nr_ops:298141
+timestamp_ms:1652995641874.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:356156416 nr_ops:347809
+timestamp_ms:1652995642875.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:407417856 nr_ops:397869
+timestamp_ms:1652995643876.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458497024 nr_ops:447751
+timestamp_ms:1652995644878.0662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:512832512 nr_ops:500813
+timestamp_ms:1652995645878.8499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569848832 nr_ops:556493
+timestamp_ms:1652995646879.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:627385344 nr_ops:612681
+timestamp_ms:1652995647880.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:685491200 nr_ops:669425
+timestamp_ms:1652995648881.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:743732224 nr_ops:726301
+timestamp_ms:1652995649883.0776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:801606656 nr_ops:782819
+timestamp_ms:1652995650883.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845212672 nr_ops:825403
+timestamp_ms:1652995651884.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895921152 nr_ops:874923
+timestamp_ms:1652995652885.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946758656 nr_ops:924569
+timestamp_ms:1652995653886.8848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997387264 nr_ops:974011
+timestamp_ms:1652995654887.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1048005632 nr_ops:1023443
+timestamp_ms:1652995655888.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098460160 nr_ops:1072715
+timestamp_ms:1652995656890.0186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1149307904 nr_ops:1122371
+timestamp_ms:1652995657891.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200380928 nr_ops:1172247
+timestamp_ms:1652995658892.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239467008 nr_ops:1210417
+timestamp_ms:1652995659893.1802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1291951104 nr_ops:1261671
+timestamp_ms:1652995660894.2451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1350011904 nr_ops:1318371
+timestamp_ms:1652995661895.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1406125056 nr_ops:1373169
+timestamp_ms:1652995662896.3647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446388736 nr_ops:1412489
+timestamp_ms:1652995663897.4062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1497566208 nr_ops:1462467
+timestamp_ms:1652995664898.4543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1548424192 nr_ops:1512133
+timestamp_ms:1652995665898.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599251456 nr_ops:1561769
+timestamp_ms:1652995666899.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650435072 nr_ops:1611753
+timestamp_ms:1652995667900.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708209152 nr_ops:1668173
+timestamp_ms:1652995668902.0466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1756079104 nr_ops:1714921
+timestamp_ms:1652995669903.1030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1811966976 nr_ops:1769499
+timestamp_ms:1652995670904.1597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1869431808 nr_ops:1825617
+timestamp_ms:1652995671905.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1926563840 nr_ops:1881410
+timestamp_ms:1652995672906.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1983894528 nr_ops:1937397
+timestamp_ms:1652995673907.3047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041050112 nr_ops:1993213
+timestamp_ms:1652995674908.4656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093067264 nr_ops:2044011
+timestamp_ms:1652995675909.5027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2142436352 nr_ops:2092223
+timestamp_ms:1652995676909.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2190523392 nr_ops:2139183
+timestamp_ms:1652995677910.8813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241868800 nr_ops:2189325
+timestamp_ms:1652995678911.9099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2293044224 nr_ops:2239301
+timestamp_ms:1652995679912.9399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2344238080 nr_ops:2289295
+timestamp_ms:1652995680913.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2395204608 nr_ops:2339067
+timestamp_ms:1652995681914.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2446023680 nr_ops:2388695
+timestamp_ms:1652995682915.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2497029120 nr_ops:2438505
+timestamp_ms:1652995683916.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547995648 nr_ops:2488277
+timestamp_ms:1652995684918.0227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2598456320 nr_ops:2537555
+timestamp_ms:1652995685919.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648980480 nr_ops:2586895
+timestamp_ms:1652995686920.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2699817984 nr_ops:2636541
+timestamp_ms:1652995687921.3110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750499840 nr_ops:2686035
+timestamp_ms:1652995688922.3999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2800061440 nr_ops:2734435
+timestamp_ms:1652995689923.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849393664 nr_ops:2782611
+timestamp_ms:1652995690924.5916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2899180544 nr_ops:2831231
+timestamp_ms:1652995691925.6931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2955482112 nr_ops:2886213
+timestamp_ms:1652995692926.8149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3008939008 nr_ops:2938417
+timestamp_ms:1652995693927.9224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3063126016 nr_ops:2991334
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140338208065280
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652995695129.2539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3120058368 nr_ops:3046932
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995695129.3357 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995695129.3462 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995695229.5710 name:Total nr_bytes:3120058368 nr_ops:3046933
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995695129.3877 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6240116736 nr_ops:6093866
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995695129.3889 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3120058368 nr_ops:3046935
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 203.97us 0.00ns 203.97us 203.97us
+Txn1 1523466 39.39us 0.00ns 203.60ms 18.43us
+Txn2 1 43.20us 0.00ns 43.20us 43.20us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 203.52us 0.00ns 203.52us 203.52us
+write 1523466 2.44us 0.00ns 129.71us 2.13us
+read 1523466 36.87us 0.00ns 203.60ms 1.20us
+disconnect 1 42.51us 0.00ns 42.51us 42.51us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.16b/s
+net1 24429 24429 213.02Mb/s 213.02Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.152 62.36s 2.91GB 400.24Mb/s 3046935 0.00
+master 62.36s 2.91GB 400.24Mb/s 3046935 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:15.869000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:15.869000', 'bytes': 50707456, 'norm_byte': 50707456, 'ops': 49519, 'norm_ops': 49519, 'norm_ltcy': 20.2149265780559, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:15.869000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:15.869000",
+ "bytes": 50707456,
+ "norm_byte": 50707456,
+ "ops": 49519,
+ "norm_ops": 49519,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.2149265780559,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "417c5ba7674a30233f374ac4544c486716195cf69f3ef8f077465790a32f80df",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:16.870000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:16.870000', 'bytes': 100892672, 'norm_byte': 50185216, 'ops': 98528, 'norm_ops': 49009, 'norm_ltcy': 20.42682749437603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:16.870000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:16.870000",
+ "bytes": 100892672,
+ "norm_byte": 50185216,
+ "ops": 98528,
+ "norm_ops": 49009,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.42682749437603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "916cf5efccb7c24126418c2a9c0068f42eb5869e7b5d5e3ceee95ee62dc57808",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:17.871000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:17.871000', 'bytes': 151735296, 'norm_byte': 50842624, 'ops': 148179, 'norm_ops': 49651, 'norm_ltcy': 20.16254609518187, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:17.871000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:17.871000",
+ "bytes": 151735296,
+ "norm_byte": 50842624,
+ "ops": 148179,
+ "norm_ops": 49651,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.16254609518187,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "42a84056e5c890618b8cfd5b62175a1adb7562833a2c173811eeed2bcf86a972",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:18.872000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:18.872000', 'bytes': 202920960, 'norm_byte': 51185664, 'ops': 198165, 'norm_ops': 49986, 'norm_ltcy': 20.02744850589415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:18.872000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:18.872000",
+ "bytes": 202920960,
+ "norm_byte": 51185664,
+ "ops": 198165,
+ "norm_ops": 49986,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.02744850589415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0386544fade0d18778cf5b0c9d60d20fab06dede3d7d233fa3fe919c7e5b15f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:19.873000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:19.873000', 'bytes': 254057472, 'norm_byte': 51136512, 'ops': 248103, 'norm_ops': 49938, 'norm_ltcy': 20.04676228210481, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:19.873000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:19.873000",
+ "bytes": 254057472,
+ "norm_byte": 51136512,
+ "ops": 248103,
+ "norm_ops": 49938,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.04676228210481,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b7a3969d3dc77448ef1ddb4c64baff69b0264e8cf6f2454d81dd83b9a623eb1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:20.874000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:20.874000', 'bytes': 305296384, 'norm_byte': 51238912, 'ops': 298141, 'norm_ops': 50038, 'norm_ltcy': 20.006840699505876, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:20.874000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:20.874000",
+ "bytes": 305296384,
+ "norm_byte": 51238912,
+ "ops": 298141,
+ "norm_ops": 50038,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.006840699505876,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "606cf09e7280b04d0d63c69e847496323bb967364d3e099bdb2342561b41bd80",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:21.874000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:21.874000', 'bytes': 356156416, 'norm_byte': 50860032, 'ops': 347809, 'norm_ops': 49668, 'norm_ltcy': 20.13969928292613, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:21.874000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:21.874000",
+ "bytes": 356156416,
+ "norm_byte": 50860032,
+ "ops": 347809,
+ "norm_ops": 49668,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.13969928292613,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8771c9f3de5e347b4fa693ede18ee3e0d5f3ea6b4b79244adfa4ba784f5b6c75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:22.875000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:22.875000', 'bytes': 407417856, 'norm_byte': 51261440, 'ops': 397869, 'norm_ops': 50060, 'norm_ltcy': 19.997970209186477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:22.875000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:22.875000",
+ "bytes": 407417856,
+ "norm_byte": 51261440,
+ "ops": 397869,
+ "norm_ops": 50060,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.997970209186477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9004b18ac2d193694c636a148d2f2501794572541ba9fbcac53eae267e52a54",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:23.876000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:23.876000', 'bytes': 458497024, 'norm_byte': 51079168, 'ops': 447751, 'norm_ops': 49882, 'norm_ltcy': 20.068156748363638, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:23.876000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:23.876000",
+ "bytes": 458497024,
+ "norm_byte": 51079168,
+ "ops": 447751,
+ "norm_ops": 49882,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.068156748363638,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d99c2d5107ff69fb963fd9255d51227e283a48e600b445e91b1aa5ad8f1af84d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:24.878000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:24.878000', 'bytes': 512832512, 'norm_byte': 54335488, 'ops': 500813, 'norm_ops': 53062, 'norm_ltcy': 18.866385261875262, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:24.878000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:24.878000",
+ "bytes": 512832512,
+ "norm_byte": 54335488,
+ "ops": 500813,
+ "norm_ops": 53062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.866385261875262,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5022d16145afbea8df190e843cedeb4ca96beddad6be5af1f6ef31b8468eb1ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:25.878000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:25.878000', 'bytes': 569848832, 'norm_byte': 57016320, 'ops': 556493, 'norm_ops': 55680, 'norm_ltcy': 17.973845032439833, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:25.878000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:25.878000",
+ "bytes": 569848832,
+ "norm_byte": 57016320,
+ "ops": 556493,
+ "norm_ops": 55680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.973845032439833,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc8830b82531dcd7cee136bda0659646f724339367abfa5950213625f26886f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:26.879000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:26.879000', 'bytes': 627385344, 'norm_byte': 57536512, 'ops': 612681, 'norm_ops': 56188, 'norm_ltcy': 17.81493984202588, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:26.879000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:26.879000",
+ "bytes": 627385344,
+ "norm_byte": 57536512,
+ "ops": 612681,
+ "norm_ops": 56188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.81493984202588,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d0e66cf6563c2c9cdcccdf2b8d30d29e50e929e894594a477aeeec6b0d50d03",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:27.880000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:27.880000', 'bytes': 685491200, 'norm_byte': 58105856, 'ops': 669425, 'norm_ops': 56744, 'norm_ltcy': 17.642541915224516, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:27.880000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:27.880000",
+ "bytes": 685491200,
+ "norm_byte": 58105856,
+ "ops": 669425,
+ "norm_ops": 56744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.642541915224516,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be4a12d775c0206b439ddd8e3182ca487bc9273d4f3e323893ee6bc6f8792957",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:28.881000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:28.881000', 'bytes': 743732224, 'norm_byte': 58241024, 'ops': 726301, 'norm_ops': 56876, 'norm_ltcy': 17.600338723440025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:28.881000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:28.881000",
+ "bytes": 743732224,
+ "norm_byte": 58241024,
+ "ops": 726301,
+ "norm_ops": 56876,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.600338723440025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a21a6fddbe214af58d6eb2cbb50f15c2751e598faca2df777c00ce3a05e97adb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:29.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:29.883000', 'bytes': 801606656, 'norm_byte': 57874432, 'ops': 782819, 'norm_ops': 56518, 'norm_ltcy': 17.71288226206695, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:29.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:29.883000",
+ "bytes": 801606656,
+ "norm_byte": 57874432,
+ "ops": 782819,
+ "norm_ops": 56518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.71288226206695,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c360f4b447e8ca222e976230a3be2282a7f581c06bb3c18427c6d8c7ee846e23",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:30.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:30.883000', 'bytes': 845212672, 'norm_byte': 43606016, 'ops': 825403, 'norm_ops': 42584, 'norm_ltcy': 23.500925881419665, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:30.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:30.883000",
+ "bytes": 845212672,
+ "norm_byte": 43606016,
+ "ops": 825403,
+ "norm_ops": 42584,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.500925881419665,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b072d1ae314f7f08ca89fb9775059783a8a912c3f14782a601043468a956ea73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:31.884000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:31.884000', 'bytes': 895921152, 'norm_byte': 50708480, 'ops': 874923, 'norm_ops': 49520, 'norm_ltcy': 20.214015486167206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:31.884000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:31.884000",
+ "bytes": 895921152,
+ "norm_byte": 50708480,
+ "ops": 874923,
+ "norm_ops": 49520,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.214015486167206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c893768be3ac991e0e0b87e00c58b498bb36ca5985c8cd3102f4c741b2f392a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:32.885000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:32.885000', 'bytes': 946758656, 'norm_byte': 50837504, 'ops': 924569, 'norm_ops': 49646, 'norm_ltcy': 20.16278179196209, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:32.885000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:32.885000",
+ "bytes": 946758656,
+ "norm_byte": 50837504,
+ "ops": 924569,
+ "norm_ops": 49646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.16278179196209,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5fd97416b6c106111e860fd0835c9ab53968fe17faf0adc18b02c4e5f47ece7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:33.886000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:33.886000', 'bytes': 997387264, 'norm_byte': 50628608, 'ops': 974011, 'norm_ops': 49442, 'norm_ltcy': 20.24683850679837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:33.886000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:33.886000",
+ "bytes": 997387264,
+ "norm_byte": 50628608,
+ "ops": 974011,
+ "norm_ops": 49442,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.24683850679837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f34b86aa5e0f40713ef4722155b91a166bca48e5eda43af50d177ae188bc512a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:34.887000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:34.887000', 'bytes': 1048005632, 'norm_byte': 50618368, 'ops': 1023443, 'norm_ops': 49432, 'norm_ltcy': 20.250998609832703, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:34.887000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:34.887000",
+ "bytes": 1048005632,
+ "norm_byte": 50618368,
+ "ops": 1023443,
+ "norm_ops": 49432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.250998609832703,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1735208a7b886da87bc42a35767ab3e2f7bbae6c63e31197838180cb7ff85c49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:35.888000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:35.888000', 'bytes': 1098460160, 'norm_byte': 50454528, 'ops': 1072715, 'norm_ops': 49272, 'norm_ltcy': 20.316749370839425, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:35.888000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:35.888000",
+ "bytes": 1098460160,
+ "norm_byte": 50454528,
+ "ops": 1072715,
+ "norm_ops": 49272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.316749370839425,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4192d08cb8a62b7489a6beb34ec4171b110f0ba44ac58fd4e54aaf17d30ad917",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:36.890000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:36.890000', 'bytes': 1149307904, 'norm_byte': 50847744, 'ops': 1122371, 'norm_ops': 49656, 'norm_ltcy': 20.159488295095258, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:36.890000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:36.890000",
+ "bytes": 1149307904,
+ "norm_byte": 50847744,
+ "ops": 1122371,
+ "norm_ops": 49656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.159488295095258,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "38d2c4e2b1d55b83061dd31fc6ca08dabcc71abf7a41a8ebfa68b17cbbd8081b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:37.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:37.891000', 'bytes': 1200380928, 'norm_byte': 51073024, 'ops': 1172247, 'norm_ops': 49876, 'norm_ltcy': 20.07070797296044, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:37.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:37.891000",
+ "bytes": 1200380928,
+ "norm_byte": 51073024,
+ "ops": 1172247,
+ "norm_ops": 49876,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.07070797296044,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f366fe089b01974e15e83a39b9fda66253e8ccc5b349ee93f81431e6e1ce73d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:38.892000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:38.892000', 'bytes': 1239467008, 'norm_byte': 39086080, 'ops': 1210417, 'norm_ops': 38170, 'norm_ltcy': 26.226242181359705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:38.892000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:38.892000",
+ "bytes": 1239467008,
+ "norm_byte": 39086080,
+ "ops": 1210417,
+ "norm_ops": 38170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.226242181359705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16ccbdc29ba463c1a0305aa32c1322ea4906ff15e324cbf5f4c5166bd7cad736",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:39.893000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:39.893000', 'bytes': 1291951104, 'norm_byte': 52484096, 'ops': 1261671, 'norm_ops': 51254, 'norm_ltcy': 19.531340503607037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:39.893000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:39.893000",
+ "bytes": 1291951104,
+ "norm_byte": 52484096,
+ "ops": 1261671,
+ "norm_ops": 51254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.531340503607037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c65be93fa36d837140d390a2eb9ebd0ef0beb3f97544e886fad0b085ebbe413",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:40.894000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:40.894000', 'bytes': 1350011904, 'norm_byte': 58060800, 'ops': 1318371, 'norm_ops': 56700, 'norm_ltcy': 17.655466338734566, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:40.894000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:40.894000",
+ "bytes": 1350011904,
+ "norm_byte": 58060800,
+ "ops": 1318371,
+ "norm_ops": 56700,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.655466338734566,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1edbb07996c15c889a2cd0cc9d3ff834cf02d23934ef357e88943af788f272a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:41.895000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:41.895000', 'bytes': 1406125056, 'norm_byte': 56113152, 'ops': 1373169, 'norm_ops': 54798, 'norm_ltcy': 18.26818603952243, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:41.895000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:41.895000",
+ "bytes": 1406125056,
+ "norm_byte": 56113152,
+ "ops": 1373169,
+ "norm_ops": 54798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.26818603952243,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c484b5867e3a87e6a744451e51104967174154fc86d1ef87f3d27cddc7895232",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:42.896000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:42.896000', 'bytes': 1446388736, 'norm_byte': 40263680, 'ops': 1412489, 'norm_ops': 39320, 'norm_ltcy': 25.459297312118515, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:42.896000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:42.896000",
+ "bytes": 1446388736,
+ "norm_byte": 40263680,
+ "ops": 1412489,
+ "norm_ops": 39320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.459297312118515,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e4400801cd03d2d8eb0758a6cea2924978ab09d052e36a52efb28d99e6dcc5bd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:43.897000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:43.897000', 'bytes': 1497566208, 'norm_byte': 51177472, 'ops': 1462467, 'norm_ops': 49978, 'norm_ltcy': 20.029643121098285, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:43.897000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:43.897000",
+ "bytes": 1497566208,
+ "norm_byte": 51177472,
+ "ops": 1462467,
+ "norm_ops": 49978,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.029643121098285,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d05d9d440235d38810e1cb25364ccfdd7e4b8278a7430d7bad77c78fd513d73c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:44.898000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:44.898000', 'bytes': 1548424192, 'norm_byte': 50857984, 'ops': 1512133, 'norm_ops': 49666, 'norm_ltcy': 20.155601330953267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:44.898000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:44.898000",
+ "bytes": 1548424192,
+ "norm_byte": 50857984,
+ "ops": 1512133,
+ "norm_ops": 49666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.155601330953267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06e904126af42445bab8b30cdce0f363d1bb4ce1a9cc796a234bf88b74c0ce40",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:45.898000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:45.898000', 'bytes': 1599251456, 'norm_byte': 50827264, 'ops': 1561769, 'norm_ops': 49636, 'norm_ltcy': 20.154380137400274, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:45.898000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:45.898000",
+ "bytes": 1599251456,
+ "norm_byte": 50827264,
+ "ops": 1561769,
+ "norm_ops": 49636,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.154380137400274,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2eb91e7742caf0b71a0bbb148202ebf344ddc0ebc1ea07d0c45ae2dd99448f55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:46.899000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:46.899000', 'bytes': 1650435072, 'norm_byte': 51183616, 'ops': 1611753, 'norm_ops': 49984, 'norm_ltcy': 20.02739509455526, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:46.899000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:46.899000",
+ "bytes": 1650435072,
+ "norm_byte": 51183616,
+ "ops": 1611753,
+ "norm_ops": 49984,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.02739509455526,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4ad7b9deaa983ec9551e77e389a29a2843aaf8b644423e4f91a74e354c5eb01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:47.900000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:47.900000', 'bytes': 1708209152, 'norm_byte': 57774080, 'ops': 1668173, 'norm_ops': 56420, 'norm_ltcy': 17.742870159074794, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:47.900000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:47.900000",
+ "bytes": 1708209152,
+ "norm_byte": 57774080,
+ "ops": 1668173,
+ "norm_ops": 56420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.742870159074794,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "122031ff7058fbfd51eae4956a47327ad035ab55413dd949a6fdd1e3ca0525d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:48.902000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:48.902000', 'bytes': 1756079104, 'norm_byte': 47869952, 'ops': 1714921, 'norm_ops': 46748, 'norm_ltcy': 21.4149786488192, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:48.902000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:48.902000",
+ "bytes": 1756079104,
+ "norm_byte": 47869952,
+ "ops": 1714921,
+ "norm_ops": 46748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.4149786488192,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4241c7cbd7ef71d6a3f0eaa3b159df156d1609efc323904085e32755f89ff99b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:49.903000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:49.903000', 'bytes': 1811966976, 'norm_byte': 55887872, 'ops': 1769499, 'norm_ops': 54578, 'norm_ltcy': 18.341756687390067, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:49.903000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:49.903000",
+ "bytes": 1811966976,
+ "norm_byte": 55887872,
+ "ops": 1769499,
+ "norm_ops": 54578,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.341756687390067,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a80360bf19557faec6c0aed0a6c4c1045e93dcb58dccadca7ce6f4566f7fc63",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:50.904000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:50.904000', 'bytes': 1869431808, 'norm_byte': 57464832, 'ops': 1825617, 'norm_ops': 56118, 'norm_ltcy': 17.83842333342243, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:50.904000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:50.904000",
+ "bytes": 1869431808,
+ "norm_byte": 57464832,
+ "ops": 1825617,
+ "norm_ops": 56118,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.83842333342243,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "44500d7c80e3acf265998beac02a6ebb5f8df5abdfadcea2fc8943334979d5b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:51.905000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:51.905000', 'bytes': 1926563840, 'norm_byte': 57132032, 'ops': 1881410, 'norm_ops': 55793, 'norm_ltcy': 17.94219396922553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:51.905000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:51.905000",
+ "bytes": 1926563840,
+ "norm_byte": 57132032,
+ "ops": 1881410,
+ "norm_ops": 55793,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.94219396922553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "71e31e4afac0719762a9f4569e54d4155d0e4a707504f8c91850b29255243cce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:52.906000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:52.906000', 'bytes': 1983894528, 'norm_byte': 57330688, 'ops': 1937397, 'norm_ops': 55987, 'norm_ltcy': 17.880027011013716, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:52.906000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:52.906000",
+ "bytes": 1983894528,
+ "norm_byte": 57330688,
+ "ops": 1937397,
+ "norm_ops": 55987,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.880027011013716,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6314ebc71210a5c849cb6915db03e6c6aed27599717a902b1d976c3d81b3cce7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:53.907000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:53.907000', 'bytes': 2041050112, 'norm_byte': 57155584, 'ops': 1993213, 'norm_ops': 55816, 'norm_ltcy': 17.934769943038287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:53.907000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:53.907000",
+ "bytes": 2041050112,
+ "norm_byte": 57155584,
+ "ops": 1993213,
+ "norm_ops": 55816,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.934769943038287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7899bb8c1066199b7af9310005691e4dfb34ae9fddd132bd8f196e28e6d104d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:54.908000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:54.908000', 'bytes': 2093067264, 'norm_byte': 52017152, 'ops': 2044011, 'norm_ops': 50798, 'norm_ltcy': 19.708667441077896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:54.908000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:54.908000",
+ "bytes": 2093067264,
+ "norm_byte": 52017152,
+ "ops": 2044011,
+ "norm_ops": 50798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.708667441077896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04c4ca534977b4176591fe60fd29acfb14fba5bc41d38e6f290265bd53f67c8a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:55.909000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:55.909000', 'bytes': 2142436352, 'norm_byte': 49369088, 'ops': 2092223, 'norm_ops': 48212, 'norm_ltcy': 20.76323548857131, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:55.909000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:55.909000",
+ "bytes": 2142436352,
+ "norm_byte": 49369088,
+ "ops": 2092223,
+ "norm_ops": 48212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.76323548857131,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9732e652e593def765056aefcf8df5a0a2703f2db2899cc45b72275b04f21763",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:56.909000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:56.909000', 'bytes': 2190523392, 'norm_byte': 48087040, 'ops': 2139183, 'norm_ops': 46960, 'norm_ltcy': 21.30202337261765, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:56.909000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:56.909000",
+ "bytes": 2190523392,
+ "norm_byte": 48087040,
+ "ops": 2139183,
+ "norm_ops": 46960,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.30202337261765,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "abdc18952f740181d254d759bf72ff41bbdc8c719d2bf3e710857922f617be67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:57.910000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:57.910000', 'bytes': 2241868800, 'norm_byte': 51345408, 'ops': 2189325, 'norm_ops': 50142, 'norm_ltcy': 19.964015087775714, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:57.910000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:57.910000",
+ "bytes": 2241868800,
+ "norm_byte": 51345408,
+ "ops": 2189325,
+ "norm_ops": 50142,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.964015087775714,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ad61260ce26b7b1256e839837ae62c5e24eb3d51e9227f43d08acfbd04907ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:58.911000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:58.911000', 'bytes': 2293044224, 'norm_byte': 51175424, 'ops': 2239301, 'norm_ops': 49976, 'norm_ltcy': 20.030185778236053, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:58.911000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:58.911000",
+ "bytes": 2293044224,
+ "norm_byte": 51175424,
+ "ops": 2239301,
+ "norm_ops": 49976,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.030185778236053,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6dec346e6522c4ea269e569a5e0db15b849391ddb0df54fdaa5a31ad00ab95c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:27:59.912000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:27:59.912000', 'bytes': 2344238080, 'norm_byte': 51193856, 'ops': 2289295, 'norm_ops': 49994, 'norm_ltcy': 20.02300334633906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:27:59.912000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:27:59.912000",
+ "bytes": 2344238080,
+ "norm_byte": 51193856,
+ "ops": 2289295,
+ "norm_ops": 49994,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.02300334633906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80928dd56f3958ef1ff468d0f9409a25209670da2626a9ba0165768da17b0218",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:00.913000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:00.913000', 'bytes': 2395204608, 'norm_byte': 50966528, 'ops': 2339067, 'norm_ops': 49772, 'norm_ltcy': 20.109683555450353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:00.913000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:00.913000",
+ "bytes": 2395204608,
+ "norm_byte": 50966528,
+ "ops": 2339067,
+ "norm_ops": 49772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.109683555450353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a482f7d43ac0fc90eafd78a7f3737da12eb4571ad0225aee40f84987b1b7a1a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:01.914000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:01.914000', 'bytes': 2446023680, 'norm_byte': 50819072, 'ops': 2388695, 'norm_ops': 49628, 'norm_ltcy': 20.170035769248205, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:01.914000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:01.914000",
+ "bytes": 2446023680,
+ "norm_byte": 50819072,
+ "ops": 2388695,
+ "norm_ops": 49628,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.170035769248205,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ad1f67ced5049bd40be6f18533e5afa64296f0bf56b486926a9f1de31c9e2b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:02.915000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:02.915000', 'bytes': 2497029120, 'norm_byte': 51005440, 'ops': 2438505, 'norm_ops': 49810, 'norm_ltcy': 20.096366191527807, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:02.915000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:02.915000",
+ "bytes": 2497029120,
+ "norm_byte": 51005440,
+ "ops": 2438505,
+ "norm_ops": 49810,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.096366191527807,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f1a6e7cf084df5f60b16b2531058bdd10210d8bbe69b52fdfadcd1c31f3536f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:03.916000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:03.916000', 'bytes': 2547995648, 'norm_byte': 50966528, 'ops': 2488277, 'norm_ops': 49772, 'norm_ltcy': 20.113499785584768, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:03.916000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:03.916000",
+ "bytes": 2547995648,
+ "norm_byte": 50966528,
+ "ops": 2488277,
+ "norm_ops": 49772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.113499785584768,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d611b061ae56b8d44a491dbd9ce529e900e6addd1917e384692ec8127b1691b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:04.918000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:04.918000', 'bytes': 2598456320, 'norm_byte': 50460672, 'ops': 2537555, 'norm_ops': 49278, 'norm_ltcy': 20.31527146527101, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:04.918000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:04.918000",
+ "bytes": 2598456320,
+ "norm_byte": 50460672,
+ "ops": 2537555,
+ "norm_ops": 49278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.31527146527101,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bea50b33a806925e1ef2727ca98e806d03d0f0a7805682d4a4cf8f56a5ff8091",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:05.919000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:05.919000', 'bytes': 2648980480, 'norm_byte': 50524160, 'ops': 2586895, 'norm_ops': 49340, 'norm_ltcy': 20.289788093458654, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:05.919000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:05.919000",
+ "bytes": 2648980480,
+ "norm_byte": 50524160,
+ "ops": 2586895,
+ "norm_ops": 49340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.289788093458654,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9f65f29e482cf31bd95ca942950796aea3acdeed857d6e508854ba8787d21a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:06.920000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:06.920000', 'bytes': 2699817984, 'norm_byte': 50837504, 'ops': 2636541, 'norm_ops': 49646, 'norm_ltcy': 20.164645573472686, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:06.920000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:06.920000",
+ "bytes": 2699817984,
+ "norm_byte": 50837504,
+ "ops": 2636541,
+ "norm_ops": 49646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.164645573472686,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9dfd8357e683b15627fe80570d7e781278d9a5c3c5986f92e01d081cf4d392e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:07.921000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:07.921000', 'bytes': 2750499840, 'norm_byte': 50681856, 'ops': 2686035, 'norm_ops': 49494, 'norm_ltcy': 20.22661719412959, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:07.921000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:07.921000",
+ "bytes": 2750499840,
+ "norm_byte": 50681856,
+ "ops": 2686035,
+ "norm_ops": 49494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.22661719412959,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df26fa1a7ba8e45238452d9824246de5ef7c4fe04664ec961fd82cae5ddef73b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:08.922000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:08.922000', 'bytes': 2800061440, 'norm_byte': 49561600, 'ops': 2734435, 'norm_ops': 48400, 'norm_ltcy': 20.68365428073347, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:08.922000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:08.922000",
+ "bytes": 2800061440,
+ "norm_byte": 49561600,
+ "ops": 2734435,
+ "norm_ops": 48400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.68365428073347,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88e4fed1d51897a12f8fe9ea89b0ab2cf7b4e3450ec03d0673d2d47d91b362c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:09.923000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:09.923000', 'bytes': 2849393664, 'norm_byte': 49332224, 'ops': 2782611, 'norm_ops': 48176, 'norm_ltcy': 20.779967268453174, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:09.923000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:09.923000",
+ "bytes": 2849393664,
+ "norm_byte": 49332224,
+ "ops": 2782611,
+ "norm_ops": 48176,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.779967268453174,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1cbf770a6ffffab7f19fa4913401c9157b2cbe8fc1d37bf7609816fb5cbdfe99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:10.924000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:10.924000', 'bytes': 2899180544, 'norm_byte': 49786880, 'ops': 2831231, 'norm_ops': 48620, 'norm_ltcy': 20.590208705586694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:10.924000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:10.924000",
+ "bytes": 2899180544,
+ "norm_byte": 49786880,
+ "ops": 2831231,
+ "norm_ops": 48620,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.590208705586694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fad20e32fa7885bd934cc323f6c6a7f5624b5a2c412487c554b5fcdb58e0be20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:11.925000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:11.925000', 'bytes': 2955482112, 'norm_byte': 56301568, 'ops': 2886213, 'norm_ops': 54982, 'norm_ltcy': 18.207805509075698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:11.925000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:11.925000",
+ "bytes": 2955482112,
+ "norm_byte": 56301568,
+ "ops": 2886213,
+ "norm_ops": 54982,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.207805509075698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53395d484c5219cb8d53585fccc766ab41af883ad230ac5804b5e8aafdd564dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:12.926000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:12.926000', 'bytes': 3008939008, 'norm_byte': 53456896, 'ops': 2938417, 'norm_ops': 52204, 'norm_ltcy': 19.177109535129013, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:12.926000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:12.926000",
+ "bytes": 3008939008,
+ "norm_byte": 53456896,
+ "ops": 2938417,
+ "norm_ops": 52204,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.177109535129013,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "44584253bf51cd29929042451d488039883c11c865ae546552298c2c1a20c6cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:13.927000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:13.927000', 'bytes': 3063126016, 'norm_byte': 54187008, 'ops': 2991334, 'norm_ops': 52917, 'norm_ltcy': 18.918446281440747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:13.927000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:13.927000",
+ "bytes": 3063126016,
+ "norm_byte": 54187008,
+ "ops": 2991334,
+ "norm_ops": 52917,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.918446281440747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b66c0f9c6e28ff542195e6d63ea47e4beb4be514baa985ed8f26ea88a4e7d15",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:28:15.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:28:15.129000', 'bytes': 3120058368, 'norm_byte': 56932352, 'ops': 3046932, 'norm_ops': 55598, 'norm_ltcy': 21.60745967424638, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:28:15.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:28:15.129000",
+ "bytes": 3120058368,
+ "norm_byte": 56932352,
+ "ops": 3046932,
+ "norm_ops": 55598,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.60745967424638,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c2ce4db-9253-51f2-ba20-da0c93e895cc",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "32ff3b525ac1e4bd16ce63abc9284492ddaeb7b4a70a73597ba213312cc15f3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 52000972.8
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 50782.2
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 21.702132984605036
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:28:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-057-220519212430/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-057-220519212430/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04cbf60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-057-220519212430/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-057-220519212430/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-057-220519212430/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-057-220519212430/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-057-220519212430/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-057-220519212430/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd07898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-057-220519212430/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=120
+ net.core.busy_poll=100
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-058-220519212631/220519212631-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-058-220519212631/220519212631-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c7a9c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-058-220519212631/220519212631-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:29:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995755533.4766 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995756534.5913 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995756534.6819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995757535.8040 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:16952320 nr_ops:16555\ntimestamp_ms:1652995758536.9592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:36166656 nr_ops:35319\ntimestamp_ms:1652995759538.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:60754944 nr_ops:59331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995760539.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:94243840 nr_ops:92035\ntimestamp_ms:1652995761540.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:119448576 nr_ops:116649\ntimestamp_ms:1652995762541.3604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135011328 nr_ops:131847\ntimestamp_ms:1652995763542.4612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:160200704 nr_ops:156446\ntimestamp_ms:1652995764543.5806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:185269248 nr_ops:180927\ntimestamp_ms:1652995765544.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200340480 nr_ops:195645\ntimestamp_ms:1652995766545.7690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:234064896 nr_ops:228579\ntimestamp_ms:1652995767546.8630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257336320 nr_ops:251305\ntimestamp_ms:1652995768547.9668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:286284800 nr_ops:279575\ntimestamp_ms:1652995769549.0786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314525696 nr_ops:307154\ntimestamp_ms:1652995770550.1787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:330753024 nr_ops:323001\ntimestamp_ms:1652995771551.4365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:359699456 nr_ops:351269\ntimestamp_ms:1652995772552.5793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:396762112 nr_ops:387463\ntimestamp_ms:1652995773553.6819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415886336 nr_ops:406139\ntimestamp_ms:1652995774554.7742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440562688 nr_ops:430237\ntimestamp_ms:1652995775555.8660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475124736 nr_ops:463989\ntimestamp_ms:1652995776556.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498146304 nr_ops:486471\ntimestamp_ms:1652995777557.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:523246592 nr_ops:510983\ntimestamp_ms:1652995778559.0518 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:554941440 nr_ops:541935\ntimestamp_ms:1652995779560.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:589734912 nr_ops:575913\ntimestamp_ms:1652995780560.8960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635764736 nr_ops:620864\ntimestamp_ms:1652995781562.0083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661061632 nr_ops:645568\ntimestamp_ms:1652995782563.1072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:686208000 nr_ops:670125\ntimestamp_ms:1652995783564.2144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:737158144 nr_ops:719881\ntimestamp_ms:1652995784565.3132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757169152 nr_ops:739423\ntimestamp_ms:1652995785566.4177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:772613120 nr_ops:754505\ntimestamp_ms:1652995786567.5190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793246720 nr_ops:774655\ntimestamp_ms:1652995787568.6338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812831744 nr_ops:793781\ntimestamp_ms:1652995788569.7439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:859556864 nr_ops:839411\ntimestamp_ms:1652995789570.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884639744 nr_ops:863906\ntimestamp_ms:1652995790571.8872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:908471296 nr_ops:887179\ntimestamp_ms:1652995791572.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:923483136 nr_ops:901839\ntimestamp_ms:1652995792574.0669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:933540864 nr_ops:911661\ntimestamp_ms:1652995793575.1716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970066944 nr_ops:947331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995794576.2681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009595392 nr_ops:985933\ntimestamp_ms:1652995795577.3667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046322176 nr_ops:1021799\ntimestamp_ms:1652995796578.4067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1085364224 nr_ops:1059926\ntimestamp_ms:1652995797579.5056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1112108032 nr_ops:1086043\ntimestamp_ms:1652995798580.6189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138068480 nr_ops:1111395\ntimestamp_ms:1652995799581.7336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1158818816 nr_ops:1131659\ntimestamp_ms:1652995800582.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195595776 nr_ops:1167574\ntimestamp_ms:1652995801583.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1220504576 nr_ops:1191899\ntimestamp_ms:1652995802585.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240525824 nr_ops:1211451\ntimestamp_ms:1652995803586.2732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1277725696 nr_ops:1247779\ntimestamp_ms:1652995804587.3760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1301396480 nr_ops:1270895\ntimestamp_ms:1652995805588.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316615168 nr_ops:1285757\ntimestamp_ms:1652995806589.5693 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340232704 nr_ops:1308821\ntimestamp_ms:1652995807589.8459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1356612608 nr_ops:1324817\ntimestamp_ms:1652995808590.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376281600 nr_ops:1344025\ntimestamp_ms:1652995809592.0542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1399804928 nr_ops:1366997\ntimestamp_ms:1652995810593.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1419295744 nr_ops:1386031\ntimestamp_ms:1652995811594.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1430961152 nr_ops:1397423\ntimestamp_ms:1652995812595.3242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484819456 nr_ops:1450019\ntimestamp_ms:1652995813596.4214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1492663296 nr_ops:1457679\ntimestamp_ms:1652995814597.5327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521595392 nr_ops:1485933\ntimestamp_ms:1652995815598.5671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531077632 nr_ops:1495193\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140270514050816\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816799.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1563810816 nr_ops:1527159\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816799.9824 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816799.9915 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816900.1970 name:Total nr_bytes:1563810816 nr_ops:1527160\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816800.1199 name:Group0 nr_bytes:3127621630 nr_ops:3054320\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816800.1213 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1563810816 nr_ops:1527162\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 379.01us 0.00ns 379.01us 379.01us \nTxn1 763580 78.63us 0.00ns 227.88ms 18.46us \nTxn2 1 51.82us 0.00ns 51.82us 51.82us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 378.27us 0.00ns 378.27us 378.27us \nwrite 763580 2.79us 0.00ns 292.05us 2.11us \nread 763579 75.77us 0.00ns 227.87ms 1.03us \ndisconnect 1 51.02us 0.00ns 51.02us 51.02us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.33b/s \nnet1 12246 12246 106.77Mb/s 106.77Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.153 62.37s 1.46GB 200.59Mb/s 1527163 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.46GB 200.59Mb/s 1527162 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418091, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995755533.4766 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995756534.5913 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995756534.6819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995757535.8040 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:16952320 nr_ops:16555\ntimestamp_ms:1652995758536.9592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:36166656 nr_ops:35319\ntimestamp_ms:1652995759538.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:60754944 nr_ops:59331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995760539.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:94243840 nr_ops:92035\ntimestamp_ms:1652995761540.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:119448576 nr_ops:116649\ntimestamp_ms:1652995762541.3604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135011328 nr_ops:131847\ntimestamp_ms:1652995763542.4612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:160200704 nr_ops:156446\ntimestamp_ms:1652995764543.5806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:185269248 nr_ops:180927\ntimestamp_ms:1652995765544.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200340480 nr_ops:195645\ntimestamp_ms:1652995766545.7690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:234064896 nr_ops:228579\ntimestamp_ms:1652995767546.8630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257336320 nr_ops:251305\ntimestamp_ms:1652995768547.9668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:286284800 nr_ops:279575\ntimestamp_ms:1652995769549.0786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314525696 nr_ops:307154\ntimestamp_ms:1652995770550.1787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:330753024 nr_ops:323001\ntimestamp_ms:1652995771551.4365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:359699456 nr_ops:351269\ntimestamp_ms:1652995772552.5793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:396762112 nr_ops:387463\ntimestamp_ms:1652995773553.6819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415886336 nr_ops:406139\ntimestamp_ms:1652995774554.7742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440562688 nr_ops:430237\ntimestamp_ms:1652995775555.8660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475124736 nr_ops:463989\ntimestamp_ms:1652995776556.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498146304 nr_ops:486471\ntimestamp_ms:1652995777557.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:523246592 nr_ops:510983\ntimestamp_ms:1652995778559.0518 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:554941440 nr_ops:541935\ntimestamp_ms:1652995779560.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:589734912 nr_ops:575913\ntimestamp_ms:1652995780560.8960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635764736 nr_ops:620864\ntimestamp_ms:1652995781562.0083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661061632 nr_ops:645568\ntimestamp_ms:1652995782563.1072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:686208000 nr_ops:670125\ntimestamp_ms:1652995783564.2144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:737158144 nr_ops:719881\ntimestamp_ms:1652995784565.3132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757169152 nr_ops:739423\ntimestamp_ms:1652995785566.4177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:772613120 nr_ops:754505\ntimestamp_ms:1652995786567.5190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793246720 nr_ops:774655\ntimestamp_ms:1652995787568.6338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812831744 nr_ops:793781\ntimestamp_ms:1652995788569.7439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:859556864 nr_ops:839411\ntimestamp_ms:1652995789570.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884639744 nr_ops:863906\ntimestamp_ms:1652995790571.8872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:908471296 nr_ops:887179\ntimestamp_ms:1652995791572.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:923483136 nr_ops:901839\ntimestamp_ms:1652995792574.0669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:933540864 nr_ops:911661\ntimestamp_ms:1652995793575.1716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970066944 nr_ops:947331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995794576.2681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009595392 nr_ops:985933\ntimestamp_ms:1652995795577.3667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046322176 nr_ops:1021799\ntimestamp_ms:1652995796578.4067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1085364224 nr_ops:1059926\ntimestamp_ms:1652995797579.5056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1112108032 nr_ops:1086043\ntimestamp_ms:1652995798580.6189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138068480 nr_ops:1111395\ntimestamp_ms:1652995799581.7336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1158818816 nr_ops:1131659\ntimestamp_ms:1652995800582.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195595776 nr_ops:1167574\ntimestamp_ms:1652995801583.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1220504576 nr_ops:1191899\ntimestamp_ms:1652995802585.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240525824 nr_ops:1211451\ntimestamp_ms:1652995803586.2732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1277725696 nr_ops:1247779\ntimestamp_ms:1652995804587.3760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1301396480 nr_ops:1270895\ntimestamp_ms:1652995805588.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316615168 nr_ops:1285757\ntimestamp_ms:1652995806589.5693 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340232704 nr_ops:1308821\ntimestamp_ms:1652995807589.8459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1356612608 nr_ops:1324817\ntimestamp_ms:1652995808590.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376281600 nr_ops:1344025\ntimestamp_ms:1652995809592.0542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1399804928 nr_ops:1366997\ntimestamp_ms:1652995810593.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1419295744 nr_ops:1386031\ntimestamp_ms:1652995811594.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1430961152 nr_ops:1397423\ntimestamp_ms:1652995812595.3242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484819456 nr_ops:1450019\ntimestamp_ms:1652995813596.4214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1492663296 nr_ops:1457679\ntimestamp_ms:1652995814597.5327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521595392 nr_ops:1485933\ntimestamp_ms:1652995815598.5671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531077632 nr_ops:1495193\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140270514050816\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816799.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1563810816 nr_ops:1527159\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816799.9824 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816799.9915 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816900.1970 name:Total nr_bytes:1563810816 nr_ops:1527160\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816800.1199 name:Group0 nr_bytes:3127621630 nr_ops:3054320\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816800.1213 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1563810816 nr_ops:1527162\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 379.01us 0.00ns 379.01us 379.01us \nTxn1 763580 78.63us 0.00ns 227.88ms 18.46us \nTxn2 1 51.82us 0.00ns 51.82us 51.82us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 378.27us 0.00ns 378.27us 378.27us \nwrite 763580 2.79us 0.00ns 292.05us 2.11us \nread 763579 75.77us 0.00ns 227.87ms 1.03us \ndisconnect 1 51.02us 0.00ns 51.02us 51.02us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.33b/s \nnet1 12246 12246 106.77Mb/s 106.77Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.153 62.37s 1.46GB 200.59Mb/s 1527163 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.46GB 200.59Mb/s 1527162 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418091, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995755533.4766 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995756534.5913 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995756534.6819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995757535.8040 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:16952320 nr_ops:16555\ntimestamp_ms:1652995758536.9592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:36166656 nr_ops:35319\ntimestamp_ms:1652995759538.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:60754944 nr_ops:59331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995760539.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:94243840 nr_ops:92035\ntimestamp_ms:1652995761540.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:119448576 nr_ops:116649\ntimestamp_ms:1652995762541.3604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135011328 nr_ops:131847\ntimestamp_ms:1652995763542.4612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:160200704 nr_ops:156446\ntimestamp_ms:1652995764543.5806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:185269248 nr_ops:180927\ntimestamp_ms:1652995765544.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200340480 nr_ops:195645\ntimestamp_ms:1652995766545.7690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:234064896 nr_ops:228579\ntimestamp_ms:1652995767546.8630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257336320 nr_ops:251305\ntimestamp_ms:1652995768547.9668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:286284800 nr_ops:279575\ntimestamp_ms:1652995769549.0786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314525696 nr_ops:307154\ntimestamp_ms:1652995770550.1787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:330753024 nr_ops:323001\ntimestamp_ms:1652995771551.4365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:359699456 nr_ops:351269\ntimestamp_ms:1652995772552.5793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:396762112 nr_ops:387463\ntimestamp_ms:1652995773553.6819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415886336 nr_ops:406139\ntimestamp_ms:1652995774554.7742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440562688 nr_ops:430237\ntimestamp_ms:1652995775555.8660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475124736 nr_ops:463989\ntimestamp_ms:1652995776556.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498146304 nr_ops:486471\ntimestamp_ms:1652995777557.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:523246592 nr_ops:510983\ntimestamp_ms:1652995778559.0518 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:554941440 nr_ops:541935\ntimestamp_ms:1652995779560.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:589734912 nr_ops:575913\ntimestamp_ms:1652995780560.8960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635764736 nr_ops:620864\ntimestamp_ms:1652995781562.0083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661061632 nr_ops:645568\ntimestamp_ms:1652995782563.1072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:686208000 nr_ops:670125\ntimestamp_ms:1652995783564.2144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:737158144 nr_ops:719881\ntimestamp_ms:1652995784565.3132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757169152 nr_ops:739423\ntimestamp_ms:1652995785566.4177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:772613120 nr_ops:754505\ntimestamp_ms:1652995786567.5190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793246720 nr_ops:774655\ntimestamp_ms:1652995787568.6338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812831744 nr_ops:793781\ntimestamp_ms:1652995788569.7439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:859556864 nr_ops:839411\ntimestamp_ms:1652995789570.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884639744 nr_ops:863906\ntimestamp_ms:1652995790571.8872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:908471296 nr_ops:887179\ntimestamp_ms:1652995791572.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:923483136 nr_ops:901839\ntimestamp_ms:1652995792574.0669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:933540864 nr_ops:911661\ntimestamp_ms:1652995793575.1716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970066944 nr_ops:947331\ntimestamp_ms:1652995794576.2681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009595392 nr_ops:985933\ntimestamp_ms:1652995795577.3667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046322176 nr_ops:1021799\ntimestamp_ms:1652995796578.4067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1085364224 nr_ops:1059926\ntimestamp_ms:1652995797579.5056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1112108032 nr_ops:1086043\ntimestamp_ms:1652995798580.6189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138068480 nr_ops:1111395\ntimestamp_ms:1652995799581.7336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1158818816 nr_ops:1131659\ntimestamp_ms:1652995800582.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195595776 nr_ops:1167574\ntimestamp_ms:1652995801583.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1220504576 nr_ops:1191899\ntimestamp_ms:1652995802585.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240525824 nr_ops:1211451\ntimestamp_ms:1652995803586.2732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1277725696 nr_ops:1247779\ntimestamp_ms:1652995804587.3760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1301396480 nr_ops:1270895\ntimestamp_ms:1652995805588.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316615168 nr_ops:1285757\ntimestamp_ms:1652995806589.5693 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340232704 nr_ops:1308821\ntimestamp_ms:1652995807589.8459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1356612608 nr_ops:1324817\ntimestamp_ms:1652995808590.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376281600 nr_ops:1344025\ntimestamp_ms:1652995809592.0542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1399804928 nr_ops:1366997\ntimestamp_ms:1652995810593.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1419295744 nr_ops:1386031\ntimestamp_ms:1652995811594.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1430961152 nr_ops:1397423\ntimestamp_ms:1652995812595.3242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484819456 nr_ops:1450019\ntimestamp_ms:1652995813596.4214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1492663296 nr_ops:1457679\ntimestamp_ms:1652995814597.5327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521595392 nr_ops:1485933\ntimestamp_ms:1652995815598.5671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531077632 nr_ops:1495193\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140270514050816\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816799.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1563810816 nr_ops:1527159\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816799.9824 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816799.9915 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816900.1970 name:Total nr_bytes:1563810816 nr_ops:1527160\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816800.1199 name:Group0 nr_bytes:3127621630 nr_ops:3054320\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995816800.1213 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1563810816 nr_ops:1527162\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 379.01us 0.00ns 379.01us 379.01us \nTxn1 763580 78.63us 0.00ns 227.88ms 18.46us \nTxn2 1 51.82us 0.00ns 51.82us 51.82us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 378.27us 0.00ns 378.27us 378.27us \nwrite 763580 2.79us 0.00ns 292.05us 2.11us \nread 763579 75.77us 0.00ns 227.87ms 1.03us \ndisconnect 1 51.02us 0.00ns 51.02us 51.02us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.33b/s \nnet1 12246 12246 106.77Mb/s 106.77Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.153 62.37s 1.46GB 200.59Mb/s 1527163 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.46GB 200.59Mb/s 1527162 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418091, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995755533.4766 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995756534.5913 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995756534.6819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995757535.8040 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:16952320 nr_ops:16555
+timestamp_ms:1652995758536.9592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:36166656 nr_ops:35319
+timestamp_ms:1652995759538.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:60754944 nr_ops:59331
+timestamp_ms:1652995760539.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:94243840 nr_ops:92035
+timestamp_ms:1652995761540.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:119448576 nr_ops:116649
+timestamp_ms:1652995762541.3604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:135011328 nr_ops:131847
+timestamp_ms:1652995763542.4612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:160200704 nr_ops:156446
+timestamp_ms:1652995764543.5806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:185269248 nr_ops:180927
+timestamp_ms:1652995765544.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200340480 nr_ops:195645
+timestamp_ms:1652995766545.7690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:234064896 nr_ops:228579
+timestamp_ms:1652995767546.8630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257336320 nr_ops:251305
+timestamp_ms:1652995768547.9668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:286284800 nr_ops:279575
+timestamp_ms:1652995769549.0786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314525696 nr_ops:307154
+timestamp_ms:1652995770550.1787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:330753024 nr_ops:323001
+timestamp_ms:1652995771551.4365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:359699456 nr_ops:351269
+timestamp_ms:1652995772552.5793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:396762112 nr_ops:387463
+timestamp_ms:1652995773553.6819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415886336 nr_ops:406139
+timestamp_ms:1652995774554.7742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440562688 nr_ops:430237
+timestamp_ms:1652995775555.8660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475124736 nr_ops:463989
+timestamp_ms:1652995776556.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498146304 nr_ops:486471
+timestamp_ms:1652995777557.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:523246592 nr_ops:510983
+timestamp_ms:1652995778559.0518 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:554941440 nr_ops:541935
+timestamp_ms:1652995779560.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:589734912 nr_ops:575913
+timestamp_ms:1652995780560.8960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635764736 nr_ops:620864
+timestamp_ms:1652995781562.0083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661061632 nr_ops:645568
+timestamp_ms:1652995782563.1072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:686208000 nr_ops:670125
+timestamp_ms:1652995783564.2144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:737158144 nr_ops:719881
+timestamp_ms:1652995784565.3132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757169152 nr_ops:739423
+timestamp_ms:1652995785566.4177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:772613120 nr_ops:754505
+timestamp_ms:1652995786567.5190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793246720 nr_ops:774655
+timestamp_ms:1652995787568.6338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812831744 nr_ops:793781
+timestamp_ms:1652995788569.7439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:859556864 nr_ops:839411
+timestamp_ms:1652995789570.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884639744 nr_ops:863906
+timestamp_ms:1652995790571.8872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:908471296 nr_ops:887179
+timestamp_ms:1652995791572.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:923483136 nr_ops:901839
+timestamp_ms:1652995792574.0669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:933540864 nr_ops:911661
+timestamp_ms:1652995793575.1716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970066944 nr_ops:947331
+timestamp_ms:1652995794576.2681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009595392 nr_ops:985933
+timestamp_ms:1652995795577.3667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046322176 nr_ops:1021799
+timestamp_ms:1652995796578.4067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1085364224 nr_ops:1059926
+timestamp_ms:1652995797579.5056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1112108032 nr_ops:1086043
+timestamp_ms:1652995798580.6189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138068480 nr_ops:1111395
+timestamp_ms:1652995799581.7336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1158818816 nr_ops:1131659
+timestamp_ms:1652995800582.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195595776 nr_ops:1167574
+timestamp_ms:1652995801583.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1220504576 nr_ops:1191899
+timestamp_ms:1652995802585.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1240525824 nr_ops:1211451
+timestamp_ms:1652995803586.2732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1277725696 nr_ops:1247779
+timestamp_ms:1652995804587.3760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1301396480 nr_ops:1270895
+timestamp_ms:1652995805588.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316615168 nr_ops:1285757
+timestamp_ms:1652995806589.5693 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340232704 nr_ops:1308821
+timestamp_ms:1652995807589.8459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1356612608 nr_ops:1324817
+timestamp_ms:1652995808590.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376281600 nr_ops:1344025
+timestamp_ms:1652995809592.0542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1399804928 nr_ops:1366997
+timestamp_ms:1652995810593.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1419295744 nr_ops:1386031
+timestamp_ms:1652995811594.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1430961152 nr_ops:1397423
+timestamp_ms:1652995812595.3242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484819456 nr_ops:1450019
+timestamp_ms:1652995813596.4214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1492663296 nr_ops:1457679
+timestamp_ms:1652995814597.5327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521595392 nr_ops:1485933
+timestamp_ms:1652995815598.5671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531077632 nr_ops:1495193
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140270514050816
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652995816799.9033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1563810816 nr_ops:1527159
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995816799.9824 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995816799.9915 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995816900.1970 name:Total nr_bytes:1563810816 nr_ops:1527160
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995816800.1199 name:Group0 nr_bytes:3127621630 nr_ops:3054320
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995816800.1213 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1563810816 nr_ops:1527162
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 379.01us 0.00ns 379.01us 379.01us
+Txn1 763580 78.63us 0.00ns 227.88ms 18.46us
+Txn2 1 51.82us 0.00ns 51.82us 51.82us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 378.27us 0.00ns 378.27us 378.27us
+write 763580 2.79us 0.00ns 292.05us 2.11us
+read 763579 75.77us 0.00ns 227.87ms 1.03us
+disconnect 1 51.02us 0.00ns 51.02us 51.02us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.33b/s
+net1 12246 12246 106.77Mb/s 106.77Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.153 62.37s 1.46GB 200.59Mb/s 1527163 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.46GB 200.59Mb/s 1527162 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:17.535000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:17.535000', 'bytes': 16952320, 'norm_byte': 16952320, 'ops': 16555, 'norm_ops': 16555, 'norm_ltcy': 60.472489901087286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:17.535000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:17.535000",
+ "bytes": 16952320,
+ "norm_byte": 16952320,
+ "ops": 16555,
+ "norm_ops": 16555,
+ "norm_ltcy": 60.472489901087286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2af315519f181aa6117bdc17e4e6c17ac7918955633b4635550f7eb6c9d1ce11",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:18.536000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:18.536000', 'bytes': 36166656, 'norm_byte': 19214336, 'ops': 35319, 'norm_ops': 18764, 'norm_ltcy': 53.35510943495524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:18.536000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:18.536000",
+ "bytes": 36166656,
+ "norm_byte": 19214336,
+ "ops": 35319,
+ "norm_ops": 18764,
+ "norm_ltcy": 53.35510943495524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8442977d3c7182cd2f9590fe5938437b261f01e0b630fa0462cac06b052d8410",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:19.538000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:19.538000', 'bytes': 60754944, 'norm_byte': 24588288, 'ops': 59331, 'norm_ops': 24012, 'norm_ltcy': 41.69158706779423, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:19.538000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:19.538000",
+ "bytes": 60754944,
+ "norm_byte": 24588288,
+ "ops": 59331,
+ "norm_ops": 24012,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.69158706779423,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5af05ec4cc795cc8e57a92b68d97c95d1b44b5fae0d24551b0d527e62b636b21",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:20.539000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:20.539000', 'bytes': 94243840, 'norm_byte': 33488896, 'ops': 92035, 'norm_ops': 32704, 'norm_ltcy': 30.610817985758622, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:20.539000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:20.539000",
+ "bytes": 94243840,
+ "norm_byte": 33488896,
+ "ops": 92035,
+ "norm_ops": 32704,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.610817985758622,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a1617ded18b5048282cf20634b941264300f8294b468a3bd7017393e98c34203",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:21.540000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:21.540000', 'bytes': 119448576, 'norm_byte': 25204736, 'ops': 116649, 'norm_ops': 24614, 'norm_ltcy': 40.672296666785165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:21.540000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:21.540000",
+ "bytes": 119448576,
+ "norm_byte": 25204736,
+ "ops": 116649,
+ "norm_ops": 24614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.672296666785165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "402b9f7ae5c97e5e638c61370794b5697d1ccfb62a225587acacd90478e72c45",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:22.541000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:22.541000', 'bytes': 135011328, 'norm_byte': 15562752, 'ops': 131847, 'norm_ops': 15198, 'norm_ltcy': 65.87041931915384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:22.541000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:22.541000",
+ "bytes": 135011328,
+ "norm_byte": 15562752,
+ "ops": 131847,
+ "norm_ops": 15198,
+ "norm_ltcy": 65.87041931915384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f526a23397522e1139e957debc2d0fc363e9aea2e00d6d5d91bf90b8a82cdb8d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:23.542000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:23.542000', 'bytes': 160200704, 'norm_byte': 25189376, 'ops': 156446, 'norm_ops': 24599, 'norm_ltcy': 40.69681003610411, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:23.542000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:23.542000",
+ "bytes": 160200704,
+ "norm_byte": 25189376,
+ "ops": 156446,
+ "norm_ops": 24599,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.69681003610411,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75821863f8f450a2f679d547766bd84f9ca0f9cbc80c892bac371277991f07a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:24.543000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:24.543000', 'bytes': 185269248, 'norm_byte': 25068544, 'ops': 180927, 'norm_ops': 24481, 'norm_ltcy': 40.89372920900392, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:24.543000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:24.543000",
+ "bytes": 185269248,
+ "norm_byte": 25068544,
+ "ops": 180927,
+ "norm_ops": 24481,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.89372920900392,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3dd7d615ce51f93ee04f67c6df610ba4955cf42c97ade1e876064bfe16dc10e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:25.544000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:25.544000', 'bytes': 200340480, 'norm_byte': 15071232, 'ops': 195645, 'norm_ops': 14718, 'norm_ltcy': 68.01638711420539, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:25.544000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:25.544000",
+ "bytes": 200340480,
+ "norm_byte": 15071232,
+ "ops": 195645,
+ "norm_ops": 14718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 68.01638711420539,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8af8c8601657a45d1cd4818bf3f6b51db09c24d2c4013f8d11dd6e5946d9e47c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:26.545000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:26.545000', 'bytes': 234064896, 'norm_byte': 33724416, 'ops': 228579, 'norm_ops': 32934, 'norm_ltcy': 30.39786515502596, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:26.545000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:26.545000",
+ "bytes": 234064896,
+ "norm_byte": 33724416,
+ "ops": 228579,
+ "norm_ops": 32934,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.39786515502596,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7cdde401e91f6f68c2139003e8db522b842252a2f2250b95597bbf7e6055c6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:27.546000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:27.546000', 'bytes': 257336320, 'norm_byte': 23271424, 'ops': 251305, 'norm_ops': 22726, 'norm_ltcy': 44.050602575931755, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:27.546000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:27.546000",
+ "bytes": 257336320,
+ "norm_byte": 23271424,
+ "ops": 251305,
+ "norm_ops": 22726,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.050602575931755,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28e16d5af98720d83a2c8ffb9ab5f398ab02bc3328641a8970b1c6dcab632c49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:28.547000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:28.547000', 'bytes': 286284800, 'norm_byte': 28948480, 'ops': 279575, 'norm_ops': 28270, 'norm_ltcy': 35.41223062488945, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:28.547000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:28.547000",
+ "bytes": 286284800,
+ "norm_byte": 28948480,
+ "ops": 279575,
+ "norm_ops": 28270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.41223062488945,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "23a07b3e64fb6ce11782d6e3f1b3519ffb15f80fdaa25fdec26a4e3a7d69af5e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:29.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:29.549000', 'bytes': 314525696, 'norm_byte': 28240896, 'ops': 307154, 'norm_ops': 27579, 'norm_ltcy': 36.29978666399253, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:29.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:29.549000",
+ "bytes": 314525696,
+ "norm_byte": 28240896,
+ "ops": 307154,
+ "norm_ops": 27579,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.29978666399253,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "23c862261ab429bea028c10585fa089f1bc23fb3cb7d17e35e97a07086bf7395",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:30.550000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:30.550000', 'bytes': 330753024, 'norm_byte': 16227328, 'ops': 323001, 'norm_ops': 15847, 'norm_ltcy': 63.17284644767149, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:30.550000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:30.550000",
+ "bytes": 330753024,
+ "norm_byte": 16227328,
+ "ops": 323001,
+ "norm_ops": 15847,
+ "norm_ltcy": 63.17284644767149,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "043c0706f843fe6d70d3c7b0d9896d971761a11746114fa5d875ad8c137ae7a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:31.551000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:31.551000', 'bytes': 359699456, 'norm_byte': 28946432, 'ops': 351269, 'norm_ops': 28268, 'norm_ltcy': 35.420185810810814, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:31.551000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:31.551000",
+ "bytes": 359699456,
+ "norm_byte": 28946432,
+ "ops": 351269,
+ "norm_ops": 28268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.420185810810814,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "945e45f05e07459642b09d0dbbc64b4de0a590f5e3022db5c9d72152ce8d43fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:32.552000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:32.552000', 'bytes': 396762112, 'norm_byte': 37062656, 'ops': 387463, 'norm_ops': 36194, 'norm_ltcy': 27.660463675350197, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:32.552000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:32.552000",
+ "bytes": 396762112,
+ "norm_byte": 37062656,
+ "ops": 387463,
+ "norm_ops": 36194,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.660463675350197,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5775cceb3c8b3a78e580d383fe92aa5d20f05a28116f6c2f653c5706bbc80cac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:33.553000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:33.553000', 'bytes': 415886336, 'norm_byte': 19124224, 'ops': 406139, 'norm_ops': 18676, 'norm_ltcy': 53.6036913184033, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:33.553000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:33.553000",
+ "bytes": 415886336,
+ "norm_byte": 19124224,
+ "ops": 406139,
+ "norm_ops": 18676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 53.6036913184033,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84745e4fd358bfaf3c7ca30e4f57f6dff42a0a8363f27978f30e7891a837190a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:34.554000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:34.554000', 'bytes': 440562688, 'norm_byte': 24676352, 'ops': 430237, 'norm_ops': 24098, 'norm_ltcy': 41.54254648336999, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:34.554000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:34.554000",
+ "bytes": 440562688,
+ "norm_byte": 24676352,
+ "ops": 430237,
+ "norm_ops": 24098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.54254648336999,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a6d5c789ead73c128d3478c795ebad3ec58c966647d60ad5d08ace3b04a93b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:35.555000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:35.555000', 'bytes': 475124736, 'norm_byte': 34562048, 'ops': 463989, 'norm_ops': 33752, 'norm_ltcy': 29.660221523909694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:35.555000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:35.555000",
+ "bytes": 475124736,
+ "norm_byte": 34562048,
+ "ops": 463989,
+ "norm_ops": 33752,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.660221523909694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5486da8372bec02459e19296ada6c9d68f5309f4f0d01a4db04bdcc796a72e98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:36.556000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:36.556000', 'bytes': 498146304, 'norm_byte': 23021568, 'ops': 486471, 'norm_ops': 22482, 'norm_ltcy': 44.52331396367094, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:36.556000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:36.556000",
+ "bytes": 498146304,
+ "norm_byte": 23021568,
+ "ops": 486471,
+ "norm_ops": 22482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.52331396367094,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e12a60a2ca57bfcf90b147f225e42310fdb38326304db5856f765e501fae16b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:37.557000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:37.557000', 'bytes': 523246592, 'norm_byte': 25100288, 'ops': 510983, 'norm_ops': 24512, 'norm_ltcy': 40.84124453074005, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:37.557000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:37.557000",
+ "bytes": 523246592,
+ "norm_byte": 25100288,
+ "ops": 510983,
+ "norm_ops": 24512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.84124453074005,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d09e16d12077c05167a53d258007f84f3810aff441e1399eddbccb4efdc013b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:38.559000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:38.559000', 'bytes': 554941440, 'norm_byte': 31694848, 'ops': 541935, 'norm_ops': 30952, 'norm_ltcy': 32.34401849789594, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:38.559000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:38.559000",
+ "bytes": 554941440,
+ "norm_byte": 31694848,
+ "ops": 541935,
+ "norm_ops": 30952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.34401849789594,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b78c9ab5bbc3494461cf1f738c1dea8affa2e33dbe8a9052ab0804dd147d4816",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:39.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:39.560000', 'bytes': 589734912, 'norm_byte': 34793472, 'ops': 575913, 'norm_ops': 33978, 'norm_ltcy': 29.46284722605436, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:39.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:39.560000",
+ "bytes": 589734912,
+ "norm_byte": 34793472,
+ "ops": 575913,
+ "norm_ops": 33978,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.46284722605436,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c7b50a9f65c6a641f93249cc8cc248addd2c07ea840366f159100cfa93cf1e40",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:40.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:40.560000', 'bytes': 635764736, 'norm_byte': 46029824, 'ops': 620864, 'norm_ops': 44951, 'norm_ltcy': 22.263255883837402, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:40.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:40.560000",
+ "bytes": 635764736,
+ "norm_byte": 46029824,
+ "ops": 620864,
+ "norm_ops": 44951,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.263255883837402,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0e980a83557034914bd0dac8bbd03c4bf5fe3495da20b911413e252bafd95c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:41.562000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:41.562000', 'bytes': 661061632, 'norm_byte': 25296896, 'ops': 645568, 'norm_ops': 24704, 'norm_ltcy': 40.52429989829582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:41.562000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:41.562000",
+ "bytes": 661061632,
+ "norm_byte": 25296896,
+ "ops": 645568,
+ "norm_ops": 24704,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.52429989829582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6c17186164e064120c5c3385563a85da314bb72dd286750f46f49dd5ab449c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:42.563000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:42.563000', 'bytes': 686208000, 'norm_byte': 25146368, 'ops': 670125, 'norm_ops': 24557, 'norm_ltcy': 40.76633452592438, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:42.563000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:42.563000",
+ "bytes": 686208000,
+ "norm_byte": 25146368,
+ "ops": 670125,
+ "norm_ops": 24557,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.76633452592438,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a1cdb8e0cc103f5a8a0d3a789692f0f53d8e4f4820a78b43346f58a1ccb192ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:43.564000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:43.564000', 'bytes': 737158144, 'norm_byte': 50950144, 'ops': 719881, 'norm_ops': 49756, 'norm_ltcy': 20.120330768839434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:43.564000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:43.564000",
+ "bytes": 737158144,
+ "norm_byte": 50950144,
+ "ops": 719881,
+ "norm_ops": 49756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.120330768839434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70781527b53386d384ce7605b44d00aabf4745caf9aeda6565538dedd9f27571",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:44.565000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:44.565000', 'bytes': 757169152, 'norm_byte': 20011008, 'ops': 739423, 'norm_ops': 19542, 'norm_ltcy': 51.22806657215868, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:44.565000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:44.565000",
+ "bytes": 757169152,
+ "norm_byte": 20011008,
+ "ops": 739423,
+ "norm_ops": 19542,
+ "norm_ltcy": 51.22806657215868,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "65c3d4ce951b978319cc88b3a4b2b10c929c5cd415b933daaa9c90de1a6a68e3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:45.566000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:45.566000', 'bytes': 772613120, 'norm_byte': 15443968, 'ops': 754505, 'norm_ops': 15082, 'norm_ltcy': 66.3774361614839, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:45.566000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:45.566000",
+ "bytes": 772613120,
+ "norm_byte": 15443968,
+ "ops": 754505,
+ "norm_ops": 15082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 66.3774361614839,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cce8d6f309354953f6a8f6ae7ac8ea61a15a282de092250a0f13c4a50f2cea4b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:46.567000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:46.567000', 'bytes': 793246720, 'norm_byte': 20633600, 'ops': 774655, 'norm_ops': 20150, 'norm_ltcy': 49.68244756125931, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:46.567000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:46.567000",
+ "bytes": 793246720,
+ "norm_byte": 20633600,
+ "ops": 774655,
+ "norm_ops": 20150,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.68244756125931,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9103b695b85df3080cfca7cb5388afb6c781ca8b8cfbb2e4fa795c278949e0d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:47.568000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:47.568000', 'bytes': 812831744, 'norm_byte': 19585024, 'ops': 793781, 'norm_ops': 19126, 'norm_ltcy': 52.343132180997074, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:47.568000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:47.568000",
+ "bytes": 812831744,
+ "norm_byte": 19585024,
+ "ops": 793781,
+ "norm_ops": 19126,
+ "norm_ltcy": 52.343132180997074,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c2496c6e6df44d9373e381563af38cf01cfc00bdec18e6b7afca81c26b935dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:48.569000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:48.569000', 'bytes': 859556864, 'norm_byte': 46725120, 'ops': 839411, 'norm_ops': 45630, 'norm_ltcy': 21.939734986234384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:48.569000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:48.569000",
+ "bytes": 859556864,
+ "norm_byte": 46725120,
+ "ops": 839411,
+ "norm_ops": 45630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.939734986234384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51a929c9e28a38d2f2f1cb22439eddde900a654f0dc2c642ab2fa803fbee92ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:49.570000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:49.570000', 'bytes': 884639744, 'norm_byte': 25082880, 'ops': 863906, 'norm_ops': 24495, 'norm_ltcy': 40.869718708537455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:49.570000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:49.570000",
+ "bytes": 884639744,
+ "norm_byte": 25082880,
+ "ops": 863906,
+ "norm_ops": 24495,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.869718708537455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc019d1c9cb75e89bf89bb9b8146aca6496f82e657343761df2b9d14dbf4b004",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:50.571000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:50.571000', 'bytes': 908471296, 'norm_byte': 23831552, 'ops': 887179, 'norm_ops': 23273, 'norm_ltcy': 43.01291414004426, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:50.571000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:50.571000",
+ "bytes": 908471296,
+ "norm_byte": 23831552,
+ "ops": 887179,
+ "norm_ops": 23273,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.01291414004426,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "591207764668c842a288988d6c823ebdbe3d553a6d9e7f764c5cdacf8d069dbd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:51.572000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:51.572000', 'bytes': 923483136, 'norm_byte': 15011840, 'ops': 901839, 'norm_ops': 14660, 'norm_ltcy': 68.28543336459754, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:51.572000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:51.572000",
+ "bytes": 923483136,
+ "norm_byte": 15011840,
+ "ops": 901839,
+ "norm_ops": 14660,
+ "norm_ltcy": 68.28543336459754,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7561a7279c3ddbb003f1703a18785c2ae173413c990330dd5ad73101bf441d60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:52.574000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:52.574000', 'bytes': 933540864, 'norm_byte': 10057728, 'ops': 911661, 'norm_ops': 9822, 'norm_ltcy': 101.9258027260232, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:52.574000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:52.574000",
+ "bytes": 933540864,
+ "norm_byte": 10057728,
+ "ops": 911661,
+ "norm_ops": 9822,
+ "norm_ltcy": 101.9258027260232,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "07d489e9d60dc27581312897720730d02a9eb421b302a92a5236e8ce2efbed5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:53.575000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:53.575000', 'bytes': 970066944, 'norm_byte': 36526080, 'ops': 947331, 'norm_ops': 35670, 'norm_ltcy': 28.065734127505607, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:53.575000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:53.575000",
+ "bytes": 970066944,
+ "norm_byte": 36526080,
+ "ops": 947331,
+ "norm_ops": 35670,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.065734127505607,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fda342ae101fb1eff4020170b748d08d90cd88b6fd4698e479db6fb675080fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:54.576000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:54.576000', 'bytes': 1009595392, 'norm_byte': 39528448, 'ops': 985933, 'norm_ops': 38602, 'norm_ltcy': 25.933797097219703, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:54.576000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:54.576000",
+ "bytes": 1009595392,
+ "norm_byte": 39528448,
+ "ops": 985933,
+ "norm_ops": 38602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.933797097219703,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ce4bcebc0dd2d694d7b83c6ea3d75fa80bd42cd0f994db8d8d506552ff072b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:55.577000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:55.577000', 'bytes': 1046322176, 'norm_byte': 36726784, 'ops': 1021799, 'norm_ops': 35866, 'norm_ltcy': 27.912190732518262, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:55.577000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:55.577000",
+ "bytes": 1046322176,
+ "norm_byte": 36726784,
+ "ops": 1021799,
+ "norm_ops": 35866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.912190732518262,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1290c2b36ae749e9226e3430e4f718a7c3bc1e4f9d7ef9456a51dcd373419083",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:56.578000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:56.578000', 'bytes': 1085364224, 'norm_byte': 39042048, 'ops': 1059926, 'norm_ops': 38127, 'norm_ltcy': 26.2554105768222, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:56.578000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:56.578000",
+ "bytes": 1085364224,
+ "norm_byte": 39042048,
+ "ops": 1059926,
+ "norm_ops": 38127,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.2554105768222,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d10281d6eeea36451eb9fb59c4bf723ed53eeb1380a541c70d0f4c17d4fc0c53",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:57.579000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:57.579000', 'bytes': 1112108032, 'norm_byte': 26743808, 'ops': 1086043, 'norm_ops': 26117, 'norm_ltcy': 38.331312055485895, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:57.579000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:57.579000",
+ "bytes": 1112108032,
+ "norm_byte": 26743808,
+ "ops": 1086043,
+ "norm_ops": 26117,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.331312055485895,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb66f72f37ee2d455adc3307dd5236bfeed71be0b8387698dbe670cb7d265bb1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:58.580000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:58.580000', 'bytes': 1138068480, 'norm_byte': 25960448, 'ops': 1111395, 'norm_ops': 25352, 'norm_ltcy': 39.48853270945093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:58.580000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:58.580000",
+ "bytes": 1138068480,
+ "norm_byte": 25960448,
+ "ops": 1111395,
+ "norm_ops": 25352,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.48853270945093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa08b3ce8a645026559c6e3430bc6893098c726a5026f6be5b8e122ca82c9431",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:29:59.581000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:29:59.581000', 'bytes': 1158818816, 'norm_byte': 20750336, 'ops': 1131659, 'norm_ops': 20264, 'norm_ltcy': 49.4036096572123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:29:59.581000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:29:59.581000",
+ "bytes": 1158818816,
+ "norm_byte": 20750336,
+ "ops": 1131659,
+ "norm_ops": 20264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.4036096572123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49d21add95cd20f6eab364ea8e79f20a17c915e78939c7d3712d9e4ea2a9e52f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:00.582000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:00.582000', 'bytes': 1195595776, 'norm_byte': 36776960, 'ops': 1167574, 'norm_ops': 35915, 'norm_ltcy': 27.874245179590698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:00.582000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:00.582000",
+ "bytes": 1195595776,
+ "norm_byte": 36776960,
+ "ops": 1167574,
+ "norm_ops": 35915,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.874245179590698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c222c2a2c2a3923163de54975cd8f77afeb747d5708bdfd61d4d81b26b8ebb28",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:01.583000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:01.583000', 'bytes': 1220504576, 'norm_byte': 24908800, 'ops': 1191899, 'norm_ops': 24325, 'norm_ltcy': 41.15535473406989, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:01.583000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:01.583000",
+ "bytes": 1220504576,
+ "norm_byte": 24908800,
+ "ops": 1191899,
+ "norm_ops": 24325,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.15535473406989,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc157e729bf565accec1af7fe31775546f524b7d216628f096b717b06bceeddf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:02.585000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:02.585000', 'bytes': 1240525824, 'norm_byte': 20021248, 'ops': 1211451, 'norm_ops': 19552, 'norm_ltcy': 51.20211537262812, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:02.585000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:02.585000",
+ "bytes": 1240525824,
+ "norm_byte": 20021248,
+ "ops": 1211451,
+ "norm_ops": 19552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 51.20211537262812,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0359648d9dd43d45e9954d5785f855e30ba3cd25107988f0c9229ef061335375",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:03.586000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:03.586000', 'bytes': 1277725696, 'norm_byte': 37199872, 'ops': 1247779, 'norm_ops': 36328, 'norm_ltcy': 27.56078703711669, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:03.586000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:03.586000",
+ "bytes": 1277725696,
+ "norm_byte": 37199872,
+ "ops": 1247779,
+ "norm_ops": 36328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.56078703711669,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a98e5afb4899baf630d40e071bf6a60e155cc603c10a4f869c75f8f857ced0e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:04.587000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:04.587000', 'bytes': 1301396480, 'norm_byte': 23670784, 'ops': 1270895, 'norm_ops': 23116, 'norm_ltcy': 43.307786087693586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:04.587000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:04.587000",
+ "bytes": 1301396480,
+ "norm_byte": 23670784,
+ "ops": 1270895,
+ "norm_ops": 23116,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.307786087693586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9350958e199829c1277f8b1de52559918701da61b52648d235244c6543d66960",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:05.588000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:05.588000', 'bytes': 1316615168, 'norm_byte': 15218688, 'ops': 1285757, 'norm_ops': 14862, 'norm_ltcy': 67.35945306191967, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:05.588000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:05.588000",
+ "bytes": 1316615168,
+ "norm_byte": 15218688,
+ "ops": 1285757,
+ "norm_ops": 14862,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.35945306191967,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8329f8981e3c4c835c02f7e0951cfee091099daabe3d4ded7d1edd42610f7f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:06.589000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:06.589000', 'bytes': 1340232704, 'norm_byte': 23617536, 'ops': 1308821, 'norm_ops': 23064, 'norm_ltcy': 43.40518418178763, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:06.589000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:06.589000",
+ "bytes": 1340232704,
+ "norm_byte": 23617536,
+ "ops": 1308821,
+ "norm_ops": 23064,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.40518418178763,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a629f9c34680f63851657a007ba8617903aace7d70700a5d02a5c6a16b87564c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:07.589000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:07.589000', 'bytes': 1356612608, 'norm_byte': 16379904, 'ops': 1324817, 'norm_ops': 15996, 'norm_ltcy': 62.5329214383674, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:07.589000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:07.589000",
+ "bytes": 1356612608,
+ "norm_byte": 16379904,
+ "ops": 1324817,
+ "norm_ops": 15996,
+ "norm_ltcy": 62.5329214383674,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83e5b4089e9cf4526cf1ef14634d2fe391d9c72f9ecbb806796951fef9e67e95",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:08.590000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:08.590000', 'bytes': 1376281600, 'norm_byte': 19668992, 'ops': 1344025, 'norm_ops': 19208, 'norm_ltcy': 52.119498548781756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:08.590000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:08.590000",
+ "bytes": 1376281600,
+ "norm_byte": 19668992,
+ "ops": 1344025,
+ "norm_ops": 19208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 52.119498548781756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53d885cba67102cbc17000b7b1b856d28512b26401fb2379afc89df947e476cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:09.592000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:09.592000', 'bytes': 1399804928, 'norm_byte': 23523328, 'ops': 1366997, 'norm_ops': 22972, 'norm_ltcy': 43.5790059127688, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:09.592000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:09.592000",
+ "bytes": 1399804928,
+ "norm_byte": 23523328,
+ "ops": 1366997,
+ "norm_ops": 22972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.5790059127688,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28e9e60dd2e80b51a0407bb5d10cf11b76e9decbf7b7bcb7c925ca8443aefaf6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:10.593000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:10.593000', 'bytes': 1419295744, 'norm_byte': 19490816, 'ops': 1386031, 'norm_ops': 19034, 'norm_ltcy': 52.59298789747951, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:10.593000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:10.593000",
+ "bytes": 1419295744,
+ "norm_byte": 19490816,
+ "ops": 1386031,
+ "norm_ops": 19034,
+ "norm_ltcy": 52.59298789747951,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ebf9c429066482aa7248dbfd0acfd7dddef58261945f84d2de04672edfcce61e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:11.594000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:11.594000', 'bytes': 1430961152, 'norm_byte': 11665408, 'ops': 1397423, 'norm_ops': 11392, 'norm_ltcy': 87.87757359193952, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:11.594000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:11.594000",
+ "bytes": 1430961152,
+ "norm_byte": 11665408,
+ "ops": 1397423,
+ "norm_ops": 11392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 87.87757359193952,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efaadf3ca010f57136d83e5c226918a3b449cbcc5958e820e9ea4385299a2a24",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:12.595000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:12.595000', 'bytes': 1484819456, 'norm_byte': 53858304, 'ops': 1450019, 'norm_ops': 52596, 'norm_ltcy': 19.034028624443874, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:12.595000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:12.595000",
+ "bytes": 1484819456,
+ "norm_byte": 53858304,
+ "ops": 1450019,
+ "norm_ops": 52596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.034028624443874,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85bf8e513f423ba09546d76e9e9a98f0899786b839b24c50758b7390d7f5704c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:13.596000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:13.596000', 'bytes': 1492663296, 'norm_byte': 7843840, 'ops': 1457679, 'norm_ops': 7660, 'norm_ltcy': 130.69153628834857, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:13.596000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:13.596000",
+ "bytes": 1492663296,
+ "norm_byte": 7843840,
+ "ops": 1457679,
+ "norm_ops": 7660,
+ "norm_ltcy": 130.69153628834857,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d438e2c241e1f301b3af48a8bee7e0821074a515b0fbc468547fddbe4447c4a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:14.597000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:14.597000', 'bytes': 1521595392, 'norm_byte': 28932096, 'ops': 1485933, 'norm_ops': 28254, 'norm_ltcy': 35.43255213863524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:14.597000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:14.597000",
+ "bytes": 1521595392,
+ "norm_byte": 28932096,
+ "ops": 1485933,
+ "norm_ops": 28254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.43255213863524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ba14faea0c2fd7ee69a683ba4f7a9d29787c1413fef2e41cd1cbbdad22229a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:15.598000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:15.598000', 'bytes': 1531077632, 'norm_byte': 9482240, 'ops': 1495193, 'norm_ops': 9260, 'norm_ltcy': 108.10306952787526, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:15.598000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:15.598000",
+ "bytes": 1531077632,
+ "norm_byte": 9482240,
+ "ops": 1495193,
+ "norm_ops": 9260,
+ "norm_ltcy": 108.10306952787526,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11761044847710d663f726d0348cce125c8867814690bb05ab3245ec56c56d2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:30:16.799000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:30:16.799000', 'bytes': 1563810816, 'norm_byte': 32733184, 'ops': 1527159, 'norm_ops': 31966, 'norm_ltcy': 37.581686217876026, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:30:16.799000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:30:16.799000",
+ "bytes": 1563810816,
+ "norm_byte": 32733184,
+ "ops": 1527159,
+ "norm_ops": 31966,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.581686217876026,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6fe051db-ae3f-57aa-8668-fedb5827a109",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7ea926e3e536f0ce492bb0cd4a5e12aaa2af15fbd46726dea0cd695609c35f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 26063513.6
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 25452.65
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 88.57998504864366
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:30:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-058-220519212631/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-058-220519212631/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f1717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-058-220519212631/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-058-220519212631/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-058-220519212631/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-058-220519212631/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-058-220519212631/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-058-220519212631/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5ce36a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-058-220519212631/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=45
+ vm.swappiness=75
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=120
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-059-220519212833/220519212833-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-059-220519212833/220519212833-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15fa8ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-059-220519212833/220519212833-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:31:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995877015.3918 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995878016.4883 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995878016.5742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995879017.6597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63558656 nr_ops:62069\ntimestamp_ms:1652995880018.7468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:99070976 nr_ops:96749\ntimestamp_ms:1652995881019.8518 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:157600768 nr_ops:153907\ntimestamp_ms:1652995882020.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:216335360 nr_ops:211265\ntimestamp_ms:1652995883021.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275334144 nr_ops:268881\ntimestamp_ms:1652995884023.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317651968 nr_ops:310207\ntimestamp_ms:1652995885024.1775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368962560 nr_ops:360315\ntimestamp_ms:1652995886025.2769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:416694272 nr_ops:406928\ntimestamp_ms:1652995887026.2964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:480322560 nr_ops:469065\ntimestamp_ms:1652995888027.3877 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:541168640 nr_ops:528485\ntimestamp_ms:1652995889028.4812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599458816 nr_ops:585409\ntimestamp_ms:1652995890029.5691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:657562624 nr_ops:642151\ntimestamp_ms:1652995891030.6648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703906816 nr_ops:687409\ntimestamp_ms:1652995892031.7595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762250240 nr_ops:744385\ntimestamp_ms:1652995893032.8591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:818912256 nr_ops:799719\ntimestamp_ms:1652995894033.9656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:863200256 nr_ops:842969\ntimestamp_ms:1652995895035.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917478400 nr_ops:895975\ntimestamp_ms:1652995896036.1567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:968225792 nr_ops:945533\ntimestamp_ms:1652995897037.2451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017585664 nr_ops:993736\ntimestamp_ms:1652995898038.3379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1065143296 nr_ops:1040179\ntimestamp_ms:1652995899038.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123959808 nr_ops:1097617\ntimestamp_ms:1652995900039.8503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1170866176 nr_ops:1143424\ntimestamp_ms:1652995901040.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1215877120 nr_ops:1187380\ntimestamp_ms:1652995902042.0640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1266816000 nr_ops:1237125\ntimestamp_ms:1652995903043.1729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316733952 nr_ops:1285873\ntimestamp_ms:1652995904044.2683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1374653440 nr_ops:1342435\ntimestamp_ms:1652995905045.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433247744 nr_ops:1399656\ntimestamp_ms:1652995906046.4756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1494295552 nr_ops:1459273\ntimestamp_ms:1652995907047.5771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1545894912 nr_ops:1509663\ntimestamp_ms:1652995908048.6890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1606695936 nr_ops:1569039\ntimestamp_ms:1652995909049.7817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651686400 nr_ops:1612975\ntimestamp_ms:1652995910050.8813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696320512 nr_ops:1656563\ntimestamp_ms:1652995911051.9783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1742730240 nr_ops:1701885\ntimestamp_ms:1652995912053.0713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1801831424 nr_ops:1759601\ntimestamp_ms:1652995913054.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1849274368 nr_ops:1805932\ntimestamp_ms:1652995914055.2610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1910619136 nr_ops:1865839\ntimestamp_ms:1652995915056.4248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1957360640 nr_ops:1911485\ntimestamp_ms:1652995916057.5161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2004229120 nr_ops:1957255\ntimestamp_ms:1652995917058.6150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062140416 nr_ops:2013809\ntimestamp_ms:1652995918059.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2120217600 nr_ops:2070525\ntimestamp_ms:1652995919060.7996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2178460672 nr_ops:2127403\ntimestamp_ms:1652995920061.9009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2236773376 nr_ops:2184349\ntimestamp_ms:1652995921062.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2295127040 nr_ops:2241335\ntimestamp_ms:1652995922063.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2353437696 nr_ops:2298279\ntimestamp_ms:1652995923064.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2411692032 nr_ops:2355168\ntimestamp_ms:1652995924065.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469946368 nr_ops:2412057\ntimestamp_ms:1652995925067.0376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2528576512 nr_ops:2469313\ntimestamp_ms:1652995926068.1309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2587323392 nr_ops:2526683\ntimestamp_ms:1652995927069.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2646112256 nr_ops:2584094\ntimestamp_ms:1652995928070.3186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2704837632 nr_ops:2641443\ntimestamp_ms:1652995929071.4287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2763234304 nr_ops:2698471\ntimestamp_ms:1652995930072.5359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2821760000 nr_ops:2755625\ntimestamp_ms:1652995931073.6477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2855109632 nr_ops:2788193\ntimestamp_ms:1652995932074.7390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2913942528 nr_ops:2845647\ntimestamp_ms:1652995933075.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977565696 nr_ops:2907779\ntimestamp_ms:1652995934076.9521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3013366784 nr_ops:2942741\ntimestamp_ms:1652995935078.0679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3072142336 nr_ops:3000139\ntimestamp_ms:1652995936079.0566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3121286144 nr_ops:3048131\ntimestamp_ms:1652995937080.1553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3179377664 nr_ops:3104861\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140021320439552\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.4934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3224054784 nr_ops:3148491\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.5750 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.5847 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938381.8042 name:Total nr_bytes:3224054784 nr_ops:3148492\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.6748 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6448109566 nr_ops:6296984\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.6753 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3224054784 nr_ops:3148494\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 259.51us 0.00ns 259.51us 259.51us \nTxn1 1574246 38.13us 0.00ns 208.75ms 18.44us \nTxn2 1 20.86us 0.00ns 20.86us 20.86us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 258.61us 0.00ns 258.61us 258.61us \nwrite 1574246 2.38us 0.00ns 90.00us 2.08us \nread 1574245 35.66us 0.00ns 208.75ms 1.36us \ndisconnect 1 20.42us 0.00ns 20.42us 20.42us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 25242 25242 220.11Mb/s 220.11Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.33b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.154 62.37s 3.00GB 413.55Mb/s 3148494 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.00GB 413.56Mb/s 3148494 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417743, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995877015.3918 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995878016.4883 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995878016.5742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995879017.6597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63558656 nr_ops:62069\ntimestamp_ms:1652995880018.7468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:99070976 nr_ops:96749\ntimestamp_ms:1652995881019.8518 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:157600768 nr_ops:153907\ntimestamp_ms:1652995882020.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:216335360 nr_ops:211265\ntimestamp_ms:1652995883021.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275334144 nr_ops:268881\ntimestamp_ms:1652995884023.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317651968 nr_ops:310207\ntimestamp_ms:1652995885024.1775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368962560 nr_ops:360315\ntimestamp_ms:1652995886025.2769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:416694272 nr_ops:406928\ntimestamp_ms:1652995887026.2964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:480322560 nr_ops:469065\ntimestamp_ms:1652995888027.3877 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:541168640 nr_ops:528485\ntimestamp_ms:1652995889028.4812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599458816 nr_ops:585409\ntimestamp_ms:1652995890029.5691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:657562624 nr_ops:642151\ntimestamp_ms:1652995891030.6648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703906816 nr_ops:687409\ntimestamp_ms:1652995892031.7595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762250240 nr_ops:744385\ntimestamp_ms:1652995893032.8591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:818912256 nr_ops:799719\ntimestamp_ms:1652995894033.9656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:863200256 nr_ops:842969\ntimestamp_ms:1652995895035.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917478400 nr_ops:895975\ntimestamp_ms:1652995896036.1567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:968225792 nr_ops:945533\ntimestamp_ms:1652995897037.2451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017585664 nr_ops:993736\ntimestamp_ms:1652995898038.3379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1065143296 nr_ops:1040179\ntimestamp_ms:1652995899038.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123959808 nr_ops:1097617\ntimestamp_ms:1652995900039.8503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1170866176 nr_ops:1143424\ntimestamp_ms:1652995901040.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1215877120 nr_ops:1187380\ntimestamp_ms:1652995902042.0640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1266816000 nr_ops:1237125\ntimestamp_ms:1652995903043.1729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316733952 nr_ops:1285873\ntimestamp_ms:1652995904044.2683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1374653440 nr_ops:1342435\ntimestamp_ms:1652995905045.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433247744 nr_ops:1399656\ntimestamp_ms:1652995906046.4756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1494295552 nr_ops:1459273\ntimestamp_ms:1652995907047.5771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1545894912 nr_ops:1509663\ntimestamp_ms:1652995908048.6890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1606695936 nr_ops:1569039\ntimestamp_ms:1652995909049.7817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651686400 nr_ops:1612975\ntimestamp_ms:1652995910050.8813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696320512 nr_ops:1656563\ntimestamp_ms:1652995911051.9783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1742730240 nr_ops:1701885\ntimestamp_ms:1652995912053.0713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1801831424 nr_ops:1759601\ntimestamp_ms:1652995913054.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1849274368 nr_ops:1805932\ntimestamp_ms:1652995914055.2610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1910619136 nr_ops:1865839\ntimestamp_ms:1652995915056.4248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1957360640 nr_ops:1911485\ntimestamp_ms:1652995916057.5161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2004229120 nr_ops:1957255\ntimestamp_ms:1652995917058.6150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062140416 nr_ops:2013809\ntimestamp_ms:1652995918059.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2120217600 nr_ops:2070525\ntimestamp_ms:1652995919060.7996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2178460672 nr_ops:2127403\ntimestamp_ms:1652995920061.9009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2236773376 nr_ops:2184349\ntimestamp_ms:1652995921062.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2295127040 nr_ops:2241335\ntimestamp_ms:1652995922063.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2353437696 nr_ops:2298279\ntimestamp_ms:1652995923064.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2411692032 nr_ops:2355168\ntimestamp_ms:1652995924065.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469946368 nr_ops:2412057\ntimestamp_ms:1652995925067.0376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2528576512 nr_ops:2469313\ntimestamp_ms:1652995926068.1309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2587323392 nr_ops:2526683\ntimestamp_ms:1652995927069.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2646112256 nr_ops:2584094\ntimestamp_ms:1652995928070.3186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2704837632 nr_ops:2641443\ntimestamp_ms:1652995929071.4287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2763234304 nr_ops:2698471\ntimestamp_ms:1652995930072.5359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2821760000 nr_ops:2755625\ntimestamp_ms:1652995931073.6477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2855109632 nr_ops:2788193\ntimestamp_ms:1652995932074.7390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2913942528 nr_ops:2845647\ntimestamp_ms:1652995933075.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977565696 nr_ops:2907779\ntimestamp_ms:1652995934076.9521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3013366784 nr_ops:2942741\ntimestamp_ms:1652995935078.0679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3072142336 nr_ops:3000139\ntimestamp_ms:1652995936079.0566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3121286144 nr_ops:3048131\ntimestamp_ms:1652995937080.1553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3179377664 nr_ops:3104861\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140021320439552\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.4934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3224054784 nr_ops:3148491\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.5750 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.5847 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938381.8042 name:Total nr_bytes:3224054784 nr_ops:3148492\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.6748 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6448109566 nr_ops:6296984\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.6753 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3224054784 nr_ops:3148494\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 259.51us 0.00ns 259.51us 259.51us \nTxn1 1574246 38.13us 0.00ns 208.75ms 18.44us \nTxn2 1 20.86us 0.00ns 20.86us 20.86us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 258.61us 0.00ns 258.61us 258.61us \nwrite 1574246 2.38us 0.00ns 90.00us 2.08us \nread 1574245 35.66us 0.00ns 208.75ms 1.36us \ndisconnect 1 20.42us 0.00ns 20.42us 20.42us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 25242 25242 220.11Mb/s 220.11Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.33b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.154 62.37s 3.00GB 413.55Mb/s 3148494 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.00GB 413.56Mb/s 3148494 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417743, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995877015.3918 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995878016.4883 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995878016.5742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995879017.6597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63558656 nr_ops:62069\ntimestamp_ms:1652995880018.7468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:99070976 nr_ops:96749\ntimestamp_ms:1652995881019.8518 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:157600768 nr_ops:153907\ntimestamp_ms:1652995882020.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:216335360 nr_ops:211265\ntimestamp_ms:1652995883021.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275334144 nr_ops:268881\ntimestamp_ms:1652995884023.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317651968 nr_ops:310207\ntimestamp_ms:1652995885024.1775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368962560 nr_ops:360315\ntimestamp_ms:1652995886025.2769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:416694272 nr_ops:406928\ntimestamp_ms:1652995887026.2964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:480322560 nr_ops:469065\ntimestamp_ms:1652995888027.3877 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:541168640 nr_ops:528485\ntimestamp_ms:1652995889028.4812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599458816 nr_ops:585409\ntimestamp_ms:1652995890029.5691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:657562624 nr_ops:642151\ntimestamp_ms:1652995891030.6648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703906816 nr_ops:687409\ntimestamp_ms:1652995892031.7595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762250240 nr_ops:744385\ntimestamp_ms:1652995893032.8591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:818912256 nr_ops:799719\ntimestamp_ms:1652995894033.9656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:863200256 nr_ops:842969\ntimestamp_ms:1652995895035.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917478400 nr_ops:895975\ntimestamp_ms:1652995896036.1567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:968225792 nr_ops:945533\ntimestamp_ms:1652995897037.2451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017585664 nr_ops:993736\ntimestamp_ms:1652995898038.3379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1065143296 nr_ops:1040179\ntimestamp_ms:1652995899038.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123959808 nr_ops:1097617\ntimestamp_ms:1652995900039.8503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1170866176 nr_ops:1143424\ntimestamp_ms:1652995901040.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1215877120 nr_ops:1187380\ntimestamp_ms:1652995902042.0640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1266816000 nr_ops:1237125\ntimestamp_ms:1652995903043.1729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316733952 nr_ops:1285873\ntimestamp_ms:1652995904044.2683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1374653440 nr_ops:1342435\ntimestamp_ms:1652995905045.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433247744 nr_ops:1399656\ntimestamp_ms:1652995906046.4756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1494295552 nr_ops:1459273\ntimestamp_ms:1652995907047.5771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1545894912 nr_ops:1509663\ntimestamp_ms:1652995908048.6890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1606695936 nr_ops:1569039\ntimestamp_ms:1652995909049.7817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651686400 nr_ops:1612975\ntimestamp_ms:1652995910050.8813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696320512 nr_ops:1656563\ntimestamp_ms:1652995911051.9783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1742730240 nr_ops:1701885\ntimestamp_ms:1652995912053.0713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1801831424 nr_ops:1759601\ntimestamp_ms:1652995913054.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1849274368 nr_ops:1805932\ntimestamp_ms:1652995914055.2610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1910619136 nr_ops:1865839\ntimestamp_ms:1652995915056.4248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1957360640 nr_ops:1911485\ntimestamp_ms:1652995916057.5161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2004229120 nr_ops:1957255\ntimestamp_ms:1652995917058.6150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062140416 nr_ops:2013809\ntimestamp_ms:1652995918059.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2120217600 nr_ops:2070525\ntimestamp_ms:1652995919060.7996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2178460672 nr_ops:2127403\ntimestamp_ms:1652995920061.9009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2236773376 nr_ops:2184349\ntimestamp_ms:1652995921062.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2295127040 nr_ops:2241335\ntimestamp_ms:1652995922063.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2353437696 nr_ops:2298279\ntimestamp_ms:1652995923064.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2411692032 nr_ops:2355168\ntimestamp_ms:1652995924065.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469946368 nr_ops:2412057\ntimestamp_ms:1652995925067.0376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2528576512 nr_ops:2469313\ntimestamp_ms:1652995926068.1309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2587323392 nr_ops:2526683\ntimestamp_ms:1652995927069.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2646112256 nr_ops:2584094\ntimestamp_ms:1652995928070.3186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2704837632 nr_ops:2641443\ntimestamp_ms:1652995929071.4287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2763234304 nr_ops:2698471\ntimestamp_ms:1652995930072.5359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2821760000 nr_ops:2755625\ntimestamp_ms:1652995931073.6477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2855109632 nr_ops:2788193\ntimestamp_ms:1652995932074.7390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2913942528 nr_ops:2845647\ntimestamp_ms:1652995933075.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977565696 nr_ops:2907779\ntimestamp_ms:1652995934076.9521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3013366784 nr_ops:2942741\ntimestamp_ms:1652995935078.0679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3072142336 nr_ops:3000139\ntimestamp_ms:1652995936079.0566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3121286144 nr_ops:3048131\ntimestamp_ms:1652995937080.1553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3179377664 nr_ops:3104861\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140021320439552\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.4934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3224054784 nr_ops:3148491\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.5750 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.5847 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938381.8042 name:Total nr_bytes:3224054784 nr_ops:3148492\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.6748 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6448109566 nr_ops:6296984\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652995938281.6753 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3224054784 nr_ops:3148494\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 259.51us 0.00ns 259.51us 259.51us \nTxn1 1574246 38.13us 0.00ns 208.75ms 18.44us \nTxn2 1 20.86us 0.00ns 20.86us 20.86us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 258.61us 0.00ns 258.61us 258.61us \nwrite 1574246 2.38us 0.00ns 90.00us 2.08us \nread 1574245 35.66us 0.00ns 208.75ms 1.36us \ndisconnect 1 20.42us 0.00ns 20.42us 20.42us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 25242 25242 220.11Mb/s 220.11Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.33b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.154 62.37s 3.00GB 413.55Mb/s 3148494 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.00GB 413.56Mb/s 3148494 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417743, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995877015.3918 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995878016.4883 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995878016.5742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995879017.6597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63558656 nr_ops:62069
+timestamp_ms:1652995880018.7468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:99070976 nr_ops:96749
+timestamp_ms:1652995881019.8518 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:157600768 nr_ops:153907
+timestamp_ms:1652995882020.9456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:216335360 nr_ops:211265
+timestamp_ms:1652995883021.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275334144 nr_ops:268881
+timestamp_ms:1652995884023.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317651968 nr_ops:310207
+timestamp_ms:1652995885024.1775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368962560 nr_ops:360315
+timestamp_ms:1652995886025.2769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:416694272 nr_ops:406928
+timestamp_ms:1652995887026.2964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:480322560 nr_ops:469065
+timestamp_ms:1652995888027.3877 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:541168640 nr_ops:528485
+timestamp_ms:1652995889028.4812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599458816 nr_ops:585409
+timestamp_ms:1652995890029.5691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:657562624 nr_ops:642151
+timestamp_ms:1652995891030.6648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703906816 nr_ops:687409
+timestamp_ms:1652995892031.7595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762250240 nr_ops:744385
+timestamp_ms:1652995893032.8591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:818912256 nr_ops:799719
+timestamp_ms:1652995894033.9656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:863200256 nr_ops:842969
+timestamp_ms:1652995895035.0627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917478400 nr_ops:895975
+timestamp_ms:1652995896036.1567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:968225792 nr_ops:945533
+timestamp_ms:1652995897037.2451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017585664 nr_ops:993736
+timestamp_ms:1652995898038.3379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1065143296 nr_ops:1040179
+timestamp_ms:1652995899038.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123959808 nr_ops:1097617
+timestamp_ms:1652995900039.8503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1170866176 nr_ops:1143424
+timestamp_ms:1652995901040.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1215877120 nr_ops:1187380
+timestamp_ms:1652995902042.0640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1266816000 nr_ops:1237125
+timestamp_ms:1652995903043.1729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316733952 nr_ops:1285873
+timestamp_ms:1652995904044.2683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1374653440 nr_ops:1342435
+timestamp_ms:1652995905045.3672 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433247744 nr_ops:1399656
+timestamp_ms:1652995906046.4756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1494295552 nr_ops:1459273
+timestamp_ms:1652995907047.5771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1545894912 nr_ops:1509663
+timestamp_ms:1652995908048.6890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1606695936 nr_ops:1569039
+timestamp_ms:1652995909049.7817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651686400 nr_ops:1612975
+timestamp_ms:1652995910050.8813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1696320512 nr_ops:1656563
+timestamp_ms:1652995911051.9783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1742730240 nr_ops:1701885
+timestamp_ms:1652995912053.0713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1801831424 nr_ops:1759601
+timestamp_ms:1652995913054.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1849274368 nr_ops:1805932
+timestamp_ms:1652995914055.2610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1910619136 nr_ops:1865839
+timestamp_ms:1652995915056.4248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1957360640 nr_ops:1911485
+timestamp_ms:1652995916057.5161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2004229120 nr_ops:1957255
+timestamp_ms:1652995917058.6150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062140416 nr_ops:2013809
+timestamp_ms:1652995918059.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2120217600 nr_ops:2070525
+timestamp_ms:1652995919060.7996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2178460672 nr_ops:2127403
+timestamp_ms:1652995920061.9009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2236773376 nr_ops:2184349
+timestamp_ms:1652995921062.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2295127040 nr_ops:2241335
+timestamp_ms:1652995922063.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2353437696 nr_ops:2298279
+timestamp_ms:1652995923064.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2411692032 nr_ops:2355168
+timestamp_ms:1652995924065.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469946368 nr_ops:2412057
+timestamp_ms:1652995925067.0376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2528576512 nr_ops:2469313
+timestamp_ms:1652995926068.1309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2587323392 nr_ops:2526683
+timestamp_ms:1652995927069.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2646112256 nr_ops:2584094
+timestamp_ms:1652995928070.3186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2704837632 nr_ops:2641443
+timestamp_ms:1652995929071.4287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2763234304 nr_ops:2698471
+timestamp_ms:1652995930072.5359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2821760000 nr_ops:2755625
+timestamp_ms:1652995931073.6477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2855109632 nr_ops:2788193
+timestamp_ms:1652995932074.7390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2913942528 nr_ops:2845647
+timestamp_ms:1652995933075.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977565696 nr_ops:2907779
+timestamp_ms:1652995934076.9521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3013366784 nr_ops:2942741
+timestamp_ms:1652995935078.0679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3072142336 nr_ops:3000139
+timestamp_ms:1652995936079.0566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3121286144 nr_ops:3048131
+timestamp_ms:1652995937080.1553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3179377664 nr_ops:3104861
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140021320439552
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652995938281.4934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3224054784 nr_ops:3148491
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995938281.5750 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995938281.5847 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995938381.8042 name:Total nr_bytes:3224054784 nr_ops:3148492
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995938281.6748 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6448109566 nr_ops:6296984
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652995938281.6753 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3224054784 nr_ops:3148494
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 259.51us 0.00ns 259.51us 259.51us
+Txn1 1574246 38.13us 0.00ns 208.75ms 18.44us
+Txn2 1 20.86us 0.00ns 20.86us 20.86us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 258.61us 0.00ns 258.61us 258.61us
+write 1574246 2.38us 0.00ns 90.00us 2.08us
+read 1574245 35.66us 0.00ns 208.75ms 1.36us
+disconnect 1 20.42us 0.00ns 20.42us 20.42us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 25242 25242 220.11Mb/s 220.11Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.33b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.154 62.37s 3.00GB 413.55Mb/s 3148494 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.00GB 413.56Mb/s 3148494 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:19.017000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:19.017000', 'bytes': 63558656, 'norm_byte': 63558656, 'ops': 62069, 'norm_ops': 62069, 'norm_ltcy': 16.128589943752115, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:19.017000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:19.017000",
+ "bytes": 63558656,
+ "norm_byte": 63558656,
+ "ops": 62069,
+ "norm_ops": 62069,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.128589943752115,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6e0cccadf4d51f02a7dced824912af8b2f4f4149b8f3df8b5c103363a20c247",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:20.018000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:20.018000', 'bytes': 99070976, 'norm_byte': 35512320, 'ops': 96749, 'norm_ops': 34680, 'norm_ltcy': 28.866411712892877, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:20.018000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:20.018000",
+ "bytes": 99070976,
+ "norm_byte": 35512320,
+ "ops": 96749,
+ "norm_ops": 34680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.866411712892877,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e322d5168ec7f0aed10af7b4457eff018bc9d356ed39799a920886175922b138",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:21.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:21.019000', 'bytes': 157600768, 'norm_byte': 58529792, 'ops': 153907, 'norm_ops': 57158, 'norm_ltcy': 17.51469576382571, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:21.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:21.019000",
+ "bytes": 157600768,
+ "norm_byte": 58529792,
+ "ops": 153907,
+ "norm_ops": 57158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.51469576382571,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "538cf7cc1cbe9b3d095f619d83ebfc654face7461cf68aad41c6e0c6f1f50eaf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:22.020000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:22.020000', 'bytes': 216335360, 'norm_byte': 58734592, 'ops': 211265, 'norm_ops': 57358, 'norm_ltcy': 17.453428466822412, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:22.020000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:22.020000",
+ "bytes": 216335360,
+ "norm_byte": 58734592,
+ "ops": 211265,
+ "norm_ops": 57358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.453428466822412,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c52d9128902937ad4e701d559d3c55fc4589374d0294aa492f31f11e4b946768",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:23.021000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:23.021000', 'bytes': 275334144, 'norm_byte': 58998784, 'ops': 268881, 'norm_ops': 57616, 'norm_ltcy': 17.371934309696957, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:23.021000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:23.021000",
+ "bytes": 275334144,
+ "norm_byte": 58998784,
+ "ops": 268881,
+ "norm_ops": 57616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.371934309696957,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5eaca6ed664a65c08f6cf2b6565708e4d25942f1d7e8da28d81303f8e2e5060e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:24.023000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:24.023000', 'bytes': 317651968, 'norm_byte': 42317824, 'ops': 310207, 'norm_ops': 41326, 'norm_ltcy': 24.22724996445942, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:24.023000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:24.023000",
+ "bytes": 317651968,
+ "norm_byte": 42317824,
+ "ops": 310207,
+ "norm_ops": 41326,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.22724996445942,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53045593d3348b975c4e226490632fcfd933214d5596d5cf7a913baab0f8ef13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:25.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:25.024000', 'bytes': 368962560, 'norm_byte': 51310592, 'ops': 360315, 'norm_ops': 50108, 'norm_ltcy': 19.97914972409595, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:25.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:25.024000",
+ "bytes": 368962560,
+ "norm_byte": 51310592,
+ "ops": 360315,
+ "norm_ops": 50108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.97914972409595,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4f599a70535c2d731cd1882185afdf7f5b137995d0f9cc23d706e76aaa32c1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:26.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:26.025000', 'bytes': 416694272, 'norm_byte': 47731712, 'ops': 406928, 'norm_ops': 46613, 'norm_ltcy': 21.476827606770108, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:26.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:26.025000",
+ "bytes": 416694272,
+ "norm_byte": 47731712,
+ "ops": 406928,
+ "norm_ops": 46613,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.476827606770108,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f55651d9d49346571804b15241ee9af59d9d619105a3f4462068cfecf7cbc83d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:27.026000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:27.026000', 'bytes': 480322560, 'norm_byte': 63628288, 'ops': 469065, 'norm_ops': 62137, 'norm_ltcy': 16.109878675346412, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:27.026000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:27.026000",
+ "bytes": 480322560,
+ "norm_byte": 63628288,
+ "ops": 469065,
+ "norm_ops": 62137,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.109878675346412,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f76f3d48258a49d49a29074d959ccaa0c7e40ff6799544af6032379948087312",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:28.027000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:28.027000', 'bytes': 541168640, 'norm_byte': 60846080, 'ops': 528485, 'norm_ops': 59420, 'norm_ltcy': 16.847716401779707, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:28.027000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:28.027000",
+ "bytes": 541168640,
+ "norm_byte": 60846080,
+ "ops": 528485,
+ "norm_ops": 59420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.847716401779707,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9b826210aa7d7a00fde70124c526d57862543055aa3cbfb864a6ee61196a1dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:29.028000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:29.028000', 'bytes': 599458816, 'norm_byte': 58290176, 'ops': 585409, 'norm_ops': 56924, 'norm_ltcy': 17.58649261927087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:29.028000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:29.028000",
+ "bytes": 599458816,
+ "norm_byte": 58290176,
+ "ops": 585409,
+ "norm_ops": 56924,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.58649261927087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "541acbb4a0267341123d7241afe94a19243a3f55bc0c528f6be81d94564544b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:30.029000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:30.029000', 'bytes': 657562624, 'norm_byte': 58103808, 'ops': 642151, 'norm_ops': 56742, 'norm_ltcy': 17.64280234438335, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:30.029000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:30.029000",
+ "bytes": 657562624,
+ "norm_byte": 58103808,
+ "ops": 642151,
+ "norm_ops": 56742,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.64280234438335,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64f429165625c069cf5000f08b254174ad6c734d0dba617873b2527bb61e9b19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:31.030000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:31.030000', 'bytes': 703906816, 'norm_byte': 46344192, 'ops': 687409, 'norm_ops': 45258, 'norm_ltcy': 22.119751273255556, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:31.030000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:31.030000",
+ "bytes": 703906816,
+ "norm_byte": 46344192,
+ "ops": 687409,
+ "norm_ops": 45258,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.119751273255556,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae9dfa9865842559a1ae93ea75ec0732bda8733519e072ed3521987e9fb67c65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:32.031000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:32.031000', 'bytes': 762250240, 'norm_byte': 58343424, 'ops': 744385, 'norm_ops': 56976, 'norm_ltcy': 17.57046346817081, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:32.031000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:32.031000",
+ "bytes": 762250240,
+ "norm_byte": 58343424,
+ "ops": 744385,
+ "norm_ops": 56976,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.57046346817081,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db9c3a853280e791015248e05ef9eb658fadbd0614204b303db565cfc6aa88c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:33.032000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:33.032000', 'bytes': 818912256, 'norm_byte': 56662016, 'ops': 799719, 'norm_ops': 55334, 'norm_ltcy': 18.091943639986265, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:33.032000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:33.032000",
+ "bytes": 818912256,
+ "norm_byte": 56662016,
+ "ops": 799719,
+ "norm_ops": 55334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.091943639986265,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce67018f8bb59de731136746e816c8f94578ecd465bece00d8358d5bce507b26",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:34.033000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:34.033000', 'bytes': 863200256, 'norm_byte': 44288000, 'ops': 842969, 'norm_ops': 43250, 'norm_ltcy': 23.146969833815028, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:34.033000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:34.033000",
+ "bytes": 863200256,
+ "norm_byte": 44288000,
+ "ops": 842969,
+ "norm_ops": 43250,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.146969833815028,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "078069e73ea0e0db66ad6a782aa227f3e52c658f7b1805ee54fd2baea7611180",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:35.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:35.035000', 'bytes': 917478400, 'norm_byte': 54278144, 'ops': 895975, 'norm_ops': 53006, 'norm_ltcy': 18.88648771778195, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:35.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:35.035000",
+ "bytes": 917478400,
+ "norm_byte": 54278144,
+ "ops": 895975,
+ "norm_ops": 53006,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.88648771778195,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "028dd08d9ae5c4f9e0be0faa1782c86be51b934503bdc907531062fbc989289b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:36.036000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:36.036000', 'bytes': 968225792, 'norm_byte': 50747392, 'ops': 945533, 'norm_ops': 49558, 'norm_ltcy': 20.200451877408792, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:36.036000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:36.036000",
+ "bytes": 968225792,
+ "norm_byte": 50747392,
+ "ops": 945533,
+ "norm_ops": 49558,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.200451877408792,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f80018dc879994e74bb65b303ade95a096fdb15938e05db48d75fd244daef344",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:37.037000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:37.037000', 'bytes': 1017585664, 'norm_byte': 49359872, 'ops': 993736, 'norm_ops': 48203, 'norm_ltcy': 20.768175816987533, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:37.037000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:37.037000",
+ "bytes": 1017585664,
+ "norm_byte": 49359872,
+ "ops": 993736,
+ "norm_ops": 48203,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.768175816987533,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4d418cd5a3a8e1512c2fc2afa5a8824fb9f8076da80918cec1180ae195f0210",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:38.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:38.038000', 'bytes': 1065143296, 'norm_byte': 47557632, 'ops': 1040179, 'norm_ops': 46443, 'norm_ltcy': 21.55529947327907, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:38.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:38.038000",
+ "bytes": 1065143296,
+ "norm_byte": 47557632,
+ "ops": 1040179,
+ "norm_ops": 46443,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.55529947327907,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0dc85c913b05791364b1b20545c79bf25d08b654265c293fa439154f38e1c855",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:39.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:39.038000', 'bytes': 1123959808, 'norm_byte': 58816512, 'ops': 1097617, 'norm_ops': 57438, 'norm_ltcy': 17.41877774050933, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:39.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:39.038000",
+ "bytes": 1123959808,
+ "norm_byte": 58816512,
+ "ops": 1097617,
+ "norm_ops": 57438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.41877774050933,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f100eda90c27cd26a1ee8e3cbc5bae50b16c7f3b911234320a812a807dea1c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:40.039000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:40.039000', 'bytes': 1170866176, 'norm_byte': 46906368, 'ops': 1143424, 'norm_ops': 45807, 'norm_ltcy': 21.852832434180364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:40.039000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:40.039000",
+ "bytes": 1170866176,
+ "norm_byte": 46906368,
+ "ops": 1143424,
+ "norm_ops": 45807,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.852832434180364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e503ca0cbebb8ce90fea01190101542046b0eea6eae07eb2374a2b4896c2ba76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:41.040000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:41.040000', 'bytes': 1215877120, 'norm_byte': 45010944, 'ops': 1187380, 'norm_ops': 43956, 'norm_ltcy': 22.775294381739695, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:41.040000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:41.040000",
+ "bytes": 1215877120,
+ "norm_byte": 45010944,
+ "ops": 1187380,
+ "norm_ops": 43956,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.775294381739695,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2f70237877991cbfcb8c1e29a4168a8042d05c223ef3d513439c58464ee0ead",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:42.042000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:42.042000', 'bytes': 1266816000, 'norm_byte': 50938880, 'ops': 1237125, 'norm_ops': 49745, 'norm_ltcy': 20.124691591177506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:42.042000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:42.042000",
+ "bytes": 1266816000,
+ "norm_byte": 50938880,
+ "ops": 1237125,
+ "norm_ops": 49745,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.124691591177506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d99c23b99c22dce947cc5b1f494f584e00a44370ca04db3f36a1bc61e67e2fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:43.043000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:43.043000', 'bytes': 1316733952, 'norm_byte': 49917952, 'ops': 1285873, 'norm_ops': 48748, 'norm_ltcy': 20.536409426412366, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:43.043000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:43.043000",
+ "bytes": 1316733952,
+ "norm_byte": 49917952,
+ "ops": 1285873,
+ "norm_ops": 48748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.536409426412366,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "607f8bb465c0f87cdce252ed9207f17b9912f8e5be91167cedaabc60fb6ecb19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:44.044000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:44.044000', 'bytes': 1374653440, 'norm_byte': 57919488, 'ops': 1342435, 'norm_ops': 56562, 'norm_ltcy': 17.699081697683518, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:44.044000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:44.044000",
+ "bytes": 1374653440,
+ "norm_byte": 57919488,
+ "ops": 1342435,
+ "norm_ops": 56562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.699081697683518,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1029dce033d684c07a86cd3dc4caffee3fd8255ff2f442431d4bf3ec830a4765",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:45.045000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:45.045000', 'bytes': 1433247744, 'norm_byte': 58594304, 'ops': 1399656, 'norm_ops': 57221, 'norm_ltcy': 17.49530551638603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:45.045000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:45.045000",
+ "bytes": 1433247744,
+ "norm_byte": 58594304,
+ "ops": 1399656,
+ "norm_ops": 57221,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.49530551638603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5eeeb5df03ce45030f619906df32abb1e8eefb98cfe59db94919e3d550a1aec2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:46.046000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:46.046000', 'bytes': 1494295552, 'norm_byte': 61047808, 'ops': 1459273, 'norm_ops': 59617, 'norm_ltcy': 16.792331020304612, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:46.046000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:46.046000",
+ "bytes": 1494295552,
+ "norm_byte": 61047808,
+ "ops": 1459273,
+ "norm_ops": 59617,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.792331020304612,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ef1e263b7c4d7289bc12aace352b6cd23b7872600bef0e01e38c392306e2bd2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:47.047000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:47.047000', 'bytes': 1545894912, 'norm_byte': 51599360, 'ops': 1509663, 'norm_ops': 50390, 'norm_ltcy': 19.86706811867434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:47.047000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:47.047000",
+ "bytes": 1545894912,
+ "norm_byte": 51599360,
+ "ops": 1509663,
+ "norm_ops": 50390,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.86706811867434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bf8f9d9195a702e0177e47332c7da1ffaa8938a7049a2a110cc15eb5af5cc34",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:48.048000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:48.048000', 'bytes': 1606695936, 'norm_byte': 60801024, 'ops': 1569039, 'norm_ops': 59376, 'norm_ltcy': 16.86054662500421, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:48.048000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:48.048000",
+ "bytes": 1606695936,
+ "norm_byte": 60801024,
+ "ops": 1569039,
+ "norm_ops": 59376,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.86054662500421,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3af4ff986af63461aec03c2362a21ea6ec98cb7fd8171a3654f45e2353bea617",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:49.049000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:49.049000', 'bytes': 1651686400, 'norm_byte': 44990464, 'ops': 1612975, 'norm_ops': 43936, 'norm_ltcy': 22.78525067000865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:49.049000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:49.049000",
+ "bytes": 1651686400,
+ "norm_byte": 44990464,
+ "ops": 1612975,
+ "norm_ops": 43936,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.78525067000865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c03dd06a8ab1d0527c437cdd17ea93be0d3682c6107ee346d81333066ed800a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:50.050000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:50.050000', 'bytes': 1696320512, 'norm_byte': 44634112, 'ops': 1656563, 'norm_ops': 43588, 'norm_ltcy': 22.967321496168672, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:50.050000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:50.050000",
+ "bytes": 1696320512,
+ "norm_byte": 44634112,
+ "ops": 1656563,
+ "norm_ops": 43588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.967321496168672,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e35e3ffff84e47753d692323b1aa8bc3f66a4279d11d27f18ca20d6f40f0858",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:51.051000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:51.051000', 'bytes': 1742730240, 'norm_byte': 46409728, 'ops': 1701885, 'norm_ops': 45322, 'norm_ltcy': 22.088542514190127, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:51.051000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:51.051000",
+ "bytes": 1742730240,
+ "norm_byte": 46409728,
+ "ops": 1701885,
+ "norm_ops": 45322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.088542514190127,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f51c96ff1b9fa905f5db350b784c205b6674b1b15cab298a2acea2a774548663",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:52.053000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:52.053000', 'bytes': 1801831424, 'norm_byte': 59101184, 'ops': 1759601, 'norm_ops': 57716, 'norm_ltcy': 17.345155894000364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:52.053000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:52.053000",
+ "bytes": 1801831424,
+ "norm_byte": 59101184,
+ "ops": 1759601,
+ "norm_ops": 57716,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.345155894000364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2f4d1d20b1b71625c4a4c1ed6990ad9db9a9479c979324e12a84b1b056b06ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:53.054000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:53.054000', 'bytes': 1849274368, 'norm_byte': 47442944, 'ops': 1805932, 'norm_ops': 46331, 'norm_ltcy': 21.607433341404782, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:53.054000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:53.054000",
+ "bytes": 1849274368,
+ "norm_byte": 47442944,
+ "ops": 1805932,
+ "norm_ops": 46331,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.607433341404782,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c446f0a9eff6e7288278f738f79a6691e85995d8ca0e0bfb6f1d1009a1f4bf3d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:54.055000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:54.055000', 'bytes': 1910619136, 'norm_byte': 61344768, 'ops': 1865839, 'norm_ops': 59907, 'norm_ltcy': 16.710830172183552, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:54.055000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:54.055000",
+ "bytes": 1910619136,
+ "norm_byte": 61344768,
+ "ops": 1865839,
+ "norm_ops": 59907,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.710830172183552,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28f6b28e1d0499e6bf0f1c4952afb45da893afc8b8f2da7e2467ef72dcbe58a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:55.056000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:55.056000', 'bytes': 1957360640, 'norm_byte': 46741504, 'ops': 1911485, 'norm_ops': 45646, 'norm_ltcy': 21.933221275892194, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:55.056000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:55.056000",
+ "bytes": 1957360640,
+ "norm_byte": 46741504,
+ "ops": 1911485,
+ "norm_ops": 45646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.933221275892194,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "54cf52f5f5c74e5f5591e26b885b75774c16bf3b4beef318c9454f5e22f57319",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:56.057000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:56.057000', 'bytes': 2004229120, 'norm_byte': 46868480, 'ops': 1957255, 'norm_ops': 45770, 'norm_ltcy': 21.87221561271029, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:56.057000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:56.057000",
+ "bytes": 2004229120,
+ "norm_byte": 46868480,
+ "ops": 1957255,
+ "norm_ops": 45770,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.87221561271029,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d6ba334653f183e5acca7c331f75f7fad5722e342b7bbf5cc01e252f0fd0892",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:57.058000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:57.058000', 'bytes': 2062140416, 'norm_byte': 57911296, 'ops': 2013809, 'norm_ops': 56554, 'norm_ltcy': 17.701645806717917, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:57.058000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:57.058000",
+ "bytes": 2062140416,
+ "norm_byte": 57911296,
+ "ops": 2013809,
+ "norm_ops": 56554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.701645806717917,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "433aaf6ce8fdf7bf3b38712339b1952c4a5ec4b2be4d7c91a1988d8ea5e4b478",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:58.059000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:58.059000', 'bytes': 2120217600, 'norm_byte': 58077184, 'ops': 2070525, 'norm_ops': 56716, 'norm_ltcy': 17.6510021560274, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:58.059000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:58.059000",
+ "bytes": 2120217600,
+ "norm_byte": 58077184,
+ "ops": 2070525,
+ "norm_ops": 56716,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.6510021560274,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f49a07693a4d7daa93d761f1f6017249851de5e9bfc2fa31de37a4a444acf8f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:31:59.060000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:31:59.060000', 'bytes': 2178460672, 'norm_byte': 58243072, 'ops': 2127403, 'norm_ops': 56878, 'norm_ltcy': 17.600659869039877, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:31:59.060000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:31:59.060000",
+ "bytes": 2178460672,
+ "norm_byte": 58243072,
+ "ops": 2127403,
+ "norm_ops": 56878,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.600659869039877,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9cfc3528d4417b19b84736fcea613332c738be878e82a495d464797ee74b0326",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:00.061000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:00.061000', 'bytes': 2236773376, 'norm_byte': 58312704, 'ops': 2184349, 'norm_ops': 56946, 'norm_ltcy': 17.57983560494811, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:00.061000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:00.061000",
+ "bytes": 2236773376,
+ "norm_byte": 58312704,
+ "ops": 2184349,
+ "norm_ops": 56946,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.57983560494811,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ec9022a215f59ee73c1fa63dbfbcc9d890795f0188a4299b6f27ffa092980df",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:01.062000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:01.062000', 'bytes': 2295127040, 'norm_byte': 58353664, 'ops': 2241335, 'norm_ops': 56986, 'norm_ltcy': 17.566364813013283, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:01.062000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:01.062000",
+ "bytes": 2295127040,
+ "norm_byte": 58353664,
+ "ops": 2241335,
+ "norm_ops": 56986,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.566364813013283,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "65bdc73607b9c326cc47c208f308f88292c200ed6ee1f1ad937916ff121e7d54",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:02.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:02.063000', 'bytes': 2353437696, 'norm_byte': 58310656, 'ops': 2298279, 'norm_ops': 56944, 'norm_ltcy': 17.57952697359467, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:02.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:02.063000",
+ "bytes": 2353437696,
+ "norm_byte": 58310656,
+ "ops": 2298279,
+ "norm_ops": 56944,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.57952697359467,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "529e3b5db911e71ce06639d377c6a9545b81c65c712609fc9da32bdf8fd1a826",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:03.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:03.064000', 'bytes': 2411692032, 'norm_byte': 58254336, 'ops': 2355168, 'norm_ops': 56889, 'norm_ltcy': 17.593033761469705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:03.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:03.064000",
+ "bytes": 2411692032,
+ "norm_byte": 58254336,
+ "ops": 2355168,
+ "norm_ops": 56889,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.593033761469705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "570ceea6b26833a7cb916b4117916f430c29b1e8ee52c90a9295516b4eb85025",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:04.065000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:04.065000', 'bytes': 2469946368, 'norm_byte': 58254336, 'ops': 2412057, 'norm_ops': 56889, 'norm_ltcy': 17.597393951928318, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:04.065000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:04.065000",
+ "bytes": 2469946368,
+ "norm_byte": 58254336,
+ "ops": 2412057,
+ "norm_ops": 56889,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.597393951928318,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c1ffd516148f1171b865292bdbe2824ff448ede33d147346b11facf4a8d011c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:05.067000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:05.067000', 'bytes': 2528576512, 'norm_byte': 58630144, 'ops': 2469313, 'norm_ops': 57256, 'norm_ltcy': 17.484683305570595, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:05.067000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:05.067000",
+ "bytes": 2528576512,
+ "norm_byte": 58630144,
+ "ops": 2469313,
+ "norm_ops": 57256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.484683305570595,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b652ae507df1e00bd83cbf95e100c4776b7cf9e540cf0207d46f1e7f8a3e13d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:06.068000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:06.068000', 'bytes': 2587323392, 'norm_byte': 58746880, 'ops': 2526683, 'norm_ops': 57370, 'norm_ltcy': 17.44976924732003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:06.068000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:06.068000",
+ "bytes": 2587323392,
+ "norm_byte": 58746880,
+ "ops": 2526683,
+ "norm_ops": 57370,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.44976924732003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c1d0ba18c047809c44e3658672c56498b22f74b6ed2274224b2d199556f5be6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:07.069000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:07.069000', 'bytes': 2646112256, 'norm_byte': 58788864, 'ops': 2584094, 'norm_ops': 57411, 'norm_ltcy': 17.437354292132603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:07.069000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:07.069000",
+ "bytes": 2646112256,
+ "norm_byte": 58788864,
+ "ops": 2584094,
+ "norm_ops": 57411,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.437354292132603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5b9c2f1e9420e6b583ca74fd161632ade85ccd6bcfdcc5b92d6b529c7421b9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:08.070000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:08.070000', 'bytes': 2704837632, 'norm_byte': 58725376, 'ops': 2641443, 'norm_ops': 57349, 'norm_ltcy': 17.456133443913583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:08.070000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:08.070000",
+ "bytes": 2704837632,
+ "norm_byte": 58725376,
+ "ops": 2641443,
+ "norm_ops": 57349,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.456133443913583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a708ad144e9fbbf3acae4c244b102225d37bcc6c85df775611221bde9dd789e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:09.071000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:09.071000', 'bytes': 2763234304, 'norm_byte': 58396672, 'ops': 2698471, 'norm_ops': 57028, 'norm_ltcy': 17.554711850702724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:09.071000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:09.071000",
+ "bytes": 2763234304,
+ "norm_byte": 58396672,
+ "ops": 2698471,
+ "norm_ops": 57028,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.554711850702724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b37373c6034414da46b2d0d087fd52c9c3ec22dfbdb95a0f96300a3e2b8820b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:10.072000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:10.072000', 'bytes': 2821760000, 'norm_byte': 58525696, 'ops': 2755625, 'norm_ops': 57154, 'norm_ltcy': 17.515959998151924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:10.072000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:10.072000",
+ "bytes": 2821760000,
+ "norm_byte": 58525696,
+ "ops": 2755625,
+ "norm_ops": 57154,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.515959998151924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac9095a27d93ee03780354b178e9be09087f2d3417ce366b9678804a43836ccf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:11.073000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:11.073000', 'bytes': 2855109632, 'norm_byte': 33349632, 'ops': 2788193, 'norm_ops': 32568, 'norm_ltcy': 30.739124797538995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:11.073000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:11.073000",
+ "bytes": 2855109632,
+ "norm_byte": 33349632,
+ "ops": 2788193,
+ "norm_ops": 32568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.739124797538995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b16d03a3c40bbe021c6db4bb618f4d2e7f2599c3f63b62fd4f820c59b9cd6ec6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:12.074000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:12.074000', 'bytes': 2913942528, 'norm_byte': 58832896, 'ops': 2845647, 'norm_ops': 57454, 'norm_ltcy': 17.42422300612229, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:12.074000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:12.074000",
+ "bytes": 2913942528,
+ "norm_byte": 58832896,
+ "ops": 2845647,
+ "norm_ops": 57454,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.42422300612229,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ce56a89b3f2086e20164c938cf45c57f8bf63ea210755fc8bdec4b496220b19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:13.075000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:13.075000', 'bytes': 2977565696, 'norm_byte': 63623168, 'ops': 2907779, 'norm_ops': 62132, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11238142055422, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:13.075000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:13.075000",
+ "bytes": 2977565696,
+ "norm_byte": 63623168,
+ "ops": 2907779,
+ "norm_ops": 62132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11238142055422,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b739bb305d18f428969dbf57b55863d1c695e55e2f03a3e214eeff58f0929f54",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:14.076000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:14.076000', 'bytes': 3013366784, 'norm_byte': 35801088, 'ops': 2942741, 'norm_ops': 34962, 'norm_ltcy': 28.63447892980236, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:14.076000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:14.076000",
+ "bytes": 3013366784,
+ "norm_byte": 35801088,
+ "ops": 2942741,
+ "norm_ops": 34962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.63447892980236,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb4d5fa3ed30dd4605550ed60419b75b8494f4828b2d9d06272923025674b738",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:15.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:15.078000', 'bytes': 3072142336, 'norm_byte': 58775552, 'ops': 3000139, 'norm_ops': 57398, 'norm_ltcy': 17.441648187327957, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:15.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:15.078000",
+ "bytes": 3072142336,
+ "norm_byte": 58775552,
+ "ops": 3000139,
+ "norm_ops": 57398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.441648187327957,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2bb38bb0291c9755a46ccdf517f088de0905650ae4332d03ba09ac8e26da9ddd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:16.079000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:16.079000', 'bytes': 3121286144, 'norm_byte': 49143808, 'ops': 3048131, 'norm_ops': 47992, 'norm_ltcy': 20.85740893338994, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:16.079000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:16.079000",
+ "bytes": 3121286144,
+ "norm_byte": 49143808,
+ "ops": 3048131,
+ "norm_ops": 47992,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.85740893338994,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68e32476162e8c7027d9294c485f6acf39cb35206728ad4c10f1d7cb854c58ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:17.080000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:17.080000', 'bytes': 3179377664, 'norm_byte': 58091520, 'ops': 3104861, 'norm_ops': 56730, 'norm_ltcy': 17.64672365260885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:17.080000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:17.080000",
+ "bytes": 3179377664,
+ "norm_byte": 58091520,
+ "ops": 3104861,
+ "norm_ops": 56730,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.64672365260885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e589c13a9d8aa51f82d86c0d56e90c956f0c0bea3e38c8e29596264da6c9ac3b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:32:18.281000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:32:18.281000', 'bytes': 3224054784, 'norm_byte': 44677120, 'ops': 3148491, 'norm_ops': 43630, 'norm_ltcy': 27.534681062700553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:32:18.281000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:32:18.281000",
+ "bytes": 3224054784,
+ "norm_byte": 44677120,
+ "ops": 3148491,
+ "norm_ops": 43630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.534681062700553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "70a01e64-699e-543a-8cfd-db6beb55ccb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc39a4f5beb6ce3fff1f49556fea303135d01eb1901c8171bd2a0d31315409a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 53734246.4
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 52474.85
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 27.58967095605564
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:32:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-059-220519212833/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-059-220519212833/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6ef4d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-059-220519212833/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-059-220519212833/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-059-220519212833/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-059-220519212833/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-059-220519212833/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-059-220519212833/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9cb7ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-059-220519212833/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=5
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=35
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=80
+ net.core.busy_poll=120
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-060-220519213034/220519213034-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-060-220519213034/220519213034-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60a3425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-060-220519213034/220519213034-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:33:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995998822.5330 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995999823.6448 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995999823.7329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996000824.8291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56210432 nr_ops:54893\ntimestamp_ms:1652996001825.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:112401408 nr_ops:109767\ntimestamp_ms:1652996002827.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:183464960 nr_ops:179165\ntimestamp_ms:1652996003828.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240178176 nr_ops:234549\ntimestamp_ms:1652996004829.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311217152 nr_ops:303923\ntimestamp_ms:1652996005830.2927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368006144 nr_ops:359381\ntimestamp_ms:1652996006831.3953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439835648 nr_ops:429527\ntimestamp_ms:1652996007832.4983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496886784 nr_ops:485241\ntimestamp_ms:1652996008833.5945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567284736 nr_ops:553989\ntimestamp_ms:1652996009834.7024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637414400 nr_ops:622475\ntimestamp_ms:1652996010835.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706350080 nr_ops:689795\ntimestamp_ms:1652996011836.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762917888 nr_ops:745037\ntimestamp_ms:1652996012838.0273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819545088 nr_ops:800337\ntimestamp_ms:1652996013839.1284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888165376 nr_ops:867349\ntimestamp_ms:1652996014840.2446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:932882432 nr_ops:911018\ntimestamp_ms:1652996015841.3418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989476864 nr_ops:966286\ntimestamp_ms:1652996016841.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059646464 nr_ops:1034811\ntimestamp_ms:1652996017842.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130314752 nr_ops:1103823\ntimestamp_ms:1652996018844.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201271808 nr_ops:1173117\ntimestamp_ms:1652996019845.1479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272134656 nr_ops:1242319\ntimestamp_ms:1652996020846.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342682112 nr_ops:1311213\ntimestamp_ms:1652996021847.3418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1410069504 nr_ops:1377021\ntimestamp_ms:1652996022848.4512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1470151680 nr_ops:1435695\ntimestamp_ms:1652996023849.5396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1541607424 nr_ops:1505476\ntimestamp_ms:1652996024849.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597845504 nr_ops:1560396\ntimestamp_ms:1652996025850.9951 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1668996096 nr_ops:1629879\ntimestamp_ms:1652996026851.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1740071936 nr_ops:1699289\ntimestamp_ms:1652996027852.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1808405504 nr_ops:1766021\ntimestamp_ms:1652996028854.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1868288000 nr_ops:1824500\ntimestamp_ms:1652996029855.1206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1924989952 nr_ops:1879873\ntimestamp_ms:1652996030856.2161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1996172288 nr_ops:1949387\ntimestamp_ms:1652996031857.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2058478592 nr_ops:2010233\ntimestamp_ms:1652996032858.4275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123343872 nr_ops:2073578\ntimestamp_ms:1652996033859.5254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2165617664 nr_ops:2114861\ntimestamp_ms:1652996034860.6287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2236718080 nr_ops:2184295\ntimestamp_ms:1652996035861.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2293844992 nr_ops:2240083\ntimestamp_ms:1652996036862.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2350690304 nr_ops:2295596\ntimestamp_ms:1652996037864.0276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2392896512 nr_ops:2336813\ntimestamp_ms:1652996038865.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2449916928 nr_ops:2392497\ntimestamp_ms:1652996039866.2117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2507219968 nr_ops:2448457\ntimestamp_ms:1652996040867.3079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579033088 nr_ops:2518587\ntimestamp_ms:1652996041868.3984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2650377216 nr_ops:2588259\ntimestamp_ms:1652996042869.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2721588224 nr_ops:2657801\ntimestamp_ms:1652996043870.5996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2763838464 nr_ops:2699061\ntimestamp_ms:1652996044871.7017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2817946624 nr_ops:2751901\ntimestamp_ms:1652996045872.8101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2876863488 nr_ops:2809437\ntimestamp_ms:1652996046873.9138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2948600832 nr_ops:2879493\ntimestamp_ms:1652996047875.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3005723648 nr_ops:2935277\ntimestamp_ms:1652996048876.1116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3062590464 nr_ops:2990811\ntimestamp_ms:1652996049877.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3119354880 nr_ops:3046245\ntimestamp_ms:1652996050878.3005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190658048 nr_ops:3115877\ntimestamp_ms:1652996051879.3948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3261835264 nr_ops:3185386\ntimestamp_ms:1652996052880.4976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3332609024 nr_ops:3254501\ntimestamp_ms:1652996053881.5886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3403305984 nr_ops:3323541\ntimestamp_ms:1652996054882.6975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3474019328 nr_ops:3392597\ntimestamp_ms:1652996055883.7925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3544996864 nr_ops:3461911\ntimestamp_ms:1652996056884.8875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3616400384 nr_ops:3531641\ntimestamp_ms:1652996057885.9902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3668128768 nr_ops:3582157\ntimestamp_ms:1652996058887.1118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3714032640 nr_ops:3626985\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139814763849472\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.4954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3756487680 nr_ops:3668445\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.5808 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.5906 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060188.8113 name:Total nr_bytes:3756487680 nr_ops:3668446\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.7402 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7512975358 nr_ops:7336892\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.7419 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3756487680 nr_ops:3668448\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 305.80us 0.00ns 305.80us 305.80us \nTxn1 1834223 32.70us 0.00ns 208.97ms 18.52us \nTxn2 1 81.00us 0.00ns 81.00us 81.00us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 304.80us 0.00ns 304.80us 304.80us \nwrite 1834223 2.46us 0.00ns 259.89us 2.14us \nread 1834222 30.15us 0.00ns 208.96ms 971.00ns \ndisconnect 1 80.03us 0.00ns 80.03us 80.03us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \nnet1 29411 29411 256.46Mb/s 256.46Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.155 62.37s 3.50GB 481.85Mb/s 3668448 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.50GB 481.85Mb/s 3668448 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417287, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995998822.5330 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995999823.6448 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995999823.7329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996000824.8291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56210432 nr_ops:54893\ntimestamp_ms:1652996001825.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:112401408 nr_ops:109767\ntimestamp_ms:1652996002827.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:183464960 nr_ops:179165\ntimestamp_ms:1652996003828.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240178176 nr_ops:234549\ntimestamp_ms:1652996004829.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311217152 nr_ops:303923\ntimestamp_ms:1652996005830.2927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368006144 nr_ops:359381\ntimestamp_ms:1652996006831.3953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439835648 nr_ops:429527\ntimestamp_ms:1652996007832.4983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496886784 nr_ops:485241\ntimestamp_ms:1652996008833.5945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567284736 nr_ops:553989\ntimestamp_ms:1652996009834.7024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637414400 nr_ops:622475\ntimestamp_ms:1652996010835.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706350080 nr_ops:689795\ntimestamp_ms:1652996011836.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762917888 nr_ops:745037\ntimestamp_ms:1652996012838.0273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819545088 nr_ops:800337\ntimestamp_ms:1652996013839.1284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888165376 nr_ops:867349\ntimestamp_ms:1652996014840.2446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:932882432 nr_ops:911018\ntimestamp_ms:1652996015841.3418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989476864 nr_ops:966286\ntimestamp_ms:1652996016841.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059646464 nr_ops:1034811\ntimestamp_ms:1652996017842.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130314752 nr_ops:1103823\ntimestamp_ms:1652996018844.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201271808 nr_ops:1173117\ntimestamp_ms:1652996019845.1479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272134656 nr_ops:1242319\ntimestamp_ms:1652996020846.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342682112 nr_ops:1311213\ntimestamp_ms:1652996021847.3418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1410069504 nr_ops:1377021\ntimestamp_ms:1652996022848.4512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1470151680 nr_ops:1435695\ntimestamp_ms:1652996023849.5396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1541607424 nr_ops:1505476\ntimestamp_ms:1652996024849.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597845504 nr_ops:1560396\ntimestamp_ms:1652996025850.9951 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1668996096 nr_ops:1629879\ntimestamp_ms:1652996026851.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1740071936 nr_ops:1699289\ntimestamp_ms:1652996027852.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1808405504 nr_ops:1766021\ntimestamp_ms:1652996028854.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1868288000 nr_ops:1824500\ntimestamp_ms:1652996029855.1206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1924989952 nr_ops:1879873\ntimestamp_ms:1652996030856.2161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1996172288 nr_ops:1949387\ntimestamp_ms:1652996031857.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2058478592 nr_ops:2010233\ntimestamp_ms:1652996032858.4275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123343872 nr_ops:2073578\ntimestamp_ms:1652996033859.5254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2165617664 nr_ops:2114861\ntimestamp_ms:1652996034860.6287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2236718080 nr_ops:2184295\ntimestamp_ms:1652996035861.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2293844992 nr_ops:2240083\ntimestamp_ms:1652996036862.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2350690304 nr_ops:2295596\ntimestamp_ms:1652996037864.0276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2392896512 nr_ops:2336813\ntimestamp_ms:1652996038865.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2449916928 nr_ops:2392497\ntimestamp_ms:1652996039866.2117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2507219968 nr_ops:2448457\ntimestamp_ms:1652996040867.3079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579033088 nr_ops:2518587\ntimestamp_ms:1652996041868.3984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2650377216 nr_ops:2588259\ntimestamp_ms:1652996042869.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2721588224 nr_ops:2657801\ntimestamp_ms:1652996043870.5996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2763838464 nr_ops:2699061\ntimestamp_ms:1652996044871.7017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2817946624 nr_ops:2751901\ntimestamp_ms:1652996045872.8101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2876863488 nr_ops:2809437\ntimestamp_ms:1652996046873.9138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2948600832 nr_ops:2879493\ntimestamp_ms:1652996047875.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3005723648 nr_ops:2935277\ntimestamp_ms:1652996048876.1116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3062590464 nr_ops:2990811\ntimestamp_ms:1652996049877.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3119354880 nr_ops:3046245\ntimestamp_ms:1652996050878.3005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190658048 nr_ops:3115877\ntimestamp_ms:1652996051879.3948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3261835264 nr_ops:3185386\ntimestamp_ms:1652996052880.4976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3332609024 nr_ops:3254501\ntimestamp_ms:1652996053881.5886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3403305984 nr_ops:3323541\ntimestamp_ms:1652996054882.6975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3474019328 nr_ops:3392597\ntimestamp_ms:1652996055883.7925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3544996864 nr_ops:3461911\ntimestamp_ms:1652996056884.8875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3616400384 nr_ops:3531641\ntimestamp_ms:1652996057885.9902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3668128768 nr_ops:3582157\ntimestamp_ms:1652996058887.1118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3714032640 nr_ops:3626985\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139814763849472\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.4954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3756487680 nr_ops:3668445\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.5808 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.5906 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060188.8113 name:Total nr_bytes:3756487680 nr_ops:3668446\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.7402 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7512975358 nr_ops:7336892\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.7419 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3756487680 nr_ops:3668448\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 305.80us 0.00ns 305.80us 305.80us \nTxn1 1834223 32.70us 0.00ns 208.97ms 18.52us \nTxn2 1 81.00us 0.00ns 81.00us 81.00us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 304.80us 0.00ns 304.80us 304.80us \nwrite 1834223 2.46us 0.00ns 259.89us 2.14us \nread 1834222 30.15us 0.00ns 208.96ms 971.00ns \ndisconnect 1 80.03us 0.00ns 80.03us 80.03us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \nnet1 29411 29411 256.46Mb/s 256.46Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.155 62.37s 3.50GB 481.85Mb/s 3668448 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.50GB 481.85Mb/s 3668448 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417287, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995998822.5330 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652995999823.6448 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652995999823.7329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996000824.8291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56210432 nr_ops:54893\ntimestamp_ms:1652996001825.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:112401408 nr_ops:109767\ntimestamp_ms:1652996002827.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:183464960 nr_ops:179165\ntimestamp_ms:1652996003828.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240178176 nr_ops:234549\ntimestamp_ms:1652996004829.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311217152 nr_ops:303923\ntimestamp_ms:1652996005830.2927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368006144 nr_ops:359381\ntimestamp_ms:1652996006831.3953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439835648 nr_ops:429527\ntimestamp_ms:1652996007832.4983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496886784 nr_ops:485241\ntimestamp_ms:1652996008833.5945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567284736 nr_ops:553989\ntimestamp_ms:1652996009834.7024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637414400 nr_ops:622475\ntimestamp_ms:1652996010835.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706350080 nr_ops:689795\ntimestamp_ms:1652996011836.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762917888 nr_ops:745037\ntimestamp_ms:1652996012838.0273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819545088 nr_ops:800337\ntimestamp_ms:1652996013839.1284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888165376 nr_ops:867349\ntimestamp_ms:1652996014840.2446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:932882432 nr_ops:911018\ntimestamp_ms:1652996015841.3418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989476864 nr_ops:966286\ntimestamp_ms:1652996016841.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059646464 nr_ops:1034811\ntimestamp_ms:1652996017842.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130314752 nr_ops:1103823\ntimestamp_ms:1652996018844.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201271808 nr_ops:1173117\ntimestamp_ms:1652996019845.1479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272134656 nr_ops:1242319\ntimestamp_ms:1652996020846.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342682112 nr_ops:1311213\ntimestamp_ms:1652996021847.3418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1410069504 nr_ops:1377021\ntimestamp_ms:1652996022848.4512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1470151680 nr_ops:1435695\ntimestamp_ms:1652996023849.5396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1541607424 nr_ops:1505476\ntimestamp_ms:1652996024849.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597845504 nr_ops:1560396\ntimestamp_ms:1652996025850.9951 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1668996096 nr_ops:1629879\ntimestamp_ms:1652996026851.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1740071936 nr_ops:1699289\ntimestamp_ms:1652996027852.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1808405504 nr_ops:1766021\ntimestamp_ms:1652996028854.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1868288000 nr_ops:1824500\ntimestamp_ms:1652996029855.1206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1924989952 nr_ops:1879873\ntimestamp_ms:1652996030856.2161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1996172288 nr_ops:1949387\ntimestamp_ms:1652996031857.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2058478592 nr_ops:2010233\ntimestamp_ms:1652996032858.4275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123343872 nr_ops:2073578\ntimestamp_ms:1652996033859.5254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2165617664 nr_ops:2114861\ntimestamp_ms:1652996034860.6287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2236718080 nr_ops:2184295\ntimestamp_ms:1652996035861.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2293844992 nr_ops:2240083\ntimestamp_ms:1652996036862.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2350690304 nr_ops:2295596\ntimestamp_ms:1652996037864.0276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2392896512 nr_ops:2336813\ntimestamp_ms:1652996038865.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2449916928 nr_ops:2392497\ntimestamp_ms:1652996039866.2117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2507219968 nr_ops:2448457\ntimestamp_ms:1652996040867.3079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579033088 nr_ops:2518587\ntimestamp_ms:1652996041868.3984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2650377216 nr_ops:2588259\ntimestamp_ms:1652996042869.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2721588224 nr_ops:2657801\ntimestamp_ms:1652996043870.5996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2763838464 nr_ops:2699061\ntimestamp_ms:1652996044871.7017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2817946624 nr_ops:2751901\ntimestamp_ms:1652996045872.8101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2876863488 nr_ops:2809437\ntimestamp_ms:1652996046873.9138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2948600832 nr_ops:2879493\ntimestamp_ms:1652996047875.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3005723648 nr_ops:2935277\ntimestamp_ms:1652996048876.1116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3062590464 nr_ops:2990811\ntimestamp_ms:1652996049877.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3119354880 nr_ops:3046245\ntimestamp_ms:1652996050878.3005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190658048 nr_ops:3115877\ntimestamp_ms:1652996051879.3948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3261835264 nr_ops:3185386\ntimestamp_ms:1652996052880.4976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3332609024 nr_ops:3254501\ntimestamp_ms:1652996053881.5886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3403305984 nr_ops:3323541\ntimestamp_ms:1652996054882.6975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3474019328 nr_ops:3392597\ntimestamp_ms:1652996055883.7925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3544996864 nr_ops:3461911\ntimestamp_ms:1652996056884.8875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3616400384 nr_ops:3531641\ntimestamp_ms:1652996057885.9902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3668128768 nr_ops:3582157\ntimestamp_ms:1652996058887.1118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3714032640 nr_ops:3626985\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139814763849472\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.4954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3756487680 nr_ops:3668445\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.5808 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.5906 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060188.8113 name:Total nr_bytes:3756487680 nr_ops:3668446\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.7402 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7512975358 nr_ops:7336892\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996060088.7419 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3756487680 nr_ops:3668448\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 305.80us 0.00ns 305.80us 305.80us \nTxn1 1834223 32.70us 0.00ns 208.97ms 18.52us \nTxn2 1 81.00us 0.00ns 81.00us 81.00us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 304.80us 0.00ns 304.80us 304.80us \nwrite 1834223 2.46us 0.00ns 259.89us 2.14us \nread 1834222 30.15us 0.00ns 208.96ms 971.00ns \ndisconnect 1 80.03us 0.00ns 80.03us 80.03us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \nnet1 29411 29411 256.46Mb/s 256.46Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.155 62.37s 3.50GB 481.85Mb/s 3668448 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.50GB 481.85Mb/s 3668448 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417287, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995998822.5330 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652995999823.6448 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652995999823.7329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996000824.8291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56210432 nr_ops:54893
+timestamp_ms:1652996001825.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:112401408 nr_ops:109767
+timestamp_ms:1652996002827.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:183464960 nr_ops:179165
+timestamp_ms:1652996003828.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240178176 nr_ops:234549
+timestamp_ms:1652996004829.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:311217152 nr_ops:303923
+timestamp_ms:1652996005830.2927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368006144 nr_ops:359381
+timestamp_ms:1652996006831.3953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439835648 nr_ops:429527
+timestamp_ms:1652996007832.4983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496886784 nr_ops:485241
+timestamp_ms:1652996008833.5945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567284736 nr_ops:553989
+timestamp_ms:1652996009834.7024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637414400 nr_ops:622475
+timestamp_ms:1652996010835.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706350080 nr_ops:689795
+timestamp_ms:1652996011836.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762917888 nr_ops:745037
+timestamp_ms:1652996012838.0273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819545088 nr_ops:800337
+timestamp_ms:1652996013839.1284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888165376 nr_ops:867349
+timestamp_ms:1652996014840.2446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:932882432 nr_ops:911018
+timestamp_ms:1652996015841.3418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989476864 nr_ops:966286
+timestamp_ms:1652996016841.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059646464 nr_ops:1034811
+timestamp_ms:1652996017842.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130314752 nr_ops:1103823
+timestamp_ms:1652996018844.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201271808 nr_ops:1173117
+timestamp_ms:1652996019845.1479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272134656 nr_ops:1242319
+timestamp_ms:1652996020846.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342682112 nr_ops:1311213
+timestamp_ms:1652996021847.3418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1410069504 nr_ops:1377021
+timestamp_ms:1652996022848.4512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1470151680 nr_ops:1435695
+timestamp_ms:1652996023849.5396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1541607424 nr_ops:1505476
+timestamp_ms:1652996024849.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597845504 nr_ops:1560396
+timestamp_ms:1652996025850.9951 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1668996096 nr_ops:1629879
+timestamp_ms:1652996026851.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1740071936 nr_ops:1699289
+timestamp_ms:1652996027852.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1808405504 nr_ops:1766021
+timestamp_ms:1652996028854.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1868288000 nr_ops:1824500
+timestamp_ms:1652996029855.1206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1924989952 nr_ops:1879873
+timestamp_ms:1652996030856.2161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1996172288 nr_ops:1949387
+timestamp_ms:1652996031857.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2058478592 nr_ops:2010233
+timestamp_ms:1652996032858.4275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123343872 nr_ops:2073578
+timestamp_ms:1652996033859.5254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2165617664 nr_ops:2114861
+timestamp_ms:1652996034860.6287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2236718080 nr_ops:2184295
+timestamp_ms:1652996035861.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2293844992 nr_ops:2240083
+timestamp_ms:1652996036862.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2350690304 nr_ops:2295596
+timestamp_ms:1652996037864.0276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2392896512 nr_ops:2336813
+timestamp_ms:1652996038865.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2449916928 nr_ops:2392497
+timestamp_ms:1652996039866.2117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2507219968 nr_ops:2448457
+timestamp_ms:1652996040867.3079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579033088 nr_ops:2518587
+timestamp_ms:1652996041868.3984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2650377216 nr_ops:2588259
+timestamp_ms:1652996042869.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2721588224 nr_ops:2657801
+timestamp_ms:1652996043870.5996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2763838464 nr_ops:2699061
+timestamp_ms:1652996044871.7017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2817946624 nr_ops:2751901
+timestamp_ms:1652996045872.8101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2876863488 nr_ops:2809437
+timestamp_ms:1652996046873.9138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2948600832 nr_ops:2879493
+timestamp_ms:1652996047875.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3005723648 nr_ops:2935277
+timestamp_ms:1652996048876.1116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3062590464 nr_ops:2990811
+timestamp_ms:1652996049877.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3119354880 nr_ops:3046245
+timestamp_ms:1652996050878.3005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190658048 nr_ops:3115877
+timestamp_ms:1652996051879.3948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3261835264 nr_ops:3185386
+timestamp_ms:1652996052880.4976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3332609024 nr_ops:3254501
+timestamp_ms:1652996053881.5886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3403305984 nr_ops:3323541
+timestamp_ms:1652996054882.6975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3474019328 nr_ops:3392597
+timestamp_ms:1652996055883.7925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3544996864 nr_ops:3461911
+timestamp_ms:1652996056884.8875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3616400384 nr_ops:3531641
+timestamp_ms:1652996057885.9902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3668128768 nr_ops:3582157
+timestamp_ms:1652996058887.1118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3714032640 nr_ops:3626985
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139814763849472
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652996060088.4954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3756487680 nr_ops:3668445
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996060088.5808 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996060088.5906 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996060188.8113 name:Total nr_bytes:3756487680 nr_ops:3668446
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996060088.7402 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7512975358 nr_ops:7336892
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996060088.7419 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3756487680 nr_ops:3668448
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 305.80us 0.00ns 305.80us 305.80us
+Txn1 1834223 32.70us 0.00ns 208.97ms 18.52us
+Txn2 1 81.00us 0.00ns 81.00us 81.00us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 304.80us 0.00ns 304.80us 304.80us
+write 1834223 2.46us 0.00ns 259.89us 2.14us
+read 1834222 30.15us 0.00ns 208.96ms 971.00ns
+disconnect 1 80.03us 0.00ns 80.03us 80.03us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s
+net1 29411 29411 256.46Mb/s 256.46Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.155 62.37s 3.50GB 481.85Mb/s 3668448 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.50GB 481.85Mb/s 3668448 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:20.824000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:20.824000', 'bytes': 56210432, 'norm_byte': 56210432, 'ops': 54893, 'norm_ops': 54893, 'norm_ltcy': 18.237228634001603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:20.824000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:20.824000",
+ "bytes": 56210432,
+ "norm_byte": 56210432,
+ "ops": 54893,
+ "norm_ops": 54893,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.237228634001603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8a6a02737e6032b61d6b5334083a9e81b70c7d0fed07bae5edd6613ce55e953",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:21.825000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:21.825000', 'bytes': 112401408, 'norm_byte': 56190976, 'ops': 109767, 'norm_ops': 54874, 'norm_ltcy': 18.243761240239003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:21.825000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:21.825000",
+ "bytes": 112401408,
+ "norm_byte": 56190976,
+ "ops": 109767,
+ "norm_ops": 54874,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.243761240239003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db481edff56657a8eb57579ccd0cbcc199c75a4b0d419fc6fbeac6d398d35bde",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:22.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:22.827000', 'bytes': 183464960, 'norm_byte': 71063552, 'ops': 179165, 'norm_ops': 69398, 'norm_ltcy': 14.425366044185353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:22.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:22.827000",
+ "bytes": 183464960,
+ "norm_byte": 71063552,
+ "ops": 179165,
+ "norm_ops": 69398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.425366044185353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "387358a834f8ce19e15761af97ef8b22dae3d55807fe4d832009feb6a1210624",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:23.828000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:23.828000', 'bytes': 240178176, 'norm_byte': 56713216, 'ops': 234549, 'norm_ops': 55384, 'norm_ltcy': 18.07540327108235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:23.828000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:23.828000",
+ "bytes": 240178176,
+ "norm_byte": 56713216,
+ "ops": 234549,
+ "norm_ops": 55384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.07540327108235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "61e552ce4f37c37b53832705275ec2fe65c5225f6f8cc826381672b806b02585",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:24.829000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:24.829000', 'bytes': 311217152, 'norm_byte': 71038976, 'ops': 303923, 'norm_ops': 69374, 'norm_ltcy': 14.430296686708997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:24.829000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:24.829000",
+ "bytes": 311217152,
+ "norm_byte": 71038976,
+ "ops": 303923,
+ "norm_ops": 69374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.430296686708997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9be8a70fa3e9999b2871de246e11fa8154d5c6c54b505688b8dfa70ec9feffa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:25.830000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:25.830000', 'bytes': 368006144, 'norm_byte': 56788992, 'ops': 359381, 'norm_ops': 55458, 'norm_ltcy': 18.051288883592086, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:25.830000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:25.830000",
+ "bytes": 368006144,
+ "norm_byte": 56788992,
+ "ops": 359381,
+ "norm_ops": 55458,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.051288883592086,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cceabc0046a06783827d7e17ce5378f53e35d5fd435a25e22dea6e97e7576761",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:26.831000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:26.831000', 'bytes': 439835648, 'norm_byte': 71829504, 'ops': 429527, 'norm_ops': 70146, 'norm_ltcy': 14.271698159018333, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:26.831000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:26.831000",
+ "bytes": 439835648,
+ "norm_byte": 71829504,
+ "ops": 429527,
+ "norm_ops": 70146,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.271698159018333,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ecd291abbcec82c3e7e3d7f2d6efffd0bf727ca33155b29bac8abd07c714a66d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:27.832000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:27.832000', 'bytes': 496886784, 'norm_byte': 57051136, 'ops': 485241, 'norm_ops': 55714, 'norm_ltcy': 17.968608022108448, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:27.832000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:27.832000",
+ "bytes": 496886784,
+ "norm_byte": 57051136,
+ "ops": 485241,
+ "norm_ops": 55714,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.968608022108448,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9462ab5d64c4aa7d03ade75b60aa82bf7af83e08db7e1bb5d3bcc943ee15dcb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:28.833000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:28.833000', 'bytes': 567284736, 'norm_byte': 70397952, 'ops': 553989, 'norm_ops': 68748, 'norm_ltcy': 14.561822764389511, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:28.833000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:28.833000",
+ "bytes": 567284736,
+ "norm_byte": 70397952,
+ "ops": 553989,
+ "norm_ops": 68748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.561822764389511,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c349464d000846e65600e957860e6d701e26d587f7eb5d3d37592f8fe3f841b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:29.834000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:29.834000', 'bytes': 637414400, 'norm_byte': 70129664, 'ops': 622475, 'norm_ops': 68486, 'norm_ltcy': 14.61770157632582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:29.834000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:29.834000",
+ "bytes": 637414400,
+ "norm_byte": 70129664,
+ "ops": 622475,
+ "norm_ops": 68486,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.61770157632582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "12bc1fb66f6c98cb5515cc6e79b55d25a0e03d80906f333082b096401cc79a59",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:30.835000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:30.835000', 'bytes': 706350080, 'norm_byte': 68935680, 'ops': 689795, 'norm_ops': 67320, 'norm_ltcy': 14.871224886734996, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:30.835000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:30.835000",
+ "bytes": 706350080,
+ "norm_byte": 68935680,
+ "ops": 689795,
+ "norm_ops": 67320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.871224886734996,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35e92c92b26614e908cbb9222ed86c71930d06c9eea89e0a292ab8b78763cd45",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:31.836000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:31.836000', 'bytes': 762917888, 'norm_byte': 56567808, 'ops': 745037, 'norm_ops': 55242, 'norm_ltcy': 18.122034178874316, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:31.836000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:31.836000",
+ "bytes": 762917888,
+ "norm_byte": 56567808,
+ "ops": 745037,
+ "norm_ops": 55242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.122034178874316,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06590385b7f5660863bb6639347e658b6eea67b70cede9d9ddac4f99a01e74a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:32.838000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:32.838000', 'bytes': 819545088, 'norm_byte': 56627200, 'ops': 800337, 'norm_ops': 55300, 'norm_ltcy': 18.103014099231466, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:32.838000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:32.838000",
+ "bytes": 819545088,
+ "norm_byte": 56627200,
+ "ops": 800337,
+ "norm_ops": 55300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.103014099231466,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c640e284935d826bbd88b27c38c8349c1a324961ff8c9e1bc10fa647d86967ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:33.839000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:33.839000', 'bytes': 888165376, 'norm_byte': 68620288, 'ops': 867349, 'norm_ops': 67012, 'norm_ltcy': 14.939131412564167, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:33.839000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:33.839000",
+ "bytes": 888165376,
+ "norm_byte": 68620288,
+ "ops": 867349,
+ "norm_ops": 67012,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.939131412564167,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cd6a428d2e1681102262085e67b8748f5f81ad6c41d769c0f4cd1403bfd8422f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:34.840000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:34.840000', 'bytes': 932882432, 'norm_byte': 44717056, 'ops': 911018, 'norm_ops': 43669, 'norm_ltcy': 22.92510043594999, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:34.840000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:34.840000",
+ "bytes": 932882432,
+ "norm_byte": 44717056,
+ "ops": 911018,
+ "norm_ops": 43669,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.92510043594999,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d718709c81c2b1d6bc536f936e32889369f9994b435af7f7f1024bdeac82215a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:35.841000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:35.841000', 'bytes': 989476864, 'norm_byte': 56594432, 'ops': 966286, 'norm_ops': 55268, 'norm_ltcy': 18.113504522847762, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:35.841000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:35.841000",
+ "bytes": 989476864,
+ "norm_byte": 56594432,
+ "ops": 966286,
+ "norm_ops": 55268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.113504522847762,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "174caca44d76c152131c8701a0bf51209c5eae2be4dc0934ea0da81686910d0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:36.841000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:36.841000', 'bytes': 1059646464, 'norm_byte': 70169600, 'ops': 1034811, 'norm_ops': 68525, 'norm_ltcy': 14.600446632159796, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:36.841000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:36.841000",
+ "bytes": 1059646464,
+ "norm_byte": 70169600,
+ "ops": 1034811,
+ "norm_ops": 68525,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.600446632159796,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d12c9ac59f30930aa71bf13ba6e73647706ee7522208d88a000bd8cefc911fdf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:37.842000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:37.842000', 'bytes': 1130314752, 'norm_byte': 70668288, 'ops': 1103823, 'norm_ops': 69012, 'norm_ltcy': 14.506022135416666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:37.842000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:37.842000",
+ "bytes": 1130314752,
+ "norm_byte": 70668288,
+ "ops": 1103823,
+ "norm_ops": 69012,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.506022135416666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d015406587b43fb2fb5385b5d093feed39f6da0ca57627f6d050980bb1e8fc2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:38.844000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:38.844000', 'bytes': 1201271808, 'norm_byte': 70957056, 'ops': 1173117, 'norm_ops': 69294, 'norm_ltcy': 14.447199585056065, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:38.844000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:38.844000",
+ "bytes": 1201271808,
+ "norm_byte": 70957056,
+ "ops": 1173117,
+ "norm_ops": 69294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.447199585056065,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efe7a5d9215951b34d728469a75c6480fbe26d11a1f3d7b955d11367ec0685fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:39.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:39.845000', 'bytes': 1272134656, 'norm_byte': 70862848, 'ops': 1242319, 'norm_ops': 69202, 'norm_ltcy': 14.466586214542211, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:39.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:39.845000",
+ "bytes": 1272134656,
+ "norm_byte": 70862848,
+ "ops": 1242319,
+ "norm_ops": 69202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.466586214542211,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9331178cb98c3d1f286520b22b2cbd2c2f27174c2d27d614596d84591223b902",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:40.846000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:40.846000', 'bytes': 1342682112, 'norm_byte': 70547456, 'ops': 1311213, 'norm_ops': 68894, 'norm_ltcy': 14.530899597570182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:40.846000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:40.846000",
+ "bytes": 1342682112,
+ "norm_byte": 70547456,
+ "ops": 1311213,
+ "norm_ops": 68894,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.530899597570182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4eb392ef08c9c6aac0f1dbddf6cc715c6dbedb3852f2844c6ed076759772673",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:41.847000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:41.847000', 'bytes': 1410069504, 'norm_byte': 67387392, 'ops': 1377021, 'norm_ops': 65808, 'norm_ltcy': 15.212467341071754, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:41.847000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:41.847000",
+ "bytes": 1410069504,
+ "norm_byte": 67387392,
+ "ops": 1377021,
+ "norm_ops": 65808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.212467341071754,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "220cc6343b4ae92aab04bda8ca777ae9cb963516d305cddfdad2e954eff961e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:42.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:42.848000', 'bytes': 1470151680, 'norm_byte': 60082176, 'ops': 1435695, 'norm_ops': 58674, 'norm_ltcy': 17.062231567644954, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:42.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:42.848000",
+ "bytes": 1470151680,
+ "norm_byte": 60082176,
+ "ops": 1435695,
+ "norm_ops": 58674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.062231567644954,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39afb9a1475a861e01f4ce4cfb4d33f10d3cd0c3604715afc216b9acc1118946",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:43.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:43.849000', 'bytes': 1541607424, 'norm_byte': 71455744, 'ops': 1505476, 'norm_ops': 69781, 'norm_ltcy': 14.346145496714723, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:43.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:43.849000",
+ "bytes": 1541607424,
+ "norm_byte": 71455744,
+ "ops": 1505476,
+ "norm_ops": 69781,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.346145496714723,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2fc042a81b0f5866119d62c3e1d51fb00b610c445084f023e6ec07dcbd15ecfb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:44.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:44.849000', 'bytes': 1597845504, 'norm_byte': 56238080, 'ops': 1560396, 'norm_ops': 54920, 'norm_ltcy': 18.213779702294246, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:44.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:44.849000",
+ "bytes": 1597845504,
+ "norm_byte": 56238080,
+ "ops": 1560396,
+ "norm_ops": 54920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.213779702294246,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "691ce577d90493b97e87224ff293d062c83f6ee7b8510a4e6596e208d270e9f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:45.850000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:45.850000', 'bytes': 1668996096, 'norm_byte': 71150592, 'ops': 1629879, 'norm_ops': 69483, 'norm_ltcy': 14.408629235298562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:45.850000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:45.850000",
+ "bytes": 1668996096,
+ "norm_byte": 71150592,
+ "ops": 1629879,
+ "norm_ops": 69483,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.408629235298562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c14f1e1ce31d0301efbcdc3cb67d33fecbd710c70b0b6546cbb0720fb8f2653",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:46.851000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:46.851000', 'bytes': 1740071936, 'norm_byte': 71075840, 'ops': 1699289, 'norm_ops': 69410, 'norm_ltcy': 14.419294939039764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:46.851000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:46.851000",
+ "bytes": 1740071936,
+ "norm_byte": 71075840,
+ "ops": 1699289,
+ "norm_ops": 69410,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.419294939039764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6db3af5f69c5e281537d6de97e961534d4e7132c7f37bfdb3e11b9ab1bfd9a7f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:47.852000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:47.852000', 'bytes': 1808405504, 'norm_byte': 68333568, 'ops': 1766021, 'norm_ops': 66732, 'norm_ltcy': 15.001686286891971, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:47.852000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:47.852000",
+ "bytes": 1808405504,
+ "norm_byte": 68333568,
+ "ops": 1766021,
+ "norm_ops": 66732,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.001686286891971,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da39aa885f7cbfb16ee87184d19c4564d97b8aa2680545bc5c924420f9a3d73a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:48.854000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:48.854000', 'bytes': 1868288000, 'norm_byte': 59882496, 'ops': 1824500, 'norm_ops': 58479, 'norm_ltcy': 17.118804633661227, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:48.854000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:48.854000",
+ "bytes": 1868288000,
+ "norm_byte": 59882496,
+ "ops": 1824500,
+ "norm_ops": 58479,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.118804633661227,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f441d3400be1df1ecd226b04bf08d15f3d5b556609e8a68fbac82596fd0a3e81",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:49.855000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:49.855000', 'bytes': 1924989952, 'norm_byte': 56701952, 'ops': 1879873, 'norm_ops': 55373, 'norm_ltcy': 18.079192405933394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:49.855000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:49.855000",
+ "bytes": 1924989952,
+ "norm_byte": 56701952,
+ "ops": 1879873,
+ "norm_ops": 55373,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.079192405933394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49c897028ed82d9dc8acd86b688701ec72523cc33f177bc0f0e1a0d6fa7d9e3e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:50.856000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:50.856000', 'bytes': 1996172288, 'norm_byte': 71182336, 'ops': 1949387, 'norm_ops': 69514, 'norm_ltcy': 14.401350216997654, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:50.856000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:50.856000",
+ "bytes": 1996172288,
+ "norm_byte": 71182336,
+ "ops": 1949387,
+ "norm_ops": 69514,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.401350216997654,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cee3f75d3bc20b101513787de09181f2754f3abced4428a2c58d37223e34a99e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:51.857000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:51.857000', 'bytes': 2058478592, 'norm_byte': 62306304, 'ops': 2010233, 'norm_ops': 60846, 'norm_ltcy': 16.45307030248496, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:51.857000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:51.857000",
+ "bytes": 2058478592,
+ "norm_byte": 62306304,
+ "ops": 2010233,
+ "norm_ops": 60846,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.45307030248496,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7953b4aa82ea8c92c0c5ac416da7b2f60170c1af53d029e0d66719022c1d765f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:52.858000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:52.858000', 'bytes': 2123343872, 'norm_byte': 64865280, 'ops': 2073578, 'norm_ops': 63345, 'norm_ltcy': 15.804055729043334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:52.858000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:52.858000",
+ "bytes": 2123343872,
+ "norm_byte": 64865280,
+ "ops": 2073578,
+ "norm_ops": 63345,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.804055729043334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac533e1288efdc99fa0196425508e7872145866c93e6d8aed3850675684059fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:53.859000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:53.859000', 'bytes': 2165617664, 'norm_byte': 42273792, 'ops': 2114861, 'norm_ops': 41283, 'norm_ltcy': 24.249640297231913, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:53.859000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:53.859000",
+ "bytes": 2165617664,
+ "norm_byte": 42273792,
+ "ops": 2114861,
+ "norm_ops": 41283,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.249640297231913,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a9c6f11eefc5bb17040220167c449f710342680a414c53ea8724806e4243032",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:54.860000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:54.860000', 'bytes': 2236718080, 'norm_byte': 71100416, 'ops': 2184295, 'norm_ops': 69434, 'norm_ltcy': 14.418055584934974, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:54.860000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:54.860000",
+ "bytes": 2236718080,
+ "norm_byte": 71100416,
+ "ops": 2184295,
+ "norm_ops": 69434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.418055584934974,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68286b4c577db1646d6558a1dd4fb31ebd2ae10c64d1b0c9fc2f6e0f4c7b4652",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:55.861000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:55.861000', 'bytes': 2293844992, 'norm_byte': 57126912, 'ops': 2240083, 'norm_ops': 55788, 'norm_ltcy': 17.944799816940918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:55.861000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:55.861000",
+ "bytes": 2293844992,
+ "norm_byte": 57126912,
+ "ops": 2240083,
+ "norm_ops": 55788,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.944799816940918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "debf8ccf0a3683c187676ca8de3eb84c16ad9c459502621ad31e2b9565ed835f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:56.862000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:56.862000', 'bytes': 2350690304, 'norm_byte': 56845312, 'ops': 2295596, 'norm_ops': 55513, 'norm_ltcy': 18.035458227408444, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:56.862000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:56.862000",
+ "bytes": 2350690304,
+ "norm_byte": 56845312,
+ "ops": 2295596,
+ "norm_ops": 55513,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.035458227408444,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5707cacd14d99accbf244817afc0f16f0f6d3800b4c5854e5a3136bd425ac75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:57.864000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:57.864000', 'bytes': 2392896512, 'norm_byte': 42206208, 'ops': 2336813, 'norm_ops': 41217, 'norm_ltcy': 24.288328626916684, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:57.864000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:57.864000",
+ "bytes": 2392896512,
+ "norm_byte": 42206208,
+ "ops": 2336813,
+ "norm_ops": 41217,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.288328626916684,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fcdff8d7e806b8a2981b7cd80b40063420f19dc00cc4d967edba6d74520f7a98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:58.865000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:58.865000', 'bytes': 2449916928, 'norm_byte': 57020416, 'ops': 2392497, 'norm_ops': 55684, 'norm_ltcy': 17.978082622196233, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:58.865000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:58.865000",
+ "bytes": 2449916928,
+ "norm_byte": 57020416,
+ "ops": 2392497,
+ "norm_ops": 55684,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.978082622196233,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84e4246a26ad0af04d3fc6968da3d5f53791292853e50d90a3e892b5f8a90284",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:33:59.866000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:33:59.866000', 'bytes': 2507219968, 'norm_byte': 57303040, 'ops': 2448457, 'norm_ops': 55960, 'norm_ltcy': 17.889430473496695, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:33:59.866000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:33:59.866000",
+ "bytes": 2507219968,
+ "norm_byte": 57303040,
+ "ops": 2448457,
+ "norm_ops": 55960,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.889430473496695,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4234be7bd61b5ce652a962d29d213ef71702992d5168a962c9573b7a0de54a24",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:00.867000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:00.867000', 'bytes': 2579033088, 'norm_byte': 71813120, 'ops': 2518587, 'norm_ops': 70130, 'norm_ltcy': 14.274863701785968, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:00.867000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:00.867000",
+ "bytes": 2579033088,
+ "norm_byte": 71813120,
+ "ops": 2518587,
+ "norm_ops": 70130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.274863701785968,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "552a8d769c6c92e227f9fc160a2a6f3002ccc1f97d5c3281deabdab07bedefb4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:01.868000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:01.868000', 'bytes': 2650377216, 'norm_byte': 71344128, 'ops': 2588259, 'norm_ops': 69672, 'norm_ltcy': 14.368621198930343, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:01.868000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:01.868000",
+ "bytes": 2650377216,
+ "norm_byte": 71344128,
+ "ops": 2588259,
+ "norm_ops": 69672,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.368621198930343,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "410582acda5988697aacd916883670cceeee5442643e7d9e4c4c6ad50f552a69",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:02.869000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:02.869000', 'bytes': 2721588224, 'norm_byte': 71211008, 'ops': 2657801, 'norm_ops': 69542, 'norm_ltcy': 14.395755358497382, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:02.869000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:02.869000",
+ "bytes": 2721588224,
+ "norm_byte": 71211008,
+ "ops": 2657801,
+ "norm_ops": 69542,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.395755358497382,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b5d480a70a65a9575fbff4c25e149d1a3f7cfba1937c0ee5f20a80f2e3ca9bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:03.870000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:03.870000', 'bytes': 2763838464, 'norm_byte': 42250240, 'ops': 2699061, 'norm_ops': 41260, 'norm_ltcy': 24.263004186485094, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:03.870000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:03.870000",
+ "bytes": 2763838464,
+ "norm_byte": 42250240,
+ "ops": 2699061,
+ "norm_ops": 41260,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.263004186485094,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfa08e73166eca5538504a68deb8a3f679c9851168fd13d2dc07c8c3e4b4b506",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:04.871000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:04.871000', 'bytes': 2817946624, 'norm_byte': 54108160, 'ops': 2751901, 'norm_ops': 52840, 'norm_ltcy': 18.9459131487746, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:04.871000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:04.871000",
+ "bytes": 2817946624,
+ "norm_byte": 54108160,
+ "ops": 2751901,
+ "norm_ops": 52840,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.9459131487746,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e01a317eb14ca0438a36c2af115bcf39c0db281bbab6ae5ea61b6b91dd84cbb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:05.872000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:05.872000', 'bytes': 2876863488, 'norm_byte': 58916864, 'ops': 2809437, 'norm_ops': 57536, 'norm_ltcy': 17.399687125234635, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:05.872000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:05.872000",
+ "bytes": 2876863488,
+ "norm_byte": 58916864,
+ "ops": 2809437,
+ "norm_ops": 57536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.399687125234635,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d8d29101a6d867a16d51c90e971941c54bb4e5aa71ac1181042c20d31b1e7fd5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:06.873000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:06.873000', 'bytes': 2948600832, 'norm_byte': 71737344, 'ops': 2879493, 'norm_ops': 70056, 'norm_ltcy': 14.290050242172333, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:06.873000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:06.873000",
+ "bytes": 2948600832,
+ "norm_byte": 71737344,
+ "ops": 2879493,
+ "norm_ops": 70056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.290050242172333,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0de9d98afd09f5ff7cca7b3886603eb41d9d40a3c0a787a15c18db56bc798cd3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:07.875000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:07.875000', 'bytes': 3005723648, 'norm_byte': 57122816, 'ops': 2935277, 'norm_ops': 55784, 'norm_ltcy': 17.94602090345126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:07.875000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:07.875000",
+ "bytes": 3005723648,
+ "norm_byte": 57122816,
+ "ops": 2935277,
+ "norm_ops": 55784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.94602090345126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0edb2e1be1814c251ea6c12927ff836888d1e39b10e08d01b07cb1024d2734cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:08.876000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:08.876000', 'bytes': 3062590464, 'norm_byte': 56866816, 'ops': 2990811, 'norm_ops': 55534, 'norm_ltcy': 18.026739003639662, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:08.876000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:08.876000",
+ "bytes": 3062590464,
+ "norm_byte": 56866816,
+ "ops": 2990811,
+ "norm_ops": 55534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.026739003639662,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0da76d0fe2758381951a5107947c8f67dc75b51aad46451b134f2df57c9f42f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:09.877000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:09.877000', 'bytes': 3119354880, 'norm_byte': 56764416, 'ops': 3046245, 'norm_ops': 55434, 'norm_ltcy': 18.05918341518743, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:09.877000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:09.877000",
+ "bytes": 3119354880,
+ "norm_byte": 56764416,
+ "ops": 3046245,
+ "norm_ops": 55434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.05918341518743,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba284a7352b5604fff41cc24f0774a36c9114b3b0a96e7943dcdf55b3e8a6f9e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:10.878000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:10.878000', 'bytes': 3190658048, 'norm_byte': 71303168, 'ops': 3115877, 'norm_ops': 69632, 'norm_ltcy': 14.37695587382597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:10.878000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:10.878000",
+ "bytes": 3190658048,
+ "norm_byte": 71303168,
+ "ops": 3115877,
+ "norm_ops": 69632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.37695587382597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5341d7afd84b2117743bf69566e95fcfdb3354f1b5279b6f5885f7d2a59559d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:11.879000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:11.879000', 'bytes': 3261835264, 'norm_byte': 71177216, 'ops': 3185386, 'norm_ops': 69509, 'norm_ltcy': 14.402368589409285, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:11.879000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:11.879000",
+ "bytes": 3261835264,
+ "norm_byte": 71177216,
+ "ops": 3185386,
+ "norm_ops": 69509,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.402368589409285,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34dcdb23550d2d88fe24f20d26785591009955e656d8dfd0e60052952f946413",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:12.880000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:12.880000', 'bytes': 3332609024, 'norm_byte': 70773760, 'ops': 3254501, 'norm_ops': 69115, 'norm_ltcy': 14.48459499678977, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:12.880000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:12.880000",
+ "bytes": 3332609024,
+ "norm_byte": 70773760,
+ "ops": 3254501,
+ "norm_ops": 69115,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.48459499678977,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2db3f22e4d554478cdffab7bd4fc772ff2cffc16bd27fc6d079e36c36f1c137e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:13.881000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:13.881000', 'bytes': 3403305984, 'norm_byte': 70696960, 'ops': 3323541, 'norm_ops': 69040, 'norm_ltcy': 14.500160261487906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:13.881000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:13.881000",
+ "bytes": 3403305984,
+ "norm_byte": 70696960,
+ "ops": 3323541,
+ "norm_ops": 69040,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.500160261487906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ca8dc490a1fa2d171fd87d13c65172efbdf7f075e5d0e30134af63c4d0097ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:14.882000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:14.882000', 'bytes': 3474019328, 'norm_byte': 70713344, 'ops': 3392597, 'norm_ops': 69056, 'norm_ltcy': 14.497058716385977, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:14.882000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:14.882000",
+ "bytes": 3474019328,
+ "norm_byte": 70713344,
+ "ops": 3392597,
+ "norm_ops": 69056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.497058716385977,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb6b8f1fbc0e3fdeff07f28eb61aa317f941ab5a0c631a94b987871e998ba5ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:15.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:15.883000', 'bytes': 3544996864, 'norm_byte': 70977536, 'ops': 3461911, 'norm_ops': 69314, 'norm_ltcy': 14.442897116067822, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:15.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:15.883000",
+ "bytes": 3544996864,
+ "norm_byte": 70977536,
+ "ops": 3461911,
+ "norm_ops": 69314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.442897116067822,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "699a39acd86c31f4335f87da4d2a2ba6d94ccb4d200552768c652b5f3741d4a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:16.884000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:16.884000', 'bytes': 3616400384, 'norm_byte': 71403520, 'ops': 3531641, 'norm_ops': 69730, 'norm_ltcy': 14.35673269329019, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:16.884000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:16.884000",
+ "bytes": 3616400384,
+ "norm_byte": 71403520,
+ "ops": 3531641,
+ "norm_ops": 69730,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.35673269329019,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9261515f8ba71cd450d909eda814609d6bdd88d1c152bbe7e494711534c2b693",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:17.885000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:17.885000', 'bytes': 3668128768, 'norm_byte': 51728384, 'ops': 3582157, 'norm_ops': 50516, 'norm_ltcy': 19.817538665039294, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:17.885000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:17.885000",
+ "bytes": 3668128768,
+ "norm_byte": 51728384,
+ "ops": 3582157,
+ "norm_ops": 50516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.817538665039294,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50795160fa14917eb1a83a18d826eb4fc583ba2878ab0f4ece90741151cb317b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:18.887000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:18.887000', 'bytes': 3714032640, 'norm_byte': 45903872, 'ops': 3626985, 'norm_ops': 44828, 'norm_ltcy': 22.332506068333405, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:18.887000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:18.887000",
+ "bytes": 3714032640,
+ "norm_byte": 45903872,
+ "ops": 3626985,
+ "norm_ops": 44828,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.332506068333405,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b3d393b397e74e28cb93a989ce0b985e33028d9258f24d182a9bc6ecdbf4a75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:34:20.088000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:34:20.088000', 'bytes': 3756487680, 'norm_byte': 42455040, 'ops': 3668445, 'norm_ops': 41460, 'norm_ltcy': 28.97693065416968, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:34:20.088000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:34:20.088000",
+ "bytes": 3756487680,
+ "norm_byte": 42455040,
+ "ops": 3668445,
+ "norm_ops": 41460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.97693065416968,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "94ce93a2-f42e-5c51-b4c0-4b59f6a8a61e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78f9080630ca5745e6ff2b0f3e240273639423f695869196dcf80b687b2acc8c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 62608128.0
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61140.75
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.25030849169457
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:34:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-060-220519213034/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-060-220519213034/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54df27f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-060-220519213034/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-060-220519213034/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-060-220519213034/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-060-220519213034/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-060-220519213034/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-060-220519213034/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f92057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-060-220519213034/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=10
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-061-220519213236/220519213236-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-061-220519213236/220519213236-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbaa3f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-061-220519213236/220519213236-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:35:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996120044.4734 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996121045.5881 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996121045.6768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996122046.7686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:50451456 nr_ops:49269\ntimestamp_ms:1652996123047.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:100725760 nr_ops:98365\ntimestamp_ms:1652996124048.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:150801408 nr_ops:147267\ntimestamp_ms:1652996125050.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200805376 nr_ops:196099\ntimestamp_ms:1652996126051.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251212800 nr_ops:245325\ntimestamp_ms:1652996127052.2014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:298814464 nr_ops:291811\ntimestamp_ms:1652996128053.3000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:342334464 nr_ops:334311\ntimestamp_ms:1652996129054.4136 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:385735680 nr_ops:376695\ntimestamp_ms:1652996130055.5144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428366848 nr_ops:418327\ntimestamp_ms:1652996131056.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475106304 nr_ops:463971\ntimestamp_ms:1652996132057.7180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:524393472 nr_ops:512103\ntimestamp_ms:1652996133058.8096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575140864 nr_ops:561661\ntimestamp_ms:1652996134059.9548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:619394048 nr_ops:604877\ntimestamp_ms:1652996135061.0535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661994496 nr_ops:646479\ntimestamp_ms:1652996136062.0920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708514816 nr_ops:691909\ntimestamp_ms:1652996137063.1975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758389760 nr_ops:740615\ntimestamp_ms:1652996138064.2971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:807635968 nr_ops:788707\ntimestamp_ms:1652996139065.3916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:856691712 nr_ops:836613\ntimestamp_ms:1652996140066.4814 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:905817088 nr_ops:884587\ntimestamp_ms:1652996141067.5964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955560960 nr_ops:933165\ntimestamp_ms:1652996142068.7339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005216768 nr_ops:981657\ntimestamp_ms:1652996143069.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1055075328 nr_ops:1030347\ntimestamp_ms:1652996144070.9482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1104759808 nr_ops:1078867\ntimestamp_ms:1652996145072.0559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154053120 nr_ops:1127005\ntimestamp_ms:1652996146073.1086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204399104 nr_ops:1176171\ntimestamp_ms:1652996147074.2129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1254730752 nr_ops:1225323\ntimestamp_ms:1652996148075.2542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304960000 nr_ops:1274375\ntimestamp_ms:1652996149076.3552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349762048 nr_ops:1318127\ntimestamp_ms:1652996150077.4546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392909312 nr_ops:1360263\ntimestamp_ms:1652996151078.5610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1435790336 nr_ops:1402139\ntimestamp_ms:1652996152079.6519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1479147520 nr_ops:1444480\ntimestamp_ms:1652996153080.7634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522214912 nr_ops:1486538\ntimestamp_ms:1652996154080.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1569997824 nr_ops:1533201\ntimestamp_ms:1652996155081.8733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1620177920 nr_ops:1582205\ntimestamp_ms:1652996156082.9751 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1667947520 nr_ops:1628855\ntimestamp_ms:1652996157084.0295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714349056 nr_ops:1674169\ntimestamp_ms:1652996158085.1267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1758000128 nr_ops:1716797\ntimestamp_ms:1652996159086.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800428544 nr_ops:1758231\ntimestamp_ms:1652996160087.3232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1843196928 nr_ops:1799997\ntimestamp_ms:1652996161088.3645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1885924352 nr_ops:1841723\ntimestamp_ms:1652996162088.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1928948736 nr_ops:1883739\ntimestamp_ms:1652996163089.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1971878912 nr_ops:1925663\ntimestamp_ms:1652996164090.8755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014415872 nr_ops:1967203\ntimestamp_ms:1652996165091.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2057159680 nr_ops:2008945\ntimestamp_ms:1652996166092.9011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2101984256 nr_ops:2052719\ntimestamp_ms:1652996167094.0044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2152283136 nr_ops:2101839\ntimestamp_ms:1652996168095.1055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2201850880 nr_ops:2150245\ntimestamp_ms:1652996169096.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2251295744 nr_ops:2198531\ntimestamp_ms:1652996170097.2964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2301191168 nr_ops:2247257\ntimestamp_ms:1652996171098.3921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2347152384 nr_ops:2292141\ntimestamp_ms:1652996172099.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2390125568 nr_ops:2334107\ntimestamp_ms:1652996173100.5933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2432936960 nr_ops:2375915\ntimestamp_ms:1652996174101.6870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2475990016 nr_ops:2417959\ntimestamp_ms:1652996175102.7827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2518883328 nr_ops:2459847\ntimestamp_ms:1652996176103.8740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562186240 nr_ops:2502135\ntimestamp_ms:1652996177104.9717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2605075456 nr_ops:2544019\ntimestamp_ms:1652996178106.0742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648292352 nr_ops:2586223\ntimestamp_ms:1652996179107.1680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2691427328 nr_ops:2628347\ntimestamp_ms:1652996180108.2642 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2734814208 nr_ops:2670717\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140611686106880\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.5374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2778000384 nr_ops:2712891\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.6177 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.6277 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181409.8748 name:Total nr_bytes:2778000384 nr_ops:2712892\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.7314 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5556000766 nr_ops:5425784\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.7329 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2778000384 nr_ops:2712894\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 282.22us 0.00ns 282.22us 282.22us \nTxn1 1356446 44.25us 0.00ns 2.93ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 49.77us 0.00ns 49.77us 49.77us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 281.55us 0.00ns 281.55us 281.55us \nwrite 1356446 2.41us 0.00ns 243.61us 2.10us \nread 1356445 41.77us 0.00ns 2.93ms 2.27us \ndisconnect 1 48.97us 0.00ns 48.97us 48.97us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \nnet1 21750 21750 189.66Mb/s 189.66Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.156 62.37s 2.59GB 356.34Mb/s 2712894 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.59GB 356.34Mb/s 2712894 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416478, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996120044.4734 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996121045.5881 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996121045.6768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996122046.7686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:50451456 nr_ops:49269\ntimestamp_ms:1652996123047.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:100725760 nr_ops:98365\ntimestamp_ms:1652996124048.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:150801408 nr_ops:147267\ntimestamp_ms:1652996125050.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200805376 nr_ops:196099\ntimestamp_ms:1652996126051.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251212800 nr_ops:245325\ntimestamp_ms:1652996127052.2014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:298814464 nr_ops:291811\ntimestamp_ms:1652996128053.3000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:342334464 nr_ops:334311\ntimestamp_ms:1652996129054.4136 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:385735680 nr_ops:376695\ntimestamp_ms:1652996130055.5144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428366848 nr_ops:418327\ntimestamp_ms:1652996131056.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475106304 nr_ops:463971\ntimestamp_ms:1652996132057.7180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:524393472 nr_ops:512103\ntimestamp_ms:1652996133058.8096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575140864 nr_ops:561661\ntimestamp_ms:1652996134059.9548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:619394048 nr_ops:604877\ntimestamp_ms:1652996135061.0535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661994496 nr_ops:646479\ntimestamp_ms:1652996136062.0920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708514816 nr_ops:691909\ntimestamp_ms:1652996137063.1975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758389760 nr_ops:740615\ntimestamp_ms:1652996138064.2971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:807635968 nr_ops:788707\ntimestamp_ms:1652996139065.3916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:856691712 nr_ops:836613\ntimestamp_ms:1652996140066.4814 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:905817088 nr_ops:884587\ntimestamp_ms:1652996141067.5964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955560960 nr_ops:933165\ntimestamp_ms:1652996142068.7339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005216768 nr_ops:981657\ntimestamp_ms:1652996143069.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1055075328 nr_ops:1030347\ntimestamp_ms:1652996144070.9482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1104759808 nr_ops:1078867\ntimestamp_ms:1652996145072.0559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154053120 nr_ops:1127005\ntimestamp_ms:1652996146073.1086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204399104 nr_ops:1176171\ntimestamp_ms:1652996147074.2129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1254730752 nr_ops:1225323\ntimestamp_ms:1652996148075.2542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304960000 nr_ops:1274375\ntimestamp_ms:1652996149076.3552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349762048 nr_ops:1318127\ntimestamp_ms:1652996150077.4546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392909312 nr_ops:1360263\ntimestamp_ms:1652996151078.5610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1435790336 nr_ops:1402139\ntimestamp_ms:1652996152079.6519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1479147520 nr_ops:1444480\ntimestamp_ms:1652996153080.7634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522214912 nr_ops:1486538\ntimestamp_ms:1652996154080.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1569997824 nr_ops:1533201\ntimestamp_ms:1652996155081.8733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1620177920 nr_ops:1582205\ntimestamp_ms:1652996156082.9751 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1667947520 nr_ops:1628855\ntimestamp_ms:1652996157084.0295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714349056 nr_ops:1674169\ntimestamp_ms:1652996158085.1267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1758000128 nr_ops:1716797\ntimestamp_ms:1652996159086.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800428544 nr_ops:1758231\ntimestamp_ms:1652996160087.3232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1843196928 nr_ops:1799997\ntimestamp_ms:1652996161088.3645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1885924352 nr_ops:1841723\ntimestamp_ms:1652996162088.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1928948736 nr_ops:1883739\ntimestamp_ms:1652996163089.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1971878912 nr_ops:1925663\ntimestamp_ms:1652996164090.8755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014415872 nr_ops:1967203\ntimestamp_ms:1652996165091.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2057159680 nr_ops:2008945\ntimestamp_ms:1652996166092.9011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2101984256 nr_ops:2052719\ntimestamp_ms:1652996167094.0044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2152283136 nr_ops:2101839\ntimestamp_ms:1652996168095.1055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2201850880 nr_ops:2150245\ntimestamp_ms:1652996169096.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2251295744 nr_ops:2198531\ntimestamp_ms:1652996170097.2964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2301191168 nr_ops:2247257\ntimestamp_ms:1652996171098.3921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2347152384 nr_ops:2292141\ntimestamp_ms:1652996172099.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2390125568 nr_ops:2334107\ntimestamp_ms:1652996173100.5933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2432936960 nr_ops:2375915\ntimestamp_ms:1652996174101.6870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2475990016 nr_ops:2417959\ntimestamp_ms:1652996175102.7827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2518883328 nr_ops:2459847\ntimestamp_ms:1652996176103.8740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562186240 nr_ops:2502135\ntimestamp_ms:1652996177104.9717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2605075456 nr_ops:2544019\ntimestamp_ms:1652996178106.0742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648292352 nr_ops:2586223\ntimestamp_ms:1652996179107.1680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2691427328 nr_ops:2628347\ntimestamp_ms:1652996180108.2642 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2734814208 nr_ops:2670717\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140611686106880\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.5374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2778000384 nr_ops:2712891\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.6177 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.6277 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181409.8748 name:Total nr_bytes:2778000384 nr_ops:2712892\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.7314 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5556000766 nr_ops:5425784\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.7329 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2778000384 nr_ops:2712894\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 282.22us 0.00ns 282.22us 282.22us \nTxn1 1356446 44.25us 0.00ns 2.93ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 49.77us 0.00ns 49.77us 49.77us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 281.55us 0.00ns 281.55us 281.55us \nwrite 1356446 2.41us 0.00ns 243.61us 2.10us \nread 1356445 41.77us 0.00ns 2.93ms 2.27us \ndisconnect 1 48.97us 0.00ns 48.97us 48.97us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \nnet1 21750 21750 189.66Mb/s 189.66Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.156 62.37s 2.59GB 356.34Mb/s 2712894 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.59GB 356.34Mb/s 2712894 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416478, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996120044.4734 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996121045.5881 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996121045.6768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996122046.7686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:50451456 nr_ops:49269\ntimestamp_ms:1652996123047.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:100725760 nr_ops:98365\ntimestamp_ms:1652996124048.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:150801408 nr_ops:147267\ntimestamp_ms:1652996125050.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200805376 nr_ops:196099\ntimestamp_ms:1652996126051.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251212800 nr_ops:245325\ntimestamp_ms:1652996127052.2014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:298814464 nr_ops:291811\ntimestamp_ms:1652996128053.3000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:342334464 nr_ops:334311\ntimestamp_ms:1652996129054.4136 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:385735680 nr_ops:376695\ntimestamp_ms:1652996130055.5144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428366848 nr_ops:418327\ntimestamp_ms:1652996131056.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475106304 nr_ops:463971\ntimestamp_ms:1652996132057.7180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:524393472 nr_ops:512103\ntimestamp_ms:1652996133058.8096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575140864 nr_ops:561661\ntimestamp_ms:1652996134059.9548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:619394048 nr_ops:604877\ntimestamp_ms:1652996135061.0535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661994496 nr_ops:646479\ntimestamp_ms:1652996136062.0920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708514816 nr_ops:691909\ntimestamp_ms:1652996137063.1975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758389760 nr_ops:740615\ntimestamp_ms:1652996138064.2971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:807635968 nr_ops:788707\ntimestamp_ms:1652996139065.3916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:856691712 nr_ops:836613\ntimestamp_ms:1652996140066.4814 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:905817088 nr_ops:884587\ntimestamp_ms:1652996141067.5964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955560960 nr_ops:933165\ntimestamp_ms:1652996142068.7339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005216768 nr_ops:981657\ntimestamp_ms:1652996143069.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1055075328 nr_ops:1030347\ntimestamp_ms:1652996144070.9482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1104759808 nr_ops:1078867\ntimestamp_ms:1652996145072.0559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154053120 nr_ops:1127005\ntimestamp_ms:1652996146073.1086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204399104 nr_ops:1176171\ntimestamp_ms:1652996147074.2129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1254730752 nr_ops:1225323\ntimestamp_ms:1652996148075.2542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304960000 nr_ops:1274375\ntimestamp_ms:1652996149076.3552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349762048 nr_ops:1318127\ntimestamp_ms:1652996150077.4546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392909312 nr_ops:1360263\ntimestamp_ms:1652996151078.5610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1435790336 nr_ops:1402139\ntimestamp_ms:1652996152079.6519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1479147520 nr_ops:1444480\ntimestamp_ms:1652996153080.7634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522214912 nr_ops:1486538\ntimestamp_ms:1652996154080.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1569997824 nr_ops:1533201\ntimestamp_ms:1652996155081.8733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1620177920 nr_ops:1582205\ntimestamp_ms:1652996156082.9751 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1667947520 nr_ops:1628855\ntimestamp_ms:1652996157084.0295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714349056 nr_ops:1674169\ntimestamp_ms:1652996158085.1267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1758000128 nr_ops:1716797\ntimestamp_ms:1652996159086.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800428544 nr_ops:1758231\ntimestamp_ms:1652996160087.3232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1843196928 nr_ops:1799997\ntimestamp_ms:1652996161088.3645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1885924352 nr_ops:1841723\ntimestamp_ms:1652996162088.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1928948736 nr_ops:1883739\ntimestamp_ms:1652996163089.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1971878912 nr_ops:1925663\ntimestamp_ms:1652996164090.8755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014415872 nr_ops:1967203\ntimestamp_ms:1652996165091.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2057159680 nr_ops:2008945\ntimestamp_ms:1652996166092.9011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2101984256 nr_ops:2052719\ntimestamp_ms:1652996167094.0044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2152283136 nr_ops:2101839\ntimestamp_ms:1652996168095.1055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2201850880 nr_ops:2150245\ntimestamp_ms:1652996169096.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2251295744 nr_ops:2198531\ntimestamp_ms:1652996170097.2964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2301191168 nr_ops:2247257\ntimestamp_ms:1652996171098.3921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2347152384 nr_ops:2292141\ntimestamp_ms:1652996172099.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2390125568 nr_ops:2334107\ntimestamp_ms:1652996173100.5933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2432936960 nr_ops:2375915\ntimestamp_ms:1652996174101.6870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2475990016 nr_ops:2417959\ntimestamp_ms:1652996175102.7827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2518883328 nr_ops:2459847\ntimestamp_ms:1652996176103.8740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562186240 nr_ops:2502135\ntimestamp_ms:1652996177104.9717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2605075456 nr_ops:2544019\ntimestamp_ms:1652996178106.0742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648292352 nr_ops:2586223\ntimestamp_ms:1652996179107.1680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2691427328 nr_ops:2628347\ntimestamp_ms:1652996180108.2642 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2734814208 nr_ops:2670717\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140611686106880\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.5374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2778000384 nr_ops:2712891\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.6177 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.6277 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181409.8748 name:Total nr_bytes:2778000384 nr_ops:2712892\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.7314 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5556000766 nr_ops:5425784\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996181309.7329 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2778000384 nr_ops:2712894\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 282.22us 0.00ns 282.22us 282.22us \nTxn1 1356446 44.25us 0.00ns 2.93ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 49.77us 0.00ns 49.77us 49.77us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 281.55us 0.00ns 281.55us 281.55us \nwrite 1356446 2.41us 0.00ns 243.61us 2.10us \nread 1356445 41.77us 0.00ns 2.93ms 2.27us \ndisconnect 1 48.97us 0.00ns 48.97us 48.97us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \nnet1 21750 21750 189.66Mb/s 189.66Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.156 62.37s 2.59GB 356.34Mb/s 2712894 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.59GB 356.34Mb/s 2712894 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416478, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996120044.4734 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996121045.5881 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996121045.6768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996122046.7686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:50451456 nr_ops:49269
+timestamp_ms:1652996123047.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:100725760 nr_ops:98365
+timestamp_ms:1652996124048.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:150801408 nr_ops:147267
+timestamp_ms:1652996125050.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200805376 nr_ops:196099
+timestamp_ms:1652996126051.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251212800 nr_ops:245325
+timestamp_ms:1652996127052.2014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:298814464 nr_ops:291811
+timestamp_ms:1652996128053.3000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:342334464 nr_ops:334311
+timestamp_ms:1652996129054.4136 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:385735680 nr_ops:376695
+timestamp_ms:1652996130055.5144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428366848 nr_ops:418327
+timestamp_ms:1652996131056.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475106304 nr_ops:463971
+timestamp_ms:1652996132057.7180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:524393472 nr_ops:512103
+timestamp_ms:1652996133058.8096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:575140864 nr_ops:561661
+timestamp_ms:1652996134059.9548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:619394048 nr_ops:604877
+timestamp_ms:1652996135061.0535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661994496 nr_ops:646479
+timestamp_ms:1652996136062.0920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708514816 nr_ops:691909
+timestamp_ms:1652996137063.1975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758389760 nr_ops:740615
+timestamp_ms:1652996138064.2971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:807635968 nr_ops:788707
+timestamp_ms:1652996139065.3916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:856691712 nr_ops:836613
+timestamp_ms:1652996140066.4814 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:905817088 nr_ops:884587
+timestamp_ms:1652996141067.5964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955560960 nr_ops:933165
+timestamp_ms:1652996142068.7339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005216768 nr_ops:981657
+timestamp_ms:1652996143069.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1055075328 nr_ops:1030347
+timestamp_ms:1652996144070.9482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1104759808 nr_ops:1078867
+timestamp_ms:1652996145072.0559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154053120 nr_ops:1127005
+timestamp_ms:1652996146073.1086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204399104 nr_ops:1176171
+timestamp_ms:1652996147074.2129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1254730752 nr_ops:1225323
+timestamp_ms:1652996148075.2542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304960000 nr_ops:1274375
+timestamp_ms:1652996149076.3552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349762048 nr_ops:1318127
+timestamp_ms:1652996150077.4546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392909312 nr_ops:1360263
+timestamp_ms:1652996151078.5610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1435790336 nr_ops:1402139
+timestamp_ms:1652996152079.6519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1479147520 nr_ops:1444480
+timestamp_ms:1652996153080.7634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522214912 nr_ops:1486538
+timestamp_ms:1652996154080.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1569997824 nr_ops:1533201
+timestamp_ms:1652996155081.8733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1620177920 nr_ops:1582205
+timestamp_ms:1652996156082.9751 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1667947520 nr_ops:1628855
+timestamp_ms:1652996157084.0295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714349056 nr_ops:1674169
+timestamp_ms:1652996158085.1267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1758000128 nr_ops:1716797
+timestamp_ms:1652996159086.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800428544 nr_ops:1758231
+timestamp_ms:1652996160087.3232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1843196928 nr_ops:1799997
+timestamp_ms:1652996161088.3645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1885924352 nr_ops:1841723
+timestamp_ms:1652996162088.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1928948736 nr_ops:1883739
+timestamp_ms:1652996163089.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1971878912 nr_ops:1925663
+timestamp_ms:1652996164090.8755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2014415872 nr_ops:1967203
+timestamp_ms:1652996165091.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2057159680 nr_ops:2008945
+timestamp_ms:1652996166092.9011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2101984256 nr_ops:2052719
+timestamp_ms:1652996167094.0044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2152283136 nr_ops:2101839
+timestamp_ms:1652996168095.1055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2201850880 nr_ops:2150245
+timestamp_ms:1652996169096.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2251295744 nr_ops:2198531
+timestamp_ms:1652996170097.2964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2301191168 nr_ops:2247257
+timestamp_ms:1652996171098.3921 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2347152384 nr_ops:2292141
+timestamp_ms:1652996172099.4937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2390125568 nr_ops:2334107
+timestamp_ms:1652996173100.5933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2432936960 nr_ops:2375915
+timestamp_ms:1652996174101.6870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2475990016 nr_ops:2417959
+timestamp_ms:1652996175102.7827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2518883328 nr_ops:2459847
+timestamp_ms:1652996176103.8740 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562186240 nr_ops:2502135
+timestamp_ms:1652996177104.9717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2605075456 nr_ops:2544019
+timestamp_ms:1652996178106.0742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648292352 nr_ops:2586223
+timestamp_ms:1652996179107.1680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2691427328 nr_ops:2628347
+timestamp_ms:1652996180108.2642 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2734814208 nr_ops:2670717
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140611686106880
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652996181309.5374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2778000384 nr_ops:2712891
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996181309.6177 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996181309.6277 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996181409.8748 name:Total nr_bytes:2778000384 nr_ops:2712892
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996181309.7314 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5556000766 nr_ops:5425784
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996181309.7329 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2778000384 nr_ops:2712894
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 282.22us 0.00ns 282.22us 282.22us
+Txn1 1356446 44.25us 0.00ns 2.93ms 18.42us
+Txn2 1 49.77us 0.00ns 49.77us 49.77us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 281.55us 0.00ns 281.55us 281.55us
+write 1356446 2.41us 0.00ns 243.61us 2.10us
+read 1356445 41.77us 0.00ns 2.93ms 2.27us
+disconnect 1 48.97us 0.00ns 48.97us 48.97us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s
+net1 21750 21750 189.66Mb/s 189.66Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.156 62.37s 2.59GB 356.34Mb/s 2712894 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.59GB 356.34Mb/s 2712894 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:22.046000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:22.046000', 'bytes': 50451456, 'norm_byte': 50451456, 'ops': 49269, 'norm_ops': 49269, 'norm_ltcy': 20.318898229617, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:22.046000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:22.046000",
+ "bytes": 50451456,
+ "norm_byte": 50451456,
+ "ops": 49269,
+ "norm_ops": 49269,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.318898229617,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "093021f6ce06171247c1969e562a843756a319dca99f58c548ffa8ae3ba4cd0f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:23.047000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:23.047000', 'bytes': 100725760, 'norm_byte': 50274304, 'ops': 98365, 'norm_ops': 49096, 'norm_ltcy': 20.39068507044871, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:23.047000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:23.047000",
+ "bytes": 100725760,
+ "norm_byte": 50274304,
+ "ops": 98365,
+ "norm_ops": 49096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.39068507044871,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f4a9f483a0c3846b75d905bcc621cf8b5e0a8ae9d550cebb5d5d3893c0aae05",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:24.048000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:24.048000', 'bytes': 150801408, 'norm_byte': 50075648, 'ops': 147267, 'norm_ops': 48902, 'norm_ltcy': 20.471487458335037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:24.048000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:24.048000",
+ "bytes": 150801408,
+ "norm_byte": 50075648,
+ "ops": 147267,
+ "norm_ops": 48902,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.471487458335037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea30c6eac2cc0dac2ff17f3e33f2b0174b366203a770a6c04458851eeac30926",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:25.050000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:25.050000', 'bytes': 200805376, 'norm_byte': 50003968, 'ops': 196099, 'norm_ops': 48832, 'norm_ltcy': 20.499658147129445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:25.050000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:25.050000",
+ "bytes": 200805376,
+ "norm_byte": 50003968,
+ "ops": 196099,
+ "norm_ops": 48832,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.499658147129445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ddef068219543eedb84c97159ef415bc8558887669b23b5d5738cc516760ee17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:26.051000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:26.051000', 'bytes': 251212800, 'norm_byte': 50407424, 'ops': 245325, 'norm_ops': 49226, 'norm_ltcy': 20.33685553937452, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:26.051000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:26.051000",
+ "bytes": 251212800,
+ "norm_byte": 50407424,
+ "ops": 245325,
+ "norm_ops": 49226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.33685553937452,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4086f178c19a1f1ab43612cf249f1d46728d52cd968daba9716358fde2f6cf5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:27.052000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:27.052000', 'bytes': 298814464, 'norm_byte': 47601664, 'ops': 291811, 'norm_ops': 46486, 'norm_ltcy': 21.53538162027277, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:27.052000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:27.052000",
+ "bytes": 298814464,
+ "norm_byte": 47601664,
+ "ops": 291811,
+ "norm_ops": 46486,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.53538162027277,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fce71eb5b2d95de42f3f12a8dc4d0be08741a580d99539c51becea3644c4f891",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:28.053000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:28.053000', 'bytes': 342334464, 'norm_byte': 43520000, 'ops': 334311, 'norm_ops': 42500, 'norm_ltcy': 23.555261948529413, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:28.053000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:28.053000",
+ "bytes": 342334464,
+ "norm_byte": 43520000,
+ "ops": 334311,
+ "norm_ops": 42500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.555261948529413,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0596e415f63dc35920afb4eababd89c205e6567db4c9164a2c8caa01dd8fa6f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:29.054000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:29.054000', 'bytes': 385735680, 'norm_byte': 43401216, 'ops': 376695, 'norm_ops': 42384, 'norm_ltcy': 23.620081289888283, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:29.054000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:29.054000",
+ "bytes": 385735680,
+ "norm_byte": 43401216,
+ "ops": 376695,
+ "norm_ops": 42384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.620081289888283,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9ecb01a05127baea9398b0586d9cae0442953df45bdddeaacece248b300471b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:30.055000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:30.055000', 'bytes': 428366848, 'norm_byte': 42631168, 'ops': 418327, 'norm_ops': 41632, 'norm_ltcy': 24.046426548763574, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:30.055000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:30.055000",
+ "bytes": 428366848,
+ "norm_byte": 42631168,
+ "ops": 418327,
+ "norm_ops": 41632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.046426548763574,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6345a5caec005b6f53829685ee58b766398d4882e088e7a815d47d9462b9746c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:31.056000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:31.056000', 'bytes': 475106304, 'norm_byte': 46739456, 'ops': 463971, 'norm_ops': 45644, 'norm_ltcy': 21.93282373675894, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:31.056000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:31.056000",
+ "bytes": 475106304,
+ "norm_byte": 46739456,
+ "ops": 463971,
+ "norm_ops": 45644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.93282373675894,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60d7ac20c4a0121828892a29032dfa9c1e8167b8e7578acac41cbe657e3c96e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:32.057000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:32.057000', 'bytes': 524393472, 'norm_byte': 49287168, 'ops': 512103, 'norm_ops': 48132, 'norm_ltcy': 20.799090140460088, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:32.057000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:32.057000",
+ "bytes": 524393472,
+ "norm_byte": 49287168,
+ "ops": 512103,
+ "norm_ops": 48132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.799090140460088,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c3b6d20638280cd6a0b5262dc9be8e6a95d1ac2e35b17f766de41bbe6fa446a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:33.058000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:33.058000', 'bytes': 575140864, 'norm_byte': 50747392, 'ops': 561661, 'norm_ops': 49558, 'norm_ltcy': 20.200402613793436, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:33.058000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:33.058000",
+ "bytes": 575140864,
+ "norm_byte": 50747392,
+ "ops": 561661,
+ "norm_ops": 49558,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.200402613793436,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3599a060502c779e21c11963ad395d4f9c7c419de423ce6e743d19df86ab5e89",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:34.059000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:34.059000', 'bytes': 619394048, 'norm_byte': 44253184, 'ops': 604877, 'norm_ops': 43216, 'norm_ltcy': 23.166078852088926, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:34.059000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:34.059000",
+ "bytes": 619394048,
+ "norm_byte": 44253184,
+ "ops": 604877,
+ "norm_ops": 43216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.166078852088926,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "94986e73bfdb0c1a9cbb075e9146cbe229ad67cea3266adad23a811643622030",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:35.061000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:35.061000', 'bytes': 661994496, 'norm_byte': 42600448, 'ops': 646479, 'norm_ops': 41602, 'norm_ltcy': 24.06371407173934, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:35.061000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:35.061000",
+ "bytes": 661994496,
+ "norm_byte": 42600448,
+ "ops": 646479,
+ "norm_ops": 41602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.06371407173934,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c967b6cd0ce4f97fd7ee7d75eebf5c1fbbfc66539c6e4416fe67ca0595f1ef18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:36.062000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:36.062000', 'bytes': 708514816, 'norm_byte': 46520320, 'ops': 691909, 'norm_ops': 45430, 'norm_ltcy': 22.034747396406562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:36.062000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:36.062000",
+ "bytes": 708514816,
+ "norm_byte": 46520320,
+ "ops": 691909,
+ "norm_ops": 45430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.034747396406562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd5b147e236e3141688d093900c57a9ced762f4870fcfbd5ffaa16b015d2d404",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:37.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:37.063000', 'bytes': 758389760, 'norm_byte': 49874944, 'ops': 740615, 'norm_ops': 48706, 'norm_ltcy': 20.554048140886135, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:37.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:37.063000",
+ "bytes": 758389760,
+ "norm_byte": 49874944,
+ "ops": 740615,
+ "norm_ops": 48706,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.554048140886135,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "72e53be5b56050b21be2af288260d057a37f2d8f61e5cb81fbd72636816a038c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:38.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:38.064000', 'bytes': 807635968, 'norm_byte': 49246208, 'ops': 788707, 'norm_ops': 48092, 'norm_ltcy': 20.816343869562505, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:38.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:38.064000",
+ "bytes": 807635968,
+ "norm_byte": 49246208,
+ "ops": 788707,
+ "norm_ops": 48092,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.816343869562505,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e79941ce3473a7d3ded2d4cb9344a4959ff558ea3fb170de56c35bd39c0dd9f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:39.065000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:39.065000', 'bytes': 856691712, 'norm_byte': 49055744, 'ops': 836613, 'norm_ops': 47906, 'norm_ltcy': 20.897058456599904, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:39.065000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:39.065000",
+ "bytes": 856691712,
+ "norm_byte": 49055744,
+ "ops": 836613,
+ "norm_ops": 47906,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.897058456599904,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f12e4ddd11e7b52526ea79fc14eb0480151fb404f55745396063aa90caecd39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:40.066000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:40.066000', 'bytes': 905817088, 'norm_byte': 49125376, 'ops': 884587, 'norm_ops': 47974, 'norm_ltcy': 20.867341554800515, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:40.066000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:40.066000",
+ "bytes": 905817088,
+ "norm_byte": 49125376,
+ "ops": 884587,
+ "norm_ops": 47974,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.867341554800515,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ba1874980fbfc8ef51e558907dc82a05d4224a9d5f431fd144a8c05c2641c88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:41.067000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:41.067000', 'bytes': 955560960, 'norm_byte': 49743872, 'ops': 933165, 'norm_ops': 48578, 'norm_ltcy': 20.608402779743404, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:41.067000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:41.067000",
+ "bytes": 955560960,
+ "norm_byte": 49743872,
+ "ops": 933165,
+ "norm_ops": 48578,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.608402779743404,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a7570a4e9c630b78f56c05e573377bd2d8a7d6ed8ad687ee7cc88d2473eb6bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:42.068000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:42.068000', 'bytes': 1005216768, 'norm_byte': 49655808, 'ops': 981657, 'norm_ops': 48492, 'norm_ltcy': 20.64541473174699, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:42.068000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:42.068000",
+ "bytes": 1005216768,
+ "norm_byte": 49655808,
+ "ops": 981657,
+ "norm_ops": 48492,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.64541473174699,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b51c7040a0e4c3654ede193cc29e860ac466acf53227f37c87b6fe661d23e3ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:43.069000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:43.069000', 'bytes': 1055075328, 'norm_byte': 49858560, 'ops': 1030347, 'norm_ops': 48690, 'norm_ltcy': 20.56094780916256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:43.069000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:43.069000",
+ "bytes": 1055075328,
+ "norm_byte": 49858560,
+ "ops": 1030347,
+ "norm_ops": 48690,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.56094780916256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "866adacb427a74e98049ec3a90004be7e0cfaeefd0b12bb9e7db8f587c35406e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:44.070000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:44.070000', 'bytes': 1104759808, 'norm_byte': 49684480, 'ops': 1078867, 'norm_ops': 48520, 'norm_ltcy': 20.6327660066081, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:44.070000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:44.070000",
+ "bytes": 1104759808,
+ "norm_byte": 49684480,
+ "ops": 1078867,
+ "norm_ops": 48520,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.6327660066081,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d595c7d4fe4a21883b1e9a3b08097b53d46a845736a0613a80e64aaaa554a18d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:45.072000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:45.072000', 'bytes': 1154053120, 'norm_byte': 49293312, 'ops': 1127005, 'norm_ops': 48138, 'norm_ltcy': 20.79661942780392, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:45.072000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:45.072000",
+ "bytes": 1154053120,
+ "norm_byte": 49293312,
+ "ops": 1127005,
+ "norm_ops": 48138,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.79661942780392,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85bc63c550cab3e158bd58060538bb5d84c8cc0047bdef309d242a1a6c97d761",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:46.073000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:46.073000', 'bytes': 1204399104, 'norm_byte': 50345984, 'ops': 1176171, 'norm_ops': 49166, 'norm_ltcy': 20.36067067434813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:46.073000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:46.073000",
+ "bytes": 1204399104,
+ "norm_byte": 50345984,
+ "ops": 1176171,
+ "norm_ops": 49166,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.36067067434813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba8f8ed40604d9a0903d4b159fca1bb3ea627d4fe3749fd4aff29c163ff1881b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:47.074000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:47.074000', 'bytes': 1254730752, 'norm_byte': 50331648, 'ops': 1225323, 'norm_ops': 49152, 'norm_ltcy': 20.367518067359924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:47.074000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:47.074000",
+ "bytes": 1254730752,
+ "norm_byte": 50331648,
+ "ops": 1225323,
+ "norm_ops": 49152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.367518067359924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb80a5bfbf8f2c379d1702d8ed1c66825e7414c2d78430e58ad428cc6b7c3d15",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:48.075000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:48.075000', 'bytes': 1304960000, 'norm_byte': 50229248, 'ops': 1274375, 'norm_ops': 49052, 'norm_ltcy': 20.40775625388618, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:48.075000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:48.075000",
+ "bytes": 1304960000,
+ "norm_byte": 50229248,
+ "ops": 1274375,
+ "norm_ops": 49052,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.40775625388618,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb2ef6ed72d8a42f1e11b35c34f8856e005e79a41d25edb72a5632315e93aeca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:49.076000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:49.076000', 'bytes': 1349762048, 'norm_byte': 44802048, 'ops': 1318127, 'norm_ops': 43752, 'norm_ltcy': 22.881264267204926, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:49.076000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:49.076000",
+ "bytes": 1349762048,
+ "norm_byte": 44802048,
+ "ops": 1318127,
+ "norm_ops": 43752,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.881264267204926,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "542ba9aff3fcd35486f6f2643d9e90be24291fac85b7ee2a336194a3b40d8e50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:50.077000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:50.077000', 'bytes': 1392909312, 'norm_byte': 43147264, 'ops': 1360263, 'norm_ops': 42136, 'norm_ltcy': 23.75876602511807, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:50.077000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:50.077000",
+ "bytes": 1392909312,
+ "norm_byte": 43147264,
+ "ops": 1360263,
+ "norm_ops": 42136,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.75876602511807,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c425c59d9153fec1a559933d32df476848dc0ad771eed4d0818ea69da3d06b29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:51.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:51.078000', 'bytes': 1435790336, 'norm_byte': 42881024, 'ops': 1402139, 'norm_ops': 41876, 'norm_ltcy': 23.906448689285032, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:51.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:51.078000",
+ "bytes": 1435790336,
+ "norm_byte": 42881024,
+ "ops": 1402139,
+ "norm_ops": 41876,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.906448689285032,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "127cf1c5b627db5aaab5349c891d8cace949c32fa008745299e0e1757289c9b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:52.079000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:52.079000', 'bytes': 1479147520, 'norm_byte': 43357184, 'ops': 1444480, 'norm_ops': 42341, 'norm_ltcy': 23.643532753418672, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:52.079000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:52.079000",
+ "bytes": 1479147520,
+ "norm_byte": 43357184,
+ "ops": 1444480,
+ "norm_ops": 42341,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.643532753418672,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f8354c766d1d6e0e4be9af64376db5f24d8d0b8f91327e82dac9c9ca5ef108a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:53.080000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:53.080000', 'bytes': 1522214912, 'norm_byte': 43067392, 'ops': 1486538, 'norm_ops': 42058, 'norm_ltcy': 23.803118842208974, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:53.080000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:53.080000",
+ "bytes": 1522214912,
+ "norm_byte": 43067392,
+ "ops": 1486538,
+ "norm_ops": 42058,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.803118842208974,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9812a20a6f0a0bdbeb2c987491b883c6e0915482065cca80dc852a558f436715",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:54.080000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:54.080000', 'bytes': 1569997824, 'norm_byte': 47782912, 'ops': 1533201, 'norm_ops': 46663, 'norm_ltcy': 21.43184052909961, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:54.080000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:54.080000",
+ "bytes": 1569997824,
+ "norm_byte": 47782912,
+ "ops": 1533201,
+ "norm_ops": 46663,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.43184052909961,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aeda707e3a504ed3d2c612205c940fc040a6368e9d39378590d087a5bf3e9a6a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:55.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:55.081000', 'bytes': 1620177920, 'norm_byte': 50180096, 'ops': 1582205, 'norm_ops': 49004, 'norm_ltcy': 20.427636288300445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:55.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:55.081000",
+ "bytes": 1620177920,
+ "norm_byte": 50180096,
+ "ops": 1582205,
+ "norm_ops": 49004,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.427636288300445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aaf5daf05f9c6932c481dfd4d670e79519b098fd94aef6bf790a2ced2101bdc5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:56.082000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:56.082000', 'bytes': 1667947520, 'norm_byte': 47769600, 'ops': 1628855, 'norm_ops': 46650, 'norm_ltcy': 21.459845801513932, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:56.082000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:56.082000",
+ "bytes": 1667947520,
+ "norm_byte": 47769600,
+ "ops": 1628855,
+ "norm_ops": 46650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.459845801513932,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4bb1be92f1c65c1e1bc49c319039e1de31da9b9742163bae1cc1c220eb66bf83",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:57.084000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:57.084000', 'bytes': 1714349056, 'norm_byte': 46401536, 'ops': 1674169, 'norm_ops': 45314, 'norm_ltcy': 22.091504686396586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:57.084000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:57.084000",
+ "bytes": 1714349056,
+ "norm_byte": 46401536,
+ "ops": 1674169,
+ "norm_ops": 45314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.091504686396586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "492aee229dac9cc2ccf2be573f22545f690509cb6d4d93bcd9343b311cb113e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:58.085000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:58.085000', 'bytes': 1758000128, 'norm_byte': 43651072, 'ops': 1716797, 'norm_ops': 42628, 'norm_ltcy': 23.48449770030848, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:58.085000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:58.085000",
+ "bytes": 1758000128,
+ "norm_byte": 43651072,
+ "ops": 1716797,
+ "norm_ops": 42628,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.48449770030848,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fb116e8e27dc98c661d673298d34a66df8123a3ae5bb76e1ad845326ddbd10bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:35:59.086000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:35:59.086000', 'bytes': 1800428544, 'norm_byte': 42428416, 'ops': 1758231, 'norm_ops': 41434, 'norm_ltcy': 24.161319149882946, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:35:59.086000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:35:59.086000",
+ "bytes": 1800428544,
+ "norm_byte": 42428416,
+ "ops": 1758231,
+ "norm_ops": 41434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.161319149882946,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6cc6d853fbccd58d5703efc08e71a71d85a5d586c3b1a3817a9f3d9e7636d4ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:00.087000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:00.087000', 'bytes': 1843196928, 'norm_byte': 42768384, 'ops': 1799997, 'norm_ops': 41766, 'norm_ltcy': 23.96917194720287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:00.087000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:00.087000",
+ "bytes": 1843196928,
+ "norm_byte": 42768384,
+ "ops": 1799997,
+ "norm_ops": 41766,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.96917194720287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f15ac13ac3b739d6ba0e7bae4c573e15977b8f6a69d585b52a1d7b3bc533548",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:01.088000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:01.088000', 'bytes': 1885924352, 'norm_byte': 42727424, 'ops': 1841723, 'norm_ops': 41726, 'norm_ltcy': 23.990827296305063, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:01.088000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:01.088000",
+ "bytes": 1885924352,
+ "norm_byte": 42727424,
+ "ops": 1841723,
+ "norm_ops": 41726,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.990827296305063,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ae3df308e60c992ae5220cf3bb6eb16de9b3eff731a4eb99f94a3a8290ee38e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:02.088000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:02.088000', 'bytes': 1928948736, 'norm_byte': 43024384, 'ops': 1883739, 'norm_ops': 42016, 'norm_ltcy': 23.81165410758699, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:02.088000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:02.088000",
+ "bytes": 1928948736,
+ "norm_byte": 43024384,
+ "ops": 1883739,
+ "norm_ops": 42016,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.81165410758699,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "499b8c2ff2b42b7216d0612bec1ae86681c95e8e941e20c2ce8e9797257ae9d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:03.089000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:03.089000', 'bytes': 1971878912, 'norm_byte': 42930176, 'ops': 1925663, 'norm_ops': 41924, 'norm_ltcy': 23.87655596846377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:03.089000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:03.089000",
+ "bytes": 1971878912,
+ "norm_byte": 42930176,
+ "ops": 1925663,
+ "norm_ops": 41924,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.87655596846377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c4dbd7640a2e8dd256877d19073fcaffd284ee275484f8e56c8f1fa88ac169a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:04.090000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:04.090000', 'bytes': 2014415872, 'norm_byte': 42536960, 'ops': 1967203, 'norm_ops': 41540, 'norm_ltcy': 24.098213647613743, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:04.090000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:04.090000",
+ "bytes": 2014415872,
+ "norm_byte": 42536960,
+ "ops": 1967203,
+ "norm_ops": 41540,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.098213647613743,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c095d88752630e606d1e9e2068fd647e84e40ced6ee8585b879f4b66959c4e74",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:05.091000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:05.091000', 'bytes': 2057159680, 'norm_byte': 42743808, 'ops': 2008945, 'norm_ops': 41742, 'norm_ltcy': 23.98156710791888, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:05.091000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:05.091000",
+ "bytes": 2057159680,
+ "norm_byte": 42743808,
+ "ops": 2008945,
+ "norm_ops": 41742,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.98156710791888,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fce9b5b8777c7e1ea71f5cd63a1253421deba9d0102dc2d2739367849043e2fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:06.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:06.092000', 'bytes': 2101984256, 'norm_byte': 44824576, 'ops': 2052719, 'norm_ops': 43774, 'norm_ltcy': 22.867159970459063, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:06.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:06.092000",
+ "bytes": 2101984256,
+ "norm_byte": 44824576,
+ "ops": 2052719,
+ "norm_ops": 43774,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.867159970459063,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de53c2f3a8c9ae8a88a3f171672d85525892c52fed0340910f8a13497b40796a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:07.094000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:07.094000', 'bytes': 2152283136, 'norm_byte': 50298880, 'ops': 2101839, 'norm_ops': 49120, 'norm_ltcy': 20.380766927613497, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:07.094000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:07.094000",
+ "bytes": 2152283136,
+ "norm_byte": 50298880,
+ "ops": 2101839,
+ "norm_ops": 49120,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.380766927613497,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0c66de1c0805ac3634198470f0f0c30544f0b0b2351f8896e68f8669d88c00e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:08.095000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:08.095000', 'bytes': 2201850880, 'norm_byte': 49567744, 'ops': 2150245, 'norm_ops': 48406, 'norm_ltcy': 20.68134268931021, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:08.095000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:08.095000",
+ "bytes": 2201850880,
+ "norm_byte": 49567744,
+ "ops": 2150245,
+ "norm_ops": 48406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.68134268931021,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "482a9505604a752c2bab09e910749d69a2312e6d1f9911a16482a255002c96b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:09.096000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:09.096000', 'bytes': 2251295744, 'norm_byte': 49444864, 'ops': 2198531, 'norm_ops': 48286, 'norm_ltcy': 20.732628569875327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:09.096000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:09.096000",
+ "bytes": 2251295744,
+ "norm_byte": 49444864,
+ "ops": 2198531,
+ "norm_ops": 48286,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.732628569875327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0886d50b9a63fdf08c8f22bb7cbb8d20aaeaa3a9ceb233a06512977498a2c8ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:10.097000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:10.097000', 'bytes': 2301191168, 'norm_byte': 49895424, 'ops': 2247257, 'norm_ops': 48726, 'norm_ltcy': 20.545401117344948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:10.097000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:10.097000",
+ "bytes": 2301191168,
+ "norm_byte": 49895424,
+ "ops": 2247257,
+ "norm_ops": 48726,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.545401117344948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b8450a2251fc84b226ec38d6ff54b9810238c70535188fb38d7dd17491be563",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:11.098000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:11.098000', 'bytes': 2347152384, 'norm_byte': 45961216, 'ops': 2292141, 'norm_ops': 44884, 'norm_ltcy': 22.304066106519027, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:11.098000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:11.098000",
+ "bytes": 2347152384,
+ "norm_byte": 45961216,
+ "ops": 2292141,
+ "norm_ops": 44884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.304066106519027,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a9a7f869ba8cc4c034f96cc18dae708ac0e5dcd10c205071c5bc97c930d7ce6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:12.099000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:12.099000', 'bytes': 2390125568, 'norm_byte': 42973184, 'ops': 2334107, 'norm_ops': 41966, 'norm_ltcy': 23.855062729352333, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:12.099000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:12.099000",
+ "bytes": 2390125568,
+ "norm_byte": 42973184,
+ "ops": 2334107,
+ "norm_ops": 41966,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.855062729352333,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf8f700d59feb2c2080789f3de9039167206111c4520a97a929abd09b61a14c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:13.100000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:13.100000', 'bytes': 2432936960, 'norm_byte': 42811392, 'ops': 2375915, 'norm_ops': 41808, 'norm_ltcy': 23.945168613064485, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:13.100000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:13.100000",
+ "bytes": 2432936960,
+ "norm_byte": 42811392,
+ "ops": 2375915,
+ "norm_ops": 41808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.945168613064485,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a43043f84c2f636e2e901993fd335799a323cba842145c295b8fb585e9d1ce0a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:14.101000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:14.101000', 'bytes': 2475990016, 'norm_byte': 43053056, 'ops': 2417959, 'norm_ops': 42044, 'norm_ltcy': 23.810621016078393, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:14.101000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:14.101000",
+ "bytes": 2475990016,
+ "norm_byte": 43053056,
+ "ops": 2417959,
+ "norm_ops": 42044,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.810621016078393,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21cf8f9abf92d967c9f13a6243da2bcedd1ae68865568a45c7e48179d556617c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:15.102000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:15.102000', 'bytes': 2518883328, 'norm_byte': 42893312, 'ops': 2459847, 'norm_ops': 41888, 'norm_ltcy': 23.899343561998663, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:15.102000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:15.102000",
+ "bytes": 2518883328,
+ "norm_byte": 42893312,
+ "ops": 2459847,
+ "norm_ops": 41888,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.899343561998663,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f698ca5524d679b771c36e1ecd0de5d17b9cb34edcd81115f40a1623bc05d2f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:16.103000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:16.103000', 'bytes': 2562186240, 'norm_byte': 43302912, 'ops': 2502135, 'norm_ops': 42288, 'norm_ltcy': 23.673176990960794, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:16.103000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:16.103000",
+ "bytes": 2562186240,
+ "norm_byte": 43302912,
+ "ops": 2502135,
+ "norm_ops": 42288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.673176990960794,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84696d3880d689baf09cb624d1a21f581650496f0c8edea13a80917e3ed5b0e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:17.104000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:17.104000', 'bytes': 2605075456, 'norm_byte': 42889216, 'ops': 2544019, 'norm_ops': 41884, 'norm_ltcy': 23.901672625584947, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:17.104000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:17.104000",
+ "bytes": 2605075456,
+ "norm_byte": 42889216,
+ "ops": 2544019,
+ "norm_ops": 41884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.901672625584947,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "303c671862cc8ff85c99ee96c2d5cd53edf7fa8ee127621396ddfb4baa62d5f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:18.106000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:18.106000', 'bytes': 2648292352, 'norm_byte': 43216896, 'ops': 2586223, 'norm_ops': 42204, 'norm_ltcy': 23.720560588155152, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:18.106000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:18.106000",
+ "bytes": 2648292352,
+ "norm_byte": 43216896,
+ "ops": 2586223,
+ "norm_ops": 42204,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.720560588155152,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1825ce1252e5143f9355b6582393cad8547e195d4964b108ffe8f0f7c9b7e3e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:19.107000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:19.107000', 'bytes': 2691427328, 'norm_byte': 43134976, 'ops': 2628347, 'norm_ops': 42124, 'norm_ltcy': 23.76540095907321, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:19.107000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:19.107000",
+ "bytes": 2691427328,
+ "norm_byte": 43134976,
+ "ops": 2628347,
+ "norm_ops": 42124,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.76540095907321,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a4795a7cb13e263c17a6cb5079a76b80bc289518297d7d085446f522372ca92",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:20.108000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:20.108000', 'bytes': 2734814208, 'norm_byte': 43386880, 'ops': 2670717, 'norm_ops': 42370, 'norm_ltcy': 23.627476785608923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:20.108000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:20.108000",
+ "bytes": 2734814208,
+ "norm_byte": 43386880,
+ "ops": 2670717,
+ "norm_ops": 42370,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.627476785608923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75522b957025cc365d471791b2094448fb691a8a5bd596c7fbf82ab58b9c06b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:36:21.309000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:36:21.309000', 'bytes': 2778000384, 'norm_byte': 43186176, 'ops': 2712891, 'norm_ops': 42174, 'norm_ltcy': 28.48373863895706, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:36:21.309000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:36:21.309000",
+ "bytes": 2778000384,
+ "norm_byte": 43186176,
+ "ops": 2712891,
+ "norm_ops": 42174,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.48373863895706,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0189437a-888a-5590-a255-37581b9f10fb",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6593a04801f5c1d9500f2284677e4f5515751baf9f4c587498070d7b41eabb24",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 46300006.4
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 45214.85
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.065439050533058
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:36:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-061-220519213236/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-061-220519213236/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f5d802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-061-220519213236/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-061-220519213236/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-061-220519213236/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-061-220519213236/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-061-220519213236/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-061-220519213236/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1e4887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-061-220519213236/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=15
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=180
+ net.core.busy_poll=0
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-062-220519213438/220519213438-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-062-220519213438/220519213438-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f192d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-062-220519213438/220519213438-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:37:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996241713.4680 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996242714.6809 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996242714.7654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996243715.8538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63241216 nr_ops:61759\ntimestamp_ms:1652996244716.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126690304 nr_ops:123721\ntimestamp_ms:1652996245718.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190637056 nr_ops:186169\ntimestamp_ms:1652996246719.1338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255140864 nr_ops:249161\ntimestamp_ms:1652996247720.2305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317697024 nr_ops:310251\ntimestamp_ms:1652996248721.3259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381024256 nr_ops:372094\ntimestamp_ms:1652996249722.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444935168 nr_ops:434507\ntimestamp_ms:1652996250723.5120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508320768 nr_ops:496407\ntimestamp_ms:1652996251724.6023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:572994560 nr_ops:559565\ntimestamp_ms:1652996252725.7068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636664832 nr_ops:621743\ntimestamp_ms:1652996253725.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700492800 nr_ops:684075\ntimestamp_ms:1652996254726.9287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:764444672 nr_ops:746528\ntimestamp_ms:1652996255727.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:825406464 nr_ops:806061\ntimestamp_ms:1652996256728.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886955008 nr_ops:866167\ntimestamp_ms:1652996257729.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949873664 nr_ops:927611\ntimestamp_ms:1652996258730.8823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013382144 nr_ops:989631\ntimestamp_ms:1652996259731.9802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075770368 nr_ops:1050557\ntimestamp_ms:1652996260733.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138480128 nr_ops:1111797\ntimestamp_ms:1652996261734.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201570816 nr_ops:1173409\ntimestamp_ms:1652996262735.2776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264989184 nr_ops:1235341\ntimestamp_ms:1652996263736.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329644544 nr_ops:1298481\ntimestamp_ms:1652996264737.4717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392884736 nr_ops:1360239\ntimestamp_ms:1652996265738.5608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1457474560 nr_ops:1423315\ntimestamp_ms:1652996266739.6533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521260544 nr_ops:1485606\ntimestamp_ms:1652996267740.7500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1583839232 nr_ops:1546718\ntimestamp_ms:1652996268740.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646849024 nr_ops:1608251\ntimestamp_ms:1652996269741.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1712034816 nr_ops:1671909\ntimestamp_ms:1652996270743.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1775148032 nr_ops:1733543\ntimestamp_ms:1652996271744.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837598720 nr_ops:1794530\ntimestamp_ms:1652996272745.2371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901323264 nr_ops:1856761\ntimestamp_ms:1652996273746.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1971217408 nr_ops:1925017\ntimestamp_ms:1652996274747.4304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040188928 nr_ops:1992372\ntimestamp_ms:1652996275747.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103325696 nr_ops:2054029\ntimestamp_ms:1652996276748.9304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166722560 nr_ops:2115940\ntimestamp_ms:1652996277749.8545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2229390336 nr_ops:2177139\ntimestamp_ms:1652996278750.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2292165632 nr_ops:2238443\ntimestamp_ms:1652996279751.9229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2354660352 nr_ops:2299473\ntimestamp_ms:1652996280753.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2417224704 nr_ops:2360571\ntimestamp_ms:1652996281754.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479919104 nr_ops:2421796\ntimestamp_ms:1652996282754.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543213568 nr_ops:2483607\ntimestamp_ms:1652996283755.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2607037440 nr_ops:2545935\ntimestamp_ms:1652996284757.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2670291968 nr_ops:2607707\ntimestamp_ms:1652996285757.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2734038016 nr_ops:2669959\ntimestamp_ms:1652996286758.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2796559360 nr_ops:2731015\ntimestamp_ms:1652996287759.9255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2859688960 nr_ops:2792665\ntimestamp_ms:1652996288761.0168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2922804224 nr_ops:2854301\ntimestamp_ms:1652996289762.1235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2986523648 nr_ops:2916527\ntimestamp_ms:1652996290763.2195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049089024 nr_ops:2977626\ntimestamp_ms:1652996291764.3115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3111995392 nr_ops:3039058\ntimestamp_ms:1652996292764.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3176563712 nr_ops:3102113\ntimestamp_ms:1652996293765.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241145344 nr_ops:3165181\ntimestamp_ms:1652996294767.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3305384960 nr_ops:3227915\ntimestamp_ms:1652996295768.0825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3368584192 nr_ops:3289633\ntimestamp_ms:1652996296769.1758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3431711744 nr_ops:3351281\ntimestamp_ms:1652996297770.3252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3493637120 nr_ops:3411755\ntimestamp_ms:1652996298770.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3556871168 nr_ops:3473507\ntimestamp_ms:1652996299771.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3620668416 nr_ops:3535809\ntimestamp_ms:1652996300772.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3684303872 nr_ops:3597953\ntimestamp_ms:1652996301773.8899 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3747077120 nr_ops:3659255\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140189858240256\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.2195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3810655232 nr_ops:3721343\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.2627 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.2678 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996303075.4800 name:Total nr_bytes:3810655232 nr_ops:3721344\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.3611 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7621310462 nr_ops:7442688\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.3616 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3810655232 nr_ops:3721346\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 260.65us 0.00ns 260.65us 260.65us \nTxn1 1860672 32.23us 0.00ns 2.69ms 25.81us \nTxn2 1 46.86us 0.00ns 46.86us 46.86us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 259.79us 0.00ns 259.79us 259.79us \nwrite 1860672 3.21us 0.00ns 91.43us 2.37us \nread 1860671 28.94us 0.00ns 2.68ms 1.19us \ndisconnect 1 46.51us 0.00ns 46.51us 46.51us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29836 29836 260.17Mb/s 260.17Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 792.00b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.157 62.36s 3.55GB 488.83Mb/s 3721345 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.55GB 488.83Mb/s 3721346 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412923, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996241713.4680 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996242714.6809 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996242714.7654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996243715.8538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63241216 nr_ops:61759\ntimestamp_ms:1652996244716.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126690304 nr_ops:123721\ntimestamp_ms:1652996245718.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190637056 nr_ops:186169\ntimestamp_ms:1652996246719.1338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255140864 nr_ops:249161\ntimestamp_ms:1652996247720.2305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317697024 nr_ops:310251\ntimestamp_ms:1652996248721.3259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381024256 nr_ops:372094\ntimestamp_ms:1652996249722.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444935168 nr_ops:434507\ntimestamp_ms:1652996250723.5120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508320768 nr_ops:496407\ntimestamp_ms:1652996251724.6023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:572994560 nr_ops:559565\ntimestamp_ms:1652996252725.7068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636664832 nr_ops:621743\ntimestamp_ms:1652996253725.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700492800 nr_ops:684075\ntimestamp_ms:1652996254726.9287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:764444672 nr_ops:746528\ntimestamp_ms:1652996255727.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:825406464 nr_ops:806061\ntimestamp_ms:1652996256728.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886955008 nr_ops:866167\ntimestamp_ms:1652996257729.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949873664 nr_ops:927611\ntimestamp_ms:1652996258730.8823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013382144 nr_ops:989631\ntimestamp_ms:1652996259731.9802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075770368 nr_ops:1050557\ntimestamp_ms:1652996260733.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138480128 nr_ops:1111797\ntimestamp_ms:1652996261734.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201570816 nr_ops:1173409\ntimestamp_ms:1652996262735.2776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264989184 nr_ops:1235341\ntimestamp_ms:1652996263736.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329644544 nr_ops:1298481\ntimestamp_ms:1652996264737.4717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392884736 nr_ops:1360239\ntimestamp_ms:1652996265738.5608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1457474560 nr_ops:1423315\ntimestamp_ms:1652996266739.6533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521260544 nr_ops:1485606\ntimestamp_ms:1652996267740.7500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1583839232 nr_ops:1546718\ntimestamp_ms:1652996268740.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646849024 nr_ops:1608251\ntimestamp_ms:1652996269741.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1712034816 nr_ops:1671909\ntimestamp_ms:1652996270743.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1775148032 nr_ops:1733543\ntimestamp_ms:1652996271744.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837598720 nr_ops:1794530\ntimestamp_ms:1652996272745.2371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901323264 nr_ops:1856761\ntimestamp_ms:1652996273746.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1971217408 nr_ops:1925017\ntimestamp_ms:1652996274747.4304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040188928 nr_ops:1992372\ntimestamp_ms:1652996275747.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103325696 nr_ops:2054029\ntimestamp_ms:1652996276748.9304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166722560 nr_ops:2115940\ntimestamp_ms:1652996277749.8545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2229390336 nr_ops:2177139\ntimestamp_ms:1652996278750.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2292165632 nr_ops:2238443\ntimestamp_ms:1652996279751.9229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2354660352 nr_ops:2299473\ntimestamp_ms:1652996280753.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2417224704 nr_ops:2360571\ntimestamp_ms:1652996281754.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479919104 nr_ops:2421796\ntimestamp_ms:1652996282754.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543213568 nr_ops:2483607\ntimestamp_ms:1652996283755.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2607037440 nr_ops:2545935\ntimestamp_ms:1652996284757.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2670291968 nr_ops:2607707\ntimestamp_ms:1652996285757.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2734038016 nr_ops:2669959\ntimestamp_ms:1652996286758.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2796559360 nr_ops:2731015\ntimestamp_ms:1652996287759.9255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2859688960 nr_ops:2792665\ntimestamp_ms:1652996288761.0168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2922804224 nr_ops:2854301\ntimestamp_ms:1652996289762.1235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2986523648 nr_ops:2916527\ntimestamp_ms:1652996290763.2195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049089024 nr_ops:2977626\ntimestamp_ms:1652996291764.3115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3111995392 nr_ops:3039058\ntimestamp_ms:1652996292764.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3176563712 nr_ops:3102113\ntimestamp_ms:1652996293765.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241145344 nr_ops:3165181\ntimestamp_ms:1652996294767.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3305384960 nr_ops:3227915\ntimestamp_ms:1652996295768.0825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3368584192 nr_ops:3289633\ntimestamp_ms:1652996296769.1758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3431711744 nr_ops:3351281\ntimestamp_ms:1652996297770.3252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3493637120 nr_ops:3411755\ntimestamp_ms:1652996298770.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3556871168 nr_ops:3473507\ntimestamp_ms:1652996299771.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3620668416 nr_ops:3535809\ntimestamp_ms:1652996300772.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3684303872 nr_ops:3597953\ntimestamp_ms:1652996301773.8899 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3747077120 nr_ops:3659255\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140189858240256\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.2195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3810655232 nr_ops:3721343\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.2627 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.2678 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996303075.4800 name:Total nr_bytes:3810655232 nr_ops:3721344\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.3611 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7621310462 nr_ops:7442688\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.3616 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3810655232 nr_ops:3721346\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 260.65us 0.00ns 260.65us 260.65us \nTxn1 1860672 32.23us 0.00ns 2.69ms 25.81us \nTxn2 1 46.86us 0.00ns 46.86us 46.86us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 259.79us 0.00ns 259.79us 259.79us \nwrite 1860672 3.21us 0.00ns 91.43us 2.37us \nread 1860671 28.94us 0.00ns 2.68ms 1.19us \ndisconnect 1 46.51us 0.00ns 46.51us 46.51us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29836 29836 260.17Mb/s 260.17Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 792.00b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.157 62.36s 3.55GB 488.83Mb/s 3721345 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.55GB 488.83Mb/s 3721346 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412923, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996241713.4680 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996242714.6809 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996242714.7654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996243715.8538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63241216 nr_ops:61759\ntimestamp_ms:1652996244716.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126690304 nr_ops:123721\ntimestamp_ms:1652996245718.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190637056 nr_ops:186169\ntimestamp_ms:1652996246719.1338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255140864 nr_ops:249161\ntimestamp_ms:1652996247720.2305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317697024 nr_ops:310251\ntimestamp_ms:1652996248721.3259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381024256 nr_ops:372094\ntimestamp_ms:1652996249722.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444935168 nr_ops:434507\ntimestamp_ms:1652996250723.5120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508320768 nr_ops:496407\ntimestamp_ms:1652996251724.6023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:572994560 nr_ops:559565\ntimestamp_ms:1652996252725.7068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636664832 nr_ops:621743\ntimestamp_ms:1652996253725.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700492800 nr_ops:684075\ntimestamp_ms:1652996254726.9287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:764444672 nr_ops:746528\ntimestamp_ms:1652996255727.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:825406464 nr_ops:806061\ntimestamp_ms:1652996256728.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886955008 nr_ops:866167\ntimestamp_ms:1652996257729.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949873664 nr_ops:927611\ntimestamp_ms:1652996258730.8823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013382144 nr_ops:989631\ntimestamp_ms:1652996259731.9802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075770368 nr_ops:1050557\ntimestamp_ms:1652996260733.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138480128 nr_ops:1111797\ntimestamp_ms:1652996261734.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201570816 nr_ops:1173409\ntimestamp_ms:1652996262735.2776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264989184 nr_ops:1235341\ntimestamp_ms:1652996263736.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329644544 nr_ops:1298481\ntimestamp_ms:1652996264737.4717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392884736 nr_ops:1360239\ntimestamp_ms:1652996265738.5608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1457474560 nr_ops:1423315\ntimestamp_ms:1652996266739.6533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521260544 nr_ops:1485606\ntimestamp_ms:1652996267740.7500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1583839232 nr_ops:1546718\ntimestamp_ms:1652996268740.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646849024 nr_ops:1608251\ntimestamp_ms:1652996269741.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1712034816 nr_ops:1671909\ntimestamp_ms:1652996270743.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1775148032 nr_ops:1733543\ntimestamp_ms:1652996271744.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837598720 nr_ops:1794530\ntimestamp_ms:1652996272745.2371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901323264 nr_ops:1856761\ntimestamp_ms:1652996273746.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1971217408 nr_ops:1925017\ntimestamp_ms:1652996274747.4304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040188928 nr_ops:1992372\ntimestamp_ms:1652996275747.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103325696 nr_ops:2054029\ntimestamp_ms:1652996276748.9304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166722560 nr_ops:2115940\ntimestamp_ms:1652996277749.8545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2229390336 nr_ops:2177139\ntimestamp_ms:1652996278750.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2292165632 nr_ops:2238443\ntimestamp_ms:1652996279751.9229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2354660352 nr_ops:2299473\ntimestamp_ms:1652996280753.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2417224704 nr_ops:2360571\ntimestamp_ms:1652996281754.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479919104 nr_ops:2421796\ntimestamp_ms:1652996282754.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543213568 nr_ops:2483607\ntimestamp_ms:1652996283755.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2607037440 nr_ops:2545935\ntimestamp_ms:1652996284757.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2670291968 nr_ops:2607707\ntimestamp_ms:1652996285757.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2734038016 nr_ops:2669959\ntimestamp_ms:1652996286758.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2796559360 nr_ops:2731015\ntimestamp_ms:1652996287759.9255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2859688960 nr_ops:2792665\ntimestamp_ms:1652996288761.0168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2922804224 nr_ops:2854301\ntimestamp_ms:1652996289762.1235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2986523648 nr_ops:2916527\ntimestamp_ms:1652996290763.2195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049089024 nr_ops:2977626\ntimestamp_ms:1652996291764.3115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3111995392 nr_ops:3039058\ntimestamp_ms:1652996292764.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3176563712 nr_ops:3102113\ntimestamp_ms:1652996293765.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241145344 nr_ops:3165181\ntimestamp_ms:1652996294767.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3305384960 nr_ops:3227915\ntimestamp_ms:1652996295768.0825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3368584192 nr_ops:3289633\ntimestamp_ms:1652996296769.1758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3431711744 nr_ops:3351281\ntimestamp_ms:1652996297770.3252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3493637120 nr_ops:3411755\ntimestamp_ms:1652996298770.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3556871168 nr_ops:3473507\ntimestamp_ms:1652996299771.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3620668416 nr_ops:3535809\ntimestamp_ms:1652996300772.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3684303872 nr_ops:3597953\ntimestamp_ms:1652996301773.8899 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3747077120 nr_ops:3659255\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140189858240256\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.2195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3810655232 nr_ops:3721343\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.2627 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.2678 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996303075.4800 name:Total nr_bytes:3810655232 nr_ops:3721344\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.3611 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7621310462 nr_ops:7442688\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996302975.3616 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3810655232 nr_ops:3721346\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 260.65us 0.00ns 260.65us 260.65us \nTxn1 1860672 32.23us 0.00ns 2.69ms 25.81us \nTxn2 1 46.86us 0.00ns 46.86us 46.86us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 259.79us 0.00ns 259.79us 259.79us \nwrite 1860672 3.21us 0.00ns 91.43us 2.37us \nread 1860671 28.94us 0.00ns 2.68ms 1.19us \ndisconnect 1 46.51us 0.00ns 46.51us 46.51us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29836 29836 260.17Mb/s 260.17Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 792.00b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.157 62.36s 3.55GB 488.83Mb/s 3721345 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.55GB 488.83Mb/s 3721346 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412923, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996241713.4680 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996242714.6809 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996242714.7654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996243715.8538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63241216 nr_ops:61759
+timestamp_ms:1652996244716.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126690304 nr_ops:123721
+timestamp_ms:1652996245718.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190637056 nr_ops:186169
+timestamp_ms:1652996246719.1338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255140864 nr_ops:249161
+timestamp_ms:1652996247720.2305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317697024 nr_ops:310251
+timestamp_ms:1652996248721.3259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381024256 nr_ops:372094
+timestamp_ms:1652996249722.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444935168 nr_ops:434507
+timestamp_ms:1652996250723.5120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508320768 nr_ops:496407
+timestamp_ms:1652996251724.6023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:572994560 nr_ops:559565
+timestamp_ms:1652996252725.7068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636664832 nr_ops:621743
+timestamp_ms:1652996253725.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700492800 nr_ops:684075
+timestamp_ms:1652996254726.9287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:764444672 nr_ops:746528
+timestamp_ms:1652996255727.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:825406464 nr_ops:806061
+timestamp_ms:1652996256728.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886955008 nr_ops:866167
+timestamp_ms:1652996257729.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949873664 nr_ops:927611
+timestamp_ms:1652996258730.8823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1013382144 nr_ops:989631
+timestamp_ms:1652996259731.9802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075770368 nr_ops:1050557
+timestamp_ms:1652996260733.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138480128 nr_ops:1111797
+timestamp_ms:1652996261734.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201570816 nr_ops:1173409
+timestamp_ms:1652996262735.2776 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264989184 nr_ops:1235341
+timestamp_ms:1652996263736.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1329644544 nr_ops:1298481
+timestamp_ms:1652996264737.4717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392884736 nr_ops:1360239
+timestamp_ms:1652996265738.5608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1457474560 nr_ops:1423315
+timestamp_ms:1652996266739.6533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521260544 nr_ops:1485606
+timestamp_ms:1652996267740.7500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1583839232 nr_ops:1546718
+timestamp_ms:1652996268740.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646849024 nr_ops:1608251
+timestamp_ms:1652996269741.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1712034816 nr_ops:1671909
+timestamp_ms:1652996270743.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1775148032 nr_ops:1733543
+timestamp_ms:1652996271744.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837598720 nr_ops:1794530
+timestamp_ms:1652996272745.2371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901323264 nr_ops:1856761
+timestamp_ms:1652996273746.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1971217408 nr_ops:1925017
+timestamp_ms:1652996274747.4304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040188928 nr_ops:1992372
+timestamp_ms:1652996275747.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103325696 nr_ops:2054029
+timestamp_ms:1652996276748.9304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166722560 nr_ops:2115940
+timestamp_ms:1652996277749.8545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2229390336 nr_ops:2177139
+timestamp_ms:1652996278750.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2292165632 nr_ops:2238443
+timestamp_ms:1652996279751.9229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2354660352 nr_ops:2299473
+timestamp_ms:1652996280753.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2417224704 nr_ops:2360571
+timestamp_ms:1652996281754.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479919104 nr_ops:2421796
+timestamp_ms:1652996282754.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2543213568 nr_ops:2483607
+timestamp_ms:1652996283755.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2607037440 nr_ops:2545935
+timestamp_ms:1652996284757.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2670291968 nr_ops:2607707
+timestamp_ms:1652996285757.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2734038016 nr_ops:2669959
+timestamp_ms:1652996286758.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2796559360 nr_ops:2731015
+timestamp_ms:1652996287759.9255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2859688960 nr_ops:2792665
+timestamp_ms:1652996288761.0168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2922804224 nr_ops:2854301
+timestamp_ms:1652996289762.1235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2986523648 nr_ops:2916527
+timestamp_ms:1652996290763.2195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049089024 nr_ops:2977626
+timestamp_ms:1652996291764.3115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3111995392 nr_ops:3039058
+timestamp_ms:1652996292764.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3176563712 nr_ops:3102113
+timestamp_ms:1652996293765.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3241145344 nr_ops:3165181
+timestamp_ms:1652996294767.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3305384960 nr_ops:3227915
+timestamp_ms:1652996295768.0825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3368584192 nr_ops:3289633
+timestamp_ms:1652996296769.1758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3431711744 nr_ops:3351281
+timestamp_ms:1652996297770.3252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3493637120 nr_ops:3411755
+timestamp_ms:1652996298770.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3556871168 nr_ops:3473507
+timestamp_ms:1652996299771.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3620668416 nr_ops:3535809
+timestamp_ms:1652996300772.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3684303872 nr_ops:3597953
+timestamp_ms:1652996301773.8899 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3747077120 nr_ops:3659255
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140189858240256
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652996302975.2195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3810655232 nr_ops:3721343
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996302975.2627 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996302975.2678 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996303075.4800 name:Total nr_bytes:3810655232 nr_ops:3721344
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996302975.3611 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7621310462 nr_ops:7442688
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996302975.3616 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3810655232 nr_ops:3721346
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 260.65us 0.00ns 260.65us 260.65us
+Txn1 1860672 32.23us 0.00ns 2.69ms 25.81us
+Txn2 1 46.86us 0.00ns 46.86us 46.86us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 259.79us 0.00ns 259.79us 259.79us
+write 1860672 3.21us 0.00ns 91.43us 2.37us
+read 1860671 28.94us 0.00ns 2.68ms 1.19us
+disconnect 1 46.51us 0.00ns 46.51us 46.51us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29836 29836 260.17Mb/s 260.17Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 792.00b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.157 62.36s 3.55GB 488.83Mb/s 3721345 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.55GB 488.83Mb/s 3721346 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:23.715000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:23.715000', 'bytes': 63241216, 'norm_byte': 63241216, 'ops': 61759, 'norm_ops': 61759, 'norm_ltcy': 16.209595021069802, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:23.715000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:23.715000",
+ "bytes": 63241216,
+ "norm_byte": 63241216,
+ "ops": 61759,
+ "norm_ops": 61759,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.209595021069802,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "97486992fa913d3d557df409ea6af35f1ec0867f2e6b528f88d6833adeabf488",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:24.716000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:24.716000', 'bytes': 126690304, 'norm_byte': 63449088, 'ops': 123721, 'norm_ops': 61962, 'norm_ltcy': 16.156516702020998, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:24.716000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:24.716000",
+ "bytes": 126690304,
+ "norm_byte": 63449088,
+ "ops": 123721,
+ "norm_ops": 61962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.156516702020998,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdf193bd41922d2f578fb9bcc6e49f887dae4674bacd9de82710fcb88f20bcf8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:25.718000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:25.718000', 'bytes': 190637056, 'norm_byte': 63946752, 'ops': 186169, 'norm_ops': 62448, 'norm_ltcy': 16.030849385438685, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:25.718000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:25.718000",
+ "bytes": 190637056,
+ "norm_byte": 63946752,
+ "ops": 186169,
+ "norm_ops": 62448,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.030849385438685,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea7e9523dbd871e2955ea24a67fba59250f028ef51c185661108dab172aeb894",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:26.719000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:26.719000', 'bytes': 255140864, 'norm_byte': 64503808, 'ops': 249161, 'norm_ops': 62992, 'norm_ltcy': 15.892422196221345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:26.719000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:26.719000",
+ "bytes": 255140864,
+ "norm_byte": 64503808,
+ "ops": 249161,
+ "norm_ops": 62992,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.892422196221345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6c0f0cfefd89376de1009d4d892b2748e8287ceb2e7146915ab6a4c442ad04e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:27.720000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:27.720000', 'bytes': 317697024, 'norm_byte': 62556160, 'ops': 310251, 'norm_ops': 61090, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38724307885906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:27.720000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:27.720000",
+ "bytes": 317697024,
+ "norm_byte": 62556160,
+ "ops": 310251,
+ "norm_ops": 61090,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38724307885906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9bca1fca5113a51fdbbcbab3964202e8058faaf1f2918ff0b66c4222b112859",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:28.721000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:28.721000', 'bytes': 381024256, 'norm_byte': 63327232, 'ops': 372094, 'norm_ops': 61843, 'norm_ltcy': 16.187692365900343, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:28.721000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:28.721000",
+ "bytes": 381024256,
+ "norm_byte": 63327232,
+ "ops": 372094,
+ "norm_ops": 61843,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.187692365900343,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dbeaef6e4295f152a4dcb7bbef07378124e69a8e4b2d0d62711f4d124a464644",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:29.722000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:29.722000', 'bytes': 444935168, 'norm_byte': 63910912, 'ops': 434507, 'norm_ops': 62413, 'norm_ltcy': 16.039800057930638, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:29.722000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:29.722000",
+ "bytes": 444935168,
+ "norm_byte": 63910912,
+ "ops": 434507,
+ "norm_ops": 62413,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.039800057930638,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90a7ef3cf0fe4ff4c84789a0b43a1fe763a6dbd24db8c61634d5bd1887365038",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:30.723000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:30.723000', 'bytes': 508320768, 'norm_byte': 63385600, 'ops': 496407, 'norm_ops': 61900, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17276242553514, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:30.723000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:30.723000",
+ "bytes": 508320768,
+ "norm_byte": 63385600,
+ "ops": 496407,
+ "norm_ops": 61900,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17276242553514,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b790ee1f73ac5fab18df137aa968b807aabbb56b12980978a58f5bf91f572b03",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:31.724000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:31.724000', 'bytes': 572994560, 'norm_byte': 64673792, 'ops': 559565, 'norm_ops': 63158, 'norm_ltcy': 15.850570506210612, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:31.724000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:31.724000",
+ "bytes": 572994560,
+ "norm_byte": 64673792,
+ "ops": 559565,
+ "norm_ops": 63158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.850570506210612,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2adf319ba39bcceeb38ed651279ae0dcc4e10a8c698542e189deb83ba4420250",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:32.725000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:32.725000', 'bytes': 636664832, 'norm_byte': 63670272, 'ops': 621743, 'norm_ops': 62178, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10062228099167, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:32.725000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:32.725000",
+ "bytes": 636664832,
+ "norm_byte": 63670272,
+ "ops": 621743,
+ "norm_ops": 62178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10062228099167,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "747f6629247329dbb1a592856cb6d4270d78a53dd494ad1d878eb7bc5aca17db",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:33.725000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:33.725000', 'bytes': 700492800, 'norm_byte': 63827968, 'ops': 684075, 'norm_ops': 62332, 'norm_ltcy': 16.045254644484373, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:33.725000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:33.725000",
+ "bytes": 700492800,
+ "norm_byte": 63827968,
+ "ops": 684075,
+ "norm_ops": 62332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.045254644484373,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "41cb01433f27c0e95375b681bd5f756ae2773e1f1f89b386dfa89f7088ddfc60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:34.726000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:34.726000', 'bytes': 764444672, 'norm_byte': 63951872, 'ops': 746528, 'norm_ops': 62453, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02947995017253, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:34.726000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:34.726000",
+ "bytes": 764444672,
+ "norm_byte": 63951872,
+ "ops": 746528,
+ "norm_ops": 62453,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02947995017253,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93e53f08031e0c64ad75fd094511c18b77c66ed97ac0bd0c2a69b9903baa9040",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:35.727000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:35.727000', 'bytes': 825406464, 'norm_byte': 60961792, 'ops': 806061, 'norm_ops': 59533, 'norm_ltcy': 16.812600423557104, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:35.727000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:35.727000",
+ "bytes": 825406464,
+ "norm_byte": 60961792,
+ "ops": 806061,
+ "norm_ops": 59533,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.812600423557104,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "728d88b1d27c4c830b6f120f7480ef4b9e400d06aa8d1ad7a0d3488ddd191102",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:36.728000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:36.728000', 'bytes': 886955008, 'norm_byte': 61548544, 'ops': 866167, 'norm_ops': 60106, 'norm_ltcy': 16.655487414941934, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:36.728000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:36.728000",
+ "bytes": 886955008,
+ "norm_byte": 61548544,
+ "ops": 866167,
+ "norm_ops": 60106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.655487414941934,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "930227eeeb8773bd108079091dd3f0fcd26c52f121e36ccabd1dbfb9148efb51",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:37.729000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:37.729000', 'bytes': 949873664, 'norm_byte': 62918656, 'ops': 927611, 'norm_ops': 61444, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28971143312406, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:37.729000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:37.729000",
+ "bytes": 949873664,
+ "norm_byte": 62918656,
+ "ops": 927611,
+ "norm_ops": 61444,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28971143312406,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa1552ae946750192eaacf009fa5e32a66c5fd95430bdde3b76807b3070b7c82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:38.730000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:38.730000', 'bytes': 1013382144, 'norm_byte': 63508480, 'ops': 989631, 'norm_ops': 62020, 'norm_ltcy': 16.140750022674137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:38.730000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:38.730000",
+ "bytes": 1013382144,
+ "norm_byte": 63508480,
+ "ops": 989631,
+ "norm_ops": 62020,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.140750022674137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f10f549f83a6a487872735abc927d473d380c16e948291c4f8d694305bbbc7cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:39.731000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:39.731000', 'bytes': 1075770368, 'norm_byte': 62388224, 'ops': 1050557, 'norm_ops': 60926, 'norm_ltcy': 16.43137413240037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:39.731000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:39.731000",
+ "bytes": 1075770368,
+ "norm_byte": 62388224,
+ "ops": 1050557,
+ "norm_ops": 60926,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.43137413240037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "059a0dc416a78190b348ab461f8e3672df545c1ababca78da7082de752b0f3a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:40.733000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:40.733000', 'bytes': 1138480128, 'norm_byte': 62709760, 'ops': 1111797, 'norm_ops': 61240, 'norm_ltcy': 16.347080582033804, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:40.733000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:40.733000",
+ "bytes": 1138480128,
+ "norm_byte": 62709760,
+ "ops": 1111797,
+ "norm_ops": 61240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.347080582033804,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1665743f0987c5e4bc7c056b9b20783df545cb4ab388504a2a876da5faf6567",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:41.734000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:41.734000', 'bytes': 1201570816, 'norm_byte': 63090688, 'ops': 1173409, 'norm_ops': 61612, 'norm_ltcy': 16.24842005210024, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:41.734000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:41.734000",
+ "bytes": 1201570816,
+ "norm_byte": 63090688,
+ "ops": 1173409,
+ "norm_ops": 61612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.24842005210024,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b84fee352a1f02010d1faaa6b6710285da48b26879ae34b8e68dc7ae6b4050bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:42.735000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:42.735000', 'bytes': 1264989184, 'norm_byte': 63418368, 'ops': 1235341, 'norm_ops': 61932, 'norm_ltcy': 16.164575537484662, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:42.735000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:42.735000",
+ "bytes": 1264989184,
+ "norm_byte": 63418368,
+ "ops": 1235341,
+ "norm_ops": 61932,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.164575537484662,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "619e828f2d3194218dec3095d032d67ab2602618e59a49284041ea34f0bee2e2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:43.736000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:43.736000', 'bytes': 1329644544, 'norm_byte': 64655360, 'ops': 1298481, 'norm_ops': 63140, 'norm_ltcy': 15.855224532041891, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:43.736000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:43.736000",
+ "bytes": 1329644544,
+ "norm_byte": 64655360,
+ "ops": 1298481,
+ "norm_ops": 63140,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.855224532041891,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fadf4ba96e6e17100ec5f2d8531013e88ef73466c8eaa14558bc33ef52d6f403",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:44.737000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:44.737000', 'bytes': 1392884736, 'norm_byte': 63240192, 'ops': 1360239, 'norm_ops': 61758, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20996817972975, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:44.737000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:44.737000",
+ "bytes": 1392884736,
+ "norm_byte": 63240192,
+ "ops": 1360239,
+ "norm_ops": 61758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20996817972975,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00571ab01a46df92197a11e882e3c11ca067ab67d7edbb42fc8444810379b6fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:45.738000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:45.738000', 'bytes': 1457474560, 'norm_byte': 64589824, 'ops': 1423315, 'norm_ops': 63076, 'norm_ltcy': 15.87115719652681, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:45.738000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:45.738000",
+ "bytes": 1457474560,
+ "norm_byte": 64589824,
+ "ops": 1423315,
+ "norm_ops": 63076,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.87115719652681,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "222170d95ac5ffedaf0bc7f26a216ace0213bbc68051f047df0722cb6a43aeff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:46.739000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:46.739000', 'bytes': 1521260544, 'norm_byte': 63785984, 'ops': 1485606, 'norm_ops': 62291, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07122263724896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:46.739000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:46.739000",
+ "bytes": 1521260544,
+ "norm_byte": 63785984,
+ "ops": 1485606,
+ "norm_ops": 62291,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07122263724896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c6d43d014157c060429fa9ea5db3dbf9e6e9e84b85998b2a93d2c75ca97a42b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:47.740000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:47.740000', 'bytes': 1583839232, 'norm_byte': 62578688, 'ops': 1546718, 'norm_ops': 61112, 'norm_ltcy': 16.381343757158987, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:47.740000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:47.740000",
+ "bytes": 1583839232,
+ "norm_byte": 62578688,
+ "ops": 1546718,
+ "norm_ops": 61112,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.381343757158987,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b16d510cc2bb1df2fc65ec55aab511420cdc297ff523c1dcd80ba224908c203",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:48.740000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:48.740000', 'bytes': 1646849024, 'norm_byte': 63009792, 'ops': 1608251, 'norm_ops': 61533, 'norm_ltcy': 16.252823053280352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:48.740000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:48.740000",
+ "bytes": 1646849024,
+ "norm_byte": 63009792,
+ "ops": 1608251,
+ "norm_ops": 61533,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.252823053280352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b510c7e4cf118efd0c89397c5ea03950091b75a950218c11343c7ac719b1903",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:49.741000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:49.741000', 'bytes': 1712034816, 'norm_byte': 65185792, 'ops': 1671909, 'norm_ops': 63658, 'norm_ltcy': 15.726061133076362, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:49.741000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:49.741000",
+ "bytes": 1712034816,
+ "norm_byte": 65185792,
+ "ops": 1671909,
+ "norm_ops": 63658,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.726061133076362,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7327c6dc3cfc336b91241a8a3fce56beb8c129bbf3a78e29d3d912db12f7c9dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:50.743000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:50.743000', 'bytes': 1775148032, 'norm_byte': 63113216, 'ops': 1733543, 'norm_ops': 61634, 'norm_ltcy': 16.242731157924197, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:50.743000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:50.743000",
+ "bytes": 1775148032,
+ "norm_byte": 63113216,
+ "ops": 1733543,
+ "norm_ops": 61634,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.242731157924197,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b00b9c2c6e45b49ea219f72877bd8a0f55c14e96b4793d6487a4da8d191fd3c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:51.744000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:51.744000', 'bytes': 1837598720, 'norm_byte': 62450688, 'ops': 1794530, 'norm_ops': 60987, 'norm_ltcy': 16.415215473687013, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:51.744000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:51.744000",
+ "bytes": 1837598720,
+ "norm_byte": 62450688,
+ "ops": 1794530,
+ "norm_ops": 60987,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.415215473687013,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37d09b1b954af92733c94341e68f79da7195e76e87b89028a54cec6da402e330",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:52.745000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:52.745000', 'bytes': 1901323264, 'norm_byte': 63724544, 'ops': 1856761, 'norm_ops': 62231, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0867294711438, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:52.745000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:52.745000",
+ "bytes": 1901323264,
+ "norm_byte": 63724544,
+ "ops": 1856761,
+ "norm_ops": 62231,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0867294711438,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e471626625c6b389b5a92acb8ef51f32387e863daf848b7ecbafd192ff209f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:53.746000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:53.746000', 'bytes': 1971217408, 'norm_byte': 69894144, 'ops': 1925017, 'norm_ops': 68256, 'norm_ltcy': 14.666833175609105, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:53.746000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:53.746000",
+ "bytes": 1971217408,
+ "norm_byte": 69894144,
+ "ops": 1925017,
+ "norm_ops": 68256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.666833175609105,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a27f000d5f738e684eaa64d64f6f6d196769d03ae9722fb15105bd52acd1a642",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:54.747000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:54.747000', 'bytes': 2040188928, 'norm_byte': 68971520, 'ops': 1992372, 'norm_ops': 67355, 'norm_ltcy': 14.862949953836017, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:54.747000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:54.747000",
+ "bytes": 2040188928,
+ "norm_byte": 68971520,
+ "ops": 1992372,
+ "norm_ops": 67355,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.862949953836017,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e37d6bc31bcee20153b34e60ac808d1a0501f083e1c60e27051379885227b30e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:55.747000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:55.747000', 'bytes': 2103325696, 'norm_byte': 63136768, 'ops': 2054029, 'norm_ops': 61657, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2253197692983, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:55.747000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:55.747000",
+ "bytes": 2103325696,
+ "norm_byte": 63136768,
+ "ops": 2054029,
+ "norm_ops": 61657,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2253197692983,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6cbdc45be6aee57ff9855ee9d9c6fd2023b5825a094773239beaffaa513b4f4c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:56.748000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:56.748000', 'bytes': 2166722560, 'norm_byte': 63396864, 'ops': 2115940, 'norm_ops': 61911, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16991260009328, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:56.748000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:56.748000",
+ "bytes": 2166722560,
+ "norm_byte": 63396864,
+ "ops": 2115940,
+ "norm_ops": 61911,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16991260009328,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "309b0dced1da422b7288435998b590284c9ff146fc34defddd53c8c5c1d26696",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:57.749000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:57.749000', 'bytes': 2229390336, 'norm_byte': 62667776, 'ops': 2177139, 'norm_ops': 61199, 'norm_ltcy': 16.355235743486414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:57.749000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:57.749000",
+ "bytes": 2229390336,
+ "norm_byte": 62667776,
+ "ops": 2177139,
+ "norm_ops": 61199,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.355235743486414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "602f788f7c56a0317eb5f085c2be75d59a69da2f97bb14bc56fab1d6728c67d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:58.750000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:58.750000', 'bytes': 2292165632, 'norm_byte': 62775296, 'ops': 2238443, 'norm_ops': 61304, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32808708699677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:58.750000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:58.750000",
+ "bytes": 2292165632,
+ "norm_byte": 62775296,
+ "ops": 2238443,
+ "norm_ops": 61304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32808708699677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "246c4d18ddfca8a62b95265648d4aea76edc578727265ca79e584019d2736ca8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:37:59.751000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:37:59.751000', 'bytes': 2354660352, 'norm_byte': 62494720, 'ops': 2299473, 'norm_ops': 61030, 'norm_ltcy': 16.40326574789038, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:37:59.751000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:37:59.751000",
+ "bytes": 2354660352,
+ "norm_byte": 62494720,
+ "ops": 2299473,
+ "norm_ops": 61030,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.40326574789038,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2e6b3e738e5972bdad8f02879c7bed68deafd744ef5f852ceb66e14d6d10849",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:00.753000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:00.753000', 'bytes': 2417224704, 'norm_byte': 62564352, 'ops': 2360571, 'norm_ops': 61098, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38502545347229, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:00.753000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:00.753000",
+ "bytes": 2417224704,
+ "norm_byte": 62564352,
+ "ops": 2360571,
+ "norm_ops": 61098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38502545347229,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d13f67fd0a56558aaf3a0cc277cc2025dc078f0463c8d4742f80403ef5c68acc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:01.754000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:01.754000', 'bytes': 2479919104, 'norm_byte': 62694400, 'ops': 2421796, 'norm_ops': 61225, 'norm_ltcy': 16.351257050071457, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:01.754000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:01.754000",
+ "bytes": 2479919104,
+ "norm_byte": 62694400,
+ "ops": 2421796,
+ "norm_ops": 61225,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.351257050071457,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78f79c79f8bfcbe4dfa60fd478b731c2ead950fd505bcef9747c58b852ee107b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:02.754000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:02.754000', 'bytes': 2543213568, 'norm_byte': 63294464, 'ops': 2483607, 'norm_ops': 61811, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18987562640549, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:02.754000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:02.754000",
+ "bytes": 2543213568,
+ "norm_byte": 63294464,
+ "ops": 2483607,
+ "norm_ops": 61811,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18987562640549,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9d5cd7de10f424578838c484d61a0b4c563e6ea6d331be11282ab3154f32736",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:03.755000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:03.755000', 'bytes': 2607037440, 'norm_byte': 63823872, 'ops': 2545935, 'norm_ops': 62328, 'norm_ltcy': 16.061717471481515, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:03.755000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:03.755000",
+ "bytes": 2607037440,
+ "norm_byte": 63823872,
+ "ops": 2545935,
+ "norm_ops": 62328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.061717471481515,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40db44fc4bb3e7dff13e5526b3e2649f46c7ce80c1c77441430ac95848492b94",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:04.757000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:04.757000', 'bytes': 2670291968, 'norm_byte': 63254528, 'ops': 2607707, 'norm_ops': 61772, 'norm_ltcy': 16.206310163281906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:04.757000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:04.757000",
+ "bytes": 2670291968,
+ "norm_byte": 63254528,
+ "ops": 2607707,
+ "norm_ops": 61772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.206310163281906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd1075ee2a86319dabdc7da7a4eee46510971df1d5cf96dbcf1c2212f4dd424a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:05.757000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:05.757000', 'bytes': 2734038016, 'norm_byte': 63746048, 'ops': 2669959, 'norm_ops': 62252, 'norm_ltcy': 16.076808400734112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:05.757000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:05.757000",
+ "bytes": 2734038016,
+ "norm_byte": 63746048,
+ "ops": 2669959,
+ "norm_ops": 62252,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.076808400734112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0fbf703861bc70533e5b27a52fda7d21331e6016693c57bfacf4dffb23b903fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:06.758000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:06.758000', 'bytes': 2796559360, 'norm_byte': 62521344, 'ops': 2731015, 'norm_ops': 61056, 'norm_ltcy': 16.394693146711624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:06.758000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:06.758000",
+ "bytes": 2796559360,
+ "norm_byte": 62521344,
+ "ops": 2731015,
+ "norm_ops": 61056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.394693146711624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf17392b03510491f6583b39735adf4b45ef9451cfceed24378269c26cd2c588",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:07.759000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:07.759000', 'bytes': 2859688960, 'norm_byte': 63129600, 'ops': 2792665, 'norm_ops': 61650, 'norm_ltcy': 16.238337483525953, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:07.759000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:07.759000",
+ "bytes": 2859688960,
+ "norm_byte": 63129600,
+ "ops": 2792665,
+ "norm_ops": 61650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.238337483525953,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "955b6b3fc751d5f5a064ee68ec660157733c00819cb3aa0aea6840855da33c06",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:08.761000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:08.761000', 'bytes': 2922804224, 'norm_byte': 63115264, 'ops': 2854301, 'norm_ops': 61636, 'norm_ltcy': 16.241990210165323, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:08.761000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:08.761000",
+ "bytes": 2922804224,
+ "norm_byte": 63115264,
+ "ops": 2854301,
+ "norm_ops": 61636,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.241990210165323,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14b6a0663d05ec347dfd96a5bffde371c835840007e154434850c7e83318089f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:09.762000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:09.762000', 'bytes': 2986523648, 'norm_byte': 63719424, 'ops': 2916527, 'norm_ops': 62226, 'norm_ltcy': 16.088237866054786, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:09.762000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:09.762000",
+ "bytes": 2986523648,
+ "norm_byte": 63719424,
+ "ops": 2916527,
+ "norm_ops": 62226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.088237866054786,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e27028c2e3df1ff77350510b0380c8eb9a42a02e616bbbfb4224e5dc27b5c4ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:10.763000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:10.763000', 'bytes': 3049089024, 'norm_byte': 62565376, 'ops': 2977626, 'norm_ops': 61099, 'norm_ltcy': 16.384817219031817, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:10.763000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:10.763000",
+ "bytes": 3049089024,
+ "norm_byte": 62565376,
+ "ops": 2977626,
+ "norm_ops": 61099,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.384817219031817,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1355f0d5ad31d1bc79051e5cc53adadb969ff575493010c8835375fbf58e772",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:11.764000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:11.764000', 'bytes': 3111995392, 'norm_byte': 62906368, 'ops': 3039058, 'norm_ops': 61432, 'norm_ltcy': 16.295937638618717, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:11.764000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:11.764000",
+ "bytes": 3111995392,
+ "norm_byte": 62906368,
+ "ops": 3039058,
+ "norm_ops": 61432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.295937638618717,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3df2b94dd007a4ab9b97ddca7a4eec6badc92a06260193c2f94571149c05a32d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:12.764000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:12.764000', 'bytes': 3176563712, 'norm_byte': 64568320, 'ops': 3102113, 'norm_ops': 63055, 'norm_ltcy': 15.867533799857267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:12.764000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:12.764000",
+ "bytes": 3176563712,
+ "norm_byte": 64568320,
+ "ops": 3102113,
+ "norm_ops": 63055,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.867533799857267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d55edd3c02234fc349920bba0fb03cb157cb0125902e26291719fe6e88535df",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:13.765000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:13.765000', 'bytes': 3241145344, 'norm_byte': 64581632, 'ops': 3165181, 'norm_ops': 63068, 'norm_ltcy': 15.873228474622628, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:13.765000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:13.765000",
+ "bytes": 3241145344,
+ "norm_byte": 64581632,
+ "ops": 3165181,
+ "norm_ops": 63068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.873228474622628,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8b2e7c1be8093d12d89c5c349ed72f3f3faf26f02ae58422b73a934de0b36316",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:14.767000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:14.767000', 'bytes': 3305384960, 'norm_byte': 64239616, 'ops': 3227915, 'norm_ops': 62734, 'norm_ltcy': 15.958034369321261, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:14.767000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:14.767000",
+ "bytes": 3305384960,
+ "norm_byte": 64239616,
+ "ops": 3227915,
+ "norm_ops": 62734,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.958034369321261,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "faabfce23373af6461910c65a1dd69e1fcb0e896b84884495e7e128645462aa2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:15.768000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:15.768000', 'bytes': 3368584192, 'norm_byte': 63199232, 'ops': 3289633, 'norm_ops': 61718, 'norm_ltcy': 16.219572098597652, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:15.768000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:15.768000",
+ "bytes": 3368584192,
+ "norm_byte": 63199232,
+ "ops": 3289633,
+ "norm_ops": 61718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.219572098597652,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9edc81a434e2e8070d01eef3849a0d942166f4a510aace0ada38743b645634d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:16.769000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:16.769000', 'bytes': 3431711744, 'norm_byte': 63127552, 'ops': 3351281, 'norm_ops': 61648, 'norm_ltcy': 16.238860331539545, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:16.769000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:16.769000",
+ "bytes": 3431711744,
+ "norm_byte": 63127552,
+ "ops": 3351281,
+ "norm_ops": 61648,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.238860331539545,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "543777a6b644125645ba50e0f86e41244f1de76d9a88038b5eb601cbe5655fd7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:17.770000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:17.770000', 'bytes': 3493637120, 'norm_byte': 61925376, 'ops': 3411755, 'norm_ops': 60474, 'norm_ltcy': 16.555038761492543, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:17.770000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:17.770000",
+ "bytes": 3493637120,
+ "norm_byte": 61925376,
+ "ops": 3411755,
+ "norm_ops": 60474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.555038761492543,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb1cdccf0552809036dfe07a603221054d2c7fe3a4879435989530333268e5f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:18.770000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:18.770000', 'bytes': 3556871168, 'norm_byte': 63234048, 'ops': 3473507, 'norm_ops': 61752, 'norm_ltcy': 16.202117884339778, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:18.770000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:18.770000",
+ "bytes": 3556871168,
+ "norm_byte": 63234048,
+ "ops": 3473507,
+ "norm_ops": 61752,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.202117884339778,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c9879f2be03da9efe1b8f8592fe91c1d778071f5e14350bd0c94587a97a851a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:19.771000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:19.771000', 'bytes': 3620668416, 'norm_byte': 63797248, 'ops': 3535809, 'norm_ops': 62302, 'norm_ltcy': 16.066805891062888, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:19.771000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:19.771000",
+ "bytes": 3620668416,
+ "norm_byte": 63797248,
+ "ops": 3535809,
+ "norm_ops": 62302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.066805891062888,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af6e34cbcd033e976de27b5afd11653799060d9c39d69826c75d4f4eaab0e664",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:20.772000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:20.772000', 'bytes': 3684303872, 'norm_byte': 63635456, 'ops': 3597953, 'norm_ops': 62144, 'norm_ltcy': 16.109270121361273, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:20.772000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:20.772000",
+ "bytes": 3684303872,
+ "norm_byte": 63635456,
+ "ops": 3597953,
+ "norm_ops": 62144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.109270121361273,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11861be96338e2a8f1aa83722f45e68da31b99aa87b563d327453ff30b48298b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:21.773000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:21.773000', 'bytes': 3747077120, 'norm_byte': 62773248, 'ops': 3659255, 'norm_ops': 61302, 'norm_ltcy': 16.328388806645787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:21.773000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:21.773000",
+ "bytes": 3747077120,
+ "norm_byte": 62773248,
+ "ops": 3659255,
+ "norm_ops": 61302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.328388806645787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7978acc5b287b9ae596b7e8aad17f0771d9836d861d8ee5399df425c2cc41eaa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:38:22.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:38:22.975000', 'bytes': 3810655232, 'norm_byte': 63578112, 'ops': 3721343, 'norm_ops': 62088, 'norm_ltcy': 19.348820864639706, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:38:22.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:38:22.975000",
+ "bytes": 3810655232,
+ "norm_byte": 63578112,
+ "ops": 3721343,
+ "norm_ops": 62088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.348820864639706,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6528eb71-211b-5d1f-b3b5-bc25a15c82df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd91029f049f028a03c3779a59ccecd07d59a746c37bf15fbfb7c5dbc98c3af3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63510920.53333333
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62022.38333333333
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.560061194165012
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:38:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-062-220519213438/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-062-220519213438/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63e5f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-062-220519213438/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-062-220519213438/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-062-220519213438/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-062-220519213438/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-062-220519213438/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-062-220519213438/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15aaa32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-062-220519213438/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=35
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=35
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=170
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-063-220519213639/220519213639-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-063-220519213639/220519213639-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0770b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-063-220519213639/220519213639-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:39:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996363844.4082 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996364845.4482 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996364845.5010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996365846.5808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62047232 nr_ops:60593\ntimestamp_ms:1652996366847.6272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124007424 nr_ops:121101\ntimestamp_ms:1652996367848.7178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187304960 nr_ops:182915\ntimestamp_ms:1652996368849.8037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250680320 nr_ops:244805\ntimestamp_ms:1652996369850.9009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314491904 nr_ops:307121\ntimestamp_ms:1652996370851.9934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378309632 nr_ops:369443\ntimestamp_ms:1652996371853.0813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441914368 nr_ops:431557\ntimestamp_ms:1652996372854.1650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505195520 nr_ops:493355\ntimestamp_ms:1652996373855.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569101312 nr_ops:555763\ntimestamp_ms:1652996374856.3594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632861696 nr_ops:618029\ntimestamp_ms:1652996375857.4507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:695671808 nr_ops:679367\ntimestamp_ms:1652996376858.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757971968 nr_ops:740207\ntimestamp_ms:1652996377859.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822275072 nr_ops:803003\ntimestamp_ms:1652996378860.6494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886215680 nr_ops:865445\ntimestamp_ms:1652996379861.7397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949838848 nr_ops:927577\ntimestamp_ms:1652996380862.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012247552 nr_ops:988523\ntimestamp_ms:1652996381863.9297 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1074799616 nr_ops:1049609\ntimestamp_ms:1652996382865.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139371008 nr_ops:1112667\ntimestamp_ms:1652996383866.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203923968 nr_ops:1175707\ntimestamp_ms:1652996384867.0879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1268034560 nr_ops:1238315\ntimestamp_ms:1652996385868.1794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1333443584 nr_ops:1302191\ntimestamp_ms:1652996386869.2732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396444160 nr_ops:1363715\ntimestamp_ms:1652996387870.3621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1459533824 nr_ops:1425326\ntimestamp_ms:1652996388871.4456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522301952 nr_ops:1486623\ntimestamp_ms:1652996389872.5356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1585421312 nr_ops:1548263\ntimestamp_ms:1652996390873.6252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652046848 nr_ops:1613327\ntimestamp_ms:1652996391873.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1715198976 nr_ops:1674999\ntimestamp_ms:1652996392874.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778364416 nr_ops:1736684\ntimestamp_ms:1652996393876.0129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841859584 nr_ops:1798691\ntimestamp_ms:1652996394877.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904624640 nr_ops:1859985\ntimestamp_ms:1652996395878.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967866880 nr_ops:1921745\ntimestamp_ms:1652996396879.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2028882944 nr_ops:1981331\ntimestamp_ms:1652996397880.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2092240896 nr_ops:2043204\ntimestamp_ms:1652996398881.3501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2156347392 nr_ops:2105808\ntimestamp_ms:1652996399882.3838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220188672 nr_ops:2168153\ntimestamp_ms:1652996400883.4724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2283076608 nr_ops:2229567\ntimestamp_ms:1652996401884.5737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2346277888 nr_ops:2291287\ntimestamp_ms:1652996402885.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2409724928 nr_ops:2353247\ntimestamp_ms:1652996403886.8286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2474107904 nr_ops:2416121\ntimestamp_ms:1652996404887.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2536990720 nr_ops:2477530\ntimestamp_ms:1652996405889.0024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2599730176 nr_ops:2538799\ntimestamp_ms:1652996406890.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2663019520 nr_ops:2600605\ntimestamp_ms:1652996407891.1797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2726985728 nr_ops:2663072\ntimestamp_ms:1652996408892.2644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790806528 nr_ops:2725397\ntimestamp_ms:1652996409893.3540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2854427648 nr_ops:2787527\ntimestamp_ms:1652996410894.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2916350976 nr_ops:2847999\ntimestamp_ms:1652996411895.6375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2981203968 nr_ops:2911332\ntimestamp_ms:1652996412896.7275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3044383744 nr_ops:2973031\ntimestamp_ms:1652996413897.8118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3107558400 nr_ops:3034725\ntimestamp_ms:1652996414898.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171347456 nr_ops:3097019\ntimestamp_ms:1652996415900.0002 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3236006912 nr_ops:3160163\ntimestamp_ms:1652996416901.0852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306173440 nr_ops:3228685\ntimestamp_ms:1652996417902.1719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3376372736 nr_ops:3297239\ntimestamp_ms:1652996418903.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3444321280 nr_ops:3363595\ntimestamp_ms:1652996419904.2986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3507309568 nr_ops:3425107\ntimestamp_ms:1652996420905.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3574354944 nr_ops:3490581\ntimestamp_ms:1652996421906.4233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3641625600 nr_ops:3556275\ntimestamp_ms:1652996422907.5168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3704515584 nr_ops:3617691\ntimestamp_ms:1652996423908.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3767761920 nr_ops:3679455\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140648912537344\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.0110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3831682048 nr_ops:3741877\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.0945 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.1047 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425210.2979 name:Total nr_bytes:3831682048 nr_ops:3741878\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.1892 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7663364094 nr_ops:7483756\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.1902 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3831682048 nr_ops:3741880\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 292.24us 0.00ns 292.24us 292.24us \nTxn1 1870939 32.05us 0.00ns 3.45ms 25.80us \nTxn2 1 25.55us 0.00ns 25.55us 25.55us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 291.55us 0.00ns 291.55us 291.55us \nwrite 1870939 3.19us 0.00ns 230.81us 2.40us \nread 1870938 28.78us 0.00ns 3.44ms 1.51us \ndisconnect 1 25.18us 0.00ns 25.18us 25.18us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29999 29999 261.59Mb/s 261.59Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.50b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.158 62.37s 3.57GB 491.50Mb/s 3741879 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.50Mb/s 3741880 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416129, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996363844.4082 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996364845.4482 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996364845.5010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996365846.5808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62047232 nr_ops:60593\ntimestamp_ms:1652996366847.6272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124007424 nr_ops:121101\ntimestamp_ms:1652996367848.7178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187304960 nr_ops:182915\ntimestamp_ms:1652996368849.8037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250680320 nr_ops:244805\ntimestamp_ms:1652996369850.9009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314491904 nr_ops:307121\ntimestamp_ms:1652996370851.9934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378309632 nr_ops:369443\ntimestamp_ms:1652996371853.0813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441914368 nr_ops:431557\ntimestamp_ms:1652996372854.1650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505195520 nr_ops:493355\ntimestamp_ms:1652996373855.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569101312 nr_ops:555763\ntimestamp_ms:1652996374856.3594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632861696 nr_ops:618029\ntimestamp_ms:1652996375857.4507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:695671808 nr_ops:679367\ntimestamp_ms:1652996376858.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757971968 nr_ops:740207\ntimestamp_ms:1652996377859.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822275072 nr_ops:803003\ntimestamp_ms:1652996378860.6494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886215680 nr_ops:865445\ntimestamp_ms:1652996379861.7397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949838848 nr_ops:927577\ntimestamp_ms:1652996380862.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012247552 nr_ops:988523\ntimestamp_ms:1652996381863.9297 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1074799616 nr_ops:1049609\ntimestamp_ms:1652996382865.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139371008 nr_ops:1112667\ntimestamp_ms:1652996383866.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203923968 nr_ops:1175707\ntimestamp_ms:1652996384867.0879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1268034560 nr_ops:1238315\ntimestamp_ms:1652996385868.1794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1333443584 nr_ops:1302191\ntimestamp_ms:1652996386869.2732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396444160 nr_ops:1363715\ntimestamp_ms:1652996387870.3621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1459533824 nr_ops:1425326\ntimestamp_ms:1652996388871.4456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522301952 nr_ops:1486623\ntimestamp_ms:1652996389872.5356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1585421312 nr_ops:1548263\ntimestamp_ms:1652996390873.6252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652046848 nr_ops:1613327\ntimestamp_ms:1652996391873.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1715198976 nr_ops:1674999\ntimestamp_ms:1652996392874.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778364416 nr_ops:1736684\ntimestamp_ms:1652996393876.0129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841859584 nr_ops:1798691\ntimestamp_ms:1652996394877.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904624640 nr_ops:1859985\ntimestamp_ms:1652996395878.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967866880 nr_ops:1921745\ntimestamp_ms:1652996396879.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2028882944 nr_ops:1981331\ntimestamp_ms:1652996397880.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2092240896 nr_ops:2043204\ntimestamp_ms:1652996398881.3501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2156347392 nr_ops:2105808\ntimestamp_ms:1652996399882.3838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220188672 nr_ops:2168153\ntimestamp_ms:1652996400883.4724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2283076608 nr_ops:2229567\ntimestamp_ms:1652996401884.5737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2346277888 nr_ops:2291287\ntimestamp_ms:1652996402885.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2409724928 nr_ops:2353247\ntimestamp_ms:1652996403886.8286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2474107904 nr_ops:2416121\ntimestamp_ms:1652996404887.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2536990720 nr_ops:2477530\ntimestamp_ms:1652996405889.0024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2599730176 nr_ops:2538799\ntimestamp_ms:1652996406890.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2663019520 nr_ops:2600605\ntimestamp_ms:1652996407891.1797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2726985728 nr_ops:2663072\ntimestamp_ms:1652996408892.2644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790806528 nr_ops:2725397\ntimestamp_ms:1652996409893.3540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2854427648 nr_ops:2787527\ntimestamp_ms:1652996410894.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2916350976 nr_ops:2847999\ntimestamp_ms:1652996411895.6375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2981203968 nr_ops:2911332\ntimestamp_ms:1652996412896.7275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3044383744 nr_ops:2973031\ntimestamp_ms:1652996413897.8118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3107558400 nr_ops:3034725\ntimestamp_ms:1652996414898.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171347456 nr_ops:3097019\ntimestamp_ms:1652996415900.0002 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3236006912 nr_ops:3160163\ntimestamp_ms:1652996416901.0852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306173440 nr_ops:3228685\ntimestamp_ms:1652996417902.1719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3376372736 nr_ops:3297239\ntimestamp_ms:1652996418903.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3444321280 nr_ops:3363595\ntimestamp_ms:1652996419904.2986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3507309568 nr_ops:3425107\ntimestamp_ms:1652996420905.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3574354944 nr_ops:3490581\ntimestamp_ms:1652996421906.4233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3641625600 nr_ops:3556275\ntimestamp_ms:1652996422907.5168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3704515584 nr_ops:3617691\ntimestamp_ms:1652996423908.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3767761920 nr_ops:3679455\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140648912537344\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.0110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3831682048 nr_ops:3741877\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.0945 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.1047 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425210.2979 name:Total nr_bytes:3831682048 nr_ops:3741878\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.1892 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7663364094 nr_ops:7483756\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.1902 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3831682048 nr_ops:3741880\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 292.24us 0.00ns 292.24us 292.24us \nTxn1 1870939 32.05us 0.00ns 3.45ms 25.80us \nTxn2 1 25.55us 0.00ns 25.55us 25.55us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 291.55us 0.00ns 291.55us 291.55us \nwrite 1870939 3.19us 0.00ns 230.81us 2.40us \nread 1870938 28.78us 0.00ns 3.44ms 1.51us \ndisconnect 1 25.18us 0.00ns 25.18us 25.18us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29999 29999 261.59Mb/s 261.59Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.50b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.158 62.37s 3.57GB 491.50Mb/s 3741879 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.50Mb/s 3741880 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416129, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996363844.4082 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996364845.4482 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996364845.5010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996365846.5808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62047232 nr_ops:60593\ntimestamp_ms:1652996366847.6272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124007424 nr_ops:121101\ntimestamp_ms:1652996367848.7178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187304960 nr_ops:182915\ntimestamp_ms:1652996368849.8037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250680320 nr_ops:244805\ntimestamp_ms:1652996369850.9009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314491904 nr_ops:307121\ntimestamp_ms:1652996370851.9934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378309632 nr_ops:369443\ntimestamp_ms:1652996371853.0813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441914368 nr_ops:431557\ntimestamp_ms:1652996372854.1650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505195520 nr_ops:493355\ntimestamp_ms:1652996373855.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569101312 nr_ops:555763\ntimestamp_ms:1652996374856.3594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632861696 nr_ops:618029\ntimestamp_ms:1652996375857.4507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:695671808 nr_ops:679367\ntimestamp_ms:1652996376858.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757971968 nr_ops:740207\ntimestamp_ms:1652996377859.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822275072 nr_ops:803003\ntimestamp_ms:1652996378860.6494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886215680 nr_ops:865445\ntimestamp_ms:1652996379861.7397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949838848 nr_ops:927577\ntimestamp_ms:1652996380862.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012247552 nr_ops:988523\ntimestamp_ms:1652996381863.9297 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1074799616 nr_ops:1049609\ntimestamp_ms:1652996382865.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139371008 nr_ops:1112667\ntimestamp_ms:1652996383866.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203923968 nr_ops:1175707\ntimestamp_ms:1652996384867.0879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1268034560 nr_ops:1238315\ntimestamp_ms:1652996385868.1794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1333443584 nr_ops:1302191\ntimestamp_ms:1652996386869.2732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396444160 nr_ops:1363715\ntimestamp_ms:1652996387870.3621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1459533824 nr_ops:1425326\ntimestamp_ms:1652996388871.4456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522301952 nr_ops:1486623\ntimestamp_ms:1652996389872.5356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1585421312 nr_ops:1548263\ntimestamp_ms:1652996390873.6252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652046848 nr_ops:1613327\ntimestamp_ms:1652996391873.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1715198976 nr_ops:1674999\ntimestamp_ms:1652996392874.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778364416 nr_ops:1736684\ntimestamp_ms:1652996393876.0129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841859584 nr_ops:1798691\ntimestamp_ms:1652996394877.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904624640 nr_ops:1859985\ntimestamp_ms:1652996395878.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967866880 nr_ops:1921745\ntimestamp_ms:1652996396879.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2028882944 nr_ops:1981331\ntimestamp_ms:1652996397880.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2092240896 nr_ops:2043204\ntimestamp_ms:1652996398881.3501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2156347392 nr_ops:2105808\ntimestamp_ms:1652996399882.3838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220188672 nr_ops:2168153\ntimestamp_ms:1652996400883.4724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2283076608 nr_ops:2229567\ntimestamp_ms:1652996401884.5737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2346277888 nr_ops:2291287\ntimestamp_ms:1652996402885.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2409724928 nr_ops:2353247\ntimestamp_ms:1652996403886.8286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2474107904 nr_ops:2416121\ntimestamp_ms:1652996404887.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2536990720 nr_ops:2477530\ntimestamp_ms:1652996405889.0024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2599730176 nr_ops:2538799\ntimestamp_ms:1652996406890.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2663019520 nr_ops:2600605\ntimestamp_ms:1652996407891.1797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2726985728 nr_ops:2663072\ntimestamp_ms:1652996408892.2644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790806528 nr_ops:2725397\ntimestamp_ms:1652996409893.3540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2854427648 nr_ops:2787527\ntimestamp_ms:1652996410894.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2916350976 nr_ops:2847999\ntimestamp_ms:1652996411895.6375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2981203968 nr_ops:2911332\ntimestamp_ms:1652996412896.7275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3044383744 nr_ops:2973031\ntimestamp_ms:1652996413897.8118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3107558400 nr_ops:3034725\ntimestamp_ms:1652996414898.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171347456 nr_ops:3097019\ntimestamp_ms:1652996415900.0002 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3236006912 nr_ops:3160163\ntimestamp_ms:1652996416901.0852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306173440 nr_ops:3228685\ntimestamp_ms:1652996417902.1719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3376372736 nr_ops:3297239\ntimestamp_ms:1652996418903.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3444321280 nr_ops:3363595\ntimestamp_ms:1652996419904.2986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3507309568 nr_ops:3425107\ntimestamp_ms:1652996420905.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3574354944 nr_ops:3490581\ntimestamp_ms:1652996421906.4233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3641625600 nr_ops:3556275\ntimestamp_ms:1652996422907.5168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3704515584 nr_ops:3617691\ntimestamp_ms:1652996423908.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3767761920 nr_ops:3679455\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140648912537344\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.0110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3831682048 nr_ops:3741877\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.0945 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.1047 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425210.2979 name:Total nr_bytes:3831682048 nr_ops:3741878\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.1892 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7663364094 nr_ops:7483756\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996425110.1902 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3831682048 nr_ops:3741880\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 292.24us 0.00ns 292.24us 292.24us \nTxn1 1870939 32.05us 0.00ns 3.45ms 25.80us \nTxn2 1 25.55us 0.00ns 25.55us 25.55us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 291.55us 0.00ns 291.55us 291.55us \nwrite 1870939 3.19us 0.00ns 230.81us 2.40us \nread 1870938 28.78us 0.00ns 3.44ms 1.51us \ndisconnect 1 25.18us 0.00ns 25.18us 25.18us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29999 29999 261.59Mb/s 261.59Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.50b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.158 62.37s 3.57GB 491.50Mb/s 3741879 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.50Mb/s 3741880 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416129, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996363844.4082 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996364845.4482 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996364845.5010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996365846.5808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62047232 nr_ops:60593
+timestamp_ms:1652996366847.6272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124007424 nr_ops:121101
+timestamp_ms:1652996367848.7178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187304960 nr_ops:182915
+timestamp_ms:1652996368849.8037 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250680320 nr_ops:244805
+timestamp_ms:1652996369850.9009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314491904 nr_ops:307121
+timestamp_ms:1652996370851.9934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378309632 nr_ops:369443
+timestamp_ms:1652996371853.0813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441914368 nr_ops:431557
+timestamp_ms:1652996372854.1650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505195520 nr_ops:493355
+timestamp_ms:1652996373855.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569101312 nr_ops:555763
+timestamp_ms:1652996374856.3594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632861696 nr_ops:618029
+timestamp_ms:1652996375857.4507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:695671808 nr_ops:679367
+timestamp_ms:1652996376858.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757971968 nr_ops:740207
+timestamp_ms:1652996377859.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822275072 nr_ops:803003
+timestamp_ms:1652996378860.6494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886215680 nr_ops:865445
+timestamp_ms:1652996379861.7397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949838848 nr_ops:927577
+timestamp_ms:1652996380862.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012247552 nr_ops:988523
+timestamp_ms:1652996381863.9297 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1074799616 nr_ops:1049609
+timestamp_ms:1652996382865.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139371008 nr_ops:1112667
+timestamp_ms:1652996383866.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203923968 nr_ops:1175707
+timestamp_ms:1652996384867.0879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1268034560 nr_ops:1238315
+timestamp_ms:1652996385868.1794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1333443584 nr_ops:1302191
+timestamp_ms:1652996386869.2732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1396444160 nr_ops:1363715
+timestamp_ms:1652996387870.3621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1459533824 nr_ops:1425326
+timestamp_ms:1652996388871.4456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522301952 nr_ops:1486623
+timestamp_ms:1652996389872.5356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1585421312 nr_ops:1548263
+timestamp_ms:1652996390873.6252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652046848 nr_ops:1613327
+timestamp_ms:1652996391873.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1715198976 nr_ops:1674999
+timestamp_ms:1652996392874.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778364416 nr_ops:1736684
+timestamp_ms:1652996393876.0129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841859584 nr_ops:1798691
+timestamp_ms:1652996394877.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904624640 nr_ops:1859985
+timestamp_ms:1652996395878.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967866880 nr_ops:1921745
+timestamp_ms:1652996396879.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2028882944 nr_ops:1981331
+timestamp_ms:1652996397880.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2092240896 nr_ops:2043204
+timestamp_ms:1652996398881.3501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2156347392 nr_ops:2105808
+timestamp_ms:1652996399882.3838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2220188672 nr_ops:2168153
+timestamp_ms:1652996400883.4724 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2283076608 nr_ops:2229567
+timestamp_ms:1652996401884.5737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2346277888 nr_ops:2291287
+timestamp_ms:1652996402885.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2409724928 nr_ops:2353247
+timestamp_ms:1652996403886.8286 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2474107904 nr_ops:2416121
+timestamp_ms:1652996404887.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2536990720 nr_ops:2477530
+timestamp_ms:1652996405889.0024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2599730176 nr_ops:2538799
+timestamp_ms:1652996406890.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2663019520 nr_ops:2600605
+timestamp_ms:1652996407891.1797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2726985728 nr_ops:2663072
+timestamp_ms:1652996408892.2644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790806528 nr_ops:2725397
+timestamp_ms:1652996409893.3540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2854427648 nr_ops:2787527
+timestamp_ms:1652996410894.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2916350976 nr_ops:2847999
+timestamp_ms:1652996411895.6375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2981203968 nr_ops:2911332
+timestamp_ms:1652996412896.7275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3044383744 nr_ops:2973031
+timestamp_ms:1652996413897.8118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3107558400 nr_ops:3034725
+timestamp_ms:1652996414898.9087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171347456 nr_ops:3097019
+timestamp_ms:1652996415900.0002 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3236006912 nr_ops:3160163
+timestamp_ms:1652996416901.0852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306173440 nr_ops:3228685
+timestamp_ms:1652996417902.1719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3376372736 nr_ops:3297239
+timestamp_ms:1652996418903.2671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3444321280 nr_ops:3363595
+timestamp_ms:1652996419904.2986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3507309568 nr_ops:3425107
+timestamp_ms:1652996420905.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3574354944 nr_ops:3490581
+timestamp_ms:1652996421906.4233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3641625600 nr_ops:3556275
+timestamp_ms:1652996422907.5168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3704515584 nr_ops:3617691
+timestamp_ms:1652996423908.6082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3767761920 nr_ops:3679455
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140648912537344
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652996425110.0110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3831682048 nr_ops:3741877
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996425110.0945 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996425110.1047 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996425210.2979 name:Total nr_bytes:3831682048 nr_ops:3741878
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996425110.1892 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7663364094 nr_ops:7483756
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996425110.1902 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3831682048 nr_ops:3741880
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 292.24us 0.00ns 292.24us 292.24us
+Txn1 1870939 32.05us 0.00ns 3.45ms 25.80us
+Txn2 1 25.55us 0.00ns 25.55us 25.55us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 291.55us 0.00ns 291.55us 291.55us
+write 1870939 3.19us 0.00ns 230.81us 2.40us
+read 1870938 28.78us 0.00ns 3.44ms 1.51us
+disconnect 1 25.18us 0.00ns 25.18us 25.18us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29999 29999 261.59Mb/s 261.59Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.50b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.158 62.37s 3.57GB 491.50Mb/s 3741879 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.57GB 491.50Mb/s 3741880 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:25.846000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:25.846000', 'bytes': 62047232, 'norm_byte': 62047232, 'ops': 60593, 'norm_ops': 60593, 'norm_ltcy': 16.521377617618782, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:25.846000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:25.846000",
+ "bytes": 62047232,
+ "norm_byte": 62047232,
+ "ops": 60593,
+ "norm_ops": 60593,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.521377617618782,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa0e730854bc350782cdeb1b41091e9c67720998e52aa842c25198c6d3641e93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:26.847000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:26.847000', 'bytes': 124007424, 'norm_byte': 61960192, 'ops': 121101, 'norm_ops': 60508, 'norm_ltcy': 16.544033627268295, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:26.847000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:26.847000",
+ "bytes": 124007424,
+ "norm_byte": 61960192,
+ "ops": 121101,
+ "norm_ops": 60508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.544033627268295,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee0384185019f99b148111728e2a0a147f6b8eda21342c798147c102d99cf858",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:27.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:27.848000', 'bytes': 187304960, 'norm_byte': 63297536, 'ops': 182915, 'norm_ops': 61814, 'norm_ltcy': 16.195207819779903, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:27.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:27.848000",
+ "bytes": 187304960,
+ "norm_byte": 63297536,
+ "ops": 182915,
+ "norm_ops": 61814,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.195207819779903,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20a9a35eb89ff74d10a7000166e434e793649b5fd84e26c9b367ad358213797e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:28.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:28.849000', 'bytes': 250680320, 'norm_byte': 63375360, 'ops': 244805, 'norm_ops': 61890, 'norm_ltcy': 16.175245395055743, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:28.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:28.849000",
+ "bytes": 250680320,
+ "norm_byte": 63375360,
+ "ops": 244805,
+ "norm_ops": 61890,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.175245395055743,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5340d7a3db36482a0a2896baa7c769b04761b98de72623c88d40a177190842fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:29.850000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:29.850000', 'bytes': 314491904, 'norm_byte': 63811584, 'ops': 307121, 'norm_ops': 62316, 'norm_ltcy': 16.064849604736345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:29.850000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:29.850000",
+ "bytes": 314491904,
+ "norm_byte": 63811584,
+ "ops": 307121,
+ "norm_ops": 62316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.064849604736345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d130b31023b62b746f354e4a9ea98aa2a0225052e70da2434d9d43bdc6de74a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:30.851000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:30.851000', 'bytes': 378309632, 'norm_byte': 63817728, 'ops': 369443, 'norm_ops': 62322, 'norm_ltcy': 16.063228543642293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:30.851000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:30.851000",
+ "bytes": 378309632,
+ "norm_byte": 63817728,
+ "ops": 369443,
+ "norm_ops": 62322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.063228543642293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b20c06d6f522bd0908736ed43d1f8c61dc69e30059c3c7baf7db04b46a38a0ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:31.853000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:31.853000', 'bytes': 441914368, 'norm_byte': 63604736, 'ops': 431557, 'norm_ops': 62114, 'norm_ltcy': 16.116944499227227, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:31.853000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:31.853000",
+ "bytes": 441914368,
+ "norm_byte": 63604736,
+ "ops": 431557,
+ "norm_ops": 62114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.116944499227227,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a9b08ea1bf786c163a16b0907becc21753896631ee80b98206f4e7eff69934c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:32.854000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:32.854000', 'bytes': 505195520, 'norm_byte': 63281152, 'ops': 493355, 'norm_ops': 61798, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19929027208607, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:32.854000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:32.854000",
+ "bytes": 505195520,
+ "norm_byte": 63281152,
+ "ops": 493355,
+ "norm_ops": 61798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19929027208607,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f224b3a6509a90c34a44484fddb9ce23333dee44bb5bb344e45156f44d72743c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:33.855000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:33.855000', 'bytes': 569101312, 'norm_byte': 63905792, 'ops': 555763, 'norm_ops': 62408, 'norm_ltcy': 16.041092957583565, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:33.855000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:33.855000",
+ "bytes": 569101312,
+ "norm_byte": 63905792,
+ "ops": 555763,
+ "norm_ops": 62408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.041092957583565,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d067df83e21a329f5aa5f3e082ba7dd8c225740f63744ccbd8d9e07313c6de89",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:34.856000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:34.856000', 'bytes': 632861696, 'norm_byte': 63760384, 'ops': 618029, 'norm_ops': 62266, 'norm_ltcy': 16.077824280355653, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:34.856000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:34.856000",
+ "bytes": 632861696,
+ "norm_byte": 63760384,
+ "ops": 618029,
+ "norm_ops": 62266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.077824280355653,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb92a92df67219486d7b86115303d73d8b6304eed012175687d6e5d33b2f1fd9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:35.857000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:35.857000', 'bytes': 695671808, 'norm_byte': 62810112, 'ops': 679367, 'norm_ops': 61338, 'norm_ltcy': 16.320899093445334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:35.857000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:35.857000",
+ "bytes": 695671808,
+ "norm_byte": 62810112,
+ "ops": 679367,
+ "norm_ops": 61338,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.320899093445334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5985854bae62188bfef87abdce89e7fff4991e206c44419dbfad4bab695bee58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:36.858000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:36.858000', 'bytes': 757971968, 'norm_byte': 62300160, 'ops': 740207, 'norm_ops': 60840, 'norm_ltcy': 16.45346095419338, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:36.858000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:36.858000",
+ "bytes": 757971968,
+ "norm_byte": 62300160,
+ "ops": 740207,
+ "norm_ops": 60840,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.45346095419338,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ffb8cefcf1cbfff6cbb0b7bc01253574cbcc61dbcc69d8cc1d6582f9d6471ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:37.859000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:37.859000', 'bytes': 822275072, 'norm_byte': 64303104, 'ops': 803003, 'norm_ops': 62796, 'norm_ltcy': 15.941866507719443, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:37.859000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:37.859000",
+ "bytes": 822275072,
+ "norm_byte": 64303104,
+ "ops": 803003,
+ "norm_ops": 62796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.941866507719443,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "89c748dfcea7d4effb31827798e0dddd30983fba6a8553a18671424e0702af54",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:38.860000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:38.860000', 'bytes': 886215680, 'norm_byte': 63940608, 'ops': 865445, 'norm_ops': 62442, 'norm_ltcy': 16.03223338132787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:38.860000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:38.860000",
+ "bytes": 886215680,
+ "norm_byte": 63940608,
+ "ops": 865445,
+ "norm_ops": 62442,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.03223338132787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "17a21221233c359c8e1aadc7be49050caf716855eed1603614f7e0e83f27c14b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:39.861000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:39.861000', 'bytes': 949838848, 'norm_byte': 63623168, 'ops': 927577, 'norm_ops': 62132, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11231462098838, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:39.861000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:39.861000",
+ "bytes": 949838848,
+ "norm_byte": 63623168,
+ "ops": 927577,
+ "norm_ops": 62132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11231462098838,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f61f64c5e9da46b7ef91c060dfe29bfe9165b9a71d67ec86a118354ff3eb613",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:40.862000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:40.862000', 'bytes': 1012247552, 'norm_byte': 62408704, 'ops': 988523, 'norm_ops': 60946, 'norm_ltcy': 16.426014070088684, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:40.862000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:40.862000",
+ "bytes": 1012247552,
+ "norm_byte": 62408704,
+ "ops": 988523,
+ "norm_ops": 60946,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.426014070088684,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "618519cbe1a17d0526443d09f1978da7e37300e19a65ec7e730b535d0ac4b7cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:41.863000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:41.863000', 'bytes': 1074799616, 'norm_byte': 62552064, 'ops': 1049609, 'norm_ops': 61086, 'norm_ltcy': 16.388208229228056, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:41.863000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:41.863000",
+ "bytes": 1074799616,
+ "norm_byte": 62552064,
+ "ops": 1049609,
+ "norm_ops": 61086,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.388208229228056,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "103af1ab03ede8bd1e0018361817b378908e469c3c04c5c32b7200a8f2aca39f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:42.865000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:42.865000', 'bytes': 1139371008, 'norm_byte': 64571392, 'ops': 1112667, 'norm_ops': 63058, 'norm_ltcy': 15.87569151366599, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:42.865000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:42.865000",
+ "bytes": 1139371008,
+ "norm_byte": 64571392,
+ "ops": 1112667,
+ "norm_ops": 63058,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.87569151366599,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b200dbcaf32cbef07801c9c2eeef613e7589fd308aa66b03ae3f5a646a6a23fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:43.866000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:43.866000', 'bytes': 1203923968, 'norm_byte': 64552960, 'ops': 1175707, 'norm_ops': 63040, 'norm_ltcy': 15.87935704265149, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:43.866000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:43.866000",
+ "bytes": 1203923968,
+ "norm_byte": 64552960,
+ "ops": 1175707,
+ "norm_ops": 63040,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.87935704265149,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d47f6a90f5e0cb95acf33d3800b883ddae8f633c60491dda094920d71fd8a6b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:44.867000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:44.867000', 'bytes': 1268034560, 'norm_byte': 64110592, 'ops': 1238315, 'norm_ops': 62608, 'norm_ltcy': 15.9889180246534, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:44.867000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:44.867000",
+ "bytes": 1268034560,
+ "norm_byte": 64110592,
+ "ops": 1238315,
+ "norm_ops": 62608,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.9889180246534,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eacdf8845ea8892f92f147e12f58e544eb2f565c47e3d3c7bc8ef4ad03fa8786",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:45.868000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:45.868000', 'bytes': 1333443584, 'norm_byte': 65409024, 'ops': 1302191, 'norm_ops': 63876, 'norm_ltcy': 15.672420826826587, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:45.868000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:45.868000",
+ "bytes": 1333443584,
+ "norm_byte": 65409024,
+ "ops": 1302191,
+ "norm_ops": 63876,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.672420826826587,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27bfb73eb7913edf4785fca7238fbd810be559f5cce712b9338c311f094869ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:46.869000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:46.869000', 'bytes': 1396444160, 'norm_byte': 63000576, 'ops': 1363715, 'norm_ops': 61524, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27159726285677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:46.869000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:46.869000",
+ "bytes": 1396444160,
+ "norm_byte": 63000576,
+ "ops": 1363715,
+ "norm_ops": 61524,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27159726285677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9aa67b17fad19c112bdfbce41900e30999134957a93ce9468bab2587e254d851",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:47.870000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:47.870000', 'bytes': 1459533824, 'norm_byte': 63089664, 'ops': 1425326, 'norm_ops': 61611, 'norm_ltcy': 16.24854112394702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:47.870000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:47.870000",
+ "bytes": 1459533824,
+ "norm_byte": 63089664,
+ "ops": 1425326,
+ "norm_ops": 61611,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.24854112394702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb499fd7f383236b282c69d387842d9f934fd9d5d34858bfdfc292f87883d944",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:48.871000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:48.871000', 'bytes': 1522301952, 'norm_byte': 62768128, 'ops': 1486623, 'norm_ops': 61297, 'norm_ltcy': 16.33168827338614, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:48.871000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:48.871000",
+ "bytes": 1522301952,
+ "norm_byte": 62768128,
+ "ops": 1486623,
+ "norm_ops": 61297,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.33168827338614,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b2f01b81822d04d20d6a8df22e22b662a49674882dd36e55e604c10b74acf6e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:49.872000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:49.872000', 'bytes': 1585421312, 'norm_byte': 63119360, 'ops': 1548263, 'norm_ops': 61640, 'norm_ltcy': 16.240916416136034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:49.872000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:49.872000",
+ "bytes": 1585421312,
+ "norm_byte": 63119360,
+ "ops": 1548263,
+ "norm_ops": 61640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.240916416136034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4853efb55eff1a9f5c4a731ec78c930dd8de9d1b63d9ad98e45758eb72443624",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:50.873000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:50.873000', 'bytes': 1652046848, 'norm_byte': 66625536, 'ops': 1613327, 'norm_ops': 65064, 'norm_ltcy': 15.386228937805468, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:50.873000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:50.873000",
+ "bytes": 1652046848,
+ "norm_byte": 66625536,
+ "ops": 1613327,
+ "norm_ops": 65064,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.386228937805468,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4df3d635655eb2db4605169a8dbfe14410e062bb8a37e56eda27a4f20e6eaac3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:51.873000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:51.873000', 'bytes': 1715198976, 'norm_byte': 63152128, 'ops': 1674999, 'norm_ops': 61672, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21818666189681, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:51.873000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:51.873000",
+ "bytes": 1715198976,
+ "norm_byte": 63152128,
+ "ops": 1674999,
+ "norm_ops": 61672,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21818666189681,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba3465f36b630ee0544a5f9b8bed2b99c860af67354e03fe125a76bc322b3154",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:52.874000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:52.874000', 'bytes': 1778364416, 'norm_byte': 63165440, 'ops': 1736684, 'norm_ops': 61685, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22904866965227, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:52.874000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:52.874000",
+ "bytes": 1778364416,
+ "norm_byte": 63165440,
+ "ops": 1736684,
+ "norm_ops": 61685,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22904866965227,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efa1a8fb3709112bf17c3efae076e8bb8c370de7e5224fb9a22200604fb299ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:53.876000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:53.876000', 'bytes': 1841859584, 'norm_byte': 63495168, 'ops': 1798691, 'norm_ops': 62007, 'norm_ltcy': 16.144803333696196, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:53.876000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:53.876000",
+ "bytes": 1841859584,
+ "norm_byte": 63495168,
+ "ops": 1798691,
+ "norm_ops": 62007,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.144803333696196,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08fed55683a170d7ddd2b90ba385bbf9d244a70ed4859e718c06c2c3cce21d50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:54.877000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:54.877000', 'bytes': 1904624640, 'norm_byte': 62765056, 'ops': 1859985, 'norm_ops': 61294, 'norm_ltcy': 16.331647182789098, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:54.877000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:54.877000",
+ "bytes": 1904624640,
+ "norm_byte": 62765056,
+ "ops": 1859985,
+ "norm_ops": 61294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.331647182789098,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c3df4b4809bf87683d0ef2215e105357bd6588f160e0bf2adf19b9bb6f6e4cc0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:55.878000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:55.878000', 'bytes': 1967866880, 'norm_byte': 63242240, 'ops': 1921745, 'norm_ops': 61760, 'norm_ltcy': 16.208439169770077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:55.878000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:55.878000",
+ "bytes": 1967866880,
+ "norm_byte": 63242240,
+ "ops": 1921745,
+ "norm_ops": 61760,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.208439169770077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b324ef5605754b8e70b01981a44588d8f2c24e6f7421223cb7ba631b3db7310",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:56.879000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:56.879000', 'bytes': 2028882944, 'norm_byte': 61016064, 'ops': 1981331, 'norm_ops': 59586, 'norm_ltcy': 16.800764139751784, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:56.879000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:56.879000",
+ "bytes": 2028882944,
+ "norm_byte": 61016064,
+ "ops": 1981331,
+ "norm_ops": 59586,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.800764139751784,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d833ab7ac2f2f7cf2b4f0baffd9b4759c01f4ee5c1993a5ec97250abca2b5d10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:57.880000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:57.880000', 'bytes': 2092240896, 'norm_byte': 63357952, 'ops': 2043204, 'norm_ops': 61873, 'norm_ltcy': 16.179744888218607, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:57.880000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:57.880000",
+ "bytes": 2092240896,
+ "norm_byte": 63357952,
+ "ops": 2043204,
+ "norm_ops": 61873,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.179744888218607,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa64cf0f5fa77efa5229dd3a012ea94aa94354d6689585157539dc4e3ddbec47",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:58.881000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:58.881000', 'bytes': 2156347392, 'norm_byte': 64106496, 'ops': 2105808, 'norm_ops': 62604, 'norm_ltcy': 15.990867758549774, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:58.881000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:58.881000",
+ "bytes": 2156347392,
+ "norm_byte": 64106496,
+ "ops": 2105808,
+ "norm_ops": 62604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.990867758549774,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d52db4405be29b6560c812747f39767dd5261692c342e70392300d6951145826",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:39:59.882000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:39:59.882000', 'bytes': 2220188672, 'norm_byte': 63841280, 'ops': 2168153, 'norm_ops': 62345, 'norm_ltcy': 16.056358832404364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:39:59.882000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:39:59.882000",
+ "bytes": 2220188672,
+ "norm_byte": 63841280,
+ "ops": 2168153,
+ "norm_ops": 62345,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.056358832404364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cd5752785f7d9e389a4f379cb5d2065a2209d917825f204560836e0890c72985",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:00.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:00.883000', 'bytes': 2283076608, 'norm_byte': 62887936, 'ops': 2229567, 'norm_ops': 61414, 'norm_ltcy': 16.300658205732812, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:00.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:00.883000",
+ "bytes": 2283076608,
+ "norm_byte": 62887936,
+ "ops": 2229567,
+ "norm_ops": 61414,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.300658205732812,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5abcc9367d65449f7b8793cb0bb05db48fdba8d8ce44bf910e07649f3995c2d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:01.884000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:01.884000', 'bytes': 2346277888, 'norm_byte': 63201280, 'ops': 2291287, 'norm_ops': 61720, 'norm_ltcy': 16.220047283852477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:01.884000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:01.884000",
+ "bytes": 2346277888,
+ "norm_byte": 63201280,
+ "ops": 2291287,
+ "norm_ops": 61720,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.220047283852477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9562a85db62ba89490246333fcff147dc30529d9cfcd077d9471378779dccfc3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:02.885000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:02.885000', 'bytes': 2409724928, 'norm_byte': 63447040, 'ops': 2353247, 'norm_ops': 61960, 'norm_ltcy': 16.157069738793172, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:02.885000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:02.885000",
+ "bytes": 2409724928,
+ "norm_byte": 63447040,
+ "ops": 2353247,
+ "norm_ops": 61960,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.157069738793172,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "215877d45053a229dd01814dc831194cc46cdd880effba0dd751ded7d46deac1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:03.886000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:03.886000', 'bytes': 2474107904, 'norm_byte': 64382976, 'ops': 2416121, 'norm_ops': 62874, 'norm_ltcy': 15.923320319955387, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:03.886000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:03.886000",
+ "bytes": 2474107904,
+ "norm_byte": 64382976,
+ "ops": 2416121,
+ "norm_ops": 62874,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.923320319955387,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c7cce6d58ca0927e3864b80bec3bebdb4ff92f3dcc452fac9b545600260d7de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:04.887000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:04.887000', 'bytes': 2536990720, 'norm_byte': 62882816, 'ops': 2477530, 'norm_ops': 61409, 'norm_ltcy': 16.301933742916347, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:04.887000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:04.887000",
+ "bytes": 2536990720,
+ "norm_byte": 62882816,
+ "ops": 2477530,
+ "norm_ops": 61409,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.301933742916347,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f2715d1f5fda5f8dab85002c11191644657ffc293735b472c6a72777a501f963",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:05.889000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:05.889000', 'bytes': 2599730176, 'norm_byte': 62739456, 'ops': 2538799, 'norm_ops': 61269, 'norm_ltcy': 16.339231567452547, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:05.889000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:05.889000",
+ "bytes": 2599730176,
+ "norm_byte": 62739456,
+ "ops": 2538799,
+ "norm_ops": 61269,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.339231567452547,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8df63c52fabf8b99f56fc0e25f4c6798b61eb9f52bee213c4ccaf78fcda91c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:06.890000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:06.890000', 'bytes': 2663019520, 'norm_byte': 63289344, 'ops': 2600605, 'norm_ops': 61806, 'norm_ltcy': 16.197351484635394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:06.890000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:06.890000",
+ "bytes": 2663019520,
+ "norm_byte": 63289344,
+ "ops": 2600605,
+ "norm_ops": 61806,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.197351484635394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "72288a46e403d64ab758b89db76dd716c83615c22643e87d1e06cff70268d103",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:07.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:07.891000', 'bytes': 2726985728, 'norm_byte': 63966208, 'ops': 2663072, 'norm_ops': 62467, 'norm_ltcy': 16.025801466924538, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:07.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:07.891000",
+ "bytes": 2726985728,
+ "norm_byte": 63966208,
+ "ops": 2663072,
+ "norm_ops": 62467,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.025801466924538,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "029dd44847981434202cbd48b090113430925ce54651572b5a17cf37f01cf53b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:08.892000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:08.892000', 'bytes': 2790806528, 'norm_byte': 63820800, 'ops': 2725397, 'norm_ops': 62325, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06232999272964, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:08.892000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:08.892000",
+ "bytes": 2790806528,
+ "norm_byte": 63820800,
+ "ops": 2725397,
+ "norm_ops": 62325,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06232999272964,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a830c7ca1cbf07e4cf913a18f1621684bfc708bed215ef9c7acd8f932de4fcc3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:09.893000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:09.893000', 'bytes': 2854427648, 'norm_byte': 63621120, 'ops': 2787527, 'norm_ops': 62130, 'norm_ltcy': 16.112821497012312, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:09.893000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:09.893000",
+ "bytes": 2854427648,
+ "norm_byte": 63621120,
+ "ops": 2787527,
+ "norm_ops": 62130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.112821497012312,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48f8da3560cfc91451b8e9a2f2f816fc598b536de0151816e5895afa77075202",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:10.894000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:10.894000', 'bytes': 2916350976, 'norm_byte': 61923328, 'ops': 2847999, 'norm_ops': 60472, 'norm_ltcy': 16.554690019244443, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:10.894000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:10.894000",
+ "bytes": 2916350976,
+ "norm_byte": 61923328,
+ "ops": 2847999,
+ "norm_ops": 60472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.554690019244443,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1abdf8c74db95a478096e8889a95555b865e12ed7f5389ef32fa2c8c1aa31dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:11.895000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:11.895000', 'bytes': 2981203968, 'norm_byte': 64852992, 'ops': 2911332, 'norm_ops': 63333, 'norm_ltcy': 15.808318450442501, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:11.895000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:11.895000",
+ "bytes": 2981203968,
+ "norm_byte": 64852992,
+ "ops": 2911332,
+ "norm_ops": 63333,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.808318450442501,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f868b94a9ffe1ba7daee5de433d5154e792d8a3b3c23c464c1f4f6b68da5c0e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:12.896000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:12.896000', 'bytes': 3044383744, 'norm_byte': 63179776, 'ops': 2973031, 'norm_ops': 61699, 'norm_ltcy': 16.225385952618762, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:12.896000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:12.896000",
+ "bytes": 3044383744,
+ "norm_byte": 63179776,
+ "ops": 2973031,
+ "norm_ops": 61699,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.225385952618762,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2129bbd563342f86afdf9551f64886fdca5c6142758d3a4aa77930f947f3a7d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:13.897000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:13.897000', 'bytes': 3107558400, 'norm_byte': 63174656, 'ops': 3034725, 'norm_ops': 61694, 'norm_ltcy': 16.226605966797823, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:13.897000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:13.897000",
+ "bytes": 3107558400,
+ "norm_byte": 63174656,
+ "ops": 3034725,
+ "norm_ops": 61694,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.226605966797823,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5753127e6860a58001fe961fa9031b2171b96d7fada7ef3dc96af581f918bd79",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:14.898000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:14.898000', 'bytes': 3171347456, 'norm_byte': 63789056, 'ops': 3097019, 'norm_ops': 62294, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07051921257465, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:14.898000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:14.898000",
+ "bytes": 3171347456,
+ "norm_byte": 63789056,
+ "ops": 3097019,
+ "norm_ops": 62294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07051921257465,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d7e83f88e324c2712f511c43e8bb9b7450c581c890edc83bb5a3907ca3ed0c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:15.900000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:15.900000', 'bytes': 3236006912, 'norm_byte': 64659456, 'ops': 3160163, 'norm_ops': 63144, 'norm_ltcy': 15.854104154541602, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:15.900000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:15.900000",
+ "bytes": 3236006912,
+ "norm_byte": 64659456,
+ "ops": 3160163,
+ "norm_ops": 63144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.854104154541602,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "606b102dc91132fb50bc3c6b9af2816a4ddd147494868543d0ae50eccf2c59c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:16.901000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:16.901000', 'bytes': 3306173440, 'norm_byte': 70166528, 'ops': 3228685, 'norm_ops': 68522, 'norm_ltcy': 14.609686829594875, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:16.901000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:16.901000",
+ "bytes": 3306173440,
+ "norm_byte": 70166528,
+ "ops": 3228685,
+ "norm_ops": 68522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.609686829594875,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c33c74e03277adaa2a418233676c3d0a7c91849c9629d1f5c75fc8d0c64b024",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:17.902000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:17.902000', 'bytes': 3376372736, 'norm_byte': 70199296, 'ops': 3297239, 'norm_ops': 68554, 'norm_ltcy': 14.602892171454254, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:17.902000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:17.902000",
+ "bytes": 3376372736,
+ "norm_byte": 70199296,
+ "ops": 3297239,
+ "norm_ops": 68554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.602892171454254,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7633a4f549ea644e7097774ebf56f460b71092cf4ffe2b765142c39608aaf2c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:18.903000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:18.903000', 'bytes': 3444321280, 'norm_byte': 67948544, 'ops': 3363595, 'norm_ops': 66356, 'norm_ltcy': 15.086732395619839, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:18.903000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:18.903000",
+ "bytes": 3444321280,
+ "norm_byte": 67948544,
+ "ops": 3363595,
+ "norm_ops": 66356,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.086732395619839,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f1c965b49da5a017843446a4a4fd311156bbe7d50d28d6aab3ab163dc7e9eb8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:19.904000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:19.904000', 'bytes': 3507309568, 'norm_byte': 62988288, 'ops': 3425107, 'norm_ops': 61512, 'norm_ltcy': 16.273759496368594, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:19.904000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:19.904000",
+ "bytes": 3507309568,
+ "norm_byte": 62988288,
+ "ops": 3425107,
+ "norm_ops": 61512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.273759496368594,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ea2d6c21aa0436ee9e7cf2c3f4af45b9e2c7811637b4e45c2dddbe31315dd8f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:20.905000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:20.905000', 'bytes': 3574354944, 'norm_byte': 67045376, 'ops': 3490581, 'norm_ops': 65474, 'norm_ltcy': 15.288955199535312, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:20.905000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:20.905000",
+ "bytes": 3574354944,
+ "norm_byte": 67045376,
+ "ops": 3490581,
+ "norm_ops": 65474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.288955199535312,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55b6b760e400d533e50dfba0358bfffb57f928190ede79cb862375ceacb7bcef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:21.906000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:21.906000', 'bytes': 3641625600, 'norm_byte': 67270656, 'ops': 3556275, 'norm_ops': 65694, 'norm_ltcy': 15.238769189347583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:21.906000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:21.906000",
+ "bytes": 3641625600,
+ "norm_byte": 67270656,
+ "ops": 3556275,
+ "norm_ops": 65694,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.238769189347583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "699e55032b33e0c9ac17df6d19bb565af1c3e56a01eaeeeea1695e7a8f51d04a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:22.907000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:22.907000', 'bytes': 3704515584, 'norm_byte': 62889984, 'ops': 3617691, 'norm_ops': 61416, 'norm_ltcy': 16.300206881909844, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:22.907000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:22.907000",
+ "bytes": 3704515584,
+ "norm_byte": 62889984,
+ "ops": 3617691,
+ "norm_ops": 61416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.300206881909844,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9861e3af7cad7c19a06452dfc67e0028eddd979d8340c572b3bea37a457b891c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:23.908000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:23.908000', 'bytes': 3767761920, 'norm_byte': 63246336, 'ops': 3679455, 'norm_ops': 61764, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20833023433958, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:23.908000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:23.908000",
+ "bytes": 3767761920,
+ "norm_byte": 63246336,
+ "ops": 3679455,
+ "norm_ops": 61764,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20833023433958,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e47054e790c93a114131f69293a4ad70c753ff5ceb5efea92a2cb106e7b2bfc3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:40:25.110000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:40:25.110000', 'bytes': 3831682048, 'norm_byte': 63920128, 'ops': 3741877, 'norm_ops': 62422, 'norm_ltcy': 19.24646490069607, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:40:25.110000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:40:25.110000",
+ "bytes": 3831682048,
+ "norm_byte": 63920128,
+ "ops": 3741877,
+ "norm_ops": 62422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.24646490069607,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fb46f7e3-95d3-5b4c-95c1-abc0a61c6dcd",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b26c4ee5a685e6fcbf6ec3f6b8e251a659eadf34d3ff890b97abc8451d34bd5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63861367.46666667
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62364.61666666667
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.5445664468671
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:40:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-063-220519213639/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-063-220519213639/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6026a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-063-220519213639/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-063-220519213639/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-063-220519213639/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-063-220519213639/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-063-220519213639/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-063-220519213639/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8249281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-063-220519213639/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=85
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=140
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-064-220519213841/220519213841-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-064-220519213841/220519213841-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f534784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-064-220519213841/220519213841-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:41:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996485158.4927 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996486159.6064 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996486159.7261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996487160.8125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:27503616 nr_ops:26859\ntimestamp_ms:1652996488161.9243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:43041792 nr_ops:42033\ntimestamp_ms:1652996489162.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:72578048 nr_ops:70877\ntimestamp_ms:1652996490163.8984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:104399872 nr_ops:101953\ntimestamp_ms:1652996491164.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:118297600 nr_ops:115525\ntimestamp_ms:1652996492165.9734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131787776 nr_ops:128699\ntimestamp_ms:1652996493167.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:153500672 nr_ops:149903\ntimestamp_ms:1652996494168.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:167042048 nr_ops:163127\ntimestamp_ms:1652996495168.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:217289728 nr_ops:212197\ntimestamp_ms:1652996496169.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:237773824 nr_ops:232201\ntimestamp_ms:1652996497171.1133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:279029760 nr_ops:272490\ntimestamp_ms:1652996498172.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309400576 nr_ops:302149\ntimestamp_ms:1652996499173.3257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:321502208 nr_ops:313967\ntimestamp_ms:1652996500174.4270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:349645824 nr_ops:341451\ntimestamp_ms:1652996501174.8494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:363867136 nr_ops:355339\ntimestamp_ms:1652996502175.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389839872 nr_ops:380703\ntimestamp_ms:1652996503177.0544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415630336 nr_ops:405889\ntimestamp_ms:1652996504178.1550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439872512 nr_ops:429563\ntimestamp_ms:1652996505179.2808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:448449536 nr_ops:437939\ntimestamp_ms:1652996506180.3799 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:463019008 nr_ops:452167\ntimestamp_ms:1652996507181.4810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:484482048 nr_ops:473127\ntimestamp_ms:1652996508182.5952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498779136 nr_ops:487089\ntimestamp_ms:1652996509183.7148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:507292672 nr_ops:495403\ntimestamp_ms:1652996510184.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:514341888 nr_ops:502287\ntimestamp_ms:1652996511186.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544771072 nr_ops:532003\ntimestamp_ms:1652996512187.1272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580588544 nr_ops:566981\ntimestamp_ms:1652996513188.2302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:596141056 nr_ops:582169\ntimestamp_ms:1652996514189.3516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600923136 nr_ops:586839\ntimestamp_ms:1652996515189.8618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617026560 nr_ops:602565\ntimestamp_ms:1652996516190.9822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:640592896 nr_ops:625579\ntimestamp_ms:1652996517192.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:655584256 nr_ops:640219\ntimestamp_ms:1652996518193.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:675300352 nr_ops:659473\ntimestamp_ms:1652996519194.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:689832960 nr_ops:673665\ntimestamp_ms:1652996520195.3777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704613376 nr_ops:688099\ntimestamp_ms:1652996521196.4768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:720321536 nr_ops:703439\ntimestamp_ms:1652996522197.5972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:730690560 nr_ops:713565\ntimestamp_ms:1652996523198.7163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749401088 nr_ops:731837\ntimestamp_ms:1652996524199.8545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763976704 nr_ops:746071\ntimestamp_ms:1652996525200.9727 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771910656 nr_ops:753819\ntimestamp_ms:1652996526202.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:790459392 nr_ops:771933\ntimestamp_ms:1652996527203.1746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:807973888 nr_ops:789037\ntimestamp_ms:1652996528204.2908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831226880 nr_ops:811745\ntimestamp_ms:1652996529205.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:853572608 nr_ops:833567\ntimestamp_ms:1652996530206.5044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878586880 nr_ops:857995\ntimestamp_ms:1652996531207.5977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:903539712 nr_ops:882363\ntimestamp_ms:1652996532208.6912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:941362176 nr_ops:919299\ntimestamp_ms:1652996533209.7864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:966228992 nr_ops:943583\ntimestamp_ms:1652996534210.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978209792 nr_ops:955283\ntimestamp_ms:1652996535211.9993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1003136000 nr_ops:979625\ntimestamp_ms:1652996536213.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021125632 nr_ops:997193\ntimestamp_ms:1652996537214.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053004800 nr_ops:1028325\ntimestamp_ms:1652996538215.2678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075696640 nr_ops:1050485\ntimestamp_ms:1652996539215.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1109752832 nr_ops:1083743\ntimestamp_ms:1652996540216.9578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1121199104 nr_ops:1094921\ntimestamp_ms:1652996541217.8870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1144765440 nr_ops:1117935\ntimestamp_ms:1652996542218.9775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172636672 nr_ops:1145153\ntimestamp_ms:1652996543220.0703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202717696 nr_ops:1174529\ntimestamp_ms:1652996544221.1606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1222136832 nr_ops:1193493\ntimestamp_ms:1652996545222.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1254657024 nr_ops:1225251\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140467729135360\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.6106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1280062464 nr_ops:1250061\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.6963 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.7068 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546523.9033 name:Total nr_bytes:1280062464 nr_ops:1250062\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.8777 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2560124926 nr_ops:2500124\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.8782 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1280062464 nr_ops:1250064\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 334.34us 0.00ns 334.34us 334.34us \nTxn1 625031 96.06us 0.00ns 209.21ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 65.62us 0.00ns 65.62us 65.62us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 333.75us 0.00ns 333.75us 333.75us \nwrite 625031 2.85us 0.00ns 90.04us 2.11us \nread 625030 93.13us 0.00ns 209.21ms 1.15us \ndisconnect 1 65.03us 0.00ns 65.03us 65.03us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 10025 10025 87.40Mb/s 87.41Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.12b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.159 62.37s 1.19GB 164.20Mb/s 1250065 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.19GB 164.20Mb/s 1250064 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416376, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996485158.4927 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996486159.6064 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996486159.7261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996487160.8125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:27503616 nr_ops:26859\ntimestamp_ms:1652996488161.9243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:43041792 nr_ops:42033\ntimestamp_ms:1652996489162.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:72578048 nr_ops:70877\ntimestamp_ms:1652996490163.8984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:104399872 nr_ops:101953\ntimestamp_ms:1652996491164.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:118297600 nr_ops:115525\ntimestamp_ms:1652996492165.9734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131787776 nr_ops:128699\ntimestamp_ms:1652996493167.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:153500672 nr_ops:149903\ntimestamp_ms:1652996494168.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:167042048 nr_ops:163127\ntimestamp_ms:1652996495168.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:217289728 nr_ops:212197\ntimestamp_ms:1652996496169.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:237773824 nr_ops:232201\ntimestamp_ms:1652996497171.1133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:279029760 nr_ops:272490\ntimestamp_ms:1652996498172.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309400576 nr_ops:302149\ntimestamp_ms:1652996499173.3257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:321502208 nr_ops:313967\ntimestamp_ms:1652996500174.4270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:349645824 nr_ops:341451\ntimestamp_ms:1652996501174.8494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:363867136 nr_ops:355339\ntimestamp_ms:1652996502175.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389839872 nr_ops:380703\ntimestamp_ms:1652996503177.0544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415630336 nr_ops:405889\ntimestamp_ms:1652996504178.1550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439872512 nr_ops:429563\ntimestamp_ms:1652996505179.2808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:448449536 nr_ops:437939\ntimestamp_ms:1652996506180.3799 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:463019008 nr_ops:452167\ntimestamp_ms:1652996507181.4810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:484482048 nr_ops:473127\ntimestamp_ms:1652996508182.5952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498779136 nr_ops:487089\ntimestamp_ms:1652996509183.7148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:507292672 nr_ops:495403\ntimestamp_ms:1652996510184.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:514341888 nr_ops:502287\ntimestamp_ms:1652996511186.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544771072 nr_ops:532003\ntimestamp_ms:1652996512187.1272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580588544 nr_ops:566981\ntimestamp_ms:1652996513188.2302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:596141056 nr_ops:582169\ntimestamp_ms:1652996514189.3516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600923136 nr_ops:586839\ntimestamp_ms:1652996515189.8618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617026560 nr_ops:602565\ntimestamp_ms:1652996516190.9822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:640592896 nr_ops:625579\ntimestamp_ms:1652996517192.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:655584256 nr_ops:640219\ntimestamp_ms:1652996518193.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:675300352 nr_ops:659473\ntimestamp_ms:1652996519194.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:689832960 nr_ops:673665\ntimestamp_ms:1652996520195.3777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704613376 nr_ops:688099\ntimestamp_ms:1652996521196.4768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:720321536 nr_ops:703439\ntimestamp_ms:1652996522197.5972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:730690560 nr_ops:713565\ntimestamp_ms:1652996523198.7163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749401088 nr_ops:731837\ntimestamp_ms:1652996524199.8545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763976704 nr_ops:746071\ntimestamp_ms:1652996525200.9727 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771910656 nr_ops:753819\ntimestamp_ms:1652996526202.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:790459392 nr_ops:771933\ntimestamp_ms:1652996527203.1746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:807973888 nr_ops:789037\ntimestamp_ms:1652996528204.2908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831226880 nr_ops:811745\ntimestamp_ms:1652996529205.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:853572608 nr_ops:833567\ntimestamp_ms:1652996530206.5044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878586880 nr_ops:857995\ntimestamp_ms:1652996531207.5977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:903539712 nr_ops:882363\ntimestamp_ms:1652996532208.6912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:941362176 nr_ops:919299\ntimestamp_ms:1652996533209.7864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:966228992 nr_ops:943583\ntimestamp_ms:1652996534210.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978209792 nr_ops:955283\ntimestamp_ms:1652996535211.9993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1003136000 nr_ops:979625\ntimestamp_ms:1652996536213.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021125632 nr_ops:997193\ntimestamp_ms:1652996537214.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053004800 nr_ops:1028325\ntimestamp_ms:1652996538215.2678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075696640 nr_ops:1050485\ntimestamp_ms:1652996539215.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1109752832 nr_ops:1083743\ntimestamp_ms:1652996540216.9578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1121199104 nr_ops:1094921\ntimestamp_ms:1652996541217.8870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1144765440 nr_ops:1117935\ntimestamp_ms:1652996542218.9775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172636672 nr_ops:1145153\ntimestamp_ms:1652996543220.0703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202717696 nr_ops:1174529\ntimestamp_ms:1652996544221.1606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1222136832 nr_ops:1193493\ntimestamp_ms:1652996545222.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1254657024 nr_ops:1225251\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140467729135360\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.6106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1280062464 nr_ops:1250061\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.6963 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.7068 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546523.9033 name:Total nr_bytes:1280062464 nr_ops:1250062\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.8777 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2560124926 nr_ops:2500124\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.8782 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1280062464 nr_ops:1250064\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 334.34us 0.00ns 334.34us 334.34us \nTxn1 625031 96.06us 0.00ns 209.21ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 65.62us 0.00ns 65.62us 65.62us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 333.75us 0.00ns 333.75us 333.75us \nwrite 625031 2.85us 0.00ns 90.04us 2.11us \nread 625030 93.13us 0.00ns 209.21ms 1.15us \ndisconnect 1 65.03us 0.00ns 65.03us 65.03us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 10025 10025 87.40Mb/s 87.41Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.12b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.159 62.37s 1.19GB 164.20Mb/s 1250065 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.19GB 164.20Mb/s 1250064 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416376, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996485158.4927 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996486159.6064 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996486159.7261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996487160.8125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:27503616 nr_ops:26859\ntimestamp_ms:1652996488161.9243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:43041792 nr_ops:42033\ntimestamp_ms:1652996489162.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:72578048 nr_ops:70877\ntimestamp_ms:1652996490163.8984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:104399872 nr_ops:101953\ntimestamp_ms:1652996491164.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:118297600 nr_ops:115525\ntimestamp_ms:1652996492165.9734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131787776 nr_ops:128699\ntimestamp_ms:1652996493167.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:153500672 nr_ops:149903\ntimestamp_ms:1652996494168.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:167042048 nr_ops:163127\ntimestamp_ms:1652996495168.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:217289728 nr_ops:212197\ntimestamp_ms:1652996496169.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:237773824 nr_ops:232201\ntimestamp_ms:1652996497171.1133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:279029760 nr_ops:272490\ntimestamp_ms:1652996498172.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309400576 nr_ops:302149\ntimestamp_ms:1652996499173.3257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:321502208 nr_ops:313967\ntimestamp_ms:1652996500174.4270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:349645824 nr_ops:341451\ntimestamp_ms:1652996501174.8494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:363867136 nr_ops:355339\ntimestamp_ms:1652996502175.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389839872 nr_ops:380703\ntimestamp_ms:1652996503177.0544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415630336 nr_ops:405889\ntimestamp_ms:1652996504178.1550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439872512 nr_ops:429563\ntimestamp_ms:1652996505179.2808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:448449536 nr_ops:437939\ntimestamp_ms:1652996506180.3799 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:463019008 nr_ops:452167\ntimestamp_ms:1652996507181.4810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:484482048 nr_ops:473127\ntimestamp_ms:1652996508182.5952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498779136 nr_ops:487089\ntimestamp_ms:1652996509183.7148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:507292672 nr_ops:495403\ntimestamp_ms:1652996510184.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:514341888 nr_ops:502287\ntimestamp_ms:1652996511186.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544771072 nr_ops:532003\ntimestamp_ms:1652996512187.1272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580588544 nr_ops:566981\ntimestamp_ms:1652996513188.2302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:596141056 nr_ops:582169\ntimestamp_ms:1652996514189.3516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600923136 nr_ops:586839\ntimestamp_ms:1652996515189.8618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617026560 nr_ops:602565\ntimestamp_ms:1652996516190.9822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:640592896 nr_ops:625579\ntimestamp_ms:1652996517192.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:655584256 nr_ops:640219\ntimestamp_ms:1652996518193.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:675300352 nr_ops:659473\ntimestamp_ms:1652996519194.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:689832960 nr_ops:673665\ntimestamp_ms:1652996520195.3777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704613376 nr_ops:688099\ntimestamp_ms:1652996521196.4768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:720321536 nr_ops:703439\ntimestamp_ms:1652996522197.5972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:730690560 nr_ops:713565\ntimestamp_ms:1652996523198.7163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749401088 nr_ops:731837\ntimestamp_ms:1652996524199.8545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763976704 nr_ops:746071\ntimestamp_ms:1652996525200.9727 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771910656 nr_ops:753819\ntimestamp_ms:1652996526202.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:790459392 nr_ops:771933\ntimestamp_ms:1652996527203.1746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:807973888 nr_ops:789037\ntimestamp_ms:1652996528204.2908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831226880 nr_ops:811745\ntimestamp_ms:1652996529205.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:853572608 nr_ops:833567\ntimestamp_ms:1652996530206.5044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878586880 nr_ops:857995\ntimestamp_ms:1652996531207.5977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:903539712 nr_ops:882363\ntimestamp_ms:1652996532208.6912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:941362176 nr_ops:919299\ntimestamp_ms:1652996533209.7864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:966228992 nr_ops:943583\ntimestamp_ms:1652996534210.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978209792 nr_ops:955283\ntimestamp_ms:1652996535211.9993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1003136000 nr_ops:979625\ntimestamp_ms:1652996536213.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021125632 nr_ops:997193\ntimestamp_ms:1652996537214.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053004800 nr_ops:1028325\ntimestamp_ms:1652996538215.2678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075696640 nr_ops:1050485\ntimestamp_ms:1652996539215.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1109752832 nr_ops:1083743\ntimestamp_ms:1652996540216.9578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1121199104 nr_ops:1094921\ntimestamp_ms:1652996541217.8870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1144765440 nr_ops:1117935\ntimestamp_ms:1652996542218.9775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172636672 nr_ops:1145153\ntimestamp_ms:1652996543220.0703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202717696 nr_ops:1174529\ntimestamp_ms:1652996544221.1606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1222136832 nr_ops:1193493\ntimestamp_ms:1652996545222.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1254657024 nr_ops:1225251\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140467729135360\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.6106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1280062464 nr_ops:1250061\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.6963 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.7068 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546523.9033 name:Total nr_bytes:1280062464 nr_ops:1250062\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.8777 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2560124926 nr_ops:2500124\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996546423.8782 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1280062464 nr_ops:1250064\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 334.34us 0.00ns 334.34us 334.34us \nTxn1 625031 96.06us 0.00ns 209.21ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 65.62us 0.00ns 65.62us 65.62us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 333.75us 0.00ns 333.75us 333.75us \nwrite 625031 2.85us 0.00ns 90.04us 2.11us \nread 625030 93.13us 0.00ns 209.21ms 1.15us \ndisconnect 1 65.03us 0.00ns 65.03us 65.03us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 10025 10025 87.40Mb/s 87.41Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.12b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.159 62.37s 1.19GB 164.20Mb/s 1250065 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.19GB 164.20Mb/s 1250064 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416376, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996485158.4927 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996486159.6064 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996486159.7261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996487160.8125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:27503616 nr_ops:26859
+timestamp_ms:1652996488161.9243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:43041792 nr_ops:42033
+timestamp_ms:1652996489162.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:72578048 nr_ops:70877
+timestamp_ms:1652996490163.8984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:104399872 nr_ops:101953
+timestamp_ms:1652996491164.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:118297600 nr_ops:115525
+timestamp_ms:1652996492165.9734 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131787776 nr_ops:128699
+timestamp_ms:1652996493167.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:153500672 nr_ops:149903
+timestamp_ms:1652996494168.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:167042048 nr_ops:163127
+timestamp_ms:1652996495168.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:217289728 nr_ops:212197
+timestamp_ms:1652996496169.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:237773824 nr_ops:232201
+timestamp_ms:1652996497171.1133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:279029760 nr_ops:272490
+timestamp_ms:1652996498172.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309400576 nr_ops:302149
+timestamp_ms:1652996499173.3257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:321502208 nr_ops:313967
+timestamp_ms:1652996500174.4270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:349645824 nr_ops:341451
+timestamp_ms:1652996501174.8494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:363867136 nr_ops:355339
+timestamp_ms:1652996502175.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389839872 nr_ops:380703
+timestamp_ms:1652996503177.0544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415630336 nr_ops:405889
+timestamp_ms:1652996504178.1550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:439872512 nr_ops:429563
+timestamp_ms:1652996505179.2808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:448449536 nr_ops:437939
+timestamp_ms:1652996506180.3799 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:463019008 nr_ops:452167
+timestamp_ms:1652996507181.4810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:484482048 nr_ops:473127
+timestamp_ms:1652996508182.5952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498779136 nr_ops:487089
+timestamp_ms:1652996509183.7148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:507292672 nr_ops:495403
+timestamp_ms:1652996510184.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:514341888 nr_ops:502287
+timestamp_ms:1652996511186.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544771072 nr_ops:532003
+timestamp_ms:1652996512187.1272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580588544 nr_ops:566981
+timestamp_ms:1652996513188.2302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:596141056 nr_ops:582169
+timestamp_ms:1652996514189.3516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600923136 nr_ops:586839
+timestamp_ms:1652996515189.8618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617026560 nr_ops:602565
+timestamp_ms:1652996516190.9822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:640592896 nr_ops:625579
+timestamp_ms:1652996517192.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:655584256 nr_ops:640219
+timestamp_ms:1652996518193.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:675300352 nr_ops:659473
+timestamp_ms:1652996519194.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:689832960 nr_ops:673665
+timestamp_ms:1652996520195.3777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704613376 nr_ops:688099
+timestamp_ms:1652996521196.4768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:720321536 nr_ops:703439
+timestamp_ms:1652996522197.5972 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:730690560 nr_ops:713565
+timestamp_ms:1652996523198.7163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749401088 nr_ops:731837
+timestamp_ms:1652996524199.8545 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763976704 nr_ops:746071
+timestamp_ms:1652996525200.9727 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771910656 nr_ops:753819
+timestamp_ms:1652996526202.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:790459392 nr_ops:771933
+timestamp_ms:1652996527203.1746 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:807973888 nr_ops:789037
+timestamp_ms:1652996528204.2908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831226880 nr_ops:811745
+timestamp_ms:1652996529205.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:853572608 nr_ops:833567
+timestamp_ms:1652996530206.5044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878586880 nr_ops:857995
+timestamp_ms:1652996531207.5977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:903539712 nr_ops:882363
+timestamp_ms:1652996532208.6912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:941362176 nr_ops:919299
+timestamp_ms:1652996533209.7864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:966228992 nr_ops:943583
+timestamp_ms:1652996534210.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978209792 nr_ops:955283
+timestamp_ms:1652996535211.9993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1003136000 nr_ops:979625
+timestamp_ms:1652996536213.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021125632 nr_ops:997193
+timestamp_ms:1652996537214.1653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053004800 nr_ops:1028325
+timestamp_ms:1652996538215.2678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075696640 nr_ops:1050485
+timestamp_ms:1652996539215.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1109752832 nr_ops:1083743
+timestamp_ms:1652996540216.9578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1121199104 nr_ops:1094921
+timestamp_ms:1652996541217.8870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1144765440 nr_ops:1117935
+timestamp_ms:1652996542218.9775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172636672 nr_ops:1145153
+timestamp_ms:1652996543220.0703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202717696 nr_ops:1174529
+timestamp_ms:1652996544221.1606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1222136832 nr_ops:1193493
+timestamp_ms:1652996545222.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1254657024 nr_ops:1225251
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140467729135360
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652996546423.6106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1280062464 nr_ops:1250061
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996546423.6963 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996546423.7068 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996546523.9033 name:Total nr_bytes:1280062464 nr_ops:1250062
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996546423.8777 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2560124926 nr_ops:2500124
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996546423.8782 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1280062464 nr_ops:1250064
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 334.34us 0.00ns 334.34us 334.34us
+Txn1 625031 96.06us 0.00ns 209.21ms 18.41us
+Txn2 1 65.62us 0.00ns 65.62us 65.62us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 333.75us 0.00ns 333.75us 333.75us
+write 625031 2.85us 0.00ns 90.04us 2.11us
+read 625030 93.13us 0.00ns 209.21ms 1.15us
+disconnect 1 65.03us 0.00ns 65.03us 65.03us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 10025 10025 87.40Mb/s 87.41Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.12b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.159 62.37s 1.19GB 164.20Mb/s 1250065 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.19GB 164.20Mb/s 1250064 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:27.160000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:27.160000', 'bytes': 27503616, 'norm_byte': 27503616, 'ops': 26859, 'norm_ops': 26859, 'norm_ltcy': 37.27191726353364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:27.160000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:27.160000",
+ "bytes": 27503616,
+ "norm_byte": 27503616,
+ "ops": 26859,
+ "norm_ops": 26859,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.27191726353364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c4a1589f1add7a2a20b9fbd3e0a2ec2971b96b92abe11184e31f0d8583963de7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:28.161000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:28.161000', 'bytes': 43041792, 'norm_byte': 15538176, 'ops': 42033, 'norm_ops': 15174, 'norm_ltcy': 65.9754722819461, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:28.161000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:28.161000",
+ "bytes": 43041792,
+ "norm_byte": 15538176,
+ "ops": 42033,
+ "norm_ops": 15174,
+ "norm_ltcy": 65.9754722819461,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "890975da160655987dd3d12a0331162573dddfe253acd3bfdcd1f82f3933f5f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:29.162000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:29.162000', 'bytes': 72578048, 'norm_byte': 29536256, 'ops': 70877, 'norm_ops': 28844, 'norm_ltcy': 34.7009113138781, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:29.162000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:29.162000",
+ "bytes": 72578048,
+ "norm_byte": 29536256,
+ "ops": 70877,
+ "norm_ops": 28844,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.7009113138781,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e1981d1c7c500a9230c84c6b35d5f36b915e86f400f39f7d2231da79115aaff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:30.163000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:30.163000', 'bytes': 104399872, 'norm_byte': 31821824, 'ops': 101953, 'norm_ops': 31076, 'norm_ltcy': 32.21331687335081, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:30.163000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:30.163000",
+ "bytes": 104399872,
+ "norm_byte": 31821824,
+ "ops": 101953,
+ "norm_ops": 31076,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.21331687335081,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10d35ef6b8c862edb10c73428025e43edbf717b835cd680dae2131410aacbee6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:31.164000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:31.164000', 'bytes': 118297600, 'norm_byte': 13897728, 'ops': 115525, 'norm_ops': 13572, 'norm_ltcy': 73.7511016189121, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:31.164000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:31.164000",
+ "bytes": 118297600,
+ "norm_byte": 13897728,
+ "ops": 115525,
+ "norm_ops": 13572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 73.7511016189121,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a510684b80663debc1cbd93d8ffcf953e8ee8e8deacd5b46e08ced6e04733a97",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:32.165000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:32.165000', 'bytes': 131787776, 'norm_byte': 13490176, 'ops': 128699, 'norm_ops': 13174, 'norm_ltcy': 75.9924851981175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:32.165000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:32.165000",
+ "bytes": 131787776,
+ "norm_byte": 13490176,
+ "ops": 128699,
+ "norm_ops": 13174,
+ "norm_ltcy": 75.9924851981175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91aafdad1c2e176dcf7d90591bcb624565f07b4d8954dd02b2d7a7f4a61a6691",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:33.167000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:33.167000', 'bytes': 153500672, 'norm_byte': 21712896, 'ops': 149903, 'norm_ops': 21204, 'norm_ltcy': 47.212414686645204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:33.167000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:33.167000",
+ "bytes": 153500672,
+ "norm_byte": 21712896,
+ "ops": 149903,
+ "norm_ops": 21204,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.212414686645204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1252b4c21ee82bf7ed41c2d95774573184a66671390149b8e81c8d01d809f7da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:34.168000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:34.168000', 'bytes': 167042048, 'norm_byte': 13541376, 'ops': 163127, 'norm_ops': 13224, 'norm_ltcy': 75.70321878662847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:34.168000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:34.168000",
+ "bytes": 167042048,
+ "norm_byte": 13541376,
+ "ops": 163127,
+ "norm_ops": 13224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 75.70321878662847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87e02ea260f3ef4d60988e5e1cc7cf2cc9b56efe837bae17a4a31f54683806f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:35.168000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:35.168000', 'bytes': 217289728, 'norm_byte': 50247680, 'ops': 212197, 'norm_ops': 49070, 'norm_ltcy': 20.392747486053086, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:35.168000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:35.168000",
+ "bytes": 217289728,
+ "norm_byte": 50247680,
+ "ops": 212197,
+ "norm_ops": 49070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.392747486053086,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd6d7b80202b3937087bf26be4286363e669cf7ff6f7b5d4c19bc272147f3258",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:36.169000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:36.169000', 'bytes': 237773824, 'norm_byte': 20484096, 'ops': 232201, 'norm_ops': 20004, 'norm_ltcy': 50.044617541335484, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:36.169000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:36.169000",
+ "bytes": 237773824,
+ "norm_byte": 20484096,
+ "ops": 232201,
+ "norm_ops": 20004,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.044617541335484,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "94f735e8bcde491379c65138c7ae237c981b2139ee45110995b7c8556421a58e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:37.171000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:37.171000', 'bytes': 279029760, 'norm_byte': 41255936, 'ops': 272490, 'norm_ops': 40289, 'norm_ltcy': 24.85005430491263, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:37.171000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:37.171000",
+ "bytes": 279029760,
+ "norm_byte": 41255936,
+ "ops": 272490,
+ "norm_ops": 40289,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.85005430491263,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "700e1d267f05e9de73b9420d1f64f804b09c21656be9948cd174fd9062d18f6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:38.172000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:38.172000', 'bytes': 309400576, 'norm_byte': 30370816, 'ops': 302149, 'norm_ops': 29659, 'norm_ltcy': 33.753719360059335, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:38.172000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:38.172000",
+ "bytes": 309400576,
+ "norm_byte": 30370816,
+ "ops": 302149,
+ "norm_ops": 29659,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.753719360059335,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "755cb0f3ff4ae3d064673447ed07b57bac0fb65ceacc690c2ed5f7ad0aa75f1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:39.173000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:39.173000', 'bytes': 321502208, 'norm_byte': 12101632, 'ops': 313967, 'norm_ops': 11818, 'norm_ltcy': 84.71068199727111, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:39.173000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:39.173000",
+ "bytes": 321502208,
+ "norm_byte": 12101632,
+ "ops": 313967,
+ "norm_ops": 11818,
+ "norm_ltcy": 84.71068199727111,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c694180dbf23656626876d28d08f0142adcec6247f023813e050491c762ed4c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:40.174000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:40.174000', 'bytes': 349645824, 'norm_byte': 28143616, 'ops': 341451, 'norm_ops': 27484, 'norm_ltcy': 36.424876959662896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:40.174000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:40.174000",
+ "bytes": 349645824,
+ "norm_byte": 28143616,
+ "ops": 341451,
+ "norm_ops": 27484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.424876959662896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ada466f14c050243a41d146342a9ac8abab669cccd2a2c1685684546f2e208d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:41.174000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:41.174000', 'bytes': 363867136, 'norm_byte': 14221312, 'ops': 355339, 'norm_ops': 13888, 'norm_ltcy': 72.03502039755544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:41.174000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:41.174000",
+ "bytes": 363867136,
+ "norm_byte": 14221312,
+ "ops": 355339,
+ "norm_ops": 13888,
+ "norm_ltcy": 72.03502039755544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a66962db0947ace458fa13e1fd757471897c10fc99897721640b6accbec69213",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:42.175000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:42.175000', 'bytes': 389839872, 'norm_byte': 25972736, 'ops': 380703, 'norm_ops': 25364, 'norm_ltcy': 39.469792477773616, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:42.175000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:42.175000",
+ "bytes": 389839872,
+ "norm_byte": 25972736,
+ "ops": 380703,
+ "norm_ops": 25364,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.469792477773616,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1478d513a980bce387442c76a60f00fa42e9cb0a7716e73ae88915ee43256f19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:43.177000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:43.177000', 'bytes': 415630336, 'norm_byte': 25790464, 'ops': 405889, 'norm_ops': 25186, 'norm_ltcy': 39.74800530924919, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:43.177000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:43.177000",
+ "bytes": 415630336,
+ "norm_byte": 25790464,
+ "ops": 405889,
+ "norm_ops": 25186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.74800530924919,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a4ff8e97b5c1c4fca2ee2dcb9ad03f064424bb351cfe6320dd88c95193759ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:44.178000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:44.178000', 'bytes': 439872512, 'norm_byte': 24242176, 'ops': 429563, 'norm_ops': 23674, 'norm_ltcy': 42.286921768078905, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:44.178000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:44.178000",
+ "bytes": 439872512,
+ "norm_byte": 24242176,
+ "ops": 429563,
+ "norm_ops": 23674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.286921768078905,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4cae2caacf426a3107e82eb0dc864c20f4ffc1c383d4f1f14a895bc4ede275f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:45.179000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:45.179000', 'bytes': 448449536, 'norm_byte': 8577024, 'ops': 437939, 'norm_ops': 8376, 'norm_ltcy': 119.52312946775012, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:45.179000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:45.179000",
+ "bytes": 448449536,
+ "norm_byte": 8577024,
+ "ops": 437939,
+ "norm_ops": 8376,
+ "norm_ltcy": 119.52312946775012,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2071e7a10186ac433b9fd94628faa215e632346249af54421de94cd556ae7a5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:46.180000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:46.180000', 'bytes': 463019008, 'norm_byte': 14569472, 'ops': 452167, 'norm_ops': 14228, 'norm_ltcy': 70.36119771533245, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:46.180000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:46.180000",
+ "bytes": 463019008,
+ "norm_byte": 14569472,
+ "ops": 452167,
+ "norm_ops": 14228,
+ "norm_ltcy": 70.36119771533245,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cbe543e830d782c23af7dc2f960a20c618807159839e73df16750c6102d628de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:47.181000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:47.181000', 'bytes': 484482048, 'norm_byte': 21463040, 'ops': 473127, 'norm_ops': 20960, 'norm_ltcy': 47.762455831047234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:47.181000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:47.181000",
+ "bytes": 484482048,
+ "norm_byte": 21463040,
+ "ops": 473127,
+ "norm_ops": 20960,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.762455831047234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6a73d8676f90b89d40c761e9644425c0d8de088144fb5db76170c3cdf2cef40",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:48.182000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:48.182000', 'bytes': 498779136, 'norm_byte': 14297088, 'ops': 487089, 'norm_ops': 13962, 'norm_ltcy': 71.7027831121974, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:48.182000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:48.182000",
+ "bytes": 498779136,
+ "norm_byte": 14297088,
+ "ops": 487089,
+ "norm_ops": 13962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 71.7027831121974,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b3bc4f1a55a81f22f1bdd132f281a37f7573d5f3ff5be0d2832629bb27cff7ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:49.183000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:49.183000', 'bytes': 507292672, 'norm_byte': 8513536, 'ops': 495403, 'norm_ops': 8314, 'norm_ltcy': 120.41371528821867, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:49.183000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:49.183000",
+ "bytes": 507292672,
+ "norm_byte": 8513536,
+ "ops": 495403,
+ "norm_ops": 8314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 120.41371528821867,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b56a9450ae21d5c8fd65fb4ab4ffa502ecd9c75a11e9911a631bfd717820be2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:50.184000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:50.184000', 'bytes': 514341888, 'norm_byte': 7049216, 'ops': 502287, 'norm_ops': 6884, 'norm_ltcy': 145.4287611558505, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:50.184000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:50.184000",
+ "bytes": 514341888,
+ "norm_byte": 7049216,
+ "ops": 502287,
+ "norm_ops": 6884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 145.4287611558505,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3768db64e557b3da55bf1a75b585281ae40d1ea4afdbe8e0ab59297b37ce7b3d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:51.186000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:51.186000', 'bytes': 544771072, 'norm_byte': 30429184, 'ops': 532003, 'norm_ops': 29716, 'norm_ltcy': 33.691890982025676, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:51.186000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:51.186000",
+ "bytes": 544771072,
+ "norm_byte": 30429184,
+ "ops": 532003,
+ "norm_ops": 29716,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.691890982025676,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39c75863622a7e3945f17ab201dfd39d9bdf777d8d724c4849ba52758f6d161a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:52.187000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:52.187000', 'bytes': 580588544, 'norm_byte': 35817472, 'ops': 566981, 'norm_ops': 34978, 'norm_ltcy': 28.620633806875034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:52.187000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:52.187000",
+ "bytes": 580588544,
+ "norm_byte": 35817472,
+ "ops": 566981,
+ "norm_ops": 34978,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.620633806875034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7225fb61e69aa60d282715debd6e3efd290efa69e268abb730b63d203294afb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:53.188000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:53.188000', 'bytes': 596141056, 'norm_byte': 15552512, 'ops': 582169, 'norm_ops': 15188, 'norm_ltcy': 65.91407870317026, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:53.188000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:53.188000",
+ "bytes": 596141056,
+ "norm_byte": 15552512,
+ "ops": 582169,
+ "norm_ops": 15188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 65.91407870317026,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1dfa1eaff12466a5ce63f746048316a8a42180709f0118ee44897713abedfff3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:54.189000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:54.189000', 'bytes': 600923136, 'norm_byte': 4782080, 'ops': 586839, 'norm_ops': 4670, 'norm_ltcy': 214.3728774926392, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:54.189000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:54.189000",
+ "bytes": 600923136,
+ "norm_byte": 4782080,
+ "ops": 586839,
+ "norm_ops": 4670,
+ "norm_ltcy": 214.3728774926392,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4873474782d8d415e50c46053b436f088cd178fe0bcca56955ff50d5f45e01c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:55.189000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:55.189000', 'bytes': 617026560, 'norm_byte': 16103424, 'ops': 602565, 'norm_ops': 15726, 'norm_ltcy': 63.62140747210035, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:55.189000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:55.189000",
+ "bytes": 617026560,
+ "norm_byte": 16103424,
+ "ops": 602565,
+ "norm_ops": 15726,
+ "norm_ltcy": 63.62140747210035,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dead59d215533ce2fc5eae56ed94e9ced33c0645bbec0f7b98deb42bc7f6923f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:56.190000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:56.190000', 'bytes': 640592896, 'norm_byte': 23566336, 'ops': 625579, 'norm_ops': 23014, 'norm_ltcy': 43.50049367029308, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:56.190000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:56.190000",
+ "bytes": 640592896,
+ "norm_byte": 23566336,
+ "ops": 625579,
+ "norm_ops": 23014,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.50049367029308,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ff33e0b133a21d78c6ab93253f3da8a86a8057904f253636c478926d3a2be2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:57.192000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:57.192000', 'bytes': 655584256, 'norm_byte': 14991360, 'ops': 640219, 'norm_ops': 14640, 'norm_ltcy': 68.38070395214311, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:57.192000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:57.192000",
+ "bytes": 655584256,
+ "norm_byte": 14991360,
+ "ops": 640219,
+ "norm_ops": 14640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 68.38070395214311,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "57bf7174a4adca68b5af550ba436019e213eee08c7b3abf3b79b9cc38c9cd29d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:58.193000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:58.193000', 'bytes': 675300352, 'norm_byte': 19716096, 'ops': 659473, 'norm_ops': 19254, 'norm_ltcy': 51.99447192791108, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:58.193000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:58.193000",
+ "bytes": 675300352,
+ "norm_byte": 19716096,
+ "ops": 659473,
+ "norm_ops": 19254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 51.99447192791108,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f99f38bded63c22ff9659a890c024858aea0e535615286e452a04b5c690f489",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:41:59.194000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:41:59.194000', 'bytes': 689832960, 'norm_byte': 14532608, 'ops': 673665, 'norm_ops': 14192, 'norm_ltcy': 70.54048729587973, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:41:59.194000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:41:59.194000",
+ "bytes": 689832960,
+ "norm_byte": 14532608,
+ "ops": 673665,
+ "norm_ops": 14192,
+ "norm_ltcy": 70.54048729587973,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01ca5bb97ea80cd62079d55902e2c7210ade3241ef254387b0e2813272214191",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:00.195000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:00.195000', 'bytes': 704613376, 'norm_byte': 14780416, 'ops': 688099, 'norm_ops': 14434, 'norm_ltcy': 69.35636994249688, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:00.195000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:00.195000",
+ "bytes": 704613376,
+ "norm_byte": 14780416,
+ "ops": 688099,
+ "norm_ops": 14434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 69.35636994249688,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c06bc78d1835ab3f643d3f72d6f8e5cd5d23db1fa17e21635c31327ec3e9023",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:01.196000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:01.196000', 'bytes': 720321536, 'norm_byte': 15708160, 'ops': 703439, 'norm_ops': 15340, 'norm_ltcy': 65.26069889789765, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:01.196000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:01.196000",
+ "bytes": 720321536,
+ "norm_byte": 15708160,
+ "ops": 703439,
+ "norm_ops": 15340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 65.26069889789765,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b260d299d11a00f30684fb035c6178a96d6d89390db6e07370cfe2d1ec549a9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:02.197000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:02.197000', 'bytes': 730690560, 'norm_byte': 10369024, 'ops': 713565, 'norm_ops': 10126, 'norm_ltcy': 98.86632049458079, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:02.197000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:02.197000",
+ "bytes": 730690560,
+ "norm_byte": 10369024,
+ "ops": 713565,
+ "norm_ops": 10126,
+ "norm_ltcy": 98.86632049458079,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f73e178745a894f4bb05661d78fb34d3ed71490c5f7f2edc2b254776d91d8941",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:03.198000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:03.198000', 'bytes': 749401088, 'norm_byte': 18710528, 'ops': 731837, 'norm_ops': 18272, 'norm_ltcy': 54.78979534944177, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:03.198000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:03.198000",
+ "bytes": 749401088,
+ "norm_byte": 18710528,
+ "ops": 731837,
+ "norm_ops": 18272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 54.78979534944177,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1fdcb05aa993b84cc545f2a419a530deaefb4ed5765f6a9368267ebfd36796c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:04.199000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:04.199000', 'bytes': 763976704, 'norm_byte': 14575616, 'ops': 746071, 'norm_ops': 14234, 'norm_ltcy': 70.33428295586272, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:04.199000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:04.199000",
+ "bytes": 763976704,
+ "norm_byte": 14575616,
+ "ops": 746071,
+ "norm_ops": 14234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 70.33428295586272,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68c5df46de21f77efffba5e4967ee5cae2e473633e68bfc14a54a7bb50df8192",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:05.200000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:05.200000', 'bytes': 771910656, 'norm_byte': 7933952, 'ops': 753819, 'norm_ops': 7748, 'norm_ltcy': 129.2098817840088, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:05.200000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:05.200000",
+ "bytes": 771910656,
+ "norm_byte": 7933952,
+ "ops": 753819,
+ "norm_ops": 7748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 129.2098817840088,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15473cd628da5b658ea542e4e3454214b5026b4abdfe17af99a9078e4fc0872d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:06.202000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:06.202000', 'bytes': 790459392, 'norm_byte': 18548736, 'ops': 771933, 'norm_ops': 18114, 'norm_ltcy': 55.26679823358314, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:06.202000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:06.202000",
+ "bytes": 790459392,
+ "norm_byte": 18548736,
+ "ops": 771933,
+ "norm_ops": 18114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 55.26679823358314,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9059bb39945ce6eb8c897f2df9ce984f35a0914be0e2086e245b5bc65fdbd08b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:07.203000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:07.203000', 'bytes': 807973888, 'norm_byte': 17514496, 'ops': 789037, 'norm_ops': 17104, 'norm_ltcy': 58.53011699565891, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:07.203000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:07.203000",
+ "bytes": 807973888,
+ "norm_byte": 17514496,
+ "ops": 789037,
+ "norm_ops": 17104,
+ "norm_ltcy": 58.53011699565891,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9dc17278735df9242b66f07d064043d18313b2304accff9dc9f7350f12149acd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:08.204000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:08.204000', 'bytes': 831226880, 'norm_byte': 23252992, 'ops': 811745, 'norm_ops': 22708, 'norm_ltcy': 44.08649863209001, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:08.204000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:08.204000",
+ "bytes": 831226880,
+ "norm_byte": 23252992,
+ "ops": 811745,
+ "norm_ops": 22708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.08649863209001,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e453a37063a2df7aba52a40d13fd63b717edddddecdd8c99ee4a64229fc9b3b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:09.205000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:09.205000', 'bytes': 853572608, 'norm_byte': 22345728, 'ops': 833567, 'norm_ops': 21822, 'norm_ltcy': 45.876218487936484, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:09.205000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:09.205000",
+ "bytes": 853572608,
+ "norm_byte": 22345728,
+ "ops": 833567,
+ "norm_ops": 21822,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.876218487936484,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9710165caa320476a25fce7e0dd6de5afa2fe895df717bdc65b49873435200ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:10.206000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:10.206000', 'bytes': 878586880, 'norm_byte': 25014272, 'ops': 857995, 'norm_ops': 24428, 'norm_ltcy': 40.98177432467353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:10.206000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:10.206000",
+ "bytes": 878586880,
+ "norm_byte": 25014272,
+ "ops": 857995,
+ "norm_ops": 24428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.98177432467353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e8de10793a6c7a9128cdf0e39fdaa77b1c994ac963a2c8fa70253e5fdcaa615",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:11.207000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:11.207000', 'bytes': 903539712, 'norm_byte': 24952832, 'ops': 882363, 'norm_ops': 24368, 'norm_ltcy': 41.0822907796598, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:11.207000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:11.207000",
+ "bytes": 903539712,
+ "norm_byte": 24952832,
+ "ops": 882363,
+ "norm_ops": 24368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.0822907796598,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "747cb332a970da68c6090b161207379460ad3b80a9f6a9b3ea5945cd5d50bead",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:12.208000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:12.208000', 'bytes': 941362176, 'norm_byte': 37822464, 'ops': 919299, 'norm_ops': 36936, 'norm_ltcy': 27.103462905007987, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:12.208000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:12.208000",
+ "bytes": 941362176,
+ "norm_byte": 37822464,
+ "ops": 919299,
+ "norm_ops": 36936,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.103462905007987,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "272dbf99870272399da9dfef5a4d0ab85681bd42d169471f07ecd7fb8ed98f8a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:13.209000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:13.209000', 'bytes': 966228992, 'norm_byte': 24866816, 'ops': 943583, 'norm_ops': 24284, 'norm_ltcy': 41.22447763316381, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:13.209000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:13.209000",
+ "bytes": 966228992,
+ "norm_byte": 24866816,
+ "ops": 943583,
+ "norm_ops": 24284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.22447763316381,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8cadbebf5b91cb749e29d50cc7f406225edebc18797d3f8feb72e409538eaa9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:14.210000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:14.210000', 'bytes': 978209792, 'norm_byte': 11980800, 'ops': 955283, 'norm_ops': 11700, 'norm_ltcy': 85.56436131143163, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:14.210000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:14.210000",
+ "bytes": 978209792,
+ "norm_byte": 11980800,
+ "ops": 955283,
+ "norm_ops": 11700,
+ "norm_ltcy": 85.56436131143163,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83045284dba4dfb4c2abf1da7855f91bbde4e790e06a95d331cef24788eacede",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:15.211000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:15.211000', 'bytes': 1003136000, 'norm_byte': 24926208, 'ops': 979625, 'norm_ops': 24342, 'norm_ltcy': 41.126853310379175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:15.211000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:15.211000",
+ "bytes": 1003136000,
+ "norm_byte": 24926208,
+ "ops": 979625,
+ "norm_ops": 24342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.126853310379175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d14aa935b618ead78a10b583dfdebe194e6318928d93da62f778d78ac0a59c98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:16.213000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:16.213000', 'bytes': 1021125632, 'norm_byte': 17989632, 'ops': 997193, 'norm_ops': 17568, 'norm_ltcy': 56.98177983852032, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:16.213000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:16.213000",
+ "bytes": 1021125632,
+ "norm_byte": 17989632,
+ "ops": 997193,
+ "norm_ops": 17568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 56.98177983852032,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "613da787c9cd03b784251bfa60237ff4aea28881a9d6bd20446f1b08f2b71575",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:17.214000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:17.214000', 'bytes': 1053004800, 'norm_byte': 31879168, 'ops': 1028325, 'norm_ops': 31132, 'norm_ltcy': 32.156948073425255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:17.214000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:17.214000",
+ "bytes": 1053004800,
+ "norm_byte": 31879168,
+ "ops": 1028325,
+ "norm_ops": 31132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.156948073425255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c40229c04cd6cd0c9069e285c7f938ff97fe5c4c5fe11125bc522d247fe8551",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:18.215000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:18.215000', 'bytes': 1075696640, 'norm_byte': 22691840, 'ops': 1050485, 'norm_ops': 22160, 'norm_ltcy': 45.17610735841607, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:18.215000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:18.215000",
+ "bytes": 1075696640,
+ "norm_byte": 22691840,
+ "ops": 1050485,
+ "norm_ops": 22160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.17610735841607,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eea770cb10d40678d3367356b5e518efce98e4980e54891287ba02e330041eed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:19.215000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:19.215000', 'bytes': 1109752832, 'norm_byte': 34056192, 'ops': 1083743, 'norm_ops': 33258, 'norm_ltcy': 30.084940207055446, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:19.215000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:19.215000",
+ "bytes": 1109752832,
+ "norm_byte": 34056192,
+ "ops": 1083743,
+ "norm_ops": 33258,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.084940207055446,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2be796f81c57a848cd87c50fccf17e61e46d66e9adf25d89fec4fc20787bda3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:20.216000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:20.216000', 'bytes': 1121199104, 'norm_byte': 11446272, 'ops': 1094921, 'norm_ops': 11178, 'norm_ltcy': 89.5620862408302, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:20.216000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:20.216000",
+ "bytes": 1121199104,
+ "norm_byte": 11446272,
+ "ops": 1094921,
+ "norm_ops": 11178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 89.5620862408302,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f340e139583c97b5f195e49ce29471a8330a1d6e8ff4cf6e0bd36eac59d401e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:21.217000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:21.217000', 'bytes': 1144765440, 'norm_byte': 23566336, 'ops': 1117935, 'norm_ops': 23014, 'norm_ltcy': 43.492187330266354, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:21.217000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:21.217000",
+ "bytes": 1144765440,
+ "norm_byte": 23566336,
+ "ops": 1117935,
+ "norm_ops": 23014,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.492187330266354,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1abdd6e2ce75d32ee7ed37fae211158a4f29169fc9f3b9e7087030d544ba4dcb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:22.218000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:22.218000', 'bytes': 1172636672, 'norm_byte': 27871232, 'ops': 1145153, 'norm_ops': 27218, 'norm_ltcy': 36.78046058387372, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:22.218000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:22.218000",
+ "bytes": 1172636672,
+ "norm_byte": 27871232,
+ "ops": 1145153,
+ "norm_ops": 27218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.78046058387372,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bdceb39bcdf734da51a8af35d0a8c1baf59386afc93236868adea84ee8e4d8dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:23.220000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:23.220000', 'bytes': 1202717696, 'norm_byte': 30081024, 'ops': 1174529, 'norm_ops': 29376, 'norm_ltcy': 34.0785938670173, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:23.220000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:23.220000",
+ "bytes": 1202717696,
+ "norm_byte": 30081024,
+ "ops": 1174529,
+ "norm_ops": 29376,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.0785938670173,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d18ddeb2fe1f9c8ed616b272125f7fa25b930ee6549afc994b859d30608e59e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:24.221000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:24.221000', 'bytes': 1222136832, 'norm_byte': 19419136, 'ops': 1193493, 'norm_ops': 18964, 'norm_ltcy': 52.78898608053417, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:24.221000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:24.221000",
+ "bytes": 1222136832,
+ "norm_byte": 19419136,
+ "ops": 1193493,
+ "norm_ops": 18964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 52.78898608053417,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fffb52e0b36e7268858f5bcbad67dbc2206f1fe0cacf610bd58a967917db9caa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:25.222000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:25.222000', 'bytes': 1254657024, 'norm_byte': 32520192, 'ops': 1225251, 'norm_ops': 31758, 'norm_ltcy': 31.522461491002268, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:25.222000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:25.222000",
+ "bytes": 1254657024,
+ "norm_byte": 32520192,
+ "ops": 1225251,
+ "norm_ops": 31758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.522461491002268,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e732b47cf6278f65c1135dd1217d18700d0bd3c4b719c52e6eb26c667f4e8e2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:42:26.423000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:42:26.423000', 'bytes': 1280062464, 'norm_byte': 25405440, 'ops': 1250061, 'norm_ops': 24810, 'norm_ltcy': 48.422394967377066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:42:26.423000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:42:26.423000",
+ "bytes": 1280062464,
+ "norm_byte": 25405440,
+ "ops": 1250061,
+ "norm_ops": 24810,
+ "norm_ltcy": 48.422394967377066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0bf021aa-8b57-5ed4-a605-033efd655275",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b358755e6b396c579eb2cb00754cb6dba84298c861740e623f18c7797f342c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 21334374.4
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 20834.35
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 120.85352361300815
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:42:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-064-220519213841/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-064-220519213841/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ea5112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-064-220519213841/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-064-220519213841/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-064-220519213841/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-064-220519213841/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-064-220519213841/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-064-220519213841/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d4b421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-064-220519213841/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=95
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=110
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-065-220519214043/220519214043-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-065-220519214043/220519214043-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a04a50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-065-220519214043/220519214043-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:43:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996606962.9119 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996607963.9453 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996607963.9963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996608965.0237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71347200 nr_ops:69675\ntimestamp_ms:1652996609965.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127851520 nr_ops:124855\ntimestamp_ms:1652996610966.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199758848 nr_ops:195077\ntimestamp_ms:1652996611967.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271739904 nr_ops:265371\ntimestamp_ms:1652996612968.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:343794688 nr_ops:335737\ntimestamp_ms:1652996613969.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415951872 nr_ops:406203\ntimestamp_ms:1652996614970.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487982080 nr_ops:476545\ntimestamp_ms:1652996615971.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:559959040 nr_ops:546835\ntimestamp_ms:1652996616973.0657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632067072 nr_ops:617253\ntimestamp_ms:1652996617973.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704115712 nr_ops:687613\ntimestamp_ms:1652996618974.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776122368 nr_ops:757932\ntimestamp_ms:1652996619975.8767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847604736 nr_ops:827739\ntimestamp_ms:1652996620976.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919104512 nr_ops:897563\ntimestamp_ms:1652996621977.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:991102976 nr_ops:967874\ntimestamp_ms:1652996622978.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062951936 nr_ops:1038039\ntimestamp_ms:1652996623979.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1119593472 nr_ops:1093353\ntimestamp_ms:1652996624980.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1191020544 nr_ops:1163106\ntimestamp_ms:1652996625981.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262985216 nr_ops:1233384\ntimestamp_ms:1652996626982.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1320164352 nr_ops:1289223\ntimestamp_ms:1652996627983.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392235520 nr_ops:1359605\ntimestamp_ms:1652996628984.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1464368128 nr_ops:1430047\ntimestamp_ms:1652996629986.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1536375808 nr_ops:1500367\ntimestamp_ms:1652996630987.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1607741440 nr_ops:1570060\ntimestamp_ms:1652996631988.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657529344 nr_ops:1618681\ntimestamp_ms:1652996632988.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1706599424 nr_ops:1666601\ntimestamp_ms:1652996633989.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778189312 nr_ops:1736513\ntimestamp_ms:1652996634991.0396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834810368 nr_ops:1791807\ntimestamp_ms:1652996635992.0789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906289664 nr_ops:1861611\ntimestamp_ms:1652996636993.1858 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1964168192 nr_ops:1918133\ntimestamp_ms:1652996637994.2966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2020174848 nr_ops:1972827\ntimestamp_ms:1652996638995.3865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2091635712 nr_ops:2042613\ntimestamp_ms:1652996639996.4763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2163162112 nr_ops:2112463\ntimestamp_ms:1652996640997.5779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2234557440 nr_ops:2182185\ntimestamp_ms:1652996641998.6711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291291136 nr_ops:2237589\ntimestamp_ms:1652996642999.7683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2363075584 nr_ops:2307691\ntimestamp_ms:1652996644000.8608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2420012032 nr_ops:2363293\ntimestamp_ms:1652996645001.9543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476531712 nr_ops:2418488\ntimestamp_ms:1652996646003.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547612672 nr_ops:2487903\ntimestamp_ms:1652996647004.1526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2589125632 nr_ops:2528443\ntimestamp_ms:1652996648005.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2660080640 nr_ops:2597735\ntimestamp_ms:1652996649006.4258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2731370496 nr_ops:2667354\ntimestamp_ms:1652996650007.5176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802758656 nr_ops:2737069\ntimestamp_ms:1652996651008.6104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2859234304 nr_ops:2792221\ntimestamp_ms:1652996652009.7078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929820672 nr_ops:2861153\ntimestamp_ms:1652996653010.8005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000562688 nr_ops:2930237\ntimestamp_ms:1652996654011.8889 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3071253504 nr_ops:2999271\ntimestamp_ms:1652996655012.9814 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3142028288 nr_ops:3068387\ntimestamp_ms:1652996656014.0696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3212768256 nr_ops:3137469\ntimestamp_ms:1652996657015.1704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3283303424 nr_ops:3206351\ntimestamp_ms:1652996658016.2644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3354180608 nr_ops:3275567\ntimestamp_ms:1652996659017.3867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424826368 nr_ops:3344557\ntimestamp_ms:1652996660018.4785 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3495703552 nr_ops:3413773\ntimestamp_ms:1652996661019.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3566470144 nr_ops:3482881\ntimestamp_ms:1652996662020.6594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3637212160 nr_ops:3551965\ntimestamp_ms:1652996663021.7529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3708056576 nr_ops:3621149\ntimestamp_ms:1652996664022.7915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3778833408 nr_ops:3690267\ntimestamp_ms:1652996665023.8823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3849628672 nr_ops:3759403\ntimestamp_ms:1652996666024.9736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3920360448 nr_ops:3828477\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140034711516928\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3990832128 nr_ops:3897297\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.3398 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.3501 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667326.5276 name:Total nr_bytes:3990832128 nr_ops:3897298\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.4597 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7981664254 nr_ops:7794596\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.4612 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3990832128 nr_ops:3897300\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 363.17us 0.00ns 363.17us 363.17us \nTxn1 1948649 30.28us 0.00ns 208.79ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 56.46us 0.00ns 56.46us 56.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 362.29us 0.00ns 362.29us 362.29us \nwrite 1948649 2.40us 0.00ns 258.91us 2.16us \nread 1948648 27.80us 0.00ns 208.79ms 933.00ns \ndisconnect 1 55.34us 0.00ns 55.34us 55.34us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 31756 31756 276.91Mb/s 276.91Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 799.42b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.160 61.36s 3.72GB 520.28Mb/s 3897299 0.00\nmaster 61.36s 3.72GB 520.28Mb/s 3897300 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.41371, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996606962.9119 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996607963.9453 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996607963.9963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996608965.0237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71347200 nr_ops:69675\ntimestamp_ms:1652996609965.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127851520 nr_ops:124855\ntimestamp_ms:1652996610966.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199758848 nr_ops:195077\ntimestamp_ms:1652996611967.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271739904 nr_ops:265371\ntimestamp_ms:1652996612968.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:343794688 nr_ops:335737\ntimestamp_ms:1652996613969.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415951872 nr_ops:406203\ntimestamp_ms:1652996614970.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487982080 nr_ops:476545\ntimestamp_ms:1652996615971.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:559959040 nr_ops:546835\ntimestamp_ms:1652996616973.0657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632067072 nr_ops:617253\ntimestamp_ms:1652996617973.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704115712 nr_ops:687613\ntimestamp_ms:1652996618974.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776122368 nr_ops:757932\ntimestamp_ms:1652996619975.8767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847604736 nr_ops:827739\ntimestamp_ms:1652996620976.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919104512 nr_ops:897563\ntimestamp_ms:1652996621977.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:991102976 nr_ops:967874\ntimestamp_ms:1652996622978.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062951936 nr_ops:1038039\ntimestamp_ms:1652996623979.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1119593472 nr_ops:1093353\ntimestamp_ms:1652996624980.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1191020544 nr_ops:1163106\ntimestamp_ms:1652996625981.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262985216 nr_ops:1233384\ntimestamp_ms:1652996626982.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1320164352 nr_ops:1289223\ntimestamp_ms:1652996627983.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392235520 nr_ops:1359605\ntimestamp_ms:1652996628984.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1464368128 nr_ops:1430047\ntimestamp_ms:1652996629986.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1536375808 nr_ops:1500367\ntimestamp_ms:1652996630987.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1607741440 nr_ops:1570060\ntimestamp_ms:1652996631988.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657529344 nr_ops:1618681\ntimestamp_ms:1652996632988.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1706599424 nr_ops:1666601\ntimestamp_ms:1652996633989.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778189312 nr_ops:1736513\ntimestamp_ms:1652996634991.0396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834810368 nr_ops:1791807\ntimestamp_ms:1652996635992.0789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906289664 nr_ops:1861611\ntimestamp_ms:1652996636993.1858 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1964168192 nr_ops:1918133\ntimestamp_ms:1652996637994.2966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2020174848 nr_ops:1972827\ntimestamp_ms:1652996638995.3865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2091635712 nr_ops:2042613\ntimestamp_ms:1652996639996.4763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2163162112 nr_ops:2112463\ntimestamp_ms:1652996640997.5779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2234557440 nr_ops:2182185\ntimestamp_ms:1652996641998.6711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291291136 nr_ops:2237589\ntimestamp_ms:1652996642999.7683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2363075584 nr_ops:2307691\ntimestamp_ms:1652996644000.8608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2420012032 nr_ops:2363293\ntimestamp_ms:1652996645001.9543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476531712 nr_ops:2418488\ntimestamp_ms:1652996646003.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547612672 nr_ops:2487903\ntimestamp_ms:1652996647004.1526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2589125632 nr_ops:2528443\ntimestamp_ms:1652996648005.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2660080640 nr_ops:2597735\ntimestamp_ms:1652996649006.4258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2731370496 nr_ops:2667354\ntimestamp_ms:1652996650007.5176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802758656 nr_ops:2737069\ntimestamp_ms:1652996651008.6104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2859234304 nr_ops:2792221\ntimestamp_ms:1652996652009.7078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929820672 nr_ops:2861153\ntimestamp_ms:1652996653010.8005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000562688 nr_ops:2930237\ntimestamp_ms:1652996654011.8889 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3071253504 nr_ops:2999271\ntimestamp_ms:1652996655012.9814 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3142028288 nr_ops:3068387\ntimestamp_ms:1652996656014.0696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3212768256 nr_ops:3137469\ntimestamp_ms:1652996657015.1704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3283303424 nr_ops:3206351\ntimestamp_ms:1652996658016.2644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3354180608 nr_ops:3275567\ntimestamp_ms:1652996659017.3867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424826368 nr_ops:3344557\ntimestamp_ms:1652996660018.4785 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3495703552 nr_ops:3413773\ntimestamp_ms:1652996661019.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3566470144 nr_ops:3482881\ntimestamp_ms:1652996662020.6594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3637212160 nr_ops:3551965\ntimestamp_ms:1652996663021.7529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3708056576 nr_ops:3621149\ntimestamp_ms:1652996664022.7915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3778833408 nr_ops:3690267\ntimestamp_ms:1652996665023.8823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3849628672 nr_ops:3759403\ntimestamp_ms:1652996666024.9736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3920360448 nr_ops:3828477\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140034711516928\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3990832128 nr_ops:3897297\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.3398 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.3501 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667326.5276 name:Total nr_bytes:3990832128 nr_ops:3897298\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.4597 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7981664254 nr_ops:7794596\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.4612 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3990832128 nr_ops:3897300\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 363.17us 0.00ns 363.17us 363.17us \nTxn1 1948649 30.28us 0.00ns 208.79ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 56.46us 0.00ns 56.46us 56.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 362.29us 0.00ns 362.29us 362.29us \nwrite 1948649 2.40us 0.00ns 258.91us 2.16us \nread 1948648 27.80us 0.00ns 208.79ms 933.00ns \ndisconnect 1 55.34us 0.00ns 55.34us 55.34us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 31756 31756 276.91Mb/s 276.91Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 799.42b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.160 61.36s 3.72GB 520.28Mb/s 3897299 0.00\nmaster 61.36s 3.72GB 520.28Mb/s 3897300 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.41371, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996606962.9119 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996607963.9453 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996607963.9963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996608965.0237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71347200 nr_ops:69675\ntimestamp_ms:1652996609965.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127851520 nr_ops:124855\ntimestamp_ms:1652996610966.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199758848 nr_ops:195077\ntimestamp_ms:1652996611967.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271739904 nr_ops:265371\ntimestamp_ms:1652996612968.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:343794688 nr_ops:335737\ntimestamp_ms:1652996613969.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415951872 nr_ops:406203\ntimestamp_ms:1652996614970.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487982080 nr_ops:476545\ntimestamp_ms:1652996615971.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:559959040 nr_ops:546835\ntimestamp_ms:1652996616973.0657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632067072 nr_ops:617253\ntimestamp_ms:1652996617973.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704115712 nr_ops:687613\ntimestamp_ms:1652996618974.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776122368 nr_ops:757932\ntimestamp_ms:1652996619975.8767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847604736 nr_ops:827739\ntimestamp_ms:1652996620976.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919104512 nr_ops:897563\ntimestamp_ms:1652996621977.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:991102976 nr_ops:967874\ntimestamp_ms:1652996622978.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062951936 nr_ops:1038039\ntimestamp_ms:1652996623979.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1119593472 nr_ops:1093353\ntimestamp_ms:1652996624980.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1191020544 nr_ops:1163106\ntimestamp_ms:1652996625981.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262985216 nr_ops:1233384\ntimestamp_ms:1652996626982.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1320164352 nr_ops:1289223\ntimestamp_ms:1652996627983.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392235520 nr_ops:1359605\ntimestamp_ms:1652996628984.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1464368128 nr_ops:1430047\ntimestamp_ms:1652996629986.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1536375808 nr_ops:1500367\ntimestamp_ms:1652996630987.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1607741440 nr_ops:1570060\ntimestamp_ms:1652996631988.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657529344 nr_ops:1618681\ntimestamp_ms:1652996632988.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1706599424 nr_ops:1666601\ntimestamp_ms:1652996633989.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778189312 nr_ops:1736513\ntimestamp_ms:1652996634991.0396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834810368 nr_ops:1791807\ntimestamp_ms:1652996635992.0789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906289664 nr_ops:1861611\ntimestamp_ms:1652996636993.1858 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1964168192 nr_ops:1918133\ntimestamp_ms:1652996637994.2966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2020174848 nr_ops:1972827\ntimestamp_ms:1652996638995.3865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2091635712 nr_ops:2042613\ntimestamp_ms:1652996639996.4763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2163162112 nr_ops:2112463\ntimestamp_ms:1652996640997.5779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2234557440 nr_ops:2182185\ntimestamp_ms:1652996641998.6711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291291136 nr_ops:2237589\ntimestamp_ms:1652996642999.7683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2363075584 nr_ops:2307691\ntimestamp_ms:1652996644000.8608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2420012032 nr_ops:2363293\ntimestamp_ms:1652996645001.9543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476531712 nr_ops:2418488\ntimestamp_ms:1652996646003.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547612672 nr_ops:2487903\ntimestamp_ms:1652996647004.1526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2589125632 nr_ops:2528443\ntimestamp_ms:1652996648005.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2660080640 nr_ops:2597735\ntimestamp_ms:1652996649006.4258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2731370496 nr_ops:2667354\ntimestamp_ms:1652996650007.5176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802758656 nr_ops:2737069\ntimestamp_ms:1652996651008.6104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2859234304 nr_ops:2792221\ntimestamp_ms:1652996652009.7078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929820672 nr_ops:2861153\ntimestamp_ms:1652996653010.8005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000562688 nr_ops:2930237\ntimestamp_ms:1652996654011.8889 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3071253504 nr_ops:2999271\ntimestamp_ms:1652996655012.9814 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3142028288 nr_ops:3068387\ntimestamp_ms:1652996656014.0696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3212768256 nr_ops:3137469\ntimestamp_ms:1652996657015.1704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3283303424 nr_ops:3206351\ntimestamp_ms:1652996658016.2644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3354180608 nr_ops:3275567\ntimestamp_ms:1652996659017.3867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424826368 nr_ops:3344557\ntimestamp_ms:1652996660018.4785 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3495703552 nr_ops:3413773\ntimestamp_ms:1652996661019.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3566470144 nr_ops:3482881\ntimestamp_ms:1652996662020.6594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3637212160 nr_ops:3551965\ntimestamp_ms:1652996663021.7529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3708056576 nr_ops:3621149\ntimestamp_ms:1652996664022.7915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3778833408 nr_ops:3690267\ntimestamp_ms:1652996665023.8823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3849628672 nr_ops:3759403\ntimestamp_ms:1652996666024.9736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3920360448 nr_ops:3828477\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140034711516928\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3990832128 nr_ops:3897297\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.3398 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.3501 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667326.5276 name:Total nr_bytes:3990832128 nr_ops:3897298\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.4597 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7981664254 nr_ops:7794596\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996667226.4612 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3990832128 nr_ops:3897300\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 363.17us 0.00ns 363.17us 363.17us \nTxn1 1948649 30.28us 0.00ns 208.79ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 56.46us 0.00ns 56.46us 56.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 362.29us 0.00ns 362.29us 362.29us \nwrite 1948649 2.40us 0.00ns 258.91us 2.16us \nread 1948648 27.80us 0.00ns 208.79ms 933.00ns \ndisconnect 1 55.34us 0.00ns 55.34us 55.34us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 31756 31756 276.91Mb/s 276.91Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 799.42b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.160 61.36s 3.72GB 520.28Mb/s 3897299 0.00\nmaster 61.36s 3.72GB 520.28Mb/s 3897300 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.41371, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996606962.9119 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996607963.9453 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996607963.9963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996608965.0237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71347200 nr_ops:69675
+timestamp_ms:1652996609965.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127851520 nr_ops:124855
+timestamp_ms:1652996610966.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199758848 nr_ops:195077
+timestamp_ms:1652996611967.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271739904 nr_ops:265371
+timestamp_ms:1652996612968.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:343794688 nr_ops:335737
+timestamp_ms:1652996613969.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415951872 nr_ops:406203
+timestamp_ms:1652996614970.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487982080 nr_ops:476545
+timestamp_ms:1652996615971.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:559959040 nr_ops:546835
+timestamp_ms:1652996616973.0657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632067072 nr_ops:617253
+timestamp_ms:1652996617973.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704115712 nr_ops:687613
+timestamp_ms:1652996618974.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776122368 nr_ops:757932
+timestamp_ms:1652996619975.8767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847604736 nr_ops:827739
+timestamp_ms:1652996620976.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919104512 nr_ops:897563
+timestamp_ms:1652996621977.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:991102976 nr_ops:967874
+timestamp_ms:1652996622978.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062951936 nr_ops:1038039
+timestamp_ms:1652996623979.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1119593472 nr_ops:1093353
+timestamp_ms:1652996624980.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1191020544 nr_ops:1163106
+timestamp_ms:1652996625981.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262985216 nr_ops:1233384
+timestamp_ms:1652996626982.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1320164352 nr_ops:1289223
+timestamp_ms:1652996627983.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1392235520 nr_ops:1359605
+timestamp_ms:1652996628984.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1464368128 nr_ops:1430047
+timestamp_ms:1652996629986.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1536375808 nr_ops:1500367
+timestamp_ms:1652996630987.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1607741440 nr_ops:1570060
+timestamp_ms:1652996631988.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657529344 nr_ops:1618681
+timestamp_ms:1652996632988.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1706599424 nr_ops:1666601
+timestamp_ms:1652996633989.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778189312 nr_ops:1736513
+timestamp_ms:1652996634991.0396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834810368 nr_ops:1791807
+timestamp_ms:1652996635992.0789 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906289664 nr_ops:1861611
+timestamp_ms:1652996636993.1858 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1964168192 nr_ops:1918133
+timestamp_ms:1652996637994.2966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2020174848 nr_ops:1972827
+timestamp_ms:1652996638995.3865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2091635712 nr_ops:2042613
+timestamp_ms:1652996639996.4763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2163162112 nr_ops:2112463
+timestamp_ms:1652996640997.5779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2234557440 nr_ops:2182185
+timestamp_ms:1652996641998.6711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291291136 nr_ops:2237589
+timestamp_ms:1652996642999.7683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2363075584 nr_ops:2307691
+timestamp_ms:1652996644000.8608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2420012032 nr_ops:2363293
+timestamp_ms:1652996645001.9543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476531712 nr_ops:2418488
+timestamp_ms:1652996646003.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2547612672 nr_ops:2487903
+timestamp_ms:1652996647004.1526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2589125632 nr_ops:2528443
+timestamp_ms:1652996648005.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2660080640 nr_ops:2597735
+timestamp_ms:1652996649006.4258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2731370496 nr_ops:2667354
+timestamp_ms:1652996650007.5176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802758656 nr_ops:2737069
+timestamp_ms:1652996651008.6104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2859234304 nr_ops:2792221
+timestamp_ms:1652996652009.7078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929820672 nr_ops:2861153
+timestamp_ms:1652996653010.8005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000562688 nr_ops:2930237
+timestamp_ms:1652996654011.8889 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3071253504 nr_ops:2999271
+timestamp_ms:1652996655012.9814 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3142028288 nr_ops:3068387
+timestamp_ms:1652996656014.0696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3212768256 nr_ops:3137469
+timestamp_ms:1652996657015.1704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3283303424 nr_ops:3206351
+timestamp_ms:1652996658016.2644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3354180608 nr_ops:3275567
+timestamp_ms:1652996659017.3867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424826368 nr_ops:3344557
+timestamp_ms:1652996660018.4785 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3495703552 nr_ops:3413773
+timestamp_ms:1652996661019.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3566470144 nr_ops:3482881
+timestamp_ms:1652996662020.6594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3637212160 nr_ops:3551965
+timestamp_ms:1652996663021.7529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3708056576 nr_ops:3621149
+timestamp_ms:1652996664022.7915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3778833408 nr_ops:3690267
+timestamp_ms:1652996665023.8823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3849628672 nr_ops:3759403
+timestamp_ms:1652996666024.9736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3920360448 nr_ops:3828477
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140034711516928
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652996667226.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3990832128 nr_ops:3897297
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996667226.3398 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996667226.3501 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996667326.5276 name:Total nr_bytes:3990832128 nr_ops:3897298
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996667226.4597 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7981664254 nr_ops:7794596
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996667226.4612 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3990832128 nr_ops:3897300
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 363.17us 0.00ns 363.17us 363.17us
+Txn1 1948649 30.28us 0.00ns 208.79ms 18.43us
+Txn2 1 56.46us 0.00ns 56.46us 56.46us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 362.29us 0.00ns 362.29us 362.29us
+write 1948649 2.40us 0.00ns 258.91us 2.16us
+read 1948648 27.80us 0.00ns 208.79ms 933.00ns
+disconnect 1 55.34us 0.00ns 55.34us 55.34us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 31756 31756 276.91Mb/s 276.91Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 799.42b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.160 61.36s 3.72GB 520.28Mb/s 3897299 0.00
+master 61.36s 3.72GB 520.28Mb/s 3897300 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:28.965000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:28.965000', 'bytes': 71347200, 'norm_byte': 71347200, 'ops': 69675, 'norm_ops': 69675, 'norm_ltcy': 14.367094994617869, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:28.965000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:28.965000",
+ "bytes": 71347200,
+ "norm_byte": 71347200,
+ "ops": 69675,
+ "norm_ops": 69675,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.367094994617869,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "345d322d98ceafceba3b563868163ff353d37feac1ddcc2343fa324621ce7e36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:29.965000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:29.965000', 'bytes': 127851520, 'norm_byte': 56504320, 'ops': 124855, 'norm_ops': 55180, 'norm_ltcy': 18.137276937409386, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:29.965000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:29.965000",
+ "bytes": 127851520,
+ "norm_byte": 56504320,
+ "ops": 124855,
+ "norm_ops": 55180,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.137276937409386,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2e565a668019aede3f96f6aa2beaf8a713a0f822c31e4fab600a0619fb5e958",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:30.966000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:30.966000', 'bytes': 199758848, 'norm_byte': 71907328, 'ops': 195077, 'norm_ops': 70222, 'norm_ltcy': 14.254812805726838, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:30.966000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:30.966000",
+ "bytes": 199758848,
+ "norm_byte": 71907328,
+ "ops": 195077,
+ "norm_ops": 70222,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.254812805726838,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e46ed8bdb47d37e6f2ea7f562d455e9c7b06eafd6ccc9534209a5eab3a5d55b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:31.967000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:31.967000', 'bytes': 271739904, 'norm_byte': 71981056, 'ops': 265371, 'norm_ops': 70294, 'norm_ltcy': 14.240191196972715, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:31.967000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:31.967000",
+ "bytes": 271739904,
+ "norm_byte": 71981056,
+ "ops": 265371,
+ "norm_ops": 70294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.240191196972715,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0028f06a61f7aa4100594603df44375bb76389e319126c0126eeceb9d825c873",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:32.968000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:32.968000', 'bytes': 343794688, 'norm_byte': 72054784, 'ops': 335737, 'norm_ops': 70366, 'norm_ltcy': 14.225630736746085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:32.968000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:32.968000",
+ "bytes": 343794688,
+ "norm_byte": 72054784,
+ "ops": 335737,
+ "norm_ops": 70366,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.225630736746085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be6d817c67cdb7f0d3a32e4f640f647dc0edd9263feb8156cbd008be3f79c071",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:33.969000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:33.969000', 'bytes': 415951872, 'norm_byte': 72157184, 'ops': 406203, 'norm_ops': 70466, 'norm_ltcy': 14.205418548484376, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:33.969000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:33.969000",
+ "bytes": 415951872,
+ "norm_byte": 72157184,
+ "ops": 406203,
+ "norm_ops": 70466,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.205418548484376,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e5489fc948de578c6776cd64a41bf264ee300e3df2b4a4cdc0610e238e7f9d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:34.970000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:34.970000', 'bytes': 487982080, 'norm_byte': 72030208, 'ops': 476545, 'norm_ops': 70342, 'norm_ltcy': 14.230966818810241, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:34.970000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:34.970000",
+ "bytes": 487982080,
+ "norm_byte": 72030208,
+ "ops": 476545,
+ "norm_ops": 70342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.230966818810241,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fabaa0d3db8c5427fd5e14b88320dabddf8c0e8d207ccd05dce97f7047c85f2d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:35.971000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:35.971000', 'bytes': 559959040, 'norm_byte': 71976960, 'ops': 546835, 'norm_ops': 70290, 'norm_ltcy': 14.242404791755582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:35.971000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:35.971000",
+ "bytes": 559959040,
+ "norm_byte": 71976960,
+ "ops": 546835,
+ "norm_ops": 70290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.242404791755582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "657c932b46b3cfc7fbf7f16e9c9352c976690fcf150e6a7272828ec1aeb0a320",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:36.973000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:36.973000', 'bytes': 632067072, 'norm_byte': 72108032, 'ops': 617253, 'norm_ops': 70418, 'norm_ltcy': 14.216429454072468, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:36.973000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:36.973000",
+ "bytes": 632067072,
+ "norm_byte": 72108032,
+ "ops": 617253,
+ "norm_ops": 70418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.216429454072468,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c7c68449036166bf98c6ffbd34d92c1eb278a795dbfa1e0cd2f66eb9e0f49c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:37.973000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:37.973000', 'bytes': 704115712, 'norm_byte': 72048640, 'ops': 687613, 'norm_ops': 70360, 'norm_ltcy': 14.22354745349808, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:37.973000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:37.973000",
+ "bytes": 704115712,
+ "norm_byte": 72048640,
+ "ops": 687613,
+ "norm_ops": 70360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.22354745349808,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18f87c5a4d8c9c34689b3bbb059535823bf25d28086431f6bc37d514bc0f2b96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:38.974000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:38.974000', 'bytes': 776122368, 'norm_byte': 72006656, 'ops': 757932, 'norm_ops': 70319, 'norm_ltcy': 14.235173620616406, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:38.974000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:38.974000",
+ "bytes": 776122368,
+ "norm_byte": 72006656,
+ "ops": 757932,
+ "norm_ops": 70319,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.235173620616406,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6f99c4beae0bda08658d20e6785862424de4f61e98518d26afd7dce0c0547c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:39.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:39.975000', 'bytes': 847604736, 'norm_byte': 71482368, 'ops': 827739, 'norm_ops': 69807, 'norm_ltcy': 14.340095728222098, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:39.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:39.975000",
+ "bytes": 847604736,
+ "norm_byte": 71482368,
+ "ops": 827739,
+ "norm_ops": 69807,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.340095728222098,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3df6fc294bd41da7f9622498b0bfa9cb2418d3f05b254496e30b6d67c8a7a303",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:40.976000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:40.976000', 'bytes': 919104512, 'norm_byte': 71499776, 'ops': 897563, 'norm_ops': 69824, 'norm_ltcy': 14.33551693924188, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:40.976000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:40.976000",
+ "bytes": 919104512,
+ "norm_byte": 71499776,
+ "ops": 897563,
+ "norm_ops": 69824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.33551693924188,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e21130cac2ddf7b66ca428c558c3425a735dc5fda68868aa00a6f434729fb2d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:41.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:41.977000', 'bytes': 991102976, 'norm_byte': 71998464, 'ops': 967874, 'norm_ops': 70311, 'norm_ltcy': 14.238046800553967, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:41.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:41.977000",
+ "bytes": 991102976,
+ "norm_byte": 71998464,
+ "ops": 967874,
+ "norm_ops": 70311,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.238046800553967,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84697f2048678dd7360b55e7c80fdceb9fa62466e06d004c17dbcc590ffb3a08",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:42.978000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:42.978000', 'bytes': 1062951936, 'norm_byte': 71848960, 'ops': 1038039, 'norm_ops': 70165, 'norm_ltcy': 14.265035986603007, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:42.978000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:42.978000",
+ "bytes": 1062951936,
+ "norm_byte": 71848960,
+ "ops": 1038039,
+ "norm_ops": 70165,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.265035986603007,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7204518c10f6d6e7bb267e7b7e9f00bf0b84b5efe8a86d0b0334758bf91a3da9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:43.979000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:43.979000', 'bytes': 1119593472, 'norm_byte': 56641536, 'ops': 1093353, 'norm_ops': 55314, 'norm_ltcy': 18.096671142533985, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:43.979000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:43.979000",
+ "bytes": 1119593472,
+ "norm_byte": 56641536,
+ "ops": 1093353,
+ "norm_ops": 55314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.096671142533985,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "181e2f333d4ab5dc230474457891d61901cb35238d3f835e0e23894983643085",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:44.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:44.980000', 'bytes': 1191020544, 'norm_byte': 71427072, 'ops': 1163106, 'norm_ops': 69753, 'norm_ltcy': 14.350633748503649, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:44.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:44.980000",
+ "bytes": 1191020544,
+ "norm_byte": 71427072,
+ "ops": 1163106,
+ "norm_ops": 69753,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.350633748503649,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e1821dfd00501dc1fb1f54e0f9eb2c1a1d4e30386b5abec33d36bb2cf426ef2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:45.981000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:45.981000', 'bytes': 1262985216, 'norm_byte': 71964672, 'ops': 1233384, 'norm_ops': 70278, 'norm_ltcy': 14.243440170199067, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:45.981000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:45.981000",
+ "bytes": 1262985216,
+ "norm_byte": 71964672,
+ "ops": 1233384,
+ "norm_ops": 70278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.243440170199067,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74ffe94740ef96f3e0e6de8f71aa18d6b9371feaeaf51323fdd7bb6d5109f9fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:46.982000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:46.982000', 'bytes': 1320164352, 'norm_byte': 57179136, 'ops': 1289223, 'norm_ops': 55839, 'norm_ltcy': 17.926512565702286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:46.982000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:46.982000",
+ "bytes": 1320164352,
+ "norm_byte": 57179136,
+ "ops": 1289223,
+ "norm_ops": 55839,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.926512565702286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0cdf1d7f1636647fd93fb67951c488e590319d8a5e6cc3a754cce2c07a4a2723",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:47.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:47.983000', 'bytes': 1392235520, 'norm_byte': 72071168, 'ops': 1359605, 'norm_ops': 70382, 'norm_ltcy': 14.222473125452884, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:47.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:47.983000",
+ "bytes": 1392235520,
+ "norm_byte": 72071168,
+ "ops": 1359605,
+ "norm_ops": 70382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.222473125452884,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28e610817ac542cc6df7d7d5b765f0f474dde18d796d93c4261e08dddd659250",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:48.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:48.984000', 'bytes': 1464368128, 'norm_byte': 72132608, 'ops': 1430047, 'norm_ops': 70442, 'norm_ltcy': 14.21158929953011, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:48.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:48.984000",
+ "bytes": 1464368128,
+ "norm_byte": 72132608,
+ "ops": 1430047,
+ "norm_ops": 70442,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.21158929953011,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6358e3e7fecfe5d4dd001b1fc90d0741029369ea58f3465ca9e26cd573942f64",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:49.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:49.986000', 'bytes': 1536375808, 'norm_byte': 72007680, 'ops': 1500367, 'norm_ops': 70320, 'norm_ltcy': 14.236210637531997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:49.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:49.986000",
+ "bytes": 1536375808,
+ "norm_byte": 72007680,
+ "ops": 1500367,
+ "norm_ops": 70320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.236210637531997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33ced99f779fa90766fdf467865cf759c878238ed3bd69f8edcd256aaacfd041",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:50.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:50.987000', 'bytes': 1607741440, 'norm_byte': 71365632, 'ops': 1570060, 'norm_ops': 69693, 'norm_ltcy': 14.3643301582476, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:50.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:50.987000",
+ "bytes": 1607741440,
+ "norm_byte": 71365632,
+ "ops": 1570060,
+ "norm_ops": 69693,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.3643301582476,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2fdfb8ab47a4daf280197c07985835638a7c68817eb02bb3dcff872427652d00",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:51.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:51.988000', 'bytes': 1657529344, 'norm_byte': 49787904, 'ops': 1618681, 'norm_ops': 48621, 'norm_ltcy': 20.589865562526995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:51.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:51.988000",
+ "bytes": 1657529344,
+ "norm_byte": 49787904,
+ "ops": 1618681,
+ "norm_ops": 48621,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.589865562526995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da2c5757df77671fbdaacb1b1e8755f439a2b7a405aa651c991d0772e5cc0a63",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:52.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:52.988000', 'bytes': 1706599424, 'norm_byte': 49070080, 'ops': 1666601, 'norm_ops': 47920, 'norm_ltcy': 20.881135714472034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:52.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:52.988000",
+ "bytes": 1706599424,
+ "norm_byte": 49070080,
+ "ops": 1666601,
+ "norm_ops": 47920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.881135714472034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d93f1673750a3fee149c1434bbff6f56a11cb45e1feef0f4555b87a2db0efc24",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:53.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:53.989000', 'bytes': 1778189312, 'norm_byte': 71589888, 'ops': 1736513, 'norm_ops': 69912, 'norm_ltcy': 14.319543285219275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:53.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:53.989000",
+ "bytes": 1778189312,
+ "norm_byte": 71589888,
+ "ops": 1736513,
+ "norm_ops": 69912,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.319543285219275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16754998b4fd094f98b7c88538a13d000b425dbc003e2400a3800afab55d8f15",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:54.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:54.991000', 'bytes': 1834810368, 'norm_byte': 56621056, 'ops': 1791807, 'norm_ops': 55294, 'norm_ltcy': 18.104854844106054, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:54.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:54.991000",
+ "bytes": 1834810368,
+ "norm_byte": 56621056,
+ "ops": 1791807,
+ "norm_ops": 55294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.104854844106054,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80eddb37a13eb48c24454652ad2a9864c7c014391706af5a3a888601045eae1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:55.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:55.992000', 'bytes': 1906289664, 'norm_byte': 71479296, 'ops': 1861611, 'norm_ops': 69804, 'norm_ltcy': 14.340715526912856, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:55.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:55.992000",
+ "bytes": 1906289664,
+ "norm_byte": 71479296,
+ "ops": 1861611,
+ "norm_ops": 69804,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.340715526912856,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "057d10a11a838265682d86db0d06565146b06d669003131ac74ea3a9efd9d7ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:56.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:56.993000', 'bytes': 1964168192, 'norm_byte': 57878528, 'ops': 1918133, 'norm_ops': 56522, 'norm_ltcy': 17.71181015522717, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:56.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:56.993000",
+ "bytes": 1964168192,
+ "norm_byte": 57878528,
+ "ops": 1918133,
+ "norm_ops": 56522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.71181015522717,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e6e741de08f56d452f52874c43bac5723bfbd3d7ae6e156e7b17ecdc2e05d27",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:57.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:57.994000', 'bytes': 2020174848, 'norm_byte': 56006656, 'ops': 1972827, 'norm_ops': 54694, 'norm_ltcy': 18.30385124225235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:57.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:57.994000",
+ "bytes": 2020174848,
+ "norm_byte": 56006656,
+ "ops": 1972827,
+ "norm_ops": 54694,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.30385124225235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85a4dbdf7740f81a22946a026f38f40b892fc6d693499a041acac18ff8a507c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:58.995000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:58.995000', 'bytes': 2091635712, 'norm_byte': 71460864, 'ops': 2042613, 'norm_ops': 69786, 'norm_ltcy': 14.345138620210358, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:58.995000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:58.995000",
+ "bytes": 2091635712,
+ "norm_byte": 71460864,
+ "ops": 2042613,
+ "norm_ops": 69786,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.345138620210358,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "236cf1cc9d880421742c05389a55a8e3a232e4988a18addda21ae2d2d5501a96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:43:59.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:43:59.996000', 'bytes': 2163162112, 'norm_byte': 71526400, 'ops': 2112463, 'norm_ops': 69850, 'norm_ltcy': 14.331994899785254, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:43:59.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:43:59.996000",
+ "bytes": 2163162112,
+ "norm_byte": 71526400,
+ "ops": 2112463,
+ "norm_ops": 69850,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.331994899785254,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66dcbb4d2b55954e1c4ca2ed8eab5672ecf832807fcca272f44067a951ab59f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:00.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:00.997000', 'bytes': 2234557440, 'norm_byte': 71395328, 'ops': 2182185, 'norm_ops': 69722, 'norm_ltcy': 14.358474548922866, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:00.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:00.997000",
+ "bytes": 2234557440,
+ "norm_byte": 71395328,
+ "ops": 2182185,
+ "norm_ops": 69722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.358474548922866,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6f17d8997aae347d3638589ecd6f8a285d872a266b8d481652cc4a576f603f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:01.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:01.998000', 'bytes': 2291291136, 'norm_byte': 56733696, 'ops': 2237589, 'norm_ops': 55404, 'norm_ltcy': 18.068970863453, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:01.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:01.998000",
+ "bytes": 2291291136,
+ "norm_byte": 56733696,
+ "ops": 2237589,
+ "norm_ops": 55404,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.068970863453,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a3721a108a20bd0625cbda172122952ab10b1c4c793f7802448960057cfabcc1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:02.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:02.999000', 'bytes': 2363075584, 'norm_byte': 71784448, 'ops': 2307691, 'norm_ops': 70102, 'norm_ltcy': 14.28057926976049, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:02.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:02.999000",
+ "bytes": 2363075584,
+ "norm_byte": 71784448,
+ "ops": 2307691,
+ "norm_ops": 70102,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.28057926976049,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d396085da3d2299f85fcb1ed10784030e61bf044d52a85359cf4e37958dadf5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:04', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:04', 'bytes': 2420012032, 'norm_byte': 56936448, 'ops': 2363293, 'norm_ops': 55602, 'norm_ltcy': 18.004613670315365, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:04",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:04",
+ "bytes": 2420012032,
+ "norm_byte": 56936448,
+ "ops": 2363293,
+ "norm_ops": 55602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.004613670315365,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "915be3ea3de5fde9eb8117164d139ca477a8e2ddaadde064ad4cf6e67e33f885",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:05.001000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:05.001000', 'bytes': 2476531712, 'norm_byte': 56519680, 'ops': 2418488, 'norm_ops': 55195, 'norm_ltcy': 18.13739479770586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:05.001000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:05.001000",
+ "bytes": 2476531712,
+ "norm_byte": 56519680,
+ "ops": 2418488,
+ "norm_ops": 55195,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.13739479770586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55751c3362de0159f9f6c1e71eddcd0f600e746ae84acf6b9b1e5ecb7388ec64",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:06.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:06.003000', 'bytes': 2547612672, 'norm_byte': 71080960, 'ops': 2487903, 'norm_ops': 69415, 'norm_ltcy': 14.421945764379096, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:06.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:06.003000",
+ "bytes": 2547612672,
+ "norm_byte": 71080960,
+ "ops": 2487903,
+ "norm_ops": 69415,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.421945764379096,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e9b6e288a0f9084f7db4edf7d479385f13b6e0ae98fa3e82d6572397b87a1b45",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:07.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:07.004000', 'bytes': 2589125632, 'norm_byte': 41512960, 'ops': 2528443, 'norm_ops': 40540, 'norm_ltcy': 24.694101552864456, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:07.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:07.004000",
+ "bytes": 2589125632,
+ "norm_byte": 41512960,
+ "ops": 2528443,
+ "norm_ops": 40540,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.694101552864456,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c177d95765f30cbb4f1769592e783a9706b7af8075a56e8dd0da5ed5ad9cc48",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:08.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:08.005000', 'bytes': 2660080640, 'norm_byte': 70955008, 'ops': 2597735, 'norm_ops': 69292, 'norm_ltcy': 14.448765194981021, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:08.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:08.005000",
+ "bytes": 2660080640,
+ "norm_byte": 70955008,
+ "ops": 2597735,
+ "norm_ops": 69292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.448765194981021,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f2de5facd84606f35d9c27e8d44eeaebfacf6cdf13601b538292080347180a8e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:09.006000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:09.006000', 'bytes': 2731370496, 'norm_byte': 71289856, 'ops': 2667354, 'norm_ops': 69619, 'norm_ltcy': 14.37954230122165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:09.006000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:09.006000",
+ "bytes": 2731370496,
+ "norm_byte": 71289856,
+ "ops": 2667354,
+ "norm_ops": 69619,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.37954230122165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6d4be464ab90ffe9baf45d9c5ebc955d59cb821ffa0f5005095814d52572308",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:10.007000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:10.007000', 'bytes': 2802758656, 'norm_byte': 71388160, 'ops': 2737069, 'norm_ops': 69715, 'norm_ltcy': 14.359776186975544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:10.007000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:10.007000",
+ "bytes": 2802758656,
+ "norm_byte": 71388160,
+ "ops": 2737069,
+ "norm_ops": 69715,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.359776186975544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f262681a01c3c2b729cc438e53b19ab29f0b2b545b01f48677928db5b3f985a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:11.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:11.008000', 'bytes': 2859234304, 'norm_byte': 56475648, 'ops': 2792221, 'norm_ops': 55152, 'norm_ltcy': 18.151522581909994, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:11.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:11.008000",
+ "bytes": 2859234304,
+ "norm_byte": 56475648,
+ "ops": 2792221,
+ "norm_ops": 55152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.151522581909994,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00e419359763d80e99a804498578accf4570fef9b18a531d498b71214946f468",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:12.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:12.009000', 'bytes': 2929820672, 'norm_byte': 70586368, 'ops': 2861153, 'norm_ops': 68932, 'norm_ltcy': 14.522970639316647, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:12.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:12.009000",
+ "bytes": 2929820672,
+ "norm_byte": 70586368,
+ "ops": 2861153,
+ "norm_ops": 68932,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.522970639316647,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a85f6770d66a607745b5bf6bd8dadb8ef48cfc183a95da1cd9e027b681b0cde2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:13.010000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:13.010000', 'bytes': 3000562688, 'norm_byte': 70742016, 'ops': 2930237, 'norm_ops': 69084, 'norm_ltcy': 14.490949763150656, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:13.010000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:13.010000",
+ "bytes": 3000562688,
+ "norm_byte": 70742016,
+ "ops": 2930237,
+ "norm_ops": 69084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.490949763150656,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bdbc38509eae6bf4f396baf60831013ed1c164b7320d4385d81d6d6b9e8b36b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:14.011000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:14.011000', 'bytes': 3071253504, 'norm_byte': 70690816, 'ops': 2999271, 'norm_ops': 69034, 'norm_ltcy': 14.50138162218979, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:14.011000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:14.011000",
+ "bytes": 3071253504,
+ "norm_byte": 70690816,
+ "ops": 2999271,
+ "norm_ops": 69034,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.50138162218979,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7bee0712697bd3d869dff1d44648be213e34245335671a01eb73900b2ffad43",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:15.012000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:15.012000', 'bytes': 3142028288, 'norm_byte': 70774784, 'ops': 3068387, 'norm_ops': 69116, 'norm_ltcy': 14.484237069518997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:15.012000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:15.012000",
+ "bytes": 3142028288,
+ "norm_byte": 70774784,
+ "ops": 3068387,
+ "norm_ops": 69116,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.484237069518997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e17daaa4812595a67b1243c0f23856f8e4237434794d2461afbc5cde6eb82e68",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:16.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:16.014000', 'bytes': 3212768256, 'norm_byte': 70739968, 'ops': 3137469, 'norm_ops': 69082, 'norm_ltcy': 14.49130214477903, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:16.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:16.014000",
+ "bytes": 3212768256,
+ "norm_byte": 70739968,
+ "ops": 3137469,
+ "norm_ops": 69082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.49130214477903,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5f6dce2e26884f8203f2504a26fd8d97a6588ffac5782d6988f52a6da870e5f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:17.015000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:17.015000', 'bytes': 3283303424, 'norm_byte': 70535168, 'ops': 3206351, 'norm_ops': 68882, 'norm_ltcy': 14.53356217993271, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:17.015000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:17.015000",
+ "bytes": 3283303424,
+ "norm_byte": 70535168,
+ "ops": 3206351,
+ "norm_ops": 68882,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.53356217993271,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e88df7564f81443745226ea2e705572d735d6ddc6f3996bc34320481940b8e73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:18.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:18.016000', 'bytes': 3354180608, 'norm_byte': 70877184, 'ops': 3275567, 'norm_ops': 69216, 'norm_ltcy': 14.46333209287773, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:18.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:18.016000",
+ "bytes": 3354180608,
+ "norm_byte": 70877184,
+ "ops": 3275567,
+ "norm_ops": 69216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.46333209287773,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "58445f71ba6d60cc390d3f81328e2a66d9c518d26ca94aaff9f593ff16225c9b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:19.017000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:19.017000', 'bytes': 3424826368, 'norm_byte': 70645760, 'ops': 3344557, 'norm_ops': 68990, 'norm_ltcy': 14.511122111220828, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:19.017000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:19.017000",
+ "bytes": 3424826368,
+ "norm_byte": 70645760,
+ "ops": 3344557,
+ "norm_ops": 68990,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.511122111220828,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "414ff7dba61958caeec67341029b58813582a73b9d6dd9ddf6e28385209aa14a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:20.018000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:20.018000', 'bytes': 3495703552, 'norm_byte': 70877184, 'ops': 3413773, 'norm_ops': 69216, 'norm_ltcy': 14.463300347824202, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:20.018000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:20.018000",
+ "bytes": 3495703552,
+ "norm_byte": 70877184,
+ "ops": 3413773,
+ "norm_ops": 69216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.463300347824202,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "38224e9a79ef0a6794c9d81d452af315507911d172afdd725565c8389b4c87ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:21.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:21.019000', 'bytes': 3566470144, 'norm_byte': 70766592, 'ops': 3482881, 'norm_ops': 69108, 'norm_ltcy': 14.48584665487353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:21.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:21.019000",
+ "bytes": 3566470144,
+ "norm_byte": 70766592,
+ "ops": 3482881,
+ "norm_ops": 69108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.48584665487353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "934529a7a6836de408a57b5c0718c0121565b66042960bbdac5c5e5a52ec78ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:22.020000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:22.020000', 'bytes': 3637212160, 'norm_byte': 70742016, 'ops': 3551965, 'norm_ops': 69084, 'norm_ltcy': 14.490953297118363, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:22.020000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:22.020000",
+ "bytes": 3637212160,
+ "norm_byte": 70742016,
+ "ops": 3551965,
+ "norm_ops": 69084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.490953297118363,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30f86f983dfd1079d21014350c1835a0c55818a7be7897327f779a3bbcf55a76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:23.021000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:23.021000', 'bytes': 3708056576, 'norm_byte': 70844416, 'ops': 3621149, 'norm_ops': 69184, 'norm_ltcy': 14.470014827985878, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:23.021000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:23.021000",
+ "bytes": 3708056576,
+ "norm_byte": 70844416,
+ "ops": 3621149,
+ "norm_ops": 69184,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.470014827985878,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9e716dbb5d5e1b8d0849096e22d48d2b06ae0141ade672533ded4d600159327",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:24.022000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:24.022000', 'bytes': 3778833408, 'norm_byte': 70776832, 'ops': 3690267, 'norm_ops': 69118, 'norm_ltcy': 14.483037330633843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:24.022000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:24.022000",
+ "bytes": 3778833408,
+ "norm_byte": 70776832,
+ "ops": 3690267,
+ "norm_ops": 69118,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.483037330633843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4180214bf3b816ffe27ee9e92386ea814210458e29a9bb5a21adc9ecb8ec5753",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:25.023000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:25.023000', 'bytes': 3849628672, 'norm_byte': 70795264, 'ops': 3759403, 'norm_ops': 69136, 'norm_ltcy': 14.480022279456435, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:25.023000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:25.023000",
+ "bytes": 3849628672,
+ "norm_byte": 70795264,
+ "ops": 3759403,
+ "norm_ops": 69136,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.480022279456435,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5176de4dd85e49e8f1c4e5c71ab0e5ced1a6d1b84a87f2aeb6df4af8df24a4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:26.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:26.024000', 'bytes': 3920360448, 'norm_byte': 70731776, 'ops': 3828477, 'norm_ops': 69074, 'norm_ltcy': 14.493026444012942, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:26.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:26.024000",
+ "bytes": 3920360448,
+ "norm_byte": 70731776,
+ "ops": 3828477,
+ "norm_ops": 69074,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.493026444012942,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8c257481e8367010753841d64de6f1def0265195a5c4beefad4b7471a299a84",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:44:27.226000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:44:27.226000', 'bytes': 3990832128, 'norm_byte': 70471680, 'ops': 3897297, 'norm_ops': 68820, 'norm_ltcy': 17.455448060838055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:44:27.226000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:44:27.226000",
+ "bytes": 3990832128,
+ "norm_byte": 70471680,
+ "ops": 3897297,
+ "norm_ops": 68820,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.455448060838055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "19b857df-3935-59a0-86c6-3d1c31c43ff2",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77094f031dd2ade3c01c12797c3b13db87c1af7338f255cf021de20363511f03",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 67641222.50847457
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 66055.8813559322
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 18.532452674279803
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:44:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-065-220519214043/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-065-220519214043/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8de8a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-065-220519214043/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-065-220519214043/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-065-220519214043/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-065-220519214043/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-065-220519214043/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-065-220519214043/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..060e670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-065-220519214043/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=120
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-066-220519214244/220519214244-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-066-220519214244/220519214244-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e20e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-066-220519214244/220519214244-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:45:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996728770.5374 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996729770.8513 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996729770.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996730771.9717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46216192 nr_ops:45133\ntimestamp_ms:1652996731773.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98843648 nr_ops:96527\ntimestamp_ms:1652996732773.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:151073792 nr_ops:147533\ntimestamp_ms:1652996733774.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:196582400 nr_ops:191975\ntimestamp_ms:1652996734775.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240636928 nr_ops:234997\ntimestamp_ms:1652996735777.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:284754944 nr_ops:278081\ntimestamp_ms:1652996736778.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:328969216 nr_ops:321259\ntimestamp_ms:1652996737779.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:374928384 nr_ops:366141\ntimestamp_ms:1652996738780.3186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:419337216 nr_ops:409509\ntimestamp_ms:1652996739781.4128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:463232000 nr_ops:452375\ntimestamp_ms:1652996740782.5149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511495168 nr_ops:499507\ntimestamp_ms:1652996741783.6250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:562762752 nr_ops:549573\ntimestamp_ms:1652996742784.7197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612551680 nr_ops:598195\ntimestamp_ms:1652996743785.7607 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:658514944 nr_ops:643081\ntimestamp_ms:1652996744786.8525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702056448 nr_ops:685602\ntimestamp_ms:1652996745787.9519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:745915392 nr_ops:728433\ntimestamp_ms:1652996746789.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:789922816 nr_ops:771409\ntimestamp_ms:1652996747790.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:833041408 nr_ops:813517\ntimestamp_ms:1652996748791.2432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:877149184 nr_ops:856591\ntimestamp_ms:1652996749792.3376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:927843328 nr_ops:906097\ntimestamp_ms:1652996750793.4460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978457600 nr_ops:955525\ntimestamp_ms:1652996751794.4927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1028146176 nr_ops:1004049\ntimestamp_ms:1652996752795.5925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077300224 nr_ops:1052051\ntimestamp_ms:1652996753796.6875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1126568960 nr_ops:1100165\ntimestamp_ms:1652996754797.7915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1176900608 nr_ops:1149317\ntimestamp_ms:1652996755798.9143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1228057600 nr_ops:1199275\ntimestamp_ms:1652996756800.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1276165120 nr_ops:1246255\ntimestamp_ms:1652996757801.1099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1320483840 nr_ops:1289535\ntimestamp_ms:1652996758802.2097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1364589568 nr_ops:1332607\ntimestamp_ms:1652996759802.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408787456 nr_ops:1375769\ntimestamp_ms:1652996760803.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1452837888 nr_ops:1418787\ntimestamp_ms:1652996761805.0417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1496939520 nr_ops:1461855\ntimestamp_ms:1652996762806.1367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1541121024 nr_ops:1505001\ntimestamp_ms:1652996763806.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587244032 nr_ops:1550043\ntimestamp_ms:1652996764807.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1632997376 nr_ops:1594724\ntimestamp_ms:1652996765809.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1676954624 nr_ops:1637651\ntimestamp_ms:1652996766809.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721076736 nr_ops:1680739\ntimestamp_ms:1652996767810.9351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1764977664 nr_ops:1723611\ntimestamp_ms:1652996768812.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1809034240 nr_ops:1766635\ntimestamp_ms:1652996769813.1204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1853101056 nr_ops:1809669\ntimestamp_ms:1652996770814.2136 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1897102336 nr_ops:1852639\ntimestamp_ms:1652996771815.3157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1940931584 nr_ops:1895441\ntimestamp_ms:1652996772816.4126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1984707584 nr_ops:1938191\ntimestamp_ms:1652996773817.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029093888 nr_ops:1981537\ntimestamp_ms:1652996774818.6021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2073289728 nr_ops:2024697\ntimestamp_ms:1652996775819.7031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117059584 nr_ops:2067441\ntimestamp_ms:1652996776820.7986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2161052672 nr_ops:2110403\ntimestamp_ms:1652996777821.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205174784 nr_ops:2153491\ntimestamp_ms:1652996778822.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2249126912 nr_ops:2196413\ntimestamp_ms:1652996779823.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2293210112 nr_ops:2239463\ntimestamp_ms:1652996780825.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2337455104 nr_ops:2282671\ntimestamp_ms:1652996781826.1411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2381458432 nr_ops:2325643\ntimestamp_ms:1652996782827.2444 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2425254912 nr_ops:2368413\ntimestamp_ms:1652996783828.3337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469628928 nr_ops:2411747\ntimestamp_ms:1652996784829.4338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2513841152 nr_ops:2454923\ntimestamp_ms:1652996785830.5386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2558159872 nr_ops:2498203\ntimestamp_ms:1652996786831.6301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602513408 nr_ops:2541517\ntimestamp_ms:1652996787832.7236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2647043072 nr_ops:2585003\ntimestamp_ms:1652996788833.7717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2691087360 nr_ops:2628015\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139660779575040\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.1143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2735326208 nr_ops:2671217\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.2009 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.2114 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790135.4392 name:Total nr_bytes:2735326208 nr_ops:2671218\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.2639 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5470652414 nr_ops:5342436\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.2656 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2735326208 nr_ops:2671220\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 458.26us 0.00ns 458.26us 458.26us \nTxn1 1335609 44.94us 0.00ns 6.15ms 18.48us \nTxn2 1 52.15us 0.00ns 52.15us 52.15us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 457.34us 0.00ns 457.34us 457.34us \nwrite 1335609 2.46us 0.00ns 369.92us 2.14us \nread 1335608 42.40us 0.00ns 6.15ms 1.44us \ndisconnect 1 51.47us 0.00ns 51.47us 51.47us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 21416 21416 186.74Mb/s 186.74Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.58b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.161 62.37s 2.55GB 350.87Mb/s 2671220 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.55GB 350.87Mb/s 2671220 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416144, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996728770.5374 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996729770.8513 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996729770.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996730771.9717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46216192 nr_ops:45133\ntimestamp_ms:1652996731773.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98843648 nr_ops:96527\ntimestamp_ms:1652996732773.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:151073792 nr_ops:147533\ntimestamp_ms:1652996733774.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:196582400 nr_ops:191975\ntimestamp_ms:1652996734775.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240636928 nr_ops:234997\ntimestamp_ms:1652996735777.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:284754944 nr_ops:278081\ntimestamp_ms:1652996736778.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:328969216 nr_ops:321259\ntimestamp_ms:1652996737779.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:374928384 nr_ops:366141\ntimestamp_ms:1652996738780.3186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:419337216 nr_ops:409509\ntimestamp_ms:1652996739781.4128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:463232000 nr_ops:452375\ntimestamp_ms:1652996740782.5149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511495168 nr_ops:499507\ntimestamp_ms:1652996741783.6250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:562762752 nr_ops:549573\ntimestamp_ms:1652996742784.7197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612551680 nr_ops:598195\ntimestamp_ms:1652996743785.7607 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:658514944 nr_ops:643081\ntimestamp_ms:1652996744786.8525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702056448 nr_ops:685602\ntimestamp_ms:1652996745787.9519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:745915392 nr_ops:728433\ntimestamp_ms:1652996746789.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:789922816 nr_ops:771409\ntimestamp_ms:1652996747790.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:833041408 nr_ops:813517\ntimestamp_ms:1652996748791.2432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:877149184 nr_ops:856591\ntimestamp_ms:1652996749792.3376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:927843328 nr_ops:906097\ntimestamp_ms:1652996750793.4460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978457600 nr_ops:955525\ntimestamp_ms:1652996751794.4927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1028146176 nr_ops:1004049\ntimestamp_ms:1652996752795.5925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077300224 nr_ops:1052051\ntimestamp_ms:1652996753796.6875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1126568960 nr_ops:1100165\ntimestamp_ms:1652996754797.7915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1176900608 nr_ops:1149317\ntimestamp_ms:1652996755798.9143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1228057600 nr_ops:1199275\ntimestamp_ms:1652996756800.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1276165120 nr_ops:1246255\ntimestamp_ms:1652996757801.1099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1320483840 nr_ops:1289535\ntimestamp_ms:1652996758802.2097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1364589568 nr_ops:1332607\ntimestamp_ms:1652996759802.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408787456 nr_ops:1375769\ntimestamp_ms:1652996760803.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1452837888 nr_ops:1418787\ntimestamp_ms:1652996761805.0417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1496939520 nr_ops:1461855\ntimestamp_ms:1652996762806.1367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1541121024 nr_ops:1505001\ntimestamp_ms:1652996763806.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587244032 nr_ops:1550043\ntimestamp_ms:1652996764807.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1632997376 nr_ops:1594724\ntimestamp_ms:1652996765809.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1676954624 nr_ops:1637651\ntimestamp_ms:1652996766809.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721076736 nr_ops:1680739\ntimestamp_ms:1652996767810.9351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1764977664 nr_ops:1723611\ntimestamp_ms:1652996768812.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1809034240 nr_ops:1766635\ntimestamp_ms:1652996769813.1204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1853101056 nr_ops:1809669\ntimestamp_ms:1652996770814.2136 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1897102336 nr_ops:1852639\ntimestamp_ms:1652996771815.3157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1940931584 nr_ops:1895441\ntimestamp_ms:1652996772816.4126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1984707584 nr_ops:1938191\ntimestamp_ms:1652996773817.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029093888 nr_ops:1981537\ntimestamp_ms:1652996774818.6021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2073289728 nr_ops:2024697\ntimestamp_ms:1652996775819.7031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117059584 nr_ops:2067441\ntimestamp_ms:1652996776820.7986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2161052672 nr_ops:2110403\ntimestamp_ms:1652996777821.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205174784 nr_ops:2153491\ntimestamp_ms:1652996778822.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2249126912 nr_ops:2196413\ntimestamp_ms:1652996779823.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2293210112 nr_ops:2239463\ntimestamp_ms:1652996780825.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2337455104 nr_ops:2282671\ntimestamp_ms:1652996781826.1411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2381458432 nr_ops:2325643\ntimestamp_ms:1652996782827.2444 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2425254912 nr_ops:2368413\ntimestamp_ms:1652996783828.3337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469628928 nr_ops:2411747\ntimestamp_ms:1652996784829.4338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2513841152 nr_ops:2454923\ntimestamp_ms:1652996785830.5386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2558159872 nr_ops:2498203\ntimestamp_ms:1652996786831.6301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602513408 nr_ops:2541517\ntimestamp_ms:1652996787832.7236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2647043072 nr_ops:2585003\ntimestamp_ms:1652996788833.7717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2691087360 nr_ops:2628015\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139660779575040\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.1143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2735326208 nr_ops:2671217\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.2009 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.2114 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790135.4392 name:Total nr_bytes:2735326208 nr_ops:2671218\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.2639 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5470652414 nr_ops:5342436\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.2656 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2735326208 nr_ops:2671220\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 458.26us 0.00ns 458.26us 458.26us \nTxn1 1335609 44.94us 0.00ns 6.15ms 18.48us \nTxn2 1 52.15us 0.00ns 52.15us 52.15us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 457.34us 0.00ns 457.34us 457.34us \nwrite 1335609 2.46us 0.00ns 369.92us 2.14us \nread 1335608 42.40us 0.00ns 6.15ms 1.44us \ndisconnect 1 51.47us 0.00ns 51.47us 51.47us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 21416 21416 186.74Mb/s 186.74Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.58b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.161 62.37s 2.55GB 350.87Mb/s 2671220 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.55GB 350.87Mb/s 2671220 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416144, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996728770.5374 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996729770.8513 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996729770.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996730771.9717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46216192 nr_ops:45133\ntimestamp_ms:1652996731773.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98843648 nr_ops:96527\ntimestamp_ms:1652996732773.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:151073792 nr_ops:147533\ntimestamp_ms:1652996733774.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:196582400 nr_ops:191975\ntimestamp_ms:1652996734775.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240636928 nr_ops:234997\ntimestamp_ms:1652996735777.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:284754944 nr_ops:278081\ntimestamp_ms:1652996736778.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:328969216 nr_ops:321259\ntimestamp_ms:1652996737779.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:374928384 nr_ops:366141\ntimestamp_ms:1652996738780.3186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:419337216 nr_ops:409509\ntimestamp_ms:1652996739781.4128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:463232000 nr_ops:452375\ntimestamp_ms:1652996740782.5149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511495168 nr_ops:499507\ntimestamp_ms:1652996741783.6250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:562762752 nr_ops:549573\ntimestamp_ms:1652996742784.7197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612551680 nr_ops:598195\ntimestamp_ms:1652996743785.7607 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:658514944 nr_ops:643081\ntimestamp_ms:1652996744786.8525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702056448 nr_ops:685602\ntimestamp_ms:1652996745787.9519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:745915392 nr_ops:728433\ntimestamp_ms:1652996746789.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:789922816 nr_ops:771409\ntimestamp_ms:1652996747790.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:833041408 nr_ops:813517\ntimestamp_ms:1652996748791.2432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:877149184 nr_ops:856591\ntimestamp_ms:1652996749792.3376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:927843328 nr_ops:906097\ntimestamp_ms:1652996750793.4460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978457600 nr_ops:955525\ntimestamp_ms:1652996751794.4927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1028146176 nr_ops:1004049\ntimestamp_ms:1652996752795.5925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077300224 nr_ops:1052051\ntimestamp_ms:1652996753796.6875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1126568960 nr_ops:1100165\ntimestamp_ms:1652996754797.7915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1176900608 nr_ops:1149317\ntimestamp_ms:1652996755798.9143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1228057600 nr_ops:1199275\ntimestamp_ms:1652996756800.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1276165120 nr_ops:1246255\ntimestamp_ms:1652996757801.1099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1320483840 nr_ops:1289535\ntimestamp_ms:1652996758802.2097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1364589568 nr_ops:1332607\ntimestamp_ms:1652996759802.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408787456 nr_ops:1375769\ntimestamp_ms:1652996760803.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1452837888 nr_ops:1418787\ntimestamp_ms:1652996761805.0417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1496939520 nr_ops:1461855\ntimestamp_ms:1652996762806.1367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1541121024 nr_ops:1505001\ntimestamp_ms:1652996763806.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587244032 nr_ops:1550043\ntimestamp_ms:1652996764807.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1632997376 nr_ops:1594724\ntimestamp_ms:1652996765809.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1676954624 nr_ops:1637651\ntimestamp_ms:1652996766809.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721076736 nr_ops:1680739\ntimestamp_ms:1652996767810.9351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1764977664 nr_ops:1723611\ntimestamp_ms:1652996768812.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1809034240 nr_ops:1766635\ntimestamp_ms:1652996769813.1204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1853101056 nr_ops:1809669\ntimestamp_ms:1652996770814.2136 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1897102336 nr_ops:1852639\ntimestamp_ms:1652996771815.3157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1940931584 nr_ops:1895441\ntimestamp_ms:1652996772816.4126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1984707584 nr_ops:1938191\ntimestamp_ms:1652996773817.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029093888 nr_ops:1981537\ntimestamp_ms:1652996774818.6021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2073289728 nr_ops:2024697\ntimestamp_ms:1652996775819.7031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117059584 nr_ops:2067441\ntimestamp_ms:1652996776820.7986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2161052672 nr_ops:2110403\ntimestamp_ms:1652996777821.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205174784 nr_ops:2153491\ntimestamp_ms:1652996778822.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2249126912 nr_ops:2196413\ntimestamp_ms:1652996779823.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2293210112 nr_ops:2239463\ntimestamp_ms:1652996780825.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2337455104 nr_ops:2282671\ntimestamp_ms:1652996781826.1411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2381458432 nr_ops:2325643\ntimestamp_ms:1652996782827.2444 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2425254912 nr_ops:2368413\ntimestamp_ms:1652996783828.3337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469628928 nr_ops:2411747\ntimestamp_ms:1652996784829.4338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2513841152 nr_ops:2454923\ntimestamp_ms:1652996785830.5386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2558159872 nr_ops:2498203\ntimestamp_ms:1652996786831.6301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602513408 nr_ops:2541517\ntimestamp_ms:1652996787832.7236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2647043072 nr_ops:2585003\ntimestamp_ms:1652996788833.7717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2691087360 nr_ops:2628015\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139660779575040\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.1143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2735326208 nr_ops:2671217\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.2009 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.2114 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790135.4392 name:Total nr_bytes:2735326208 nr_ops:2671218\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.2639 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5470652414 nr_ops:5342436\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996790035.2656 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2735326208 nr_ops:2671220\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 458.26us 0.00ns 458.26us 458.26us \nTxn1 1335609 44.94us 0.00ns 6.15ms 18.48us \nTxn2 1 52.15us 0.00ns 52.15us 52.15us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 457.34us 0.00ns 457.34us 457.34us \nwrite 1335609 2.46us 0.00ns 369.92us 2.14us \nread 1335608 42.40us 0.00ns 6.15ms 1.44us \ndisconnect 1 51.47us 0.00ns 51.47us 51.47us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 21416 21416 186.74Mb/s 186.74Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.58b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.161 62.37s 2.55GB 350.87Mb/s 2671220 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.55GB 350.87Mb/s 2671220 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416144, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996728770.5374 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996729770.8513 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996729770.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996730771.9717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46216192 nr_ops:45133
+timestamp_ms:1652996731773.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98843648 nr_ops:96527
+timestamp_ms:1652996732773.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:151073792 nr_ops:147533
+timestamp_ms:1652996733774.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:196582400 nr_ops:191975
+timestamp_ms:1652996734775.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:240636928 nr_ops:234997
+timestamp_ms:1652996735777.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:284754944 nr_ops:278081
+timestamp_ms:1652996736778.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:328969216 nr_ops:321259
+timestamp_ms:1652996737779.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:374928384 nr_ops:366141
+timestamp_ms:1652996738780.3186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:419337216 nr_ops:409509
+timestamp_ms:1652996739781.4128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:463232000 nr_ops:452375
+timestamp_ms:1652996740782.5149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:511495168 nr_ops:499507
+timestamp_ms:1652996741783.6250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:562762752 nr_ops:549573
+timestamp_ms:1652996742784.7197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612551680 nr_ops:598195
+timestamp_ms:1652996743785.7607 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:658514944 nr_ops:643081
+timestamp_ms:1652996744786.8525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702056448 nr_ops:685602
+timestamp_ms:1652996745787.9519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:745915392 nr_ops:728433
+timestamp_ms:1652996746789.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:789922816 nr_ops:771409
+timestamp_ms:1652996747790.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:833041408 nr_ops:813517
+timestamp_ms:1652996748791.2432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:877149184 nr_ops:856591
+timestamp_ms:1652996749792.3376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:927843328 nr_ops:906097
+timestamp_ms:1652996750793.4460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978457600 nr_ops:955525
+timestamp_ms:1652996751794.4927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1028146176 nr_ops:1004049
+timestamp_ms:1652996752795.5925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1077300224 nr_ops:1052051
+timestamp_ms:1652996753796.6875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1126568960 nr_ops:1100165
+timestamp_ms:1652996754797.7915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1176900608 nr_ops:1149317
+timestamp_ms:1652996755798.9143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1228057600 nr_ops:1199275
+timestamp_ms:1652996756800.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1276165120 nr_ops:1246255
+timestamp_ms:1652996757801.1099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1320483840 nr_ops:1289535
+timestamp_ms:1652996758802.2097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1364589568 nr_ops:1332607
+timestamp_ms:1652996759802.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408787456 nr_ops:1375769
+timestamp_ms:1652996760803.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1452837888 nr_ops:1418787
+timestamp_ms:1652996761805.0417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1496939520 nr_ops:1461855
+timestamp_ms:1652996762806.1367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1541121024 nr_ops:1505001
+timestamp_ms:1652996763806.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587244032 nr_ops:1550043
+timestamp_ms:1652996764807.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1632997376 nr_ops:1594724
+timestamp_ms:1652996765809.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1676954624 nr_ops:1637651
+timestamp_ms:1652996766809.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721076736 nr_ops:1680739
+timestamp_ms:1652996767810.9351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1764977664 nr_ops:1723611
+timestamp_ms:1652996768812.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1809034240 nr_ops:1766635
+timestamp_ms:1652996769813.1204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1853101056 nr_ops:1809669
+timestamp_ms:1652996770814.2136 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1897102336 nr_ops:1852639
+timestamp_ms:1652996771815.3157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1940931584 nr_ops:1895441
+timestamp_ms:1652996772816.4126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1984707584 nr_ops:1938191
+timestamp_ms:1652996773817.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029093888 nr_ops:1981537
+timestamp_ms:1652996774818.6021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2073289728 nr_ops:2024697
+timestamp_ms:1652996775819.7031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117059584 nr_ops:2067441
+timestamp_ms:1652996776820.7986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2161052672 nr_ops:2110403
+timestamp_ms:1652996777821.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205174784 nr_ops:2153491
+timestamp_ms:1652996778822.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2249126912 nr_ops:2196413
+timestamp_ms:1652996779823.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2293210112 nr_ops:2239463
+timestamp_ms:1652996780825.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2337455104 nr_ops:2282671
+timestamp_ms:1652996781826.1411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2381458432 nr_ops:2325643
+timestamp_ms:1652996782827.2444 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2425254912 nr_ops:2368413
+timestamp_ms:1652996783828.3337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469628928 nr_ops:2411747
+timestamp_ms:1652996784829.4338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2513841152 nr_ops:2454923
+timestamp_ms:1652996785830.5386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2558159872 nr_ops:2498203
+timestamp_ms:1652996786831.6301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602513408 nr_ops:2541517
+timestamp_ms:1652996787832.7236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2647043072 nr_ops:2585003
+timestamp_ms:1652996788833.7717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2691087360 nr_ops:2628015
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139660779575040
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652996790035.1143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2735326208 nr_ops:2671217
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996790035.2009 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996790035.2114 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996790135.4392 name:Total nr_bytes:2735326208 nr_ops:2671218
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996790035.2639 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5470652414 nr_ops:5342436
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996790035.2656 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2735326208 nr_ops:2671220
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 458.26us 0.00ns 458.26us 458.26us
+Txn1 1335609 44.94us 0.00ns 6.15ms 18.48us
+Txn2 1 52.15us 0.00ns 52.15us 52.15us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 457.34us 0.00ns 457.34us 457.34us
+write 1335609 2.46us 0.00ns 369.92us 2.14us
+read 1335608 42.40us 0.00ns 6.15ms 1.44us
+disconnect 1 51.47us 0.00ns 51.47us 51.47us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 21416 21416 186.74Mb/s 186.74Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.58b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.161 62.37s 2.55GB 350.87Mb/s 2671220 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.55GB 350.87Mb/s 2671220 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:30.771000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:30.771000', 'bytes': 46216192, 'norm_byte': 46216192, 'ops': 45133, 'norm_ops': 45133, 'norm_ltcy': 22.179721124579025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:30.771000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:30.771000",
+ "bytes": 46216192,
+ "norm_byte": 46216192,
+ "ops": 45133,
+ "norm_ops": 45133,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.179721124579025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a24250de75c53309a56f960e300129d59e414838f4bf9b120cc3c29e910e8d0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:31.773000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:31.773000', 'bytes': 98843648, 'norm_byte': 52627456, 'ops': 96527, 'norm_ops': 51394, 'norm_ltcy': 19.477903321034557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:31.773000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:31.773000",
+ "bytes": 98843648,
+ "norm_byte": 52627456,
+ "ops": 96527,
+ "norm_ops": 51394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.477903321034557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cca33f5a01db82db44cdc0b81c4648f6ebd2e1a1755ec1a5444ccac0f16ac34c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:32.773000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:32.773000', 'bytes': 151073792, 'norm_byte': 52230144, 'ops': 147533, 'norm_ops': 51006, 'norm_ltcy': 19.621557045678447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:32.773000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:32.773000",
+ "bytes": 151073792,
+ "norm_byte": 52230144,
+ "ops": 147533,
+ "norm_ops": 51006,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.621557045678447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74545d327dd636a7e91102462993274ee2d5a5749e275a9fb4fd53d039ecfd52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:33.774000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:33.774000', 'bytes': 196582400, 'norm_byte': 45508608, 'ops': 191975, 'norm_ops': 44442, 'norm_ltcy': 22.52373331216811, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:33.774000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:33.774000",
+ "bytes": 196582400,
+ "norm_byte": 45508608,
+ "ops": 191975,
+ "norm_ops": 44442,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.52373331216811,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "69acfc17c28b25dcef9e8467bfb5bccec3e620fd145b414a7065729ca142637e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:34.775000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:34.775000', 'bytes': 240636928, 'norm_byte': 44054528, 'ops': 234997, 'norm_ops': 43022, 'norm_ltcy': 23.26952067219969, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:34.775000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:34.775000",
+ "bytes": 240636928,
+ "norm_byte": 44054528,
+ "ops": 234997,
+ "norm_ops": 43022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.26952067219969,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f72a91c8a934b05346576e073c8229c469e2d42b6d789f9a5e19cde7fef034c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:35.777000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:35.777000', 'bytes': 284754944, 'norm_byte': 44118016, 'ops': 278081, 'norm_ops': 43084, 'norm_ltcy': 23.23580802001613, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:35.777000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:35.777000",
+ "bytes": 284754944,
+ "norm_byte": 44118016,
+ "ops": 278081,
+ "norm_ops": 43084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.23580802001613,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a1dc3dd1c6fb154313c446af23a55bc414ea231770e50b19c5b79168f243051",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:36.778000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:36.778000', 'bytes': 328969216, 'norm_byte': 44214272, 'ops': 321259, 'norm_ops': 43178, 'norm_ltcy': 23.18537552761244, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:36.778000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:36.778000",
+ "bytes": 328969216,
+ "norm_byte": 44214272,
+ "ops": 321259,
+ "norm_ops": 43178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.18537552761244,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f98780c204f3bbd06eafb5b9890433a18b539f63777c4bb580bdf32be6648dd1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:37.779000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:37.779000', 'bytes': 374928384, 'norm_byte': 45959168, 'ops': 366141, 'norm_ops': 44882, 'norm_ltcy': 22.305038246123168, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:37.779000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:37.779000",
+ "bytes": 374928384,
+ "norm_byte": 45959168,
+ "ops": 366141,
+ "norm_ops": 44882,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.305038246123168,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4d0273a1db137e29861af1876ee0999986e2412ad1b12776817b20ec62191f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:38.780000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:38.780000', 'bytes': 419337216, 'norm_byte': 44408832, 'ops': 409509, 'norm_ops': 43368, 'norm_ltcy': 23.08376968797558, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:38.780000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:38.780000",
+ "bytes": 419337216,
+ "norm_byte": 44408832,
+ "ops": 409509,
+ "norm_ops": 43368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.08376968797558,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d77019f028a961b0163a198520e6860584d78151e6affa52997c4c008b031edd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:39.781000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:39.781000', 'bytes': 463232000, 'norm_byte': 43894784, 'ops': 452375, 'norm_ops': 42866, 'norm_ltcy': 23.35403905849041, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:39.781000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:39.781000",
+ "bytes": 463232000,
+ "norm_byte": 43894784,
+ "ops": 452375,
+ "norm_ops": 42866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.35403905849041,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a43623f2edf61b4c40f2befbe7b0f143edb56fbce026e72deee53b23713ce198",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:40.782000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:40.782000', 'bytes': 511495168, 'norm_byte': 48263168, 'ops': 499507, 'norm_ops': 47132, 'norm_ltcy': 21.24038977300454, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:40.782000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:40.782000",
+ "bytes": 511495168,
+ "norm_byte": 48263168,
+ "ops": 499507,
+ "norm_ops": 47132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.24038977300454,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "897ec2048f0d8d08151810814927d3974181b98d71e82dfffa24c500b0b4410c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:41.783000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:41.783000', 'bytes': 562762752, 'norm_byte': 51267584, 'ops': 549573, 'norm_ops': 50066, 'norm_ltcy': 19.99580768229687, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:41.783000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:41.783000",
+ "bytes": 562762752,
+ "norm_byte": 51267584,
+ "ops": 549573,
+ "norm_ops": 50066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.99580768229687,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c4f0e10518f04517b6b2b0f03022e5f3626f51d5742963963f83d42c875eb93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:42.784000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:42.784000', 'bytes': 612551680, 'norm_byte': 49788928, 'ops': 598195, 'norm_ops': 48622, 'norm_ltcy': 20.589336649304844, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:42.784000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:42.784000",
+ "bytes": 612551680,
+ "norm_byte": 49788928,
+ "ops": 598195,
+ "norm_ops": 48622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.589336649304844,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "863496bca46275303949e14e1f8a695a70ff93236f62c1ae19bd59fb690b0ffe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:43.785000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:43.785000', 'bytes': 658514944, 'norm_byte': 45963264, 'ops': 643081, 'norm_ops': 44886, 'norm_ltcy': 22.30185393274072, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:43.785000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:43.785000",
+ "bytes": 658514944,
+ "norm_byte": 45963264,
+ "ops": 643081,
+ "norm_ops": 44886,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.30185393274072,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eca8c3b92e52db1a90b68fc2c8a8b32f466e32e3aae3621ac0f39a75f91b32cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:44.786000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:44.786000', 'bytes': 702056448, 'norm_byte': 43541504, 'ops': 685602, 'norm_ops': 42521, 'norm_ltcy': 23.54346785999859, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:44.786000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:44.786000",
+ "bytes": 702056448,
+ "norm_byte": 43541504,
+ "ops": 685602,
+ "norm_ops": 42521,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.54346785999859,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8503284a00961107280613565ed517f84d9ccc18e847905668b76fd42fcef3a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:45.787000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:45.787000', 'bytes': 745915392, 'norm_byte': 43858944, 'ops': 728433, 'norm_ops': 42831, 'norm_ltcy': 23.373242866950925, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:45.787000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:45.787000",
+ "bytes": 745915392,
+ "norm_byte": 43858944,
+ "ops": 728433,
+ "norm_ops": 42831,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.373242866950925,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba1270914a5a8fdf49106cbb09e47fcf25d06215ab8adcd9cb97597991e0a273",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:46.789000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:46.789000', 'bytes': 789922816, 'norm_byte': 44007424, 'ops': 771409, 'norm_ops': 42976, 'norm_ltcy': 23.294512762210307, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:46.789000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:46.789000",
+ "bytes": 789922816,
+ "norm_byte": 44007424,
+ "ops": 771409,
+ "norm_ops": 42976,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.294512762210307,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe020380a37c95374836b475e9324de7b038fb0549b8a44ea2678ae04b18ab63",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:47.790000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:47.790000', 'bytes': 833041408, 'norm_byte': 43118592, 'ops': 813517, 'norm_ops': 42108, 'norm_ltcy': 23.774471810211242, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:47.790000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:47.790000",
+ "bytes": 833041408,
+ "norm_byte": 43118592,
+ "ops": 813517,
+ "norm_ops": 42108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.774471810211242,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "24ebb772a34aa809988187dcaaa82d1101dec104bacf36d847fde9150bea3683",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:48.791000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:48.791000', 'bytes': 877149184, 'norm_byte': 44107776, 'ops': 856591, 'norm_ops': 43074, 'norm_ltcy': 23.241185409121513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:48.791000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:48.791000",
+ "bytes": 877149184,
+ "norm_byte": 44107776,
+ "ops": 856591,
+ "norm_ops": 43074,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.241185409121513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6384aad18a353e86aacfbf1423c338279f53190b4772ec501cda69b059631e4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:49.792000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:49.792000', 'bytes': 927843328, 'norm_byte': 50694144, 'ops': 906097, 'norm_ops': 49506, 'norm_ltcy': 20.221679845309154, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:49.792000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:49.792000",
+ "bytes": 927843328,
+ "norm_byte": 50694144,
+ "ops": 906097,
+ "norm_ops": 49506,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.221679845309154,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "283c8a18093487531322f31dc897181aae4fdb2b55cb839247ad36c2700347e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:50.793000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:50.793000', 'bytes': 978457600, 'norm_byte': 50614272, 'ops': 955525, 'norm_ops': 49428, 'norm_ltcy': 20.253872267490088, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:50.793000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:50.793000",
+ "bytes": 978457600,
+ "norm_byte": 50614272,
+ "ops": 955525,
+ "norm_ops": 49428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.253872267490088,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80987a9f019b388bd54de0951716da3ec5f380c9fd21cbbf5a1b1317b064b77c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:51.794000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:51.794000', 'bytes': 1028146176, 'norm_byte': 49688576, 'ops': 1004049, 'norm_ops': 48524, 'norm_ltcy': 20.62992809453827, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:51.794000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:51.794000",
+ "bytes": 1028146176,
+ "norm_byte": 49688576,
+ "ops": 1004049,
+ "norm_ops": 48524,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.62992809453827,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a0399afd3063c050bf911d8abc808c2d592a2f4e2fafb3ed682d04285f8f192",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:52.795000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:52.795000', 'bytes': 1077300224, 'norm_byte': 49154048, 'ops': 1052051, 'norm_ops': 48002, 'norm_ltcy': 20.855377974159932, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:52.795000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:52.795000",
+ "bytes": 1077300224,
+ "norm_byte": 49154048,
+ "ops": 1052051,
+ "norm_ops": 48002,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.855377974159932,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f9ca8016d541a81b6794e834758ee42dd517cf1f157529e6656199e8a52db42",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:53.796000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:53.796000', 'bytes': 1126568960, 'norm_byte': 49268736, 'ops': 1100165, 'norm_ops': 48114, 'norm_ltcy': 20.806729241034315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:53.796000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:53.796000",
+ "bytes": 1126568960,
+ "norm_byte": 49268736,
+ "ops": 1100165,
+ "norm_ops": 48114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.806729241034315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26cedfb9581bd5c75acca3131c329e526117e1f936ebe3590164e2e17783ef0c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:54.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:54.797000', 'bytes': 1176900608, 'norm_byte': 50331648, 'ops': 1149317, 'norm_ops': 49152, 'norm_ltcy': 20.367513100306194, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:54.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:54.797000",
+ "bytes": 1176900608,
+ "norm_byte": 50331648,
+ "ops": 1149317,
+ "norm_ops": 49152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.367513100306194,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a374894a949840eec1369b3cd73dbb34b2c6bbc3f8e96145b2af7df2ce8a6d2a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:55.798000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:55.798000', 'bytes': 1228057600, 'norm_byte': 51156992, 'ops': 1199275, 'norm_ops': 49958, 'norm_ltcy': 20.039289057495797, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:55.798000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:55.798000",
+ "bytes": 1228057600,
+ "norm_byte": 51156992,
+ "ops": 1199275,
+ "norm_ops": 49958,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.039289057495797,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1828738a33bb1f03e9fda84363f89050eb039432b05e8df59b03985d59726ef2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:56.800000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:56.800000', 'bytes': 1276165120, 'norm_byte': 48107520, 'ops': 1246255, 'norm_ops': 46980, 'norm_ltcy': 21.309132127368027, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:56.800000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:56.800000",
+ "bytes": 1276165120,
+ "norm_byte": 48107520,
+ "ops": 1246255,
+ "norm_ops": 46980,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.309132127368027,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52d46a4d29f6b15607db65bca7c8e82f2d9593dc6043bae3b67a322cbac8afc8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:57.801000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:57.801000', 'bytes': 1320483840, 'norm_byte': 44318720, 'ops': 1289535, 'norm_ops': 43280, 'norm_ltcy': 23.130603726822436, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:57.801000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:57.801000",
+ "bytes": 1320483840,
+ "norm_byte": 44318720,
+ "ops": 1289535,
+ "norm_ops": 43280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.130603726822436,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "57a8f517dde633c5d798384554cad7b38cdbc864c0e555a238d1669bd7173a29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:58.802000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:58.802000', 'bytes': 1364589568, 'norm_byte': 44105728, 'ops': 1332607, 'norm_ops': 43072, 'norm_ltcy': 23.242474310819674, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:58.802000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:58.802000",
+ "bytes": 1364589568,
+ "norm_byte": 44105728,
+ "ops": 1332607,
+ "norm_ops": 43072,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.242474310819674,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d67dd767e8f8bdfe789365c95b2f599238ce95cfbac47009b17c2dcd316a518e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:45:59.802000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:45:59.802000', 'bytes': 1408787456, 'norm_byte': 44197888, 'ops': 1375769, 'norm_ops': 43162, 'norm_ltcy': 23.183138298372988, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:45:59.802000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:45:59.802000",
+ "bytes": 1408787456,
+ "norm_byte": 44197888,
+ "ops": 1375769,
+ "norm_ops": 43162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.183138298372988,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8717cdf530fd5a5f12898c0c2604b065928f61c9a9bdf0acc5ceb5daaa8645f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:00.803000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:00.803000', 'bytes': 1452837888, 'norm_byte': 44050432, 'ops': 1418787, 'norm_ops': 43018, 'norm_ltcy': 23.27169004835185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:00.803000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:00.803000",
+ "bytes": 1452837888,
+ "norm_byte": 44050432,
+ "ops": 1418787,
+ "norm_ops": 43018,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.27169004835185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dec781edc6a68eaa34c8161c61bc66eb1851e65562a854e991e804e22d002d36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:01.805000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:01.805000', 'bytes': 1496939520, 'norm_byte': 44101632, 'ops': 1461855, 'norm_ops': 43068, 'norm_ltcy': 23.24463298773161, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:01.805000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:01.805000",
+ "bytes": 1496939520,
+ "norm_byte": 44101632,
+ "ops": 1461855,
+ "norm_ops": 43068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.24463298773161,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "38ff21ccfa922e33691ad01fbcd6f5535ed2fd50f01173354e2abc1b4eff25b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:02.806000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:02.806000', 'bytes': 1541121024, 'norm_byte': 44181504, 'ops': 1505001, 'norm_ops': 43146, 'norm_ltcy': 23.202497814470057, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:02.806000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:02.806000",
+ "bytes": 1541121024,
+ "norm_byte": 44181504,
+ "ops": 1505001,
+ "norm_ops": 43146,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.202497814470057,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3d988b20f5ebbe1b0a1fa9e9352d6d766dac91af6d217430bc0b7f31cb283dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:03.806000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:03.806000', 'bytes': 1587244032, 'norm_byte': 46123008, 'ops': 1550043, 'norm_ops': 45042, 'norm_ltcy': 22.216986585090027, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:03.806000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:03.806000",
+ "bytes": 1587244032,
+ "norm_byte": 46123008,
+ "ops": 1550043,
+ "norm_ops": 45042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.216986585090027,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40bca2c5871afde2492f6f15d3730b3686e8630222e18f0c286786e80d924796",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:04.807000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:04.807000', 'bytes': 1632997376, 'norm_byte': 45753344, 'ops': 1594724, 'norm_ops': 44681, 'norm_ltcy': 22.405280365955328, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:04.807000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:04.807000",
+ "bytes": 1632997376,
+ "norm_byte": 45753344,
+ "ops": 1594724,
+ "norm_ops": 44681,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.405280365955328,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d324628f4f2cfee4cac5c666b3a14c4adc7b75d6b02fdb135172f1e12be0969e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:05.809000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:05.809000', 'bytes': 1676954624, 'norm_byte': 43957248, 'ops': 1637651, 'norm_ops': 42927, 'norm_ltcy': 23.320949255058007, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:05.809000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:05.809000",
+ "bytes": 1676954624,
+ "norm_byte": 43957248,
+ "ops": 1637651,
+ "norm_ops": 42927,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.320949255058007,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef3dc7098f07822e2ced25f52b3cbea953e97929e557fa1d93e88f49b7087a41",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:06.809000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:06.809000', 'bytes': 1721076736, 'norm_byte': 44122112, 'ops': 1680739, 'norm_ops': 43088, 'norm_ltcy': 23.22724827859555, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:06.809000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:06.809000",
+ "bytes": 1721076736,
+ "norm_byte": 44122112,
+ "ops": 1680739,
+ "norm_ops": 43088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.22724827859555,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bae4189a36e1f369eaad17170d39f9eb4d7aea64b36a3c9c77bd9c93006d8644",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:07.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:07.810000', 'bytes': 1764977664, 'norm_byte': 43900928, 'ops': 1723611, 'norm_ops': 42872, 'norm_ltcy': 23.350821877842765, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:07.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:07.810000",
+ "bytes": 1764977664,
+ "norm_byte": 43900928,
+ "ops": 1723611,
+ "norm_ops": 42872,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.350821877842765,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d4b57ca1b2e750677131a15eae4b69fa68e1239850304af1dd0ad2582748461",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:08.812000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:08.812000', 'bytes': 1809034240, 'norm_byte': 44056576, 'ops': 1766635, 'norm_ops': 43024, 'norm_ltcy': 23.268183619171857, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:08.812000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:08.812000",
+ "bytes": 1809034240,
+ "norm_byte": 44056576,
+ "ops": 1766635,
+ "norm_ops": 43024,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.268183619171857,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "309721e7057a3ad7e9d6f21104be0b6e000901fe3688cc8e74deb4d1da710f74",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:09.813000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:09.813000', 'bytes': 1853101056, 'norm_byte': 44066816, 'ops': 1809669, 'norm_ops': 43034, 'norm_ltcy': 23.262884479786333, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:09.813000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:09.813000",
+ "bytes": 1853101056,
+ "norm_byte": 44066816,
+ "ops": 1809669,
+ "norm_ops": 43034,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.262884479786333,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d64ba200f9eddb055f642673a3966ef446cebde1cf47b4670f3d6e0bf34aa5c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:10.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:10.814000', 'bytes': 1897102336, 'norm_byte': 44001280, 'ops': 1852639, 'norm_ops': 42970, 'norm_ltcy': 23.297492709303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:10.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:10.814000",
+ "bytes": 1897102336,
+ "norm_byte": 44001280,
+ "ops": 1852639,
+ "norm_ops": 42970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.297492709303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e57da2ee7c094b2c5a3d37a8e23d0272501754215794d92c67f60b8c8e080f7d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:11.815000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:11.815000', 'bytes': 1940931584, 'norm_byte': 43829248, 'ops': 1895441, 'norm_ops': 42802, 'norm_ltcy': 23.38914188078244, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:11.815000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:11.815000",
+ "bytes": 1940931584,
+ "norm_byte": 43829248,
+ "ops": 1895441,
+ "norm_ops": 42802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.38914188078244,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8563c1305db9debc64d1640d666dfed14cbe7d137ec61a4f523b1e9c0c1f23fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:12.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:12.816000', 'bytes': 1984707584, 'norm_byte': 43776000, 'ops': 1938191, 'norm_ops': 42750, 'norm_ltcy': 23.41747190241228, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:12.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:12.816000",
+ "bytes": 1984707584,
+ "norm_byte": 43776000,
+ "ops": 1938191,
+ "norm_ops": 42750,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.41747190241228,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "71bfcaa6efdf6e122ef859fb19672a5b59ea74f443535a4da5f21df0950464d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:13.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:13.817000', 'bytes': 2029093888, 'norm_byte': 44386304, 'ops': 1981537, 'norm_ops': 43346, 'norm_ltcy': 23.095451921385482, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:13.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:13.817000",
+ "bytes": 2029093888,
+ "norm_byte": 44386304,
+ "ops": 1981537,
+ "norm_ops": 43346,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.095451921385482,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "72724a6542d423b2697b05a2d834aa8e6fa1ec1daff1b1114bdbb2cf49aaeb36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:14.818000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:14.818000', 'bytes': 2073289728, 'norm_byte': 44195840, 'ops': 2024697, 'norm_ops': 43160, 'norm_ltcy': 23.194948891117352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:14.818000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:14.818000",
+ "bytes": 2073289728,
+ "norm_byte": 44195840,
+ "ops": 2024697,
+ "norm_ops": 43160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.194948891117352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0686473d0884e5d23e4c5f15d1cdf9ce9c3b4f802b9955c530d69c4fc3b5456",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:15.819000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:15.819000', 'bytes': 2117059584, 'norm_byte': 43769856, 'ops': 2067441, 'norm_ops': 42744, 'norm_ltcy': 23.42085612527489, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:15.819000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:15.819000",
+ "bytes": 2117059584,
+ "norm_byte": 43769856,
+ "ops": 2067441,
+ "norm_ops": 42744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.42085612527489,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90edd1da1d8ce1623b3128285ca4fa40c968294d949676383b87fac8e542185a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:16.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:16.820000', 'bytes': 2161052672, 'norm_byte': 43993088, 'ops': 2110403, 'norm_ops': 42962, 'norm_ltcy': 23.301882104752455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:16.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:16.820000",
+ "bytes": 2161052672,
+ "norm_byte": 43993088,
+ "ops": 2110403,
+ "norm_ops": 42962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.301882104752455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "381e7ab263f8321691e314916f71afc881383a0b698be62b3704b104075ca6aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:17.821000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:17.821000', 'bytes': 2205174784, 'norm_byte': 44122112, 'ops': 2153491, 'norm_ops': 43088, 'norm_ltcy': 23.233724623154938, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:17.821000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:17.821000",
+ "bytes": 2205174784,
+ "norm_byte": 44122112,
+ "ops": 2153491,
+ "norm_ops": 43088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.233724623154938,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "037a70370a61887699e4073bb623a1265739ff40769a5eb1b4d2d0e6dafb2d8e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:18.822000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:18.822000', 'bytes': 2249126912, 'norm_byte': 43952128, 'ops': 2196413, 'norm_ops': 42922, 'norm_ltcy': 23.320093853021177, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:18.822000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:18.822000",
+ "bytes": 2249126912,
+ "norm_byte": 43952128,
+ "ops": 2196413,
+ "norm_ops": 42922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.320093853021177,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3290b40acc37debadd441d6753d41501eb72a3fb5a150aec2c084600aa77ad6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:19.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:19.823000', 'bytes': 2293210112, 'norm_byte': 44083200, 'ops': 2239463, 'norm_ops': 43050, 'norm_ltcy': 23.254306629282812, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:19.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:19.823000",
+ "bytes": 2293210112,
+ "norm_byte": 44083200,
+ "ops": 2239463,
+ "norm_ops": 43050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.254306629282812,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "71609778e862fcd87db03be6420aedcdd050eb9ed06815850f4c06b5756f65e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:20.825000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:20.825000', 'bytes': 2337455104, 'norm_byte': 44244992, 'ops': 2282671, 'norm_ops': 43208, 'norm_ltcy': 23.169283203848245, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:20.825000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:20.825000",
+ "bytes": 2337455104,
+ "norm_byte": 44244992,
+ "ops": 2282671,
+ "norm_ops": 43208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.169283203848245,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db736576cde45ae7ce799fdca6d133243bc6fd02b0db21550690502e60e97340",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:21.826000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:21.826000', 'bytes': 2381458432, 'norm_byte': 44003328, 'ops': 2325643, 'norm_ops': 42972, 'norm_ltcy': 23.296715193905335, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:21.826000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:21.826000",
+ "bytes": 2381458432,
+ "norm_byte": 44003328,
+ "ops": 2325643,
+ "norm_ops": 42972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.296715193905335,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b181276122d3036195a21ca9b7cac490c0249b6f4754911247c6a7f10fbac7b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:22.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:22.827000', 'bytes': 2425254912, 'norm_byte': 43796480, 'ops': 2368413, 'norm_ops': 42770, 'norm_ltcy': 23.406669896758824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:22.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:22.827000",
+ "bytes": 2425254912,
+ "norm_byte": 43796480,
+ "ops": 2368413,
+ "norm_ops": 42770,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.406669896758824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "841a1aced601d1f546de5557f5e8bbb9a5df65ea8c9b918dc1a7083df57d932c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:23.828000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:23.828000', 'bytes': 2469628928, 'norm_byte': 44374016, 'ops': 2411747, 'norm_ops': 43334, 'norm_ltcy': 23.101706638407485, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:23.828000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:23.828000",
+ "bytes": 2469628928,
+ "norm_byte": 44374016,
+ "ops": 2411747,
+ "norm_ops": 43334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.101706638407485,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8bbb08196ac25722cfc085cd65cb096842ed0438c193de41644da781e6ec0bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:24.829000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:24.829000', 'bytes': 2513841152, 'norm_byte': 44212224, 'ops': 2454923, 'norm_ops': 43176, 'norm_ltcy': 23.186494757648926, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:24.829000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:24.829000",
+ "bytes": 2513841152,
+ "norm_byte": 44212224,
+ "ops": 2454923,
+ "norm_ops": 43176,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.186494757648926,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "099e5dd4ffb4572366bc671cc6c325e7fc2a65325387c581f9ec23b1e885e43e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:25.830000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:25.830000', 'bytes': 2558159872, 'norm_byte': 44318720, 'ops': 2498203, 'norm_ops': 43280, 'norm_ltcy': 23.130885774679413, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:25.830000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:25.830000",
+ "bytes": 2558159872,
+ "norm_byte": 44318720,
+ "ops": 2498203,
+ "norm_ops": 43280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.130885774679413,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efb4058f3949f82f3cc21909bf6a05ad76f67cdc402d5bfbfe6c96fdcd702aec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:26.831000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:26.831000', 'bytes': 2602513408, 'norm_byte': 44353536, 'ops': 2541517, 'norm_ops': 43314, 'norm_ltcy': 23.112424452472062, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:26.831000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:26.831000",
+ "bytes": 2602513408,
+ "norm_byte": 44353536,
+ "ops": 2541517,
+ "norm_ops": 43314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.112424452472062,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "376008a62be2e1d88e85c0ac640e791690938d162f485e24722478a32999a2f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:27.832000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:27.832000', 'bytes': 2647043072, 'norm_byte': 44529664, 'ops': 2585003, 'norm_ops': 43486, 'norm_ltcy': 23.021052887351676, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:27.832000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:27.832000",
+ "bytes": 2647043072,
+ "norm_byte": 44529664,
+ "ops": 2585003,
+ "norm_ops": 43486,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.021052887351676,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e919aa0ae724a853e588ea2f87ce118aead2d8f479b1ff4184a028dfd584490",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:28.833000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:28.833000', 'bytes': 2691087360, 'norm_byte': 44044288, 'ops': 2628015, 'norm_ops': 43012, 'norm_ltcy': 23.273693287992305, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:28.833000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:28.833000",
+ "bytes": 2691087360,
+ "norm_byte": 44044288,
+ "ops": 2628015,
+ "norm_ops": 43012,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.273693287992305,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2331c4cd4a6fe945c6fa3ff614c1ba54676e7b5f800a2aa891c7947bd8232c19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:46:30.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:46:30.035000', 'bytes': 2735326208, 'norm_byte': 44238848, 'ops': 2671217, 'norm_ops': 43202, 'norm_ltcy': 27.80756745745278, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:46:30.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:46:30.035000",
+ "bytes": 2735326208,
+ "norm_byte": 44238848,
+ "ops": 2671217,
+ "norm_ops": 43202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.80756745745278,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "57e1d973-1d7c-590f-9045-8a4e939580d0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c97c382a83bef5ff8ee4c8ccbc8fcfd4ddf28b67a3b2835883e43e817abadfa3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 45588770.13333333
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 44520.28333333333
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 23.426986712011075
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:46:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-066-220519214244/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-066-220519214244/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24b34cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-066-220519214244/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-066-220519214244/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-066-220519214244/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-066-220519214244/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-066-220519214244/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-066-220519214244/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16579c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-066-220519214244/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=15
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=170
+ net.core.busy_poll=180
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-067-220519214446/220519214446-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-067-220519214446/220519214446-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8314483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-067-220519214446/220519214446-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:47:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996849981.6062 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996850982.7190 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996850982.9619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996851984.0625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:49310720 nr_ops:48155\ntimestamp_ms:1652996852985.1580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96687104 nr_ops:94421\ntimestamp_ms:1652996853986.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143161344 nr_ops:139806\ntimestamp_ms:1652996854987.3579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189576192 nr_ops:185133\ntimestamp_ms:1652996855988.4480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:236282880 nr_ops:230745\ntimestamp_ms:1652996856989.5496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283110400 nr_ops:276475\ntimestamp_ms:1652996857990.6443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:330013696 nr_ops:322279\ntimestamp_ms:1652996858990.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376431616 nr_ops:367609\ntimestamp_ms:1652996859991.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:422988800 nr_ops:413075\ntimestamp_ms:1652996860992.8940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:469654528 nr_ops:458647\ntimestamp_ms:1652996861993.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516342784 nr_ops:504241\ntimestamp_ms:1652996862995.0696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:562994176 nr_ops:549799\ntimestamp_ms:1652996863995.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:609518592 nr_ops:595233\ntimestamp_ms:1652996864996.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:656182272 nr_ops:640803\ntimestamp_ms:1652996865998.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702817280 nr_ops:686345\ntimestamp_ms:1652996866999.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749538304 nr_ops:731971\ntimestamp_ms:1652996868000.2227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:795790336 nr_ops:777139\ntimestamp_ms:1652996869000.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:842081280 nr_ops:822345\ntimestamp_ms:1652996870001.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888460288 nr_ops:867637\ntimestamp_ms:1652996871003.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:934831104 nr_ops:912921\ntimestamp_ms:1652996872004.1216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981068800 nr_ops:958075\ntimestamp_ms:1652996873005.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026810880 nr_ops:1002745\ntimestamp_ms:1652996874005.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073009664 nr_ops:1047861\ntimestamp_ms:1652996875006.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123445760 nr_ops:1097115\ntimestamp_ms:1652996876007.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1177144320 nr_ops:1149555\ntimestamp_ms:1652996877009.0278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1231719424 nr_ops:1202851\ntimestamp_ms:1652996878010.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1284951040 nr_ops:1254835\ntimestamp_ms:1652996879011.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1331907584 nr_ops:1300691\ntimestamp_ms:1652996880012.4905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378747392 nr_ops:1346433\ntimestamp_ms:1652996881013.5874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1425468416 nr_ops:1392059\ntimestamp_ms:1652996882014.6843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1472582656 nr_ops:1438069\ntimestamp_ms:1652996883015.7244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519346688 nr_ops:1483737\ntimestamp_ms:1652996884016.8152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1566907392 nr_ops:1530183\ntimestamp_ms:1652996885017.9224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619493888 nr_ops:1581537\ntimestamp_ms:1652996886019.0181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1672997888 nr_ops:1633787\ntimestamp_ms:1652996887020.1140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726067712 nr_ops:1685613\ntimestamp_ms:1652996888021.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778607104 nr_ops:1736921\ntimestamp_ms:1652996889022.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1830132736 nr_ops:1787239\ntimestamp_ms:1652996890023.4146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1882680320 nr_ops:1838555\ntimestamp_ms:1652996891024.5137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1932796928 nr_ops:1887497\ntimestamp_ms:1652996892025.6169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979554816 nr_ops:1933159\ntimestamp_ms:1652996893026.7117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026163200 nr_ops:1978675\ntimestamp_ms:1652996894027.8103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2072726528 nr_ops:2024147\ntimestamp_ms:1652996895028.9177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119537664 nr_ops:2069861\ntimestamp_ms:1652996896030.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2169504768 nr_ops:2118657\ntimestamp_ms:1652996897031.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2222891008 nr_ops:2170792\ntimestamp_ms:1652996898032.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2274825216 nr_ops:2221509\ntimestamp_ms:1652996899033.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2327743488 nr_ops:2273187\ntimestamp_ms:1652996900034.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2381071360 nr_ops:2325265\ntimestamp_ms:1652996901035.5203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2434499584 nr_ops:2377441\ntimestamp_ms:1652996902036.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2486998016 nr_ops:2428709\ntimestamp_ms:1652996903037.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2539414528 nr_ops:2479897\ntimestamp_ms:1652996904038.8130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2592252928 nr_ops:2531497\ntimestamp_ms:1652996905039.8635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2642588672 nr_ops:2580653\ntimestamp_ms:1652996906040.9043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2689655808 nr_ops:2626617\ntimestamp_ms:1652996907042.0002 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2736616448 nr_ops:2672477\ntimestamp_ms:1652996908043.0950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2782852096 nr_ops:2717629\ntimestamp_ms:1652996909044.1890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2829927424 nr_ops:2763601\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140679312996096\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.5398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2883578880 nr_ops:2815995\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.5957 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.5999 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910345.7974 name:Total nr_bytes:2883578880 nr_ops:2815996\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.6821 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5767157758 nr_ops:5631992\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.6829 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2883578880 nr_ops:2815998\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 294.12us 0.00ns 294.12us 294.12us \nTxn1 1407998 41.92us 0.00ns 2.26ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 35.52us 0.00ns 35.52us 35.52us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 293.40us 0.00ns 293.40us 293.40us \nwrite 1407998 2.46us 0.00ns 81.83us 2.16us \nread 1407997 39.37us 0.00ns 2.26ms 1.47us \ndisconnect 1 35.02us 0.00ns 35.02us 35.02us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s \nnet1 22945 22945 200.08Mb/s 200.08Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.162 61.37s 2.69GB 375.92Mb/s 2815998 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 2.69GB 375.92Mb/s 2815998 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.415454, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996849981.6062 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996850982.7190 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996850982.9619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996851984.0625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:49310720 nr_ops:48155\ntimestamp_ms:1652996852985.1580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96687104 nr_ops:94421\ntimestamp_ms:1652996853986.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143161344 nr_ops:139806\ntimestamp_ms:1652996854987.3579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189576192 nr_ops:185133\ntimestamp_ms:1652996855988.4480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:236282880 nr_ops:230745\ntimestamp_ms:1652996856989.5496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283110400 nr_ops:276475\ntimestamp_ms:1652996857990.6443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:330013696 nr_ops:322279\ntimestamp_ms:1652996858990.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376431616 nr_ops:367609\ntimestamp_ms:1652996859991.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:422988800 nr_ops:413075\ntimestamp_ms:1652996860992.8940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:469654528 nr_ops:458647\ntimestamp_ms:1652996861993.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516342784 nr_ops:504241\ntimestamp_ms:1652996862995.0696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:562994176 nr_ops:549799\ntimestamp_ms:1652996863995.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:609518592 nr_ops:595233\ntimestamp_ms:1652996864996.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:656182272 nr_ops:640803\ntimestamp_ms:1652996865998.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702817280 nr_ops:686345\ntimestamp_ms:1652996866999.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749538304 nr_ops:731971\ntimestamp_ms:1652996868000.2227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:795790336 nr_ops:777139\ntimestamp_ms:1652996869000.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:842081280 nr_ops:822345\ntimestamp_ms:1652996870001.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888460288 nr_ops:867637\ntimestamp_ms:1652996871003.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:934831104 nr_ops:912921\ntimestamp_ms:1652996872004.1216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981068800 nr_ops:958075\ntimestamp_ms:1652996873005.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026810880 nr_ops:1002745\ntimestamp_ms:1652996874005.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073009664 nr_ops:1047861\ntimestamp_ms:1652996875006.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123445760 nr_ops:1097115\ntimestamp_ms:1652996876007.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1177144320 nr_ops:1149555\ntimestamp_ms:1652996877009.0278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1231719424 nr_ops:1202851\ntimestamp_ms:1652996878010.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1284951040 nr_ops:1254835\ntimestamp_ms:1652996879011.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1331907584 nr_ops:1300691\ntimestamp_ms:1652996880012.4905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378747392 nr_ops:1346433\ntimestamp_ms:1652996881013.5874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1425468416 nr_ops:1392059\ntimestamp_ms:1652996882014.6843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1472582656 nr_ops:1438069\ntimestamp_ms:1652996883015.7244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519346688 nr_ops:1483737\ntimestamp_ms:1652996884016.8152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1566907392 nr_ops:1530183\ntimestamp_ms:1652996885017.9224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619493888 nr_ops:1581537\ntimestamp_ms:1652996886019.0181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1672997888 nr_ops:1633787\ntimestamp_ms:1652996887020.1140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726067712 nr_ops:1685613\ntimestamp_ms:1652996888021.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778607104 nr_ops:1736921\ntimestamp_ms:1652996889022.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1830132736 nr_ops:1787239\ntimestamp_ms:1652996890023.4146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1882680320 nr_ops:1838555\ntimestamp_ms:1652996891024.5137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1932796928 nr_ops:1887497\ntimestamp_ms:1652996892025.6169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979554816 nr_ops:1933159\ntimestamp_ms:1652996893026.7117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026163200 nr_ops:1978675\ntimestamp_ms:1652996894027.8103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2072726528 nr_ops:2024147\ntimestamp_ms:1652996895028.9177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119537664 nr_ops:2069861\ntimestamp_ms:1652996896030.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2169504768 nr_ops:2118657\ntimestamp_ms:1652996897031.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2222891008 nr_ops:2170792\ntimestamp_ms:1652996898032.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2274825216 nr_ops:2221509\ntimestamp_ms:1652996899033.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2327743488 nr_ops:2273187\ntimestamp_ms:1652996900034.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2381071360 nr_ops:2325265\ntimestamp_ms:1652996901035.5203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2434499584 nr_ops:2377441\ntimestamp_ms:1652996902036.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2486998016 nr_ops:2428709\ntimestamp_ms:1652996903037.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2539414528 nr_ops:2479897\ntimestamp_ms:1652996904038.8130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2592252928 nr_ops:2531497\ntimestamp_ms:1652996905039.8635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2642588672 nr_ops:2580653\ntimestamp_ms:1652996906040.9043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2689655808 nr_ops:2626617\ntimestamp_ms:1652996907042.0002 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2736616448 nr_ops:2672477\ntimestamp_ms:1652996908043.0950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2782852096 nr_ops:2717629\ntimestamp_ms:1652996909044.1890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2829927424 nr_ops:2763601\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140679312996096\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.5398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2883578880 nr_ops:2815995\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.5957 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.5999 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910345.7974 name:Total nr_bytes:2883578880 nr_ops:2815996\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.6821 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5767157758 nr_ops:5631992\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.6829 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2883578880 nr_ops:2815998\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 294.12us 0.00ns 294.12us 294.12us \nTxn1 1407998 41.92us 0.00ns 2.26ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 35.52us 0.00ns 35.52us 35.52us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 293.40us 0.00ns 293.40us 293.40us \nwrite 1407998 2.46us 0.00ns 81.83us 2.16us \nread 1407997 39.37us 0.00ns 2.26ms 1.47us \ndisconnect 1 35.02us 0.00ns 35.02us 35.02us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s \nnet1 22945 22945 200.08Mb/s 200.08Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.162 61.37s 2.69GB 375.92Mb/s 2815998 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 2.69GB 375.92Mb/s 2815998 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.415454, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996849981.6062 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996850982.7190 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996850982.9619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996851984.0625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:49310720 nr_ops:48155\ntimestamp_ms:1652996852985.1580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96687104 nr_ops:94421\ntimestamp_ms:1652996853986.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143161344 nr_ops:139806\ntimestamp_ms:1652996854987.3579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189576192 nr_ops:185133\ntimestamp_ms:1652996855988.4480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:236282880 nr_ops:230745\ntimestamp_ms:1652996856989.5496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283110400 nr_ops:276475\ntimestamp_ms:1652996857990.6443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:330013696 nr_ops:322279\ntimestamp_ms:1652996858990.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376431616 nr_ops:367609\ntimestamp_ms:1652996859991.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:422988800 nr_ops:413075\ntimestamp_ms:1652996860992.8940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:469654528 nr_ops:458647\ntimestamp_ms:1652996861993.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516342784 nr_ops:504241\ntimestamp_ms:1652996862995.0696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:562994176 nr_ops:549799\ntimestamp_ms:1652996863995.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:609518592 nr_ops:595233\ntimestamp_ms:1652996864996.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:656182272 nr_ops:640803\ntimestamp_ms:1652996865998.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702817280 nr_ops:686345\ntimestamp_ms:1652996866999.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749538304 nr_ops:731971\ntimestamp_ms:1652996868000.2227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:795790336 nr_ops:777139\ntimestamp_ms:1652996869000.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:842081280 nr_ops:822345\ntimestamp_ms:1652996870001.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888460288 nr_ops:867637\ntimestamp_ms:1652996871003.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:934831104 nr_ops:912921\ntimestamp_ms:1652996872004.1216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981068800 nr_ops:958075\ntimestamp_ms:1652996873005.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026810880 nr_ops:1002745\ntimestamp_ms:1652996874005.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073009664 nr_ops:1047861\ntimestamp_ms:1652996875006.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123445760 nr_ops:1097115\ntimestamp_ms:1652996876007.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1177144320 nr_ops:1149555\ntimestamp_ms:1652996877009.0278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1231719424 nr_ops:1202851\ntimestamp_ms:1652996878010.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1284951040 nr_ops:1254835\ntimestamp_ms:1652996879011.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1331907584 nr_ops:1300691\ntimestamp_ms:1652996880012.4905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378747392 nr_ops:1346433\ntimestamp_ms:1652996881013.5874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1425468416 nr_ops:1392059\ntimestamp_ms:1652996882014.6843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1472582656 nr_ops:1438069\ntimestamp_ms:1652996883015.7244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519346688 nr_ops:1483737\ntimestamp_ms:1652996884016.8152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1566907392 nr_ops:1530183\ntimestamp_ms:1652996885017.9224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619493888 nr_ops:1581537\ntimestamp_ms:1652996886019.0181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1672997888 nr_ops:1633787\ntimestamp_ms:1652996887020.1140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726067712 nr_ops:1685613\ntimestamp_ms:1652996888021.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778607104 nr_ops:1736921\ntimestamp_ms:1652996889022.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1830132736 nr_ops:1787239\ntimestamp_ms:1652996890023.4146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1882680320 nr_ops:1838555\ntimestamp_ms:1652996891024.5137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1932796928 nr_ops:1887497\ntimestamp_ms:1652996892025.6169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979554816 nr_ops:1933159\ntimestamp_ms:1652996893026.7117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026163200 nr_ops:1978675\ntimestamp_ms:1652996894027.8103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2072726528 nr_ops:2024147\ntimestamp_ms:1652996895028.9177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119537664 nr_ops:2069861\ntimestamp_ms:1652996896030.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2169504768 nr_ops:2118657\ntimestamp_ms:1652996897031.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2222891008 nr_ops:2170792\ntimestamp_ms:1652996898032.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2274825216 nr_ops:2221509\ntimestamp_ms:1652996899033.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2327743488 nr_ops:2273187\ntimestamp_ms:1652996900034.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2381071360 nr_ops:2325265\ntimestamp_ms:1652996901035.5203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2434499584 nr_ops:2377441\ntimestamp_ms:1652996902036.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2486998016 nr_ops:2428709\ntimestamp_ms:1652996903037.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2539414528 nr_ops:2479897\ntimestamp_ms:1652996904038.8130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2592252928 nr_ops:2531497\ntimestamp_ms:1652996905039.8635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2642588672 nr_ops:2580653\ntimestamp_ms:1652996906040.9043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2689655808 nr_ops:2626617\ntimestamp_ms:1652996907042.0002 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2736616448 nr_ops:2672477\ntimestamp_ms:1652996908043.0950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2782852096 nr_ops:2717629\ntimestamp_ms:1652996909044.1890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2829927424 nr_ops:2763601\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140679312996096\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.5398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2883578880 nr_ops:2815995\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.5957 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.5999 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910345.7974 name:Total nr_bytes:2883578880 nr_ops:2815996\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.6821 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5767157758 nr_ops:5631992\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652996910245.6829 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2883578880 nr_ops:2815998\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 294.12us 0.00ns 294.12us 294.12us \nTxn1 1407998 41.92us 0.00ns 2.26ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 35.52us 0.00ns 35.52us 35.52us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 293.40us 0.00ns 293.40us 293.40us \nwrite 1407998 2.46us 0.00ns 81.83us 2.16us \nread 1407997 39.37us 0.00ns 2.26ms 1.47us \ndisconnect 1 35.02us 0.00ns 35.02us 35.02us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s \nnet1 22945 22945 200.08Mb/s 200.08Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.162 61.37s 2.69GB 375.92Mb/s 2815998 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 2.69GB 375.92Mb/s 2815998 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.415454, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996849981.6062 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996850982.7190 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996850982.9619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996851984.0625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:49310720 nr_ops:48155
+timestamp_ms:1652996852985.1580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96687104 nr_ops:94421
+timestamp_ms:1652996853986.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143161344 nr_ops:139806
+timestamp_ms:1652996854987.3579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189576192 nr_ops:185133
+timestamp_ms:1652996855988.4480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:236282880 nr_ops:230745
+timestamp_ms:1652996856989.5496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283110400 nr_ops:276475
+timestamp_ms:1652996857990.6443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:330013696 nr_ops:322279
+timestamp_ms:1652996858990.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376431616 nr_ops:367609
+timestamp_ms:1652996859991.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:422988800 nr_ops:413075
+timestamp_ms:1652996860992.8940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:469654528 nr_ops:458647
+timestamp_ms:1652996861993.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516342784 nr_ops:504241
+timestamp_ms:1652996862995.0696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:562994176 nr_ops:549799
+timestamp_ms:1652996863995.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:609518592 nr_ops:595233
+timestamp_ms:1652996864996.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:656182272 nr_ops:640803
+timestamp_ms:1652996865998.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702817280 nr_ops:686345
+timestamp_ms:1652996866999.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749538304 nr_ops:731971
+timestamp_ms:1652996868000.2227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:795790336 nr_ops:777139
+timestamp_ms:1652996869000.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:842081280 nr_ops:822345
+timestamp_ms:1652996870001.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888460288 nr_ops:867637
+timestamp_ms:1652996871003.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:934831104 nr_ops:912921
+timestamp_ms:1652996872004.1216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:981068800 nr_ops:958075
+timestamp_ms:1652996873005.2170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026810880 nr_ops:1002745
+timestamp_ms:1652996874005.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073009664 nr_ops:1047861
+timestamp_ms:1652996875006.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123445760 nr_ops:1097115
+timestamp_ms:1652996876007.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1177144320 nr_ops:1149555
+timestamp_ms:1652996877009.0278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1231719424 nr_ops:1202851
+timestamp_ms:1652996878010.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1284951040 nr_ops:1254835
+timestamp_ms:1652996879011.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1331907584 nr_ops:1300691
+timestamp_ms:1652996880012.4905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378747392 nr_ops:1346433
+timestamp_ms:1652996881013.5874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1425468416 nr_ops:1392059
+timestamp_ms:1652996882014.6843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1472582656 nr_ops:1438069
+timestamp_ms:1652996883015.7244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519346688 nr_ops:1483737
+timestamp_ms:1652996884016.8152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1566907392 nr_ops:1530183
+timestamp_ms:1652996885017.9224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619493888 nr_ops:1581537
+timestamp_ms:1652996886019.0181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1672997888 nr_ops:1633787
+timestamp_ms:1652996887020.1140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726067712 nr_ops:1685613
+timestamp_ms:1652996888021.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778607104 nr_ops:1736921
+timestamp_ms:1652996889022.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1830132736 nr_ops:1787239
+timestamp_ms:1652996890023.4146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1882680320 nr_ops:1838555
+timestamp_ms:1652996891024.5137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1932796928 nr_ops:1887497
+timestamp_ms:1652996892025.6169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1979554816 nr_ops:1933159
+timestamp_ms:1652996893026.7117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2026163200 nr_ops:1978675
+timestamp_ms:1652996894027.8103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2072726528 nr_ops:2024147
+timestamp_ms:1652996895028.9177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119537664 nr_ops:2069861
+timestamp_ms:1652996896030.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2169504768 nr_ops:2118657
+timestamp_ms:1652996897031.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2222891008 nr_ops:2170792
+timestamp_ms:1652996898032.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2274825216 nr_ops:2221509
+timestamp_ms:1652996899033.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2327743488 nr_ops:2273187
+timestamp_ms:1652996900034.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2381071360 nr_ops:2325265
+timestamp_ms:1652996901035.5203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2434499584 nr_ops:2377441
+timestamp_ms:1652996902036.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2486998016 nr_ops:2428709
+timestamp_ms:1652996903037.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2539414528 nr_ops:2479897
+timestamp_ms:1652996904038.8130 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2592252928 nr_ops:2531497
+timestamp_ms:1652996905039.8635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2642588672 nr_ops:2580653
+timestamp_ms:1652996906040.9043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2689655808 nr_ops:2626617
+timestamp_ms:1652996907042.0002 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2736616448 nr_ops:2672477
+timestamp_ms:1652996908043.0950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2782852096 nr_ops:2717629
+timestamp_ms:1652996909044.1890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2829927424 nr_ops:2763601
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140679312996096
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652996910245.5398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2883578880 nr_ops:2815995
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996910245.5957 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996910245.5999 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996910345.7974 name:Total nr_bytes:2883578880 nr_ops:2815996
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996910245.6821 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5767157758 nr_ops:5631992
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652996910245.6829 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2883578880 nr_ops:2815998
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 294.12us 0.00ns 294.12us 294.12us
+Txn1 1407998 41.92us 0.00ns 2.26ms 18.43us
+Txn2 1 35.52us 0.00ns 35.52us 35.52us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 293.40us 0.00ns 293.40us 293.40us
+write 1407998 2.46us 0.00ns 81.83us 2.16us
+read 1407997 39.37us 0.00ns 2.26ms 1.47us
+disconnect 1 35.02us 0.00ns 35.02us 35.02us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s
+net1 22945 22945 200.08Mb/s 200.08Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.162 61.37s 2.69GB 375.92Mb/s 2815998 0.00
+master 61.37s 2.69GB 375.92Mb/s 2815998 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:31.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:31.984000', 'bytes': 49310720, 'norm_byte': 49310720, 'ops': 48155, 'norm_ops': 48155, 'norm_ltcy': 20.789130639341707, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:31.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:31.984000",
+ "bytes": 49310720,
+ "norm_byte": 49310720,
+ "ops": 48155,
+ "norm_ops": 48155,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.789130639341707,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9f2eaf856b2d2c98d5fbbdc11d0f21662c7388951bb315d84468e3de519b814",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:32.985000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:32.985000', 'bytes': 96687104, 'norm_byte': 47376384, 'ops': 94421, 'norm_ops': 46266, 'norm_ltcy': 21.63782170458598, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:32.985000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:32.985000",
+ "bytes": 96687104,
+ "norm_byte": 47376384,
+ "ops": 94421,
+ "norm_ops": 46266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.63782170458598,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d7e93bb8f6b01e40823b000c6480becb8736c04d619af90ee4b64a001302a9b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:33.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:33.986000', 'bytes': 143161344, 'norm_byte': 46474240, 'ops': 139806, 'norm_ops': 45385, 'norm_ltcy': 22.057918537236972, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:33.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:33.986000",
+ "bytes": 143161344,
+ "norm_byte": 46474240,
+ "ops": 139806,
+ "norm_ops": 45385,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.057918537236972,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b41f1cfec48db95bd76f1112f701483551c44c5c238b26136997ea6e84ccd501",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:34.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:34.987000', 'bytes': 189576192, 'norm_byte': 46414848, 'ops': 185133, 'norm_ops': 45327, 'norm_ltcy': 22.086202889213382, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:34.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:34.987000",
+ "bytes": 189576192,
+ "norm_byte": 46414848,
+ "ops": 185133,
+ "norm_ops": 45327,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.086202889213382,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ea68f0e73f15019c073f6f0182867679344bb34b40b55219899a5197ecd3848",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:35.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:35.988000', 'bytes': 236282880, 'norm_byte': 46706688, 'ops': 230745, 'norm_ops': 45612, 'norm_ltcy': 21.947954220175063, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:35.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:35.988000",
+ "bytes": 236282880,
+ "norm_byte": 46706688,
+ "ops": 230745,
+ "norm_ops": 45612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.947954220175063,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f862de3abd4b7fac13482676c4b0cc670d8c13fabbc71001ceacc5b18abacd62",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:36.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:36.989000', 'bytes': 283110400, 'norm_byte': 46827520, 'ops': 276475, 'norm_ops': 45730, 'norm_ltcy': 21.891571452000875, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:36.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:36.989000",
+ "bytes": 283110400,
+ "norm_byte": 46827520,
+ "ops": 276475,
+ "norm_ops": 45730,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.891571452000875,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1edbab928e0c3b548e783e8cb5df095fa923a596d55be6108d75887c19e8d6c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:37.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:37.990000', 'bytes': 330013696, 'norm_byte': 46903296, 'ops': 322279, 'norm_ops': 45804, 'norm_ltcy': 21.85605463633089, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:37.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:37.990000",
+ "bytes": 330013696,
+ "norm_byte": 46903296,
+ "ops": 322279,
+ "norm_ops": 45804,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.85605463633089,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5457665790c76d86692d070e0bbb1c4e7ca34bad8df61d5b665447cc7afca7e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:38.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:38.990000', 'bytes': 376431616, 'norm_byte': 46417920, 'ops': 367609, 'norm_ops': 45330, 'norm_ltcy': 22.06466812817119, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:38.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:38.990000",
+ "bytes": 376431616,
+ "norm_byte": 46417920,
+ "ops": 367609,
+ "norm_ops": 45330,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.06466812817119,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f24278d5c4b58549ab3d4d525e38628ea7462909e27cb1b2b2eac01f1004c740",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:39.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:39.991000', 'bytes': 422988800, 'norm_byte': 46557184, 'ops': 413075, 'norm_ops': 45466, 'norm_ltcy': 22.01652166076024, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:39.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:39.991000",
+ "bytes": 422988800,
+ "norm_byte": 46557184,
+ "ops": 413075,
+ "norm_ops": 45466,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.01652166076024,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c0e5b477c87dcb4b97a6641c85de49a0f3ba79ca92e8ac1c02b46257454b19d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:40.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:40.992000', 'bytes': 469654528, 'norm_byte': 46665728, 'ops': 458647, 'norm_ops': 45572, 'norm_ltcy': 21.96645255378851, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:40.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:40.992000",
+ "bytes": 469654528,
+ "norm_byte": 46665728,
+ "ops": 458647,
+ "norm_ops": 45572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.96645255378851,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3996df0ea98ea902d4b5f2adb9349fb2d0ddc6d31f079d1a8623ae6f1cbc1491",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:41.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:41.993000', 'bytes': 516342784, 'norm_byte': 46688256, 'ops': 504241, 'norm_ops': 45594, 'norm_ltcy': 21.955446354646444, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:41.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:41.993000",
+ "bytes": 516342784,
+ "norm_byte": 46688256,
+ "ops": 504241,
+ "norm_ops": 45594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.955446354646444,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74a5bbc66956f848a29c0a1da352866ffb9627c9a9f0fe569e98e270f08eccdb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:42.995000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:42.995000', 'bytes': 562994176, 'norm_byte': 46651392, 'ops': 549799, 'norm_ops': 45558, 'norm_ltcy': 21.97504095912079, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:42.995000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:42.995000",
+ "bytes": 562994176,
+ "norm_byte": 46651392,
+ "ops": 549799,
+ "norm_ops": 45558,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.97504095912079,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "391d6befdc4a42d90778c0b72bee03121e73d3d4c54cb7fe6f320ce499b26ab4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:43.995000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:43.995000', 'bytes': 609518592, 'norm_byte': 46524416, 'ops': 595233, 'norm_ops': 45434, 'norm_ltcy': 22.02682673115123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:43.995000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:43.995000",
+ "bytes": 609518592,
+ "norm_byte": 46524416,
+ "ops": 595233,
+ "norm_ops": 45434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.02682673115123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e74a94b9ce6e4eebe06f453a330b8d4001fc2c8aa80a744164c7dd9e61f0a4cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:44.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:44.996000', 'bytes': 656182272, 'norm_byte': 46663680, 'ops': 640803, 'norm_ops': 45570, 'norm_ltcy': 21.968220251810404, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:44.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:44.996000",
+ "bytes": 656182272,
+ "norm_byte": 46663680,
+ "ops": 640803,
+ "norm_ops": 45570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.968220251810404,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2be5b6a814eb319cc5481f9c0dfcfd6d1184380f04f43bd877261f521ea7c0e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:45.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:45.998000', 'bytes': 702817280, 'norm_byte': 46635008, 'ops': 686345, 'norm_ops': 45542, 'norm_ltcy': 21.9819035948273, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:45.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:45.998000",
+ "bytes": 702817280,
+ "norm_byte": 46635008,
+ "ops": 686345,
+ "norm_ops": 45542,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.9819035948273,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b24283173c299e966615dab736fbc34e4f641d09ae1f5f47c1ca84e9fc6f789",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:46.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:46.999000', 'bytes': 749538304, 'norm_byte': 46721024, 'ops': 731971, 'norm_ops': 45626, 'norm_ltcy': 21.941283863983802, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:46.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:46.999000",
+ "bytes": 749538304,
+ "norm_byte": 46721024,
+ "ops": 731971,
+ "norm_ops": 45626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.941283863983802,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a1c911d5249f89fe586ea3401ca513f09cadd1324dec5e7fed2887562702a427",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:48', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:48', 'bytes': 795790336, 'norm_byte': 46252032, 'ops': 777139, 'norm_ops': 45168, 'norm_ltcy': 22.163955953329793, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:48",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:48",
+ "bytes": 795790336,
+ "norm_byte": 46252032,
+ "ops": 777139,
+ "norm_ops": 45168,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.163955953329793,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dbd30d169d05b622e6afff3784d7c1ad129271cdd163f3cb89720b4d4c85416b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:49', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:49', 'bytes': 842081280, 'norm_byte': 46290944, 'ops': 822345, 'norm_ops': 45206, 'norm_ltcy': 22.134572369057757, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:49",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:49",
+ "bytes": 842081280,
+ "norm_byte": 46290944,
+ "ops": 822345,
+ "norm_ops": 45206,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.134572369057757,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47f7b9ce6f4a525f6176ffa99609708025c0f97e24d3d5f5d7c0133cf12eb698",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:50.001000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:50.001000', 'bytes': 888460288, 'norm_byte': 46379008, 'ops': 867637, 'norm_ops': 45292, 'norm_ltcy': 22.103119368141726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:50.001000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:50.001000",
+ "bytes": 888460288,
+ "norm_byte": 46379008,
+ "ops": 867637,
+ "norm_ops": 45292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.103119368141726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "294ad284c66cf1ca93513fe5e5ff40d42aabec306aeede9f61bd745ea292ec65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:51.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:51.003000', 'bytes': 934831104, 'norm_byte': 46370816, 'ops': 912921, 'norm_ops': 45284, 'norm_ltcy': 22.107061907213364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:51.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:51.003000",
+ "bytes": 934831104,
+ "norm_byte": 46370816,
+ "ops": 912921,
+ "norm_ops": 45284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.107061907213364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f393846fda3ab90c49fe027c3d7022da96387010e58521109df182960ed5081a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:52.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:52.004000', 'bytes': 981068800, 'norm_byte': 46237696, 'ops': 958075, 'norm_ops': 45154, 'norm_ltcy': 22.17063324262524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:52.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:52.004000",
+ "bytes": 981068800,
+ "norm_byte": 46237696,
+ "ops": 958075,
+ "norm_ops": 45154,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.17063324262524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2859f92597166db208e48730b9b7d13a699836cf39943b83106d2cd628d431e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:53.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:53.005000', 'bytes': 1026810880, 'norm_byte': 45742080, 'ops': 1002745, 'norm_ops': 44670, 'norm_ltcy': 22.41091244648254, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:53.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:53.005000",
+ "bytes": 1026810880,
+ "norm_byte": 45742080,
+ "ops": 1002745,
+ "norm_ops": 44670,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.41091244648254,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e83c47e80740d6b754bda898ec9864cbc2ff4c868bad3898239aa645ffae3ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:54.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:54.005000', 'bytes': 1073009664, 'norm_byte': 46198784, 'ops': 1047861, 'norm_ops': 45116, 'norm_ltcy': 22.178857564735903, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:54.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:54.005000",
+ "bytes": 1073009664,
+ "norm_byte": 46198784,
+ "ops": 1047861,
+ "norm_ops": 45116,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.178857564735903,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d82569e3bd22131e58e507c84d03cad7f8b393792ff264054d45ea86180e2bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:55.006000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:55.006000', 'bytes': 1123445760, 'norm_byte': 50436096, 'ops': 1097115, 'norm_ops': 49254, 'norm_ltcy': 20.323207609090126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:55.006000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:55.006000",
+ "bytes": 1123445760,
+ "norm_byte": 50436096,
+ "ops": 1097115,
+ "norm_ops": 49254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.323207609090126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff23f7f3a086529a28629013d4940645a42d2a47189b361db25e2a7c59af654d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:56.007000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:56.007000', 'bytes': 1177144320, 'norm_byte': 53698560, 'ops': 1149555, 'norm_ops': 52440, 'norm_ltcy': 19.090195342295956, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:56.007000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:56.007000",
+ "bytes": 1177144320,
+ "norm_byte": 53698560,
+ "ops": 1149555,
+ "norm_ops": 52440,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.090195342295956,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a7a09a247469b200a2e461dd78991225b419df5143c2cd13fa2038eae5a3ef3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:57.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:57.009000', 'bytes': 1231719424, 'norm_byte': 54575104, 'ops': 1202851, 'norm_ops': 53296, 'norm_ltcy': 18.783780054729718, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:57.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:57.009000",
+ "bytes": 1231719424,
+ "norm_byte": 54575104,
+ "ops": 1202851,
+ "norm_ops": 53296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.783780054729718,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "121aab1bfb86da9018057e6b3f36e1eb6a7fe5db562e5f4cfb13abe74e188940",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:58.010000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:58.010000', 'bytes': 1284951040, 'norm_byte': 53231616, 'ops': 1254835, 'norm_ops': 51984, 'norm_ltcy': 19.257789393431153, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:58.010000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:58.010000",
+ "bytes": 1284951040,
+ "norm_byte": 53231616,
+ "ops": 1254835,
+ "norm_ops": 51984,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.257789393431153,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee9dbc389a7aff1b3fae68c77ad4c0f47125eea69f12fc03c53a91bd1d1780ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:47:59.011000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:47:59.011000', 'bytes': 1331907584, 'norm_byte': 46956544, 'ops': 1300691, 'norm_ops': 45856, 'norm_ltcy': 21.831328770703397, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:47:59.011000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:47:59.011000",
+ "bytes": 1331907584,
+ "norm_byte": 46956544,
+ "ops": 1300691,
+ "norm_ops": 45856,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.831328770703397,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "41770e8dc4dad1328a39fc15e0e4d92c381adfd00c8c4ff80d104104a898b334",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:00.012000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:00.012000', 'bytes': 1378747392, 'norm_byte': 46839808, 'ops': 1346433, 'norm_ops': 45742, 'norm_ltcy': 21.88947379972181, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:00.012000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:00.012000",
+ "bytes": 1378747392,
+ "norm_byte": 46839808,
+ "ops": 1346433,
+ "norm_ops": 45742,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.88947379972181,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "92e592611c6e6cb9603a876020d9121bd4928fe5385c1df5aed4a2e1ddd08ab9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:01.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:01.013000', 'bytes': 1425468416, 'norm_byte': 46721024, 'ops': 1392059, 'norm_ops': 45626, 'norm_ltcy': 21.941369478545674, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:01.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:01.013000",
+ "bytes": 1425468416,
+ "norm_byte": 46721024,
+ "ops": 1392059,
+ "norm_ops": 45626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.941369478545674,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ff2587ef11f54c3e8d82165d651c1366e92d84f112b7769deab9c960c4b778d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:02.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:02.014000', 'bytes': 1472582656, 'norm_byte': 47114240, 'ops': 1438069, 'norm_ops': 46010, 'norm_ltcy': 21.75824655136112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:02.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:02.014000",
+ "bytes": 1472582656,
+ "norm_byte": 47114240,
+ "ops": 1438069,
+ "norm_ops": 46010,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.75824655136112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb0302e2406a9039645ed168a5071d72e63d7b32ec52aa89548350f381d97e47",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:03.015000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:03.015000', 'bytes': 1519346688, 'norm_byte': 46764032, 'ops': 1483737, 'norm_ops': 45668, 'norm_ltcy': 21.91994479860077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:03.015000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:03.015000",
+ "bytes": 1519346688,
+ "norm_byte": 46764032,
+ "ops": 1483737,
+ "norm_ops": 45668,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.91994479860077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c653607fcd85a53c7a07a96a816d35214014800189a9245e2d08bad0637aeff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:04.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:04.016000', 'bytes': 1566907392, 'norm_byte': 47560704, 'ops': 1530183, 'norm_ops': 46446, 'norm_ltcy': 21.5538651404319, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:04.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:04.016000",
+ "bytes": 1566907392,
+ "norm_byte": 47560704,
+ "ops": 1530183,
+ "norm_ops": 46446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.5538651404319,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a07821ef460e02bf79ad811003ec85b0ead7190e478bd6e57d64fff1fb4bf146",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:05.017000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:05.017000', 'bytes': 1619493888, 'norm_byte': 52586496, 'ops': 1581537, 'norm_ops': 51354, 'norm_ltcy': 19.49423954773484, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:05.017000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:05.017000",
+ "bytes": 1619493888,
+ "norm_byte": 52586496,
+ "ops": 1581537,
+ "norm_ops": 51354,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.49423954773484,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e3b83fc942795a016ed61d8f01e504e2bc586df835d36616bb305268a55990b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:06.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:06.019000', 'bytes': 1672997888, 'norm_byte': 53504000, 'ops': 1633787, 'norm_ops': 52250, 'norm_ltcy': 19.159726375598087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:06.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:06.019000",
+ "bytes": 1672997888,
+ "norm_byte": 53504000,
+ "ops": 1633787,
+ "norm_ops": 52250,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.159726375598087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b337ae78cafc42dc5c651c49df10d346483498f78749841474a67c01da271cdb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:07.020000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:07.020000', 'bytes': 1726067712, 'norm_byte': 53069824, 'ops': 1685613, 'norm_ops': 51826, 'norm_ltcy': 19.316481057106955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:07.020000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:07.020000",
+ "bytes": 1726067712,
+ "norm_byte": 53069824,
+ "ops": 1685613,
+ "norm_ops": 51826,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.316481057106955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac56b9d902a45c7f5d60e1b020645e98ebad6b26fbcec3fcc0245ebf71f01482",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:08.021000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:08.021000', 'bytes': 1778607104, 'norm_byte': 52539392, 'ops': 1736921, 'norm_ops': 51308, 'norm_ltcy': 19.511455328603727, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:08.021000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:08.021000",
+ "bytes": 1778607104,
+ "norm_byte": 52539392,
+ "ops": 1736921,
+ "norm_ops": 51308,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.511455328603727,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "426f8e60522b246b7e9cc8061ebbb658cec44b1a9392af526d4e2494273885f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:09.022000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:09.022000', 'bytes': 1830132736, 'norm_byte': 51525632, 'ops': 1787239, 'norm_ops': 50318, 'norm_ltcy': 19.89536489334085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:09.022000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:09.022000",
+ "bytes": 1830132736,
+ "norm_byte": 51525632,
+ "ops": 1787239,
+ "norm_ops": 50318,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.89536489334085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c6ac196f3c2102f820dfbdbce3ff916005c1c2ae04ec5cc7924cbb059765895",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:10.023000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:10.023000', 'bytes': 1882680320, 'norm_byte': 52547584, 'ops': 1838555, 'norm_ops': 51316, 'norm_ltcy': 19.508765617083366, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:10.023000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:10.023000",
+ "bytes": 1882680320,
+ "norm_byte": 52547584,
+ "ops": 1838555,
+ "norm_ops": 51316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.508765617083366,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f578f67d60963be8f9e005962f5a3a36878a8a847a3ecd7f1b80f6ed0e13159",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:11.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:11.024000', 'bytes': 1932796928, 'norm_byte': 50116608, 'ops': 1887497, 'norm_ops': 48942, 'norm_ltcy': 20.454806119360672, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:11.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:11.024000",
+ "bytes": 1932796928,
+ "norm_byte": 50116608,
+ "ops": 1887497,
+ "norm_ops": 48942,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.454806119360672,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df4cb0d9acd874843bceddb9e27ec5d51000e6865da2e81db3bf37a79f3803c9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:12.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:12.025000', 'bytes': 1979554816, 'norm_byte': 46757888, 'ops': 1933159, 'norm_ops': 45662, 'norm_ltcy': 21.924209878769545, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:12.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:12.025000",
+ "bytes": 1979554816,
+ "norm_byte": 46757888,
+ "ops": 1933159,
+ "norm_ops": 45662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.924209878769545,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "347bdd73a996fb11a96a5dc3d483aac039561dceaa15bbd984fe56b424ae7a08",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:13.026000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:13.026000', 'bytes': 2026163200, 'norm_byte': 46608384, 'ops': 1978675, 'norm_ops': 45516, 'norm_ltcy': 21.99434762638413, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:13.026000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:13.026000",
+ "bytes": 2026163200,
+ "norm_byte": 46608384,
+ "ops": 1978675,
+ "norm_ops": 45516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.99434762638413,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83a73066881d8edd51ff6d75f8208723c61f6746bb3e504fe95faf1e63e309dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:14.027000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:14.027000', 'bytes': 2072726528, 'norm_byte': 46563328, 'ops': 2024147, 'norm_ops': 45472, 'norm_ltcy': 22.0157158869744, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:14.027000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:14.027000",
+ "bytes": 2072726528,
+ "norm_byte": 46563328,
+ "ops": 2024147,
+ "norm_ops": 45472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.0157158869744,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b939d4641cb43c46ad35ccf97ef06e8afdda0b1ea18494625b70a793837305d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:15.028000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:15.028000', 'bytes': 2119537664, 'norm_byte': 46811136, 'ops': 2069861, 'norm_ops': 45714, 'norm_ltcy': 21.899361724526404, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:15.028000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:15.028000",
+ "bytes": 2119537664,
+ "norm_byte": 46811136,
+ "ops": 2069861,
+ "norm_ops": 45714,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.899361724526404,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c142af652166951866c6ecaa3118e805e32a560536d38bd7051066693841ee43",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:16.030000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:16.030000', 'bytes': 2169504768, 'norm_byte': 49967104, 'ops': 2118657, 'norm_ops': 48796, 'norm_ltcy': 20.515902822785165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:16.030000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:16.030000",
+ "bytes": 2169504768,
+ "norm_byte": 49967104,
+ "ops": 2118657,
+ "norm_ops": 48796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.515902822785165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "263623fb996cb246e0ffec88beb623019d5b2062e5989a263952a83b3c29b416",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:17.031000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:17.031000', 'bytes': 2222891008, 'norm_byte': 53386240, 'ops': 2170792, 'norm_ops': 52135, 'norm_ltcy': 19.20192824967632, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:17.031000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:17.031000",
+ "bytes": 2222891008,
+ "norm_byte": 53386240,
+ "ops": 2170792,
+ "norm_ops": 52135,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.20192824967632,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "96cddf8abf34ed60e0305c8b8b05702aae55dc3c31d4ce4007c38f1b39a06e8f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:18.032000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:18.032000', 'bytes': 2274825216, 'norm_byte': 51934208, 'ops': 2221509, 'norm_ops': 50717, 'norm_ltcy': 19.739523128955774, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:18.032000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:18.032000",
+ "bytes": 2274825216,
+ "norm_byte": 51934208,
+ "ops": 2221509,
+ "norm_ops": 50717,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.739523128955774,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c39603d4563b64fc298d27fcf1d7a224097f10fc113be31b71792c67ef6a1583",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:19.033000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:19.033000', 'bytes': 2327743488, 'norm_byte': 52918272, 'ops': 2273187, 'norm_ops': 51678, 'norm_ltcy': 19.371810742421825, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:19.033000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:19.033000",
+ "bytes": 2327743488,
+ "norm_byte": 52918272,
+ "ops": 2273187,
+ "norm_ops": 51678,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.371810742421825,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8242c91a60e5b660a35057d789e07afb37ab296e812a39af680fc0f74569ef22",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:20.034000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:20.034000', 'bytes': 2381071360, 'norm_byte': 53327872, 'ops': 2325265, 'norm_ops': 52078, 'norm_ltcy': 19.223015311767924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:20.034000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:20.034000",
+ "bytes": 2381071360,
+ "norm_byte": 53327872,
+ "ops": 2325265,
+ "norm_ops": 52078,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.223015311767924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e46b48858eb0281f9fd3319f56c5139cf65965b98e0df398073ec4e3aac9f99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:21.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:21.035000', 'bytes': 2434499584, 'norm_byte': 53428224, 'ops': 2377441, 'norm_ops': 52176, 'norm_ltcy': 19.18686741299879, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:21.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:21.035000",
+ "bytes": 2434499584,
+ "norm_byte": 53428224,
+ "ops": 2377441,
+ "norm_ops": 52176,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.18686741299879,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "392180c0063bb43ef15206227586af0bd14f402ceb3c82427c06a796764d3b55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:22.036000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:22.036000', 'bytes': 2486998016, 'norm_byte': 52498432, 'ops': 2428709, 'norm_ops': 51268, 'norm_ltcy': 19.526726055361042, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:22.036000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:22.036000",
+ "bytes": 2486998016,
+ "norm_byte": 52498432,
+ "ops": 2428709,
+ "norm_ops": 51268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.526726055361042,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d13dc6038073bb27bc84bb61d5f1de58c1429abfb098450c9d51cba1479ce53b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:23.037000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:23.037000', 'bytes': 2539414528, 'norm_byte': 52416512, 'ops': 2479897, 'norm_ops': 51188, 'norm_ltcy': 19.5572914122939, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:23.037000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:23.037000",
+ "bytes": 2539414528,
+ "norm_byte": 52416512,
+ "ops": 2479897,
+ "norm_ops": 51188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.5572914122939,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1319a226bef1b576bea334e07bbd7d0a4a2749079a881ad76e15ee814aa9a70b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:24.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:24.038000', 'bytes': 2592252928, 'norm_byte': 52838400, 'ops': 2531497, 'norm_ops': 51600, 'norm_ltcy': 19.401122100593508, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:24.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:24.038000",
+ "bytes": 2592252928,
+ "norm_byte": 52838400,
+ "ops": 2531497,
+ "norm_ops": 51600,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.401122100593508,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb4a3d815058ad155361a813e3730dd5676ca9bb0c9bb2b4473c9a7e7a596be7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:25.039000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:25.039000', 'bytes': 2642588672, 'norm_byte': 50335744, 'ops': 2580653, 'norm_ops': 49156, 'norm_ltcy': 20.364768026474387, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:25.039000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:25.039000",
+ "bytes": 2642588672,
+ "norm_byte": 50335744,
+ "ops": 2580653,
+ "norm_ops": 49156,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.364768026474387,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d96ccd72f5a827d52ebe71f6744f3dea33d4a0620247ea500db1a270f6a6113a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:26.040000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:26.040000', 'bytes': 2689655808, 'norm_byte': 47067136, 'ops': 2626617, 'norm_ops': 45964, 'norm_ltcy': 21.778800180236164, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:26.040000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:26.040000",
+ "bytes": 2689655808,
+ "norm_byte": 47067136,
+ "ops": 2626617,
+ "norm_ops": 45964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.778800180236164,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd335063a63bff8c31606cd3db331c1ff501e65775fff0a192dccb6ca91e8ff0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:27.042000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:27.042000', 'bytes': 2736616448, 'norm_byte': 46960640, 'ops': 2672477, 'norm_ops': 45860, 'norm_ltcy': 21.829392657340275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:27.042000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:27.042000",
+ "bytes": 2736616448,
+ "norm_byte": 46960640,
+ "ops": 2672477,
+ "norm_ops": 45860,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.829392657340275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ec7e0c69e848fc7e95aa4a714240b99d55648e52d75db56981354e923127e7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:28.043000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:28.043000', 'bytes': 2782852096, 'norm_byte': 46235648, 'ops': 2717629, 'norm_ops': 45152, 'norm_ltcy': 22.17165854364148, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:28.043000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:28.043000",
+ "bytes": 2782852096,
+ "norm_byte": 46235648,
+ "ops": 2717629,
+ "norm_ops": 45152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.17165854364148,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a5cf8f0a0420065682d53a6f2f6c1cabc2a64a758f0b3742a100284f80dea94",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:29.044000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:29.044000', 'bytes': 2829927424, 'norm_byte': 47075328, 'ops': 2763601, 'norm_ops': 45972, 'norm_ltcy': 21.776167974867857, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:29.044000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:29.044000",
+ "bytes": 2829927424,
+ "norm_byte": 47075328,
+ "ops": 2763601,
+ "norm_ops": 45972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.776167974867857,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0490da75486a2496c3ba931d36613bb1e948673d76da59bee7a76af73615ee17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:48:30.245000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:48:30.245000', 'bytes': 2883578880, 'norm_byte': 53651456, 'ops': 2815995, 'norm_ops': 52394, 'norm_ltcy': 22.929168035998874, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:48:30.245000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:48:30.245000",
+ "bytes": 2883578880,
+ "norm_byte": 53651456,
+ "ops": 2815995,
+ "norm_ops": 52394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.929168035998874,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "75bf92c7-9927-5b74-ac87-3fd340453735",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f2c819a4c51e8f89b867f67a3ad0cffd06026d1f3103e77f813d077ead66ea9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 48874218.30508474
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 47728.72881355932
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 22.172378445750923
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:48:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-067-220519214446/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-067-220519214446/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecdfc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-067-220519214446/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-067-220519214446/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-067-220519214446/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-067-220519214446/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-067-220519214446/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-067-220519214446/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e80d63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-067-220519214446/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=25
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=150
+ net.core.busy_poll=120
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-068-220519214647/220519214647-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-068-220519214647/220519214647-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f26d412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-068-220519214647/220519214647-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:49:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996971334.4553 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996972335.5532 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996972335.6372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996973336.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35011584 nr_ops:34191\ntimestamp_ms:1652996974337.8098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70459392 nr_ops:68808\ntimestamp_ms:1652996975338.9026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98573312 nr_ops:96263\ntimestamp_ms:1652996976340.0029 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133689344 nr_ops:130556\ntimestamp_ms:1652996977341.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:168926208 nr_ops:164967\ntimestamp_ms:1652996978342.2041 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204170240 nr_ops:199385\ntimestamp_ms:1652996979343.2979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:239387648 nr_ops:233777\ntimestamp_ms:1652996980344.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:274756608 nr_ops:268317\ntimestamp_ms:1652996981344.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:310055936 nr_ops:302789\ntimestamp_ms:1652996982345.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:345275392 nr_ops:337183\ntimestamp_ms:1652996983346.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380708864 nr_ops:371786\ntimestamp_ms:1652996984347.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415992832 nr_ops:406243\ntimestamp_ms:1652996985348.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:451302400 nr_ops:440725\ntimestamp_ms:1652996986350.0750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:486702080 nr_ops:475295\ntimestamp_ms:1652996987351.1606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522646528 nr_ops:510397\ntimestamp_ms:1652996988352.2471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558881792 nr_ops:545783\ntimestamp_ms:1652996989353.2769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:594629632 nr_ops:580693\ntimestamp_ms:1652996990354.3684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:629940224 nr_ops:615176\ntimestamp_ms:1652996991355.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:665189376 nr_ops:649599\ntimestamp_ms:1652996992356.5574 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700538880 nr_ops:684120\ntimestamp_ms:1652996993357.6514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:735773696 nr_ops:718529\ntimestamp_ms:1652996994358.7410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771077120 nr_ops:753005\ntimestamp_ms:1652996995358.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:806444032 nr_ops:787543\ntimestamp_ms:1652996996359.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:842007552 nr_ops:822273\ntimestamp_ms:1652996997361.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:877014016 nr_ops:856459\ntimestamp_ms:1652996998362.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912288768 nr_ops:890907\ntimestamp_ms:1652996999363.2087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947395584 nr_ops:925191\ntimestamp_ms:1652997000364.2437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:982989824 nr_ops:959951\ntimestamp_ms:1652997001365.3328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017979904 nr_ops:994121\ntimestamp_ms:1652997002366.4275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053181952 nr_ops:1028498\ntimestamp_ms:1652997003367.5300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1088606208 nr_ops:1063092\ntimestamp_ms:1652997004368.5610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123972096 nr_ops:1097629\ntimestamp_ms:1652997005369.6533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1158484992 nr_ops:1131333\ntimestamp_ms:1652997006370.6885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1193726976 nr_ops:1165749\ntimestamp_ms:1652997007371.7981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1229075456 nr_ops:1200269\ntimestamp_ms:1652997008372.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264569344 nr_ops:1234931\ntimestamp_ms:1652997009374.0681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299903488 nr_ops:1269437\ntimestamp_ms:1652997010375.1599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335165952 nr_ops:1303873\ntimestamp_ms:1652997011376.2598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1370317824 nr_ops:1338201\ntimestamp_ms:1652997012377.3525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1405633536 nr_ops:1372689\ntimestamp_ms:1652997013378.4409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440723968 nr_ops:1406957\ntimestamp_ms:1652997014379.5339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1476078592 nr_ops:1441483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997015380.6211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1511484416 nr_ops:1476059\ntimestamp_ms:1652997016381.6584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1547009024 nr_ops:1510751\ntimestamp_ms:1652997017382.7546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582373888 nr_ops:1545287\ntimestamp_ms:1652997018383.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1617390592 nr_ops:1579483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997019384.9666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652827136 nr_ops:1614089\ntimestamp_ms:1652997020386.0588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688343552 nr_ops:1648773\ntimestamp_ms:1652997021387.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723842560 nr_ops:1683440\ntimestamp_ms:1652997022388.2629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1759348736 nr_ops:1718114\ntimestamp_ms:1652997023389.3594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1794712576 nr_ops:1752649\ntimestamp_ms:1652997024390.4512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1830157312 nr_ops:1787263\ntimestamp_ms:1652997025390.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1865372672 nr_ops:1821653\ntimestamp_ms:1652997026391.9961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901302784 nr_ops:1856741\ntimestamp_ms:1652997027393.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1936698368 nr_ops:1891307\ntimestamp_ms:1652997028394.1863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972102144 nr_ops:1925881\ntimestamp_ms:1652997029395.2759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2007501824 nr_ops:1960451\ntimestamp_ms:1652997030396.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2043018240 nr_ops:1995135\ntimestamp_ms:1652997031397.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2078454784 nr_ops:2029741\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139709265377024\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2113438720 nr_ops:2063905\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.8862 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.8896 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032699.0862 name:Total nr_bytes:2113438720 nr_ops:2063906\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.9875 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4226877438 nr_ops:4127812\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.9880 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2113438720 nr_ops:2063908\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 223.68us 0.00ns 223.68us 223.68us \nTxn1 1031953 58.13us 0.00ns 208.01ms 25.58us \nTxn2 1 41.65us 0.00ns 41.65us 41.65us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 211.93us 0.00ns 211.93us 211.93us \nwrite 1031953 3.85us 0.00ns 124.21us 2.26us \nread 1031952 54.18us 0.00ns 208.01ms 3.74us \ndisconnect 1 41.17us 0.00ns 41.17us 41.17us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16547 16547 144.29Mb/s 144.29Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.19b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.163 62.37s 1.97GB 271.10Mb/s 2063908 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.10Mb/s 2063908 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414941, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996971334.4553 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996972335.5532 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996972335.6372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996973336.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35011584 nr_ops:34191\ntimestamp_ms:1652996974337.8098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70459392 nr_ops:68808\ntimestamp_ms:1652996975338.9026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98573312 nr_ops:96263\ntimestamp_ms:1652996976340.0029 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133689344 nr_ops:130556\ntimestamp_ms:1652996977341.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:168926208 nr_ops:164967\ntimestamp_ms:1652996978342.2041 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204170240 nr_ops:199385\ntimestamp_ms:1652996979343.2979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:239387648 nr_ops:233777\ntimestamp_ms:1652996980344.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:274756608 nr_ops:268317\ntimestamp_ms:1652996981344.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:310055936 nr_ops:302789\ntimestamp_ms:1652996982345.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:345275392 nr_ops:337183\ntimestamp_ms:1652996983346.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380708864 nr_ops:371786\ntimestamp_ms:1652996984347.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415992832 nr_ops:406243\ntimestamp_ms:1652996985348.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:451302400 nr_ops:440725\ntimestamp_ms:1652996986350.0750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:486702080 nr_ops:475295\ntimestamp_ms:1652996987351.1606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522646528 nr_ops:510397\ntimestamp_ms:1652996988352.2471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558881792 nr_ops:545783\ntimestamp_ms:1652996989353.2769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:594629632 nr_ops:580693\ntimestamp_ms:1652996990354.3684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:629940224 nr_ops:615176\ntimestamp_ms:1652996991355.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:665189376 nr_ops:649599\ntimestamp_ms:1652996992356.5574 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700538880 nr_ops:684120\ntimestamp_ms:1652996993357.6514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:735773696 nr_ops:718529\ntimestamp_ms:1652996994358.7410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771077120 nr_ops:753005\ntimestamp_ms:1652996995358.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:806444032 nr_ops:787543\ntimestamp_ms:1652996996359.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:842007552 nr_ops:822273\ntimestamp_ms:1652996997361.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:877014016 nr_ops:856459\ntimestamp_ms:1652996998362.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912288768 nr_ops:890907\ntimestamp_ms:1652996999363.2087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947395584 nr_ops:925191\ntimestamp_ms:1652997000364.2437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:982989824 nr_ops:959951\ntimestamp_ms:1652997001365.3328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017979904 nr_ops:994121\ntimestamp_ms:1652997002366.4275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053181952 nr_ops:1028498\ntimestamp_ms:1652997003367.5300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1088606208 nr_ops:1063092\ntimestamp_ms:1652997004368.5610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123972096 nr_ops:1097629\ntimestamp_ms:1652997005369.6533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1158484992 nr_ops:1131333\ntimestamp_ms:1652997006370.6885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1193726976 nr_ops:1165749\ntimestamp_ms:1652997007371.7981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1229075456 nr_ops:1200269\ntimestamp_ms:1652997008372.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264569344 nr_ops:1234931\ntimestamp_ms:1652997009374.0681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299903488 nr_ops:1269437\ntimestamp_ms:1652997010375.1599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335165952 nr_ops:1303873\ntimestamp_ms:1652997011376.2598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1370317824 nr_ops:1338201\ntimestamp_ms:1652997012377.3525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1405633536 nr_ops:1372689\ntimestamp_ms:1652997013378.4409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440723968 nr_ops:1406957\ntimestamp_ms:1652997014379.5339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1476078592 nr_ops:1441483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997015380.6211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1511484416 nr_ops:1476059\ntimestamp_ms:1652997016381.6584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1547009024 nr_ops:1510751\ntimestamp_ms:1652997017382.7546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582373888 nr_ops:1545287\ntimestamp_ms:1652997018383.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1617390592 nr_ops:1579483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997019384.9666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652827136 nr_ops:1614089\ntimestamp_ms:1652997020386.0588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688343552 nr_ops:1648773\ntimestamp_ms:1652997021387.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723842560 nr_ops:1683440\ntimestamp_ms:1652997022388.2629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1759348736 nr_ops:1718114\ntimestamp_ms:1652997023389.3594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1794712576 nr_ops:1752649\ntimestamp_ms:1652997024390.4512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1830157312 nr_ops:1787263\ntimestamp_ms:1652997025390.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1865372672 nr_ops:1821653\ntimestamp_ms:1652997026391.9961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901302784 nr_ops:1856741\ntimestamp_ms:1652997027393.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1936698368 nr_ops:1891307\ntimestamp_ms:1652997028394.1863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972102144 nr_ops:1925881\ntimestamp_ms:1652997029395.2759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2007501824 nr_ops:1960451\ntimestamp_ms:1652997030396.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2043018240 nr_ops:1995135\ntimestamp_ms:1652997031397.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2078454784 nr_ops:2029741\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139709265377024\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2113438720 nr_ops:2063905\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.8862 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.8896 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032699.0862 name:Total nr_bytes:2113438720 nr_ops:2063906\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.9875 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4226877438 nr_ops:4127812\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.9880 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2113438720 nr_ops:2063908\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 223.68us 0.00ns 223.68us 223.68us \nTxn1 1031953 58.13us 0.00ns 208.01ms 25.58us \nTxn2 1 41.65us 0.00ns 41.65us 41.65us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 211.93us 0.00ns 211.93us 211.93us \nwrite 1031953 3.85us 0.00ns 124.21us 2.26us \nread 1031952 54.18us 0.00ns 208.01ms 3.74us \ndisconnect 1 41.17us 0.00ns 41.17us 41.17us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16547 16547 144.29Mb/s 144.29Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.19b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.163 62.37s 1.97GB 271.10Mb/s 2063908 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.10Mb/s 2063908 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414941, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996971334.4553 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996972335.5532 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652996972335.6372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652996973336.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35011584 nr_ops:34191\ntimestamp_ms:1652996974337.8098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70459392 nr_ops:68808\ntimestamp_ms:1652996975338.9026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98573312 nr_ops:96263\ntimestamp_ms:1652996976340.0029 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133689344 nr_ops:130556\ntimestamp_ms:1652996977341.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:168926208 nr_ops:164967\ntimestamp_ms:1652996978342.2041 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204170240 nr_ops:199385\ntimestamp_ms:1652996979343.2979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:239387648 nr_ops:233777\ntimestamp_ms:1652996980344.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:274756608 nr_ops:268317\ntimestamp_ms:1652996981344.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:310055936 nr_ops:302789\ntimestamp_ms:1652996982345.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:345275392 nr_ops:337183\ntimestamp_ms:1652996983346.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380708864 nr_ops:371786\ntimestamp_ms:1652996984347.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415992832 nr_ops:406243\ntimestamp_ms:1652996985348.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:451302400 nr_ops:440725\ntimestamp_ms:1652996986350.0750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:486702080 nr_ops:475295\ntimestamp_ms:1652996987351.1606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522646528 nr_ops:510397\ntimestamp_ms:1652996988352.2471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558881792 nr_ops:545783\ntimestamp_ms:1652996989353.2769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:594629632 nr_ops:580693\ntimestamp_ms:1652996990354.3684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:629940224 nr_ops:615176\ntimestamp_ms:1652996991355.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:665189376 nr_ops:649599\ntimestamp_ms:1652996992356.5574 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700538880 nr_ops:684120\ntimestamp_ms:1652996993357.6514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:735773696 nr_ops:718529\ntimestamp_ms:1652996994358.7410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771077120 nr_ops:753005\ntimestamp_ms:1652996995358.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:806444032 nr_ops:787543\ntimestamp_ms:1652996996359.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:842007552 nr_ops:822273\ntimestamp_ms:1652996997361.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:877014016 nr_ops:856459\ntimestamp_ms:1652996998362.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912288768 nr_ops:890907\ntimestamp_ms:1652996999363.2087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947395584 nr_ops:925191\ntimestamp_ms:1652997000364.2437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:982989824 nr_ops:959951\ntimestamp_ms:1652997001365.3328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017979904 nr_ops:994121\ntimestamp_ms:1652997002366.4275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053181952 nr_ops:1028498\ntimestamp_ms:1652997003367.5300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1088606208 nr_ops:1063092\ntimestamp_ms:1652997004368.5610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123972096 nr_ops:1097629\ntimestamp_ms:1652997005369.6533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1158484992 nr_ops:1131333\ntimestamp_ms:1652997006370.6885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1193726976 nr_ops:1165749\ntimestamp_ms:1652997007371.7981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1229075456 nr_ops:1200269\ntimestamp_ms:1652997008372.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264569344 nr_ops:1234931\ntimestamp_ms:1652997009374.0681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299903488 nr_ops:1269437\ntimestamp_ms:1652997010375.1599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335165952 nr_ops:1303873\ntimestamp_ms:1652997011376.2598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1370317824 nr_ops:1338201\ntimestamp_ms:1652997012377.3525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1405633536 nr_ops:1372689\ntimestamp_ms:1652997013378.4409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440723968 nr_ops:1406957\ntimestamp_ms:1652997014379.5339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1476078592 nr_ops:1441483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997015380.6211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1511484416 nr_ops:1476059\ntimestamp_ms:1652997016381.6584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1547009024 nr_ops:1510751\ntimestamp_ms:1652997017382.7546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582373888 nr_ops:1545287\ntimestamp_ms:1652997018383.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1617390592 nr_ops:1579483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997019384.9666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652827136 nr_ops:1614089\ntimestamp_ms:1652997020386.0588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688343552 nr_ops:1648773\ntimestamp_ms:1652997021387.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723842560 nr_ops:1683440\ntimestamp_ms:1652997022388.2629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1759348736 nr_ops:1718114\ntimestamp_ms:1652997023389.3594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1794712576 nr_ops:1752649\ntimestamp_ms:1652997024390.4512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1830157312 nr_ops:1787263\ntimestamp_ms:1652997025390.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1865372672 nr_ops:1821653\ntimestamp_ms:1652997026391.9961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901302784 nr_ops:1856741\ntimestamp_ms:1652997027393.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1936698368 nr_ops:1891307\ntimestamp_ms:1652997028394.1863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972102144 nr_ops:1925881\ntimestamp_ms:1652997029395.2759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2007501824 nr_ops:1960451\ntimestamp_ms:1652997030396.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2043018240 nr_ops:1995135\ntimestamp_ms:1652997031397.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2078454784 nr_ops:2029741\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139709265377024\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2113438720 nr_ops:2063905\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.8862 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.8896 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032699.0862 name:Total nr_bytes:2113438720 nr_ops:2063906\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.9875 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4226877438 nr_ops:4127812\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997032598.9880 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2113438720 nr_ops:2063908\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 223.68us 0.00ns 223.68us 223.68us \nTxn1 1031953 58.13us 0.00ns 208.01ms 25.58us \nTxn2 1 41.65us 0.00ns 41.65us 41.65us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 211.93us 0.00ns 211.93us 211.93us \nwrite 1031953 3.85us 0.00ns 124.21us 2.26us \nread 1031952 54.18us 0.00ns 208.01ms 3.74us \ndisconnect 1 41.17us 0.00ns 41.17us 41.17us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16547 16547 144.29Mb/s 144.29Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.19b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.163 62.37s 1.97GB 271.10Mb/s 2063908 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.10Mb/s 2063908 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414941, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996971334.4553 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996972335.5532 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652996972335.6372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652996973336.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35011584 nr_ops:34191
+timestamp_ms:1652996974337.8098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70459392 nr_ops:68808
+timestamp_ms:1652996975338.9026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98573312 nr_ops:96263
+timestamp_ms:1652996976340.0029 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133689344 nr_ops:130556
+timestamp_ms:1652996977341.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:168926208 nr_ops:164967
+timestamp_ms:1652996978342.2041 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:204170240 nr_ops:199385
+timestamp_ms:1652996979343.2979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:239387648 nr_ops:233777
+timestamp_ms:1652996980344.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:274756608 nr_ops:268317
+timestamp_ms:1652996981344.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:310055936 nr_ops:302789
+timestamp_ms:1652996982345.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:345275392 nr_ops:337183
+timestamp_ms:1652996983346.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380708864 nr_ops:371786
+timestamp_ms:1652996984347.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:415992832 nr_ops:406243
+timestamp_ms:1652996985348.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:451302400 nr_ops:440725
+timestamp_ms:1652996986350.0750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:486702080 nr_ops:475295
+timestamp_ms:1652996987351.1606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522646528 nr_ops:510397
+timestamp_ms:1652996988352.2471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558881792 nr_ops:545783
+timestamp_ms:1652996989353.2769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:594629632 nr_ops:580693
+timestamp_ms:1652996990354.3684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:629940224 nr_ops:615176
+timestamp_ms:1652996991355.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:665189376 nr_ops:649599
+timestamp_ms:1652996992356.5574 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700538880 nr_ops:684120
+timestamp_ms:1652996993357.6514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:735773696 nr_ops:718529
+timestamp_ms:1652996994358.7410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771077120 nr_ops:753005
+timestamp_ms:1652996995358.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:806444032 nr_ops:787543
+timestamp_ms:1652996996359.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:842007552 nr_ops:822273
+timestamp_ms:1652996997361.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:877014016 nr_ops:856459
+timestamp_ms:1652996998362.1743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912288768 nr_ops:890907
+timestamp_ms:1652996999363.2087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947395584 nr_ops:925191
+timestamp_ms:1652997000364.2437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:982989824 nr_ops:959951
+timestamp_ms:1652997001365.3328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017979904 nr_ops:994121
+timestamp_ms:1652997002366.4275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053181952 nr_ops:1028498
+timestamp_ms:1652997003367.5300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1088606208 nr_ops:1063092
+timestamp_ms:1652997004368.5610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1123972096 nr_ops:1097629
+timestamp_ms:1652997005369.6533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1158484992 nr_ops:1131333
+timestamp_ms:1652997006370.6885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1193726976 nr_ops:1165749
+timestamp_ms:1652997007371.7981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1229075456 nr_ops:1200269
+timestamp_ms:1652997008372.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264569344 nr_ops:1234931
+timestamp_ms:1652997009374.0681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299903488 nr_ops:1269437
+timestamp_ms:1652997010375.1599 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1335165952 nr_ops:1303873
+timestamp_ms:1652997011376.2598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1370317824 nr_ops:1338201
+timestamp_ms:1652997012377.3525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1405633536 nr_ops:1372689
+timestamp_ms:1652997013378.4409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440723968 nr_ops:1406957
+timestamp_ms:1652997014379.5339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1476078592 nr_ops:1441483
+timestamp_ms:1652997015380.6211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1511484416 nr_ops:1476059
+timestamp_ms:1652997016381.6584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1547009024 nr_ops:1510751
+timestamp_ms:1652997017382.7546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582373888 nr_ops:1545287
+timestamp_ms:1652997018383.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1617390592 nr_ops:1579483
+timestamp_ms:1652997019384.9666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652827136 nr_ops:1614089
+timestamp_ms:1652997020386.0588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688343552 nr_ops:1648773
+timestamp_ms:1652997021387.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1723842560 nr_ops:1683440
+timestamp_ms:1652997022388.2629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1759348736 nr_ops:1718114
+timestamp_ms:1652997023389.3594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1794712576 nr_ops:1752649
+timestamp_ms:1652997024390.4512 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1830157312 nr_ops:1787263
+timestamp_ms:1652997025390.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1865372672 nr_ops:1821653
+timestamp_ms:1652997026391.9961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1901302784 nr_ops:1856741
+timestamp_ms:1652997027393.0959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1936698368 nr_ops:1891307
+timestamp_ms:1652997028394.1863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972102144 nr_ops:1925881
+timestamp_ms:1652997029395.2759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2007501824 nr_ops:1960451
+timestamp_ms:1652997030396.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2043018240 nr_ops:1995135
+timestamp_ms:1652997031397.4722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2078454784 nr_ops:2029741
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139709265377024
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652997032598.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2113438720 nr_ops:2063905
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997032598.8862 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997032598.8896 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997032699.0862 name:Total nr_bytes:2113438720 nr_ops:2063906
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997032598.9875 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4226877438 nr_ops:4127812
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997032598.9880 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2113438720 nr_ops:2063908
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 223.68us 0.00ns 223.68us 223.68us
+Txn1 1031953 58.13us 0.00ns 208.01ms 25.58us
+Txn2 1 41.65us 0.00ns 41.65us 41.65us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 211.93us 0.00ns 211.93us 211.93us
+write 1031953 3.85us 0.00ns 124.21us 2.26us
+read 1031952 54.18us 0.00ns 208.01ms 3.74us
+disconnect 1 41.17us 0.00ns 41.17us 41.17us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 16547 16547 144.29Mb/s 144.29Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.19b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.163 62.37s 1.97GB 271.10Mb/s 2063908 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.97GB 271.10Mb/s 2063908 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:33.336000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:33.336000', 'bytes': 35011584, 'norm_byte': 35011584, 'ops': 34191, 'norm_ops': 34191, 'norm_ltcy': 29.279287963663684, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:33.336000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:33.336000",
+ "bytes": 35011584,
+ "norm_byte": 35011584,
+ "ops": 34191,
+ "norm_ops": 34191,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.279287963663684,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55e9de91c832d3f8a1743dd032bcead6906f8d51f68748fc3d62f23540acdb0e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:34.337000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:34.337000', 'bytes': 70459392, 'norm_byte': 35447808, 'ops': 68808, 'norm_ops': 34617, 'norm_ltcy': 28.91886855175925, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:34.337000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:34.337000",
+ "bytes": 70459392,
+ "norm_byte": 35447808,
+ "ops": 68808,
+ "norm_ops": 34617,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.91886855175925,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c3ef13d9dd2c7a9ea1d891080123513051ef6d6fd8a0eeaf3f7e16462b4c89f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:35.338000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:35.338000', 'bytes': 98573312, 'norm_byte': 28113920, 'ops': 96263, 'norm_ops': 27455, 'norm_ltcy': 36.4630403728829, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:35.338000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:35.338000",
+ "bytes": 98573312,
+ "norm_byte": 28113920,
+ "ops": 96263,
+ "norm_ops": 27455,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.4630403728829,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "733f3ef21eaa22fe3350bb04318c4814fe3096a32cdf53cdb0cda94dedbea4b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:36.340000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:36.340000', 'bytes': 133689344, 'norm_byte': 35116032, 'ops': 130556, 'norm_ops': 34293, 'norm_ltcy': 29.192556550808472, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:36.340000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:36.340000",
+ "bytes": 133689344,
+ "norm_byte": 35116032,
+ "ops": 130556,
+ "norm_ops": 34293,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.192556550808472,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a17f06a4b81974aa4c58b0cb8999ff60763f431bbfa689103578c2be9c675b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:37.341000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:37.341000', 'bytes': 168926208, 'norm_byte': 35236864, 'ops': 164967, 'norm_ops': 34411, 'norm_ltcy': 29.092621579491297, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:37.341000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:37.341000",
+ "bytes": 168926208,
+ "norm_byte": 35236864,
+ "ops": 164967,
+ "norm_ops": 34411,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.092621579491297,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ffb18a9d42c2f07638abbb7ddaf2615d41faafe88459c9100709969ce7623c34",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:38.342000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:38.342000', 'bytes': 204170240, 'norm_byte': 35244032, 'ops': 199385, 'norm_ops': 34418, 'norm_ltcy': 29.086378368967548, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:38.342000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:38.342000",
+ "bytes": 204170240,
+ "norm_byte": 35244032,
+ "ops": 199385,
+ "norm_ops": 34418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.086378368967548,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06dad7054034412db59de71d9f6fbe5070c3c7fa5ca65742422d636bb5dabd16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:39.343000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:39.343000', 'bytes': 239387648, 'norm_byte': 35217408, 'ops': 233777, 'norm_ops': 34392, 'norm_ltcy': 29.10833187950686, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:39.343000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:39.343000",
+ "bytes": 239387648,
+ "norm_byte": 35217408,
+ "ops": 233777,
+ "norm_ops": 34392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.10833187950686,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7187d3578c338af49f0ecf707d4938b6a4c5b30c0f0b74a87a8a8ebcd11abe0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:40.344000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:40.344000', 'bytes': 274756608, 'norm_byte': 35368960, 'ops': 268317, 'norm_ops': 34540, 'norm_ltcy': 28.983648374167633, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:40.344000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:40.344000",
+ "bytes": 274756608,
+ "norm_byte": 35368960,
+ "ops": 268317,
+ "norm_ops": 34540,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.983648374167633,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea756c27a61d6aadfcd0f7f50a6734271d4fcc5e2fe97e8c5258335bb16bcf14",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:41.344000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:41.344000', 'bytes': 310055936, 'norm_byte': 35299328, 'ops': 302789, 'norm_ops': 34472, 'norm_ltcy': 29.022259290601795, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:41.344000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:41.344000",
+ "bytes": 310055936,
+ "norm_byte": 35299328,
+ "ops": 302789,
+ "norm_ops": 34472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.022259290601795,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce30f5885151ae9378fc81b696c775aa3ba54be835eafbbc2342f67b77d5a8ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:42.345000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:42.345000', 'bytes': 345275392, 'norm_byte': 35219456, 'ops': 337183, 'norm_ops': 34394, 'norm_ltcy': 29.10348757232366, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:42.345000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:42.345000",
+ "bytes": 345275392,
+ "norm_byte": 35219456,
+ "ops": 337183,
+ "norm_ops": 34394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.10348757232366,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "31c84e26987f4faf2203134fb4bcf8ffe0525301e53d3a21085fecdce219edb5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:43.346000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:43.346000', 'bytes': 380708864, 'norm_byte': 35433472, 'ops': 371786, 'norm_ops': 34603, 'norm_ltcy': 28.928304005884605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:43.346000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:43.346000",
+ "bytes": 380708864,
+ "norm_byte": 35433472,
+ "ops": 371786,
+ "norm_ops": 34603,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.928304005884605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "063839e12b014cc35d412c9f6c7968b9892fd270ff535ca500066216483fe4bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:44.347000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:44.347000', 'bytes': 415992832, 'norm_byte': 35283968, 'ops': 406243, 'norm_ops': 34457, 'norm_ltcy': 29.05335788763894, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:44.347000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:44.347000",
+ "bytes": 415992832,
+ "norm_byte": 35283968,
+ "ops": 406243,
+ "norm_ops": 34457,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.05335788763894,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "299578ec7ff755f56e42af50d0b8bac1ca9035f24c0f09ab596bd7f80047e850",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:45.348000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:45.348000', 'bytes': 451302400, 'norm_byte': 35309568, 'ops': 440725, 'norm_ops': 34482, 'norm_ltcy': 29.030615724327184, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:45.348000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:45.348000",
+ "bytes": 451302400,
+ "norm_byte": 35309568,
+ "ops": 440725,
+ "norm_ops": 34482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.030615724327184,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9d114474b7cc64890cba9cf74da537e36ac5095f30e0f57289b0dfef263502f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:46.350000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:46.350000', 'bytes': 486702080, 'norm_byte': 35399680, 'ops': 475295, 'norm_ops': 34570, 'norm_ltcy': 28.958919967638124, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:46.350000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:46.350000",
+ "bytes": 486702080,
+ "norm_byte": 35399680,
+ "ops": 475295,
+ "norm_ops": 34570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.958919967638124,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37cb9d7c2ae553e55ea86c1cdb8d811e95b0b6860e616a78175a47b743f5bf88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:47.351000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:47.351000', 'bytes': 522646528, 'norm_byte': 35944448, 'ops': 510397, 'norm_ops': 35102, 'norm_ltcy': 28.51933489144137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:47.351000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:47.351000",
+ "bytes": 522646528,
+ "norm_byte": 35944448,
+ "ops": 510397,
+ "norm_ops": 35102,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.51933489144137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "65e832f961f531732e92d4743d179ae12c08ed712fb5c5ced6cdfb8b6d50f869",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:48.352000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:48.352000', 'bytes': 558881792, 'norm_byte': 36235264, 'ops': 545783, 'norm_ops': 35386, 'norm_ltcy': 28.290465884283332, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:48.352000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:48.352000",
+ "bytes": 558881792,
+ "norm_byte": 36235264,
+ "ops": 545783,
+ "norm_ops": 35386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.290465884283332,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf6609de11c7ef5140a6be53fbba0878cd98af46ffadcea9f148f4258fa41fe4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:49.353000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:49.353000', 'bytes': 594629632, 'norm_byte': 35747840, 'ops': 580693, 'norm_ops': 34910, 'norm_ltcy': 28.674585653287025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:49.353000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:49.353000",
+ "bytes": 594629632,
+ "norm_byte": 35747840,
+ "ops": 580693,
+ "norm_ops": 34910,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.674585653287025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "46cc64816f148e2b4515419ca74e89922252a9d3781b6914278959b17c201188",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:50.354000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:50.354000', 'bytes': 629940224, 'norm_byte': 35310592, 'ops': 615176, 'norm_ops': 34483, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03145180913421, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:50.354000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:50.354000",
+ "bytes": 629940224,
+ "norm_byte": 35310592,
+ "ops": 615176,
+ "norm_ops": 34483,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03145180913421,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "71cf5ef06b4a49a360a66fc6ac075262cfb65ca8fd2abf3903d3c412fa2ac89e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:51.355000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:51.355000', 'bytes': 665189376, 'norm_byte': 35249152, 'ops': 649599, 'norm_ops': 34423, 'norm_ltcy': 29.082174799552625, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:51.355000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:51.355000",
+ "bytes": 665189376,
+ "norm_byte": 35249152,
+ "ops": 649599,
+ "norm_ops": 34423,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.082174799552625,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a9a228f3534292135975081d6049bf0f8b605ddf48fd04bbe59219b6d1ffede",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:52.356000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:52.356000', 'bytes': 700538880, 'norm_byte': 35349504, 'ops': 684120, 'norm_ops': 34521, 'norm_ltcy': 28.999544095441905, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:52.356000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:52.356000",
+ "bytes": 700538880,
+ "norm_byte": 35349504,
+ "ops": 684120,
+ "norm_ops": 34521,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.999544095441905,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03445f2cbd29080395aebc71dd4069a43e80fdfab55eac0dd4b9d4bb24a7363f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:53.357000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:53.357000', 'bytes': 735773696, 'norm_byte': 35234816, 'ops': 718529, 'norm_ops': 34409, 'norm_ltcy': 29.093957805824786, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:53.357000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:53.357000",
+ "bytes": 735773696,
+ "norm_byte": 35234816,
+ "ops": 718529,
+ "norm_ops": 34409,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.093957805824786,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc550122a313dc11562fa23ca264188f676175a30c8c5ba12e3e0b2377fc4d6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:54.358000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:54.358000', 'bytes': 771077120, 'norm_byte': 35303424, 'ops': 753005, 'norm_ops': 34476, 'norm_ltcy': 29.037289697452575, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:54.358000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:54.358000",
+ "bytes": 771077120,
+ "norm_byte": 35303424,
+ "ops": 753005,
+ "norm_ops": 34476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.037289697452575,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ebd38e681b6619375fb90670417fee00ce874361f5e21d0f321405a8b4de2e68",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:55.358000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:55.358000', 'bytes': 806444032, 'norm_byte': 35366912, 'ops': 787543, 'norm_ops': 34538, 'norm_ltcy': 28.956224676895737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:55.358000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:55.358000",
+ "bytes": 806444032,
+ "norm_byte": 35366912,
+ "ops": 787543,
+ "norm_ops": 34538,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.956224676895737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74e13eeddd0a1951697559f645ddcf6d05c3bf43dc78ed99fcf31b736f65911e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:56.359000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:56.359000', 'bytes': 842007552, 'norm_byte': 35563520, 'ops': 822273, 'norm_ops': 34730, 'norm_ltcy': 28.825141605780306, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:56.359000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:56.359000",
+ "bytes": 842007552,
+ "norm_byte": 35563520,
+ "ops": 822273,
+ "norm_ops": 34730,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.825141605780306,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b3a9ce64e822f1f69e9855a40913c241b1cbb233649a3a39cd60c6f8496c14e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:57.361000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:57.361000', 'bytes': 877014016, 'norm_byte': 35006464, 'ops': 856459, 'norm_ops': 34186, 'norm_ltcy': 29.28557708656321, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:57.361000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:57.361000",
+ "bytes": 877014016,
+ "norm_byte": 35006464,
+ "ops": 856459,
+ "norm_ops": 34186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.28557708656321,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7981550d718acd1f06eb04613de020ef599f8e67b864ccfd103e1736a35fab31",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:58.362000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:58.362000', 'bytes': 912288768, 'norm_byte': 35274752, 'ops': 890907, 'norm_ops': 34448, 'norm_ltcy': 29.060884680351545, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:58.362000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:58.362000",
+ "bytes": 912288768,
+ "norm_byte": 35274752,
+ "ops": 890907,
+ "norm_ops": 34448,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.060884680351545,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a19006bed2ef82b6e03844a1b8228b05e0ae911e661b81d010a8e38ace588c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:49:59.363000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:49:59.363000', 'bytes': 947395584, 'norm_byte': 35106816, 'ops': 925191, 'norm_ops': 34284, 'norm_ltcy': 29.19829727651747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:49:59.363000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:49:59.363000",
+ "bytes": 947395584,
+ "norm_byte": 35106816,
+ "ops": 925191,
+ "norm_ops": 34284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.19829727651747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d5a1670c6ee3467d2a95de3d55d2db3d631000e62554f881c09b7929282b892",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:00.364000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:00.364000', 'bytes': 982989824, 'norm_byte': 35594240, 'ops': 959951, 'norm_ops': 34760, 'norm_ltcy': 28.798472730419302, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:00.364000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:00.364000",
+ "bytes": 982989824,
+ "norm_byte": 35594240,
+ "ops": 959951,
+ "norm_ops": 34760,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.798472730419302,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdeccc12a02c63175c63f3f44198b4c9c87891e05eb799e87d09808865661138",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:01.365000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:01.365000', 'bytes': 1017979904, 'norm_byte': 34990080, 'ops': 994121, 'norm_ops': 34170, 'norm_ltcy': 29.297310837814603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:01.365000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:01.365000",
+ "bytes": 1017979904,
+ "norm_byte": 34990080,
+ "ops": 994121,
+ "norm_ops": 34170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.297310837814603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b051c934314f3e5140531d4a7b5bf245bcb5b54d3ef362371322831a0c284f70",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:02.366000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:02.366000', 'bytes': 1053181952, 'norm_byte': 35202048, 'ops': 1028498, 'norm_ops': 34377, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12106136552055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:02.366000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:02.366000",
+ "bytes": 1053181952,
+ "norm_byte": 35202048,
+ "ops": 1028498,
+ "norm_ops": 34377,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12106136552055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3031c30016e7039c15d139715acbf05f6e45a3a2a3e087bac4a8c7bb5afc77a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:03.367000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:03.367000', 'bytes': 1088606208, 'norm_byte': 35424256, 'ops': 1063092, 'norm_ops': 34594, 'norm_ltcy': 28.938617652266288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:03.367000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:03.367000",
+ "bytes": 1088606208,
+ "norm_byte": 35424256,
+ "ops": 1063092,
+ "norm_ops": 34594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.938617652266288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a90a6d5fdef55a1215774ee09cc401b274d6ec99d6ec4f48f9f5542ee4649b17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:04.368000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:04.368000', 'bytes': 1123972096, 'norm_byte': 35365888, 'ops': 1097629, 'norm_ops': 34537, 'norm_ltcy': 28.984306855238586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:04.368000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:04.368000",
+ "bytes": 1123972096,
+ "norm_byte": 35365888,
+ "ops": 1097629,
+ "norm_ops": 34537,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.984306855238586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93bce807a297edac24bd0e9235e919b3cb89bedabf33c6ed589898a1a02109d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:05.369000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:05.369000', 'bytes': 1158484992, 'norm_byte': 34512896, 'ops': 1131333, 'norm_ops': 33704, 'norm_ltcy': 29.7024770103326, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:05.369000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:05.369000",
+ "bytes": 1158484992,
+ "norm_byte": 34512896,
+ "ops": 1131333,
+ "norm_ops": 33704,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.7024770103326,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "23af1f30e2393b1ea9054e9ea204fdeab34581a471ce0ff40042a07746d388f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:06.370000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:06.370000', 'bytes': 1193726976, 'norm_byte': 35241984, 'ops': 1165749, 'norm_ops': 34416, 'norm_ltcy': 29.08633066742213, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:06.370000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:06.370000",
+ "bytes": 1193726976,
+ "norm_byte": 35241984,
+ "ops": 1165749,
+ "norm_ops": 34416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.08633066742213,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d7498e505698814545bd95203e3be395643dab9ff63fab8f119bcc720d878b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:07.371000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:07.371000', 'bytes': 1229075456, 'norm_byte': 35348480, 'ops': 1200269, 'norm_ops': 34520, 'norm_ltcy': 29.000858028407443, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:07.371000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:07.371000",
+ "bytes": 1229075456,
+ "norm_byte": 35348480,
+ "ops": 1200269,
+ "norm_ops": 34520,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.000858028407443,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8248a8a2bd6d9414d742d99f24a5903c71728e1b53b98d768ab9f083ff78848",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:08.372000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:08.372000', 'bytes': 1264569344, 'norm_byte': 35493888, 'ops': 1234931, 'norm_ops': 34662, 'norm_ltcy': 28.884113794465122, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:08.372000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:08.372000",
+ "bytes": 1264569344,
+ "norm_byte": 35493888,
+ "ops": 1234931,
+ "norm_ops": 34662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.884113794465122,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a6c47c637be1674def69efde555cef5b41df1f8499d8e732b7c5e2d38b82891",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:09.374000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:09.374000', 'bytes': 1299903488, 'norm_byte': 35334144, 'ops': 1269437, 'norm_ops': 34506, 'norm_ltcy': 29.012023044905234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:09.374000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:09.374000",
+ "bytes": 1299903488,
+ "norm_byte": 35334144,
+ "ops": 1269437,
+ "norm_ops": 34506,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.012023044905234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fe455ef2263ae478e723f99d2ff6134d8ac38e320b964521daed36c59545f02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:10.375000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:10.375000', 'bytes': 1335165952, 'norm_byte': 35262464, 'ops': 1303873, 'norm_ops': 34436, 'norm_ltcy': 29.07108249724126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:10.375000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:10.375000",
+ "bytes": 1335165952,
+ "norm_byte": 35262464,
+ "ops": 1303873,
+ "norm_ops": 34436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.07108249724126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0fd0c9a17a404f6922388ef85ac9b6d20fdc73f5375e6b05615f3b75dbc72075",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:11.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:11.376000', 'bytes': 1370317824, 'norm_byte': 35151872, 'ops': 1338201, 'norm_ops': 34328, 'norm_ltcy': 29.16277830096787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:11.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:11.376000",
+ "bytes": 1370317824,
+ "norm_byte": 35151872,
+ "ops": 1338201,
+ "norm_ops": 34328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.16277830096787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ffa0a5e36ba7dfe150bc0464fb0e9b50663aaef6b3d3a504be0042f4403625cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:12.377000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:12.377000', 'bytes': 1405633536, 'norm_byte': 35315712, 'ops': 1372689, 'norm_ops': 34488, 'norm_ltcy': 29.027278283388423, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:12.377000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:12.377000",
+ "bytes": 1405633536,
+ "norm_byte": 35315712,
+ "ops": 1372689,
+ "norm_ops": 34488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.027278283388423,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a517021a9f3869457da63ecc76f10d88a77c7b6dd09a732b465b61abae960f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:13.378000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:13.378000', 'bytes': 1440723968, 'norm_byte': 35090432, 'ops': 1406957, 'norm_ops': 34268, 'norm_ltcy': 29.21350469552498, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:13.378000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:13.378000",
+ "bytes": 1440723968,
+ "norm_byte": 35090432,
+ "ops": 1406957,
+ "norm_ops": 34268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.21350469552498,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d7707b93da627fc49860520ad45affc39b89b205a74d4de0c1fb3564b30e32ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:14.379000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:14.379000', 'bytes': 1476078592, 'norm_byte': 35354624, 'ops': 1441483, 'norm_ops': 34526, 'norm_ltcy': 28.9953373567203, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:14.379000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:14.379000",
+ "bytes": 1476078592,
+ "norm_byte": 35354624,
+ "ops": 1441483,
+ "norm_ops": 34526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.9953373567203,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "172c1f82b598976eadd675327f7467586ce77e7ba09b8a3eb494c5a31217f4f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:15.380000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:15.380000', 'bytes': 1511484416, 'norm_byte': 35405824, 'ops': 1476059, 'norm_ops': 34576, 'norm_ltcy': 28.953238032251416, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:15.380000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:15.380000",
+ "bytes": 1511484416,
+ "norm_byte": 35405824,
+ "ops": 1476059,
+ "norm_ops": 34576,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.953238032251416,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "912da4f065ef630b4851bd574f36ff5b1f68973b3eb2f8ffbcf546694135bd16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:16.381000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:16.381000', 'bytes': 1547009024, 'norm_byte': 35524608, 'ops': 1510751, 'norm_ops': 34692, 'norm_ltcy': 28.854991165560502, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:16.381000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:16.381000",
+ "bytes": 1547009024,
+ "norm_byte": 35524608,
+ "ops": 1510751,
+ "norm_ops": 34692,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.854991165560502,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d55930b008119331750b0fb080eddef74fb7292cb08e7abf94672ca3dd3d031",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:17.382000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:17.382000', 'bytes': 1582373888, 'norm_byte': 35364864, 'ops': 1545287, 'norm_ops': 34536, 'norm_ltcy': 28.98703357094771, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:17.382000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:17.382000",
+ "bytes": 1582373888,
+ "norm_byte": 35364864,
+ "ops": 1545287,
+ "norm_ops": 34536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.98703357094771,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e20cd4ad9d0f550f430d2049f7a00e3db30cc71b6246394dfd17971a0a4adb77",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:18.383000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:18.383000', 'bytes': 1617390592, 'norm_byte': 35016704, 'ops': 1579483, 'norm_ops': 34196, 'norm_ltcy': 29.27544951118186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:18.383000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:18.383000",
+ "bytes": 1617390592,
+ "norm_byte": 35016704,
+ "ops": 1579483,
+ "norm_ops": 34196,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.27544951118186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b4cab9f86306b5c3ecd19ba0f0712e4b893704fc00f89ed812058475988e986",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:19.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:19.384000', 'bytes': 1652827136, 'norm_byte': 35436544, 'ops': 1614089, 'norm_ops': 34606, 'norm_ltcy': 28.928759249208955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:19.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:19.384000",
+ "bytes": 1652827136,
+ "norm_byte": 35436544,
+ "ops": 1614089,
+ "norm_ops": 34606,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.928759249208955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5108b06f47f048162ac5b9517d2d3bc3b1f6d93ac4d627f1963b761b8a2d8025",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:20.386000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:20.386000', 'bytes': 1688343552, 'norm_byte': 35516416, 'ops': 1648773, 'norm_ops': 34684, 'norm_ltcy': 28.86323045658661, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:20.386000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:20.386000",
+ "bytes": 1688343552,
+ "norm_byte": 35516416,
+ "ops": 1648773,
+ "norm_ops": 34684,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.86323045658661,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "614d25e1bf74a715a13ac1a526467544f88165fc053a28184d5b781c91e6c53e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:21.387000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:21.387000', 'bytes': 1723842560, 'norm_byte': 35499008, 'ops': 1683440, 'norm_ops': 34667, 'norm_ltcy': 28.87746187161061, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:21.387000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:21.387000",
+ "bytes": 1723842560,
+ "norm_byte": 35499008,
+ "ops": 1683440,
+ "norm_ops": 34667,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.87746187161061,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b37207f45eb2361047aac485efe1017b2c2c4cc456987e5bc8fd2e81b65ff26f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:22.388000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:22.388000', 'bytes': 1759348736, 'norm_byte': 35506176, 'ops': 1718114, 'norm_ops': 34674, 'norm_ltcy': 28.87204045853882, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:22.388000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:22.388000",
+ "bytes": 1759348736,
+ "norm_byte": 35506176,
+ "ops": 1718114,
+ "norm_ops": 34674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.87204045853882,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0401dd4fbce688f0e0a5b1a73a00e353f16565dcc21cc8f8d2bb59f0cb1c6954",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:23.389000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:23.389000', 'bytes': 1794712576, 'norm_byte': 35363840, 'ops': 1752649, 'norm_ops': 34535, 'norm_ltcy': 28.98787999267048, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:23.389000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:23.389000",
+ "bytes": 1794712576,
+ "norm_byte": 35363840,
+ "ops": 1752649,
+ "norm_ops": 34535,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.98787999267048,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "69e256f9367f10f63c522068b0c137de6a94edf29961c0c0bd6c863ceff8b13b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:24.390000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:24.390000', 'bytes': 1830157312, 'norm_byte': 35444736, 'ops': 1787263, 'norm_ops': 34614, 'norm_ltcy': 28.92158655096204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:24.390000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:24.390000",
+ "bytes": 1830157312,
+ "norm_byte": 35444736,
+ "ops": 1787263,
+ "norm_ops": 34614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.92158655096204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c19a4a890a15f5b4aa592fb92b8a804aadeed61e28a5cea1427db4a9f925254",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:25.390000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:25.390000', 'bytes': 1865372672, 'norm_byte': 35215360, 'ops': 1821653, 'norm_ops': 34390, 'norm_ltcy': 29.090963431866097, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:25.390000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:25.390000",
+ "bytes": 1865372672,
+ "norm_byte": 35215360,
+ "ops": 1821653,
+ "norm_ops": 34390,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.090963431866097,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19a01884798720aec2e226da23a014738de142f1bd6e55073e9fa276cf31eec8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:26.391000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:26.391000', 'bytes': 1901302784, 'norm_byte': 35930112, 'ops': 1856741, 'norm_ops': 35088, 'norm_ltcy': 28.53131239891487, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:26.391000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:26.391000",
+ "bytes": 1901302784,
+ "norm_byte": 35930112,
+ "ops": 1856741,
+ "norm_ops": 35088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.53131239891487,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a68493398f64f9516a366bbeafa228c73a88af04a26582ee2d3661116120323",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:27.393000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:27.393000', 'bytes': 1936698368, 'norm_byte': 35395584, 'ops': 1891307, 'norm_ops': 34566, 'norm_ltcy': 28.96198152854322, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:27.393000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:27.393000",
+ "bytes": 1936698368,
+ "norm_byte": 35395584,
+ "ops": 1891307,
+ "norm_ops": 34566,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.96198152854322,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15bf180469fd60316d547fc375d0ac0602e87cfbfe5c29a6740f0f858b1ae116",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:28.394000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:28.394000', 'bytes': 1972102144, 'norm_byte': 35403776, 'ops': 1925881, 'norm_ops': 34574, 'norm_ltcy': 28.955004686505756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:28.394000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:28.394000",
+ "bytes": 1972102144,
+ "norm_byte": 35403776,
+ "ops": 1925881,
+ "norm_ops": 34574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.955004686505756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83d6b856628264b9ec25ee45796150459471d0add1a263d283b0d4607b7ac331",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:29.395000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:29.395000', 'bytes': 2007501824, 'norm_byte': 35399680, 'ops': 1960451, 'norm_ops': 34570, 'norm_ltcy': 28.958333804147383, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:29.395000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:29.395000",
+ "bytes": 2007501824,
+ "norm_byte": 35399680,
+ "ops": 1960451,
+ "norm_ops": 34570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.958333804147383,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1754e772b7ace106b889599fce49954e112e117555bf0673f96dc90bff57230",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:30.396000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:30.396000', 'bytes': 2043018240, 'norm_byte': 35516416, 'ops': 1995135, 'norm_ops': 34684, 'norm_ltcy': 28.863343080563084, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:30.396000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:30.396000",
+ "bytes": 2043018240,
+ "norm_byte": 35516416,
+ "ops": 1995135,
+ "norm_ops": 34684,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.863343080563084,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5dbafcac140d6c9f7e1d9d118221bc1e0baf048a279248996e5990bdea5c514a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:31.397000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:31.397000', 'bytes': 2078454784, 'norm_byte': 35436544, 'ops': 2029741, 'norm_ops': 34606, 'norm_ltcy': 28.92851232896752, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:31.397000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:31.397000",
+ "bytes": 2078454784,
+ "norm_byte": 35436544,
+ "ops": 2029741,
+ "norm_ops": 34606,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.92851232896752,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a681d35598b837139557a45f450f96629e534fd42bf2e35d34865996942a967b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:50:32.598000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:50:32.598000', 'bytes': 2113438720, 'norm_byte': 34983936, 'ops': 2063905, 'norm_ops': 34164, 'norm_ltcy': 35.164989725570045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:50:32.598000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:50:32.598000",
+ "bytes": 2113438720,
+ "norm_byte": 34983936,
+ "ops": 2063905,
+ "norm_ops": 34164,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.164989725570045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5e50fe1c-98a2-54a7-99e4-0b1313d2d03d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "23356e62e6152b0721a5cc6af2bb228f603a6f067f169528620a4cdbf0f94113",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35223978.666666664
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34398.416666666664
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.3175691464405
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:50:32Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-068-220519214647/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-068-220519214647/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a114141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-068-220519214647/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-068-220519214647/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-068-220519214647/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-068-220519214647/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-068-220519214647/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-068-220519214647/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09d369b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-068-220519214647/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=45
+ vm.swappiness=75
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=150
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-069-220519214849/220519214849-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-069-220519214849/220519214849-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4765e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-069-220519214849/220519214849-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:51:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997092964.5647 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997093965.7485 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997093965.8555 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997094966.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:66995200 nr_ops:65425\ntimestamp_ms:1652997095968.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131408896 nr_ops:128329\ntimestamp_ms:1652997096969.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:193809408 nr_ops:189267\ntimestamp_ms:1652997097970.2476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:258731008 nr_ops:252667\ntimestamp_ms:1652997098971.3542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:322628608 nr_ops:315067\ntimestamp_ms:1652997099972.4534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:385855488 nr_ops:376812\ntimestamp_ms:1652997100973.5413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:448377856 nr_ops:437869\ntimestamp_ms:1652997101974.6353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:510543872 nr_ops:498578\ntimestamp_ms:1652997102975.7336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574002176 nr_ops:560549\ntimestamp_ms:1652997103976.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637973504 nr_ops:623021\ntimestamp_ms:1652997104977.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702254080 nr_ops:685795\ntimestamp_ms:1652997105979.0283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:765424640 nr_ops:747485\ntimestamp_ms:1652997106980.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827535360 nr_ops:808140\ntimestamp_ms:1652997107981.2202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891336704 nr_ops:870446\ntimestamp_ms:1652997108982.3142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954956800 nr_ops:932575\ntimestamp_ms:1652997109983.3560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017371648 nr_ops:993527\ntimestamp_ms:1652997110984.4482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1078840320 nr_ops:1053555\ntimestamp_ms:1652997111985.6187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1143162880 nr_ops:1116370\ntimestamp_ms:1652997112986.7068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1206473728 nr_ops:1178197\ntimestamp_ms:1652997113987.7522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270258688 nr_ops:1240487\ntimestamp_ms:1652997114988.7991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1332995072 nr_ops:1301753\ntimestamp_ms:1652997115989.9126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1395434496 nr_ops:1362729\ntimestamp_ms:1652997116990.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1457380352 nr_ops:1423223\ntimestamp_ms:1652997117992.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1525679104 nr_ops:1489921\ntimestamp_ms:1652997118992.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1594930176 nr_ops:1557549\ntimestamp_ms:1652997119993.8765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1662113792 nr_ops:1623158\ntimestamp_ms:1652997120994.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724830720 nr_ops:1684405\ntimestamp_ms:1652997121996.0662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788793856 nr_ops:1746869\ntimestamp_ms:1652997122997.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852052480 nr_ops:1808645\ntimestamp_ms:1652997123998.2539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915278336 nr_ops:1870389\ntimestamp_ms:1652997124999.3521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977564160 nr_ops:1931215\ntimestamp_ms:1652997125999.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2039917568 nr_ops:1992107\ntimestamp_ms:1652997127000.9421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103834624 nr_ops:2054526\ntimestamp_ms:1652997128002.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166680576 nr_ops:2115899\ntimestamp_ms:1652997129003.1296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2229843968 nr_ops:2177582\ntimestamp_ms:1652997130003.8486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2292450304 nr_ops:2238721\ntimestamp_ms:1652997131004.9446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2354088960 nr_ops:2298915\ntimestamp_ms:1652997132006.0359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2418322432 nr_ops:2361643\ntimestamp_ms:1652997133007.1343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2481778688 nr_ops:2423612\ntimestamp_ms:1652997134008.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2545776640 nr_ops:2486110\ntimestamp_ms:1652997135009.3315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2610123776 nr_ops:2548949\ntimestamp_ms:1652997136010.4434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2674355200 nr_ops:2611675\ntimestamp_ms:1652997137011.5430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2738387968 nr_ops:2674207\ntimestamp_ms:1652997138012.6328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802039808 nr_ops:2736367\ntimestamp_ms:1652997139013.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2866084864 nr_ops:2798911\ntimestamp_ms:1652997140014.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2930164736 nr_ops:2861489\ntimestamp_ms:1652997141015.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2993800192 nr_ops:2923633\ntimestamp_ms:1652997142017.0447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057980416 nr_ops:2986309\ntimestamp_ms:1652997143018.1338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3119836160 nr_ops:3046715\ntimestamp_ms:1652997144019.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3182983168 nr_ops:3108382\ntimestamp_ms:1652997145020.3259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246117888 nr_ops:3170037\ntimestamp_ms:1652997146021.4268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3310005248 nr_ops:3232427\ntimestamp_ms:1652997147022.4644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3373536256 nr_ops:3294469\ntimestamp_ms:1652997148023.5618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437510656 nr_ops:3356944\ntimestamp_ms:1652997149024.6487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3502097408 nr_ops:3420017\ntimestamp_ms:1652997150025.7383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3565865984 nr_ops:3482291\ntimestamp_ms:1652997151026.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3630539776 nr_ops:3545449\ntimestamp_ms:1652997152027.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3693931520 nr_ops:3607355\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139938449807104\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3758521344 nr_ops:3670431\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.3899 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.4033 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153329.6052 name:Total nr_bytes:3758521344 nr_ops:3670432\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.4934 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7517042686 nr_ops:7340864\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.4949 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3758521344 nr_ops:3670434\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 278.33us 0.00ns 278.33us 278.33us \nTxn1 1835216 32.14us 0.00ns 2.90ms 25.49us \nTxn2 1 47.91us 0.00ns 47.91us 47.91us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 277.65us 0.00ns 277.65us 277.65us \nwrite 1835216 3.16us 0.00ns 83.00us 2.35us \nread 1835215 28.89us 0.00ns 2.90ms 1.12us \ndisconnect 1 47.06us 0.00ns 47.06us 47.06us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.92b/s \nnet1 29906 29906 260.78Mb/s 260.78Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.164 61.37s 3.50GB 489.98Mb/s 3670433 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.50GB 489.98Mb/s 3670434 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.416018, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997092964.5647 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997093965.7485 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997093965.8555 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997094966.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:66995200 nr_ops:65425\ntimestamp_ms:1652997095968.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131408896 nr_ops:128329\ntimestamp_ms:1652997096969.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:193809408 nr_ops:189267\ntimestamp_ms:1652997097970.2476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:258731008 nr_ops:252667\ntimestamp_ms:1652997098971.3542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:322628608 nr_ops:315067\ntimestamp_ms:1652997099972.4534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:385855488 nr_ops:376812\ntimestamp_ms:1652997100973.5413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:448377856 nr_ops:437869\ntimestamp_ms:1652997101974.6353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:510543872 nr_ops:498578\ntimestamp_ms:1652997102975.7336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574002176 nr_ops:560549\ntimestamp_ms:1652997103976.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637973504 nr_ops:623021\ntimestamp_ms:1652997104977.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702254080 nr_ops:685795\ntimestamp_ms:1652997105979.0283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:765424640 nr_ops:747485\ntimestamp_ms:1652997106980.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827535360 nr_ops:808140\ntimestamp_ms:1652997107981.2202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891336704 nr_ops:870446\ntimestamp_ms:1652997108982.3142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954956800 nr_ops:932575\ntimestamp_ms:1652997109983.3560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017371648 nr_ops:993527\ntimestamp_ms:1652997110984.4482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1078840320 nr_ops:1053555\ntimestamp_ms:1652997111985.6187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1143162880 nr_ops:1116370\ntimestamp_ms:1652997112986.7068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1206473728 nr_ops:1178197\ntimestamp_ms:1652997113987.7522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270258688 nr_ops:1240487\ntimestamp_ms:1652997114988.7991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1332995072 nr_ops:1301753\ntimestamp_ms:1652997115989.9126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1395434496 nr_ops:1362729\ntimestamp_ms:1652997116990.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1457380352 nr_ops:1423223\ntimestamp_ms:1652997117992.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1525679104 nr_ops:1489921\ntimestamp_ms:1652997118992.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1594930176 nr_ops:1557549\ntimestamp_ms:1652997119993.8765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1662113792 nr_ops:1623158\ntimestamp_ms:1652997120994.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724830720 nr_ops:1684405\ntimestamp_ms:1652997121996.0662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788793856 nr_ops:1746869\ntimestamp_ms:1652997122997.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852052480 nr_ops:1808645\ntimestamp_ms:1652997123998.2539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915278336 nr_ops:1870389\ntimestamp_ms:1652997124999.3521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977564160 nr_ops:1931215\ntimestamp_ms:1652997125999.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2039917568 nr_ops:1992107\ntimestamp_ms:1652997127000.9421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103834624 nr_ops:2054526\ntimestamp_ms:1652997128002.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166680576 nr_ops:2115899\ntimestamp_ms:1652997129003.1296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2229843968 nr_ops:2177582\ntimestamp_ms:1652997130003.8486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2292450304 nr_ops:2238721\ntimestamp_ms:1652997131004.9446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2354088960 nr_ops:2298915\ntimestamp_ms:1652997132006.0359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2418322432 nr_ops:2361643\ntimestamp_ms:1652997133007.1343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2481778688 nr_ops:2423612\ntimestamp_ms:1652997134008.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2545776640 nr_ops:2486110\ntimestamp_ms:1652997135009.3315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2610123776 nr_ops:2548949\ntimestamp_ms:1652997136010.4434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2674355200 nr_ops:2611675\ntimestamp_ms:1652997137011.5430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2738387968 nr_ops:2674207\ntimestamp_ms:1652997138012.6328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802039808 nr_ops:2736367\ntimestamp_ms:1652997139013.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2866084864 nr_ops:2798911\ntimestamp_ms:1652997140014.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2930164736 nr_ops:2861489\ntimestamp_ms:1652997141015.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2993800192 nr_ops:2923633\ntimestamp_ms:1652997142017.0447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057980416 nr_ops:2986309\ntimestamp_ms:1652997143018.1338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3119836160 nr_ops:3046715\ntimestamp_ms:1652997144019.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3182983168 nr_ops:3108382\ntimestamp_ms:1652997145020.3259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246117888 nr_ops:3170037\ntimestamp_ms:1652997146021.4268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3310005248 nr_ops:3232427\ntimestamp_ms:1652997147022.4644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3373536256 nr_ops:3294469\ntimestamp_ms:1652997148023.5618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437510656 nr_ops:3356944\ntimestamp_ms:1652997149024.6487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3502097408 nr_ops:3420017\ntimestamp_ms:1652997150025.7383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3565865984 nr_ops:3482291\ntimestamp_ms:1652997151026.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3630539776 nr_ops:3545449\ntimestamp_ms:1652997152027.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3693931520 nr_ops:3607355\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139938449807104\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3758521344 nr_ops:3670431\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.3899 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.4033 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153329.6052 name:Total nr_bytes:3758521344 nr_ops:3670432\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.4934 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7517042686 nr_ops:7340864\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.4949 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3758521344 nr_ops:3670434\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 278.33us 0.00ns 278.33us 278.33us \nTxn1 1835216 32.14us 0.00ns 2.90ms 25.49us \nTxn2 1 47.91us 0.00ns 47.91us 47.91us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 277.65us 0.00ns 277.65us 277.65us \nwrite 1835216 3.16us 0.00ns 83.00us 2.35us \nread 1835215 28.89us 0.00ns 2.90ms 1.12us \ndisconnect 1 47.06us 0.00ns 47.06us 47.06us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.92b/s \nnet1 29906 29906 260.78Mb/s 260.78Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.164 61.37s 3.50GB 489.98Mb/s 3670433 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.50GB 489.98Mb/s 3670434 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.416018, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997092964.5647 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997093965.7485 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997093965.8555 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997094966.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:66995200 nr_ops:65425\ntimestamp_ms:1652997095968.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131408896 nr_ops:128329\ntimestamp_ms:1652997096969.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:193809408 nr_ops:189267\ntimestamp_ms:1652997097970.2476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:258731008 nr_ops:252667\ntimestamp_ms:1652997098971.3542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:322628608 nr_ops:315067\ntimestamp_ms:1652997099972.4534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:385855488 nr_ops:376812\ntimestamp_ms:1652997100973.5413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:448377856 nr_ops:437869\ntimestamp_ms:1652997101974.6353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:510543872 nr_ops:498578\ntimestamp_ms:1652997102975.7336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574002176 nr_ops:560549\ntimestamp_ms:1652997103976.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637973504 nr_ops:623021\ntimestamp_ms:1652997104977.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702254080 nr_ops:685795\ntimestamp_ms:1652997105979.0283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:765424640 nr_ops:747485\ntimestamp_ms:1652997106980.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827535360 nr_ops:808140\ntimestamp_ms:1652997107981.2202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891336704 nr_ops:870446\ntimestamp_ms:1652997108982.3142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954956800 nr_ops:932575\ntimestamp_ms:1652997109983.3560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017371648 nr_ops:993527\ntimestamp_ms:1652997110984.4482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1078840320 nr_ops:1053555\ntimestamp_ms:1652997111985.6187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1143162880 nr_ops:1116370\ntimestamp_ms:1652997112986.7068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1206473728 nr_ops:1178197\ntimestamp_ms:1652997113987.7522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270258688 nr_ops:1240487\ntimestamp_ms:1652997114988.7991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1332995072 nr_ops:1301753\ntimestamp_ms:1652997115989.9126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1395434496 nr_ops:1362729\ntimestamp_ms:1652997116990.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1457380352 nr_ops:1423223\ntimestamp_ms:1652997117992.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1525679104 nr_ops:1489921\ntimestamp_ms:1652997118992.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1594930176 nr_ops:1557549\ntimestamp_ms:1652997119993.8765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1662113792 nr_ops:1623158\ntimestamp_ms:1652997120994.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724830720 nr_ops:1684405\ntimestamp_ms:1652997121996.0662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788793856 nr_ops:1746869\ntimestamp_ms:1652997122997.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852052480 nr_ops:1808645\ntimestamp_ms:1652997123998.2539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915278336 nr_ops:1870389\ntimestamp_ms:1652997124999.3521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977564160 nr_ops:1931215\ntimestamp_ms:1652997125999.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2039917568 nr_ops:1992107\ntimestamp_ms:1652997127000.9421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103834624 nr_ops:2054526\ntimestamp_ms:1652997128002.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166680576 nr_ops:2115899\ntimestamp_ms:1652997129003.1296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2229843968 nr_ops:2177582\ntimestamp_ms:1652997130003.8486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2292450304 nr_ops:2238721\ntimestamp_ms:1652997131004.9446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2354088960 nr_ops:2298915\ntimestamp_ms:1652997132006.0359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2418322432 nr_ops:2361643\ntimestamp_ms:1652997133007.1343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2481778688 nr_ops:2423612\ntimestamp_ms:1652997134008.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2545776640 nr_ops:2486110\ntimestamp_ms:1652997135009.3315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2610123776 nr_ops:2548949\ntimestamp_ms:1652997136010.4434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2674355200 nr_ops:2611675\ntimestamp_ms:1652997137011.5430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2738387968 nr_ops:2674207\ntimestamp_ms:1652997138012.6328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802039808 nr_ops:2736367\ntimestamp_ms:1652997139013.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2866084864 nr_ops:2798911\ntimestamp_ms:1652997140014.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2930164736 nr_ops:2861489\ntimestamp_ms:1652997141015.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2993800192 nr_ops:2923633\ntimestamp_ms:1652997142017.0447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057980416 nr_ops:2986309\ntimestamp_ms:1652997143018.1338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3119836160 nr_ops:3046715\ntimestamp_ms:1652997144019.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3182983168 nr_ops:3108382\ntimestamp_ms:1652997145020.3259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246117888 nr_ops:3170037\ntimestamp_ms:1652997146021.4268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3310005248 nr_ops:3232427\ntimestamp_ms:1652997147022.4644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3373536256 nr_ops:3294469\ntimestamp_ms:1652997148023.5618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437510656 nr_ops:3356944\ntimestamp_ms:1652997149024.6487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3502097408 nr_ops:3420017\ntimestamp_ms:1652997150025.7383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3565865984 nr_ops:3482291\ntimestamp_ms:1652997151026.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3630539776 nr_ops:3545449\ntimestamp_ms:1652997152027.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3693931520 nr_ops:3607355\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139938449807104\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3758521344 nr_ops:3670431\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.3899 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.4033 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153329.6052 name:Total nr_bytes:3758521344 nr_ops:3670432\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.4934 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7517042686 nr_ops:7340864\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997153229.4949 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3758521344 nr_ops:3670434\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 278.33us 0.00ns 278.33us 278.33us \nTxn1 1835216 32.14us 0.00ns 2.90ms 25.49us \nTxn2 1 47.91us 0.00ns 47.91us 47.91us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 277.65us 0.00ns 277.65us 277.65us \nwrite 1835216 3.16us 0.00ns 83.00us 2.35us \nread 1835215 28.89us 0.00ns 2.90ms 1.12us \ndisconnect 1 47.06us 0.00ns 47.06us 47.06us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.92b/s \nnet1 29906 29906 260.78Mb/s 260.78Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.164 61.37s 3.50GB 489.98Mb/s 3670433 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.50GB 489.98Mb/s 3670434 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.416018, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997092964.5647 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997093965.7485 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997093965.8555 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997094966.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:66995200 nr_ops:65425
+timestamp_ms:1652997095968.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131408896 nr_ops:128329
+timestamp_ms:1652997096969.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:193809408 nr_ops:189267
+timestamp_ms:1652997097970.2476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:258731008 nr_ops:252667
+timestamp_ms:1652997098971.3542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:322628608 nr_ops:315067
+timestamp_ms:1652997099972.4534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:385855488 nr_ops:376812
+timestamp_ms:1652997100973.5413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:448377856 nr_ops:437869
+timestamp_ms:1652997101974.6353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:510543872 nr_ops:498578
+timestamp_ms:1652997102975.7336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574002176 nr_ops:560549
+timestamp_ms:1652997103976.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:637973504 nr_ops:623021
+timestamp_ms:1652997104977.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702254080 nr_ops:685795
+timestamp_ms:1652997105979.0283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:765424640 nr_ops:747485
+timestamp_ms:1652997106980.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827535360 nr_ops:808140
+timestamp_ms:1652997107981.2202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891336704 nr_ops:870446
+timestamp_ms:1652997108982.3142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954956800 nr_ops:932575
+timestamp_ms:1652997109983.3560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017371648 nr_ops:993527
+timestamp_ms:1652997110984.4482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1078840320 nr_ops:1053555
+timestamp_ms:1652997111985.6187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1143162880 nr_ops:1116370
+timestamp_ms:1652997112986.7068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1206473728 nr_ops:1178197
+timestamp_ms:1652997113987.7522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270258688 nr_ops:1240487
+timestamp_ms:1652997114988.7991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1332995072 nr_ops:1301753
+timestamp_ms:1652997115989.9126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1395434496 nr_ops:1362729
+timestamp_ms:1652997116990.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1457380352 nr_ops:1423223
+timestamp_ms:1652997117992.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1525679104 nr_ops:1489921
+timestamp_ms:1652997118992.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1594930176 nr_ops:1557549
+timestamp_ms:1652997119993.8765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1662113792 nr_ops:1623158
+timestamp_ms:1652997120994.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724830720 nr_ops:1684405
+timestamp_ms:1652997121996.0662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788793856 nr_ops:1746869
+timestamp_ms:1652997122997.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852052480 nr_ops:1808645
+timestamp_ms:1652997123998.2539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1915278336 nr_ops:1870389
+timestamp_ms:1652997124999.3521 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977564160 nr_ops:1931215
+timestamp_ms:1652997125999.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2039917568 nr_ops:1992107
+timestamp_ms:1652997127000.9421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103834624 nr_ops:2054526
+timestamp_ms:1652997128002.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166680576 nr_ops:2115899
+timestamp_ms:1652997129003.1296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2229843968 nr_ops:2177582
+timestamp_ms:1652997130003.8486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2292450304 nr_ops:2238721
+timestamp_ms:1652997131004.9446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2354088960 nr_ops:2298915
+timestamp_ms:1652997132006.0359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2418322432 nr_ops:2361643
+timestamp_ms:1652997133007.1343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2481778688 nr_ops:2423612
+timestamp_ms:1652997134008.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2545776640 nr_ops:2486110
+timestamp_ms:1652997135009.3315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2610123776 nr_ops:2548949
+timestamp_ms:1652997136010.4434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2674355200 nr_ops:2611675
+timestamp_ms:1652997137011.5430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2738387968 nr_ops:2674207
+timestamp_ms:1652997138012.6328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2802039808 nr_ops:2736367
+timestamp_ms:1652997139013.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2866084864 nr_ops:2798911
+timestamp_ms:1652997140014.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2930164736 nr_ops:2861489
+timestamp_ms:1652997141015.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2993800192 nr_ops:2923633
+timestamp_ms:1652997142017.0447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3057980416 nr_ops:2986309
+timestamp_ms:1652997143018.1338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3119836160 nr_ops:3046715
+timestamp_ms:1652997144019.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3182983168 nr_ops:3108382
+timestamp_ms:1652997145020.3259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246117888 nr_ops:3170037
+timestamp_ms:1652997146021.4268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3310005248 nr_ops:3232427
+timestamp_ms:1652997147022.4644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3373536256 nr_ops:3294469
+timestamp_ms:1652997148023.5618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437510656 nr_ops:3356944
+timestamp_ms:1652997149024.6487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3502097408 nr_ops:3420017
+timestamp_ms:1652997150025.7383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3565865984 nr_ops:3482291
+timestamp_ms:1652997151026.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3630539776 nr_ops:3545449
+timestamp_ms:1652997152027.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3693931520 nr_ops:3607355
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139938449807104
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652997153229.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3758521344 nr_ops:3670431
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997153229.3899 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997153229.4033 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997153329.6052 name:Total nr_bytes:3758521344 nr_ops:3670432
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997153229.4934 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7517042686 nr_ops:7340864
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997153229.4949 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3758521344 nr_ops:3670434
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 278.33us 0.00ns 278.33us 278.33us
+Txn1 1835216 32.14us 0.00ns 2.90ms 25.49us
+Txn2 1 47.91us 0.00ns 47.91us 47.91us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 277.65us 0.00ns 277.65us 277.65us
+write 1835216 3.16us 0.00ns 83.00us 2.35us
+read 1835215 28.89us 0.00ns 2.90ms 1.12us
+disconnect 1 47.06us 0.00ns 47.06us 47.06us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.92b/s
+net1 29906 29906 260.78Mb/s 260.78Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.164 61.37s 3.50GB 489.98Mb/s 3670433 0.00
+master 61.37s 3.50GB 489.98Mb/s 3670434 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:34.966000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:34.966000', 'bytes': 66995200, 'norm_byte': 66995200, 'ops': 65425, 'norm_ops': 65425, 'norm_ltcy': 15.301402190007641, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:34.966000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:34.966000",
+ "bytes": 66995200,
+ "norm_byte": 66995200,
+ "ops": 65425,
+ "norm_ops": 65425,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.301402190007641,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdcc7d564082060b8fcc846e007688db31dc7c6fa12f842b04dab7bf22492536",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:35.968000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:35.968000', 'bytes': 131408896, 'norm_byte': 64413696, 'ops': 128329, 'norm_ops': 62904, 'norm_ltcy': 15.914790854417049, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:35.968000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:35.968000",
+ "bytes": 131408896,
+ "norm_byte": 64413696,
+ "ops": 128329,
+ "norm_ops": 62904,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.914790854417049,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6fd23f9b9696772a67c54adea5b25aaeef4c411f84ba3f83882c2d91b22ad11b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:36.969000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:36.969000', 'bytes': 193809408, 'norm_byte': 62400512, 'ops': 189267, 'norm_ops': 60938, 'norm_ltcy': 16.428122416687863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:36.969000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:36.969000",
+ "bytes": 193809408,
+ "norm_byte": 62400512,
+ "ops": 189267,
+ "norm_ops": 60938,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.428122416687863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1392a6255b735c09496db8ae763a348ce4d1ba28fa09e7cb7fa0c92ca8b8a0d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:37.970000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:37.970000', 'bytes': 258731008, 'norm_byte': 64921600, 'ops': 252667, 'norm_ops': 63400, 'norm_ltcy': 15.790172300128154, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:37.970000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:37.970000",
+ "bytes": 258731008,
+ "norm_byte": 64921600,
+ "ops": 252667,
+ "norm_ops": 63400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.790172300128154,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fc5f8181501b3e7f8efddb0225de87a7cbf78a2048e980525ea2acc4cc36dced",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:38.971000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:38.971000', 'bytes': 322628608, 'norm_byte': 63897600, 'ops': 315067, 'norm_ops': 62400, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04337643354367, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:38.971000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:38.971000",
+ "bytes": 322628608,
+ "norm_byte": 63897600,
+ "ops": 315067,
+ "norm_ops": 62400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04337643354367,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80a350fe2cbb51e3ffde0110e1b8ee42a41b3405fc1a7f662467ec0b6f6d1a16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:39.972000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:39.972000', 'bytes': 385855488, 'norm_byte': 63226880, 'ops': 376812, 'norm_ops': 61745, 'norm_ltcy': 16.213444345189895, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:39.972000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:39.972000",
+ "bytes": 385855488,
+ "norm_byte": 63226880,
+ "ops": 376812,
+ "norm_ops": 61745,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.213444345189895,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8aed358dde704b8a567e704a86ba342f574beb9ebd72b08cd11a21f65d9cdbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:40.973000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:40.973000', 'bytes': 448377856, 'norm_byte': 62522368, 'ops': 437869, 'norm_ops': 61057, 'norm_ltcy': 16.395956084068985, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:40.973000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:40.973000",
+ "bytes": 448377856,
+ "norm_byte": 62522368,
+ "ops": 437869,
+ "norm_ops": 61057,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.395956084068985,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd434e6b2fe09500b105ebf8fa579e370eeb2c3c4b0168ee86539ad4f155939e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:41.974000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:41.974000', 'bytes': 510543872, 'norm_byte': 62166016, 'ops': 498578, 'norm_ops': 60709, 'norm_ltcy': 16.490042566021923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:41.974000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:41.974000",
+ "bytes": 510543872,
+ "norm_byte": 62166016,
+ "ops": 498578,
+ "norm_ops": 60709,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.490042566021923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ab89345f87300af1428029c46347893f476d52baddd044d4765cb5792b22e67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:42.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:42.975000', 'bytes': 574002176, 'norm_byte': 63458304, 'ops': 560549, 'norm_ops': 61971, 'norm_ltcy': 16.154304249921335, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:42.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:42.975000",
+ "bytes": 574002176,
+ "norm_byte": 63458304,
+ "ops": 560549,
+ "norm_ops": 61971,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.154304249921335,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff3e9b2bc508f8c93cb02b7db2cfb4233183fd9ab60ca08809db21650ac37169",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:43.976000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:43.976000', 'bytes': 637973504, 'norm_byte': 63971328, 'ops': 623021, 'norm_ops': 62472, 'norm_ltcy': 16.024847100250913, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:43.976000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:43.976000",
+ "bytes": 637973504,
+ "norm_byte": 63971328,
+ "ops": 623021,
+ "norm_ops": 62472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.024847100250913,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8753d5560a26987a3a14a745646241d46badb9b0f71c9a2f19b2800a0a8ff4cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:44.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:44.977000', 'bytes': 702254080, 'norm_byte': 64280576, 'ops': 685795, 'norm_ops': 62774, 'norm_ltcy': 15.947558559525042, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:44.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:44.977000",
+ "bytes": 702254080,
+ "norm_byte": 64280576,
+ "ops": 685795,
+ "norm_ops": 62774,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.947558559525042,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2796265e6ef0928172c2f5b1a5b7e2c6c7fa5b2a9059e1cd207e18eec025a73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:45.979000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:45.979000', 'bytes': 765424640, 'norm_byte': 63170560, 'ops': 747485, 'norm_ops': 61690, 'norm_ltcy': 16.227887642598073, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:45.979000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:45.979000",
+ "bytes": 765424640,
+ "norm_byte": 63170560,
+ "ops": 747485,
+ "norm_ops": 61690,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.227887642598073,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33d453f27b95665a1e7394ec9a9a7d1f6d01fcf1d6f293042696e0af3f907226",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:46.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:46.980000', 'bytes': 827535360, 'norm_byte': 62110720, 'ops': 808140, 'norm_ops': 60655, 'norm_ltcy': 16.504763589924572, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:46.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:46.980000",
+ "bytes": 827535360,
+ "norm_byte": 62110720,
+ "ops": 808140,
+ "norm_ops": 60655,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.504763589924572,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c3b9d661b3eceb98e9f34c680e7d9ebc650f40425ff04e302b594862f756030",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:47.981000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:47.981000', 'bytes': 891336704, 'norm_byte': 63801344, 'ops': 870446, 'norm_ops': 62306, 'norm_ltcy': 16.067400555072943, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:47.981000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:47.981000",
+ "bytes": 891336704,
+ "norm_byte": 63801344,
+ "ops": 870446,
+ "norm_ops": 62306,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.067400555072943,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95127fe2863cdc38a5e7a5515a5cc140a345c540a8d401fd3d57d51eb5cfd8fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:48.982000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:48.982000', 'bytes': 954956800, 'norm_byte': 63620096, 'ops': 932575, 'norm_ops': 62129, 'norm_ltcy': 16.113151573993225, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:48.982000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:48.982000",
+ "bytes": 954956800,
+ "norm_byte": 63620096,
+ "ops": 932575,
+ "norm_ops": 62129,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.113151573993225,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15a6ca456a8af9cf271c619f0e01f5cf6afe8ae5dde6ab2574fa13a11c8af232",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:49.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:49.983000', 'bytes': 1017371648, 'norm_byte': 62414848, 'ops': 993527, 'norm_ops': 60952, 'norm_ltcy': 16.42344382541795, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:49.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:49.983000",
+ "bytes": 1017371648,
+ "norm_byte": 62414848,
+ "ops": 993527,
+ "norm_ops": 60952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.42344382541795,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "104ce403daa47c3c700130ae8e69497b71dbea9a7108238d2150832ce60d3a86",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:50.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:50.984000', 'bytes': 1078840320, 'norm_byte': 61468672, 'ops': 1053555, 'norm_ops': 60028, 'norm_ltcy': 16.677088777841174, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:50.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:50.984000",
+ "bytes": 1078840320,
+ "norm_byte": 61468672,
+ "ops": 1053555,
+ "norm_ops": 60028,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.677088777841174,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d7373c310c594c7ecaeb4ce6cee8a8208501fe5d867217933edbc452eefd7cf8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:51.985000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:51.985000', 'bytes': 1143162880, 'norm_byte': 64322560, 'ops': 1116370, 'norm_ops': 62815, 'norm_ltcy': 15.938397041411287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:51.985000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:51.985000",
+ "bytes": 1143162880,
+ "norm_byte": 64322560,
+ "ops": 1116370,
+ "norm_ops": 62815,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.938397041411287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e58e85eb2b0e262615f30826323009b5977a2902dc9bf5964d6bc7f65f19c7d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:52.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:52.986000', 'bytes': 1206473728, 'norm_byte': 63310848, 'ops': 1178197, 'norm_ops': 61827, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19176306088966, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:52.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:52.986000",
+ "bytes": 1206473728,
+ "norm_byte": 63310848,
+ "ops": 1178197,
+ "norm_ops": 61827,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19176306088966,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67b0635b0dd55a88c1862db67b4014e0b39998a96a513a9c5a3a15f1d71afef9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:53.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:53.987000', 'bytes': 1270258688, 'norm_byte': 63784960, 'ops': 1240487, 'norm_ops': 62290, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07072419579788, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:53.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:53.987000",
+ "bytes": 1270258688,
+ "norm_byte": 63784960,
+ "ops": 1240487,
+ "norm_ops": 62290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07072419579788,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8bdd4da51c23f4f0baf68fdb388b7addf7f4460d6060a05fee904ea9f0e5749b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:54.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:54.988000', 'bytes': 1332995072, 'norm_byte': 62736384, 'ops': 1301753, 'norm_ops': 61266, 'norm_ltcy': 16.339354209512617, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:54.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:54.988000",
+ "bytes": 1332995072,
+ "norm_byte": 62736384,
+ "ops": 1301753,
+ "norm_ops": 61266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.339354209512617,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bbafa2ab54be5a05cdf6c4af6f62e0f32232c816c0b829d24f23bcdc8cd7ba92",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:55.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:55.989000', 'bytes': 1395434496, 'norm_byte': 62439424, 'ops': 1362729, 'norm_ops': 60976, 'norm_ltcy': 16.418156740203113, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:55.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:55.989000",
+ "bytes": 1395434496,
+ "norm_byte": 62439424,
+ "ops": 1362729,
+ "norm_ops": 60976,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.418156740203113,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0afc89ba972b9247d056a541fb3d072758c06aa1f63296dd88e8fd0191061b90",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:56.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:56.990000', 'bytes': 1457380352, 'norm_byte': 61945856, 'ops': 1423223, 'norm_ops': 60494, 'norm_ltcy': 16.547846235267134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:56.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:56.990000",
+ "bytes": 1457380352,
+ "norm_byte": 61945856,
+ "ops": 1423223,
+ "norm_ops": 60494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.547846235267134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9570296e433219e447840036fa0949cf63ab7b4511f1401b75c05d3d69a11a6a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:57.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:57.992000', 'bytes': 1525679104, 'norm_byte': 68298752, 'ops': 1489921, 'norm_ops': 66698, 'norm_ltcy': 15.009439703964137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:57.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:57.992000",
+ "bytes": 1525679104,
+ "norm_byte": 68298752,
+ "ops": 1489921,
+ "norm_ops": 66698,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.009439703964137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "426608fa890f708406e1875b98c856f7add8edfa386f9aee9228de680855c5cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:58.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:58.992000', 'bytes': 1594930176, 'norm_byte': 69251072, 'ops': 1557549, 'norm_ops': 67628, 'norm_ltcy': 14.798323266389291, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:58.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:58.992000",
+ "bytes": 1594930176,
+ "norm_byte": 69251072,
+ "ops": 1557549,
+ "norm_ops": 67628,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.798323266389291,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3aacb0bf75e0261cb7fe88a7e64d3a3707f91b17b36548af287513a904a5827f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:51:59.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:51:59.993000', 'bytes': 1662113792, 'norm_byte': 67183616, 'ops': 1623158, 'norm_ops': 65609, 'norm_ltcy': 15.257629925724748, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:51:59.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:51:59.993000",
+ "bytes": 1662113792,
+ "norm_byte": 67183616,
+ "ops": 1623158,
+ "norm_ops": 65609,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.257629925724748,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f59d4f9d888c50ff531d9d0344293f3b2ecd9ba67bb94857378a9af1d340ff12",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:00.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:00.994000', 'bytes': 1724830720, 'norm_byte': 62716928, 'ops': 1684405, 'norm_ops': 61247, 'norm_ltcy': 16.345236169730764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:00.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:00.994000",
+ "bytes": 1724830720,
+ "norm_byte": 62716928,
+ "ops": 1684405,
+ "norm_ops": 61247,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.345236169730764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2cdd7761a74d8d98534695204addce475b73216ddd772459021ac1edb348769e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:01.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:01.996000', 'bytes': 1788793856, 'norm_byte': 63963136, 'ops': 1746869, 'norm_ops': 62464, 'norm_ltcy': 16.026719671780945, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:01.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:01.996000",
+ "bytes": 1788793856,
+ "norm_byte": 63963136,
+ "ops": 1746869,
+ "norm_ops": 62464,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.026719671780945,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b70ddd07deb0650262656bf86bec5405a1b9260f5b0b4067a7860ce4496dd11",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:02.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:02.997000', 'bytes': 1852052480, 'norm_byte': 63258624, 'ops': 1808645, 'norm_ops': 61776, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20518176304309, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:02.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:02.997000",
+ "bytes": 1852052480,
+ "norm_byte": 63258624,
+ "ops": 1808645,
+ "norm_ops": 61776,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20518176304309,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9195745225343b926c61c2aa5c0a52a90c8b4e505c382024977d2bafb7e30bef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:03.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:03.998000', 'bytes': 1915278336, 'norm_byte': 63225856, 'ops': 1870389, 'norm_ops': 61744, 'norm_ltcy': 16.213663441741303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:03.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:03.998000",
+ "bytes": 1915278336,
+ "norm_byte": 63225856,
+ "ops": 1870389,
+ "norm_ops": 61744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.213663441741303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fdfa4bd690b00edffcd337894eb066548c2a2b62a5af9e971a4dfe369ec19cea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:04.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:04.999000', 'bytes': 1977564160, 'norm_byte': 62285824, 'ops': 1931215, 'norm_ops': 60826, 'norm_ltcy': 16.458391880630813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:04.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:04.999000",
+ "bytes": 1977564160,
+ "norm_byte": 62285824,
+ "ops": 1931215,
+ "norm_ops": 60826,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.458391880630813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c705466d1d335e50fd9021a95fc9b3043508108b365f349cacbcba91f1d8cc48",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:05.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:05.999000', 'bytes': 2039917568, 'norm_byte': 62353408, 'ops': 1992107, 'norm_ops': 60892, 'norm_ltcy': 16.430473214872233, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:05.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:05.999000",
+ "bytes": 2039917568,
+ "norm_byte": 62353408,
+ "ops": 1992107,
+ "norm_ops": 60892,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.430473214872233,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "429c89a1c79d53c131fb72b5b6636476e3c1144daeb0d78e3101a4f53dbab683",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:07', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:07', 'bytes': 2103834624, 'norm_byte': 63917056, 'ops': 2054526, 'norm_ops': 62419, 'norm_ltcy': 16.038477272795543, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:07",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:07",
+ "bytes": 2103834624,
+ "norm_byte": 63917056,
+ "ops": 2054526,
+ "norm_ops": 62419,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.038477272795543,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f104702aeaf0ac3f601ecf3e29447c6f987c3a8b75fc8500e5cd68739ecba80",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:08.002000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:08.002000', 'bytes': 2166680576, 'norm_byte': 62845952, 'ops': 2115899, 'norm_ops': 61373, 'norm_ltcy': 16.311722829817263, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:08.002000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:08.002000",
+ "bytes": 2166680576,
+ "norm_byte": 62845952,
+ "ops": 2115899,
+ "norm_ops": 61373,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.311722829817263,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5337677e6e1368d028683fa61f8edf7aa2c7b32b4e4ef5aec760d04378a7043",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:09.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:09.003000', 'bytes': 2229843968, 'norm_byte': 63163392, 'ops': 2177582, 'norm_ops': 61683, 'norm_ltcy': 16.229563003836144, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:09.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:09.003000",
+ "bytes": 2229843968,
+ "norm_byte": 63163392,
+ "ops": 2177582,
+ "norm_ops": 61683,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.229563003836144,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "468b732fb575c87266e011d3b34c27cd1df371aab256ddd6002c98d458760c4d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:10.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:10.003000', 'bytes': 2292450304, 'norm_byte': 62606336, 'ops': 2238721, 'norm_ops': 61139, 'norm_ltcy': 16.367931993336903, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:10.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:10.003000",
+ "bytes": 2292450304,
+ "norm_byte": 62606336,
+ "ops": 2238721,
+ "norm_ops": 61139,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.367931993336903,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dfead1052480187e16efd9bd84835223b98f85c4851b9064af7ef6780e1f5e3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:11.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:11.004000', 'bytes': 2354088960, 'norm_byte': 61638656, 'ops': 2298915, 'norm_ops': 60194, 'norm_ltcy': 16.631158375679053, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:11.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:11.004000",
+ "bytes": 2354088960,
+ "norm_byte": 61638656,
+ "ops": 2298915,
+ "norm_ops": 60194,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.631158375679053,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9c7d44905278855ce7c1e48bada0fa06820baabb60007735fea5a7f9c9a33d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:12.006000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:12.006000', 'bytes': 2418322432, 'norm_byte': 64233472, 'ops': 2361643, 'norm_ops': 62728, 'norm_ltcy': 15.959241624055446, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:12.006000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:12.006000",
+ "bytes": 2418322432,
+ "norm_byte": 64233472,
+ "ops": 2361643,
+ "norm_ops": 62728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.959241624055446,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "12a2064d7ca96dc71c28c3fd1504fe8354bd1cfa7eae4efef8f04631d38bf35b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:13.007000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:13.007000', 'bytes': 2481778688, 'norm_byte': 63456256, 'ops': 2423612, 'norm_ops': 61969, 'norm_ltcy': 16.154825617193676, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:13.007000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:13.007000",
+ "bytes": 2481778688,
+ "norm_byte": 63456256,
+ "ops": 2423612,
+ "norm_ops": 61969,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.154825617193676,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2000daa339e7b160efda750b3593f43b475700f3760b6f64da874298b890b6cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:14.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:14.008000', 'bytes': 2545776640, 'norm_byte': 63997952, 'ops': 2486110, 'norm_ops': 62498, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01802820190246, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:14.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:14.008000",
+ "bytes": 2545776640,
+ "norm_byte": 63997952,
+ "ops": 2486110,
+ "norm_ops": 62498,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01802820190246,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e4cf372f39e6efbed97080d12d8481c68d44c57c17b83949553da16a4b20929",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:15.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:15.009000', 'bytes': 2610123776, 'norm_byte': 64347136, 'ops': 2548949, 'norm_ops': 62839, 'norm_ltcy': 15.931229635457278, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:15.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:15.009000",
+ "bytes": 2610123776,
+ "norm_byte": 64347136,
+ "ops": 2548949,
+ "norm_ops": 62839,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.931229635457278,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b412d9cec5973022cd497be52a352cad35862060c42d00186dad1462d9036956",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:16.010000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:16.010000', 'bytes': 2674355200, 'norm_byte': 64231424, 'ops': 2611675, 'norm_ops': 62726, 'norm_ltcy': 15.960077422540095, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:16.010000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:16.010000",
+ "bytes": 2674355200,
+ "norm_byte": 64231424,
+ "ops": 2611675,
+ "norm_ops": 62726,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.960077422540095,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa2487c0a6d33eeb28a791ae0d9f282699ca860d727b8c2d68470f38c034bc1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:17.011000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:17.011000', 'bytes': 2738387968, 'norm_byte': 64032768, 'ops': 2674207, 'norm_ops': 62532, 'norm_ltcy': 16.009396938767352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:17.011000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:17.011000",
+ "bytes": 2738387968,
+ "norm_byte": 64032768,
+ "ops": 2674207,
+ "norm_ops": 62532,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.009396938767352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b42b519e746c617d46877ba0f32d4617b98b5e450c98debe8dd82c31178f0c82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:18.012000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:18.012000', 'bytes': 2802039808, 'norm_byte': 63651840, 'ops': 2736367, 'norm_ops': 62160, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10504896637709, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:18.012000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:18.012000",
+ "bytes": 2802039808,
+ "norm_byte": 63651840,
+ "ops": 2736367,
+ "norm_ops": 62160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10504896637709,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ca85e4f07264540716a501f32eff24397d5dcdc7ed4a64d49668dc8b4b4ac6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:19.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:19.013000', 'bytes': 2866084864, 'norm_byte': 64045056, 'ops': 2798911, 'norm_ops': 62544, 'norm_ltcy': 16.00633700749672, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:19.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:19.013000",
+ "bytes": 2866084864,
+ "norm_byte": 64045056,
+ "ops": 2798911,
+ "norm_ops": 62544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.00633700749672,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8549bf6153412ee06f8fb40bea16861e926a44703bb15dcc5d3e9ba0cef58eed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:20.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:20.014000', 'bytes': 2930164736, 'norm_byte': 64079872, 'ops': 2861489, 'norm_ops': 62578, 'norm_ltcy': 15.99776525770838, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:20.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:20.014000",
+ "bytes": 2930164736,
+ "norm_byte": 64079872,
+ "ops": 2861489,
+ "norm_ops": 62578,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.99776525770838,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6e51b0c8f842931664533bee63857878315a0f2e06ecfb015b1a67074df919f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:21.015000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:21.015000', 'bytes': 2993800192, 'norm_byte': 63635456, 'ops': 2923633, 'norm_ops': 62144, 'norm_ltcy': 16.109474409989296, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:21.015000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:21.015000",
+ "bytes": 2993800192,
+ "norm_byte": 63635456,
+ "ops": 2923633,
+ "norm_ops": 62144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.109474409989296,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f74507da4b37779cde26abb61842bdb482ecd016c327c2676a8c56a1ee7e449",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:22.017000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:22.017000', 'bytes': 3057980416, 'norm_byte': 64180224, 'ops': 2986309, 'norm_ops': 62676, 'norm_ltcy': 15.97256033260339, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:22.017000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:22.017000",
+ "bytes": 3057980416,
+ "norm_byte": 64180224,
+ "ops": 2986309,
+ "norm_ops": 62676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.97256033260339,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c37119be42e64dbd2f0b7ce2c7639f09ea33dcdb866f7e0e7440a48dda58fc02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:23.018000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:23.018000', 'bytes': 3119836160, 'norm_byte': 61855744, 'ops': 3046715, 'norm_ops': 60406, 'norm_ltcy': 16.572676742842184, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:23.018000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:23.018000",
+ "bytes": 3119836160,
+ "norm_byte": 61855744,
+ "ops": 3046715,
+ "norm_ops": 60406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.572676742842184,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c19563378bc9852ce99bbe0f94a8b3803d9d8888414b758093c7acb1b3de960",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:24.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:24.019000', 'bytes': 3182983168, 'norm_byte': 63147008, 'ops': 3108382, 'norm_ops': 61667, 'norm_ltcy': 16.233853075034055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:24.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:24.019000",
+ "bytes": 3182983168,
+ "norm_byte": 63147008,
+ "ops": 3108382,
+ "norm_ops": 61667,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.233853075034055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c820275ed7262b756a39ae23ab22a16c5d2304f9c02c0c948c506faa80e25f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:25.020000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:25.020000', 'bytes': 3246117888, 'norm_byte': 63134720, 'ops': 3170037, 'norm_ops': 61655, 'norm_ltcy': 16.237111687515206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:25.020000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:25.020000",
+ "bytes": 3246117888,
+ "norm_byte": 63134720,
+ "ops": 3170037,
+ "norm_ops": 61655,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.237111687515206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aaea149a22411dab40e9753d5a867185855784ccc64c22f640c720df16d24fc1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:26.021000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:26.021000', 'bytes': 3310005248, 'norm_byte': 63887360, 'ops': 3232427, 'norm_ops': 62390, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0458539842623, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:26.021000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:26.021000",
+ "bytes": 3310005248,
+ "norm_byte": 63887360,
+ "ops": 3232427,
+ "norm_ops": 62390,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0458539842623,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb9d5fa9ea79d2edcf13f2a52107d8dc3c5fc8a3e4d7c9b38461df4527f4e033",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:27.022000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:27.022000', 'bytes': 3373536256, 'norm_byte': 63531008, 'ops': 3294469, 'norm_ops': 62042, 'norm_ltcy': 16.134837652819865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:27.022000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:27.022000",
+ "bytes": 3373536256,
+ "norm_byte": 63531008,
+ "ops": 3294469,
+ "norm_ops": 62042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.134837652819865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1d384bc0b1d018085d6d00b4441c88629f0ba2c7bca0a16edaf25f4655f6bec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:28.023000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:28.023000', 'bytes': 3437510656, 'norm_byte': 63974400, 'ops': 3356944, 'norm_ops': 62475, 'norm_ltcy': 16.023968181022408, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:28.023000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:28.023000",
+ "bytes": 3437510656,
+ "norm_byte": 63974400,
+ "ops": 3356944,
+ "norm_ops": 62475,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.023968181022408,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8fed9d64c65cfb51e5b42dc1884d1f0dd8cfd850eced8bce1021cbf8e63fad6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:29.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:29.024000', 'bytes': 3502097408, 'norm_byte': 64586752, 'ops': 3420017, 'norm_ops': 63073, 'norm_ltcy': 15.871877254332281, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:29.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:29.024000",
+ "bytes": 3502097408,
+ "norm_byte": 64586752,
+ "ops": 3420017,
+ "norm_ops": 63073,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.871877254332281,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2803b35f01678bef41a7073e7b5d5c5b3761c2ed86b933635b6af34f964ca9c9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:30.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:30.025000', 'bytes': 3565865984, 'norm_byte': 63768576, 'ops': 3482291, 'norm_ops': 62274, 'norm_ltcy': 16.075562828939447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:30.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:30.025000",
+ "bytes": 3565865984,
+ "norm_byte": 63768576,
+ "ops": 3482291,
+ "norm_ops": 62274,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.075562828939447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e958cafcd09275c706705353eea80a5336f80e2f94ba92397aa00dfb2229d4ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:31.026000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:31.026000', 'bytes': 3630539776, 'norm_byte': 64673792, 'ops': 3545449, 'norm_ops': 63158, 'norm_ltcy': 15.85068260726076, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:31.026000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:31.026000",
+ "bytes": 3630539776,
+ "norm_byte": 64673792,
+ "ops": 3545449,
+ "norm_ops": 63158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.85068260726076,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "71e8703a677d4e65c5eb10cd4d47bd07241f6e9b1f0b93ac9c4638ae18eb190b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:32.027000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:32.027000', 'bytes': 3693931520, 'norm_byte': 63391744, 'ops': 3607355, 'norm_ops': 61906, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17116339313839, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:32.027000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:32.027000",
+ "bytes": 3693931520,
+ "norm_byte": 63391744,
+ "ops": 3607355,
+ "norm_ops": 61906,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17116339313839,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "704df8c5c2382409165d3d275b04abd6aebf20587a4819ba40a23fb3d7df1391",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:52:33.229000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:52:33.229000', 'bytes': 3758521344, 'norm_byte': 64589824, 'ops': 3670431, 'norm_ops': 63076, 'norm_ltcy': 19.046506458974097, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:52:33.229000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:52:33.229000",
+ "bytes": 3758521344,
+ "norm_byte": 64589824,
+ "ops": 3670431,
+ "norm_ops": 63076,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.046506458974097,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2f14ced7-ec8d-585e-a522-d5009b13a527",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b1aab9f93a678be405473898e3ad6f469eb2d46ee829b09a176c3c0ce4d3caf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63703751.59322034
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62210.69491525424
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.57852490612587
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:52:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-069-220519214849/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-069-220519214849/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c8f2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-069-220519214849/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-069-220519214849/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-069-220519214849/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-069-220519214849/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-069-220519214849/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-069-220519214849/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af30857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-069-220519214849/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=35
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=30
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-070-220519215051/220519215051-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-070-220519215051/220519215051-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb8a137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-070-220519215051/220519215051-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:53:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997214942.4910 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997215943.6147 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997215943.7100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997216943.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:42990592 nr_ops:41983\ntimestamp_ms:1652997217944.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:99060736 nr_ops:96739\ntimestamp_ms:1652997218945.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142896128 nr_ops:139547\ntimestamp_ms:1652997219946.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198173696 nr_ops:193529\ntimestamp_ms:1652997220947.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253692928 nr_ops:247747\ntimestamp_ms:1652997221949.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307198976 nr_ops:299999\ntimestamp_ms:1652997222950.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:338836480 nr_ops:330895\ntimestamp_ms:1652997223950.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389592064 nr_ops:380461\ntimestamp_ms:1652997224951.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:430089216 nr_ops:420009\ntimestamp_ms:1652997225953.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:481080320 nr_ops:469805\ntimestamp_ms:1652997226954.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522451968 nr_ops:510207\ntimestamp_ms:1652997227955.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563485696 nr_ops:550279\ntimestamp_ms:1652997228956.3115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:614226944 nr_ops:599831\ntimestamp_ms:1652997229957.4023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664673280 nr_ops:649095\ntimestamp_ms:1652997230958.4949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:715654144 nr_ops:698881\ntimestamp_ms:1652997231959.5881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:767699968 nr_ops:749707\ntimestamp_ms:1652997232960.6868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:806403072 nr_ops:787503\ntimestamp_ms:1652997233961.7935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:856085504 nr_ops:836021\ntimestamp_ms:1652997234962.8867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:910224384 nr_ops:888891\ntimestamp_ms:1652997235963.9849 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:962927616 nr_ops:940359\ntimestamp_ms:1652997236964.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010811904 nr_ops:987121\ntimestamp_ms:1652997237965.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068303360 nr_ops:1043265\ntimestamp_ms:1652997238967.0391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1122716672 nr_ops:1096403\ntimestamp_ms:1652997239968.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1156690944 nr_ops:1129581\ntimestamp_ms:1652997240969.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217346560 nr_ops:1188815\ntimestamp_ms:1652997241970.4004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262715904 nr_ops:1233121\ntimestamp_ms:1652997242971.4973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304706048 nr_ops:1274127\ntimestamp_ms:1652997243972.5935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345649664 nr_ops:1314111\ntimestamp_ms:1652997244973.6875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1397064704 nr_ops:1364321\ntimestamp_ms:1652997245974.7822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448782848 nr_ops:1414827\ntimestamp_ms:1652997246975.8818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1500718080 nr_ops:1465545\ntimestamp_ms:1652997247976.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1553400832 nr_ops:1516993\ntimestamp_ms:1652997248978.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598630912 nr_ops:1561163\ntimestamp_ms:1652997249979.1633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1641585664 nr_ops:1603111\ntimestamp_ms:1652997250980.2637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695824896 nr_ops:1656079\ntimestamp_ms:1652997251981.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1749744640 nr_ops:1708735\ntimestamp_ms:1652997252982.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1802384384 nr_ops:1760141\ntimestamp_ms:1652997253983.5513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1854346240 nr_ops:1810885\ntimestamp_ms:1652997254984.6433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906629632 nr_ops:1861943\ntimestamp_ms:1652997255985.7427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1948244992 nr_ops:1902583\ntimestamp_ms:1652997256986.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2000501760 nr_ops:1953615\ntimestamp_ms:1652997257987.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041748480 nr_ops:1993895\ntimestamp_ms:1652997258989.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062281728 nr_ops:2013947\ntimestamp_ms:1652997259990.1343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2115173376 nr_ops:2065599\ntimestamp_ms:1652997260991.2319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2147093504 nr_ops:2096771\ntimestamp_ms:1652997261992.3264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2188915712 nr_ops:2137613\ntimestamp_ms:1652997262993.4253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2239984640 nr_ops:2187485\ntimestamp_ms:1652997263994.5203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2280954880 nr_ops:2227495\ntimestamp_ms:1652997264995.6111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323919872 nr_ops:2269453\ntimestamp_ms:1652997265996.2773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2378923008 nr_ops:2323167\ntimestamp_ms:1652997266997.3716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2433917952 nr_ops:2376873\ntimestamp_ms:1652997267998.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2477816832 nr_ops:2419743\ntimestamp_ms:1652997268999.5435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521086976 nr_ops:2461999\ntimestamp_ms:1652997270000.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2575199232 nr_ops:2514843\ntimestamp_ms:1652997271001.7158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619546624 nr_ops:2558151\ntimestamp_ms:1652997272002.8198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2678017024 nr_ops:2615251\ntimestamp_ms:1652997273003.9202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723021824 nr_ops:2659201\ntimestamp_ms:1652997274005.0786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2771487744 nr_ops:2706531\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139746942174976\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.4558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2828698624 nr_ops:2762401\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.5356 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.5464 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275306.7627 name:Total nr_bytes:2828698624 nr_ops:2762402\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.6428 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5657397246 nr_ops:5524804\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.6445 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2828698624 nr_ops:2762404\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 379.40us 0.00ns 379.40us 379.40us \nTxn1 1381201 42.73us 0.00ns 209.29ms 18.55us \nTxn2 1 49.95us 0.00ns 49.95us 49.95us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 378.54us 0.00ns 378.54us 378.54us \nwrite 1381201 2.49us 0.00ns 234.83us 2.13us \nread 1381200 40.16us 0.00ns 209.29ms 1.05us \ndisconnect 1 49.28us 0.00ns 49.28us 49.28us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s \nnet1 22508 22509 196.27Mb/s 196.27Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.165 61.37s 2.63GB 368.77Mb/s 2762403 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 2.63GB 368.77Mb/s 2762404 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.414669, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997214942.4910 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997215943.6147 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997215943.7100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997216943.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:42990592 nr_ops:41983\ntimestamp_ms:1652997217944.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:99060736 nr_ops:96739\ntimestamp_ms:1652997218945.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142896128 nr_ops:139547\ntimestamp_ms:1652997219946.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198173696 nr_ops:193529\ntimestamp_ms:1652997220947.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253692928 nr_ops:247747\ntimestamp_ms:1652997221949.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307198976 nr_ops:299999\ntimestamp_ms:1652997222950.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:338836480 nr_ops:330895\ntimestamp_ms:1652997223950.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389592064 nr_ops:380461\ntimestamp_ms:1652997224951.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:430089216 nr_ops:420009\ntimestamp_ms:1652997225953.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:481080320 nr_ops:469805\ntimestamp_ms:1652997226954.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522451968 nr_ops:510207\ntimestamp_ms:1652997227955.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563485696 nr_ops:550279\ntimestamp_ms:1652997228956.3115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:614226944 nr_ops:599831\ntimestamp_ms:1652997229957.4023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664673280 nr_ops:649095\ntimestamp_ms:1652997230958.4949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:715654144 nr_ops:698881\ntimestamp_ms:1652997231959.5881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:767699968 nr_ops:749707\ntimestamp_ms:1652997232960.6868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:806403072 nr_ops:787503\ntimestamp_ms:1652997233961.7935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:856085504 nr_ops:836021\ntimestamp_ms:1652997234962.8867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:910224384 nr_ops:888891\ntimestamp_ms:1652997235963.9849 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:962927616 nr_ops:940359\ntimestamp_ms:1652997236964.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010811904 nr_ops:987121\ntimestamp_ms:1652997237965.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068303360 nr_ops:1043265\ntimestamp_ms:1652997238967.0391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1122716672 nr_ops:1096403\ntimestamp_ms:1652997239968.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1156690944 nr_ops:1129581\ntimestamp_ms:1652997240969.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217346560 nr_ops:1188815\ntimestamp_ms:1652997241970.4004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262715904 nr_ops:1233121\ntimestamp_ms:1652997242971.4973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304706048 nr_ops:1274127\ntimestamp_ms:1652997243972.5935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345649664 nr_ops:1314111\ntimestamp_ms:1652997244973.6875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1397064704 nr_ops:1364321\ntimestamp_ms:1652997245974.7822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448782848 nr_ops:1414827\ntimestamp_ms:1652997246975.8818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1500718080 nr_ops:1465545\ntimestamp_ms:1652997247976.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1553400832 nr_ops:1516993\ntimestamp_ms:1652997248978.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598630912 nr_ops:1561163\ntimestamp_ms:1652997249979.1633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1641585664 nr_ops:1603111\ntimestamp_ms:1652997250980.2637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695824896 nr_ops:1656079\ntimestamp_ms:1652997251981.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1749744640 nr_ops:1708735\ntimestamp_ms:1652997252982.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1802384384 nr_ops:1760141\ntimestamp_ms:1652997253983.5513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1854346240 nr_ops:1810885\ntimestamp_ms:1652997254984.6433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906629632 nr_ops:1861943\ntimestamp_ms:1652997255985.7427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1948244992 nr_ops:1902583\ntimestamp_ms:1652997256986.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2000501760 nr_ops:1953615\ntimestamp_ms:1652997257987.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041748480 nr_ops:1993895\ntimestamp_ms:1652997258989.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062281728 nr_ops:2013947\ntimestamp_ms:1652997259990.1343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2115173376 nr_ops:2065599\ntimestamp_ms:1652997260991.2319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2147093504 nr_ops:2096771\ntimestamp_ms:1652997261992.3264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2188915712 nr_ops:2137613\ntimestamp_ms:1652997262993.4253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2239984640 nr_ops:2187485\ntimestamp_ms:1652997263994.5203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2280954880 nr_ops:2227495\ntimestamp_ms:1652997264995.6111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323919872 nr_ops:2269453\ntimestamp_ms:1652997265996.2773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2378923008 nr_ops:2323167\ntimestamp_ms:1652997266997.3716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2433917952 nr_ops:2376873\ntimestamp_ms:1652997267998.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2477816832 nr_ops:2419743\ntimestamp_ms:1652997268999.5435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521086976 nr_ops:2461999\ntimestamp_ms:1652997270000.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2575199232 nr_ops:2514843\ntimestamp_ms:1652997271001.7158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619546624 nr_ops:2558151\ntimestamp_ms:1652997272002.8198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2678017024 nr_ops:2615251\ntimestamp_ms:1652997273003.9202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723021824 nr_ops:2659201\ntimestamp_ms:1652997274005.0786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2771487744 nr_ops:2706531\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139746942174976\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.4558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2828698624 nr_ops:2762401\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.5356 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.5464 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275306.7627 name:Total nr_bytes:2828698624 nr_ops:2762402\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.6428 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5657397246 nr_ops:5524804\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.6445 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2828698624 nr_ops:2762404\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 379.40us 0.00ns 379.40us 379.40us \nTxn1 1381201 42.73us 0.00ns 209.29ms 18.55us \nTxn2 1 49.95us 0.00ns 49.95us 49.95us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 378.54us 0.00ns 378.54us 378.54us \nwrite 1381201 2.49us 0.00ns 234.83us 2.13us \nread 1381200 40.16us 0.00ns 209.29ms 1.05us \ndisconnect 1 49.28us 0.00ns 49.28us 49.28us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s \nnet1 22508 22509 196.27Mb/s 196.27Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.165 61.37s 2.63GB 368.77Mb/s 2762403 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 2.63GB 368.77Mb/s 2762404 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.414669, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997214942.4910 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997215943.6147 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997215943.7100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997216943.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:42990592 nr_ops:41983\ntimestamp_ms:1652997217944.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:99060736 nr_ops:96739\ntimestamp_ms:1652997218945.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142896128 nr_ops:139547\ntimestamp_ms:1652997219946.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198173696 nr_ops:193529\ntimestamp_ms:1652997220947.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253692928 nr_ops:247747\ntimestamp_ms:1652997221949.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307198976 nr_ops:299999\ntimestamp_ms:1652997222950.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:338836480 nr_ops:330895\ntimestamp_ms:1652997223950.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389592064 nr_ops:380461\ntimestamp_ms:1652997224951.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:430089216 nr_ops:420009\ntimestamp_ms:1652997225953.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:481080320 nr_ops:469805\ntimestamp_ms:1652997226954.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522451968 nr_ops:510207\ntimestamp_ms:1652997227955.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563485696 nr_ops:550279\ntimestamp_ms:1652997228956.3115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:614226944 nr_ops:599831\ntimestamp_ms:1652997229957.4023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664673280 nr_ops:649095\ntimestamp_ms:1652997230958.4949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:715654144 nr_ops:698881\ntimestamp_ms:1652997231959.5881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:767699968 nr_ops:749707\ntimestamp_ms:1652997232960.6868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:806403072 nr_ops:787503\ntimestamp_ms:1652997233961.7935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:856085504 nr_ops:836021\ntimestamp_ms:1652997234962.8867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:910224384 nr_ops:888891\ntimestamp_ms:1652997235963.9849 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:962927616 nr_ops:940359\ntimestamp_ms:1652997236964.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010811904 nr_ops:987121\ntimestamp_ms:1652997237965.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068303360 nr_ops:1043265\ntimestamp_ms:1652997238967.0391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1122716672 nr_ops:1096403\ntimestamp_ms:1652997239968.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1156690944 nr_ops:1129581\ntimestamp_ms:1652997240969.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217346560 nr_ops:1188815\ntimestamp_ms:1652997241970.4004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262715904 nr_ops:1233121\ntimestamp_ms:1652997242971.4973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304706048 nr_ops:1274127\ntimestamp_ms:1652997243972.5935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345649664 nr_ops:1314111\ntimestamp_ms:1652997244973.6875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1397064704 nr_ops:1364321\ntimestamp_ms:1652997245974.7822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448782848 nr_ops:1414827\ntimestamp_ms:1652997246975.8818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1500718080 nr_ops:1465545\ntimestamp_ms:1652997247976.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1553400832 nr_ops:1516993\ntimestamp_ms:1652997248978.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598630912 nr_ops:1561163\ntimestamp_ms:1652997249979.1633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1641585664 nr_ops:1603111\ntimestamp_ms:1652997250980.2637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695824896 nr_ops:1656079\ntimestamp_ms:1652997251981.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1749744640 nr_ops:1708735\ntimestamp_ms:1652997252982.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1802384384 nr_ops:1760141\ntimestamp_ms:1652997253983.5513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1854346240 nr_ops:1810885\ntimestamp_ms:1652997254984.6433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906629632 nr_ops:1861943\ntimestamp_ms:1652997255985.7427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1948244992 nr_ops:1902583\ntimestamp_ms:1652997256986.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2000501760 nr_ops:1953615\ntimestamp_ms:1652997257987.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041748480 nr_ops:1993895\ntimestamp_ms:1652997258989.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062281728 nr_ops:2013947\ntimestamp_ms:1652997259990.1343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2115173376 nr_ops:2065599\ntimestamp_ms:1652997260991.2319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2147093504 nr_ops:2096771\ntimestamp_ms:1652997261992.3264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2188915712 nr_ops:2137613\ntimestamp_ms:1652997262993.4253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2239984640 nr_ops:2187485\ntimestamp_ms:1652997263994.5203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2280954880 nr_ops:2227495\ntimestamp_ms:1652997264995.6111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323919872 nr_ops:2269453\ntimestamp_ms:1652997265996.2773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2378923008 nr_ops:2323167\ntimestamp_ms:1652997266997.3716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2433917952 nr_ops:2376873\ntimestamp_ms:1652997267998.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2477816832 nr_ops:2419743\ntimestamp_ms:1652997268999.5435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521086976 nr_ops:2461999\ntimestamp_ms:1652997270000.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2575199232 nr_ops:2514843\ntimestamp_ms:1652997271001.7158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619546624 nr_ops:2558151\ntimestamp_ms:1652997272002.8198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2678017024 nr_ops:2615251\ntimestamp_ms:1652997273003.9202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723021824 nr_ops:2659201\ntimestamp_ms:1652997274005.0786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2771487744 nr_ops:2706531\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139746942174976\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.4558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2828698624 nr_ops:2762401\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.5356 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.5464 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275306.7627 name:Total nr_bytes:2828698624 nr_ops:2762402\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.6428 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5657397246 nr_ops:5524804\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997275206.6445 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2828698624 nr_ops:2762404\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 379.40us 0.00ns 379.40us 379.40us \nTxn1 1381201 42.73us 0.00ns 209.29ms 18.55us \nTxn2 1 49.95us 0.00ns 49.95us 49.95us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 378.54us 0.00ns 378.54us 378.54us \nwrite 1381201 2.49us 0.00ns 234.83us 2.13us \nread 1381200 40.16us 0.00ns 209.29ms 1.05us \ndisconnect 1 49.28us 0.00ns 49.28us 49.28us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s \nnet1 22508 22509 196.27Mb/s 196.27Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.165 61.37s 2.63GB 368.77Mb/s 2762403 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 2.63GB 368.77Mb/s 2762404 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.414669, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997214942.4910 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997215943.6147 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997215943.7100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997216943.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:42990592 nr_ops:41983
+timestamp_ms:1652997217944.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:99060736 nr_ops:96739
+timestamp_ms:1652997218945.9731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142896128 nr_ops:139547
+timestamp_ms:1652997219946.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198173696 nr_ops:193529
+timestamp_ms:1652997220947.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253692928 nr_ops:247747
+timestamp_ms:1652997221949.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307198976 nr_ops:299999
+timestamp_ms:1652997222950.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:338836480 nr_ops:330895
+timestamp_ms:1652997223950.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389592064 nr_ops:380461
+timestamp_ms:1652997224951.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:430089216 nr_ops:420009
+timestamp_ms:1652997225953.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:481080320 nr_ops:469805
+timestamp_ms:1652997226954.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:522451968 nr_ops:510207
+timestamp_ms:1652997227955.2148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563485696 nr_ops:550279
+timestamp_ms:1652997228956.3115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:614226944 nr_ops:599831
+timestamp_ms:1652997229957.4023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:664673280 nr_ops:649095
+timestamp_ms:1652997230958.4949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:715654144 nr_ops:698881
+timestamp_ms:1652997231959.5881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:767699968 nr_ops:749707
+timestamp_ms:1652997232960.6868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:806403072 nr_ops:787503
+timestamp_ms:1652997233961.7935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:856085504 nr_ops:836021
+timestamp_ms:1652997234962.8867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:910224384 nr_ops:888891
+timestamp_ms:1652997235963.9849 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:962927616 nr_ops:940359
+timestamp_ms:1652997236964.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010811904 nr_ops:987121
+timestamp_ms:1652997237965.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068303360 nr_ops:1043265
+timestamp_ms:1652997238967.0391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1122716672 nr_ops:1096403
+timestamp_ms:1652997239968.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1156690944 nr_ops:1129581
+timestamp_ms:1652997240969.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217346560 nr_ops:1188815
+timestamp_ms:1652997241970.4004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262715904 nr_ops:1233121
+timestamp_ms:1652997242971.4973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304706048 nr_ops:1274127
+timestamp_ms:1652997243972.5935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345649664 nr_ops:1314111
+timestamp_ms:1652997244973.6875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1397064704 nr_ops:1364321
+timestamp_ms:1652997245974.7822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448782848 nr_ops:1414827
+timestamp_ms:1652997246975.8818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1500718080 nr_ops:1465545
+timestamp_ms:1652997247976.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1553400832 nr_ops:1516993
+timestamp_ms:1652997248978.0754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598630912 nr_ops:1561163
+timestamp_ms:1652997249979.1633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1641585664 nr_ops:1603111
+timestamp_ms:1652997250980.2637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695824896 nr_ops:1656079
+timestamp_ms:1652997251981.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1749744640 nr_ops:1708735
+timestamp_ms:1652997252982.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1802384384 nr_ops:1760141
+timestamp_ms:1652997253983.5513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1854346240 nr_ops:1810885
+timestamp_ms:1652997254984.6433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906629632 nr_ops:1861943
+timestamp_ms:1652997255985.7427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1948244992 nr_ops:1902583
+timestamp_ms:1652997256986.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2000501760 nr_ops:1953615
+timestamp_ms:1652997257987.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2041748480 nr_ops:1993895
+timestamp_ms:1652997258989.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2062281728 nr_ops:2013947
+timestamp_ms:1652997259990.1343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2115173376 nr_ops:2065599
+timestamp_ms:1652997260991.2319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2147093504 nr_ops:2096771
+timestamp_ms:1652997261992.3264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2188915712 nr_ops:2137613
+timestamp_ms:1652997262993.4253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2239984640 nr_ops:2187485
+timestamp_ms:1652997263994.5203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2280954880 nr_ops:2227495
+timestamp_ms:1652997264995.6111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323919872 nr_ops:2269453
+timestamp_ms:1652997265996.2773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2378923008 nr_ops:2323167
+timestamp_ms:1652997266997.3716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2433917952 nr_ops:2376873
+timestamp_ms:1652997267998.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2477816832 nr_ops:2419743
+timestamp_ms:1652997268999.5435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521086976 nr_ops:2461999
+timestamp_ms:1652997270000.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2575199232 nr_ops:2514843
+timestamp_ms:1652997271001.7158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2619546624 nr_ops:2558151
+timestamp_ms:1652997272002.8198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2678017024 nr_ops:2615251
+timestamp_ms:1652997273003.9202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723021824 nr_ops:2659201
+timestamp_ms:1652997274005.0786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2771487744 nr_ops:2706531
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139746942174976
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652997275206.4558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2828698624 nr_ops:2762401
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997275206.5356 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997275206.5464 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997275306.7627 name:Total nr_bytes:2828698624 nr_ops:2762402
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997275206.6428 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5657397246 nr_ops:5524804
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997275206.6445 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2828698624 nr_ops:2762404
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 379.40us 0.00ns 379.40us 379.40us
+Txn1 1381201 42.73us 0.00ns 209.29ms 18.55us
+Txn2 1 49.95us 0.00ns 49.95us 49.95us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 378.54us 0.00ns 378.54us 378.54us
+write 1381201 2.49us 0.00ns 234.83us 2.13us
+read 1381200 40.16us 0.00ns 209.29ms 1.05us
+disconnect 1 49.28us 0.00ns 49.28us 49.28us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s
+net1 22508 22509 196.27Mb/s 196.27Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.165 61.37s 2.63GB 368.77Mb/s 2762403 0.00
+master 61.37s 2.63GB 368.77Mb/s 2762404 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:36.943000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:36.943000', 'bytes': 42990592, 'norm_byte': 42990592, 'ops': 41983, 'norm_ops': 41983, 'norm_ltcy': 23.822101589110474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:36.943000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:36.943000",
+ "bytes": 42990592,
+ "norm_byte": 42990592,
+ "ops": 41983,
+ "norm_ops": 41983,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.822101589110474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b316b452e9b00e3fb5bef2420f63cb63d79547a21407319509fb14937d54e23",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:37.944000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:37.944000', 'bytes': 99060736, 'norm_byte': 56070144, 'ops': 96739, 'norm_ops': 54756, 'norm_ltcy': 18.281279962469867, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:37.944000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:37.944000",
+ "bytes": 99060736,
+ "norm_byte": 56070144,
+ "ops": 96739,
+ "norm_ops": 54756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.281279962469867,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49b8e07314a89785b5b7444e45a7813429d80daed3eed1a3d426d1dd4de070b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:38.945000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:38.945000', 'bytes': 142896128, 'norm_byte': 43835392, 'ops': 139547, 'norm_ops': 42808, 'norm_ltcy': 23.386519504604863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:38.945000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:38.945000",
+ "bytes": 142896128,
+ "norm_byte": 43835392,
+ "ops": 139547,
+ "norm_ops": 42808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.386519504604863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2ea10ae67f2b513f9e4d726e9c3c8dae4cddb6546d1b8442fa3b49023dc37bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:39.946000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:39.946000', 'bytes': 198173696, 'norm_byte': 55277568, 'ops': 193529, 'norm_ops': 53982, 'norm_ltcy': 18.54075779889593, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:39.946000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:39.946000",
+ "bytes": 198173696,
+ "norm_byte": 55277568,
+ "ops": 193529,
+ "norm_ops": 53982,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.54075779889593,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7481188def319d93d78a57f2f8c11cd9288bf63a6dd13fac93b5e751b4b68225",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:40.947000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:40.947000', 'bytes': 253692928, 'norm_byte': 55519232, 'ops': 247747, 'norm_ops': 54218, 'norm_ltcy': 18.464187328816074, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:40.947000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:40.947000",
+ "bytes": 253692928,
+ "norm_byte": 55519232,
+ "ops": 247747,
+ "norm_ops": 54218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.464187328816074,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5612ee94d3323f1f5e3984ce65a083d30cdcf38c5936e3cbe729ea9120c4b950",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:41.949000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:41.949000', 'bytes': 307198976, 'norm_byte': 53506048, 'ops': 299999, 'norm_ops': 52252, 'norm_ltcy': 19.1589416209547, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:41.949000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:41.949000",
+ "bytes": 307198976,
+ "norm_byte": 53506048,
+ "ops": 299999,
+ "norm_ops": 52252,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.1589416209547,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a375bfb371815daaba9bc4bc93a9477dbb756b39a94e0c39c241b1884bf3ea85",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:42.950000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:42.950000', 'bytes': 338836480, 'norm_byte': 31637504, 'ops': 330895, 'norm_ops': 30896, 'norm_ltcy': 32.40224007557613, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:42.950000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:42.950000",
+ "bytes": 338836480,
+ "norm_byte": 31637504,
+ "ops": 330895,
+ "norm_ops": 30896,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.40224007557613,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aba89a8cdd4606837b9917b6c3d302a2b6a5c3a1446559a73268e290eac7be7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:43.950000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:43.950000', 'bytes': 389592064, 'norm_byte': 50755584, 'ops': 380461, 'norm_ops': 49566, 'norm_ltcy': 20.189537174865333, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:43.950000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:43.950000",
+ "bytes": 389592064,
+ "norm_byte": 50755584,
+ "ops": 380461,
+ "norm_ops": 49566,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.189537174865333,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f4836c176ce76831e4a940f050eb71050888585eaec32259da0dfb49fbc561f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:44.951000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:44.951000', 'bytes': 430089216, 'norm_byte': 40497152, 'ops': 420009, 'norm_ops': 39548, 'norm_ltcy': 25.3134899461572, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:44.951000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:44.951000",
+ "bytes": 430089216,
+ "norm_byte": 40497152,
+ "ops": 420009,
+ "norm_ops": 39548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.3134899461572,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2287365a86f33c8ad431a31b6c15698a2c11a1ccca47c33f35aca98e64bfdfd9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:45.953000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:45.953000', 'bytes': 481080320, 'norm_byte': 50991104, 'ops': 469805, 'norm_ops': 49796, 'norm_ltcy': 20.10392832443871, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:45.953000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:45.953000",
+ "bytes": 481080320,
+ "norm_byte": 50991104,
+ "ops": 469805,
+ "norm_ops": 49796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.10392832443871,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "577756fe2cf2a084d6215aa3f5dd43047b6fecda1d0b933a9a7cae7feabb8eaf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:46.954000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:46.954000', 'bytes': 522451968, 'norm_byte': 41371648, 'ops': 510207, 'norm_ops': 40402, 'norm_ltcy': 24.77817054810096, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:46.954000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:46.954000",
+ "bytes": 522451968,
+ "norm_byte": 41371648,
+ "ops": 510207,
+ "norm_ops": 40402,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.77817054810096,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9afc59003b03216522ace7efec5f3791e06fbe6d2e5e4a8cd15b09adca4d2ed2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:47.955000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:47.955000', 'bytes': 563485696, 'norm_byte': 41033728, 'ops': 550279, 'norm_ops': 40072, 'norm_ltcy': 24.98241202944076, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:47.955000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:47.955000",
+ "bytes": 563485696,
+ "norm_byte": 41033728,
+ "ops": 550279,
+ "norm_ops": 40072,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.98241202944076,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02807e290c3f7562892464ba222ce78c853e12f044479d707a34017d57f58147",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:48.956000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:48.956000', 'bytes': 614226944, 'norm_byte': 50741248, 'ops': 599831, 'norm_ops': 49552, 'norm_ltcy': 20.202952044064823, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:48.956000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:48.956000",
+ "bytes": 614226944,
+ "norm_byte": 50741248,
+ "ops": 599831,
+ "norm_ops": 49552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.202952044064823,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "edecfa135c55c40efb35ead9e2e060818b30a459740c7dc903a4e6d054864a92",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:49.957000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:49.957000', 'bytes': 664673280, 'norm_byte': 50446336, 'ops': 649095, 'norm_ops': 49264, 'norm_ltcy': 20.32094065265711, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:49.957000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:49.957000",
+ "bytes": 664673280,
+ "norm_byte": 50446336,
+ "ops": 649095,
+ "norm_ops": 49264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.32094065265711,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3da08d176d38520f0699ddf09e3e62d3f23c4bf2eee44e7ebcf58d53b9c331bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:50.958000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:50.958000', 'bytes': 715654144, 'norm_byte': 50980864, 'ops': 698881, 'norm_ops': 49786, 'norm_ltcy': 20.107912451228756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:50.958000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:50.958000",
+ "bytes": 715654144,
+ "norm_byte": 50980864,
+ "ops": 698881,
+ "norm_ops": 49786,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.107912451228756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c205e507b3ee637eb1c16828eebff5632e4f855f9effc84d9271f819d7a7708",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:51.959000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:51.959000', 'bytes': 767699968, 'norm_byte': 52045824, 'ops': 749707, 'norm_ops': 50826, 'norm_ltcy': 19.696479394773345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:51.959000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:51.959000",
+ "bytes": 767699968,
+ "norm_byte": 52045824,
+ "ops": 749707,
+ "norm_ops": 50826,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.696479394773345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ea697921ad2d38863f5f4fe7f1537d92b7bf6152d08b9c445ba78c149d13c54",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:52.960000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:52.960000', 'bytes': 806403072, 'norm_byte': 38703104, 'ops': 787503, 'norm_ops': 37796, 'norm_ltcy': 26.48689366103556, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:52.960000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:52.960000",
+ "bytes": 806403072,
+ "norm_byte": 38703104,
+ "ops": 787503,
+ "norm_ops": 37796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.48689366103556,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5fda81c10c250d6c9c9952ed36239343f780b056a2d68fb3b60b3185510353a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:53.961000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:53.961000', 'bytes': 856085504, 'norm_byte': 49682432, 'ops': 836021, 'norm_ops': 48518, 'norm_ltcy': 20.63371716585855, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:53.961000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:53.961000",
+ "bytes": 856085504,
+ "norm_byte": 49682432,
+ "ops": 836021,
+ "norm_ops": 48518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.63371716585855,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e0d56a9eab88b509cc469f7cf51f2dab3592d32eaede3198548624f237b5866",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:54.962000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:54.962000', 'bytes': 910224384, 'norm_byte': 54138880, 'ops': 888891, 'norm_ops': 52870, 'norm_ltcy': 18.934996438788538, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:54.962000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:54.962000",
+ "bytes": 910224384,
+ "norm_byte": 54138880,
+ "ops": 888891,
+ "norm_ops": 52870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.934996438788538,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11015ddaa48975ddbe9bfd0ecfd09a2b743d766f2a0becd3e59c1b8bea3d8412",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:55.963000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:55.963000', 'bytes': 962927616, 'norm_byte': 52703232, 'ops': 940359, 'norm_ops': 51468, 'norm_ltcy': 19.450884909676887, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:55.963000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:55.963000",
+ "bytes": 962927616,
+ "norm_byte": 52703232,
+ "ops": 940359,
+ "norm_ops": 51468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.450884909676887,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d5bf542cace27ffec8a77d3e0517f1afb5350a533144159b4c03c87e32d4af1f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:56.964000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:56.964000', 'bytes': 1010811904, 'norm_byte': 47884288, 'ops': 987121, 'norm_ops': 46762, 'norm_ltcy': 21.40304874116537, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:56.964000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:56.964000",
+ "bytes": 1010811904,
+ "norm_byte": 47884288,
+ "ops": 987121,
+ "norm_ops": 46762,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.40304874116537,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8a0f95ec3a08c75230aeec2c35df5ccba0d22b1df7a22f138821cb99217191a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:57.965000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:57.965000', 'bytes': 1068303360, 'norm_byte': 57491456, 'ops': 1043265, 'norm_ops': 56144, 'norm_ltcy': 17.83124087168709, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:57.965000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:57.965000",
+ "bytes": 1068303360,
+ "norm_byte": 57491456,
+ "ops": 1043265,
+ "norm_ops": 56144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.83124087168709,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d7c0d391427fcd990f5a939442b69f61cd2c796284e0595d3ca584001ca6d972",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:58.967000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:58.967000', 'bytes': 1122716672, 'norm_byte': 54413312, 'ops': 1096403, 'norm_ops': 53138, 'norm_ltcy': 18.839392647152227, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:58.967000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:58.967000",
+ "bytes": 1122716672,
+ "norm_byte": 54413312,
+ "ops": 1096403,
+ "norm_ops": 53138,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.839392647152227,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2aec18b85fed2e0b01e9983008d59a963d3898c793df1ddd9071dcb1a90bdcf6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:53:59.968000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:53:59.968000', 'bytes': 1156690944, 'norm_byte': 33974272, 'ops': 1129581, 'norm_ops': 33178, 'norm_ltcy': 30.173317621051602, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:53:59.968000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:53:59.968000",
+ "bytes": 1156690944,
+ "norm_byte": 33974272,
+ "ops": 1129581,
+ "norm_ops": 33178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.173317621051602,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da6a25e53410e73303568af4f5829f4055748864c84e7bb939630c4472804fda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:00.969000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:00.969000', 'bytes': 1217346560, 'norm_byte': 60655616, 'ops': 1188815, 'norm_ops': 59234, 'norm_ltcy': 16.900722762423186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:00.969000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:00.969000",
+ "bytes": 1217346560,
+ "norm_byte": 60655616,
+ "ops": 1188815,
+ "norm_ops": 59234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.900722762423186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93edb93c057802645ef30a9d475b941c206f1d8ec5dfa18a699b7c03cdd6d9ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:01.970000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:01.970000', 'bytes': 1262715904, 'norm_byte': 45369344, 'ops': 1233121, 'norm_ops': 44306, 'norm_ltcy': 22.59679465499876, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:01.970000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:01.970000",
+ "bytes": 1262715904,
+ "norm_byte": 45369344,
+ "ops": 1233121,
+ "norm_ops": 44306,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.59679465499876,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "767e9a9275fcda52c6284113685771995444638f8d3633632404d8e192800b4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:02.971000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:02.971000', 'bytes': 1304706048, 'norm_byte': 41990144, 'ops': 1274127, 'norm_ops': 41006, 'norm_ltcy': 24.413425445742696, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:02.971000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:02.971000",
+ "bytes": 1304706048,
+ "norm_byte": 41990144,
+ "ops": 1274127,
+ "norm_ops": 41006,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.413425445742696,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e9edfc1ed039351ebe1522709c129fa39405e92de318dbbe53f092d6fa9619c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:03.972000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:03.972000', 'bytes': 1345649664, 'norm_byte': 40943616, 'ops': 1314111, 'norm_ops': 39984, 'norm_ltcy': 25.037419753057474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:03.972000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:03.972000",
+ "bytes": 1345649664,
+ "norm_byte": 40943616,
+ "ops": 1314111,
+ "norm_ops": 39984,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.037419753057474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "584f0f255a925e775528d9371c78c022e3dbf22dfcb6d1bce098314ffefe30b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:04.973000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:04.973000', 'bytes': 1397064704, 'norm_byte': 51415040, 'ops': 1364321, 'norm_ops': 50210, 'norm_ltcy': 19.93813969608893, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:04.973000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:04.973000",
+ "bytes": 1397064704,
+ "norm_byte": 51415040,
+ "ops": 1364321,
+ "norm_ops": 50210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.93813969608893,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80bfbb09f25156e819490cfe48fa7aebd0573b307146186dfca84b6054a47752",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:05.974000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:05.974000', 'bytes': 1448782848, 'norm_byte': 51718144, 'ops': 1414827, 'norm_ops': 50506, 'norm_ltcy': 19.821302945442127, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:05.974000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:05.974000",
+ "bytes": 1448782848,
+ "norm_byte": 51718144,
+ "ops": 1414827,
+ "norm_ops": 50506,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.821302945442127,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8fca1b484b58e0414b3e627fe436a5f4d05fd8098a8c57e5f7eb9a97a0a73f88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:06.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:06.975000', 'bytes': 1500718080, 'norm_byte': 51935232, 'ops': 1465545, 'norm_ops': 50718, 'norm_ltcy': 19.738546657498325, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:06.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:06.975000",
+ "bytes": 1500718080,
+ "norm_byte": 51935232,
+ "ops": 1465545,
+ "norm_ops": 50718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.738546657498325,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ad774f2571cf7c446cbe5a8d04a2ddb93ff054ed2c23523dd32a852ff3c9905",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:07.976000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:07.976000', 'bytes': 1553400832, 'norm_byte': 52682752, 'ops': 1516993, 'norm_ops': 51448, 'norm_ltcy': 19.45840832308836, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:07.976000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:07.976000",
+ "bytes": 1553400832,
+ "norm_byte": 52682752,
+ "ops": 1516993,
+ "norm_ops": 51448,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.45840832308836,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf80a102569304334cd1076ab033279c09eedbf6ac825c837e692f3dae06d517",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:08.978000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:08.978000', 'bytes': 1598630912, 'norm_byte': 45230080, 'ops': 1561163, 'norm_ops': 44170, 'norm_ltcy': 22.66464596127179, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:08.978000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:08.978000",
+ "bytes": 1598630912,
+ "norm_byte": 45230080,
+ "ops": 1561163,
+ "norm_ops": 44170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.66464596127179,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ebc68e446c3a36324f5500476bdcc5fc344c06418b37d96f9b577bf89f95870",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:09.979000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:09.979000', 'bytes': 1641585664, 'norm_byte': 42954752, 'ops': 1603111, 'norm_ops': 41948, 'norm_ltcy': 23.864973076785546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:09.979000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:09.979000",
+ "bytes": 1641585664,
+ "norm_byte": 42954752,
+ "ops": 1603111,
+ "norm_ops": 41948,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.864973076785546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c506dacb2d32212b172034357a8e89471bb5a6656311a6cfa77a2459ec7226c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:10.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:10.980000', 'bytes': 1695824896, 'norm_byte': 54239232, 'ops': 1656079, 'norm_ops': 52968, 'norm_ltcy': 18.90009707364588, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:10.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:10.980000",
+ "bytes": 1695824896,
+ "norm_byte": 54239232,
+ "ops": 1656079,
+ "norm_ops": 52968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.90009707364588,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af21f57b0eaedc20c6b820d53173576a0f851796c157f994d2b966a622e0b2ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:11.981000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:11.981000', 'bytes': 1749744640, 'norm_byte': 53919744, 'ops': 1708735, 'norm_ops': 52656, 'norm_ltcy': 19.01210806935582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:11.981000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:11.981000",
+ "bytes": 1749744640,
+ "norm_byte": 53919744,
+ "ops": 1708735,
+ "norm_ops": 52656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.01210806935582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d61305de600b311a9476d3e46cc592ddcd5d050002fcabfb6ab26e0f223d519",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:12.982000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:12.982000', 'bytes': 1802384384, 'norm_byte': 52639744, 'ops': 1760141, 'norm_ops': 51406, 'norm_ltcy': 19.474187602432107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:12.982000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:12.982000",
+ "bytes": 1802384384,
+ "norm_byte": 52639744,
+ "ops": 1760141,
+ "norm_ops": 51406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.474187602432107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c7a18c710ebb031470e419ccd4700b7c09c7bc70f31dc8e31693cd59dc687418",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:13.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:13.983000', 'bytes': 1854346240, 'norm_byte': 51961856, 'ops': 1810885, 'norm_ops': 50744, 'norm_ltcy': 19.728360934605572, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:13.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:13.983000",
+ "bytes": 1854346240,
+ "norm_byte": 51961856,
+ "ops": 1810885,
+ "norm_ops": 50744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.728360934605572,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "130ed3bb204e558111d3d9096bc05bad298c490829a717cc1660058614af1892",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:14.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:14.984000', 'bytes': 1906629632, 'norm_byte': 52283392, 'ops': 1861943, 'norm_ops': 51058, 'norm_ltcy': 19.606957597548377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:14.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:14.984000",
+ "bytes": 1906629632,
+ "norm_byte": 52283392,
+ "ops": 1861943,
+ "norm_ops": 51058,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.606957597548377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c2a2d1390f0402e9e4bfeea2cbfa52d4c5f570cb0867b28f5d0dfdd0363c8f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:15.985000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:15.985000', 'bytes': 1948244992, 'norm_byte': 41615360, 'ops': 1902583, 'norm_ops': 40640, 'norm_ltcy': 24.633350522499384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:15.985000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:15.985000",
+ "bytes": 1948244992,
+ "norm_byte": 41615360,
+ "ops": 1902583,
+ "norm_ops": 40640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.633350522499384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e1679e696e8b735fd13ecf43eff4a15edc9a758c8bf3e41c2b1e2b2a6985630",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:16.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:16.986000', 'bytes': 2000501760, 'norm_byte': 52256768, 'ops': 1953615, 'norm_ops': 51032, 'norm_ltcy': 19.617176668867085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:16.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:16.986000",
+ "bytes": 2000501760,
+ "norm_byte": 52256768,
+ "ops": 1953615,
+ "norm_ops": 51032,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.617176668867085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "324aaa7d45ffb2c540a98f82903af38200818a4079d985b31484ffac052ab3a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:17.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:17.987000', 'bytes': 2041748480, 'norm_byte': 41246720, 'ops': 1993895, 'norm_ops': 40280, 'norm_ltcy': 24.853533808264025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:17.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:17.987000",
+ "bytes": 2041748480,
+ "norm_byte": 41246720,
+ "ops": 1993895,
+ "norm_ops": 40280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.853533808264025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f090375509491f8368e8979c7a20140a8f634c3a235775ea431658166eaca06",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:18.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:18.989000', 'bytes': 2062281728, 'norm_byte': 20533248, 'ops': 2013947, 'norm_ops': 20052, 'norm_ltcy': 49.92478540170556, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:18.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:18.989000",
+ "bytes": 2062281728,
+ "norm_byte": 20533248,
+ "ops": 2013947,
+ "norm_ops": 20052,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.92478540170556,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66c8fe483236c040213a9ec634457af2ec789a0f74e01c310d3b7abbb1bafa50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:19.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:19.990000', 'bytes': 2115173376, 'norm_byte': 52891648, 'ops': 2065599, 'norm_ops': 51652, 'norm_ltcy': 19.3815477256447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:19.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:19.990000",
+ "bytes": 2115173376,
+ "norm_byte": 52891648,
+ "ops": 2065599,
+ "norm_ops": 51652,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.3815477256447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2aa90af51ef7f7834429290ebd388d503c5a656d6fabc64091202ed137d2d8b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:20.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:20.991000', 'bytes': 2147093504, 'norm_byte': 31920128, 'ops': 2096771, 'norm_ops': 31172, 'norm_ltcy': 32.11528475073784, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:20.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:20.991000",
+ "bytes": 2147093504,
+ "norm_byte": 31920128,
+ "ops": 2096771,
+ "norm_ops": 31172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.11528475073784,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7397538a419c22f4e2829f3d5e9fc8f904db30f034acf1ecffd7a4a6eaf90880",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:21.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:21.992000', 'bytes': 2188915712, 'norm_byte': 41822208, 'ops': 2137613, 'norm_ops': 40842, 'norm_ltcy': 24.511397150528254, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:21.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:21.992000",
+ "bytes": 2188915712,
+ "norm_byte": 41822208,
+ "ops": 2137613,
+ "norm_ops": 40842,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.511397150528254,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "496961b8ca1588469b8e7eecbcbe7c49d2c00d7f0bda5da402b285c0337a40ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:22.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:22.993000', 'bytes': 2239984640, 'norm_byte': 51068928, 'ops': 2187485, 'norm_ops': 49872, 'norm_ltcy': 20.073365354369685, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:22.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:22.993000",
+ "bytes": 2239984640,
+ "norm_byte": 51068928,
+ "ops": 2187485,
+ "norm_ops": 49872,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.073365354369685,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6552b66c879a2453fdbeba57409163839687f5b031994a2a7ec6d256a25c7b61",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:23.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:23.994000', 'bytes': 2280954880, 'norm_byte': 40970240, 'ops': 2227495, 'norm_ops': 40010, 'norm_ltcy': 25.021118987831166, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:23.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:23.994000",
+ "bytes": 2280954880,
+ "norm_byte": 40970240,
+ "ops": 2227495,
+ "norm_ops": 40010,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.021118987831166,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3440d430c70757843e69cbf7c5370b49e89a5289981f8822c79d13854fe98895",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:24.995000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:24.995000', 'bytes': 2323919872, 'norm_byte': 42964992, 'ops': 2269453, 'norm_ops': 41958, 'norm_ltcy': 23.859355076802995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:24.995000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:24.995000",
+ "bytes": 2323919872,
+ "norm_byte": 42964992,
+ "ops": 2269453,
+ "norm_ops": 41958,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.859355076802995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f25d3cea1933b10659573a9c3025d0ef362d52b8150b3c27b6f151d88c7691b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:25.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:25.996000', 'bytes': 2378923008, 'norm_byte': 55003136, 'ops': 2323167, 'norm_ops': 53714, 'norm_ltcy': 18.629524142041646, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:25.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:25.996000",
+ "bytes": 2378923008,
+ "norm_byte": 55003136,
+ "ops": 2323167,
+ "norm_ops": 53714,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.629524142041646,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "05d9346517df2a450f171e8d60b47733da7dcaffb8d646337c54d6f11e45b93a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:26.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:26.997000', 'bytes': 2433917952, 'norm_byte': 54994944, 'ops': 2376873, 'norm_ops': 53706, 'norm_ltcy': 18.640268094463377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:26.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:26.997000",
+ "bytes": 2433917952,
+ "norm_byte": 54994944,
+ "ops": 2376873,
+ "norm_ops": 53706,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.640268094463377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64dc2e36c32b5e7ff529e152ec71740cdd07e7e47b1573389956668e2ff71be4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:27.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:27.998000', 'bytes': 2477816832, 'norm_byte': 43898880, 'ops': 2419743, 'norm_ops': 42870, 'norm_ltcy': 23.351666375087476, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:27.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:27.998000",
+ "bytes": 2477816832,
+ "norm_byte": 43898880,
+ "ops": 2419743,
+ "norm_ops": 42870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.351666375087476,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2305d2f19eab9d977f9d60d16a7a001a3fd07b522ee6b95ccdb3e5f7a43d172",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:28.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:28.999000', 'bytes': 2521086976, 'norm_byte': 43270144, 'ops': 2461999, 'norm_ops': 42256, 'norm_ltcy': 23.690977316830747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:28.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:28.999000",
+ "bytes": 2521086976,
+ "norm_byte": 43270144,
+ "ops": 2461999,
+ "norm_ops": 42256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.690977316830747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "41103d7d96ff40052e5b9d1a40c71bc158133ea67c1ace33029a0113b3559698",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:30', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:30', 'bytes': 2575199232, 'norm_byte': 54112256, 'ops': 2514843, 'norm_ops': 52844, 'norm_ltcy': 18.94413716552494, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:30",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:30",
+ "bytes": 2575199232,
+ "norm_byte": 54112256,
+ "ops": 2514843,
+ "norm_ops": 52844,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.94413716552494,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a77af2a38cfa2198847e25e911d914d3c01b4c63b6293a6069bfdec0d47139df",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:31.001000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:31.001000', 'bytes': 2619546624, 'norm_byte': 44347392, 'ops': 2558151, 'norm_ops': 43308, 'norm_ltcy': 23.115553221258196, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:31.001000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:31.001000",
+ "bytes": 2619546624,
+ "norm_byte": 44347392,
+ "ops": 2558151,
+ "norm_ops": 43308,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.115553221258196,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f318ff7c6495fe2d01398f7f7b625bf4a3a88d6e96e9be411b3e974d57eec65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:32.002000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:32.002000', 'bytes': 2678017024, 'norm_byte': 58470400, 'ops': 2615251, 'norm_ops': 57100, 'norm_ltcy': 17.532469420424693, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:32.002000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:32.002000",
+ "bytes": 2678017024,
+ "norm_byte": 58470400,
+ "ops": 2615251,
+ "norm_ops": 57100,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.532469420424693,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "23efcb3fa1ea5a8976cbf3b88df73542efb0c4d76c466b5fea3a87a01fecd790",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:33.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:33.003000', 'bytes': 2723021824, 'norm_byte': 45004800, 'ops': 2659201, 'norm_ops': 43950, 'norm_ltcy': 22.778164773535266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:33.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:33.003000",
+ "bytes": 2723021824,
+ "norm_byte": 45004800,
+ "ops": 2659201,
+ "norm_ops": 43950,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.778164773535266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "579b67da392f9f772831599588fd2f814c61332b66dc6483c6f4e50618895ecc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:34.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:34.005000', 'bytes': 2771487744, 'norm_byte': 48465920, 'ops': 2706531, 'norm_ops': 47330, 'norm_ltcy': 21.15272442986742, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:34.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:34.005000",
+ "bytes": 2771487744,
+ "norm_byte": 48465920,
+ "ops": 2706531,
+ "norm_ops": 47330,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.15272442986742,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c552da449f0d07ddb123eaf0b4bdfeba1513912c177aab4c1957538d870c8573",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:54:35.206000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:54:35.206000', 'bytes': 2828698624, 'norm_byte': 57210880, 'ops': 2762401, 'norm_ops': 55870, 'norm_ltcy': 21.503082106060944, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:54:35.206000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:54:35.206000",
+ "bytes": 2828698624,
+ "norm_byte": 57210880,
+ "ops": 2762401,
+ "norm_ops": 55870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.503082106060944,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "648196cb-89d1-500c-8565-a3135fc9ac26",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "58f2d33c0c8e3a2e080537386f8d19efb1c67410c9417646364231e5e055e8b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 47944044.47457627
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 46820.35593220339
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 30.367514334020218
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:54:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-070-220519215051/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-070-220519215051/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdb95cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-070-220519215051/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-070-220519215051/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-070-220519215051/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-070-220519215051/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-070-220519215051/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-070-220519215051/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21937c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-070-220519215051/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=15
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=100
+ net.core.busy_poll=180
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-071-220519215252/220519215252-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-071-220519215252/220519215252-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f516b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-071-220519215252/220519215252-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:55:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997336516.3540 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997337517.4692 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997337517.5645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997338518.6526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35150848 nr_ops:34327\ntimestamp_ms:1652997339519.6909 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70202368 nr_ops:68557\ntimestamp_ms:1652997340519.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105158656 nr_ops:102694\ntimestamp_ms:1652997341520.9424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140420096 nr_ops:137129\ntimestamp_ms:1652997342522.0388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:175889408 nr_ops:171767\ntimestamp_ms:1652997343523.0945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211021824 nr_ops:206076\ntimestamp_ms:1652997344524.1455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246565888 nr_ops:240787\ntimestamp_ms:1652997345524.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282244096 nr_ops:275629\ntimestamp_ms:1652997346525.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317358080 nr_ops:309920\ntimestamp_ms:1652997347527.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353534976 nr_ops:345249\ntimestamp_ms:1652997348528.1445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390149120 nr_ops:381005\ntimestamp_ms:1652997349529.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425597952 nr_ops:415623\ntimestamp_ms:1652997350529.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:461353984 nr_ops:450541\ntimestamp_ms:1652997351530.5830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496780288 nr_ops:485137\ntimestamp_ms:1652997352531.6938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:532265984 nr_ops:519791\ntimestamp_ms:1652997353532.8674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567620608 nr_ops:554317\ntimestamp_ms:1652997354533.9563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:603005952 nr_ops:588873\ntimestamp_ms:1652997355534.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638348288 nr_ops:623387\ntimestamp_ms:1652997356535.9370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673805312 nr_ops:658013\ntimestamp_ms:1652997357537.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:709207040 nr_ops:692585\ntimestamp_ms:1652997358538.1316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744612864 nr_ops:727161\ntimestamp_ms:1652997359538.8582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779858944 nr_ops:761581\ntimestamp_ms:1652997360539.8503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815260672 nr_ops:796153\ntimestamp_ms:1652997361540.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:850428928 nr_ops:830497\ntimestamp_ms:1652997362542.0491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886008832 nr_ops:865243\ntimestamp_ms:1652997363543.1497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:921310208 nr_ops:899717\ntimestamp_ms:1652997364544.2458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956832768 nr_ops:934407\ntimestamp_ms:1652997365544.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:992117760 nr_ops:968865\ntimestamp_ms:1652997366545.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1027765248 nr_ops:1003677\ntimestamp_ms:1652997367547.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062968320 nr_ops:1038055\ntimestamp_ms:1652997368548.1631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098128384 nr_ops:1072391\ntimestamp_ms:1652997369549.2563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133415424 nr_ops:1106851\ntimestamp_ms:1652997370549.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1168815104 nr_ops:1141421\ntimestamp_ms:1652997371550.8770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204112384 nr_ops:1175891\ntimestamp_ms:1652997372551.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239305216 nr_ops:1210259\ntimestamp_ms:1652997373552.8689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274618880 nr_ops:1244745\ntimestamp_ms:1652997374553.9653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1309840384 nr_ops:1279141\ntimestamp_ms:1652997375555.0000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345308672 nr_ops:1313778\ntimestamp_ms:1652997376556.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1380703232 nr_ops:1348343\ntimestamp_ms:1652997377557.1934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1415666688 nr_ops:1382487\ntimestamp_ms:1652997378558.2908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450650624 nr_ops:1416651\ntimestamp_ms:1652997379559.3887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486205952 nr_ops:1451373\ntimestamp_ms:1652997380560.4839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521572864 nr_ops:1485911\ntimestamp_ms:1652997381561.6160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556845568 nr_ops:1520357\ntimestamp_ms:1652997382562.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592372224 nr_ops:1555051\ntimestamp_ms:1652997383563.8115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1627724800 nr_ops:1589575\ntimestamp_ms:1652997384564.9116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1662548992 nr_ops:1623583\ntimestamp_ms:1652997385565.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1697674240 nr_ops:1657885\ntimestamp_ms:1652997386566.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1732901888 nr_ops:1692287\ntimestamp_ms:1652997387568.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768120320 nr_ops:1726680\ntimestamp_ms:1652997388569.1396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803259904 nr_ops:1760996\ntimestamp_ms:1652997389570.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1838623744 nr_ops:1795531\ntimestamp_ms:1652997390571.3235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1874078720 nr_ops:1830155\ntimestamp_ms:1652997391572.4233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909824512 nr_ops:1865063\ntimestamp_ms:1652997392573.5227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1944953856 nr_ops:1899369\ntimestamp_ms:1652997393574.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980490752 nr_ops:1934073\ntimestamp_ms:1652997394575.6953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2015984640 nr_ops:1968735\ntimestamp_ms:1652997395576.7871 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2051271680 nr_ops:2003195\ntimestamp_ms:1652997396577.8875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086324224 nr_ops:2037426\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140360195864320\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.1951 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2121416704 nr_ops:2071696\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.2759 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.2861 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397879.4519 name:Total nr_bytes:2121416704 nr_ops:2071697\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.4055 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4242833408 nr_ops:4143394\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.4070 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2121416704 nr_ops:2071699\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 329.29us 0.00ns 329.29us 329.29us \nTxn1 1035848 57.94us 0.00ns 1.82ms 25.68us \nTxn2 1 48.53us 0.00ns 48.53us 48.53us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 328.53us 0.00ns 328.53us 328.53us \nwrite 1035848 3.83us 0.00ns 158.60us 2.21us \nread 1035848 54.01us 0.00ns 1.81ms 3.60us \ndisconnect 1 47.72us 0.00ns 47.72us 47.72us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.54b/s \nnet1 16610 16610 144.84Mb/s 144.84Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.166 62.36s 1.98GB 272.13Mb/s 2071699 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.98GB 272.13Mb/s 2071699 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414758, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997336516.3540 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997337517.4692 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997337517.5645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997338518.6526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35150848 nr_ops:34327\ntimestamp_ms:1652997339519.6909 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70202368 nr_ops:68557\ntimestamp_ms:1652997340519.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105158656 nr_ops:102694\ntimestamp_ms:1652997341520.9424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140420096 nr_ops:137129\ntimestamp_ms:1652997342522.0388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:175889408 nr_ops:171767\ntimestamp_ms:1652997343523.0945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211021824 nr_ops:206076\ntimestamp_ms:1652997344524.1455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246565888 nr_ops:240787\ntimestamp_ms:1652997345524.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282244096 nr_ops:275629\ntimestamp_ms:1652997346525.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317358080 nr_ops:309920\ntimestamp_ms:1652997347527.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353534976 nr_ops:345249\ntimestamp_ms:1652997348528.1445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390149120 nr_ops:381005\ntimestamp_ms:1652997349529.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425597952 nr_ops:415623\ntimestamp_ms:1652997350529.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:461353984 nr_ops:450541\ntimestamp_ms:1652997351530.5830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496780288 nr_ops:485137\ntimestamp_ms:1652997352531.6938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:532265984 nr_ops:519791\ntimestamp_ms:1652997353532.8674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567620608 nr_ops:554317\ntimestamp_ms:1652997354533.9563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:603005952 nr_ops:588873\ntimestamp_ms:1652997355534.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638348288 nr_ops:623387\ntimestamp_ms:1652997356535.9370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673805312 nr_ops:658013\ntimestamp_ms:1652997357537.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:709207040 nr_ops:692585\ntimestamp_ms:1652997358538.1316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744612864 nr_ops:727161\ntimestamp_ms:1652997359538.8582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779858944 nr_ops:761581\ntimestamp_ms:1652997360539.8503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815260672 nr_ops:796153\ntimestamp_ms:1652997361540.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:850428928 nr_ops:830497\ntimestamp_ms:1652997362542.0491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886008832 nr_ops:865243\ntimestamp_ms:1652997363543.1497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:921310208 nr_ops:899717\ntimestamp_ms:1652997364544.2458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956832768 nr_ops:934407\ntimestamp_ms:1652997365544.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:992117760 nr_ops:968865\ntimestamp_ms:1652997366545.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1027765248 nr_ops:1003677\ntimestamp_ms:1652997367547.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062968320 nr_ops:1038055\ntimestamp_ms:1652997368548.1631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098128384 nr_ops:1072391\ntimestamp_ms:1652997369549.2563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133415424 nr_ops:1106851\ntimestamp_ms:1652997370549.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1168815104 nr_ops:1141421\ntimestamp_ms:1652997371550.8770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204112384 nr_ops:1175891\ntimestamp_ms:1652997372551.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239305216 nr_ops:1210259\ntimestamp_ms:1652997373552.8689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274618880 nr_ops:1244745\ntimestamp_ms:1652997374553.9653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1309840384 nr_ops:1279141\ntimestamp_ms:1652997375555.0000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345308672 nr_ops:1313778\ntimestamp_ms:1652997376556.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1380703232 nr_ops:1348343\ntimestamp_ms:1652997377557.1934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1415666688 nr_ops:1382487\ntimestamp_ms:1652997378558.2908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450650624 nr_ops:1416651\ntimestamp_ms:1652997379559.3887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486205952 nr_ops:1451373\ntimestamp_ms:1652997380560.4839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521572864 nr_ops:1485911\ntimestamp_ms:1652997381561.6160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556845568 nr_ops:1520357\ntimestamp_ms:1652997382562.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592372224 nr_ops:1555051\ntimestamp_ms:1652997383563.8115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1627724800 nr_ops:1589575\ntimestamp_ms:1652997384564.9116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1662548992 nr_ops:1623583\ntimestamp_ms:1652997385565.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1697674240 nr_ops:1657885\ntimestamp_ms:1652997386566.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1732901888 nr_ops:1692287\ntimestamp_ms:1652997387568.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768120320 nr_ops:1726680\ntimestamp_ms:1652997388569.1396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803259904 nr_ops:1760996\ntimestamp_ms:1652997389570.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1838623744 nr_ops:1795531\ntimestamp_ms:1652997390571.3235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1874078720 nr_ops:1830155\ntimestamp_ms:1652997391572.4233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909824512 nr_ops:1865063\ntimestamp_ms:1652997392573.5227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1944953856 nr_ops:1899369\ntimestamp_ms:1652997393574.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980490752 nr_ops:1934073\ntimestamp_ms:1652997394575.6953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2015984640 nr_ops:1968735\ntimestamp_ms:1652997395576.7871 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2051271680 nr_ops:2003195\ntimestamp_ms:1652997396577.8875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086324224 nr_ops:2037426\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140360195864320\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.1951 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2121416704 nr_ops:2071696\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.2759 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.2861 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397879.4519 name:Total nr_bytes:2121416704 nr_ops:2071697\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.4055 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4242833408 nr_ops:4143394\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.4070 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2121416704 nr_ops:2071699\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 329.29us 0.00ns 329.29us 329.29us \nTxn1 1035848 57.94us 0.00ns 1.82ms 25.68us \nTxn2 1 48.53us 0.00ns 48.53us 48.53us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 328.53us 0.00ns 328.53us 328.53us \nwrite 1035848 3.83us 0.00ns 158.60us 2.21us \nread 1035848 54.01us 0.00ns 1.81ms 3.60us \ndisconnect 1 47.72us 0.00ns 47.72us 47.72us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.54b/s \nnet1 16610 16610 144.84Mb/s 144.84Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.166 62.36s 1.98GB 272.13Mb/s 2071699 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.98GB 272.13Mb/s 2071699 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414758, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997336516.3540 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997337517.4692 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997337517.5645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997338518.6526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35150848 nr_ops:34327\ntimestamp_ms:1652997339519.6909 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70202368 nr_ops:68557\ntimestamp_ms:1652997340519.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105158656 nr_ops:102694\ntimestamp_ms:1652997341520.9424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140420096 nr_ops:137129\ntimestamp_ms:1652997342522.0388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:175889408 nr_ops:171767\ntimestamp_ms:1652997343523.0945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211021824 nr_ops:206076\ntimestamp_ms:1652997344524.1455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246565888 nr_ops:240787\ntimestamp_ms:1652997345524.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282244096 nr_ops:275629\ntimestamp_ms:1652997346525.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317358080 nr_ops:309920\ntimestamp_ms:1652997347527.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353534976 nr_ops:345249\ntimestamp_ms:1652997348528.1445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390149120 nr_ops:381005\ntimestamp_ms:1652997349529.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425597952 nr_ops:415623\ntimestamp_ms:1652997350529.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:461353984 nr_ops:450541\ntimestamp_ms:1652997351530.5830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496780288 nr_ops:485137\ntimestamp_ms:1652997352531.6938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:532265984 nr_ops:519791\ntimestamp_ms:1652997353532.8674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567620608 nr_ops:554317\ntimestamp_ms:1652997354533.9563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:603005952 nr_ops:588873\ntimestamp_ms:1652997355534.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638348288 nr_ops:623387\ntimestamp_ms:1652997356535.9370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673805312 nr_ops:658013\ntimestamp_ms:1652997357537.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:709207040 nr_ops:692585\ntimestamp_ms:1652997358538.1316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744612864 nr_ops:727161\ntimestamp_ms:1652997359538.8582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779858944 nr_ops:761581\ntimestamp_ms:1652997360539.8503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815260672 nr_ops:796153\ntimestamp_ms:1652997361540.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:850428928 nr_ops:830497\ntimestamp_ms:1652997362542.0491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886008832 nr_ops:865243\ntimestamp_ms:1652997363543.1497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:921310208 nr_ops:899717\ntimestamp_ms:1652997364544.2458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956832768 nr_ops:934407\ntimestamp_ms:1652997365544.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:992117760 nr_ops:968865\ntimestamp_ms:1652997366545.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1027765248 nr_ops:1003677\ntimestamp_ms:1652997367547.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062968320 nr_ops:1038055\ntimestamp_ms:1652997368548.1631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098128384 nr_ops:1072391\ntimestamp_ms:1652997369549.2563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133415424 nr_ops:1106851\ntimestamp_ms:1652997370549.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1168815104 nr_ops:1141421\ntimestamp_ms:1652997371550.8770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204112384 nr_ops:1175891\ntimestamp_ms:1652997372551.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239305216 nr_ops:1210259\ntimestamp_ms:1652997373552.8689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274618880 nr_ops:1244745\ntimestamp_ms:1652997374553.9653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1309840384 nr_ops:1279141\ntimestamp_ms:1652997375555.0000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345308672 nr_ops:1313778\ntimestamp_ms:1652997376556.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1380703232 nr_ops:1348343\ntimestamp_ms:1652997377557.1934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1415666688 nr_ops:1382487\ntimestamp_ms:1652997378558.2908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450650624 nr_ops:1416651\ntimestamp_ms:1652997379559.3887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486205952 nr_ops:1451373\ntimestamp_ms:1652997380560.4839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521572864 nr_ops:1485911\ntimestamp_ms:1652997381561.6160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556845568 nr_ops:1520357\ntimestamp_ms:1652997382562.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592372224 nr_ops:1555051\ntimestamp_ms:1652997383563.8115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1627724800 nr_ops:1589575\ntimestamp_ms:1652997384564.9116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1662548992 nr_ops:1623583\ntimestamp_ms:1652997385565.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1697674240 nr_ops:1657885\ntimestamp_ms:1652997386566.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1732901888 nr_ops:1692287\ntimestamp_ms:1652997387568.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768120320 nr_ops:1726680\ntimestamp_ms:1652997388569.1396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803259904 nr_ops:1760996\ntimestamp_ms:1652997389570.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1838623744 nr_ops:1795531\ntimestamp_ms:1652997390571.3235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1874078720 nr_ops:1830155\ntimestamp_ms:1652997391572.4233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909824512 nr_ops:1865063\ntimestamp_ms:1652997392573.5227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1944953856 nr_ops:1899369\ntimestamp_ms:1652997393574.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980490752 nr_ops:1934073\ntimestamp_ms:1652997394575.6953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2015984640 nr_ops:1968735\ntimestamp_ms:1652997395576.7871 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2051271680 nr_ops:2003195\ntimestamp_ms:1652997396577.8875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086324224 nr_ops:2037426\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140360195864320\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.1951 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2121416704 nr_ops:2071696\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.2759 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.2861 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397879.4519 name:Total nr_bytes:2121416704 nr_ops:2071697\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.4055 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4242833408 nr_ops:4143394\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997397779.4070 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2121416704 nr_ops:2071699\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 329.29us 0.00ns 329.29us 329.29us \nTxn1 1035848 57.94us 0.00ns 1.82ms 25.68us \nTxn2 1 48.53us 0.00ns 48.53us 48.53us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 328.53us 0.00ns 328.53us 328.53us \nwrite 1035848 3.83us 0.00ns 158.60us 2.21us \nread 1035848 54.01us 0.00ns 1.81ms 3.60us \ndisconnect 1 47.72us 0.00ns 47.72us 47.72us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.54b/s \nnet1 16610 16610 144.84Mb/s 144.84Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.166 62.36s 1.98GB 272.13Mb/s 2071699 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.98GB 272.13Mb/s 2071699 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414758, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997336516.3540 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997337517.4692 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997337517.5645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997338518.6526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35150848 nr_ops:34327
+timestamp_ms:1652997339519.6909 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70202368 nr_ops:68557
+timestamp_ms:1652997340519.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105158656 nr_ops:102694
+timestamp_ms:1652997341520.9424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140420096 nr_ops:137129
+timestamp_ms:1652997342522.0388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:175889408 nr_ops:171767
+timestamp_ms:1652997343523.0945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211021824 nr_ops:206076
+timestamp_ms:1652997344524.1455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246565888 nr_ops:240787
+timestamp_ms:1652997345524.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282244096 nr_ops:275629
+timestamp_ms:1652997346525.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317358080 nr_ops:309920
+timestamp_ms:1652997347527.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353534976 nr_ops:345249
+timestamp_ms:1652997348528.1445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:390149120 nr_ops:381005
+timestamp_ms:1652997349529.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425597952 nr_ops:415623
+timestamp_ms:1652997350529.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:461353984 nr_ops:450541
+timestamp_ms:1652997351530.5830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496780288 nr_ops:485137
+timestamp_ms:1652997352531.6938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:532265984 nr_ops:519791
+timestamp_ms:1652997353532.8674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567620608 nr_ops:554317
+timestamp_ms:1652997354533.9563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:603005952 nr_ops:588873
+timestamp_ms:1652997355534.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638348288 nr_ops:623387
+timestamp_ms:1652997356535.9370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673805312 nr_ops:658013
+timestamp_ms:1652997357537.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:709207040 nr_ops:692585
+timestamp_ms:1652997358538.1316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744612864 nr_ops:727161
+timestamp_ms:1652997359538.8582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:779858944 nr_ops:761581
+timestamp_ms:1652997360539.8503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815260672 nr_ops:796153
+timestamp_ms:1652997361540.9517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:850428928 nr_ops:830497
+timestamp_ms:1652997362542.0491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886008832 nr_ops:865243
+timestamp_ms:1652997363543.1497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:921310208 nr_ops:899717
+timestamp_ms:1652997364544.2458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956832768 nr_ops:934407
+timestamp_ms:1652997365544.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:992117760 nr_ops:968865
+timestamp_ms:1652997366545.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1027765248 nr_ops:1003677
+timestamp_ms:1652997367547.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062968320 nr_ops:1038055
+timestamp_ms:1652997368548.1631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098128384 nr_ops:1072391
+timestamp_ms:1652997369549.2563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133415424 nr_ops:1106851
+timestamp_ms:1652997370549.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1168815104 nr_ops:1141421
+timestamp_ms:1652997371550.8770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1204112384 nr_ops:1175891
+timestamp_ms:1652997372551.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1239305216 nr_ops:1210259
+timestamp_ms:1652997373552.8689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274618880 nr_ops:1244745
+timestamp_ms:1652997374553.9653 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1309840384 nr_ops:1279141
+timestamp_ms:1652997375555.0000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345308672 nr_ops:1313778
+timestamp_ms:1652997376556.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1380703232 nr_ops:1348343
+timestamp_ms:1652997377557.1934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1415666688 nr_ops:1382487
+timestamp_ms:1652997378558.2908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450650624 nr_ops:1416651
+timestamp_ms:1652997379559.3887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486205952 nr_ops:1451373
+timestamp_ms:1652997380560.4839 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521572864 nr_ops:1485911
+timestamp_ms:1652997381561.6160 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556845568 nr_ops:1520357
+timestamp_ms:1652997382562.7109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592372224 nr_ops:1555051
+timestamp_ms:1652997383563.8115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1627724800 nr_ops:1589575
+timestamp_ms:1652997384564.9116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1662548992 nr_ops:1623583
+timestamp_ms:1652997385565.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1697674240 nr_ops:1657885
+timestamp_ms:1652997386566.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1732901888 nr_ops:1692287
+timestamp_ms:1652997387568.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768120320 nr_ops:1726680
+timestamp_ms:1652997388569.1396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1803259904 nr_ops:1760996
+timestamp_ms:1652997389570.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1838623744 nr_ops:1795531
+timestamp_ms:1652997390571.3235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1874078720 nr_ops:1830155
+timestamp_ms:1652997391572.4233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909824512 nr_ops:1865063
+timestamp_ms:1652997392573.5227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1944953856 nr_ops:1899369
+timestamp_ms:1652997393574.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980490752 nr_ops:1934073
+timestamp_ms:1652997394575.6953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2015984640 nr_ops:1968735
+timestamp_ms:1652997395576.7871 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2051271680 nr_ops:2003195
+timestamp_ms:1652997396577.8875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086324224 nr_ops:2037426
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140360195864320
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652997397779.1951 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2121416704 nr_ops:2071696
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997397779.2759 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997397779.2861 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997397879.4519 name:Total nr_bytes:2121416704 nr_ops:2071697
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997397779.4055 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4242833408 nr_ops:4143394
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997397779.4070 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2121416704 nr_ops:2071699
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 329.29us 0.00ns 329.29us 329.29us
+Txn1 1035848 57.94us 0.00ns 1.82ms 25.68us
+Txn2 1 48.53us 0.00ns 48.53us 48.53us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 328.53us 0.00ns 328.53us 328.53us
+write 1035848 3.83us 0.00ns 158.60us 2.21us
+read 1035848 54.01us 0.00ns 1.81ms 3.60us
+disconnect 1 47.72us 0.00ns 47.72us 47.72us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.54b/s
+net1 16610 16610 144.84Mb/s 144.84Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.166 62.36s 1.98GB 272.13Mb/s 2071699 0.00
+master 62.36s 1.98GB 272.13Mb/s 2071699 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:38.518000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:38.518000', 'bytes': 35150848, 'norm_byte': 35150848, 'ops': 34327, 'norm_ops': 34327, 'norm_ltcy': 29.163286473202582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:38.518000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:38.518000",
+ "bytes": 35150848,
+ "norm_byte": 35150848,
+ "ops": 34327,
+ "norm_ops": 34327,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.163286473202582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "216e5611aa21b6a20452f047d8bcbb0266b4e44e6255f1eb73f1f5dd814b40c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:39.519000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:39.519000', 'bytes': 70202368, 'norm_byte': 35051520, 'ops': 68557, 'norm_ops': 34230, 'norm_ltcy': 29.244473563485975, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:39.519000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:39.519000",
+ "bytes": 70202368,
+ "norm_byte": 35051520,
+ "ops": 68557,
+ "norm_ops": 34230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.244473563485975,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2759edc17319b59f084d27c8a40339f153301c73793b9c24146def68b393fe5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:40.519000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:40.519000', 'bytes': 105158656, 'norm_byte': 34956288, 'ops': 102694, 'norm_ops': 34137, 'norm_ltcy': 29.2981623220406, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:40.519000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:40.519000",
+ "bytes": 105158656,
+ "norm_byte": 34956288,
+ "ops": 102694,
+ "norm_ops": 34137,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.2981623220406,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9696c32e58df55729215d9edf7cc3e9c84df28f457a38203ced58a57a662ca20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:41.520000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:41.520000', 'bytes': 140420096, 'norm_byte': 35261440, 'ops': 137129, 'norm_ops': 34435, 'norm_ltcy': 29.072167784412663, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:41.520000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:41.520000",
+ "bytes": 140420096,
+ "norm_byte": 35261440,
+ "ops": 137129,
+ "norm_ops": 34435,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.072167784412663,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6808c4b6f4b5991fa45b2792eca46f2ba89c164646a7a80ddec492163ff76aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:42.522000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:42.522000', 'bytes': 175889408, 'norm_byte': 35469312, 'ops': 171767, 'norm_ops': 34638, 'norm_ltcy': 28.901681261818666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:42.522000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:42.522000",
+ "bytes": 175889408,
+ "norm_byte": 35469312,
+ "ops": 171767,
+ "norm_ops": 34638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.901681261818666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d626802d056327a9c71e43a743d1c25eeec08d38947b5c1b89bc56e0c40a1c0c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:43.523000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:43.523000', 'bytes': 211021824, 'norm_byte': 35132416, 'ops': 206076, 'norm_ops': 34309, 'norm_ltcy': 29.177640387726253, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:43.523000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:43.523000",
+ "bytes": 211021824,
+ "norm_byte": 35132416,
+ "ops": 206076,
+ "norm_ops": 34309,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.177640387726253,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7315be900c8667e601fcb4256b083fe3c1f49057e7e52e9d4bb91a4c1170e6a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:44.524000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:44.524000', 'bytes': 246565888, 'norm_byte': 35544064, 'ops': 240787, 'norm_ops': 34711, 'norm_ltcy': 28.839590486895364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:44.524000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:44.524000",
+ "bytes": 246565888,
+ "norm_byte": 35544064,
+ "ops": 240787,
+ "norm_ops": 34711,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.839590486895364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dfec0c9964b7b67b429a79779a99e7257b52047c98267f79880cefc077719054",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:45.524000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:45.524000', 'bytes': 282244096, 'norm_byte': 35678208, 'ops': 275629, 'norm_ops': 34842, 'norm_ltcy': 28.72106833392529, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:45.524000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:45.524000",
+ "bytes": 282244096,
+ "norm_byte": 35678208,
+ "ops": 275629,
+ "norm_ops": 34842,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.72106833392529,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45e7a33c767a390e4a4effbd8cf6a74d48c1ae2614e222a5b2a3945c9eb9d7f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:46.525000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:46.525000', 'bytes': 317358080, 'norm_byte': 35113984, 'ops': 309920, 'norm_ops': 34291, 'norm_ltcy': 29.19443717921612, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:46.525000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:46.525000",
+ "bytes": 317358080,
+ "norm_byte": 35113984,
+ "ops": 309920,
+ "norm_ops": 34291,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.19443717921612,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea9d69b97300596dff21b05df990d3fe5f08e6205a69ce24c1a4b1e60d1de1a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:47.527000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:47.527000', 'bytes': 353534976, 'norm_byte': 36176896, 'ops': 345249, 'norm_ops': 35329, 'norm_ltcy': 28.336476131064423, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:47.527000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:47.527000",
+ "bytes": 353534976,
+ "norm_byte": 36176896,
+ "ops": 345249,
+ "norm_ops": 35329,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.336476131064423,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b740fbb5175fb8a1397de08d69ab1758b4407ec727136133418efbbba750a124",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:48.528000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:48.528000', 'bytes': 390149120, 'norm_byte': 36614144, 'ops': 381005, 'norm_ops': 35756, 'norm_ltcy': 27.997923425439087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:48.528000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:48.528000",
+ "bytes": 390149120,
+ "norm_byte": 36614144,
+ "ops": 381005,
+ "norm_ops": 35756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.997923425439087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a547bb16a0cd438da54d9ef97a2ded116290449f38bd6f1f0b173bc8cd472901",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:49.529000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:49.529000', 'bytes': 425597952, 'norm_byte': 35448832, 'ops': 415623, 'norm_ops': 34618, 'norm_ltcy': 28.918350539730056, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:49.529000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:49.529000",
+ "bytes": 425597952,
+ "norm_byte": 35448832,
+ "ops": 415623,
+ "norm_ops": 34618,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.918350539730056,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "092479a13cf420c2fe7774f93695e5043502649bb036303ed2bb81746c184d89",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:50.529000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:50.529000', 'bytes': 461353984, 'norm_byte': 35756032, 'ops': 450541, 'norm_ops': 34918, 'norm_ltcy': 28.65579435659975, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:50.529000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:50.529000",
+ "bytes": 461353984,
+ "norm_byte": 35756032,
+ "ops": 450541,
+ "norm_ops": 34918,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.65579435659975,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6cadf67cffcab599b5256f26d642fd3247c6e4d74d82a27f92d751afac2bc906",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:51.530000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:51.530000', 'bytes': 496780288, 'norm_byte': 35426304, 'ops': 485137, 'norm_ops': 34596, 'norm_ltcy': 28.926465205063447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:51.530000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:51.530000",
+ "bytes": 496780288,
+ "norm_byte": 35426304,
+ "ops": 485137,
+ "norm_ops": 34596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.926465205063447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25fa31ff301bedbe777df0cd69c292f73b3c46787b859e7dde1aef324fe6d329",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:52.531000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:52.531000', 'bytes': 532265984, 'norm_byte': 35485696, 'ops': 519791, 'norm_ops': 34654, 'norm_ltcy': 28.88875280901916, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:52.531000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:52.531000",
+ "bytes": 532265984,
+ "norm_byte": 35485696,
+ "ops": 519791,
+ "norm_ops": 34654,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.88875280901916,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8fa14559c3512762ff5c06805e03dd034c4add7315c62d2d80800160ac60b75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:53.532000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:53.532000', 'bytes': 567620608, 'norm_byte': 35354624, 'ops': 554317, 'norm_ops': 34526, 'norm_ltcy': 28.997670856293084, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:53.532000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:53.532000",
+ "bytes": 567620608,
+ "norm_byte": 35354624,
+ "ops": 554317,
+ "norm_ops": 34526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.997670856293084,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8047d4270505a1510b6f89a95b0dfe13281a7cd60986473db00c47c5c468b618",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:54.533000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:54.533000', 'bytes': 603005952, 'norm_byte': 35385344, 'ops': 588873, 'norm_ops': 34556, 'norm_ltcy': 28.970044773338927, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:54.533000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:54.533000",
+ "bytes": 603005952,
+ "norm_byte": 35385344,
+ "ops": 588873,
+ "norm_ops": 34556,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.970044773338927,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6465bd568a6bf86d33b5be1c51052cdb24ee5991e69a86d9a70e5e2ccb2b97f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:55.534000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:55.534000', 'bytes': 638348288, 'norm_byte': 35342336, 'ops': 623387, 'norm_ops': 34514, 'norm_ltcy': 28.999299876499393, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:55.534000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:55.534000",
+ "bytes": 638348288,
+ "norm_byte": 35342336,
+ "ops": 623387,
+ "norm_ops": 34514,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.999299876499393,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1104152e98d670334fc495b80370f856d859f3ed6a20fc28dabdc4c0553fc2d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:56.535000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:56.535000', 'bytes': 673805312, 'norm_byte': 35457024, 'ops': 658013, 'norm_ops': 34626, 'norm_ltcy': 28.911767947586352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:56.535000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:56.535000",
+ "bytes": 673805312,
+ "norm_byte": 35457024,
+ "ops": 658013,
+ "norm_ops": 34626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.911767947586352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fad0c42c92317b73d29edb81bc39abf61ada0014af1fe84fb422b89bde320501",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:57.537000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:57.537000', 'bytes': 709207040, 'norm_byte': 35401728, 'ops': 692585, 'norm_ops': 34572, 'norm_ltcy': 28.956813915976078, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:57.537000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:57.537000",
+ "bytes": 709207040,
+ "norm_byte": 35401728,
+ "ops": 692585,
+ "norm_ops": 34572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.956813915976078,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9663a7e98f31d9a8561e13375cd3f2bf8519caf91d5f9160a56ef24b892cb38",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:58.538000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:58.538000', 'bytes': 744612864, 'norm_byte': 35405824, 'ops': 727161, 'norm_ops': 34576, 'norm_ltcy': 28.953598142497686, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:58.538000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:58.538000",
+ "bytes": 744612864,
+ "norm_byte": 35405824,
+ "ops": 727161,
+ "norm_ops": 34576,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.953598142497686,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c3a6306e67c75a26b142e48dd3285b8b6abb220f37d62537a9410d8fb821c73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:55:59.538000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:55:59.538000', 'bytes': 779858944, 'norm_byte': 35246080, 'ops': 761581, 'norm_ops': 34420, 'norm_ltcy': 29.073984965136546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:55:59.538000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:55:59.538000",
+ "bytes": 779858944,
+ "norm_byte": 35246080,
+ "ops": 761581,
+ "norm_ops": 34420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.073984965136546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed6662965c65cd9c492fbef55e68db21112c5d9df132bed2bdd554b2cd192976",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:00.539000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:00.539000', 'bytes': 815260672, 'norm_byte': 35401728, 'ops': 796153, 'norm_ops': 34572, 'norm_ltcy': 28.953840897257898, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:00.539000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:00.539000",
+ "bytes": 815260672,
+ "norm_byte": 35401728,
+ "ops": 796153,
+ "norm_ops": 34572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.953840897257898,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf0cabf3ce7a629ef9609e7821b12fe0a211e345bb8788574c3685aac992e61f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:01.540000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:01.540000', 'bytes': 850428928, 'norm_byte': 35168256, 'ops': 830497, 'norm_ops': 34344, 'norm_ltcy': 29.14923475306822, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:01.540000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:01.540000",
+ "bytes": 850428928,
+ "norm_byte": 35168256,
+ "ops": 830497,
+ "norm_ops": 34344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.14923475306822,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb0f0a66dcf1059e47c26844f0e9dd6903753457de42f3a39a8ff3ea3c762ea1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:02.542000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:02.542000', 'bytes': 886008832, 'norm_byte': 35579904, 'ops': 865243, 'norm_ops': 34746, 'norm_ltcy': 28.81187509668379, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:02.542000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:02.542000",
+ "bytes": 886008832,
+ "norm_byte": 35579904,
+ "ops": 865243,
+ "norm_ops": 34746,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.81187509668379,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c340543b2451c31ddbbca2f6bfdf46c2d35c04438f89788c97d773734ced17a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:03.543000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:03.543000', 'bytes': 921310208, 'norm_byte': 35301376, 'ops': 899717, 'norm_ops': 34474, 'norm_ltcy': 29.039292972602542, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:03.543000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:03.543000",
+ "bytes": 921310208,
+ "norm_byte": 35301376,
+ "ops": 899717,
+ "norm_ops": 34474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.039292972602542,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7589f27d8d93aa06abf5439daf26a154cb645391fa22f55f1c57af303d15617b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:04.544000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:04.544000', 'bytes': 956832768, 'norm_byte': 35522560, 'ops': 934407, 'norm_ops': 34690, 'norm_ltcy': 28.85835086210003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:04.544000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:04.544000",
+ "bytes": 956832768,
+ "norm_byte": 35522560,
+ "ops": 934407,
+ "norm_ops": 34690,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.85835086210003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb08fa3015167325472895ee168e97a1822b064b5085e9dc2192c861115a4711",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:05.544000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:05.544000', 'bytes': 992117760, 'norm_byte': 35284992, 'ops': 968865, 'norm_ops': 34458, 'norm_ltcy': 29.038323148833364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:05.544000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:05.544000",
+ "bytes": 992117760,
+ "norm_byte": 35284992,
+ "ops": 968865,
+ "norm_ops": 34458,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.038323148833364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39a75ec7a0fadf9492253525b751e7d09c31806cb4f1c5c9ae2f1c66f4ed1d89",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:06.545000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:06.545000', 'bytes': 1027765248, 'norm_byte': 35647488, 'ops': 1003677, 'norm_ops': 34812, 'norm_ltcy': 28.75711747206423, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:06.545000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:06.545000",
+ "bytes": 1027765248,
+ "norm_byte": 35647488,
+ "ops": 1003677,
+ "norm_ops": 34812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.75711747206423,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85585968c50da36d73647b850444d06000a6e533571731ce5f19aee7404d47e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:07.547000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:07.547000', 'bytes': 1062968320, 'norm_byte': 35203072, 'ops': 1038055, 'norm_ops': 34378, 'norm_ltcy': 29.120150366422568, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:07.547000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:07.547000",
+ "bytes": 1062968320,
+ "norm_byte": 35203072,
+ "ops": 1038055,
+ "norm_ops": 34378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.120150366422568,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d456a839d6cce2669832a0598528705956e2d33ec34694d26c189618e631ebe9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:08.548000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:08.548000', 'bytes': 1098128384, 'norm_byte': 35160064, 'ops': 1072391, 'norm_ops': 34336, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15684396933976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:08.548000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:08.548000",
+ "bytes": 1098128384,
+ "norm_byte": 35160064,
+ "ops": 1072391,
+ "norm_ops": 34336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15684396933976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b3f591b1ca56652334fc2e08f5bc3806d43f6b90471380aa0c69d3caf9de445",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:09.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:09.549000', 'bytes': 1133415424, 'norm_byte': 35287040, 'ops': 1106851, 'norm_ops': 34460, 'norm_ltcy': 29.050878169435578, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:09.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:09.549000",
+ "bytes": 1133415424,
+ "norm_byte": 35287040,
+ "ops": 1106851,
+ "norm_ops": 34460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.050878169435578,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a643de91e91ec2db0ed66e35f429c65461580f08f04112728cfcebd2af211342",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:10.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:10.549000', 'bytes': 1168815104, 'norm_byte': 35399680, 'ops': 1141421, 'norm_ops': 34570, 'norm_ltcy': 28.943637343614405, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:10.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:10.549000",
+ "bytes": 1168815104,
+ "norm_byte": 35399680,
+ "ops": 1141421,
+ "norm_ops": 34570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.943637343614405,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "23a7f39d64332230b76aaf4d9253a4fdf17b56a22dccab17fe7427c0501aa55b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:11.550000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:11.550000', 'bytes': 1204112384, 'norm_byte': 35297280, 'ops': 1175891, 'norm_ops': 34470, 'norm_ltcy': 29.040877937336816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:11.550000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:11.550000",
+ "bytes": 1204112384,
+ "norm_byte": 35297280,
+ "ops": 1175891,
+ "norm_ops": 34470,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.040877937336816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c96203709522a8cc82d705108b9617b0bd408941f748cfbdd9089e03588898b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:12.551000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:12.551000', 'bytes': 1239305216, 'norm_byte': 35192832, 'ops': 1210259, 'norm_ops': 34368, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12462401434474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:12.551000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:12.551000",
+ "bytes": 1239305216,
+ "norm_byte": 35192832,
+ "ops": 1210259,
+ "norm_ops": 34368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12462401434474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2019f8cea49de6d48f6dbf8d777234fe0b56ba4b2bf36a3ccf9ec9bcc4bcbf24",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:13.552000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:13.552000', 'bytes': 1274618880, 'norm_byte': 35313664, 'ops': 1244745, 'norm_ops': 34486, 'norm_ltcy': 29.027340521787828, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:13.552000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:13.552000",
+ "bytes": 1274618880,
+ "norm_byte": 35313664,
+ "ops": 1244745,
+ "norm_ops": 34486,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.027340521787828,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8d60f3a6a907b132d85a4f0b04d4fd018101856733297556fdf1f25ca1097a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:14.553000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:14.553000', 'bytes': 1309840384, 'norm_byte': 35221504, 'ops': 1279141, 'norm_ops': 34396, 'norm_ltcy': 29.10502487344095, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:14.553000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:14.553000",
+ "bytes": 1309840384,
+ "norm_byte": 35221504,
+ "ops": 1279141,
+ "norm_ops": 34396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.10502487344095,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c9124fc4787bb3407ed14cffa2eed119aa23699ed72c483f7304e4571737950",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:15.555000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:15.555000', 'bytes': 1345308672, 'norm_byte': 35468288, 'ops': 1313778, 'norm_ops': 34637, 'norm_ltcy': 28.90073239509051, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:15.555000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:15.555000",
+ "bytes": 1345308672,
+ "norm_byte": 35468288,
+ "ops": 1313778,
+ "norm_ops": 34637,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.90073239509051,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "afb7ef1b5a4ce25488e380753e90d9da3905f4d336f5bf69c499219b3132827c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:16.556000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:16.556000', 'bytes': 1380703232, 'norm_byte': 35394560, 'ops': 1348343, 'norm_ops': 34565, 'norm_ltcy': 28.962762921759726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:16.556000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:16.556000",
+ "bytes": 1380703232,
+ "norm_byte": 35394560,
+ "ops": 1348343,
+ "norm_ops": 34565,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.962762921759726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8cc676595a9a74329247fe21e9c0dbfe31c55747a8ae9fe7161595bed04cb23d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:17.557000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:17.557000', 'bytes': 1415666688, 'norm_byte': 34963456, 'ops': 1382487, 'norm_ops': 34144, 'norm_ltcy': 29.31980608553113, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:17.557000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:17.557000",
+ "bytes": 1415666688,
+ "norm_byte": 34963456,
+ "ops": 1382487,
+ "norm_ops": 34144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.31980608553113,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6c9ca3bc5deef0cb327cb8801277efd2e03f76dec9fe01dc2d061af428ef800",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:18.558000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:18.558000', 'bytes': 1450650624, 'norm_byte': 34983936, 'ops': 1416651, 'norm_ops': 34164, 'norm_ltcy': 29.302699101667688, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:18.558000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:18.558000",
+ "bytes": 1450650624,
+ "norm_byte": 34983936,
+ "ops": 1416651,
+ "norm_ops": 34164,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.302699101667688,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "afba8b0816499de5e847780f1c1102018f14accfbe29924fe3212ad4a30ea63c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:19.559000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:19.559000', 'bytes': 1486205952, 'norm_byte': 35555328, 'ops': 1451373, 'norm_ops': 34722, 'norm_ltcy': 28.831804054795953, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:19.559000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:19.559000",
+ "bytes": 1486205952,
+ "norm_byte": 35555328,
+ "ops": 1451373,
+ "norm_ops": 34722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.831804054795953,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ee68adc226fb8d54fffc8e78a3d3696ba1bf9d20583bb1f9a7db5c5253c17fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:20.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:20.560000', 'bytes': 1521572864, 'norm_byte': 35366912, 'ops': 1485911, 'norm_ops': 34538, 'norm_ltcy': 28.98532673703602, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:20.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:20.560000",
+ "bytes": 1521572864,
+ "norm_byte": 35366912,
+ "ops": 1485911,
+ "norm_ops": 34538,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.98532673703602,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ebfc16801444d86a1ac45a9935f098cea9d32221cf67d40612b287224ef39db9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:21.561000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:21.561000', 'bytes': 1556845568, 'norm_byte': 35272704, 'ops': 1520357, 'norm_ops': 34446, 'norm_ltcy': 29.0638123462267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:21.561000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:21.561000",
+ "bytes": 1556845568,
+ "norm_byte": 35272704,
+ "ops": 1520357,
+ "norm_ops": 34446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.0638123462267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee6a6db1552a73339c91b450fc514d3d6ff4f762c91b060bae51ba71d06d9fff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:22.562000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:22.562000', 'bytes': 1592372224, 'norm_byte': 35526656, 'ops': 1555051, 'norm_ops': 34694, 'norm_ltcy': 28.854988490895398, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:22.562000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:22.562000",
+ "bytes": 1592372224,
+ "norm_byte": 35526656,
+ "ops": 1555051,
+ "norm_ops": 34694,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.854988490895398,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3856672fa07069c4e5192becf6d5eb0384eeb2c5c7e4803c3b20ca5978936e37",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:23.563000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:23.563000', 'bytes': 1627724800, 'norm_byte': 35352576, 'ops': 1589575, 'norm_ops': 34524, 'norm_ltcy': 28.997236297575597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:23.563000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:23.563000",
+ "bytes": 1627724800,
+ "norm_byte": 35352576,
+ "ops": 1589575,
+ "norm_ops": 34524,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.997236297575597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d32ad82923fb8651a0e0745596cfa6c581d612c41a6610128dfad42b3615d44d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:24.564000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:24.564000', 'bytes': 1662548992, 'norm_byte': 34824192, 'ops': 1623583, 'norm_ops': 34008, 'norm_ltcy': 29.43719412068484, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:24.564000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:24.564000",
+ "bytes": 1662548992,
+ "norm_byte": 34824192,
+ "ops": 1623583,
+ "norm_ops": 34008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.43719412068484,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "688dee7b6342b37fe693b1c20bc076826a1b22397656cacb2d1413ab0092d53b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:25.565000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:25.565000', 'bytes': 1697674240, 'norm_byte': 35125248, 'ops': 1657885, 'norm_ops': 34302, 'norm_ltcy': 29.179815328278963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:25.565000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:25.565000",
+ "bytes": 1697674240,
+ "norm_byte": 35125248,
+ "ops": 1657885,
+ "norm_ops": 34302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.179815328278963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85c9319c3b4c30094cd6ffb78e45bebaa8b50df591c6eb39928eb06fd7d41694",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:26.566000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:26.566000', 'bytes': 1732901888, 'norm_byte': 35227648, 'ops': 1692287, 'norm_ops': 34402, 'norm_ltcy': 29.10011193480757, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:26.566000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:26.566000",
+ "bytes": 1732901888,
+ "norm_byte": 35227648,
+ "ops": 1692287,
+ "norm_ops": 34402,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.10011193480757,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4cf1a833366d8adb7e87495799dceead10d1a0c825712e30a4272d2d285b9ab7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:27.568000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:27.568000', 'bytes': 1768120320, 'norm_byte': 35218432, 'ops': 1726680, 'norm_ops': 34393, 'norm_ltcy': 29.106882157615647, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:27.568000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:27.568000",
+ "bytes": 1768120320,
+ "norm_byte": 35218432,
+ "ops": 1726680,
+ "norm_ops": 34393,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.106882157615647,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b4188f75ff90e4e54fe23e97bc4ebb4bc1f5d70d1c7c18cdae0ee93aa15dada",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:28.569000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:28.569000', 'bytes': 1803259904, 'norm_byte': 35139584, 'ops': 1760996, 'norm_ops': 34316, 'norm_ltcy': 29.1737659728698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:28.569000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:28.569000",
+ "bytes": 1803259904,
+ "norm_byte": 35139584,
+ "ops": 1760996,
+ "norm_ops": 34316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.1737659728698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52c79d2b6ca1a99d31910f6aabe351a74a42fac8ef7b2ba73b68ab67c6e22233",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:29.570000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:29.570000', 'bytes': 1838623744, 'norm_byte': 35363840, 'ops': 1795531, 'norm_ops': 34535, 'norm_ltcy': 28.987752744045896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:29.570000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:29.570000",
+ "bytes": 1838623744,
+ "norm_byte": 35363840,
+ "ops": 1795531,
+ "norm_ops": 34535,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.987752744045896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "99a86c865a09c04abdc9f3b29b34a035b4bd92176ca1926d0e7283eee109ee74",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:30.571000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:30.571000', 'bytes': 1874078720, 'norm_byte': 35454976, 'ops': 1830155, 'norm_ops': 34624, 'norm_ltcy': 28.91323350493877, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:30.571000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:30.571000",
+ "bytes": 1874078720,
+ "norm_byte": 35454976,
+ "ops": 1830155,
+ "norm_ops": 34624,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.91323350493877,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "404849776013ee16cf63e0593f42200933193aa8b57cec8eae819e781492a0c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:31.572000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:31.572000', 'bytes': 1909824512, 'norm_byte': 35745792, 'ops': 1865063, 'norm_ops': 34908, 'norm_ltcy': 28.678235748700153, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:31.572000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:31.572000",
+ "bytes": 1909824512,
+ "norm_byte": 35745792,
+ "ops": 1865063,
+ "norm_ops": 34908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.678235748700153,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "54efa0534a7421ece6dd3a816cf1c03680a18175a3af1e0cea7809190f9ac145",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:32.573000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:32.573000', 'bytes': 1944953856, 'norm_byte': 35129344, 'ops': 1899369, 'norm_ops': 34306, 'norm_ltcy': 29.1814657854129, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:32.573000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:32.573000",
+ "bytes": 1944953856,
+ "norm_byte": 35129344,
+ "ops": 1899369,
+ "norm_ops": 34306,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.1814657854129,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b540c22d7c7d31f5e5a17b920cc886fb04bd010ba87e95812ce8c2ec7e6d17b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:33.574000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:33.574000', 'bytes': 1980490752, 'norm_byte': 35536896, 'ops': 1934073, 'norm_ops': 34704, 'norm_ltcy': 28.84637138820453, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:33.574000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:33.574000",
+ "bytes": 1980490752,
+ "norm_byte": 35536896,
+ "ops": 1934073,
+ "norm_ops": 34704,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.84637138820453,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d04cda8aee755c29bc8161c52bb74a15df7566254cff4334a913c15a6e993ab6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:34.575000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:34.575000', 'bytes': 2015984640, 'norm_byte': 35493888, 'ops': 1968735, 'norm_ops': 34662, 'norm_ltcy': 28.88143023384759, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:34.575000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:34.575000",
+ "bytes": 2015984640,
+ "norm_byte": 35493888,
+ "ops": 1968735,
+ "norm_ops": 34662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.88143023384759,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a10d96755776c44ad56d8656acab9bfa29458cd9146f5e7f12e16977965572e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:35.576000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:35.576000', 'bytes': 2051271680, 'norm_byte': 35287040, 'ops': 2003195, 'norm_ops': 34460, 'norm_ltcy': 29.0508356609112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:35.576000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:35.576000",
+ "bytes": 2051271680,
+ "norm_byte": 35287040,
+ "ops": 2003195,
+ "norm_ops": 34460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.0508356609112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4edc21660c0fb2262498d55b16af42717561a5786557ed6e2a164ee538980883",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:36.577000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:36.577000', 'bytes': 2086324224, 'norm_byte': 35052544, 'ops': 2037426, 'norm_ops': 34231, 'norm_ltcy': 29.245430802397678, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:36.577000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:36.577000",
+ "bytes": 2086324224,
+ "norm_byte": 35052544,
+ "ops": 2037426,
+ "norm_ops": 34231,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.245430802397678,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de497616889406a37511c252397e45775aa33140824bc76b053aff8dcc924fab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:56:37.779000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:56:37.779000', 'bytes': 2121416704, 'norm_byte': 35092480, 'ops': 2071696, 'norm_ops': 34270, 'norm_ltcy': 35.05420534541874, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:56:37.779000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:56:37.779000",
+ "bytes": 2121416704,
+ "norm_byte": 35092480,
+ "ops": 2071696,
+ "norm_ops": 34270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.05420534541874,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7569c22d-1d5a-595a-af2b-23a1fc4bb19c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8725a0cd1df297fc9eab670a837c87099ff462c42dd0549ab28865fee52d898",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35356945.06666667
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34528.26666666667
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.30355445086086
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:56:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-071-220519215252/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-071-220519215252/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12eeca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-071-220519215252/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-071-220519215252/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-071-220519215252/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-071-220519215252/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-071-220519215252/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-071-220519215252/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0dc467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-071-220519215252/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=25
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=75
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=130
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-072-220519215454/220519215454-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-072-220519215454/220519215454-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4254fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-072-220519215454/220519215454-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:57:36Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997457846.2800 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997458847.3901 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997458847.4636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997459848.4846 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62858240 nr_ops:61385\ntimestamp_ms:1652997460849.5767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124001280 nr_ops:121095\ntimestamp_ms:1652997461850.6106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188095488 nr_ops:183687\ntimestamp_ms:1652997462851.7153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252193792 nr_ops:246283\ntimestamp_ms:1652997463852.8069 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315546624 nr_ops:308151\ntimestamp_ms:1652997464853.9004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378645504 nr_ops:369771\ntimestamp_ms:1652997465854.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441400320 nr_ops:431055\ntimestamp_ms:1652997466855.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504663040 nr_ops:492835\ntimestamp_ms:1652997467856.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568820736 nr_ops:555489\ntimestamp_ms:1652997468857.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632942592 nr_ops:618108\ntimestamp_ms:1652997469858.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:699692032 nr_ops:683293\ntimestamp_ms:1652997470859.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:769694720 nr_ops:751655\ntimestamp_ms:1652997471861.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:835738624 nr_ops:816151\ntimestamp_ms:1652997472862.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:899732480 nr_ops:878645\ntimestamp_ms:1652997473863.2180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963511296 nr_ops:940929\ntimestamp_ms:1652997474864.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026937856 nr_ops:1002869\ntimestamp_ms:1652997475865.4080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089616896 nr_ops:1064079\ntimestamp_ms:1652997476866.4441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152840704 nr_ops:1125821\ntimestamp_ms:1652997477867.5439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217980416 nr_ops:1189434\ntimestamp_ms:1652997478868.6440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1286169600 nr_ops:1256025\ntimestamp_ms:1652997479869.7371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353559040 nr_ops:1321835\ntimestamp_ms:1652997480870.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1416122368 nr_ops:1382932\ntimestamp_ms:1652997481871.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481139200 nr_ops:1446425\ntimestamp_ms:1652997482872.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1544839168 nr_ops:1508632\ntimestamp_ms:1652997483874.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1608588288 nr_ops:1570887\ntimestamp_ms:1652997484875.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1671189504 nr_ops:1632021\ntimestamp_ms:1652997485876.1616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1734008832 nr_ops:1693368\ntimestamp_ms:1652997486877.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797800960 nr_ops:1755665\ntimestamp_ms:1652997487878.3464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1861654528 nr_ops:1818022\ntimestamp_ms:1652997488879.4402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1925706752 nr_ops:1880573\ntimestamp_ms:1652997489880.5310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1987742720 nr_ops:1941155\ntimestamp_ms:1652997490881.6309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2050784256 nr_ops:2002719\ntimestamp_ms:1652997491882.7251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2114699264 nr_ops:2065136\ntimestamp_ms:1652997492883.7644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2177534976 nr_ops:2126499\ntimestamp_ms:1652997493884.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241070080 nr_ops:2188545\ntimestamp_ms:1652997494886.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2304230400 nr_ops:2250225\ntimestamp_ms:1652997495887.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2371742720 nr_ops:2316155\ntimestamp_ms:1652997496888.1985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435134464 nr_ops:2378061\ntimestamp_ms:1652997497888.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2498532352 nr_ops:2439973\ntimestamp_ms:1652997498890.0032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2561827840 nr_ops:2501785\ntimestamp_ms:1652997499891.0920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2624461824 nr_ops:2562951\ntimestamp_ms:1652997500892.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2688470016 nr_ops:2625459\ntimestamp_ms:1652997501892.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2751321088 nr_ops:2686837\ntimestamp_ms:1652997502893.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814776320 nr_ops:2748805\ntimestamp_ms:1652997503894.9600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2877647872 nr_ops:2810203\ntimestamp_ms:1652997504895.9949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2940857344 nr_ops:2871931\ntimestamp_ms:1652997505897.0977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3004173312 nr_ops:2933763\ntimestamp_ms:1652997506898.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3066684416 nr_ops:2994809\ntimestamp_ms:1652997507899.3108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3130379264 nr_ops:3057011\ntimestamp_ms:1652997508899.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3193525248 nr_ops:3118677\ntimestamp_ms:1652997509900.9202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3257358336 nr_ops:3181014\ntimestamp_ms:1652997510902.0110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3321531392 nr_ops:3243683\ntimestamp_ms:1652997511902.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3384646656 nr_ops:3305319\ntimestamp_ms:1652997512903.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3447069696 nr_ops:3366279\ntimestamp_ms:1652997513905.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3509489664 nr_ops:3427236\ntimestamp_ms:1652997514906.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3572481024 nr_ops:3488751\ntimestamp_ms:1652997515907.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3636403200 nr_ops:3551175\ntimestamp_ms:1652997516908.3047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3699072000 nr_ops:3612375\ntimestamp_ms:1652997517909.4277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3762056192 nr_ops:3673883\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140027447224064\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.7627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3825050624 nr_ops:3735401\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.8586 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.8623 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519211.0789 name:Total nr_bytes:3825050624 nr_ops:3735402\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.9692 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7650101246 nr_ops:7470804\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.9702 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3825050624 nr_ops:3735404\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 364.73us 0.00ns 364.73us 364.73us \nTxn1 1867701 32.12us 0.00ns 2.68ms 25.50us \nTxn2 1 32.82us 0.00ns 32.82us 32.82us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 363.94us 0.00ns 363.94us 363.94us \nwrite 1867701 3.23us 0.00ns 216.74us 2.46us \nread 1867700 28.81us 0.00ns 2.67ms 1.50us \ndisconnect 1 32.47us 0.00ns 32.47us 32.47us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.35b/s \nnet1 29947 29947 261.14Mb/s 261.14Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.167 62.37s 3.56GB 490.66Mb/s 3735403 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.66Mb/s 3735404 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415401, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997457846.2800 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997458847.3901 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997458847.4636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997459848.4846 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62858240 nr_ops:61385\ntimestamp_ms:1652997460849.5767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124001280 nr_ops:121095\ntimestamp_ms:1652997461850.6106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188095488 nr_ops:183687\ntimestamp_ms:1652997462851.7153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252193792 nr_ops:246283\ntimestamp_ms:1652997463852.8069 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315546624 nr_ops:308151\ntimestamp_ms:1652997464853.9004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378645504 nr_ops:369771\ntimestamp_ms:1652997465854.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441400320 nr_ops:431055\ntimestamp_ms:1652997466855.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504663040 nr_ops:492835\ntimestamp_ms:1652997467856.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568820736 nr_ops:555489\ntimestamp_ms:1652997468857.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632942592 nr_ops:618108\ntimestamp_ms:1652997469858.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:699692032 nr_ops:683293\ntimestamp_ms:1652997470859.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:769694720 nr_ops:751655\ntimestamp_ms:1652997471861.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:835738624 nr_ops:816151\ntimestamp_ms:1652997472862.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:899732480 nr_ops:878645\ntimestamp_ms:1652997473863.2180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963511296 nr_ops:940929\ntimestamp_ms:1652997474864.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026937856 nr_ops:1002869\ntimestamp_ms:1652997475865.4080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089616896 nr_ops:1064079\ntimestamp_ms:1652997476866.4441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152840704 nr_ops:1125821\ntimestamp_ms:1652997477867.5439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217980416 nr_ops:1189434\ntimestamp_ms:1652997478868.6440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1286169600 nr_ops:1256025\ntimestamp_ms:1652997479869.7371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353559040 nr_ops:1321835\ntimestamp_ms:1652997480870.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1416122368 nr_ops:1382932\ntimestamp_ms:1652997481871.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481139200 nr_ops:1446425\ntimestamp_ms:1652997482872.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1544839168 nr_ops:1508632\ntimestamp_ms:1652997483874.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1608588288 nr_ops:1570887\ntimestamp_ms:1652997484875.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1671189504 nr_ops:1632021\ntimestamp_ms:1652997485876.1616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1734008832 nr_ops:1693368\ntimestamp_ms:1652997486877.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797800960 nr_ops:1755665\ntimestamp_ms:1652997487878.3464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1861654528 nr_ops:1818022\ntimestamp_ms:1652997488879.4402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1925706752 nr_ops:1880573\ntimestamp_ms:1652997489880.5310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1987742720 nr_ops:1941155\ntimestamp_ms:1652997490881.6309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2050784256 nr_ops:2002719\ntimestamp_ms:1652997491882.7251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2114699264 nr_ops:2065136\ntimestamp_ms:1652997492883.7644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2177534976 nr_ops:2126499\ntimestamp_ms:1652997493884.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241070080 nr_ops:2188545\ntimestamp_ms:1652997494886.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2304230400 nr_ops:2250225\ntimestamp_ms:1652997495887.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2371742720 nr_ops:2316155\ntimestamp_ms:1652997496888.1985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435134464 nr_ops:2378061\ntimestamp_ms:1652997497888.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2498532352 nr_ops:2439973\ntimestamp_ms:1652997498890.0032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2561827840 nr_ops:2501785\ntimestamp_ms:1652997499891.0920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2624461824 nr_ops:2562951\ntimestamp_ms:1652997500892.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2688470016 nr_ops:2625459\ntimestamp_ms:1652997501892.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2751321088 nr_ops:2686837\ntimestamp_ms:1652997502893.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814776320 nr_ops:2748805\ntimestamp_ms:1652997503894.9600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2877647872 nr_ops:2810203\ntimestamp_ms:1652997504895.9949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2940857344 nr_ops:2871931\ntimestamp_ms:1652997505897.0977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3004173312 nr_ops:2933763\ntimestamp_ms:1652997506898.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3066684416 nr_ops:2994809\ntimestamp_ms:1652997507899.3108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3130379264 nr_ops:3057011\ntimestamp_ms:1652997508899.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3193525248 nr_ops:3118677\ntimestamp_ms:1652997509900.9202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3257358336 nr_ops:3181014\ntimestamp_ms:1652997510902.0110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3321531392 nr_ops:3243683\ntimestamp_ms:1652997511902.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3384646656 nr_ops:3305319\ntimestamp_ms:1652997512903.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3447069696 nr_ops:3366279\ntimestamp_ms:1652997513905.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3509489664 nr_ops:3427236\ntimestamp_ms:1652997514906.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3572481024 nr_ops:3488751\ntimestamp_ms:1652997515907.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3636403200 nr_ops:3551175\ntimestamp_ms:1652997516908.3047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3699072000 nr_ops:3612375\ntimestamp_ms:1652997517909.4277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3762056192 nr_ops:3673883\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140027447224064\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.7627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3825050624 nr_ops:3735401\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.8586 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.8623 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519211.0789 name:Total nr_bytes:3825050624 nr_ops:3735402\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.9692 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7650101246 nr_ops:7470804\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.9702 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3825050624 nr_ops:3735404\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 364.73us 0.00ns 364.73us 364.73us \nTxn1 1867701 32.12us 0.00ns 2.68ms 25.50us \nTxn2 1 32.82us 0.00ns 32.82us 32.82us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 363.94us 0.00ns 363.94us 363.94us \nwrite 1867701 3.23us 0.00ns 216.74us 2.46us \nread 1867700 28.81us 0.00ns 2.67ms 1.50us \ndisconnect 1 32.47us 0.00ns 32.47us 32.47us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.35b/s \nnet1 29947 29947 261.14Mb/s 261.14Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.167 62.37s 3.56GB 490.66Mb/s 3735403 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.66Mb/s 3735404 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415401, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997457846.2800 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997458847.3901 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997458847.4636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997459848.4846 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62858240 nr_ops:61385\ntimestamp_ms:1652997460849.5767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124001280 nr_ops:121095\ntimestamp_ms:1652997461850.6106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188095488 nr_ops:183687\ntimestamp_ms:1652997462851.7153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252193792 nr_ops:246283\ntimestamp_ms:1652997463852.8069 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315546624 nr_ops:308151\ntimestamp_ms:1652997464853.9004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378645504 nr_ops:369771\ntimestamp_ms:1652997465854.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441400320 nr_ops:431055\ntimestamp_ms:1652997466855.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504663040 nr_ops:492835\ntimestamp_ms:1652997467856.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568820736 nr_ops:555489\ntimestamp_ms:1652997468857.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632942592 nr_ops:618108\ntimestamp_ms:1652997469858.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:699692032 nr_ops:683293\ntimestamp_ms:1652997470859.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:769694720 nr_ops:751655\ntimestamp_ms:1652997471861.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:835738624 nr_ops:816151\ntimestamp_ms:1652997472862.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:899732480 nr_ops:878645\ntimestamp_ms:1652997473863.2180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963511296 nr_ops:940929\ntimestamp_ms:1652997474864.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026937856 nr_ops:1002869\ntimestamp_ms:1652997475865.4080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089616896 nr_ops:1064079\ntimestamp_ms:1652997476866.4441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152840704 nr_ops:1125821\ntimestamp_ms:1652997477867.5439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217980416 nr_ops:1189434\ntimestamp_ms:1652997478868.6440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1286169600 nr_ops:1256025\ntimestamp_ms:1652997479869.7371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353559040 nr_ops:1321835\ntimestamp_ms:1652997480870.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1416122368 nr_ops:1382932\ntimestamp_ms:1652997481871.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481139200 nr_ops:1446425\ntimestamp_ms:1652997482872.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1544839168 nr_ops:1508632\ntimestamp_ms:1652997483874.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1608588288 nr_ops:1570887\ntimestamp_ms:1652997484875.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1671189504 nr_ops:1632021\ntimestamp_ms:1652997485876.1616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1734008832 nr_ops:1693368\ntimestamp_ms:1652997486877.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797800960 nr_ops:1755665\ntimestamp_ms:1652997487878.3464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1861654528 nr_ops:1818022\ntimestamp_ms:1652997488879.4402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1925706752 nr_ops:1880573\ntimestamp_ms:1652997489880.5310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1987742720 nr_ops:1941155\ntimestamp_ms:1652997490881.6309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2050784256 nr_ops:2002719\ntimestamp_ms:1652997491882.7251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2114699264 nr_ops:2065136\ntimestamp_ms:1652997492883.7644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2177534976 nr_ops:2126499\ntimestamp_ms:1652997493884.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241070080 nr_ops:2188545\ntimestamp_ms:1652997494886.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2304230400 nr_ops:2250225\ntimestamp_ms:1652997495887.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2371742720 nr_ops:2316155\ntimestamp_ms:1652997496888.1985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435134464 nr_ops:2378061\ntimestamp_ms:1652997497888.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2498532352 nr_ops:2439973\ntimestamp_ms:1652997498890.0032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2561827840 nr_ops:2501785\ntimestamp_ms:1652997499891.0920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2624461824 nr_ops:2562951\ntimestamp_ms:1652997500892.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2688470016 nr_ops:2625459\ntimestamp_ms:1652997501892.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2751321088 nr_ops:2686837\ntimestamp_ms:1652997502893.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814776320 nr_ops:2748805\ntimestamp_ms:1652997503894.9600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2877647872 nr_ops:2810203\ntimestamp_ms:1652997504895.9949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2940857344 nr_ops:2871931\ntimestamp_ms:1652997505897.0977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3004173312 nr_ops:2933763\ntimestamp_ms:1652997506898.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3066684416 nr_ops:2994809\ntimestamp_ms:1652997507899.3108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3130379264 nr_ops:3057011\ntimestamp_ms:1652997508899.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3193525248 nr_ops:3118677\ntimestamp_ms:1652997509900.9202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3257358336 nr_ops:3181014\ntimestamp_ms:1652997510902.0110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3321531392 nr_ops:3243683\ntimestamp_ms:1652997511902.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3384646656 nr_ops:3305319\ntimestamp_ms:1652997512903.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3447069696 nr_ops:3366279\ntimestamp_ms:1652997513905.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3509489664 nr_ops:3427236\ntimestamp_ms:1652997514906.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3572481024 nr_ops:3488751\ntimestamp_ms:1652997515907.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3636403200 nr_ops:3551175\ntimestamp_ms:1652997516908.3047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3699072000 nr_ops:3612375\ntimestamp_ms:1652997517909.4277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3762056192 nr_ops:3673883\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140027447224064\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.7627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3825050624 nr_ops:3735401\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.8586 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.8623 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519211.0789 name:Total nr_bytes:3825050624 nr_ops:3735402\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.9692 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7650101246 nr_ops:7470804\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997519110.9702 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3825050624 nr_ops:3735404\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 364.73us 0.00ns 364.73us 364.73us \nTxn1 1867701 32.12us 0.00ns 2.68ms 25.50us \nTxn2 1 32.82us 0.00ns 32.82us 32.82us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 363.94us 0.00ns 363.94us 363.94us \nwrite 1867701 3.23us 0.00ns 216.74us 2.46us \nread 1867700 28.81us 0.00ns 2.67ms 1.50us \ndisconnect 1 32.47us 0.00ns 32.47us 32.47us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.35b/s \nnet1 29947 29947 261.14Mb/s 261.14Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.167 62.37s 3.56GB 490.66Mb/s 3735403 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.66Mb/s 3735404 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415401, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997457846.2800 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997458847.3901 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997458847.4636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997459848.4846 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62858240 nr_ops:61385
+timestamp_ms:1652997460849.5767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124001280 nr_ops:121095
+timestamp_ms:1652997461850.6106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188095488 nr_ops:183687
+timestamp_ms:1652997462851.7153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252193792 nr_ops:246283
+timestamp_ms:1652997463852.8069 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315546624 nr_ops:308151
+timestamp_ms:1652997464853.9004 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378645504 nr_ops:369771
+timestamp_ms:1652997465854.9976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441400320 nr_ops:431055
+timestamp_ms:1652997466855.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504663040 nr_ops:492835
+timestamp_ms:1652997467856.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568820736 nr_ops:555489
+timestamp_ms:1652997468857.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632942592 nr_ops:618108
+timestamp_ms:1652997469858.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:699692032 nr_ops:683293
+timestamp_ms:1652997470859.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:769694720 nr_ops:751655
+timestamp_ms:1652997471861.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:835738624 nr_ops:816151
+timestamp_ms:1652997472862.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:899732480 nr_ops:878645
+timestamp_ms:1652997473863.2180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963511296 nr_ops:940929
+timestamp_ms:1652997474864.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026937856 nr_ops:1002869
+timestamp_ms:1652997475865.4080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089616896 nr_ops:1064079
+timestamp_ms:1652997476866.4441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152840704 nr_ops:1125821
+timestamp_ms:1652997477867.5439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217980416 nr_ops:1189434
+timestamp_ms:1652997478868.6440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1286169600 nr_ops:1256025
+timestamp_ms:1652997479869.7371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353559040 nr_ops:1321835
+timestamp_ms:1652997480870.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1416122368 nr_ops:1382932
+timestamp_ms:1652997481871.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481139200 nr_ops:1446425
+timestamp_ms:1652997482872.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1544839168 nr_ops:1508632
+timestamp_ms:1652997483874.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1608588288 nr_ops:1570887
+timestamp_ms:1652997484875.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1671189504 nr_ops:1632021
+timestamp_ms:1652997485876.1616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1734008832 nr_ops:1693368
+timestamp_ms:1652997486877.2510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797800960 nr_ops:1755665
+timestamp_ms:1652997487878.3464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1861654528 nr_ops:1818022
+timestamp_ms:1652997488879.4402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1925706752 nr_ops:1880573
+timestamp_ms:1652997489880.5310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1987742720 nr_ops:1941155
+timestamp_ms:1652997490881.6309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2050784256 nr_ops:2002719
+timestamp_ms:1652997491882.7251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2114699264 nr_ops:2065136
+timestamp_ms:1652997492883.7644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2177534976 nr_ops:2126499
+timestamp_ms:1652997493884.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241070080 nr_ops:2188545
+timestamp_ms:1652997494886.0154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2304230400 nr_ops:2250225
+timestamp_ms:1652997495887.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2371742720 nr_ops:2316155
+timestamp_ms:1652997496888.1985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435134464 nr_ops:2378061
+timestamp_ms:1652997497888.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2498532352 nr_ops:2439973
+timestamp_ms:1652997498890.0032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2561827840 nr_ops:2501785
+timestamp_ms:1652997499891.0920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2624461824 nr_ops:2562951
+timestamp_ms:1652997500892.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2688470016 nr_ops:2625459
+timestamp_ms:1652997501892.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2751321088 nr_ops:2686837
+timestamp_ms:1652997502893.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814776320 nr_ops:2748805
+timestamp_ms:1652997503894.9600 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2877647872 nr_ops:2810203
+timestamp_ms:1652997504895.9949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2940857344 nr_ops:2871931
+timestamp_ms:1652997505897.0977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3004173312 nr_ops:2933763
+timestamp_ms:1652997506898.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3066684416 nr_ops:2994809
+timestamp_ms:1652997507899.3108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3130379264 nr_ops:3057011
+timestamp_ms:1652997508899.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3193525248 nr_ops:3118677
+timestamp_ms:1652997509900.9202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3257358336 nr_ops:3181014
+timestamp_ms:1652997510902.0110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3321531392 nr_ops:3243683
+timestamp_ms:1652997511902.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3384646656 nr_ops:3305319
+timestamp_ms:1652997512903.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3447069696 nr_ops:3366279
+timestamp_ms:1652997513905.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3509489664 nr_ops:3427236
+timestamp_ms:1652997514906.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3572481024 nr_ops:3488751
+timestamp_ms:1652997515907.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3636403200 nr_ops:3551175
+timestamp_ms:1652997516908.3047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3699072000 nr_ops:3612375
+timestamp_ms:1652997517909.4277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3762056192 nr_ops:3673883
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140027447224064
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652997519110.7627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3825050624 nr_ops:3735401
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997519110.8586 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997519110.8623 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997519211.0789 name:Total nr_bytes:3825050624 nr_ops:3735402
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997519110.9692 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7650101246 nr_ops:7470804
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997519110.9702 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3825050624 nr_ops:3735404
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 364.73us 0.00ns 364.73us 364.73us
+Txn1 1867701 32.12us 0.00ns 2.68ms 25.50us
+Txn2 1 32.82us 0.00ns 32.82us 32.82us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 363.94us 0.00ns 363.94us 363.94us
+write 1867701 3.23us 0.00ns 216.74us 2.46us
+read 1867700 28.81us 0.00ns 2.67ms 1.50us
+disconnect 1 32.47us 0.00ns 32.47us 32.47us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.35b/s
+net1 29947 29947 261.14Mb/s 261.14Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.167 62.37s 3.56GB 490.66Mb/s 3735403 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.56GB 490.66Mb/s 3735404 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:39.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:39.848000', 'bytes': 62858240, 'norm_byte': 62858240, 'ops': 61385, 'norm_ops': 61385, 'norm_ltcy': 16.307257409688848, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:39.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:39.848000",
+ "bytes": 62858240,
+ "norm_byte": 62858240,
+ "ops": 61385,
+ "norm_ops": 61385,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.307257409688848,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a76dc1a634776567d05f94c1348c90b39d65ba08795aa7598b7ec13adc37b898",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:40.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:40.849000', 'bytes': 124001280, 'norm_byte': 61143040, 'ops': 121095, 'norm_ops': 59710, 'norm_ltcy': 16.76590254589893, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:40.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:40.849000",
+ "bytes": 124001280,
+ "norm_byte": 61143040,
+ "ops": 121095,
+ "norm_ops": 59710,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.76590254589893,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c38f04ec5f1e7da6c8373cedd025360c9b8da874d7e382a0f5ed9eb88e656e5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:41.850000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:41.850000', 'bytes': 188095488, 'norm_byte': 64094208, 'ops': 183687, 'norm_ops': 62592, 'norm_ltcy': 15.993001270879267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:41.850000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:41.850000",
+ "bytes": 188095488,
+ "norm_byte": 64094208,
+ "ops": 183687,
+ "norm_ops": 62592,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.993001270879267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b598ef7a418eec174b307d006f8e5863c53fcb306d72726ce279605729e5de2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:42.851000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:42.851000', 'bytes': 252193792, 'norm_byte': 64098304, 'ops': 246283, 'norm_ops': 62596, 'norm_ltcy': 15.99311036373131, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:42.851000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:42.851000",
+ "bytes": 252193792,
+ "norm_byte": 64098304,
+ "ops": 246283,
+ "norm_ops": 62596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.99311036373131,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "885bf730ca216c74f839b28ba71d8b01eade12f03f50cbd12e2f6ec827699e9e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:43.852000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:43.852000', 'bytes': 315546624, 'norm_byte': 63352832, 'ops': 308151, 'norm_ops': 61868, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18108800566327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:43.852000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:43.852000",
+ "bytes": 315546624,
+ "norm_byte": 63352832,
+ "ops": 308151,
+ "norm_ops": 61868,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18108800566327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4668c58fc19c7002d8d4cc37f916a92f8c8d45cccd1bd0d47c8a3b96a8ec96af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:44.853000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:44.853000', 'bytes': 378645504, 'norm_byte': 63098880, 'ops': 369771, 'norm_ops': 61620, 'norm_ltcy': 16.246243197977524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:44.853000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:44.853000",
+ "bytes": 378645504,
+ "norm_byte": 63098880,
+ "ops": 369771,
+ "norm_ops": 61620,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.246243197977524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6bf4bbc8b88a9e6254cfa5a958b9d7a65fe6635bd1eb9928f43213648934f271",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:45.854000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:45.854000', 'bytes': 441400320, 'norm_byte': 62754816, 'ops': 431055, 'norm_ops': 61284, 'norm_ltcy': 16.33537575825256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:45.854000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:45.854000",
+ "bytes": 441400320,
+ "norm_byte": 62754816,
+ "ops": 431055,
+ "norm_ops": 61284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.33537575825256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93fb3a9d3a484477b41ef3cf73a955b10bf2335782410f87bff617d3a894678f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:46.855000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:46.855000', 'bytes': 504663040, 'norm_byte': 63262720, 'ops': 492835, 'norm_ops': 61780, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19995947060133, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:46.855000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:46.855000",
+ "bytes": 504663040,
+ "norm_byte": 63262720,
+ "ops": 492835,
+ "norm_ops": 61780,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19995947060133,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76823d8218db33536f6e52c9da26130e77fd3241b2ba0538b8748e9eb6a1127a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:47.856000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:47.856000', 'bytes': 568820736, 'norm_byte': 64157696, 'ops': 555489, 'norm_ops': 62654, 'norm_ltcy': 15.976664748060777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:47.856000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:47.856000",
+ "bytes": 568820736,
+ "norm_byte": 64157696,
+ "ops": 555489,
+ "norm_ops": 62654,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.976664748060777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d631550a4a9ffc48e5a3dc693df079a2e2d580085ee257be206a625a019d580",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:48.857000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:48.857000', 'bytes': 632942592, 'norm_byte': 64121856, 'ops': 618108, 'norm_ops': 62619, 'norm_ltcy': 15.987009951801769, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:48.857000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:48.857000",
+ "bytes": 632942592,
+ "norm_byte": 64121856,
+ "ops": 618108,
+ "norm_ops": 62619,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.987009951801769,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d9878793459a6bd4a690a0c93126fe2ebef32cefdb57bcd61521a25ce907dee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:49.858000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:49.858000', 'bytes': 699692032, 'norm_byte': 66749440, 'ops': 683293, 'norm_ops': 65185, 'norm_ltcy': 15.354881628969471, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:49.858000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:49.858000",
+ "bytes": 699692032,
+ "norm_byte": 66749440,
+ "ops": 683293,
+ "norm_ops": 65185,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.354881628969471,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cbe114b1c9059ab275351d535227607dbbe80d8e404f529d537adea794c63b11",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:50.859000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:50.859000', 'bytes': 769694720, 'norm_byte': 70002688, 'ops': 751655, 'norm_ops': 68362, 'norm_ltcy': 14.644112666073623, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:50.859000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:50.859000",
+ "bytes": 769694720,
+ "norm_byte": 70002688,
+ "ops": 751655,
+ "norm_ops": 68362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.644112666073623,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "661079284a174d60f6076ac16e14615e9a645f5c0cf0c079bbe657cc5886e4c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:51.861000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:51.861000', 'bytes': 835738624, 'norm_byte': 66043904, 'ops': 816151, 'norm_ops': 64496, 'norm_ltcy': 15.521773213164384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:51.861000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:51.861000",
+ "bytes": 835738624,
+ "norm_byte": 66043904,
+ "ops": 816151,
+ "norm_ops": 64496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.521773213164384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f9fc820b1c67b303be871692e6e4bc408b95ed21a79eab6c652da96dce1d544",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:52.862000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:52.862000', 'bytes': 899732480, 'norm_byte': 63993856, 'ops': 878645, 'norm_ops': 62494, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01912768000728, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:52.862000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:52.862000",
+ "bytes": 899732480,
+ "norm_byte": 63993856,
+ "ops": 878645,
+ "norm_ops": 62494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01912768000728,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8eee640e8ba4067a89ebeff1655015e825b7a0fd12c527799060e2a5c4db7196",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:53.863000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:53.863000', 'bytes': 963511296, 'norm_byte': 63778816, 'ops': 940929, 'norm_ops': 62284, 'norm_ltcy': 16.073052375258893, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:53.863000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:53.863000",
+ "bytes": 963511296,
+ "norm_byte": 63778816,
+ "ops": 940929,
+ "norm_ops": 62284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.073052375258893,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8f8611d1fd3bf1d695c49d906fa4ee51bf4ed2894ab51510bb22af613f23c6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:54.864000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:54.864000', 'bytes': 1026937856, 'norm_byte': 63426560, 'ops': 1002869, 'norm_ops': 61940, 'norm_ltcy': 16.162247329825234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:54.864000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:54.864000",
+ "bytes": 1026937856,
+ "norm_byte": 63426560,
+ "ops": 1002869,
+ "norm_ops": 61940,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.162247329825234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50dfc0ed7f9f263098d3359f780398391bf9c691df024c86c72560e12799b164",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:55.865000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:55.865000', 'bytes': 1089616896, 'norm_byte': 62679040, 'ops': 1064079, 'norm_ops': 61210, 'norm_ltcy': 16.35517630774179, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:55.865000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:55.865000",
+ "bytes": 1089616896,
+ "norm_byte": 62679040,
+ "ops": 1064079,
+ "norm_ops": 61210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.35517630774179,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ea46151e5f8af4f464700427580ca0d1dc7faa8baff442009f080716c98b416",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:56.866000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:56.866000', 'bytes': 1152840704, 'norm_byte': 63223808, 'ops': 1125821, 'norm_ops': 61742, 'norm_ltcy': 16.213211959646593, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:56.866000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:56.866000",
+ "bytes": 1152840704,
+ "norm_byte": 63223808,
+ "ops": 1125821,
+ "norm_ops": 61742,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.213211959646593,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef1820cc42e2fbbba006c3f6cc1ddbd510c6293a73fb3458a11d8a49584412e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:57.867000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:57.867000', 'bytes': 1217980416, 'norm_byte': 65139712, 'ops': 1189434, 'norm_ops': 63613, 'norm_ltcy': 15.737346981208638, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:57.867000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:57.867000",
+ "bytes": 1217980416,
+ "norm_byte": 65139712,
+ "ops": 1189434,
+ "norm_ops": 63613,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.737346981208638,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "163f30be7cf7a180a09c2f326eb47b0c009fa96a8478613189a1ad47cbe0e17e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:58.868000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:58.868000', 'bytes': 1286169600, 'norm_byte': 68189184, 'ops': 1256025, 'norm_ops': 66591, 'norm_ltcy': 15.033564560620054, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:58.868000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:58.868000",
+ "bytes": 1286169600,
+ "norm_byte": 68189184,
+ "ops": 1256025,
+ "norm_ops": 66591,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.033564560620054,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efa6bb2613695364ea88365bdd68eecbe47aee1447b89dddca4edd74d18ea767",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:57:59.869000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:57:59.869000', 'bytes': 1353559040, 'norm_byte': 67389440, 'ops': 1321835, 'norm_ops': 65810, 'norm_ltcy': 15.211867764444994, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:57:59.869000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:57:59.869000",
+ "bytes": 1353559040,
+ "norm_byte": 67389440,
+ "ops": 1321835,
+ "norm_ops": 65810,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.211867764444994,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c6ba2a7b718e51b76a1dd07e929a9ac807fb16ec8134893c801bb77be104052f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:00.870000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:00.870000', 'bytes': 1416122368, 'norm_byte': 62563328, 'ops': 1382932, 'norm_ops': 61097, 'norm_ltcy': 16.385461463942583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:00.870000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:00.870000",
+ "bytes": 1416122368,
+ "norm_byte": 62563328,
+ "ops": 1382932,
+ "norm_ops": 61097,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.385461463942583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ad73b42dfbcaf8fb2fe5a8543781d852b57be6427d1cf88930c8095e280d854",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:01.871000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:01.871000', 'bytes': 1481139200, 'norm_byte': 65016832, 'ops': 1446425, 'norm_ops': 63493, 'norm_ltcy': 15.765394413557399, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:01.871000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:01.871000",
+ "bytes": 1481139200,
+ "norm_byte": 65016832,
+ "ops": 1446425,
+ "norm_ops": 63493,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.765394413557399,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "54a6f85eddfdb87d965069b1eae9a5ccb0fada634d2a1d3d255eb527c76d87a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:02.872000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:02.872000', 'bytes': 1544839168, 'norm_byte': 63699968, 'ops': 1508632, 'norm_ops': 62207, 'norm_ltcy': 16.093037911730192, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:02.872000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:02.872000",
+ "bytes": 1544839168,
+ "norm_byte": 63699968,
+ "ops": 1508632,
+ "norm_ops": 62207,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.093037911730192,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c3614cf2b52c2f1802c485a488b1c8a4641b11791bcbdf9828495aeb724fbda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:03.874000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:03.874000', 'bytes': 1608588288, 'norm_byte': 63749120, 'ops': 1570887, 'norm_ops': 62255, 'norm_ltcy': 16.080523935075494, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:03.874000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:03.874000",
+ "bytes": 1608588288,
+ "norm_byte": 63749120,
+ "ops": 1570887,
+ "norm_ops": 62255,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.080523935075494,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b66676864628f6959d8b9e565a0f0398df01103e0f95d75e2a5060d8ccf8f5cd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:04.875000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:04.875000', 'bytes': 1671189504, 'norm_byte': 62601216, 'ops': 1632021, 'norm_ops': 61134, 'norm_ltcy': 16.37443432408725, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:04.875000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:04.875000",
+ "bytes": 1671189504,
+ "norm_byte": 62601216,
+ "ops": 1632021,
+ "norm_ops": 61134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.37443432408725,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8fad9a0c22c3822e1c6f1e09dcc037f892b0e9717781923ae4d24e4ac91c3b62",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:05.876000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:05.876000', 'bytes': 1734008832, 'norm_byte': 62819328, 'ops': 1693368, 'norm_ops': 61347, 'norm_ltcy': 16.318687777112164, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:05.876000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:05.876000",
+ "bytes": 1734008832,
+ "norm_byte": 62819328,
+ "ops": 1693368,
+ "norm_ops": 61347,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.318687777112164,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b535428dc379f0cefedf48ec16925a4b5b35da4ce3e2bc467de673c1a54111c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:06.877000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:06.877000', 'bytes': 1797800960, 'norm_byte': 63792128, 'ops': 1755665, 'norm_ops': 62297, 'norm_ltcy': 16.069623825685827, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:06.877000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:06.877000",
+ "bytes": 1797800960,
+ "norm_byte": 63792128,
+ "ops": 1755665,
+ "norm_ops": 62297,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.069623825685827,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6bdd0fbff09132a36419076487552e118a8374737a96484036eeb0cae144d2ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:07.878000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:07.878000', 'bytes': 1861654528, 'norm_byte': 63853568, 'ops': 1818022, 'norm_ops': 62357, 'norm_ltcy': 16.054259489461888, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:07.878000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:07.878000",
+ "bytes": 1861654528,
+ "norm_byte": 63853568,
+ "ops": 1818022,
+ "norm_ops": 62357,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.054259489461888,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08119584f12c6f1245f9d6f9cd95614b97e3bf9e8f94399947e2660f063339ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:08.879000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:08.879000', 'bytes': 1925706752, 'norm_byte': 64052224, 'ops': 1880573, 'norm_ops': 62551, 'norm_ltcy': 16.004440376652653, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:08.879000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:08.879000",
+ "bytes": 1925706752,
+ "norm_byte": 64052224,
+ "ops": 1880573,
+ "norm_ops": 62551,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.004440376652653,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c847a48d62c7115423a28fbbf913be713ee377a2e101a98db138f84b829f8d1d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:09.880000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:09.880000', 'bytes': 1987742720, 'norm_byte': 62035968, 'ops': 1941155, 'norm_ops': 60582, 'norm_ltcy': 16.52455878499389, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:09.880000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:09.880000",
+ "bytes": 1987742720,
+ "norm_byte": 62035968,
+ "ops": 1941155,
+ "norm_ops": 60582,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.52455878499389,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e47fe5fecd5bbf8e50dc484ec78dcfbaf108d0aa0b2aa706d85028e88c75495",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:10.881000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:10.881000', 'bytes': 2050784256, 'norm_byte': 63041536, 'ops': 2002719, 'norm_ops': 61564, 'norm_ltcy': 16.261124253063883, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:10.881000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:10.881000",
+ "bytes": 2050784256,
+ "norm_byte": 63041536,
+ "ops": 2002719,
+ "norm_ops": 61564,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.261124253063883,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26931905113f3ea3131907e0970502fff85c0797b19f52dc3a032479e49aaef8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:11.882000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:11.882000', 'bytes': 2114699264, 'norm_byte': 63915008, 'ops': 2065136, 'norm_ops': 62417, 'norm_ltcy': 16.03880734865902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:11.882000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:11.882000",
+ "bytes": 2114699264,
+ "norm_byte": 63915008,
+ "ops": 2065136,
+ "norm_ops": 62417,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.03880734865902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "720522debbc82be3a376d8322ae2d1b9b4a51270ce68f2661da55eb4f053d2d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:12.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:12.883000', 'bytes': 2177534976, 'norm_byte': 62835712, 'ops': 2126499, 'norm_ops': 61363, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3134023212787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:12.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:12.883000",
+ "bytes": 2177534976,
+ "norm_byte": 62835712,
+ "ops": 2126499,
+ "norm_ops": 61363,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3134023212787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "58b2fea43da5a373e02c79085f40a97d5ee6bb2c94d33703587d76da2a66452d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:13.884000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:13.884000', 'bytes': 2241070080, 'norm_byte': 63535104, 'ops': 2188545, 'norm_ops': 62046, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13581603643869, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:13.884000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:13.884000",
+ "bytes": 2241070080,
+ "norm_byte": 63535104,
+ "ops": 2188545,
+ "norm_ops": 62046,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13581603643869,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1f6daed833695543b575b8424cce41eb554f2b7554bc757173123ff4fc5915e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:14.886000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:14.886000', 'bytes': 2304230400, 'norm_byte': 63160320, 'ops': 2250225, 'norm_ops': 61680, 'norm_ltcy': 16.23035237946863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:14.886000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:14.886000",
+ "bytes": 2304230400,
+ "norm_byte": 63160320,
+ "ops": 2250225,
+ "norm_ops": 61680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.23035237946863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e4bf1e9fae3a6ca94e23c2538911f4081c53b098b1e6e9534fa29b5f94efb68",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:15.887000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:15.887000', 'bytes': 2371742720, 'norm_byte': 67512320, 'ops': 2316155, 'norm_ops': 65930, 'norm_ltcy': 15.184143427451463, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:15.887000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:15.887000",
+ "bytes": 2371742720,
+ "norm_byte": 67512320,
+ "ops": 2316155,
+ "norm_ops": 65930,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.184143427451463,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4b9976b31c4853e25e983a444e7d023a34721d3a3788d263d0c3d77920b7b6b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:16.888000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:16.888000', 'bytes': 2435134464, 'norm_byte': 63391744, 'ops': 2378061, 'norm_ops': 61906, 'norm_ltcy': 16.171171280600827, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:16.888000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:16.888000",
+ "bytes": 2435134464,
+ "norm_byte": 63391744,
+ "ops": 2378061,
+ "norm_ops": 61906,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.171171280600827,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "268c3021a65e1170cfd20133956ba29ced9383b17de65a968e8ece7ea3e36d12",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:17.888000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:17.888000', 'bytes': 2498532352, 'norm_byte': 63397888, 'ops': 2439973, 'norm_ops': 61912, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16338544274535, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:17.888000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:17.888000",
+ "bytes": 2498532352,
+ "norm_byte": 63397888,
+ "ops": 2439973,
+ "norm_ops": 61912,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16338544274535,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "735630b595520c4bf3de36e5584ebb3d0ee81b55396895b8496e2b8609da8138",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:18.890000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:18.890000', 'bytes': 2561827840, 'norm_byte': 63295488, 'ops': 2501785, 'norm_ops': 61812, 'norm_ltcy': 16.195838477459876, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:18.890000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:18.890000",
+ "bytes": 2561827840,
+ "norm_byte": 63295488,
+ "ops": 2501785,
+ "norm_ops": 61812,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.195838477459876,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "131e600ee0bb60352ab49d64ed965021dc5363d90c63768df81832f2df219350",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:19.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:19.891000', 'bytes': 2624461824, 'norm_byte': 62633984, 'ops': 2562951, 'norm_ops': 61166, 'norm_ltcy': 16.366753869592582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:19.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:19.891000",
+ "bytes": 2624461824,
+ "norm_byte": 62633984,
+ "ops": 2562951,
+ "norm_ops": 61166,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.366753869592582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a67c5c9dfabcd83277300dd6aaf009542249b0876be00a374e7e92b0249c0119",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:20.892000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:20.892000', 'bytes': 2688470016, 'norm_byte': 64008192, 'ops': 2625459, 'norm_ops': 62508, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01548517414771, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:20.892000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:20.892000",
+ "bytes": 2688470016,
+ "norm_byte": 64008192,
+ "ops": 2625459,
+ "norm_ops": 62508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01548517414771,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c55487eefc9ffa5421470b8bb140faf7ad23e1e134e49f632b9483d084d68c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:21.892000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:21.892000', 'bytes': 2751321088, 'norm_byte': 62851072, 'ops': 2686837, 'norm_ops': 61378, 'norm_ltcy': 16.302967752085436, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:21.892000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:21.892000",
+ "bytes": 2751321088,
+ "norm_byte": 62851072,
+ "ops": 2686837,
+ "norm_ops": 61378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.302967752085436,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec11e9852435d36f29c344a5abd600ad7db3c557498365e5f9b4eb2691a60773",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:22.893000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:22.893000', 'bytes': 2814776320, 'norm_byte': 63455232, 'ops': 2748805, 'norm_ops': 61968, 'norm_ltcy': 16.155042975810094, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:22.893000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:22.893000",
+ "bytes": 2814776320,
+ "norm_byte": 63455232,
+ "ops": 2748805,
+ "norm_ops": 61968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.155042975810094,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03512b0576d21322f2d0c36e82075bdc67b046eff147f6a3c9da9d9771e86421",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:23.894000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:23.894000', 'bytes': 2877647872, 'norm_byte': 62871552, 'ops': 2810203, 'norm_ops': 61398, 'norm_ltcy': 16.30399548590752, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:23.894000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:23.894000",
+ "bytes": 2877647872,
+ "norm_byte": 62871552,
+ "ops": 2810203,
+ "norm_ops": 61398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.30399548590752,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f794df34386e31f11d679ab50ba50ca636b57c302a0e7b51613c40c38cc3ca19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:24.895000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:24.895000', 'bytes': 2940857344, 'norm_byte': 63209472, 'ops': 2871931, 'norm_ops': 61728, 'norm_ltcy': 16.216869364135807, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:24.895000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:24.895000",
+ "bytes": 2940857344,
+ "norm_byte": 63209472,
+ "ops": 2871931,
+ "norm_ops": 61728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.216869364135807,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87f41312de640c2160c757a182b3619ca95b8f724863f09ea2b9d3bb92856357",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:25.897000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:25.897000', 'bytes': 3004173312, 'norm_byte': 63315968, 'ops': 2933763, 'norm_ops': 61832, 'norm_ltcy': 16.190690632732647, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:25.897000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:25.897000",
+ "bytes": 3004173312,
+ "norm_byte": 63315968,
+ "ops": 2933763,
+ "norm_ops": 61832,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.190690632732647,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "668e46daa26b43986ab886c40b06df948abe0b7c9c855cfe040417c6670a9dbc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:26.898000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:26.898000', 'bytes': 3066684416, 'norm_byte': 62511104, 'ops': 2994809, 'norm_ops': 61046, 'norm_ltcy': 16.398950496858923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:26.898000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:26.898000",
+ "bytes": 3066684416,
+ "norm_byte": 62511104,
+ "ops": 2994809,
+ "norm_ops": 61046,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.398950496858923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9254ee0f2fe2a4e7519850aa71e7756804755026213eee62145bbcfeb22a2678",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:27.899000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:27.899000', 'bytes': 3130379264, 'norm_byte': 63694848, 'ops': 3057011, 'norm_ops': 62202, 'norm_ltcy': 16.094704394302035, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:27.899000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:27.899000",
+ "bytes": 3130379264,
+ "norm_byte": 63694848,
+ "ops": 3057011,
+ "norm_ops": 62202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.094704394302035,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0594b27d22fda8b5c64c5682584b218a117b53d4f9ce73f6e0a7fa4123a49de2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:28.899000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:28.899000', 'bytes': 3193525248, 'norm_byte': 63145984, 'ops': 3118677, 'norm_ops': 61666, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22484812335809, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:28.899000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:28.899000",
+ "bytes": 3193525248,
+ "norm_byte": 63145984,
+ "ops": 3118677,
+ "norm_ops": 61666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22484812335809,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d26bac5173122ca095797f09acdb99f11ecda0e7e1889e13247beb2dfde04222",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:29.900000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:29.900000', 'bytes': 3257358336, 'norm_byte': 63833088, 'ops': 3181014, 'norm_ops': 62337, 'norm_ltcy': 16.05928887538701, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:29.900000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:29.900000",
+ "bytes": 3257358336,
+ "norm_byte": 63833088,
+ "ops": 3181014,
+ "norm_ops": 62337,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.05928887538701,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ab6c52f7f33c18f1bf57413077ccbcb7d4b10254b0a58548956e4ebf88e6641",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:30.902000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:30.902000', 'bytes': 3321531392, 'norm_byte': 64173056, 'ops': 3243683, 'norm_ops': 62669, 'norm_ltcy': 15.974258729395716, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:30.902000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:30.902000",
+ "bytes": 3321531392,
+ "norm_byte": 64173056,
+ "ops": 3243683,
+ "norm_ops": 62669,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.974258729395716,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fb49b26529cff4b9b1c1583018a366270f9355a1ef3c7f06e51f8894e0dc5c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:31.902000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:31.902000', 'bytes': 3384646656, 'norm_byte': 63115264, 'ops': 3305319, 'norm_ops': 61636, 'norm_ltcy': 16.237644985529965, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:31.902000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:31.902000",
+ "bytes": 3384646656,
+ "norm_byte": 63115264,
+ "ops": 3305319,
+ "norm_ops": 61636,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.237644985529965,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "afd86f96d7511093a8b461680e359e6c96e57ce6c11a76875990a12572630410",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:32.903000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:32.903000', 'bytes': 3447069696, 'norm_byte': 62423040, 'ops': 3366279, 'norm_ops': 60960, 'norm_ltcy': 16.422265721118357, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:32.903000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:32.903000",
+ "bytes": 3447069696,
+ "norm_byte": 62423040,
+ "ops": 3366279,
+ "norm_ops": 60960,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.422265721118357,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd5d06f0eca0b8bb1bdbd1f9c875e1b11811cd2833f58f60b745e09e26bce821",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:33.905000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:33.905000', 'bytes': 3509489664, 'norm_byte': 62419968, 'ops': 3427236, 'norm_ops': 60957, 'norm_ltcy': 16.4228816970877, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:33.905000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:33.905000",
+ "bytes": 3509489664,
+ "norm_byte": 62419968,
+ "ops": 3427236,
+ "norm_ops": 60957,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.4228816970877,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be12125dcc4ad4590dd862348ffb627768ed1f739ccd644fa134e03510fd9fc9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:34.906000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:34.906000', 'bytes': 3572481024, 'norm_byte': 62991360, 'ops': 3488751, 'norm_ops': 61515, 'norm_ltcy': 16.273942172386818, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:34.906000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:34.906000",
+ "bytes": 3572481024,
+ "norm_byte": 62991360,
+ "ops": 3488751,
+ "norm_ops": 61515,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.273942172386818,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2004f8f634f02fb1f2dc440b442c16df4c580713d52c2e36b0a9c64ade4d21d9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:35.907000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:35.907000', 'bytes': 3636403200, 'norm_byte': 63922176, 'ops': 3551175, 'norm_ops': 62424, 'norm_ltcy': 16.037032281254007, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:35.907000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:35.907000",
+ "bytes": 3636403200,
+ "norm_byte": 63922176,
+ "ops": 3551175,
+ "norm_ops": 62424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.037032281254007,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1efb304961ff9d115b9975980a66494127e9c22e7ea04af11bb1cc4ec471790f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:36.908000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:36.908000', 'bytes': 3699072000, 'norm_byte': 62668800, 'ops': 3612375, 'norm_ops': 61200, 'norm_ltcy': 16.357713088490602, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:36.908000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:36.908000",
+ "bytes": 3699072000,
+ "norm_byte": 62668800,
+ "ops": 3612375,
+ "norm_ops": 61200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.357713088490602,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76a28ec2551211f747da17b6b3a6e12136997483ebc739b567b6d49d463776a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:37.909000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:37.909000', 'bytes': 3762056192, 'norm_byte': 62984192, 'ops': 3673883, 'norm_ops': 61508, 'norm_ltcy': 16.276306283328996, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:37.909000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:37.909000",
+ "bytes": 3762056192,
+ "norm_byte": 62984192,
+ "ops": 3673883,
+ "norm_ops": 61508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.276306283328996,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e1259d46fcfd2ca8adfa8d0c959670aa0ffe4e5e873a8079e62f35ebe41504d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:58:39.110000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:58:39.110000', 'bytes': 3825050624, 'norm_byte': 62994432, 'ops': 3735401, 'norm_ops': 61518, 'norm_ltcy': 19.52818623715823, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:58:39.110000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:58:39.110000",
+ "bytes": 3825050624,
+ "norm_byte": 62994432,
+ "ops": 3735401,
+ "norm_ops": 61518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.52818623715823,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "16664194-04e8-5f86-9739-018432f6cad5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59d5f0916036bb5a743b573a41d8d68d305be0e683b8218fe1bc37f4b931184a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63750843.733333334
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62256.683333333334
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.42796555148301
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T21:58:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-072-220519215454/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-072-220519215454/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..350c41c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-072-220519215454/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-072-220519215454/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-072-220519215454/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-072-220519215454/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-072-220519215454/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-072-220519215454/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..236b8c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-072-220519215454/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=150
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-073-220519215655/220519215655-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-073-220519215655/220519215655-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de2bc80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-073-220519215655/220519215655-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T21:59:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997579497.3655 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997580498.4043 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997580498.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997581499.6453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62831616 nr_ops:61359\ntimestamp_ms:1652997582500.7358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124474368 nr_ops:121557\ntimestamp_ms:1652997583501.8445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187075584 nr_ops:182691\ntimestamp_ms:1652997584502.9421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251119616 nr_ops:245234\ntimestamp_ms:1652997585503.9968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315003904 nr_ops:307621\ntimestamp_ms:1652997586505.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378094592 nr_ops:369233\ntimestamp_ms:1652997587505.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440095744 nr_ops:429781\ntimestamp_ms:1652997588506.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503403520 nr_ops:491605\ntimestamp_ms:1652997589507.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567682048 nr_ops:554377\ntimestamp_ms:1652997590508.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631227392 nr_ops:616433\ntimestamp_ms:1652997591509.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694481920 nr_ops:678205\ntimestamp_ms:1652997592511.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:755702784 nr_ops:737991\ntimestamp_ms:1652997593511.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:818738176 nr_ops:799549\ntimestamp_ms:1652997594512.9329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882699264 nr_ops:862011\ntimestamp_ms:1652997595513.9829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945032192 nr_ops:922883\ntimestamp_ms:1652997596515.1814 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1008240640 nr_ops:984610\ntimestamp_ms:1652997597516.2874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1070393344 nr_ops:1045306\ntimestamp_ms:1652997598517.3794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133902848 nr_ops:1107327\ntimestamp_ms:1652997599518.4985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197394944 nr_ops:1169331\ntimestamp_ms:1652997600518.9014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1259871232 nr_ops:1230343\ntimestamp_ms:1652997601519.9968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1321437184 nr_ops:1290466\ntimestamp_ms:1652997602521.0923 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1382183936 nr_ops:1349789\ntimestamp_ms:1652997603522.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1445637120 nr_ops:1411755\ntimestamp_ms:1652997604523.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1508719616 nr_ops:1473359\ntimestamp_ms:1652997605523.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1570526208 nr_ops:1533717\ntimestamp_ms:1652997606524.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1633105920 nr_ops:1594830\ntimestamp_ms:1652997607525.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695040512 nr_ops:1655313\ntimestamp_ms:1652997608526.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1758936064 nr_ops:1717711\ntimestamp_ms:1652997609527.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1825652736 nr_ops:1782864\ntimestamp_ms:1652997610528.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1888420864 nr_ops:1844161\ntimestamp_ms:1652997611529.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1951418368 nr_ops:1905682\ntimestamp_ms:1652997612531.0339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2013185024 nr_ops:1966001\ntimestamp_ms:1652997613532.1301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2076623872 nr_ops:2027953\ntimestamp_ms:1652997614533.2783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139974656 nr_ops:2089819\ntimestamp_ms:1652997615533.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2202967040 nr_ops:2151335\ntimestamp_ms:1652997616534.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2266481664 nr_ops:2213361\ntimestamp_ms:1652997617535.9634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2328720384 nr_ops:2274141\ntimestamp_ms:1652997618536.9998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2391839744 nr_ops:2335781\ntimestamp_ms:1652997619538.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2454973440 nr_ops:2397435\ntimestamp_ms:1652997620538.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2518074368 nr_ops:2459057\ntimestamp_ms:1652997621539.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2581324800 nr_ops:2520825\ntimestamp_ms:1652997622541.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2643459072 nr_ops:2581503\ntimestamp_ms:1652997623542.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2707104768 nr_ops:2643657\ntimestamp_ms:1652997624543.2231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770512896 nr_ops:2705579\ntimestamp_ms:1652997625543.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2833599488 nr_ops:2767187\ntimestamp_ms:1652997626544.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2895909888 nr_ops:2828037\ntimestamp_ms:1652997627546.0376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2959606784 nr_ops:2890241\ntimestamp_ms:1652997628547.1323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3023866880 nr_ops:2952995\ntimestamp_ms:1652997629548.2263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3089168384 nr_ops:3016766\ntimestamp_ms:1652997630549.3223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3153093632 nr_ops:3079193\ntimestamp_ms:1652997631550.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3216535552 nr_ops:3141148\ntimestamp_ms:1652997632551.5203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3279385600 nr_ops:3202525\ntimestamp_ms:1652997633552.6213 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3342904320 nr_ops:3264555\ntimestamp_ms:1652997634553.7217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3406715904 nr_ops:3326871\ntimestamp_ms:1652997635553.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3470448640 nr_ops:3389110\ntimestamp_ms:1652997636554.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3533040640 nr_ops:3450235\ntimestamp_ms:1652997637555.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3592313856 nr_ops:3508119\ntimestamp_ms:1652997638557.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3656430592 nr_ops:3570733\ntimestamp_ms:1652997639558.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3720748032 nr_ops:3633543\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140199267792640\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.0801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3782895616 nr_ops:3694234\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.1655 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.1758 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640859.3999 name:Total nr_bytes:3782895616 nr_ops:3694235\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.2568 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7565791232 nr_ops:7388470\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.2573 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3782895616 nr_ops:3694237\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 283.74us 0.00ns 283.74us 283.74us \nTxn1 1847117 32.47us 0.00ns 4.17ms 26.05us \nTxn2 1 25.78us 0.00ns 25.78us 25.78us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 283.05us 0.00ns 283.05us 283.05us \nwrite 1847117 3.21us 0.00ns 84.13us 2.37us \nread 1847117 29.18us 0.00ns 4.17ms 2.65us \ndisconnect 1 25.47us 0.00ns 25.47us 25.47us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29619 29619 258.27Mb/s 258.27Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.168 62.36s 3.52GB 485.27Mb/s 3694237 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.52GB 485.27Mb/s 3694237 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412901, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997579497.3655 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997580498.4043 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997580498.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997581499.6453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62831616 nr_ops:61359\ntimestamp_ms:1652997582500.7358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124474368 nr_ops:121557\ntimestamp_ms:1652997583501.8445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187075584 nr_ops:182691\ntimestamp_ms:1652997584502.9421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251119616 nr_ops:245234\ntimestamp_ms:1652997585503.9968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315003904 nr_ops:307621\ntimestamp_ms:1652997586505.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378094592 nr_ops:369233\ntimestamp_ms:1652997587505.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440095744 nr_ops:429781\ntimestamp_ms:1652997588506.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503403520 nr_ops:491605\ntimestamp_ms:1652997589507.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567682048 nr_ops:554377\ntimestamp_ms:1652997590508.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631227392 nr_ops:616433\ntimestamp_ms:1652997591509.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694481920 nr_ops:678205\ntimestamp_ms:1652997592511.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:755702784 nr_ops:737991\ntimestamp_ms:1652997593511.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:818738176 nr_ops:799549\ntimestamp_ms:1652997594512.9329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882699264 nr_ops:862011\ntimestamp_ms:1652997595513.9829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945032192 nr_ops:922883\ntimestamp_ms:1652997596515.1814 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1008240640 nr_ops:984610\ntimestamp_ms:1652997597516.2874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1070393344 nr_ops:1045306\ntimestamp_ms:1652997598517.3794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133902848 nr_ops:1107327\ntimestamp_ms:1652997599518.4985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197394944 nr_ops:1169331\ntimestamp_ms:1652997600518.9014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1259871232 nr_ops:1230343\ntimestamp_ms:1652997601519.9968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1321437184 nr_ops:1290466\ntimestamp_ms:1652997602521.0923 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1382183936 nr_ops:1349789\ntimestamp_ms:1652997603522.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1445637120 nr_ops:1411755\ntimestamp_ms:1652997604523.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1508719616 nr_ops:1473359\ntimestamp_ms:1652997605523.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1570526208 nr_ops:1533717\ntimestamp_ms:1652997606524.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1633105920 nr_ops:1594830\ntimestamp_ms:1652997607525.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695040512 nr_ops:1655313\ntimestamp_ms:1652997608526.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1758936064 nr_ops:1717711\ntimestamp_ms:1652997609527.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1825652736 nr_ops:1782864\ntimestamp_ms:1652997610528.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1888420864 nr_ops:1844161\ntimestamp_ms:1652997611529.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1951418368 nr_ops:1905682\ntimestamp_ms:1652997612531.0339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2013185024 nr_ops:1966001\ntimestamp_ms:1652997613532.1301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2076623872 nr_ops:2027953\ntimestamp_ms:1652997614533.2783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139974656 nr_ops:2089819\ntimestamp_ms:1652997615533.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2202967040 nr_ops:2151335\ntimestamp_ms:1652997616534.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2266481664 nr_ops:2213361\ntimestamp_ms:1652997617535.9634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2328720384 nr_ops:2274141\ntimestamp_ms:1652997618536.9998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2391839744 nr_ops:2335781\ntimestamp_ms:1652997619538.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2454973440 nr_ops:2397435\ntimestamp_ms:1652997620538.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2518074368 nr_ops:2459057\ntimestamp_ms:1652997621539.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2581324800 nr_ops:2520825\ntimestamp_ms:1652997622541.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2643459072 nr_ops:2581503\ntimestamp_ms:1652997623542.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2707104768 nr_ops:2643657\ntimestamp_ms:1652997624543.2231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770512896 nr_ops:2705579\ntimestamp_ms:1652997625543.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2833599488 nr_ops:2767187\ntimestamp_ms:1652997626544.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2895909888 nr_ops:2828037\ntimestamp_ms:1652997627546.0376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2959606784 nr_ops:2890241\ntimestamp_ms:1652997628547.1323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3023866880 nr_ops:2952995\ntimestamp_ms:1652997629548.2263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3089168384 nr_ops:3016766\ntimestamp_ms:1652997630549.3223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3153093632 nr_ops:3079193\ntimestamp_ms:1652997631550.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3216535552 nr_ops:3141148\ntimestamp_ms:1652997632551.5203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3279385600 nr_ops:3202525\ntimestamp_ms:1652997633552.6213 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3342904320 nr_ops:3264555\ntimestamp_ms:1652997634553.7217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3406715904 nr_ops:3326871\ntimestamp_ms:1652997635553.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3470448640 nr_ops:3389110\ntimestamp_ms:1652997636554.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3533040640 nr_ops:3450235\ntimestamp_ms:1652997637555.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3592313856 nr_ops:3508119\ntimestamp_ms:1652997638557.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3656430592 nr_ops:3570733\ntimestamp_ms:1652997639558.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3720748032 nr_ops:3633543\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140199267792640\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.0801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3782895616 nr_ops:3694234\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.1655 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.1758 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640859.3999 name:Total nr_bytes:3782895616 nr_ops:3694235\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.2568 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7565791232 nr_ops:7388470\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.2573 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3782895616 nr_ops:3694237\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 283.74us 0.00ns 283.74us 283.74us \nTxn1 1847117 32.47us 0.00ns 4.17ms 26.05us \nTxn2 1 25.78us 0.00ns 25.78us 25.78us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 283.05us 0.00ns 283.05us 283.05us \nwrite 1847117 3.21us 0.00ns 84.13us 2.37us \nread 1847117 29.18us 0.00ns 4.17ms 2.65us \ndisconnect 1 25.47us 0.00ns 25.47us 25.47us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29619 29619 258.27Mb/s 258.27Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.168 62.36s 3.52GB 485.27Mb/s 3694237 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.52GB 485.27Mb/s 3694237 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412901, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997579497.3655 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997580498.4043 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997580498.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997581499.6453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62831616 nr_ops:61359\ntimestamp_ms:1652997582500.7358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124474368 nr_ops:121557\ntimestamp_ms:1652997583501.8445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187075584 nr_ops:182691\ntimestamp_ms:1652997584502.9421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251119616 nr_ops:245234\ntimestamp_ms:1652997585503.9968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315003904 nr_ops:307621\ntimestamp_ms:1652997586505.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378094592 nr_ops:369233\ntimestamp_ms:1652997587505.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440095744 nr_ops:429781\ntimestamp_ms:1652997588506.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503403520 nr_ops:491605\ntimestamp_ms:1652997589507.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567682048 nr_ops:554377\ntimestamp_ms:1652997590508.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631227392 nr_ops:616433\ntimestamp_ms:1652997591509.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694481920 nr_ops:678205\ntimestamp_ms:1652997592511.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:755702784 nr_ops:737991\ntimestamp_ms:1652997593511.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:818738176 nr_ops:799549\ntimestamp_ms:1652997594512.9329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882699264 nr_ops:862011\ntimestamp_ms:1652997595513.9829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945032192 nr_ops:922883\ntimestamp_ms:1652997596515.1814 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1008240640 nr_ops:984610\ntimestamp_ms:1652997597516.2874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1070393344 nr_ops:1045306\ntimestamp_ms:1652997598517.3794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133902848 nr_ops:1107327\ntimestamp_ms:1652997599518.4985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197394944 nr_ops:1169331\ntimestamp_ms:1652997600518.9014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1259871232 nr_ops:1230343\ntimestamp_ms:1652997601519.9968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1321437184 nr_ops:1290466\ntimestamp_ms:1652997602521.0923 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1382183936 nr_ops:1349789\ntimestamp_ms:1652997603522.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1445637120 nr_ops:1411755\ntimestamp_ms:1652997604523.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1508719616 nr_ops:1473359\ntimestamp_ms:1652997605523.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1570526208 nr_ops:1533717\ntimestamp_ms:1652997606524.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1633105920 nr_ops:1594830\ntimestamp_ms:1652997607525.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695040512 nr_ops:1655313\ntimestamp_ms:1652997608526.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1758936064 nr_ops:1717711\ntimestamp_ms:1652997609527.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1825652736 nr_ops:1782864\ntimestamp_ms:1652997610528.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1888420864 nr_ops:1844161\ntimestamp_ms:1652997611529.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1951418368 nr_ops:1905682\ntimestamp_ms:1652997612531.0339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2013185024 nr_ops:1966001\ntimestamp_ms:1652997613532.1301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2076623872 nr_ops:2027953\ntimestamp_ms:1652997614533.2783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139974656 nr_ops:2089819\ntimestamp_ms:1652997615533.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2202967040 nr_ops:2151335\ntimestamp_ms:1652997616534.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2266481664 nr_ops:2213361\ntimestamp_ms:1652997617535.9634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2328720384 nr_ops:2274141\ntimestamp_ms:1652997618536.9998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2391839744 nr_ops:2335781\ntimestamp_ms:1652997619538.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2454973440 nr_ops:2397435\ntimestamp_ms:1652997620538.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2518074368 nr_ops:2459057\ntimestamp_ms:1652997621539.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2581324800 nr_ops:2520825\ntimestamp_ms:1652997622541.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2643459072 nr_ops:2581503\ntimestamp_ms:1652997623542.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2707104768 nr_ops:2643657\ntimestamp_ms:1652997624543.2231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770512896 nr_ops:2705579\ntimestamp_ms:1652997625543.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2833599488 nr_ops:2767187\ntimestamp_ms:1652997626544.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2895909888 nr_ops:2828037\ntimestamp_ms:1652997627546.0376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2959606784 nr_ops:2890241\ntimestamp_ms:1652997628547.1323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3023866880 nr_ops:2952995\ntimestamp_ms:1652997629548.2263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3089168384 nr_ops:3016766\ntimestamp_ms:1652997630549.3223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3153093632 nr_ops:3079193\ntimestamp_ms:1652997631550.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3216535552 nr_ops:3141148\ntimestamp_ms:1652997632551.5203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3279385600 nr_ops:3202525\ntimestamp_ms:1652997633552.6213 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3342904320 nr_ops:3264555\ntimestamp_ms:1652997634553.7217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3406715904 nr_ops:3326871\ntimestamp_ms:1652997635553.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3470448640 nr_ops:3389110\ntimestamp_ms:1652997636554.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3533040640 nr_ops:3450235\ntimestamp_ms:1652997637555.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3592313856 nr_ops:3508119\ntimestamp_ms:1652997638557.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3656430592 nr_ops:3570733\ntimestamp_ms:1652997639558.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3720748032 nr_ops:3633543\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140199267792640\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.0801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3782895616 nr_ops:3694234\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.1655 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.1758 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640859.3999 name:Total nr_bytes:3782895616 nr_ops:3694235\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.2568 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7565791232 nr_ops:7388470\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997640759.2573 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3782895616 nr_ops:3694237\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 283.74us 0.00ns 283.74us 283.74us \nTxn1 1847117 32.47us 0.00ns 4.17ms 26.05us \nTxn2 1 25.78us 0.00ns 25.78us 25.78us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 283.05us 0.00ns 283.05us 283.05us \nwrite 1847117 3.21us 0.00ns 84.13us 2.37us \nread 1847117 29.18us 0.00ns 4.17ms 2.65us \ndisconnect 1 25.47us 0.00ns 25.47us 25.47us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29619 29619 258.27Mb/s 258.27Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.168 62.36s 3.52GB 485.27Mb/s 3694237 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.52GB 485.27Mb/s 3694237 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412901, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997579497.3655 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997580498.4043 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997580498.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997581499.6453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62831616 nr_ops:61359
+timestamp_ms:1652997582500.7358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124474368 nr_ops:121557
+timestamp_ms:1652997583501.8445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187075584 nr_ops:182691
+timestamp_ms:1652997584502.9421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251119616 nr_ops:245234
+timestamp_ms:1652997585503.9968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315003904 nr_ops:307621
+timestamp_ms:1652997586505.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378094592 nr_ops:369233
+timestamp_ms:1652997587505.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:440095744 nr_ops:429781
+timestamp_ms:1652997588506.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503403520 nr_ops:491605
+timestamp_ms:1652997589507.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567682048 nr_ops:554377
+timestamp_ms:1652997590508.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631227392 nr_ops:616433
+timestamp_ms:1652997591509.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694481920 nr_ops:678205
+timestamp_ms:1652997592511.0320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:755702784 nr_ops:737991
+timestamp_ms:1652997593511.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:818738176 nr_ops:799549
+timestamp_ms:1652997594512.9329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882699264 nr_ops:862011
+timestamp_ms:1652997595513.9829 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945032192 nr_ops:922883
+timestamp_ms:1652997596515.1814 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1008240640 nr_ops:984610
+timestamp_ms:1652997597516.2874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1070393344 nr_ops:1045306
+timestamp_ms:1652997598517.3794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133902848 nr_ops:1107327
+timestamp_ms:1652997599518.4985 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197394944 nr_ops:1169331
+timestamp_ms:1652997600518.9014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1259871232 nr_ops:1230343
+timestamp_ms:1652997601519.9968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1321437184 nr_ops:1290466
+timestamp_ms:1652997602521.0923 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1382183936 nr_ops:1349789
+timestamp_ms:1652997603522.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1445637120 nr_ops:1411755
+timestamp_ms:1652997604523.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1508719616 nr_ops:1473359
+timestamp_ms:1652997605523.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1570526208 nr_ops:1533717
+timestamp_ms:1652997606524.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1633105920 nr_ops:1594830
+timestamp_ms:1652997607525.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695040512 nr_ops:1655313
+timestamp_ms:1652997608526.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1758936064 nr_ops:1717711
+timestamp_ms:1652997609527.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1825652736 nr_ops:1782864
+timestamp_ms:1652997610528.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1888420864 nr_ops:1844161
+timestamp_ms:1652997611529.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1951418368 nr_ops:1905682
+timestamp_ms:1652997612531.0339 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2013185024 nr_ops:1966001
+timestamp_ms:1652997613532.1301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2076623872 nr_ops:2027953
+timestamp_ms:1652997614533.2783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139974656 nr_ops:2089819
+timestamp_ms:1652997615533.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2202967040 nr_ops:2151335
+timestamp_ms:1652997616534.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2266481664 nr_ops:2213361
+timestamp_ms:1652997617535.9634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2328720384 nr_ops:2274141
+timestamp_ms:1652997618536.9998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2391839744 nr_ops:2335781
+timestamp_ms:1652997619538.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2454973440 nr_ops:2397435
+timestamp_ms:1652997620538.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2518074368 nr_ops:2459057
+timestamp_ms:1652997621539.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2581324800 nr_ops:2520825
+timestamp_ms:1652997622541.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2643459072 nr_ops:2581503
+timestamp_ms:1652997623542.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2707104768 nr_ops:2643657
+timestamp_ms:1652997624543.2231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770512896 nr_ops:2705579
+timestamp_ms:1652997625543.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2833599488 nr_ops:2767187
+timestamp_ms:1652997626544.9395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2895909888 nr_ops:2828037
+timestamp_ms:1652997627546.0376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2959606784 nr_ops:2890241
+timestamp_ms:1652997628547.1323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3023866880 nr_ops:2952995
+timestamp_ms:1652997629548.2263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3089168384 nr_ops:3016766
+timestamp_ms:1652997630549.3223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3153093632 nr_ops:3079193
+timestamp_ms:1652997631550.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3216535552 nr_ops:3141148
+timestamp_ms:1652997632551.5203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3279385600 nr_ops:3202525
+timestamp_ms:1652997633552.6213 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3342904320 nr_ops:3264555
+timestamp_ms:1652997634553.7217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3406715904 nr_ops:3326871
+timestamp_ms:1652997635553.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3470448640 nr_ops:3389110
+timestamp_ms:1652997636554.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3533040640 nr_ops:3450235
+timestamp_ms:1652997637555.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3592313856 nr_ops:3508119
+timestamp_ms:1652997638557.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3656430592 nr_ops:3570733
+timestamp_ms:1652997639558.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3720748032 nr_ops:3633543
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140199267792640
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652997640759.0801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3782895616 nr_ops:3694234
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997640759.1655 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997640759.1758 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997640859.3999 name:Total nr_bytes:3782895616 nr_ops:3694235
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997640759.2568 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7565791232 nr_ops:7388470
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997640759.2573 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3782895616 nr_ops:3694237
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 283.74us 0.00ns 283.74us 283.74us
+Txn1 1847117 32.47us 0.00ns 4.17ms 26.05us
+Txn2 1 25.78us 0.00ns 25.78us 25.78us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 283.05us 0.00ns 283.05us 283.05us
+write 1847117 3.21us 0.00ns 84.13us 2.37us
+read 1847117 29.18us 0.00ns 4.17ms 2.65us
+disconnect 1 25.47us 0.00ns 25.47us 25.47us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29619 29619 258.27Mb/s 258.27Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.168 62.36s 3.52GB 485.27Mb/s 3694237 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.52GB 485.27Mb/s 3694237 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:41.499000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:41.499000', 'bytes': 62831616, 'norm_byte': 62831616, 'ops': 61359, 'norm_ops': 61359, 'norm_ltcy': 16.31517005706172, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:41.499000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:41.499000",
+ "bytes": 62831616,
+ "norm_byte": 62831616,
+ "ops": 61359,
+ "norm_ops": 61359,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.31517005706172,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "990ce953a2f1b2c00ce55cc000b206064a8823045ff40848078d3be4ce4a1590",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:42.500000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:42.500000', 'bytes': 124474368, 'norm_byte': 61642752, 'ops': 121557, 'norm_ops': 60198, 'norm_ltcy': 16.62996405481702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:42.500000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:42.500000",
+ "bytes": 124474368,
+ "norm_byte": 61642752,
+ "ops": 121557,
+ "norm_ops": 60198,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.62996405481702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4da02e7de449a3381a9e84735a71a956e6ba296220b3d7b5314d3a6a21619407",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:43.501000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:43.501000', 'bytes': 187075584, 'norm_byte': 62601216, 'ops': 182691, 'norm_ops': 61134, 'norm_ltcy': 16.375644364480078, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:43.501000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:43.501000",
+ "bytes": 187075584,
+ "norm_byte": 62601216,
+ "ops": 182691,
+ "norm_ops": 61134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.375644364480078,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ed97d15ac48a3ca8ba0ab26c0567f0708c6d7832998c30551afb76537be5eff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:44.502000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:44.502000', 'bytes': 251119616, 'norm_byte': 64044032, 'ops': 245234, 'norm_ops': 62543, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0065499936044, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:44.502000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:44.502000",
+ "bytes": 251119616,
+ "norm_byte": 64044032,
+ "ops": 245234,
+ "norm_ops": 62543,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0065499936044,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b75bbb5e34ec4327f9eef06895466e73829364228c9b8f877b5060d77232e1e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:45.503000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:45.503000', 'bytes': 315003904, 'norm_byte': 63884288, 'ops': 307621, 'norm_ops': 62387, 'norm_ltcy': 16.045885961818968, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:45.503000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:45.503000",
+ "bytes": 315003904,
+ "norm_byte": 63884288,
+ "ops": 307621,
+ "norm_ops": 62387,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.045885961818968,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "151f69cd62a49f57d5153f1286ada4d0ab989fa222c46b7fed25915ed519cf8c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:46.505000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:46.505000', 'bytes': 378094592, 'norm_byte': 63090688, 'ops': 369233, 'norm_ops': 61612, 'norm_ltcy': 16.24860629194597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:46.505000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:46.505000",
+ "bytes": 378094592,
+ "norm_byte": 63090688,
+ "ops": 369233,
+ "norm_ops": 61612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.24860629194597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d825a7e0f3060df4252b26b343bcf2a021a8755dec0f177246be1e40715f3f45",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:47.505000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:47.505000', 'bytes': 440095744, 'norm_byte': 62001152, 'ops': 429781, 'norm_ops': 60548, 'norm_ltcy': 16.52790661050943, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:47.505000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:47.505000",
+ "bytes": 440095744,
+ "norm_byte": 62001152,
+ "ops": 429781,
+ "norm_ops": 60548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.52790661050943,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e3c520a6e45c470bf93367b8cc52bc2d6063c6ea234318af47488bf748012cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:48.506000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:48.506000', 'bytes': 503403520, 'norm_byte': 63307776, 'ops': 491605, 'norm_ops': 61824, 'norm_ltcy': 16.191004719546616, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:48.506000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:48.506000",
+ "bytes": 503403520,
+ "norm_byte": 63307776,
+ "ops": 491605,
+ "norm_ops": 61824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.191004719546616,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f413a14ae1804fcfac8c84c304985045ed3c8e83bc358fbcd5e9e2c780c9c7eb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:49.507000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:49.507000', 'bytes': 567682048, 'norm_byte': 64278528, 'ops': 554377, 'norm_ops': 62772, 'norm_ltcy': 15.948152235222315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:49.507000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:49.507000",
+ "bytes": 567682048,
+ "norm_byte": 64278528,
+ "ops": 554377,
+ "norm_ops": 62772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.948152235222315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "529efb2a27328e1d33082a5c89292cc8161a5bd979547af124c776cba89475f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:50.508000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:50.508000', 'bytes': 631227392, 'norm_byte': 63545344, 'ops': 616433, 'norm_ops': 62056, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12920688571613, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:50.508000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:50.508000",
+ "bytes": 631227392,
+ "norm_byte": 63545344,
+ "ops": 616433,
+ "norm_ops": 62056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12920688571613,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6fc8920f8934c2471263fdb02d23fb0b7bd9c83d40c1a76ba264949ecf796483",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:51.509000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:51.509000', 'bytes': 694481920, 'norm_byte': 63254528, 'ops': 678205, 'norm_ops': 61772, 'norm_ltcy': 16.206314115568137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:51.509000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:51.509000",
+ "bytes": 694481920,
+ "norm_byte": 63254528,
+ "ops": 678205,
+ "norm_ops": 61772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.206314115568137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bae3cacdb363a2a320dc06a89c50dfb0f728be210c0478d75edc08294c1c3d16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:52.511000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:52.511000', 'bytes': 755702784, 'norm_byte': 61220864, 'ops': 737991, 'norm_ops': 59786, 'norm_ltcy': 16.744618305288864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:52.511000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:52.511000",
+ "bytes": 755702784,
+ "norm_byte": 61220864,
+ "ops": 737991,
+ "norm_ops": 59786,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.744618305288864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc4237410bbfccb25cfde40398ffec5c477acf6c7f3ae3e1df1d31b6f8219edf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:53.511000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:53.511000', 'bytes': 818738176, 'norm_byte': 63035392, 'ops': 799549, 'norm_ops': 61558, 'norm_ltcy': 16.25794997832329, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:53.511000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:53.511000",
+ "bytes": 818738176,
+ "norm_byte": 63035392,
+ "ops": 799549,
+ "norm_ops": 61558,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.25794997832329,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "730b9e60db8934119ae991b6889e2058db024e82f7e25d1d1f142cf82a8078b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:54.512000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:54.512000', 'bytes': 882699264, 'norm_byte': 63961088, 'ops': 862011, 'norm_ops': 62462, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02724847332178, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:54.512000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:54.512000",
+ "bytes": 882699264,
+ "norm_byte": 63961088,
+ "ops": 862011,
+ "norm_ops": 62462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02724847332178,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "469859e17193bcc325684061d20119e5ae6cfab377be95657adf09e63c5e00ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:55.513000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:55.513000', 'bytes': 945032192, 'norm_byte': 62332928, 'ops': 922883, 'norm_ops': 60872, 'norm_ltcy': 16.4451644241708, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:55.513000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:55.513000",
+ "bytes": 945032192,
+ "norm_byte": 62332928,
+ "ops": 922883,
+ "norm_ops": 60872,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.4451644241708,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f75a84b7953f267df1823bc4245021af86ad7942b8c60642c189ed9b98f505f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:56.515000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:56.515000', 'bytes': 1008240640, 'norm_byte': 63208448, 'ops': 984610, 'norm_ops': 61727, 'norm_ltcy': 16.219782045589856, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:56.515000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:56.515000",
+ "bytes": 1008240640,
+ "norm_byte": 63208448,
+ "ops": 984610,
+ "norm_ops": 61727,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.219782045589856,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c60db915ccedaa552635fa64ac433b2b6bfd1e560ac127be116ecc74f5fb797",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:57.516000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:57.516000', 'bytes': 1070393344, 'norm_byte': 62152704, 'ops': 1045306, 'norm_ops': 60696, 'norm_ltcy': 16.493771534059082, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:57.516000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:57.516000",
+ "bytes": 1070393344,
+ "norm_byte": 62152704,
+ "ops": 1045306,
+ "norm_ops": 60696,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.493771534059082,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d685ac6b87cd3c8e4617838aac2d37213f5c7716a0396c65f09450bda14ca113",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:58.517000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:58.517000', 'bytes': 1133902848, 'norm_byte': 63509504, 'ops': 1107327, 'norm_ops': 62021, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14117864941915, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:58.517000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:58.517000",
+ "bytes": 1133902848,
+ "norm_byte": 63509504,
+ "ops": 1107327,
+ "norm_ops": 62021,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14117864941915,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0bf388b7711bc72ae21c17b88381bad9de14f04b6af0d11b193825ac1879e7cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T21:59:59.518000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T21:59:59.518000', 'bytes': 1197394944, 'norm_byte': 63492096, 'ops': 1169331, 'norm_ops': 62004, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14604123322689, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T21:59:59.518000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T21:59:59.518000",
+ "bytes": 1197394944,
+ "norm_byte": 63492096,
+ "ops": 1169331,
+ "norm_ops": 62004,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14604123322689,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a6ce2ab36154d13ea7d46a889831699f29a5b2817dd258e33d5198809f1ac70",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:00.518000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:00.518000', 'bytes': 1259871232, 'norm_byte': 62476288, 'ops': 1230343, 'norm_ops': 61012, 'norm_ltcy': 16.396820822645545, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:00.518000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:00.518000",
+ "bytes": 1259871232,
+ "norm_byte": 62476288,
+ "ops": 1230343,
+ "norm_ops": 61012,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.396820822645545,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "242de8f92d151d85f634a7b3b43aba67912dd6495ea26c5ade579835c53695d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:01.519000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:01.519000', 'bytes': 1321437184, 'norm_byte': 61565952, 'ops': 1290466, 'norm_ops': 60123, 'norm_ltcy': 16.650790196503415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:01.519000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:01.519000",
+ "bytes": 1321437184,
+ "norm_byte": 61565952,
+ "ops": 1290466,
+ "norm_ops": 60123,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.650790196503415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2fe2ff4b3c4d09239be82383a2d7c2016de80ab083cf357dbd53dd6c92f1795a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:02.521000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:02.521000', 'bytes': 1382183936, 'norm_byte': 60746752, 'ops': 1349789, 'norm_ops': 59323, 'norm_ltcy': 16.875334338863087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:02.521000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:02.521000",
+ "bytes": 1382183936,
+ "norm_byte": 60746752,
+ "ops": 1349789,
+ "norm_ops": 59323,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.875334338863087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf6b99a658ce5c1ba02ad7f3bc453d6c5f3c5b8b715c7e85c033cc2b98da2a00",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:03.522000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:03.522000', 'bytes': 1445637120, 'norm_byte': 63453184, 'ops': 1411755, 'norm_ops': 61966, 'norm_ltcy': 16.155639250506326, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:03.522000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:03.522000",
+ "bytes": 1445637120,
+ "norm_byte": 63453184,
+ "ops": 1411755,
+ "norm_ops": 61966,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.155639250506326,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2aaed320b0bb9bb4cbeb30d9447590d9896903e15de912256ddcf5f43a98693f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:04.523000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:04.523000', 'bytes': 1508719616, 'norm_byte': 63082496, 'ops': 1473359, 'norm_ops': 61604, 'norm_ltcy': 16.249571037899322, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:04.523000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:04.523000",
+ "bytes": 1508719616,
+ "norm_byte": 63082496,
+ "ops": 1473359,
+ "norm_ops": 61604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.249571037899322,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8b0fb5c2ac6354294f4f53f60a3cc0e1bf1b81dd0f370c7514fefa0e9338bcd1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:05.523000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:05.523000', 'bytes': 1570526208, 'norm_byte': 61806592, 'ops': 1533717, 'norm_ops': 60358, 'norm_ltcy': 16.577993007606697, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:05.523000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:05.523000",
+ "bytes": 1570526208,
+ "norm_byte": 61806592,
+ "ops": 1533717,
+ "norm_ops": 60358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.577993007606697,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e4ccb2b328c3ca6cb25d776c195001acb8261de4cb9cf8727224c7d355242e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:06.524000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:06.524000', 'bytes': 1633105920, 'norm_byte': 62579712, 'ops': 1594830, 'norm_ops': 61113, 'norm_ltcy': 16.381095681616433, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:06.524000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:06.524000",
+ "bytes": 1633105920,
+ "norm_byte": 62579712,
+ "ops": 1594830,
+ "norm_ops": 61113,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.381095681616433,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb74dd42ffd353c67f7faa6b0c783de4589157802f95baeeea1803683a52a65a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:07.525000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:07.525000', 'bytes': 1695040512, 'norm_byte': 61934592, 'ops': 1655313, 'norm_ops': 60483, 'norm_ltcy': 16.548272409706033, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:07.525000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:07.525000",
+ "bytes": 1695040512,
+ "norm_byte": 61934592,
+ "ops": 1655313,
+ "norm_ops": 60483,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.548272409706033,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03a6321d79f6377aa6c1d85bf0786b6bd47dbbe45bfbea816790db68c341cf0e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:08.526000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:08.526000', 'bytes': 1758936064, 'norm_byte': 63895552, 'ops': 1717711, 'norm_ops': 62398, 'norm_ltcy': 16.042161275952353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:08.526000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:08.526000",
+ "bytes": 1758936064,
+ "norm_byte": 63895552,
+ "ops": 1717711,
+ "norm_ops": 62398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.042161275952353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d93e7f8b246820667c8c856109a5abfe433b1256f62d4860557e940a1934ac0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:09.527000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:09.527000', 'bytes': 1825652736, 'norm_byte': 66716672, 'ops': 1782864, 'norm_ops': 65153, 'norm_ltcy': 15.363907090569507, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:09.527000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:09.527000",
+ "bytes": 1825652736,
+ "norm_byte": 66716672,
+ "ops": 1782864,
+ "norm_ops": 65153,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.363907090569507,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "862a6cf343581532ee5762c6750f79e6b621b460ba7bb290dac290dbe75e95bd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:10.528000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:10.528000', 'bytes': 1888420864, 'norm_byte': 62768128, 'ops': 1844161, 'norm_ops': 61297, 'norm_ltcy': 16.330365946233094, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:10.528000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:10.528000",
+ "bytes": 1888420864,
+ "norm_byte": 62768128,
+ "ops": 1844161,
+ "norm_ops": 61297,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.330365946233094,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0afe92829d951fef4cbc3ed9b242b37e34011ae5078531b7959c19e99feb9b4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:11.529000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:11.529000', 'bytes': 1951418368, 'norm_byte': 62997504, 'ops': 1905682, 'norm_ops': 61521, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27257327528405, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:11.529000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:11.529000",
+ "bytes": 1951418368,
+ "norm_byte": 62997504,
+ "ops": 1905682,
+ "norm_ops": 61521,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27257327528405,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b3bfb39d024ad7d8bf31b71480345fefe4082df600a9b4c6c5498d8d17801bf1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:12.531000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:12.531000', 'bytes': 2013185024, 'norm_byte': 61766656, 'ops': 1966001, 'norm_ops': 60319, 'norm_ltcy': 16.59660027572158, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:12.531000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:12.531000",
+ "bytes": 2013185024,
+ "norm_byte": 61766656,
+ "ops": 1966001,
+ "norm_ops": 60319,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.59660027572158,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a2fc84477c03139744299664b549749dd316d06a3bd69212bce1980fe782e18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:13.532000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:13.532000', 'bytes': 2076623872, 'norm_byte': 63438848, 'ops': 2027953, 'norm_ops': 61952, 'norm_ltcy': 16.159223130911833, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:13.532000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:13.532000",
+ "bytes": 2076623872,
+ "norm_byte": 63438848,
+ "ops": 2027953,
+ "norm_ops": 61952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.159223130911833,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "603f055bf22fc06bead4bc84fc0a71623d7214c936606e07d5b2b1b54ff2e1e6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:14.533000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:14.533000', 'bytes': 2139974656, 'norm_byte': 63350784, 'ops': 2089819, 'norm_ops': 61866, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18252664402701, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:14.533000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:14.533000",
+ "bytes": 2139974656,
+ "norm_byte": 63350784,
+ "ops": 2089819,
+ "norm_ops": 61866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18252664402701,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd943397001cb951b904f82810e21ece888a2e20e5fd00e980030594659c97ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:15.533000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:15.533000', 'bytes': 2202967040, 'norm_byte': 62992384, 'ops': 2151335, 'norm_ops': 61516, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26504959710685, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:15.533000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:15.533000",
+ "bytes": 2202967040,
+ "norm_byte": 62992384,
+ "ops": 2151335,
+ "norm_ops": 61516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26504959710685,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "940ddffd864ef8938ed3dddc97dcfa5372eddb9ed1d1cad840eaa60fcda562a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:16.534000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:16.534000', 'bytes': 2266481664, 'norm_byte': 63514624, 'ops': 2213361, 'norm_ops': 62026, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13896431158909, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:16.534000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:16.534000",
+ "bytes": 2266481664,
+ "norm_byte": 63514624,
+ "ops": 2213361,
+ "norm_ops": 62026,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13896431158909,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22a84a367c216266a2383ebca8e211c7406b3ba482781e9c662c417257d99cd1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:17.535000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:17.535000', 'bytes': 2328720384, 'norm_byte': 62238720, 'ops': 2274141, 'norm_ops': 60780, 'norm_ltcy': 16.470695412759135, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:17.535000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:17.535000",
+ "bytes": 2328720384,
+ "norm_byte": 62238720,
+ "ops": 2274141,
+ "norm_ops": 60780,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.470695412759135,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e395d67dfea8a8127638b7aba4e19cdde3450ab45b64679b77a9dc5d62ca59f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:18.536000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:18.536000', 'bytes': 2391839744, 'norm_byte': 63119360, 'ops': 2335781, 'norm_ops': 61640, 'norm_ltcy': 16.240045051153878, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:18.536000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:18.536000",
+ "bytes": 2391839744,
+ "norm_byte": 63119360,
+ "ops": 2335781,
+ "norm_ops": 61640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.240045051153878,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49d8a51607bb9f320a54e9067fe94fa9c1aadd9db0048024c956d2d78011983d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:19.538000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:19.538000', 'bytes': 2454973440, 'norm_byte': 63133696, 'ops': 2397435, 'norm_ops': 61654, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2372958491136, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:19.538000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:19.538000",
+ "bytes": 2454973440,
+ "norm_byte": 63133696,
+ "ops": 2397435,
+ "norm_ops": 61654,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2372958491136,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c303e9f4e0b041b280c6a6a9c7fc85b0c341b0cb98d7d66e7d57f0b769c4aa7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:20.538000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:20.538000', 'bytes': 2518074368, 'norm_byte': 63100928, 'ops': 2459057, 'norm_ops': 61622, 'norm_ltcy': 16.23999095544205, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:20.538000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:20.538000",
+ "bytes": 2518074368,
+ "norm_byte": 63100928,
+ "ops": 2459057,
+ "norm_ops": 61622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.23999095544205,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3147b305664b9ce6ee7078cf884dc5771dac998f5d08055e07259d7c7ad55200",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:21.539000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:21.539000', 'bytes': 2581324800, 'norm_byte': 63250432, 'ops': 2520825, 'norm_ops': 61768, 'norm_ltcy': 16.207466377462847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:21.539000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:21.539000",
+ "bytes": 2581324800,
+ "norm_byte": 63250432,
+ "ops": 2520825,
+ "norm_ops": 61768,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.207466377462847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d4b4da5ef6d1fcb3e0dcaa57d4205728b32f668f731a7238952b34fac103ab7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:22.541000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:22.541000', 'bytes': 2643459072, 'norm_byte': 62134272, 'ops': 2581503, 'norm_ops': 60678, 'norm_ltcy': 16.498571834880437, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:22.541000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:22.541000",
+ "bytes": 2643459072,
+ "norm_byte": 62134272,
+ "ops": 2581503,
+ "norm_ops": 60678,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.498571834880437,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ae017b95bb51a4977501a596b013026face133e8830863e38f458e47dd01f68",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:23.542000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:23.542000', 'bytes': 2707104768, 'norm_byte': 63645696, 'ops': 2643657, 'norm_ops': 62154, 'norm_ltcy': 16.106646865799064, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:23.542000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:23.542000",
+ "bytes": 2707104768,
+ "norm_byte": 63645696,
+ "ops": 2643657,
+ "norm_ops": 62154,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.106646865799064,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f0a7475cc2f25ffdaad58cb49454e7c6343f68a222ee644399d1811a8225af3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:24.543000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:24.543000', 'bytes': 2770512896, 'norm_byte': 63408128, 'ops': 2705579, 'norm_ops': 61922, 'norm_ltcy': 16.166996761046157, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:24.543000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:24.543000",
+ "bytes": 2770512896,
+ "norm_byte": 63408128,
+ "ops": 2705579,
+ "norm_ops": 61922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.166996761046157,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "244faabba50179f323ea20fd444e59b6214afeaa028c43302e8f567eaf93c2c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:25.543000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:25.543000', 'bytes': 2833599488, 'norm_byte': 63086592, 'ops': 2767187, 'norm_ops': 61608, 'norm_ltcy': 16.24161279785093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:25.543000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:25.543000",
+ "bytes": 2833599488,
+ "norm_byte": 63086592,
+ "ops": 2767187,
+ "norm_ops": 61608,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.24161279785093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4fc0321e56e2d59a3319d3ae11b806c2826eb6a07fc2e911cf7f952b6aea3c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:26.544000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:26.544000', 'bytes': 2895909888, 'norm_byte': 62310400, 'ops': 2828037, 'norm_ops': 60850, 'norm_ltcy': 16.451980728738704, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:26.544000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:26.544000",
+ "bytes": 2895909888,
+ "norm_byte": 62310400,
+ "ops": 2828037,
+ "norm_ops": 60850,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.451980728738704,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f57c97bca6d6aa803e7ad264ceafdc6eb0322d6e35deeee10d224c2f44512440",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:27.546000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:27.546000', 'bytes': 2959606784, 'norm_byte': 63696896, 'ops': 2890241, 'norm_ops': 62204, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0937905043285, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:27.546000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:27.546000",
+ "bytes": 2959606784,
+ "norm_byte": 63696896,
+ "ops": 2890241,
+ "norm_ops": 62204,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0937905043285,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bcace5c85ea16ea1b2536f338ded6a89b96bd93567b9a664c0ccee2079e05c96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:28.547000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:28.547000', 'bytes': 3023866880, 'norm_byte': 64260096, 'ops': 2952995, 'norm_ops': 62754, 'norm_ltcy': 15.95268391755904, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:28.547000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:28.547000",
+ "bytes": 3023866880,
+ "norm_byte": 64260096,
+ "ops": 2952995,
+ "norm_ops": 62754,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.95268391755904,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3208e19801cf48472e8965ec4d1763bc0cfb69b1806f93272a2dc15820b6e797",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:29.548000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:29.548000', 'bytes': 3089168384, 'norm_byte': 65301504, 'ops': 3016766, 'norm_ops': 63771, 'norm_ltcy': 15.698264009355741, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:29.548000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:29.548000",
+ "bytes": 3089168384,
+ "norm_byte": 65301504,
+ "ops": 3016766,
+ "norm_ops": 63771,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.698264009355741,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac78bcbbbb822ab979d24b45fd22482e23c6b35a8ef7af455d2b8dca847baeec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:30.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:30.549000', 'bytes': 3153093632, 'norm_byte': 63925248, 'ops': 3079193, 'norm_ops': 62427, 'norm_ltcy': 16.036265514370786, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:30.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:30.549000",
+ "bytes": 3153093632,
+ "norm_byte": 63925248,
+ "ops": 3079193,
+ "norm_ops": 62427,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.036265514370786,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7faa061f6bf73d601a52b598a41bcac87026a148d7cd077aefa512e68304260",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:31.550000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:31.550000', 'bytes': 3216535552, 'norm_byte': 63441920, 'ops': 3141148, 'norm_ops': 61955, 'norm_ltcy': 16.15848007122105, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:31.550000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:31.550000",
+ "bytes": 3216535552,
+ "norm_byte": 63441920,
+ "ops": 3141148,
+ "norm_ops": 61955,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.15848007122105,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1004ea51888cbe27675b453feaa1bc597b2e0527a7abf1701acc9b812bf6b6fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:32.551000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:32.551000', 'bytes': 3279385600, 'norm_byte': 62850048, 'ops': 3202525, 'norm_ops': 61377, 'norm_ltcy': 16.310659778652834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:32.551000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:32.551000",
+ "bytes": 3279385600,
+ "norm_byte": 62850048,
+ "ops": 3202525,
+ "norm_ops": 61377,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.310659778652834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed1b4270a9d7bc205af35b7a476f75958df1b14ac046e264a3f863197154070c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:33.552000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:33.552000', 'bytes': 3342904320, 'norm_byte': 63518720, 'ops': 3264555, 'norm_ops': 62030, 'norm_ltcy': 16.138982334656617, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:33.552000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:33.552000",
+ "bytes": 3342904320,
+ "norm_byte": 63518720,
+ "ops": 3264555,
+ "norm_ops": 62030,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.138982334656617,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5a95268ddbb2a7e291e5c78c0a502adb18da4ded8cacda4c4872fbb183efb61",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:34.553000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:34.553000', 'bytes': 3406715904, 'norm_byte': 63811584, 'ops': 3326871, 'norm_ops': 62316, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06490053592777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:34.553000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:34.553000",
+ "bytes": 3406715904,
+ "norm_byte": 63811584,
+ "ops": 3326871,
+ "norm_ops": 62316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06490053592777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fa1ed2b28cdf5235f1ade4b125f9bd18ca4b175e8888cc377ca6267be08cfdf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:35.553000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:35.553000', 'bytes': 3470448640, 'norm_byte': 63732736, 'ops': 3389110, 'norm_ops': 62239, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06895552075467, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:35.553000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:35.553000",
+ "bytes": 3470448640,
+ "norm_byte": 63732736,
+ "ops": 3389110,
+ "norm_ops": 62239,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06895552075467,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc93f5f16e6d156dbc914ed00e353614bfc66913e2b99fa8c5b1b79630a05b87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:36.554000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:36.554000', 'bytes': 3533040640, 'norm_byte': 62592000, 'ops': 3450235, 'norm_ops': 61125, 'norm_ltcy': 16.37619024795501, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:36.554000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:36.554000",
+ "bytes": 3533040640,
+ "norm_byte": 62592000,
+ "ops": 3450235,
+ "norm_ops": 61125,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.37619024795501,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f645a734b732dea8843705006d5fc3417835354914cb0c4f9e237858fbe39ba6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:37.555000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:37.555000', 'bytes': 3592313856, 'norm_byte': 59273216, 'ops': 3508119, 'norm_ops': 57884, 'norm_ltcy': 17.294889988759845, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:37.555000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:37.555000",
+ "bytes": 3592313856,
+ "norm_byte": 59273216,
+ "ops": 3508119,
+ "norm_ops": 57884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.294889988759845,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e0d894bd32ebaaae7730c462838e7a935894a6f954e5e4b7cc34bf7d413b6a57",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:38.557000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:38.557000', 'bytes': 3656430592, 'norm_byte': 64116736, 'ops': 3570733, 'norm_ops': 62614, 'norm_ltcy': 15.988333373676413, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:38.557000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:38.557000",
+ "bytes": 3656430592,
+ "norm_byte": 64116736,
+ "ops": 3570733,
+ "norm_ops": 62614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.988333373676413,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cef8bf27a610912111352d66b8d4400a1452d57d50898654dbf3eb4676b11feb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:39.558000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:39.558000', 'bytes': 3720748032, 'norm_byte': 64317440, 'ops': 3633543, 'norm_ops': 62810, 'norm_ltcy': 15.938585242198693, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:39.558000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:39.558000",
+ "bytes": 3720748032,
+ "norm_byte": 64317440,
+ "ops": 3633543,
+ "norm_ops": 62810,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.938585242198693,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bbe6415be4f9986bcdae6653a96023e1fdc1232429573abe83009e01672c90a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:00:40.759000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:00:40.759000', 'bytes': 3782895616, 'norm_byte': 62147584, 'ops': 3694234, 'norm_ops': 60691, 'norm_ltcy': 19.78801782543952, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:00:40.759000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:00:40.759000",
+ "bytes": 3782895616,
+ "norm_byte": 62147584,
+ "ops": 3694234,
+ "norm_ops": 60691,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.78801782543952,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e07f4bdc-551b-59fd-9d84-43a5d7bbe5ad",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10fd8251d62c11f3d376913bc6be320893ffa0aa64892012688928d784d629d0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63048260.266666666
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61570.566666666666
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.751154106967576
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:00:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-073-220519215655/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-073-220519215655/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4814313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-073-220519215655/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-073-220519215655/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-073-220519215655/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-073-220519215655/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-073-220519215655/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-073-220519215655/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3015b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-073-220519215655/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=45
+ vm.swappiness=75
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=170
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-074-220519215857/220519215857-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-074-220519215857/220519215857-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb46533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-074-220519215857/220519215857-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:01:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997701294.4241 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997702295.5415 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997702295.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997703296.7268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35251200 nr_ops:34425\ntimestamp_ms:1652997704297.8669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70595584 nr_ops:68941\ntimestamp_ms:1652997705298.9917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105929728 nr_ops:103447\ntimestamp_ms:1652997706300.0879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141145088 nr_ops:137837\ntimestamp_ms:1652997707301.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176337920 nr_ops:172205\ntimestamp_ms:1652997708302.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211592192 nr_ops:206633\ntimestamp_ms:1652997709303.3164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247223296 nr_ops:241429\ntimestamp_ms:1652997710304.3508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282547200 nr_ops:275925\ntimestamp_ms:1652997711305.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317641728 nr_ops:310197\ntimestamp_ms:1652997712306.5549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352775168 nr_ops:344507\ntimestamp_ms:1652997713307.7412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388115456 nr_ops:379019\ntimestamp_ms:1652997714308.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423255040 nr_ops:413335\ntimestamp_ms:1652997715309.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458701824 nr_ops:447951\ntimestamp_ms:1652997716310.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494001152 nr_ops:482423\ntimestamp_ms:1652997717312.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529390592 nr_ops:516983\ntimestamp_ms:1652997718313.1602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564663296 nr_ops:551429\ntimestamp_ms:1652997719314.2610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600097792 nr_ops:586033\ntimestamp_ms:1652997720315.4346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635503616 nr_ops:620609\ntimestamp_ms:1652997721316.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670811136 nr_ops:655089\ntimestamp_ms:1652997722317.6392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706141184 nr_ops:689591\ntimestamp_ms:1652997723318.7358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741121024 nr_ops:723751\ntimestamp_ms:1652997724319.8525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776262656 nr_ops:758069\ntimestamp_ms:1652997725320.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811469824 nr_ops:792451\ntimestamp_ms:1652997726321.9351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846582784 nr_ops:826741\ntimestamp_ms:1652997727323.0413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881693696 nr_ops:861029\ntimestamp_ms:1652997728324.1375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916884480 nr_ops:895395\ntimestamp_ms:1652997729325.2424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952237056 nr_ops:929919\ntimestamp_ms:1652997730326.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987724800 nr_ops:964575\ntimestamp_ms:1652997731327.3726 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023104000 nr_ops:999125\ntimestamp_ms:1652997732328.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058313216 nr_ops:1033509\ntimestamp_ms:1652997733329.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093811200 nr_ops:1068175\ntimestamp_ms:1652997734330.6392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129280512 nr_ops:1102813\ntimestamp_ms:1652997735331.7354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164542976 nr_ops:1137249\ntimestamp_ms:1652997736332.8467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199857664 nr_ops:1171736\ntimestamp_ms:1652997737333.9568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1235352576 nr_ops:1206399\ntimestamp_ms:1652997738335.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270395904 nr_ops:1240621\ntimestamp_ms:1652997739336.1465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305658368 nr_ops:1275057\ntimestamp_ms:1652997740337.2410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340713984 nr_ops:1309291\ntimestamp_ms:1652997741338.3384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375771648 nr_ops:1343527\ntimestamp_ms:1652997742339.4307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411031040 nr_ops:1377960\ntimestamp_ms:1652997743339.8926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446319104 nr_ops:1412421\ntimestamp_ms:1652997744341.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481694208 nr_ops:1446967\ntimestamp_ms:1652997745342.0435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1516971008 nr_ops:1481417\ntimestamp_ms:1652997746343.1414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552041984 nr_ops:1515666\ntimestamp_ms:1652997747344.1782 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587139584 nr_ops:1549941\ntimestamp_ms:1652997748345.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622569984 nr_ops:1584541\ntimestamp_ms:1652997749346.3657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1658035200 nr_ops:1619175\ntimestamp_ms:1652997750347.4631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693228032 nr_ops:1653543\ntimestamp_ms:1652997751348.5732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728240640 nr_ops:1687735\ntimestamp_ms:1652997752349.6853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763337216 nr_ops:1722009\ntimestamp_ms:1652997753350.7815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799465984 nr_ops:1757291\ntimestamp_ms:1652997754351.9163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835924480 nr_ops:1792895\ntimestamp_ms:1652997755353.0017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1871141888 nr_ops:1827287\ntimestamp_ms:1652997756354.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906461696 nr_ops:1861779\ntimestamp_ms:1652997757355.2153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1934388224 nr_ops:1889051\ntimestamp_ms:1652997758356.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1969929216 nr_ops:1923759\ntimestamp_ms:1652997759357.3928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2005662720 nr_ops:1958655\ntimestamp_ms:1652997760357.8547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040927232 nr_ops:1993093\ntimestamp_ms:1652997761358.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2075898880 nr_ops:2027245\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140378333202176\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2111048704 nr_ops:2061571\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.3215 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.3318 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762660.4683 name:Total nr_bytes:2111048704 nr_ops:2061572\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.4202 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4222097406 nr_ops:4123144\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.4216 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2111048704 nr_ops:2061574\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 227.32us 0.00ns 227.32us 227.32us \nTxn1 1030786 58.22us 0.00ns 204.82ms 24.54us \nTxn2 1 51.38us 0.00ns 51.38us 51.38us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 226.34us 0.00ns 226.34us 226.34us \nwrite 1030786 3.87us 0.00ns 93.78us 2.24us \nread 1030785 54.25us 0.00ns 204.82ms 3.79us \ndisconnect 1 50.54us 0.00ns 50.54us 50.54us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \nnet1 16528 16528 144.12Mb/s 144.12Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.169 62.37s 1.97GB 270.79Mb/s 2061573 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 270.79Mb/s 2061574 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417277, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997701294.4241 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997702295.5415 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997702295.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997703296.7268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35251200 nr_ops:34425\ntimestamp_ms:1652997704297.8669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70595584 nr_ops:68941\ntimestamp_ms:1652997705298.9917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105929728 nr_ops:103447\ntimestamp_ms:1652997706300.0879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141145088 nr_ops:137837\ntimestamp_ms:1652997707301.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176337920 nr_ops:172205\ntimestamp_ms:1652997708302.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211592192 nr_ops:206633\ntimestamp_ms:1652997709303.3164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247223296 nr_ops:241429\ntimestamp_ms:1652997710304.3508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282547200 nr_ops:275925\ntimestamp_ms:1652997711305.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317641728 nr_ops:310197\ntimestamp_ms:1652997712306.5549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352775168 nr_ops:344507\ntimestamp_ms:1652997713307.7412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388115456 nr_ops:379019\ntimestamp_ms:1652997714308.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423255040 nr_ops:413335\ntimestamp_ms:1652997715309.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458701824 nr_ops:447951\ntimestamp_ms:1652997716310.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494001152 nr_ops:482423\ntimestamp_ms:1652997717312.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529390592 nr_ops:516983\ntimestamp_ms:1652997718313.1602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564663296 nr_ops:551429\ntimestamp_ms:1652997719314.2610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600097792 nr_ops:586033\ntimestamp_ms:1652997720315.4346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635503616 nr_ops:620609\ntimestamp_ms:1652997721316.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670811136 nr_ops:655089\ntimestamp_ms:1652997722317.6392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706141184 nr_ops:689591\ntimestamp_ms:1652997723318.7358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741121024 nr_ops:723751\ntimestamp_ms:1652997724319.8525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776262656 nr_ops:758069\ntimestamp_ms:1652997725320.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811469824 nr_ops:792451\ntimestamp_ms:1652997726321.9351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846582784 nr_ops:826741\ntimestamp_ms:1652997727323.0413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881693696 nr_ops:861029\ntimestamp_ms:1652997728324.1375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916884480 nr_ops:895395\ntimestamp_ms:1652997729325.2424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952237056 nr_ops:929919\ntimestamp_ms:1652997730326.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987724800 nr_ops:964575\ntimestamp_ms:1652997731327.3726 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023104000 nr_ops:999125\ntimestamp_ms:1652997732328.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058313216 nr_ops:1033509\ntimestamp_ms:1652997733329.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093811200 nr_ops:1068175\ntimestamp_ms:1652997734330.6392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129280512 nr_ops:1102813\ntimestamp_ms:1652997735331.7354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164542976 nr_ops:1137249\ntimestamp_ms:1652997736332.8467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199857664 nr_ops:1171736\ntimestamp_ms:1652997737333.9568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1235352576 nr_ops:1206399\ntimestamp_ms:1652997738335.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270395904 nr_ops:1240621\ntimestamp_ms:1652997739336.1465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305658368 nr_ops:1275057\ntimestamp_ms:1652997740337.2410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340713984 nr_ops:1309291\ntimestamp_ms:1652997741338.3384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375771648 nr_ops:1343527\ntimestamp_ms:1652997742339.4307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411031040 nr_ops:1377960\ntimestamp_ms:1652997743339.8926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446319104 nr_ops:1412421\ntimestamp_ms:1652997744341.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481694208 nr_ops:1446967\ntimestamp_ms:1652997745342.0435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1516971008 nr_ops:1481417\ntimestamp_ms:1652997746343.1414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552041984 nr_ops:1515666\ntimestamp_ms:1652997747344.1782 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587139584 nr_ops:1549941\ntimestamp_ms:1652997748345.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622569984 nr_ops:1584541\ntimestamp_ms:1652997749346.3657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1658035200 nr_ops:1619175\ntimestamp_ms:1652997750347.4631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693228032 nr_ops:1653543\ntimestamp_ms:1652997751348.5732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728240640 nr_ops:1687735\ntimestamp_ms:1652997752349.6853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763337216 nr_ops:1722009\ntimestamp_ms:1652997753350.7815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799465984 nr_ops:1757291\ntimestamp_ms:1652997754351.9163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835924480 nr_ops:1792895\ntimestamp_ms:1652997755353.0017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1871141888 nr_ops:1827287\ntimestamp_ms:1652997756354.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906461696 nr_ops:1861779\ntimestamp_ms:1652997757355.2153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1934388224 nr_ops:1889051\ntimestamp_ms:1652997758356.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1969929216 nr_ops:1923759\ntimestamp_ms:1652997759357.3928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2005662720 nr_ops:1958655\ntimestamp_ms:1652997760357.8547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040927232 nr_ops:1993093\ntimestamp_ms:1652997761358.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2075898880 nr_ops:2027245\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140378333202176\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2111048704 nr_ops:2061571\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.3215 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.3318 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762660.4683 name:Total nr_bytes:2111048704 nr_ops:2061572\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.4202 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4222097406 nr_ops:4123144\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.4216 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2111048704 nr_ops:2061574\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 227.32us 0.00ns 227.32us 227.32us \nTxn1 1030786 58.22us 0.00ns 204.82ms 24.54us \nTxn2 1 51.38us 0.00ns 51.38us 51.38us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 226.34us 0.00ns 226.34us 226.34us \nwrite 1030786 3.87us 0.00ns 93.78us 2.24us \nread 1030785 54.25us 0.00ns 204.82ms 3.79us \ndisconnect 1 50.54us 0.00ns 50.54us 50.54us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \nnet1 16528 16528 144.12Mb/s 144.12Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.169 62.37s 1.97GB 270.79Mb/s 2061573 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 270.79Mb/s 2061574 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417277, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997701294.4241 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997702295.5415 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997702295.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997703296.7268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35251200 nr_ops:34425\ntimestamp_ms:1652997704297.8669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70595584 nr_ops:68941\ntimestamp_ms:1652997705298.9917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105929728 nr_ops:103447\ntimestamp_ms:1652997706300.0879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141145088 nr_ops:137837\ntimestamp_ms:1652997707301.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176337920 nr_ops:172205\ntimestamp_ms:1652997708302.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211592192 nr_ops:206633\ntimestamp_ms:1652997709303.3164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247223296 nr_ops:241429\ntimestamp_ms:1652997710304.3508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282547200 nr_ops:275925\ntimestamp_ms:1652997711305.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317641728 nr_ops:310197\ntimestamp_ms:1652997712306.5549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352775168 nr_ops:344507\ntimestamp_ms:1652997713307.7412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388115456 nr_ops:379019\ntimestamp_ms:1652997714308.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423255040 nr_ops:413335\ntimestamp_ms:1652997715309.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458701824 nr_ops:447951\ntimestamp_ms:1652997716310.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494001152 nr_ops:482423\ntimestamp_ms:1652997717312.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529390592 nr_ops:516983\ntimestamp_ms:1652997718313.1602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564663296 nr_ops:551429\ntimestamp_ms:1652997719314.2610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600097792 nr_ops:586033\ntimestamp_ms:1652997720315.4346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635503616 nr_ops:620609\ntimestamp_ms:1652997721316.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670811136 nr_ops:655089\ntimestamp_ms:1652997722317.6392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706141184 nr_ops:689591\ntimestamp_ms:1652997723318.7358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741121024 nr_ops:723751\ntimestamp_ms:1652997724319.8525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776262656 nr_ops:758069\ntimestamp_ms:1652997725320.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811469824 nr_ops:792451\ntimestamp_ms:1652997726321.9351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846582784 nr_ops:826741\ntimestamp_ms:1652997727323.0413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881693696 nr_ops:861029\ntimestamp_ms:1652997728324.1375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916884480 nr_ops:895395\ntimestamp_ms:1652997729325.2424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952237056 nr_ops:929919\ntimestamp_ms:1652997730326.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987724800 nr_ops:964575\ntimestamp_ms:1652997731327.3726 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023104000 nr_ops:999125\ntimestamp_ms:1652997732328.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058313216 nr_ops:1033509\ntimestamp_ms:1652997733329.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093811200 nr_ops:1068175\ntimestamp_ms:1652997734330.6392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129280512 nr_ops:1102813\ntimestamp_ms:1652997735331.7354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164542976 nr_ops:1137249\ntimestamp_ms:1652997736332.8467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199857664 nr_ops:1171736\ntimestamp_ms:1652997737333.9568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1235352576 nr_ops:1206399\ntimestamp_ms:1652997738335.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270395904 nr_ops:1240621\ntimestamp_ms:1652997739336.1465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305658368 nr_ops:1275057\ntimestamp_ms:1652997740337.2410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340713984 nr_ops:1309291\ntimestamp_ms:1652997741338.3384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375771648 nr_ops:1343527\ntimestamp_ms:1652997742339.4307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411031040 nr_ops:1377960\ntimestamp_ms:1652997743339.8926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446319104 nr_ops:1412421\ntimestamp_ms:1652997744341.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481694208 nr_ops:1446967\ntimestamp_ms:1652997745342.0435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1516971008 nr_ops:1481417\ntimestamp_ms:1652997746343.1414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552041984 nr_ops:1515666\ntimestamp_ms:1652997747344.1782 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587139584 nr_ops:1549941\ntimestamp_ms:1652997748345.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622569984 nr_ops:1584541\ntimestamp_ms:1652997749346.3657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1658035200 nr_ops:1619175\ntimestamp_ms:1652997750347.4631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693228032 nr_ops:1653543\ntimestamp_ms:1652997751348.5732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728240640 nr_ops:1687735\ntimestamp_ms:1652997752349.6853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763337216 nr_ops:1722009\ntimestamp_ms:1652997753350.7815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799465984 nr_ops:1757291\ntimestamp_ms:1652997754351.9163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835924480 nr_ops:1792895\ntimestamp_ms:1652997755353.0017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1871141888 nr_ops:1827287\ntimestamp_ms:1652997756354.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906461696 nr_ops:1861779\ntimestamp_ms:1652997757355.2153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1934388224 nr_ops:1889051\ntimestamp_ms:1652997758356.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1969929216 nr_ops:1923759\ntimestamp_ms:1652997759357.3928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2005662720 nr_ops:1958655\ntimestamp_ms:1652997760357.8547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040927232 nr_ops:1993093\ntimestamp_ms:1652997761358.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2075898880 nr_ops:2027245\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140378333202176\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2111048704 nr_ops:2061571\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.3215 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.3318 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762660.4683 name:Total nr_bytes:2111048704 nr_ops:2061572\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.4202 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4222097406 nr_ops:4123144\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997762560.4216 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2111048704 nr_ops:2061574\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 227.32us 0.00ns 227.32us 227.32us \nTxn1 1030786 58.22us 0.00ns 204.82ms 24.54us \nTxn2 1 51.38us 0.00ns 51.38us 51.38us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 226.34us 0.00ns 226.34us 226.34us \nwrite 1030786 3.87us 0.00ns 93.78us 2.24us \nread 1030785 54.25us 0.00ns 204.82ms 3.79us \ndisconnect 1 50.54us 0.00ns 50.54us 50.54us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \nnet1 16528 16528 144.12Mb/s 144.12Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.169 62.37s 1.97GB 270.79Mb/s 2061573 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 270.79Mb/s 2061574 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417277, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997701294.4241 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997702295.5415 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997702295.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997703296.7268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35251200 nr_ops:34425
+timestamp_ms:1652997704297.8669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70595584 nr_ops:68941
+timestamp_ms:1652997705298.9917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105929728 nr_ops:103447
+timestamp_ms:1652997706300.0879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141145088 nr_ops:137837
+timestamp_ms:1652997707301.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176337920 nr_ops:172205
+timestamp_ms:1652997708302.2234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211592192 nr_ops:206633
+timestamp_ms:1652997709303.3164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247223296 nr_ops:241429
+timestamp_ms:1652997710304.3508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282547200 nr_ops:275925
+timestamp_ms:1652997711305.4492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317641728 nr_ops:310197
+timestamp_ms:1652997712306.5549 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352775168 nr_ops:344507
+timestamp_ms:1652997713307.7412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388115456 nr_ops:379019
+timestamp_ms:1652997714308.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423255040 nr_ops:413335
+timestamp_ms:1652997715309.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458701824 nr_ops:447951
+timestamp_ms:1652997716310.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494001152 nr_ops:482423
+timestamp_ms:1652997717312.0562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529390592 nr_ops:516983
+timestamp_ms:1652997718313.1602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564663296 nr_ops:551429
+timestamp_ms:1652997719314.2610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600097792 nr_ops:586033
+timestamp_ms:1652997720315.4346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635503616 nr_ops:620609
+timestamp_ms:1652997721316.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670811136 nr_ops:655089
+timestamp_ms:1652997722317.6392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706141184 nr_ops:689591
+timestamp_ms:1652997723318.7358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741121024 nr_ops:723751
+timestamp_ms:1652997724319.8525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776262656 nr_ops:758069
+timestamp_ms:1652997725320.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811469824 nr_ops:792451
+timestamp_ms:1652997726321.9351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846582784 nr_ops:826741
+timestamp_ms:1652997727323.0413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881693696 nr_ops:861029
+timestamp_ms:1652997728324.1375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916884480 nr_ops:895395
+timestamp_ms:1652997729325.2424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952237056 nr_ops:929919
+timestamp_ms:1652997730326.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987724800 nr_ops:964575
+timestamp_ms:1652997731327.3726 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023104000 nr_ops:999125
+timestamp_ms:1652997732328.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058313216 nr_ops:1033509
+timestamp_ms:1652997733329.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093811200 nr_ops:1068175
+timestamp_ms:1652997734330.6392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129280512 nr_ops:1102813
+timestamp_ms:1652997735331.7354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164542976 nr_ops:1137249
+timestamp_ms:1652997736332.8467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199857664 nr_ops:1171736
+timestamp_ms:1652997737333.9568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1235352576 nr_ops:1206399
+timestamp_ms:1652997738335.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270395904 nr_ops:1240621
+timestamp_ms:1652997739336.1465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305658368 nr_ops:1275057
+timestamp_ms:1652997740337.2410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340713984 nr_ops:1309291
+timestamp_ms:1652997741338.3384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375771648 nr_ops:1343527
+timestamp_ms:1652997742339.4307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411031040 nr_ops:1377960
+timestamp_ms:1652997743339.8926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446319104 nr_ops:1412421
+timestamp_ms:1652997744341.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481694208 nr_ops:1446967
+timestamp_ms:1652997745342.0435 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1516971008 nr_ops:1481417
+timestamp_ms:1652997746343.1414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552041984 nr_ops:1515666
+timestamp_ms:1652997747344.1782 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587139584 nr_ops:1549941
+timestamp_ms:1652997748345.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622569984 nr_ops:1584541
+timestamp_ms:1652997749346.3657 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1658035200 nr_ops:1619175
+timestamp_ms:1652997750347.4631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693228032 nr_ops:1653543
+timestamp_ms:1652997751348.5732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728240640 nr_ops:1687735
+timestamp_ms:1652997752349.6853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763337216 nr_ops:1722009
+timestamp_ms:1652997753350.7815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799465984 nr_ops:1757291
+timestamp_ms:1652997754351.9163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835924480 nr_ops:1792895
+timestamp_ms:1652997755353.0017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1871141888 nr_ops:1827287
+timestamp_ms:1652997756354.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906461696 nr_ops:1861779
+timestamp_ms:1652997757355.2153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1934388224 nr_ops:1889051
+timestamp_ms:1652997758356.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1969929216 nr_ops:1923759
+timestamp_ms:1652997759357.3928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2005662720 nr_ops:1958655
+timestamp_ms:1652997760357.8547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040927232 nr_ops:1993093
+timestamp_ms:1652997761358.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2075898880 nr_ops:2027245
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140378333202176
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652997762560.2415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2111048704 nr_ops:2061571
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997762560.3215 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997762560.3318 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997762660.4683 name:Total nr_bytes:2111048704 nr_ops:2061572
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997762560.4202 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4222097406 nr_ops:4123144
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997762560.4216 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2111048704 nr_ops:2061574
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 227.32us 0.00ns 227.32us 227.32us
+Txn1 1030786 58.22us 0.00ns 204.82ms 24.54us
+Txn2 1 51.38us 0.00ns 51.38us 51.38us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 226.34us 0.00ns 226.34us 226.34us
+write 1030786 3.87us 0.00ns 93.78us 2.24us
+read 1030785 54.25us 0.00ns 204.82ms 3.79us
+disconnect 1 50.54us 0.00ns 50.54us 50.54us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s
+net1 16528 16528 144.12Mb/s 144.12Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.169 62.37s 1.97GB 270.79Mb/s 2061573 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.97GB 270.79Mb/s 2061574 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:43.296000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:43.296000', 'bytes': 35251200, 'norm_byte': 35251200, 'ops': 34425, 'norm_ops': 34425, 'norm_ltcy': 29.080478111383442, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:43.296000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:43.296000",
+ "bytes": 35251200,
+ "norm_byte": 35251200,
+ "ops": 34425,
+ "norm_ops": 34425,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.080478111383442,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad8d8fbdb4afb72add5dc9491b195c0e21bd8f7c75d98c11d84a8a479ce8b5dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:44.297000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:44.297000', 'bytes': 70595584, 'norm_byte': 35344384, 'ops': 68941, 'norm_ops': 34516, 'norm_ltcy': 29.00510304550788, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:44.297000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:44.297000",
+ "bytes": 70595584,
+ "norm_byte": 35344384,
+ "ops": 68941,
+ "norm_ops": 34516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.00510304550788,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af383bb7dab90213f78d42a0710557a0c4c614851ecac3a4d277a3f20fbcad8d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:45.298000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:45.298000', 'bytes': 105929728, 'norm_byte': 35334144, 'ops': 103447, 'norm_ops': 34506, 'norm_ltcy': 29.01306311538211, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:45.298000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:45.298000",
+ "bytes": 105929728,
+ "norm_byte": 35334144,
+ "ops": 103447,
+ "norm_ops": 34506,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.01306311538211,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b2647b8840de55ebd838bcb5e04d33d6b5c87672bec18c9e87dacfa00daf378",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:46.300000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:46.300000', 'bytes': 141145088, 'norm_byte': 35215360, 'ops': 137837, 'norm_ops': 34390, 'norm_ltcy': 29.110095708236408, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:46.300000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:46.300000",
+ "bytes": 141145088,
+ "norm_byte": 35215360,
+ "ops": 137837,
+ "norm_ops": 34390,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.110095708236408,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8fd398f400418cb49e66f0ebddef131fa385060cf847087ed114dc81ca883d88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:47.301000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:47.301000', 'bytes': 176337920, 'norm_byte': 35192832, 'ops': 172205, 'norm_ops': 34368, 'norm_ltcy': 29.128907557084354, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:47.301000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:47.301000",
+ "bytes": 176337920,
+ "norm_byte": 35192832,
+ "ops": 172205,
+ "norm_ops": 34368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.128907557084354,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cea20735d73237a664d6f2d8340f148c4ab291d8b432896ab4c59a4c73e70acd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:48.302000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:48.302000', 'bytes': 211592192, 'norm_byte': 35254272, 'ops': 206633, 'norm_ops': 34428, 'norm_ltcy': 29.076135794266296, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:48.302000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:48.302000",
+ "bytes": 211592192,
+ "norm_byte": 35254272,
+ "ops": 206633,
+ "norm_ops": 34428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.076135794266296,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b5a757c834d24bb7572beb9ed0b2615b20ed13be041cb90fbb2579c9d9f7a26e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:49.303000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:49.303000', 'bytes': 247223296, 'norm_byte': 35631104, 'ops': 241429, 'norm_ops': 34796, 'norm_ltcy': 28.77034767151756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:49.303000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:49.303000",
+ "bytes": 247223296,
+ "norm_byte": 35631104,
+ "ops": 241429,
+ "norm_ops": 34796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.77034767151756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d196d31bbd5be4c6b97778033215800e9f21d6561ce8c85102cf7d2d6e7c3f2a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:50.304000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:50.304000', 'bytes': 282547200, 'norm_byte': 35323904, 'ops': 275925, 'norm_ops': 34496, 'norm_ltcy': 29.018855050676166, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:50.304000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:50.304000",
+ "bytes": 282547200,
+ "norm_byte": 35323904,
+ "ops": 275925,
+ "norm_ops": 34496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.018855050676166,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d7674dd5978440cbc6c29889c32ed60646a82c171f06476c3f55f700d7294cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:51.305000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:51.305000', 'bytes': 317641728, 'norm_byte': 35094528, 'ops': 310197, 'norm_ops': 34272, 'norm_ltcy': 29.210387157792805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:51.305000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:51.305000",
+ "bytes": 317641728,
+ "norm_byte": 35094528,
+ "ops": 310197,
+ "norm_ops": 34272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.210387157792805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9ec37c406efcca584f372f31564963601d0d0daca96b3805c8b720b891255f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:52.306000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:52.306000', 'bytes': 352775168, 'norm_byte': 35133440, 'ops': 344507, 'norm_ops': 34310, 'norm_ltcy': 29.178248699814194, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:52.306000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:52.306000",
+ "bytes": 352775168,
+ "norm_byte": 35133440,
+ "ops": 344507,
+ "norm_ops": 34310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.178248699814194,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad37b3aaa0301b7b3a8647e83af8426bdfe6ccd173e702120fadf42229d1061b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:53.307000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:53.307000', 'bytes': 388115456, 'norm_byte': 35340288, 'ops': 379019, 'norm_ops': 34512, 'norm_ltcy': 29.009801787693412, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:53.307000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:53.307000",
+ "bytes": 388115456,
+ "norm_byte": 35340288,
+ "ops": 379019,
+ "norm_ops": 34512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.009801787693412,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a1739d6b7977bdd79d55f40314dcd6efd24afa5d45d7ab8d0e95fa24b6fc8d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:54.308000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:54.308000', 'bytes': 423255040, 'norm_byte': 35139584, 'ops': 413335, 'norm_ops': 34316, 'norm_ltcy': 29.172876662398735, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:54.308000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:54.308000",
+ "bytes": 423255040,
+ "norm_byte": 35139584,
+ "ops": 413335,
+ "norm_ops": 34316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.172876662398735,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d168c0aac66f5376fa4baa7f9d826972e643ee9bcafc770baa6c6e7170246deb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:55.309000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:55.309000', 'bytes': 458701824, 'norm_byte': 35446784, 'ops': 447951, 'norm_ops': 34616, 'norm_ltcy': 28.917313062871937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:55.309000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:55.309000",
+ "bytes": 458701824,
+ "norm_byte": 35446784,
+ "ops": 447951,
+ "norm_ops": 34616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.917313062871937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39b4816adc919faade5abd898a87dd3819b9a916e3bd72485e860bfcb4cd544e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:56.310000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:56.310000', 'bytes': 494001152, 'norm_byte': 35299328, 'ops': 482423, 'norm_ops': 34472, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04092820123941, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:56.310000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:56.310000",
+ "bytes": 494001152,
+ "norm_byte": 35299328,
+ "ops": 482423,
+ "norm_ops": 34472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04092820123941,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4d96ac81d08521ca1026b14d1c2401d0148bd682e49154224336cf5cc71b7a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:57.312000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:57.312000', 'bytes': 529390592, 'norm_byte': 35389440, 'ops': 516983, 'norm_ops': 34560, 'norm_ltcy': 28.967532405146848, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:57.312000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:57.312000",
+ "bytes": 529390592,
+ "norm_byte": 35389440,
+ "ops": 516983,
+ "norm_ops": 34560,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.967532405146848,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d060868a24ebe4b3326e8e5481356f2cdf02b546f09f690f28626d6b2adbc6d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:58.313000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:58.313000', 'bytes': 564663296, 'norm_byte': 35272704, 'ops': 551429, 'norm_ops': 34446, 'norm_ltcy': 29.06299726836933, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:58.313000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:58.313000",
+ "bytes": 564663296,
+ "norm_byte": 35272704,
+ "ops": 551429,
+ "norm_ops": 34446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.06299726836933,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e3972620ecc2e9c2d3d3b5a27dd12f475e219c183ddf4c8971c822e0216eebba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:01:59.314000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:01:59.314000', 'bytes': 600097792, 'norm_byte': 35434496, 'ops': 586033, 'norm_ops': 34604, 'norm_ltcy': 28.93020546983369, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:01:59.314000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:01:59.314000",
+ "bytes": 600097792,
+ "norm_byte": 35434496,
+ "ops": 586033,
+ "norm_ops": 34604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.93020546983369,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "63d571bc9dbc0e8921518d0890f025511465eab43d6bb612201671c2ccb09bd0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:00.315000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:00.315000', 'bytes': 635503616, 'norm_byte': 35405824, 'ops': 620609, 'norm_ops': 34576, 'norm_ltcy': 28.955737621019637, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:00.315000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:00.315000",
+ "bytes": 635503616,
+ "norm_byte": 35405824,
+ "ops": 620609,
+ "norm_ops": 34576,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.955737621019637,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8a980c884236ef650e2da9f51fe06bdcbdf60fdb04c6f8294e9d099890e9b5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:01.316000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:01.316000', 'bytes': 670811136, 'norm_byte': 35307520, 'ops': 655089, 'norm_ops': 34480, 'norm_ltcy': 29.034324699100928, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:01.316000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:01.316000",
+ "bytes": 670811136,
+ "norm_byte": 35307520,
+ "ops": 655089,
+ "norm_ops": 34480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.034324699100928,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81af962a2ed05d918a572928add0c556b97218b41af8154727edf3224864ff58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:02.317000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:02.317000', 'bytes': 706141184, 'norm_byte': 35330048, 'ops': 689591, 'norm_ops': 34502, 'norm_ltcy': 29.015740369217728, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:02.317000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:02.317000",
+ "bytes": 706141184,
+ "norm_byte": 35330048,
+ "ops": 689591,
+ "norm_ops": 34502,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.015740369217728,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "649a86f036f3db43899c39c4d4a55d6ab8fe221c9b020acb8f52507912de785e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:03.318000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:03.318000', 'bytes': 741121024, 'norm_byte': 34979840, 'ops': 723751, 'norm_ops': 34160, 'norm_ltcy': 29.3061088901493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:03.318000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:03.318000",
+ "bytes": 741121024,
+ "norm_byte": 34979840,
+ "ops": 723751,
+ "norm_ops": 34160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.3061088901493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "819ea6c5539b70ff534213013fa14a47ced7d122ef025a8b63291bba2debe795",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:04.319000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:04.319000', 'bytes': 776262656, 'norm_byte': 35141632, 'ops': 758069, 'norm_ops': 34318, 'norm_ltcy': 29.171766979974066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:04.319000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:04.319000",
+ "bytes": 776262656,
+ "norm_byte": 35141632,
+ "ops": 758069,
+ "norm_ops": 34318,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.171766979974066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7d0b17892b04fc078b4b5236c010a46096ebb8c9a011a07fa45627da2d548aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:05.320000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:05.320000', 'bytes': 811469824, 'norm_byte': 35207168, 'ops': 792451, 'norm_ops': 34382, 'norm_ltcy': 29.113631065128555, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:05.320000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:05.320000",
+ "bytes": 811469824,
+ "norm_byte": 35207168,
+ "ops": 792451,
+ "norm_ops": 34382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.113631065128555,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f95944724fc0df5be95f7a68d514058c8fc255dad4d8972920f24c8118d64b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:06.321000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:06.321000', 'bytes': 846582784, 'norm_byte': 35112960, 'ops': 826741, 'norm_ops': 34290, 'norm_ltcy': 29.195032261592303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:06.321000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:06.321000",
+ "bytes": 846582784,
+ "norm_byte": 35112960,
+ "ops": 826741,
+ "norm_ops": 34290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.195032261592303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1abfd819cc296f178ed26d2353be7f8ef8f686381122033f6e6e542cabf72d3d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:07.323000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:07.323000', 'bytes': 881693696, 'norm_byte': 35110912, 'ops': 861029, 'norm_ops': 34288, 'norm_ltcy': 29.196984401886226, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:07.323000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:07.323000",
+ "bytes": 881693696,
+ "norm_byte": 35110912,
+ "ops": 861029,
+ "norm_ops": 34288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.196984401886226,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c52804af4ac590fcd4ed51e305c3b0eedd8edc7b4a476b874ef35cc37e90165",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:08.324000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:08.324000', 'bytes': 916884480, 'norm_byte': 35190784, 'ops': 895395, 'norm_ops': 34366, 'norm_ltcy': 29.13042517040825, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:08.324000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:08.324000",
+ "bytes": 916884480,
+ "norm_byte": 35190784,
+ "ops": 895395,
+ "norm_ops": 34366,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.13042517040825,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79639349062657878ff4c673894e9d2361692fd65af1a4b3ebc91b256b43e0a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:09.325000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:09.325000', 'bytes': 952237056, 'norm_byte': 35352576, 'ops': 929919, 'norm_ops': 34524, 'norm_ltcy': 28.997363586744004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:09.325000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:09.325000",
+ "bytes": 952237056,
+ "norm_byte": 35352576,
+ "ops": 929919,
+ "norm_ops": 34524,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.997363586744004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e5eb92594e47c76e346a94905db7b99e234101ef1f76355e82820df68d2e00e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:10.326000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:10.326000', 'bytes': 987724800, 'norm_byte': 35487744, 'ops': 964575, 'norm_ops': 34656, 'norm_ltcy': 28.884937008111873, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:10.326000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:10.326000",
+ "bytes": 987724800,
+ "norm_byte": 35487744,
+ "ops": 964575,
+ "norm_ops": 34656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.884937008111873,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09a12c50a09b78d0bb83ccdc3e6680046d0401d2460bd722577964de93e053b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:11.327000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:11.327000', 'bytes': 1023104000, 'norm_byte': 35379200, 'ops': 999125, 'norm_ops': 34550, 'norm_ltcy': 28.975217076700435, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:11.327000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:11.327000",
+ "bytes": 1023104000,
+ "norm_byte": 35379200,
+ "ops": 999125,
+ "norm_ops": 34550,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.975217076700435,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "977c44240f1df73b43d3fee74f3593ec6daf1f04d4c3048a619bb383df518c02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:12.328000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:12.328000', 'bytes': 1058313216, 'norm_byte': 35209216, 'ops': 1033509, 'norm_ops': 34384, 'norm_ltcy': 29.115040505304066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:12.328000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:12.328000",
+ "bytes": 1058313216,
+ "norm_byte": 35209216,
+ "ops": 1033509,
+ "norm_ops": 34384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.115040505304066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9af25ef9fcb6f391b756afb1f2632022234d38df3ceb65929e68422d6f8faf0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:13.329000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:13.329000', 'bytes': 1093811200, 'norm_byte': 35497984, 'ops': 1068175, 'norm_ops': 34666, 'norm_ltcy': 28.87823855011034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:13.329000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:13.329000",
+ "bytes": 1093811200,
+ "norm_byte": 35497984,
+ "ops": 1068175,
+ "norm_ops": 34666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.87823855011034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9f229f0503aea40ef83c869bb68b10c9cca4def40a0ebb4188f682af9f80836",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:14.330000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:14.330000', 'bytes': 1129280512, 'norm_byte': 35469312, 'ops': 1102813, 'norm_ops': 34638, 'norm_ltcy': 28.901265409376986, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:14.330000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:14.330000",
+ "bytes": 1129280512,
+ "norm_byte": 35469312,
+ "ops": 1102813,
+ "norm_ops": 34638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.901265409376986,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6105896e12e1bbd92e2b0fe7ff089eb12e4029fa90d0bad2906dfc61fc190539",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:15.331000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:15.331000', 'bytes': 1164542976, 'norm_byte': 35262464, 'ops': 1137249, 'norm_ops': 34436, 'norm_ltcy': 29.071210111692704, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:15.331000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:15.331000",
+ "bytes": 1164542976,
+ "norm_byte": 35262464,
+ "ops": 1137249,
+ "norm_ops": 34436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.071210111692704,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53b1fb199411c7d3b5272d8d9361dbd51433175f773e9bbce20c3027402e0b47",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:16.332000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:16.332000', 'bytes': 1199857664, 'norm_byte': 35314688, 'ops': 1171736, 'norm_ops': 34487, 'norm_ltcy': 29.028657990692146, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:16.332000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:16.332000",
+ "bytes": 1199857664,
+ "norm_byte": 35314688,
+ "ops": 1171736,
+ "norm_ops": 34487,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.028657990692146,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "697799167918e23a0f33ce8371699199dfe3e272b34a442f6f9f2dca60aa83be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:17.333000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:17.333000', 'bytes': 1235352576, 'norm_byte': 35494912, 'ops': 1206399, 'norm_ops': 34663, 'norm_ltcy': 28.881230921209212, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:17.333000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:17.333000",
+ "bytes": 1235352576,
+ "norm_byte": 35494912,
+ "ops": 1206399,
+ "norm_ops": 34663,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.881230921209212,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "249dd64430eff0062dc84f6e853875afca4e84d0c3306831e2c0732aadd221de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:18.335000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:18.335000', 'bytes': 1270395904, 'norm_byte': 35043328, 'ops': 1240621, 'norm_ops': 34222, 'norm_ltcy': 29.252950804215857, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:18.335000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:18.335000",
+ "bytes": 1270395904,
+ "norm_byte": 35043328,
+ "ops": 1240621,
+ "norm_ops": 34222,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.252950804215857,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74ffdcd6bb16bbee4b6d0275dc1751ecd83ffe9af072e15facd80d8aa748f3ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:19.336000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:19.336000', 'bytes': 1305658368, 'norm_byte': 35262464, 'ops': 1275057, 'norm_ops': 34436, 'norm_ltcy': 29.071181752925717, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:19.336000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:19.336000",
+ "bytes": 1305658368,
+ "norm_byte": 35262464,
+ "ops": 1275057,
+ "norm_ops": 34436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.071181752925717,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c1716592725596221e4da9e74cba19074dc39f4dbda8357b9d5d98b9394466f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:20.337000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:20.337000', 'bytes': 1340713984, 'norm_byte': 35055616, 'ops': 1309291, 'norm_ops': 34234, 'norm_ltcy': 29.242696804985542, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:20.337000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:20.337000",
+ "bytes": 1340713984,
+ "norm_byte": 35055616,
+ "ops": 1309291,
+ "norm_ops": 34234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.242696804985542,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c3b0853fd85b794f8d4da45ce2fd4b9575e97994ade597b5e3c401951095970",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:21.338000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:21.338000', 'bytes': 1375771648, 'norm_byte': 35057664, 'ops': 1343527, 'norm_ops': 34236, 'norm_ltcy': 29.241074077268813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:21.338000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:21.338000",
+ "bytes": 1375771648,
+ "norm_byte": 35057664,
+ "ops": 1343527,
+ "norm_ops": 34236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.241074077268813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec2ffcbe7471f3ab06f07a83102539d945e7711aaab023566a885ceeac0e42b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:22.339000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:22.339000', 'bytes': 1411031040, 'norm_byte': 35259392, 'ops': 1377960, 'norm_ops': 34433, 'norm_ltcy': 29.07362951692417, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:22.339000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:22.339000",
+ "bytes": 1411031040,
+ "norm_byte": 35259392,
+ "ops": 1377960,
+ "norm_ops": 34433,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.07362951692417,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49619367335612f813d4a829455aead9610542ec949e7336a26e40117ce1cb84",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:23.339000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:23.339000', 'bytes': 1446319104, 'norm_byte': 35288064, 'ops': 1412421, 'norm_ops': 34461, 'norm_ltcy': 29.031714519674416, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:23.339000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:23.339000",
+ "bytes": 1446319104,
+ "norm_byte": 35288064,
+ "ops": 1412421,
+ "norm_ops": 34461,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.031714519674416,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae1c8b783a2d95fdc055756e6e9f334f592b6d1bd29f43792b7619674e17a398",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:24.341000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:24.341000', 'bytes': 1481694208, 'norm_byte': 35375104, 'ops': 1446967, 'norm_ops': 34546, 'norm_ltcy': 28.97930702903375, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:24.341000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:24.341000",
+ "bytes": 1481694208,
+ "norm_byte": 35375104,
+ "ops": 1446967,
+ "norm_ops": 34546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.97930702903375,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66e820a11a6600e9f77043dcd0b6a4820660d4edd34d285ad0b1df809a49e3a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:25.342000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:25.342000', 'bytes': 1516971008, 'norm_byte': 35276800, 'ops': 1481417, 'norm_ops': 34450, 'norm_ltcy': 29.057525058962263, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:25.342000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:25.342000",
+ "bytes": 1516971008,
+ "norm_byte": 35276800,
+ "ops": 1481417,
+ "norm_ops": 34450,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.057525058962263,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13f341fe3c2a15ffb2093de0c0dd912dc82a01a9043159af096ce3b7ef502169",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:26.343000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:26.343000', 'bytes': 1552041984, 'norm_byte': 35070976, 'ops': 1515666, 'norm_ops': 34249, 'norm_ltcy': 29.229989208170313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:26.343000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:26.343000",
+ "bytes": 1552041984,
+ "norm_byte": 35070976,
+ "ops": 1515666,
+ "norm_ops": 34249,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.229989208170313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b5abb68ee06f41c82bfc937e0bdbceeffa02639fbf2e3f71f82bd9e76833d97",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:27.344000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:27.344000', 'bytes': 1587139584, 'norm_byte': 35097600, 'ops': 1549941, 'norm_ops': 34275, 'norm_ltcy': 29.206035455415755, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:27.344000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:27.344000",
+ "bytes": 1587139584,
+ "norm_byte": 35097600,
+ "ops": 1549941,
+ "norm_ops": 34275,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.206035455415755,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "999e9607d4ffdc8318d42c4ef8489fea19b0c5b9de47c608654d992198145b62",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:28.345000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:28.345000', 'bytes': 1622569984, 'norm_byte': 35430400, 'ops': 1584541, 'norm_ops': 34600, 'norm_ltcy': 28.933183085711708, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:28.345000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:28.345000",
+ "bytes": 1622569984,
+ "norm_byte": 35430400,
+ "ops": 1584541,
+ "norm_ops": 34600,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.933183085711708,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5292d0dbfe099cf0b22aad3e83ee122ff112cc6a9d3558ab964b4b38be002bb4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:29.346000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:29.346000', 'bytes': 1658035200, 'norm_byte': 35465216, 'ops': 1619175, 'norm_ops': 34634, 'norm_ltcy': 28.905103806501558, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:29.346000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:29.346000",
+ "bytes": 1658035200,
+ "norm_byte": 35465216,
+ "ops": 1619175,
+ "norm_ops": 34634,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.905103806501558,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e96a07f8618526c3a5440d713834d5d47ab31d0f648b52422a9f1f302f50a97f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:30.347000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:30.347000', 'bytes': 1693228032, 'norm_byte': 35192832, 'ops': 1653543, 'norm_ops': 34368, 'norm_ltcy': 29.128765482698295, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:30.347000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:30.347000",
+ "bytes": 1693228032,
+ "norm_byte": 35192832,
+ "ops": 1653543,
+ "norm_ops": 34368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.128765482698295,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5dc0436b9faaba977d646ce4c6b8590e7d7dd40fbdaeeca0494e01060fa31e0d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:31.348000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:31.348000', 'bytes': 1728240640, 'norm_byte': 35012608, 'ops': 1687735, 'norm_ops': 34192, 'norm_ltcy': 29.279074269474584, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:31.348000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:31.348000",
+ "bytes": 1728240640,
+ "norm_byte": 35012608,
+ "ops": 1687735,
+ "norm_ops": 34192,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.279074269474584,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "12a9448ce86e9078e59a534646b3a73cafb84b268a2dd61e4710036ce60ed405",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:32.349000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:32.349000', 'bytes': 1763337216, 'norm_byte': 35096576, 'ops': 1722009, 'norm_ops': 34274, 'norm_ltcy': 29.209081535475143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:32.349000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:32.349000",
+ "bytes": 1763337216,
+ "norm_byte": 35096576,
+ "ops": 1722009,
+ "norm_ops": 34274,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.209081535475143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7877606190b7127d8d4c940b206c202753b27599ecca3d6aa00f88a5e92dd16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:33.350000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:33.350000', 'bytes': 1799465984, 'norm_byte': 36128768, 'ops': 1757291, 'norm_ops': 35282, 'norm_ltcy': 28.374133875807775, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:33.350000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:33.350000",
+ "bytes": 1799465984,
+ "norm_byte": 36128768,
+ "ops": 1757291,
+ "norm_ops": 35282,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.374133875807775,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6541218690c634450d55757a37cc52790b742108a4caa6e4b63a8fab16ace167",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:34.351000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:34.351000', 'bytes': 1835924480, 'norm_byte': 36458496, 'ops': 1792895, 'norm_ops': 35604, 'norm_ltcy': 28.118603685681386, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:34.351000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:34.351000",
+ "bytes": 1835924480,
+ "norm_byte": 36458496,
+ "ops": 1792895,
+ "norm_ops": 35604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.118603685681386,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0452757ac8ed0c91bb4dc322bdcb6c6e51344f9e8617d158c1a4df762baa8d65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:35.353000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:35.353000', 'bytes': 1871141888, 'norm_byte': 35217408, 'ops': 1827287, 'norm_ops': 34392, 'norm_ltcy': 29.10809052159659, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:35.353000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:35.353000",
+ "bytes": 1871141888,
+ "norm_byte": 35217408,
+ "ops": 1827287,
+ "norm_ops": 34392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.10809052159659,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9391abb5b8d61bd4c3d91cd7763ec6bd0cf658c4bb4b1eb84e4800a247764b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:36.354000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:36.354000', 'bytes': 1906461696, 'norm_byte': 35319808, 'ops': 1861779, 'norm_ops': 34492, 'norm_ltcy': 29.024641073926563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:36.354000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:36.354000",
+ "bytes": 1906461696,
+ "norm_byte": 35319808,
+ "ops": 1861779,
+ "norm_ops": 34492,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.024641073926563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "818b3ae9678741da2b1dd0e54c5a0bbb2569165971ddb0b8ee6df12940f97e35",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:37.355000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:37.355000', 'bytes': 1934388224, 'norm_byte': 27926528, 'ops': 1889051, 'norm_ops': 27272, 'norm_ltcy': 36.707821323151954, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:37.355000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:37.355000",
+ "bytes": 1934388224,
+ "norm_byte": 27926528,
+ "ops": 1889051,
+ "norm_ops": 27272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.707821323151954,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5582606da908820143344eed873523a930c0e6fa75beab1274b749b7115dbc3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:38.356000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:38.356000', 'bytes': 1969929216, 'norm_byte': 35540992, 'ops': 1923759, 'norm_ops': 34708, 'norm_ltcy': 28.843131334094444, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:38.356000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:38.356000",
+ "bytes": 1969929216,
+ "norm_byte": 35540992,
+ "ops": 1923759,
+ "norm_ops": 34708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.843131334094444,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d3a1b0257c52a3f7f0bda0413b5dc78674f5f009c210f2a2809ff5335effce5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:39.357000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:39.357000', 'bytes': 2005662720, 'norm_byte': 35733504, 'ops': 1958655, 'norm_ops': 34896, 'norm_ltcy': 28.687817741019742, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:39.357000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:39.357000",
+ "bytes": 2005662720,
+ "norm_byte": 35733504,
+ "ops": 1958655,
+ "norm_ops": 34896,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.687817741019742,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1d75ce9b025d7f89ba5803b82c970e7e4168a4b873ced34de87c9bf8e542a0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:40.357000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:40.357000', 'bytes': 2040927232, 'norm_byte': 35264512, 'ops': 1993093, 'norm_ops': 34438, 'norm_ltcy': 29.051103840597598, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:40.357000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:40.357000",
+ "bytes": 2040927232,
+ "norm_byte": 35264512,
+ "ops": 1993093,
+ "norm_ops": 34438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.051103840597598,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9d647e0bd434378b10edd3c1b0ec21921ea5fb3e4b4b8675dc1436e40b8ff30",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:41.358000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:41.358000', 'bytes': 2075898880, 'norm_byte': 34971648, 'ops': 2027245, 'norm_ops': 34152, 'norm_ltcy': 29.312837930886186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:41.358000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:41.358000",
+ "bytes": 2075898880,
+ "norm_byte": 34971648,
+ "ops": 2027245,
+ "norm_ops": 34152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.312837930886186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ee5cbea9a499f92e0d0ef21ede4b4bba7035915b35d628a0ef50b6c4c8dc206",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:02:42.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:02:42.560000', 'bytes': 2111048704, 'norm_byte': 35149824, 'ops': 2061571, 'norm_ops': 34326, 'norm_ltcy': 34.996640381471046, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:02:42.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:02:42.560000",
+ "bytes": 2111048704,
+ "norm_byte": 35149824,
+ "ops": 2061571,
+ "norm_ops": 34326,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.996640381471046,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "53d1988d-81ce-5bf0-93ae-e4f9f45fe555",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e3e4e005b579197883d1bbd852edf6d81ee67cb71f94825b435b1aa1559935b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35184145.06666667
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34359.51666666667
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.306445342186144
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:02:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-074-220519215857/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-074-220519215857/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfff52b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-074-220519215857/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-074-220519215857/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-074-220519215857/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-074-220519215857/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-074-220519215857/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-074-220519215857/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c01b162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-074-220519215857/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=80
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-075-220519220059/220519220059-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-075-220519220059/220519220059-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8580d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-075-220519220059/220519220059-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:03:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997822772.4089 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997823773.5117 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997823773.7144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997824774.8157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:42972160 nr_ops:41965\ntimestamp_ms:1652997825775.9187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:86866944 nr_ops:84831\ntimestamp_ms:1652997826777.0188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:138054656 nr_ops:134819\ntimestamp_ms:1652997827778.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:184271872 nr_ops:179953\ntimestamp_ms:1652997828779.1511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:227787776 nr_ops:222449\ntimestamp_ms:1652997829780.1929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271166464 nr_ops:264811\ntimestamp_ms:1652997830781.2893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314819584 nr_ops:307441\ntimestamp_ms:1652997831782.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:358424576 nr_ops:350024\ntimestamp_ms:1652997832783.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:401636352 nr_ops:392223\ntimestamp_ms:1652997833784.5706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444886016 nr_ops:434459\ntimestamp_ms:1652997834785.6743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487926784 nr_ops:476491\ntimestamp_ms:1652997835786.7781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530854912 nr_ops:518413\ntimestamp_ms:1652997836787.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574192640 nr_ops:560735\ntimestamp_ms:1652997837788.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617075712 nr_ops:602613\ntimestamp_ms:1652997838789.4861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:659712000 nr_ops:644250\ntimestamp_ms:1652997839790.5869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702794752 nr_ops:686323\ntimestamp_ms:1652997840791.6890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:745864192 nr_ops:728383\ntimestamp_ms:1652997841792.7800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:788628480 nr_ops:770145\ntimestamp_ms:1652997842793.8716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831984640 nr_ops:812485\ntimestamp_ms:1652997843794.9690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874991616 nr_ops:854484\ntimestamp_ms:1652997844796.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917865472 nr_ops:896353\ntimestamp_ms:1652997845797.1589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:960759808 nr_ops:938242\ntimestamp_ms:1652997846798.1943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1003719680 nr_ops:980195\ntimestamp_ms:1652997847798.4529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046838272 nr_ops:1022303\ntimestamp_ms:1652997848798.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089743872 nr_ops:1064203\ntimestamp_ms:1652997849799.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1132639232 nr_ops:1106093\ntimestamp_ms:1652997850801.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1175960576 nr_ops:1148399\ntimestamp_ms:1652997851802.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1223672832 nr_ops:1194993\ntimestamp_ms:1652997852803.2207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267743744 nr_ops:1238031\ntimestamp_ms:1652997853804.3147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310788608 nr_ops:1280067\ntimestamp_ms:1652997854805.4058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1357030400 nr_ops:1325225\ntimestamp_ms:1652997855806.5032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1401312256 nr_ops:1368469\ntimestamp_ms:1652997856807.5996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448430592 nr_ops:1414483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997857808.7014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1492038656 nr_ops:1457069\ntimestamp_ms:1652997858809.7976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535861760 nr_ops:1499865\ntimestamp_ms:1652997859810.8945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579788288 nr_ops:1542762\ntimestamp_ms:1652997860812.0046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622723584 nr_ops:1584691\ntimestamp_ms:1652997861812.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1666251776 nr_ops:1627199\ntimestamp_ms:1652997862813.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708925952 nr_ops:1668873\ntimestamp_ms:1652997863814.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1754354688 nr_ops:1713237\ntimestamp_ms:1652997864816.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1796822016 nr_ops:1754709\ntimestamp_ms:1652997865817.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839598592 nr_ops:1796483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997866818.1567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1882395648 nr_ops:1838277\ntimestamp_ms:1652997867819.2527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1925061632 nr_ops:1879943\ntimestamp_ms:1652997868820.3457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967559680 nr_ops:1921445\ntimestamp_ms:1652997869821.4385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2010352640 nr_ops:1963235\ntimestamp_ms:1652997870822.4783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2053458944 nr_ops:2005331\ntimestamp_ms:1652997871823.0891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2096565248 nr_ops:2047427\ntimestamp_ms:1652997872823.8438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139913216 nr_ops:2089759\ntimestamp_ms:1652997873824.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2183060480 nr_ops:2131895\ntimestamp_ms:1652997874825.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2226316288 nr_ops:2174137\ntimestamp_ms:1652997875827.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2274036736 nr_ops:2220739\ntimestamp_ms:1652997876828.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2321767424 nr_ops:2267351\ntimestamp_ms:1652997877829.2134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2364679168 nr_ops:2309257\ntimestamp_ms:1652997878830.3010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2407435264 nr_ops:2351011\ntimestamp_ms:1652997879831.3950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2450522112 nr_ops:2393088\ntimestamp_ms:1652997880832.4895 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493473792 nr_ops:2435033\ntimestamp_ms:1652997881833.5823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2536711168 nr_ops:2477257\ntimestamp_ms:1652997882834.7659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579610624 nr_ops:2519151\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139662529869568\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.0891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2622481408 nr_ops:2561017\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.1411 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.1455 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884136.3545 name:Total nr_bytes:2622481408 nr_ops:2561018\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.1682 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5244962814 nr_ops:5122036\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.1692 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2622481408 nr_ops:2561020\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 236.09us 0.00ns 236.09us 236.09us \nTxn1 1280509 46.87us 0.00ns 2.00ms 18.71us \nTxn2 1 21.71us 0.00ns 21.71us 21.71us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 223.85us 0.00ns 223.85us 223.85us \nwrite 1280509 2.46us 0.00ns 104.61us 2.15us \nread 1280508 44.33us 0.00ns 2.00ms 2.47us \ndisconnect 1 21.29us 0.00ns 21.29us 21.29us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 20533 20533 179.04Mb/s 179.04Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.37b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.170 62.37s 2.44GB 336.40Mb/s 2561020 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.44GB 336.40Mb/s 2561020 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414851, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997822772.4089 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997823773.5117 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997823773.7144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997824774.8157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:42972160 nr_ops:41965\ntimestamp_ms:1652997825775.9187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:86866944 nr_ops:84831\ntimestamp_ms:1652997826777.0188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:138054656 nr_ops:134819\ntimestamp_ms:1652997827778.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:184271872 nr_ops:179953\ntimestamp_ms:1652997828779.1511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:227787776 nr_ops:222449\ntimestamp_ms:1652997829780.1929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271166464 nr_ops:264811\ntimestamp_ms:1652997830781.2893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314819584 nr_ops:307441\ntimestamp_ms:1652997831782.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:358424576 nr_ops:350024\ntimestamp_ms:1652997832783.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:401636352 nr_ops:392223\ntimestamp_ms:1652997833784.5706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444886016 nr_ops:434459\ntimestamp_ms:1652997834785.6743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487926784 nr_ops:476491\ntimestamp_ms:1652997835786.7781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530854912 nr_ops:518413\ntimestamp_ms:1652997836787.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574192640 nr_ops:560735\ntimestamp_ms:1652997837788.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617075712 nr_ops:602613\ntimestamp_ms:1652997838789.4861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:659712000 nr_ops:644250\ntimestamp_ms:1652997839790.5869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702794752 nr_ops:686323\ntimestamp_ms:1652997840791.6890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:745864192 nr_ops:728383\ntimestamp_ms:1652997841792.7800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:788628480 nr_ops:770145\ntimestamp_ms:1652997842793.8716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831984640 nr_ops:812485\ntimestamp_ms:1652997843794.9690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874991616 nr_ops:854484\ntimestamp_ms:1652997844796.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917865472 nr_ops:896353\ntimestamp_ms:1652997845797.1589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:960759808 nr_ops:938242\ntimestamp_ms:1652997846798.1943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1003719680 nr_ops:980195\ntimestamp_ms:1652997847798.4529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046838272 nr_ops:1022303\ntimestamp_ms:1652997848798.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089743872 nr_ops:1064203\ntimestamp_ms:1652997849799.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1132639232 nr_ops:1106093\ntimestamp_ms:1652997850801.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1175960576 nr_ops:1148399\ntimestamp_ms:1652997851802.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1223672832 nr_ops:1194993\ntimestamp_ms:1652997852803.2207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267743744 nr_ops:1238031\ntimestamp_ms:1652997853804.3147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310788608 nr_ops:1280067\ntimestamp_ms:1652997854805.4058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1357030400 nr_ops:1325225\ntimestamp_ms:1652997855806.5032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1401312256 nr_ops:1368469\ntimestamp_ms:1652997856807.5996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448430592 nr_ops:1414483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997857808.7014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1492038656 nr_ops:1457069\ntimestamp_ms:1652997858809.7976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535861760 nr_ops:1499865\ntimestamp_ms:1652997859810.8945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579788288 nr_ops:1542762\ntimestamp_ms:1652997860812.0046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622723584 nr_ops:1584691\ntimestamp_ms:1652997861812.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1666251776 nr_ops:1627199\ntimestamp_ms:1652997862813.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708925952 nr_ops:1668873\ntimestamp_ms:1652997863814.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1754354688 nr_ops:1713237\ntimestamp_ms:1652997864816.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1796822016 nr_ops:1754709\ntimestamp_ms:1652997865817.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839598592 nr_ops:1796483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997866818.1567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1882395648 nr_ops:1838277\ntimestamp_ms:1652997867819.2527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1925061632 nr_ops:1879943\ntimestamp_ms:1652997868820.3457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967559680 nr_ops:1921445\ntimestamp_ms:1652997869821.4385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2010352640 nr_ops:1963235\ntimestamp_ms:1652997870822.4783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2053458944 nr_ops:2005331\ntimestamp_ms:1652997871823.0891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2096565248 nr_ops:2047427\ntimestamp_ms:1652997872823.8438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139913216 nr_ops:2089759\ntimestamp_ms:1652997873824.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2183060480 nr_ops:2131895\ntimestamp_ms:1652997874825.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2226316288 nr_ops:2174137\ntimestamp_ms:1652997875827.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2274036736 nr_ops:2220739\ntimestamp_ms:1652997876828.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2321767424 nr_ops:2267351\ntimestamp_ms:1652997877829.2134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2364679168 nr_ops:2309257\ntimestamp_ms:1652997878830.3010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2407435264 nr_ops:2351011\ntimestamp_ms:1652997879831.3950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2450522112 nr_ops:2393088\ntimestamp_ms:1652997880832.4895 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493473792 nr_ops:2435033\ntimestamp_ms:1652997881833.5823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2536711168 nr_ops:2477257\ntimestamp_ms:1652997882834.7659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579610624 nr_ops:2519151\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139662529869568\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.0891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2622481408 nr_ops:2561017\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.1411 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.1455 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884136.3545 name:Total nr_bytes:2622481408 nr_ops:2561018\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.1682 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5244962814 nr_ops:5122036\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.1692 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2622481408 nr_ops:2561020\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 236.09us 0.00ns 236.09us 236.09us \nTxn1 1280509 46.87us 0.00ns 2.00ms 18.71us \nTxn2 1 21.71us 0.00ns 21.71us 21.71us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 223.85us 0.00ns 223.85us 223.85us \nwrite 1280509 2.46us 0.00ns 104.61us 2.15us \nread 1280508 44.33us 0.00ns 2.00ms 2.47us \ndisconnect 1 21.29us 0.00ns 21.29us 21.29us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 20533 20533 179.04Mb/s 179.04Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.37b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.170 62.37s 2.44GB 336.40Mb/s 2561020 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.44GB 336.40Mb/s 2561020 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414851, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997822772.4089 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997823773.5117 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997823773.7144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997824774.8157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:42972160 nr_ops:41965\ntimestamp_ms:1652997825775.9187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:86866944 nr_ops:84831\ntimestamp_ms:1652997826777.0188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:138054656 nr_ops:134819\ntimestamp_ms:1652997827778.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:184271872 nr_ops:179953\ntimestamp_ms:1652997828779.1511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:227787776 nr_ops:222449\ntimestamp_ms:1652997829780.1929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271166464 nr_ops:264811\ntimestamp_ms:1652997830781.2893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314819584 nr_ops:307441\ntimestamp_ms:1652997831782.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:358424576 nr_ops:350024\ntimestamp_ms:1652997832783.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:401636352 nr_ops:392223\ntimestamp_ms:1652997833784.5706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444886016 nr_ops:434459\ntimestamp_ms:1652997834785.6743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487926784 nr_ops:476491\ntimestamp_ms:1652997835786.7781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530854912 nr_ops:518413\ntimestamp_ms:1652997836787.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574192640 nr_ops:560735\ntimestamp_ms:1652997837788.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617075712 nr_ops:602613\ntimestamp_ms:1652997838789.4861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:659712000 nr_ops:644250\ntimestamp_ms:1652997839790.5869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702794752 nr_ops:686323\ntimestamp_ms:1652997840791.6890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:745864192 nr_ops:728383\ntimestamp_ms:1652997841792.7800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:788628480 nr_ops:770145\ntimestamp_ms:1652997842793.8716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831984640 nr_ops:812485\ntimestamp_ms:1652997843794.9690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874991616 nr_ops:854484\ntimestamp_ms:1652997844796.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917865472 nr_ops:896353\ntimestamp_ms:1652997845797.1589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:960759808 nr_ops:938242\ntimestamp_ms:1652997846798.1943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1003719680 nr_ops:980195\ntimestamp_ms:1652997847798.4529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046838272 nr_ops:1022303\ntimestamp_ms:1652997848798.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089743872 nr_ops:1064203\ntimestamp_ms:1652997849799.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1132639232 nr_ops:1106093\ntimestamp_ms:1652997850801.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1175960576 nr_ops:1148399\ntimestamp_ms:1652997851802.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1223672832 nr_ops:1194993\ntimestamp_ms:1652997852803.2207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267743744 nr_ops:1238031\ntimestamp_ms:1652997853804.3147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310788608 nr_ops:1280067\ntimestamp_ms:1652997854805.4058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1357030400 nr_ops:1325225\ntimestamp_ms:1652997855806.5032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1401312256 nr_ops:1368469\ntimestamp_ms:1652997856807.5996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448430592 nr_ops:1414483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997857808.7014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1492038656 nr_ops:1457069\ntimestamp_ms:1652997858809.7976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535861760 nr_ops:1499865\ntimestamp_ms:1652997859810.8945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579788288 nr_ops:1542762\ntimestamp_ms:1652997860812.0046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622723584 nr_ops:1584691\ntimestamp_ms:1652997861812.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1666251776 nr_ops:1627199\ntimestamp_ms:1652997862813.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708925952 nr_ops:1668873\ntimestamp_ms:1652997863814.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1754354688 nr_ops:1713237\ntimestamp_ms:1652997864816.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1796822016 nr_ops:1754709\ntimestamp_ms:1652997865817.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839598592 nr_ops:1796483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997866818.1567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1882395648 nr_ops:1838277\ntimestamp_ms:1652997867819.2527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1925061632 nr_ops:1879943\ntimestamp_ms:1652997868820.3457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967559680 nr_ops:1921445\ntimestamp_ms:1652997869821.4385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2010352640 nr_ops:1963235\ntimestamp_ms:1652997870822.4783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2053458944 nr_ops:2005331\ntimestamp_ms:1652997871823.0891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2096565248 nr_ops:2047427\ntimestamp_ms:1652997872823.8438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139913216 nr_ops:2089759\ntimestamp_ms:1652997873824.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2183060480 nr_ops:2131895\ntimestamp_ms:1652997874825.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2226316288 nr_ops:2174137\ntimestamp_ms:1652997875827.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2274036736 nr_ops:2220739\ntimestamp_ms:1652997876828.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2321767424 nr_ops:2267351\ntimestamp_ms:1652997877829.2134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2364679168 nr_ops:2309257\ntimestamp_ms:1652997878830.3010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2407435264 nr_ops:2351011\ntimestamp_ms:1652997879831.3950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2450522112 nr_ops:2393088\ntimestamp_ms:1652997880832.4895 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493473792 nr_ops:2435033\ntimestamp_ms:1652997881833.5823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2536711168 nr_ops:2477257\ntimestamp_ms:1652997882834.7659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579610624 nr_ops:2519151\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139662529869568\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.0891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2622481408 nr_ops:2561017\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.1411 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.1455 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884136.3545 name:Total nr_bytes:2622481408 nr_ops:2561018\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.1682 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5244962814 nr_ops:5122036\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652997884036.1692 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2622481408 nr_ops:2561020\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 236.09us 0.00ns 236.09us 236.09us \nTxn1 1280509 46.87us 0.00ns 2.00ms 18.71us \nTxn2 1 21.71us 0.00ns 21.71us 21.71us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 223.85us 0.00ns 223.85us 223.85us \nwrite 1280509 2.46us 0.00ns 104.61us 2.15us \nread 1280508 44.33us 0.00ns 2.00ms 2.47us \ndisconnect 1 21.29us 0.00ns 21.29us 21.29us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 20533 20533 179.04Mb/s 179.04Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.37b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.170 62.37s 2.44GB 336.40Mb/s 2561020 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.44GB 336.40Mb/s 2561020 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414851, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997822772.4089 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997823773.5117 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997823773.7144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997824774.8157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:42972160 nr_ops:41965
+timestamp_ms:1652997825775.9187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:86866944 nr_ops:84831
+timestamp_ms:1652997826777.0188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:138054656 nr_ops:134819
+timestamp_ms:1652997827778.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:184271872 nr_ops:179953
+timestamp_ms:1652997828779.1511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:227787776 nr_ops:222449
+timestamp_ms:1652997829780.1929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:271166464 nr_ops:264811
+timestamp_ms:1652997830781.2893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314819584 nr_ops:307441
+timestamp_ms:1652997831782.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:358424576 nr_ops:350024
+timestamp_ms:1652997832783.4792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:401636352 nr_ops:392223
+timestamp_ms:1652997833784.5706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444886016 nr_ops:434459
+timestamp_ms:1652997834785.6743 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:487926784 nr_ops:476491
+timestamp_ms:1652997835786.7781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530854912 nr_ops:518413
+timestamp_ms:1652997836787.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574192640 nr_ops:560735
+timestamp_ms:1652997837788.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:617075712 nr_ops:602613
+timestamp_ms:1652997838789.4861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:659712000 nr_ops:644250
+timestamp_ms:1652997839790.5869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702794752 nr_ops:686323
+timestamp_ms:1652997840791.6890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:745864192 nr_ops:728383
+timestamp_ms:1652997841792.7800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:788628480 nr_ops:770145
+timestamp_ms:1652997842793.8716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831984640 nr_ops:812485
+timestamp_ms:1652997843794.9690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:874991616 nr_ops:854484
+timestamp_ms:1652997844796.0591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917865472 nr_ops:896353
+timestamp_ms:1652997845797.1589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:960759808 nr_ops:938242
+timestamp_ms:1652997846798.1943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1003719680 nr_ops:980195
+timestamp_ms:1652997847798.4529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046838272 nr_ops:1022303
+timestamp_ms:1652997848798.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089743872 nr_ops:1064203
+timestamp_ms:1652997849799.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1132639232 nr_ops:1106093
+timestamp_ms:1652997850801.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1175960576 nr_ops:1148399
+timestamp_ms:1652997851802.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1223672832 nr_ops:1194993
+timestamp_ms:1652997852803.2207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267743744 nr_ops:1238031
+timestamp_ms:1652997853804.3147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310788608 nr_ops:1280067
+timestamp_ms:1652997854805.4058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1357030400 nr_ops:1325225
+timestamp_ms:1652997855806.5032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1401312256 nr_ops:1368469
+timestamp_ms:1652997856807.5996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448430592 nr_ops:1414483
+timestamp_ms:1652997857808.7014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1492038656 nr_ops:1457069
+timestamp_ms:1652997858809.7976 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535861760 nr_ops:1499865
+timestamp_ms:1652997859810.8945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579788288 nr_ops:1542762
+timestamp_ms:1652997860812.0046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622723584 nr_ops:1584691
+timestamp_ms:1652997861812.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1666251776 nr_ops:1627199
+timestamp_ms:1652997862813.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708925952 nr_ops:1668873
+timestamp_ms:1652997863814.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1754354688 nr_ops:1713237
+timestamp_ms:1652997864816.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1796822016 nr_ops:1754709
+timestamp_ms:1652997865817.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839598592 nr_ops:1796483
+timestamp_ms:1652997866818.1567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1882395648 nr_ops:1838277
+timestamp_ms:1652997867819.2527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1925061632 nr_ops:1879943
+timestamp_ms:1652997868820.3457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967559680 nr_ops:1921445
+timestamp_ms:1652997869821.4385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2010352640 nr_ops:1963235
+timestamp_ms:1652997870822.4783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2053458944 nr_ops:2005331
+timestamp_ms:1652997871823.0891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2096565248 nr_ops:2047427
+timestamp_ms:1652997872823.8438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139913216 nr_ops:2089759
+timestamp_ms:1652997873824.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2183060480 nr_ops:2131895
+timestamp_ms:1652997874825.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2226316288 nr_ops:2174137
+timestamp_ms:1652997875827.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2274036736 nr_ops:2220739
+timestamp_ms:1652997876828.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2321767424 nr_ops:2267351
+timestamp_ms:1652997877829.2134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2364679168 nr_ops:2309257
+timestamp_ms:1652997878830.3010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2407435264 nr_ops:2351011
+timestamp_ms:1652997879831.3950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2450522112 nr_ops:2393088
+timestamp_ms:1652997880832.4895 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493473792 nr_ops:2435033
+timestamp_ms:1652997881833.5823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2536711168 nr_ops:2477257
+timestamp_ms:1652997882834.7659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2579610624 nr_ops:2519151
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139662529869568
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652997884036.0891 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2622481408 nr_ops:2561017
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997884036.1411 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997884036.1455 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997884136.3545 name:Total nr_bytes:2622481408 nr_ops:2561018
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997884036.1682 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5244962814 nr_ops:5122036
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652997884036.1692 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2622481408 nr_ops:2561020
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 236.09us 0.00ns 236.09us 236.09us
+Txn1 1280509 46.87us 0.00ns 2.00ms 18.71us
+Txn2 1 21.71us 0.00ns 21.71us 21.71us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 223.85us 0.00ns 223.85us 223.85us
+write 1280509 2.46us 0.00ns 104.61us 2.15us
+read 1280508 44.33us 0.00ns 2.00ms 2.47us
+disconnect 1 21.29us 0.00ns 21.29us 21.29us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 20533 20533 179.04Mb/s 179.04Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.37b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.170 62.37s 2.44GB 336.40Mb/s 2561020 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.44GB 336.40Mb/s 2561020 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:44.774000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:44.774000', 'bytes': 42972160, 'norm_byte': 42972160, 'ops': 41965, 'norm_ops': 41965, 'norm_ltcy': 23.855625363025737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:44.774000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:44.774000",
+ "bytes": 42972160,
+ "norm_byte": 42972160,
+ "ops": 41965,
+ "norm_ops": 41965,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.855625363025737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2250f7fdfd0ccda7e04ea2214ad8534a1edfca6a61fa7568540fb2edfad9ade",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:45.775000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:45.775000', 'bytes': 86866944, 'norm_byte': 43894784, 'ops': 84831, 'norm_ops': 42866, 'norm_ltcy': 23.35424409424136, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:45.775000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:45.775000",
+ "bytes": 86866944,
+ "norm_byte": 43894784,
+ "ops": 84831,
+ "norm_ops": 42866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.35424409424136,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8b6e144aac2db7cd17a120a16cd52ebc9c09425f9ce5711e1c15a498bf420c25",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:46.777000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:46.777000', 'bytes': 138054656, 'norm_byte': 51187712, 'ops': 134819, 'norm_ops': 49988, 'norm_ltcy': 20.026808387137912, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:46.777000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:46.777000",
+ "bytes": 138054656,
+ "norm_byte": 51187712,
+ "ops": 134819,
+ "norm_ops": 49988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.026808387137912,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "212268bdbb758d5669a44d275e04e1be818f463a43376e529f7b1e24eccf68ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:47.778000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:47.778000', 'bytes': 184271872, 'norm_byte': 46217216, 'ops': 179953, 'norm_ops': 45134, 'norm_ltcy': 22.180473830357933, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:47.778000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:47.778000",
+ "bytes": 184271872,
+ "norm_byte": 46217216,
+ "ops": 179953,
+ "norm_ops": 45134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.180473830357933,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f82cec425aafd4ddb9a5f4a5dbf1bf61bc57eddf6943463c4e9e237db16aa33b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:48.779000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:48.779000', 'bytes': 227787776, 'norm_byte': 43515904, 'ops': 222449, 'norm_ops': 42496, 'norm_ltcy': 23.55607159166451, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:48.779000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:48.779000",
+ "bytes": 227787776,
+ "norm_byte": 43515904,
+ "ops": 222449,
+ "norm_ops": 42496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.55607159166451,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76fd6f15927a19df4280e7c1dc3920178f3018cb7f37acf2aba2ad5778182266",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:49.780000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:49.780000', 'bytes': 271166464, 'norm_byte': 43378688, 'ops': 264811, 'norm_ops': 42362, 'norm_ltcy': 23.630653605752208, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:49.780000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:49.780000",
+ "bytes": 271166464,
+ "norm_byte": 43378688,
+ "ops": 264811,
+ "norm_ops": 42362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.630653605752208,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9710e0640d12b7bcd5e2f61b46e584238f7418d77f0b4acf64abfe977aaf61cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:50.781000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:50.781000', 'bytes': 314819584, 'norm_byte': 43653120, 'ops': 307441, 'norm_ops': 42630, 'norm_ltcy': 23.483378736731762, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:50.781000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:50.781000",
+ "bytes": 314819584,
+ "norm_byte": 43653120,
+ "ops": 307441,
+ "norm_ops": 42630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.483378736731762,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "654ce62a7676b357565e14dea267c99ea9cb83a64321b5ad1a2c88933e0890d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:51.782000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:51.782000', 'bytes': 358424576, 'norm_byte': 43604992, 'ops': 350024, 'norm_ops': 42583, 'norm_ltcy': 23.50920050621727, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:51.782000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:51.782000",
+ "bytes": 358424576,
+ "norm_byte": 43604992,
+ "ops": 350024,
+ "norm_ops": 42583,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.50920050621727,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8326d3117d25c7b2e9b6d53010c9154fee7a1029217c7e8f033c098c2a6a7ac2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:52.783000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:52.783000', 'bytes': 401636352, 'norm_byte': 43211776, 'ops': 392223, 'norm_ops': 42199, 'norm_ltcy': 23.723255438517498, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:52.783000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:52.783000",
+ "bytes": 401636352,
+ "norm_byte": 43211776,
+ "ops": 392223,
+ "norm_ops": 42199,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.723255438517498,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da76f94d284c1169ad715848a90793281ccd6890af5e75d91fbf9ffb2d20c748",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:53.784000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:53.784000', 'bytes': 444886016, 'norm_byte': 43249664, 'ops': 434459, 'norm_ops': 42236, 'norm_ltcy': 23.702322866600767, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:53.784000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:53.784000",
+ "bytes": 444886016,
+ "norm_byte": 43249664,
+ "ops": 434459,
+ "norm_ops": 42236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.702322866600767,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd9ab149d23eadf959948ef895a1a6e94e2c2d0721dcbabf33ef133b7bbba1a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:54.785000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:54.785000', 'bytes': 487926784, 'norm_byte': 43040768, 'ops': 476491, 'norm_ops': 42032, 'norm_ltcy': 23.817657017644294, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:54.785000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:54.785000",
+ "bytes": 487926784,
+ "norm_byte": 43040768,
+ "ops": 476491,
+ "norm_ops": 42032,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.817657017644294,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50d7496efb70496fdd3520f627f415c7d777a65b92e3c6657743e38c7f7e24dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:55.786000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:55.786000', 'bytes': 530854912, 'norm_byte': 42928128, 'ops': 518413, 'norm_ops': 41922, 'norm_ltcy': 23.880152658881375, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:55.786000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:55.786000",
+ "bytes": 530854912,
+ "norm_byte": 42928128,
+ "ops": 518413,
+ "norm_ops": 41922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.880152658881375,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd041cf81883538f59f2756fa61c4514860df57cfeca7bd8f64685086a4f15d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:56.787000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:56.787000', 'bytes': 574192640, 'norm_byte': 43337728, 'ops': 560735, 'norm_ops': 42322, 'norm_ltcy': 23.65427993825611, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:56.787000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:56.787000",
+ "bytes": 574192640,
+ "norm_byte": 43337728,
+ "ops": 560735,
+ "norm_ops": 42322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.65427993825611,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d61234a1bfd33d7359e545ee381724fac066aea90feb6f9063b400840931e0db",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:57.788000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:57.788000', 'bytes': 617075712, 'norm_byte': 42883072, 'ops': 602613, 'norm_ops': 41878, 'norm_ltcy': 23.892382290149364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:57.788000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:57.788000",
+ "bytes": 617075712,
+ "norm_byte": 42883072,
+ "ops": 602613,
+ "norm_ops": 41878,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.892382290149364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6209b8626ed68eddb2c7b2caa5fec3d8dabb5053e561236d201a0d10da5ddb7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:58.789000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:58.789000', 'bytes': 659712000, 'norm_byte': 42636288, 'ops': 644250, 'norm_ops': 41637, 'norm_ltcy': 24.04223134997118, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:58.789000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:58.789000",
+ "bytes": 659712000,
+ "norm_byte": 42636288,
+ "ops": 644250,
+ "norm_ops": 41637,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.04223134997118,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f47e89b398c8c4ed29756bca3ceb771accf1dd61ca30b3d86c3713a046517085",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:03:59.790000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:03:59.790000', 'bytes': 702794752, 'norm_byte': 43082752, 'ops': 686323, 'norm_ops': 42073, 'norm_ltcy': 23.79437715585114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:03:59.790000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:03:59.790000",
+ "bytes": 702794752,
+ "norm_byte": 43082752,
+ "ops": 686323,
+ "norm_ops": 42073,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.79437715585114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90055b215b57643a6d9748476fa62c08d920bd028c31c4cb1119c8a62b9c7013",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:00.791000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:00.791000', 'bytes': 745864192, 'norm_byte': 43069440, 'ops': 728383, 'norm_ops': 42060, 'norm_ltcy': 23.801760598698287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:00.791000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:00.791000",
+ "bytes": 745864192,
+ "norm_byte": 43069440,
+ "ops": 728383,
+ "norm_ops": 42060,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.801760598698287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a8b6e01915d4826e8f3145e6969f88046c6338f8c0440652dd9cc057179d813",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:01.792000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:01.792000', 'bytes': 788628480, 'norm_byte': 42764288, 'ops': 770145, 'norm_ops': 41762, 'norm_ltcy': 23.971339122961663, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:01.792000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:01.792000",
+ "bytes": 788628480,
+ "norm_byte": 42764288,
+ "ops": 770145,
+ "norm_ops": 41762,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.971339122961663,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d44613595f60db62d1fec7a7925f443b241e75fa70f13a3bfc1f6b263ff7675b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:02.793000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:02.793000', 'bytes': 831984640, 'norm_byte': 43356160, 'ops': 812485, 'norm_ops': 42340, 'norm_ltcy': 23.64410847270607, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:02.793000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:02.793000",
+ "bytes": 831984640,
+ "norm_byte": 43356160,
+ "ops": 812485,
+ "norm_ops": 42340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.64410847270607,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "169842e82d466f2d4cb768df8ecba604e586dac187bfb7a6e17d2105bac348d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:03.794000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:03.794000', 'bytes': 874991616, 'norm_byte': 43006976, 'ops': 854484, 'norm_ops': 41999, 'norm_ltcy': 23.836220198323176, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:03.794000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:03.794000",
+ "bytes": 874991616,
+ "norm_byte": 43006976,
+ "ops": 854484,
+ "norm_ops": 41999,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.836220198323176,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68e3889ffbdc7c29e236b2156e6dbf5abb43d489b0ae3a14433fc18f792152bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:04.796000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:04.796000', 'bytes': 917865472, 'norm_byte': 42873856, 'ops': 896353, 'norm_ops': 41869, 'norm_ltcy': 23.910054882863815, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:04.796000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:04.796000",
+ "bytes": 917865472,
+ "norm_byte": 42873856,
+ "ops": 896353,
+ "norm_ops": 41869,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.910054882863815,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a5b21f5d8f39537564bc063521d0c0d69321737ed269abb5ca613d5413c9c6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:05.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:05.797000', 'bytes': 960759808, 'norm_byte': 42894336, 'ops': 938242, 'norm_ops': 41889, 'norm_ltcy': 23.89887210283428, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:05.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:05.797000",
+ "bytes": 960759808,
+ "norm_byte": 42894336,
+ "ops": 938242,
+ "norm_ops": 41889,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.89887210283428,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ccd55bef7d7fc6977a19e9dbdf0bf0346707062232afdee90c17b14e36d2b49e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:06.798000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:06.798000', 'bytes': 1003719680, 'norm_byte': 42959872, 'ops': 980195, 'norm_ops': 41953, 'norm_ltcy': 23.86087765810848, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:06.798000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:06.798000",
+ "bytes": 1003719680,
+ "norm_byte": 42959872,
+ "ops": 980195,
+ "norm_ops": 41953,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.86087765810848,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "195dae4004efb196cab7e3e0d4c61d03cae13f7f2474a2608133c2e2a97437c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:07.798000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:07.798000', 'bytes': 1046838272, 'norm_byte': 43118592, 'ops': 1022303, 'norm_ops': 42108, 'norm_ltcy': 23.754596393128978, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:07.798000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:07.798000",
+ "bytes": 1046838272,
+ "norm_byte": 43118592,
+ "ops": 1022303,
+ "norm_ops": 42108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.754596393128978,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "72f76f1c7c05c495add0d9b13ebeef93563c45fca9d8aa3bfa28f6194432d45a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:08.798000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:08.798000', 'bytes': 1089743872, 'norm_byte': 42905600, 'ops': 1064203, 'norm_ops': 41900, 'norm_ltcy': 23.875554706145582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:08.798000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:08.798000",
+ "bytes": 1089743872,
+ "norm_byte": 42905600,
+ "ops": 1064203,
+ "norm_ops": 41900,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.875554706145582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67020f1a80b1ddb76fe2af94160eaf811de01d65084a8c0aa261cdd39aa16692",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:09.799000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:09.799000', 'bytes': 1132639232, 'norm_byte': 42895360, 'ops': 1106093, 'norm_ops': 41890, 'norm_ltcy': 23.898202509548817, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:09.799000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:09.799000",
+ "bytes": 1132639232,
+ "norm_byte": 42895360,
+ "ops": 1106093,
+ "norm_ops": 41890,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.898202509548817,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d82af80c143169cf9f2ccba4df9e43029ac64e701abd65616f4de895d7ae53c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:10.801000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:10.801000', 'bytes': 1175960576, 'norm_byte': 43321344, 'ops': 1148399, 'norm_ops': 42306, 'norm_ltcy': 23.663191289725454, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:10.801000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:10.801000",
+ "bytes": 1175960576,
+ "norm_byte": 43321344,
+ "ops": 1148399,
+ "norm_ops": 42306,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.663191289725454,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c178c5cc2af6ee5ad5265fd780d3b43cebeadd479f6595ddb142a6542d2695a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:11.802000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:11.802000', 'bytes': 1223672832, 'norm_byte': 47712256, 'ops': 1194993, 'norm_ops': 46594, 'norm_ltcy': 21.485559182110357, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:11.802000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:11.802000",
+ "bytes": 1223672832,
+ "norm_byte": 47712256,
+ "ops": 1194993,
+ "norm_ops": 46594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.485559182110357,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f01a2c92d68bff40151576f6ba409d8ce0d4a8ddc871587d7644ae2a21f251d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:12.803000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:12.803000', 'bytes': 1267743744, 'norm_byte': 44070912, 'ops': 1238031, 'norm_ops': 43038, 'norm_ltcy': 23.260682692475257, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:12.803000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:12.803000",
+ "bytes": 1267743744,
+ "norm_byte": 44070912,
+ "ops": 1238031,
+ "norm_ops": 43038,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.260682692475257,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e3521397822533e66f6ca1624ff40af08541d8ccdbef6fef4b3e74dbb94f968d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:13.804000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:13.804000', 'bytes': 1310788608, 'norm_byte': 43044864, 'ops': 1280067, 'norm_ops': 42036, 'norm_ltcy': 23.81515829623715, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:13.804000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:13.804000",
+ "bytes": 1310788608,
+ "norm_byte": 43044864,
+ "ops": 1280067,
+ "norm_ops": 42036,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.81515829623715,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "197584cd1efadd766ca7686aa1f5543909ebed02b3a33e4d23a4007b6f9bf7a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:14.805000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:14.805000', 'bytes': 1357030400, 'norm_byte': 46241792, 'ops': 1325225, 'norm_ops': 45158, 'norm_ltcy': 22.16863157033361, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:14.805000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:14.805000",
+ "bytes": 1357030400,
+ "norm_byte": 46241792,
+ "ops": 1325225,
+ "norm_ops": 45158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.16863157033361,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6af270fcd13cd76fda1854264b79a58d40ccf91c008daf06090ef081ccdaf5d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:15.806000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:15.806000', 'bytes': 1401312256, 'norm_byte': 44281856, 'ops': 1368469, 'norm_ops': 43244, 'norm_ltcy': 23.149972530510013, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:15.806000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:15.806000",
+ "bytes": 1401312256,
+ "norm_byte": 44281856,
+ "ops": 1368469,
+ "norm_ops": 43244,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.149972530510013,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eefe42f57570db75f175d8cd17873d1369b6c09733fb5906e823c1ebdc56908b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:16.807000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:16.807000', 'bytes': 1448430592, 'norm_byte': 47118336, 'ops': 1414483, 'norm_ops': 46014, 'norm_ltcy': 21.75634449399911, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:16.807000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:16.807000",
+ "bytes": 1448430592,
+ "norm_byte": 47118336,
+ "ops": 1414483,
+ "norm_ops": 46014,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.75634449399911,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db6e8ec1243a28a41d66268da80dc06a53a1f1d445691368476896fe2b9f9969",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:17.808000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:17.808000', 'bytes': 1492038656, 'norm_byte': 43608064, 'ops': 1457069, 'norm_ops': 42586, 'norm_ltcy': 23.507767966952166, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:17.808000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:17.808000",
+ "bytes": 1492038656,
+ "norm_byte": 43608064,
+ "ops": 1457069,
+ "norm_ops": 42586,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.507767966952166,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74cff6fa7bf595a662dd2b81f98a61c221cbd15399b78f3eae4df192507e509f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:18.809000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:18.809000', 'bytes': 1535861760, 'norm_byte': 43823104, 'ops': 1499865, 'norm_ops': 42796, 'norm_ltcy': 23.392284124830592, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:18.809000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:18.809000",
+ "bytes": 1535861760,
+ "norm_byte": 43823104,
+ "ops": 1499865,
+ "norm_ops": 42796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.392284124830592,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e305b7590a69e90a76e77381631542f8c2687b5906ef72bf29d5fecaff38f8e3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:19.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:19.810000', 'bytes': 1579788288, 'norm_byte': 43926528, 'ops': 1542762, 'norm_ops': 42897, 'norm_ltcy': 23.33722460377474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:19.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:19.810000",
+ "bytes": 1579788288,
+ "norm_byte": 43926528,
+ "ops": 1542762,
+ "norm_ops": 42897,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.33722460377474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e0b3e2b20409661483d04d381945ef5b5a826e332473da271efd4ca5aee3a26",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:20.812000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:20.812000', 'bytes': 1622723584, 'norm_byte': 42935296, 'ops': 1584691, 'norm_ops': 41929, 'norm_ltcy': 23.876317284501777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:20.812000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:20.812000",
+ "bytes": 1622723584,
+ "norm_byte": 42935296,
+ "ops": 1584691,
+ "norm_ops": 41929,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.876317284501777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77912a301db52f5ea3a64ce8953e5922f6d513f2aa181dbf978f2a489e4585a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:21.812000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:21.812000', 'bytes': 1666251776, 'norm_byte': 43528192, 'ops': 1627199, 'norm_ops': 42508, 'norm_ltcy': 23.547331118186577, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:21.812000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:21.812000",
+ "bytes": 1666251776,
+ "norm_byte": 43528192,
+ "ops": 1627199,
+ "norm_ops": 42508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.547331118186577,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7bf43ba6a57197d9ded841938f4f1e18805011f949ce3c3f2254b5ddcbc3dc4b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:22.813000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:22.813000', 'bytes': 1708925952, 'norm_byte': 42674176, 'ops': 1668873, 'norm_ops': 41674, 'norm_ltcy': 24.01704839010834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:22.813000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:22.813000",
+ "bytes": 1708925952,
+ "norm_byte": 42674176,
+ "ops": 1668873,
+ "norm_ops": 41674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.01704839010834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7830e51c11d0e4499beaf3033a9edf3d94cc329f741f6bf6913f5943de4d760",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:23.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:23.814000', 'bytes': 1754354688, 'norm_byte': 45428736, 'ops': 1713237, 'norm_ops': 44364, 'norm_ltcy': 22.565540894644304, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:23.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:23.814000",
+ "bytes": 1754354688,
+ "norm_byte": 45428736,
+ "ops": 1713237,
+ "norm_ops": 44364,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.565540894644304,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efe08b41944a610c0b244d717cb4a6428949f39dcf01237f34d68cb3627446b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:24.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:24.816000', 'bytes': 1796822016, 'norm_byte': 42467328, 'ops': 1754709, 'norm_ops': 41472, 'norm_ltcy': 24.13895100723078, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:24.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:24.816000",
+ "bytes": 1796822016,
+ "norm_byte": 42467328,
+ "ops": 1754709,
+ "norm_ops": 41472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.13895100723078,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "902e75d4be35679ade4c4e650383b267febf14b9e2df284f498fa25bf36bd252",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:25.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:25.817000', 'bytes': 1839598592, 'norm_byte': 42776576, 'ops': 1796483, 'norm_ops': 41774, 'norm_ltcy': 23.96313229932195, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:25.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:25.817000",
+ "bytes": 1839598592,
+ "norm_byte": 42776576,
+ "ops": 1796483,
+ "norm_ops": 41774,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.96313229932195,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0fdbbba3be49b1047e85a8b1ed19e11ee364d9fe12210a8e54058baf2bdfaa80",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:26.818000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:26.818000', 'bytes': 1882395648, 'norm_byte': 42797056, 'ops': 1838277, 'norm_ops': 41794, 'norm_ltcy': 23.952996907076972, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:26.818000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:26.818000",
+ "bytes": 1882395648,
+ "norm_byte": 42797056,
+ "ops": 1838277,
+ "norm_ops": 41794,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.952996907076972,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "800521a3563056ca0ecd51ae432f0d999f6955e5517c5e83c0bdad65e11b27c7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:27.819000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:27.819000', 'bytes': 1925061632, 'norm_byte': 42665984, 'ops': 1879943, 'norm_ops': 41666, 'norm_ltcy': 24.026687161369583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:27.819000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:27.819000",
+ "bytes": 1925061632,
+ "norm_byte": 42665984,
+ "ops": 1879943,
+ "norm_ops": 41666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.026687161369583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6aa3b2650b95f44c4fd9fd84b574baf95297d3fb3c51cc64a5efca5a78592bce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:28.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:28.820000', 'bytes': 1967559680, 'norm_byte': 42498048, 'ops': 1921445, 'norm_ops': 41502, 'norm_ltcy': 24.121560830276252, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:28.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:28.820000",
+ "bytes": 1967559680,
+ "norm_byte": 42498048,
+ "ops": 1921445,
+ "norm_ops": 41502,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.121560830276252,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "773564a7db442ce35d79f7a1eeb4aebc87d1fee31a7370f342880144758d5dc6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:29.821000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:29.821000', 'bytes': 2010352640, 'norm_byte': 42792960, 'ops': 1963235, 'norm_ops': 41790, 'norm_ltcy': 23.955318818796364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:29.821000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:29.821000",
+ "bytes": 2010352640,
+ "norm_byte": 42792960,
+ "ops": 1963235,
+ "norm_ops": 41790,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.955318818796364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aae0d4912e6b6d1b3663c5add997f45034984769ef62b345db847b65dfbca2a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:30.822000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:30.822000', 'bytes': 2053458944, 'norm_byte': 43106304, 'ops': 2005331, 'norm_ops': 42096, 'norm_ltcy': 23.77992671327145, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:30.822000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:30.822000",
+ "bytes": 2053458944,
+ "norm_byte": 43106304,
+ "ops": 2005331,
+ "norm_ops": 42096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.77992671327145,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b47d8e3d86818550f81c94f5c54eb008272a7f63df6569485642831f22b8b68b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:31.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:31.823000', 'bytes': 2096565248, 'norm_byte': 43106304, 'ops': 2047427, 'norm_ops': 42096, 'norm_ltcy': 23.76973678838251, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:31.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:31.823000",
+ "bytes": 2096565248,
+ "norm_byte": 43106304,
+ "ops": 2047427,
+ "norm_ops": 42096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.76973678838251,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfb2b3e9c569176fe4df1eea5cb9fab114448c0ac448e28a060b79edc7125321",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:32.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:32.823000', 'bytes': 2139913216, 'norm_byte': 43347968, 'ops': 2089759, 'norm_ops': 42332, 'norm_ltcy': 23.640617940845576, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:32.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:32.823000",
+ "bytes": 2139913216,
+ "norm_byte": 43347968,
+ "ops": 2089759,
+ "norm_ops": 42332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.640617940845576,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "649cdae6f5f3cfbf223579bd60e72f55453e4accb4793e1db3556165c157b1b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:33.824000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:33.824000', 'bytes': 2183060480, 'norm_byte': 43147264, 'ops': 2131895, 'norm_ops': 42136, 'norm_ltcy': 23.75623979309557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:33.824000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:33.824000",
+ "bytes": 2183060480,
+ "norm_byte": 43147264,
+ "ops": 2131895,
+ "norm_ops": 42136,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.75623979309557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "025f17dbada516c8a613b414eb9f4d5f945252ec547016afd4a09508c7c43b50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:34.825000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:34.825000', 'bytes': 2226316288, 'norm_byte': 43255808, 'ops': 2174137, 'norm_ops': 42242, 'norm_ltcy': 23.699586191986057, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:34.825000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:34.825000",
+ "bytes": 2226316288,
+ "norm_byte": 43255808,
+ "ops": 2174137,
+ "norm_ops": 42242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.699586191986057,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "696a71ea4995d3b135634f43c1b92cabc9bc4e45630a6ad151ee41dd3d433d46",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:35.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:35.827000', 'bytes': 2274036736, 'norm_byte': 47720448, 'ops': 2220739, 'norm_ops': 46602, 'norm_ltcy': 21.482562359850434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:35.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:35.827000",
+ "bytes": 2274036736,
+ "norm_byte": 47720448,
+ "ops": 2220739,
+ "norm_ops": 46602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.482562359850434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "088654445b23e93f5a7ff7a85fc8423f74552e53911b6c64a7e4caad0bc6c7a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:36.828000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:36.828000', 'bytes': 2321767424, 'norm_byte': 47730688, 'ops': 2267351, 'norm_ops': 46612, 'norm_ltcy': 21.47596845869894, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:36.828000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:36.828000",
+ "bytes": 2321767424,
+ "norm_byte": 47730688,
+ "ops": 2267351,
+ "norm_ops": 46612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.47596845869894,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a31e51374550453a846884eaf8413edd38f99ffa9bd4eb087145733bbf7ecd3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:37.829000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:37.829000', 'bytes': 2364679168, 'norm_byte': 42911744, 'ops': 2309257, 'norm_ops': 41906, 'norm_ltcy': 23.888955666775043, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:37.829000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:37.829000",
+ "bytes": 2364679168,
+ "norm_byte": 42911744,
+ "ops": 2309257,
+ "norm_ops": 41906,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.888955666775043,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8caff1943ae98c27761c4d5ab6b3323f225993f640db0540075b6856574e61a3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:38.830000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:38.830000', 'bytes': 2407435264, 'norm_byte': 42756096, 'ops': 2351011, 'norm_ops': 41754, 'norm_ltcy': 23.97585013374467, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:38.830000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:38.830000",
+ "bytes": 2407435264,
+ "norm_byte": 42756096,
+ "ops": 2351011,
+ "norm_ops": 41754,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.97585013374467,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "62e3f348ee66758c4db00a9707d9731ee8a9baca1046e58ccc70405ba9bb517a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:39.831000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:39.831000', 'bytes': 2450522112, 'norm_byte': 43086848, 'ops': 2393088, 'norm_ops': 42077, 'norm_ltcy': 23.791952709095824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:39.831000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:39.831000",
+ "bytes": 2450522112,
+ "norm_byte": 43086848,
+ "ops": 2393088,
+ "norm_ops": 42077,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.791952709095824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c107fd49b940cb546be16cf3f81936d5b9ac8157a2afae51082979c2ec0d2ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:40.832000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:40.832000', 'bytes': 2493473792, 'norm_byte': 42951680, 'ops': 2435033, 'norm_ops': 41945, 'norm_ltcy': 23.866837106255215, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:40.832000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:40.832000",
+ "bytes": 2493473792,
+ "norm_byte": 42951680,
+ "ops": 2435033,
+ "norm_ops": 41945,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.866837106255215,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5cd5d1db57a29d1c410c6e1e4bdd071bb85a9b7ca952868ba81aceb383cdf13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:41.833000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:41.833000', 'bytes': 2536711168, 'norm_byte': 43237376, 'ops': 2477257, 'norm_ops': 42224, 'norm_ltcy': 23.70909372483659, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:41.833000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:41.833000",
+ "bytes": 2536711168,
+ "norm_byte": 43237376,
+ "ops": 2477257,
+ "norm_ops": 42224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.70909372483659,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04d0bce6cc7b578909ceaa04e3766022f9cad7ff320fabfd651907eea6770ea4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:42.834000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:42.834000', 'bytes': 2579610624, 'norm_byte': 42899456, 'ops': 2519151, 'norm_ops': 41894, 'norm_ltcy': 23.898018660190004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:42.834000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:42.834000",
+ "bytes": 2579610624,
+ "norm_byte": 42899456,
+ "ops": 2519151,
+ "norm_ops": 41894,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.898018660190004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "97b11cf2f319c269b42b5d19d471dc5c775139cf61f2c1172de80db3ae31f669",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:04:44.036000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:04:44.036000', 'bytes': 2622481408, 'norm_byte': 42870784, 'ops': 2561017, 'norm_ops': 41866, 'norm_ltcy': 28.694483403895763, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:04:44.036000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:04:44.036000",
+ "bytes": 2622481408,
+ "norm_byte": 42870784,
+ "ops": 2561017,
+ "norm_ops": 41866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.694483403895763,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9f37b5c8-ec0f-58f2-8408-5206157b382a",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c50e6d13495ba3bafc795b5113fa3daf1269f9e400611b73df60e8ed17e5c1a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 43708023.46666667
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 42683.61666666667
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.046197823986432
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:04:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-075-220519220059/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-075-220519220059/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d8270a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-075-220519220059/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-075-220519220059/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-075-220519220059/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-075-220519220059/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-075-220519220059/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-075-220519220059/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ea87cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-075-220519220059/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=5
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=95
+ net.core.busy_read=180
+ net.core.busy_poll=90
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-076-220519220300/220519220300-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-076-220519220300/220519220300-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..206f8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-076-220519220300/220519220300-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:05:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997944499.4324 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997945499.8557 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997945499.9153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997946500.9924 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35437568 nr_ops:34607\ntimestamp_ms:1652997947502.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70433792 nr_ops:68783\ntimestamp_ms:1652997948502.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105544704 nr_ops:103071\ntimestamp_ms:1652997949503.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140880896 nr_ops:137579\ntimestamp_ms:1652997950505.0454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176202752 nr_ops:172073\ntimestamp_ms:1652997951506.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211493888 nr_ops:206537\ntimestamp_ms:1652997952507.2493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247682048 nr_ops:241877\ntimestamp_ms:1652997953508.3584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283304960 nr_ops:276665\ntimestamp_ms:1652997954509.4797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318671872 nr_ops:311203\ntimestamp_ms:1652997955510.5974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354012160 nr_ops:345715\ntimestamp_ms:1652997956511.7056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389125120 nr_ops:380005\ntimestamp_ms:1652997957512.8044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424494080 nr_ops:414545\ntimestamp_ms:1652997958513.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459758592 nr_ops:448983\ntimestamp_ms:1652997959515.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495205376 nr_ops:483599\ntimestamp_ms:1652997960516.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530791424 nr_ops:518351\ntimestamp_ms:1652997961517.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566254592 nr_ops:552983\ntimestamp_ms:1652997962518.3254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:601422848 nr_ops:587327\ntimestamp_ms:1652997963519.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636666880 nr_ops:621745\ntimestamp_ms:1652997964520.5999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672025600 nr_ops:656275\ntimestamp_ms:1652997965521.6404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:707113984 nr_ops:690541\ntimestamp_ms:1652997966522.7366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741927936 nr_ops:724539\ntimestamp_ms:1652997967523.7700 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777997312 nr_ops:759763\ntimestamp_ms:1652997968524.8569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813966336 nr_ops:794889\ntimestamp_ms:1652997969525.9487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:849585152 nr_ops:829673\ntimestamp_ms:1652997970526.9890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884710400 nr_ops:863975\ntimestamp_ms:1652997971528.1003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919933952 nr_ops:898373\ntimestamp_ms:1652997972529.1992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955042816 nr_ops:932659\ntimestamp_ms:1652997973530.2974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990288896 nr_ops:967079\ntimestamp_ms:1652997974531.3984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025444864 nr_ops:1001411\ntimestamp_ms:1652997975531.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060637696 nr_ops:1035779\ntimestamp_ms:1652997976532.9609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095920640 nr_ops:1070235\ntimestamp_ms:1652997977534.0557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131070464 nr_ops:1104561\ntimestamp_ms:1652997978535.1758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166401536 nr_ops:1139064\ntimestamp_ms:1652997979536.2725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201994752 nr_ops:1173823\ntimestamp_ms:1652997980537.3342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1237335040 nr_ops:1208335\ntimestamp_ms:1652997981538.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272409088 nr_ops:1242587\ntimestamp_ms:1652997982539.4961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307534336 nr_ops:1276889\ntimestamp_ms:1652997983540.6406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342694400 nr_ops:1311225\ntimestamp_ms:1652997984541.7542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378145280 nr_ops:1345845\ntimestamp_ms:1652997985541.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413307392 nr_ops:1380183\ntimestamp_ms:1652997986542.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448557568 nr_ops:1414607\ntimestamp_ms:1652997987543.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483547648 nr_ops:1448777\ntimestamp_ms:1652997988544.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519086592 nr_ops:1483483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997989546.0303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1554512896 nr_ops:1518079\ntimestamp_ms:1652997990546.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589613568 nr_ops:1552357\ntimestamp_ms:1652997991547.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624693760 nr_ops:1586615\ntimestamp_ms:1652997992549.0483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660085248 nr_ops:1621177\ntimestamp_ms:1652997993550.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695515648 nr_ops:1655777\ntimestamp_ms:1652997994551.1885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1730917376 nr_ops:1690349\ntimestamp_ms:1652997995551.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1765831680 nr_ops:1724445\ntimestamp_ms:1652997996552.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800942592 nr_ops:1758733\ntimestamp_ms:1652997997554.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1836100608 nr_ops:1793067\ntimestamp_ms:1652997998555.1033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1871386624 nr_ops:1827526\ntimestamp_ms:1652997999556.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906674688 nr_ops:1861987\ntimestamp_ms:1652998000556.8486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941928960 nr_ops:1896415\ntimestamp_ms:1652998001557.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977291776 nr_ops:1930949\ntimestamp_ms:1652998002559.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2012744704 nr_ops:1965571\ntimestamp_ms:1652998003560.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2048160768 nr_ops:2000157\ntimestamp_ms:1652998004561.2683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2083206144 nr_ops:2034381\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139693530113792\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.0793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2118487040 nr_ops:2068835\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.1465 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.1504 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005862.3552 name:Total nr_bytes:2118487040 nr_ops:2068836\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.2336 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4236974078 nr_ops:4137672\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.2344 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2118487040 nr_ops:2068838\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 213.85us 0.00ns 213.85us 213.85us \nTxn1 1034418 57.99us 0.00ns 2.66ms 24.34us \nTxn2 1 36.74us 0.00ns 36.74us 36.74us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 213.04us 0.00ns 213.04us 213.04us \nwrite 1034418 3.88us 0.00ns 138.66us 2.27us \nread 1034417 54.00us 0.00ns 2.66ms 3.21us \ndisconnect 1 36.24us 0.00ns 36.24us 36.24us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.54b/s \nnet1 16587 16587 144.64Mb/s 144.64Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.171 62.36s 1.97GB 271.76Mb/s 2068837 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.97GB 271.76Mb/s 2068838 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413404, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997944499.4324 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997945499.8557 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997945499.9153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997946500.9924 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35437568 nr_ops:34607\ntimestamp_ms:1652997947502.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70433792 nr_ops:68783\ntimestamp_ms:1652997948502.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105544704 nr_ops:103071\ntimestamp_ms:1652997949503.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140880896 nr_ops:137579\ntimestamp_ms:1652997950505.0454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176202752 nr_ops:172073\ntimestamp_ms:1652997951506.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211493888 nr_ops:206537\ntimestamp_ms:1652997952507.2493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247682048 nr_ops:241877\ntimestamp_ms:1652997953508.3584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283304960 nr_ops:276665\ntimestamp_ms:1652997954509.4797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318671872 nr_ops:311203\ntimestamp_ms:1652997955510.5974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354012160 nr_ops:345715\ntimestamp_ms:1652997956511.7056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389125120 nr_ops:380005\ntimestamp_ms:1652997957512.8044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424494080 nr_ops:414545\ntimestamp_ms:1652997958513.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459758592 nr_ops:448983\ntimestamp_ms:1652997959515.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495205376 nr_ops:483599\ntimestamp_ms:1652997960516.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530791424 nr_ops:518351\ntimestamp_ms:1652997961517.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566254592 nr_ops:552983\ntimestamp_ms:1652997962518.3254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:601422848 nr_ops:587327\ntimestamp_ms:1652997963519.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636666880 nr_ops:621745\ntimestamp_ms:1652997964520.5999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672025600 nr_ops:656275\ntimestamp_ms:1652997965521.6404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:707113984 nr_ops:690541\ntimestamp_ms:1652997966522.7366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741927936 nr_ops:724539\ntimestamp_ms:1652997967523.7700 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777997312 nr_ops:759763\ntimestamp_ms:1652997968524.8569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813966336 nr_ops:794889\ntimestamp_ms:1652997969525.9487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:849585152 nr_ops:829673\ntimestamp_ms:1652997970526.9890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884710400 nr_ops:863975\ntimestamp_ms:1652997971528.1003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919933952 nr_ops:898373\ntimestamp_ms:1652997972529.1992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955042816 nr_ops:932659\ntimestamp_ms:1652997973530.2974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990288896 nr_ops:967079\ntimestamp_ms:1652997974531.3984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025444864 nr_ops:1001411\ntimestamp_ms:1652997975531.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060637696 nr_ops:1035779\ntimestamp_ms:1652997976532.9609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095920640 nr_ops:1070235\ntimestamp_ms:1652997977534.0557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131070464 nr_ops:1104561\ntimestamp_ms:1652997978535.1758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166401536 nr_ops:1139064\ntimestamp_ms:1652997979536.2725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201994752 nr_ops:1173823\ntimestamp_ms:1652997980537.3342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1237335040 nr_ops:1208335\ntimestamp_ms:1652997981538.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272409088 nr_ops:1242587\ntimestamp_ms:1652997982539.4961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307534336 nr_ops:1276889\ntimestamp_ms:1652997983540.6406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342694400 nr_ops:1311225\ntimestamp_ms:1652997984541.7542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378145280 nr_ops:1345845\ntimestamp_ms:1652997985541.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413307392 nr_ops:1380183\ntimestamp_ms:1652997986542.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448557568 nr_ops:1414607\ntimestamp_ms:1652997987543.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483547648 nr_ops:1448777\ntimestamp_ms:1652997988544.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519086592 nr_ops:1483483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997989546.0303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1554512896 nr_ops:1518079\ntimestamp_ms:1652997990546.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589613568 nr_ops:1552357\ntimestamp_ms:1652997991547.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624693760 nr_ops:1586615\ntimestamp_ms:1652997992549.0483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660085248 nr_ops:1621177\ntimestamp_ms:1652997993550.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695515648 nr_ops:1655777\ntimestamp_ms:1652997994551.1885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1730917376 nr_ops:1690349\ntimestamp_ms:1652997995551.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1765831680 nr_ops:1724445\ntimestamp_ms:1652997996552.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800942592 nr_ops:1758733\ntimestamp_ms:1652997997554.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1836100608 nr_ops:1793067\ntimestamp_ms:1652997998555.1033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1871386624 nr_ops:1827526\ntimestamp_ms:1652997999556.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906674688 nr_ops:1861987\ntimestamp_ms:1652998000556.8486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941928960 nr_ops:1896415\ntimestamp_ms:1652998001557.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977291776 nr_ops:1930949\ntimestamp_ms:1652998002559.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2012744704 nr_ops:1965571\ntimestamp_ms:1652998003560.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2048160768 nr_ops:2000157\ntimestamp_ms:1652998004561.2683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2083206144 nr_ops:2034381\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139693530113792\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.0793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2118487040 nr_ops:2068835\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.1465 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.1504 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005862.3552 name:Total nr_bytes:2118487040 nr_ops:2068836\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.2336 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4236974078 nr_ops:4137672\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.2344 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2118487040 nr_ops:2068838\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 213.85us 0.00ns 213.85us 213.85us \nTxn1 1034418 57.99us 0.00ns 2.66ms 24.34us \nTxn2 1 36.74us 0.00ns 36.74us 36.74us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 213.04us 0.00ns 213.04us 213.04us \nwrite 1034418 3.88us 0.00ns 138.66us 2.27us \nread 1034417 54.00us 0.00ns 2.66ms 3.21us \ndisconnect 1 36.24us 0.00ns 36.24us 36.24us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.54b/s \nnet1 16587 16587 144.64Mb/s 144.64Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.171 62.36s 1.97GB 271.76Mb/s 2068837 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.97GB 271.76Mb/s 2068838 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413404, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997944499.4324 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997945499.8557 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652997945499.9153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652997946500.9924 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35437568 nr_ops:34607\ntimestamp_ms:1652997947502.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70433792 nr_ops:68783\ntimestamp_ms:1652997948502.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105544704 nr_ops:103071\ntimestamp_ms:1652997949503.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140880896 nr_ops:137579\ntimestamp_ms:1652997950505.0454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176202752 nr_ops:172073\ntimestamp_ms:1652997951506.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211493888 nr_ops:206537\ntimestamp_ms:1652997952507.2493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247682048 nr_ops:241877\ntimestamp_ms:1652997953508.3584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283304960 nr_ops:276665\ntimestamp_ms:1652997954509.4797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318671872 nr_ops:311203\ntimestamp_ms:1652997955510.5974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354012160 nr_ops:345715\ntimestamp_ms:1652997956511.7056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389125120 nr_ops:380005\ntimestamp_ms:1652997957512.8044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424494080 nr_ops:414545\ntimestamp_ms:1652997958513.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459758592 nr_ops:448983\ntimestamp_ms:1652997959515.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495205376 nr_ops:483599\ntimestamp_ms:1652997960516.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530791424 nr_ops:518351\ntimestamp_ms:1652997961517.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566254592 nr_ops:552983\ntimestamp_ms:1652997962518.3254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:601422848 nr_ops:587327\ntimestamp_ms:1652997963519.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636666880 nr_ops:621745\ntimestamp_ms:1652997964520.5999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672025600 nr_ops:656275\ntimestamp_ms:1652997965521.6404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:707113984 nr_ops:690541\ntimestamp_ms:1652997966522.7366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741927936 nr_ops:724539\ntimestamp_ms:1652997967523.7700 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777997312 nr_ops:759763\ntimestamp_ms:1652997968524.8569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813966336 nr_ops:794889\ntimestamp_ms:1652997969525.9487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:849585152 nr_ops:829673\ntimestamp_ms:1652997970526.9890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884710400 nr_ops:863975\ntimestamp_ms:1652997971528.1003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919933952 nr_ops:898373\ntimestamp_ms:1652997972529.1992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955042816 nr_ops:932659\ntimestamp_ms:1652997973530.2974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990288896 nr_ops:967079\ntimestamp_ms:1652997974531.3984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025444864 nr_ops:1001411\ntimestamp_ms:1652997975531.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060637696 nr_ops:1035779\ntimestamp_ms:1652997976532.9609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095920640 nr_ops:1070235\ntimestamp_ms:1652997977534.0557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131070464 nr_ops:1104561\ntimestamp_ms:1652997978535.1758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166401536 nr_ops:1139064\ntimestamp_ms:1652997979536.2725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201994752 nr_ops:1173823\ntimestamp_ms:1652997980537.3342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1237335040 nr_ops:1208335\ntimestamp_ms:1652997981538.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272409088 nr_ops:1242587\ntimestamp_ms:1652997982539.4961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307534336 nr_ops:1276889\ntimestamp_ms:1652997983540.6406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342694400 nr_ops:1311225\ntimestamp_ms:1652997984541.7542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378145280 nr_ops:1345845\ntimestamp_ms:1652997985541.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413307392 nr_ops:1380183\ntimestamp_ms:1652997986542.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448557568 nr_ops:1414607\ntimestamp_ms:1652997987543.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483547648 nr_ops:1448777\ntimestamp_ms:1652997988544.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519086592 nr_ops:1483483\ntimestamp_ms:1652997989546.0303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1554512896 nr_ops:1518079\ntimestamp_ms:1652997990546.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589613568 nr_ops:1552357\ntimestamp_ms:1652997991547.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624693760 nr_ops:1586615\ntimestamp_ms:1652997992549.0483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660085248 nr_ops:1621177\ntimestamp_ms:1652997993550.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695515648 nr_ops:1655777\ntimestamp_ms:1652997994551.1885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1730917376 nr_ops:1690349\ntimestamp_ms:1652997995551.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1765831680 nr_ops:1724445\ntimestamp_ms:1652997996552.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800942592 nr_ops:1758733\ntimestamp_ms:1652997997554.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1836100608 nr_ops:1793067\ntimestamp_ms:1652997998555.1033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1871386624 nr_ops:1827526\ntimestamp_ms:1652997999556.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906674688 nr_ops:1861987\ntimestamp_ms:1652998000556.8486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941928960 nr_ops:1896415\ntimestamp_ms:1652998001557.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977291776 nr_ops:1930949\ntimestamp_ms:1652998002559.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2012744704 nr_ops:1965571\ntimestamp_ms:1652998003560.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2048160768 nr_ops:2000157\ntimestamp_ms:1652998004561.2683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2083206144 nr_ops:2034381\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139693530113792\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.0793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2118487040 nr_ops:2068835\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.1465 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.1504 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005862.3552 name:Total nr_bytes:2118487040 nr_ops:2068836\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.2336 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4236974078 nr_ops:4137672\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998005762.2344 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2118487040 nr_ops:2068838\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 213.85us 0.00ns 213.85us 213.85us \nTxn1 1034418 57.99us 0.00ns 2.66ms 24.34us \nTxn2 1 36.74us 0.00ns 36.74us 36.74us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 213.04us 0.00ns 213.04us 213.04us \nwrite 1034418 3.88us 0.00ns 138.66us 2.27us \nread 1034417 54.00us 0.00ns 2.66ms 3.21us \ndisconnect 1 36.24us 0.00ns 36.24us 36.24us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.54b/s \nnet1 16587 16587 144.64Mb/s 144.64Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.171 62.36s 1.97GB 271.76Mb/s 2068837 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.97GB 271.76Mb/s 2068838 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413404, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997944499.4324 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997945499.8557 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652997945499.9153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652997946500.9924 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35437568 nr_ops:34607
+timestamp_ms:1652997947502.0850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70433792 nr_ops:68783
+timestamp_ms:1652997948502.8411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105544704 nr_ops:103071
+timestamp_ms:1652997949503.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140880896 nr_ops:137579
+timestamp_ms:1652997950505.0454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176202752 nr_ops:172073
+timestamp_ms:1652997951506.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211493888 nr_ops:206537
+timestamp_ms:1652997952507.2493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247682048 nr_ops:241877
+timestamp_ms:1652997953508.3584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283304960 nr_ops:276665
+timestamp_ms:1652997954509.4797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318671872 nr_ops:311203
+timestamp_ms:1652997955510.5974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354012160 nr_ops:345715
+timestamp_ms:1652997956511.7056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389125120 nr_ops:380005
+timestamp_ms:1652997957512.8044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424494080 nr_ops:414545
+timestamp_ms:1652997958513.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459758592 nr_ops:448983
+timestamp_ms:1652997959515.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495205376 nr_ops:483599
+timestamp_ms:1652997960516.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530791424 nr_ops:518351
+timestamp_ms:1652997961517.2178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566254592 nr_ops:552983
+timestamp_ms:1652997962518.3254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:601422848 nr_ops:587327
+timestamp_ms:1652997963519.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636666880 nr_ops:621745
+timestamp_ms:1652997964520.5999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672025600 nr_ops:656275
+timestamp_ms:1652997965521.6404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:707113984 nr_ops:690541
+timestamp_ms:1652997966522.7366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741927936 nr_ops:724539
+timestamp_ms:1652997967523.7700 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777997312 nr_ops:759763
+timestamp_ms:1652997968524.8569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813966336 nr_ops:794889
+timestamp_ms:1652997969525.9487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:849585152 nr_ops:829673
+timestamp_ms:1652997970526.9890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884710400 nr_ops:863975
+timestamp_ms:1652997971528.1003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919933952 nr_ops:898373
+timestamp_ms:1652997972529.1992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:955042816 nr_ops:932659
+timestamp_ms:1652997973530.2974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990288896 nr_ops:967079
+timestamp_ms:1652997974531.3984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025444864 nr_ops:1001411
+timestamp_ms:1652997975531.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060637696 nr_ops:1035779
+timestamp_ms:1652997976532.9609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095920640 nr_ops:1070235
+timestamp_ms:1652997977534.0557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131070464 nr_ops:1104561
+timestamp_ms:1652997978535.1758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166401536 nr_ops:1139064
+timestamp_ms:1652997979536.2725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201994752 nr_ops:1173823
+timestamp_ms:1652997980537.3342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1237335040 nr_ops:1208335
+timestamp_ms:1652997981538.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272409088 nr_ops:1242587
+timestamp_ms:1652997982539.4961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307534336 nr_ops:1276889
+timestamp_ms:1652997983540.6406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342694400 nr_ops:1311225
+timestamp_ms:1652997984541.7542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1378145280 nr_ops:1345845
+timestamp_ms:1652997985541.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413307392 nr_ops:1380183
+timestamp_ms:1652997986542.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1448557568 nr_ops:1414607
+timestamp_ms:1652997987543.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483547648 nr_ops:1448777
+timestamp_ms:1652997988544.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519086592 nr_ops:1483483
+timestamp_ms:1652997989546.0303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1554512896 nr_ops:1518079
+timestamp_ms:1652997990546.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589613568 nr_ops:1552357
+timestamp_ms:1652997991547.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624693760 nr_ops:1586615
+timestamp_ms:1652997992549.0483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660085248 nr_ops:1621177
+timestamp_ms:1652997993550.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1695515648 nr_ops:1655777
+timestamp_ms:1652997994551.1885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1730917376 nr_ops:1690349
+timestamp_ms:1652997995551.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1765831680 nr_ops:1724445
+timestamp_ms:1652997996552.9419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800942592 nr_ops:1758733
+timestamp_ms:1652997997554.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1836100608 nr_ops:1793067
+timestamp_ms:1652997998555.1033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1871386624 nr_ops:1827526
+timestamp_ms:1652997999556.1536 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906674688 nr_ops:1861987
+timestamp_ms:1652998000556.8486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941928960 nr_ops:1896415
+timestamp_ms:1652998001557.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977291776 nr_ops:1930949
+timestamp_ms:1652998002559.0757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2012744704 nr_ops:1965571
+timestamp_ms:1652998003560.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2048160768 nr_ops:2000157
+timestamp_ms:1652998004561.2683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2083206144 nr_ops:2034381
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139693530113792
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652998005762.0793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2118487040 nr_ops:2068835
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998005762.1465 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998005762.1504 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998005862.3552 name:Total nr_bytes:2118487040 nr_ops:2068836
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998005762.2336 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4236974078 nr_ops:4137672
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998005762.2344 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2118487040 nr_ops:2068838
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 213.85us 0.00ns 213.85us 213.85us
+Txn1 1034418 57.99us 0.00ns 2.66ms 24.34us
+Txn2 1 36.74us 0.00ns 36.74us 36.74us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 213.04us 0.00ns 213.04us 213.04us
+write 1034418 3.88us 0.00ns 138.66us 2.27us
+read 1034417 54.00us 0.00ns 2.66ms 3.21us
+disconnect 1 36.24us 0.00ns 36.24us 36.24us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.54b/s
+net1 16587 16587 144.64Mb/s 144.64Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.171 62.36s 1.97GB 271.76Mb/s 2068837 0.00
+master 62.36s 1.97GB 271.76Mb/s 2068838 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:46.500000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:46.500000', 'bytes': 35437568, 'norm_byte': 35437568, 'ops': 34607, 'norm_ops': 34607, 'norm_ltcy': 28.9270132758546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:46.500000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:46.500000",
+ "bytes": 35437568,
+ "norm_byte": 35437568,
+ "ops": 34607,
+ "norm_ops": 34607,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.9270132758546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c67a0bcbfe5f445c219b3d9a76da388196cb763eea22202d9d94abdd255bc65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:47.502000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:47.502000', 'bytes': 70433792, 'norm_byte': 34996224, 'ops': 68783, 'norm_ops': 34176, 'norm_ltcy': 29.292267360044328, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:47.502000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:47.502000",
+ "bytes": 70433792,
+ "norm_byte": 34996224,
+ "ops": 68783,
+ "norm_ops": 34176,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.292267360044328,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c33ade90582c169eeb9eeb9cea9068bada1b6b23d35c67e6870945511e0e015d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:48.502000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:48.502000', 'bytes': 105544704, 'norm_byte': 35110912, 'ops': 103071, 'norm_ops': 34288, 'norm_ltcy': 29.186773900945663, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:48.502000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:48.502000",
+ "bytes": 105544704,
+ "norm_byte": 35110912,
+ "ops": 103071,
+ "norm_ops": 34288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.186773900945663,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d2ceb479dfe7c081a48c8dfe975d6835df21a1d4c39a5a95008304ff749d62b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:49.503000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:49.503000', 'bytes': 140880896, 'norm_byte': 35336192, 'ops': 137579, 'norm_ops': 34508, 'norm_ltcy': 29.010688248467748, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:49.503000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:49.503000",
+ "bytes": 140880896,
+ "norm_byte": 35336192,
+ "ops": 137579,
+ "norm_ops": 34508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.010688248467748,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "56ed4eee891f69046fc8c04d37d1dc4778abcfbe5af1a2fc78b9e7e1217480fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:50.505000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:50.505000', 'bytes': 176202752, 'norm_byte': 35321856, 'ops': 172073, 'norm_ops': 34494, 'norm_ltcy': 29.022540604887805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:50.505000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:50.505000",
+ "bytes": 176202752,
+ "norm_byte": 35321856,
+ "ops": 172073,
+ "norm_ops": 34494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.022540604887805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6680ecf281d04a3c185a1ea30ed4bfdbb788e4150bcd2f507fc66a23e39308e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:51.506000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:51.506000', 'bytes': 211493888, 'norm_byte': 35291136, 'ops': 206537, 'norm_ops': 34464, 'norm_ltcy': 29.047782706683062, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:51.506000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:51.506000",
+ "bytes": 211493888,
+ "norm_byte": 35291136,
+ "ops": 206537,
+ "norm_ops": 34464,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.047782706683062,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf0f93c34bf1f9ebbc9c149983a2f3cfcf46dad22cb7f0de6f010d1b22b566ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:52.507000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:52.507000', 'bytes': 247682048, 'norm_byte': 36188160, 'ops': 241877, 'norm_ops': 35340, 'norm_ltcy': 28.32770442045133, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:52.507000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:52.507000",
+ "bytes": 247682048,
+ "norm_byte": 36188160,
+ "ops": 241877,
+ "norm_ops": 35340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.32770442045133,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7bae48456101f05b586ffd3f42c7d52024ab5dc9dbc6bd469f9959faa7be412",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:53.508000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:53.508000', 'bytes': 283304960, 'norm_byte': 35622912, 'ops': 276665, 'norm_ops': 34788, 'norm_ltcy': 28.777427011020325, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:53.508000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:53.508000",
+ "bytes": 283304960,
+ "norm_byte": 35622912,
+ "ops": 276665,
+ "norm_ops": 34788,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.777427011020325,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f1e62cf5ae4515e8f8ab3f2a368411a5dd71e6412de233d1e8e7ee3209b47f67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:54.509000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:54.509000', 'bytes': 318671872, 'norm_byte': 35366912, 'ops': 311203, 'norm_ops': 34538, 'norm_ltcy': 28.986083093712, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:54.509000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:54.509000",
+ "bytes": 318671872,
+ "norm_byte": 35366912,
+ "ops": 311203,
+ "norm_ops": 34538,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.986083093712,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7245c8df299c2486c17c7d9e7a6fc9a4e16cad94e542e98ae127fbf8e531d16a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:55.510000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:55.510000', 'bytes': 354012160, 'norm_byte': 35340288, 'ops': 345715, 'norm_ops': 34512, 'norm_ltcy': 29.007813971408495, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:55.510000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:55.510000",
+ "bytes": 354012160,
+ "norm_byte": 35340288,
+ "ops": 345715,
+ "norm_ops": 34512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.007813971408495,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1a3a716ecae598a322ac4e81b1add15502bc395bd9b7eb6b5c1c1cf62450dac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:56.511000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:56.511000', 'bytes': 389125120, 'norm_byte': 35112960, 'ops': 380005, 'norm_ops': 34290, 'norm_ltcy': 29.195338416356808, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:56.511000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:56.511000",
+ "bytes": 389125120,
+ "norm_byte": 35112960,
+ "ops": 380005,
+ "norm_ops": 34290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.195338416356808,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0cedf28d20de6eab1a50c61950e09ff1324c79dd5324794a436329fa7bafd93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:57.512000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:57.512000', 'bytes': 424494080, 'norm_byte': 35368960, 'ops': 414545, 'norm_ops': 34540, 'norm_ltcy': 28.983754399337723, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:57.512000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:57.512000",
+ "bytes": 424494080,
+ "norm_byte": 35368960,
+ "ops": 414545,
+ "norm_ops": 34540,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.983754399337723,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd364a4fb837f8013acd70674bebe4be83571efe1d61b89fa1b3a27a3fba591d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:58.513000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:58.513000', 'bytes': 459758592, 'norm_byte': 35264512, 'ops': 448983, 'norm_ops': 34438, 'norm_ltcy': 29.069677754224983, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:58.513000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:58.513000",
+ "bytes": 459758592,
+ "norm_byte": 35264512,
+ "ops": 448983,
+ "norm_ops": 34438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.069677754224983,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c84631bb47b0ee32e883c7317bb922c852b0119f1e5a72bb65f8ab78b18d2977",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:05:59.515000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:05:59.515000', 'bytes': 495205376, 'norm_byte': 35446784, 'ops': 483599, 'norm_ops': 34616, 'norm_ltcy': 28.920345778054223, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:05:59.515000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:05:59.515000",
+ "bytes": 495205376,
+ "norm_byte": 35446784,
+ "ops": 483599,
+ "norm_ops": 34616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.920345778054223,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "29026a5fb31e3df1f28abbf3111f71f0aa2c899c3138b7fcaeaa05bd1b4c9ffe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:00.516000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:00.516000', 'bytes': 530791424, 'norm_byte': 35586048, 'ops': 518351, 'norm_ops': 34752, 'norm_ltcy': 28.80709737703945, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:00.516000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:00.516000",
+ "bytes": 530791424,
+ "norm_byte": 35586048,
+ "ops": 518351,
+ "norm_ops": 34752,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.80709737703945,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "160148d4534c6bfff3725a339f9e3eeb3d3677cfcab310835ab19327d728f15d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:01.517000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:01.517000', 'bytes': 566254592, 'norm_byte': 35463168, 'ops': 552983, 'norm_ops': 34632, 'norm_ltcy': 28.906815375321234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:01.517000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:01.517000",
+ "bytes": 566254592,
+ "norm_byte": 35463168,
+ "ops": 552983,
+ "norm_ops": 34632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.906815375321234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d74f6fa7e1da9f2f7adfedb7bf34cc454f839829d825f930d0368eed68f6fb0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:02.518000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:02.518000', 'bytes': 601422848, 'norm_byte': 35168256, 'ops': 587327, 'norm_ops': 34344, 'norm_ltcy': 29.14941957883837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:02.518000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:02.518000",
+ "bytes": 601422848,
+ "norm_byte": 35168256,
+ "ops": 587327,
+ "norm_ops": 34344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.14941957883837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8c3b3f68f832a2d816057df327c11276ba394f7d0c63c630afc6c01e6d5ca70",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:03.519000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:03.519000', 'bytes': 636666880, 'norm_byte': 35244032, 'ops': 621745, 'norm_ops': 34418, 'norm_ltcy': 29.08629324817319, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:03.519000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:03.519000",
+ "bytes": 636666880,
+ "norm_byte": 35244032,
+ "ops": 621745,
+ "norm_ops": 34418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.08629324817319,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac90250d98bfecc91006f192cb64db8bd8ae1b4139497ad4ca153dc6f879a098",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:04.520000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:04.520000', 'bytes': 672025600, 'norm_byte': 35358720, 'ops': 656275, 'norm_ops': 34530, 'norm_ltcy': 28.994566262579642, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:04.520000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:04.520000",
+ "bytes": 672025600,
+ "norm_byte": 35358720,
+ "ops": 656275,
+ "norm_ops": 34530,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.994566262579642,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9a17c2c1a7b70d0e531fcf76ef904d31b19f65b16ef0976241682a3c9680a00",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:05.521000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:05.521000', 'bytes': 707113984, 'norm_byte': 35088384, 'ops': 690541, 'norm_ops': 34266, 'norm_ltcy': 29.213813323520398, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:05.521000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:05.521000",
+ "bytes": 707113984,
+ "norm_byte": 35088384,
+ "ops": 690541,
+ "norm_ops": 34266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.213813323520398,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83b0001f889f8a6678a6ade00aee3603f27093db32367e48572e8d455c4e5ef4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:06.522000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:06.522000', 'bytes': 741927936, 'norm_byte': 34813952, 'ops': 724539, 'norm_ops': 33998, 'norm_ltcy': 29.445737731815107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:06.522000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:06.522000",
+ "bytes": 741927936,
+ "norm_byte": 34813952,
+ "ops": 724539,
+ "norm_ops": 33998,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.445737731815107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a0c5b351bd205ebeeec63b70b9195875d4a8ae4a205193a51dd9c75c2486ceed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:07.523000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:07.523000', 'bytes': 777997312, 'norm_byte': 36069376, 'ops': 759763, 'norm_ops': 35224, 'norm_ltcy': 28.419073565342522, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:07.523000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:07.523000",
+ "bytes": 777997312,
+ "norm_byte": 36069376,
+ "ops": 759763,
+ "norm_ops": 35224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.419073565342522,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1b628cacc4cd66fef8d05bc8ba13ce6edbe0fafa05d1943973fadc19096370e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:08.524000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:08.524000', 'bytes': 813966336, 'norm_byte': 35969024, 'ops': 794889, 'norm_ops': 35126, 'norm_ltcy': 28.499883677688892, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:08.524000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:08.524000",
+ "bytes": 813966336,
+ "norm_byte": 35969024,
+ "ops": 794889,
+ "norm_ops": 35126,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.499883677688892,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d5bb0c0fa9e4ffc0427697e90013f5c02b9a5345ba51c1cb0ce1356786adfe7c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:09.525000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:09.525000', 'bytes': 849585152, 'norm_byte': 35618816, 'ops': 829673, 'norm_ops': 34784, 'norm_ltcy': 28.780237950638224, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:09.525000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:09.525000",
+ "bytes": 849585152,
+ "norm_byte": 35618816,
+ "ops": 829673,
+ "norm_ops": 34784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.780237950638224,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "101cdd3652a18369395353bae0f4fc26c3d34ce225870f4cf737175c469b9e1d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:10.526000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:10.526000', 'bytes': 884710400, 'norm_byte': 35125248, 'ops': 863975, 'norm_ops': 34302, 'norm_ltcy': 29.18314626561498, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:10.526000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:10.526000",
+ "bytes": 884710400,
+ "norm_byte": 35125248,
+ "ops": 863975,
+ "norm_ops": 34302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.18314626561498,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50d25866ccc747463da54b76bde400b479f2135203dd01ef20fe1ad7c9ba9467",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:11.528000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:11.528000', 'bytes': 919933952, 'norm_byte': 35223552, 'ops': 898373, 'norm_ops': 34398, 'norm_ltcy': 29.1037655713995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:11.528000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:11.528000",
+ "bytes": 919933952,
+ "norm_byte": 35223552,
+ "ops": 898373,
+ "norm_ops": 34398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.1037655713995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc283fafd34487ee5db3442adcf5048a28124f11f129a3026b844a3014e37e0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:12.529000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:12.529000', 'bytes': 955042816, 'norm_byte': 35108864, 'ops': 932659, 'norm_ops': 34286, 'norm_ltcy': 29.198473923850113, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:12.529000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:12.529000",
+ "bytes": 955042816,
+ "norm_byte": 35108864,
+ "ops": 932659,
+ "norm_ops": 34286,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.198473923850113,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b206568a8b88fc71e44362506e853e221dc9dff29ce9ce8a31f41910418c49cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:13.530000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:13.530000', 'bytes': 990288896, 'norm_byte': 35246080, 'ops': 967079, 'norm_ops': 34420, 'norm_ltcy': 29.084780491901512, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:13.530000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:13.530000",
+ "bytes": 990288896,
+ "norm_byte": 35246080,
+ "ops": 967079,
+ "norm_ops": 34420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.084780491901512,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b10c4912f9bcc4b9bcdb45df1ca5981f870014ae8522c0c8d2ffd57f68f0078c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:14.531000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:14.531000', 'bytes': 1025444864, 'norm_byte': 35155968, 'ops': 1001411, 'norm_ops': 34332, 'norm_ltcy': 29.159416119618722, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:14.531000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:14.531000",
+ "bytes": 1025444864,
+ "norm_byte": 35155968,
+ "ops": 1001411,
+ "norm_ops": 34332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.159416119618722,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "98eb351e0e7b0bee52538c4949924f11eae4807ecb36c8c50fbc14b7b964e802",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:15.531000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:15.531000', 'bytes': 1060637696, 'norm_byte': 35192832, 'ops': 1035779, 'norm_ops': 34368, 'norm_ltcy': 29.109620959177143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:15.531000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:15.531000",
+ "bytes": 1060637696,
+ "norm_byte": 35192832,
+ "ops": 1035779,
+ "norm_ops": 34368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.109620959177143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "242384f3b6dc9f14133fcc1cb14a5648cf08360b64441f457989ff75340a9122",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:16.532000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:16.532000', 'bytes': 1095920640, 'norm_byte': 35282944, 'ops': 1070235, 'norm_ops': 34456, 'norm_ltcy': 29.05511512871488, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:16.532000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:16.532000",
+ "bytes": 1095920640,
+ "norm_byte": 35282944,
+ "ops": 1070235,
+ "norm_ops": 34456,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.05511512871488,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7ea4c66e6d0167298461bce902bbcf32b451d9b84ff68e05108a281359c835c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:17.534000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:17.534000', 'bytes': 1131070464, 'norm_byte': 35149824, 'ops': 1104561, 'norm_ops': 34326, 'norm_ltcy': 29.16432810588184, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:17.534000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:17.534000",
+ "bytes": 1131070464,
+ "norm_byte": 35149824,
+ "ops": 1104561,
+ "norm_ops": 34326,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.16432810588184,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68da944da6df718088119a6264d9808b105688c1d60ee9e2ae88e28d830ca291",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:18.535000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:18.535000', 'bytes': 1166401536, 'norm_byte': 35331072, 'ops': 1139064, 'norm_ops': 34503, 'norm_ltcy': 29.015451328507666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:18.535000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:18.535000",
+ "bytes": 1166401536,
+ "norm_byte": 35331072,
+ "ops": 1139064,
+ "norm_ops": 34503,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.015451328507666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a975d394acf9c247bf4dd8f9609bb0b02aa1de6767d891cf6506406707ce28f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:19.536000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:19.536000', 'bytes': 1201994752, 'norm_byte': 35593216, 'ops': 1173823, 'norm_ops': 34759, 'norm_ltcy': 28.801078272893353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:19.536000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:19.536000",
+ "bytes": 1201994752,
+ "norm_byte": 35593216,
+ "ops": 1173823,
+ "norm_ops": 34759,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.801078272893353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03a5f58da40f15d72110510a026fc48a3bdc6bad0932de09d66907d368398934",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:20.537000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:20.537000', 'bytes': 1237335040, 'norm_byte': 35340288, 'ops': 1208335, 'norm_ops': 34512, 'norm_ltcy': 29.00619400724748, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:20.537000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:20.537000",
+ "bytes": 1237335040,
+ "norm_byte": 35340288,
+ "ops": 1208335,
+ "norm_ops": 34512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.00619400724748,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c55f4c45a518721c4c22e95d40cc7f0eff51d76c5ba6cc04c9665fccf855a4fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:21.538000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:21.538000', 'bytes': 1272409088, 'norm_byte': 35074048, 'ops': 1242587, 'norm_ops': 34252, 'norm_ltcy': 29.22653809449083, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:21.538000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:21.538000",
+ "bytes": 1272409088,
+ "norm_byte": 35074048,
+ "ops": 1242587,
+ "norm_ops": 34252,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.22653809449083,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6be522d34cc2e1bdeb0bf1ddf42ad531e678d17303c17e303db2771b135863b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:22.539000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:22.539000', 'bytes': 1307534336, 'norm_byte': 35125248, 'ops': 1276889, 'norm_ops': 34302, 'norm_ltcy': 29.184726325633346, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:22.539000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:22.539000",
+ "bytes": 1307534336,
+ "norm_byte": 35125248,
+ "ops": 1276889,
+ "norm_ops": 34302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.184726325633346,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "335b2b8d9c1cd8bb4fbf2d410ed70c631daddd7a7553869f61e3ac6a805b914e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:23.540000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:23.540000', 'bytes': 1342694400, 'norm_byte': 35160064, 'ops': 1311225, 'norm_ops': 34336, 'norm_ltcy': 29.157284810403077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:23.540000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:23.540000",
+ "bytes": 1342694400,
+ "norm_byte": 35160064,
+ "ops": 1311225,
+ "norm_ops": 34336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.157284810403077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a3f7ee0b3d63e8d79ebb00a3e2f84fc3c034de01ba3e813c63996de0b2d6d1fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:24.541000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:24.541000', 'bytes': 1378145280, 'norm_byte': 35450880, 'ops': 1345845, 'norm_ops': 34620, 'norm_ltcy': 28.917201773270506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:24.541000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:24.541000",
+ "bytes": 1378145280,
+ "norm_byte": 35450880,
+ "ops": 1345845,
+ "norm_ops": 34620,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.917201773270506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9827aee75ad1eb3dafcfcf2e46e2b0a41ce149089119be7614e7c7606f25f6b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:25.541000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:25.541000', 'bytes': 1413307392, 'norm_byte': 35162112, 'ops': 1380183, 'norm_ops': 34338, 'norm_ltcy': 29.124665492220718, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:25.541000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:25.541000",
+ "bytes": 1413307392,
+ "norm_byte": 35162112,
+ "ops": 1380183,
+ "norm_ops": 34338,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.124665492220718,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66ab6d353f0d86556bddcd2e0e1fea7347225581c1fd74fb6d76e1b2e2b12d35",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:26.542000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:26.542000', 'bytes': 1448557568, 'norm_byte': 35250176, 'ops': 1414607, 'norm_ops': 34424, 'norm_ltcy': 29.081223594458084, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:26.542000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:26.542000",
+ "bytes": 1448557568,
+ "norm_byte": 35250176,
+ "ops": 1414607,
+ "norm_ops": 34424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.081223594458084,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db408c45e7586329d2f4b99e9651c0ba0e9d8143d74ace157dcaf441da5ef121",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:27.543000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:27.543000', 'bytes': 1483547648, 'norm_byte': 34990080, 'ops': 1448777, 'norm_ops': 34170, 'norm_ltcy': 29.291995045452882, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:27.543000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:27.543000",
+ "bytes": 1483547648,
+ "norm_byte": 34990080,
+ "ops": 1448777,
+ "norm_ops": 34170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.291995045452882,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c46bfc663044f563c54479248c4640a73085037c1608cdb0961308c94566122",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:28.544000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:28.544000', 'bytes': 1519086592, 'norm_byte': 35538944, 'ops': 1483483, 'norm_ops': 34706, 'norm_ltcy': 28.845152236374837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:28.544000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:28.544000",
+ "bytes": 1519086592,
+ "norm_byte": 35538944,
+ "ops": 1483483,
+ "norm_ops": 34706,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.845152236374837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13359032f4d7a4018ab2e81496280717a69e8a670329456312946618ccf9d460",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:29.546000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:29.546000', 'bytes': 1554512896, 'norm_byte': 35426304, 'ops': 1518079, 'norm_ops': 34596, 'norm_ltcy': 28.936697714782778, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:29.546000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:29.546000",
+ "bytes": 1554512896,
+ "norm_byte": 35426304,
+ "ops": 1518079,
+ "norm_ops": 34596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.936697714782778,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2fd80079ada7d148bf59986ffeb1c3fab6bfcc0dcbaa4e6295495730e75338dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:30.546000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:30.546000', 'bytes': 1589613568, 'norm_byte': 35100672, 'ops': 1552357, 'norm_ops': 34278, 'norm_ltcy': 29.196770078931824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:30.546000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:30.546000",
+ "bytes": 1589613568,
+ "norm_byte": 35100672,
+ "ops": 1552357,
+ "norm_ops": 34278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.196770078931824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "832089f7c804fcd807773efb46820a52f0a237f35c053b3cb1f6889754156a33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:31.547000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:31.547000', 'bytes': 1624693760, 'norm_byte': 35080192, 'ops': 1586615, 'norm_ops': 34258, 'norm_ltcy': 29.22218897775702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:31.547000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:31.547000",
+ "bytes": 1624693760,
+ "norm_byte": 35080192,
+ "ops": 1586615,
+ "norm_ops": 34258,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.22218897775702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2058087f87e9f47367c180560f2d3e25cf50e1e357ee1e54f74ba3fc879c264b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:32.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:32.549000', 'bytes': 1660085248, 'norm_byte': 35391488, 'ops': 1621177, 'norm_ops': 34562, 'norm_ltcy': 28.965842012633093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:32.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:32.549000",
+ "bytes": 1660085248,
+ "norm_byte": 35391488,
+ "ops": 1621177,
+ "norm_ops": 34562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.965842012633093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "123297933c0b2e74c802b2b54d4bc9009ae4725b3165206c43fc26e55e0af640",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:33.550000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:33.550000', 'bytes': 1695515648, 'norm_byte': 35430400, 'ops': 1655777, 'norm_ops': 34600, 'norm_ltcy': 28.933641731394506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:33.550000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:33.550000",
+ "bytes": 1695515648,
+ "norm_byte": 35430400,
+ "ops": 1655777,
+ "norm_ops": 34600,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.933641731394506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f1f207df57f3979f0f8aef2091621ff1f295e478649bc2a5f5c96e7e3924dadc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:34.551000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:34.551000', 'bytes': 1730917376, 'norm_byte': 35401728, 'ops': 1690349, 'norm_ops': 34572, 'norm_ltcy': 28.955112021650468, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:34.551000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:34.551000",
+ "bytes": 1730917376,
+ "norm_byte": 35401728,
+ "ops": 1690349,
+ "norm_ops": 34572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.955112021650468,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b970e93101beb094d7685ca1fec7b836846a40a197b3e4b7e7327916a96b92b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:35.551000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:35.551000', 'bytes': 1765831680, 'norm_byte': 34914304, 'ops': 1724445, 'norm_ops': 34096, 'norm_ltcy': 29.34820782908919, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:35.551000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:35.551000",
+ "bytes": 1765831680,
+ "norm_byte": 34914304,
+ "ops": 1724445,
+ "norm_ops": 34096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.34820782908919,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "703d9dae3b33ff4e8ea8cc9fe8a8bafb617e2d1278dece38c56ad2c36dba187b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:36.552000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:36.552000', 'bytes': 1800942592, 'norm_byte': 35110912, 'ops': 1758733, 'norm_ops': 34288, 'norm_ltcy': 29.196713830731596, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:36.552000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:36.552000",
+ "bytes": 1800942592,
+ "norm_byte": 35110912,
+ "ops": 1758733,
+ "norm_ops": 34288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.196713830731596,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d174e6f92c850cd5968d32e671b5ac85c95b87cdfe1e203e54374b7de58dc6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:37.554000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:37.554000', 'bytes': 1836100608, 'norm_byte': 35158016, 'ops': 1793067, 'norm_ops': 34334, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15758955226598, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:37.554000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:37.554000",
+ "bytes": 1836100608,
+ "norm_byte": 35158016,
+ "ops": 1793067,
+ "norm_ops": 34334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15758955226598,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d5788ff51c48b2a251d23ed86e1bd16bad348bc2823d3c6e6826982a34d05c34",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:38.555000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:38.555000', 'bytes': 1871386624, 'norm_byte': 35286016, 'ops': 1827526, 'norm_ops': 34459, 'norm_ltcy': 29.050892285487826, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:38.555000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:38.555000",
+ "bytes": 1871386624,
+ "norm_byte": 35286016,
+ "ops": 1827526,
+ "norm_ops": 34459,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.050892285487826,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04c6cf718346d073b5d1b77245e0ba3884841ae6154c6366d79c87a61abae280",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:39.556000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:39.556000', 'bytes': 1906674688, 'norm_byte': 35288064, 'ops': 1861987, 'norm_ops': 34461, 'norm_ltcy': 29.048788281499373, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:39.556000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:39.556000",
+ "bytes": 1906674688,
+ "norm_byte": 35288064,
+ "ops": 1861987,
+ "norm_ops": 34461,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.048788281499373,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aaa6d3aa0ffab826722ea8586be05753395a5fbeedebde6d375c3088e543136a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:40.556000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:40.556000', 'bytes': 1941928960, 'norm_byte': 35254272, 'ops': 1896415, 'norm_ops': 34428, 'norm_ltcy': 29.066314289513624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:40.556000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:40.556000",
+ "bytes": 1941928960,
+ "norm_byte": 35254272,
+ "ops": 1896415,
+ "norm_ops": 34428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.066314289513624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35d4d1da988ddd7259cb05ffd45f879ac224c7cfd5d117a20df9378b07b2efed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:41.557000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:41.557000', 'bytes': 1977291776, 'norm_byte': 35362816, 'ops': 1930949, 'norm_ops': 34534, 'norm_ltcy': 28.989709134023716, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:41.557000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:41.557000",
+ "bytes": 1977291776,
+ "norm_byte": 35362816,
+ "ops": 1930949,
+ "norm_ops": 34534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.989709134023716,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2fd0b5ff8647e3465ec986a1326800e3d6dd5d55a3dfd151a2bed97025dddd33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:42.559000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:42.559000', 'bytes': 2012744704, 'norm_byte': 35452928, 'ops': 1965571, 'norm_ops': 34622, 'norm_ltcy': 28.915037708592077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:42.559000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:42.559000",
+ "bytes": 2012744704,
+ "norm_byte": 35452928,
+ "ops": 1965571,
+ "norm_ops": 34622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.915037708592077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "73e2a4e8a31ec6f5de99ae963161e093941819e1f180afb65bfce28ebdb5e668",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:43.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:43.560000', 'bytes': 2048160768, 'norm_byte': 35416064, 'ops': 2000157, 'norm_ops': 34586, 'norm_ltcy': 28.945163132752413, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:43.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:43.560000",
+ "bytes": 2048160768,
+ "norm_byte": 35416064,
+ "ops": 2000157,
+ "norm_ops": 34586,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.945163132752413,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5fa60f2c94808dcd772f52b76c660f3ac76d097602e286a113edc0f570fea899",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:44.561000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:44.561000', 'bytes': 2083206144, 'norm_byte': 35045376, 'ops': 2034381, 'norm_ops': 34224, 'norm_ltcy': 29.251262705813172, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:44.561000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:44.561000",
+ "bytes": 2083206144,
+ "norm_byte": 35045376,
+ "ops": 2034381,
+ "norm_ops": 34224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.251262705813172,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "296ba90e9d94647474812ac48c610aa1222f17932ea41b31f5559187e87e9e0c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:06:45.762000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:06:45.762000', 'bytes': 2118487040, 'norm_byte': 35280896, 'ops': 2068835, 'norm_ops': 34454, 'norm_ltcy': 34.85258707715359, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:06:45.762000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:06:45.762000",
+ "bytes": 2118487040,
+ "norm_byte": 35280896,
+ "ops": 2068835,
+ "norm_ops": 34454,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.85258707715359,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "60988c47-8bfa-5e21-8471-586a1a3b308e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "801efd683c7f5b4c89191b774f32b2956b5e4bbf146d57586bcee76c7442c481",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35308117.333333336
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34480.583333333336
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.29506438349657
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:06:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-076-220519220300/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-076-220519220300/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b9eeeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-076-220519220300/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-076-220519220300/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-076-220519220300/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-076-220519220300/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-076-220519220300/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-076-220519220300/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e5e4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-076-220519220300/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=140
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-077-220519220502/220519220502-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-077-220519220502/220519220502-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9bf15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-077-220519220502/220519220502-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:07:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998066110.4758 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998067111.5825 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998067111.6697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998068112.7649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:26280960 nr_ops:25665\ntimestamp_ms:1652998069113.8816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:47932416 nr_ops:46809\ntimestamp_ms:1652998070114.9875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62215168 nr_ops:60757\ntimestamp_ms:1652998071116.1016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98767872 nr_ops:96453\ntimestamp_ms:1652998072117.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125959168 nr_ops:123007\ntimestamp_ms:1652998073118.3103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:146569216 nr_ops:143134\ntimestamp_ms:1652998074119.3530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:168922112 nr_ops:164963\ntimestamp_ms:1652998075120.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200561664 nr_ops:195861\ntimestamp_ms:1652998076120.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:217568256 nr_ops:212469\ntimestamp_ms:1652998077121.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:236745728 nr_ops:231197\ntimestamp_ms:1652998078122.8901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252003328 nr_ops:246097\ntimestamp_ms:1652998079123.9783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:274430976 nr_ops:267999\ntimestamp_ms:1652998080125.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309548032 nr_ops:302293\ntimestamp_ms:1652998081126.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:332424192 nr_ops:324633\ntimestamp_ms:1652998082127.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:347950080 nr_ops:339795\ntimestamp_ms:1652998083128.3362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:357280768 nr_ops:348907\ntimestamp_ms:1652998084129.4426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388795392 nr_ops:379683\ntimestamp_ms:1652998085130.5320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:400315392 nr_ops:390933\ntimestamp_ms:1652998086131.6365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:416132096 nr_ops:406379\ntimestamp_ms:1652998087132.7573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432376832 nr_ops:422243\ntimestamp_ms:1652998088133.8635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447503360 nr_ops:437015\ntimestamp_ms:1652998089134.9570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:481086464 nr_ops:469811\ntimestamp_ms:1652998090136.0503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503696384 nr_ops:491891\ntimestamp_ms:1652998091137.1633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:527606784 nr_ops:515241\ntimestamp_ms:1652998092138.2676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:543958016 nr_ops:531209\ntimestamp_ms:1652998093139.3892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569555968 nr_ops:556207\ntimestamp_ms:1652998094140.5071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:596773888 nr_ops:582787\ntimestamp_ms:1652998095141.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:622856192 nr_ops:608258\ntimestamp_ms:1652998096142.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:648682496 nr_ops:633479\ntimestamp_ms:1652998097143.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676740096 nr_ops:660879\ntimestamp_ms:1652998098144.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:695110656 nr_ops:678819\ntimestamp_ms:1652998099145.9954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708215808 nr_ops:691617\ntimestamp_ms:1652998100147.0847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:723307520 nr_ops:706355\ntimestamp_ms:1652998101148.1851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734176256 nr_ops:716969\ntimestamp_ms:1652998102149.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:755184640 nr_ops:737485\ntimestamp_ms:1652998103150.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777212928 nr_ops:758997\ntimestamp_ms:1652998104151.5142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:803204096 nr_ops:784379\ntimestamp_ms:1652998105152.6208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:832648192 nr_ops:813133\ntimestamp_ms:1652998106153.7231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:854295552 nr_ops:834273\ntimestamp_ms:1652998107154.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:868545536 nr_ops:848189\ntimestamp_ms:1652998108155.9692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888382464 nr_ops:867561\ntimestamp_ms:1652998109157.0903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901985280 nr_ops:880845\ntimestamp_ms:1652998110158.1831 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912747520 nr_ops:891355\ntimestamp_ms:1652998111158.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:935422976 nr_ops:913499\ntimestamp_ms:1652998112159.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942283776 nr_ops:920199\ntimestamp_ms:1652998113161.0991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:964623360 nr_ops:942015\ntimestamp_ms:1652998114162.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997444608 nr_ops:974067\ntimestamp_ms:1652998115163.3035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017775104 nr_ops:993921\ntimestamp_ms:1652998116164.3970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1032096768 nr_ops:1007907\ntimestamp_ms:1652998117165.4866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069772800 nr_ops:1044700\ntimestamp_ms:1652998118166.5867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089897472 nr_ops:1064353\ntimestamp_ms:1652998119167.6963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1099842560 nr_ops:1074065\ntimestamp_ms:1652998120168.7969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1117871104 nr_ops:1091671\ntimestamp_ms:1652998121169.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1137959936 nr_ops:1111289\ntimestamp_ms:1652998122171.0745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1167574016 nr_ops:1140209\ntimestamp_ms:1652998123172.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1188658176 nr_ops:1160799\ntimestamp_ms:1652998124173.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217455104 nr_ops:1188921\ntimestamp_ms:1652998125174.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250997248 nr_ops:1221677\ntimestamp_ms:1652998126175.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281745920 nr_ops:1251705\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139890418280192\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127376.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306700800 nr_ops:1276075\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127376.9958 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127377.0056 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127477.2275 name:Total nr_bytes:1306700800 nr_ops:1276076\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127377.1228 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2613401598 nr_ops:2552152\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127377.1240 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1306700800 nr_ops:1276078\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 353.41us 0.00ns 353.41us 353.41us \nTxn1 638038 94.10us 0.00ns 210.18ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 47.58us 0.00ns 47.58us 47.58us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 352.63us 0.00ns 352.63us 352.63us \nwrite 638038 2.83us 0.00ns 155.70us 2.10us \nread 638037 91.19us 0.00ns 210.17ms 1.27us \ndisconnect 1 46.87us 0.00ns 46.87us 46.87us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.94b/s \nnet1 10233 10234 89.22Mb/s 89.22Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.172 62.37s 1.22GB 167.61Mb/s 1276078 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.22GB 167.61Mb/s 1276078 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417235, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998066110.4758 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998067111.5825 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998067111.6697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998068112.7649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:26280960 nr_ops:25665\ntimestamp_ms:1652998069113.8816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:47932416 nr_ops:46809\ntimestamp_ms:1652998070114.9875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62215168 nr_ops:60757\ntimestamp_ms:1652998071116.1016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98767872 nr_ops:96453\ntimestamp_ms:1652998072117.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125959168 nr_ops:123007\ntimestamp_ms:1652998073118.3103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:146569216 nr_ops:143134\ntimestamp_ms:1652998074119.3530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:168922112 nr_ops:164963\ntimestamp_ms:1652998075120.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200561664 nr_ops:195861\ntimestamp_ms:1652998076120.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:217568256 nr_ops:212469\ntimestamp_ms:1652998077121.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:236745728 nr_ops:231197\ntimestamp_ms:1652998078122.8901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252003328 nr_ops:246097\ntimestamp_ms:1652998079123.9783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:274430976 nr_ops:267999\ntimestamp_ms:1652998080125.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309548032 nr_ops:302293\ntimestamp_ms:1652998081126.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:332424192 nr_ops:324633\ntimestamp_ms:1652998082127.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:347950080 nr_ops:339795\ntimestamp_ms:1652998083128.3362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:357280768 nr_ops:348907\ntimestamp_ms:1652998084129.4426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388795392 nr_ops:379683\ntimestamp_ms:1652998085130.5320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:400315392 nr_ops:390933\ntimestamp_ms:1652998086131.6365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:416132096 nr_ops:406379\ntimestamp_ms:1652998087132.7573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432376832 nr_ops:422243\ntimestamp_ms:1652998088133.8635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447503360 nr_ops:437015\ntimestamp_ms:1652998089134.9570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:481086464 nr_ops:469811\ntimestamp_ms:1652998090136.0503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503696384 nr_ops:491891\ntimestamp_ms:1652998091137.1633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:527606784 nr_ops:515241\ntimestamp_ms:1652998092138.2676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:543958016 nr_ops:531209\ntimestamp_ms:1652998093139.3892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569555968 nr_ops:556207\ntimestamp_ms:1652998094140.5071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:596773888 nr_ops:582787\ntimestamp_ms:1652998095141.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:622856192 nr_ops:608258\ntimestamp_ms:1652998096142.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:648682496 nr_ops:633479\ntimestamp_ms:1652998097143.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676740096 nr_ops:660879\ntimestamp_ms:1652998098144.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:695110656 nr_ops:678819\ntimestamp_ms:1652998099145.9954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708215808 nr_ops:691617\ntimestamp_ms:1652998100147.0847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:723307520 nr_ops:706355\ntimestamp_ms:1652998101148.1851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734176256 nr_ops:716969\ntimestamp_ms:1652998102149.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:755184640 nr_ops:737485\ntimestamp_ms:1652998103150.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777212928 nr_ops:758997\ntimestamp_ms:1652998104151.5142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:803204096 nr_ops:784379\ntimestamp_ms:1652998105152.6208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:832648192 nr_ops:813133\ntimestamp_ms:1652998106153.7231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:854295552 nr_ops:834273\ntimestamp_ms:1652998107154.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:868545536 nr_ops:848189\ntimestamp_ms:1652998108155.9692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888382464 nr_ops:867561\ntimestamp_ms:1652998109157.0903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901985280 nr_ops:880845\ntimestamp_ms:1652998110158.1831 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912747520 nr_ops:891355\ntimestamp_ms:1652998111158.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:935422976 nr_ops:913499\ntimestamp_ms:1652998112159.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942283776 nr_ops:920199\ntimestamp_ms:1652998113161.0991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:964623360 nr_ops:942015\ntimestamp_ms:1652998114162.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997444608 nr_ops:974067\ntimestamp_ms:1652998115163.3035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017775104 nr_ops:993921\ntimestamp_ms:1652998116164.3970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1032096768 nr_ops:1007907\ntimestamp_ms:1652998117165.4866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069772800 nr_ops:1044700\ntimestamp_ms:1652998118166.5867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089897472 nr_ops:1064353\ntimestamp_ms:1652998119167.6963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1099842560 nr_ops:1074065\ntimestamp_ms:1652998120168.7969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1117871104 nr_ops:1091671\ntimestamp_ms:1652998121169.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1137959936 nr_ops:1111289\ntimestamp_ms:1652998122171.0745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1167574016 nr_ops:1140209\ntimestamp_ms:1652998123172.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1188658176 nr_ops:1160799\ntimestamp_ms:1652998124173.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217455104 nr_ops:1188921\ntimestamp_ms:1652998125174.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250997248 nr_ops:1221677\ntimestamp_ms:1652998126175.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281745920 nr_ops:1251705\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139890418280192\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127376.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306700800 nr_ops:1276075\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127376.9958 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127377.0056 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127477.2275 name:Total nr_bytes:1306700800 nr_ops:1276076\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127377.1228 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2613401598 nr_ops:2552152\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127377.1240 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1306700800 nr_ops:1276078\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 353.41us 0.00ns 353.41us 353.41us \nTxn1 638038 94.10us 0.00ns 210.18ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 47.58us 0.00ns 47.58us 47.58us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 352.63us 0.00ns 352.63us 352.63us \nwrite 638038 2.83us 0.00ns 155.70us 2.10us \nread 638037 91.19us 0.00ns 210.17ms 1.27us \ndisconnect 1 46.87us 0.00ns 46.87us 46.87us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.94b/s \nnet1 10233 10234 89.22Mb/s 89.22Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.172 62.37s 1.22GB 167.61Mb/s 1276078 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.22GB 167.61Mb/s 1276078 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417235, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998066110.4758 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998067111.5825 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998067111.6697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998068112.7649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:26280960 nr_ops:25665\ntimestamp_ms:1652998069113.8816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:47932416 nr_ops:46809\ntimestamp_ms:1652998070114.9875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62215168 nr_ops:60757\ntimestamp_ms:1652998071116.1016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98767872 nr_ops:96453\ntimestamp_ms:1652998072117.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125959168 nr_ops:123007\ntimestamp_ms:1652998073118.3103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:146569216 nr_ops:143134\ntimestamp_ms:1652998074119.3530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:168922112 nr_ops:164963\ntimestamp_ms:1652998075120.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200561664 nr_ops:195861\ntimestamp_ms:1652998076120.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:217568256 nr_ops:212469\ntimestamp_ms:1652998077121.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:236745728 nr_ops:231197\ntimestamp_ms:1652998078122.8901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252003328 nr_ops:246097\ntimestamp_ms:1652998079123.9783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:274430976 nr_ops:267999\ntimestamp_ms:1652998080125.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309548032 nr_ops:302293\ntimestamp_ms:1652998081126.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:332424192 nr_ops:324633\ntimestamp_ms:1652998082127.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:347950080 nr_ops:339795\ntimestamp_ms:1652998083128.3362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:357280768 nr_ops:348907\ntimestamp_ms:1652998084129.4426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388795392 nr_ops:379683\ntimestamp_ms:1652998085130.5320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:400315392 nr_ops:390933\ntimestamp_ms:1652998086131.6365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:416132096 nr_ops:406379\ntimestamp_ms:1652998087132.7573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432376832 nr_ops:422243\ntimestamp_ms:1652998088133.8635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447503360 nr_ops:437015\ntimestamp_ms:1652998089134.9570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:481086464 nr_ops:469811\ntimestamp_ms:1652998090136.0503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503696384 nr_ops:491891\ntimestamp_ms:1652998091137.1633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:527606784 nr_ops:515241\ntimestamp_ms:1652998092138.2676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:543958016 nr_ops:531209\ntimestamp_ms:1652998093139.3892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569555968 nr_ops:556207\ntimestamp_ms:1652998094140.5071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:596773888 nr_ops:582787\ntimestamp_ms:1652998095141.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:622856192 nr_ops:608258\ntimestamp_ms:1652998096142.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:648682496 nr_ops:633479\ntimestamp_ms:1652998097143.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676740096 nr_ops:660879\ntimestamp_ms:1652998098144.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:695110656 nr_ops:678819\ntimestamp_ms:1652998099145.9954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708215808 nr_ops:691617\ntimestamp_ms:1652998100147.0847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:723307520 nr_ops:706355\ntimestamp_ms:1652998101148.1851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734176256 nr_ops:716969\ntimestamp_ms:1652998102149.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:755184640 nr_ops:737485\ntimestamp_ms:1652998103150.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777212928 nr_ops:758997\ntimestamp_ms:1652998104151.5142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:803204096 nr_ops:784379\ntimestamp_ms:1652998105152.6208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:832648192 nr_ops:813133\ntimestamp_ms:1652998106153.7231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:854295552 nr_ops:834273\ntimestamp_ms:1652998107154.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:868545536 nr_ops:848189\ntimestamp_ms:1652998108155.9692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888382464 nr_ops:867561\ntimestamp_ms:1652998109157.0903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901985280 nr_ops:880845\ntimestamp_ms:1652998110158.1831 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912747520 nr_ops:891355\ntimestamp_ms:1652998111158.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:935422976 nr_ops:913499\ntimestamp_ms:1652998112159.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942283776 nr_ops:920199\ntimestamp_ms:1652998113161.0991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:964623360 nr_ops:942015\ntimestamp_ms:1652998114162.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997444608 nr_ops:974067\ntimestamp_ms:1652998115163.3035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017775104 nr_ops:993921\ntimestamp_ms:1652998116164.3970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1032096768 nr_ops:1007907\ntimestamp_ms:1652998117165.4866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069772800 nr_ops:1044700\ntimestamp_ms:1652998118166.5867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089897472 nr_ops:1064353\ntimestamp_ms:1652998119167.6963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1099842560 nr_ops:1074065\ntimestamp_ms:1652998120168.7969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1117871104 nr_ops:1091671\ntimestamp_ms:1652998121169.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1137959936 nr_ops:1111289\ntimestamp_ms:1652998122171.0745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1167574016 nr_ops:1140209\ntimestamp_ms:1652998123172.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1188658176 nr_ops:1160799\ntimestamp_ms:1652998124173.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217455104 nr_ops:1188921\ntimestamp_ms:1652998125174.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250997248 nr_ops:1221677\ntimestamp_ms:1652998126175.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281745920 nr_ops:1251705\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139890418280192\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127376.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306700800 nr_ops:1276075\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127376.9958 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127377.0056 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127477.2275 name:Total nr_bytes:1306700800 nr_ops:1276076\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127377.1228 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2613401598 nr_ops:2552152\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998127377.1240 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1306700800 nr_ops:1276078\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 353.41us 0.00ns 353.41us 353.41us \nTxn1 638038 94.10us 0.00ns 210.18ms 18.43us \nTxn2 1 47.58us 0.00ns 47.58us 47.58us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 352.63us 0.00ns 352.63us 352.63us \nwrite 638038 2.83us 0.00ns 155.70us 2.10us \nread 638037 91.19us 0.00ns 210.17ms 1.27us \ndisconnect 1 46.87us 0.00ns 46.87us 46.87us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.94b/s \nnet1 10233 10234 89.22Mb/s 89.22Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.172 62.37s 1.22GB 167.61Mb/s 1276078 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.22GB 167.61Mb/s 1276078 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417235, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998066110.4758 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998067111.5825 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998067111.6697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998068112.7649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:26280960 nr_ops:25665
+timestamp_ms:1652998069113.8816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:47932416 nr_ops:46809
+timestamp_ms:1652998070114.9875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62215168 nr_ops:60757
+timestamp_ms:1652998071116.1016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:98767872 nr_ops:96453
+timestamp_ms:1652998072117.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125959168 nr_ops:123007
+timestamp_ms:1652998073118.3103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:146569216 nr_ops:143134
+timestamp_ms:1652998074119.3530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:168922112 nr_ops:164963
+timestamp_ms:1652998075120.4553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200561664 nr_ops:195861
+timestamp_ms:1652998076120.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:217568256 nr_ops:212469
+timestamp_ms:1652998077121.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:236745728 nr_ops:231197
+timestamp_ms:1652998078122.8901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252003328 nr_ops:246097
+timestamp_ms:1652998079123.9783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:274430976 nr_ops:267999
+timestamp_ms:1652998080125.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:309548032 nr_ops:302293
+timestamp_ms:1652998081126.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:332424192 nr_ops:324633
+timestamp_ms:1652998082127.2012 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:347950080 nr_ops:339795
+timestamp_ms:1652998083128.3362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:357280768 nr_ops:348907
+timestamp_ms:1652998084129.4426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388795392 nr_ops:379683
+timestamp_ms:1652998085130.5320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:400315392 nr_ops:390933
+timestamp_ms:1652998086131.6365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:416132096 nr_ops:406379
+timestamp_ms:1652998087132.7573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:432376832 nr_ops:422243
+timestamp_ms:1652998088133.8635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447503360 nr_ops:437015
+timestamp_ms:1652998089134.9570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:481086464 nr_ops:469811
+timestamp_ms:1652998090136.0503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503696384 nr_ops:491891
+timestamp_ms:1652998091137.1633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:527606784 nr_ops:515241
+timestamp_ms:1652998092138.2676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:543958016 nr_ops:531209
+timestamp_ms:1652998093139.3892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569555968 nr_ops:556207
+timestamp_ms:1652998094140.5071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:596773888 nr_ops:582787
+timestamp_ms:1652998095141.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:622856192 nr_ops:608258
+timestamp_ms:1652998096142.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:648682496 nr_ops:633479
+timestamp_ms:1652998097143.8323 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676740096 nr_ops:660879
+timestamp_ms:1652998098144.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:695110656 nr_ops:678819
+timestamp_ms:1652998099145.9954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:708215808 nr_ops:691617
+timestamp_ms:1652998100147.0847 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:723307520 nr_ops:706355
+timestamp_ms:1652998101148.1851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734176256 nr_ops:716969
+timestamp_ms:1652998102149.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:755184640 nr_ops:737485
+timestamp_ms:1652998103150.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777212928 nr_ops:758997
+timestamp_ms:1652998104151.5142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:803204096 nr_ops:784379
+timestamp_ms:1652998105152.6208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:832648192 nr_ops:813133
+timestamp_ms:1652998106153.7231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:854295552 nr_ops:834273
+timestamp_ms:1652998107154.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:868545536 nr_ops:848189
+timestamp_ms:1652998108155.9692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888382464 nr_ops:867561
+timestamp_ms:1652998109157.0903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901985280 nr_ops:880845
+timestamp_ms:1652998110158.1831 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912747520 nr_ops:891355
+timestamp_ms:1652998111158.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:935422976 nr_ops:913499
+timestamp_ms:1652998112159.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942283776 nr_ops:920199
+timestamp_ms:1652998113161.0991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:964623360 nr_ops:942015
+timestamp_ms:1652998114162.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997444608 nr_ops:974067
+timestamp_ms:1652998115163.3035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017775104 nr_ops:993921
+timestamp_ms:1652998116164.3970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1032096768 nr_ops:1007907
+timestamp_ms:1652998117165.4866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069772800 nr_ops:1044700
+timestamp_ms:1652998118166.5867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089897472 nr_ops:1064353
+timestamp_ms:1652998119167.6963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1099842560 nr_ops:1074065
+timestamp_ms:1652998120168.7969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1117871104 nr_ops:1091671
+timestamp_ms:1652998121169.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1137959936 nr_ops:1111289
+timestamp_ms:1652998122171.0745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1167574016 nr_ops:1140209
+timestamp_ms:1652998123172.1880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1188658176 nr_ops:1160799
+timestamp_ms:1652998124173.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217455104 nr_ops:1188921
+timestamp_ms:1652998125174.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250997248 nr_ops:1221677
+timestamp_ms:1652998126175.5151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1281745920 nr_ops:1251705
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139890418280192
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652998127376.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306700800 nr_ops:1276075
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998127376.9958 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998127377.0056 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998127477.2275 name:Total nr_bytes:1306700800 nr_ops:1276076
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998127377.1228 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2613401598 nr_ops:2552152
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998127377.1240 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1306700800 nr_ops:1276078
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 353.41us 0.00ns 353.41us 353.41us
+Txn1 638038 94.10us 0.00ns 210.18ms 18.43us
+Txn2 1 47.58us 0.00ns 47.58us 47.58us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 352.63us 0.00ns 352.63us 352.63us
+write 638038 2.83us 0.00ns 155.70us 2.10us
+read 638037 91.19us 0.00ns 210.17ms 1.27us
+disconnect 1 46.87us 0.00ns 46.87us 46.87us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.94b/s
+net1 10233 10234 89.22Mb/s 89.22Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.172 62.37s 1.22GB 167.61Mb/s 1276078 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.22GB 167.61Mb/s 1276078 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:07:48.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:07:48.112000', 'bytes': 26280960, 'norm_byte': 26280960, 'ops': 25665, 'norm_ops': 25665, 'norm_ltcy': 39.00624254212936, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:07:48.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:07:48.112000",
+ "bytes": 26280960,
+ "norm_byte": 26280960,
+ "ops": 25665,
+ "norm_ops": 25665,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.00624254212936,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6205b964e0a8c23d83e6af4c5037c0801b5438ba5f6f7ce48c7174b06df24187",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:07:49.113000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:07:49.113000', 'bytes': 47932416, 'norm_byte': 21651456, 'ops': 46809, 'norm_ops': 21144, 'norm_ltcy': 47.347554824950336, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:07:49.113000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:07:49.113000",
+ "bytes": 47932416,
+ "norm_byte": 21651456,
+ "ops": 46809,
+ "norm_ops": 21144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.347554824950336,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53def6b8baebbf5bd2d3a6f38e24e882d971d0f97976825ee75cda0ecbc12740",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:07:50.114000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:07:50.114000', 'bytes': 62215168, 'norm_byte': 14282752, 'ops': 60757, 'norm_ops': 13948, 'norm_ltcy': 71.77415808942142, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:07:50.114000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:07:50.114000",
+ "bytes": 62215168,
+ "norm_byte": 14282752,
+ "ops": 60757,
+ "norm_ops": 13948,
+ "norm_ltcy": 71.77415808942142,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3cd2dc741c7fd9548f36d1f994a27150d3f1aa9c93a89dcfc792272a595e7d0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:07:51.116000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:07:51.116000', 'bytes': 98767872, 'norm_byte': 36552704, 'ops': 96453, 'norm_ops': 35696, 'norm_ltcy': 28.045551705285607, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:07:51.116000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:07:51.116000",
+ "bytes": 98767872,
+ "norm_byte": 36552704,
+ "ops": 96453,
+ "norm_ops": 35696,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.045551705285607,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7448405969eb6b675042ec7bf4daad45006bae603b475123f6250ff02bb006f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:07:52.117000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:07:52.117000', 'bytes': 125959168, 'norm_byte': 27191296, 'ops': 123007, 'norm_ops': 26554, 'norm_ltcy': 37.7007958723262, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:07:52.117000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:07:52.117000",
+ "bytes": 125959168,
+ "norm_byte": 27191296,
+ "ops": 123007,
+ "norm_ops": 26554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.7007958723262,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2634a224da6a8f0ce1e04720a76b553b7944ef990a41d58f89bc06aed925dbc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:07:53.118000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:07:53.118000', 'bytes': 146569216, 'norm_byte': 20610048, 'ops': 143134, 'norm_ops': 20127, 'norm_ltcy': 49.73924611917449, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:07:53.118000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:07:53.118000",
+ "bytes": 146569216,
+ "norm_byte": 20610048,
+ "ops": 143134,
+ "norm_ops": 20127,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.73924611917449,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68bede2bd04c9d8dfd414662f6fd841a5433da5e1dbb93fa45362b0896f29a66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:07:54.119000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:07:54.119000', 'bytes': 168922112, 'norm_byte': 22352896, 'ops': 164963, 'norm_ops': 21829, 'norm_ltcy': 45.85838676116062, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:07:54.119000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:07:54.119000",
+ "bytes": 168922112,
+ "norm_byte": 22352896,
+ "ops": 164963,
+ "norm_ops": 21829,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.85838676116062,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09c5a59288e71f7a388d8acf4f58d9fb66940b2ae5949289004e50ec14211e4d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:07:55.120000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:07:55.120000', 'bytes': 200561664, 'norm_byte': 31639552, 'ops': 195861, 'norm_ops': 30898, 'norm_ltcy': 32.40022962398456, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:07:55.120000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:07:55.120000",
+ "bytes": 200561664,
+ "norm_byte": 31639552,
+ "ops": 195861,
+ "norm_ops": 30898,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.40022962398456,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49f19176d99c0f930752558111083e5c8454a1475789e02ddeebdc6df4527b4c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:07:56.120000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:07:56.120000', 'bytes': 217568256, 'norm_byte': 17006592, 'ops': 212469, 'norm_ops': 16608, 'norm_ltcy': 60.2347313324151, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:07:56.120000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:07:56.120000",
+ "bytes": 217568256,
+ "norm_byte": 17006592,
+ "ops": 212469,
+ "norm_ops": 16608,
+ "norm_ltcy": 60.2347313324151,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75659fd07af32b3795ee3fbca876225f74bb0d5e3dc611a5f9570206270d65ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:07:57.121000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:07:57.121000', 'bytes': 236745728, 'norm_byte': 19177472, 'ops': 231197, 'norm_ops': 18728, 'norm_ltcy': 53.455129539493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:07:57.121000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:07:57.121000",
+ "bytes": 236745728,
+ "norm_byte": 19177472,
+ "ops": 231197,
+ "norm_ops": 18728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 53.455129539493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b3b6db1a806f294b34a00899b98126a47c14cc071c26836af185528ab6859eea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:07:58.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:07:58.122000', 'bytes': 252003328, 'norm_byte': 15257600, 'ops': 246097, 'norm_ops': 14900, 'norm_ltcy': 67.17776714555369, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:07:58.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:07:58.122000",
+ "bytes": 252003328,
+ "norm_byte": 15257600,
+ "ops": 246097,
+ "norm_ops": 14900,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.17776714555369,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f87d84ccea29df4e50fc4ebc536b8d7fafae600a98901ba8781df5f967943e3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:07:59.123000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:07:59.123000', 'bytes': 274430976, 'norm_byte': 22427648, 'ops': 267999, 'norm_ops': 21902, 'norm_ltcy': 45.70761276438796, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:07:59.123000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:07:59.123000",
+ "bytes": 274430976,
+ "norm_byte": 22427648,
+ "ops": 267999,
+ "norm_ops": 21902,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.70761276438796,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a16a8e68f9e9d1525cfd612569331a2745a7297bde71e8b9a9a1f06660fa860",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:00.125000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:00.125000', 'bytes': 309548032, 'norm_byte': 35117056, 'ops': 302293, 'norm_ops': 34294, 'norm_ltcy': 29.19053066407389, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:00.125000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:00.125000",
+ "bytes": 309548032,
+ "norm_byte": 35117056,
+ "ops": 302293,
+ "norm_ops": 34294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.19053066407389,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53d4f61f343b697794f0779a23f7341f06dde82b46f9ff13e47b0e0b6f40e9a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:01.126000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:01.126000', 'bytes': 332424192, 'norm_byte': 22876160, 'ops': 324633, 'norm_ops': 22340, 'norm_ltcy': 44.81033967239257, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:01.126000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:01.126000",
+ "bytes": 332424192,
+ "norm_byte": 22876160,
+ "ops": 324633,
+ "norm_ops": 22340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.81033967239257,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fb5ebf43682b1377c76ee7eae6a7fa93bc2c8d2a1be7559707f2db1e6f69cf1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:02.127000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:02.127000', 'bytes': 347950080, 'norm_byte': 15525888, 'ops': 339795, 'norm_ops': 15162, 'norm_ltcy': 66.02689971742679, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:02.127000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:02.127000",
+ "bytes": 347950080,
+ "norm_byte": 15525888,
+ "ops": 339795,
+ "norm_ops": 15162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 66.02689971742679,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4d306fdde49f9e4d91f693c1dc77c299ef30c9eaaad912beec47242cfc25937",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:03.128000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:03.128000', 'bytes': 357280768, 'norm_byte': 9330688, 'ops': 348907, 'norm_ops': 9112, 'norm_ltcy': 109.86995278376043, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:03.128000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:03.128000",
+ "bytes": 357280768,
+ "norm_byte": 9330688,
+ "ops": 348907,
+ "norm_ops": 9112,
+ "norm_ltcy": 109.86995278376043,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9cfc91229b548af817d86236ace51fa680084d161eec0adff6457f2e56cd2d8a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:04.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:04.129000', 'bytes': 388795392, 'norm_byte': 31514624, 'ops': 379683, 'norm_ops': 30776, 'norm_ltcy': 32.528803135966335, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:04.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:04.129000",
+ "bytes": 388795392,
+ "norm_byte": 31514624,
+ "ops": 379683,
+ "norm_ops": 30776,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.528803135966335,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45225d383e9b08cdf5f3fbfc3803359c1b457f10f370b9a84cdfd5f77f111013",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:05.130000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:05.130000', 'bytes': 400315392, 'norm_byte': 11520000, 'ops': 390933, 'norm_ops': 11250, 'norm_ltcy': 88.98572048611112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:05.130000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:05.130000",
+ "bytes": 400315392,
+ "norm_byte": 11520000,
+ "ops": 390933,
+ "norm_ops": 11250,
+ "norm_ltcy": 88.98572048611112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83948f671dce2aa4bd10061f37634c3c666e995f9ac641856406eccd05151298",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:06.131000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:06.131000', 'bytes': 416132096, 'norm_byte': 15816704, 'ops': 406379, 'norm_ops': 15446, 'norm_ltcy': 64.813187374563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:06.131000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:06.131000",
+ "bytes": 416132096,
+ "norm_byte": 15816704,
+ "ops": 406379,
+ "norm_ops": 15446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.813187374563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a281b661b2c86d9460b324e5a9ca79aa5b74563e73bb20ed662cd147d7bbed8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:07.132000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:07.132000', 'bytes': 432376832, 'norm_byte': 16244736, 'ops': 422243, 'norm_ops': 15864, 'norm_ltcy': 63.10645799353096, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:07.132000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:07.132000",
+ "bytes": 432376832,
+ "norm_byte": 16244736,
+ "ops": 422243,
+ "norm_ops": 15864,
+ "norm_ltcy": 63.10645799353096,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95fd2db44fa51f506998e814c42d03e49e1eaabe376f1022ccbad0f5f84bcfef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:08.133000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:08.133000', 'bytes': 447503360, 'norm_byte': 15126528, 'ops': 437015, 'norm_ops': 14772, 'norm_ltcy': 67.77052539750034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:08.133000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:08.133000",
+ "bytes": 447503360,
+ "norm_byte": 15126528,
+ "ops": 437015,
+ "norm_ops": 14772,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.77052539750034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a00c7fa9ad968402a63fbbd9b74ffee3ae0a04a38fc5852bde95ffd44b191bb8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:09.134000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:09.134000', 'bytes': 481086464, 'norm_byte': 33583104, 'ops': 469811, 'norm_ops': 32796, 'norm_ltcy': 30.524866015958498, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:09.134000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:09.134000",
+ "bytes": 481086464,
+ "norm_byte": 33583104,
+ "ops": 469811,
+ "norm_ops": 32796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.524866015958498,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "533f91587d2c7a88300960e5f6dd7aeeae00442212055c5026828a67b8a0e902",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:10.136000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:10.136000', 'bytes': 503696384, 'norm_byte': 22609920, 'ops': 491891, 'norm_ops': 22080, 'norm_ltcy': 45.33936873726223, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:10.136000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:10.136000",
+ "bytes": 503696384,
+ "norm_byte": 22609920,
+ "ops": 491891,
+ "norm_ops": 22080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.33936873726223,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "388e38e6f878667fc6e0b5fc976c2830f6f72f271d8ebb357bd9913eeab6cbd2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:11.137000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:11.137000', 'bytes': 527606784, 'norm_byte': 23910400, 'ops': 515241, 'norm_ops': 23350, 'norm_ltcy': 42.874220004684155, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:11.137000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:11.137000",
+ "bytes": 527606784,
+ "norm_byte": 23910400,
+ "ops": 515241,
+ "norm_ops": 23350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.874220004684155,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15da7ed001671ece13ce4f77091328ad8a0b32f0eff2297936118e374bb9f6ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:12.138000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:12.138000', 'bytes': 543958016, 'norm_byte': 16351232, 'ops': 531209, 'norm_ops': 15968, 'norm_ltcy': 62.694404311552795, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:12.138000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:12.138000",
+ "bytes": 543958016,
+ "norm_byte": 16351232,
+ "ops": 531209,
+ "norm_ops": 15968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 62.694404311552795,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfd8f1038e8b9609828e716bcb27497c9d8fab0b25e0964e360babbcc7390704",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:13.139000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:13.139000', 'bytes': 569555968, 'norm_byte': 25597952, 'ops': 556207, 'norm_ops': 24998, 'norm_ltcy': 40.04806712662013, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:13.139000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:13.139000",
+ "bytes": 569555968,
+ "norm_byte": 25597952,
+ "ops": 556207,
+ "norm_ops": 24998,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.04806712662013,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e8eabcb616806f4c07f8060e67ef32a7f4630218f3b13c457b1d0cbcea670f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:14.140000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:14.140000', 'bytes': 596773888, 'norm_byte': 27217920, 'ops': 582787, 'norm_ops': 26580, 'norm_ltcy': 37.66433107305775, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:14.140000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:14.140000",
+ "bytes": 596773888,
+ "norm_byte": 27217920,
+ "ops": 582787,
+ "norm_ops": 26580,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.66433107305775,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53759d8b04e86b1e444c7805ccd09b5b07c22821966cd260f25f6ea751f72ab3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:15.141000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:15.141000', 'bytes': 622856192, 'norm_byte': 26082304, 'ops': 608258, 'norm_ops': 25471, 'norm_ltcy': 39.30388971771819, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:15.141000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:15.141000",
+ "bytes": 622856192,
+ "norm_byte": 26082304,
+ "ops": 608258,
+ "norm_ops": 25471,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.30388971771819,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca38180d6c3348489c245fafb1269251e075e1437ae894c43033caa24f5c4270",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:16.142000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:16.142000', 'bytes': 648682496, 'norm_byte': 25826304, 'ops': 633479, 'norm_ops': 25221, 'norm_ltcy': 39.69282635254351, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:16.142000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:16.142000",
+ "bytes": 648682496,
+ "norm_byte": 25826304,
+ "ops": 633479,
+ "norm_ops": 25221,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.69282635254351,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "374a88bf9ca87b99f48052d05f481a862b3c22e7942e041b796a158c7806a402",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:17.143000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:17.143000', 'bytes': 676740096, 'norm_byte': 28057600, 'ops': 660879, 'norm_ops': 27400, 'norm_ltcy': 36.53733747718979, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:17.143000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:17.143000",
+ "bytes": 676740096,
+ "norm_byte": 28057600,
+ "ops": 660879,
+ "norm_ops": 27400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.53733747718979,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "edc071f522d631eaa914aecf608f64444e965a6fed18ff7d5e692a2694d2d188",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:18.144000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:18.144000', 'bytes': 695110656, 'norm_byte': 18370560, 'ops': 678819, 'norm_ops': 17940, 'norm_ltcy': 55.803170943074136, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:18.144000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:18.144000",
+ "bytes": 695110656,
+ "norm_byte": 18370560,
+ "ops": 678819,
+ "norm_ops": 17940,
+ "norm_ltcy": 55.803170943074136,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e9c4b121b2226af6d5d5c0758fcd0bb903ea1ff523ffdf239eb36d9b8c7c43c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:19.145000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:19.145000', 'bytes': 708215808, 'norm_byte': 13105152, 'ops': 691617, 'norm_ops': 12798, 'norm_ltcy': 78.21958112351538, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:19.145000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:19.145000",
+ "bytes": 708215808,
+ "norm_byte": 13105152,
+ "ops": 691617,
+ "norm_ops": 12798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 78.21958112351538,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0062c79d056b69a57e527dd78aa180403e25e57d9908aaf7035622cc9ac80f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:20.147000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:20.147000', 'bytes': 723307520, 'norm_byte': 15091712, 'ops': 706355, 'norm_ops': 14738, 'norm_ltcy': 67.92572638544918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:20.147000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:20.147000",
+ "bytes": 723307520,
+ "norm_byte": 15091712,
+ "ops": 706355,
+ "norm_ops": 14738,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.92572638544918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a83c7274b3ad911857cbf45d8e91862b97a0f7337a81bac8230c63787ca684f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:21.148000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:21.148000', 'bytes': 734176256, 'norm_byte': 10868736, 'ops': 716969, 'norm_ops': 10614, 'norm_ltcy': 94.31885639691681, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:21.148000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:21.148000",
+ "bytes": 734176256,
+ "norm_byte": 10868736,
+ "ops": 716969,
+ "norm_ops": 10614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 94.31885639691681,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9eb0fb0dc5f7b5455fc8ac707d00fe284ad6ea33e067c395f8acd8bb677188b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:22.149000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:22.149000', 'bytes': 755184640, 'norm_byte': 21008384, 'ops': 737485, 'norm_ops': 20516, 'norm_ltcy': 48.797042171354065, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:22.149000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:22.149000",
+ "bytes": 755184640,
+ "norm_byte": 21008384,
+ "ops": 737485,
+ "norm_ops": 20516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 48.797042171354065,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b6e7699bfc71ac2644ba0db8155507de12e3d75c0f4c8acffa8b9380d93273a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:23.150000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:23.150000', 'bytes': 777212928, 'norm_byte': 22028288, 'ops': 758997, 'norm_ops': 21512, 'norm_ltcy': 46.53679850199888, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:23.150000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:23.150000",
+ "bytes": 777212928,
+ "norm_byte": 22028288,
+ "ops": 758997,
+ "norm_ops": 21512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 46.53679850199888,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8e8344919f40c4952a27d12ac3ee06c3353987c881a73c48fc99ba863749e6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:24.151000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:24.151000', 'bytes': 803204096, 'norm_byte': 25991168, 'ops': 784379, 'norm_ops': 25382, 'norm_ltcy': 39.441705736348595, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:24.151000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:24.151000",
+ "bytes": 803204096,
+ "norm_byte": 25991168,
+ "ops": 784379,
+ "norm_ops": 25382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.441705736348595,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30369d66193c015db01fb0f0838a18732ae023dd5c3e0272d11440f9525d12f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:25.152000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:25.152000', 'bytes': 832648192, 'norm_byte': 29444096, 'ops': 813133, 'norm_ops': 28754, 'norm_ltcy': 34.816258240701295, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:25.152000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:25.152000",
+ "bytes": 832648192,
+ "norm_byte": 29444096,
+ "ops": 813133,
+ "norm_ops": 28754,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.816258240701295,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a2167a26a57e463fd866c631e78c73b452a653aa38bf43adc687cd97f271c66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:26.153000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:26.153000', 'bytes': 854295552, 'norm_byte': 21647360, 'ops': 834273, 'norm_ops': 21140, 'norm_ltcy': 47.35583230472445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:26.153000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:26.153000",
+ "bytes": 854295552,
+ "norm_byte": 21647360,
+ "ops": 834273,
+ "norm_ops": 21140,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.35583230472445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16eb379bbdc7b3530281dbab101a313bd9ebab57378696ff18660585cb34277b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:27.154000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:27.154000', 'bytes': 868545536, 'norm_byte': 14249984, 'ops': 848189, 'norm_ops': 13916, 'norm_ltcy': 71.9403263891384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:27.154000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:27.154000",
+ "bytes": 868545536,
+ "norm_byte": 14249984,
+ "ops": 848189,
+ "norm_ops": 13916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 71.9403263891384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cff94847ca3e8789041c6d1805924bd3fd8e41dcebb6ee85f9d07b49b482c576",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:28.155000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:28.155000', 'bytes': 888382464, 'norm_byte': 19836928, 'ops': 867561, 'norm_ops': 19372, 'norm_ltcy': 51.67894444139738, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:28.155000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:28.155000",
+ "bytes": 888382464,
+ "norm_byte": 19836928,
+ "ops": 867561,
+ "norm_ops": 19372,
+ "norm_ltcy": 51.67894444139738,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e3898c9b4d0dbb374ddae9677e56c94589586564c42f7765a80d3b91ec6d341f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:29.157000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:29.157000', 'bytes': 901985280, 'norm_byte': 13602816, 'ops': 880845, 'norm_ops': 13284, 'norm_ltcy': 75.36292485320686, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:29.157000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:29.157000",
+ "bytes": 901985280,
+ "norm_byte": 13602816,
+ "ops": 880845,
+ "norm_ops": 13284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 75.36292485320686,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "41f403b15c0cbf13f0ae5263bc2edf85892a60f4ef3c9d2bc24157bc631c93bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:30.158000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:30.158000', 'bytes': 912747520, 'norm_byte': 10762240, 'ops': 891355, 'norm_ops': 10510, 'norm_ltcy': 95.25145322906755, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:30.158000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:30.158000",
+ "bytes": 912747520,
+ "norm_byte": 10762240,
+ "ops": 891355,
+ "norm_ops": 10510,
+ "norm_ltcy": 95.25145322906755,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93208ad802ec72a8667c275c4315b055c95a83fe30c9bb93449194919c33fe38",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:31.158000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:31.158000', 'bytes': 935422976, 'norm_byte': 22675456, 'ops': 913499, 'norm_ops': 22144, 'norm_ltcy': 45.189300713511564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:31.158000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:31.158000",
+ "bytes": 935422976,
+ "norm_byte": 22675456,
+ "ops": 913499,
+ "norm_ops": 22144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.189300713511564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c2531d06fbc72ec6fb68e75e33cdcfe76d7072f4c8ac2e441069356dac2ba28",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:32.159000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:32.159000', 'bytes': 942283776, 'norm_byte': 6860800, 'ops': 920199, 'norm_ops': 6700, 'norm_ltcy': 149.42149603544777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:32.159000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:32.159000",
+ "bytes": 942283776,
+ "norm_byte": 6860800,
+ "ops": 920199,
+ "norm_ops": 6700,
+ "norm_ltcy": 149.42149603544777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47ef7a1f01157b6d0187a33d78db4660c5759d64ca64101ce813c8ada9db977e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:33.161000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:33.161000', 'bytes': 964623360, 'norm_byte': 22339584, 'ops': 942015, 'norm_ops': 21816, 'norm_ltcy': 45.8892609638568, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:33.161000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:33.161000",
+ "bytes": 964623360,
+ "norm_byte": 22339584,
+ "ops": 942015,
+ "norm_ops": 21816,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.8892609638568,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "36865973424ff928d1e204142736a8bc55c52915b38cec8118251298c885e688",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:34.162000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:34.162000', 'bytes': 997444608, 'norm_byte': 32821248, 'ops': 974067, 'norm_ops': 32052, 'norm_ltcy': 31.233973796486957, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:34.162000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:34.162000",
+ "bytes": 997444608,
+ "norm_byte": 32821248,
+ "ops": 974067,
+ "norm_ops": 32052,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.233973796486957,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4267efea6ae839d9f5f57b0ee979e35503b16506d9d1803014ea3ba1c383cbb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:35.163000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:35.163000', 'bytes': 1017775104, 'norm_byte': 20330496, 'ops': 993921, 'norm_ops': 19854, 'norm_ltcy': 50.422736857969426, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:35.163000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:35.163000",
+ "bytes": 1017775104,
+ "norm_byte": 20330496,
+ "ops": 993921,
+ "norm_ops": 19854,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.422736857969426,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f1934546f62ba0af9b9e30640984355add9949c10a7ff92e43f4bc48b65a853",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:36.164000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:36.164000', 'bytes': 1032096768, 'norm_byte': 14321664, 'ops': 1007907, 'norm_ops': 13986, 'norm_ltcy': 71.57825724720256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:36.164000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:36.164000",
+ "bytes": 1032096768,
+ "norm_byte": 14321664,
+ "ops": 1007907,
+ "norm_ops": 13986,
+ "norm_ltcy": 71.57825724720256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "62e48046228728bcdd8e77f1994685ee5746ac9cc57098a8f6a0a3a365a49f20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:37.165000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:37.165000', 'bytes': 1069772800, 'norm_byte': 37676032, 'ops': 1044700, 'norm_ops': 36793, 'norm_ltcy': 27.208697295936048, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:37.165000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:37.165000",
+ "bytes": 1069772800,
+ "norm_byte": 37676032,
+ "ops": 1044700,
+ "norm_ops": 36793,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.208697295936048,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9145da3c9cf46fc13771e7be463b3b9020266cb0bd29256c61008e23eb94f439",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:38.166000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:38.166000', 'bytes': 1089897472, 'norm_byte': 20124672, 'ops': 1064353, 'norm_ops': 19653, 'norm_ltcy': 50.938792940327176, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:38.166000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:38.166000",
+ "bytes": 1089897472,
+ "norm_byte": 20124672,
+ "ops": 1064353,
+ "norm_ops": 19653,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.938792940327176,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "095010c69732a290f018b81f3ecdb31c0a7563f2a8ba8a78848b915cf3c1526a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:39.167000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:39.167000', 'bytes': 1099842560, 'norm_byte': 9945088, 'ops': 1074065, 'norm_ops': 9712, 'norm_ltcy': 103.079656007066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:39.167000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:39.167000",
+ "bytes": 1099842560,
+ "norm_byte": 9945088,
+ "ops": 1074065,
+ "norm_ops": 9712,
+ "norm_ltcy": 103.079656007066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "306210e4f7be8d5b66a81bb8ca11df1d93af7457c0eb8ef17eab843a8ac38a2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:40.168000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:40.168000', 'bytes': 1117871104, 'norm_byte': 18028544, 'ops': 1091671, 'norm_ops': 17606, 'norm_ltcy': 56.861330565574235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:40.168000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:40.168000",
+ "bytes": 1117871104,
+ "norm_byte": 18028544,
+ "ops": 1091671,
+ "norm_ops": 17606,
+ "norm_ltcy": 56.861330565574235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "010cbf670e655228714bdb1119d655ec59130f36011d638078b04a8167ef6792",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:41.169000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:41.169000', 'bytes': 1137959936, 'norm_byte': 20088832, 'ops': 1111289, 'norm_ops': 19618, 'norm_ltcy': 51.032658344696195, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:41.169000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:41.169000",
+ "bytes": 1137959936,
+ "norm_byte": 20088832,
+ "ops": 1111289,
+ "norm_ops": 19618,
+ "norm_ltcy": 51.032658344696195,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f612063c0f28c67d88950546b65e7e55c3b17acc5c80b75860e4c4087fbfae6e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:42.171000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:42.171000', 'bytes': 1167574016, 'norm_byte': 29614080, 'ops': 1140209, 'norm_ops': 28920, 'norm_ltcy': 34.616835978021264, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:42.171000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:42.171000",
+ "bytes": 1167574016,
+ "norm_byte": 29614080,
+ "ops": 1140209,
+ "norm_ops": 28920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.616835978021264,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fc1838204077046c1625e542c33eb1db62ce34d09429878cf82597808a787244",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:43.172000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:43.172000', 'bytes': 1188658176, 'norm_byte': 21084160, 'ops': 1160799, 'norm_ops': 20590, 'norm_ltcy': 48.62134654641209, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:43.172000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:43.172000",
+ "bytes": 1188658176,
+ "norm_byte": 21084160,
+ "ops": 1160799,
+ "norm_ops": 20590,
+ "norm_ltcy": 48.62134654641209,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aac2d3aac77ecbc54aa40ed0e3a1222f9b2bbe1a8ff4b6722eb70cecc370033e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:44.173000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:44.173000', 'bytes': 1217455104, 'norm_byte': 28796928, 'ops': 1188921, 'norm_ops': 28122, 'norm_ltcy': 35.59894479022207, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:44.173000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:44.173000",
+ "bytes": 1217455104,
+ "norm_byte": 28796928,
+ "ops": 1188921,
+ "norm_ops": 28122,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.59894479022207,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8e111f7de1f3a4172b76e6ac8a380d5884c782b0d06715eeeb0185411d34f8d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:45.174000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:45.174000', 'bytes': 1250997248, 'norm_byte': 33542144, 'ops': 1221677, 'norm_ops': 32756, 'norm_ltcy': 30.56233525203398, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:45.174000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:45.174000",
+ "bytes": 1250997248,
+ "norm_byte": 33542144,
+ "ops": 1221677,
+ "norm_ops": 32756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.56233525203398,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9c359e4775ff67572bd6cae3892cffd00606036edaa8eae3d1a0eb3f35f2e02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:46.175000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:46.175000', 'bytes': 1281745920, 'norm_byte': 30748672, 'ops': 1251705, 'norm_ops': 30028, 'norm_ltcy': 33.33934226492774, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:46.175000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:46.175000",
+ "bytes": 1281745920,
+ "norm_byte": 30748672,
+ "ops": 1251705,
+ "norm_ops": 30028,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.33934226492774,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e0747742006412ccecf104360fc567592a195c6140520f996dc3cef2f3fab07c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:08:47.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:08:47.376000', 'bytes': 1306700800, 'norm_byte': 24954880, 'ops': 1276075, 'norm_ops': 24370, 'norm_ltcy': 49.29833363254001, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:08:47.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:08:47.376000",
+ "bytes": 1306700800,
+ "norm_byte": 24954880,
+ "ops": 1276075,
+ "norm_ops": 24370,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.29833363254001,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "101f40ca-f119-5fe8-8aff-7f5c2a25f898",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2e166c5745f5f3103f0437c56e7195f4f2d67784bd541d19e694425bf6b58c7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 21778346.666666668
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 21267.916666666668
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 95.64286336796745
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:08:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-077-220519220502/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-077-220519220502/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20760f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-077-220519220502/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-077-220519220502/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-077-220519220502/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-077-220519220502/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-077-220519220502/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-077-220519220502/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67472d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-077-220519220502/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=55
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=180
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-078-220519220703/220519220703-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-078-220519220703/220519220703-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14990b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-078-220519220703/220519220703-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:09:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998187507.4976 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998188508.5967 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998188508.6467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998189509.7263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62718976 nr_ops:61249\ntimestamp_ms:1652998190510.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125182976 nr_ops:122249\ntimestamp_ms:1652998191511.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188531712 nr_ops:184113\ntimestamp_ms:1652998192513.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252544000 nr_ops:246625\ntimestamp_ms:1652998193514.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315302912 nr_ops:307913\ntimestamp_ms:1652998194515.2058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378508288 nr_ops:369637\ntimestamp_ms:1652998195516.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441277440 nr_ops:430935\ntimestamp_ms:1652998196517.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504977408 nr_ops:493142\ntimestamp_ms:1652998197518.5161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568460288 nr_ops:555137\ntimestamp_ms:1652998198519.6067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634647552 nr_ops:619773\ntimestamp_ms:1652998199520.6465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703513600 nr_ops:687025\ntimestamp_ms:1652998200520.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:767218688 nr_ops:749237\ntimestamp_ms:1652998201521.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831568896 nr_ops:812079\ntimestamp_ms:1652998202523.0491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894497792 nr_ops:873533\ntimestamp_ms:1652998203524.1384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:957851648 nr_ops:935402\ntimestamp_ms:1652998204525.2285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021547520 nr_ops:997605\ntimestamp_ms:1652998205525.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083823104 nr_ops:1058421\ntimestamp_ms:1652998206526.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147960320 nr_ops:1121055\ntimestamp_ms:1652998207527.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209996288 nr_ops:1181637\ntimestamp_ms:1652998208528.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274023936 nr_ops:1244164\ntimestamp_ms:1652998209529.9197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1337224192 nr_ops:1305883\ntimestamp_ms:1652998210530.9668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1399907328 nr_ops:1367097\ntimestamp_ms:1652998211532.0691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1464825856 nr_ops:1430494\ntimestamp_ms:1652998212533.1047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531694080 nr_ops:1495795\ntimestamp_ms:1652998213534.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1594811392 nr_ops:1557433\ntimestamp_ms:1652998214535.2915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657618432 nr_ops:1618768\ntimestamp_ms:1652998215535.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1719005184 nr_ops:1678716\ntimestamp_ms:1652998216536.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1782572032 nr_ops:1740793\ntimestamp_ms:1652998217537.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1845617664 nr_ops:1802361\ntimestamp_ms:1652998218538.9824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909236736 nr_ops:1864489\ntimestamp_ms:1652998219540.0747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972388864 nr_ops:1926161\ntimestamp_ms:1652998220540.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2035074048 nr_ops:1987377\ntimestamp_ms:1652998221541.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097980416 nr_ops:2048809\ntimestamp_ms:1652998222542.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2160314368 nr_ops:2109682\ntimestamp_ms:1652998223543.9263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223457280 nr_ops:2171345\ntimestamp_ms:1652998224545.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2286748672 nr_ops:2233153\ntimestamp_ms:1652998225545.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2349278208 nr_ops:2294217\ntimestamp_ms:1652998226546.9287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2413440000 nr_ops:2356875\ntimestamp_ms:1652998227547.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476481536 nr_ops:2418439\ntimestamp_ms:1652998228548.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2540137472 nr_ops:2480603\ntimestamp_ms:1652998229549.9250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2603111424 nr_ops:2542101\ntimestamp_ms:1652998230550.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665487360 nr_ops:2603015\ntimestamp_ms:1652998231551.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2729415680 nr_ops:2665445\ntimestamp_ms:1652998232553.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2791986176 nr_ops:2726549\ntimestamp_ms:1652998233554.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2854970368 nr_ops:2788057\ntimestamp_ms:1652998234555.1992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2918870016 nr_ops:2850459\ntimestamp_ms:1652998235555.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2981641216 nr_ops:2911759\ntimestamp_ms:1652998236556.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3045893120 nr_ops:2974505\ntimestamp_ms:1652998237558.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3108255744 nr_ops:3035406\ntimestamp_ms:1652998238558.8293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171755008 nr_ops:3097417\ntimestamp_ms:1652998239559.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3237405696 nr_ops:3161529\ntimestamp_ms:1652998240560.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306476544 nr_ops:3228981\ntimestamp_ms:1652998241561.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3374811136 nr_ops:3295714\ntimestamp_ms:1652998242562.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437042688 nr_ops:3356487\ntimestamp_ms:1652998243563.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3500231680 nr_ops:3418195\ntimestamp_ms:1652998244564.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3562847232 nr_ops:3479343\ntimestamp_ms:1652998245565.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3625743360 nr_ops:3540765\ntimestamp_ms:1652998246566.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691049984 nr_ops:3604541\ntimestamp_ms:1652998247567.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3754032128 nr_ops:3666047\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139632573544192\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.0833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3817738240 nr_ops:3728260\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.1216 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.1255 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248869.3167 name:Total nr_bytes:3817738240 nr_ops:3728261\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.2144 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7635476480 nr_ops:7456522\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.2151 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3817738240 nr_ops:3728263\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 333.33us 0.00ns 333.33us 333.33us \nTxn1 1864130 32.17us 0.00ns 8.66ms 25.52us \nTxn2 1 24.09us 0.00ns 24.09us 24.09us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 332.66us 0.00ns 332.66us 332.66us \nwrite 1864130 3.24us 0.00ns 182.16us 2.61us \nread 1864130 28.84us 0.00ns 8.65ms 1.35us \ndisconnect 1 23.50us 0.00ns 23.50us 23.50us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.78b/s \nnet1 29892 29892 260.65Mb/s 260.65Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.173 62.36s 3.56GB 489.74Mb/s 3728263 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 489.74Mb/s 3728263 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.411555, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998187507.4976 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998188508.5967 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998188508.6467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998189509.7263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62718976 nr_ops:61249\ntimestamp_ms:1652998190510.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125182976 nr_ops:122249\ntimestamp_ms:1652998191511.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188531712 nr_ops:184113\ntimestamp_ms:1652998192513.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252544000 nr_ops:246625\ntimestamp_ms:1652998193514.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315302912 nr_ops:307913\ntimestamp_ms:1652998194515.2058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378508288 nr_ops:369637\ntimestamp_ms:1652998195516.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441277440 nr_ops:430935\ntimestamp_ms:1652998196517.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504977408 nr_ops:493142\ntimestamp_ms:1652998197518.5161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568460288 nr_ops:555137\ntimestamp_ms:1652998198519.6067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634647552 nr_ops:619773\ntimestamp_ms:1652998199520.6465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703513600 nr_ops:687025\ntimestamp_ms:1652998200520.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:767218688 nr_ops:749237\ntimestamp_ms:1652998201521.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831568896 nr_ops:812079\ntimestamp_ms:1652998202523.0491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894497792 nr_ops:873533\ntimestamp_ms:1652998203524.1384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:957851648 nr_ops:935402\ntimestamp_ms:1652998204525.2285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021547520 nr_ops:997605\ntimestamp_ms:1652998205525.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083823104 nr_ops:1058421\ntimestamp_ms:1652998206526.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147960320 nr_ops:1121055\ntimestamp_ms:1652998207527.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209996288 nr_ops:1181637\ntimestamp_ms:1652998208528.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274023936 nr_ops:1244164\ntimestamp_ms:1652998209529.9197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1337224192 nr_ops:1305883\ntimestamp_ms:1652998210530.9668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1399907328 nr_ops:1367097\ntimestamp_ms:1652998211532.0691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1464825856 nr_ops:1430494\ntimestamp_ms:1652998212533.1047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531694080 nr_ops:1495795\ntimestamp_ms:1652998213534.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1594811392 nr_ops:1557433\ntimestamp_ms:1652998214535.2915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657618432 nr_ops:1618768\ntimestamp_ms:1652998215535.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1719005184 nr_ops:1678716\ntimestamp_ms:1652998216536.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1782572032 nr_ops:1740793\ntimestamp_ms:1652998217537.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1845617664 nr_ops:1802361\ntimestamp_ms:1652998218538.9824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909236736 nr_ops:1864489\ntimestamp_ms:1652998219540.0747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972388864 nr_ops:1926161\ntimestamp_ms:1652998220540.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2035074048 nr_ops:1987377\ntimestamp_ms:1652998221541.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097980416 nr_ops:2048809\ntimestamp_ms:1652998222542.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2160314368 nr_ops:2109682\ntimestamp_ms:1652998223543.9263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223457280 nr_ops:2171345\ntimestamp_ms:1652998224545.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2286748672 nr_ops:2233153\ntimestamp_ms:1652998225545.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2349278208 nr_ops:2294217\ntimestamp_ms:1652998226546.9287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2413440000 nr_ops:2356875\ntimestamp_ms:1652998227547.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476481536 nr_ops:2418439\ntimestamp_ms:1652998228548.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2540137472 nr_ops:2480603\ntimestamp_ms:1652998229549.9250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2603111424 nr_ops:2542101\ntimestamp_ms:1652998230550.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665487360 nr_ops:2603015\ntimestamp_ms:1652998231551.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2729415680 nr_ops:2665445\ntimestamp_ms:1652998232553.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2791986176 nr_ops:2726549\ntimestamp_ms:1652998233554.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2854970368 nr_ops:2788057\ntimestamp_ms:1652998234555.1992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2918870016 nr_ops:2850459\ntimestamp_ms:1652998235555.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2981641216 nr_ops:2911759\ntimestamp_ms:1652998236556.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3045893120 nr_ops:2974505\ntimestamp_ms:1652998237558.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3108255744 nr_ops:3035406\ntimestamp_ms:1652998238558.8293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171755008 nr_ops:3097417\ntimestamp_ms:1652998239559.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3237405696 nr_ops:3161529\ntimestamp_ms:1652998240560.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306476544 nr_ops:3228981\ntimestamp_ms:1652998241561.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3374811136 nr_ops:3295714\ntimestamp_ms:1652998242562.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437042688 nr_ops:3356487\ntimestamp_ms:1652998243563.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3500231680 nr_ops:3418195\ntimestamp_ms:1652998244564.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3562847232 nr_ops:3479343\ntimestamp_ms:1652998245565.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3625743360 nr_ops:3540765\ntimestamp_ms:1652998246566.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691049984 nr_ops:3604541\ntimestamp_ms:1652998247567.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3754032128 nr_ops:3666047\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139632573544192\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.0833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3817738240 nr_ops:3728260\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.1216 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.1255 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248869.3167 name:Total nr_bytes:3817738240 nr_ops:3728261\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.2144 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7635476480 nr_ops:7456522\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.2151 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3817738240 nr_ops:3728263\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 333.33us 0.00ns 333.33us 333.33us \nTxn1 1864130 32.17us 0.00ns 8.66ms 25.52us \nTxn2 1 24.09us 0.00ns 24.09us 24.09us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 332.66us 0.00ns 332.66us 332.66us \nwrite 1864130 3.24us 0.00ns 182.16us 2.61us \nread 1864130 28.84us 0.00ns 8.65ms 1.35us \ndisconnect 1 23.50us 0.00ns 23.50us 23.50us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.78b/s \nnet1 29892 29892 260.65Mb/s 260.65Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.173 62.36s 3.56GB 489.74Mb/s 3728263 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 489.74Mb/s 3728263 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.411555, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998187507.4976 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998188508.5967 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998188508.6467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998189509.7263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62718976 nr_ops:61249\ntimestamp_ms:1652998190510.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125182976 nr_ops:122249\ntimestamp_ms:1652998191511.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188531712 nr_ops:184113\ntimestamp_ms:1652998192513.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252544000 nr_ops:246625\ntimestamp_ms:1652998193514.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315302912 nr_ops:307913\ntimestamp_ms:1652998194515.2058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378508288 nr_ops:369637\ntimestamp_ms:1652998195516.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441277440 nr_ops:430935\ntimestamp_ms:1652998196517.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504977408 nr_ops:493142\ntimestamp_ms:1652998197518.5161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568460288 nr_ops:555137\ntimestamp_ms:1652998198519.6067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634647552 nr_ops:619773\ntimestamp_ms:1652998199520.6465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703513600 nr_ops:687025\ntimestamp_ms:1652998200520.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:767218688 nr_ops:749237\ntimestamp_ms:1652998201521.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831568896 nr_ops:812079\ntimestamp_ms:1652998202523.0491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894497792 nr_ops:873533\ntimestamp_ms:1652998203524.1384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:957851648 nr_ops:935402\ntimestamp_ms:1652998204525.2285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021547520 nr_ops:997605\ntimestamp_ms:1652998205525.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083823104 nr_ops:1058421\ntimestamp_ms:1652998206526.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147960320 nr_ops:1121055\ntimestamp_ms:1652998207527.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209996288 nr_ops:1181637\ntimestamp_ms:1652998208528.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274023936 nr_ops:1244164\ntimestamp_ms:1652998209529.9197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1337224192 nr_ops:1305883\ntimestamp_ms:1652998210530.9668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1399907328 nr_ops:1367097\ntimestamp_ms:1652998211532.0691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1464825856 nr_ops:1430494\ntimestamp_ms:1652998212533.1047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531694080 nr_ops:1495795\ntimestamp_ms:1652998213534.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1594811392 nr_ops:1557433\ntimestamp_ms:1652998214535.2915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657618432 nr_ops:1618768\ntimestamp_ms:1652998215535.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1719005184 nr_ops:1678716\ntimestamp_ms:1652998216536.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1782572032 nr_ops:1740793\ntimestamp_ms:1652998217537.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1845617664 nr_ops:1802361\ntimestamp_ms:1652998218538.9824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909236736 nr_ops:1864489\ntimestamp_ms:1652998219540.0747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972388864 nr_ops:1926161\ntimestamp_ms:1652998220540.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2035074048 nr_ops:1987377\ntimestamp_ms:1652998221541.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097980416 nr_ops:2048809\ntimestamp_ms:1652998222542.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2160314368 nr_ops:2109682\ntimestamp_ms:1652998223543.9263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223457280 nr_ops:2171345\ntimestamp_ms:1652998224545.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2286748672 nr_ops:2233153\ntimestamp_ms:1652998225545.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2349278208 nr_ops:2294217\ntimestamp_ms:1652998226546.9287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2413440000 nr_ops:2356875\ntimestamp_ms:1652998227547.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476481536 nr_ops:2418439\ntimestamp_ms:1652998228548.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2540137472 nr_ops:2480603\ntimestamp_ms:1652998229549.9250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2603111424 nr_ops:2542101\ntimestamp_ms:1652998230550.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665487360 nr_ops:2603015\ntimestamp_ms:1652998231551.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2729415680 nr_ops:2665445\ntimestamp_ms:1652998232553.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2791986176 nr_ops:2726549\ntimestamp_ms:1652998233554.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2854970368 nr_ops:2788057\ntimestamp_ms:1652998234555.1992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2918870016 nr_ops:2850459\ntimestamp_ms:1652998235555.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2981641216 nr_ops:2911759\ntimestamp_ms:1652998236556.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3045893120 nr_ops:2974505\ntimestamp_ms:1652998237558.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3108255744 nr_ops:3035406\ntimestamp_ms:1652998238558.8293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171755008 nr_ops:3097417\ntimestamp_ms:1652998239559.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3237405696 nr_ops:3161529\ntimestamp_ms:1652998240560.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306476544 nr_ops:3228981\ntimestamp_ms:1652998241561.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3374811136 nr_ops:3295714\ntimestamp_ms:1652998242562.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437042688 nr_ops:3356487\ntimestamp_ms:1652998243563.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3500231680 nr_ops:3418195\ntimestamp_ms:1652998244564.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3562847232 nr_ops:3479343\ntimestamp_ms:1652998245565.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3625743360 nr_ops:3540765\ntimestamp_ms:1652998246566.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691049984 nr_ops:3604541\ntimestamp_ms:1652998247567.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3754032128 nr_ops:3666047\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139632573544192\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.0833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3817738240 nr_ops:3728260\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.1216 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.1255 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248869.3167 name:Total nr_bytes:3817738240 nr_ops:3728261\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.2144 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7635476480 nr_ops:7456522\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998248769.2151 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3817738240 nr_ops:3728263\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 333.33us 0.00ns 333.33us 333.33us \nTxn1 1864130 32.17us 0.00ns 8.66ms 25.52us \nTxn2 1 24.09us 0.00ns 24.09us 24.09us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 332.66us 0.00ns 332.66us 332.66us \nwrite 1864130 3.24us 0.00ns 182.16us 2.61us \nread 1864130 28.84us 0.00ns 8.65ms 1.35us \ndisconnect 1 23.50us 0.00ns 23.50us 23.50us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.78b/s \nnet1 29892 29892 260.65Mb/s 260.65Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.173 62.36s 3.56GB 489.74Mb/s 3728263 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.56GB 489.74Mb/s 3728263 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.411555, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998187507.4976 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998188508.5967 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998188508.6467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998189509.7263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62718976 nr_ops:61249
+timestamp_ms:1652998190510.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125182976 nr_ops:122249
+timestamp_ms:1652998191511.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188531712 nr_ops:184113
+timestamp_ms:1652998192513.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252544000 nr_ops:246625
+timestamp_ms:1652998193514.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315302912 nr_ops:307913
+timestamp_ms:1652998194515.2058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378508288 nr_ops:369637
+timestamp_ms:1652998195516.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441277440 nr_ops:430935
+timestamp_ms:1652998196517.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504977408 nr_ops:493142
+timestamp_ms:1652998197518.5161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568460288 nr_ops:555137
+timestamp_ms:1652998198519.6067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634647552 nr_ops:619773
+timestamp_ms:1652998199520.6465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703513600 nr_ops:687025
+timestamp_ms:1652998200520.9199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:767218688 nr_ops:749237
+timestamp_ms:1652998201521.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:831568896 nr_ops:812079
+timestamp_ms:1652998202523.0491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894497792 nr_ops:873533
+timestamp_ms:1652998203524.1384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:957851648 nr_ops:935402
+timestamp_ms:1652998204525.2285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021547520 nr_ops:997605
+timestamp_ms:1652998205525.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083823104 nr_ops:1058421
+timestamp_ms:1652998206526.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147960320 nr_ops:1121055
+timestamp_ms:1652998207527.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209996288 nr_ops:1181637
+timestamp_ms:1652998208528.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274023936 nr_ops:1244164
+timestamp_ms:1652998209529.9197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1337224192 nr_ops:1305883
+timestamp_ms:1652998210530.9668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1399907328 nr_ops:1367097
+timestamp_ms:1652998211532.0691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1464825856 nr_ops:1430494
+timestamp_ms:1652998212533.1047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531694080 nr_ops:1495795
+timestamp_ms:1652998213534.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1594811392 nr_ops:1557433
+timestamp_ms:1652998214535.2915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657618432 nr_ops:1618768
+timestamp_ms:1652998215535.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1719005184 nr_ops:1678716
+timestamp_ms:1652998216536.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1782572032 nr_ops:1740793
+timestamp_ms:1652998217537.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1845617664 nr_ops:1802361
+timestamp_ms:1652998218538.9824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909236736 nr_ops:1864489
+timestamp_ms:1652998219540.0747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1972388864 nr_ops:1926161
+timestamp_ms:1652998220540.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2035074048 nr_ops:1987377
+timestamp_ms:1652998221541.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097980416 nr_ops:2048809
+timestamp_ms:1652998222542.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2160314368 nr_ops:2109682
+timestamp_ms:1652998223543.9263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2223457280 nr_ops:2171345
+timestamp_ms:1652998224545.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2286748672 nr_ops:2233153
+timestamp_ms:1652998225545.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2349278208 nr_ops:2294217
+timestamp_ms:1652998226546.9287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2413440000 nr_ops:2356875
+timestamp_ms:1652998227547.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476481536 nr_ops:2418439
+timestamp_ms:1652998228548.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2540137472 nr_ops:2480603
+timestamp_ms:1652998229549.9250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2603111424 nr_ops:2542101
+timestamp_ms:1652998230550.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665487360 nr_ops:2603015
+timestamp_ms:1652998231551.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2729415680 nr_ops:2665445
+timestamp_ms:1652998232553.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2791986176 nr_ops:2726549
+timestamp_ms:1652998233554.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2854970368 nr_ops:2788057
+timestamp_ms:1652998234555.1992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2918870016 nr_ops:2850459
+timestamp_ms:1652998235555.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2981641216 nr_ops:2911759
+timestamp_ms:1652998236556.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3045893120 nr_ops:2974505
+timestamp_ms:1652998237558.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3108255744 nr_ops:3035406
+timestamp_ms:1652998238558.8293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3171755008 nr_ops:3097417
+timestamp_ms:1652998239559.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3237405696 nr_ops:3161529
+timestamp_ms:1652998240560.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306476544 nr_ops:3228981
+timestamp_ms:1652998241561.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3374811136 nr_ops:3295714
+timestamp_ms:1652998242562.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3437042688 nr_ops:3356487
+timestamp_ms:1652998243563.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3500231680 nr_ops:3418195
+timestamp_ms:1652998244564.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3562847232 nr_ops:3479343
+timestamp_ms:1652998245565.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3625743360 nr_ops:3540765
+timestamp_ms:1652998246566.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3691049984 nr_ops:3604541
+timestamp_ms:1652998247567.8315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3754032128 nr_ops:3666047
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139632573544192
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652998248769.0833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3817738240 nr_ops:3728260
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998248769.1216 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998248769.1255 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998248869.3167 name:Total nr_bytes:3817738240 nr_ops:3728261
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998248769.2144 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7635476480 nr_ops:7456522
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998248769.2151 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3817738240 nr_ops:3728263
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 333.33us 0.00ns 333.33us 333.33us
+Txn1 1864130 32.17us 0.00ns 8.66ms 25.52us
+Txn2 1 24.09us 0.00ns 24.09us 24.09us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 332.66us 0.00ns 332.66us 332.66us
+write 1864130 3.24us 0.00ns 182.16us 2.61us
+read 1864130 28.84us 0.00ns 8.65ms 1.35us
+disconnect 1 23.50us 0.00ns 23.50us 23.50us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.78b/s
+net1 29892 29892 260.65Mb/s 260.65Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.173 62.36s 3.56GB 489.74Mb/s 3728263 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.56GB 489.74Mb/s 3728263 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:09:49.509000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:09:49.509000', 'bytes': 62718976, 'norm_byte': 62718976, 'ops': 61249, 'norm_ops': 61249, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3444234166068, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:09:49.509000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:09:49.509000",
+ "bytes": 62718976,
+ "norm_byte": 62718976,
+ "ops": 61249,
+ "norm_ops": 61249,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3444234166068,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ced1d809ac4318cd35dcc323e866a87fffddb3a015b29fdfeb2a746304710fcb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:09:50.510000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:09:50.510000', 'bytes': 125182976, 'norm_byte': 62464000, 'ops': 122249, 'norm_ops': 61000, 'norm_ltcy': 16.411657114497952, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:09:50.510000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:09:50.510000",
+ "bytes": 125182976,
+ "norm_byte": 62464000,
+ "ops": 122249,
+ "norm_ops": 61000,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.411657114497952,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "676bba87e76aa02adb51c5968453591587ca0b2d1ce8612d0e9f47240dbeadb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:09:51.511000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:09:51.511000', 'bytes': 188531712, 'norm_byte': 63348736, 'ops': 184113, 'norm_ops': 61864, 'norm_ltcy': 16.182225009193555, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:09:51.511000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:09:51.511000",
+ "bytes": 188531712,
+ "norm_byte": 63348736,
+ "ops": 184113,
+ "norm_ops": 61864,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.182225009193555,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9854f40691797c9f504d685cb1943eb4f3ab1f3e653d996b78d908709b454acc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:09:52.513000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:09:52.513000', 'bytes': 252544000, 'norm_byte': 64012288, 'ops': 246625, 'norm_ops': 62512, 'norm_ltcy': 16.014362742353466, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:09:52.513000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:09:52.513000",
+ "bytes": 252544000,
+ "norm_byte": 64012288,
+ "ops": 246625,
+ "norm_ops": 62512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.014362742353466,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55af1a0a339acca61b0c4fa9363781b035360a0fb92fd5e007ef5b42310b7fdc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:09:53.514000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:09:53.514000', 'bytes': 315302912, 'norm_byte': 62758912, 'ops': 307913, 'norm_ops': 61288, 'norm_ltcy': 16.33420604869632, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:09:53.514000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:09:53.514000",
+ "bytes": 315302912,
+ "norm_byte": 62758912,
+ "ops": 307913,
+ "norm_ops": 61288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.33420604869632,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4f9b1f9baee8cd8f81502c69e2f383d39d1c3a6ad04eec94a448fbe2fdce70b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:09:54.515000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:09:54.515000', 'bytes': 378508288, 'norm_byte': 63205376, 'ops': 369637, 'norm_ops': 61724, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2188221141189, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:09:54.515000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:09:54.515000",
+ "bytes": 378508288,
+ "norm_byte": 63205376,
+ "ops": 369637,
+ "norm_ops": 61724,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2188221141189,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3de663fffe86ef2b1f33bfc4f24905b4fb6a6342dff9bb26f2d33519470fc68e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:09:55.516000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:09:55.516000', 'bytes': 441277440, 'norm_byte': 62769152, 'ops': 430935, 'norm_ops': 61298, 'norm_ltcy': 16.331987406807727, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:09:55.516000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:09:55.516000",
+ "bytes": 441277440,
+ "norm_byte": 62769152,
+ "ops": 430935,
+ "norm_ops": 61298,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.331987406807727,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ecbcc790dc7ea2ac8333bfef7cf51cbccbc9a3780c524fa86a13ebfe4bccd29e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:09:56.517000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:09:56.517000', 'bytes': 504977408, 'norm_byte': 63699968, 'ops': 493142, 'norm_ops': 62207, 'norm_ltcy': 16.092951569457618, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:09:56.517000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:09:56.517000",
+ "bytes": 504977408,
+ "norm_byte": 63699968,
+ "ops": 493142,
+ "norm_ops": 62207,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.092951569457618,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "07fde37151eca356f0f8c442c7c1acc41d03dbaa6c5a612b27dd95d3e02b3088",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:09:57.518000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:09:57.518000', 'bytes': 568460288, 'norm_byte': 63482880, 'ops': 555137, 'norm_ops': 61995, 'norm_ltcy': 16.148042590380275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:09:57.518000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:09:57.518000",
+ "bytes": 568460288,
+ "norm_byte": 63482880,
+ "ops": 555137,
+ "norm_ops": 61995,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.148042590380275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da1b5296de0df5e253d97d2a260388333077eb44fb68eee61fb6044804afc31d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:09:58.519000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:09:58.519000', 'bytes': 634647552, 'norm_byte': 66187264, 'ops': 619773, 'norm_ops': 64636, 'norm_ltcy': 15.488126990715314, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:09:58.519000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:09:58.519000",
+ "bytes": 634647552,
+ "norm_byte": 66187264,
+ "ops": 619773,
+ "norm_ops": 64636,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.488126990715314,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7dc848d7f18edb57d278b15b3f5ada7986b47ad7fe9c5168b28157bd1b425527",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:09:59.520000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:09:59.520000', 'bytes': 703513600, 'norm_byte': 68866048, 'ops': 687025, 'norm_ops': 67252, 'norm_ltcy': 14.884907436535345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:09:59.520000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:09:59.520000",
+ "bytes": 703513600,
+ "norm_byte": 68866048,
+ "ops": 687025,
+ "norm_ops": 67252,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.884907436535345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fb1d462ad06ee5f037ba3fdf4c3d0c2491c0264f165f9d0774bb7c0764ab8c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:00.520000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:00.520000', 'bytes': 767218688, 'norm_byte': 63705088, 'ops': 749237, 'norm_ops': 62212, 'norm_ltcy': 16.078464564714203, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:00.520000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:00.520000",
+ "bytes": 767218688,
+ "norm_byte": 63705088,
+ "ops": 749237,
+ "norm_ops": 62212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.078464564714203,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d2b0a90a9aeb37fc9afaf6c4afd182bf5ce7c8a58a24c27b1aa4502d82d8c85",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:01.521000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:01.521000', 'bytes': 831568896, 'norm_byte': 64350208, 'ops': 812079, 'norm_ops': 62842, 'norm_ltcy': 15.9294046104715, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:01.521000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:01.521000",
+ "bytes": 831568896,
+ "norm_byte": 64350208,
+ "ops": 812079,
+ "norm_ops": 62842,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.9294046104715,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c441ca9f81d75e2d7328499393fea78d1672f58d268d2e6add3182465c91455",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:02.523000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:02.523000', 'bytes': 894497792, 'norm_byte': 62928896, 'ops': 873533, 'norm_ops': 61454, 'norm_ltcy': 16.290127670442526, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:02.523000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:02.523000",
+ "bytes": 894497792,
+ "norm_byte": 62928896,
+ "ops": 873533,
+ "norm_ops": 61454,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.290127670442526,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c77ff2407a192286aed514b0444786a2e894287005b7a175d9b46f299fee5e7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:03.524000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:03.524000', 'bytes': 957851648, 'norm_byte': 63353856, 'ops': 935402, 'norm_ops': 61869, 'norm_ltcy': 16.180790952961097, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:03.524000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:03.524000",
+ "bytes": 957851648,
+ "norm_byte": 63353856,
+ "ops": 935402,
+ "norm_ops": 61869,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.180790952961097,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0977ee3aa05675f20d4ce575fda18bf33ff896cefc110b75f2384a082d148c21",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:04.525000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:04.525000', 'bytes': 1021547520, 'norm_byte': 63695872, 'ops': 997605, 'norm_ops': 62203, 'norm_ltcy': 16.093919712724865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:04.525000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:04.525000",
+ "bytes": 1021547520,
+ "norm_byte": 63695872,
+ "ops": 997605,
+ "norm_ops": 62203,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.093919712724865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f55ab25cdbe4b94eeb9b7f604a5f431a31ddd3f0b8dc4e221a69b9a5c275b38e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:05.525000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:05.525000', 'bytes': 1083823104, 'norm_byte': 62275584, 'ops': 1058421, 'norm_ops': 60816, 'norm_ltcy': 16.453001066999228, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:05.525000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:05.525000",
+ "bytes": 1083823104,
+ "norm_byte": 62275584,
+ "ops": 1058421,
+ "norm_ops": 60816,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.453001066999228,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "314b4cb9dfa1b735b4649671f0ac84d50fec5e54ff19e29b8fd239281c607f8d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:06.526000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:06.526000', 'bytes': 1147960320, 'norm_byte': 64137216, 'ops': 1121055, 'norm_ops': 62634, 'norm_ltcy': 15.983235848590624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:06.526000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:06.526000",
+ "bytes": 1147960320,
+ "norm_byte": 64137216,
+ "ops": 1121055,
+ "norm_ops": 62634,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.983235848590624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a609a9f9b62236b74b354db6c05e6aff5d36381cac3e823ff0e25a84bb9675f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:07.527000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:07.527000', 'bytes': 1209996288, 'norm_byte': 62035968, 'ops': 1181637, 'norm_ops': 60582, 'norm_ltcy': 16.52150007556906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:07.527000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:07.527000",
+ "bytes": 1209996288,
+ "norm_byte": 62035968,
+ "ops": 1181637,
+ "norm_ops": 60582,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.52150007556906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a80a63963844c6edebee3bc41aa9410cfd3552104b14c2dd6c6571460905a88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:08.528000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:08.528000', 'bytes': 1274023936, 'norm_byte': 64027648, 'ops': 1244164, 'norm_ops': 62527, 'norm_ltcy': 16.00908017111608, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:08.528000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:08.528000",
+ "bytes": 1274023936,
+ "norm_byte": 64027648,
+ "ops": 1244164,
+ "norm_ops": 62527,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.00908017111608,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "500fd74ac38bf8e058da019f07ec4dbc4d06d3432d67e700b6d02ca8e906b5a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:09.529000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:09.529000', 'bytes': 1337224192, 'norm_byte': 63200256, 'ops': 1305883, 'norm_ops': 61719, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22006483644623, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:09.529000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:09.529000",
+ "bytes": 1337224192,
+ "norm_byte": 63200256,
+ "ops": 1305883,
+ "norm_ops": 61719,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22006483644623,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "46f5add69ddd16dff860cc54fe0435222148088bbcf9dbee95e6025f59b44b99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:10.530000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:10.530000', 'bytes': 1399907328, 'norm_byte': 62683136, 'ops': 1367097, 'norm_ops': 61214, 'norm_ltcy': 16.353238134097182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:10.530000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:10.530000",
+ "bytes": 1399907328,
+ "norm_byte": 62683136,
+ "ops": 1367097,
+ "norm_ops": 61214,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.353238134097182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d4144945562d568ffad5b56d8eedd85066c18f9ac244174b993fca224751e13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:11.532000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:11.532000', 'bytes': 1464825856, 'norm_byte': 64918528, 'ops': 1430494, 'norm_ops': 63397, 'norm_ltcy': 15.791004226097055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:11.532000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:11.532000",
+ "bytes": 1464825856,
+ "norm_byte": 64918528,
+ "ops": 1430494,
+ "norm_ops": 63397,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.791004226097055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "433a412de227293db3d18ce3771d3c8a395b0d4a43c1c42b2b5f60b05147292e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:12.533000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:12.533000', 'bytes': 1531694080, 'norm_byte': 66868224, 'ops': 1495795, 'norm_ops': 65301, 'norm_ltcy': 15.329560719303688, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:12.533000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:12.533000",
+ "bytes": 1531694080,
+ "norm_byte": 66868224,
+ "ops": 1495795,
+ "norm_ops": 65301,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.329560719303688,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eacdc85c17a43ce2dfa802aeb9d137ed74587bfa32b8b9162a1c07a182f6edbd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:13.534000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:13.534000', 'bytes': 1594811392, 'norm_byte': 63117312, 'ops': 1557433, 'norm_ops': 61638, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2414750805611, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:13.534000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:13.534000",
+ "bytes": 1594811392,
+ "norm_byte": 63117312,
+ "ops": 1557433,
+ "norm_ops": 61638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2414750805611,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ea6e614e7c5af97332fffb7ef99788e8289feefeddf342fdf234c1bee3f30f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:14.535000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:14.535000', 'bytes': 1657618432, 'norm_byte': 62807040, 'ops': 1618768, 'norm_ops': 61335, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32175310283688, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:14.535000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:14.535000",
+ "bytes": 1657618432,
+ "norm_byte": 62807040,
+ "ops": 1618768,
+ "norm_ops": 61335,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32175310283688,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e309d577c6fecde08f467e3c4d0c0defc448a189803dd6d53f5fc703d271b3e5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:15.535000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:15.535000', 'bytes': 1719005184, 'norm_byte': 61386752, 'ops': 1678716, 'norm_ops': 59948, 'norm_ltcy': 16.69022169473961, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:15.535000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:15.535000",
+ "bytes": 1719005184,
+ "norm_byte": 61386752,
+ "ops": 1678716,
+ "norm_ops": 59948,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.69022169473961,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a204080f8b1ca52b9e2d364fd68eadaae8a8bdf46a3f6b3c2eda71165fa9a434",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:16.536000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:16.536000', 'bytes': 1782572032, 'norm_byte': 63566848, 'ops': 1740793, 'norm_ops': 62077, 'norm_ltcy': 16.126586141254005, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:16.536000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:16.536000",
+ "bytes": 1782572032,
+ "norm_byte": 63566848,
+ "ops": 1740793,
+ "norm_ops": 62077,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.126586141254005,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ed31ba8784ea6117afcd98e578917e35954edad3f5988637c67a626f430092e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:17.537000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:17.537000', 'bytes': 1845617664, 'norm_byte': 63045632, 'ops': 1802361, 'norm_ops': 61568, 'norm_ltcy': 16.257898723261274, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:17.537000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:17.537000",
+ "bytes": 1845617664,
+ "norm_byte": 63045632,
+ "ops": 1802361,
+ "norm_ops": 61568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.257898723261274,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f21216cd0ba0dee8abc8e8f1208a44224584844647eed48e8deaded62208d929",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:18.538000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:18.538000', 'bytes': 1909236736, 'norm_byte': 63619072, 'ops': 1864489, 'norm_ops': 62128, 'norm_ltcy': 16.113332335309764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:18.538000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:18.538000",
+ "bytes": 1909236736,
+ "norm_byte": 63619072,
+ "ops": 1864489,
+ "norm_ops": 62128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.113332335309764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1264ef5e06aedfbc805263ed32859729d8cf0f53e2a60d7f1ebea33525210601",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:19.540000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:19.540000', 'bytes': 1972388864, 'norm_byte': 63152128, 'ops': 1926161, 'norm_ops': 61672, 'norm_ltcy': 16.232525054420968, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:19.540000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:19.540000",
+ "bytes": 1972388864,
+ "norm_byte": 63152128,
+ "ops": 1926161,
+ "norm_ops": 61672,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.232525054420968,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8981229b2a86e517a858593bb2a456ee54b815ff8c2800091e694072636c14b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:20.540000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:20.540000', 'bytes': 2035074048, 'norm_byte': 62685184, 'ops': 1987377, 'norm_ops': 61216, 'norm_ltcy': 16.34802571529502, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:20.540000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:20.540000",
+ "bytes": 2035074048,
+ "norm_byte": 62685184,
+ "ops": 1987377,
+ "norm_ops": 61216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.34802571529502,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b6f88fdd9d25f16600655a633c83c7e64b2e5c9c6d01d99620de3cfeaddfb9a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:21.541000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:21.541000', 'bytes': 2097980416, 'norm_byte': 62906368, 'ops': 2048809, 'norm_ops': 61432, 'norm_ltcy': 16.295989302704616, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:21.541000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:21.541000",
+ "bytes": 2097980416,
+ "norm_byte": 62906368,
+ "ops": 2048809,
+ "norm_ops": 61432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.295989302704616,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "067c2490eb8f6aaf83c90cee7b3c3732a9bad5c2e8a17863376785cf0980565e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:22.542000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:22.542000', 'bytes': 2160314368, 'norm_byte': 62333952, 'ops': 2109682, 'norm_ops': 60873, 'norm_ltcy': 16.442523971526786, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:22.542000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:22.542000",
+ "bytes": 2160314368,
+ "norm_byte": 62333952,
+ "ops": 2109682,
+ "norm_ops": 60873,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.442523971526786,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ede8da4d889068c10f301b9a4d82253219cb38925a3a40a86cb4ccbdcddc867b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:23.543000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:23.543000', 'bytes': 2223457280, 'norm_byte': 63142912, 'ops': 2171345, 'norm_ops': 61663, 'norm_ltcy': 16.234854673791414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:23.543000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:23.543000",
+ "bytes": 2223457280,
+ "norm_byte": 63142912,
+ "ops": 2171345,
+ "norm_ops": 61663,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.234854673791414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6196d390ea091d48070d24b2ec4666156e18de856bca70a0a8ae42f1cafead05",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:24.545000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:24.545000', 'bytes': 2286748672, 'norm_byte': 63291392, 'ops': 2233153, 'norm_ops': 61808, 'norm_ltcy': 16.19675231664995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:24.545000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:24.545000",
+ "bytes": 2286748672,
+ "norm_byte": 63291392,
+ "ops": 2233153,
+ "norm_ops": 61808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.19675231664995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "200fcc8cad6dc64129850a94227c971a65ee9b0f8bdc9567d80922d577a1d482",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:25.545000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:25.545000', 'bytes': 2349278208, 'norm_byte': 62529536, 'ops': 2294217, 'norm_ops': 61064, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38973460477941, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:25.545000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:25.545000",
+ "bytes": 2349278208,
+ "norm_byte": 62529536,
+ "ops": 2294217,
+ "norm_ops": 61064,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38973460477941,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae31bf96576eb83a5e57892308f841492b7bc0b6dc8f4347db0c49a2d10058e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:26.546000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:26.546000', 'bytes': 2413440000, 'norm_byte': 64161792, 'ops': 2356875, 'norm_ops': 62658, 'norm_ltcy': 15.977063109459289, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:26.546000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:26.546000",
+ "bytes": 2413440000,
+ "norm_byte": 64161792,
+ "ops": 2356875,
+ "norm_ops": 62658,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.977063109459289,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cce494e57e1a24419078999ca5d27aa2c3322553d24a244563f4edc755791775",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:27.547000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:27.547000', 'bytes': 2476481536, 'norm_byte': 63041536, 'ops': 2418439, 'norm_ops': 61564, 'norm_ltcy': 16.25797156972825, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:27.547000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:27.547000",
+ "bytes": 2476481536,
+ "norm_byte": 63041536,
+ "ops": 2418439,
+ "norm_ops": 61564,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.25797156972825,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "101819a1292d18a4d7219f186185c4a1fd17af9e1d1ac217560f7038c39b175d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:28.548000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:28.548000', 'bytes': 2540137472, 'norm_byte': 63655936, 'ops': 2480603, 'norm_ops': 62164, 'norm_ltcy': 16.102512419265974, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:28.548000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:28.548000",
+ "bytes": 2540137472,
+ "norm_byte": 63655936,
+ "ops": 2480603,
+ "norm_ops": 62164,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.102512419265974,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83ac84f92f74e149831f42862d9449da56a8c168f234427405c437cdcdf92430",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:29.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:29.549000', 'bytes': 2603111424, 'norm_byte': 62973952, 'ops': 2542101, 'norm_ops': 61498, 'norm_ltcy': 16.278480505717667, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:29.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:29.549000",
+ "bytes": 2603111424,
+ "norm_byte": 62973952,
+ "ops": 2542101,
+ "norm_ops": 61498,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.278480505717667,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c2f4126f982f6aa952a39568cab9888a8deece7b451ada4e7220ccdd6d2052d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:30.550000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:30.550000', 'bytes': 2665487360, 'norm_byte': 62375936, 'ops': 2603015, 'norm_ops': 60914, 'norm_ltcy': 16.43157707485143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:30.550000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:30.550000",
+ "bytes": 2665487360,
+ "norm_byte": 62375936,
+ "ops": 2603015,
+ "norm_ops": 60914,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.43157707485143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d36410d797f31e6f806a50328585f1900f9665ae1459e477e862f0dbb3adadf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:31.551000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:31.551000', 'bytes': 2729415680, 'norm_byte': 63928320, 'ops': 2665445, 'norm_ops': 62430, 'norm_ltcy': 16.03553401684887, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:31.551000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:31.551000",
+ "bytes": 2729415680,
+ "norm_byte": 63928320,
+ "ops": 2665445,
+ "norm_ops": 62430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.03553401684887,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6249738e669cddcb3323393534a66740eaed5a77cbd1d8e434f57141140a438b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:32.553000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:32.553000', 'bytes': 2791986176, 'norm_byte': 62570496, 'ops': 2726549, 'norm_ops': 61104, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3833046808515, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:32.553000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:32.553000",
+ "bytes": 2791986176,
+ "norm_byte": 62570496,
+ "ops": 2726549,
+ "norm_ops": 61104,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3833046808515,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ade96f2b04356b09fffb2522d7dda060398f3a2ae286a53f55c931620e69f75c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:33.554000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:33.554000', 'bytes': 2854970368, 'norm_byte': 62984192, 'ops': 2788057, 'norm_ops': 61508, 'norm_ltcy': 16.275718834338623, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:33.554000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:33.554000",
+ "bytes": 2854970368,
+ "norm_byte": 62984192,
+ "ops": 2788057,
+ "norm_ops": 61508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.275718834338623,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f259db99015c3a20d6ca5ccf4bf018beaeea96d15e3ce26d0580c513e10fe5c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:34.555000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:34.555000', 'bytes': 2918870016, 'norm_byte': 63899648, 'ops': 2850459, 'norm_ops': 62402, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04260010947165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:34.555000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:34.555000",
+ "bytes": 2918870016,
+ "norm_byte": 63899648,
+ "ops": 2850459,
+ "norm_ops": 62402,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04260010947165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87200c3e78339ca6d72188a6dc9aadd53643c998c6c593022347a242c94cbb60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:35.555000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:35.555000', 'bytes': 2981641216, 'norm_byte': 62771200, 'ops': 2911759, 'norm_ops': 61300, 'norm_ltcy': 16.323620545727977, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:35.555000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:35.555000",
+ "bytes": 2981641216,
+ "norm_byte": 62771200,
+ "ops": 2911759,
+ "norm_ops": 61300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.323620545727977,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5cc97209bf07c9eab7d60f77a346126d88a81a1f0ec7975ea095d6a4eb36d6bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:36.556000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:36.556000', 'bytes': 3045893120, 'norm_byte': 64251904, 'ops': 2974505, 'norm_ops': 62746, 'norm_ltcy': 15.954713964585393, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:36.556000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:36.556000",
+ "bytes": 3045893120,
+ "norm_byte": 64251904,
+ "ops": 2974505,
+ "norm_ops": 62746,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.954713964585393,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "510a2fd7e8b99f96ca01e7f22b610f64ae338a3843dddce94f51792bfabd24a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:37.558000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:37.558000', 'bytes': 3108255744, 'norm_byte': 62362624, 'ops': 3035406, 'norm_ops': 60901, 'norm_ltcy': 16.437986958342226, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:37.558000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:37.558000",
+ "bytes": 3108255744,
+ "norm_byte": 62362624,
+ "ops": 3035406,
+ "norm_ops": 60901,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.437986958342226,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec5ce87a9de8290ad1ecfa528b90f9aaf1893698f122aa34b17142fe34bca73a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:38.558000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:38.558000', 'bytes': 3171755008, 'norm_byte': 63499264, 'ops': 3097417, 'norm_ops': 62011, 'norm_ltcy': 16.139198873234182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:38.558000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:38.558000",
+ "bytes": 3171755008,
+ "norm_byte": 63499264,
+ "ops": 3097417,
+ "norm_ops": 62011,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.139198873234182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "882915bed52c2bfcea80ed4635d579561a03ff8b0afa855f8c7a0042a0f7a3c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:39.559000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:39.559000', 'bytes': 3237405696, 'norm_byte': 65650688, 'ops': 3161529, 'norm_ops': 64112, 'norm_ltcy': 15.615095305627262, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:39.559000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:39.559000",
+ "bytes": 3237405696,
+ "norm_byte": 65650688,
+ "ops": 3161529,
+ "norm_ops": 64112,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.615095305627262,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "89f2fed670779a2cb028689568b0156d04d5aa47a78ef4ad726bade51cb2344c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:40.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:40.560000', 'bytes': 3306476544, 'norm_byte': 69070848, 'ops': 3228981, 'norm_ops': 67452, 'norm_ltcy': 14.838857921651693, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:40.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:40.560000",
+ "bytes": 3306476544,
+ "norm_byte": 69070848,
+ "ops": 3228981,
+ "norm_ops": 67452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.838857921651693,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b497ba0042d4447a220c47cd18546c6ca1eca26cb252c7b9a282b4bab5796ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:41.561000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:41.561000', 'bytes': 3374811136, 'norm_byte': 68334592, 'ops': 3295714, 'norm_ops': 66733, 'norm_ltcy': 14.99971273699856, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:41.561000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:41.561000",
+ "bytes": 3374811136,
+ "norm_byte": 68334592,
+ "ops": 3295714,
+ "norm_ops": 66733,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.99971273699856,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d853a10097dffa4eb15ddc9876e8b97d30886d671cbe3a89d47dbb2a5c19dc1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:42.562000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:42.562000', 'bytes': 3437042688, 'norm_byte': 62231552, 'ops': 3356487, 'norm_ops': 60773, 'norm_ltcy': 16.47115839245018, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:42.562000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:42.562000",
+ "bytes": 3437042688,
+ "norm_byte": 62231552,
+ "ops": 3356487,
+ "norm_ops": 60773,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.47115839245018,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e7084588ca963c8169b1ec281454c0c80d50a058bde120576d8964de9a8d6b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:43.563000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:43.563000', 'bytes': 3500231680, 'norm_byte': 63188992, 'ops': 3418195, 'norm_ops': 61708, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22154377775167, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:43.563000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:43.563000",
+ "bytes": 3500231680,
+ "norm_byte": 63188992,
+ "ops": 3418195,
+ "norm_ops": 61708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22154377775167,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f70c52e341d89f90ebde0f72e936db375f8937145c4e05f6ef031421feca202",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:44.564000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:44.564000', 'bytes': 3562847232, 'norm_byte': 62615552, 'ops': 3479343, 'norm_ops': 61148, 'norm_ltcy': 16.37011840125597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:44.564000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:44.564000",
+ "bytes": 3562847232,
+ "norm_byte": 62615552,
+ "ops": 3479343,
+ "norm_ops": 61148,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.37011840125597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a240200918a3701defbfb1d906136f918ff650c1d6c07c1e5a00b168a90fa103",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:45.565000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:45.565000', 'bytes': 3625743360, 'norm_byte': 62896128, 'ops': 3540765, 'norm_ops': 61422, 'norm_ltcy': 16.297096221885074, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:45.565000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:45.565000",
+ "bytes": 3625743360,
+ "norm_byte": 62896128,
+ "ops": 3540765,
+ "norm_ops": 61422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.297096221885074,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3204547cbb9a31549e3738e2e744ad7b870d992461bfab6f33a8d0050d1a1312",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:46.566000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:46.566000', 'bytes': 3691049984, 'norm_byte': 65306624, 'ops': 3604541, 'norm_ops': 63776, 'norm_ltcy': 15.695582426676964, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:46.566000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:46.566000",
+ "bytes": 3691049984,
+ "norm_byte": 65306624,
+ "ops": 3604541,
+ "norm_ops": 63776,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.695582426676964,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "698d980898dc551730206430d048c5bcf4719bb13dc81c9cc0f3de4facd458d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:47.567000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:47.567000', 'bytes': 3754032128, 'norm_byte': 62982144, 'ops': 3666047, 'norm_ops': 61506, 'norm_ltcy': 16.274807189796526, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:47.567000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:47.567000",
+ "bytes": 3754032128,
+ "norm_byte": 62982144,
+ "ops": 3666047,
+ "norm_ops": 61506,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.274807189796526,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "595a09abf54174337db08850b40c79d48628ae52625db767dd59e2da94a41f55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:10:48.769000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:10:48.769000', 'bytes': 3817738240, 'norm_byte': 63706112, 'ops': 3728260, 'norm_ops': 62213, 'norm_ltcy': 19.30869286136941, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:10:48.769000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:10:48.769000",
+ "bytes": 3817738240,
+ "norm_byte": 63706112,
+ "ops": 3728260,
+ "norm_ops": 62213,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.30869286136941,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "6b59ed3b-b77a-5d81-abb9-97f5fa67427e",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d9a860e8185fd6628407c08e55fb43b4b62c946147a5c46ab5a6c37b4eed951",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63628970.666666664
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62137.666666666664
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.473675476606125
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:10:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-078-220519220703/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-078-220519220703/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33fa832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-078-220519220703/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-078-220519220703/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-078-220519220703/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-078-220519220703/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-078-220519220703/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-078-220519220703/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd42757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-078-220519220703/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=45
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=35
+ vm.swappiness=95
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=40
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-079-220519220905/220519220905-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-079-220519220905/220519220905-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaee9ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-079-220519220905/220519220905-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:11:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998309159.3955 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998310160.5046 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998310160.5903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998311161.6765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44452864 nr_ops:43411\ntimestamp_ms:1652998312162.7688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:101555200 nr_ops:99175\ntimestamp_ms:1652998313163.8660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:146435072 nr_ops:143003\ntimestamp_ms:1652998314164.9785 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198958080 nr_ops:194295\ntimestamp_ms:1652998315166.0952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:234361856 nr_ops:228869\ntimestamp_ms:1652998316167.2109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:289606656 nr_ops:282819\ntimestamp_ms:1652998317168.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:345488384 nr_ops:337391\ntimestamp_ms:1652998318169.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:394871808 nr_ops:385617\ntimestamp_ms:1652998319170.3882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458599424 nr_ops:447851\ntimestamp_ms:1652998320170.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495866880 nr_ops:484245\ntimestamp_ms:1652998321171.8738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:546372608 nr_ops:533567\ntimestamp_ms:1652998322172.9067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:610069504 nr_ops:595771\ntimestamp_ms:1652998323173.9424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673819648 nr_ops:658027\ntimestamp_ms:1652998324175.0476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721429504 nr_ops:704521\ntimestamp_ms:1652998325175.8625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:772987904 nr_ops:754871\ntimestamp_ms:1652998326176.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:824753152 nr_ops:805423\ntimestamp_ms:1652998327177.8738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:870020096 nr_ops:849629\ntimestamp_ms:1652998328178.9121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916540416 nr_ops:895059\ntimestamp_ms:1652998329179.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963011584 nr_ops:940441\ntimestamp_ms:1652998330180.8899 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1011858432 nr_ops:988143\ntimestamp_ms:1652998331182.0198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1071811584 nr_ops:1046691\ntimestamp_ms:1652998332183.0579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136053248 nr_ops:1109427\ntimestamp_ms:1652998333184.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195273216 nr_ops:1167259\ntimestamp_ms:1652998334185.1965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1247228928 nr_ops:1217997\ntimestamp_ms:1652998335186.2468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307282432 nr_ops:1276643\ntimestamp_ms:1652998336187.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1364667392 nr_ops:1332683\ntimestamp_ms:1652998337188.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411308544 nr_ops:1378231\ntimestamp_ms:1652998338189.3582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458451456 nr_ops:1424269\ntimestamp_ms:1652998339190.3970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517042688 nr_ops:1481487\ntimestamp_ms:1652998340191.4321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1563722752 nr_ops:1527073\ntimestamp_ms:1652998341192.4705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624988672 nr_ops:1586903\ntimestamp_ms:1652998342193.5042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1680985088 nr_ops:1641587\ntimestamp_ms:1652998343194.3223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1730102272 nr_ops:1689553\ntimestamp_ms:1652998344195.3699 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1791099904 nr_ops:1749121\ntimestamp_ms:1652998345196.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852101632 nr_ops:1808693\ntimestamp_ms:1652998346197.4961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1910338560 nr_ops:1865565\ntimestamp_ms:1652998347198.5957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1965505536 nr_ops:1919439\ntimestamp_ms:1652998348199.6946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2009218048 nr_ops:1962127\ntimestamp_ms:1652998349200.7939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2063909888 nr_ops:2015537\ntimestamp_ms:1652998350201.8867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119019520 nr_ops:2069355\ntimestamp_ms:1652998351202.9995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2174063616 nr_ops:2123109\ntimestamp_ms:1652998352204.0933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2217868288 nr_ops:2165887\ntimestamp_ms:1652998353205.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2261740544 nr_ops:2208731\ntimestamp_ms:1652998354206.2827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2316809216 nr_ops:2262509\ntimestamp_ms:1652998355207.3748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2349147136 nr_ops:2294089\ntimestamp_ms:1652998356208.4744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2393403392 nr_ops:2337308\ntimestamp_ms:1652998357209.5654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2437422080 nr_ops:2380295\ntimestamp_ms:1652998358210.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2481425408 nr_ops:2423267\ntimestamp_ms:1652998359211.7488 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2538773504 nr_ops:2479271\ntimestamp_ms:1652998360211.8584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593737728 nr_ops:2532947\ntimestamp_ms:1652998361212.9551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2650932224 nr_ops:2588801\ntimestamp_ms:1652998362214.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2709449728 nr_ops:2645947\ntimestamp_ms:1652998363215.2046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2745654272 nr_ops:2681303\ntimestamp_ms:1652998364216.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2796590080 nr_ops:2731045\ntimestamp_ms:1652998365217.4385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849887232 nr_ops:2783093\ntimestamp_ms:1652998366218.5347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2908849152 nr_ops:2840673\ntimestamp_ms:1652998367219.6333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2964632576 nr_ops:2895149\ntimestamp_ms:1652998368220.7288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3008072704 nr_ops:2937571\ntimestamp_ms:1652998369221.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3066719232 nr_ops:2994843\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140536133142272\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.1531 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3124909056 nr_ops:3051669\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.2349 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.2454 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370523.4373 name:Total nr_bytes:3124909056 nr_ops:3051670\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.3652 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6249818110 nr_ops:6103340\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.3667 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3124909056 nr_ops:3051672\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 317.06us 0.00ns 317.06us 317.06us \nTxn1 1525835 39.34us 0.00ns 209.28ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 48.74us 0.00ns 48.74us 48.74us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 316.37us 0.00ns 316.37us 316.37us \nwrite 1525835 2.41us 0.00ns 79.62us 2.11us \nread 1525834 36.85us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 48.07us 0.00ns 48.07us 48.07us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.20b/s \nnet1 24467 24467 213.35Mb/s 213.35Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.174 62.37s 2.91GB 400.85Mb/s 3051672 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.91GB 400.85Mb/s 3051672 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414924, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998309159.3955 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998310160.5046 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998310160.5903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998311161.6765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44452864 nr_ops:43411\ntimestamp_ms:1652998312162.7688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:101555200 nr_ops:99175\ntimestamp_ms:1652998313163.8660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:146435072 nr_ops:143003\ntimestamp_ms:1652998314164.9785 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198958080 nr_ops:194295\ntimestamp_ms:1652998315166.0952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:234361856 nr_ops:228869\ntimestamp_ms:1652998316167.2109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:289606656 nr_ops:282819\ntimestamp_ms:1652998317168.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:345488384 nr_ops:337391\ntimestamp_ms:1652998318169.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:394871808 nr_ops:385617\ntimestamp_ms:1652998319170.3882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458599424 nr_ops:447851\ntimestamp_ms:1652998320170.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495866880 nr_ops:484245\ntimestamp_ms:1652998321171.8738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:546372608 nr_ops:533567\ntimestamp_ms:1652998322172.9067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:610069504 nr_ops:595771\ntimestamp_ms:1652998323173.9424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673819648 nr_ops:658027\ntimestamp_ms:1652998324175.0476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721429504 nr_ops:704521\ntimestamp_ms:1652998325175.8625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:772987904 nr_ops:754871\ntimestamp_ms:1652998326176.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:824753152 nr_ops:805423\ntimestamp_ms:1652998327177.8738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:870020096 nr_ops:849629\ntimestamp_ms:1652998328178.9121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916540416 nr_ops:895059\ntimestamp_ms:1652998329179.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963011584 nr_ops:940441\ntimestamp_ms:1652998330180.8899 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1011858432 nr_ops:988143\ntimestamp_ms:1652998331182.0198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1071811584 nr_ops:1046691\ntimestamp_ms:1652998332183.0579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136053248 nr_ops:1109427\ntimestamp_ms:1652998333184.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195273216 nr_ops:1167259\ntimestamp_ms:1652998334185.1965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1247228928 nr_ops:1217997\ntimestamp_ms:1652998335186.2468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307282432 nr_ops:1276643\ntimestamp_ms:1652998336187.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1364667392 nr_ops:1332683\ntimestamp_ms:1652998337188.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411308544 nr_ops:1378231\ntimestamp_ms:1652998338189.3582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458451456 nr_ops:1424269\ntimestamp_ms:1652998339190.3970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517042688 nr_ops:1481487\ntimestamp_ms:1652998340191.4321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1563722752 nr_ops:1527073\ntimestamp_ms:1652998341192.4705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624988672 nr_ops:1586903\ntimestamp_ms:1652998342193.5042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1680985088 nr_ops:1641587\ntimestamp_ms:1652998343194.3223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1730102272 nr_ops:1689553\ntimestamp_ms:1652998344195.3699 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1791099904 nr_ops:1749121\ntimestamp_ms:1652998345196.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852101632 nr_ops:1808693\ntimestamp_ms:1652998346197.4961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1910338560 nr_ops:1865565\ntimestamp_ms:1652998347198.5957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1965505536 nr_ops:1919439\ntimestamp_ms:1652998348199.6946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2009218048 nr_ops:1962127\ntimestamp_ms:1652998349200.7939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2063909888 nr_ops:2015537\ntimestamp_ms:1652998350201.8867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119019520 nr_ops:2069355\ntimestamp_ms:1652998351202.9995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2174063616 nr_ops:2123109\ntimestamp_ms:1652998352204.0933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2217868288 nr_ops:2165887\ntimestamp_ms:1652998353205.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2261740544 nr_ops:2208731\ntimestamp_ms:1652998354206.2827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2316809216 nr_ops:2262509\ntimestamp_ms:1652998355207.3748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2349147136 nr_ops:2294089\ntimestamp_ms:1652998356208.4744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2393403392 nr_ops:2337308\ntimestamp_ms:1652998357209.5654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2437422080 nr_ops:2380295\ntimestamp_ms:1652998358210.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2481425408 nr_ops:2423267\ntimestamp_ms:1652998359211.7488 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2538773504 nr_ops:2479271\ntimestamp_ms:1652998360211.8584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593737728 nr_ops:2532947\ntimestamp_ms:1652998361212.9551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2650932224 nr_ops:2588801\ntimestamp_ms:1652998362214.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2709449728 nr_ops:2645947\ntimestamp_ms:1652998363215.2046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2745654272 nr_ops:2681303\ntimestamp_ms:1652998364216.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2796590080 nr_ops:2731045\ntimestamp_ms:1652998365217.4385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849887232 nr_ops:2783093\ntimestamp_ms:1652998366218.5347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2908849152 nr_ops:2840673\ntimestamp_ms:1652998367219.6333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2964632576 nr_ops:2895149\ntimestamp_ms:1652998368220.7288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3008072704 nr_ops:2937571\ntimestamp_ms:1652998369221.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3066719232 nr_ops:2994843\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140536133142272\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.1531 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3124909056 nr_ops:3051669\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.2349 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.2454 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370523.4373 name:Total nr_bytes:3124909056 nr_ops:3051670\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.3652 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6249818110 nr_ops:6103340\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.3667 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3124909056 nr_ops:3051672\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 317.06us 0.00ns 317.06us 317.06us \nTxn1 1525835 39.34us 0.00ns 209.28ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 48.74us 0.00ns 48.74us 48.74us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 316.37us 0.00ns 316.37us 316.37us \nwrite 1525835 2.41us 0.00ns 79.62us 2.11us \nread 1525834 36.85us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 48.07us 0.00ns 48.07us 48.07us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.20b/s \nnet1 24467 24467 213.35Mb/s 213.35Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.174 62.37s 2.91GB 400.85Mb/s 3051672 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.91GB 400.85Mb/s 3051672 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414924, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998309159.3955 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998310160.5046 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998310160.5903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998311161.6765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44452864 nr_ops:43411\ntimestamp_ms:1652998312162.7688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:101555200 nr_ops:99175\ntimestamp_ms:1652998313163.8660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:146435072 nr_ops:143003\ntimestamp_ms:1652998314164.9785 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198958080 nr_ops:194295\ntimestamp_ms:1652998315166.0952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:234361856 nr_ops:228869\ntimestamp_ms:1652998316167.2109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:289606656 nr_ops:282819\ntimestamp_ms:1652998317168.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:345488384 nr_ops:337391\ntimestamp_ms:1652998318169.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:394871808 nr_ops:385617\ntimestamp_ms:1652998319170.3882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458599424 nr_ops:447851\ntimestamp_ms:1652998320170.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495866880 nr_ops:484245\ntimestamp_ms:1652998321171.8738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:546372608 nr_ops:533567\ntimestamp_ms:1652998322172.9067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:610069504 nr_ops:595771\ntimestamp_ms:1652998323173.9424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673819648 nr_ops:658027\ntimestamp_ms:1652998324175.0476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721429504 nr_ops:704521\ntimestamp_ms:1652998325175.8625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:772987904 nr_ops:754871\ntimestamp_ms:1652998326176.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:824753152 nr_ops:805423\ntimestamp_ms:1652998327177.8738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:870020096 nr_ops:849629\ntimestamp_ms:1652998328178.9121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916540416 nr_ops:895059\ntimestamp_ms:1652998329179.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963011584 nr_ops:940441\ntimestamp_ms:1652998330180.8899 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1011858432 nr_ops:988143\ntimestamp_ms:1652998331182.0198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1071811584 nr_ops:1046691\ntimestamp_ms:1652998332183.0579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136053248 nr_ops:1109427\ntimestamp_ms:1652998333184.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195273216 nr_ops:1167259\ntimestamp_ms:1652998334185.1965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1247228928 nr_ops:1217997\ntimestamp_ms:1652998335186.2468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307282432 nr_ops:1276643\ntimestamp_ms:1652998336187.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1364667392 nr_ops:1332683\ntimestamp_ms:1652998337188.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411308544 nr_ops:1378231\ntimestamp_ms:1652998338189.3582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458451456 nr_ops:1424269\ntimestamp_ms:1652998339190.3970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517042688 nr_ops:1481487\ntimestamp_ms:1652998340191.4321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1563722752 nr_ops:1527073\ntimestamp_ms:1652998341192.4705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624988672 nr_ops:1586903\ntimestamp_ms:1652998342193.5042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1680985088 nr_ops:1641587\ntimestamp_ms:1652998343194.3223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1730102272 nr_ops:1689553\ntimestamp_ms:1652998344195.3699 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1791099904 nr_ops:1749121\ntimestamp_ms:1652998345196.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852101632 nr_ops:1808693\ntimestamp_ms:1652998346197.4961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1910338560 nr_ops:1865565\ntimestamp_ms:1652998347198.5957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1965505536 nr_ops:1919439\ntimestamp_ms:1652998348199.6946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2009218048 nr_ops:1962127\ntimestamp_ms:1652998349200.7939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2063909888 nr_ops:2015537\ntimestamp_ms:1652998350201.8867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119019520 nr_ops:2069355\ntimestamp_ms:1652998351202.9995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2174063616 nr_ops:2123109\ntimestamp_ms:1652998352204.0933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2217868288 nr_ops:2165887\ntimestamp_ms:1652998353205.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2261740544 nr_ops:2208731\ntimestamp_ms:1652998354206.2827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2316809216 nr_ops:2262509\ntimestamp_ms:1652998355207.3748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2349147136 nr_ops:2294089\ntimestamp_ms:1652998356208.4744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2393403392 nr_ops:2337308\ntimestamp_ms:1652998357209.5654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2437422080 nr_ops:2380295\ntimestamp_ms:1652998358210.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2481425408 nr_ops:2423267\ntimestamp_ms:1652998359211.7488 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2538773504 nr_ops:2479271\ntimestamp_ms:1652998360211.8584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593737728 nr_ops:2532947\ntimestamp_ms:1652998361212.9551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2650932224 nr_ops:2588801\ntimestamp_ms:1652998362214.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2709449728 nr_ops:2645947\ntimestamp_ms:1652998363215.2046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2745654272 nr_ops:2681303\ntimestamp_ms:1652998364216.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2796590080 nr_ops:2731045\ntimestamp_ms:1652998365217.4385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849887232 nr_ops:2783093\ntimestamp_ms:1652998366218.5347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2908849152 nr_ops:2840673\ntimestamp_ms:1652998367219.6333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2964632576 nr_ops:2895149\ntimestamp_ms:1652998368220.7288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3008072704 nr_ops:2937571\ntimestamp_ms:1652998369221.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3066719232 nr_ops:2994843\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140536133142272\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.1531 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3124909056 nr_ops:3051669\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.2349 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.2454 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370523.4373 name:Total nr_bytes:3124909056 nr_ops:3051670\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.3652 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6249818110 nr_ops:6103340\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998370423.3667 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3124909056 nr_ops:3051672\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 317.06us 0.00ns 317.06us 317.06us \nTxn1 1525835 39.34us 0.00ns 209.28ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 48.74us 0.00ns 48.74us 48.74us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 316.37us 0.00ns 316.37us 316.37us \nwrite 1525835 2.41us 0.00ns 79.62us 2.11us \nread 1525834 36.85us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 48.07us 0.00ns 48.07us 48.07us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.20b/s \nnet1 24467 24467 213.35Mb/s 213.35Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.174 62.37s 2.91GB 400.85Mb/s 3051672 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.91GB 400.85Mb/s 3051672 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414924, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998309159.3955 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998310160.5046 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998310160.5903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998311161.6765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:44452864 nr_ops:43411
+timestamp_ms:1652998312162.7688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:101555200 nr_ops:99175
+timestamp_ms:1652998313163.8660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:146435072 nr_ops:143003
+timestamp_ms:1652998314164.9785 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198958080 nr_ops:194295
+timestamp_ms:1652998315166.0952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:234361856 nr_ops:228869
+timestamp_ms:1652998316167.2109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:289606656 nr_ops:282819
+timestamp_ms:1652998317168.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:345488384 nr_ops:337391
+timestamp_ms:1652998318169.3491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:394871808 nr_ops:385617
+timestamp_ms:1652998319170.3882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458599424 nr_ops:447851
+timestamp_ms:1652998320170.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495866880 nr_ops:484245
+timestamp_ms:1652998321171.8738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:546372608 nr_ops:533567
+timestamp_ms:1652998322172.9067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:610069504 nr_ops:595771
+timestamp_ms:1652998323173.9424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:673819648 nr_ops:658027
+timestamp_ms:1652998324175.0476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721429504 nr_ops:704521
+timestamp_ms:1652998325175.8625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:772987904 nr_ops:754871
+timestamp_ms:1652998326176.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:824753152 nr_ops:805423
+timestamp_ms:1652998327177.8738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:870020096 nr_ops:849629
+timestamp_ms:1652998328178.9121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916540416 nr_ops:895059
+timestamp_ms:1652998329179.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963011584 nr_ops:940441
+timestamp_ms:1652998330180.8899 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1011858432 nr_ops:988143
+timestamp_ms:1652998331182.0198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1071811584 nr_ops:1046691
+timestamp_ms:1652998332183.0579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136053248 nr_ops:1109427
+timestamp_ms:1652998333184.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1195273216 nr_ops:1167259
+timestamp_ms:1652998334185.1965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1247228928 nr_ops:1217997
+timestamp_ms:1652998335186.2468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307282432 nr_ops:1276643
+timestamp_ms:1652998336187.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1364667392 nr_ops:1332683
+timestamp_ms:1652998337188.3196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411308544 nr_ops:1378231
+timestamp_ms:1652998338189.3582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458451456 nr_ops:1424269
+timestamp_ms:1652998339190.3970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517042688 nr_ops:1481487
+timestamp_ms:1652998340191.4321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1563722752 nr_ops:1527073
+timestamp_ms:1652998341192.4705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624988672 nr_ops:1586903
+timestamp_ms:1652998342193.5042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1680985088 nr_ops:1641587
+timestamp_ms:1652998343194.3223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1730102272 nr_ops:1689553
+timestamp_ms:1652998344195.3699 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1791099904 nr_ops:1749121
+timestamp_ms:1652998345196.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852101632 nr_ops:1808693
+timestamp_ms:1652998346197.4961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1910338560 nr_ops:1865565
+timestamp_ms:1652998347198.5957 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1965505536 nr_ops:1919439
+timestamp_ms:1652998348199.6946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2009218048 nr_ops:1962127
+timestamp_ms:1652998349200.7939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2063909888 nr_ops:2015537
+timestamp_ms:1652998350201.8867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2119019520 nr_ops:2069355
+timestamp_ms:1652998351202.9995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2174063616 nr_ops:2123109
+timestamp_ms:1652998352204.0933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2217868288 nr_ops:2165887
+timestamp_ms:1652998353205.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2261740544 nr_ops:2208731
+timestamp_ms:1652998354206.2827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2316809216 nr_ops:2262509
+timestamp_ms:1652998355207.3748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2349147136 nr_ops:2294089
+timestamp_ms:1652998356208.4744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2393403392 nr_ops:2337308
+timestamp_ms:1652998357209.5654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2437422080 nr_ops:2380295
+timestamp_ms:1652998358210.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2481425408 nr_ops:2423267
+timestamp_ms:1652998359211.7488 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2538773504 nr_ops:2479271
+timestamp_ms:1652998360211.8584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593737728 nr_ops:2532947
+timestamp_ms:1652998361212.9551 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2650932224 nr_ops:2588801
+timestamp_ms:1652998362214.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2709449728 nr_ops:2645947
+timestamp_ms:1652998363215.2046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2745654272 nr_ops:2681303
+timestamp_ms:1652998364216.3269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2796590080 nr_ops:2731045
+timestamp_ms:1652998365217.4385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849887232 nr_ops:2783093
+timestamp_ms:1652998366218.5347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2908849152 nr_ops:2840673
+timestamp_ms:1652998367219.6333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2964632576 nr_ops:2895149
+timestamp_ms:1652998368220.7288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3008072704 nr_ops:2937571
+timestamp_ms:1652998369221.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3066719232 nr_ops:2994843
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140536133142272
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652998370423.1531 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3124909056 nr_ops:3051669
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998370423.2349 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998370423.2454 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998370523.4373 name:Total nr_bytes:3124909056 nr_ops:3051670
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998370423.3652 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6249818110 nr_ops:6103340
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998370423.3667 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3124909056 nr_ops:3051672
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 317.06us 0.00ns 317.06us 317.06us
+Txn1 1525835 39.34us 0.00ns 209.28ms 18.41us
+Txn2 1 48.74us 0.00ns 48.74us 48.74us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 316.37us 0.00ns 316.37us 316.37us
+write 1525835 2.41us 0.00ns 79.62us 2.11us
+read 1525834 36.85us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.09us
+disconnect 1 48.07us 0.00ns 48.07us 48.07us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.20b/s
+net1 24467 24467 213.35Mb/s 213.35Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.174 62.37s 2.91GB 400.85Mb/s 3051672 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.91GB 400.85Mb/s 3051672 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:11:51.161000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:11:51.161000', 'bytes': 44452864, 'norm_byte': 44452864, 'ops': 43411, 'norm_ops': 43411, 'norm_ltcy': 23.060657014135245, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:11:51.161000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:11:51.161000",
+ "bytes": 44452864,
+ "norm_byte": 44452864,
+ "ops": 43411,
+ "norm_ops": 43411,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.060657014135245,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e01963368ce0df2811a96756bded2d0a0e7a743d11a8d103ff1243c76aca9266",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:11:52.162000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:11:52.162000', 'bytes': 101555200, 'norm_byte': 57102336, 'ops': 99175, 'norm_ops': 55764, 'norm_ltcy': 17.952304087874793, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:11:52.162000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:11:52.162000",
+ "bytes": 101555200,
+ "norm_byte": 57102336,
+ "ops": 99175,
+ "norm_ops": 55764,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.952304087874793,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7be95cae7346cb06a76ab3a0b23ec007b3b0762bd019e3b8ce7b08770ca3e75c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:11:53.163000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:11:53.163000', 'bytes': 146435072, 'norm_byte': 44879872, 'ops': 143003, 'norm_ops': 43828, 'norm_ltcy': 22.841497854539334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:11:53.163000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:11:53.163000",
+ "bytes": 146435072,
+ "norm_byte": 44879872,
+ "ops": 143003,
+ "norm_ops": 43828,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.841497854539334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27b58dbd9fd1de3df3c97ab5fff13cf14d65dbf73c4f0d90aa173490f7ff1648",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:11:54.164000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:11:54.164000', 'bytes': 198958080, 'norm_byte': 52523008, 'ops': 194295, 'norm_ops': 51292, 'norm_ltcy': 19.517908227952212, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:11:54.164000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:11:54.164000",
+ "bytes": 198958080,
+ "norm_byte": 52523008,
+ "ops": 194295,
+ "norm_ops": 51292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.517908227952212,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf6d25c2f1e244f61eb1872b65d62d7ad75ba2788dd650f841a184f3ce075297",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:11:55.166000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:11:55.166000', 'bytes': 234361856, 'norm_byte': 35403776, 'ops': 228869, 'norm_ops': 34574, 'norm_ltcy': 28.955767317022907, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:11:55.166000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:11:55.166000",
+ "bytes": 234361856,
+ "norm_byte": 35403776,
+ "ops": 228869,
+ "norm_ops": 34574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.955767317022907,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f2544fd29fb50a35f332c507942c18e40a65648096371acc827618ced97607b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:11:56.167000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:11:56.167000', 'bytes': 289606656, 'norm_byte': 55244800, 'ops': 282819, 'norm_ops': 53950, 'norm_ltcy': 18.55636186573216, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:11:56.167000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:11:56.167000",
+ "bytes": 289606656,
+ "norm_byte": 55244800,
+ "ops": 282819,
+ "norm_ops": 53950,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.55636186573216,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55a03c44748c5dc8d32c82085305f0341f993590c76edec648473f51768f7541",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:11:57.168000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:11:57.168000', 'bytes': 345488384, 'norm_byte': 55881728, 'ops': 337391, 'norm_ops': 54572, 'norm_ltcy': 18.344430938141354, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:11:57.168000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:11:57.168000",
+ "bytes": 345488384,
+ "norm_byte": 55881728,
+ "ops": 337391,
+ "norm_ops": 54572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.344430938141354,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b3bf49194384bd4e130aa398a13d88c9b336956c15ae6a58c45b0673a2380973",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:11:58.169000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:11:58.169000', 'bytes': 394871808, 'norm_byte': 49383424, 'ops': 385617, 'norm_ops': 48226, 'norm_ltcy': 20.757390172054492, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:11:58.169000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:11:58.169000",
+ "bytes": 394871808,
+ "norm_byte": 49383424,
+ "ops": 385617,
+ "norm_ops": 48226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.757390172054492,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "386b2461891501dda25127e85a32129f3b160b65af0d4e320921adabe71beb59",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:11:59.170000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:11:59.170000', 'bytes': 458599424, 'norm_byte': 63727616, 'ops': 447851, 'norm_ops': 62234, 'norm_ltcy': 16.085083113732043, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:11:59.170000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:11:59.170000",
+ "bytes": 458599424,
+ "norm_byte": 63727616,
+ "ops": 447851,
+ "norm_ops": 62234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.085083113732043,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f273b9b9c348a2641867136d14af73ec95776fa3d49528d76176f136f4a7c00",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:00.170000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:00.170000', 'bytes': 495866880, 'norm_byte': 37267456, 'ops': 484245, 'norm_ops': 36394, 'norm_ltcy': 27.489359617141563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:00.170000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:00.170000",
+ "bytes": 495866880,
+ "norm_byte": 37267456,
+ "ops": 484245,
+ "norm_ops": 36394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.489359617141563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6b073fdbacb25ad93b71c205e99597ac3c8d3d7763bccbedb687e2af30ab9fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:01.171000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:01.171000', 'bytes': 546372608, 'norm_byte': 50505728, 'ops': 533567, 'norm_ops': 49322, 'norm_ltcy': 20.29597019173746, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:01.171000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:01.171000",
+ "bytes": 546372608,
+ "norm_byte": 50505728,
+ "ops": 533567,
+ "norm_ops": 49322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.29597019173746,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86410ae088449d52e6bd4f0af6cf6dd9774ee779a445509d146e9280c5b6c583",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:02.172000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:02.172000', 'bytes': 610069504, 'norm_byte': 63696896, 'ops': 595771, 'norm_ops': 62204, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09274257257371, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:02.172000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:02.172000",
+ "bytes": 610069504,
+ "norm_byte": 63696896,
+ "ops": 595771,
+ "norm_ops": 62204,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09274257257371,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68ee4211ab34d09226a97d045105fd09520cfb1a8091666b6281b6264edc2b96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:03.173000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:03.173000', 'bytes': 673819648, 'norm_byte': 63750144, 'ops': 658027, 'norm_ops': 62256, 'norm_ltcy': 16.079344071756136, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:03.173000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:03.173000",
+ "bytes": 673819648,
+ "norm_byte": 63750144,
+ "ops": 658027,
+ "norm_ops": 62256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.079344071756136,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a704ddd809d26bf3b7e469a6d74312c05daa44f60b4ef75608d5615254fc0bf3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:04.175000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:04.175000', 'bytes': 721429504, 'norm_byte': 47609856, 'ops': 704521, 'norm_ops': 46494, 'norm_ltcy': 21.531922927891234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:04.175000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:04.175000",
+ "bytes": 721429504,
+ "norm_byte": 47609856,
+ "ops": 704521,
+ "norm_ops": 46494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.531922927891234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e404a6da8dcd9694f95cecdaedb942498146f736aaeb4acf9a22096490b3ce8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:05.175000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:05.175000', 'bytes': 772987904, 'norm_byte': 51558400, 'ops': 754871, 'norm_ops': 50350, 'norm_ltcy': 19.877158717105264, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:05.175000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:05.175000",
+ "bytes": 772987904,
+ "norm_byte": 51558400,
+ "ops": 754871,
+ "norm_ops": 50350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.877158717105264,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "adfebd4ef371e8c2f033b5c148eb0c0b111de6ca1a8f7eb9c1054cd052f24898",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:06.176000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:06.176000', 'bytes': 824753152, 'norm_byte': 51765248, 'ops': 805423, 'norm_ops': 50552, 'norm_ltcy': 19.800928993907263, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:06.176000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:06.176000",
+ "bytes": 824753152,
+ "norm_byte": 51765248,
+ "ops": 805423,
+ "norm_ops": 50552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.800928993907263,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "daf29acc77fecc143785cc1cfb05a94a66cf2fd2f18c6fc0df7e19b5a4337d32",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:07.177000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:07.177000', 'bytes': 870020096, 'norm_byte': 45266944, 'ops': 849629, 'norm_ops': 44206, 'norm_ltcy': 22.644769216141476, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:07.177000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:07.177000",
+ "bytes": 870020096,
+ "norm_byte": 45266944,
+ "ops": 849629,
+ "norm_ops": 44206,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.644769216141476,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "841abeeef7df1f96f01eba980f2d4f8e8ec7992e76ebb19f8c0b49a3db7f621b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:08.178000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:08.178000', 'bytes': 916540416, 'norm_byte': 46520320, 'ops': 895059, 'norm_ops': 45430, 'norm_ltcy': 22.03474202241085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:08.178000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:08.178000",
+ "bytes": 916540416,
+ "norm_byte": 46520320,
+ "ops": 895059,
+ "norm_ops": 45430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.03474202241085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c25f7e0efe415fe2b41140a0c4146d930ba6beaf75c599741c72437a2a5b14a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:09.179000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:09.179000', 'bytes': 963011584, 'norm_byte': 46471168, 'ops': 940441, 'norm_ops': 45382, 'norm_ltcy': 22.055497937990282, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:09.179000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:09.179000",
+ "bytes": 963011584,
+ "norm_byte": 46471168,
+ "ops": 940441,
+ "norm_ops": 45382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.055497937990282,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "647b7c35de1192e744b3c1a6f8a8061b58878d8aadbb30f4cf88b14efc777e14",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:10.180000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:10.180000', 'bytes': 1011858432, 'norm_byte': 48846848, 'ops': 988143, 'norm_ops': 47702, 'norm_ltcy': 20.98560177311748, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:10.180000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:10.180000",
+ "bytes": 1011858432,
+ "norm_byte": 48846848,
+ "ops": 988143,
+ "norm_ops": 47702,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.98560177311748,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e286febc7439d7214c87b001b98dc398195fc5ff998c6bb58443288070835f50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:11.182000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:11.182000', 'bytes': 1071811584, 'norm_byte': 59953152, 'ops': 1046691, 'norm_ops': 58548, 'norm_ltcy': 17.099301134325678, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:11.182000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:11.182000",
+ "bytes": 1071811584,
+ "norm_byte": 59953152,
+ "ops": 1046691,
+ "norm_ops": 58548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.099301134325678,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c39bf891c9658b1dda1f62e37562284484c9410a66e2ff65f2e585b5cd01623",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:12.183000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:12.183000', 'bytes': 1136053248, 'norm_byte': 64241664, 'ops': 1109427, 'norm_ops': 62736, 'norm_ltcy': 15.956358166563058, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:12.183000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:12.183000",
+ "bytes": 1136053248,
+ "norm_byte": 64241664,
+ "ops": 1109427,
+ "norm_ops": 62736,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.956358166563058,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa09cee1bb04c5bc304402a14c4334d7e9de7000e9beaa49d2556924752e8785",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:13.184000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:13.184000', 'bytes': 1195273216, 'norm_byte': 59219968, 'ops': 1167259, 'norm_ops': 57832, 'norm_ltcy': 17.309381187102296, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:13.184000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:13.184000",
+ "bytes": 1195273216,
+ "norm_byte": 59219968,
+ "ops": 1167259,
+ "norm_ops": 57832,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.309381187102296,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9438a0ccb534070a7610e73461bf30727e10747c48c0448da310960e9aad4740",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:14.185000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:14.185000', 'bytes': 1247228928, 'norm_byte': 51955712, 'ops': 1217997, 'norm_ops': 50738, 'norm_ltcy': 19.73082382164256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:14.185000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:14.185000",
+ "bytes": 1247228928,
+ "norm_byte": 51955712,
+ "ops": 1217997,
+ "norm_ops": 50738,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.73082382164256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79b12a1823a4bb295f24b2b997b87a06e135699028ad9b38bab3d79f6e259a85",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:15.186000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:15.186000', 'bytes': 1307282432, 'norm_byte': 60053504, 'ops': 1276643, 'norm_ops': 58646, 'norm_ltcy': 17.069370340155338, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:15.186000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:15.186000",
+ "bytes": 1307282432,
+ "norm_byte": 60053504,
+ "ops": 1276643,
+ "norm_ops": 58646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.069370340155338,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "950d54c8a187e4db3e641956672d2882d31de7ef2dc03cc22a1cdcb210baf428",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:16.187000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:16.187000', 'bytes': 1364667392, 'norm_byte': 57384960, 'ops': 1332683, 'norm_ops': 56040, 'norm_ltcy': 17.862907807202443, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:16.187000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:16.187000",
+ "bytes": 1364667392,
+ "norm_byte": 57384960,
+ "ops": 1332683,
+ "norm_ops": 56040,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.862907807202443,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f9454c07395ef223fb47b830486427315d68ac260372e94c70751328412b815",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:17.188000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:17.188000', 'bytes': 1411308544, 'norm_byte': 46641152, 'ops': 1378231, 'norm_ops': 45548, 'norm_ltcy': 21.977592877637328, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:17.188000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:17.188000",
+ "bytes": 1411308544,
+ "norm_byte": 46641152,
+ "ops": 1378231,
+ "norm_ops": 45548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.977592877637328,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f8cfcb9b23ef38c0593ccda47fae440e1cb2f80adf85cc946ad3dd1fe28cd89",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:18.189000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:18.189000', 'bytes': 1458451456, 'norm_byte': 47142912, 'ops': 1424269, 'norm_ops': 46038, 'norm_ltcy': 21.74374591030779, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:18.189000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:18.189000",
+ "bytes": 1458451456,
+ "norm_byte": 47142912,
+ "ops": 1424269,
+ "norm_ops": 46038,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.74374591030779,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8262dcf70347c751df9d67cc0d09ebea2f2c49c3f897d211ced6a7226c0874fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:19.190000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:19.190000', 'bytes': 1517042688, 'norm_byte': 58591232, 'ops': 1481487, 'norm_ops': 57218, 'norm_ltcy': 17.495173168572393, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:19.190000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:19.190000",
+ "bytes": 1517042688,
+ "norm_byte": 58591232,
+ "ops": 1481487,
+ "norm_ops": 57218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.495173168572393,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f0544f2cddc676650b4bd1bf95b1a01bd529e7a8e3948d283caf1a2c59032f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:20.191000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:20.191000', 'bytes': 1563722752, 'norm_byte': 46680064, 'ops': 1527073, 'norm_ops': 45586, 'norm_ltcy': 21.959267236651602, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:20.191000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:20.191000",
+ "bytes": 1563722752,
+ "norm_byte": 46680064,
+ "ops": 1527073,
+ "norm_ops": 45586,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.959267236651602,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba6e29c7bbe7c72139c2faea084eb8704653d95b569869b22b3bc3aeabb86952",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:21.192000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:21.192000', 'bytes': 1624988672, 'norm_byte': 61265920, 'ops': 1586903, 'norm_ops': 59830, 'norm_ltcy': 16.73137773822706, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:21.192000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:21.192000",
+ "bytes": 1624988672,
+ "norm_byte": 61265920,
+ "ops": 1586903,
+ "norm_ops": 59830,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.73137773822706,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "266dff8313db88285d46a0e07035997dba85c8f8f7a57f0cd06bbd7932cb6d55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:22.193000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:22.193000', 'bytes': 1680985088, 'norm_byte': 55996416, 'ops': 1641587, 'norm_ops': 54684, 'norm_ltcy': 18.30578764183765, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:22.193000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:22.193000",
+ "bytes": 1680985088,
+ "norm_byte": 55996416,
+ "ops": 1641587,
+ "norm_ops": 54684,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.30578764183765,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fb3d7f5da1178f5bae2fbdbe47e84352ceebb53a170f263526ed2a6f055a2eb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:23.194000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:23.194000', 'bytes': 1730102272, 'norm_byte': 49117184, 'ops': 1689553, 'norm_ops': 47966, 'norm_ltcy': 20.865156886844325, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:23.194000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:23.194000",
+ "bytes": 1730102272,
+ "norm_byte": 49117184,
+ "ops": 1689553,
+ "norm_ops": 47966,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.865156886844325,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "46e05d27afac234e2d14d62e8fd52238e81a491f7600f35603e6ec48bfc4109a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:24.195000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:24.195000', 'bytes': 1791099904, 'norm_byte': 60997632, 'ops': 1749121, 'norm_ops': 59568, 'norm_ltcy': 16.805123680866824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:24.195000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:24.195000",
+ "bytes": 1791099904,
+ "norm_byte": 60997632,
+ "ops": 1749121,
+ "norm_ops": 59568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.805123680866824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e3499311ee2648e80fc2f7c1a8a5c3c60b18314b2e9a376701317bfb77eb8e2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:25.196000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:25.196000', 'bytes': 1852101632, 'norm_byte': 61001728, 'ops': 1808693, 'norm_ops': 59572, 'norm_ltcy': 16.803782181383454, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:25.196000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:25.196000",
+ "bytes": 1852101632,
+ "norm_byte": 61001728,
+ "ops": 1808693,
+ "norm_ops": 59572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.803782181383454,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20e93da3ee09445c55315c9dac817ae86b3000601e704b5131399a79b79e9648",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:26.197000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:26.197000', 'bytes': 1910338560, 'norm_byte': 58236928, 'ops': 1865565, 'norm_ops': 56872, 'norm_ltcy': 17.602533911129377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:26.197000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:26.197000",
+ "bytes": 1910338560,
+ "norm_byte": 58236928,
+ "ops": 1865565,
+ "norm_ops": 56872,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.602533911129377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "89456969c329c62e56d623c463ed0e88ae17b50e4455ac33a557368322688f7c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:27.198000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:27.198000', 'bytes': 1965505536, 'norm_byte': 55166976, 'ops': 1919439, 'norm_ops': 53874, 'norm_ltcy': 18.58224021559565, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:27.198000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:27.198000",
+ "bytes": 1965505536,
+ "norm_byte": 55166976,
+ "ops": 1919439,
+ "norm_ops": 53874,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.58224021559565,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "42776df188d4b33af64dcbb2e4433267c80ccb19e2cabdf21f581c36ef3da5e3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:28.199000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:28.199000', 'bytes': 2009218048, 'norm_byte': 43712512, 'ops': 1962127, 'norm_ops': 42688, 'norm_ltcy': 23.451529164006864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:28.199000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:28.199000",
+ "bytes": 2009218048,
+ "norm_byte": 43712512,
+ "ops": 1962127,
+ "norm_ops": 42688,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.451529164006864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa6f7e8689303e8371d8abb8dc213b1ba7272ab4bfd61b5448bda73a5dcfa93d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:29.200000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:29.200000', 'bytes': 2063909888, 'norm_byte': 54691840, 'ops': 2015537, 'norm_ops': 53410, 'norm_ltcy': 18.74366907385087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:29.200000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:29.200000",
+ "bytes": 2063909888,
+ "norm_byte": 54691840,
+ "ops": 2015537,
+ "norm_ops": 53410,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.74366907385087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cde6f4417475e163d4c833776880205896e8217349a9261776ad2abb5962b46c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:30.201000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:30.201000', 'bytes': 2119019520, 'norm_byte': 55109632, 'ops': 2069355, 'norm_ops': 53818, 'norm_ltcy': 18.601448835659074, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:30.201000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:30.201000",
+ "bytes": 2119019520,
+ "norm_byte": 55109632,
+ "ops": 2069355,
+ "norm_ops": 53818,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.601448835659074,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e739c75a449cb766afe2f239c7e662ecbd143ec399714bab6e3ad05b6aa8f04a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:31.202000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:31.202000', 'bytes': 2174063616, 'norm_byte': 55044096, 'ops': 2123109, 'norm_ops': 53754, 'norm_ltcy': 18.6239683180554, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:31.202000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:31.202000",
+ "bytes": 2174063616,
+ "norm_byte": 55044096,
+ "ops": 2123109,
+ "norm_ops": 53754,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.6239683180554,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fae78bb883ca4fa7bd0657d4c2cba57dcedd8c3f71795f6843d192ff7b30aef3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:32.204000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:32.204000', 'bytes': 2217868288, 'norm_byte': 43804672, 'ops': 2165887, 'norm_ops': 42778, 'norm_ltcy': 23.40206998924681, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:32.204000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:32.204000",
+ "bytes": 2217868288,
+ "norm_byte": 43804672,
+ "ops": 2165887,
+ "norm_ops": 42778,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.40206998924681,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e37cabb1a5bedc8a4d3306c5f7cbd73aa3b7b9dccfa99d48801f158604e8fe1f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:33.205000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:33.205000', 'bytes': 2261740544, 'norm_byte': 43872256, 'ops': 2208731, 'norm_ops': 42844, 'norm_ltcy': 23.36609952312459, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:33.205000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:33.205000",
+ "bytes": 2261740544,
+ "norm_byte": 43872256,
+ "ops": 2208731,
+ "norm_ops": 42844,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.36609952312459,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "461ee46c575618d5acfd3b7ad585434d74c0e97b3ae5be03d43aed7c22372d13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:34.206000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:34.206000', 'bytes': 2316809216, 'norm_byte': 55068672, 'ops': 2262509, 'norm_ops': 53778, 'norm_ltcy': 18.615275487304288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:34.206000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:34.206000",
+ "bytes": 2316809216,
+ "norm_byte": 55068672,
+ "ops": 2262509,
+ "norm_ops": 53778,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.615275487304288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15537b90c73090e28a4b937039c1bb0b30540276ed9a7b5e512a523983905225",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:35.207000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:35.207000', 'bytes': 2349147136, 'norm_byte': 32337920, 'ops': 2294089, 'norm_ops': 31580, 'norm_ltcy': 31.700191292451713, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:35.207000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:35.207000",
+ "bytes": 2349147136,
+ "norm_byte": 32337920,
+ "ops": 2294089,
+ "norm_ops": 31580,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.700191292451713,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50407d47eca45e33e3dcbb3aca4a8f1d450379e9558fb2cea5850b7ac6c5678d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:36.208000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:36.208000', 'bytes': 2393403392, 'norm_byte': 44256256, 'ops': 2337308, 'norm_ops': 43219, 'norm_ltcy': 23.163414456026285, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:36.208000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:36.208000",
+ "bytes": 2393403392,
+ "norm_byte": 44256256,
+ "ops": 2337308,
+ "norm_ops": 43219,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.163414456026285,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27be603669f8140e189d5e8c9bba1fcd0ff50e8bd80745f76263b74a56fe4545",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:37.209000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:37.209000', 'bytes': 2437422080, 'norm_byte': 44018688, 'ops': 2380295, 'norm_ops': 42987, 'norm_ltcy': 23.28822817254344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:37.209000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:37.209000",
+ "bytes": 2437422080,
+ "norm_byte": 44018688,
+ "ops": 2380295,
+ "norm_ops": 42987,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.28822817254344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "569ebcc32aa5e186ff8e14f734edb48f1882f9749e0da13fa748caab5c5ae1cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:38.210000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:38.210000', 'bytes': 2481425408, 'norm_byte': 44003328, 'ops': 2423267, 'norm_ops': 42972, 'norm_ltcy': 23.296385673374523, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:38.210000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:38.210000",
+ "bytes": 2481425408,
+ "norm_byte": 44003328,
+ "ops": 2423267,
+ "norm_ops": 42972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.296385673374523,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af621300207f364e1097a80bd23ba4f62fc07ee075fbc63b680b47da7cc00ae2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:39.211000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:39.211000', 'bytes': 2538773504, 'norm_byte': 57348096, 'ops': 2479271, 'norm_ops': 56004, 'norm_ltcy': 17.875349340281495, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:39.211000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:39.211000",
+ "bytes": 2538773504,
+ "norm_byte": 57348096,
+ "ops": 2479271,
+ "norm_ops": 56004,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.875349340281495,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8cfe364d58614f73f3a086949af2c3a13ec3f123f1abda1ed5c49b435f1cc476",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:40.211000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:40.211000', 'bytes': 2593737728, 'norm_byte': 54964224, 'ops': 2532947, 'norm_ops': 53676, 'norm_ltcy': 18.63234255795188, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:40.211000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:40.211000",
+ "bytes": 2593737728,
+ "norm_byte": 54964224,
+ "ops": 2532947,
+ "norm_ops": 53676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.63234255795188,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "029e6a4d9186f1c4b14ab5054cd46f337c15ed2f920a69768456b3a9cdcdc9c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:41.212000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:41.212000', 'bytes': 2650932224, 'norm_byte': 57194496, 'ops': 2588801, 'norm_ops': 55854, 'norm_ltcy': 17.923455431795396, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:41.212000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:41.212000",
+ "bytes": 2650932224,
+ "norm_byte": 57194496,
+ "ops": 2588801,
+ "norm_ops": 55854,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.923455431795396,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a01b018eb4d3566ddac8cddf18b9ef2652d1e3788def0c07d6dc4e0b96bfbba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:42.214000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:42.214000', 'bytes': 2709449728, 'norm_byte': 58517504, 'ops': 2645947, 'norm_ops': 57146, 'norm_ltcy': 17.518198486387934, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:42.214000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:42.214000",
+ "bytes": 2709449728,
+ "norm_byte": 58517504,
+ "ops": 2645947,
+ "norm_ops": 57146,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.518198486387934,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0ff982b07ffe80dd81fab666bd6101e5b20c37f206c6132f60f1e28b11eb527",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:43.215000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:43.215000', 'bytes': 2745654272, 'norm_byte': 36204544, 'ops': 2681303, 'norm_ops': 35356, 'norm_ltcy': 28.316397245605415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:43.215000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:43.215000",
+ "bytes": 2745654272,
+ "norm_byte": 36204544,
+ "ops": 2681303,
+ "norm_ops": 35356,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.316397245605415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0843b1a9778f10f8e3687b6120874c629a62f6dff230b4e18d85a91b6c2c9284",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:44.216000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:44.216000', 'bytes': 2796590080, 'norm_byte': 50935808, 'ops': 2731045, 'norm_ops': 49742, 'norm_ltcy': 20.126297986673737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:44.216000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:44.216000",
+ "bytes": 2796590080,
+ "norm_byte": 50935808,
+ "ops": 2731045,
+ "norm_ops": 49742,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.126297986673737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f4a6cbe004431ff83f57aee0a9b90091adf694b0d63844ac94cc2cbe516b94b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:45.217000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:45.217000', 'bytes': 2849887232, 'norm_byte': 53297152, 'ops': 2783093, 'norm_ops': 52048, 'norm_ltcy': 19.23439079821751, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:45.217000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:45.217000",
+ "bytes": 2849887232,
+ "norm_byte": 53297152,
+ "ops": 2783093,
+ "norm_ops": 52048,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.23439079821751,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d95b26ee0e9f66fe7f1991201e81f9ea02d2df46102f0e853ac8daacfb603782",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:46.218000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:46.218000', 'bytes': 2908849152, 'norm_byte': 58961920, 'ops': 2840673, 'norm_ops': 57580, 'norm_ltcy': 17.386179079650052, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:46.218000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:46.218000",
+ "bytes": 2908849152,
+ "norm_byte": 58961920,
+ "ops": 2840673,
+ "norm_ops": 57580,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.386179079650052,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21f30c7d8d3c95eacc024245f06fcae317f8f27e0159f8cc6ba68b3d71af4a7f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:47.219000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:47.219000', 'bytes': 2964632576, 'norm_byte': 55783424, 'ops': 2895149, 'norm_ops': 54476, 'norm_ltcy': 18.376874822169395, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:47.219000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:47.219000",
+ "bytes": 2964632576,
+ "norm_byte": 55783424,
+ "ops": 2895149,
+ "norm_ops": 54476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.376874822169395,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c34ef4bd335eb528855c626516a5d2af3d1ccb767618a97790e4d906ad98a97",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:48.220000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:48.220000', 'bytes': 3008072704, 'norm_byte': 43440128, 'ops': 2937571, 'norm_ops': 42422, 'norm_ltcy': 23.598497453782823, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:48.220000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:48.220000",
+ "bytes": 3008072704,
+ "norm_byte": 43440128,
+ "ops": 2937571,
+ "norm_ops": 42422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.598497453782823,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "579a341f6d4c8e61881cc96967e73568335edf5143161f7a216f46b6d36e18a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:49.221000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:49.221000', 'bytes': 3066719232, 'norm_byte': 58646528, 'ops': 2994843, 'norm_ops': 57272, 'norm_ltcy': 17.479785845122834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:49.221000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:49.221000",
+ "bytes": 3066719232,
+ "norm_byte": 58646528,
+ "ops": 2994843,
+ "norm_ops": 57272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.479785845122834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50c25c020a19303fa0bc6d1bfc24dc8ba6aca1df60d164d634e5fc49b64409d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:12:50.423000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:12:50.423000', 'bytes': 3124909056, 'norm_byte': 58189824, 'ops': 3051669, 'norm_ops': 56826, 'norm_ltcy': 21.140358664772727, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:12:50.423000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:12:50.423000",
+ "bytes": 3124909056,
+ "norm_byte": 58189824,
+ "ops": 3051669,
+ "norm_ops": 56826,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.140358664772727,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a19548c0-4939-536d-8cac-a06ebebff5da",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75d8011632cad4ed199d0eda53d8ca282e8a2fc16ad45852d0a07895631ab785",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 52081817.6
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 50861.15
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 27.530711498564756
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:12:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-079-220519220905/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-079-220519220905/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c9e99d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-079-220519220905/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-079-220519220905/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-079-220519220905/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-079-220519220905/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-079-220519220905/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-079-220519220905/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19e5345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-079-220519220905/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=80
+ net.core.busy_poll=80
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-080-220519221107/220519221107-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-080-220519221107/220519221107-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..219be76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-080-220519221107/220519221107-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:13:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998431119.3633 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998432120.4307 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998432120.5127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998433121.5959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:43971584 nr_ops:42941\ntimestamp_ms:1652998434122.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:88345600 nr_ops:86275\ntimestamp_ms:1652998435123.7375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:132510720 nr_ops:129405\ntimestamp_ms:1652998436124.8682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176284672 nr_ops:172153\ntimestamp_ms:1652998437125.9609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:220267520 nr_ops:215105\ntimestamp_ms:1652998438127.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:264434688 nr_ops:258237\ntimestamp_ms:1652998439128.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:308806656 nr_ops:301569\ntimestamp_ms:1652998440129.2454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353086464 nr_ops:344811\ntimestamp_ms:1652998441130.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397210624 nr_ops:387901\ntimestamp_ms:1652998442131.3801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441351168 nr_ops:431007\ntimestamp_ms:1652998443132.4758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:485751808 nr_ops:474367\ntimestamp_ms:1652998444133.5640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529804288 nr_ops:517387\ntimestamp_ms:1652998445133.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573895680 nr_ops:560445\ntimestamp_ms:1652998446134.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:618179584 nr_ops:603691\ntimestamp_ms:1652998447135.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661877760 nr_ops:646365\ntimestamp_ms:1652998448136.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705770496 nr_ops:689229\ntimestamp_ms:1652998449138.0149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749741056 nr_ops:732169\ntimestamp_ms:1652998450139.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793900032 nr_ops:775293\ntimestamp_ms:1652998451140.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838298624 nr_ops:818651\ntimestamp_ms:1652998452141.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882575360 nr_ops:861890\ntimestamp_ms:1652998453142.2986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:926479360 nr_ops:904765\ntimestamp_ms:1652998454143.3923 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970482688 nr_ops:947737\ntimestamp_ms:1652998455144.4861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014432768 nr_ops:990657\ntimestamp_ms:1652998456145.5269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1061387264 nr_ops:1036511\ntimestamp_ms:1652998457146.5652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1107840000 nr_ops:1081875\ntimestamp_ms:1652998458147.6067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152533504 nr_ops:1125521\ntimestamp_ms:1652998459148.6465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196534784 nr_ops:1168491\ntimestamp_ms:1652998460149.7427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1241953280 nr_ops:1212845\ntimestamp_ms:1652998461150.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292956672 nr_ops:1262653\ntimestamp_ms:1652998462151.9490 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344541696 nr_ops:1313029\ntimestamp_ms:1652998463153.0403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1389777920 nr_ops:1357205\ntimestamp_ms:1652998464154.1414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433984000 nr_ops:1400375\ntimestamp_ms:1652998465155.2349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1478202368 nr_ops:1443557\ntimestamp_ms:1652998466156.3311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522209792 nr_ops:1486533\ntimestamp_ms:1652998467157.4326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1566569472 nr_ops:1529853\ntimestamp_ms:1652998468158.5305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1610834944 nr_ops:1573081\ntimestamp_ms:1652998469159.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1655084032 nr_ops:1616293\ntimestamp_ms:1652998470160.6619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698731008 nr_ops:1658917\ntimestamp_ms:1652998471161.7529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1742763008 nr_ops:1701917\ntimestamp_ms:1652998472162.8459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1787008000 nr_ops:1745125\ntimestamp_ms:1652998473164.0066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1831146496 nr_ops:1788229\ntimestamp_ms:1652998474165.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1875317760 nr_ops:1831365\ntimestamp_ms:1652998475166.1973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1920187392 nr_ops:1875183\ntimestamp_ms:1652998476167.2942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1964233728 nr_ops:1918197\ntimestamp_ms:1652998477168.3933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008355840 nr_ops:1961285\ntimestamp_ms:1652998478169.4863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2052428800 nr_ops:2004325\ntimestamp_ms:1652998479170.5806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2100952064 nr_ops:2051711\ntimestamp_ms:1652998480171.6733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2152365056 nr_ops:2101919\ntimestamp_ms:1652998481171.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205690880 nr_ops:2153995\ntimestamp_ms:1652998482172.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2256753664 nr_ops:2203861\ntimestamp_ms:1652998483174.0366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307740672 nr_ops:2253653\ntimestamp_ms:1652998484175.1333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2356853760 nr_ops:2301615\ntimestamp_ms:1652998485176.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2407193600 nr_ops:2350775\ntimestamp_ms:1652998486177.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2457963520 nr_ops:2400355\ntimestamp_ms:1652998487178.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2508388352 nr_ops:2449598\ntimestamp_ms:1652998488179.5120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2558510080 nr_ops:2498545\ntimestamp_ms:1652998489180.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2605616128 nr_ops:2544547\ntimestamp_ms:1652998490181.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2649979904 nr_ops:2587871\ntimestamp_ms:1652998491182.7971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2694587392 nr_ops:2631433\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140376923657984\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.1204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2738609152 nr_ops:2674423\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.2014 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.2117 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492484.4375 name:Total nr_bytes:2738609152 nr_ops:2674424\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.3079 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5477218302 nr_ops:5348848\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.3096 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2738609152 nr_ops:2674426\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 317.64us 0.00ns 317.64us 317.64us \nTxn1 1337212 44.89us 0.00ns 8.93ms 18.30us \nTxn2 1 48.05us 0.00ns 48.05us 48.05us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 316.94us 0.00ns 316.94us 316.94us \nwrite 1337212 2.43us 0.00ns 388.27us 2.13us \nread 1337211 42.37us 0.00ns 8.93ms 1.02us \ndisconnect 1 47.25us 0.00ns 47.25us 47.25us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 775.80b/s \nnet1 21441 21441 186.97Mb/s 186.97Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.175 62.37s 2.55GB 351.29Mb/s 2674426 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.55GB 351.29Mb/s 2674426 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416431, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998431119.3633 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998432120.4307 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998432120.5127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998433121.5959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:43971584 nr_ops:42941\ntimestamp_ms:1652998434122.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:88345600 nr_ops:86275\ntimestamp_ms:1652998435123.7375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:132510720 nr_ops:129405\ntimestamp_ms:1652998436124.8682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176284672 nr_ops:172153\ntimestamp_ms:1652998437125.9609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:220267520 nr_ops:215105\ntimestamp_ms:1652998438127.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:264434688 nr_ops:258237\ntimestamp_ms:1652998439128.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:308806656 nr_ops:301569\ntimestamp_ms:1652998440129.2454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353086464 nr_ops:344811\ntimestamp_ms:1652998441130.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397210624 nr_ops:387901\ntimestamp_ms:1652998442131.3801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441351168 nr_ops:431007\ntimestamp_ms:1652998443132.4758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:485751808 nr_ops:474367\ntimestamp_ms:1652998444133.5640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529804288 nr_ops:517387\ntimestamp_ms:1652998445133.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573895680 nr_ops:560445\ntimestamp_ms:1652998446134.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:618179584 nr_ops:603691\ntimestamp_ms:1652998447135.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661877760 nr_ops:646365\ntimestamp_ms:1652998448136.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705770496 nr_ops:689229\ntimestamp_ms:1652998449138.0149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749741056 nr_ops:732169\ntimestamp_ms:1652998450139.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793900032 nr_ops:775293\ntimestamp_ms:1652998451140.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838298624 nr_ops:818651\ntimestamp_ms:1652998452141.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882575360 nr_ops:861890\ntimestamp_ms:1652998453142.2986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:926479360 nr_ops:904765\ntimestamp_ms:1652998454143.3923 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970482688 nr_ops:947737\ntimestamp_ms:1652998455144.4861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014432768 nr_ops:990657\ntimestamp_ms:1652998456145.5269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1061387264 nr_ops:1036511\ntimestamp_ms:1652998457146.5652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1107840000 nr_ops:1081875\ntimestamp_ms:1652998458147.6067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152533504 nr_ops:1125521\ntimestamp_ms:1652998459148.6465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196534784 nr_ops:1168491\ntimestamp_ms:1652998460149.7427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1241953280 nr_ops:1212845\ntimestamp_ms:1652998461150.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292956672 nr_ops:1262653\ntimestamp_ms:1652998462151.9490 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344541696 nr_ops:1313029\ntimestamp_ms:1652998463153.0403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1389777920 nr_ops:1357205\ntimestamp_ms:1652998464154.1414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433984000 nr_ops:1400375\ntimestamp_ms:1652998465155.2349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1478202368 nr_ops:1443557\ntimestamp_ms:1652998466156.3311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522209792 nr_ops:1486533\ntimestamp_ms:1652998467157.4326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1566569472 nr_ops:1529853\ntimestamp_ms:1652998468158.5305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1610834944 nr_ops:1573081\ntimestamp_ms:1652998469159.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1655084032 nr_ops:1616293\ntimestamp_ms:1652998470160.6619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698731008 nr_ops:1658917\ntimestamp_ms:1652998471161.7529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1742763008 nr_ops:1701917\ntimestamp_ms:1652998472162.8459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1787008000 nr_ops:1745125\ntimestamp_ms:1652998473164.0066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1831146496 nr_ops:1788229\ntimestamp_ms:1652998474165.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1875317760 nr_ops:1831365\ntimestamp_ms:1652998475166.1973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1920187392 nr_ops:1875183\ntimestamp_ms:1652998476167.2942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1964233728 nr_ops:1918197\ntimestamp_ms:1652998477168.3933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008355840 nr_ops:1961285\ntimestamp_ms:1652998478169.4863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2052428800 nr_ops:2004325\ntimestamp_ms:1652998479170.5806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2100952064 nr_ops:2051711\ntimestamp_ms:1652998480171.6733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2152365056 nr_ops:2101919\ntimestamp_ms:1652998481171.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205690880 nr_ops:2153995\ntimestamp_ms:1652998482172.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2256753664 nr_ops:2203861\ntimestamp_ms:1652998483174.0366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307740672 nr_ops:2253653\ntimestamp_ms:1652998484175.1333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2356853760 nr_ops:2301615\ntimestamp_ms:1652998485176.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2407193600 nr_ops:2350775\ntimestamp_ms:1652998486177.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2457963520 nr_ops:2400355\ntimestamp_ms:1652998487178.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2508388352 nr_ops:2449598\ntimestamp_ms:1652998488179.5120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2558510080 nr_ops:2498545\ntimestamp_ms:1652998489180.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2605616128 nr_ops:2544547\ntimestamp_ms:1652998490181.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2649979904 nr_ops:2587871\ntimestamp_ms:1652998491182.7971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2694587392 nr_ops:2631433\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140376923657984\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.1204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2738609152 nr_ops:2674423\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.2014 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.2117 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492484.4375 name:Total nr_bytes:2738609152 nr_ops:2674424\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.3079 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5477218302 nr_ops:5348848\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.3096 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2738609152 nr_ops:2674426\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 317.64us 0.00ns 317.64us 317.64us \nTxn1 1337212 44.89us 0.00ns 8.93ms 18.30us \nTxn2 1 48.05us 0.00ns 48.05us 48.05us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 316.94us 0.00ns 316.94us 316.94us \nwrite 1337212 2.43us 0.00ns 388.27us 2.13us \nread 1337211 42.37us 0.00ns 8.93ms 1.02us \ndisconnect 1 47.25us 0.00ns 47.25us 47.25us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 775.80b/s \nnet1 21441 21441 186.97Mb/s 186.97Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.175 62.37s 2.55GB 351.29Mb/s 2674426 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.55GB 351.29Mb/s 2674426 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416431, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998431119.3633 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998432120.4307 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998432120.5127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998433121.5959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:43971584 nr_ops:42941\ntimestamp_ms:1652998434122.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:88345600 nr_ops:86275\ntimestamp_ms:1652998435123.7375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:132510720 nr_ops:129405\ntimestamp_ms:1652998436124.8682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176284672 nr_ops:172153\ntimestamp_ms:1652998437125.9609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:220267520 nr_ops:215105\ntimestamp_ms:1652998438127.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:264434688 nr_ops:258237\ntimestamp_ms:1652998439128.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:308806656 nr_ops:301569\ntimestamp_ms:1652998440129.2454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353086464 nr_ops:344811\ntimestamp_ms:1652998441130.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397210624 nr_ops:387901\ntimestamp_ms:1652998442131.3801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441351168 nr_ops:431007\ntimestamp_ms:1652998443132.4758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:485751808 nr_ops:474367\ntimestamp_ms:1652998444133.5640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529804288 nr_ops:517387\ntimestamp_ms:1652998445133.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573895680 nr_ops:560445\ntimestamp_ms:1652998446134.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:618179584 nr_ops:603691\ntimestamp_ms:1652998447135.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661877760 nr_ops:646365\ntimestamp_ms:1652998448136.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705770496 nr_ops:689229\ntimestamp_ms:1652998449138.0149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749741056 nr_ops:732169\ntimestamp_ms:1652998450139.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793900032 nr_ops:775293\ntimestamp_ms:1652998451140.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838298624 nr_ops:818651\ntimestamp_ms:1652998452141.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882575360 nr_ops:861890\ntimestamp_ms:1652998453142.2986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:926479360 nr_ops:904765\ntimestamp_ms:1652998454143.3923 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970482688 nr_ops:947737\ntimestamp_ms:1652998455144.4861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014432768 nr_ops:990657\ntimestamp_ms:1652998456145.5269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1061387264 nr_ops:1036511\ntimestamp_ms:1652998457146.5652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1107840000 nr_ops:1081875\ntimestamp_ms:1652998458147.6067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152533504 nr_ops:1125521\ntimestamp_ms:1652998459148.6465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196534784 nr_ops:1168491\ntimestamp_ms:1652998460149.7427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1241953280 nr_ops:1212845\ntimestamp_ms:1652998461150.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292956672 nr_ops:1262653\ntimestamp_ms:1652998462151.9490 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344541696 nr_ops:1313029\ntimestamp_ms:1652998463153.0403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1389777920 nr_ops:1357205\ntimestamp_ms:1652998464154.1414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433984000 nr_ops:1400375\ntimestamp_ms:1652998465155.2349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1478202368 nr_ops:1443557\ntimestamp_ms:1652998466156.3311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522209792 nr_ops:1486533\ntimestamp_ms:1652998467157.4326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1566569472 nr_ops:1529853\ntimestamp_ms:1652998468158.5305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1610834944 nr_ops:1573081\ntimestamp_ms:1652998469159.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1655084032 nr_ops:1616293\ntimestamp_ms:1652998470160.6619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698731008 nr_ops:1658917\ntimestamp_ms:1652998471161.7529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1742763008 nr_ops:1701917\ntimestamp_ms:1652998472162.8459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1787008000 nr_ops:1745125\ntimestamp_ms:1652998473164.0066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1831146496 nr_ops:1788229\ntimestamp_ms:1652998474165.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1875317760 nr_ops:1831365\ntimestamp_ms:1652998475166.1973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1920187392 nr_ops:1875183\ntimestamp_ms:1652998476167.2942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1964233728 nr_ops:1918197\ntimestamp_ms:1652998477168.3933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008355840 nr_ops:1961285\ntimestamp_ms:1652998478169.4863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2052428800 nr_ops:2004325\ntimestamp_ms:1652998479170.5806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2100952064 nr_ops:2051711\ntimestamp_ms:1652998480171.6733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2152365056 nr_ops:2101919\ntimestamp_ms:1652998481171.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205690880 nr_ops:2153995\ntimestamp_ms:1652998482172.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2256753664 nr_ops:2203861\ntimestamp_ms:1652998483174.0366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307740672 nr_ops:2253653\ntimestamp_ms:1652998484175.1333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2356853760 nr_ops:2301615\ntimestamp_ms:1652998485176.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2407193600 nr_ops:2350775\ntimestamp_ms:1652998486177.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2457963520 nr_ops:2400355\ntimestamp_ms:1652998487178.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2508388352 nr_ops:2449598\ntimestamp_ms:1652998488179.5120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2558510080 nr_ops:2498545\ntimestamp_ms:1652998489180.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2605616128 nr_ops:2544547\ntimestamp_ms:1652998490181.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2649979904 nr_ops:2587871\ntimestamp_ms:1652998491182.7971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2694587392 nr_ops:2631433\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140376923657984\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.1204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2738609152 nr_ops:2674423\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.2014 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.2117 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492484.4375 name:Total nr_bytes:2738609152 nr_ops:2674424\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.3079 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5477218302 nr_ops:5348848\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998492384.3096 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2738609152 nr_ops:2674426\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 317.64us 0.00ns 317.64us 317.64us \nTxn1 1337212 44.89us 0.00ns 8.93ms 18.30us \nTxn2 1 48.05us 0.00ns 48.05us 48.05us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 316.94us 0.00ns 316.94us 316.94us \nwrite 1337212 2.43us 0.00ns 388.27us 2.13us \nread 1337211 42.37us 0.00ns 8.93ms 1.02us \ndisconnect 1 47.25us 0.00ns 47.25us 47.25us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 775.80b/s \nnet1 21441 21441 186.97Mb/s 186.97Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.175 62.37s 2.55GB 351.29Mb/s 2674426 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.55GB 351.29Mb/s 2674426 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416431, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998431119.3633 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998432120.4307 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998432120.5127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998433121.5959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:43971584 nr_ops:42941
+timestamp_ms:1652998434122.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:88345600 nr_ops:86275
+timestamp_ms:1652998435123.7375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:132510720 nr_ops:129405
+timestamp_ms:1652998436124.8682 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176284672 nr_ops:172153
+timestamp_ms:1652998437125.9609 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:220267520 nr_ops:215105
+timestamp_ms:1652998438127.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:264434688 nr_ops:258237
+timestamp_ms:1652998439128.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:308806656 nr_ops:301569
+timestamp_ms:1652998440129.2454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353086464 nr_ops:344811
+timestamp_ms:1652998441130.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:397210624 nr_ops:387901
+timestamp_ms:1652998442131.3801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441351168 nr_ops:431007
+timestamp_ms:1652998443132.4758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:485751808 nr_ops:474367
+timestamp_ms:1652998444133.5640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529804288 nr_ops:517387
+timestamp_ms:1652998445133.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573895680 nr_ops:560445
+timestamp_ms:1652998446134.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:618179584 nr_ops:603691
+timestamp_ms:1652998447135.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661877760 nr_ops:646365
+timestamp_ms:1652998448136.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705770496 nr_ops:689229
+timestamp_ms:1652998449138.0149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:749741056 nr_ops:732169
+timestamp_ms:1652998450139.1169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793900032 nr_ops:775293
+timestamp_ms:1652998451140.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838298624 nr_ops:818651
+timestamp_ms:1652998452141.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882575360 nr_ops:861890
+timestamp_ms:1652998453142.2986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:926479360 nr_ops:904765
+timestamp_ms:1652998454143.3923 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970482688 nr_ops:947737
+timestamp_ms:1652998455144.4861 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014432768 nr_ops:990657
+timestamp_ms:1652998456145.5269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1061387264 nr_ops:1036511
+timestamp_ms:1652998457146.5652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1107840000 nr_ops:1081875
+timestamp_ms:1652998458147.6067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152533504 nr_ops:1125521
+timestamp_ms:1652998459148.6465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196534784 nr_ops:1168491
+timestamp_ms:1652998460149.7427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1241953280 nr_ops:1212845
+timestamp_ms:1652998461150.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292956672 nr_ops:1262653
+timestamp_ms:1652998462151.9490 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344541696 nr_ops:1313029
+timestamp_ms:1652998463153.0403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1389777920 nr_ops:1357205
+timestamp_ms:1652998464154.1414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1433984000 nr_ops:1400375
+timestamp_ms:1652998465155.2349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1478202368 nr_ops:1443557
+timestamp_ms:1652998466156.3311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1522209792 nr_ops:1486533
+timestamp_ms:1652998467157.4326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1566569472 nr_ops:1529853
+timestamp_ms:1652998468158.5305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1610834944 nr_ops:1573081
+timestamp_ms:1652998469159.5703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1655084032 nr_ops:1616293
+timestamp_ms:1652998470160.6619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698731008 nr_ops:1658917
+timestamp_ms:1652998471161.7529 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1742763008 nr_ops:1701917
+timestamp_ms:1652998472162.8459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1787008000 nr_ops:1745125
+timestamp_ms:1652998473164.0066 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1831146496 nr_ops:1788229
+timestamp_ms:1652998474165.1042 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1875317760 nr_ops:1831365
+timestamp_ms:1652998475166.1973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1920187392 nr_ops:1875183
+timestamp_ms:1652998476167.2942 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1964233728 nr_ops:1918197
+timestamp_ms:1652998477168.3933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008355840 nr_ops:1961285
+timestamp_ms:1652998478169.4863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2052428800 nr_ops:2004325
+timestamp_ms:1652998479170.5806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2100952064 nr_ops:2051711
+timestamp_ms:1652998480171.6733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2152365056 nr_ops:2101919
+timestamp_ms:1652998481171.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205690880 nr_ops:2153995
+timestamp_ms:1652998482172.9438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2256753664 nr_ops:2203861
+timestamp_ms:1652998483174.0366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307740672 nr_ops:2253653
+timestamp_ms:1652998484175.1333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2356853760 nr_ops:2301615
+timestamp_ms:1652998485176.2290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2407193600 nr_ops:2350775
+timestamp_ms:1652998486177.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2457963520 nr_ops:2400355
+timestamp_ms:1652998487178.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2508388352 nr_ops:2449598
+timestamp_ms:1652998488179.5120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2558510080 nr_ops:2498545
+timestamp_ms:1652998489180.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2605616128 nr_ops:2544547
+timestamp_ms:1652998490181.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2649979904 nr_ops:2587871
+timestamp_ms:1652998491182.7971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2694587392 nr_ops:2631433
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140376923657984
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652998492384.1204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2738609152 nr_ops:2674423
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998492384.2014 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998492384.2117 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998492484.4375 name:Total nr_bytes:2738609152 nr_ops:2674424
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998492384.3079 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5477218302 nr_ops:5348848
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998492384.3096 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2738609152 nr_ops:2674426
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 317.64us 0.00ns 317.64us 317.64us
+Txn1 1337212 44.89us 0.00ns 8.93ms 18.30us
+Txn2 1 48.05us 0.00ns 48.05us 48.05us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 316.94us 0.00ns 316.94us 316.94us
+write 1337212 2.43us 0.00ns 388.27us 2.13us
+read 1337211 42.37us 0.00ns 8.93ms 1.02us
+disconnect 1 47.25us 0.00ns 47.25us 47.25us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 775.80b/s
+net1 21441 21441 186.97Mb/s 186.97Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.175 62.37s 2.55GB 351.29Mb/s 2674426 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.55GB 351.29Mb/s 2674426 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:13:53.121000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:13:53.121000', 'bytes': 43971584, 'norm_byte': 43971584, 'ops': 42941, 'norm_ops': 42941, 'norm_ltcy': 23.312993455045877, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:13:53.121000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:13:53.121000",
+ "bytes": 43971584,
+ "norm_byte": 43971584,
+ "ops": 42941,
+ "norm_ops": 42941,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.312993455045877,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0bb8322089ff8eb7515619e10050021962f0816a41557ab12d51beccac910c25",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:13:54.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:13:54.122000', 'bytes': 88345600, 'norm_byte': 44374016, 'ops': 86275, 'norm_ops': 43334, 'norm_ltcy': 23.100619290352263, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:13:54.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:13:54.122000",
+ "bytes": 88345600,
+ "norm_byte": 44374016,
+ "ops": 86275,
+ "norm_ops": 43334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.100619290352263,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40faa36879b6b7d85243541b1555fa49dc3440833aa60db9939ba051e5ea3ed9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:13:55.123000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:13:55.123000', 'bytes': 132510720, 'norm_byte': 44165120, 'ops': 129405, 'norm_ops': 43130, 'norm_ltcy': 23.21120716982089, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:13:55.123000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:13:55.123000",
+ "bytes": 132510720,
+ "norm_byte": 44165120,
+ "ops": 129405,
+ "norm_ops": 43130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.21120716982089,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d88238fbe085c86daa48cbad8f2885b09649c6ca80cc3e6a38219dfad3c6a46e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:13:56.124000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:13:56.124000', 'bytes': 176284672, 'norm_byte': 43773952, 'ops': 172153, 'norm_ops': 42748, 'norm_ltcy': 23.419355647851944, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:13:56.124000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:13:56.124000",
+ "bytes": 176284672,
+ "norm_byte": 43773952,
+ "ops": 172153,
+ "norm_ops": 42748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.419355647851944,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef913f52ec624ade09facee54e98032f9767deed8132b973cbad6f991cf5a60c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:13:57.125000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:13:57.125000', 'bytes': 220267520, 'norm_byte': 43982848, 'ops': 215105, 'norm_ops': 42952, 'norm_ltcy': 23.307244678652918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:13:57.125000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:13:57.125000",
+ "bytes": 220267520,
+ "norm_byte": 43982848,
+ "ops": 215105,
+ "norm_ops": 42952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.307244678652918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6655b4d912baed24b38f1786ba0f62ada0886ca5bd9ef3005af7d01e61fc7b34",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:13:58.127000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:13:58.127000', 'bytes': 264434688, 'norm_byte': 44167168, 'ops': 258237, 'norm_ops': 43132, 'norm_ltcy': 23.20913466763366, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:13:58.127000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:13:58.127000",
+ "bytes": 264434688,
+ "norm_byte": 44167168,
+ "ops": 258237,
+ "norm_ops": 43132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.20913466763366,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d8fddbbe33a2fbcfa6182840cb5c8762c75ac68690f2466f230a3b2333633a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:13:59.128000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:13:59.128000', 'bytes': 308806656, 'norm_byte': 44371968, 'ops': 301569, 'norm_ops': 43332, 'norm_ltcy': 23.103860302071794, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:13:59.128000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:13:59.128000",
+ "bytes": 308806656,
+ "norm_byte": 44371968,
+ "ops": 301569,
+ "norm_ops": 43332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.103860302071794,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b5dbc1f22ec7b922a5e1bf47959b3d55c22eb8aa55992464f0af772383ed0bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:00.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:00.129000', 'bytes': 353086464, 'norm_byte': 44279808, 'ops': 344811, 'norm_ops': 43242, 'norm_ltcy': 23.150907745580106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:00.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:00.129000",
+ "bytes": 353086464,
+ "norm_byte": 44279808,
+ "ops": 344811,
+ "norm_ops": 43242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.150907745580106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "32e55a8af38c8d2c4e6b5cba7adff5f4525f0fa60333bd731df50b1068458c5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:01.130000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:01.130000', 'bytes': 397210624, 'norm_byte': 44124160, 'ops': 387901, 'norm_ops': 43090, 'norm_ltcy': 23.231348766752728, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:01.130000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:01.130000",
+ "bytes": 397210624,
+ "norm_byte": 44124160,
+ "ops": 387901,
+ "norm_ops": 43090,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.231348766752728,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03ddb603e16fb2eac9f41edca7fe182e34b1a79fb69c1a29c0cb8f3836ccbcca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:02.131000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:02.131000', 'bytes': 441351168, 'norm_byte': 44140544, 'ops': 431007, 'norm_ops': 43106, 'norm_ltcy': 23.224051112736625, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:02.131000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:02.131000",
+ "bytes": 441351168,
+ "norm_byte": 44140544,
+ "ops": 431007,
+ "norm_ops": 43106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.224051112736625,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6a7e9beee02dad8e9f9830514c42b3b318cf37d60e6a4c4923c498b9d88448b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:03.132000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:03.132000', 'bytes': 485751808, 'norm_byte': 44400640, 'ops': 474367, 'norm_ops': 43360, 'norm_ltcy': 23.088000533325644, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:03.132000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:03.132000",
+ "bytes": 485751808,
+ "norm_byte": 44400640,
+ "ops": 474367,
+ "norm_ops": 43360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.088000533325644,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d7a03e7f518603375f80eed967eb0881809a5741f27cf0a329bdf9c6b6dbdeb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:04.133000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:04.133000', 'bytes': 529804288, 'norm_byte': 44052480, 'ops': 517387, 'norm_ops': 43020, 'norm_ltcy': 23.270296019656552, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:04.133000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:04.133000",
+ "bytes": 529804288,
+ "norm_byte": 44052480,
+ "ops": 517387,
+ "norm_ops": 43020,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.270296019656552,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4450a671e0ed99865210cccf5d39210e7d885f24654ed2943ac01585905e159a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:05.133000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:05.133000', 'bytes': 573895680, 'norm_byte': 44091392, 'ops': 560445, 'norm_ops': 43058, 'norm_ltcy': 23.230849686033952, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:05.133000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:05.133000",
+ "bytes": 573895680,
+ "norm_byte": 44091392,
+ "ops": 560445,
+ "norm_ops": 43058,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.230849686033952,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b08e5e872951c9e23e0e93af5db79fd0609bda1208637bde15acad570bcf1d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:06.134000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:06.134000', 'bytes': 618179584, 'norm_byte': 44283904, 'ops': 603691, 'norm_ops': 43246, 'norm_ltcy': 23.14881723165148, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:06.134000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:06.134000",
+ "bytes": 618179584,
+ "norm_byte": 44283904,
+ "ops": 603691,
+ "norm_ops": 43246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.14881723165148,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67cd47e2969bcb0c59b2f086efec1a344aae8d8dc6bb45d45390374206662d6b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:07.135000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:07.135000', 'bytes': 661877760, 'norm_byte': 43698176, 'ops': 646365, 'norm_ops': 42674, 'norm_ltcy': 23.45464030352205, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:07.135000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:07.135000",
+ "bytes": 661877760,
+ "norm_byte": 43698176,
+ "ops": 646365,
+ "norm_ops": 42674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.45464030352205,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de062059eabacdb5759b8de4afc5a118e0fa432e685dd0be17e64f7aee9b45a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:08.136000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:08.136000', 'bytes': 705770496, 'norm_byte': 43892736, 'ops': 689229, 'norm_ops': 42864, 'norm_ltcy': 23.35500912952886, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:08.136000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:08.136000",
+ "bytes": 705770496,
+ "norm_byte": 43892736,
+ "ops": 689229,
+ "norm_ops": 42864,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.35500912952886,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1825658705acab8103b35ac46cef3427f00b3856c0f1b4fdbd7adcdde17a59b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:09.138000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:09.138000', 'bytes': 749741056, 'norm_byte': 43970560, 'ops': 732169, 'norm_ops': 42940, 'norm_ltcy': 23.31371262954122, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:09.138000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:09.138000",
+ "bytes": 749741056,
+ "norm_byte": 43970560,
+ "ops": 732169,
+ "norm_ops": 42940,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.31371262954122,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c59e367d7a73e5e1cba7b0fe6a8284eaa4cdf15a8feaed10e82d324a59ed2c4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:10.139000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:10.139000', 'bytes': 793900032, 'norm_byte': 44158976, 'ops': 775293, 'norm_ops': 43124, 'norm_ltcy': 23.214498905047073, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:10.139000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:10.139000",
+ "bytes": 793900032,
+ "norm_byte": 44158976,
+ "ops": 775293,
+ "norm_ops": 43124,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.214498905047073,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "527df430a922d5319885b96b3e22182595eb99e25b6eb1f82761be8f82f42061",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:11.140000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:11.140000', 'bytes': 838298624, 'norm_byte': 44398592, 'ops': 818651, 'norm_ops': 43358, 'norm_ltcy': 23.087792964245352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:11.140000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:11.140000",
+ "bytes": 838298624,
+ "norm_byte": 44398592,
+ "ops": 818651,
+ "norm_ops": 43358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.087792964245352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce511d5d6e5305a738cd6dea6cefa14e741fdcc1a18980b191546488a61ebe70",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:12.141000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:12.141000', 'bytes': 882575360, 'norm_byte': 44276736, 'ops': 861890, 'norm_ops': 43239, 'norm_ltcy': 23.151305687935082, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:12.141000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:12.141000",
+ "bytes": 882575360,
+ "norm_byte": 44276736,
+ "ops": 861890,
+ "norm_ops": 43239,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.151305687935082,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a3e9873475d3ca18cc2aeec561bf7110a88b22bd301203dab7c4439a2c1cd2bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:13.142000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:13.142000', 'bytes': 926479360, 'norm_byte': 43904000, 'ops': 904765, 'norm_ops': 42875, 'norm_ltcy': 23.34931327441691, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:13.142000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:13.142000",
+ "bytes": 926479360,
+ "norm_byte": 43904000,
+ "ops": 904765,
+ "norm_ops": 42875,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.34931327441691,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82733ea5a4d588988d1de05d4f1088573def3d265bcc759b3c2fda13bc76770f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:14.143000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:14.143000', 'bytes': 970482688, 'norm_byte': 44003328, 'ops': 947737, 'norm_ops': 42972, 'norm_ltcy': 23.296419761705295, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:14.143000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:14.143000",
+ "bytes": 970482688,
+ "norm_byte": 44003328,
+ "ops": 947737,
+ "norm_ops": 42972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.296419761705295,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "779010145530ee830cae94b32c35767fbd21c13f7e652cc3ed1e41499dc6c05f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:15.144000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:15.144000', 'bytes': 1014432768, 'norm_byte': 43950080, 'ops': 990657, 'norm_ops': 42920, 'norm_ltcy': 23.32464468779124, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:15.144000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:15.144000",
+ "bytes": 1014432768,
+ "norm_byte": 43950080,
+ "ops": 990657,
+ "norm_ops": 42920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.32464468779124,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6e5181e70b5db6570d4c7a48bc80a0bbc17da27b606bad144483b569c2491f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:16.145000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:16.145000', 'bytes': 1061387264, 'norm_byte': 46954496, 'ops': 1036511, 'norm_ops': 45854, 'norm_ltcy': 21.83104574266967, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:16.145000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:16.145000",
+ "bytes": 1061387264,
+ "norm_byte": 46954496,
+ "ops": 1036511,
+ "norm_ops": 45854,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.83104574266967,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "608047137118f02fa733b0f99b1e52c662caf0227150b3e3ef6ca21928c954c9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:17.146000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:17.146000', 'bytes': 1107840000, 'norm_byte': 46452736, 'ops': 1081875, 'norm_ops': 45364, 'norm_ltcy': 22.06680032797207, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:17.146000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:17.146000",
+ "bytes": 1107840000,
+ "norm_byte": 46452736,
+ "ops": 1081875,
+ "norm_ops": 45364,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.06680032797207,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b97b329030bf4bb631439908374a887cc1a3a8a3daf5d735aab03a8a54426002",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:18.147000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:18.147000', 'bytes': 1152533504, 'norm_byte': 44693504, 'ops': 1125521, 'norm_ops': 43646, 'norm_ltcy': 22.935469548326306, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:18.147000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:18.147000",
+ "bytes": 1152533504,
+ "norm_byte": 44693504,
+ "ops": 1125521,
+ "norm_ops": 43646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.935469548326306,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ea550dc26987d9431f17121120d4905fd338632f66eb890265eebc25c496015",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:19.148000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:19.148000', 'bytes': 1196534784, 'norm_byte': 44001280, 'ops': 1168491, 'norm_ops': 42970, 'norm_ltcy': 23.296248427318478, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:19.148000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:19.148000",
+ "bytes": 1196534784,
+ "norm_byte": 44001280,
+ "ops": 1168491,
+ "norm_ops": 42970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.296248427318478,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ec9a2a35462c2a75242423bf09e6d429b5fb7b53d5601ef6798146a5452ecf0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:20.149000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:20.149000', 'bytes': 1241953280, 'norm_byte': 45418496, 'ops': 1212845, 'norm_ops': 44354, 'norm_ltcy': 22.57059546841886, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:20.149000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:20.149000",
+ "bytes": 1241953280,
+ "norm_byte": 45418496,
+ "ops": 1212845,
+ "norm_ops": 44354,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.57059546841886,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5002b80ec5db4e59acc4f4dc13f40c845e137b8a0b0d299f107c71cc03caca25",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:21.150000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:21.150000', 'bytes': 1292956672, 'norm_byte': 51003392, 'ops': 1262653, 'norm_ops': 49808, 'norm_ltcy': 20.0991436020569, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:21.150000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:21.150000",
+ "bytes": 1292956672,
+ "norm_byte": 51003392,
+ "ops": 1262653,
+ "norm_ops": 49808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.0991436020569,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3277a62c044d4d9234d0f8156526c8c5f773431f7ae6f68bd1fd3cf86b3f7f85",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:22.151000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:22.151000', 'bytes': 1344541696, 'norm_byte': 51585024, 'ops': 1313029, 'norm_ops': 50376, 'norm_ltcy': 19.872720229809335, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:22.151000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:22.151000",
+ "bytes": 1344541696,
+ "norm_byte": 51585024,
+ "ops": 1313029,
+ "norm_ops": 50376,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.872720229809335,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60102a27c142f785424d781652596e1d96edeb2c5f977cf075870df8d6309ff4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:23.153000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:23.153000', 'bytes': 1389777920, 'norm_byte': 45236224, 'ops': 1357205, 'norm_ops': 44176, 'norm_ltcy': 22.661429477402887, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:23.153000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:23.153000",
+ "bytes": 1389777920,
+ "norm_byte": 45236224,
+ "ops": 1357205,
+ "norm_ops": 44176,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.661429477402887,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ee129a1dd2c5f6b0c169298d86644d31a24a62a35b167b71c720bfccfe53661",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:24.154000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:24.154000', 'bytes': 1433984000, 'norm_byte': 44206080, 'ops': 1400375, 'norm_ops': 43170, 'norm_ltcy': 23.189739963371554, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:24.154000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:24.154000",
+ "bytes": 1433984000,
+ "norm_byte": 44206080,
+ "ops": 1400375,
+ "norm_ops": 43170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.189739963371554,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "026e2272c9489e409acf577173a0fdf3cf8125aaebb6bb038cd25ca0545b85e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:25.155000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:25.155000', 'bytes': 1478202368, 'norm_byte': 44218368, 'ops': 1443557, 'norm_ops': 43182, 'norm_ltcy': 23.183120417289032, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:25.155000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:25.155000",
+ "bytes": 1478202368,
+ "norm_byte": 44218368,
+ "ops": 1443557,
+ "norm_ops": 43182,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.183120417289032,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a7509e4af728c8e36939735218cacd425503e4a2322ce0219e5aea480562093",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:26.156000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:26.156000', 'bytes': 1522209792, 'norm_byte': 44007424, 'ops': 1486533, 'norm_ops': 42976, 'norm_ltcy': 23.294308251262333, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:26.156000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:26.156000",
+ "bytes": 1522209792,
+ "norm_byte": 44007424,
+ "ops": 1486533,
+ "norm_ops": 42976,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.294308251262333,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9cccccfc9719d1699804cffebc4d215528c998e98209c92cad1d2579b0a8374",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:27.157000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:27.157000', 'bytes': 1566569472, 'norm_byte': 44359680, 'ops': 1529853, 'norm_ops': 43320, 'norm_ltcy': 23.109454351338872, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:27.157000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:27.157000",
+ "bytes": 1566569472,
+ "norm_byte": 44359680,
+ "ops": 1529853,
+ "norm_ops": 43320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.109454351338872,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1c870f240bf78167213c5e63646c00152d280f38f0b6306889cdf078d095777",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:28.158000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:28.158000', 'bytes': 1610834944, 'norm_byte': 44265472, 'ops': 1573081, 'norm_ops': 43228, 'norm_ltcy': 23.158552336231725, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:28.158000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:28.158000",
+ "bytes": 1610834944,
+ "norm_byte": 44265472,
+ "ops": 1573081,
+ "norm_ops": 43228,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.158552336231725,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "354a2f1db89fc3839ef7363f8437b1c60f5ae1d2b43a34f0c8cac950ee4ab32b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:29.159000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:29.159000', 'bytes': 1655084032, 'norm_byte': 44249088, 'ops': 1616293, 'norm_ops': 43212, 'norm_ltcy': 23.165782535450223, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:29.159000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:29.159000",
+ "bytes": 1655084032,
+ "norm_byte": 44249088,
+ "ops": 1616293,
+ "norm_ops": 43212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.165782535450223,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81fd8d69203d5a4616253c2db5532584294b18bcc874f07064832037c1365ae5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:30.160000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:30.160000', 'bytes': 1698731008, 'norm_byte': 43646976, 'ops': 1658917, 'norm_ops': 42624, 'norm_ltcy': 23.486569837048965, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:30.160000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:30.160000",
+ "bytes": 1698731008,
+ "norm_byte": 43646976,
+ "ops": 1658917,
+ "norm_ops": 42624,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.486569837048965,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4a09e7828121081f271339f2c47e90992be31446362651f5a8d26bdf9a875a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:31.161000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:31.161000', 'bytes': 1742763008, 'norm_byte': 44032000, 'ops': 1701917, 'norm_ops': 43000, 'norm_ltcy': 23.281187545421513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:31.161000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:31.161000",
+ "bytes": 1742763008,
+ "norm_byte": 44032000,
+ "ops": 1701917,
+ "norm_ops": 43000,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.281187545421513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a49329793b84da3d5416e618fe24ad6fb97d183e52e8dce7b287b06ddb46a16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:32.162000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:32.162000', 'bytes': 1787008000, 'norm_byte': 44244992, 'ops': 1745125, 'norm_ops': 43208, 'norm_ltcy': 23.169158895994375, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:32.162000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:32.162000",
+ "bytes": 1787008000,
+ "norm_byte": 44244992,
+ "ops": 1745125,
+ "norm_ops": 43208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.169158895994375,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "994a45e8e401b12b4d495ca8df7f985124c17e95a1363a7ec929758932424a25",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:33.164000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:33.164000', 'bytes': 1831146496, 'norm_byte': 44138496, 'ops': 1788229, 'norm_ops': 43104, 'norm_ltcy': 23.22662965226545, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:33.164000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:33.164000",
+ "bytes": 1831146496,
+ "norm_byte": 44138496,
+ "ops": 1788229,
+ "norm_ops": 43104,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.22662965226545,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30f6e45cfc0e32c9626645c9173b314c54bdaae2f2c555a9c0c2ac29f9bfb825",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:34.165000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:34.165000', 'bytes': 1875317760, 'norm_byte': 44171264, 'ops': 1831365, 'norm_ops': 43136, 'norm_ltcy': 23.20793898947515, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:34.165000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:34.165000",
+ "bytes": 1875317760,
+ "norm_byte": 44171264,
+ "ops": 1831365,
+ "norm_ops": 43136,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.20793898947515,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "177f6f3389dc16fb2ebc7ef7a19ea325c14e7f351363cae6323c3c6b285831d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:35.166000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:35.166000', 'bytes': 1920187392, 'norm_byte': 44869632, 'ops': 1875183, 'norm_ops': 43818, 'norm_ltcy': 22.846615947284793, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:35.166000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:35.166000",
+ "bytes": 1920187392,
+ "norm_byte": 44869632,
+ "ops": 1875183,
+ "norm_ops": 43818,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.846615947284793,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f52160cf4969a894eca9adccb48062d683eae55e750f5a6f144bd7e2384092a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:36.167000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:36.167000', 'bytes': 1964233728, 'norm_byte': 44046336, 'ops': 1918197, 'norm_ops': 43014, 'norm_ltcy': 23.273746311157414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:36.167000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:36.167000",
+ "bytes": 1964233728,
+ "norm_byte": 44046336,
+ "ops": 1918197,
+ "norm_ops": 43014,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.273746311157414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "38e381d113cfec0bd1f9d8a3abf2276cb68fdb99abd350a75b51a2587d648cb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:37.168000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:37.168000', 'bytes': 2008355840, 'norm_byte': 44122112, 'ops': 1961285, 'norm_ops': 43088, 'norm_ltcy': 23.23382661283304, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:37.168000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:37.168000",
+ "bytes": 2008355840,
+ "norm_byte": 44122112,
+ "ops": 1961285,
+ "norm_ops": 43088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.23382661283304,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0dfcc7f57d725c195566c4fce9434addb5fe91572fa9734ca2ac85fb85839456",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:38.169000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:38.169000', 'bytes': 2052428800, 'norm_byte': 44072960, 'ops': 2004325, 'norm_ops': 43040, 'norm_ltcy': 23.25959613332075, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:38.169000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:38.169000",
+ "bytes": 2052428800,
+ "norm_byte": 44072960,
+ "ops": 2004325,
+ "norm_ops": 43040,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.25959613332075,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1408579e8fee4196b05792e00646fd2258e1478fbfaf54a578297fa05da1d6ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:39.170000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:39.170000', 'bytes': 2100952064, 'norm_byte': 48523264, 'ops': 2051711, 'norm_ops': 47386, 'norm_ltcy': 21.12637146586017, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:39.170000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:39.170000",
+ "bytes": 2100952064,
+ "norm_byte": 48523264,
+ "ops": 2051711,
+ "norm_ops": 47386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.12637146586017,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e929fcb92800140fc310d6dc01eef7528b0d575c7b4e95f43241d00b7c1f40ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:40.171000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:40.171000', 'bytes': 2152365056, 'norm_byte': 51412992, 'ops': 2101919, 'norm_ops': 50208, 'norm_ltcy': 19.938909604794055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:40.171000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:40.171000",
+ "bytes": 2152365056,
+ "norm_byte": 51412992,
+ "ops": 2101919,
+ "norm_ops": 50208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.938909604794055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2b81753d83e6469a1f675dd4e29a8181280db547791b222f527e0e34fbf15c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:41.171000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:41.171000', 'bytes': 2205690880, 'norm_byte': 53325824, 'ops': 2153995, 'norm_ops': 52076, 'norm_ltcy': 19.206008893552212, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:41.171000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:41.171000",
+ "bytes": 2205690880,
+ "norm_byte": 53325824,
+ "ops": 2153995,
+ "norm_ops": 52076,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.206008893552212,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd783e2480bec22d54076b27c34f9a39d4e689d684f2a87463f648c4abe6115b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:42.172000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:42.172000', 'bytes': 2256753664, 'norm_byte': 51062784, 'ops': 2203861, 'norm_ops': 49866, 'norm_ltcy': 20.07577083928679, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:42.172000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:42.172000",
+ "bytes": 2256753664,
+ "norm_byte": 51062784,
+ "ops": 2203861,
+ "norm_ops": 49866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.07577083928679,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6655aa4dba5889e256e578bae4588f610eb00f221ed92ca611eb0b9ac865e3c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:43.174000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:43.174000', 'bytes': 2307740672, 'norm_byte': 50987008, 'ops': 2253653, 'norm_ops': 49792, 'norm_ltcy': 20.10549432514259, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:43.174000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:43.174000",
+ "bytes": 2307740672,
+ "norm_byte": 50987008,
+ "ops": 2253653,
+ "norm_ops": 49792,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.10549432514259,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c45f3429fb4594da591170b53c35a880734b3f21aedf8aad854bc82020042aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:44.175000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:44.175000', 'bytes': 2356853760, 'norm_byte': 49113088, 'ops': 2301615, 'norm_ops': 47962, 'norm_ltcy': 20.872705051655476, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:44.175000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:44.175000",
+ "bytes": 2356853760,
+ "norm_byte": 49113088,
+ "ops": 2301615,
+ "norm_ops": 47962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.872705051655476,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b60be2eeb5218b41923814896513206463ab4d27b3ac32b2f14fcf122ede562e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:45.176000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:45.176000', 'bytes': 2407193600, 'norm_byte': 50339840, 'ops': 2350775, 'norm_ops': 49160, 'norm_ltcy': 20.36402976251017, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:45.176000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:45.176000",
+ "bytes": 2407193600,
+ "norm_byte": 50339840,
+ "ops": 2350775,
+ "norm_ops": 49160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.36402976251017,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b288808edee00fbf7bece1b7265a4f23ec206ed7ddbd66d9de3bd99dac8d57da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:46.177000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:46.177000', 'bytes': 2457963520, 'norm_byte': 50769920, 'ops': 2400355, 'norm_ops': 49580, 'norm_ltcy': 20.191508081950886, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:46.177000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:46.177000",
+ "bytes": 2457963520,
+ "norm_byte": 50769920,
+ "ops": 2400355,
+ "norm_ops": 49580,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.191508081950886,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af9050c1387b6e3f6d84ba6d9b0042d11e02507e07dde63f08723b958d013689",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:47.178000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:47.178000', 'bytes': 2508388352, 'norm_byte': 50424832, 'ops': 2449598, 'norm_ops': 49243, 'norm_ltcy': 20.329671103316713, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:47.178000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:47.178000",
+ "bytes": 2508388352,
+ "norm_byte": 50424832,
+ "ops": 2449598,
+ "norm_ops": 49243,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.329671103316713,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c630da777e558ac5bb5e381f2b6a5a724df484f651b0117da8d83c3a13bf68a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:48.179000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:48.179000', 'bytes': 2558510080, 'norm_byte': 50121728, 'ops': 2498545, 'norm_ops': 48947, 'norm_ltcy': 20.452611889199034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:48.179000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:48.179000",
+ "bytes": 2558510080,
+ "norm_byte": 50121728,
+ "ops": 2498545,
+ "norm_ops": 48947,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.452611889199034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78682573b65b2d53cfc4b9f136460bf5e6768774558da301380d532b5e4bc4f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:49.180000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:49.180000', 'bytes': 2605616128, 'norm_byte': 47106048, 'ops': 2544547, 'norm_ops': 46002, 'norm_ltcy': 21.761993279504154, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:49.180000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:49.180000",
+ "bytes": 2605616128,
+ "norm_byte": 47106048,
+ "ops": 2544547,
+ "norm_ops": 46002,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.761993279504154,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9f7b5bc54c2adb4f05ee5134fa79ef62db49b7e6b4aa2f4a12eeb2c10e6cf93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:50.181000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:50.181000', 'bytes': 2649979904, 'norm_byte': 44363776, 'ops': 2587871, 'norm_ops': 43324, 'norm_ltcy': 23.10707276134475, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:50.181000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:50.181000",
+ "bytes": 2649979904,
+ "norm_byte": 44363776,
+ "ops": 2587871,
+ "norm_ops": 43324,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.10707276134475,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "588031f46919d0a15ec7b6c54221d7f7cd166a563849945c648108abb64df306",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:51.182000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:51.182000', 'bytes': 2694587392, 'norm_byte': 44607488, 'ops': 2631433, 'norm_ops': 43562, 'norm_ltcy': 22.98101834382604, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:51.182000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:51.182000",
+ "bytes": 2694587392,
+ "norm_byte": 44607488,
+ "ops": 2631433,
+ "norm_ops": 43562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.98101834382604,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b286395f9be5e138e14eed2e269f9c2ef3f02f1b8f966a060aaa222cdd9a3e41",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:14:52.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:14:52.384000', 'bytes': 2738609152, 'norm_byte': 44021760, 'ops': 2674423, 'norm_ops': 42990, 'norm_ltcy': 27.944248480751337, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:14:52.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:14:52.384000",
+ "bytes": 2738609152,
+ "norm_byte": 44021760,
+ "ops": 2674423,
+ "norm_ops": 42990,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.944248480751337,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9c3f96a7-ddad-5c8b-9e21-9872777b10df",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ee58f895e7ed05d8a42f548325681d9a69bc824e07c0b6a64c9d44fe222903f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 45643485.86666667
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 44573.71666666667
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 23.421119880635448
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:14:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-080-220519221107/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-080-220519221107/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a80ce41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-080-220519221107/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-080-220519221107/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-080-220519221107/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-080-220519221107/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-080-220519221107/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-080-220519221107/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..652069c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-080-220519221107/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=35
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=35
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=170
+ net.core.busy_poll=80
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-081-220519221308/220519221308-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-081-220519221308/220519221308-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a52a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-081-220519221308/220519221308-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:15:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998552761.3008 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998553761.8960 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998553761.9470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998554762.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71678976 nr_ops:69999\ntimestamp_ms:1652998555763.8809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128826368 nr_ops:125807\ntimestamp_ms:1652998556764.9736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200572928 nr_ops:195872\ntimestamp_ms:1652998557765.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272231424 nr_ops:265851\ntimestamp_ms:1652998558766.9348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314750976 nr_ops:307374\ntimestamp_ms:1652998559768.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:386561024 nr_ops:377501\ntimestamp_ms:1652998560769.1201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458296320 nr_ops:447555\ntimestamp_ms:1652998561770.2383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:512836608 nr_ops:500817\ntimestamp_ms:1652998562770.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:557941760 nr_ops:544865\ntimestamp_ms:1652998563771.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628845568 nr_ops:614107\ntimestamp_ms:1652998564773.0264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:685188096 nr_ops:669129\ntimestamp_ms:1652998565774.1199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741227520 nr_ops:723855\ntimestamp_ms:1652998566775.2139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:783131648 nr_ops:764777\ntimestamp_ms:1652998567775.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:854798336 nr_ops:834764\ntimestamp_ms:1652998568776.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:926618624 nr_ops:904901\ntimestamp_ms:1652998569778.0300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998016000 nr_ops:974625\ntimestamp_ms:1652998570779.1313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1043502080 nr_ops:1019045\ntimestamp_ms:1652998571780.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095590912 nr_ops:1069913\ntimestamp_ms:1652998572780.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152168960 nr_ops:1125165\ntimestamp_ms:1652998573781.9431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194619904 nr_ops:1166621\ntimestamp_ms:1652998574782.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1266437120 nr_ops:1236755\ntimestamp_ms:1652998575783.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1323326464 nr_ops:1292311\ntimestamp_ms:1652998576784.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1380254720 nr_ops:1347905\ntimestamp_ms:1652998577785.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450023936 nr_ops:1416039\ntimestamp_ms:1652998578786.9431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1493573632 nr_ops:1458568\ntimestamp_ms:1652998579787.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535579136 nr_ops:1499589\ntimestamp_ms:1652998580788.8557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1603828736 nr_ops:1566239\ntimestamp_ms:1652998581789.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1648090112 nr_ops:1609463\ntimestamp_ms:1652998582790.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1675305984 nr_ops:1636041\ntimestamp_ms:1652998583791.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731599360 nr_ops:1691015\ntimestamp_ms:1652998584792.8887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788726272 nr_ops:1746803\ntimestamp_ms:1652998585794.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1843850240 nr_ops:1800635\ntimestamp_ms:1652998586795.1082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896576000 nr_ops:1852125\ntimestamp_ms:1652998587795.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1942739968 nr_ops:1897207\ntimestamp_ms:1652998588796.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1999565824 nr_ops:1952701\ntimestamp_ms:1652998589797.9773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2066504704 nr_ops:2018071\ntimestamp_ms:1652998590799.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097863680 nr_ops:2048695\ntimestamp_ms:1652998591800.1177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139677696 nr_ops:2089529\ntimestamp_ms:1652998592801.2231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2209483776 nr_ops:2157699\ntimestamp_ms:1652998593802.4011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2252508160 nr_ops:2199715\ntimestamp_ms:1652998594802.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323385344 nr_ops:2268931\ntimestamp_ms:1652998595803.9409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2379723776 nr_ops:2323949\ntimestamp_ms:1652998596804.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2450244608 nr_ops:2392817\ntimestamp_ms:1652998597805.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521308160 nr_ops:2462215\ntimestamp_ms:1652998598806.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2577712128 nr_ops:2517297\ntimestamp_ms:1652998599808.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648710144 nr_ops:2586631\ntimestamp_ms:1652998600809.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2719625216 nr_ops:2655884\ntimestamp_ms:1652998601810.2322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790732800 nr_ops:2725325\ntimestamp_ms:1652998602810.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2862556160 nr_ops:2795465\ntimestamp_ms:1652998603811.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934336512 nr_ops:2865563\ntimestamp_ms:1652998604813.0271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2990754816 nr_ops:2920659\ntimestamp_ms:1652998605814.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3061566464 nr_ops:2989811\ntimestamp_ms:1652998606815.2151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3117911040 nr_ops:3044835\ntimestamp_ms:1652998607815.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3174507520 nr_ops:3100105\ntimestamp_ms:1652998608816.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3231073280 nr_ops:3155345\ntimestamp_ms:1652998609817.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3288282112 nr_ops:3211213\ntimestamp_ms:1652998610818.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3359544320 nr_ops:3280805\ntimestamp_ms:1652998611820.0325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3416343552 nr_ops:3336273\ntimestamp_ms:1652998612821.0825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3473009664 nr_ops:3391611\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139975525881600\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.3547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3543983104 nr_ops:3460921\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.4465 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.4568 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614122.5894 name:Total nr_bytes:3543983104 nr_ops:3460922\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.5564 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7087966206 nr_ops:6921844\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.5571 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3543983104 nr_ops:3460924\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 353.62us 0.00ns 353.62us 353.62us \nTxn1 1730461 34.68us 0.00ns 209.26ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 38.61us 0.00ns 38.61us 38.61us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 352.58us 0.00ns 352.58us 352.58us \nwrite 1730461 2.41us 0.00ns 387.10us 2.10us \nread 1730460 32.19us 0.00ns 209.25ms 1.33us \ndisconnect 1 38.30us 0.00ns 38.30us 38.30us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27749 27749 241.97Mb/s 241.97Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.79b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.176 62.36s 3.30GB 454.63Mb/s 3460923 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.30GB 454.63Mb/s 3460924 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412378, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998552761.3008 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998553761.8960 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998553761.9470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998554762.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71678976 nr_ops:69999\ntimestamp_ms:1652998555763.8809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128826368 nr_ops:125807\ntimestamp_ms:1652998556764.9736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200572928 nr_ops:195872\ntimestamp_ms:1652998557765.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272231424 nr_ops:265851\ntimestamp_ms:1652998558766.9348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314750976 nr_ops:307374\ntimestamp_ms:1652998559768.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:386561024 nr_ops:377501\ntimestamp_ms:1652998560769.1201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458296320 nr_ops:447555\ntimestamp_ms:1652998561770.2383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:512836608 nr_ops:500817\ntimestamp_ms:1652998562770.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:557941760 nr_ops:544865\ntimestamp_ms:1652998563771.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628845568 nr_ops:614107\ntimestamp_ms:1652998564773.0264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:685188096 nr_ops:669129\ntimestamp_ms:1652998565774.1199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741227520 nr_ops:723855\ntimestamp_ms:1652998566775.2139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:783131648 nr_ops:764777\ntimestamp_ms:1652998567775.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:854798336 nr_ops:834764\ntimestamp_ms:1652998568776.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:926618624 nr_ops:904901\ntimestamp_ms:1652998569778.0300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998016000 nr_ops:974625\ntimestamp_ms:1652998570779.1313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1043502080 nr_ops:1019045\ntimestamp_ms:1652998571780.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095590912 nr_ops:1069913\ntimestamp_ms:1652998572780.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152168960 nr_ops:1125165\ntimestamp_ms:1652998573781.9431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194619904 nr_ops:1166621\ntimestamp_ms:1652998574782.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1266437120 nr_ops:1236755\ntimestamp_ms:1652998575783.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1323326464 nr_ops:1292311\ntimestamp_ms:1652998576784.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1380254720 nr_ops:1347905\ntimestamp_ms:1652998577785.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450023936 nr_ops:1416039\ntimestamp_ms:1652998578786.9431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1493573632 nr_ops:1458568\ntimestamp_ms:1652998579787.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535579136 nr_ops:1499589\ntimestamp_ms:1652998580788.8557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1603828736 nr_ops:1566239\ntimestamp_ms:1652998581789.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1648090112 nr_ops:1609463\ntimestamp_ms:1652998582790.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1675305984 nr_ops:1636041\ntimestamp_ms:1652998583791.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731599360 nr_ops:1691015\ntimestamp_ms:1652998584792.8887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788726272 nr_ops:1746803\ntimestamp_ms:1652998585794.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1843850240 nr_ops:1800635\ntimestamp_ms:1652998586795.1082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896576000 nr_ops:1852125\ntimestamp_ms:1652998587795.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1942739968 nr_ops:1897207\ntimestamp_ms:1652998588796.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1999565824 nr_ops:1952701\ntimestamp_ms:1652998589797.9773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2066504704 nr_ops:2018071\ntimestamp_ms:1652998590799.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097863680 nr_ops:2048695\ntimestamp_ms:1652998591800.1177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139677696 nr_ops:2089529\ntimestamp_ms:1652998592801.2231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2209483776 nr_ops:2157699\ntimestamp_ms:1652998593802.4011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2252508160 nr_ops:2199715\ntimestamp_ms:1652998594802.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323385344 nr_ops:2268931\ntimestamp_ms:1652998595803.9409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2379723776 nr_ops:2323949\ntimestamp_ms:1652998596804.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2450244608 nr_ops:2392817\ntimestamp_ms:1652998597805.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521308160 nr_ops:2462215\ntimestamp_ms:1652998598806.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2577712128 nr_ops:2517297\ntimestamp_ms:1652998599808.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648710144 nr_ops:2586631\ntimestamp_ms:1652998600809.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2719625216 nr_ops:2655884\ntimestamp_ms:1652998601810.2322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790732800 nr_ops:2725325\ntimestamp_ms:1652998602810.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2862556160 nr_ops:2795465\ntimestamp_ms:1652998603811.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934336512 nr_ops:2865563\ntimestamp_ms:1652998604813.0271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2990754816 nr_ops:2920659\ntimestamp_ms:1652998605814.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3061566464 nr_ops:2989811\ntimestamp_ms:1652998606815.2151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3117911040 nr_ops:3044835\ntimestamp_ms:1652998607815.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3174507520 nr_ops:3100105\ntimestamp_ms:1652998608816.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3231073280 nr_ops:3155345\ntimestamp_ms:1652998609817.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3288282112 nr_ops:3211213\ntimestamp_ms:1652998610818.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3359544320 nr_ops:3280805\ntimestamp_ms:1652998611820.0325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3416343552 nr_ops:3336273\ntimestamp_ms:1652998612821.0825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3473009664 nr_ops:3391611\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139975525881600\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.3547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3543983104 nr_ops:3460921\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.4465 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.4568 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614122.5894 name:Total nr_bytes:3543983104 nr_ops:3460922\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.5564 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7087966206 nr_ops:6921844\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.5571 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3543983104 nr_ops:3460924\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 353.62us 0.00ns 353.62us 353.62us \nTxn1 1730461 34.68us 0.00ns 209.26ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 38.61us 0.00ns 38.61us 38.61us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 352.58us 0.00ns 352.58us 352.58us \nwrite 1730461 2.41us 0.00ns 387.10us 2.10us \nread 1730460 32.19us 0.00ns 209.25ms 1.33us \ndisconnect 1 38.30us 0.00ns 38.30us 38.30us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27749 27749 241.97Mb/s 241.97Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.79b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.176 62.36s 3.30GB 454.63Mb/s 3460923 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.30GB 454.63Mb/s 3460924 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412378, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998552761.3008 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998553761.8960 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998553761.9470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998554762.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71678976 nr_ops:69999\ntimestamp_ms:1652998555763.8809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128826368 nr_ops:125807\ntimestamp_ms:1652998556764.9736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200572928 nr_ops:195872\ntimestamp_ms:1652998557765.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272231424 nr_ops:265851\ntimestamp_ms:1652998558766.9348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314750976 nr_ops:307374\ntimestamp_ms:1652998559768.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:386561024 nr_ops:377501\ntimestamp_ms:1652998560769.1201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458296320 nr_ops:447555\ntimestamp_ms:1652998561770.2383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:512836608 nr_ops:500817\ntimestamp_ms:1652998562770.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:557941760 nr_ops:544865\ntimestamp_ms:1652998563771.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628845568 nr_ops:614107\ntimestamp_ms:1652998564773.0264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:685188096 nr_ops:669129\ntimestamp_ms:1652998565774.1199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741227520 nr_ops:723855\ntimestamp_ms:1652998566775.2139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:783131648 nr_ops:764777\ntimestamp_ms:1652998567775.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:854798336 nr_ops:834764\ntimestamp_ms:1652998568776.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:926618624 nr_ops:904901\ntimestamp_ms:1652998569778.0300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998016000 nr_ops:974625\ntimestamp_ms:1652998570779.1313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1043502080 nr_ops:1019045\ntimestamp_ms:1652998571780.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095590912 nr_ops:1069913\ntimestamp_ms:1652998572780.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152168960 nr_ops:1125165\ntimestamp_ms:1652998573781.9431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194619904 nr_ops:1166621\ntimestamp_ms:1652998574782.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1266437120 nr_ops:1236755\ntimestamp_ms:1652998575783.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1323326464 nr_ops:1292311\ntimestamp_ms:1652998576784.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1380254720 nr_ops:1347905\ntimestamp_ms:1652998577785.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450023936 nr_ops:1416039\ntimestamp_ms:1652998578786.9431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1493573632 nr_ops:1458568\ntimestamp_ms:1652998579787.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535579136 nr_ops:1499589\ntimestamp_ms:1652998580788.8557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1603828736 nr_ops:1566239\ntimestamp_ms:1652998581789.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1648090112 nr_ops:1609463\ntimestamp_ms:1652998582790.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1675305984 nr_ops:1636041\ntimestamp_ms:1652998583791.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731599360 nr_ops:1691015\ntimestamp_ms:1652998584792.8887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788726272 nr_ops:1746803\ntimestamp_ms:1652998585794.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1843850240 nr_ops:1800635\ntimestamp_ms:1652998586795.1082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896576000 nr_ops:1852125\ntimestamp_ms:1652998587795.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1942739968 nr_ops:1897207\ntimestamp_ms:1652998588796.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1999565824 nr_ops:1952701\ntimestamp_ms:1652998589797.9773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2066504704 nr_ops:2018071\ntimestamp_ms:1652998590799.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097863680 nr_ops:2048695\ntimestamp_ms:1652998591800.1177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139677696 nr_ops:2089529\ntimestamp_ms:1652998592801.2231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2209483776 nr_ops:2157699\ntimestamp_ms:1652998593802.4011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2252508160 nr_ops:2199715\ntimestamp_ms:1652998594802.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323385344 nr_ops:2268931\ntimestamp_ms:1652998595803.9409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2379723776 nr_ops:2323949\ntimestamp_ms:1652998596804.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2450244608 nr_ops:2392817\ntimestamp_ms:1652998597805.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521308160 nr_ops:2462215\ntimestamp_ms:1652998598806.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2577712128 nr_ops:2517297\ntimestamp_ms:1652998599808.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648710144 nr_ops:2586631\ntimestamp_ms:1652998600809.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2719625216 nr_ops:2655884\ntimestamp_ms:1652998601810.2322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790732800 nr_ops:2725325\ntimestamp_ms:1652998602810.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2862556160 nr_ops:2795465\ntimestamp_ms:1652998603811.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934336512 nr_ops:2865563\ntimestamp_ms:1652998604813.0271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2990754816 nr_ops:2920659\ntimestamp_ms:1652998605814.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3061566464 nr_ops:2989811\ntimestamp_ms:1652998606815.2151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3117911040 nr_ops:3044835\ntimestamp_ms:1652998607815.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3174507520 nr_ops:3100105\ntimestamp_ms:1652998608816.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3231073280 nr_ops:3155345\ntimestamp_ms:1652998609817.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3288282112 nr_ops:3211213\ntimestamp_ms:1652998610818.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3359544320 nr_ops:3280805\ntimestamp_ms:1652998611820.0325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3416343552 nr_ops:3336273\ntimestamp_ms:1652998612821.0825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3473009664 nr_ops:3391611\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139975525881600\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.3547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3543983104 nr_ops:3460921\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.4465 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.4568 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614122.5894 name:Total nr_bytes:3543983104 nr_ops:3460922\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.5564 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7087966206 nr_ops:6921844\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998614022.5571 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3543983104 nr_ops:3460924\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 353.62us 0.00ns 353.62us 353.62us \nTxn1 1730461 34.68us 0.00ns 209.26ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 38.61us 0.00ns 38.61us 38.61us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 352.58us 0.00ns 352.58us 352.58us \nwrite 1730461 2.41us 0.00ns 387.10us 2.10us \nread 1730460 32.19us 0.00ns 209.25ms 1.33us \ndisconnect 1 38.30us 0.00ns 38.30us 38.30us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27749 27749 241.97Mb/s 241.97Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.79b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.176 62.36s 3.30GB 454.63Mb/s 3460923 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.30GB 454.63Mb/s 3460924 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412378, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998552761.3008 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998553761.8960 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998553761.9470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998554762.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71678976 nr_ops:69999
+timestamp_ms:1652998555763.8809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128826368 nr_ops:125807
+timestamp_ms:1652998556764.9736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200572928 nr_ops:195872
+timestamp_ms:1652998557765.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272231424 nr_ops:265851
+timestamp_ms:1652998558766.9348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314750976 nr_ops:307374
+timestamp_ms:1652998559768.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:386561024 nr_ops:377501
+timestamp_ms:1652998560769.1201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458296320 nr_ops:447555
+timestamp_ms:1652998561770.2383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:512836608 nr_ops:500817
+timestamp_ms:1652998562770.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:557941760 nr_ops:544865
+timestamp_ms:1652998563771.9314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628845568 nr_ops:614107
+timestamp_ms:1652998564773.0264 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:685188096 nr_ops:669129
+timestamp_ms:1652998565774.1199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741227520 nr_ops:723855
+timestamp_ms:1652998566775.2139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:783131648 nr_ops:764777
+timestamp_ms:1652998567775.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:854798336 nr_ops:834764
+timestamp_ms:1652998568776.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:926618624 nr_ops:904901
+timestamp_ms:1652998569778.0300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998016000 nr_ops:974625
+timestamp_ms:1652998570779.1313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1043502080 nr_ops:1019045
+timestamp_ms:1652998571780.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095590912 nr_ops:1069913
+timestamp_ms:1652998572780.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152168960 nr_ops:1125165
+timestamp_ms:1652998573781.9431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1194619904 nr_ops:1166621
+timestamp_ms:1652998574782.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1266437120 nr_ops:1236755
+timestamp_ms:1652998575783.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1323326464 nr_ops:1292311
+timestamp_ms:1652998576784.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1380254720 nr_ops:1347905
+timestamp_ms:1652998577785.8433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450023936 nr_ops:1416039
+timestamp_ms:1652998578786.9431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1493573632 nr_ops:1458568
+timestamp_ms:1652998579787.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1535579136 nr_ops:1499589
+timestamp_ms:1652998580788.8557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1603828736 nr_ops:1566239
+timestamp_ms:1652998581789.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1648090112 nr_ops:1609463
+timestamp_ms:1652998582790.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1675305984 nr_ops:1636041
+timestamp_ms:1652998583791.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731599360 nr_ops:1691015
+timestamp_ms:1652998584792.8887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1788726272 nr_ops:1746803
+timestamp_ms:1652998585794.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1843850240 nr_ops:1800635
+timestamp_ms:1652998586795.1082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896576000 nr_ops:1852125
+timestamp_ms:1652998587795.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1942739968 nr_ops:1897207
+timestamp_ms:1652998588796.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1999565824 nr_ops:1952701
+timestamp_ms:1652998589797.9773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2066504704 nr_ops:2018071
+timestamp_ms:1652998590799.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2097863680 nr_ops:2048695
+timestamp_ms:1652998591800.1177 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2139677696 nr_ops:2089529
+timestamp_ms:1652998592801.2231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2209483776 nr_ops:2157699
+timestamp_ms:1652998593802.4011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2252508160 nr_ops:2199715
+timestamp_ms:1652998594802.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2323385344 nr_ops:2268931
+timestamp_ms:1652998595803.9409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2379723776 nr_ops:2323949
+timestamp_ms:1652998596804.9790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2450244608 nr_ops:2392817
+timestamp_ms:1652998597805.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521308160 nr_ops:2462215
+timestamp_ms:1652998598806.9343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2577712128 nr_ops:2517297
+timestamp_ms:1652998599808.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2648710144 nr_ops:2586631
+timestamp_ms:1652998600809.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2719625216 nr_ops:2655884
+timestamp_ms:1652998601810.2322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790732800 nr_ops:2725325
+timestamp_ms:1652998602810.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2862556160 nr_ops:2795465
+timestamp_ms:1652998603811.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934336512 nr_ops:2865563
+timestamp_ms:1652998604813.0271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2990754816 nr_ops:2920659
+timestamp_ms:1652998605814.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3061566464 nr_ops:2989811
+timestamp_ms:1652998606815.2151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3117911040 nr_ops:3044835
+timestamp_ms:1652998607815.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3174507520 nr_ops:3100105
+timestamp_ms:1652998608816.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3231073280 nr_ops:3155345
+timestamp_ms:1652998609817.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3288282112 nr_ops:3211213
+timestamp_ms:1652998610818.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3359544320 nr_ops:3280805
+timestamp_ms:1652998611820.0325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3416343552 nr_ops:3336273
+timestamp_ms:1652998612821.0825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3473009664 nr_ops:3391611
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139975525881600
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652998614022.3547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3543983104 nr_ops:3460921
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998614022.4465 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998614022.4568 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998614122.5894 name:Total nr_bytes:3543983104 nr_ops:3460922
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998614022.5564 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7087966206 nr_ops:6921844
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998614022.5571 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3543983104 nr_ops:3460924
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 353.62us 0.00ns 353.62us 353.62us
+Txn1 1730461 34.68us 0.00ns 209.26ms 18.41us
+Txn2 1 38.61us 0.00ns 38.61us 38.61us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 352.58us 0.00ns 352.58us 352.58us
+write 1730461 2.41us 0.00ns 387.10us 2.10us
+read 1730460 32.19us 0.00ns 209.25ms 1.33us
+disconnect 1 38.30us 0.00ns 38.30us 38.30us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 27749 27749 241.97Mb/s 241.97Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.79b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.176 62.36s 3.30GB 454.63Mb/s 3460923 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.30GB 454.63Mb/s 3460924 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:15:54.762000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:15:54.762000', 'bytes': 71678976, 'norm_byte': 71678976, 'ops': 69999, 'norm_ops': 69999, 'norm_ltcy': 14.298676644041345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:15:54.762000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:15:54.762000",
+ "bytes": 71678976,
+ "norm_byte": 71678976,
+ "ops": 69999,
+ "norm_ops": 69999,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.298676644041345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28f5bf508de02d4750c90bfb9a06edf616db7aa3cf9323e8f663a8a43bf226da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:15:55.763000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:15:55.763000', 'bytes': 128826368, 'norm_byte': 57147392, 'ops': 125807, 'norm_ops': 55808, 'norm_ltcy': 17.937227126655227, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:15:55.763000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:15:55.763000",
+ "bytes": 128826368,
+ "norm_byte": 57147392,
+ "ops": 125807,
+ "norm_ops": 55808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.937227126655227,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76343d8cbf19f711c8b13bd42000b4c75510abe2e635ba5b3e319cb1cd579d72",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:15:56.764000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:15:56.764000', 'bytes': 200572928, 'norm_byte': 71746560, 'ops': 195872, 'norm_ops': 70065, 'norm_ltcy': 14.288057852529793, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:15:56.764000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:15:56.764000",
+ "bytes": 200572928,
+ "norm_byte": 71746560,
+ "ops": 195872,
+ "norm_ops": 70065,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.288057852529793,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59a09271b55bea9a517580736668459fdc2f0a90a3e34a2cfd06376bf5a02190",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:15:57.765000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:15:57.765000', 'bytes': 272231424, 'norm_byte': 71658496, 'ops': 265851, 'norm_ops': 69979, 'norm_ltcy': 14.302341065042727, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:15:57.765000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:15:57.765000",
+ "bytes": 272231424,
+ "norm_byte": 71658496,
+ "ops": 265851,
+ "norm_ops": 69979,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.302341065042727,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "153a2ef05d219826ee3f34a681b8e146f1090e3670428a8b9b2134739c377625",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:15:58.766000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:15:58.766000', 'bytes': 314750976, 'norm_byte': 42519552, 'ops': 307374, 'norm_ops': 41523, 'norm_ltcy': 24.109473213640634, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:15:58.766000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:15:58.766000",
+ "bytes": 314750976,
+ "norm_byte": 42519552,
+ "ops": 307374,
+ "norm_ops": 41523,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.109473213640634,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1decd9d4adcff8f08905fddeaadb4eafa8f75eeebcb5524e73d00c4e722e532",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:15:59.768000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:15:59.768000', 'bytes': 386561024, 'norm_byte': 71810048, 'ops': 377501, 'norm_ops': 70127, 'norm_ltcy': 14.275366450110157, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:15:59.768000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:15:59.768000",
+ "bytes": 386561024,
+ "norm_byte": 71810048,
+ "ops": 377501,
+ "norm_ops": 70127,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.275366450110157,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe351d625021a336998bbad1109c923a35afff53fdf86b80f5d3bc229bdeaac1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:00.769000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:00.769000', 'bytes': 458296320, 'norm_byte': 71735296, 'ops': 447555, 'norm_ops': 70054, 'norm_ltcy': 14.290357148592514, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:00.769000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:00.769000",
+ "bytes": 458296320,
+ "norm_byte": 71735296,
+ "ops": 447555,
+ "norm_ops": 70054,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.290357148592514,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08ab1c4c0bdda0ddea1957a8254b71018c6b7501362deef4c3d907ee78c72b9a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:01.770000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:01.770000', 'bytes': 512836608, 'norm_byte': 54540288, 'ops': 500817, 'norm_ops': 53262, 'norm_ltcy': 18.79610536710037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:01.770000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:01.770000",
+ "bytes": 512836608,
+ "norm_byte": 54540288,
+ "ops": 500817,
+ "norm_ops": 53262,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.79610536710037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f5198248f424d260d121d76f917dc9c5a9085b79a25bae6bb6feada1c7ff71a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:02.770000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:02.770000', 'bytes': 557941760, 'norm_byte': 45105152, 'ops': 544865, 'norm_ops': 44048, 'norm_ltcy': 22.7160912793288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:02.770000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:02.770000",
+ "bytes": 557941760,
+ "norm_byte": 45105152,
+ "ops": 544865,
+ "norm_ops": 44048,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.7160912793288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7732cd4a686b391a362a867a3d7e637256dceb129f4a8df245d78cc26b346996",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:03.771000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:03.771000', 'bytes': 628845568, 'norm_byte': 70903808, 'ops': 614107, 'norm_ops': 69242, 'norm_ltcy': 14.457911766882816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:03.771000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:03.771000",
+ "bytes": 628845568,
+ "norm_byte": 70903808,
+ "ops": 614107,
+ "norm_ops": 69242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.457911766882816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f1e02f17f5c2025df5c0aedada741401c71089f8c5fe4532204b3635a98c87e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:04.773000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:04.773000', 'bytes': 685188096, 'norm_byte': 56342528, 'ops': 669129, 'norm_ops': 55022, 'norm_ltcy': 18.19444896047263, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:04.773000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:04.773000",
+ "bytes": 685188096,
+ "norm_byte": 56342528,
+ "ops": 669129,
+ "norm_ops": 55022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.19444896047263,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c0e7c7d3524b9a8d6347c51a651ac78319f5596acd4cf7c334f69c5c8be2bfa5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:05.774000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:05.774000', 'bytes': 741227520, 'norm_byte': 56039424, 'ops': 723855, 'norm_ops': 54726, 'norm_ltcy': 18.292831667934347, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:05.774000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:05.774000",
+ "bytes": 741227520,
+ "norm_byte": 56039424,
+ "ops": 723855,
+ "norm_ops": 54726,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.292831667934347,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3fcaa535a6817db2f35d47f85e338707b3c690d6cbf887384f7a3e05f87eae31",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:06.775000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:06.775000', 'bytes': 783131648, 'norm_byte': 41904128, 'ops': 764777, 'norm_ops': 40922, 'norm_ltcy': 24.463466940536264, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:06.775000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:06.775000",
+ "bytes": 783131648,
+ "norm_byte": 41904128,
+ "ops": 764777,
+ "norm_ops": 40922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.463466940536264,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "353c2d7394abd2bd9e6b5d762a4f6209e2b966e266d9cb97018dec470c5b3209",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:07.775000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:07.775000', 'bytes': 854798336, 'norm_byte': 71666688, 'ops': 834764, 'norm_ops': 69987, 'norm_ltcy': 14.297280627786233, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:07.775000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:07.775000",
+ "bytes": 854798336,
+ "norm_byte": 71666688,
+ "ops": 834764,
+ "norm_ops": 69987,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.297280627786233,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "31947ebf8ff76206b955be4c2d699223b91943837fdc4ca05fb58c8e1e99df55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:08.776000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:08.776000', 'bytes': 926618624, 'norm_byte': 71820288, 'ops': 904901, 'norm_ops': 70137, 'norm_ltcy': 14.273445965574519, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:08.776000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:08.776000",
+ "bytes": 926618624,
+ "norm_byte": 71820288,
+ "ops": 904901,
+ "norm_ops": 70137,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.273445965574519,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ca4a17a230db5bbd18b320665d640c9d93e488731a8dd069be5d4732777b283",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:09.778000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:09.778000', 'bytes': 998016000, 'norm_byte': 71397376, 'ops': 974625, 'norm_ops': 69724, 'norm_ltcy': 14.35797864616201, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:09.778000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:09.778000",
+ "bytes": 998016000,
+ "norm_byte": 71397376,
+ "ops": 974625,
+ "norm_ops": 69724,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.35797864616201,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b50345afeba1af10c7a614a7aace46e1292b74330c38080ca435c6797b4ca09f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:10.779000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:10.779000', 'bytes': 1043502080, 'norm_byte': 45486080, 'ops': 1019045, 'norm_ops': 44420, 'norm_ltcy': 22.537175109396106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:10.779000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:10.779000",
+ "bytes": 1043502080,
+ "norm_byte": 45486080,
+ "ops": 1019045,
+ "norm_ops": 44420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.537175109396106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cad47884be141924429057b870846b0686af70d3ffa751214664e3e488974186",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:11.780000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:11.780000', 'bytes': 1095590912, 'norm_byte': 52088832, 'ops': 1069913, 'norm_ops': 50868, 'norm_ltcy': 19.680576634930112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:11.780000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:11.780000",
+ "bytes": 1095590912,
+ "norm_byte": 52088832,
+ "ops": 1069913,
+ "norm_ops": 50868,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.680576634930112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95e57aa071ef3a02760d20ad29e53b04cb70374bbf511ae638df94608f062de6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:12.780000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:12.780000', 'bytes': 1152168960, 'norm_byte': 56578048, 'ops': 1125165, 'norm_ops': 55252, 'norm_ltcy': 18.10965182114448, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:12.780000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:12.780000",
+ "bytes": 1152168960,
+ "norm_byte": 56578048,
+ "ops": 1125165,
+ "norm_ops": 55252,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.10965182114448,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fc0e831683ba3c70e8e5e54cf2af01da244348c8af6945742a2cc74bf9558083",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:13.781000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:13.781000', 'bytes': 1194619904, 'norm_byte': 42450944, 'ops': 1166621, 'norm_ops': 41456, 'norm_ltcy': 24.148632595779258, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:13.781000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:13.781000",
+ "bytes": 1194619904,
+ "norm_byte": 42450944,
+ "ops": 1166621,
+ "norm_ops": 41456,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.148632595779258,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8ced2e844f88d4098ba681d155cf8d3bdaa575d2974a7f2a02b923ed6168a6e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:14.782000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:14.782000', 'bytes': 1266437120, 'norm_byte': 71817216, 'ops': 1236755, 'norm_ops': 70134, 'norm_ltcy': 14.271167236557876, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:14.782000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:14.782000",
+ "bytes": 1266437120,
+ "norm_byte": 71817216,
+ "ops": 1236755,
+ "norm_ops": 70134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.271167236557876,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d218f1c0f651daa78223ef60c78168aa0bc2442c6e9aba996080caa551c5824f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:15.783000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:15.783000', 'bytes': 1323326464, 'norm_byte': 56889344, 'ops': 1292311, 'norm_ops': 55556, 'norm_ltcy': 18.01785146265705, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:15.783000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:15.783000",
+ "bytes": 1323326464,
+ "norm_byte": 56889344,
+ "ops": 1292311,
+ "norm_ops": 55556,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.01785146265705,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6949df4c4d69260041a3f33578ec60c7ea88a8b94323d0b9f5cdc394899daa6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:16.784000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:16.784000', 'bytes': 1380254720, 'norm_byte': 56928256, 'ops': 1347905, 'norm_ops': 55594, 'norm_ltcy': 18.005570906651347, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:16.784000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:16.784000",
+ "bytes": 1380254720,
+ "norm_byte": 56928256,
+ "ops": 1347905,
+ "norm_ops": 55594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.005570906651347,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8bcac52c28de96082c98cc35e21eef82eb677778f9532deaf46d986513a25b8e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:17.785000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:17.785000', 'bytes': 1450023936, 'norm_byte': 69769216, 'ops': 1416039, 'norm_ops': 68134, 'norm_ltcy': 14.691705149732512, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:17.785000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:17.785000",
+ "bytes": 1450023936,
+ "norm_byte": 69769216,
+ "ops": 1416039,
+ "norm_ops": 68134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.691705149732512,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e81705ccfa13fd916f0d1561643cd2406a359e06d08160dee86a1dd416f00927",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:18.786000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:18.786000', 'bytes': 1493573632, 'norm_byte': 43549696, 'ops': 1458568, 'norm_ops': 42529, 'norm_ltcy': 23.53922860908145, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:18.786000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:18.786000",
+ "bytes": 1493573632,
+ "norm_byte": 43549696,
+ "ops": 1458568,
+ "norm_ops": 42529,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.53922860908145,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0dd61ec0772860bfe28491364807adfcc475fabba3747ce429c1d7b9bd998911",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:19.787000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:19.787000', 'bytes': 1535579136, 'norm_byte': 42005504, 'ops': 1499589, 'norm_ops': 41021, 'norm_ltcy': 24.399457271123328, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:19.787000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:19.787000",
+ "bytes": 1535579136,
+ "norm_byte": 42005504,
+ "ops": 1499589,
+ "norm_ops": 41021,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.399457271123328,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b44f295ec2edfb95dd15c7c9ae96abf13ce649bb21931be992cfd2389ace1a13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:20.788000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:20.788000', 'bytes': 1603828736, 'norm_byte': 68249600, 'ops': 1566239, 'norm_ops': 66650, 'norm_ltcy': 15.019091686984245, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:20.788000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:20.788000",
+ "bytes": 1603828736,
+ "norm_byte": 68249600,
+ "ops": 1566239,
+ "norm_ops": 66650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.019091686984245,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66591ee95d706e63317c0741deef165c5d93e532fa521946a62d20d55f433205",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:21.789000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:21.789000', 'bytes': 1648090112, 'norm_byte': 44261376, 'ops': 1609463, 'norm_ops': 43224, 'norm_ltcy': 23.15789391635723, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:21.789000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:21.789000",
+ "bytes": 1648090112,
+ "norm_byte": 44261376,
+ "ops": 1609463,
+ "norm_ops": 43224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.15789391635723,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c20f36b47ce14fddf75f6946d410bfbe4facdca19b2f066b2d33d41a62d4fce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:22.790000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:22.790000', 'bytes': 1675305984, 'norm_byte': 27215872, 'ops': 1636041, 'norm_ops': 26578, 'norm_ltcy': 37.662746944136124, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:22.790000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:22.790000",
+ "bytes": 1675305984,
+ "norm_byte": 27215872,
+ "ops": 1636041,
+ "norm_ops": 26578,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.662746944136124,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87283c73dd363c8932686cfba1c1e0b5fafefc5eaa5df3540ad3fabcb7effced",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:23.791000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:23.791000', 'bytes': 1731599360, 'norm_byte': 56293376, 'ops': 1691015, 'norm_ops': 54974, 'norm_ltcy': 18.208674320758448, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:23.791000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:23.791000",
+ "bytes": 1731599360,
+ "norm_byte": 56293376,
+ "ops": 1691015,
+ "norm_ops": 54974,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.208674320758448,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02a6f551745e9ce312f2a66ead95a76be8baefb4816934027c50625162fde2bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:24.792000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:24.792000', 'bytes': 1788726272, 'norm_byte': 57126912, 'ops': 1746803, 'norm_ops': 55788, 'norm_ltcy': 17.943858929395656, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:24.792000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:24.792000",
+ "bytes": 1788726272,
+ "norm_byte": 57126912,
+ "ops": 1746803,
+ "norm_ops": 55788,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.943858929395656,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "92daafe514994154490ed92a126d351aba9608a12d385130c7878ca0b1fee0dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:25.794000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:25.794000', 'bytes': 1843850240, 'norm_byte': 55123968, 'ops': 1800635, 'norm_ops': 53832, 'norm_ltcy': 18.59706017534877, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:25.794000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:25.794000",
+ "bytes": 1843850240,
+ "norm_byte": 55123968,
+ "ops": 1800635,
+ "norm_ops": 53832,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.59706017534877,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60183e8af8930d7627f8d4dd4f15e0262670b43b40b9275290fa50449a115466",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:26.795000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:26.795000', 'bytes': 1896576000, 'norm_byte': 52725760, 'ops': 1852125, 'norm_ops': 51490, 'norm_ltcy': 19.442659527335405, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:26.795000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:26.795000",
+ "bytes": 1896576000,
+ "norm_byte": 52725760,
+ "ops": 1852125,
+ "norm_ops": 51490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.442659527335405,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "456ab6a32987582d152e3b99450ad5ed971e9a4874517e1147e4397bf07dc223",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:27.795000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:27.795000', 'bytes': 1942739968, 'norm_byte': 46163968, 'ops': 1897207, 'norm_ops': 45082, 'norm_ltcy': 22.197978085419344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:27.795000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:27.795000",
+ "bytes": 1942739968,
+ "norm_byte": 46163968,
+ "ops": 1897207,
+ "norm_ops": 45082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.197978085419344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3895d31bf0fa7c1ffd64cae11b437543b5afc43bc482adefd0991ef224539b23",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:28.796000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:28.796000', 'bytes': 1999565824, 'norm_byte': 56825856, 'ops': 1952701, 'norm_ops': 55494, 'norm_ltcy': 18.039732652685426, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:28.796000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:28.796000",
+ "bytes": 1999565824,
+ "norm_byte": 56825856,
+ "ops": 1952701,
+ "norm_ops": 55494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.039732652685426,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4afd1ad7131ea82e892ccc71279b46686412b7e28b492654c3369a9a94cc7fd1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:29.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:29.797000', 'bytes': 2066504704, 'norm_byte': 66938880, 'ops': 2018071, 'norm_ops': 65370, 'norm_ltcy': 15.313491949671102, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:29.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:29.797000",
+ "bytes": 2066504704,
+ "norm_byte": 66938880,
+ "ops": 2018071,
+ "norm_ops": 65370,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.313491949671102,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a1982ef7191fa6a8c8e8786a86199b53ba264d2db648c4689e46679233e8fb18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:30.799000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:30.799000', 'bytes': 2097863680, 'norm_byte': 31358976, 'ops': 2048695, 'norm_ops': 30624, 'norm_ltcy': 32.688160799638354, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:30.799000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:30.799000",
+ "bytes": 2097863680,
+ "norm_byte": 31358976,
+ "ops": 2048695,
+ "norm_ops": 30624,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.688160799638354,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "076929b3e6ae82c1ac56fa5d6aef0c7f51a0e649783af5afd5e39cbabf3b5df0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:31.800000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:31.800000', 'bytes': 2139677696, 'norm_byte': 41814016, 'ops': 2089529, 'norm_ops': 40834, 'norm_ltcy': 24.516288987883872, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:31.800000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:31.800000",
+ "bytes": 2139677696,
+ "norm_byte": 41814016,
+ "ops": 2089529,
+ "norm_ops": 40834,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.516288987883872,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0645433224bd6cf23d8cd8f65463c208645f7763f30b5a87fdd4583930bfddb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:32.801000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:32.801000', 'bytes': 2209483776, 'norm_byte': 69806080, 'ops': 2157699, 'norm_ops': 68170, 'norm_ltcy': 14.685425682118234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:32.801000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:32.801000",
+ "bytes": 2209483776,
+ "norm_byte": 69806080,
+ "ops": 2157699,
+ "norm_ops": 68170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.685425682118234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e6979c706728889e277753688c883e8b5f246b46cee9a664f05ea9f67875527",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:33.802000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:33.802000', 'bytes': 2252508160, 'norm_byte': 43024384, 'ops': 2199715, 'norm_ops': 42016, 'norm_ltcy': 23.828493395745074, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:33.802000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:33.802000",
+ "bytes": 2252508160,
+ "norm_byte": 43024384,
+ "ops": 2199715,
+ "norm_ops": 42016,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.828493395745074,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "229a638b5a61c0b50bf0465c62af6e9d7767095f64cc6ab9e8c2bdef720fa54f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:34.802000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:34.802000', 'bytes': 2323385344, 'norm_byte': 70877184, 'ops': 2268931, 'norm_ops': 69216, 'norm_ltcy': 14.453843849101002, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:34.802000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:34.802000",
+ "bytes": 2323385344,
+ "norm_byte": 70877184,
+ "ops": 2268931,
+ "norm_ops": 69216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.453843849101002,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "354850e68deade70965d099102f197dedcebdd347d630eea4586a80e893bafde",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:35.803000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:35.803000', 'bytes': 2379723776, 'norm_byte': 56338432, 'ops': 2323949, 'norm_ops': 55018, 'norm_ltcy': 18.19590932172198, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:35.803000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:35.803000",
+ "bytes": 2379723776,
+ "norm_byte": 56338432,
+ "ops": 2323949,
+ "norm_ops": 55018,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.19590932172198,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ab987dc47f9cb037d0b438506259eca467b4bb56acfcb25ccb01a384234c4ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:36.804000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:36.804000', 'bytes': 2450244608, 'norm_byte': 70520832, 'ops': 2392817, 'norm_ops': 68868, 'norm_ltcy': 14.535605592401406, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:36.804000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:36.804000",
+ "bytes": 2450244608,
+ "norm_byte": 70520832,
+ "ops": 2392817,
+ "norm_ops": 68868,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.535605592401406,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce0bd218061a2404bb4b7a97a9755fad5c5a0982539ed083e39b7c61e4b3e38e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:37.805000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:37.805000', 'bytes': 2521308160, 'norm_byte': 71063552, 'ops': 2462215, 'norm_ops': 69398, 'norm_ltcy': 14.422006375363843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:37.805000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:37.805000",
+ "bytes": 2521308160,
+ "norm_byte": 71063552,
+ "ops": 2462215,
+ "norm_ops": 69398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.422006375363843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30e39612a16dd09bdfcb154ed2e29c8067b48a845cb5f413241c54f027e16012",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:38.806000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:38.806000', 'bytes': 2577712128, 'norm_byte': 56403968, 'ops': 2517297, 'norm_ops': 55082, 'norm_ltcy': 18.174665477435912, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:38.806000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:38.806000",
+ "bytes": 2577712128,
+ "norm_byte": 56403968,
+ "ops": 2517297,
+ "norm_ops": 55082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.174665477435912,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e0fde2d33faee324ca5dfd1f7fc0f7e331eb6c2971991b58d98b97d0dc91a71",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:39.808000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:39.808000', 'bytes': 2648710144, 'norm_byte': 70998016, 'ops': 2586631, 'norm_ops': 69334, 'norm_ltcy': 14.438723893354991, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:39.808000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:39.808000",
+ "bytes": 2648710144,
+ "norm_byte": 70998016,
+ "ops": 2586631,
+ "norm_ops": 69334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.438723893354991,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "217f74fc03940959cbd8a3674a58b8af07d0f8e3788716c34cabe075f49f54dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:40.809000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:40.809000', 'bytes': 2719625216, 'norm_byte': 70915072, 'ops': 2655884, 'norm_ops': 69253, 'norm_ltcy': 14.45562587879767, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:40.809000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:40.809000",
+ "bytes": 2719625216,
+ "norm_byte": 70915072,
+ "ops": 2655884,
+ "norm_ops": 69253,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.45562587879767,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6796ffcff5ef66aa10de3afd310b975d0c9d99e8267ecb3b74d2e8c0e7c89a3b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:41.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:41.810000', 'bytes': 2790732800, 'norm_byte': 71107584, 'ops': 2725325, 'norm_ops': 69441, 'norm_ltcy': 14.416668973031063, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:41.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:41.810000",
+ "bytes": 2790732800,
+ "norm_byte": 71107584,
+ "ops": 2725325,
+ "norm_ops": 69441,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.416668973031063,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48abdd79fc20b41f5daf136d2dec1bbddac6a551cbea923d26c94c9477207315",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:42.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:42.810000', 'bytes': 2862556160, 'norm_byte': 71823360, 'ops': 2795465, 'norm_ops': 70140, 'norm_ltcy': 14.26586350179106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:42.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:42.810000",
+ "bytes": 2862556160,
+ "norm_byte": 71823360,
+ "ops": 2795465,
+ "norm_ops": 70140,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.26586350179106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a52706cd36e27b989d65e888721e2b96f72853da8b5f8f8119beaa74401447e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:43.811000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:43.811000', 'bytes': 2934336512, 'norm_byte': 71780352, 'ops': 2865563, 'norm_ops': 70098, 'norm_ltcy': 14.28139067916524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:43.811000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:43.811000",
+ "bytes": 2934336512,
+ "norm_byte": 71780352,
+ "ops": 2865563,
+ "norm_ops": 70098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.28139067916524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f4950fffdb287633286a04945377738c1a819a6125ea1248771384d9b5603e19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:44.813000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:44.813000', 'bytes': 2990754816, 'norm_byte': 56418304, 'ops': 2920659, 'norm_ops': 55096, 'norm_ltcy': 18.169927617817084, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:44.813000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:44.813000",
+ "bytes": 2990754816,
+ "norm_byte": 56418304,
+ "ops": 2920659,
+ "norm_ops": 55096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.169927617817084,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfd5396ade1c223a96aaf68855dff8453498a53d7610bab1810930edef3c29a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:45.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:45.814000', 'bytes': 3061566464, 'norm_byte': 70811648, 'ops': 2989811, 'norm_ops': 69152, 'norm_ltcy': 14.476714339426191, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:45.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:45.814000",
+ "bytes": 3061566464,
+ "norm_byte": 70811648,
+ "ops": 2989811,
+ "norm_ops": 69152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.476714339426191,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f841e28f05e95835e06cefaf63f7e5d886bf3c4414f4a63588df2dffcf2c57c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:46.815000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:46.815000', 'bytes': 3117911040, 'norm_byte': 56344576, 'ops': 3044835, 'norm_ops': 55024, 'norm_ltcy': 18.193774321773226, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:46.815000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:46.815000",
+ "bytes": 3117911040,
+ "norm_byte": 56344576,
+ "ops": 3044835,
+ "norm_ops": 55024,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.193774321773226,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f6ef8276564f0894bca7fbd6dba22881c526b36afb22c51cdb9d4c05469f817",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:47.815000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:47.815000', 'bytes': 3174507520, 'norm_byte': 56596480, 'ops': 3100105, 'norm_ops': 55270, 'norm_ltcy': 18.104204537101957, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:47.815000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:47.815000",
+ "bytes": 3174507520,
+ "norm_byte": 56596480,
+ "ops": 3100105,
+ "norm_ops": 55270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.104204537101957,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f92c9b729ed4b1ec71ce04d89e414fc5d4e5b0d57b2dd32f8fd9e63c83e2085",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:48.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:48.816000', 'bytes': 3231073280, 'norm_byte': 56565760, 'ops': 3155345, 'norm_ops': 55240, 'norm_ltcy': 18.122628423979453, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:48.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:48.816000",
+ "bytes": 3231073280,
+ "norm_byte": 56565760,
+ "ops": 3155345,
+ "norm_ops": 55240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.122628423979453,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9aff8d53c42cc07d740d53b2010ee5afd75ee529f406d2f1849acc88831c6dc8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:49.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:49.817000', 'bytes': 3288282112, 'norm_byte': 57208832, 'ops': 3211213, 'norm_ops': 55868, 'norm_ltcy': 17.915546676429262, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:49.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:49.817000",
+ "bytes": 3288282112,
+ "norm_byte": 57208832,
+ "ops": 3211213,
+ "norm_ops": 55868,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.915546676429262,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6fe2af3c7401fe14c0ee5f514ed8ccc8d45b81f2e591ffd3b8e85387133ae19a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:50.818000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:50.818000', 'bytes': 3359544320, 'norm_byte': 71262208, 'ops': 3280805, 'norm_ops': 69592, 'norm_ltcy': 14.385187868442134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:50.818000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:50.818000",
+ "bytes": 3359544320,
+ "norm_byte": 71262208,
+ "ops": 3280805,
+ "norm_ops": 69592,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.385187868442134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5435e323cc2fdb9ec18a741c4a5f922b9bf2fcbdd4d0512144c514cc7aafc8f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:51.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:51.820000', 'bytes': 3416343552, 'norm_byte': 56799232, 'ops': 3336273, 'norm_ops': 55468, 'norm_ltcy': 18.048320618137936, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:51.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:51.820000",
+ "bytes": 3416343552,
+ "norm_byte": 56799232,
+ "ops": 3336273,
+ "norm_ops": 55468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.048320618137936,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7f386f507ef905e5e97a6db508e3e787713fc176266ecaf2782ab22cb9e8f7e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:52.821000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:52.821000', 'bytes': 3473009664, 'norm_byte': 56666112, 'ops': 3391611, 'norm_ops': 55338, 'norm_ltcy': 18.089740301928604, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:52.821000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:52.821000",
+ "bytes": 3473009664,
+ "norm_byte": 56666112,
+ "ops": 3391611,
+ "norm_ops": 55338,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.089740301928604,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c18ede6225582d84b7094758fd313597ac75209efbf9d3f7fb183777c3767109",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:16:54.022000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:16:54.022000', 'bytes': 3543983104, 'norm_byte': 70973440, 'ops': 3460921, 'norm_ops': 69310, 'norm_ltcy': 17.331874430772977, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:16:54.022000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:16:54.022000",
+ "bytes": 3543983104,
+ "norm_byte": 70973440,
+ "ops": 3460921,
+ "norm_ops": 69310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.331874430772977,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "3f58c5cd-e171-59aa-a927-f685dfb8a5b7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "beeb4e2f6262614fac8969f69f19f425cbbf97ee4771685cb744a65f77cbe1c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 59066385.06666667
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 57682.01666666667
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.466108042903645
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:16:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-081-220519221308/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-081-220519221308/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11a9116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-081-220519221308/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-081-220519221308/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-081-220519221308/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-081-220519221308/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-081-220519221308/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-081-220519221308/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d72e2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-081-220519221308/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=45
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=110
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-082-220519221510/220519221510-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-082-220519221510/220519221510-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2734fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-082-220519221510/220519221510-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:17:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998674049.0227 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998675049.8625 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998675049.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998676051.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:31958016 nr_ops:31209\ntimestamp_ms:1652998677052.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:41845760 nr_ops:40865\ntimestamp_ms:1652998678052.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:58756096 nr_ops:57379\ntimestamp_ms:1652998679053.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90905600 nr_ops:88775\ntimestamp_ms:1652998680054.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133086208 nr_ops:129967\ntimestamp_ms:1652998681056.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143938560 nr_ops:140565\ntimestamp_ms:1652998682057.1941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155974656 nr_ops:152319\ntimestamp_ms:1652998683058.2480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:183591936 nr_ops:179289\ntimestamp_ms:1652998684059.3525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221510656 nr_ops:216319\ntimestamp_ms:1652998685059.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:244700160 nr_ops:238965\ntimestamp_ms:1652998686060.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:262151168 nr_ops:256007\ntimestamp_ms:1652998687061.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:279370752 nr_ops:272823\ntimestamp_ms:1652998688063.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:295160832 nr_ops:288243\ntimestamp_ms:1652998689064.1475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:331727872 nr_ops:323953\ntimestamp_ms:1652998690064.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:360485888 nr_ops:352037\ntimestamp_ms:1652998691065.9602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:377388032 nr_ops:368543\ntimestamp_ms:1652998692067.0618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389295104 nr_ops:380171\ntimestamp_ms:1652998693068.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:418964480 nr_ops:409145\ntimestamp_ms:1652998694068.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438697984 nr_ops:428416\ntimestamp_ms:1652998695069.9019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462422016 nr_ops:451584\ntimestamp_ms:1652998696070.9756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:482003968 nr_ops:470707\ntimestamp_ms:1652998697072.0664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493403136 nr_ops:481839\ntimestamp_ms:1652998698072.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:518151168 nr_ops:506007\ntimestamp_ms:1652998699073.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:556647424 nr_ops:543601\ntimestamp_ms:1652998700074.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:585399296 nr_ops:571679\ntimestamp_ms:1652998701076.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600400896 nr_ops:586329\ntimestamp_ms:1652998702077.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:625521664 nr_ops:610861\ntimestamp_ms:1652998703078.2419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:650273792 nr_ops:635033\ntimestamp_ms:1652998704078.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:674452480 nr_ops:658645\ntimestamp_ms:1652998705079.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690715648 nr_ops:674527\ntimestamp_ms:1652998706081.0476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721996800 nr_ops:705075\ntimestamp_ms:1652998707082.1577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734473216 nr_ops:717259\ntimestamp_ms:1652998708083.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762606592 nr_ops:744733\ntimestamp_ms:1652998709083.9053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:780944384 nr_ops:762641\ntimestamp_ms:1652998710085.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:798831616 nr_ops:780109\ntimestamp_ms:1652998711086.1301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816901120 nr_ops:797755\ntimestamp_ms:1652998712087.2363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847094784 nr_ops:827241\ntimestamp_ms:1652998713088.3425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:879209472 nr_ops:858603\ntimestamp_ms:1652998714089.4612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885625856 nr_ops:864869\ntimestamp_ms:1652998715090.5757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916063232 nr_ops:894593\ntimestamp_ms:1652998716091.6836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:940647424 nr_ops:918601\ntimestamp_ms:1652998717091.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:964948992 nr_ops:942333\ntimestamp_ms:1652998718092.8755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:975150080 nr_ops:952295\ntimestamp_ms:1652998719093.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994302976 nr_ops:970999\ntimestamp_ms:1652998720094.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025364992 nr_ops:1001333\ntimestamp_ms:1652998721095.9939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1036592128 nr_ops:1012297\ntimestamp_ms:1652998722097.1086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058415616 nr_ops:1033609\ntimestamp_ms:1652998723097.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083474944 nr_ops:1058081\ntimestamp_ms:1652998724098.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095021568 nr_ops:1069357\ntimestamp_ms:1652998725100.0586 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1110193152 nr_ops:1084173\ntimestamp_ms:1652998726101.1716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1127994368 nr_ops:1101557\ntimestamp_ms:1652998727102.2795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172202496 nr_ops:1144729\ntimestamp_ms:1652998728103.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203295232 nr_ops:1175093\ntimestamp_ms:1652998729104.5256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1227203584 nr_ops:1198441\ntimestamp_ms:1652998730105.6230 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1252424704 nr_ops:1223071\ntimestamp_ms:1652998731106.7234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262785536 nr_ops:1233189\ntimestamp_ms:1652998732107.8594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1276826624 nr_ops:1246901\ntimestamp_ms:1652998733108.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1311267840 nr_ops:1280535\ntimestamp_ms:1652998734110.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327698944 nr_ops:1296581\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139998900700928\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.5098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1355031552 nr_ops:1323273\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.5942 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.6123 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735411.7800 name:Total nr_bytes:1355031552 nr_ops:1323274\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.6912 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2710063102 nr_ops:2646548\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.6921 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1355031552 nr_ops:1323276\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 285.57us 0.00ns 285.57us 285.57us \nTxn1 661637 90.75us 0.00ns 228.08ms 18.49us \nTxn2 1 39.46us 0.00ns 39.46us 39.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 284.93us 0.00ns 284.93us 284.93us \nwrite 661637 2.82us 0.00ns 121.32us 2.11us \nread 661636 87.85us 0.00ns 228.08ms 1.30us \ndisconnect 1 38.85us 0.00ns 38.85us 38.85us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 10613 10613 92.53Mb/s 92.53Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.77b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.177 62.36s 1.26GB 173.82Mb/s 1323275 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.26GB 173.82Mb/s 1323276 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413541, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998674049.0227 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998675049.8625 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998675049.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998676051.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:31958016 nr_ops:31209\ntimestamp_ms:1652998677052.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:41845760 nr_ops:40865\ntimestamp_ms:1652998678052.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:58756096 nr_ops:57379\ntimestamp_ms:1652998679053.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90905600 nr_ops:88775\ntimestamp_ms:1652998680054.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133086208 nr_ops:129967\ntimestamp_ms:1652998681056.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143938560 nr_ops:140565\ntimestamp_ms:1652998682057.1941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155974656 nr_ops:152319\ntimestamp_ms:1652998683058.2480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:183591936 nr_ops:179289\ntimestamp_ms:1652998684059.3525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221510656 nr_ops:216319\ntimestamp_ms:1652998685059.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:244700160 nr_ops:238965\ntimestamp_ms:1652998686060.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:262151168 nr_ops:256007\ntimestamp_ms:1652998687061.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:279370752 nr_ops:272823\ntimestamp_ms:1652998688063.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:295160832 nr_ops:288243\ntimestamp_ms:1652998689064.1475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:331727872 nr_ops:323953\ntimestamp_ms:1652998690064.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:360485888 nr_ops:352037\ntimestamp_ms:1652998691065.9602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:377388032 nr_ops:368543\ntimestamp_ms:1652998692067.0618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389295104 nr_ops:380171\ntimestamp_ms:1652998693068.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:418964480 nr_ops:409145\ntimestamp_ms:1652998694068.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438697984 nr_ops:428416\ntimestamp_ms:1652998695069.9019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462422016 nr_ops:451584\ntimestamp_ms:1652998696070.9756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:482003968 nr_ops:470707\ntimestamp_ms:1652998697072.0664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493403136 nr_ops:481839\ntimestamp_ms:1652998698072.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:518151168 nr_ops:506007\ntimestamp_ms:1652998699073.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:556647424 nr_ops:543601\ntimestamp_ms:1652998700074.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:585399296 nr_ops:571679\ntimestamp_ms:1652998701076.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600400896 nr_ops:586329\ntimestamp_ms:1652998702077.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:625521664 nr_ops:610861\ntimestamp_ms:1652998703078.2419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:650273792 nr_ops:635033\ntimestamp_ms:1652998704078.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:674452480 nr_ops:658645\ntimestamp_ms:1652998705079.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690715648 nr_ops:674527\ntimestamp_ms:1652998706081.0476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721996800 nr_ops:705075\ntimestamp_ms:1652998707082.1577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734473216 nr_ops:717259\ntimestamp_ms:1652998708083.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762606592 nr_ops:744733\ntimestamp_ms:1652998709083.9053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:780944384 nr_ops:762641\ntimestamp_ms:1652998710085.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:798831616 nr_ops:780109\ntimestamp_ms:1652998711086.1301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816901120 nr_ops:797755\ntimestamp_ms:1652998712087.2363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847094784 nr_ops:827241\ntimestamp_ms:1652998713088.3425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:879209472 nr_ops:858603\ntimestamp_ms:1652998714089.4612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885625856 nr_ops:864869\ntimestamp_ms:1652998715090.5757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916063232 nr_ops:894593\ntimestamp_ms:1652998716091.6836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:940647424 nr_ops:918601\ntimestamp_ms:1652998717091.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:964948992 nr_ops:942333\ntimestamp_ms:1652998718092.8755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:975150080 nr_ops:952295\ntimestamp_ms:1652998719093.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994302976 nr_ops:970999\ntimestamp_ms:1652998720094.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025364992 nr_ops:1001333\ntimestamp_ms:1652998721095.9939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1036592128 nr_ops:1012297\ntimestamp_ms:1652998722097.1086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058415616 nr_ops:1033609\ntimestamp_ms:1652998723097.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083474944 nr_ops:1058081\ntimestamp_ms:1652998724098.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095021568 nr_ops:1069357\ntimestamp_ms:1652998725100.0586 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1110193152 nr_ops:1084173\ntimestamp_ms:1652998726101.1716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1127994368 nr_ops:1101557\ntimestamp_ms:1652998727102.2795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172202496 nr_ops:1144729\ntimestamp_ms:1652998728103.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203295232 nr_ops:1175093\ntimestamp_ms:1652998729104.5256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1227203584 nr_ops:1198441\ntimestamp_ms:1652998730105.6230 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1252424704 nr_ops:1223071\ntimestamp_ms:1652998731106.7234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262785536 nr_ops:1233189\ntimestamp_ms:1652998732107.8594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1276826624 nr_ops:1246901\ntimestamp_ms:1652998733108.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1311267840 nr_ops:1280535\ntimestamp_ms:1652998734110.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327698944 nr_ops:1296581\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139998900700928\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.5098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1355031552 nr_ops:1323273\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.5942 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.6123 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735411.7800 name:Total nr_bytes:1355031552 nr_ops:1323274\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.6912 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2710063102 nr_ops:2646548\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.6921 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1355031552 nr_ops:1323276\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 285.57us 0.00ns 285.57us 285.57us \nTxn1 661637 90.75us 0.00ns 228.08ms 18.49us \nTxn2 1 39.46us 0.00ns 39.46us 39.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 284.93us 0.00ns 284.93us 284.93us \nwrite 661637 2.82us 0.00ns 121.32us 2.11us \nread 661636 87.85us 0.00ns 228.08ms 1.30us \ndisconnect 1 38.85us 0.00ns 38.85us 38.85us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 10613 10613 92.53Mb/s 92.53Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.77b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.177 62.36s 1.26GB 173.82Mb/s 1323275 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.26GB 173.82Mb/s 1323276 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413541, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998674049.0227 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998675049.8625 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998675049.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998676051.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:31958016 nr_ops:31209\ntimestamp_ms:1652998677052.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:41845760 nr_ops:40865\ntimestamp_ms:1652998678052.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:58756096 nr_ops:57379\ntimestamp_ms:1652998679053.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90905600 nr_ops:88775\ntimestamp_ms:1652998680054.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133086208 nr_ops:129967\ntimestamp_ms:1652998681056.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143938560 nr_ops:140565\ntimestamp_ms:1652998682057.1941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155974656 nr_ops:152319\ntimestamp_ms:1652998683058.2480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:183591936 nr_ops:179289\ntimestamp_ms:1652998684059.3525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221510656 nr_ops:216319\ntimestamp_ms:1652998685059.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:244700160 nr_ops:238965\ntimestamp_ms:1652998686060.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:262151168 nr_ops:256007\ntimestamp_ms:1652998687061.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:279370752 nr_ops:272823\ntimestamp_ms:1652998688063.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:295160832 nr_ops:288243\ntimestamp_ms:1652998689064.1475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:331727872 nr_ops:323953\ntimestamp_ms:1652998690064.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:360485888 nr_ops:352037\ntimestamp_ms:1652998691065.9602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:377388032 nr_ops:368543\ntimestamp_ms:1652998692067.0618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389295104 nr_ops:380171\ntimestamp_ms:1652998693068.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:418964480 nr_ops:409145\ntimestamp_ms:1652998694068.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438697984 nr_ops:428416\ntimestamp_ms:1652998695069.9019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462422016 nr_ops:451584\ntimestamp_ms:1652998696070.9756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:482003968 nr_ops:470707\ntimestamp_ms:1652998697072.0664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493403136 nr_ops:481839\ntimestamp_ms:1652998698072.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:518151168 nr_ops:506007\ntimestamp_ms:1652998699073.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:556647424 nr_ops:543601\ntimestamp_ms:1652998700074.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:585399296 nr_ops:571679\ntimestamp_ms:1652998701076.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600400896 nr_ops:586329\ntimestamp_ms:1652998702077.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:625521664 nr_ops:610861\ntimestamp_ms:1652998703078.2419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:650273792 nr_ops:635033\ntimestamp_ms:1652998704078.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:674452480 nr_ops:658645\ntimestamp_ms:1652998705079.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690715648 nr_ops:674527\ntimestamp_ms:1652998706081.0476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721996800 nr_ops:705075\ntimestamp_ms:1652998707082.1577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734473216 nr_ops:717259\ntimestamp_ms:1652998708083.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762606592 nr_ops:744733\ntimestamp_ms:1652998709083.9053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:780944384 nr_ops:762641\ntimestamp_ms:1652998710085.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:798831616 nr_ops:780109\ntimestamp_ms:1652998711086.1301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816901120 nr_ops:797755\ntimestamp_ms:1652998712087.2363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847094784 nr_ops:827241\ntimestamp_ms:1652998713088.3425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:879209472 nr_ops:858603\ntimestamp_ms:1652998714089.4612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885625856 nr_ops:864869\ntimestamp_ms:1652998715090.5757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916063232 nr_ops:894593\ntimestamp_ms:1652998716091.6836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:940647424 nr_ops:918601\ntimestamp_ms:1652998717091.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:964948992 nr_ops:942333\ntimestamp_ms:1652998718092.8755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:975150080 nr_ops:952295\ntimestamp_ms:1652998719093.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994302976 nr_ops:970999\ntimestamp_ms:1652998720094.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025364992 nr_ops:1001333\ntimestamp_ms:1652998721095.9939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1036592128 nr_ops:1012297\ntimestamp_ms:1652998722097.1086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058415616 nr_ops:1033609\ntimestamp_ms:1652998723097.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083474944 nr_ops:1058081\ntimestamp_ms:1652998724098.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095021568 nr_ops:1069357\ntimestamp_ms:1652998725100.0586 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1110193152 nr_ops:1084173\ntimestamp_ms:1652998726101.1716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1127994368 nr_ops:1101557\ntimestamp_ms:1652998727102.2795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172202496 nr_ops:1144729\ntimestamp_ms:1652998728103.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203295232 nr_ops:1175093\ntimestamp_ms:1652998729104.5256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1227203584 nr_ops:1198441\ntimestamp_ms:1652998730105.6230 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1252424704 nr_ops:1223071\ntimestamp_ms:1652998731106.7234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262785536 nr_ops:1233189\ntimestamp_ms:1652998732107.8594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1276826624 nr_ops:1246901\ntimestamp_ms:1652998733108.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1311267840 nr_ops:1280535\ntimestamp_ms:1652998734110.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327698944 nr_ops:1296581\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139998900700928\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.5098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1355031552 nr_ops:1323273\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.5942 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.6123 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735411.7800 name:Total nr_bytes:1355031552 nr_ops:1323274\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.6912 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2710063102 nr_ops:2646548\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998735311.6921 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1355031552 nr_ops:1323276\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 285.57us 0.00ns 285.57us 285.57us \nTxn1 661637 90.75us 0.00ns 228.08ms 18.49us \nTxn2 1 39.46us 0.00ns 39.46us 39.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 284.93us 0.00ns 284.93us 284.93us \nwrite 661637 2.82us 0.00ns 121.32us 2.11us \nread 661636 87.85us 0.00ns 228.08ms 1.30us \ndisconnect 1 38.85us 0.00ns 38.85us 38.85us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 10613 10613 92.53Mb/s 92.53Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.77b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.177 62.36s 1.26GB 173.82Mb/s 1323275 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.26GB 173.82Mb/s 1323276 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413541, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998674049.0227 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998675049.8625 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998675049.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998676051.0430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:31958016 nr_ops:31209
+timestamp_ms:1652998677052.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:41845760 nr_ops:40865
+timestamp_ms:1652998678052.8374 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:58756096 nr_ops:57379
+timestamp_ms:1652998679053.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90905600 nr_ops:88775
+timestamp_ms:1652998680054.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133086208 nr_ops:129967
+timestamp_ms:1652998681056.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:143938560 nr_ops:140565
+timestamp_ms:1652998682057.1941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155974656 nr_ops:152319
+timestamp_ms:1652998683058.2480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:183591936 nr_ops:179289
+timestamp_ms:1652998684059.3525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:221510656 nr_ops:216319
+timestamp_ms:1652998685059.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:244700160 nr_ops:238965
+timestamp_ms:1652998686060.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:262151168 nr_ops:256007
+timestamp_ms:1652998687061.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:279370752 nr_ops:272823
+timestamp_ms:1652998688063.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:295160832 nr_ops:288243
+timestamp_ms:1652998689064.1475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:331727872 nr_ops:323953
+timestamp_ms:1652998690064.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:360485888 nr_ops:352037
+timestamp_ms:1652998691065.9602 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:377388032 nr_ops:368543
+timestamp_ms:1652998692067.0618 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389295104 nr_ops:380171
+timestamp_ms:1652998693068.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:418964480 nr_ops:409145
+timestamp_ms:1652998694068.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438697984 nr_ops:428416
+timestamp_ms:1652998695069.9019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462422016 nr_ops:451584
+timestamp_ms:1652998696070.9756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:482003968 nr_ops:470707
+timestamp_ms:1652998697072.0664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493403136 nr_ops:481839
+timestamp_ms:1652998698072.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:518151168 nr_ops:506007
+timestamp_ms:1652998699073.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:556647424 nr_ops:543601
+timestamp_ms:1652998700074.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:585399296 nr_ops:571679
+timestamp_ms:1652998701076.0537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600400896 nr_ops:586329
+timestamp_ms:1652998702077.1448 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:625521664 nr_ops:610861
+timestamp_ms:1652998703078.2419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:650273792 nr_ops:635033
+timestamp_ms:1652998704078.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:674452480 nr_ops:658645
+timestamp_ms:1652998705079.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690715648 nr_ops:674527
+timestamp_ms:1652998706081.0476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721996800 nr_ops:705075
+timestamp_ms:1652998707082.1577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734473216 nr_ops:717259
+timestamp_ms:1652998708083.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762606592 nr_ops:744733
+timestamp_ms:1652998709083.9053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:780944384 nr_ops:762641
+timestamp_ms:1652998710085.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:798831616 nr_ops:780109
+timestamp_ms:1652998711086.1301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816901120 nr_ops:797755
+timestamp_ms:1652998712087.2363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847094784 nr_ops:827241
+timestamp_ms:1652998713088.3425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:879209472 nr_ops:858603
+timestamp_ms:1652998714089.4612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885625856 nr_ops:864869
+timestamp_ms:1652998715090.5757 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916063232 nr_ops:894593
+timestamp_ms:1652998716091.6836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:940647424 nr_ops:918601
+timestamp_ms:1652998717091.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:964948992 nr_ops:942333
+timestamp_ms:1652998718092.8755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:975150080 nr_ops:952295
+timestamp_ms:1652998719093.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994302976 nr_ops:970999
+timestamp_ms:1652998720094.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025364992 nr_ops:1001333
+timestamp_ms:1652998721095.9939 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1036592128 nr_ops:1012297
+timestamp_ms:1652998722097.1086 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058415616 nr_ops:1033609
+timestamp_ms:1652998723097.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083474944 nr_ops:1058081
+timestamp_ms:1652998724098.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095021568 nr_ops:1069357
+timestamp_ms:1652998725100.0586 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1110193152 nr_ops:1084173
+timestamp_ms:1652998726101.1716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1127994368 nr_ops:1101557
+timestamp_ms:1652998727102.2795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1172202496 nr_ops:1144729
+timestamp_ms:1652998728103.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1203295232 nr_ops:1175093
+timestamp_ms:1652998729104.5256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1227203584 nr_ops:1198441
+timestamp_ms:1652998730105.6230 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1252424704 nr_ops:1223071
+timestamp_ms:1652998731106.7234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262785536 nr_ops:1233189
+timestamp_ms:1652998732107.8594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1276826624 nr_ops:1246901
+timestamp_ms:1652998733108.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1311267840 nr_ops:1280535
+timestamp_ms:1652998734110.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327698944 nr_ops:1296581
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139998900700928
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652998735311.5098 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1355031552 nr_ops:1323273
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998735311.5942 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998735311.6123 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998735411.7800 name:Total nr_bytes:1355031552 nr_ops:1323274
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998735311.6912 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2710063102 nr_ops:2646548
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998735311.6921 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1355031552 nr_ops:1323276
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 285.57us 0.00ns 285.57us 285.57us
+Txn1 661637 90.75us 0.00ns 228.08ms 18.49us
+Txn2 1 39.46us 0.00ns 39.46us 39.46us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 284.93us 0.00ns 284.93us 284.93us
+write 661637 2.82us 0.00ns 121.32us 2.11us
+read 661636 87.85us 0.00ns 228.08ms 1.30us
+disconnect 1 38.85us 0.00ns 38.85us 38.85us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 10613 10613 92.53Mb/s 92.53Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.77b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.177 62.36s 1.26GB 173.82Mb/s 1323275 0.00
+master 62.36s 1.26GB 173.82Mb/s 1323276 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:17:56.051000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:17:56.051000', 'bytes': 31958016, 'norm_byte': 31958016, 'ops': 31209, 'norm_ops': 31209, 'norm_ltcy': 32.077218122676946, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:17:56.051000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:17:56.051000",
+ "bytes": 31958016,
+ "norm_byte": 31958016,
+ "ops": 31209,
+ "norm_ops": 31209,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.077218122676946,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2eac5ea3244e04dc2b134553e22a9b5f8cdbd98a13e62555892ef37e18f78093",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:17:57.052000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:17:57.052000', 'bytes': 41845760, 'norm_byte': 9887744, 'ops': 40865, 'norm_ops': 9656, 'norm_ltcy': 103.67870567846417, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:17:57.052000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:17:57.052000",
+ "bytes": 41845760,
+ "norm_byte": 9887744,
+ "ops": 40865,
+ "norm_ops": 9656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 103.67870567846417,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "336972c8a98b194f2864db4fb29cce1d84e73906e4c8cd9fa988236238c48bbc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:17:58.052000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:17:58.052000', 'bytes': 58756096, 'norm_byte': 16910336, 'ops': 57379, 'norm_ops': 16514, 'norm_ltcy': 60.59542518847645, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:17:58.052000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:17:58.052000",
+ "bytes": 58756096,
+ "norm_byte": 16910336,
+ "ops": 57379,
+ "norm_ops": 16514,
+ "norm_ltcy": 60.59542518847645,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca0ccdc1f64fad1086a3ea3383df2cf60dc85517cbe9482b50c66ce98c33996d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:17:59.053000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:17:59.053000', 'bytes': 90905600, 'norm_byte': 32149504, 'ops': 88775, 'norm_ops': 31396, 'norm_ltcy': 31.883275710878774, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:17:59.053000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:17:59.053000",
+ "bytes": 90905600,
+ "norm_byte": 32149504,
+ "ops": 88775,
+ "norm_ops": 31396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.883275710878774,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d6835ea1a7b17b18664939431182aa3ab3f6039d77ed45bbf7d8d8b9ff26a32",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:00.054000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:00.054000', 'bytes': 133086208, 'norm_byte': 42180608, 'ops': 129967, 'norm_ops': 41192, 'norm_ltcy': 24.303354043640148, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:00.054000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:00.054000",
+ "bytes": 133086208,
+ "norm_byte": 42180608,
+ "ops": 129967,
+ "norm_ops": 41192,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.303354043640148,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e220b74bcb92655e0f2438352e9db20ccbe06248704d78a9b3e746481afbcd87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:01.056000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:01.056000', 'bytes': 143938560, 'norm_byte': 10852352, 'ops': 140565, 'norm_ops': 10598, 'norm_ltcy': 94.46357803359125, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:01.056000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:01.056000",
+ "bytes": 143938560,
+ "norm_byte": 10852352,
+ "ops": 140565,
+ "norm_ops": 10598,
+ "norm_ltcy": 94.46357803359125,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68a520a04070af765d19b5b5a0dba358f556fca51ac218a20adf204249ee2b04",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:02.057000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:02.057000', 'bytes': 155974656, 'norm_byte': 12036096, 'ops': 152319, 'norm_ops': 11754, 'norm_ltcy': 85.17275867523821, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:02.057000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:02.057000",
+ "bytes": 155974656,
+ "norm_byte": 12036096,
+ "ops": 152319,
+ "norm_ops": 11754,
+ "norm_ltcy": 85.17275867523821,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95d0a6278a2f43f7fd71acc6b565a6114edddf8c790374398e6690974c6379a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:03.058000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:03.058000', 'bytes': 183591936, 'norm_byte': 27617280, 'ops': 179289, 'norm_ops': 26970, 'norm_ltcy': 37.11731387015666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:03.058000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:03.058000",
+ "bytes": 183591936,
+ "norm_byte": 27617280,
+ "ops": 179289,
+ "norm_ops": 26970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.11731387015666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "260006f3a838daf7c5875ee9dbf0bb8b173597b2677e4c0a5eaa9e4f34dc49c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:04.059000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:04.059000', 'bytes': 221510656, 'norm_byte': 37918720, 'ops': 216319, 'norm_ops': 37030, 'norm_ltcy': 27.034957931069403, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:04.059000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:04.059000",
+ "bytes": 221510656,
+ "norm_byte": 37918720,
+ "ops": 216319,
+ "norm_ops": 37030,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.034957931069403,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e97013597e2d53e6a35fb955ecbfe025653e56c3ea28241546394a7f14a2c38d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:05.059000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:05.059000', 'bytes': 244700160, 'norm_byte': 23189504, 'ops': 238965, 'norm_ops': 22646, 'norm_ltcy': 44.179157518849905, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:05.059000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:05.059000",
+ "bytes": 244700160,
+ "norm_byte": 23189504,
+ "ops": 238965,
+ "norm_ops": 22646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.179157518849905,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a0fd0f0a7ccb4e95adece445d0de2ae9a05e4da38bf62520924a6583a70e5fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:06.060000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:06.060000', 'bytes': 262151168, 'norm_byte': 17451008, 'ops': 256007, 'norm_ops': 17042, 'norm_ltcy': 58.737437974929584, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:06.060000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:06.060000",
+ "bytes": 262151168,
+ "norm_byte": 17451008,
+ "ops": 256007,
+ "norm_ops": 17042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 58.737437974929584,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21c7047cbf8b4e77528aaceaa3f9af298bc59aedb99e0d9e9d2f1dc7ffe527c7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:07.061000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:07.061000', 'bytes': 279370752, 'norm_byte': 17219584, 'ops': 272823, 'norm_ops': 16816, 'norm_ltcy': 59.53212923146111, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:07.061000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:07.061000",
+ "bytes": 279370752,
+ "norm_byte": 17219584,
+ "ops": 272823,
+ "norm_ops": 16816,
+ "norm_ltcy": 59.53212923146111,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b39eafe65a90b02c679bcc9fccc6616538b36db335d9b1ba53d8e06edbc9ac7e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:08.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:08.063000', 'bytes': 295160832, 'norm_byte': 15790080, 'ops': 288243, 'norm_ops': 15420, 'norm_ltcy': 64.92215365596628, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:08.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:08.063000",
+ "bytes": 295160832,
+ "norm_byte": 15790080,
+ "ops": 288243,
+ "norm_ops": 15420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.92215365596628,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ecfe43bff15277af7feb6a4e147c8c3557657ffe2cdd22d8fe052ef3b816ccdc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:09.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:09.064000', 'bytes': 331727872, 'norm_byte': 36567040, 'ops': 323953, 'norm_ops': 35710, 'norm_ltcy': 28.034679591238447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:09.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:09.064000",
+ "bytes": 331727872,
+ "norm_byte": 36567040,
+ "ops": 323953,
+ "norm_ops": 35710,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.034679591238447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26c3bd93309ffd3aaeb8f0872ba436296fde082a09e3726f86f8b94e32e8c13d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:10.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:10.064000', 'bytes': 360485888, 'norm_byte': 28758016, 'ops': 352037, 'norm_ops': 28084, 'norm_ltcy': 35.63243896936423, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:10.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:10.064000",
+ "bytes": 360485888,
+ "norm_byte": 28758016,
+ "ops": 352037,
+ "norm_ops": 28084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.63243896936423,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a42caa9e91c76969aab8d71cf81716c4017aca2de04713a4756d03e53118506f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:11.065000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:11.065000', 'bytes': 377388032, 'norm_byte': 16902144, 'ops': 368543, 'norm_ops': 16506, 'norm_ltcy': 60.651358786198955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:11.065000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:11.065000",
+ "bytes": 377388032,
+ "norm_byte": 16902144,
+ "ops": 368543,
+ "norm_ops": 16506,
+ "norm_ltcy": 60.651358786198955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6aaae3b4514ff2de1ee24e45cde8d17c983a1043f6ef6f1fc1163bb71d5f2dbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:12.067000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:12.067000', 'bytes': 389295104, 'norm_byte': 11907072, 'ops': 380171, 'norm_ops': 11628, 'norm_ltcy': 86.09404562263502, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:12.067000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:12.067000",
+ "bytes": 389295104,
+ "norm_byte": 11907072,
+ "ops": 380171,
+ "norm_ops": 11628,
+ "norm_ltcy": 86.09404562263502,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02b4ee2558f6a71c57859e5db261604614b0c9c39bdf4d0319707079987dae4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:13.068000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:13.068000', 'bytes': 418964480, 'norm_byte': 29669376, 'ops': 409145, 'norm_ops': 28974, 'norm_ltcy': 34.55193159438203, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:13.068000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:13.068000",
+ "bytes": 418964480,
+ "norm_byte": 29669376,
+ "ops": 409145,
+ "norm_ops": 28974,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.55193159438203,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80760c37873535e73943e807ca0ff67d9a31f19d8b8725fa8b2d9c348add55b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:14.068000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:14.068000', 'bytes': 438697984, 'norm_byte': 19733504, 'ops': 428416, 'norm_ops': 19271, 'norm_ltcy': 51.92609229460718, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:14.068000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:14.068000",
+ "bytes": 438697984,
+ "norm_byte": 19733504,
+ "ops": 428416,
+ "norm_ops": 19271,
+ "norm_ltcy": 51.92609229460718,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2e3cfdac5e1659f62356ed336d8178ee5a9620bd38e607290e9ef0b18ae95aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:15.069000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:15.069000', 'bytes': 462422016, 'norm_byte': 23724032, 'ops': 451584, 'norm_ops': 23168, 'norm_ltcy': 43.20893893584362, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:15.069000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:15.069000",
+ "bytes": 462422016,
+ "norm_byte": 23724032,
+ "ops": 451584,
+ "norm_ops": 23168,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.20893893584362,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b014d50619984a136456542d5849eb303fed0381231dc42561a1755e37f38c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:16.070000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:16.070000', 'bytes': 482003968, 'norm_byte': 19581952, 'ops': 470707, 'norm_ops': 19123, 'norm_ltcy': 52.349198894982486, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:16.070000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:16.070000",
+ "bytes": 482003968,
+ "norm_byte": 19581952,
+ "ops": 470707,
+ "norm_ops": 19123,
+ "norm_ltcy": 52.349198894982486,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8680cdc4a15e14337fddcb998c0b5ed5c6a61184f481db4db4cd386a3a12453b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:17.072000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:17.072000', 'bytes': 493403136, 'norm_byte': 11399168, 'ops': 481839, 'norm_ops': 11132, 'norm_ltcy': 89.92910710676429, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:17.072000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:17.072000",
+ "bytes": 493403136,
+ "norm_byte": 11399168,
+ "ops": 481839,
+ "norm_ops": 11132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 89.92910710676429,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5a4a8776201c2f1d5eb53acd3237f14ef2c422e0a29d24adfea5c239d9b8454",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:18.072000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:18.072000', 'bytes': 518151168, 'norm_byte': 24748032, 'ops': 506007, 'norm_ops': 24168, 'norm_ltcy': 41.40898961178004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:18.072000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:18.072000",
+ "bytes": 518151168,
+ "norm_byte": 24748032,
+ "ops": 506007,
+ "norm_ops": 24168,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.40898961178004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c4047a78ce4997d54ee3bc568de11279be0fdb676923880166ef69e38900c9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:19.073000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:19.073000', 'bytes': 556647424, 'norm_byte': 38496256, 'ops': 543601, 'norm_ops': 37594, 'norm_ltcy': 26.62644647832766, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:19.073000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:19.073000",
+ "bytes": 556647424,
+ "norm_byte": 38496256,
+ "ops": 543601,
+ "norm_ops": 37594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.62644647832766,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c6e04b202c05c25daf3059e00e0359abfb393a2a026e6ea9fda73b389ca50f1f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:20.074000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:20.074000', 'bytes': 585399296, 'norm_byte': 28751872, 'ops': 571679, 'norm_ops': 28078, 'norm_ltcy': 35.65419149055756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:20.074000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:20.074000",
+ "bytes": 585399296,
+ "norm_byte": 28751872,
+ "ops": 571679,
+ "norm_ops": 28078,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.65419149055756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d4ab48f22682e8bd077559042e0f5104f5f5231c157e3e3f3ca8a5445fe7d66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:21.076000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:21.076000', 'bytes': 600400896, 'norm_byte': 15001600, 'ops': 586329, 'norm_ops': 14650, 'norm_ltcy': 68.33596083084471, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:21.076000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:21.076000",
+ "bytes": 600400896,
+ "norm_byte": 15001600,
+ "ops": 586329,
+ "norm_ops": 14650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 68.33596083084471,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f34acb6f196f97d24dfa7ba00404e59ac8c1abe542d1c5096a582c638bc641f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:22.077000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:22.077000', 'bytes': 625521664, 'norm_byte': 25120768, 'ops': 610861, 'norm_ops': 24532, 'norm_ltcy': 40.80756010325799, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:22.077000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:22.077000",
+ "bytes": 625521664,
+ "norm_byte": 25120768,
+ "ops": 610861,
+ "norm_ops": 24532,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.80756010325799,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9378917fac5c445e53952668bb00bfa0ba8da3f91c9f6b3c22239ea99281f1f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:23.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:23.078000', 'bytes': 650273792, 'norm_byte': 24752128, 'ops': 635033, 'norm_ops': 24172, 'norm_ltcy': 41.41557041075418, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:23.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:23.078000",
+ "bytes": 650273792,
+ "norm_byte": 24752128,
+ "ops": 635033,
+ "norm_ops": 24172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.41557041075418,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15b514cc112fd6d127148fe06450a62ea64fa10d4bd1f8c48a99a52feb45101f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:24.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:24.078000', 'bytes': 674452480, 'norm_byte': 24178688, 'ops': 658645, 'norm_ops': 23612, 'norm_ltcy': 42.376451526236664, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:24.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:24.078000",
+ "bytes": 674452480,
+ "norm_byte": 24178688,
+ "ops": 658645,
+ "norm_ops": 23612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.376451526236664,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ab968df9561ca4691117efbb78399feca1dae0cb5717288c7dabece92aa5cd4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:25.079000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:25.079000', 'bytes': 690715648, 'norm_byte': 16263168, 'ops': 674527, 'norm_ops': 15882, 'norm_ltcy': 63.03467442505667, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:25.079000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:25.079000",
+ "bytes": 690715648,
+ "norm_byte": 16263168,
+ "ops": 674527,
+ "norm_ops": 15882,
+ "norm_ltcy": 63.03467442505667,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b6056fe7f0cc87561b79f481436639824a9d5984110f497d0373c281a710688",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:26.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:26.081000', 'bytes': 721996800, 'norm_byte': 31281152, 'ops': 705075, 'norm_ops': 30548, 'norm_ltcy': 32.77125151912564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:26.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:26.081000",
+ "bytes": 721996800,
+ "norm_byte": 31281152,
+ "ops": 705075,
+ "norm_ops": 30548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.77125151912564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e55c7e0918f7d363a733ddfa37d0ce44495ca6ca82d510fe53983b772f8926d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:27.082000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:27.082000', 'bytes': 734473216, 'norm_byte': 12476416, 'ops': 717259, 'norm_ops': 12184, 'norm_ltcy': 82.16596416791488, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:27.082000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:27.082000",
+ "bytes": 734473216,
+ "norm_byte": 12476416,
+ "ops": 717259,
+ "norm_ops": 12184,
+ "norm_ltcy": 82.16596416791488,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a36b572b9f69de0c946b5af2601f721db741c8aaf0ff72749f00895d448dd0d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:28.083000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:28.083000', 'bytes': 762606592, 'norm_byte': 28133376, 'ops': 744733, 'norm_ops': 27474, 'norm_ltcy': 36.438046041825906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:28.083000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:28.083000",
+ "bytes": 762606592,
+ "norm_byte": 28133376,
+ "ops": 744733,
+ "norm_ops": 27474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.438046041825906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c73004e94a498c01cb92757e236ba5bab6481fa19274952e08038d7dc828129",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:29.083000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:29.083000', 'bytes': 780944384, 'norm_byte': 18337792, 'ops': 762641, 'norm_ops': 17908, 'norm_ltcy': 55.87718794062011, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:29.083000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:29.083000",
+ "bytes": 780944384,
+ "norm_byte": 18337792,
+ "ops": 762641,
+ "norm_ops": 17908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 55.87718794062011,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1de97b69e3c587c2d2d4e92c5f44970e81953c6a8f7047515447a910380010b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:30.085000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:30.085000', 'bytes': 798831616, 'norm_byte': 17887232, 'ops': 780109, 'norm_ops': 17468, 'norm_ltcy': 57.31066997956979, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:30.085000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:30.085000",
+ "bytes": 798831616,
+ "norm_byte": 17887232,
+ "ops": 780109,
+ "norm_ops": 17468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 57.31066997956979,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "afedd647893844d39095470bafda055495808313ed18d1d98a4c234a2f05003a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:31.086000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:31.086000', 'bytes': 816901120, 'norm_byte': 18069504, 'ops': 797755, 'norm_ops': 17646, 'norm_ltcy': 56.73365467032188, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:31.086000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:31.086000",
+ "bytes": 816901120,
+ "norm_byte": 18069504,
+ "ops": 797755,
+ "norm_ops": 17646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 56.73365467032188,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22ab91fd74d9165f0fe970b62c25bdfe9acf976809309c58f92dc0fe66598b17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:32.087000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:32.087000', 'bytes': 847094784, 'norm_byte': 30193664, 'ops': 827241, 'norm_ops': 29486, 'norm_ltcy': 33.95191620334651, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:32.087000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:32.087000",
+ "bytes": 847094784,
+ "norm_byte": 30193664,
+ "ops": 827241,
+ "norm_ops": 29486,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.95191620334651,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cac2d2493ccd635444bea1983e54afb71bb36b860f778df3ee02723cc18cb157",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:33.088000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:33.088000', 'bytes': 879209472, 'norm_byte': 32114688, 'ops': 858603, 'norm_ops': 31362, 'norm_ltcy': 31.920993596450323, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:33.088000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:33.088000",
+ "bytes": 879209472,
+ "norm_byte": 32114688,
+ "ops": 858603,
+ "norm_ops": 31362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.920993596450323,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae363282b330d47945174b2dd4fc47d979ae3a55ce3037df3c765b1d3ba7fae5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:34.089000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:34.089000', 'bytes': 885625856, 'norm_byte': 6416384, 'ops': 864869, 'norm_ops': 6266, 'norm_ltcy': 159.76997324349665, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:34.089000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:34.089000",
+ "bytes": 885625856,
+ "norm_byte": 6416384,
+ "ops": 864869,
+ "norm_ops": 6266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 159.76997324349665,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5505e68da6f11388a76b935219450fa27ffbbcc5e12cb650c1cfdac298d607e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:35.090000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:35.090000', 'bytes': 916063232, 'norm_byte': 30437376, 'ops': 894593, 'norm_ops': 29724, 'norm_ltcy': 33.680342549896544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:35.090000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:35.090000",
+ "bytes": 916063232,
+ "norm_byte": 30437376,
+ "ops": 894593,
+ "norm_ops": 29724,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.680342549896544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de7d61541c4c1385bcee77953820bfbf43ebef6003c4f4670220cf7303c52c6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:36.091000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:36.091000', 'bytes': 940647424, 'norm_byte': 24584192, 'ops': 918601, 'norm_ops': 24008, 'norm_ltcy': 41.69892994652824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:36.091000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:36.091000",
+ "bytes": 940647424,
+ "norm_byte": 24584192,
+ "ops": 918601,
+ "norm_ops": 24008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.69892994652824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a022b22d61c2ec742d05c21747b09130b10077eb257e3914021512e0e502c3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:37.091000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:37.091000', 'bytes': 964948992, 'norm_byte': 24301568, 'ops': 942333, 'norm_ops': 23732, 'norm_ltcy': 42.14354604608229, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:37.091000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:37.091000",
+ "bytes": 964948992,
+ "norm_byte": 24301568,
+ "ops": 942333,
+ "norm_ops": 23732,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.14354604608229,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33746c7a1e726d9a0b358b44965a92534c5364c023b8a70feca76801fecbcf15",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:38.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:38.092000', 'bytes': 975150080, 'norm_byte': 10201088, 'ops': 952295, 'norm_ops': 9962, 'norm_ltcy': 100.48597267271883, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:38.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:38.092000",
+ "bytes": 975150080,
+ "norm_byte": 10201088,
+ "ops": 952295,
+ "norm_ops": 9962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 100.48597267271883,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "54137cfb90a6ad247199878f33ba48c6bf83bbd54f525fb395d196abb9793883",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:39.093000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:39.093000', 'bytes': 994302976, 'norm_byte': 19152896, 'ops': 970999, 'norm_ops': 18704, 'norm_ltcy': 53.515940879123455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:39.093000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:39.093000",
+ "bytes": 994302976,
+ "norm_byte": 19152896,
+ "ops": 970999,
+ "norm_ops": 18704,
+ "norm_ltcy": 53.515940879123455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d952533c783aa0072a61064a91f61ba238f3b6fa3cb2e0cf0755ac6556a8850",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:40.094000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:40.094000', 'bytes': 1025364992, 'norm_byte': 31062016, 'ops': 1001333, 'norm_ops': 30334, 'norm_ltcy': 33.00262288191468, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:40.094000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:40.094000",
+ "bytes": 1025364992,
+ "norm_byte": 31062016,
+ "ops": 1001333,
+ "norm_ops": 30334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.00262288191468,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "41324f35654421c58ee490a51f6689c5425f13d9e9ec95cdf202660c086aa3ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:41.095000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:41.095000', 'bytes': 1036592128, 'norm_byte': 11227136, 'ops': 1012297, 'norm_ops': 10964, 'norm_ltcy': 91.3037839748267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:41.095000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:41.095000",
+ "bytes": 1036592128,
+ "norm_byte": 11227136,
+ "ops": 1012297,
+ "norm_ops": 10964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 91.3037839748267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7782fc28817ed54996a532ecdcf5cc30c6db478d459b7b279565b6921dbccd39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:42.097000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:42.097000', 'bytes': 1058415616, 'norm_byte': 21823488, 'ops': 1033609, 'norm_ops': 21312, 'norm_ltcy': 46.97422795109563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:42.097000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:42.097000",
+ "bytes": 1058415616,
+ "norm_byte": 21823488,
+ "ops": 1033609,
+ "norm_ops": 21312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 46.97422795109563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be12ebf96f494d00f2067db09f5a23c6ee0f16d0785015e0713ed87101696ef4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:43.097000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:43.097000', 'bytes': 1083474944, 'norm_byte': 25059328, 'ops': 1058081, 'norm_ops': 24472, 'norm_ltcy': 40.892916202701045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:43.097000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:43.097000",
+ "bytes": 1083474944,
+ "norm_byte": 25059328,
+ "ops": 1058081,
+ "norm_ops": 24472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.892916202701045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6657d7bc60d05ea6428da12ee4592d2fe2bbb8b53d3ba7e57dd425f12dbb1deb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:44.098000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:44.098000', 'bytes': 1095021568, 'norm_byte': 11546624, 'ops': 1069357, 'norm_ops': 11276, 'norm_ltcy': 88.78151310720779, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:44.098000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:44.098000",
+ "bytes": 1095021568,
+ "norm_byte": 11546624,
+ "ops": 1069357,
+ "norm_ops": 11276,
+ "norm_ltcy": 88.78151310720779,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5372e14dc519ad5e19b616781d45c83bf7d4e871e4d7275b27b6b766f0a8c577",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:45.100000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:45.100000', 'bytes': 1110193152, 'norm_byte': 15171584, 'ops': 1084173, 'norm_ops': 14816, 'norm_ltcy': 67.57007046858126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:45.100000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:45.100000",
+ "bytes": 1110193152,
+ "norm_byte": 15171584,
+ "ops": 1084173,
+ "norm_ops": 14816,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.57007046858126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c22f99f2628c41e4c3bb00035b9903471007d3f82ecbe86f5de7e3852cfdd3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:46.101000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:46.101000', 'bytes': 1127994368, 'norm_byte': 17801216, 'ops': 1101557, 'norm_ops': 17384, 'norm_ltcy': 57.588186672191384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:46.101000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:46.101000",
+ "bytes": 1127994368,
+ "norm_byte": 17801216,
+ "ops": 1101557,
+ "norm_ops": 17384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 57.588186672191384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "58f282f35b73eabec98d1097b4f5285ba6b0eaf202dd509430710d79c18ff999",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:47.102000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:47.102000', 'bytes': 1172202496, 'norm_byte': 44208128, 'ops': 1144729, 'norm_ops': 43172, 'norm_ltcy': 23.188824009919625, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:47.102000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:47.102000",
+ "bytes": 1172202496,
+ "norm_byte": 44208128,
+ "ops": 1144729,
+ "norm_ops": 43172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.188824009919625,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "17887b97a696043ab2d91b3957cfe2d292c4d17834486d4af56bd83482827664",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:48.103000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:48.103000', 'bytes': 1203295232, 'norm_byte': 31092736, 'ops': 1175093, 'norm_ops': 30364, 'norm_ltcy': 32.971109393525225, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:48.103000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:48.103000",
+ "bytes": 1203295232,
+ "norm_byte": 31092736,
+ "ops": 1175093,
+ "norm_ops": 30364,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.971109393525225,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a788849e05f6e14347f6ec055d2329dc4e90124e2f892dbd2b46a6f1208ab947",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:49.104000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:49.104000', 'bytes': 1227203584, 'norm_byte': 23908352, 'ops': 1198441, 'norm_ops': 23348, 'norm_ltcy': 42.87781943314203, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:49.104000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:49.104000",
+ "bytes": 1227203584,
+ "norm_byte": 23908352,
+ "ops": 1198441,
+ "norm_ops": 23348,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.87781943314203,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59d23dc7ad8fd621e0957fd352692264f3427399a6f3119877b6e60f6f1f5476",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:50.105000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:50.105000', 'bytes': 1252424704, 'norm_byte': 25221120, 'ops': 1223071, 'norm_ops': 24630, 'norm_ltcy': 40.64544913152152, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:50.105000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:50.105000",
+ "bytes": 1252424704,
+ "norm_byte": 25221120,
+ "ops": 1223071,
+ "norm_ops": 24630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.64544913152152,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ceb052b03d76b4b4ae3c0e97f4a0decc4bd00166ec7397ccfdee0bf2985a653",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:51.106000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:51.106000', 'bytes': 1262785536, 'norm_byte': 10360832, 'ops': 1233189, 'norm_ops': 10118, 'norm_ltcy': 98.94251253181211, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:51.106000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:51.106000",
+ "bytes": 1262785536,
+ "norm_byte": 10360832,
+ "ops": 1233189,
+ "norm_ops": 10118,
+ "norm_ltcy": 98.94251253181211,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "299657191a85e72ba08e57db2af21b6527e92d1877a6abc9d54b947c12eb9d17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:52.107000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:52.107000', 'bytes': 1276826624, 'norm_byte': 14041088, 'ops': 1246901, 'norm_ops': 13712, 'norm_ltcy': 73.01166761436151, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:52.107000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:52.107000",
+ "bytes": 1276826624,
+ "norm_byte": 14041088,
+ "ops": 1246901,
+ "norm_ops": 13712,
+ "norm_ltcy": 73.01166761436151,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21d1b924812d986f85fc961ed86480b10b5f161428629d1b8ad144c62d4346d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:53.108000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:53.108000', 'bytes': 1311267840, 'norm_byte': 34441216, 'ops': 1280535, 'norm_ops': 33634, 'norm_ltcy': 29.765267289052744, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:53.108000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:53.108000",
+ "bytes": 1311267840,
+ "norm_byte": 34441216,
+ "ops": 1280535,
+ "norm_ops": 33634,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.765267289052744,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "024f552bea3dc7495761c457aabcda920cfba34857e5062e48222487b5b9793b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:54.110000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:54.110000', 'bytes': 1327698944, 'norm_byte': 16431104, 'ops': 1296581, 'norm_ops': 16046, 'norm_ltcy': 62.390436455152376, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:54.110000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:54.110000",
+ "bytes": 1327698944,
+ "norm_byte": 16431104,
+ "ops": 1296581,
+ "norm_ops": 16046,
+ "norm_ltcy": 62.390436455152376,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "650b7481a6822b2d7a51bfbad9eff067fe9237cbb6328980c64e951959a1a696",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:18:55.311000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:18:55.311000', 'bytes': 1355031552, 'norm_byte': 27332608, 'ops': 1323273, 'norm_ops': 26692, 'norm_ltcy': 45.01005721810373, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:18:55.311000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:18:55.311000",
+ "bytes": 1355031552,
+ "norm_byte": 27332608,
+ "ops": 1323273,
+ "norm_ops": 26692,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.01005721810373,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "13e5e2db-1faa-57a0-b399-34baf90b7d5d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e8e9b15e6f06be183a93a1be8571e0aa4c1613c0ccf310ccb3845b32c9031b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 22583859.2
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 22054.55
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 99.01968553885744
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:18:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-082-220519221510/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-082-220519221510/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82d84c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-082-220519221510/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-082-220519221510/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-082-220519221510/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-082-220519221510/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-082-220519221510/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-082-220519221510/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d7eda0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-082-220519221510/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=25
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=35
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=140
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-083-220519221711/220519221711-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-083-220519221711/220519221711-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dec698e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-083-220519221711/220519221711-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:19:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998795755.4268 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998796756.6208 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998796756.7122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998797757.7925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62713856 nr_ops:61244\ntimestamp_ms:1652998798758.8794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125361152 nr_ops:122423\ntimestamp_ms:1652998799759.9758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188273664 nr_ops:183861\ntimestamp_ms:1652998800761.0662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251837440 nr_ops:245935\ntimestamp_ms:1652998801762.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314889216 nr_ops:307509\ntimestamp_ms:1652998802762.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:377900032 nr_ops:369043\ntimestamp_ms:1652998803763.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441404416 nr_ops:431059\ntimestamp_ms:1652998804765.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504707072 nr_ops:492878\ntimestamp_ms:1652998805766.1206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568298496 nr_ops:554979\ntimestamp_ms:1652998806767.2983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631393280 nr_ops:616595\ntimestamp_ms:1652998807768.3882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694738944 nr_ops:678456\ntimestamp_ms:1652998808769.4817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757932032 nr_ops:740168\ntimestamp_ms:1652998809770.5168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821173248 nr_ops:801927\ntimestamp_ms:1652998810771.6067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883766272 nr_ops:863053\ntimestamp_ms:1652998811772.6421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946625536 nr_ops:924439\ntimestamp_ms:1652998812773.6804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010056192 nr_ops:986383\ntimestamp_ms:1652998813774.7764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073443840 nr_ops:1048285\ntimestamp_ms:1652998814775.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138705408 nr_ops:1112017\ntimestamp_ms:1652998815776.9619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201155072 nr_ops:1173003\ntimestamp_ms:1652998816778.0564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263038464 nr_ops:1233436\ntimestamp_ms:1652998817779.1504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327590400 nr_ops:1296475\ntimestamp_ms:1652998818779.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1390932992 nr_ops:1358333\ntimestamp_ms:1652998819780.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458299904 nr_ops:1424121\ntimestamp_ms:1652998820782.0178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524263936 nr_ops:1488539\ntimestamp_ms:1652998821783.1165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587278848 nr_ops:1550077\ntimestamp_ms:1652998822784.2109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650080768 nr_ops:1611407\ntimestamp_ms:1652998823785.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1712948224 nr_ops:1672801\ntimestamp_ms:1652998824786.3501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1777072128 nr_ops:1735422\ntimestamp_ms:1652998825787.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839973376 nr_ops:1796849\ntimestamp_ms:1652998826788.4438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902535680 nr_ops:1857945\ntimestamp_ms:1652998827789.5088 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968620544 nr_ops:1922481\ntimestamp_ms:1652998828789.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031297536 nr_ops:1983689\ntimestamp_ms:1652998829790.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095672320 nr_ops:2046555\ntimestamp_ms:1652998830791.8760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159176704 nr_ops:2108571\ntimestamp_ms:1652998831792.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2222309376 nr_ops:2170224\ntimestamp_ms:1652998832793.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2285238272 nr_ops:2231678\ntimestamp_ms:1652998833795.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348014592 nr_ops:2292983\ntimestamp_ms:1652998834796.1526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2406829056 nr_ops:2350419\ntimestamp_ms:1652998835797.2495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469471232 nr_ops:2411593\ntimestamp_ms:1652998836797.8835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532454400 nr_ops:2473100\ntimestamp_ms:1652998837798.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595658752 nr_ops:2534823\ntimestamp_ms:1652998838800.0144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2659427328 nr_ops:2597097\ntimestamp_ms:1652998839800.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723867648 nr_ops:2660027\ntimestamp_ms:1652998840801.9380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2786515968 nr_ops:2721207\ntimestamp_ms:1652998841803.0342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2848988160 nr_ops:2782215\ntimestamp_ms:1652998842804.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2912907264 nr_ops:2844636\ntimestamp_ms:1652998843805.2219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977067008 nr_ops:2907292\ntimestamp_ms:1652998844806.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041884160 nr_ops:2970590\ntimestamp_ms:1652998845807.4167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3106332672 nr_ops:3033528\ntimestamp_ms:1652998846808.5178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3172031488 nr_ops:3097687\ntimestamp_ms:1652998847809.6260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3235214336 nr_ops:3159389\ntimestamp_ms:1652998848810.7185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295006720 nr_ops:3217780\ntimestamp_ms:1652998849811.8147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358233600 nr_ops:3279525\ntimestamp_ms:1652998850812.9204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424441344 nr_ops:3344181\ntimestamp_ms:1652998851813.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3488531456 nr_ops:3406769\ntimestamp_ms:1652998852814.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3553035264 nr_ops:3469761\ntimestamp_ms:1652998853816.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3616753664 nr_ops:3531986\ntimestamp_ms:1652998854817.1426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3680799744 nr_ops:3594531\ntimestamp_ms:1652998855818.2439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3743570944 nr_ops:3655831\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139675389875968\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.5793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3807634432 nr_ops:3718393\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.6494 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.6541 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857119.8745 name:Total nr_bytes:3807634432 nr_ops:3718394\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.7278 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7615268862 nr_ops:7436788\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.7283 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3807634432 nr_ops:3718396\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 281.54us 0.00ns 281.54us 281.54us \nTxn1 1859197 32.27us 0.00ns 2.16ms 24.67us \nTxn2 1 33.22us 0.00ns 33.22us 33.22us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 281.18us 0.00ns 281.18us 281.18us \nwrite 1859197 3.20us 0.00ns 217.01us 2.40us \nread 1859196 28.99us 0.00ns 2.15ms 993.00ns \ndisconnect 1 32.75us 0.00ns 32.75us 32.75us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.13b/s \nnet1 29811 29811 259.95Mb/s 259.95Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.178 62.37s 3.55GB 488.43Mb/s 3718395 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.55GB 488.43Mb/s 3718396 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.4158, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998795755.4268 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998796756.6208 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998796756.7122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998797757.7925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62713856 nr_ops:61244\ntimestamp_ms:1652998798758.8794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125361152 nr_ops:122423\ntimestamp_ms:1652998799759.9758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188273664 nr_ops:183861\ntimestamp_ms:1652998800761.0662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251837440 nr_ops:245935\ntimestamp_ms:1652998801762.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314889216 nr_ops:307509\ntimestamp_ms:1652998802762.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:377900032 nr_ops:369043\ntimestamp_ms:1652998803763.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441404416 nr_ops:431059\ntimestamp_ms:1652998804765.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504707072 nr_ops:492878\ntimestamp_ms:1652998805766.1206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568298496 nr_ops:554979\ntimestamp_ms:1652998806767.2983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631393280 nr_ops:616595\ntimestamp_ms:1652998807768.3882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694738944 nr_ops:678456\ntimestamp_ms:1652998808769.4817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757932032 nr_ops:740168\ntimestamp_ms:1652998809770.5168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821173248 nr_ops:801927\ntimestamp_ms:1652998810771.6067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883766272 nr_ops:863053\ntimestamp_ms:1652998811772.6421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946625536 nr_ops:924439\ntimestamp_ms:1652998812773.6804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010056192 nr_ops:986383\ntimestamp_ms:1652998813774.7764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073443840 nr_ops:1048285\ntimestamp_ms:1652998814775.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138705408 nr_ops:1112017\ntimestamp_ms:1652998815776.9619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201155072 nr_ops:1173003\ntimestamp_ms:1652998816778.0564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263038464 nr_ops:1233436\ntimestamp_ms:1652998817779.1504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327590400 nr_ops:1296475\ntimestamp_ms:1652998818779.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1390932992 nr_ops:1358333\ntimestamp_ms:1652998819780.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458299904 nr_ops:1424121\ntimestamp_ms:1652998820782.0178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524263936 nr_ops:1488539\ntimestamp_ms:1652998821783.1165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587278848 nr_ops:1550077\ntimestamp_ms:1652998822784.2109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650080768 nr_ops:1611407\ntimestamp_ms:1652998823785.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1712948224 nr_ops:1672801\ntimestamp_ms:1652998824786.3501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1777072128 nr_ops:1735422\ntimestamp_ms:1652998825787.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839973376 nr_ops:1796849\ntimestamp_ms:1652998826788.4438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902535680 nr_ops:1857945\ntimestamp_ms:1652998827789.5088 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968620544 nr_ops:1922481\ntimestamp_ms:1652998828789.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031297536 nr_ops:1983689\ntimestamp_ms:1652998829790.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095672320 nr_ops:2046555\ntimestamp_ms:1652998830791.8760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159176704 nr_ops:2108571\ntimestamp_ms:1652998831792.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2222309376 nr_ops:2170224\ntimestamp_ms:1652998832793.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2285238272 nr_ops:2231678\ntimestamp_ms:1652998833795.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348014592 nr_ops:2292983\ntimestamp_ms:1652998834796.1526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2406829056 nr_ops:2350419\ntimestamp_ms:1652998835797.2495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469471232 nr_ops:2411593\ntimestamp_ms:1652998836797.8835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532454400 nr_ops:2473100\ntimestamp_ms:1652998837798.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595658752 nr_ops:2534823\ntimestamp_ms:1652998838800.0144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2659427328 nr_ops:2597097\ntimestamp_ms:1652998839800.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723867648 nr_ops:2660027\ntimestamp_ms:1652998840801.9380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2786515968 nr_ops:2721207\ntimestamp_ms:1652998841803.0342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2848988160 nr_ops:2782215\ntimestamp_ms:1652998842804.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2912907264 nr_ops:2844636\ntimestamp_ms:1652998843805.2219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977067008 nr_ops:2907292\ntimestamp_ms:1652998844806.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041884160 nr_ops:2970590\ntimestamp_ms:1652998845807.4167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3106332672 nr_ops:3033528\ntimestamp_ms:1652998846808.5178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3172031488 nr_ops:3097687\ntimestamp_ms:1652998847809.6260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3235214336 nr_ops:3159389\ntimestamp_ms:1652998848810.7185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295006720 nr_ops:3217780\ntimestamp_ms:1652998849811.8147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358233600 nr_ops:3279525\ntimestamp_ms:1652998850812.9204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424441344 nr_ops:3344181\ntimestamp_ms:1652998851813.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3488531456 nr_ops:3406769\ntimestamp_ms:1652998852814.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3553035264 nr_ops:3469761\ntimestamp_ms:1652998853816.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3616753664 nr_ops:3531986\ntimestamp_ms:1652998854817.1426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3680799744 nr_ops:3594531\ntimestamp_ms:1652998855818.2439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3743570944 nr_ops:3655831\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139675389875968\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.5793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3807634432 nr_ops:3718393\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.6494 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.6541 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857119.8745 name:Total nr_bytes:3807634432 nr_ops:3718394\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.7278 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7615268862 nr_ops:7436788\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.7283 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3807634432 nr_ops:3718396\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 281.54us 0.00ns 281.54us 281.54us \nTxn1 1859197 32.27us 0.00ns 2.16ms 24.67us \nTxn2 1 33.22us 0.00ns 33.22us 33.22us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 281.18us 0.00ns 281.18us 281.18us \nwrite 1859197 3.20us 0.00ns 217.01us 2.40us \nread 1859196 28.99us 0.00ns 2.15ms 993.00ns \ndisconnect 1 32.75us 0.00ns 32.75us 32.75us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.13b/s \nnet1 29811 29811 259.95Mb/s 259.95Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.178 62.37s 3.55GB 488.43Mb/s 3718395 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.55GB 488.43Mb/s 3718396 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.4158, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998795755.4268 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998796756.6208 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998796756.7122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998797757.7925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62713856 nr_ops:61244\ntimestamp_ms:1652998798758.8794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125361152 nr_ops:122423\ntimestamp_ms:1652998799759.9758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188273664 nr_ops:183861\ntimestamp_ms:1652998800761.0662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251837440 nr_ops:245935\ntimestamp_ms:1652998801762.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314889216 nr_ops:307509\ntimestamp_ms:1652998802762.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:377900032 nr_ops:369043\ntimestamp_ms:1652998803763.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441404416 nr_ops:431059\ntimestamp_ms:1652998804765.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504707072 nr_ops:492878\ntimestamp_ms:1652998805766.1206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568298496 nr_ops:554979\ntimestamp_ms:1652998806767.2983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631393280 nr_ops:616595\ntimestamp_ms:1652998807768.3882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694738944 nr_ops:678456\ntimestamp_ms:1652998808769.4817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757932032 nr_ops:740168\ntimestamp_ms:1652998809770.5168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821173248 nr_ops:801927\ntimestamp_ms:1652998810771.6067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883766272 nr_ops:863053\ntimestamp_ms:1652998811772.6421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946625536 nr_ops:924439\ntimestamp_ms:1652998812773.6804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010056192 nr_ops:986383\ntimestamp_ms:1652998813774.7764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073443840 nr_ops:1048285\ntimestamp_ms:1652998814775.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138705408 nr_ops:1112017\ntimestamp_ms:1652998815776.9619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201155072 nr_ops:1173003\ntimestamp_ms:1652998816778.0564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263038464 nr_ops:1233436\ntimestamp_ms:1652998817779.1504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327590400 nr_ops:1296475\ntimestamp_ms:1652998818779.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1390932992 nr_ops:1358333\ntimestamp_ms:1652998819780.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458299904 nr_ops:1424121\ntimestamp_ms:1652998820782.0178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524263936 nr_ops:1488539\ntimestamp_ms:1652998821783.1165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587278848 nr_ops:1550077\ntimestamp_ms:1652998822784.2109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650080768 nr_ops:1611407\ntimestamp_ms:1652998823785.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1712948224 nr_ops:1672801\ntimestamp_ms:1652998824786.3501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1777072128 nr_ops:1735422\ntimestamp_ms:1652998825787.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839973376 nr_ops:1796849\ntimestamp_ms:1652998826788.4438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902535680 nr_ops:1857945\ntimestamp_ms:1652998827789.5088 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968620544 nr_ops:1922481\ntimestamp_ms:1652998828789.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031297536 nr_ops:1983689\ntimestamp_ms:1652998829790.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095672320 nr_ops:2046555\ntimestamp_ms:1652998830791.8760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159176704 nr_ops:2108571\ntimestamp_ms:1652998831792.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2222309376 nr_ops:2170224\ntimestamp_ms:1652998832793.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2285238272 nr_ops:2231678\ntimestamp_ms:1652998833795.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348014592 nr_ops:2292983\ntimestamp_ms:1652998834796.1526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2406829056 nr_ops:2350419\ntimestamp_ms:1652998835797.2495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469471232 nr_ops:2411593\ntimestamp_ms:1652998836797.8835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532454400 nr_ops:2473100\ntimestamp_ms:1652998837798.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595658752 nr_ops:2534823\ntimestamp_ms:1652998838800.0144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2659427328 nr_ops:2597097\ntimestamp_ms:1652998839800.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723867648 nr_ops:2660027\ntimestamp_ms:1652998840801.9380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2786515968 nr_ops:2721207\ntimestamp_ms:1652998841803.0342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2848988160 nr_ops:2782215\ntimestamp_ms:1652998842804.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2912907264 nr_ops:2844636\ntimestamp_ms:1652998843805.2219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977067008 nr_ops:2907292\ntimestamp_ms:1652998844806.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041884160 nr_ops:2970590\ntimestamp_ms:1652998845807.4167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3106332672 nr_ops:3033528\ntimestamp_ms:1652998846808.5178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3172031488 nr_ops:3097687\ntimestamp_ms:1652998847809.6260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3235214336 nr_ops:3159389\ntimestamp_ms:1652998848810.7185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295006720 nr_ops:3217780\ntimestamp_ms:1652998849811.8147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358233600 nr_ops:3279525\ntimestamp_ms:1652998850812.9204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424441344 nr_ops:3344181\ntimestamp_ms:1652998851813.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3488531456 nr_ops:3406769\ntimestamp_ms:1652998852814.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3553035264 nr_ops:3469761\ntimestamp_ms:1652998853816.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3616753664 nr_ops:3531986\ntimestamp_ms:1652998854817.1426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3680799744 nr_ops:3594531\ntimestamp_ms:1652998855818.2439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3743570944 nr_ops:3655831\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139675389875968\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.5793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3807634432 nr_ops:3718393\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.6494 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.6541 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857119.8745 name:Total nr_bytes:3807634432 nr_ops:3718394\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.7278 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7615268862 nr_ops:7436788\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998857019.7283 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3807634432 nr_ops:3718396\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 281.54us 0.00ns 281.54us 281.54us \nTxn1 1859197 32.27us 0.00ns 2.16ms 24.67us \nTxn2 1 33.22us 0.00ns 33.22us 33.22us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 281.18us 0.00ns 281.18us 281.18us \nwrite 1859197 3.20us 0.00ns 217.01us 2.40us \nread 1859196 28.99us 0.00ns 2.15ms 993.00ns \ndisconnect 1 32.75us 0.00ns 32.75us 32.75us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.13b/s \nnet1 29811 29811 259.95Mb/s 259.95Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.178 62.37s 3.55GB 488.43Mb/s 3718395 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.55GB 488.43Mb/s 3718396 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.4158, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998795755.4268 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998796756.6208 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998796756.7122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998797757.7925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62713856 nr_ops:61244
+timestamp_ms:1652998798758.8794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125361152 nr_ops:122423
+timestamp_ms:1652998799759.9758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188273664 nr_ops:183861
+timestamp_ms:1652998800761.0662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251837440 nr_ops:245935
+timestamp_ms:1652998801762.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314889216 nr_ops:307509
+timestamp_ms:1652998802762.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:377900032 nr_ops:369043
+timestamp_ms:1652998803763.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441404416 nr_ops:431059
+timestamp_ms:1652998804765.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504707072 nr_ops:492878
+timestamp_ms:1652998805766.1206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568298496 nr_ops:554979
+timestamp_ms:1652998806767.2983 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631393280 nr_ops:616595
+timestamp_ms:1652998807768.3882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694738944 nr_ops:678456
+timestamp_ms:1652998808769.4817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757932032 nr_ops:740168
+timestamp_ms:1652998809770.5168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821173248 nr_ops:801927
+timestamp_ms:1652998810771.6067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883766272 nr_ops:863053
+timestamp_ms:1652998811772.6421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946625536 nr_ops:924439
+timestamp_ms:1652998812773.6804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010056192 nr_ops:986383
+timestamp_ms:1652998813774.7764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073443840 nr_ops:1048285
+timestamp_ms:1652998814775.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138705408 nr_ops:1112017
+timestamp_ms:1652998815776.9619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201155072 nr_ops:1173003
+timestamp_ms:1652998816778.0564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263038464 nr_ops:1233436
+timestamp_ms:1652998817779.1504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327590400 nr_ops:1296475
+timestamp_ms:1652998818779.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1390932992 nr_ops:1358333
+timestamp_ms:1652998819780.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1458299904 nr_ops:1424121
+timestamp_ms:1652998820782.0178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524263936 nr_ops:1488539
+timestamp_ms:1652998821783.1165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587278848 nr_ops:1550077
+timestamp_ms:1652998822784.2109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650080768 nr_ops:1611407
+timestamp_ms:1652998823785.3062 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1712948224 nr_ops:1672801
+timestamp_ms:1652998824786.3501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1777072128 nr_ops:1735422
+timestamp_ms:1652998825787.4016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839973376 nr_ops:1796849
+timestamp_ms:1652998826788.4438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902535680 nr_ops:1857945
+timestamp_ms:1652998827789.5088 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968620544 nr_ops:1922481
+timestamp_ms:1652998828789.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031297536 nr_ops:1983689
+timestamp_ms:1652998829790.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095672320 nr_ops:2046555
+timestamp_ms:1652998830791.8760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159176704 nr_ops:2108571
+timestamp_ms:1652998831792.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2222309376 nr_ops:2170224
+timestamp_ms:1652998832793.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2285238272 nr_ops:2231678
+timestamp_ms:1652998833795.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348014592 nr_ops:2292983
+timestamp_ms:1652998834796.1526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2406829056 nr_ops:2350419
+timestamp_ms:1652998835797.2495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469471232 nr_ops:2411593
+timestamp_ms:1652998836797.8835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532454400 nr_ops:2473100
+timestamp_ms:1652998837798.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595658752 nr_ops:2534823
+timestamp_ms:1652998838800.0144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2659427328 nr_ops:2597097
+timestamp_ms:1652998839800.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723867648 nr_ops:2660027
+timestamp_ms:1652998840801.9380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2786515968 nr_ops:2721207
+timestamp_ms:1652998841803.0342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2848988160 nr_ops:2782215
+timestamp_ms:1652998842804.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2912907264 nr_ops:2844636
+timestamp_ms:1652998843805.2219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2977067008 nr_ops:2907292
+timestamp_ms:1652998844806.3184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041884160 nr_ops:2970590
+timestamp_ms:1652998845807.4167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3106332672 nr_ops:3033528
+timestamp_ms:1652998846808.5178 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3172031488 nr_ops:3097687
+timestamp_ms:1652998847809.6260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3235214336 nr_ops:3159389
+timestamp_ms:1652998848810.7185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295006720 nr_ops:3217780
+timestamp_ms:1652998849811.8147 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358233600 nr_ops:3279525
+timestamp_ms:1652998850812.9204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3424441344 nr_ops:3344181
+timestamp_ms:1652998851813.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3488531456 nr_ops:3406769
+timestamp_ms:1652998852814.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3553035264 nr_ops:3469761
+timestamp_ms:1652998853816.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3616753664 nr_ops:3531986
+timestamp_ms:1652998854817.1426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3680799744 nr_ops:3594531
+timestamp_ms:1652998855818.2439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3743570944 nr_ops:3655831
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139675389875968
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652998857019.5793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3807634432 nr_ops:3718393
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998857019.6494 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998857019.6541 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998857119.8745 name:Total nr_bytes:3807634432 nr_ops:3718394
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998857019.7278 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7615268862 nr_ops:7436788
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998857019.7283 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3807634432 nr_ops:3718396
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 281.54us 0.00ns 281.54us 281.54us
+Txn1 1859197 32.27us 0.00ns 2.16ms 24.67us
+Txn2 1 33.22us 0.00ns 33.22us 33.22us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 281.18us 0.00ns 281.18us 281.18us
+write 1859197 3.20us 0.00ns 217.01us 2.40us
+read 1859196 28.99us 0.00ns 2.15ms 993.00ns
+disconnect 1 32.75us 0.00ns 32.75us 32.75us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.13b/s
+net1 29811 29811 259.95Mb/s 259.95Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.178 62.37s 3.55GB 488.43Mb/s 3718395 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.55GB 488.43Mb/s 3718396 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:19:57.757000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:19:57.757000', 'bytes': 62713856, 'norm_byte': 62713856, 'ops': 61244, 'norm_ops': 61244, 'norm_ltcy': 16.345769745046454, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:19:57.757000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:19:57.757000",
+ "bytes": 62713856,
+ "norm_byte": 62713856,
+ "ops": 61244,
+ "norm_ops": 61244,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.345769745046454,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a6b430ffe2582f364aa673a128b648cec16ea31abacbad8442f9f7e84d1f35c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:19:58.758000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:19:58.758000', 'bytes': 125361152, 'norm_byte': 62647296, 'ops': 122423, 'norm_ops': 61179, 'norm_ltcy': 16.36324415342683, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:19:58.758000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:19:58.758000",
+ "bytes": 125361152,
+ "norm_byte": 62647296,
+ "ops": 122423,
+ "norm_ops": 61179,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.36324415342683,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f5aa40822a32d0553725b0ea9dba86a8e63c051566910bcf7feb6f4df07f87f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:19:59.759000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:19:59.759000', 'bytes': 188273664, 'norm_byte': 62912512, 'ops': 183861, 'norm_ops': 61438, 'norm_ltcy': 16.29441771455573, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:19:59.759000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:19:59.759000",
+ "bytes": 188273664,
+ "norm_byte": 62912512,
+ "ops": 183861,
+ "norm_ops": 61438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.29441771455573,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae3522486baf8b43972c135520e818d91af9432ef130cf5131322ea334b70dcf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:00.761000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:00.761000', 'bytes': 251837440, 'norm_byte': 63563776, 'ops': 245935, 'norm_ops': 62074, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12736946275816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:00.761000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:00.761000",
+ "bytes": 251837440,
+ "norm_byte": 63563776,
+ "ops": 245935,
+ "norm_ops": 62074,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12736946275816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "357083bdfe3d3622ff68c93dcbf0e8388e2c4fc890836489c1ec2a1102670a6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:01.762000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:01.762000', 'bytes': 314889216, 'norm_byte': 63051776, 'ops': 307509, 'norm_ops': 61574, 'norm_ltcy': 16.25828509572831, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:01.762000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:01.762000",
+ "bytes": 314889216,
+ "norm_byte": 63051776,
+ "ops": 307509,
+ "norm_ops": 61574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.25828509572831,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f4564e9fe7c75d40adbc50116351e442452244f2080edd09cdb9ef1dc2fcebfc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:02.762000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:02.762000', 'bytes': 377900032, 'norm_byte': 63010816, 'ops': 369043, 'norm_ops': 61534, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26226757641101, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:02.762000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:02.762000",
+ "bytes": 377900032,
+ "norm_byte": 63010816,
+ "ops": 369043,
+ "norm_ops": 61534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26226757641101,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a746800804d1fc5039e52a72d8ccb474545cd72a11f3a5daa50cb55c777750a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:03.763000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:03.763000', 'bytes': 441404416, 'norm_byte': 63504384, 'ops': 431059, 'norm_ops': 62016, 'norm_ltcy': 16.142546946050214, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:03.763000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:03.763000",
+ "bytes": 441404416,
+ "norm_byte": 63504384,
+ "ops": 431059,
+ "norm_ops": 62016,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.142546946050214,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4aa1bf9413815b658f46d3ab463d9a4524e26aff42fec5d925448918494e55db",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:04.765000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:04.765000', 'bytes': 504707072, 'norm_byte': 63302656, 'ops': 492878, 'norm_ops': 61819, 'norm_ltcy': 16.193961119103754, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:04.765000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:04.765000",
+ "bytes": 504707072,
+ "norm_byte": 63302656,
+ "ops": 492878,
+ "norm_ops": 61819,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.193961119103754,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a868e54621faa0f127b3df5a0fc8fb64295f2f3802cae23470d78ee52ede0105",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:05.766000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:05.766000', 'bytes': 568298496, 'norm_byte': 63591424, 'ops': 554979, 'norm_ops': 62101, 'norm_ltcy': 16.120412714771096, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:05.766000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:05.766000",
+ "bytes": 568298496,
+ "norm_byte": 63591424,
+ "ops": 554979,
+ "norm_ops": 62101,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.120412714771096,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e08fe228827bfffee16c3085b6736ed1072b46e0819ca688463cbb8de197a35b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:06.767000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:06.767000', 'bytes': 631393280, 'norm_byte': 63094784, 'ops': 616595, 'norm_ops': 61616, 'norm_ltcy': 16.248664865862764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:06.767000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:06.767000",
+ "bytes": 631393280,
+ "norm_byte": 63094784,
+ "ops": 616595,
+ "norm_ops": 61616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.248664865862764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c8112257359c8f4534cbb95572985b6eeae097fce23f99e17db7be98f88bf07",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:07.768000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:07.768000', 'bytes': 694738944, 'norm_byte': 63345664, 'ops': 678456, 'norm_ops': 61861, 'norm_ltcy': 16.182891381484296, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:07.768000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:07.768000",
+ "bytes": 694738944,
+ "norm_byte": 63345664,
+ "ops": 678456,
+ "norm_ops": 61861,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.182891381484296,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9dc7100083615ac30acb8f63afeb88d7a463ddbdb9b19fafb93b77543d8423cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:08.769000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:08.769000', 'bytes': 757932032, 'norm_byte': 63193088, 'ops': 740168, 'norm_ops': 61712, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22202336432744, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:08.769000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:08.769000",
+ "bytes": 757932032,
+ "norm_byte": 63193088,
+ "ops": 740168,
+ "norm_ops": 61712,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22202336432744,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ef57ec3d7ec03e03e9198c79462a7ddbab5a779b51867222c1326c42f06620b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:09.770000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:09.770000', 'bytes': 821173248, 'norm_byte': 63241216, 'ops': 801927, 'norm_ops': 61759, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20873324130896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:09.770000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:09.770000",
+ "bytes": 821173248,
+ "norm_byte": 63241216,
+ "ops": 801927,
+ "norm_ops": 61759,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20873324130896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8b85ca6a617f1fdef22499cc0fbfeec0d5dd3b80d766f11f363a2519c6c680a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:10.771000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:10.771000', 'bytes': 883766272, 'norm_byte': 62593024, 'ops': 863053, 'norm_ops': 61126, 'norm_ltcy': 16.377480020776755, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:10.771000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:10.771000",
+ "bytes": 883766272,
+ "norm_byte": 62593024,
+ "ops": 863053,
+ "norm_ops": 61126,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.377480020776755,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19e8d410ca0c9452aa6b40184be153cb986ee9022a851579aa9622bb9eceb0e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:11.772000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:11.772000', 'bytes': 946625536, 'norm_byte': 62859264, 'ops': 924439, 'norm_ops': 61386, 'norm_ltcy': 16.30722640977788, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:11.772000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:11.772000",
+ "bytes": 946625536,
+ "norm_byte": 62859264,
+ "ops": 924439,
+ "norm_ops": 61386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.30722640977788,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfcdaf87936f296ed179f42da7a201e0d7407761afc258a8b2f7e4779809fb14",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:12.773000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:12.773000', 'bytes': 1010056192, 'norm_byte': 63430656, 'ops': 986383, 'norm_ops': 61944, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16037598602165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:12.773000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:12.773000",
+ "bytes": 1010056192,
+ "norm_byte": 63430656,
+ "ops": 986383,
+ "norm_ops": 61944,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16037598602165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6619d5dc92b4b2be1994f9ac0ba2bd2f13ddebad7bd0a57afb10bc388c41ec47",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:13.774000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:13.774000', 'bytes': 1073443840, 'norm_byte': 63387648, 'ops': 1048285, 'norm_ops': 61902, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17227144947861, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:13.774000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:13.774000",
+ "bytes": 1073443840,
+ "norm_byte": 63387648,
+ "ops": 1048285,
+ "norm_ops": 61902,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17227144947861,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3aec08528c4a97f425128adcd11ef7a210f884b1113dce9bd59cc58460b55bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:14.775000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:14.775000', 'bytes': 1138705408, 'norm_byte': 65261568, 'ops': 1112017, 'norm_ops': 63732, 'norm_ltcy': 15.707855042649298, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:14.775000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:14.775000",
+ "bytes": 1138705408,
+ "norm_byte": 65261568,
+ "ops": 1112017,
+ "norm_ops": 63732,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.707855042649298,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b830d276fc3a049f10e374ccae64304993e6f19e9e8ff7ef33f330d6268b1ddf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:15.776000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:15.776000', 'bytes': 1201155072, 'norm_byte': 62449664, 'ops': 1173003, 'norm_ops': 60986, 'norm_ltcy': 16.415120343962137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:15.776000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:15.776000",
+ "bytes": 1201155072,
+ "norm_byte": 62449664,
+ "ops": 1173003,
+ "norm_ops": 60986,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.415120343962137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da7918f82b9be972274860eaefb413583c8ed5882353c1c73d47c288772c415e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:16.778000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:16.778000', 'bytes': 1263038464, 'norm_byte': 61883392, 'ops': 1233436, 'norm_ops': 60433, 'norm_ltcy': 16.565361349293845, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:16.778000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:16.778000",
+ "bytes": 1263038464,
+ "norm_byte": 61883392,
+ "ops": 1233436,
+ "norm_ops": 60433,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.565361349293845,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d628e734673598aeaec6240dab3b0d7053b1115548b9b14fb046996cd32421e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:17.779000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:17.779000', 'bytes': 1327590400, 'norm_byte': 64551936, 'ops': 1296475, 'norm_ops': 63039, 'norm_ltcy': 15.88055004268191, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:17.779000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:17.779000",
+ "bytes": 1327590400,
+ "norm_byte": 64551936,
+ "ops": 1296475,
+ "norm_ops": 63039,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.88055004268191,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bfcc63f18c2ed036c000c7c050f38f60859ce6717d3c541e97dd883c68bfb5f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:18.779000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:18.779000', 'bytes': 1390932992, 'norm_byte': 63342592, 'ops': 1358333, 'norm_ops': 61858, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17709297402923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:18.779000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:18.779000",
+ "bytes": 1390932992,
+ "norm_byte": 63342592,
+ "ops": 1358333,
+ "norm_ops": 61858,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17709297402923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50e9ba3115b3d148ca25996824f1e47a77028b9b48b6be1574415a80ba322b04",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:19.780000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:19.780000', 'bytes': 1458299904, 'norm_byte': 67366912, 'ops': 1424121, 'norm_ops': 65788, 'norm_ltcy': 15.21692503880837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:19.780000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:19.780000",
+ "bytes": 1458299904,
+ "norm_byte": 67366912,
+ "ops": 1424121,
+ "norm_ops": 65788,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.21692503880837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed7d74e7481d3d7eca85d5b80df1ad382a8c20c7f0258115c46fb9e0c88a9851",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:20.782000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:20.782000', 'bytes': 1524263936, 'norm_byte': 65964032, 'ops': 1488539, 'norm_ops': 64418, 'norm_ltcy': 15.540590362942034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:20.782000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:20.782000",
+ "bytes": 1524263936,
+ "norm_byte": 65964032,
+ "ops": 1488539,
+ "norm_ops": 64418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.540590362942034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ee18149f6b08949147d998a045309b2e2b9495dfff686811b3a53dcc0200b85",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:21.783000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:21.783000', 'bytes': 1587278848, 'norm_byte': 63014912, 'ops': 1550077, 'norm_ops': 61538, 'norm_ltcy': 16.267974793014073, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:21.783000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:21.783000",
+ "bytes": 1587278848,
+ "norm_byte": 63014912,
+ "ops": 1550077,
+ "norm_ops": 61538,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.267974793014073,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "61943dfda21842670f0d387ba909d6039a243648a5e3786aeca5b18a919f5a68",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:22.784000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:22.784000', 'bytes': 1650080768, 'norm_byte': 62801920, 'ops': 1611407, 'norm_ops': 61330, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3230797720834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:22.784000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:22.784000",
+ "bytes": 1650080768,
+ "norm_byte": 62801920,
+ "ops": 1611407,
+ "norm_ops": 61330,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3230797720834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "040e527616a0fee8dce2ec0f343aed32a28c82c2537be009174b853e33b11142",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:23.785000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:23.785000', 'bytes': 1712948224, 'norm_byte': 62867456, 'ops': 1672801, 'norm_ops': 61394, 'norm_ltcy': 16.306075754043555, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:23.785000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:23.785000",
+ "bytes": 1712948224,
+ "norm_byte": 62867456,
+ "ops": 1672801,
+ "norm_ops": 61394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.306075754043555,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1cae72724ad93912d9dd874467c67e5a9d365afd8cdebf2e042194424c037a9e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:24.786000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:24.786000', 'bytes': 1777072128, 'norm_byte': 64123904, 'ops': 1735422, 'norm_ops': 62621, 'norm_ltcy': 15.98575470389326, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:24.786000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:24.786000",
+ "bytes": 1777072128,
+ "norm_byte": 64123904,
+ "ops": 1735422,
+ "norm_ops": 62621,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.98575470389326,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "121694adb6d4063ee17e56eaead76b5d82d918b927b11b33aa3823742e93c2d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:25.787000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:25.787000', 'bytes': 1839973376, 'norm_byte': 62901248, 'ops': 1796849, 'norm_ops': 61427, 'norm_ltcy': 16.29660432174573, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:25.787000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:25.787000",
+ "bytes": 1839973376,
+ "norm_byte": 62901248,
+ "ops": 1796849,
+ "norm_ops": 61427,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.29660432174573,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "580c98cd5797f6fc33f5e74b785dbc68b4a132abaa183e50576f00425f586285",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:26.788000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:26.788000', 'bytes': 1902535680, 'norm_byte': 62562304, 'ops': 1857945, 'norm_ops': 61096, 'norm_ltcy': 16.384742639913004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:26.788000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:26.788000",
+ "bytes": 1902535680,
+ "norm_byte": 62562304,
+ "ops": 1857945,
+ "norm_ops": 61096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.384742639913004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66c2e58e7da8dc80957fbd9484e7aef64e60a10ba0bd6b61b3726f4192b6787b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:27.789000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:27.789000', 'bytes': 1968620544, 'norm_byte': 66084864, 'ops': 1922481, 'norm_ops': 64536, 'norm_ltcy': 15.51172897927126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:27.789000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:27.789000",
+ "bytes": 1968620544,
+ "norm_byte": 66084864,
+ "ops": 1922481,
+ "norm_ops": 64536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.51172897927126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "211b623794a9f333e4c60ac0b5fbb2da12dbe653a2f5fbaef7cd4778bb19e185",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:28.789000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:28.789000', 'bytes': 2031297536, 'norm_byte': 62676992, 'ops': 1983689, 'norm_ops': 61208, 'norm_ltcy': 16.345188518300304, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:28.789000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:28.789000",
+ "bytes": 2031297536,
+ "norm_byte": 62676992,
+ "ops": 1983689,
+ "norm_ops": 61208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.345188518300304,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "97a3d71f4440e8385791212bffbdf10c444dfef7ab82505687ffcec5252fbfaa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:29.790000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:29.790000', 'bytes': 2095672320, 'norm_byte': 64374784, 'ops': 2046555, 'norm_ops': 62866, 'norm_ltcy': 15.920752448660643, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:29.790000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:29.790000",
+ "bytes": 2095672320,
+ "norm_byte": 64374784,
+ "ops": 2046555,
+ "norm_ops": 62866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.920752448660643,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5ae095623143f63694c1fcfa8e26fcdb226ad7620bd79661bd7112761d0b265",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:30.791000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:30.791000', 'bytes': 2159176704, 'norm_byte': 63504384, 'ops': 2108571, 'norm_ops': 62016, 'norm_ltcy': 16.141590319181745, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:30.791000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:30.791000",
+ "bytes": 2159176704,
+ "norm_byte": 63504384,
+ "ops": 2108571,
+ "norm_ops": 62016,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.141590319181745,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2103bb428cf9a500f0116083a9355bf6f1d0f1a79a739adb585c59fd71fffc56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:31.792000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:31.792000', 'bytes': 2222309376, 'norm_byte': 63132672, 'ops': 2170224, 'norm_ops': 61653, 'norm_ltcy': 16.236866229897572, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:31.792000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:31.792000",
+ "bytes": 2222309376,
+ "norm_byte": 63132672,
+ "ops": 2170224,
+ "norm_ops": 61653,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.236866229897572,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c0b21c5704ff5747b262740e8216560a3fe3d2a16eb9947914ab5701b21c0fa6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:32.793000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:32.793000', 'bytes': 2285238272, 'norm_byte': 62928896, 'ops': 2231678, 'norm_ops': 61454, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28915832243426, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:32.793000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:32.793000",
+ "bytes": 2285238272,
+ "norm_byte": 62928896,
+ "ops": 2231678,
+ "norm_ops": 61454,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28915832243426,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3be9c913a2f0d3c299dbc76cc6dd351cb62dc948457ea9fb1d1ddc42fcd0cb29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:33.795000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:33.795000', 'bytes': 2348014592, 'norm_byte': 62776320, 'ops': 2292983, 'norm_ops': 61305, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32981990661447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:33.795000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:33.795000",
+ "bytes": 2348014592,
+ "norm_byte": 62776320,
+ "ops": 2292983,
+ "norm_ops": 61305,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32981990661447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86a4e1b33e9498fab5dc67b439167bf067ae09055fc804cfe34aa3445a94a9c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:34.796000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:34.796000', 'bytes': 2406829056, 'norm_byte': 58814464, 'ops': 2350419, 'norm_ops': 57436, 'norm_ltcy': 17.42968787405765, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:34.796000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:34.796000",
+ "bytes": 2406829056,
+ "norm_byte": 58814464,
+ "ops": 2350419,
+ "norm_ops": 57436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.42968787405765,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e08ac50ca5f273c197ff9fb11f774bafa90d8785b3ea2d437c4575771494da4c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:35.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:35.797000', 'bytes': 2469471232, 'norm_byte': 62642176, 'ops': 2411593, 'norm_ops': 61174, 'norm_ltcy': 16.364745215747295, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:35.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:35.797000",
+ "bytes": 2469471232,
+ "norm_byte": 62642176,
+ "ops": 2411593,
+ "norm_ops": 61174,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.364745215747295,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f22c0eab9ae3283119226ede3c1a40b41ef56fc6633e0fd89d28212d443b19d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:36.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:36.797000', 'bytes': 2532454400, 'norm_byte': 62983168, 'ops': 2473100, 'norm_ops': 61507, 'norm_ltcy': 16.268620371715823, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:36.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:36.797000",
+ "bytes": 2532454400,
+ "norm_byte": 62983168,
+ "ops": 2473100,
+ "norm_ops": 61507,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.268620371715823,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c05f1932b4dc0c90504aca8f4619a1df1b9d3b16ae71f0c54c590ac9a54ceaec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:37.798000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:37.798000', 'bytes': 2595658752, 'norm_byte': 63204352, 'ops': 2534823, 'norm_ops': 61723, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21822655503216, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:37.798000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:37.798000",
+ "bytes": 2595658752,
+ "norm_byte": 63204352,
+ "ops": 2534823,
+ "norm_ops": 61723,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21822655503216,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e9509505cd28491c3fa0be2037ef541a06b0ea1f04e805acfb65a9dda40a9d16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:38.800000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:38.800000', 'bytes': 2659427328, 'norm_byte': 63768576, 'ops': 2597097, 'norm_ops': 62274, 'norm_ltcy': 16.075621635333363, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:38.800000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:38.800000",
+ "bytes": 2659427328,
+ "norm_byte": 63768576,
+ "ops": 2597097,
+ "norm_ops": 62274,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.075621635333363,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "854cf2a4d1aedcfbd499af6766bc894bb7e1a4a164599bf187f026969f91154a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:39.800000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:39.800000', 'bytes': 2723867648, 'norm_byte': 64440320, 'ops': 2660027, 'norm_ops': 62930, 'norm_ltcy': 15.903680335541473, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:39.800000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:39.800000",
+ "bytes": 2723867648,
+ "norm_byte": 64440320,
+ "ops": 2660027,
+ "norm_ops": 62930,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.903680335541473,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c1ffe7d4918ef431b3a3bd1aac13716f2176edf3c3a90706c91b5b1b1b7fffd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:40.801000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:40.801000', 'bytes': 2786515968, 'norm_byte': 62648320, 'ops': 2721207, 'norm_ops': 61180, 'norm_ltcy': 16.363271991970414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:40.801000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:40.801000",
+ "bytes": 2786515968,
+ "norm_byte": 62648320,
+ "ops": 2721207,
+ "norm_ops": 61180,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.363271991970414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "125d1058cb3a1038a827828d17c776aab02ad324042e190c223f066d7044ee03",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:41.803000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:41.803000', 'bytes': 2848988160, 'norm_byte': 62472192, 'ops': 2782215, 'norm_ops': 61008, 'norm_ltcy': 16.409260939651357, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:41.803000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:41.803000",
+ "bytes": 2848988160,
+ "norm_byte": 62472192,
+ "ops": 2782215,
+ "norm_ops": 61008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.409260939651357,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c257668fbc8db9f44f5f339e9b4f6f049ab17c8c438358cd1f4f7620200ce52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:42.804000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:42.804000', 'bytes': 2912907264, 'norm_byte': 63919104, 'ops': 2844636, 'norm_ops': 62421, 'norm_ltcy': 16.03779521064626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:42.804000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:42.804000",
+ "bytes": 2912907264,
+ "norm_byte": 63919104,
+ "ops": 2844636,
+ "norm_ops": 62421,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.03779521064626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a3232372e4c2a1a116dfd1288c403fc67a30afd9c5bb339ae65cd4817500b7f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:43.805000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:43.805000', 'bytes': 2977067008, 'norm_byte': 64159744, 'ops': 2907292, 'norm_ops': 62656, 'norm_ltcy': 15.977600378205999, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:43.805000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:43.805000",
+ "bytes": 2977067008,
+ "norm_byte": 64159744,
+ "ops": 2907292,
+ "norm_ops": 62656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.977600378205999,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b45686287880ff36e03e6fb2291a9b27b09f1d961d4f6c4bf677a0cc4635dff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:44.806000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:44.806000', 'bytes': 3041884160, 'norm_byte': 64817152, 'ops': 2970590, 'norm_ops': 63298, 'norm_ltcy': 15.815609269595802, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:44.806000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:44.806000",
+ "bytes": 3041884160,
+ "norm_byte": 64817152,
+ "ops": 2970590,
+ "norm_ops": 63298,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.815609269595802,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d9416593eaa5842d405773ca1cb1df60ec09aaaa7d68730b2fb0c3ad859473e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:45.807000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:45.807000', 'bytes': 3106332672, 'norm_byte': 64448512, 'ops': 3033528, 'norm_ops': 62938, 'norm_ltcy': 15.906104240234438, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:45.807000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:45.807000",
+ "bytes": 3106332672,
+ "norm_byte": 64448512,
+ "ops": 3033528,
+ "norm_ops": 62938,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.906104240234438,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "212cdb58c93f719b4511b00200c13e19388c56edfc89828002871c9776eed4d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:46.808000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:46.808000', 'bytes': 3172031488, 'norm_byte': 65698816, 'ops': 3097687, 'norm_ops': 64159, 'norm_ltcy': 15.60343948968578, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:46.808000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:46.808000",
+ "bytes": 3172031488,
+ "norm_byte": 65698816,
+ "ops": 3097687,
+ "norm_ops": 64159,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.60343948968578,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68ac6584c7fbbfa7f5dede39e4ef3415fdd351e0c7dd90669138869cf6ac6a5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:47.809000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:47.809000', 'bytes': 3235214336, 'norm_byte': 63182848, 'ops': 3159389, 'norm_ops': 61702, 'norm_ltcy': 16.224889862514587, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:47.809000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:47.809000",
+ "bytes": 3235214336,
+ "norm_byte": 63182848,
+ "ops": 3159389,
+ "norm_ops": 61702,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.224889862514587,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a7804d1545072705ee48a0a3a52f91d3c06c1c53e685c79ad4fd76250f75c99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:48.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:48.810000', 'bytes': 3295006720, 'norm_byte': 59792384, 'ops': 3217780, 'norm_ops': 58391, 'norm_ltcy': 17.14463751771463, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:48.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:48.810000",
+ "bytes": 3295006720,
+ "norm_byte": 59792384,
+ "ops": 3217780,
+ "norm_ops": 58391,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.14463751771463,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b96ee9cb5ca7d1d38f6acf411d7c8295b98b82466e46cace3c44355dda669729",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:49.811000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:49.811000', 'bytes': 3358233600, 'norm_byte': 63226880, 'ops': 3279525, 'norm_ops': 61745, 'norm_ltcy': 16.213396897015954, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:49.811000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:49.811000",
+ "bytes": 3358233600,
+ "norm_byte": 63226880,
+ "ops": 3279525,
+ "norm_ops": 61745,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.213396897015954,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "63039c6eb4b4bcd6ef6f1e3383c1561b0b35b75afff61f3a9470ae982f4ffffa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:50.812000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:50.812000', 'bytes': 3424441344, 'norm_byte': 66207744, 'ops': 3344181, 'norm_ops': 64656, 'norm_ltcy': 15.48357016967683, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:50.812000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:50.812000",
+ "bytes": 3424441344,
+ "norm_byte": 66207744,
+ "ops": 3344181,
+ "norm_ops": 64656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.48357016967683,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74e79ba0d6a679a2f949871a0a0e00217abb170b53a5a338c7dc4f8db5530052",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:51.813000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:51.813000', 'bytes': 3488531456, 'norm_byte': 64090112, 'ops': 3406769, 'norm_ops': 62588, 'norm_ltcy': 15.992131516325014, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:51.813000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:51.813000",
+ "bytes": 3488531456,
+ "norm_byte": 64090112,
+ "ops": 3406769,
+ "norm_ops": 62588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.992131516325014,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec14c5992544ba081c1a1c2926ad474febdfb93b8c4e56c61390918744dc51fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:52.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:52.814000', 'bytes': 3553035264, 'norm_byte': 64503808, 'ops': 3469761, 'norm_ops': 62992, 'norm_ltcy': 15.890941663475123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:52.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:52.814000",
+ "bytes": 3553035264,
+ "norm_byte": 64503808,
+ "ops": 3469761,
+ "norm_ops": 62992,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.890941663475123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f17897f5b2c6560f2c3b54a1cfde797b7a786d12b9f2064361dfcbec3b20da30",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:53.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:53.816000', 'bytes': 3616753664, 'norm_byte': 63718400, 'ops': 3531986, 'norm_ops': 62225, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09001481518682, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:53.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:53.816000",
+ "bytes": 3616753664,
+ "norm_byte": 63718400,
+ "ops": 3531986,
+ "norm_ops": 62225,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09001481518682,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0250de5b844804adb5948ff3f9b018067f480e764fd0c237d4894403675a449d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:54.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:54.817000', 'bytes': 3680799744, 'norm_byte': 64046080, 'ops': 3594531, 'norm_ops': 62545, 'norm_ltcy': 16.00612793163922, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:54.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:54.817000",
+ "bytes": 3680799744,
+ "norm_byte": 64046080,
+ "ops": 3594531,
+ "norm_ops": 62545,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.00612793163922,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f80b81493421327712ad2639407ca688dca7af0782ca001fd50f1496a31122e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:55.818000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:55.818000', 'bytes': 3743570944, 'norm_byte': 62771200, 'ops': 3655831, 'norm_ops': 61300, 'norm_ltcy': 16.33117974485114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:55.818000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:55.818000",
+ "bytes": 3743570944,
+ "norm_byte": 62771200,
+ "ops": 3655831,
+ "norm_ops": 61300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.33117974485114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f1619762fe1c1bf3d251f3bac026c1b08d2bda26c8b366f5bb2119f9c16b04de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:20:57.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:20:57.019000', 'bytes': 3807634432, 'norm_byte': 64063488, 'ops': 3718393, 'norm_ops': 62562, 'norm_ltcy': 19.20231848756034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:20:57.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:20:57.019000",
+ "bytes": 3807634432,
+ "norm_byte": 64063488,
+ "ops": 3718393,
+ "norm_ops": 62562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.20231848756034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "af83d52c-6232-5be0-8f5b-6d6ab5257215",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a000e1b35dd980a52d56e04cef01f389e4c6637fbd766db001200e89ee20b0a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63460573.86666667
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61973.21666666667
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.594325157714884
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:20:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-083-220519221711/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-083-220519221711/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b3c8ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-083-220519221711/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-083-220519221711/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-083-220519221711/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-083-220519221711/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-083-220519221711/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-083-220519221711/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a504baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-083-220519221711/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=140
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-084-220519221913/220519221913-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-084-220519221913/220519221913-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26510cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-084-220519221913/220519221913-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:21:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998917627.4011 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998918628.5178 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998918628.6040 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998919628.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63392768 nr_ops:61907\ntimestamp_ms:1652998920629.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126368768 nr_ops:123407\ntimestamp_ms:1652998921631.0193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190046208 nr_ops:185592\ntimestamp_ms:1652998922632.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253087744 nr_ops:247156\ntimestamp_ms:1652998923633.1987 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316275712 nr_ops:308863\ntimestamp_ms:1652998924633.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379497472 nr_ops:370603\ntimestamp_ms:1652998925634.8687 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441754624 nr_ops:431401\ntimestamp_ms:1652998926635.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504488960 nr_ops:492665\ntimestamp_ms:1652998927637.0034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567843840 nr_ops:554535\ntimestamp_ms:1652998928638.0989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631237632 nr_ops:616443\ntimestamp_ms:1652998929639.2158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694836224 nr_ops:678551\ntimestamp_ms:1652998930640.3071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756742144 nr_ops:739006\ntimestamp_ms:1652998931641.3955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820096000 nr_ops:800875\ntimestamp_ms:1652998932642.4949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883349504 nr_ops:862646\ntimestamp_ms:1652998933643.5981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946887680 nr_ops:924695\ntimestamp_ms:1652998934644.6306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010238464 nr_ops:986561\ntimestamp_ms:1652998935645.6655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073580032 nr_ops:1048418\ntimestamp_ms:1652998936646.7576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138158592 nr_ops:1111483\ntimestamp_ms:1652998937647.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201239040 nr_ops:1173085\ntimestamp_ms:1652998938648.9482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263993856 nr_ops:1234369\ntimestamp_ms:1652998939649.9824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1326435328 nr_ops:1295347\ntimestamp_ms:1652998940651.0205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1389753344 nr_ops:1357181\ntimestamp_ms:1652998941652.0703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1453964288 nr_ops:1419887\ntimestamp_ms:1652998942653.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517644800 nr_ops:1482075\ntimestamp_ms:1652998943654.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581200384 nr_ops:1544141\ntimestamp_ms:1652998944655.3669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1644216320 nr_ops:1605680\ntimestamp_ms:1652998945656.4585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1707332608 nr_ops:1667317\ntimestamp_ms:1652998946657.5532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1771334656 nr_ops:1729819\ntimestamp_ms:1652998947658.6665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834060800 nr_ops:1791075\ntimestamp_ms:1652998948659.7539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1897299968 nr_ops:1852832\ntimestamp_ms:1652998949660.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961030656 nr_ops:1915069\ntimestamp_ms:1652998950661.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024981504 nr_ops:1977521\ntimestamp_ms:1652998951663.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087113728 nr_ops:2038197\ntimestamp_ms:1652998952663.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2150364160 nr_ops:2099965\ntimestamp_ms:1652998953664.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2214245376 nr_ops:2162349\ntimestamp_ms:1652998954665.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2277427200 nr_ops:2224050\ntimestamp_ms:1652998955667.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341665792 nr_ops:2286783\ntimestamp_ms:1652998956668.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405400576 nr_ops:2349024\ntimestamp_ms:1652998957669.2146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469002240 nr_ops:2411135\ntimestamp_ms:1652998958670.3101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530749440 nr_ops:2471435\ntimestamp_ms:1652998959671.3423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2592984064 nr_ops:2532211\ntimestamp_ms:1652998960671.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2655990784 nr_ops:2593741\ntimestamp_ms:1652998961672.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2720209920 nr_ops:2656455\ntimestamp_ms:1652998962674.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2787439616 nr_ops:2722109\ntimestamp_ms:1652998963675.0994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2854633472 nr_ops:2787728\ntimestamp_ms:1652998964676.1914 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921881600 nr_ops:2853400\ntimestamp_ms:1652998965677.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2985657344 nr_ops:2915681\ntimestamp_ms:1652998966678.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049368576 nr_ops:2977899\ntimestamp_ms:1652998967679.4460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3114364928 nr_ops:3041372\ntimestamp_ms:1652998968680.5344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3181022208 nr_ops:3106467\ntimestamp_ms:1652998969681.6282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3248619520 nr_ops:3172480\ntimestamp_ms:1652998970682.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317283840 nr_ops:3239535\ntimestamp_ms:1652998971683.8137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3385615360 nr_ops:3306265\ntimestamp_ms:1652998972684.9634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3452488704 nr_ops:3371571\ntimestamp_ms:1652998973686.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3517930496 nr_ops:3435479\ntimestamp_ms:1652998974687.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3586589696 nr_ops:3502529\ntimestamp_ms:1652998975688.2332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3651431424 nr_ops:3565851\ntimestamp_ms:1652998976689.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3716725760 nr_ops:3629615\ntimestamp_ms:1652998977690.4189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3779509248 nr_ops:3690927\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140608440682240\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.6936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3844652032 nr_ops:3754543\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.7295 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.7332 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978991.9517 name:Total nr_bytes:3844652032 nr_ops:3754544\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.8174 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7689304062 nr_ops:7509088\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.8179 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3844652032 nr_ops:3754546\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 278.96us 0.00ns 278.96us 278.96us \nTxn1 1877272 31.94us 0.00ns 4.10ms 26.04us \nTxn2 1 36.20us 0.00ns 36.20us 36.20us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 278.26us 0.00ns 278.26us 278.26us \nwrite 1877272 3.19us 0.00ns 301.79us 2.48us \nread 1877271 28.67us 0.00ns 4.10ms 6.39us \ndisconnect 1 35.83us 0.00ns 35.83us 35.83us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.75b/s \nnet1 30101 30101 262.48Mb/s 262.48Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.179 62.37s 3.58GB 493.17Mb/s 3754546 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.58GB 493.18Mb/s 3754546 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415882, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998917627.4011 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998918628.5178 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998918628.6040 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998919628.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63392768 nr_ops:61907\ntimestamp_ms:1652998920629.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126368768 nr_ops:123407\ntimestamp_ms:1652998921631.0193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190046208 nr_ops:185592\ntimestamp_ms:1652998922632.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253087744 nr_ops:247156\ntimestamp_ms:1652998923633.1987 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316275712 nr_ops:308863\ntimestamp_ms:1652998924633.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379497472 nr_ops:370603\ntimestamp_ms:1652998925634.8687 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441754624 nr_ops:431401\ntimestamp_ms:1652998926635.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504488960 nr_ops:492665\ntimestamp_ms:1652998927637.0034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567843840 nr_ops:554535\ntimestamp_ms:1652998928638.0989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631237632 nr_ops:616443\ntimestamp_ms:1652998929639.2158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694836224 nr_ops:678551\ntimestamp_ms:1652998930640.3071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756742144 nr_ops:739006\ntimestamp_ms:1652998931641.3955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820096000 nr_ops:800875\ntimestamp_ms:1652998932642.4949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883349504 nr_ops:862646\ntimestamp_ms:1652998933643.5981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946887680 nr_ops:924695\ntimestamp_ms:1652998934644.6306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010238464 nr_ops:986561\ntimestamp_ms:1652998935645.6655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073580032 nr_ops:1048418\ntimestamp_ms:1652998936646.7576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138158592 nr_ops:1111483\ntimestamp_ms:1652998937647.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201239040 nr_ops:1173085\ntimestamp_ms:1652998938648.9482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263993856 nr_ops:1234369\ntimestamp_ms:1652998939649.9824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1326435328 nr_ops:1295347\ntimestamp_ms:1652998940651.0205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1389753344 nr_ops:1357181\ntimestamp_ms:1652998941652.0703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1453964288 nr_ops:1419887\ntimestamp_ms:1652998942653.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517644800 nr_ops:1482075\ntimestamp_ms:1652998943654.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581200384 nr_ops:1544141\ntimestamp_ms:1652998944655.3669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1644216320 nr_ops:1605680\ntimestamp_ms:1652998945656.4585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1707332608 nr_ops:1667317\ntimestamp_ms:1652998946657.5532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1771334656 nr_ops:1729819\ntimestamp_ms:1652998947658.6665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834060800 nr_ops:1791075\ntimestamp_ms:1652998948659.7539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1897299968 nr_ops:1852832\ntimestamp_ms:1652998949660.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961030656 nr_ops:1915069\ntimestamp_ms:1652998950661.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024981504 nr_ops:1977521\ntimestamp_ms:1652998951663.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087113728 nr_ops:2038197\ntimestamp_ms:1652998952663.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2150364160 nr_ops:2099965\ntimestamp_ms:1652998953664.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2214245376 nr_ops:2162349\ntimestamp_ms:1652998954665.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2277427200 nr_ops:2224050\ntimestamp_ms:1652998955667.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341665792 nr_ops:2286783\ntimestamp_ms:1652998956668.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405400576 nr_ops:2349024\ntimestamp_ms:1652998957669.2146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469002240 nr_ops:2411135\ntimestamp_ms:1652998958670.3101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530749440 nr_ops:2471435\ntimestamp_ms:1652998959671.3423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2592984064 nr_ops:2532211\ntimestamp_ms:1652998960671.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2655990784 nr_ops:2593741\ntimestamp_ms:1652998961672.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2720209920 nr_ops:2656455\ntimestamp_ms:1652998962674.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2787439616 nr_ops:2722109\ntimestamp_ms:1652998963675.0994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2854633472 nr_ops:2787728\ntimestamp_ms:1652998964676.1914 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921881600 nr_ops:2853400\ntimestamp_ms:1652998965677.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2985657344 nr_ops:2915681\ntimestamp_ms:1652998966678.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049368576 nr_ops:2977899\ntimestamp_ms:1652998967679.4460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3114364928 nr_ops:3041372\ntimestamp_ms:1652998968680.5344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3181022208 nr_ops:3106467\ntimestamp_ms:1652998969681.6282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3248619520 nr_ops:3172480\ntimestamp_ms:1652998970682.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317283840 nr_ops:3239535\ntimestamp_ms:1652998971683.8137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3385615360 nr_ops:3306265\ntimestamp_ms:1652998972684.9634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3452488704 nr_ops:3371571\ntimestamp_ms:1652998973686.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3517930496 nr_ops:3435479\ntimestamp_ms:1652998974687.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3586589696 nr_ops:3502529\ntimestamp_ms:1652998975688.2332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3651431424 nr_ops:3565851\ntimestamp_ms:1652998976689.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3716725760 nr_ops:3629615\ntimestamp_ms:1652998977690.4189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3779509248 nr_ops:3690927\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140608440682240\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.6936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3844652032 nr_ops:3754543\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.7295 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.7332 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978991.9517 name:Total nr_bytes:3844652032 nr_ops:3754544\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.8174 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7689304062 nr_ops:7509088\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.8179 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3844652032 nr_ops:3754546\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 278.96us 0.00ns 278.96us 278.96us \nTxn1 1877272 31.94us 0.00ns 4.10ms 26.04us \nTxn2 1 36.20us 0.00ns 36.20us 36.20us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 278.26us 0.00ns 278.26us 278.26us \nwrite 1877272 3.19us 0.00ns 301.79us 2.48us \nread 1877271 28.67us 0.00ns 4.10ms 6.39us \ndisconnect 1 35.83us 0.00ns 35.83us 35.83us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.75b/s \nnet1 30101 30101 262.48Mb/s 262.48Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.179 62.37s 3.58GB 493.17Mb/s 3754546 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.58GB 493.18Mb/s 3754546 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415882, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998917627.4011 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998918628.5178 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998918628.6040 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998919628.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63392768 nr_ops:61907\ntimestamp_ms:1652998920629.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126368768 nr_ops:123407\ntimestamp_ms:1652998921631.0193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190046208 nr_ops:185592\ntimestamp_ms:1652998922632.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253087744 nr_ops:247156\ntimestamp_ms:1652998923633.1987 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316275712 nr_ops:308863\ntimestamp_ms:1652998924633.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379497472 nr_ops:370603\ntimestamp_ms:1652998925634.8687 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441754624 nr_ops:431401\ntimestamp_ms:1652998926635.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504488960 nr_ops:492665\ntimestamp_ms:1652998927637.0034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567843840 nr_ops:554535\ntimestamp_ms:1652998928638.0989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631237632 nr_ops:616443\ntimestamp_ms:1652998929639.2158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694836224 nr_ops:678551\ntimestamp_ms:1652998930640.3071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756742144 nr_ops:739006\ntimestamp_ms:1652998931641.3955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820096000 nr_ops:800875\ntimestamp_ms:1652998932642.4949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883349504 nr_ops:862646\ntimestamp_ms:1652998933643.5981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946887680 nr_ops:924695\ntimestamp_ms:1652998934644.6306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010238464 nr_ops:986561\ntimestamp_ms:1652998935645.6655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073580032 nr_ops:1048418\ntimestamp_ms:1652998936646.7576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138158592 nr_ops:1111483\ntimestamp_ms:1652998937647.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201239040 nr_ops:1173085\ntimestamp_ms:1652998938648.9482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263993856 nr_ops:1234369\ntimestamp_ms:1652998939649.9824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1326435328 nr_ops:1295347\ntimestamp_ms:1652998940651.0205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1389753344 nr_ops:1357181\ntimestamp_ms:1652998941652.0703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1453964288 nr_ops:1419887\ntimestamp_ms:1652998942653.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517644800 nr_ops:1482075\ntimestamp_ms:1652998943654.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581200384 nr_ops:1544141\ntimestamp_ms:1652998944655.3669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1644216320 nr_ops:1605680\ntimestamp_ms:1652998945656.4585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1707332608 nr_ops:1667317\ntimestamp_ms:1652998946657.5532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1771334656 nr_ops:1729819\ntimestamp_ms:1652998947658.6665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834060800 nr_ops:1791075\ntimestamp_ms:1652998948659.7539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1897299968 nr_ops:1852832\ntimestamp_ms:1652998949660.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961030656 nr_ops:1915069\ntimestamp_ms:1652998950661.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024981504 nr_ops:1977521\ntimestamp_ms:1652998951663.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087113728 nr_ops:2038197\ntimestamp_ms:1652998952663.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2150364160 nr_ops:2099965\ntimestamp_ms:1652998953664.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2214245376 nr_ops:2162349\ntimestamp_ms:1652998954665.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2277427200 nr_ops:2224050\ntimestamp_ms:1652998955667.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341665792 nr_ops:2286783\ntimestamp_ms:1652998956668.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405400576 nr_ops:2349024\ntimestamp_ms:1652998957669.2146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469002240 nr_ops:2411135\ntimestamp_ms:1652998958670.3101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530749440 nr_ops:2471435\ntimestamp_ms:1652998959671.3423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2592984064 nr_ops:2532211\ntimestamp_ms:1652998960671.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2655990784 nr_ops:2593741\ntimestamp_ms:1652998961672.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2720209920 nr_ops:2656455\ntimestamp_ms:1652998962674.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2787439616 nr_ops:2722109\ntimestamp_ms:1652998963675.0994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2854633472 nr_ops:2787728\ntimestamp_ms:1652998964676.1914 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921881600 nr_ops:2853400\ntimestamp_ms:1652998965677.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2985657344 nr_ops:2915681\ntimestamp_ms:1652998966678.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049368576 nr_ops:2977899\ntimestamp_ms:1652998967679.4460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3114364928 nr_ops:3041372\ntimestamp_ms:1652998968680.5344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3181022208 nr_ops:3106467\ntimestamp_ms:1652998969681.6282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3248619520 nr_ops:3172480\ntimestamp_ms:1652998970682.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317283840 nr_ops:3239535\ntimestamp_ms:1652998971683.8137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3385615360 nr_ops:3306265\ntimestamp_ms:1652998972684.9634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3452488704 nr_ops:3371571\ntimestamp_ms:1652998973686.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3517930496 nr_ops:3435479\ntimestamp_ms:1652998974687.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3586589696 nr_ops:3502529\ntimestamp_ms:1652998975688.2332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3651431424 nr_ops:3565851\ntimestamp_ms:1652998976689.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3716725760 nr_ops:3629615\ntimestamp_ms:1652998977690.4189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3779509248 nr_ops:3690927\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140608440682240\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.6936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3844652032 nr_ops:3754543\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.7295 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.7332 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978991.9517 name:Total nr_bytes:3844652032 nr_ops:3754544\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.8174 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7689304062 nr_ops:7509088\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652998978891.8179 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3844652032 nr_ops:3754546\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 278.96us 0.00ns 278.96us 278.96us \nTxn1 1877272 31.94us 0.00ns 4.10ms 26.04us \nTxn2 1 36.20us 0.00ns 36.20us 36.20us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 278.26us 0.00ns 278.26us 278.26us \nwrite 1877272 3.19us 0.00ns 301.79us 2.48us \nread 1877271 28.67us 0.00ns 4.10ms 6.39us \ndisconnect 1 35.83us 0.00ns 35.83us 35.83us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.75b/s \nnet1 30101 30101 262.48Mb/s 262.48Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.179 62.37s 3.58GB 493.17Mb/s 3754546 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.58GB 493.18Mb/s 3754546 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415882, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998917627.4011 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998918628.5178 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998918628.6040 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998919628.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63392768 nr_ops:61907
+timestamp_ms:1652998920629.9241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126368768 nr_ops:123407
+timestamp_ms:1652998921631.0193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190046208 nr_ops:185592
+timestamp_ms:1652998922632.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253087744 nr_ops:247156
+timestamp_ms:1652998923633.1987 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316275712 nr_ops:308863
+timestamp_ms:1652998924633.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379497472 nr_ops:370603
+timestamp_ms:1652998925634.8687 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441754624 nr_ops:431401
+timestamp_ms:1652998926635.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504488960 nr_ops:492665
+timestamp_ms:1652998927637.0034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:567843840 nr_ops:554535
+timestamp_ms:1652998928638.0989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:631237632 nr_ops:616443
+timestamp_ms:1652998929639.2158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694836224 nr_ops:678551
+timestamp_ms:1652998930640.3071 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756742144 nr_ops:739006
+timestamp_ms:1652998931641.3955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820096000 nr_ops:800875
+timestamp_ms:1652998932642.4949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883349504 nr_ops:862646
+timestamp_ms:1652998933643.5981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:946887680 nr_ops:924695
+timestamp_ms:1652998934644.6306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010238464 nr_ops:986561
+timestamp_ms:1652998935645.6655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073580032 nr_ops:1048418
+timestamp_ms:1652998936646.7576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138158592 nr_ops:1111483
+timestamp_ms:1652998937647.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201239040 nr_ops:1173085
+timestamp_ms:1652998938648.9482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263993856 nr_ops:1234369
+timestamp_ms:1652998939649.9824 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1326435328 nr_ops:1295347
+timestamp_ms:1652998940651.0205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1389753344 nr_ops:1357181
+timestamp_ms:1652998941652.0703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1453964288 nr_ops:1419887
+timestamp_ms:1652998942653.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517644800 nr_ops:1482075
+timestamp_ms:1652998943654.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581200384 nr_ops:1544141
+timestamp_ms:1652998944655.3669 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1644216320 nr_ops:1605680
+timestamp_ms:1652998945656.4585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1707332608 nr_ops:1667317
+timestamp_ms:1652998946657.5532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1771334656 nr_ops:1729819
+timestamp_ms:1652998947658.6665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834060800 nr_ops:1791075
+timestamp_ms:1652998948659.7539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1897299968 nr_ops:1852832
+timestamp_ms:1652998949660.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961030656 nr_ops:1915069
+timestamp_ms:1652998950661.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024981504 nr_ops:1977521
+timestamp_ms:1652998951663.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087113728 nr_ops:2038197
+timestamp_ms:1652998952663.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2150364160 nr_ops:2099965
+timestamp_ms:1652998953664.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2214245376 nr_ops:2162349
+timestamp_ms:1652998954665.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2277427200 nr_ops:2224050
+timestamp_ms:1652998955667.0378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341665792 nr_ops:2286783
+timestamp_ms:1652998956668.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405400576 nr_ops:2349024
+timestamp_ms:1652998957669.2146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469002240 nr_ops:2411135
+timestamp_ms:1652998958670.3101 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530749440 nr_ops:2471435
+timestamp_ms:1652998959671.3423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2592984064 nr_ops:2532211
+timestamp_ms:1652998960671.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2655990784 nr_ops:2593741
+timestamp_ms:1652998961672.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2720209920 nr_ops:2656455
+timestamp_ms:1652998962674.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2787439616 nr_ops:2722109
+timestamp_ms:1652998963675.0994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2854633472 nr_ops:2787728
+timestamp_ms:1652998964676.1914 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921881600 nr_ops:2853400
+timestamp_ms:1652998965677.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2985657344 nr_ops:2915681
+timestamp_ms:1652998966678.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049368576 nr_ops:2977899
+timestamp_ms:1652998967679.4460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3114364928 nr_ops:3041372
+timestamp_ms:1652998968680.5344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3181022208 nr_ops:3106467
+timestamp_ms:1652998969681.6282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3248619520 nr_ops:3172480
+timestamp_ms:1652998970682.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317283840 nr_ops:3239535
+timestamp_ms:1652998971683.8137 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3385615360 nr_ops:3306265
+timestamp_ms:1652998972684.9634 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3452488704 nr_ops:3371571
+timestamp_ms:1652998973686.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3517930496 nr_ops:3435479
+timestamp_ms:1652998974687.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3586589696 nr_ops:3502529
+timestamp_ms:1652998975688.2332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3651431424 nr_ops:3565851
+timestamp_ms:1652998976689.3240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3716725760 nr_ops:3629615
+timestamp_ms:1652998977690.4189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3779509248 nr_ops:3690927
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140608440682240
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652998978891.6936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3844652032 nr_ops:3754543
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998978891.7295 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652998978891.7332 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652998978991.9517 name:Total nr_bytes:3844652032 nr_ops:3754544
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998978891.8174 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7689304062 nr_ops:7509088
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652998978891.8179 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3844652032 nr_ops:3754546
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 278.96us 0.00ns 278.96us 278.96us
+Txn1 1877272 31.94us 0.00ns 4.10ms 26.04us
+Txn2 1 36.20us 0.00ns 36.20us 36.20us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 278.26us 0.00ns 278.26us 278.26us
+write 1877272 3.19us 0.00ns 301.79us 2.48us
+read 1877271 28.67us 0.00ns 4.10ms 6.39us
+disconnect 1 35.83us 0.00ns 35.83us 35.83us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.75b/s
+net1 30101 30101 262.48Mb/s 262.48Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.179 62.37s 3.58GB 493.17Mb/s 3754546 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.58GB 493.18Mb/s 3754546 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:21:59.628000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:21:59.628000', 'bytes': 63392768, 'norm_byte': 63392768, 'ops': 61907, 'norm_ops': 61907, 'norm_ltcy': 16.15702046643554, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:21:59.628000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:21:59.628000",
+ "bytes": 63392768,
+ "norm_byte": 63392768,
+ "ops": 61907,
+ "norm_ops": 61907,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.15702046643554,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80ecd6aadb181b4c106fa60971af13a43464a5cce4bd3817ea4a9124cfe15cd7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:00.629000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:00.629000', 'bytes': 126368768, 'norm_byte': 62976000, 'ops': 123407, 'norm_ops': 61500, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27784394054878, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:00.629000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:00.629000",
+ "bytes": 126368768,
+ "norm_byte": 62976000,
+ "ops": 123407,
+ "norm_ops": 61500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27784394054878,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c69f36aeb14a7ff364aa77da7b146f36389d8b9280b522a4fb180831c119774",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:01.631000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:01.631000', 'bytes': 190046208, 'norm_byte': 63677440, 'ops': 185592, 'norm_ops': 62185, 'norm_ltcy': 16.098660687364315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:01.631000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:01.631000",
+ "bytes": 190046208,
+ "norm_byte": 63677440,
+ "ops": 185592,
+ "norm_ops": 62185,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.098660687364315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c576003eb1a453f7050156f752a19d0320382a88868c7345df054832ede5fc8f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:02.632000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:02.632000', 'bytes': 253087744, 'norm_byte': 63041536, 'ops': 247156, 'norm_ops': 61564, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26093786801134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:02.632000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:02.632000",
+ "bytes": 253087744,
+ "norm_byte": 63041536,
+ "ops": 247156,
+ "norm_ops": 61564,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26093786801134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e2a0f78eba039d6b93eda1cfb6c2fc0a12386d80bc0e3b79ac5e29301a9c7e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:03.633000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:03.633000', 'bytes': 316275712, 'norm_byte': 63187968, 'ops': 308863, 'norm_ops': 61707, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22329823931037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:03.633000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:03.633000",
+ "bytes": 316275712,
+ "norm_byte": 63187968,
+ "ops": 308863,
+ "norm_ops": 61707,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22329823931037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ae2db766b92a9e8383ef94268ab9a9febc4e0b1ec992f3e9a13c31dd3520244",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:04.633000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:04.633000', 'bytes': 379497472, 'norm_byte': 63221760, 'ops': 370603, 'norm_ops': 61740, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2072481057155, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:04.633000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:04.633000",
+ "bytes": 379497472,
+ "norm_byte": 63221760,
+ "ops": 370603,
+ "norm_ops": 61740,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2072481057155,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55da98de9a129a63af869ac5cfcb2d8f077ba38567d99b236def5dac08410af7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:05.634000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:05.634000', 'bytes': 441754624, 'norm_byte': 62257152, 'ops': 431401, 'norm_ops': 60798, 'norm_ltcy': 16.464923580185616, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:05.634000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:05.634000",
+ "bytes": 441754624,
+ "norm_byte": 62257152,
+ "ops": 431401,
+ "norm_ops": 60798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.464923580185616,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fbbf825fc7c92564f062ce331bcdab71a9da2215f530e5eadc351f451d2c75e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:06.635000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:06.635000', 'bytes': 504488960, 'norm_byte': 62734336, 'ops': 492665, 'norm_ops': 61264, 'norm_ltcy': 16.33975611059309, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:06.635000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:06.635000",
+ "bytes": 504488960,
+ "norm_byte": 62734336,
+ "ops": 492665,
+ "norm_ops": 61264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.33975611059309,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dbb2a96ba8799c06ca1eca9effa342d9fa7e74de6251fe355bb56f2336d01dc4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:07.637000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:07.637000', 'bytes': 567843840, 'norm_byte': 63354880, 'ops': 554535, 'norm_ops': 61870, 'norm_ltcy': 16.180635966795297, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:07.637000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:07.637000",
+ "bytes": 567843840,
+ "norm_byte": 63354880,
+ "ops": 554535,
+ "norm_ops": 61870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.180635966795297,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cd8bd5390f2c7b804b3b9c958e89d39f54291a84732f0740daeee8c827e3cc11",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:08.638000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:08.638000', 'bytes': 631237632, 'norm_byte': 63393792, 'ops': 616443, 'norm_ops': 61908, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17069617794752, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:08.638000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:08.638000",
+ "bytes": 631237632,
+ "norm_byte": 63393792,
+ "ops": 616443,
+ "norm_ops": 61908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17069617794752,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e8197c437c2547da251b4a1fc28067f5ad95c22a424328358d8b5746fc5f018",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:09.639000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:09.639000', 'bytes': 694836224, 'norm_byte': 63598592, 'ops': 678551, 'norm_ops': 62108, 'norm_ltcy': 16.118969269005202, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:09.639000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:09.639000",
+ "bytes": 694836224,
+ "norm_byte": 63598592,
+ "ops": 678551,
+ "norm_ops": 62108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.118969269005202,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30b70f219c0965221d885c78069bc8456248fbb6378d53ff170a055f5d0cbd0f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:10.640000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:10.640000', 'bytes': 756742144, 'norm_byte': 61905920, 'ops': 739006, 'norm_ops': 60455, 'norm_ltcy': 16.559280598689107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:10.640000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:10.640000",
+ "bytes": 756742144,
+ "norm_byte": 61905920,
+ "ops": 739006,
+ "norm_ops": 60455,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.559280598689107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "206f9d606fe08b7bbdb51efcf97ee3f6dbdbb898148cda97c42105ea2bf1897f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:11.641000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:11.641000', 'bytes': 820096000, 'norm_byte': 63353856, 'ops': 800875, 'norm_ops': 61869, 'norm_ltcy': 16.180775168602207, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:11.641000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:11.641000",
+ "bytes": 820096000,
+ "norm_byte": 63353856,
+ "ops": 800875,
+ "norm_ops": 61869,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.180775168602207,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a974d924fe45049b31237045c08513aaa23cb20b82771823c98673c6cfbfd5f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:12.642000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:12.642000', 'bytes': 883349504, 'norm_byte': 63253504, 'ops': 862646, 'norm_ops': 61771, 'norm_ltcy': 16.206623904977658, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:12.642000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:12.642000",
+ "bytes": 883349504,
+ "norm_byte": 63253504,
+ "ops": 862646,
+ "norm_ops": 61771,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.206623904977658,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3833878f00a44e5d6e11e5ced04912ce40c37ccfc580c9ec4aa8545f9231e462",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:13.643000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:13.643000', 'bytes': 946887680, 'norm_byte': 63538176, 'ops': 924695, 'norm_ops': 62049, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13407583497518, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:13.643000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:13.643000",
+ "bytes": 946887680,
+ "norm_byte": 63538176,
+ "ops": 924695,
+ "norm_ops": 62049,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13407583497518,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00c5106c48b0a59d500a27338a32e9c330f8883dd329c60795172fe8feffe287",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:14.644000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:14.644000', 'bytes': 1010238464, 'norm_byte': 63350784, 'ops': 986561, 'norm_ops': 61866, 'norm_ltcy': 16.180656106797354, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:14.644000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:14.644000",
+ "bytes": 1010238464,
+ "norm_byte": 63350784,
+ "ops": 986561,
+ "norm_ops": 61866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.180656106797354,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c86c97eff885cebdec44d861f103c67550fd5df087b50169c61ed7d6478d69ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:15.645000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:15.645000', 'bytes': 1073580032, 'norm_byte': 63341568, 'ops': 1048418, 'norm_ops': 61857, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18304981019731, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:15.645000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:15.645000",
+ "bytes": 1073580032,
+ "norm_byte": 63341568,
+ "ops": 1048418,
+ "norm_ops": 61857,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18304981019731,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "193f71703c17b97fcbf1eacdf9dee36ce2cdde68e14435ee10347f37886c6303",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:16.646000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:16.646000', 'bytes': 1138158592, 'norm_byte': 64578560, 'ops': 1111483, 'norm_ops': 63065, 'norm_ltcy': 15.873971949823595, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:16.646000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:16.646000",
+ "bytes": 1138158592,
+ "norm_byte": 64578560,
+ "ops": 1111483,
+ "norm_ops": 63065,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.873971949823595,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e035d506acaa5fc50709eee6c02a97e8d3a159154060187f042c112cf8a7cb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:17.647000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:17.647000', 'bytes': 1201239040, 'norm_byte': 63080448, 'ops': 1173085, 'norm_ops': 61602, 'norm_ltcy': 16.25093483800242, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:17.647000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:17.647000",
+ "bytes": 1201239040,
+ "norm_byte": 63080448,
+ "ops": 1173085,
+ "norm_ops": 61602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.25093483800242,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa5dde4b2b00a69efa9f33a6bf3e6d869fad2e05ad9f0a1cb3dc0a4a80696955",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:18.648000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:18.648000', 'bytes': 1263993856, 'norm_byte': 62754816, 'ops': 1234369, 'norm_ops': 61284, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3354315308645, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:18.648000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:18.648000",
+ "bytes": 1263993856,
+ "norm_byte": 62754816,
+ "ops": 1234369,
+ "norm_ops": 61284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3354315308645,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50aa9363db873242bf2af5dd31ae6638f3da080a0fce50ecd12f1ab0f09e31b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:19.649000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:19.649000', 'bytes': 1326435328, 'norm_byte': 62441472, 'ops': 1295347, 'norm_ops': 60978, 'norm_ltcy': 16.41631702724753, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:19.649000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:19.649000",
+ "bytes": 1326435328,
+ "norm_byte": 62441472,
+ "ops": 1295347,
+ "norm_ops": 60978,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.41631702724753,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8a12733c227881426d602d0ff981a3f059188032efb4d934319fca66f574488",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:20.651000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:20.651000', 'bytes': 1389753344, 'norm_byte': 63318016, 'ops': 1357181, 'norm_ops': 61834, 'norm_ltcy': 16.189120644588737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:20.651000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:20.651000",
+ "bytes": 1389753344,
+ "norm_byte": 63318016,
+ "ops": 1357181,
+ "norm_ops": 61834,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.189120644588737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "283edd79d601bf07628f518143c1238c019ffce6707e3007652658933c449309",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:21.652000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:21.652000', 'bytes': 1453964288, 'norm_byte': 64210944, 'ops': 1419887, 'norm_ops': 62706, 'norm_ltcy': 15.964178941209772, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:21.652000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:21.652000",
+ "bytes": 1453964288,
+ "norm_byte": 64210944,
+ "ops": 1419887,
+ "norm_ops": 62706,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.964178941209772,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6adf3a7e1b07a7c3d3da44d44f671eecb63c95eac3039df9e6a2e4a5bcd583dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:22.653000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:22.653000', 'bytes': 1517644800, 'norm_byte': 63680512, 'ops': 1482075, 'norm_ops': 62188, 'norm_ltcy': 16.097946888366724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:22.653000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:22.653000",
+ "bytes": 1517644800,
+ "norm_byte": 63680512,
+ "ops": 1482075,
+ "norm_ops": 62188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.097946888366724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f4215d02465dc0161b287536380eb06e1a8850fbda3919c71afaa7de0d1d60b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:23.654000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:23.654000', 'bytes': 1581200384, 'norm_byte': 63555584, 'ops': 1544141, 'norm_ops': 62066, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12968814825146, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:23.654000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:23.654000",
+ "bytes": 1581200384,
+ "norm_byte": 63555584,
+ "ops": 1544141,
+ "norm_ops": 62066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12968814825146,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2035241a2d5865f8ed67429df831c3b8538e4de05926d3156e1092166ec7d94c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:24.655000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:24.655000', 'bytes': 1644216320, 'norm_byte': 63015936, 'ops': 1605680, 'norm_ops': 61539, 'norm_ltcy': 16.267607292225254, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:24.655000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:24.655000",
+ "bytes": 1644216320,
+ "norm_byte": 63015936,
+ "ops": 1605680,
+ "norm_ops": 61539,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.267607292225254,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e36513cdd0fa03e1c982b1f4f1147b4dc38e2dfa2f875c81912003ff0b38638b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:25.656000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:25.656000', 'bytes': 1707332608, 'norm_byte': 63116288, 'ops': 1667317, 'norm_ops': 61637, 'norm_ltcy': 16.241730660713127, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:25.656000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:25.656000",
+ "bytes": 1707332608,
+ "norm_byte": 63116288,
+ "ops": 1667317,
+ "norm_ops": 61637,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.241730660713127,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da18344e89eeafc1ba115035f4b1e2a903fd7fa97ddef66d624cd2e8f30e242a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:26.657000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:26.657000', 'bytes': 1771334656, 'norm_byte': 64002048, 'ops': 1729819, 'norm_ops': 62502, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01700308090141, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:26.657000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:26.657000",
+ "bytes": 1771334656,
+ "norm_byte": 64002048,
+ "ops": 1729819,
+ "norm_ops": 62502,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01700308090141,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d6b8c7290b8afb95ecdde52793dd6df8e52dcccf24ab5539a8647f210926c0a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:27.658000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:27.658000', 'bytes': 1834060800, 'norm_byte': 62726144, 'ops': 1791075, 'norm_ops': 61256, 'norm_ltcy': 16.343105675362413, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:27.658000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:27.658000",
+ "bytes": 1834060800,
+ "norm_byte": 62726144,
+ "ops": 1791075,
+ "norm_ops": 61256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.343105675362413,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "72b819fa1d90a1ee1359f6cb29d2417da847174ef4dfc3a0ad056402a63a1d48",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:28.659000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:28.659000', 'bytes': 1897299968, 'norm_byte': 63239168, 'ops': 1852832, 'norm_ops': 61757, 'norm_ltcy': 16.210104155703, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:28.659000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:28.659000",
+ "bytes": 1897299968,
+ "norm_byte": 63239168,
+ "ops": 1852832,
+ "norm_ops": 61757,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.210104155703,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09ad384b2c8adf0e53c0154aa6fb939dcc3d900c80ab509b5980c15610569db3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:29.660000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:29.660000', 'bytes': 1961030656, 'norm_byte': 63730688, 'ops': 1915069, 'norm_ops': 62237, 'norm_ltcy': 16.085076627448302, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:29.660000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:29.660000",
+ "bytes": 1961030656,
+ "norm_byte": 63730688,
+ "ops": 1915069,
+ "norm_ops": 62237,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.085076627448302,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d30f4f8ec5e6c55d5641a1c1eea4b380c757ea02a3b50b2ad324d475bc805d3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:30.661000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:30.661000', 'bytes': 2024981504, 'norm_byte': 63950848, 'ops': 1977521, 'norm_ops': 62452, 'norm_ltcy': 16.029763983739514, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:30.661000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:30.661000",
+ "bytes": 2024981504,
+ "norm_byte": 63950848,
+ "ops": 1977521,
+ "norm_ops": 62452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.029763983739514,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a1060e2e81120a468fcd03b896106bd0c89b8ba7eed2233b456c7c8899c3676d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:31.663000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:31.663000', 'bytes': 2087113728, 'norm_byte': 62132224, 'ops': 2038197, 'norm_ops': 60676, 'norm_ltcy': 16.499007020897885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:31.663000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:31.663000",
+ "bytes": 2087113728,
+ "norm_byte": 62132224,
+ "ops": 2038197,
+ "norm_ops": 60676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.499007020897885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2b7954ad46b11489d475b3a0e478f105de6edd6fea0c279f7ef03bf6237728e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:32.663000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:32.663000', 'bytes': 2150364160, 'norm_byte': 63250432, 'ops': 2099965, 'norm_ops': 61768, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20271937431194, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:32.663000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:32.663000",
+ "bytes": 2150364160,
+ "norm_byte": 63250432,
+ "ops": 2099965,
+ "norm_ops": 61768,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20271937431194,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "785d4d06204c9ece3b55b346ad9140290c72cccad4db3c3cf4ea859f5d3210f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:33.664000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:33.664000', 'bytes': 2214245376, 'norm_byte': 63881216, 'ops': 2162349, 'norm_ops': 62384, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04576140191195, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:33.664000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:33.664000",
+ "bytes": 2214245376,
+ "norm_byte": 63881216,
+ "ops": 2162349,
+ "norm_ops": 62384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04576140191195,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ec50ef00fa7b18266a6bb69fa3876840fb28574bf048ce660ef94ec26d2de82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:34.665000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:34.665000', 'bytes': 2277427200, 'norm_byte': 63181824, 'ops': 2224050, 'norm_ops': 61701, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22519239077365, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:34.665000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:34.665000",
+ "bytes": 2277427200,
+ "norm_byte": 63181824,
+ "ops": 2224050,
+ "norm_ops": 61701,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22519239077365,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d38e5ab608449ab15823f26090ed28fceea8663b836877dcc335a4ecd918456d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:35.667000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:35.667000', 'bytes': 2341665792, 'norm_byte': 64238592, 'ops': 2286783, 'norm_ops': 62733, 'norm_ltcy': 15.958004652405831, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:35.667000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:35.667000",
+ "bytes": 2341665792,
+ "norm_byte": 64238592,
+ "ops": 2286783,
+ "norm_ops": 62733,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.958004652405831,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7603f5416c2b13c4f4f25c1d2c7b4defc1102bb29807c82a5df138d9d2a72c27",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:36.668000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:36.668000', 'bytes': 2405400576, 'norm_byte': 63734784, 'ops': 2349024, 'norm_ops': 62241, 'norm_ltcy': 16.084035053762793, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:36.668000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:36.668000",
+ "bytes": 2405400576,
+ "norm_byte": 63734784,
+ "ops": 2349024,
+ "norm_ops": 62241,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.084035053762793,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "094baacba56c2ff7e9e8395d0cfcd1bf744206f623091485dbaadbc7eed0dd3d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:37.669000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:37.669000', 'bytes': 2469002240, 'norm_byte': 63601664, 'ops': 2411135, 'norm_ops': 62111, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11776226483634, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:37.669000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:37.669000",
+ "bytes": 2469002240,
+ "norm_byte": 63601664,
+ "ops": 2411135,
+ "norm_ops": 62111,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11776226483634,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b246bbc8bd130772ce0188bb0971fc8112bfc5755c8f7db7f59366dd535ce71e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:38.670000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:38.670000', 'bytes': 2530749440, 'norm_byte': 61747200, 'ops': 2471435, 'norm_ops': 60300, 'norm_ltcy': 16.601914742692784, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:38.670000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:38.670000",
+ "bytes": 2530749440,
+ "norm_byte": 61747200,
+ "ops": 2471435,
+ "norm_ops": 60300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.601914742692784,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c25369cc1f4a70eee93437c8c73c0566f42bd0d22318233d4cded661329e038b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:39.671000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:39.671000', 'bytes': 2592984064, 'norm_byte': 62234624, 'ops': 2532211, 'norm_ops': 60776, 'norm_ltcy': 16.470847481941885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:39.671000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:39.671000",
+ "bytes": 2592984064,
+ "norm_byte": 62234624,
+ "ops": 2532211,
+ "norm_ops": 60776,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.470847481941885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d16bc0fa9d53c1b9cc8d933ef3e8a38cebf6fa140545517a32e40201e1d4c59",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:40.671000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:40.671000', 'bytes': 2655990784, 'norm_byte': 63006720, 'ops': 2593741, 'norm_ops': 61530, 'norm_ltcy': 16.260265571672356, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:40.671000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:40.671000",
+ "bytes": 2655990784,
+ "norm_byte": 63006720,
+ "ops": 2593741,
+ "norm_ops": 61530,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.260265571672356,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "644e4ddf76f27f985d99c89fae58834109cf02a35bd9038a4ed9b8885ebb0bf4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:41.672000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:41.672000', 'bytes': 2720209920, 'norm_byte': 64219136, 'ops': 2656455, 'norm_ops': 62714, 'norm_ltcy': 15.962796509750614, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:41.672000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:41.672000",
+ "bytes": 2720209920,
+ "norm_byte": 64219136,
+ "ops": 2656455,
+ "norm_ops": 62714,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.962796509750614,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a02e8a72e9ad5dc911fd830b48506fd85d88173b1df7fdd44839a95ec8cff1bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:42.674000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:42.674000', 'bytes': 2787439616, 'norm_byte': 67229696, 'ops': 2722109, 'norm_ops': 65654, 'norm_ltcy': 15.247897298241538, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:42.674000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:42.674000",
+ "bytes": 2787439616,
+ "norm_byte": 67229696,
+ "ops": 2722109,
+ "norm_ops": 65654,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.247897298241538,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b1445b41c6188f03d44935aca07423c17af52395fd7decb4d176856b9edc935",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:43.675000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:43.675000', 'bytes': 2854633472, 'norm_byte': 67193856, 'ops': 2787728, 'norm_ops': 65619, 'norm_ltcy': 15.256048856609748, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:43.675000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:43.675000",
+ "bytes": 2854633472,
+ "norm_byte": 67193856,
+ "ops": 2787728,
+ "norm_ops": 65619,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.256048856609748,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bab6efc0f5cb92ff1a96ba9966caab9a50d9d13b82adda90097b3069862207a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:44.676000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:44.676000', 'bytes': 2921881600, 'norm_byte': 67248128, 'ops': 2853400, 'norm_ops': 65672, 'norm_ltcy': 15.243818385546733, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:44.676000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:44.676000",
+ "bytes": 2921881600,
+ "norm_byte": 67248128,
+ "ops": 2853400,
+ "norm_ops": 65672,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.243818385546733,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d85e1000284cf5d6e3e612b5f47db1383386ac13fc9a9c650cf02c38ea161d66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:45.677000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:45.677000', 'bytes': 2985657344, 'norm_byte': 63775744, 'ops': 2915681, 'norm_ops': 62281, 'norm_ltcy': 16.072964197799088, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:45.677000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:45.677000",
+ "bytes": 2985657344,
+ "norm_byte": 63775744,
+ "ops": 2915681,
+ "norm_ops": 62281,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.072964197799088,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "abb86fe87d5fb762bf66a49897d205467fc9497352492d00028cf0138fc1c0ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:46.678000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:46.678000', 'bytes': 3049368576, 'norm_byte': 63711232, 'ops': 2977899, 'norm_ops': 62218, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09011029640739, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:46.678000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:46.678000",
+ "bytes": 3049368576,
+ "norm_byte": 63711232,
+ "ops": 2977899,
+ "norm_ops": 62218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09011029640739,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f8b06dcd4cf5acfb6df02844484233cd346007c27e776eb0b3d8d540673c826",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:47.679000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:47.679000', 'bytes': 3114364928, 'norm_byte': 64996352, 'ops': 3041372, 'norm_ops': 63473, 'norm_ltcy': 15.7723736556784, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:47.679000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:47.679000",
+ "bytes": 3114364928,
+ "norm_byte": 64996352,
+ "ops": 3041372,
+ "norm_ops": 63473,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.7723736556784,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac56aa4530e192c3a1549aafd9f5d5668cc41c24ec56fd1ee6dae80c9ef82405",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:48.680000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:48.680000', 'bytes': 3181022208, 'norm_byte': 66657280, 'ops': 3106467, 'norm_ops': 65095, 'norm_ltcy': 15.378882846704816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:48.680000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:48.680000",
+ "bytes": 3181022208,
+ "norm_byte": 66657280,
+ "ops": 3106467,
+ "norm_ops": 65095,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.378882846704816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b46d224a2fd4956bf594eb1cdc4330538e49a03c503ca4e5c02147fb54968f1a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:49.681000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:49.681000', 'bytes': 3248619520, 'norm_byte': 67597312, 'ops': 3172480, 'norm_ops': 66013, 'norm_ltcy': 15.165100056049567, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:49.681000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:49.681000",
+ "bytes": 3248619520,
+ "norm_byte": 67597312,
+ "ops": 3172480,
+ "norm_ops": 66013,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.165100056049567,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f604e69ebbf689b74a6dc3e45a5d3d7524e27013fc2fde92d8465aa8354ff718",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:50.682000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:50.682000', 'bytes': 3317283840, 'norm_byte': 68664320, 'ops': 3239535, 'norm_ops': 67055, 'norm_ltcy': 14.929434967097905, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:50.682000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:50.682000",
+ "bytes": 3317283840,
+ "norm_byte": 68664320,
+ "ops": 3239535,
+ "norm_ops": 67055,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.929434967097905,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6cb2d190e6bfc6a38017f0e4de82a00441c82fe97abe7ac465cd4c2442172068",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:51.683000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:51.683000', 'bytes': 3385615360, 'norm_byte': 68331520, 'ops': 3306265, 'norm_ops': 66730, 'norm_ltcy': 15.00213225170463, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:51.683000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:51.683000",
+ "bytes": 3385615360,
+ "norm_byte": 68331520,
+ "ops": 3306265,
+ "norm_ops": 66730,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.00213225170463,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4991973ddf5a0561c21d3c8654b426fb2c7fa50b74ed64eaea4a501b96de5a17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:52.684000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:52.684000', 'bytes': 3452488704, 'norm_byte': 66873344, 'ops': 3371571, 'norm_ops': 65306, 'norm_ltcy': 15.330132885234512, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:52.684000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:52.684000",
+ "bytes": 3452488704,
+ "norm_byte": 66873344,
+ "ops": 3371571,
+ "norm_ops": 65306,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.330132885234512,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09c1d7cd8734e283856aa2f55c8a7854d6805daab1ece8da3976dfa3079a6e52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:53.686000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:53.686000', 'bytes': 3517930496, 'norm_byte': 65441792, 'ops': 3435479, 'norm_ops': 63908, 'norm_ltcy': 15.664577155833387, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:53.686000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:53.686000",
+ "bytes": 3517930496,
+ "norm_byte": 65441792,
+ "ops": 3435479,
+ "norm_ops": 63908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.664577155833387,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7dafabdfe0d0228e827a1f0627ca6ad36b21bdca7c0375f278dbef71e2a89cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:54.687000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:54.687000', 'bytes': 3586589696, 'norm_byte': 68659200, 'ops': 3502529, 'norm_ops': 67050, 'norm_ltcy': 14.93045360272185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:54.687000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:54.687000",
+ "bytes": 3586589696,
+ "norm_byte": 68659200,
+ "ops": 3502529,
+ "norm_ops": 67050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.93045360272185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9336d77e57054fb960b1cb5a37fc8407173ea5b157e02764ca2b82811531947",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:55.688000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:55.688000', 'bytes': 3651431424, 'norm_byte': 64841728, 'ops': 3565851, 'norm_ops': 63322, 'norm_ltcy': 15.809530091486765, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:55.688000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:55.688000",
+ "bytes": 3651431424,
+ "norm_byte": 64841728,
+ "ops": 3565851,
+ "norm_ops": 63322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.809530091486765,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "397137bd282acb7f89340fe7ca72c9dabc4988cd1c3a78193af7b801fe4714d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:56.689000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:56.689000', 'bytes': 3716725760, 'norm_byte': 65294336, 'ops': 3629615, 'norm_ops': 63764, 'norm_ltcy': 15.699937587235743, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:56.689000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:56.689000",
+ "bytes": 3716725760,
+ "norm_byte": 65294336,
+ "ops": 3629615,
+ "norm_ops": 63764,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.699937587235743,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "863212059f1fca66e43fd7816c7b243c07ec7a7bf2e6e31048b9c00c9aa05ced",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:57.690000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:57.690000', 'bytes': 3779509248, 'norm_byte': 62783488, 'ops': 3690927, 'norm_ops': 61312, 'norm_ltcy': 16.327879871854204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:57.690000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:57.690000",
+ "bytes": 3779509248,
+ "norm_byte": 62783488,
+ "ops": 3690927,
+ "norm_ops": 61312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.327879871854204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb003cdad5d8d52fcd98a7a333a53e588279e7723ba5008bac7f15aec684ed35",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:22:58.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:22:58.891000', 'bytes': 3844652032, 'norm_byte': 65142784, 'ops': 3754543, 'norm_ops': 63616, 'norm_ltcy': 18.883215829400232, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:22:58.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:22:58.891000",
+ "bytes": 3844652032,
+ "norm_byte": 65142784,
+ "ops": 3754543,
+ "norm_ops": 63616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.883215829400232,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7257f2ec-62bf-5a88-aca6-2c82fed7ba6c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e8d709cccd9335c124c9c9e51fde52b7a145156e1d9e8897f7482850beca54f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 64077533.86666667
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62575.71666666667
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.502020699787444
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:22:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-084-220519221913/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-084-220519221913/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b15eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-084-220519221913/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-084-220519221913/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-084-220519221913/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-084-220519221913/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-084-220519221913/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-084-220519221913/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80b7c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-084-220519221913/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=35
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=130
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-085-220519222115/220519222115-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-085-220519222115/220519222115-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4543c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-085-220519222115/220519222115-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:23:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999038785.4478 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999039786.5569 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999039786.6423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999040787.7322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62686208 nr_ops:61217\ntimestamp_ms:1652999041788.7661 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125412352 nr_ops:122473\ntimestamp_ms:1652999042789.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188640256 nr_ops:184219\ntimestamp_ms:1652999043790.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252815360 nr_ops:246890\ntimestamp_ms:1652999044791.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316595200 nr_ops:309175\ntimestamp_ms:1652999045792.8662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381023232 nr_ops:372093\ntimestamp_ms:1652999046793.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444701696 nr_ops:434279\ntimestamp_ms:1652999047794.9526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509461504 nr_ops:497521\ntimestamp_ms:1652999048796.0474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573211648 nr_ops:559777\ntimestamp_ms:1652999049797.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636856320 nr_ops:621930\ntimestamp_ms:1652999050798.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:698713088 nr_ops:682337\ntimestamp_ms:1652999051799.3345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:761287680 nr_ops:743445\ntimestamp_ms:1652999052800.3792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:824622080 nr_ops:805295\ntimestamp_ms:1652999053801.4819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888620032 nr_ops:867793\ntimestamp_ms:1652999054802.5918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951532544 nr_ops:929231\ntimestamp_ms:1652999055803.6897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014254592 nr_ops:990483\ntimestamp_ms:1652999056804.7920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075473408 nr_ops:1050267\ntimestamp_ms:1652999057805.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138207744 nr_ops:1111531\ntimestamp_ms:1652999058806.9304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201269760 nr_ops:1173115\ntimestamp_ms:1652999059808.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265065984 nr_ops:1235416\ntimestamp_ms:1652999060809.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1330625536 nr_ops:1299439\ntimestamp_ms:1652999061810.2495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1393912832 nr_ops:1361243\ntimestamp_ms:1652999062811.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1462084608 nr_ops:1427817\ntimestamp_ms:1652999063812.4270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1528960000 nr_ops:1493125\ntimestamp_ms:1652999064813.4595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595016192 nr_ops:1557633\ntimestamp_ms:1652999065813.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1659067392 nr_ops:1620183\ntimestamp_ms:1652999066814.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1722680320 nr_ops:1682305\ntimestamp_ms:1652999067816.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785947136 nr_ops:1744089\ntimestamp_ms:1652999068817.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1848628224 nr_ops:1805301\ntimestamp_ms:1652999069818.2100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1914462208 nr_ops:1869592\ntimestamp_ms:1652999070819.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980275712 nr_ops:1933863\ntimestamp_ms:1652999071820.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2045088768 nr_ops:1997157\ntimestamp_ms:1652999072820.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2107958272 nr_ops:2058553\ntimestamp_ms:1652999073821.9666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2171526144 nr_ops:2120631\ntimestamp_ms:1652999074823.0688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2235122688 nr_ops:2182737\ntimestamp_ms:1652999075824.1675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2298987520 nr_ops:2245105\ntimestamp_ms:1652999076825.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2362954752 nr_ops:2307573\ntimestamp_ms:1652999077826.3538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2426573824 nr_ops:2369701\ntimestamp_ms:1652999078827.4451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2490393600 nr_ops:2432025\ntimestamp_ms:1652999079828.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2554264576 nr_ops:2494399\ntimestamp_ms:1652999080829.5859 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2615993344 nr_ops:2554681\ntimestamp_ms:1652999081830.6401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2680232960 nr_ops:2617415\ntimestamp_ms:1652999082831.7258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2743927808 nr_ops:2679617\ntimestamp_ms:1652999083832.7593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2807270400 nr_ops:2741475\ntimestamp_ms:1652999084833.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2871280640 nr_ops:2803985\ntimestamp_ms:1652999085834.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934121472 nr_ops:2865353\ntimestamp_ms:1652999086835.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2997864448 nr_ops:2927602\ntimestamp_ms:1652999087837.0149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3061357568 nr_ops:2989607\ntimestamp_ms:1652999088838.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3124638720 nr_ops:3051405\ntimestamp_ms:1652999089839.2117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3188210688 nr_ops:3113487\ntimestamp_ms:1652999090840.3113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3251080192 nr_ops:3174883\ntimestamp_ms:1652999091841.4072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3314837504 nr_ops:3237146\ntimestamp_ms:1652999092842.5115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3378570240 nr_ops:3299385\ntimestamp_ms:1652999093843.6038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3442250752 nr_ops:3361573\ntimestamp_ms:1652999094844.6965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3505652736 nr_ops:3423489\ntimestamp_ms:1652999095845.8020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3568600064 nr_ops:3484961\ntimestamp_ms:1652999096846.9043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3632239616 nr_ops:3547109\ntimestamp_ms:1652999097848.0007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3696068608 nr_ops:3609442\ntimestamp_ms:1652999098849.0466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3760059392 nr_ops:3671933\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140096543241984\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3823205376 nr_ops:3733599\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.5120 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.5215 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100150.6860 name:Total nr_bytes:3823205376 nr_ops:3733600\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.6172 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7646410750 nr_ops:7467200\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.6189 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3823205376 nr_ops:3733602\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 283.53us 0.00ns 283.53us 283.53us \nTxn1 1866800 32.15us 0.00ns 3.50ms 27.20us \nTxn2 1 47.76us 0.00ns 47.76us 47.76us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 282.89us 0.00ns 282.89us 282.89us \nwrite 1866800 3.23us 0.00ns 95.96us 2.44us \nread 1866799 28.83us 0.00ns 3.49ms 1.38us \ndisconnect 1 47.08us 0.00ns 47.08us 47.08us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29933 29933 261.01Mb/s 261.01Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.73b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.180 62.37s 3.56GB 490.42Mb/s 3733601 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.42Mb/s 3733602 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416495, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999038785.4478 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999039786.5569 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999039786.6423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999040787.7322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62686208 nr_ops:61217\ntimestamp_ms:1652999041788.7661 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125412352 nr_ops:122473\ntimestamp_ms:1652999042789.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188640256 nr_ops:184219\ntimestamp_ms:1652999043790.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252815360 nr_ops:246890\ntimestamp_ms:1652999044791.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316595200 nr_ops:309175\ntimestamp_ms:1652999045792.8662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381023232 nr_ops:372093\ntimestamp_ms:1652999046793.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444701696 nr_ops:434279\ntimestamp_ms:1652999047794.9526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509461504 nr_ops:497521\ntimestamp_ms:1652999048796.0474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573211648 nr_ops:559777\ntimestamp_ms:1652999049797.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636856320 nr_ops:621930\ntimestamp_ms:1652999050798.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:698713088 nr_ops:682337\ntimestamp_ms:1652999051799.3345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:761287680 nr_ops:743445\ntimestamp_ms:1652999052800.3792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:824622080 nr_ops:805295\ntimestamp_ms:1652999053801.4819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888620032 nr_ops:867793\ntimestamp_ms:1652999054802.5918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951532544 nr_ops:929231\ntimestamp_ms:1652999055803.6897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014254592 nr_ops:990483\ntimestamp_ms:1652999056804.7920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075473408 nr_ops:1050267\ntimestamp_ms:1652999057805.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138207744 nr_ops:1111531\ntimestamp_ms:1652999058806.9304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201269760 nr_ops:1173115\ntimestamp_ms:1652999059808.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265065984 nr_ops:1235416\ntimestamp_ms:1652999060809.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1330625536 nr_ops:1299439\ntimestamp_ms:1652999061810.2495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1393912832 nr_ops:1361243\ntimestamp_ms:1652999062811.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1462084608 nr_ops:1427817\ntimestamp_ms:1652999063812.4270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1528960000 nr_ops:1493125\ntimestamp_ms:1652999064813.4595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595016192 nr_ops:1557633\ntimestamp_ms:1652999065813.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1659067392 nr_ops:1620183\ntimestamp_ms:1652999066814.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1722680320 nr_ops:1682305\ntimestamp_ms:1652999067816.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785947136 nr_ops:1744089\ntimestamp_ms:1652999068817.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1848628224 nr_ops:1805301\ntimestamp_ms:1652999069818.2100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1914462208 nr_ops:1869592\ntimestamp_ms:1652999070819.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980275712 nr_ops:1933863\ntimestamp_ms:1652999071820.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2045088768 nr_ops:1997157\ntimestamp_ms:1652999072820.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2107958272 nr_ops:2058553\ntimestamp_ms:1652999073821.9666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2171526144 nr_ops:2120631\ntimestamp_ms:1652999074823.0688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2235122688 nr_ops:2182737\ntimestamp_ms:1652999075824.1675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2298987520 nr_ops:2245105\ntimestamp_ms:1652999076825.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2362954752 nr_ops:2307573\ntimestamp_ms:1652999077826.3538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2426573824 nr_ops:2369701\ntimestamp_ms:1652999078827.4451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2490393600 nr_ops:2432025\ntimestamp_ms:1652999079828.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2554264576 nr_ops:2494399\ntimestamp_ms:1652999080829.5859 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2615993344 nr_ops:2554681\ntimestamp_ms:1652999081830.6401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2680232960 nr_ops:2617415\ntimestamp_ms:1652999082831.7258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2743927808 nr_ops:2679617\ntimestamp_ms:1652999083832.7593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2807270400 nr_ops:2741475\ntimestamp_ms:1652999084833.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2871280640 nr_ops:2803985\ntimestamp_ms:1652999085834.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934121472 nr_ops:2865353\ntimestamp_ms:1652999086835.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2997864448 nr_ops:2927602\ntimestamp_ms:1652999087837.0149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3061357568 nr_ops:2989607\ntimestamp_ms:1652999088838.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3124638720 nr_ops:3051405\ntimestamp_ms:1652999089839.2117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3188210688 nr_ops:3113487\ntimestamp_ms:1652999090840.3113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3251080192 nr_ops:3174883\ntimestamp_ms:1652999091841.4072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3314837504 nr_ops:3237146\ntimestamp_ms:1652999092842.5115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3378570240 nr_ops:3299385\ntimestamp_ms:1652999093843.6038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3442250752 nr_ops:3361573\ntimestamp_ms:1652999094844.6965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3505652736 nr_ops:3423489\ntimestamp_ms:1652999095845.8020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3568600064 nr_ops:3484961\ntimestamp_ms:1652999096846.9043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3632239616 nr_ops:3547109\ntimestamp_ms:1652999097848.0007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3696068608 nr_ops:3609442\ntimestamp_ms:1652999098849.0466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3760059392 nr_ops:3671933\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140096543241984\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3823205376 nr_ops:3733599\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.5120 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.5215 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100150.6860 name:Total nr_bytes:3823205376 nr_ops:3733600\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.6172 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7646410750 nr_ops:7467200\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.6189 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3823205376 nr_ops:3733602\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 283.53us 0.00ns 283.53us 283.53us \nTxn1 1866800 32.15us 0.00ns 3.50ms 27.20us \nTxn2 1 47.76us 0.00ns 47.76us 47.76us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 282.89us 0.00ns 282.89us 282.89us \nwrite 1866800 3.23us 0.00ns 95.96us 2.44us \nread 1866799 28.83us 0.00ns 3.49ms 1.38us \ndisconnect 1 47.08us 0.00ns 47.08us 47.08us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29933 29933 261.01Mb/s 261.01Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.73b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.180 62.37s 3.56GB 490.42Mb/s 3733601 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.42Mb/s 3733602 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416495, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999038785.4478 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999039786.5569 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999039786.6423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999040787.7322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62686208 nr_ops:61217\ntimestamp_ms:1652999041788.7661 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125412352 nr_ops:122473\ntimestamp_ms:1652999042789.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188640256 nr_ops:184219\ntimestamp_ms:1652999043790.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252815360 nr_ops:246890\ntimestamp_ms:1652999044791.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316595200 nr_ops:309175\ntimestamp_ms:1652999045792.8662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381023232 nr_ops:372093\ntimestamp_ms:1652999046793.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444701696 nr_ops:434279\ntimestamp_ms:1652999047794.9526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509461504 nr_ops:497521\ntimestamp_ms:1652999048796.0474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573211648 nr_ops:559777\ntimestamp_ms:1652999049797.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636856320 nr_ops:621930\ntimestamp_ms:1652999050798.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:698713088 nr_ops:682337\ntimestamp_ms:1652999051799.3345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:761287680 nr_ops:743445\ntimestamp_ms:1652999052800.3792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:824622080 nr_ops:805295\ntimestamp_ms:1652999053801.4819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888620032 nr_ops:867793\ntimestamp_ms:1652999054802.5918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951532544 nr_ops:929231\ntimestamp_ms:1652999055803.6897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014254592 nr_ops:990483\ntimestamp_ms:1652999056804.7920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075473408 nr_ops:1050267\ntimestamp_ms:1652999057805.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138207744 nr_ops:1111531\ntimestamp_ms:1652999058806.9304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201269760 nr_ops:1173115\ntimestamp_ms:1652999059808.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265065984 nr_ops:1235416\ntimestamp_ms:1652999060809.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1330625536 nr_ops:1299439\ntimestamp_ms:1652999061810.2495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1393912832 nr_ops:1361243\ntimestamp_ms:1652999062811.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1462084608 nr_ops:1427817\ntimestamp_ms:1652999063812.4270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1528960000 nr_ops:1493125\ntimestamp_ms:1652999064813.4595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595016192 nr_ops:1557633\ntimestamp_ms:1652999065813.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1659067392 nr_ops:1620183\ntimestamp_ms:1652999066814.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1722680320 nr_ops:1682305\ntimestamp_ms:1652999067816.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785947136 nr_ops:1744089\ntimestamp_ms:1652999068817.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1848628224 nr_ops:1805301\ntimestamp_ms:1652999069818.2100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1914462208 nr_ops:1869592\ntimestamp_ms:1652999070819.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980275712 nr_ops:1933863\ntimestamp_ms:1652999071820.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2045088768 nr_ops:1997157\ntimestamp_ms:1652999072820.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2107958272 nr_ops:2058553\ntimestamp_ms:1652999073821.9666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2171526144 nr_ops:2120631\ntimestamp_ms:1652999074823.0688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2235122688 nr_ops:2182737\ntimestamp_ms:1652999075824.1675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2298987520 nr_ops:2245105\ntimestamp_ms:1652999076825.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2362954752 nr_ops:2307573\ntimestamp_ms:1652999077826.3538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2426573824 nr_ops:2369701\ntimestamp_ms:1652999078827.4451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2490393600 nr_ops:2432025\ntimestamp_ms:1652999079828.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2554264576 nr_ops:2494399\ntimestamp_ms:1652999080829.5859 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2615993344 nr_ops:2554681\ntimestamp_ms:1652999081830.6401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2680232960 nr_ops:2617415\ntimestamp_ms:1652999082831.7258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2743927808 nr_ops:2679617\ntimestamp_ms:1652999083832.7593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2807270400 nr_ops:2741475\ntimestamp_ms:1652999084833.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2871280640 nr_ops:2803985\ntimestamp_ms:1652999085834.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934121472 nr_ops:2865353\ntimestamp_ms:1652999086835.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2997864448 nr_ops:2927602\ntimestamp_ms:1652999087837.0149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3061357568 nr_ops:2989607\ntimestamp_ms:1652999088838.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3124638720 nr_ops:3051405\ntimestamp_ms:1652999089839.2117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3188210688 nr_ops:3113487\ntimestamp_ms:1652999090840.3113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3251080192 nr_ops:3174883\ntimestamp_ms:1652999091841.4072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3314837504 nr_ops:3237146\ntimestamp_ms:1652999092842.5115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3378570240 nr_ops:3299385\ntimestamp_ms:1652999093843.6038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3442250752 nr_ops:3361573\ntimestamp_ms:1652999094844.6965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3505652736 nr_ops:3423489\ntimestamp_ms:1652999095845.8020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3568600064 nr_ops:3484961\ntimestamp_ms:1652999096846.9043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3632239616 nr_ops:3547109\ntimestamp_ms:1652999097848.0007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3696068608 nr_ops:3609442\ntimestamp_ms:1652999098849.0466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3760059392 nr_ops:3671933\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140096543241984\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3823205376 nr_ops:3733599\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.5120 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.5215 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100150.6860 name:Total nr_bytes:3823205376 nr_ops:3733600\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.6172 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7646410750 nr_ops:7467200\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999100050.6189 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3823205376 nr_ops:3733602\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 283.53us 0.00ns 283.53us 283.53us \nTxn1 1866800 32.15us 0.00ns 3.50ms 27.20us \nTxn2 1 47.76us 0.00ns 47.76us 47.76us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 282.89us 0.00ns 282.89us 282.89us \nwrite 1866800 3.23us 0.00ns 95.96us 2.44us \nread 1866799 28.83us 0.00ns 3.49ms 1.38us \ndisconnect 1 47.08us 0.00ns 47.08us 47.08us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29933 29933 261.01Mb/s 261.01Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.73b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.180 62.37s 3.56GB 490.42Mb/s 3733601 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.42Mb/s 3733602 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416495, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999038785.4478 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999039786.5569 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999039786.6423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999040787.7322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62686208 nr_ops:61217
+timestamp_ms:1652999041788.7661 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125412352 nr_ops:122473
+timestamp_ms:1652999042789.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188640256 nr_ops:184219
+timestamp_ms:1652999043790.9285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252815360 nr_ops:246890
+timestamp_ms:1652999044791.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316595200 nr_ops:309175
+timestamp_ms:1652999045792.8662 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381023232 nr_ops:372093
+timestamp_ms:1652999046793.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:444701696 nr_ops:434279
+timestamp_ms:1652999047794.9526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509461504 nr_ops:497521
+timestamp_ms:1652999048796.0474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573211648 nr_ops:559777
+timestamp_ms:1652999049797.1421 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636856320 nr_ops:621930
+timestamp_ms:1652999050798.2317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:698713088 nr_ops:682337
+timestamp_ms:1652999051799.3345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:761287680 nr_ops:743445
+timestamp_ms:1652999052800.3792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:824622080 nr_ops:805295
+timestamp_ms:1652999053801.4819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:888620032 nr_ops:867793
+timestamp_ms:1652999054802.5918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951532544 nr_ops:929231
+timestamp_ms:1652999055803.6897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1014254592 nr_ops:990483
+timestamp_ms:1652999056804.7920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075473408 nr_ops:1050267
+timestamp_ms:1652999057805.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138207744 nr_ops:1111531
+timestamp_ms:1652999058806.9304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201269760 nr_ops:1173115
+timestamp_ms:1652999059808.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265065984 nr_ops:1235416
+timestamp_ms:1652999060809.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1330625536 nr_ops:1299439
+timestamp_ms:1652999061810.2495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1393912832 nr_ops:1361243
+timestamp_ms:1652999062811.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1462084608 nr_ops:1427817
+timestamp_ms:1652999063812.4270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1528960000 nr_ops:1493125
+timestamp_ms:1652999064813.4595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595016192 nr_ops:1557633
+timestamp_ms:1652999065813.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1659067392 nr_ops:1620183
+timestamp_ms:1652999066814.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1722680320 nr_ops:1682305
+timestamp_ms:1652999067816.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785947136 nr_ops:1744089
+timestamp_ms:1652999068817.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1848628224 nr_ops:1805301
+timestamp_ms:1652999069818.2100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1914462208 nr_ops:1869592
+timestamp_ms:1652999070819.3052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980275712 nr_ops:1933863
+timestamp_ms:1652999071820.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2045088768 nr_ops:1997157
+timestamp_ms:1652999072820.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2107958272 nr_ops:2058553
+timestamp_ms:1652999073821.9666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2171526144 nr_ops:2120631
+timestamp_ms:1652999074823.0688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2235122688 nr_ops:2182737
+timestamp_ms:1652999075824.1675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2298987520 nr_ops:2245105
+timestamp_ms:1652999076825.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2362954752 nr_ops:2307573
+timestamp_ms:1652999077826.3538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2426573824 nr_ops:2369701
+timestamp_ms:1652999078827.4451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2490393600 nr_ops:2432025
+timestamp_ms:1652999079828.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2554264576 nr_ops:2494399
+timestamp_ms:1652999080829.5859 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2615993344 nr_ops:2554681
+timestamp_ms:1652999081830.6401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2680232960 nr_ops:2617415
+timestamp_ms:1652999082831.7258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2743927808 nr_ops:2679617
+timestamp_ms:1652999083832.7593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2807270400 nr_ops:2741475
+timestamp_ms:1652999084833.8550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2871280640 nr_ops:2803985
+timestamp_ms:1652999085834.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934121472 nr_ops:2865353
+timestamp_ms:1652999086835.9810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2997864448 nr_ops:2927602
+timestamp_ms:1652999087837.0149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3061357568 nr_ops:2989607
+timestamp_ms:1652999088838.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3124638720 nr_ops:3051405
+timestamp_ms:1652999089839.2117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3188210688 nr_ops:3113487
+timestamp_ms:1652999090840.3113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3251080192 nr_ops:3174883
+timestamp_ms:1652999091841.4072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3314837504 nr_ops:3237146
+timestamp_ms:1652999092842.5115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3378570240 nr_ops:3299385
+timestamp_ms:1652999093843.6038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3442250752 nr_ops:3361573
+timestamp_ms:1652999094844.6965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3505652736 nr_ops:3423489
+timestamp_ms:1652999095845.8020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3568600064 nr_ops:3484961
+timestamp_ms:1652999096846.9043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3632239616 nr_ops:3547109
+timestamp_ms:1652999097848.0007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3696068608 nr_ops:3609442
+timestamp_ms:1652999098849.0466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3760059392 nr_ops:3671933
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140096543241984
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652999100050.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3823205376 nr_ops:3733599
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999100050.5120 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999100050.5215 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999100150.6860 name:Total nr_bytes:3823205376 nr_ops:3733600
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999100050.6172 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7646410750 nr_ops:7467200
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999100050.6189 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3823205376 nr_ops:3733602
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 283.53us 0.00ns 283.53us 283.53us
+Txn1 1866800 32.15us 0.00ns 3.50ms 27.20us
+Txn2 1 47.76us 0.00ns 47.76us 47.76us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 282.89us 0.00ns 282.89us 282.89us
+write 1866800 3.23us 0.00ns 95.96us 2.44us
+read 1866799 28.83us 0.00ns 3.49ms 1.38us
+disconnect 1 47.08us 0.00ns 47.08us 47.08us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29933 29933 261.01Mb/s 261.01Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.73b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.180 62.37s 3.56GB 490.42Mb/s 3733601 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.56GB 490.42Mb/s 3733602 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:00.787000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:00.787000', 'bytes': 62686208, 'norm_byte': 62686208, 'ops': 61217, 'norm_ops': 61217, 'norm_ltcy': 16.353134648055278, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:00.787000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:00.787000",
+ "bytes": 62686208,
+ "norm_byte": 62686208,
+ "ops": 61217,
+ "norm_ops": 61217,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.353134648055278,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "407555d99269d45f1af0ebbf55a703936ed82a5981554ab804e2d3ac618ff5ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:01.788000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:01.788000', 'bytes': 125412352, 'norm_byte': 62726144, 'ops': 122473, 'norm_ops': 61256, 'norm_ltcy': 16.34181036219921, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:01.788000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:01.788000",
+ "bytes": 125412352,
+ "norm_byte": 62726144,
+ "ops": 122473,
+ "norm_ops": 61256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.34181036219921,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "894662abdadbe0bf5bd88abf257ccfcf7f17a518d2aac55fcb80ff6c6b2c2e81",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:02.789000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:02.789000', 'bytes': 188640256, 'norm_byte': 63227904, 'ops': 184219, 'norm_ops': 61746, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21272705797744, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:02.789000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:02.789000",
+ "bytes": 188640256,
+ "norm_byte": 63227904,
+ "ops": 184219,
+ "norm_ops": 61746,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21272705797744,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9dec33faf80d92f4fe154145936ca50edeeffde05186d233cc6d6ea26c3bf024",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:03.790000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:03.790000', 'bytes': 252815360, 'norm_byte': 64175104, 'ops': 246890, 'norm_ops': 62671, 'norm_ltcy': 15.973756739061924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:03.790000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:03.790000",
+ "bytes": 252815360,
+ "norm_byte": 64175104,
+ "ops": 246890,
+ "norm_ops": 62671,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.973756739061924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14c08ba4d2ceaf2f97668458ddbb80db7146cabb7deeb32a5e3efcc4a12d7f56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:04.791000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:04.791000', 'bytes': 316595200, 'norm_byte': 63779840, 'ops': 309175, 'norm_ops': 62285, 'norm_ltcy': 16.069764364413583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:04.791000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:04.791000",
+ "bytes": 316595200,
+ "norm_byte": 63779840,
+ "ops": 309175,
+ "norm_ops": 62285,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.069764364413583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5228db04e8e87d3e3d24ada20c27b3b3cad96ab4ab735288b3bc1c9c056479b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:05.792000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:05.792000', 'bytes': 381023232, 'norm_byte': 64428032, 'ops': 372093, 'norm_ops': 62918, 'norm_ltcy': 15.910112697528927, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:05.792000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:05.792000",
+ "bytes": 381023232,
+ "norm_byte": 64428032,
+ "ops": 372093,
+ "norm_ops": 62918,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.910112697528927,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b25c8570a0588dcbe8ea998d952611e3dafe463e97f9bee4e54a272d0139f7c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:06.793000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:06.793000', 'bytes': 444701696, 'norm_byte': 63678464, 'ops': 434279, 'norm_ops': 62186, 'norm_ltcy': 16.096376005551893, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:06.793000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:06.793000",
+ "bytes": 444701696,
+ "norm_byte": 63678464,
+ "ops": 434279,
+ "norm_ops": 62186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.096376005551893,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "441ba13562c9c09eb226b8a2b9de91a29ff4bb50a184f63ae7c6602ab0595743",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:07.794000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:07.794000', 'bytes': 509461504, 'norm_byte': 64759808, 'ops': 497521, 'norm_ops': 63242, 'norm_ltcy': 15.829941929413998, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:07.794000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:07.794000",
+ "bytes": 509461504,
+ "norm_byte": 64759808,
+ "ops": 497521,
+ "norm_ops": 63242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.829941929413998,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a55b028f6f37c6f49d0ae4d58d1fbb5cd66bf70111add16b5a4e00594f05076",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:08.796000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:08.796000', 'bytes': 573211648, 'norm_byte': 63750144, 'ops': 559777, 'norm_ops': 62256, 'norm_ltcy': 16.08029308922032, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:08.796000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:08.796000",
+ "bytes": 573211648,
+ "norm_byte": 63750144,
+ "ops": 559777,
+ "norm_ops": 62256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.08029308922032,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48f81569224e62073b59311a39d61509e28b2a1aa8a3d707560b2df147a35005",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:09.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:09.797000', 'bytes': 636856320, 'norm_byte': 63644672, 'ops': 621930, 'norm_ops': 62153, 'norm_ltcy': 16.106941363449874, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:09.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:09.797000",
+ "bytes": 636856320,
+ "norm_byte": 63644672,
+ "ops": 621930,
+ "norm_ops": 62153,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.106941363449874,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac814b6f83aaf79484496c7aff29211643219b1f25d1b551818b5aaaa32c7dc5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:10.798000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:10.798000', 'bytes': 698713088, 'norm_byte': 61856768, 'ops': 682337, 'norm_ops': 60407, 'norm_ltcy': 16.57241047576233, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:10.798000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:10.798000",
+ "bytes": 698713088,
+ "norm_byte": 61856768,
+ "ops": 682337,
+ "norm_ops": 60407,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.57241047576233,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6af979628fefe0128f833cfbeb0f80a5227604743b3518a789f9fe6ccbf6cf6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:11.799000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:11.799000', 'bytes': 761287680, 'norm_byte': 62574592, 'ops': 743445, 'norm_ops': 61108, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38251592595282, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:11.799000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:11.799000",
+ "bytes": 761287680,
+ "norm_byte": 62574592,
+ "ops": 743445,
+ "norm_ops": 61108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38251592595282,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5880e2efda9e59f23011cf6e7bde20ef3381e788fdde626d4d652fcfd9b040f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:12.800000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:12.800000', 'bytes': 824622080, 'norm_byte': 63334400, 'ops': 805295, 'norm_ops': 61850, 'norm_ltcy': 16.185039251970494, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:12.800000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:12.800000",
+ "bytes": 824622080,
+ "norm_byte": 63334400,
+ "ops": 805295,
+ "norm_ops": 61850,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.185039251970494,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1331dddcff7cbf0a6b57af0aa78a15b50741dcf24889f6de4d491cfe61238caf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:13.801000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:13.801000', 'bytes': 888620032, 'norm_byte': 63997952, 'ops': 867793, 'norm_ops': 62498, 'norm_ltcy': 16.018157112277592, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:13.801000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:13.801000",
+ "bytes": 888620032,
+ "norm_byte": 63997952,
+ "ops": 867793,
+ "norm_ops": 62498,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.018157112277592,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd620742feb926c4b2eb2cd18153fc7c9824affde13c59978c5a06e34a24fac0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:14.802000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:14.802000', 'bytes': 951532544, 'norm_byte': 62912512, 'ops': 929231, 'norm_ops': 61438, 'norm_ltcy': 16.29463627203441, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:14.802000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:14.802000",
+ "bytes": 951532544,
+ "norm_byte": 62912512,
+ "ops": 929231,
+ "norm_ops": 61438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.29463627203441,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a51880a43894a6efc5ab47fdd7bfdf251371f7f84c74bdda530d91b9a88d0ac5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:15.803000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:15.803000', 'bytes': 1014254592, 'norm_byte': 62722048, 'ops': 990483, 'norm_ops': 61252, 'norm_ltcy': 16.343921837501224, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:15.803000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:15.803000",
+ "bytes": 1014254592,
+ "norm_byte": 62722048,
+ "ops": 990483,
+ "norm_ops": 61252,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.343921837501224,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a817d9267b85bde1c5e266e6e5a0506986667e858bb2743f452310f98a41230",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:16.804000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:16.804000', 'bytes': 1075473408, 'norm_byte': 61218816, 'ops': 1050267, 'norm_ops': 59784, 'norm_ltcy': 16.74532140575865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:16.804000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:16.804000",
+ "bytes": 1075473408,
+ "norm_byte": 61218816,
+ "ops": 1050267,
+ "norm_ops": 59784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.74532140575865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f537af050356dd398ef627cb9ead0b83e9a754a3177375ffa6205ccf177ae48f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:17.805000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:17.805000', 'bytes': 1138207744, 'norm_byte': 62734336, 'ops': 1111531, 'norm_ops': 61264, 'norm_ltcy': 16.340752375222397, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:17.805000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:17.805000",
+ "bytes": 1138207744,
+ "norm_byte": 62734336,
+ "ops": 1111531,
+ "norm_ops": 61264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.340752375222397,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ade56906c1e9f860febf940b4a2024c0036546fc95b9e6ba22424a96482ea09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:18.806000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:18.806000', 'bytes': 1201269760, 'norm_byte': 63062016, 'ops': 1173115, 'norm_ops': 61584, 'norm_ltcy': 16.254848243354605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:18.806000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:18.806000",
+ "bytes": 1201269760,
+ "norm_byte": 63062016,
+ "ops": 1173115,
+ "norm_ops": 61584,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.254848243354605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae7fd8a872f509c92f8a28777bda91947e3a187c252b77e4f5ee6cf870b32187",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:19.808000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:19.808000', 'bytes': 1265065984, 'norm_byte': 63796224, 'ops': 1235416, 'norm_ops': 62301, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06899571360211, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:19.808000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:19.808000",
+ "bytes": 1265065984,
+ "norm_byte": 63796224,
+ "ops": 1235416,
+ "norm_ops": 62301,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06899571360211,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "083672322cbc5b48b54c38f43d1a551ead584207f7ef42b2c5e98127a5add30e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:20.809000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:20.809000', 'bytes': 1330625536, 'norm_byte': 65559552, 'ops': 1299439, 'norm_ops': 64023, 'norm_ltcy': 15.636493367129782, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:20.809000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:20.809000",
+ "bytes": 1330625536,
+ "norm_byte": 65559552,
+ "ops": 1299439,
+ "norm_ops": 64023,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.636493367129782,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59940a573c0f679b3a12dfe1f84a7c76c84f2e461092dc4b7150ed35832f19e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:21.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:21.810000', 'bytes': 1393912832, 'norm_byte': 63287296, 'ops': 1361243, 'norm_ops': 61804, 'norm_ltcy': 16.1981324024335, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:21.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:21.810000",
+ "bytes": 1393912832,
+ "norm_byte": 63287296,
+ "ops": 1361243,
+ "norm_ops": 61804,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.1981324024335,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff029f06ac265d4d3a940a58ea1b4c66e42849cd869a19ffa4f3c26890e4d454",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:22.811000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:22.811000', 'bytes': 1462084608, 'norm_byte': 68171776, 'ops': 1427817, 'norm_ops': 66574, 'norm_ltcy': 15.037216428100685, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:22.811000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:22.811000",
+ "bytes": 1462084608,
+ "norm_byte": 68171776,
+ "ops": 1427817,
+ "norm_ops": 66574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.037216428100685,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a3b6f8f298424ec2be12d21eb4e7ed312e3891c93dfe378c6e55f695f4209349",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:23.812000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:23.812000', 'bytes': 1528960000, 'norm_byte': 66875392, 'ops': 1493125, 'norm_ops': 65308, 'norm_ltcy': 15.328747530930361, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:23.812000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:23.812000",
+ "bytes": 1528960000,
+ "norm_byte": 66875392,
+ "ops": 1493125,
+ "norm_ops": 65308,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.328747530930361,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "afc66b281f6638f3c6243ec56bc5712a112db184f90f40365bb0e381a92e7e86",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:24.813000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:24.813000', 'bytes': 1595016192, 'norm_byte': 66056192, 'ops': 1557633, 'norm_ops': 64508, 'norm_ltcy': 15.517958558676831, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:24.813000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:24.813000",
+ "bytes": 1595016192,
+ "norm_byte": 66056192,
+ "ops": 1557633,
+ "norm_ops": 64508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.517958558676831,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3881eb1ea1c77aa24e3de83dcd15af199df4f2ddcb42c7ce0645ca4ad2673ce2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:25.813000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:25.813000', 'bytes': 1659067392, 'norm_byte': 64051200, 'ops': 1620183, 'norm_ops': 62550, 'norm_ltcy': 15.99328349820144, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:25.813000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:25.813000",
+ "bytes": 1659067392,
+ "norm_byte": 64051200,
+ "ops": 1620183,
+ "norm_ops": 62550,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.99328349820144,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec581f75ce3473a1b4089016669744a8ecf8559bae986cb3b98beab6e68d14e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:26.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:26.814000', 'bytes': 1722680320, 'norm_byte': 63612928, 'ops': 1682305, 'norm_ops': 62122, 'norm_ltcy': 16.114975088082726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:26.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:26.814000",
+ "bytes": 1722680320,
+ "norm_byte": 63612928,
+ "ops": 1682305,
+ "norm_ops": 62122,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.114975088082726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ba5d083f1e75d59bf14595808a124449da4a0f62c8bab55ca3d9b876306ade4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:27.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:27.816000', 'bytes': 1785947136, 'norm_byte': 63266816, 'ops': 1744089, 'norm_ops': 61784, 'norm_ltcy': 16.203087413155107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:27.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:27.816000",
+ "bytes": 1785947136,
+ "norm_byte": 63266816,
+ "ops": 1744089,
+ "norm_ops": 61784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.203087413155107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e9e1f4f51091f5d5da043ede97d88607f5a8a87e284ca0bc1f6ee83fd68f5c18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:28.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:28.817000', 'bytes': 1848628224, 'norm_byte': 62681088, 'ops': 1805301, 'norm_ops': 61212, 'norm_ltcy': 16.35452227632041, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:28.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:28.817000",
+ "bytes": 1848628224,
+ "norm_byte": 62681088,
+ "ops": 1805301,
+ "norm_ops": 61212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.35452227632041,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7183d7758fc3beaa03e0500b94617d47d38a734e3af8746ec7b7f8132d2cb276",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:29.818000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:29.818000', 'bytes': 1914462208, 'norm_byte': 65833984, 'ops': 1869592, 'norm_ops': 64291, 'norm_ltcy': 15.571254961571215, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:29.818000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:29.818000",
+ "bytes": 1914462208,
+ "norm_byte": 65833984,
+ "ops": 1869592,
+ "norm_ops": 64291,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.571254961571215,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a397d9e18942f0fd4b26db31f39fa60ff432cc63682b07b8271ba68c15a93ffb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:30.819000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:30.819000', 'bytes': 1980275712, 'norm_byte': 65813504, 'ops': 1933863, 'norm_ops': 64271, 'norm_ltcy': 15.576157440272441, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:30.819000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:30.819000",
+ "bytes": 1980275712,
+ "norm_byte": 65813504,
+ "ops": 1933863,
+ "norm_ops": 64271,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.576157440272441,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "50b6fe82fb3f9d8d0d3a17b3ee23d0197bcede81001e9440597f398563c7f99f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:31.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:31.820000', 'bytes': 2045088768, 'norm_byte': 64813056, 'ops': 1997157, 'norm_ops': 63294, 'norm_ltcy': 15.816658915142035, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:31.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:31.820000",
+ "bytes": 2045088768,
+ "norm_byte": 64813056,
+ "ops": 1997157,
+ "norm_ops": 63294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.816658915142035,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d32a85bfc212fecda802d1a5fb34e88e1fb1f2de930c79d972da78059974f141",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:32.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:32.820000', 'bytes': 2107958272, 'norm_byte': 62869504, 'ops': 2058553, 'norm_ops': 61396, 'norm_ltcy': 16.294784192984885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:32.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:32.820000",
+ "bytes": 2107958272,
+ "norm_byte": 62869504,
+ "ops": 2058553,
+ "norm_ops": 61396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.294784192984885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8ad81861583d83b62a9dc687edb158bd3a9f278a6a26820a091c81f00745d55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:33.821000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:33.821000', 'bytes': 2171526144, 'norm_byte': 63567872, 'ops': 2120631, 'norm_ops': 62078, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12692414809796, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:33.821000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:33.821000",
+ "bytes": 2171526144,
+ "norm_byte": 63567872,
+ "ops": 2120631,
+ "norm_ops": 62078,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12692414809796,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "36988d90d82d02188dd8a5e9294ec4ebf93fad7ccc6347a65f255b96ebf386f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:34.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:34.823000', 'bytes': 2235122688, 'norm_byte': 63596544, 'ops': 2182737, 'norm_ops': 62106, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11925248642442, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:34.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:34.823000",
+ "bytes": 2235122688,
+ "norm_byte": 63596544,
+ "ops": 2182737,
+ "norm_ops": 62106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11925248642442,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db20889badea5f984333539609cc178dad43664894c4032f135ffaf918cd7b20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:35.824000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:35.824000', 'bytes': 2298987520, 'norm_byte': 63864832, 'ops': 2245105, 'norm_ops': 62368, 'norm_ltcy': 16.05147884832767, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:35.824000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:35.824000",
+ "bytes": 2298987520,
+ "norm_byte": 63864832,
+ "ops": 2245105,
+ "norm_ops": 62368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.05147884832767,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1100b88d6a076bcdafea922f852e555b4b39d0da0573d7214e30d7f2d1573d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:36.825000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:36.825000', 'bytes': 2362954752, 'norm_byte': 63967232, 'ops': 2307573, 'norm_ops': 62468, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0257129775445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:36.825000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:36.825000",
+ "bytes": 2362954752,
+ "norm_byte": 63967232,
+ "ops": 2307573,
+ "norm_ops": 62468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0257129775445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35e003e3c42e7e946e0278616b0924d9e1e5088dc1ca3ec6e86594423474b967",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:37.826000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:37.826000', 'bytes': 2426573824, 'norm_byte': 63619072, 'ops': 2369701, 'norm_ops': 62128, 'norm_ltcy': 16.113379490980314, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:37.826000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:37.826000",
+ "bytes": 2426573824,
+ "norm_byte": 63619072,
+ "ops": 2369701,
+ "norm_ops": 62128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.113379490980314,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10948084ddd6f344951e1b309cf81bea8f9fff77516eaa47c516eeeb897ceb87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:38.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:38.827000', 'bytes': 2490393600, 'norm_byte': 63819776, 'ops': 2432025, 'norm_ops': 62324, 'norm_ltcy': 16.062693482346287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:38.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:38.827000",
+ "bytes": 2490393600,
+ "norm_byte": 63819776,
+ "ops": 2432025,
+ "norm_ops": 62324,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.062693482346287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7911a91de26fb48f5bb1f6137a0e5add39a9720cf944c8be57fb037183239951",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:39.828000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:39.828000', 'bytes': 2554264576, 'norm_byte': 63870976, 'ops': 2494399, 'norm_ops': 62374, 'norm_ltcy': 16.049844768302897, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:39.828000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:39.828000",
+ "bytes": 2554264576,
+ "norm_byte": 63870976,
+ "ops": 2494399,
+ "norm_ops": 62374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.049844768302897,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ccfe3621beb60600a5eac86462db0f57bf97f9019d45305b4e4793d471f989c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:40.829000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:40.829000', 'bytes': 2615993344, 'norm_byte': 61728768, 'ops': 2554681, 'norm_ops': 60282, 'norm_ltcy': 16.606082272693342, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:40.829000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:40.829000",
+ "bytes": 2615993344,
+ "norm_byte": 61728768,
+ "ops": 2554681,
+ "norm_ops": 60282,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.606082272693342,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66adb188cb8b4e8d6fba2c33443041b0bf173f4633bafcc1d54e30ded5e8fe3d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:41.830000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:41.830000', 'bytes': 2680232960, 'norm_byte': 64239616, 'ops': 2617415, 'norm_ops': 62734, 'norm_ltcy': 15.95712371630615, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:41.830000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:41.830000",
+ "bytes": 2680232960,
+ "norm_byte": 64239616,
+ "ops": 2617415,
+ "norm_ops": 62734,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.95712371630615,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b0b40b42b31b16f5310184cf0b395294f6b6fb5b8caa4b5e25c1d008b2bce1b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:42.831000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:42.831000', 'bytes': 2743927808, 'norm_byte': 63694848, 'ops': 2679617, 'norm_ops': 62202, 'norm_ltcy': 16.094107799739156, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:42.831000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:42.831000",
+ "bytes": 2743927808,
+ "norm_byte": 63694848,
+ "ops": 2679617,
+ "norm_ops": 62202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.094107799739156,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "273c3f9b9ba71d96868067faf4ca69f393b304ff812959512bca1c2b00c3d83b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:43.832000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:43.832000', 'bytes': 2807270400, 'norm_byte': 63342592, 'ops': 2741475, 'norm_ops': 61858, 'norm_ltcy': 16.182764513330934, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:43.832000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:43.832000",
+ "bytes": 2807270400,
+ "norm_byte": 63342592,
+ "ops": 2741475,
+ "norm_ops": 61858,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.182764513330934,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "409ccc1b49c616a5c5e19f0c849c83e358536337dae94ea15129683548dadccd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:44.833000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:44.833000', 'bytes': 2871280640, 'norm_byte': 64010240, 'ops': 2803985, 'norm_ops': 62510, 'norm_ltcy': 16.014968854983202, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:44.833000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:44.833000",
+ "bytes": 2871280640,
+ "norm_byte": 64010240,
+ "ops": 2803985,
+ "norm_ops": 62510,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.014968854983202,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b54d7a30e5443199de96a79be3020b6478a8295047cbf820e92211a431598de2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:45.834000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:45.834000', 'bytes': 2934121472, 'norm_byte': 62840832, 'ops': 2865353, 'norm_ops': 61368, 'norm_ltcy': 16.31290066305933, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:45.834000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:45.834000",
+ "bytes": 2934121472,
+ "norm_byte": 62840832,
+ "ops": 2865353,
+ "norm_ops": 61368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.31290066305933,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c2f968142dacdbfecf6019c94a6e1b90410120d614ee88bb80bf283ce6f6961a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:46.835000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:46.835000', 'bytes': 2997864448, 'norm_byte': 63742976, 'ops': 2927602, 'norm_ops': 62249, 'norm_ltcy': 16.08115614181553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:46.835000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:46.835000",
+ "bytes": 2997864448,
+ "norm_byte": 63742976,
+ "ops": 2927602,
+ "norm_ops": 62249,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.08115614181553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d8ac90d81795f7de9e5daf2736c756b5d01201832b20f12ae3512090d5f7e80a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:47.837000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:47.837000', 'bytes': 3061357568, 'norm_byte': 63493120, 'ops': 2989607, 'norm_ops': 62005, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14440666957302, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:47.837000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:47.837000",
+ "bytes": 3061357568,
+ "norm_byte": 63493120,
+ "ops": 2989607,
+ "norm_ops": 62005,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14440666957302,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "beebb40f981f21415267cf572902a9639a25067a35b921aa19e3497ac280b1d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:48.838000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:48.838000', 'bytes': 3124638720, 'norm_byte': 63281152, 'ops': 3051405, 'norm_ops': 61798, 'norm_ltcy': 16.199456198268958, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:48.838000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:48.838000",
+ "bytes": 3124638720,
+ "norm_byte": 63281152,
+ "ops": 3051405,
+ "norm_ops": 61798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.199456198268958,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb947f6fa1107a5509ae8715d4e5f6e1a16b0cba69879bf33b8dc0dc25244129",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:49.839000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:49.839000', 'bytes': 3188210688, 'norm_byte': 63571968, 'ops': 3113487, 'norm_ops': 62082, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12549182054581, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:49.839000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:49.839000",
+ "bytes": 3188210688,
+ "norm_byte": 63571968,
+ "ops": 3113487,
+ "norm_ops": 62082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12549182054581,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4db5be4e051b768446e43b605aa0f06fe4d50205c8cae1b150e7d71e2f7ba3e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:50.840000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:50.840000', 'bytes': 3251080192, 'norm_byte': 62869504, 'ops': 3174883, 'norm_ops': 61396, 'norm_ltcy': 16.30561615373966, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:50.840000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:50.840000",
+ "bytes": 3251080192,
+ "norm_byte": 62869504,
+ "ops": 3174883,
+ "norm_ops": 61396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.30561615373966,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34e34f0e88a70a04e91dcf49d22e90b136088104ad4c23bb51d8c2033c83e713",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:51.841000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:51.841000', 'bytes': 3314837504, 'norm_byte': 63757312, 'ops': 3237146, 'norm_ops': 62263, 'norm_ltcy': 16.078504846628412, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:51.841000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:51.841000",
+ "bytes": 3314837504,
+ "norm_byte": 63757312,
+ "ops": 3237146,
+ "norm_ops": 62263,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.078504846628412,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a558bbe2a42d384e2c106c934cf0f8f25fc7ff0e10d609f8f9d4b5bcd4ddcaf0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:52.842000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:52.842000', 'bytes': 3378570240, 'norm_byte': 63732736, 'ops': 3299385, 'norm_ops': 62239, 'norm_ltcy': 16.084838253295764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:52.842000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:52.842000",
+ "bytes": 3378570240,
+ "norm_byte": 63732736,
+ "ops": 3299385,
+ "norm_ops": 62239,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.084838253295764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f909d8233b89eaeb86295b044c4320d581c77acb245c60d682f4607b878fcb4d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:53.843000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:53.843000', 'bytes': 3442250752, 'norm_byte': 63680512, 'ops': 3361573, 'norm_ops': 62188, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09783696462742, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:53.843000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:53.843000",
+ "bytes": 3442250752,
+ "norm_byte": 63680512,
+ "ops": 3361573,
+ "norm_ops": 62188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09783696462742,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0da52aa208f14287be645f76c6e8a3cf5fb19a8791246e7b4358cd8e96ab0d79",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:54.844000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:54.844000', 'bytes': 3505652736, 'norm_byte': 63401984, 'ops': 3423489, 'norm_ops': 61916, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16856343170586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:54.844000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:54.844000",
+ "bytes": 3505652736,
+ "norm_byte": 63401984,
+ "ops": 3423489,
+ "norm_ops": 61916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16856343170586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14b7c7d7864fc2f667cda2ad74ac1ba2928cf5dab58ec78a590f0ff85f2f841e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:55.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:55.845000', 'bytes': 3568600064, 'norm_byte': 62947328, 'ops': 3484961, 'norm_ops': 61472, 'norm_ltcy': 16.285552263632223, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:55.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:55.845000",
+ "bytes": 3568600064,
+ "norm_byte": 62947328,
+ "ops": 3484961,
+ "norm_ops": 61472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.285552263632223,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "441b2b265b9fbbc5a91469cbf0e73f00771370f9d18809c9d2617dcccd035037",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:56.846000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:56.846000', 'bytes': 3632239616, 'norm_byte': 63639552, 'ops': 3547109, 'norm_ops': 62148, 'norm_ltcy': 16.108358996618957, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:56.846000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:56.846000",
+ "bytes": 3632239616,
+ "norm_byte": 63639552,
+ "ops": 3547109,
+ "norm_ops": 62148,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.108358996618957,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a7c2bfa1f8bf78f84538d5822cf783f866381dc31f49ac25a41be8b2dbc18af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:57.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:57.848000', 'bytes': 3696068608, 'norm_byte': 63828992, 'ops': 3609442, 'norm_ops': 62333, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06045650854082, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:57.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:57.848000",
+ "bytes": 3696068608,
+ "norm_byte": 63828992,
+ "ops": 3609442,
+ "norm_ops": 62333,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06045650854082,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db96d99d7f1616a2fc234cccc01d99da347497cf8116abd74c6ce6290adb495e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:24:58.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:24:58.849000', 'bytes': 3760059392, 'norm_byte': 63990784, 'ops': 3671933, 'norm_ops': 62491, 'norm_ltcy': 16.019041116920835, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:24:58.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:24:58.849000",
+ "bytes": 3760059392,
+ "norm_byte": 63990784,
+ "ops": 3671933,
+ "norm_ops": 62491,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.019041116920835,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f865b7348d5ce0d8e43cde342754873a9ef91052f0811b55f37ed04f794a659c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:25:00.050000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:25:00.050000', 'bytes': 3823205376, 'norm_byte': 63145984, 'ops': 3733599, 'norm_ops': 61666, 'norm_ltcy': 19.48215740845847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:25:00.050000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:25:00.050000",
+ "bytes": 3823205376,
+ "norm_byte": 63145984,
+ "ops": 3733599,
+ "norm_ops": 61666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.48215740845847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "efe0908c-9277-5ebc-9870-50ef308cd025",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eef790e5961b055bc598119833b80e2c6e785aa1511c5d027c201b27974b2bb9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63720089.6
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62226.65
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.57409406560888
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:25:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-085-220519222115/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-085-220519222115/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..381b06f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-085-220519222115/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-085-220519222115/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-085-220519222115/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-085-220519222115/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-085-220519222115/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-085-220519222115/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1736a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-085-220519222115/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=70
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-086-220519222316/220519222316-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-086-220519222316/220519222316-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6172991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-086-220519222316/220519222316-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:25:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999160797.4700 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999161798.5774 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999161798.6689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999162799.7539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63706112 nr_ops:62213\ntimestamp_ms:1652999163800.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:74558464 nr_ops:72811\ntimestamp_ms:1652999164801.9333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:85040128 nr_ops:83047\ntimestamp_ms:1652999165803.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106068992 nr_ops:103583\ntimestamp_ms:1652999166803.8513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:119866368 nr_ops:117057\ntimestamp_ms:1652999167804.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140563456 nr_ops:137269\ntimestamp_ms:1652999168805.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:152671232 nr_ops:149093\ntimestamp_ms:1652999169807.0107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191374336 nr_ops:186889\ntimestamp_ms:1652999170808.0413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225641472 nr_ops:220353\ntimestamp_ms:1652999171809.0771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:238097408 nr_ops:232517\ntimestamp_ms:1652999172810.1729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251761664 nr_ops:245861\ntimestamp_ms:1652999173811.2896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278303744 nr_ops:271781\ntimestamp_ms:1652999174812.3755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:298804224 nr_ops:291801\ntimestamp_ms:1652999175813.4651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:323789824 nr_ops:316201\ntimestamp_ms:1652999176814.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354812928 nr_ops:346497\ntimestamp_ms:1652999177815.6755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378041344 nr_ops:369181\ntimestamp_ms:1652999178816.7874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:391808000 nr_ops:382625\ntimestamp_ms:1652999179817.9119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:408445952 nr_ops:398873\ntimestamp_ms:1652999180819.0134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428547072 nr_ops:418503\ntimestamp_ms:1652999181820.1250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:443036672 nr_ops:432653\ntimestamp_ms:1652999182821.2439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:467244032 nr_ops:456293\ntimestamp_ms:1652999183822.3411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:479953920 nr_ops:468705\ntimestamp_ms:1652999184823.4873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516101120 nr_ops:504005\ntimestamp_ms:1652999185824.5884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:536736768 nr_ops:524157\ntimestamp_ms:1652999186825.6384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564696064 nr_ops:551461\ntimestamp_ms:1652999187826.6790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:576001024 nr_ops:562501\ntimestamp_ms:1652999188827.7883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599796736 nr_ops:585739\ntimestamp_ms:1652999189828.8293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612039680 nr_ops:597695\ntimestamp_ms:1652999190829.8442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:654726144 nr_ops:639381\ntimestamp_ms:1652999191830.9453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:686404608 nr_ops:670317\ntimestamp_ms:1652999192832.0481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700206080 nr_ops:683795\ntimestamp_ms:1652999193833.1641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:716483584 nr_ops:699691\ntimestamp_ms:1652999194834.2676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741436416 nr_ops:724059\ntimestamp_ms:1652999195835.4888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:768195584 nr_ops:750191\ntimestamp_ms:1652999196836.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:786721792 nr_ops:768283\ntimestamp_ms:1652999197837.6321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:807838720 nr_ops:788905\ntimestamp_ms:1652999198838.7224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819254272 nr_ops:800053\ntimestamp_ms:1652999199839.8152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:829391872 nr_ops:809953\ntimestamp_ms:1652999200840.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838792192 nr_ops:819133\ntimestamp_ms:1652999201841.8721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848602112 nr_ops:828713\ntimestamp_ms:1652999202842.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:859411456 nr_ops:839269\ntimestamp_ms:1652999203844.1016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876160000 nr_ops:855625\ntimestamp_ms:1652999204844.8445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:897719296 nr_ops:876679\ntimestamp_ms:1652999205845.9597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912942080 nr_ops:891545\ntimestamp_ms:1652999206847.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:925907968 nr_ops:904207\ntimestamp_ms:1652999207848.1750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942570496 nr_ops:920479\ntimestamp_ms:1652999208849.2876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:966312960 nr_ops:943665\ntimestamp_ms:1652999209850.3989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:982182912 nr_ops:959163\ntimestamp_ms:1652999210851.5205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1000074240 nr_ops:976635\ntimestamp_ms:1652999211852.6223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017734144 nr_ops:993881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999212853.7388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1033407488 nr_ops:1009187\ntimestamp_ms:1652999213854.8577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1051237376 nr_ops:1026599\ntimestamp_ms:1652999214855.9768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1072026624 nr_ops:1046901\ntimestamp_ms:1652999215857.0925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092518912 nr_ops:1066913\ntimestamp_ms:1652999216857.8533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1109752832 nr_ops:1083743\ntimestamp_ms:1652999217858.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136012288 nr_ops:1109387\ntimestamp_ms:1652999218860.0793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1148333056 nr_ops:1121419\ntimestamp_ms:1652999219861.1875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164227584 nr_ops:1136941\ntimestamp_ms:1652999220862.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1190081536 nr_ops:1162189\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140149073868544\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.6733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209003008 nr_ops:1180667\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.7493 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.7673 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222163.9514 name:Total nr_bytes:1209003008 nr_ops:1180668\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.8530 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2418006014 nr_ops:2361336\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.8538 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1209003008 nr_ops:1180670\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 373.43us 0.00ns 373.43us 373.43us \nTxn1 590334 101.70us 0.00ns 220.01ms 18.67us \nTxn2 1 46.45us 0.00ns 46.45us 46.45us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 372.87us 0.00ns 372.87us 372.87us \nwrite 590334 2.92us 0.00ns 90.75us 2.17us \nread 590333 98.70us 0.00ns 220.00ms 1.21us \ndisconnect 1 46.10us 0.00ns 46.10us 46.10us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \nnet1 9469 9469 82.55Mb/s 82.55Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.181 62.37s 1.13GB 155.08Mb/s 1180669 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.13GB 155.08Mb/s 1180670 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417035, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999160797.4700 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999161798.5774 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999161798.6689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999162799.7539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63706112 nr_ops:62213\ntimestamp_ms:1652999163800.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:74558464 nr_ops:72811\ntimestamp_ms:1652999164801.9333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:85040128 nr_ops:83047\ntimestamp_ms:1652999165803.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106068992 nr_ops:103583\ntimestamp_ms:1652999166803.8513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:119866368 nr_ops:117057\ntimestamp_ms:1652999167804.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140563456 nr_ops:137269\ntimestamp_ms:1652999168805.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:152671232 nr_ops:149093\ntimestamp_ms:1652999169807.0107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191374336 nr_ops:186889\ntimestamp_ms:1652999170808.0413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225641472 nr_ops:220353\ntimestamp_ms:1652999171809.0771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:238097408 nr_ops:232517\ntimestamp_ms:1652999172810.1729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251761664 nr_ops:245861\ntimestamp_ms:1652999173811.2896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278303744 nr_ops:271781\ntimestamp_ms:1652999174812.3755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:298804224 nr_ops:291801\ntimestamp_ms:1652999175813.4651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:323789824 nr_ops:316201\ntimestamp_ms:1652999176814.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354812928 nr_ops:346497\ntimestamp_ms:1652999177815.6755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378041344 nr_ops:369181\ntimestamp_ms:1652999178816.7874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:391808000 nr_ops:382625\ntimestamp_ms:1652999179817.9119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:408445952 nr_ops:398873\ntimestamp_ms:1652999180819.0134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428547072 nr_ops:418503\ntimestamp_ms:1652999181820.1250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:443036672 nr_ops:432653\ntimestamp_ms:1652999182821.2439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:467244032 nr_ops:456293\ntimestamp_ms:1652999183822.3411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:479953920 nr_ops:468705\ntimestamp_ms:1652999184823.4873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516101120 nr_ops:504005\ntimestamp_ms:1652999185824.5884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:536736768 nr_ops:524157\ntimestamp_ms:1652999186825.6384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564696064 nr_ops:551461\ntimestamp_ms:1652999187826.6790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:576001024 nr_ops:562501\ntimestamp_ms:1652999188827.7883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599796736 nr_ops:585739\ntimestamp_ms:1652999189828.8293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612039680 nr_ops:597695\ntimestamp_ms:1652999190829.8442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:654726144 nr_ops:639381\ntimestamp_ms:1652999191830.9453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:686404608 nr_ops:670317\ntimestamp_ms:1652999192832.0481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700206080 nr_ops:683795\ntimestamp_ms:1652999193833.1641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:716483584 nr_ops:699691\ntimestamp_ms:1652999194834.2676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741436416 nr_ops:724059\ntimestamp_ms:1652999195835.4888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:768195584 nr_ops:750191\ntimestamp_ms:1652999196836.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:786721792 nr_ops:768283\ntimestamp_ms:1652999197837.6321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:807838720 nr_ops:788905\ntimestamp_ms:1652999198838.7224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819254272 nr_ops:800053\ntimestamp_ms:1652999199839.8152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:829391872 nr_ops:809953\ntimestamp_ms:1652999200840.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838792192 nr_ops:819133\ntimestamp_ms:1652999201841.8721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848602112 nr_ops:828713\ntimestamp_ms:1652999202842.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:859411456 nr_ops:839269\ntimestamp_ms:1652999203844.1016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876160000 nr_ops:855625\ntimestamp_ms:1652999204844.8445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:897719296 nr_ops:876679\ntimestamp_ms:1652999205845.9597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912942080 nr_ops:891545\ntimestamp_ms:1652999206847.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:925907968 nr_ops:904207\ntimestamp_ms:1652999207848.1750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942570496 nr_ops:920479\ntimestamp_ms:1652999208849.2876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:966312960 nr_ops:943665\ntimestamp_ms:1652999209850.3989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:982182912 nr_ops:959163\ntimestamp_ms:1652999210851.5205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1000074240 nr_ops:976635\ntimestamp_ms:1652999211852.6223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017734144 nr_ops:993881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999212853.7388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1033407488 nr_ops:1009187\ntimestamp_ms:1652999213854.8577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1051237376 nr_ops:1026599\ntimestamp_ms:1652999214855.9768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1072026624 nr_ops:1046901\ntimestamp_ms:1652999215857.0925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092518912 nr_ops:1066913\ntimestamp_ms:1652999216857.8533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1109752832 nr_ops:1083743\ntimestamp_ms:1652999217858.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136012288 nr_ops:1109387\ntimestamp_ms:1652999218860.0793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1148333056 nr_ops:1121419\ntimestamp_ms:1652999219861.1875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164227584 nr_ops:1136941\ntimestamp_ms:1652999220862.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1190081536 nr_ops:1162189\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140149073868544\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.6733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209003008 nr_ops:1180667\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.7493 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.7673 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222163.9514 name:Total nr_bytes:1209003008 nr_ops:1180668\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.8530 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2418006014 nr_ops:2361336\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.8538 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1209003008 nr_ops:1180670\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 373.43us 0.00ns 373.43us 373.43us \nTxn1 590334 101.70us 0.00ns 220.01ms 18.67us \nTxn2 1 46.45us 0.00ns 46.45us 46.45us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 372.87us 0.00ns 372.87us 372.87us \nwrite 590334 2.92us 0.00ns 90.75us 2.17us \nread 590333 98.70us 0.00ns 220.00ms 1.21us \ndisconnect 1 46.10us 0.00ns 46.10us 46.10us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \nnet1 9469 9469 82.55Mb/s 82.55Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.181 62.37s 1.13GB 155.08Mb/s 1180669 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.13GB 155.08Mb/s 1180670 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417035, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999160797.4700 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999161798.5774 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999161798.6689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999162799.7539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63706112 nr_ops:62213\ntimestamp_ms:1652999163800.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:74558464 nr_ops:72811\ntimestamp_ms:1652999164801.9333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:85040128 nr_ops:83047\ntimestamp_ms:1652999165803.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106068992 nr_ops:103583\ntimestamp_ms:1652999166803.8513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:119866368 nr_ops:117057\ntimestamp_ms:1652999167804.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140563456 nr_ops:137269\ntimestamp_ms:1652999168805.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:152671232 nr_ops:149093\ntimestamp_ms:1652999169807.0107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191374336 nr_ops:186889\ntimestamp_ms:1652999170808.0413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225641472 nr_ops:220353\ntimestamp_ms:1652999171809.0771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:238097408 nr_ops:232517\ntimestamp_ms:1652999172810.1729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251761664 nr_ops:245861\ntimestamp_ms:1652999173811.2896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278303744 nr_ops:271781\ntimestamp_ms:1652999174812.3755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:298804224 nr_ops:291801\ntimestamp_ms:1652999175813.4651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:323789824 nr_ops:316201\ntimestamp_ms:1652999176814.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354812928 nr_ops:346497\ntimestamp_ms:1652999177815.6755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378041344 nr_ops:369181\ntimestamp_ms:1652999178816.7874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:391808000 nr_ops:382625\ntimestamp_ms:1652999179817.9119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:408445952 nr_ops:398873\ntimestamp_ms:1652999180819.0134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428547072 nr_ops:418503\ntimestamp_ms:1652999181820.1250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:443036672 nr_ops:432653\ntimestamp_ms:1652999182821.2439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:467244032 nr_ops:456293\ntimestamp_ms:1652999183822.3411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:479953920 nr_ops:468705\ntimestamp_ms:1652999184823.4873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516101120 nr_ops:504005\ntimestamp_ms:1652999185824.5884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:536736768 nr_ops:524157\ntimestamp_ms:1652999186825.6384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564696064 nr_ops:551461\ntimestamp_ms:1652999187826.6790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:576001024 nr_ops:562501\ntimestamp_ms:1652999188827.7883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599796736 nr_ops:585739\ntimestamp_ms:1652999189828.8293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612039680 nr_ops:597695\ntimestamp_ms:1652999190829.8442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:654726144 nr_ops:639381\ntimestamp_ms:1652999191830.9453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:686404608 nr_ops:670317\ntimestamp_ms:1652999192832.0481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700206080 nr_ops:683795\ntimestamp_ms:1652999193833.1641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:716483584 nr_ops:699691\ntimestamp_ms:1652999194834.2676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741436416 nr_ops:724059\ntimestamp_ms:1652999195835.4888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:768195584 nr_ops:750191\ntimestamp_ms:1652999196836.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:786721792 nr_ops:768283\ntimestamp_ms:1652999197837.6321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:807838720 nr_ops:788905\ntimestamp_ms:1652999198838.7224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819254272 nr_ops:800053\ntimestamp_ms:1652999199839.8152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:829391872 nr_ops:809953\ntimestamp_ms:1652999200840.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838792192 nr_ops:819133\ntimestamp_ms:1652999201841.8721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848602112 nr_ops:828713\ntimestamp_ms:1652999202842.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:859411456 nr_ops:839269\ntimestamp_ms:1652999203844.1016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876160000 nr_ops:855625\ntimestamp_ms:1652999204844.8445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:897719296 nr_ops:876679\ntimestamp_ms:1652999205845.9597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912942080 nr_ops:891545\ntimestamp_ms:1652999206847.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:925907968 nr_ops:904207\ntimestamp_ms:1652999207848.1750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942570496 nr_ops:920479\ntimestamp_ms:1652999208849.2876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:966312960 nr_ops:943665\ntimestamp_ms:1652999209850.3989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:982182912 nr_ops:959163\ntimestamp_ms:1652999210851.5205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1000074240 nr_ops:976635\ntimestamp_ms:1652999211852.6223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017734144 nr_ops:993881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999212853.7388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1033407488 nr_ops:1009187\ntimestamp_ms:1652999213854.8577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1051237376 nr_ops:1026599\ntimestamp_ms:1652999214855.9768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1072026624 nr_ops:1046901\ntimestamp_ms:1652999215857.0925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092518912 nr_ops:1066913\ntimestamp_ms:1652999216857.8533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1109752832 nr_ops:1083743\ntimestamp_ms:1652999217858.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136012288 nr_ops:1109387\ntimestamp_ms:1652999218860.0793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1148333056 nr_ops:1121419\ntimestamp_ms:1652999219861.1875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164227584 nr_ops:1136941\ntimestamp_ms:1652999220862.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1190081536 nr_ops:1162189\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140149073868544\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.6733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209003008 nr_ops:1180667\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.7493 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.7673 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222163.9514 name:Total nr_bytes:1209003008 nr_ops:1180668\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.8530 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2418006014 nr_ops:2361336\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999222063.8538 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1209003008 nr_ops:1180670\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 373.43us 0.00ns 373.43us 373.43us \nTxn1 590334 101.70us 0.00ns 220.01ms 18.67us \nTxn2 1 46.45us 0.00ns 46.45us 46.45us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 372.87us 0.00ns 372.87us 372.87us \nwrite 590334 2.92us 0.00ns 90.75us 2.17us \nread 590333 98.70us 0.00ns 220.00ms 1.21us \ndisconnect 1 46.10us 0.00ns 46.10us 46.10us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \nnet1 9469 9469 82.55Mb/s 82.55Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.181 62.37s 1.13GB 155.08Mb/s 1180669 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.13GB 155.08Mb/s 1180670 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417035, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999160797.4700 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999161798.5774 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999161798.6689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999162799.7539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:63706112 nr_ops:62213
+timestamp_ms:1652999163800.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:74558464 nr_ops:72811
+timestamp_ms:1652999164801.9333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:85040128 nr_ops:83047
+timestamp_ms:1652999165803.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106068992 nr_ops:103583
+timestamp_ms:1652999166803.8513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:119866368 nr_ops:117057
+timestamp_ms:1652999167804.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140563456 nr_ops:137269
+timestamp_ms:1652999168805.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:152671232 nr_ops:149093
+timestamp_ms:1652999169807.0107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191374336 nr_ops:186889
+timestamp_ms:1652999170808.0413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225641472 nr_ops:220353
+timestamp_ms:1652999171809.0771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:238097408 nr_ops:232517
+timestamp_ms:1652999172810.1729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251761664 nr_ops:245861
+timestamp_ms:1652999173811.2896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278303744 nr_ops:271781
+timestamp_ms:1652999174812.3755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:298804224 nr_ops:291801
+timestamp_ms:1652999175813.4651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:323789824 nr_ops:316201
+timestamp_ms:1652999176814.5627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354812928 nr_ops:346497
+timestamp_ms:1652999177815.6755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378041344 nr_ops:369181
+timestamp_ms:1652999178816.7874 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:391808000 nr_ops:382625
+timestamp_ms:1652999179817.9119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:408445952 nr_ops:398873
+timestamp_ms:1652999180819.0134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428547072 nr_ops:418503
+timestamp_ms:1652999181820.1250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:443036672 nr_ops:432653
+timestamp_ms:1652999182821.2439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:467244032 nr_ops:456293
+timestamp_ms:1652999183822.3411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:479953920 nr_ops:468705
+timestamp_ms:1652999184823.4873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516101120 nr_ops:504005
+timestamp_ms:1652999185824.5884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:536736768 nr_ops:524157
+timestamp_ms:1652999186825.6384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564696064 nr_ops:551461
+timestamp_ms:1652999187826.6790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:576001024 nr_ops:562501
+timestamp_ms:1652999188827.7883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599796736 nr_ops:585739
+timestamp_ms:1652999189828.8293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612039680 nr_ops:597695
+timestamp_ms:1652999190829.8442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:654726144 nr_ops:639381
+timestamp_ms:1652999191830.9453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:686404608 nr_ops:670317
+timestamp_ms:1652999192832.0481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700206080 nr_ops:683795
+timestamp_ms:1652999193833.1641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:716483584 nr_ops:699691
+timestamp_ms:1652999194834.2676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741436416 nr_ops:724059
+timestamp_ms:1652999195835.4888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:768195584 nr_ops:750191
+timestamp_ms:1652999196836.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:786721792 nr_ops:768283
+timestamp_ms:1652999197837.6321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:807838720 nr_ops:788905
+timestamp_ms:1652999198838.7224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819254272 nr_ops:800053
+timestamp_ms:1652999199839.8152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:829391872 nr_ops:809953
+timestamp_ms:1652999200840.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838792192 nr_ops:819133
+timestamp_ms:1652999201841.8721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848602112 nr_ops:828713
+timestamp_ms:1652999202842.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:859411456 nr_ops:839269
+timestamp_ms:1652999203844.1016 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876160000 nr_ops:855625
+timestamp_ms:1652999204844.8445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:897719296 nr_ops:876679
+timestamp_ms:1652999205845.9597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:912942080 nr_ops:891545
+timestamp_ms:1652999206847.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:925907968 nr_ops:904207
+timestamp_ms:1652999207848.1750 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942570496 nr_ops:920479
+timestamp_ms:1652999208849.2876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:966312960 nr_ops:943665
+timestamp_ms:1652999209850.3989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:982182912 nr_ops:959163
+timestamp_ms:1652999210851.5205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1000074240 nr_ops:976635
+timestamp_ms:1652999211852.6223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1017734144 nr_ops:993881
+timestamp_ms:1652999212853.7388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1033407488 nr_ops:1009187
+timestamp_ms:1652999213854.8577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1051237376 nr_ops:1026599
+timestamp_ms:1652999214855.9768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1072026624 nr_ops:1046901
+timestamp_ms:1652999215857.0925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092518912 nr_ops:1066913
+timestamp_ms:1652999216857.8533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1109752832 nr_ops:1083743
+timestamp_ms:1652999217858.9663 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136012288 nr_ops:1109387
+timestamp_ms:1652999218860.0793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1148333056 nr_ops:1121419
+timestamp_ms:1652999219861.1875 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164227584 nr_ops:1136941
+timestamp_ms:1652999220862.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1190081536 nr_ops:1162189
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140149073868544
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652999222063.6733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209003008 nr_ops:1180667
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999222063.7493 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999222063.7673 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999222163.9514 name:Total nr_bytes:1209003008 nr_ops:1180668
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999222063.8530 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2418006014 nr_ops:2361336
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999222063.8538 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1209003008 nr_ops:1180670
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 373.43us 0.00ns 373.43us 373.43us
+Txn1 590334 101.70us 0.00ns 220.01ms 18.67us
+Txn2 1 46.45us 0.00ns 46.45us 46.45us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 372.87us 0.00ns 372.87us 372.87us
+write 590334 2.92us 0.00ns 90.75us 2.17us
+read 590333 98.70us 0.00ns 220.00ms 1.21us
+disconnect 1 46.10us 0.00ns 46.10us 46.10us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s
+net1 9469 9469 82.55Mb/s 82.55Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.181 62.37s 1.13GB 155.08Mb/s 1180669 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.13GB 155.08Mb/s 1180670 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:02.799000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:02.799000', 'bytes': 63706112, 'norm_byte': 63706112, 'ops': 62213, 'norm_ops': 62213, 'norm_ltcy': 16.091250396822208, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:02.799000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:02.799000",
+ "bytes": 63706112,
+ "norm_byte": 63706112,
+ "ops": 62213,
+ "norm_ops": 62213,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.091250396822208,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fc36c9496cfd7f49fa9cb508ac8528a7e2224e136a89abcf336e195a498be8bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:03.800000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:03.800000', 'bytes': 74558464, 'norm_byte': 10852352, 'ops': 72811, 'norm_ops': 10598, 'norm_ltcy': 94.46037596274061, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:03.800000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:03.800000",
+ "bytes": 74558464,
+ "norm_byte": 10852352,
+ "ops": 72811,
+ "norm_ops": 10598,
+ "norm_ltcy": 94.46037596274061,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fba158cd0c7ac9e9f4dacbfa24cf11fb7db58a95f10de38bf1783b5e9b5a1ef0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:04.801000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:04.801000', 'bytes': 85040128, 'norm_byte': 10481664, 'ops': 83047, 'norm_ops': 10236, 'norm_ltcy': 97.80074041678878, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:04.801000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:04.801000",
+ "bytes": 85040128,
+ "norm_byte": 10481664,
+ "ops": 83047,
+ "norm_ops": 10236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 97.80074041678878,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d31bb2483da94116752cd0e8040ba601d150096cd0f7424d167176c51febe94",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:05.803000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:05.803000', 'bytes': 106068992, 'norm_byte': 21028864, 'ops': 103583, 'norm_ops': 20536, 'norm_ltcy': 48.74861523665758, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:05.803000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:05.803000",
+ "bytes": 106068992,
+ "norm_byte": 21028864,
+ "ops": 103583,
+ "norm_ops": 20536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 48.74861523665758,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79d7282a0da268c378a3557652c10a079d6a5dd2c39d61fefe16d4853a9fba6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:06.803000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:06.803000', 'bytes': 119866368, 'norm_byte': 13797376, 'ops': 117057, 'norm_ops': 13474, 'norm_ltcy': 74.27760177007569, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:06.803000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:06.803000",
+ "bytes": 119866368,
+ "norm_byte": 13797376,
+ "ops": 117057,
+ "norm_ops": 13474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 74.27760177007569,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be54e49a9493e4e4a22b8b10d3980555d7ffab44b37f8a940734cdb63520cfb2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:07.804000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:07.804000', 'bytes': 140563456, 'norm_byte': 20697088, 'ops': 137269, 'norm_ops': 20212, 'norm_ltcy': 49.52437028822605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:07.804000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:07.804000",
+ "bytes": 140563456,
+ "norm_byte": 20697088,
+ "ops": 137269,
+ "norm_ops": 20212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.52437028822605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ace1b5d21e7608fe35b21a38915ebef2c1565c368f174b0a8c536fb767aac9ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:08.805000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:08.805000', 'bytes': 152671232, 'norm_byte': 12107776, 'ops': 149093, 'norm_ops': 11824, 'norm_ltcy': 84.66556946544105, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:08.805000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:08.805000",
+ "bytes": 152671232,
+ "norm_byte": 12107776,
+ "ops": 149093,
+ "norm_ops": 11824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 84.66556946544105,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4fbd89114d493b01b04a415ef08394ad24e2a30a094bcda4f4a46428cb131b98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:09.807000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:09.807000', 'bytes': 191374336, 'norm_byte': 38703104, 'ops': 186889, 'norm_ops': 37796, 'norm_ltcy': 26.486590067814717, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:09.807000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:09.807000",
+ "bytes": 191374336,
+ "norm_byte": 38703104,
+ "ops": 186889,
+ "norm_ops": 37796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.486590067814717,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "047cf6bec0136bb6d906f49e0ba198ea81d115782ada36e11d67c48164089b69",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:10.808000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:10.808000', 'bytes': 225641472, 'norm_byte': 34267136, 'ops': 220353, 'norm_ops': 33464, 'norm_ltcy': 29.913654003649444, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:10.808000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:10.808000",
+ "bytes": 225641472,
+ "norm_byte": 34267136,
+ "ops": 220353,
+ "norm_ops": 33464,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.913654003649444,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7a058b093e4f1ce22475ca7cdcd0a2f5809aea784668ad1f42df6783e8ccf00",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:11.809000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:11.809000', 'bytes': 238097408, 'norm_byte': 12455936, 'ops': 232517, 'norm_ops': 12164, 'norm_ltcy': 82.2949596080134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:11.809000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:11.809000",
+ "bytes": 238097408,
+ "norm_byte": 12455936,
+ "ops": 232517,
+ "norm_ops": 12164,
+ "norm_ltcy": 82.2949596080134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f588e5c217799e6794cf519884b5f457dd455d2e0ed87a513aac0b7b71ac40b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:12.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:12.810000', 'bytes': 251761664, 'norm_byte': 13664256, 'ops': 245861, 'norm_ops': 13344, 'norm_ltcy': 75.02216000636992, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:12.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:12.810000",
+ "bytes": 251761664,
+ "norm_byte": 13664256,
+ "ops": 245861,
+ "norm_ops": 13344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 75.02216000636992,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6dc31a3daa077b34d6f7beb4c56aa7773a2af9c7961bb0b700bfae090d11b00c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:13.811000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:13.811000', 'bytes': 278303744, 'norm_byte': 26542080, 'ops': 271781, 'norm_ops': 25920, 'norm_ltcy': 38.623329445167826, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:13.811000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:13.811000",
+ "bytes": 278303744,
+ "norm_byte": 26542080,
+ "ops": 271781,
+ "norm_ops": 25920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.623329445167826,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d099bf611190d1c00a718eb9a91e559ed42bb79203974273a809f02f82a3e847",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:14.812000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:14.812000', 'bytes': 298804224, 'norm_byte': 20500480, 'ops': 291801, 'norm_ops': 20020, 'norm_ltcy': 50.004292582417584, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:14.812000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:14.812000",
+ "bytes": 298804224,
+ "norm_byte": 20500480,
+ "ops": 291801,
+ "norm_ops": 20020,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.004292582417584,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7420324b347b092e61e18f1c29433cc46237d3add0b489162e2fc661c268fa90",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:15.813000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:15.813000', 'bytes': 323789824, 'norm_byte': 24985600, 'ops': 316201, 'norm_ops': 24400, 'norm_ltcy': 41.02826227907275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:15.813000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:15.813000",
+ "bytes": 323789824,
+ "norm_byte": 24985600,
+ "ops": 316201,
+ "norm_ops": 24400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.02826227907275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "577e84dc6cc0f78b9fea5ce7f37d910dbf691743c43295191dad0e63b124046b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:16.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:16.814000', 'bytes': 354812928, 'norm_byte': 31023104, 'ops': 346497, 'norm_ops': 30296, 'norm_ltcy': 33.043888838460525, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:16.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:16.814000",
+ "bytes": 354812928,
+ "norm_byte": 31023104,
+ "ops": 346497,
+ "norm_ops": 30296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.043888838460525,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "845bd91c09796c2ceb3ef598260effeea5e6d8aa081c4b20377a02f07b4262db",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:17.815000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:17.815000', 'bytes': 378041344, 'norm_byte': 23228416, 'ops': 369181, 'norm_ops': 22684, 'norm_ltcy': 44.132992107597865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:17.815000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:17.815000",
+ "bytes": 378041344,
+ "norm_byte": 23228416,
+ "ops": 369181,
+ "norm_ops": 22684,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.132992107597865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6d4d7dd5f1821fbfde450e819cdfc4d41f9bfbb9ebae5c7bebe2b9e73e3288b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:18.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:18.816000', 'bytes': 391808000, 'norm_byte': 13766656, 'ops': 382625, 'norm_ops': 13444, 'norm_ltcy': 74.46532404092903, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:18.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:18.816000",
+ "bytes": 391808000,
+ "norm_byte": 13766656,
+ "ops": 382625,
+ "norm_ops": 13444,
+ "norm_ltcy": 74.46532404092903,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "168743766e9a84ba16255f178e87b9fee49b3c65d9dfd375bb6e76b9974a48e9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:19.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:19.817000', 'bytes': 408445952, 'norm_byte': 16637952, 'ops': 398873, 'norm_ops': 16248, 'norm_ltcy': 61.61524567446763, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:19.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:19.817000",
+ "bytes": 408445952,
+ "norm_byte": 16637952,
+ "ops": 398873,
+ "norm_ops": 16248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 61.61524567446763,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea5451ef449dcab5876acaa3a0ea6a7bca26d607ad4d97279aeb5bdc89185b16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:20.819000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:20.819000', 'bytes': 428547072, 'norm_byte': 20101120, 'ops': 418503, 'norm_ops': 19630, 'norm_ltcy': 50.99855132450331, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:20.819000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:20.819000",
+ "bytes": 428547072,
+ "norm_byte": 20101120,
+ "ops": 418503,
+ "norm_ops": 19630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.99855132450331,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff6331ec404fdb81f34860aa661a2ce16df2912ed0c8520bb3c5955123595c22",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:21.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:21.820000', 'bytes': 443036672, 'norm_byte': 14489600, 'ops': 432653, 'norm_ops': 14150, 'norm_ltcy': 70.74993443573321, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:21.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:21.820000",
+ "bytes": 443036672,
+ "norm_byte": 14489600,
+ "ops": 432653,
+ "norm_ops": 14150,
+ "norm_ltcy": 70.74993443573321,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be816ee25da9a6883e1d903b9e6cbddff0ae04d08e184f75be140468443d3732",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:22.821000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:22.821000', 'bytes': 467244032, 'norm_byte': 24207360, 'ops': 456293, 'norm_ops': 23640, 'norm_ltcy': 42.3485150797113, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:22.821000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:22.821000",
+ "bytes": 467244032,
+ "norm_byte": 24207360,
+ "ops": 456293,
+ "norm_ops": 23640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.3485150797113,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "438007cdc35bb3446d28755abb4732301801ea0b30a6d6c01f328a593e3a4231",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:23.822000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:23.822000', 'bytes': 479953920, 'norm_byte': 12709888, 'ops': 468705, 'norm_ops': 12412, 'norm_ltcy': 80.655588782529, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:23.822000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:23.822000",
+ "bytes": 479953920,
+ "norm_byte": 12709888,
+ "ops": 468705,
+ "norm_ops": 12412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 80.655588782529,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c8cce1106b12d06b4e86e3d24f70d6ea82dc9ac8351d8a2771f500a29e3f578",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:24.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:24.823000', 'bytes': 516101120, 'norm_byte': 36147200, 'ops': 504005, 'norm_ops': 35300, 'norm_ltcy': 28.3610832927585, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:24.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:24.823000",
+ "bytes": 516101120,
+ "norm_byte": 36147200,
+ "ops": 504005,
+ "norm_ops": 35300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.3610832927585,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ebb41492c3aa06004e3020bca34422fb6e9abaca70b694785ce7b58b7cd2eb49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:25.824000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:25.824000', 'bytes': 536736768, 'norm_byte': 20635648, 'ops': 524157, 'norm_ops': 20152, 'norm_ltcy': 49.67750467540442, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:25.824000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:25.824000",
+ "bytes": 536736768,
+ "norm_byte": 20635648,
+ "ops": 524157,
+ "norm_ops": 20152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.67750467540442,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7141fb7d46aa552c6d46bca09a00bbd30e5a1c76b76d7960fbdf013af0b88716",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:26.825000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:26.825000', 'bytes': 564696064, 'norm_byte': 27959296, 'ops': 551461, 'norm_ops': 27304, 'norm_ltcy': 36.66312807017744, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:26.825000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:26.825000",
+ "bytes": 564696064,
+ "norm_byte": 27959296,
+ "ops": 551461,
+ "norm_ops": 27304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.66312807017744,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "155ac8d6f556371afa9e8d152e54dfef7d675f51315b6a6bed7831414a3a794f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:27.826000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:27.826000', 'bytes': 576001024, 'norm_byte': 11304960, 'ops': 562501, 'norm_ops': 11040, 'norm_ltcy': 90.67396081012228, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:27.826000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:27.826000",
+ "bytes": 576001024,
+ "norm_byte": 11304960,
+ "ops": 562501,
+ "norm_ops": 11040,
+ "norm_ltcy": 90.67396081012228,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4e1bd20a709e56cba7ae20741115895d48e61a09e8876462868630f6af0a54f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:28.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:28.827000', 'bytes': 599796736, 'norm_byte': 23795712, 'ops': 585739, 'norm_ops': 23238, 'norm_ltcy': 43.08070294345469, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:28.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:28.827000",
+ "bytes": 599796736,
+ "norm_byte": 23795712,
+ "ops": 585739,
+ "norm_ops": 23238,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.08070294345469,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e58fd15f0675c427dad5225fe4ab1ce22dc8acbdb7aa83522f138eaa82fa6a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:29.828000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:29.828000', 'bytes': 612039680, 'norm_byte': 12242944, 'ops': 597695, 'norm_ops': 11956, 'norm_ltcy': 83.72708394320844, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:29.828000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:29.828000",
+ "bytes": 612039680,
+ "norm_byte": 12242944,
+ "ops": 597695,
+ "norm_ops": 11956,
+ "norm_ltcy": 83.72708394320844,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "44e61dc2bc6efe788960d0265c942a0eb3ba449ff40d0877c180aee915457772",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:30.829000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:30.829000', 'bytes': 654726144, 'norm_byte': 42686464, 'ops': 639381, 'norm_ops': 41686, 'norm_ltcy': 24.01321528998045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:30.829000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:30.829000",
+ "bytes": 654726144,
+ "norm_byte": 42686464,
+ "ops": 639381,
+ "norm_ops": 41686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.01321528998045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b78b4f7a9971f5b8749e4360ae81a6209ee3e381721e62d86776cbab7c7fbc7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:31.830000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:31.830000', 'bytes': 686404608, 'norm_byte': 31678464, 'ops': 670317, 'norm_ops': 30936, 'norm_ltcy': 32.36039158969324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:31.830000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:31.830000",
+ "bytes": 686404608,
+ "norm_byte": 31678464,
+ "ops": 670317,
+ "norm_ops": 30936,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.36039158969324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "230ae432aaede70d80b4e29736abb5e30d51592a7faed42d8f74ca2fc17cb696",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:32.832000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:32.832000', 'bytes': 700206080, 'norm_byte': 13801472, 'ops': 683795, 'norm_ops': 13478, 'norm_ltcy': 74.27680540162672, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:32.832000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:32.832000",
+ "bytes": 700206080,
+ "norm_byte": 13801472,
+ "ops": 683795,
+ "norm_ops": 13478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 74.27680540162672,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45b9a34e5dcdbd9a63bf9c56994c7511d4c87f1407649320a9b605abc1571c3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:33.833000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:33.833000', 'bytes': 716483584, 'norm_byte': 16277504, 'ops': 699691, 'norm_ops': 15896, 'norm_ltcy': 62.979112153804415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:33.833000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:33.833000",
+ "bytes": 716483584,
+ "norm_byte": 16277504,
+ "ops": 699691,
+ "norm_ops": 15896,
+ "norm_ltcy": 62.979112153804415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "412e1a8c628ddf259108efddd9a9d29404be14d341193dd85d5ce71686ee331f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:34.834000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:34.834000', 'bytes': 741436416, 'norm_byte': 24952832, 'ops': 724059, 'norm_ops': 24368, 'norm_ltcy': 41.082711573580106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:34.834000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:34.834000",
+ "bytes": 741436416,
+ "norm_byte": 24952832,
+ "ops": 724059,
+ "norm_ops": 24368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.082711573580106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af0f23267e42802ef2f7d3d861ba00949bbdc069bacbc8ad284061321a243046",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:35.835000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:35.835000', 'bytes': 768195584, 'norm_byte': 26759168, 'ops': 750191, 'norm_ops': 26132, 'norm_ltcy': 38.31399018086063, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:35.835000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:35.835000",
+ "bytes": 768195584,
+ "norm_byte": 26759168,
+ "ops": 750191,
+ "norm_ops": 26132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.31399018086063,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb2e0ff9022295e3cc132e9ab5d6d969c228a3ba1932ef6c7902c75354b8909b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:36.836000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:36.836000', 'bytes': 786721792, 'norm_byte': 18526208, 'ops': 768283, 'norm_ops': 18092, 'norm_ltcy': 55.33096681198872, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:36.836000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:36.836000",
+ "bytes": 786721792,
+ "norm_byte": 18526208,
+ "ops": 768283,
+ "norm_ops": 18092,
+ "norm_ltcy": 55.33096681198872,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db02614b8474af5f1ae915a80229c726cf94baff2956290ad7b78c8b1e5869d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:37.837000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:37.837000', 'bytes': 807838720, 'norm_byte': 21116928, 'ops': 788905, 'norm_ops': 20622, 'norm_ltcy': 48.54502274194429, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:37.837000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:37.837000",
+ "bytes": 807838720,
+ "norm_byte": 21116928,
+ "ops": 788905,
+ "norm_ops": 20622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 48.54502274194429,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bac2ab026847f8a26a6895ec0909028902c34370624038ce63b61a6d222faad3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:38.838000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:38.838000', 'bytes': 819254272, 'norm_byte': 11415552, 'ops': 800053, 'norm_ops': 11148, 'norm_ltcy': 89.79999390305436, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:38.838000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:38.838000",
+ "bytes": 819254272,
+ "norm_byte": 11415552,
+ "ops": 800053,
+ "norm_ops": 11148,
+ "norm_ltcy": 89.79999390305436,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76601c8f9e326d72ada36ac66480f432c0f6aefb463ad0366af55a86ccd5145f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:39.839000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:39.839000', 'bytes': 829391872, 'norm_byte': 10137600, 'ops': 809953, 'norm_ops': 9900, 'norm_ltcy': 101.12048216540404, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:39.839000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:39.839000",
+ "bytes": 829391872,
+ "norm_byte": 10137600,
+ "ops": 809953,
+ "norm_ops": 9900,
+ "norm_ltcy": 101.12048216540404,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "804311a1382e138198f811a6d76e4d6b8521329765fd2186faf46fd209b4404c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:40.840000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:40.840000', 'bytes': 838792192, 'norm_byte': 9400320, 'ops': 819133, 'norm_ops': 9180, 'norm_ltcy': 109.04365489685458, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:40.840000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:40.840000",
+ "bytes": 838792192,
+ "norm_byte": 9400320,
+ "ops": 819133,
+ "norm_ops": 9180,
+ "norm_ltcy": 109.04365489685458,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca133f713fa59218fa4e3393a180cdc612c3c6f63c0065e93b2789e9a3f8adfb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:41.841000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:41.841000', 'bytes': 848602112, 'norm_byte': 9809920, 'ops': 828713, 'norm_ops': 9580, 'norm_ltcy': 104.49228943763048, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:41.841000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:41.841000",
+ "bytes": 848602112,
+ "norm_byte": 9809920,
+ "ops": 828713,
+ "norm_ops": 9580,
+ "norm_ltcy": 104.49228943763048,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "648c4b00fefc9fc7579ac19ca85b7ea849fa26dd80a839fb2027fa658646c354",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:42.842000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:42.842000', 'bytes': 859411456, 'norm_byte': 10809344, 'ops': 839269, 'norm_ops': 10556, 'norm_ltcy': 94.83762381879973, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:42.842000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:42.842000",
+ "bytes": 859411456,
+ "norm_byte": 10809344,
+ "ops": 839269,
+ "norm_ops": 10556,
+ "norm_ltcy": 94.83762381879973,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01355ccb89b1722c8580e68069a2b20458c42e5915aed4c92443d700628f8a3e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:43.844000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:43.844000', 'bytes': 876160000, 'norm_byte': 16748544, 'ops': 855625, 'norm_ops': 16356, 'norm_ltcy': 61.208335482773904, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:43.844000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:43.844000",
+ "bytes": 876160000,
+ "norm_byte": 16748544,
+ "ops": 855625,
+ "norm_ops": 16356,
+ "norm_ltcy": 61.208335482773904,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d6c887266c68da8207ae5af6dcf3a3d3ebf12ce719b19dd7a8f9b0122689adc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:44.844000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:44.844000', 'bytes': 897719296, 'norm_byte': 21559296, 'ops': 876679, 'norm_ops': 21054, 'norm_ltcy': 47.532199103347345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:44.844000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:44.844000",
+ "bytes": 897719296,
+ "norm_byte": 21559296,
+ "ops": 876679,
+ "norm_ops": 21054,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.532199103347345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1742bae388082c86ff65dac1cf9e40ca5b1b52f672d3b0598748ed5a39f22474",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:45.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:45.845000', 'bytes': 912942080, 'norm_byte': 15222784, 'ops': 891545, 'norm_ops': 14866, 'norm_ltcy': 67.34260960413023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:45.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:45.845000",
+ "bytes": 912942080,
+ "norm_byte": 15222784,
+ "ops": 891545,
+ "norm_ops": 14866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.34260960413023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7cfa48cfdff552b71223ab580bd6fdf25bf9a3c4239679f32db413e88131bedd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:46.847000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:46.847000', 'bytes': 925907968, 'norm_byte': 12965888, 'ops': 904207, 'norm_ops': 12662, 'norm_ltcy': 79.06377102748381, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:46.847000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:46.847000",
+ "bytes": 925907968,
+ "norm_byte": 12965888,
+ "ops": 904207,
+ "norm_ops": 12662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 79.06377102748381,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "671093641469dc29a53be0ae0989957907e031575a4196002d2c6897bbffbe78",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:47.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:47.848000', 'bytes': 942570496, 'norm_byte': 16662528, 'ops': 920479, 'norm_ops': 16272, 'norm_ltcy': 61.52346750745145, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:47.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:47.848000",
+ "bytes": 942570496,
+ "norm_byte": 16662528,
+ "ops": 920479,
+ "norm_ops": 16272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 61.52346750745145,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b4f1a48123631e724fb80bd7ddbe4203dfe17377870d3b0cc15abd11853dc12",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:48.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:48.849000', 'bytes': 966312960, 'norm_byte': 23742464, 'ops': 943665, 'norm_ops': 23186, 'norm_ltcy': 43.17745832951458, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:48.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:48.849000",
+ "bytes": 966312960,
+ "norm_byte": 23742464,
+ "ops": 943665,
+ "norm_ops": 23186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.17745832951458,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b5c68348684ce084ed96e8b2345c62961c6ee8f73742b9f70ae7f2035704992e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:49.850000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:49.850000', 'bytes': 982182912, 'norm_byte': 15869952, 'ops': 959163, 'norm_ops': 15498, 'norm_ltcy': 64.59616260969158, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:49.850000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:49.850000",
+ "bytes": 982182912,
+ "norm_byte": 15869952,
+ "ops": 959163,
+ "norm_ops": 15498,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.59616260969158,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee22a4b630d368f39a5514538f0bfc0849958abd9ae06ac197fbc23875cd20a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:50.851000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:50.851000', 'bytes': 1000074240, 'norm_byte': 17891328, 'ops': 976635, 'norm_ops': 17472, 'norm_ltcy': 57.29862534519517, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:50.851000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:50.851000",
+ "bytes": 1000074240,
+ "norm_byte": 17891328,
+ "ops": 976635,
+ "norm_ops": 17472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 57.29862534519517,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84c45b1e1ed9f53643e8dfa27c504effa30105e91c7ee50a0f1daee8eab7c824",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:51.852000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:51.852000', 'bytes': 1017734144, 'norm_byte': 17659904, 'ops': 993881, 'norm_ops': 17246, 'norm_ltcy': 58.048347827938365, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:51.852000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:51.852000",
+ "bytes": 1017734144,
+ "norm_byte": 17659904,
+ "ops": 993881,
+ "norm_ops": 17246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 58.048347827938365,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8742450999c32c5eac28d5c9314f2322ff23c314226461bb58f5cc0f4af09509",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:52.853000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:52.853000', 'bytes': 1033407488, 'norm_byte': 15673344, 'ops': 1009187, 'norm_ops': 15306, 'norm_ltcy': 65.40679831949073, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:52.853000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:52.853000",
+ "bytes": 1033407488,
+ "norm_byte": 15673344,
+ "ops": 1009187,
+ "norm_ops": 15306,
+ "norm_ltcy": 65.40679831949073,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74e550ec3f8d03bcb16896b7bbaa946fd0265adadc085051791dcadf6dce9ee8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:53.854000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:53.854000', 'bytes': 1051237376, 'norm_byte': 17829888, 'ops': 1026599, 'norm_ops': 17412, 'norm_ltcy': 57.495916407326845, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:53.854000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:53.854000",
+ "bytes": 1051237376,
+ "norm_byte": 17829888,
+ "ops": 1026599,
+ "norm_ops": 17412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 57.495916407326845,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "816c66a703a3484ea9652a8eceb43e75ae27091f315154bda76d0315c684bf08",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:54.855000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:54.855000', 'bytes': 1072026624, 'norm_byte': 20789248, 'ops': 1046901, 'norm_ops': 20302, 'norm_ltcy': 49.31135556225988, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:54.855000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:54.855000",
+ "bytes": 1072026624,
+ "norm_byte": 20789248,
+ "ops": 1046901,
+ "norm_ops": 20302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.31135556225988,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2b4c0de8cf98a47d99ba2ae25a397f02692d72fd421b760950d9a7001a1c8ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:55.857000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:55.857000', 'bytes': 1092518912, 'norm_byte': 20492288, 'ops': 1066913, 'norm_ops': 20012, 'norm_ltcy': 50.02577067041025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:55.857000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:55.857000",
+ "bytes": 1092518912,
+ "norm_byte": 20492288,
+ "ops": 1066913,
+ "norm_ops": 20012,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.02577067041025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "075a7637d825072dd9291c2dab7a13c13d065af5292c44be0616c04a85032559",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:56.857000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:56.857000', 'bytes': 1109752832, 'norm_byte': 17233920, 'ops': 1083743, 'norm_ops': 16830, 'norm_ltcy': 59.462908032531196, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:56.857000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:56.857000",
+ "bytes": 1109752832,
+ "norm_byte": 17233920,
+ "ops": 1083743,
+ "norm_ops": 16830,
+ "norm_ltcy": 59.462908032531196,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cecd7a346a9f7b9cd045414880c3e06b0adf73e27b6ee0bcbcfc0bf4f56c0e00",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:57.858000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:57.858000', 'bytes': 1136012288, 'norm_byte': 26259456, 'ops': 1109387, 'norm_ops': 25644, 'norm_ltcy': 39.03887993719291, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:57.858000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:57.858000",
+ "bytes": 1136012288,
+ "norm_byte": 26259456,
+ "ops": 1109387,
+ "norm_ops": 25644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.03887993719291,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "261fb1b8dbe6d6caa6b110e7e3ce90f8b77b4f81ee3a19038eb6ae61d2d70b65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:58.860000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:58.860000', 'bytes': 1148333056, 'norm_byte': 12320768, 'ops': 1121419, 'norm_ops': 12032, 'norm_ltcy': 83.20420853635098, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:58.860000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:58.860000",
+ "bytes": 1148333056,
+ "norm_byte": 12320768,
+ "ops": 1121419,
+ "norm_ops": 12032,
+ "norm_ltcy": 83.20420853635098,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe635468854af25479383eae03e3ddea3607be504080aff8d7717e3874c2e342",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:26:59.861000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:26:59.861000', 'bytes': 1164227584, 'norm_byte': 15894528, 'ops': 1136941, 'norm_ops': 15522, 'norm_ltcy': 64.496080034588, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:26:59.861000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:26:59.861000",
+ "bytes": 1164227584,
+ "norm_byte": 15894528,
+ "ops": 1136941,
+ "norm_ops": 15522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.496080034588,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37e6ea82527c3e5344490192cf6468d1422aee12a03d6ebebfacbd7985f0c8bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:27:00.862000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:27:00.862000', 'bytes': 1190081536, 'norm_byte': 25853952, 'ops': 1162189, 'norm_ops': 25248, 'norm_ltcy': 39.65053389129832, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:27:00.862000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:27:00.862000",
+ "bytes": 1190081536,
+ "norm_byte": 25853952,
+ "ops": 1162189,
+ "norm_ops": 25248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.65053389129832,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "263f3ca1d733740500113a9271a4ad44b5aaa1129e22f95236cd7d0a4042f3bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:27:02.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:27:02.063000', 'bytes': 1209003008, 'norm_byte': 18921472, 'ops': 1180667, 'norm_ops': 18478, 'norm_ltcy': 65.0172724405374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:27:02.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:27:02.063000",
+ "bytes": 1209003008,
+ "norm_byte": 18921472,
+ "ops": 1180667,
+ "norm_ops": 18478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 65.0172724405374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "7391ff90-a89f-5561-bae4-47d3f5f4818c",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f13fa961889ec89cec9ee87d588bbea255a172427382600d8094b44d8f117ade",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 20150050.133333333
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 19677.783333333333
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 97.96672750421953
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:27:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-086-220519222316/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-086-220519222316/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2902dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-086-220519222316/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-086-220519222316/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-086-220519222316/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-086-220519222316/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-086-220519222316/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-086-220519222316/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a27cef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-086-220519222316/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=45
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=200
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-087-220519222518/220519222518-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-087-220519222518/220519222518-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1c5385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-087-220519222518/220519222518-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:28:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999282548.4595 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999283549.5691 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999283549.6492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999284549.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:64549888 nr_ops:63037\ntimestamp_ms:1652999285550.8701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127575040 nr_ops:124585\ntimestamp_ms:1652999286551.9678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190266368 nr_ops:185807\ntimestamp_ms:1652999287553.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252412928 nr_ops:246497\ntimestamp_ms:1652999288554.1589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317082624 nr_ops:309651\ntimestamp_ms:1652999289555.2646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380856320 nr_ops:371930\ntimestamp_ms:1652999290555.8425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442358784 nr_ops:431991\ntimestamp_ms:1652999291556.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:507134976 nr_ops:495249\ntimestamp_ms:1652999292558.0256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:571296768 nr_ops:557907\ntimestamp_ms:1652999293559.1887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634967040 nr_ops:620085\ntimestamp_ms:1652999294560.2864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700046336 nr_ops:683639\ntimestamp_ms:1652999295560.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763771904 nr_ops:745871\ntimestamp_ms:1652999296561.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827929600 nr_ops:808525\ntimestamp_ms:1652999297563.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893959168 nr_ops:873007\ntimestamp_ms:1652999298564.1128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:957546496 nr_ops:935104\ntimestamp_ms:1652999299565.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021379584 nr_ops:997441\ntimestamp_ms:1652999300565.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1084363776 nr_ops:1058949\ntimestamp_ms:1652999301566.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1148531712 nr_ops:1121613\ntimestamp_ms:1652999302568.0486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1214811136 nr_ops:1186339\ntimestamp_ms:1652999303569.0876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1278411776 nr_ops:1248449\ntimestamp_ms:1652999304570.1980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1341594624 nr_ops:1310151\ntimestamp_ms:1652999305570.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1403560960 nr_ops:1370665\ntimestamp_ms:1652999306571.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1467889664 nr_ops:1433486\ntimestamp_ms:1652999307573.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1530864640 nr_ops:1494985\ntimestamp_ms:1652999308574.1167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1594622976 nr_ops:1557249\ntimestamp_ms:1652999309575.2166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660730368 nr_ops:1621807\ntimestamp_ms:1652999310575.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1729342464 nr_ops:1688811\ntimestamp_ms:1652999311576.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1793341440 nr_ops:1751310\ntimestamp_ms:1652999312578.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1858589696 nr_ops:1815029\ntimestamp_ms:1652999313579.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1922068480 nr_ops:1877020\ntimestamp_ms:1652999314580.2151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1985586176 nr_ops:1939049\ntimestamp_ms:1652999315581.2454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049233920 nr_ops:2001205\ntimestamp_ms:1652999316582.2869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2112973824 nr_ops:2063451\ntimestamp_ms:1652999317583.3804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2176635904 nr_ops:2125621\ntimestamp_ms:1652999318584.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2240365568 nr_ops:2187857\ntimestamp_ms:1652999319585.5527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2303700992 nr_ops:2249708\ntimestamp_ms:1652999320586.5908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2366643200 nr_ops:2311175\ntimestamp_ms:1652999321587.6860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2429940736 nr_ops:2372989\ntimestamp_ms:1652999322588.7817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493242368 nr_ops:2434807\ntimestamp_ms:1652999323589.8721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2556005376 nr_ops:2496099\ntimestamp_ms:1652999324590.9673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2618586112 nr_ops:2557213\ntimestamp_ms:1652999325592.0620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2682350592 nr_ops:2619483\ntimestamp_ms:1652999326593.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2746182656 nr_ops:2681819\ntimestamp_ms:1652999327594.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2809125888 nr_ops:2743287\ntimestamp_ms:1652999328594.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2872921088 nr_ops:2805587\ntimestamp_ms:1652999329595.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2935817216 nr_ops:2867009\ntimestamp_ms:1652999330596.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000572928 nr_ops:2930247\ntimestamp_ms:1652999331597.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064893440 nr_ops:2993060\ntimestamp_ms:1652999332598.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3128718336 nr_ops:3055389\ntimestamp_ms:1652999333600.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3192722432 nr_ops:3117893\ntimestamp_ms:1652999334601.1035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3257013248 nr_ops:3180677\ntimestamp_ms:1652999335602.1936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3320943616 nr_ops:3243109\ntimestamp_ms:1652999336603.2915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3384931328 nr_ops:3305597\ntimestamp_ms:1652999337604.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3447321600 nr_ops:3366525\ntimestamp_ms:1652999338605.4248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3510998016 nr_ops:3428709\ntimestamp_ms:1652999339606.5166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3574621184 nr_ops:3490841\ntimestamp_ms:1652999340607.5520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3638540288 nr_ops:3553262\ntimestamp_ms:1652999341608.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3703557120 nr_ops:3616755\ntimestamp_ms:1652999342609.7336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3765893120 nr_ops:3677630\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140002422036224\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.0603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3829403648 nr_ops:3739652\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.1411 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.1450 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343911.3652 name:Total nr_bytes:3829403648 nr_ops:3739653\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.2556 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7658807296 nr_ops:7479306\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.2561 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3829403648 nr_ops:3739655\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 382.29us 0.00ns 382.29us 382.29us \nTxn1 1869826 32.09us 0.00ns 7.21ms 25.82us \nTxn2 1 35.40us 0.00ns 35.40us 35.40us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 381.61us 0.00ns 381.61us 381.61us \nwrite 1869826 3.21us 0.00ns 109.81us 2.38us \nread 1869826 28.80us 0.00ns 7.21ms 3.94us \ndisconnect 1 35.16us 0.00ns 35.16us 35.16us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29982 29982 261.45Mb/s 261.45Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.21b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.182 62.36s 3.57GB 491.23Mb/s 3739655 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.57GB 491.23Mb/s 3739655 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413925, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999282548.4595 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999283549.5691 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999283549.6492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999284549.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:64549888 nr_ops:63037\ntimestamp_ms:1652999285550.8701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127575040 nr_ops:124585\ntimestamp_ms:1652999286551.9678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190266368 nr_ops:185807\ntimestamp_ms:1652999287553.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252412928 nr_ops:246497\ntimestamp_ms:1652999288554.1589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317082624 nr_ops:309651\ntimestamp_ms:1652999289555.2646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380856320 nr_ops:371930\ntimestamp_ms:1652999290555.8425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442358784 nr_ops:431991\ntimestamp_ms:1652999291556.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:507134976 nr_ops:495249\ntimestamp_ms:1652999292558.0256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:571296768 nr_ops:557907\ntimestamp_ms:1652999293559.1887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634967040 nr_ops:620085\ntimestamp_ms:1652999294560.2864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700046336 nr_ops:683639\ntimestamp_ms:1652999295560.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763771904 nr_ops:745871\ntimestamp_ms:1652999296561.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827929600 nr_ops:808525\ntimestamp_ms:1652999297563.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893959168 nr_ops:873007\ntimestamp_ms:1652999298564.1128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:957546496 nr_ops:935104\ntimestamp_ms:1652999299565.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021379584 nr_ops:997441\ntimestamp_ms:1652999300565.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1084363776 nr_ops:1058949\ntimestamp_ms:1652999301566.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1148531712 nr_ops:1121613\ntimestamp_ms:1652999302568.0486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1214811136 nr_ops:1186339\ntimestamp_ms:1652999303569.0876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1278411776 nr_ops:1248449\ntimestamp_ms:1652999304570.1980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1341594624 nr_ops:1310151\ntimestamp_ms:1652999305570.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1403560960 nr_ops:1370665\ntimestamp_ms:1652999306571.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1467889664 nr_ops:1433486\ntimestamp_ms:1652999307573.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1530864640 nr_ops:1494985\ntimestamp_ms:1652999308574.1167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1594622976 nr_ops:1557249\ntimestamp_ms:1652999309575.2166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660730368 nr_ops:1621807\ntimestamp_ms:1652999310575.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1729342464 nr_ops:1688811\ntimestamp_ms:1652999311576.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1793341440 nr_ops:1751310\ntimestamp_ms:1652999312578.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1858589696 nr_ops:1815029\ntimestamp_ms:1652999313579.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1922068480 nr_ops:1877020\ntimestamp_ms:1652999314580.2151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1985586176 nr_ops:1939049\ntimestamp_ms:1652999315581.2454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049233920 nr_ops:2001205\ntimestamp_ms:1652999316582.2869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2112973824 nr_ops:2063451\ntimestamp_ms:1652999317583.3804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2176635904 nr_ops:2125621\ntimestamp_ms:1652999318584.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2240365568 nr_ops:2187857\ntimestamp_ms:1652999319585.5527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2303700992 nr_ops:2249708\ntimestamp_ms:1652999320586.5908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2366643200 nr_ops:2311175\ntimestamp_ms:1652999321587.6860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2429940736 nr_ops:2372989\ntimestamp_ms:1652999322588.7817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493242368 nr_ops:2434807\ntimestamp_ms:1652999323589.8721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2556005376 nr_ops:2496099\ntimestamp_ms:1652999324590.9673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2618586112 nr_ops:2557213\ntimestamp_ms:1652999325592.0620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2682350592 nr_ops:2619483\ntimestamp_ms:1652999326593.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2746182656 nr_ops:2681819\ntimestamp_ms:1652999327594.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2809125888 nr_ops:2743287\ntimestamp_ms:1652999328594.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2872921088 nr_ops:2805587\ntimestamp_ms:1652999329595.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2935817216 nr_ops:2867009\ntimestamp_ms:1652999330596.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000572928 nr_ops:2930247\ntimestamp_ms:1652999331597.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064893440 nr_ops:2993060\ntimestamp_ms:1652999332598.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3128718336 nr_ops:3055389\ntimestamp_ms:1652999333600.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3192722432 nr_ops:3117893\ntimestamp_ms:1652999334601.1035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3257013248 nr_ops:3180677\ntimestamp_ms:1652999335602.1936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3320943616 nr_ops:3243109\ntimestamp_ms:1652999336603.2915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3384931328 nr_ops:3305597\ntimestamp_ms:1652999337604.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3447321600 nr_ops:3366525\ntimestamp_ms:1652999338605.4248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3510998016 nr_ops:3428709\ntimestamp_ms:1652999339606.5166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3574621184 nr_ops:3490841\ntimestamp_ms:1652999340607.5520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3638540288 nr_ops:3553262\ntimestamp_ms:1652999341608.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3703557120 nr_ops:3616755\ntimestamp_ms:1652999342609.7336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3765893120 nr_ops:3677630\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140002422036224\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.0603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3829403648 nr_ops:3739652\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.1411 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.1450 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343911.3652 name:Total nr_bytes:3829403648 nr_ops:3739653\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.2556 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7658807296 nr_ops:7479306\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.2561 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3829403648 nr_ops:3739655\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 382.29us 0.00ns 382.29us 382.29us \nTxn1 1869826 32.09us 0.00ns 7.21ms 25.82us \nTxn2 1 35.40us 0.00ns 35.40us 35.40us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 381.61us 0.00ns 381.61us 381.61us \nwrite 1869826 3.21us 0.00ns 109.81us 2.38us \nread 1869826 28.80us 0.00ns 7.21ms 3.94us \ndisconnect 1 35.16us 0.00ns 35.16us 35.16us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29982 29982 261.45Mb/s 261.45Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.21b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.182 62.36s 3.57GB 491.23Mb/s 3739655 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.57GB 491.23Mb/s 3739655 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413925, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999282548.4595 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999283549.5691 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999283549.6492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999284549.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:64549888 nr_ops:63037\ntimestamp_ms:1652999285550.8701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127575040 nr_ops:124585\ntimestamp_ms:1652999286551.9678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190266368 nr_ops:185807\ntimestamp_ms:1652999287553.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252412928 nr_ops:246497\ntimestamp_ms:1652999288554.1589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317082624 nr_ops:309651\ntimestamp_ms:1652999289555.2646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380856320 nr_ops:371930\ntimestamp_ms:1652999290555.8425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442358784 nr_ops:431991\ntimestamp_ms:1652999291556.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:507134976 nr_ops:495249\ntimestamp_ms:1652999292558.0256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:571296768 nr_ops:557907\ntimestamp_ms:1652999293559.1887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634967040 nr_ops:620085\ntimestamp_ms:1652999294560.2864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700046336 nr_ops:683639\ntimestamp_ms:1652999295560.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763771904 nr_ops:745871\ntimestamp_ms:1652999296561.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827929600 nr_ops:808525\ntimestamp_ms:1652999297563.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893959168 nr_ops:873007\ntimestamp_ms:1652999298564.1128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:957546496 nr_ops:935104\ntimestamp_ms:1652999299565.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021379584 nr_ops:997441\ntimestamp_ms:1652999300565.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1084363776 nr_ops:1058949\ntimestamp_ms:1652999301566.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1148531712 nr_ops:1121613\ntimestamp_ms:1652999302568.0486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1214811136 nr_ops:1186339\ntimestamp_ms:1652999303569.0876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1278411776 nr_ops:1248449\ntimestamp_ms:1652999304570.1980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1341594624 nr_ops:1310151\ntimestamp_ms:1652999305570.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1403560960 nr_ops:1370665\ntimestamp_ms:1652999306571.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1467889664 nr_ops:1433486\ntimestamp_ms:1652999307573.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1530864640 nr_ops:1494985\ntimestamp_ms:1652999308574.1167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1594622976 nr_ops:1557249\ntimestamp_ms:1652999309575.2166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660730368 nr_ops:1621807\ntimestamp_ms:1652999310575.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1729342464 nr_ops:1688811\ntimestamp_ms:1652999311576.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1793341440 nr_ops:1751310\ntimestamp_ms:1652999312578.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1858589696 nr_ops:1815029\ntimestamp_ms:1652999313579.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1922068480 nr_ops:1877020\ntimestamp_ms:1652999314580.2151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1985586176 nr_ops:1939049\ntimestamp_ms:1652999315581.2454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049233920 nr_ops:2001205\ntimestamp_ms:1652999316582.2869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2112973824 nr_ops:2063451\ntimestamp_ms:1652999317583.3804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2176635904 nr_ops:2125621\ntimestamp_ms:1652999318584.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2240365568 nr_ops:2187857\ntimestamp_ms:1652999319585.5527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2303700992 nr_ops:2249708\ntimestamp_ms:1652999320586.5908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2366643200 nr_ops:2311175\ntimestamp_ms:1652999321587.6860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2429940736 nr_ops:2372989\ntimestamp_ms:1652999322588.7817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493242368 nr_ops:2434807\ntimestamp_ms:1652999323589.8721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2556005376 nr_ops:2496099\ntimestamp_ms:1652999324590.9673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2618586112 nr_ops:2557213\ntimestamp_ms:1652999325592.0620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2682350592 nr_ops:2619483\ntimestamp_ms:1652999326593.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2746182656 nr_ops:2681819\ntimestamp_ms:1652999327594.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2809125888 nr_ops:2743287\ntimestamp_ms:1652999328594.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2872921088 nr_ops:2805587\ntimestamp_ms:1652999329595.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2935817216 nr_ops:2867009\ntimestamp_ms:1652999330596.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000572928 nr_ops:2930247\ntimestamp_ms:1652999331597.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064893440 nr_ops:2993060\ntimestamp_ms:1652999332598.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3128718336 nr_ops:3055389\ntimestamp_ms:1652999333600.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3192722432 nr_ops:3117893\ntimestamp_ms:1652999334601.1035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3257013248 nr_ops:3180677\ntimestamp_ms:1652999335602.1936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3320943616 nr_ops:3243109\ntimestamp_ms:1652999336603.2915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3384931328 nr_ops:3305597\ntimestamp_ms:1652999337604.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3447321600 nr_ops:3366525\ntimestamp_ms:1652999338605.4248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3510998016 nr_ops:3428709\ntimestamp_ms:1652999339606.5166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3574621184 nr_ops:3490841\ntimestamp_ms:1652999340607.5520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3638540288 nr_ops:3553262\ntimestamp_ms:1652999341608.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3703557120 nr_ops:3616755\ntimestamp_ms:1652999342609.7336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3765893120 nr_ops:3677630\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140002422036224\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.0603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3829403648 nr_ops:3739652\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.1411 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.1450 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343911.3652 name:Total nr_bytes:3829403648 nr_ops:3739653\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.2556 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7658807296 nr_ops:7479306\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999343811.2561 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3829403648 nr_ops:3739655\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 382.29us 0.00ns 382.29us 382.29us \nTxn1 1869826 32.09us 0.00ns 7.21ms 25.82us \nTxn2 1 35.40us 0.00ns 35.40us 35.40us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 381.61us 0.00ns 381.61us 381.61us \nwrite 1869826 3.21us 0.00ns 109.81us 2.38us \nread 1869826 28.80us 0.00ns 7.21ms 3.94us \ndisconnect 1 35.16us 0.00ns 35.16us 35.16us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29982 29982 261.45Mb/s 261.45Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.21b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.182 62.36s 3.57GB 491.23Mb/s 3739655 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.57GB 491.23Mb/s 3739655 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413925, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999282548.4595 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999283549.5691 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999283549.6492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999284549.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:64549888 nr_ops:63037
+timestamp_ms:1652999285550.8701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127575040 nr_ops:124585
+timestamp_ms:1652999286551.9678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190266368 nr_ops:185807
+timestamp_ms:1652999287553.0623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252412928 nr_ops:246497
+timestamp_ms:1652999288554.1589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317082624 nr_ops:309651
+timestamp_ms:1652999289555.2646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380856320 nr_ops:371930
+timestamp_ms:1652999290555.8425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442358784 nr_ops:431991
+timestamp_ms:1652999291556.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:507134976 nr_ops:495249
+timestamp_ms:1652999292558.0256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:571296768 nr_ops:557907
+timestamp_ms:1652999293559.1887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634967040 nr_ops:620085
+timestamp_ms:1652999294560.2864 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700046336 nr_ops:683639
+timestamp_ms:1652999295560.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763771904 nr_ops:745871
+timestamp_ms:1652999296561.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827929600 nr_ops:808525
+timestamp_ms:1652999297563.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893959168 nr_ops:873007
+timestamp_ms:1652999298564.1128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:957546496 nr_ops:935104
+timestamp_ms:1652999299565.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021379584 nr_ops:997441
+timestamp_ms:1652999300565.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1084363776 nr_ops:1058949
+timestamp_ms:1652999301566.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1148531712 nr_ops:1121613
+timestamp_ms:1652999302568.0486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1214811136 nr_ops:1186339
+timestamp_ms:1652999303569.0876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1278411776 nr_ops:1248449
+timestamp_ms:1652999304570.1980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1341594624 nr_ops:1310151
+timestamp_ms:1652999305570.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1403560960 nr_ops:1370665
+timestamp_ms:1652999306571.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1467889664 nr_ops:1433486
+timestamp_ms:1652999307573.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1530864640 nr_ops:1494985
+timestamp_ms:1652999308574.1167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1594622976 nr_ops:1557249
+timestamp_ms:1652999309575.2166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660730368 nr_ops:1621807
+timestamp_ms:1652999310575.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1729342464 nr_ops:1688811
+timestamp_ms:1652999311576.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1793341440 nr_ops:1751310
+timestamp_ms:1652999312578.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1858589696 nr_ops:1815029
+timestamp_ms:1652999313579.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1922068480 nr_ops:1877020
+timestamp_ms:1652999314580.2151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1985586176 nr_ops:1939049
+timestamp_ms:1652999315581.2454 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049233920 nr_ops:2001205
+timestamp_ms:1652999316582.2869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2112973824 nr_ops:2063451
+timestamp_ms:1652999317583.3804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2176635904 nr_ops:2125621
+timestamp_ms:1652999318584.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2240365568 nr_ops:2187857
+timestamp_ms:1652999319585.5527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2303700992 nr_ops:2249708
+timestamp_ms:1652999320586.5908 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2366643200 nr_ops:2311175
+timestamp_ms:1652999321587.6860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2429940736 nr_ops:2372989
+timestamp_ms:1652999322588.7817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2493242368 nr_ops:2434807
+timestamp_ms:1652999323589.8721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2556005376 nr_ops:2496099
+timestamp_ms:1652999324590.9673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2618586112 nr_ops:2557213
+timestamp_ms:1652999325592.0620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2682350592 nr_ops:2619483
+timestamp_ms:1652999326593.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2746182656 nr_ops:2681819
+timestamp_ms:1652999327594.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2809125888 nr_ops:2743287
+timestamp_ms:1652999328594.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2872921088 nr_ops:2805587
+timestamp_ms:1652999329595.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2935817216 nr_ops:2867009
+timestamp_ms:1652999330596.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3000572928 nr_ops:2930247
+timestamp_ms:1652999331597.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064893440 nr_ops:2993060
+timestamp_ms:1652999332598.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3128718336 nr_ops:3055389
+timestamp_ms:1652999333600.0117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3192722432 nr_ops:3117893
+timestamp_ms:1652999334601.1035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3257013248 nr_ops:3180677
+timestamp_ms:1652999335602.1936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3320943616 nr_ops:3243109
+timestamp_ms:1652999336603.2915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3384931328 nr_ops:3305597
+timestamp_ms:1652999337604.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3447321600 nr_ops:3366525
+timestamp_ms:1652999338605.4248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3510998016 nr_ops:3428709
+timestamp_ms:1652999339606.5166 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3574621184 nr_ops:3490841
+timestamp_ms:1652999340607.5520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3638540288 nr_ops:3553262
+timestamp_ms:1652999341608.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3703557120 nr_ops:3616755
+timestamp_ms:1652999342609.7336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3765893120 nr_ops:3677630
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140002422036224
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652999343811.0603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3829403648 nr_ops:3739652
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999343811.1411 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999343811.1450 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999343911.3652 name:Total nr_bytes:3829403648 nr_ops:3739653
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999343811.2556 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7658807296 nr_ops:7479306
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999343811.2561 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3829403648 nr_ops:3739655
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 382.29us 0.00ns 382.29us 382.29us
+Txn1 1869826 32.09us 0.00ns 7.21ms 25.82us
+Txn2 1 35.40us 0.00ns 35.40us 35.40us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 381.61us 0.00ns 381.61us 381.61us
+write 1869826 3.21us 0.00ns 109.81us 2.38us
+read 1869826 28.80us 0.00ns 7.21ms 3.94us
+disconnect 1 35.16us 0.00ns 35.16us 35.16us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29982 29982 261.45Mb/s 261.45Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.21b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.182 62.36s 3.57GB 491.23Mb/s 3739655 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.57GB 491.23Mb/s 3739655 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:04.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:04.549000', 'bytes': 64549888, 'norm_byte': 64549888, 'ops': 63037, 'norm_ops': 63037, 'norm_ltcy': 15.866580589574378, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:04.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:04.549000",
+ "bytes": 64549888,
+ "norm_byte": 64549888,
+ "ops": 63037,
+ "norm_ops": 63037,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.866580589574378,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c5e39d9d7f1599a266391d8b64d85fceb15885c5aca2687343a6583b2b680f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:05.550000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:05.550000', 'bytes': 127575040, 'norm_byte': 63025152, 'ops': 124585, 'norm_ops': 61548, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26436775590799, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:05.550000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:05.550000",
+ "bytes": 127575040,
+ "norm_byte": 63025152,
+ "ops": 124585,
+ "norm_ops": 61548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26436775590799,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d66b340224f64058a00d2d96b2eef9e8608060f57fa8575683ed4d6cfb4ce95b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:06.551000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:06.551000', 'bytes': 190266368, 'norm_byte': 62691328, 'ops': 185807, 'norm_ops': 61222, 'norm_ltcy': 16.351926697102346, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:06.551000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:06.551000",
+ "bytes": 190266368,
+ "norm_byte": 62691328,
+ "ops": 185807,
+ "norm_ops": 61222,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.351926697102346,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "591d89bacb7be4c882a42dbd1696a16fdee04604f26a72f2931264cfe259ac16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:07.553000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:07.553000', 'bytes': 252412928, 'norm_byte': 62146560, 'ops': 246497, 'norm_ops': 60690, 'norm_ltcy': 16.495213089831523, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:07.553000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:07.553000",
+ "bytes": 252412928,
+ "norm_byte": 62146560,
+ "ops": 246497,
+ "norm_ops": 60690,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.495213089831523,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "592c869f91173dabf049175666350caf0ffa0c4e32ce4d6175492fbaaaa89027",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:08.554000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:08.554000', 'bytes': 317082624, 'norm_byte': 64669696, 'ops': 309651, 'norm_ops': 63154, 'norm_ltcy': 15.851674948340566, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:08.554000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:08.554000",
+ "bytes": 317082624,
+ "norm_byte": 64669696,
+ "ops": 309651,
+ "norm_ops": 63154,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.851674948340566,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e09d53ba09501c429aefe5ca488048c52ef5748498c48a5a36d1a79dfecda03",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:09.555000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:09.555000', 'bytes': 380856320, 'norm_byte': 63773696, 'ops': 371930, 'norm_ops': 62279, 'norm_ltcy': 16.074530947681, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:09.555000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:09.555000",
+ "bytes": 380856320,
+ "norm_byte": 63773696,
+ "ops": 371930,
+ "norm_ops": 62279,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.074530947681,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d92db484d9dbcc2b71b6237442e6b07db886348e817e704049178bb13ab9d6ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:10.555000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:10.555000', 'bytes': 442358784, 'norm_byte': 61502464, 'ops': 431991, 'norm_ops': 60061, 'norm_ltcy': 16.659360997308987, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:10.555000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:10.555000",
+ "bytes": 442358784,
+ "norm_byte": 61502464,
+ "ops": 431991,
+ "norm_ops": 60061,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.659360997308987,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f65dd35f1c3c946879ac91081066344f14a995bbd52f257c6035caccd2eedfc2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:11.556000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:11.556000', 'bytes': 507134976, 'norm_byte': 64776192, 'ops': 495249, 'norm_ops': 63258, 'norm_ltcy': 15.825582954922698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:11.556000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:11.556000",
+ "bytes": 507134976,
+ "norm_byte": 64776192,
+ "ops": 495249,
+ "norm_ops": 63258,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.825582954922698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "091dcabe5a448bc644b4c41a0ee4f247d823b46eb393cf49578677b25ecce0b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:12.558000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:12.558000', 'bytes': 571296768, 'norm_byte': 64161792, 'ops': 557907, 'norm_ops': 62658, 'norm_ltcy': 15.977024145460275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:12.558000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:12.558000",
+ "bytes": 571296768,
+ "norm_byte": 64161792,
+ "ops": 557907,
+ "norm_ops": 62658,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.977024145460275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6fd6f1e4c1c7b8c033e2cf4d21222ca61e9099b4db142140947e31741fa4edea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:13.559000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:13.559000', 'bytes': 634967040, 'norm_byte': 63670272, 'ops': 620085, 'norm_ops': 62178, 'norm_ltcy': 16.101564636004696, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:13.559000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:13.559000",
+ "bytes": 634967040,
+ "norm_byte": 63670272,
+ "ops": 620085,
+ "norm_ops": 62178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.101564636004696,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9ab1280198269956b45551eec8a179c3cf21323a1452a27a173655336611b3a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:14.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:14.560000', 'bytes': 700046336, 'norm_byte': 65079296, 'ops': 683639, 'norm_ops': 63554, 'norm_ltcy': 15.751922085942665, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:14.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:14.560000",
+ "bytes": 700046336,
+ "norm_byte": 65079296,
+ "ops": 683639,
+ "norm_ops": 63554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.751922085942665,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ba16648a844c09402b20fb1fe6366a8ef8c65e648d5f56df33856eca2a7767e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:15.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:15.560000', 'bytes': 763771904, 'norm_byte': 63725568, 'ops': 745871, 'norm_ops': 62232, 'norm_ltcy': 16.077726447255834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:15.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:15.560000",
+ "bytes": 763771904,
+ "norm_byte": 63725568,
+ "ops": 745871,
+ "norm_ops": 62232,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.077726447255834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aba8802a59b5f2007322017c9a12c4ceac35de82729731d6a72632c55e84fa26",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:16.561000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:16.561000', 'bytes': 827929600, 'norm_byte': 64157696, 'ops': 808525, 'norm_ops': 62654, 'norm_ltcy': 15.978055851631579, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:16.561000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:16.561000",
+ "bytes": 827929600,
+ "norm_byte": 64157696,
+ "ops": 808525,
+ "norm_ops": 62654,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.978055851631579,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "38c624bfee3d67ea26061f8fbe4dbe06ed63c7de1eec11679080ac9213369016",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:17.563000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:17.563000', 'bytes': 893959168, 'norm_byte': 66029568, 'ops': 873007, 'norm_ops': 64482, 'norm_ltcy': 15.525150793050774, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:17.563000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:17.563000",
+ "bytes": 893959168,
+ "norm_byte": 66029568,
+ "ops": 873007,
+ "norm_ops": 64482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.525150793050774,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec363b98eb881f63a8ef135466a04f19ecb35ea67384d507815ce3b965391595",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:18.564000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:18.564000', 'bytes': 957546496, 'norm_byte': 63587328, 'ops': 935104, 'norm_ops': 62097, 'norm_ltcy': 16.121478638007872, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:18.564000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:18.564000",
+ "bytes": 957546496,
+ "norm_byte": 63587328,
+ "ops": 935104,
+ "norm_ops": 62097,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.121478638007872,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c95af3fecdad40b64fe050a6bbc5cde5d34a140c6b967080651b3efde700d7d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:19.565000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:19.565000', 'bytes': 1021379584, 'norm_byte': 63833088, 'ops': 997441, 'norm_ops': 62337, 'norm_ltcy': 16.059347622349087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:19.565000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:19.565000",
+ "bytes": 1021379584,
+ "norm_byte": 63833088,
+ "ops": 997441,
+ "norm_ops": 62337,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.059347622349087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14f715fc6da48d41e219ed6e3c4abcba14cd460c6b7cc4e0a9a60ec93ae5ac75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:20.565000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:20.565000', 'bytes': 1084363776, 'norm_byte': 62984192, 'ops': 1058949, 'norm_ops': 61508, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26826855221069, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:20.565000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:20.565000",
+ "bytes": 1084363776,
+ "norm_byte": 62984192,
+ "ops": 1058949,
+ "norm_ops": 61508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26826855221069,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fc876e02a64aa685b55f6304a8c10cc42c3660b82391803bab41ebab0bec658",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:21.566000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:21.566000', 'bytes': 1148531712, 'norm_byte': 64167936, 'ops': 1121613, 'norm_ops': 62664, 'norm_ltcy': 15.975860591807098, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:21.566000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:21.566000",
+ "bytes": 1148531712,
+ "norm_byte": 64167936,
+ "ops": 1121613,
+ "norm_ops": 62664,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.975860591807098,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8797f0c11bf9662ecda42cf5bc4eeff89d2a1bf53fbf749b53b4044dc01edc67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:22.568000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:22.568000', 'bytes': 1214811136, 'norm_byte': 66279424, 'ops': 1186339, 'norm_ops': 64726, 'norm_ltcy': 15.466802336725195, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:22.568000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:22.568000",
+ "bytes": 1214811136,
+ "norm_byte": 66279424,
+ "ops": 1186339,
+ "norm_ops": 64726,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.466802336725195,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c78be448bab0760261be1fafb2b5b7687379a3e76c588ff67f410c9c38dfdce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:23.569000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:23.569000', 'bytes': 1278411776, 'norm_byte': 63600640, 'ops': 1248449, 'norm_ops': 62110, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11719630494284, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:23.569000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:23.569000",
+ "bytes": 1278411776,
+ "norm_byte": 63600640,
+ "ops": 1248449,
+ "norm_ops": 62110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11719630494284,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4836d44b4057930df2729b505543e1e462ed54bc3a6259101d39352cdedc65e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:24.570000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:24.570000', 'bytes': 1341594624, 'norm_byte': 63182848, 'ops': 1310151, 'norm_ops': 61702, 'norm_ltcy': 16.224925473444944, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:24.570000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:24.570000",
+ "bytes": 1341594624,
+ "norm_byte": 63182848,
+ "ops": 1310151,
+ "norm_ops": 61702,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.224925473444944,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26d1d7a9704ca777bbf1697686c1c8b0534a6f7925c234f1cff6cff14076b506",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:25.570000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:25.570000', 'bytes': 1403560960, 'norm_byte': 61966336, 'ops': 1370665, 'norm_ops': 60514, 'norm_ltcy': 16.535712229298177, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:25.570000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:25.570000",
+ "bytes": 1403560960,
+ "norm_byte": 61966336,
+ "ops": 1370665,
+ "norm_ops": 60514,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.535712229298177,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd4efcc9af8a03e28f90e6b7f6365b49634b3168fdd601a192979facc70148f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:26.571000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:26.571000', 'bytes': 1467889664, 'norm_byte': 64328704, 'ops': 1433486, 'norm_ops': 62821, 'norm_ltcy': 15.935716659238153, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:26.571000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:26.571000",
+ "bytes": 1467889664,
+ "norm_byte": 64328704,
+ "ops": 1433486,
+ "norm_ops": 62821,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.935716659238153,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e751719c2e2aeb48752a44de567ae02d689bdad61e24925e14543c2c73910549",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:27.573000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:27.573000', 'bytes': 1530864640, 'norm_byte': 62974976, 'ops': 1494985, 'norm_ops': 61499, 'norm_ltcy': 16.278156263211596, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:27.573000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:27.573000",
+ "bytes": 1530864640,
+ "norm_byte": 62974976,
+ "ops": 1494985,
+ "norm_ops": 61499,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.278156263211596,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "833706e9ea73048391f7b2c5020cd762e56bc08e255ae7511a8d172d186c7e88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:28.574000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:28.574000', 'bytes': 1594622976, 'norm_byte': 63758336, 'ops': 1557249, 'norm_ops': 62264, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0781289837928, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:28.574000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:28.574000",
+ "bytes": 1594622976,
+ "norm_byte": 63758336,
+ "ops": 1557249,
+ "norm_ops": 62264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0781289837928,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1bffe2f25fb332f2bab263f2bc890426bc98e013becbdba956d8952662f3bf66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:29.575000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:29.575000', 'bytes': 1660730368, 'norm_byte': 66107392, 'ops': 1621807, 'norm_ops': 64558, 'norm_ltcy': 15.506983697072787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:29.575000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:29.575000",
+ "bytes": 1660730368,
+ "norm_byte": 66107392,
+ "ops": 1621807,
+ "norm_ops": 64558,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.506983697072787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "17dbaea2ca083005150e1276bbfcdeb9067ace12fceffc028fb2d27ece181d8b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:30.575000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:30.575000', 'bytes': 1729342464, 'norm_byte': 68612096, 'ops': 1688811, 'norm_ops': 67004, 'norm_ltcy': 14.933740692020253, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:30.575000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:30.575000",
+ "bytes": 1729342464,
+ "norm_byte": 68612096,
+ "ops": 1688811,
+ "norm_ops": 67004,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.933740692020253,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f9dd02aafbcfdb5d40b88efe6f580cd03f4df38c15bbfa320232469cfa424b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:31.576000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:31.576000', 'bytes': 1793341440, 'norm_byte': 63998976, 'ops': 1751310, 'norm_ops': 62499, 'norm_ltcy': 16.017764096725546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:31.576000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:31.576000",
+ "bytes": 1793341440,
+ "norm_byte": 63998976,
+ "ops": 1751310,
+ "norm_ops": 62499,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.017764096725546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d467751378d066abe53f7461e062383da5e526d388086039efc4df6ece2fa8fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:32.578000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:32.578000', 'bytes': 1858589696, 'norm_byte': 65248256, 'ops': 1815029, 'norm_ops': 63719, 'norm_ltcy': 15.711063602987334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:32.578000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:32.578000",
+ "bytes": 1858589696,
+ "norm_byte": 65248256,
+ "ops": 1815029,
+ "norm_ops": 63719,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.711063602987334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed2f2223d2f72bea55d39c6de89bdd53adfd27e53f7ac1179e2ff3fcf535df59",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:33.579000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:33.579000', 'bytes': 1922068480, 'norm_byte': 63478784, 'ops': 1877020, 'norm_ops': 61991, 'norm_ltcy': 16.149092427479392, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:33.579000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:33.579000",
+ "bytes": 1922068480,
+ "norm_byte": 63478784,
+ "ops": 1877020,
+ "norm_ops": 61991,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.149092427479392,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49ed4dc59b796c0caa78c04e81197970ea174d153bee863be9bacb7cae7c8156",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:34.580000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:34.580000', 'bytes': 1985586176, 'norm_byte': 63517696, 'ops': 1939049, 'norm_ops': 62029, 'norm_ltcy': 16.1391008263272, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:34.580000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:34.580000",
+ "bytes": 1985586176,
+ "norm_byte": 63517696,
+ "ops": 1939049,
+ "norm_ops": 62029,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.1391008263272,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "accb8ea6b26aedeb0479fdec310d0461e2fe1c903e357a1cbddc9aa3f45f2d7f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:35.581000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:35.581000', 'bytes': 2049233920, 'norm_byte': 63647744, 'ops': 2001205, 'norm_ops': 62156, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10512699397484, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:35.581000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:35.581000",
+ "bytes": 2049233920,
+ "norm_byte": 63647744,
+ "ops": 2001205,
+ "norm_ops": 62156,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10512699397484,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef65021c9b0bda2c2eed7b35c1ee761d5601e841bb1fe03432ec2cfc4d2a4199",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:36.582000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:36.582000', 'bytes': 2112973824, 'norm_byte': 63739904, 'ops': 2063451, 'norm_ops': 62246, 'norm_ltcy': 16.082021397459275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:36.582000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:36.582000",
+ "bytes": 2112973824,
+ "norm_byte": 63739904,
+ "ops": 2063451,
+ "norm_ops": 62246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.082021397459275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5f93d5aff0b8bbd7219a81c42f1daabbb1af238add2a4b305342f1d2f53dda7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:37.583000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:37.583000', 'bytes': 2176635904, 'norm_byte': 63662080, 'ops': 2125621, 'norm_ops': 62170, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10251738554568, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:37.583000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:37.583000",
+ "bytes": 2176635904,
+ "norm_byte": 63662080,
+ "ops": 2125621,
+ "norm_ops": 62170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10251738554568,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1dc5e326aa1baf45775ad628174dd15a2cf236b591d60af7fda0de267632559b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:38.584000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:38.584000', 'bytes': 2240365568, 'norm_byte': 63729664, 'ops': 2187857, 'norm_ops': 62236, 'norm_ltcy': 16.084676046620928, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:38.584000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:38.584000",
+ "bytes": 2240365568,
+ "norm_byte": 63729664,
+ "ops": 2187857,
+ "norm_ops": 62236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.084676046620928,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f94583eb3a0b7731a1f0d6eb29a3baca08007a7916dc23c305e276a7ec72f216",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:39.585000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:39.585000', 'bytes': 2303700992, 'norm_byte': 63335424, 'ops': 2249708, 'norm_ops': 61851, 'norm_ltcy': 16.186099898849655, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:39.585000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:39.585000",
+ "bytes": 2303700992,
+ "norm_byte": 63335424,
+ "ops": 2249708,
+ "norm_ops": 61851,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.186099898849655,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eea8f4de666b9c50f81e1b44190f38b3f91cc54afe91f38f1f3756712d959fae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:40.586000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:40.586000', 'bytes': 2366643200, 'norm_byte': 62942208, 'ops': 2311175, 'norm_ops': 61467, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28578075939122, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:40.586000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:40.586000",
+ "bytes": 2366643200,
+ "norm_byte": 62942208,
+ "ops": 2311175,
+ "norm_ops": 61467,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28578075939122,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff124f3d9e8a3938b898057849257d760fc56e5a0a46976715697ff280189729",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:41.587000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:41.587000', 'bytes': 2429940736, 'norm_byte': 63297536, 'ops': 2372989, 'norm_ops': 61814, 'norm_ltcy': 16.195282862195455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:41.587000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:41.587000",
+ "bytes": 2429940736,
+ "norm_byte": 63297536,
+ "ops": 2372989,
+ "norm_ops": 61814,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.195282862195455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "73f7bf48dfe8698064ca32eb180ec7fc1a585c90c97d4b87910544f30029314c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:42.588000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:42.588000', 'bytes': 2493242368, 'norm_byte': 63301632, 'ops': 2434807, 'norm_ops': 61818, 'norm_ltcy': 16.194242827736257, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:42.588000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:42.588000",
+ "bytes": 2493242368,
+ "norm_byte": 63301632,
+ "ops": 2434807,
+ "norm_ops": 61818,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.194242827736257,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a478fe93644a40d4cd6d8684ccc243d2050df352acd73e8ccb4affc4b7324ca3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:43.589000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:43.589000', 'bytes': 2556005376, 'norm_byte': 62763008, 'ops': 2496099, 'norm_ops': 61292, 'norm_ltcy': 16.333132089526366, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:43.589000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:43.589000",
+ "bytes": 2556005376,
+ "norm_byte": 62763008,
+ "ops": 2496099,
+ "norm_ops": 61292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.333132089526366,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af9a3b108753139734bc48c29ee6ee1b6491672fef947421fca6e72164fc70d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:44.590000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:44.590000', 'bytes': 2618586112, 'norm_byte': 62580736, 'ops': 2557213, 'norm_ops': 61114, 'norm_ltcy': 16.380783696759334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:44.590000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:44.590000",
+ "bytes": 2618586112,
+ "norm_byte": 62580736,
+ "ops": 2557213,
+ "norm_ops": 61114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.380783696759334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "800f67deb1f10d2156ce1029a468d50d242c499c725ff67345307faa681de5b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:45.592000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:45.592000', 'bytes': 2682350592, 'norm_byte': 63764480, 'ops': 2619483, 'norm_ops': 62270, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07667779930143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:45.592000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:45.592000",
+ "bytes": 2682350592,
+ "norm_byte": 63764480,
+ "ops": 2619483,
+ "norm_ops": 62270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07667779930143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c24995bb613414ec1de4986148bffe0ea927f169af36c7e9324c1df2c39788ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:46.593000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:46.593000', 'bytes': 2746182656, 'norm_byte': 63832064, 'ops': 2681819, 'norm_ops': 62336, 'norm_ltcy': 16.059785408161016, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:46.593000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:46.593000",
+ "bytes": 2746182656,
+ "norm_byte": 63832064,
+ "ops": 2681819,
+ "norm_ops": 62336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.059785408161016,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc6f12fb81fd2a2690281e2321312dcb6b5cb5550263cde5ef1adb042799f7d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:47.594000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:47.594000', 'bytes': 2809125888, 'norm_byte': 62943232, 'ops': 2743287, 'norm_ops': 61468, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28640550265992, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:47.594000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:47.594000",
+ "bytes": 2809125888,
+ "norm_byte": 62943232,
+ "ops": 2743287,
+ "norm_ops": 61468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28640550265992,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ed16f8c97388614eb09aabcb1bb50ae4b7b8891498d6d59306836f884fca609",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:48.594000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:48.594000', 'bytes': 2872921088, 'norm_byte': 63795200, 'ops': 2805587, 'norm_ops': 62300, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06057352277287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:48.594000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:48.594000",
+ "bytes": 2872921088,
+ "norm_byte": 63795200,
+ "ops": 2805587,
+ "norm_ops": 62300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06057352277287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f569934b38b8184476f8016ca24b6b750aa4f5ae544bac163175c7381859cefb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:49.595000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:49.595000', 'bytes': 2935817216, 'norm_byte': 62896128, 'ops': 2867009, 'norm_ops': 61422, 'norm_ltcy': 16.29859074949733, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:49.595000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:49.595000",
+ "bytes": 2935817216,
+ "norm_byte": 62896128,
+ "ops": 2867009,
+ "norm_ops": 61422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.29859074949733,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "517d0375733f6cc385652bdf250672fe5cea97ea35d1ed77b12553d4c27fcc19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:50.596000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:50.596000', 'bytes': 3000572928, 'norm_byte': 64755712, 'ops': 2930247, 'norm_ops': 63238, 'norm_ltcy': 15.827777478533477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:50.596000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:50.596000",
+ "bytes": 3000572928,
+ "norm_byte": 64755712,
+ "ops": 2930247,
+ "norm_ops": 63238,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.827777478533477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef9ae3b51aab8047bbf631e3929eace5aa1bf82f9fbd5d67c5687fda02bbcb39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:51.597000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:51.597000', 'bytes': 3064893440, 'norm_byte': 64320512, 'ops': 2993060, 'norm_ops': 62813, 'norm_ltcy': 15.936926155065434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:51.597000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:51.597000",
+ "bytes": 3064893440,
+ "norm_byte": 64320512,
+ "ops": 2993060,
+ "norm_ops": 62813,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.936926155065434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8227938a270bf46ad032cd413f7a2a37de412716ddf73b95679702c0979861bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:52.598000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:52.598000', 'bytes': 3128718336, 'norm_byte': 63824896, 'ops': 3055389, 'norm_ops': 62329, 'norm_ltcy': 16.060535374785413, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:52.598000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:52.598000",
+ "bytes": 3128718336,
+ "norm_byte": 63824896,
+ "ops": 3055389,
+ "norm_ops": 62329,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.060535374785413,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d357a89d32e7b9c69d4a9bf3400cd96d1be02e7eac3b43f2da7149d163eb2041",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:53.600000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:53.600000', 'bytes': 3192722432, 'norm_byte': 64004096, 'ops': 3117893, 'norm_ops': 62504, 'norm_ltcy': 16.016385107603114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:53.600000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:53.600000",
+ "bytes": 3192722432,
+ "norm_byte": 64004096,
+ "ops": 3117893,
+ "norm_ops": 62504,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.016385107603114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a02e333d7d155ee0d19e2f55054513f97a65e5eea427bb38fdd18f63c2c0174f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:54.601000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:54.601000', 'bytes': 3257013248, 'norm_byte': 64290816, 'ops': 3180677, 'norm_ops': 62784, 'norm_ltcy': 15.945014603641054, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:54.601000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:54.601000",
+ "bytes": 3257013248,
+ "norm_byte": 64290816,
+ "ops": 3180677,
+ "norm_ops": 62784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.945014603641054,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "98f2a91fca01522e1d6a7ff522f2622c701829f30364ee020029a25debcd4cef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:55.602000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:55.602000', 'bytes': 3320943616, 'norm_byte': 63930368, 'ops': 3243109, 'norm_ops': 62432, 'norm_ltcy': 16.03488736370171, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:55.602000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:55.602000",
+ "bytes": 3320943616,
+ "norm_byte": 63930368,
+ "ops": 3243109,
+ "norm_ops": 62432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.03488736370171,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6202c642b3fbf35567fa32e536ebd24e87a457e06f9b24c11bde76afff8bf216",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:56.603000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:56.603000', 'bytes': 3384931328, 'norm_byte': 63987712, 'ops': 3305597, 'norm_ops': 62488, 'norm_ltcy': 16.020642369584962, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:56.603000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:56.603000",
+ "bytes": 3384931328,
+ "norm_byte": 63987712,
+ "ops": 3305597,
+ "norm_ops": 62488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.020642369584962,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "607c689ba84d041e044b2896e8378fce1625d70dbcec8703556b87fac9216ccf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:57.604000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:57.604000', 'bytes': 3447321600, 'norm_byte': 62390272, 'ops': 3366525, 'norm_ops': 60928, 'norm_ltcy': 16.42986906676733, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:57.604000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:57.604000",
+ "bytes": 3447321600,
+ "norm_byte": 62390272,
+ "ops": 3366525,
+ "norm_ops": 60928,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.42986906676733,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3600dad2ef7350cf163be179f10c279087f27727746c46fc80659a29d305286",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:58.605000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:58.605000', 'bytes': 3510998016, 'norm_byte': 63676416, 'ops': 3428709, 'norm_ops': 62184, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09890387046909, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:58.605000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:58.605000",
+ "bytes": 3510998016,
+ "norm_byte": 63676416,
+ "ops": 3428709,
+ "norm_ops": 62184,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09890387046909,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e966a043a51674c0c4859a7d3d635dc4f91a549734ac5ef2d422b353caccec92",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:28:59.606000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:28:59.606000', 'bytes': 3574621184, 'norm_byte': 63623168, 'ops': 3490841, 'norm_ops': 62132, 'norm_ltcy': 16.112338197305736, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:28:59.606000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:28:59.606000",
+ "bytes": 3574621184,
+ "norm_byte": 63623168,
+ "ops": 3490841,
+ "norm_ops": 62132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.112338197305736,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "415aff801f5e17ce5671eb9a9cd77f6869a943199b2c7b2fc33e6b91296ca36e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:29:00.607000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:29:00.607000', 'bytes': 3638540288, 'norm_byte': 63919104, 'ops': 3553262, 'norm_ops': 62421, 'norm_ltcy': 16.036836968177777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:29:00.607000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:29:00.607000",
+ "bytes": 3638540288,
+ "norm_byte": 63919104,
+ "ops": 3553262,
+ "norm_ops": 62421,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.036836968177777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1448ddc2ab384946a3075e78c7457b054a13227fed550f6018502df30fc60368",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:29:01.608000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:29:01.608000', 'bytes': 3703557120, 'norm_byte': 65016832, 'ops': 3616755, 'norm_ops': 63493, 'norm_ltcy': 15.767001689654766, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:29:01.608000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:29:01.608000",
+ "bytes": 3703557120,
+ "norm_byte": 65016832,
+ "ops": 3616755,
+ "norm_ops": 63493,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.767001689654766,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53e1f6e55742048b2335c8b40c9a9f786729b777e7c3884095a1b7f693ba6187",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:29:02.609000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:29:02.609000', 'bytes': 3765893120, 'norm_byte': 62336000, 'ops': 3677630, 'norm_ops': 60875, 'norm_ltcy': 16.4449675949692, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:29:02.609000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:29:02.609000",
+ "bytes": 3765893120,
+ "norm_byte": 62336000,
+ "ops": 3677630,
+ "norm_ops": 60875,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.4449675949692,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c1d6ae1e66610eba0cc441eefc555152e5c655fda61580d69e0e6995a6c010f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:29:03.811000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:29:03.811000', 'bytes': 3829403648, 'norm_byte': 63510528, 'ops': 3739652, 'norm_ops': 62022, 'norm_ltcy': 19.369363454197703, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:29:03.811000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:29:03.811000",
+ "bytes": 3829403648,
+ "norm_byte": 63510528,
+ "ops": 3739652,
+ "norm_ops": 62022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.369363454197703,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cfe34d88-cad0-5a5a-a523-30534cf8b6e9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a1bc8fd87e15cd07eb889b807de9310dc6249898deb53bf8c5ca57663d77ced4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63823394.13333333
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62327.53333333333
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.497238046804856
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:29:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-087-220519222518/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-087-220519222518/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3b6e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-087-220519222518/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-087-220519222518/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-087-220519222518/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-087-220519222518/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-087-220519222518/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-087-220519222518/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e83aec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-087-220519222518/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=55
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=15
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=40
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-088-220519222719/220519222719-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-088-220519222719/220519222719-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..260f8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-088-220519222719/220519222719-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:30:02Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999404034.3494 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999405035.4500 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999405035.6116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999406036.6411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:52147200 nr_ops:50925\ntimestamp_ms:1652999407037.6816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:120730624 nr_ops:117901\ntimestamp_ms:1652999408038.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:172807168 nr_ops:168757\ntimestamp_ms:1652999409039.8679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:224510976 nr_ops:219249\ntimestamp_ms:1652999410040.9761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278465536 nr_ops:271939\ntimestamp_ms:1652999411041.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327197696 nr_ops:319529\ntimestamp_ms:1652999412042.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378979328 nr_ops:370097\ntimestamp_ms:1652999413044.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:443638784 nr_ops:433241\ntimestamp_ms:1652999414045.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503723008 nr_ops:491917\ntimestamp_ms:1652999415046.2515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558025728 nr_ops:544947\ntimestamp_ms:1652999416047.3530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:590519296 nr_ops:576679\ntimestamp_ms:1652999417048.4668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634854400 nr_ops:619975\ntimestamp_ms:1652999418049.5613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700488704 nr_ops:684071\ntimestamp_ms:1652999419050.5974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:753890304 nr_ops:736221\ntimestamp_ms:1652999420051.6960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:808844288 nr_ops:789887\ntimestamp_ms:1652999421052.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:875371520 nr_ops:854855\ntimestamp_ms:1652999422053.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:941900800 nr_ops:919825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999423054.9832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010566144 nr_ops:986881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999424056.0737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1079153664 nr_ops:1053861\ntimestamp_ms:1652999425057.1133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147857920 nr_ops:1120955\ntimestamp_ms:1652999426058.2070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1216530432 nr_ops:1188018\ntimestamp_ms:1652999427059.3000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1285182464 nr_ops:1255061\ntimestamp_ms:1652999428060.3396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353575424 nr_ops:1321851\ntimestamp_ms:1652999429061.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1407847424 nr_ops:1374851\ntimestamp_ms:1652999430062.4709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1476195328 nr_ops:1441597\ntimestamp_ms:1652999431063.5623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1530471424 nr_ops:1494601\ntimestamp_ms:1652999432064.6594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598538752 nr_ops:1561073\ntimestamp_ms:1652999433065.7563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652856832 nr_ops:1614118\ntimestamp_ms:1652999434066.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721379840 nr_ops:1681035\ntimestamp_ms:1652999435067.9348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1775787008 nr_ops:1734167\ntimestamp_ms:1652999436069.0310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1829950464 nr_ops:1787061\ntimestamp_ms:1652999437070.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1884519424 nr_ops:1840351\ntimestamp_ms:1652999438071.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1938328576 nr_ops:1892899\ntimestamp_ms:1652999439072.3203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1991955456 nr_ops:1945269\ntimestamp_ms:1652999440073.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2030300160 nr_ops:1982715\ntimestamp_ms:1652999441074.5061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095059968 nr_ops:2045957\ntimestamp_ms:1652999442074.9106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2160129024 nr_ops:2109501\ntimestamp_ms:1652999443076.0183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2225326080 nr_ops:2173170\ntimestamp_ms:1652999444077.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2290459648 nr_ops:2236777\ntimestamp_ms:1652999445078.1997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2343867392 nr_ops:2288933\ntimestamp_ms:1652999446079.2981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2412071936 nr_ops:2355539\ntimestamp_ms:1652999447080.4126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479522816 nr_ops:2421409\ntimestamp_ms:1652999448081.5227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2529778688 nr_ops:2470487\ntimestamp_ms:1652999449082.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593152000 nr_ops:2532375\ntimestamp_ms:1652999450083.6711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2657926144 nr_ops:2595631\ntimestamp_ms:1652999451084.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723121152 nr_ops:2659298\ntimestamp_ms:1652999452085.8584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2782080000 nr_ops:2716875\ntimestamp_ms:1652999453086.9753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2817301504 nr_ops:2751271\ntimestamp_ms:1652999454088.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2864460800 nr_ops:2797325\ntimestamp_ms:1652999455089.0596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929404928 nr_ops:2860747\ntimestamp_ms:1652999456090.1057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2994308096 nr_ops:2924129\ntimestamp_ms:1652999457091.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3059964928 nr_ops:2988247\ntimestamp_ms:1652999458092.3606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3098258432 nr_ops:3025643\ntimestamp_ms:1652999459093.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3150599168 nr_ops:3076757\ntimestamp_ms:1652999460094.5701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3202896896 nr_ops:3127829\ntimestamp_ms:1652999461095.6597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3268602880 nr_ops:3191995\ntimestamp_ms:1652999462096.7571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3333479424 nr_ops:3255351\ntimestamp_ms:1652999463097.8542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3396406272 nr_ops:3316803\ntimestamp_ms:1652999464098.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3459277824 nr_ops:3378201\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139637344237312\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.2852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3522432000 nr_ops:3439875\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.3428 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.3469 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465400.5637 name:Total nr_bytes:3522432000 nr_ops:3439876\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.3760 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7044863998 nr_ops:6879752\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.3765 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3522432000 nr_ops:3439878\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 220.42us 0.00ns 220.42us 220.42us \nTxn1 1719938 34.89us 0.00ns 211.77ms 18.49us \nTxn2 1 26.49us 0.00ns 26.49us 26.49us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 219.98us 0.00ns 219.98us 219.98us \nwrite 1719938 2.48us 0.00ns 253.30us 2.16us \nread 1719937 32.30us 0.00ns 211.76ms 961.00ns \ndisconnect 1 26.05us 0.00ns 26.05us 26.05us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27578 27578 240.48Mb/s 240.48Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.183 62.37s 3.28GB 451.83Mb/s 3439877 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.28GB 451.83Mb/s 3439878 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999404034.3494 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999405035.4500 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999405035.6116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999406036.6411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:52147200 nr_ops:50925\ntimestamp_ms:1652999407037.6816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:120730624 nr_ops:117901\ntimestamp_ms:1652999408038.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:172807168 nr_ops:168757\ntimestamp_ms:1652999409039.8679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:224510976 nr_ops:219249\ntimestamp_ms:1652999410040.9761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278465536 nr_ops:271939\ntimestamp_ms:1652999411041.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327197696 nr_ops:319529\ntimestamp_ms:1652999412042.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378979328 nr_ops:370097\ntimestamp_ms:1652999413044.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:443638784 nr_ops:433241\ntimestamp_ms:1652999414045.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503723008 nr_ops:491917\ntimestamp_ms:1652999415046.2515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558025728 nr_ops:544947\ntimestamp_ms:1652999416047.3530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:590519296 nr_ops:576679\ntimestamp_ms:1652999417048.4668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634854400 nr_ops:619975\ntimestamp_ms:1652999418049.5613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700488704 nr_ops:684071\ntimestamp_ms:1652999419050.5974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:753890304 nr_ops:736221\ntimestamp_ms:1652999420051.6960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:808844288 nr_ops:789887\ntimestamp_ms:1652999421052.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:875371520 nr_ops:854855\ntimestamp_ms:1652999422053.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:941900800 nr_ops:919825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999423054.9832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010566144 nr_ops:986881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999424056.0737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1079153664 nr_ops:1053861\ntimestamp_ms:1652999425057.1133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147857920 nr_ops:1120955\ntimestamp_ms:1652999426058.2070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1216530432 nr_ops:1188018\ntimestamp_ms:1652999427059.3000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1285182464 nr_ops:1255061\ntimestamp_ms:1652999428060.3396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353575424 nr_ops:1321851\ntimestamp_ms:1652999429061.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1407847424 nr_ops:1374851\ntimestamp_ms:1652999430062.4709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1476195328 nr_ops:1441597\ntimestamp_ms:1652999431063.5623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1530471424 nr_ops:1494601\ntimestamp_ms:1652999432064.6594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598538752 nr_ops:1561073\ntimestamp_ms:1652999433065.7563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652856832 nr_ops:1614118\ntimestamp_ms:1652999434066.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721379840 nr_ops:1681035\ntimestamp_ms:1652999435067.9348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1775787008 nr_ops:1734167\ntimestamp_ms:1652999436069.0310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1829950464 nr_ops:1787061\ntimestamp_ms:1652999437070.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1884519424 nr_ops:1840351\ntimestamp_ms:1652999438071.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1938328576 nr_ops:1892899\ntimestamp_ms:1652999439072.3203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1991955456 nr_ops:1945269\ntimestamp_ms:1652999440073.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2030300160 nr_ops:1982715\ntimestamp_ms:1652999441074.5061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095059968 nr_ops:2045957\ntimestamp_ms:1652999442074.9106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2160129024 nr_ops:2109501\ntimestamp_ms:1652999443076.0183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2225326080 nr_ops:2173170\ntimestamp_ms:1652999444077.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2290459648 nr_ops:2236777\ntimestamp_ms:1652999445078.1997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2343867392 nr_ops:2288933\ntimestamp_ms:1652999446079.2981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2412071936 nr_ops:2355539\ntimestamp_ms:1652999447080.4126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479522816 nr_ops:2421409\ntimestamp_ms:1652999448081.5227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2529778688 nr_ops:2470487\ntimestamp_ms:1652999449082.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593152000 nr_ops:2532375\ntimestamp_ms:1652999450083.6711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2657926144 nr_ops:2595631\ntimestamp_ms:1652999451084.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723121152 nr_ops:2659298\ntimestamp_ms:1652999452085.8584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2782080000 nr_ops:2716875\ntimestamp_ms:1652999453086.9753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2817301504 nr_ops:2751271\ntimestamp_ms:1652999454088.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2864460800 nr_ops:2797325\ntimestamp_ms:1652999455089.0596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929404928 nr_ops:2860747\ntimestamp_ms:1652999456090.1057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2994308096 nr_ops:2924129\ntimestamp_ms:1652999457091.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3059964928 nr_ops:2988247\ntimestamp_ms:1652999458092.3606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3098258432 nr_ops:3025643\ntimestamp_ms:1652999459093.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3150599168 nr_ops:3076757\ntimestamp_ms:1652999460094.5701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3202896896 nr_ops:3127829\ntimestamp_ms:1652999461095.6597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3268602880 nr_ops:3191995\ntimestamp_ms:1652999462096.7571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3333479424 nr_ops:3255351\ntimestamp_ms:1652999463097.8542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3396406272 nr_ops:3316803\ntimestamp_ms:1652999464098.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3459277824 nr_ops:3378201\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139637344237312\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.2852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3522432000 nr_ops:3439875\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.3428 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.3469 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465400.5637 name:Total nr_bytes:3522432000 nr_ops:3439876\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.3760 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7044863998 nr_ops:6879752\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.3765 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3522432000 nr_ops:3439878\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 220.42us 0.00ns 220.42us 220.42us \nTxn1 1719938 34.89us 0.00ns 211.77ms 18.49us \nTxn2 1 26.49us 0.00ns 26.49us 26.49us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 219.98us 0.00ns 219.98us 219.98us \nwrite 1719938 2.48us 0.00ns 253.30us 2.16us \nread 1719937 32.30us 0.00ns 211.76ms 961.00ns \ndisconnect 1 26.05us 0.00ns 26.05us 26.05us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27578 27578 240.48Mb/s 240.48Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.183 62.37s 3.28GB 451.83Mb/s 3439877 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.28GB 451.83Mb/s 3439878 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999404034.3494 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999405035.4500 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999405035.6116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999406036.6411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:52147200 nr_ops:50925\ntimestamp_ms:1652999407037.6816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:120730624 nr_ops:117901\ntimestamp_ms:1652999408038.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:172807168 nr_ops:168757\ntimestamp_ms:1652999409039.8679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:224510976 nr_ops:219249\ntimestamp_ms:1652999410040.9761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278465536 nr_ops:271939\ntimestamp_ms:1652999411041.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327197696 nr_ops:319529\ntimestamp_ms:1652999412042.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378979328 nr_ops:370097\ntimestamp_ms:1652999413044.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:443638784 nr_ops:433241\ntimestamp_ms:1652999414045.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503723008 nr_ops:491917\ntimestamp_ms:1652999415046.2515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558025728 nr_ops:544947\ntimestamp_ms:1652999416047.3530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:590519296 nr_ops:576679\ntimestamp_ms:1652999417048.4668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634854400 nr_ops:619975\ntimestamp_ms:1652999418049.5613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700488704 nr_ops:684071\ntimestamp_ms:1652999419050.5974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:753890304 nr_ops:736221\ntimestamp_ms:1652999420051.6960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:808844288 nr_ops:789887\ntimestamp_ms:1652999421052.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:875371520 nr_ops:854855\ntimestamp_ms:1652999422053.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:941900800 nr_ops:919825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999423054.9832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010566144 nr_ops:986881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999424056.0737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1079153664 nr_ops:1053861\ntimestamp_ms:1652999425057.1133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147857920 nr_ops:1120955\ntimestamp_ms:1652999426058.2070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1216530432 nr_ops:1188018\ntimestamp_ms:1652999427059.3000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1285182464 nr_ops:1255061\ntimestamp_ms:1652999428060.3396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353575424 nr_ops:1321851\ntimestamp_ms:1652999429061.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1407847424 nr_ops:1374851\ntimestamp_ms:1652999430062.4709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1476195328 nr_ops:1441597\ntimestamp_ms:1652999431063.5623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1530471424 nr_ops:1494601\ntimestamp_ms:1652999432064.6594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598538752 nr_ops:1561073\ntimestamp_ms:1652999433065.7563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652856832 nr_ops:1614118\ntimestamp_ms:1652999434066.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721379840 nr_ops:1681035\ntimestamp_ms:1652999435067.9348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1775787008 nr_ops:1734167\ntimestamp_ms:1652999436069.0310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1829950464 nr_ops:1787061\ntimestamp_ms:1652999437070.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1884519424 nr_ops:1840351\ntimestamp_ms:1652999438071.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1938328576 nr_ops:1892899\ntimestamp_ms:1652999439072.3203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1991955456 nr_ops:1945269\ntimestamp_ms:1652999440073.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2030300160 nr_ops:1982715\ntimestamp_ms:1652999441074.5061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095059968 nr_ops:2045957\ntimestamp_ms:1652999442074.9106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2160129024 nr_ops:2109501\ntimestamp_ms:1652999443076.0183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2225326080 nr_ops:2173170\ntimestamp_ms:1652999444077.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2290459648 nr_ops:2236777\ntimestamp_ms:1652999445078.1997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2343867392 nr_ops:2288933\ntimestamp_ms:1652999446079.2981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2412071936 nr_ops:2355539\ntimestamp_ms:1652999447080.4126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479522816 nr_ops:2421409\ntimestamp_ms:1652999448081.5227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2529778688 nr_ops:2470487\ntimestamp_ms:1652999449082.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593152000 nr_ops:2532375\ntimestamp_ms:1652999450083.6711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2657926144 nr_ops:2595631\ntimestamp_ms:1652999451084.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723121152 nr_ops:2659298\ntimestamp_ms:1652999452085.8584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2782080000 nr_ops:2716875\ntimestamp_ms:1652999453086.9753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2817301504 nr_ops:2751271\ntimestamp_ms:1652999454088.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2864460800 nr_ops:2797325\ntimestamp_ms:1652999455089.0596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929404928 nr_ops:2860747\ntimestamp_ms:1652999456090.1057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2994308096 nr_ops:2924129\ntimestamp_ms:1652999457091.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3059964928 nr_ops:2988247\ntimestamp_ms:1652999458092.3606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3098258432 nr_ops:3025643\ntimestamp_ms:1652999459093.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3150599168 nr_ops:3076757\ntimestamp_ms:1652999460094.5701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3202896896 nr_ops:3127829\ntimestamp_ms:1652999461095.6597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3268602880 nr_ops:3191995\ntimestamp_ms:1652999462096.7571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3333479424 nr_ops:3255351\ntimestamp_ms:1652999463097.8542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3396406272 nr_ops:3316803\ntimestamp_ms:1652999464098.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3459277824 nr_ops:3378201\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139637344237312\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.2852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3522432000 nr_ops:3439875\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.3428 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.3469 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465400.5637 name:Total nr_bytes:3522432000 nr_ops:3439876\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.3760 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7044863998 nr_ops:6879752\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999465300.3765 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3522432000 nr_ops:3439878\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 220.42us 0.00ns 220.42us 220.42us \nTxn1 1719938 34.89us 0.00ns 211.77ms 18.49us \nTxn2 1 26.49us 0.00ns 26.49us 26.49us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 219.98us 0.00ns 219.98us 219.98us \nwrite 1719938 2.48us 0.00ns 253.30us 2.16us \nread 1719937 32.30us 0.00ns 211.76ms 961.00ns \ndisconnect 1 26.05us 0.00ns 26.05us 26.05us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 27578 27578 240.48Mb/s 240.48Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.183 62.37s 3.28GB 451.83Mb/s 3439877 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.28GB 451.83Mb/s 3439878 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.418, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999404034.3494 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999405035.4500 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999405035.6116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999406036.6411 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:52147200 nr_ops:50925
+timestamp_ms:1652999407037.6816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:120730624 nr_ops:117901
+timestamp_ms:1652999408038.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:172807168 nr_ops:168757
+timestamp_ms:1652999409039.8679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:224510976 nr_ops:219249
+timestamp_ms:1652999410040.9761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278465536 nr_ops:271939
+timestamp_ms:1652999411041.8372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:327197696 nr_ops:319529
+timestamp_ms:1652999412042.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378979328 nr_ops:370097
+timestamp_ms:1652999413044.0393 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:443638784 nr_ops:433241
+timestamp_ms:1652999414045.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503723008 nr_ops:491917
+timestamp_ms:1652999415046.2515 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:558025728 nr_ops:544947
+timestamp_ms:1652999416047.3530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:590519296 nr_ops:576679
+timestamp_ms:1652999417048.4668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634854400 nr_ops:619975
+timestamp_ms:1652999418049.5613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700488704 nr_ops:684071
+timestamp_ms:1652999419050.5974 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:753890304 nr_ops:736221
+timestamp_ms:1652999420051.6960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:808844288 nr_ops:789887
+timestamp_ms:1652999421052.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:875371520 nr_ops:854855
+timestamp_ms:1652999422053.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:941900800 nr_ops:919825
+timestamp_ms:1652999423054.9832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1010566144 nr_ops:986881
+timestamp_ms:1652999424056.0737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1079153664 nr_ops:1053861
+timestamp_ms:1652999425057.1133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147857920 nr_ops:1120955
+timestamp_ms:1652999426058.2070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1216530432 nr_ops:1188018
+timestamp_ms:1652999427059.3000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1285182464 nr_ops:1255061
+timestamp_ms:1652999428060.3396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1353575424 nr_ops:1321851
+timestamp_ms:1652999429061.3765 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1407847424 nr_ops:1374851
+timestamp_ms:1652999430062.4709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1476195328 nr_ops:1441597
+timestamp_ms:1652999431063.5623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1530471424 nr_ops:1494601
+timestamp_ms:1652999432064.6594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598538752 nr_ops:1561073
+timestamp_ms:1652999433065.7563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652856832 nr_ops:1614118
+timestamp_ms:1652999434066.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721379840 nr_ops:1681035
+timestamp_ms:1652999435067.9348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1775787008 nr_ops:1734167
+timestamp_ms:1652999436069.0310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1829950464 nr_ops:1787061
+timestamp_ms:1652999437070.1274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1884519424 nr_ops:1840351
+timestamp_ms:1652999438071.2256 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1938328576 nr_ops:1892899
+timestamp_ms:1652999439072.3203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1991955456 nr_ops:1945269
+timestamp_ms:1652999440073.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2030300160 nr_ops:1982715
+timestamp_ms:1652999441074.5061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095059968 nr_ops:2045957
+timestamp_ms:1652999442074.9106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2160129024 nr_ops:2109501
+timestamp_ms:1652999443076.0183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2225326080 nr_ops:2173170
+timestamp_ms:1652999444077.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2290459648 nr_ops:2236777
+timestamp_ms:1652999445078.1997 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2343867392 nr_ops:2288933
+timestamp_ms:1652999446079.2981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2412071936 nr_ops:2355539
+timestamp_ms:1652999447080.4126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479522816 nr_ops:2421409
+timestamp_ms:1652999448081.5227 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2529778688 nr_ops:2470487
+timestamp_ms:1652999449082.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593152000 nr_ops:2532375
+timestamp_ms:1652999450083.6711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2657926144 nr_ops:2595631
+timestamp_ms:1652999451084.7202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723121152 nr_ops:2659298
+timestamp_ms:1652999452085.8584 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2782080000 nr_ops:2716875
+timestamp_ms:1652999453086.9753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2817301504 nr_ops:2751271
+timestamp_ms:1652999454088.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2864460800 nr_ops:2797325
+timestamp_ms:1652999455089.0596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2929404928 nr_ops:2860747
+timestamp_ms:1652999456090.1057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2994308096 nr_ops:2924129
+timestamp_ms:1652999457091.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3059964928 nr_ops:2988247
+timestamp_ms:1652999458092.3606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3098258432 nr_ops:3025643
+timestamp_ms:1652999459093.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3150599168 nr_ops:3076757
+timestamp_ms:1652999460094.5701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3202896896 nr_ops:3127829
+timestamp_ms:1652999461095.6597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3268602880 nr_ops:3191995
+timestamp_ms:1652999462096.7571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3333479424 nr_ops:3255351
+timestamp_ms:1652999463097.8542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3396406272 nr_ops:3316803
+timestamp_ms:1652999464098.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3459277824 nr_ops:3378201
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139637344237312
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652999465300.2852 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3522432000 nr_ops:3439875
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999465300.3428 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999465300.3469 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999465400.5637 name:Total nr_bytes:3522432000 nr_ops:3439876
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999465300.3760 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7044863998 nr_ops:6879752
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999465300.3765 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3522432000 nr_ops:3439878
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 220.42us 0.00ns 220.42us 220.42us
+Txn1 1719938 34.89us 0.00ns 211.77ms 18.49us
+Txn2 1 26.49us 0.00ns 26.49us 26.49us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 219.98us 0.00ns 219.98us 219.98us
+write 1719938 2.48us 0.00ns 253.30us 2.16us
+read 1719937 32.30us 0.00ns 211.76ms 961.00ns
+disconnect 1 26.05us 0.00ns 26.05us 26.05us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 27578 27578 240.48Mb/s 240.48Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.183 62.37s 3.28GB 451.83Mb/s 3439877 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.28GB 451.83Mb/s 3439878 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:06.036000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:06.036000', 'bytes': 52147200, 'norm_byte': 52147200, 'ops': 50925, 'norm_ops': 50925, 'norm_ltcy': 19.65693747698822, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:06.036000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:06.036000",
+ "bytes": 52147200,
+ "norm_byte": 52147200,
+ "ops": 50925,
+ "norm_ops": 50925,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.65693747698822,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68696210d038aae9ecdaff7a83bc519a1b838ef30d3b869913e551e1b775a173",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:07.037000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:07.037000', 'bytes': 120730624, 'norm_byte': 68583424, 'ops': 117901, 'norm_ops': 66976, 'norm_ltcy': 14.946257276393782, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:07.037000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:07.037000",
+ "bytes": 120730624,
+ "norm_byte": 68583424,
+ "ops": 117901,
+ "norm_ops": 66976,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.946257276393782,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04e7be16b8c95c3d70fdceb7aa186ece19dfe279789e33aa6321acb290de4f98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:08.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:08.038000', 'bytes': 172807168, 'norm_byte': 52076544, 'ops': 168757, 'norm_ops': 50856, 'norm_ltcy': 19.68567172967546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:08.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:08.038000",
+ "bytes": 172807168,
+ "norm_byte": 52076544,
+ "ops": 168757,
+ "norm_ops": 50856,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.68567172967546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6de464c1c51e81923ac33f6f246947ba71e9ace8590d8d22689d7b09440a2edb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:09.039000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:09.039000', 'bytes': 224510976, 'norm_byte': 51703808, 'ops': 219249, 'norm_ops': 50492, 'norm_ltcy': 19.825947829606672, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:09.039000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:09.039000",
+ "bytes": 224510976,
+ "norm_byte": 51703808,
+ "ops": 219249,
+ "norm_ops": 50492,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.825947829606672,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39ed296aedb9d77412b11f6a116f3082c3c8b069c4eb37c1af226d7e57538346",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:10.040000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:10.040000', 'bytes': 278465536, 'norm_byte': 53954560, 'ops': 271939, 'norm_ops': 52690, 'norm_ltcy': 18.999964970523344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:10.040000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:10.040000",
+ "bytes": 278465536,
+ "norm_byte": 53954560,
+ "ops": 271939,
+ "norm_ops": 52690,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.999964970523344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7ec40487d8ecd61effe53d14ebae9ac3b32e5bfa5bde8ab7539bfc51535ae65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:11.041000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:11.041000', 'bytes': 327197696, 'norm_byte': 48732160, 'ops': 319529, 'norm_ops': 47590, 'norm_ltcy': 21.03091161975993, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:11.041000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:11.041000",
+ "bytes": 327197696,
+ "norm_byte": 48732160,
+ "ops": 319529,
+ "norm_ops": 47590,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.03091161975993,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f354de7237265980d0e73032dbc9df2cec01a5456fa2b705edc3dbd873f4b355",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:12.042000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:12.042000', 'bytes': 378979328, 'norm_byte': 51781632, 'ops': 370097, 'norm_ops': 50568, 'norm_ltcy': 19.7971647552553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:12.042000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:12.042000",
+ "bytes": 378979328,
+ "norm_byte": 51781632,
+ "ops": 370097,
+ "norm_ops": 50568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.7971647552553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e52b705478427c5a82fbc38b7c472772ea151f42a2dc9f1b428b2397da459ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:13.044000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:13.044000', 'bytes': 443638784, 'norm_byte': 64659456, 'ops': 433241, 'norm_ops': 63144, 'norm_ltcy': 15.854224013267293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:13.044000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:13.044000",
+ "bytes": 443638784,
+ "norm_byte": 64659456,
+ "ops": 433241,
+ "norm_ops": 63144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.854224013267293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d0585347ed33b9e5cf55af134ccab09b093151fbf95348fe6518895cc8387521",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:14.045000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:14.045000', 'bytes': 503723008, 'norm_byte': 60084224, 'ops': 491917, 'norm_ops': 58676, 'norm_ltcy': 17.061683279790717, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:14.045000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:14.045000",
+ "bytes": 503723008,
+ "norm_byte": 60084224,
+ "ops": 491917,
+ "norm_ops": 58676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.061683279790717,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e34096b3cddb8a5e3e96a0bc0753ac7dfcd769e13b245ca93a23f7d90631f82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:15.046000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:15.046000', 'bytes': 558025728, 'norm_byte': 54302720, 'ops': 544947, 'norm_ops': 53030, 'norm_ltcy': 18.878009241526023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:15.046000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:15.046000",
+ "bytes": 558025728,
+ "norm_byte": 54302720,
+ "ops": 544947,
+ "norm_ops": 53030,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.878009241526023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "124c95b998781275a1ce073a52b80e4a5514062a909e054a6a4d1224a7f7e57d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:16.047000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:16.047000', 'bytes': 590519296, 'norm_byte': 32493568, 'ops': 576679, 'norm_ops': 31732, 'norm_ltcy': 31.54864371927392, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:16.047000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:16.047000",
+ "bytes": 590519296,
+ "norm_byte": 32493568,
+ "ops": 576679,
+ "norm_ops": 31732,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.54864371927392,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74ba455c11de40176c38999b6a4a33195eca38bbbf32de86f7195f487d599c9b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:17.048000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:17.048000', 'bytes': 634854400, 'norm_byte': 44335104, 'ops': 619975, 'norm_ops': 43296, 'norm_ltcy': 23.122546413785336, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:17.048000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:17.048000",
+ "bytes": 634854400,
+ "norm_byte": 44335104,
+ "ops": 619975,
+ "norm_ops": 43296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.122546413785336,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5cff2ea3174e965f2d8a3a29d5eae36cf2eca9f1d2bac59f057a9ebe6c3a6e43",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:18.049000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:18.049000', 'bytes': 700488704, 'norm_byte': 65634304, 'ops': 684071, 'norm_ops': 64096, 'norm_ltcy': 15.618673277924911, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:18.049000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:18.049000",
+ "bytes": 700488704,
+ "norm_byte": 65634304,
+ "ops": 684071,
+ "norm_ops": 64096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.618673277924911,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e18640b4bb6933f781732283aa1184bbfe7acdb6b5eb61962637c386138beb01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:19.050000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:19.050000', 'bytes': 753890304, 'norm_byte': 53401600, 'ops': 736221, 'norm_ops': 52150, 'norm_ltcy': 19.195323735618405, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:19.050000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:19.050000",
+ "bytes": 753890304,
+ "norm_byte": 53401600,
+ "ops": 736221,
+ "norm_ops": 52150,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.195323735618405,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eea3662bc43ad6c1dc801543551db50d852adfc88f6b8fd98a09dd1d77ad35a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:20.051000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:20.051000', 'bytes': 808844288, 'norm_byte': 54953984, 'ops': 789887, 'norm_ops': 53666, 'norm_ltcy': 18.654243521270452, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:20.051000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:20.051000",
+ "bytes": 808844288,
+ "norm_byte": 54953984,
+ "ops": 789887,
+ "norm_ops": 53666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.654243521270452,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "232aca06d794ac997b9b8a36443aa91fcef5cf88c1eaa05f9248be4464bca039",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:21.052000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:21.052000', 'bytes': 875371520, 'norm_byte': 66527232, 'ops': 854855, 'norm_ops': 64968, 'norm_ltcy': 15.409065869447266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:21.052000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:21.052000",
+ "bytes": 875371520,
+ "norm_byte": 66527232,
+ "ops": 854855,
+ "norm_ops": 64968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.409065869447266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f472fd46f3762c333d8f7fcd90fc8a5b8c149f50af1bf8391711d5595eddfd7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:22.053000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:22.053000', 'bytes': 941900800, 'norm_byte': 66529280, 'ops': 919825, 'norm_ops': 64970, 'norm_ltcy': 15.408625345111206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:22.053000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:22.053000",
+ "bytes": 941900800,
+ "norm_byte": 66529280,
+ "ops": 919825,
+ "norm_ops": 64970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.408625345111206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a0a85e55f6373f5ac76aa08bda170eb23aa760e7baf0b107ecd87d4d7fb3e405",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:23.054000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:23.054000', 'bytes': 1010566144, 'norm_byte': 68665344, 'ops': 986881, 'norm_ops': 67056, 'norm_ltcy': 14.929201403258098, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:23.054000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:23.054000",
+ "bytes": 1010566144,
+ "norm_byte": 68665344,
+ "ops": 986881,
+ "norm_ops": 67056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.929201403258098,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1abb02c6264ad6c486559942bc6662823ea8e0872830d6cef663df3e14eb2f44",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:24.056000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:24.056000', 'bytes': 1079153664, 'norm_byte': 68587520, 'ops': 1053861, 'norm_ops': 66980, 'norm_ltcy': 14.946111916570246, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:24.056000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:24.056000",
+ "bytes": 1079153664,
+ "norm_byte": 68587520,
+ "ops": 1053861,
+ "norm_ops": 66980,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.946111916570246,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e1d2480c11aebf94ca81a65aba6f1892c19e9dc25e5d42e4f50b28ac41dd5a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:25.057000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:25.057000', 'bytes': 1147857920, 'norm_byte': 68704256, 'ops': 1120955, 'norm_ops': 67094, 'norm_ltcy': 14.91995634156929, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:25.057000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:25.057000",
+ "bytes": 1147857920,
+ "norm_byte": 68704256,
+ "ops": 1120955,
+ "norm_ops": 67094,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.91995634156929,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "44a3e936f853e9ecb9ccfd8be4a0842b2a510549501c6d210ca50dfc50076062",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:26.058000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:26.058000', 'bytes': 1216530432, 'norm_byte': 68672512, 'ops': 1188018, 'norm_ops': 67063, 'norm_ltcy': 14.927661303550392, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:26.058000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:26.058000",
+ "bytes": 1216530432,
+ "norm_byte": 68672512,
+ "ops": 1188018,
+ "norm_ops": 67063,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.927661303550392,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0cf4606d70f29e6dffd9ccaf0b5d22460b590c514a019ec999876c716ae149fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:27.059000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:27.059000', 'bytes': 1285182464, 'norm_byte': 68652032, 'ops': 1255061, 'norm_ops': 67043, 'norm_ltcy': 14.932103539193129, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:27.059000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:27.059000",
+ "bytes": 1285182464,
+ "norm_byte": 68652032,
+ "ops": 1255061,
+ "norm_ops": 67043,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.932103539193129,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02ced2bc8436bf508293da71621ac670b7d667ca75b937b6ab19e2afce7295b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:28.060000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:28.060000', 'bytes': 1353575424, 'norm_byte': 68392960, 'ops': 1321851, 'norm_ops': 66790, 'norm_ltcy': 14.987865710154963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:28.060000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:28.060000",
+ "bytes": 1353575424,
+ "norm_byte": 68392960,
+ "ops": 1321851,
+ "norm_ops": 66790,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.987865710154963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b077b0283361677fe55bcdeca601f01d046427388ae948176abc37f7b07d53f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:29.061000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:29.061000', 'bytes': 1407847424, 'norm_byte': 54272000, 'ops': 1374851, 'norm_ops': 53000, 'norm_ltcy': 18.887488023290093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:29.061000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:29.061000",
+ "bytes": 1407847424,
+ "norm_byte": 54272000,
+ "ops": 1374851,
+ "norm_ops": 53000,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.887488023290093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "949b751ed78dbd67892c8f308a4345afdf77c525dfbd039b9cae4360f822427f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:30.062000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:30.062000', 'bytes': 1476195328, 'norm_byte': 68347904, 'ops': 1441597, 'norm_ops': 66746, 'norm_ltcy': 14.99856893929037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:30.062000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:30.062000",
+ "bytes": 1476195328,
+ "norm_byte": 68347904,
+ "ops": 1441597,
+ "norm_ops": 66746,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.99856893929037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a891acc7da38629ee6e9f2a1225f1fa78aeedd99326d1174856e47bc8258c1e2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:31.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:31.063000', 'bytes': 1530471424, 'norm_byte': 54276096, 'ops': 1494601, 'norm_ops': 53004, 'norm_ltcy': 18.887089815745036, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:31.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:31.063000",
+ "bytes": 1530471424,
+ "norm_byte": 54276096,
+ "ops": 1494601,
+ "norm_ops": 53004,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.887089815745036,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08ec22d85853568e917dd84732d8027637b529390fac716e1178bbca2b899d83",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:32.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:32.064000', 'bytes': 1598538752, 'norm_byte': 68067328, 'ops': 1561073, 'norm_ops': 66472, 'norm_ltcy': 15.060433986772626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:32.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:32.064000",
+ "bytes": 1598538752,
+ "norm_byte": 68067328,
+ "ops": 1561073,
+ "norm_ops": 66472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.060433986772626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d2f702d415ccaef1b2c5f8fb5da67e19a35b31521685e4780724f676a127b23",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:33.065000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:33.065000', 'bytes': 1652856832, 'norm_byte': 54318080, 'ops': 1614118, 'norm_ops': 53045, 'norm_ltcy': 18.872597300935528, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:33.065000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:33.065000",
+ "bytes": 1652856832,
+ "norm_byte": 54318080,
+ "ops": 1614118,
+ "norm_ops": 53045,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.872597300935528,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d897c050ba0427074def736f0b35ef3db2818718e183eab7e17923080e65761a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:34.066000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:34.066000', 'bytes': 1721379840, 'norm_byte': 68523008, 'ops': 1681035, 'norm_ops': 66917, 'norm_ltcy': 14.960164912783748, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:34.066000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:34.066000",
+ "bytes": 1721379840,
+ "norm_byte": 68523008,
+ "ops": 1681035,
+ "norm_ops": 66917,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.960164912783748,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aeda24ac6836daee84dcfdf51a46f848fbde57ac2038b3be12d076452c41d0da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:35.067000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:35.067000', 'bytes': 1775787008, 'norm_byte': 54407168, 'ops': 1734167, 'norm_ops': 53132, 'norm_ltcy': 18.841547679893942, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:35.067000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:35.067000",
+ "bytes": 1775787008,
+ "norm_byte": 54407168,
+ "ops": 1734167,
+ "norm_ops": 53132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.841547679893942,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be2e9a374919be2033299d815751281d0ea6963a2ca0901fc9d5ba353eab50c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:36.069000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:36.069000', 'bytes': 1829950464, 'norm_byte': 54163456, 'ops': 1787061, 'norm_ops': 52894, 'norm_ltcy': 18.926460305634855, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:36.069000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:36.069000",
+ "bytes": 1829950464,
+ "norm_byte": 54163456,
+ "ops": 1787061,
+ "norm_ops": 52894,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.926460305634855,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00af28acb07c4bce5e1bf6f8e905752f3187fe0614ed5fe791c5873b2a732a34",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:37.070000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:37.070000', 'bytes': 1884519424, 'norm_byte': 54568960, 'ops': 1840351, 'norm_ops': 53290, 'norm_ltcy': 18.78582164659176, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:37.070000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:37.070000",
+ "bytes": 1884519424,
+ "norm_byte": 54568960,
+ "ops": 1840351,
+ "norm_ops": 53290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.78582164659176,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "421818cd47920d8677b254b789f236ddd885bb41e3d697a97f56c5df5de80229",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:38.071000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:38.071000', 'bytes': 1938328576, 'norm_byte': 53809152, 'ops': 1892899, 'norm_ops': 52548, 'norm_ltcy': 19.05111792135286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:38.071000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:38.071000",
+ "bytes": 1938328576,
+ "norm_byte": 53809152,
+ "ops": 1892899,
+ "norm_ops": 52548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.05111792135286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "92add5af2eb9700da756de973e58dc2d786dab1d2945b3448d1f36fdb5c028fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:39.072000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:39.072000', 'bytes': 1991955456, 'norm_byte': 53626880, 'ops': 1945269, 'norm_ops': 52370, 'norm_ltcy': 19.11580535731335, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:39.072000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:39.072000",
+ "bytes": 1991955456,
+ "norm_byte": 53626880,
+ "ops": 1945269,
+ "norm_ops": 52370,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.11580535731335,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e2570b97698484cdbabb0b0d5b7ab9f56c07d8a194c98286eeec2172fef3e9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:40.073000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:40.073000', 'bytes': 2030300160, 'norm_byte': 38344704, 'ops': 1982715, 'norm_ops': 37446, 'norm_ltcy': 26.734337289446803, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:40.073000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:40.073000",
+ "bytes": 2030300160,
+ "norm_byte": 38344704,
+ "ops": 1982715,
+ "norm_ops": 37446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.734337289446803,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f68e0ec4e06be9fa09a4077e663e6d836c1f2d6065d2e0e3265d40d61dc0103",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:41.074000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:41.074000', 'bytes': 2095059968, 'norm_byte': 64759808, 'ops': 2045957, 'norm_ops': 63242, 'norm_ltcy': 15.829540445827138, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:41.074000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:41.074000",
+ "bytes": 2095059968,
+ "norm_byte": 64759808,
+ "ops": 2045957,
+ "norm_ops": 63242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.829540445827138,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34ddb04d30fe761069489a75f3564980fb74e39b5d74389c540450338c6b337b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:42.074000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:42.074000', 'bytes': 2160129024, 'norm_byte': 65069056, 'ops': 2109501, 'norm_ops': 63544, 'norm_ltcy': 15.743493343441159, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:42.074000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:42.074000",
+ "bytes": 2160129024,
+ "norm_byte": 65069056,
+ "ops": 2109501,
+ "norm_ops": 63544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.743493343441159,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b26208b73dc6ab1d43c961dc392c049d2aba44878429e5badd45d98441e3d123",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:43.076000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:43.076000', 'bytes': 2225326080, 'norm_byte': 65197056, 'ops': 2173170, 'norm_ops': 63669, 'norm_ltcy': 15.723627919641034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:43.076000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:43.076000",
+ "bytes": 2225326080,
+ "norm_byte": 65197056,
+ "ops": 2173170,
+ "norm_ops": 63669,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.723627919641034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55848af67cc4d295ce003fcc60db1a57d3af00a85020df7ab1b52e2bef76d99b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:44.077000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:44.077000', 'bytes': 2290459648, 'norm_byte': 65133568, 'ops': 2236777, 'norm_ops': 63607, 'norm_ltcy': 15.738697133864985, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:44.077000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:44.077000",
+ "bytes": 2290459648,
+ "norm_byte": 65133568,
+ "ops": 2236777,
+ "norm_ops": 63607,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.738697133864985,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "974c00a1717e2f02d2388745c79ca8edd4405b5a8b9a97e0da63ca7779d91a45",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:45.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:45.078000', 'bytes': 2343867392, 'norm_byte': 53407744, 'ops': 2288933, 'norm_ops': 52156, 'norm_ltcy': 19.194150009406876, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:45.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:45.078000",
+ "bytes": 2343867392,
+ "norm_byte": 53407744,
+ "ops": 2288933,
+ "norm_ops": 52156,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.194150009406876,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82951b224ff3440bdc4ef083519a8ffbf3bb1649d91721c2901c988b99370480",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:46.079000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:46.079000', 'bytes': 2412071936, 'norm_byte': 68204544, 'ops': 2355539, 'norm_ops': 66606, 'norm_ltcy': 15.030153269553418, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:46.079000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:46.079000",
+ "bytes": 2412071936,
+ "norm_byte": 68204544,
+ "ops": 2355539,
+ "norm_ops": 66606,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.030153269553418,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "892d1039cedec0b142b27c37e770bb7b8144a96fd5f1e9123e1a86891253f6b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:47.080000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:47.080000', 'bytes': 2479522816, 'norm_byte': 67450880, 'ops': 2421409, 'norm_ops': 65870, 'norm_ltcy': 15.198337664386292, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:47.080000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:47.080000",
+ "bytes": 2479522816,
+ "norm_byte": 67450880,
+ "ops": 2421409,
+ "norm_ops": 65870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.198337664386292,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f752fe3198b413aeb3a1a4e0943bd5e58c80235d3b7bb5cf698f4bc27adf1faf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:48.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:48.081000', 'bytes': 2529778688, 'norm_byte': 50255872, 'ops': 2470487, 'norm_ops': 49078, 'norm_ltcy': 20.39834767965025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:48.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:48.081000",
+ "bytes": 2529778688,
+ "norm_byte": 50255872,
+ "ops": 2470487,
+ "norm_ops": 49078,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.39834767965025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "918feb5bde733a3e18827ab752511eb44c5697c35f958ad6518761cb532af893",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:49.082000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:49.082000', 'bytes': 2593152000, 'norm_byte': 63373312, 'ops': 2532375, 'norm_ops': 61888, 'norm_ltcy': 16.176134995122236, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:49.082000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:49.082000",
+ "bytes": 2593152000,
+ "norm_byte": 63373312,
+ "ops": 2532375,
+ "norm_ops": 61888,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.176134995122236,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "746b46fa7229d7b7fb4c1c1b346a3716c84cc8808139e68ccf1a105778cdc271",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:50.083000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:50.083000', 'bytes': 2657926144, 'norm_byte': 64774144, 'ops': 2595631, 'norm_ops': 63256, 'norm_ltcy': 15.825214919088701, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:50.083000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:50.083000",
+ "bytes": 2657926144,
+ "norm_byte": 64774144,
+ "ops": 2595631,
+ "norm_ops": 63256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.825214919088701,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4550b6b5aa649d22205b24693f3a474d967b05f5f274a1a989a6964b49d44d71",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:51.084000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:51.084000', 'bytes': 2723121152, 'norm_byte': 65195008, 'ops': 2659298, 'norm_ops': 63667, 'norm_ltcy': 15.723201537148366, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:51.084000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:51.084000",
+ "bytes": 2723121152,
+ "norm_byte": 65195008,
+ "ops": 2659298,
+ "norm_ops": 63667,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.723201537148366,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e644d42ab4ad8c43a07d49d9c38a6021f7805934843e4b1cfc20f607fd4de3c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:52.085000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:52.085000', 'bytes': 2782080000, 'norm_byte': 58958848, 'ops': 2716875, 'norm_ops': 57577, 'norm_ltcy': 17.38781429379353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:52.085000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:52.085000",
+ "bytes": 2782080000,
+ "norm_byte": 58958848,
+ "ops": 2716875,
+ "norm_ops": 57577,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.38781429379353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dca2a138873a6b77aea04d2f7f5813a87fda0c703abe85ab25ce044354947b1a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:53.086000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:53.086000', 'bytes': 2817301504, 'norm_byte': 35221504, 'ops': 2751271, 'norm_ops': 34396, 'norm_ltcy': 29.10562110010975, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:53.086000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:53.086000",
+ "bytes": 2817301504,
+ "norm_byte": 35221504,
+ "ops": 2751271,
+ "norm_ops": 34396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.10562110010975,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30a2f601fe146d211db3606d7a9064c4dffbe482e4073a6dc13d40cf9b4b83fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:54.088000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:54.088000', 'bytes': 2864460800, 'norm_byte': 47159296, 'ops': 2797325, 'norm_ops': 46054, 'norm_ltcy': 21.736313663376144, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:54.088000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:54.088000",
+ "bytes": 2864460800,
+ "norm_byte": 47159296,
+ "ops": 2797325,
+ "norm_ops": 46054,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.736313663376144,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9db73ada5898813e5ee46e7215c7e3854cc68cdec64e4c7735e7c57b188ebf98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:55.089000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:55.089000', 'bytes': 2929404928, 'norm_byte': 64944128, 'ops': 2860747, 'norm_ops': 63422, 'norm_ltcy': 15.783798036367507, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:55.089000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:55.089000",
+ "bytes": 2929404928,
+ "norm_byte": 64944128,
+ "ops": 2860747,
+ "norm_ops": 63422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.783798036367507,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe5e85fd8290ffda706bce695811d75a4698c842103a19f698063d1bf3a72c6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:56.090000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:56.090000', 'bytes': 2994308096, 'norm_byte': 64903168, 'ops': 2924129, 'norm_ops': 63382, 'norm_ltcy': 15.79385539393085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:56.090000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:56.090000",
+ "bytes": 2994308096,
+ "norm_byte": 64903168,
+ "ops": 2924129,
+ "norm_ops": 63382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.79385539393085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "607afb7466ddc944561857829787e7420eb4af36abace6a345c7d2d01c4f4760",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:57.091000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:57.091000', 'bytes': 3059964928, 'norm_byte': 65656832, 'ops': 2988247, 'norm_ops': 64118, 'norm_ltcy': 15.613443700725616, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:57.091000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:57.091000",
+ "bytes": 3059964928,
+ "norm_byte": 65656832,
+ "ops": 2988247,
+ "norm_ops": 64118,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.613443700725616,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e397149cfa8543b28c6d4222625f9d3efdd1812b41998848afd71fe9c110b81",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:58.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:58.092000', 'bytes': 3098258432, 'norm_byte': 38293504, 'ops': 3025643, 'norm_ops': 37396, 'norm_ltcy': 26.771635993405045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:58.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:58.092000",
+ "bytes": 3098258432,
+ "norm_byte": 38293504,
+ "ops": 3025643,
+ "norm_ops": 37396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.771635993405045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "073f08e3a09aed2ad94fdac0b5f24ce6efe9939cbcb81b5f6178c5dfb3da916f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:30:59.093000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:30:59.093000', 'bytes': 3150599168, 'norm_byte': 52340736, 'ops': 3076757, 'norm_ops': 51114, 'norm_ltcy': 19.585562381086884, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:30:59.093000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:30:59.093000",
+ "bytes": 3150599168,
+ "norm_byte": 52340736,
+ "ops": 3076757,
+ "norm_ops": 51114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.585562381086884,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff05b614e730cc35da806ad81ed01cc36a356f9a2c4a0c446d7f3c67031b2c56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:31:00.094000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:31:00.094000', 'bytes': 3202896896, 'norm_byte': 52297728, 'ops': 3127829, 'norm_ops': 51072, 'norm_ltcy': 19.60199399102003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:31:00.094000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:31:00.094000",
+ "bytes": 3202896896,
+ "norm_byte": 52297728,
+ "ops": 3127829,
+ "norm_ops": 51072,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.60199399102003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d3a10f19f748324a801d5856d07a03eca6584052d2eac744dc77fff14a2d5b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:31:01.095000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:31:01.095000', 'bytes': 3268602880, 'norm_byte': 65705984, 'ops': 3191995, 'norm_ops': 64166, 'norm_ltcy': 15.601558451662484, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:31:01.095000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:31:01.095000",
+ "bytes": 3268602880,
+ "norm_byte": 65705984,
+ "ops": 3191995,
+ "norm_ops": 64166,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.601558451662484,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8b221a9a6b291f2f871c9376902ac491e84c30eb025bf1716391dc54b8e14267",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:31:02.096000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:31:02.096000', 'bytes': 3333479424, 'norm_byte': 64876544, 'ops': 3255351, 'norm_ops': 63356, 'norm_ltcy': 15.801146096808116, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:31:02.096000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:31:02.096000",
+ "bytes": 3333479424,
+ "norm_byte": 64876544,
+ "ops": 3255351,
+ "norm_ops": 63356,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.801146096808116,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "001f91adba63e2bfad19b1572af4d603e7abeb979b1e0e2de5dd122dc1feffec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:31:03.097000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:31:03.097000', 'bytes': 3396406272, 'norm_byte': 62926848, 'ops': 3316803, 'norm_ops': 61452, 'norm_ltcy': 16.29071743749186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:31:03.097000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:31:03.097000",
+ "bytes": 3396406272,
+ "norm_byte": 62926848,
+ "ops": 3316803,
+ "norm_ops": 61452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.29071743749186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b40839b39a6597e45eab9d54c3633830564de89a116eaeb09e4261140ddd5235",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:31:04.098000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:31:04.098000', 'bytes': 3459277824, 'norm_byte': 62871552, 'ops': 3378201, 'norm_ops': 61398, 'norm_ltcy': 16.30496174167929, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:31:04.098000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:31:04.098000",
+ "bytes": 3459277824,
+ "norm_byte": 62871552,
+ "ops": 3378201,
+ "norm_ops": 61398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.30496174167929,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2971fa93c032679e78c430c118f6cb551e4499151714df21eddf8fc738421487",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:31:05.300000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:31:05.300000', 'bytes': 3522432000, 'norm_byte': 63154176, 'ops': 3439875, 'norm_ops': 61674, 'norm_ltcy': 19.47885441494795, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:31:05.300000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:31:05.300000",
+ "bytes": 3522432000,
+ "norm_byte": 63154176,
+ "ops": 3439875,
+ "norm_ops": 61674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.47885441494795,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5894b455-c882-5c29-a842-5dc262669bf9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4fa3d0c51cb58847ad03a8dc6ba4d1ad5ad0ebf4f90188351ab626fb138f5f0d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 58707200.0
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 57331.25
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 26.736202224644714
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:31:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-088-220519222719/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-088-220519222719/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eff0b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-088-220519222719/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-088-220519222719/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-088-220519222719/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-088-220519222719/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-088-220519222719/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-088-220519222719/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03b616a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-088-220519222719/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=35
+ net.core.busy_read=50
+ net.core.busy_poll=150
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-089-220519222921/220519222921-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-089-220519222921/220519222921-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5eef40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-089-220519222921/220519222921-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:32:04Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999525731.3506 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999526732.4744 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999526732.5679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999527733.6621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:18828288 nr_ops:18387\ntimestamp_ms:1652999528734.7769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:27619328 nr_ops:26972\ntimestamp_ms:1652999529735.8794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:38900736 nr_ops:37989\ntimestamp_ms:1652999530736.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:59948032 nr_ops:58543\ntimestamp_ms:1652999531738.0557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:92271616 nr_ops:90109\ntimestamp_ms:1652999532739.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:114275328 nr_ops:111597\ntimestamp_ms:1652999533740.2722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124216320 nr_ops:121305\ntimestamp_ms:1652999534741.3936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:148956160 nr_ops:145465\ntimestamp_ms:1652999535742.5208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:171156480 nr_ops:167145\ntimestamp_ms:1652999536743.6152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188081152 nr_ops:183673\ntimestamp_ms:1652999537744.7168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213146624 nr_ops:208151\ntimestamp_ms:1652999538745.8564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:239281152 nr_ops:233673\ntimestamp_ms:1652999539746.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:279905280 nr_ops:273345\ntimestamp_ms:1652999540748.0803 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:291742720 nr_ops:284905\ntimestamp_ms:1652999541749.1841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:325800960 nr_ops:318165\ntimestamp_ms:1652999542749.8960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:363529216 nr_ops:355009\ntimestamp_ms:1652999543751.0808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379755520 nr_ops:370855\ntimestamp_ms:1652999544752.2019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:411517952 nr_ops:401873\ntimestamp_ms:1652999545753.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:419800064 nr_ops:409961\ntimestamp_ms:1652999546754.4363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447325184 nr_ops:436841\ntimestamp_ms:1652999547755.4790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460897280 nr_ops:450095\ntimestamp_ms:1652999548756.5850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:476181504 nr_ops:465021\ntimestamp_ms:1652999549757.7100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503325696 nr_ops:491529\ntimestamp_ms:1652999550758.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:521030656 nr_ops:508819\ntimestamp_ms:1652999551759.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:528606208 nr_ops:516217\ntimestamp_ms:1652999552761.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:542161920 nr_ops:529455\ntimestamp_ms:1652999553762.1638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:557710336 nr_ops:544639\ntimestamp_ms:1652999554763.2756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:579251200 nr_ops:565675\ntimestamp_ms:1652999555764.3860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:589442048 nr_ops:575627\ntimestamp_ms:1652999556765.5024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599368704 nr_ops:585321\ntimestamp_ms:1652999557766.6372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:613438464 nr_ops:599061\ntimestamp_ms:1652999558767.7629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636636160 nr_ops:621715\ntimestamp_ms:1652999559768.8845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671822848 nr_ops:656077\ntimestamp_ms:1652999560770.0122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687623168 nr_ops:671507\ntimestamp_ms:1652999561771.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:701518848 nr_ops:685077\ntimestamp_ms:1652999562772.2468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:715588608 nr_ops:698817\ntimestamp_ms:1652999563773.3613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741817344 nr_ops:724431\ntimestamp_ms:1652999564774.4646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766827520 nr_ops:748855\ntimestamp_ms:1652999565775.5825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:772807680 nr_ops:754695\ntimestamp_ms:1652999566776.7095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:799810560 nr_ops:781065\ntimestamp_ms:1652999567777.8625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813270016 nr_ops:794209\ntimestamp_ms:1652999568778.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:837252096 nr_ops:817629\ntimestamp_ms:1652999569780.0857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848485376 nr_ops:828599\ntimestamp_ms:1652999570781.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:861350912 nr_ops:841163\ntimestamp_ms:1652999571782.2932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865100800 nr_ops:844825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999572783.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881753088 nr_ops:861087\ntimestamp_ms:1652999573784.5210 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895056896 nr_ops:874079\ntimestamp_ms:1652999574785.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:905520128 nr_ops:884297\ntimestamp_ms:1652999575786.7107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916079616 nr_ops:894609\ntimestamp_ms:1652999576786.8511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939518976 nr_ops:917499\ntimestamp_ms:1652999577787.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:971928576 nr_ops:949149\ntimestamp_ms:1652999578788.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:983277568 nr_ops:960232\ntimestamp_ms:1652999579790.0547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006412800 nr_ops:982825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999580791.1812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1031777280 nr_ops:1007595\ntimestamp_ms:1652999581792.2205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060404224 nr_ops:1035551\ntimestamp_ms:1652999582793.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086413824 nr_ops:1060951\ntimestamp_ms:1652999583794.3467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1111493632 nr_ops:1085443\ntimestamp_ms:1652999584795.4473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136299008 nr_ops:1109667\ntimestamp_ms:1652999585796.5674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1151486976 nr_ops:1124499\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139742927992576\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.1487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1170457600 nr_ops:1143025\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.2283 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.2383 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999587097.4614 name:Total nr_bytes:1170457600 nr_ops:1143026\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.3596 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2340915198 nr_ops:2286052\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.3604 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1170457600 nr_ops:1143028\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 320.60us 0.00ns 320.60us 320.60us \nTxn1 571513 105.06us 0.00ns 211.79ms 18.60us \nTxn2 1 52.85us 0.00ns 52.85us 52.85us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 319.88us 0.00ns 319.88us 319.88us \nwrite 571513 2.86us 0.00ns 146.15us 2.14us \nread 571512 102.12us 0.00ns 211.78ms 1.06us \ndisconnect 1 52.24us 0.00ns 52.24us 52.24us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 9167 9167 79.92Mb/s 79.92Mb/s \neth0 0 2 17.96b/s 808.11b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.184 62.37s 1.09GB 150.14Mb/s 1143027 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.09GB 150.14Mb/s 1143028 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417641, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999525731.3506 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999526732.4744 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999526732.5679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999527733.6621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:18828288 nr_ops:18387\ntimestamp_ms:1652999528734.7769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:27619328 nr_ops:26972\ntimestamp_ms:1652999529735.8794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:38900736 nr_ops:37989\ntimestamp_ms:1652999530736.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:59948032 nr_ops:58543\ntimestamp_ms:1652999531738.0557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:92271616 nr_ops:90109\ntimestamp_ms:1652999532739.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:114275328 nr_ops:111597\ntimestamp_ms:1652999533740.2722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124216320 nr_ops:121305\ntimestamp_ms:1652999534741.3936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:148956160 nr_ops:145465\ntimestamp_ms:1652999535742.5208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:171156480 nr_ops:167145\ntimestamp_ms:1652999536743.6152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188081152 nr_ops:183673\ntimestamp_ms:1652999537744.7168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213146624 nr_ops:208151\ntimestamp_ms:1652999538745.8564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:239281152 nr_ops:233673\ntimestamp_ms:1652999539746.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:279905280 nr_ops:273345\ntimestamp_ms:1652999540748.0803 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:291742720 nr_ops:284905\ntimestamp_ms:1652999541749.1841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:325800960 nr_ops:318165\ntimestamp_ms:1652999542749.8960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:363529216 nr_ops:355009\ntimestamp_ms:1652999543751.0808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379755520 nr_ops:370855\ntimestamp_ms:1652999544752.2019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:411517952 nr_ops:401873\ntimestamp_ms:1652999545753.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:419800064 nr_ops:409961\ntimestamp_ms:1652999546754.4363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447325184 nr_ops:436841\ntimestamp_ms:1652999547755.4790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460897280 nr_ops:450095\ntimestamp_ms:1652999548756.5850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:476181504 nr_ops:465021\ntimestamp_ms:1652999549757.7100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503325696 nr_ops:491529\ntimestamp_ms:1652999550758.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:521030656 nr_ops:508819\ntimestamp_ms:1652999551759.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:528606208 nr_ops:516217\ntimestamp_ms:1652999552761.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:542161920 nr_ops:529455\ntimestamp_ms:1652999553762.1638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:557710336 nr_ops:544639\ntimestamp_ms:1652999554763.2756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:579251200 nr_ops:565675\ntimestamp_ms:1652999555764.3860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:589442048 nr_ops:575627\ntimestamp_ms:1652999556765.5024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599368704 nr_ops:585321\ntimestamp_ms:1652999557766.6372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:613438464 nr_ops:599061\ntimestamp_ms:1652999558767.7629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636636160 nr_ops:621715\ntimestamp_ms:1652999559768.8845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671822848 nr_ops:656077\ntimestamp_ms:1652999560770.0122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687623168 nr_ops:671507\ntimestamp_ms:1652999561771.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:701518848 nr_ops:685077\ntimestamp_ms:1652999562772.2468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:715588608 nr_ops:698817\ntimestamp_ms:1652999563773.3613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741817344 nr_ops:724431\ntimestamp_ms:1652999564774.4646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766827520 nr_ops:748855\ntimestamp_ms:1652999565775.5825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:772807680 nr_ops:754695\ntimestamp_ms:1652999566776.7095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:799810560 nr_ops:781065\ntimestamp_ms:1652999567777.8625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813270016 nr_ops:794209\ntimestamp_ms:1652999568778.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:837252096 nr_ops:817629\ntimestamp_ms:1652999569780.0857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848485376 nr_ops:828599\ntimestamp_ms:1652999570781.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:861350912 nr_ops:841163\ntimestamp_ms:1652999571782.2932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865100800 nr_ops:844825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999572783.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881753088 nr_ops:861087\ntimestamp_ms:1652999573784.5210 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895056896 nr_ops:874079\ntimestamp_ms:1652999574785.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:905520128 nr_ops:884297\ntimestamp_ms:1652999575786.7107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916079616 nr_ops:894609\ntimestamp_ms:1652999576786.8511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939518976 nr_ops:917499\ntimestamp_ms:1652999577787.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:971928576 nr_ops:949149\ntimestamp_ms:1652999578788.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:983277568 nr_ops:960232\ntimestamp_ms:1652999579790.0547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006412800 nr_ops:982825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999580791.1812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1031777280 nr_ops:1007595\ntimestamp_ms:1652999581792.2205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060404224 nr_ops:1035551\ntimestamp_ms:1652999582793.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086413824 nr_ops:1060951\ntimestamp_ms:1652999583794.3467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1111493632 nr_ops:1085443\ntimestamp_ms:1652999584795.4473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136299008 nr_ops:1109667\ntimestamp_ms:1652999585796.5674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1151486976 nr_ops:1124499\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139742927992576\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.1487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1170457600 nr_ops:1143025\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.2283 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.2383 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999587097.4614 name:Total nr_bytes:1170457600 nr_ops:1143026\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.3596 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2340915198 nr_ops:2286052\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.3604 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1170457600 nr_ops:1143028\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 320.60us 0.00ns 320.60us 320.60us \nTxn1 571513 105.06us 0.00ns 211.79ms 18.60us \nTxn2 1 52.85us 0.00ns 52.85us 52.85us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 319.88us 0.00ns 319.88us 319.88us \nwrite 571513 2.86us 0.00ns 146.15us 2.14us \nread 571512 102.12us 0.00ns 211.78ms 1.06us \ndisconnect 1 52.24us 0.00ns 52.24us 52.24us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 9167 9167 79.92Mb/s 79.92Mb/s \neth0 0 2 17.96b/s 808.11b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.184 62.37s 1.09GB 150.14Mb/s 1143027 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.09GB 150.14Mb/s 1143028 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417641, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999525731.3506 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999526732.4744 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999526732.5679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999527733.6621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:18828288 nr_ops:18387\ntimestamp_ms:1652999528734.7769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:27619328 nr_ops:26972\ntimestamp_ms:1652999529735.8794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:38900736 nr_ops:37989\ntimestamp_ms:1652999530736.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:59948032 nr_ops:58543\ntimestamp_ms:1652999531738.0557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:92271616 nr_ops:90109\ntimestamp_ms:1652999532739.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:114275328 nr_ops:111597\ntimestamp_ms:1652999533740.2722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124216320 nr_ops:121305\ntimestamp_ms:1652999534741.3936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:148956160 nr_ops:145465\ntimestamp_ms:1652999535742.5208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:171156480 nr_ops:167145\ntimestamp_ms:1652999536743.6152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188081152 nr_ops:183673\ntimestamp_ms:1652999537744.7168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213146624 nr_ops:208151\ntimestamp_ms:1652999538745.8564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:239281152 nr_ops:233673\ntimestamp_ms:1652999539746.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:279905280 nr_ops:273345\ntimestamp_ms:1652999540748.0803 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:291742720 nr_ops:284905\ntimestamp_ms:1652999541749.1841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:325800960 nr_ops:318165\ntimestamp_ms:1652999542749.8960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:363529216 nr_ops:355009\ntimestamp_ms:1652999543751.0808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379755520 nr_ops:370855\ntimestamp_ms:1652999544752.2019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:411517952 nr_ops:401873\ntimestamp_ms:1652999545753.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:419800064 nr_ops:409961\ntimestamp_ms:1652999546754.4363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447325184 nr_ops:436841\ntimestamp_ms:1652999547755.4790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460897280 nr_ops:450095\ntimestamp_ms:1652999548756.5850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:476181504 nr_ops:465021\ntimestamp_ms:1652999549757.7100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503325696 nr_ops:491529\ntimestamp_ms:1652999550758.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:521030656 nr_ops:508819\ntimestamp_ms:1652999551759.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:528606208 nr_ops:516217\ntimestamp_ms:1652999552761.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:542161920 nr_ops:529455\ntimestamp_ms:1652999553762.1638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:557710336 nr_ops:544639\ntimestamp_ms:1652999554763.2756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:579251200 nr_ops:565675\ntimestamp_ms:1652999555764.3860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:589442048 nr_ops:575627\ntimestamp_ms:1652999556765.5024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599368704 nr_ops:585321\ntimestamp_ms:1652999557766.6372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:613438464 nr_ops:599061\ntimestamp_ms:1652999558767.7629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636636160 nr_ops:621715\ntimestamp_ms:1652999559768.8845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671822848 nr_ops:656077\ntimestamp_ms:1652999560770.0122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687623168 nr_ops:671507\ntimestamp_ms:1652999561771.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:701518848 nr_ops:685077\ntimestamp_ms:1652999562772.2468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:715588608 nr_ops:698817\ntimestamp_ms:1652999563773.3613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741817344 nr_ops:724431\ntimestamp_ms:1652999564774.4646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766827520 nr_ops:748855\ntimestamp_ms:1652999565775.5825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:772807680 nr_ops:754695\ntimestamp_ms:1652999566776.7095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:799810560 nr_ops:781065\ntimestamp_ms:1652999567777.8625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813270016 nr_ops:794209\ntimestamp_ms:1652999568778.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:837252096 nr_ops:817629\ntimestamp_ms:1652999569780.0857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848485376 nr_ops:828599\ntimestamp_ms:1652999570781.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:861350912 nr_ops:841163\ntimestamp_ms:1652999571782.2932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865100800 nr_ops:844825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999572783.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881753088 nr_ops:861087\ntimestamp_ms:1652999573784.5210 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895056896 nr_ops:874079\ntimestamp_ms:1652999574785.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:905520128 nr_ops:884297\ntimestamp_ms:1652999575786.7107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916079616 nr_ops:894609\ntimestamp_ms:1652999576786.8511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939518976 nr_ops:917499\ntimestamp_ms:1652999577787.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:971928576 nr_ops:949149\ntimestamp_ms:1652999578788.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:983277568 nr_ops:960232\ntimestamp_ms:1652999579790.0547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006412800 nr_ops:982825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999580791.1812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1031777280 nr_ops:1007595\ntimestamp_ms:1652999581792.2205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060404224 nr_ops:1035551\ntimestamp_ms:1652999582793.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086413824 nr_ops:1060951\ntimestamp_ms:1652999583794.3467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1111493632 nr_ops:1085443\ntimestamp_ms:1652999584795.4473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136299008 nr_ops:1109667\ntimestamp_ms:1652999585796.5674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1151486976 nr_ops:1124499\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139742927992576\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.1487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1170457600 nr_ops:1143025\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.2283 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.2383 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999587097.4614 name:Total nr_bytes:1170457600 nr_ops:1143026\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.3596 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2340915198 nr_ops:2286052\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999586997.3604 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1170457600 nr_ops:1143028\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 320.60us 0.00ns 320.60us 320.60us \nTxn1 571513 105.06us 0.00ns 211.79ms 18.60us \nTxn2 1 52.85us 0.00ns 52.85us 52.85us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 319.88us 0.00ns 319.88us 319.88us \nwrite 571513 2.86us 0.00ns 146.15us 2.14us \nread 571512 102.12us 0.00ns 211.78ms 1.06us \ndisconnect 1 52.24us 0.00ns 52.24us 52.24us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 9167 9167 79.92Mb/s 79.92Mb/s \neth0 0 2 17.96b/s 808.11b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.184 62.37s 1.09GB 150.14Mb/s 1143027 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.09GB 150.14Mb/s 1143028 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417641, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999525731.3506 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999526732.4744 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999526732.5679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999527733.6621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:18828288 nr_ops:18387
+timestamp_ms:1652999528734.7769 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:27619328 nr_ops:26972
+timestamp_ms:1652999529735.8794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:38900736 nr_ops:37989
+timestamp_ms:1652999530736.9497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:59948032 nr_ops:58543
+timestamp_ms:1652999531738.0557 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:92271616 nr_ops:90109
+timestamp_ms:1652999532739.1694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:114275328 nr_ops:111597
+timestamp_ms:1652999533740.2722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124216320 nr_ops:121305
+timestamp_ms:1652999534741.3936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:148956160 nr_ops:145465
+timestamp_ms:1652999535742.5208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:171156480 nr_ops:167145
+timestamp_ms:1652999536743.6152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188081152 nr_ops:183673
+timestamp_ms:1652999537744.7168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213146624 nr_ops:208151
+timestamp_ms:1652999538745.8564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:239281152 nr_ops:233673
+timestamp_ms:1652999539746.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:279905280 nr_ops:273345
+timestamp_ms:1652999540748.0803 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:291742720 nr_ops:284905
+timestamp_ms:1652999541749.1841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:325800960 nr_ops:318165
+timestamp_ms:1652999542749.8960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:363529216 nr_ops:355009
+timestamp_ms:1652999543751.0808 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379755520 nr_ops:370855
+timestamp_ms:1652999544752.2019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:411517952 nr_ops:401873
+timestamp_ms:1652999545753.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:419800064 nr_ops:409961
+timestamp_ms:1652999546754.4363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447325184 nr_ops:436841
+timestamp_ms:1652999547755.4790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460897280 nr_ops:450095
+timestamp_ms:1652999548756.5850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:476181504 nr_ops:465021
+timestamp_ms:1652999549757.7100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503325696 nr_ops:491529
+timestamp_ms:1652999550758.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:521030656 nr_ops:508819
+timestamp_ms:1652999551759.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:528606208 nr_ops:516217
+timestamp_ms:1652999552761.0449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:542161920 nr_ops:529455
+timestamp_ms:1652999553762.1638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:557710336 nr_ops:544639
+timestamp_ms:1652999554763.2756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:579251200 nr_ops:565675
+timestamp_ms:1652999555764.3860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:589442048 nr_ops:575627
+timestamp_ms:1652999556765.5024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599368704 nr_ops:585321
+timestamp_ms:1652999557766.6372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:613438464 nr_ops:599061
+timestamp_ms:1652999558767.7629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636636160 nr_ops:621715
+timestamp_ms:1652999559768.8845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671822848 nr_ops:656077
+timestamp_ms:1652999560770.0122 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687623168 nr_ops:671507
+timestamp_ms:1652999561771.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:701518848 nr_ops:685077
+timestamp_ms:1652999562772.2468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:715588608 nr_ops:698817
+timestamp_ms:1652999563773.3613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741817344 nr_ops:724431
+timestamp_ms:1652999564774.4646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:766827520 nr_ops:748855
+timestamp_ms:1652999565775.5825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:772807680 nr_ops:754695
+timestamp_ms:1652999566776.7095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:799810560 nr_ops:781065
+timestamp_ms:1652999567777.8625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813270016 nr_ops:794209
+timestamp_ms:1652999568778.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:837252096 nr_ops:817629
+timestamp_ms:1652999569780.0857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848485376 nr_ops:828599
+timestamp_ms:1652999570781.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:861350912 nr_ops:841163
+timestamp_ms:1652999571782.2932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865100800 nr_ops:844825
+timestamp_ms:1652999572783.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881753088 nr_ops:861087
+timestamp_ms:1652999573784.5210 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895056896 nr_ops:874079
+timestamp_ms:1652999574785.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:905520128 nr_ops:884297
+timestamp_ms:1652999575786.7107 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916079616 nr_ops:894609
+timestamp_ms:1652999576786.8511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939518976 nr_ops:917499
+timestamp_ms:1652999577787.8408 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:971928576 nr_ops:949149
+timestamp_ms:1652999578788.9514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:983277568 nr_ops:960232
+timestamp_ms:1652999579790.0547 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1006412800 nr_ops:982825
+timestamp_ms:1652999580791.1812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1031777280 nr_ops:1007595
+timestamp_ms:1652999581792.2205 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060404224 nr_ops:1035551
+timestamp_ms:1652999582793.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086413824 nr_ops:1060951
+timestamp_ms:1652999583794.3467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1111493632 nr_ops:1085443
+timestamp_ms:1652999584795.4473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136299008 nr_ops:1109667
+timestamp_ms:1652999585796.5674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1151486976 nr_ops:1124499
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139742927992576
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652999586997.1487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1170457600 nr_ops:1143025
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999586997.2283 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999586997.2383 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999587097.4614 name:Total nr_bytes:1170457600 nr_ops:1143026
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999586997.3596 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2340915198 nr_ops:2286052
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999586997.3604 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1170457600 nr_ops:1143028
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 320.60us 0.00ns 320.60us 320.60us
+Txn1 571513 105.06us 0.00ns 211.79ms 18.60us
+Txn2 1 52.85us 0.00ns 52.85us 52.85us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 319.88us 0.00ns 319.88us 319.88us
+write 571513 2.86us 0.00ns 146.15us 2.14us
+read 571512 102.12us 0.00ns 211.78ms 1.06us
+disconnect 1 52.24us 0.00ns 52.24us 52.24us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 9167 9167 79.92Mb/s 79.92Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 17.96b/s 808.11b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.184 62.37s 1.09GB 150.14Mb/s 1143027 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.09GB 150.14Mb/s 1143028 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:07.733000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:07.733000', 'bytes': 18828288, 'norm_byte': 18828288, 'ops': 18387, 'norm_ops': 18387, 'norm_ltcy': 54.44576267369609, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:07.733000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:07.733000",
+ "bytes": 18828288,
+ "norm_byte": 18828288,
+ "ops": 18387,
+ "norm_ops": 18387,
+ "norm_ltcy": 54.44576267369609,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d7554d243887b5db75b57a5784f8bc6d9e3afea6860c303e7c01a664bf5012d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:08.734000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:08.734000', 'bytes': 27619328, 'norm_byte': 8791040, 'ops': 26972, 'norm_ops': 8585, 'norm_ltcy': 116.61208457702388, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:08.734000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:08.734000",
+ "bytes": 27619328,
+ "norm_byte": 8791040,
+ "ops": 26972,
+ "norm_ops": 8585,
+ "norm_ltcy": 116.61208457702388,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "690d78e88ffbb3ab2995a1b65d3656d8716405b44c22dc28a1a677b00e2ddbdd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:09.735000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:09.735000', 'bytes': 38900736, 'norm_byte': 11281408, 'ops': 37989, 'norm_ops': 11017, 'norm_ltcy': 90.86888799695924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:09.735000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:09.735000",
+ "bytes": 38900736,
+ "norm_byte": 11281408,
+ "ops": 37989,
+ "norm_ops": 11017,
+ "norm_ltcy": 90.86888799695924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "931ff196ffe3f1531796dc896aaf2c317830a898afd59cc9aa87f89c52d0934a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:10.736000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:10.736000', 'bytes': 59948032, 'norm_byte': 21047296, 'ops': 58543, 'norm_ops': 20554, 'norm_ltcy': 48.704403644059546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:10.736000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:10.736000",
+ "bytes": 59948032,
+ "norm_byte": 21047296,
+ "ops": 58543,
+ "norm_ops": 20554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 48.704403644059546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8160e51f65fedf0f4176a0a947c05524c5878a10755c900de3c418fc91bc659",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:11.738000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:11.738000', 'bytes': 92271616, 'norm_byte': 32323584, 'ops': 90109, 'norm_ops': 31566, 'norm_ltcy': 31.714691662904706, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:11.738000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:11.738000",
+ "bytes": 92271616,
+ "norm_byte": 32323584,
+ "ops": 90109,
+ "norm_ops": 31566,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.714691662904706,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1aed67f1abf667b19ffcdfa2c2c49128968ae101e7976ac90e8505a6452d67a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:12.739000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:12.739000', 'bytes': 114275328, 'norm_byte': 22003712, 'ops': 111597, 'norm_ops': 21488, 'norm_ltcy': 46.58943454631655, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:12.739000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:12.739000",
+ "bytes": 114275328,
+ "norm_byte": 22003712,
+ "ops": 111597,
+ "norm_ops": 21488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 46.58943454631655,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "244f60c18a537e487cabc7af1e58253a81784f97345013f2288ce22fbd8a0552",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:13.740000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:13.740000', 'bytes': 124216320, 'norm_byte': 9940992, 'ops': 121305, 'norm_ops': 9708, 'norm_ltcy': 103.12142389813813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:13.740000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:13.740000",
+ "bytes": 124216320,
+ "norm_byte": 9940992,
+ "ops": 121305,
+ "norm_ops": 9708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 103.12142389813813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf2986bd4bb4a07dda228ce8d2d06bac32e26c9d7bee2874f10c05fef634b208",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:14.741000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:14.741000', 'bytes': 148956160, 'norm_byte': 24739840, 'ops': 145465, 'norm_ops': 24160, 'norm_ltcy': 41.43714146898282, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:14.741000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:14.741000",
+ "bytes": 148956160,
+ "norm_byte": 24739840,
+ "ops": 145465,
+ "norm_ops": 24160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.43714146898282,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "795167f403b9935ae99710b8281bd82177c879c9aac17c7f0e84b80adeddaf9b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:15.742000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:15.742000', 'bytes': 171156480, 'norm_byte': 22200320, 'ops': 167145, 'norm_ops': 21680, 'norm_ltcy': 46.177453748414436, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:15.742000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:15.742000",
+ "bytes": 171156480,
+ "norm_byte": 22200320,
+ "ops": 167145,
+ "norm_ops": 21680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 46.177453748414436,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab53011145e18c0a992a62c6f30b1c107939180a3608d6ad0ca164842e582296",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:16.743000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:16.743000', 'bytes': 188081152, 'norm_byte': 16924672, 'ops': 183673, 'norm_ops': 16528, 'norm_ltcy': 60.569608084576174, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:16.743000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:16.743000",
+ "bytes": 188081152,
+ "norm_byte": 16924672,
+ "ops": 183673,
+ "norm_ops": 16528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 60.569608084576174,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c76b8d8b2858a0cb0b8f7811a84dd5d724a5888d0ee0e5edb3b29dcbbe34919f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:17.744000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:17.744000', 'bytes': 213146624, 'norm_byte': 25065472, 'ops': 208151, 'norm_ops': 24478, 'norm_ltcy': 40.898013011683965, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:17.744000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:17.744000",
+ "bytes": 213146624,
+ "norm_byte": 25065472,
+ "ops": 208151,
+ "norm_ops": 24478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.898013011683965,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b5a6ea4103e994a46045d1de389561e3f094994e6177bf0d4fe2f93a3dd5977f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:18.745000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:18.745000', 'bytes': 239281152, 'norm_byte': 26134528, 'ops': 233673, 'norm_ops': 25522, 'norm_ltcy': 39.226535868564376, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:18.745000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:18.745000",
+ "bytes": 239281152,
+ "norm_byte": 26134528,
+ "ops": 233673,
+ "norm_ops": 25522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.226535868564376,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b57dc4e922220da4662da96bf10a612bf6e6f0645720d891dcbd6f78d43b650b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:19.746000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:19.746000', 'bytes': 279905280, 'norm_byte': 40624128, 'ops': 273345, 'norm_ops': 39672, 'norm_ltcy': 25.234473955970206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:19.746000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:19.746000",
+ "bytes": 279905280,
+ "norm_byte": 40624128,
+ "ops": 273345,
+ "norm_ops": 39672,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.234473955970206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d9fe0da02c595e35d35c48183d23de7b7bea87cbd612efa30b30e39d9db54b0f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:20.748000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:20.748000', 'bytes': 291742720, 'norm_byte': 11837440, 'ops': 284905, 'norm_ops': 11560, 'norm_ltcy': 86.60223409791307, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:20.748000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:20.748000",
+ "bytes": 291742720,
+ "norm_byte": 11837440,
+ "ops": 284905,
+ "norm_ops": 11560,
+ "norm_ltcy": 86.60223409791307,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd8c920cd70498f5e7c89f362c739fb1a98944488241e7a93ab0be159248d2e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:21.749000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:21.749000', 'bytes': 325800960, 'norm_byte': 34058240, 'ops': 318165, 'norm_ops': 33260, 'norm_ltcy': 30.09933132187688, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:21.749000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:21.749000",
+ "bytes": 325800960,
+ "norm_byte": 34058240,
+ "ops": 318165,
+ "norm_ops": 33260,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.09933132187688,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e98ecc225e4e486b777b88d26e535a8e7eba1d62d7578ab8733ab638c296296a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:22.749000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:22.749000', 'bytes': 363529216, 'norm_byte': 37728256, 'ops': 355009, 'norm_ops': 36844, 'norm_ltcy': 27.16078368424981, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:22.749000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:22.749000",
+ "bytes": 363529216,
+ "norm_byte": 37728256,
+ "ops": 355009,
+ "norm_ops": 36844,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.16078368424981,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "899300fdcdf5a298e62d99c743412442d6494f90678d7660e5b3da6137c89411",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:23.751000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:23.751000', 'bytes': 379755520, 'norm_byte': 16226304, 'ops': 370855, 'norm_ops': 15846, 'norm_ltcy': 63.18217937985138, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:23.751000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:23.751000",
+ "bytes": 379755520,
+ "norm_byte": 16226304,
+ "ops": 370855,
+ "norm_ops": 15846,
+ "norm_ltcy": 63.18217937985138,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c0140c7ca6c4f70dbdabb312e86224111f1aba40d31ee69fb5118b82799bb71",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:24.752000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:24.752000', 'bytes': 411517952, 'norm_byte': 31762432, 'ops': 401873, 'norm_ops': 31018, 'norm_ltcy': 32.27548822457928, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:24.752000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:24.752000",
+ "bytes": 411517952,
+ "norm_byte": 31762432,
+ "ops": 401873,
+ "norm_ops": 31018,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.27548822457928,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4dd466124ef118981047779818675fc98c3770dba1439855cb0399d8d04760c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:25.753000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:25.753000', 'bytes': 419800064, 'norm_byte': 8282112, 'ops': 409961, 'norm_ops': 8088, 'norm_ltcy': 123.77673110433666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:25.753000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:25.753000",
+ "bytes": 419800064,
+ "norm_byte": 8282112,
+ "ops": 409961,
+ "norm_ops": 8088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 123.77673110433666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3870a4325f57edf81c9d6fa641df6c0a2ad10dcfab81999f0f0d5071554b1cd0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:26.754000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:26.754000', 'bytes': 447325184, 'norm_byte': 27525120, 'ops': 436841, 'norm_ops': 26880, 'norm_ltcy': 37.24435170491537, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:26.754000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:26.754000",
+ "bytes": 447325184,
+ "norm_byte": 27525120,
+ "ops": 436841,
+ "norm_ops": 26880,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.24435170491537,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8b03672cb7d75f068f95c46a27b319dcfd974bbc2b5e2add1ec568bfd278050d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:27.755000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:27.755000', 'bytes': 460897280, 'norm_byte': 13572096, 'ops': 450095, 'norm_ops': 13254, 'norm_ltcy': 75.52759352718991, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:27.755000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:27.755000",
+ "bytes": 460897280,
+ "norm_byte": 13572096,
+ "ops": 450095,
+ "norm_ops": 13254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 75.52759352718991,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fb8519a1be38817491244a861ed545374c8f9510bea0e3d355dde94be80c67ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:28.756000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:28.756000', 'bytes': 476181504, 'norm_byte': 15284224, 'ops': 465021, 'norm_ops': 14926, 'norm_ltcy': 67.0712821272444, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:28.756000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:28.756000",
+ "bytes": 476181504,
+ "norm_byte": 15284224,
+ "ops": 465021,
+ "norm_ops": 14926,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.0712821272444,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9e9b0d42f3a6617c5bf28736df9142b67bf6163852dd694d9922ec999083b0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:29.757000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:29.757000', 'bytes': 503325696, 'norm_byte': 27144192, 'ops': 491529, 'norm_ops': 26508, 'norm_ltcy': 37.766900558322014, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:29.757000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:29.757000",
+ "bytes": 503325696,
+ "norm_byte": 27144192,
+ "ops": 491529,
+ "norm_ops": 26508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.766900558322014,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "698301cd5bd04746a39e39f1fb0a836ab7233cf510328803c870abe6273c0264",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:30.758000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:30.758000', 'bytes': 521030656, 'norm_byte': 17704960, 'ops': 508819, 'norm_ops': 17290, 'norm_ltcy': 57.90087918865674, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:30.758000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:30.758000",
+ "bytes": 521030656,
+ "norm_byte": 17704960,
+ "ops": 508819,
+ "norm_ops": 17290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 57.90087918865674,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fbf447116c99d1e1095ec5122a17d73ac3942ec253e583279ad3d3078be07a5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:31.759000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:31.759000', 'bytes': 528606208, 'norm_byte': 7575552, 'ops': 516217, 'norm_ops': 7398, 'norm_ltcy': 135.32192109565085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:31.759000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:31.759000",
+ "bytes": 528606208,
+ "norm_byte": 7575552,
+ "ops": 516217,
+ "norm_ops": 7398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 135.32192109565085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "65ee21878800344e321f6908d047353c2fdab1219f5e56fcd33f35daf1cc8bcd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:32.761000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:32.761000', 'bytes': 542161920, 'norm_byte': 13555712, 'ops': 529455, 'norm_ops': 13238, 'norm_ltcy': 75.62450426801631, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:32.761000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:32.761000",
+ "bytes": 542161920,
+ "norm_byte": 13555712,
+ "ops": 529455,
+ "norm_ops": 13238,
+ "norm_ltcy": 75.62450426801631,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c11ec9dbe7a86fb1d3be8af3b7cede39175a8a723cc85e09e25e1f742d11d4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:33.762000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:33.762000', 'bytes': 557710336, 'norm_byte': 15548416, 'ops': 544639, 'norm_ops': 15184, 'norm_ltcy': 65.93248791388139, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:33.762000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:33.762000",
+ "bytes": 557710336,
+ "norm_byte": 15548416,
+ "ops": 544639,
+ "norm_ops": 15184,
+ "norm_ltcy": 65.93248791388139,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b8e43470a524ff571518ded3304dbc4c00e268631703fdf40c3ed30baafac19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:34.763000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:34.763000', 'bytes': 579251200, 'norm_byte': 21540864, 'ops': 565675, 'norm_ops': 21036, 'norm_ltcy': 47.59040770138097, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:34.763000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:34.763000",
+ "bytes": 579251200,
+ "norm_byte": 21540864,
+ "ops": 565675,
+ "norm_ops": 21036,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.59040770138097,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8b9e20e32b78bc8de717a2f755b182d9eeeb43200b01270b8d05eda99f2ec404",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:35.764000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:35.764000', 'bytes': 589442048, 'norm_byte': 10190848, 'ops': 575627, 'norm_ops': 9952, 'norm_ltcy': 100.59388580812902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:35.764000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:35.764000",
+ "bytes": 589442048,
+ "norm_byte": 10190848,
+ "ops": 575627,
+ "norm_ops": 9952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 100.59388580812902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2638b5e166b8f28fab854723a644c8205c94f15e0158f45e3d0d93f7d502ff59",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:36.765000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:36.765000', 'bytes': 599368704, 'norm_byte': 9926656, 'ops': 585321, 'norm_ops': 9694, 'norm_ltcy': 103.2717614068625, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:36.765000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:36.765000",
+ "bytes": 599368704,
+ "norm_byte": 9926656,
+ "ops": 585321,
+ "norm_ops": 9694,
+ "norm_ltcy": 103.2717614068625,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c66180864b34f5d4eed9790fcc7b59c956a07256d084557060b6a9c0cffe3449",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:37.766000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:37.766000', 'bytes': 613438464, 'norm_byte': 14069760, 'ops': 599061, 'norm_ops': 13740, 'norm_ltcy': 72.86279225800583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:37.766000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:37.766000",
+ "bytes": 613438464,
+ "norm_byte": 14069760,
+ "ops": 599061,
+ "norm_ops": 13740,
+ "norm_ltcy": 72.86279225800583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "524b9137cd1590d757622d82daad7e9ee8c7f3ccce7d432100ebfcb78e25b00c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:38.767000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:38.767000', 'bytes': 636636160, 'norm_byte': 23197696, 'ops': 621715, 'norm_ops': 22654, 'norm_ltcy': 44.19200725796217, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:38.767000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:38.767000",
+ "bytes": 636636160,
+ "norm_byte": 23197696,
+ "ops": 621715,
+ "norm_ops": 22654,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.19200725796217,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f48b4f5660a1e5560e82486104a9c88af13f0f007279773f57202dd01f90df2f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:39.768000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:39.768000', 'bytes': 671822848, 'norm_byte': 35186688, 'ops': 656077, 'norm_ops': 34362, 'norm_ltcy': 29.134555090834354, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:39.768000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:39.768000",
+ "bytes": 671822848,
+ "norm_byte": 35186688,
+ "ops": 656077,
+ "norm_ops": 34362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.134555090834354,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdafb06fbab46d06e2633d265c6a0ec847d78a66f23800e943f64a100ac5628e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:40.770000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:40.770000', 'bytes': 687623168, 'norm_byte': 15800320, 'ops': 671507, 'norm_ops': 15430, 'norm_ltcy': 64.88189796156027, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:40.770000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:40.770000",
+ "bytes": 687623168,
+ "norm_byte": 15800320,
+ "ops": 671507,
+ "norm_ops": 15430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.88189796156027,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ee57c1a122fef7f941afaaabed06e633229c9690c29e8e044983344c0c1ac56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:41.771000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:41.771000', 'bytes': 701518848, 'norm_byte': 13895680, 'ops': 685077, 'norm_ops': 13570, 'norm_ltcy': 73.77539278394437, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:41.771000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:41.771000",
+ "bytes": 701518848,
+ "norm_byte": 13895680,
+ "ops": 685077,
+ "norm_ops": 13570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 73.77539278394437,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "afff8f513f46ddb8ce40179696442c9807887d8f5d308a248f73e8a93ba1a5ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:42.772000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:42.772000', 'bytes': 715588608, 'norm_byte': 14069760, 'ops': 698817, 'norm_ops': 13740, 'norm_ltcy': 72.8604468022198, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:42.772000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:42.772000",
+ "bytes": 715588608,
+ "norm_byte": 14069760,
+ "ops": 698817,
+ "norm_ops": 13740,
+ "norm_ltcy": 72.8604468022198,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "73bb67b07b86f7da5d256b1d1aeb498591c5bc0ee3a61eef22f348cbefb39ae1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:43.773000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:43.773000', 'bytes': 741817344, 'norm_byte': 26228736, 'ops': 724431, 'norm_ops': 25614, 'norm_ltcy': 39.084660808664204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:43.773000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:43.773000",
+ "bytes": 741817344,
+ "norm_byte": 26228736,
+ "ops": 724431,
+ "norm_ops": 25614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.084660808664204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d82598028a421622ee47170a5a0de4aaf2adfffaae45d67308b7a2f0aedc6764",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:44.774000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:44.774000', 'bytes': 766827520, 'norm_byte': 25010176, 'ops': 748855, 'norm_ops': 24424, 'norm_ltcy': 40.98850603850209, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:44.774000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:44.774000",
+ "bytes": 766827520,
+ "norm_byte": 25010176,
+ "ops": 748855,
+ "norm_ops": 24424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.98850603850209,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e39fdc4f5556d2fe6f73f86952366b7aa66dea86632fac26172c7f3c3a79dbed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:45.775000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:45.775000', 'bytes': 772807680, 'norm_byte': 5980160, 'ops': 754695, 'norm_ops': 5840, 'norm_ltcy': 171.42430135648544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:45.775000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:45.775000",
+ "bytes": 772807680,
+ "norm_byte": 5980160,
+ "ops": 754695,
+ "norm_ops": 5840,
+ "norm_ltcy": 171.42430135648544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa9270826db7f1beddb158d460413c559fff17ebedf1569bc9e89073c7a1dc52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:46.776000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:46.776000', 'bytes': 799810560, 'norm_byte': 27002880, 'ops': 781065, 'norm_ops': 26370, 'norm_ltcy': 37.96461710750853, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:46.776000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:46.776000",
+ "bytes": 799810560,
+ "norm_byte": 27002880,
+ "ops": 781065,
+ "norm_ops": 26370,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.96461710750853,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efe48c5c481f814a107383e3c20d411486325455abf736c20c10468e1dc42abb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:47.777000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:47.777000', 'bytes': 813270016, 'norm_byte': 13459456, 'ops': 794209, 'norm_ops': 13144, 'norm_ltcy': 76.1680672680976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:47.777000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:47.777000",
+ "bytes": 813270016,
+ "norm_byte": 13459456,
+ "ops": 794209,
+ "norm_ops": 13144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 76.1680672680976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc373c3527dda14dcba0fe8366615ea398ad13e31a9b7fd0cb924ebdf71d0cb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:48.778000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:48.778000', 'bytes': 837252096, 'norm_byte': 23982080, 'ops': 817629, 'norm_ops': 23420, 'norm_ltcy': 42.745625066716485, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:48.778000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:48.778000",
+ "bytes": 837252096,
+ "norm_byte": 23982080,
+ "ops": 817629,
+ "norm_ops": 23420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.745625066716485,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7cb29639403aa7ed9c07a66e034d2250d167eb5dd051a5d2f49142d804d06949",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:49.780000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:49.780000', 'bytes': 848485376, 'norm_byte': 11233280, 'ops': 828599, 'norm_ops': 10970, 'norm_ltcy': 91.25985464619417, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:49.780000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:49.780000",
+ "bytes": 848485376,
+ "norm_byte": 11233280,
+ "ops": 828599,
+ "norm_ops": 10970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 91.25985464619417,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b1e7a500dc02c3d4c39f01fda3751594a5e45c061f92d6012c112ccaeff6b2c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:50.781000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:50.781000', 'bytes': 861350912, 'norm_byte': 12865536, 'ops': 841163, 'norm_ops': 12564, 'norm_ltcy': 79.68047347580388, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:50.781000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:50.781000",
+ "bytes": 861350912,
+ "norm_byte": 12865536,
+ "ops": 841163,
+ "norm_ops": 12564,
+ "norm_ltcy": 79.68047347580388,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "960d102c74aec8386b781e9b8a9fbb68dd999a5bd9b4be92e5a66b388261f018",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:51.782000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:51.782000', 'bytes': 865100800, 'norm_byte': 3749888, 'ops': 844825, 'norm_ops': 3662, 'norm_ltcy': 273.3757648228427, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:51.782000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:51.782000",
+ "bytes": 865100800,
+ "norm_byte": 3749888,
+ "ops": 844825,
+ "norm_ops": 3662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 273.3757648228427,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc216aa564f26f9a70c956d3ffb582a6700bb19bf5bfdf8c826a2b538dad362a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:52.783000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:52.783000', 'bytes': 881753088, 'norm_byte': 16652288, 'ops': 861087, 'norm_ops': 16262, 'norm_ltcy': 61.56199076066905, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:52.783000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:52.783000",
+ "bytes": 881753088,
+ "norm_byte": 16652288,
+ "ops": 861087,
+ "norm_ops": 16262,
+ "norm_ltcy": 61.56199076066905,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "287b87f11bfcb2cc3bdda6e0a5dda48e7a81e3faa0e5d9badfc0e3934ed96a11",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:53.784000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:53.784000', 'bytes': 895056896, 'norm_byte': 13303808, 'ops': 874079, 'norm_ops': 12992, 'norm_ltcy': 77.05562572761123, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:53.784000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:53.784000",
+ "bytes": 895056896,
+ "norm_byte": 13303808,
+ "ops": 874079,
+ "norm_ops": 12992,
+ "norm_ltcy": 77.05562572761123,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14a7c2a5372b8b141ca28f7c69167532730d90b8eda05bd0704ae4b59f4204db",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:54.785000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:54.785000', 'bytes': 905520128, 'norm_byte': 10463232, 'ops': 884297, 'norm_ops': 10218, 'norm_ltcy': 97.9737905075602, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:54.785000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:54.785000",
+ "bytes": 905520128,
+ "norm_byte": 10463232,
+ "ops": 884297,
+ "norm_ops": 10218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 97.9737905075602,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7bfb232de2a1b888f0dde443b38b1fabe6340187d457416f54f0ab714a576ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:55.786000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:55.786000', 'bytes': 916079616, 'norm_byte': 10559488, 'ops': 894609, 'norm_ops': 10312, 'norm_ltcy': 97.08044083197974, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:55.786000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:55.786000",
+ "bytes": 916079616,
+ "norm_byte": 10559488,
+ "ops": 894609,
+ "norm_ops": 10312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 97.08044083197974,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79c81fca3579cef4cba21886be12d52bbe2b3be53046f0ebd9cda720e2212ee0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:56.786000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:56.786000', 'bytes': 939518976, 'norm_byte': 23439360, 'ops': 917499, 'norm_ops': 22890, 'norm_ltcy': 43.69333249713303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:56.786000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:56.786000",
+ "bytes": 939518976,
+ "norm_byte": 23439360,
+ "ops": 917499,
+ "norm_ops": 22890,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.69333249713303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd59d7e2e1496d3146266e697a0f2bccda3c6a194ae9a5b52a95fd17ac685647",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:57.787000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:57.787000', 'bytes': 971928576, 'norm_byte': 32409600, 'ops': 949149, 'norm_ops': 31650, 'norm_ltcy': 31.626848217812004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:57.787000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:57.787000",
+ "bytes": 971928576,
+ "norm_byte": 32409600,
+ "ops": 949149,
+ "norm_ops": 31650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.626848217812004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7283c1ad59d5d2e59da22d817632fc19bdef89d88d7d9216b901e624c2199200",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:58.788000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:58.788000', 'bytes': 983277568, 'norm_byte': 11348992, 'ops': 960232, 'norm_ops': 11083, 'norm_ltcy': 90.32848467952044, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:58.788000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:58.788000",
+ "bytes": 983277568,
+ "norm_byte": 11348992,
+ "ops": 960232,
+ "norm_ops": 11083,
+ "norm_ltcy": 90.32848467952044,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b5aa4cbd75e4a4c402c7331c50895ae7a31cda677df920baab0c49f48cbfa07",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:32:59.790000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:32:59.790000', 'bytes': 1006412800, 'norm_byte': 23135232, 'ops': 982825, 'norm_ops': 22593, 'norm_ltcy': 44.31032937123777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:32:59.790000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:32:59.790000",
+ "bytes": 1006412800,
+ "norm_byte": 23135232,
+ "ops": 982825,
+ "norm_ops": 22593,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.31032937123777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "375d4636465ab79c041e51a2ac88483f1de66bb911db505cc1c79d2c0a3c572a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:33:00.791000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:33:00.791000', 'bytes': 1031777280, 'norm_byte': 25364480, 'ops': 1007595, 'norm_ops': 24770, 'norm_ltcy': 40.416894018722246, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:33:00.791000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:33:00.791000",
+ "bytes": 1031777280,
+ "norm_byte": 25364480,
+ "ops": 1007595,
+ "norm_ops": 24770,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.416894018722246,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb1c382bd3ffc396943b842beaa52d7d966ff6d14820a24b082723ec9f79c732",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:33:01.792000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:33:01.792000', 'bytes': 1060404224, 'norm_byte': 28626944, 'ops': 1035551, 'norm_ops': 27956, 'norm_ltcy': 35.80767300903652, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:33:01.792000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:33:01.792000",
+ "bytes": 1060404224,
+ "norm_byte": 28626944,
+ "ops": 1035551,
+ "norm_ops": 27956,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.80767300903652,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6110c468d489d709c3bd18dc070271cfeb7105a6f31bb9e40a51ecacf2756f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:33:02.793000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:33:02.793000', 'bytes': 1086413824, 'norm_byte': 26009600, 'ops': 1060951, 'norm_ops': 25400, 'norm_ltcy': 39.410919429749015, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:33:02.793000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:33:02.793000",
+ "bytes": 1086413824,
+ "norm_byte": 26009600,
+ "ops": 1060951,
+ "norm_ops": 25400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.410919429749015,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd0301fe78b316bc73a67b02cc931a0ecaae44c803a403addd0eb2ed74ea9ebb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:33:03.794000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:33:03.794000', 'bytes': 1111493632, 'norm_byte': 25079808, 'ops': 1085443, 'norm_ops': 24492, 'norm_ltcy': 40.874116739649686, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:33:03.794000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:33:03.794000",
+ "bytes": 1111493632,
+ "norm_byte": 25079808,
+ "ops": 1085443,
+ "norm_ops": 24492,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.874116739649686,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f36bdd6736efed1df2ab4b48dc6df9a247dd4be5e18853665e684df80f43b4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:33:04.795000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:33:04.795000', 'bytes': 1136299008, 'norm_byte': 24805376, 'ops': 1109667, 'norm_ops': 24224, 'norm_ltcy': 41.32680754365505, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:33:04.795000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:33:04.795000",
+ "bytes": 1136299008,
+ "norm_byte": 24805376,
+ "ops": 1109667,
+ "norm_ops": 24224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.32680754365505,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d32a60005bb5ce84b9e1fbc9f55bb84dd6fbb86e755d3f0ee6d333e0c4cee66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:33:05.796000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:33:05.796000', 'bytes': 1151486976, 'norm_byte': 15187968, 'ops': 1124499, 'norm_ops': 14832, 'norm_ltcy': 67.49731102936218, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:33:05.796000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:33:05.796000",
+ "bytes": 1151486976,
+ "norm_byte": 15187968,
+ "ops": 1124499,
+ "norm_ops": 14832,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.49731102936218,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd3f7b9c4337d25d3e6c926b7e82ccead84f3773f0658a8f8a7c9bb1eda8eb29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:33:06.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:33:06.997000', 'bytes': 1170457600, 'norm_byte': 18970624, 'ops': 1143025, 'norm_ops': 18526, 'norm_ltcy': 64.80520883235049, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:33:06.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:33:06.997000",
+ "bytes": 1170457600,
+ "norm_byte": 18970624,
+ "ops": 1143025,
+ "norm_ops": 18526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.80520883235049,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "ee10dd22-b0e3-552e-8ddc-6c2650d54e9d",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "582ba9dcfca93279b45a8ad8c73f64c1088b966ff247fb17ce48b83dc12b49a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 19507626.666666668
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 19050.416666666668
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 124.35399060390233
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:33:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-089-220519222921/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-089-220519222921/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb57dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-089-220519222921/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-089-220519222921/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-089-220519222921/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-089-220519222921/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-089-220519222921/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-089-220519222921/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bd3044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-089-220519222921/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=55
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=150
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-090-220519223123/220519223123-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-090-220519223123/220519223123-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b9099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-090-220519223123/220519223123-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:34:05Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999646986.2710 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999647987.3672 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999647987.4539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999648988.4885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:65114112 nr_ops:63588\ntimestamp_ms:1652999649989.5774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:115338240 nr_ops:112635\ntimestamp_ms:1652999650990.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:179086336 nr_ops:174889\ntimestamp_ms:1652999651991.6687 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:242557952 nr_ops:236873\ntimestamp_ms:1652999652992.7175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:305992704 nr_ops:298821\ntimestamp_ms:1652999653993.7581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:369342464 nr_ops:360686\ntimestamp_ms:1652999654994.8022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:419673088 nr_ops:409837\ntimestamp_ms:1652999655995.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:483699712 nr_ops:472363\ntimestamp_ms:1652999656997.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:547793920 nr_ops:534955\ntimestamp_ms:1652999657997.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:598391808 nr_ops:584367\ntimestamp_ms:1652999658998.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:653100032 nr_ops:637793\ntimestamp_ms:1652999660000.0530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:712704000 nr_ops:696000\ntimestamp_ms:1652999661001.1528 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763970560 nr_ops:746065\ntimestamp_ms:1652999662002.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:829661184 nr_ops:810216\ntimestamp_ms:1652999663003.3359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895273984 nr_ops:874291\ntimestamp_ms:1652999664004.4380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:934108160 nr_ops:912215\ntimestamp_ms:1652999665005.5334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999681024 nr_ops:976251\ntimestamp_ms:1652999666006.6331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1065419776 nr_ops:1040449\ntimestamp_ms:1652999667007.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131316224 nr_ops:1104801\ntimestamp_ms:1652999668008.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197249536 nr_ops:1169189\ntimestamp_ms:1652999669009.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263203328 nr_ops:1233597\ntimestamp_ms:1652999670011.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1315453952 nr_ops:1284623\ntimestamp_ms:1652999671012.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1381344256 nr_ops:1348969\ntimestamp_ms:1652999672013.2131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449946112 nr_ops:1415963\ntimestamp_ms:1652999673014.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1504924672 nr_ops:1469653\ntimestamp_ms:1652999674015.3428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1570928640 nr_ops:1534110\ntimestamp_ms:1652999675016.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1623176192 nr_ops:1585133\ntimestamp_ms:1652999676017.5928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688933376 nr_ops:1649349\ntimestamp_ms:1652999677018.6907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1754625024 nr_ops:1713501\ntimestamp_ms:1652999678019.7842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1820276736 nr_ops:1777614\ntimestamp_ms:1652999679020.8738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1885912064 nr_ops:1841711\ntimestamp_ms:1652999680021.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1938222080 nr_ops:1892795\ntimestamp_ms:1652999681023.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2004003840 nr_ops:1957035\ntimestamp_ms:1652999682024.1570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2069945344 nr_ops:2021431\ntimestamp_ms:1652999683025.2532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2135821312 nr_ops:2085763\ntimestamp_ms:1652999684026.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2201547776 nr_ops:2149949\ntimestamp_ms:1652999685027.4365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2267309056 nr_ops:2214169\ntimestamp_ms:1652999686028.6013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2333170688 nr_ops:2278487\ntimestamp_ms:1652999687029.6948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2398927872 nr_ops:2342703\ntimestamp_ms:1652999688030.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2464703488 nr_ops:2406937\ntimestamp_ms:1652999689031.9014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530499584 nr_ops:2471191\ntimestamp_ms:1652999690033.0007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2596244480 nr_ops:2535395\ntimestamp_ms:1652999691034.0955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2661977088 nr_ops:2599587\ntimestamp_ms:1652999692035.1956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2727756800 nr_ops:2663825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999693036.2832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793389056 nr_ops:2727919\ntimestamp_ms:1652999694037.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2859291648 nr_ops:2792277\ntimestamp_ms:1652999695038.4666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2925073408 nr_ops:2856517\ntimestamp_ms:1652999696039.5806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2990961664 nr_ops:2920861\ntimestamp_ms:1652999697040.6819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3043361792 nr_ops:2972033\ntimestamp_ms:1652999698041.7832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3108989952 nr_ops:3036123\ntimestamp_ms:1652999699042.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3174667264 nr_ops:3100261\ntimestamp_ms:1652999700043.9797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3239824384 nr_ops:3163891\ntimestamp_ms:1652999701045.0842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3296039936 nr_ops:3218789\ntimestamp_ms:1652999702046.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3341190144 nr_ops:3262881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999703047.2786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3391739904 nr_ops:3312246\ntimestamp_ms:1652999704048.3701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3455396864 nr_ops:3374411\ntimestamp_ms:1652999705049.4651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3519790080 nr_ops:3437295\ntimestamp_ms:1652999706049.8530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3570088960 nr_ops:3486415\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140148714108672\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.1394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607456768 nr_ops:3522907\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.2202 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.2300 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707351.3628 name:Total nr_bytes:3607456768 nr_ops:3522908\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.3079 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7214913534 nr_ops:7045816\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.3093 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3607456768 nr_ops:3522910\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 211.16us 0.00ns 211.16us 211.16us \nTxn1 1761454 33.50us 0.00ns 208.74ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 71.77us 0.00ns 71.77us 71.77us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 210.43us 0.00ns 210.43us 210.43us \nwrite 1761454 2.38us 0.00ns 384.04us 2.10us \nread 1761453 31.05us 0.00ns 208.74ms 942.00ns \ndisconnect 1 70.97us 0.00ns 70.97us 70.97us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 804.87b/s \nnet1 28704 28704 250.30Mb/s 250.30Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.185 61.37s 3.36GB 470.28Mb/s 3522911 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.36GB 470.29Mb/s 3522910 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.417378, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999646986.2710 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999647987.3672 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999647987.4539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999648988.4885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:65114112 nr_ops:63588\ntimestamp_ms:1652999649989.5774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:115338240 nr_ops:112635\ntimestamp_ms:1652999650990.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:179086336 nr_ops:174889\ntimestamp_ms:1652999651991.6687 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:242557952 nr_ops:236873\ntimestamp_ms:1652999652992.7175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:305992704 nr_ops:298821\ntimestamp_ms:1652999653993.7581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:369342464 nr_ops:360686\ntimestamp_ms:1652999654994.8022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:419673088 nr_ops:409837\ntimestamp_ms:1652999655995.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:483699712 nr_ops:472363\ntimestamp_ms:1652999656997.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:547793920 nr_ops:534955\ntimestamp_ms:1652999657997.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:598391808 nr_ops:584367\ntimestamp_ms:1652999658998.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:653100032 nr_ops:637793\ntimestamp_ms:1652999660000.0530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:712704000 nr_ops:696000\ntimestamp_ms:1652999661001.1528 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763970560 nr_ops:746065\ntimestamp_ms:1652999662002.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:829661184 nr_ops:810216\ntimestamp_ms:1652999663003.3359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895273984 nr_ops:874291\ntimestamp_ms:1652999664004.4380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:934108160 nr_ops:912215\ntimestamp_ms:1652999665005.5334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999681024 nr_ops:976251\ntimestamp_ms:1652999666006.6331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1065419776 nr_ops:1040449\ntimestamp_ms:1652999667007.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131316224 nr_ops:1104801\ntimestamp_ms:1652999668008.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197249536 nr_ops:1169189\ntimestamp_ms:1652999669009.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263203328 nr_ops:1233597\ntimestamp_ms:1652999670011.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1315453952 nr_ops:1284623\ntimestamp_ms:1652999671012.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1381344256 nr_ops:1348969\ntimestamp_ms:1652999672013.2131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449946112 nr_ops:1415963\ntimestamp_ms:1652999673014.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1504924672 nr_ops:1469653\ntimestamp_ms:1652999674015.3428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1570928640 nr_ops:1534110\ntimestamp_ms:1652999675016.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1623176192 nr_ops:1585133\ntimestamp_ms:1652999676017.5928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688933376 nr_ops:1649349\ntimestamp_ms:1652999677018.6907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1754625024 nr_ops:1713501\ntimestamp_ms:1652999678019.7842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1820276736 nr_ops:1777614\ntimestamp_ms:1652999679020.8738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1885912064 nr_ops:1841711\ntimestamp_ms:1652999680021.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1938222080 nr_ops:1892795\ntimestamp_ms:1652999681023.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2004003840 nr_ops:1957035\ntimestamp_ms:1652999682024.1570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2069945344 nr_ops:2021431\ntimestamp_ms:1652999683025.2532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2135821312 nr_ops:2085763\ntimestamp_ms:1652999684026.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2201547776 nr_ops:2149949\ntimestamp_ms:1652999685027.4365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2267309056 nr_ops:2214169\ntimestamp_ms:1652999686028.6013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2333170688 nr_ops:2278487\ntimestamp_ms:1652999687029.6948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2398927872 nr_ops:2342703\ntimestamp_ms:1652999688030.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2464703488 nr_ops:2406937\ntimestamp_ms:1652999689031.9014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530499584 nr_ops:2471191\ntimestamp_ms:1652999690033.0007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2596244480 nr_ops:2535395\ntimestamp_ms:1652999691034.0955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2661977088 nr_ops:2599587\ntimestamp_ms:1652999692035.1956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2727756800 nr_ops:2663825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999693036.2832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793389056 nr_ops:2727919\ntimestamp_ms:1652999694037.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2859291648 nr_ops:2792277\ntimestamp_ms:1652999695038.4666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2925073408 nr_ops:2856517\ntimestamp_ms:1652999696039.5806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2990961664 nr_ops:2920861\ntimestamp_ms:1652999697040.6819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3043361792 nr_ops:2972033\ntimestamp_ms:1652999698041.7832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3108989952 nr_ops:3036123\ntimestamp_ms:1652999699042.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3174667264 nr_ops:3100261\ntimestamp_ms:1652999700043.9797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3239824384 nr_ops:3163891\ntimestamp_ms:1652999701045.0842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3296039936 nr_ops:3218789\ntimestamp_ms:1652999702046.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3341190144 nr_ops:3262881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999703047.2786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3391739904 nr_ops:3312246\ntimestamp_ms:1652999704048.3701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3455396864 nr_ops:3374411\ntimestamp_ms:1652999705049.4651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3519790080 nr_ops:3437295\ntimestamp_ms:1652999706049.8530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3570088960 nr_ops:3486415\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140148714108672\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.1394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607456768 nr_ops:3522907\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.2202 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.2300 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707351.3628 name:Total nr_bytes:3607456768 nr_ops:3522908\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.3079 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7214913534 nr_ops:7045816\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.3093 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3607456768 nr_ops:3522910\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 211.16us 0.00ns 211.16us 211.16us \nTxn1 1761454 33.50us 0.00ns 208.74ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 71.77us 0.00ns 71.77us 71.77us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 210.43us 0.00ns 210.43us 210.43us \nwrite 1761454 2.38us 0.00ns 384.04us 2.10us \nread 1761453 31.05us 0.00ns 208.74ms 942.00ns \ndisconnect 1 70.97us 0.00ns 70.97us 70.97us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 804.87b/s \nnet1 28704 28704 250.30Mb/s 250.30Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.185 61.37s 3.36GB 470.28Mb/s 3522911 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.36GB 470.29Mb/s 3522910 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.417378, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999646986.2710 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999647987.3672 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999647987.4539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999648988.4885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:65114112 nr_ops:63588\ntimestamp_ms:1652999649989.5774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:115338240 nr_ops:112635\ntimestamp_ms:1652999650990.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:179086336 nr_ops:174889\ntimestamp_ms:1652999651991.6687 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:242557952 nr_ops:236873\ntimestamp_ms:1652999652992.7175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:305992704 nr_ops:298821\ntimestamp_ms:1652999653993.7581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:369342464 nr_ops:360686\ntimestamp_ms:1652999654994.8022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:419673088 nr_ops:409837\ntimestamp_ms:1652999655995.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:483699712 nr_ops:472363\ntimestamp_ms:1652999656997.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:547793920 nr_ops:534955\ntimestamp_ms:1652999657997.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:598391808 nr_ops:584367\ntimestamp_ms:1652999658998.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:653100032 nr_ops:637793\ntimestamp_ms:1652999660000.0530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:712704000 nr_ops:696000\ntimestamp_ms:1652999661001.1528 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763970560 nr_ops:746065\ntimestamp_ms:1652999662002.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:829661184 nr_ops:810216\ntimestamp_ms:1652999663003.3359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895273984 nr_ops:874291\ntimestamp_ms:1652999664004.4380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:934108160 nr_ops:912215\ntimestamp_ms:1652999665005.5334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999681024 nr_ops:976251\ntimestamp_ms:1652999666006.6331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1065419776 nr_ops:1040449\ntimestamp_ms:1652999667007.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131316224 nr_ops:1104801\ntimestamp_ms:1652999668008.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197249536 nr_ops:1169189\ntimestamp_ms:1652999669009.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263203328 nr_ops:1233597\ntimestamp_ms:1652999670011.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1315453952 nr_ops:1284623\ntimestamp_ms:1652999671012.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1381344256 nr_ops:1348969\ntimestamp_ms:1652999672013.2131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449946112 nr_ops:1415963\ntimestamp_ms:1652999673014.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1504924672 nr_ops:1469653\ntimestamp_ms:1652999674015.3428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1570928640 nr_ops:1534110\ntimestamp_ms:1652999675016.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1623176192 nr_ops:1585133\ntimestamp_ms:1652999676017.5928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688933376 nr_ops:1649349\ntimestamp_ms:1652999677018.6907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1754625024 nr_ops:1713501\ntimestamp_ms:1652999678019.7842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1820276736 nr_ops:1777614\ntimestamp_ms:1652999679020.8738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1885912064 nr_ops:1841711\ntimestamp_ms:1652999680021.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1938222080 nr_ops:1892795\ntimestamp_ms:1652999681023.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2004003840 nr_ops:1957035\ntimestamp_ms:1652999682024.1570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2069945344 nr_ops:2021431\ntimestamp_ms:1652999683025.2532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2135821312 nr_ops:2085763\ntimestamp_ms:1652999684026.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2201547776 nr_ops:2149949\ntimestamp_ms:1652999685027.4365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2267309056 nr_ops:2214169\ntimestamp_ms:1652999686028.6013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2333170688 nr_ops:2278487\ntimestamp_ms:1652999687029.6948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2398927872 nr_ops:2342703\ntimestamp_ms:1652999688030.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2464703488 nr_ops:2406937\ntimestamp_ms:1652999689031.9014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530499584 nr_ops:2471191\ntimestamp_ms:1652999690033.0007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2596244480 nr_ops:2535395\ntimestamp_ms:1652999691034.0955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2661977088 nr_ops:2599587\ntimestamp_ms:1652999692035.1956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2727756800 nr_ops:2663825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999693036.2832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793389056 nr_ops:2727919\ntimestamp_ms:1652999694037.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2859291648 nr_ops:2792277\ntimestamp_ms:1652999695038.4666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2925073408 nr_ops:2856517\ntimestamp_ms:1652999696039.5806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2990961664 nr_ops:2920861\ntimestamp_ms:1652999697040.6819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3043361792 nr_ops:2972033\ntimestamp_ms:1652999698041.7832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3108989952 nr_ops:3036123\ntimestamp_ms:1652999699042.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3174667264 nr_ops:3100261\ntimestamp_ms:1652999700043.9797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3239824384 nr_ops:3163891\ntimestamp_ms:1652999701045.0842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3296039936 nr_ops:3218789\ntimestamp_ms:1652999702046.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3341190144 nr_ops:3262881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999703047.2786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3391739904 nr_ops:3312246\ntimestamp_ms:1652999704048.3701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3455396864 nr_ops:3374411\ntimestamp_ms:1652999705049.4651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3519790080 nr_ops:3437295\ntimestamp_ms:1652999706049.8530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3570088960 nr_ops:3486415\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140148714108672\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.1394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607456768 nr_ops:3522907\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.2202 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.2300 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707351.3628 name:Total nr_bytes:3607456768 nr_ops:3522908\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.3079 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7214913534 nr_ops:7045816\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999707251.3093 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3607456768 nr_ops:3522910\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 211.16us 0.00ns 211.16us 211.16us \nTxn1 1761454 33.50us 0.00ns 208.74ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 71.77us 0.00ns 71.77us 71.77us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 210.43us 0.00ns 210.43us 210.43us \nwrite 1761454 2.38us 0.00ns 384.04us 2.10us \nread 1761453 31.05us 0.00ns 208.74ms 942.00ns \ndisconnect 1 70.97us 0.00ns 70.97us 70.97us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 804.87b/s \nnet1 28704 28704 250.30Mb/s 250.30Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.185 61.37s 3.36GB 470.28Mb/s 3522911 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.36GB 470.29Mb/s 3522910 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.417378, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999646986.2710 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999647987.3672 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999647987.4539 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999648988.4885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:65114112 nr_ops:63588
+timestamp_ms:1652999649989.5774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:115338240 nr_ops:112635
+timestamp_ms:1652999650990.6184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:179086336 nr_ops:174889
+timestamp_ms:1652999651991.6687 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:242557952 nr_ops:236873
+timestamp_ms:1652999652992.7175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:305992704 nr_ops:298821
+timestamp_ms:1652999653993.7581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:369342464 nr_ops:360686
+timestamp_ms:1652999654994.8022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:419673088 nr_ops:409837
+timestamp_ms:1652999655995.9060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:483699712 nr_ops:472363
+timestamp_ms:1652999656997.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:547793920 nr_ops:534955
+timestamp_ms:1652999657997.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:598391808 nr_ops:584367
+timestamp_ms:1652999658998.9468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:653100032 nr_ops:637793
+timestamp_ms:1652999660000.0530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:712704000 nr_ops:696000
+timestamp_ms:1652999661001.1528 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763970560 nr_ops:746065
+timestamp_ms:1652999662002.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:829661184 nr_ops:810216
+timestamp_ms:1652999663003.3359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895273984 nr_ops:874291
+timestamp_ms:1652999664004.4380 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:934108160 nr_ops:912215
+timestamp_ms:1652999665005.5334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999681024 nr_ops:976251
+timestamp_ms:1652999666006.6331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1065419776 nr_ops:1040449
+timestamp_ms:1652999667007.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131316224 nr_ops:1104801
+timestamp_ms:1652999668008.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197249536 nr_ops:1169189
+timestamp_ms:1652999669009.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263203328 nr_ops:1233597
+timestamp_ms:1652999670011.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1315453952 nr_ops:1284623
+timestamp_ms:1652999671012.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1381344256 nr_ops:1348969
+timestamp_ms:1652999672013.2131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1449946112 nr_ops:1415963
+timestamp_ms:1652999673014.3027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1504924672 nr_ops:1469653
+timestamp_ms:1652999674015.3428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1570928640 nr_ops:1534110
+timestamp_ms:1652999675016.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1623176192 nr_ops:1585133
+timestamp_ms:1652999676017.5928 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1688933376 nr_ops:1649349
+timestamp_ms:1652999677018.6907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1754625024 nr_ops:1713501
+timestamp_ms:1652999678019.7842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1820276736 nr_ops:1777614
+timestamp_ms:1652999679020.8738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1885912064 nr_ops:1841711
+timestamp_ms:1652999680021.9651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1938222080 nr_ops:1892795
+timestamp_ms:1652999681023.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2004003840 nr_ops:1957035
+timestamp_ms:1652999682024.1570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2069945344 nr_ops:2021431
+timestamp_ms:1652999683025.2532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2135821312 nr_ops:2085763
+timestamp_ms:1652999684026.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2201547776 nr_ops:2149949
+timestamp_ms:1652999685027.4365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2267309056 nr_ops:2214169
+timestamp_ms:1652999686028.6013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2333170688 nr_ops:2278487
+timestamp_ms:1652999687029.6948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2398927872 nr_ops:2342703
+timestamp_ms:1652999688030.7922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2464703488 nr_ops:2406937
+timestamp_ms:1652999689031.9014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2530499584 nr_ops:2471191
+timestamp_ms:1652999690033.0007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2596244480 nr_ops:2535395
+timestamp_ms:1652999691034.0955 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2661977088 nr_ops:2599587
+timestamp_ms:1652999692035.1956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2727756800 nr_ops:2663825
+timestamp_ms:1652999693036.2832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793389056 nr_ops:2727919
+timestamp_ms:1652999694037.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2859291648 nr_ops:2792277
+timestamp_ms:1652999695038.4666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2925073408 nr_ops:2856517
+timestamp_ms:1652999696039.5806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2990961664 nr_ops:2920861
+timestamp_ms:1652999697040.6819 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3043361792 nr_ops:2972033
+timestamp_ms:1652999698041.7832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3108989952 nr_ops:3036123
+timestamp_ms:1652999699042.8730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3174667264 nr_ops:3100261
+timestamp_ms:1652999700043.9797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3239824384 nr_ops:3163891
+timestamp_ms:1652999701045.0842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3296039936 nr_ops:3218789
+timestamp_ms:1652999702046.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3341190144 nr_ops:3262881
+timestamp_ms:1652999703047.2786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3391739904 nr_ops:3312246
+timestamp_ms:1652999704048.3701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3455396864 nr_ops:3374411
+timestamp_ms:1652999705049.4651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3519790080 nr_ops:3437295
+timestamp_ms:1652999706049.8530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3570088960 nr_ops:3486415
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140148714108672
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652999707251.1394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607456768 nr_ops:3522907
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999707251.2202 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999707251.2300 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999707351.3628 name:Total nr_bytes:3607456768 nr_ops:3522908
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999707251.3079 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7214913534 nr_ops:7045816
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999707251.3093 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3607456768 nr_ops:3522910
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 211.16us 0.00ns 211.16us 211.16us
+Txn1 1761454 33.50us 0.00ns 208.74ms 18.42us
+Txn2 1 71.77us 0.00ns 71.77us 71.77us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 210.43us 0.00ns 210.43us 210.43us
+write 1761454 2.38us 0.00ns 384.04us 2.10us
+read 1761453 31.05us 0.00ns 208.74ms 942.00ns
+disconnect 1 70.97us 0.00ns 70.97us 70.97us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 804.87b/s
+net1 28704 28704 250.30Mb/s 250.30Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.185 61.37s 3.36GB 470.28Mb/s 3522911 0.00
+master 61.37s 3.36GB 470.29Mb/s 3522910 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:08.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:08.988000', 'bytes': 65114112, 'norm_byte': 65114112, 'ops': 63588, 'norm_ops': 63588, 'norm_ltcy': 15.74250908927392, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:08.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:08.988000",
+ "bytes": 65114112,
+ "norm_byte": 65114112,
+ "ops": 63588,
+ "norm_ops": 63588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.74250908927392,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66e6895bee9b1d9e205bd9942ab86c31bbe82b1c83ad2330984f63e23dbc9c0a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:09.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:09.989000', 'bytes': 115338240, 'norm_byte': 50224128, 'ops': 112635, 'norm_ops': 49047, 'norm_ltcy': 20.41080733148816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:09.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:09.989000",
+ "bytes": 115338240,
+ "norm_byte": 50224128,
+ "ops": 112635,
+ "norm_ops": 49047,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.41080733148816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8c37d8d25d43cc3ce6a822c2213f6610045c2159cfa86dd47ea9ca5cdd63e88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:10.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:10.990000', 'bytes': 179086336, 'norm_byte': 63748096, 'ops': 174889, 'norm_ops': 62254, 'norm_ltcy': 16.079946921081376, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:10.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:10.990000",
+ "bytes": 179086336,
+ "norm_byte": 63748096,
+ "ops": 174889,
+ "norm_ops": 62254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.079946921081376,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "076ce070600da63c0c08477ee646d64ef35d93b74e29ca14ac51af286d3fc645",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:11.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:11.991000', 'bytes': 242557952, 'norm_byte': 63471616, 'ops': 236873, 'norm_ops': 61984, 'norm_ltcy': 16.150140245365737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:11.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:11.991000",
+ "bytes": 242557952,
+ "norm_byte": 63471616,
+ "ops": 236873,
+ "norm_ops": 61984,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.150140245365737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1a8e34a8b0c8026d22a15eb0697add2deff917aa424b9ed0eeae4731363901a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:12.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:12.992000', 'bytes': 305992704, 'norm_byte': 63434752, 'ops': 298821, 'norm_ops': 61948, 'norm_ltcy': 16.15950197141151, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:12.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:12.992000",
+ "bytes": 305992704,
+ "norm_byte": 63434752,
+ "ops": 298821,
+ "norm_ops": 61948,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.15950197141151,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93ce0dafb18a2b38724955b1183b1e97932ba27d396532514c2c47d377d0d225",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:13.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:13.993000', 'bytes': 369342464, 'norm_byte': 63349760, 'ops': 360686, 'norm_ops': 61865, 'norm_ltcy': 16.181047884001455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:13.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:13.993000",
+ "bytes": 369342464,
+ "norm_byte": 63349760,
+ "ops": 360686,
+ "norm_ops": 61865,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.181047884001455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a0fd66918d10152dfb09d7939b1b847ef37e334bdec34692e135ca7ab39741c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:14.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:14.994000', 'bytes': 419673088, 'norm_byte': 50330624, 'ops': 409837, 'norm_ops': 49151, 'norm_ltcy': 20.36671053392861, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:14.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:14.994000",
+ "bytes": 419673088,
+ "norm_byte": 50330624,
+ "ops": 409837,
+ "norm_ops": 49151,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.36671053392861,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "616526b822021af07a9645140e905f5e40be294856dd013dc0f40c25c9556cbd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:15.995000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:15.995000', 'bytes': 483699712, 'norm_byte': 64026624, 'ops': 472363, 'norm_ops': 62526, 'norm_ltcy': 16.010999580424542, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:15.995000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:15.995000",
+ "bytes": 483699712,
+ "norm_byte": 64026624,
+ "ops": 472363,
+ "norm_ops": 62526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.010999580424542,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ebca84a920089af9cb66c9ad49debbc5e0c808e9b49ffcd26a3797744625dc2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:16.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:16.997000', 'bytes': 547793920, 'norm_byte': 64094208, 'ops': 534955, 'norm_ops': 62592, 'norm_ltcy': 15.994070010194994, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:16.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:16.997000",
+ "bytes": 547793920,
+ "norm_byte": 64094208,
+ "ops": 534955,
+ "norm_ops": 62592,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.994070010194994,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3fdf33f6b727265a87f3937eb862abbd1c553b892593056b9102d162629f47e2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:17.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:17.997000', 'bytes': 598391808, 'norm_byte': 50597888, 'ops': 584367, 'norm_ops': 49412, 'norm_ltcy': 20.254906687014287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:17.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:17.997000",
+ "bytes": 598391808,
+ "norm_byte": 50597888,
+ "ops": 584367,
+ "norm_ops": 49412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.254906687014287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9d9699ab4ee6989c9e2ac2170cc7004978e0427fa45e942bab46012598364ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:18.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:18.998000', 'bytes': 653100032, 'norm_byte': 54708224, 'ops': 637793, 'norm_ops': 53426, 'norm_ltcy': 18.73815168995433, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:18.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:18.998000",
+ "bytes": 653100032,
+ "norm_byte": 54708224,
+ "ops": 637793,
+ "norm_ops": 53426,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.73815168995433,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3919576d044691e2da3642af5c58976b2908bc8f778b701492643151db2aad8a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:20', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:20', 'bytes': 712704000, 'norm_byte': 59603968, 'ops': 696000, 'norm_ops': 58207, 'norm_ltcy': 17.19906886065035, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:20",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:20",
+ "bytes": 712704000,
+ "norm_byte": 59603968,
+ "ops": 696000,
+ "norm_ops": 58207,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.19906886065035,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cad229d11d8b6d06695e5056fe873aac5120662a566ddb7586ee52f82a060dc1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:21.001000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:21.001000', 'bytes': 763970560, 'norm_byte': 51266560, 'ops': 746065, 'norm_ops': 50065, 'norm_ltcy': 19.996002267364926, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:21.001000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:21.001000",
+ "bytes": 763970560,
+ "norm_byte": 51266560,
+ "ops": 746065,
+ "norm_ops": 50065,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.996002267364926,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15c03b901d253a3c38049693daec3e58fdcd26195f511c746be8635a074fd125",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:22.002000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:22.002000', 'bytes': 829661184, 'norm_byte': 65690624, 'ops': 810216, 'norm_ops': 64151, 'norm_ltcy': 15.605214071341445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:22.002000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:22.002000",
+ "bytes": 829661184,
+ "norm_byte": 65690624,
+ "ops": 810216,
+ "norm_ops": 64151,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.605214071341445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d986c40645615b8a9d2e29906ce4e3684f17d848df813c4b2a7895ec8b16b7b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:23.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:23.003000', 'bytes': 895273984, 'norm_byte': 65612800, 'ops': 874291, 'norm_ops': 64075, 'norm_ltcy': 15.623769295015606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:23.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:23.003000",
+ "bytes": 895273984,
+ "norm_byte": 65612800,
+ "ops": 874291,
+ "norm_ops": 64075,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.623769295015606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88cff75d08b66e75468dc5efb971e6bc83a5427622391b202d413f0aeb2671cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:24.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:24.004000', 'bytes': 934108160, 'norm_byte': 38834176, 'ops': 912215, 'norm_ops': 37924, 'norm_ltcy': 26.397585981996887, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:24.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:24.004000",
+ "bytes": 934108160,
+ "norm_byte": 38834176,
+ "ops": 912215,
+ "norm_ops": 37924,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.397585981996887,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a105c4474ea7c8f6c39a7cf3ab4456166e1584b286cdd3dc76b55eb88bd8e0f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:25.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:25.005000', 'bytes': 999681024, 'norm_byte': 65572864, 'ops': 976251, 'norm_ops': 64036, 'norm_ltcy': 15.633322802554424, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:25.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:25.005000",
+ "bytes": 999681024,
+ "norm_byte": 65572864,
+ "ops": 976251,
+ "norm_ops": 64036,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.633322802554424,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3a6ac9dd35ecf2a7ad28bb8823a1001111be8b353ef3394b41fe204cc83667b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:26.006000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:26.006000', 'bytes': 1065419776, 'norm_byte': 65738752, 'ops': 1040449, 'norm_ops': 64198, 'norm_ltcy': 15.59393765187389, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:26.006000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:26.006000",
+ "bytes": 1065419776,
+ "norm_byte": 65738752,
+ "ops": 1040449,
+ "norm_ops": 64198,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.59393765187389,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5101f75ab60ee0c963781b5e33503407b09c26f595740c66730e168e701bbc0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:27.007000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:27.007000', 'bytes': 1131316224, 'norm_byte': 65896448, 'ops': 1104801, 'norm_ops': 64352, 'norm_ltcy': 15.556627574220691, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:27.007000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:27.007000",
+ "bytes": 1131316224,
+ "norm_byte": 65896448,
+ "ops": 1104801,
+ "norm_ops": 64352,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.556627574220691,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ce27a59b30949b16f4807e475fbab3f6468f845f69e248c166804361a3211d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:28.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:28.008000', 'bytes': 1197249536, 'norm_byte': 65933312, 'ops': 1169189, 'norm_ops': 64388, 'norm_ltcy': 15.54792211864012, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:28.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:28.008000",
+ "bytes": 1197249536,
+ "norm_byte": 65933312,
+ "ops": 1169189,
+ "norm_ops": 64388,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.54792211864012,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d74e587a170705ecfd8e3f3043c6067a4013b5cc3277a049443bcbb66e8e177e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:29.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:29.009000', 'bytes': 1263203328, 'norm_byte': 65953792, 'ops': 1233597, 'norm_ops': 64408, 'norm_ltcy': 15.543128285936918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:29.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:29.009000",
+ "bytes": 1263203328,
+ "norm_byte": 65953792,
+ "ops": 1233597,
+ "norm_ops": 64408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.543128285936918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c59d974543f1743fd6ebd634201b0735d26efa38678fcacc9e2c349ddc898d5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:30.011000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:30.011000', 'bytes': 1315453952, 'norm_byte': 52250624, 'ops': 1284623, 'norm_ops': 51026, 'norm_ltcy': 19.619181964219223, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:30.011000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:30.011000",
+ "bytes": 1315453952,
+ "norm_byte": 52250624,
+ "ops": 1284623,
+ "norm_ops": 51026,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.619181964219223,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "94d34df8c27d90baf239a806c94274160ab8c990c2c21f36eff0b97a5408d4d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:31.012000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:31.012000', 'bytes': 1381344256, 'norm_byte': 65890304, 'ops': 1348969, 'norm_ops': 64346, 'norm_ltcy': 15.557896044917321, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:31.012000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:31.012000",
+ "bytes": 1381344256,
+ "norm_byte": 65890304,
+ "ops": 1348969,
+ "norm_ops": 64346,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.557896044917321,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "831ba1afec632e3378c47597f30603820f7a38e53528e350194312a97c3d6d11",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:32.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:32.013000', 'bytes': 1449946112, 'norm_byte': 68601856, 'ops': 1415963, 'norm_ops': 66994, 'norm_ltcy': 14.943156202654341, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:32.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:32.013000",
+ "bytes": 1449946112,
+ "norm_byte": 68601856,
+ "ops": 1415963,
+ "norm_ops": 66994,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.943156202654341,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90ff2cae89d9b592e1da2ab6a9de43a036898f2fe5b51637ff734934a440386d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:33.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:33.014000', 'bytes': 1504924672, 'norm_byte': 54978560, 'ops': 1469653, 'norm_ops': 53690, 'norm_ltcy': 18.645736628969548, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:33.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:33.014000",
+ "bytes": 1504924672,
+ "norm_byte": 54978560,
+ "ops": 1469653,
+ "norm_ops": 53690,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.645736628969548,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca99a5d2f15676f38eeb75988b7c1ea10b372f6af8b437c6e2df0070971fbdcc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:34.015000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:34.015000', 'bytes': 1570928640, 'norm_byte': 66003968, 'ops': 1534110, 'norm_ops': 64457, 'norm_ltcy': 15.530354175070201, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:34.015000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:34.015000",
+ "bytes": 1570928640,
+ "norm_byte": 66003968,
+ "ops": 1534110,
+ "norm_ops": 64457,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.530354175070201,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ede08d5a1e34f3cd0bb047da30e38b85044b31962b7eec97143f4a4fc354fe31",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:35.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:35.016000', 'bytes': 1623176192, 'norm_byte': 52247552, 'ops': 1585133, 'norm_ops': 51023, 'norm_ltcy': 19.62050298547959, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:35.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:35.016000",
+ "bytes": 1623176192,
+ "norm_byte": 52247552,
+ "ops": 1585133,
+ "norm_ops": 51023,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.62050298547959,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "983953c076ab6329e2567401b940c8668b8b8a62b980ae939ff9e11e59fa6c9b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:36.017000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:36.017000', 'bytes': 1688933376, 'norm_byte': 65757184, 'ops': 1649349, 'norm_ops': 64216, 'norm_ltcy': 15.590399217825386, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:36.017000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:36.017000",
+ "bytes": 1688933376,
+ "norm_byte": 65757184,
+ "ops": 1649349,
+ "norm_ops": 64216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.590399217825386,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba15357b50bc4bf33a6f39ad4cfb83c8f3255f7d54ef857532bba452c7822d15",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:37.018000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:37.018000', 'bytes': 1754625024, 'norm_byte': 65691648, 'ops': 1713501, 'norm_ops': 64152, 'norm_ltcy': 15.605092598681647, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:37.018000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:37.018000",
+ "bytes": 1754625024,
+ "norm_byte": 65691648,
+ "ops": 1713501,
+ "norm_ops": 64152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.605092598681647,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "94878bee6020e7d289f5cac6120a2c3c05dec060277a9afd8b50442668cfc1b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:38.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:38.019000', 'bytes': 1820276736, 'norm_byte': 65651712, 'ops': 1777614, 'norm_ops': 64113, 'norm_ltcy': 15.61451664809594, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:38.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:38.019000",
+ "bytes": 1820276736,
+ "norm_byte": 65651712,
+ "ops": 1777614,
+ "norm_ops": 64113,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.61451664809594,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1326fdf7990667372c6d1a8f35a0727cf7425cd54273b69658a860d39244aafb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:39.020000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:39.020000', 'bytes': 1885912064, 'norm_byte': 65635328, 'ops': 1841711, 'norm_ops': 64097, 'norm_ltcy': 15.618353426983711, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:39.020000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:39.020000",
+ "bytes": 1885912064,
+ "norm_byte": 65635328,
+ "ops": 1841711,
+ "norm_ops": 64097,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.618353426983711,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64ba57272e0bd34ffaf9b699882a73dd4a4380c2802f6a220e2a39857a32e16e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:40.021000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:40.021000', 'bytes': 1938222080, 'norm_byte': 52310016, 'ops': 1892795, 'norm_ops': 51084, 'norm_ltcy': 19.596963992517228, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:40.021000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:40.021000",
+ "bytes": 1938222080,
+ "norm_byte": 52310016,
+ "ops": 1892795,
+ "norm_ops": 51084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.596963992517228,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7baa88054846d6e32ae1f81b6fe6c31f957c2f12284549c5ca6ef227e9ac4607",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:41.023000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:41.023000', 'bytes': 2004003840, 'norm_byte': 65781760, 'ops': 1957035, 'norm_ops': 64240, 'norm_ltcy': 15.583749963515723, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:41.023000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:41.023000",
+ "bytes": 2004003840,
+ "norm_byte": 65781760,
+ "ops": 1957035,
+ "norm_ops": 64240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.583749963515723,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "073acad3ebb2e385242828075f75ea6706fbf13c470b6fa7ba76a4c6c520aef8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:42.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:42.024000', 'bytes': 2069945344, 'norm_byte': 65941504, 'ops': 2021431, 'norm_ops': 64396, 'norm_ltcy': 15.545869260124853, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:42.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:42.024000",
+ "bytes": 2069945344,
+ "norm_byte": 65941504,
+ "ops": 2021431,
+ "norm_ops": 64396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.545869260124853,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef674877e14639af0fc5198c26027f8af85e92b6927c3a21311207e13efcc562",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:43.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:43.025000', 'bytes': 2135821312, 'norm_byte': 65875968, 'ops': 2085763, 'norm_ops': 64332, 'norm_ltcy': 15.561403211562675, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:43.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:43.025000",
+ "bytes": 2135821312,
+ "norm_byte": 65875968,
+ "ops": 2085763,
+ "norm_ops": 64332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.561403211562675,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2d8397dab69ab1da563f78296c088dbadbff244e31ca56e4bd402d15ddfd535",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:44.026000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:44.026000', 'bytes': 2201547776, 'norm_byte': 65726464, 'ops': 2149949, 'norm_ops': 64186, 'norm_ltcy': 15.59671991482761, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:44.026000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:44.026000",
+ "bytes": 2201547776,
+ "norm_byte": 65726464,
+ "ops": 2149949,
+ "norm_ops": 64186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.59671991482761,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e7dcb4d0c38536b78326f6d66c6c1dc01854745bab85c224bb012e06dd0c707",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:45.027000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:45.027000', 'bytes': 2267309056, 'norm_byte': 65761280, 'ops': 2214169, 'norm_ops': 64220, 'norm_ltcy': 15.588481550237464, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:45.027000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:45.027000",
+ "bytes": 2267309056,
+ "norm_byte": 65761280,
+ "ops": 2214169,
+ "norm_ops": 64220,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.588481550237464,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d6111e351f2923a7ed1475c37af19e9de16b1e1e8e7f02ffe6c4428fcba5530",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:46.028000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:46.028000', 'bytes': 2333170688, 'norm_byte': 65861632, 'ops': 2278487, 'norm_ops': 64318, 'norm_ltcy': 15.565857068345952, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:46.028000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:46.028000",
+ "bytes": 2333170688,
+ "norm_byte": 65861632,
+ "ops": 2278487,
+ "norm_ops": 64318,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.565857068345952,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad7cc5a6304f87d61bc9f8298f43f91bbd95bb7b0d38ccabecb80a091338f59b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:47.029000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:47.029000', 'bytes': 2398927872, 'norm_byte': 65757184, 'ops': 2342703, 'norm_ops': 64216, 'norm_ltcy': 15.5894715625292, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:47.029000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:47.029000",
+ "bytes": 2398927872,
+ "norm_byte": 65757184,
+ "ops": 2342703,
+ "norm_ops": 64216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.5894715625292,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe126b61610e78b1fc316801da3aee80914f6ca127ac4db53b00a7b24607de70",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:48.030000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:48.030000', 'bytes': 2464703488, 'norm_byte': 65775616, 'ops': 2406937, 'norm_ops': 64234, 'norm_ltcy': 15.58516380903221, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:48.030000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:48.030000",
+ "bytes": 2464703488,
+ "norm_byte": 65775616,
+ "ops": 2406937,
+ "norm_ops": 64234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.58516380903221,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f50ae193798fb2f11004e5d30518f72a516c18cfb81e52d2dd74072c61c4b08d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:49.031000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:49.031000', 'bytes': 2530499584, 'norm_byte': 65796096, 'ops': 2471191, 'norm_ops': 64254, 'norm_ltcy': 15.58049507982966, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:49.031000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:49.031000",
+ "bytes": 2530499584,
+ "norm_byte": 65796096,
+ "ops": 2471191,
+ "norm_ops": 64254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.58049507982966,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2325c061d4bb7d37219919e5c03d85a43452b5d657a4f6d95ef50985a280c146",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:50.033000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:50.033000', 'bytes': 2596244480, 'norm_byte': 65744896, 'ops': 2535395, 'norm_ops': 64204, 'norm_ltcy': 15.592476562743364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:50.033000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:50.033000",
+ "bytes": 2596244480,
+ "norm_byte": 65744896,
+ "ops": 2535395,
+ "norm_ops": 64204,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.592476562743364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a504eceb82144aa59ee8a2a37d6d4ea533efece9af285f8322f2c7a89508fc98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:51.034000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:51.034000', 'bytes': 2661977088, 'norm_byte': 65732608, 'ops': 2599587, 'norm_ops': 64192, 'norm_ltcy': 15.595319145103751, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:51.034000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:51.034000",
+ "bytes": 2661977088,
+ "norm_byte": 65732608,
+ "ops": 2599587,
+ "norm_ops": 64192,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.595319145103751,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5708efce5b74aa59d8bfcbb872d8e9afd2fd6c90252e612897c286b12a382b7c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:52.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:52.035000', 'bytes': 2727756800, 'norm_byte': 65779712, 'ops': 2663825, 'norm_ops': 64238, 'norm_ltcy': 15.584235151409603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:52.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:52.035000",
+ "bytes": 2727756800,
+ "norm_byte": 65779712,
+ "ops": 2663825,
+ "norm_ops": 64238,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.584235151409603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "801d4b51ee5e45e8dea4c645b0b2f0025dab8d967de63ed18ad1cc6b385d42b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:53.036000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:53.036000', 'bytes': 2793389056, 'norm_byte': 65632256, 'ops': 2727919, 'norm_ops': 64094, 'norm_ltcy': 15.619053990769418, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:53.036000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:53.036000",
+ "bytes": 2793389056,
+ "norm_byte": 65632256,
+ "ops": 2727919,
+ "norm_ops": 64094,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.619053990769418,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80e3d5c0dbc8e5a7a872b09e0aee3080c53b9c25ec4069b8afdd9856ff25ccaa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:54.037000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:54.037000', 'bytes': 2859291648, 'norm_byte': 65902592, 'ops': 2792277, 'norm_ops': 64358, 'norm_ltcy': 15.555093796614251, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:54.037000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:54.037000",
+ "bytes": 2859291648,
+ "norm_byte": 65902592,
+ "ops": 2792277,
+ "norm_ops": 64358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.555093796614251,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c49413894310ed7d2c0ad986dabfc9424f2837594c1bbee9499313021e15c042",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:55.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:55.038000', 'bytes': 2925073408, 'norm_byte': 65781760, 'ops': 2856517, 'norm_ops': 64240, 'norm_ltcy': 15.583571342572773, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:55.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:55.038000",
+ "bytes": 2925073408,
+ "norm_byte": 65781760,
+ "ops": 2856517,
+ "norm_ops": 64240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.583571342572773,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b296c5369aa613e9497a59f476440dcf619eb8ec8d1ea10757355d8b51207a1b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:56.039000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:56.039000', 'bytes': 2990961664, 'norm_byte': 65888256, 'ops': 2920861, 'norm_ops': 64344, 'norm_ltcy': 15.558778031702644, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:56.039000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:56.039000",
+ "bytes": 2990961664,
+ "norm_byte": 65888256,
+ "ops": 2920861,
+ "norm_ops": 64344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.558778031702644,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f22b37440d2a71de3bd7ad975b03d31c55a249f3c0a5d8924ea293a30669db4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:57.040000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:57.040000', 'bytes': 3043361792, 'norm_byte': 52400128, 'ops': 2972033, 'norm_ops': 51172, 'norm_ltcy': 19.56345889078744, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:57.040000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:57.040000",
+ "bytes": 3043361792,
+ "norm_byte": 52400128,
+ "ops": 2972033,
+ "norm_ops": 51172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.56345889078744,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "965aed610a367b780718ab0fd9e47e614b79b62693f30fdbf887b13c50326506",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:58.041000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:58.041000', 'bytes': 3108989952, 'norm_byte': 65628160, 'ops': 3036123, 'norm_ops': 64090, 'norm_ltcy': 15.620242133864487, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:58.041000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:58.041000",
+ "bytes": 3108989952,
+ "norm_byte": 65628160,
+ "ops": 3036123,
+ "norm_ops": 64090,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.620242133864487,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9321e4732ea91a0e5fdde480c95c219dc653874b8c13d288a6bf2a7eaeb02dfb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:34:59.042000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:34:59.042000', 'bytes': 3174667264, 'norm_byte': 65677312, 'ops': 3100261, 'norm_ops': 64138, 'norm_ltcy': 15.608373253765318, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:34:59.042000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:34:59.042000",
+ "bytes": 3174667264,
+ "norm_byte": 65677312,
+ "ops": 3100261,
+ "norm_ops": 64138,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.608373253765318,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4cdb3320d27b72ca26e684e6ce8c8b3067b0546967ebad2f80227ea77593f757",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:35:00.043000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:35:00.043000', 'bytes': 3239824384, 'norm_byte': 65157120, 'ops': 3163891, 'norm_ops': 63630, 'norm_ltcy': 15.73324987353646, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:35:00.043000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:35:00.043000",
+ "bytes": 3239824384,
+ "norm_byte": 65157120,
+ "ops": 3163891,
+ "norm_ops": 63630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.73324987353646,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14e5eaf6723b368e4ceaa4573c6b7e913ca8a745aab27d204d9547531fe0c8bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:35:01.045000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:35:01.045000', 'bytes': 3296039936, 'norm_byte': 56215552, 'ops': 3218789, 'norm_ops': 54898, 'norm_ltcy': 18.2357188274163, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:35:01.045000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:35:01.045000",
+ "bytes": 3296039936,
+ "norm_byte": 56215552,
+ "ops": 3218789,
+ "norm_ops": 54898,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.2357188274163,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9dedd6a5496b37b28c2b4ed9d550e3656c7c177daac251d39277131f3fcf4d88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:35:02.046000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:35:02.046000', 'bytes': 3341190144, 'norm_byte': 45150208, 'ops': 3262881, 'norm_ops': 44092, 'norm_ltcy': 22.704640696228907, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:35:02.046000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:35:02.046000",
+ "bytes": 3341190144,
+ "norm_byte": 45150208,
+ "ops": 3262881,
+ "norm_ops": 44092,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.704640696228907,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1b309a5e6784d86244ecb25713e2c7c0ac019d2dca66d3315993eb920315214",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:35:03.047000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:35:03.047000', 'bytes': 3391739904, 'norm_byte': 50549760, 'ops': 3312246, 'norm_ops': 49365, 'norm_ltcy': 20.27957699502431, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:35:03.047000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:35:03.047000",
+ "bytes": 3391739904,
+ "norm_byte": 50549760,
+ "ops": 3312246,
+ "norm_ops": 49365,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.27957699502431,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ab6d896a8c7e5ef2373206b83381a411783fe4d5d52891dbcf1a0e7b2edf534",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:35:04.048000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:35:04.048000', 'bytes': 3455396864, 'norm_byte': 63656960, 'ops': 3374411, 'norm_ops': 62165, 'norm_ltcy': 16.103781110502293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:35:04.048000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:35:04.048000",
+ "bytes": 3455396864,
+ "norm_byte": 63656960,
+ "ops": 3374411,
+ "norm_ops": 62165,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.103781110502293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7aea887c6f97599f94169a3b5a35d4638cf45fa222e9f92b7dcf82dc35ff92b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:35:05.049000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:35:05.049000', 'bytes': 3519790080, 'norm_byte': 64393216, 'ops': 3437295, 'norm_ops': 62884, 'norm_ltcy': 15.919708840136204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:35:05.049000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:35:05.049000",
+ "bytes": 3519790080,
+ "norm_byte": 64393216,
+ "ops": 3437295,
+ "norm_ops": 62884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.919708840136204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ac6ff800c9d9578b8e8162c8aa7444aa66789382146572be5fbe5b84af05ccf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:35:06.049000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:35:06.049000', 'bytes': 3570088960, 'norm_byte': 50298880, 'ops': 3486415, 'norm_ops': 49120, 'norm_ltcy': 20.366203979094564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:35:06.049000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:35:06.049000",
+ "bytes": 3570088960,
+ "norm_byte": 50298880,
+ "ops": 3486415,
+ "norm_ops": 49120,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.366203979094564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c654fc75e071532b88dc7ca11930e7bf4976e8450dd267aa846ee9d14c3b049",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:35:07.251000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:35:07.251000', 'bytes': 3607456768, 'norm_byte': 37367808, 'ops': 3522907, 'norm_ops': 36492, 'norm_ltcy': 32.91917069366231, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:35:07.251000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:35:07.251000",
+ "bytes": 3607456768,
+ "norm_byte": 37367808,
+ "ops": 3522907,
+ "norm_ops": 36492,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.91917069366231,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a57172c6-3ce7-5a6b-b6af-4917e2bcb67b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88dc5c676781364c908ed8acbc51cdb083e4f02e2191c6e59c2075abd3c814a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 61143335.050847456
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 59710.28813559322
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 20.640190667962223
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:35:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-090-220519223123/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-090-220519223123/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66bc6d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-090-220519223123/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-090-220519223123/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-090-220519223123/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-090-220519223123/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-090-220519223123/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-090-220519223123/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35721f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-090-220519223123/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=50
+ net.core.busy_poll=70
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-091-220519223324/220519223324-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-091-220519223324/220519223324-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2cfdc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-091-220519223324/220519223324-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:36:07Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999768323.4834 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999769324.5991 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999769324.6887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999770324.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:38708224 nr_ops:37801\ntimestamp_ms:1652999771325.9548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:68692992 nr_ops:67083\ntimestamp_ms:1652999772327.0723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81953792 nr_ops:80033\ntimestamp_ms:1652999773328.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:109777920 nr_ops:107205\ntimestamp_ms:1652999774329.2656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155032576 nr_ops:151399\ntimestamp_ms:1652999775329.8606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:171164672 nr_ops:167153\ntimestamp_ms:1652999776330.9739 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189897728 nr_ops:185447\ntimestamp_ms:1652999777332.0767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200043520 nr_ops:195355\ntimestamp_ms:1652999778333.1960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:205650944 nr_ops:200831\ntimestamp_ms:1652999779334.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:224044032 nr_ops:218793\ntimestamp_ms:1652999780335.4031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:262548480 nr_ops:256395\ntimestamp_ms:1652999781336.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272139264 nr_ops:265761\ntimestamp_ms:1652999782337.6111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:286333952 nr_ops:279623\ntimestamp_ms:1652999783338.0649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:324447232 nr_ops:316843\ntimestamp_ms:1652999784339.1550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:349372416 nr_ops:341184\ntimestamp_ms:1652999785339.8628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:374277120 nr_ops:365505\ntimestamp_ms:1652999786340.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398898176 nr_ops:389549\ntimestamp_ms:1652999787342.0779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:421551104 nr_ops:411671\ntimestamp_ms:1652999788343.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447007744 nr_ops:436531\ntimestamp_ms:1652999789344.3528 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:473486336 nr_ops:462389\ntimestamp_ms:1652999790345.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:497871872 nr_ops:486203\ntimestamp_ms:1652999791346.5684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:519808000 nr_ops:507625\ntimestamp_ms:1652999792347.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548361216 nr_ops:535509\ntimestamp_ms:1652999793348.7690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566209536 nr_ops:552939\ntimestamp_ms:1652999794349.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:590087168 nr_ops:576257\ntimestamp_ms:1652999795350.9890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:607540224 nr_ops:593301\ntimestamp_ms:1652999796352.1079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:625572864 nr_ops:610911\ntimestamp_ms:1652999797353.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:645491712 nr_ops:630363\ntimestamp_ms:1652999798354.3472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676910080 nr_ops:661045\ntimestamp_ms:1652999799355.4558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700517376 nr_ops:684099\ntimestamp_ms:1652999800356.5146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:712483840 nr_ops:695785\ntimestamp_ms:1652999801357.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:723033088 nr_ops:706087\ntimestamp_ms:1652999802358.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744469504 nr_ops:727021\ntimestamp_ms:1652999803359.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762758144 nr_ops:744881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999804360.9604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:780108800 nr_ops:761825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999805362.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793390080 nr_ops:774795\ntimestamp_ms:1652999806363.0935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830241792 nr_ops:810783\ntimestamp_ms:1652999807364.1956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:864844800 nr_ops:844575\ntimestamp_ms:1652999808365.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893168640 nr_ops:872235\ntimestamp_ms:1652999809366.3533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:914725888 nr_ops:893287\ntimestamp_ms:1652999810367.4480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:929397760 nr_ops:907615\ntimestamp_ms:1652999811368.5562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978760704 nr_ops:955821\ntimestamp_ms:1652999812369.6526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005341696 nr_ops:981779\ntimestamp_ms:1652999813370.7502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019800576 nr_ops:995899\ntimestamp_ms:1652999814371.8486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1040149504 nr_ops:1015771\ntimestamp_ms:1652999815372.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060842496 nr_ops:1035979\ntimestamp_ms:1652999816374.0779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089668096 nr_ops:1064129\ntimestamp_ms:1652999817374.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1113881600 nr_ops:1087775\ntimestamp_ms:1652999818375.9434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1148806144 nr_ops:1121881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999819377.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1174076416 nr_ops:1146559\ntimestamp_ms:1652999820378.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201757184 nr_ops:1173591\ntimestamp_ms:1652999821378.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1226615808 nr_ops:1197867\ntimestamp_ms:1652999822379.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250571264 nr_ops:1221261\ntimestamp_ms:1652999823380.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1283412992 nr_ops:1253333\ntimestamp_ms:1652999824382.0615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1314292736 nr_ops:1283489\ntimestamp_ms:1652999825383.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1325923328 nr_ops:1294847\ntimestamp_ms:1652999826383.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1337097216 nr_ops:1305759\ntimestamp_ms:1652999827384.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1360253952 nr_ops:1328373\ntimestamp_ms:1652999828386.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1394387968 nr_ops:1361707\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140181572245248\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.3735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413993472 nr_ops:1380853\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.4089 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.4121 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829687.6104 name:Total nr_bytes:1413993472 nr_ops:1380854\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.4985 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2827986942 nr_ops:2761708\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.4990 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1413993472 nr_ops:1380856\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 284.45us 0.00ns 284.45us 284.45us \nTxn1 690427 86.96us 0.00ns 209.63ms 18.62us \nTxn2 1 34.23us 0.00ns 34.23us 34.23us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 283.84us 0.00ns 283.84us 283.84us \nwrite 690427 2.87us 0.00ns 106.08us 2.11us \nread 690426 84.02us 0.00ns 209.63ms 2.45us \ndisconnect 1 33.97us 0.00ns 33.97us 33.97us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 11074 11074 96.55Mb/s 96.55Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.186 62.37s 1.32GB 181.38Mb/s 1380855 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.32GB 181.38Mb/s 1380856 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416137, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999768323.4834 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999769324.5991 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999769324.6887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999770324.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:38708224 nr_ops:37801\ntimestamp_ms:1652999771325.9548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:68692992 nr_ops:67083\ntimestamp_ms:1652999772327.0723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81953792 nr_ops:80033\ntimestamp_ms:1652999773328.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:109777920 nr_ops:107205\ntimestamp_ms:1652999774329.2656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155032576 nr_ops:151399\ntimestamp_ms:1652999775329.8606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:171164672 nr_ops:167153\ntimestamp_ms:1652999776330.9739 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189897728 nr_ops:185447\ntimestamp_ms:1652999777332.0767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200043520 nr_ops:195355\ntimestamp_ms:1652999778333.1960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:205650944 nr_ops:200831\ntimestamp_ms:1652999779334.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:224044032 nr_ops:218793\ntimestamp_ms:1652999780335.4031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:262548480 nr_ops:256395\ntimestamp_ms:1652999781336.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272139264 nr_ops:265761\ntimestamp_ms:1652999782337.6111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:286333952 nr_ops:279623\ntimestamp_ms:1652999783338.0649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:324447232 nr_ops:316843\ntimestamp_ms:1652999784339.1550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:349372416 nr_ops:341184\ntimestamp_ms:1652999785339.8628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:374277120 nr_ops:365505\ntimestamp_ms:1652999786340.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398898176 nr_ops:389549\ntimestamp_ms:1652999787342.0779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:421551104 nr_ops:411671\ntimestamp_ms:1652999788343.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447007744 nr_ops:436531\ntimestamp_ms:1652999789344.3528 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:473486336 nr_ops:462389\ntimestamp_ms:1652999790345.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:497871872 nr_ops:486203\ntimestamp_ms:1652999791346.5684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:519808000 nr_ops:507625\ntimestamp_ms:1652999792347.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548361216 nr_ops:535509\ntimestamp_ms:1652999793348.7690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566209536 nr_ops:552939\ntimestamp_ms:1652999794349.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:590087168 nr_ops:576257\ntimestamp_ms:1652999795350.9890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:607540224 nr_ops:593301\ntimestamp_ms:1652999796352.1079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:625572864 nr_ops:610911\ntimestamp_ms:1652999797353.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:645491712 nr_ops:630363\ntimestamp_ms:1652999798354.3472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676910080 nr_ops:661045\ntimestamp_ms:1652999799355.4558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700517376 nr_ops:684099\ntimestamp_ms:1652999800356.5146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:712483840 nr_ops:695785\ntimestamp_ms:1652999801357.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:723033088 nr_ops:706087\ntimestamp_ms:1652999802358.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744469504 nr_ops:727021\ntimestamp_ms:1652999803359.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762758144 nr_ops:744881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999804360.9604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:780108800 nr_ops:761825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999805362.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793390080 nr_ops:774795\ntimestamp_ms:1652999806363.0935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830241792 nr_ops:810783\ntimestamp_ms:1652999807364.1956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:864844800 nr_ops:844575\ntimestamp_ms:1652999808365.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893168640 nr_ops:872235\ntimestamp_ms:1652999809366.3533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:914725888 nr_ops:893287\ntimestamp_ms:1652999810367.4480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:929397760 nr_ops:907615\ntimestamp_ms:1652999811368.5562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978760704 nr_ops:955821\ntimestamp_ms:1652999812369.6526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005341696 nr_ops:981779\ntimestamp_ms:1652999813370.7502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019800576 nr_ops:995899\ntimestamp_ms:1652999814371.8486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1040149504 nr_ops:1015771\ntimestamp_ms:1652999815372.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060842496 nr_ops:1035979\ntimestamp_ms:1652999816374.0779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089668096 nr_ops:1064129\ntimestamp_ms:1652999817374.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1113881600 nr_ops:1087775\ntimestamp_ms:1652999818375.9434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1148806144 nr_ops:1121881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999819377.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1174076416 nr_ops:1146559\ntimestamp_ms:1652999820378.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201757184 nr_ops:1173591\ntimestamp_ms:1652999821378.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1226615808 nr_ops:1197867\ntimestamp_ms:1652999822379.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250571264 nr_ops:1221261\ntimestamp_ms:1652999823380.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1283412992 nr_ops:1253333\ntimestamp_ms:1652999824382.0615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1314292736 nr_ops:1283489\ntimestamp_ms:1652999825383.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1325923328 nr_ops:1294847\ntimestamp_ms:1652999826383.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1337097216 nr_ops:1305759\ntimestamp_ms:1652999827384.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1360253952 nr_ops:1328373\ntimestamp_ms:1652999828386.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1394387968 nr_ops:1361707\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140181572245248\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.3735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413993472 nr_ops:1380853\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.4089 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.4121 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829687.6104 name:Total nr_bytes:1413993472 nr_ops:1380854\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.4985 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2827986942 nr_ops:2761708\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.4990 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1413993472 nr_ops:1380856\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 284.45us 0.00ns 284.45us 284.45us \nTxn1 690427 86.96us 0.00ns 209.63ms 18.62us \nTxn2 1 34.23us 0.00ns 34.23us 34.23us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 283.84us 0.00ns 283.84us 283.84us \nwrite 690427 2.87us 0.00ns 106.08us 2.11us \nread 690426 84.02us 0.00ns 209.63ms 2.45us \ndisconnect 1 33.97us 0.00ns 33.97us 33.97us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 11074 11074 96.55Mb/s 96.55Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.186 62.37s 1.32GB 181.38Mb/s 1380855 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.32GB 181.38Mb/s 1380856 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416137, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999768323.4834 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999769324.5991 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999769324.6887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999770324.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:38708224 nr_ops:37801\ntimestamp_ms:1652999771325.9548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:68692992 nr_ops:67083\ntimestamp_ms:1652999772327.0723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81953792 nr_ops:80033\ntimestamp_ms:1652999773328.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:109777920 nr_ops:107205\ntimestamp_ms:1652999774329.2656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155032576 nr_ops:151399\ntimestamp_ms:1652999775329.8606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:171164672 nr_ops:167153\ntimestamp_ms:1652999776330.9739 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189897728 nr_ops:185447\ntimestamp_ms:1652999777332.0767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200043520 nr_ops:195355\ntimestamp_ms:1652999778333.1960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:205650944 nr_ops:200831\ntimestamp_ms:1652999779334.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:224044032 nr_ops:218793\ntimestamp_ms:1652999780335.4031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:262548480 nr_ops:256395\ntimestamp_ms:1652999781336.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272139264 nr_ops:265761\ntimestamp_ms:1652999782337.6111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:286333952 nr_ops:279623\ntimestamp_ms:1652999783338.0649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:324447232 nr_ops:316843\ntimestamp_ms:1652999784339.1550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:349372416 nr_ops:341184\ntimestamp_ms:1652999785339.8628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:374277120 nr_ops:365505\ntimestamp_ms:1652999786340.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398898176 nr_ops:389549\ntimestamp_ms:1652999787342.0779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:421551104 nr_ops:411671\ntimestamp_ms:1652999788343.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447007744 nr_ops:436531\ntimestamp_ms:1652999789344.3528 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:473486336 nr_ops:462389\ntimestamp_ms:1652999790345.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:497871872 nr_ops:486203\ntimestamp_ms:1652999791346.5684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:519808000 nr_ops:507625\ntimestamp_ms:1652999792347.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548361216 nr_ops:535509\ntimestamp_ms:1652999793348.7690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566209536 nr_ops:552939\ntimestamp_ms:1652999794349.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:590087168 nr_ops:576257\ntimestamp_ms:1652999795350.9890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:607540224 nr_ops:593301\ntimestamp_ms:1652999796352.1079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:625572864 nr_ops:610911\ntimestamp_ms:1652999797353.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:645491712 nr_ops:630363\ntimestamp_ms:1652999798354.3472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676910080 nr_ops:661045\ntimestamp_ms:1652999799355.4558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700517376 nr_ops:684099\ntimestamp_ms:1652999800356.5146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:712483840 nr_ops:695785\ntimestamp_ms:1652999801357.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:723033088 nr_ops:706087\ntimestamp_ms:1652999802358.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744469504 nr_ops:727021\ntimestamp_ms:1652999803359.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762758144 nr_ops:744881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999804360.9604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:780108800 nr_ops:761825\ntimestamp_ms:1652999805362.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793390080 nr_ops:774795\ntimestamp_ms:1652999806363.0935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830241792 nr_ops:810783\ntimestamp_ms:1652999807364.1956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:864844800 nr_ops:844575\ntimestamp_ms:1652999808365.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893168640 nr_ops:872235\ntimestamp_ms:1652999809366.3533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:914725888 nr_ops:893287\ntimestamp_ms:1652999810367.4480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:929397760 nr_ops:907615\ntimestamp_ms:1652999811368.5562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978760704 nr_ops:955821\ntimestamp_ms:1652999812369.6526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005341696 nr_ops:981779\ntimestamp_ms:1652999813370.7502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019800576 nr_ops:995899\ntimestamp_ms:1652999814371.8486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1040149504 nr_ops:1015771\ntimestamp_ms:1652999815372.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060842496 nr_ops:1035979\ntimestamp_ms:1652999816374.0779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089668096 nr_ops:1064129\ntimestamp_ms:1652999817374.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1113881600 nr_ops:1087775\ntimestamp_ms:1652999818375.9434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1148806144 nr_ops:1121881\ntimestamp_ms:1652999819377.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1174076416 nr_ops:1146559\ntimestamp_ms:1652999820378.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201757184 nr_ops:1173591\ntimestamp_ms:1652999821378.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1226615808 nr_ops:1197867\ntimestamp_ms:1652999822379.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250571264 nr_ops:1221261\ntimestamp_ms:1652999823380.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1283412992 nr_ops:1253333\ntimestamp_ms:1652999824382.0615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1314292736 nr_ops:1283489\ntimestamp_ms:1652999825383.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1325923328 nr_ops:1294847\ntimestamp_ms:1652999826383.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1337097216 nr_ops:1305759\ntimestamp_ms:1652999827384.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1360253952 nr_ops:1328373\ntimestamp_ms:1652999828386.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1394387968 nr_ops:1361707\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140181572245248\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.3735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413993472 nr_ops:1380853\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.4089 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.4121 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829687.6104 name:Total nr_bytes:1413993472 nr_ops:1380854\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.4985 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2827986942 nr_ops:2761708\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999829587.4990 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1413993472 nr_ops:1380856\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 284.45us 0.00ns 284.45us 284.45us \nTxn1 690427 86.96us 0.00ns 209.63ms 18.62us \nTxn2 1 34.23us 0.00ns 34.23us 34.23us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 283.84us 0.00ns 283.84us 283.84us \nwrite 690427 2.87us 0.00ns 106.08us 2.11us \nread 690426 84.02us 0.00ns 209.63ms 2.45us \ndisconnect 1 33.97us 0.00ns 33.97us 33.97us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 11074 11074 96.55Mb/s 96.55Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.186 62.37s 1.32GB 181.38Mb/s 1380855 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.32GB 181.38Mb/s 1380856 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416137, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999768323.4834 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999769324.5991 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999769324.6887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999770324.8455 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:38708224 nr_ops:37801
+timestamp_ms:1652999771325.9548 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:68692992 nr_ops:67083
+timestamp_ms:1652999772327.0723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81953792 nr_ops:80033
+timestamp_ms:1652999773328.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:109777920 nr_ops:107205
+timestamp_ms:1652999774329.2656 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:155032576 nr_ops:151399
+timestamp_ms:1652999775329.8606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:171164672 nr_ops:167153
+timestamp_ms:1652999776330.9739 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189897728 nr_ops:185447
+timestamp_ms:1652999777332.0767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:200043520 nr_ops:195355
+timestamp_ms:1652999778333.1960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:205650944 nr_ops:200831
+timestamp_ms:1652999779334.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:224044032 nr_ops:218793
+timestamp_ms:1652999780335.4031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:262548480 nr_ops:256395
+timestamp_ms:1652999781336.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272139264 nr_ops:265761
+timestamp_ms:1652999782337.6111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:286333952 nr_ops:279623
+timestamp_ms:1652999783338.0649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:324447232 nr_ops:316843
+timestamp_ms:1652999784339.1550 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:349372416 nr_ops:341184
+timestamp_ms:1652999785339.8628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:374277120 nr_ops:365505
+timestamp_ms:1652999786340.9546 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:398898176 nr_ops:389549
+timestamp_ms:1652999787342.0779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:421551104 nr_ops:411671
+timestamp_ms:1652999788343.1772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:447007744 nr_ops:436531
+timestamp_ms:1652999789344.3528 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:473486336 nr_ops:462389
+timestamp_ms:1652999790345.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:497871872 nr_ops:486203
+timestamp_ms:1652999791346.5684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:519808000 nr_ops:507625
+timestamp_ms:1652999792347.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548361216 nr_ops:535509
+timestamp_ms:1652999793348.7690 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:566209536 nr_ops:552939
+timestamp_ms:1652999794349.8694 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:590087168 nr_ops:576257
+timestamp_ms:1652999795350.9890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:607540224 nr_ops:593301
+timestamp_ms:1652999796352.1079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:625572864 nr_ops:610911
+timestamp_ms:1652999797353.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:645491712 nr_ops:630363
+timestamp_ms:1652999798354.3472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676910080 nr_ops:661045
+timestamp_ms:1652999799355.4558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700517376 nr_ops:684099
+timestamp_ms:1652999800356.5146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:712483840 nr_ops:695785
+timestamp_ms:1652999801357.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:723033088 nr_ops:706087
+timestamp_ms:1652999802358.7471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:744469504 nr_ops:727021
+timestamp_ms:1652999803359.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:762758144 nr_ops:744881
+timestamp_ms:1652999804360.9604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:780108800 nr_ops:761825
+timestamp_ms:1652999805362.0552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:793390080 nr_ops:774795
+timestamp_ms:1652999806363.0935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830241792 nr_ops:810783
+timestamp_ms:1652999807364.1956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:864844800 nr_ops:844575
+timestamp_ms:1652999808365.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:893168640 nr_ops:872235
+timestamp_ms:1652999809366.3533 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:914725888 nr_ops:893287
+timestamp_ms:1652999810367.4480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:929397760 nr_ops:907615
+timestamp_ms:1652999811368.5562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:978760704 nr_ops:955821
+timestamp_ms:1652999812369.6526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005341696 nr_ops:981779
+timestamp_ms:1652999813370.7502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1019800576 nr_ops:995899
+timestamp_ms:1652999814371.8486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1040149504 nr_ops:1015771
+timestamp_ms:1652999815372.9792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060842496 nr_ops:1035979
+timestamp_ms:1652999816374.0779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089668096 nr_ops:1064129
+timestamp_ms:1652999817374.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1113881600 nr_ops:1087775
+timestamp_ms:1652999818375.9434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1148806144 nr_ops:1121881
+timestamp_ms:1652999819377.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1174076416 nr_ops:1146559
+timestamp_ms:1652999820378.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1201757184 nr_ops:1173591
+timestamp_ms:1652999821378.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1226615808 nr_ops:1197867
+timestamp_ms:1652999822379.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1250571264 nr_ops:1221261
+timestamp_ms:1652999823380.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1283412992 nr_ops:1253333
+timestamp_ms:1652999824382.0615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1314292736 nr_ops:1283489
+timestamp_ms:1652999825383.1523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1325923328 nr_ops:1294847
+timestamp_ms:1652999826383.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1337097216 nr_ops:1305759
+timestamp_ms:1652999827384.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1360253952 nr_ops:1328373
+timestamp_ms:1652999828386.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1394387968 nr_ops:1361707
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140181572245248
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652999829587.3735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413993472 nr_ops:1380853
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999829587.4089 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999829587.4121 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999829687.6104 name:Total nr_bytes:1413993472 nr_ops:1380854
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999829587.4985 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2827986942 nr_ops:2761708
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999829587.4990 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1413993472 nr_ops:1380856
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 284.45us 0.00ns 284.45us 284.45us
+Txn1 690427 86.96us 0.00ns 209.63ms 18.62us
+Txn2 1 34.23us 0.00ns 34.23us 34.23us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 283.84us 0.00ns 283.84us 283.84us
+write 690427 2.87us 0.00ns 106.08us 2.11us
+read 690426 84.02us 0.00ns 209.63ms 2.45us
+disconnect 1 33.97us 0.00ns 33.97us 33.97us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 11074 11074 96.55Mb/s 96.55Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.36b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.186 62.37s 1.32GB 181.38Mb/s 1380855 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.32GB 181.38Mb/s 1380856 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:10.324000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:10.324000', 'bytes': 38708224, 'norm_byte': 38708224, 'ops': 37801, 'norm_ops': 37801, 'norm_ltcy': 26.458473010799977, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:10.324000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:10.324000",
+ "bytes": 38708224,
+ "norm_byte": 38708224,
+ "ops": 37801,
+ "norm_ops": 37801,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.458473010799977,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9824f5ca0ec64bcb2a7b64744360d1e6600ec0d7000b1ee895b14919c44b189b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:11.325000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:11.325000', 'bytes': 68692992, 'norm_byte': 29984768, 'ops': 67083, 'norm_ops': 29282, 'norm_ltcy': 34.18855867085582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:11.325000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:11.325000",
+ "bytes": 68692992,
+ "norm_byte": 29984768,
+ "ops": 67083,
+ "norm_ops": 29282,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.18855867085582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79ddc110f70c4125d162ef3c11beed19210b92a233e833c0b2b681be03a1434c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:12.327000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:12.327000', 'bytes': 81953792, 'norm_byte': 13260800, 'ops': 80033, 'norm_ops': 12950, 'norm_ltcy': 77.30636537765444, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:12.327000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:12.327000",
+ "bytes": 81953792,
+ "norm_byte": 13260800,
+ "ops": 80033,
+ "norm_ops": 12950,
+ "norm_ltcy": 77.30636537765444,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a6f7a5dfd499173bdcbefe9f048cf3e8f1441ac818dab036b820cff70793d20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:13.328000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:13.328000', 'bytes': 109777920, 'norm_byte': 27824128, 'ops': 107205, 'norm_ops': 27172, 'norm_ltcy': 36.842044070527564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:13.328000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:13.328000",
+ "bytes": 109777920,
+ "norm_byte": 27824128,
+ "ops": 107205,
+ "norm_ops": 27172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.842044070527564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fbf064ec78351a528a462e2670bc7fa108bb1eb0a0d38cdb3f5e4c56717cfc5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:14.329000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:14.329000', 'bytes': 155032576, 'norm_byte': 45254656, 'ops': 151399, 'norm_ops': 44194, 'norm_ltcy': 22.652879076133072, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:14.329000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:14.329000",
+ "bytes": 155032576,
+ "norm_byte": 45254656,
+ "ops": 151399,
+ "norm_ops": 44194,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.652879076133072,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d62b0554628c1832f4f6379afb9e67741d3e9588111323b1e7ed61f3dbe8489d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:15.329000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:15.329000', 'bytes': 171164672, 'norm_byte': 16132096, 'ops': 167153, 'norm_ops': 15754, 'norm_ltcy': 63.513708943958676, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:15.329000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:15.329000",
+ "bytes": 171164672,
+ "norm_byte": 16132096,
+ "ops": 167153,
+ "norm_ops": 15754,
+ "norm_ltcy": 63.513708943958676,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7febfdf25fd664601d0032e732c1f745f412c785c387611e7a4e26d6d53eba5c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:16.330000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:16.330000', 'bytes': 189897728, 'norm_byte': 18733056, 'ops': 185447, 'norm_ops': 18294, 'norm_ltcy': 54.72358594347874, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:16.330000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:16.330000",
+ "bytes": 189897728,
+ "norm_byte": 18733056,
+ "ops": 185447,
+ "norm_ops": 18294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 54.72358594347874,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9d1f04adb4c553c0f7dadbc7784abb12afbc2452b43238825e0f572f4530724",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:17.332000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:17.332000', 'bytes': 200043520, 'norm_byte': 10145792, 'ops': 195355, 'norm_ops': 9908, 'norm_ltcy': 101.03984489333115, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:17.332000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:17.332000",
+ "bytes": 200043520,
+ "norm_byte": 10145792,
+ "ops": 195355,
+ "norm_ops": 9908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 101.03984489333115,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b57566f5c91c3399216c7ff82d5c872f26043e585963963108a5249dc714953f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:18.333000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:18.333000', 'bytes': 205650944, 'norm_byte': 5607424, 'ops': 200831, 'norm_ops': 5476, 'norm_ltcy': 182.81946398203524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:18.333000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:18.333000",
+ "bytes": 205650944,
+ "norm_byte": 5607424,
+ "ops": 200831,
+ "norm_ops": 5476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 182.81946398203524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba388c08b765b435e7c6292414946aea51b73d961fa2276c031c7db11c61846b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:19.334000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:19.334000', 'bytes': 224044032, 'norm_byte': 18393088, 'ops': 218793, 'norm_ops': 17962, 'norm_ltcy': 55.73497228959052, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:19.334000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:19.334000",
+ "bytes": 224044032,
+ "norm_byte": 18393088,
+ "ops": 218793,
+ "norm_ops": 17962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 55.73497228959052,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ee4cdecc8a1582115c15f5c0c1408b913e04456b47c9a896993756db6d9a0b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:20.335000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:20.335000', 'bytes': 262548480, 'norm_byte': 38504448, 'ops': 256395, 'norm_ops': 37602, 'norm_ltcy': 26.6234630866543, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:20.335000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:20.335000",
+ "bytes": 262548480,
+ "norm_byte": 38504448,
+ "ops": 256395,
+ "norm_ops": 37602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.6234630866543,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be5917b777154727ed62245cd1800abc0af40a91175e789b91e53b28c2d66016",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:21.336000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:21.336000', 'bytes': 272139264, 'norm_byte': 9590784, 'ops': 265761, 'norm_ops': 9366, 'norm_ltcy': 106.88680404021193, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:21.336000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:21.336000",
+ "bytes": 272139264,
+ "norm_byte": 9590784,
+ "ops": 265761,
+ "norm_ops": 9366,
+ "norm_ltcy": 106.88680404021193,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3088a7b5f1c86750339b44ab3df9bb81e2eb5a6fca452f75a985f06e0b105a4c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:22.337000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:22.337000', 'bytes': 286333952, 'norm_byte': 14194688, 'ops': 279623, 'norm_ops': 13862, 'norm_ltcy': 72.21946336545051, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:22.337000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:22.337000",
+ "bytes": 286333952,
+ "norm_byte": 14194688,
+ "ops": 279623,
+ "norm_ops": 13862,
+ "norm_ltcy": 72.21946336545051,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9002146080f072ad334179fd882a533ac29a7ace901785a2bbae7fa51e63409",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:23.338000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:23.338000', 'bytes': 324447232, 'norm_byte': 38113280, 'ops': 316843, 'norm_ops': 37220, 'norm_ltcy': 26.87946957071131, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:23.338000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:23.338000",
+ "bytes": 324447232,
+ "norm_byte": 38113280,
+ "ops": 316843,
+ "norm_ops": 37220,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.87946957071131,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0bb266ef2e6d62b45ce9587bca2e93381c773ada9a081c706ee61d1edc7034fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:24.339000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:24.339000', 'bytes': 349372416, 'norm_byte': 24925184, 'ops': 341184, 'norm_ops': 24341, 'norm_ltcy': 41.12773049137772, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:24.339000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:24.339000",
+ "bytes": 349372416,
+ "norm_byte": 24925184,
+ "ops": 341184,
+ "norm_ops": 24341,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.12773049137772,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "02fd69341c276d8fa54940793105fe86bee4580ccb11ccf54a9af5d7e0650509",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:25.339000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:25.339000', 'bytes': 374277120, 'norm_byte': 24904704, 'ops': 365505, 'norm_ops': 24321, 'norm_ltcy': 41.14583132568048, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:25.339000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:25.339000",
+ "bytes": 374277120,
+ "norm_byte": 24904704,
+ "ops": 365505,
+ "norm_ops": 24321,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.14583132568048,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d0a4675f29be91a93c6599ce0329b2847738f8f36c2b973098324002fdc9b1b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:26.340000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:26.340000', 'bytes': 398898176, 'norm_byte': 24621056, 'ops': 389549, 'norm_ops': 24044, 'norm_ltcy': 41.63582585572284, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:26.340000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:26.340000",
+ "bytes": 398898176,
+ "norm_byte": 24621056,
+ "ops": 389549,
+ "norm_ops": 24044,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.63582585572284,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a9cf37d1953c646de11d177cd0d55dc28be728d763fbad455add42d6b1772a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:27.342000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:27.342000', 'bytes': 421551104, 'norm_byte': 22652928, 'ops': 411671, 'norm_ops': 22122, 'norm_ltcy': 45.25464655165108, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:27.342000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:27.342000",
+ "bytes": 421551104,
+ "norm_byte": 22652928,
+ "ops": 411671,
+ "norm_ops": 22122,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.25464655165108,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83a00b4611269202d1a207a6751865e419f538cf0197879e0b96d54d0121f7be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:28.343000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:28.343000', 'bytes': 447007744, 'norm_byte': 25456640, 'ops': 436531, 'norm_ops': 24860, 'norm_ltcy': 40.2694837181969, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:28.343000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:28.343000",
+ "bytes": 447007744,
+ "norm_byte": 25456640,
+ "ops": 436531,
+ "norm_ops": 24860,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.2694837181969,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "917a2f4546cfa93d601867a902fb08e368fc14606caee61a0c8420226d260105",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:29.344000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:29.344000', 'bytes': 473486336, 'norm_byte': 26478592, 'ops': 462389, 'norm_ops': 25858, 'norm_ltcy': 38.71821243365206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:29.344000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:29.344000",
+ "bytes": 473486336,
+ "norm_byte": 26478592,
+ "ops": 462389,
+ "norm_ops": 25858,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.71821243365206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19cf331d5cd36c5a17ecb4dae5e102b782e00ed47a6ab40abf56b7bd3a06865c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:30.345000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:30.345000', 'bytes': 497871872, 'norm_byte': 24385536, 'ops': 486203, 'norm_ops': 23814, 'norm_ltcy': 42.0387724920215, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:30.345000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:30.345000",
+ "bytes": 497871872,
+ "norm_byte": 24385536,
+ "ops": 486203,
+ "norm_ops": 23814,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.0387724920215,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "018245d43bce1b602534e68c46ce3acf52a4107948189013b2b0ad02b3b67a9c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:31.346000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:31.346000', 'bytes': 519808000, 'norm_byte': 21936128, 'ops': 507625, 'norm_ops': 21422, 'norm_ltcy': 46.73252955124988, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:31.346000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:31.346000",
+ "bytes": 519808000,
+ "norm_byte": 21936128,
+ "ops": 507625,
+ "norm_ops": 21422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 46.73252955124988,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9128bdcea892452b37e9bdaae57533863b4f7b6dc76e215fff9dbe43c3104b59",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:32.347000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:32.347000', 'bytes': 548361216, 'norm_byte': 28553216, 'ops': 535509, 'norm_ops': 27884, 'norm_ltcy': 35.902216759050894, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:32.347000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:32.347000",
+ "bytes": 548361216,
+ "norm_byte": 28553216,
+ "ops": 535509,
+ "norm_ops": 27884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.902216759050894,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "05bb0f0848c8e15190d870600df52b697fc9603ba274b85f63c44b30183cd730",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:33.348000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:33.348000', 'bytes': 566209536, 'norm_byte': 17848320, 'ops': 552939, 'norm_ops': 17430, 'norm_ltcy': 57.435643802890134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:33.348000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:33.348000",
+ "bytes": 566209536,
+ "norm_byte": 17848320,
+ "ops": 552939,
+ "norm_ops": 17430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 57.435643802890134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b169f4aed9de84bc05ec525c334dde72b5e0bf90fb5a69b6094716bc26f99b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:34.349000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:34.349000', 'bytes': 590087168, 'norm_byte': 23877632, 'ops': 576257, 'norm_ops': 23318, 'norm_ltcy': 42.932513157083584, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:34.349000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:34.349000",
+ "bytes": 590087168,
+ "norm_byte": 23877632,
+ "ops": 576257,
+ "norm_ops": 23318,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.932513157083584,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20b6c2f3b5bd6c05bcb6b1e483f8f12a84cc43bf17659d666f8039f89813f4ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:35.350000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:35.350000', 'bytes': 607540224, 'norm_byte': 17453056, 'ops': 593301, 'norm_ops': 17044, 'norm_ltcy': 58.73736381754576, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:35.350000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:35.350000",
+ "bytes": 607540224,
+ "norm_byte": 17453056,
+ "ops": 593301,
+ "norm_ops": 17044,
+ "norm_ltcy": 58.73736381754576,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "545fde6cb1b432f2995f831d0c3dcc5a85d1c27a8ae68adb8d080e8aeea04010",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:36.352000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:36.352000', 'bytes': 625572864, 'norm_byte': 18032640, 'ops': 610911, 'norm_ops': 17610, 'norm_ltcy': 56.84945465555792, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:36.352000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:36.352000",
+ "bytes": 625572864,
+ "norm_byte": 18032640,
+ "ops": 610911,
+ "norm_ops": 17610,
+ "norm_ltcy": 56.84945465555792,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16dc5f86eb9a94883f2945808e90a9e57c841bfd826f8ed948a1db89db8f470c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:37.353000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:37.353000', 'bytes': 645491712, 'norm_byte': 19918848, 'ops': 630363, 'norm_ops': 19452, 'norm_ltcy': 51.46611641396129, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:37.353000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:37.353000",
+ "bytes": 645491712,
+ "norm_byte": 19918848,
+ "ops": 630363,
+ "norm_ops": 19452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 51.46611641396129,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "156885cc06898bb83bde03306b570610770490ac978a7b968a02e07e31f1fe76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:38.354000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:38.354000', 'bytes': 676910080, 'norm_byte': 31418368, 'ops': 661045, 'norm_ops': 30682, 'norm_ltcy': 32.62891471638502, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:38.354000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:38.354000",
+ "bytes": 676910080,
+ "norm_byte": 31418368,
+ "ops": 661045,
+ "norm_ops": 30682,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.62891471638502,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a721dbbb25b07b2bedae0f0906b52f1d29ddf233ca1db118fa19f359ed44e69",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:39.355000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:39.355000', 'bytes': 700517376, 'norm_byte': 23607296, 'ops': 684099, 'norm_ops': 23054, 'norm_ltcy': 43.4245095245131, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:39.355000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:39.355000",
+ "bytes": 700517376,
+ "norm_byte": 23607296,
+ "ops": 684099,
+ "norm_ops": 23054,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.4245095245131,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "921fc8eb08baa8a0d2db99ca01b4cac7e8813ad90b83fe5a0cd6b83f7bdf45b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:40.356000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:40.356000', 'bytes': 712483840, 'norm_byte': 11966464, 'ops': 695785, 'norm_ops': 11686, 'norm_ltcy': 85.66308727457, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:40.356000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:40.356000",
+ "bytes": 712483840,
+ "norm_byte": 11966464,
+ "ops": 695785,
+ "norm_ops": 11686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 85.66308727457,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d359f9739fc0d40283a2dde03b69617caf73baae5171b6d683fc1503096f91bd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:41.357000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:41.357000', 'bytes': 723033088, 'norm_byte': 10549248, 'ops': 706087, 'norm_ops': 10302, 'norm_ltcy': 97.17725851169676, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:41.357000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:41.357000",
+ "bytes": 723033088,
+ "norm_byte": 10549248,
+ "ops": 706087,
+ "norm_ops": 10302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 97.17725851169676,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "911c4d1e8c9ce455a9f81f7a447e296682589cdec00bf2bcc937dc383a22d3a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:42.358000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:42.358000', 'bytes': 744469504, 'norm_byte': 21436416, 'ops': 727021, 'norm_ops': 20934, 'norm_ltcy': 47.82231320758097, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:42.358000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:42.358000",
+ "bytes": 744469504,
+ "norm_byte": 21436416,
+ "ops": 727021,
+ "norm_ops": 20934,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.82231320758097,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9cac7fad92d60ebcff99037f346116495f9733bb12548e5a46200983723d9d0d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:43.359000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:43.359000', 'bytes': 762758144, 'norm_byte': 18288640, 'ops': 744881, 'norm_ops': 17860, 'norm_ltcy': 56.05277374370101, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:43.359000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:43.359000",
+ "bytes": 762758144,
+ "norm_byte": 18288640,
+ "ops": 744881,
+ "norm_ops": 17860,
+ "norm_ltcy": 56.05277374370101,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "382fe146ac0d5cfb3ad2e35f9d967c0197ee66b89ed98c240a632bd6c69559fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:44.360000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:44.360000', 'bytes': 780108800, 'norm_byte': 17350656, 'ops': 761825, 'norm_ops': 16944, 'norm_ltcy': 59.08350093506551, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:44.360000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:44.360000",
+ "bytes": 780108800,
+ "norm_byte": 17350656,
+ "ops": 761825,
+ "norm_ops": 16944,
+ "norm_ltcy": 59.08350093506551,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c504b45c93cdc2d8bbc68fb4070cc09520a3b749fd84396f902d0ecefa4793a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:45.362000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:45.362000', 'bytes': 793390080, 'norm_byte': 13281280, 'ops': 774795, 'norm_ops': 12970, 'norm_ltcy': 77.18540682825751, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:45.362000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:45.362000",
+ "bytes": 793390080,
+ "norm_byte": 13281280,
+ "ops": 774795,
+ "norm_ops": 12970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 77.18540682825751,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "436561bb9626f6af5bc3c4dd620a9c913a47fbb162c2f6d351d2db29c8a3cf58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:46.363000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:46.363000', 'bytes': 830241792, 'norm_byte': 36851712, 'ops': 810783, 'norm_ops': 35988, 'norm_ltcy': 27.81589224402926, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:46.363000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:46.363000",
+ "bytes": 830241792,
+ "norm_byte": 36851712,
+ "ops": 810783,
+ "norm_ops": 35988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.81589224402926,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf5372812b629597eaf41029bf5b0dd7e2274314d29927428859fa29e13e1f66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:47.364000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:47.364000', 'bytes': 864844800, 'norm_byte': 34603008, 'ops': 844575, 'norm_ops': 33792, 'norm_ltcy': 29.625415802001953, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:47.364000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:47.364000",
+ "bytes": 864844800,
+ "norm_byte": 34603008,
+ "ops": 844575,
+ "norm_ops": 33792,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.625415802001953,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0bcf956a4c37ecf0cd4b11e7b239421a61543900a9fd3683c9632dcd7d94aab2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:48.365000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:48.365000', 'bytes': 893168640, 'norm_byte': 28323840, 'ops': 872235, 'norm_ops': 27660, 'norm_ltcy': 36.191358586971255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:48.365000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:48.365000",
+ "bytes": 893168640,
+ "norm_byte": 28323840,
+ "ops": 872235,
+ "norm_ops": 27660,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.191358586971255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75f4df632ffd01ba509c92ccedb48d4bc898253d51e4a9912252193cc7690e06",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:49.366000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:49.366000', 'bytes': 914725888, 'norm_byte': 21557248, 'ops': 893287, 'norm_ops': 21052, 'norm_ltcy': 47.553901592633714, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:49.366000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:49.366000",
+ "bytes": 914725888,
+ "norm_byte": 21557248,
+ "ops": 893287,
+ "norm_ops": 21052,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.553901592633714,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f4dbff5efa9e54e067f1f38f286deb2ce6f7ebae9a02de895d9a9d0bbff4641b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:50.367000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:50.367000', 'bytes': 929397760, 'norm_byte': 14671872, 'ops': 907615, 'norm_ops': 14328, 'norm_ltcy': 69.8698162034129, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:50.367000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:50.367000",
+ "bytes": 929397760,
+ "norm_byte": 14671872,
+ "ops": 907615,
+ "norm_ops": 14328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 69.8698162034129,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0cb5c3ae045b7df4d260a86403b89f540c2a15da34656aebaa38c59412531b17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:51.368000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:51.368000', 'bytes': 978760704, 'norm_byte': 49362944, 'ops': 955821, 'norm_ops': 48206, 'norm_ltcy': 20.767293579572563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:51.368000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:51.368000",
+ "bytes": 978760704,
+ "norm_byte": 49362944,
+ "ops": 955821,
+ "norm_ops": 48206,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.767293579572563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd0c7bb2617675a85c89cd29449e2f4a26310a5b183ff26115598fc8b9b70ccc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:52.369000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:52.369000', 'bytes': 1005341696, 'norm_byte': 26580992, 'ops': 981779, 'norm_ops': 25958, 'norm_ltcy': 38.56600799548791, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:52.369000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:52.369000",
+ "bytes": 1005341696,
+ "norm_byte": 26580992,
+ "ops": 981779,
+ "norm_ops": 25958,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.56600799548791,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "48f433e2f58dde42053e9a1d5e1b9230752676027431cd2ad3fe61fee42bcc4b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:53.370000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:53.370000', 'bytes': 1019800576, 'norm_byte': 14458880, 'ops': 995899, 'norm_ops': 14120, 'norm_ltcy': 70.89926743980169, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:53.370000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:53.370000",
+ "bytes": 1019800576,
+ "norm_byte": 14458880,
+ "ops": 995899,
+ "norm_ops": 14120,
+ "norm_ltcy": 70.89926743980169,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e6a760440b49c8cc1107493ef530a42531f98f771aa2d55d0849cf21c4e91bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:54.371000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:54.371000', 'bytes': 1040149504, 'norm_byte': 20348928, 'ops': 1015771, 'norm_ops': 19872, 'norm_ltcy': 50.377334373584695, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:54.371000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:54.371000",
+ "bytes": 1040149504,
+ "norm_byte": 20348928,
+ "ops": 1015771,
+ "norm_ops": 19872,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.377334373584695,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c6a4386beff0469ad80221eef3504681259a793df09c78885c9b120f9d5d709",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:55.372000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:55.372000', 'bytes': 1060842496, 'norm_byte': 20692992, 'ops': 1035979, 'norm_ops': 20208, 'norm_ltcy': 49.5413012289378, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:55.372000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:55.372000",
+ "bytes": 1060842496,
+ "norm_byte": 20692992,
+ "ops": 1035979,
+ "norm_ops": 20208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.5413012289378,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7470a77f0e0ac73877b86f6da57e6c8829988b4b73c9c775f55e9d0a7118f8dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:56.374000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:56.374000', 'bytes': 1089668096, 'norm_byte': 28825600, 'ops': 1064129, 'norm_ops': 28150, 'norm_ltcy': 35.56300649422735, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:56.374000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:56.374000",
+ "bytes": 1089668096,
+ "norm_byte": 28825600,
+ "ops": 1064129,
+ "norm_ops": 28150,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.56300649422735,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "94187d9b6a68960ce0db103959d1a56152d8cf3a10e751ed5653b90cfc39dc10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:57.374000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:57.374000', 'bytes': 1113881600, 'norm_byte': 24213504, 'ops': 1087775, 'norm_ops': 23646, 'norm_ltcy': 42.322499048464856, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:57.374000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:57.374000",
+ "bytes": 1113881600,
+ "norm_byte": 24213504,
+ "ops": 1087775,
+ "norm_ops": 23646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.322499048464856,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c930e2836e7c4465cc5d9a78a972ff432d405b4353413cc7bb70a3a4f835dbda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:58.375000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:58.375000', 'bytes': 1148806144, 'norm_byte': 34924544, 'ops': 1121881, 'norm_ops': 34106, 'norm_ltcy': 29.35283134978083, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:58.375000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:58.375000",
+ "bytes": 1148806144,
+ "norm_byte": 34924544,
+ "ops": 1121881,
+ "norm_ops": 34106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.35283134978083,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c735ccc71b8e2838411a2a17fc6ad1387f2126edc26b0c71830c4f9852e3a8a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:36:59.377000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:36:59.377000', 'bytes': 1174076416, 'norm_byte': 25270272, 'ops': 1146559, 'norm_ops': 24678, 'norm_ltcy': 40.566084923818785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:36:59.377000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:36:59.377000",
+ "bytes": 1174076416,
+ "norm_byte": 25270272,
+ "ops": 1146559,
+ "norm_ops": 24678,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.566084923818785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06ecb180de90f67faf151ea377f8fda7297896495326b30347a1010db9621528",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:37:00.378000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:37:00.378000', 'bytes': 1201757184, 'norm_byte': 27680768, 'ops': 1173591, 'norm_ops': 27032, 'norm_ltcy': 37.033654557561405, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:37:00.378000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:37:00.378000",
+ "bytes": 1201757184,
+ "norm_byte": 27680768,
+ "ops": 1173591,
+ "norm_ops": 27032,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.033654557561405,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4051d70204446cb656be452e90f610b23824580341f6ad7cf595d6c6d4bc5d94",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:37:01.378000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:37:01.378000', 'bytes': 1226615808, 'norm_byte': 24858624, 'ops': 1197867, 'norm_ops': 24276, 'norm_ltcy': 41.222384231725776, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:37:01.378000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:37:01.378000",
+ "bytes": 1226615808,
+ "norm_byte": 24858624,
+ "ops": 1197867,
+ "norm_ops": 24276,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.222384231725776,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "053b7b6467afbf8f09a141e35d12786d5f4820e38944a4cfcd0f5d4116b915ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:37:02.379000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:37:02.379000', 'bytes': 1250571264, 'norm_byte': 23955456, 'ops': 1221261, 'norm_ops': 23394, 'norm_ltcy': 42.78844660690241, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:37:02.379000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:37:02.379000",
+ "bytes": 1250571264,
+ "norm_byte": 23955456,
+ "ops": 1221261,
+ "norm_ops": 23394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.78844660690241,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "727eb7fbfee804dd451e677bf0c26bf67fe965e0a9fe137fea3c782929561c02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:37:03.380000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:37:03.380000', 'bytes': 1283412992, 'norm_byte': 32841728, 'ops': 1253333, 'norm_ops': 32072, 'norm_ltcy': 31.214366978497598, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:37:03.380000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:37:03.380000",
+ "bytes": 1283412992,
+ "norm_byte": 32841728,
+ "ops": 1253333,
+ "norm_ops": 32072,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.214366978497598,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a22f2794ec847665834cd0735e6f12444300c46476039eabae916ff6f5d7dfa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:37:04.382000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:37:04.382000', 'bytes': 1314292736, 'norm_byte': 30879744, 'ops': 1283489, 'norm_ops': 30156, 'norm_ltcy': 33.19803266503764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:37:04.382000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:37:04.382000",
+ "bytes": 1314292736,
+ "norm_byte": 30879744,
+ "ops": 1283489,
+ "norm_ops": 30156,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.19803266503764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "156e7742b37dfcf2840a2e1e1d16ff8a32afab1be3f9d160f6b48495280d6c45",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:37:05.383000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:37:05.383000', 'bytes': 1325923328, 'norm_byte': 11630592, 'ops': 1294847, 'norm_ops': 11358, 'norm_ltcy': 88.13970948340378, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:37:05.383000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:37:05.383000",
+ "bytes": 1325923328,
+ "norm_byte": 11630592,
+ "ops": 1294847,
+ "norm_ops": 11358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 88.13970948340378,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2f6fd6ac1907d2f490fefd51b3cb72f6b5202ef9e5d9d2a29395bf47d780e5f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:37:06.383000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:37:06.383000', 'bytes': 1337097216, 'norm_byte': 11173888, 'ops': 1305759, 'norm_ops': 10912, 'norm_ltcy': 91.70509852971499, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:37:06.383000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:37:06.383000",
+ "bytes": 1337097216,
+ "norm_byte": 11173888,
+ "ops": 1305759,
+ "norm_ops": 10912,
+ "norm_ltcy": 91.70509852971499,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70e592df7e78b4ffbf768def14a13b695bec2d34ae791134abf1f4bd5dccfac9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:37:07.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:37:07.384000', 'bytes': 1360253952, 'norm_byte': 23156736, 'ops': 1328373, 'norm_ops': 22614, 'norm_ltcy': 44.269170750143715, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:37:07.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:37:07.384000",
+ "bytes": 1360253952,
+ "norm_byte": 23156736,
+ "ops": 1328373,
+ "norm_ops": 22614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.269170750143715,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de0d21c0576511f32780eb61aea5427b0e15dbd48400c9251caf2c693438e756",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:37:08.386000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:37:08.386000', 'bytes': 1394387968, 'norm_byte': 34134016, 'ops': 1361707, 'norm_ops': 33334, 'norm_ltcy': 30.03288567041159, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:37:08.386000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:37:08.386000",
+ "bytes": 1394387968,
+ "norm_byte": 34134016,
+ "ops": 1361707,
+ "norm_ops": 33334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.03288567041159,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c63f86874e20e8cfe41438001d1fa33b5066811ad234435c9d01d5ae2b438104",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:37:09.587000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:37:09.587000', 'bytes': 1413993472, 'norm_byte': 19605504, 'ops': 1380853, 'norm_ops': 19146, 'norm_ltcy': 62.745007728441976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:37:09.587000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:37:09.587000",
+ "bytes": 1413993472,
+ "norm_byte": 19605504,
+ "ops": 1380853,
+ "norm_ops": 19146,
+ "norm_ltcy": 62.745007728441976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "cac948db-fad5-54e1-9e0b-f1057a3ff700",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ddddd642c713a066aa21b6f1bc93546180806177e1bf7fb93b7e34457fedb024",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 23566557.866666667
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 23014.216666666667
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 97.37038783077847
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:37:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-091-220519223324/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-091-220519223324/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd0d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-091-220519223324/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-091-220519223324/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-091-220519223324/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-091-220519223324/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-091-220519223324/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-091-220519223324/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d86c277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-091-220519223324/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=45
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=10
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-092-220519223526/220519223526-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-092-220519223526/220519223526-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89eba2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-092-220519223526/220519223526-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:38:09Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999890328.9402 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999891330.1172 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999891330.2068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999892331.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35159040 nr_ops:34335\ntimestamp_ms:1652999893332.2644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70657024 nr_ops:69001\ntimestamp_ms:1652999894333.3628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106486784 nr_ops:103991\ntimestamp_ms:1652999895334.4692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142826496 nr_ops:139479\ntimestamp_ms:1652999896334.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:178822144 nr_ops:174631\ntimestamp_ms:1652999897335.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213873664 nr_ops:208861\ntimestamp_ms:1652999898337.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248775680 nr_ops:242945\ntimestamp_ms:1652999899337.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283780096 nr_ops:277129\ntimestamp_ms:1652999900338.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319302656 nr_ops:311819\ntimestamp_ms:1652999901340.0828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354608128 nr_ops:346297\ntimestamp_ms:1652999902341.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389770240 nr_ops:380635\ntimestamp_ms:1652999903342.2913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425024512 nr_ops:415063\ntimestamp_ms:1652999904343.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460190720 nr_ops:449405\ntimestamp_ms:1652999905344.4890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495330304 nr_ops:483721\ntimestamp_ms:1652999906345.5828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530408448 nr_ops:517977\ntimestamp_ms:1652999907345.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565470208 nr_ops:552217\ntimestamp_ms:1652999908346.8687 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600824832 nr_ops:586743\ntimestamp_ms:1652999909347.9084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636226560 nr_ops:621315\ntimestamp_ms:1652999910349.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671714304 nr_ops:655971\ntimestamp_ms:1652999911350.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706857984 nr_ops:690291\ntimestamp_ms:1652999912350.9292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742179840 nr_ops:724785\ntimestamp_ms:1652999913352.0203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777214976 nr_ops:758999\ntimestamp_ms:1652999914353.1162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812860416 nr_ops:793809\ntimestamp_ms:1652999915353.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848180224 nr_ops:828301\ntimestamp_ms:1652999916354.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883446784 nr_ops:862741\ntimestamp_ms:1652999917356.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918486016 nr_ops:896959\ntimestamp_ms:1652999918357.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953576448 nr_ops:931227\ntimestamp_ms:1652999919358.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:988854272 nr_ops:965678\ntimestamp_ms:1652999920359.3433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024154624 nr_ops:1000151\ntimestamp_ms:1652999921359.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059076096 nr_ops:1034254\ntimestamp_ms:1652999922361.0156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094116352 nr_ops:1068473\ntimestamp_ms:1652999923362.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129170944 nr_ops:1102706\ntimestamp_ms:1652999924363.2063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164404736 nr_ops:1137114\ntimestamp_ms:1652999925364.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199465472 nr_ops:1171353\ntimestamp_ms:1652999926365.3960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234589696 nr_ops:1205654\ntimestamp_ms:1652999927366.4878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269487616 nr_ops:1239734\ntimestamp_ms:1652999928367.5901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304677376 nr_ops:1274099\ntimestamp_ms:1652999929368.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340253184 nr_ops:1308841\ntimestamp_ms:1652999930369.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375667200 nr_ops:1343425\ntimestamp_ms:1652999931370.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411271680 nr_ops:1378195\ntimestamp_ms:1652999932371.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446674432 nr_ops:1412768\ntimestamp_ms:1652999933373.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1482136576 nr_ops:1447399\ntimestamp_ms:1652999934374.1604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517230080 nr_ops:1481670\ntimestamp_ms:1652999935375.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552305152 nr_ops:1515923\ntimestamp_ms:1652999936375.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587483648 nr_ops:1550277\ntimestamp_ms:1652999937376.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622602752 nr_ops:1584573\ntimestamp_ms:1652999938377.9685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657574400 nr_ops:1618725\ntimestamp_ms:1652999939379.0854 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1692623872 nr_ops:1652953\ntimestamp_ms:1652999940380.1582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1727730688 nr_ops:1687237\ntimestamp_ms:1652999941381.2009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1762854912 nr_ops:1721538\ntimestamp_ms:1652999942382.2949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797981184 nr_ops:1755841\ntimestamp_ms:1652999943383.4187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1833554944 nr_ops:1790581\ntimestamp_ms:1652999944384.5088 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1868807168 nr_ops:1825007\ntimestamp_ms:1652999945384.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904002048 nr_ops:1859377\ntimestamp_ms:1652999946385.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1939280896 nr_ops:1893829\ntimestamp_ms:1652999947386.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974342656 nr_ops:1928069\ntimestamp_ms:1652999948388.0317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2009838592 nr_ops:1962733\ntimestamp_ms:1652999949389.1250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2045024256 nr_ops:1997094\ntimestamp_ms:1652999950390.2202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2080148480 nr_ops:2031395\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139833271355136\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2114957312 nr_ops:2065388\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.1626 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.1736 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951691.3950 name:Total nr_bytes:2114957312 nr_ops:2065389\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.2397 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4229914624 nr_ops:4130778\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.2415 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2114957312 nr_ops:2065391\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 245.31us 0.00ns 245.31us 245.31us \nTxn1 1032694 58.08us 0.00ns 2.30ms 23.26us \nTxn2 1 58.24us 0.00ns 58.24us 58.24us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 244.82us 0.00ns 244.82us 244.82us \nwrite 1032694 3.96us 0.00ns 86.40us 2.23us \nread 1032694 54.02us 0.00ns 2.30ms 1.57us \ndisconnect 1 57.28us 0.00ns 57.28us 57.28us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16560 16560 144.40Mb/s 144.40Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.187 62.36s 1.97GB 271.31Mb/s 2065391 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.97GB 271.31Mb/s 2065391 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412806, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999890328.9402 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999891330.1172 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999891330.2068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999892331.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35159040 nr_ops:34335\ntimestamp_ms:1652999893332.2644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70657024 nr_ops:69001\ntimestamp_ms:1652999894333.3628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106486784 nr_ops:103991\ntimestamp_ms:1652999895334.4692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142826496 nr_ops:139479\ntimestamp_ms:1652999896334.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:178822144 nr_ops:174631\ntimestamp_ms:1652999897335.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213873664 nr_ops:208861\ntimestamp_ms:1652999898337.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248775680 nr_ops:242945\ntimestamp_ms:1652999899337.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283780096 nr_ops:277129\ntimestamp_ms:1652999900338.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319302656 nr_ops:311819\ntimestamp_ms:1652999901340.0828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354608128 nr_ops:346297\ntimestamp_ms:1652999902341.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389770240 nr_ops:380635\ntimestamp_ms:1652999903342.2913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425024512 nr_ops:415063\ntimestamp_ms:1652999904343.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460190720 nr_ops:449405\ntimestamp_ms:1652999905344.4890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495330304 nr_ops:483721\ntimestamp_ms:1652999906345.5828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530408448 nr_ops:517977\ntimestamp_ms:1652999907345.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565470208 nr_ops:552217\ntimestamp_ms:1652999908346.8687 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600824832 nr_ops:586743\ntimestamp_ms:1652999909347.9084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636226560 nr_ops:621315\ntimestamp_ms:1652999910349.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671714304 nr_ops:655971\ntimestamp_ms:1652999911350.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706857984 nr_ops:690291\ntimestamp_ms:1652999912350.9292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742179840 nr_ops:724785\ntimestamp_ms:1652999913352.0203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777214976 nr_ops:758999\ntimestamp_ms:1652999914353.1162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812860416 nr_ops:793809\ntimestamp_ms:1652999915353.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848180224 nr_ops:828301\ntimestamp_ms:1652999916354.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883446784 nr_ops:862741\ntimestamp_ms:1652999917356.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918486016 nr_ops:896959\ntimestamp_ms:1652999918357.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953576448 nr_ops:931227\ntimestamp_ms:1652999919358.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:988854272 nr_ops:965678\ntimestamp_ms:1652999920359.3433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024154624 nr_ops:1000151\ntimestamp_ms:1652999921359.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059076096 nr_ops:1034254\ntimestamp_ms:1652999922361.0156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094116352 nr_ops:1068473\ntimestamp_ms:1652999923362.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129170944 nr_ops:1102706\ntimestamp_ms:1652999924363.2063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164404736 nr_ops:1137114\ntimestamp_ms:1652999925364.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199465472 nr_ops:1171353\ntimestamp_ms:1652999926365.3960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234589696 nr_ops:1205654\ntimestamp_ms:1652999927366.4878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269487616 nr_ops:1239734\ntimestamp_ms:1652999928367.5901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304677376 nr_ops:1274099\ntimestamp_ms:1652999929368.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340253184 nr_ops:1308841\ntimestamp_ms:1652999930369.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375667200 nr_ops:1343425\ntimestamp_ms:1652999931370.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411271680 nr_ops:1378195\ntimestamp_ms:1652999932371.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446674432 nr_ops:1412768\ntimestamp_ms:1652999933373.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1482136576 nr_ops:1447399\ntimestamp_ms:1652999934374.1604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517230080 nr_ops:1481670\ntimestamp_ms:1652999935375.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552305152 nr_ops:1515923\ntimestamp_ms:1652999936375.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587483648 nr_ops:1550277\ntimestamp_ms:1652999937376.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622602752 nr_ops:1584573\ntimestamp_ms:1652999938377.9685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657574400 nr_ops:1618725\ntimestamp_ms:1652999939379.0854 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1692623872 nr_ops:1652953\ntimestamp_ms:1652999940380.1582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1727730688 nr_ops:1687237\ntimestamp_ms:1652999941381.2009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1762854912 nr_ops:1721538\ntimestamp_ms:1652999942382.2949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797981184 nr_ops:1755841\ntimestamp_ms:1652999943383.4187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1833554944 nr_ops:1790581\ntimestamp_ms:1652999944384.5088 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1868807168 nr_ops:1825007\ntimestamp_ms:1652999945384.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904002048 nr_ops:1859377\ntimestamp_ms:1652999946385.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1939280896 nr_ops:1893829\ntimestamp_ms:1652999947386.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974342656 nr_ops:1928069\ntimestamp_ms:1652999948388.0317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2009838592 nr_ops:1962733\ntimestamp_ms:1652999949389.1250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2045024256 nr_ops:1997094\ntimestamp_ms:1652999950390.2202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2080148480 nr_ops:2031395\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139833271355136\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2114957312 nr_ops:2065388\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.1626 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.1736 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951691.3950 name:Total nr_bytes:2114957312 nr_ops:2065389\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.2397 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4229914624 nr_ops:4130778\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.2415 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2114957312 nr_ops:2065391\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 245.31us 0.00ns 245.31us 245.31us \nTxn1 1032694 58.08us 0.00ns 2.30ms 23.26us \nTxn2 1 58.24us 0.00ns 58.24us 58.24us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 244.82us 0.00ns 244.82us 244.82us \nwrite 1032694 3.96us 0.00ns 86.40us 2.23us \nread 1032694 54.02us 0.00ns 2.30ms 1.57us \ndisconnect 1 57.28us 0.00ns 57.28us 57.28us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16560 16560 144.40Mb/s 144.40Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.187 62.36s 1.97GB 271.31Mb/s 2065391 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.97GB 271.31Mb/s 2065391 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412806, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999890328.9402 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999891330.1172 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999891330.2068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999892331.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35159040 nr_ops:34335\ntimestamp_ms:1652999893332.2644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70657024 nr_ops:69001\ntimestamp_ms:1652999894333.3628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106486784 nr_ops:103991\ntimestamp_ms:1652999895334.4692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142826496 nr_ops:139479\ntimestamp_ms:1652999896334.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:178822144 nr_ops:174631\ntimestamp_ms:1652999897335.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213873664 nr_ops:208861\ntimestamp_ms:1652999898337.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248775680 nr_ops:242945\ntimestamp_ms:1652999899337.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283780096 nr_ops:277129\ntimestamp_ms:1652999900338.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319302656 nr_ops:311819\ntimestamp_ms:1652999901340.0828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354608128 nr_ops:346297\ntimestamp_ms:1652999902341.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389770240 nr_ops:380635\ntimestamp_ms:1652999903342.2913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425024512 nr_ops:415063\ntimestamp_ms:1652999904343.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460190720 nr_ops:449405\ntimestamp_ms:1652999905344.4890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495330304 nr_ops:483721\ntimestamp_ms:1652999906345.5828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530408448 nr_ops:517977\ntimestamp_ms:1652999907345.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565470208 nr_ops:552217\ntimestamp_ms:1652999908346.8687 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600824832 nr_ops:586743\ntimestamp_ms:1652999909347.9084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636226560 nr_ops:621315\ntimestamp_ms:1652999910349.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671714304 nr_ops:655971\ntimestamp_ms:1652999911350.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706857984 nr_ops:690291\ntimestamp_ms:1652999912350.9292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742179840 nr_ops:724785\ntimestamp_ms:1652999913352.0203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777214976 nr_ops:758999\ntimestamp_ms:1652999914353.1162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812860416 nr_ops:793809\ntimestamp_ms:1652999915353.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848180224 nr_ops:828301\ntimestamp_ms:1652999916354.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883446784 nr_ops:862741\ntimestamp_ms:1652999917356.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918486016 nr_ops:896959\ntimestamp_ms:1652999918357.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953576448 nr_ops:931227\ntimestamp_ms:1652999919358.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:988854272 nr_ops:965678\ntimestamp_ms:1652999920359.3433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024154624 nr_ops:1000151\ntimestamp_ms:1652999921359.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059076096 nr_ops:1034254\ntimestamp_ms:1652999922361.0156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094116352 nr_ops:1068473\ntimestamp_ms:1652999923362.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129170944 nr_ops:1102706\ntimestamp_ms:1652999924363.2063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164404736 nr_ops:1137114\ntimestamp_ms:1652999925364.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199465472 nr_ops:1171353\ntimestamp_ms:1652999926365.3960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234589696 nr_ops:1205654\ntimestamp_ms:1652999927366.4878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269487616 nr_ops:1239734\ntimestamp_ms:1652999928367.5901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304677376 nr_ops:1274099\ntimestamp_ms:1652999929368.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340253184 nr_ops:1308841\ntimestamp_ms:1652999930369.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375667200 nr_ops:1343425\ntimestamp_ms:1652999931370.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411271680 nr_ops:1378195\ntimestamp_ms:1652999932371.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446674432 nr_ops:1412768\ntimestamp_ms:1652999933373.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1482136576 nr_ops:1447399\ntimestamp_ms:1652999934374.1604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517230080 nr_ops:1481670\ntimestamp_ms:1652999935375.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552305152 nr_ops:1515923\ntimestamp_ms:1652999936375.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587483648 nr_ops:1550277\ntimestamp_ms:1652999937376.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622602752 nr_ops:1584573\ntimestamp_ms:1652999938377.9685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657574400 nr_ops:1618725\ntimestamp_ms:1652999939379.0854 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1692623872 nr_ops:1652953\ntimestamp_ms:1652999940380.1582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1727730688 nr_ops:1687237\ntimestamp_ms:1652999941381.2009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1762854912 nr_ops:1721538\ntimestamp_ms:1652999942382.2949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797981184 nr_ops:1755841\ntimestamp_ms:1652999943383.4187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1833554944 nr_ops:1790581\ntimestamp_ms:1652999944384.5088 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1868807168 nr_ops:1825007\ntimestamp_ms:1652999945384.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904002048 nr_ops:1859377\ntimestamp_ms:1652999946385.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1939280896 nr_ops:1893829\ntimestamp_ms:1652999947386.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974342656 nr_ops:1928069\ntimestamp_ms:1652999948388.0317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2009838592 nr_ops:1962733\ntimestamp_ms:1652999949389.1250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2045024256 nr_ops:1997094\ntimestamp_ms:1652999950390.2202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2080148480 nr_ops:2031395\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139833271355136\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2114957312 nr_ops:2065388\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.1626 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.1736 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951691.3950 name:Total nr_bytes:2114957312 nr_ops:2065389\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.2397 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4229914624 nr_ops:4130778\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1652999951591.2415 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2114957312 nr_ops:2065391\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 245.31us 0.00ns 245.31us 245.31us \nTxn1 1032694 58.08us 0.00ns 2.30ms 23.26us \nTxn2 1 58.24us 0.00ns 58.24us 58.24us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 244.82us 0.00ns 244.82us 244.82us \nwrite 1032694 3.96us 0.00ns 86.40us 2.23us \nread 1032694 54.02us 0.00ns 2.30ms 1.57us \ndisconnect 1 57.28us 0.00ns 57.28us 57.28us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16560 16560 144.40Mb/s 144.40Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.187 62.36s 1.97GB 271.31Mb/s 2065391 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 1.97GB 271.31Mb/s 2065391 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412806, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999890328.9402 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999891330.1172 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999891330.2068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999892331.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35159040 nr_ops:34335
+timestamp_ms:1652999893332.2644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70657024 nr_ops:69001
+timestamp_ms:1652999894333.3628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106486784 nr_ops:103991
+timestamp_ms:1652999895334.4692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142826496 nr_ops:139479
+timestamp_ms:1652999896334.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:178822144 nr_ops:174631
+timestamp_ms:1652999897335.9268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:213873664 nr_ops:208861
+timestamp_ms:1652999898337.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248775680 nr_ops:242945
+timestamp_ms:1652999899337.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283780096 nr_ops:277129
+timestamp_ms:1652999900338.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319302656 nr_ops:311819
+timestamp_ms:1652999901340.0828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:354608128 nr_ops:346297
+timestamp_ms:1652999902341.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389770240 nr_ops:380635
+timestamp_ms:1652999903342.2913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:425024512 nr_ops:415063
+timestamp_ms:1652999904343.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460190720 nr_ops:449405
+timestamp_ms:1652999905344.4890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495330304 nr_ops:483721
+timestamp_ms:1652999906345.5828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530408448 nr_ops:517977
+timestamp_ms:1652999907345.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565470208 nr_ops:552217
+timestamp_ms:1652999908346.8687 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600824832 nr_ops:586743
+timestamp_ms:1652999909347.9084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636226560 nr_ops:621315
+timestamp_ms:1652999910349.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671714304 nr_ops:655971
+timestamp_ms:1652999911350.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706857984 nr_ops:690291
+timestamp_ms:1652999912350.9292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742179840 nr_ops:724785
+timestamp_ms:1652999913352.0203 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777214976 nr_ops:758999
+timestamp_ms:1652999914353.1162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812860416 nr_ops:793809
+timestamp_ms:1652999915353.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848180224 nr_ops:828301
+timestamp_ms:1652999916354.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883446784 nr_ops:862741
+timestamp_ms:1652999917356.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918486016 nr_ops:896959
+timestamp_ms:1652999918357.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953576448 nr_ops:931227
+timestamp_ms:1652999919358.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:988854272 nr_ops:965678
+timestamp_ms:1652999920359.3433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024154624 nr_ops:1000151
+timestamp_ms:1652999921359.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059076096 nr_ops:1034254
+timestamp_ms:1652999922361.0156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094116352 nr_ops:1068473
+timestamp_ms:1652999923362.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129170944 nr_ops:1102706
+timestamp_ms:1652999924363.2063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164404736 nr_ops:1137114
+timestamp_ms:1652999925364.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199465472 nr_ops:1171353
+timestamp_ms:1652999926365.3960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234589696 nr_ops:1205654
+timestamp_ms:1652999927366.4878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269487616 nr_ops:1239734
+timestamp_ms:1652999928367.5901 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304677376 nr_ops:1274099
+timestamp_ms:1652999929368.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340253184 nr_ops:1308841
+timestamp_ms:1652999930369.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375667200 nr_ops:1343425
+timestamp_ms:1652999931370.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411271680 nr_ops:1378195
+timestamp_ms:1652999932371.9319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446674432 nr_ops:1412768
+timestamp_ms:1652999933373.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1482136576 nr_ops:1447399
+timestamp_ms:1652999934374.1604 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517230080 nr_ops:1481670
+timestamp_ms:1652999935375.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552305152 nr_ops:1515923
+timestamp_ms:1652999936375.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587483648 nr_ops:1550277
+timestamp_ms:1652999937376.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622602752 nr_ops:1584573
+timestamp_ms:1652999938377.9685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657574400 nr_ops:1618725
+timestamp_ms:1652999939379.0854 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1692623872 nr_ops:1652953
+timestamp_ms:1652999940380.1582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1727730688 nr_ops:1687237
+timestamp_ms:1652999941381.2009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1762854912 nr_ops:1721538
+timestamp_ms:1652999942382.2949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797981184 nr_ops:1755841
+timestamp_ms:1652999943383.4187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1833554944 nr_ops:1790581
+timestamp_ms:1652999944384.5088 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1868807168 nr_ops:1825007
+timestamp_ms:1652999945384.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904002048 nr_ops:1859377
+timestamp_ms:1652999946385.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1939280896 nr_ops:1893829
+timestamp_ms:1652999947386.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974342656 nr_ops:1928069
+timestamp_ms:1652999948388.0317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2009838592 nr_ops:1962733
+timestamp_ms:1652999949389.1250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2045024256 nr_ops:1997094
+timestamp_ms:1652999950390.2202 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2080148480 nr_ops:2031395
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139833271355136
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1652999951591.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2114957312 nr_ops:2065388
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999951591.1626 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1652999951591.1736 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1652999951691.3950 name:Total nr_bytes:2114957312 nr_ops:2065389
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999951591.2397 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4229914624 nr_ops:4130778
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1652999951591.2415 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2114957312 nr_ops:2065391
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 245.31us 0.00ns 245.31us 245.31us
+Txn1 1032694 58.08us 0.00ns 2.30ms 23.26us
+Txn2 1 58.24us 0.00ns 58.24us 58.24us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 244.82us 0.00ns 244.82us 244.82us
+write 1032694 3.96us 0.00ns 86.40us 2.23us
+read 1032694 54.02us 0.00ns 2.30ms 1.57us
+disconnect 1 57.28us 0.00ns 57.28us 57.28us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 16560 16560 144.40Mb/s 144.40Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.61b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.187 62.36s 1.97GB 271.31Mb/s 2065391 0.00
+master 62.36s 1.97GB 271.31Mb/s 2065391 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:12.331000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:12.331000', 'bytes': 35159040, 'norm_byte': 35159040, 'ops': 34335, 'norm_ops': 34335, 'norm_ltcy': 29.154706726918597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:12.331000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:12.331000",
+ "bytes": 35159040,
+ "norm_byte": 35159040,
+ "ops": 34335,
+ "norm_ops": 34335,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.154706726918597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb515e4394af930b65f7a03c6f30119860b755da94cb9883e84942727f6d5142",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:13.332000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:13.332000', 'bytes': 70657024, 'norm_byte': 35497984, 'ops': 69001, 'norm_ops': 34666, 'norm_ltcy': 28.876442673476895, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:13.332000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:13.332000",
+ "bytes": 70657024,
+ "norm_byte": 35497984,
+ "ops": 69001,
+ "norm_ops": 34666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.876442673476895,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1bb39deed554d964f8e9a37dc9b0e6ce13a17eef06591ad1d27337f5555df877",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:14.333000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:14.333000', 'bytes': 106486784, 'norm_byte': 35829760, 'ops': 103991, 'norm_ops': 34990, 'norm_ltcy': 28.610985672245643, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:14.333000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:14.333000",
+ "bytes": 106486784,
+ "norm_byte": 35829760,
+ "ops": 103991,
+ "norm_ops": 34990,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.610985672245643,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "42e06707bdb19b5938ae59dae9dfbf381ab8aeb860390040f3bfc09da47b9885",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:15.334000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:15.334000', 'bytes': 142826496, 'norm_byte': 36339712, 'ops': 139479, 'norm_ops': 35488, 'norm_ltcy': 28.209717237164675, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:15.334000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:15.334000",
+ "bytes": 142826496,
+ "norm_byte": 36339712,
+ "ops": 139479,
+ "norm_ops": 35488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.209717237164675,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b75f295551d32ff0e6f2bf6cdf3492e1913f6a5ee1f68c6eb0e7f39eac327ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:16.334000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:16.334000', 'bytes': 178822144, 'norm_byte': 35995648, 'ops': 174631, 'norm_ops': 35152, 'norm_ltcy': 28.45816944315046, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:16.334000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:16.334000",
+ "bytes": 178822144,
+ "norm_byte": 35995648,
+ "ops": 174631,
+ "norm_ops": 35152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.45816944315046,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e4aa76ca3f8902bea34addce194be1ef8df9a918d94ff4fdbcd56d777de3e780",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:17.335000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:17.335000', 'bytes': 213873664, 'norm_byte': 35051520, 'ops': 208861, 'norm_ops': 34230, 'norm_ltcy': 29.246156800047473, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:17.335000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:17.335000",
+ "bytes": 213873664,
+ "norm_byte": 35051520,
+ "ops": 208861,
+ "norm_ops": 34230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.246156800047473,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fff5806870c2fb5ed6ec8e164f36d3971a3e7145f2fa406c693819cc773c0978",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:18.337000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:18.337000', 'bytes': 248775680, 'norm_byte': 34902016, 'ops': 242945, 'norm_ops': 34084, 'norm_ltcy': 29.37134061253081, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:18.337000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:18.337000",
+ "bytes": 248775680,
+ "norm_byte": 34902016,
+ "ops": 242945,
+ "norm_ops": 34084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.37134061253081,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b4a1d3ed8b42ac146b84303e0409369da4438ffbc4e3e2ebf71372364533406",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:19.337000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:19.337000', 'bytes': 283780096, 'norm_byte': 35004416, 'ops': 277129, 'norm_ops': 34184, 'norm_ltcy': 29.277256046779925, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:19.337000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:19.337000",
+ "bytes": 283780096,
+ "norm_byte": 35004416,
+ "ops": 277129,
+ "norm_ops": 34184,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.277256046779925,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6384585c0e83eaabeca813dffcbfd8626f80e008522cb0063b5041a0153a26ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:20.338000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:20.338000', 'bytes': 319302656, 'norm_byte': 35522560, 'ops': 311819, 'norm_ops': 34690, 'norm_ltcy': 28.85910390467354, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:20.338000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:20.338000",
+ "bytes": 319302656,
+ "norm_byte": 35522560,
+ "ops": 311819,
+ "norm_ops": 34690,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.85910390467354,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40d2a2c2e368e8fb2ed66fe69d66f569d5c9c74c2cbebf3c2f99f614bc494c5a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:21.340000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:21.340000', 'bytes': 354608128, 'norm_byte': 35305472, 'ops': 346297, 'norm_ops': 34478, 'norm_ltcy': 29.036695784721417, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:21.340000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:21.340000",
+ "bytes": 354608128,
+ "norm_byte": 35305472,
+ "ops": 346297,
+ "norm_ops": 34478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.036695784721417,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90fb8745d85bbc9f230adf371051728fd116636f8bbad67278706127674d76e6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:22.341000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:22.341000', 'bytes': 389770240, 'norm_byte': 35162112, 'ops': 380635, 'norm_ops': 34338, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15453428963539, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:22.341000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:22.341000",
+ "bytes": 389770240,
+ "norm_byte": 35162112,
+ "ops": 380635,
+ "norm_ops": 34338,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15453428963539,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d0e7cdabe3f8d688a1cb4f1d10003529e796958588e19537396e0effd4f4455",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:23.342000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:23.342000', 'bytes': 425024512, 'norm_byte': 35254272, 'ops': 415063, 'norm_ops': 34428, 'norm_ltcy': 29.078078821199313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:23.342000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:23.342000",
+ "bytes": 425024512,
+ "norm_byte": 35254272,
+ "ops": 415063,
+ "norm_ops": 34428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.078078821199313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d33922cc32801b1cd6c15c686e5a4b8655fde1db15ce7fcee673c698d70b370",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:24.343000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:24.343000', 'bytes': 460190720, 'norm_byte': 35166208, 'ops': 449405, 'norm_ops': 34342, 'norm_ltcy': 29.150946556421438, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:24.343000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:24.343000",
+ "bytes": 460190720,
+ "norm_byte": 35166208,
+ "ops": 449405,
+ "norm_ops": 34342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.150946556421438,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6291d31c5d714a1f34b62d075b7edb207dc89b31f22a735c07c10839f69c7bdd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:25.344000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:25.344000', 'bytes': 495330304, 'norm_byte': 35139584, 'ops': 483721, 'norm_ops': 34316, 'norm_ltcy': 29.1728624334312, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:25.344000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:25.344000",
+ "bytes": 495330304,
+ "norm_byte": 35139584,
+ "ops": 483721,
+ "norm_ops": 34316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.1728624334312,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ee7444e631fe7eae0bec502dbc3bce6c6a6de761d3125086e80ca18c8814ade",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:26.345000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:26.345000', 'bytes': 530408448, 'norm_byte': 35078144, 'ops': 517977, 'norm_ops': 34256, 'norm_ltcy': 29.22389508407286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:26.345000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:26.345000",
+ "bytes": 530408448,
+ "norm_byte": 35078144,
+ "ops": 517977,
+ "norm_ops": 34256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.22389508407286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "07a9198f0b1dcfe944e1e0b1e10fe3e110bf3f4fbdc4554cd808b5691cc79406",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:27.345000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:27.345000', 'bytes': 565470208, 'norm_byte': 35061760, 'ops': 552217, 'norm_ops': 34240, 'norm_ltcy': 29.21300157208309, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:27.345000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:27.345000",
+ "bytes": 565470208,
+ "norm_byte": 35061760,
+ "ops": 552217,
+ "norm_ops": 34240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.21300157208309,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d478ec35b03956af4255aa5fbce302f3dbebe5ed79f440de4efb8b1798493f8e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:28.346000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:28.346000', 'bytes': 600824832, 'norm_byte': 35354624, 'ops': 586743, 'norm_ops': 34526, 'norm_ltcy': 28.993590767646122, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:28.346000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:28.346000",
+ "bytes": 600824832,
+ "norm_byte": 35354624,
+ "ops": 586743,
+ "norm_ops": 34526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.993590767646122,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27baa5c4ffdcabf6ea9c7f0b4fd153e2b434a2d0f36f39fa3ce1c2cc97546419",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:29.347000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:29.347000', 'bytes': 636226560, 'norm_byte': 35401728, 'ops': 621315, 'norm_ops': 34572, 'norm_ltcy': 28.95521794868318, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:29.347000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:29.347000",
+ "bytes": 636226560,
+ "norm_byte": 35401728,
+ "ops": 621315,
+ "norm_ops": 34572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.95521794868318,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ff9433a756b3582e912f2ddb2bc4d21c29ffae89f841089ba3fc1949661e1d9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:30.349000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:30.349000', 'bytes': 671714304, 'norm_byte': 35487744, 'ops': 655971, 'norm_ops': 34656, 'norm_ltcy': 28.887240620311058, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:30.349000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:30.349000",
+ "bytes": 671714304,
+ "norm_byte": 35487744,
+ "ops": 655971,
+ "norm_ops": 34656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.887240620311058,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a52a11971af5474be5f24fb941bc6e4f4f7e2bbad1bc4e83aeab9b9ec2edf01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:31.350000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:31.350000', 'bytes': 706857984, 'norm_byte': 35143680, 'ops': 690291, 'norm_ops': 34320, 'norm_ltcy': 29.167627010034234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:31.350000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:31.350000",
+ "bytes": 706857984,
+ "norm_byte": 35143680,
+ "ops": 690291,
+ "norm_ops": 34320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.167627010034234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f59e62b71245b97ace8ce5522e841579d6a23e7fee5ca83cc0ffbeb822504cd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:32.350000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:32.350000', 'bytes': 742179840, 'norm_byte': 35321856, 'ops': 724785, 'norm_ops': 34494, 'norm_ltcy': 29.015816722654666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:32.350000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:32.350000",
+ "bytes": 742179840,
+ "norm_byte": 35321856,
+ "ops": 724785,
+ "norm_ops": 34494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.015816722654666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8dabe24d826a2ec3faad5111adaf5e4239ad02eff71489f0e1163b52633c9276",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:33.352000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:33.352000', 'bytes': 777214976, 'norm_byte': 35035136, 'ops': 758999, 'norm_ops': 34214, 'norm_ltcy': 29.259690900015343, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:33.352000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:33.352000",
+ "bytes": 777214976,
+ "norm_byte": 35035136,
+ "ops": 758999,
+ "norm_ops": 34214,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.259690900015343,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c0711463a7e89a653f8f60171819e9112bf0824693028350531ac66576d3078",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:34.353000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:34.353000', 'bytes': 812860416, 'norm_byte': 35645440, 'ops': 793809, 'norm_ops': 34810, 'norm_ltcy': 28.758860880942976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:34.353000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:34.353000",
+ "bytes": 812860416,
+ "norm_byte": 35645440,
+ "ops": 793809,
+ "norm_ops": 34810,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.758860880942976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e101d2384902effffd4e45456ca33c340a22e530568902c98a10b03f9b120458",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:35.353000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:35.353000', 'bytes': 848180224, 'norm_byte': 35319808, 'ops': 828301, 'norm_ops': 34492, 'norm_ltcy': 29.013252280420097, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:35.353000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:35.353000",
+ "bytes": 848180224,
+ "norm_byte": 35319808,
+ "ops": 828301,
+ "norm_ops": 34492,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.013252280420097,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34aadc8c92450c648d7ccdbfd53014a1927cdedd3e45b6b4372ea5626cdbf14a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:36.354000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:36.354000', 'bytes': 883446784, 'norm_byte': 35266560, 'ops': 862741, 'norm_ops': 34440, 'norm_ltcy': 29.06786910886687, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:36.354000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:36.354000",
+ "bytes": 883446784,
+ "norm_byte": 35266560,
+ "ops": 862741,
+ "norm_ops": 34440,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.06786910886687,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39b8ed4cd20650197d813a1027f909c3865af2b2708e63991e8920d0797cd65e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:37.356000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:37.356000', 'bytes': 918486016, 'norm_byte': 35039232, 'ops': 896959, 'norm_ops': 34218, 'norm_ltcy': 29.256220570131216, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:37.356000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:37.356000",
+ "bytes": 918486016,
+ "norm_byte": 35039232,
+ "ops": 896959,
+ "norm_ops": 34218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.256220570131216,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec32e45fd39ac6e9db5020caea4d12c242dae520529edd2e38d86fc8e352c9f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:38.357000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:38.357000', 'bytes': 953576448, 'norm_byte': 35090432, 'ops': 931227, 'norm_ops': 34268, 'norm_ltcy': 29.21397490917182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:38.357000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:38.357000",
+ "bytes": 953576448,
+ "norm_byte": 35090432,
+ "ops": 931227,
+ "norm_ops": 34268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.21397490917182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "021bc8ab7b869784814a21005076153666236e4d76ac2e723872f93519fd170d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:39.358000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:39.358000', 'bytes': 988854272, 'norm_byte': 35277824, 'ops': 965678, 'norm_ops': 34451, 'norm_ltcy': 29.05906979976996, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:39.358000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:39.358000",
+ "bytes": 988854272,
+ "norm_byte": 35277824,
+ "ops": 965678,
+ "norm_ops": 34451,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.05906979976996,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e10dbb5cdc90b4b0c8394bd9cace8c3bf86f5c27edc2186d8f25744198b7e88",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:40.359000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:40.359000', 'bytes': 1024154624, 'norm_byte': 35300352, 'ops': 1000151, 'norm_ops': 34473, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04002203717402, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:40.359000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:40.359000",
+ "bytes": 1024154624,
+ "norm_byte": 35300352,
+ "ops": 1000151,
+ "norm_ops": 34473,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04002203717402,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f9b55d9665aefcefa9cff8207a81dea4df70d3982dfee17ba5eb75a9c8a88ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:41.359000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:41.359000', 'bytes': 1059076096, 'norm_byte': 34921472, 'ops': 1034254, 'norm_ops': 34103, 'norm_ltcy': 29.337387324337303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:41.359000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:41.359000",
+ "bytes": 1059076096,
+ "norm_byte": 34921472,
+ "ops": 1034254,
+ "norm_ops": 34103,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.337387324337303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aadbecece7226444b4b6583e6d7069326d9011cb0257af2a3b20484328f5a071",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:42.361000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:42.361000', 'bytes': 1094116352, 'norm_byte': 35040256, 'ops': 1068473, 'norm_ops': 34219, 'norm_ltcy': 29.25799828631389, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:42.361000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:42.361000",
+ "bytes": 1094116352,
+ "norm_byte": 35040256,
+ "ops": 1068473,
+ "norm_ops": 34219,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.25799828631389,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ed6da65c0f7a0671e130c8441265a78f541e7fb7ccd3d0d98e233601df1e752c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:43.362000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:43.362000', 'bytes': 1129170944, 'norm_byte': 35054592, 'ops': 1102706, 'norm_ops': 34233, 'norm_ltcy': 29.243522503414102, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:43.362000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:43.362000",
+ "bytes": 1129170944,
+ "norm_byte": 35054592,
+ "ops": 1102706,
+ "norm_ops": 34233,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.243522503414102,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d4a64bb80af9ce6bdcdc1188b1703b07d6542658c9fb1b2136bce959173f88d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:44.363000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:44.363000', 'bytes': 1164404736, 'norm_byte': 35233792, 'ops': 1137114, 'norm_ops': 34408, 'norm_ltcy': 29.09489560476488, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:44.363000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:44.363000",
+ "bytes": 1164404736,
+ "norm_byte": 35233792,
+ "ops": 1137114,
+ "norm_ops": 34408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.09489560476488,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e01f1df4bfbd35a3ccb1d6772d515773527536e1e8b33f1affb36825860b867",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:45.364000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:45.364000', 'bytes': 1199465472, 'norm_byte': 35060736, 'ops': 1171353, 'norm_ops': 34239, 'norm_ltcy': 29.238447818094862, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:45.364000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:45.364000",
+ "bytes": 1199465472,
+ "norm_byte": 35060736,
+ "ops": 1171353,
+ "norm_ops": 34239,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.238447818094862,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a31edc75376e3721f462b5dde3e1d1883366d74342b2277491ea7ad3a8990ad2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:46.365000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:46.365000', 'bytes': 1234589696, 'norm_byte': 35124224, 'ops': 1205654, 'norm_ops': 34301, 'norm_ltcy': 29.185577167484183, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:46.365000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:46.365000",
+ "bytes": 1234589696,
+ "norm_byte": 35124224,
+ "ops": 1205654,
+ "norm_ops": 34301,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.185577167484183,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70517cef469cc0eab9c2f2ac703592ed964771da8eeba1331658bfd7727b3fa6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:47.366000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:47.366000', 'bytes': 1269487616, 'norm_byte': 34897920, 'ops': 1239734, 'norm_ops': 34080, 'norm_ltcy': 29.374759297975352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:47.366000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:47.366000",
+ "bytes": 1269487616,
+ "norm_byte": 34897920,
+ "ops": 1239734,
+ "norm_ops": 34080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.374759297975352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe1ef96441c3016506dc3d1d6f2fb6e1968f0132ea61fd3014b086d3c9da83f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:48.367000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:48.367000', 'bytes': 1304677376, 'norm_byte': 35189760, 'ops': 1274099, 'norm_ops': 34365, 'norm_ltcy': 29.131450456041755, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:48.367000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:48.367000",
+ "bytes": 1304677376,
+ "norm_byte": 35189760,
+ "ops": 1274099,
+ "norm_ops": 34365,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.131450456041755,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "162cf8002487134f4e89a9ebe2fe7aec73f260a846adb6d54acca22b6049b9bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:49.368000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:49.368000', 'bytes': 1340253184, 'norm_byte': 35575808, 'ops': 1308841, 'norm_ops': 34742, 'norm_ltcy': 28.815185307948592, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:49.368000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:49.368000",
+ "bytes": 1340253184,
+ "norm_byte": 35575808,
+ "ops": 1308841,
+ "norm_ops": 34742,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.815185307948592,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "287ab29ad472d9891c531d4c7bbe542da9fe0a9a59c8e92166b84812db3c43cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:50.369000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:50.369000', 'bytes': 1375667200, 'norm_byte': 35414016, 'ops': 1343425, 'norm_ops': 34584, 'norm_ltcy': 28.945121615125494, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:50.369000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:50.369000",
+ "bytes": 1375667200,
+ "norm_byte": 35414016,
+ "ops": 1343425,
+ "norm_ops": 34584,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.945121615125494,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ff42ef22bcc5e61e2ccf203f3181227ef04f35c31b97eb3082c622aab531186",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:51.370000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:51.370000', 'bytes': 1411271680, 'norm_byte': 35604480, 'ops': 1378195, 'norm_ops': 34770, 'norm_ltcy': 28.79221940609721, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:51.370000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:51.370000",
+ "bytes": 1411271680,
+ "norm_byte": 35604480,
+ "ops": 1378195,
+ "norm_ops": 34770,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.79221940609721,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "96bc8b6c70495959d72114af4b4a66050feda7c7e50da7fad537fa2a19466fae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:52.371000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:52.371000', 'bytes': 1446674432, 'norm_byte': 35402752, 'ops': 1412768, 'norm_ops': 34573, 'norm_ltcy': 28.956152900203918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:52.371000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:52.371000",
+ "bytes": 1446674432,
+ "norm_byte": 35402752,
+ "ops": 1412768,
+ "norm_ops": 34573,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.956152900203918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b16be71f23f0e0d6c0f965418d1722dda475b4fa330148310df9eeaa9cd64c6b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:53.373000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:53.373000', 'bytes': 1482136576, 'norm_byte': 35462144, 'ops': 1447399, 'norm_ops': 34631, 'norm_ltcy': 28.908538355718143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:53.373000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:53.373000",
+ "bytes": 1482136576,
+ "norm_byte": 35462144,
+ "ops": 1447399,
+ "norm_ops": 34631,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.908538355718143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52e8d7dbe5ce8b9a6167a84ec5585a9df2e2cd814668beb6a602d08ee5926e63",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:54.374000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:54.374000', 'bytes': 1517230080, 'norm_byte': 35093504, 'ops': 1481670, 'norm_ops': 34271, 'norm_ltcy': 29.211196750258964, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:54.374000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:54.374000",
+ "bytes": 1517230080,
+ "norm_byte": 35093504,
+ "ops": 1481670,
+ "norm_ops": 34271,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.211196750258964,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f97bc7bcd98c8df470c531080bf19d8847a0ec7b155f8e3cdc43df600d6ae4ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:55.375000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:55.375000', 'bytes': 1552305152, 'norm_byte': 35075072, 'ops': 1515923, 'norm_ops': 34253, 'norm_ltcy': 29.226554403081483, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:55.375000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:55.375000",
+ "bytes": 1552305152,
+ "norm_byte": 35075072,
+ "ops": 1515923,
+ "norm_ops": 34253,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.226554403081483,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25356b365def8f5497fdc456404acbb6b6956561a469b1cffd5cd70aa77306ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:56.375000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:56.375000', 'bytes': 1587483648, 'norm_byte': 35178496, 'ops': 1550277, 'norm_ops': 34354, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12564823692292, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:56.375000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:56.375000",
+ "bytes": 1587483648,
+ "norm_byte": 35178496,
+ "ops": 1550277,
+ "norm_ops": 34354,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12564823692292,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2bde8cdd74a25dc05887728b2cf100d9eefa48840e8b0d110611b009b70f821a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:57.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:57.376000', 'bytes': 1622602752, 'norm_byte': 35119104, 'ops': 1584573, 'norm_ops': 34296, 'norm_ltcy': 29.189810765103804, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:57.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:57.376000",
+ "bytes": 1622602752,
+ "norm_byte": 35119104,
+ "ops": 1584573,
+ "norm_ops": 34296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.189810765103804,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "626deaabd5b2f75598bbed09f2d141a39a1aac0b17ced5109c1c6bed9383c0d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:58.377000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:58.377000', 'bytes': 1657574400, 'norm_byte': 34971648, 'ops': 1618725, 'norm_ops': 34152, 'norm_ltcy': 29.31115799861648, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:58.377000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:58.377000",
+ "bytes": 1657574400,
+ "norm_byte": 34971648,
+ "ops": 1618725,
+ "norm_ops": 34152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.31115799861648,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5106bb370f37c280987e93fc15009d7a0a437fbfbb22a84e7f2a839a0dddb812",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:38:59.379000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:38:59.379000', 'bytes': 1692623872, 'norm_byte': 35049472, 'ops': 1652953, 'norm_ops': 34228, 'norm_ltcy': 29.248479121169073, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:38:59.379000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:38:59.379000",
+ "bytes": 1692623872,
+ "norm_byte": 35049472,
+ "ops": 1652953,
+ "norm_ops": 34228,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.248479121169073,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e7841526372c41a8f1153ab4f872fc8485144d52f85b17a1566a9a807bb2d37",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:39:00.380000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:39:00.380000', 'bytes': 1727730688, 'norm_byte': 35106816, 'ops': 1687237, 'norm_ops': 34284, 'norm_ltcy': 29.199415293030277, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:39:00.380000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:39:00.380000",
+ "bytes": 1727730688,
+ "norm_byte": 35106816,
+ "ops": 1687237,
+ "norm_ops": 34284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.199415293030277,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d33d849769dfb0e1b00dafd9dfe12ed517da6246c5462e128cb37ac7e148a5bd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:39:01.381000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:39:01.381000', 'bytes': 1762854912, 'norm_byte': 35124224, 'ops': 1721538, 'norm_ops': 34301, 'norm_ltcy': 29.184068237350953, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:39:01.381000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:39:01.381000",
+ "bytes": 1762854912,
+ "norm_byte": 35124224,
+ "ops": 1721538,
+ "norm_ops": 34301,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.184068237350953,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70592cc143c93f9e534b78c4d57330d7a027fdac3a1b64ae83c0d9053d53402b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:39:02.382000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:39:02.382000', 'bytes': 1797981184, 'norm_byte': 35126272, 'ops': 1755841, 'norm_ops': 34303, 'norm_ltcy': 29.18386129902997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:39:02.382000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:39:02.382000",
+ "bytes": 1797981184,
+ "norm_byte": 35126272,
+ "ops": 1755841,
+ "norm_ops": 34303,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.18386129902997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "61d4801b0fd9705b07b766a2688c9a0f3d5037631a37ba3b986dac084e194686",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:39:03.383000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:39:03.383000', 'bytes': 1833554944, 'norm_byte': 35573760, 'ops': 1790581, 'norm_ops': 34740, 'norm_ltcy': 28.817610227313615, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:39:03.383000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:39:03.383000",
+ "bytes": 1833554944,
+ "norm_byte": 35573760,
+ "ops": 1790581,
+ "norm_ops": 34740,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.817610227313615,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a3d593fe899c80cc0b17c8063f2ccbe6a55420d7c79110b782897c1f6d9900b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:39:04.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:39:04.384000', 'bytes': 1868807168, 'norm_byte': 35252224, 'ops': 1825007, 'norm_ops': 34426, 'norm_ltcy': 29.079477368576804, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:39:04.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:39:04.384000",
+ "bytes": 1868807168,
+ "norm_byte": 35252224,
+ "ops": 1825007,
+ "norm_ops": 34426,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.079477368576804,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5a570a36a6da719c8645a02583681f8cd8e2fd12727b7473e6ae03cadac2935",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:39:05.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:39:05.384000', 'bytes': 1904002048, 'norm_byte': 35194880, 'ops': 1859377, 'norm_ops': 34370, 'norm_ltcy': 29.104723471141256, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:39:05.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:39:05.384000",
+ "bytes": 1904002048,
+ "norm_byte": 35194880,
+ "ops": 1859377,
+ "norm_ops": 34370,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.104723471141256,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2e9b8376d086e07d72b8c510182ebfb4a373d1b6b9708ea8a05847bbc1c2529",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:39:06.385000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:39:06.385000', 'bytes': 1939280896, 'norm_byte': 35278848, 'ops': 1893829, 'norm_ops': 34452, 'norm_ltcy': 29.054902813153085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:39:06.385000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:39:06.385000",
+ "bytes": 1939280896,
+ "norm_byte": 35278848,
+ "ops": 1893829,
+ "norm_ops": 34452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.054902813153085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fac7a8887df5086eadb3872233d938d85c6b6080a8944214871afb61329c01ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:39:07.386000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:39:07.386000', 'bytes': 1974342656, 'norm_byte': 35061760, 'ops': 1928069, 'norm_ops': 34240, 'norm_ltcy': 29.237672324492554, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:39:07.386000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:39:07.386000",
+ "bytes": 1974342656,
+ "norm_byte": 35061760,
+ "ops": 1928069,
+ "norm_ops": 34240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.237672324492554,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21484d842d06a09662ec443537f1227737f305369f849210a96262eb1ab722f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:39:08.388000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:39:08.388000', 'bytes': 2009838592, 'norm_byte': 35495936, 'ops': 1962733, 'norm_ops': 34664, 'norm_ltcy': 28.879996290279543, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:39:08.388000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:39:08.388000",
+ "bytes": 2009838592,
+ "norm_byte": 35495936,
+ "ops": 1962733,
+ "norm_ops": 34664,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.879996290279543,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "baaa01e8821489fee0fdd758995282a42831849f43a9e7be7c84b39acc83b520",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:39:09.389000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:39:09.389000', 'bytes': 2045024256, 'norm_byte': 35185664, 'ops': 1997094, 'norm_ops': 34361, 'norm_ltcy': 29.134578787542562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:39:09.389000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:39:09.389000",
+ "bytes": 2045024256,
+ "norm_byte": 35185664,
+ "ops": 1997094,
+ "norm_ops": 34361,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.134578787542562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6427701b5b3c2c48fca23cf43d518d49061a440cf9141817c0d36c32c4a684c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:39:10.390000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:39:10.390000', 'bytes': 2080148480, 'norm_byte': 35124224, 'ops': 2031395, 'norm_ops': 34301, 'norm_ltcy': 29.18559852026909, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:39:10.390000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:39:10.390000",
+ "bytes": 2080148480,
+ "norm_byte": 35124224,
+ "ops": 2031395,
+ "norm_ops": 34301,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.18559852026909,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "786d9a7ae10161ecef602526709da0a4fbc68b2c929857e5b8cd9e25fd1e4b49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:39:11.591000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:39:11.591000', 'bytes': 2114957312, 'norm_byte': 34808832, 'ops': 2065388, 'norm_ops': 33993, 'norm_ltcy': 35.32657315246889, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:39:11.591000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:39:11.591000",
+ "bytes": 2114957312,
+ "norm_byte": 34808832,
+ "ops": 2065388,
+ "norm_ops": 33993,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.32657315246889,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d6761e00-eb2f-5a1e-890b-80b51e47efd3",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e57a027ab3bc84e4ae65f2a8df45b72820122b8b9eb05cb57e48e43c43f1d423",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35249288.53333333
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34423.13333333333
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.33908498874698
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:39:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-092-220519223526/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-092-220519223526/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8576f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-092-220519223526/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-092-220519223526/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-092-220519223526/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-092-220519223526/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-092-220519223526/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-092-220519223526/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1383f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-092-220519223526/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=40
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-093-220519223727/220519223727-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-093-220519223727/220519223727-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f051321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-093-220519223727/220519223727-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:40:11Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000012200.5647 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000013201.6892 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000013201.7351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000014202.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:12440576 nr_ops:12149\ntimestamp_ms:1653000015203.9705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:31925248 nr_ops:31177\ntimestamp_ms:1653000016205.1021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:51008512 nr_ops:49813\ntimestamp_ms:1653000017206.1594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71275520 nr_ops:69605\ntimestamp_ms:1653000018207.2698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106368000 nr_ops:103875\ntimestamp_ms:1653000019208.5051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131677184 nr_ops:128591\ntimestamp_ms:1653000020209.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:145320960 nr_ops:141915\ntimestamp_ms:1653000021210.7241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:170513408 nr_ops:166517\ntimestamp_ms:1653000022211.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:178912256 nr_ops:174719\ntimestamp_ms:1653000023212.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191785984 nr_ops:187291\ntimestamp_ms:1653000024213.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225436672 nr_ops:220153\ntimestamp_ms:1653000025214.8462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:235850752 nr_ops:230323\ntimestamp_ms:1653000026215.9880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257657856 nr_ops:251619\ntimestamp_ms:1653000027217.1172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272198656 nr_ops:265819\ntimestamp_ms:1653000028218.2527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:284593152 nr_ops:277923\ntimestamp_ms:1653000029219.3706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:306304000 nr_ops:299125\ntimestamp_ms:1653000030220.4988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:320515072 nr_ops:313003\ntimestamp_ms:1653000031221.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:341933056 nr_ops:333919\ntimestamp_ms:1653000032222.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:365715456 nr_ops:357144\ntimestamp_ms:1653000033223.6792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376873984 nr_ops:368041\ntimestamp_ms:1653000034224.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388834304 nr_ops:379721\ntimestamp_ms:1653000035224.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:413543424 nr_ops:403851\ntimestamp_ms:1653000036225.9502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:435876864 nr_ops:425661\ntimestamp_ms:1653000037227.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:473664512 nr_ops:462563\ntimestamp_ms:1653000038228.1355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498301952 nr_ops:486623\ntimestamp_ms:1653000039229.2261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:523213824 nr_ops:510951\ntimestamp_ms:1653000040230.3201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548836352 nr_ops:535973\ntimestamp_ms:1653000041231.4211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568933376 nr_ops:555599\ntimestamp_ms:1653000042232.2937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:596663296 nr_ops:582679\ntimestamp_ms:1653000043233.3870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635554816 nr_ops:620659\ntimestamp_ms:1653000044234.4797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:646763520 nr_ops:631605\ntimestamp_ms:1653000045234.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672031744 nr_ops:656281\ntimestamp_ms:1653000046235.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694715392 nr_ops:678433\ntimestamp_ms:1653000047237.0359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734161920 nr_ops:716955\ntimestamp_ms:1653000048238.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758594560 nr_ops:740815\ntimestamp_ms:1653000049239.1768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775988224 nr_ops:757801\ntimestamp_ms:1653000050240.2229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:802612224 nr_ops:783801\ntimestamp_ms:1653000051241.3462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:834280448 nr_ops:814727\ntimestamp_ms:1653000052242.4382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:855663616 nr_ops:835609\ntimestamp_ms:1653000053243.4946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:873358336 nr_ops:852889\ntimestamp_ms:1653000054244.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878410752 nr_ops:857823\ntimestamp_ms:1653000055245.8184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:913875968 nr_ops:892457\ntimestamp_ms:1653000056246.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:933016576 nr_ops:911149\ntimestamp_ms:1653000057247.9971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949142528 nr_ops:926897\ntimestamp_ms:1653000058249.1165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963337216 nr_ops:940759\ntimestamp_ms:1653000059250.2273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999515136 nr_ops:976089\ntimestamp_ms:1653000060251.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1030996992 nr_ops:1006833\ntimestamp_ms:1653000061252.4495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069794304 nr_ops:1044721\ntimestamp_ms:1653000062253.5090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1106455552 nr_ops:1080523\ntimestamp_ms:1653000063254.5544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130038272 nr_ops:1103553\ntimestamp_ms:1653000064255.6660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1149490176 nr_ops:1122549\ntimestamp_ms:1653000065256.7673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165964288 nr_ops:1138637\ntimestamp_ms:1653000066257.8828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1176695808 nr_ops:1149117\ntimestamp_ms:1653000067258.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1186450432 nr_ops:1158643\ntimestamp_ms:1653000068259.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1198801920 nr_ops:1170705\ntimestamp_ms:1653000069260.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218003968 nr_ops:1189457\ntimestamp_ms:1653000070262.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1226540032 nr_ops:1197793\ntimestamp_ms:1653000071263.1501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1233568768 nr_ops:1204657\ntimestamp_ms:1653000072264.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261087744 nr_ops:1231531\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139667937003264\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.6516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1280353280 nr_ops:1250345\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.6936 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.6978 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073565.9153 name:Total nr_bytes:1280353280 nr_ops:1250346\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.7908 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2560706558 nr_ops:2500692\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.7917 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1280353280 nr_ops:1250348\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 271.29us 0.00ns 271.29us 271.29us \nTxn1 625173 96.03us 0.00ns 209.20ms 18.44us \nTxn2 1 24.21us 0.00ns 24.21us 24.21us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.58us 0.00ns 270.58us 270.58us \nwrite 625173 2.88us 0.00ns 149.31us 2.14us \nread 625172 93.07us 0.00ns 209.19ms 2.63us \ndisconnect 1 23.77us 0.00ns 23.77us 23.77us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \nnet1 10028 10028 87.42Mb/s 87.43Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.188 62.37s 1.19GB 164.24Mb/s 1250349 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.19GB 164.24Mb/s 1250348 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415741, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000012200.5647 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000013201.6892 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000013201.7351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000014202.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:12440576 nr_ops:12149\ntimestamp_ms:1653000015203.9705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:31925248 nr_ops:31177\ntimestamp_ms:1653000016205.1021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:51008512 nr_ops:49813\ntimestamp_ms:1653000017206.1594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71275520 nr_ops:69605\ntimestamp_ms:1653000018207.2698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106368000 nr_ops:103875\ntimestamp_ms:1653000019208.5051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131677184 nr_ops:128591\ntimestamp_ms:1653000020209.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:145320960 nr_ops:141915\ntimestamp_ms:1653000021210.7241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:170513408 nr_ops:166517\ntimestamp_ms:1653000022211.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:178912256 nr_ops:174719\ntimestamp_ms:1653000023212.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191785984 nr_ops:187291\ntimestamp_ms:1653000024213.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225436672 nr_ops:220153\ntimestamp_ms:1653000025214.8462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:235850752 nr_ops:230323\ntimestamp_ms:1653000026215.9880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257657856 nr_ops:251619\ntimestamp_ms:1653000027217.1172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272198656 nr_ops:265819\ntimestamp_ms:1653000028218.2527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:284593152 nr_ops:277923\ntimestamp_ms:1653000029219.3706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:306304000 nr_ops:299125\ntimestamp_ms:1653000030220.4988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:320515072 nr_ops:313003\ntimestamp_ms:1653000031221.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:341933056 nr_ops:333919\ntimestamp_ms:1653000032222.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:365715456 nr_ops:357144\ntimestamp_ms:1653000033223.6792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376873984 nr_ops:368041\ntimestamp_ms:1653000034224.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388834304 nr_ops:379721\ntimestamp_ms:1653000035224.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:413543424 nr_ops:403851\ntimestamp_ms:1653000036225.9502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:435876864 nr_ops:425661\ntimestamp_ms:1653000037227.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:473664512 nr_ops:462563\ntimestamp_ms:1653000038228.1355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498301952 nr_ops:486623\ntimestamp_ms:1653000039229.2261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:523213824 nr_ops:510951\ntimestamp_ms:1653000040230.3201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548836352 nr_ops:535973\ntimestamp_ms:1653000041231.4211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568933376 nr_ops:555599\ntimestamp_ms:1653000042232.2937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:596663296 nr_ops:582679\ntimestamp_ms:1653000043233.3870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635554816 nr_ops:620659\ntimestamp_ms:1653000044234.4797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:646763520 nr_ops:631605\ntimestamp_ms:1653000045234.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672031744 nr_ops:656281\ntimestamp_ms:1653000046235.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694715392 nr_ops:678433\ntimestamp_ms:1653000047237.0359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734161920 nr_ops:716955\ntimestamp_ms:1653000048238.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758594560 nr_ops:740815\ntimestamp_ms:1653000049239.1768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775988224 nr_ops:757801\ntimestamp_ms:1653000050240.2229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:802612224 nr_ops:783801\ntimestamp_ms:1653000051241.3462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:834280448 nr_ops:814727\ntimestamp_ms:1653000052242.4382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:855663616 nr_ops:835609\ntimestamp_ms:1653000053243.4946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:873358336 nr_ops:852889\ntimestamp_ms:1653000054244.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878410752 nr_ops:857823\ntimestamp_ms:1653000055245.8184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:913875968 nr_ops:892457\ntimestamp_ms:1653000056246.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:933016576 nr_ops:911149\ntimestamp_ms:1653000057247.9971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949142528 nr_ops:926897\ntimestamp_ms:1653000058249.1165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963337216 nr_ops:940759\ntimestamp_ms:1653000059250.2273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999515136 nr_ops:976089\ntimestamp_ms:1653000060251.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1030996992 nr_ops:1006833\ntimestamp_ms:1653000061252.4495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069794304 nr_ops:1044721\ntimestamp_ms:1653000062253.5090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1106455552 nr_ops:1080523\ntimestamp_ms:1653000063254.5544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130038272 nr_ops:1103553\ntimestamp_ms:1653000064255.6660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1149490176 nr_ops:1122549\ntimestamp_ms:1653000065256.7673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165964288 nr_ops:1138637\ntimestamp_ms:1653000066257.8828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1176695808 nr_ops:1149117\ntimestamp_ms:1653000067258.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1186450432 nr_ops:1158643\ntimestamp_ms:1653000068259.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1198801920 nr_ops:1170705\ntimestamp_ms:1653000069260.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218003968 nr_ops:1189457\ntimestamp_ms:1653000070262.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1226540032 nr_ops:1197793\ntimestamp_ms:1653000071263.1501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1233568768 nr_ops:1204657\ntimestamp_ms:1653000072264.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261087744 nr_ops:1231531\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139667937003264\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.6516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1280353280 nr_ops:1250345\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.6936 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.6978 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073565.9153 name:Total nr_bytes:1280353280 nr_ops:1250346\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.7908 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2560706558 nr_ops:2500692\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.7917 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1280353280 nr_ops:1250348\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 271.29us 0.00ns 271.29us 271.29us \nTxn1 625173 96.03us 0.00ns 209.20ms 18.44us \nTxn2 1 24.21us 0.00ns 24.21us 24.21us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.58us 0.00ns 270.58us 270.58us \nwrite 625173 2.88us 0.00ns 149.31us 2.14us \nread 625172 93.07us 0.00ns 209.19ms 2.63us \ndisconnect 1 23.77us 0.00ns 23.77us 23.77us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \nnet1 10028 10028 87.42Mb/s 87.43Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.188 62.37s 1.19GB 164.24Mb/s 1250349 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.19GB 164.24Mb/s 1250348 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415741, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000012200.5647 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000013201.6892 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000013201.7351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000014202.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:12440576 nr_ops:12149\ntimestamp_ms:1653000015203.9705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:31925248 nr_ops:31177\ntimestamp_ms:1653000016205.1021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:51008512 nr_ops:49813\ntimestamp_ms:1653000017206.1594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71275520 nr_ops:69605\ntimestamp_ms:1653000018207.2698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106368000 nr_ops:103875\ntimestamp_ms:1653000019208.5051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131677184 nr_ops:128591\ntimestamp_ms:1653000020209.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:145320960 nr_ops:141915\ntimestamp_ms:1653000021210.7241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:170513408 nr_ops:166517\ntimestamp_ms:1653000022211.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:178912256 nr_ops:174719\ntimestamp_ms:1653000023212.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191785984 nr_ops:187291\ntimestamp_ms:1653000024213.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225436672 nr_ops:220153\ntimestamp_ms:1653000025214.8462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:235850752 nr_ops:230323\ntimestamp_ms:1653000026215.9880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257657856 nr_ops:251619\ntimestamp_ms:1653000027217.1172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272198656 nr_ops:265819\ntimestamp_ms:1653000028218.2527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:284593152 nr_ops:277923\ntimestamp_ms:1653000029219.3706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:306304000 nr_ops:299125\ntimestamp_ms:1653000030220.4988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:320515072 nr_ops:313003\ntimestamp_ms:1653000031221.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:341933056 nr_ops:333919\ntimestamp_ms:1653000032222.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:365715456 nr_ops:357144\ntimestamp_ms:1653000033223.6792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376873984 nr_ops:368041\ntimestamp_ms:1653000034224.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388834304 nr_ops:379721\ntimestamp_ms:1653000035224.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:413543424 nr_ops:403851\ntimestamp_ms:1653000036225.9502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:435876864 nr_ops:425661\ntimestamp_ms:1653000037227.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:473664512 nr_ops:462563\ntimestamp_ms:1653000038228.1355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498301952 nr_ops:486623\ntimestamp_ms:1653000039229.2261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:523213824 nr_ops:510951\ntimestamp_ms:1653000040230.3201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548836352 nr_ops:535973\ntimestamp_ms:1653000041231.4211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568933376 nr_ops:555599\ntimestamp_ms:1653000042232.2937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:596663296 nr_ops:582679\ntimestamp_ms:1653000043233.3870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635554816 nr_ops:620659\ntimestamp_ms:1653000044234.4797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:646763520 nr_ops:631605\ntimestamp_ms:1653000045234.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672031744 nr_ops:656281\ntimestamp_ms:1653000046235.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694715392 nr_ops:678433\ntimestamp_ms:1653000047237.0359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734161920 nr_ops:716955\ntimestamp_ms:1653000048238.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758594560 nr_ops:740815\ntimestamp_ms:1653000049239.1768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775988224 nr_ops:757801\ntimestamp_ms:1653000050240.2229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:802612224 nr_ops:783801\ntimestamp_ms:1653000051241.3462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:834280448 nr_ops:814727\ntimestamp_ms:1653000052242.4382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:855663616 nr_ops:835609\ntimestamp_ms:1653000053243.4946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:873358336 nr_ops:852889\ntimestamp_ms:1653000054244.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878410752 nr_ops:857823\ntimestamp_ms:1653000055245.8184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:913875968 nr_ops:892457\ntimestamp_ms:1653000056246.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:933016576 nr_ops:911149\ntimestamp_ms:1653000057247.9971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949142528 nr_ops:926897\ntimestamp_ms:1653000058249.1165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963337216 nr_ops:940759\ntimestamp_ms:1653000059250.2273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999515136 nr_ops:976089\ntimestamp_ms:1653000060251.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1030996992 nr_ops:1006833\ntimestamp_ms:1653000061252.4495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069794304 nr_ops:1044721\ntimestamp_ms:1653000062253.5090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1106455552 nr_ops:1080523\ntimestamp_ms:1653000063254.5544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130038272 nr_ops:1103553\ntimestamp_ms:1653000064255.6660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1149490176 nr_ops:1122549\ntimestamp_ms:1653000065256.7673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165964288 nr_ops:1138637\ntimestamp_ms:1653000066257.8828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1176695808 nr_ops:1149117\ntimestamp_ms:1653000067258.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1186450432 nr_ops:1158643\ntimestamp_ms:1653000068259.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1198801920 nr_ops:1170705\ntimestamp_ms:1653000069260.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218003968 nr_ops:1189457\ntimestamp_ms:1653000070262.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1226540032 nr_ops:1197793\ntimestamp_ms:1653000071263.1501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1233568768 nr_ops:1204657\ntimestamp_ms:1653000072264.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261087744 nr_ops:1231531\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139667937003264\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.6516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1280353280 nr_ops:1250345\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.6936 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.6978 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073565.9153 name:Total nr_bytes:1280353280 nr_ops:1250346\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.7908 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2560706558 nr_ops:2500692\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000073465.7917 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1280353280 nr_ops:1250348\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 271.29us 0.00ns 271.29us 271.29us \nTxn1 625173 96.03us 0.00ns 209.20ms 18.44us \nTxn2 1 24.21us 0.00ns 24.21us 24.21us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.58us 0.00ns 270.58us 270.58us \nwrite 625173 2.88us 0.00ns 149.31us 2.14us \nread 625172 93.07us 0.00ns 209.19ms 2.63us \ndisconnect 1 23.77us 0.00ns 23.77us 23.77us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \nnet1 10028 10028 87.42Mb/s 87.43Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.188 62.37s 1.19GB 164.24Mb/s 1250349 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.19GB 164.24Mb/s 1250348 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415741, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000012200.5647 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000013201.6892 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000013201.7351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000014202.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:12440576 nr_ops:12149
+timestamp_ms:1653000015203.9705 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:31925248 nr_ops:31177
+timestamp_ms:1653000016205.1021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:51008512 nr_ops:49813
+timestamp_ms:1653000017206.1594 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:71275520 nr_ops:69605
+timestamp_ms:1653000018207.2698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106368000 nr_ops:103875
+timestamp_ms:1653000019208.5051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:131677184 nr_ops:128591
+timestamp_ms:1653000020209.6072 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:145320960 nr_ops:141915
+timestamp_ms:1653000021210.7241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:170513408 nr_ops:166517
+timestamp_ms:1653000022211.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:178912256 nr_ops:174719
+timestamp_ms:1653000023212.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191785984 nr_ops:187291
+timestamp_ms:1653000024213.9888 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225436672 nr_ops:220153
+timestamp_ms:1653000025214.8462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:235850752 nr_ops:230323
+timestamp_ms:1653000026215.9880 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257657856 nr_ops:251619
+timestamp_ms:1653000027217.1172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272198656 nr_ops:265819
+timestamp_ms:1653000028218.2527 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:284593152 nr_ops:277923
+timestamp_ms:1653000029219.3706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:306304000 nr_ops:299125
+timestamp_ms:1653000030220.4988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:320515072 nr_ops:313003
+timestamp_ms:1653000031221.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:341933056 nr_ops:333919
+timestamp_ms:1653000032222.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:365715456 nr_ops:357144
+timestamp_ms:1653000033223.6792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376873984 nr_ops:368041
+timestamp_ms:1653000034224.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388834304 nr_ops:379721
+timestamp_ms:1653000035224.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:413543424 nr_ops:403851
+timestamp_ms:1653000036225.9502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:435876864 nr_ops:425661
+timestamp_ms:1653000037227.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:473664512 nr_ops:462563
+timestamp_ms:1653000038228.1355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498301952 nr_ops:486623
+timestamp_ms:1653000039229.2261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:523213824 nr_ops:510951
+timestamp_ms:1653000040230.3201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:548836352 nr_ops:535973
+timestamp_ms:1653000041231.4211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568933376 nr_ops:555599
+timestamp_ms:1653000042232.2937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:596663296 nr_ops:582679
+timestamp_ms:1653000043233.3870 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635554816 nr_ops:620659
+timestamp_ms:1653000044234.4797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:646763520 nr_ops:631605
+timestamp_ms:1653000045234.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672031744 nr_ops:656281
+timestamp_ms:1653000046235.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:694715392 nr_ops:678433
+timestamp_ms:1653000047237.0359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734161920 nr_ops:716955
+timestamp_ms:1653000048238.1328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:758594560 nr_ops:740815
+timestamp_ms:1653000049239.1768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775988224 nr_ops:757801
+timestamp_ms:1653000050240.2229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:802612224 nr_ops:783801
+timestamp_ms:1653000051241.3462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:834280448 nr_ops:814727
+timestamp_ms:1653000052242.4382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:855663616 nr_ops:835609
+timestamp_ms:1653000053243.4946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:873358336 nr_ops:852889
+timestamp_ms:1653000054244.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878410752 nr_ops:857823
+timestamp_ms:1653000055245.8184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:913875968 nr_ops:892457
+timestamp_ms:1653000056246.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:933016576 nr_ops:911149
+timestamp_ms:1653000057247.9971 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949142528 nr_ops:926897
+timestamp_ms:1653000058249.1165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963337216 nr_ops:940759
+timestamp_ms:1653000059250.2273 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999515136 nr_ops:976089
+timestamp_ms:1653000060251.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1030996992 nr_ops:1006833
+timestamp_ms:1653000061252.4495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069794304 nr_ops:1044721
+timestamp_ms:1653000062253.5090 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1106455552 nr_ops:1080523
+timestamp_ms:1653000063254.5544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130038272 nr_ops:1103553
+timestamp_ms:1653000064255.6660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1149490176 nr_ops:1122549
+timestamp_ms:1653000065256.7673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165964288 nr_ops:1138637
+timestamp_ms:1653000066257.8828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1176695808 nr_ops:1149117
+timestamp_ms:1653000067258.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1186450432 nr_ops:1158643
+timestamp_ms:1653000068259.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1198801920 nr_ops:1170705
+timestamp_ms:1653000069260.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218003968 nr_ops:1189457
+timestamp_ms:1653000070262.0554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1226540032 nr_ops:1197793
+timestamp_ms:1653000071263.1501 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1233568768 nr_ops:1204657
+timestamp_ms:1653000072264.2485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261087744 nr_ops:1231531
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139667937003264
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653000073465.6516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1280353280 nr_ops:1250345
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000073465.6936 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000073465.6978 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000073565.9153 name:Total nr_bytes:1280353280 nr_ops:1250346
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000073465.7908 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2560706558 nr_ops:2500692
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000073465.7917 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1280353280 nr_ops:1250348
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 271.29us 0.00ns 271.29us 271.29us
+Txn1 625173 96.03us 0.00ns 209.20ms 18.44us
+Txn2 1 24.21us 0.00ns 24.21us 24.21us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 270.58us 0.00ns 270.58us 270.58us
+write 625173 2.88us 0.00ns 149.31us 2.14us
+read 625172 93.07us 0.00ns 209.19ms 2.63us
+disconnect 1 23.77us 0.00ns 23.77us 23.77us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s
+net1 10028 10028 87.42Mb/s 87.43Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.188 62.37s 1.19GB 164.24Mb/s 1250349 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.19GB 164.24Mb/s 1250348 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% -0.00% 0.00% -0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:14.202000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:14.202000', 'bytes': 12440576, 'norm_byte': 12440576, 'ops': 12149, 'norm_ops': 12149, 'norm_ltcy': 82.40263553713268, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:14.202000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:14.202000",
+ "bytes": 12440576,
+ "norm_byte": 12440576,
+ "ops": 12149,
+ "norm_ops": 12149,
+ "norm_ltcy": 82.40263553713268,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "283a7edda4c6d13acdf771d652f765c260cab1e04d6a73641da1cd982d9f87d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:15.203000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:15.203000', 'bytes': 31925248, 'norm_byte': 19484672, 'ops': 31177, 'norm_ops': 19028, 'norm_ltcy': 52.61329264357131, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:15.203000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:15.203000",
+ "bytes": 31925248,
+ "norm_byte": 19484672,
+ "ops": 31177,
+ "norm_ops": 19028,
+ "norm_ltcy": 52.61329264357131,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd225bcaae574d5fd5be8bea927202e56a4105a27111e4963fb35c7aac3bc4fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:16.205000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:16.205000', 'bytes': 51008512, 'norm_byte': 19083264, 'ops': 49813, 'norm_ops': 18636, 'norm_ltcy': 53.72030434625859, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:16.205000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:16.205000",
+ "bytes": 51008512,
+ "norm_byte": 19083264,
+ "ops": 49813,
+ "norm_ops": 18636,
+ "norm_ltcy": 53.72030434625859,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f5779455be2722579e052a0ade5e27f26d89fa499401dec91de5472613507fb3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:17.206000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:17.206000', 'bytes': 71275520, 'norm_byte': 20267008, 'ops': 69605, 'norm_ops': 19792, 'norm_ltcy': 50.578889098973065, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:17.206000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:17.206000",
+ "bytes": 71275520,
+ "norm_byte": 20267008,
+ "ops": 69605,
+ "norm_ops": 19792,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.578889098973065,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ab774587aeab7656f45d8c0a7b18df93937bf2bfbede632f5399cc4fa475b62",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:18.207000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:18.207000', 'bytes': 106368000, 'norm_byte': 35092480, 'ops': 103875, 'norm_ops': 34270, 'norm_ltcy': 29.21244095601109, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:18.207000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:18.207000",
+ "bytes": 106368000,
+ "norm_byte": 35092480,
+ "ops": 103875,
+ "norm_ops": 34270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.21244095601109,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0cc68cdcc1793e622df2f1bfc6a814cd0c799276fc5bfc80e98e5e47352a6f4b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:19.208000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:19.208000', 'bytes': 131677184, 'norm_byte': 25309184, 'ops': 128591, 'norm_ops': 24716, 'norm_ltcy': 40.50960315433323, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:19.208000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:19.208000",
+ "bytes": 131677184,
+ "norm_byte": 25309184,
+ "ops": 128591,
+ "norm_ops": 24716,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.50960315433323,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a1047b9cf1e43ff4f935a557ddff42063a9d5fef77ba0221ae3d133aa448ab0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:20.209000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:20.209000', 'bytes': 145320960, 'norm_byte': 13643776, 'ops': 141915, 'norm_ops': 13324, 'norm_ltcy': 75.13524848253152, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:20.209000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:20.209000",
+ "bytes": 145320960,
+ "norm_byte": 13643776,
+ "ops": 141915,
+ "norm_ops": 13324,
+ "norm_ltcy": 75.13524848253152,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "681eb8520164bb1ded735e6f0481b5c92365b66e9f9fe8ff1ac9dc42c27ead76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:21.210000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:21.210000', 'bytes': 170513408, 'norm_byte': 25192448, 'ops': 166517, 'norm_ops': 24602, 'norm_ltcy': 40.692502372139465, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:21.210000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:21.210000",
+ "bytes": 170513408,
+ "norm_byte": 25192448,
+ "ops": 166517,
+ "norm_ops": 24602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.692502372139465,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "157d26a88df57198114eca80f5ba0dcb283ffd23f3bea562060d180d18162f17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:22.211000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:22.211000', 'bytes': 178912256, 'norm_byte': 8398848, 'ops': 174719, 'norm_ops': 8202, 'norm_ltcy': 122.05837633923127, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:22.211000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:22.211000",
+ "bytes": 178912256,
+ "norm_byte": 8398848,
+ "ops": 174719,
+ "norm_ops": 8202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 122.05837633923127,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4a4a2ba87e382adb5789cef5a1be35732972376c4ea2b385593a01256cdf2f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:23.212000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:23.212000', 'bytes': 191785984, 'norm_byte': 12873728, 'ops': 187291, 'norm_ops': 12572, 'norm_ltcy': 79.62817763432628, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:23.212000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:23.212000",
+ "bytes": 191785984,
+ "norm_byte": 12873728,
+ "ops": 187291,
+ "norm_ops": 12572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 79.62817763432628,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f900a61532b4e8d69ee6eee3e464218bb60cf37aa10db2e469803c657f942a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:24.213000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:24.213000', 'bytes': 225436672, 'norm_byte': 33650688, 'ops': 220153, 'norm_ops': 32862, 'norm_ltcy': 30.462430664121932, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:24.213000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:24.213000",
+ "bytes": 225436672,
+ "norm_byte": 33650688,
+ "ops": 220153,
+ "norm_ops": 32862,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.462430664121932,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a8f0fdc1623a34d85ef84b40c4fdaa31f8407fd2691a1f7da93b49860377872",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:25.214000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:25.214000', 'bytes': 235850752, 'norm_byte': 10414080, 'ops': 230323, 'norm_ops': 10170, 'norm_ltcy': 98.4127258480826, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:25.214000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:25.214000",
+ "bytes": 235850752,
+ "norm_byte": 10414080,
+ "ops": 230323,
+ "norm_ops": 10170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 98.4127258480826,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c74fbe22491d115e3caa4d9bea772e7ef3c49231bb8bdc7ba2d8045c1e3a3e66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:26.215000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:26.215000', 'bytes': 257657856, 'norm_byte': 21807104, 'ops': 251619, 'norm_ops': 21296, 'norm_ltcy': 47.01079290491759, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:26.215000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:26.215000",
+ "bytes": 257657856,
+ "norm_byte": 21807104,
+ "ops": 251619,
+ "norm_ops": 21296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.01079290491759,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "965c798581f160b475e67f7a645d76f769eb2f9dc7d96dafa7dd7b17d4c27aab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:27.217000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:27.217000', 'bytes': 272198656, 'norm_byte': 14540800, 'ops': 265819, 'norm_ops': 14200, 'norm_ltcy': 70.50205284441022, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:27.217000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:27.217000",
+ "bytes": 272198656,
+ "norm_byte": 14540800,
+ "ops": 265819,
+ "norm_ops": 14200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 70.50205284441022,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d9a3ca33deb8f379d4b43a9f8a8b48dc85adf12fd702c01434c72e6fcd75308",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:28.218000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:28.218000', 'bytes': 284593152, 'norm_byte': 12394496, 'ops': 277923, 'norm_ops': 12104, 'norm_ltcy': 82.71112839118267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:28.218000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:28.218000",
+ "bytes": 284593152,
+ "norm_byte": 12394496,
+ "ops": 277923,
+ "norm_ops": 12104,
+ "norm_ltcy": 82.71112839118267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a54f272a04c2e981c299afab6dc2eb0b96d7365eafffedfee86e3174047c87eb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:29.219000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:29.219000', 'bytes': 306304000, 'norm_byte': 21710848, 'ops': 299125, 'norm_ops': 21202, 'norm_ltcy': 47.218088855856756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:29.219000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:29.219000",
+ "bytes": 306304000,
+ "norm_byte": 21710848,
+ "ops": 299125,
+ "norm_ops": 21202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.218088855856756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2bd22250b0bb92c8c2bceb74f8d6df94b61a49cfe5d600ab669bd09fe33dcf1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:30.220000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:30.220000', 'bytes': 320515072, 'norm_byte': 14211072, 'ops': 313003, 'norm_ops': 13878, 'norm_ltcy': 72.13778453870334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:30.220000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:30.220000",
+ "bytes": 320515072,
+ "norm_byte": 14211072,
+ "ops": 313003,
+ "norm_ops": 13878,
+ "norm_ltcy": 72.13778453870334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d49c33e1a998903a2d6731cd98bdcbd81c44a7181aa7e33ef801141c31d50b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:31.221000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:31.221000', 'bytes': 341933056, 'norm_byte': 21417984, 'ops': 333919, 'norm_ops': 20916, 'norm_ltcy': 47.861250620039684, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:31.221000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:31.221000",
+ "bytes": 341933056,
+ "norm_byte": 21417984,
+ "ops": 333919,
+ "norm_ops": 20916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.861250620039684,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3aec72856ba7292edc6b11349adcc2725aaeaf560865ce77bef426ce0bccc4bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:32.222000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:32.222000', 'bytes': 365715456, 'norm_byte': 23782400, 'ops': 357144, 'norm_ops': 23225, 'norm_ltcy': 43.10327174717438, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:32.222000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:32.222000",
+ "bytes": 365715456,
+ "norm_byte": 23782400,
+ "ops": 357144,
+ "norm_ops": 23225,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.10327174717438,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c0e5e2444a45b095abfeb26ebd6eb988c6e7cb52c1e13ee49241169047bdb5fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:33.223000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:33.223000', 'bytes': 376873984, 'norm_byte': 11158528, 'ops': 368041, 'norm_ops': 10897, 'norm_ltcy': 91.86390893135724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:33.223000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:33.223000",
+ "bytes": 376873984,
+ "norm_byte": 11158528,
+ "ops": 368041,
+ "norm_ops": 10897,
+ "norm_ltcy": 91.86390893135724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef752e72a999b55de055f226d12481e80a607d6e211ccec4f604085725600b67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:34.224000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:34.224000', 'bytes': 388834304, 'norm_byte': 11960320, 'ops': 379721, 'norm_ops': 11680, 'norm_ltcy': 85.70539918664385, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:34.224000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:34.224000",
+ "bytes": 388834304,
+ "norm_byte": 11960320,
+ "ops": 379721,
+ "norm_ops": 11680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 85.70539918664385,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a13e4158967bfbe894e81548d2a0e32b25fe1ca3c0c3c5909484e2d51c68d85b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:35.224000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:35.224000', 'bytes': 413543424, 'norm_byte': 24709120, 'ops': 403851, 'norm_ops': 24130, 'norm_ltcy': 41.446953594462286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:35.224000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:35.224000",
+ "bytes": 413543424,
+ "norm_byte": 24709120,
+ "ops": 403851,
+ "norm_ops": 24130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.446953594462286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad13b3a71dfb9f3a8e5699a08cf4f6fca085fb2a677df6fa69e7a3c48036896f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:36.225000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:36.225000', 'bytes': 435876864, 'norm_byte': 22333440, 'ops': 425661, 'norm_ops': 21810, 'norm_ltcy': 45.901739723034154, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:36.225000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:36.225000",
+ "bytes": 435876864,
+ "norm_byte": 22333440,
+ "ops": 425661,
+ "norm_ops": 21810,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.901739723034154,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c70ac0f69ba0669e91f83f25d9d2d8e6b0e3f9db70596eea7f2cbe7c0e4d7689",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:37.227000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:37.227000', 'bytes': 473664512, 'norm_byte': 37787648, 'ops': 462563, 'norm_ops': 36902, 'norm_ltcy': 27.128388620535475, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:37.227000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:37.227000",
+ "bytes": 473664512,
+ "norm_byte": 37787648,
+ "ops": 462563,
+ "norm_ops": 36902,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.128388620535475,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "974fff05952a0a3a4a5361c83cc55490e8023957ebb5b419c552d36212f99223",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:38.228000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:38.228000', 'bytes': 498301952, 'norm_byte': 24637440, 'ops': 486623, 'norm_ops': 24060, 'norm_ltcy': 41.60820888858582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:38.228000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:38.228000",
+ "bytes": 498301952,
+ "norm_byte": 24637440,
+ "ops": 486623,
+ "norm_ops": 24060,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.60820888858582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55aa1231ce4c140614e70ca3931f19da1ee35849f7d8a301d31e9034e06837fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:39.229000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:39.229000', 'bytes': 523213824, 'norm_byte': 24911872, 'ops': 510951, 'norm_ops': 24328, 'norm_ltcy': 41.14972772820927, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:39.229000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:39.229000",
+ "bytes": 523213824,
+ "norm_byte": 24911872,
+ "ops": 510951,
+ "norm_ops": 24328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.14972772820927,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86ca89dd3177e02dde5e9856c6cbeeccf4a6de8f0dd0425537d3d81d3241ba1b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:40.230000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:40.230000', 'bytes': 548836352, 'norm_byte': 25622528, 'ops': 535973, 'norm_ops': 25022, 'norm_ltcy': 40.00855223965411, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:40.230000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:40.230000",
+ "bytes": 548836352,
+ "norm_byte": 25622528,
+ "ops": 535973,
+ "norm_ops": 25022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.00855223965411,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c70a2b192b681956493163edc9d2dfcc2c9bcc9993b3acb512321b9fe0ac1715",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:41.231000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:41.231000', 'bytes': 568933376, 'norm_byte': 20097024, 'ops': 555599, 'norm_ops': 19626, 'norm_ltcy': 51.00892052475033, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:41.231000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:41.231000",
+ "bytes": 568933376,
+ "norm_byte": 20097024,
+ "ops": 555599,
+ "norm_ops": 19626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 51.00892052475033,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc1ca9630ea989580a56b060ffecafa39e88a9cbd2c7a3acd7920ac0f2f6e24d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:42.232000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:42.232000', 'bytes': 596663296, 'norm_byte': 27729920, 'ops': 582679, 'norm_ops': 27080, 'norm_ltcy': 36.959843374953834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:42.232000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:42.232000",
+ "bytes": 596663296,
+ "norm_byte": 27729920,
+ "ops": 582679,
+ "norm_ops": 27080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.959843374953834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b676781de7f693f2976ce9d3b69451be9c9e0075dada7c3d31dac5a2d97ec79e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:43.233000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:43.233000', 'bytes': 635554816, 'norm_byte': 38891520, 'ops': 620659, 'norm_ops': 37980, 'norm_ltcy': 26.35843237806082, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:43.233000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:43.233000",
+ "bytes": 635554816,
+ "norm_byte": 38891520,
+ "ops": 620659,
+ "norm_ops": 37980,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.35843237806082,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e506f1512a5a7352f1649ed20958317877984a75ab387e30d5459db09aae8f9a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:44.234000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:44.234000', 'bytes': 646763520, 'norm_byte': 11208704, 'ops': 631605, 'norm_ops': 10946, 'norm_ltcy': 91.45740667252878, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:44.234000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:44.234000",
+ "bytes": 646763520,
+ "norm_byte": 11208704,
+ "ops": 631605,
+ "norm_ops": 10946,
+ "norm_ltcy": 91.45740667252878,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8266455cd1fbaf843e1ea582a7e84a854bbd9c7ed6c61e2a83b82012f43ece40",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:45.234000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:45.234000', 'bytes': 672031744, 'norm_byte': 25268224, 'ops': 656281, 'norm_ops': 24676, 'norm_ltcy': 40.53953297232128, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:45.234000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:45.234000",
+ "bytes": 672031744,
+ "norm_byte": 25268224,
+ "ops": 656281,
+ "norm_ops": 24676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.53953297232128,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd678a70c3a0282652dfc90d24e45b17c145662353b476d43f56094c1c4916ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:46.235000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:46.235000', 'bytes': 694715392, 'norm_byte': 22683648, 'ops': 678433, 'norm_ops': 22152, 'norm_ltcy': 45.192808052743544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:46.235000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:46.235000",
+ "bytes": 694715392,
+ "norm_byte": 22683648,
+ "ops": 678433,
+ "norm_ops": 22152,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.192808052743544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3df64ac079c6b4d9148def15ed424a8548613192c7a7823ade502401acfb8869",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:47.237000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:47.237000', 'bytes': 734161920, 'norm_byte': 39446528, 'ops': 716955, 'norm_ops': 38522, 'norm_ltcy': 25.987527977113725, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:47.237000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:47.237000",
+ "bytes": 734161920,
+ "norm_byte": 39446528,
+ "ops": 716955,
+ "norm_ops": 38522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.987527977113725,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55edf060b210f9b919542f79274ea26245dcc239c85303f77a662e9080dde056",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:48.238000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:48.238000', 'bytes': 758594560, 'norm_byte': 24432640, 'ops': 740815, 'norm_ops': 23860, 'norm_ltcy': 41.957121702771374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:48.238000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:48.238000",
+ "bytes": 758594560,
+ "norm_byte": 24432640,
+ "ops": 740815,
+ "norm_ops": 23860,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.957121702771374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fdc10b1f1d4604d975e471e28b72918dcda61f1d89daf3cae8e81dc3b30c0958",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:49.239000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:49.239000', 'bytes': 775988224, 'norm_byte': 17393664, 'ops': 757801, 'norm_ops': 16986, 'norm_ltcy': 58.93347140659955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:49.239000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:49.239000",
+ "bytes": 775988224,
+ "norm_byte": 17393664,
+ "ops": 757801,
+ "norm_ops": 16986,
+ "norm_ltcy": 58.93347140659955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93e41181b70d546adaf2305871c9b7beb17b5acbd154d6252f4ffa8d95647056",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:50.240000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:50.240000', 'bytes': 802612224, 'norm_byte': 26624000, 'ops': 783801, 'norm_ops': 26000, 'norm_ltcy': 38.50177471454327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:50.240000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:50.240000",
+ "bytes": 802612224,
+ "norm_byte": 26624000,
+ "ops": 783801,
+ "norm_ops": 26000,
+ "norm_ltcy": 38.50177471454327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f693149bb5013deb8a6afc927786c62abb653a7f12be5b9901cf3db0497ee9ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:51.241000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:51.241000', 'bytes': 834280448, 'norm_byte': 31668224, 'ops': 814727, 'norm_ops': 30926, 'norm_ltcy': 32.371573789550055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:51.241000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:51.241000",
+ "bytes": 834280448,
+ "norm_byte": 31668224,
+ "ops": 814727,
+ "norm_ops": 30926,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.371573789550055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bbf246e93477d8bd75eff8399366bf37b09b33c918631cf658f7c4c5a27d82ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:52.242000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:52.242000', 'bytes': 855663616, 'norm_byte': 21383168, 'ops': 835609, 'norm_ops': 20882, 'norm_ltcy': 47.94042912631094, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:52.242000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:52.242000",
+ "bytes": 855663616,
+ "norm_byte": 21383168,
+ "ops": 835609,
+ "norm_ops": 20882,
+ "norm_ltcy": 47.94042912631094,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da2445ddd0e1b4e3b02e3eb54c12aaa2f97dd543de4283caccc72e99b51b081f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:53.243000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:53.243000', 'bytes': 873358336, 'norm_byte': 17694720, 'ops': 852889, 'norm_ops': 17280, 'norm_ltcy': 57.93150442617911, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:53.243000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:53.243000",
+ "bytes": 873358336,
+ "norm_byte": 17694720,
+ "ops": 852889,
+ "norm_ops": 17280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 57.93150442617911,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6029df8db9ca461fbedaa6952222188d0923c4c9305c1b63f22fa3fed61b6c5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:54.244000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:54.244000', 'bytes': 878410752, 'norm_byte': 5052416, 'ops': 857823, 'norm_ops': 4934, 'norm_ltcy': 202.9239575680229, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:54.244000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:54.244000",
+ "bytes": 878410752,
+ "norm_byte": 5052416,
+ "ops": 857823,
+ "norm_ops": 4934,
+ "norm_ltcy": 202.9239575680229,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9873e69f27ed4f39a79723a700447d431de090b8ad778188904758cfe4fd7220",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:55.245000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:55.245000', 'bytes': 913875968, 'norm_byte': 35465216, 'ops': 892457, 'norm_ops': 34634, 'norm_ltcy': 28.90503331489649, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:55.245000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:55.245000",
+ "bytes": 913875968,
+ "norm_byte": 35465216,
+ "ops": 892457,
+ "norm_ops": 34634,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.90503331489649,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f60b8b0eef6459bcc2d27540018fbdee1eb6ed92f266a6d5ce9be8993a9cbbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:56.246000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:56.246000', 'bytes': 933016576, 'norm_byte': 19140608, 'ops': 911149, 'norm_ops': 18692, 'norm_ltcy': 53.5584083849374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:56.246000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:56.246000",
+ "bytes": 933016576,
+ "norm_byte": 19140608,
+ "ops": 911149,
+ "norm_ops": 18692,
+ "norm_ltcy": 53.5584083849374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a7f8014e6a369ac6d3637c7e394ea19bbffc7e8deb0179d9f045f8f0f6688c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:57.247000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:57.247000', 'bytes': 949142528, 'norm_byte': 16125952, 'ops': 926897, 'norm_ops': 15748, 'norm_ltcy': 63.5677509147987, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:57.247000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:57.247000",
+ "bytes": 949142528,
+ "norm_byte": 16125952,
+ "ops": 926897,
+ "norm_ops": 15748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 63.5677509147987,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "218875f30d1916ad0726c5d2dc5ecdbfd3a7c71f9c6d3e79b422683520f6a5d9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:58.249000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:58.249000', 'bytes': 963337216, 'norm_byte': 14194688, 'ops': 940759, 'norm_ops': 13862, 'norm_ltcy': 72.22041442545267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:58.249000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:58.249000",
+ "bytes": 963337216,
+ "norm_byte": 14194688,
+ "ops": 940759,
+ "norm_ops": 13862,
+ "norm_ltcy": 72.22041442545267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5053d6bac17c1aa6b35f503f5ba138c99de236e6d31bb38c51c32d0274eb082",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:40:59.250000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:40:59.250000', 'bytes': 999515136, 'norm_byte': 36177920, 'ops': 976089, 'norm_ops': 35330, 'norm_ltcy': 28.33599886339513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:40:59.250000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:40:59.250000",
+ "bytes": 999515136,
+ "norm_byte": 36177920,
+ "ops": 976089,
+ "norm_ops": 35330,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.33599886339513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d9b021df9ea9f2b5a580a82a52148ae7ae1b56bfa0b2dc1738f8fb9c7153738",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:00.251000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:00.251000', 'bytes': 1030996992, 'norm_byte': 31481856, 'ops': 1006833, 'norm_ops': 30744, 'norm_ltcy': 32.56255762049099, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:00.251000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:00.251000",
+ "bytes": 1030996992,
+ "norm_byte": 31481856,
+ "ops": 1006833,
+ "norm_ops": 30744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.56255762049099,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "812dbf74d37335121bfa20b7c35726bf9eb6c41ac1ceff99557c0fd6c4f83a13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:01.252000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:01.252000', 'bytes': 1069794304, 'norm_byte': 38797312, 'ops': 1044721, 'norm_ops': 37888, 'norm_ltcy': 26.42311276616277, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:01.252000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:01.252000",
+ "bytes": 1069794304,
+ "norm_byte": 38797312,
+ "ops": 1044721,
+ "norm_ops": 37888,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.42311276616277,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d687b768a8df5344a08f4e87ae60aa5eb947264611f3927d0b7abc5416d2064",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:02.253000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:02.253000', 'bytes': 1106455552, 'norm_byte': 36661248, 'ops': 1080523, 'norm_ops': 35802, 'norm_ltcy': 27.96099576315569, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:02.253000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:02.253000",
+ "bytes": 1106455552,
+ "norm_byte": 36661248,
+ "ops": 1080523,
+ "norm_ops": 35802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.96099576315569,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "956f6c35aa302edc4d603dc56354bfd1a913dea791530f078dbde725287940f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:03.254000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:03.254000', 'bytes': 1130038272, 'norm_byte': 23582720, 'ops': 1103553, 'norm_ops': 23030, 'norm_ltcy': 43.46701737543422, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:03.254000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:03.254000",
+ "bytes": 1130038272,
+ "norm_byte": 23582720,
+ "ops": 1103553,
+ "norm_ops": 23030,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.46701737543422,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37d479c57838ef15cd9485f241b185dbf4485cb05055e17cb6d73a650b4829b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:04.255000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:04.255000', 'bytes': 1149490176, 'norm_byte': 19451904, 'ops': 1122549, 'norm_ops': 18996, 'norm_ltcy': 52.70117773560881, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:04.255000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:04.255000",
+ "bytes": 1149490176,
+ "norm_byte": 19451904,
+ "ops": 1122549,
+ "norm_ops": 18996,
+ "norm_ltcy": 52.70117773560881,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52b2f68b96d748626d6e151ccdecaaf1a3c03bed50239190be4b656ca7c0755f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:05.256000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:05.256000', 'bytes': 1165964288, 'norm_byte': 16474112, 'ops': 1138637, 'norm_ops': 16088, 'norm_ltcy': 62.226586173506654, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:05.256000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:05.256000",
+ "bytes": 1165964288,
+ "norm_byte": 16474112,
+ "ops": 1138637,
+ "norm_ops": 16088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 62.226586173506654,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "527bd61b42af9a61f8e6168406cca4c5929cbe54c8847d8585e48eb0022ede46",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:06.257000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:06.257000', 'bytes': 1176695808, 'norm_byte': 10731520, 'ops': 1149117, 'norm_ops': 10480, 'norm_ltcy': 95.52628611790314, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:06.257000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:06.257000",
+ "bytes": 1176695808,
+ "norm_byte": 10731520,
+ "ops": 1149117,
+ "norm_ops": 10480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 95.52628611790314,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9503e09e96c1d216097c5813b16f4cdcd481b3d70cc08dae4f980b365867d1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:07.258000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:07.258000', 'bytes': 1186450432, 'norm_byte': 9754624, 'ops': 1158643, 'norm_ops': 9526, 'norm_ltcy': 105.08675167797345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:07.258000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:07.258000",
+ "bytes": 1186450432,
+ "norm_byte": 9754624,
+ "ops": 1158643,
+ "norm_ops": 9526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 105.08675167797345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f2186790df50ee3fb3f7f83bb9546cbf239250ea398b4a58f378f9f7bf07673",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:08.259000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:08.259000', 'bytes': 1198801920, 'norm_byte': 12351488, 'ops': 1170705, 'norm_ops': 12062, 'norm_ltcy': 82.97931390938484, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:08.259000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:08.259000",
+ "bytes": 1198801920,
+ "norm_byte": 12351488,
+ "ops": 1170705,
+ "norm_ops": 12062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 82.97931390938484,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a19b310f4e25464e096592123c3145b3e608243448f4d081ffb8c853d2510679",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:09.260000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:09.260000', 'bytes': 1218003968, 'norm_byte': 19202048, 'ops': 1189457, 'norm_ops': 18752, 'norm_ltcy': 53.38649294075298, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:09.260000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:09.260000",
+ "bytes": 1218003968,
+ "norm_byte": 19202048,
+ "ops": 1189457,
+ "norm_ops": 18752,
+ "norm_ltcy": 53.38649294075298,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f222ffd9b614041543670f1affc5944889c89ce22a7f93b161a817d1e2c3ebd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:10.262000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:10.262000', 'bytes': 1226540032, 'norm_byte': 8536064, 'ops': 1197793, 'norm_ops': 8336, 'norm_ltcy': 120.09551474778071, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:10.262000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:10.262000",
+ "bytes": 1226540032,
+ "norm_byte": 8536064,
+ "ops": 1197793,
+ "norm_ops": 8336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 120.09551474778071,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f916867f68404bcfdb2bbd426a175bc7359e4a9502b107c29e1fbf92189b9b09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:11.263000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:11.263000', 'bytes': 1233568768, 'norm_byte': 7028736, 'ops': 1204657, 'norm_ops': 6864, 'norm_ltcy': 145.84713382320805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:11.263000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:11.263000",
+ "bytes": 1233568768,
+ "norm_byte": 7028736,
+ "ops": 1204657,
+ "norm_ops": 6864,
+ "norm_ltcy": 145.84713382320805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66465005b7983a915d4925d01799a73ce7869f2b11de43976b3d85a81078663e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:12.264000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:12.264000', 'bytes': 1261087744, 'norm_byte': 27518976, 'ops': 1231531, 'norm_ops': 26874, 'norm_ltcy': 37.25155870625419, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:12.264000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:12.264000",
+ "bytes": 1261087744,
+ "norm_byte": 27518976,
+ "ops": 1231531,
+ "norm_ops": 26874,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.25155870625419,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "92673040062002c34a81768ceab7e5db5ca3466964089d05a7c193abd253f850",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:41:13.465000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:41:13.465000', 'bytes': 1280353280, 'norm_byte': 19265536, 'ops': 1250345, 'norm_ops': 18814, 'norm_ltcy': 63.856865960023114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:41:13.465000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:41:13.465000",
+ "bytes": 1280353280,
+ "norm_byte": 19265536,
+ "ops": 1250345,
+ "norm_ops": 18814,
+ "norm_ltcy": 63.856865960023114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "993d740e-23c8-5a5e-bf54-4a9bd42f4f9f",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "281485b7d8c46411e3903074583b136b75dca11c2201f0b33ff065e52c36c6a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 21339221.333333332
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 20839.083333333332
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 120.19365782735323
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:41:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-093-220519223727/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-093-220519223727/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78259dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-093-220519223727/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-093-220519223727/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-093-220519223727/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-093-220519223727/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-093-220519223727/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-093-220519223727/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8b2de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-093-220519223727/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=60
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-094-220519223929/220519223929-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-094-220519223929/220519223929-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cc982f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-094-220519223929/220519223929-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:42:12Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000133455.5183 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000134456.6360 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000134456.6973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000135457.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35593216 nr_ops:34759\ntimestamp_ms:1653000136457.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70908928 nr_ops:69247\ntimestamp_ms:1653000137458.9910 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106247168 nr_ops:103757\ntimestamp_ms:1653000138460.0913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141802496 nr_ops:138479\ntimestamp_ms:1653000139461.1943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177200128 nr_ops:173047\ntimestamp_ms:1653000140462.3010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212372480 nr_ops:207395\ntimestamp_ms:1653000141463.3945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247497728 nr_ops:241697\ntimestamp_ms:1653000142464.4902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282696704 nr_ops:276071\ntimestamp_ms:1653000143465.6021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317924352 nr_ops:310473\ntimestamp_ms:1653000144466.6953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352848896 nr_ops:344579\ntimestamp_ms:1653000145467.7966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388050944 nr_ops:378956\ntimestamp_ms:1653000146468.9260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423287808 nr_ops:413367\ntimestamp_ms:1653000147470.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458443776 nr_ops:447699\ntimestamp_ms:1653000148471.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493771776 nr_ops:482199\ntimestamp_ms:1653000149472.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529150976 nr_ops:516749\ntimestamp_ms:1653000150473.2881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564483072 nr_ops:551253\ntimestamp_ms:1653000151473.8691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599839744 nr_ops:585781\ntimestamp_ms:1653000152474.9709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634827776 nr_ops:619949\ntimestamp_ms:1653000153476.0835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670229504 nr_ops:654521\ntimestamp_ms:1653000154477.2031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705569792 nr_ops:689033\ntimestamp_ms:1653000155478.2964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741090304 nr_ops:723721\ntimestamp_ms:1653000156479.3987 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776530944 nr_ops:758331\ntimestamp_ms:1653000157480.4934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811654144 nr_ops:792631\ntimestamp_ms:1653000158481.5845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847128576 nr_ops:827274\ntimestamp_ms:1653000159482.6912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882150400 nr_ops:861475\ntimestamp_ms:1653000160483.7927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917431296 nr_ops:895929\ntimestamp_ms:1653000161484.8525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952522752 nr_ops:930198\ntimestamp_ms:1653000162486.0259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987812864 nr_ops:964661\ntimestamp_ms:1653000163487.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023233024 nr_ops:999251\ntimestamp_ms:1653000164488.2161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058539520 nr_ops:1033730\ntimestamp_ms:1653000165489.3142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093853184 nr_ops:1068216\ntimestamp_ms:1653000166490.4080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129550848 nr_ops:1103077\ntimestamp_ms:1653000167491.5032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164968960 nr_ops:1137665\ntimestamp_ms:1653000168492.6047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200264192 nr_ops:1172133\ntimestamp_ms:1653000169493.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236075520 nr_ops:1207105\ntimestamp_ms:1653000170494.9670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271288832 nr_ops:1241493\ntimestamp_ms:1653000171496.0857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306595328 nr_ops:1275972\ntimestamp_ms:1653000172497.1841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342135296 nr_ops:1310679\ntimestamp_ms:1653000173498.2822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377517568 nr_ops:1345232\ntimestamp_ms:1653000174499.3215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1412623360 nr_ops:1379515\ntimestamp_ms:1653000175499.9092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1447608320 nr_ops:1413680\ntimestamp_ms:1653000176501.0322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483142144 nr_ops:1448381\ntimestamp_ms:1653000177501.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518426112 nr_ops:1482838\ntimestamp_ms:1653000178503.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1553787904 nr_ops:1517371\ntimestamp_ms:1653000179504.1067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1588843520 nr_ops:1551605\ntimestamp_ms:1653000180505.1965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624220672 nr_ops:1586153\ntimestamp_ms:1653000181505.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1659419648 nr_ops:1620527\ntimestamp_ms:1653000182506.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1694637056 nr_ops:1654919\ntimestamp_ms:1653000183507.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1729864704 nr_ops:1689321\ntimestamp_ms:1653000184508.8853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1764879360 nr_ops:1723515\ntimestamp_ms:1653000185509.8491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800254464 nr_ops:1758061\ntimestamp_ms:1653000186510.8950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835746304 nr_ops:1792721\ntimestamp_ms:1653000187511.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870906368 nr_ops:1827057\ntimestamp_ms:1653000188512.9915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906150400 nr_ops:1861475\ntimestamp_ms:1653000189514.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941210112 nr_ops:1895713\ntimestamp_ms:1653000190515.0991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1969150976 nr_ops:1922999\ntimestamp_ms:1653000191516.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2004564992 nr_ops:1957583\ntimestamp_ms:1653000192517.3164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040001536 nr_ops:1992189\ntimestamp_ms:1653000193518.4377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2075180032 nr_ops:2026543\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140448179508992\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.7683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2110546944 nr_ops:2061081\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.8660 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.8699 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194820.0894 name:Total nr_bytes:2110546944 nr_ops:2061082\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.9800 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4221093886 nr_ops:4122164\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.9807 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2110546944 nr_ops:2061084\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 325.58us 0.00ns 325.58us 325.58us \nTxn1 1030541 58.21us 0.00ns 206.59ms 24.23us \nTxn2 1 35.93us 0.00ns 35.93us 35.93us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 324.86us 0.00ns 324.86us 324.86us \nwrite 1030541 3.85us 0.00ns 170.05us 2.22us \nread 1030540 54.25us 0.00ns 206.59ms 4.77us \ndisconnect 1 35.58us 0.00ns 35.58us 35.58us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.74b/s \nnet1 16524 16524 144.09Mb/s 144.09Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.189 62.37s 1.97GB 270.73Mb/s 2061083 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 270.73Mb/s 2061084 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.41537, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000133455.5183 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000134456.6360 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000134456.6973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000135457.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35593216 nr_ops:34759\ntimestamp_ms:1653000136457.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70908928 nr_ops:69247\ntimestamp_ms:1653000137458.9910 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106247168 nr_ops:103757\ntimestamp_ms:1653000138460.0913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141802496 nr_ops:138479\ntimestamp_ms:1653000139461.1943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177200128 nr_ops:173047\ntimestamp_ms:1653000140462.3010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212372480 nr_ops:207395\ntimestamp_ms:1653000141463.3945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247497728 nr_ops:241697\ntimestamp_ms:1653000142464.4902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282696704 nr_ops:276071\ntimestamp_ms:1653000143465.6021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317924352 nr_ops:310473\ntimestamp_ms:1653000144466.6953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352848896 nr_ops:344579\ntimestamp_ms:1653000145467.7966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388050944 nr_ops:378956\ntimestamp_ms:1653000146468.9260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423287808 nr_ops:413367\ntimestamp_ms:1653000147470.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458443776 nr_ops:447699\ntimestamp_ms:1653000148471.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493771776 nr_ops:482199\ntimestamp_ms:1653000149472.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529150976 nr_ops:516749\ntimestamp_ms:1653000150473.2881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564483072 nr_ops:551253\ntimestamp_ms:1653000151473.8691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599839744 nr_ops:585781\ntimestamp_ms:1653000152474.9709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634827776 nr_ops:619949\ntimestamp_ms:1653000153476.0835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670229504 nr_ops:654521\ntimestamp_ms:1653000154477.2031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705569792 nr_ops:689033\ntimestamp_ms:1653000155478.2964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741090304 nr_ops:723721\ntimestamp_ms:1653000156479.3987 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776530944 nr_ops:758331\ntimestamp_ms:1653000157480.4934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811654144 nr_ops:792631\ntimestamp_ms:1653000158481.5845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847128576 nr_ops:827274\ntimestamp_ms:1653000159482.6912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882150400 nr_ops:861475\ntimestamp_ms:1653000160483.7927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917431296 nr_ops:895929\ntimestamp_ms:1653000161484.8525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952522752 nr_ops:930198\ntimestamp_ms:1653000162486.0259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987812864 nr_ops:964661\ntimestamp_ms:1653000163487.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023233024 nr_ops:999251\ntimestamp_ms:1653000164488.2161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058539520 nr_ops:1033730\ntimestamp_ms:1653000165489.3142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093853184 nr_ops:1068216\ntimestamp_ms:1653000166490.4080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129550848 nr_ops:1103077\ntimestamp_ms:1653000167491.5032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164968960 nr_ops:1137665\ntimestamp_ms:1653000168492.6047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200264192 nr_ops:1172133\ntimestamp_ms:1653000169493.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236075520 nr_ops:1207105\ntimestamp_ms:1653000170494.9670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271288832 nr_ops:1241493\ntimestamp_ms:1653000171496.0857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306595328 nr_ops:1275972\ntimestamp_ms:1653000172497.1841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342135296 nr_ops:1310679\ntimestamp_ms:1653000173498.2822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377517568 nr_ops:1345232\ntimestamp_ms:1653000174499.3215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1412623360 nr_ops:1379515\ntimestamp_ms:1653000175499.9092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1447608320 nr_ops:1413680\ntimestamp_ms:1653000176501.0322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483142144 nr_ops:1448381\ntimestamp_ms:1653000177501.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518426112 nr_ops:1482838\ntimestamp_ms:1653000178503.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1553787904 nr_ops:1517371\ntimestamp_ms:1653000179504.1067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1588843520 nr_ops:1551605\ntimestamp_ms:1653000180505.1965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624220672 nr_ops:1586153\ntimestamp_ms:1653000181505.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1659419648 nr_ops:1620527\ntimestamp_ms:1653000182506.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1694637056 nr_ops:1654919\ntimestamp_ms:1653000183507.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1729864704 nr_ops:1689321\ntimestamp_ms:1653000184508.8853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1764879360 nr_ops:1723515\ntimestamp_ms:1653000185509.8491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800254464 nr_ops:1758061\ntimestamp_ms:1653000186510.8950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835746304 nr_ops:1792721\ntimestamp_ms:1653000187511.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870906368 nr_ops:1827057\ntimestamp_ms:1653000188512.9915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906150400 nr_ops:1861475\ntimestamp_ms:1653000189514.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941210112 nr_ops:1895713\ntimestamp_ms:1653000190515.0991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1969150976 nr_ops:1922999\ntimestamp_ms:1653000191516.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2004564992 nr_ops:1957583\ntimestamp_ms:1653000192517.3164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040001536 nr_ops:1992189\ntimestamp_ms:1653000193518.4377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2075180032 nr_ops:2026543\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140448179508992\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.7683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2110546944 nr_ops:2061081\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.8660 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.8699 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194820.0894 name:Total nr_bytes:2110546944 nr_ops:2061082\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.9800 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4221093886 nr_ops:4122164\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.9807 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2110546944 nr_ops:2061084\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 325.58us 0.00ns 325.58us 325.58us \nTxn1 1030541 58.21us 0.00ns 206.59ms 24.23us \nTxn2 1 35.93us 0.00ns 35.93us 35.93us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 324.86us 0.00ns 324.86us 324.86us \nwrite 1030541 3.85us 0.00ns 170.05us 2.22us \nread 1030540 54.25us 0.00ns 206.59ms 4.77us \ndisconnect 1 35.58us 0.00ns 35.58us 35.58us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.74b/s \nnet1 16524 16524 144.09Mb/s 144.09Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.189 62.37s 1.97GB 270.73Mb/s 2061083 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 270.73Mb/s 2061084 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.41537, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000133455.5183 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000134456.6360 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000134456.6973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000135457.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35593216 nr_ops:34759\ntimestamp_ms:1653000136457.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70908928 nr_ops:69247\ntimestamp_ms:1653000137458.9910 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106247168 nr_ops:103757\ntimestamp_ms:1653000138460.0913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141802496 nr_ops:138479\ntimestamp_ms:1653000139461.1943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177200128 nr_ops:173047\ntimestamp_ms:1653000140462.3010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212372480 nr_ops:207395\ntimestamp_ms:1653000141463.3945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247497728 nr_ops:241697\ntimestamp_ms:1653000142464.4902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282696704 nr_ops:276071\ntimestamp_ms:1653000143465.6021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317924352 nr_ops:310473\ntimestamp_ms:1653000144466.6953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352848896 nr_ops:344579\ntimestamp_ms:1653000145467.7966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388050944 nr_ops:378956\ntimestamp_ms:1653000146468.9260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423287808 nr_ops:413367\ntimestamp_ms:1653000147470.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458443776 nr_ops:447699\ntimestamp_ms:1653000148471.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493771776 nr_ops:482199\ntimestamp_ms:1653000149472.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529150976 nr_ops:516749\ntimestamp_ms:1653000150473.2881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564483072 nr_ops:551253\ntimestamp_ms:1653000151473.8691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599839744 nr_ops:585781\ntimestamp_ms:1653000152474.9709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634827776 nr_ops:619949\ntimestamp_ms:1653000153476.0835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670229504 nr_ops:654521\ntimestamp_ms:1653000154477.2031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705569792 nr_ops:689033\ntimestamp_ms:1653000155478.2964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741090304 nr_ops:723721\ntimestamp_ms:1653000156479.3987 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776530944 nr_ops:758331\ntimestamp_ms:1653000157480.4934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811654144 nr_ops:792631\ntimestamp_ms:1653000158481.5845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847128576 nr_ops:827274\ntimestamp_ms:1653000159482.6912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882150400 nr_ops:861475\ntimestamp_ms:1653000160483.7927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917431296 nr_ops:895929\ntimestamp_ms:1653000161484.8525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952522752 nr_ops:930198\ntimestamp_ms:1653000162486.0259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987812864 nr_ops:964661\ntimestamp_ms:1653000163487.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023233024 nr_ops:999251\ntimestamp_ms:1653000164488.2161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058539520 nr_ops:1033730\ntimestamp_ms:1653000165489.3142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093853184 nr_ops:1068216\ntimestamp_ms:1653000166490.4080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129550848 nr_ops:1103077\ntimestamp_ms:1653000167491.5032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164968960 nr_ops:1137665\ntimestamp_ms:1653000168492.6047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200264192 nr_ops:1172133\ntimestamp_ms:1653000169493.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236075520 nr_ops:1207105\ntimestamp_ms:1653000170494.9670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271288832 nr_ops:1241493\ntimestamp_ms:1653000171496.0857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306595328 nr_ops:1275972\ntimestamp_ms:1653000172497.1841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342135296 nr_ops:1310679\ntimestamp_ms:1653000173498.2822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377517568 nr_ops:1345232\ntimestamp_ms:1653000174499.3215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1412623360 nr_ops:1379515\ntimestamp_ms:1653000175499.9092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1447608320 nr_ops:1413680\ntimestamp_ms:1653000176501.0322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483142144 nr_ops:1448381\ntimestamp_ms:1653000177501.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518426112 nr_ops:1482838\ntimestamp_ms:1653000178503.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1553787904 nr_ops:1517371\ntimestamp_ms:1653000179504.1067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1588843520 nr_ops:1551605\ntimestamp_ms:1653000180505.1965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624220672 nr_ops:1586153\ntimestamp_ms:1653000181505.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1659419648 nr_ops:1620527\ntimestamp_ms:1653000182506.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1694637056 nr_ops:1654919\ntimestamp_ms:1653000183507.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1729864704 nr_ops:1689321\ntimestamp_ms:1653000184508.8853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1764879360 nr_ops:1723515\ntimestamp_ms:1653000185509.8491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800254464 nr_ops:1758061\ntimestamp_ms:1653000186510.8950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835746304 nr_ops:1792721\ntimestamp_ms:1653000187511.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870906368 nr_ops:1827057\ntimestamp_ms:1653000188512.9915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906150400 nr_ops:1861475\ntimestamp_ms:1653000189514.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941210112 nr_ops:1895713\ntimestamp_ms:1653000190515.0991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1969150976 nr_ops:1922999\ntimestamp_ms:1653000191516.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2004564992 nr_ops:1957583\ntimestamp_ms:1653000192517.3164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040001536 nr_ops:1992189\ntimestamp_ms:1653000193518.4377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2075180032 nr_ops:2026543\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140448179508992\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.7683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2110546944 nr_ops:2061081\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.8660 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.8699 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194820.0894 name:Total nr_bytes:2110546944 nr_ops:2061082\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.9800 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4221093886 nr_ops:4122164\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000194719.9807 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2110546944 nr_ops:2061084\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 325.58us 0.00ns 325.58us 325.58us \nTxn1 1030541 58.21us 0.00ns 206.59ms 24.23us \nTxn2 1 35.93us 0.00ns 35.93us 35.93us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 324.86us 0.00ns 324.86us 324.86us \nwrite 1030541 3.85us 0.00ns 170.05us 2.22us \nread 1030540 54.25us 0.00ns 206.59ms 4.77us \ndisconnect 1 35.58us 0.00ns 35.58us 35.58us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.74b/s \nnet1 16524 16524 144.09Mb/s 144.09Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.189 62.37s 1.97GB 270.73Mb/s 2061083 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 270.73Mb/s 2061084 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.41537, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000133455.5183 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000134456.6360 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000134456.6973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000135457.7183 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35593216 nr_ops:34759
+timestamp_ms:1653000136457.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70908928 nr_ops:69247
+timestamp_ms:1653000137458.9910 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106247168 nr_ops:103757
+timestamp_ms:1653000138460.0913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141802496 nr_ops:138479
+timestamp_ms:1653000139461.1943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177200128 nr_ops:173047
+timestamp_ms:1653000140462.3010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212372480 nr_ops:207395
+timestamp_ms:1653000141463.3945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247497728 nr_ops:241697
+timestamp_ms:1653000142464.4902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282696704 nr_ops:276071
+timestamp_ms:1653000143465.6021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317924352 nr_ops:310473
+timestamp_ms:1653000144466.6953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352848896 nr_ops:344579
+timestamp_ms:1653000145467.7966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388050944 nr_ops:378956
+timestamp_ms:1653000146468.9260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423287808 nr_ops:413367
+timestamp_ms:1653000147470.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458443776 nr_ops:447699
+timestamp_ms:1653000148471.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493771776 nr_ops:482199
+timestamp_ms:1653000149472.1912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529150976 nr_ops:516749
+timestamp_ms:1653000150473.2881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564483072 nr_ops:551253
+timestamp_ms:1653000151473.8691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599839744 nr_ops:585781
+timestamp_ms:1653000152474.9709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634827776 nr_ops:619949
+timestamp_ms:1653000153476.0835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670229504 nr_ops:654521
+timestamp_ms:1653000154477.2031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705569792 nr_ops:689033
+timestamp_ms:1653000155478.2964 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741090304 nr_ops:723721
+timestamp_ms:1653000156479.3987 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776530944 nr_ops:758331
+timestamp_ms:1653000157480.4934 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811654144 nr_ops:792631
+timestamp_ms:1653000158481.5845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847128576 nr_ops:827274
+timestamp_ms:1653000159482.6912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882150400 nr_ops:861475
+timestamp_ms:1653000160483.7927 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917431296 nr_ops:895929
+timestamp_ms:1653000161484.8525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952522752 nr_ops:930198
+timestamp_ms:1653000162486.0259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987812864 nr_ops:964661
+timestamp_ms:1653000163487.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023233024 nr_ops:999251
+timestamp_ms:1653000164488.2161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058539520 nr_ops:1033730
+timestamp_ms:1653000165489.3142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093853184 nr_ops:1068216
+timestamp_ms:1653000166490.4080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129550848 nr_ops:1103077
+timestamp_ms:1653000167491.5032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164968960 nr_ops:1137665
+timestamp_ms:1653000168492.6047 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200264192 nr_ops:1172133
+timestamp_ms:1653000169493.7092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236075520 nr_ops:1207105
+timestamp_ms:1653000170494.9670 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271288832 nr_ops:1241493
+timestamp_ms:1653000171496.0857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306595328 nr_ops:1275972
+timestamp_ms:1653000172497.1841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342135296 nr_ops:1310679
+timestamp_ms:1653000173498.2822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377517568 nr_ops:1345232
+timestamp_ms:1653000174499.3215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1412623360 nr_ops:1379515
+timestamp_ms:1653000175499.9092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1447608320 nr_ops:1413680
+timestamp_ms:1653000176501.0322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483142144 nr_ops:1448381
+timestamp_ms:1653000177501.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518426112 nr_ops:1482838
+timestamp_ms:1653000178503.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1553787904 nr_ops:1517371
+timestamp_ms:1653000179504.1067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1588843520 nr_ops:1551605
+timestamp_ms:1653000180505.1965 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1624220672 nr_ops:1586153
+timestamp_ms:1653000181505.8452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1659419648 nr_ops:1620527
+timestamp_ms:1653000182506.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1694637056 nr_ops:1654919
+timestamp_ms:1653000183507.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1729864704 nr_ops:1689321
+timestamp_ms:1653000184508.8853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1764879360 nr_ops:1723515
+timestamp_ms:1653000185509.8491 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800254464 nr_ops:1758061
+timestamp_ms:1653000186510.8950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835746304 nr_ops:1792721
+timestamp_ms:1653000187511.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870906368 nr_ops:1827057
+timestamp_ms:1653000188512.9915 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906150400 nr_ops:1861475
+timestamp_ms:1653000189514.0383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941210112 nr_ops:1895713
+timestamp_ms:1653000190515.0991 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1969150976 nr_ops:1922999
+timestamp_ms:1653000191516.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2004564992 nr_ops:1957583
+timestamp_ms:1653000192517.3164 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040001536 nr_ops:1992189
+timestamp_ms:1653000193518.4377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2075180032 nr_ops:2026543
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140448179508992
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653000194719.7683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2110546944 nr_ops:2061081
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000194719.8660 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000194719.8699 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000194820.0894 name:Total nr_bytes:2110546944 nr_ops:2061082
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000194719.9800 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4221093886 nr_ops:4122164
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000194719.9807 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2110546944 nr_ops:2061084
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 325.58us 0.00ns 325.58us 325.58us
+Txn1 1030541 58.21us 0.00ns 206.59ms 24.23us
+Txn2 1 35.93us 0.00ns 35.93us 35.93us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 324.86us 0.00ns 324.86us 324.86us
+write 1030541 3.85us 0.00ns 170.05us 2.22us
+read 1030540 54.25us 0.00ns 206.59ms 4.77us
+disconnect 1 35.58us 0.00ns 35.58us 35.58us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.74b/s
+net1 16524 16524 144.09Mb/s 144.09Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.189 62.37s 1.97GB 270.73Mb/s 2061083 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.97GB 270.73Mb/s 2061084 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:15.457000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:15.457000', 'bytes': 35593216, 'norm_byte': 35593216, 'ops': 34759, 'norm_ops': 34759, 'norm_ltcy': 28.798900891675537, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:15.457000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:15.457000",
+ "bytes": 35593216,
+ "norm_byte": 35593216,
+ "ops": 34759,
+ "norm_ops": 34759,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.798900891675537,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1de4d6b74b9725cd0f447c7c7a8b14783d4aaf56d454f6eb0376be016640185d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:16.457000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:16.457000', 'bytes': 70908928, 'norm_byte': 35315712, 'ops': 69247, 'norm_ops': 34488, 'norm_ltcy': 29.00066831443183, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:16.457000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:16.457000",
+ "bytes": 70908928,
+ "norm_byte": 35315712,
+ "ops": 69247,
+ "norm_ops": 34488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.00066831443183,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25889c8681b6d7058d0de931ac6fbaefeffc5cff168abcf517f6ceb4205936aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:17.458000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:17.458000', 'bytes': 106247168, 'norm_byte': 35338240, 'ops': 103757, 'norm_ops': 34510, 'norm_ltcy': 29.008914988409156, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:17.458000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:17.458000",
+ "bytes": 106247168,
+ "norm_byte": 35338240,
+ "ops": 103757,
+ "norm_ops": 34510,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.008914988409156,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7bad171599619170417f50d3af767b79b5eec176f96a0d86374c5a076e3812d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:18.460000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:18.460000', 'bytes': 141802496, 'norm_byte': 35555328, 'ops': 138479, 'norm_ops': 34722, 'norm_ltcy': 28.831874367745954, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:18.460000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:18.460000",
+ "bytes": 141802496,
+ "norm_byte": 35555328,
+ "ops": 138479,
+ "norm_ops": 34722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.831874367745954,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c170d62f0f08afda161c69f0c4a51f5027ee9d241c3ce62076c005746c72e352",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:19.461000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:19.461000', 'bytes': 177200128, 'norm_byte': 35397632, 'ops': 173047, 'norm_ops': 34568, 'norm_ltcy': 28.96039768987937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:19.461000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:19.461000",
+ "bytes": 177200128,
+ "norm_byte": 35397632,
+ "ops": 173047,
+ "norm_ops": 34568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.96039768987937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "56237d1d3bea6b2b3f2e603ef5b148e2129df2d30d23dc5ba8c37bc5ffcf5c9c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:20.462000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:20.462000', 'bytes': 212372480, 'norm_byte': 35172352, 'ops': 207395, 'norm_ops': 34348, 'norm_ltcy': 29.14599654865276, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:20.462000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:20.462000",
+ "bytes": 212372480,
+ "norm_byte": 35172352,
+ "ops": 207395,
+ "norm_ops": 34348,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.14599654865276,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "783da4deaad864a1966679846abe6ff8af1392e98ca674f4d26fcc3e0d652900",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:21.463000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:21.463000', 'bytes': 247497728, 'norm_byte': 35125248, 'ops': 241697, 'norm_ops': 34302, 'norm_ltcy': 29.184697856083464, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:21.463000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:21.463000",
+ "bytes": 247497728,
+ "norm_byte": 35125248,
+ "ops": 241697,
+ "norm_ops": 34302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.184697856083464,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bbf27901e6edd35c77c0e4715366f43c60cac58c7f974d5973b21af3057362fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:22.464000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:22.464000', 'bytes': 282696704, 'norm_byte': 35198976, 'ops': 276071, 'norm_ops': 34374, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12363132382033, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:22.464000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:22.464000",
+ "bytes": 282696704,
+ "norm_byte": 35198976,
+ "ops": 276071,
+ "norm_ops": 34374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12363132382033,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "05f1563a2f9f7fda9117fed2fd68cb259a32deb83b139059a7d93fc43c43ba99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:23.465000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:23.465000', 'bytes': 317924352, 'norm_byte': 35227648, 'ops': 310473, 'norm_ops': 34402, 'norm_ltcy': 29.100395802751294, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:23.465000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:23.465000",
+ "bytes": 317924352,
+ "norm_byte": 35227648,
+ "ops": 310473,
+ "norm_ops": 34402,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.100395802751294,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9188d072e9db418953c8eb540c7742090d8066ba11713ad79c86f6c3539837b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:24.466000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:24.466000', 'bytes': 352848896, 'norm_byte': 34924544, 'ops': 344579, 'norm_ops': 34106, 'norm_ltcy': 29.3524090106946, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:24.466000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:24.466000",
+ "bytes": 352848896,
+ "norm_byte": 34924544,
+ "ops": 344579,
+ "norm_ops": 34106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.3524090106946,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5360455b28784b140f82942ef0e4811147d83d97ecaffc5fb68c0f3abfe2e9f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:25.467000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:25.467000', 'bytes': 388050944, 'norm_byte': 35202048, 'ops': 378956, 'norm_ops': 34377, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12125311572781, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:25.467000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:25.467000",
+ "bytes": 388050944,
+ "norm_byte": 35202048,
+ "ops": 378956,
+ "norm_ops": 34377,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12125311572781,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84e222858335a6f0572b6e40435b02d2b0dc12e8a1a8730a1392069a670b29e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:26.468000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:26.468000', 'bytes': 423287808, 'norm_byte': 35236864, 'ops': 413367, 'norm_ops': 34411, 'norm_ltcy': 29.093295589528058, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:26.468000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:26.468000",
+ "bytes": 423287808,
+ "norm_byte": 35236864,
+ "ops": 413367,
+ "norm_ops": 34411,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.093295589528058,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c0536e4ceccef2681d4be6bd0b8de440e250914349d6f67ad708430064b1316",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:27.470000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:27.470000', 'bytes': 458443776, 'norm_byte': 35155968, 'ops': 447699, 'norm_ops': 34332, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15933789676905, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:27.470000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:27.470000",
+ "bytes": 458443776,
+ "norm_byte": 35155968,
+ "ops": 447699,
+ "norm_ops": 34332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15933789676905,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c97bf44e0ecef72275b186a1c2a9230fc9febdc1791763e3687fc18d493e10b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:28.471000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:28.471000', 'bytes': 493771776, 'norm_byte': 35328000, 'ops': 482199, 'norm_ops': 34500, 'norm_ltcy': 29.01753566576087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:28.471000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:28.471000",
+ "bytes": 493771776,
+ "norm_byte": 35328000,
+ "ops": 482199,
+ "norm_ops": 34500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.01753566576087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0bf21321deeb541ffd21955f336f953d44da0e2b73d58658ff964f61fe356e8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:29.472000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:29.472000', 'bytes': 529150976, 'norm_byte': 35379200, 'ops': 516749, 'norm_ops': 34550, 'norm_ltcy': 28.9742913915521, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:29.472000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:29.472000",
+ "bytes": 529150976,
+ "norm_byte": 35379200,
+ "ops": 516749,
+ "norm_ops": 34550,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.9742913915521,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "adc36ebd1c00aad2bccc3296ff1b675d7468807af53cff9750b07e4459a56091",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:30.473000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:30.473000', 'bytes': 564483072, 'norm_byte': 35332096, 'ops': 551253, 'norm_ops': 34504, 'norm_ltcy': 29.013938205081296, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:30.473000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:30.473000",
+ "bytes": 564483072,
+ "norm_byte": 35332096,
+ "ops": 551253,
+ "norm_ops": 34504,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.013938205081296,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9794fc04025c5f0fae3347486180e4f7138deab30608f661ba1505e42f0e3a9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:31.473000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:31.473000', 'bytes': 599839744, 'norm_byte': 35356672, 'ops': 585781, 'norm_ops': 34528, 'norm_ltcy': 28.97883036050452, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:31.473000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:31.473000",
+ "bytes": 599839744,
+ "norm_byte": 35356672,
+ "ops": 585781,
+ "norm_ops": 34528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.97883036050452,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "17ad2b5055dbfab79056c872427eaa1583f24cfc3efd8f5600bbeb8319e4d2b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:32.474000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:32.474000', 'bytes': 634827776, 'norm_byte': 34988032, 'ops': 619949, 'norm_ops': 34168, 'norm_ltcy': 29.299397291050838, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:32.474000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:32.474000",
+ "bytes": 634827776,
+ "norm_byte": 34988032,
+ "ops": 619949,
+ "norm_ops": 34168,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.299397291050838,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e1a890ff1147b2bfbadf9d6c665e99385d1ff1f6b0660d847931f62037489da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:33.476000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:33.476000', 'bytes': 670229504, 'norm_byte': 35401728, 'ops': 654521, 'norm_ops': 34572, 'norm_ltcy': 28.95732236573311, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:33.476000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:33.476000",
+ "bytes": 670229504,
+ "norm_byte": 35401728,
+ "ops": 654521,
+ "norm_ops": 34572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.95732236573311,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "42d39381adb34636e6707a0809f01335be18eaa0462e70f0484387b8d71472f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:34.477000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:34.477000', 'bytes': 705569792, 'norm_byte': 35340288, 'ops': 689033, 'norm_ops': 34512, 'norm_ltcy': 29.007870564042943, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:34.477000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:34.477000",
+ "bytes": 705569792,
+ "norm_byte": 35340288,
+ "ops": 689033,
+ "norm_ops": 34512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.007870564042943,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f02605de36656745776b9edd640db98671da1c8905e44bb3faf98bd39f0ed187",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:35.478000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:35.478000', 'bytes': 741090304, 'norm_byte': 35520512, 'ops': 723721, 'norm_ops': 34688, 'norm_ltcy': 28.85993028478869, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:35.478000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:35.478000",
+ "bytes": 741090304,
+ "norm_byte": 35520512,
+ "ops": 723721,
+ "norm_ops": 34688,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.85993028478869,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cbaa75935dc266671948d8bbc6dfe5f3e83081c497d68a27bd2d75f16aaea8c7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:36.479000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:36.479000', 'bytes': 776530944, 'norm_byte': 35440640, 'ops': 758331, 'norm_ops': 34610, 'norm_ltcy': 28.92523244501228, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:36.479000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:36.479000",
+ "bytes": 776530944,
+ "norm_byte": 35440640,
+ "ops": 758331,
+ "norm_ops": 34610,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.92523244501228,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc018c38bebaa7673d02f83a8eec531e8a8378df7c5f6183ca7925fe7e0be9af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:37.480000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:37.480000', 'bytes': 811654144, 'norm_byte': 35123200, 'ops': 792631, 'norm_ops': 34300, 'norm_ltcy': 29.18643517674927, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:37.480000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:37.480000",
+ "bytes": 811654144,
+ "norm_byte": 35123200,
+ "ops": 792631,
+ "norm_ops": 34300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.18643517674927,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb239a3f13dbef7621c0b56f090e5bcc39c9421a0c0552ce1a16804f63cd4730",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:38.481000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:38.481000', 'bytes': 847128576, 'norm_byte': 35474432, 'ops': 827274, 'norm_ops': 34643, 'norm_ltcy': 28.89735486110109, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:38.481000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:38.481000",
+ "bytes": 847128576,
+ "norm_byte": 35474432,
+ "ops": 827274,
+ "norm_ops": 34643,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.89735486110109,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c2d87064b2e077d97cfe68d188c55b9f98d954aafbe621126980a8b6eb57f418",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:39.482000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:39.482000', 'bytes': 882150400, 'norm_byte': 35021824, 'ops': 861475, 'norm_ops': 34201, 'norm_ltcy': 29.271269537531797, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:39.482000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:39.482000",
+ "bytes": 882150400,
+ "norm_byte": 35021824,
+ "ops": 861475,
+ "norm_ops": 34201,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.271269537531797,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "746f57660091ea4a9f99321a90d360682da4f651f3b3ef4e89e20b52395c5018",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:40.483000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:40.483000', 'bytes': 917431296, 'norm_byte': 35280896, 'ops': 895929, 'norm_ops': 34454, 'norm_ltcy': 29.056178165089683, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:40.483000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:40.483000",
+ "bytes": 917431296,
+ "norm_byte": 35280896,
+ "ops": 895929,
+ "norm_ops": 34454,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.056178165089683,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "964b654c580442cb2734d969651ca168b461b35fc566cfc4d8b21a2ad1ed018d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:41.484000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:41.484000', 'bytes': 952522752, 'norm_byte': 35091456, 'ops': 930198, 'norm_ops': 34269, 'norm_ltcy': 29.211818683157517, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:41.484000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:41.484000",
+ "bytes": 952522752,
+ "norm_byte": 35091456,
+ "ops": 930198,
+ "norm_ops": 34269,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.211818683157517,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bffb9b9c14d56a4fbafd56ef0ac510549e06f52c806e871e4639a833200a7883",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:42.486000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:42.486000', 'bytes': 987812864, 'norm_byte': 35290112, 'ops': 964661, 'norm_ops': 34463, 'norm_ltcy': 29.050672891035315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:42.486000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:42.486000",
+ "bytes": 987812864,
+ "norm_byte": 35290112,
+ "ops": 964661,
+ "norm_ops": 34463,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.050672891035315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0903563da86781229ad46ee90c894961432db3678af4740f816f959f4ca6c36a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:43.487000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:43.487000', 'bytes': 1023233024, 'norm_byte': 35420160, 'ops': 999251, 'norm_ops': 34590, 'norm_ltcy': 28.941745322437843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:43.487000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:43.487000",
+ "bytes": 1023233024,
+ "norm_byte": 35420160,
+ "ops": 999251,
+ "norm_ops": 34590,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.941745322437843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67763e9675ca7c74c0693562e5c1140cdf591e894b0c5a813bbcbdfe29d29f3e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:44.488000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:44.488000', 'bytes': 1058539520, 'norm_byte': 35306496, 'ops': 1033730, 'norm_ops': 34479, 'norm_ltcy': 29.034926037406827, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:44.488000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:44.488000",
+ "bytes": 1058539520,
+ "norm_byte": 35306496,
+ "ops": 1033730,
+ "norm_ops": 34479,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.034926037406827,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a44d62ae988c0deacb667fdbb82bc9c76479e4561c515749f1ea87beab7c019",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:45.489000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:45.489000', 'bytes': 1093853184, 'norm_byte': 35313664, 'ops': 1068216, 'norm_ops': 34486, 'norm_ltcy': 29.02911745436554, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:45.489000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:45.489000",
+ "bytes": 1093853184,
+ "norm_byte": 35313664,
+ "ops": 1068216,
+ "norm_ops": 34486,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.02911745436554,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04c2b8a21ae334a540d6a01d786786eff8e6688dcacc278ccd005bfb355c5557",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:46.490000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:46.490000', 'bytes': 1129550848, 'norm_byte': 35697664, 'ops': 1103077, 'norm_ops': 34861, 'norm_ltcy': 28.716724993545796, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:46.490000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:46.490000",
+ "bytes": 1129550848,
+ "norm_byte": 35697664,
+ "ops": 1103077,
+ "norm_ops": 34861,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.716724993545796,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6246f20eddedd01d5b013030eb6a6d6478227c8c2ae58f58727459d8d379f68d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:47.491000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:47.491000', 'bytes': 1164968960, 'norm_byte': 35418112, 'ops': 1137665, 'norm_ops': 34588, 'norm_ltcy': 28.943425894638313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:47.491000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:47.491000",
+ "bytes": 1164968960,
+ "norm_byte": 35418112,
+ "ops": 1137665,
+ "norm_ops": 34588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.943425894638313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d19774354a5bc0fe142ebdc1eb9cbb43da1f20c438f969b83318349015baa1b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:48.492000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:48.492000', 'bytes': 1200264192, 'norm_byte': 35295232, 'ops': 1172133, 'norm_ops': 34468, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04437630555878, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:48.492000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:48.492000",
+ "bytes": 1200264192,
+ "norm_byte": 35295232,
+ "ops": 1172133,
+ "norm_ops": 34468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04437630555878,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6a9a1b87fe40720ed74129e959706c038b7ab8ba4955f629d82a4e04d87ff23",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:49.493000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:49.493000', 'bytes': 1236075520, 'norm_byte': 35811328, 'ops': 1207105, 'norm_ops': 34972, 'norm_ltcy': 28.625886200031452, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:49.493000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:49.493000",
+ "bytes": 1236075520,
+ "norm_byte": 35811328,
+ "ops": 1207105,
+ "norm_ops": 34972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.625886200031452,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0da0940292d8a7f4bf4120a9e43c2cb7a85bd56043913733260345f211881921",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:50.494000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:50.494000', 'bytes': 1271288832, 'norm_byte': 35213312, 'ops': 1241493, 'norm_ops': 34388, 'norm_ltcy': 29.11648867337443, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:50.494000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:50.494000",
+ "bytes": 1271288832,
+ "norm_byte": 35213312,
+ "ops": 1241493,
+ "norm_ops": 34388,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.11648867337443,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "733310e06d59294442ae7148a40d6a8bea595d2a695227c214cd8a67b0bace67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:51.496000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:51.496000', 'bytes': 1306595328, 'norm_byte': 35306496, 'ops': 1275972, 'norm_ops': 34479, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03560579900084, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:51.496000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:51.496000",
+ "bytes": 1306595328,
+ "norm_byte": 35306496,
+ "ops": 1275972,
+ "norm_ops": 34479,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03560579900084,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "059ae872a0c73eed4d0996f81fd15b4277d5463e4e3bf6217e552b90a4b4cfa1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:52.497000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:52.497000', 'bytes': 1342135296, 'norm_byte': 35539968, 'ops': 1310679, 'norm_ops': 34707, 'norm_ltcy': 28.844278925630995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:52.497000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:52.497000",
+ "bytes": 1342135296,
+ "norm_byte": 35539968,
+ "ops": 1310679,
+ "norm_ops": 34707,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.844278925630995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "470561aacb6ae5b4f2ebc8c9dafc302b81d3ec4fc5a85a53b9a5a58bc7384e9e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:53.498000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:53.498000', 'bytes': 1377517568, 'norm_byte': 35382272, 'ops': 1345232, 'norm_ops': 34553, 'norm_ltcy': 28.97282853967094, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:53.498000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:53.498000",
+ "bytes": 1377517568,
+ "norm_byte": 35382272,
+ "ops": 1345232,
+ "norm_ops": 34553,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.97282853967094,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0319a8b12ad23223658250a2d33d42f922c8f0d53a7cb828165b822890383f67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:54.499000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:54.499000', 'bytes': 1412623360, 'norm_byte': 35105792, 'ops': 1379515, 'norm_ops': 34283, 'norm_ltcy': 29.199291387586413, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:54.499000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:54.499000",
+ "bytes": 1412623360,
+ "norm_byte": 35105792,
+ "ops": 1379515,
+ "norm_ops": 34283,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.199291387586413,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a1582c22e650096d648032294bd100c28ef92bb392932be62e7d08545314dd3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:55.499000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:55.499000', 'bytes': 1447608320, 'norm_byte': 34984960, 'ops': 1413680, 'norm_ops': 34165, 'norm_ltcy': 29.286920722504753, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:55.499000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:55.499000",
+ "bytes": 1447608320,
+ "norm_byte": 34984960,
+ "ops": 1413680,
+ "norm_ops": 34165,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.286920722504753,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59f260323916922f78c8640376552e4d081835edd0abc9d34291d7c38886d6ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:56.501000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:56.501000', 'bytes': 1483142144, 'norm_byte': 35533824, 'ops': 1448381, 'norm_ops': 34701, 'norm_ltcy': 28.849976855854297, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:56.501000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:56.501000",
+ "bytes": 1483142144,
+ "norm_byte": 35533824,
+ "ops": 1448381,
+ "norm_ops": 34701,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.849976855854297,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1743a7df0db586808ed13c8b4c64ee4c55eb4843d31eba12809bee8a6ad48465",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:57.501000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:57.501000', 'bytes': 1518426112, 'norm_byte': 35283968, 'ops': 1482838, 'norm_ops': 34457, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04731406626375, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:57.501000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:57.501000",
+ "bytes": 1518426112,
+ "norm_byte": 35283968,
+ "ops": 1482838,
+ "norm_ops": 34457,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04731406626375,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6a5677eb4aa9b2c6fbb13788eeb5bf6174b2969759c50b28f972d3e4593f863",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:58.503000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:58.503000', 'bytes': 1553787904, 'norm_byte': 35361792, 'ops': 1517371, 'norm_ops': 34533, 'norm_ltcy': 28.98944572718487, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:58.503000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:58.503000",
+ "bytes": 1553787904,
+ "norm_byte": 35361792,
+ "ops": 1517371,
+ "norm_ops": 34533,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.98944572718487,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e769006bc7b2ec88aa5e74846bef6082347f699ec1dca98c78cf898bc5832df",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:42:59.504000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:42:59.504000', 'bytes': 1588843520, 'norm_byte': 35055616, 'ops': 1551605, 'norm_ops': 34234, 'norm_ltcy': 29.242818040909622, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:42:59.504000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:42:59.504000",
+ "bytes": 1588843520,
+ "norm_byte": 35055616,
+ "ops": 1551605,
+ "norm_ops": 34234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.242818040909622,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1cc56164f54e4f181f9e479d7c9d658670c4099c23c11dfacb10e7fcdcd991e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:00.505000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:00.505000', 'bytes': 1624220672, 'norm_byte': 35377152, 'ops': 1586153, 'norm_ops': 34548, 'norm_ltcy': 28.976781398344333, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:00.505000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:00.505000",
+ "bytes": 1624220672,
+ "norm_byte": 35377152,
+ "ops": 1586153,
+ "norm_ops": 34548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.976781398344333,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "498caaf2e6b5e85586070cb0f7a5008b101f29a7aa2f68b99669b0a0d80e8cd2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:01.505000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:01.505000', 'bytes': 1659419648, 'norm_byte': 35198976, 'ops': 1620527, 'norm_ops': 34374, 'norm_ltcy': 29.110626684139902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:01.505000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:01.505000",
+ "bytes": 1659419648,
+ "norm_byte": 35198976,
+ "ops": 1620527,
+ "norm_ops": 34374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.110626684139902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "492aa22d5254ecbe71b5b66fe911efcd564c71720bb8fad9990e5171c4b03d26",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:02.506000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:02.506000', 'bytes': 1694637056, 'norm_byte': 35217408, 'ops': 1654919, 'norm_ops': 34392, 'norm_ltcy': 29.10551367096636, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:02.506000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:02.506000",
+ "bytes": 1694637056,
+ "norm_byte": 35217408,
+ "ops": 1654919,
+ "norm_ops": 34392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.10551367096636,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5bd5d7673ed1f634b7e64758b141f988ad5666acd9a4f98a8625adf77c1ea0b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:03.507000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:03.507000', 'bytes': 1729864704, 'norm_byte': 35227648, 'ops': 1689321, 'norm_ops': 34402, 'norm_ltcy': 29.0969893874266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:03.507000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:03.507000",
+ "bytes": 1729864704,
+ "norm_byte": 35227648,
+ "ops": 1689321,
+ "norm_ops": 34402,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.0969893874266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4773a680dd41be4b75d9b1d8c77237a382b12aab796cb8dd5bcc8090bd7fa6a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:04.508000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:04.508000', 'bytes': 1764879360, 'norm_byte': 35014656, 'ops': 1723515, 'norm_ops': 34194, 'norm_ltcy': 29.27556249588744, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:04.508000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:04.508000",
+ "bytes": 1764879360,
+ "norm_byte": 35014656,
+ "ops": 1723515,
+ "norm_ops": 34194,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.27556249588744,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18e6a846646a2f8d72711813de6da13bb839e08aad47cee24825f6bd97e75173",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:05.509000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:05.509000', 'bytes': 1800254464, 'norm_byte': 35375104, 'ops': 1758061, 'norm_ops': 34546, 'norm_ltcy': 28.97481234260117, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:05.509000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:05.509000",
+ "bytes": 1800254464,
+ "norm_byte": 35375104,
+ "ops": 1758061,
+ "norm_ops": 34546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.97481234260117,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a90ef3f56bda55c830c5b77ab0dabb7bfa16abd3e5facbf8f68537b4d05b4b8e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:06.510000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:06.510000', 'bytes': 1835746304, 'norm_byte': 35491840, 'ops': 1792721, 'norm_ops': 34660, 'norm_ltcy': 28.88187820073572, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:06.510000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:06.510000",
+ "bytes": 1835746304,
+ "norm_byte": 35491840,
+ "ops": 1792721,
+ "norm_ops": 34660,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.88187820073572,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "116bcb9b8033c1c37a360d6e9ca68e13029e4f07fbae4c74d3379e259d770f37",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:07.511000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:07.511000', 'bytes': 1870906368, 'norm_byte': 35160064, 'ops': 1827057, 'norm_ops': 34336, 'norm_ltcy': 29.154568660625873, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:07.511000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:07.511000",
+ "bytes": 1870906368,
+ "norm_byte": 35160064,
+ "ops": 1827057,
+ "norm_ops": 34336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.154568660625873,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b17346ed98571b847affa37324091378600b1c0144d0f7ca30ec8acc9450574e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:08.512000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:08.512000', 'bytes': 1906150400, 'norm_byte': 35244032, 'ops': 1861475, 'norm_ops': 34418, 'norm_ltcy': 29.084931315463567, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:08.512000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:08.512000",
+ "bytes": 1906150400,
+ "norm_byte": 35244032,
+ "ops": 1861475,
+ "norm_ops": 34418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.084931315463567,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27d2c3c6b4f134f5febcbad0df0d195d3c6f90ab010f324e09111c167c3aaa33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:09.514000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:09.514000', 'bytes': 1941210112, 'norm_byte': 35059712, 'ops': 1895713, 'norm_ops': 34238, 'norm_ltcy': 29.23788991763538, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:09.514000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:09.514000",
+ "bytes": 1941210112,
+ "norm_byte": 35059712,
+ "ops": 1895713,
+ "norm_ops": 34238,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.23788991763538,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b7f0a08633d5583315af91e53618feb9e29edff23e74a14e242018d3ea30095",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:10.515000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:10.515000', 'bytes': 1969150976, 'norm_byte': 27940864, 'ops': 1922999, 'norm_ops': 27286, 'norm_ltcy': 36.68770765284853, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:10.515000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:10.515000",
+ "bytes": 1969150976,
+ "norm_byte": 27940864,
+ "ops": 1922999,
+ "norm_ops": 27286,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.68770765284853,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe4feb0f3459678509fb76555ad769881b797d1dd1897930dddb82750de590f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:11.516000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:11.516000', 'bytes': 2004564992, 'norm_byte': 35414016, 'ops': 1957583, 'norm_ops': 34584, 'norm_ltcy': 28.94716176781532, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:11.516000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:11.516000",
+ "bytes": 2004564992,
+ "norm_byte": 35414016,
+ "ops": 1957583,
+ "norm_ops": 34584,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.94716176781532,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab848620a1a6cdea47bd1d09f1b63b04f2e9e7164e70f8a640ed1a7c0f867a06",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:12.517000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:12.517000', 'bytes': 2040001536, 'norm_byte': 35436544, 'ops': 1992189, 'norm_ops': 34606, 'norm_ltcy': 28.928759249208955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:12.517000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:12.517000",
+ "bytes": 2040001536,
+ "norm_byte": 35436544,
+ "ops": 1992189,
+ "norm_ops": 34606,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.928759249208955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c4923976e43a41528348bae1ba2d742d1da2c5f71dbed153ff7fe9ecb42ecf9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:13.518000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:13.518000', 'bytes': 2075180032, 'norm_byte': 35178496, 'ops': 2026543, 'norm_ops': 34354, 'norm_ltcy': 29.141332534511992, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:13.518000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:13.518000",
+ "bytes": 2075180032,
+ "norm_byte": 35178496,
+ "ops": 2026543,
+ "norm_ops": 34354,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.141332534511992,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d092c32c50d10187d284dc714138e487f9219ab9c68fb8ec2c542be5df50e984",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:43:14.719000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:43:14.719000', 'bytes': 2110546944, 'norm_byte': 35366912, 'ops': 2061081, 'norm_ops': 34538, 'norm_ltcy': 34.782864277209164, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:43:14.719000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:43:14.719000",
+ "bytes": 2110546944,
+ "norm_byte": 35366912,
+ "ops": 2061081,
+ "norm_ops": 34538,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.782864277209164,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "1c0303ff-ac3f-5b2b-9352-561bf0d067c4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b78ce080cf73d0e2e132cdf4e68ca5483ebc3515f95ed78251933ce1fed446ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35175782.4
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34351.35
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.302047877033026
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:43:14Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-094-220519223929/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-094-220519223929/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afe73c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-094-220519223929/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-094-220519223929/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-094-220519223929/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-094-220519223929/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-094-220519223929/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-094-220519223929/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99c6d2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-094-220519223929/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=25
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=190
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-095-220519224131/220519224131-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-095-220519224131/220519224131-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a01377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-095-220519224131/220519224131-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:44:13Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000254847.4058 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000255848.5217 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000255848.6108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000256849.6399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45267968 nr_ops:44207\ntimestamp_ms:1653000257850.7290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90797056 nr_ops:88669\ntimestamp_ms:1653000258851.8291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136121344 nr_ops:132931\ntimestamp_ms:1653000259852.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:180466688 nr_ops:176237\ntimestamp_ms:1653000260854.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:226647040 nr_ops:221335\ntimestamp_ms:1653000261855.1182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275444736 nr_ops:268989\ntimestamp_ms:1653000262856.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:320943104 nr_ops:313421\ntimestamp_ms:1653000263857.2500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:366507008 nr_ops:357917\ntimestamp_ms:1653000264858.3447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:412355584 nr_ops:402691\ntimestamp_ms:1653000265859.4404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458042368 nr_ops:447307\ntimestamp_ms:1653000266860.5562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503968768 nr_ops:492157\ntimestamp_ms:1653000267861.6541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:549530624 nr_ops:536651\ntimestamp_ms:1653000268862.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:594926592 nr_ops:580983\ntimestamp_ms:1653000269863.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:640068608 nr_ops:625067\ntimestamp_ms:1653000270864.8481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:685718528 nr_ops:669647\ntimestamp_ms:1653000271865.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:731059200 nr_ops:713925\ntimestamp_ms:1653000272867.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776039424 nr_ops:757851\ntimestamp_ms:1653000273868.1453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820996096 nr_ops:801754\ntimestamp_ms:1653000274869.2437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:866262016 nr_ops:845959\ntimestamp_ms:1653000275870.3406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:911524864 nr_ops:890161\ntimestamp_ms:1653000276871.4412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956538880 nr_ops:934120\ntimestamp_ms:1653000277872.5400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1001671680 nr_ops:978195\ntimestamp_ms:1653000278873.6377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046744064 nr_ops:1022211\ntimestamp_ms:1653000279874.7334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092291584 nr_ops:1066691\ntimestamp_ms:1653000280874.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1137861632 nr_ops:1111193\ntimestamp_ms:1653000281875.9426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1183697920 nr_ops:1155955\ntimestamp_ms:1653000282877.0417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1228083200 nr_ops:1199300\ntimestamp_ms:1653000283878.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273449472 nr_ops:1243603\ntimestamp_ms:1653000284879.2239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1318587392 nr_ops:1287683\ntimestamp_ms:1653000285880.3198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1365531648 nr_ops:1333527\ntimestamp_ms:1653000286881.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413338112 nr_ops:1380213\ntimestamp_ms:1653000287882.5117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1464638464 nr_ops:1430311\ntimestamp_ms:1653000288883.5508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1510312960 nr_ops:1474915\ntimestamp_ms:1653000289884.6492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555352576 nr_ops:1518899\ntimestamp_ms:1653000290885.7388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1600995328 nr_ops:1563472\ntimestamp_ms:1653000291886.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646552064 nr_ops:1607961\ntimestamp_ms:1653000292887.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1691638784 nr_ops:1651991\ntimestamp_ms:1653000293889.0342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1736642560 nr_ops:1695940\ntimestamp_ms:1653000294890.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1781599232 nr_ops:1739843\ntimestamp_ms:1653000295891.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1827240960 nr_ops:1784415\ntimestamp_ms:1653000296892.3333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872968704 nr_ops:1829071\ntimestamp_ms:1653000297893.4402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1918141440 nr_ops:1873185\ntimestamp_ms:1653000298894.5444 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963234304 nr_ops:1917221\ntimestamp_ms:1653000299895.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008620032 nr_ops:1961543\ntimestamp_ms:1653000300896.7446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2054216704 nr_ops:2006071\ntimestamp_ms:1653000301897.8755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2099420160 nr_ops:2050215\ntimestamp_ms:1653000302898.9763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2145064960 nr_ops:2094790\ntimestamp_ms:1653000303900.0793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2190920704 nr_ops:2139571\ntimestamp_ms:1653000304901.1763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2242741248 nr_ops:2190177\ntimestamp_ms:1653000305902.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291129344 nr_ops:2237431\ntimestamp_ms:1653000306903.3716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2340379648 nr_ops:2285527\ntimestamp_ms:1653000307904.4783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385540096 nr_ops:2329629\ntimestamp_ms:1653000308905.5691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430840832 nr_ops:2373868\ntimestamp_ms:1653000309906.6702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476071936 nr_ops:2418039\ntimestamp_ms:1653000310907.7722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521148416 nr_ops:2462059\ntimestamp_ms:1653000311908.8813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2566470656 nr_ops:2506319\ntimestamp_ms:1653000312909.9775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2611321856 nr_ops:2550119\ntimestamp_ms:1653000313911.0713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2656463872 nr_ops:2594203\ntimestamp_ms:1653000314912.1704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2702040064 nr_ops:2638711\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140592432813824\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750553088 nr_ops:2686087\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.7339 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.7439 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316213.9558 name:Total nr_bytes:2750553088 nr_ops:2686088\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.8845 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5501106174 nr_ops:5372176\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.8860 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2750553088 nr_ops:2686090\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 273.27us 0.00ns 273.27us 273.27us \nTxn1 1343044 44.67us 0.00ns 8.26ms 18.46us \nTxn2 1 72.82us 0.00ns 72.82us 72.82us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 272.43us 0.00ns 272.43us 272.43us \nwrite 1343044 2.49us 0.00ns 144.29us 2.16us \nread 1343043 42.10us 0.00ns 8.25ms 1.37us \ndisconnect 1 72.15us 0.00ns 72.15us 72.15us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 21534 21534 187.78Mb/s 187.78Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.72b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.190 62.37s 2.56GB 352.82Mb/s 2686089 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.56GB 352.82Mb/s 2686090 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417617, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000254847.4058 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000255848.5217 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000255848.6108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000256849.6399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45267968 nr_ops:44207\ntimestamp_ms:1653000257850.7290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90797056 nr_ops:88669\ntimestamp_ms:1653000258851.8291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136121344 nr_ops:132931\ntimestamp_ms:1653000259852.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:180466688 nr_ops:176237\ntimestamp_ms:1653000260854.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:226647040 nr_ops:221335\ntimestamp_ms:1653000261855.1182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275444736 nr_ops:268989\ntimestamp_ms:1653000262856.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:320943104 nr_ops:313421\ntimestamp_ms:1653000263857.2500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:366507008 nr_ops:357917\ntimestamp_ms:1653000264858.3447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:412355584 nr_ops:402691\ntimestamp_ms:1653000265859.4404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458042368 nr_ops:447307\ntimestamp_ms:1653000266860.5562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503968768 nr_ops:492157\ntimestamp_ms:1653000267861.6541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:549530624 nr_ops:536651\ntimestamp_ms:1653000268862.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:594926592 nr_ops:580983\ntimestamp_ms:1653000269863.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:640068608 nr_ops:625067\ntimestamp_ms:1653000270864.8481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:685718528 nr_ops:669647\ntimestamp_ms:1653000271865.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:731059200 nr_ops:713925\ntimestamp_ms:1653000272867.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776039424 nr_ops:757851\ntimestamp_ms:1653000273868.1453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820996096 nr_ops:801754\ntimestamp_ms:1653000274869.2437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:866262016 nr_ops:845959\ntimestamp_ms:1653000275870.3406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:911524864 nr_ops:890161\ntimestamp_ms:1653000276871.4412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956538880 nr_ops:934120\ntimestamp_ms:1653000277872.5400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1001671680 nr_ops:978195\ntimestamp_ms:1653000278873.6377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046744064 nr_ops:1022211\ntimestamp_ms:1653000279874.7334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092291584 nr_ops:1066691\ntimestamp_ms:1653000280874.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1137861632 nr_ops:1111193\ntimestamp_ms:1653000281875.9426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1183697920 nr_ops:1155955\ntimestamp_ms:1653000282877.0417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1228083200 nr_ops:1199300\ntimestamp_ms:1653000283878.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273449472 nr_ops:1243603\ntimestamp_ms:1653000284879.2239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1318587392 nr_ops:1287683\ntimestamp_ms:1653000285880.3198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1365531648 nr_ops:1333527\ntimestamp_ms:1653000286881.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413338112 nr_ops:1380213\ntimestamp_ms:1653000287882.5117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1464638464 nr_ops:1430311\ntimestamp_ms:1653000288883.5508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1510312960 nr_ops:1474915\ntimestamp_ms:1653000289884.6492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555352576 nr_ops:1518899\ntimestamp_ms:1653000290885.7388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1600995328 nr_ops:1563472\ntimestamp_ms:1653000291886.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646552064 nr_ops:1607961\ntimestamp_ms:1653000292887.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1691638784 nr_ops:1651991\ntimestamp_ms:1653000293889.0342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1736642560 nr_ops:1695940\ntimestamp_ms:1653000294890.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1781599232 nr_ops:1739843\ntimestamp_ms:1653000295891.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1827240960 nr_ops:1784415\ntimestamp_ms:1653000296892.3333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872968704 nr_ops:1829071\ntimestamp_ms:1653000297893.4402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1918141440 nr_ops:1873185\ntimestamp_ms:1653000298894.5444 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963234304 nr_ops:1917221\ntimestamp_ms:1653000299895.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008620032 nr_ops:1961543\ntimestamp_ms:1653000300896.7446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2054216704 nr_ops:2006071\ntimestamp_ms:1653000301897.8755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2099420160 nr_ops:2050215\ntimestamp_ms:1653000302898.9763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2145064960 nr_ops:2094790\ntimestamp_ms:1653000303900.0793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2190920704 nr_ops:2139571\ntimestamp_ms:1653000304901.1763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2242741248 nr_ops:2190177\ntimestamp_ms:1653000305902.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291129344 nr_ops:2237431\ntimestamp_ms:1653000306903.3716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2340379648 nr_ops:2285527\ntimestamp_ms:1653000307904.4783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385540096 nr_ops:2329629\ntimestamp_ms:1653000308905.5691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430840832 nr_ops:2373868\ntimestamp_ms:1653000309906.6702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476071936 nr_ops:2418039\ntimestamp_ms:1653000310907.7722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521148416 nr_ops:2462059\ntimestamp_ms:1653000311908.8813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2566470656 nr_ops:2506319\ntimestamp_ms:1653000312909.9775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2611321856 nr_ops:2550119\ntimestamp_ms:1653000313911.0713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2656463872 nr_ops:2594203\ntimestamp_ms:1653000314912.1704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2702040064 nr_ops:2638711\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140592432813824\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750553088 nr_ops:2686087\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.7339 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.7439 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316213.9558 name:Total nr_bytes:2750553088 nr_ops:2686088\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.8845 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5501106174 nr_ops:5372176\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.8860 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2750553088 nr_ops:2686090\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 273.27us 0.00ns 273.27us 273.27us \nTxn1 1343044 44.67us 0.00ns 8.26ms 18.46us \nTxn2 1 72.82us 0.00ns 72.82us 72.82us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 272.43us 0.00ns 272.43us 272.43us \nwrite 1343044 2.49us 0.00ns 144.29us 2.16us \nread 1343043 42.10us 0.00ns 8.25ms 1.37us \ndisconnect 1 72.15us 0.00ns 72.15us 72.15us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 21534 21534 187.78Mb/s 187.78Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.72b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.190 62.37s 2.56GB 352.82Mb/s 2686089 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.56GB 352.82Mb/s 2686090 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417617, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000254847.4058 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000255848.5217 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000255848.6108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000256849.6399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45267968 nr_ops:44207\ntimestamp_ms:1653000257850.7290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90797056 nr_ops:88669\ntimestamp_ms:1653000258851.8291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136121344 nr_ops:132931\ntimestamp_ms:1653000259852.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:180466688 nr_ops:176237\ntimestamp_ms:1653000260854.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:226647040 nr_ops:221335\ntimestamp_ms:1653000261855.1182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275444736 nr_ops:268989\ntimestamp_ms:1653000262856.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:320943104 nr_ops:313421\ntimestamp_ms:1653000263857.2500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:366507008 nr_ops:357917\ntimestamp_ms:1653000264858.3447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:412355584 nr_ops:402691\ntimestamp_ms:1653000265859.4404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458042368 nr_ops:447307\ntimestamp_ms:1653000266860.5562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503968768 nr_ops:492157\ntimestamp_ms:1653000267861.6541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:549530624 nr_ops:536651\ntimestamp_ms:1653000268862.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:594926592 nr_ops:580983\ntimestamp_ms:1653000269863.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:640068608 nr_ops:625067\ntimestamp_ms:1653000270864.8481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:685718528 nr_ops:669647\ntimestamp_ms:1653000271865.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:731059200 nr_ops:713925\ntimestamp_ms:1653000272867.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776039424 nr_ops:757851\ntimestamp_ms:1653000273868.1453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820996096 nr_ops:801754\ntimestamp_ms:1653000274869.2437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:866262016 nr_ops:845959\ntimestamp_ms:1653000275870.3406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:911524864 nr_ops:890161\ntimestamp_ms:1653000276871.4412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956538880 nr_ops:934120\ntimestamp_ms:1653000277872.5400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1001671680 nr_ops:978195\ntimestamp_ms:1653000278873.6377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046744064 nr_ops:1022211\ntimestamp_ms:1653000279874.7334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092291584 nr_ops:1066691\ntimestamp_ms:1653000280874.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1137861632 nr_ops:1111193\ntimestamp_ms:1653000281875.9426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1183697920 nr_ops:1155955\ntimestamp_ms:1653000282877.0417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1228083200 nr_ops:1199300\ntimestamp_ms:1653000283878.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273449472 nr_ops:1243603\ntimestamp_ms:1653000284879.2239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1318587392 nr_ops:1287683\ntimestamp_ms:1653000285880.3198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1365531648 nr_ops:1333527\ntimestamp_ms:1653000286881.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413338112 nr_ops:1380213\ntimestamp_ms:1653000287882.5117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1464638464 nr_ops:1430311\ntimestamp_ms:1653000288883.5508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1510312960 nr_ops:1474915\ntimestamp_ms:1653000289884.6492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555352576 nr_ops:1518899\ntimestamp_ms:1653000290885.7388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1600995328 nr_ops:1563472\ntimestamp_ms:1653000291886.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646552064 nr_ops:1607961\ntimestamp_ms:1653000292887.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1691638784 nr_ops:1651991\ntimestamp_ms:1653000293889.0342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1736642560 nr_ops:1695940\ntimestamp_ms:1653000294890.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1781599232 nr_ops:1739843\ntimestamp_ms:1653000295891.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1827240960 nr_ops:1784415\ntimestamp_ms:1653000296892.3333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872968704 nr_ops:1829071\ntimestamp_ms:1653000297893.4402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1918141440 nr_ops:1873185\ntimestamp_ms:1653000298894.5444 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963234304 nr_ops:1917221\ntimestamp_ms:1653000299895.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008620032 nr_ops:1961543\ntimestamp_ms:1653000300896.7446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2054216704 nr_ops:2006071\ntimestamp_ms:1653000301897.8755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2099420160 nr_ops:2050215\ntimestamp_ms:1653000302898.9763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2145064960 nr_ops:2094790\ntimestamp_ms:1653000303900.0793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2190920704 nr_ops:2139571\ntimestamp_ms:1653000304901.1763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2242741248 nr_ops:2190177\ntimestamp_ms:1653000305902.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291129344 nr_ops:2237431\ntimestamp_ms:1653000306903.3716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2340379648 nr_ops:2285527\ntimestamp_ms:1653000307904.4783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385540096 nr_ops:2329629\ntimestamp_ms:1653000308905.5691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430840832 nr_ops:2373868\ntimestamp_ms:1653000309906.6702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476071936 nr_ops:2418039\ntimestamp_ms:1653000310907.7722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521148416 nr_ops:2462059\ntimestamp_ms:1653000311908.8813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2566470656 nr_ops:2506319\ntimestamp_ms:1653000312909.9775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2611321856 nr_ops:2550119\ntimestamp_ms:1653000313911.0713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2656463872 nr_ops:2594203\ntimestamp_ms:1653000314912.1704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2702040064 nr_ops:2638711\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140592432813824\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750553088 nr_ops:2686087\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.7339 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.7439 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316213.9558 name:Total nr_bytes:2750553088 nr_ops:2686088\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.8845 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5501106174 nr_ops:5372176\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000316113.8860 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2750553088 nr_ops:2686090\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 273.27us 0.00ns 273.27us 273.27us \nTxn1 1343044 44.67us 0.00ns 8.26ms 18.46us \nTxn2 1 72.82us 0.00ns 72.82us 72.82us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 272.43us 0.00ns 272.43us 272.43us \nwrite 1343044 2.49us 0.00ns 144.29us 2.16us \nread 1343043 42.10us 0.00ns 8.25ms 1.37us \ndisconnect 1 72.15us 0.00ns 72.15us 72.15us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 21534 21534 187.78Mb/s 187.78Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.72b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.190 62.37s 2.56GB 352.82Mb/s 2686089 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.56GB 352.82Mb/s 2686090 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417617, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000254847.4058 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000255848.5217 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000255848.6108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000256849.6399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45267968 nr_ops:44207
+timestamp_ms:1653000257850.7290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90797056 nr_ops:88669
+timestamp_ms:1653000258851.8291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136121344 nr_ops:132931
+timestamp_ms:1653000259852.9233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:180466688 nr_ops:176237
+timestamp_ms:1653000260854.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:226647040 nr_ops:221335
+timestamp_ms:1653000261855.1182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:275444736 nr_ops:268989
+timestamp_ms:1653000262856.2112 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:320943104 nr_ops:313421
+timestamp_ms:1653000263857.2500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:366507008 nr_ops:357917
+timestamp_ms:1653000264858.3447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:412355584 nr_ops:402691
+timestamp_ms:1653000265859.4404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458042368 nr_ops:447307
+timestamp_ms:1653000266860.5562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:503968768 nr_ops:492157
+timestamp_ms:1653000267861.6541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:549530624 nr_ops:536651
+timestamp_ms:1653000268862.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:594926592 nr_ops:580983
+timestamp_ms:1653000269863.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:640068608 nr_ops:625067
+timestamp_ms:1653000270864.8481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:685718528 nr_ops:669647
+timestamp_ms:1653000271865.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:731059200 nr_ops:713925
+timestamp_ms:1653000272867.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776039424 nr_ops:757851
+timestamp_ms:1653000273868.1453 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820996096 nr_ops:801754
+timestamp_ms:1653000274869.2437 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:866262016 nr_ops:845959
+timestamp_ms:1653000275870.3406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:911524864 nr_ops:890161
+timestamp_ms:1653000276871.4412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956538880 nr_ops:934120
+timestamp_ms:1653000277872.5400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1001671680 nr_ops:978195
+timestamp_ms:1653000278873.6377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046744064 nr_ops:1022211
+timestamp_ms:1653000279874.7334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092291584 nr_ops:1066691
+timestamp_ms:1653000280874.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1137861632 nr_ops:1111193
+timestamp_ms:1653000281875.9426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1183697920 nr_ops:1155955
+timestamp_ms:1653000282877.0417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1228083200 nr_ops:1199300
+timestamp_ms:1653000283878.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273449472 nr_ops:1243603
+timestamp_ms:1653000284879.2239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1318587392 nr_ops:1287683
+timestamp_ms:1653000285880.3198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1365531648 nr_ops:1333527
+timestamp_ms:1653000286881.4182 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413338112 nr_ops:1380213
+timestamp_ms:1653000287882.5117 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1464638464 nr_ops:1430311
+timestamp_ms:1653000288883.5508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1510312960 nr_ops:1474915
+timestamp_ms:1653000289884.6492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555352576 nr_ops:1518899
+timestamp_ms:1653000290885.7388 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1600995328 nr_ops:1563472
+timestamp_ms:1653000291886.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646552064 nr_ops:1607961
+timestamp_ms:1653000292887.9358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1691638784 nr_ops:1651991
+timestamp_ms:1653000293889.0342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1736642560 nr_ops:1695940
+timestamp_ms:1653000294890.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1781599232 nr_ops:1739843
+timestamp_ms:1653000295891.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1827240960 nr_ops:1784415
+timestamp_ms:1653000296892.3333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1872968704 nr_ops:1829071
+timestamp_ms:1653000297893.4402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1918141440 nr_ops:1873185
+timestamp_ms:1653000298894.5444 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1963234304 nr_ops:1917221
+timestamp_ms:1653000299895.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008620032 nr_ops:1961543
+timestamp_ms:1653000300896.7446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2054216704 nr_ops:2006071
+timestamp_ms:1653000301897.8755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2099420160 nr_ops:2050215
+timestamp_ms:1653000302898.9763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2145064960 nr_ops:2094790
+timestamp_ms:1653000303900.0793 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2190920704 nr_ops:2139571
+timestamp_ms:1653000304901.1763 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2242741248 nr_ops:2190177
+timestamp_ms:1653000305902.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291129344 nr_ops:2237431
+timestamp_ms:1653000306903.3716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2340379648 nr_ops:2285527
+timestamp_ms:1653000307904.4783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385540096 nr_ops:2329629
+timestamp_ms:1653000308905.5691 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2430840832 nr_ops:2373868
+timestamp_ms:1653000309906.6702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476071936 nr_ops:2418039
+timestamp_ms:1653000310907.7722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2521148416 nr_ops:2462059
+timestamp_ms:1653000311908.8813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2566470656 nr_ops:2506319
+timestamp_ms:1653000312909.9775 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2611321856 nr_ops:2550119
+timestamp_ms:1653000313911.0713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2656463872 nr_ops:2594203
+timestamp_ms:1653000314912.1704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2702040064 nr_ops:2638711
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140592432813824
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653000316113.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750553088 nr_ops:2686087
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000316113.7339 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000316113.7439 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000316213.9558 name:Total nr_bytes:2750553088 nr_ops:2686088
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000316113.8845 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5501106174 nr_ops:5372176
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000316113.8860 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2750553088 nr_ops:2686090
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 273.27us 0.00ns 273.27us 273.27us
+Txn1 1343044 44.67us 0.00ns 8.26ms 18.46us
+Txn2 1 72.82us 0.00ns 72.82us 72.82us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 272.43us 0.00ns 272.43us 272.43us
+write 1343044 2.49us 0.00ns 144.29us 2.16us
+read 1343043 42.10us 0.00ns 8.25ms 1.37us
+disconnect 1 72.15us 0.00ns 72.15us 72.15us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 21534 21534 187.78Mb/s 187.78Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.72b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.190 62.37s 2.56GB 352.82Mb/s 2686089 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.56GB 352.82Mb/s 2686090 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:16.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:16.849000', 'bytes': 45267968, 'norm_byte': 45267968, 'ops': 44207, 'norm_ops': 44207, 'norm_ltcy': 22.64412995078551, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:16.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:16.849000",
+ "bytes": 45267968,
+ "norm_byte": 45267968,
+ "ops": 44207,
+ "norm_ops": 44207,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.64412995078551,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa755eb643e1f927edfa2bbb15a0def6fc6d27fc706aa9b4bcde11a9f1f04d45",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:17.850000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:17.850000', 'bytes': 90797056, 'norm_byte': 45529088, 'ops': 88669, 'norm_ops': 44462, 'norm_ltcy': 22.515611338404142, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:17.850000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:17.850000",
+ "bytes": 90797056,
+ "norm_byte": 45529088,
+ "ops": 88669,
+ "norm_ops": 44462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.515611338404142,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0620704abbe3ad1165c7652b78bfba5eed6727ffc13a950ca80b77358f664198",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:18.851000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:18.851000', 'bytes': 136121344, 'norm_byte': 45324288, 'ops': 132931, 'norm_ops': 44262, 'norm_ltcy': 22.617597434735213, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:18.851000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:18.851000",
+ "bytes": 136121344,
+ "norm_byte": 45324288,
+ "ops": 132931,
+ "norm_ops": 44262,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.617597434735213,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0882b4c7e389113ab370dda07cfe71b092fa0e5c852f44afa91452c44a9c2e65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:19.852000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:19.852000', 'bytes': 180466688, 'norm_byte': 44345344, 'ops': 176237, 'norm_ops': 43306, 'norm_ltcy': 23.116756068010208, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:19.852000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:19.852000",
+ "bytes": 180466688,
+ "norm_byte": 44345344,
+ "ops": 176237,
+ "norm_ops": 43306,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.116756068010208,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b58ae3ffa7c4ae95859af63abb52006ebb834705b0839ab0434b837eebb378c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:20.854000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:20.854000', 'bytes': 226647040, 'norm_byte': 46180352, 'ops': 221335, 'norm_ops': 45098, 'norm_ltcy': 22.198293334793117, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:20.854000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:20.854000",
+ "bytes": 226647040,
+ "norm_byte": 46180352,
+ "ops": 221335,
+ "norm_ops": 45098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.198293334793117,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93c7f4efb0057d1affa42b1592efc01db1ebed1a1ce99179e7eebe0c907df97a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:21.855000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:21.855000', 'bytes': 275444736, 'norm_byte': 48797696, 'ops': 268989, 'norm_ops': 47654, 'norm_ltcy': 21.007600440807696, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:21.855000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:21.855000",
+ "bytes": 275444736,
+ "norm_byte": 48797696,
+ "ops": 268989,
+ "norm_ops": 47654,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.007600440807696,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "560193fbbb8f07d0d4c9569131f359b101a32b1979800a87b61a80c222579fb5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:22.856000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:22.856000', 'bytes': 320943104, 'norm_byte': 45498368, 'ops': 313421, 'norm_ops': 44432, 'norm_ltcy': 22.530901547941237, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:22.856000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:22.856000",
+ "bytes": 320943104,
+ "norm_byte": 45498368,
+ "ops": 313421,
+ "norm_ops": 44432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.530901547941237,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d28a72d8cea43924e059200c5d021502ddf7a80db5ed4d980970a408709f6a4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:23.857000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:23.857000', 'bytes': 366507008, 'norm_byte': 45563904, 'ops': 357917, 'norm_ops': 44496, 'norm_ltcy': 22.497276572262113, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:23.857000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:23.857000",
+ "bytes": 366507008,
+ "norm_byte": 45563904,
+ "ops": 357917,
+ "norm_ops": 44496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.497276572262113,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81f4cfb2b2e7d988255a4765bdcbe257ad5e54d7863efd46a596e4c32dab4d7d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:24.858000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:24.858000', 'bytes': 412355584, 'norm_byte': 45848576, 'ops': 402691, 'norm_ops': 44774, 'norm_ltcy': 22.358840545014964, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:24.858000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:24.858000",
+ "bytes": 412355584,
+ "norm_byte": 45848576,
+ "ops": 402691,
+ "norm_ops": 44774,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.358840545014964,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "247491accf5fb07c2773f806edc5d78e45c2dbdab42442c5d5753bfcc65596a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:25.859000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:25.859000', 'bytes': 458042368, 'norm_byte': 45686784, 'ops': 447307, 'norm_ops': 44616, 'norm_ltcy': 22.438042476353775, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:25.859000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:25.859000",
+ "bytes": 458042368,
+ "norm_byte": 45686784,
+ "ops": 447307,
+ "norm_ops": 44616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.438042476353775,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc96c54225c1d5b1c1bd4310f0eee817e44740cd2de5c54365e103c8ab55e7f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:26.860000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:26.860000', 'bytes': 503968768, 'norm_byte': 45926400, 'ops': 492157, 'norm_ops': 44850, 'norm_ltcy': 22.32142079501115, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:26.860000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:26.860000",
+ "bytes": 503968768,
+ "norm_byte": 45926400,
+ "ops": 492157,
+ "norm_ops": 44850,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.32142079501115,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "793922e8ba84737c5dc26d8eabc7da28675093eabde8f5525e214035932d96e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:27.861000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:27.861000', 'bytes': 549530624, 'norm_byte': 45561856, 'ops': 536651, 'norm_ops': 44494, 'norm_ltcy': 22.499615687297727, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:27.861000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:27.861000",
+ "bytes": 549530624,
+ "norm_byte": 45561856,
+ "ops": 536651,
+ "norm_ops": 44494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.499615687297727,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cfb492546d975db4b5b014ba4dfc1c48cfdba362aa428cfb7cc2df936177b373",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:28.862000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:28.862000', 'bytes': 594926592, 'norm_byte': 45395968, 'ops': 580983, 'norm_ops': 44332, 'norm_ltcy': 22.58368518543321, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:28.862000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:28.862000",
+ "bytes": 594926592,
+ "norm_byte": 45395968,
+ "ops": 580983,
+ "norm_ops": 44332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.58368518543321,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "651ffaf2c1c6ef55fce818f38b635587cd1362494311af1e217289f9f61203b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:29.863000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:29.863000', 'bytes': 640068608, 'norm_byte': 45142016, 'ops': 625067, 'norm_ops': 44084, 'norm_ltcy': 22.708888322577355, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:29.863000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:29.863000",
+ "bytes": 640068608,
+ "norm_byte": 45142016,
+ "ops": 625067,
+ "norm_ops": 44084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.708888322577355,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a779328a6319e64431fb171676ebf69f34b1b32b1dee2ccb41f227fd76f7f47",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:30.864000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:30.864000', 'bytes': 685718528, 'norm_byte': 45649920, 'ops': 669647, 'norm_ops': 44580, 'norm_ltcy': 22.452120398020416, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:30.864000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:30.864000",
+ "bytes": 685718528,
+ "norm_byte": 45649920,
+ "ops": 669647,
+ "norm_ops": 44580,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.452120398020416,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef6b759caad4533aca59c6605587e7bb65d997b66eebad9cec27decf26a678da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:31.865000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:31.865000', 'bytes': 731059200, 'norm_byte': 45340672, 'ops': 713925, 'norm_ops': 44278, 'norm_ltcy': 22.609407950548242, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:31.865000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:31.865000",
+ "bytes": 731059200,
+ "norm_byte": 45340672,
+ "ops": 713925,
+ "norm_ops": 44278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.609407950548242,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85280bfb4a688b4b3adf2aa48a8cd29d187234f439a3a027074593b91c02dcac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:32.867000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:32.867000', 'bytes': 776039424, 'norm_byte': 44980224, 'ops': 757851, 'norm_ops': 43926, 'norm_ltcy': 22.790671295901063, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:32.867000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:32.867000",
+ "bytes": 776039424,
+ "norm_byte": 44980224,
+ "ops": 757851,
+ "norm_ops": 43926,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.790671295901063,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd6bc35ccff12d7f05f219b6f10a88dcd2e1b0fcb1ce8b1420342411822aff90",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:33.868000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:33.868000', 'bytes': 820996096, 'norm_byte': 44956672, 'ops': 801754, 'norm_ops': 43903, 'norm_ltcy': 22.802421851866615, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:33.868000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:33.868000",
+ "bytes": 820996096,
+ "norm_byte": 44956672,
+ "ops": 801754,
+ "norm_ops": 43903,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.802421851866615,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b46423cf8db05584d5cd6740a217ed9e568deffbf4f106abc1c4fcc1ed1e609e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:34.869000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:34.869000', 'bytes': 866262016, 'norm_byte': 45265920, 'ops': 845959, 'norm_ops': 44205, 'norm_ltcy': 22.64672296509162, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:34.869000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:34.869000",
+ "bytes": 866262016,
+ "norm_byte": 45265920,
+ "ops": 845959,
+ "norm_ops": 44205,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.64672296509162,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18548dc3d2f74223d0ac71f4fb9eee271f1b780b2c60db718f6cb1d10a71e87c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:35.870000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:35.870000', 'bytes': 911524864, 'norm_byte': 45262848, 'ops': 890161, 'norm_ops': 44202, 'norm_ltcy': 22.648226863674154, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:35.870000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:35.870000",
+ "bytes": 911524864,
+ "norm_byte": 45262848,
+ "ops": 890161,
+ "norm_ops": 44202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.648226863674154,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "24336fa6e98bf75561e6a68fc404a6db935e418be2a7fbaf6b097c85f02d6b4c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:36.871000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:36.871000', 'bytes': 956538880, 'norm_byte': 45014016, 'ops': 934120, 'norm_ops': 43959, 'norm_ltcy': 22.773506811745033, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:36.871000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:36.871000",
+ "bytes": 956538880,
+ "norm_byte": 45014016,
+ "ops": 934120,
+ "norm_ops": 43959,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.773506811745033,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ac93849faa8c02dfa01f35070b33f80179349ceda54e0ca6ca29600bbc036d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:37.872000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:37.872000', 'bytes': 1001671680, 'norm_byte': 45132800, 'ops': 978195, 'norm_ops': 44075, 'norm_ltcy': 22.71353095752978, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:37.872000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:37.872000",
+ "bytes": 1001671680,
+ "norm_byte": 45132800,
+ "ops": 978195,
+ "norm_ops": 44075,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.71353095752978,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd714b58e921c1a0d71822542ec98bccfbe9e81d0a313c9b8756f41fed2c946f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:38.873000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:38.873000', 'bytes': 1046744064, 'norm_byte': 45072384, 'ops': 1022211, 'norm_ops': 44016, 'norm_ltcy': 22.74394893334242, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:38.873000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:38.873000",
+ "bytes": 1046744064,
+ "norm_byte": 45072384,
+ "ops": 1022211,
+ "norm_ops": 44016,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.74394893334242,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c787873b1e5a232f56015c0d966744efdbf7f3c4e5fe0b171bcad0ce2128759f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:39.874000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:39.874000', 'bytes': 1092291584, 'norm_byte': 45547520, 'ops': 1066691, 'norm_ops': 44480, 'norm_ltcy': 22.50664800191097, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:39.874000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:39.874000",
+ "bytes": 1092291584,
+ "norm_byte": 45547520,
+ "ops": 1066691,
+ "norm_ops": 44480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.50664800191097,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8db5262f1784a3d5c40def7d4f5d25a9f65f647676410816b881ad7c37768df",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:40.874000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:40.874000', 'bytes': 1137861632, 'norm_byte': 45570048, 'ops': 1111193, 'norm_ops': 44502, 'norm_ltcy': 22.473511548638264, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:40.874000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:40.874000",
+ "bytes": 1137861632,
+ "norm_byte": 45570048,
+ "ops": 1111193,
+ "norm_ops": 44502,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.473511548638264,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc7a9e381fb52fdded0038f7aca4d62447f329be516f2e3f3049447c3f43d16d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:41.875000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:41.875000', 'bytes': 1183697920, 'norm_byte': 45836288, 'ops': 1155955, 'norm_ops': 44762, 'norm_ltcy': 22.364796425050823, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:41.875000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:41.875000",
+ "bytes": 1183697920,
+ "norm_byte": 45836288,
+ "ops": 1155955,
+ "norm_ops": 44762,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.364796425050823,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28e9d7be871116430018e8bb451c6301099cd537f66456493849b94ddc52f781",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:42.877000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:42.877000', 'bytes': 1228083200, 'norm_byte': 44385280, 'ops': 1199300, 'norm_ops': 43345, 'norm_ltcy': 23.096069237368784, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:42.877000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:42.877000",
+ "bytes": 1228083200,
+ "norm_byte": 44385280,
+ "ops": 1199300,
+ "norm_ops": 43345,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.096069237368784,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fec3697e0a401cc3bd08b33e9cff9fbb269420589d5e0525a1c2ee4c0030addb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:43.878000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:43.878000', 'bytes': 1273449472, 'norm_byte': 45366272, 'ops': 1243603, 'norm_ops': 44303, 'norm_ltcy': 22.596456680416676, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:43.878000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:43.878000",
+ "bytes": 1273449472,
+ "norm_byte": 45366272,
+ "ops": 1243603,
+ "norm_ops": 44303,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.596456680416676,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d34c634e1145630ce21e264219ce4877ee1e9751674a469ce38de4f201a75215",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:44.879000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:44.879000', 'bytes': 1318587392, 'norm_byte': 45137920, 'ops': 1287683, 'norm_ops': 44080, 'norm_ltcy': 22.71078286283462, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:44.879000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:44.879000",
+ "bytes": 1318587392,
+ "norm_byte": 45137920,
+ "ops": 1287683,
+ "norm_ops": 44080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.71078286283462,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ed561fa46d5eadbb4c0e5ba36a5afe1af521d6c268f5fabc667bde659069f76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:45.880000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:45.880000', 'bytes': 1365531648, 'norm_byte': 46944256, 'ops': 1333527, 'norm_ops': 45844, 'norm_ltcy': 21.837011326795764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:45.880000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:45.880000",
+ "bytes": 1365531648,
+ "norm_byte": 46944256,
+ "ops": 1333527,
+ "norm_ops": 45844,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.837011326795764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0dc99d8c07b4aabf0955a991b24e27f554342ab031c627ecee338f784c1bea4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:46.881000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:46.881000', 'bytes': 1413338112, 'norm_byte': 47806464, 'ops': 1380213, 'norm_ops': 46686, 'norm_ltcy': 21.4432247070187, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:46.881000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:46.881000",
+ "bytes": 1413338112,
+ "norm_byte": 47806464,
+ "ops": 1380213,
+ "norm_ops": 46686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.4432247070187,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f4739e001258525b0f3569a4948f660e65a85404c890c5ba63d1a2cf69f270e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:47.882000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:47.882000', 'bytes': 1464638464, 'norm_byte': 51300352, 'ops': 1430311, 'norm_ops': 50098, 'norm_ltcy': 19.982704017313566, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:47.882000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:47.882000",
+ "bytes": 1464638464,
+ "norm_byte": 51300352,
+ "ops": 1430311,
+ "norm_ops": 50098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.982704017313566,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c3c1bbc7215fda0a013c6e4e6eb342756db92794f19a24ee3a2107a0217b5fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:48.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:48.883000', 'bytes': 1510312960, 'norm_byte': 45674496, 'ops': 1474915, 'norm_ops': 44604, 'norm_ltcy': 22.442809221146085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:48.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:48.883000",
+ "bytes": 1510312960,
+ "norm_byte": 45674496,
+ "ops": 1474915,
+ "norm_ops": 44604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.442809221146085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c95824f0c121e7bcac250612a5a666d7bc4381d77257650086eef0d333e9e62c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:49.884000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:49.884000', 'bytes': 1555352576, 'norm_byte': 45039616, 'ops': 1518899, 'norm_ops': 43984, 'norm_ltcy': 22.760512656235793, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:49.884000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:49.884000",
+ "bytes": 1555352576,
+ "norm_byte": 45039616,
+ "ops": 1518899,
+ "norm_ops": 43984,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.760512656235793,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dfb0ebb6b1881c194c490ddfee20afa8e663d77a58a2e7c1bab58de0b6085244",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:50.885000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:50.885000', 'bytes': 1600995328, 'norm_byte': 45642752, 'ops': 1563472, 'norm_ops': 44573, 'norm_ltcy': 22.459551737809324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:50.885000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:50.885000",
+ "bytes": 1600995328,
+ "norm_byte": 45642752,
+ "ops": 1563472,
+ "norm_ops": 44573,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.459551737809324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7bf3391111b4d5cb8d4a9ed65517353931f4780e54a37bd000dda9392618146a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:51.886000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:51.886000', 'bytes': 1646552064, 'norm_byte': 45556736, 'ops': 1607961, 'norm_ops': 44489, 'norm_ltcy': 22.502138871406412, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:51.886000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:51.886000",
+ "bytes": 1646552064,
+ "norm_byte": 45556736,
+ "ops": 1607961,
+ "norm_ops": 44489,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.502138871406412,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16f9ab3f91a07d7f752074c49e44af5ab117b3918b7cb7976606f68c2530cf89",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:52.887000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:52.887000', 'bytes': 1691638784, 'norm_byte': 45086720, 'ops': 1651991, 'norm_ops': 44030, 'norm_ltcy': 22.73675596716727, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:52.887000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:52.887000",
+ "bytes": 1691638784,
+ "norm_byte": 45086720,
+ "ops": 1651991,
+ "norm_ops": 44030,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.73675596716727,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aad88b3482eed58f0fcf7c6e9b6c17d6b4a7d1df28abb1273044919250a801de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:53.889000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:53.889000', 'bytes': 1736642560, 'norm_byte': 45003776, 'ops': 1695940, 'norm_ops': 43949, 'norm_ltcy': 22.77863861912387, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:53.889000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:53.889000",
+ "bytes": 1736642560,
+ "norm_byte": 45003776,
+ "ops": 1695940,
+ "norm_ops": 43949,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.77863861912387,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2704056ea40b058e6eca1c349345b56f3bbbeadeccc0deee1bcc738cb644ef9b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:54.890000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:54.890000', 'bytes': 1781599232, 'norm_byte': 44956672, 'ops': 1739843, 'norm_ops': 43903, 'norm_ltcy': 22.802455217325694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:54.890000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:54.890000",
+ "bytes": 1781599232,
+ "norm_byte": 44956672,
+ "ops": 1739843,
+ "norm_ops": 43903,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.802455217325694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ab65ddb2c66b47fb18dcd6aff0151f2dd921cfe583e168e8372f4f9bbdfb1de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:55.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:55.891000', 'bytes': 1827240960, 'norm_byte': 45641728, 'ops': 1784415, 'norm_ops': 44572, 'norm_ltcy': 22.46009397365499, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:55.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:55.891000",
+ "bytes": 1827240960,
+ "norm_byte": 45641728,
+ "ops": 1784415,
+ "norm_ops": 44572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.46009397365499,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "05372659f6c21500f422c72c27ed34cc820a43e60ce679124792f8beca5c6126",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:56.892000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:56.892000', 'bytes': 1872968704, 'norm_byte': 45727744, 'ops': 1829071, 'norm_ops': 44656, 'norm_ltcy': 22.41829927144449, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:56.892000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:56.892000",
+ "bytes": 1872968704,
+ "norm_byte": 45727744,
+ "ops": 1829071,
+ "norm_ops": 44656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.41829927144449,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6184fc847e1a1616538399f5fde87f761f992b6fefe1b5955c3bb2cbc21e85e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:57.893000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:57.893000', 'bytes': 1918141440, 'norm_byte': 45172736, 'ops': 1873185, 'norm_ops': 44114, 'norm_ltcy': 22.693633168466924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:57.893000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:57.893000",
+ "bytes": 1918141440,
+ "norm_byte": 45172736,
+ "ops": 1873185,
+ "norm_ops": 44114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.693633168466924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ef723bf23f4816282dc59361e49c09e7293a4e0b2af92f034f75a0ce090e983",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:58.894000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:58.894000', 'bytes': 1963234304, 'norm_byte': 45092864, 'ops': 1917221, 'norm_ops': 44036, 'norm_ltcy': 22.733768917405644, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:58.894000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:58.894000",
+ "bytes": 1963234304,
+ "norm_byte": 45092864,
+ "ops": 1917221,
+ "norm_ops": 44036,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.733768917405644,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dbb34a35f9c01f208f898533f6da8fd8edc50fed284971966994a8cee9165e81",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:44:59.895000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:44:59.895000', 'bytes': 2008620032, 'norm_byte': 45385728, 'ops': 1961543, 'norm_ops': 44322, 'norm_ltcy': 22.58701788368361, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:44:59.895000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:44:59.895000",
+ "bytes": 2008620032,
+ "norm_byte": 45385728,
+ "ops": 1961543,
+ "norm_ops": 44322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.58701788368361,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9778865cb9dba4cffd3d09176df69cac684a0a7a70e9ef5a3f967279d77faab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:00.896000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:00.896000', 'bytes': 2054216704, 'norm_byte': 45596672, 'ops': 2006071, 'norm_ops': 44528, 'norm_ltcy': 22.482446745236143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:00.896000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:00.896000",
+ "bytes": 2054216704,
+ "norm_byte": 45596672,
+ "ops": 2006071,
+ "norm_ops": 44528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.482446745236143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "017e5a45f2bc533cf4237aa34c02943a7f3c724ca1d7e94a11cd1ef419e8d217",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:01.897000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:01.897000', 'bytes': 2099420160, 'norm_byte': 45203456, 'ops': 2050215, 'norm_ops': 44144, 'norm_ltcy': 22.678752704218013, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:01.897000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:01.897000",
+ "bytes": 2099420160,
+ "norm_byte": 45203456,
+ "ops": 2050215,
+ "norm_ops": 44144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.678752704218013,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fd6494379b9296df8d190622a79ae0f8f3a422726b46e8a72fc68e6051caec2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:02.898000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:02.898000', 'bytes': 2145064960, 'norm_byte': 45644800, 'ops': 2094790, 'norm_ops': 44575, 'norm_ltcy': 22.458795963614694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:02.898000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:02.898000",
+ "bytes": 2145064960,
+ "norm_byte": 45644800,
+ "ops": 2094790,
+ "norm_ops": 44575,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.458795963614694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a411a8538e5df86870efdea190b255d45c54d03bd692d07a605098195318568",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:03.900000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:03.900000', 'bytes': 2190920704, 'norm_byte': 45855744, 'ops': 2139571, 'norm_ops': 44781, 'norm_ltcy': 22.355530857813584, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:03.900000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:03.900000",
+ "bytes": 2190920704,
+ "norm_byte": 45855744,
+ "ops": 2139571,
+ "norm_ops": 44781,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.355530857813584,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "38478d50d80e9f53e9ee73b4704660490c79cd4cbc6c44ea702d15cfe7e64d4d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:04.901000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:04.901000', 'bytes': 2242741248, 'norm_byte': 51820544, 'ops': 2190177, 'norm_ops': 50606, 'norm_ltcy': 19.782178473464118, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:04.901000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:04.901000",
+ "bytes": 2242741248,
+ "norm_byte": 51820544,
+ "ops": 2190177,
+ "norm_ops": 50606,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.782178473464118,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c4aad7ecf35c14cd900709c3c77288dd84ca38360337e684cecea024f13e0d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:05.902000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:05.902000', 'bytes': 2291129344, 'norm_byte': 48388096, 'ops': 2237431, 'norm_ops': 47254, 'norm_ltcy': 21.185365508078682, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:05.902000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:05.902000",
+ "bytes": 2291129344,
+ "norm_byte": 48388096,
+ "ops": 2237431,
+ "norm_ops": 47254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.185365508078682,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "744645570ea640c62b340c296a1777f809175d90f21764dad4a30ab82a3098d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:06.903000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:06.903000', 'bytes': 2340379648, 'norm_byte': 49250304, 'ops': 2285527, 'norm_ops': 48096, 'norm_ltcy': 20.81466339781375, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:06.903000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:06.903000",
+ "bytes": 2340379648,
+ "norm_byte": 49250304,
+ "ops": 2285527,
+ "norm_ops": 48096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.81466339781375,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b0334f906ec2fa7b7dc014335e2699a56b1bd467e2b8ba78086f61e06dc928f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:07.904000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:07.904000', 'bytes': 2385540096, 'norm_byte': 45160448, 'ops': 2329629, 'norm_ops': 44102, 'norm_ltcy': 22.699802490887603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:07.904000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:07.904000",
+ "bytes": 2385540096,
+ "norm_byte": 45160448,
+ "ops": 2329629,
+ "norm_ops": 44102,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.699802490887603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "abed70b176296271b293ab3d8bf74c82065a6e083da1626d8f7362498ffe701c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:08.905000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:08.905000', 'bytes': 2430840832, 'norm_byte': 45300736, 'ops': 2373868, 'norm_ops': 44239, 'norm_ltcy': 22.62914668759466, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:08.905000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:08.905000",
+ "bytes": 2430840832,
+ "norm_byte": 45300736,
+ "ops": 2373868,
+ "norm_ops": 44239,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.62914668759466,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3725699569cc909edc03526121416862e87c9dc5da4a11674a80f36e33c794b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:09.906000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:09.906000', 'bytes': 2476071936, 'norm_byte': 45231104, 'ops': 2418039, 'norm_ops': 44171, 'norm_ltcy': 22.66421575736909, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:09.906000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:09.906000",
+ "bytes": 2476071936,
+ "norm_byte": 45231104,
+ "ops": 2418039,
+ "norm_ops": 44171,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.66421575736909,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d59cc449e71496229a93151009722091429b12d3ccb96e938a5c8f8b1c126a69",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:10.907000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:10.907000', 'bytes': 2521148416, 'norm_byte': 45076480, 'ops': 2462059, 'norm_ops': 44020, 'norm_ltcy': 22.74198207135961, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:10.907000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:10.907000",
+ "bytes": 2521148416,
+ "norm_byte": 45076480,
+ "ops": 2462059,
+ "norm_ops": 44020,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.74198207135961,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b3962f8e3b3d0c551713f3433e3475f32a8100f02b4eb9c9a3dd33e97e6e634",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:11.908000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:11.908000', 'bytes': 2566470656, 'norm_byte': 45322240, 'ops': 2506319, 'norm_ops': 44260, 'norm_ltcy': 22.61882356211873, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:11.908000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:11.908000",
+ "bytes": 2566470656,
+ "norm_byte": 45322240,
+ "ops": 2506319,
+ "norm_ops": 44260,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.61882356211873,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b44bfc59a29a83aa38548cce8efc47ef81c01f04816bb30e7258ed55c2d38cc1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:12.909000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:12.909000', 'bytes': 2611321856, 'norm_byte': 44851200, 'ops': 2550119, 'norm_ops': 43800, 'norm_ltcy': 22.856077429366437, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:12.909000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:12.909000",
+ "bytes": 2611321856,
+ "norm_byte": 44851200,
+ "ops": 2550119,
+ "norm_ops": 43800,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.856077429366437,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "911af1cd1819d480d95c7b2c41150441d0fd9f6e7cd2a3b4ec8aa512a6dd0d46",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:13.911000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:13.911000', 'bytes': 2656463872, 'norm_byte': 45142016, 'ops': 2594203, 'norm_ops': 44084, 'norm_ltcy': 22.708777561019872, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:13.911000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:13.911000",
+ "bytes": 2656463872,
+ "norm_byte": 45142016,
+ "ops": 2594203,
+ "norm_ops": 44084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.708777561019872,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f0b2362150f5a1f38e20d4e85a1a68d73578156e0b94d551e4532e31c9b9c6b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:14.912000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:14.912000', 'bytes': 2702040064, 'norm_byte': 45576192, 'ops': 2638711, 'norm_ops': 44508, 'norm_ltcy': 22.4925658554361, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:14.912000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:14.912000",
+ "bytes": 2702040064,
+ "norm_byte": 45576192,
+ "ops": 2638711,
+ "norm_ops": 44508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.4925658554361,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e84a19f6257a57ad03ec088d676d2fdc2a321eb3f6e97f5f4951bc67c2ceba1f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:45:16.113000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:45:16.113000', 'bytes': 2750553088, 'norm_byte': 48513024, 'ops': 2686087, 'norm_ops': 47376, 'norm_ltcy': 25.357958514398113, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:45:16.113000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:45:16.113000",
+ "bytes": 2750553088,
+ "norm_byte": 48513024,
+ "ops": 2686087,
+ "norm_ops": 47376,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.357958514398113,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "42b099ca-b8f3-54e6-a7d9-e7af42ea6fed",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a51e3c6b07a650902478dcf4b169011e3874ba24424d9ae8be2a0041b10f8f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 45842551.46666667
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 44768.11666666667
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 22.868077019766552
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:45:16Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-095-220519224131/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-095-220519224131/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e09e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-095-220519224131/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-095-220519224131/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-095-220519224131/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-095-220519224131/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-095-220519224131/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-095-220519224131/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6323e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-095-220519224131/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=160
+ net.core.busy_poll=170
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-096-220519224332/220519224332-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-096-220519224332/220519224332-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14877dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-096-220519224332/220519224332-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:46:15Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000376613.4436 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000377614.5469 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000377614.5898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000378615.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61299712 nr_ops:59863\ntimestamp_ms:1653000379616.7590 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124034048 nr_ops:121127\ntimestamp_ms:1653000380617.8647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186760192 nr_ops:182383\ntimestamp_ms:1653000381618.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250350592 nr_ops:244483\ntimestamp_ms:1653000382620.0601 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312840192 nr_ops:305508\ntimestamp_ms:1653000383621.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375472128 nr_ops:366672\ntimestamp_ms:1653000384622.1868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438653952 nr_ops:428373\ntimestamp_ms:1653000385623.2815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501961728 nr_ops:490197\ntimestamp_ms:1653000386624.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565682176 nr_ops:552424\ntimestamp_ms:1653000387625.4807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628932608 nr_ops:614192\ntimestamp_ms:1653000388626.5791 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:692939776 nr_ops:676699\ntimestamp_ms:1653000389627.6570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756376576 nr_ops:738649\ntimestamp_ms:1653000390628.7637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820216832 nr_ops:800993\ntimestamp_ms:1653000391629.8589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884245504 nr_ops:863521\ntimestamp_ms:1653000392630.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947426304 nr_ops:925221\ntimestamp_ms:1653000393631.9507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009839104 nr_ops:986171\ntimestamp_ms:1653000394632.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073024000 nr_ops:1047875\ntimestamp_ms:1653000395633.8733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136710656 nr_ops:1110069\ntimestamp_ms:1653000396634.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1198990336 nr_ops:1170889\ntimestamp_ms:1653000397636.0615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262040064 nr_ops:1232461\ntimestamp_ms:1653000398637.1560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1325597696 nr_ops:1294529\ntimestamp_ms:1653000399638.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1389005824 nr_ops:1356451\ntimestamp_ms:1653000400639.3467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1452908544 nr_ops:1418856\ntimestamp_ms:1653000401640.4500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1516282880 nr_ops:1480745\ntimestamp_ms:1653000402641.6387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579495424 nr_ops:1542476\ntimestamp_ms:1653000403642.7419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1642791936 nr_ops:1604289\ntimestamp_ms:1653000404643.8467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1706368000 nr_ops:1666375\ntimestamp_ms:1653000405644.9446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1770637312 nr_ops:1729138\ntimestamp_ms:1653000406646.0486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834034176 nr_ops:1791049\ntimestamp_ms:1653000407647.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896752128 nr_ops:1852297\ntimestamp_ms:1653000408648.2471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961923584 nr_ops:1915941\ntimestamp_ms:1653000409649.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2025450496 nr_ops:1977979\ntimestamp_ms:1653000410650.4290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089592832 nr_ops:2040618\ntimestamp_ms:1653000411651.5249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153815040 nr_ops:2103335\ntimestamp_ms:1653000412652.6238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2217964544 nr_ops:2165981\ntimestamp_ms:1653000413653.7231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2282066944 nr_ops:2228581\ntimestamp_ms:1653000414654.8201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2345453568 nr_ops:2290482\ntimestamp_ms:1653000415655.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2408715264 nr_ops:2352261\ntimestamp_ms:1653000416656.9263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2471975936 nr_ops:2414039\ntimestamp_ms:1653000417657.8931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2534657024 nr_ops:2475251\ntimestamp_ms:1653000418658.9846 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2598876160 nr_ops:2537965\ntimestamp_ms:1653000419660.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2662269952 nr_ops:2599873\ntimestamp_ms:1653000420661.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2725924864 nr_ops:2662036\ntimestamp_ms:1653000421662.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2789173248 nr_ops:2723802\ntimestamp_ms:1653000422662.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2851568640 nr_ops:2784735\ntimestamp_ms:1653000423663.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2915159040 nr_ops:2846835\ntimestamp_ms:1653000424664.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2978188288 nr_ops:2908387\ntimestamp_ms:1653000425665.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041585152 nr_ops:2970298\ntimestamp_ms:1653000426667.0212 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3105225728 nr_ops:3032447\ntimestamp_ms:1653000427668.1174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3168087040 nr_ops:3093835\ntimestamp_ms:1653000428669.2163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3232140288 nr_ops:3156387\ntimestamp_ms:1653000429670.3059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295921152 nr_ops:3218673\ntimestamp_ms:1653000430671.4116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358735360 nr_ops:3280015\ntimestamp_ms:1653000431672.5134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3421999104 nr_ops:3341796\ntimestamp_ms:1653000432673.6301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3484804096 nr_ops:3403129\ntimestamp_ms:1653000433674.7222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3551194112 nr_ops:3467963\ntimestamp_ms:1653000434675.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3616634880 nr_ops:3531870\ntimestamp_ms:1653000435676.9558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3679220736 nr_ops:3592989\ntimestamp_ms:1653000436678.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3742557184 nr_ops:3654841\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140258497890048\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.3953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3805197312 nr_ops:3716013\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.4753 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.4866 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437979.6631 name:Total nr_bytes:3805197312 nr_ops:3716014\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.5466 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7610394622 nr_ops:7432028\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.5481 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3805197312 nr_ops:3716016\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 242.25us 0.00ns 242.25us 242.25us \nTxn1 1858007 32.27us 0.00ns 2.45ms 26.47us \nTxn2 1 55.06us 0.00ns 55.06us 55.06us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 241.83us 0.00ns 241.83us 241.83us \nwrite 1858007 3.25us 0.00ns 206.52us 2.57us \nread 1858006 28.94us 0.00ns 2.45ms 1.36us \ndisconnect 1 54.38us 0.00ns 54.38us 54.38us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \nnet1 29791 29791 259.78Mb/s 259.78Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.191 62.37s 3.54GB 488.10Mb/s 3716016 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 488.10Mb/s 3716016 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417211, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000376613.4436 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000377614.5469 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000377614.5898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000378615.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61299712 nr_ops:59863\ntimestamp_ms:1653000379616.7590 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124034048 nr_ops:121127\ntimestamp_ms:1653000380617.8647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186760192 nr_ops:182383\ntimestamp_ms:1653000381618.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250350592 nr_ops:244483\ntimestamp_ms:1653000382620.0601 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312840192 nr_ops:305508\ntimestamp_ms:1653000383621.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375472128 nr_ops:366672\ntimestamp_ms:1653000384622.1868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438653952 nr_ops:428373\ntimestamp_ms:1653000385623.2815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501961728 nr_ops:490197\ntimestamp_ms:1653000386624.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565682176 nr_ops:552424\ntimestamp_ms:1653000387625.4807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628932608 nr_ops:614192\ntimestamp_ms:1653000388626.5791 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:692939776 nr_ops:676699\ntimestamp_ms:1653000389627.6570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756376576 nr_ops:738649\ntimestamp_ms:1653000390628.7637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820216832 nr_ops:800993\ntimestamp_ms:1653000391629.8589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884245504 nr_ops:863521\ntimestamp_ms:1653000392630.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947426304 nr_ops:925221\ntimestamp_ms:1653000393631.9507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009839104 nr_ops:986171\ntimestamp_ms:1653000394632.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073024000 nr_ops:1047875\ntimestamp_ms:1653000395633.8733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136710656 nr_ops:1110069\ntimestamp_ms:1653000396634.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1198990336 nr_ops:1170889\ntimestamp_ms:1653000397636.0615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262040064 nr_ops:1232461\ntimestamp_ms:1653000398637.1560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1325597696 nr_ops:1294529\ntimestamp_ms:1653000399638.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1389005824 nr_ops:1356451\ntimestamp_ms:1653000400639.3467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1452908544 nr_ops:1418856\ntimestamp_ms:1653000401640.4500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1516282880 nr_ops:1480745\ntimestamp_ms:1653000402641.6387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579495424 nr_ops:1542476\ntimestamp_ms:1653000403642.7419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1642791936 nr_ops:1604289\ntimestamp_ms:1653000404643.8467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1706368000 nr_ops:1666375\ntimestamp_ms:1653000405644.9446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1770637312 nr_ops:1729138\ntimestamp_ms:1653000406646.0486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834034176 nr_ops:1791049\ntimestamp_ms:1653000407647.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896752128 nr_ops:1852297\ntimestamp_ms:1653000408648.2471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961923584 nr_ops:1915941\ntimestamp_ms:1653000409649.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2025450496 nr_ops:1977979\ntimestamp_ms:1653000410650.4290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089592832 nr_ops:2040618\ntimestamp_ms:1653000411651.5249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153815040 nr_ops:2103335\ntimestamp_ms:1653000412652.6238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2217964544 nr_ops:2165981\ntimestamp_ms:1653000413653.7231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2282066944 nr_ops:2228581\ntimestamp_ms:1653000414654.8201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2345453568 nr_ops:2290482\ntimestamp_ms:1653000415655.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2408715264 nr_ops:2352261\ntimestamp_ms:1653000416656.9263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2471975936 nr_ops:2414039\ntimestamp_ms:1653000417657.8931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2534657024 nr_ops:2475251\ntimestamp_ms:1653000418658.9846 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2598876160 nr_ops:2537965\ntimestamp_ms:1653000419660.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2662269952 nr_ops:2599873\ntimestamp_ms:1653000420661.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2725924864 nr_ops:2662036\ntimestamp_ms:1653000421662.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2789173248 nr_ops:2723802\ntimestamp_ms:1653000422662.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2851568640 nr_ops:2784735\ntimestamp_ms:1653000423663.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2915159040 nr_ops:2846835\ntimestamp_ms:1653000424664.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2978188288 nr_ops:2908387\ntimestamp_ms:1653000425665.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041585152 nr_ops:2970298\ntimestamp_ms:1653000426667.0212 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3105225728 nr_ops:3032447\ntimestamp_ms:1653000427668.1174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3168087040 nr_ops:3093835\ntimestamp_ms:1653000428669.2163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3232140288 nr_ops:3156387\ntimestamp_ms:1653000429670.3059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295921152 nr_ops:3218673\ntimestamp_ms:1653000430671.4116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358735360 nr_ops:3280015\ntimestamp_ms:1653000431672.5134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3421999104 nr_ops:3341796\ntimestamp_ms:1653000432673.6301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3484804096 nr_ops:3403129\ntimestamp_ms:1653000433674.7222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3551194112 nr_ops:3467963\ntimestamp_ms:1653000434675.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3616634880 nr_ops:3531870\ntimestamp_ms:1653000435676.9558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3679220736 nr_ops:3592989\ntimestamp_ms:1653000436678.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3742557184 nr_ops:3654841\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140258497890048\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.3953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3805197312 nr_ops:3716013\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.4753 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.4866 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437979.6631 name:Total nr_bytes:3805197312 nr_ops:3716014\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.5466 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7610394622 nr_ops:7432028\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.5481 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3805197312 nr_ops:3716016\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 242.25us 0.00ns 242.25us 242.25us \nTxn1 1858007 32.27us 0.00ns 2.45ms 26.47us \nTxn2 1 55.06us 0.00ns 55.06us 55.06us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 241.83us 0.00ns 241.83us 241.83us \nwrite 1858007 3.25us 0.00ns 206.52us 2.57us \nread 1858006 28.94us 0.00ns 2.45ms 1.36us \ndisconnect 1 54.38us 0.00ns 54.38us 54.38us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \nnet1 29791 29791 259.78Mb/s 259.78Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.191 62.37s 3.54GB 488.10Mb/s 3716016 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 488.10Mb/s 3716016 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417211, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000376613.4436 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000377614.5469 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000377614.5898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000378615.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61299712 nr_ops:59863\ntimestamp_ms:1653000379616.7590 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124034048 nr_ops:121127\ntimestamp_ms:1653000380617.8647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186760192 nr_ops:182383\ntimestamp_ms:1653000381618.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250350592 nr_ops:244483\ntimestamp_ms:1653000382620.0601 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312840192 nr_ops:305508\ntimestamp_ms:1653000383621.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375472128 nr_ops:366672\ntimestamp_ms:1653000384622.1868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438653952 nr_ops:428373\ntimestamp_ms:1653000385623.2815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501961728 nr_ops:490197\ntimestamp_ms:1653000386624.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565682176 nr_ops:552424\ntimestamp_ms:1653000387625.4807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628932608 nr_ops:614192\ntimestamp_ms:1653000388626.5791 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:692939776 nr_ops:676699\ntimestamp_ms:1653000389627.6570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756376576 nr_ops:738649\ntimestamp_ms:1653000390628.7637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820216832 nr_ops:800993\ntimestamp_ms:1653000391629.8589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884245504 nr_ops:863521\ntimestamp_ms:1653000392630.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947426304 nr_ops:925221\ntimestamp_ms:1653000393631.9507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009839104 nr_ops:986171\ntimestamp_ms:1653000394632.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073024000 nr_ops:1047875\ntimestamp_ms:1653000395633.8733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136710656 nr_ops:1110069\ntimestamp_ms:1653000396634.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1198990336 nr_ops:1170889\ntimestamp_ms:1653000397636.0615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262040064 nr_ops:1232461\ntimestamp_ms:1653000398637.1560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1325597696 nr_ops:1294529\ntimestamp_ms:1653000399638.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1389005824 nr_ops:1356451\ntimestamp_ms:1653000400639.3467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1452908544 nr_ops:1418856\ntimestamp_ms:1653000401640.4500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1516282880 nr_ops:1480745\ntimestamp_ms:1653000402641.6387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579495424 nr_ops:1542476\ntimestamp_ms:1653000403642.7419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1642791936 nr_ops:1604289\ntimestamp_ms:1653000404643.8467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1706368000 nr_ops:1666375\ntimestamp_ms:1653000405644.9446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1770637312 nr_ops:1729138\ntimestamp_ms:1653000406646.0486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834034176 nr_ops:1791049\ntimestamp_ms:1653000407647.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896752128 nr_ops:1852297\ntimestamp_ms:1653000408648.2471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961923584 nr_ops:1915941\ntimestamp_ms:1653000409649.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2025450496 nr_ops:1977979\ntimestamp_ms:1653000410650.4290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089592832 nr_ops:2040618\ntimestamp_ms:1653000411651.5249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153815040 nr_ops:2103335\ntimestamp_ms:1653000412652.6238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2217964544 nr_ops:2165981\ntimestamp_ms:1653000413653.7231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2282066944 nr_ops:2228581\ntimestamp_ms:1653000414654.8201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2345453568 nr_ops:2290482\ntimestamp_ms:1653000415655.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2408715264 nr_ops:2352261\ntimestamp_ms:1653000416656.9263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2471975936 nr_ops:2414039\ntimestamp_ms:1653000417657.8931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2534657024 nr_ops:2475251\ntimestamp_ms:1653000418658.9846 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2598876160 nr_ops:2537965\ntimestamp_ms:1653000419660.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2662269952 nr_ops:2599873\ntimestamp_ms:1653000420661.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2725924864 nr_ops:2662036\ntimestamp_ms:1653000421662.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2789173248 nr_ops:2723802\ntimestamp_ms:1653000422662.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2851568640 nr_ops:2784735\ntimestamp_ms:1653000423663.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2915159040 nr_ops:2846835\ntimestamp_ms:1653000424664.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2978188288 nr_ops:2908387\ntimestamp_ms:1653000425665.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041585152 nr_ops:2970298\ntimestamp_ms:1653000426667.0212 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3105225728 nr_ops:3032447\ntimestamp_ms:1653000427668.1174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3168087040 nr_ops:3093835\ntimestamp_ms:1653000428669.2163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3232140288 nr_ops:3156387\ntimestamp_ms:1653000429670.3059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295921152 nr_ops:3218673\ntimestamp_ms:1653000430671.4116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358735360 nr_ops:3280015\ntimestamp_ms:1653000431672.5134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3421999104 nr_ops:3341796\ntimestamp_ms:1653000432673.6301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3484804096 nr_ops:3403129\ntimestamp_ms:1653000433674.7222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3551194112 nr_ops:3467963\ntimestamp_ms:1653000434675.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3616634880 nr_ops:3531870\ntimestamp_ms:1653000435676.9558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3679220736 nr_ops:3592989\ntimestamp_ms:1653000436678.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3742557184 nr_ops:3654841\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140258497890048\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.3953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3805197312 nr_ops:3716013\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.4753 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.4866 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437979.6631 name:Total nr_bytes:3805197312 nr_ops:3716014\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.5466 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7610394622 nr_ops:7432028\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000437879.5481 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3805197312 nr_ops:3716016\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 242.25us 0.00ns 242.25us 242.25us \nTxn1 1858007 32.27us 0.00ns 2.45ms 26.47us \nTxn2 1 55.06us 0.00ns 55.06us 55.06us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 241.83us 0.00ns 241.83us 241.83us \nwrite 1858007 3.25us 0.00ns 206.52us 2.57us \nread 1858006 28.94us 0.00ns 2.45ms 1.36us \ndisconnect 1 54.38us 0.00ns 54.38us 54.38us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \nnet1 29791 29791 259.78Mb/s 259.78Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.191 62.37s 3.54GB 488.10Mb/s 3716016 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.54GB 488.10Mb/s 3716016 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417211, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000376613.4436 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000377614.5469 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000377614.5898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000378615.6658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61299712 nr_ops:59863
+timestamp_ms:1653000379616.7590 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124034048 nr_ops:121127
+timestamp_ms:1653000380617.8647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186760192 nr_ops:182383
+timestamp_ms:1653000381618.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250350592 nr_ops:244483
+timestamp_ms:1653000382620.0601 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:312840192 nr_ops:305508
+timestamp_ms:1653000383621.0979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:375472128 nr_ops:366672
+timestamp_ms:1653000384622.1868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438653952 nr_ops:428373
+timestamp_ms:1653000385623.2815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501961728 nr_ops:490197
+timestamp_ms:1653000386624.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565682176 nr_ops:552424
+timestamp_ms:1653000387625.4807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:628932608 nr_ops:614192
+timestamp_ms:1653000388626.5791 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:692939776 nr_ops:676699
+timestamp_ms:1653000389627.6570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756376576 nr_ops:738649
+timestamp_ms:1653000390628.7637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820216832 nr_ops:800993
+timestamp_ms:1653000391629.8589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884245504 nr_ops:863521
+timestamp_ms:1653000392630.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947426304 nr_ops:925221
+timestamp_ms:1653000393631.9507 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009839104 nr_ops:986171
+timestamp_ms:1653000394632.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1073024000 nr_ops:1047875
+timestamp_ms:1653000395633.8733 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1136710656 nr_ops:1110069
+timestamp_ms:1653000396634.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1198990336 nr_ops:1170889
+timestamp_ms:1653000397636.0615 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1262040064 nr_ops:1232461
+timestamp_ms:1653000398637.1560 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1325597696 nr_ops:1294529
+timestamp_ms:1653000399638.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1389005824 nr_ops:1356451
+timestamp_ms:1653000400639.3467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1452908544 nr_ops:1418856
+timestamp_ms:1653000401640.4500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1516282880 nr_ops:1480745
+timestamp_ms:1653000402641.6387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579495424 nr_ops:1542476
+timestamp_ms:1653000403642.7419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1642791936 nr_ops:1604289
+timestamp_ms:1653000404643.8467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1706368000 nr_ops:1666375
+timestamp_ms:1653000405644.9446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1770637312 nr_ops:1729138
+timestamp_ms:1653000406646.0486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834034176 nr_ops:1791049
+timestamp_ms:1653000407647.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1896752128 nr_ops:1852297
+timestamp_ms:1653000408648.2471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961923584 nr_ops:1915941
+timestamp_ms:1653000409649.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2025450496 nr_ops:1977979
+timestamp_ms:1653000410650.4290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089592832 nr_ops:2040618
+timestamp_ms:1653000411651.5249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153815040 nr_ops:2103335
+timestamp_ms:1653000412652.6238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2217964544 nr_ops:2165981
+timestamp_ms:1653000413653.7231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2282066944 nr_ops:2228581
+timestamp_ms:1653000414654.8201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2345453568 nr_ops:2290482
+timestamp_ms:1653000415655.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2408715264 nr_ops:2352261
+timestamp_ms:1653000416656.9263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2471975936 nr_ops:2414039
+timestamp_ms:1653000417657.8931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2534657024 nr_ops:2475251
+timestamp_ms:1653000418658.9846 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2598876160 nr_ops:2537965
+timestamp_ms:1653000419660.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2662269952 nr_ops:2599873
+timestamp_ms:1653000420661.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2725924864 nr_ops:2662036
+timestamp_ms:1653000421662.2788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2789173248 nr_ops:2723802
+timestamp_ms:1653000422662.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2851568640 nr_ops:2784735
+timestamp_ms:1653000423663.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2915159040 nr_ops:2846835
+timestamp_ms:1653000424664.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2978188288 nr_ops:2908387
+timestamp_ms:1653000425665.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3041585152 nr_ops:2970298
+timestamp_ms:1653000426667.0212 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3105225728 nr_ops:3032447
+timestamp_ms:1653000427668.1174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3168087040 nr_ops:3093835
+timestamp_ms:1653000428669.2163 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3232140288 nr_ops:3156387
+timestamp_ms:1653000429670.3059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3295921152 nr_ops:3218673
+timestamp_ms:1653000430671.4116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3358735360 nr_ops:3280015
+timestamp_ms:1653000431672.5134 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3421999104 nr_ops:3341796
+timestamp_ms:1653000432673.6301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3484804096 nr_ops:3403129
+timestamp_ms:1653000433674.7222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3551194112 nr_ops:3467963
+timestamp_ms:1653000434675.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3616634880 nr_ops:3531870
+timestamp_ms:1653000435676.9558 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3679220736 nr_ops:3592989
+timestamp_ms:1653000436678.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3742557184 nr_ops:3654841
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140258497890048
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653000437879.3953 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3805197312 nr_ops:3716013
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000437879.4753 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000437879.4866 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000437979.6631 name:Total nr_bytes:3805197312 nr_ops:3716014
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000437879.5466 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7610394622 nr_ops:7432028
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000437879.5481 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3805197312 nr_ops:3716016
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 242.25us 0.00ns 242.25us 242.25us
+Txn1 1858007 32.27us 0.00ns 2.45ms 26.47us
+Txn2 1 55.06us 0.00ns 55.06us 55.06us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 241.83us 0.00ns 241.83us 241.83us
+write 1858007 3.25us 0.00ns 206.52us 2.57us
+read 1858006 28.94us 0.00ns 2.45ms 1.36us
+disconnect 1 54.38us 0.00ns 54.38us 54.38us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s
+net1 29791 29791 259.78Mb/s 259.78Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.191 62.37s 3.54GB 488.10Mb/s 3716016 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.54GB 488.10Mb/s 3716016 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:18.615000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:18.615000', 'bytes': 61299712, 'norm_byte': 61299712, 'ops': 59863, 'norm_ops': 59863, 'norm_ltcy': 16.7227824822407, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:18.615000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:18.615000",
+ "bytes": 61299712,
+ "norm_byte": 61299712,
+ "ops": 59863,
+ "norm_ops": 59863,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.7227824822407,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ae3977c3a5913a0535302af3f6a19ffc96b5eddc0012e552cd3ab31c54af26a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:19.616000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:19.616000', 'bytes': 124034048, 'norm_byte': 62734336, 'ops': 121127, 'norm_ops': 61264, 'norm_ltcy': 16.34064477864243, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:19.616000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:19.616000",
+ "bytes": 124034048,
+ "norm_byte": 62734336,
+ "ops": 121127,
+ "norm_ops": 61264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.34064477864243,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d250909e4ad96ca0e9af01ea8b6ec73035918e1571007acc1581320fce6b2ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:20.617000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:20.617000', 'bytes': 186760192, 'norm_byte': 62726144, 'ops': 182383, 'norm_ops': 61256, 'norm_ltcy': 16.34298212241454, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:20.617000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:20.617000",
+ "bytes": 186760192,
+ "norm_byte": 62726144,
+ "ops": 182383,
+ "norm_ops": 61256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.34298212241454,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b11f78ffdc2474ba99e8ccaaadd4a83be9997506228d9455523663ebcf0372a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:21.618000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:21.618000', 'bytes': 250350592, 'norm_byte': 63590400, 'ops': 244483, 'norm_ops': 62100, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12086101046699, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:21.618000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:21.618000",
+ "bytes": 250350592,
+ "norm_byte": 63590400,
+ "ops": 244483,
+ "norm_ops": 62100,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12086101046699,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dba7c76507f957429a9b9d9ed8fc46ee87b8fb0e87a98eff694588e1e83bc8fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:22.620000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:22.620000', 'bytes': 312840192, 'norm_byte': 62489600, 'ops': 305508, 'norm_ops': 61025, 'norm_ltcy': 16.40458572306432, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:22.620000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:22.620000",
+ "bytes": 312840192,
+ "norm_byte": 62489600,
+ "ops": 305508,
+ "norm_ops": 61025,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.40458572306432,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e95b2f136dd90b111b57318c29aa444da38cd809131eb51d32ff6686634f96aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:23.621000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:23.621000', 'bytes': 375472128, 'norm_byte': 62631936, 'ops': 366672, 'norm_ops': 61164, 'norm_ltcy': 16.366454806697973, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:23.621000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:23.621000",
+ "bytes": 375472128,
+ "norm_byte": 62631936,
+ "ops": 366672,
+ "norm_ops": 61164,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.366454806697973,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc1a0f9eccfc298da999393e88275406a04f6323093ab0eaf67e0d9d43600652",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:24.622000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:24.622000', 'bytes': 438653952, 'norm_byte': 63181824, 'ops': 428373, 'norm_ops': 61701, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2248402325327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:24.622000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:24.622000",
+ "bytes": 438653952,
+ "norm_byte": 63181824,
+ "ops": 428373,
+ "norm_ops": 61701,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2248402325327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b45e67e8833fe7c2865f731e7af9bcaf2ab8786b7d39ffee59eeb1e7ac9d5d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:25.623000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:25.623000', 'bytes': 501961728, 'norm_byte': 63307776, 'ops': 490197, 'norm_ops': 61824, 'norm_ltcy': 16.192655385651204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:25.623000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:25.623000",
+ "bytes": 501961728,
+ "norm_byte": 63307776,
+ "ops": 490197,
+ "norm_ops": 61824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.192655385651204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cfb19c0485b8096e30d8097600bb2428c3647dbeda9d7e0768b8865f30b129c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:26.624000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:26.624000', 'bytes': 565682176, 'norm_byte': 63720448, 'ops': 552424, 'norm_ops': 62227, 'norm_ltcy': 16.08781454267239, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:26.624000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:26.624000",
+ "bytes": 565682176,
+ "norm_byte": 63720448,
+ "ops": 552424,
+ "norm_ops": 62227,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.08781454267239,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "98498e2fea11a0243bdf01009b58f6e9aeb4df80e7a3e4d38bdd1744e44be5e6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:27.625000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:27.625000', 'bytes': 628932608, 'norm_byte': 63250432, 'ops': 614192, 'norm_ops': 61768, 'norm_ltcy': 16.207466377462847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:27.625000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:27.625000",
+ "bytes": 628932608,
+ "norm_byte": 63250432,
+ "ops": 614192,
+ "norm_ops": 61768,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.207466377462847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f37d42e996139261afce151f585f6927a21c195da61a60ab5ec99eead72ec63",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:28.626000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:28.626000', 'bytes': 692939776, 'norm_byte': 64007168, 'ops': 676699, 'norm_ops': 62507, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01578045133945, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:28.626000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:28.626000",
+ "bytes": 692939776,
+ "norm_byte": 64007168,
+ "ops": 676699,
+ "norm_ops": 62507,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01578045133945,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb5082b2d43626b6f614b63cb46286bbadfc514aecaa9f568808dd09f0d40d78",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:29.627000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:29.627000', 'bytes': 756376576, 'norm_byte': 63436800, 'ops': 738649, 'norm_ops': 61950, 'norm_ltcy': 16.159449247124698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:29.627000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:29.627000",
+ "bytes": 756376576,
+ "norm_byte": 63436800,
+ "ops": 738649,
+ "norm_ops": 61950,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.159449247124698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fee5e0aaaa6c2290b05886d3b2c6a3fda283b2707b6510d5da7945549562ff76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:30.628000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:30.628000', 'bytes': 820216832, 'norm_byte': 63840256, 'ops': 800993, 'norm_ops': 62344, 'norm_ltcy': 16.057787268271607, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:30.628000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:30.628000",
+ "bytes": 820216832,
+ "norm_byte": 63840256,
+ "ops": 800993,
+ "norm_ops": 62344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.057787268271607,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8bbeee685152d4ae5e636815374068caa868888d5b42a24b0b024c16867a4b5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:31.629000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:31.629000', 'bytes': 884245504, 'norm_byte': 64028672, 'ops': 863521, 'norm_ops': 62528, 'norm_ltcy': 16.010350800341445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:31.629000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:31.629000",
+ "bytes": 884245504,
+ "norm_byte": 64028672,
+ "ops": 863521,
+ "norm_ops": 62528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.010350800341445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51ba23ff93b02a11992169b9f35500e77ff3025f99cf21493e3e41d6aec8afd5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:32.630000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:32.630000', 'bytes': 947426304, 'norm_byte': 63180800, 'ops': 925221, 'norm_ops': 61700, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22327510889384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:32.630000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:32.630000",
+ "bytes": 947426304,
+ "norm_byte": 63180800,
+ "ops": 925221,
+ "norm_ops": 61700,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22327510889384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a1e471b3041b2ee910213e3bfa99a37e8307494267d40955075cb3efeec6d29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:33.631000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:33.631000', 'bytes': 1009839104, 'norm_byte': 62412800, 'ops': 986171, 'norm_ops': 60950, 'norm_ltcy': 16.42519643406481, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:33.631000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:33.631000",
+ "bytes": 1009839104,
+ "norm_byte": 62412800,
+ "ops": 986171,
+ "norm_ops": 60950,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.42519643406481,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "371d7f064adcf3fcb194e2a49a64c8b450deafa93def6a60e5c865249630384c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:34.632000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:34.632000', 'bytes': 1073024000, 'norm_byte': 63184896, 'ops': 1047875, 'norm_ops': 61704, 'norm_ltcy': 16.220723857802977, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:34.632000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:34.632000",
+ "bytes": 1073024000,
+ "norm_byte": 63184896,
+ "ops": 1047875,
+ "norm_ops": 61704,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.220723857802977,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cbf25d7101d83ced0723677fc13d5b3f9d2f75a851b52935c81e93712c733ab1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:35.633000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:35.633000', 'bytes': 1136710656, 'norm_byte': 63686656, 'ops': 1110069, 'norm_ops': 62194, 'norm_ltcy': 16.095428216548218, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:35.633000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:35.633000",
+ "bytes": 1136710656,
+ "norm_byte": 63686656,
+ "ops": 1110069,
+ "norm_ops": 62194,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.095428216548218,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3a14fae50c5e0d61431895cf0c3bed74ba52e88f45ebb1978ffb6a469e902fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:36.634000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:36.634000', 'bytes': 1198990336, 'norm_byte': 62279680, 'ops': 1170889, 'norm_ops': 60820, 'norm_ltcy': 16.459995459193113, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:36.634000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:36.634000",
+ "bytes": 1198990336,
+ "norm_byte": 62279680,
+ "ops": 1170889,
+ "norm_ops": 60820,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.459995459193113,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "89472840b09244aab7dbfb03158bf16acc751fababb17251c605cb27fb941c18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:37.636000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:37.636000', 'bytes': 1262040064, 'norm_byte': 63049728, 'ops': 1232461, 'norm_ops': 61572, 'norm_ltcy': 16.25887267903836, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:37.636000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:37.636000",
+ "bytes": 1262040064,
+ "norm_byte": 63049728,
+ "ops": 1232461,
+ "norm_ops": 61572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.25887267903836,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0136e95c005e546c46bbb0470e6a85c3c3238aa30d6c0804e451330413f23a27",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:38.637000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:38.637000', 'bytes': 1325597696, 'norm_byte': 63557632, 'ops': 1294529, 'norm_ops': 62068, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12899533450208, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:38.637000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:38.637000",
+ "bytes": 1325597696,
+ "norm_byte": 63557632,
+ "ops": 1294529,
+ "norm_ops": 62068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12899533450208,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "483928a14518e61cba343e8b56fb0b749b1ba83ef44d132425ccf36589f69924",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:39.638000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:39.638000', 'bytes': 1389005824, 'norm_byte': 63408128, 'ops': 1356451, 'norm_ops': 61922, 'norm_ltcy': 16.166988875621747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:39.638000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:39.638000",
+ "bytes": 1389005824,
+ "norm_byte": 63408128,
+ "ops": 1356451,
+ "norm_ops": 61922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.166988875621747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00730098a226dec52a09c7d7bdb37bedb1c98205c0ec1f538025d39e5dace9b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:40.639000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:40.639000', 'bytes': 1452908544, 'norm_byte': 63902720, 'ops': 1418856, 'norm_ops': 62405, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04195799490225, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:40.639000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:40.639000",
+ "bytes": 1452908544,
+ "norm_byte": 63902720,
+ "ops": 1418856,
+ "norm_ops": 62405,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04195799490225,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "379651f7117d9c281bdef44305ddcbc54badc8619ddcb81b8a5a5f6eb73a25bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:41.640000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:41.640000', 'bytes': 1516282880, 'norm_byte': 63374336, 'ops': 1480745, 'norm_ops': 61889, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17578683585734, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:41.640000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:41.640000",
+ "bytes": 1516282880,
+ "norm_byte": 63374336,
+ "ops": 1480745,
+ "norm_ops": 61889,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17578683585734,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d54980d8cb730734828266c1655ee17fe9a14846d6d26197804fe6bf57a86a7c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:42.641000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:42.641000', 'bytes': 1579495424, 'norm_byte': 63212544, 'ops': 1542476, 'norm_ops': 61731, 'norm_ltcy': 16.218572851616287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:42.641000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:42.641000",
+ "bytes": 1579495424,
+ "norm_byte": 63212544,
+ "ops": 1542476,
+ "norm_ops": 61731,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.218572851616287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "391ccfe1606ac75cf6080e0270295c0cc2d46d770c5921e204f06e1ef75d4968",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:43.642000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:43.642000', 'bytes': 1642791936, 'norm_byte': 63296512, 'ops': 1604289, 'norm_ops': 61813, 'norm_ltcy': 16.195675205610065, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:43.642000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:43.642000",
+ "bytes": 1642791936,
+ "norm_byte": 63296512,
+ "ops": 1604289,
+ "norm_ops": 61813,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.195675205610065,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "519a4bcd2412001e6ba673302f1d2c42090f40f503f2863c4e2e360d07e606d0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:44.643000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:44.643000', 'bytes': 1706368000, 'norm_byte': 63576064, 'ops': 1666375, 'norm_ops': 62086, 'norm_ltcy': 16.124484365688318, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:44.643000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:44.643000",
+ "bytes": 1706368000,
+ "norm_byte": 63576064,
+ "ops": 1666375,
+ "norm_ops": 62086,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.124484365688318,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27353190c70c027b03e105debc2c90220271ce8986a71faf1cee28e24ad146a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:45.644000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:45.644000', 'bytes': 1770637312, 'norm_byte': 64269312, 'ops': 1729138, 'norm_ops': 62763, 'norm_ltcy': 15.950446925587128, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:45.644000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:45.644000",
+ "bytes": 1770637312,
+ "norm_byte": 64269312,
+ "ops": 1729138,
+ "norm_ops": 62763,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.950446925587128,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8951ba2f7ac6d21328f3f5b6cab460424dcb25a6ed45b33dce37824ce946f075",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:46.646000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:46.646000', 'bytes': 1834034176, 'norm_byte': 63396864, 'ops': 1791049, 'norm_ops': 61911, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17005061953853, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:46.646000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:46.646000",
+ "bytes": 1834034176,
+ "norm_byte": 63396864,
+ "ops": 1791049,
+ "norm_ops": 61911,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17005061953853,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e3664ab7ba8775f1a3128057ef2d04f5e20c73af75e1d2dd4f6f7731c2ec435b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:47.647000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:47.647000', 'bytes': 1896752128, 'norm_byte': 62717952, 'ops': 1852297, 'norm_ops': 61248, 'norm_ltcy': 16.345056994207972, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:47.647000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:47.647000",
+ "bytes": 1896752128,
+ "norm_byte": 62717952,
+ "ops": 1852297,
+ "norm_ops": 61248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.345056994207972,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ba1221a0fffbea1f2e50235eea297f20c044cf04a7255c6e969fcf52d28f712",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:48.648000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:48.648000', 'bytes': 1961923584, 'norm_byte': 65171456, 'ops': 1915941, 'norm_ops': 63644, 'norm_ltcy': 15.72962786039336, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:48.648000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:48.648000",
+ "bytes": 1961923584,
+ "norm_byte": 65171456,
+ "ops": 1915941,
+ "norm_ops": 63644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.72962786039336,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a1ac2c31f9098d1b2664a0d24ce7ad157076eeb05849c68f7d7f77d7441765a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:49.649000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:49.649000', 'bytes': 2025450496, 'norm_byte': 63526912, 'ops': 1977979, 'norm_ops': 62038, 'norm_ltcy': 16.136712264559627, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:49.649000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:49.649000",
+ "bytes": 2025450496,
+ "norm_byte": 63526912,
+ "ops": 1977979,
+ "norm_ops": 62038,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.136712264559627,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b3cf222ab5181ed417612307e7227dc4fcd3bd40aa0719adfd45308efdb079f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:50.650000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:50.650000', 'bytes': 2089592832, 'norm_byte': 64142336, 'ops': 2040618, 'norm_ops': 62639, 'norm_ltcy': 15.981936641658951, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:50.650000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:50.650000",
+ "bytes": 2089592832,
+ "norm_byte": 64142336,
+ "ops": 2040618,
+ "norm_ops": 62639,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.981936641658951,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "228e404f057fbbb38c3a4abf317eb16f983e5512d8f5775e8c9bdb04e7b50126",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:51.651000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:51.651000', 'bytes': 2153815040, 'norm_byte': 64222208, 'ops': 2103335, 'norm_ops': 62717, 'norm_ltcy': 15.962114694032321, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:51.651000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:51.651000",
+ "bytes": 2153815040,
+ "norm_byte": 64222208,
+ "ops": 2103335,
+ "norm_ops": 62717,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.962114694032321,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "46681dab640e599b59a17c5a5edbac1d635117c0d46834c09b11e1995a7d6da2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:52.652000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:52.652000', 'bytes': 2217964544, 'norm_byte': 64149504, 'ops': 2165981, 'norm_ops': 62646, 'norm_ltcy': 15.980252162199102, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:52.652000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:52.652000",
+ "bytes": 2217964544,
+ "norm_byte": 64149504,
+ "ops": 2165981,
+ "norm_ops": 62646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.980252162199102,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fbbc618b042b079e79f0e19d44c65ac0fc88b1cb8918ff45428dd7582885e889",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:53.653000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:53.653000', 'bytes': 2282066944, 'norm_byte': 64102400, 'ops': 2228581, 'norm_ops': 62600, 'norm_ltcy': 15.992002639526756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:53.653000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:53.653000",
+ "bytes": 2282066944,
+ "norm_byte": 64102400,
+ "ops": 2228581,
+ "norm_ops": 62600,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.992002639526756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b08d378ced760be14d21c747499d47d2c7ae98d9d02b05f9940cbe082649273",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:54.654000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:54.654000', 'bytes': 2345453568, 'norm_byte': 63386624, 'ops': 2290482, 'norm_ops': 61901, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17254848593924, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:54.654000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:54.654000",
+ "bytes": 2345453568,
+ "norm_byte": 63386624,
+ "ops": 2290482,
+ "norm_ops": 61901,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17254848593924,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6555df41991fad7b2acee9e20c241b03ac49a937c4cca98100c93b51a68f7f6b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:55.655000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:55.655000', 'bytes': 2408715264, 'norm_byte': 63261696, 'ops': 2352261, 'norm_ops': 61779, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20311048884937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:55.655000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:55.655000",
+ "bytes": 2408715264,
+ "norm_byte": 63261696,
+ "ops": 2352261,
+ "norm_ops": 61779,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20311048884937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7194b243f4616c1b849fa96f4c1e63f05afdd4631c3d581d6c5cfdebf36c1a3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:56.656000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:56.656000', 'bytes': 2471975936, 'norm_byte': 63260672, 'ops': 2414039, 'norm_ops': 61778, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20470455957218, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:56.656000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:56.656000",
+ "bytes": 2471975936,
+ "norm_byte": 63260672,
+ "ops": 2414039,
+ "norm_ops": 61778,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20470455957218,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d399d0fdefbb5738dfcb05890e516fdd99be6f750e04b2aad4b85f8d88db9d62",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:57.657000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:57.657000', 'bytes': 2534657024, 'norm_byte': 62681088, 'ops': 2475251, 'norm_ops': 61212, 'norm_ltcy': 16.352460250849507, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:57.657000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:57.657000",
+ "bytes": 2534657024,
+ "norm_byte": 62681088,
+ "ops": 2475251,
+ "norm_ops": 61212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.352460250849507,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c19e09581b6d8954905c20d87383effcf12ffa5fa2a8edc6bcac1c803c48f2a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:58.658000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:58.658000', 'bytes': 2598876160, 'norm_byte': 64219136, 'ops': 2537965, 'norm_ops': 62714, 'norm_ltcy': 15.962808188512534, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:58.658000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:58.658000",
+ "bytes": 2598876160,
+ "norm_byte": 64219136,
+ "ops": 2537965,
+ "norm_ops": 62714,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.962808188512534,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "845e24fe740871e2a95ea8e87c337cf7598d81822050504ba4aa020ef72d9202",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:46:59.660000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:46:59.660000', 'bytes': 2662269952, 'norm_byte': 63393792, 'ops': 2599873, 'norm_ops': 61908, 'norm_ltcy': 16.170589700644502, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:46:59.660000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:46:59.660000",
+ "bytes": 2662269952,
+ "norm_byte": 63393792,
+ "ops": 2599873,
+ "norm_ops": 61908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.170589700644502,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86d297553e960998fb48d7e10ff5a0447e1871c6f89186db024d268304eda51d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:00.661000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:00.661000', 'bytes': 2725924864, 'norm_byte': 63654912, 'ops': 2662036, 'norm_ops': 62163, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10460949188022, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:00.661000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:00.661000",
+ "bytes": 2725924864,
+ "norm_byte": 63654912,
+ "ops": 2662036,
+ "norm_ops": 62163,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10460949188022,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4680a82985c2e8c720c0537bce65899ef6d1b384c6eeb1d3a087b50527d11e9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:01.662000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:01.662000', 'bytes': 2789173248, 'norm_byte': 63248384, 'ops': 2723802, 'norm_ops': 61766, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20785678887859, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:01.662000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:01.662000",
+ "bytes": 2789173248,
+ "norm_byte": 63248384,
+ "ops": 2723802,
+ "norm_ops": 61766,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20785678887859,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bdc8c32d6aa3c14e9959118a50989acf9b73592b13fa543821b74b580d10840",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:02.662000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:02.662000', 'bytes': 2851568640, 'norm_byte': 62395392, 'ops': 2784735, 'norm_ops': 60933, 'norm_ltcy': 16.42057557711954, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:02.662000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:02.662000",
+ "bytes": 2851568640,
+ "norm_byte": 62395392,
+ "ops": 2784735,
+ "norm_ops": 60933,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.42057557711954,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f5f779f25a568cf6fdc1604658c66b98635e8972deba04109901e0bf4d74627a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:03.663000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:03.663000', 'bytes': 2915159040, 'norm_byte': 63590400, 'ops': 2846835, 'norm_ops': 62100, 'norm_ltcy': 16.120644782860303, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:03.663000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:03.663000",
+ "bytes": 2915159040,
+ "norm_byte": 63590400,
+ "ops": 2846835,
+ "norm_ops": 62100,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.120644782860303,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e8af4bfdbaa7cd591d3cda51e4b8d9d019170fb1c32b0853cee3b84fbcdad1a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:04.664000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:04.664000', 'bytes': 2978188288, 'norm_byte': 63029248, 'ops': 2908387, 'norm_ops': 61552, 'norm_ltcy': 16.261184807408778, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:04.664000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:04.664000",
+ "bytes": 2978188288,
+ "norm_byte": 63029248,
+ "ops": 2908387,
+ "norm_ops": 61552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.261184807408778,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a68bb598c138ce366e47caf16d8cc0cbd9041b9a38cd4792c1fb9352a1446049",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:05.665000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:05.665000', 'bytes': 3041585152, 'norm_byte': 63396864, 'ops': 2970298, 'norm_ops': 61911, 'norm_ltcy': 16.169884996204228, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:05.665000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:05.665000",
+ "bytes": 3041585152,
+ "norm_byte": 63396864,
+ "ops": 2970298,
+ "norm_ops": 61911,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.169884996204228,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2376a0e9cb1211eaf517c8a4b2cb42e641dc09d7d64a6778b577e696dd17f05",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:06.667000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:06.667000', 'bytes': 3105225728, 'norm_byte': 63640576, 'ops': 3032447, 'norm_ops': 62149, 'norm_ltcy': 16.107954459745933, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:06.667000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:06.667000",
+ "bytes": 3105225728,
+ "norm_byte": 63640576,
+ "ops": 3032447,
+ "norm_ops": 62149,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.107954459745933,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb41fac129187bb363a0ee6cb5ec698d09c551d780b9085adcbf63ec49a00f17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:07.668000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:07.668000', 'bytes': 3168087040, 'norm_byte': 62861312, 'ops': 3093835, 'norm_ops': 61388, 'norm_ltcy': 16.30768540115739, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:07.668000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:07.668000",
+ "bytes": 3168087040,
+ "norm_byte": 62861312,
+ "ops": 3093835,
+ "norm_ops": 61388,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.30768540115739,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1efefd0c1e446b54017ebde0e0c2fa4c9e637125bf0de9c6b70147fefc5ffdc5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:08.669000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:08.669000', 'bytes': 3232140288, 'norm_byte': 64053248, 'ops': 3156387, 'norm_ops': 62552, 'norm_ltcy': 16.00426648153736, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:08.669000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:08.669000",
+ "bytes": 3232140288,
+ "norm_byte": 64053248,
+ "ops": 3156387,
+ "norm_ops": 62552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.00426648153736,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "da0494617e0049d32c7859629bcaa3ff536381eee3957d93e4f40d8850c386f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:09.670000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:09.670000', 'bytes': 3295921152, 'norm_byte': 63780864, 'ops': 3218673, 'norm_ops': 62286, 'norm_ltcy': 16.072465716362828, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:09.670000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:09.670000",
+ "bytes": 3295921152,
+ "norm_byte": 63780864,
+ "ops": 3218673,
+ "norm_ops": 62286,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.072465716362828,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c621f656cf2403e2689d655d0924f4378c75ed4be7f28931e856d1a1a25a45fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:10.671000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:10.671000', 'bytes': 3358735360, 'norm_byte': 62814208, 'ops': 3280015, 'norm_ops': 61342, 'norm_ltcy': 16.320069656852155, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:10.671000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:10.671000",
+ "bytes": 3358735360,
+ "norm_byte": 62814208,
+ "ops": 3280015,
+ "norm_ops": 61342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.320069656852155,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e3c2a8ba1b2a055ae3df238cf3b7aff4061a2e9f418f7030afa31a6e36275de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:11.672000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:11.672000', 'bytes': 3421999104, 'norm_byte': 63263744, 'ops': 3341796, 'norm_ops': 61781, 'norm_ltcy': 16.204040184532868, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:11.672000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:11.672000",
+ "bytes": 3421999104,
+ "norm_byte": 63263744,
+ "ops": 3341796,
+ "norm_ops": 61781,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.204040184532868,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "914c1cd45cf70d5a8f1a5faec0e1fb7baf843a51bab595d38e4a6e93adb31903",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:12.673000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:12.673000', 'bytes': 3484804096, 'norm_byte': 62804992, 'ops': 3403129, 'norm_ops': 61333, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32264358858608, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:12.673000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:12.673000",
+ "bytes": 3484804096,
+ "norm_byte": 62804992,
+ "ops": 3403129,
+ "norm_ops": 61333,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32264358858608,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0dcaba4e3373158e9dc860b10ef9a586d238010930c3f33c7878cd9eaf3c336d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:13.674000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:13.674000', 'bytes': 3551194112, 'norm_byte': 66390016, 'ops': 3467963, 'norm_ops': 64834, 'norm_ltcy': 15.440849569911235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:13.674000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:13.674000",
+ "bytes": 3551194112,
+ "norm_byte": 66390016,
+ "ops": 3467963,
+ "norm_ops": 64834,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.440849569911235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df4e182873187ac15344fd4b139280783267b9c21cbc0e44c81794a67ae4a677",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:14.675000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:14.675000', 'bytes': 3616634880, 'norm_byte': 65440768, 'ops': 3531870, 'norm_ops': 63907, 'norm_ltcy': 15.665093508682538, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:14.675000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:14.675000",
+ "bytes": 3616634880,
+ "norm_byte": 65440768,
+ "ops": 3531870,
+ "norm_ops": 63907,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.665093508682538,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ebcdfdf752e6c91d072ebbae626a8940d3695acbf68361131bf247a8eec5793",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:15.676000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:15.676000', 'bytes': 3679220736, 'norm_byte': 62585856, 'ops': 3592989, 'norm_ops': 61119, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3799229653422, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:15.676000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:15.676000",
+ "bytes": 3679220736,
+ "norm_byte": 62585856,
+ "ops": 3592989,
+ "norm_ops": 61119,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3799229653422,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc0c06321afd8ffbbf879228730cd2fb73b1882e83060856979d17e695682fb7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:16.678000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:16.678000', 'bytes': 3742557184, 'norm_byte': 63336448, 'ops': 3654841, 'norm_ops': 61852, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18598820066449, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:16.678000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:16.678000",
+ "bytes": 3742557184,
+ "norm_byte": 63336448,
+ "ops": 3654841,
+ "norm_ops": 61852,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18598820066449,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b03437f8c38c14d83288ff7983698c971427c2c343f99b2a68e24804ac78c04",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:47:17.879000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:47:17.879000', 'bytes': 3805197312, 'norm_byte': 62640128, 'ops': 3716013, 'norm_ops': 61172, 'norm_ltcy': 19.638130369082262, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:47:17.879000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:47:17.879000",
+ "bytes": 3805197312,
+ "norm_byte": 62640128,
+ "ops": 3716013,
+ "norm_ops": 61172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.638130369082262,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "bbcfae9e-a4a7-51c4-966f-a47da63e132b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78720cc51dc1e46974554363da4935ae6c1efb675c1241f81ff42fe04cf9558a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63419955.2
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61933.55
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.426936385321223
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:47:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:47:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-096-220519224332/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-096-220519224332/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be29c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-096-220519224332/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-096-220519224332/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-096-220519224332/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-096-220519224332/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-096-220519224332/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-096-220519224332/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8bb08b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-096-220519224332/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=55
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=75
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=170
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-097-220519224534/220519224534-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-097-220519224534/220519224534-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc63c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-097-220519224534/220519224534-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:48:17Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000498294.2886 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000499295.3818 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000499295.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000500295.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62595072 nr_ops:61128\ntimestamp_ms:1653000501296.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125709312 nr_ops:122763\ntimestamp_ms:1653000502297.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188777472 nr_ops:184353\ntimestamp_ms:1653000503298.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253672448 nr_ops:247727\ntimestamp_ms:1653000504299.8301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319316992 nr_ops:311833\ntimestamp_ms:1653000505300.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382915584 nr_ops:373941\ntimestamp_ms:1653000506302.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446016512 nr_ops:435563\ntimestamp_ms:1653000507303.1116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508656640 nr_ops:496735\ntimestamp_ms:1653000508304.2898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573145088 nr_ops:559712\ntimestamp_ms:1653000509305.3770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636644352 nr_ops:621723\ntimestamp_ms:1653000510306.4709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700169216 nr_ops:683759\ntimestamp_ms:1653000511307.5623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763194368 nr_ops:745307\ntimestamp_ms:1653000512308.6499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827658240 nr_ops:808260\ntimestamp_ms:1653000513309.7432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891997184 nr_ops:871091\ntimestamp_ms:1653000514310.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956743680 nr_ops:934320\ntimestamp_ms:1653000515311.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1020422144 nr_ops:996506\ntimestamp_ms:1653000516312.9487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083564032 nr_ops:1058168\ntimestamp_ms:1653000517314.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147466752 nr_ops:1120573\ntimestamp_ms:1653000518315.1440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1211468800 nr_ops:1183075\ntimestamp_ms:1653000519316.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275360256 nr_ops:1245469\ntimestamp_ms:1653000520317.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1338934272 nr_ops:1307553\ntimestamp_ms:1653000521318.4417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1400962048 nr_ops:1368127\ntimestamp_ms:1653000522319.5320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1465072640 nr_ops:1430735\ntimestamp_ms:1653000523320.6218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531689984 nr_ops:1495791\ntimestamp_ms:1653000524321.7073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599888384 nr_ops:1562391\ntimestamp_ms:1653000525321.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663742976 nr_ops:1624749\ntimestamp_ms:1653000526322.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726346240 nr_ops:1685885\ntimestamp_ms:1653000527323.9238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1792068608 nr_ops:1750067\ntimestamp_ms:1653000528324.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1855435776 nr_ops:1811949\ntimestamp_ms:1653000529325.9187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1919577088 nr_ops:1874587\ntimestamp_ms:1653000530326.9629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1983916032 nr_ops:1937418\ntimestamp_ms:1653000531328.0667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049924096 nr_ops:2001879\ntimestamp_ms:1653000532329.1562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2116600832 nr_ops:2066993\ntimestamp_ms:1653000533330.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180473856 nr_ops:2129369\ntimestamp_ms:1653000534331.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2244545536 nr_ops:2191939\ntimestamp_ms:1653000535331.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307601408 nr_ops:2253517\ntimestamp_ms:1653000536332.8816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2370892800 nr_ops:2315325\ntimestamp_ms:1653000537333.9917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435650560 nr_ops:2378565\ntimestamp_ms:1653000538335.0806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2498823168 nr_ops:2440257\ntimestamp_ms:1653000539336.1650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562550784 nr_ops:2502491\ntimestamp_ms:1653000540337.2554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2625557504 nr_ops:2564021\ntimestamp_ms:1653000541338.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2688976896 nr_ops:2625954\ntimestamp_ms:1653000542339.4329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2752566272 nr_ops:2688053\ntimestamp_ms:1653000543340.5496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2818796544 nr_ops:2752731\ntimestamp_ms:1653000544341.6387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2886462464 nr_ops:2818811\ntimestamp_ms:1653000545342.7285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2950007808 nr_ops:2880867\ntimestamp_ms:1653000546343.8296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3013177344 nr_ops:2942556\ntimestamp_ms:1653000547344.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3076471808 nr_ops:3004367\ntimestamp_ms:1653000548346.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3138996224 nr_ops:3065426\ntimestamp_ms:1653000549347.1189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3202491392 nr_ops:3127433\ntimestamp_ms:1653000550347.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3265260544 nr_ops:3188731\ntimestamp_ms:1653000551348.9204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3328375808 nr_ops:3250367\ntimestamp_ms:1653000552350.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3391079424 nr_ops:3311601\ntimestamp_ms:1653000553351.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3454135296 nr_ops:3373179\ntimestamp_ms:1653000554352.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3521942528 nr_ops:3439397\ntimestamp_ms:1653000555353.2866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3587734528 nr_ops:3503647\ntimestamp_ms:1653000556354.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3651465216 nr_ops:3565884\ntimestamp_ms:1653000557355.5076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3716078592 nr_ops:3628983\ntimestamp_ms:1653000558356.6133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3784142848 nr_ops:3695452\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139973243811584\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559557.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3848666112 nr_ops:3758463\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559558.0200 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559558.0300 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559658.2517 name:Total nr_bytes:3848666112 nr_ops:3758464\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559558.1519 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7697332222 nr_ops:7516928\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559558.1538 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3848666112 nr_ops:3758466\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 189.09us 0.00ns 189.09us 189.09us \nTxn1 1879232 31.91us 0.00ns 7.78ms 26.20us \nTxn2 1 49.55us 0.00ns 49.55us 49.55us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 188.66us 0.00ns 188.66us 188.66us \nwrite 1879232 3.19us 0.00ns 84.52us 2.54us \nread 1879231 28.64us 0.00ns 7.77ms 6.76us \ndisconnect 1 48.52us 0.00ns 48.52us 48.52us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.37b/s \nnet1 30133 30133 262.76Mb/s 262.76Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.192 62.37s 3.58GB 493.69Mb/s 3758466 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.58GB 493.70Mb/s 3758466 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414835, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000498294.2886 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000499295.3818 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000499295.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000500295.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62595072 nr_ops:61128\ntimestamp_ms:1653000501296.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125709312 nr_ops:122763\ntimestamp_ms:1653000502297.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188777472 nr_ops:184353\ntimestamp_ms:1653000503298.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253672448 nr_ops:247727\ntimestamp_ms:1653000504299.8301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319316992 nr_ops:311833\ntimestamp_ms:1653000505300.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382915584 nr_ops:373941\ntimestamp_ms:1653000506302.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446016512 nr_ops:435563\ntimestamp_ms:1653000507303.1116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508656640 nr_ops:496735\ntimestamp_ms:1653000508304.2898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573145088 nr_ops:559712\ntimestamp_ms:1653000509305.3770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636644352 nr_ops:621723\ntimestamp_ms:1653000510306.4709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700169216 nr_ops:683759\ntimestamp_ms:1653000511307.5623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763194368 nr_ops:745307\ntimestamp_ms:1653000512308.6499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827658240 nr_ops:808260\ntimestamp_ms:1653000513309.7432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891997184 nr_ops:871091\ntimestamp_ms:1653000514310.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956743680 nr_ops:934320\ntimestamp_ms:1653000515311.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1020422144 nr_ops:996506\ntimestamp_ms:1653000516312.9487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083564032 nr_ops:1058168\ntimestamp_ms:1653000517314.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147466752 nr_ops:1120573\ntimestamp_ms:1653000518315.1440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1211468800 nr_ops:1183075\ntimestamp_ms:1653000519316.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275360256 nr_ops:1245469\ntimestamp_ms:1653000520317.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1338934272 nr_ops:1307553\ntimestamp_ms:1653000521318.4417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1400962048 nr_ops:1368127\ntimestamp_ms:1653000522319.5320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1465072640 nr_ops:1430735\ntimestamp_ms:1653000523320.6218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531689984 nr_ops:1495791\ntimestamp_ms:1653000524321.7073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599888384 nr_ops:1562391\ntimestamp_ms:1653000525321.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663742976 nr_ops:1624749\ntimestamp_ms:1653000526322.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726346240 nr_ops:1685885\ntimestamp_ms:1653000527323.9238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1792068608 nr_ops:1750067\ntimestamp_ms:1653000528324.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1855435776 nr_ops:1811949\ntimestamp_ms:1653000529325.9187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1919577088 nr_ops:1874587\ntimestamp_ms:1653000530326.9629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1983916032 nr_ops:1937418\ntimestamp_ms:1653000531328.0667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049924096 nr_ops:2001879\ntimestamp_ms:1653000532329.1562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2116600832 nr_ops:2066993\ntimestamp_ms:1653000533330.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180473856 nr_ops:2129369\ntimestamp_ms:1653000534331.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2244545536 nr_ops:2191939\ntimestamp_ms:1653000535331.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307601408 nr_ops:2253517\ntimestamp_ms:1653000536332.8816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2370892800 nr_ops:2315325\ntimestamp_ms:1653000537333.9917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435650560 nr_ops:2378565\ntimestamp_ms:1653000538335.0806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2498823168 nr_ops:2440257\ntimestamp_ms:1653000539336.1650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562550784 nr_ops:2502491\ntimestamp_ms:1653000540337.2554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2625557504 nr_ops:2564021\ntimestamp_ms:1653000541338.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2688976896 nr_ops:2625954\ntimestamp_ms:1653000542339.4329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2752566272 nr_ops:2688053\ntimestamp_ms:1653000543340.5496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2818796544 nr_ops:2752731\ntimestamp_ms:1653000544341.6387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2886462464 nr_ops:2818811\ntimestamp_ms:1653000545342.7285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2950007808 nr_ops:2880867\ntimestamp_ms:1653000546343.8296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3013177344 nr_ops:2942556\ntimestamp_ms:1653000547344.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3076471808 nr_ops:3004367\ntimestamp_ms:1653000548346.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3138996224 nr_ops:3065426\ntimestamp_ms:1653000549347.1189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3202491392 nr_ops:3127433\ntimestamp_ms:1653000550347.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3265260544 nr_ops:3188731\ntimestamp_ms:1653000551348.9204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3328375808 nr_ops:3250367\ntimestamp_ms:1653000552350.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3391079424 nr_ops:3311601\ntimestamp_ms:1653000553351.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3454135296 nr_ops:3373179\ntimestamp_ms:1653000554352.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3521942528 nr_ops:3439397\ntimestamp_ms:1653000555353.2866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3587734528 nr_ops:3503647\ntimestamp_ms:1653000556354.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3651465216 nr_ops:3565884\ntimestamp_ms:1653000557355.5076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3716078592 nr_ops:3628983\ntimestamp_ms:1653000558356.6133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3784142848 nr_ops:3695452\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139973243811584\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559557.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3848666112 nr_ops:3758463\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559558.0200 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559558.0300 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559658.2517 name:Total nr_bytes:3848666112 nr_ops:3758464\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559558.1519 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7697332222 nr_ops:7516928\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559558.1538 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3848666112 nr_ops:3758466\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 189.09us 0.00ns 189.09us 189.09us \nTxn1 1879232 31.91us 0.00ns 7.78ms 26.20us \nTxn2 1 49.55us 0.00ns 49.55us 49.55us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 188.66us 0.00ns 188.66us 188.66us \nwrite 1879232 3.19us 0.00ns 84.52us 2.54us \nread 1879231 28.64us 0.00ns 7.77ms 6.76us \ndisconnect 1 48.52us 0.00ns 48.52us 48.52us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.37b/s \nnet1 30133 30133 262.76Mb/s 262.76Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.192 62.37s 3.58GB 493.69Mb/s 3758466 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.58GB 493.70Mb/s 3758466 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414835, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000498294.2886 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000499295.3818 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000499295.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000500295.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62595072 nr_ops:61128\ntimestamp_ms:1653000501296.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125709312 nr_ops:122763\ntimestamp_ms:1653000502297.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188777472 nr_ops:184353\ntimestamp_ms:1653000503298.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253672448 nr_ops:247727\ntimestamp_ms:1653000504299.8301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319316992 nr_ops:311833\ntimestamp_ms:1653000505300.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382915584 nr_ops:373941\ntimestamp_ms:1653000506302.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446016512 nr_ops:435563\ntimestamp_ms:1653000507303.1116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508656640 nr_ops:496735\ntimestamp_ms:1653000508304.2898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573145088 nr_ops:559712\ntimestamp_ms:1653000509305.3770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636644352 nr_ops:621723\ntimestamp_ms:1653000510306.4709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700169216 nr_ops:683759\ntimestamp_ms:1653000511307.5623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763194368 nr_ops:745307\ntimestamp_ms:1653000512308.6499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827658240 nr_ops:808260\ntimestamp_ms:1653000513309.7432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891997184 nr_ops:871091\ntimestamp_ms:1653000514310.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956743680 nr_ops:934320\ntimestamp_ms:1653000515311.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1020422144 nr_ops:996506\ntimestamp_ms:1653000516312.9487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083564032 nr_ops:1058168\ntimestamp_ms:1653000517314.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147466752 nr_ops:1120573\ntimestamp_ms:1653000518315.1440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1211468800 nr_ops:1183075\ntimestamp_ms:1653000519316.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275360256 nr_ops:1245469\ntimestamp_ms:1653000520317.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1338934272 nr_ops:1307553\ntimestamp_ms:1653000521318.4417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1400962048 nr_ops:1368127\ntimestamp_ms:1653000522319.5320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1465072640 nr_ops:1430735\ntimestamp_ms:1653000523320.6218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531689984 nr_ops:1495791\ntimestamp_ms:1653000524321.7073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599888384 nr_ops:1562391\ntimestamp_ms:1653000525321.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663742976 nr_ops:1624749\ntimestamp_ms:1653000526322.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726346240 nr_ops:1685885\ntimestamp_ms:1653000527323.9238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1792068608 nr_ops:1750067\ntimestamp_ms:1653000528324.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1855435776 nr_ops:1811949\ntimestamp_ms:1653000529325.9187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1919577088 nr_ops:1874587\ntimestamp_ms:1653000530326.9629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1983916032 nr_ops:1937418\ntimestamp_ms:1653000531328.0667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049924096 nr_ops:2001879\ntimestamp_ms:1653000532329.1562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2116600832 nr_ops:2066993\ntimestamp_ms:1653000533330.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180473856 nr_ops:2129369\ntimestamp_ms:1653000534331.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2244545536 nr_ops:2191939\ntimestamp_ms:1653000535331.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307601408 nr_ops:2253517\ntimestamp_ms:1653000536332.8816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2370892800 nr_ops:2315325\ntimestamp_ms:1653000537333.9917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435650560 nr_ops:2378565\ntimestamp_ms:1653000538335.0806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2498823168 nr_ops:2440257\ntimestamp_ms:1653000539336.1650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562550784 nr_ops:2502491\ntimestamp_ms:1653000540337.2554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2625557504 nr_ops:2564021\ntimestamp_ms:1653000541338.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2688976896 nr_ops:2625954\ntimestamp_ms:1653000542339.4329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2752566272 nr_ops:2688053\ntimestamp_ms:1653000543340.5496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2818796544 nr_ops:2752731\ntimestamp_ms:1653000544341.6387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2886462464 nr_ops:2818811\ntimestamp_ms:1653000545342.7285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2950007808 nr_ops:2880867\ntimestamp_ms:1653000546343.8296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3013177344 nr_ops:2942556\ntimestamp_ms:1653000547344.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3076471808 nr_ops:3004367\ntimestamp_ms:1653000548346.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3138996224 nr_ops:3065426\ntimestamp_ms:1653000549347.1189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3202491392 nr_ops:3127433\ntimestamp_ms:1653000550347.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3265260544 nr_ops:3188731\ntimestamp_ms:1653000551348.9204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3328375808 nr_ops:3250367\ntimestamp_ms:1653000552350.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3391079424 nr_ops:3311601\ntimestamp_ms:1653000553351.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3454135296 nr_ops:3373179\ntimestamp_ms:1653000554352.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3521942528 nr_ops:3439397\ntimestamp_ms:1653000555353.2866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3587734528 nr_ops:3503647\ntimestamp_ms:1653000556354.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3651465216 nr_ops:3565884\ntimestamp_ms:1653000557355.5076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3716078592 nr_ops:3628983\ntimestamp_ms:1653000558356.6133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3784142848 nr_ops:3695452\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139973243811584\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559557.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3848666112 nr_ops:3758463\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559558.0200 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559558.0300 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559658.2517 name:Total nr_bytes:3848666112 nr_ops:3758464\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559558.1519 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7697332222 nr_ops:7516928\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000559558.1538 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3848666112 nr_ops:3758466\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 189.09us 0.00ns 189.09us 189.09us \nTxn1 1879232 31.91us 0.00ns 7.78ms 26.20us \nTxn2 1 49.55us 0.00ns 49.55us 49.55us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 188.66us 0.00ns 188.66us 188.66us \nwrite 1879232 3.19us 0.00ns 84.52us 2.54us \nread 1879231 28.64us 0.00ns 7.77ms 6.76us \ndisconnect 1 48.52us 0.00ns 48.52us 48.52us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.37b/s \nnet1 30133 30133 262.76Mb/s 262.76Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.192 62.37s 3.58GB 493.69Mb/s 3758466 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.58GB 493.70Mb/s 3758466 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414835, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000498294.2886 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000499295.3818 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000499295.4641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000500295.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62595072 nr_ops:61128
+timestamp_ms:1653000501296.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125709312 nr_ops:122763
+timestamp_ms:1653000502297.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188777472 nr_ops:184353
+timestamp_ms:1653000503298.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253672448 nr_ops:247727
+timestamp_ms:1653000504299.8301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:319316992 nr_ops:311833
+timestamp_ms:1653000505300.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:382915584 nr_ops:373941
+timestamp_ms:1653000506302.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446016512 nr_ops:435563
+timestamp_ms:1653000507303.1116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508656640 nr_ops:496735
+timestamp_ms:1653000508304.2898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:573145088 nr_ops:559712
+timestamp_ms:1653000509305.3770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:636644352 nr_ops:621723
+timestamp_ms:1653000510306.4709 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700169216 nr_ops:683759
+timestamp_ms:1653000511307.5623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:763194368 nr_ops:745307
+timestamp_ms:1653000512308.6499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:827658240 nr_ops:808260
+timestamp_ms:1653000513309.7432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891997184 nr_ops:871091
+timestamp_ms:1653000514310.8447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956743680 nr_ops:934320
+timestamp_ms:1653000515311.9141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1020422144 nr_ops:996506
+timestamp_ms:1653000516312.9487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1083564032 nr_ops:1058168
+timestamp_ms:1653000517314.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147466752 nr_ops:1120573
+timestamp_ms:1653000518315.1440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1211468800 nr_ops:1183075
+timestamp_ms:1653000519316.2295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275360256 nr_ops:1245469
+timestamp_ms:1653000520317.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1338934272 nr_ops:1307553
+timestamp_ms:1653000521318.4417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1400962048 nr_ops:1368127
+timestamp_ms:1653000522319.5320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1465072640 nr_ops:1430735
+timestamp_ms:1653000523320.6218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531689984 nr_ops:1495791
+timestamp_ms:1653000524321.7073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599888384 nr_ops:1562391
+timestamp_ms:1653000525321.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1663742976 nr_ops:1624749
+timestamp_ms:1653000526322.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726346240 nr_ops:1685885
+timestamp_ms:1653000527323.9238 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1792068608 nr_ops:1750067
+timestamp_ms:1653000528324.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1855435776 nr_ops:1811949
+timestamp_ms:1653000529325.9187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1919577088 nr_ops:1874587
+timestamp_ms:1653000530326.9629 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1983916032 nr_ops:1937418
+timestamp_ms:1653000531328.0667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049924096 nr_ops:2001879
+timestamp_ms:1653000532329.1562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2116600832 nr_ops:2066993
+timestamp_ms:1653000533330.2483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180473856 nr_ops:2129369
+timestamp_ms:1653000534331.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2244545536 nr_ops:2191939
+timestamp_ms:1653000535331.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307601408 nr_ops:2253517
+timestamp_ms:1653000536332.8816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2370892800 nr_ops:2315325
+timestamp_ms:1653000537333.9917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435650560 nr_ops:2378565
+timestamp_ms:1653000538335.0806 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2498823168 nr_ops:2440257
+timestamp_ms:1653000539336.1650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2562550784 nr_ops:2502491
+timestamp_ms:1653000540337.2554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2625557504 nr_ops:2564021
+timestamp_ms:1653000541338.3438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2688976896 nr_ops:2625954
+timestamp_ms:1653000542339.4329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2752566272 nr_ops:2688053
+timestamp_ms:1653000543340.5496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2818796544 nr_ops:2752731
+timestamp_ms:1653000544341.6387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2886462464 nr_ops:2818811
+timestamp_ms:1653000545342.7285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2950007808 nr_ops:2880867
+timestamp_ms:1653000546343.8296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3013177344 nr_ops:2942556
+timestamp_ms:1653000547344.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3076471808 nr_ops:3004367
+timestamp_ms:1653000548346.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3138996224 nr_ops:3065426
+timestamp_ms:1653000549347.1189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3202491392 nr_ops:3127433
+timestamp_ms:1653000550347.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3265260544 nr_ops:3188731
+timestamp_ms:1653000551348.9204 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3328375808 nr_ops:3250367
+timestamp_ms:1653000552350.0239 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3391079424 nr_ops:3311601
+timestamp_ms:1653000553351.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3454135296 nr_ops:3373179
+timestamp_ms:1653000554352.1968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3521942528 nr_ops:3439397
+timestamp_ms:1653000555353.2866 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3587734528 nr_ops:3503647
+timestamp_ms:1653000556354.3779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3651465216 nr_ops:3565884
+timestamp_ms:1653000557355.5076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3716078592 nr_ops:3628983
+timestamp_ms:1653000558356.6133 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3784142848 nr_ops:3695452
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139973243811584
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653000559557.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3848666112 nr_ops:3758463
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000559558.0200 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000559558.0300 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000559658.2517 name:Total nr_bytes:3848666112 nr_ops:3758464
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000559558.1519 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7697332222 nr_ops:7516928
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000559558.1538 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3848666112 nr_ops:3758466
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 189.09us 0.00ns 189.09us 189.09us
+Txn1 1879232 31.91us 0.00ns 7.78ms 26.20us
+Txn2 1 49.55us 0.00ns 49.55us 49.55us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 188.66us 0.00ns 188.66us 188.66us
+write 1879232 3.19us 0.00ns 84.52us 2.54us
+read 1879231 28.64us 0.00ns 7.77ms 6.76us
+disconnect 1 48.52us 0.00ns 48.52us 48.52us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.37b/s
+net1 30133 30133 262.76Mb/s 262.76Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.192 62.37s 3.58GB 493.69Mb/s 3758466 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.58GB 493.70Mb/s 3758466 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:20.295000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:20.295000', 'bytes': 62595072, 'norm_byte': 62595072, 'ops': 61128, 'norm_ops': 61128, 'norm_ltcy': 16.365198046261533, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:20.295000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:20.295000",
+ "bytes": 62595072,
+ "norm_byte": 62595072,
+ "ops": 61128,
+ "norm_ops": 61128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.365198046261533,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d34e1033ad91e2d86e755081a558ba8cb708bdb11e2761851535d09aeb3d1a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:21.296000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:21.296000', 'bytes': 125709312, 'norm_byte': 63114240, 'ops': 122763, 'norm_ops': 61635, 'norm_ltcy': 16.24078021061491, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:21.296000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:21.296000",
+ "bytes": 125709312,
+ "norm_byte": 63114240,
+ "ops": 122763,
+ "norm_ops": 61635,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.24078021061491,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b5d6671c18251f022872e3d2916683e2fc1feffa1beaa94b47b44a10fded98eb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:22.297000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:22.297000', 'bytes': 188777472, 'norm_byte': 63068160, 'ops': 184353, 'norm_ops': 61590, 'norm_ltcy': 16.252622559465824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:22.297000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:22.297000",
+ "bytes": 188777472,
+ "norm_byte": 63068160,
+ "ops": 184353,
+ "norm_ops": 61590,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.252622559465824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca5a5232d88a2a953ccc31a33b715b6a0f1c0870e65fa96d07028ff46653ce9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:23.298000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:23.298000', 'bytes': 253672448, 'norm_byte': 64894976, 'ops': 247727, 'norm_ops': 63374, 'norm_ltcy': 15.796685093157288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:23.298000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:23.298000",
+ "bytes": 253672448,
+ "norm_byte": 64894976,
+ "ops": 247727,
+ "norm_ops": 63374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.796685093157288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e40c1f132b852c500ac71b8f75a41a6aec9463f0faa25b30b446de135024d083",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:24.299000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:24.299000', 'bytes': 319316992, 'norm_byte': 65644544, 'ops': 311833, 'norm_ops': 64106, 'norm_ltcy': 15.613133057943095, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:24.299000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:24.299000",
+ "bytes": 319316992,
+ "norm_byte": 65644544,
+ "ops": 311833,
+ "norm_ops": 64106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.613133057943095,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eacf1618dedc0a9a6e63bc3863e6132d5b0e9e8ea7c7ee63198ad4e5034b61c7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:25.300000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:25.300000', 'bytes': 382915584, 'norm_byte': 63598592, 'ops': 373941, 'norm_ops': 62108, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11866265844376, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:25.300000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:25.300000",
+ "bytes": 382915584,
+ "norm_byte": 63598592,
+ "ops": 373941,
+ "norm_ops": 62108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11866265844376,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43a6c752e244380a99fdc7e3a3efb432a66f5e33abd85387e63ff23951d0e5e5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:26.302000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:26.302000', 'bytes': 446016512, 'norm_byte': 63100928, 'ops': 435563, 'norm_ops': 61622, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2456842156109, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:26.302000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:26.302000",
+ "bytes": 446016512,
+ "norm_byte": 63100928,
+ "ops": 435563,
+ "norm_ops": 61622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2456842156109,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d233aa3f648fbb1e44cc43013926f8cff61092c4b918aec387556f0f647fa146",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:27.303000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:27.303000', 'bytes': 508656640, 'norm_byte': 62640128, 'ops': 496735, 'norm_ops': 61172, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3652004350949, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:27.303000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:27.303000",
+ "bytes": 508656640,
+ "norm_byte": 62640128,
+ "ops": 496735,
+ "norm_ops": 61172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3652004350949,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60057269815df0fd1087971e53646119b9cdbc5da3fe273bdc14cd6bf1d479a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:28.304000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:28.304000', 'bytes': 573145088, 'norm_byte': 64488448, 'ops': 559712, 'norm_ops': 62977, 'norm_ltcy': 15.897521677060674, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:28.304000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:28.304000",
+ "bytes": 573145088,
+ "norm_byte": 64488448,
+ "ops": 559712,
+ "norm_ops": 62977,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.897521677060674,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e88d6f1c4b87a182e3a3aa7a5853f5ffe46b0646a5c71ffcdbd19625bd2aded7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:29.305000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:29.305000', 'bytes': 636644352, 'norm_byte': 63499264, 'ops': 621723, 'norm_ops': 62011, 'norm_ltcy': 16.143702862445778, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:29.305000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:29.305000",
+ "bytes": 636644352,
+ "norm_byte": 63499264,
+ "ops": 621723,
+ "norm_ops": 62011,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.143702862445778,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1cc075e9d5374f7200ea15393ab118b685711f373ffadeea32ada5722f14301",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:30.306000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:30.306000', 'bytes': 700169216, 'norm_byte': 63524864, 'ops': 683759, 'norm_ops': 62036, 'norm_ltcy': 16.137307275463037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:30.306000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:30.306000",
+ "bytes": 700169216,
+ "norm_byte": 63524864,
+ "ops": 683759,
+ "norm_ops": 62036,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.137307275463037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf72a429c5ba8ee9a77a52a37e0eb43e154835bbf11332e6d7ad5f5b568d6a02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:31.307000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:31.307000', 'bytes': 763194368, 'norm_byte': 63025152, 'ops': 745307, 'norm_ops': 61548, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26521265668665, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:31.307000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:31.307000",
+ "bytes": 763194368,
+ "norm_byte": 63025152,
+ "ops": 745307,
+ "norm_ops": 61548,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26521265668665,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c0ffe79b28e573b58e4115f7be6308fabedcea184cb02dc7836d634690820198",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:32.308000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:32.308000', 'bytes': 827658240, 'norm_byte': 64463872, 'ops': 808260, 'norm_ops': 62953, 'norm_ltcy': 15.90214360688728, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:32.308000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:32.308000",
+ "bytes": 827658240,
+ "norm_byte": 64463872,
+ "ops": 808260,
+ "norm_ops": 62953,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.90214360688728,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd5ba3ab72627b75a48107152239c05da98046d04521d9e42931982c47e00d60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:33.309000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:33.309000', 'bytes': 891997184, 'norm_byte': 64338944, 'ops': 871091, 'norm_ops': 62831, 'norm_ltcy': 15.933110434638156, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:33.309000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:33.309000",
+ "bytes": 891997184,
+ "norm_byte": 64338944,
+ "ops": 871091,
+ "norm_ops": 62831,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.933110434638156,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43cc42579077757afe72991c7db52cf5c1bce32a82483a207f70802079dd6f06",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:34.310000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:34.310000', 'bytes': 956743680, 'norm_byte': 64746496, 'ops': 934320, 'norm_ops': 63229, 'norm_ltcy': 15.83294947729681, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:34.310000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:34.310000",
+ "bytes": 956743680,
+ "norm_byte": 64746496,
+ "ops": 934320,
+ "norm_ops": 63229,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.83294947729681,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c8510e3355d51b325470ecda063421c87a1cf03cdc55098429d4b92f611ee16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:35.311000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:35.311000', 'bytes': 1020422144, 'norm_byte': 63678464, 'ops': 996506, 'norm_ops': 62186, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09798565493037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:35.311000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:35.311000",
+ "bytes": 1020422144,
+ "norm_byte": 63678464,
+ "ops": 996506,
+ "norm_ops": 62186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09798565493037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "72f5045ac38655d174a6a3f422655a610304c9e02019d09b60c6eecfaa8022a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:36.312000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:36.312000', 'bytes': 1083564032, 'norm_byte': 63141888, 'ops': 1058168, 'norm_ops': 61662, 'norm_ltcy': 16.234223151515522, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:36.312000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:36.312000",
+ "bytes": 1083564032,
+ "norm_byte": 63141888,
+ "ops": 1058168,
+ "norm_ops": 61662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.234223151515522,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1af93afd358a8419136080c039a98a13d0e0c2180dc196f8c1ff69ee1b2651ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:37.314000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:37.314000', 'bytes': 1147466752, 'norm_byte': 63902720, 'ops': 1120573, 'norm_ops': 62405, 'norm_ltcy': 16.042004941260718, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:37.314000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:37.314000",
+ "bytes": 1147466752,
+ "norm_byte": 63902720,
+ "ops": 1120573,
+ "norm_ops": 62405,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.042004941260718,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13ef7e09c40b788d357cc72f70794f0c3c3fb6550d72c4a7afc087975d14805c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:38.315000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:38.315000', 'bytes': 1211468800, 'norm_byte': 64002048, 'ops': 1183075, 'norm_ops': 62502, 'norm_ltcy': 16.016991362526397, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:38.315000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:38.315000",
+ "bytes": 1211468800,
+ "norm_byte": 64002048,
+ "ops": 1183075,
+ "norm_ops": 62502,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.016991362526397,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7bba27af307936f898ef2942ec95e12f64e6ef4532d2f2065957a15b80e1d43",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:39.316000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:39.316000', 'bytes': 1275360256, 'norm_byte': 63891456, 'ops': 1245469, 'norm_ops': 62394, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04457879313315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:39.316000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:39.316000",
+ "bytes": 1275360256,
+ "norm_byte": 63891456,
+ "ops": 1245469,
+ "norm_ops": 62394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04457879313315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a8b2bc47d4408852eb7ef63a6eb21f61f59b5acdf8555650af4a7f97addab8f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:40.317000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:40.317000', 'bytes': 1338934272, 'norm_byte': 63574016, 'ops': 1307553, 'norm_ops': 62084, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12516503597948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:40.317000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:40.317000",
+ "bytes": 1338934272,
+ "norm_byte": 63574016,
+ "ops": 1307553,
+ "norm_ops": 62084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12516503597948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3991c8533669dc011414cf6321a5fd2fe04d18c24a35443566c9a2811197d94a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:41.318000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:41.318000', 'bytes': 1400962048, 'norm_byte': 62027776, 'ops': 1368127, 'norm_ops': 60574, 'norm_ltcy': 16.526850003456516, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:41.318000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:41.318000",
+ "bytes": 1400962048,
+ "norm_byte": 62027776,
+ "ops": 1368127,
+ "norm_ops": 60574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.526850003456516,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e45c64e8ee8b5b83578c3dfaf7a3232e6af5c063092379ff7f63c1f00def8ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:42.319000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:42.319000', 'bytes': 1465072640, 'norm_byte': 64110592, 'ops': 1430735, 'norm_ops': 62608, 'norm_ltcy': 15.98981491233149, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:42.319000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:42.319000",
+ "bytes": 1465072640,
+ "norm_byte": 64110592,
+ "ops": 1430735,
+ "norm_ops": 62608,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.98981491233149,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "130df54980e266b84bf25bc153fafc46a98ba8d89f73a8c23a2d7bf2ac225b36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:43.320000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:43.320000', 'bytes': 1531689984, 'norm_byte': 66617344, 'ops': 1495791, 'norm_ops': 65056, 'norm_ltcy': 15.388124750215198, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:43.320000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:43.320000",
+ "bytes": 1531689984,
+ "norm_byte": 66617344,
+ "ops": 1495791,
+ "norm_ops": 65056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.388124750215198,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c4f0802bcd56194d4961173c189370b4b6b1b9dbc9d6a9219dc725087869717",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:44.321000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:44.321000', 'bytes': 1599888384, 'norm_byte': 68198400, 'ops': 1562391, 'norm_ops': 66600, 'norm_ltcy': 15.031313051332583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:44.321000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:44.321000",
+ "bytes": 1599888384,
+ "norm_byte": 68198400,
+ "ops": 1562391,
+ "norm_ops": 66600,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.031313051332583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6964bd4f4fa0e9d7febcd64f9340e84e9ed72991371927db26cd6a1066dc7de7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:45.321000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:45.321000', 'bytes': 1663742976, 'norm_byte': 63854592, 'ops': 1624749, 'norm_ops': 62358, 'norm_ltcy': 16.038529382507058, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:45.321000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:45.321000",
+ "bytes": 1663742976,
+ "norm_byte": 63854592,
+ "ops": 1624749,
+ "norm_ops": 62358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.038529382507058,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "233ebe3432f13bf2b96f296e2154ca6199a67e8005a1ae272a7ca710f899f548",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:46.322000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:46.322000', 'bytes': 1726346240, 'norm_byte': 62603264, 'ops': 1685885, 'norm_ops': 61136, 'norm_ltcy': 16.37322376673523, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:46.322000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:46.322000",
+ "bytes": 1726346240,
+ "norm_byte": 62603264,
+ "ops": 1685885,
+ "norm_ops": 61136,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.37322376673523,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c59b46e8bc42df6e57170c4e7733ba81bf2d41c8b98a6431ba2e5aed34db6c58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:47.323000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:47.323000', 'bytes': 1792068608, 'norm_byte': 65722368, 'ops': 1750067, 'norm_ops': 64182, 'norm_ltcy': 15.597714768889642, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:47.323000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:47.323000",
+ "bytes": 1792068608,
+ "norm_byte": 65722368,
+ "ops": 1750067,
+ "norm_ops": 64182,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.597714768889642,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "31409096db34169849606909a863947f4af1d65bfdb91b14f2a86ee84fc74e43",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:48.324000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:48.324000', 'bytes': 1855435776, 'norm_byte': 63367168, 'ops': 1811949, 'norm_ops': 61882, 'norm_ltcy': 16.174436736702514, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:48.324000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:48.324000",
+ "bytes": 1855435776,
+ "norm_byte": 63367168,
+ "ops": 1811949,
+ "norm_ops": 61882,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.174436736702514,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2f26857bc5169dd2e1fd33a0f2e196d95ba797755d3753ab59a1cecc5ff2b4d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:49.325000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:49.325000', 'bytes': 1919577088, 'norm_byte': 64141312, 'ops': 1874587, 'norm_ops': 62638, 'norm_ltcy': 15.982125529331235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:49.325000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:49.325000",
+ "bytes": 1919577088,
+ "norm_byte": 64141312,
+ "ops": 1874587,
+ "norm_ops": 62638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.982125529331235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e4c7c0ec18cf6b3efd2e8988cb62c18b5a75db81cc3402fc8e4f172212e259bd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:50.326000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:50.326000', 'bytes': 1983916032, 'norm_byte': 64338944, 'ops': 1937418, 'norm_ops': 62831, 'norm_ltcy': 15.932329414669908, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:50.326000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:50.326000",
+ "bytes": 1983916032,
+ "norm_byte": 64338944,
+ "ops": 1937418,
+ "norm_ops": 62831,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.932329414669908,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15fed98032d513c25e88c2ecfa0dcd6899d9e2a2c8fd3cdf771d9ad78093b149",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:51.328000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:51.328000', 'bytes': 2049924096, 'norm_byte': 66008064, 'ops': 2001879, 'norm_ops': 64461, 'norm_ltcy': 15.53037898521005, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:51.328000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:51.328000",
+ "bytes": 2049924096,
+ "norm_byte": 66008064,
+ "ops": 2001879,
+ "norm_ops": 64461,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.53037898521005,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21e5b6ce18eb0c5ebe886864eb101276bb1cda28bccc786959275b86b58a8faa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:52.329000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:52.329000', 'bytes': 2116600832, 'norm_byte': 66676736, 'ops': 2066993, 'norm_ops': 65114, 'norm_ltcy': 15.374414098494563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:52.329000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:52.329000",
+ "bytes": 2116600832,
+ "norm_byte": 66676736,
+ "ops": 2066993,
+ "norm_ops": 65114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.374414098494563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "197619f05b0c23396d6cc21d0b9df7adc5f345e0f370f301cd93c0ea545202bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:53.330000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:53.330000', 'bytes': 2180473856, 'norm_byte': 63873024, 'ops': 2129369, 'norm_ops': 62376, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04931449621048, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:53.330000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:53.330000",
+ "bytes": 2180473856,
+ "norm_byte": 63873024,
+ "ops": 2129369,
+ "norm_ops": 62376,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04931449621048,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cfb193fc2312f2929873865199da8d482d8317fc7f213655a5e20fdbc0f750db",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:54.331000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:54.331000', 'bytes': 2244545536, 'norm_byte': 64071680, 'ops': 2191939, 'norm_ops': 62570, 'norm_ltcy': 15.999490726636166, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:54.331000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:54.331000",
+ "bytes": 2244545536,
+ "norm_byte": 64071680,
+ "ops": 2191939,
+ "norm_ops": 62570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.999490726636166,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d15239599c2da18c35cee389f120e17cf48f2af379677c4fdf4be23c37a2b9ed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:55.331000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:55.331000', 'bytes': 2307601408, 'norm_byte': 63055872, 'ops': 2253517, 'norm_ops': 61578, 'norm_ltcy': 16.24765017919346, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:55.331000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:55.331000",
+ "bytes": 2307601408,
+ "norm_byte": 63055872,
+ "ops": 2253517,
+ "norm_ops": 61578,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.24765017919346,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "89c1e74ee587e8a82beee46a58827352445462361c2395855d17ce6cd9df5599",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:56.332000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:56.332000', 'bytes': 2370892800, 'norm_byte': 63291392, 'ops': 2315325, 'norm_ops': 61808, 'norm_ltcy': 16.196080819331637, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:56.332000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:56.332000",
+ "bytes": 2370892800,
+ "norm_byte": 63291392,
+ "ops": 2315325,
+ "norm_ops": 61808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.196080819331637,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e680bd720a99ade259dda95e1968576f1ed46f5663b37197b4799cee35b1e2f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:57.333000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:57.333000', 'bytes': 2435650560, 'norm_byte': 64757760, 'ops': 2378565, 'norm_ops': 63240, 'norm_ltcy': 15.830330604393977, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:57.333000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:57.333000",
+ "bytes": 2435650560,
+ "norm_byte": 64757760,
+ "ops": 2378565,
+ "norm_ops": 63240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.830330604393977,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae2b8d9b4c19da5e2e9df9739cd849435a87cc1bdfe4e5c01b51058c2bf19059",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:58.335000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:58.335000', 'bytes': 2498823168, 'norm_byte': 63172608, 'ops': 2440257, 'norm_ops': 61692, 'norm_ltcy': 16.227207209808405, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:58.335000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:58.335000",
+ "bytes": 2498823168,
+ "norm_byte": 63172608,
+ "ops": 2440257,
+ "norm_ops": 61692,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.227207209808405,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cecf9acb2187f058f70124947a8af7138f22529b9efc98de56b940dca951afe6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:48:59.336000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:48:59.336000', 'bytes': 2562550784, 'norm_byte': 63727616, 'ops': 2502491, 'norm_ops': 62234, 'norm_ltcy': 16.085812781698912, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:48:59.336000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:48:59.336000",
+ "bytes": 2562550784,
+ "norm_byte": 63727616,
+ "ops": 2502491,
+ "norm_ops": 62234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.085812781698912,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b0e8d874ab921b7fdbfc0904a8a2283941007e59b672baf5d6b9021fdf5ef3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:00.337000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:00.337000', 'bytes': 2625557504, 'norm_byte': 63006720, 'ops': 2564021, 'norm_ops': 61530, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26995501432228, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:00.337000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:00.337000",
+ "bytes": 2625557504,
+ "norm_byte": 63006720,
+ "ops": 2564021,
+ "norm_ops": 61530,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26995501432228,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2d5f32687b1100cdfce671049bc566d48d9f29154b128f769a76f4419e36a93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:01.338000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:01.338000', 'bytes': 2688976896, 'norm_byte': 63419392, 'ops': 2625954, 'norm_ops': 61933, 'norm_ltcy': 16.164054363687374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:01.338000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:01.338000",
+ "bytes": 2688976896,
+ "norm_byte": 63419392,
+ "ops": 2625954,
+ "norm_ops": 61933,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.164054363687374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77585fa7dcfaa707fc638a6ac5a54487a8eab702fb60882e2d7ff44694126a3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:02.339000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:02.339000', 'bytes': 2752566272, 'norm_byte': 63589376, 'ops': 2688053, 'norm_ops': 62099, 'norm_ltcy': 16.120857201051948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:02.339000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:02.339000",
+ "bytes": 2752566272,
+ "norm_byte": 63589376,
+ "ops": 2688053,
+ "norm_ops": 62099,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.120857201051948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "226168d59b8cda1ed4fabec0d8c8569605bfd9b61a05cd011115ef5a4513ca97",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:03.340000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:03.340000', 'bytes': 2818796544, 'norm_byte': 66230272, 'ops': 2752731, 'norm_ops': 64678, 'norm_ltcy': 15.47847334825984, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:03.340000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:03.340000",
+ "bytes": 2818796544,
+ "norm_byte": 66230272,
+ "ops": 2752731,
+ "norm_ops": 64678,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.47847334825984,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6caf0916e7ac317fb5f3c5be37bbaff968de4e16a1945b757dd1a5455bb97312",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:04.341000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:04.341000', 'bytes': 2886462464, 'norm_byte': 67665920, 'ops': 2818811, 'norm_ops': 66080, 'norm_ltcy': 15.149653621793659, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:04.341000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:04.341000",
+ "bytes": 2886462464,
+ "norm_byte": 67665920,
+ "ops": 2818811,
+ "norm_ops": 66080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.149653621793659,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a3cbbb1e5bd7b8698918e852f679ade767ff8389cd553ec7daf3ee9e344f7f45",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:05.342000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:05.342000', 'bytes': 2950007808, 'norm_byte': 63545344, 'ops': 2880867, 'norm_ops': 62056, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13203950866959, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:05.342000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:05.342000",
+ "bytes": 2950007808,
+ "norm_byte": 63545344,
+ "ops": 2880867,
+ "norm_ops": 62056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13203950866959,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0995f2a792daf554c1b843e7bd134e1c5680c92f4ae4668294b953dc374a9703",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:06.343000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:06.343000', 'bytes': 3013177344, 'norm_byte': 63169536, 'ops': 2942556, 'norm_ops': 61689, 'norm_ltcy': 16.228194235905107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:06.343000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:06.343000",
+ "bytes": 3013177344,
+ "norm_byte": 63169536,
+ "ops": 2942556,
+ "norm_ops": 61689,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.228194235905107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e734fa84b005fd9ba9a6149e9c39457e7cce48e80ca4e91f611913e7b02882c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:07.344000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:07.344000', 'bytes': 3076471808, 'norm_byte': 63294464, 'ops': 3004367, 'norm_ops': 61811, 'norm_ltcy': 16.196084700235392, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:07.344000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:07.344000",
+ "bytes": 3076471808,
+ "norm_byte": 63294464,
+ "ops": 3004367,
+ "norm_ops": 61811,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.196084700235392,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "635279cfb76ed3428f40101a1a24322554d21c7f3fb1944dcd6afa8b5137f1ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:08.346000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:08.346000', 'bytes': 3138996224, 'norm_byte': 62524416, 'ops': 3065426, 'norm_ops': 61059, 'norm_ltcy': 16.395586965578374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:08.346000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:08.346000",
+ "bytes": 3138996224,
+ "norm_byte": 62524416,
+ "ops": 3065426,
+ "norm_ops": 61059,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.395586965578374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e1e4b8394d5e021a41293767ad1997463fdcabd5c4934817844c94540f0d183",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:09.347000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:09.347000', 'bytes': 3202491392, 'norm_byte': 63495168, 'ops': 3127433, 'norm_ops': 62007, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14487026792338, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:09.347000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:09.347000",
+ "bytes": 3202491392,
+ "norm_byte": 63495168,
+ "ops": 3127433,
+ "norm_ops": 62007,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14487026792338,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "120c257ceded6f58c4925ddb11c4fadb737147fd14a62c1cb0c796f1945af859",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:10.347000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:10.347000', 'bytes': 3265260544, 'norm_byte': 62769152, 'ops': 3188731, 'norm_ops': 61298, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32539579314374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:10.347000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:10.347000",
+ "bytes": 3265260544,
+ "norm_byte": 62769152,
+ "ops": 3188731,
+ "norm_ops": 61298,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32539579314374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be54e16eea781328a470150a996f57470b6cfd25d0aeedd87091da5975ed8de4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:11.348000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:11.348000', 'bytes': 3328375808, 'norm_byte': 63115264, 'ops': 3250367, 'norm_ops': 61636, 'norm_ltcy': 16.241926834053963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:11.348000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:11.348000",
+ "bytes": 3328375808,
+ "norm_byte": 63115264,
+ "ops": 3250367,
+ "norm_ops": 61636,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.241926834053963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b54a9f72627febe356cecca1ce4388985b3c0b443ad577e1a450de15ff98839",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:12.350000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:12.350000', 'bytes': 3391079424, 'norm_byte': 62703616, 'ops': 3311601, 'norm_ops': 61234, 'norm_ltcy': 16.348817905493682, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:12.350000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:12.350000",
+ "bytes": 3391079424,
+ "norm_byte": 62703616,
+ "ops": 3311601,
+ "norm_ops": 61234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.348817905493682,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11310abb3d022ec48ffe5c395ddce4dcd0c6687bfd375a80e56f0882c9de3177",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:13.351000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:13.351000', 'bytes': 3454135296, 'norm_byte': 63055872, 'ops': 3373179, 'norm_ops': 61578, 'norm_ltcy': 16.257225021009937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:13.351000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:13.351000",
+ "bytes": 3454135296,
+ "norm_byte": 63055872,
+ "ops": 3373179,
+ "norm_ops": 61578,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.257225021009937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c82ccf13f01bcdefb4f6ca5ae08ab264818bde0990c734c43a8ad0046e0b899",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:14.352000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:14.352000', 'bytes': 3521942528, 'norm_byte': 67807232, 'ops': 3439397, 'norm_ops': 66218, 'norm_ltcy': 15.118026053622128, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:14.352000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:14.352000",
+ "bytes": 3521942528,
+ "norm_byte": 67807232,
+ "ops": 3439397,
+ "norm_ops": 66218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.118026053622128,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d123e213ebbf9a697272bae187ff2f0edcc64b392b9505a730b4c5ad0fa08be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:15.353000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:15.353000', 'bytes': 3587734528, 'norm_byte': 65792000, 'ops': 3503647, 'norm_ops': 64250, 'norm_ltcy': 15.581164883268482, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:15.353000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:15.353000",
+ "bytes": 3587734528,
+ "norm_byte": 65792000,
+ "ops": 3503647,
+ "norm_ops": 64250,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.581164883268482,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "263af0a55572ec22d41a567187285561c815a3fa5c1bb2a094133e08c1e8f057",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:16.354000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:16.354000', 'bytes': 3651465216, 'norm_byte': 63730688, 'ops': 3565884, 'norm_ops': 62237, 'norm_ltcy': 16.085147237073606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:16.354000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:16.354000",
+ "bytes": 3651465216,
+ "norm_byte": 63730688,
+ "ops": 3565884,
+ "norm_ops": 62237,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.085147237073606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64d33cb763444fa4cbc8bc610e2ad63224313c9eaf06017094f865bb1a4072e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:17.355000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:17.355000', 'bytes': 3716078592, 'norm_byte': 64613376, 'ops': 3628983, 'norm_ops': 63099, 'norm_ltcy': 15.866014337340923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:17.355000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:17.355000",
+ "bytes": 3716078592,
+ "norm_byte": 64613376,
+ "ops": 3628983,
+ "norm_ops": 63099,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.866014337340923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18fc936792aabcfb8f8e2ac18c13d472ce371b2323d4516b34796ffa651e71cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:18.356000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:18.356000', 'bytes': 3784142848, 'norm_byte': 68064256, 'ops': 3695452, 'norm_ops': 66469, 'norm_ltcy': 15.06124227670982, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:18.356000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:18.356000",
+ "bytes": 3784142848,
+ "norm_byte": 68064256,
+ "ops": 3695452,
+ "norm_ops": 66469,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.06124227670982,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f678dda70bac22f40711dc57572da5796f3115f8b8e767e1b4201395c281e87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:49:19.557000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:49:19.557000', 'bytes': 3848666112, 'norm_byte': 64523264, 'ops': 3758463, 'norm_ops': 63011, 'norm_ltcy': 19.065371522432592, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:49:19.557000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:49:19.557000",
+ "bytes": 3848666112,
+ "norm_byte": 64523264,
+ "ops": 3758463,
+ "norm_ops": 63011,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.065371522432592,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "deee4863-bcd9-56c0-ace4-317da1e4d260",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "73d3618d9fab502b5db81f0454ef6b844fac1df5e73392c03d5796f8d77faf06",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 64144435.2
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62641.05
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.374341926677385
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:49:19Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-097-220519224534/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-097-220519224534/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d43f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-097-220519224534/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-097-220519224534/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-097-220519224534/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-097-220519224534/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-097-220519224534/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-097-220519224534/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32ec00c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-097-220519224534/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=55
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=75
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=170
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-098-220519224735/220519224735-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-098-220519224735/220519224735-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..294f088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-098-220519224735/220519224735-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:50:18Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000619869.4875 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000620870.5974 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000620870.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000621871.7930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62413824 nr_ops:60951\ntimestamp_ms:1653000622872.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125956096 nr_ops:123004\ntimestamp_ms:1653000623873.9827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190896128 nr_ops:186422\ntimestamp_ms:1653000624875.0798 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255122432 nr_ops:249143\ntimestamp_ms:1653000625876.1755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317905920 nr_ops:310455\ntimestamp_ms:1653000626877.2759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:383169536 nr_ops:374189\ntimestamp_ms:1653000627878.3704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446352384 nr_ops:435891\ntimestamp_ms:1653000628879.4648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509999104 nr_ops:498046\ntimestamp_ms:1653000629880.5598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574133248 nr_ops:560677\ntimestamp_ms:1653000630881.6582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638240768 nr_ops:623282\ntimestamp_ms:1653000631882.7556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702465024 nr_ops:686001\ntimestamp_ms:1653000632883.8577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:765338624 nr_ops:747401\ntimestamp_ms:1653000633884.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:826784768 nr_ops:807407\ntimestamp_ms:1653000634886.0520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886184960 nr_ops:865415\ntimestamp_ms:1653000635887.0925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949120000 nr_ops:926875\ntimestamp_ms:1653000636888.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012314112 nr_ops:988588\ntimestamp_ms:1653000637889.2834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075182592 nr_ops:1049983\ntimestamp_ms:1653000638890.3960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138721792 nr_ops:1112033\ntimestamp_ms:1653000639890.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202496512 nr_ops:1174313\ntimestamp_ms:1653000640891.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264622592 nr_ops:1234983\ntimestamp_ms:1653000641892.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327520768 nr_ops:1296407\ntimestamp_ms:1653000642894.0813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1390811136 nr_ops:1358214\ntimestamp_ms:1653000643895.1748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455202304 nr_ops:1421096\ntimestamp_ms:1653000644896.2168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519090688 nr_ops:1483487\ntimestamp_ms:1653000645897.3091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582711808 nr_ops:1545617\ntimestamp_ms:1653000646898.4065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1645931520 nr_ops:1607355\ntimestamp_ms:1653000647899.4473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708620800 nr_ops:1668575\ntimestamp_ms:1653000648900.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1772741632 nr_ops:1731193\ntimestamp_ms:1653000649901.6494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837400064 nr_ops:1794336\ntimestamp_ms:1653000650902.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1900530688 nr_ops:1855987\ntimestamp_ms:1653000651903.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1964456960 nr_ops:1918415\ntimestamp_ms:1653000652905.0354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2027723776 nr_ops:1980199\ntimestamp_ms:1653000653906.0771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2092106752 nr_ops:2043073\ntimestamp_ms:1653000654907.1716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2155039744 nr_ops:2104531\ntimestamp_ms:1653000655908.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2218097664 nr_ops:2166111\ntimestamp_ms:1653000656909.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281360384 nr_ops:2227891\ntimestamp_ms:1653000657910.4680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2344633344 nr_ops:2289681\ntimestamp_ms:1653000658911.5774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2408899584 nr_ops:2352441\ntimestamp_ms:1653000659911.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2473292800 nr_ops:2415325\ntimestamp_ms:1653000660912.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2537190400 nr_ops:2477725\ntimestamp_ms:1653000661914.0498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2601058304 nr_ops:2540096\ntimestamp_ms:1653000662915.2329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665266176 nr_ops:2602799\ntimestamp_ms:1653000663916.3394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2730125312 nr_ops:2666138\ntimestamp_ms:1653000664917.4321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793882624 nr_ops:2728401\ntimestamp_ms:1653000665918.4810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2858499072 nr_ops:2791503\ntimestamp_ms:1653000666919.5818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921669632 nr_ops:2853193\ntimestamp_ms:1653000667920.6782 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2985643008 nr_ops:2915667\ntimestamp_ms:1653000668921.7759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3050028032 nr_ops:2978543\ntimestamp_ms:1653000669922.8767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3114370048 nr_ops:3041377\ntimestamp_ms:1653000670923.9700 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3179068416 nr_ops:3104559\ntimestamp_ms:1653000671925.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3242821632 nr_ops:3166818\ntimestamp_ms:1653000672925.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306798080 nr_ops:3229295\ntimestamp_ms:1653000673926.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370957824 nr_ops:3291951\ntimestamp_ms:1653000674928.0276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3435123712 nr_ops:3354613\ntimestamp_ms:1653000675929.1299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3499219968 nr_ops:3417207\ntimestamp_ms:1653000676930.2498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3563256832 nr_ops:3479743\ntimestamp_ms:1653000677931.3418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3628394496 nr_ops:3543354\ntimestamp_ms:1653000678932.4285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3692389376 nr_ops:3605849\ntimestamp_ms:1653000679933.4758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3756178432 nr_ops:3668143\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139931329324800\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681134.8564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3819760640 nr_ops:3730235\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681134.9392 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681134.9497 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681235.1992 name:Total nr_bytes:3819760640 nr_ops:3730236\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681135.0474 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7639521278 nr_ops:7460472\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681135.0491 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3819760640 nr_ops:3730238\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 267.59us 0.00ns 267.59us 267.59us \nTxn1 1865118 32.15us 0.00ns 4.09ms 26.14us \nTxn2 1 50.87us 0.00ns 50.87us 50.87us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 267.13us 0.00ns 267.13us 267.13us \nwrite 1865118 3.24us 0.00ns 94.85us 2.58us \nread 1865117 28.83us 0.00ns 4.09ms 1.45us \ndisconnect 1 50.07us 0.00ns 50.07us 50.07us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29906 29906 260.78Mb/s 260.78Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.193 62.37s 3.56GB 489.97Mb/s 3730237 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 489.97Mb/s 3730238 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417226, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000619869.4875 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000620870.5974 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000620870.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000621871.7930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62413824 nr_ops:60951\ntimestamp_ms:1653000622872.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125956096 nr_ops:123004\ntimestamp_ms:1653000623873.9827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190896128 nr_ops:186422\ntimestamp_ms:1653000624875.0798 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255122432 nr_ops:249143\ntimestamp_ms:1653000625876.1755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317905920 nr_ops:310455\ntimestamp_ms:1653000626877.2759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:383169536 nr_ops:374189\ntimestamp_ms:1653000627878.3704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446352384 nr_ops:435891\ntimestamp_ms:1653000628879.4648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509999104 nr_ops:498046\ntimestamp_ms:1653000629880.5598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574133248 nr_ops:560677\ntimestamp_ms:1653000630881.6582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638240768 nr_ops:623282\ntimestamp_ms:1653000631882.7556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702465024 nr_ops:686001\ntimestamp_ms:1653000632883.8577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:765338624 nr_ops:747401\ntimestamp_ms:1653000633884.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:826784768 nr_ops:807407\ntimestamp_ms:1653000634886.0520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886184960 nr_ops:865415\ntimestamp_ms:1653000635887.0925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949120000 nr_ops:926875\ntimestamp_ms:1653000636888.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012314112 nr_ops:988588\ntimestamp_ms:1653000637889.2834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075182592 nr_ops:1049983\ntimestamp_ms:1653000638890.3960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138721792 nr_ops:1112033\ntimestamp_ms:1653000639890.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202496512 nr_ops:1174313\ntimestamp_ms:1653000640891.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264622592 nr_ops:1234983\ntimestamp_ms:1653000641892.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327520768 nr_ops:1296407\ntimestamp_ms:1653000642894.0813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1390811136 nr_ops:1358214\ntimestamp_ms:1653000643895.1748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455202304 nr_ops:1421096\ntimestamp_ms:1653000644896.2168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519090688 nr_ops:1483487\ntimestamp_ms:1653000645897.3091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582711808 nr_ops:1545617\ntimestamp_ms:1653000646898.4065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1645931520 nr_ops:1607355\ntimestamp_ms:1653000647899.4473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708620800 nr_ops:1668575\ntimestamp_ms:1653000648900.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1772741632 nr_ops:1731193\ntimestamp_ms:1653000649901.6494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837400064 nr_ops:1794336\ntimestamp_ms:1653000650902.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1900530688 nr_ops:1855987\ntimestamp_ms:1653000651903.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1964456960 nr_ops:1918415\ntimestamp_ms:1653000652905.0354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2027723776 nr_ops:1980199\ntimestamp_ms:1653000653906.0771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2092106752 nr_ops:2043073\ntimestamp_ms:1653000654907.1716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2155039744 nr_ops:2104531\ntimestamp_ms:1653000655908.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2218097664 nr_ops:2166111\ntimestamp_ms:1653000656909.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281360384 nr_ops:2227891\ntimestamp_ms:1653000657910.4680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2344633344 nr_ops:2289681\ntimestamp_ms:1653000658911.5774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2408899584 nr_ops:2352441\ntimestamp_ms:1653000659911.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2473292800 nr_ops:2415325\ntimestamp_ms:1653000660912.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2537190400 nr_ops:2477725\ntimestamp_ms:1653000661914.0498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2601058304 nr_ops:2540096\ntimestamp_ms:1653000662915.2329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665266176 nr_ops:2602799\ntimestamp_ms:1653000663916.3394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2730125312 nr_ops:2666138\ntimestamp_ms:1653000664917.4321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793882624 nr_ops:2728401\ntimestamp_ms:1653000665918.4810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2858499072 nr_ops:2791503\ntimestamp_ms:1653000666919.5818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921669632 nr_ops:2853193\ntimestamp_ms:1653000667920.6782 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2985643008 nr_ops:2915667\ntimestamp_ms:1653000668921.7759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3050028032 nr_ops:2978543\ntimestamp_ms:1653000669922.8767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3114370048 nr_ops:3041377\ntimestamp_ms:1653000670923.9700 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3179068416 nr_ops:3104559\ntimestamp_ms:1653000671925.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3242821632 nr_ops:3166818\ntimestamp_ms:1653000672925.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306798080 nr_ops:3229295\ntimestamp_ms:1653000673926.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370957824 nr_ops:3291951\ntimestamp_ms:1653000674928.0276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3435123712 nr_ops:3354613\ntimestamp_ms:1653000675929.1299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3499219968 nr_ops:3417207\ntimestamp_ms:1653000676930.2498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3563256832 nr_ops:3479743\ntimestamp_ms:1653000677931.3418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3628394496 nr_ops:3543354\ntimestamp_ms:1653000678932.4285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3692389376 nr_ops:3605849\ntimestamp_ms:1653000679933.4758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3756178432 nr_ops:3668143\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139931329324800\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681134.8564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3819760640 nr_ops:3730235\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681134.9392 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681134.9497 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681235.1992 name:Total nr_bytes:3819760640 nr_ops:3730236\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681135.0474 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7639521278 nr_ops:7460472\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681135.0491 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3819760640 nr_ops:3730238\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 267.59us 0.00ns 267.59us 267.59us \nTxn1 1865118 32.15us 0.00ns 4.09ms 26.14us \nTxn2 1 50.87us 0.00ns 50.87us 50.87us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 267.13us 0.00ns 267.13us 267.13us \nwrite 1865118 3.24us 0.00ns 94.85us 2.58us \nread 1865117 28.83us 0.00ns 4.09ms 1.45us \ndisconnect 1 50.07us 0.00ns 50.07us 50.07us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29906 29906 260.78Mb/s 260.78Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.193 62.37s 3.56GB 489.97Mb/s 3730237 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 489.97Mb/s 3730238 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417226, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000619869.4875 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000620870.5974 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000620870.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000621871.7930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62413824 nr_ops:60951\ntimestamp_ms:1653000622872.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125956096 nr_ops:123004\ntimestamp_ms:1653000623873.9827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190896128 nr_ops:186422\ntimestamp_ms:1653000624875.0798 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255122432 nr_ops:249143\ntimestamp_ms:1653000625876.1755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317905920 nr_ops:310455\ntimestamp_ms:1653000626877.2759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:383169536 nr_ops:374189\ntimestamp_ms:1653000627878.3704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446352384 nr_ops:435891\ntimestamp_ms:1653000628879.4648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509999104 nr_ops:498046\ntimestamp_ms:1653000629880.5598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574133248 nr_ops:560677\ntimestamp_ms:1653000630881.6582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638240768 nr_ops:623282\ntimestamp_ms:1653000631882.7556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702465024 nr_ops:686001\ntimestamp_ms:1653000632883.8577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:765338624 nr_ops:747401\ntimestamp_ms:1653000633884.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:826784768 nr_ops:807407\ntimestamp_ms:1653000634886.0520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886184960 nr_ops:865415\ntimestamp_ms:1653000635887.0925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949120000 nr_ops:926875\ntimestamp_ms:1653000636888.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012314112 nr_ops:988588\ntimestamp_ms:1653000637889.2834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075182592 nr_ops:1049983\ntimestamp_ms:1653000638890.3960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138721792 nr_ops:1112033\ntimestamp_ms:1653000639890.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202496512 nr_ops:1174313\ntimestamp_ms:1653000640891.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264622592 nr_ops:1234983\ntimestamp_ms:1653000641892.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327520768 nr_ops:1296407\ntimestamp_ms:1653000642894.0813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1390811136 nr_ops:1358214\ntimestamp_ms:1653000643895.1748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455202304 nr_ops:1421096\ntimestamp_ms:1653000644896.2168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519090688 nr_ops:1483487\ntimestamp_ms:1653000645897.3091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582711808 nr_ops:1545617\ntimestamp_ms:1653000646898.4065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1645931520 nr_ops:1607355\ntimestamp_ms:1653000647899.4473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708620800 nr_ops:1668575\ntimestamp_ms:1653000648900.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1772741632 nr_ops:1731193\ntimestamp_ms:1653000649901.6494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837400064 nr_ops:1794336\ntimestamp_ms:1653000650902.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1900530688 nr_ops:1855987\ntimestamp_ms:1653000651903.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1964456960 nr_ops:1918415\ntimestamp_ms:1653000652905.0354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2027723776 nr_ops:1980199\ntimestamp_ms:1653000653906.0771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2092106752 nr_ops:2043073\ntimestamp_ms:1653000654907.1716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2155039744 nr_ops:2104531\ntimestamp_ms:1653000655908.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2218097664 nr_ops:2166111\ntimestamp_ms:1653000656909.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281360384 nr_ops:2227891\ntimestamp_ms:1653000657910.4680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2344633344 nr_ops:2289681\ntimestamp_ms:1653000658911.5774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2408899584 nr_ops:2352441\ntimestamp_ms:1653000659911.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2473292800 nr_ops:2415325\ntimestamp_ms:1653000660912.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2537190400 nr_ops:2477725\ntimestamp_ms:1653000661914.0498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2601058304 nr_ops:2540096\ntimestamp_ms:1653000662915.2329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665266176 nr_ops:2602799\ntimestamp_ms:1653000663916.3394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2730125312 nr_ops:2666138\ntimestamp_ms:1653000664917.4321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793882624 nr_ops:2728401\ntimestamp_ms:1653000665918.4810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2858499072 nr_ops:2791503\ntimestamp_ms:1653000666919.5818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921669632 nr_ops:2853193\ntimestamp_ms:1653000667920.6782 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2985643008 nr_ops:2915667\ntimestamp_ms:1653000668921.7759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3050028032 nr_ops:2978543\ntimestamp_ms:1653000669922.8767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3114370048 nr_ops:3041377\ntimestamp_ms:1653000670923.9700 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3179068416 nr_ops:3104559\ntimestamp_ms:1653000671925.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3242821632 nr_ops:3166818\ntimestamp_ms:1653000672925.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306798080 nr_ops:3229295\ntimestamp_ms:1653000673926.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370957824 nr_ops:3291951\ntimestamp_ms:1653000674928.0276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3435123712 nr_ops:3354613\ntimestamp_ms:1653000675929.1299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3499219968 nr_ops:3417207\ntimestamp_ms:1653000676930.2498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3563256832 nr_ops:3479743\ntimestamp_ms:1653000677931.3418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3628394496 nr_ops:3543354\ntimestamp_ms:1653000678932.4285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3692389376 nr_ops:3605849\ntimestamp_ms:1653000679933.4758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3756178432 nr_ops:3668143\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139931329324800\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681134.8564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3819760640 nr_ops:3730235\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681134.9392 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681134.9497 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681235.1992 name:Total nr_bytes:3819760640 nr_ops:3730236\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681135.0474 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7639521278 nr_ops:7460472\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000681135.0491 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3819760640 nr_ops:3730238\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 267.59us 0.00ns 267.59us 267.59us \nTxn1 1865118 32.15us 0.00ns 4.09ms 26.14us \nTxn2 1 50.87us 0.00ns 50.87us 50.87us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 267.13us 0.00ns 267.13us 267.13us \nwrite 1865118 3.24us 0.00ns 94.85us 2.58us \nread 1865117 28.83us 0.00ns 4.09ms 1.45us \ndisconnect 1 50.07us 0.00ns 50.07us 50.07us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29906 29906 260.78Mb/s 260.78Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.193 62.37s 3.56GB 489.97Mb/s 3730237 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 489.97Mb/s 3730238 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417226, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000619869.4875 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000620870.5974 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000620870.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000621871.7930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62413824 nr_ops:60951
+timestamp_ms:1653000622872.8865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125956096 nr_ops:123004
+timestamp_ms:1653000623873.9827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:190896128 nr_ops:186422
+timestamp_ms:1653000624875.0798 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:255122432 nr_ops:249143
+timestamp_ms:1653000625876.1755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317905920 nr_ops:310455
+timestamp_ms:1653000626877.2759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:383169536 nr_ops:374189
+timestamp_ms:1653000627878.3704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:446352384 nr_ops:435891
+timestamp_ms:1653000628879.4648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:509999104 nr_ops:498046
+timestamp_ms:1653000629880.5598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:574133248 nr_ops:560677
+timestamp_ms:1653000630881.6582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:638240768 nr_ops:623282
+timestamp_ms:1653000631882.7556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:702465024 nr_ops:686001
+timestamp_ms:1653000632883.8577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:765338624 nr_ops:747401
+timestamp_ms:1653000633884.9556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:826784768 nr_ops:807407
+timestamp_ms:1653000634886.0520 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886184960 nr_ops:865415
+timestamp_ms:1653000635887.0925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949120000 nr_ops:926875
+timestamp_ms:1653000636888.1904 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012314112 nr_ops:988588
+timestamp_ms:1653000637889.2834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1075182592 nr_ops:1049983
+timestamp_ms:1653000638890.3960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138721792 nr_ops:1112033
+timestamp_ms:1653000639890.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202496512 nr_ops:1174313
+timestamp_ms:1653000640891.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264622592 nr_ops:1234983
+timestamp_ms:1653000641892.9780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327520768 nr_ops:1296407
+timestamp_ms:1653000642894.0813 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1390811136 nr_ops:1358214
+timestamp_ms:1653000643895.1748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1455202304 nr_ops:1421096
+timestamp_ms:1653000644896.2168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1519090688 nr_ops:1483487
+timestamp_ms:1653000645897.3091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1582711808 nr_ops:1545617
+timestamp_ms:1653000646898.4065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1645931520 nr_ops:1607355
+timestamp_ms:1653000647899.4473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1708620800 nr_ops:1668575
+timestamp_ms:1653000648900.5571 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1772741632 nr_ops:1731193
+timestamp_ms:1653000649901.6494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837400064 nr_ops:1794336
+timestamp_ms:1653000650902.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1900530688 nr_ops:1855987
+timestamp_ms:1653000651903.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1964456960 nr_ops:1918415
+timestamp_ms:1653000652905.0354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2027723776 nr_ops:1980199
+timestamp_ms:1653000653906.0771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2092106752 nr_ops:2043073
+timestamp_ms:1653000654907.1716 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2155039744 nr_ops:2104531
+timestamp_ms:1653000655908.2695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2218097664 nr_ops:2166111
+timestamp_ms:1653000656909.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281360384 nr_ops:2227891
+timestamp_ms:1653000657910.4680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2344633344 nr_ops:2289681
+timestamp_ms:1653000658911.5774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2408899584 nr_ops:2352441
+timestamp_ms:1653000659911.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2473292800 nr_ops:2415325
+timestamp_ms:1653000660912.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2537190400 nr_ops:2477725
+timestamp_ms:1653000661914.0498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2601058304 nr_ops:2540096
+timestamp_ms:1653000662915.2329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2665266176 nr_ops:2602799
+timestamp_ms:1653000663916.3394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2730125312 nr_ops:2666138
+timestamp_ms:1653000664917.4321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793882624 nr_ops:2728401
+timestamp_ms:1653000665918.4810 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2858499072 nr_ops:2791503
+timestamp_ms:1653000666919.5818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2921669632 nr_ops:2853193
+timestamp_ms:1653000667920.6782 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2985643008 nr_ops:2915667
+timestamp_ms:1653000668921.7759 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3050028032 nr_ops:2978543
+timestamp_ms:1653000669922.8767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3114370048 nr_ops:3041377
+timestamp_ms:1653000670923.9700 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3179068416 nr_ops:3104559
+timestamp_ms:1653000671925.0735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3242821632 nr_ops:3166818
+timestamp_ms:1653000672925.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3306798080 nr_ops:3229295
+timestamp_ms:1653000673926.9272 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370957824 nr_ops:3291951
+timestamp_ms:1653000674928.0276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3435123712 nr_ops:3354613
+timestamp_ms:1653000675929.1299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3499219968 nr_ops:3417207
+timestamp_ms:1653000676930.2498 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3563256832 nr_ops:3479743
+timestamp_ms:1653000677931.3418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3628394496 nr_ops:3543354
+timestamp_ms:1653000678932.4285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3692389376 nr_ops:3605849
+timestamp_ms:1653000679933.4758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3756178432 nr_ops:3668143
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139931329324800
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653000681134.8564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3819760640 nr_ops:3730235
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000681134.9392 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000681134.9497 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000681235.1992 name:Total nr_bytes:3819760640 nr_ops:3730236
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000681135.0474 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7639521278 nr_ops:7460472
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000681135.0491 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3819760640 nr_ops:3730238
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 267.59us 0.00ns 267.59us 267.59us
+Txn1 1865118 32.15us 0.00ns 4.09ms 26.14us
+Txn2 1 50.87us 0.00ns 50.87us 50.87us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 267.13us 0.00ns 267.13us 267.13us
+write 1865118 3.24us 0.00ns 94.85us 2.58us
+read 1865117 28.83us 0.00ns 4.09ms 1.45us
+disconnect 1 50.07us 0.00ns 50.07us 50.07us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29906 29906 260.78Mb/s 260.78Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.193 62.37s 3.56GB 489.97Mb/s 3730237 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.56GB 489.97Mb/s 3730238 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:21.871000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:21.871000', 'bytes': 62413824, 'norm_byte': 62413824, 'ops': 60951, 'norm_ops': 60951, 'norm_ltcy': 16.42476272564232, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:21.871000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:21.871000",
+ "bytes": 62413824,
+ "norm_byte": 62413824,
+ "ops": 60951,
+ "norm_ops": 60951,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.42476272564232,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f03d1e12919f28219bfcb910468fc78cb26921d12a7d6048ba0d02cde9b6b065",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:22.872000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:22.872000', 'bytes': 125956096, 'norm_byte': 63542272, 'ops': 123004, 'norm_ops': 62053, 'norm_ltcy': 16.132878440355423, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:22.872000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:22.872000",
+ "bytes": 125956096,
+ "norm_byte": 63542272,
+ "ops": 123004,
+ "norm_ops": 62053,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.132878440355423,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "38a68d612ed885d79ffde61fcc7f8d1344d1859d1164faef19d0118ebb68865d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:23.873000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:23.873000', 'bytes': 190896128, 'norm_byte': 64940032, 'ops': 186422, 'norm_ops': 63418, 'norm_ltcy': 15.785679009212682, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:23.873000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:23.873000",
+ "bytes": 190896128,
+ "norm_byte": 64940032,
+ "ops": 186422,
+ "norm_ops": 63418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.785679009212682,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f53361cc5c7256f64afb1bba2d0c59f9d088587ae0178c611cbade456639fb8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:24.875000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:24.875000', 'bytes': 255122432, 'norm_byte': 64226304, 'ops': 249143, 'norm_ops': 62721, 'norm_ltcy': 15.961116180685096, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:24.875000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:24.875000",
+ "bytes": 255122432,
+ "norm_byte": 64226304,
+ "ops": 249143,
+ "norm_ops": 62721,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.961116180685096,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f882e8422b8becef72d476ed83ff1ae99ba6bd5a8b307e58d219177996e381a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:25.876000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:25.876000', 'bytes': 317905920, 'norm_byte': 62783488, 'ops': 310455, 'norm_ops': 61312, 'norm_ltcy': 16.327891817670277, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:25.876000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:25.876000",
+ "bytes": 317905920,
+ "norm_byte": 62783488,
+ "ops": 310455,
+ "norm_ops": 61312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.327891817670277,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52ac4b7302b0e4ab8986310e1e03f0b14e5d0922cb0de714dbc0f942b309e4fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:26.877000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:26.877000', 'bytes': 383169536, 'norm_byte': 65263616, 'ops': 374189, 'norm_ops': 63734, 'norm_ltcy': 15.707477042032119, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:26.877000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:26.877000",
+ "bytes": 383169536,
+ "norm_byte": 65263616,
+ "ops": 374189,
+ "norm_ops": 63734,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.707477042032119,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bcc39335fa85d873e990587b7a4107b31160e9f48c2378af5dfd9858ff7193cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:27.878000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:27.878000', 'bytes': 446352384, 'norm_byte': 63182848, 'ops': 435891, 'norm_ops': 61702, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22466828339235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:27.878000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:27.878000",
+ "bytes": 446352384,
+ "norm_byte": 63182848,
+ "ops": 435891,
+ "norm_ops": 61702,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22466828339235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a46b60346ecb473c15dfcebb1c57a9b16230447de07bc263c52596ddde8a515e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:28.879000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:28.879000', 'bytes': 509999104, 'norm_byte': 63646720, 'ops': 498046, 'norm_ops': 62155, 'norm_ltcy': 16.106419152471645, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:28.879000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:28.879000",
+ "bytes": 509999104,
+ "norm_byte": 63646720,
+ "ops": 498046,
+ "norm_ops": 62155,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.106419152471645,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce9ca835e25c55d6f424bb3e25b0628e93859ee27c5c6f36ebdc1a777f617ea0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:29.880000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:29.880000', 'bytes': 574133248, 'norm_byte': 64134144, 'ops': 560677, 'norm_ops': 62631, 'norm_ltcy': 15.984017031551868, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:29.880000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:29.880000",
+ "bytes": 574133248,
+ "norm_byte": 64134144,
+ "ops": 560677,
+ "norm_ops": 62631,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.984017031551868,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ebcd06428b99224dd311ae29a64c33172357502d683c96c33571cb80eafe4b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:30.881000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:30.881000', 'bytes': 638240768, 'norm_byte': 64107520, 'ops': 623282, 'norm_ops': 62605, 'norm_ltcy': 15.990709826241915, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:30.881000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:30.881000",
+ "bytes": 638240768,
+ "norm_byte": 64107520,
+ "ops": 623282,
+ "norm_ops": 62605,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.990709826241915,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2a97325752753dbfcc011d874a49808b6c66c507593fee88d018b15ebb99e27",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:31.882000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:31.882000', 'bytes': 702465024, 'norm_byte': 64224256, 'ops': 686001, 'norm_ops': 62719, 'norm_ltcy': 15.961629045574306, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:31.882000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:31.882000",
+ "bytes": 702465024,
+ "norm_byte": 64224256,
+ "ops": 686001,
+ "norm_ops": 62719,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.961629045574306,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8347441bfcc1d7915c7de1a110d992d531a6abc38f0e3b6c4a92acb915830949",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:32.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:32.883000', 'bytes': 765338624, 'norm_byte': 62873600, 'ops': 747401, 'norm_ops': 61400, 'norm_ltcy': 16.30459366093241, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:32.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:32.883000",
+ "bytes": 765338624,
+ "norm_byte": 62873600,
+ "ops": 747401,
+ "norm_ops": 61400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.30459366093241,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "470f7392db8b79a7f59d6eac0d83b2165e27aa874b4afa670f109f76f8729af8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:33.884000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:33.884000', 'bytes': 826784768, 'norm_byte': 61446144, 'ops': 807407, 'norm_ops': 60006, 'norm_ltcy': 16.68329667684273, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:33.884000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:33.884000",
+ "bytes": 826784768,
+ "norm_byte": 61446144,
+ "ops": 807407,
+ "norm_ops": 60006,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.68329667684273,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "862964293103212bf7a4a7494c941a4ab965338b45f786231376d17a0e11939d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:34.886000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:34.886000', 'bytes': 886184960, 'norm_byte': 59400192, 'ops': 865415, 'norm_ops': 58008, 'norm_ltcy': 17.25790297108804, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:34.886000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:34.886000",
+ "bytes": 886184960,
+ "norm_byte": 59400192,
+ "ops": 865415,
+ "norm_ops": 58008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.25790297108804,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "379ff18c5528c4ecdaad62d1c7c030222b36536e94b6b65017bfd9a882d6e8af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:35.887000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:35.887000', 'bytes': 949120000, 'norm_byte': 62935040, 'ops': 926875, 'norm_ops': 61460, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28767535541409, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:35.887000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:35.887000",
+ "bytes": 949120000,
+ "norm_byte": 62935040,
+ "ops": 926875,
+ "norm_ops": 61460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28767535541409,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fcee95fbf8ffcf7a0788d5163801b81a5f4409c5a8c32a4ddc40d381e27368d0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:36.888000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:36.888000', 'bytes': 1012314112, 'norm_byte': 63194112, 'ops': 988588, 'norm_ops': 61713, 'norm_ltcy': 16.221831711156884, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:36.888000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:36.888000",
+ "bytes": 1012314112,
+ "norm_byte": 63194112,
+ "ops": 988588,
+ "norm_ops": 61713,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.221831711156884,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e4417a7f9491c3408274244f127f3c091e750e80963aadf519a20615207c394",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:37.889000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:37.889000', 'bytes': 1075182592, 'norm_byte': 62868480, 'ops': 1049983, 'norm_ops': 61395, 'norm_ltcy': 16.305774372149603, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:37.889000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:37.889000",
+ "bytes": 1075182592,
+ "norm_byte": 62868480,
+ "ops": 1049983,
+ "norm_ops": 61395,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.305774372149603,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77d88ede638990eef407cf0839f4668093f5e0bd6af69963bdecf07ca7391827",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:38.890000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:38.890000', 'bytes': 1138721792, 'norm_byte': 63539200, 'ops': 1112033, 'norm_ops': 62050, 'norm_ltcy': 16.133965331637793, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:38.890000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:38.890000",
+ "bytes": 1138721792,
+ "norm_byte": 63539200,
+ "ops": 1112033,
+ "norm_ops": 62050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.133965331637793,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e27ef25be84f5b8a578a8cb047c4c99ea2f868447055457a09e319fa2c71ff16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:39.890000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:39.890000', 'bytes': 1202496512, 'norm_byte': 63774720, 'ops': 1174313, 'norm_ops': 62280, 'norm_ltcy': 16.063598554411527, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:39.890000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:39.890000",
+ "bytes": 1202496512,
+ "norm_byte": 63774720,
+ "ops": 1174313,
+ "norm_ops": 62280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.063598554411527,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01537354c3e50c5c407d68dd5e077b252d26bf0d40b7d9715bc057339eee3b5f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:40.891000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:40.891000', 'bytes': 1264622592, 'norm_byte': 62126080, 'ops': 1234983, 'norm_ops': 60670, 'norm_ltcy': 16.50069101414414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:40.891000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:40.891000",
+ "bytes": 1264622592,
+ "norm_byte": 62126080,
+ "ops": 1234983,
+ "norm_ops": 60670,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.50069101414414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0325ac2125ea3c9fef9be06955ca1bad6839d0fa798b327fc7dd3dc1a610c22f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:41.892000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:41.892000', 'bytes': 1327520768, 'norm_byte': 62898176, 'ops': 1296407, 'norm_ops': 61424, 'norm_ltcy': 16.297281021312923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:41.892000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:41.892000",
+ "bytes": 1327520768,
+ "norm_byte": 62898176,
+ "ops": 1296407,
+ "norm_ops": 61424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.297281021312923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09d2f40a0448d9d3d1c16a4e99e87428454e9736c7422d6ee957a707f966e4ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:42.894000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:42.894000', 'bytes': 1390811136, 'norm_byte': 63290368, 'ops': 1358214, 'norm_ops': 61807, 'norm_ltcy': 16.197247423178197, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:42.894000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:42.894000",
+ "bytes": 1390811136,
+ "norm_byte": 63290368,
+ "ops": 1358214,
+ "norm_ops": 61807,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.197247423178197,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc2df1a457b31b0b9c49ddd516bb772d7d174f4691fe46a2510416108d319569",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:43.895000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:43.895000', 'bytes': 1455202304, 'norm_byte': 64391168, 'ops': 1421096, 'norm_ops': 62882, 'norm_ltcy': 15.920191880973489, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:43.895000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:43.895000",
+ "bytes": 1455202304,
+ "norm_byte": 64391168,
+ "ops": 1421096,
+ "norm_ops": 62882,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.920191880973489,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "134e8ac09e619a1a8e4ba4ee8434b0df5994b21ca7f2936d582df623c1718f29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:44.896000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:44.896000', 'bytes': 1519090688, 'norm_byte': 63888384, 'ops': 1483487, 'norm_ops': 62391, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04465375114199, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:44.896000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:44.896000",
+ "bytes": 1519090688,
+ "norm_byte": 63888384,
+ "ops": 1483487,
+ "norm_ops": 62391,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04465375114199,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef4b08701247b449be278fbfd3d7225d945ef0b39168f7b475f68963fe11919b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:45.897000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:45.897000', 'bytes': 1582711808, 'norm_byte': 63621120, 'ops': 1545617, 'norm_ops': 62130, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11286472165218, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:45.897000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:45.897000",
+ "bytes": 1582711808,
+ "norm_byte": 63621120,
+ "ops": 1545617,
+ "norm_ops": 62130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11286472165218,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b04f9d9a1b972e1fa08e780173730543f1241e4190c8a903d712e8607c4d6de0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:46.898000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:46.898000', 'bytes': 1645931520, 'norm_byte': 63219712, 'ops': 1607355, 'norm_ops': 61738, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2152549824966, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:46.898000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:46.898000",
+ "bytes": 1645931520,
+ "norm_byte": 63219712,
+ "ops": 1607355,
+ "norm_ops": 61738,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2152549824966,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ceb5e7f409c1b99b5064ff79a64438e4cf79acfb3cafc3aff2c6c5d4873f6d35",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:47.899000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:47.899000', 'bytes': 1708620800, 'norm_byte': 62689280, 'ops': 1668575, 'norm_ops': 61220, 'norm_ltcy': 16.351531713237097, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:47.899000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:47.899000",
+ "bytes": 1708620800,
+ "norm_byte": 62689280,
+ "ops": 1668575,
+ "norm_ops": 61220,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.351531713237097,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4111f7166bd507ae3fb199cb78f930b6f92779070e6b4afd58eff51463a83d94",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:48.900000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:48.900000', 'bytes': 1772741632, 'norm_byte': 64120832, 'ops': 1731193, 'norm_ops': 62618, 'norm_ltcy': 15.987573274158388, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:48.900000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:48.900000",
+ "bytes": 1772741632,
+ "norm_byte": 64120832,
+ "ops": 1731193,
+ "norm_ops": 62618,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.987573274158388,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "672d68ca5fa6a1c133994063ec9fa5a888fe3afadc3043f4a0b3640cb45eddd0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:49.901000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:49.901000', 'bytes': 1837400064, 'norm_byte': 64658432, 'ops': 1794336, 'norm_ops': 63143, 'norm_ltcy': 15.854366836486228, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:49.901000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:49.901000",
+ "bytes": 1837400064,
+ "norm_byte": 64658432,
+ "ops": 1794336,
+ "norm_ops": 63143,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.854366836486228,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "564a0f0f6943c7367a73dfa5cc9eef1eeb07665f8b124fec5ae34a232660be29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:50.902000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:50.902000', 'bytes': 1900530688, 'norm_byte': 63130624, 'ops': 1855987, 'norm_ops': 61651, 'norm_ltcy': 16.238133492867107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:50.902000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:50.902000",
+ "bytes": 1900530688,
+ "norm_byte": 63130624,
+ "ops": 1855987,
+ "norm_ops": 61651,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.238133492867107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5784dd114aa31d6e64e6227c20ea507dddebec7ac50de63a3fb717099b38a1cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:51.903000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:51.903000', 'bytes': 1964456960, 'norm_byte': 63926272, 'ops': 1918415, 'norm_ops': 62428, 'norm_ltcy': 16.03758076178758, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:51.903000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:51.903000",
+ "bytes": 1964456960,
+ "norm_byte": 63926272,
+ "ops": 1918415,
+ "norm_ops": 62428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.03758076178758,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00435a47bf799f9201f068addf057da468cf7c41f8ea1bae314ea4d52e1c4a18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:52.905000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:52.905000', 'bytes': 2027723776, 'norm_byte': 63266816, 'ops': 1980199, 'norm_ops': 61784, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20313878289687, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:52.905000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:52.905000",
+ "bytes": 2027723776,
+ "norm_byte": 63266816,
+ "ops": 1980199,
+ "norm_ops": 61784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20313878289687,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "705ffce75890a0566eaa367ceec98fb3318a5b0f9dec98a25819ed07970d719c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:53.906000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:53.906000', 'bytes': 2092106752, 'norm_byte': 64382976, 'ops': 2043073, 'norm_ops': 62874, 'norm_ltcy': 15.921394344989585, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:53.906000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:53.906000",
+ "bytes": 2092106752,
+ "norm_byte": 64382976,
+ "ops": 2043073,
+ "norm_ops": 62874,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.921394344989585,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4bb24c2919b7122f7442c5bfdbdc34dff9c08139b2a15cbaf91ad7bdfdf6d309",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:54.907000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:54.907000', 'bytes': 2155039744, 'norm_byte': 62932992, 'ops': 2104531, 'norm_ops': 61458, 'norm_ltcy': 16.289083315790865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:54.907000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:54.907000",
+ "bytes": 2155039744,
+ "norm_byte": 62932992,
+ "ops": 2104531,
+ "norm_ops": 61458,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.289083315790865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6485a857cca602ee34dd85b3d673bf3835c5fdbfa8afbbdeda05aef2e6bc807e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:55.908000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:55.908000', 'bytes': 2218097664, 'norm_byte': 63057920, 'ops': 2166111, 'norm_ops': 61580, 'norm_ltcy': 16.256867495787997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:55.908000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:55.908000",
+ "bytes": 2218097664,
+ "norm_byte": 63057920,
+ "ops": 2166111,
+ "norm_ops": 61580,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.256867495787997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e6b69243558a08dd3db584426e7308ea1a02237070ac6f885206110a2258311",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:56.909000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:56.909000', 'bytes': 2281360384, 'norm_byte': 63262720, 'ops': 2227891, 'norm_ops': 61780, 'norm_ltcy': 16.204172062156037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:56.909000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:56.909000",
+ "bytes": 2281360384,
+ "norm_byte": 63262720,
+ "ops": 2227891,
+ "norm_ops": 61780,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.204172062156037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "088fe73f62e248f1c3616c8f9615e92504d4d25984978ac1f6fbbd84a201b37c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:57.910000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:57.910000', 'bytes': 2344633344, 'norm_byte': 63272960, 'ops': 2289681, 'norm_ops': 61790, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20172740456587, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:57.910000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:57.910000",
+ "bytes": 2344633344,
+ "norm_byte": 63272960,
+ "ops": 2289681,
+ "norm_ops": 61790,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20172740456587,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc577c46d566de2373f7a32d87232b08b38568d69dcece77f78be00e115dd06b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:58.911000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:58.911000', 'bytes': 2408899584, 'norm_byte': 64266240, 'ops': 2352441, 'norm_ops': 62760, 'norm_ltcy': 15.951392208413, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:58.911000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:58.911000",
+ "bytes": 2408899584,
+ "norm_byte": 64266240,
+ "ops": 2352441,
+ "norm_ops": 62760,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.951392208413,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce7d9ac06e936f4db0bc25bc1185b8da774ac15a072f7f9fa00ae7406230930d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:50:59.911000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:50:59.911000', 'bytes': 2473292800, 'norm_byte': 64393216, 'ops': 2415325, 'norm_ops': 62884, 'norm_ltcy': 15.90636892557129, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:50:59.911000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:50:59.911000",
+ "bytes": 2473292800,
+ "norm_byte": 64393216,
+ "ops": 2415325,
+ "norm_ops": 62884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.90636892557129,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f82279c448b4cb802a301b5063d5ac40a5c15373f720ee90cbbd616f26e49a08",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:00.912000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:00.912000', 'bytes': 2537190400, 'norm_byte': 63897600, 'ops': 2477725, 'norm_ops': 62400, 'norm_ltcy': 16.043509458884216, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:00.912000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:00.912000",
+ "bytes": 2537190400,
+ "norm_byte": 63897600,
+ "ops": 2477725,
+ "norm_ops": 62400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.043509458884216,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81db126cfe89932616bf687939c886f23f9025393b6656ccbb6815bd06feef16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:01.914000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:01.914000', 'bytes': 2601058304, 'norm_byte': 63867904, 'ops': 2540096, 'norm_ops': 62371, 'norm_ltcy': 16.050749841422697, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:01.914000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:01.914000",
+ "bytes": 2601058304,
+ "norm_byte": 63867904,
+ "ops": 2540096,
+ "norm_ops": 62371,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.050749841422697,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "baa6470d8b2db51faf68a07efc8cb93b2094139c9fb27242d022133dd8fdfd6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:02.915000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:02.915000', 'bytes': 2665266176, 'norm_byte': 64207872, 'ops': 2602799, 'norm_ops': 62703, 'norm_ltcy': 15.967068648529574, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:02.915000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:02.915000",
+ "bytes": 2665266176,
+ "norm_byte": 64207872,
+ "ops": 2602799,
+ "norm_ops": 62703,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.967068648529574,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09342d8f62dc3c8fcc3222eaaae0278524adb351c97bce0eaaeda32fd60be1fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:03.916000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:03.916000', 'bytes': 2730125312, 'norm_byte': 64859136, 'ops': 2666138, 'norm_ops': 63339, 'norm_ltcy': 15.80552969438261, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:03.916000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:03.916000",
+ "bytes": 2730125312,
+ "norm_byte": 64859136,
+ "ops": 2666138,
+ "norm_ops": 63339,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.80552969438261,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b78852ff45cbafbe9a32925a5a1db7754600e0209a46b2b613c6546a2d76f696",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:04.917000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:04.917000', 'bytes': 2793882624, 'norm_byte': 63757312, 'ops': 2728401, 'norm_ops': 62263, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07845387208294, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:04.917000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:04.917000",
+ "bytes": 2793882624,
+ "norm_byte": 63757312,
+ "ops": 2728401,
+ "norm_ops": 62263,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07845387208294,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81f5f0d7da7fea9422e168c603943ca40cdc87e7c1c66fad10cfeaacfc01219c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:05.918000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:05.918000', 'bytes': 2858499072, 'norm_byte': 64616448, 'ops': 2791503, 'norm_ops': 63102, 'norm_ltcy': 15.863979400415202, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:05.918000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:05.918000",
+ "bytes": 2858499072,
+ "norm_byte": 64616448,
+ "ops": 2791503,
+ "norm_ops": 63102,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.863979400415202,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "639afaefa0b30eaa1c288310a4a3315eb39033e6c656c8a62311660d84a42174",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:06.919000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:06.919000', 'bytes': 2921669632, 'norm_byte': 63170560, 'ops': 2853193, 'norm_ops': 61690, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22792721799522, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:06.919000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:06.919000",
+ "bytes": 2921669632,
+ "norm_byte": 63170560,
+ "ops": 2853193,
+ "norm_ops": 61690,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22792721799522,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "05b27db044c68dd432d3d9923ea4b6921bec81c1a2b9ef59fcd7ada76b41c1e6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:07.920000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:07.920000', 'bytes': 2985643008, 'norm_byte': 63973376, 'ops': 2915667, 'norm_ops': 62474, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02420903971052, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:07.920000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:07.920000",
+ "bytes": 2985643008,
+ "norm_byte": 63973376,
+ "ops": 2915667,
+ "norm_ops": 62474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02420903971052,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5679e706aa2841e015c199b696c07eaa3ad1468441a2e009ba1103f37b3dcd7f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:08.921000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:08.921000', 'bytes': 3050028032, 'norm_byte': 64385024, 'ops': 2978543, 'norm_ops': 62876, 'norm_ltcy': 15.92177708903238, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:08.921000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:08.921000",
+ "bytes": 3050028032,
+ "norm_byte": 64385024,
+ "ops": 2978543,
+ "norm_ops": 62876,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.92177708903238,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c34ba98710d6f76fac584c85ab9ec6378bffaef5b8fa47933e52cb2d05f0af9b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:09.922000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:09.922000', 'bytes': 3114370048, 'norm_byte': 64342016, 'ops': 3041377, 'norm_ops': 62834, 'norm_ltcy': 15.93247016071116, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:09.922000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:09.922000",
+ "bytes": 3114370048,
+ "norm_byte": 64342016,
+ "ops": 3041377,
+ "norm_ops": 62834,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.93247016071116,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "819df192a9c2432d60eb876079e47cb464ec17b580c2141bf902335f413cd88f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:10.923000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:10.923000', 'bytes': 3179068416, 'norm_byte': 64698368, 'ops': 3104559, 'norm_ops': 63182, 'norm_ltcy': 15.844595956423506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:10.923000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:10.923000",
+ "bytes": 3179068416,
+ "norm_byte": 64698368,
+ "ops": 3104559,
+ "norm_ops": 63182,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.844595956423506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8da3c2d6c407f4253735f178575aa298e2e71a59b33878723fc877ba15812df9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:11.925000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:11.925000', 'bytes': 3242821632, 'norm_byte': 63753216, 'ops': 3166818, 'norm_ops': 62259, 'norm_ltcy': 16.079659416710836, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:11.925000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:11.925000",
+ "bytes": 3242821632,
+ "norm_byte": 63753216,
+ "ops": 3166818,
+ "norm_ops": 62259,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.079659416710836,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40ec649af5c20f7816bfac4783c2b36729268766d045e72bb37496a5bc9bc22e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:12.925000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:12.925000', 'bytes': 3306798080, 'norm_byte': 63976448, 'ops': 3229295, 'norm_ops': 62477, 'norm_ltcy': 16.018058708104583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:12.925000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:12.925000",
+ "bytes": 3306798080,
+ "norm_byte": 63976448,
+ "ops": 3229295,
+ "norm_ops": 62477,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.018058708104583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c59469e79159ec8a7849fe8c2630f3b0b698b7750e9a9cb0f20e270a57020a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:13.926000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:13.926000', 'bytes': 3370957824, 'norm_byte': 64159744, 'ops': 3291951, 'norm_ops': 62656, 'norm_ltcy': 15.9776159643031, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:13.926000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:13.926000",
+ "bytes": 3370957824,
+ "norm_byte": 64159744,
+ "ops": 3291951,
+ "norm_ops": 62656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.9776159643031,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f43ad1a8970f55eaa0a63b1d4e3a0cb8f8d102ba2d5f08e8d489c599edf9cdf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:14.928000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:14.928000', 'bytes': 3435123712, 'norm_byte': 64165888, 'ops': 3354613, 'norm_ops': 62662, 'norm_ltcy': 15.976195170867111, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:14.928000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:14.928000",
+ "bytes": 3435123712,
+ "norm_byte": 64165888,
+ "ops": 3354613,
+ "norm_ops": 62662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.976195170867111,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f73538d221acb3f88463b23111da0e58de95bcd1dd38bca91960a6de42860536",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:15.929000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:15.929000', 'bytes': 3499219968, 'norm_byte': 64096256, 'ops': 3417207, 'norm_ops': 62594, 'norm_ltcy': 15.993582370864221, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:15.929000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:15.929000",
+ "bytes": 3499219968,
+ "norm_byte": 64096256,
+ "ops": 3417207,
+ "norm_ops": 62594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.993582370864221,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eacf1970ddca30df3bd6864b3cdc8e40daea205f3b88f358939c73eb978ecb33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:16.930000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:16.930000', 'bytes': 3563256832, 'norm_byte': 64036864, 'ops': 3479743, 'norm_ops': 62536, 'norm_ltcy': 16.008696959301442, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:16.930000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:16.930000",
+ "bytes": 3563256832,
+ "norm_byte": 64036864,
+ "ops": 3479743,
+ "norm_ops": 62536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.008696959301442,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "680af963b0be0fdd0e67af15fc54c2f6ff1af63c557ca0c8005738aa426ca374",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:17.931000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:17.931000', 'bytes': 3628394496, 'norm_byte': 65137664, 'ops': 3543354, 'norm_ops': 63611, 'norm_ltcy': 15.737718963946882, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:17.931000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:17.931000",
+ "bytes": 3628394496,
+ "norm_byte": 65137664,
+ "ops": 3543354,
+ "norm_ops": 63611,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.737718963946882,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "92f2083d7e76c6d9cb86ae0929f4c8356548ea92762c529d7f0b02b9a6e02c9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:18.932000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:18.932000', 'bytes': 3692389376, 'norm_byte': 63994880, 'ops': 3605849, 'norm_ops': 62495, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01866821220698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:18.932000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:18.932000",
+ "bytes": 3692389376,
+ "norm_byte": 63994880,
+ "ops": 3605849,
+ "norm_ops": 62495,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01866821220698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d7f1c45b993bb7b17413dbda34df874e3ae21b2da1c8016f8f37fca721b82d0f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:19.933000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:19.933000', 'bytes': 3756178432, 'norm_byte': 63789056, 'ops': 3668143, 'norm_ops': 62294, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06972362155665, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:19.933000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:19.933000",
+ "bytes": 3756178432,
+ "norm_byte": 63789056,
+ "ops": 3668143,
+ "norm_ops": 62294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06972362155665,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e36e7f9d7fa619c0584d189b523873bb8bd5e77506f6f4db69c1ed04ff91305a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:51:21.134000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:51:21.134000', 'bytes': 3819760640, 'norm_byte': 63582208, 'ops': 3730235, 'norm_ops': 62092, 'norm_ltcy': 19.3483961739737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:51:21.134000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:51:21.134000",
+ "bytes": 3819760640,
+ "norm_byte": 63582208,
+ "ops": 3730235,
+ "norm_ops": 62092,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.3483961739737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fe86285f-e966-5710-8413-7dd8193b3330",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d0ce73ed5476a06e9e8db7d1d518bcf6ddb6a92695b94460a43c3b573dce062b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63662677.333333336
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62170.583333333336
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.50982129727907
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:51:21Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-098-220519224735/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-098-220519224735/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca16f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-098-220519224735/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-098-220519224735/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-098-220519224735/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-098-220519224735/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-098-220519224735/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-098-220519224735/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4122d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-098-220519224735/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=25
+ vm.swappiness=45
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=100
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-099-220519224937/220519224937-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-099-220519224937/220519224937-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..367bc87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-099-220519224937/220519224937-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:52:20Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000741455.5913 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000742456.7100 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000742456.7959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000743456.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:53054464 nr_ops:51811\ntimestamp_ms:1653000744457.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106265600 nr_ops:103775\ntimestamp_ms:1653000745458.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:174554112 nr_ops:170463\ntimestamp_ms:1653000746459.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:229215232 nr_ops:223843\ntimestamp_ms:1653000747460.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:297564160 nr_ops:290590\ntimestamp_ms:1653000748461.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:366017536 nr_ops:357439\ntimestamp_ms:1653000749462.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:406580224 nr_ops:397051\ntimestamp_ms:1653000750463.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475071488 nr_ops:463937\ntimestamp_ms:1653000751464.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:543471616 nr_ops:530734\ntimestamp_ms:1653000752465.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:611755008 nr_ops:597417\ntimestamp_ms:1653000753466.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672662528 nr_ops:656897\ntimestamp_ms:1653000754468.0139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721746944 nr_ops:704831\ntimestamp_ms:1653000755468.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:773682176 nr_ops:755549\ntimestamp_ms:1653000756469.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:826821632 nr_ops:807443\ntimestamp_ms:1653000757470.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865844224 nr_ops:845551\ntimestamp_ms:1653000758471.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:922012672 nr_ops:900403\ntimestamp_ms:1653000759472.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:973650944 nr_ops:950831\ntimestamp_ms:1653000760473.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1028140032 nr_ops:1004043\ntimestamp_ms:1653000761474.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1096317952 nr_ops:1070623\ntimestamp_ms:1653000762475.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166281728 nr_ops:1138947\ntimestamp_ms:1653000763477.0686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236419584 nr_ops:1207441\ntimestamp_ms:1653000764478.1755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292080128 nr_ops:1261797\ntimestamp_ms:1653000765479.2715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1348126720 nr_ops:1316530\ntimestamp_ms:1653000766480.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418447872 nr_ops:1385203\ntimestamp_ms:1653000767481.4580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1474110464 nr_ops:1439561\ntimestamp_ms:1653000768482.4968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1529822208 nr_ops:1493967\ntimestamp_ms:1653000769483.5879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599998976 nr_ops:1562499\ntimestamp_ms:1653000770484.6853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1670298624 nr_ops:1631151\ntimestamp_ms:1653000771484.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1740442624 nr_ops:1699651\ntimestamp_ms:1653000772485.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1810512896 nr_ops:1768079\ntimestamp_ms:1653000773487.0303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837995008 nr_ops:1794917\ntimestamp_ms:1653000774488.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905998848 nr_ops:1861327\ntimestamp_ms:1653000775489.2302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1973097472 nr_ops:1926853\ntimestamp_ms:1653000776490.3394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040058880 nr_ops:1992245\ntimestamp_ms:1653000777491.4363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093366272 nr_ops:2044303\ntimestamp_ms:1653000778492.5266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2147003392 nr_ops:2096683\ntimestamp_ms:1653000779493.6262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2201150464 nr_ops:2149561\ntimestamp_ms:1653000780494.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2254584832 nr_ops:2201743\ntimestamp_ms:1653000781495.8093 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2321382400 nr_ops:2266975\ntimestamp_ms:1653000782496.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385361920 nr_ops:2329455\ntimestamp_ms:1653000783498.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2427911168 nr_ops:2371007\ntimestamp_ms:1653000784499.1392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2494917632 nr_ops:2436443\ntimestamp_ms:1653000785500.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2549412864 nr_ops:2489661\ntimestamp_ms:1653000786501.3430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2604114944 nr_ops:2543081\ntimestamp_ms:1653000787502.4373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658483200 nr_ops:2596175\ntimestamp_ms:1653000788503.5364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2727072768 nr_ops:2663157\ntimestamp_ms:1653000789504.6326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2781817856 nr_ops:2716619\ntimestamp_ms:1653000790505.7349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2836040704 nr_ops:2769571\ntimestamp_ms:1653000791506.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2890519552 nr_ops:2822773\ntimestamp_ms:1653000792507.9563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2944748544 nr_ops:2875731\ntimestamp_ms:1653000793509.0674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3012035584 nr_ops:2941441\ntimestamp_ms:1653000794510.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3065365504 nr_ops:2993521\ntimestamp_ms:1653000795511.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3118779392 nr_ops:3045683\ntimestamp_ms:1653000796512.3540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3172355072 nr_ops:3098003\ntimestamp_ms:1653000797513.4458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3239554048 nr_ops:3163627\ntimestamp_ms:1653000798514.5342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3292747776 nr_ops:3215574\ntimestamp_ms:1653000799515.6287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3360033792 nr_ops:3281283\ntimestamp_ms:1653000800516.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3427234816 nr_ops:3346909\ntimestamp_ms:1653000801517.8169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3480570880 nr_ops:3398995\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139754599069440\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.1316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3520326656 nr_ops:3437819\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.1875 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.1909 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802819.4148 name:Total nr_bytes:3520326656 nr_ops:3437820\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.2703 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7040653310 nr_ops:6875640\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.2710 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3520326656 nr_ops:3437822\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 315.14us 0.00ns 315.14us 315.14us \nTxn1 1718910 34.91us 0.00ns 209.09ms 18.40us \nTxn2 1 23.04us 0.00ns 23.04us 23.04us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 314.34us 0.00ns 314.34us 314.34us \nwrite 1718910 2.46us 0.00ns 321.58us 2.16us \nread 1718909 32.37us 0.00ns 209.09ms 1.19us \ndisconnect 1 22.72us 0.00ns 22.72us 22.72us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.20b/s \nnet1 27563 27563 240.34Mb/s 240.34Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.194 62.37s 3.28GB 451.57Mb/s 3437821 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.28GB 451.58Mb/s 3437822 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416612, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000741455.5913 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000742456.7100 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000742456.7959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000743456.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:53054464 nr_ops:51811\ntimestamp_ms:1653000744457.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106265600 nr_ops:103775\ntimestamp_ms:1653000745458.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:174554112 nr_ops:170463\ntimestamp_ms:1653000746459.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:229215232 nr_ops:223843\ntimestamp_ms:1653000747460.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:297564160 nr_ops:290590\ntimestamp_ms:1653000748461.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:366017536 nr_ops:357439\ntimestamp_ms:1653000749462.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:406580224 nr_ops:397051\ntimestamp_ms:1653000750463.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475071488 nr_ops:463937\ntimestamp_ms:1653000751464.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:543471616 nr_ops:530734\ntimestamp_ms:1653000752465.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:611755008 nr_ops:597417\ntimestamp_ms:1653000753466.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672662528 nr_ops:656897\ntimestamp_ms:1653000754468.0139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721746944 nr_ops:704831\ntimestamp_ms:1653000755468.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:773682176 nr_ops:755549\ntimestamp_ms:1653000756469.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:826821632 nr_ops:807443\ntimestamp_ms:1653000757470.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865844224 nr_ops:845551\ntimestamp_ms:1653000758471.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:922012672 nr_ops:900403\ntimestamp_ms:1653000759472.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:973650944 nr_ops:950831\ntimestamp_ms:1653000760473.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1028140032 nr_ops:1004043\ntimestamp_ms:1653000761474.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1096317952 nr_ops:1070623\ntimestamp_ms:1653000762475.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166281728 nr_ops:1138947\ntimestamp_ms:1653000763477.0686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236419584 nr_ops:1207441\ntimestamp_ms:1653000764478.1755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292080128 nr_ops:1261797\ntimestamp_ms:1653000765479.2715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1348126720 nr_ops:1316530\ntimestamp_ms:1653000766480.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418447872 nr_ops:1385203\ntimestamp_ms:1653000767481.4580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1474110464 nr_ops:1439561\ntimestamp_ms:1653000768482.4968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1529822208 nr_ops:1493967\ntimestamp_ms:1653000769483.5879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599998976 nr_ops:1562499\ntimestamp_ms:1653000770484.6853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1670298624 nr_ops:1631151\ntimestamp_ms:1653000771484.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1740442624 nr_ops:1699651\ntimestamp_ms:1653000772485.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1810512896 nr_ops:1768079\ntimestamp_ms:1653000773487.0303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837995008 nr_ops:1794917\ntimestamp_ms:1653000774488.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905998848 nr_ops:1861327\ntimestamp_ms:1653000775489.2302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1973097472 nr_ops:1926853\ntimestamp_ms:1653000776490.3394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040058880 nr_ops:1992245\ntimestamp_ms:1653000777491.4363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093366272 nr_ops:2044303\ntimestamp_ms:1653000778492.5266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2147003392 nr_ops:2096683\ntimestamp_ms:1653000779493.6262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2201150464 nr_ops:2149561\ntimestamp_ms:1653000780494.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2254584832 nr_ops:2201743\ntimestamp_ms:1653000781495.8093 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2321382400 nr_ops:2266975\ntimestamp_ms:1653000782496.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385361920 nr_ops:2329455\ntimestamp_ms:1653000783498.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2427911168 nr_ops:2371007\ntimestamp_ms:1653000784499.1392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2494917632 nr_ops:2436443\ntimestamp_ms:1653000785500.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2549412864 nr_ops:2489661\ntimestamp_ms:1653000786501.3430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2604114944 nr_ops:2543081\ntimestamp_ms:1653000787502.4373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658483200 nr_ops:2596175\ntimestamp_ms:1653000788503.5364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2727072768 nr_ops:2663157\ntimestamp_ms:1653000789504.6326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2781817856 nr_ops:2716619\ntimestamp_ms:1653000790505.7349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2836040704 nr_ops:2769571\ntimestamp_ms:1653000791506.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2890519552 nr_ops:2822773\ntimestamp_ms:1653000792507.9563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2944748544 nr_ops:2875731\ntimestamp_ms:1653000793509.0674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3012035584 nr_ops:2941441\ntimestamp_ms:1653000794510.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3065365504 nr_ops:2993521\ntimestamp_ms:1653000795511.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3118779392 nr_ops:3045683\ntimestamp_ms:1653000796512.3540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3172355072 nr_ops:3098003\ntimestamp_ms:1653000797513.4458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3239554048 nr_ops:3163627\ntimestamp_ms:1653000798514.5342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3292747776 nr_ops:3215574\ntimestamp_ms:1653000799515.6287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3360033792 nr_ops:3281283\ntimestamp_ms:1653000800516.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3427234816 nr_ops:3346909\ntimestamp_ms:1653000801517.8169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3480570880 nr_ops:3398995\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139754599069440\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.1316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3520326656 nr_ops:3437819\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.1875 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.1909 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802819.4148 name:Total nr_bytes:3520326656 nr_ops:3437820\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.2703 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7040653310 nr_ops:6875640\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.2710 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3520326656 nr_ops:3437822\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 315.14us 0.00ns 315.14us 315.14us \nTxn1 1718910 34.91us 0.00ns 209.09ms 18.40us \nTxn2 1 23.04us 0.00ns 23.04us 23.04us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 314.34us 0.00ns 314.34us 314.34us \nwrite 1718910 2.46us 0.00ns 321.58us 2.16us \nread 1718909 32.37us 0.00ns 209.09ms 1.19us \ndisconnect 1 22.72us 0.00ns 22.72us 22.72us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.20b/s \nnet1 27563 27563 240.34Mb/s 240.34Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.194 62.37s 3.28GB 451.57Mb/s 3437821 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.28GB 451.58Mb/s 3437822 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416612, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000741455.5913 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000742456.7100 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000742456.7959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000743456.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:53054464 nr_ops:51811\ntimestamp_ms:1653000744457.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106265600 nr_ops:103775\ntimestamp_ms:1653000745458.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:174554112 nr_ops:170463\ntimestamp_ms:1653000746459.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:229215232 nr_ops:223843\ntimestamp_ms:1653000747460.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:297564160 nr_ops:290590\ntimestamp_ms:1653000748461.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:366017536 nr_ops:357439\ntimestamp_ms:1653000749462.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:406580224 nr_ops:397051\ntimestamp_ms:1653000750463.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475071488 nr_ops:463937\ntimestamp_ms:1653000751464.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:543471616 nr_ops:530734\ntimestamp_ms:1653000752465.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:611755008 nr_ops:597417\ntimestamp_ms:1653000753466.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672662528 nr_ops:656897\ntimestamp_ms:1653000754468.0139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721746944 nr_ops:704831\ntimestamp_ms:1653000755468.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:773682176 nr_ops:755549\ntimestamp_ms:1653000756469.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:826821632 nr_ops:807443\ntimestamp_ms:1653000757470.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865844224 nr_ops:845551\ntimestamp_ms:1653000758471.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:922012672 nr_ops:900403\ntimestamp_ms:1653000759472.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:973650944 nr_ops:950831\ntimestamp_ms:1653000760473.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1028140032 nr_ops:1004043\ntimestamp_ms:1653000761474.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1096317952 nr_ops:1070623\ntimestamp_ms:1653000762475.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166281728 nr_ops:1138947\ntimestamp_ms:1653000763477.0686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236419584 nr_ops:1207441\ntimestamp_ms:1653000764478.1755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292080128 nr_ops:1261797\ntimestamp_ms:1653000765479.2715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1348126720 nr_ops:1316530\ntimestamp_ms:1653000766480.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418447872 nr_ops:1385203\ntimestamp_ms:1653000767481.4580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1474110464 nr_ops:1439561\ntimestamp_ms:1653000768482.4968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1529822208 nr_ops:1493967\ntimestamp_ms:1653000769483.5879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599998976 nr_ops:1562499\ntimestamp_ms:1653000770484.6853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1670298624 nr_ops:1631151\ntimestamp_ms:1653000771484.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1740442624 nr_ops:1699651\ntimestamp_ms:1653000772485.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1810512896 nr_ops:1768079\ntimestamp_ms:1653000773487.0303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837995008 nr_ops:1794917\ntimestamp_ms:1653000774488.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905998848 nr_ops:1861327\ntimestamp_ms:1653000775489.2302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1973097472 nr_ops:1926853\ntimestamp_ms:1653000776490.3394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040058880 nr_ops:1992245\ntimestamp_ms:1653000777491.4363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093366272 nr_ops:2044303\ntimestamp_ms:1653000778492.5266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2147003392 nr_ops:2096683\ntimestamp_ms:1653000779493.6262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2201150464 nr_ops:2149561\ntimestamp_ms:1653000780494.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2254584832 nr_ops:2201743\ntimestamp_ms:1653000781495.8093 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2321382400 nr_ops:2266975\ntimestamp_ms:1653000782496.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385361920 nr_ops:2329455\ntimestamp_ms:1653000783498.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2427911168 nr_ops:2371007\ntimestamp_ms:1653000784499.1392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2494917632 nr_ops:2436443\ntimestamp_ms:1653000785500.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2549412864 nr_ops:2489661\ntimestamp_ms:1653000786501.3430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2604114944 nr_ops:2543081\ntimestamp_ms:1653000787502.4373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658483200 nr_ops:2596175\ntimestamp_ms:1653000788503.5364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2727072768 nr_ops:2663157\ntimestamp_ms:1653000789504.6326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2781817856 nr_ops:2716619\ntimestamp_ms:1653000790505.7349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2836040704 nr_ops:2769571\ntimestamp_ms:1653000791506.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2890519552 nr_ops:2822773\ntimestamp_ms:1653000792507.9563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2944748544 nr_ops:2875731\ntimestamp_ms:1653000793509.0674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3012035584 nr_ops:2941441\ntimestamp_ms:1653000794510.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3065365504 nr_ops:2993521\ntimestamp_ms:1653000795511.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3118779392 nr_ops:3045683\ntimestamp_ms:1653000796512.3540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3172355072 nr_ops:3098003\ntimestamp_ms:1653000797513.4458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3239554048 nr_ops:3163627\ntimestamp_ms:1653000798514.5342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3292747776 nr_ops:3215574\ntimestamp_ms:1653000799515.6287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3360033792 nr_ops:3281283\ntimestamp_ms:1653000800516.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3427234816 nr_ops:3346909\ntimestamp_ms:1653000801517.8169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3480570880 nr_ops:3398995\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139754599069440\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.1316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3520326656 nr_ops:3437819\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.1875 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.1909 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802819.4148 name:Total nr_bytes:3520326656 nr_ops:3437820\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.2703 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7040653310 nr_ops:6875640\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000802719.2710 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3520326656 nr_ops:3437822\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 315.14us 0.00ns 315.14us 315.14us \nTxn1 1718910 34.91us 0.00ns 209.09ms 18.40us \nTxn2 1 23.04us 0.00ns 23.04us 23.04us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 314.34us 0.00ns 314.34us 314.34us \nwrite 1718910 2.46us 0.00ns 321.58us 2.16us \nread 1718909 32.37us 0.00ns 209.09ms 1.19us \ndisconnect 1 22.72us 0.00ns 22.72us 22.72us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.20b/s \nnet1 27563 27563 240.34Mb/s 240.34Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.194 62.37s 3.28GB 451.57Mb/s 3437821 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.28GB 451.58Mb/s 3437822 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416612, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000741455.5913 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000742456.7100 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000742456.7959 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000743456.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:53054464 nr_ops:51811
+timestamp_ms:1653000744457.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106265600 nr_ops:103775
+timestamp_ms:1653000745458.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:174554112 nr_ops:170463
+timestamp_ms:1653000746459.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:229215232 nr_ops:223843
+timestamp_ms:1653000747460.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:297564160 nr_ops:290590
+timestamp_ms:1653000748461.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:366017536 nr_ops:357439
+timestamp_ms:1653000749462.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:406580224 nr_ops:397051
+timestamp_ms:1653000750463.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:475071488 nr_ops:463937
+timestamp_ms:1653000751464.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:543471616 nr_ops:530734
+timestamp_ms:1653000752465.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:611755008 nr_ops:597417
+timestamp_ms:1653000753466.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:672662528 nr_ops:656897
+timestamp_ms:1653000754468.0139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:721746944 nr_ops:704831
+timestamp_ms:1653000755468.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:773682176 nr_ops:755549
+timestamp_ms:1653000756469.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:826821632 nr_ops:807443
+timestamp_ms:1653000757470.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865844224 nr_ops:845551
+timestamp_ms:1653000758471.9377 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:922012672 nr_ops:900403
+timestamp_ms:1653000759472.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:973650944 nr_ops:950831
+timestamp_ms:1653000760473.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1028140032 nr_ops:1004043
+timestamp_ms:1653000761474.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1096317952 nr_ops:1070623
+timestamp_ms:1653000762475.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166281728 nr_ops:1138947
+timestamp_ms:1653000763477.0686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236419584 nr_ops:1207441
+timestamp_ms:1653000764478.1755 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292080128 nr_ops:1261797
+timestamp_ms:1653000765479.2715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1348126720 nr_ops:1316530
+timestamp_ms:1653000766480.3633 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418447872 nr_ops:1385203
+timestamp_ms:1653000767481.4580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1474110464 nr_ops:1439561
+timestamp_ms:1653000768482.4968 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1529822208 nr_ops:1493967
+timestamp_ms:1653000769483.5879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1599998976 nr_ops:1562499
+timestamp_ms:1653000770484.6853 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1670298624 nr_ops:1631151
+timestamp_ms:1653000771484.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1740442624 nr_ops:1699651
+timestamp_ms:1653000772485.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1810512896 nr_ops:1768079
+timestamp_ms:1653000773487.0303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837995008 nr_ops:1794917
+timestamp_ms:1653000774488.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905998848 nr_ops:1861327
+timestamp_ms:1653000775489.2302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1973097472 nr_ops:1926853
+timestamp_ms:1653000776490.3394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2040058880 nr_ops:1992245
+timestamp_ms:1653000777491.4363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093366272 nr_ops:2044303
+timestamp_ms:1653000778492.5266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2147003392 nr_ops:2096683
+timestamp_ms:1653000779493.6262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2201150464 nr_ops:2149561
+timestamp_ms:1653000780494.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2254584832 nr_ops:2201743
+timestamp_ms:1653000781495.8093 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2321382400 nr_ops:2266975
+timestamp_ms:1653000782496.9280 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2385361920 nr_ops:2329455
+timestamp_ms:1653000783498.0432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2427911168 nr_ops:2371007
+timestamp_ms:1653000784499.1392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2494917632 nr_ops:2436443
+timestamp_ms:1653000785500.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2549412864 nr_ops:2489661
+timestamp_ms:1653000786501.3430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2604114944 nr_ops:2543081
+timestamp_ms:1653000787502.4373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658483200 nr_ops:2596175
+timestamp_ms:1653000788503.5364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2727072768 nr_ops:2663157
+timestamp_ms:1653000789504.6326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2781817856 nr_ops:2716619
+timestamp_ms:1653000790505.7349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2836040704 nr_ops:2769571
+timestamp_ms:1653000791506.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2890519552 nr_ops:2822773
+timestamp_ms:1653000792507.9563 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2944748544 nr_ops:2875731
+timestamp_ms:1653000793509.0674 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3012035584 nr_ops:2941441
+timestamp_ms:1653000794510.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3065365504 nr_ops:2993521
+timestamp_ms:1653000795511.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3118779392 nr_ops:3045683
+timestamp_ms:1653000796512.3540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3172355072 nr_ops:3098003
+timestamp_ms:1653000797513.4458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3239554048 nr_ops:3163627
+timestamp_ms:1653000798514.5342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3292747776 nr_ops:3215574
+timestamp_ms:1653000799515.6287 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3360033792 nr_ops:3281283
+timestamp_ms:1653000800516.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3427234816 nr_ops:3346909
+timestamp_ms:1653000801517.8169 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3480570880 nr_ops:3398995
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139754599069440
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653000802719.1316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3520326656 nr_ops:3437819
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000802719.1875 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000802719.1909 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000802819.4148 name:Total nr_bytes:3520326656 nr_ops:3437820
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000802719.2703 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7040653310 nr_ops:6875640
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000802719.2710 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3520326656 nr_ops:3437822
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 315.14us 0.00ns 315.14us 315.14us
+Txn1 1718910 34.91us 0.00ns 209.09ms 18.40us
+Txn2 1 23.04us 0.00ns 23.04us 23.04us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 314.34us 0.00ns 314.34us 314.34us
+write 1718910 2.46us 0.00ns 321.58us 2.16us
+read 1718909 32.37us 0.00ns 209.09ms 1.19us
+disconnect 1 22.72us 0.00ns 22.72us 22.72us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.20b/s
+net1 27563 27563 240.34Mb/s 240.34Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.194 62.37s 3.28GB 451.57Mb/s 3437821 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.28GB 451.58Mb/s 3437822 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:23.456000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:23.456000', 'bytes': 53054464, 'norm_byte': 53054464, 'ops': 51811, 'norm_ops': 51811, 'norm_ltcy': 19.301665171850573, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:23.456000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:23.456000",
+ "bytes": 53054464,
+ "norm_byte": 53054464,
+ "ops": 51811,
+ "norm_ops": 51811,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.301665171850573,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f886cead82d2c00b22723aa8f6e1c6fa5ce5daeeea98d3e901c08f6e53c7ae29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:24.457000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:24.457000', 'bytes': 106265600, 'norm_byte': 53211136, 'ops': 103775, 'norm_ops': 51964, 'norm_ltcy': 19.263345552329497, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:24.457000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:24.457000",
+ "bytes": 106265600,
+ "norm_byte": 53211136,
+ "ops": 103775,
+ "norm_ops": 51964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.263345552329497,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22c516939b54667c8bcb1344f5624a4a81996ebc3a0bc2f85583276cfc8ef396",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:25.458000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:25.458000', 'bytes': 174554112, 'norm_byte': 68288512, 'ops': 170463, 'norm_ops': 66688, 'norm_ltcy': 15.01021504173352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:25.458000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:25.458000",
+ "bytes": 174554112,
+ "norm_byte": 68288512,
+ "ops": 170463,
+ "norm_ops": 66688,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.01021504173352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a1dba7bc49c90a43b8d3eb6478714b42a1b8c2205ff77b7ef4fc9bdcdf98bd12",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:26.459000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:26.459000', 'bytes': 229215232, 'norm_byte': 54661120, 'ops': 223843, 'norm_ops': 53380, 'norm_ltcy': 18.75252007276836, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:26.459000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:26.459000",
+ "bytes": 229215232,
+ "norm_byte": 54661120,
+ "ops": 223843,
+ "norm_ops": 53380,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.75252007276836,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "088e03edfdb0ec5b62be373a82bace4740c487897bc34b885e4e5036f204e260",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:27.460000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:27.460000', 'bytes': 297564160, 'norm_byte': 68348928, 'ops': 290590, 'norm_ops': 66747, 'norm_ltcy': 14.996840916071134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:27.460000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:27.460000",
+ "bytes": 297564160,
+ "norm_byte": 68348928,
+ "ops": 290590,
+ "norm_ops": 66747,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.996840916071134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe4881f926bf951cc4b5d02247c420e4418ca63a5fc617723d069bbf41ba111c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:28.461000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:28.461000', 'bytes': 366017536, 'norm_byte': 68453376, 'ops': 357439, 'norm_ops': 66849, 'norm_ltcy': 14.973965637574983, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:28.461000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:28.461000",
+ "bytes": 366017536,
+ "norm_byte": 68453376,
+ "ops": 357439,
+ "norm_ops": 66849,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.973965637574983,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "727315150588a5c4f585cd843ec6fa8276198cefa707242e5e7702f1f305eacf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:29.462000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:29.462000', 'bytes': 406580224, 'norm_byte': 40562688, 'ops': 397051, 'norm_ops': 39612, 'norm_ltcy': 25.270218778400483, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:29.462000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:29.462000",
+ "bytes": 406580224,
+ "norm_byte": 40562688,
+ "ops": 397051,
+ "norm_ops": 39612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.270218778400483,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee6c845331e9cf09f829f7d16659a54cb08607adf33a84f304fabc640eadadd9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:30.463000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:30.463000', 'bytes': 475071488, 'norm_byte': 68491264, 'ops': 463937, 'norm_ops': 66886, 'norm_ltcy': 14.965718839704872, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:30.463000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:30.463000",
+ "bytes": 475071488,
+ "norm_byte": 68491264,
+ "ops": 463937,
+ "norm_ops": 66886,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.965718839704872,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15cf1d3ebbeca7b8efbc870fd71ee6df514a0ed440d73f8bdcb417180e80314f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:31.464000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:31.464000', 'bytes': 543471616, 'norm_byte': 68400128, 'ops': 530734, 'norm_ops': 66797, 'norm_ltcy': 14.985816254612857, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:31.464000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:31.464000",
+ "bytes": 543471616,
+ "norm_byte": 68400128,
+ "ops": 530734,
+ "norm_ops": 66797,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.985816254612857,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d49634b34ea5bd3898c54f9b6db26d95fe3f394c8cde82ad374f0a98bac3c9ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:32.465000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:32.465000', 'bytes': 611755008, 'norm_byte': 68283392, 'ops': 597417, 'norm_ops': 66683, 'norm_ltcy': 15.0112087284709, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:32.465000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:32.465000",
+ "bytes": 611755008,
+ "norm_byte": 68283392,
+ "ops": 597417,
+ "norm_ops": 66683,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.0112087284709,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c18301230aea567e2314c75ad853d6c0aa8c9b14304c673bba846f7e7aeeed14",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:33.466000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:33.466000', 'bytes': 672662528, 'norm_byte': 60907520, 'ops': 656897, 'norm_ops': 59480, 'norm_ltcy': 16.830955356579945, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:33.466000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:33.466000",
+ "bytes": 672662528,
+ "norm_byte": 60907520,
+ "ops": 656897,
+ "norm_ops": 59480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.830955356579945,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f7b6ccb0c7b0f1d140c03ad8abe22bbcce2bea232e2502571dd29d1eec2d39c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:34.468000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:34.468000', 'bytes': 721746944, 'norm_byte': 49084416, 'ops': 704831, 'norm_ops': 47934, 'norm_ltcy': 20.884408607408105, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:34.468000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:34.468000",
+ "bytes": 721746944,
+ "norm_byte": 49084416,
+ "ops": 704831,
+ "norm_ops": 47934,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.884408607408105,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3d5518dd77705a5f001931f2e700f414e21b1af75301f8919d3ee2051324698f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:35.468000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:35.468000', 'bytes': 773682176, 'norm_byte': 51935232, 'ops': 755549, 'norm_ops': 50718, 'norm_ltcy': 19.733044612181573, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:35.468000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:35.468000",
+ "bytes": 773682176,
+ "norm_byte": 51935232,
+ "ops": 755549,
+ "norm_ops": 50718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.733044612181573,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6c88592d62fee2f76f59f61fc0f7e6b6ad717a5095ef90d3b97d446849025de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:36.469000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:36.469000', 'bytes': 826821632, 'norm_byte': 53139456, 'ops': 807443, 'norm_ops': 51894, 'norm_ltcy': 19.2893064242133, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:36.469000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:36.469000",
+ "bytes": 826821632,
+ "norm_byte": 53139456,
+ "ops": 807443,
+ "norm_ops": 51894,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.2893064242133,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a1de308db194fb943b56164ea196de6da65ec457259f2bf1efda9c2c493734c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:37.470000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:37.470000', 'bytes': 865844224, 'norm_byte': 39022592, 'ops': 845551, 'norm_ops': 38108, 'norm_ltcy': 26.26748243684069, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:37.470000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:37.470000",
+ "bytes": 865844224,
+ "norm_byte": 39022592,
+ "ops": 845551,
+ "norm_ops": 38108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.26748243684069,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e152c6a6dea9d6beba84ac754602d09842ff4564c59aea0538ff0272060d664",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:38.471000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:38.471000', 'bytes': 922012672, 'norm_byte': 56168448, 'ops': 900403, 'norm_ops': 54852, 'norm_ltcy': 18.250980514896902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:38.471000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:38.471000",
+ "bytes": 922012672,
+ "norm_byte": 56168448,
+ "ops": 900403,
+ "norm_ops": 54852,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.250980514896902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "037dac39de0161d1b50d055f0fa8c8ae364297bcc34146cca53c510a498aa0fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:39.472000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:39.472000', 'bytes': 973650944, 'norm_byte': 51638272, 'ops': 950831, 'norm_ops': 50428, 'norm_ltcy': 19.848045070137125, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:39.472000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:39.472000",
+ "bytes": 973650944,
+ "norm_byte": 51638272,
+ "ops": 950831,
+ "norm_ops": 50428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.848045070137125,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb7d4bde6dd27286de4dfd4b50590627505ddced531bc417cd9f1d659e0a1da5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:40.473000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:40.473000', 'bytes': 1028140032, 'norm_byte': 54489088, 'ops': 1004043, 'norm_ops': 53212, 'norm_ltcy': 18.811582972355858, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:40.473000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:40.473000",
+ "bytes": 1028140032,
+ "norm_byte": 54489088,
+ "ops": 1004043,
+ "norm_ops": 53212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.811582972355858,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "199a92ee7952ba33bd64c60e453427752ebb28551ba858fb6ee5b274efd3af8e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:41.474000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:41.474000', 'bytes': 1096317952, 'norm_byte': 68177920, 'ops': 1070623, 'norm_ops': 66580, 'norm_ltcy': 15.034544908380894, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:41.474000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:41.474000",
+ "bytes": 1096317952,
+ "norm_byte": 68177920,
+ "ops": 1070623,
+ "norm_ops": 66580,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.034544908380894,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc7e85c6e1d7251459daa06f01c5d373878fdf12fbc1a3062a8e7344493fedb7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:42.475000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:42.475000', 'bytes': 1166281728, 'norm_byte': 69963776, 'ops': 1138947, 'norm_ops': 68324, 'norm_ltcy': 14.652160855354634, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:42.475000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:42.475000",
+ "bytes": 1166281728,
+ "norm_byte": 69963776,
+ "ops": 1138947,
+ "norm_ops": 68324,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.652160855354634,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6652b5fc40291e6a3b0b7bbff1c5843c6a3f1c45b137adf13409c6ea5726311",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:43.477000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:43.477000', 'bytes': 1236419584, 'norm_byte': 70137856, 'ops': 1207441, 'norm_ops': 68494, 'norm_ltcy': 14.616425543432637, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:43.477000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:43.477000",
+ "bytes": 1236419584,
+ "norm_byte": 70137856,
+ "ops": 1207441,
+ "norm_ops": 68494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.616425543432637,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7a32231aed82dddc02b9780e6076ab2c057395b1aaae7bbd7123b1abc6d1fe9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:44.478000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:44.478000', 'bytes': 1292080128, 'norm_byte': 55660544, 'ops': 1261797, 'norm_ops': 54356, 'norm_ltcy': 18.41759757145025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:44.478000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:44.478000",
+ "bytes": 1292080128,
+ "norm_byte": 55660544,
+ "ops": 1261797,
+ "norm_ops": 54356,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.41759757145025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b81dd93030b4fafeb36698cc2acc56f6258b3ecffff24c1d3e00e4718827332d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:45.479000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:45.479000', 'bytes': 1348126720, 'norm_byte': 56046592, 'ops': 1316530, 'norm_ops': 54733, 'norm_ltcy': 18.29053673771993, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:45.479000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:45.479000",
+ "bytes": 1348126720,
+ "norm_byte": 56046592,
+ "ops": 1316530,
+ "norm_ops": 54733,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.29053673771993,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "005f0bc056614ee66e9068e398af7a804e39f65b5f77236d7cc1d600221356b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:46.480000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:46.480000', 'bytes': 1418447872, 'norm_byte': 70321152, 'ops': 1385203, 'norm_ops': 68673, 'norm_ltcy': 14.577662208946746, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:46.480000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:46.480000",
+ "bytes": 1418447872,
+ "norm_byte": 70321152,
+ "ops": 1385203,
+ "norm_ops": 68673,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.577662208946746,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "629a76c09c39750b4d72cdd54a076cd3e08d6b967318367c8a4ea9002e65e766",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:47.481000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:47.481000', 'bytes': 1474110464, 'norm_byte': 55662592, 'ops': 1439561, 'norm_ops': 54358, 'norm_ltcy': 18.416695363377976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:47.481000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:47.481000",
+ "bytes": 1474110464,
+ "norm_byte": 55662592,
+ "ops": 1439561,
+ "norm_ops": 54358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.416695363377976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd2c18bc8509cb50750e36b2cbe65faa1aa20bc681aba9834c26357b99ecdcf7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:48.482000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:48.482000', 'bytes': 1529822208, 'norm_byte': 55711744, 'ops': 1493967, 'norm_ops': 54406, 'norm_ltcy': 18.399419519159192, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:48.482000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:48.482000",
+ "bytes": 1529822208,
+ "norm_byte": 55711744,
+ "ops": 1493967,
+ "norm_ops": 54406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.399419519159192,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4490fbf8e6e9b6f5bacc6df6ecc4234915a88b69deacf00c8674f5dfb31e887",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:49.483000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:49.483000', 'bytes': 1599998976, 'norm_byte': 70176768, 'ops': 1562499, 'norm_ops': 68532, 'norm_ltcy': 14.607644085290447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:49.483000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:49.483000",
+ "bytes": 1599998976,
+ "norm_byte": 70176768,
+ "ops": 1562499,
+ "norm_ops": 68532,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.607644085290447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9820d0fa2111e207b9a41a5e3d9ade776081fedbef62213a7bc50ef9c045230",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:50.484000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:50.484000', 'bytes': 1670298624, 'norm_byte': 70299648, 'ops': 1631151, 'norm_ops': 68652, 'norm_ltcy': 14.582203171202222, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:50.484000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:50.484000",
+ "bytes": 1670298624,
+ "norm_byte": 70299648,
+ "ops": 1631151,
+ "norm_ops": 68652,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.582203171202222,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d012b986d699c25693cab3dfb39837d9ec3e468a4126f0d514b3a3fd5dbe2779",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:51.484000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:51.484000', 'bytes': 1740442624, 'norm_byte': 70144000, 'ops': 1699651, 'norm_ops': 68500, 'norm_ltcy': 14.600796219206204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:51.484000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:51.484000",
+ "bytes": 1740442624,
+ "norm_byte": 70144000,
+ "ops": 1699651,
+ "norm_ops": 68500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.600796219206204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e00094126bf10301d8bd85818796d180d0c9e7dbbaf68b9b974d9eb605ba4ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:52.485000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:52.485000', 'bytes': 1810512896, 'norm_byte': 70070272, 'ops': 1768079, 'norm_ops': 68428, 'norm_ltcy': 14.629923942638612, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:52.485000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:52.485000",
+ "bytes": 1810512896,
+ "norm_byte": 70070272,
+ "ops": 1768079,
+ "norm_ops": 68428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.629923942638612,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "809acdb54bd4ef2b28664d099268980e50d25f02a2ada6c2412fee69aca4c7d9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:53.487000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:53.487000', 'bytes': 1837995008, 'norm_byte': 27482112, 'ops': 1794917, 'norm_ops': 26838, 'norm_ltcy': 37.301363519659624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:53.487000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:53.487000",
+ "bytes": 1837995008,
+ "norm_byte": 27482112,
+ "ops": 1794917,
+ "norm_ops": 26838,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.301363519659624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "57861d0171610f08d1615d32aa1530b6ca7c3b81987061eb0dbd2de26f458de0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:54.488000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:54.488000', 'bytes': 1905998848, 'norm_byte': 68003840, 'ops': 1861327, 'norm_ops': 66410, 'norm_ltcy': 15.074464912569642, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:54.488000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:54.488000",
+ "bytes": 1905998848,
+ "norm_byte": 68003840,
+ "ops": 1861327,
+ "norm_ops": 66410,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.074464912569642,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc8730ea46abf5858c0f6855f74cb2c3ea99c723b9156f4ab4ae276600fa9091",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:55.489000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:55.489000', 'bytes': 1973097472, 'norm_byte': 67098624, 'ops': 1926853, 'norm_ops': 65526, 'norm_ltcy': 15.27797723541991, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:55.489000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:55.489000",
+ "bytes": 1973097472,
+ "norm_byte": 67098624,
+ "ops": 1926853,
+ "norm_ops": 65526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.27797723541991,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "385a310d281e2e41a2ab3e0763238be999ac47a2da176f04a5b6d887ade785fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:56.490000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:56.490000', 'bytes': 2040058880, 'norm_byte': 66961408, 'ops': 1992245, 'norm_ops': 65392, 'norm_ltcy': 15.309351768708328, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:56.490000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:56.490000",
+ "bytes": 2040058880,
+ "norm_byte": 66961408,
+ "ops": 1992245,
+ "norm_ops": 65392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.309351768708328,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ccb9e1a20ac776ccc82d614a2fa0a62c18e9e9dd4facbefa9635b0cc8637d50b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:57.491000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:57.491000', 'bytes': 2093366272, 'norm_byte': 53307392, 'ops': 2044303, 'norm_ops': 52058, 'norm_ltcy': 19.23041461116687, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:57.491000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:57.491000",
+ "bytes": 2093366272,
+ "norm_byte": 53307392,
+ "ops": 2044303,
+ "norm_ops": 52058,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.23041461116687,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc97acb1adc56ef4f45525e4663a91f0f7effa33a15eca01bbd8ab364930dad5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:58.492000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:58.492000', 'bytes': 2147003392, 'norm_byte': 53637120, 'ops': 2096683, 'norm_ops': 52380, 'norm_ltcy': 19.112072012815005, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:58.492000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:58.492000",
+ "bytes": 2147003392,
+ "norm_byte": 53637120,
+ "ops": 2096683,
+ "norm_ops": 52380,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.112072012815005,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aaba692a09407dbc79050f5379061393cbbefff4fe63db7fa12e2d81893b7988",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:52:59.493000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:52:59.493000', 'bytes': 2201150464, 'norm_byte': 54147072, 'ops': 2149561, 'norm_ops': 52878, 'norm_ltcy': 18.932251775312984, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:52:59.493000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:52:59.493000",
+ "bytes": 2201150464,
+ "norm_byte": 54147072,
+ "ops": 2149561,
+ "norm_ops": 52878,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.932251775312984,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55a551b83e3548493c8631dc7a2e5bbbefc0e7b8e0487c353ffd316a12f6a35e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:00.494000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:00.494000', 'bytes': 2254584832, 'norm_byte': 53434368, 'ops': 2201743, 'norm_ops': 52182, 'norm_ltcy': 19.18468465838316, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:00.494000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:00.494000",
+ "bytes": 2254584832,
+ "norm_byte": 53434368,
+ "ops": 2201743,
+ "norm_ops": 52182,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.18468465838316,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9800cd66264f870eefdb3409b14434d7ee736b55d5a5040567a8004afa4231c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:01.495000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:01.495000', 'bytes': 2321382400, 'norm_byte': 66797568, 'ops': 2266975, 'norm_ops': 65232, 'norm_ltcy': 15.346576689738164, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:01.495000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:01.495000",
+ "bytes": 2321382400,
+ "norm_byte": 66797568,
+ "ops": 2266975,
+ "norm_ops": 65232,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.346576689738164,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "070ec1488c7b1408726d8478ea203a369041321b50c6ac99e40df66cc8ed0230",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:02.496000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:02.496000', 'bytes': 2385361920, 'norm_byte': 63979520, 'ops': 2329455, 'norm_ops': 62480, 'norm_ltcy': 16.023025805757843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:02.496000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:02.496000",
+ "bytes": 2385361920,
+ "norm_byte": 63979520,
+ "ops": 2329455,
+ "norm_ops": 62480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.023025805757843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db9ea3c12c97a838f3b5f94cfec11b88bc49e63e9490c3ff65b21fb66b73c015",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:03.498000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:03.498000', 'bytes': 2427911168, 'norm_byte': 42549248, 'ops': 2371007, 'norm_ops': 41552, 'norm_ltcy': 24.093069752960147, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:03.498000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:03.498000",
+ "bytes": 2427911168,
+ "norm_byte": 42549248,
+ "ops": 2371007,
+ "norm_ops": 41552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.093069752960147,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a909e2cee641a06ea0dcabc300fb3d86ad2492644928c8be62e830a88afe4100",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:04.499000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:04.499000', 'bytes': 2494917632, 'norm_byte': 67006464, 'ops': 2436443, 'norm_ops': 65436, 'norm_ltcy': 15.29885609245102, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:04.499000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:04.499000",
+ "bytes": 2494917632,
+ "norm_byte": 67006464,
+ "ops": 2436443,
+ "norm_ops": 65436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.29885609245102,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ba97ab4d682a54669f5d42baf064e119cd307571be33a20c0f81aac8c8e8d6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:05.500000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:05.500000', 'bytes': 2549412864, 'norm_byte': 54495232, 'ops': 2489661, 'norm_ops': 53218, 'norm_ltcy': 18.811375094246777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:05.500000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:05.500000",
+ "bytes": 2549412864,
+ "norm_byte": 54495232,
+ "ops": 2489661,
+ "norm_ops": 53218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.811375094246777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1d27ae497bff5522c0d4ddbae3ae11eede20c1d8ee5fa18f8307e089b551142",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:06.501000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:06.501000', 'bytes': 2604114944, 'norm_byte': 54702080, 'ops': 2543081, 'norm_ops': 53420, 'norm_ltcy': 18.740174048226322, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:06.501000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:06.501000",
+ "bytes": 2604114944,
+ "norm_byte": 54702080,
+ "ops": 2543081,
+ "norm_ops": 53420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.740174048226322,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e4a13e80b28219dc2927fd9f67873937d845cdcca35a389ce8c8fbc0383dc050",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:07.502000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:07.502000', 'bytes': 2658483200, 'norm_byte': 54368256, 'ops': 2596175, 'norm_ops': 53094, 'norm_ltcy': 18.855129360779937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:07.502000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:07.502000",
+ "bytes": 2658483200,
+ "norm_byte": 54368256,
+ "ops": 2596175,
+ "norm_ops": 53094,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.855129360779937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cbc078a11924fa88d7b3c845472a50eb93ebd421b751a4ed2a4aadb1d3e020c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:08.503000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:08.503000', 'bytes': 2727072768, 'norm_byte': 68589568, 'ops': 2663157, 'norm_ops': 66982, 'norm_ltcy': 14.945793214501657, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:08.503000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:08.503000",
+ "bytes": 2727072768,
+ "norm_byte": 68589568,
+ "ops": 2663157,
+ "norm_ops": 66982,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.945793214501657,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8bdb4f47449c3c882a20d3794f0a295999aac579f144bedf2f7275d47b436b50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:09.504000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:09.504000', 'bytes': 2781817856, 'norm_byte': 54745088, 'ops': 2716619, 'norm_ops': 53462, 'norm_ltcy': 18.725378612963414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:09.504000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:09.504000",
+ "bytes": 2781817856,
+ "norm_byte": 54745088,
+ "ops": 2716619,
+ "norm_ops": 53462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.725378612963414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd46389aeb68eaae7522debca71e0d14ebcf39eebb5ed3d3dfa97b800ef5a52b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:10.505000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:10.505000', 'bytes': 2836040704, 'norm_byte': 54222848, 'ops': 2769571, 'norm_ops': 52952, 'norm_ltcy': 18.905844820249943, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:10.505000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:10.505000",
+ "bytes": 2836040704,
+ "norm_byte": 54222848,
+ "ops": 2769571,
+ "norm_ops": 52952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.905844820249943,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1565a50f15454a4b1f6ae047e88331f38f52bbcea6cf7c47037d7e88941fda9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:11.506000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:11.506000', 'bytes': 2890519552, 'norm_byte': 54478848, 'ops': 2822773, 'norm_ops': 53202, 'norm_ltcy': 18.817055382668887, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:11.506000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:11.506000",
+ "bytes": 2890519552,
+ "norm_byte": 54478848,
+ "ops": 2822773,
+ "norm_ops": 53202,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.817055382668887,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20c50f1e65e779653e726482ac28edb531e4d24ee14e953a690c4f56c01d13cd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:12.507000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:12.507000', 'bytes': 2944748544, 'norm_byte': 54228992, 'ops': 2875731, 'norm_ops': 52958, 'norm_ltcy': 18.903970223160332, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:12.507000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:12.507000",
+ "bytes": 2944748544,
+ "norm_byte": 54228992,
+ "ops": 2875731,
+ "norm_ops": 52958,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.903970223160332,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f05a58de6f0905e64e5ce59ef7b8956aea298a4264095f8d7365449d7adaa8bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:13.509000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:13.509000', 'bytes': 3012035584, 'norm_byte': 67287040, 'ops': 2941441, 'norm_ops': 65710, 'norm_ltcy': 15.235292710156369, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:13.509000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:13.509000",
+ "bytes": 3012035584,
+ "norm_byte": 67287040,
+ "ops": 2941441,
+ "norm_ops": 65710,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.235292710156369,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "feaf0ab00ed5342dedf63d0f2c1680821aefe60eff939d1e03314f03e906aae1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:14.510000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:14.510000', 'bytes': 3065365504, 'norm_byte': 53329920, 'ops': 2993521, 'norm_ops': 52080, 'norm_ltcy': 19.222319290934617, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:14.510000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:14.510000",
+ "bytes": 3065365504,
+ "norm_byte": 53329920,
+ "ops": 2993521,
+ "norm_ops": 52080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.222319290934617,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "577e2a0da1412a776f2f3dc596c41fdbbbc522423fe6b7a33032587a6b389fd8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:15.511000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:15.511000', 'bytes': 3118779392, 'norm_byte': 53413888, 'ops': 3045683, 'norm_ops': 52162, 'norm_ltcy': 19.191942178034296, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:15.511000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:15.511000",
+ "bytes": 3118779392,
+ "norm_byte": 53413888,
+ "ops": 3045683,
+ "norm_ops": 52162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.191942178034296,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e0f55d870313e31acc411a406bdb2a311f2a7236d078b5426cf5ce8dacb0947",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:16.512000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:16.512000', 'bytes': 3172355072, 'norm_byte': 53575680, 'ops': 3098003, 'norm_ops': 52320, 'norm_ltcy': 19.13413884807435, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:16.512000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:16.512000",
+ "bytes": 3172355072,
+ "norm_byte": 53575680,
+ "ops": 3098003,
+ "norm_ops": 52320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.13413884807435,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3c1874ba31a28e94d9cc9c08557bceda40aff710381785cb26555c18500bbba4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:17.513000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:17.513000', 'bytes': 3239554048, 'norm_byte': 67198976, 'ops': 3163627, 'norm_ops': 65624, 'norm_ltcy': 15.254964599460564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:17.513000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:17.513000",
+ "bytes": 3239554048,
+ "norm_byte": 67198976,
+ "ops": 3163627,
+ "norm_ops": 65624,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.254964599460564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "31763ed06df149a98946fa353f6d9bef25207c1d751cfcd4a1b759799a6df467",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:18.514000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:18.514000', 'bytes': 3292747776, 'norm_byte': 53193728, 'ops': 3215574, 'norm_ops': 51947, 'norm_ltcy': 19.27134153861147, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:18.514000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:18.514000",
+ "bytes": 3292747776,
+ "norm_byte": 53193728,
+ "ops": 3215574,
+ "norm_ops": 51947,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.27134153861147,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1583c4196639345e31d813f9fa040a039c3cd7092afe8846e6f2596cd127c377",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:19.515000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:19.515000', 'bytes': 3360033792, 'norm_byte': 67286016, 'ops': 3281283, 'norm_ops': 65709, 'norm_ltcy': 15.23527191742189, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:19.515000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:19.515000",
+ "bytes": 3360033792,
+ "norm_byte": 67286016,
+ "ops": 3281283,
+ "norm_ops": 65709,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.23527191742189,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3c252dec5611a32bf250f403e6471bebd9234ed8d31c12fb097dee36efaba1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:20.516000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:20.516000', 'bytes': 3427234816, 'norm_byte': 67201024, 'ops': 3346909, 'norm_ops': 65626, 'norm_ltcy': 15.254514574063634, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:20.516000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:20.516000",
+ "bytes": 3427234816,
+ "norm_byte": 67201024,
+ "ops": 3346909,
+ "norm_ops": 65626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.254514574063634,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "71b568f1b2b5b8730fdd0e05f5d533c1117f034f505d7813eda1cb3ed5f79fde",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:21.517000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:21.517000', 'bytes': 3480570880, 'norm_byte': 53336064, 'ops': 3398995, 'norm_ops': 52086, 'norm_ltcy': 19.220048746004206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:21.517000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:21.517000",
+ "bytes": 3480570880,
+ "norm_byte": 53336064,
+ "ops": 3398995,
+ "norm_ops": 52086,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.220048746004206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df60307d8eee339f0b20a192ae0f6aaffd4ed786fe55df56ce29584a6b04a7c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:53:22.719000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:53:22.719000', 'bytes': 3520326656, 'norm_byte': 39755776, 'ops': 3437819, 'norm_ops': 38824, 'norm_ltcy': 30.942579261941713, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:53:22.719000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:53:22.719000",
+ "bytes": 3520326656,
+ "norm_byte": 39755776,
+ "ops": 3437819,
+ "norm_ops": 38824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.942579261941713,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "76dc5a94-02ca-542b-b51b-05e7d6cd9423",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87dec53658927be0a03ac1fc6516b3c87e6501a7ae37d78a348d54ebc5f8663a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 58672110.93333333
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 57296.98333333333
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 25.32008196132249
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:53:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-099-220519224937/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-099-220519224937/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6df30dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-099-220519224937/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-099-220519224937/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-099-220519224937/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-099-220519224937/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-099-220519224937/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-099-220519224937/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a94fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-099-220519224937/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=35
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=45
+ vm.swappiness=85
+ net.core.busy_read=40
+ net.core.busy_poll=160
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-100-220519225139/220519225139-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-100-220519225139/220519225139-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9e3eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-100-220519225139/220519225139-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:54:22Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000863089.9207 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000864091.0244 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000864091.1084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000865092.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35181568 nr_ops:34357\ntimestamp_ms:1653000866093.2168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70407168 nr_ops:68757\ntimestamp_ms:1653000867094.3708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105694208 nr_ops:103217\ntimestamp_ms:1653000868095.4348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141075456 nr_ops:137769\ntimestamp_ms:1653000869096.5210 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176264192 nr_ops:172133\ntimestamp_ms:1653000870097.6035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211313664 nr_ops:206361\ntimestamp_ms:1653000871098.6394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246705152 nr_ops:240923\ntimestamp_ms:1653000872099.6729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:281795584 nr_ops:275191\ntimestamp_ms:1653000873100.7153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317060096 nr_ops:309629\ntimestamp_ms:1653000874101.8054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352633856 nr_ops:344369\ntimestamp_ms:1653000875102.9297 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:387883008 nr_ops:378792\ntimestamp_ms:1653000876103.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423277568 nr_ops:413357\ntimestamp_ms:1653000877104.8809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458411008 nr_ops:447667\ntimestamp_ms:1653000878105.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493534208 nr_ops:481967\ntimestamp_ms:1653000879107.0869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529011712 nr_ops:516613\ntimestamp_ms:1653000880108.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564268032 nr_ops:551043\ntimestamp_ms:1653000881109.2051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599510016 nr_ops:585459\ntimestamp_ms:1653000882110.2986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634722304 nr_ops:619846\ntimestamp_ms:1653000883111.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670094336 nr_ops:654389\ntimestamp_ms:1653000884112.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705494016 nr_ops:688959\ntimestamp_ms:1653000885113.3938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740529152 nr_ops:723173\ntimestamp_ms:1653000886114.4817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775825408 nr_ops:757642\ntimestamp_ms:1653000887115.5742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811056128 nr_ops:792047\ntimestamp_ms:1653000888116.6641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846373888 nr_ops:826537\ntimestamp_ms:1653000889117.7510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881308672 nr_ops:860653\ntimestamp_ms:1653000890118.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916614144 nr_ops:895131\ntimestamp_ms:1653000891119.9688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951587840 nr_ops:929285\ntimestamp_ms:1653000892121.0608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986622976 nr_ops:963499\ntimestamp_ms:1653000893122.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021914112 nr_ops:997963\ntimestamp_ms:1653000894123.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1057567744 nr_ops:1032781\ntimestamp_ms:1653000895124.3218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092939776 nr_ops:1067324\ntimestamp_ms:1653000896125.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1128103936 nr_ops:1101664\ntimestamp_ms:1653000897126.4443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163539456 nr_ops:1136269\ntimestamp_ms:1653000898127.5708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1198777344 nr_ops:1170681\ntimestamp_ms:1653000899128.6606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234111488 nr_ops:1205187\ntimestamp_ms:1653000900129.7566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269279744 nr_ops:1239531\ntimestamp_ms:1653000901130.8638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304617984 nr_ops:1274041\ntimestamp_ms:1653000902131.9578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340144640 nr_ops:1308735\ntimestamp_ms:1653000903133.0452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375828992 nr_ops:1343583\ntimestamp_ms:1653000904134.1357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411374080 nr_ops:1378295\ntimestamp_ms:1653000905135.2224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446672384 nr_ops:1412766\ntimestamp_ms:1653000906136.2554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481796608 nr_ops:1447067\ntimestamp_ms:1653000907137.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517066240 nr_ops:1481510\ntimestamp_ms:1653000908138.4468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552385024 nr_ops:1516001\ntimestamp_ms:1653000909139.5356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587780608 nr_ops:1550567\ntimestamp_ms:1653000910140.6223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1623155712 nr_ops:1585113\ntimestamp_ms:1653000911141.7119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1658359808 nr_ops:1619492\ntimestamp_ms:1653000912142.7788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693348864 nr_ops:1653661\ntimestamp_ms:1653000913143.8718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728394240 nr_ops:1687885\ntimestamp_ms:1653000914144.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763859456 nr_ops:1722519\ntimestamp_ms:1653000915146.0447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799754752 nr_ops:1757573\ntimestamp_ms:1653000916147.1423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835291648 nr_ops:1792277\ntimestamp_ms:1653000917148.2368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870810112 nr_ops:1826963\ntimestamp_ms:1653000918149.3281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906506752 nr_ops:1861823\ntimestamp_ms:1653000919150.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941926912 nr_ops:1896413\ntimestamp_ms:1653000920151.5044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977084928 nr_ops:1930747\ntimestamp_ms:1653000921152.6001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2013115392 nr_ops:1965933\ntimestamp_ms:1653000922153.7263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049012736 nr_ops:2000989\ntimestamp_ms:1653000923154.8145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084920320 nr_ops:2036055\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139968542623488\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.1484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2120135680 nr_ops:2070445\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.2273 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.2380 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924456.4580 name:Total nr_bytes:2120135680 nr_ops:2070446\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.2888 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4240271358 nr_ops:4140892\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.2900 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2120135680 nr_ops:2070448\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 221.10us 0.00ns 221.10us 221.10us \nTxn1 1035223 57.98us 0.00ns 3.10ms 24.98us \nTxn2 1 47.36us 0.00ns 47.36us 47.36us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 220.45us 0.00ns 220.45us 220.45us \nwrite 1035223 3.89us 0.00ns 149.75us 2.24us \nread 1035222 53.98us 0.00ns 3.09ms 1.41us \ndisconnect 1 46.62us 0.00ns 46.62us 46.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16599 16599 144.74Mb/s 144.74Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.95b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.195 62.37s 1.97GB 271.95Mb/s 2070447 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.96Mb/s 2070448 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415677, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000863089.9207 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000864091.0244 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000864091.1084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000865092.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35181568 nr_ops:34357\ntimestamp_ms:1653000866093.2168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70407168 nr_ops:68757\ntimestamp_ms:1653000867094.3708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105694208 nr_ops:103217\ntimestamp_ms:1653000868095.4348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141075456 nr_ops:137769\ntimestamp_ms:1653000869096.5210 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176264192 nr_ops:172133\ntimestamp_ms:1653000870097.6035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211313664 nr_ops:206361\ntimestamp_ms:1653000871098.6394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246705152 nr_ops:240923\ntimestamp_ms:1653000872099.6729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:281795584 nr_ops:275191\ntimestamp_ms:1653000873100.7153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317060096 nr_ops:309629\ntimestamp_ms:1653000874101.8054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352633856 nr_ops:344369\ntimestamp_ms:1653000875102.9297 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:387883008 nr_ops:378792\ntimestamp_ms:1653000876103.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423277568 nr_ops:413357\ntimestamp_ms:1653000877104.8809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458411008 nr_ops:447667\ntimestamp_ms:1653000878105.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493534208 nr_ops:481967\ntimestamp_ms:1653000879107.0869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529011712 nr_ops:516613\ntimestamp_ms:1653000880108.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564268032 nr_ops:551043\ntimestamp_ms:1653000881109.2051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599510016 nr_ops:585459\ntimestamp_ms:1653000882110.2986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634722304 nr_ops:619846\ntimestamp_ms:1653000883111.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670094336 nr_ops:654389\ntimestamp_ms:1653000884112.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705494016 nr_ops:688959\ntimestamp_ms:1653000885113.3938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740529152 nr_ops:723173\ntimestamp_ms:1653000886114.4817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775825408 nr_ops:757642\ntimestamp_ms:1653000887115.5742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811056128 nr_ops:792047\ntimestamp_ms:1653000888116.6641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846373888 nr_ops:826537\ntimestamp_ms:1653000889117.7510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881308672 nr_ops:860653\ntimestamp_ms:1653000890118.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916614144 nr_ops:895131\ntimestamp_ms:1653000891119.9688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951587840 nr_ops:929285\ntimestamp_ms:1653000892121.0608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986622976 nr_ops:963499\ntimestamp_ms:1653000893122.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021914112 nr_ops:997963\ntimestamp_ms:1653000894123.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1057567744 nr_ops:1032781\ntimestamp_ms:1653000895124.3218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092939776 nr_ops:1067324\ntimestamp_ms:1653000896125.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1128103936 nr_ops:1101664\ntimestamp_ms:1653000897126.4443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163539456 nr_ops:1136269\ntimestamp_ms:1653000898127.5708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1198777344 nr_ops:1170681\ntimestamp_ms:1653000899128.6606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234111488 nr_ops:1205187\ntimestamp_ms:1653000900129.7566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269279744 nr_ops:1239531\ntimestamp_ms:1653000901130.8638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304617984 nr_ops:1274041\ntimestamp_ms:1653000902131.9578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340144640 nr_ops:1308735\ntimestamp_ms:1653000903133.0452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375828992 nr_ops:1343583\ntimestamp_ms:1653000904134.1357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411374080 nr_ops:1378295\ntimestamp_ms:1653000905135.2224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446672384 nr_ops:1412766\ntimestamp_ms:1653000906136.2554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481796608 nr_ops:1447067\ntimestamp_ms:1653000907137.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517066240 nr_ops:1481510\ntimestamp_ms:1653000908138.4468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552385024 nr_ops:1516001\ntimestamp_ms:1653000909139.5356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587780608 nr_ops:1550567\ntimestamp_ms:1653000910140.6223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1623155712 nr_ops:1585113\ntimestamp_ms:1653000911141.7119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1658359808 nr_ops:1619492\ntimestamp_ms:1653000912142.7788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693348864 nr_ops:1653661\ntimestamp_ms:1653000913143.8718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728394240 nr_ops:1687885\ntimestamp_ms:1653000914144.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763859456 nr_ops:1722519\ntimestamp_ms:1653000915146.0447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799754752 nr_ops:1757573\ntimestamp_ms:1653000916147.1423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835291648 nr_ops:1792277\ntimestamp_ms:1653000917148.2368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870810112 nr_ops:1826963\ntimestamp_ms:1653000918149.3281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906506752 nr_ops:1861823\ntimestamp_ms:1653000919150.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941926912 nr_ops:1896413\ntimestamp_ms:1653000920151.5044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977084928 nr_ops:1930747\ntimestamp_ms:1653000921152.6001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2013115392 nr_ops:1965933\ntimestamp_ms:1653000922153.7263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049012736 nr_ops:2000989\ntimestamp_ms:1653000923154.8145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084920320 nr_ops:2036055\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139968542623488\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.1484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2120135680 nr_ops:2070445\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.2273 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.2380 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924456.4580 name:Total nr_bytes:2120135680 nr_ops:2070446\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.2888 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4240271358 nr_ops:4140892\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.2900 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2120135680 nr_ops:2070448\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 221.10us 0.00ns 221.10us 221.10us \nTxn1 1035223 57.98us 0.00ns 3.10ms 24.98us \nTxn2 1 47.36us 0.00ns 47.36us 47.36us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 220.45us 0.00ns 220.45us 220.45us \nwrite 1035223 3.89us 0.00ns 149.75us 2.24us \nread 1035222 53.98us 0.00ns 3.09ms 1.41us \ndisconnect 1 46.62us 0.00ns 46.62us 46.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16599 16599 144.74Mb/s 144.74Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.95b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.195 62.37s 1.97GB 271.95Mb/s 2070447 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.96Mb/s 2070448 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415677, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000863089.9207 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000864091.0244 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000864091.1084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000865092.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35181568 nr_ops:34357\ntimestamp_ms:1653000866093.2168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70407168 nr_ops:68757\ntimestamp_ms:1653000867094.3708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105694208 nr_ops:103217\ntimestamp_ms:1653000868095.4348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141075456 nr_ops:137769\ntimestamp_ms:1653000869096.5210 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176264192 nr_ops:172133\ntimestamp_ms:1653000870097.6035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211313664 nr_ops:206361\ntimestamp_ms:1653000871098.6394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246705152 nr_ops:240923\ntimestamp_ms:1653000872099.6729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:281795584 nr_ops:275191\ntimestamp_ms:1653000873100.7153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317060096 nr_ops:309629\ntimestamp_ms:1653000874101.8054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352633856 nr_ops:344369\ntimestamp_ms:1653000875102.9297 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:387883008 nr_ops:378792\ntimestamp_ms:1653000876103.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423277568 nr_ops:413357\ntimestamp_ms:1653000877104.8809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458411008 nr_ops:447667\ntimestamp_ms:1653000878105.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493534208 nr_ops:481967\ntimestamp_ms:1653000879107.0869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529011712 nr_ops:516613\ntimestamp_ms:1653000880108.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564268032 nr_ops:551043\ntimestamp_ms:1653000881109.2051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599510016 nr_ops:585459\ntimestamp_ms:1653000882110.2986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634722304 nr_ops:619846\ntimestamp_ms:1653000883111.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670094336 nr_ops:654389\ntimestamp_ms:1653000884112.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705494016 nr_ops:688959\ntimestamp_ms:1653000885113.3938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740529152 nr_ops:723173\ntimestamp_ms:1653000886114.4817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775825408 nr_ops:757642\ntimestamp_ms:1653000887115.5742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811056128 nr_ops:792047\ntimestamp_ms:1653000888116.6641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846373888 nr_ops:826537\ntimestamp_ms:1653000889117.7510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881308672 nr_ops:860653\ntimestamp_ms:1653000890118.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916614144 nr_ops:895131\ntimestamp_ms:1653000891119.9688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951587840 nr_ops:929285\ntimestamp_ms:1653000892121.0608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986622976 nr_ops:963499\ntimestamp_ms:1653000893122.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021914112 nr_ops:997963\ntimestamp_ms:1653000894123.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1057567744 nr_ops:1032781\ntimestamp_ms:1653000895124.3218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092939776 nr_ops:1067324\ntimestamp_ms:1653000896125.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1128103936 nr_ops:1101664\ntimestamp_ms:1653000897126.4443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163539456 nr_ops:1136269\ntimestamp_ms:1653000898127.5708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1198777344 nr_ops:1170681\ntimestamp_ms:1653000899128.6606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234111488 nr_ops:1205187\ntimestamp_ms:1653000900129.7566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269279744 nr_ops:1239531\ntimestamp_ms:1653000901130.8638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304617984 nr_ops:1274041\ntimestamp_ms:1653000902131.9578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340144640 nr_ops:1308735\ntimestamp_ms:1653000903133.0452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375828992 nr_ops:1343583\ntimestamp_ms:1653000904134.1357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411374080 nr_ops:1378295\ntimestamp_ms:1653000905135.2224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446672384 nr_ops:1412766\ntimestamp_ms:1653000906136.2554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481796608 nr_ops:1447067\ntimestamp_ms:1653000907137.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517066240 nr_ops:1481510\ntimestamp_ms:1653000908138.4468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552385024 nr_ops:1516001\ntimestamp_ms:1653000909139.5356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587780608 nr_ops:1550567\ntimestamp_ms:1653000910140.6223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1623155712 nr_ops:1585113\ntimestamp_ms:1653000911141.7119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1658359808 nr_ops:1619492\ntimestamp_ms:1653000912142.7788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693348864 nr_ops:1653661\ntimestamp_ms:1653000913143.8718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728394240 nr_ops:1687885\ntimestamp_ms:1653000914144.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763859456 nr_ops:1722519\ntimestamp_ms:1653000915146.0447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799754752 nr_ops:1757573\ntimestamp_ms:1653000916147.1423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835291648 nr_ops:1792277\ntimestamp_ms:1653000917148.2368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870810112 nr_ops:1826963\ntimestamp_ms:1653000918149.3281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906506752 nr_ops:1861823\ntimestamp_ms:1653000919150.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941926912 nr_ops:1896413\ntimestamp_ms:1653000920151.5044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977084928 nr_ops:1930747\ntimestamp_ms:1653000921152.6001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2013115392 nr_ops:1965933\ntimestamp_ms:1653000922153.7263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049012736 nr_ops:2000989\ntimestamp_ms:1653000923154.8145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084920320 nr_ops:2036055\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139968542623488\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.1484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2120135680 nr_ops:2070445\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.2273 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.2380 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924456.4580 name:Total nr_bytes:2120135680 nr_ops:2070446\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.2888 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4240271358 nr_ops:4140892\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653000924356.2900 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2120135680 nr_ops:2070448\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 221.10us 0.00ns 221.10us 221.10us \nTxn1 1035223 57.98us 0.00ns 3.10ms 24.98us \nTxn2 1 47.36us 0.00ns 47.36us 47.36us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 220.45us 0.00ns 220.45us 220.45us \nwrite 1035223 3.89us 0.00ns 149.75us 2.24us \nread 1035222 53.98us 0.00ns 3.09ms 1.41us \ndisconnect 1 46.62us 0.00ns 46.62us 46.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16599 16599 144.74Mb/s 144.74Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.95b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.195 62.37s 1.97GB 271.95Mb/s 2070447 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.96Mb/s 2070448 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415677, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000863089.9207 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000864091.0244 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000864091.1084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000865092.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35181568 nr_ops:34357
+timestamp_ms:1653000866093.2168 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70407168 nr_ops:68757
+timestamp_ms:1653000867094.3708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105694208 nr_ops:103217
+timestamp_ms:1653000868095.4348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141075456 nr_ops:137769
+timestamp_ms:1653000869096.5210 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176264192 nr_ops:172133
+timestamp_ms:1653000870097.6035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211313664 nr_ops:206361
+timestamp_ms:1653000871098.6394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246705152 nr_ops:240923
+timestamp_ms:1653000872099.6729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:281795584 nr_ops:275191
+timestamp_ms:1653000873100.7153 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317060096 nr_ops:309629
+timestamp_ms:1653000874101.8054 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352633856 nr_ops:344369
+timestamp_ms:1653000875102.9297 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:387883008 nr_ops:378792
+timestamp_ms:1653000876103.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423277568 nr_ops:413357
+timestamp_ms:1653000877104.8809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458411008 nr_ops:447667
+timestamp_ms:1653000878105.9944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493534208 nr_ops:481967
+timestamp_ms:1653000879107.0869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529011712 nr_ops:516613
+timestamp_ms:1653000880108.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564268032 nr_ops:551043
+timestamp_ms:1653000881109.2051 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599510016 nr_ops:585459
+timestamp_ms:1653000882110.2986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634722304 nr_ops:619846
+timestamp_ms:1653000883111.3306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670094336 nr_ops:654389
+timestamp_ms:1653000884112.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705494016 nr_ops:688959
+timestamp_ms:1653000885113.3938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740529152 nr_ops:723173
+timestamp_ms:1653000886114.4817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775825408 nr_ops:757642
+timestamp_ms:1653000887115.5742 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811056128 nr_ops:792047
+timestamp_ms:1653000888116.6641 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846373888 nr_ops:826537
+timestamp_ms:1653000889117.7510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881308672 nr_ops:860653
+timestamp_ms:1653000890118.8423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916614144 nr_ops:895131
+timestamp_ms:1653000891119.9688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951587840 nr_ops:929285
+timestamp_ms:1653000892121.0608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986622976 nr_ops:963499
+timestamp_ms:1653000893122.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021914112 nr_ops:997963
+timestamp_ms:1653000894123.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1057567744 nr_ops:1032781
+timestamp_ms:1653000895124.3218 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092939776 nr_ops:1067324
+timestamp_ms:1653000896125.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1128103936 nr_ops:1101664
+timestamp_ms:1653000897126.4443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163539456 nr_ops:1136269
+timestamp_ms:1653000898127.5708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1198777344 nr_ops:1170681
+timestamp_ms:1653000899128.6606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234111488 nr_ops:1205187
+timestamp_ms:1653000900129.7566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1269279744 nr_ops:1239531
+timestamp_ms:1653000901130.8638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1304617984 nr_ops:1274041
+timestamp_ms:1653000902131.9578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340144640 nr_ops:1308735
+timestamp_ms:1653000903133.0452 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1375828992 nr_ops:1343583
+timestamp_ms:1653000904134.1357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411374080 nr_ops:1378295
+timestamp_ms:1653000905135.2224 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446672384 nr_ops:1412766
+timestamp_ms:1653000906136.2554 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481796608 nr_ops:1447067
+timestamp_ms:1653000907137.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517066240 nr_ops:1481510
+timestamp_ms:1653000908138.4468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552385024 nr_ops:1516001
+timestamp_ms:1653000909139.5356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587780608 nr_ops:1550567
+timestamp_ms:1653000910140.6223 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1623155712 nr_ops:1585113
+timestamp_ms:1653000911141.7119 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1658359808 nr_ops:1619492
+timestamp_ms:1653000912142.7788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693348864 nr_ops:1653661
+timestamp_ms:1653000913143.8718 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728394240 nr_ops:1687885
+timestamp_ms:1653000914144.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763859456 nr_ops:1722519
+timestamp_ms:1653000915146.0447 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799754752 nr_ops:1757573
+timestamp_ms:1653000916147.1423 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835291648 nr_ops:1792277
+timestamp_ms:1653000917148.2368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870810112 nr_ops:1826963
+timestamp_ms:1653000918149.3281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906506752 nr_ops:1861823
+timestamp_ms:1653000919150.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941926912 nr_ops:1896413
+timestamp_ms:1653000920151.5044 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977084928 nr_ops:1930747
+timestamp_ms:1653000921152.6001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2013115392 nr_ops:1965933
+timestamp_ms:1653000922153.7263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2049012736 nr_ops:2000989
+timestamp_ms:1653000923154.8145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2084920320 nr_ops:2036055
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139968542623488
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653000924356.1484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2120135680 nr_ops:2070445
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000924356.2273 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000924356.2380 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000924456.4580 name:Total nr_bytes:2120135680 nr_ops:2070446
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000924356.2888 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4240271358 nr_ops:4140892
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653000924356.2900 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2120135680 nr_ops:2070448
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 221.10us 0.00ns 221.10us 221.10us
+Txn1 1035223 57.98us 0.00ns 3.10ms 24.98us
+Txn2 1 47.36us 0.00ns 47.36us 47.36us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 220.45us 0.00ns 220.45us 220.45us
+write 1035223 3.89us 0.00ns 149.75us 2.24us
+read 1035222 53.98us 0.00ns 3.09ms 1.41us
+disconnect 1 46.62us 0.00ns 46.62us 46.62us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 16599 16599 144.74Mb/s 144.74Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.95b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.195 62.37s 1.97GB 271.95Mb/s 2070447 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.97GB 271.96Mb/s 2070448 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:25.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:25.092000', 'bytes': 35181568, 'norm_byte': 35181568, 'ops': 34357, 'norm_ops': 34357, 'norm_ltcy': 29.1374662436876, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:25.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:25.092000",
+ "bytes": 35181568,
+ "norm_byte": 35181568,
+ "ops": 34357,
+ "norm_ops": 34357,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.1374662436876,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb144cb03cdc1c3aa8adddf835727e6a97bfc2c753627e595a11cacd93c3ff9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:26.093000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:26.093000', 'bytes': 70407168, 'norm_byte': 35225600, 'ops': 68757, 'norm_ops': 34400, 'norm_ltcy': 29.099781125090843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:26.093000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:26.093000",
+ "bytes": 70407168,
+ "norm_byte": 35225600,
+ "ops": 68757,
+ "norm_ops": 34400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.099781125090843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ccfbd79fed1e1055fcb6cfb0b9304cb140d66f67ed77cdd8540cd8b21c028a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:27.094000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:27.094000', 'bytes': 105694208, 'norm_byte': 35287040, 'ops': 103217, 'norm_ops': 34460, 'norm_ltcy': 29.052642273197183, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:27.094000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:27.094000",
+ "bytes": 105694208,
+ "norm_byte": 35287040,
+ "ops": 103217,
+ "norm_ops": 34460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.052642273197183,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b6ad43f9c715e9e5357b361390c5c643e400795607d7f9b21cb658f1a454e18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:28.095000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:28.095000', 'bytes': 141075456, 'norm_byte': 35381248, 'ops': 137769, 'norm_ops': 34552, 'norm_ltcy': 28.972677843359286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:28.095000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:28.095000",
+ "bytes": 141075456,
+ "norm_byte": 35381248,
+ "ops": 137769,
+ "norm_ops": 34552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.972677843359286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ad64936c188023438fa214769b301d6c86d36be323b272a4b3970bc5083b1e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:29.096000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:29.096000', 'bytes': 176264192, 'norm_byte': 35188736, 'ops': 172133, 'norm_ops': 34364, 'norm_ltcy': 29.131829287644774, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:29.096000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:29.096000",
+ "bytes": 176264192,
+ "norm_byte": 35188736,
+ "ops": 172133,
+ "norm_ops": 34364,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.131829287644774,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea1f97fecf4188235d55e72a9adcb378e33a82440411aa4d8a3a975f2fbe746c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:30.097000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:30.097000', 'bytes': 211313664, 'norm_byte': 35049472, 'ops': 206361, 'norm_ops': 34228, 'norm_ltcy': 29.247473399884598, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:30.097000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:30.097000",
+ "bytes": 211313664,
+ "norm_byte": 35049472,
+ "ops": 206361,
+ "norm_ops": 34228,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.247473399884598,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b14f2e3f76603803fa1b162a63dee2570ffe408384cd7e17f4cdbe802c3923ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:31.098000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:31.098000', 'bytes': 246705152, 'norm_byte': 35391488, 'ops': 240923, 'norm_ops': 34562, 'norm_ltcy': 28.963482688266737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:31.098000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:31.098000",
+ "bytes": 246705152,
+ "norm_byte": 35391488,
+ "ops": 240923,
+ "norm_ops": 34562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.963482688266737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b5345862548cbdc6666c8d166f85f48a40621286dd417cc168767df60f5661f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:32.099000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:32.099000', 'bytes': 281795584, 'norm_byte': 35090432, 'ops': 275191, 'norm_ops': 34268, 'norm_ltcy': 29.2119016944562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:32.099000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:32.099000",
+ "bytes": 281795584,
+ "norm_byte": 35090432,
+ "ops": 275191,
+ "norm_ops": 34268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.2119016944562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d611adcc24142902b9b2154cc46fdc006f6bf185b8ea4a3016a0e3b87342b952",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:33.100000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:33.100000', 'bytes': 317060096, 'norm_byte': 35264512, 'ops': 309629, 'norm_ops': 34438, 'norm_ltcy': 29.067962148462453, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:33.100000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:33.100000",
+ "bytes": 317060096,
+ "norm_byte": 35264512,
+ "ops": 309629,
+ "norm_ops": 34438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.067962148462453,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1fe3466b00fa825e83806033ac71fc75d1eabf416e635f93f9a188f2c380e5f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:34.101000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:34.101000', 'bytes': 352633856, 'norm_byte': 35573760, 'ops': 344369, 'norm_ops': 34740, 'norm_ltcy': 28.816640411359383, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:34.101000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:34.101000",
+ "bytes": 352633856,
+ "norm_byte": 35573760,
+ "ops": 344369,
+ "norm_ops": 34740,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.816640411359383,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d809c0c1224b89bdb0cd61b92bf3d350e02bb6457ec5e7c5606740b74ad5fa67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:35.102000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:35.102000', 'bytes': 387883008, 'norm_byte': 35249152, 'ops': 378792, 'norm_ops': 34423, 'norm_ltcy': 29.08300460674912, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:35.102000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:35.102000",
+ "bytes": 387883008,
+ "norm_byte": 35249152,
+ "ops": 378792,
+ "norm_ops": 34423,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.08300460674912,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2392eb8214ed3f91ccd33694a47a849a1910323dc5612432cf821a7c6b51bd82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:36.103000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:36.103000', 'bytes': 423277568, 'norm_byte': 35394560, 'ops': 413357, 'norm_ops': 34565, 'norm_ltcy': 28.95707701974541, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:36.103000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:36.103000",
+ "bytes": 423277568,
+ "norm_byte": 35394560,
+ "ops": 413357,
+ "norm_ops": 34565,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.95707701974541,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "afc6cb7e926593d55faf8b887ef3701f9944513067fd9511317878bfb35c0362",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:37.104000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:37.104000', 'bytes': 458411008, 'norm_byte': 35133440, 'ops': 447667, 'norm_ops': 34310, 'norm_ltcy': 29.17661919812008, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:37.104000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:37.104000",
+ "bytes": 458411008,
+ "norm_byte": 35133440,
+ "ops": 447667,
+ "norm_ops": 34310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.17661919812008,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f402d227b7ac67857c485e33b06a1bb07566808ea6021279c35078f33f211c26",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:38.105000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:38.105000', 'bytes': 493534208, 'norm_byte': 35123200, 'ops': 481967, 'norm_ops': 34300, 'norm_ltcy': 29.186983247540088, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:38.105000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:38.105000",
+ "bytes": 493534208,
+ "norm_byte": 35123200,
+ "ops": 481967,
+ "norm_ops": 34300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.186983247540088,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67c663f68ca4b9444b821d3f4e7875fcc1e3ebe8c96344e107cc80eeac3dd311",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:39.107000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:39.107000', 'bytes': 529011712, 'norm_byte': 35477504, 'ops': 516613, 'norm_ops': 34646, 'norm_ltcy': 28.89489491707196, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:39.107000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:39.107000",
+ "bytes": 529011712,
+ "norm_byte": 35477504,
+ "ops": 516613,
+ "norm_ops": 34646,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.89489491707196,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08c74bfcfcbc9b888e2f89a69d79f50885f12a6daa0382cb00a4c642e1a6c941",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:40.108000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:40.108000', 'bytes': 564268032, 'norm_byte': 35256320, 'ops': 551043, 'norm_ops': 34430, 'norm_ltcy': 29.074468067001888, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:40.108000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:40.108000",
+ "bytes": 564268032,
+ "norm_byte": 35256320,
+ "ops": 551043,
+ "norm_ops": 34430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.074468067001888,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1cb026f8a7bd8c1325ca900f1d0f9929567e9b2ef553262d68e47aaebb2761dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:41.109000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:41.109000', 'bytes': 599510016, 'norm_byte': 35241984, 'ops': 585459, 'norm_ops': 34416, 'norm_ltcy': 29.08775652358278, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:41.109000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:41.109000",
+ "bytes": 599510016,
+ "norm_byte": 35241984,
+ "ops": 585459,
+ "norm_ops": 34416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.08775652358278,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf8a0b70baee10ee0538c8864c8b81ed0989cc967b4e54bf030f67f151937985",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:42.110000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:42.110000', 'bytes': 634722304, 'norm_byte': 35212288, 'ops': 619846, 'norm_ops': 34387, 'norm_ltcy': 29.11255724138119, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:42.110000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:42.110000",
+ "bytes": 634722304,
+ "norm_byte": 35212288,
+ "ops": 619846,
+ "norm_ops": 34387,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.11255724138119,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c4827113bfc0ec69a4db4c660c1f05f4481e2808c9b6614f36afb6d3dae9511d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:43.111000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:43.111000', 'bytes': 670094336, 'norm_byte': 35372032, 'ops': 654389, 'norm_ops': 34543, 'norm_ltcy': 28.979300651995338, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:43.111000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:43.111000",
+ "bytes": 670094336,
+ "norm_byte": 35372032,
+ "ops": 654389,
+ "norm_ops": 34543,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.979300651995338,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09391433fc30fb083e5f05b7a4f678f252bf54013427994e48c7fe461bf3dda4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:44.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:44.112000', 'bytes': 705494016, 'norm_byte': 35399680, 'ops': 688959, 'norm_ops': 34570, 'norm_ltcy': 28.956744806732715, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:44.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:44.112000",
+ "bytes": 705494016,
+ "norm_byte": 35399680,
+ "ops": 688959,
+ "norm_ops": 34570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.956744806732715,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1deb381c595d91b9b781fc6ed515586eae46c03fea627625dbb046837a817a0a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:45.113000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:45.113000', 'bytes': 740529152, 'norm_byte': 35035136, 'ops': 723173, 'norm_ops': 34214, 'norm_ltcy': 29.257864162422546, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:45.113000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:45.113000",
+ "bytes": 740529152,
+ "norm_byte": 35035136,
+ "ops": 723173,
+ "norm_ops": 34214,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.257864162422546,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7bbcb0a4d4590ddace435fd25c0b0d7e6212eba746978e14eda0308cdbd9c49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:46.114000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:46.114000', 'bytes': 775825408, 'norm_byte': 35296256, 'ops': 757642, 'norm_ops': 34469, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04313703980388, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:46.114000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:46.114000",
+ "bytes": 775825408,
+ "norm_byte": 35296256,
+ "ops": 757642,
+ "norm_ops": 34469,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04313703980388,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06b041fe57d6843547f9273c71479def22e15d18f8feaf4a6f2d3bafceea630c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:47.115000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:47.115000', 'bytes': 811056128, 'norm_byte': 35230720, 'ops': 792047, 'norm_ops': 34405, 'norm_ltcy': 29.097297756049265, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:47.115000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:47.115000",
+ "bytes": 811056128,
+ "norm_byte": 35230720,
+ "ops": 792047,
+ "norm_ops": 34405,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.097297756049265,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a352b236b337745d261f0bcfbdb49547772089ae8cac132d6b041c1b7cb33f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:48.116000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:48.116000', 'bytes': 846373888, 'norm_byte': 35317760, 'ops': 826537, 'norm_ops': 34490, 'norm_ltcy': 29.02551011162656, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:48.116000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:48.116000",
+ "bytes": 846373888,
+ "norm_byte": 35317760,
+ "ops": 826537,
+ "norm_ops": 34490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.02551011162656,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd0e7621ffd364ddbbbb3bd6ba3b35924b61faf9b469e087d0d70a7c0bd00623",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:49.117000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:49.117000', 'bytes': 881308672, 'norm_byte': 34934784, 'ops': 860653, 'norm_ops': 34116, 'norm_ltcy': 29.34361924207117, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:49.117000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:49.117000",
+ "bytes": 881308672,
+ "norm_byte": 34934784,
+ "ops": 860653,
+ "norm_ops": 34116,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.34361924207117,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f008a2cbbcc63b2de1a4d97a4b03d9bbef0bb4fc063be18bb0767f10e0455eb4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:50.118000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:50.118000', 'bytes': 916614144, 'norm_byte': 35305472, 'ops': 895131, 'norm_ops': 34478, 'norm_ltcy': 29.035654869590754, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:50.118000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:50.118000",
+ "bytes": 916614144,
+ "norm_byte": 35305472,
+ "ops": 895131,
+ "norm_ops": 34478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.035654869590754,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a09b0afed024c8108c4e82fd8c7c75df16dcbc5da132a5e6154e3e07b4e9c03a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:51.119000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:51.119000', 'bytes': 951587840, 'norm_byte': 34973696, 'ops': 929285, 'norm_ops': 34154, 'norm_ltcy': 29.31212932141916, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:51.119000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:51.119000",
+ "bytes": 951587840,
+ "norm_byte": 34973696,
+ "ops": 929285,
+ "norm_ops": 34154,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.31212932141916,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8112b4e66fb88fb5beab425673f97edad04eea0c7df5253de9ef007c5666517e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:52.121000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:52.121000', 'bytes': 986622976, 'norm_byte': 35035136, 'ops': 963499, 'norm_ops': 34214, 'norm_ltcy': 29.25971944279023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:52.121000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:52.121000",
+ "bytes": 986622976,
+ "norm_byte": 35035136,
+ "ops": 963499,
+ "norm_ops": 34214,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.25971944279023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5c90f56d953a2f94f9912c6729efa05a61c60d51b2e4177df05886d450f5a72",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:53.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:53.122000', 'bytes': 1021914112, 'norm_byte': 35291136, 'ops': 997963, 'norm_ops': 34464, 'norm_ltcy': 29.047336418980677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:53.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:53.122000",
+ "bytes": 1021914112,
+ "norm_byte": 35291136,
+ "ops": 997963,
+ "norm_ops": 34464,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.047336418980677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bee531a9ce4be016fe2674bccfd20b4a08418fae51cc90188f42a80d2747354b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:54.123000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:54.123000', 'bytes': 1057567744, 'norm_byte': 35653632, 'ops': 1032781, 'norm_ops': 34818, 'norm_ltcy': 28.751944542424177, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:54.123000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:54.123000",
+ "bytes": 1057567744,
+ "norm_byte": 35653632,
+ "ops": 1032781,
+ "norm_ops": 34818,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.751944542424177,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "122704d7e0188f6db33bfe1c4c05503d181e23fd697e34ea092f0c88dd4d6ba1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:55.124000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:55.124000', 'bytes': 1092939776, 'norm_byte': 35372032, 'ops': 1067324, 'norm_ops': 34543, 'norm_ltcy': 28.980933297809976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:55.124000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:55.124000",
+ "bytes": 1092939776,
+ "norm_byte": 35372032,
+ "ops": 1067324,
+ "norm_ops": 34543,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.980933297809976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4446f6f4dbf3df07b01822a4da5ff7831810e62b82b567b624ceac8da448bd49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:56.125000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:56.125000', 'bytes': 1128103936, 'norm_byte': 35164160, 'ops': 1101664, 'norm_ops': 34340, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15231019310571, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:56.125000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:56.125000",
+ "bytes": 1128103936,
+ "norm_byte": 35164160,
+ "ops": 1101664,
+ "norm_ops": 34340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15231019310571,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea5a6f3511aa6fdcc0a2c776c0e1cd684d41f5a1f0d1b50c8dafbee1e0693b77",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:57.126000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:57.126000', 'bytes': 1163539456, 'norm_byte': 35435520, 'ops': 1136269, 'norm_ops': 34605, 'norm_ltcy': 28.92738698345615, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:57.126000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:57.126000",
+ "bytes": 1163539456,
+ "norm_byte": 35435520,
+ "ops": 1136269,
+ "norm_ops": 34605,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.92738698345615,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de76d0bfd38b8fd373ae79aa02cab26eab06713f4d4789e28ee4cf26642f8ca7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:58.127000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:58.127000', 'bytes': 1198777344, 'norm_byte': 35237888, 'ops': 1170681, 'norm_ops': 34412, 'norm_ltcy': 29.092365013476403, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:58.127000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:58.127000",
+ "bytes": 1198777344,
+ "norm_byte": 35237888,
+ "ops": 1170681,
+ "norm_ops": 34412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.092365013476403,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "691445943411f890140e16d76e3a7563dc499eeea2cafefe86ced206d8056f24",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:54:59.128000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:54:59.128000', 'bytes': 1234111488, 'norm_byte': 35334144, 'ops': 1205187, 'norm_ops': 34506, 'norm_ltcy': 29.012051346142698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:54:59.128000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:54:59.128000",
+ "bytes": 1234111488,
+ "norm_byte": 35334144,
+ "ops": 1205187,
+ "norm_ops": 34506,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.012051346142698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7b7b3b8088fb378df778079a09db60a3bb9842d9ca848a351bd1aacbc74d4c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:00.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:00.129000', 'bytes': 1269279744, 'norm_byte': 35168256, 'ops': 1239531, 'norm_ops': 34344, 'norm_ltcy': 29.14907836203194, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:00.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:00.129000",
+ "bytes": 1269279744,
+ "norm_byte": 35168256,
+ "ops": 1239531,
+ "norm_ops": 34344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.14907836203194,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "adf8aead0d5ab30bc732f7326912315b9a29bcee5cdda9b046aa1aab450ce439",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:01.130000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:01.130000', 'bytes': 1304617984, 'norm_byte': 35338240, 'ops': 1274041, 'norm_ops': 34510, 'norm_ltcy': 29.009190893491017, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:01.130000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:01.130000",
+ "bytes": 1304617984,
+ "norm_byte": 35338240,
+ "ops": 1274041,
+ "norm_ops": 34510,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.009190893491017,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d98d8f09706ffa201a1ef42915df2a3f0715d888f5d0e65f9409dc3cb14c2042",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:02.131000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:02.131000', 'bytes': 1340144640, 'norm_byte': 35526656, 'ops': 1308735, 'norm_ops': 34694, 'norm_ltcy': 28.854960343016806, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:02.131000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:02.131000",
+ "bytes": 1340144640,
+ "norm_byte": 35526656,
+ "ops": 1308735,
+ "norm_ops": 34694,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.854960343016806,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf2a6640ecaba520ed2e2c052fed3eba9bf0fd144c7674139bab96d9dbb28a4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:03.133000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:03.133000', 'bytes': 1375828992, 'norm_byte': 35684352, 'ops': 1343583, 'norm_ops': 34848, 'norm_ltcy': 28.727255576898244, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:03.133000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:03.133000",
+ "bytes": 1375828992,
+ "norm_byte": 35684352,
+ "ops": 1343583,
+ "norm_ops": 34848,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.727255576898244,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c786dc709d3c0eba53c9ea38860fdcf48e9e83f1ba70d2786d157fee0a3f5eeb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:04.134000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:04.134000', 'bytes': 1411374080, 'norm_byte': 35545088, 'ops': 1378295, 'norm_ops': 34712, 'norm_ltcy': 28.83989906003327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:04.134000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:04.134000",
+ "bytes": 1411374080,
+ "norm_byte": 35545088,
+ "ops": 1378295,
+ "norm_ops": 34712,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.83989906003327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "afe53bd19bac0ee570a53851264c97b46605af3d089b2c85442ef7a0a562e316",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:05.135000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:05.135000', 'bytes': 1446672384, 'norm_byte': 35298304, 'ops': 1412766, 'norm_ops': 34471, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04141655077819, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:05.135000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:05.135000",
+ "bytes": 1446672384,
+ "norm_byte": 35298304,
+ "ops": 1412766,
+ "norm_ops": 34471,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04141655077819,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b6e6736b56059903711178e1a86fe537c75a0d6ad129b0caf0737b5ace50ebf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:06.136000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:06.136000', 'bytes': 1481796608, 'norm_byte': 35124224, 'ops': 1447067, 'norm_ops': 34301, 'norm_ltcy': 29.183783533552226, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:06.136000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:06.136000",
+ "bytes": 1481796608,
+ "norm_byte": 35124224,
+ "ops": 1447067,
+ "norm_ops": 34301,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.183783533552226,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b2f2dcc5cb3bd451894673a0a7f4f72bd5e918fa3857b32072e69be5fa743b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:07.137000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:07.137000', 'bytes': 1517066240, 'norm_byte': 35269632, 'ops': 1481510, 'norm_ops': 34443, 'norm_ltcy': 29.065358549814185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:07.137000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:07.137000",
+ "bytes": 1517066240,
+ "norm_byte": 35269632,
+ "ops": 1481510,
+ "norm_ops": 34443,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.065358549814185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef7724295c91dbba890e7947bee8a2f673f5a35f565edddd8f4bb0b10f085203",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:08.138000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:08.138000', 'bytes': 1552385024, 'norm_byte': 35318784, 'ops': 1516001, 'norm_ops': 34491, 'norm_ltcy': 29.02476767037053, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:08.138000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:08.138000",
+ "bytes": 1552385024,
+ "norm_byte": 35318784,
+ "ops": 1516001,
+ "norm_ops": 34491,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.02476767037053,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ba1e804856777f59ad986e7ac08bbafe54176863068226ac7449761387adf3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:09.139000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:09.139000', 'bytes': 1587780608, 'norm_byte': 35395584, 'ops': 1550567, 'norm_ops': 34566, 'norm_ltcy': 28.961663692284326, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:09.139000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:09.139000",
+ "bytes": 1587780608,
+ "norm_byte": 35395584,
+ "ops": 1550567,
+ "norm_ops": 34566,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.961663692284326,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2328191d9d443d64d6bdd79537dc276c9336c31f480fc45190edddb6620408da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:10.140000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:10.140000', 'bytes': 1623155712, 'norm_byte': 35375104, 'ops': 1585113, 'norm_ops': 34546, 'norm_ltcy': 28.978367102468447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:10.140000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:10.140000",
+ "bytes": 1623155712,
+ "norm_byte": 35375104,
+ "ops": 1585113,
+ "norm_ops": 34546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.978367102468447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5bd55930c4bb250ffe45c92096b2f40dcdc44d1b0dba6812ce107b5e1f16a0c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:11.141000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:11.141000', 'bytes': 1658359808, 'norm_byte': 35204096, 'ops': 1619492, 'norm_ops': 34379, 'norm_ltcy': 29.119218115982868, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:11.141000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:11.141000",
+ "bytes": 1658359808,
+ "norm_byte": 35204096,
+ "ops": 1619492,
+ "norm_ops": 34379,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.119218115982868,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "42d3f1aa96d9a369c0190b24fd7a3282c6fbadaf3f35ae994ee1c40b5403fe5e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:12.142000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:12.142000', 'bytes': 1693348864, 'norm_byte': 34989056, 'ops': 1653661, 'norm_ops': 34169, 'norm_ltcy': 29.297518058217975, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:12.142000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:12.142000",
+ "bytes": 1693348864,
+ "norm_byte": 34989056,
+ "ops": 1653661,
+ "norm_ops": 34169,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.297518058217975,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a92b58d79377177d582b42205690952a781c6e982b0da090aea5c01dc0df7194",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:13.143000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:13.143000', 'bytes': 1728394240, 'norm_byte': 35045376, 'ops': 1687885, 'norm_ops': 34224, 'norm_ltcy': 29.25119850333465, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:13.143000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:13.143000",
+ "bytes": 1728394240,
+ "norm_byte": 35045376,
+ "ops": 1687885,
+ "norm_ops": 34224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.25119850333465,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "58e84baab4e5c53570982a51a86a439feba5de3ed0f1a51c5cd26f171d455fc6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:14.144000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:14.144000', 'bytes': 1763859456, 'norm_byte': 35465216, 'ops': 1722519, 'norm_ops': 34634, 'norm_ltcy': 28.904702004352657, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:14.144000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:14.144000",
+ "bytes": 1763859456,
+ "norm_byte": 35465216,
+ "ops": 1722519,
+ "norm_ops": 34634,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.904702004352657,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a4b7fb5de1937978334014e97845871016c6d0c519937bcaa69b3c0aae754e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:15.146000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:15.146000', 'bytes': 1799754752, 'norm_byte': 35895296, 'ops': 1757573, 'norm_ops': 35054, 'norm_ltcy': 28.55843562343099, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:15.146000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:15.146000",
+ "bytes": 1799754752,
+ "norm_byte": 35895296,
+ "ops": 1757573,
+ "norm_ops": 35054,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.55843562343099,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "668e0a7c5afc8a1cb0ae98a4fef30973dd4f873070e8c8138de54a1bae7aa95a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:16.147000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:16.147000', 'bytes': 1835291648, 'norm_byte': 35536896, 'ops': 1792277, 'norm_ops': 34704, 'norm_ltcy': 28.846751275069156, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:16.147000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:16.147000",
+ "bytes": 1835291648,
+ "norm_byte": 35536896,
+ "ops": 1792277,
+ "norm_ops": 34704,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.846751275069156,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d22b127fc90b4be2ae376f67b765e89d89572af10bf7628640744b7d3f401d4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:17.148000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:17.148000', 'bytes': 1870810112, 'norm_byte': 35518464, 'ops': 1826963, 'norm_ops': 34686, 'norm_ltcy': 28.861629545692068, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:17.148000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:17.148000",
+ "bytes": 1870810112,
+ "norm_byte": 35518464,
+ "ops": 1826963,
+ "norm_ops": 34686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.861629545692068,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e07b198b7383073a39435e858cb787f895afd51ac789e1af5290a16a7eb1777a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:18.149000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:18.149000', 'bytes': 1906506752, 'norm_byte': 35696640, 'ops': 1861823, 'norm_ops': 34860, 'norm_ltcy': 28.717478731891855, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:18.149000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:18.149000",
+ "bytes": 1906506752,
+ "norm_byte": 35696640,
+ "ops": 1861823,
+ "norm_ops": 34860,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.717478731891855,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8188feb6080b7caa1a83253c5c3c680d47e608d41d9c04afe6146f720c881180",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:19.150000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:19.150000', 'bytes': 1941926912, 'norm_byte': 35420160, 'ops': 1896413, 'norm_ops': 34590, 'norm_ltcy': 28.941582985508816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:19.150000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:19.150000",
+ "bytes": 1941926912,
+ "norm_byte": 35420160,
+ "ops": 1896413,
+ "norm_ops": 34590,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.941582985508816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ca534796af81d5f79ecede940b766612129ad775dc750fe8140e0e22f452d16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:20.151000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:20.151000', 'bytes': 1977084928, 'norm_byte': 35158016, 'ops': 1930747, 'norm_ops': 34334, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15730512210928, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:20.151000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:20.151000",
+ "bytes": 1977084928,
+ "norm_byte": 35158016,
+ "ops": 1930747,
+ "norm_ops": 34334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15730512210928,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6aaec28ad625f7d16eafc605d0209afec0221403cebf3eb69843ede80c8100fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:21.152000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:21.152000', 'bytes': 2013115392, 'norm_byte': 36030464, 'ops': 1965933, 'norm_ops': 35186, 'norm_ltcy': 28.451534790115385, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:21.152000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:21.152000",
+ "bytes": 2013115392,
+ "norm_byte": 36030464,
+ "ops": 1965933,
+ "norm_ops": 35186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.451534790115385,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70bcecf62e50b602f87871b0c3bf66c9777d8c8dcad325c61dd433d82bbddb03",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:22.153000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:22.153000', 'bytes': 2049012736, 'norm_byte': 35897344, 'ops': 2000989, 'norm_ops': 35056, 'norm_ltcy': 28.557913643973215, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:22.153000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:22.153000",
+ "bytes": 2049012736,
+ "norm_byte": 35897344,
+ "ops": 2000989,
+ "norm_ops": 35056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.557913643973215,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20755c57383e8e7a9bbfc8af9686cca0ef61af74e393be96d02e090e97bfa66c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:23.154000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:23.154000', 'bytes': 2084920320, 'norm_byte': 35907584, 'ops': 2036055, 'norm_ops': 35066, 'norm_ltcy': 28.54868347589189, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:23.154000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:23.154000",
+ "bytes": 2084920320,
+ "norm_byte": 35907584,
+ "ops": 2036055,
+ "norm_ops": 35066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.54868347589189,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a82ad69fbf0d3fc8cbcc82655343c632b32736995dea06838b5b87b2936c7b7c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:55:24.356000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:55:24.356000', 'bytes': 2120135680, 'norm_byte': 35215360, 'ops': 2070445, 'norm_ops': 34390, 'norm_ltcy': 34.932654387176505, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:55:24.356000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:55:24.356000",
+ "bytes": 2120135680,
+ "norm_byte": 35215360,
+ "ops": 2070445,
+ "norm_ops": 34390,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.932654387176505,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0e1052c-c46e-581e-930f-d5a1bf00e9af",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1eb926e180c1752ad7163506b268728040affdb4e98b51a9a970a576ab99e671",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35335594.666666664
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34507.416666666664
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.298248621378033
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:55:24Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-100-220519225139/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-100-220519225139/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5990873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-100-220519225139/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-100-220519225139/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-100-220519225139/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-100-220519225139/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-100-220519225139/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-100-220519225139/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56ebb60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-100-220519225139/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=45
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=75
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=190
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-101-220519225340/220519225340-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-101-220519225340/220519225340-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bb9e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-101-220519225340/220519225340-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:56:23Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000984722.4656 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000985723.5803 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000985723.6731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000986724.7786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35531776 nr_ops:34699\ntimestamp_ms:1653000987725.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81638400 nr_ops:79725\ntimestamp_ms:1653000988726.9688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:139365376 nr_ops:136099\ntimestamp_ms:1653000989728.0645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187085824 nr_ops:182701\ntimestamp_ms:1653000990729.1628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247393280 nr_ops:241595\ntimestamp_ms:1653000991730.2603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307728384 nr_ops:300516\ntimestamp_ms:1653000992731.3572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368059392 nr_ops:359433\ntimestamp_ms:1653000993732.4568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428557312 nr_ops:418513\ntimestamp_ms:1653000994733.5525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:488981504 nr_ops:477521\ntimestamp_ms:1653000995734.6479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:549323776 nr_ops:536449\ntimestamp_ms:1653000996735.7395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:609680384 nr_ops:595391\ntimestamp_ms:1653000997736.8445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670032896 nr_ops:654329\ntimestamp_ms:1653000998737.8867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:730418176 nr_ops:713299\ntimestamp_ms:1653000999738.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:778568704 nr_ops:760321\ntimestamp_ms:1653001000740.0867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838845440 nr_ops:819185\ntimestamp_ms:1653001001741.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886537216 nr_ops:865759\ntimestamp_ms:1653001002742.2285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947264512 nr_ops:925063\ntimestamp_ms:1653001003743.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997889024 nr_ops:974501\ntimestamp_ms:1653001004744.4268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060178944 nr_ops:1035331\ntimestamp_ms:1653001005745.5247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125250048 nr_ops:1098877\ntimestamp_ms:1653001006746.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187896320 nr_ops:1160055\ntimestamp_ms:1653001007747.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1248070656 nr_ops:1218819\ntimestamp_ms:1653001008748.9111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307321344 nr_ops:1276681\ntimestamp_ms:1653001009750.0259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1356345344 nr_ops:1324556\ntimestamp_ms:1653001010751.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1404818432 nr_ops:1371893\ntimestamp_ms:1653001011752.2231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1463479296 nr_ops:1429179\ntimestamp_ms:1653001012753.3523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1509286912 nr_ops:1473913\ntimestamp_ms:1653001013754.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556700160 nr_ops:1520215\ntimestamp_ms:1653001014755.5686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1606552576 nr_ops:1568899\ntimestamp_ms:1653001015756.6704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1671984128 nr_ops:1632797\ntimestamp_ms:1653001016757.7651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724075008 nr_ops:1683667\ntimestamp_ms:1653001017758.8665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1789727744 nr_ops:1747781\ntimestamp_ms:1653001018759.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839551488 nr_ops:1796437\ntimestamp_ms:1653001019761.0679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902332928 nr_ops:1857747\ntimestamp_ms:1653001020762.1628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1954487296 nr_ops:1908679\ntimestamp_ms:1653001021762.2815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2019959808 nr_ops:1972617\ntimestamp_ms:1653001022762.8708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2072032256 nr_ops:2023469\ntimestamp_ms:1653001023763.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2137539584 nr_ops:2087441\ntimestamp_ms:1653001024764.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2189374464 nr_ops:2138061\ntimestamp_ms:1653001025766.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2254764032 nr_ops:2201918\ntimestamp_ms:1653001026767.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2320292864 nr_ops:2265911\ntimestamp_ms:1653001027768.2114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2372404224 nr_ops:2316801\ntimestamp_ms:1653001028769.2996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2424134656 nr_ops:2367319\ntimestamp_ms:1653001029770.3896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476376064 nr_ops:2418336\ntimestamp_ms:1653001030771.4827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2528261120 nr_ops:2469005\ntimestamp_ms:1653001031772.5811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593610752 nr_ops:2532823\ntimestamp_ms:1653001032772.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2653434880 nr_ops:2591245\ntimestamp_ms:1653001033773.9961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2711456768 nr_ops:2647907\ntimestamp_ms:1653001034775.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768948224 nr_ops:2704051\ntimestamp_ms:1653001035776.2002 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814989312 nr_ops:2749013\ntimestamp_ms:1653001036777.3059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2872460288 nr_ops:2805137\ntimestamp_ms:1653001037778.3994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2930138112 nr_ops:2861463\ntimestamp_ms:1653001038779.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2989507584 nr_ops:2919441\ntimestamp_ms:1653001039780.6030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049784320 nr_ops:2978305\ntimestamp_ms:1653001040781.7007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097709568 nr_ops:3025107\ntimestamp_ms:1653001041782.8027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3153157120 nr_ops:3079255\ntimestamp_ms:1653001042783.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3205401600 nr_ops:3130275\ntimestamp_ms:1653001043785.0317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3254014976 nr_ops:3177749\ntimestamp_ms:1653001044786.1289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3289603072 nr_ops:3212503\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140045500012288\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.5237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3337649152 nr_ops:3259423\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.6082 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.6250 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001046087.8108 name:Total nr_bytes:3337649152 nr_ops:3259424\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.7065 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6675298302 nr_ops:6518848\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.7073 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3337649152 nr_ops:3259426\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 358.83us 0.00ns 358.83us 358.83us \nTxn1 1629712 36.83us 0.00ns 209.28ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 27.45us 0.00ns 27.45us 27.45us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 358.24us 0.00ns 358.24us 358.24us \nwrite 1629712 2.41us 0.00ns 245.94us 2.11us \nread 1629711 34.34us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 26.99us 0.00ns 26.99us 26.99us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 26132 26132 227.87Mb/s 227.87Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.73b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.196 62.37s 3.11GB 428.13Mb/s 3259426 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.11GB 428.13Mb/s 3259426 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415785, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000984722.4656 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000985723.5803 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000985723.6731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000986724.7786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35531776 nr_ops:34699\ntimestamp_ms:1653000987725.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81638400 nr_ops:79725\ntimestamp_ms:1653000988726.9688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:139365376 nr_ops:136099\ntimestamp_ms:1653000989728.0645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187085824 nr_ops:182701\ntimestamp_ms:1653000990729.1628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247393280 nr_ops:241595\ntimestamp_ms:1653000991730.2603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307728384 nr_ops:300516\ntimestamp_ms:1653000992731.3572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368059392 nr_ops:359433\ntimestamp_ms:1653000993732.4568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428557312 nr_ops:418513\ntimestamp_ms:1653000994733.5525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:488981504 nr_ops:477521\ntimestamp_ms:1653000995734.6479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:549323776 nr_ops:536449\ntimestamp_ms:1653000996735.7395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:609680384 nr_ops:595391\ntimestamp_ms:1653000997736.8445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670032896 nr_ops:654329\ntimestamp_ms:1653000998737.8867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:730418176 nr_ops:713299\ntimestamp_ms:1653000999738.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:778568704 nr_ops:760321\ntimestamp_ms:1653001000740.0867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838845440 nr_ops:819185\ntimestamp_ms:1653001001741.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886537216 nr_ops:865759\ntimestamp_ms:1653001002742.2285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947264512 nr_ops:925063\ntimestamp_ms:1653001003743.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997889024 nr_ops:974501\ntimestamp_ms:1653001004744.4268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060178944 nr_ops:1035331\ntimestamp_ms:1653001005745.5247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125250048 nr_ops:1098877\ntimestamp_ms:1653001006746.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187896320 nr_ops:1160055\ntimestamp_ms:1653001007747.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1248070656 nr_ops:1218819\ntimestamp_ms:1653001008748.9111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307321344 nr_ops:1276681\ntimestamp_ms:1653001009750.0259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1356345344 nr_ops:1324556\ntimestamp_ms:1653001010751.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1404818432 nr_ops:1371893\ntimestamp_ms:1653001011752.2231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1463479296 nr_ops:1429179\ntimestamp_ms:1653001012753.3523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1509286912 nr_ops:1473913\ntimestamp_ms:1653001013754.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556700160 nr_ops:1520215\ntimestamp_ms:1653001014755.5686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1606552576 nr_ops:1568899\ntimestamp_ms:1653001015756.6704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1671984128 nr_ops:1632797\ntimestamp_ms:1653001016757.7651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724075008 nr_ops:1683667\ntimestamp_ms:1653001017758.8665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1789727744 nr_ops:1747781\ntimestamp_ms:1653001018759.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839551488 nr_ops:1796437\ntimestamp_ms:1653001019761.0679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902332928 nr_ops:1857747\ntimestamp_ms:1653001020762.1628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1954487296 nr_ops:1908679\ntimestamp_ms:1653001021762.2815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2019959808 nr_ops:1972617\ntimestamp_ms:1653001022762.8708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2072032256 nr_ops:2023469\ntimestamp_ms:1653001023763.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2137539584 nr_ops:2087441\ntimestamp_ms:1653001024764.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2189374464 nr_ops:2138061\ntimestamp_ms:1653001025766.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2254764032 nr_ops:2201918\ntimestamp_ms:1653001026767.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2320292864 nr_ops:2265911\ntimestamp_ms:1653001027768.2114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2372404224 nr_ops:2316801\ntimestamp_ms:1653001028769.2996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2424134656 nr_ops:2367319\ntimestamp_ms:1653001029770.3896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476376064 nr_ops:2418336\ntimestamp_ms:1653001030771.4827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2528261120 nr_ops:2469005\ntimestamp_ms:1653001031772.5811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593610752 nr_ops:2532823\ntimestamp_ms:1653001032772.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2653434880 nr_ops:2591245\ntimestamp_ms:1653001033773.9961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2711456768 nr_ops:2647907\ntimestamp_ms:1653001034775.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768948224 nr_ops:2704051\ntimestamp_ms:1653001035776.2002 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814989312 nr_ops:2749013\ntimestamp_ms:1653001036777.3059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2872460288 nr_ops:2805137\ntimestamp_ms:1653001037778.3994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2930138112 nr_ops:2861463\ntimestamp_ms:1653001038779.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2989507584 nr_ops:2919441\ntimestamp_ms:1653001039780.6030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049784320 nr_ops:2978305\ntimestamp_ms:1653001040781.7007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097709568 nr_ops:3025107\ntimestamp_ms:1653001041782.8027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3153157120 nr_ops:3079255\ntimestamp_ms:1653001042783.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3205401600 nr_ops:3130275\ntimestamp_ms:1653001043785.0317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3254014976 nr_ops:3177749\ntimestamp_ms:1653001044786.1289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3289603072 nr_ops:3212503\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140045500012288\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.5237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3337649152 nr_ops:3259423\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.6082 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.6250 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001046087.8108 name:Total nr_bytes:3337649152 nr_ops:3259424\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.7065 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6675298302 nr_ops:6518848\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.7073 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3337649152 nr_ops:3259426\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 358.83us 0.00ns 358.83us 358.83us \nTxn1 1629712 36.83us 0.00ns 209.28ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 27.45us 0.00ns 27.45us 27.45us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 358.24us 0.00ns 358.24us 358.24us \nwrite 1629712 2.41us 0.00ns 245.94us 2.11us \nread 1629711 34.34us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 26.99us 0.00ns 26.99us 26.99us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 26132 26132 227.87Mb/s 227.87Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.73b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.196 62.37s 3.11GB 428.13Mb/s 3259426 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.11GB 428.13Mb/s 3259426 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415785, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000984722.4656 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000985723.5803 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653000985723.6731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653000986724.7786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35531776 nr_ops:34699\ntimestamp_ms:1653000987725.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81638400 nr_ops:79725\ntimestamp_ms:1653000988726.9688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:139365376 nr_ops:136099\ntimestamp_ms:1653000989728.0645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187085824 nr_ops:182701\ntimestamp_ms:1653000990729.1628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247393280 nr_ops:241595\ntimestamp_ms:1653000991730.2603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307728384 nr_ops:300516\ntimestamp_ms:1653000992731.3572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368059392 nr_ops:359433\ntimestamp_ms:1653000993732.4568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428557312 nr_ops:418513\ntimestamp_ms:1653000994733.5525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:488981504 nr_ops:477521\ntimestamp_ms:1653000995734.6479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:549323776 nr_ops:536449\ntimestamp_ms:1653000996735.7395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:609680384 nr_ops:595391\ntimestamp_ms:1653000997736.8445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670032896 nr_ops:654329\ntimestamp_ms:1653000998737.8867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:730418176 nr_ops:713299\ntimestamp_ms:1653000999738.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:778568704 nr_ops:760321\ntimestamp_ms:1653001000740.0867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838845440 nr_ops:819185\ntimestamp_ms:1653001001741.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886537216 nr_ops:865759\ntimestamp_ms:1653001002742.2285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947264512 nr_ops:925063\ntimestamp_ms:1653001003743.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997889024 nr_ops:974501\ntimestamp_ms:1653001004744.4268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060178944 nr_ops:1035331\ntimestamp_ms:1653001005745.5247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125250048 nr_ops:1098877\ntimestamp_ms:1653001006746.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187896320 nr_ops:1160055\ntimestamp_ms:1653001007747.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1248070656 nr_ops:1218819\ntimestamp_ms:1653001008748.9111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307321344 nr_ops:1276681\ntimestamp_ms:1653001009750.0259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1356345344 nr_ops:1324556\ntimestamp_ms:1653001010751.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1404818432 nr_ops:1371893\ntimestamp_ms:1653001011752.2231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1463479296 nr_ops:1429179\ntimestamp_ms:1653001012753.3523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1509286912 nr_ops:1473913\ntimestamp_ms:1653001013754.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556700160 nr_ops:1520215\ntimestamp_ms:1653001014755.5686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1606552576 nr_ops:1568899\ntimestamp_ms:1653001015756.6704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1671984128 nr_ops:1632797\ntimestamp_ms:1653001016757.7651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724075008 nr_ops:1683667\ntimestamp_ms:1653001017758.8665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1789727744 nr_ops:1747781\ntimestamp_ms:1653001018759.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839551488 nr_ops:1796437\ntimestamp_ms:1653001019761.0679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902332928 nr_ops:1857747\ntimestamp_ms:1653001020762.1628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1954487296 nr_ops:1908679\ntimestamp_ms:1653001021762.2815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2019959808 nr_ops:1972617\ntimestamp_ms:1653001022762.8708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2072032256 nr_ops:2023469\ntimestamp_ms:1653001023763.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2137539584 nr_ops:2087441\ntimestamp_ms:1653001024764.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2189374464 nr_ops:2138061\ntimestamp_ms:1653001025766.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2254764032 nr_ops:2201918\ntimestamp_ms:1653001026767.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2320292864 nr_ops:2265911\ntimestamp_ms:1653001027768.2114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2372404224 nr_ops:2316801\ntimestamp_ms:1653001028769.2996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2424134656 nr_ops:2367319\ntimestamp_ms:1653001029770.3896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476376064 nr_ops:2418336\ntimestamp_ms:1653001030771.4827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2528261120 nr_ops:2469005\ntimestamp_ms:1653001031772.5811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593610752 nr_ops:2532823\ntimestamp_ms:1653001032772.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2653434880 nr_ops:2591245\ntimestamp_ms:1653001033773.9961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2711456768 nr_ops:2647907\ntimestamp_ms:1653001034775.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768948224 nr_ops:2704051\ntimestamp_ms:1653001035776.2002 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814989312 nr_ops:2749013\ntimestamp_ms:1653001036777.3059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2872460288 nr_ops:2805137\ntimestamp_ms:1653001037778.3994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2930138112 nr_ops:2861463\ntimestamp_ms:1653001038779.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2989507584 nr_ops:2919441\ntimestamp_ms:1653001039780.6030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049784320 nr_ops:2978305\ntimestamp_ms:1653001040781.7007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097709568 nr_ops:3025107\ntimestamp_ms:1653001041782.8027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3153157120 nr_ops:3079255\ntimestamp_ms:1653001042783.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3205401600 nr_ops:3130275\ntimestamp_ms:1653001043785.0317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3254014976 nr_ops:3177749\ntimestamp_ms:1653001044786.1289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3289603072 nr_ops:3212503\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140045500012288\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.5237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3337649152 nr_ops:3259423\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.6082 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.6250 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001046087.8108 name:Total nr_bytes:3337649152 nr_ops:3259424\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.7065 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6675298302 nr_ops:6518848\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001045987.7073 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3337649152 nr_ops:3259426\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 358.83us 0.00ns 358.83us 358.83us \nTxn1 1629712 36.83us 0.00ns 209.28ms 18.42us \nTxn2 1 27.45us 0.00ns 27.45us 27.45us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 358.24us 0.00ns 358.24us 358.24us \nwrite 1629712 2.41us 0.00ns 245.94us 2.11us \nread 1629711 34.34us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 26.99us 0.00ns 26.99us 26.99us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 26132 26132 227.87Mb/s 227.87Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.73b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.196 62.37s 3.11GB 428.13Mb/s 3259426 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.11GB 428.13Mb/s 3259426 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415785, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000984722.4656 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000985723.5803 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653000985723.6731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653000986724.7786 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35531776 nr_ops:34699
+timestamp_ms:1653000987725.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81638400 nr_ops:79725
+timestamp_ms:1653000988726.9688 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:139365376 nr_ops:136099
+timestamp_ms:1653000989728.0645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187085824 nr_ops:182701
+timestamp_ms:1653000990729.1628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247393280 nr_ops:241595
+timestamp_ms:1653000991730.2603 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:307728384 nr_ops:300516
+timestamp_ms:1653000992731.3572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368059392 nr_ops:359433
+timestamp_ms:1653000993732.4568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428557312 nr_ops:418513
+timestamp_ms:1653000994733.5525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:488981504 nr_ops:477521
+timestamp_ms:1653000995734.6479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:549323776 nr_ops:536449
+timestamp_ms:1653000996735.7395 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:609680384 nr_ops:595391
+timestamp_ms:1653000997736.8445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670032896 nr_ops:654329
+timestamp_ms:1653000998737.8867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:730418176 nr_ops:713299
+timestamp_ms:1653000999738.9844 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:778568704 nr_ops:760321
+timestamp_ms:1653001000740.0867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838845440 nr_ops:819185
+timestamp_ms:1653001001741.1294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886537216 nr_ops:865759
+timestamp_ms:1653001002742.2285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:947264512 nr_ops:925063
+timestamp_ms:1653001003743.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:997889024 nr_ops:974501
+timestamp_ms:1653001004744.4268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060178944 nr_ops:1035331
+timestamp_ms:1653001005745.5247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1125250048 nr_ops:1098877
+timestamp_ms:1653001006746.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1187896320 nr_ops:1160055
+timestamp_ms:1653001007747.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1248070656 nr_ops:1218819
+timestamp_ms:1653001008748.9111 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307321344 nr_ops:1276681
+timestamp_ms:1653001009750.0259 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1356345344 nr_ops:1324556
+timestamp_ms:1653001010751.1255 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1404818432 nr_ops:1371893
+timestamp_ms:1653001011752.2231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1463479296 nr_ops:1429179
+timestamp_ms:1653001012753.3523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1509286912 nr_ops:1473913
+timestamp_ms:1653001013754.4573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556700160 nr_ops:1520215
+timestamp_ms:1653001014755.5686 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1606552576 nr_ops:1568899
+timestamp_ms:1653001015756.6704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1671984128 nr_ops:1632797
+timestamp_ms:1653001016757.7651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1724075008 nr_ops:1683667
+timestamp_ms:1653001017758.8665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1789727744 nr_ops:1747781
+timestamp_ms:1653001018759.9702 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839551488 nr_ops:1796437
+timestamp_ms:1653001019761.0679 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1902332928 nr_ops:1857747
+timestamp_ms:1653001020762.1628 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1954487296 nr_ops:1908679
+timestamp_ms:1653001021762.2815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2019959808 nr_ops:1972617
+timestamp_ms:1653001022762.8708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2072032256 nr_ops:2023469
+timestamp_ms:1653001023763.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2137539584 nr_ops:2087441
+timestamp_ms:1653001024764.9316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2189374464 nr_ops:2138061
+timestamp_ms:1653001025766.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2254764032 nr_ops:2201918
+timestamp_ms:1653001026767.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2320292864 nr_ops:2265911
+timestamp_ms:1653001027768.2114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2372404224 nr_ops:2316801
+timestamp_ms:1653001028769.2996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2424134656 nr_ops:2367319
+timestamp_ms:1653001029770.3896 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476376064 nr_ops:2418336
+timestamp_ms:1653001030771.4827 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2528261120 nr_ops:2469005
+timestamp_ms:1653001031772.5811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2593610752 nr_ops:2532823
+timestamp_ms:1653001032772.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2653434880 nr_ops:2591245
+timestamp_ms:1653001033773.9961 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2711456768 nr_ops:2647907
+timestamp_ms:1653001034775.0940 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2768948224 nr_ops:2704051
+timestamp_ms:1653001035776.2002 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814989312 nr_ops:2749013
+timestamp_ms:1653001036777.3059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2872460288 nr_ops:2805137
+timestamp_ms:1653001037778.3994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2930138112 nr_ops:2861463
+timestamp_ms:1653001038779.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2989507584 nr_ops:2919441
+timestamp_ms:1653001039780.6030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049784320 nr_ops:2978305
+timestamp_ms:1653001040781.7007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3097709568 nr_ops:3025107
+timestamp_ms:1653001041782.8027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3153157120 nr_ops:3079255
+timestamp_ms:1653001042783.9338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3205401600 nr_ops:3130275
+timestamp_ms:1653001043785.0317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3254014976 nr_ops:3177749
+timestamp_ms:1653001044786.1289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3289603072 nr_ops:3212503
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140045500012288
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653001045987.5237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3337649152 nr_ops:3259423
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001045987.6082 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001045987.6250 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001046087.8108 name:Total nr_bytes:3337649152 nr_ops:3259424
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001045987.7065 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6675298302 nr_ops:6518848
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001045987.7073 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3337649152 nr_ops:3259426
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 358.83us 0.00ns 358.83us 358.83us
+Txn1 1629712 36.83us 0.00ns 209.28ms 18.42us
+Txn2 1 27.45us 0.00ns 27.45us 27.45us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 358.24us 0.00ns 358.24us 358.24us
+write 1629712 2.41us 0.00ns 245.94us 2.11us
+read 1629711 34.34us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.09us
+disconnect 1 26.99us 0.00ns 26.99us 26.99us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 26132 26132 227.87Mb/s 227.87Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.73b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.196 62.37s 3.11GB 428.13Mb/s 3259426 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.11GB 428.13Mb/s 3259426 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:26.724000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:26.724000', 'bytes': 35531776, 'norm_byte': 35531776, 'ops': 34699, 'norm_ops': 34699, 'norm_ltcy': 28.851133137842588, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:26.724000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:26.724000",
+ "bytes": 35531776,
+ "norm_byte": 35531776,
+ "ops": 34699,
+ "norm_ops": 34699,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.851133137842588,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a407836eafca663d62e5ec59d4cfe2d5ff9efe6387b027280f44e9a6185be462",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:27.725000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:27.725000', 'bytes': 81638400, 'norm_byte': 46106624, 'ops': 79725, 'norm_ops': 45026, 'norm_ltcy': 22.233735872745747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:27.725000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:27.725000",
+ "bytes": 81638400,
+ "norm_byte": 46106624,
+ "ops": 79725,
+ "norm_ops": 45026,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.233735872745747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "953d3b43aa6b458ebca137cabed69f065a8861346708abb2d93db235ab87a10d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:28.726000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:28.726000', 'bytes': 139365376, 'norm_byte': 57726976, 'ops': 136099, 'norm_ops': 56374, 'norm_ltcy': 17.758079862004205, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:28.726000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:28.726000",
+ "bytes": 139365376,
+ "norm_byte": 57726976,
+ "ops": 136099,
+ "norm_ops": 56374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.758079862004205,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8ee1e42a35233a77f4fdaf8d9456eb289a113bf85f61927727b3dfaad41233c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:29.728000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:29.728000', 'bytes': 187085824, 'norm_byte': 47720448, 'ops': 182701, 'norm_ops': 46602, 'norm_ltcy': 21.481818443950903, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:29.728000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:29.728000",
+ "bytes": 187085824,
+ "norm_byte": 47720448,
+ "ops": 182701,
+ "norm_ops": 46602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.481818443950903,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a56c0e44ed986d00ec2fede47dcd32421147ef6eb32ed41f4f0edb2d92c3584",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:30.729000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:30.729000', 'bytes': 247393280, 'norm_byte': 60307456, 'ops': 241595, 'norm_ops': 58894, 'norm_ltcy': 16.99830863367873, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:30.729000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:30.729000",
+ "bytes": 247393280,
+ "norm_byte": 60307456,
+ "ops": 241595,
+ "norm_ops": 58894,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.99830863367873,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "204b1bbe056c0cfcd6d1f4f283b1ee8a7043f3ea5addeab94c111c4cab99a0d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:31.730000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:31.730000', 'bytes': 307728384, 'norm_byte': 60335104, 'ops': 300516, 'norm_ops': 58921, 'norm_ltcy': 16.99050274281453, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:31.730000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:31.730000",
+ "bytes": 307728384,
+ "norm_byte": 60335104,
+ "ops": 300516,
+ "norm_ops": 58921,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.99050274281453,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b14877a5371f88094c381c9174765127a0d11c911f9b8664ebb42e7f6765c5de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:32.731000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:32.731000', 'bytes': 368059392, 'norm_byte': 60331008, 'ops': 359433, 'norm_ops': 58917, 'norm_ltcy': 16.991647976443556, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:32.731000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:32.731000",
+ "bytes": 368059392,
+ "norm_byte": 60331008,
+ "ops": 359433,
+ "norm_ops": 58917,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.991647976443556,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51fef1219fbe8da82a18731c0e73d89f10d1117e887fdded62ad36519e14e5af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:33.732000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:33.732000', 'bytes': 428557312, 'norm_byte': 60497920, 'ops': 418513, 'norm_ops': 59080, 'norm_ltcy': 16.944813970463777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:33.732000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:33.732000",
+ "bytes": 428557312,
+ "norm_byte": 60497920,
+ "ops": 418513,
+ "norm_ops": 59080,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.944813970463777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88f89b87ae6d737c51a963deb920928dece6a62b2d2d337d10eb7c46a338e64f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:34.733000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:34.733000', 'bytes': 488981504, 'norm_byte': 60424192, 'ops': 477521, 'norm_ops': 59008, 'norm_ltcy': 16.965423385388423, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:34.733000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:34.733000",
+ "bytes": 488981504,
+ "norm_byte": 60424192,
+ "ops": 477521,
+ "norm_ops": 59008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.965423385388423,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ae1ddd53eb44c7e138b50e065871bf45af40c1177ee1191a9b50f973e37ff48",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:35.734000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:35.734000', 'bytes': 549323776, 'norm_byte': 60342272, 'ops': 536449, 'norm_ops': 58928, 'norm_ltcy': 16.98845131320213, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:35.734000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:35.734000",
+ "bytes": 549323776,
+ "norm_byte": 60342272,
+ "ops": 536449,
+ "norm_ops": 58928,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.98845131320213,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca196bbe623b2a2616c64aa252afda132c7695a4f7d5c190a4a7d6ddbb031083",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:36.735000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:36.735000', 'bytes': 609680384, 'norm_byte': 60356608, 'ops': 595391, 'norm_ops': 58942, 'norm_ltcy': 16.984349915754045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:36.735000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:36.735000",
+ "bytes": 609680384,
+ "norm_byte": 60356608,
+ "ops": 595391,
+ "norm_ops": 58942,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.984349915754045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3cc206428b87bfe227159762b775bfbe70557c24386246137ee2e1f1f78f729d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:37.736000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:37.736000', 'bytes': 670032896, 'norm_byte': 60352512, 'ops': 654329, 'norm_ops': 58938, 'norm_ltcy': 16.985730436539242, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:37.736000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:37.736000",
+ "bytes": 670032896,
+ "norm_byte": 60352512,
+ "ops": 654329,
+ "norm_ops": 58938,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.985730436539242,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "025d3f3decc6a7e5b786ecaae624ff97b1a7250ddece8f200596901fc71b97d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:38.737000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:38.737000', 'bytes': 730418176, 'norm_byte': 60385280, 'ops': 713299, 'norm_ops': 58970, 'norm_ltcy': 16.975449149196624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:38.737000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:38.737000",
+ "bytes": 730418176,
+ "norm_byte": 60385280,
+ "ops": 713299,
+ "norm_ops": 58970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.975449149196624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d37605b11ed6323f764961ca2d9bf738d890a6716113252e63d6f7c6e73814d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:39.738000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:39.738000', 'bytes': 778568704, 'norm_byte': 48150528, 'ops': 760321, 'norm_ops': 47022, 'norm_ltcy': 21.289984608268472, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:39.738000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:39.738000",
+ "bytes": 778568704,
+ "norm_byte": 48150528,
+ "ops": 760321,
+ "norm_ops": 47022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.289984608268472,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45747f46f0c4d56b1707facb1ebbbfa9790ec59dcfe68b3f11cf11cb26270370",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:40.740000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:40.740000', 'bytes': 838845440, 'norm_byte': 60276736, 'ops': 819185, 'norm_ops': 58864, 'norm_ltcy': 17.007038171409945, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:40.740000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:40.740000",
+ "bytes": 838845440,
+ "norm_byte": 60276736,
+ "ops": 819185,
+ "norm_ops": 58864,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.007038171409945,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f038465047ddfb9da2e4c35a0b5ae40bf48610248a559bfa540970f8a89f9231",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:41.741000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:41.741000', 'bytes': 886537216, 'norm_byte': 47691776, 'ops': 865759, 'norm_ops': 46574, 'norm_ltcy': 21.493595667311695, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:41.741000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:41.741000",
+ "bytes": 886537216,
+ "norm_byte": 47691776,
+ "ops": 865759,
+ "norm_ops": 46574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.493595667311695,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93e0e4a167c2c6b84c984e111fc128b3f42d9956d8e2939ddb138fe19ff626b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:42.742000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:42.742000', 'bytes': 947264512, 'norm_byte': 60727296, 'ops': 925063, 'norm_ops': 59304, 'norm_ltcy': 16.880802662446882, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:42.742000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:42.742000",
+ "bytes": 947264512,
+ "norm_byte": 60727296,
+ "ops": 925063,
+ "norm_ops": 59304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.880802662446882,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b181c2442e6a0a3a4b45f9001fb5bf233f9780c67bad7a019664f8344e6d4963",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:43.743000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:43.743000', 'bytes': 997889024, 'norm_byte': 50624512, 'ops': 974501, 'norm_ops': 49438, 'norm_ltcy': 20.24955815870383, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:43.743000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:43.743000",
+ "bytes": 997889024,
+ "norm_byte": 50624512,
+ "ops": 974501,
+ "norm_ops": 49438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.24955815870383,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45cc816b7d809a8674f7c82c85d0f50434d8284e51c450e098c675451a125540",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:44.744000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:44.744000', 'bytes': 1060178944, 'norm_byte': 62289920, 'ops': 1035331, 'norm_ops': 60830, 'norm_ltcy': 16.457349760603318, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:44.744000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:44.744000",
+ "bytes": 1060178944,
+ "norm_byte": 62289920,
+ "ops": 1035331,
+ "norm_ops": 60830,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.457349760603318,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "31d600947bc384f4b0f241e162ecc393136ccdcb9094d231bcdb3bbb553cdf6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:45.745000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:45.745000', 'bytes': 1125250048, 'norm_byte': 65071104, 'ops': 1098877, 'norm_ops': 63546, 'norm_ltcy': 15.75390898546919, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:45.745000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:45.745000",
+ "bytes": 1125250048,
+ "norm_byte": 65071104,
+ "ops": 1098877,
+ "norm_ops": 63546,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.75390898546919,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d605cbba11351f26f48f54813b2f407e532b54098db862281a1eab4152fdf16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:46.746000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:46.746000', 'bytes': 1187896320, 'norm_byte': 62646272, 'ops': 1160055, 'norm_ops': 61178, 'norm_ltcy': 16.36360340803679, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:46.746000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:46.746000",
+ "bytes": 1187896320,
+ "norm_byte": 62646272,
+ "ops": 1160055,
+ "norm_ops": 61178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.36360340803679,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2869f42314467f1b02ef5221d17098b93fae0df00db80bbb667551dac7f82ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:47.747000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:47.747000', 'bytes': 1248070656, 'norm_byte': 60174336, 'ops': 1218819, 'norm_ops': 58764, 'norm_ltcy': 17.037445996911373, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:47.747000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:47.747000",
+ "bytes": 1248070656,
+ "norm_byte": 60174336,
+ "ops": 1218819,
+ "norm_ops": 58764,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.037445996911373,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be5ceb0c0b82c6c84c1be5e1af1340c1e6211dad7aa9ef872ce54c47925ecba7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:48.748000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:48.748000', 'bytes': 1307321344, 'norm_byte': 59250688, 'ops': 1276681, 'norm_ops': 57862, 'norm_ltcy': 17.301605004147802, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:48.748000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:48.748000",
+ "bytes": 1307321344,
+ "norm_byte": 59250688,
+ "ops": 1276681,
+ "norm_ops": 57862,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.301605004147802,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95530b1394cd25df48fe723cce1aaa1c377cd5b838033b2dcdf1709829f525ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:49.750000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:49.750000', 'bytes': 1356345344, 'norm_byte': 49024000, 'ops': 1324556, 'norm_ops': 47875, 'norm_ltcy': 20.911012973237597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:49.750000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:49.750000",
+ "bytes": 1356345344,
+ "norm_byte": 49024000,
+ "ops": 1324556,
+ "norm_ops": 47875,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.911012973237597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec3c20ea4f8b67133ac9a92620c141c3f346593fd7c3aa41dea87b1bd9e14767",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:50.751000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:50.751000', 'bytes': 1404818432, 'norm_byte': 48473088, 'ops': 1371893, 'norm_ops': 47337, 'norm_ltcy': 21.148353494623656, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:50.751000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:50.751000",
+ "bytes": 1404818432,
+ "norm_byte": 48473088,
+ "ops": 1371893,
+ "norm_ops": 47337,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.148353494623656,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "274de6076052054025fae6fc8242a19864ec99f06989fd4ce6817edeaff6bf65",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:51.752000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:51.752000', 'bytes': 1463479296, 'norm_byte': 58660864, 'ops': 1429179, 'norm_ops': 57286, 'norm_ltcy': 17.475433024648257, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:51.752000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:51.752000",
+ "bytes": 1463479296,
+ "norm_byte": 58660864,
+ "ops": 1429179,
+ "norm_ops": 57286,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.475433024648257,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8df0649843c42c73998c89d37a9cb7aa9516dd51610896ccdf41e96bb0e50adc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:52.753000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:52.753000', 'bytes': 1509286912, 'norm_byte': 45807616, 'ops': 1473913, 'norm_ops': 44734, 'norm_ltcy': 22.379602771731232, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:52.753000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:52.753000",
+ "bytes": 1509286912,
+ "norm_byte": 45807616,
+ "ops": 1473913,
+ "norm_ops": 44734,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.379602771731232,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "167c8e457748d21894462df760093a47bfa4bc44e6856af36cdfc987bddcdf13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:53.754000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:53.754000', 'bytes': 1556700160, 'norm_byte': 47413248, 'ops': 1520215, 'norm_ops': 46302, 'norm_ltcy': 21.6212038458112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:53.754000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:53.754000",
+ "bytes": 1556700160,
+ "norm_byte": 47413248,
+ "ops": 1520215,
+ "norm_ops": 46302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.6212038458112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ffdcf48e7bebc588cc240667ad19edd8da1b5dae1493d7e70f16837fd564908f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:54.755000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:54.755000', 'bytes': 1606552576, 'norm_byte': 49852416, 'ops': 1568899, 'norm_ops': 48684, 'norm_ltcy': 20.563456744002135, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:54.755000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:54.755000",
+ "bytes": 1606552576,
+ "norm_byte": 49852416,
+ "ops": 1568899,
+ "norm_ops": 48684,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.563456744002135,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2edf619aac00572b0523156a3cc1e1a8792354fa46227a03f3f3b09f9d3d8c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:55.756000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:55.756000', 'bytes': 1671984128, 'norm_byte': 65431552, 'ops': 1632797, 'norm_ops': 63898, 'norm_ltcy': 15.667185305340153, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:55.756000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:55.756000",
+ "bytes": 1671984128,
+ "norm_byte": 65431552,
+ "ops": 1632797,
+ "norm_ops": 63898,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.667185305340153,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0117ba3660de824b5367ae1e2472e3d1e267cee2845ff5ddea8fe05dc31d17fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:56.757000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:56.757000', 'bytes': 1724075008, 'norm_byte': 52090880, 'ops': 1683667, 'norm_ops': 50870, 'norm_ltcy': 19.679471723265184, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:56.757000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:56.757000",
+ "bytes": 1724075008,
+ "norm_byte": 52090880,
+ "ops": 1683667,
+ "norm_ops": 50870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.679471723265184,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34a73fcb388e1a4b89c3d4b8f451e3ce0aa2e2340432c3395061e2f52f037cf4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:57.758000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:57.758000', 'bytes': 1789727744, 'norm_byte': 65652736, 'ops': 1747781, 'norm_ops': 64114, 'norm_ltcy': 15.614394958345681, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:57.758000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:57.758000",
+ "bytes": 1789727744,
+ "norm_byte": 65652736,
+ "ops": 1747781,
+ "norm_ops": 64114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.614394958345681,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "130a0b38e140c4051019d5246177a44f968c1a45f602ea6f73f464ff81bd9d37",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:58.759000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:58.759000', 'bytes': 1839551488, 'norm_byte': 49823744, 'ops': 1796437, 'norm_ops': 48656, 'norm_ltcy': 20.57513481925405, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:58.759000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:58.759000",
+ "bytes": 1839551488,
+ "norm_byte": 49823744,
+ "ops": 1796437,
+ "norm_ops": 48656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.57513481925405,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1fb6e5bf06a3a48a069bae595193185ca52c087e29e4ac1564ab838efe68eb1f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:56:59.761000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:56:59.761000', 'bytes': 1902332928, 'norm_byte': 62781440, 'ops': 1857747, 'norm_ops': 61310, 'norm_ltcy': 16.328456308106343, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:56:59.761000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:56:59.761000",
+ "bytes": 1902332928,
+ "norm_byte": 62781440,
+ "ops": 1857747,
+ "norm_ops": 61310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.328456308106343,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff70d9777c02689007c89c57e6b13c4435f6d156bd0a4a556d74a6aa669a9db0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:00.762000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:00.762000', 'bytes': 1954487296, 'norm_byte': 52154368, 'ops': 1908679, 'norm_ops': 50932, 'norm_ltcy': 19.655520511723964, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:00.762000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:00.762000",
+ "bytes": 1954487296,
+ "norm_byte": 52154368,
+ "ops": 1908679,
+ "norm_ops": 50932,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.655520511723964,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33972daa189caf0e762fae6f6f69e70ff4c2a69fe19fab5eee09eb139970c63f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:01.762000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:01.762000', 'bytes': 2019959808, 'norm_byte': 65472512, 'ops': 1972617, 'norm_ops': 63938, 'norm_ltcy': 15.642007137285338, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:01.762000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:01.762000",
+ "bytes": 2019959808,
+ "norm_byte": 65472512,
+ "ops": 1972617,
+ "norm_ops": 63938,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.642007137285338,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26e22f278fe125534af3a43a7e4605d8e82dfcf178a057644da230c0f83bbcf2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:02.762000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:02.762000', 'bytes': 2072032256, 'norm_byte': 52072448, 'ops': 2023469, 'norm_ops': 50852, 'norm_ltcy': 19.676499556925, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:02.762000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:02.762000",
+ "bytes": 2072032256,
+ "norm_byte": 52072448,
+ "ops": 2023469,
+ "norm_ops": 50852,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.676499556925,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f8af1cf7afd253c16e27fd6c73b5499cdb63bdd4745e8c2307daa4c9be9ec4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:03.763000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:03.763000', 'bytes': 2137539584, 'norm_byte': 65507328, 'ops': 2087441, 'norm_ops': 63972, 'norm_ltcy': 15.646989906228505, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:03.763000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:03.763000",
+ "bytes": 2137539584,
+ "norm_byte": 65507328,
+ "ops": 2087441,
+ "norm_ops": 63972,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.646989906228505,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a239a3702fd10a113005e21868723c171b46f83815f88d2b0a9ac7d254bce113",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:04.764000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:04.764000', 'bytes': 2189374464, 'norm_byte': 51834880, 'ops': 2138061, 'norm_ops': 50620, 'norm_ltcy': 19.776601199809857, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:04.764000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:04.764000",
+ "bytes": 2189374464,
+ "norm_byte": 51834880,
+ "ops": 2138061,
+ "norm_ops": 50620,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.776601199809857,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e0ec0e0a982dae35e104b9a0bb1aeaae5382f93139956e9d4f4a380c7ad45bb8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:05.766000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:05.766000', 'bytes': 2254764032, 'norm_byte': 65389568, 'ops': 2201918, 'norm_ops': 63857, 'norm_ltcy': 15.677064879829148, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:05.766000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:05.766000",
+ "bytes": 2254764032,
+ "norm_byte": 65389568,
+ "ops": 2201918,
+ "norm_ops": 63857,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.677064879829148,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e300f911ba1efbf3a5d9388f603c332c62e30e42097f1cadd7dbd31f81d0aa4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:06.767000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:06.767000', 'bytes': 2320292864, 'norm_byte': 65528832, 'ops': 2265911, 'norm_ops': 63993, 'norm_ltcy': 15.643835220502632, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:06.767000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:06.767000",
+ "bytes": 2320292864,
+ "norm_byte": 65528832,
+ "ops": 2265911,
+ "norm_ops": 63993,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.643835220502632,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b5d2bfbe9cbb814834e71e0d050ad7b0bd7de2a344150e45622e512c03602807",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:07.768000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:07.768000', 'bytes': 2372404224, 'norm_byte': 52111360, 'ops': 2316801, 'norm_ops': 50890, 'norm_ltcy': 19.671713614843288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:07.768000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:07.768000",
+ "bytes": 2372404224,
+ "norm_byte": 52111360,
+ "ops": 2316801,
+ "norm_ops": 50890,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.671713614843288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "019e9110d7ff3897eca739bec34ea679179c88b76f7ba1238484468d5bbbb2cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:08.769000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:08.769000', 'bytes': 2424134656, 'norm_byte': 51730432, 'ops': 2367319, 'norm_ops': 50518, 'norm_ltcy': 19.816464126957225, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:08.769000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:08.769000",
+ "bytes": 2424134656,
+ "norm_byte": 51730432,
+ "ops": 2367319,
+ "norm_ops": 50518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.816464126957225,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70f358f4cbcd61e232e4e6de27807ba2602b3ab8b3be927b80b12c1b2ce8c8a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:09.770000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:09.770000', 'bytes': 2476376064, 'norm_byte': 52241408, 'ops': 2418336, 'norm_ops': 51017, 'norm_ltcy': 19.622676517447616, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:09.770000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:09.770000",
+ "bytes": 2476376064,
+ "norm_byte": 52241408,
+ "ops": 2418336,
+ "norm_ops": 51017,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.622676517447616,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b98b2741d9ece3102721365edd7809508de4349fcf480f6264ee5caee0cdc38",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:10.771000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:10.771000', 'bytes': 2528261120, 'norm_byte': 51885056, 'ops': 2469005, 'norm_ops': 50669, 'norm_ltcy': 19.757504935525173, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:10.771000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:10.771000",
+ "bytes": 2528261120,
+ "norm_byte": 51885056,
+ "ops": 2469005,
+ "norm_ops": 50669,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.757504935525173,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c18ef4569e699ae5740a495132c8134a795afa34704fc17d6debd0d0b8175c1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:11.772000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:11.772000', 'bytes': 2593610752, 'norm_byte': 65349632, 'ops': 2532823, 'norm_ops': 63818, 'norm_ltcy': 15.686771579677757, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:11.772000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:11.772000",
+ "bytes": 2593610752,
+ "norm_byte": 65349632,
+ "ops": 2532823,
+ "norm_ops": 63818,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.686771579677757,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5db4b32a8673adde66cd2323aeb96f05229bb9c689bdee869e2f468093c31c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:12.772000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:12.772000', 'bytes': 2653434880, 'norm_byte': 59824128, 'ops': 2591245, 'norm_ops': 58422, 'norm_ltcy': 17.12121487169859, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:12.772000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:12.772000",
+ "bytes": 2653434880,
+ "norm_byte": 59824128,
+ "ops": 2591245,
+ "norm_ops": 58422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.12121487169859,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "174bf5063cd02658469383cf76af6ab8363f65ad322a71805d8ca1dcc49ded61",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:13.773000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:13.773000', 'bytes': 2711456768, 'norm_byte': 58021888, 'ops': 2647907, 'norm_ops': 56662, 'norm_ltcy': 17.668974336029876, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:13.773000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:13.773000",
+ "bytes": 2711456768,
+ "norm_byte": 58021888,
+ "ops": 2647907,
+ "norm_ops": 56662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.668974336029876,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a698724f1abd72d5483d580dee94f06550c19f8514e3188a5871f56bceca89df",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:14.775000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:14.775000', 'bytes': 2768948224, 'norm_byte': 57491456, 'ops': 2704051, 'norm_ops': 56144, 'norm_ltcy': 17.830897342380755, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:14.775000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:14.775000",
+ "bytes": 2768948224,
+ "norm_byte": 57491456,
+ "ops": 2704051,
+ "norm_ops": 56144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.830897342380755,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ffd806f8043dadfab2438f04bfd695856379121fd50a6385660294d145842eee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:15.776000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:15.776000', 'bytes': 2814989312, 'norm_byte': 46041088, 'ops': 2749013, 'norm_ops': 44962, 'norm_ltcy': 22.265606538229505, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:15.776000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:15.776000",
+ "bytes": 2814989312,
+ "norm_byte": 46041088,
+ "ops": 2749013,
+ "norm_ops": 44962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.265606538229505,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b4205f3ba35fb7beb38b5cd841508bd7f8f7d556297acb84fa53f2a9a44b5d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:16.777000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:16.777000', 'bytes': 2872460288, 'norm_byte': 57470976, 'ops': 2805137, 'norm_ops': 56124, 'norm_ltcy': 17.83739065089133, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:16.777000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:16.777000",
+ "bytes": 2872460288,
+ "norm_byte": 57470976,
+ "ops": 2805137,
+ "norm_ops": 56124,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.83739065089133,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c908c1bf9ee4082440d4a0067a898bffbe97b98ab026f8c3f29cbc1ca7b6f67c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:17.778000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:17.778000', 'bytes': 2930138112, 'norm_byte': 57677824, 'ops': 2861463, 'norm_ops': 56326, 'norm_ltcy': 17.77320430812369, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:17.778000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:17.778000",
+ "bytes": 2930138112,
+ "norm_byte": 57677824,
+ "ops": 2861463,
+ "norm_ops": 56326,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.77320430812369,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f78e9083cec2607dd0959ad48c51b496cec8022a9291bf19c16ff606f74e973",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:18.779000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:18.779000', 'bytes': 2989507584, 'norm_byte': 59369472, 'ops': 2919441, 'norm_ops': 57978, 'norm_ltcy': 17.266988663803513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:18.779000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:18.779000",
+ "bytes": 2989507584,
+ "norm_byte": 59369472,
+ "ops": 2919441,
+ "norm_ops": 57978,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.266988663803513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8a6726e83886dc0fb739649349a9ff0fbb6b17eb38df34ae8c8e6d6d4dd0157",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:19.780000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:19.780000', 'bytes': 3049784320, 'norm_byte': 60276736, 'ops': 2978305, 'norm_ops': 58864, 'norm_ltcy': 17.006967663278914, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:19.780000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:19.780000",
+ "bytes": 3049784320,
+ "norm_byte": 60276736,
+ "ops": 2978305,
+ "norm_ops": 58864,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.006967663278914,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3756178c99cbea7011fce077a8e5effb6f7a3a5f94649903bba33ac04b5025ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:20.781000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:20.781000', 'bytes': 3097709568, 'norm_byte': 47925248, 'ops': 3025107, 'norm_ops': 46802, 'norm_ltcy': 21.390061455707023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:20.781000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:20.781000",
+ "bytes": 3097709568,
+ "norm_byte": 47925248,
+ "ops": 3025107,
+ "norm_ops": 46802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.390061455707023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d43f8c4fcab22e340ea3ba3c3831498b1da5cb4e485bfa1e38c8928c4e0eb2d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:21.782000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:21.782000', 'bytes': 3153157120, 'norm_byte': 55447552, 'ops': 3079255, 'norm_ops': 54148, 'norm_ltcy': 18.488255351651954, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:21.782000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:21.782000",
+ "bytes": 3153157120,
+ "norm_byte": 55447552,
+ "ops": 3079255,
+ "norm_ops": 54148,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.488255351651954,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13a016a186f03202ae5e4c9dfb90d615616be91011c97248f9a503eef6020fd7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:22.783000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:22.783000', 'bytes': 3205401600, 'norm_byte': 52244480, 'ops': 3130275, 'norm_ops': 51020, 'norm_ltcy': 19.62232660751911, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:22.783000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:22.783000",
+ "bytes": 3205401600,
+ "norm_byte": 52244480,
+ "ops": 3130275,
+ "norm_ops": 51020,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.62232660751911,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c06220c771015924f3311d94b1139f933106500abd0d6417981f0abf1160ce6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:23.785000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:23.785000', 'bytes': 3254014976, 'norm_byte': 48613376, 'ops': 3177749, 'norm_ops': 47474, 'norm_ltcy': 21.087287786801724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:23.785000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:23.785000",
+ "bytes": 3254014976,
+ "norm_byte": 48613376,
+ "ops": 3177749,
+ "norm_ops": 47474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.087287786801724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ea2c9374467b6d16855494415684f2133fa0d81f20707c1c6a3c80aeb6c66c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:24.786000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:24.786000', 'bytes': 3289603072, 'norm_byte': 35588096, 'ops': 3212503, 'norm_ops': 34754, 'norm_ltcy': 28.805235885617485, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:24.786000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:24.786000",
+ "bytes": 3289603072,
+ "norm_byte": 35588096,
+ "ops": 3212503,
+ "norm_ops": 34754,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.805235885617485,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a47ea305790bf52d48dfa8e619a1df9a47aa807874bd7b7627116edbd8643644",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:57:25.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:57:25.987000', 'bytes': 3337649152, 'norm_byte': 48046080, 'ops': 3259423, 'norm_ops': 46920, 'norm_ltcy': 25.605174241061913, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:57:25.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:57:25.987000",
+ "bytes": 3337649152,
+ "norm_byte": 48046080,
+ "ops": 3259423,
+ "norm_ops": 46920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.605174241061913,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5be90074-e764-57b7-a701-a59ed84f8e89",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "516b468f24efa5068feba0d26e9053eff9c833634cb3acd8f8178475d2340fd8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 55627485.86666667
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 54323.71666666667
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 22.540881345197757
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:57:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-101-220519225340/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-101-220519225340/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d31412b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-101-220519225340/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-101-220519225340/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-101-220519225340/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-101-220519225340/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-101-220519225340/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-101-220519225340/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..471e641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-101-220519225340/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=70
+ net.core.busy_poll=170
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-102-220519225542/220519225542-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-102-220519225542/220519225542-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc1841a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-102-220519225542/220519225542-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T22:58:25Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001106379.3677 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001107380.4709 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001107380.5586 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001108381.6638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70233088 nr_ops:68587\ntimestamp_ms:1653001109382.7573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125860864 nr_ops:122911\ntimestamp_ms:1653001110383.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:195970048 nr_ops:191377\ntimestamp_ms:1653001111384.9753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:266145792 nr_ops:259908\ntimestamp_ms:1653001112386.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:336280576 nr_ops:328399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001113387.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:406299648 nr_ops:396777\ntimestamp_ms:1653001114388.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:476259328 nr_ops:465097\ntimestamp_ms:1653001115389.3057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544267264 nr_ops:531511\ntimestamp_ms:1653001116390.4011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612217856 nr_ops:597869\ntimestamp_ms:1653001117391.5010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:680307712 nr_ops:664363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001118392.6045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:748234752 nr_ops:730698\ntimestamp_ms:1653001119393.7058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816253952 nr_ops:797123\ntimestamp_ms:1653001120394.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884448256 nr_ops:863719\ntimestamp_ms:1653001121395.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951530496 nr_ops:929229\ntimestamp_ms:1653001122396.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018903552 nr_ops:995023\ntimestamp_ms:1653001123398.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086604288 nr_ops:1061137\ntimestamp_ms:1653001124399.1355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154473984 nr_ops:1127416\ntimestamp_ms:1653001125400.2307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1222378496 nr_ops:1193729\ntimestamp_ms:1653001126401.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292215296 nr_ops:1261929\ntimestamp_ms:1653001127402.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1362240512 nr_ops:1330313\ntimestamp_ms:1653001128403.5188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418224640 nr_ops:1384985\ntimestamp_ms:1653001129404.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1474118656 nr_ops:1439569\ntimestamp_ms:1653001130405.7185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1529750528 nr_ops:1493897\ntimestamp_ms:1653001131406.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1571550208 nr_ops:1534717\ntimestamp_ms:1653001132407.9473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1610572800 nr_ops:1572825\ntimestamp_ms:1653001133409.0425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1664132096 nr_ops:1625129\ntimestamp_ms:1653001134410.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731075072 nr_ops:1690503\ntimestamp_ms:1653001135410.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1798253568 nr_ops:1756107\ntimestamp_ms:1653001136411.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852234752 nr_ops:1808823\ntimestamp_ms:1653001137413.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906504704 nr_ops:1861821\ntimestamp_ms:1653001138414.1514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974404096 nr_ops:1928129\ntimestamp_ms:1653001139415.2478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042438656 nr_ops:1994569\ntimestamp_ms:1653001140415.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2110493696 nr_ops:2061029\ntimestamp_ms:1653001141416.8948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180316160 nr_ops:2129215\ntimestamp_ms:1653001142418.0640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241299456 nr_ops:2188769\ntimestamp_ms:1653001143419.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2306379776 nr_ops:2252324\ntimestamp_ms:1653001144420.1807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2362209280 nr_ops:2306845\ntimestamp_ms:1653001145421.2266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2417642496 nr_ops:2360979\ntimestamp_ms:1653001146422.2756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2487809024 nr_ops:2429501\ntimestamp_ms:1653001147423.3254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2558008320 nr_ops:2498055\ntimestamp_ms:1653001148424.3811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2627746816 nr_ops:2566159\ntimestamp_ms:1653001149425.4336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2695507968 nr_ops:2632332\ntimestamp_ms:1653001150426.4883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2762521600 nr_ops:2697775\ntimestamp_ms:1653001151427.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2829478912 nr_ops:2763163\ntimestamp_ms:1653001152428.5835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2883509248 nr_ops:2815927\ntimestamp_ms:1653001153429.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2951218176 nr_ops:2882049\ntimestamp_ms:1653001154430.6768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3020411904 nr_ops:2949621\ntimestamp_ms:1653001155431.7209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3090080768 nr_ops:3017657\ntimestamp_ms:1653001156432.7649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3144273920 nr_ops:3070580\ntimestamp_ms:1653001157433.8267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3212196864 nr_ops:3136911\ntimestamp_ms:1653001158434.9941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3280202752 nr_ops:3203323\ntimestamp_ms:1653001159436.0417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3348389888 nr_ops:3269912\ntimestamp_ms:1653001160437.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3416431616 nr_ops:3336359\ntimestamp_ms:1653001161438.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3484290048 nr_ops:3402627\ntimestamp_ms:1653001162439.1978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3539305472 nr_ops:3456353\ntimestamp_ms:1653001163440.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3609246720 nr_ops:3524655\ntimestamp_ms:1653001164440.8442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3679133696 nr_ops:3592904\ntimestamp_ms:1653001165441.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3734757376 nr_ops:3647224\ntimestamp_ms:1653001166442.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3776017408 nr_ops:3687517\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139838642415360\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3831276544 nr_ops:3741481\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.2063 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.2107 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167744.3818 name:Total nr_bytes:3831276544 nr_ops:3741482\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.2300 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7662553086 nr_ops:7482964\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.2307 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3831276544 nr_ops:3741484\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 270.69us 0.00ns 270.69us 270.69us \nTxn1 1870741 32.08us 0.00ns 208.91ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 18.96us 0.00ns 18.96us 18.96us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.11us 0.00ns 270.11us 270.11us \nwrite 1870741 2.39us 0.00ns 187.88us 2.10us \nread 1870740 29.61us 0.00ns 208.90ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 18.49us 0.00ns 18.49us 18.49us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.13b/s \nnet1 29996 29997 261.57Mb/s 261.57Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.197 62.37s 3.57GB 491.45Mb/s 3741484 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.46Mb/s 3741484 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417381, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001106379.3677 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001107380.4709 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001107380.5586 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001108381.6638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70233088 nr_ops:68587\ntimestamp_ms:1653001109382.7573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125860864 nr_ops:122911\ntimestamp_ms:1653001110383.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:195970048 nr_ops:191377\ntimestamp_ms:1653001111384.9753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:266145792 nr_ops:259908\ntimestamp_ms:1653001112386.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:336280576 nr_ops:328399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001113387.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:406299648 nr_ops:396777\ntimestamp_ms:1653001114388.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:476259328 nr_ops:465097\ntimestamp_ms:1653001115389.3057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544267264 nr_ops:531511\ntimestamp_ms:1653001116390.4011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612217856 nr_ops:597869\ntimestamp_ms:1653001117391.5010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:680307712 nr_ops:664363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001118392.6045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:748234752 nr_ops:730698\ntimestamp_ms:1653001119393.7058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816253952 nr_ops:797123\ntimestamp_ms:1653001120394.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884448256 nr_ops:863719\ntimestamp_ms:1653001121395.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951530496 nr_ops:929229\ntimestamp_ms:1653001122396.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018903552 nr_ops:995023\ntimestamp_ms:1653001123398.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086604288 nr_ops:1061137\ntimestamp_ms:1653001124399.1355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154473984 nr_ops:1127416\ntimestamp_ms:1653001125400.2307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1222378496 nr_ops:1193729\ntimestamp_ms:1653001126401.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292215296 nr_ops:1261929\ntimestamp_ms:1653001127402.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1362240512 nr_ops:1330313\ntimestamp_ms:1653001128403.5188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418224640 nr_ops:1384985\ntimestamp_ms:1653001129404.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1474118656 nr_ops:1439569\ntimestamp_ms:1653001130405.7185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1529750528 nr_ops:1493897\ntimestamp_ms:1653001131406.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1571550208 nr_ops:1534717\ntimestamp_ms:1653001132407.9473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1610572800 nr_ops:1572825\ntimestamp_ms:1653001133409.0425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1664132096 nr_ops:1625129\ntimestamp_ms:1653001134410.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731075072 nr_ops:1690503\ntimestamp_ms:1653001135410.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1798253568 nr_ops:1756107\ntimestamp_ms:1653001136411.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852234752 nr_ops:1808823\ntimestamp_ms:1653001137413.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906504704 nr_ops:1861821\ntimestamp_ms:1653001138414.1514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974404096 nr_ops:1928129\ntimestamp_ms:1653001139415.2478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042438656 nr_ops:1994569\ntimestamp_ms:1653001140415.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2110493696 nr_ops:2061029\ntimestamp_ms:1653001141416.8948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180316160 nr_ops:2129215\ntimestamp_ms:1653001142418.0640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241299456 nr_ops:2188769\ntimestamp_ms:1653001143419.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2306379776 nr_ops:2252324\ntimestamp_ms:1653001144420.1807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2362209280 nr_ops:2306845\ntimestamp_ms:1653001145421.2266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2417642496 nr_ops:2360979\ntimestamp_ms:1653001146422.2756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2487809024 nr_ops:2429501\ntimestamp_ms:1653001147423.3254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2558008320 nr_ops:2498055\ntimestamp_ms:1653001148424.3811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2627746816 nr_ops:2566159\ntimestamp_ms:1653001149425.4336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2695507968 nr_ops:2632332\ntimestamp_ms:1653001150426.4883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2762521600 nr_ops:2697775\ntimestamp_ms:1653001151427.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2829478912 nr_ops:2763163\ntimestamp_ms:1653001152428.5835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2883509248 nr_ops:2815927\ntimestamp_ms:1653001153429.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2951218176 nr_ops:2882049\ntimestamp_ms:1653001154430.6768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3020411904 nr_ops:2949621\ntimestamp_ms:1653001155431.7209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3090080768 nr_ops:3017657\ntimestamp_ms:1653001156432.7649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3144273920 nr_ops:3070580\ntimestamp_ms:1653001157433.8267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3212196864 nr_ops:3136911\ntimestamp_ms:1653001158434.9941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3280202752 nr_ops:3203323\ntimestamp_ms:1653001159436.0417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3348389888 nr_ops:3269912\ntimestamp_ms:1653001160437.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3416431616 nr_ops:3336359\ntimestamp_ms:1653001161438.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3484290048 nr_ops:3402627\ntimestamp_ms:1653001162439.1978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3539305472 nr_ops:3456353\ntimestamp_ms:1653001163440.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3609246720 nr_ops:3524655\ntimestamp_ms:1653001164440.8442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3679133696 nr_ops:3592904\ntimestamp_ms:1653001165441.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3734757376 nr_ops:3647224\ntimestamp_ms:1653001166442.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3776017408 nr_ops:3687517\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139838642415360\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3831276544 nr_ops:3741481\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.2063 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.2107 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167744.3818 name:Total nr_bytes:3831276544 nr_ops:3741482\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.2300 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7662553086 nr_ops:7482964\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.2307 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3831276544 nr_ops:3741484\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 270.69us 0.00ns 270.69us 270.69us \nTxn1 1870741 32.08us 0.00ns 208.91ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 18.96us 0.00ns 18.96us 18.96us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.11us 0.00ns 270.11us 270.11us \nwrite 1870741 2.39us 0.00ns 187.88us 2.10us \nread 1870740 29.61us 0.00ns 208.90ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 18.49us 0.00ns 18.49us 18.49us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.13b/s \nnet1 29996 29997 261.57Mb/s 261.57Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.197 62.37s 3.57GB 491.45Mb/s 3741484 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.46Mb/s 3741484 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417381, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001106379.3677 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001107380.4709 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001107380.5586 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001108381.6638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70233088 nr_ops:68587\ntimestamp_ms:1653001109382.7573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125860864 nr_ops:122911\ntimestamp_ms:1653001110383.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:195970048 nr_ops:191377\ntimestamp_ms:1653001111384.9753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:266145792 nr_ops:259908\ntimestamp_ms:1653001112386.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:336280576 nr_ops:328399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001113387.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:406299648 nr_ops:396777\ntimestamp_ms:1653001114388.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:476259328 nr_ops:465097\ntimestamp_ms:1653001115389.3057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544267264 nr_ops:531511\ntimestamp_ms:1653001116390.4011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612217856 nr_ops:597869\ntimestamp_ms:1653001117391.5010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:680307712 nr_ops:664363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001118392.6045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:748234752 nr_ops:730698\ntimestamp_ms:1653001119393.7058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816253952 nr_ops:797123\ntimestamp_ms:1653001120394.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884448256 nr_ops:863719\ntimestamp_ms:1653001121395.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951530496 nr_ops:929229\ntimestamp_ms:1653001122396.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018903552 nr_ops:995023\ntimestamp_ms:1653001123398.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086604288 nr_ops:1061137\ntimestamp_ms:1653001124399.1355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154473984 nr_ops:1127416\ntimestamp_ms:1653001125400.2307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1222378496 nr_ops:1193729\ntimestamp_ms:1653001126401.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292215296 nr_ops:1261929\ntimestamp_ms:1653001127402.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1362240512 nr_ops:1330313\ntimestamp_ms:1653001128403.5188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418224640 nr_ops:1384985\ntimestamp_ms:1653001129404.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1474118656 nr_ops:1439569\ntimestamp_ms:1653001130405.7185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1529750528 nr_ops:1493897\ntimestamp_ms:1653001131406.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1571550208 nr_ops:1534717\ntimestamp_ms:1653001132407.9473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1610572800 nr_ops:1572825\ntimestamp_ms:1653001133409.0425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1664132096 nr_ops:1625129\ntimestamp_ms:1653001134410.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731075072 nr_ops:1690503\ntimestamp_ms:1653001135410.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1798253568 nr_ops:1756107\ntimestamp_ms:1653001136411.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852234752 nr_ops:1808823\ntimestamp_ms:1653001137413.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906504704 nr_ops:1861821\ntimestamp_ms:1653001138414.1514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974404096 nr_ops:1928129\ntimestamp_ms:1653001139415.2478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042438656 nr_ops:1994569\ntimestamp_ms:1653001140415.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2110493696 nr_ops:2061029\ntimestamp_ms:1653001141416.8948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180316160 nr_ops:2129215\ntimestamp_ms:1653001142418.0640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241299456 nr_ops:2188769\ntimestamp_ms:1653001143419.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2306379776 nr_ops:2252324\ntimestamp_ms:1653001144420.1807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2362209280 nr_ops:2306845\ntimestamp_ms:1653001145421.2266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2417642496 nr_ops:2360979\ntimestamp_ms:1653001146422.2756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2487809024 nr_ops:2429501\ntimestamp_ms:1653001147423.3254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2558008320 nr_ops:2498055\ntimestamp_ms:1653001148424.3811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2627746816 nr_ops:2566159\ntimestamp_ms:1653001149425.4336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2695507968 nr_ops:2632332\ntimestamp_ms:1653001150426.4883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2762521600 nr_ops:2697775\ntimestamp_ms:1653001151427.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2829478912 nr_ops:2763163\ntimestamp_ms:1653001152428.5835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2883509248 nr_ops:2815927\ntimestamp_ms:1653001153429.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2951218176 nr_ops:2882049\ntimestamp_ms:1653001154430.6768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3020411904 nr_ops:2949621\ntimestamp_ms:1653001155431.7209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3090080768 nr_ops:3017657\ntimestamp_ms:1653001156432.7649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3144273920 nr_ops:3070580\ntimestamp_ms:1653001157433.8267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3212196864 nr_ops:3136911\ntimestamp_ms:1653001158434.9941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3280202752 nr_ops:3203323\ntimestamp_ms:1653001159436.0417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3348389888 nr_ops:3269912\ntimestamp_ms:1653001160437.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3416431616 nr_ops:3336359\ntimestamp_ms:1653001161438.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3484290048 nr_ops:3402627\ntimestamp_ms:1653001162439.1978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3539305472 nr_ops:3456353\ntimestamp_ms:1653001163440.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3609246720 nr_ops:3524655\ntimestamp_ms:1653001164440.8442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3679133696 nr_ops:3592904\ntimestamp_ms:1653001165441.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3734757376 nr_ops:3647224\ntimestamp_ms:1653001166442.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3776017408 nr_ops:3687517\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139838642415360\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3831276544 nr_ops:3741481\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.2063 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.2107 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167744.3818 name:Total nr_bytes:3831276544 nr_ops:3741482\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.2300 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7662553086 nr_ops:7482964\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001167644.2307 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3831276544 nr_ops:3741484\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 270.69us 0.00ns 270.69us 270.69us \nTxn1 1870741 32.08us 0.00ns 208.91ms 18.41us \nTxn2 1 18.96us 0.00ns 18.96us 18.96us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 270.11us 0.00ns 270.11us 270.11us \nwrite 1870741 2.39us 0.00ns 187.88us 2.10us \nread 1870740 29.61us 0.00ns 208.90ms 1.09us \ndisconnect 1 18.49us 0.00ns 18.49us 18.49us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.13b/s \nnet1 29996 29997 261.57Mb/s 261.57Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.197 62.37s 3.57GB 491.45Mb/s 3741484 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.57GB 491.46Mb/s 3741484 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417381, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001106379.3677 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001107380.4709 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001107380.5586 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001108381.6638 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70233088 nr_ops:68587
+timestamp_ms:1653001109382.7573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125860864 nr_ops:122911
+timestamp_ms:1653001110383.8748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:195970048 nr_ops:191377
+timestamp_ms:1653001111384.9753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:266145792 nr_ops:259908
+timestamp_ms:1653001112386.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:336280576 nr_ops:328399
+timestamp_ms:1653001113387.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:406299648 nr_ops:396777
+timestamp_ms:1653001114388.2617 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:476259328 nr_ops:465097
+timestamp_ms:1653001115389.3057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544267264 nr_ops:531511
+timestamp_ms:1653001116390.4011 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:612217856 nr_ops:597869
+timestamp_ms:1653001117391.5010 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:680307712 nr_ops:664363
+timestamp_ms:1653001118392.6045 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:748234752 nr_ops:730698
+timestamp_ms:1653001119393.7058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816253952 nr_ops:797123
+timestamp_ms:1653001120394.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884448256 nr_ops:863719
+timestamp_ms:1653001121395.8457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:951530496 nr_ops:929229
+timestamp_ms:1653001122396.9402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1018903552 nr_ops:995023
+timestamp_ms:1653001123398.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1086604288 nr_ops:1061137
+timestamp_ms:1653001124399.1355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1154473984 nr_ops:1127416
+timestamp_ms:1653001125400.2307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1222378496 nr_ops:1193729
+timestamp_ms:1653001126401.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1292215296 nr_ops:1261929
+timestamp_ms:1653001127402.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1362240512 nr_ops:1330313
+timestamp_ms:1653001128403.5188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418224640 nr_ops:1384985
+timestamp_ms:1653001129404.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1474118656 nr_ops:1439569
+timestamp_ms:1653001130405.7185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1529750528 nr_ops:1493897
+timestamp_ms:1653001131406.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1571550208 nr_ops:1534717
+timestamp_ms:1653001132407.9473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1610572800 nr_ops:1572825
+timestamp_ms:1653001133409.0425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1664132096 nr_ops:1625129
+timestamp_ms:1653001134410.1404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1731075072 nr_ops:1690503
+timestamp_ms:1653001135410.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1798253568 nr_ops:1756107
+timestamp_ms:1653001136411.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1852234752 nr_ops:1808823
+timestamp_ms:1653001137413.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906504704 nr_ops:1861821
+timestamp_ms:1653001138414.1514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974404096 nr_ops:1928129
+timestamp_ms:1653001139415.2478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042438656 nr_ops:1994569
+timestamp_ms:1653001140415.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2110493696 nr_ops:2061029
+timestamp_ms:1653001141416.8948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180316160 nr_ops:2129215
+timestamp_ms:1653001142418.0640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2241299456 nr_ops:2188769
+timestamp_ms:1653001143419.1191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2306379776 nr_ops:2252324
+timestamp_ms:1653001144420.1807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2362209280 nr_ops:2306845
+timestamp_ms:1653001145421.2266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2417642496 nr_ops:2360979
+timestamp_ms:1653001146422.2756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2487809024 nr_ops:2429501
+timestamp_ms:1653001147423.3254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2558008320 nr_ops:2498055
+timestamp_ms:1653001148424.3811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2627746816 nr_ops:2566159
+timestamp_ms:1653001149425.4336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2695507968 nr_ops:2632332
+timestamp_ms:1653001150426.4883 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2762521600 nr_ops:2697775
+timestamp_ms:1653001151427.5366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2829478912 nr_ops:2763163
+timestamp_ms:1653001152428.5835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2883509248 nr_ops:2815927
+timestamp_ms:1653001153429.6274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2951218176 nr_ops:2882049
+timestamp_ms:1653001154430.6768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3020411904 nr_ops:2949621
+timestamp_ms:1653001155431.7209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3090080768 nr_ops:3017657
+timestamp_ms:1653001156432.7649 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3144273920 nr_ops:3070580
+timestamp_ms:1653001157433.8267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3212196864 nr_ops:3136911
+timestamp_ms:1653001158434.9941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3280202752 nr_ops:3203323
+timestamp_ms:1653001159436.0417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3348389888 nr_ops:3269912
+timestamp_ms:1653001160437.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3416431616 nr_ops:3336359
+timestamp_ms:1653001161438.1538 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3484290048 nr_ops:3402627
+timestamp_ms:1653001162439.1978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3539305472 nr_ops:3456353
+timestamp_ms:1653001163440.2400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3609246720 nr_ops:3524655
+timestamp_ms:1653001164440.8442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3679133696 nr_ops:3592904
+timestamp_ms:1653001165441.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3734757376 nr_ops:3647224
+timestamp_ms:1653001166442.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3776017408 nr_ops:3687517
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139838642415360
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653001167644.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3831276544 nr_ops:3741481
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001167644.2063 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001167644.2107 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001167744.3818 name:Total nr_bytes:3831276544 nr_ops:3741482
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001167644.2300 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7662553086 nr_ops:7482964
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001167644.2307 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3831276544 nr_ops:3741484
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 270.69us 0.00ns 270.69us 270.69us
+Txn1 1870741 32.08us 0.00ns 208.91ms 18.41us
+Txn2 1 18.96us 0.00ns 18.96us 18.96us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 270.11us 0.00ns 270.11us 270.11us
+write 1870741 2.39us 0.00ns 187.88us 2.10us
+read 1870740 29.61us 0.00ns 208.90ms 1.09us
+disconnect 1 18.49us 0.00ns 18.49us 18.49us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.13b/s
+net1 29996 29997 261.57Mb/s 261.57Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.197 62.37s 3.57GB 491.45Mb/s 3741484 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.57GB 491.46Mb/s 3741484 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:28.381000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:28.381000', 'bytes': 70233088, 'norm_byte': 70233088, 'ops': 68587, 'norm_ops': 68587, 'norm_ltcy': 14.596136652855133, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:28.381000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:28.381000",
+ "bytes": 70233088,
+ "norm_byte": 70233088,
+ "ops": 68587,
+ "norm_ops": 68587,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.596136652855133,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a984d924fce0aa9f5bce41cd57bc1d97876aafb8cae4453099a464dcf51398c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:29.382000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:29.382000', 'bytes': 125860864, 'norm_byte': 55627776, 'ops': 122911, 'norm_ops': 54324, 'norm_ltcy': 18.428199430442806, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:29.382000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:29.382000",
+ "bytes": 125860864,
+ "norm_byte": 55627776,
+ "ops": 122911,
+ "norm_ops": 54324,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.428199430442806,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fbf5eb2c519707e4ac1e31cba386d628d039d9ce6c28062f1d10aaacec860f0b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:30.383000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:30.383000', 'bytes': 195970048, 'norm_byte': 70109184, 'ops': 191377, 'norm_ops': 68466, 'norm_ltcy': 14.622110706637235, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:30.383000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:30.383000",
+ "bytes": 195970048,
+ "norm_byte": 70109184,
+ "ops": 191377,
+ "norm_ops": 68466,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.622110706637235,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b05cf86b645b882578d3b2c57f3a12db73e8492f63fa643579a0665738979d75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:31.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:31.384000', 'bytes': 266145792, 'norm_byte': 70175744, 'ops': 259908, 'norm_ops': 68531, 'norm_ltcy': 14.607996176000643, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:31.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:31.384000",
+ "bytes": 266145792,
+ "norm_byte": 70175744,
+ "ops": 259908,
+ "norm_ops": 68531,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.607996176000643,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a07bf48be3e23c648e05593efc8be4deb550b7752d5d452b35ff9115d7e498b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:32.386000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:32.386000', 'bytes': 336280576, 'norm_byte': 70134784, 'ops': 328399, 'norm_ops': 68491, 'norm_ltcy': 14.616534642781533, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:32.386000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:32.386000",
+ "bytes": 336280576,
+ "norm_byte": 70134784,
+ "ops": 328399,
+ "norm_ops": 68491,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.616534642781533,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "352ffadb0f20a46b25194223ccb67a04ce2c2b8c9db4fca102d403d6e2e7d3d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:33.387000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:33.387000', 'bytes': 406299648, 'norm_byte': 70019072, 'ops': 396777, 'norm_ops': 68378, 'norm_ltcy': 14.640557504104024, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:33.387000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:33.387000",
+ "bytes": 406299648,
+ "norm_byte": 70019072,
+ "ops": 396777,
+ "norm_ops": 68378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.640557504104024,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eca02687d3d1298bfc6ebe113d0a573464053ae2bb7aab5e8e10969e7f1e7d4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:34.388000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:34.388000', 'bytes': 476259328, 'norm_byte': 69959680, 'ops': 465097, 'norm_ops': 68320, 'norm_ltcy': 14.65300441625805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:34.388000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:34.388000",
+ "bytes": 476259328,
+ "norm_byte": 69959680,
+ "ops": 465097,
+ "norm_ops": 68320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.65300441625805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf454a2e06f3dd2d03cced6e88ff9ae4f58cd6cd385d97334110bcb799fda8c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:35.389000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:35.389000', 'bytes': 544267264, 'norm_byte': 68007936, 'ops': 531511, 'norm_ops': 66414, 'norm_ltcy': 15.072785034970037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:35.389000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:35.389000",
+ "bytes": 544267264,
+ "norm_byte": 68007936,
+ "ops": 531511,
+ "norm_ops": 66414,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.072785034970037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82e9ddb504725e28d69177189f373304404a63069a8636d178be4c05ec820720",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:36.390000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:36.390000', 'bytes': 612217856, 'norm_byte': 67950592, 'ops': 597869, 'norm_ops': 66358, 'norm_ltcy': 15.086281367497136, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:36.390000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:36.390000",
+ "bytes": 612217856,
+ "norm_byte": 67950592,
+ "ops": 597869,
+ "norm_ops": 66358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.086281367497136,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f05bd4fd5f39afa0a1438dcab0707f40a20dac827ed5e9673fafc97db9635d73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:37.391000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:37.391000', 'bytes': 680307712, 'norm_byte': 68089856, 'ops': 664363, 'norm_ops': 66494, 'norm_ltcy': 15.055491525786161, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:37.391000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:37.391000",
+ "bytes": 680307712,
+ "norm_byte": 68089856,
+ "ops": 664363,
+ "norm_ops": 66494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.055491525786161,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64721de44d2cf77c2c4b96627b9c97f3b0144e487a31bbcee7d3c6c86327a94c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:38.392000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:38.392000', 'bytes': 748234752, 'norm_byte': 67927040, 'ops': 730698, 'norm_ops': 66335, 'norm_ltcy': 15.091633611592675, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:38.392000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:38.392000",
+ "bytes": 748234752,
+ "norm_byte": 67927040,
+ "ops": 730698,
+ "norm_ops": 66335,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.091633611592675,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f1ef417ac3f81c78395ee782ffe811d8d94202a10ec2ebd737e1d4bab2dea39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:39.393000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:39.393000', 'bytes': 816253952, 'norm_byte': 68019200, 'ops': 797123, 'norm_ops': 66425, 'norm_ltcy': 15.071152703942415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:39.393000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:39.393000",
+ "bytes": 816253952,
+ "norm_byte": 68019200,
+ "ops": 797123,
+ "norm_ops": 66425,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.071152703942415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81e6465febd2dfe8a3ffc32fc54705ae60cd1a8f113b704c01252ac01c1e67cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:40.394000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:40.394000', 'bytes': 884448256, 'norm_byte': 68194304, 'ops': 863719, 'norm_ops': 66596, 'norm_ltcy': 15.031545009976199, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:40.394000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:40.394000",
+ "bytes": 884448256,
+ "norm_byte": 68194304,
+ "ops": 863719,
+ "norm_ops": 66596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.031545009976199,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "46474af23a53330377c78070c47f75882b00fd976aa6c13c2d11b5d55d9ac1f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:41.395000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:41.395000', 'bytes': 951530496, 'norm_byte': 67082240, 'ops': 929229, 'norm_ops': 65510, 'norm_ltcy': 15.281622975022897, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:41.395000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:41.395000",
+ "bytes": 951530496,
+ "norm_byte": 67082240,
+ "ops": 929229,
+ "norm_ops": 65510,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.281622975022897,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef5737470aa4e62601844aba676ac91eb9d7f1fe40702e521e786adf190d0484",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:42.396000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:42.396000', 'bytes': 1018903552, 'norm_byte': 67373056, 'ops': 995023, 'norm_ops': 65794, 'norm_ltcy': 15.215589300268642, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:42.396000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:42.396000",
+ "bytes": 1018903552,
+ "norm_byte": 67373056,
+ "ops": 995023,
+ "norm_ops": 65794,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.215589300268642,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "434f709a72c21bcf0abe41083e57181f9256e8f584f1efd8c3905595daef5798",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:43.398000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:43.398000', 'bytes': 1086604288, 'norm_byte': 67700736, 'ops': 1061137, 'norm_ops': 66114, 'norm_ltcy': 15.141951337131697, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:43.398000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:43.398000",
+ "bytes": 1086604288,
+ "norm_byte": 67700736,
+ "ops": 1061137,
+ "norm_ops": 66114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.141951337131697,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b5e7c2f211f0f1f2ff794b43a117743508bad7d490e2dbefcde928c86261fe17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:44.399000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:44.399000', 'bytes': 1154473984, 'norm_byte': 67869696, 'ops': 1127416, 'norm_ops': 66279, 'norm_ltcy': 15.104336845710934, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:44.399000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:44.399000",
+ "bytes": 1154473984,
+ "norm_byte": 67869696,
+ "ops": 1127416,
+ "norm_ops": 66279,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.104336845710934,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22b4a9573e4b942f6ae4df4d32fe5c451a9c767dfe80f16a6f0fbb801bb506c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:45.400000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:45.400000', 'bytes': 1222378496, 'norm_byte': 67904512, 'ops': 1193729, 'norm_ops': 66313, 'norm_ltcy': 15.09651523598314, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:45.400000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:45.400000",
+ "bytes": 1222378496,
+ "norm_byte": 67904512,
+ "ops": 1193729,
+ "norm_ops": 66313,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.09651523598314,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7835497707dcfeccf329a65356f79c28e4206a8fdfae161737717778c53889a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:46.401000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:46.401000', 'bytes': 1292215296, 'norm_byte': 69836800, 'ops': 1261929, 'norm_ops': 68200, 'norm_ltcy': 14.678840525339076, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:46.401000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:46.401000",
+ "bytes": 1292215296,
+ "norm_byte": 69836800,
+ "ops": 1261929,
+ "norm_ops": 68200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.678840525339076,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11b2cb88d854cee7b076a77aa7b6433bd654d11215f73fe8ef643f2628a5f978",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:47.402000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:47.402000', 'bytes': 1362240512, 'norm_byte': 70025216, 'ops': 1330313, 'norm_ops': 68384, 'norm_ltcy': 14.63929079490451, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:47.402000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:47.402000",
+ "bytes": 1362240512,
+ "norm_byte": 70025216,
+ "ops": 1330313,
+ "norm_ops": 68384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.63929079490451,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d0841f00b3b7437f002f6013bac8cad34b1fee30f0eb8a451520f35f5e42d33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:48.403000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:48.403000', 'bytes': 1418224640, 'norm_byte': 55984128, 'ops': 1384985, 'norm_ops': 54672, 'norm_ltcy': 18.310980033483776, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:48.403000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:48.403000",
+ "bytes": 1418224640,
+ "norm_byte": 55984128,
+ "ops": 1384985,
+ "norm_ops": 54672,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.310980033483776,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01cbebbe697a710f6454da3fc2e8932081e5ab228f1e9093ce0d9d2c091dcc4d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:49.404000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:49.404000', 'bytes': 1474118656, 'norm_byte': 55894016, 'ops': 1439569, 'norm_ops': 54584, 'norm_ltcy': 18.340491941033545, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:49.404000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:49.404000",
+ "bytes": 1474118656,
+ "norm_byte": 55894016,
+ "ops": 1439569,
+ "norm_ops": 54584,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.340491941033545,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f94b811e996aa5942f37029f146d2a3d44f2095470508d5acfeb6486604e123",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:50.405000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:50.405000', 'bytes': 1529750528, 'norm_byte': 55631872, 'ops': 1493897, 'norm_ops': 54328, 'norm_ltcy': 18.427004397766805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:50.405000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:50.405000",
+ "bytes": 1529750528,
+ "norm_byte": 55631872,
+ "ops": 1493897,
+ "norm_ops": 54328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.427004397766805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d66be75855bbf4e2447d37edcf6d3b4cc3912f0633d4e01ce6ef0b89ab9f2fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:51.406000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:51.406000', 'bytes': 1571550208, 'norm_byte': 41799680, 'ops': 1534717, 'norm_ops': 40820, 'norm_ltcy': 24.525235599889758, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:51.406000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:51.406000",
+ "bytes": 1571550208,
+ "norm_byte": 41799680,
+ "ops": 1534717,
+ "norm_ops": 40820,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.525235599889758,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67500c9b86d4d90f63d5ca60c0b8e631806862cc08f41756e2fc0b9222e00f03",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:52.407000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:52.407000', 'bytes': 1610572800, 'norm_byte': 39022592, 'ops': 1572825, 'norm_ops': 38108, 'norm_ltcy': 26.270301316734677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:52.407000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:52.407000",
+ "bytes": 1610572800,
+ "norm_byte": 39022592,
+ "ops": 1572825,
+ "norm_ops": 38108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 26.270301316734677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b317973cbb74572da4ceebcfb81b3aeed6527f0637b944dbbc5af5b5ff5cb1e9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:53.409000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:53.409000', 'bytes': 1664132096, 'norm_byte': 53559296, 'ops': 1625129, 'norm_ops': 52304, 'norm_ltcy': 19.139936043968913, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:53.409000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:53.409000",
+ "bytes": 1664132096,
+ "norm_byte": 53559296,
+ "ops": 1625129,
+ "norm_ops": 52304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.139936043968913,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "124068a9207ddc953c8a16ea28dfd5ae6bdcc46c8142a4d2306413b862e1ce56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:54.410000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:54.410000', 'bytes': 1731075072, 'norm_byte': 66942976, 'ops': 1690503, 'norm_ops': 65374, 'norm_ltcy': 15.313395239554334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:54.410000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:54.410000",
+ "bytes": 1731075072,
+ "norm_byte": 66942976,
+ "ops": 1690503,
+ "norm_ops": 65374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.313395239554334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67f285a0a1b0076695645aa8b99693ff0e095cc86e2b5bdae635dcd3e2b4977a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:55.410000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:55.410000', 'bytes': 1798253568, 'norm_byte': 67178496, 'ops': 1756107, 'norm_ops': 65604, 'norm_ltcy': 15.253586504824401, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:55.410000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:55.410000",
+ "bytes": 1798253568,
+ "norm_byte": 67178496,
+ "ops": 1756107,
+ "norm_ops": 65604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.253586504824401,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb1da958fdb982cf344c32590720541af38eb85d6dded2ff35ebf3e400811d30",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:56.411000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:56.411000', 'bytes': 1852234752, 'norm_byte': 53981184, 'ops': 1808823, 'norm_ops': 52716, 'norm_ltcy': 18.99067738121491, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:56.411000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:56.411000",
+ "bytes": 1852234752,
+ "norm_byte": 53981184,
+ "ops": 1808823,
+ "norm_ops": 52716,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.99067738121491,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55bcbdac30a3b38edd979c7c78f479ff0dbd3a099d209ff7d4379724204e04f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:57.413000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:57.413000', 'bytes': 1906504704, 'norm_byte': 54269952, 'ops': 1861821, 'norm_ops': 52998, 'norm_ltcy': 18.889416928174175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:57.413000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:57.413000",
+ "bytes": 1906504704,
+ "norm_byte": 54269952,
+ "ops": 1861821,
+ "norm_ops": 52998,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.889416928174175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "468a24156b14a0e25d772d6daf7111e9c9699a8b4a2124391ba1c679d623d073",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:58.414000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:58.414000', 'bytes': 1974404096, 'norm_byte': 67899392, 'ops': 1928129, 'norm_ops': 66308, 'norm_ltcy': 15.097738283135142, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:58.414000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:58.414000",
+ "bytes": 1974404096,
+ "norm_byte": 67899392,
+ "ops": 1928129,
+ "norm_ops": 66308,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.097738283135142,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "44a12bf587edfccaebc81371e02d0e60e94adc78eb9a8098f37b2e42a300a4b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:58:59.415000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:58:59.415000', 'bytes': 2042438656, 'norm_byte': 68034560, 'ops': 1994569, 'norm_ops': 66440, 'norm_ltcy': 15.067676633757902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:58:59.415000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:58:59.415000",
+ "bytes": 2042438656,
+ "norm_byte": 68034560,
+ "ops": 1994569,
+ "norm_ops": 66440,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.067676633757902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af27a375c25eeb265162bcf32e5eb6b5a531cbe884fa060fba7df454d2ef46c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:00.415000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:00.415000', 'bytes': 2110493696, 'norm_byte': 68055040, 'ops': 2061029, 'norm_ops': 66460, 'norm_ltcy': 15.05558221698202, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:00.415000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:00.415000",
+ "bytes": 2110493696,
+ "norm_byte": 68055040,
+ "ops": 2061029,
+ "norm_ops": 66460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.05558221698202,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "371966912c44baf81121e6b1aa7c2579189fd6c105d03190caaf58b627504c60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:01.416000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:01.416000', 'bytes': 2180316160, 'norm_byte': 69822464, 'ops': 2129215, 'norm_ops': 68186, 'norm_ltcy': 14.681209904021719, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:01.416000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:01.416000",
+ "bytes": 2180316160,
+ "norm_byte": 69822464,
+ "ops": 2129215,
+ "norm_ops": 68186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.681209904021719,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f384488021c7296b1b74732863b16a9ff1faa55005ec9ac9b59b75c89056d4d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:02.418000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:02.418000', 'bytes': 2241299456, 'norm_byte': 60983296, 'ops': 2188769, 'norm_ops': 59554, 'norm_ltcy': 16.811115784886407, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:02.418000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:02.418000",
+ "bytes": 2241299456,
+ "norm_byte": 60983296,
+ "ops": 2188769,
+ "norm_ops": 59554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.811115784886407,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14f33da78fa711b5366e9baeef6f38bf37b0f288668bd86b3e8c91685ea100ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:03.419000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:03.419000', 'bytes': 2306379776, 'norm_byte': 65080320, 'ops': 2252324, 'norm_ops': 63555, 'norm_ltcy': 15.751005834021715, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:03.419000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:03.419000",
+ "bytes": 2306379776,
+ "norm_byte": 65080320,
+ "ops": 2252324,
+ "norm_ops": 63555,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.751005834021715,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fa7413e63e15223d8a39e47efcac931fcbeed07564dd3565f8a861046db3101",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:04.420000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:04.420000', 'bytes': 2362209280, 'norm_byte': 55829504, 'ops': 2306845, 'norm_ops': 54521, 'norm_ltcy': 18.361026456548853, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:04.420000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:04.420000",
+ "bytes": 2362209280,
+ "norm_byte": 55829504,
+ "ops": 2306845,
+ "norm_ops": 54521,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.361026456548853,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a72e622214de8c3c245375528d600e3ef93ff539bba8444ecb69120c8f3bb3be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:05.421000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:05.421000', 'bytes': 2417642496, 'norm_byte': 55433216, 'ops': 2360979, 'norm_ops': 54134, 'norm_ltcy': 18.49199945390143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:05.421000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:05.421000",
+ "bytes": 2417642496,
+ "norm_byte": 55433216,
+ "ops": 2360979,
+ "norm_ops": 54134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.49199945390143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08c53c6be216eb3ec2e9f5c7abe99f3d7b22cb34ebc2a466de75a550b66f5eb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:06.422000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:06.422000', 'bytes': 2487809024, 'norm_byte': 70166528, 'ops': 2429501, 'norm_ops': 68522, 'norm_ltcy': 14.609163075590686, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:06.422000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:06.422000",
+ "bytes": 2487809024,
+ "norm_byte": 70166528,
+ "ops": 2429501,
+ "norm_ops": 68522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.609163075590686,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3d796c0cbc674c95c3a3016b7f79f43929055ce2ead4319c2d542a70d48f275",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:07.423000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:07.423000', 'bytes': 2558008320, 'norm_byte': 70199296, 'ops': 2498055, 'norm_ops': 68554, 'norm_ltcy': 14.602354416773638, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:07.423000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:07.423000",
+ "bytes": 2558008320,
+ "norm_byte": 70199296,
+ "ops": 2498055,
+ "norm_ops": 68554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.602354416773638,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b9e958d2f51c50f813165f613dc217512d432e5bfa05175c990d15319911a6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:08.424000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:08.424000', 'bytes': 2627746816, 'norm_byte': 69738496, 'ops': 2566159, 'norm_ops': 68104, 'norm_ltcy': 14.698926113921356, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:08.424000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:08.424000",
+ "bytes": 2627746816,
+ "norm_byte": 69738496,
+ "ops": 2566159,
+ "norm_ops": 68104,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.698926113921356,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dfcaec640782ab0b53eff7d7fb90f16f077e395674f7aee9567454dc5b9d6dd5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:09.425000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:09.425000', 'bytes': 2695507968, 'norm_byte': 67761152, 'ops': 2632332, 'norm_ops': 66173, 'norm_ltcy': 15.12780877751311, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:09.425000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:09.425000",
+ "bytes": 2695507968,
+ "norm_byte": 67761152,
+ "ops": 2632332,
+ "norm_ops": 66173,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.12780877751311,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "65bd86a2ab57557b379533f51038ad7e47686d8ae18427ea1b7cbc61b43d9371",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:10.426000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:10.426000', 'bytes': 2762521600, 'norm_byte': 67013632, 'ops': 2697775, 'norm_ops': 65443, 'norm_ltcy': 15.29658920740186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:10.426000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:10.426000",
+ "bytes": 2762521600,
+ "norm_byte": 67013632,
+ "ops": 2697775,
+ "norm_ops": 65443,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.29658920740186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33795fbc8e6054663f97a9917fdcdb5fbd1db478053c929a6e88fa7ad1ff7cc8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:11.427000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:11.427000', 'bytes': 2829478912, 'norm_byte': 66957312, 'ops': 2763163, 'norm_ops': 65388, 'norm_ltcy': 15.309358595518292, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:11.427000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:11.427000",
+ "bytes": 2829478912,
+ "norm_byte": 66957312,
+ "ops": 2763163,
+ "norm_ops": 65388,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.309358595518292,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "44868851ecaa38e27eb0c8386be60bbaaf132477bb03c1669e2f64da4087c548",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:12.428000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:12.428000', 'bytes': 2883509248, 'norm_byte': 54030336, 'ops': 2815927, 'norm_ops': 52764, 'norm_ltcy': 18.972156678796146, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:12.428000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:12.428000",
+ "bytes": 2883509248,
+ "norm_byte": 54030336,
+ "ops": 2815927,
+ "norm_ops": 52764,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.972156678796146,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b88694c38a509282b96717329bca37ad5908c4910b682d10e517460e6ce4c66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:13.429000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:13.429000', 'bytes': 2951218176, 'norm_byte': 67708928, 'ops': 2882049, 'norm_ops': 66122, 'norm_ltcy': 15.1393476499879, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:13.429000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:13.429000",
+ "bytes": 2951218176,
+ "norm_byte": 67708928,
+ "ops": 2882049,
+ "norm_ops": 66122,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.1393476499879,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35c1948e7ed8a044476cf0ac7e984e5aaf727e7ea07e9ae00509919f03d2c2f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:14.430000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:14.430000', 'bytes': 3020411904, 'norm_byte': 69193728, 'ops': 2949621, 'norm_ops': 67572, 'norm_ltcy': 14.814558047804564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:14.430000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:14.430000",
+ "bytes": 3020411904,
+ "norm_byte": 69193728,
+ "ops": 2949621,
+ "norm_ops": 67572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.814558047804564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f267bc2932ed21a2f099c6f140487b9f288c817e6dcdc627ac58213e18f7f052",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:15.431000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:15.431000', 'bytes': 3090080768, 'norm_byte': 69668864, 'ops': 3017657, 'norm_ops': 68036, 'norm_ltcy': 14.713448607400862, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:15.431000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:15.431000",
+ "bytes": 3090080768,
+ "norm_byte": 69668864,
+ "ops": 3017657,
+ "norm_ops": 68036,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.713448607400862,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7cbf8d579eacba1e7bb39e8eefdd97ef9ded443536d6e66c69a8403ec0428b0f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:16.432000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:16.432000', 'bytes': 3144273920, 'norm_byte': 54193152, 'ops': 3070580, 'norm_ops': 52923, 'norm_ltcy': 18.915102040936834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:16.432000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:16.432000",
+ "bytes": 3144273920,
+ "norm_byte": 54193152,
+ "ops": 3070580,
+ "norm_ops": 52923,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.915102040936834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4feb0e6521992f68dff4a757f5693ddeaad383c5f8f1940f3c07ea0a9699b7c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:17.433000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:17.433000', 'bytes': 3212196864, 'norm_byte': 67922944, 'ops': 3136911, 'norm_ops': 66331, 'norm_ltcy': 15.091914302183369, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:17.433000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:17.433000",
+ "bytes": 3212196864,
+ "norm_byte": 67922944,
+ "ops": 3136911,
+ "norm_ops": 66331,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.091914302183369,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "788465e509d3f32705e4efe520e9372c17f25a7724514b5859236d664af39452",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:18.434000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:18.434000', 'bytes': 3280202752, 'norm_byte': 68005888, 'ops': 3203323, 'norm_ops': 66412, 'norm_ltcy': 15.075099085538005, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:18.434000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:18.434000",
+ "bytes": 3280202752,
+ "norm_byte": 68005888,
+ "ops": 3203323,
+ "norm_ops": 66412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.075099085538005,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86ba0547d2aa85d7f912cccd82eea4e739c500e2725e903021dcf53c1c35c320",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:19.436000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:19.436000', 'bytes': 3348389888, 'norm_byte': 68187136, 'ops': 3269912, 'norm_ops': 66589, 'norm_ltcy': 15.033227821740454, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:19.436000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:19.436000",
+ "bytes": 3348389888,
+ "norm_byte": 68187136,
+ "ops": 3269912,
+ "norm_ops": 66589,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.033227821740454,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "daf205fa45680d1e6e358d5aa08ccd392ff168bc394b33b483b5557a9ef03f6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:20.437000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:20.437000', 'bytes': 3416431616, 'norm_byte': 68041728, 'ops': 3336359, 'norm_ops': 66447, 'norm_ltcy': 15.065630020448628, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:20.437000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:20.437000",
+ "bytes": 3416431616,
+ "norm_byte": 68041728,
+ "ops": 3336359,
+ "norm_ops": 66447,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.065630020448628,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15e4028120cc5b166affd9edb7d71af541a9d702b80af0967ba5d7f57dcac5e5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:21.438000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:21.438000', 'bytes': 3484290048, 'norm_byte': 67858432, 'ops': 3402627, 'norm_ops': 66268, 'norm_ltcy': 15.106026175199569, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:21.438000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:21.438000",
+ "bytes": 3484290048,
+ "norm_byte": 67858432,
+ "ops": 3402627,
+ "norm_ops": 66268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.106026175199569,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd3479d716ac88848d1c41641e1079f2c0e6ac3b70dfa054c62353af72ff9689",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:22.439000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:22.439000', 'bytes': 3539305472, 'norm_byte': 55015424, 'ops': 3456353, 'norm_ops': 53726, 'norm_ltcy': 18.632392981284667, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:22.439000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:22.439000",
+ "bytes": 3539305472,
+ "norm_byte": 55015424,
+ "ops": 3456353,
+ "norm_ops": 53726,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.632392981284667,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "389fa61aaad86bca73ff1674bae2d08f1404e19af05026c85f9a2be4a3dabad0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:23.440000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:23.440000', 'bytes': 3609246720, 'norm_byte': 69941248, 'ops': 3524655, 'norm_ops': 68302, 'norm_ltcy': 14.656118947148325, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:23.440000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:23.440000",
+ "bytes": 3609246720,
+ "norm_byte": 69941248,
+ "ops": 3524655,
+ "norm_ops": 68302,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.656118947148325,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b16d3c41dfc86ccd52a82a146a21e9c15073481372970c88d09537e8b366f588",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:24.440000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:24.440000', 'bytes': 3679133696, 'norm_byte': 69886976, 'ops': 3592904, 'norm_ops': 68249, 'norm_ltcy': 14.66108291765264, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:24.440000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:24.440000",
+ "bytes": 3679133696,
+ "norm_byte": 69886976,
+ "ops": 3592904,
+ "norm_ops": 68249,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.66108291765264,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27504bbf3e0d79f0791c00acbcbbbf638cc87f1844e377f83f4adcfe24c098d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:25.441000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:25.441000', 'bytes': 3734757376, 'norm_byte': 55623680, 'ops': 3647224, 'norm_ops': 54320, 'norm_ltcy': 18.428738443770712, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:25.441000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:25.441000",
+ "bytes": 3734757376,
+ "norm_byte": 55623680,
+ "ops": 3647224,
+ "norm_ops": 54320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.428738443770712,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1dfce362b1d80c5fe7d865df886743e3dafe40f143d3af8fc7df6d5a77c2a6b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:26.442000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:26.442000', 'bytes': 3776017408, 'norm_byte': 41260032, 'ops': 3687517, 'norm_ops': 40293, 'norm_ltcy': 24.843994304221575, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:26.442000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:26.442000",
+ "bytes": 3776017408,
+ "norm_byte": 41260032,
+ "ops": 3687517,
+ "norm_ops": 40293,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.843994304221575,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "983df6480346e52874c43e9d4d37be2714e1d997bfae2d3bf017ae3c3500d2cd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T22:59:27.644000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T22:59:27.644000', 'bytes': 3831276544, 'norm_byte': 55259136, 'ops': 3741481, 'norm_ops': 53964, 'norm_ltcy': 22.259952634800513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T22:59:27.644000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T22:59:27.644000",
+ "bytes": 3831276544,
+ "norm_byte": 55259136,
+ "ops": 3741481,
+ "norm_ops": 53964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.259952634800513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87f67536-e698-5a41-be2e-1a1ac3edee90",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c857411426c3789c6602a7e0a72cc6357d39d01ffb9d69bd29ad5f3bfed90960",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63854609.06666667
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62358.01666666667
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 22.373216783054968
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T22:59:27Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-102-220519225542/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-102-220519225542/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28e9415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-102-220519225542/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-102-220519225542/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-102-220519225542/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-102-220519225542/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-102-220519225542/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-102-220519225542/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88db414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-102-220519225542/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=85
+ net.core.busy_read=40
+ net.core.busy_poll=160
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-103-220519225743/220519225743-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-103-220519225743/220519225743-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35190b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-103-220519225743/220519225743-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:00:26Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001227987.4009 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001228988.4990 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001228988.5842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001229989.6128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35138560 nr_ops:34315\ntimestamp_ms:1653001230990.7161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70235136 nr_ops:68589\ntimestamp_ms:1653001231991.8052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105460736 nr_ops:102989\ntimestamp_ms:1653001232992.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140772352 nr_ops:137473\ntimestamp_ms:1653001233993.9480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176277504 nr_ops:172146\ntimestamp_ms:1653001234995.0442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211692544 nr_ops:206731\ntimestamp_ms:1653001235996.0950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246821888 nr_ops:241037\ntimestamp_ms:1653001236996.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282074112 nr_ops:275463\ntimestamp_ms:1653001237997.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317545472 nr_ops:310103\ntimestamp_ms:1653001238998.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352932864 nr_ops:344661\ntimestamp_ms:1653001239999.9822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388158464 nr_ops:379061\ntimestamp_ms:1653001241001.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423490560 nr_ops:413565\ntimestamp_ms:1653001242002.0647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459083776 nr_ops:448324\ntimestamp_ms:1653001243003.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494314496 nr_ops:482729\ntimestamp_ms:1653001244003.8516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529601536 nr_ops:517189\ntimestamp_ms:1653001245004.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565222400 nr_ops:551975\ntimestamp_ms:1653001246005.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600531968 nr_ops:586457\ntimestamp_ms:1653001247007.0327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635778048 nr_ops:620877\ntimestamp_ms:1653001248008.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671251456 nr_ops:655519\ntimestamp_ms:1653001249009.2461 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:707005440 nr_ops:690435\ntimestamp_ms:1653001250010.3398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742411264 nr_ops:725011\ntimestamp_ms:1653001251011.4399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777860096 nr_ops:759629\ntimestamp_ms:1653001252012.5962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813618176 nr_ops:794549\ntimestamp_ms:1653001253013.7170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848894976 nr_ops:828999\ntimestamp_ms:1653001254014.2715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884118528 nr_ops:863397\ntimestamp_ms:1653001255015.3655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919622656 nr_ops:898069\ntimestamp_ms:1653001256016.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954827776 nr_ops:932449\ntimestamp_ms:1653001257016.8801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990129152 nr_ops:966923\ntimestamp_ms:1653001258017.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025641472 nr_ops:1001603\ntimestamp_ms:1653001259018.8711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060815872 nr_ops:1035953\ntimestamp_ms:1653001260019.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1096127488 nr_ops:1070437\ntimestamp_ms:1653001261020.9912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131465728 nr_ops:1104947\ntimestamp_ms:1653001262022.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166756864 nr_ops:1139411\ntimestamp_ms:1653001263023.2817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202584576 nr_ops:1174399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001264024.3462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238037504 nr_ops:1209021\ntimestamp_ms:1653001265025.4534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273228288 nr_ops:1243387\ntimestamp_ms:1653001266026.5642 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1308873728 nr_ops:1278197\ntimestamp_ms:1653001267027.6145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344496640 nr_ops:1312985\ntimestamp_ms:1653001268028.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1379949568 nr_ops:1347607\ntimestamp_ms:1653001269029.8135 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414865920 nr_ops:1381705\ntimestamp_ms:1653001270030.9595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450078208 nr_ops:1416092\ntimestamp_ms:1653001271032.0703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1485853696 nr_ops:1451029\ntimestamp_ms:1653001272033.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521323008 nr_ops:1485667\ntimestamp_ms:1653001273034.2588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556927488 nr_ops:1520437\ntimestamp_ms:1653001274035.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592120320 nr_ops:1554805\ntimestamp_ms:1653001275035.8979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1627513856 nr_ops:1589369\ntimestamp_ms:1653001276037.0295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1662737408 nr_ops:1623767\ntimestamp_ms:1653001277038.0684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698176000 nr_ops:1658375\ntimestamp_ms:1653001278039.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1733698560 nr_ops:1693065\ntimestamp_ms:1653001279040.2639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768924160 nr_ops:1727465\ntimestamp_ms:1653001280041.3022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1804248064 nr_ops:1761961\ntimestamp_ms:1653001281042.4053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839651840 nr_ops:1796535\ntimestamp_ms:1653001282043.5234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1874537472 nr_ops:1830603\ntimestamp_ms:1653001283044.6248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909564416 nr_ops:1864809\ntimestamp_ms:1653001284045.6897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1944830976 nr_ops:1899249\ntimestamp_ms:1653001285046.7310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980097536 nr_ops:1933689\ntimestamp_ms:1653001286047.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2015323136 nr_ops:1968089\ntimestamp_ms:1653001287048.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2050532352 nr_ops:2002473\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139757187524352\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.3152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2085647360 nr_ops:2036765\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.3948 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.4043 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288350.6150 name:Total nr_bytes:2085647360 nr_ops:2036766\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.5488 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4171294718 nr_ops:4073532\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.5496 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2085647360 nr_ops:2036768\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 263.67us 0.00ns 263.67us 263.67us \nTxn1 1018383 57.92us 0.00ns 3.16ms 25.06us \nTxn2 1 70.65us 0.00ns 70.65us 70.65us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 263.12us 0.00ns 263.12us 263.12us \nwrite 1018383 3.90us 0.00ns 95.18us 2.23us \nread 1018382 53.92us 0.00ns 3.16ms 1.34us \ndisconnect 1 70.06us 0.00ns 70.06us 70.06us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16596 16596 144.71Mb/s 144.71Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 788.47b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.198 61.36s 1.94GB 271.90Mb/s 2036767 0.00\nmaster 61.36s 1.94GB 271.90Mb/s 2036768 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.414205, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001227987.4009 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001228988.4990 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001228988.5842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001229989.6128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35138560 nr_ops:34315\ntimestamp_ms:1653001230990.7161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70235136 nr_ops:68589\ntimestamp_ms:1653001231991.8052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105460736 nr_ops:102989\ntimestamp_ms:1653001232992.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140772352 nr_ops:137473\ntimestamp_ms:1653001233993.9480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176277504 nr_ops:172146\ntimestamp_ms:1653001234995.0442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211692544 nr_ops:206731\ntimestamp_ms:1653001235996.0950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246821888 nr_ops:241037\ntimestamp_ms:1653001236996.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282074112 nr_ops:275463\ntimestamp_ms:1653001237997.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317545472 nr_ops:310103\ntimestamp_ms:1653001238998.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352932864 nr_ops:344661\ntimestamp_ms:1653001239999.9822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388158464 nr_ops:379061\ntimestamp_ms:1653001241001.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423490560 nr_ops:413565\ntimestamp_ms:1653001242002.0647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459083776 nr_ops:448324\ntimestamp_ms:1653001243003.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494314496 nr_ops:482729\ntimestamp_ms:1653001244003.8516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529601536 nr_ops:517189\ntimestamp_ms:1653001245004.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565222400 nr_ops:551975\ntimestamp_ms:1653001246005.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600531968 nr_ops:586457\ntimestamp_ms:1653001247007.0327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635778048 nr_ops:620877\ntimestamp_ms:1653001248008.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671251456 nr_ops:655519\ntimestamp_ms:1653001249009.2461 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:707005440 nr_ops:690435\ntimestamp_ms:1653001250010.3398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742411264 nr_ops:725011\ntimestamp_ms:1653001251011.4399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777860096 nr_ops:759629\ntimestamp_ms:1653001252012.5962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813618176 nr_ops:794549\ntimestamp_ms:1653001253013.7170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848894976 nr_ops:828999\ntimestamp_ms:1653001254014.2715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884118528 nr_ops:863397\ntimestamp_ms:1653001255015.3655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919622656 nr_ops:898069\ntimestamp_ms:1653001256016.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954827776 nr_ops:932449\ntimestamp_ms:1653001257016.8801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990129152 nr_ops:966923\ntimestamp_ms:1653001258017.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025641472 nr_ops:1001603\ntimestamp_ms:1653001259018.8711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060815872 nr_ops:1035953\ntimestamp_ms:1653001260019.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1096127488 nr_ops:1070437\ntimestamp_ms:1653001261020.9912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131465728 nr_ops:1104947\ntimestamp_ms:1653001262022.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166756864 nr_ops:1139411\ntimestamp_ms:1653001263023.2817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202584576 nr_ops:1174399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001264024.3462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238037504 nr_ops:1209021\ntimestamp_ms:1653001265025.4534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273228288 nr_ops:1243387\ntimestamp_ms:1653001266026.5642 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1308873728 nr_ops:1278197\ntimestamp_ms:1653001267027.6145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344496640 nr_ops:1312985\ntimestamp_ms:1653001268028.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1379949568 nr_ops:1347607\ntimestamp_ms:1653001269029.8135 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414865920 nr_ops:1381705\ntimestamp_ms:1653001270030.9595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450078208 nr_ops:1416092\ntimestamp_ms:1653001271032.0703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1485853696 nr_ops:1451029\ntimestamp_ms:1653001272033.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521323008 nr_ops:1485667\ntimestamp_ms:1653001273034.2588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556927488 nr_ops:1520437\ntimestamp_ms:1653001274035.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592120320 nr_ops:1554805\ntimestamp_ms:1653001275035.8979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1627513856 nr_ops:1589369\ntimestamp_ms:1653001276037.0295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1662737408 nr_ops:1623767\ntimestamp_ms:1653001277038.0684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698176000 nr_ops:1658375\ntimestamp_ms:1653001278039.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1733698560 nr_ops:1693065\ntimestamp_ms:1653001279040.2639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768924160 nr_ops:1727465\ntimestamp_ms:1653001280041.3022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1804248064 nr_ops:1761961\ntimestamp_ms:1653001281042.4053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839651840 nr_ops:1796535\ntimestamp_ms:1653001282043.5234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1874537472 nr_ops:1830603\ntimestamp_ms:1653001283044.6248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909564416 nr_ops:1864809\ntimestamp_ms:1653001284045.6897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1944830976 nr_ops:1899249\ntimestamp_ms:1653001285046.7310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980097536 nr_ops:1933689\ntimestamp_ms:1653001286047.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2015323136 nr_ops:1968089\ntimestamp_ms:1653001287048.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2050532352 nr_ops:2002473\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139757187524352\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.3152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2085647360 nr_ops:2036765\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.3948 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.4043 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288350.6150 name:Total nr_bytes:2085647360 nr_ops:2036766\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.5488 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4171294718 nr_ops:4073532\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.5496 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2085647360 nr_ops:2036768\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 263.67us 0.00ns 263.67us 263.67us \nTxn1 1018383 57.92us 0.00ns 3.16ms 25.06us \nTxn2 1 70.65us 0.00ns 70.65us 70.65us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 263.12us 0.00ns 263.12us 263.12us \nwrite 1018383 3.90us 0.00ns 95.18us 2.23us \nread 1018382 53.92us 0.00ns 3.16ms 1.34us \ndisconnect 1 70.06us 0.00ns 70.06us 70.06us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16596 16596 144.71Mb/s 144.71Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 788.47b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.198 61.36s 1.94GB 271.90Mb/s 2036767 0.00\nmaster 61.36s 1.94GB 271.90Mb/s 2036768 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.414205, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001227987.4009 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001228988.4990 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001228988.5842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001229989.6128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35138560 nr_ops:34315\ntimestamp_ms:1653001230990.7161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70235136 nr_ops:68589\ntimestamp_ms:1653001231991.8052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105460736 nr_ops:102989\ntimestamp_ms:1653001232992.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140772352 nr_ops:137473\ntimestamp_ms:1653001233993.9480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176277504 nr_ops:172146\ntimestamp_ms:1653001234995.0442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211692544 nr_ops:206731\ntimestamp_ms:1653001235996.0950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246821888 nr_ops:241037\ntimestamp_ms:1653001236996.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282074112 nr_ops:275463\ntimestamp_ms:1653001237997.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317545472 nr_ops:310103\ntimestamp_ms:1653001238998.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352932864 nr_ops:344661\ntimestamp_ms:1653001239999.9822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388158464 nr_ops:379061\ntimestamp_ms:1653001241001.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423490560 nr_ops:413565\ntimestamp_ms:1653001242002.0647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459083776 nr_ops:448324\ntimestamp_ms:1653001243003.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494314496 nr_ops:482729\ntimestamp_ms:1653001244003.8516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529601536 nr_ops:517189\ntimestamp_ms:1653001245004.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565222400 nr_ops:551975\ntimestamp_ms:1653001246005.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600531968 nr_ops:586457\ntimestamp_ms:1653001247007.0327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635778048 nr_ops:620877\ntimestamp_ms:1653001248008.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671251456 nr_ops:655519\ntimestamp_ms:1653001249009.2461 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:707005440 nr_ops:690435\ntimestamp_ms:1653001250010.3398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742411264 nr_ops:725011\ntimestamp_ms:1653001251011.4399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777860096 nr_ops:759629\ntimestamp_ms:1653001252012.5962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813618176 nr_ops:794549\ntimestamp_ms:1653001253013.7170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848894976 nr_ops:828999\ntimestamp_ms:1653001254014.2715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884118528 nr_ops:863397\ntimestamp_ms:1653001255015.3655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919622656 nr_ops:898069\ntimestamp_ms:1653001256016.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954827776 nr_ops:932449\ntimestamp_ms:1653001257016.8801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990129152 nr_ops:966923\ntimestamp_ms:1653001258017.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025641472 nr_ops:1001603\ntimestamp_ms:1653001259018.8711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060815872 nr_ops:1035953\ntimestamp_ms:1653001260019.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1096127488 nr_ops:1070437\ntimestamp_ms:1653001261020.9912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131465728 nr_ops:1104947\ntimestamp_ms:1653001262022.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166756864 nr_ops:1139411\ntimestamp_ms:1653001263023.2817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202584576 nr_ops:1174399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001264024.3462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238037504 nr_ops:1209021\ntimestamp_ms:1653001265025.4534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273228288 nr_ops:1243387\ntimestamp_ms:1653001266026.5642 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1308873728 nr_ops:1278197\ntimestamp_ms:1653001267027.6145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344496640 nr_ops:1312985\ntimestamp_ms:1653001268028.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1379949568 nr_ops:1347607\ntimestamp_ms:1653001269029.8135 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414865920 nr_ops:1381705\ntimestamp_ms:1653001270030.9595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450078208 nr_ops:1416092\ntimestamp_ms:1653001271032.0703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1485853696 nr_ops:1451029\ntimestamp_ms:1653001272033.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521323008 nr_ops:1485667\ntimestamp_ms:1653001273034.2588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556927488 nr_ops:1520437\ntimestamp_ms:1653001274035.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592120320 nr_ops:1554805\ntimestamp_ms:1653001275035.8979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1627513856 nr_ops:1589369\ntimestamp_ms:1653001276037.0295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1662737408 nr_ops:1623767\ntimestamp_ms:1653001277038.0684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698176000 nr_ops:1658375\ntimestamp_ms:1653001278039.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1733698560 nr_ops:1693065\ntimestamp_ms:1653001279040.2639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768924160 nr_ops:1727465\ntimestamp_ms:1653001280041.3022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1804248064 nr_ops:1761961\ntimestamp_ms:1653001281042.4053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839651840 nr_ops:1796535\ntimestamp_ms:1653001282043.5234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1874537472 nr_ops:1830603\ntimestamp_ms:1653001283044.6248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909564416 nr_ops:1864809\ntimestamp_ms:1653001284045.6897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1944830976 nr_ops:1899249\ntimestamp_ms:1653001285046.7310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980097536 nr_ops:1933689\ntimestamp_ms:1653001286047.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2015323136 nr_ops:1968089\ntimestamp_ms:1653001287048.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2050532352 nr_ops:2002473\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139757187524352\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.3152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2085647360 nr_ops:2036765\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.3948 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.4043 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288350.6150 name:Total nr_bytes:2085647360 nr_ops:2036766\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.5488 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4171294718 nr_ops:4073532\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001288250.5496 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2085647360 nr_ops:2036768\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 263.67us 0.00ns 263.67us 263.67us \nTxn1 1018383 57.92us 0.00ns 3.16ms 25.06us \nTxn2 1 70.65us 0.00ns 70.65us 70.65us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 263.12us 0.00ns 263.12us 263.12us \nwrite 1018383 3.90us 0.00ns 95.18us 2.23us \nread 1018382 53.92us 0.00ns 3.16ms 1.34us \ndisconnect 1 70.06us 0.00ns 70.06us 70.06us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16596 16596 144.71Mb/s 144.71Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 788.47b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.198 61.36s 1.94GB 271.90Mb/s 2036767 0.00\nmaster 61.36s 1.94GB 271.90Mb/s 2036768 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.414205, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001227987.4009 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001228988.4990 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001228988.5842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001229989.6128 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35138560 nr_ops:34315
+timestamp_ms:1653001230990.7161 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70235136 nr_ops:68589
+timestamp_ms:1653001231991.8052 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105460736 nr_ops:102989
+timestamp_ms:1653001232992.8579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140772352 nr_ops:137473
+timestamp_ms:1653001233993.9480 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176277504 nr_ops:172146
+timestamp_ms:1653001234995.0442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211692544 nr_ops:206731
+timestamp_ms:1653001235996.0950 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246821888 nr_ops:241037
+timestamp_ms:1653001236996.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282074112 nr_ops:275463
+timestamp_ms:1653001237997.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317545472 nr_ops:310103
+timestamp_ms:1653001238998.9236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352932864 nr_ops:344661
+timestamp_ms:1653001239999.9822 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388158464 nr_ops:379061
+timestamp_ms:1653001241001.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423490560 nr_ops:413565
+timestamp_ms:1653001242002.0647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:459083776 nr_ops:448324
+timestamp_ms:1653001243003.1091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494314496 nr_ops:482729
+timestamp_ms:1653001244003.8516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529601536 nr_ops:517189
+timestamp_ms:1653001245004.9075 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565222400 nr_ops:551975
+timestamp_ms:1653001246005.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600531968 nr_ops:586457
+timestamp_ms:1653001247007.0327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635778048 nr_ops:620877
+timestamp_ms:1653001248008.1482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671251456 nr_ops:655519
+timestamp_ms:1653001249009.2461 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:707005440 nr_ops:690435
+timestamp_ms:1653001250010.3398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742411264 nr_ops:725011
+timestamp_ms:1653001251011.4399 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777860096 nr_ops:759629
+timestamp_ms:1653001252012.5962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:813618176 nr_ops:794549
+timestamp_ms:1653001253013.7170 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:848894976 nr_ops:828999
+timestamp_ms:1653001254014.2715 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:884118528 nr_ops:863397
+timestamp_ms:1653001255015.3655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:919622656 nr_ops:898069
+timestamp_ms:1653001256016.4143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:954827776 nr_ops:932449
+timestamp_ms:1653001257016.8801 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:990129152 nr_ops:966923
+timestamp_ms:1653001258017.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1025641472 nr_ops:1001603
+timestamp_ms:1653001259018.8711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060815872 nr_ops:1035953
+timestamp_ms:1653001260019.8894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1096127488 nr_ops:1070437
+timestamp_ms:1653001261020.9912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131465728 nr_ops:1104947
+timestamp_ms:1653001262022.1077 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166756864 nr_ops:1139411
+timestamp_ms:1653001263023.2817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202584576 nr_ops:1174399
+timestamp_ms:1653001264024.3462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1238037504 nr_ops:1209021
+timestamp_ms:1653001265025.4534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273228288 nr_ops:1243387
+timestamp_ms:1653001266026.5642 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1308873728 nr_ops:1278197
+timestamp_ms:1653001267027.6145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1344496640 nr_ops:1312985
+timestamp_ms:1653001268028.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1379949568 nr_ops:1347607
+timestamp_ms:1653001269029.8135 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414865920 nr_ops:1381705
+timestamp_ms:1653001270030.9595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450078208 nr_ops:1416092
+timestamp_ms:1653001271032.0703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1485853696 nr_ops:1451029
+timestamp_ms:1653001272033.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521323008 nr_ops:1485667
+timestamp_ms:1653001273034.2588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556927488 nr_ops:1520437
+timestamp_ms:1653001274035.3535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592120320 nr_ops:1554805
+timestamp_ms:1653001275035.8979 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1627513856 nr_ops:1589369
+timestamp_ms:1653001276037.0295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1662737408 nr_ops:1623767
+timestamp_ms:1653001277038.0684 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698176000 nr_ops:1658375
+timestamp_ms:1653001278039.1685 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1733698560 nr_ops:1693065
+timestamp_ms:1653001279040.2639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1768924160 nr_ops:1727465
+timestamp_ms:1653001280041.3022 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1804248064 nr_ops:1761961
+timestamp_ms:1653001281042.4053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1839651840 nr_ops:1796535
+timestamp_ms:1653001282043.5234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1874537472 nr_ops:1830603
+timestamp_ms:1653001283044.6248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1909564416 nr_ops:1864809
+timestamp_ms:1653001284045.6897 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1944830976 nr_ops:1899249
+timestamp_ms:1653001285046.7310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1980097536 nr_ops:1933689
+timestamp_ms:1653001286047.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2015323136 nr_ops:1968089
+timestamp_ms:1653001287048.9387 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2050532352 nr_ops:2002473
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139757187524352
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653001288250.3152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2085647360 nr_ops:2036765
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001288250.3948 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001288250.4043 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001288350.6150 name:Total nr_bytes:2085647360 nr_ops:2036766
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001288250.5488 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4171294718 nr_ops:4073532
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001288250.5496 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2085647360 nr_ops:2036768
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 263.67us 0.00ns 263.67us 263.67us
+Txn1 1018383 57.92us 0.00ns 3.16ms 25.06us
+Txn2 1 70.65us 0.00ns 70.65us 70.65us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 263.12us 0.00ns 263.12us 263.12us
+write 1018383 3.90us 0.00ns 95.18us 2.23us
+read 1018382 53.92us 0.00ns 3.16ms 1.34us
+disconnect 1 70.06us 0.00ns 70.06us 70.06us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 16596 16596 144.71Mb/s 144.71Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 788.47b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.198 61.36s 1.94GB 271.90Mb/s 2036767 0.00
+master 61.36s 1.94GB 271.90Mb/s 2036768 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:29.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:29.989000', 'bytes': 35138560, 'norm_byte': 35138560, 'ops': 34315, 'norm_ops': 34315, 'norm_ltcy': 29.171748927673757, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:29.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:29.989000",
+ "bytes": 35138560,
+ "norm_byte": 35138560,
+ "ops": 34315,
+ "norm_ops": 34315,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.171748927673757,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "706b7b031d9334f5b92bd1d2038f97ac55e72d8573c55e18d3b49db7e788b425",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:30.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:30.990000', 'bytes': 70235136, 'norm_byte': 35096576, 'ops': 68589, 'norm_ops': 34274, 'norm_ltcy': 29.208825100203505, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:30.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:30.990000",
+ "bytes": 70235136,
+ "norm_byte": 35096576,
+ "ops": 68589,
+ "norm_ops": 34274,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.208825100203505,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "934f930b5a91917319c3722665aa2a359e1e979f9fc214a900b2105a46c68004",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:31.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:31.991000', 'bytes': 105460736, 'norm_byte': 35225600, 'ops': 102989, 'norm_ops': 34400, 'norm_ltcy': 29.101427654887356, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:31.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:31.991000",
+ "bytes": 105460736,
+ "norm_byte": 35225600,
+ "ops": 102989,
+ "norm_ops": 34400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.101427654887356,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bcfcbc6d03ec437d53ffdfb3e6c4e5a3aa9e58da4287e7d97f6c068adfe9b78",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:32.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:32.992000', 'bytes': 140772352, 'norm_byte': 35311616, 'ops': 137473, 'norm_ops': 34484, 'norm_ltcy': 29.029484235442524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:32.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:32.992000",
+ "bytes": 140772352,
+ "norm_byte": 35311616,
+ "ops": 137473,
+ "norm_ops": 34484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.029484235442524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6549d76f597bcf9a9f074adcb576c6f87c4024852eb053460107a3ea660b4603",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:33.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:33.993000', 'bytes': 176277504, 'norm_byte': 35505152, 'ops': 172146, 'norm_ops': 34673, 'norm_ltcy': 28.87232393766403, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:33.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:33.993000",
+ "bytes": 176277504,
+ "norm_byte": 35505152,
+ "ops": 172146,
+ "norm_ops": 34673,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.87232393766403,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "144cc811b3636a60c3bfcfb7ea3afa74e98bd8d1b11a42599e3e90dc9b4b5e53",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:34.995000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:34.995000', 'bytes': 211692544, 'norm_byte': 35415040, 'ops': 206731, 'norm_ops': 34585, 'norm_ltcy': 28.945964765252278, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:34.995000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:34.995000",
+ "bytes": 211692544,
+ "norm_byte": 35415040,
+ "ops": 206731,
+ "norm_ops": 34585,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.945964765252278,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b8b2b9aff89d49eb2d0b2684416099e1163bd1689e5d1993d5a7b8660707963",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:35.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:35.996000', 'bytes': 246821888, 'norm_byte': 35129344, 'ops': 241037, 'norm_ops': 34306, 'norm_ltcy': 29.18004959045065, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:35.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:35.996000",
+ "bytes": 246821888,
+ "norm_byte": 35129344,
+ "ops": 241037,
+ "norm_ops": 34306,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.18004959045065,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74438e9a2948ff02514d440bb400b73cc535ed9b94fa6ae79148372623197cca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:36.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:36.996000', 'bytes': 282074112, 'norm_byte': 35252224, 'ops': 275463, 'norm_ops': 34426, 'norm_ltcy': 29.069251063422268, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:36.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:36.996000",
+ "bytes": 282074112,
+ "norm_byte": 35252224,
+ "ops": 275463,
+ "norm_ops": 34426,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.069251063422268,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec53f5170faf321caf8e48ee04fd5b1caf2145ad45c82187794a27d1161dfffd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:37.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:37.997000', 'bytes': 317545472, 'norm_byte': 35471360, 'ops': 310103, 'norm_ops': 34640, 'norm_ltcy': 28.898511362406175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:37.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:37.997000",
+ "bytes": 317545472,
+ "norm_byte": 35471360,
+ "ops": 310103,
+ "norm_ops": 34640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.898511362406175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f2a3d3d5023b0821fc84f3f0b67ec1401161d5e28727ee186a465ae79da23914",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:38.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:38.998000', 'bytes': 352932864, 'norm_byte': 35387392, 'ops': 344661, 'norm_ops': 34558, 'norm_ltcy': 28.96713185306224, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:38.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:38.998000",
+ "bytes": 352932864,
+ "norm_byte": 35387392,
+ "ops": 344661,
+ "norm_ops": 34558,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.96713185306224,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfe48557bf28543e6fc5faa5ecc8c18e9e37d722fae4a91b833f21159f8b0e15",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:39.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:39.999000', 'bytes': 388158464, 'norm_byte': 35225600, 'ops': 379061, 'norm_ops': 34400, 'norm_ltcy': 29.10054051598837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:39.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:39.999000",
+ "bytes": 388158464,
+ "norm_byte": 35225600,
+ "ops": 379061,
+ "norm_ops": 34400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.10054051598837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "535b99bb93ddfea2e1b001bd2d94f4bda3d60ab5c44d264eb6de69b7c55be1ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:41.001000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:41.001000', 'bytes': 423490560, 'norm_byte': 35332096, 'ops': 413565, 'norm_ops': 34504, 'norm_ltcy': 29.0123815467953, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:41.001000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:41.001000",
+ "bytes": 423490560,
+ "norm_byte": 35332096,
+ "ops": 413565,
+ "norm_ops": 34504,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.0123815467953,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e3acbf56870528cc1a59b0175f5566898c340bc853c568260d3631c8bd4e972",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:42.002000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:42.002000', 'bytes': 459083776, 'norm_byte': 35593216, 'ops': 448324, 'norm_ops': 34759, 'norm_ltcy': 28.79942767745404, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:42.002000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:42.002000",
+ "bytes": 459083776,
+ "norm_byte": 35593216,
+ "ops": 448324,
+ "norm_ops": 34759,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.79942767745404,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ebf80fd095fd4474593831092e870f7b6cbab7b6205a8e91df782b04b709960e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:43.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:43.003000', 'bytes': 494314496, 'norm_byte': 35230720, 'ops': 482729, 'norm_ops': 34405, 'norm_ltcy': 29.09589982833164, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:43.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:43.003000",
+ "bytes": 494314496,
+ "norm_byte": 35230720,
+ "ops": 482729,
+ "norm_ops": 34405,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.09589982833164,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfd492d7680cd19046cd9377dceb052dc4c640d2cb7136a3db078b809d7753ba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:44.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:44.003000', 'bytes': 529601536, 'norm_byte': 35287040, 'ops': 517189, 'norm_ops': 34460, 'norm_ltcy': 29.040697377847504, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:44.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:44.003000",
+ "bytes": 529601536,
+ "norm_byte": 35287040,
+ "ops": 517189,
+ "norm_ops": 34460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.040697377847504,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14ac7bcb2f916fb714e16e061c511e0347ba5cc4eb304057b0c735b9ac5eb543",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:45.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:45.004000', 'bytes': 565222400, 'norm_byte': 35620864, 'ops': 551975, 'norm_ops': 34786, 'norm_ltcy': 28.77755154956376, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:45.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:45.004000",
+ "bytes": 565222400,
+ "norm_byte": 35620864,
+ "ops": 551975,
+ "norm_ops": 34786,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.77755154956376,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "57568ee5cd6ede9ac676a07d1da5906dd1d0cb4cb0b2edbcb70c4753e8d16a41",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:46.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:46.005000', 'bytes': 600531968, 'norm_byte': 35309568, 'ops': 586457, 'norm_ops': 34482, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03072900806943, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:46.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:46.005000",
+ "bytes": 600531968,
+ "norm_byte": 35309568,
+ "ops": 586457,
+ "norm_ops": 34482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03072900806943,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83f42e0a17161ecb49bea528c1a801c2174a72dc471a73b45655303baa4f59d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:47.007000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:47.007000', 'bytes': 635778048, 'norm_byte': 35246080, 'ops': 620877, 'norm_ops': 34420, 'norm_ltcy': 29.084475493444945, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:47.007000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:47.007000",
+ "bytes": 635778048,
+ "norm_byte": 35246080,
+ "ops": 620877,
+ "norm_ops": 34420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.084475493444945,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c0541127f134653ecf1b196754ce946f8f4253fc37c6e9a6a532b0471b87944",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:48.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:48.008000', 'bytes': 671251456, 'norm_byte': 35473408, 'ops': 655519, 'norm_ops': 34642, 'norm_ltcy': 28.898893785451907, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:48.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:48.008000",
+ "bytes": 671251456,
+ "norm_byte": 35473408,
+ "ops": 655519,
+ "norm_ops": 34642,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.898893785451907,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c59d00c4ae487067fd6a022ca4188d60f6a583fc8117e55afa790a1c7569a416",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:49.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:49.009000', 'bytes': 707005440, 'norm_byte': 35753984, 'ops': 690435, 'norm_ops': 34916, 'norm_ltcy': 28.671609015655427, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:49.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:49.009000",
+ "bytes": 707005440,
+ "norm_byte": 35753984,
+ "ops": 690435,
+ "norm_ops": 34916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.671609015655427,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6926a057aec4787de3435b87c0418669373738265eb0ee4b03c584d93098da5e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:50.010000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:50.010000', 'bytes': 742411264, 'norm_byte': 35405824, 'ops': 725011, 'norm_ops': 34576, 'norm_ltcy': 28.953428678852383, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:50.010000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:50.010000",
+ "bytes": 742411264,
+ "norm_byte": 35405824,
+ "ops": 725011,
+ "norm_ops": 34576,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.953428678852383,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "12ef1a705088db0b3a1b96f90eca4e6d97a7a53f7e8bfefc6ddd18ad2d607d57",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:51.011000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:51.011000', 'bytes': 777860096, 'norm_byte': 35448832, 'ops': 759629, 'norm_ops': 34618, 'norm_ltcy': 28.918484535682307, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:51.011000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:51.011000",
+ "bytes": 777860096,
+ "norm_byte": 35448832,
+ "ops": 759629,
+ "norm_ops": 34618,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.918484535682307,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "127bb4b07552ec2ee195633e664c5de9e4cc9949469468b02eb9ce2b85e778fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:52.012000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:52.012000', 'bytes': 813618176, 'norm_byte': 35758080, 'ops': 794549, 'norm_ops': 34920, 'norm_ltcy': 28.669995704467354, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:52.012000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:52.012000",
+ "bytes": 813618176,
+ "norm_byte": 35758080,
+ "ops": 794549,
+ "norm_ops": 34920,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.669995704467354,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a9451b013dfca2857ebd9a0770a99a12dd1b0eb4f2d478fd120b8d1246e2387",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:53.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:53.013000', 'bytes': 848894976, 'norm_byte': 35276800, 'ops': 828999, 'norm_ops': 34450, 'norm_ltcy': 29.060111744829463, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:53.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:53.013000",
+ "bytes": 848894976,
+ "norm_byte": 35276800,
+ "ops": 828999,
+ "norm_ops": 34450,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.060111744829463,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5096753a07a0b27c7a24d6b141fc8f9070d79fc84e779d2363eddb7097b0209",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:54.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:54.014000', 'bytes': 884118528, 'norm_byte': 35223552, 'ops': 863397, 'norm_ops': 34398, 'norm_ltcy': 29.087576119523664, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:54.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:54.014000",
+ "bytes": 884118528,
+ "norm_byte": 35223552,
+ "ops": 863397,
+ "norm_ops": 34398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.087576119523664,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "61ac9edb577603f6de682a5daf2611b016447b3c181d92ceeb6badc8de9e3577",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:55.015000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:55.015000', 'bytes': 919622656, 'norm_byte': 35504128, 'ops': 898069, 'norm_ops': 34672, 'norm_ltcy': 28.873269328006028, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:55.015000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:55.015000",
+ "bytes": 919622656,
+ "norm_byte": 35504128,
+ "ops": 898069,
+ "norm_ops": 34672,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.873269328006028,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ca78336a8d18813e0bc62af41a937cd86f662c4620fdb1332d0bb6e29241a80",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:56.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:56.016000', 'bytes': 954827776, 'norm_byte': 35205120, 'ops': 932449, 'norm_ops': 34380, 'norm_ltcy': 29.117185227603255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:56.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:56.016000",
+ "bytes": 954827776,
+ "norm_byte": 35205120,
+ "ops": 932449,
+ "norm_ops": 34380,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.117185227603255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d19987bab828279f871a37bcd9601fb6cf6e5eef859beb28bd736499f42738bd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:57.016000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:57.016000', 'bytes': 990129152, 'norm_byte': 35301376, 'ops': 966923, 'norm_ops': 34474, 'norm_ltcy': 29.020880092606024, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:57.016000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:57.016000",
+ "bytes": 990129152,
+ "norm_byte": 35301376,
+ "ops": 966923,
+ "norm_ops": 34474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.020880092606024,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a142e4d9f5fd7a38a3feb02449c49be3804170ce0c2c35fa8c1413a834b7812",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:58.017000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:58.017000', 'bytes': 1025641472, 'norm_byte': 35512320, 'ops': 1001603, 'norm_ops': 34680, 'norm_ltcy': 28.86261725508218, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:58.017000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:58.017000",
+ "bytes": 1025641472,
+ "norm_byte": 35512320,
+ "ops": 1001603,
+ "norm_ops": 34680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.86261725508218,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9284f8286ea6cc83a6136ef1871c847733ff6cd5a2d26a3e510b66d4e465b800",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:00:59.018000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:00:59.018000', 'bytes': 1060815872, 'norm_byte': 35174400, 'ops': 1035953, 'norm_ops': 34350, 'norm_ltcy': 29.142224174399562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:00:59.018000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:00:59.018000",
+ "bytes": 1060815872,
+ "norm_byte": 35174400,
+ "ops": 1035953,
+ "norm_ops": 34350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.142224174399562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "770b8742d27222e0b434827f759f68362086a18da00e9c9320ee1cc5c5f31411",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:00.019000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:00.019000', 'bytes': 1096127488, 'norm_byte': 35311616, 'ops': 1070437, 'norm_ops': 34484, 'norm_ltcy': 29.02848598036408, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:00.019000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:00.019000",
+ "bytes": 1096127488,
+ "norm_byte": 35311616,
+ "ops": 1070437,
+ "norm_ops": 34484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.02848598036408,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a9e211a40c4f6f6d12f61dc72a2c87b48454473d407ed5a25be381b4f4e17a3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:01.020000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:01.020000', 'bytes': 1131465728, 'norm_byte': 35338240, 'ops': 1104947, 'norm_ops': 34510, 'norm_ltcy': 29.009035254726893, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:01.020000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:01.020000",
+ "bytes": 1131465728,
+ "norm_byte": 35338240,
+ "ops": 1104947,
+ "norm_ops": 34510,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.009035254726893,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "745bd04cfccc54722f64a4c51c2ee85f6ebba879718e67920b19b185ec369def",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:02.022000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:02.022000', 'bytes': 1166756864, 'norm_byte': 35291136, 'ops': 1139411, 'norm_ops': 34464, 'norm_ltcy': 29.048179406862957, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:02.022000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:02.022000",
+ "bytes": 1166756864,
+ "norm_byte": 35291136,
+ "ops": 1139411,
+ "norm_ops": 34464,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.048179406862957,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a72441d79be830d9b818ae14ec5c0023e4cd982b74aaa16571f15e729a9b640",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:03.023000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:03.023000', 'bytes': 1202584576, 'norm_byte': 35827712, 'ops': 1174399, 'norm_ops': 34988, 'norm_ltcy': 28.61478427648408, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:03.023000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:03.023000",
+ "bytes": 1202584576,
+ "norm_byte": 35827712,
+ "ops": 1174399,
+ "norm_ops": 34988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.61478427648408,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10db60f3ef83d5a1bf8d168799afff264f613007b8d2333366b6e8d14c35aafe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:04.024000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:04.024000', 'bytes': 1238037504, 'norm_byte': 35452928, 'ops': 1209021, 'norm_ops': 34622, 'norm_ltcy': 28.914113948500955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:04.024000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:04.024000",
+ "bytes": 1238037504,
+ "norm_byte": 35452928,
+ "ops": 1209021,
+ "norm_ops": 34622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.914113948500955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b6b8488ef3833a6aaeaa4a34386a37999ed902ddf6447a6d86da84d13b551390",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:05.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:05.025000', 'bytes': 1273228288, 'norm_byte': 35190784, 'ops': 1243387, 'norm_ops': 34366, 'norm_ltcy': 29.13074485638058, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:05.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:05.025000",
+ "bytes": 1273228288,
+ "norm_byte": 35190784,
+ "ops": 1243387,
+ "norm_ops": 34366,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.13074485638058,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3615bc222f242008196e883dec608f30628eb116f4b5e65726771d7f177e8fd5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:06.026000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:06.026000', 'bytes': 1308873728, 'norm_byte': 35645440, 'ops': 1278197, 'norm_ops': 34810, 'norm_ltcy': 28.75928870565211, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:06.026000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:06.026000",
+ "bytes": 1308873728,
+ "norm_byte": 35645440,
+ "ops": 1278197,
+ "norm_ops": 34810,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.75928870565211,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4669948a047828618f798c77972894592fa937ad111b3aba0f4fb5bd75e4ffe1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:07.027000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:07.027000', 'bytes': 1344496640, 'norm_byte': 35622912, 'ops': 1312985, 'norm_ops': 34788, 'norm_ltcy': 28.77573568382057, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:07.027000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:07.027000",
+ "bytes": 1344496640,
+ "norm_byte": 35622912,
+ "ops": 1312985,
+ "norm_ops": 34788,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.77573568382057,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d03149d94f1c23e7c227a4b9c949314af6e65dd01fa75da35c0da9d2f7c75a26",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:08.028000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:08.028000', 'bytes': 1379949568, 'norm_byte': 35452928, 'ops': 1347607, 'norm_ops': 34622, 'norm_ltcy': 28.914960140950843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:08.028000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:08.028000",
+ "bytes": 1379949568,
+ "norm_byte": 35452928,
+ "ops": 1347607,
+ "norm_ops": 34622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.914960140950843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e9c36147611370785530b03077129bfed9e56c9d75267de37a05564c0988f48",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:09.029000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:09.029000', 'bytes': 1414865920, 'norm_byte': 34916352, 'ops': 1381705, 'norm_ops': 34098, 'norm_ltcy': 29.359646448746993, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:09.029000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:09.029000",
+ "bytes": 1414865920,
+ "norm_byte": 34916352,
+ "ops": 1381705,
+ "norm_ops": 34098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.359646448746993,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0ac29174ae5bdc3f0cd8581227b9f5c6b81a3cf960b0be025f04f03286365e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:10.030000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:10.030000', 'bytes': 1450078208, 'norm_byte': 35212288, 'ops': 1416092, 'norm_ops': 34387, 'norm_ltcy': 29.114083697145723, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:10.030000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:10.030000",
+ "bytes": 1450078208,
+ "norm_byte": 35212288,
+ "ops": 1416092,
+ "norm_ops": 34387,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.114083697145723,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3babc19f464738cad89e109d761b1b985fd81fdb9e7878e2065c303acebf477d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:11.032000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:11.032000', 'bytes': 1485853696, 'norm_byte': 35775488, 'ops': 1451029, 'norm_ops': 34937, 'norm_ltcy': 28.65474539438847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:11.032000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:11.032000",
+ "bytes": 1485853696,
+ "norm_byte": 35775488,
+ "ops": 1451029,
+ "norm_ops": 34937,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.65474539438847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a509f4cc908e292f77f221255dd99a128bb02748350e29c6e5c3f861efa4c6e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:12.033000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:12.033000', 'bytes': 1521323008, 'norm_byte': 35469312, 'ops': 1485667, 'norm_ops': 34638, 'norm_ltcy': 28.901617826700445, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:12.033000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:12.033000",
+ "bytes": 1521323008,
+ "norm_byte": 35469312,
+ "ops": 1485667,
+ "norm_ops": 34638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.901617826700445,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f80ee68422482f6daf5d1c9bd6809343419675ded4c5a113a0a1e43ee3c3f810",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:13.034000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:13.034000', 'bytes': 1556927488, 'norm_byte': 35604480, 'ops': 1520437, 'norm_ops': 34770, 'norm_ltcy': 28.791896413035662, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:13.034000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:13.034000",
+ "bytes": 1556927488,
+ "norm_byte": 35604480,
+ "ops": 1520437,
+ "norm_ops": 34770,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.791896413035662,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7cd06d213dde5bb87ac90e52464c9648dba6248ebcfba597f963bcd41ea7cc82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:14.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:14.035000', 'bytes': 1592120320, 'norm_byte': 35192832, 'ops': 1554805, 'norm_ops': 34368, 'norm_ltcy': 29.128687341785966, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:14.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:14.035000",
+ "bytes": 1592120320,
+ "norm_byte": 35192832,
+ "ops": 1554805,
+ "norm_ops": 34368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.128687341785966,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b0d0c0067a7c1f24d3b43d794618f929d9a0cb229b8bc6dfde80dd65328ba58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:15.035000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:15.035000', 'bytes': 1627513856, 'norm_byte': 35393536, 'ops': 1589369, 'norm_ops': 34564, 'norm_ltcy': 28.94758805675703, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:15.035000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:15.035000",
+ "bytes": 1627513856,
+ "norm_byte": 35393536,
+ "ops": 1589369,
+ "norm_ops": 34564,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.94758805675703,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5887d0d1ef31a33407d6f698f4fc6b4d75ee757e4cb6fe84189e6eca8398db58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:16.037000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:16.037000', 'bytes': 1662737408, 'norm_byte': 35223552, 'ops': 1623767, 'norm_ops': 34398, 'norm_ltcy': 29.104354665878105, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:16.037000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:16.037000",
+ "bytes": 1662737408,
+ "norm_byte": 35223552,
+ "ops": 1623767,
+ "norm_ops": 34398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.104354665878105,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "32200efa73c668648b5d787822154e450a565d6975c57dc1743f7cac81370679",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:17.038000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:17.038000', 'bytes': 1698176000, 'norm_byte': 35438592, 'ops': 1658375, 'norm_ops': 34608, 'norm_ltcy': 28.92506987862272, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:17.038000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:17.038000",
+ "bytes": 1698176000,
+ "norm_byte": 35438592,
+ "ops": 1658375,
+ "norm_ops": 34608,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.92506987862272,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1189b7cdcc4120094fd078ba9edb6b42530eb1c7b5b4729e49d4a8d2c50b665",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:18.039000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:18.039000', 'bytes': 1733698560, 'norm_byte': 35522560, 'ops': 1693065, 'norm_ops': 34690, 'norm_ltcy': 28.858463466597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:18.039000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:18.039000",
+ "bytes": 1733698560,
+ "norm_byte": 35522560,
+ "ops": 1693065,
+ "norm_ops": 34690,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.858463466597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a5a97f8e865433f52d2d109fead6ebf8a07dee6506bcfc7ea85456cfab076453",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:19.040000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:19.040000', 'bytes': 1768924160, 'norm_byte': 35225600, 'ops': 1727465, 'norm_ops': 34400, 'norm_ltcy': 29.101612179778343, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:19.040000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:19.040000",
+ "bytes": 1768924160,
+ "norm_byte": 35225600,
+ "ops": 1727465,
+ "norm_ops": 34400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.101612179778343,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8315585c886019e1dca61fb0ea6dcf994a82f6fd5921afc6948f6c4216636a99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:20.041000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:20.041000', 'bytes': 1804248064, 'norm_byte': 35323904, 'ops': 1761961, 'norm_ops': 34496, 'norm_ltcy': 29.018968288442863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:20.041000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:20.041000",
+ "bytes": 1804248064,
+ "norm_byte": 35323904,
+ "ops": 1761961,
+ "norm_ops": 34496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.018968288442863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "12daf7489972ba6e7bdf645f9ab0041bc558ff84449882affdb97e8d3a490265",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:21.042000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:21.042000', 'bytes': 1839651840, 'norm_byte': 35403776, 'ops': 1796535, 'norm_ops': 34574, 'norm_ltcy': 28.95537187897698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:21.042000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:21.042000",
+ "bytes": 1839651840,
+ "norm_byte": 35403776,
+ "ops": 1796535,
+ "norm_ops": 34574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.95537187897698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0133154728bd4bf7ee0a6c1d5a4178a7db8564f005b372b9e0cb5956e0ca7bb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:22.043000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:22.043000', 'bytes': 1874537472, 'norm_byte': 34885632, 'ops': 1830603, 'norm_ops': 34068, 'norm_ltcy': 29.385880123943288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:22.043000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:22.043000",
+ "bytes": 1874537472,
+ "norm_byte": 34885632,
+ "ops": 1830603,
+ "norm_ops": 34068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.385880123943288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9513df0eeef7e56798b5564764d1d20ba0e09e3dde6c4235d44c6b7e0e0d54b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:23.044000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:23.044000', 'bytes': 1909564416, 'norm_byte': 35026944, 'ops': 1864809, 'norm_ops': 34206, 'norm_ltcy': 29.266833840828365, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:23.044000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:23.044000",
+ "bytes": 1909564416,
+ "norm_byte": 35026944,
+ "ops": 1864809,
+ "norm_ops": 34206,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.266833840828365,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "839cea9b8c67f55111a8d0b8bf365dca6d2a805e4d10048b759d64525039a09c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:24.045000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:24.045000', 'bytes': 1944830976, 'norm_byte': 35266560, 'ops': 1899249, 'norm_ops': 34440, 'norm_ltcy': 29.06692628938008, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:24.045000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:24.045000",
+ "bytes": 1944830976,
+ "norm_byte": 35266560,
+ "ops": 1899249,
+ "norm_ops": 34440,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.06692628938008,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e3c1eb08a756bc3335b26af63aa2253cac117c8843e60261fa38451563317c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:25.046000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:25.046000', 'bytes': 1980097536, 'norm_byte': 35266560, 'ops': 1933689, 'norm_ops': 34440, 'norm_ltcy': 29.066238669152874, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:25.046000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:25.046000",
+ "bytes": 1980097536,
+ "norm_byte": 35266560,
+ "ops": 1933689,
+ "norm_ops": 34440,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.066238669152874,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "779a2e29907e5a94f6860059212baf466e91b3d849db21701c58f41ad3964148",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:26.047000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:26.047000', 'bytes': 2015323136, 'norm_byte': 35225600, 'ops': 1968089, 'norm_ops': 34400, 'norm_ltcy': 29.101917355559593, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:26.047000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:26.047000",
+ "bytes": 2015323136,
+ "norm_byte": 35225600,
+ "ops": 1968089,
+ "norm_ops": 34400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.101917355559593,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6603026f40fa9982c136d77686950987cb235ab90572565952a06eff2c84dadf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:27.048000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:27.048000', 'bytes': 2050532352, 'norm_byte': 35209216, 'ops': 2002473, 'norm_ops': 34384, 'norm_ltcy': 29.11533872267988, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:27.048000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:27.048000",
+ "bytes": 2050532352,
+ "norm_byte": 35209216,
+ "ops": 2002473,
+ "norm_ops": 34384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.11533872267988,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75e7241aafde32f56db2aab4b8c984d80309e1aa5861e794950f88535b4df603",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:01:28.250000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:01:28.250000', 'bytes': 2085647360, 'norm_byte': 35115008, 'ops': 2036765, 'norm_ops': 34292, 'norm_ltcy': 35.03372404186837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:01:28.250000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:01:28.250000",
+ "bytes": 2085647360,
+ "norm_byte": 35115008,
+ "ops": 2036765,
+ "norm_ops": 34292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.03372404186837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "81f7e16f-f235-5db8-8bd7-6854e283fec9",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "881e5d34758f1701e863c904701280623b61c13f24a8f28b18bfe16d3b0433fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35349955.25423729
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34521.4406779661
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.276115101620228
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:01:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-103-220519225743/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-103-220519225743/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71ee41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-103-220519225743/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-103-220519225743/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-103-220519225743/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-103-220519225743/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-103-220519225743/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-103-220519225743/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d95ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-103-220519225743/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=55
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=45
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=170
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-104-220519225945/220519225945-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-104-220519225945/220519225945-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0f7593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-104-220519225945/220519225945-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:02:28Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001349368.4141 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001350369.5281 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001350369.6091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001351370.6833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62986240 nr_ops:61510\ntimestamp_ms:1653001352371.7693 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125905920 nr_ops:122955\ntimestamp_ms:1653001353372.8076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189070336 nr_ops:184639\ntimestamp_ms:1653001354373.9070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:254090240 nr_ops:248135\ntimestamp_ms:1653001355375.0000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318099456 nr_ops:310644\ntimestamp_ms:1653001356376.0906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381965312 nr_ops:373013\ntimestamp_ms:1653001357377.1851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445500416 nr_ops:435059\ntimestamp_ms:1653001358378.2800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508801024 nr_ops:496876\ntimestamp_ms:1653001359379.3704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:571563008 nr_ops:558167\ntimestamp_ms:1653001360379.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633850880 nr_ops:618995\ntimestamp_ms:1653001361380.9592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:695303168 nr_ops:679007\ntimestamp_ms:1653001362382.1116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757101568 nr_ops:739357\ntimestamp_ms:1653001363383.2009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819667968 nr_ops:800457\ntimestamp_ms:1653001364384.2937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882938880 nr_ops:862245\ntimestamp_ms:1653001365385.3396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945116160 nr_ops:922965\ntimestamp_ms:1653001366386.4385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1007836160 nr_ops:984215\ntimestamp_ms:1653001367387.5356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069935616 nr_ops:1044859\ntimestamp_ms:1653001368388.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133399040 nr_ops:1106835\ntimestamp_ms:1653001369389.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197455360 nr_ops:1169390\ntimestamp_ms:1653001370390.8198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261003776 nr_ops:1231449\ntimestamp_ms:1653001371392.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324665856 nr_ops:1293619\ntimestamp_ms:1653001372393.1033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1387796480 nr_ops:1355270\ntimestamp_ms:1653001373394.1929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1451031552 nr_ops:1417023\ntimestamp_ms:1653001374395.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1515567104 nr_ops:1480046\ntimestamp_ms:1653001375396.3774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579408384 nr_ops:1542391\ntimestamp_ms:1653001376397.4131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1643164672 nr_ops:1604653\ntimestamp_ms:1653001377398.5073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1705106432 nr_ops:1665143\ntimestamp_ms:1653001378399.5427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1771449344 nr_ops:1729931\ntimestamp_ms:1653001379400.6331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835906048 nr_ops:1792877\ntimestamp_ms:1653001380400.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1899033600 nr_ops:1854525\ntimestamp_ms:1653001381401.9333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1962370048 nr_ops:1916377\ntimestamp_ms:1653001382403.0410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024997888 nr_ops:1977537\ntimestamp_ms:1653001383404.1440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089145344 nr_ops:2040181\ntimestamp_ms:1653001384405.1787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153210880 nr_ops:2102745\ntimestamp_ms:1653001385406.2124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216332288 nr_ops:2164387\ntimestamp_ms:1653001386407.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2279263232 nr_ops:2225843\ntimestamp_ms:1653001387408.3000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341608448 nr_ops:2286727\ntimestamp_ms:1653001388409.3342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405569536 nr_ops:2349189\ntimestamp_ms:1653001389410.3696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469381120 nr_ops:2411505\ntimestamp_ms:1653001390410.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532246528 nr_ops:2472897\ntimestamp_ms:1653001391411.8713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2594313216 nr_ops:2533509\ntimestamp_ms:1653001392412.9167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2657516544 nr_ops:2595231\ntimestamp_ms:1653001393413.9519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2721643520 nr_ops:2657855\ntimestamp_ms:1653001394414.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785336320 nr_ops:2720055\ntimestamp_ms:1653001395415.8833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849189888 nr_ops:2782412\ntimestamp_ms:1653001396416.9902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911857664 nr_ops:2843611\ntimestamp_ms:1653001397418.0820 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2973754368 nr_ops:2904057\ntimestamp_ms:1653001398419.1289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3037477888 nr_ops:2966287\ntimestamp_ms:1653001399420.2263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3101265920 nr_ops:3028580\ntimestamp_ms:1653001400421.3167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3163757568 nr_ops:3089607\ntimestamp_ms:1653001401422.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3226781696 nr_ops:3151154\ntimestamp_ms:1653001402423.5186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3290380288 nr_ops:3213262\ntimestamp_ms:1653001403424.5737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3354377216 nr_ops:3275759\ntimestamp_ms:1653001404425.6780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3418547200 nr_ops:3338425\ntimestamp_ms:1653001405426.7834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3481695232 nr_ops:3400093\ntimestamp_ms:1653001406426.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3544413184 nr_ops:3461341\ntimestamp_ms:1653001407427.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607245824 nr_ops:3522701\ntimestamp_ms:1653001408429.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3671427072 nr_ops:3585378\ntimestamp_ms:1653001409430.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3734768640 nr_ops:3647235\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140012788061952\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.4041 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3797111808 nr_ops:3708117\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.4912 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.5007 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410731.7202 name:Total nr_bytes:3797111808 nr_ops:3708118\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.6152 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7594223614 nr_ops:7416236\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.6167 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3797111808 nr_ops:3708120\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 345.70us 0.00ns 345.70us 345.70us \nTxn1 1854059 32.37us 0.00ns 2.19ms 26.04us \nTxn2 1 55.12us 0.00ns 55.12us 55.12us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 344.88us 0.00ns 344.88us 344.88us \nwrite 1854059 3.23us 0.00ns 232.92us 2.62us \nread 1854058 29.05us 0.00ns 2.19ms 1.51us \ndisconnect 1 54.29us 0.00ns 54.29us 54.29us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.37b/s \nnet1 29729 29729 259.24Mb/s 259.24Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.199 62.36s 3.54GB 487.09Mb/s 3708120 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.54GB 487.09Mb/s 3708120 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414703, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001349368.4141 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001350369.5281 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001350369.6091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001351370.6833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62986240 nr_ops:61510\ntimestamp_ms:1653001352371.7693 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125905920 nr_ops:122955\ntimestamp_ms:1653001353372.8076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189070336 nr_ops:184639\ntimestamp_ms:1653001354373.9070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:254090240 nr_ops:248135\ntimestamp_ms:1653001355375.0000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318099456 nr_ops:310644\ntimestamp_ms:1653001356376.0906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381965312 nr_ops:373013\ntimestamp_ms:1653001357377.1851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445500416 nr_ops:435059\ntimestamp_ms:1653001358378.2800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508801024 nr_ops:496876\ntimestamp_ms:1653001359379.3704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:571563008 nr_ops:558167\ntimestamp_ms:1653001360379.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633850880 nr_ops:618995\ntimestamp_ms:1653001361380.9592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:695303168 nr_ops:679007\ntimestamp_ms:1653001362382.1116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757101568 nr_ops:739357\ntimestamp_ms:1653001363383.2009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819667968 nr_ops:800457\ntimestamp_ms:1653001364384.2937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882938880 nr_ops:862245\ntimestamp_ms:1653001365385.3396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945116160 nr_ops:922965\ntimestamp_ms:1653001366386.4385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1007836160 nr_ops:984215\ntimestamp_ms:1653001367387.5356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069935616 nr_ops:1044859\ntimestamp_ms:1653001368388.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133399040 nr_ops:1106835\ntimestamp_ms:1653001369389.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197455360 nr_ops:1169390\ntimestamp_ms:1653001370390.8198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261003776 nr_ops:1231449\ntimestamp_ms:1653001371392.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324665856 nr_ops:1293619\ntimestamp_ms:1653001372393.1033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1387796480 nr_ops:1355270\ntimestamp_ms:1653001373394.1929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1451031552 nr_ops:1417023\ntimestamp_ms:1653001374395.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1515567104 nr_ops:1480046\ntimestamp_ms:1653001375396.3774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579408384 nr_ops:1542391\ntimestamp_ms:1653001376397.4131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1643164672 nr_ops:1604653\ntimestamp_ms:1653001377398.5073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1705106432 nr_ops:1665143\ntimestamp_ms:1653001378399.5427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1771449344 nr_ops:1729931\ntimestamp_ms:1653001379400.6331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835906048 nr_ops:1792877\ntimestamp_ms:1653001380400.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1899033600 nr_ops:1854525\ntimestamp_ms:1653001381401.9333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1962370048 nr_ops:1916377\ntimestamp_ms:1653001382403.0410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024997888 nr_ops:1977537\ntimestamp_ms:1653001383404.1440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089145344 nr_ops:2040181\ntimestamp_ms:1653001384405.1787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153210880 nr_ops:2102745\ntimestamp_ms:1653001385406.2124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216332288 nr_ops:2164387\ntimestamp_ms:1653001386407.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2279263232 nr_ops:2225843\ntimestamp_ms:1653001387408.3000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341608448 nr_ops:2286727\ntimestamp_ms:1653001388409.3342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405569536 nr_ops:2349189\ntimestamp_ms:1653001389410.3696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469381120 nr_ops:2411505\ntimestamp_ms:1653001390410.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532246528 nr_ops:2472897\ntimestamp_ms:1653001391411.8713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2594313216 nr_ops:2533509\ntimestamp_ms:1653001392412.9167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2657516544 nr_ops:2595231\ntimestamp_ms:1653001393413.9519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2721643520 nr_ops:2657855\ntimestamp_ms:1653001394414.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785336320 nr_ops:2720055\ntimestamp_ms:1653001395415.8833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849189888 nr_ops:2782412\ntimestamp_ms:1653001396416.9902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911857664 nr_ops:2843611\ntimestamp_ms:1653001397418.0820 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2973754368 nr_ops:2904057\ntimestamp_ms:1653001398419.1289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3037477888 nr_ops:2966287\ntimestamp_ms:1653001399420.2263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3101265920 nr_ops:3028580\ntimestamp_ms:1653001400421.3167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3163757568 nr_ops:3089607\ntimestamp_ms:1653001401422.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3226781696 nr_ops:3151154\ntimestamp_ms:1653001402423.5186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3290380288 nr_ops:3213262\ntimestamp_ms:1653001403424.5737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3354377216 nr_ops:3275759\ntimestamp_ms:1653001404425.6780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3418547200 nr_ops:3338425\ntimestamp_ms:1653001405426.7834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3481695232 nr_ops:3400093\ntimestamp_ms:1653001406426.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3544413184 nr_ops:3461341\ntimestamp_ms:1653001407427.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607245824 nr_ops:3522701\ntimestamp_ms:1653001408429.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3671427072 nr_ops:3585378\ntimestamp_ms:1653001409430.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3734768640 nr_ops:3647235\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140012788061952\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.4041 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3797111808 nr_ops:3708117\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.4912 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.5007 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410731.7202 name:Total nr_bytes:3797111808 nr_ops:3708118\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.6152 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7594223614 nr_ops:7416236\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.6167 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3797111808 nr_ops:3708120\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 345.70us 0.00ns 345.70us 345.70us \nTxn1 1854059 32.37us 0.00ns 2.19ms 26.04us \nTxn2 1 55.12us 0.00ns 55.12us 55.12us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 344.88us 0.00ns 344.88us 344.88us \nwrite 1854059 3.23us 0.00ns 232.92us 2.62us \nread 1854058 29.05us 0.00ns 2.19ms 1.51us \ndisconnect 1 54.29us 0.00ns 54.29us 54.29us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.37b/s \nnet1 29729 29729 259.24Mb/s 259.24Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.199 62.36s 3.54GB 487.09Mb/s 3708120 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.54GB 487.09Mb/s 3708120 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414703, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001349368.4141 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001350369.5281 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001350369.6091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001351370.6833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62986240 nr_ops:61510\ntimestamp_ms:1653001352371.7693 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125905920 nr_ops:122955\ntimestamp_ms:1653001353372.8076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189070336 nr_ops:184639\ntimestamp_ms:1653001354373.9070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:254090240 nr_ops:248135\ntimestamp_ms:1653001355375.0000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318099456 nr_ops:310644\ntimestamp_ms:1653001356376.0906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381965312 nr_ops:373013\ntimestamp_ms:1653001357377.1851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445500416 nr_ops:435059\ntimestamp_ms:1653001358378.2800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508801024 nr_ops:496876\ntimestamp_ms:1653001359379.3704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:571563008 nr_ops:558167\ntimestamp_ms:1653001360379.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633850880 nr_ops:618995\ntimestamp_ms:1653001361380.9592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:695303168 nr_ops:679007\ntimestamp_ms:1653001362382.1116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757101568 nr_ops:739357\ntimestamp_ms:1653001363383.2009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819667968 nr_ops:800457\ntimestamp_ms:1653001364384.2937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882938880 nr_ops:862245\ntimestamp_ms:1653001365385.3396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945116160 nr_ops:922965\ntimestamp_ms:1653001366386.4385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1007836160 nr_ops:984215\ntimestamp_ms:1653001367387.5356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069935616 nr_ops:1044859\ntimestamp_ms:1653001368388.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133399040 nr_ops:1106835\ntimestamp_ms:1653001369389.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197455360 nr_ops:1169390\ntimestamp_ms:1653001370390.8198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261003776 nr_ops:1231449\ntimestamp_ms:1653001371392.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324665856 nr_ops:1293619\ntimestamp_ms:1653001372393.1033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1387796480 nr_ops:1355270\ntimestamp_ms:1653001373394.1929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1451031552 nr_ops:1417023\ntimestamp_ms:1653001374395.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1515567104 nr_ops:1480046\ntimestamp_ms:1653001375396.3774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579408384 nr_ops:1542391\ntimestamp_ms:1653001376397.4131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1643164672 nr_ops:1604653\ntimestamp_ms:1653001377398.5073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1705106432 nr_ops:1665143\ntimestamp_ms:1653001378399.5427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1771449344 nr_ops:1729931\ntimestamp_ms:1653001379400.6331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835906048 nr_ops:1792877\ntimestamp_ms:1653001380400.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1899033600 nr_ops:1854525\ntimestamp_ms:1653001381401.9333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1962370048 nr_ops:1916377\ntimestamp_ms:1653001382403.0410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024997888 nr_ops:1977537\ntimestamp_ms:1653001383404.1440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089145344 nr_ops:2040181\ntimestamp_ms:1653001384405.1787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153210880 nr_ops:2102745\ntimestamp_ms:1653001385406.2124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216332288 nr_ops:2164387\ntimestamp_ms:1653001386407.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2279263232 nr_ops:2225843\ntimestamp_ms:1653001387408.3000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341608448 nr_ops:2286727\ntimestamp_ms:1653001388409.3342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405569536 nr_ops:2349189\ntimestamp_ms:1653001389410.3696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469381120 nr_ops:2411505\ntimestamp_ms:1653001390410.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532246528 nr_ops:2472897\ntimestamp_ms:1653001391411.8713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2594313216 nr_ops:2533509\ntimestamp_ms:1653001392412.9167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2657516544 nr_ops:2595231\ntimestamp_ms:1653001393413.9519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2721643520 nr_ops:2657855\ntimestamp_ms:1653001394414.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785336320 nr_ops:2720055\ntimestamp_ms:1653001395415.8833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849189888 nr_ops:2782412\ntimestamp_ms:1653001396416.9902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911857664 nr_ops:2843611\ntimestamp_ms:1653001397418.0820 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2973754368 nr_ops:2904057\ntimestamp_ms:1653001398419.1289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3037477888 nr_ops:2966287\ntimestamp_ms:1653001399420.2263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3101265920 nr_ops:3028580\ntimestamp_ms:1653001400421.3167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3163757568 nr_ops:3089607\ntimestamp_ms:1653001401422.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3226781696 nr_ops:3151154\ntimestamp_ms:1653001402423.5186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3290380288 nr_ops:3213262\ntimestamp_ms:1653001403424.5737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3354377216 nr_ops:3275759\ntimestamp_ms:1653001404425.6780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3418547200 nr_ops:3338425\ntimestamp_ms:1653001405426.7834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3481695232 nr_ops:3400093\ntimestamp_ms:1653001406426.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3544413184 nr_ops:3461341\ntimestamp_ms:1653001407427.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607245824 nr_ops:3522701\ntimestamp_ms:1653001408429.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3671427072 nr_ops:3585378\ntimestamp_ms:1653001409430.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3734768640 nr_ops:3647235\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140012788061952\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.4041 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3797111808 nr_ops:3708117\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.4912 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.5007 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410731.7202 name:Total nr_bytes:3797111808 nr_ops:3708118\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.6152 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7594223614 nr_ops:7416236\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001410631.6167 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3797111808 nr_ops:3708120\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 345.70us 0.00ns 345.70us 345.70us \nTxn1 1854059 32.37us 0.00ns 2.19ms 26.04us \nTxn2 1 55.12us 0.00ns 55.12us 55.12us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 344.88us 0.00ns 344.88us 344.88us \nwrite 1854059 3.23us 0.00ns 232.92us 2.62us \nread 1854058 29.05us 0.00ns 2.19ms 1.51us \ndisconnect 1 54.29us 0.00ns 54.29us 54.29us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.37b/s \nnet1 29729 29729 259.24Mb/s 259.24Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.199 62.36s 3.54GB 487.09Mb/s 3708120 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.54GB 487.09Mb/s 3708120 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.414703, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001349368.4141 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001350369.5281 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001350369.6091 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001351370.6833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62986240 nr_ops:61510
+timestamp_ms:1653001352371.7693 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125905920 nr_ops:122955
+timestamp_ms:1653001353372.8076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189070336 nr_ops:184639
+timestamp_ms:1653001354373.9070 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:254090240 nr_ops:248135
+timestamp_ms:1653001355375.0000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318099456 nr_ops:310644
+timestamp_ms:1653001356376.0906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:381965312 nr_ops:373013
+timestamp_ms:1653001357377.1851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:445500416 nr_ops:435059
+timestamp_ms:1653001358378.2800 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:508801024 nr_ops:496876
+timestamp_ms:1653001359379.3704 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:571563008 nr_ops:558167
+timestamp_ms:1653001360379.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:633850880 nr_ops:618995
+timestamp_ms:1653001361380.9592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:695303168 nr_ops:679007
+timestamp_ms:1653001362382.1116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:757101568 nr_ops:739357
+timestamp_ms:1653001363383.2009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819667968 nr_ops:800457
+timestamp_ms:1653001364384.2937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882938880 nr_ops:862245
+timestamp_ms:1653001365385.3396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945116160 nr_ops:922965
+timestamp_ms:1653001366386.4385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1007836160 nr_ops:984215
+timestamp_ms:1653001367387.5356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1069935616 nr_ops:1044859
+timestamp_ms:1653001368388.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1133399040 nr_ops:1106835
+timestamp_ms:1653001369389.7253 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1197455360 nr_ops:1169390
+timestamp_ms:1653001370390.8198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1261003776 nr_ops:1231449
+timestamp_ms:1653001371392.0068 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1324665856 nr_ops:1293619
+timestamp_ms:1653001372393.1033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1387796480 nr_ops:1355270
+timestamp_ms:1653001373394.1929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1451031552 nr_ops:1417023
+timestamp_ms:1653001374395.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1515567104 nr_ops:1480046
+timestamp_ms:1653001375396.3774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579408384 nr_ops:1542391
+timestamp_ms:1653001376397.4131 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1643164672 nr_ops:1604653
+timestamp_ms:1653001377398.5073 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1705106432 nr_ops:1665143
+timestamp_ms:1653001378399.5427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1771449344 nr_ops:1729931
+timestamp_ms:1653001379400.6331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835906048 nr_ops:1792877
+timestamp_ms:1653001380400.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1899033600 nr_ops:1854525
+timestamp_ms:1653001381401.9333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1962370048 nr_ops:1916377
+timestamp_ms:1653001382403.0410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024997888 nr_ops:1977537
+timestamp_ms:1653001383404.1440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089145344 nr_ops:2040181
+timestamp_ms:1653001384405.1787 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153210880 nr_ops:2102745
+timestamp_ms:1653001385406.2124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2216332288 nr_ops:2164387
+timestamp_ms:1653001386407.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2279263232 nr_ops:2225843
+timestamp_ms:1653001387408.3000 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2341608448 nr_ops:2286727
+timestamp_ms:1653001388409.3342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2405569536 nr_ops:2349189
+timestamp_ms:1653001389410.3696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469381120 nr_ops:2411505
+timestamp_ms:1653001390410.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532246528 nr_ops:2472897
+timestamp_ms:1653001391411.8713 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2594313216 nr_ops:2533509
+timestamp_ms:1653001392412.9167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2657516544 nr_ops:2595231
+timestamp_ms:1653001393413.9519 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2721643520 nr_ops:2657855
+timestamp_ms:1653001394414.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785336320 nr_ops:2720055
+timestamp_ms:1653001395415.8833 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2849189888 nr_ops:2782412
+timestamp_ms:1653001396416.9902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911857664 nr_ops:2843611
+timestamp_ms:1653001397418.0820 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2973754368 nr_ops:2904057
+timestamp_ms:1653001398419.1289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3037477888 nr_ops:2966287
+timestamp_ms:1653001399420.2263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3101265920 nr_ops:3028580
+timestamp_ms:1653001400421.3167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3163757568 nr_ops:3089607
+timestamp_ms:1653001401422.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3226781696 nr_ops:3151154
+timestamp_ms:1653001402423.5186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3290380288 nr_ops:3213262
+timestamp_ms:1653001403424.5737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3354377216 nr_ops:3275759
+timestamp_ms:1653001404425.6780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3418547200 nr_ops:3338425
+timestamp_ms:1653001405426.7834 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3481695232 nr_ops:3400093
+timestamp_ms:1653001406426.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3544413184 nr_ops:3461341
+timestamp_ms:1653001407427.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607245824 nr_ops:3522701
+timestamp_ms:1653001408429.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3671427072 nr_ops:3585378
+timestamp_ms:1653001409430.1270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3734768640 nr_ops:3647235
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140012788061952
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653001410631.4041 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3797111808 nr_ops:3708117
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001410631.4912 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001410631.5007 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001410731.7202 name:Total nr_bytes:3797111808 nr_ops:3708118
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001410631.6152 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7594223614 nr_ops:7416236
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001410631.6167 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3797111808 nr_ops:3708120
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 345.70us 0.00ns 345.70us 345.70us
+Txn1 1854059 32.37us 0.00ns 2.19ms 26.04us
+Txn2 1 55.12us 0.00ns 55.12us 55.12us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 344.88us 0.00ns 344.88us 344.88us
+write 1854059 3.23us 0.00ns 232.92us 2.62us
+read 1854058 29.05us 0.00ns 2.19ms 1.51us
+disconnect 1 54.29us 0.00ns 54.29us 54.29us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.37b/s
+net1 29729 29729 259.24Mb/s 259.24Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.199 62.36s 3.54GB 487.09Mb/s 3708120 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.54GB 487.09Mb/s 3708120 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:31.370000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:31.370000', 'bytes': 62986240, 'norm_byte': 62986240, 'ops': 61510, 'norm_ops': 61510, 'norm_ltcy': 16.274983234433424, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:31.370000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:31.370000",
+ "bytes": 62986240,
+ "norm_byte": 62986240,
+ "ops": 61510,
+ "norm_ops": 61510,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.274983234433424,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d57614b5577530e4f7df032f8faa6d76b066e0921d2f72cfc011ae352456bab3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:32.371000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:32.371000', 'bytes': 125905920, 'norm_byte': 62919680, 'ops': 122955, 'norm_ops': 61445, 'norm_ltcy': 16.29239055252665, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:32.371000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:32.371000",
+ "bytes": 125905920,
+ "norm_byte": 62919680,
+ "ops": 122955,
+ "norm_ops": 61445,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.29239055252665,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c2e27374f99628175f68f14b4d63c39333781b2115efb5dea35ac64bd1abc96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:33.372000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:33.372000', 'bytes': 189070336, 'norm_byte': 63164416, 'ops': 184639, 'norm_ops': 61684, 'norm_ltcy': 16.228492479056563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:33.372000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:33.372000",
+ "bytes": 189070336,
+ "norm_byte": 63164416,
+ "ops": 184639,
+ "norm_ops": 61684,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.228492479056563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e31736cab35eaf5c6105626bfa89c657725f0d61dc874417af6ac05d72dcf38e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:34.373000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:34.373000', 'bytes': 254090240, 'norm_byte': 65019904, 'ops': 248135, 'norm_ops': 63496, 'norm_ltcy': 15.766337489517056, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:34.373000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:34.373000",
+ "bytes": 254090240,
+ "norm_byte": 65019904,
+ "ops": 248135,
+ "norm_ops": 63496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.766337489517056,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "54de80afa2ea6336cd87647c8f3b77c0682f9a274273520de26eb4fda60439b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:35.375000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:35.375000', 'bytes': 318099456, 'norm_byte': 64009216, 'ops': 310644, 'norm_ops': 62509, 'norm_ltcy': 16.015182095028315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:35.375000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:35.375000",
+ "bytes": 318099456,
+ "norm_byte": 64009216,
+ "ops": 310644,
+ "norm_ops": 62509,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.015182095028315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be1e86a48dff5ea6a517e1155741c16ff6e6f3fe6b767cd8d55b7bba1cdd19f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:36.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:36.376000', 'bytes': 381965312, 'norm_byte': 63865856, 'ops': 373013, 'norm_ops': 62369, 'norm_ltcy': 16.051092308228046, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:36.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:36.376000",
+ "bytes": 381965312,
+ "norm_byte": 63865856,
+ "ops": 373013,
+ "norm_ops": 62369,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.051092308228046,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0fc09ed5ea3ad7de79bf1d4a5f72d87b582181294ea7fc3ff49e273a444d110e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:37.377000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:37.377000', 'bytes': 445500416, 'norm_byte': 63535104, 'ops': 435059, 'norm_ops': 62046, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13471428330392, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:37.377000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:37.377000",
+ "bytes": 445500416,
+ "norm_byte": 63535104,
+ "ops": 435059,
+ "norm_ops": 62046,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13471428330392,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e146570d0c64c4ca719e7b9382ec4bc359ef18ebc98bca073c749602f1cc6c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:38.378000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:38.378000', 'bytes': 508801024, 'norm_byte': 63300608, 'ops': 496876, 'norm_ops': 61817, 'norm_ltcy': 16.194492950209895, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:38.378000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:38.378000",
+ "bytes": 508801024,
+ "norm_byte": 63300608,
+ "ops": 496876,
+ "norm_ops": 61817,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.194492950209895,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba28ef8135e267ad2a0bcb687c91dd1e2f1b2d37e2b4bde827f0a63eadfb7935",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:39.379000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:39.379000', 'bytes': 571563008, 'norm_byte': 62761984, 'ops': 558167, 'norm_ops': 61291, 'norm_ltcy': 16.333398574525624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:39.379000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:39.379000",
+ "bytes": 571563008,
+ "norm_byte": 62761984,
+ "ops": 558167,
+ "norm_ops": 61291,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.333398574525624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "496ed8c4aad77e5eff4e0f5b616028b2e405932fca04f74f5e43601ba361d08b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:40.379000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:40.379000', 'bytes': 633850880, 'norm_byte': 62287872, 'ops': 618995, 'norm_ops': 60828, 'norm_ltcy': 16.44750361675544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:40.379000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:40.379000",
+ "bytes": 633850880,
+ "norm_byte": 62287872,
+ "ops": 618995,
+ "norm_ops": 60828,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.44750361675544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2031a46f0265bdf4e718dc589eb2e84474c09cf6e803781ca78dd4aae9e7b213",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:41.380000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:41.380000', 'bytes': 695303168, 'norm_byte': 61452288, 'ops': 679007, 'norm_ops': 60012, 'norm_ltcy': 16.681998886680997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:41.380000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:41.380000",
+ "bytes": 695303168,
+ "norm_byte": 61452288,
+ "ops": 679007,
+ "norm_ops": 60012,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.681998886680997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f95eb170ce6e00c4bf6e4775c76b804953d2b167937478b4d9bc6cff6df97662",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:42.382000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:42.382000', 'bytes': 757101568, 'norm_byte': 61798400, 'ops': 739357, 'norm_ops': 60350, 'norm_ltcy': 16.589102630488814, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:42.382000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:42.382000",
+ "bytes": 757101568,
+ "norm_byte": 61798400,
+ "ops": 739357,
+ "norm_ops": 60350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.589102630488814,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c643777c133638802b8d1175c13e42b4b5094c10d0e0ee5b8851ae5a79a7476b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:43.383000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:43.383000', 'bytes': 819667968, 'norm_byte': 62566400, 'ops': 800457, 'norm_ops': 61100, 'norm_ltcy': 16.384441169701308, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:43.383000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:43.383000",
+ "bytes": 819667968,
+ "norm_byte": 62566400,
+ "ops": 800457,
+ "norm_ops": 61100,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.384441169701308,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55568de538b0313401018b37889ce26e092cc3b08ab0b5522d584a7652c1e58c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:44.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:44.384000', 'bytes': 882938880, 'norm_byte': 63270912, 'ops': 862245, 'norm_ops': 61788, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20205822226808, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:44.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:44.384000",
+ "bytes": 882938880,
+ "norm_byte": 63270912,
+ "ops": 862245,
+ "norm_ops": 61788,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20205822226808,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a274cc0365d042a2eb5a8eb4daa85ad2553abdf15c01d5ec8b4dad6fb1dbf1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:45.385000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:45.385000', 'bytes': 945116160, 'norm_byte': 62177280, 'ops': 922965, 'norm_ops': 60720, 'norm_ltcy': 16.48626314949769, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:45.385000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:45.385000",
+ "bytes": 945116160,
+ "norm_byte": 62177280,
+ "ops": 922965,
+ "norm_ops": 60720,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.48626314949769,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "628bb40e762a510fd74ed83a0089b7a22ce870d288e5a5543b2f4914809725dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:46.386000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:46.386000', 'bytes': 1007836160, 'norm_byte': 62720000, 'ops': 984215, 'norm_ops': 61250, 'norm_ltcy': 16.344471460459182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:46.386000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:46.386000",
+ "bytes": 1007836160,
+ "norm_byte": 62720000,
+ "ops": 984215,
+ "norm_ops": 61250,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.344471460459182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a35d6075b63d3c7450c46fd70c98f627dd83a33d44f80869d4084735b59bf27",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:47.387000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:47.387000', 'bytes': 1069935616, 'norm_byte': 62099456, 'ops': 1044859, 'norm_ops': 60644, 'norm_ltcy': 16.50776940783507, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:47.387000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:47.387000",
+ "bytes": 1069935616,
+ "norm_byte": 62099456,
+ "ops": 1044859,
+ "norm_ops": 60644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.50776940783507,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b13c3271313640ff871b7522e492b1d86ece611dfbfe4ce0ea9b9227b93b4155",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:48.388000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:48.388000', 'bytes': 1133399040, 'norm_byte': 63463424, 'ops': 1106835, 'norm_ops': 61976, 'norm_ltcy': 16.15295764691171, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:48.388000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:48.388000",
+ "bytes": 1133399040,
+ "norm_byte": 63463424,
+ "ops": 1106835,
+ "norm_ops": 61976,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.15295764691171,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a359dde4212a36c70c49084a3b3ccff90bde66975afe701646be874a2713d48",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:49.389000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:49.389000', 'bytes': 1197455360, 'norm_byte': 64056320, 'ops': 1169390, 'norm_ops': 62555, 'norm_ltcy': 16.00342089586164, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:49.389000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:49.389000",
+ "bytes": 1197455360,
+ "norm_byte": 64056320,
+ "ops": 1169390,
+ "norm_ops": 62555,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.00342089586164,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03f533244e307a5548d52c001daf46d2c2d05575d9ba49d45a5d763d1e89d7b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:50.390000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:50.390000', 'bytes': 1261003776, 'norm_byte': 63548416, 'ops': 1231449, 'norm_ops': 62059, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13133441437785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:50.390000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:50.390000",
+ "bytes": 1261003776,
+ "norm_byte": 63548416,
+ "ops": 1231449,
+ "norm_ops": 62059,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13133441437785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "243198736293e2e7c193e0f74d8e7b5d5ebda56b6127c1f90d1e1799445d8281",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:51.392000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:51.392000', 'bytes': 1324665856, 'norm_byte': 63662080, 'ops': 1293619, 'norm_ops': 62170, 'norm_ltcy': 16.104021420600773, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:51.392000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:51.392000",
+ "bytes": 1324665856,
+ "norm_byte": 63662080,
+ "ops": 1293619,
+ "norm_ops": 62170,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.104021420600773,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af802c4b1604cba3494227ae0eda9c444de98b18c79052a99986a890b943f887",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:52.393000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:52.393000', 'bytes': 1387796480, 'norm_byte': 63130624, 'ops': 1355270, 'norm_ops': 61651, 'norm_ltcy': 16.238121612737423, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:52.393000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:52.393000",
+ "bytes": 1387796480,
+ "norm_byte": 63130624,
+ "ops": 1355270,
+ "norm_ops": 61651,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.238121612737423,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2acee4203c74eebf1744c17e4ed3fb2fb356ba49fb5f12249ea69032029acf8e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:53.394000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:53.394000', 'bytes': 1451031552, 'norm_byte': 63235072, 'ops': 1417023, 'norm_ops': 61753, 'norm_ltcy': 16.211189733444126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:53.394000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:53.394000",
+ "bytes": 1451031552,
+ "norm_byte": 63235072,
+ "ops": 1417023,
+ "norm_ops": 61753,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.211189733444126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1d1837958ebc90c138f30be2891ee7f9b60c5eb997038f4567bb751bd54f67f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:54.395000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:54.395000', 'bytes': 1515567104, 'norm_byte': 64535552, 'ops': 1480046, 'norm_ops': 63023, 'norm_ltcy': 15.884597221698822, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:54.395000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:54.395000",
+ "bytes": 1515567104,
+ "norm_byte": 64535552,
+ "ops": 1480046,
+ "norm_ops": 63023,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.884597221698822,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9368828bdafd0d3dc1ce164f2b71a535f39374715b5664fc058a673897dc149c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:55.396000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:55.396000', 'bytes': 1579408384, 'norm_byte': 63841280, 'ops': 1542391, 'norm_ops': 62345, 'norm_ltcy': 16.057255587607266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:55.396000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:55.396000",
+ "bytes": 1579408384,
+ "norm_byte": 63841280,
+ "ops": 1542391,
+ "norm_ops": 62345,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.057255587607266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c1c3dbb70338e372b0b9dd86c55859be417fa11d5b226dc06112d6f0e8805cbb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:56.397000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:56.397000', 'bytes': 1643164672, 'norm_byte': 63756288, 'ops': 1604653, 'norm_ops': 62262, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07779455416225, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:56.397000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:56.397000",
+ "bytes": 1643164672,
+ "norm_byte": 63756288,
+ "ops": 1604653,
+ "norm_ops": 62262,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07779455416225,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d346b048ee17b050f01b4fb8865bbb33b5b9bebc858cd2315cbeb65fac2f8a01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:57.398000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:57.398000', 'bytes': 1705106432, 'norm_byte': 61941760, 'ops': 1665143, 'norm_ops': 60490, 'norm_ltcy': 16.54974769848322, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:57.398000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:57.398000",
+ "bytes": 1705106432,
+ "norm_byte": 61941760,
+ "ops": 1665143,
+ "norm_ops": 60490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.54974769848322,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "159bd5b38a54c1acee876297914dbddf8611d79adaa253927b77af3d5b3b2fb5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:58.399000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:58.399000', 'bytes': 1771449344, 'norm_byte': 66342912, 'ops': 1729931, 'norm_ops': 64788, 'norm_ltcy': 15.450938451420402, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:58.399000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:58.399000",
+ "bytes": 1771449344,
+ "norm_byte": 66342912,
+ "ops": 1729931,
+ "norm_ops": 64788,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.450938451420402,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "335254a2469c7c126558f9f40e3f3a9c6293d8e92f8c6eaffd4aca167177e6ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:02:59.400000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:02:59.400000', 'bytes': 1835906048, 'norm_byte': 64456704, 'ops': 1792877, 'norm_ops': 62946, 'norm_ltcy': 15.90395469181918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:02:59.400000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:02:59.400000",
+ "bytes": 1835906048,
+ "norm_byte": 64456704,
+ "ops": 1792877,
+ "norm_ops": 62946,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.90395469181918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f92b87f2497fd8cd46640b1a291e2a134091af0027ffa0bdca22395ba14c6650",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:00.400000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:00.400000', 'bytes': 1899033600, 'norm_byte': 63127552, 'ops': 1854525, 'norm_ops': 61648, 'norm_ltcy': 16.224480714854902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:00.400000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:00.400000",
+ "bytes": 1899033600,
+ "norm_byte": 63127552,
+ "ops": 1854525,
+ "norm_ops": 61648,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.224480714854902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5e81db9c719aebd2704cc8a5b337bed86983bf239db23036a2bcc1cbc26275ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:01.401000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:01.401000', 'bytes': 1962370048, 'norm_byte': 63336448, 'ops': 1916377, 'norm_ops': 61852, 'norm_ltcy': 16.185305339510037, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:01.401000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:01.401000",
+ "bytes": 1962370048,
+ "norm_byte": 63336448,
+ "ops": 1916377,
+ "norm_ops": 61852,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.185305339510037,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d3889b1049a201659f67d168258cd97b4dfedb96b5ba500386406107c75b061",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:02.403000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:02.403000', 'bytes': 2024997888, 'norm_byte': 62627840, 'ops': 1977537, 'norm_ops': 61160, 'norm_ltcy': 16.368666874029188, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:02.403000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:02.403000",
+ "bytes": 2024997888,
+ "norm_byte": 62627840,
+ "ops": 1977537,
+ "norm_ops": 61160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.368666874029188,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a65f92210c7345ac2b18e027747828b541d7d632f892fcd506375314df607f44",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:03.404000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:03.404000', 'bytes': 2089145344, 'norm_byte': 64147456, 'ops': 2040181, 'norm_ops': 62644, 'norm_ltcy': 15.980828608386277, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:03.404000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:03.404000",
+ "bytes": 2089145344,
+ "norm_byte": 64147456,
+ "ops": 2040181,
+ "norm_ops": 62644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.980828608386277,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "81ea4fb674356de6af064a3ca7dce208e2a926813e1949fab29283f8607e92cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:04.405000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:04.405000', 'bytes': 2153210880, 'norm_byte': 64065536, 'ops': 2102745, 'norm_ops': 62564, 'norm_ltcy': 16.000170512894798, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:04.405000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:04.405000",
+ "bytes": 2153210880,
+ "norm_byte": 64065536,
+ "ops": 2102745,
+ "norm_ops": 62564,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.000170512894798,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c2760ccffd15c1de28aed8a943fc98597fff5097ba4f357a078f7188400984d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:05.406000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:05.406000', 'bytes': 2216332288, 'norm_byte': 63121408, 'ops': 2164387, 'norm_ops': 61642, 'norm_ltcy': 16.23947456938857, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:05.406000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:05.406000",
+ "bytes": 2216332288,
+ "norm_byte": 63121408,
+ "ops": 2164387,
+ "norm_ops": 61642,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.23947456938857,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55251434a12bdc76b6508f101b4b6bc7b1567b4bc042e88973f77b9b9fb57439",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:06.407000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:06.407000', 'bytes': 2279263232, 'norm_byte': 62930944, 'ops': 2225843, 'norm_ops': 61456, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2889460231202, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:06.407000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:06.407000",
+ "bytes": 2279263232,
+ "norm_byte": 62930944,
+ "ops": 2225843,
+ "norm_ops": 61456,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2889460231202,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "630d2d6a42e526f853267e289a6cc2d84ce4c3172dcb8dde28061dbf1518d343",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:07.408000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:07.408000', 'bytes': 2341608448, 'norm_byte': 62345216, 'ops': 2286727, 'norm_ops': 60884, 'norm_ltcy': 16.441662500615926, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:07.408000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:07.408000",
+ "bytes": 2341608448,
+ "norm_byte": 62345216,
+ "ops": 2286727,
+ "norm_ops": 60884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.441662500615926,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f608bf8146a4974a977a2a83464c8d7577f6b12a54b379c4cff0a7ad4ebfbed",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:08.409000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:08.409000', 'bytes': 2405569536, 'norm_byte': 63961088, 'ops': 2349189, 'norm_ops': 62462, 'norm_ltcy': 16.026290859842785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:08.409000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:08.409000",
+ "bytes": 2405569536,
+ "norm_byte": 63961088,
+ "ops": 2349189,
+ "norm_ops": 62462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.026290859842785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a23c9847c48573e079ada694b686756b9e5f7d6fbb6c71233cf22ef7417c86b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:09.410000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:09.410000', 'bytes': 2469381120, 'norm_byte': 63811584, 'ops': 2411505, 'norm_ops': 62316, 'norm_ltcy': 16.063858405395486, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:09.410000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:09.410000",
+ "bytes": 2469381120,
+ "norm_byte": 63811584,
+ "ops": 2411505,
+ "norm_ops": 62316,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.063858405395486,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00170a9646a92d9e6b7a20186155416450879a26c4d155c1a5eb77e8f0c8b2fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:10.410000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:10.410000', 'bytes': 2532246528, 'norm_byte': 62865408, 'ops': 2472897, 'norm_ops': 61392, 'norm_ltcy': 16.296338997752148, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:10.410000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:10.410000",
+ "bytes": 2532246528,
+ "norm_byte": 62865408,
+ "ops": 2472897,
+ "norm_ops": 61392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.296338997752148,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e60f2d3218754a7272a300c863b3381e69fda5e1e4e41b9ee00304e15678bbc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:11.411000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:11.411000', 'bytes': 2594313216, 'norm_byte': 62066688, 'ops': 2533509, 'norm_ops': 60612, 'norm_ltcy': 16.51548975837087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:11.411000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:11.411000",
+ "bytes": 2594313216,
+ "norm_byte": 62066688,
+ "ops": 2533509,
+ "norm_ops": 60612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.51548975837087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f4bc0a14742996f132022f63fd427c8b5b71cd33ccfc5371adc6f17994017e3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:12.412000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:12.412000', 'bytes': 2657516544, 'norm_byte': 63203328, 'ops': 2595231, 'norm_ops': 61722, 'norm_ltcy': 16.218615893137777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:12.412000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:12.412000",
+ "bytes": 2657516544,
+ "norm_byte": 63203328,
+ "ops": 2595231,
+ "norm_ops": 61722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.218615893137777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6257f28e2b1c0ef9358fd0a96c774139197c47b0e9551a54a5e658637961502e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:13.413000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:13.413000', 'bytes': 2721643520, 'norm_byte': 64126976, 'ops': 2657855, 'norm_ops': 62624, 'norm_ltcy': 15.984848560456056, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:13.413000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:13.413000",
+ "bytes": 2721643520,
+ "norm_byte": 64126976,
+ "ops": 2657855,
+ "norm_ops": 62624,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.984848560456056,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f77b00fdaabecdaf11fb42296207ee9a52e560feb0d65e17ddae27d5388d1f66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:14.414000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:14.414000', 'bytes': 2785336320, 'norm_byte': 63692800, 'ops': 2720055, 'norm_ops': 62200, 'norm_ltcy': 16.091410646101288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:14.414000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:14.414000",
+ "bytes": 2785336320,
+ "norm_byte": 63692800,
+ "ops": 2720055,
+ "norm_ops": 62200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.091410646101288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f592619ff012ed9d8c42cae79e481a53275171c5b0f562dfda37c4e7aa08b9bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:15.415000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:15.415000', 'bytes': 2849189888, 'norm_byte': 63853568, 'ops': 2782412, 'norm_ops': 62357, 'norm_ltcy': 16.053460787030726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:15.415000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:15.415000",
+ "bytes": 2849189888,
+ "norm_byte": 63853568,
+ "ops": 2782412,
+ "norm_ops": 62357,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.053460787030726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0d8db130268164cdca91999ef0565db4265e3a10273486c055da6f2600b8782c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:16.416000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:16.416000', 'bytes': 2911857664, 'norm_byte': 62667776, 'ops': 2843611, 'norm_ops': 61199, 'norm_ltcy': 16.358223722507724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:16.416000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:16.416000",
+ "bytes": 2911857664,
+ "norm_byte": 62667776,
+ "ops": 2843611,
+ "norm_ops": 61199,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.358223722507724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f309c851935fb7b44d3b5170566288319e8ee3c5e595e2f1dc06cf590027266",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:17.418000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:17.418000', 'bytes': 2973754368, 'norm_byte': 61896704, 'ops': 2904057, 'norm_ops': 60446, 'norm_ltcy': 16.561754241389007, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:17.418000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:17.418000",
+ "bytes": 2973754368,
+ "norm_byte": 61896704,
+ "ops": 2904057,
+ "norm_ops": 60446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.561754241389007,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "632b827b916345fc0f712a7e3fa53be6ed5ebba3212fdc46c9986c8c25520ebc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:18.419000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:18.419000', 'bytes': 3037477888, 'norm_byte': 63723520, 'ops': 2966287, 'norm_ops': 62230, 'norm_ltcy': 16.086242567893297, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:18.419000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:18.419000",
+ "bytes": 3037477888,
+ "norm_byte": 63723520,
+ "ops": 2966287,
+ "norm_ops": 62230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.086242567893297,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd57f0c96b00ac1bb2e01780cbb99acddb2247ef266fe0db24853160664592b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:19.420000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:19.420000', 'bytes': 3101265920, 'norm_byte': 63788032, 'ops': 3028580, 'norm_ops': 62293, 'norm_ltcy': 16.070785033781885, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:19.420000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:19.420000",
+ "bytes": 3101265920,
+ "norm_byte": 63788032,
+ "ops": 3028580,
+ "norm_ops": 62293,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.070785033781885,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "355ab8783ea1a236e0873c42bec4f27c8594aa4bd414e33c1caf33c399f1291e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:20.421000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:20.421000', 'bytes': 3163757568, 'norm_byte': 62491648, 'ops': 3089607, 'norm_ops': 61027, 'norm_ltcy': 16.404056106825667, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:20.421000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:20.421000",
+ "bytes": 3163757568,
+ "norm_byte": 62491648,
+ "ops": 3089607,
+ "norm_ops": 61027,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.404056106825667,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7355f4912d771039829da99bc1e4de220addc6811fd55483393b653e7b66b5f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:21.422000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:21.422000', 'bytes': 3226781696, 'norm_byte': 63024128, 'ops': 3151154, 'norm_ops': 61547, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26563163238054, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:21.422000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:21.422000",
+ "bytes": 3226781696,
+ "norm_byte": 63024128,
+ "ops": 3151154,
+ "norm_ops": 61547,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26563163238054,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "012fbf51a6f586aca42689390bcc083c1e6726b32efe27ff51c58f193f932c08",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:22.423000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:22.423000', 'bytes': 3290380288, 'norm_byte': 63598592, 'ops': 3213262, 'norm_ops': 62108, 'norm_ltcy': 16.118713760204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:22.423000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:22.423000",
+ "bytes": 3290380288,
+ "norm_byte": 63598592,
+ "ops": 3213262,
+ "norm_ops": 62108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.118713760204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c14a2ddeb8e5fab457cae363c1099c1694a434324104e667f72ea22949f6ef8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:23.424000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:23.424000', 'bytes': 3354377216, 'norm_byte': 63996928, 'ops': 3275759, 'norm_ops': 62497, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01765165977967, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:23.424000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:23.424000",
+ "bytes": 3354377216,
+ "norm_byte": 63996928,
+ "ops": 3275759,
+ "norm_ops": 62497,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01765165977967,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0132400e2a08f511cbb57d75c35517b36fcd71cf232de848288e527d3d447218",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:24.425000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:24.425000', 'bytes': 3418547200, 'norm_byte': 64169984, 'ops': 3338425, 'norm_ops': 62666, 'norm_ltcy': 15.975237737319677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:24.425000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:24.425000",
+ "bytes": 3418547200,
+ "norm_byte": 64169984,
+ "ops": 3338425,
+ "norm_ops": 62666,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.975237737319677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c3655f3d07915561e323a2c9d2e5f77eafcddd840b5d0aec7fbe78145e0d64b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:25.426000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:25.426000', 'bytes': 3481695232, 'norm_byte': 63148032, 'ops': 3400093, 'norm_ops': 61668, 'norm_ltcy': 16.233791735584095, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:25.426000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:25.426000",
+ "bytes": 3481695232,
+ "norm_byte": 63148032,
+ "ops": 3400093,
+ "norm_ops": 61668,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.233791735584095,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc83cb77152cd150b5e2492f593660d16a60a642e67380cfcf0a0e1156841d3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:26.426000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:26.426000', 'bytes': 3544413184, 'norm_byte': 62717952, 'ops': 3461341, 'norm_ops': 61248, 'norm_ltcy': 16.327936696657442, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:26.426000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:26.426000",
+ "bytes": 3544413184,
+ "norm_byte": 62717952,
+ "ops": 3461341,
+ "norm_ops": 61248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.327936696657442,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e522859c2413e9ac6877c3e89896d4d1d018dfd7b74bc7f3b0493eae04dfd850",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:27.427000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:27.427000', 'bytes': 3607245824, 'norm_byte': 62832640, 'ops': 3522701, 'norm_ops': 61360, 'norm_ltcy': 16.31509514799951, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:27.427000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:27.427000",
+ "bytes": 3607245824,
+ "norm_byte": 62832640,
+ "ops": 3522701,
+ "norm_ops": 61360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.31509514799951,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04870badaaa05b3818ac3acf66b93c5645f5323a014b70b4e55414aa1d2f19cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:28.429000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:28.429000', 'bytes': 3671427072, 'norm_byte': 64181248, 'ops': 3585378, 'norm_ops': 62677, 'norm_ltcy': 15.972274331592928, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:28.429000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:28.429000",
+ "bytes": 3671427072,
+ "norm_byte": 64181248,
+ "ops": 3585378,
+ "norm_ops": 62677,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.972274331592928,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21c9ab86d1b3071159facdc30bb00bbd1ddbcf5e881ee8a93cc2ee31d3143254",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:29.430000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:29.430000', 'bytes': 3734768640, 'norm_byte': 63341568, 'ops': 3647235, 'norm_ops': 61857, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18412730167968, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:29.430000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:29.430000",
+ "bytes": 3734768640,
+ "norm_byte": 63341568,
+ "ops": 3647235,
+ "norm_ops": 61857,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18412730167968,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "229f6bc3fc108a9f61d586ce3bf0b5b357e42b2b1a0058026a6c1ccad4cf4e17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:03:30.631000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:03:30.631000', 'bytes': 3797111808, 'norm_byte': 62343168, 'ops': 3708117, 'norm_ops': 60882, 'norm_ltcy': 19.731235826835107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:03:30.631000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:03:30.631000",
+ "bytes": 3797111808,
+ "norm_byte": 62343168,
+ "ops": 3708117,
+ "norm_ops": 60882,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.731235826835107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "05c26e6c-34b1-5b76-af47-6ae2d040f2b4",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "211ce42d0f71070d55329e202db0b9496f77fc155672944a3a7e06d3c6f7b23c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63285196.8
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61801.95
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.563121660843997
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:03:30Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-104-220519225945/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-104-220519225945/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddfe29d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-104-220519225945/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-104-220519225945/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-104-220519225945/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-104-220519225945/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-104-220519225945/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-104-220519225945/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eae35dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-104-220519225945/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=180
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-105-220519230147/220519230147-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-105-220519230147/220519230147-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4c0354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-105-220519230147/220519230147-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:04:29Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001470953.5444 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001471954.6533 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001471954.7383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001472955.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70990848 nr_ops:69327\ntimestamp_ms:1653001473956.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127161344 nr_ops:124181\ntimestamp_ms:1653001474958.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:169110528 nr_ops:165147\ntimestamp_ms:1653001475958.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225659904 nr_ops:220371\ntimestamp_ms:1653001476959.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282029056 nr_ops:275419\ntimestamp_ms:1653001477960.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:339012608 nr_ops:331067\ntimestamp_ms:1653001478961.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:395304960 nr_ops:386040\ntimestamp_ms:1653001479962.8535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:451943424 nr_ops:441351\ntimestamp_ms:1653001480963.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:523602944 nr_ops:511331\ntimestamp_ms:1653001481964.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580886528 nr_ops:567272\ntimestamp_ms:1653001482965.9673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:652606464 nr_ops:637311\ntimestamp_ms:1653001483966.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:724364288 nr_ops:707387\ntimestamp_ms:1653001484967.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781632512 nr_ops:763313\ntimestamp_ms:1653001485968.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823667712 nr_ops:804363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001486969.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880129024 nr_ops:859501\ntimestamp_ms:1653001487971.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950985728 nr_ops:928697\ntimestamp_ms:1653001488972.1357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021959168 nr_ops:998007\ntimestamp_ms:1653001489973.2249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1064059904 nr_ops:1039121\ntimestamp_ms:1653001490974.3145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1120664576 nr_ops:1094399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001491975.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152623616 nr_ops:1125609\ntimestamp_ms:1653001492976.5232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218944000 nr_ops:1190375\ntimestamp_ms:1653001493977.6213 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275159552 nr_ops:1245273\ntimestamp_ms:1653001494978.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1331119104 nr_ops:1299921\ntimestamp_ms:1653001495979.8176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372989440 nr_ops:1340810\ntimestamp_ms:1653001496980.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1443384320 nr_ops:1409555\ntimestamp_ms:1653001497981.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484871680 nr_ops:1450070\ntimestamp_ms:1653001498982.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555348480 nr_ops:1518895\ntimestamp_ms:1653001499984.0317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625953280 nr_ops:1587845\ntimestamp_ms:1653001500985.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1682697216 nr_ops:1643259\ntimestamp_ms:1653001501986.1797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1739222016 nr_ops:1698459\ntimestamp_ms:1653001502987.2732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1809947648 nr_ops:1767527\ntimestamp_ms:1653001503988.3735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1880755200 nr_ops:1836675\ntimestamp_ms:1653001504989.4504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1951632384 nr_ops:1905891\ntimestamp_ms:1653001505990.5579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2020195328 nr_ops:1972847\ntimestamp_ms:1653001506991.6748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2078462976 nr_ops:2029749\ntimestamp_ms:1653001507992.7698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2149039104 nr_ops:2098671\ntimestamp_ms:1653001508993.8665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205015040 nr_ops:2153335\ntimestamp_ms:1653001509994.9771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2275564544 nr_ops:2222231\ntimestamp_ms:1653001510996.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2345923584 nr_ops:2290941\ntimestamp_ms:1653001511997.1729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2416649216 nr_ops:2360009\ntimestamp_ms:1653001512998.2627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2473315328 nr_ops:2415347\ntimestamp_ms:1653001513998.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2545290240 nr_ops:2485635\ntimestamp_ms:1653001514999.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2617050112 nr_ops:2555713\ntimestamp_ms:1653001516001.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2673736704 nr_ops:2611071\ntimestamp_ms:1653001517002.1396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2745517056 nr_ops:2681169\ntimestamp_ms:1653001518003.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2817059840 nr_ops:2751035\ntimestamp_ms:1653001519004.3496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2888406016 nr_ops:2820709\ntimestamp_ms:1653001520005.4443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2960120832 nr_ops:2890743\ntimestamp_ms:1653001521006.5432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3016184832 nr_ops:2945493\ntimestamp_ms:1653001522007.6541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3086472192 nr_ops:3014133\ntimestamp_ms:1653001523008.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3157277696 nr_ops:3083279\ntimestamp_ms:1653001524009.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3228009472 nr_ops:3152353\ntimestamp_ms:1653001525011.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3299179520 nr_ops:3221855\ntimestamp_ms:1653001526012.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370002432 nr_ops:3291018\ntimestamp_ms:1653001527013.2209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3440880640 nr_ops:3360235\ntimestamp_ms:1653001528014.3247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3512359936 nr_ops:3430039\ntimestamp_ms:1653001529014.8936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3584089088 nr_ops:3500087\ntimestamp_ms:1653001530015.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3641000960 nr_ops:3555665\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139765284689664\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.2473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3712130048 nr_ops:3625127\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.2878 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.2913 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531317.5068 name:Total nr_bytes:3712130048 nr_ops:3625128\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.3828 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7424260094 nr_ops:7250256\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.3838 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3712130048 nr_ops:3625130\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 311.09us 0.00ns 311.09us 311.09us \nTxn1 1812564 32.55us 0.00ns 208.60ms 18.46us \nTxn2 1 23.99us 0.00ns 23.99us 23.99us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 310.40us 0.00ns 310.40us 310.40us \nwrite 1812564 2.45us 0.00ns 189.85us 2.13us \nread 1812563 30.03us 0.00ns 208.59ms 1.24us \ndisconnect 1 23.48us 0.00ns 23.48us 23.48us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 788.46b/s \nnet1 29538 29538 257.57Mb/s 257.57Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.200 61.37s 3.46GB 483.94Mb/s 3625130 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.46GB 483.94Mb/s 3625130 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.414509, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001470953.5444 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001471954.6533 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001471954.7383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001472955.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70990848 nr_ops:69327\ntimestamp_ms:1653001473956.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127161344 nr_ops:124181\ntimestamp_ms:1653001474958.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:169110528 nr_ops:165147\ntimestamp_ms:1653001475958.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225659904 nr_ops:220371\ntimestamp_ms:1653001476959.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282029056 nr_ops:275419\ntimestamp_ms:1653001477960.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:339012608 nr_ops:331067\ntimestamp_ms:1653001478961.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:395304960 nr_ops:386040\ntimestamp_ms:1653001479962.8535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:451943424 nr_ops:441351\ntimestamp_ms:1653001480963.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:523602944 nr_ops:511331\ntimestamp_ms:1653001481964.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580886528 nr_ops:567272\ntimestamp_ms:1653001482965.9673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:652606464 nr_ops:637311\ntimestamp_ms:1653001483966.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:724364288 nr_ops:707387\ntimestamp_ms:1653001484967.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781632512 nr_ops:763313\ntimestamp_ms:1653001485968.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823667712 nr_ops:804363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001486969.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880129024 nr_ops:859501\ntimestamp_ms:1653001487971.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950985728 nr_ops:928697\ntimestamp_ms:1653001488972.1357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021959168 nr_ops:998007\ntimestamp_ms:1653001489973.2249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1064059904 nr_ops:1039121\ntimestamp_ms:1653001490974.3145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1120664576 nr_ops:1094399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001491975.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152623616 nr_ops:1125609\ntimestamp_ms:1653001492976.5232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218944000 nr_ops:1190375\ntimestamp_ms:1653001493977.6213 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275159552 nr_ops:1245273\ntimestamp_ms:1653001494978.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1331119104 nr_ops:1299921\ntimestamp_ms:1653001495979.8176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372989440 nr_ops:1340810\ntimestamp_ms:1653001496980.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1443384320 nr_ops:1409555\ntimestamp_ms:1653001497981.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484871680 nr_ops:1450070\ntimestamp_ms:1653001498982.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555348480 nr_ops:1518895\ntimestamp_ms:1653001499984.0317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625953280 nr_ops:1587845\ntimestamp_ms:1653001500985.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1682697216 nr_ops:1643259\ntimestamp_ms:1653001501986.1797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1739222016 nr_ops:1698459\ntimestamp_ms:1653001502987.2732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1809947648 nr_ops:1767527\ntimestamp_ms:1653001503988.3735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1880755200 nr_ops:1836675\ntimestamp_ms:1653001504989.4504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1951632384 nr_ops:1905891\ntimestamp_ms:1653001505990.5579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2020195328 nr_ops:1972847\ntimestamp_ms:1653001506991.6748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2078462976 nr_ops:2029749\ntimestamp_ms:1653001507992.7698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2149039104 nr_ops:2098671\ntimestamp_ms:1653001508993.8665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205015040 nr_ops:2153335\ntimestamp_ms:1653001509994.9771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2275564544 nr_ops:2222231\ntimestamp_ms:1653001510996.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2345923584 nr_ops:2290941\ntimestamp_ms:1653001511997.1729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2416649216 nr_ops:2360009\ntimestamp_ms:1653001512998.2627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2473315328 nr_ops:2415347\ntimestamp_ms:1653001513998.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2545290240 nr_ops:2485635\ntimestamp_ms:1653001514999.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2617050112 nr_ops:2555713\ntimestamp_ms:1653001516001.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2673736704 nr_ops:2611071\ntimestamp_ms:1653001517002.1396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2745517056 nr_ops:2681169\ntimestamp_ms:1653001518003.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2817059840 nr_ops:2751035\ntimestamp_ms:1653001519004.3496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2888406016 nr_ops:2820709\ntimestamp_ms:1653001520005.4443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2960120832 nr_ops:2890743\ntimestamp_ms:1653001521006.5432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3016184832 nr_ops:2945493\ntimestamp_ms:1653001522007.6541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3086472192 nr_ops:3014133\ntimestamp_ms:1653001523008.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3157277696 nr_ops:3083279\ntimestamp_ms:1653001524009.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3228009472 nr_ops:3152353\ntimestamp_ms:1653001525011.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3299179520 nr_ops:3221855\ntimestamp_ms:1653001526012.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370002432 nr_ops:3291018\ntimestamp_ms:1653001527013.2209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3440880640 nr_ops:3360235\ntimestamp_ms:1653001528014.3247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3512359936 nr_ops:3430039\ntimestamp_ms:1653001529014.8936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3584089088 nr_ops:3500087\ntimestamp_ms:1653001530015.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3641000960 nr_ops:3555665\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139765284689664\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.2473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3712130048 nr_ops:3625127\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.2878 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.2913 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531317.5068 name:Total nr_bytes:3712130048 nr_ops:3625128\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.3828 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7424260094 nr_ops:7250256\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.3838 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3712130048 nr_ops:3625130\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 311.09us 0.00ns 311.09us 311.09us \nTxn1 1812564 32.55us 0.00ns 208.60ms 18.46us \nTxn2 1 23.99us 0.00ns 23.99us 23.99us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 310.40us 0.00ns 310.40us 310.40us \nwrite 1812564 2.45us 0.00ns 189.85us 2.13us \nread 1812563 30.03us 0.00ns 208.59ms 1.24us \ndisconnect 1 23.48us 0.00ns 23.48us 23.48us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 788.46b/s \nnet1 29538 29538 257.57Mb/s 257.57Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.200 61.37s 3.46GB 483.94Mb/s 3625130 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.46GB 483.94Mb/s 3625130 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.414509, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001470953.5444 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001471954.6533 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001471954.7383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001472955.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70990848 nr_ops:69327\ntimestamp_ms:1653001473956.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127161344 nr_ops:124181\ntimestamp_ms:1653001474958.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:169110528 nr_ops:165147\ntimestamp_ms:1653001475958.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225659904 nr_ops:220371\ntimestamp_ms:1653001476959.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282029056 nr_ops:275419\ntimestamp_ms:1653001477960.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:339012608 nr_ops:331067\ntimestamp_ms:1653001478961.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:395304960 nr_ops:386040\ntimestamp_ms:1653001479962.8535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:451943424 nr_ops:441351\ntimestamp_ms:1653001480963.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:523602944 nr_ops:511331\ntimestamp_ms:1653001481964.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580886528 nr_ops:567272\ntimestamp_ms:1653001482965.9673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:652606464 nr_ops:637311\ntimestamp_ms:1653001483966.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:724364288 nr_ops:707387\ntimestamp_ms:1653001484967.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781632512 nr_ops:763313\ntimestamp_ms:1653001485968.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823667712 nr_ops:804363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001486969.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880129024 nr_ops:859501\ntimestamp_ms:1653001487971.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950985728 nr_ops:928697\ntimestamp_ms:1653001488972.1357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021959168 nr_ops:998007\ntimestamp_ms:1653001489973.2249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1064059904 nr_ops:1039121\ntimestamp_ms:1653001490974.3145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1120664576 nr_ops:1094399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001491975.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152623616 nr_ops:1125609\ntimestamp_ms:1653001492976.5232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218944000 nr_ops:1190375\ntimestamp_ms:1653001493977.6213 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275159552 nr_ops:1245273\ntimestamp_ms:1653001494978.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1331119104 nr_ops:1299921\ntimestamp_ms:1653001495979.8176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372989440 nr_ops:1340810\ntimestamp_ms:1653001496980.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1443384320 nr_ops:1409555\ntimestamp_ms:1653001497981.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484871680 nr_ops:1450070\ntimestamp_ms:1653001498982.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555348480 nr_ops:1518895\ntimestamp_ms:1653001499984.0317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625953280 nr_ops:1587845\ntimestamp_ms:1653001500985.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1682697216 nr_ops:1643259\ntimestamp_ms:1653001501986.1797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1739222016 nr_ops:1698459\ntimestamp_ms:1653001502987.2732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1809947648 nr_ops:1767527\ntimestamp_ms:1653001503988.3735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1880755200 nr_ops:1836675\ntimestamp_ms:1653001504989.4504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1951632384 nr_ops:1905891\ntimestamp_ms:1653001505990.5579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2020195328 nr_ops:1972847\ntimestamp_ms:1653001506991.6748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2078462976 nr_ops:2029749\ntimestamp_ms:1653001507992.7698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2149039104 nr_ops:2098671\ntimestamp_ms:1653001508993.8665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205015040 nr_ops:2153335\ntimestamp_ms:1653001509994.9771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2275564544 nr_ops:2222231\ntimestamp_ms:1653001510996.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2345923584 nr_ops:2290941\ntimestamp_ms:1653001511997.1729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2416649216 nr_ops:2360009\ntimestamp_ms:1653001512998.2627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2473315328 nr_ops:2415347\ntimestamp_ms:1653001513998.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2545290240 nr_ops:2485635\ntimestamp_ms:1653001514999.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2617050112 nr_ops:2555713\ntimestamp_ms:1653001516001.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2673736704 nr_ops:2611071\ntimestamp_ms:1653001517002.1396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2745517056 nr_ops:2681169\ntimestamp_ms:1653001518003.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2817059840 nr_ops:2751035\ntimestamp_ms:1653001519004.3496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2888406016 nr_ops:2820709\ntimestamp_ms:1653001520005.4443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2960120832 nr_ops:2890743\ntimestamp_ms:1653001521006.5432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3016184832 nr_ops:2945493\ntimestamp_ms:1653001522007.6541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3086472192 nr_ops:3014133\ntimestamp_ms:1653001523008.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3157277696 nr_ops:3083279\ntimestamp_ms:1653001524009.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3228009472 nr_ops:3152353\ntimestamp_ms:1653001525011.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3299179520 nr_ops:3221855\ntimestamp_ms:1653001526012.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370002432 nr_ops:3291018\ntimestamp_ms:1653001527013.2209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3440880640 nr_ops:3360235\ntimestamp_ms:1653001528014.3247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3512359936 nr_ops:3430039\ntimestamp_ms:1653001529014.8936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3584089088 nr_ops:3500087\ntimestamp_ms:1653001530015.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3641000960 nr_ops:3555665\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139765284689664\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.2473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3712130048 nr_ops:3625127\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.2878 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.2913 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531317.5068 name:Total nr_bytes:3712130048 nr_ops:3625128\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.3828 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7424260094 nr_ops:7250256\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001531217.3838 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3712130048 nr_ops:3625130\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 311.09us 0.00ns 311.09us 311.09us \nTxn1 1812564 32.55us 0.00ns 208.60ms 18.46us \nTxn2 1 23.99us 0.00ns 23.99us 23.99us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 310.40us 0.00ns 310.40us 310.40us \nwrite 1812564 2.45us 0.00ns 189.85us 2.13us \nread 1812563 30.03us 0.00ns 208.59ms 1.24us \ndisconnect 1 23.48us 0.00ns 23.48us 23.48us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 788.46b/s \nnet1 29538 29538 257.57Mb/s 257.57Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.200 61.37s 3.46GB 483.94Mb/s 3625130 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 3.46GB 483.94Mb/s 3625130 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=61.414509, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001470953.5444 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001471954.6533 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001471954.7383 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001472955.8398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70990848 nr_ops:69327
+timestamp_ms:1653001473956.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127161344 nr_ops:124181
+timestamp_ms:1653001474958.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:169110528 nr_ops:165147
+timestamp_ms:1653001475958.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:225659904 nr_ops:220371
+timestamp_ms:1653001476959.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282029056 nr_ops:275419
+timestamp_ms:1653001477960.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:339012608 nr_ops:331067
+timestamp_ms:1653001478961.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:395304960 nr_ops:386040
+timestamp_ms:1653001479962.8535 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:451943424 nr_ops:441351
+timestamp_ms:1653001480963.8406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:523602944 nr_ops:511331
+timestamp_ms:1653001481964.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:580886528 nr_ops:567272
+timestamp_ms:1653001482965.9673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:652606464 nr_ops:637311
+timestamp_ms:1653001483966.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:724364288 nr_ops:707387
+timestamp_ms:1653001484967.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781632512 nr_ops:763313
+timestamp_ms:1653001485968.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:823667712 nr_ops:804363
+timestamp_ms:1653001486969.9451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880129024 nr_ops:859501
+timestamp_ms:1653001487971.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950985728 nr_ops:928697
+timestamp_ms:1653001488972.1357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021959168 nr_ops:998007
+timestamp_ms:1653001489973.2249 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1064059904 nr_ops:1039121
+timestamp_ms:1653001490974.3145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1120664576 nr_ops:1094399
+timestamp_ms:1653001491975.4175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152623616 nr_ops:1125609
+timestamp_ms:1653001492976.5232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1218944000 nr_ops:1190375
+timestamp_ms:1653001493977.6213 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275159552 nr_ops:1245273
+timestamp_ms:1653001494978.7151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1331119104 nr_ops:1299921
+timestamp_ms:1653001495979.8176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1372989440 nr_ops:1340810
+timestamp_ms:1653001496980.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1443384320 nr_ops:1409555
+timestamp_ms:1653001497981.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1484871680 nr_ops:1450070
+timestamp_ms:1653001498982.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1555348480 nr_ops:1518895
+timestamp_ms:1653001499984.0317 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1625953280 nr_ops:1587845
+timestamp_ms:1653001500985.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1682697216 nr_ops:1643259
+timestamp_ms:1653001501986.1797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1739222016 nr_ops:1698459
+timestamp_ms:1653001502987.2732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1809947648 nr_ops:1767527
+timestamp_ms:1653001503988.3735 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1880755200 nr_ops:1836675
+timestamp_ms:1653001504989.4504 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1951632384 nr_ops:1905891
+timestamp_ms:1653001505990.5579 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2020195328 nr_ops:1972847
+timestamp_ms:1653001506991.6748 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2078462976 nr_ops:2029749
+timestamp_ms:1653001507992.7698 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2149039104 nr_ops:2098671
+timestamp_ms:1653001508993.8665 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2205015040 nr_ops:2153335
+timestamp_ms:1653001509994.9771 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2275564544 nr_ops:2222231
+timestamp_ms:1653001510996.0781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2345923584 nr_ops:2290941
+timestamp_ms:1653001511997.1729 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2416649216 nr_ops:2360009
+timestamp_ms:1653001512998.2627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2473315328 nr_ops:2415347
+timestamp_ms:1653001513998.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2545290240 nr_ops:2485635
+timestamp_ms:1653001514999.9373 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2617050112 nr_ops:2555713
+timestamp_ms:1653001516001.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2673736704 nr_ops:2611071
+timestamp_ms:1653001517002.1396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2745517056 nr_ops:2681169
+timestamp_ms:1653001518003.2397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2817059840 nr_ops:2751035
+timestamp_ms:1653001519004.3496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2888406016 nr_ops:2820709
+timestamp_ms:1653001520005.4443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2960120832 nr_ops:2890743
+timestamp_ms:1653001521006.5432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3016184832 nr_ops:2945493
+timestamp_ms:1653001522007.6541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3086472192 nr_ops:3014133
+timestamp_ms:1653001523008.7466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3157277696 nr_ops:3083279
+timestamp_ms:1653001524009.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3228009472 nr_ops:3152353
+timestamp_ms:1653001525011.0254 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3299179520 nr_ops:3221855
+timestamp_ms:1653001526012.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3370002432 nr_ops:3291018
+timestamp_ms:1653001527013.2209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3440880640 nr_ops:3360235
+timestamp_ms:1653001528014.3247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3512359936 nr_ops:3430039
+timestamp_ms:1653001529014.8936 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3584089088 nr_ops:3500087
+timestamp_ms:1653001530015.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3641000960 nr_ops:3555665
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139765284689664
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653001531217.2473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3712130048 nr_ops:3625127
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001531217.2878 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001531217.2913 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001531317.5068 name:Total nr_bytes:3712130048 nr_ops:3625128
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001531217.3828 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7424260094 nr_ops:7250256
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001531217.3838 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3712130048 nr_ops:3625130
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 311.09us 0.00ns 311.09us 311.09us
+Txn1 1812564 32.55us 0.00ns 208.60ms 18.46us
+Txn2 1 23.99us 0.00ns 23.99us 23.99us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 310.40us 0.00ns 310.40us 310.40us
+write 1812564 2.45us 0.00ns 189.85us 2.13us
+read 1812563 30.03us 0.00ns 208.59ms 1.24us
+disconnect 1 23.48us 0.00ns 23.48us 23.48us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 788.46b/s
+net1 29538 29538 257.57Mb/s 257.57Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.200 61.37s 3.46GB 483.94Mb/s 3625130 0.00
+master 61.37s 3.46GB 483.94Mb/s 3625130 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:32.955000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:32.955000', 'bytes': 70990848, 'norm_byte': 70990848, 'ops': 69327, 'norm_ops': 69327, 'norm_ltcy': 14.440283908145457, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:32.955000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:32.955000",
+ "bytes": 70990848,
+ "norm_byte": 70990848,
+ "ops": 69327,
+ "norm_ops": 69327,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.440283908145457,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "71db88b5d7591fa27e430d7d2f362968e4a182680531616a63c549d87821a972",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:33.956000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:33.956000', 'bytes': 127161344, 'norm_byte': 56170496, 'ops': 124181, 'norm_ops': 54854, 'norm_ltcy': 18.25043524629015, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:33.956000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:33.956000",
+ "bytes": 127161344,
+ "norm_byte": 56170496,
+ "ops": 124181,
+ "norm_ops": 54854,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.25043524629015,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4d3fd68a2c17c7207d3d82cc01edba2e4034f36d12014d90ada62fe99ea5e69",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:34.958000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:34.958000', 'bytes': 169110528, 'norm_byte': 41949184, 'ops': 165147, 'norm_ops': 40966, 'norm_ltcy': 24.437149957434215, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:34.958000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:34.958000",
+ "bytes": 169110528,
+ "norm_byte": 41949184,
+ "ops": 165147,
+ "norm_ops": 40966,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.437149957434215,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1bc878d81c60df3216f2806462e37cc2e9b8eeb3f4b3a49c0d27105337bbab51",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:35.958000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:35.958000', 'bytes': 225659904, 'norm_byte': 56549376, 'ops': 220371, 'norm_ops': 55224, 'norm_ltcy': 18.122459034738068, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:35.958000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:35.958000",
+ "bytes": 225659904,
+ "norm_byte": 56549376,
+ "ops": 220371,
+ "norm_ops": 55224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.122459034738068,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7e72fd6b9db2ee6324ac13f9d55a776931667659e4588433278da5af51432553",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:36.959000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:36.959000', 'bytes': 282029056, 'norm_byte': 56369152, 'ops': 275419, 'norm_ops': 55048, 'norm_ltcy': 18.1841612589808, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:36.959000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:36.959000",
+ "bytes": 282029056,
+ "norm_byte": 56369152,
+ "ops": 275419,
+ "norm_ops": 55048,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.1841612589808,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49f691ac5bba78530518c31f4c2298e0c8762c08014cc5c111496d8e0ce2507c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:37.960000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:37.960000', 'bytes': 339012608, 'norm_byte': 56983552, 'ops': 331067, 'norm_ops': 55648, 'norm_ltcy': 17.98808979124362, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:37.960000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:37.960000",
+ "bytes": 339012608,
+ "norm_byte": 56983552,
+ "ops": 331067,
+ "norm_ops": 55648,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.98808979124362,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87fc01b035ba765fd552d5bf8baa378f6a2d6b748b4466cc4ed9b1eff4b450be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:38.961000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:38.961000', 'bytes': 395304960, 'norm_byte': 56292352, 'ops': 386040, 'norm_ops': 54973, 'norm_ltcy': 18.20889896375266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:38.961000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:38.961000",
+ "bytes": 395304960,
+ "norm_byte": 56292352,
+ "ops": 386040,
+ "norm_ops": 54973,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.20889896375266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a59b961ea29ef28196f6fc4da8b81487f997ebea81d96d1f22f9697099d5ea8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:39.962000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:39.962000', 'bytes': 451943424, 'norm_byte': 56638464, 'ops': 441351, 'norm_ops': 55311, 'norm_ltcy': 18.097966074786207, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:39.962000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:39.962000",
+ "bytes": 451943424,
+ "norm_byte": 56638464,
+ "ops": 441351,
+ "norm_ops": 55311,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.097966074786207,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22b0fc51debf4d8fea91a5c99d7f2181466a541ae57edcbc2357669f718edb6e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:40.963000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:40.963000', 'bytes': 523602944, 'norm_byte': 71659520, 'ops': 511331, 'norm_ops': 69980, 'norm_ltcy': 14.303901979806732, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:40.963000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:40.963000",
+ "bytes": 523602944,
+ "norm_byte": 71659520,
+ "ops": 511331,
+ "norm_ops": 69980,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.303901979806732,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95eda4c859a6270fa3fdd63de1fc75538c1a115839d9e0459551faeb7a028f0a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:41.964000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:41.964000', 'bytes': 580886528, 'norm_byte': 57283584, 'ops': 567272, 'norm_ops': 55941, 'norm_ltcy': 17.895467224955755, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:41.964000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:41.964000",
+ "bytes": 580886528,
+ "norm_byte": 57283584,
+ "ops": 567272,
+ "norm_ops": 55941,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.895467224955755,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dec55c91ff3d9cf157efb2f0284377d0f735eb487ec7ac765258856954b6a720",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:42.965000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:42.965000', 'bytes': 652606464, 'norm_byte': 71719936, 'ops': 637311, 'norm_ops': 70039, 'norm_ltcy': 14.2925566748972, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:42.965000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:42.965000",
+ "bytes": 652606464,
+ "norm_byte": 71719936,
+ "ops": 637311,
+ "norm_ops": 70039,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.2925566748972,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "05e0be304293d88f7316d27a5f4b3a500d404d5977d4f20ddb6d21532b7fe5a3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:43.966000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:43.966000', 'bytes': 724364288, 'norm_byte': 71757824, 'ops': 707387, 'norm_ops': 70076, 'norm_ltcy': 14.282630699615417, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:43.966000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:43.966000",
+ "bytes": 724364288,
+ "norm_byte": 71757824,
+ "ops": 707387,
+ "norm_ops": 70076,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.282630699615417,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9cde22d406646e1d31d29f2051f4b826620b28e7d7f5effa3d327053420c971f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:44.967000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:44.967000', 'bytes': 781632512, 'norm_byte': 57268224, 'ops': 763313, 'norm_ops': 55926, 'norm_ltcy': 17.900397958909988, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:44.967000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:44.967000",
+ "bytes": 781632512,
+ "norm_byte": 57268224,
+ "ops": 763313,
+ "norm_ops": 55926,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.900397958909988,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "23d289a6b613f552ce7e8ee84324916980010f4ae0aeecab9726d917f891691d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:45.968000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:45.968000', 'bytes': 823667712, 'norm_byte': 42035200, 'ops': 804363, 'norm_ops': 41050, 'norm_ltcy': 24.382428298188184, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:45.968000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:45.968000",
+ "bytes": 823667712,
+ "norm_byte": 42035200,
+ "ops": 804363,
+ "norm_ops": 41050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.382428298188184,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dcdd6015e484be163e5cfd2aaef0cb0ddecfd12df28ad78352a0ea6de39bb948",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:46.969000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:46.969000', 'bytes': 880129024, 'norm_byte': 56461312, 'ops': 859501, 'norm_ops': 55138, 'norm_ltcy': 18.156476774751532, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:46.969000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:46.969000",
+ "bytes": 880129024,
+ "norm_byte": 56461312,
+ "ops": 859501,
+ "norm_ops": 55138,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.156476774751532,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "035f22647df6dadf65ff2ea58f9ae0faa8748c11a3530abb494065aea129178e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:47.971000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:47.971000', 'bytes': 950985728, 'norm_byte': 70856704, 'ops': 928697, 'norm_ops': 69196, 'norm_ltcy': 14.467547770779742, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:47.971000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:47.971000",
+ "bytes": 950985728,
+ "norm_byte": 70856704,
+ "ops": 928697,
+ "norm_ops": 69196,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.467547770779742,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03eb76fb26f95fea8e7b2c587378b2678f884999fd80caa40e443522bfc011ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:48.972000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:48.972000', 'bytes': 1021959168, 'norm_byte': 70973440, 'ops': 998007, 'norm_ops': 69310, 'norm_ltcy': 14.443720073311932, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:48.972000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:48.972000",
+ "bytes": 1021959168,
+ "norm_byte": 70973440,
+ "ops": 998007,
+ "norm_ops": 69310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.443720073311932,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1904b938d4a3fac99c0ef418be11ce821b0c5b4be97e1bd7588cb8917e2ce8c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:49.973000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:49.973000', 'bytes': 1064059904, 'norm_byte': 42100736, 'ops': 1039121, 'norm_ops': 41114, 'norm_ltcy': 24.349105203291458, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:49.973000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:49.973000",
+ "bytes": 1064059904,
+ "norm_byte": 42100736,
+ "ops": 1039121,
+ "norm_ops": 41114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.349105203291458,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5696023c389f3655ecb6fbf7ecf1b284c296da6c7a9d6a08a14139cbf2a4939",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:50.974000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:50.974000', 'bytes': 1120664576, 'norm_byte': 56604672, 'ops': 1094399, 'norm_ops': 55278, 'norm_ltcy': 18.110090806638716, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:50.974000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:50.974000",
+ "bytes": 1120664576,
+ "norm_byte": 56604672,
+ "ops": 1094399,
+ "norm_ops": 55278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.110090806638716,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8007b1edb7a09afc7775a2516002977435544dd50dd660c2fcee6d2621bac7a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:51.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:51.975000', 'bytes': 1152623616, 'norm_byte': 31959040, 'ops': 1125609, 'norm_ops': 31210, 'norm_ltcy': 32.07635460889939, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:51.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:51.975000",
+ "bytes": 1152623616,
+ "norm_byte": 31959040,
+ "ops": 1125609,
+ "norm_ops": 31210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 32.07635460889939,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b5826a7ba0c8d42c3ae2d6f10b01c0f636684732076ccbb59f2d8aaebe1f748d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:52.976000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:52.976000', 'bytes': 1218944000, 'norm_byte': 66320384, 'ops': 1190375, 'norm_ops': 64766, 'norm_ltcy': 15.457272533283282, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:52.976000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:52.976000",
+ "bytes": 1218944000,
+ "norm_byte": 66320384,
+ "ops": 1190375,
+ "norm_ops": 64766,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.457272533283282,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20fd618c157bead904a18e2dfa0058638aa68024e7edf289552ab5f1e5604223",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:53.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:53.977000', 'bytes': 1275159552, 'norm_byte': 56215552, 'ops': 1245273, 'norm_ops': 54898, 'norm_ltcy': 18.235603201050132, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:53.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:53.977000",
+ "bytes": 1275159552,
+ "norm_byte": 56215552,
+ "ops": 1245273,
+ "norm_ops": 54898,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.235603201050132,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3bb41a9fb9e74df7cd297d55c7e2f2839aabf8401cb1c93aeef732b80757073c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:54.978000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:54.978000', 'bytes': 1331119104, 'norm_byte': 55959552, 'ops': 1299921, 'norm_ops': 54648, 'norm_ltcy': 18.318945798565363, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:54.978000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:54.978000",
+ "bytes": 1331119104,
+ "norm_byte": 55959552,
+ "ops": 1299921,
+ "norm_ops": 54648,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.318945798565363,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d19d0a7aefba25994536edc764e6e6e63386bd4c3440d982cab71a13723feb38",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:55.979000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:55.979000', 'bytes': 1372989440, 'norm_byte': 41870336, 'ops': 1340810, 'norm_ops': 40889, 'norm_ltcy': 24.483419478649516, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:55.979000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:55.979000",
+ "bytes": 1372989440,
+ "norm_byte": 41870336,
+ "ops": 1340810,
+ "norm_ops": 40889,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.483419478649516,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "05c043f2a0bd1ac1f93ce033abc2ff0680da74ca6b35eb58e93f2fedd4ccddde",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:56.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:56.980000', 'bytes': 1443384320, 'norm_byte': 70394880, 'ops': 1409555, 'norm_ops': 68745, 'norm_ltcy': 14.56248309536148, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:56.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:56.980000",
+ "bytes": 1443384320,
+ "norm_byte": 70394880,
+ "ops": 1409555,
+ "norm_ops": 68745,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.56248309536148,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10b888611c74c21c7b2e5d36c8d7cb13bf09d40ed1773c66516214f150e35e97",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:57.981000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:57.981000', 'bytes': 1484871680, 'norm_byte': 41487360, 'ops': 1450070, 'norm_ops': 40515, 'norm_ltcy': 24.7048980701592, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:57.981000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:57.981000",
+ "bytes": 1484871680,
+ "norm_byte": 41487360,
+ "ops": 1450070,
+ "norm_ops": 40515,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.7048980701592,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0906d225ec8c19d9481ff5e9d1f3a3fa2750f6160961313ca0b39099c4b78207",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:58.982000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:58.982000', 'bytes': 1555348480, 'norm_byte': 70476800, 'ops': 1518895, 'norm_ops': 68825, 'norm_ltcy': 14.545520653605159, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:58.982000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:58.982000",
+ "bytes": 1555348480,
+ "norm_byte": 70476800,
+ "ops": 1518895,
+ "norm_ops": 68825,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.545520653605159,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a832c44b6e772d6d348f71066b71168313a00c34993770d8023f4302d369447a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:04:59.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:04:59.984000', 'bytes': 1625953280, 'norm_byte': 70604800, 'ops': 1587845, 'norm_ops': 68950, 'norm_ltcy': 14.519243025969907, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:04:59.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:04:59.984000",
+ "bytes": 1625953280,
+ "norm_byte": 70604800,
+ "ops": 1587845,
+ "norm_ops": 68950,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.519243025969907,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "810110a60901d22736ea3bb83203abb2d40db6d7deac5751ec2d9b60850ca2f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:00.985000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:00.985000', 'bytes': 1682697216, 'norm_byte': 56743936, 'ops': 1643259, 'norm_ops': 55414, 'norm_ltcy': 18.06588637065994, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:00.985000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:00.985000",
+ "bytes": 1682697216,
+ "norm_byte": 56743936,
+ "ops": 1643259,
+ "norm_ops": 55414,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.06588637065994,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ecbdb1ae49b00869cb102ef890a32985bd91a5fda9713e18dddf37685c434462",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:01.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:01.986000', 'bytes': 1739222016, 'norm_byte': 56524800, 'ops': 1698459, 'norm_ops': 55200, 'norm_ltcy': 18.134871773097824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:01.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:01.986000",
+ "bytes": 1739222016,
+ "norm_byte": 56524800,
+ "ops": 1698459,
+ "norm_ops": 55200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.134871773097824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e5321948b66ee2e38ceafe1ba5dce48d2071eb0833049142c92a52ded51ddec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:02.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:02.987000', 'bytes': 1809947648, 'norm_byte': 70725632, 'ops': 1767527, 'norm_ops': 69068, 'norm_ltcy': 14.494317279483624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:02.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:02.987000",
+ "bytes": 1809947648,
+ "norm_byte": 70725632,
+ "ops": 1767527,
+ "norm_ops": 69068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.494317279483624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f50c2634aeb4f7d9768eb5d7c2f435aad99100613fa95e86ee4ef958144abb9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:03.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:03.988000', 'bytes': 1880755200, 'norm_byte': 70807552, 'ops': 1836675, 'norm_ops': 69148, 'norm_ltcy': 14.477647101823264, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:03.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:03.988000",
+ "bytes": 1880755200,
+ "norm_byte": 70807552,
+ "ops": 1836675,
+ "norm_ops": 69148,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.477647101823264,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6be3787af26391a336de612cb0db74680ac9f7e5b0fc3e75aeb3dedd7c2fc73c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:04.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:04.989000', 'bytes': 1951632384, 'norm_byte': 70877184, 'ops': 1905891, 'norm_ops': 69216, 'norm_ltcy': 14.463085186905845, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:04.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:04.989000",
+ "bytes": 1951632384,
+ "norm_byte": 70877184,
+ "ops": 1905891,
+ "norm_ops": 69216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.463085186905845,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb1ac2dbef8b033c0d5a908d539cfc15c1abc68a119c03e7266ff363bda622ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:05.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:05.990000', 'bytes': 2020195328, 'norm_byte': 68562944, 'ops': 1972847, 'norm_ops': 66956, 'norm_ltcy': 14.95172085959436, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:05.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:05.990000",
+ "bytes": 2020195328,
+ "norm_byte": 68562944,
+ "ops": 1972847,
+ "norm_ops": 66956,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.95172085959436,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2690db8964b5f655d22595a85587f3400ce0d3f08e27f8e787df5bae779f2adc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:06.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:06.991000', 'bytes': 2078462976, 'norm_byte': 58267648, 'ops': 2029749, 'norm_ops': 56902, 'norm_ltcy': 17.59370397102694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:06.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:06.991000",
+ "bytes": 2078462976,
+ "norm_byte": 58267648,
+ "ops": 2029749,
+ "norm_ops": 56902,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.59370397102694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "692680bda5ea949ee7caed298c27baa22f639a4dc2f5d2771eebb2ba6728ffaf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:07.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:07.992000', 'bytes': 2149039104, 'norm_byte': 70576128, 'ops': 2098671, 'norm_ops': 68922, 'norm_ltcy': 14.525042376935158, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:07.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:07.992000",
+ "bytes": 2149039104,
+ "norm_byte": 70576128,
+ "ops": 2098671,
+ "norm_ops": 68922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.525042376935158,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ed343ec68ea905381cd37119d9fc934362b9fdbec5e4cf5ac5860a850a46a2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:08.993000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:08.993000', 'bytes': 2205015040, 'norm_byte': 55975936, 'ops': 2153335, 'norm_ops': 54664, 'norm_ltcy': 18.313637488795184, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:08.993000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:08.993000",
+ "bytes": 2205015040,
+ "norm_byte": 55975936,
+ "ops": 2153335,
+ "norm_ops": 54664,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.313637488795184,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f9d2f66c9b7fa75df16c5fdfdd50b1cb36b31fe0b6a8343ea70845e099831c00",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:09.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:09.994000', 'bytes': 2275564544, 'norm_byte': 70549504, 'ops': 2222231, 'norm_ops': 68896, 'norm_ltcy': 14.530750634334723, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:09.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:09.994000",
+ "bytes": 2275564544,
+ "norm_byte": 70549504,
+ "ops": 2222231,
+ "norm_ops": 68896,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.530750634334723,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70e34d4a77f7f58010c08b65bbbffe40c6311c83ca2fcfd67443b376412ab086",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:10.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:10.996000', 'bytes': 2345923584, 'norm_byte': 70359040, 'ops': 2290941, 'norm_ops': 68710, 'norm_ltcy': 14.569947230661477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:10.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:10.996000",
+ "bytes": 2345923584,
+ "norm_byte": 70359040,
+ "ops": 2290941,
+ "norm_ops": 68710,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.569947230661477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6891c8e8eada814bd2511651dca0b4f55433be985736289f981a85d4c9af9a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:11.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:11.997000', 'bytes': 2416649216, 'norm_byte': 70725632, 'ops': 2360009, 'norm_ops': 69068, 'norm_ltcy': 14.494334953415475, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:11.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:11.997000",
+ "bytes": 2416649216,
+ "norm_byte": 70725632,
+ "ops": 2360009,
+ "norm_ops": 69068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.494334953415475,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "314e159208ffa7627e3ace3e0dfeef9f3a6eb4b07852030417c5dde84b3d6b67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:12.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:12.998000', 'bytes': 2473315328, 'norm_byte': 56666112, 'ops': 2415347, 'norm_ops': 55338, 'norm_ltcy': 18.090459426614622, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:12.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:12.998000",
+ "bytes": 2473315328,
+ "norm_byte": 56666112,
+ "ops": 2415347,
+ "norm_ops": 55338,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.090459426614622,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4f62fd5858bce9021142afc6db138da0fdcc868ef25260a2f06c307ab9bc832",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:13.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:13.998000', 'bytes': 2545290240, 'norm_byte': 71974912, 'ops': 2485635, 'norm_ops': 70288, 'norm_ltcy': 14.235415112421395, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:13.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:13.998000",
+ "bytes": 2545290240,
+ "norm_byte": 71974912,
+ "ops": 2485635,
+ "norm_ops": 70288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.235415112421395,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2b76249a05bbca13c4d7eff8d2215e3573eeddbdbd95dc2f2f1f47873ed969b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:14.999000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:14.999000', 'bytes': 2617050112, 'norm_byte': 71759872, 'ops': 2555713, 'norm_ops': 70078, 'norm_ltcy': 14.285449115628301, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:14.999000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:14.999000",
+ "bytes": 2617050112,
+ "norm_byte": 71759872,
+ "ops": 2555713,
+ "norm_ops": 70078,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.285449115628301,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4614b44a023c955c5ba77b96a642cb765aa6cccb0bd01f5e9bf36f4e9515ab14",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:16.001000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:16.001000', 'bytes': 2673736704, 'norm_byte': 56686592, 'ops': 2611071, 'norm_ops': 55358, 'norm_ltcy': 18.084122079521027, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:16.001000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:16.001000",
+ "bytes": 2673736704,
+ "norm_byte": 56686592,
+ "ops": 2611071,
+ "norm_ops": 55358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.084122079521027,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad8a000c5cef074ac9333b11fcdec5ac6f568f1d65562a32f8ee647db53b37ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:17.002000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:17.002000', 'bytes': 2745517056, 'norm_byte': 71780352, 'ops': 2681169, 'norm_ops': 70098, 'norm_ltcy': 14.281456853262576, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:17.002000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:17.002000",
+ "bytes": 2745517056,
+ "norm_byte": 71780352,
+ "ops": 2681169,
+ "norm_ops": 70098,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.281456853262576,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49a5bb1754cf20150eb97145f0c957ee3bfe9d8182f6c106d8ab383cf0f205a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:18.003000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:18.003000', 'bytes': 2817059840, 'norm_byte': 71542784, 'ops': 2751035, 'norm_ops': 69866, 'norm_ltcy': 14.328859497556035, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:18.003000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:18.003000",
+ "bytes": 2817059840,
+ "norm_byte": 71542784,
+ "ops": 2751035,
+ "norm_ops": 69866,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.328859497556035,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1486acb08f28ad9697ddb492c92ef4d6bd23fec2c0b01219233025feac1bb955",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:19.004000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:19.004000', 'bytes': 2888406016, 'norm_byte': 71346176, 'ops': 2820709, 'norm_ops': 69674, 'norm_ltcy': 14.368485565365129, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:19.004000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:19.004000",
+ "bytes": 2888406016,
+ "norm_byte": 71346176,
+ "ops": 2820709,
+ "norm_ops": 69674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.368485565365129,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68ae78899f843b5d43f72afcb767e216e8df0d202ac064bc9fbc692adc2c810b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:20.005000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:20.005000', 'bytes': 2960120832, 'norm_byte': 71714816, 'ops': 2890743, 'norm_ops': 70034, 'norm_ltcy': 14.294410237349002, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:20.005000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:20.005000",
+ "bytes": 2960120832,
+ "norm_byte": 71714816,
+ "ops": 2890743,
+ "norm_ops": 70034,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.294410237349002,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1230303aa465b508ea32da656040d70549583e6c680de6c1ed6898a4465c0e73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:21.006000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:21.006000', 'bytes': 3016184832, 'norm_byte': 56064000, 'ops': 2945493, 'norm_ops': 54750, 'norm_ltcy': 18.284910994577626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:21.006000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:21.006000",
+ "bytes": 3016184832,
+ "norm_byte": 56064000,
+ "ops": 2945493,
+ "norm_ops": 54750,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.284910994577626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f4d7249d0a702d07d16023131f18492d047208b0fe82ddb654aec66daf503bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:22.007000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:22.007000', 'bytes': 3086472192, 'norm_byte': 70287360, 'ops': 3014133, 'norm_ops': 68640, 'norm_ltcy': 14.584948132921767, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:22.007000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:22.007000",
+ "bytes": 3086472192,
+ "norm_byte": 70287360,
+ "ops": 3014133,
+ "norm_ops": 68640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.584948132921767,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a811a104f394012872586506deae4c6203a573944c107c0ce9770515ce59d465",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:23.008000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:23.008000', 'bytes': 3157277696, 'norm_byte': 70805504, 'ops': 3083279, 'norm_ops': 69146, 'norm_ltcy': 14.477952872138301, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:23.008000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:23.008000",
+ "bytes": 3157277696,
+ "norm_byte": 70805504,
+ "ops": 3083279,
+ "norm_ops": 69146,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.477952872138301,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a5db832b83602111eef48fc1095f56e99714dcecf7dd46828f7905abd9e1f5c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:24.009000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:24.009000', 'bytes': 3228009472, 'norm_byte': 70731776, 'ops': 3152353, 'norm_ops': 69074, 'norm_ltcy': 14.494394287512307, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:24.009000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:24.009000",
+ "bytes": 3228009472,
+ "norm_byte": 70731776,
+ "ops": 3152353,
+ "norm_ops": 69074,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.494394287512307,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0aa7da946d424c617f42664e677332741bba8671e027f712f440c4d9ed26e060",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:25.011000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:25.011000', 'bytes': 3299179520, 'norm_byte': 71170048, 'ops': 3221855, 'norm_ops': 69502, 'norm_ltcy': 14.403801582373529, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:25.011000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:25.011000",
+ "bytes": 3299179520,
+ "norm_byte": 71170048,
+ "ops": 3221855,
+ "norm_ops": 69502,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.403801582373529,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3c3aa0d71abf80a2a6ce9ba7f15ff5f1048a6cf58a21dec275283bd3a704752",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:26.012000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:26.012000', 'bytes': 3370002432, 'norm_byte': 70822912, 'ops': 3291018, 'norm_ops': 69163, 'norm_ltcy': 14.474464845500846, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:26.012000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:26.012000",
+ "bytes": 3370002432,
+ "norm_byte": 70822912,
+ "ops": 3291018,
+ "norm_ops": 69163,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.474464845500846,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f4c9544f522f229686245ad3a9ca9af46adb26a2d8a2b18ff34dc12dbbaa36f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:27.013000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:27.013000', 'bytes': 3440880640, 'norm_byte': 70878208, 'ops': 3360235, 'norm_ops': 69217, 'norm_ltcy': 14.46318309853432, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:27.013000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:27.013000",
+ "bytes": 3440880640,
+ "norm_byte": 70878208,
+ "ops": 3360235,
+ "norm_ops": 69217,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.46318309853432,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b10cd12db81568fcca8119ba126f3dc4ea4732e2e15a1d75cbd1df7ba39ff57d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:28.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:28.014000', 'bytes': 3512359936, 'norm_byte': 71479296, 'ops': 3430039, 'norm_ops': 69804, 'norm_ltcy': 14.341638871205447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:28.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:28.014000",
+ "bytes": 3512359936,
+ "norm_byte": 71479296,
+ "ops": 3430039,
+ "norm_ops": 69804,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.341638871205447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87cb40abb9e934952fbd04dd9b23332b5598f4afdb495c2c7e6ffa362f639665",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:29.014000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:29.014000', 'bytes': 3584089088, 'norm_byte': 71729152, 'ops': 3500087, 'norm_ops': 70048, 'norm_ltcy': 14.284045906467709, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:29.014000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:29.014000",
+ "bytes": 3584089088,
+ "norm_byte": 71729152,
+ "ops": 3500087,
+ "norm_ops": 70048,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.284045906467709,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5823f4488065cd897d926725959c32cda69abddb1259f3ac924b9968496a061a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:30.015000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:30.015000', 'bytes': 3641000960, 'norm_byte': 56911872, 'ops': 3555665, 'norm_ops': 55578, 'norm_ltcy': 18.011435294203643, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:30.015000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:30.015000",
+ "bytes": 3641000960,
+ "norm_byte": 56911872,
+ "ops": 3555665,
+ "norm_ops": 55578,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.011435294203643,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d86cf0a832be142ffc609066cd0d318bbf554a094a9ad6c45ee48d0ac04e55da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:05:31.217000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:05:31.217000', 'bytes': 3712130048, 'norm_byte': 71129088, 'ops': 3625127, 'norm_ops': 69462, 'norm_ltcy': 17.294552546491246, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:05:31.217000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:05:31.217000",
+ "bytes": 3712130048,
+ "norm_byte": 71129088,
+ "ops": 3625127,
+ "norm_ops": 69462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.294552546491246,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e28ed304-a4b3-5fff-8f4c-fb8ddb4fc836",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "281206b0e663964eb607329418ed0315a0f000d5782ff7754b429a50439e70ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 62917458.44067796
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61442.83050847457
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.441776909555745
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:05:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-105-220519230147/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-105-220519230147/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..966f386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-105-220519230147/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-105-220519230147/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-105-220519230147/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-105-220519230147/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-105-220519230147/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-105-220519230147/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5874431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-105-220519230147/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=35
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=75
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=180
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-106-220519230348/220519230348-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-106-220519230348/220519230348-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edf2515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-106-220519230348/220519230348-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:06:31Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001592546.4106 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001593547.5200 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001593547.5620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001594548.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:43557888 nr_ops:42537\ntimestamp_ms:1653001595548.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96369664 nr_ops:94111\ntimestamp_ms:1653001596549.8779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:137415680 nr_ops:134195\ntimestamp_ms:1653001597550.9150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188455936 nr_ops:184039\ntimestamp_ms:1653001598551.9712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:238953472 nr_ops:233353\ntimestamp_ms:1653001599553.0186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278834176 nr_ops:272299\ntimestamp_ms:1653001600554.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:329817088 nr_ops:322087\ntimestamp_ms:1653001601555.0947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:370594816 nr_ops:361909\ntimestamp_ms:1653001602556.1321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:421882880 nr_ops:411995\ntimestamp_ms:1653001603557.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:463434752 nr_ops:452573\ntimestamp_ms:1653001604557.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:510452736 nr_ops:498489\ntimestamp_ms:1653001605558.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:562938880 nr_ops:549745\ntimestamp_ms:1653001606559.8772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:620381184 nr_ops:605841\ntimestamp_ms:1653001607560.9231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:681262080 nr_ops:665295\ntimestamp_ms:1653001608561.9583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:729756672 nr_ops:712653\ntimestamp_ms:1653001609563.0015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:778415104 nr_ops:760171\ntimestamp_ms:1653001610564.0391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:839238656 nr_ops:819569\ntimestamp_ms:1653001611565.0767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885568512 nr_ops:864813\ntimestamp_ms:1653001612566.2019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939797504 nr_ops:917771\ntimestamp_ms:1653001613567.2356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994026496 nr_ops:970729\ntimestamp_ms:1653001614568.2886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1048245248 nr_ops:1023677\ntimestamp_ms:1653001615568.8438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1102484480 nr_ops:1076645\ntimestamp_ms:1653001616569.8828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1156873216 nr_ops:1129759\ntimestamp_ms:1653001617570.9148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1211239424 nr_ops:1182851\ntimestamp_ms:1653001618571.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265755136 nr_ops:1236089\ntimestamp_ms:1653001619573.0210 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319975936 nr_ops:1289039\ntimestamp_ms:1653001620573.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1367688192 nr_ops:1335633\ntimestamp_ms:1653001621574.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417747456 nr_ops:1384519\ntimestamp_ms:1653001622575.9109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1472027648 nr_ops:1437527\ntimestamp_ms:1653001623576.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1526417408 nr_ops:1490642\ntimestamp_ms:1653001624577.9761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1580710912 nr_ops:1543663\ntimestamp_ms:1653001625579.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1637671936 nr_ops:1599289\ntimestamp_ms:1653001626580.1753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698712576 nr_ops:1658899\ntimestamp_ms:1653001627581.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1759568896 nr_ops:1718329\ntimestamp_ms:1653001628582.3811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1808253952 nr_ops:1765873\ntimestamp_ms:1653001629582.8472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1862904832 nr_ops:1819243\ntimestamp_ms:1653001630583.9150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1916562432 nr_ops:1871643\ntimestamp_ms:1653001631584.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977334784 nr_ops:1930991\ntimestamp_ms:1653001632585.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2038121472 nr_ops:1990353\ntimestamp_ms:1653001633587.0474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2074569728 nr_ops:2025947\ntimestamp_ms:1653001634588.1689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123805696 nr_ops:2074029\ntimestamp_ms:1653001635588.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2184541184 nr_ops:2133341\ntimestamp_ms:1653001636589.9409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2245682176 nr_ops:2193049\ntimestamp_ms:1653001637591.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294457344 nr_ops:2240681\ntimestamp_ms:1653001638592.1365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2355160064 nr_ops:2299961\ntimestamp_ms:1653001639593.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2415841280 nr_ops:2359220\ntimestamp_ms:1653001640593.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476590080 nr_ops:2418545\ntimestamp_ms:1653001641594.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2525019136 nr_ops:2465839\ntimestamp_ms:1653001642595.8994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2581330944 nr_ops:2520831\ntimestamp_ms:1653001643597.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2629508096 nr_ops:2567879\ntimestamp_ms:1653001644598.1125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2677955584 nr_ops:2615191\ntimestamp_ms:1653001645599.1711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2738926592 nr_ops:2674733\ntimestamp_ms:1653001646600.2668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2787447808 nr_ops:2722117\ntimestamp_ms:1653001647601.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2848533504 nr_ops:2781771\ntimestamp_ms:1653001648602.5120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2897642496 nr_ops:2829729\ntimestamp_ms:1653001649603.6270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2955324416 nr_ops:2886059\ntimestamp_ms:1653001650603.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3009950720 nr_ops:2939405\ntimestamp_ms:1653001651604.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064327168 nr_ops:2992507\ntimestamp_ms:1653001652605.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3118736384 nr_ops:3045641\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139647942182656\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3173084160 nr_ops:3098715\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.0933 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.0969 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653907.3152 name:Total nr_bytes:3173084160 nr_ops:3098716\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.1997 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6346168318 nr_ops:6197432\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.2002 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3173084160 nr_ops:3098718\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 350.69us 0.00ns 350.69us 350.69us \nTxn1 1549358 38.73us 0.00ns 209.29ms 18.35us \nTxn2 1 22.72us 0.00ns 22.72us 22.72us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 350.01us 0.00ns 350.01us 350.01us \nwrite 1549358 2.42us 0.00ns 67.69us 2.11us \nread 1549357 36.24us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.14us \ndisconnect 1 22.40us 0.00ns 22.40us 22.40us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.24b/s \nnet1 24845 24845 216.65Mb/s 216.65Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.201 62.36s 2.96GB 407.05Mb/s 3098718 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 2.96GB 407.05Mb/s 3098718 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413086, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001592546.4106 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001593547.5200 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001593547.5620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001594548.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:43557888 nr_ops:42537\ntimestamp_ms:1653001595548.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96369664 nr_ops:94111\ntimestamp_ms:1653001596549.8779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:137415680 nr_ops:134195\ntimestamp_ms:1653001597550.9150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188455936 nr_ops:184039\ntimestamp_ms:1653001598551.9712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:238953472 nr_ops:233353\ntimestamp_ms:1653001599553.0186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278834176 nr_ops:272299\ntimestamp_ms:1653001600554.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:329817088 nr_ops:322087\ntimestamp_ms:1653001601555.0947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:370594816 nr_ops:361909\ntimestamp_ms:1653001602556.1321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:421882880 nr_ops:411995\ntimestamp_ms:1653001603557.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:463434752 nr_ops:452573\ntimestamp_ms:1653001604557.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:510452736 nr_ops:498489\ntimestamp_ms:1653001605558.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:562938880 nr_ops:549745\ntimestamp_ms:1653001606559.8772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:620381184 nr_ops:605841\ntimestamp_ms:1653001607560.9231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:681262080 nr_ops:665295\ntimestamp_ms:1653001608561.9583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:729756672 nr_ops:712653\ntimestamp_ms:1653001609563.0015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:778415104 nr_ops:760171\ntimestamp_ms:1653001610564.0391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:839238656 nr_ops:819569\ntimestamp_ms:1653001611565.0767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885568512 nr_ops:864813\ntimestamp_ms:1653001612566.2019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939797504 nr_ops:917771\ntimestamp_ms:1653001613567.2356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994026496 nr_ops:970729\ntimestamp_ms:1653001614568.2886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1048245248 nr_ops:1023677\ntimestamp_ms:1653001615568.8438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1102484480 nr_ops:1076645\ntimestamp_ms:1653001616569.8828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1156873216 nr_ops:1129759\ntimestamp_ms:1653001617570.9148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1211239424 nr_ops:1182851\ntimestamp_ms:1653001618571.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265755136 nr_ops:1236089\ntimestamp_ms:1653001619573.0210 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319975936 nr_ops:1289039\ntimestamp_ms:1653001620573.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1367688192 nr_ops:1335633\ntimestamp_ms:1653001621574.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417747456 nr_ops:1384519\ntimestamp_ms:1653001622575.9109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1472027648 nr_ops:1437527\ntimestamp_ms:1653001623576.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1526417408 nr_ops:1490642\ntimestamp_ms:1653001624577.9761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1580710912 nr_ops:1543663\ntimestamp_ms:1653001625579.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1637671936 nr_ops:1599289\ntimestamp_ms:1653001626580.1753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698712576 nr_ops:1658899\ntimestamp_ms:1653001627581.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1759568896 nr_ops:1718329\ntimestamp_ms:1653001628582.3811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1808253952 nr_ops:1765873\ntimestamp_ms:1653001629582.8472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1862904832 nr_ops:1819243\ntimestamp_ms:1653001630583.9150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1916562432 nr_ops:1871643\ntimestamp_ms:1653001631584.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977334784 nr_ops:1930991\ntimestamp_ms:1653001632585.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2038121472 nr_ops:1990353\ntimestamp_ms:1653001633587.0474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2074569728 nr_ops:2025947\ntimestamp_ms:1653001634588.1689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123805696 nr_ops:2074029\ntimestamp_ms:1653001635588.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2184541184 nr_ops:2133341\ntimestamp_ms:1653001636589.9409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2245682176 nr_ops:2193049\ntimestamp_ms:1653001637591.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294457344 nr_ops:2240681\ntimestamp_ms:1653001638592.1365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2355160064 nr_ops:2299961\ntimestamp_ms:1653001639593.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2415841280 nr_ops:2359220\ntimestamp_ms:1653001640593.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476590080 nr_ops:2418545\ntimestamp_ms:1653001641594.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2525019136 nr_ops:2465839\ntimestamp_ms:1653001642595.8994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2581330944 nr_ops:2520831\ntimestamp_ms:1653001643597.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2629508096 nr_ops:2567879\ntimestamp_ms:1653001644598.1125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2677955584 nr_ops:2615191\ntimestamp_ms:1653001645599.1711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2738926592 nr_ops:2674733\ntimestamp_ms:1653001646600.2668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2787447808 nr_ops:2722117\ntimestamp_ms:1653001647601.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2848533504 nr_ops:2781771\ntimestamp_ms:1653001648602.5120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2897642496 nr_ops:2829729\ntimestamp_ms:1653001649603.6270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2955324416 nr_ops:2886059\ntimestamp_ms:1653001650603.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3009950720 nr_ops:2939405\ntimestamp_ms:1653001651604.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064327168 nr_ops:2992507\ntimestamp_ms:1653001652605.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3118736384 nr_ops:3045641\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139647942182656\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3173084160 nr_ops:3098715\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.0933 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.0969 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653907.3152 name:Total nr_bytes:3173084160 nr_ops:3098716\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.1997 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6346168318 nr_ops:6197432\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.2002 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3173084160 nr_ops:3098718\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 350.69us 0.00ns 350.69us 350.69us \nTxn1 1549358 38.73us 0.00ns 209.29ms 18.35us \nTxn2 1 22.72us 0.00ns 22.72us 22.72us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 350.01us 0.00ns 350.01us 350.01us \nwrite 1549358 2.42us 0.00ns 67.69us 2.11us \nread 1549357 36.24us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.14us \ndisconnect 1 22.40us 0.00ns 22.40us 22.40us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.24b/s \nnet1 24845 24845 216.65Mb/s 216.65Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.201 62.36s 2.96GB 407.05Mb/s 3098718 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 2.96GB 407.05Mb/s 3098718 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413086, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001592546.4106 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001593547.5200 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001593547.5620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001594548.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:43557888 nr_ops:42537\ntimestamp_ms:1653001595548.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96369664 nr_ops:94111\ntimestamp_ms:1653001596549.8779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:137415680 nr_ops:134195\ntimestamp_ms:1653001597550.9150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188455936 nr_ops:184039\ntimestamp_ms:1653001598551.9712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:238953472 nr_ops:233353\ntimestamp_ms:1653001599553.0186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278834176 nr_ops:272299\ntimestamp_ms:1653001600554.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:329817088 nr_ops:322087\ntimestamp_ms:1653001601555.0947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:370594816 nr_ops:361909\ntimestamp_ms:1653001602556.1321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:421882880 nr_ops:411995\ntimestamp_ms:1653001603557.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:463434752 nr_ops:452573\ntimestamp_ms:1653001604557.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:510452736 nr_ops:498489\ntimestamp_ms:1653001605558.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:562938880 nr_ops:549745\ntimestamp_ms:1653001606559.8772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:620381184 nr_ops:605841\ntimestamp_ms:1653001607560.9231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:681262080 nr_ops:665295\ntimestamp_ms:1653001608561.9583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:729756672 nr_ops:712653\ntimestamp_ms:1653001609563.0015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:778415104 nr_ops:760171\ntimestamp_ms:1653001610564.0391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:839238656 nr_ops:819569\ntimestamp_ms:1653001611565.0767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885568512 nr_ops:864813\ntimestamp_ms:1653001612566.2019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939797504 nr_ops:917771\ntimestamp_ms:1653001613567.2356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994026496 nr_ops:970729\ntimestamp_ms:1653001614568.2886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1048245248 nr_ops:1023677\ntimestamp_ms:1653001615568.8438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1102484480 nr_ops:1076645\ntimestamp_ms:1653001616569.8828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1156873216 nr_ops:1129759\ntimestamp_ms:1653001617570.9148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1211239424 nr_ops:1182851\ntimestamp_ms:1653001618571.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265755136 nr_ops:1236089\ntimestamp_ms:1653001619573.0210 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319975936 nr_ops:1289039\ntimestamp_ms:1653001620573.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1367688192 nr_ops:1335633\ntimestamp_ms:1653001621574.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417747456 nr_ops:1384519\ntimestamp_ms:1653001622575.9109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1472027648 nr_ops:1437527\ntimestamp_ms:1653001623576.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1526417408 nr_ops:1490642\ntimestamp_ms:1653001624577.9761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1580710912 nr_ops:1543663\ntimestamp_ms:1653001625579.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1637671936 nr_ops:1599289\ntimestamp_ms:1653001626580.1753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698712576 nr_ops:1658899\ntimestamp_ms:1653001627581.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1759568896 nr_ops:1718329\ntimestamp_ms:1653001628582.3811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1808253952 nr_ops:1765873\ntimestamp_ms:1653001629582.8472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1862904832 nr_ops:1819243\ntimestamp_ms:1653001630583.9150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1916562432 nr_ops:1871643\ntimestamp_ms:1653001631584.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977334784 nr_ops:1930991\ntimestamp_ms:1653001632585.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2038121472 nr_ops:1990353\ntimestamp_ms:1653001633587.0474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2074569728 nr_ops:2025947\ntimestamp_ms:1653001634588.1689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123805696 nr_ops:2074029\ntimestamp_ms:1653001635588.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2184541184 nr_ops:2133341\ntimestamp_ms:1653001636589.9409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2245682176 nr_ops:2193049\ntimestamp_ms:1653001637591.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294457344 nr_ops:2240681\ntimestamp_ms:1653001638592.1365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2355160064 nr_ops:2299961\ntimestamp_ms:1653001639593.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2415841280 nr_ops:2359220\ntimestamp_ms:1653001640593.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476590080 nr_ops:2418545\ntimestamp_ms:1653001641594.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2525019136 nr_ops:2465839\ntimestamp_ms:1653001642595.8994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2581330944 nr_ops:2520831\ntimestamp_ms:1653001643597.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2629508096 nr_ops:2567879\ntimestamp_ms:1653001644598.1125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2677955584 nr_ops:2615191\ntimestamp_ms:1653001645599.1711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2738926592 nr_ops:2674733\ntimestamp_ms:1653001646600.2668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2787447808 nr_ops:2722117\ntimestamp_ms:1653001647601.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2848533504 nr_ops:2781771\ntimestamp_ms:1653001648602.5120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2897642496 nr_ops:2829729\ntimestamp_ms:1653001649603.6270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2955324416 nr_ops:2886059\ntimestamp_ms:1653001650603.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3009950720 nr_ops:2939405\ntimestamp_ms:1653001651604.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064327168 nr_ops:2992507\ntimestamp_ms:1653001652605.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3118736384 nr_ops:3045641\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139647942182656\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3173084160 nr_ops:3098715\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.0933 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.0969 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653907.3152 name:Total nr_bytes:3173084160 nr_ops:3098716\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.1997 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6346168318 nr_ops:6197432\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001653807.2002 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3173084160 nr_ops:3098718\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 350.69us 0.00ns 350.69us 350.69us \nTxn1 1549358 38.73us 0.00ns 209.29ms 18.35us \nTxn2 1 22.72us 0.00ns 22.72us 22.72us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 350.01us 0.00ns 350.01us 350.01us \nwrite 1549358 2.42us 0.00ns 67.69us 2.11us \nread 1549357 36.24us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.14us \ndisconnect 1 22.40us 0.00ns 22.40us 22.40us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.24b/s \nnet1 24845 24845 216.65Mb/s 216.65Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.201 62.36s 2.96GB 407.05Mb/s 3098718 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 2.96GB 407.05Mb/s 3098718 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413086, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001592546.4106 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001593547.5200 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001593547.5620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001594548.5872 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:43557888 nr_ops:42537
+timestamp_ms:1653001595548.8403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:96369664 nr_ops:94111
+timestamp_ms:1653001596549.8779 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:137415680 nr_ops:134195
+timestamp_ms:1653001597550.9150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188455936 nr_ops:184039
+timestamp_ms:1653001598551.9712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:238953472 nr_ops:233353
+timestamp_ms:1653001599553.0186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:278834176 nr_ops:272299
+timestamp_ms:1653001600554.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:329817088 nr_ops:322087
+timestamp_ms:1653001601555.0947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:370594816 nr_ops:361909
+timestamp_ms:1653001602556.1321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:421882880 nr_ops:411995
+timestamp_ms:1653001603557.1648 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:463434752 nr_ops:452573
+timestamp_ms:1653001604557.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:510452736 nr_ops:498489
+timestamp_ms:1653001605558.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:562938880 nr_ops:549745
+timestamp_ms:1653001606559.8772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:620381184 nr_ops:605841
+timestamp_ms:1653001607560.9231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:681262080 nr_ops:665295
+timestamp_ms:1653001608561.9583 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:729756672 nr_ops:712653
+timestamp_ms:1653001609563.0015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:778415104 nr_ops:760171
+timestamp_ms:1653001610564.0391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:839238656 nr_ops:819569
+timestamp_ms:1653001611565.0767 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885568512 nr_ops:864813
+timestamp_ms:1653001612566.2019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939797504 nr_ops:917771
+timestamp_ms:1653001613567.2356 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994026496 nr_ops:970729
+timestamp_ms:1653001614568.2886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1048245248 nr_ops:1023677
+timestamp_ms:1653001615568.8438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1102484480 nr_ops:1076645
+timestamp_ms:1653001616569.8828 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1156873216 nr_ops:1129759
+timestamp_ms:1653001617570.9148 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1211239424 nr_ops:1182851
+timestamp_ms:1653001618571.9614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265755136 nr_ops:1236089
+timestamp_ms:1653001619573.0210 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1319975936 nr_ops:1289039
+timestamp_ms:1653001620573.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1367688192 nr_ops:1335633
+timestamp_ms:1653001621574.8774 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1417747456 nr_ops:1384519
+timestamp_ms:1653001622575.9109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1472027648 nr_ops:1437527
+timestamp_ms:1653001623576.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1526417408 nr_ops:1490642
+timestamp_ms:1653001624577.9761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1580710912 nr_ops:1543663
+timestamp_ms:1653001625579.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1637671936 nr_ops:1599289
+timestamp_ms:1653001626580.1753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1698712576 nr_ops:1658899
+timestamp_ms:1653001627581.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1759568896 nr_ops:1718329
+timestamp_ms:1653001628582.3811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1808253952 nr_ops:1765873
+timestamp_ms:1653001629582.8472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1862904832 nr_ops:1819243
+timestamp_ms:1653001630583.9150 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1916562432 nr_ops:1871643
+timestamp_ms:1653001631584.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977334784 nr_ops:1930991
+timestamp_ms:1653001632585.9436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2038121472 nr_ops:1990353
+timestamp_ms:1653001633587.0474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2074569728 nr_ops:2025947
+timestamp_ms:1653001634588.1689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2123805696 nr_ops:2074029
+timestamp_ms:1653001635588.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2184541184 nr_ops:2133341
+timestamp_ms:1653001636589.9409 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2245682176 nr_ops:2193049
+timestamp_ms:1653001637591.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294457344 nr_ops:2240681
+timestamp_ms:1653001638592.1365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2355160064 nr_ops:2299961
+timestamp_ms:1653001639593.2327 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2415841280 nr_ops:2359220
+timestamp_ms:1653001640593.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476590080 nr_ops:2418545
+timestamp_ms:1653001641594.9414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2525019136 nr_ops:2465839
+timestamp_ms:1653001642595.8994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2581330944 nr_ops:2520831
+timestamp_ms:1653001643597.0215 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2629508096 nr_ops:2567879
+timestamp_ms:1653001644598.1125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2677955584 nr_ops:2615191
+timestamp_ms:1653001645599.1711 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2738926592 nr_ops:2674733
+timestamp_ms:1653001646600.2668 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2787447808 nr_ops:2722117
+timestamp_ms:1653001647601.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2848533504 nr_ops:2781771
+timestamp_ms:1653001648602.5120 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2897642496 nr_ops:2829729
+timestamp_ms:1653001649603.6270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2955324416 nr_ops:2886059
+timestamp_ms:1653001650603.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3009950720 nr_ops:2939405
+timestamp_ms:1653001651604.8354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3064327168 nr_ops:2992507
+timestamp_ms:1653001652605.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3118736384 nr_ops:3045641
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139647942182656
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653001653807.0576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3173084160 nr_ops:3098715
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001653807.0933 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001653807.0969 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001653907.3152 name:Total nr_bytes:3173084160 nr_ops:3098716
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001653807.1997 name:Group0 nr_bytes:6346168318 nr_ops:6197432
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001653807.2002 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3173084160 nr_ops:3098718
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 350.69us 0.00ns 350.69us 350.69us
+Txn1 1549358 38.73us 0.00ns 209.29ms 18.35us
+Txn2 1 22.72us 0.00ns 22.72us 22.72us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 350.01us 0.00ns 350.01us 350.01us
+write 1549358 2.42us 0.00ns 67.69us 2.11us
+read 1549357 36.24us 0.00ns 209.28ms 1.14us
+disconnect 1 22.40us 0.00ns 22.40us 22.40us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.24b/s
+net1 24845 24845 216.65Mb/s 216.65Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.201 62.36s 2.96GB 407.05Mb/s 3098718 0.00
+master 62.36s 2.96GB 407.05Mb/s 3098718 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:34.548000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:34.548000', 'bytes': 43557888, 'norm_byte': 43557888, 'ops': 42537, 'norm_ops': 42537, 'norm_ltcy': 23.533045266106566, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:34.548000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:34.548000",
+ "bytes": 43557888,
+ "norm_byte": 43557888,
+ "ops": 42537,
+ "norm_ops": 42537,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.533045266106566,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "185ea162f331fe3b807be18cd5d1ac6cb6006727c158bf6387a37b9616d7ea76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:35.548000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:35.548000', 'bytes': 96369664, 'norm_byte': 52811776, 'ops': 94111, 'norm_ops': 51574, 'norm_ltcy': 19.39452386528338, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:35.548000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:35.548000",
+ "bytes": 96369664,
+ "norm_byte": 52811776,
+ "ops": 94111,
+ "norm_ops": 51574,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.39452386528338,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a778926d97b6266dd94a7878c53c5ea6f2c9b2d4020e10bf5e460210e6dcf0d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:36.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:36.549000', 'bytes': 137415680, 'norm_byte': 41046016, 'ops': 134195, 'norm_ops': 40084, 'norm_ltcy': 24.973495600644895, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:36.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:36.549000",
+ "bytes": 137415680,
+ "norm_byte": 41046016,
+ "ops": 134195,
+ "norm_ops": 40084,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.973495600644895,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "183a35304e6ac1e9e940cf43f9001c20d99bc54adc9e56d26e47cc1044c38ccd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:37.550000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:37.550000', 'bytes': 188455936, 'norm_byte': 51040256, 'ops': 184039, 'norm_ops': 49844, 'norm_ltcy': 20.08340240299735, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:37.550000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:37.550000",
+ "bytes": 188455936,
+ "norm_byte": 51040256,
+ "ops": 184039,
+ "norm_ops": 49844,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.08340240299735,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c77c27e917650b63a4dad582aae023741ce7427b4a903120ad0fc575c640e31",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:38.551000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:38.551000', 'bytes': 238953472, 'norm_byte': 50497536, 'ops': 233353, 'norm_ops': 49314, 'norm_ltcy': 20.29963402570771, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:38.551000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:38.551000",
+ "bytes": 238953472,
+ "norm_byte": 50497536,
+ "ops": 233353,
+ "norm_ops": 49314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.29963402570771,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "afd1c1746fdab87a2e68a61130deb7dd544ae0eb4ada608ed18ae494dad47b2a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:39.553000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:39.553000', 'bytes': 278834176, 'norm_byte': 39880704, 'ops': 272299, 'norm_ops': 38946, 'norm_ltcy': 25.703470530510195, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:39.553000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:39.553000",
+ "bytes": 278834176,
+ "norm_byte": 39880704,
+ "ops": 272299,
+ "norm_ops": 38946,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.703470530510195,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc693ede01e000c9c1dcf0324d9af53e9438a0c3cb258036292162eb7456e260",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:40.554000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:40.554000', 'bytes': 329817088, 'norm_byte': 50982912, 'ops': 322087, 'norm_ops': 49788, 'norm_ltcy': 20.10603082067968, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:40.554000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:40.554000",
+ "bytes": 329817088,
+ "norm_byte": 50982912,
+ "ops": 322087,
+ "norm_ops": 49788,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.10603082067968,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eebea021538095e0bdd2eb3d99d8417720a725215acce32e61e6ea4ca6c002a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:41.555000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:41.555000', 'bytes': 370594816, 'norm_byte': 40777728, 'ops': 361909, 'norm_ops': 39822, 'norm_ltcy': 25.137790903897343, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:41.555000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:41.555000",
+ "bytes": 370594816,
+ "norm_byte": 40777728,
+ "ops": 361909,
+ "norm_ops": 39822,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.137790903897343,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79dde1372061b3caccf5cc537b62de238d456d59d84c70bd029c62c979121d56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:42.556000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:42.556000', 'bytes': 421882880, 'norm_byte': 51288064, 'ops': 411995, 'norm_ops': 50086, 'norm_ltcy': 19.98637051303009, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:42.556000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:42.556000",
+ "bytes": 421882880,
+ "norm_byte": 51288064,
+ "ops": 411995,
+ "norm_ops": 50086,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.98637051303009,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "24a4646cfbc0f908addc2624065e1ac2daba203fbe7fd06838e0ee2ec8b3d403",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:43.557000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:43.557000', 'bytes': 463434752, 'norm_byte': 41551872, 'ops': 452573, 'norm_ops': 40578, 'norm_ltcy': 24.669345823937846, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:43.557000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:43.557000",
+ "bytes": 463434752,
+ "norm_byte": 41551872,
+ "ops": 452573,
+ "norm_ops": 40578,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.669345823937846,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd00432467c24b8e63c351af5d044071f06c71cc44cb82bfccee0d09b602034a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:44.557000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:44.557000', 'bytes': 510452736, 'norm_byte': 47017984, 'ops': 498489, 'norm_ops': 45916, 'norm_ltcy': 21.79359178819747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:44.557000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:44.557000",
+ "bytes": 510452736,
+ "norm_byte": 47017984,
+ "ops": 498489,
+ "norm_ops": 45916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.79359178819747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b251d9a16cedf7f02bcce7046c3445f98460fe8efdba94f40fd1111664e40bc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:45.558000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:45.558000', 'bytes': 562938880, 'norm_byte': 52486144, 'ops': 549745, 'norm_ops': 51256, 'norm_ltcy': 19.529401893192993, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:45.558000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:45.558000",
+ "bytes": 562938880,
+ "norm_byte": 52486144,
+ "ops": 549745,
+ "norm_ops": 51256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.529401893192993,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21ae831557dd77c3cbcd8e74e0cf3c8023fbe8067af284798e2bd9dee7dbc978",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:46.559000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:46.559000', 'bytes': 620381184, 'norm_byte': 57442304, 'ops': 605841, 'norm_ops': 56096, 'norm_ltcy': 17.845101582276364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:46.559000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:46.559000",
+ "bytes": 620381184,
+ "norm_byte": 57442304,
+ "ops": 605841,
+ "norm_ops": 56096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.845101582276364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e853ee7f1e9813666f5d95e672f67ad19612001d1cf8bf729744f704236f959a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:47.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:47.560000', 'bytes': 681262080, 'norm_byte': 60880896, 'ops': 665295, 'norm_ops': 59454, 'norm_ltcy': 16.837317900183336, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:47.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:47.560000",
+ "bytes": 681262080,
+ "norm_byte": 60880896,
+ "ops": 665295,
+ "norm_ops": 59454,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.837317900183336,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "24bd9c91ad5a9f8f3ded33bd0927c0162004f95407565a427fb1e9cff0348a9a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:48.561000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:48.561000', 'bytes': 729756672, 'norm_byte': 48494592, 'ops': 712653, 'norm_ops': 47358, 'norm_ltcy': 21.13761468495291, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:48.561000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:48.561000",
+ "bytes": 729756672,
+ "norm_byte": 48494592,
+ "ops": 712653,
+ "norm_ops": 47358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.13761468495291,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6359076033e04eabe90acd1c5ccabbadd555b22faa797d9c959386c5744e01a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:49.563000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:49.563000', 'bytes': 778415104, 'norm_byte': 48658432, 'ops': 760171, 'norm_ops': 47518, 'norm_ltcy': 21.066610818860745, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:49.563000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:49.563000",
+ "bytes": 778415104,
+ "norm_byte": 48658432,
+ "ops": 760171,
+ "norm_ops": 47518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.066610818860745,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47c36386ce5c81c8414b54cd9718e0916fcc021be7955fb6049b0a972edf7240",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:50.564000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:50.564000', 'bytes': 839238656, 'norm_byte': 60823552, 'ops': 819569, 'norm_ops': 59398, 'norm_ltcy': 16.85305225186454, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:50.564000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:50.564000",
+ "bytes": 839238656,
+ "norm_byte": 60823552,
+ "ops": 819569,
+ "norm_ops": 59398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.85305225186454,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6cabd239cbc2ead9f63092271362270ed3c79562791021a530c93ca849dc8559",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:51.565000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:51.565000', 'bytes': 885568512, 'norm_byte': 46329856, 'ops': 864813, 'norm_ops': 45244, 'norm_ltcy': 22.125311591730394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:51.565000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:51.565000",
+ "bytes": 885568512,
+ "norm_byte": 46329856,
+ "ops": 864813,
+ "norm_ops": 45244,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.125311591730394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78d8aade71f9ea52bd137b01cf2429f1f3ed0778169f5be31061bb1af49274f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:52.566000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:52.566000', 'bytes': 939797504, 'norm_byte': 54228992, 'ops': 917771, 'norm_ops': 52958, 'norm_ltcy': 18.904136186046017, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:52.566000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:52.566000",
+ "bytes": 939797504,
+ "norm_byte": 54228992,
+ "ops": 917771,
+ "norm_ops": 52958,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.904136186046017,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "465319e9a2f9d33293461d582677aad89386e153ad4651cdfb3162a107fd21cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:53.567000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:53.567000', 'bytes': 994026496, 'norm_byte': 54228992, 'ops': 970729, 'norm_ops': 52958, 'norm_ltcy': 18.90240740598682, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:53.567000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:53.567000",
+ "bytes": 994026496,
+ "norm_byte": 54228992,
+ "ops": 970729,
+ "norm_ops": 52958,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.90240740598682,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c75633254ae23b9201ca33e9ca1bca5e74925094eb2e852fb73e5207c7ca083c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:54.568000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:54.568000', 'bytes': 1048245248, 'norm_byte': 54218752, 'ops': 1023677, 'norm_ops': 52948, 'norm_ltcy': 18.90634166570267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:54.568000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:54.568000",
+ "bytes": 1048245248,
+ "norm_byte": 54218752,
+ "ops": 1023677,
+ "norm_ops": 52948,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.90634166570267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc0d6f288c9db7e4211da0b865d6784306d9c4107fb9eea16398ffa44239efd9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:55.568000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:55.568000', 'bytes': 1102484480, 'norm_byte': 54239232, 'ops': 1076645, 'norm_ops': 52968, 'norm_ltcy': 18.88980470814926, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:55.568000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:55.568000",
+ "bytes": 1102484480,
+ "norm_byte": 54239232,
+ "ops": 1076645,
+ "norm_ops": 52968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.88980470814926,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15b8750b559609f559ef1f8a4ef90cb87d26d1bf0da61fe30f5ff3716c595653",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:56.569000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:56.569000', 'bytes': 1156873216, 'norm_byte': 54388736, 'ops': 1129759, 'norm_ops': 53114, 'norm_ltcy': 18.846990671009525, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:56.569000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:56.569000",
+ "bytes": 1156873216,
+ "norm_byte": 54388736,
+ "ops": 1129759,
+ "norm_ops": 53114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.846990671009525,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2db9af2a9738c28cc04a4c755d7d7969842847c31a8eebd384a2cc63978f86af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:57.570000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:57.570000', 'bytes': 1211239424, 'norm_byte': 54366208, 'ops': 1182851, 'norm_ops': 53092, 'norm_ltcy': 18.85466703876055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:57.570000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:57.570000",
+ "bytes": 1211239424,
+ "norm_byte": 54366208,
+ "ops": 1182851,
+ "norm_ops": 53092,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.85466703876055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47a870fd478b0ab51494be37d6beca7d43cb4f8e18a4cd6047fefd1e0b586aa5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:58.571000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:58.571000', 'bytes': 1265755136, 'norm_byte': 54515712, 'ops': 1236089, 'norm_ops': 53238, 'norm_ltcy': 18.803235111374864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:58.571000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:58.571000",
+ "bytes": 1265755136,
+ "norm_byte": 54515712,
+ "ops": 1236089,
+ "norm_ops": 53238,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.803235111374864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c4bbed03907d0fb6170462c6c918f88af0620db985c85606e33a760e75f7b4e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:06:59.573000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:06:59.573000', 'bytes': 1319975936, 'norm_byte': 54220800, 'ops': 1289039, 'norm_ops': 52950, 'norm_ltcy': 18.90575203611898, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:06:59.573000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:06:59.573000",
+ "bytes": 1319975936,
+ "norm_byte": 54220800,
+ "ops": 1289039,
+ "norm_ops": 52950,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.90575203611898,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "049871243cf6aa0af9a4afbfcaf4acdfe0a08d903fb69c02b273f7e9b0c1a14e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:00.573000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:00.573000', 'bytes': 1367688192, 'norm_byte': 47712256, 'ops': 1335633, 'norm_ops': 46594, 'norm_ltcy': 21.47960159335161, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:00.573000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:00.573000",
+ "bytes": 1367688192,
+ "norm_byte": 47712256,
+ "ops": 1335633,
+ "norm_ops": 46594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.47960159335161,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "17505a7208477f0a5d915af973194168bd99644129e17d9e91a7570a79fed839",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:01.574000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:01.574000', 'bytes': 1417747456, 'norm_byte': 50059264, 'ops': 1384519, 'norm_ops': 48886, 'norm_ltcy': 20.47694408771172, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:01.574000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:01.574000",
+ "bytes": 1417747456,
+ "norm_byte": 50059264,
+ "ops": 1384519,
+ "norm_ops": 48886,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.47694408771172,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1a7d97bb2c60b74734ce0b38994edcdb4c80a89fd4fe7b80fd11b28f628040b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:02.575000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:02.575000', 'bytes': 1472027648, 'norm_byte': 54280192, 'ops': 1437527, 'norm_ops': 53008, 'norm_ltcy': 18.884573031723985, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:02.575000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:02.575000",
+ "bytes": 1472027648,
+ "norm_byte": 54280192,
+ "ops": 1437527,
+ "norm_ops": 53008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.884573031723985,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd6c2e913b40c961e490e1f57342aba0bfb94b319482789523717398ffd0ccee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:03.576000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:03.576000', 'bytes': 1526417408, 'norm_byte': 54389760, 'ops': 1490642, 'norm_ops': 53115, 'norm_ltcy': 18.846571486985784, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:03.576000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:03.576000",
+ "bytes": 1526417408,
+ "norm_byte": 54389760,
+ "ops": 1490642,
+ "norm_ops": 53115,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.846571486985784,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2eeb6f0bc0328d9a533f8f7c6602ea722ea19cb741858b9724ca2f130c3545e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:04.577000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:04.577000', 'bytes': 1580710912, 'norm_byte': 54293504, 'ops': 1543663, 'norm_ops': 53021, 'norm_ltcy': 18.8798691276216, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:04.577000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:04.577000",
+ "bytes": 1580710912,
+ "norm_byte": 54293504,
+ "ops": 1543663,
+ "norm_ops": 53021,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.8798691276216,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4acdbbdfd69a794c7022935bf0573375cfbd7865a34263a5e5274c233e0c6789",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:05.579000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:05.579000', 'bytes': 1637671936, 'norm_byte': 56961024, 'ops': 1599289, 'norm_ops': 55626, 'norm_ltcy': 17.996928917570024, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:05.579000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:05.579000",
+ "bytes": 1637671936,
+ "norm_byte": 56961024,
+ "ops": 1599289,
+ "norm_ops": 55626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.996928917570024,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "410bb7a7235ee627852a7b344d1bab3f48a083300733f8b36daad77010bb8155",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:06.580000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:06.580000', 'bytes': 1698712576, 'norm_byte': 61040640, 'ops': 1658899, 'norm_ops': 59610, 'norm_ltcy': 16.79419645665576, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:06.580000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:06.580000",
+ "bytes": 1698712576,
+ "norm_byte": 61040640,
+ "ops": 1658899,
+ "norm_ops": 59610,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.79419645665576,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ee0a4be67b0ca23120da283cf917874a7aaa737311e7d48b535b761c83590cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:07.581000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:07.581000', 'bytes': 1759568896, 'norm_byte': 60856320, 'ops': 1718329, 'norm_ops': 59430, 'norm_ltcy': 16.84501708286009, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:07.581000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:07.581000",
+ "bytes": 1759568896,
+ "norm_byte": 60856320,
+ "ops": 1718329,
+ "norm_ops": 59430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.84501708286009,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "86284d66166a962783e26a37cd7c93c865cafb3bdded80107f15de7b6c78b74c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:08.582000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:08.582000', 'bytes': 1808253952, 'norm_byte': 48685056, 'ops': 1765873, 'norm_ops': 47544, 'norm_ltcy': 21.056420269907875, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:08.582000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:08.582000",
+ "bytes": 1808253952,
+ "norm_byte": 48685056,
+ "ops": 1765873,
+ "norm_ops": 47544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.056420269907875,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7776f3a022b85833e3f9f713a098161ecce524749578ea18b139c2bd7664a3d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:09.582000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:09.582000', 'bytes': 1862904832, 'norm_byte': 54650880, 'ops': 1819243, 'norm_ops': 53370, 'norm_ltcy': 18.74585093597761, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:09.582000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:09.582000",
+ "bytes": 1862904832,
+ "norm_byte": 54650880,
+ "ops": 1819243,
+ "norm_ops": 53370,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.74585093597761,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9940054c1f60609d71f19c53c53ec226d3a8fb9f4a245071e3d65680d6d9788d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:10.583000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:10.583000', 'bytes': 1916562432, 'norm_byte': 53657600, 'ops': 1871643, 'norm_ops': 52400, 'norm_ltcy': 19.104348684995227, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:10.583000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:10.583000",
+ "bytes": 1916562432,
+ "norm_byte": 53657600,
+ "ops": 1871643,
+ "norm_ops": 52400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.104348684995227,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "878a13d0cbb0f2e91bc8733fd8655c582cb66881edfc7aaa582bdce993e7959e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:11.584000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:11.584000', 'bytes': 1977334784, 'norm_byte': 60772352, 'ops': 1930991, 'norm_ops': 59348, 'norm_ltcy': 16.865379013140714, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:11.584000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:11.584000",
+ "bytes": 1977334784,
+ "norm_byte": 60772352,
+ "ops": 1930991,
+ "norm_ops": 59348,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.865379013140714,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5771a5e0c5d6530054c6c95451b66de88d76f8f0b54d101b4d94d7cd9289b0ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:12.585000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:12.585000', 'bytes': 2038121472, 'norm_byte': 60786688, 'ops': 1990353, 'norm_ops': 59362, 'norm_ltcy': 16.864358525340286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:12.585000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:12.585000",
+ "bytes": 2038121472,
+ "norm_byte": 60786688,
+ "ops": 1990353,
+ "norm_ops": 59362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.864358525340286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df147d9972893f553fad402cd4c094443619f9c16b93b2b867a3a0a52052825f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:13.587000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:13.587000', 'bytes': 2074569728, 'norm_byte': 36448256, 'ops': 2025947, 'norm_ops': 35594, 'norm_ltcy': 28.125632403372055, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:13.587000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:13.587000",
+ "bytes": 2074569728,
+ "norm_byte": 36448256,
+ "ops": 2025947,
+ "norm_ops": 35594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.125632403372055,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8bc4dcf431083b7cbae10b1582eec3c37b876cf21c3fc76d1d828c78c3b8eb18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:14.588000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:14.588000', 'bytes': 2123805696, 'norm_byte': 49235968, 'ops': 2074029, 'norm_ops': 48082, 'norm_ltcy': 20.821130194901418, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:14.588000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:14.588000",
+ "bytes": 2123805696,
+ "norm_byte": 49235968,
+ "ops": 2074029,
+ "norm_ops": 48082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.821130194901418,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "979c4e4a50f77f4facf1203e0788bfb98ad4a0ed248461f44d0ac9545d0a56ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:15.588000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:15.588000', 'bytes': 2184541184, 'norm_byte': 60735488, 'ops': 2133341, 'norm_ops': 59312, 'norm_ltcy': 16.871273019161382, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:15.588000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:15.588000",
+ "bytes": 2184541184,
+ "norm_byte": 60735488,
+ "ops": 2133341,
+ "norm_ops": 59312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.871273019161382,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1847660a19aa4902b626c984ea2133c4a4ba128390c035762d84cf69999b0a0f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:16.589000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:16.589000', 'bytes': 2245682176, 'norm_byte': 61140992, 'ops': 2193049, 'norm_ops': 59708, 'norm_ltcy': 16.766648143360186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:16.589000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:16.589000",
+ "bytes": 2245682176,
+ "norm_byte": 61140992,
+ "ops": 2193049,
+ "norm_ops": 59708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.766648143360186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a62cc9da3cb5cf60c5d53c9a8eb8ee4645b3e2ef937431019500c6c3c995068",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:17.591000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:17.591000', 'bytes': 2294457344, 'norm_byte': 48775168, 'ops': 2240681, 'norm_ops': 47632, 'norm_ltcy': 21.017303313030105, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:17.591000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:17.591000",
+ "bytes": 2294457344,
+ "norm_byte": 48775168,
+ "ops": 2240681,
+ "norm_ops": 47632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.017303313030105,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a7d5facacb7d809ebc9df8f3a38efff95b3f5f2a375581ca1674abdd8141d9c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:18.592000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:18.592000', 'bytes': 2355160064, 'norm_byte': 60702720, 'ops': 2299961, 'norm_ops': 59280, 'norm_ltcy': 16.887641113940198, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:18.592000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:18.592000",
+ "bytes": 2355160064,
+ "norm_byte": 60702720,
+ "ops": 2299961,
+ "norm_ops": 59280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.887641113940198,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09759f1e24bde3bab10dd0521ddf1df730212f0553c37c9e05a46dab97bfc77c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:19.593000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:19.593000', 'bytes': 2415841280, 'norm_byte': 60681216, 'ops': 2359220, 'norm_ops': 59259, 'norm_ltcy': 16.89357213935858, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:19.593000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:19.593000",
+ "bytes": 2415841280,
+ "norm_byte": 60681216,
+ "ops": 2359220,
+ "norm_ops": 59259,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.89357213935858,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c56017a4b3ab85648194eb4c70db0a1e60628841b749e25b8f74d652a28b2520",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:20.593000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:20.593000', 'bytes': 2476590080, 'norm_byte': 60748800, 'ops': 2418545, 'norm_ops': 59325, 'norm_ltcy': 16.866530696902654, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:20.593000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:20.593000",
+ "bytes": 2476590080,
+ "norm_byte": 60748800,
+ "ops": 2418545,
+ "norm_ops": 59325,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.866530696902654,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "19c561695ec7f0d21f6d1516343530feb246720faf1bab9a5cad4f1b196e5fc9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:21.594000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:21.594000', 'bytes': 2525019136, 'norm_byte': 48429056, 'ops': 2465839, 'norm_ops': 47294, 'norm_ltcy': 21.16762816933702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:21.594000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:21.594000",
+ "bytes": 2525019136,
+ "norm_byte": 48429056,
+ "ops": 2465839,
+ "norm_ops": 47294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.16762816933702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "308fdb8a72b6a103eef358dc486c93492732a97db29b087e5b92d67b3928f4cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:22.595000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:22.595000', 'bytes': 2581330944, 'norm_byte': 56311808, 'ops': 2520831, 'norm_ops': 54992, 'norm_ltcy': 18.201884052453085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:22.595000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:22.595000",
+ "bytes": 2581330944,
+ "norm_byte": 56311808,
+ "ops": 2520831,
+ "norm_ops": 54992,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.201884052453085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1fedf235d085396417ca518ddd35b8e43743883e059f9659706bb283e9378dd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:23.597000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:23.597000', 'bytes': 2629508096, 'norm_byte': 48177152, 'ops': 2567879, 'norm_ops': 47048, 'norm_ltcy': 21.278738103904523, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:23.597000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:23.597000",
+ "bytes": 2629508096,
+ "norm_byte": 48177152,
+ "ops": 2567879,
+ "norm_ops": 47048,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.278738103904523,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1562ab50f44ef7f742f8ce806fb57e2598f44ee3d25d2e4d14535c834776c1a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:24.598000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:24.598000', 'bytes': 2677955584, 'norm_byte': 48447488, 'ops': 2615191, 'norm_ops': 47312, 'norm_ltcy': 21.159347828312583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:24.598000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:24.598000",
+ "bytes": 2677955584,
+ "norm_byte": 48447488,
+ "ops": 2615191,
+ "norm_ops": 47312,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.159347828312583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eaff23002b2db1da62d6032bb3489a7a79a01ddfa1bbc176697856a2c5b5d679",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:25.599000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:25.599000', 'bytes': 2738926592, 'norm_byte': 60971008, 'ops': 2674733, 'norm_ops': 59542, 'norm_ltcy': 16.812646430250915, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:25.599000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:25.599000",
+ "bytes": 2738926592,
+ "norm_byte": 60971008,
+ "ops": 2674733,
+ "norm_ops": 59542,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.812646430250915,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a962619e9a946535551a8062b5f93bc41c1be94290c8b68ba7ce5bf7a5937f68",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:26.600000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:26.600000', 'bytes': 2787447808, 'norm_byte': 48521216, 'ops': 2722117, 'norm_ops': 47384, 'norm_ltcy': 21.127294089249535, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:26.600000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:26.600000",
+ "bytes": 2787447808,
+ "norm_byte": 48521216,
+ "ops": 2722117,
+ "norm_ops": 47384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.127294089249535,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bcde9a9370eb05b05583f0a32cbd774ea7357fce883b71ec2f31bccb2f6cfe4c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:27.601000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:27.601000', 'bytes': 2848533504, 'norm_byte': 61085696, 'ops': 2781771, 'norm_ops': 59654, 'norm_ltcy': 16.781989354758274, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:27.601000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:27.601000",
+ "bytes": 2848533504,
+ "norm_byte": 61085696,
+ "ops": 2781771,
+ "norm_ops": 59654,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.781989354758274,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae27be60edc1ea36df7e9906d3d11e1763326d4bae18752c5875cda6f4279d39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:28.602000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:28.602000', 'bytes': 2897642496, 'norm_byte': 49108992, 'ops': 2829729, 'norm_ops': 47958, 'norm_ltcy': 20.87518921178427, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:28.602000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:28.602000",
+ "bytes": 2897642496,
+ "norm_byte": 49108992,
+ "ops": 2829729,
+ "norm_ops": 47958,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.87518921178427,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c84b340a6015cba3306b8a35b9095f1fffae3deef2e327fddf3d1fe9a9bd9ce9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:29.603000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:29.603000', 'bytes': 2955324416, 'norm_byte': 57681920, 'ops': 2886059, 'norm_ops': 56330, 'norm_ltcy': 17.772323632777827, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:29.603000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:29.603000",
+ "bytes": 2955324416,
+ "norm_byte": 57681920,
+ "ops": 2886059,
+ "norm_ops": 56330,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.772323632777827,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39d266cacce22639050c230ba1b78c99522d557eb3bdd3d8dad56947dfd7691d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:30.603000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:30.603000', 'bytes': 3009950720, 'norm_byte': 54626304, 'ops': 2939405, 'norm_ops': 53346, 'norm_ltcy': 18.749502071383045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:30.603000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:30.603000",
+ "bytes": 3009950720,
+ "norm_byte": 54626304,
+ "ops": 2939405,
+ "norm_ops": 53346,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.749502071383045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc20b4f0f69248f9fef9eab920df1b7b77fd30ebd4384612923e4d0d81f9d8b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:31.604000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:31.604000', 'bytes': 3064327168, 'norm_byte': 54376448, 'ops': 2992507, 'norm_ops': 53102, 'norm_ltcy': 18.850468129142968, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:31.604000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:31.604000",
+ "bytes": 3064327168,
+ "norm_byte": 54376448,
+ "ops": 2992507,
+ "norm_ops": 53102,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.850468129142968,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "511a0ac14f64f97e1576cea93e17f5a6d3f9c05c752bff8dadaf2ba7dad48abc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:32.605000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:32.605000', 'bytes': 3118736384, 'norm_byte': 54409216, 'ops': 3045641, 'norm_ops': 53134, 'norm_ltcy': 18.839156770794126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:32.605000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:32.605000",
+ "bytes": 3118736384,
+ "norm_byte": 54409216,
+ "ops": 3045641,
+ "norm_ops": 53134,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.839156770794126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1934875219afd7d03f8081acedddf5a269f248ff2fc46b4747f2162b8ce4b63b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:07:33.807000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:07:33.807000', 'bytes': 3173084160, 'norm_byte': 54347776, 'ops': 3098715, 'norm_ops': 53074, 'norm_ltcy': 22.632973058547968, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:07:33.807000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:07:33.807000",
+ "bytes": 3173084160,
+ "norm_byte": 54347776,
+ "ops": 3098715,
+ "norm_ops": 53074,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.632973058547968,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "51538780-c628-51de-b4e2-d369cb4287c0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "215a972fe2d1bc4402c0e676f22aa790c22b9eaca44a25b112e44ac418ce783f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 52884736.0
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 51645.25
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.981710365807515
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:07:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-106-220519230348/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-106-220519230348/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54d4422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-106-220519230348/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-106-220519230348/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-106-220519230348/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-106-220519230348/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-106-220519230348/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-106-220519230348/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bedcfe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-106-220519230348/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=100
+ net.core.busy_poll=180
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-107-220519230550/220519230550-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-107-220519230550/220519230550-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6421c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-107-220519230550/220519230550-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:08:33Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001714371.4111 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001715372.4624 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001715372.5100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001716373.5354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35179520 nr_ops:34355\ntimestamp_ms:1653001717374.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70188032 nr_ops:68543\ntimestamp_ms:1653001718375.7449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105643008 nr_ops:103167\ntimestamp_ms:1653001719376.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140942336 nr_ops:137639\ntimestamp_ms:1653001720377.9023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176012288 nr_ops:171887\ntimestamp_ms:1653001721379.0115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211139584 nr_ops:206191\ntimestamp_ms:1653001722380.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246766592 nr_ops:240983\ntimestamp_ms:1653001723381.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:281973760 nr_ops:275365\ntimestamp_ms:1653001724382.3083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317115392 nr_ops:309683\ntimestamp_ms:1653001725383.4033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352627712 nr_ops:344363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001726384.4944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:387703808 nr_ops:378617\ntimestamp_ms:1653001727385.5886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423099392 nr_ops:413183\ntimestamp_ms:1653001728386.6809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458105856 nr_ops:447369\ntimestamp_ms:1653001729387.7712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493157376 nr_ops:481599\ntimestamp_ms:1653001730388.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:528559104 nr_ops:516171\ntimestamp_ms:1653001731389.9712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563743744 nr_ops:550531\ntimestamp_ms:1653001732391.0706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:598738944 nr_ops:584706\ntimestamp_ms:1653001733392.1895 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634043392 nr_ops:619183\ntimestamp_ms:1653001734393.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:669348864 nr_ops:653661\ntimestamp_ms:1653001735394.4250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704574464 nr_ops:688061\ntimestamp_ms:1653001736395.5159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:739738624 nr_ops:722401\ntimestamp_ms:1653001737396.6106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:774745088 nr_ops:756587\ntimestamp_ms:1653001738397.7065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:810238976 nr_ops:791249\ntimestamp_ms:1653001739398.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845640704 nr_ops:825821\ntimestamp_ms:1653001740399.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880792576 nr_ops:860149\ntimestamp_ms:1653001741401.0283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916063232 nr_ops:894593\ntimestamp_ms:1653001742402.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950989824 nr_ops:928701\ntimestamp_ms:1653001743403.2712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986344448 nr_ops:963227\ntimestamp_ms:1653001744404.3589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021602816 nr_ops:997659\ntimestamp_ms:1653001745405.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1056846848 nr_ops:1032077\ntimestamp_ms:1653001746406.5559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1091955712 nr_ops:1066363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001747406.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1126544384 nr_ops:1100141\ntimestamp_ms:1653001748407.8728 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1161909248 nr_ops:1134677\ntimestamp_ms:1653001749408.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196965888 nr_ops:1168912\ntimestamp_ms:1653001750410.0376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1232520192 nr_ops:1203633\ntimestamp_ms:1653001751411.1313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267420160 nr_ops:1237715\ntimestamp_ms:1653001752412.2783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1302539264 nr_ops:1272011\ntimestamp_ms:1653001753413.3894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1337822208 nr_ops:1306467\ntimestamp_ms:1653001754414.4832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1373156352 nr_ops:1340973\ntimestamp_ms:1653001755415.5720 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408263168 nr_ops:1375257\ntimestamp_ms:1653001756416.6655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1443400704 nr_ops:1409571\ntimestamp_ms:1653001757417.7671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1478716416 nr_ops:1444059\ntimestamp_ms:1653001758418.8792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1513976832 nr_ops:1478493\ntimestamp_ms:1653001759419.9885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1549460480 nr_ops:1513145\ntimestamp_ms:1653001760421.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1584612352 nr_ops:1547473\ntimestamp_ms:1653001761422.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619907584 nr_ops:1581941\ntimestamp_ms:1653001762423.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1655399424 nr_ops:1616601\ntimestamp_ms:1653001763424.2966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1691001856 nr_ops:1651369\ntimestamp_ms:1653001764425.4229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726486528 nr_ops:1686022\ntimestamp_ms:1653001765426.5149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1761780736 nr_ops:1720489\ntimestamp_ms:1653001766427.6121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1796938752 nr_ops:1754823\ntimestamp_ms:1653001767428.7017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1832256512 nr_ops:1789313\ntimestamp_ms:1653001768429.8181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1867832320 nr_ops:1824055\ntimestamp_ms:1653001769430.9194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1903000576 nr_ops:1858399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001770432.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1938064384 nr_ops:1892641\ntimestamp_ms:1653001771433.1257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1973409792 nr_ops:1927158\ntimestamp_ms:1653001772434.2937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008972288 nr_ops:1961887\ntimestamp_ms:1653001773435.3945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2044175360 nr_ops:1996265\ntimestamp_ms:1653001774436.5027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2079403008 nr_ops:2030667\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140344280819456\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775637.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2114472960 nr_ops:2064915\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775637.9231 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775637.9277 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775738.1462 name:Total nr_bytes:2114472960 nr_ops:2064916\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775638.0188 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4228945918 nr_ops:4129832\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775638.0195 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2114472960 nr_ops:2064918\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 269.88us 0.00ns 269.88us 269.88us \nTxn1 1032458 58.10us 0.00ns 4.87ms 26.05us \nTxn2 1 28.00us 0.00ns 28.00us 28.00us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 269.33us 0.00ns 269.33us 269.33us \nwrite 1032458 3.91us 0.00ns 77.76us 2.23us \nread 1032457 54.09us 0.00ns 4.86ms 3.55us \ndisconnect 1 27.56us 0.00ns 27.56us 27.56us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16554 16554 144.35Mb/s 144.35Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.72b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.202 62.37s 1.97GB 271.22Mb/s 2064917 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.23Mb/s 2064918 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417335, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001714371.4111 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001715372.4624 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001715372.5100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001716373.5354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35179520 nr_ops:34355\ntimestamp_ms:1653001717374.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70188032 nr_ops:68543\ntimestamp_ms:1653001718375.7449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105643008 nr_ops:103167\ntimestamp_ms:1653001719376.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140942336 nr_ops:137639\ntimestamp_ms:1653001720377.9023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176012288 nr_ops:171887\ntimestamp_ms:1653001721379.0115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211139584 nr_ops:206191\ntimestamp_ms:1653001722380.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246766592 nr_ops:240983\ntimestamp_ms:1653001723381.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:281973760 nr_ops:275365\ntimestamp_ms:1653001724382.3083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317115392 nr_ops:309683\ntimestamp_ms:1653001725383.4033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352627712 nr_ops:344363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001726384.4944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:387703808 nr_ops:378617\ntimestamp_ms:1653001727385.5886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423099392 nr_ops:413183\ntimestamp_ms:1653001728386.6809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458105856 nr_ops:447369\ntimestamp_ms:1653001729387.7712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493157376 nr_ops:481599\ntimestamp_ms:1653001730388.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:528559104 nr_ops:516171\ntimestamp_ms:1653001731389.9712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563743744 nr_ops:550531\ntimestamp_ms:1653001732391.0706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:598738944 nr_ops:584706\ntimestamp_ms:1653001733392.1895 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634043392 nr_ops:619183\ntimestamp_ms:1653001734393.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:669348864 nr_ops:653661\ntimestamp_ms:1653001735394.4250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704574464 nr_ops:688061\ntimestamp_ms:1653001736395.5159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:739738624 nr_ops:722401\ntimestamp_ms:1653001737396.6106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:774745088 nr_ops:756587\ntimestamp_ms:1653001738397.7065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:810238976 nr_ops:791249\ntimestamp_ms:1653001739398.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845640704 nr_ops:825821\ntimestamp_ms:1653001740399.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880792576 nr_ops:860149\ntimestamp_ms:1653001741401.0283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916063232 nr_ops:894593\ntimestamp_ms:1653001742402.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950989824 nr_ops:928701\ntimestamp_ms:1653001743403.2712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986344448 nr_ops:963227\ntimestamp_ms:1653001744404.3589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021602816 nr_ops:997659\ntimestamp_ms:1653001745405.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1056846848 nr_ops:1032077\ntimestamp_ms:1653001746406.5559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1091955712 nr_ops:1066363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001747406.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1126544384 nr_ops:1100141\ntimestamp_ms:1653001748407.8728 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1161909248 nr_ops:1134677\ntimestamp_ms:1653001749408.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196965888 nr_ops:1168912\ntimestamp_ms:1653001750410.0376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1232520192 nr_ops:1203633\ntimestamp_ms:1653001751411.1313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267420160 nr_ops:1237715\ntimestamp_ms:1653001752412.2783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1302539264 nr_ops:1272011\ntimestamp_ms:1653001753413.3894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1337822208 nr_ops:1306467\ntimestamp_ms:1653001754414.4832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1373156352 nr_ops:1340973\ntimestamp_ms:1653001755415.5720 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408263168 nr_ops:1375257\ntimestamp_ms:1653001756416.6655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1443400704 nr_ops:1409571\ntimestamp_ms:1653001757417.7671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1478716416 nr_ops:1444059\ntimestamp_ms:1653001758418.8792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1513976832 nr_ops:1478493\ntimestamp_ms:1653001759419.9885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1549460480 nr_ops:1513145\ntimestamp_ms:1653001760421.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1584612352 nr_ops:1547473\ntimestamp_ms:1653001761422.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619907584 nr_ops:1581941\ntimestamp_ms:1653001762423.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1655399424 nr_ops:1616601\ntimestamp_ms:1653001763424.2966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1691001856 nr_ops:1651369\ntimestamp_ms:1653001764425.4229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726486528 nr_ops:1686022\ntimestamp_ms:1653001765426.5149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1761780736 nr_ops:1720489\ntimestamp_ms:1653001766427.6121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1796938752 nr_ops:1754823\ntimestamp_ms:1653001767428.7017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1832256512 nr_ops:1789313\ntimestamp_ms:1653001768429.8181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1867832320 nr_ops:1824055\ntimestamp_ms:1653001769430.9194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1903000576 nr_ops:1858399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001770432.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1938064384 nr_ops:1892641\ntimestamp_ms:1653001771433.1257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1973409792 nr_ops:1927158\ntimestamp_ms:1653001772434.2937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008972288 nr_ops:1961887\ntimestamp_ms:1653001773435.3945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2044175360 nr_ops:1996265\ntimestamp_ms:1653001774436.5027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2079403008 nr_ops:2030667\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140344280819456\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775637.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2114472960 nr_ops:2064915\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775637.9231 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775637.9277 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775738.1462 name:Total nr_bytes:2114472960 nr_ops:2064916\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775638.0188 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4228945918 nr_ops:4129832\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775638.0195 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2114472960 nr_ops:2064918\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 269.88us 0.00ns 269.88us 269.88us \nTxn1 1032458 58.10us 0.00ns 4.87ms 26.05us \nTxn2 1 28.00us 0.00ns 28.00us 28.00us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 269.33us 0.00ns 269.33us 269.33us \nwrite 1032458 3.91us 0.00ns 77.76us 2.23us \nread 1032457 54.09us 0.00ns 4.86ms 3.55us \ndisconnect 1 27.56us 0.00ns 27.56us 27.56us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16554 16554 144.35Mb/s 144.35Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.72b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.202 62.37s 1.97GB 271.22Mb/s 2064917 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.23Mb/s 2064918 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417335, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001714371.4111 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001715372.4624 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001715372.5100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001716373.5354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35179520 nr_ops:34355\ntimestamp_ms:1653001717374.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70188032 nr_ops:68543\ntimestamp_ms:1653001718375.7449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105643008 nr_ops:103167\ntimestamp_ms:1653001719376.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140942336 nr_ops:137639\ntimestamp_ms:1653001720377.9023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176012288 nr_ops:171887\ntimestamp_ms:1653001721379.0115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211139584 nr_ops:206191\ntimestamp_ms:1653001722380.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246766592 nr_ops:240983\ntimestamp_ms:1653001723381.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:281973760 nr_ops:275365\ntimestamp_ms:1653001724382.3083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317115392 nr_ops:309683\ntimestamp_ms:1653001725383.4033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352627712 nr_ops:344363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001726384.4944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:387703808 nr_ops:378617\ntimestamp_ms:1653001727385.5886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423099392 nr_ops:413183\ntimestamp_ms:1653001728386.6809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458105856 nr_ops:447369\ntimestamp_ms:1653001729387.7712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493157376 nr_ops:481599\ntimestamp_ms:1653001730388.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:528559104 nr_ops:516171\ntimestamp_ms:1653001731389.9712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563743744 nr_ops:550531\ntimestamp_ms:1653001732391.0706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:598738944 nr_ops:584706\ntimestamp_ms:1653001733392.1895 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634043392 nr_ops:619183\ntimestamp_ms:1653001734393.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:669348864 nr_ops:653661\ntimestamp_ms:1653001735394.4250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704574464 nr_ops:688061\ntimestamp_ms:1653001736395.5159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:739738624 nr_ops:722401\ntimestamp_ms:1653001737396.6106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:774745088 nr_ops:756587\ntimestamp_ms:1653001738397.7065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:810238976 nr_ops:791249\ntimestamp_ms:1653001739398.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845640704 nr_ops:825821\ntimestamp_ms:1653001740399.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880792576 nr_ops:860149\ntimestamp_ms:1653001741401.0283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916063232 nr_ops:894593\ntimestamp_ms:1653001742402.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950989824 nr_ops:928701\ntimestamp_ms:1653001743403.2712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986344448 nr_ops:963227\ntimestamp_ms:1653001744404.3589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021602816 nr_ops:997659\ntimestamp_ms:1653001745405.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1056846848 nr_ops:1032077\ntimestamp_ms:1653001746406.5559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1091955712 nr_ops:1066363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001747406.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1126544384 nr_ops:1100141\ntimestamp_ms:1653001748407.8728 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1161909248 nr_ops:1134677\ntimestamp_ms:1653001749408.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196965888 nr_ops:1168912\ntimestamp_ms:1653001750410.0376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1232520192 nr_ops:1203633\ntimestamp_ms:1653001751411.1313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267420160 nr_ops:1237715\ntimestamp_ms:1653001752412.2783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1302539264 nr_ops:1272011\ntimestamp_ms:1653001753413.3894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1337822208 nr_ops:1306467\ntimestamp_ms:1653001754414.4832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1373156352 nr_ops:1340973\ntimestamp_ms:1653001755415.5720 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408263168 nr_ops:1375257\ntimestamp_ms:1653001756416.6655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1443400704 nr_ops:1409571\ntimestamp_ms:1653001757417.7671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1478716416 nr_ops:1444059\ntimestamp_ms:1653001758418.8792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1513976832 nr_ops:1478493\ntimestamp_ms:1653001759419.9885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1549460480 nr_ops:1513145\ntimestamp_ms:1653001760421.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1584612352 nr_ops:1547473\ntimestamp_ms:1653001761422.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619907584 nr_ops:1581941\ntimestamp_ms:1653001762423.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1655399424 nr_ops:1616601\ntimestamp_ms:1653001763424.2966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1691001856 nr_ops:1651369\ntimestamp_ms:1653001764425.4229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726486528 nr_ops:1686022\ntimestamp_ms:1653001765426.5149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1761780736 nr_ops:1720489\ntimestamp_ms:1653001766427.6121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1796938752 nr_ops:1754823\ntimestamp_ms:1653001767428.7017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1832256512 nr_ops:1789313\ntimestamp_ms:1653001768429.8181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1867832320 nr_ops:1824055\ntimestamp_ms:1653001769430.9194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1903000576 nr_ops:1858399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001770432.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1938064384 nr_ops:1892641\ntimestamp_ms:1653001771433.1257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1973409792 nr_ops:1927158\ntimestamp_ms:1653001772434.2937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008972288 nr_ops:1961887\ntimestamp_ms:1653001773435.3945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2044175360 nr_ops:1996265\ntimestamp_ms:1653001774436.5027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2079403008 nr_ops:2030667\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140344280819456\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775637.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2114472960 nr_ops:2064915\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775637.9231 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775637.9277 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775738.1462 name:Total nr_bytes:2114472960 nr_ops:2064916\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775638.0188 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4228945918 nr_ops:4129832\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001775638.0195 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2114472960 nr_ops:2064918\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 269.88us 0.00ns 269.88us 269.88us \nTxn1 1032458 58.10us 0.00ns 4.87ms 26.05us \nTxn2 1 28.00us 0.00ns 28.00us 28.00us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 269.33us 0.00ns 269.33us 269.33us \nwrite 1032458 3.91us 0.00ns 77.76us 2.23us \nread 1032457 54.09us 0.00ns 4.86ms 3.55us \ndisconnect 1 27.56us 0.00ns 27.56us 27.56us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16554 16554 144.35Mb/s 144.35Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.72b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.202 62.37s 1.97GB 271.22Mb/s 2064917 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.23Mb/s 2064918 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417335, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001714371.4111 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001715372.4624 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001715372.5100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001716373.5354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35179520 nr_ops:34355
+timestamp_ms:1653001717374.6313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70188032 nr_ops:68543
+timestamp_ms:1653001718375.7449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105643008 nr_ops:103167
+timestamp_ms:1653001719376.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140942336 nr_ops:137639
+timestamp_ms:1653001720377.9023 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176012288 nr_ops:171887
+timestamp_ms:1653001721379.0115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211139584 nr_ops:206191
+timestamp_ms:1653001722380.1089 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246766592 nr_ops:240983
+timestamp_ms:1653001723381.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:281973760 nr_ops:275365
+timestamp_ms:1653001724382.3083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317115392 nr_ops:309683
+timestamp_ms:1653001725383.4033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352627712 nr_ops:344363
+timestamp_ms:1653001726384.4944 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:387703808 nr_ops:378617
+timestamp_ms:1653001727385.5886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423099392 nr_ops:413183
+timestamp_ms:1653001728386.6809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458105856 nr_ops:447369
+timestamp_ms:1653001729387.7712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493157376 nr_ops:481599
+timestamp_ms:1653001730388.8696 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:528559104 nr_ops:516171
+timestamp_ms:1653001731389.9712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563743744 nr_ops:550531
+timestamp_ms:1653001732391.0706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:598738944 nr_ops:584706
+timestamp_ms:1653001733392.1895 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634043392 nr_ops:619183
+timestamp_ms:1653001734393.3076 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:669348864 nr_ops:653661
+timestamp_ms:1653001735394.4250 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:704574464 nr_ops:688061
+timestamp_ms:1653001736395.5159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:739738624 nr_ops:722401
+timestamp_ms:1653001737396.6106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:774745088 nr_ops:756587
+timestamp_ms:1653001738397.7065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:810238976 nr_ops:791249
+timestamp_ms:1653001739398.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845640704 nr_ops:825821
+timestamp_ms:1653001740399.9346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:880792576 nr_ops:860149
+timestamp_ms:1653001741401.0283 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:916063232 nr_ops:894593
+timestamp_ms:1653001742402.1438 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:950989824 nr_ops:928701
+timestamp_ms:1653001743403.2712 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:986344448 nr_ops:963227
+timestamp_ms:1653001744404.3589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1021602816 nr_ops:997659
+timestamp_ms:1653001745405.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1056846848 nr_ops:1032077
+timestamp_ms:1653001746406.5559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1091955712 nr_ops:1066363
+timestamp_ms:1653001747406.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1126544384 nr_ops:1100141
+timestamp_ms:1653001748407.8728 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1161909248 nr_ops:1134677
+timestamp_ms:1653001749408.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196965888 nr_ops:1168912
+timestamp_ms:1653001750410.0376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1232520192 nr_ops:1203633
+timestamp_ms:1653001751411.1313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1267420160 nr_ops:1237715
+timestamp_ms:1653001752412.2783 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1302539264 nr_ops:1272011
+timestamp_ms:1653001753413.3894 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1337822208 nr_ops:1306467
+timestamp_ms:1653001754414.4832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1373156352 nr_ops:1340973
+timestamp_ms:1653001755415.5720 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1408263168 nr_ops:1375257
+timestamp_ms:1653001756416.6655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1443400704 nr_ops:1409571
+timestamp_ms:1653001757417.7671 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1478716416 nr_ops:1444059
+timestamp_ms:1653001758418.8792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1513976832 nr_ops:1478493
+timestamp_ms:1653001759419.9885 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1549460480 nr_ops:1513145
+timestamp_ms:1653001760421.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1584612352 nr_ops:1547473
+timestamp_ms:1653001761422.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619907584 nr_ops:1581941
+timestamp_ms:1653001762423.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1655399424 nr_ops:1616601
+timestamp_ms:1653001763424.2966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1691001856 nr_ops:1651369
+timestamp_ms:1653001764425.4229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1726486528 nr_ops:1686022
+timestamp_ms:1653001765426.5149 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1761780736 nr_ops:1720489
+timestamp_ms:1653001766427.6121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1796938752 nr_ops:1754823
+timestamp_ms:1653001767428.7017 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1832256512 nr_ops:1789313
+timestamp_ms:1653001768429.8181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1867832320 nr_ops:1824055
+timestamp_ms:1653001769430.9194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1903000576 nr_ops:1858399
+timestamp_ms:1653001770432.0315 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1938064384 nr_ops:1892641
+timestamp_ms:1653001771433.1257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1973409792 nr_ops:1927158
+timestamp_ms:1653001772434.2937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2008972288 nr_ops:1961887
+timestamp_ms:1653001773435.3945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2044175360 nr_ops:1996265
+timestamp_ms:1653001774436.5027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2079403008 nr_ops:2030667
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140344280819456
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653001775637.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2114472960 nr_ops:2064915
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001775637.9231 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001775637.9277 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001775738.1462 name:Total nr_bytes:2114472960 nr_ops:2064916
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001775638.0188 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4228945918 nr_ops:4129832
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001775638.0195 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2114472960 nr_ops:2064918
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 269.88us 0.00ns 269.88us 269.88us
+Txn1 1032458 58.10us 0.00ns 4.87ms 26.05us
+Txn2 1 28.00us 0.00ns 28.00us 28.00us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 269.33us 0.00ns 269.33us 269.33us
+write 1032458 3.91us 0.00ns 77.76us 2.23us
+read 1032457 54.09us 0.00ns 4.86ms 3.55us
+disconnect 1 27.56us 0.00ns 27.56us 27.56us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 16554 16554 144.35Mb/s 144.35Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.72b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.202 62.37s 1.97GB 271.22Mb/s 2064917 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.97GB 271.23Mb/s 2064918 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:36.373000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:36.373000', 'bytes': 35179520, 'norm_byte': 35179520, 'ops': 34355, 'norm_ops': 34355, 'norm_ltcy': 29.137691475040025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:36.373000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:36.373000",
+ "bytes": 35179520,
+ "norm_byte": 35179520,
+ "ops": 34355,
+ "norm_ops": 34355,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.137691475040025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce93be69d7fb74ebfb54d6ade2057b819335281786ce3d1ea6f6d612a82ad436",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:37.374000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:37.374000', 'bytes': 70188032, 'norm_byte': 35008512, 'ops': 68543, 'norm_ops': 34188, 'norm_ltcy': 29.28208573960527, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:37.374000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:37.374000",
+ "bytes": 70188032,
+ "norm_byte": 35008512,
+ "ops": 68543,
+ "norm_ops": 34188,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.28208573960527,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e86ca35c38ff39f5b5ffa0459e6bfd6c39eb8defe00e3f7b475d653ec794fb04",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:38.375000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:38.375000', 'bytes': 105643008, 'norm_byte': 35454976, 'ops': 103167, 'norm_ops': 34624, 'norm_ltcy': 28.913861061420544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:38.375000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:38.375000",
+ "bytes": 105643008,
+ "norm_byte": 35454976,
+ "ops": 103167,
+ "norm_ops": 34624,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.913861061420544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6268530e674f4cec581aa068b8d3856e640efc8892121f8ec694e2e17d0a11ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:39.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:39.376000', 'bytes': 140942336, 'norm_byte': 35299328, 'ops': 137639, 'norm_ops': 34472, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04087862522482, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:39.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:39.376000",
+ "bytes": 140942336,
+ "norm_byte": 35299328,
+ "ops": 137639,
+ "norm_ops": 34472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04087862522482,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dcd9bc693efd8e2ee8121a544b9e1fdf2b0b4a9e76f682370091eeb95c4bc42d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:40.377000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:40.377000', 'bytes': 176012288, 'norm_byte': 35069952, 'ops': 171887, 'norm_ops': 34248, 'norm_ltcy': 29.22974488245664, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:40.377000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:40.377000",
+ "bytes": 176012288,
+ "norm_byte": 35069952,
+ "ops": 171887,
+ "norm_ops": 34248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.22974488245664,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f4c6289b5b41cc9be5032e230353c73421b238f1483a71dff234d838d93d70e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:41.379000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:41.379000', 'bytes': 211139584, 'norm_byte': 35127296, 'ops': 206191, 'norm_ops': 34304, 'norm_ltcy': 29.18345180910025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:41.379000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:41.379000",
+ "bytes": 211139584,
+ "norm_byte": 35127296,
+ "ops": 206191,
+ "norm_ops": 34304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.18345180910025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85592d59b760ab69e12321b9522718750cb6f7cfad43abc43c1b85746e4f6cdf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:42.380000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:42.380000', 'bytes': 246766592, 'norm_byte': 35627008, 'ops': 240983, 'norm_ops': 34792, 'norm_ltcy': 28.77378167709172, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:42.380000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:42.380000",
+ "bytes": 246766592,
+ "norm_byte": 35627008,
+ "ops": 240983,
+ "norm_ops": 34792,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.77378167709172,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa9f699171a80f93e896747d9945b17090644dbac0c73de5d63e46c41788b4ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:43.381000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:43.381000', 'bytes': 281973760, 'norm_byte': 35207168, 'ops': 275365, 'norm_ops': 34382, 'norm_ltcy': 29.116783832201442, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:43.381000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:43.381000",
+ "bytes": 281973760,
+ "norm_byte": 35207168,
+ "ops": 275365,
+ "norm_ops": 34382,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.116783832201442,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e8d6c431567e12428f5176d7d68dfc94933949d61daee90994c202726be3fc3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:44.382000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:44.382000', 'bytes': 317115392, 'norm_byte': 35141632, 'ops': 309683, 'norm_ops': 34318, 'norm_ltcy': 29.171461075000728, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:44.382000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:44.382000",
+ "bytes": 317115392,
+ "norm_byte": 35141632,
+ "ops": 309683,
+ "norm_ops": 34318,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.171461075000728,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8fd8424ab9aa1711cc3b0a650f6d2e4bf0c969a575c268956ed535b9aea1ab8e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:45.383000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:45.383000', 'bytes': 352627712, 'norm_byte': 35512320, 'ops': 344363, 'norm_ops': 34680, 'norm_ltcy': 28.86663698682598, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:45.383000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:45.383000",
+ "bytes": 352627712,
+ "norm_byte": 35512320,
+ "ops": 344363,
+ "norm_ops": 34680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.86663698682598,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f15c74f188da5325ff58b39ada5be2f91017010d7285df9fa378b7eb6757ed4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:46.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:46.384000', 'bytes': 387703808, 'norm_byte': 35076096, 'ops': 378617, 'norm_ops': 34254, 'norm_ltcy': 29.22552298864731, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:46.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:46.384000",
+ "bytes": 387703808,
+ "norm_byte": 35076096,
+ "ops": 378617,
+ "norm_ops": 34254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.22552298864731,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d5bc0b02d95620f92e7a380bd3a22d7075a5ad5a7d60947c2b7d4876b85c95d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:47.385000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:47.385000', 'bytes': 423099392, 'norm_byte': 35395584, 'ops': 413183, 'norm_ops': 34566, 'norm_ltcy': 28.961819078899786, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:47.385000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:47.385000",
+ "bytes": 423099392,
+ "norm_byte": 35395584,
+ "ops": 413183,
+ "norm_ops": 34566,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.961819078899786,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d1c123d3f222f5438e8dd0b6e76261f3cbe8f08ea6bf5a5a2b5d1817510b26a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:48.386000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:48.386000', 'bytes': 458105856, 'norm_byte': 35006464, 'ops': 447369, 'norm_ops': 34186, 'norm_ltcy': 29.28369172047768, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:48.386000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:48.386000",
+ "bytes": 458105856,
+ "norm_byte": 35006464,
+ "ops": 447369,
+ "norm_ops": 34186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.28369172047768,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c45d886b06df196128c017d0997466a991253a8bd784ca3133afa6bdc75f6a7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:49.387000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:49.387000', 'bytes': 493157376, 'norm_byte': 35051520, 'ops': 481599, 'norm_ops': 34230, 'norm_ltcy': 29.245992755806313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:49.387000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:49.387000",
+ "bytes": 493157376,
+ "norm_byte": 35051520,
+ "ops": 481599,
+ "norm_ops": 34230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.245992755806313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01ac32e77577f932b91fbc05e86c572a0a6fcb52b84f89d1750aeec889df6e3b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:50.388000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:50.388000', 'bytes': 528559104, 'norm_byte': 35401728, 'ops': 516171, 'norm_ops': 34572, 'norm_ltcy': 28.95691278120661, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:50.388000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:50.388000",
+ "bytes": 528559104,
+ "norm_byte": 35401728,
+ "ops": 516171,
+ "norm_ops": 34572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.95691278120661,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4425b263512c752a847cd114aa4b498f16a191c58a26e12f464fe8adfa23e2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:51.389000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:51.389000', 'bytes': 563743744, 'norm_byte': 35184640, 'ops': 550531, 'norm_ops': 34360, 'norm_ltcy': 29.13566829161816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:51.389000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:51.389000",
+ "bytes": 563743744,
+ "norm_byte": 35184640,
+ "ops": 550531,
+ "norm_ops": 34360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.13566829161816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85fa407b8726b48ffc06d67eb0b948ed7a473f75aff1e9172efa444874a827d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:52.391000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:52.391000', 'bytes': 598738944, 'norm_byte': 34995200, 'ops': 584706, 'norm_ops': 34175, 'norm_ltcy': 29.29332451307608, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:52.391000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:52.391000",
+ "bytes": 598738944,
+ "norm_byte": 34995200,
+ "ops": 584706,
+ "norm_ops": 34175,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.29332451307608,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "982dddb3239599ce5156b0d3fff4abb616f479ee4a11bffaf24104981b1b2c10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:53.392000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:53.392000', 'bytes': 634043392, 'norm_byte': 35304448, 'ops': 619183, 'norm_ops': 34477, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03729722668373, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:53.392000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:53.392000",
+ "bytes": 634043392,
+ "norm_byte": 35304448,
+ "ops": 619183,
+ "norm_ops": 34477,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03729722668373,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "57b0afedbea80896b7ed9c487d36ad1187c3ed8ec10933c8fcdf8a401d85255e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:54.393000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:54.393000', 'bytes': 669348864, 'norm_byte': 35305472, 'ops': 653661, 'norm_ops': 34478, 'norm_ltcy': 29.036433785674923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:54.393000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:54.393000",
+ "bytes": 669348864,
+ "norm_byte": 35305472,
+ "ops": 653661,
+ "norm_ops": 34478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.036433785674923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc41741cb19d04ee236bbd509ad2c43bab1b91463d304d87d7c69bab2105b49a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:55.394000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:55.394000', 'bytes': 704574464, 'norm_byte': 35225600, 'ops': 688061, 'norm_ops': 34400, 'norm_ltcy': 29.10225091978561, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:55.394000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:55.394000",
+ "bytes": 704574464,
+ "norm_byte": 35225600,
+ "ops": 688061,
+ "norm_ops": 34400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.10225091978561,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d54becc86908bad334b12e45ea4ec97b6d913398805decd1f731853620b7b914",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:56.395000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:56.395000', 'bytes': 739738624, 'norm_byte': 35164160, 'ops': 722401, 'norm_ops': 34340, 'norm_ltcy': 29.152324412128714, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:56.395000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:56.395000",
+ "bytes": 739738624,
+ "norm_byte": 35164160,
+ "ops": 722401,
+ "norm_ops": 34340,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.152324412128714,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b955055c4962a6b5adfec5334bb84a4ad9925eea32d2aabd8113c019f6c50e60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:57.396000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:57.396000', 'bytes': 774745088, 'norm_byte': 35006464, 'ops': 756587, 'norm_ops': 34186, 'norm_ltcy': 29.28376313585971, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:57.396000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:57.396000",
+ "bytes": 774745088,
+ "norm_byte": 35006464,
+ "ops": 756587,
+ "norm_ops": 34186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.28376313585971,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6439c13b380f90d12c60595174e4fece1c92fe3b807b0b56f6569edd9fba1d0a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:58.397000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:58.397000', 'bytes': 810238976, 'norm_byte': 35493888, 'ops': 791249, 'norm_ops': 34662, 'norm_ltcy': 28.881655624765592, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:58.397000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:58.397000",
+ "bytes": 810238976,
+ "norm_byte": 35493888,
+ "ops": 791249,
+ "norm_ops": 34662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.881655624765592,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08f5a748a625a1cfe0f7cfd4596ed2e78cad9caf4a559c4e880fd862210e5019",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:08:59.398000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:08:59.398000', 'bytes': 845640704, 'norm_byte': 35401728, 'ops': 825821, 'norm_ops': 34572, 'norm_ltcy': 28.95815565839046, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:08:59.398000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:08:59.398000",
+ "bytes": 845640704,
+ "norm_byte": 35401728,
+ "ops": 825821,
+ "norm_ops": 34572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.95815565839046,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b43e8e271fa9087f8b69e83bb0abe825f60ffd16134d25f923006821a5cdf2f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:00.399000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:00.399000', 'bytes': 880792576, 'norm_byte': 35151872, 'ops': 860149, 'norm_ops': 34328, 'norm_ltcy': 29.162394253142477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:00.399000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:00.399000",
+ "bytes": 880792576,
+ "norm_byte": 35151872,
+ "ops": 860149,
+ "norm_ops": 34328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.162394253142477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0dcdbb035207cd9871453e2a4c3becdfc6b5ed427f14cba0f21a21a535dee021",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:01.401000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:01.401000', 'bytes': 916063232, 'norm_byte': 35270656, 'ops': 894593, 'norm_ops': 34444, 'norm_ltcy': 29.064387121124142, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:01.401000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:01.401000",
+ "bytes": 916063232,
+ "norm_byte": 35270656,
+ "ops": 894593,
+ "norm_ops": 34444,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.064387121124142,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "875718f751a981000b86324d6c489ef82ca68822154fcf134684640a2966178c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:02.402000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:02.402000', 'bytes': 950989824, 'norm_byte': 34926592, 'ops': 928701, 'norm_ops': 34108, 'norm_ltcy': 29.351339231723497, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:02.402000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:02.402000",
+ "bytes": 950989824,
+ "norm_byte": 34926592,
+ "ops": 928701,
+ "norm_ops": 34108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.351339231723497,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "027d6e27cd862c1e43577c2ea196b6e8f6e42ff325efcac26b2bca93294ae7e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:03.403000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:03.403000', 'bytes': 986344448, 'norm_byte': 35354624, 'ops': 963227, 'norm_ops': 34526, 'norm_ltcy': 28.99633439744685, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:03.403000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:03.403000",
+ "bytes": 986344448,
+ "norm_byte": 35354624,
+ "ops": 963227,
+ "norm_ops": 34526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.99633439744685,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b3275169c4709797ac72bbab5a9df169f603191f23df84b8ac95d10de891063",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:04.404000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:04.404000', 'bytes': 1021602816, 'norm_byte': 35258368, 'ops': 997659, 'norm_ops': 34432, 'norm_ltcy': 29.074339175312936, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:04.404000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:04.404000",
+ "bytes": 1021602816,
+ "norm_byte": 35258368,
+ "ops": 997659,
+ "norm_ops": 34432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.074339175312936,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "558300291404f68332d38f95436d6d7cfc36d45c6d663e5d38cc1f4b98627a47",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:05.405000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:05.405000', 'bytes': 1056846848, 'norm_byte': 35244032, 'ops': 1032077, 'norm_ops': 34418, 'norm_ltcy': 29.08647058316143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:05.405000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:05.405000",
+ "bytes": 1056846848,
+ "norm_byte": 35244032,
+ "ops": 1032077,
+ "norm_ops": 34418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.08647058316143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e9ceb2efef26240b5fd1c670d142a65b17de8bab89b5ac30e2c0aead58c7dba",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:06.406000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:06.406000', 'bytes': 1091955712, 'norm_byte': 35108864, 'ops': 1066363, 'norm_ops': 34286, 'norm_ltcy': 29.198473923850113, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:06.406000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:06.406000",
+ "bytes": 1091955712,
+ "norm_byte": 35108864,
+ "ops": 1066363,
+ "norm_ops": 34286,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.198473923850113,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39ad4e10892b240baffe797ba002e165da82713086d75d9ea08bbde14883d3aa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:07.406000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:07.406000', 'bytes': 1126544384, 'norm_byte': 34588672, 'ops': 1100141, 'norm_ops': 33778, 'norm_ltcy': 29.613351446392624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:07.406000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:07.406000",
+ "bytes": 1126544384,
+ "norm_byte": 34588672,
+ "ops": 1100141,
+ "norm_ops": 33778,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.613351446392624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "268723ca3b75f0bd4c36d2f7dbdcc5880b04bce1d7f7c66380ce64977117a710",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:08.407000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:08.407000', 'bytes': 1161909248, 'norm_byte': 35364864, 'ops': 1134677, 'norm_ops': 34536, 'norm_ltcy': 28.9853228334202, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:08.407000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:08.407000",
+ "bytes": 1161909248,
+ "norm_byte": 35364864,
+ "ops": 1134677,
+ "norm_ops": 34536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.9853228334202,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "69febaf24a3501676f773fa693fff9da59e9c556d94d3ae3dc03ab4b0a930dad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:09.408000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:09.408000', 'bytes': 1196965888, 'norm_byte': 35056640, 'ops': 1168912, 'norm_ops': 34235, 'norm_ltcy': 29.2405946491164, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:09.408000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:09.408000",
+ "bytes": 1196965888,
+ "norm_byte": 35056640,
+ "ops": 1168912,
+ "norm_ops": 34235,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.2405946491164,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "454fcfd258b58faf0c6f8af7e5870cc014dd57b72dec8f34b69f01f2aef20ea0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:10.410000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:10.410000', 'bytes': 1232520192, 'norm_byte': 35554304, 'ops': 1203633, 'norm_ops': 34721, 'norm_ltcy': 28.83307039282783, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:10.410000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:10.410000",
+ "bytes": 1232520192,
+ "norm_byte": 35554304,
+ "ops": 1203633,
+ "norm_ops": 34721,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.83307039282783,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60f1131aff9e8aadcb98edac1d526f164006a97d8bd87ad34149182033e69f01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:11.411000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:11.411000', 'bytes': 1267420160, 'norm_byte': 34899968, 'ops': 1237715, 'norm_ops': 34082, 'norm_ltcy': 29.373092834927526, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:11.411000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:11.411000",
+ "bytes": 1267420160,
+ "norm_byte": 34899968,
+ "ops": 1237715,
+ "norm_ops": 34082,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.373092834927526,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8062ada1d0784590c30b7a3e7571b4fb408c057276c6ebf471cbaa7645e42268",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:12.412000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:12.412000', 'bytes': 1302539264, 'norm_byte': 35119104, 'ops': 1272011, 'norm_ops': 34296, 'norm_ltcy': 29.191362627019185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:12.412000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:12.412000",
+ "bytes": 1302539264,
+ "norm_byte": 35119104,
+ "ops": 1272011,
+ "norm_ops": 34296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.191362627019185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a9c35afb321680ec14caeb80e45605087646682900dcffb59f883efc8800423",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:13.413000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:13.413000', 'bytes': 1337822208, 'norm_byte': 35282944, 'ops': 1306467, 'norm_ops': 34456, 'norm_ltcy': 29.054767935464795, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:13.413000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:13.413000",
+ "bytes": 1337822208,
+ "norm_byte": 35282944,
+ "ops": 1306467,
+ "norm_ops": 34456,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.054767935464795,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ce5336be73998dfd33a74cee8d464703738e28304dd9298825761353463b7e5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:14.414000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:14.414000', 'bytes': 1373156352, 'norm_byte': 35334144, 'ops': 1340973, 'norm_ops': 34506, 'norm_ltcy': 29.012164551092564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:14.414000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:14.414000",
+ "bytes": 1373156352,
+ "norm_byte": 35334144,
+ "ops": 1340973,
+ "norm_ops": 34506,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.012164551092564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6bc791bc71d0473afbd58543447ed33043e716930b336a39b2126c4ba27ebc29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:15.415000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:15.415000', 'bytes': 1408263168, 'norm_byte': 35106816, 'ops': 1375257, 'norm_ops': 34284, 'norm_ltcy': 29.199885287233112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:15.415000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:15.415000",
+ "bytes": 1408263168,
+ "norm_byte": 35106816,
+ "ops": 1375257,
+ "norm_ops": 34284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.199885287233112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87f5372aebb65e6bfbf51d796d2453859973b9e073469f4eb8983702f3f0e8a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:16.416000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:16.416000', 'bytes': 1443400704, 'norm_byte': 35137536, 'ops': 1409571, 'norm_ops': 34314, 'norm_ltcy': 29.17449163196873, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:16.416000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:16.416000",
+ "bytes": 1443400704,
+ "norm_byte": 35137536,
+ "ops": 1409571,
+ "norm_ops": 34314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.17449163196873,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e0f16c4a2ca36ee01b56ff9b4129f239acd7bceb67c4ae89d616b3a14e679fab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:17.417000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:17.417000', 'bytes': 1478716416, 'norm_byte': 35315712, 'ops': 1444059, 'norm_ops': 34488, 'norm_ltcy': 29.027533127464626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:17.417000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:17.417000",
+ "bytes": 1478716416,
+ "norm_byte": 35315712,
+ "ops": 1444059,
+ "norm_ops": 34488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.027533127464626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e782f2ab44fdefa9eb34ab77722dea77919468368db39bb6892df4ea01ffe7d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:18.418000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:18.418000', 'bytes': 1513976832, 'norm_byte': 35260416, 'ops': 1478493, 'norm_ops': 34434, 'norm_ltcy': 29.073359486172823, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:18.418000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:18.418000",
+ "bytes": 1513976832,
+ "norm_byte": 35260416,
+ "ops": 1478493,
+ "norm_ops": 34434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.073359486172823,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9451c8a0479bdc62bb5a1b8c14502cdc6a0cfbf992e42e3e9ca4c09b377fe0bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:19.419000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:19.419000', 'bytes': 1549460480, 'norm_byte': 35483648, 'ops': 1513145, 'norm_ops': 34652, 'norm_ltcy': 28.890377900265495, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:19.419000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:19.419000",
+ "bytes": 1549460480,
+ "norm_byte": 35483648,
+ "ops": 1513145,
+ "norm_ops": 34652,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.890377900265495,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6dba16d19808e013d843202a1cc23e0bc99670e4bc07ae941050110004e0401e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:20.421000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:20.421000', 'bytes': 1584612352, 'norm_byte': 35151872, 'ops': 1547473, 'norm_ops': 34328, 'norm_ltcy': 29.160843837847384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:20.421000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:20.421000",
+ "bytes": 1584612352,
+ "norm_byte": 35151872,
+ "ops": 1547473,
+ "norm_ops": 34328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.160843837847384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f0fad75c0edf7143ba6b58a22ef408c8c05c8d1631041593555d3d511cc8d1e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:21.422000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:21.422000', 'bytes': 1619907584, 'norm_byte': 35295232, 'ops': 1581941, 'norm_ops': 34468, 'norm_ltcy': 29.044050482512763, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:21.422000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:21.422000",
+ "bytes": 1619907584,
+ "norm_byte": 35295232,
+ "ops": 1581941,
+ "norm_ops": 34468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.044050482512763,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "659baaf9ee80c6be2eb607c4f904658380505f1bd2755a10b2573b7dc95406a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:22.423000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:22.423000', 'bytes': 1655399424, 'norm_byte': 35491840, 'ops': 1616601, 'norm_ops': 34660, 'norm_ltcy': 28.883308106877525, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:22.423000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:22.423000",
+ "bytes": 1655399424,
+ "norm_byte": 35491840,
+ "ops": 1616601,
+ "norm_ops": 34660,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.883308106877525,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6a9de7445dfa6e147c1543b841920acb4517da42221140d3291fb1e4246e1f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:23.424000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:23.424000', 'bytes': 1691001856, 'norm_byte': 35602432, 'ops': 1651369, 'norm_ops': 34768, 'norm_ltcy': 28.793398158867348, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:23.424000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:23.424000",
+ "bytes": 1691001856,
+ "norm_byte": 35602432,
+ "ops": 1651369,
+ "norm_ops": 34768,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.793398158867348,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea05095d3cd4fd8a0b45b52ae83e5cdff44a9bdd11e82b8e164fd378cb3ca4e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:24.425000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:24.425000', 'bytes': 1726486528, 'norm_byte': 35484672, 'ops': 1686022, 'norm_ops': 34653, 'norm_ltcy': 28.890030320697342, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:24.425000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:24.425000",
+ "bytes": 1726486528,
+ "norm_byte": 35484672,
+ "ops": 1686022,
+ "norm_ops": 34653,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.890030320697342,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e48fc8dfef6006c00e4dbadf042a7c7399186b77765bbb2a53d887543c683dee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:25.426000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:25.426000', 'bytes': 1761780736, 'norm_byte': 35294208, 'ops': 1720489, 'norm_ops': 34467, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04494272827995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:25.426000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:25.426000",
+ "bytes": 1761780736,
+ "norm_byte": 35294208,
+ "ops": 1720489,
+ "norm_ops": 34467,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04494272827995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e62fcc322861721773687a710edc956c2f459d2d5f707e2d21ee85e7816a1d6a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:26.427000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:26.427000', 'bytes': 1796938752, 'norm_byte': 35158016, 'ops': 1754823, 'norm_ops': 34334, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15760377377381, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:26.427000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:26.427000",
+ "bytes": 1796938752,
+ "norm_byte": 35158016,
+ "ops": 1754823,
+ "norm_ops": 34334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15760377377381,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "62a2aa35492ae0da39cc32cea8823b0881317d1335828dd2fbb8a8600c8a5a10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:27.428000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:27.428000', 'bytes': 1832256512, 'norm_byte': 35317760, 'ops': 1789313, 'norm_ops': 34490, 'norm_ltcy': 29.025503033034937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:27.428000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:27.428000",
+ "bytes": 1832256512,
+ "norm_byte": 35317760,
+ "ops": 1789313,
+ "norm_ops": 34490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.025503033034937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15cc12ff50d5cea38ea0c4accde21ea630dc13703e9ecb20f7edf42a0c07b58b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:28.429000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:28.429000', 'bytes': 1867832320, 'norm_byte': 35575808, 'ops': 1824055, 'norm_ops': 34742, 'norm_ltcy': 28.81574046048371, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:28.429000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:28.429000",
+ "bytes": 1867832320,
+ "norm_byte": 35575808,
+ "ops": 1824055,
+ "norm_ops": 34742,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.81574046048371,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a16011d93d749256be3a0194a2c100ec1a9a383c0143382b8be1b67f538f1cdb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:29.430000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:29.430000', 'bytes': 1903000576, 'norm_byte': 35168256, 'ops': 1858399, 'norm_ops': 34344, 'norm_ltcy': 29.14923475306822, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:29.430000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:29.430000",
+ "bytes": 1903000576,
+ "norm_byte": 35168256,
+ "ops": 1858399,
+ "norm_ops": 34344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.14923475306822,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc626ec4f474ff39f79ee511361d070c4439d2025755e9d13c71d11fc2aa19da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:30.432000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:30.432000', 'bytes': 1938064384, 'norm_byte': 35063808, 'ops': 1892641, 'norm_ops': 34242, 'norm_ltcy': 29.236378148089337, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:30.432000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:30.432000",
+ "bytes": 1938064384,
+ "norm_byte": 35063808,
+ "ops": 1892641,
+ "norm_ops": 34242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.236378148089337,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf0afc5e7fead63d9317c27f4c3f9c6404785305119469fba5cb03441e57be4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:31.433000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:31.433000', 'bytes': 1973409792, 'norm_byte': 35345408, 'ops': 1927158, 'norm_ops': 34517, 'norm_ltcy': 29.002932997689545, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:31.433000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:31.433000",
+ "bytes": 1973409792,
+ "norm_byte": 35345408,
+ "ops": 1927158,
+ "norm_ops": 34517,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.002932997689545,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bafd6421d4221c5ba1202bd16a4f8610aa56e2c771ffba5f85261ab7b05c2b30",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:32.434000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:32.434000', 'bytes': 2008972288, 'norm_byte': 35562496, 'ops': 1961887, 'norm_ops': 34729, 'norm_ltcy': 28.82801027239483, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:32.434000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:32.434000",
+ "bytes": 2008972288,
+ "norm_byte": 35562496,
+ "ops": 1961887,
+ "norm_ops": 34729,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.82801027239483,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47b7a1bb2f28624d58bc2cca20c7f097f7ca898a5fe62ab6ffda52a32ef418e3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:33.435000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:33.435000', 'bytes': 2044175360, 'norm_byte': 35203072, 'ops': 1996265, 'norm_ops': 34378, 'norm_ltcy': 29.120391822622754, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:33.435000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:33.435000",
+ "bytes": 2044175360,
+ "norm_byte": 35203072,
+ "ops": 1996265,
+ "norm_ops": 34378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.120391822622754,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7be8ac5fdb0bf56cca203fc01df5312d95488ffba74442960108e1d6563fc95c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:34.436000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:34.436000', 'bytes': 2079403008, 'norm_byte': 35227648, 'ops': 2030667, 'norm_ops': 34402, 'norm_ltcy': 29.100289352272398, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:34.436000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:34.436000",
+ "bytes": 2079403008,
+ "norm_byte": 35227648,
+ "ops": 2030667,
+ "norm_ops": 34402,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.100289352272398,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20aacda1355d3212bc260e28df6a783d16504c06dac2c2ef0870eb8a2926ccbd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:09:35.637000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:09:35.637000', 'bytes': 2114472960, 'norm_byte': 35069952, 'ops': 2064915, 'norm_ops': 34248, 'norm_ltcy': 35.07859805453968, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:09:35.637000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:09:35.637000",
+ "bytes": 2114472960,
+ "norm_byte": 35069952,
+ "ops": 2064915,
+ "norm_ops": 34248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.07859805453968,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "01bb8b9b-5f0d-52d2-a82a-cd372fe17903",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "68a5683fa92ea021fb0ac29c37fff21295862d6a96d632d1e628ea1286af1cd2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35241216.0
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34415.25
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.3524269118837
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:09:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-107-220519230550/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-107-220519230550/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8fb00d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-107-220519230550/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-107-220519230550/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-107-220519230550/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-107-220519230550/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-107-220519230550/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-107-220519230550/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbc223b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-107-220519230550/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=55
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=150
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-108-220519230751/220519230751-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-108-220519230751/220519230751-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dfb8f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-108-220519230751/220519230751-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:10:35Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001836180.4856 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001837181.6121 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001837181.6978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001838182.7871 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:40700928 nr_ops:39747\ntimestamp_ms:1653001839183.8838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81339392 nr_ops:79433\ntimestamp_ms:1653001840184.8948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:122268672 nr_ops:119403\ntimestamp_ms:1653001841185.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:163490816 nr_ops:159659\ntimestamp_ms:1653001842186.9302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:209085440 nr_ops:204185\ntimestamp_ms:1653001843188.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257829888 nr_ops:251787\ntimestamp_ms:1653001844189.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:306443264 nr_ops:299261\ntimestamp_ms:1653001845190.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352594944 nr_ops:344331\ntimestamp_ms:1653001846191.3118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:393229312 nr_ops:384013\ntimestamp_ms:1653001847192.4036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:433560576 nr_ops:423399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001848193.4966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:480608256 nr_ops:469344\ntimestamp_ms:1653001849194.5879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529378304 nr_ops:516971\ntimestamp_ms:1653001850195.6841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:577778688 nr_ops:564237\ntimestamp_ms:1653001851196.7815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:626041856 nr_ops:611369\ntimestamp_ms:1653001852197.8809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:674100224 nr_ops:658301\ntimestamp_ms:1653001853198.9744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:722994176 nr_ops:706049\ntimestamp_ms:1653001854200.0115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771599360 nr_ops:753515\ntimestamp_ms:1653001855201.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820683776 nr_ops:801449\ntimestamp_ms:1653001856202.2349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:869526528 nr_ops:849147\ntimestamp_ms:1653001857203.3293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918615040 nr_ops:897085\ntimestamp_ms:1653001858203.9092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:967318528 nr_ops:944647\ntimestamp_ms:1653001859205.0032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1015206912 nr_ops:991413\ntimestamp_ms:1653001860206.1741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1064233984 nr_ops:1039291\ntimestamp_ms:1653001861207.2703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1112648704 nr_ops:1086571\ntimestamp_ms:1653001862208.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1161204736 nr_ops:1133989\ntimestamp_ms:1653001863209.4626 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209547776 nr_ops:1181199\ntimestamp_ms:1653001864210.5588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1257407488 nr_ops:1227937\ntimestamp_ms:1653001865211.6565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305783296 nr_ops:1275179\ntimestamp_ms:1653001866212.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1355262976 nr_ops:1323499\ntimestamp_ms:1653001867213.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1404754944 nr_ops:1371831\ntimestamp_ms:1653001868215.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1453477888 nr_ops:1419412\ntimestamp_ms:1653001869216.1252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1501959168 nr_ops:1466757\ntimestamp_ms:1653001870217.2241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1551260672 nr_ops:1514903\ntimestamp_ms:1653001871218.3206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1600779264 nr_ops:1563261\ntimestamp_ms:1653001872219.4231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650340864 nr_ops:1611661\ntimestamp_ms:1653001873220.5278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1699214336 nr_ops:1659389\ntimestamp_ms:1653001874221.6260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1747840000 nr_ops:1706875\ntimestamp_ms:1653001875222.7246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797045248 nr_ops:1754927\ntimestamp_ms:1653001876223.8191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1846019072 nr_ops:1802753\ntimestamp_ms:1653001877224.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1895525376 nr_ops:1851099\ntimestamp_ms:1653001878226.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1945119744 nr_ops:1899531\ntimestamp_ms:1653001879227.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1993927680 nr_ops:1947195\ntimestamp_ms:1653001880228.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042422272 nr_ops:1994553\ntimestamp_ms:1653001881229.3113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2091848704 nr_ops:2042821\ntimestamp_ms:1653001882230.4106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2141459456 nr_ops:2091269\ntimestamp_ms:1653001883231.5139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2190773248 nr_ops:2139427\ntimestamp_ms:1653001884232.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2239640576 nr_ops:2187149\ntimestamp_ms:1653001885233.7146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2288571392 nr_ops:2234933\ntimestamp_ms:1653001886234.8174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2338395136 nr_ops:2283589\ntimestamp_ms:1653001887235.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2387635200 nr_ops:2331675\ntimestamp_ms:1653001888237.0276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435613696 nr_ops:2378529\ntimestamp_ms:1653001889238.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2484179968 nr_ops:2425957\ntimestamp_ms:1653001890239.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2533264384 nr_ops:2473891\ntimestamp_ms:1653001891240.3125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2582795264 nr_ops:2522261\ntimestamp_ms:1653001892241.4065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2628373504 nr_ops:2566771\ntimestamp_ms:1653001893242.5063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2668968960 nr_ops:2606415\ntimestamp_ms:1653001894243.6055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2709189632 nr_ops:2645693\ntimestamp_ms:1653001895244.7019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2749963264 nr_ops:2685511\ntimestamp_ms:1653001896245.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790910976 nr_ops:2725499\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139780523702016\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.2026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2831762432 nr_ops:2765393\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.2612 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.2646 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897547.4644 name:Total nr_bytes:2831762432 nr_ops:2765394\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.3621 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5663524862 nr_ops:5530788\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.3625 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2831762432 nr_ops:2765396\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 250.23us 0.00ns 250.23us 250.23us \nTxn1 1382697 43.41us 0.00ns 4.50ms 18.55us \nTxn2 1 47.46us 0.00ns 47.46us 47.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 249.59us 0.00ns 249.59us 249.59us \nwrite 1382697 2.46us 0.00ns 258.25us 2.15us \nread 1382696 40.88us 0.00ns 4.50ms 1.27us \ndisconnect 1 47.11us 0.00ns 47.11us 47.11us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.71b/s \nnet1 22170 22170 193.32Mb/s 193.32Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.203 62.37s 2.64GB 363.23Mb/s 2765396 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.64GB 363.23Mb/s 2765396 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417768, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001836180.4856 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001837181.6121 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001837181.6978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001838182.7871 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:40700928 nr_ops:39747\ntimestamp_ms:1653001839183.8838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81339392 nr_ops:79433\ntimestamp_ms:1653001840184.8948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:122268672 nr_ops:119403\ntimestamp_ms:1653001841185.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:163490816 nr_ops:159659\ntimestamp_ms:1653001842186.9302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:209085440 nr_ops:204185\ntimestamp_ms:1653001843188.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257829888 nr_ops:251787\ntimestamp_ms:1653001844189.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:306443264 nr_ops:299261\ntimestamp_ms:1653001845190.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352594944 nr_ops:344331\ntimestamp_ms:1653001846191.3118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:393229312 nr_ops:384013\ntimestamp_ms:1653001847192.4036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:433560576 nr_ops:423399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001848193.4966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:480608256 nr_ops:469344\ntimestamp_ms:1653001849194.5879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529378304 nr_ops:516971\ntimestamp_ms:1653001850195.6841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:577778688 nr_ops:564237\ntimestamp_ms:1653001851196.7815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:626041856 nr_ops:611369\ntimestamp_ms:1653001852197.8809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:674100224 nr_ops:658301\ntimestamp_ms:1653001853198.9744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:722994176 nr_ops:706049\ntimestamp_ms:1653001854200.0115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771599360 nr_ops:753515\ntimestamp_ms:1653001855201.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820683776 nr_ops:801449\ntimestamp_ms:1653001856202.2349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:869526528 nr_ops:849147\ntimestamp_ms:1653001857203.3293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918615040 nr_ops:897085\ntimestamp_ms:1653001858203.9092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:967318528 nr_ops:944647\ntimestamp_ms:1653001859205.0032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1015206912 nr_ops:991413\ntimestamp_ms:1653001860206.1741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1064233984 nr_ops:1039291\ntimestamp_ms:1653001861207.2703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1112648704 nr_ops:1086571\ntimestamp_ms:1653001862208.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1161204736 nr_ops:1133989\ntimestamp_ms:1653001863209.4626 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209547776 nr_ops:1181199\ntimestamp_ms:1653001864210.5588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1257407488 nr_ops:1227937\ntimestamp_ms:1653001865211.6565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305783296 nr_ops:1275179\ntimestamp_ms:1653001866212.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1355262976 nr_ops:1323499\ntimestamp_ms:1653001867213.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1404754944 nr_ops:1371831\ntimestamp_ms:1653001868215.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1453477888 nr_ops:1419412\ntimestamp_ms:1653001869216.1252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1501959168 nr_ops:1466757\ntimestamp_ms:1653001870217.2241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1551260672 nr_ops:1514903\ntimestamp_ms:1653001871218.3206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1600779264 nr_ops:1563261\ntimestamp_ms:1653001872219.4231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650340864 nr_ops:1611661\ntimestamp_ms:1653001873220.5278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1699214336 nr_ops:1659389\ntimestamp_ms:1653001874221.6260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1747840000 nr_ops:1706875\ntimestamp_ms:1653001875222.7246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797045248 nr_ops:1754927\ntimestamp_ms:1653001876223.8191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1846019072 nr_ops:1802753\ntimestamp_ms:1653001877224.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1895525376 nr_ops:1851099\ntimestamp_ms:1653001878226.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1945119744 nr_ops:1899531\ntimestamp_ms:1653001879227.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1993927680 nr_ops:1947195\ntimestamp_ms:1653001880228.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042422272 nr_ops:1994553\ntimestamp_ms:1653001881229.3113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2091848704 nr_ops:2042821\ntimestamp_ms:1653001882230.4106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2141459456 nr_ops:2091269\ntimestamp_ms:1653001883231.5139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2190773248 nr_ops:2139427\ntimestamp_ms:1653001884232.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2239640576 nr_ops:2187149\ntimestamp_ms:1653001885233.7146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2288571392 nr_ops:2234933\ntimestamp_ms:1653001886234.8174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2338395136 nr_ops:2283589\ntimestamp_ms:1653001887235.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2387635200 nr_ops:2331675\ntimestamp_ms:1653001888237.0276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435613696 nr_ops:2378529\ntimestamp_ms:1653001889238.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2484179968 nr_ops:2425957\ntimestamp_ms:1653001890239.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2533264384 nr_ops:2473891\ntimestamp_ms:1653001891240.3125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2582795264 nr_ops:2522261\ntimestamp_ms:1653001892241.4065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2628373504 nr_ops:2566771\ntimestamp_ms:1653001893242.5063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2668968960 nr_ops:2606415\ntimestamp_ms:1653001894243.6055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2709189632 nr_ops:2645693\ntimestamp_ms:1653001895244.7019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2749963264 nr_ops:2685511\ntimestamp_ms:1653001896245.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790910976 nr_ops:2725499\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139780523702016\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.2026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2831762432 nr_ops:2765393\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.2612 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.2646 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897547.4644 name:Total nr_bytes:2831762432 nr_ops:2765394\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.3621 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5663524862 nr_ops:5530788\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.3625 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2831762432 nr_ops:2765396\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 250.23us 0.00ns 250.23us 250.23us \nTxn1 1382697 43.41us 0.00ns 4.50ms 18.55us \nTxn2 1 47.46us 0.00ns 47.46us 47.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 249.59us 0.00ns 249.59us 249.59us \nwrite 1382697 2.46us 0.00ns 258.25us 2.15us \nread 1382696 40.88us 0.00ns 4.50ms 1.27us \ndisconnect 1 47.11us 0.00ns 47.11us 47.11us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.71b/s \nnet1 22170 22170 193.32Mb/s 193.32Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.203 62.37s 2.64GB 363.23Mb/s 2765396 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.64GB 363.23Mb/s 2765396 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417768, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001836180.4856 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001837181.6121 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001837181.6978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001838182.7871 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:40700928 nr_ops:39747\ntimestamp_ms:1653001839183.8838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81339392 nr_ops:79433\ntimestamp_ms:1653001840184.8948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:122268672 nr_ops:119403\ntimestamp_ms:1653001841185.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:163490816 nr_ops:159659\ntimestamp_ms:1653001842186.9302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:209085440 nr_ops:204185\ntimestamp_ms:1653001843188.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257829888 nr_ops:251787\ntimestamp_ms:1653001844189.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:306443264 nr_ops:299261\ntimestamp_ms:1653001845190.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352594944 nr_ops:344331\ntimestamp_ms:1653001846191.3118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:393229312 nr_ops:384013\ntimestamp_ms:1653001847192.4036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:433560576 nr_ops:423399\ntimestamp_ms:1653001848193.4966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:480608256 nr_ops:469344\ntimestamp_ms:1653001849194.5879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529378304 nr_ops:516971\ntimestamp_ms:1653001850195.6841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:577778688 nr_ops:564237\ntimestamp_ms:1653001851196.7815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:626041856 nr_ops:611369\ntimestamp_ms:1653001852197.8809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:674100224 nr_ops:658301\ntimestamp_ms:1653001853198.9744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:722994176 nr_ops:706049\ntimestamp_ms:1653001854200.0115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771599360 nr_ops:753515\ntimestamp_ms:1653001855201.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820683776 nr_ops:801449\ntimestamp_ms:1653001856202.2349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:869526528 nr_ops:849147\ntimestamp_ms:1653001857203.3293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918615040 nr_ops:897085\ntimestamp_ms:1653001858203.9092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:967318528 nr_ops:944647\ntimestamp_ms:1653001859205.0032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1015206912 nr_ops:991413\ntimestamp_ms:1653001860206.1741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1064233984 nr_ops:1039291\ntimestamp_ms:1653001861207.2703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1112648704 nr_ops:1086571\ntimestamp_ms:1653001862208.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1161204736 nr_ops:1133989\ntimestamp_ms:1653001863209.4626 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209547776 nr_ops:1181199\ntimestamp_ms:1653001864210.5588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1257407488 nr_ops:1227937\ntimestamp_ms:1653001865211.6565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305783296 nr_ops:1275179\ntimestamp_ms:1653001866212.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1355262976 nr_ops:1323499\ntimestamp_ms:1653001867213.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1404754944 nr_ops:1371831\ntimestamp_ms:1653001868215.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1453477888 nr_ops:1419412\ntimestamp_ms:1653001869216.1252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1501959168 nr_ops:1466757\ntimestamp_ms:1653001870217.2241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1551260672 nr_ops:1514903\ntimestamp_ms:1653001871218.3206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1600779264 nr_ops:1563261\ntimestamp_ms:1653001872219.4231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650340864 nr_ops:1611661\ntimestamp_ms:1653001873220.5278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1699214336 nr_ops:1659389\ntimestamp_ms:1653001874221.6260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1747840000 nr_ops:1706875\ntimestamp_ms:1653001875222.7246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797045248 nr_ops:1754927\ntimestamp_ms:1653001876223.8191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1846019072 nr_ops:1802753\ntimestamp_ms:1653001877224.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1895525376 nr_ops:1851099\ntimestamp_ms:1653001878226.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1945119744 nr_ops:1899531\ntimestamp_ms:1653001879227.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1993927680 nr_ops:1947195\ntimestamp_ms:1653001880228.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042422272 nr_ops:1994553\ntimestamp_ms:1653001881229.3113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2091848704 nr_ops:2042821\ntimestamp_ms:1653001882230.4106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2141459456 nr_ops:2091269\ntimestamp_ms:1653001883231.5139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2190773248 nr_ops:2139427\ntimestamp_ms:1653001884232.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2239640576 nr_ops:2187149\ntimestamp_ms:1653001885233.7146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2288571392 nr_ops:2234933\ntimestamp_ms:1653001886234.8174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2338395136 nr_ops:2283589\ntimestamp_ms:1653001887235.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2387635200 nr_ops:2331675\ntimestamp_ms:1653001888237.0276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435613696 nr_ops:2378529\ntimestamp_ms:1653001889238.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2484179968 nr_ops:2425957\ntimestamp_ms:1653001890239.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2533264384 nr_ops:2473891\ntimestamp_ms:1653001891240.3125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2582795264 nr_ops:2522261\ntimestamp_ms:1653001892241.4065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2628373504 nr_ops:2566771\ntimestamp_ms:1653001893242.5063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2668968960 nr_ops:2606415\ntimestamp_ms:1653001894243.6055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2709189632 nr_ops:2645693\ntimestamp_ms:1653001895244.7019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2749963264 nr_ops:2685511\ntimestamp_ms:1653001896245.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790910976 nr_ops:2725499\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139780523702016\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.2026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2831762432 nr_ops:2765393\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.2612 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.2646 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897547.4644 name:Total nr_bytes:2831762432 nr_ops:2765394\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.3621 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5663524862 nr_ops:5530788\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653001897447.3625 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2831762432 nr_ops:2765396\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 250.23us 0.00ns 250.23us 250.23us \nTxn1 1382697 43.41us 0.00ns 4.50ms 18.55us \nTxn2 1 47.46us 0.00ns 47.46us 47.46us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 249.59us 0.00ns 249.59us 249.59us \nwrite 1382697 2.46us 0.00ns 258.25us 2.15us \nread 1382696 40.88us 0.00ns 4.50ms 1.27us \ndisconnect 1 47.11us 0.00ns 47.11us 47.11us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.71b/s \nnet1 22170 22170 193.32Mb/s 193.32Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.203 62.37s 2.64GB 363.23Mb/s 2765396 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.64GB 363.23Mb/s 2765396 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417768, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001836180.4856 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001837181.6121 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001837181.6978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001838182.7871 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:40700928 nr_ops:39747
+timestamp_ms:1653001839183.8838 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:81339392 nr_ops:79433
+timestamp_ms:1653001840184.8948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:122268672 nr_ops:119403
+timestamp_ms:1653001841185.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:163490816 nr_ops:159659
+timestamp_ms:1653001842186.9302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:209085440 nr_ops:204185
+timestamp_ms:1653001843188.0281 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:257829888 nr_ops:251787
+timestamp_ms:1653001844189.1243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:306443264 nr_ops:299261
+timestamp_ms:1653001845190.2173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352594944 nr_ops:344331
+timestamp_ms:1653001846191.3118 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:393229312 nr_ops:384013
+timestamp_ms:1653001847192.4036 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:433560576 nr_ops:423399
+timestamp_ms:1653001848193.4966 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:480608256 nr_ops:469344
+timestamp_ms:1653001849194.5879 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529378304 nr_ops:516971
+timestamp_ms:1653001850195.6841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:577778688 nr_ops:564237
+timestamp_ms:1653001851196.7815 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:626041856 nr_ops:611369
+timestamp_ms:1653001852197.8809 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:674100224 nr_ops:658301
+timestamp_ms:1653001853198.9744 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:722994176 nr_ops:706049
+timestamp_ms:1653001854200.0115 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771599360 nr_ops:753515
+timestamp_ms:1653001855201.1401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:820683776 nr_ops:801449
+timestamp_ms:1653001856202.2349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:869526528 nr_ops:849147
+timestamp_ms:1653001857203.3293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918615040 nr_ops:897085
+timestamp_ms:1653001858203.9092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:967318528 nr_ops:944647
+timestamp_ms:1653001859205.0032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1015206912 nr_ops:991413
+timestamp_ms:1653001860206.1741 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1064233984 nr_ops:1039291
+timestamp_ms:1653001861207.2703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1112648704 nr_ops:1086571
+timestamp_ms:1653001862208.3643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1161204736 nr_ops:1133989
+timestamp_ms:1653001863209.4626 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209547776 nr_ops:1181199
+timestamp_ms:1653001864210.5588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1257407488 nr_ops:1227937
+timestamp_ms:1653001865211.6565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305783296 nr_ops:1275179
+timestamp_ms:1653001866212.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1355262976 nr_ops:1323499
+timestamp_ms:1653001867213.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1404754944 nr_ops:1371831
+timestamp_ms:1653001868215.0242 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1453477888 nr_ops:1419412
+timestamp_ms:1653001869216.1252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1501959168 nr_ops:1466757
+timestamp_ms:1653001870217.2241 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1551260672 nr_ops:1514903
+timestamp_ms:1653001871218.3206 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1600779264 nr_ops:1563261
+timestamp_ms:1653001872219.4231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650340864 nr_ops:1611661
+timestamp_ms:1653001873220.5278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1699214336 nr_ops:1659389
+timestamp_ms:1653001874221.6260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1747840000 nr_ops:1706875
+timestamp_ms:1653001875222.7246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1797045248 nr_ops:1754927
+timestamp_ms:1653001876223.8191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1846019072 nr_ops:1802753
+timestamp_ms:1653001877224.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1895525376 nr_ops:1851099
+timestamp_ms:1653001878226.0200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1945119744 nr_ops:1899531
+timestamp_ms:1653001879227.1138 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1993927680 nr_ops:1947195
+timestamp_ms:1653001880228.2085 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2042422272 nr_ops:1994553
+timestamp_ms:1653001881229.3113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2091848704 nr_ops:2042821
+timestamp_ms:1653001882230.4106 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2141459456 nr_ops:2091269
+timestamp_ms:1653001883231.5139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2190773248 nr_ops:2139427
+timestamp_ms:1653001884232.6165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2239640576 nr_ops:2187149
+timestamp_ms:1653001885233.7146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2288571392 nr_ops:2234933
+timestamp_ms:1653001886234.8174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2338395136 nr_ops:2283589
+timestamp_ms:1653001887235.9275 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2387635200 nr_ops:2331675
+timestamp_ms:1653001888237.0276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2435613696 nr_ops:2378529
+timestamp_ms:1653001889238.1228 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2484179968 nr_ops:2425957
+timestamp_ms:1653001890239.2217 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2533264384 nr_ops:2473891
+timestamp_ms:1653001891240.3125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2582795264 nr_ops:2522261
+timestamp_ms:1653001892241.4065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2628373504 nr_ops:2566771
+timestamp_ms:1653001893242.5063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2668968960 nr_ops:2606415
+timestamp_ms:1653001894243.6055 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2709189632 nr_ops:2645693
+timestamp_ms:1653001895244.7019 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2749963264 nr_ops:2685511
+timestamp_ms:1653001896245.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2790910976 nr_ops:2725499
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139780523702016
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653001897447.2026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2831762432 nr_ops:2765393
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001897447.2612 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001897447.2646 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001897547.4644 name:Total nr_bytes:2831762432 nr_ops:2765394
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001897447.3621 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5663524862 nr_ops:5530788
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653001897447.3625 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2831762432 nr_ops:2765396
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 250.23us 0.00ns 250.23us 250.23us
+Txn1 1382697 43.41us 0.00ns 4.50ms 18.55us
+Txn2 1 47.46us 0.00ns 47.46us 47.46us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 249.59us 0.00ns 249.59us 249.59us
+write 1382697 2.46us 0.00ns 258.25us 2.15us
+read 1382696 40.88us 0.00ns 4.50ms 1.27us
+disconnect 1 47.11us 0.00ns 47.11us 47.11us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 802.71b/s
+net1 22170 22170 193.32Mb/s 193.32Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.203 62.37s 2.64GB 363.23Mb/s 2765396 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.64GB 363.23Mb/s 2765396 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:38.182000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:38.182000', 'bytes': 40700928, 'norm_byte': 40700928, 'ops': 39747, 'norm_ops': 39747, 'norm_ltcy': 25.186538744276298, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:38.182000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:38.182000",
+ "bytes": 40700928,
+ "norm_byte": 40700928,
+ "ops": 39747,
+ "norm_ops": 39747,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.186538744276298,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c75af2e224a207bf760a0436876c36ed6d22c8296bc4939e5acca2bdd310c4a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:39.183000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:39.183000', 'bytes': 81339392, 'norm_byte': 40638464, 'ops': 79433, 'norm_ops': 39686, 'norm_ltcy': 25.225436670047372, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:39.183000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:39.183000",
+ "bytes": 81339392,
+ "norm_byte": 40638464,
+ "ops": 79433,
+ "norm_ops": 39686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.225436670047372,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4352b65c154f713b6e2da187ea18d8feb11d1f305a634d880b4a3c9ceacff066",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:40.184000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:40.184000', 'bytes': 122268672, 'norm_byte': 40929280, 'ops': 119403, 'norm_ops': 39970, 'norm_ltcy': 25.044057701479232, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:40.184000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:40.184000",
+ "bytes": 122268672,
+ "norm_byte": 40929280,
+ "ops": 119403,
+ "norm_ops": 39970,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.044057701479232,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4521091a5013f0c8d358e50c62d4a9f8f9adbbd4478399d031682175a3fe4300",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:41.185000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:41.185000', 'bytes': 163490816, 'norm_byte': 41222144, 'ops': 159659, 'norm_ops': 40256, 'norm_ltcy': 24.8643605242852, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:41.185000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:41.185000",
+ "bytes": 163490816,
+ "norm_byte": 41222144,
+ "ops": 159659,
+ "norm_ops": 40256,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.8643605242852,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef737816df06b3526e21b16e0e83e2473265ab1c9769f3ac13e6548c165da986",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:42.186000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:42.186000', 'bytes': 209085440, 'norm_byte': 45594624, 'ops': 204185, 'norm_ops': 44526, 'norm_ltcy': 22.483396288123792, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:42.186000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:42.186000",
+ "bytes": 209085440,
+ "norm_byte": 45594624,
+ "ops": 204185,
+ "norm_ops": 44526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.483396288123792,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "06671255498cfda02cf905c99740d9bde36651f20fae347548cc25e173c734c1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:43.188000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:43.188000', 'bytes': 257829888, 'norm_byte': 48744448, 'ops': 251787, 'norm_ops': 47602, 'norm_ltcy': 21.030584857582138, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:43.188000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:43.188000",
+ "bytes": 257829888,
+ "norm_byte": 48744448,
+ "ops": 251787,
+ "norm_ops": 47602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.030584857582138,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c13de4f8f77e401fc10c31b3b58a79be9445315e35333045d17bb41156460f60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:44.189000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:44.189000', 'bytes': 306443264, 'norm_byte': 48613376, 'ops': 299261, 'norm_ops': 47474, 'norm_ltcy': 21.08725178847896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:44.189000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:44.189000",
+ "bytes": 306443264,
+ "norm_byte": 48613376,
+ "ops": 299261,
+ "norm_ops": 47474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.08725178847896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ff04caee6249821f13ef7064b447a54ae6e9c4554e3f58899c965aef250713b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:45.190000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:45.190000', 'bytes': 352594944, 'norm_byte': 46151680, 'ops': 344331, 'norm_ops': 45070, 'norm_ltcy': 22.211959564635567, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:45.190000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:45.190000",
+ "bytes": 352594944,
+ "norm_byte": 46151680,
+ "ops": 344331,
+ "norm_ops": 45070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.211959564635567,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "32b04e3d5e9f0614fb5b797d9ac33b141c4ef9de9607eb7cf90d6b907ab5ca56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:46.191000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:46.191000', 'bytes': 393229312, 'norm_byte': 40634368, 'ops': 384013, 'norm_ops': 39682, 'norm_ltcy': 25.22792405679842, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:46.191000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:46.191000",
+ "bytes": 393229312,
+ "norm_byte": 40634368,
+ "ops": 384013,
+ "norm_ops": 39682,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.22792405679842,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c424db5a6fe0ef8c07319ff460902d98cc0d58d43942f1cd8c182760979f472e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:47.192000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:47.192000', 'bytes': 433560576, 'norm_byte': 40331264, 'ops': 423399, 'norm_ops': 39386, 'norm_ltcy': 25.4174528227035, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:47.192000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:47.192000",
+ "bytes": 433560576,
+ "norm_byte": 40331264,
+ "ops": 423399,
+ "norm_ops": 39386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.4174528227035,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b808febf935f9ce35289326b74662b2fbc9cf6311563237a29cc10594e37607e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:48.193000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:48.193000', 'bytes': 480608256, 'norm_byte': 47047680, 'ops': 469344, 'norm_ops': 45945, 'norm_ltcy': 21.788943684364458, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:48.193000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:48.193000",
+ "bytes": 480608256,
+ "norm_byte": 47047680,
+ "ops": 469344,
+ "norm_ops": 45945,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.788943684364458,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "765b971069f5460e8fdea786526a2e0f94cc5a10f4f23276ea4ff90bccc028ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:49.194000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:49.194000', 'bytes': 529378304, 'norm_byte': 48770048, 'ops': 516971, 'norm_ops': 47627, 'norm_ltcy': 21.01940723945976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:49.194000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:49.194000",
+ "bytes": 529378304,
+ "norm_byte": 48770048,
+ "ops": 516971,
+ "norm_ops": 47627,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.01940723945976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc776f152a53ea5c1291c920e102b38f9625196b2dc9d694634773cf680a30ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:50.195000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:50.195000', 'bytes': 577778688, 'norm_byte': 48400384, 'ops': 564237, 'norm_ops': 47266, 'norm_ltcy': 21.180048902091357, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:50.195000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:50.195000",
+ "bytes": 577778688,
+ "norm_byte": 48400384,
+ "ops": 564237,
+ "norm_ops": 47266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.180048902091357,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a50f508dd04f80d646cb4d48d5f7daf3866191990743a2ce51be9dbaa567961",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:51.196000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:51.196000', 'bytes': 626041856, 'norm_byte': 48263168, 'ops': 611369, 'norm_ops': 47132, 'norm_ltcy': 21.240291354268333, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:51.196000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:51.196000",
+ "bytes": 626041856,
+ "norm_byte": 48263168,
+ "ops": 611369,
+ "norm_ops": 47132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.240291354268333,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ed3bcf94e1dbb2dac5fa15764e72f97a73580d7ea16ceae6573e8a7044bbba6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:52.197000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:52.197000', 'bytes': 674100224, 'norm_byte': 48058368, 'ops': 658301, 'norm_ops': 46932, 'norm_ltcy': 21.330848146986597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:52.197000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:52.197000",
+ "bytes": 674100224,
+ "norm_byte": 48058368,
+ "ops": 658301,
+ "norm_ops": 46932,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.330848146986597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2bb5f255920918d202ab5a9beca8794c5f7531d18c0906fd8fceb3635b9bc7a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:53.198000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:53.198000', 'bytes': 722994176, 'norm_byte': 48893952, 'ops': 706049, 'norm_ops': 47748, 'norm_ltcy': 20.96618718814139, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:53.198000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:53.198000",
+ "bytes": 722994176,
+ "norm_byte": 48893952,
+ "ops": 706049,
+ "norm_ops": 47748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.96618718814139,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d79f8dc646579b18eec67ba25ac0fe1a0342769b15b671425460fb884a9da02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:54.200000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:54.200000', 'bytes': 771599360, 'norm_byte': 48605184, 'ops': 753515, 'norm_ops': 47466, 'norm_ltcy': 21.08956114639953, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:54.200000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:54.200000",
+ "bytes": 771599360,
+ "norm_byte": 48605184,
+ "ops": 753515,
+ "norm_ops": 47466,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.08956114639953,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8606160b13bc8cfa8f14977253970c776278edb52a136bff97c8bbdeb7c8a27",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:55.201000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:55.201000', 'bytes': 820683776, 'norm_byte': 49084416, 'ops': 801449, 'norm_ops': 47934, 'norm_ltcy': 20.885564778849563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:55.201000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:55.201000",
+ "bytes": 820683776,
+ "norm_byte": 49084416,
+ "ops": 801449,
+ "norm_ops": 47934,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.885564778849563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "734919f98270e1ab510408b8ea6c3e66d52972e986274f04b33bf11f1690e885",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:56.202000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:56.202000', 'bytes': 869526528, 'norm_byte': 48842752, 'ops': 849147, 'norm_ops': 47698, 'norm_ltcy': 20.988190837404083, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:56.202000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:56.202000",
+ "bytes": 869526528,
+ "norm_byte": 48842752,
+ "ops": 849147,
+ "norm_ops": 47698,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.988190837404083,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bdd313b8aaa3628b407a7906df5f3287ca7e7ddf0318ad1d5e3cd5a34221dc9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:57.203000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:57.203000', 'bytes': 918615040, 'norm_byte': 49088512, 'ops': 897085, 'norm_ops': 47938, 'norm_ltcy': 20.883109066333073, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:57.203000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:57.203000",
+ "bytes": 918615040,
+ "norm_byte": 49088512,
+ "ops": 897085,
+ "norm_ops": 47938,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.883109066333073,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34dc0e56292fbd15b890277b57fd5ff4c18f1662e6654d3614e45403ece570fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:58.203000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:58.203000', 'bytes': 967318528, 'norm_byte': 48703488, 'ops': 944647, 'norm_ops': 47562, 'norm_ltcy': 21.037379294066167, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:58.203000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:58.203000",
+ "bytes": 967318528,
+ "norm_byte": 48703488,
+ "ops": 944647,
+ "norm_ops": 47562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.037379294066167,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "30131dcd9faf6c51ba6e75e5ba17a01c79b07d6593a9c01d4fdaed5ed4be9835",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:10:59.205000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:10:59.205000', 'bytes': 1015206912, 'norm_byte': 47888384, 'ops': 991413, 'norm_ops': 46766, 'norm_ltcy': 21.406449004418274, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:10:59.205000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:10:59.205000",
+ "bytes": 1015206912,
+ "norm_byte": 47888384,
+ "ops": 991413,
+ "norm_ops": 46766,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.406449004418274,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f6e9c9fb80d9b5f9a2ea1f3179207d9a94d3c526b2bf5048b18ad666bd33355",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:00.206000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:00.206000', 'bytes': 1064233984, 'norm_byte': 49027072, 'ops': 1039291, 'norm_ops': 47878, 'norm_ltcy': 20.910875526076694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:00.206000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:00.206000",
+ "bytes": 1064233984,
+ "norm_byte": 49027072,
+ "ops": 1039291,
+ "norm_ops": 47878,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.910875526076694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b229906eee005ad6ab020c59ba2c1fe9f172e9fb70fc884f3d74c396a7156a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:01.207000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:01.207000', 'bytes': 1112648704, 'norm_byte': 48414720, 'ops': 1086571, 'norm_ops': 47280, 'norm_ltcy': 21.17377731400698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:01.207000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:01.207000",
+ "bytes": 1112648704,
+ "norm_byte": 48414720,
+ "ops": 1086571,
+ "norm_ops": 47280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.17377731400698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cbc67855437eca34ef6fea39fa128d1e4346abfddc9299ad7e04669ffb7dac1a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:02.208000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:02.208000', 'bytes': 1161204736, 'norm_byte': 48556032, 'ops': 1133989, 'norm_ops': 47418, 'norm_ltcy': 21.112109202003985, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:02.208000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:02.208000",
+ "bytes": 1161204736,
+ "norm_byte": 48556032,
+ "ops": 1133989,
+ "norm_ops": 47418,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.112109202003985,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55647f20fb047b6392939f46b294342a14ae429de2190a1fccc57ed479b18a0d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:03.209000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:03.209000', 'bytes': 1209547776, 'norm_byte': 48343040, 'ops': 1181199, 'norm_ops': 47210, 'norm_ltcy': 21.205218993261493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:03.209000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:03.209000",
+ "bytes": 1209547776,
+ "norm_byte": 48343040,
+ "ops": 1181199,
+ "norm_ops": 47210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.205218993261493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2937f85c39b842cafac86c1804f006c4ae6d931d732623957419a2fcdbfd754",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:04.210000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:04.210000', 'bytes': 1257407488, 'norm_byte': 47859712, 'ops': 1227937, 'norm_ops': 46738, 'norm_ltcy': 21.419320283414994, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:04.210000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:04.210000",
+ "bytes": 1257407488,
+ "norm_byte": 47859712,
+ "ops": 1227937,
+ "norm_ops": 46738,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.419320283414994,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f90feb2f0230e3c062a7ea2fc2c740d9ee5d5c48d2d251ce61bfe4005671ae7c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:05.211000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:05.211000', 'bytes': 1305783296, 'norm_byte': 48375808, 'ops': 1275179, 'norm_ops': 47242, 'norm_ltcy': 21.190839851191736, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:05.211000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:05.211000",
+ "bytes": 1305783296,
+ "norm_byte": 48375808,
+ "ops": 1275179,
+ "norm_ops": 47242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.190839851191736,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "818b1f439874d3fd34895d755b6a30cefa4410e28ca519da27911d66707b13d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:06.212000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:06.212000', 'bytes': 1355262976, 'norm_byte': 49479680, 'ops': 1323499, 'norm_ops': 48320, 'norm_ltcy': 20.71973282769816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:06.212000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:06.212000",
+ "bytes": 1355262976,
+ "norm_byte": 49479680,
+ "ops": 1323499,
+ "norm_ops": 48320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.71973282769816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8df565f43a5110db01472a64cc0869a21db4777bcbd3c9e40e38240e77620df",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:07.213000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:07.213000', 'bytes': 1404754944, 'norm_byte': 49491968, 'ops': 1371831, 'norm_ops': 48332, 'norm_ltcy': 20.71285587188612, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:07.213000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:07.213000",
+ "bytes": 1404754944,
+ "norm_byte": 49491968,
+ "ops": 1371831,
+ "norm_ops": 48332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.71285587188612,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bbbc625b0e0e701cf55f4e5ffb826d15a602e4aa4129b513c8dbdca573e3c021",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:08.215000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:08.215000', 'bytes': 1453477888, 'norm_byte': 48722944, 'ops': 1419412, 'norm_ops': 47581, 'norm_ltcy': 21.03983597542874, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:08.215000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:08.215000",
+ "bytes": 1453477888,
+ "norm_byte": 48722944,
+ "ops": 1419412,
+ "norm_ops": 47581,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.03983597542874,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bebe883dfb7759812143e5bad88369345878a0880d9a2d06c7c150f7b0772dab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:09.216000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:09.216000', 'bytes': 1501959168, 'norm_byte': 48481280, 'ops': 1466757, 'norm_ops': 47345, 'norm_ltcy': 21.144810945585597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:09.216000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:09.216000",
+ "bytes": 1501959168,
+ "norm_byte": 48481280,
+ "ops": 1466757,
+ "norm_ops": 47345,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.144810945585597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2d54bf8c3a2f64cebcad6b75673452ba717f920d7ee740b741a2954d3427147",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:10.217000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:10.217000', 'bytes': 1551260672, 'norm_byte': 49301504, 'ops': 1514903, 'norm_ops': 48146, 'norm_ltcy': 20.79298128511455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:10.217000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:10.217000",
+ "bytes": 1551260672,
+ "norm_byte": 49301504,
+ "ops": 1514903,
+ "norm_ops": 48146,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.79298128511455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5984de365997d30ebcfc28ba17b15cfb866580a803895fd7ff1ccef6ff10e804",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:11.218000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:11.218000', 'bytes': 1600779264, 'norm_byte': 49518592, 'ops': 1563261, 'norm_ops': 48358, 'norm_ltcy': 20.701775002003288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:11.218000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:11.218000",
+ "bytes": 1600779264,
+ "norm_byte": 49518592,
+ "ops": 1563261,
+ "norm_ops": 48358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.701775002003288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5eb1577571a369f60771503071fd8e19f9bbdb76700123b624782a566c3b428c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:12.219000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:12.219000', 'bytes': 1650340864, 'norm_byte': 49561600, 'ops': 1611661, 'norm_ops': 48400, 'norm_ltcy': 20.68393675748967, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:12.219000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:12.219000",
+ "bytes": 1650340864,
+ "norm_byte": 49561600,
+ "ops": 1611661,
+ "norm_ops": 48400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.68393675748967,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dd131d23b73c5b65851aab7a1df42ba8ea0412b1527c6e087a651e259911bbe5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:13.220000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:13.220000', 'bytes': 1699214336, 'norm_byte': 48873472, 'ops': 1659389, 'norm_ops': 47728, 'norm_ltcy': 20.975208186559776, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:13.220000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:13.220000",
+ "bytes": 1699214336,
+ "norm_byte": 48873472,
+ "ops": 1659389,
+ "norm_ops": 47728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.975208186559776,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "92df64ed23e6fa966f8260ab3e52b2d17aa2f537296a75ed54beb21c66c9b622",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:14.221000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:14.221000', 'bytes': 1747840000, 'norm_byte': 48625664, 'ops': 1706875, 'norm_ops': 47486, 'norm_ltcy': 21.081964042691528, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:14.221000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:14.221000",
+ "bytes": 1747840000,
+ "norm_byte": 48625664,
+ "ops": 1706875,
+ "norm_ops": 47486,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.081964042691528,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2190fcb8dc48e7b9fa89637fdf2451c8a37971d417488cb0f6f6a02e58f699c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:15.222000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:15.222000', 'bytes': 1797045248, 'norm_byte': 49205248, 'ops': 1754927, 'norm_ops': 48052, 'norm_ltcy': 20.833651727555566, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:15.222000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:15.222000",
+ "bytes": 1797045248,
+ "norm_byte": 49205248,
+ "ops": 1754927,
+ "norm_ops": 48052,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.833651727555566,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d5bb58e3b9fdde2d9b7f53bb01112669d3b71159ab13b8f5a81ad8f33d05bb83",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:16.223000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:16.223000', 'bytes': 1846019072, 'norm_byte': 48973824, 'ops': 1802753, 'norm_ops': 47826, 'norm_ltcy': 20.93201359975484, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:16.223000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:16.223000",
+ "bytes": 1846019072,
+ "norm_byte": 48973824,
+ "ops": 1802753,
+ "norm_ops": 47826,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.93201359975484,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3f7a987da8088b37de01b88425d412025b7f5807dd5554f7dc6c0723d3bd8a7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:17.224000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:17.224000', 'bytes': 1895525376, 'norm_byte': 49506304, 'ops': 1851099, 'norm_ops': 48346, 'norm_ltcy': 20.70710025131345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:17.224000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:17.224000",
+ "bytes": 1895525376,
+ "norm_byte": 49506304,
+ "ops": 1851099,
+ "norm_ops": 48346,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.70710025131345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "592e112d911735266b1f8b25df3a52b20693474ea2e9ee9e99c1fa90bf04a1f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:18.226000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:18.226000', 'bytes': 1945119744, 'norm_byte': 49594368, 'ops': 1899531, 'norm_ops': 48432, 'norm_ltcy': 20.67012427701468, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:18.226000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:18.226000",
+ "bytes": 1945119744,
+ "norm_byte": 49594368,
+ "ops": 1899531,
+ "norm_ops": 48432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.67012427701468,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a2e22ca1f293c2b4fe92fbd0fb7015d6b3efab134efed7841bc2634e3e8efe6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:19.227000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:19.227000', 'bytes': 1993927680, 'norm_byte': 48807936, 'ops': 1947195, 'norm_ops': 47664, 'norm_ltcy': 21.00314178415576, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:19.227000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:19.227000",
+ "bytes": 1993927680,
+ "norm_byte": 48807936,
+ "ops": 1947195,
+ "norm_ops": 47664,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.00314178415576,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53b89869dede54bc62bec48eed441cf179446a3bce4a7d52abee10aa52e87e69",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:20.228000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:20.228000', 'bytes': 2042422272, 'norm_byte': 48494592, 'ops': 1994553, 'norm_ops': 47358, 'norm_ltcy': 21.13887255717091, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:20.228000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:20.228000",
+ "bytes": 2042422272,
+ "norm_byte": 48494592,
+ "ops": 1994553,
+ "norm_ops": 47358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.13887255717091,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a712b9b75c7d4707e052653ba897c37d14d600bc9e5835affe32ed5861555b5e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:21.229000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:21.229000', 'bytes': 2091848704, 'norm_byte': 49426432, 'ops': 2042821, 'norm_ops': 48268, 'norm_ltcy': 20.740506820318327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:21.229000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:21.229000",
+ "bytes": 2091848704,
+ "norm_byte": 49426432,
+ "ops": 2042821,
+ "norm_ops": 48268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.740506820318327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16b8739d2692f60d66e617f431857aef3979e8407e5016ff7ee2e34e254dfd10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:22.230000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:22.230000', 'bytes': 2141459456, 'norm_byte': 49610752, 'ops': 2091269, 'norm_ops': 48448, 'norm_ltcy': 20.6633785756765, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:22.230000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:22.230000",
+ "bytes": 2141459456,
+ "norm_byte": 49610752,
+ "ops": 2091269,
+ "norm_ops": 48448,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.6633785756765,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cb2153763a1c14dd2b9ebb7037fd391cdb0f2f83722066ce7a829173fabfaa51",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:23.231000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:23.231000', 'bytes': 2190773248, 'norm_byte': 49313792, 'ops': 2139427, 'norm_ops': 48158, 'norm_ltcy': 20.787891346907575, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:23.231000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:23.231000",
+ "bytes": 2190773248,
+ "norm_byte": 49313792,
+ "ops": 2139427,
+ "norm_ops": 48158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.787891346907575,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eae1f9cc5919ebdf069a6d47c4fbf2473de10a2bc16cfc5a0b32a62f3572eb1d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:24.232000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:24.232000', 'bytes': 2239640576, 'norm_byte': 48867328, 'ops': 2187149, 'norm_ops': 47722, 'norm_ltcy': 20.97779931818658, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:24.232000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:24.232000",
+ "bytes": 2239640576,
+ "norm_byte": 48867328,
+ "ops": 2187149,
+ "norm_ops": 47722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.97779931818658,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "226aefa62b44012d1349ac225323d6c3fdcfc418eb9692fda2015de2fb5e89e9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:25.233000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:25.233000', 'bytes': 2288571392, 'norm_byte': 48930816, 'ops': 2234933, 'norm_ops': 47784, 'norm_ltcy': 20.95048854284384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:25.233000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:25.233000",
+ "bytes": 2288571392,
+ "norm_byte": 48930816,
+ "ops": 2234933,
+ "norm_ops": 47784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.95048854284384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "593b9d6d0ec6bb54f44162fb6576db575ec2a49f325c141f272c8415b8cf3899",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:26.234000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:26.234000', 'bytes': 2338395136, 'norm_byte': 49823744, 'ops': 2283589, 'norm_ops': 48656, 'norm_ltcy': 20.57511474850224, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:26.234000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:26.234000",
+ "bytes": 2338395136,
+ "norm_byte": 49823744,
+ "ops": 2283589,
+ "norm_ops": 48656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.57511474850224,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c42430d23b920dcdc6faea0e696d02bce851794c9152d2ce867fd6d7ffceedc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:27.235000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:27.235000', 'bytes': 2387635200, 'norm_byte': 49240064, 'ops': 2331675, 'norm_ops': 48086, 'norm_ltcy': 20.819159577046854, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:27.235000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:27.235000",
+ "bytes": 2387635200,
+ "norm_byte": 49240064,
+ "ops": 2331675,
+ "norm_ops": 48086,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.819159577046854,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fc5de8d208a17b822c289c29289ae429ee7ae57479b0a98b2d5dc306251140c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:28.237000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:28.237000', 'bytes': 2435613696, 'norm_byte': 47978496, 'ops': 2378529, 'norm_ops': 46854, 'norm_ltcy': 21.366374218983438, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:28.237000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:28.237000",
+ "bytes": 2435613696,
+ "norm_byte": 47978496,
+ "ops": 2378529,
+ "norm_ops": 46854,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.366374218983438,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b78e661746a3b3fa970a6ec611cd27f2492ce0cb8eaa13ee7de455de0cb0cf7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:29.238000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:29.238000', 'bytes': 2484179968, 'norm_byte': 48566272, 'ops': 2425957, 'norm_ops': 47428, 'norm_ltcy': 21.107683538073502, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:29.238000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:29.238000",
+ "bytes": 2484179968,
+ "norm_byte": 48566272,
+ "ops": 2425957,
+ "norm_ops": 47428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.107683538073502,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e2ec5685347737f50afe303a6a4185b026492b0cfe11be368a0792d39457b554",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:30.239000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:30.239000', 'bytes': 2533264384, 'norm_byte': 49084416, 'ops': 2473891, 'norm_ops': 47934, 'norm_ltcy': 20.884943400365607, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:30.239000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:30.239000",
+ "bytes": 2533264384,
+ "norm_byte": 49084416,
+ "ops": 2473891,
+ "norm_ops": 47934,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.884943400365607,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2a1f41d7a9e72f7ceaeaf9f149313a699aa488e022055359de77d15feb01c6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:31.240000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:31.240000', 'bytes': 2582795264, 'norm_byte': 49530880, 'ops': 2522261, 'norm_ops': 48370, 'norm_ltcy': 20.696523057938805, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:31.240000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:31.240000",
+ "bytes": 2582795264,
+ "norm_byte": 49530880,
+ "ops": 2522261,
+ "norm_ops": 48370,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.696523057938805,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2555f6c87ac967c9d5bb8946c1f6b5e32be2cebe532ab8f1be4e98b0c1fa3448",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:32.241000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:32.241000', 'bytes': 2628373504, 'norm_byte': 45578240, 'ops': 2566771, 'norm_ops': 44510, 'norm_ltcy': 22.49143999417266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:32.241000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:32.241000",
+ "bytes": 2628373504,
+ "norm_byte": 45578240,
+ "ops": 2566771,
+ "norm_ops": 44510,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.49143999417266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a36ecd2a57ceeec497f823335c43a2ccfa1e08515608a4c3465713c9f289949f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:33.242000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:33.242000', 'bytes': 2668968960, 'norm_byte': 40595456, 'ops': 2606415, 'norm_ops': 39644, 'norm_ltcy': 25.252241285330065, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:33.242000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:33.242000",
+ "bytes": 2668968960,
+ "norm_byte": 40595456,
+ "ops": 2606415,
+ "norm_ops": 39644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.252241285330065,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8368c2dfeb42004fbf72b51d662c7acf87b2e6e020b3179f1604b4693762491",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:34.243000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:34.243000', 'bytes': 2709189632, 'norm_byte': 40220672, 'ops': 2645693, 'norm_ops': 39278, 'norm_ltcy': 25.487527906047912, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:34.243000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:34.243000",
+ "bytes": 2709189632,
+ "norm_byte": 40220672,
+ "ops": 2645693,
+ "norm_ops": 39278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.487527906047912,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60bdcbe70676682e03177ce45be5f585b3691c0a01b92bafce77a9ff8cc65a2c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:35.244000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:35.244000', 'bytes': 2749963264, 'norm_byte': 40773632, 'ops': 2685511, 'norm_ops': 39818, 'norm_ltcy': 25.14180610645625, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:35.244000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:35.244000",
+ "bytes": 2749963264,
+ "norm_byte": 40773632,
+ "ops": 2685511,
+ "norm_ops": 39818,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.14180610645625,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3931eb5bbb14b55083f1f889cb8de5d8aa3c2501333b6956a3ffc28125e9a4c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:36.245000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:36.245000', 'bytes': 2790910976, 'norm_byte': 40947712, 'ops': 2725499, 'norm_ops': 39988, 'norm_ltcy': 25.035727270915647, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:36.245000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:36.245000",
+ "bytes": 2790910976,
+ "norm_byte": 40947712,
+ "ops": 2725499,
+ "norm_ops": 39988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.035727270915647,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4474677d53aece3dab3d643726c3a828c429c9c299b829a1afed5aa218136cd9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:11:37.447000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:11:37.447000', 'bytes': 2831762432, 'norm_byte': 40851456, 'ops': 2765393, 'norm_ops': 39894, 'norm_ltcy': 30.114104133766983, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:11:37.447000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:11:37.447000",
+ "bytes": 2831762432,
+ "norm_byte": 40851456,
+ "ops": 2765393,
+ "norm_ops": 39894,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.114104133766983,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e1a4302e-675c-5b9c-8cfd-fef83bb77509",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c13611a5e3ae4c5702c360077fe8eefdc02e7c151499db388558b39ff4fe29b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 47196040.53333333
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 46089.88333333333
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 25.260501862198737
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:11:37Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-108-220519230751/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-108-220519230751/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8458aed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-108-220519230751/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-108-220519230751/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-108-220519230751/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-108-220519230751/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-108-220519230751/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-108-220519230751/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6205bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-108-220519230751/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=200
+ net.core.busy_poll=60
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-109-220519230953/220519230953-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-109-220519230953/220519230953-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d50f532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-109-220519230953/220519230953-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:12:36Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001957506.4280 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001958507.5464 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001958507.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001959508.7324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:19545088 nr_ops:19087\ntimestamp_ms:1653001960509.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:36271104 nr_ops:35421\ntimestamp_ms:1653001961510.9565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:78525440 nr_ops:76685\ntimestamp_ms:1653001962512.0784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:103015424 nr_ops:100601\ntimestamp_ms:1653001963513.1960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:118443008 nr_ops:115667\ntimestamp_ms:1653001964514.2996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:130952192 nr_ops:127883\ntimestamp_ms:1653001965515.4353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142089216 nr_ops:138759\ntimestamp_ms:1653001966516.5564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:158942208 nr_ops:155217\ntimestamp_ms:1653001967517.6692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:168264704 nr_ops:164321\ntimestamp_ms:1653001968518.7646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176702464 nr_ops:172561\ntimestamp_ms:1653001969519.8884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199939072 nr_ops:195253\ntimestamp_ms:1653001970521.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:222579712 nr_ops:217363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001971522.1960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246998016 nr_ops:241209\ntimestamp_ms:1653001972523.3357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:261704704 nr_ops:255571\ntimestamp_ms:1653001973524.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283028480 nr_ops:276395\ntimestamp_ms:1653001974525.5640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:304362496 nr_ops:297229\ntimestamp_ms:1653001975526.6860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316476416 nr_ops:309059\ntimestamp_ms:1653001976527.8030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:356830208 nr_ops:348467\ntimestamp_ms:1653001977528.9058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380894208 nr_ops:371967\ntimestamp_ms:1653001978530.0100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:401091584 nr_ops:391691\ntimestamp_ms:1653001979531.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428280832 nr_ops:418243\ntimestamp_ms:1653001980531.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:452046848 nr_ops:441452\ntimestamp_ms:1653001981532.9482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462605312 nr_ops:451763\ntimestamp_ms:1653001982533.9873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:489761792 nr_ops:478283\ntimestamp_ms:1653001983535.0681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505189376 nr_ops:493349\ntimestamp_ms:1653001984536.1841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:520307712 nr_ops:508113\ntimestamp_ms:1653001985537.2476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:540775424 nr_ops:528101\ntimestamp_ms:1653001986538.2954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:556041216 nr_ops:543009\ntimestamp_ms:1653001987539.4082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569084928 nr_ops:555747\ntimestamp_ms:1653001988540.5208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:588706816 nr_ops:574909\ntimestamp_ms:1653001989541.6235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:601058304 nr_ops:586971\ntimestamp_ms:1653001990542.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:626998272 nr_ops:612303\ntimestamp_ms:1653001991543.8523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:645612544 nr_ops:630481\ntimestamp_ms:1653001992544.9543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661621760 nr_ops:646115\ntimestamp_ms:1653001993546.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676439040 nr_ops:660585\ntimestamp_ms:1653001994547.1887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705895424 nr_ops:689351\ntimestamp_ms:1653001995548.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:718720000 nr_ops:701875\ntimestamp_ms:1653001996549.3459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734178304 nr_ops:716971\ntimestamp_ms:1653001997550.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756331520 nr_ops:738605\ntimestamp_ms:1653001998551.5781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:773733376 nr_ops:755599\ntimestamp_ms:1653001999552.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:792810496 nr_ops:774229\ntimestamp_ms:1653002000553.7812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:826584064 nr_ops:807211\ntimestamp_ms:1653002001554.9099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852151296 nr_ops:832179\ntimestamp_ms:1653002002556.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876489728 nr_ops:855947\ntimestamp_ms:1653002003557.1753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895798272 nr_ops:874803\ntimestamp_ms:1653002004558.2913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:914506752 nr_ops:893073\ntimestamp_ms:1653002005558.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939601920 nr_ops:917580\ntimestamp_ms:1653002006558.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970353664 nr_ops:947611\ntimestamp_ms:1653002007560.0730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987266048 nr_ops:964127\ntimestamp_ms:1653002008561.1792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1027021824 nr_ops:1002951\ntimestamp_ms:1653002009562.2969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1070261248 nr_ops:1045177\ntimestamp_ms:1653002010563.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1081408512 nr_ops:1056063\ntimestamp_ms:1653002011564.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098400768 nr_ops:1072657\ntimestamp_ms:1653002012565.6167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1119224832 nr_ops:1092993\ntimestamp_ms:1653002013566.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138441216 nr_ops:1111759\ntimestamp_ms:1653002014567.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163627520 nr_ops:1136355\ntimestamp_ms:1653002015569.0466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1188369408 nr_ops:1160517\ntimestamp_ms:1653002016570.1367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212507136 nr_ops:1184089\ntimestamp_ms:1653002017571.2329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1249811456 nr_ops:1220519\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139971316672256\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.5581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263113216 nr_ops:1233509\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.6377 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.6558 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018872.8105 name:Total nr_bytes:1263113216 nr_ops:1233510\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.6768 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2526226430 nr_ops:2467020\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.6777 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1263113216 nr_ops:1233512\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 256.08us 0.00ns 256.08us 256.08us \nTxn1 616755 97.35us 0.00ns 211.50ms 18.58us \nTxn2 1 20.43us 0.00ns 20.43us 20.43us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 255.27us 0.00ns 255.27us 255.27us \nwrite 616755 2.89us 0.00ns 91.63us 2.14us \nread 616754 94.38us 0.00ns 211.50ms 1.29us \ndisconnect 1 19.99us 0.00ns 19.99us 19.99us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 9893 9893 86.25Mb/s 86.25Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.50b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.204 62.37s 1.18GB 162.02Mb/s 1233511 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.18GB 162.02Mb/s 1233512 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.419449, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001957506.4280 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001958507.5464 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001958507.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001959508.7324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:19545088 nr_ops:19087\ntimestamp_ms:1653001960509.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:36271104 nr_ops:35421\ntimestamp_ms:1653001961510.9565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:78525440 nr_ops:76685\ntimestamp_ms:1653001962512.0784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:103015424 nr_ops:100601\ntimestamp_ms:1653001963513.1960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:118443008 nr_ops:115667\ntimestamp_ms:1653001964514.2996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:130952192 nr_ops:127883\ntimestamp_ms:1653001965515.4353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142089216 nr_ops:138759\ntimestamp_ms:1653001966516.5564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:158942208 nr_ops:155217\ntimestamp_ms:1653001967517.6692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:168264704 nr_ops:164321\ntimestamp_ms:1653001968518.7646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176702464 nr_ops:172561\ntimestamp_ms:1653001969519.8884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199939072 nr_ops:195253\ntimestamp_ms:1653001970521.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:222579712 nr_ops:217363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001971522.1960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246998016 nr_ops:241209\ntimestamp_ms:1653001972523.3357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:261704704 nr_ops:255571\ntimestamp_ms:1653001973524.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283028480 nr_ops:276395\ntimestamp_ms:1653001974525.5640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:304362496 nr_ops:297229\ntimestamp_ms:1653001975526.6860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316476416 nr_ops:309059\ntimestamp_ms:1653001976527.8030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:356830208 nr_ops:348467\ntimestamp_ms:1653001977528.9058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380894208 nr_ops:371967\ntimestamp_ms:1653001978530.0100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:401091584 nr_ops:391691\ntimestamp_ms:1653001979531.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428280832 nr_ops:418243\ntimestamp_ms:1653001980531.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:452046848 nr_ops:441452\ntimestamp_ms:1653001981532.9482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462605312 nr_ops:451763\ntimestamp_ms:1653001982533.9873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:489761792 nr_ops:478283\ntimestamp_ms:1653001983535.0681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505189376 nr_ops:493349\ntimestamp_ms:1653001984536.1841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:520307712 nr_ops:508113\ntimestamp_ms:1653001985537.2476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:540775424 nr_ops:528101\ntimestamp_ms:1653001986538.2954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:556041216 nr_ops:543009\ntimestamp_ms:1653001987539.4082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569084928 nr_ops:555747\ntimestamp_ms:1653001988540.5208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:588706816 nr_ops:574909\ntimestamp_ms:1653001989541.6235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:601058304 nr_ops:586971\ntimestamp_ms:1653001990542.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:626998272 nr_ops:612303\ntimestamp_ms:1653001991543.8523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:645612544 nr_ops:630481\ntimestamp_ms:1653001992544.9543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661621760 nr_ops:646115\ntimestamp_ms:1653001993546.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676439040 nr_ops:660585\ntimestamp_ms:1653001994547.1887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705895424 nr_ops:689351\ntimestamp_ms:1653001995548.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:718720000 nr_ops:701875\ntimestamp_ms:1653001996549.3459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734178304 nr_ops:716971\ntimestamp_ms:1653001997550.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756331520 nr_ops:738605\ntimestamp_ms:1653001998551.5781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:773733376 nr_ops:755599\ntimestamp_ms:1653001999552.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:792810496 nr_ops:774229\ntimestamp_ms:1653002000553.7812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:826584064 nr_ops:807211\ntimestamp_ms:1653002001554.9099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852151296 nr_ops:832179\ntimestamp_ms:1653002002556.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876489728 nr_ops:855947\ntimestamp_ms:1653002003557.1753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895798272 nr_ops:874803\ntimestamp_ms:1653002004558.2913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:914506752 nr_ops:893073\ntimestamp_ms:1653002005558.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939601920 nr_ops:917580\ntimestamp_ms:1653002006558.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970353664 nr_ops:947611\ntimestamp_ms:1653002007560.0730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987266048 nr_ops:964127\ntimestamp_ms:1653002008561.1792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1027021824 nr_ops:1002951\ntimestamp_ms:1653002009562.2969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1070261248 nr_ops:1045177\ntimestamp_ms:1653002010563.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1081408512 nr_ops:1056063\ntimestamp_ms:1653002011564.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098400768 nr_ops:1072657\ntimestamp_ms:1653002012565.6167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1119224832 nr_ops:1092993\ntimestamp_ms:1653002013566.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138441216 nr_ops:1111759\ntimestamp_ms:1653002014567.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163627520 nr_ops:1136355\ntimestamp_ms:1653002015569.0466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1188369408 nr_ops:1160517\ntimestamp_ms:1653002016570.1367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212507136 nr_ops:1184089\ntimestamp_ms:1653002017571.2329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1249811456 nr_ops:1220519\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139971316672256\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.5581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263113216 nr_ops:1233509\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.6377 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.6558 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018872.8105 name:Total nr_bytes:1263113216 nr_ops:1233510\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.6768 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2526226430 nr_ops:2467020\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.6777 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1263113216 nr_ops:1233512\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 256.08us 0.00ns 256.08us 256.08us \nTxn1 616755 97.35us 0.00ns 211.50ms 18.58us \nTxn2 1 20.43us 0.00ns 20.43us 20.43us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 255.27us 0.00ns 255.27us 255.27us \nwrite 616755 2.89us 0.00ns 91.63us 2.14us \nread 616754 94.38us 0.00ns 211.50ms 1.29us \ndisconnect 1 19.99us 0.00ns 19.99us 19.99us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 9893 9893 86.25Mb/s 86.25Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.50b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.204 62.37s 1.18GB 162.02Mb/s 1233511 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.18GB 162.02Mb/s 1233512 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.419449, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001957506.4280 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001958507.5464 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653001958507.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653001959508.7324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:19545088 nr_ops:19087\ntimestamp_ms:1653001960509.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:36271104 nr_ops:35421\ntimestamp_ms:1653001961510.9565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:78525440 nr_ops:76685\ntimestamp_ms:1653001962512.0784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:103015424 nr_ops:100601\ntimestamp_ms:1653001963513.1960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:118443008 nr_ops:115667\ntimestamp_ms:1653001964514.2996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:130952192 nr_ops:127883\ntimestamp_ms:1653001965515.4353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142089216 nr_ops:138759\ntimestamp_ms:1653001966516.5564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:158942208 nr_ops:155217\ntimestamp_ms:1653001967517.6692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:168264704 nr_ops:164321\ntimestamp_ms:1653001968518.7646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176702464 nr_ops:172561\ntimestamp_ms:1653001969519.8884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199939072 nr_ops:195253\ntimestamp_ms:1653001970521.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:222579712 nr_ops:217363\ntimestamp_ms:1653001971522.1960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246998016 nr_ops:241209\ntimestamp_ms:1653001972523.3357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:261704704 nr_ops:255571\ntimestamp_ms:1653001973524.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283028480 nr_ops:276395\ntimestamp_ms:1653001974525.5640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:304362496 nr_ops:297229\ntimestamp_ms:1653001975526.6860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316476416 nr_ops:309059\ntimestamp_ms:1653001976527.8030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:356830208 nr_ops:348467\ntimestamp_ms:1653001977528.9058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380894208 nr_ops:371967\ntimestamp_ms:1653001978530.0100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:401091584 nr_ops:391691\ntimestamp_ms:1653001979531.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428280832 nr_ops:418243\ntimestamp_ms:1653001980531.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:452046848 nr_ops:441452\ntimestamp_ms:1653001981532.9482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462605312 nr_ops:451763\ntimestamp_ms:1653001982533.9873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:489761792 nr_ops:478283\ntimestamp_ms:1653001983535.0681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505189376 nr_ops:493349\ntimestamp_ms:1653001984536.1841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:520307712 nr_ops:508113\ntimestamp_ms:1653001985537.2476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:540775424 nr_ops:528101\ntimestamp_ms:1653001986538.2954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:556041216 nr_ops:543009\ntimestamp_ms:1653001987539.4082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569084928 nr_ops:555747\ntimestamp_ms:1653001988540.5208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:588706816 nr_ops:574909\ntimestamp_ms:1653001989541.6235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:601058304 nr_ops:586971\ntimestamp_ms:1653001990542.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:626998272 nr_ops:612303\ntimestamp_ms:1653001991543.8523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:645612544 nr_ops:630481\ntimestamp_ms:1653001992544.9543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661621760 nr_ops:646115\ntimestamp_ms:1653001993546.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676439040 nr_ops:660585\ntimestamp_ms:1653001994547.1887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705895424 nr_ops:689351\ntimestamp_ms:1653001995548.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:718720000 nr_ops:701875\ntimestamp_ms:1653001996549.3459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734178304 nr_ops:716971\ntimestamp_ms:1653001997550.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756331520 nr_ops:738605\ntimestamp_ms:1653001998551.5781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:773733376 nr_ops:755599\ntimestamp_ms:1653001999552.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:792810496 nr_ops:774229\ntimestamp_ms:1653002000553.7812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:826584064 nr_ops:807211\ntimestamp_ms:1653002001554.9099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852151296 nr_ops:832179\ntimestamp_ms:1653002002556.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876489728 nr_ops:855947\ntimestamp_ms:1653002003557.1753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895798272 nr_ops:874803\ntimestamp_ms:1653002004558.2913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:914506752 nr_ops:893073\ntimestamp_ms:1653002005558.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939601920 nr_ops:917580\ntimestamp_ms:1653002006558.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970353664 nr_ops:947611\ntimestamp_ms:1653002007560.0730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987266048 nr_ops:964127\ntimestamp_ms:1653002008561.1792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1027021824 nr_ops:1002951\ntimestamp_ms:1653002009562.2969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1070261248 nr_ops:1045177\ntimestamp_ms:1653002010563.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1081408512 nr_ops:1056063\ntimestamp_ms:1653002011564.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098400768 nr_ops:1072657\ntimestamp_ms:1653002012565.6167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1119224832 nr_ops:1092993\ntimestamp_ms:1653002013566.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138441216 nr_ops:1111759\ntimestamp_ms:1653002014567.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163627520 nr_ops:1136355\ntimestamp_ms:1653002015569.0466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1188369408 nr_ops:1160517\ntimestamp_ms:1653002016570.1367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212507136 nr_ops:1184089\ntimestamp_ms:1653002017571.2329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1249811456 nr_ops:1220519\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139971316672256\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.5581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263113216 nr_ops:1233509\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.6377 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.6558 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018872.8105 name:Total nr_bytes:1263113216 nr_ops:1233510\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.6768 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2526226430 nr_ops:2467020\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002018772.6777 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1263113216 nr_ops:1233512\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 256.08us 0.00ns 256.08us 256.08us \nTxn1 616755 97.35us 0.00ns 211.50ms 18.58us \nTxn2 1 20.43us 0.00ns 20.43us 20.43us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 255.27us 0.00ns 255.27us 255.27us \nwrite 616755 2.89us 0.00ns 91.63us 2.14us \nread 616754 94.38us 0.00ns 211.50ms 1.29us \ndisconnect 1 19.99us 0.00ns 19.99us 19.99us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 9893 9893 86.25Mb/s 86.25Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.50b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.204 62.37s 1.18GB 162.02Mb/s 1233511 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.18GB 162.02Mb/s 1233512 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.419449, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001957506.4280 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001958507.5464 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653001958507.6348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653001959508.7324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:19545088 nr_ops:19087
+timestamp_ms:1653001960509.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:36271104 nr_ops:35421
+timestamp_ms:1653001961510.9565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:78525440 nr_ops:76685
+timestamp_ms:1653001962512.0784 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:103015424 nr_ops:100601
+timestamp_ms:1653001963513.1960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:118443008 nr_ops:115667
+timestamp_ms:1653001964514.2996 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:130952192 nr_ops:127883
+timestamp_ms:1653001965515.4353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:142089216 nr_ops:138759
+timestamp_ms:1653001966516.5564 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:158942208 nr_ops:155217
+timestamp_ms:1653001967517.6692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:168264704 nr_ops:164321
+timestamp_ms:1653001968518.7646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176702464 nr_ops:172561
+timestamp_ms:1653001969519.8884 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:199939072 nr_ops:195253
+timestamp_ms:1653001970521.0916 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:222579712 nr_ops:217363
+timestamp_ms:1653001971522.1960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246998016 nr_ops:241209
+timestamp_ms:1653001972523.3357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:261704704 nr_ops:255571
+timestamp_ms:1653001973524.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283028480 nr_ops:276395
+timestamp_ms:1653001974525.5640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:304362496 nr_ops:297229
+timestamp_ms:1653001975526.6860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316476416 nr_ops:309059
+timestamp_ms:1653001976527.8030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:356830208 nr_ops:348467
+timestamp_ms:1653001977528.9058 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:380894208 nr_ops:371967
+timestamp_ms:1653001978530.0100 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:401091584 nr_ops:391691
+timestamp_ms:1653001979531.1113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:428280832 nr_ops:418243
+timestamp_ms:1653001980531.8484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:452046848 nr_ops:441452
+timestamp_ms:1653001981532.9482 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:462605312 nr_ops:451763
+timestamp_ms:1653001982533.9873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:489761792 nr_ops:478283
+timestamp_ms:1653001983535.0681 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505189376 nr_ops:493349
+timestamp_ms:1653001984536.1841 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:520307712 nr_ops:508113
+timestamp_ms:1653001985537.2476 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:540775424 nr_ops:528101
+timestamp_ms:1653001986538.2954 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:556041216 nr_ops:543009
+timestamp_ms:1653001987539.4082 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569084928 nr_ops:555747
+timestamp_ms:1653001988540.5208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:588706816 nr_ops:574909
+timestamp_ms:1653001989541.6235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:601058304 nr_ops:586971
+timestamp_ms:1653001990542.7441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:626998272 nr_ops:612303
+timestamp_ms:1653001991543.8523 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:645612544 nr_ops:630481
+timestamp_ms:1653001992544.9543 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:661621760 nr_ops:646115
+timestamp_ms:1653001993546.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:676439040 nr_ops:660585
+timestamp_ms:1653001994547.1887 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705895424 nr_ops:689351
+timestamp_ms:1653001995548.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:718720000 nr_ops:701875
+timestamp_ms:1653001996549.3459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:734178304 nr_ops:716971
+timestamp_ms:1653001997550.4575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756331520 nr_ops:738605
+timestamp_ms:1653001998551.5781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:773733376 nr_ops:755599
+timestamp_ms:1653001999552.6980 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:792810496 nr_ops:774229
+timestamp_ms:1653002000553.7812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:826584064 nr_ops:807211
+timestamp_ms:1653002001554.9099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:852151296 nr_ops:832179
+timestamp_ms:1653002002556.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876489728 nr_ops:855947
+timestamp_ms:1653002003557.1753 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:895798272 nr_ops:874803
+timestamp_ms:1653002004558.2913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:914506752 nr_ops:893073
+timestamp_ms:1653002005558.8357 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:939601920 nr_ops:917580
+timestamp_ms:1653002006558.9475 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:970353664 nr_ops:947611
+timestamp_ms:1653002007560.0730 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987266048 nr_ops:964127
+timestamp_ms:1653002008561.1792 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1027021824 nr_ops:1002951
+timestamp_ms:1653002009562.2969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1070261248 nr_ops:1045177
+timestamp_ms:1653002010563.4048 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1081408512 nr_ops:1056063
+timestamp_ms:1653002011564.5049 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1098400768 nr_ops:1072657
+timestamp_ms:1653002012565.6167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1119224832 nr_ops:1092993
+timestamp_ms:1653002013566.8464 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1138441216 nr_ops:1111759
+timestamp_ms:1653002014567.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163627520 nr_ops:1136355
+timestamp_ms:1653002015569.0466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1188369408 nr_ops:1160517
+timestamp_ms:1653002016570.1367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212507136 nr_ops:1184089
+timestamp_ms:1653002017571.2329 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1249811456 nr_ops:1220519
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139971316672256
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653002018772.5581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1263113216 nr_ops:1233509
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002018772.6377 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002018772.6558 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002018872.8105 name:Total nr_bytes:1263113216 nr_ops:1233510
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002018772.6768 name:Group0 nr_bytes:2526226430 nr_ops:2467020
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002018772.6777 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:1263113216 nr_ops:1233512
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 256.08us 0.00ns 256.08us 256.08us
+Txn1 616755 97.35us 0.00ns 211.50ms 18.58us
+Txn2 1 20.43us 0.00ns 20.43us 20.43us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 255.27us 0.00ns 255.27us 255.27us
+write 616755 2.89us 0.00ns 91.63us 2.14us
+read 616754 94.38us 0.00ns 211.50ms 1.29us
+disconnect 1 19.99us 0.00ns 19.99us 19.99us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 9893 9893 86.25Mb/s 86.25Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 813.50b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.204 62.37s 1.18GB 162.02Mb/s 1233511 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.18GB 162.02Mb/s 1233512 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:39.508000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:39.508000', 'bytes': 19545088, 'norm_byte': 19545088, 'ops': 19087, 'norm_ops': 19087, 'norm_ltcy': 52.44918825640488, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:39.508000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:39.508000",
+ "bytes": 19545088,
+ "norm_byte": 19545088,
+ "ops": 19087,
+ "norm_ops": 19087,
+ "norm_ltcy": 52.44918825640488,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b9079e3452122f3e268a689cb030969d7177adad9cf07cff64cf5e368235619",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:40.509000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:40.509000', 'bytes': 36271104, 'norm_byte': 16726016, 'ops': 35421, 'norm_ops': 16334, 'norm_ltcy': 61.29026780794661, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:40.509000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:40.509000",
+ "bytes": 36271104,
+ "norm_byte": 16726016,
+ "ops": 35421,
+ "norm_ops": 16334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 61.29026780794661,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cee59cc4bcfb7e296a59e03d383dbde99c4e4a5783488ee2dfe550b466548880",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:41.510000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:41.510000', 'bytes': 78525440, 'norm_byte': 42254336, 'ops': 76685, 'norm_ops': 41264, 'norm_ltcy': 24.261072283800647, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:41.510000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:41.510000",
+ "bytes": 78525440,
+ "norm_byte": 42254336,
+ "ops": 76685,
+ "norm_ops": 41264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.261072283800647,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd94c41378683bb3fdfc6ade65275da24d8f4d0bd22e5fbd26d54755a4c4f0f6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:42.512000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:42.512000', 'bytes': 103015424, 'norm_byte': 24489984, 'ops': 100601, 'norm_ops': 23916, 'norm_ltcy': 41.859919140821, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:42.512000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:42.512000",
+ "bytes": 103015424,
+ "norm_byte": 24489984,
+ "ops": 100601,
+ "norm_ops": 23916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.859919140821,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04039734a7a779e9aaef597473f4ab30402296c18fb0be7174a3a4f73e7570fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:43.513000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:43.513000', 'bytes': 118443008, 'norm_byte': 15427584, 'ops': 115667, 'norm_ops': 15066, 'norm_ltcy': 66.44880364935949, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:43.513000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:43.513000",
+ "bytes": 118443008,
+ "norm_byte": 15427584,
+ "ops": 115667,
+ "norm_ops": 15066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 66.44880364935949,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "947c9bdb5d37d345fbed08e5ef25ddf8495e0e4401c46b583a3833bc8d77b012",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:44.514000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:44.514000', 'bytes': 130952192, 'norm_byte': 12509184, 'ops': 127883, 'norm_ops': 12216, 'norm_ltcy': 81.95018955672887, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:44.514000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:44.514000",
+ "bytes": 130952192,
+ "norm_byte": 12509184,
+ "ops": 127883,
+ "norm_ops": 12216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 81.95018955672887,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91a487879f58988a57bb2395e348be70b8f53e1b41dbc838a415ebd89e587548",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:45.515000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:45.515000', 'bytes': 142089216, 'norm_byte': 11137024, 'ops': 138759, 'norm_ops': 10876, 'norm_ltcy': 92.04999468439684, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:45.515000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:45.515000",
+ "bytes": 142089216,
+ "norm_byte": 11137024,
+ "ops": 138759,
+ "norm_ops": 10876,
+ "norm_ltcy": 92.04999468439684,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b64c9b68ef978fe975dd6019372347b666ba689265568e0dc22a40f982ddaa4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:46.516000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:46.516000', 'bytes': 158942208, 'norm_byte': 16852992, 'ops': 155217, 'norm_ops': 16458, 'norm_ltcy': 60.828842736055414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:46.516000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:46.516000",
+ "bytes": 158942208,
+ "norm_byte": 16852992,
+ "ops": 155217,
+ "norm_ops": 16458,
+ "norm_ltcy": 60.828842736055414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa657d2d8a936cbf438b1da7c9ce1a933364343a227e2c4c316095359ede6c82",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:47.517000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:47.517000', 'bytes': 168264704, 'norm_byte': 9322496, 'ops': 164321, 'norm_ops': 9104, 'norm_ltcy': 109.96405898162895, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:47.517000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:47.517000",
+ "bytes": 168264704,
+ "norm_byte": 9322496,
+ "ops": 164321,
+ "norm_ops": 9104,
+ "norm_ltcy": 109.96405898162895,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82de41f944a632c067bcd4e789ebbe309b986f4e577c501b1e45a94b568e32f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:48.518000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:48.518000', 'bytes': 176702464, 'norm_byte': 8437760, 'ops': 172561, 'norm_ops': 8240, 'norm_ltcy': 121.49216735247269, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:48.518000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:48.518000",
+ "bytes": 176702464,
+ "norm_byte": 8437760,
+ "ops": 172561,
+ "norm_ops": 8240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 121.49216735247269,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e3184fdd422f25a07e4c122c85c67daa3b3aa334c369fcdc9f0177f862cf4cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:49.519000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:49.519000', 'bytes': 199939072, 'norm_byte': 23236608, 'ops': 195253, 'norm_ops': 22692, 'norm_ltcy': 44.11791729670699, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:49.519000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:49.519000",
+ "bytes": 199939072,
+ "norm_byte": 23236608,
+ "ops": 195253,
+ "norm_ops": 22692,
+ "norm_ltcy": 44.11791729670699,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77623aa8ddd337eb2f41f59af690d8ca0e55aa407c6d1d74b6314af194fb0008",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:50.521000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:50.521000', 'bytes': 222579712, 'norm_byte': 22640640, 'ops': 217363, 'norm_ops': 22110, 'norm_ltcy': 45.282818860244234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:50.521000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:50.521000",
+ "bytes": 222579712,
+ "norm_byte": 22640640,
+ "ops": 217363,
+ "norm_ops": 22110,
+ "norm_ltcy": 45.282818860244234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3af883d79d03f67d5e9b05992176269589a4ba18aae60aab5ddfce9a24db863",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:51.522000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:51.522000', 'bytes': 246998016, 'norm_byte': 24418304, 'ops': 241209, 'norm_ops': 23846, 'norm_ltcy': 41.98207213736056, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:51.522000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:51.522000",
+ "bytes": 246998016,
+ "norm_byte": 24418304,
+ "ops": 241209,
+ "norm_ops": 23846,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.98207213736056,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a0339d29a618b5fc0eaf07d72ccb9b6d6c3f83f484735c98444a702a2989617e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:52.523000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:52.523000', 'bytes': 261704704, 'norm_byte': 14706688, 'ops': 255571, 'norm_ops': 14362, 'norm_ltcy': 69.7075371422852, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:52.523000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:52.523000",
+ "bytes": 261704704,
+ "norm_byte": 14706688,
+ "ops": 255571,
+ "norm_ops": 14362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 69.7075371422852,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60669e10ebadd9832a1a8e5519a4c2b72d326f96632397bf5b197b981268fe46",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:53.524000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:53.524000', 'bytes': 283028480, 'norm_byte': 21323776, 'ops': 276395, 'norm_ops': 20824, 'norm_ltcy': 48.07536198091745, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:53.524000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:53.524000",
+ "bytes": 283028480,
+ "norm_byte": 21323776,
+ "ops": 276395,
+ "norm_ops": 20824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 48.07536198091745,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9d1d2ccd962db1a7c72d6d30a69845df9b8e04a249fb388a22f68ae2f7b7c9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:54.525000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:54.525000', 'bytes': 304362496, 'norm_byte': 21334016, 'ops': 297229, 'norm_ops': 20834, 'norm_ltcy': 48.051595161454834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:54.525000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:54.525000",
+ "bytes": 304362496,
+ "norm_byte": 21334016,
+ "ops": 297229,
+ "norm_ops": 20834,
+ "norm_ltcy": 48.051595161454834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64b59c33564f134e8f907d2509d56cbdbd43630fced2313abb31a274bfc5ae6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:55.526000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:55.526000', 'bytes': 316476416, 'norm_byte': 12113920, 'ops': 309059, 'norm_ops': 11830, 'norm_ltcy': 84.6257033231192, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:55.526000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:55.526000",
+ "bytes": 316476416,
+ "norm_byte": 12113920,
+ "ops": 309059,
+ "norm_ops": 11830,
+ "norm_ltcy": 84.6257033231192,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be065dc4058e67411b4ad4e0f6e96a6cfe056db6886f2848aacaaaaa6ceee96c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:56.527000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:56.527000', 'bytes': 356830208, 'norm_byte': 40353792, 'ops': 348467, 'norm_ops': 39408, 'norm_ltcy': 25.40390132357326, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:56.527000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:56.527000",
+ "bytes": 356830208,
+ "norm_byte": 40353792,
+ "ops": 348467,
+ "norm_ops": 39408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.40390132357326,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "709c92210078d2e157c2ec70e79cdf00be7a8adc83aef389931dd69ecc335075",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:57.528000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:57.528000', 'bytes': 380894208, 'norm_byte': 24064000, 'ops': 371967, 'norm_ops': 23500, 'norm_ltcy': 42.600118434175535, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:57.528000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:57.528000",
+ "bytes": 380894208,
+ "norm_byte": 24064000,
+ "ops": 371967,
+ "norm_ops": 23500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.600118434175535,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "65b092249fcf9218c68eea43f042bdb401d4bcc889c89d9ca54eacd812ea139b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:58.530000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:58.530000', 'bytes': 401091584, 'norm_byte': 20197376, 'ops': 391691, 'norm_ops': 19724, 'norm_ltcy': 50.75564023762295, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:58.530000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:58.530000",
+ "bytes": 401091584,
+ "norm_byte": 20197376,
+ "ops": 391691,
+ "norm_ops": 19724,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.75564023762295,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "12a6de2993110fe3ea36f50dcece568e3bef5943bf22e2ba50d15cc3208afc6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:12:59.531000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:12:59.531000', 'bytes': 428280832, 'norm_byte': 27189248, 'ops': 418243, 'norm_ops': 26552, 'norm_ltcy': 37.70342416237477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:12:59.531000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:12:59.531000",
+ "bytes": 428280832,
+ "norm_byte": 27189248,
+ "ops": 418243,
+ "norm_ops": 26552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.70342416237477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c80b9849af851176a685a0ea80bc597d7428f27c84ffdf4422759cf31f82b911",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:00.531000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:00.531000', 'bytes': 452046848, 'norm_byte': 23766016, 'ops': 441452, 'norm_ops': 23209, 'norm_ltcy': 43.11849112615257, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:00.531000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:00.531000",
+ "bytes": 452046848,
+ "norm_byte": 23766016,
+ "ops": 441452,
+ "norm_ops": 23209,
+ "norm_ltcy": 43.11849112615257,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "613a561bee27f0a5da8e8f26645d3176bf28df9bf3aee67ff241ed7e1802476e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:01.532000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:01.532000', 'bytes': 462605312, 'norm_byte': 10558464, 'ops': 451763, 'norm_ops': 10311, 'norm_ltcy': 97.09047168224468, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:01.532000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:01.532000",
+ "bytes": 462605312,
+ "norm_byte": 10558464,
+ "ops": 451763,
+ "norm_ops": 10311,
+ "norm_ltcy": 97.09047168224468,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce0c2b9000cb9da7506960eb162432a5a866875f2e19ea1e4cc311ce532c20cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:02.533000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:02.533000', 'bytes': 489761792, 'norm_byte': 27156480, 'ops': 478283, 'norm_ops': 26520, 'norm_ltcy': 37.7465709841629, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:02.533000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:02.533000",
+ "bytes": 489761792,
+ "norm_byte": 27156480,
+ "ops": 478283,
+ "norm_ops": 26520,
+ "norm_ltcy": 37.7465709841629,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "092066524cbdbf505b314265ce8deb8c83bcb4e2bc6144fed3a13469b167bd13",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:03.535000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:03.535000', 'bytes': 505189376, 'norm_byte': 15427584, 'ops': 493349, 'norm_ops': 15066, 'norm_ltcy': 66.44635673349761, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:03.535000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:03.535000",
+ "bytes": 505189376,
+ "norm_byte": 15427584,
+ "ops": 493349,
+ "norm_ops": 15066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 66.44635673349761,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa9c11ece63a284303bff0f389eae9dedba9ecf7ff545a0b0cd0ce7957b29f8e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:04.536000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:04.536000', 'bytes': 520307712, 'norm_byte': 15118336, 'ops': 508113, 'norm_ops': 14764, 'norm_ltcy': 67.80790888626896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:04.536000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:04.536000",
+ "bytes": 520307712,
+ "norm_byte": 15118336,
+ "ops": 508113,
+ "norm_ops": 14764,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.80790888626896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3811b04e1b1afce8f81352d827fec240ab3c0bbd49fe8f236132196ecbf92c14",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:05.537000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:05.537000', 'bytes': 540775424, 'norm_byte': 20467712, 'ops': 528101, 'norm_ops': 19988, 'norm_ltcy': 50.08322376238243, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:05.537000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:05.537000",
+ "bytes": 540775424,
+ "norm_byte": 20467712,
+ "ops": 528101,
+ "norm_ops": 19988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 50.08322376238243,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bf627c145092c6843a483fcedb9e30006d3d7059c780a578b668bd08905abf59",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:06.538000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:06.538000', 'bytes': 556041216, 'norm_byte': 15265792, 'ops': 543009, 'norm_ops': 14908, 'norm_ltcy': 67.14836675358868, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:06.538000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:06.538000",
+ "bytes": 556041216,
+ "norm_byte": 15265792,
+ "ops": 543009,
+ "norm_ops": 14908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 67.14836675358868,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "486955c0aed31d1e38977c969ddeea1f7b088b46171017a2d5eb7d85ae3d802f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:07.539000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:07.539000', 'bytes': 569084928, 'norm_byte': 13043712, 'ops': 555747, 'norm_ops': 12738, 'norm_ltcy': 78.59261995358376, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:07.539000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:07.539000",
+ "bytes": 569084928,
+ "norm_byte": 13043712,
+ "ops": 555747,
+ "norm_ops": 12738,
+ "norm_ltcy": 78.59261995358376,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00cd9b7c17f1925a38045f7e2bc99d767795594e44e477ac16edfd27ffb80fe9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:08.540000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:08.540000', 'bytes': 588706816, 'norm_byte': 19621888, 'ops': 574909, 'norm_ops': 19162, 'norm_ltcy': 52.24467951300099, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:08.540000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:08.540000",
+ "bytes": 588706816,
+ "norm_byte": 19621888,
+ "ops": 574909,
+ "norm_ops": 19162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 52.24467951300099,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df409dd5b023e34429ead16f9f1699f9bbc279f56255f5d0e4ad9b8d223a7efe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:09.541000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:09.541000', 'bytes': 601058304, 'norm_byte': 12351488, 'ops': 586971, 'norm_ops': 12062, 'norm_ltcy': 82.9964171118492, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:09.541000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:09.541000",
+ "bytes": 601058304,
+ "norm_byte": 12351488,
+ "ops": 586971,
+ "norm_ops": 12062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 82.9964171118492,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "699bac947727feaa903c1bdb3a79319a1af160a6fb7c6fc76444f2387f02c083",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:10.542000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:10.542000', 'bytes': 626998272, 'norm_byte': 25939968, 'ops': 612303, 'norm_ops': 25332, 'norm_ltcy': 39.5199986368526, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:10.542000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:10.542000",
+ "bytes": 626998272,
+ "norm_byte": 25939968,
+ "ops": 612303,
+ "norm_ops": 25332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 39.5199986368526,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ddf3a04497704e0a0c2ac6e09d5eb3ee419365a384dd85b4c1d6cb1190f04ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:11.543000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:11.543000', 'bytes': 645612544, 'norm_byte': 18614272, 'ops': 630481, 'norm_ops': 18178, 'norm_ltcy': 55.07251371420811, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:11.543000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:11.543000",
+ "bytes": 645612544,
+ "norm_byte": 18614272,
+ "ops": 630481,
+ "norm_ops": 18178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 55.07251371420811,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "266414a2833ef19ea6373b366cf572def4cc196c9c274c3a5a762be9432edf42",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:12.544000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:12.544000', 'bytes': 661621760, 'norm_byte': 16009216, 'ops': 646115, 'norm_ops': 15634, 'norm_ltcy': 64.03364786882756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:12.544000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:12.544000",
+ "bytes": 661621760,
+ "norm_byte": 16009216,
+ "ops": 646115,
+ "norm_ops": 15634,
+ "norm_ltcy": 64.03364786882756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "794b23f2b70897daccb04af1496d6d62bddf7db2bd63ae69a9935dd37f849087",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:13.546000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:13.546000', 'bytes': 676439040, 'norm_byte': 14817280, 'ops': 660585, 'norm_ops': 14470, 'norm_ltcy': 69.18582560361956, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:13.546000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:13.546000",
+ "bytes": 676439040,
+ "norm_byte": 14817280,
+ "ops": 660585,
+ "norm_ops": 14470,
+ "norm_ltcy": 69.18582560361956,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "964ab0dcba6af41a0e233965b2966b35887b22ec316f4493a34f6d15fecc042b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:14.547000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:14.547000', 'bytes': 705895424, 'norm_byte': 29456384, 'ops': 689351, 'norm_ops': 28766, 'norm_ltcy': 34.802039856623274, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:14.547000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:14.547000",
+ "bytes": 705895424,
+ "norm_byte": 29456384,
+ "ops": 689351,
+ "norm_ops": 28766,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.802039856623274,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5fbd0d1f298c70ca5a635b32e4444cea0667d7726931b7c317a4640356550775",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:15.548000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:15.548000', 'bytes': 718720000, 'norm_byte': 12824576, 'ops': 701875, 'norm_ops': 12524, 'norm_ltcy': 79.93086866965426, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:15.548000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:15.548000",
+ "bytes": 718720000,
+ "norm_byte": 12824576,
+ "ops": 701875,
+ "norm_ops": 12524,
+ "norm_ltcy": 79.93086866965426,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c865608219b7020dbac1ad08d222a16860d617410257c58c5779634b156e7885",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:16.549000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:16.549000', 'bytes': 734178304, 'norm_byte': 15458304, 'ops': 716971, 'norm_ops': 15096, 'norm_ltcy': 66.31578082563263, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:16.549000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:16.549000",
+ "bytes": 734178304,
+ "norm_byte": 15458304,
+ "ops": 716971,
+ "norm_ops": 15096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 66.31578082563263,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6602ba7ce89bf2b198a12bc60c42402e6ff136262007b5abaf87e40a52764f83",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:17.550000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:17.550000', 'bytes': 756331520, 'norm_byte': 22153216, 'ops': 738605, 'norm_ops': 21634, 'norm_ltcy': 46.274917826829295, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:17.550000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:17.550000",
+ "bytes": 756331520,
+ "norm_byte": 22153216,
+ "ops": 738605,
+ "norm_ops": 21634,
+ "norm_ltcy": 46.274917826829295,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "97d9a26520c468707f4134254a68f586769d95cc214b141d06fa0a7c39b04fc9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:18.551000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:18.551000', 'bytes': 773733376, 'norm_byte': 17401856, 'ops': 755599, 'norm_ops': 16994, 'norm_ltcy': 58.910239229654586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:18.551000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:18.551000",
+ "bytes": 773733376,
+ "norm_byte": 17401856,
+ "ops": 755599,
+ "norm_ops": 16994,
+ "norm_ltcy": 58.910239229654586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e9f6beef86738d6b82be8a41996e69d53b6bcc9bb988c0712c131207aab60895",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:19.552000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:19.552000', 'bytes': 792810496, 'norm_byte': 19077120, 'ops': 774229, 'norm_ops': 18630, 'norm_ltcy': 53.73697654572598, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:19.552000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:19.552000",
+ "bytes": 792810496,
+ "norm_byte": 19077120,
+ "ops": 774229,
+ "norm_ops": 18630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 53.73697654572598,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "913be4bb44904ea6104d59a01c3b5e405404b2d098d796fe4cc7ad7d7b5e9153",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:20.553000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:20.553000', 'bytes': 826584064, 'norm_byte': 33773568, 'ops': 807211, 'norm_ops': 32982, 'norm_ltcy': 30.352411980872144, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:20.553000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:20.553000",
+ "bytes": 826584064,
+ "norm_byte": 33773568,
+ "ops": 807211,
+ "norm_ops": 32982,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.352411980872144,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7dfe2c6034abe7388dbf430f068b1e8ffd1bb5f4f24e2e4b865914b30f193d6a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:21.554000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:21.554000', 'bytes': 852151296, 'norm_byte': 25567232, 'ops': 832179, 'norm_ops': 24968, 'norm_ltcy': 40.09646996593139, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:21.554000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:21.554000",
+ "bytes": 852151296,
+ "norm_byte": 25567232,
+ "ops": 832179,
+ "norm_ops": 24968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.09646996593139,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8c1adefe057bea640000b6e6897225f40fd6daeab93793e693bd8d789d7c5a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:22.556000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:22.556000', 'bytes': 876489728, 'norm_byte': 24338432, 'ops': 855947, 'norm_ops': 23768, 'norm_ltcy': 42.1207085156513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:22.556000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:22.556000",
+ "bytes": 876489728,
+ "norm_byte": 24338432,
+ "ops": 855947,
+ "norm_ops": 23768,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.1207085156513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39836c6eb25e836fed7588fc025b207d96911e4deaaf11715f4629ca3d9cc25d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:23.557000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:23.557000', 'bytes': 895798272, 'norm_byte': 19308544, 'ops': 874803, 'norm_ops': 18856, 'norm_ltcy': 53.09399559076024, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:23.557000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:23.557000",
+ "bytes": 895798272,
+ "norm_byte": 19308544,
+ "ops": 874803,
+ "norm_ops": 18856,
+ "norm_ltcy": 53.09399559076024,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b26a37005d881f31ed86a609a0f5818f4570f0ea5e0fcc6098fbb5fcae52b79",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:24.558000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:24.558000', 'bytes': 914506752, 'norm_byte': 18708480, 'ops': 893073, 'norm_ops': 18270, 'norm_ltcy': 54.79561941964286, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:24.558000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:24.558000",
+ "bytes": 914506752,
+ "norm_byte": 18708480,
+ "ops": 893073,
+ "norm_ops": 18270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 54.79561941964286,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13bc747cbf706e0cd01d17a7532505cdd343847d0e62c8f6dc8755ba2bfb7dde",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:25.558000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:25.558000', 'bytes': 939601920, 'norm_byte': 25095168, 'ops': 917580, 'norm_ops': 24507, 'norm_ltcy': 40.82688348609581, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:25.558000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:25.558000",
+ "bytes": 939601920,
+ "norm_byte": 25095168,
+ "ops": 917580,
+ "norm_ops": 24507,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.82688348609581,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6fd8bbbeeeed0f0ad58ec57ccc52dbb0abbd30fa94dc6f1d9ccc40a44414fec2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:26.558000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:26.558000', 'bytes': 970353664, 'norm_byte': 30751744, 'ops': 947611, 'norm_ops': 30031, 'norm_ltcy': 33.30264781080384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:26.558000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:26.558000",
+ "bytes": 970353664,
+ "norm_byte": 30751744,
+ "ops": 947611,
+ "norm_ops": 30031,
+ "norm_ltcy": 33.30264781080384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "557a38135ec799b347ebc3167dc742df629e31886e1a6df938cb4363b785e38f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:27.560000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:27.560000', 'bytes': 987266048, 'norm_byte': 16912384, 'ops': 964127, 'norm_ops': 16516, 'norm_ltcy': 60.61549335682066, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:27.560000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:27.560000",
+ "bytes": 987266048,
+ "norm_byte": 16912384,
+ "ops": 964127,
+ "norm_ops": 16516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 60.61549335682066,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "daeb289384f247527dc3198673ceb6dac6f73d17b28ad92ed03ebc03d5e62019",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:28.561000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:28.561000', 'bytes': 1027021824, 'norm_byte': 39755776, 'ops': 1002951, 'norm_ops': 38824, 'norm_ltcy': 25.78575626344207, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:28.561000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:28.561000",
+ "bytes": 1027021824,
+ "norm_byte": 39755776,
+ "ops": 1002951,
+ "norm_ops": 38824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.78575626344207,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9184516c7809a931ce52c13b80bd1fca91916a720a621b79cad9d54431331e25",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:29.562000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:29.562000', 'bytes': 1070261248, 'norm_byte': 43239424, 'ops': 1045177, 'norm_ops': 42226, 'norm_ltcy': 23.70856050256359, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:29.562000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:29.562000",
+ "bytes": 1070261248,
+ "norm_byte": 43239424,
+ "ops": 1045177,
+ "norm_ops": 42226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.70856050256359,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d0e8646b84074b4706378d63c494243d1bbf6bcdb1249a5e80df59490d2ac729",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:30.563000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:30.563000', 'bytes': 1081408512, 'norm_byte': 11147264, 'ops': 1056063, 'norm_ops': 10886, 'norm_ltcy': 91.96287986002665, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:30.563000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:30.563000",
+ "bytes": 1081408512,
+ "norm_byte": 11147264,
+ "ops": 1056063,
+ "norm_ops": 10886,
+ "norm_ltcy": 91.96287986002665,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f875831198a84ee67ca340421b3b4511fd7dc47971965b23172d06a97c31ab4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:31.564000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:31.564000', 'bytes': 1098400768, 'norm_byte': 16992256, 'ops': 1072657, 'norm_ops': 16594, 'norm_ltcy': 60.32904047584971, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:31.564000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:31.564000",
+ "bytes": 1098400768,
+ "norm_byte": 16992256,
+ "ops": 1072657,
+ "norm_ops": 16594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 60.32904047584971,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d9e3813b79a3559f9f989a78a3233910c1a597dc4e82a0b5e2a122ce27a2214",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:32.565000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:32.565000', 'bytes': 1119224832, 'norm_byte': 20824064, 'ops': 1092993, 'norm_ops': 20336, 'norm_ltcy': 49.22855116081087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:32.565000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:32.565000",
+ "bytes": 1119224832,
+ "norm_byte": 20824064,
+ "ops": 1092993,
+ "norm_ops": 20336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 49.22855116081087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2afcd7b805c1564f32fb27b109b13e4970ab39da7cd74e1b3f5869dad2ec29f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:33.566000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:33.566000', 'bytes': 1138441216, 'norm_byte': 19216384, 'ops': 1111759, 'norm_ops': 18766, 'norm_ltcy': 53.35339104380928, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:33.566000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:33.566000",
+ "bytes": 1138441216,
+ "norm_byte": 19216384,
+ "ops": 1111759,
+ "norm_ops": 18766,
+ "norm_ltcy": 53.35339104380928,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67f455844ed344b27d12d269108102af1c61d123869aac0616bbfe9c5ecb3ca5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:34.567000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:34.567000', 'bytes': 1163627520, 'norm_byte': 25186304, 'ops': 1136355, 'norm_ops': 24596, 'norm_ltcy': 40.701853277082655, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:34.567000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:34.567000",
+ "bytes": 1163627520,
+ "norm_byte": 25186304,
+ "ops": 1136355,
+ "norm_ops": 24596,
+ "norm_ltcy": 40.701853277082655,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7308345a4fa08549df39b9ac8c2ee0eac931852477f6cac1ddf42bcc576c8cb7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:35.569000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:35.569000', 'bytes': 1188369408, 'norm_byte': 24741888, 'ops': 1160517, 'norm_ops': 24162, 'norm_ltcy': 41.43272130243253, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:35.569000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:35.569000",
+ "bytes": 1188369408,
+ "norm_byte": 24741888,
+ "ops": 1160517,
+ "norm_ops": 24162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 41.43272130243253,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db5586ff824e3edc0f01c06bcecf8ab8f3989ce697704bfd5cc7157425b5e617",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:36.570000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:36.570000', 'bytes': 1212507136, 'norm_byte': 24137728, 'ops': 1184089, 'norm_ops': 23572, 'norm_ltcy': 42.46945901453525, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:36.570000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:36.570000",
+ "bytes": 1212507136,
+ "norm_byte": 24137728,
+ "ops": 1184089,
+ "norm_ops": 23572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 42.46945901453525,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f203d3bb8ddf12f3c34aff28f2dc17317198b37405f1179848ce512fcf6bac1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:37.571000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:37.571000', 'bytes': 1249811456, 'norm_byte': 37304320, 'ops': 1220519, 'norm_ops': 36430, 'norm_ltcy': 27.479994274121605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:37.571000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:37.571000",
+ "bytes": 1249811456,
+ "norm_byte": 37304320,
+ "ops": 1220519,
+ "norm_ops": 36430,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.479994274121605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03848a6ed1374fbe58e58e2d353cdc18f786f2578a8b003f082a50c974fd72ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:13:38.772000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:13:38.772000', 'bytes': 1263113216, 'norm_byte': 13301760, 'ops': 1233509, 'norm_ops': 12990, 'norm_ltcy': 92.48076946208622, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:13:38.772000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:13:38.772000",
+ "bytes": 1263113216,
+ "norm_byte": 13301760,
+ "ops": 1233509,
+ "norm_ops": 12990,
+ "norm_ltcy": 92.48076946208622,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fde8ff1c-d5c3-5517-ace1-bbc8c01bdeb7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "56b4f51216a9de677ddfee9187573d612a25376e030e790a6c8876c7d111ec46",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 21051886.933333334
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 20558.483333333334
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 92.71125457309412
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:13:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-109-220519230953/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-109-220519230953/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1657d70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-109-220519230953/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-109-220519230953/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-109-220519230953/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-109-220519230953/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-109-220519230953/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-109-220519230953/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a15a8e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-109-220519230953/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=35
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=20
+ net.core.busy_poll=130
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-110-220519231155/220519231155-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-110-220519231155/220519231155-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5a2c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-110-220519231155/220519231155-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:14:38Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002079058.5701 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002080059.7156 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002080059.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002081060.9084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46844928 nr_ops:45747\ntimestamp_ms:1653002082061.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:89818112 nr_ops:87713\ntimestamp_ms:1653002083063.0596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:132543488 nr_ops:129437\ntimestamp_ms:1653002084064.1614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:175019008 nr_ops:170917\ntimestamp_ms:1653002085065.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:216970240 nr_ops:211885\ntimestamp_ms:1653002086066.3516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259945472 nr_ops:253853\ntimestamp_ms:1653002087067.4592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:302511104 nr_ops:295421\ntimestamp_ms:1653002088068.5676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:345383936 nr_ops:337289\ntimestamp_ms:1653002089069.6868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388570112 nr_ops:379463\ntimestamp_ms:1653002090070.7803 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:431192064 nr_ops:421086\ntimestamp_ms:1653002091070.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:474020864 nr_ops:462911\ntimestamp_ms:1653002092071.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516785152 nr_ops:504673\ntimestamp_ms:1653002093073.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:559799296 nr_ops:546679\ntimestamp_ms:1653002094074.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:603020288 nr_ops:588887\ntimestamp_ms:1653002095075.2046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:646210560 nr_ops:631065\ntimestamp_ms:1653002096076.2998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696337408 nr_ops:680017\ntimestamp_ms:1653002097077.4102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:747351040 nr_ops:729835\ntimestamp_ms:1653002098078.5024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:796211200 nr_ops:777550\ntimestamp_ms:1653002099079.5947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845507584 nr_ops:825691\ntimestamp_ms:1653002100080.6848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894710784 nr_ops:873741\ntimestamp_ms:1653002101081.7737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945812480 nr_ops:923645\ntimestamp_ms:1653002102082.8655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:996502528 nr_ops:973147\ntimestamp_ms:1653002103083.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046250496 nr_ops:1021729\ntimestamp_ms:1653002104085.0005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095983104 nr_ops:1070296\ntimestamp_ms:1653002105086.0986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142125568 nr_ops:1115357\ntimestamp_ms:1653002106087.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1186974720 nr_ops:1159155\ntimestamp_ms:1653002107088.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1230158848 nr_ops:1201327\ntimestamp_ms:1653002108089.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273156608 nr_ops:1243317\ntimestamp_ms:1653002109090.4790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316162560 nr_ops:1285315\ntimestamp_ms:1653002110090.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1359473664 nr_ops:1327611\ntimestamp_ms:1653002111092.0647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1402758144 nr_ops:1369881\ntimestamp_ms:1653002112093.1636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446681600 nr_ops:1412775\ntimestamp_ms:1653002113094.2620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1489445888 nr_ops:1454537\ntimestamp_ms:1653002114095.3623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1536197632 nr_ops:1500193\ntimestamp_ms:1653002115096.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1585415168 nr_ops:1548257\ntimestamp_ms:1653002116097.5493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1635542016 nr_ops:1597209\ntimestamp_ms:1653002117098.7419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1686139904 nr_ops:1646621\ntimestamp_ms:1653002118099.8516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1736197120 nr_ops:1695505\ntimestamp_ms:1653002119100.9495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778906112 nr_ops:1737213\ntimestamp_ms:1653002120102.0410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1821385728 nr_ops:1778697\ntimestamp_ms:1653002121103.0886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1864049664 nr_ops:1820361\ntimestamp_ms:1653002122104.1855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906770944 nr_ops:1862081\ntimestamp_ms:1653002123105.2263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1949532160 nr_ops:1903840\ntimestamp_ms:1653002124106.3201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1991815168 nr_ops:1945132\ntimestamp_ms:1653002125107.4165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2034570240 nr_ops:1986885\ntimestamp_ms:1653002126108.5110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2077754368 nr_ops:2029057\ntimestamp_ms:1653002127109.6033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2121014272 nr_ops:2071303\ntimestamp_ms:1653002128110.6975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2164007936 nr_ops:2113289\ntimestamp_ms:1653002129111.7913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2207120384 nr_ops:2155391\ntimestamp_ms:1653002130112.8840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2256856064 nr_ops:2203961\ntimestamp_ms:1653002131113.9795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307019776 nr_ops:2252949\ntimestamp_ms:1653002132115.0188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2350212096 nr_ops:2295129\ntimestamp_ms:1653002133116.1143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2393074688 nr_ops:2336987\ntimestamp_ms:1653002134117.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2436410368 nr_ops:2379307\ntimestamp_ms:1653002135118.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479432704 nr_ops:2421321\ntimestamp_ms:1653002136119.4001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2522307584 nr_ops:2463191\ntimestamp_ms:1653002137120.5039 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2565344256 nr_ops:2505219\ntimestamp_ms:1653002138121.6116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2608296960 nr_ops:2547165\ntimestamp_ms:1653002139122.7104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2651259904 nr_ops:2589121\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140299465799424\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.0701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693983232 nr_ops:2630843\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.1165 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.1206 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140424.3564 name:Total nr_bytes:2693983232 nr_ops:2630844\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.1511 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5387966462 nr_ops:5261688\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.1521 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2693983232 nr_ops:2630846\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 295.94us 0.00ns 295.94us 295.94us \nTxn1 1315422 45.63us 0.00ns 4.17ms 18.28us \nTxn2 1 26.96us 0.00ns 26.96us 26.96us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 295.34us 0.00ns 295.34us 295.34us \nwrite 1315422 2.45us 0.00ns 384.89us 2.11us \nread 1315421 43.10us 0.00ns 4.17ms 1.16us \ndisconnect 1 26.49us 0.00ns 26.49us 26.49us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 21092 21092 183.92Mb/s 183.92Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.205 62.37s 2.51GB 345.56Mb/s 2630846 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.51GB 345.57Mb/s 2630846 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416597, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002079058.5701 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002080059.7156 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002080059.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002081060.9084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46844928 nr_ops:45747\ntimestamp_ms:1653002082061.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:89818112 nr_ops:87713\ntimestamp_ms:1653002083063.0596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:132543488 nr_ops:129437\ntimestamp_ms:1653002084064.1614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:175019008 nr_ops:170917\ntimestamp_ms:1653002085065.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:216970240 nr_ops:211885\ntimestamp_ms:1653002086066.3516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259945472 nr_ops:253853\ntimestamp_ms:1653002087067.4592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:302511104 nr_ops:295421\ntimestamp_ms:1653002088068.5676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:345383936 nr_ops:337289\ntimestamp_ms:1653002089069.6868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388570112 nr_ops:379463\ntimestamp_ms:1653002090070.7803 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:431192064 nr_ops:421086\ntimestamp_ms:1653002091070.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:474020864 nr_ops:462911\ntimestamp_ms:1653002092071.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516785152 nr_ops:504673\ntimestamp_ms:1653002093073.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:559799296 nr_ops:546679\ntimestamp_ms:1653002094074.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:603020288 nr_ops:588887\ntimestamp_ms:1653002095075.2046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:646210560 nr_ops:631065\ntimestamp_ms:1653002096076.2998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696337408 nr_ops:680017\ntimestamp_ms:1653002097077.4102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:747351040 nr_ops:729835\ntimestamp_ms:1653002098078.5024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:796211200 nr_ops:777550\ntimestamp_ms:1653002099079.5947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845507584 nr_ops:825691\ntimestamp_ms:1653002100080.6848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894710784 nr_ops:873741\ntimestamp_ms:1653002101081.7737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945812480 nr_ops:923645\ntimestamp_ms:1653002102082.8655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:996502528 nr_ops:973147\ntimestamp_ms:1653002103083.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046250496 nr_ops:1021729\ntimestamp_ms:1653002104085.0005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095983104 nr_ops:1070296\ntimestamp_ms:1653002105086.0986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142125568 nr_ops:1115357\ntimestamp_ms:1653002106087.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1186974720 nr_ops:1159155\ntimestamp_ms:1653002107088.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1230158848 nr_ops:1201327\ntimestamp_ms:1653002108089.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273156608 nr_ops:1243317\ntimestamp_ms:1653002109090.4790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316162560 nr_ops:1285315\ntimestamp_ms:1653002110090.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1359473664 nr_ops:1327611\ntimestamp_ms:1653002111092.0647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1402758144 nr_ops:1369881\ntimestamp_ms:1653002112093.1636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446681600 nr_ops:1412775\ntimestamp_ms:1653002113094.2620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1489445888 nr_ops:1454537\ntimestamp_ms:1653002114095.3623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1536197632 nr_ops:1500193\ntimestamp_ms:1653002115096.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1585415168 nr_ops:1548257\ntimestamp_ms:1653002116097.5493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1635542016 nr_ops:1597209\ntimestamp_ms:1653002117098.7419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1686139904 nr_ops:1646621\ntimestamp_ms:1653002118099.8516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1736197120 nr_ops:1695505\ntimestamp_ms:1653002119100.9495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778906112 nr_ops:1737213\ntimestamp_ms:1653002120102.0410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1821385728 nr_ops:1778697\ntimestamp_ms:1653002121103.0886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1864049664 nr_ops:1820361\ntimestamp_ms:1653002122104.1855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906770944 nr_ops:1862081\ntimestamp_ms:1653002123105.2263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1949532160 nr_ops:1903840\ntimestamp_ms:1653002124106.3201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1991815168 nr_ops:1945132\ntimestamp_ms:1653002125107.4165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2034570240 nr_ops:1986885\ntimestamp_ms:1653002126108.5110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2077754368 nr_ops:2029057\ntimestamp_ms:1653002127109.6033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2121014272 nr_ops:2071303\ntimestamp_ms:1653002128110.6975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2164007936 nr_ops:2113289\ntimestamp_ms:1653002129111.7913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2207120384 nr_ops:2155391\ntimestamp_ms:1653002130112.8840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2256856064 nr_ops:2203961\ntimestamp_ms:1653002131113.9795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307019776 nr_ops:2252949\ntimestamp_ms:1653002132115.0188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2350212096 nr_ops:2295129\ntimestamp_ms:1653002133116.1143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2393074688 nr_ops:2336987\ntimestamp_ms:1653002134117.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2436410368 nr_ops:2379307\ntimestamp_ms:1653002135118.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479432704 nr_ops:2421321\ntimestamp_ms:1653002136119.4001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2522307584 nr_ops:2463191\ntimestamp_ms:1653002137120.5039 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2565344256 nr_ops:2505219\ntimestamp_ms:1653002138121.6116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2608296960 nr_ops:2547165\ntimestamp_ms:1653002139122.7104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2651259904 nr_ops:2589121\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140299465799424\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.0701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693983232 nr_ops:2630843\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.1165 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.1206 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140424.3564 name:Total nr_bytes:2693983232 nr_ops:2630844\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.1511 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5387966462 nr_ops:5261688\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.1521 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2693983232 nr_ops:2630846\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 295.94us 0.00ns 295.94us 295.94us \nTxn1 1315422 45.63us 0.00ns 4.17ms 18.28us \nTxn2 1 26.96us 0.00ns 26.96us 26.96us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 295.34us 0.00ns 295.34us 295.34us \nwrite 1315422 2.45us 0.00ns 384.89us 2.11us \nread 1315421 43.10us 0.00ns 4.17ms 1.16us \ndisconnect 1 26.49us 0.00ns 26.49us 26.49us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 21092 21092 183.92Mb/s 183.92Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.205 62.37s 2.51GB 345.56Mb/s 2630846 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.51GB 345.57Mb/s 2630846 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416597, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002079058.5701 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002080059.7156 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002080059.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002081060.9084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46844928 nr_ops:45747\ntimestamp_ms:1653002082061.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:89818112 nr_ops:87713\ntimestamp_ms:1653002083063.0596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:132543488 nr_ops:129437\ntimestamp_ms:1653002084064.1614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:175019008 nr_ops:170917\ntimestamp_ms:1653002085065.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:216970240 nr_ops:211885\ntimestamp_ms:1653002086066.3516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259945472 nr_ops:253853\ntimestamp_ms:1653002087067.4592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:302511104 nr_ops:295421\ntimestamp_ms:1653002088068.5676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:345383936 nr_ops:337289\ntimestamp_ms:1653002089069.6868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388570112 nr_ops:379463\ntimestamp_ms:1653002090070.7803 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:431192064 nr_ops:421086\ntimestamp_ms:1653002091070.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:474020864 nr_ops:462911\ntimestamp_ms:1653002092071.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516785152 nr_ops:504673\ntimestamp_ms:1653002093073.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:559799296 nr_ops:546679\ntimestamp_ms:1653002094074.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:603020288 nr_ops:588887\ntimestamp_ms:1653002095075.2046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:646210560 nr_ops:631065\ntimestamp_ms:1653002096076.2998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696337408 nr_ops:680017\ntimestamp_ms:1653002097077.4102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:747351040 nr_ops:729835\ntimestamp_ms:1653002098078.5024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:796211200 nr_ops:777550\ntimestamp_ms:1653002099079.5947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845507584 nr_ops:825691\ntimestamp_ms:1653002100080.6848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894710784 nr_ops:873741\ntimestamp_ms:1653002101081.7737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945812480 nr_ops:923645\ntimestamp_ms:1653002102082.8655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:996502528 nr_ops:973147\ntimestamp_ms:1653002103083.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046250496 nr_ops:1021729\ntimestamp_ms:1653002104085.0005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095983104 nr_ops:1070296\ntimestamp_ms:1653002105086.0986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142125568 nr_ops:1115357\ntimestamp_ms:1653002106087.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1186974720 nr_ops:1159155\ntimestamp_ms:1653002107088.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1230158848 nr_ops:1201327\ntimestamp_ms:1653002108089.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273156608 nr_ops:1243317\ntimestamp_ms:1653002109090.4790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316162560 nr_ops:1285315\ntimestamp_ms:1653002110090.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1359473664 nr_ops:1327611\ntimestamp_ms:1653002111092.0647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1402758144 nr_ops:1369881\ntimestamp_ms:1653002112093.1636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446681600 nr_ops:1412775\ntimestamp_ms:1653002113094.2620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1489445888 nr_ops:1454537\ntimestamp_ms:1653002114095.3623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1536197632 nr_ops:1500193\ntimestamp_ms:1653002115096.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1585415168 nr_ops:1548257\ntimestamp_ms:1653002116097.5493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1635542016 nr_ops:1597209\ntimestamp_ms:1653002117098.7419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1686139904 nr_ops:1646621\ntimestamp_ms:1653002118099.8516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1736197120 nr_ops:1695505\ntimestamp_ms:1653002119100.9495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778906112 nr_ops:1737213\ntimestamp_ms:1653002120102.0410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1821385728 nr_ops:1778697\ntimestamp_ms:1653002121103.0886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1864049664 nr_ops:1820361\ntimestamp_ms:1653002122104.1855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906770944 nr_ops:1862081\ntimestamp_ms:1653002123105.2263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1949532160 nr_ops:1903840\ntimestamp_ms:1653002124106.3201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1991815168 nr_ops:1945132\ntimestamp_ms:1653002125107.4165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2034570240 nr_ops:1986885\ntimestamp_ms:1653002126108.5110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2077754368 nr_ops:2029057\ntimestamp_ms:1653002127109.6033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2121014272 nr_ops:2071303\ntimestamp_ms:1653002128110.6975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2164007936 nr_ops:2113289\ntimestamp_ms:1653002129111.7913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2207120384 nr_ops:2155391\ntimestamp_ms:1653002130112.8840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2256856064 nr_ops:2203961\ntimestamp_ms:1653002131113.9795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307019776 nr_ops:2252949\ntimestamp_ms:1653002132115.0188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2350212096 nr_ops:2295129\ntimestamp_ms:1653002133116.1143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2393074688 nr_ops:2336987\ntimestamp_ms:1653002134117.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2436410368 nr_ops:2379307\ntimestamp_ms:1653002135118.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479432704 nr_ops:2421321\ntimestamp_ms:1653002136119.4001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2522307584 nr_ops:2463191\ntimestamp_ms:1653002137120.5039 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2565344256 nr_ops:2505219\ntimestamp_ms:1653002138121.6116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2608296960 nr_ops:2547165\ntimestamp_ms:1653002139122.7104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2651259904 nr_ops:2589121\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140299465799424\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.0701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693983232 nr_ops:2630843\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.1165 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.1206 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140424.3564 name:Total nr_bytes:2693983232 nr_ops:2630844\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.1511 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5387966462 nr_ops:5261688\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002140324.1521 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2693983232 nr_ops:2630846\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 295.94us 0.00ns 295.94us 295.94us \nTxn1 1315422 45.63us 0.00ns 4.17ms 18.28us \nTxn2 1 26.96us 0.00ns 26.96us 26.96us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 295.34us 0.00ns 295.34us 295.34us \nwrite 1315422 2.45us 0.00ns 384.89us 2.11us \nread 1315421 43.10us 0.00ns 4.17ms 1.16us \ndisconnect 1 26.49us 0.00ns 26.49us 26.49us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 21092 21092 183.92Mb/s 183.92Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.205 62.37s 2.51GB 345.56Mb/s 2630846 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.51GB 345.57Mb/s 2630846 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416597, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002079058.5701 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002080059.7156 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002080059.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002081060.9084 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46844928 nr_ops:45747
+timestamp_ms:1653002082061.9580 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:89818112 nr_ops:87713
+timestamp_ms:1653002083063.0596 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:132543488 nr_ops:129437
+timestamp_ms:1653002084064.1614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:175019008 nr_ops:170917
+timestamp_ms:1653002085065.2578 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:216970240 nr_ops:211885
+timestamp_ms:1653002086066.3516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:259945472 nr_ops:253853
+timestamp_ms:1653002087067.4592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:302511104 nr_ops:295421
+timestamp_ms:1653002088068.5676 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:345383936 nr_ops:337289
+timestamp_ms:1653002089069.6868 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388570112 nr_ops:379463
+timestamp_ms:1653002090070.7803 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:431192064 nr_ops:421086
+timestamp_ms:1653002091070.8367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:474020864 nr_ops:462911
+timestamp_ms:1653002092071.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:516785152 nr_ops:504673
+timestamp_ms:1653002093073.0173 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:559799296 nr_ops:546679
+timestamp_ms:1653002094074.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:603020288 nr_ops:588887
+timestamp_ms:1653002095075.2046 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:646210560 nr_ops:631065
+timestamp_ms:1653002096076.2998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696337408 nr_ops:680017
+timestamp_ms:1653002097077.4102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:747351040 nr_ops:729835
+timestamp_ms:1653002098078.5024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:796211200 nr_ops:777550
+timestamp_ms:1653002099079.5947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:845507584 nr_ops:825691
+timestamp_ms:1653002100080.6848 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:894710784 nr_ops:873741
+timestamp_ms:1653002101081.7737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945812480 nr_ops:923645
+timestamp_ms:1653002102082.8655 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:996502528 nr_ops:973147
+timestamp_ms:1653002103083.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1046250496 nr_ops:1021729
+timestamp_ms:1653002104085.0005 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095983104 nr_ops:1070296
+timestamp_ms:1653002105086.0986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1142125568 nr_ops:1115357
+timestamp_ms:1653002106087.1902 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1186974720 nr_ops:1159155
+timestamp_ms:1653002107088.2878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1230158848 nr_ops:1201327
+timestamp_ms:1653002108089.3816 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1273156608 nr_ops:1243317
+timestamp_ms:1653002109090.4790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1316162560 nr_ops:1285315
+timestamp_ms:1653002110090.9573 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1359473664 nr_ops:1327611
+timestamp_ms:1653002111092.0647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1402758144 nr_ops:1369881
+timestamp_ms:1653002112093.1636 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446681600 nr_ops:1412775
+timestamp_ms:1653002113094.2620 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1489445888 nr_ops:1454537
+timestamp_ms:1653002114095.3623 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1536197632 nr_ops:1500193
+timestamp_ms:1653002115096.4570 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1585415168 nr_ops:1548257
+timestamp_ms:1653002116097.5493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1635542016 nr_ops:1597209
+timestamp_ms:1653002117098.7419 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1686139904 nr_ops:1646621
+timestamp_ms:1653002118099.8516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1736197120 nr_ops:1695505
+timestamp_ms:1653002119100.9495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778906112 nr_ops:1737213
+timestamp_ms:1653002120102.0410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1821385728 nr_ops:1778697
+timestamp_ms:1653002121103.0886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1864049664 nr_ops:1820361
+timestamp_ms:1653002122104.1855 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906770944 nr_ops:1862081
+timestamp_ms:1653002123105.2263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1949532160 nr_ops:1903840
+timestamp_ms:1653002124106.3201 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1991815168 nr_ops:1945132
+timestamp_ms:1653002125107.4165 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2034570240 nr_ops:1986885
+timestamp_ms:1653002126108.5110 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2077754368 nr_ops:2029057
+timestamp_ms:1653002127109.6033 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2121014272 nr_ops:2071303
+timestamp_ms:1653002128110.6975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2164007936 nr_ops:2113289
+timestamp_ms:1653002129111.7913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2207120384 nr_ops:2155391
+timestamp_ms:1653002130112.8840 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2256856064 nr_ops:2203961
+timestamp_ms:1653002131113.9795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2307019776 nr_ops:2252949
+timestamp_ms:1653002132115.0188 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2350212096 nr_ops:2295129
+timestamp_ms:1653002133116.1143 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2393074688 nr_ops:2336987
+timestamp_ms:1653002134117.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2436410368 nr_ops:2379307
+timestamp_ms:1653002135118.3032 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479432704 nr_ops:2421321
+timestamp_ms:1653002136119.4001 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2522307584 nr_ops:2463191
+timestamp_ms:1653002137120.5039 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2565344256 nr_ops:2505219
+timestamp_ms:1653002138121.6116 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2608296960 nr_ops:2547165
+timestamp_ms:1653002139122.7104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2651259904 nr_ops:2589121
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140299465799424
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653002140324.0701 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693983232 nr_ops:2630843
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002140324.1165 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002140324.1206 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002140424.3564 name:Total nr_bytes:2693983232 nr_ops:2630844
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002140324.1511 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5387966462 nr_ops:5261688
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002140324.1521 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2693983232 nr_ops:2630846
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 295.94us 0.00ns 295.94us 295.94us
+Txn1 1315422 45.63us 0.00ns 4.17ms 18.28us
+Txn2 1 26.96us 0.00ns 26.96us 26.96us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 295.34us 0.00ns 295.34us 295.34us
+write 1315422 2.45us 0.00ns 384.89us 2.11us
+read 1315421 43.10us 0.00ns 4.17ms 1.16us
+disconnect 1 26.49us 0.00ns 26.49us 26.49us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 21092 21092 183.92Mb/s 183.92Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.205 62.37s 2.51GB 345.56Mb/s 2630846 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.51GB 345.57Mb/s 2630846 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:41.060000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:41.060000', 'bytes': 46844928, 'norm_byte': 46844928, 'ops': 45747, 'norm_ops': 45747, 'norm_ltcy': 21.88346302933799, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:41.060000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:41.060000",
+ "bytes": 46844928,
+ "norm_byte": 46844928,
+ "ops": 45747,
+ "norm_ops": 45747,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.88346302933799,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d8396e35399455e34a10850a0049f4c493e8ea081457b8c17d7dc7b7ac1a936",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:42.061000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:42.061000', 'bytes': 89818112, 'norm_byte': 42973184, 'ops': 87713, 'norm_ops': 41966, 'norm_ltcy': 23.853823584493995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:42.061000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:42.061000",
+ "bytes": 89818112,
+ "norm_byte": 42973184,
+ "ops": 87713,
+ "norm_ops": 41966,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.853823584493995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e5ef3953c321f74ac62e2962fb5dc02e6692301305ce8fb6d2a6c26aa4b1722",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:43.063000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:43.063000', 'bytes': 132543488, 'norm_byte': 42725376, 'ops': 129437, 'norm_ops': 41724, 'norm_ltcy': 23.993422550570415, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:43.063000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:43.063000",
+ "bytes": 132543488,
+ "norm_byte": 42725376,
+ "ops": 129437,
+ "norm_ops": 41724,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.993422550570415,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bec47064f1e1eb5077e2eed562b56af08366c622ef290b4f04fc4c93c32bd6c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:44.064000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:44.064000', 'bytes': 175019008, 'norm_byte': 42475520, 'ops': 170917, 'norm_ops': 41480, 'norm_ltcy': 24.134566216022783, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:44.064000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:44.064000",
+ "bytes": 175019008,
+ "norm_byte": 42475520,
+ "ops": 170917,
+ "norm_ops": 41480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.134566216022783,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "43a5bddde5c86f1e3a198b20cf07a7f84021646159a56071432349acaf3ff2ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:45.065000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:45.065000', 'bytes': 216970240, 'norm_byte': 41951232, 'ops': 211885, 'norm_ops': 40968, 'norm_ltcy': 24.436058278336137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:45.065000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:45.065000",
+ "bytes": 216970240,
+ "norm_byte": 41951232,
+ "ops": 211885,
+ "norm_ops": 40968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.436058278336137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "baa36a6132bc3288a034c9efa9ee01189d782817a139e49a5dd9eae84bb68719",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:46.066000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:46.066000', 'bytes': 259945472, 'norm_byte': 42975232, 'ops': 253853, 'norm_ops': 41968, 'norm_ltcy': 23.85373975409836, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:46.066000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:46.066000",
+ "bytes": 259945472,
+ "norm_byte": 42975232,
+ "ops": 253853,
+ "norm_ops": 41968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.85373975409836,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "af203c9768b428e05263abfee74e022a75d5444284e1ce728860121efd9eda72",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:47.067000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:47.067000', 'bytes': 302511104, 'norm_byte': 42565632, 'ops': 295421, 'norm_ops': 41568, 'norm_ltcy': 24.08361398228505, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:47.067000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:47.067000",
+ "bytes": 302511104,
+ "norm_byte": 42565632,
+ "ops": 295421,
+ "norm_ops": 41568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.08361398228505,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f83486f4267a9d20610e3873b5c8b10e63c5fbda4eede9f250be80d81921a71e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:48.068000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:48.068000', 'bytes': 345383936, 'norm_byte': 42872832, 'ops': 337289, 'norm_ops': 41868, 'norm_ltcy': 23.911063304612114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:48.068000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:48.068000",
+ "bytes": 345383936,
+ "norm_byte": 42872832,
+ "ops": 337289,
+ "norm_ops": 41868,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.911063304612114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "571e7ccbf12a824b8ef599137235989ce844a80e8628a8127b4535f8a55181f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:49.069000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:49.069000', 'bytes': 388570112, 'norm_byte': 43186176, 'ops': 379463, 'norm_ops': 42174, 'norm_ltcy': 23.737827586309102, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:49.069000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:49.069000",
+ "bytes": 388570112,
+ "norm_byte": 43186176,
+ "ops": 379463,
+ "norm_ops": 42174,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.737827586309102,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8cec1f6c68ca7fbabd95887bdcd80b1fed6d5f75b26ecfd41b3a3c7a9e20a49e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:50.070000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:50.070000', 'bytes': 431192064, 'norm_byte': 42621952, 'ops': 421086, 'norm_ops': 41623, 'norm_ltcy': 24.051450060288182, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:50.070000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:50.070000",
+ "bytes": 431192064,
+ "norm_byte": 42621952,
+ "ops": 421086,
+ "norm_ops": 41623,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.051450060288182,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f6f1c8e74bcfa41bd7ba6a589fb0d75de2b753eb1006f5025ec7fc6dc2ce0a3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:51.070000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:51.070000', 'bytes': 474020864, 'norm_byte': 42828800, 'ops': 462911, 'norm_ops': 41825, 'norm_ltcy': 23.910493639793785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:51.070000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:51.070000",
+ "bytes": 474020864,
+ "norm_byte": 42828800,
+ "ops": 462911,
+ "norm_ops": 41825,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.910493639793785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b9163d5e2beb2e8b55d5c863f8e3dd8bc534633c48a6cea9cacba9b60ea6c2a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:52.071000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:52.071000', 'bytes': 516785152, 'norm_byte': 42764288, 'ops': 504673, 'norm_ops': 41762, 'norm_ltcy': 23.97138004495714, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:52.071000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:52.071000",
+ "bytes": 516785152,
+ "norm_byte": 42764288,
+ "ops": 504673,
+ "norm_ops": 41762,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.97138004495714,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "267a4f500f0b466514610e58f1928c395353e815ff3860ef28848c3f2e4178cd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:53.073000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:53.073000', 'bytes': 559799296, 'norm_byte': 43014144, 'ops': 546679, 'norm_ops': 42006, 'norm_ltcy': 23.83202139277722, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:53.073000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:53.073000",
+ "bytes": 559799296,
+ "norm_byte": 43014144,
+ "ops": 546679,
+ "norm_ops": 42006,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.83202139277722,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "150f76c177fa8f2473e2af3b6411c43078288d1e50bef13e8afcd619209bfb27",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:54.074000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:54.074000', 'bytes': 603020288, 'norm_byte': 43220992, 'ops': 588887, 'norm_ops': 42208, 'norm_ltcy': 23.718087035114788, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:54.074000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:54.074000",
+ "bytes": 603020288,
+ "norm_byte": 43220992,
+ "ops": 588887,
+ "norm_ops": 42208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.718087035114788,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9668d5ddde8c9b6e5d74b0ce5900474c8fe844eae600956c1e038ab619a2b2af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:55.075000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:55.075000', 'bytes': 646210560, 'norm_byte': 43190272, 'ops': 631065, 'norm_ops': 42178, 'norm_ltcy': 23.73498597091493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:55.075000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:55.075000",
+ "bytes": 646210560,
+ "norm_byte": 43190272,
+ "ops": 631065,
+ "norm_ops": 42178,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.73498597091493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "748c4f2a654cf80e38947c9d22577ee04f56616f8e7ca26f0aed0cb5bc0f052c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:56.076000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:56.076000', 'bytes': 696337408, 'norm_byte': 50126848, 'ops': 680017, 'norm_ops': 48952, 'norm_ltcy': 20.450547778308344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:56.076000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:56.076000",
+ "bytes": 696337408,
+ "norm_byte": 50126848,
+ "ops": 680017,
+ "norm_ops": 48952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.450547778308344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b08eb31f04ae8ee970ffdb153ad6374412ad2c1c78744da8b078b869bebaf471",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:57.077000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:57.077000', 'bytes': 747351040, 'norm_byte': 51013632, 'ops': 729835, 'norm_ops': 49818, 'norm_ltcy': 20.0953541202477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:57.077000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:57.077000",
+ "bytes": 747351040,
+ "norm_byte": 51013632,
+ "ops": 729835,
+ "norm_ops": 49818,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.0953541202477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ccbb8f85e966c560f8f3b4707dfd29bbc7cc82de2463a0a737cef55f37bb25a2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:58.078000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:58.078000', 'bytes': 796211200, 'norm_byte': 48860160, 'ops': 777550, 'norm_ops': 47715, 'norm_ltcy': 20.980661954443047, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:58.078000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:58.078000",
+ "bytes": 796211200,
+ "norm_byte": 48860160,
+ "ops": 777550,
+ "norm_ops": 47715,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.980661954443047,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "887e95e8613735a69f50b9972a5c0401ec582fcc13664524836d061974614ce7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:14:59.079000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:14:59.079000', 'bytes': 845507584, 'norm_byte': 49296384, 'ops': 825691, 'norm_ops': 48141, 'norm_ltcy': 20.795003949985457, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:14:59.079000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:14:59.079000",
+ "bytes": 845507584,
+ "norm_byte": 49296384,
+ "ops": 825691,
+ "norm_ops": 48141,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.795003949985457,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db7ee833b4b044ed3508684f27440ee2e061b7437bf3104dbe00bdfc31d61ee1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:00.080000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:00.080000', 'bytes': 894710784, 'norm_byte': 49203200, 'ops': 873741, 'norm_ops': 48050, 'norm_ltcy': 20.834341059118106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:00.080000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:00.080000",
+ "bytes": 894710784,
+ "norm_byte": 49203200,
+ "ops": 873741,
+ "norm_ops": 48050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.834341059118106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d1a223f61a1133dfa50ad972605547286b76e97ddebf4ff6a3751200328c5e6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:01.081000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:01.081000', 'bytes': 945812480, 'norm_byte': 51101696, 'ops': 923645, 'norm_ops': 49904, 'norm_ltcy': 20.060293106514507, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:01.081000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:01.081000",
+ "bytes": 945812480,
+ "norm_byte": 51101696,
+ "ops": 923645,
+ "norm_ops": 49904,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.060293106514507,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26d68fc3068015f1fa8d865ba31d308db72874b1a8c3487da16bf5dcd8e9fc5a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:02.082000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:02.082000', 'bytes': 996502528, 'norm_byte': 50690048, 'ops': 973147, 'norm_ops': 49502, 'norm_ltcy': 20.223259603147348, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:02.082000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:02.082000",
+ "bytes": 996502528,
+ "norm_byte": 50690048,
+ "ops": 973147,
+ "norm_ops": 49502,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.223259603147348,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67314150f3864518898a674977e8619d5f1cbc40d606bf25d0300a6f56e5d30d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:03.083000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:03.083000', 'bytes': 1046250496, 'norm_byte': 49747968, 'ops': 1021729, 'norm_ops': 48582, 'norm_ltcy': 20.606308985323782, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:03.083000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:03.083000",
+ "bytes": 1046250496,
+ "norm_byte": 49747968,
+ "ops": 1021729,
+ "norm_ops": 48582,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.606308985323782,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4c3b41968471b21e5d5e2b8d134569549be451b675235cbc6e243f50f5f448d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:04.085000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:04.085000', 'bytes': 1095983104, 'norm_byte': 49732608, 'ops': 1070296, 'norm_ops': 48567, 'norm_ltcy': 20.611512068701483, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:04.085000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:04.085000",
+ "bytes": 1095983104,
+ "norm_byte": 49732608,
+ "ops": 1070296,
+ "norm_ops": 48567,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.611512068701483,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d3143227413465584eb2ffaa0a0895314abb098fe6ac99a5469c47dd62d22681",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:05.086000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:05.086000', 'bytes': 1142125568, 'norm_byte': 46142464, 'ops': 1115357, 'norm_ops': 45061, 'norm_ltcy': 22.216509720850624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:05.086000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:05.086000",
+ "bytes": 1142125568,
+ "norm_byte": 46142464,
+ "ops": 1115357,
+ "norm_ops": 45061,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.216509720850624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "151d3c3e9c4f2ed9dd1d1fda41ef895a0dcc5ac287ca4b7d0ceeeb036ae55590",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:06.087000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:06.087000', 'bytes': 1186974720, 'norm_byte': 44849152, 'ops': 1159155, 'norm_ops': 43798, 'norm_ltcy': 22.857015222941115, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:06.087000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:06.087000",
+ "bytes": 1186974720,
+ "norm_byte": 44849152,
+ "ops": 1159155,
+ "norm_ops": 43798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.857015222941115,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9a005a2fbd9f86d1a2730bfe726fd54680644fbb8b9686cf26fb77edaadae36",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:07.088000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:07.088000', 'bytes': 1230158848, 'norm_byte': 43184128, 'ops': 1201327, 'norm_ops': 42172, 'norm_ltcy': 23.73844390235227, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:07.088000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:07.088000",
+ "bytes": 1230158848,
+ "norm_byte": 43184128,
+ "ops": 1201327,
+ "norm_ops": 42172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.73844390235227,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d21a549f0249a8193b2f10b91ac7da6fb1b2dfb7ba793cdafa39969f83246c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:08.089000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:08.089000', 'bytes': 1273156608, 'norm_byte': 42997760, 'ops': 1243317, 'norm_ops': 41990, 'norm_ltcy': 23.841241962371992, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:08.089000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:08.089000",
+ "bytes": 1273156608,
+ "norm_byte": 42997760,
+ "ops": 1243317,
+ "norm_ops": 41990,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.841241962371992,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "928c57da58daa99c87725f10dae541bee9a2b3801fd50ba4482ffb87bbf2a55d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:09.090000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:09.090000', 'bytes': 1316162560, 'norm_byte': 43005952, 'ops': 1285315, 'norm_ops': 41998, 'norm_ltcy': 23.836787754401993, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:09.090000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:09.090000",
+ "bytes": 1316162560,
+ "norm_byte": 43005952,
+ "ops": 1285315,
+ "norm_ops": 41998,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.836787754401993,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74a277b7f66f1afadbadb5d2387f4ee3b2601aaa15a76be7c3a7fbc734863389",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:10.090000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:10.090000', 'bytes': 1359473664, 'norm_byte': 43311104, 'ops': 1327611, 'norm_ops': 42296, 'norm_ltcy': 23.654205397304118, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:10.090000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:10.090000",
+ "bytes": 1359473664,
+ "norm_byte": 43311104,
+ "ops": 1327611,
+ "norm_ops": 42296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.654205397304118,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "038e3852b270f0e8959ab75d3b0426226298d0c2b59efc5bbadbda4bd485a13e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:11.092000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:11.092000', 'bytes': 1402758144, 'norm_byte': 43284480, 'ops': 1369881, 'norm_ops': 42270, 'norm_ltcy': 23.683639031819258, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:11.092000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:11.092000",
+ "bytes": 1402758144,
+ "norm_byte": 43284480,
+ "ops": 1369881,
+ "norm_ops": 42270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.683639031819258,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a329e207e88bc80ade07bcc8bdd447986f7a3cf6f161a96ac81021061a702128",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:12.093000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:12.093000', 'bytes': 1446681600, 'norm_byte': 43923456, 'ops': 1412775, 'norm_ops': 42894, 'norm_ltcy': 23.338902339560896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:12.093000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:12.093000",
+ "bytes": 1446681600,
+ "norm_byte": 43923456,
+ "ops": 1412775,
+ "norm_ops": 42894,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.338902339560896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "be9d4374b97429ae80468453d9c3cbd313db69bf9a23a3f5eec47d1d1470d81c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:13.094000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:13.094000', 'bytes': 1489445888, 'norm_byte': 42764288, 'ops': 1454537, 'norm_ops': 41762, 'norm_ltcy': 23.971514502942266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:13.094000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:13.094000",
+ "bytes": 1489445888,
+ "norm_byte": 42764288,
+ "ops": 1454537,
+ "norm_ops": 41762,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.971514502942266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e9af05c17b9ce18c057664c7e0696c8f73be3f16e91cd3da7542514e722dbd4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:14.095000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:14.095000', 'bytes': 1536197632, 'norm_byte': 46751744, 'ops': 1500193, 'norm_ops': 45656, 'norm_ltcy': 21.92702693615023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:14.095000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:14.095000",
+ "bytes": 1536197632,
+ "norm_byte": 46751744,
+ "ops": 1500193,
+ "norm_ops": 45656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.92702693615023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a103881036096d499c38d82957f29e00458f5abdcd761695a67f662b261d2582",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:15.096000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:15.096000', 'bytes': 1585415168, 'norm_byte': 49217536, 'ops': 1548257, 'norm_ops': 48064, 'norm_ltcy': 20.828368978081308, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:15.096000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:15.096000",
+ "bytes": 1585415168,
+ "norm_byte": 49217536,
+ "ops": 1548257,
+ "norm_ops": 48064,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.828368978081308,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa76bbf2b40d3de2f47f08e750206c786a00ed2467a65a60408dbb1c0ac98f05",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:16.097000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:16.097000', 'bytes': 1635542016, 'norm_byte': 50126848, 'ops': 1597209, 'norm_ops': 48952, 'norm_ltcy': 20.45048793014075, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:16.097000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:16.097000",
+ "bytes": 1635542016,
+ "norm_byte": 50126848,
+ "ops": 1597209,
+ "norm_ops": 48952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.45048793014075,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "840b997bb2f1c359543bc8c73e141bc6c174f6deb72cb6c386a010518953dea6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:17.098000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:17.098000', 'bytes': 1686139904, 'norm_byte': 50597888, 'ops': 1646621, 'norm_ops': 49412, 'norm_ltcy': 20.26213524959777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:17.098000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:17.098000",
+ "bytes": 1686139904,
+ "norm_byte": 50597888,
+ "ops": 1646621,
+ "norm_ops": 49412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.26213524959777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84dd22f3a0bcef752e8297bb340627062abc1a28d0f5e83a78e6ad027197215c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:18.099000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:18.099000', 'bytes': 1736197120, 'norm_byte': 50057216, 'ops': 1695505, 'norm_ops': 48884, 'norm_ltcy': 20.47929013870847, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:18.099000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:18.099000",
+ "bytes": 1736197120,
+ "norm_byte": 50057216,
+ "ops": 1695505,
+ "norm_ops": 48884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.47929013870847,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff5007ce3e99e482881ba4c303a27cd876d4ec24537ae8bc2cca1d27189def3b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:19.100000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:19.100000', 'bytes': 1778906112, 'norm_byte': 42708992, 'ops': 1737213, 'norm_ops': 41708, 'norm_ltcy': 24.00253909059713, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:19.100000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:19.100000",
+ "bytes": 1778906112,
+ "norm_byte": 42708992,
+ "ops": 1737213,
+ "norm_ops": 41708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.00253909059713,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a22129dbbf2ea7ee9bb6bd915f309f0a74a6e56c54103d82976130994fc4c5f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:20.102000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:20.102000', 'bytes': 1821385728, 'norm_byte': 42479616, 'ops': 1778697, 'norm_ops': 41484, 'norm_ltcy': 24.131991918194363, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:20.102000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:20.102000",
+ "bytes": 1821385728,
+ "norm_byte": 42479616,
+ "ops": 1778697,
+ "norm_ops": 41484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.131991918194363,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc2da3a758fad55991bf05ea7eba40ad906007dfbdf24a116060f4ca8c1fde85",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:21.103000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:21.103000', 'bytes': 1864049664, 'norm_byte': 42663936, 'ops': 1820361, 'norm_ops': 41664, 'norm_ltcy': 24.026680285663282, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:21.103000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:21.103000",
+ "bytes": 1864049664,
+ "norm_byte": 42663936,
+ "ops": 1820361,
+ "norm_ops": 41664,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.026680285663282,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b14e95a57c7ea6ce518c214a4e55cbc319ed3976d76c29cc07b63072993c3d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:22.104000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:22.104000', 'bytes': 1906770944, 'norm_byte': 42721280, 'ops': 1862081, 'norm_ops': 41720, 'norm_ltcy': 23.995611788785354, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:22.104000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:22.104000",
+ "bytes": 1906770944,
+ "norm_byte": 42721280,
+ "ops": 1862081,
+ "norm_ops": 41720,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.995611788785354,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16aab8c0359e1762200e41cb7c3bea725756c53461149715a08bd06446f1de20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:23.105000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:23.105000', 'bytes': 1949532160, 'norm_byte': 42761216, 'ops': 1903840, 'norm_ops': 41759, 'norm_ltcy': 23.971856880777196, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:23.105000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:23.105000",
+ "bytes": 1949532160,
+ "norm_byte": 42761216,
+ "ops": 1903840,
+ "norm_ops": 41759,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.971856880777196,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "324716e21b166bad2370f3cf0d26dfdba64fdba47ef92b7bcf3070c3d86589a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:24.106000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:24.106000', 'bytes': 1991815168, 'norm_byte': 42283008, 'ops': 1945132, 'norm_ops': 41292, 'norm_ltcy': 24.24425433498014, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:24.106000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:24.106000",
+ "bytes": 1991815168,
+ "norm_byte": 42283008,
+ "ops": 1945132,
+ "norm_ops": 41292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.24425433498014,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dec069d5ced2ba8b5c60ce5e602e31ee29952c780daf0963acb1bb17bb9dec67",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:25.107000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:25.107000', 'bytes': 2034570240, 'norm_byte': 42755072, 'ops': 1986885, 'norm_ops': 41753, 'norm_ltcy': 23.9766348656833, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:25.107000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:25.107000",
+ "bytes": 2034570240,
+ "norm_byte": 42755072,
+ "ops": 1986885,
+ "norm_ops": 41753,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.9766348656833,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f30194fed42ab05efdb182c2ac4c6f92020f42a9d4a411bbd8501580a74cd90",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:26.108000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:26.108000', 'bytes': 2077754368, 'norm_byte': 43184128, 'ops': 2029057, 'norm_ops': 42172, 'norm_ltcy': 23.738368643220028, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:26.108000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:26.108000",
+ "bytes": 2077754368,
+ "norm_byte": 43184128,
+ "ops": 2029057,
+ "norm_ops": 42172,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.738368643220028,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ec424b567b1c5a17d9be3c788b37c03f56195e2c18adfaa6ecfe2d948464d4b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:27.109000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:27.109000', 'bytes': 2121014272, 'norm_byte': 43259904, 'ops': 2071303, 'norm_ops': 42246, 'norm_ltcy': 23.696735434271883, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:27.109000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:27.109000",
+ "bytes": 2121014272,
+ "norm_byte": 43259904,
+ "ops": 2071303,
+ "norm_ops": 42246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.696735434271883,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1356d67f29bb262140a2b944e8118476105c7dc86f10a99f5b1d24d05ea8c44c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:28.110000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:28.110000', 'bytes': 2164007936, 'norm_byte': 42993664, 'ops': 2113289, 'norm_ops': 41986, 'norm_ltcy': 23.843524943582384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:28.110000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:28.110000",
+ "bytes": 2164007936,
+ "norm_byte": 42993664,
+ "ops": 2113289,
+ "norm_ops": 41986,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.843524943582384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a1b81a6388577c7332fe5f268efec51f96488239470b45f16630e38d89d71e41",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:29.111000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:29.111000', 'bytes': 2207120384, 'norm_byte': 43112448, 'ops': 2155391, 'norm_ops': 42102, 'norm_ltcy': 23.77781934349912, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:29.111000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:29.111000",
+ "bytes": 2207120384,
+ "norm_byte": 43112448,
+ "ops": 2155391,
+ "norm_ops": 42102,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.77781934349912,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77f96c46cd2c52e7f2358e263a7963f3e6eb9d470c7245f288edf4c537f0f942",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:30.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:30.112000', 'bytes': 2256856064, 'norm_byte': 49735680, 'ops': 2203961, 'norm_ops': 48570, 'norm_ltcy': 20.611339786648138, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:30.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:30.112000",
+ "bytes": 2256856064,
+ "norm_byte": 49735680,
+ "ops": 2203961,
+ "norm_ops": 48570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.611339786648138,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dfd7522269fef9143b531db6c30ce2517862e8519e4f9e06eaab93e6cc7ed3bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:31.113000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:31.113000', 'bytes': 2307019776, 'norm_byte': 50163712, 'ops': 2252949, 'norm_ops': 48988, 'norm_ltcy': 20.435524189278496, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:31.113000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:31.113000",
+ "bytes": 2307019776,
+ "norm_byte": 50163712,
+ "ops": 2252949,
+ "norm_ops": 48988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.435524189278496,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11ad64017f11544d5c328b6c046b90460337c1039e26ec31686bd4638afbbab0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:32.115000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:32.115000', 'bytes': 2350212096, 'norm_byte': 43192320, 'ops': 2295129, 'norm_ops': 42180, 'norm_ltcy': 23.732558241835587, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:32.115000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:32.115000",
+ "bytes": 2350212096,
+ "norm_byte": 43192320,
+ "ops": 2295129,
+ "norm_ops": 42180,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.732558241835587,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d986520e53034cd97786400a6e60c97c2b5456669538ac0e8625d3e46b147809",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:33.116000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:33.116000', 'bytes': 2393074688, 'norm_byte': 42862592, 'ops': 2336987, 'norm_ops': 41858, 'norm_ltcy': 23.91646660099324, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:33.116000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:33.116000",
+ "bytes": 2393074688,
+ "norm_byte": 42862592,
+ "ops": 2336987,
+ "norm_ops": 41858,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.91646660099324,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13aeed80aba5713d6561d9acdf79f1d7e0c63042b0d5a6ae1e15dd21de22fa85",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:34.117000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:34.117000', 'bytes': 2436410368, 'norm_byte': 43335680, 'ops': 2379307, 'norm_ops': 42320, 'norm_ltcy': 23.655328588359524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:34.117000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:34.117000",
+ "bytes": 2436410368,
+ "norm_byte": 43335680,
+ "ops": 2379307,
+ "norm_ops": 42320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.655328588359524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e4b8a9d0d5560517414867537632408ecadd047e2bdaa9d05f5499d8261e3447",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:35.118000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:35.118000', 'bytes': 2479432704, 'norm_byte': 43022336, 'ops': 2421321, 'norm_ops': 42014, 'norm_ltcy': 23.82766361175739, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:35.118000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:35.118000",
+ "bytes": 2479432704,
+ "norm_byte": 43022336,
+ "ops": 2421321,
+ "norm_ops": 42014,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.82766361175739,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8bc712cab9c918003d067f30f4284671407b2cefea96f282733c1d3dd7d2a7a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:36.119000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:36.119000', 'bytes': 2522307584, 'norm_byte': 42874880, 'ops': 2463191, 'norm_ops': 41870, 'norm_ltcy': 23.909647094056005, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:36.119000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:36.119000",
+ "bytes": 2522307584,
+ "norm_byte": 42874880,
+ "ops": 2463191,
+ "norm_ops": 41870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.909647094056005,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df32ff307890686bee615458ac80e23fac15f8edc26bb061c07048d0c4247ea6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:37.120000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:37.120000', 'bytes': 2565344256, 'norm_byte': 43036672, 'ops': 2505219, 'norm_ops': 42028, 'norm_ltcy': 23.819923854706982, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:37.120000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:37.120000",
+ "bytes": 2565344256,
+ "norm_byte": 43036672,
+ "ops": 2505219,
+ "norm_ops": 42028,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.819923854706982,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78e978d9323e310c2707ba0e933ad1e4bf86b23284b81f7a9ea05652dfff4031",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:38.121000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:38.121000', 'bytes': 2608296960, 'norm_byte': 42952704, 'ops': 2547165, 'norm_ops': 41946, 'norm_ltcy': 23.86658241585908, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:38.121000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:38.121000",
+ "bytes": 2608296960,
+ "norm_byte": 42952704,
+ "ops": 2547165,
+ "norm_ops": 41946,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.86658241585908,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e06323fb28896b30f7142e6961e89c7ad7799425a05e7e4309faa1469d1ac02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:39.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:39.122000', 'bytes': 2651259904, 'norm_byte': 42962944, 'ops': 2589121, 'norm_ops': 41956, 'norm_ltcy': 23.86068445402624, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:39.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:39.122000",
+ "bytes": 2651259904,
+ "norm_byte": 42962944,
+ "ops": 2589121,
+ "norm_ops": 41956,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.86068445402624,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4aaf60584fd5e155a947964b6b74a1ea4df14b6d0c47f08beca2dbb7eca89e0f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:15:40.324000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:15:40.324000', 'bytes': 2693983232, 'norm_byte': 42723328, 'ops': 2630843, 'norm_ops': 41722, 'norm_ltcy': 28.794391906922606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:15:40.324000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:15:40.324000",
+ "bytes": 2693983232,
+ "norm_byte": 42723328,
+ "ops": 2630843,
+ "norm_ops": 41722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.794391906922606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "2e4dc698-aa68-59b2-ba28-70e08780edc5",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83c55571c0f8333037b731e5c40fe781965b8beea66f920c516e0871c345fb9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 44899720.53333333
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 43847.38333333333
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.140050621970648
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:15:40Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-110-220519231155/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-110-220519231155/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdda400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-110-220519231155/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-110-220519231155/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-110-220519231155/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-110-220519231155/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-110-220519231155/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-110-220519231155/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32a8afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-110-220519231155/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=180
+ net.core.busy_poll=150
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-111-220519231356/220519231356-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-111-220519231356/220519231356-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..259e316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-111-220519231356/220519231356-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:16:39Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002200694.3945 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002201695.5005 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002201695.5505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002202696.6345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67971072 nr_ops:66378\ntimestamp_ms:1653002203697.7285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133237760 nr_ops:130115\ntimestamp_ms:1653002204698.8284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:196555776 nr_ops:191949\ntimestamp_ms:1653002205699.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:266907648 nr_ops:260652\ntimestamp_ms:1653002206701.0125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:329050112 nr_ops:321338\ntimestamp_ms:1653002207702.1067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:391715840 nr_ops:382535\ntimestamp_ms:1653002208703.1973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:456086528 nr_ops:445397\ntimestamp_ms:1653002209704.2917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:519810048 nr_ops:507627\ntimestamp_ms:1653002210705.3857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:584156160 nr_ops:570465\ntimestamp_ms:1653002211706.4807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:647994368 nr_ops:632807\ntimestamp_ms:1653002212706.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:710990848 nr_ops:694327\ntimestamp_ms:1653002213707.9426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:774800384 nr_ops:756641\ntimestamp_ms:1653002214709.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838356992 nr_ops:818708\ntimestamp_ms:1653002215710.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901774336 nr_ops:880639\ntimestamp_ms:1653002216711.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963364864 nr_ops:940786\ntimestamp_ms:1653002217712.3582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026499584 nr_ops:1002441\ntimestamp_ms:1653002218713.4517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089420288 nr_ops:1063887\ntimestamp_ms:1653002219714.5415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152936960 nr_ops:1125915\ntimestamp_ms:1653002220715.6401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1215009792 nr_ops:1186533\ntimestamp_ms:1653002221715.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1277035520 nr_ops:1247105\ntimestamp_ms:1653002222716.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1339497472 nr_ops:1308103\ntimestamp_ms:1653002223717.9644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1403474944 nr_ops:1370581\ntimestamp_ms:1653002224719.0029 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1467806720 nr_ops:1433405\ntimestamp_ms:1653002225720.0425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531782144 nr_ops:1495881\ntimestamp_ms:1653002226720.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595175936 nr_ops:1557789\ntimestamp_ms:1653002227721.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657172992 nr_ops:1618333\ntimestamp_ms:1653002228723.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721312256 nr_ops:1680969\ntimestamp_ms:1653002229724.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785695232 nr_ops:1743843\ntimestamp_ms:1653002230725.1680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1848933376 nr_ops:1805599\ntimestamp_ms:1653002231726.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1911936000 nr_ops:1867125\ntimestamp_ms:1653002232727.3625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974770688 nr_ops:1928487\ntimestamp_ms:1653002233728.4673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2037804032 nr_ops:1990043\ntimestamp_ms:1653002234729.5598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103473152 nr_ops:2054173\ntimestamp_ms:1653002235730.5984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166972416 nr_ops:2116184\ntimestamp_ms:1653002236731.7007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2229820416 nr_ops:2177559\ntimestamp_ms:1653002237732.7581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291987456 nr_ops:2238269\ntimestamp_ms:1653002238733.7932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2354717696 nr_ops:2299529\ntimestamp_ms:1653002239734.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2419133440 nr_ops:2362435\ntimestamp_ms:1653002240736.0354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2485154816 nr_ops:2426909\ntimestamp_ms:1653002241737.1382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2548347904 nr_ops:2488621\ntimestamp_ms:1653002242738.1812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2611508224 nr_ops:2550301\ntimestamp_ms:1653002243739.2766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2675270656 nr_ops:2612569\ntimestamp_ms:1653002244740.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2739999744 nr_ops:2675781\ntimestamp_ms:1653002245741.4651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2803717120 nr_ops:2738005\ntimestamp_ms:1653002246742.5566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2866681856 nr_ops:2799494\ntimestamp_ms:1653002247743.6697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2928729088 nr_ops:2860087\ntimestamp_ms:1653002248744.8552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2992380928 nr_ops:2922247\ntimestamp_ms:1653002249745.9502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3056356352 nr_ops:2984723\ntimestamp_ms:1653002250747.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3119692800 nr_ops:3046575\ntimestamp_ms:1653002251748.1477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3182683136 nr_ops:3108089\ntimestamp_ms:1653002252749.2439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246361600 nr_ops:3170275\ntimestamp_ms:1653002253750.3406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3311240192 nr_ops:3233633\ntimestamp_ms:1653002254751.4338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3375145984 nr_ops:3296041\ntimestamp_ms:1653002255752.5344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3438534656 nr_ops:3357944\ntimestamp_ms:1653002256753.6370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3501529088 nr_ops:3419462\ntimestamp_ms:1653002257754.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3564197888 nr_ops:3480662\ntimestamp_ms:1653002258755.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3631522816 nr_ops:3546409\ntimestamp_ms:1653002259756.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3694849024 nr_ops:3608251\ntimestamp_ms:1653002260757.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3759150080 nr_ops:3671045\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140350373811968\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.2781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3822040064 nr_ops:3732461\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.3594 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.3696 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002262059.5923 name:Total nr_bytes:3822040064 nr_ops:3732462\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.4875 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7644080126 nr_ops:7464924\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.4890 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3822040064 nr_ops:3732464\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 319.88us 0.00ns 319.88us 319.88us \nTxn1 1866231 32.15us 0.00ns 5.18ms 25.32us \nTxn2 1 46.55us 0.00ns 46.55us 46.55us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 319.19us 0.00ns 319.19us 319.19us \nwrite 1866231 3.25us 0.00ns 292.97us 2.44us \nread 1866230 28.82us 0.00ns 5.17ms 1.06us \ndisconnect 1 45.55us 0.00ns 45.55us 45.55us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29924 29924 260.93Mb/s 260.93Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.57b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.206 62.37s 3.56GB 490.27Mb/s 3732463 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.27Mb/s 3732464 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416061, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002200694.3945 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002201695.5005 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002201695.5505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002202696.6345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67971072 nr_ops:66378\ntimestamp_ms:1653002203697.7285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133237760 nr_ops:130115\ntimestamp_ms:1653002204698.8284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:196555776 nr_ops:191949\ntimestamp_ms:1653002205699.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:266907648 nr_ops:260652\ntimestamp_ms:1653002206701.0125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:329050112 nr_ops:321338\ntimestamp_ms:1653002207702.1067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:391715840 nr_ops:382535\ntimestamp_ms:1653002208703.1973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:456086528 nr_ops:445397\ntimestamp_ms:1653002209704.2917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:519810048 nr_ops:507627\ntimestamp_ms:1653002210705.3857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:584156160 nr_ops:570465\ntimestamp_ms:1653002211706.4807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:647994368 nr_ops:632807\ntimestamp_ms:1653002212706.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:710990848 nr_ops:694327\ntimestamp_ms:1653002213707.9426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:774800384 nr_ops:756641\ntimestamp_ms:1653002214709.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838356992 nr_ops:818708\ntimestamp_ms:1653002215710.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901774336 nr_ops:880639\ntimestamp_ms:1653002216711.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963364864 nr_ops:940786\ntimestamp_ms:1653002217712.3582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026499584 nr_ops:1002441\ntimestamp_ms:1653002218713.4517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089420288 nr_ops:1063887\ntimestamp_ms:1653002219714.5415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152936960 nr_ops:1125915\ntimestamp_ms:1653002220715.6401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1215009792 nr_ops:1186533\ntimestamp_ms:1653002221715.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1277035520 nr_ops:1247105\ntimestamp_ms:1653002222716.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1339497472 nr_ops:1308103\ntimestamp_ms:1653002223717.9644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1403474944 nr_ops:1370581\ntimestamp_ms:1653002224719.0029 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1467806720 nr_ops:1433405\ntimestamp_ms:1653002225720.0425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531782144 nr_ops:1495881\ntimestamp_ms:1653002226720.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595175936 nr_ops:1557789\ntimestamp_ms:1653002227721.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657172992 nr_ops:1618333\ntimestamp_ms:1653002228723.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721312256 nr_ops:1680969\ntimestamp_ms:1653002229724.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785695232 nr_ops:1743843\ntimestamp_ms:1653002230725.1680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1848933376 nr_ops:1805599\ntimestamp_ms:1653002231726.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1911936000 nr_ops:1867125\ntimestamp_ms:1653002232727.3625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974770688 nr_ops:1928487\ntimestamp_ms:1653002233728.4673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2037804032 nr_ops:1990043\ntimestamp_ms:1653002234729.5598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103473152 nr_ops:2054173\ntimestamp_ms:1653002235730.5984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166972416 nr_ops:2116184\ntimestamp_ms:1653002236731.7007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2229820416 nr_ops:2177559\ntimestamp_ms:1653002237732.7581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291987456 nr_ops:2238269\ntimestamp_ms:1653002238733.7932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2354717696 nr_ops:2299529\ntimestamp_ms:1653002239734.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2419133440 nr_ops:2362435\ntimestamp_ms:1653002240736.0354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2485154816 nr_ops:2426909\ntimestamp_ms:1653002241737.1382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2548347904 nr_ops:2488621\ntimestamp_ms:1653002242738.1812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2611508224 nr_ops:2550301\ntimestamp_ms:1653002243739.2766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2675270656 nr_ops:2612569\ntimestamp_ms:1653002244740.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2739999744 nr_ops:2675781\ntimestamp_ms:1653002245741.4651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2803717120 nr_ops:2738005\ntimestamp_ms:1653002246742.5566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2866681856 nr_ops:2799494\ntimestamp_ms:1653002247743.6697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2928729088 nr_ops:2860087\ntimestamp_ms:1653002248744.8552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2992380928 nr_ops:2922247\ntimestamp_ms:1653002249745.9502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3056356352 nr_ops:2984723\ntimestamp_ms:1653002250747.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3119692800 nr_ops:3046575\ntimestamp_ms:1653002251748.1477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3182683136 nr_ops:3108089\ntimestamp_ms:1653002252749.2439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246361600 nr_ops:3170275\ntimestamp_ms:1653002253750.3406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3311240192 nr_ops:3233633\ntimestamp_ms:1653002254751.4338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3375145984 nr_ops:3296041\ntimestamp_ms:1653002255752.5344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3438534656 nr_ops:3357944\ntimestamp_ms:1653002256753.6370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3501529088 nr_ops:3419462\ntimestamp_ms:1653002257754.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3564197888 nr_ops:3480662\ntimestamp_ms:1653002258755.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3631522816 nr_ops:3546409\ntimestamp_ms:1653002259756.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3694849024 nr_ops:3608251\ntimestamp_ms:1653002260757.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3759150080 nr_ops:3671045\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140350373811968\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.2781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3822040064 nr_ops:3732461\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.3594 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.3696 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002262059.5923 name:Total nr_bytes:3822040064 nr_ops:3732462\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.4875 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7644080126 nr_ops:7464924\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.4890 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3822040064 nr_ops:3732464\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 319.88us 0.00ns 319.88us 319.88us \nTxn1 1866231 32.15us 0.00ns 5.18ms 25.32us \nTxn2 1 46.55us 0.00ns 46.55us 46.55us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 319.19us 0.00ns 319.19us 319.19us \nwrite 1866231 3.25us 0.00ns 292.97us 2.44us \nread 1866230 28.82us 0.00ns 5.17ms 1.06us \ndisconnect 1 45.55us 0.00ns 45.55us 45.55us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29924 29924 260.93Mb/s 260.93Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.57b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.206 62.37s 3.56GB 490.27Mb/s 3732463 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.27Mb/s 3732464 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416061, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002200694.3945 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002201695.5005 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002201695.5505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002202696.6345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67971072 nr_ops:66378\ntimestamp_ms:1653002203697.7285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133237760 nr_ops:130115\ntimestamp_ms:1653002204698.8284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:196555776 nr_ops:191949\ntimestamp_ms:1653002205699.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:266907648 nr_ops:260652\ntimestamp_ms:1653002206701.0125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:329050112 nr_ops:321338\ntimestamp_ms:1653002207702.1067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:391715840 nr_ops:382535\ntimestamp_ms:1653002208703.1973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:456086528 nr_ops:445397\ntimestamp_ms:1653002209704.2917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:519810048 nr_ops:507627\ntimestamp_ms:1653002210705.3857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:584156160 nr_ops:570465\ntimestamp_ms:1653002211706.4807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:647994368 nr_ops:632807\ntimestamp_ms:1653002212706.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:710990848 nr_ops:694327\ntimestamp_ms:1653002213707.9426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:774800384 nr_ops:756641\ntimestamp_ms:1653002214709.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838356992 nr_ops:818708\ntimestamp_ms:1653002215710.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901774336 nr_ops:880639\ntimestamp_ms:1653002216711.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963364864 nr_ops:940786\ntimestamp_ms:1653002217712.3582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026499584 nr_ops:1002441\ntimestamp_ms:1653002218713.4517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089420288 nr_ops:1063887\ntimestamp_ms:1653002219714.5415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152936960 nr_ops:1125915\ntimestamp_ms:1653002220715.6401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1215009792 nr_ops:1186533\ntimestamp_ms:1653002221715.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1277035520 nr_ops:1247105\ntimestamp_ms:1653002222716.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1339497472 nr_ops:1308103\ntimestamp_ms:1653002223717.9644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1403474944 nr_ops:1370581\ntimestamp_ms:1653002224719.0029 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1467806720 nr_ops:1433405\ntimestamp_ms:1653002225720.0425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531782144 nr_ops:1495881\ntimestamp_ms:1653002226720.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595175936 nr_ops:1557789\ntimestamp_ms:1653002227721.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657172992 nr_ops:1618333\ntimestamp_ms:1653002228723.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721312256 nr_ops:1680969\ntimestamp_ms:1653002229724.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785695232 nr_ops:1743843\ntimestamp_ms:1653002230725.1680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1848933376 nr_ops:1805599\ntimestamp_ms:1653002231726.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1911936000 nr_ops:1867125\ntimestamp_ms:1653002232727.3625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974770688 nr_ops:1928487\ntimestamp_ms:1653002233728.4673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2037804032 nr_ops:1990043\ntimestamp_ms:1653002234729.5598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103473152 nr_ops:2054173\ntimestamp_ms:1653002235730.5984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166972416 nr_ops:2116184\ntimestamp_ms:1653002236731.7007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2229820416 nr_ops:2177559\ntimestamp_ms:1653002237732.7581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291987456 nr_ops:2238269\ntimestamp_ms:1653002238733.7932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2354717696 nr_ops:2299529\ntimestamp_ms:1653002239734.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2419133440 nr_ops:2362435\ntimestamp_ms:1653002240736.0354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2485154816 nr_ops:2426909\ntimestamp_ms:1653002241737.1382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2548347904 nr_ops:2488621\ntimestamp_ms:1653002242738.1812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2611508224 nr_ops:2550301\ntimestamp_ms:1653002243739.2766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2675270656 nr_ops:2612569\ntimestamp_ms:1653002244740.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2739999744 nr_ops:2675781\ntimestamp_ms:1653002245741.4651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2803717120 nr_ops:2738005\ntimestamp_ms:1653002246742.5566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2866681856 nr_ops:2799494\ntimestamp_ms:1653002247743.6697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2928729088 nr_ops:2860087\ntimestamp_ms:1653002248744.8552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2992380928 nr_ops:2922247\ntimestamp_ms:1653002249745.9502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3056356352 nr_ops:2984723\ntimestamp_ms:1653002250747.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3119692800 nr_ops:3046575\ntimestamp_ms:1653002251748.1477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3182683136 nr_ops:3108089\ntimestamp_ms:1653002252749.2439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246361600 nr_ops:3170275\ntimestamp_ms:1653002253750.3406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3311240192 nr_ops:3233633\ntimestamp_ms:1653002254751.4338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3375145984 nr_ops:3296041\ntimestamp_ms:1653002255752.5344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3438534656 nr_ops:3357944\ntimestamp_ms:1653002256753.6370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3501529088 nr_ops:3419462\ntimestamp_ms:1653002257754.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3564197888 nr_ops:3480662\ntimestamp_ms:1653002258755.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3631522816 nr_ops:3546409\ntimestamp_ms:1653002259756.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3694849024 nr_ops:3608251\ntimestamp_ms:1653002260757.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3759150080 nr_ops:3671045\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140350373811968\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.2781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3822040064 nr_ops:3732461\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.3594 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.3696 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002262059.5923 name:Total nr_bytes:3822040064 nr_ops:3732462\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.4875 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7644080126 nr_ops:7464924\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002261959.4890 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3822040064 nr_ops:3732464\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 319.88us 0.00ns 319.88us 319.88us \nTxn1 1866231 32.15us 0.00ns 5.18ms 25.32us \nTxn2 1 46.55us 0.00ns 46.55us 46.55us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 319.19us 0.00ns 319.19us 319.19us \nwrite 1866231 3.25us 0.00ns 292.97us 2.44us \nread 1866230 28.82us 0.00ns 5.17ms 1.06us \ndisconnect 1 45.55us 0.00ns 45.55us 45.55us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29924 29924 260.93Mb/s 260.93Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.57b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.206 62.37s 3.56GB 490.27Mb/s 3732463 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.27Mb/s 3732464 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416061, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002200694.3945 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002201695.5005 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002201695.5505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002202696.6345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67971072 nr_ops:66378
+timestamp_ms:1653002203697.7285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:133237760 nr_ops:130115
+timestamp_ms:1653002204698.8284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:196555776 nr_ops:191949
+timestamp_ms:1653002205699.9209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:266907648 nr_ops:260652
+timestamp_ms:1653002206701.0125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:329050112 nr_ops:321338
+timestamp_ms:1653002207702.1067 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:391715840 nr_ops:382535
+timestamp_ms:1653002208703.1973 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:456086528 nr_ops:445397
+timestamp_ms:1653002209704.2917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:519810048 nr_ops:507627
+timestamp_ms:1653002210705.3857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:584156160 nr_ops:570465
+timestamp_ms:1653002211706.4807 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:647994368 nr_ops:632807
+timestamp_ms:1653002212706.8418 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:710990848 nr_ops:694327
+timestamp_ms:1653002213707.9426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:774800384 nr_ops:756641
+timestamp_ms:1653002214709.0381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:838356992 nr_ops:818708
+timestamp_ms:1653002215710.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:901774336 nr_ops:880639
+timestamp_ms:1653002216711.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:963364864 nr_ops:940786
+timestamp_ms:1653002217712.3582 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1026499584 nr_ops:1002441
+timestamp_ms:1653002218713.4517 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1089420288 nr_ops:1063887
+timestamp_ms:1653002219714.5415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1152936960 nr_ops:1125915
+timestamp_ms:1653002220715.6401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1215009792 nr_ops:1186533
+timestamp_ms:1653002221715.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1277035520 nr_ops:1247105
+timestamp_ms:1653002222716.9282 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1339497472 nr_ops:1308103
+timestamp_ms:1653002223717.9644 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1403474944 nr_ops:1370581
+timestamp_ms:1653002224719.0029 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1467806720 nr_ops:1433405
+timestamp_ms:1653002225720.0425 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1531782144 nr_ops:1495881
+timestamp_ms:1653002226720.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1595175936 nr_ops:1557789
+timestamp_ms:1653002227721.9355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1657172992 nr_ops:1618333
+timestamp_ms:1653002228723.0332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1721312256 nr_ops:1680969
+timestamp_ms:1653002229724.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1785695232 nr_ops:1743843
+timestamp_ms:1653002230725.1680 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1848933376 nr_ops:1805599
+timestamp_ms:1653002231726.2659 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1911936000 nr_ops:1867125
+timestamp_ms:1653002232727.3625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1974770688 nr_ops:1928487
+timestamp_ms:1653002233728.4673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2037804032 nr_ops:1990043
+timestamp_ms:1653002234729.5598 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2103473152 nr_ops:2054173
+timestamp_ms:1653002235730.5984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2166972416 nr_ops:2116184
+timestamp_ms:1653002236731.7007 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2229820416 nr_ops:2177559
+timestamp_ms:1653002237732.7581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291987456 nr_ops:2238269
+timestamp_ms:1653002238733.7932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2354717696 nr_ops:2299529
+timestamp_ms:1653002239734.9407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2419133440 nr_ops:2362435
+timestamp_ms:1653002240736.0354 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2485154816 nr_ops:2426909
+timestamp_ms:1653002241737.1382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2548347904 nr_ops:2488621
+timestamp_ms:1653002242738.1812 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2611508224 nr_ops:2550301
+timestamp_ms:1653002243739.2766 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2675270656 nr_ops:2612569
+timestamp_ms:1653002244740.3721 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2739999744 nr_ops:2675781
+timestamp_ms:1653002245741.4651 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2803717120 nr_ops:2738005
+timestamp_ms:1653002246742.5566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2866681856 nr_ops:2799494
+timestamp_ms:1653002247743.6697 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2928729088 nr_ops:2860087
+timestamp_ms:1653002248744.8552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2992380928 nr_ops:2922247
+timestamp_ms:1653002249745.9502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3056356352 nr_ops:2984723
+timestamp_ms:1653002250747.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3119692800 nr_ops:3046575
+timestamp_ms:1653002251748.1477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3182683136 nr_ops:3108089
+timestamp_ms:1653002252749.2439 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3246361600 nr_ops:3170275
+timestamp_ms:1653002253750.3406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3311240192 nr_ops:3233633
+timestamp_ms:1653002254751.4338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3375145984 nr_ops:3296041
+timestamp_ms:1653002255752.5344 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3438534656 nr_ops:3357944
+timestamp_ms:1653002256753.6370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3501529088 nr_ops:3419462
+timestamp_ms:1653002257754.7332 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3564197888 nr_ops:3480662
+timestamp_ms:1653002258755.8389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3631522816 nr_ops:3546409
+timestamp_ms:1653002259756.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3694849024 nr_ops:3608251
+timestamp_ms:1653002260757.9211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3759150080 nr_ops:3671045
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140350373811968
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653002261959.2781 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3822040064 nr_ops:3732461
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002261959.3594 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002261959.3696 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002262059.5923 name:Total nr_bytes:3822040064 nr_ops:3732462
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002261959.4875 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7644080126 nr_ops:7464924
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002261959.4890 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3822040064 nr_ops:3732464
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 319.88us 0.00ns 319.88us 319.88us
+Txn1 1866231 32.15us 0.00ns 5.18ms 25.32us
+Txn2 1 46.55us 0.00ns 46.55us 46.55us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 319.19us 0.00ns 319.19us 319.19us
+write 1866231 3.25us 0.00ns 292.97us 2.44us
+read 1866230 28.82us 0.00ns 5.17ms 1.06us
+disconnect 1 45.55us 0.00ns 45.55us 45.55us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29924 29924 260.93Mb/s 260.93Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.57b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.206 62.37s 3.56GB 490.27Mb/s 3732463 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.56GB 490.27Mb/s 3732464 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:42.696000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:42.696000', 'bytes': 67971072, 'norm_byte': 67971072, 'ops': 66378, 'norm_ops': 66378, 'norm_ltcy': 15.081562933125433, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:42.696000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:42.696000",
+ "bytes": 67971072,
+ "norm_byte": 67971072,
+ "ops": 66378,
+ "norm_ops": 66378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.081562933125433,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c78a42b81a4bcdee5304a3ac028d1f5a2f80da7c81ac579c4222353ed7dd7682",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:43.697000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:43.697000', 'bytes': 133237760, 'norm_byte': 65266688, 'ops': 130115, 'norm_ops': 63737, 'norm_ltcy': 15.706638124490095, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:43.697000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:43.697000",
+ "bytes": 133237760,
+ "norm_byte": 65266688,
+ "ops": 130115,
+ "norm_ops": 63737,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.706638124490095,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc241dfe69d94c8c8f1e16f9da9ce7997e457b5bdbc4047b3f10923b98dd70b1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:44.698000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:44.698000', 'bytes': 196555776, 'norm_byte': 63318016, 'ops': 191949, 'norm_ops': 61834, 'norm_ltcy': 16.1901195703921, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:44.698000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:44.698000",
+ "bytes": 196555776,
+ "norm_byte": 63318016,
+ "ops": 191949,
+ "norm_ops": 61834,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.1901195703921,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dabafcb2d2ae3f6c62b575f4e34c08f6cf64563c01442cb00281f3f06c998b3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:45.699000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:45.699000', 'bytes': 266907648, 'norm_byte': 70351872, 'ops': 260652, 'norm_ops': 68703, 'norm_ltcy': 14.571307356256277, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:45.699000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:45.699000",
+ "bytes": 266907648,
+ "norm_byte": 70351872,
+ "ops": 260652,
+ "norm_ops": 68703,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.571307356256277,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "36af2d1b36acfe0ccb356d9d516ac340424d0dd1e6a73f485bd98b077591042b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:46.701000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:46.701000', 'bytes': 329050112, 'norm_byte': 62142464, 'ops': 321338, 'norm_ops': 60686, 'norm_ltcy': 16.496252063645237, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:46.701000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:46.701000",
+ "bytes": 329050112,
+ "norm_byte": 62142464,
+ "ops": 321338,
+ "norm_ops": 60686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.496252063645237,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8317dd15e8b3a0b265145f8486a36533e53a5a92c292e1ea8f3ed1d39da7a4fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:47.702000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:47.702000', 'bytes': 391715840, 'norm_byte': 62665728, 'ops': 382535, 'norm_ops': 61197, 'norm_ltcy': 16.358550881272777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:47.702000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:47.702000",
+ "bytes": 391715840,
+ "norm_byte": 62665728,
+ "ops": 382535,
+ "norm_ops": 61197,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.358550881272777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76783fffd4f21ebea88068efa9be1cfc4aa17bf6d54edc05e0e0f4824dc8056d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:48.703000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:48.703000', 'bytes': 456086528, 'norm_byte': 64370688, 'ops': 445397, 'norm_ops': 62862, 'norm_ltcy': 15.92521040011255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:48.703000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:48.703000",
+ "bytes": 456086528,
+ "norm_byte": 64370688,
+ "ops": 445397,
+ "norm_ops": 62862,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.92521040011255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e8bef8a5688197f80dc5be3e4ceec1594e9c3a321e2ae59a76b6c45b1c691ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:49.704000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:49.704000', 'bytes': 519810048, 'norm_byte': 63723520, 'ops': 507627, 'norm_ops': 62230, 'norm_ltcy': 16.087007591545476, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:49.704000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:49.704000",
+ "bytes": 519810048,
+ "norm_byte": 63723520,
+ "ops": 507627,
+ "norm_ops": 62230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.087007591545476,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1fa134f98d0965176e67ffb16a3c8951bf8d24aea6864d1fb05f662dc663e3b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:50.705000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:50.705000', 'bytes': 584156160, 'norm_byte': 64346112, 'ops': 570465, 'norm_ops': 62838, 'norm_ltcy': 15.931347180696793, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:50.705000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:50.705000",
+ "bytes": 584156160,
+ "norm_byte": 64346112,
+ "ops": 570465,
+ "norm_ops": 62838,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.931347180696793,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7091876b4c1bf92e1f943ab40b174093cdd1fc5ed887a069c241455eb0a189f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:51.706000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:51.706000', 'bytes': 647994368, 'norm_byte': 63838208, 'ops': 632807, 'norm_ops': 62342, 'norm_ltcy': 16.058114444565863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:51.706000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:51.706000",
+ "bytes": 647994368,
+ "norm_byte": 63838208,
+ "ops": 632807,
+ "norm_ops": 62342,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.058114444565863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00f822816ff0be11f9e5ef485c456c46033dddaa8b7af3025256714164ec8afa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:52.706000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:52.706000', 'bytes': 710990848, 'norm_byte': 62996480, 'ops': 694327, 'norm_ops': 61520, 'norm_ltcy': 16.260745838497645, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:52.706000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:52.706000",
+ "bytes": 710990848,
+ "norm_byte": 62996480,
+ "ops": 694327,
+ "norm_ops": 61520,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.260745838497645,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "109dca4ca724c77a5505d45e4f3c2b887403aa9cbc119225981ced8ce843dc70",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:53.707000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:53.707000', 'bytes': 774800384, 'norm_byte': 63809536, 'ops': 756641, 'norm_ops': 62314, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06542398302348, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:53.707000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:53.707000",
+ "bytes": 774800384,
+ "norm_byte": 63809536,
+ "ops": 756641,
+ "norm_ops": 62314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06542398302348,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "942600f6040cf7dd1788289d949c621bd07e0521ed52da5f105daf1891b030fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:54.709000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:54.709000', 'bytes': 838356992, 'norm_byte': 63556608, 'ops': 818708, 'norm_ops': 62067, 'norm_ltcy': 16.129270932772247, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:54.709000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:54.709000",
+ "bytes": 838356992,
+ "norm_byte": 63556608,
+ "ops": 818708,
+ "norm_ops": 62067,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.129270932772247,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37025a8b9adf0e3b734cc9df5c75433d9f5369511b84e93a2faae9cae98ea1c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:55.710000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:55.710000', 'bytes': 901774336, 'norm_byte': 63417344, 'ops': 880639, 'norm_ops': 61931, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16507701741656, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:55.710000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:55.710000",
+ "bytes": 901774336,
+ "norm_byte": 63417344,
+ "ops": 880639,
+ "norm_ops": 61931,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16507701741656,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80db8f283dd5979e7186cb27bfbd72a9f904cce4f5327416271c9b7cfe5a6e5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:56.711000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:56.711000', 'bytes': 963364864, 'norm_byte': 61590528, 'ops': 940786, 'norm_ops': 60147, 'norm_ltcy': 16.64436940693218, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:56.711000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:56.711000",
+ "bytes": 963364864,
+ "norm_byte": 61590528,
+ "ops": 940786,
+ "norm_ops": 60147,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.64436940693218,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b47161793c988da3e8b827434e07c33c468fcc18559a132aebef5d62fc009c0a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:57.712000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:57.712000', 'bytes': 1026499584, 'norm_byte': 63134720, 'ops': 1002441, 'norm_ops': 61655, 'norm_ltcy': 16.236992893925876, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:57.712000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:57.712000",
+ "bytes": 1026499584,
+ "norm_byte": 63134720,
+ "ops": 1002441,
+ "norm_ops": 61655,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.236992893925876,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7396edb63a997a6759a9fa5fcbc0249792a54118b7624745ef3a647e14e5afcf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:58.713000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:58.713000', 'bytes': 1089420288, 'norm_byte': 62920704, 'ops': 1063887, 'norm_ops': 61446, 'norm_ltcy': 16.292248573696824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:58.713000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:58.713000",
+ "bytes": 1089420288,
+ "norm_byte": 62920704,
+ "ops": 1063887,
+ "norm_ops": 61446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.292248573696824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "312591498b1bf4e36bcf2eca573202314f33c56b90a07bff0612620916e0dd1f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:16:59.714000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:16:59.714000', 'bytes': 1152936960, 'norm_byte': 63516672, 'ops': 1125915, 'norm_ops': 62028, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13932165715483, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:16:59.714000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:16:59.714000",
+ "bytes": 1152936960,
+ "norm_byte": 63516672,
+ "ops": 1125915,
+ "norm_ops": 62028,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13932165715483,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21dd8ad5e35c8e397de4c1e3e266070440bcb582ffbdbde35f8d3253bf7e7213",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:00.715000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:00.715000', 'bytes': 1215009792, 'norm_byte': 62072832, 'ops': 1186533, 'norm_ops': 60618, 'norm_ltcy': 16.51487401122604, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:00.715000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:00.715000",
+ "bytes": 1215009792,
+ "norm_byte": 62072832,
+ "ops": 1186533,
+ "norm_ops": 60618,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.51487401122604,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "822c69c03d1fdd7e4b0865580f2ae9e2ab695c38cb7db804f9dde85975b12972",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:01.715000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:01.715000', 'bytes': 1277035520, 'norm_byte': 62025728, 'ops': 1247105, 'norm_ops': 60572, 'norm_ltcy': 16.51245431573169, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:01.715000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:01.715000",
+ "bytes": 1277035520,
+ "norm_byte": 62025728,
+ "ops": 1247105,
+ "norm_ops": 60572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.51245431573169,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e456221da300c84a17df06993de672ba644657c6ecc1f251f6bb734cd81b18e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:02.716000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:02.716000', 'bytes': 1339497472, 'norm_byte': 62461952, 'ops': 1308103, 'norm_ops': 60998, 'norm_ltcy': 16.411943065756255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:02.716000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:02.716000",
+ "bytes": 1339497472,
+ "norm_byte": 62461952,
+ "ops": 1308103,
+ "norm_ops": 60998,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.411943065756255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db7571699895d8be70610b298efd5cf05cd50b19b0fc929e07e4f802888775ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:03.717000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:03.717000', 'bytes': 1403474944, 'norm_byte': 63977472, 'ops': 1370581, 'norm_ops': 62478, 'norm_ltcy': 16.022217945716893, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:03.717000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:03.717000",
+ "bytes": 1403474944,
+ "norm_byte": 63977472,
+ "ops": 1370581,
+ "norm_ops": 62478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.022217945716893,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f65ae5bc76873aac39b9b2961417e00bb147cd19a99bf6fac9e58b8f0f460617",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:04.719000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:04.719000', 'bytes': 1467806720, 'norm_byte': 64331776, 'ops': 1433405, 'norm_ops': 62824, 'norm_ltcy': 15.934015252431395, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:04.719000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:04.719000",
+ "bytes": 1467806720,
+ "norm_byte": 64331776,
+ "ops": 1433405,
+ "norm_ops": 62824,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.934015252431395,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60ee72ccfa2828db64bf5f67776ced84b2795c8aef76b32a77c5e43440348475",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:05.720000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:05.720000', 'bytes': 1531782144, 'norm_byte': 63975424, 'ops': 1495881, 'norm_ops': 62476, 'norm_ltcy': 16.022785562155867, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:05.720000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:05.720000",
+ "bytes": 1531782144,
+ "norm_byte": 63975424,
+ "ops": 1495881,
+ "norm_ops": 62476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.022785562155867,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d15752d787134e1ececfe8e831377a1a3c2da35017c2e83f03575697b506ca0d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:06.720000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:06.720000', 'bytes': 1595175936, 'norm_byte': 63393792, 'ops': 1557789, 'norm_ops': 61908, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16586131966991, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:06.720000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:06.720000",
+ "bytes": 1595175936,
+ "norm_byte": 63393792,
+ "ops": 1557789,
+ "norm_ops": 61908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16586131966991,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a5a5378caeeb5817f36819215951dabb2acb275cf8a3dc1dc41bc8c18e9a956",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:07.721000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:07.721000', 'bytes': 1657172992, 'norm_byte': 61997056, 'ops': 1618333, 'norm_ops': 60544, 'norm_ltcy': 16.53503111502585, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:07.721000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:07.721000",
+ "bytes": 1657172992,
+ "norm_byte": 61997056,
+ "ops": 1618333,
+ "norm_ops": 60544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.53503111502585,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a09e1ceb112a8198aaf79b272697fe009b335a45c025d1c453941cb2412d585d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:08.723000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:08.723000', 'bytes': 1721312256, 'norm_byte': 64139264, 'ops': 1680969, 'norm_ops': 62636, 'norm_ltcy': 15.982783962098475, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:08.723000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:08.723000",
+ "bytes": 1721312256,
+ "norm_byte": 64139264,
+ "ops": 1680969,
+ "norm_ops": 62636,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.982783962098475,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5547c3332bda39bb7de66d6b513ed061c2f59e9050984c6986f5f9f1b38ccfb9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:09.724000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:09.724000', 'bytes': 1785695232, 'norm_byte': 64382976, 'ops': 1743843, 'norm_ops': 62874, 'norm_ltcy': 15.92220589492477, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:09.724000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:09.724000",
+ "bytes": 1785695232,
+ "norm_byte": 64382976,
+ "ops": 1743843,
+ "norm_ops": 62874,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.92220589492477,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c49de89a66053d28239ea85b28aba7c5122dc7ea2793ccf9a958f350934c6eb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:10.725000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:10.725000', 'bytes': 1848933376, 'norm_byte': 63238144, 'ops': 1805599, 'norm_ops': 61756, 'norm_ltcy': 16.209631326308376, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:10.725000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:10.725000",
+ "bytes": 1848933376,
+ "norm_byte": 63238144,
+ "ops": 1805599,
+ "norm_ops": 61756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.209631326308376,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b7609819523f61b1540abd839e9e22e172840efde83bf54c908b80eb242f497",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:11.726000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:11.726000', 'bytes': 1911936000, 'norm_byte': 63002624, 'ops': 1867125, 'norm_ops': 61526, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27113578634439, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:11.726000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:11.726000",
+ "bytes": 1911936000,
+ "norm_byte": 63002624,
+ "ops": 1867125,
+ "norm_ops": 61526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27113578634439,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a68736bffd5834886c6e0d82377236e5d05394ad4ed7b021ca27bc5dab4e864",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:12.727000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:12.727000', 'bytes': 1974770688, 'norm_byte': 62834688, 'ops': 1928487, 'norm_ops': 61362, 'norm_ltcy': 16.31460316951045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:12.727000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:12.727000",
+ "bytes": 1974770688,
+ "norm_byte": 62834688,
+ "ops": 1928487,
+ "norm_ops": 61362,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.31460316951045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "faf3bb3176d862ff9769296c605a083b61cee98acf259556a50aea2837b27bef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:13.728000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:13.728000', 'bytes': 2037804032, 'norm_byte': 63033344, 'ops': 1990043, 'norm_ops': 61556, 'norm_ltcy': 16.263316920009828, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:13.728000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:13.728000",
+ "bytes": 2037804032,
+ "norm_byte": 63033344,
+ "ops": 1990043,
+ "norm_ops": 61556,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.263316920009828,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "73483422bd9129bbc4ac6997859a84402454ccfc4b15dd5c1bd8ed879cb1f19e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:14.729000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:14.729000', 'bytes': 2103473152, 'norm_byte': 65669120, 'ops': 2054173, 'norm_ops': 64130, 'norm_ltcy': 15.610362222000234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:14.729000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:14.729000",
+ "bytes": 2103473152,
+ "norm_byte": 65669120,
+ "ops": 2054173,
+ "norm_ops": 64130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.610362222000234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2507639d47a6d854d15138785c64d42a50442ad8eadef52f9ddbb83dc03d4756",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:15.730000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:15.730000', 'bytes': 2166972416, 'norm_byte': 63499264, 'ops': 2116184, 'norm_ops': 62011, 'norm_ltcy': 16.142919388797953, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:15.730000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:15.730000",
+ "bytes": 2166972416,
+ "norm_byte": 63499264,
+ "ops": 2116184,
+ "norm_ops": 62011,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.142919388797953,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26fb5a4726109acd10a981e5efb291529717d193d927986ecd228c57a8f05960",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:16.731000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:16.731000', 'bytes': 2229820416, 'norm_byte': 62848000, 'ops': 2177559, 'norm_ops': 61375, 'norm_ltcy': 16.311239021130344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:16.731000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:16.731000",
+ "bytes": 2229820416,
+ "norm_byte": 62848000,
+ "ops": 2177559,
+ "norm_ops": 61375,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.311239021130344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb8bc577c2a7a42d7761ebc4014582eb47fb9cb9523397bca08967b1a261d882",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:17.732000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:17.732000', 'bytes': 2291987456, 'norm_byte': 62167040, 'ops': 2238269, 'norm_ops': 60710, 'norm_ltcy': 16.489167732612007, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:17.732000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:17.732000",
+ "bytes": 2291987456,
+ "norm_byte": 62167040,
+ "ops": 2238269,
+ "norm_ops": 60710,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.489167732612007,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c9bed056ee88ffb80237e7020d46b3a9d0df7ba5cdb283e0eade625f27ed6a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:18.733000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:18.733000', 'bytes': 2354717696, 'norm_byte': 62730240, 'ops': 2299529, 'norm_ops': 61260, 'norm_ltcy': 16.340763242735882, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:18.733000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:18.733000",
+ "bytes": 2354717696,
+ "norm_byte": 62730240,
+ "ops": 2299529,
+ "norm_ops": 61260,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.340763242735882,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "098ff3cdb692e6c8da1bfecbed11eb69800ceb6a9408038ecf110ec0bac0b824",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:19.734000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:19.734000', 'bytes': 2419133440, 'norm_byte': 64415744, 'ops': 2362435, 'norm_ops': 62906, 'norm_ltcy': 15.914975692898928, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:19.734000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:19.734000",
+ "bytes": 2419133440,
+ "norm_byte": 64415744,
+ "ops": 2362435,
+ "norm_ops": 62906,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.914975692898928,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "819a3326af56482d2db1a4884c2f16d8dd78eef70d806eb6f2acb0e76b310196",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:20.736000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:20.736000', 'bytes': 2485154816, 'norm_byte': 66021376, 'ops': 2426909, 'norm_ops': 64474, 'norm_ltcy': 15.527107462892019, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:20.736000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:20.736000",
+ "bytes": 2485154816,
+ "norm_byte": 66021376,
+ "ops": 2426909,
+ "norm_ops": 64474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.527107462892019,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "65251ad27c5a99b157ff91a6ef0d35fa84a17a32c4414ba050af72486ed65b61",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:21.737000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:21.737000', 'bytes': 2548347904, 'norm_byte': 63193088, 'ops': 2488621, 'norm_ops': 61712, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22217369722461, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:21.737000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:21.737000",
+ "bytes": 2548347904,
+ "norm_byte": 63193088,
+ "ops": 2488621,
+ "norm_ops": 61712,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22217369722461,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4a8e88d2d5bf0b581bfe10feb14966eebf19f21482fd470c9a839fd2107b28bf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:22.738000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:22.738000', 'bytes': 2611508224, 'norm_byte': 63160320, 'ops': 2550301, 'norm_ops': 61680, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22962011592088, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:22.738000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:22.738000",
+ "bytes": 2611508224,
+ "norm_byte": 63160320,
+ "ops": 2550301,
+ "norm_ops": 61680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22962011592088,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eac9b6c015793c98c8edd5d828a6e654efce30c9bbe1378f09715f5e4cc56f19",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:23.739000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:23.739000', 'bytes': 2675270656, 'norm_byte': 63762432, 'ops': 2612569, 'norm_ops': 62268, 'norm_ltcy': 16.077205932170216, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:23.739000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:23.739000",
+ "bytes": 2675270656,
+ "norm_byte": 63762432,
+ "ops": 2612569,
+ "norm_ops": 62268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.077205932170216,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fe5b8374afac6793b9b40a831f7464cfaf447cfb6cedb5e7e4ac9e428f09e5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:24.740000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:24.740000', 'bytes': 2739999744, 'norm_byte': 64729088, 'ops': 2675781, 'norm_ops': 63212, 'norm_ltcy': 15.837110975516913, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:24.740000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:24.740000",
+ "bytes": 2739999744,
+ "norm_byte": 64729088,
+ "ops": 2675781,
+ "norm_ops": 63212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.837110975516913,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "388713b48c988ec51a5bce15e7a35207afc9c03acb07b7733012cd7fb477c464",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:25.741000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:25.741000', 'bytes': 2803717120, 'norm_byte': 63717376, 'ops': 2738005, 'norm_ops': 62224, 'norm_ltcy': 16.088535252926928, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:25.741000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:25.741000",
+ "bytes": 2803717120,
+ "norm_byte": 63717376,
+ "ops": 2738005,
+ "norm_ops": 62224,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.088535252926928,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b36c5490feee9759dcf7e80df66d63f5f4a25133bd13f9b127cd59e74020f174",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:26.742000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:26.742000', 'bytes': 2866681856, 'norm_byte': 62964736, 'ops': 2799494, 'norm_ops': 61489, 'norm_ltcy': 16.28082344377653, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:26.742000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:26.742000",
+ "bytes": 2866681856,
+ "norm_byte": 62964736,
+ "ops": 2799494,
+ "norm_ops": 61489,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.28082344377653,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f044c3d6394146dc440b0d1c2b7e22ceadf07178a13e98c45fca21ea32f1a762",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:27.743000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:27.743000', 'bytes': 2928729088, 'norm_byte': 62047232, 'ops': 2860087, 'norm_ops': 60593, 'norm_ltcy': 16.521925587268743, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:27.743000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:27.743000",
+ "bytes": 2928729088,
+ "norm_byte": 62047232,
+ "ops": 2860087,
+ "norm_ops": 60593,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.521925587268743,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b493d2bf5b3764a0a5fb5bc9f77d8a40346b21327e1bbe0490a5114c5e52f892",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:28.744000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:28.744000', 'bytes': 2992380928, 'norm_byte': 63651840, 'ops': 2922247, 'norm_ops': 62160, 'norm_ltcy': 16.106588591940156, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:28.744000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:28.744000",
+ "bytes": 2992380928,
+ "norm_byte": 63651840,
+ "ops": 2922247,
+ "norm_ops": 62160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.106588591940156,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9007417ffbdbe674779c53253821f7c17fdb73a0cc1b1a087142fe2473b37dbb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:29.745000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:29.745000', 'bytes': 3056356352, 'norm_byte': 63975424, 'ops': 2984723, 'norm_ops': 62476, 'norm_ltcy': 16.02367262153667, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:29.745000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:29.745000",
+ "bytes": 3056356352,
+ "norm_byte": 63975424,
+ "ops": 2984723,
+ "norm_ops": 62476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.02367262153667,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b394bcc8622323f378ab2df93e5a71417e0505d98bb8526c4f3f6f81ddd8a13a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:30.747000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:30.747000', 'bytes': 3119692800, 'norm_byte': 63336448, 'ops': 3046575, 'norm_ops': 61852, 'norm_ltcy': 16.185400071693316, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:30.747000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:30.747000",
+ "bytes": 3119692800,
+ "norm_byte": 63336448,
+ "ops": 3046575,
+ "norm_ops": 61852,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.185400071693316,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "feffb2ac63e47aea4dfb81e8f8344c11f674f67186ea93398d19d0ce3b25b245",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:31.748000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:31.748000', 'bytes': 3182683136, 'norm_byte': 62990336, 'ops': 3108089, 'norm_ops': 61514, 'norm_ltcy': 16.274313888403455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:31.748000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:31.748000",
+ "bytes": 3182683136,
+ "norm_byte": 62990336,
+ "ops": 3108089,
+ "norm_ops": 61514,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.274313888403455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16af1f9252538dbd8dbb20297cdb8428c1caba0f46b730663bd4603bb47809c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:32.749000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:32.749000', 'bytes': 3246361600, 'norm_byte': 63678464, 'ops': 3170275, 'norm_ops': 62186, 'norm_ltcy': 16.098417512080694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:32.749000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:32.749000",
+ "bytes": 3246361600,
+ "norm_byte": 63678464,
+ "ops": 3170275,
+ "norm_ops": 62186,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.098417512080694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6fac46216ad9cf1b4e635dca8f73a849e810ac24eac96985ca61685b8c3ceea9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:33.750000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:33.750000', 'bytes': 3311240192, 'norm_byte': 64878592, 'ops': 3233633, 'norm_ops': 63358, 'norm_ltcy': 15.800635747458884, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:33.750000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:33.750000",
+ "bytes": 3311240192,
+ "norm_byte": 64878592,
+ "ops": 3233633,
+ "norm_ops": 63358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.800635747458884,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0820a506a9731e6fc0ca714e75c8dc115de27c8d9bbc9ea4a86a1641c945493b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:34.751000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:34.751000', 'bytes': 3375145984, 'norm_byte': 63905792, 'ops': 3296041, 'norm_ops': 62408, 'norm_ltcy': 16.041104693608993, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:34.751000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:34.751000",
+ "bytes": 3375145984,
+ "norm_byte": 63905792,
+ "ops": 3296041,
+ "norm_ops": 62408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.041104693608993,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a6be920a703d5fabead8b0bf8c5bda583f178ae4bbfdd8db1fcdc8f9c5e8685",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:35.752000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:35.752000', 'bytes': 3438534656, 'norm_byte': 63388672, 'ops': 3357944, 'norm_ops': 61903, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17208513218261, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:35.752000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:35.752000",
+ "bytes": 3438534656,
+ "norm_byte": 63388672,
+ "ops": 3357944,
+ "norm_ops": 61903,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17208513218261,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67226e9c85a3245f453d2fc664099e17f6ab0397440dcceaa70b1501a24d6052",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:36.753000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:36.753000', 'bytes': 3501529088, 'norm_byte': 62994432, 'ops': 3419462, 'norm_ops': 61518, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27332714104002, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:36.753000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:36.753000",
+ "bytes": 3501529088,
+ "norm_byte": 62994432,
+ "ops": 3419462,
+ "norm_ops": 61518,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27332714104002,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1dd81e759493984c1d3a48ad9a96fd40671858ece16cd11492b7e8cf628aeecf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:37.754000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:37.754000', 'bytes': 3564197888, 'norm_byte': 62668800, 'ops': 3480662, 'norm_ops': 61200, 'norm_ltcy': 16.35778090533088, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:37.754000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:37.754000",
+ "bytes": 3564197888,
+ "norm_byte": 62668800,
+ "ops": 3480662,
+ "norm_ops": 61200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.35778090533088,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c3a947aa84711db3793a819423ed15b2d17fcbf0c14bbf0221e30618d73c3676",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:38.755000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:38.755000', 'bytes': 3631522816, 'norm_byte': 67324928, 'ops': 3546409, 'norm_ops': 65747, 'norm_ltcy': 15.226637152883402, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:38.755000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:38.755000",
+ "bytes": 3631522816,
+ "norm_byte": 67324928,
+ "ops": 3546409,
+ "norm_ops": 65747,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.226637152883402,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e62ab092451135a50dfd46c60dd8392bc319537d2c23ceeed669deddab6f643d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:39.756000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:39.756000', 'bytes': 3694849024, 'norm_byte': 63326208, 'ops': 3608251, 'norm_ops': 61842, 'norm_ltcy': 16.186288147870783, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:39.756000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:39.756000",
+ "bytes": 3694849024,
+ "norm_byte": 63326208,
+ "ops": 3608251,
+ "norm_ops": 61842,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.186288147870783,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d67399503ef20ecbf817c7602d24cc5947daaf0597151c91e534f3cbfcf8b7fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:40.757000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:40.757000', 'bytes': 3759150080, 'norm_byte': 64301056, 'ops': 3671045, 'norm_ops': 62794, 'norm_ltcy': 15.942444242284294, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:40.757000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:40.757000",
+ "bytes": 3759150080,
+ "norm_byte": 64301056,
+ "ops": 3671045,
+ "norm_ops": 62794,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.942444242284294,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "657837e49b57309f52b5f5b7763b43313434c0a21fa4a34c907b392384becec0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:17:41.959000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:17:41.959000', 'bytes': 3822040064, 'norm_byte': 62889984, 'ops': 3732461, 'norm_ops': 61416, 'norm_ltcy': 19.56097651416162, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:17:41.959000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:17:41.959000",
+ "bytes": 3822040064,
+ "norm_byte": 62889984,
+ "ops": 3732461,
+ "norm_ops": 61416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.56097651416162,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "fd69abb2-d0c1-506e-be5e-2d1f63b09ea0",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "23bc0299240cd121b2d66bfce4354677abeabcb3baee76393b632114bf0c3d44",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63700667.733333334
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62207.683333333334
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.522580863656597
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:17:42Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-111-220519231356/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-111-220519231356/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f5c467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-111-220519231356/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-111-220519231356/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-111-220519231356/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-111-220519231356/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-111-220519231356/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-111-220519231356/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55db2ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-111-220519231356/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=10
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-112-220519231558/220519231558-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-112-220519231558/220519231558-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d22a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-112-220519231558/220519231558-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:18:41Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002322429.3494 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002323430.4514 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002323430.5398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002324431.6279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35353600 nr_ops:34525\ntimestamp_ms:1653002325432.7175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70688768 nr_ops:69032\ntimestamp_ms:1653002326433.8125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105749504 nr_ops:103271\ntimestamp_ms:1653002327434.9109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141140992 nr_ops:137833\ntimestamp_ms:1653002328436.0920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176443392 nr_ops:172308\ntimestamp_ms:1653002329437.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211958784 nr_ops:206991\ntimestamp_ms:1653002330438.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247075840 nr_ops:241285\ntimestamp_ms:1653002331439.3171 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282227712 nr_ops:275613\ntimestamp_ms:1653002332440.4199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317596672 nr_ops:310153\ntimestamp_ms:1653002333441.5176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352781312 nr_ops:344513\ntimestamp_ms:1653002334441.8608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388131840 nr_ops:379035\ntimestamp_ms:1653002335442.9707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423572480 nr_ops:413645\ntimestamp_ms:1653002336444.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458642432 nr_ops:447893\ntimestamp_ms:1653002337445.1292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493732864 nr_ops:482161\ntimestamp_ms:1653002338446.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529304576 nr_ops:516899\ntimestamp_ms:1653002339447.3291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565258240 nr_ops:552010\ntimestamp_ms:1653002340448.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600675328 nr_ops:586597\ntimestamp_ms:1653002341449.5552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635972608 nr_ops:621067\ntimestamp_ms:1653002342450.6912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671413248 nr_ops:655677\ntimestamp_ms:1653002343451.8008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706667520 nr_ops:690105\ntimestamp_ms:1653002344452.8857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741921792 nr_ops:724533\ntimestamp_ms:1653002345453.9802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776958976 nr_ops:758749\ntimestamp_ms:1653002346454.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812176384 nr_ops:793141\ntimestamp_ms:1653002347455.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847516672 nr_ops:827653\ntimestamp_ms:1653002348457.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882744320 nr_ops:862055\ntimestamp_ms:1653002349458.1267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918160384 nr_ops:896641\ntimestamp_ms:1653002350459.1938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953277440 nr_ops:930935\ntimestamp_ms:1653002351460.2363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:988431360 nr_ops:965265\ntimestamp_ms:1653002352461.2795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023319040 nr_ops:999335\ntimestamp_ms:1653002353462.3198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058241536 nr_ops:1033439\ntimestamp_ms:1653002354463.4565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093415936 nr_ops:1067789\ntimestamp_ms:1653002355464.5544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129059328 nr_ops:1102597\ntimestamp_ms:1653002356464.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164528640 nr_ops:1137235\ntimestamp_ms:1653002357465.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199797248 nr_ops:1171677\ntimestamp_ms:1653002358467.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234871296 nr_ops:1205929\ntimestamp_ms:1653002359468.1445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270076416 nr_ops:1240309\ntimestamp_ms:1653002360469.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305545728 nr_ops:1274947\ntimestamp_ms:1653002361470.3459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340933120 nr_ops:1309505\ntimestamp_ms:1653002362471.3867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376248832 nr_ops:1343993\ntimestamp_ms:1653002363472.4963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411423232 nr_ops:1378343\ntimestamp_ms:1653002364473.5984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446991872 nr_ops:1413078\ntimestamp_ms:1653002365474.6367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481790464 nr_ops:1447061\ntimestamp_ms:1653002366475.7415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517120512 nr_ops:1481563\ntimestamp_ms:1653002367476.7937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552292864 nr_ops:1515911\ntimestamp_ms:1653002368477.9038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587521536 nr_ops:1550314\ntimestamp_ms:1653002369478.9956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622919168 nr_ops:1584882\ntimestamp_ms:1653002370480.0918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1658366976 nr_ops:1619499\ntimestamp_ms:1653002371481.1970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693402112 nr_ops:1653713\ntimestamp_ms:1653002372482.2932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728508928 nr_ops:1687997\ntimestamp_ms:1653002373483.3975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763938304 nr_ops:1722596\ntimestamp_ms:1653002374484.4949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799373824 nr_ops:1757201\ntimestamp_ms:1653002375485.5952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834863616 nr_ops:1791859\ntimestamp_ms:1653002376486.6892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870406656 nr_ops:1826569\ntimestamp_ms:1653002377487.7886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905648640 nr_ops:1860985\ntimestamp_ms:1653002378488.8845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1940851712 nr_ops:1895363\ntimestamp_ms:1653002379489.9805 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976374272 nr_ops:1930053\ntimestamp_ms:1653002380491.1553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2011737088 nr_ops:1964587\ntimestamp_ms:1653002381492.2534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2047052800 nr_ops:1999075\ntimestamp_ms:1653002382492.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082163712 nr_ops:2033363\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140489124910848\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117379072 nr_ops:2067753\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.2727 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.2766 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383794.4968 name:Total nr_bytes:2117379072 nr_ops:2067754\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.3706 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4234758142 nr_ops:4135508\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.3713 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2117379072 nr_ops:2067756\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 254.67us 0.00ns 254.67us 254.67us \nTxn1 1033877 58.05us 0.00ns 4.48ms 24.14us \nTxn2 1 23.20us 0.00ns 23.20us 23.20us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 253.89us 0.00ns 253.89us 253.89us \nwrite 1033877 3.84us 0.00ns 276.46us 2.19us \nread 1033876 54.10us 0.00ns 4.48ms 3.10us \ndisconnect 1 22.77us 0.00ns 22.77us 22.77us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16578 16578 144.56Mb/s 144.56Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.19b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.207 62.37s 1.97GB 271.60Mb/s 2067755 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.61Mb/s 2067756 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416487, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002322429.3494 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002323430.4514 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002323430.5398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002324431.6279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35353600 nr_ops:34525\ntimestamp_ms:1653002325432.7175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70688768 nr_ops:69032\ntimestamp_ms:1653002326433.8125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105749504 nr_ops:103271\ntimestamp_ms:1653002327434.9109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141140992 nr_ops:137833\ntimestamp_ms:1653002328436.0920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176443392 nr_ops:172308\ntimestamp_ms:1653002329437.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211958784 nr_ops:206991\ntimestamp_ms:1653002330438.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247075840 nr_ops:241285\ntimestamp_ms:1653002331439.3171 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282227712 nr_ops:275613\ntimestamp_ms:1653002332440.4199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317596672 nr_ops:310153\ntimestamp_ms:1653002333441.5176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352781312 nr_ops:344513\ntimestamp_ms:1653002334441.8608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388131840 nr_ops:379035\ntimestamp_ms:1653002335442.9707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423572480 nr_ops:413645\ntimestamp_ms:1653002336444.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458642432 nr_ops:447893\ntimestamp_ms:1653002337445.1292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493732864 nr_ops:482161\ntimestamp_ms:1653002338446.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529304576 nr_ops:516899\ntimestamp_ms:1653002339447.3291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565258240 nr_ops:552010\ntimestamp_ms:1653002340448.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600675328 nr_ops:586597\ntimestamp_ms:1653002341449.5552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635972608 nr_ops:621067\ntimestamp_ms:1653002342450.6912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671413248 nr_ops:655677\ntimestamp_ms:1653002343451.8008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706667520 nr_ops:690105\ntimestamp_ms:1653002344452.8857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741921792 nr_ops:724533\ntimestamp_ms:1653002345453.9802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776958976 nr_ops:758749\ntimestamp_ms:1653002346454.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812176384 nr_ops:793141\ntimestamp_ms:1653002347455.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847516672 nr_ops:827653\ntimestamp_ms:1653002348457.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882744320 nr_ops:862055\ntimestamp_ms:1653002349458.1267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918160384 nr_ops:896641\ntimestamp_ms:1653002350459.1938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953277440 nr_ops:930935\ntimestamp_ms:1653002351460.2363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:988431360 nr_ops:965265\ntimestamp_ms:1653002352461.2795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023319040 nr_ops:999335\ntimestamp_ms:1653002353462.3198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058241536 nr_ops:1033439\ntimestamp_ms:1653002354463.4565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093415936 nr_ops:1067789\ntimestamp_ms:1653002355464.5544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129059328 nr_ops:1102597\ntimestamp_ms:1653002356464.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164528640 nr_ops:1137235\ntimestamp_ms:1653002357465.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199797248 nr_ops:1171677\ntimestamp_ms:1653002358467.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234871296 nr_ops:1205929\ntimestamp_ms:1653002359468.1445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270076416 nr_ops:1240309\ntimestamp_ms:1653002360469.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305545728 nr_ops:1274947\ntimestamp_ms:1653002361470.3459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340933120 nr_ops:1309505\ntimestamp_ms:1653002362471.3867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376248832 nr_ops:1343993\ntimestamp_ms:1653002363472.4963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411423232 nr_ops:1378343\ntimestamp_ms:1653002364473.5984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446991872 nr_ops:1413078\ntimestamp_ms:1653002365474.6367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481790464 nr_ops:1447061\ntimestamp_ms:1653002366475.7415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517120512 nr_ops:1481563\ntimestamp_ms:1653002367476.7937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552292864 nr_ops:1515911\ntimestamp_ms:1653002368477.9038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587521536 nr_ops:1550314\ntimestamp_ms:1653002369478.9956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622919168 nr_ops:1584882\ntimestamp_ms:1653002370480.0918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1658366976 nr_ops:1619499\ntimestamp_ms:1653002371481.1970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693402112 nr_ops:1653713\ntimestamp_ms:1653002372482.2932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728508928 nr_ops:1687997\ntimestamp_ms:1653002373483.3975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763938304 nr_ops:1722596\ntimestamp_ms:1653002374484.4949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799373824 nr_ops:1757201\ntimestamp_ms:1653002375485.5952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834863616 nr_ops:1791859\ntimestamp_ms:1653002376486.6892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870406656 nr_ops:1826569\ntimestamp_ms:1653002377487.7886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905648640 nr_ops:1860985\ntimestamp_ms:1653002378488.8845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1940851712 nr_ops:1895363\ntimestamp_ms:1653002379489.9805 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976374272 nr_ops:1930053\ntimestamp_ms:1653002380491.1553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2011737088 nr_ops:1964587\ntimestamp_ms:1653002381492.2534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2047052800 nr_ops:1999075\ntimestamp_ms:1653002382492.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082163712 nr_ops:2033363\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140489124910848\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117379072 nr_ops:2067753\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.2727 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.2766 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383794.4968 name:Total nr_bytes:2117379072 nr_ops:2067754\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.3706 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4234758142 nr_ops:4135508\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.3713 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2117379072 nr_ops:2067756\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 254.67us 0.00ns 254.67us 254.67us \nTxn1 1033877 58.05us 0.00ns 4.48ms 24.14us \nTxn2 1 23.20us 0.00ns 23.20us 23.20us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 253.89us 0.00ns 253.89us 253.89us \nwrite 1033877 3.84us 0.00ns 276.46us 2.19us \nread 1033876 54.10us 0.00ns 4.48ms 3.10us \ndisconnect 1 22.77us 0.00ns 22.77us 22.77us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16578 16578 144.56Mb/s 144.56Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.19b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.207 62.37s 1.97GB 271.60Mb/s 2067755 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.61Mb/s 2067756 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416487, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002322429.3494 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002323430.4514 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002323430.5398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002324431.6279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35353600 nr_ops:34525\ntimestamp_ms:1653002325432.7175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70688768 nr_ops:69032\ntimestamp_ms:1653002326433.8125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105749504 nr_ops:103271\ntimestamp_ms:1653002327434.9109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141140992 nr_ops:137833\ntimestamp_ms:1653002328436.0920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176443392 nr_ops:172308\ntimestamp_ms:1653002329437.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211958784 nr_ops:206991\ntimestamp_ms:1653002330438.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247075840 nr_ops:241285\ntimestamp_ms:1653002331439.3171 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282227712 nr_ops:275613\ntimestamp_ms:1653002332440.4199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317596672 nr_ops:310153\ntimestamp_ms:1653002333441.5176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352781312 nr_ops:344513\ntimestamp_ms:1653002334441.8608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388131840 nr_ops:379035\ntimestamp_ms:1653002335442.9707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423572480 nr_ops:413645\ntimestamp_ms:1653002336444.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458642432 nr_ops:447893\ntimestamp_ms:1653002337445.1292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493732864 nr_ops:482161\ntimestamp_ms:1653002338446.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529304576 nr_ops:516899\ntimestamp_ms:1653002339447.3291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565258240 nr_ops:552010\ntimestamp_ms:1653002340448.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600675328 nr_ops:586597\ntimestamp_ms:1653002341449.5552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635972608 nr_ops:621067\ntimestamp_ms:1653002342450.6912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671413248 nr_ops:655677\ntimestamp_ms:1653002343451.8008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706667520 nr_ops:690105\ntimestamp_ms:1653002344452.8857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741921792 nr_ops:724533\ntimestamp_ms:1653002345453.9802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776958976 nr_ops:758749\ntimestamp_ms:1653002346454.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812176384 nr_ops:793141\ntimestamp_ms:1653002347455.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847516672 nr_ops:827653\ntimestamp_ms:1653002348457.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882744320 nr_ops:862055\ntimestamp_ms:1653002349458.1267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918160384 nr_ops:896641\ntimestamp_ms:1653002350459.1938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953277440 nr_ops:930935\ntimestamp_ms:1653002351460.2363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:988431360 nr_ops:965265\ntimestamp_ms:1653002352461.2795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023319040 nr_ops:999335\ntimestamp_ms:1653002353462.3198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058241536 nr_ops:1033439\ntimestamp_ms:1653002354463.4565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093415936 nr_ops:1067789\ntimestamp_ms:1653002355464.5544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129059328 nr_ops:1102597\ntimestamp_ms:1653002356464.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164528640 nr_ops:1137235\ntimestamp_ms:1653002357465.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199797248 nr_ops:1171677\ntimestamp_ms:1653002358467.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234871296 nr_ops:1205929\ntimestamp_ms:1653002359468.1445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270076416 nr_ops:1240309\ntimestamp_ms:1653002360469.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305545728 nr_ops:1274947\ntimestamp_ms:1653002361470.3459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340933120 nr_ops:1309505\ntimestamp_ms:1653002362471.3867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376248832 nr_ops:1343993\ntimestamp_ms:1653002363472.4963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411423232 nr_ops:1378343\ntimestamp_ms:1653002364473.5984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446991872 nr_ops:1413078\ntimestamp_ms:1653002365474.6367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481790464 nr_ops:1447061\ntimestamp_ms:1653002366475.7415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517120512 nr_ops:1481563\ntimestamp_ms:1653002367476.7937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552292864 nr_ops:1515911\ntimestamp_ms:1653002368477.9038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587521536 nr_ops:1550314\ntimestamp_ms:1653002369478.9956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622919168 nr_ops:1584882\ntimestamp_ms:1653002370480.0918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1658366976 nr_ops:1619499\ntimestamp_ms:1653002371481.1970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693402112 nr_ops:1653713\ntimestamp_ms:1653002372482.2932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728508928 nr_ops:1687997\ntimestamp_ms:1653002373483.3975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763938304 nr_ops:1722596\ntimestamp_ms:1653002374484.4949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799373824 nr_ops:1757201\ntimestamp_ms:1653002375485.5952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834863616 nr_ops:1791859\ntimestamp_ms:1653002376486.6892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870406656 nr_ops:1826569\ntimestamp_ms:1653002377487.7886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905648640 nr_ops:1860985\ntimestamp_ms:1653002378488.8845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1940851712 nr_ops:1895363\ntimestamp_ms:1653002379489.9805 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976374272 nr_ops:1930053\ntimestamp_ms:1653002380491.1553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2011737088 nr_ops:1964587\ntimestamp_ms:1653002381492.2534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2047052800 nr_ops:1999075\ntimestamp_ms:1653002382492.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082163712 nr_ops:2033363\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140489124910848\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117379072 nr_ops:2067753\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.2727 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.2766 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383794.4968 name:Total nr_bytes:2117379072 nr_ops:2067754\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.3706 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4234758142 nr_ops:4135508\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002383694.3713 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2117379072 nr_ops:2067756\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 254.67us 0.00ns 254.67us 254.67us \nTxn1 1033877 58.05us 0.00ns 4.48ms 24.14us \nTxn2 1 23.20us 0.00ns 23.20us 23.20us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 253.89us 0.00ns 253.89us 253.89us \nwrite 1033877 3.84us 0.00ns 276.46us 2.19us \nread 1033876 54.10us 0.00ns 4.48ms 3.10us \ndisconnect 1 22.77us 0.00ns 22.77us 22.77us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16578 16578 144.56Mb/s 144.56Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.19b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.207 62.37s 1.97GB 271.60Mb/s 2067755 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.61Mb/s 2067756 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416487, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002322429.3494 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002323430.4514 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002323430.5398 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002324431.6279 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35353600 nr_ops:34525
+timestamp_ms:1653002325432.7175 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70688768 nr_ops:69032
+timestamp_ms:1653002326433.8125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105749504 nr_ops:103271
+timestamp_ms:1653002327434.9109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141140992 nr_ops:137833
+timestamp_ms:1653002328436.0920 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176443392 nr_ops:172308
+timestamp_ms:1653002329437.1260 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211958784 nr_ops:206991
+timestamp_ms:1653002330438.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247075840 nr_ops:241285
+timestamp_ms:1653002331439.3171 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282227712 nr_ops:275613
+timestamp_ms:1653002332440.4199 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317596672 nr_ops:310153
+timestamp_ms:1653002333441.5176 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352781312 nr_ops:344513
+timestamp_ms:1653002334441.8608 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388131840 nr_ops:379035
+timestamp_ms:1653002335442.9707 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423572480 nr_ops:413645
+timestamp_ms:1653002336444.0151 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458642432 nr_ops:447893
+timestamp_ms:1653002337445.1292 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493732864 nr_ops:482161
+timestamp_ms:1653002338446.2312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529304576 nr_ops:516899
+timestamp_ms:1653002339447.3291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565258240 nr_ops:552010
+timestamp_ms:1653002340448.4333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600675328 nr_ops:586597
+timestamp_ms:1653002341449.5552 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635972608 nr_ops:621067
+timestamp_ms:1653002342450.6912 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671413248 nr_ops:655677
+timestamp_ms:1653002343451.8008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706667520 nr_ops:690105
+timestamp_ms:1653002344452.8857 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741921792 nr_ops:724533
+timestamp_ms:1653002345453.9802 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776958976 nr_ops:758749
+timestamp_ms:1653002346454.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812176384 nr_ops:793141
+timestamp_ms:1653002347455.9326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847516672 nr_ops:827653
+timestamp_ms:1653002348457.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882744320 nr_ops:862055
+timestamp_ms:1653002349458.1267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918160384 nr_ops:896641
+timestamp_ms:1653002350459.1938 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953277440 nr_ops:930935
+timestamp_ms:1653002351460.2363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:988431360 nr_ops:965265
+timestamp_ms:1653002352461.2795 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023319040 nr_ops:999335
+timestamp_ms:1653002353462.3198 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058241536 nr_ops:1033439
+timestamp_ms:1653002354463.4565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1093415936 nr_ops:1067789
+timestamp_ms:1653002355464.5544 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129059328 nr_ops:1102597
+timestamp_ms:1653002356464.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1164528640 nr_ops:1137235
+timestamp_ms:1653002357465.9331 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1199797248 nr_ops:1171677
+timestamp_ms:1653002358467.0293 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1234871296 nr_ops:1205929
+timestamp_ms:1653002359468.1445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1270076416 nr_ops:1240309
+timestamp_ms:1653002360469.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1305545728 nr_ops:1274947
+timestamp_ms:1653002361470.3459 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1340933120 nr_ops:1309505
+timestamp_ms:1653002362471.3867 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376248832 nr_ops:1343993
+timestamp_ms:1653002363472.4963 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1411423232 nr_ops:1378343
+timestamp_ms:1653002364473.5984 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1446991872 nr_ops:1413078
+timestamp_ms:1653002365474.6367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1481790464 nr_ops:1447061
+timestamp_ms:1653002366475.7415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1517120512 nr_ops:1481563
+timestamp_ms:1653002367476.7937 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1552292864 nr_ops:1515911
+timestamp_ms:1653002368477.9038 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1587521536 nr_ops:1550314
+timestamp_ms:1653002369478.9956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1622919168 nr_ops:1584882
+timestamp_ms:1653002370480.0918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1658366976 nr_ops:1619499
+timestamp_ms:1653002371481.1970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1693402112 nr_ops:1653713
+timestamp_ms:1653002372482.2932 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728508928 nr_ops:1687997
+timestamp_ms:1653002373483.3975 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763938304 nr_ops:1722596
+timestamp_ms:1653002374484.4949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799373824 nr_ops:1757201
+timestamp_ms:1653002375485.5952 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834863616 nr_ops:1791859
+timestamp_ms:1653002376486.6892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870406656 nr_ops:1826569
+timestamp_ms:1653002377487.7886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905648640 nr_ops:1860985
+timestamp_ms:1653002378488.8845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1940851712 nr_ops:1895363
+timestamp_ms:1653002379489.9805 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976374272 nr_ops:1930053
+timestamp_ms:1653002380491.1553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2011737088 nr_ops:1964587
+timestamp_ms:1653002381492.2534 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2047052800 nr_ops:1999075
+timestamp_ms:1653002382492.8428 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082163712 nr_ops:2033363
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140489124910848
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653002383694.2336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2117379072 nr_ops:2067753
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002383694.2727 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002383694.2766 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002383794.4968 name:Total nr_bytes:2117379072 nr_ops:2067754
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002383694.3706 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4234758142 nr_ops:4135508
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002383694.3713 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2117379072 nr_ops:2067756
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 254.67us 0.00ns 254.67us 254.67us
+Txn1 1033877 58.05us 0.00ns 4.48ms 24.14us
+Txn2 1 23.20us 0.00ns 23.20us 23.20us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 253.89us 0.00ns 253.89us 253.89us
+write 1033877 3.84us 0.00ns 276.46us 2.19us
+read 1033876 54.10us 0.00ns 4.48ms 3.10us
+disconnect 1 22.77us 0.00ns 22.77us 22.77us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 16578 16578 144.56Mb/s 144.56Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.19b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.207 62.37s 1.97GB 271.60Mb/s 2067755 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.97GB 271.61Mb/s 2067756 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:44.431000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:44.431000', 'bytes': 35353600, 'norm_byte': 35353600, 'ops': 34525, 'norm_ops': 34525, 'norm_ltcy': 28.996035764391745, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:44.431000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:44.431000",
+ "bytes": 35353600,
+ "norm_byte": 35353600,
+ "ops": 34525,
+ "norm_ops": 34525,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.996035764391745,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e67c33676a01e3a56d2a94ff33e0039081c78c079fd6e62c39180c5497b17088",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:45.432000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:45.432000', 'bytes': 70688768, 'norm_byte': 35335168, 'ops': 69032, 'norm_ops': 34507, 'norm_ltcy': 29.011203512602517, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:45.432000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:45.432000",
+ "bytes": 70688768,
+ "norm_byte": 35335168,
+ "ops": 69032,
+ "norm_ops": 34507,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.011203512602517,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a43a3611688f7c5c3838c0583d8f0a9acc9154a3fb1d75394655e3c9eff15587",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:46.433000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:46.433000', 'bytes': 105749504, 'norm_byte': 35060736, 'ops': 103271, 'norm_ops': 34239, 'norm_ltcy': 29.23844068761135, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:46.433000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:46.433000",
+ "bytes": 105749504,
+ "norm_byte": 35060736,
+ "ops": 103271,
+ "norm_ops": 34239,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.23844068761135,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fc8ebfb7d1763f896c00afdd16721fb8dab5dc3e50ad2d4448ac8ef54365422e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:47.434000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:47.434000', 'bytes': 141140992, 'norm_byte': 35391488, 'ops': 137833, 'norm_ops': 34562, 'norm_ltcy': 28.96529103269125, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:47.434000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:47.434000",
+ "bytes": 141140992,
+ "norm_byte": 35391488,
+ "ops": 137833,
+ "norm_ops": 34562,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.96529103269125,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d82601e7d0be49c364efc5f1d07fa3e3089efb7d7a1e91ce1f4113982390126",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:48.436000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:48.436000', 'bytes': 176443392, 'norm_byte': 35302400, 'ops': 172308, 'norm_ops': 34475, 'norm_ltcy': 29.040787595177665, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:48.436000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:48.436000",
+ "bytes": 176443392,
+ "norm_byte": 35302400,
+ "ops": 172308,
+ "norm_ops": 34475,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.040787595177665,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2170ee7ad97d6074900edeaeab2b86b615f5036c082056fe2d27a103fea8115e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:49.437000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:49.437000', 'bytes': 211958784, 'norm_byte': 35515392, 'ops': 206991, 'norm_ops': 34683, 'norm_ltcy': 28.862380288523916, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:49.437000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:49.437000",
+ "bytes": 211958784,
+ "norm_byte": 35515392,
+ "ops": 206991,
+ "norm_ops": 34683,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.862380288523916,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9cb553113ade4061c298b4f458a33247c16d1e840b3b3619a73cde15c1afe156",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:50.438000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:50.438000', 'bytes': 247075840, 'norm_byte': 35117056, 'ops': 241285, 'norm_ops': 34294, 'norm_ltcy': 29.191584283147197, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:50.438000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:50.438000",
+ "bytes": 247075840,
+ "norm_byte": 35117056,
+ "ops": 241285,
+ "norm_ops": 34294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.191584283147197,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d76c05de47582f714fbaf42553ef09cda3482000cb11a497c5678dbcfb48c29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:51.439000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:51.439000', 'bytes': 282227712, 'norm_byte': 35151872, 'ops': 275613, 'norm_ops': 34328, 'norm_ltcy': 29.16263606103254, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:51.439000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:51.439000",
+ "bytes": 282227712,
+ "norm_byte": 35151872,
+ "ops": 275613,
+ "norm_ops": 34328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.16263606103254,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce071f26706b06df560d4c77a94b143a18091759076d84c62bc28a33db5b1286",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:52.440000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:52.440000', 'bytes': 317596672, 'norm_byte': 35368960, 'ops': 310153, 'norm_ops': 34540, 'norm_ltcy': 28.983867492852493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:52.440000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:52.440000",
+ "bytes": 317596672,
+ "norm_byte": 35368960,
+ "ops": 310153,
+ "norm_ops": 34540,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.983867492852493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "07a508a97ce5fb2628f883cb3ca3c0fa316ca7b1399eea4fdce541c9f3ea5026",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:53.441000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:53.441000', 'bytes': 352781312, 'norm_byte': 35184640, 'ops': 344513, 'norm_ops': 34360, 'norm_ltcy': 29.1355546056461, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:53.441000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:53.441000",
+ "bytes": 352781312,
+ "norm_byte": 35184640,
+ "ops": 344513,
+ "norm_ops": 34360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.1355546056461,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "57376e02639fe08ef24a886b9b67bda1ddad86114acc5c16b88786e0d0a32408",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:54.441000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:54.441000', 'bytes': 388131840, 'norm_byte': 35350528, 'ops': 379035, 'norm_ops': 34522, 'norm_ltcy': 28.976978787983025, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:54.441000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:54.441000",
+ "bytes": 388131840,
+ "norm_byte": 35350528,
+ "ops": 379035,
+ "norm_ops": 34522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.976978787983025,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "479c6de98428ec93d10b2d98bc32983f8133c124848737e934aef561f94b82b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:55.442000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:55.442000', 'bytes': 423572480, 'norm_byte': 35440640, 'ops': 413645, 'norm_ops': 34610, 'norm_ltcy': 28.925451120521526, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:55.442000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:55.442000",
+ "bytes": 423572480,
+ "norm_byte": 35440640,
+ "ops": 413645,
+ "norm_ops": 34610,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.925451120521526,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e69f2f833f25085e71d943b97c6d4530873b645efaadfbef5e27ae95c80f385",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:56.444000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:56.444000', 'bytes': 458642432, 'norm_byte': 35069952, 'ops': 447893, 'norm_ops': 34248, 'norm_ltcy': 29.22928152282615, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:56.444000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:56.444000",
+ "bytes": 458642432,
+ "norm_byte": 35069952,
+ "ops": 447893,
+ "norm_ops": 34248,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.22928152282615,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20ca30442968f265afcaf229751dee74c2e3637c60a4de312abc389e8c18a70e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:57.445000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:57.445000', 'bytes': 493732864, 'norm_byte': 35090432, 'ops': 482161, 'norm_ops': 34268, 'norm_ltcy': 29.21425276269041, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:57.445000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:57.445000",
+ "bytes": 493732864,
+ "norm_byte": 35090432,
+ "ops": 482161,
+ "norm_ops": 34268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.21425276269041,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "daeea247701ba23b95ab14cb5a9ec377585b68ce71dffe603e8fd206e8579a80",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:58.446000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:58.446000', 'bytes': 529304576, 'norm_byte': 35571712, 'ops': 516899, 'norm_ops': 34738, 'norm_ltcy': 28.818643870725143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:58.446000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:58.446000",
+ "bytes": 529304576,
+ "norm_byte": 35571712,
+ "ops": 516899,
+ "norm_ops": 34738,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.818643870725143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f7a7c64a973d77261897f7df560c8d58aa9fbaeec428dc18edc81cb6ff04f8cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:18:59.447000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:18:59.447000', 'bytes': 565258240, 'norm_byte': 35953664, 'ops': 552010, 'norm_ops': 35111, 'norm_ltcy': 28.512372202176667, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:18:59.447000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:18:59.447000",
+ "bytes": 565258240,
+ "norm_byte": 35953664,
+ "ops": 552010,
+ "norm_ops": 35111,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.512372202176667,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7a9eccbcb1f17837b624b00d2455f3031d5780bb1b3717c2e0c22a0c81dfc8f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:00.448000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:00.448000', 'bytes': 600675328, 'norm_byte': 35417088, 'ops': 586597, 'norm_ops': 34587, 'norm_ltcy': 28.94452389761688, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:00.448000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:00.448000",
+ "bytes": 600675328,
+ "norm_byte": 35417088,
+ "ops": 586597,
+ "norm_ops": 34587,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.94452389761688,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "42b6f3d3a3ea59e4d2240d6feedfced773d8827c28e230ad1d4ded2ec2c0cf75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:01.449000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:01.449000', 'bytes': 635972608, 'norm_byte': 35297280, 'ops': 621067, 'norm_ops': 34470, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04327897220409, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:01.449000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:01.449000",
+ "bytes": 635972608,
+ "norm_byte": 35297280,
+ "ops": 621067,
+ "norm_ops": 34470,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04327897220409,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e279d6964ffbdd046e3d13b5899c1f7d988ab9b4ede14c1edbcef72afbbccfb8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:02.450000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:02.450000', 'bytes': 671413248, 'norm_byte': 35440640, 'ops': 655677, 'norm_ops': 34610, 'norm_ltcy': 28.926205903730857, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:02.450000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:02.450000",
+ "bytes": 671413248,
+ "norm_byte": 35440640,
+ "ops": 655677,
+ "norm_ops": 34610,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.926205903730857,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "73c6ed91cea52e6cb7e57da4b77af52e92ac556a7f24c98a826b3a2072f43969",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:03.451000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:03.451000', 'bytes': 706667520, 'norm_byte': 35254272, 'ops': 690105, 'norm_ops': 34428, 'norm_ltcy': 29.078355383427006, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:03.451000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:03.451000",
+ "bytes": 706667520,
+ "norm_byte": 35254272,
+ "ops": 690105,
+ "norm_ops": 34428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.078355383427006,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "597e7bbc90a527d46d4e07a23c72a952f4c8bdc0b4766c3e6294763fdb325392",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:04.452000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:04.452000', 'bytes': 741921792, 'norm_byte': 35254272, 'ops': 724533, 'norm_ops': 34428, 'norm_ltcy': 29.077639158170673, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:04.452000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:04.452000",
+ "bytes": 741921792,
+ "norm_byte": 35254272,
+ "ops": 724533,
+ "norm_ops": 34428,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.077639158170673,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "de75c42e1ce27b733aa39c3d3c3ffa4a2eb1faaf80810cb925c044e037834c01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:05.453000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:05.453000', 'bytes': 776958976, 'norm_byte': 35037184, 'ops': 758749, 'norm_ops': 34216, 'norm_ltcy': 29.258080500990033, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:05.453000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:05.453000",
+ "bytes": 776958976,
+ "norm_byte": 35037184,
+ "ops": 758749,
+ "norm_ops": 34216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.258080500990033,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cdb5cf51698e70a50b464042a1ce8f9f7ca8fcd0c56e45e09530cca872b52dd2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:06.454000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:06.454000', 'bytes': 812176384, 'norm_byte': 35217408, 'ops': 793141, 'norm_ops': 34392, 'norm_ltcy': 29.10138929020557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:06.454000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:06.454000",
+ "bytes": 812176384,
+ "norm_byte": 35217408,
+ "ops": 793141,
+ "norm_ops": 34392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.10138929020557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "616633d40f5c59c169468c89f0dffb6409ad24f74ff5f27472a3ea431f5c5433",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:07.455000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:07.455000', 'bytes': 847516672, 'norm_byte': 35340288, 'ops': 827653, 'norm_ops': 34512, 'norm_ltcy': 29.007226822826116, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:07.455000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:07.455000",
+ "bytes": 847516672,
+ "norm_byte": 35340288,
+ "ops": 827653,
+ "norm_ops": 34512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.007226822826116,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ccba162eb42aff2af60c30432fac898ed5e316d2902b9d5e0bdba761581e9b55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:08.457000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:08.457000', 'bytes': 882744320, 'norm_byte': 35227648, 'ops': 862055, 'norm_ops': 34402, 'norm_ltcy': 29.09994871073993, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:08.457000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:08.457000",
+ "bytes": 882744320,
+ "norm_byte": 35227648,
+ "ops": 862055,
+ "norm_ops": 34402,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.09994871073993,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ebf056e15137461a34d2d43218dfd71bdd7cd9563a0ff8e006e957685932108e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:09.458000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:09.458000', 'bytes': 918160384, 'norm_byte': 35416064, 'ops': 896641, 'norm_ops': 34586, 'norm_ltcy': 28.94517019169606, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:09.458000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:09.458000",
+ "bytes": 918160384,
+ "norm_byte": 35416064,
+ "ops": 896641,
+ "norm_ops": 34586,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.94517019169606,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6212e6c69aab5000d4fa3753ab35585d0a74c695fca20ff1d797fcf1178b011e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:10.459000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:10.459000', 'bytes': 953277440, 'norm_byte': 35117056, 'ops': 930935, 'norm_ops': 34294, 'norm_ltcy': 29.19073711645988, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:10.459000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:10.459000",
+ "bytes": 953277440,
+ "norm_byte": 35117056,
+ "ops": 930935,
+ "norm_ops": 34294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.19073711645988,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55ff16a5011ab6d4cdabd00f40041286c4c79fdd4a264f913e9aac902564c1af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:11.460000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:11.460000', 'bytes': 988431360, 'norm_byte': 35153920, 'ops': 965265, 'norm_ops': 34330, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15940811152782, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:11.460000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:11.460000",
+ "bytes": 988431360,
+ "norm_byte": 35153920,
+ "ops": 965265,
+ "norm_ops": 34330,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15940811152782,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18ae6b047fb047da55fa2a2b56d7c84b0550036fbfbc6697f997997610e671d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:12.461000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:12.461000', 'bytes': 1023319040, 'norm_byte': 34887680, 'ops': 999335, 'norm_ops': 34070, 'norm_ltcy': 29.381955177300412, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:12.461000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:12.461000",
+ "bytes": 1023319040,
+ "norm_byte": 34887680,
+ "ops": 999335,
+ "norm_ops": 34070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.381955177300412,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ed128fb5873440b1c978dd08cbd576bea188ddfdd1acc2f572c5525ffc8a6cf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:13.462000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:13.462000', 'bytes': 1058241536, 'norm_byte': 34922496, 'ops': 1033439, 'norm_ops': 34104, 'norm_ltcy': 29.352576917755247, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:13.462000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:13.462000",
+ "bytes": 1058241536,
+ "norm_byte": 34922496,
+ "ops": 1033439,
+ "norm_ops": 34104,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.352576917755247,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f50be3c5a64953c11631a33fc95164fb8d0fb71379ace2ed1b89b345fafadfd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:14.463000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:14.463000', 'bytes': 1093415936, 'norm_byte': 35174400, 'ops': 1067789, 'norm_ops': 34350, 'norm_ltcy': 29.145173762736537, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:14.463000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:14.463000",
+ "bytes": 1093415936,
+ "norm_byte": 35174400,
+ "ops": 1067789,
+ "norm_ops": 34350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.145173762736537,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "99849f2fe9cadbb00f9b75bb2d7dca343b1e0cd9e16118d20f885439f8a7ca8a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:15.464000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:15.464000', 'bytes': 1129059328, 'norm_byte': 35643392, 'ops': 1102597, 'norm_ops': 34808, 'norm_ltcy': 28.760569420553463, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:15.464000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:15.464000",
+ "bytes": 1129059328,
+ "norm_byte": 35643392,
+ "ops": 1102597,
+ "norm_ops": 34808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.760569420553463,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5b2751a6dc5d8229bcd12bb24e596943f60244f1b9859acc89699c88e649e960",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:16.464000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:16.464000', 'bytes': 1164528640, 'norm_byte': 35469312, 'ops': 1137235, 'norm_ops': 34638, 'norm_ltcy': 28.87811159122568, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:16.464000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:16.464000",
+ "bytes": 1164528640,
+ "norm_byte": 35469312,
+ "ops": 1137235,
+ "norm_ops": 34638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.87811159122568,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95ba7c4b76b3f3a79c246e2c89bb31de6dfef8dd612c5b3d733525f2d72e460d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:17.465000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:17.465000', 'bytes': 1199797248, 'norm_byte': 35268608, 'ops': 1171677, 'norm_ops': 34442, 'norm_ltcy': 29.066216619606877, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:17.465000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:17.465000",
+ "bytes": 1199797248,
+ "norm_byte": 35268608,
+ "ops": 1171677,
+ "norm_ops": 34442,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.066216619606877,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18e95f99a1718afb09beca02aed3a7d1b2fe58e9e6e70498d31c1e9d2818b8b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:18.467000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:18.467000', 'bytes': 1234871296, 'norm_byte': 35074048, 'ops': 1205929, 'norm_ops': 34252, 'norm_ltcy': 29.227379172201623, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:18.467000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:18.467000",
+ "bytes": 1234871296,
+ "norm_byte": 35074048,
+ "ops": 1205929,
+ "norm_ops": 34252,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.227379172201623,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b6fed9c406079db3008086be8bdf133ed3b5ca3b6c3288bd9d54e5f31b119a7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:19.468000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:19.468000', 'bytes': 1270076416, 'norm_byte': 35205120, 'ops': 1240309, 'norm_ops': 34380, 'norm_ltcy': 29.119116764834207, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:19.468000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:19.468000",
+ "bytes": 1270076416,
+ "norm_byte": 35205120,
+ "ops": 1240309,
+ "norm_ops": 34380,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.119116764834207,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6634b8f50babc4e203e51f8782bc3b296401ec92dac912bee873c59a66213780",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:20.469000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:20.469000', 'bytes': 1305545728, 'norm_byte': 35469312, 'ops': 1274947, 'norm_ops': 34638, 'norm_ltcy': 28.90184337378746, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:20.469000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:20.469000",
+ "bytes": 1305545728,
+ "norm_byte": 35469312,
+ "ops": 1274947,
+ "norm_ops": 34638,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.90184337378746,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4f4a4801d81cdd15babc6bab85f3ac87629b101914383974233b041505c4ae10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:21.470000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:21.470000', 'bytes': 1340933120, 'norm_byte': 35387392, 'ops': 1309505, 'norm_ops': 34558, 'norm_ltcy': 28.968671949602843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:21.470000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:21.470000",
+ "bytes": 1340933120,
+ "norm_byte": 35387392,
+ "ops": 1309505,
+ "norm_ops": 34558,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.968671949602843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d25332ecc288360ba61a788e93bb3cd4ff0163e32ffcb539830dfd2e96583dff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:22.471000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:22.471000', 'bytes': 1376248832, 'norm_byte': 35315712, 'ops': 1343993, 'norm_ops': 34488, 'norm_ltcy': 29.02577045593757, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:22.471000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:22.471000",
+ "bytes": 1376248832,
+ "norm_byte": 35315712,
+ "ops": 1343993,
+ "norm_ops": 34488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.02577045593757,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c6413d88a313a865d4b66dd8adb975e0b105b1b623fc3fdd0f8b1a366109a05d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:23.472000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:23.472000', 'bytes': 1411423232, 'norm_byte': 35174400, 'ops': 1378343, 'norm_ops': 34350, 'norm_ltcy': 29.144384836699416, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:23.472000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:23.472000",
+ "bytes": 1411423232,
+ "norm_byte": 35174400,
+ "ops": 1378343,
+ "norm_ops": 34350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.144384836699416,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7398b27002f6e8ea3d46ef6a257c3fe2191864e09ff2ff7bd6eeda091496f23f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:24.473000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:24.473000', 'bytes': 1446991872, 'norm_byte': 35568640, 'ops': 1413078, 'norm_ops': 34735, 'norm_ltcy': 28.8211328855981, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:24.473000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:24.473000",
+ "bytes": 1446991872,
+ "norm_byte": 35568640,
+ "ops": 1413078,
+ "norm_ops": 34735,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.8211328855981,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4050aa6c53bcfbc99d9fcb45dcb17f36f10cc1d41f08ac95d6cb16d0edb4f664",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:25.474000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:25.474000', 'bytes': 1481790464, 'norm_byte': 34798592, 'ops': 1447061, 'norm_ops': 33983, 'norm_ltcy': 29.457032341998204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:25.474000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:25.474000",
+ "bytes": 1481790464,
+ "norm_byte": 34798592,
+ "ops": 1447061,
+ "norm_ops": 33983,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.457032341998204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b622c17b2e51d258ec816a8a8e3df3bda02d2ff4a9499b3adca0e7a6e50bbef1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:26.475000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:26.475000', 'bytes': 1517120512, 'norm_byte': 35330048, 'ops': 1481563, 'norm_ops': 34502, 'norm_ltcy': 29.015846511162394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:26.475000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:26.475000",
+ "bytes": 1517120512,
+ "norm_byte": 35330048,
+ "ops": 1481563,
+ "norm_ops": 34502,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.015846511162394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "62f5da1edb3a91a804ed5ff6f3869fe9b98d79db970a1d80984790a5d8bf9a18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:27.476000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:27.476000', 'bytes': 1552292864, 'norm_byte': 35172352, 'ops': 1515911, 'norm_ops': 34348, 'norm_ltcy': 29.144411496848434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:27.476000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:27.476000",
+ "bytes": 1552292864,
+ "norm_byte": 35172352,
+ "ops": 1515911,
+ "norm_ops": 34348,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.144411496848434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7fe9eac510bbf9b4e4d2236e9d302734ef461f2de8a9a4767e39b40476b6ff12",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:28.477000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:28.477000', 'bytes': 1587521536, 'norm_byte': 35228672, 'ops': 1550314, 'norm_ops': 34403, 'norm_ltcy': 29.099500259334214, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:28.477000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:28.477000",
+ "bytes": 1587521536,
+ "norm_byte": 35228672,
+ "ops": 1550314,
+ "norm_ops": 34403,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.099500259334214,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "226054dc521c63d04c08f49387cfc7ba7ce0a50e05ca7bebe31606ff57e73930",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:29.478000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:29.478000', 'bytes': 1622919168, 'norm_byte': 35397632, 'ops': 1584882, 'norm_ops': 34568, 'norm_ltcy': 28.960072809390187, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:29.478000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:29.478000",
+ "bytes": 1622919168,
+ "norm_byte": 35397632,
+ "ops": 1584882,
+ "norm_ops": 34568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.960072809390187,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e66dd6293d579d80ec65e8729a3d7a1af0588411f99f4214da1502fb8526bfa5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:30.480000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:30.480000', 'bytes': 1658366976, 'norm_byte': 35447808, 'ops': 1619499, 'norm_ops': 34617, 'norm_ltcy': 28.919207077628045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:30.480000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:30.480000",
+ "bytes": 1658366976,
+ "norm_byte": 35447808,
+ "ops": 1619499,
+ "norm_ops": 34617,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.919207077628045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22626ff7eeb293f15846a6ecca6ffb2ae9fd9377f7a40fcf6054d55da3b03859",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:31.481000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:31.481000', 'bytes': 1693402112, 'norm_byte': 35035136, 'ops': 1653713, 'norm_ops': 34214, 'norm_ltcy': 29.26010477025121, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:31.481000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:31.481000",
+ "bytes": 1693402112,
+ "norm_byte": 35035136,
+ "ops": 1653713,
+ "norm_ops": 34214,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.26010477025121,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c0bb4b992aa84a196afc1bfb61bb7c4f992392f3d3f420c66c89d68204dec431",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:32.482000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:32.482000', 'bytes': 1728508928, 'norm_byte': 35106816, 'ops': 1687997, 'norm_ops': 34284, 'norm_ltcy': 29.200098920961672, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:32.482000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:32.482000",
+ "bytes": 1728508928,
+ "norm_byte": 35106816,
+ "ops": 1687997,
+ "norm_ops": 34284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.200098920961672,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6b7d6db7cbdd9fcd0a15724809466cdc33f9746631bd562c6bc85bcf8dab13c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:33.483000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:33.483000', 'bytes': 1763938304, 'norm_byte': 35429376, 'ops': 1722596, 'norm_ops': 34599, 'norm_ltcy': 28.934485044275124, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:33.483000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:33.483000",
+ "bytes": 1763938304,
+ "norm_byte": 35429376,
+ "ops": 1722596,
+ "norm_ops": 34599,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.934485044275124,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "42bbfbaab4148357a931f49053b86bea7aa13866dcb2988532cfed8ce4e5e217",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:34.484000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:34.484000', 'bytes': 1799373824, 'norm_byte': 35435520, 'ops': 1757201, 'norm_ops': 34605, 'norm_ltcy': 28.929270686587923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:34.484000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:34.484000",
+ "bytes": 1799373824,
+ "norm_byte": 35435520,
+ "ops": 1757201,
+ "norm_ops": 34605,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.929270686587923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ca9e4b548ce976b0a9a9f7f30fe78758f760005517fdedb47b577095e91646e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:35.485000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:35.485000', 'bytes': 1834863616, 'norm_byte': 35489792, 'ops': 1791859, 'norm_ops': 34658, 'norm_ltcy': 28.885115753848318, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:35.485000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:35.485000",
+ "bytes": 1834863616,
+ "norm_byte": 35489792,
+ "ops": 1791859,
+ "norm_ops": 34658,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.885115753848318,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55fb7864a53100d520feeabc3368f097373c7304724778474ea9de3185e3dd92",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:36.486000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:36.486000', 'bytes': 1870406656, 'norm_byte': 35543040, 'ops': 1826569, 'norm_ops': 34710, 'norm_ltcy': 28.841659295321953, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:36.486000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:36.486000",
+ "bytes": 1870406656,
+ "norm_byte": 35543040,
+ "ops": 1826569,
+ "norm_ops": 34710,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.841659295321953,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c4ac3060ba0db8c506af80b6e253349ce81a02b8470326a34e22589eff335429",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:37.487000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:37.487000', 'bytes': 1905648640, 'norm_byte': 35241984, 'ops': 1860985, 'norm_ops': 34416, 'norm_ltcy': 29.088196339910944, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:37.487000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:37.487000",
+ "bytes": 1905648640,
+ "norm_byte": 35241984,
+ "ops": 1860985,
+ "norm_ops": 34416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.088196339910944,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6dfa83ca287c1a4b757abdc24fe723a14c87ef7f0041a62b52b5fc8fbb418bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:38.488000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:38.488000', 'bytes': 1940851712, 'norm_byte': 35203072, 'ops': 1895363, 'norm_ops': 34378, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12024978956382, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:38.488000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:38.488000",
+ "bytes": 1940851712,
+ "norm_byte": 35203072,
+ "ops": 1895363,
+ "norm_ops": 34378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12024978956382,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d86df3594352181056bebda3b02ac30ca747c41aab4e7df07c3f54a9de98b3ee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:39.489000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:39.489000', 'bytes': 1976374272, 'norm_byte': 35522560, 'ops': 1930053, 'norm_ops': 34690, 'norm_ltcy': 28.85834382431897, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:39.489000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:39.489000",
+ "bytes": 1976374272,
+ "norm_byte": 35522560,
+ "ops": 1930053,
+ "norm_ops": 34690,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.85834382431897,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cfa204dc9e21bfe9ae696493d7557d856549eb5f54c18d0ea5429bd024133884",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:40.491000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:40.491000', 'bytes': 2011737088, 'norm_byte': 35362816, 'ops': 1964587, 'norm_ops': 34534, 'norm_ltcy': 28.990988726689636, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:40.491000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:40.491000",
+ "bytes": 2011737088,
+ "norm_byte": 35362816,
+ "ops": 1964587,
+ "norm_ops": 34534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.990988726689636,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "724cbe547642858f9c5aa6ed9c58423a7a78c121fa86f5657182cc5eae521092",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:41.492000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:41.492000', 'bytes': 2047052800, 'norm_byte': 35315712, 'ops': 1999075, 'norm_ops': 34488, 'norm_ltcy': 29.027434021434992, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:41.492000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:41.492000",
+ "bytes": 2047052800,
+ "norm_byte": 35315712,
+ "ops": 1999075,
+ "norm_ops": 34488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.027434021434992,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53f3db434c28de529b91f76e1129c6fd6031bb8a002ab0bfa19d7abb4b9b6009",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:42.492000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:42.492000', 'bytes': 2082163712, 'norm_byte': 35110912, 'ops': 2033363, 'norm_ops': 34288, 'norm_ltcy': 29.181910740455844, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:42.492000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:42.492000",
+ "bytes": 2082163712,
+ "norm_byte": 35110912,
+ "ops": 2033363,
+ "norm_ops": 34288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.181910740455844,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4812760ac3a329619748121fa4ab4d24c20db20675f8f69bf183b19987a8ae09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:19:43.694000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:19:43.694000', 'bytes': 2117379072, 'norm_byte': 35215360, 'ops': 2067753, 'norm_ops': 34390, 'norm_ltcy': 34.93430849492948, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:19:43.694000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:19:43.694000",
+ "bytes": 2117379072,
+ "norm_byte": 35215360,
+ "ops": 2067753,
+ "norm_ops": 34390,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.93430849492948,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "9de35222-7d44-55d8-b289-d64fa5aba562",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "facd886f0301d4ce87599062a153ef04c6bff056731b132e376199abe7b34e20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35289651.2
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34462.55
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.354045830732506
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:19:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-112-220519231558/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-112-220519231558/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f8ddae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-112-220519231558/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-112-220519231558/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-112-220519231558/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-112-220519231558/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-112-220519231558/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-112-220519231558/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2be5b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-112-220519231558/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=35
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=5
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=70
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-113-220519231759/220519231759-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-113-220519231759/220519231759-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fea9e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-113-220519231759/220519231759-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:20:43Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002444109.3479 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002445110.4629 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002445110.5486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002446111.6426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45429760 nr_ops:44365\ntimestamp_ms:1653002447112.7358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90948608 nr_ops:88817\ntimestamp_ms:1653002448113.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136512512 nr_ops:133313\ntimestamp_ms:1653002449114.9370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:182037504 nr_ops:177771\ntimestamp_ms:1653002450116.0366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:227224576 nr_ops:221899\ntimestamp_ms:1653002451117.1392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272428032 nr_ops:266043\ntimestamp_ms:1653002452118.2417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317635584 nr_ops:310191\ntimestamp_ms:1653002453119.3379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:362935296 nr_ops:354429\ntimestamp_ms:1653002454120.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:407792640 nr_ops:398235\ntimestamp_ms:1653002455121.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:453352448 nr_ops:442727\ntimestamp_ms:1653002456122.6140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498410496 nr_ops:486729\ntimestamp_ms:1653002457123.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544120832 nr_ops:531368\ntimestamp_ms:1653002458124.8013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:589505536 nr_ops:575689\ntimestamp_ms:1653002459125.8970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634561536 nr_ops:619689\ntimestamp_ms:1653002460126.9878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:679709696 nr_ops:663779\ntimestamp_ms:1653002461128.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:724968448 nr_ops:707977\ntimestamp_ms:1653002462129.2065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:770503680 nr_ops:752445\ntimestamp_ms:1653002463130.2988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816198656 nr_ops:797069\ntimestamp_ms:1653002464131.3960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:861561856 nr_ops:841369\ntimestamp_ms:1653002465132.4946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:906862592 nr_ops:885608\ntimestamp_ms:1653002466133.5935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952296448 nr_ops:929977\ntimestamp_ms:1653002467134.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998122496 nr_ops:974729\ntimestamp_ms:1653002468135.7903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1043342336 nr_ops:1018889\ntimestamp_ms:1653002469136.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1088801792 nr_ops:1063283\ntimestamp_ms:1653002470137.9890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134216192 nr_ops:1107633\ntimestamp_ms:1653002471139.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1183835136 nr_ops:1156089\ntimestamp_ms:1653002472140.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236026368 nr_ops:1207057\ntimestamp_ms:1653002473141.3508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1288096768 nr_ops:1257907\ntimestamp_ms:1653002474142.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1339927552 nr_ops:1308523\ntimestamp_ms:1653002475143.5400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1391379456 nr_ops:1358769\ntimestamp_ms:1653002476144.6340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1443225600 nr_ops:1409400\ntimestamp_ms:1653002477145.7285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1495518208 nr_ops:1460467\ntimestamp_ms:1653002478146.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1546902528 nr_ops:1510647\ntimestamp_ms:1653002479147.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598338048 nr_ops:1560877\ntimestamp_ms:1653002480149.0186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649589248 nr_ops:1610927\ntimestamp_ms:1653002481150.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1701323776 nr_ops:1661449\ntimestamp_ms:1653002482151.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1750754304 nr_ops:1709721\ntimestamp_ms:1653002483152.2998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1795976192 nr_ops:1753883\ntimestamp_ms:1653002484153.3999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841304576 nr_ops:1798149\ntimestamp_ms:1653002485154.4990 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1886454784 nr_ops:1842241\ntimestamp_ms:1653002486155.5945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1931756544 nr_ops:1886481\ntimestamp_ms:1653002487156.6960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977089024 nr_ops:1930751\ntimestamp_ms:1653002488157.7947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2022513664 nr_ops:1975111\ntimestamp_ms:1653002489158.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2068034560 nr_ops:2019565\ntimestamp_ms:1653002490159.9905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2113711104 nr_ops:2064171\ntimestamp_ms:1653002491161.0969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159051776 nr_ops:2108449\ntimestamp_ms:1653002492162.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2204204032 nr_ops:2152543\ntimestamp_ms:1653002493163.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2249497600 nr_ops:2196775\ntimestamp_ms:1653002494164.3989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294389760 nr_ops:2240615\ntimestamp_ms:1653002495165.4370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2338950144 nr_ops:2284131\ntimestamp_ms:1653002496166.5386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2384311296 nr_ops:2328429\ntimestamp_ms:1653002497167.6372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2429973504 nr_ops:2373021\ntimestamp_ms:1653002498168.7307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2475383808 nr_ops:2417367\ntimestamp_ms:1653002499169.8269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2520712192 nr_ops:2461633\ntimestamp_ms:1653002500170.9231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2567001088 nr_ops:2506837\ntimestamp_ms:1653002501171.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2613898240 nr_ops:2552635\ntimestamp_ms:1653002502172.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2659810304 nr_ops:2597471\ntimestamp_ms:1653002503174.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2705265664 nr_ops:2641861\ntimestamp_ms:1653002504175.1516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750600192 nr_ops:2686133\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140153888929536\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.4929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2795688960 nr_ops:2730165\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.5742 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.5847 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505476.8042 name:Total nr_bytes:2795688960 nr_ops:2730166\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.6372 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5591377918 nr_ops:5460332\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.6384 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2795688960 nr_ops:2730168\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 336.96us 0.00ns 336.96us 336.96us \nTxn1 1365083 43.97us 0.00ns 4.33ms 18.52us \nTxn2 1 48.97us 0.00ns 48.97us 48.97us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 336.29us 0.00ns 336.29us 336.29us \nwrite 1365083 2.42us 0.00ns 100.79us 2.11us \nread 1365082 41.48us 0.00ns 4.33ms 2.50us \ndisconnect 1 48.16us 0.00ns 48.16us 48.16us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.93b/s \nnet1 21887 21887 190.86Mb/s 190.86Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.208 62.37s 2.60GB 358.60Mb/s 2730168 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.60GB 358.60Mb/s 2730168 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417861, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002444109.3479 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002445110.4629 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002445110.5486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002446111.6426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45429760 nr_ops:44365\ntimestamp_ms:1653002447112.7358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90948608 nr_ops:88817\ntimestamp_ms:1653002448113.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136512512 nr_ops:133313\ntimestamp_ms:1653002449114.9370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:182037504 nr_ops:177771\ntimestamp_ms:1653002450116.0366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:227224576 nr_ops:221899\ntimestamp_ms:1653002451117.1392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272428032 nr_ops:266043\ntimestamp_ms:1653002452118.2417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317635584 nr_ops:310191\ntimestamp_ms:1653002453119.3379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:362935296 nr_ops:354429\ntimestamp_ms:1653002454120.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:407792640 nr_ops:398235\ntimestamp_ms:1653002455121.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:453352448 nr_ops:442727\ntimestamp_ms:1653002456122.6140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498410496 nr_ops:486729\ntimestamp_ms:1653002457123.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544120832 nr_ops:531368\ntimestamp_ms:1653002458124.8013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:589505536 nr_ops:575689\ntimestamp_ms:1653002459125.8970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634561536 nr_ops:619689\ntimestamp_ms:1653002460126.9878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:679709696 nr_ops:663779\ntimestamp_ms:1653002461128.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:724968448 nr_ops:707977\ntimestamp_ms:1653002462129.2065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:770503680 nr_ops:752445\ntimestamp_ms:1653002463130.2988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816198656 nr_ops:797069\ntimestamp_ms:1653002464131.3960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:861561856 nr_ops:841369\ntimestamp_ms:1653002465132.4946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:906862592 nr_ops:885608\ntimestamp_ms:1653002466133.5935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952296448 nr_ops:929977\ntimestamp_ms:1653002467134.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998122496 nr_ops:974729\ntimestamp_ms:1653002468135.7903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1043342336 nr_ops:1018889\ntimestamp_ms:1653002469136.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1088801792 nr_ops:1063283\ntimestamp_ms:1653002470137.9890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134216192 nr_ops:1107633\ntimestamp_ms:1653002471139.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1183835136 nr_ops:1156089\ntimestamp_ms:1653002472140.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236026368 nr_ops:1207057\ntimestamp_ms:1653002473141.3508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1288096768 nr_ops:1257907\ntimestamp_ms:1653002474142.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1339927552 nr_ops:1308523\ntimestamp_ms:1653002475143.5400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1391379456 nr_ops:1358769\ntimestamp_ms:1653002476144.6340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1443225600 nr_ops:1409400\ntimestamp_ms:1653002477145.7285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1495518208 nr_ops:1460467\ntimestamp_ms:1653002478146.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1546902528 nr_ops:1510647\ntimestamp_ms:1653002479147.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598338048 nr_ops:1560877\ntimestamp_ms:1653002480149.0186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649589248 nr_ops:1610927\ntimestamp_ms:1653002481150.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1701323776 nr_ops:1661449\ntimestamp_ms:1653002482151.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1750754304 nr_ops:1709721\ntimestamp_ms:1653002483152.2998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1795976192 nr_ops:1753883\ntimestamp_ms:1653002484153.3999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841304576 nr_ops:1798149\ntimestamp_ms:1653002485154.4990 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1886454784 nr_ops:1842241\ntimestamp_ms:1653002486155.5945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1931756544 nr_ops:1886481\ntimestamp_ms:1653002487156.6960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977089024 nr_ops:1930751\ntimestamp_ms:1653002488157.7947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2022513664 nr_ops:1975111\ntimestamp_ms:1653002489158.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2068034560 nr_ops:2019565\ntimestamp_ms:1653002490159.9905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2113711104 nr_ops:2064171\ntimestamp_ms:1653002491161.0969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159051776 nr_ops:2108449\ntimestamp_ms:1653002492162.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2204204032 nr_ops:2152543\ntimestamp_ms:1653002493163.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2249497600 nr_ops:2196775\ntimestamp_ms:1653002494164.3989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294389760 nr_ops:2240615\ntimestamp_ms:1653002495165.4370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2338950144 nr_ops:2284131\ntimestamp_ms:1653002496166.5386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2384311296 nr_ops:2328429\ntimestamp_ms:1653002497167.6372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2429973504 nr_ops:2373021\ntimestamp_ms:1653002498168.7307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2475383808 nr_ops:2417367\ntimestamp_ms:1653002499169.8269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2520712192 nr_ops:2461633\ntimestamp_ms:1653002500170.9231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2567001088 nr_ops:2506837\ntimestamp_ms:1653002501171.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2613898240 nr_ops:2552635\ntimestamp_ms:1653002502172.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2659810304 nr_ops:2597471\ntimestamp_ms:1653002503174.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2705265664 nr_ops:2641861\ntimestamp_ms:1653002504175.1516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750600192 nr_ops:2686133\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140153888929536\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.4929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2795688960 nr_ops:2730165\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.5742 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.5847 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505476.8042 name:Total nr_bytes:2795688960 nr_ops:2730166\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.6372 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5591377918 nr_ops:5460332\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.6384 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2795688960 nr_ops:2730168\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 336.96us 0.00ns 336.96us 336.96us \nTxn1 1365083 43.97us 0.00ns 4.33ms 18.52us \nTxn2 1 48.97us 0.00ns 48.97us 48.97us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 336.29us 0.00ns 336.29us 336.29us \nwrite 1365083 2.42us 0.00ns 100.79us 2.11us \nread 1365082 41.48us 0.00ns 4.33ms 2.50us \ndisconnect 1 48.16us 0.00ns 48.16us 48.16us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.93b/s \nnet1 21887 21887 190.86Mb/s 190.86Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.208 62.37s 2.60GB 358.60Mb/s 2730168 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.60GB 358.60Mb/s 2730168 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417861, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002444109.3479 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002445110.4629 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002445110.5486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002446111.6426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45429760 nr_ops:44365\ntimestamp_ms:1653002447112.7358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90948608 nr_ops:88817\ntimestamp_ms:1653002448113.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136512512 nr_ops:133313\ntimestamp_ms:1653002449114.9370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:182037504 nr_ops:177771\ntimestamp_ms:1653002450116.0366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:227224576 nr_ops:221899\ntimestamp_ms:1653002451117.1392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272428032 nr_ops:266043\ntimestamp_ms:1653002452118.2417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317635584 nr_ops:310191\ntimestamp_ms:1653002453119.3379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:362935296 nr_ops:354429\ntimestamp_ms:1653002454120.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:407792640 nr_ops:398235\ntimestamp_ms:1653002455121.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:453352448 nr_ops:442727\ntimestamp_ms:1653002456122.6140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498410496 nr_ops:486729\ntimestamp_ms:1653002457123.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544120832 nr_ops:531368\ntimestamp_ms:1653002458124.8013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:589505536 nr_ops:575689\ntimestamp_ms:1653002459125.8970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634561536 nr_ops:619689\ntimestamp_ms:1653002460126.9878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:679709696 nr_ops:663779\ntimestamp_ms:1653002461128.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:724968448 nr_ops:707977\ntimestamp_ms:1653002462129.2065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:770503680 nr_ops:752445\ntimestamp_ms:1653002463130.2988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816198656 nr_ops:797069\ntimestamp_ms:1653002464131.3960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:861561856 nr_ops:841369\ntimestamp_ms:1653002465132.4946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:906862592 nr_ops:885608\ntimestamp_ms:1653002466133.5935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952296448 nr_ops:929977\ntimestamp_ms:1653002467134.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998122496 nr_ops:974729\ntimestamp_ms:1653002468135.7903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1043342336 nr_ops:1018889\ntimestamp_ms:1653002469136.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1088801792 nr_ops:1063283\ntimestamp_ms:1653002470137.9890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134216192 nr_ops:1107633\ntimestamp_ms:1653002471139.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1183835136 nr_ops:1156089\ntimestamp_ms:1653002472140.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236026368 nr_ops:1207057\ntimestamp_ms:1653002473141.3508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1288096768 nr_ops:1257907\ntimestamp_ms:1653002474142.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1339927552 nr_ops:1308523\ntimestamp_ms:1653002475143.5400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1391379456 nr_ops:1358769\ntimestamp_ms:1653002476144.6340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1443225600 nr_ops:1409400\ntimestamp_ms:1653002477145.7285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1495518208 nr_ops:1460467\ntimestamp_ms:1653002478146.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1546902528 nr_ops:1510647\ntimestamp_ms:1653002479147.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598338048 nr_ops:1560877\ntimestamp_ms:1653002480149.0186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649589248 nr_ops:1610927\ntimestamp_ms:1653002481150.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1701323776 nr_ops:1661449\ntimestamp_ms:1653002482151.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1750754304 nr_ops:1709721\ntimestamp_ms:1653002483152.2998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1795976192 nr_ops:1753883\ntimestamp_ms:1653002484153.3999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841304576 nr_ops:1798149\ntimestamp_ms:1653002485154.4990 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1886454784 nr_ops:1842241\ntimestamp_ms:1653002486155.5945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1931756544 nr_ops:1886481\ntimestamp_ms:1653002487156.6960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977089024 nr_ops:1930751\ntimestamp_ms:1653002488157.7947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2022513664 nr_ops:1975111\ntimestamp_ms:1653002489158.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2068034560 nr_ops:2019565\ntimestamp_ms:1653002490159.9905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2113711104 nr_ops:2064171\ntimestamp_ms:1653002491161.0969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159051776 nr_ops:2108449\ntimestamp_ms:1653002492162.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2204204032 nr_ops:2152543\ntimestamp_ms:1653002493163.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2249497600 nr_ops:2196775\ntimestamp_ms:1653002494164.3989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294389760 nr_ops:2240615\ntimestamp_ms:1653002495165.4370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2338950144 nr_ops:2284131\ntimestamp_ms:1653002496166.5386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2384311296 nr_ops:2328429\ntimestamp_ms:1653002497167.6372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2429973504 nr_ops:2373021\ntimestamp_ms:1653002498168.7307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2475383808 nr_ops:2417367\ntimestamp_ms:1653002499169.8269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2520712192 nr_ops:2461633\ntimestamp_ms:1653002500170.9231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2567001088 nr_ops:2506837\ntimestamp_ms:1653002501171.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2613898240 nr_ops:2552635\ntimestamp_ms:1653002502172.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2659810304 nr_ops:2597471\ntimestamp_ms:1653002503174.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2705265664 nr_ops:2641861\ntimestamp_ms:1653002504175.1516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750600192 nr_ops:2686133\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140153888929536\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.4929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2795688960 nr_ops:2730165\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.5742 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.5847 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505476.8042 name:Total nr_bytes:2795688960 nr_ops:2730166\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.6372 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5591377918 nr_ops:5460332\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002505376.6384 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2795688960 nr_ops:2730168\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 336.96us 0.00ns 336.96us 336.96us \nTxn1 1365083 43.97us 0.00ns 4.33ms 18.52us \nTxn2 1 48.97us 0.00ns 48.97us 48.97us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 336.29us 0.00ns 336.29us 336.29us \nwrite 1365083 2.42us 0.00ns 100.79us 2.11us \nread 1365082 41.48us 0.00ns 4.33ms 2.50us \ndisconnect 1 48.16us 0.00ns 48.16us 48.16us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.93b/s \nnet1 21887 21887 190.86Mb/s 190.86Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.208 62.37s 2.60GB 358.60Mb/s 2730168 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 2.60GB 358.60Mb/s 2730168 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417861, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002444109.3479 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002445110.4629 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002445110.5486 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002446111.6426 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:45429760 nr_ops:44365
+timestamp_ms:1653002447112.7358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:90948608 nr_ops:88817
+timestamp_ms:1653002448113.8352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136512512 nr_ops:133313
+timestamp_ms:1653002449114.9370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:182037504 nr_ops:177771
+timestamp_ms:1653002450116.0366 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:227224576 nr_ops:221899
+timestamp_ms:1653002451117.1392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:272428032 nr_ops:266043
+timestamp_ms:1653002452118.2417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317635584 nr_ops:310191
+timestamp_ms:1653002453119.3379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:362935296 nr_ops:354429
+timestamp_ms:1653002454120.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:407792640 nr_ops:398235
+timestamp_ms:1653002455121.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:453352448 nr_ops:442727
+timestamp_ms:1653002456122.6140 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:498410496 nr_ops:486729
+timestamp_ms:1653002457123.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:544120832 nr_ops:531368
+timestamp_ms:1653002458124.8013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:589505536 nr_ops:575689
+timestamp_ms:1653002459125.8970 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634561536 nr_ops:619689
+timestamp_ms:1653002460126.9878 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:679709696 nr_ops:663779
+timestamp_ms:1653002461128.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:724968448 nr_ops:707977
+timestamp_ms:1653002462129.2065 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:770503680 nr_ops:752445
+timestamp_ms:1653002463130.2988 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816198656 nr_ops:797069
+timestamp_ms:1653002464131.3960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:861561856 nr_ops:841369
+timestamp_ms:1653002465132.4946 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:906862592 nr_ops:885608
+timestamp_ms:1653002466133.5935 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952296448 nr_ops:929977
+timestamp_ms:1653002467134.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:998122496 nr_ops:974729
+timestamp_ms:1653002468135.7903 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1043342336 nr_ops:1018889
+timestamp_ms:1653002469136.8906 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1088801792 nr_ops:1063283
+timestamp_ms:1653002470137.9890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1134216192 nr_ops:1107633
+timestamp_ms:1653002471139.1646 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1183835136 nr_ops:1156089
+timestamp_ms:1653002472140.2559 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236026368 nr_ops:1207057
+timestamp_ms:1653002473141.3508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1288096768 nr_ops:1257907
+timestamp_ms:1653002474142.4397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1339927552 nr_ops:1308523
+timestamp_ms:1653002475143.5400 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1391379456 nr_ops:1358769
+timestamp_ms:1653002476144.6340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1443225600 nr_ops:1409400
+timestamp_ms:1653002477145.7285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1495518208 nr_ops:1460467
+timestamp_ms:1653002478146.8306 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1546902528 nr_ops:1510647
+timestamp_ms:1653002479147.9277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1598338048 nr_ops:1560877
+timestamp_ms:1653002480149.0186 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1649589248 nr_ops:1610927
+timestamp_ms:1653002481150.1096 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1701323776 nr_ops:1661449
+timestamp_ms:1653002482151.2043 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1750754304 nr_ops:1709721
+timestamp_ms:1653002483152.2998 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1795976192 nr_ops:1753883
+timestamp_ms:1653002484153.3999 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1841304576 nr_ops:1798149
+timestamp_ms:1653002485154.4990 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1886454784 nr_ops:1842241
+timestamp_ms:1653002486155.5945 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1931756544 nr_ops:1886481
+timestamp_ms:1653002487156.6960 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1977089024 nr_ops:1930751
+timestamp_ms:1653002488157.7947 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2022513664 nr_ops:1975111
+timestamp_ms:1653002489158.8933 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2068034560 nr_ops:2019565
+timestamp_ms:1653002490159.9905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2113711104 nr_ops:2064171
+timestamp_ms:1653002491161.0969 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159051776 nr_ops:2108449
+timestamp_ms:1653002492162.2021 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2204204032 nr_ops:2152543
+timestamp_ms:1653002493163.3015 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2249497600 nr_ops:2196775
+timestamp_ms:1653002494164.3989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2294389760 nr_ops:2240615
+timestamp_ms:1653002495165.4370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2338950144 nr_ops:2284131
+timestamp_ms:1653002496166.5386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2384311296 nr_ops:2328429
+timestamp_ms:1653002497167.6372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2429973504 nr_ops:2373021
+timestamp_ms:1653002498168.7307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2475383808 nr_ops:2417367
+timestamp_ms:1653002499169.8269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2520712192 nr_ops:2461633
+timestamp_ms:1653002500170.9231 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2567001088 nr_ops:2506837
+timestamp_ms:1653002501171.8477 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2613898240 nr_ops:2552635
+timestamp_ms:1653002502172.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2659810304 nr_ops:2597471
+timestamp_ms:1653002503174.0500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2705265664 nr_ops:2641861
+timestamp_ms:1653002504175.1516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2750600192 nr_ops:2686133
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140153888929536
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653002505376.4929 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2795688960 nr_ops:2730165
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002505376.5742 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002505376.5847 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002505476.8042 name:Total nr_bytes:2795688960 nr_ops:2730166
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002505376.6372 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5591377918 nr_ops:5460332
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002505376.6384 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2795688960 nr_ops:2730168
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 336.96us 0.00ns 336.96us 336.96us
+Txn1 1365083 43.97us 0.00ns 4.33ms 18.52us
+Txn2 1 48.97us 0.00ns 48.97us 48.97us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 336.29us 0.00ns 336.29us 336.29us
+write 1365083 2.42us 0.00ns 100.79us 2.11us
+read 1365082 41.48us 0.00ns 4.33ms 2.50us
+disconnect 1 48.16us 0.00ns 48.16us 48.16us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 791.93b/s
+net1 21887 21887 190.86Mb/s 190.86Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.208 62.37s 2.60GB 358.60Mb/s 2730168 0.00
+master 62.37s 2.60GB 358.60Mb/s 2730168 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:46.111000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:46.111000', 'bytes': 45429760, 'norm_byte': 45429760, 'ops': 44365, 'norm_ops': 44365, 'norm_ltcy': 22.564949715781022, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:46.111000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:46.111000",
+ "bytes": 45429760,
+ "norm_byte": 45429760,
+ "ops": 44365,
+ "norm_ops": 44365,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.564949715781022,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "67927976f3e6305f992d519f9dd39a56e775b3265416a393d21c164ff120951d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:47.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:47.112000', 'bytes': 90948608, 'norm_byte': 45518848, 'ops': 88817, 'norm_ops': 44452, 'norm_ltcy': 22.52076985779605, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:47.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:47.112000",
+ "bytes": 90948608,
+ "norm_byte": 45518848,
+ "ops": 88817,
+ "norm_ops": 44452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.52076985779605,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "66e922aec826882f8dcca4c2ffe95a5ac53fa21fd2621762beaef03eb42be761",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:48.113000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:48.113000', 'bytes': 136512512, 'norm_byte': 45563904, 'ops': 133313, 'norm_ops': 44496, 'norm_ltcy': 22.49863729850717, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:48.113000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:48.113000",
+ "bytes": 136512512,
+ "norm_byte": 45563904,
+ "ops": 133313,
+ "norm_ops": 44496,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.49863729850717,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1d76e9953a4c95162794976dfc139f4545d8be6863679fbfea4c38cc2e5f910a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:49.114000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:49.114000', 'bytes': 182037504, 'norm_byte': 45524992, 'ops': 177771, 'norm_ops': 44458, 'norm_ltcy': 22.51792268299575, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:49.114000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:49.114000",
+ "bytes": 182037504,
+ "norm_byte": 45524992,
+ "ops": 177771,
+ "norm_ops": 44458,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.51792268299575,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc6ab6b03368068e9095d99c63e607c2f0cc9dc8edf37ba9dc461b551a32143a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:50.116000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:50.116000', 'bytes': 227224576, 'norm_byte': 45187072, 'ops': 221899, 'norm_ops': 44128, 'norm_ltcy': 22.686267435075237, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:50.116000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:50.116000",
+ "bytes": 227224576,
+ "norm_byte": 45187072,
+ "ops": 221899,
+ "norm_ops": 44128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.686267435075237,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "892726866e27731ca69d85a2e53dbc13023da588cc2ae7a934ea35e1d35a2402",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:51.117000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:51.117000', 'bytes': 272428032, 'norm_byte': 45203456, 'ops': 266043, 'norm_ops': 44144, 'norm_ltcy': 22.678111160350216, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:51.117000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:51.117000",
+ "bytes": 272428032,
+ "norm_byte": 45203456,
+ "ops": 266043,
+ "norm_ops": 44144,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.678111160350216,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "23044ea2f049338e0545979e8225cf54dde72c99b83cb3b537ac150df09e8fb8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:52.118000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:52.118000', 'bytes': 317635584, 'norm_byte': 45207552, 'ops': 310191, 'norm_ops': 44148, 'norm_ltcy': 22.67605642526275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:52.118000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:52.118000",
+ "bytes": 317635584,
+ "norm_byte": 45207552,
+ "ops": 310191,
+ "norm_ops": 44148,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.67605642526275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b311f1fccfd3c1ab42eadbee652913946ed9006c76dd27eae30c27db039a6c9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:53.119000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:53.119000', 'bytes': 362935296, 'norm_byte': 45299712, 'ops': 354429, 'norm_ops': 44238, 'norm_ltcy': 22.629779633036076, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:53.119000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:53.119000",
+ "bytes": 362935296,
+ "norm_byte": 45299712,
+ "ops": 354429,
+ "norm_ops": 44238,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.629779633036076,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "24fa84d233b12354a5e75b85eb2ead840cbf66ca6a47466bb98417e23207e25a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:54.120000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:54.120000', 'bytes': 407792640, 'norm_byte': 44857344, 'ops': 398235, 'norm_ops': 43806, 'norm_ltcy': 22.852880010015753, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:54.120000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:54.120000",
+ "bytes": 407792640,
+ "norm_byte": 44857344,
+ "ops": 398235,
+ "norm_ops": 43806,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.852880010015753,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8fa8147a8d78254288599556b5bac4216a541452f27993209b740fa5a678eef0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:55.121000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:55.121000', 'bytes': 453352448, 'norm_byte': 45559808, 'ops': 442727, 'norm_ops': 44492, 'norm_ltcy': 22.500424057976716, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:55.121000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:55.121000",
+ "bytes": 453352448,
+ "norm_byte": 45559808,
+ "ops": 442727,
+ "norm_ops": 44492,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.500424057976716,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3461106e80cba76d62b90d55be865d0cc417c39feff8ec94142488cd37be88a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:56.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:56.122000', 'bytes': 498410496, 'norm_byte': 45058048, 'ops': 486729, 'norm_ops': 44002, 'norm_ltcy': 22.751102089464684, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:56.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:56.122000",
+ "bytes": 498410496,
+ "norm_byte": 45058048,
+ "ops": 486729,
+ "norm_ops": 44002,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.751102089464684,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b08fe6e6006496b5bb6075d1cde2f3b4a955eaa857d7c8a7c59c8ff3a8366a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:57.123000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:57.123000', 'bytes': 544120832, 'norm_byte': 45710336, 'ops': 531368, 'norm_ops': 44639, 'norm_ltcy': 22.426399359654674, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:57.123000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:57.123000",
+ "bytes": 544120832,
+ "norm_byte": 45710336,
+ "ops": 531368,
+ "norm_ops": 44639,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.426399359654674,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b654e88cd91fb02e2e824dce15def38ae92e7880a8c66a1b5957a233e5197a02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:58.124000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:58.124000', 'bytes': 589505536, 'norm_byte': 45384704, 'ops': 575689, 'norm_ops': 44321, 'norm_ltcy': 22.587378778541776, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:58.124000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:58.124000",
+ "bytes": 589505536,
+ "norm_byte": 45384704,
+ "ops": 575689,
+ "norm_ops": 44321,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.587378778541776,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8a023d485775637c7d4a202582e136cead26b6056fcf619b2b440fa2ff5e71e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:20:59.125000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:20:59.125000', 'bytes': 634561536, 'norm_byte': 45056000, 'ops': 619689, 'norm_ops': 44000, 'norm_ltcy': 22.75217507102273, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:20:59.125000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:20:59.125000",
+ "bytes": 634561536,
+ "norm_byte": 45056000,
+ "ops": 619689,
+ "norm_ops": 44000,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.75217507102273,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b05ae303db9fd5ec1e14d5869858b7cad0cabecd7987aeb09f0e62d53c78ae39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:00.126000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:00.126000', 'bytes': 679709696, 'norm_byte': 45148160, 'ops': 663779, 'norm_ops': 44090, 'norm_ltcy': 22.705620782773874, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:00.126000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:00.126000",
+ "bytes": 679709696,
+ "norm_byte": 45148160,
+ "ops": 663779,
+ "norm_ops": 44090,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.705620782773874,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a82e4904e207a07460d4ca1ba1a4d64222cb176b327a82937d01ac5182e14970",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:01.128000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:01.128000', 'bytes': 724968448, 'norm_byte': 45258752, 'ops': 707977, 'norm_ops': 44198, 'norm_ltcy': 22.650652187669692, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:01.128000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:01.128000",
+ "bytes": 724968448,
+ "norm_byte": 45258752,
+ "ops": 707977,
+ "norm_ops": 44198,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.650652187669692,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "929a6dd79f96f60f4faafb7dd710505a767a41e51c9a4f63dec9a6c4d5ec9bf7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:02.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:02.129000', 'bytes': 770503680, 'norm_byte': 45535232, 'ops': 752445, 'norm_ops': 44468, 'norm_ltcy': 22.512935697791107, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:02.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:02.129000",
+ "bytes": 770503680,
+ "norm_byte": 45535232,
+ "ops": 752445,
+ "norm_ops": 44468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.512935697791107,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "624b7d7f71ad5164d1e997de7ef9fdfb486592e2e54dedabd3ac2115fb3556c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:03.130000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:03.130000', 'bytes': 816198656, 'norm_byte': 45694976, 'ops': 797069, 'norm_ops': 44624, 'norm_ltcy': 22.433943285143645, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:03.130000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:03.130000",
+ "bytes": 816198656,
+ "norm_byte": 45694976,
+ "ops": 797069,
+ "norm_ops": 44624,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.433943285143645,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ae781a254a766ddf4335bd0f709fa14ecdb0492843a9e0667160894ee681404",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:04.131000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:04.131000', 'bytes': 861561856, 'norm_byte': 45363200, 'ops': 841369, 'norm_ops': 44300, 'norm_ltcy': 22.598130202454854, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:04.131000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:04.131000",
+ "bytes": 861561856,
+ "norm_byte": 45363200,
+ "ops": 841369,
+ "norm_ops": 44300,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.598130202454854,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2140e614b964d1ce487d4b1005418f9da7073214b6f18e89f4a1f7dd161433d5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:05.132000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:05.132000', 'bytes': 906862592, 'norm_byte': 45300736, 'ops': 885608, 'norm_ops': 44239, 'norm_ltcy': 22.629323285166937, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:05.132000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:05.132000",
+ "bytes": 906862592,
+ "norm_byte": 45300736,
+ "ops": 885608,
+ "norm_ops": 44239,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.629323285166937,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "99f669c093d8f3ef86369af42d4315055719a798cac95d8109868a70fb2ef28f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:06.133000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:06.133000', 'bytes': 952296448, 'norm_byte': 45433856, 'ops': 929977, 'norm_ops': 44369, 'norm_ltcy': 22.563025467175844, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:06.133000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:06.133000",
+ "bytes": 952296448,
+ "norm_byte": 45433856,
+ "ops": 929977,
+ "norm_ops": 44369,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.563025467175844,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "925b0b312b9c33c6c0e21a09ce18d014a1c9ba7aea2df5df9de0ccd74021f791",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:07.134000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:07.134000', 'bytes': 998122496, 'norm_byte': 45826048, 'ops': 974729, 'norm_ops': 44752, 'norm_ltcy': 22.369810287808367, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:07.134000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:07.134000",
+ "bytes": 998122496,
+ "norm_byte": 45826048,
+ "ops": 974729,
+ "norm_ops": 44752,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.369810287808367,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8f4d9053c773fe34a3dda0cfb9434462b6c6263d22f9ac95dfc17917d8a3e1b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:08.135000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:08.135000', 'bytes': 1043342336, 'norm_byte': 45219840, 'ops': 1018889, 'norm_ops': 44160, 'norm_ltcy': 22.669905510501586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:08.135000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:08.135000",
+ "bytes": 1043342336,
+ "norm_byte": 45219840,
+ "ops": 1018889,
+ "norm_ops": 44160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.669905510501586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f43ce6f8d9b54ab01fdb235e793d06e62e5c1f58d9944d4df9a8568d785ae383",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:09.136000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:09.136000', 'bytes': 1088801792, 'norm_byte': 45459456, 'ops': 1063283, 'norm_ops': 44394, 'norm_ltcy': 22.55035234033597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:09.136000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:09.136000",
+ "bytes": 1088801792,
+ "norm_byte": 45459456,
+ "ops": 1063283,
+ "norm_ops": 44394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.55035234033597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9bbad8a56ee8f9a5ecc677fe7f7bd931e1ad873dcf405b151f436f66099ba58a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:10.137000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:10.137000', 'bytes': 1134216192, 'norm_byte': 45414400, 'ops': 1107633, 'norm_ops': 44350, 'norm_ltcy': 22.57268069158681, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:10.137000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:10.137000",
+ "bytes": 1134216192,
+ "norm_byte": 45414400,
+ "ops": 1107633,
+ "norm_ops": 44350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.57268069158681,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd36a73a63108f25e53a0bce7d5695a98703d16085e5f8fe84c7293b82c55f58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:11.139000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:11.139000', 'bytes': 1183835136, 'norm_byte': 49618944, 'ops': 1156089, 'norm_ops': 48456, 'norm_ltcy': 20.66153906862669, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:11.139000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:11.139000",
+ "bytes": 1183835136,
+ "norm_byte": 49618944,
+ "ops": 1156089,
+ "norm_ops": 48456,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.66153906862669,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26cc9c94cc0b6b052bbebfacf66860d2b63764679c513ae2fd64fa1f7180e15d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:12.140000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:12.140000', 'bytes': 1236026368, 'norm_byte': 52191232, 'ops': 1207057, 'norm_ops': 50968, 'norm_ltcy': 19.641565464482614, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:12.140000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:12.140000",
+ "bytes": 1236026368,
+ "norm_byte": 52191232,
+ "ops": 1207057,
+ "norm_ops": 50968,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.641565464482614,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e0c494b2c376400da0e3f4cd88655b40ec4e0f06ac29c8163dd436a53839b6ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:13.141000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:13.141000', 'bytes': 1288096768, 'norm_byte': 52070400, 'ops': 1257907, 'norm_ops': 50850, 'norm_ltcy': 19.68721672965831, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:13.141000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:13.141000",
+ "bytes": 1288096768,
+ "norm_byte": 52070400,
+ "ops": 1257907,
+ "norm_ops": 50850,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.68721672965831,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e83a29525e133df852040ace7d50c59b5b2b66c69ae917f6b23aae810489b21",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:14.142000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:14.142000', 'bytes': 1339927552, 'norm_byte': 51830784, 'ops': 1308523, 'norm_ops': 50616, 'norm_ltcy': 19.77811101603248, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:14.142000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:14.142000",
+ "bytes": 1339927552,
+ "norm_byte": 51830784,
+ "ops": 1308523,
+ "norm_ops": 50616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.77811101603248,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3805c2c90209abb5034140d8105bff27a4b43d8d06d22aab066af682658f547a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:15.143000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:15.143000', 'bytes': 1391379456, 'norm_byte': 51451904, 'ops': 1358769, 'norm_ops': 50246, 'norm_ltcy': 19.923980850154738, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:15.143000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:15.143000",
+ "bytes": 1391379456,
+ "norm_byte": 51451904,
+ "ops": 1358769,
+ "norm_ops": 50246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.923980850154738,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10b863e72466a0deb538d886897d878dd86b7c49145b9a5f31059d8f8d0c40f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:16.144000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:16.144000', 'bytes': 1443225600, 'norm_byte': 51846144, 'ops': 1409400, 'norm_ops': 50631, 'norm_ltcy': 19.77235279059519, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:16.144000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:16.144000",
+ "bytes": 1443225600,
+ "norm_byte": 51846144,
+ "ops": 1409400,
+ "norm_ops": 50631,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.77235279059519,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2c12f95896fbfe17db99be54587dfb71f9dcb3684536c6ae67b3213ea1347e72",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:17.145000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:17.145000', 'bytes': 1495518208, 'norm_byte': 52292608, 'ops': 1460467, 'norm_ops': 51067, 'norm_ltcy': 19.603549893705818, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:17.145000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:17.145000",
+ "bytes": 1495518208,
+ "norm_byte": 52292608,
+ "ops": 1460467,
+ "norm_ops": 51067,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.603549893705818,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74fb0e32155b8a444054480da307e03ab426737f13a20cde503e78163c3a1e3e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:18.146000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:18.146000', 'bytes': 1546902528, 'norm_byte': 51384320, 'ops': 1510647, 'norm_ops': 50180, 'norm_ltcy': 19.95022022282284, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:18.146000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:18.146000",
+ "bytes": 1546902528,
+ "norm_byte": 51384320,
+ "ops": 1510647,
+ "norm_ops": 50180,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.95022022282284,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba0f23a9f88f7776dffff21ce71f8bf5aae408de36e407ca8099deb580c43074",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:19.147000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:19.147000', 'bytes': 1598338048, 'norm_byte': 51435520, 'ops': 1560877, 'norm_ops': 50230, 'norm_ltcy': 19.93026414431117, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:19.147000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:19.147000",
+ "bytes": 1598338048,
+ "norm_byte": 51435520,
+ "ops": 1560877,
+ "norm_ops": 50230,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.93026414431117,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "283c08c66063f16b95f740a0131421c65542614f3cd17277fa696899a9970528",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:20.149000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:20.149000', 'bytes': 1649589248, 'norm_byte': 51251200, 'ops': 1610927, 'norm_ops': 50050, 'norm_ltcy': 20.00181459165834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:20.149000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:20.149000",
+ "bytes": 1649589248,
+ "norm_byte": 51251200,
+ "ops": 1610927,
+ "norm_ops": 50050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.00181459165834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1dfece41a80b206d3578843f6f9f4434287995f3efb8afe202c5ef33b5e81bd4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:21.150000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:21.150000', 'bytes': 1701323776, 'norm_byte': 51734528, 'ops': 1661449, 'norm_ops': 50522, 'norm_ltcy': 19.814953177885375, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:21.150000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:21.150000",
+ "bytes": 1701323776,
+ "norm_byte": 51734528,
+ "ops": 1661449,
+ "norm_ops": 50522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.814953177885375,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "edb93097c722f4c7750a9be04d9af3ba2f83556ef778ce8f080103e82e4c7331",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:22.151000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:22.151000', 'bytes': 1750754304, 'norm_byte': 49430528, 'ops': 1709721, 'norm_ops': 48272, 'norm_ltcy': 20.73862128278298, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:22.151000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:22.151000",
+ "bytes": 1750754304,
+ "norm_byte": 49430528,
+ "ops": 1709721,
+ "norm_ops": 48272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.73862128278298,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d7727e70d88ca646df952927ebcfce07e35396baf937dc32e02ba9ac300a295b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:23.152000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:23.152000', 'bytes': 1795976192, 'norm_byte': 45221888, 'ops': 1753883, 'norm_ops': 44162, 'norm_ltcy': 22.668707463076288, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:23.152000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:23.152000",
+ "bytes": 1795976192,
+ "norm_byte": 45221888,
+ "ops": 1753883,
+ "norm_ops": 44162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.668707463076288,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "862c4675bb1381202498901755f855856953e2f6fb331336ba5b1ff618501f01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:24.153000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:24.153000', 'bytes': 1841304576, 'norm_byte': 45328384, 'ops': 1798149, 'norm_ops': 44266, 'norm_ltcy': 22.615553645150904, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:24.153000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:24.153000",
+ "bytes": 1841304576,
+ "norm_byte": 45328384,
+ "ops": 1798149,
+ "norm_ops": 44266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.615553645150904,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aab33ce677485caf40ff26f53dfa1d222ce3002de09a31bd25303fdcf93565da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:25.154000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:25.154000', 'bytes': 1886454784, 'norm_byte': 45150208, 'ops': 1842241, 'norm_ops': 44092, 'norm_ltcy': 22.704779123055204, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:25.154000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:25.154000",
+ "bytes": 1886454784,
+ "norm_byte": 45150208,
+ "ops": 1842241,
+ "norm_ops": 44092,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.704779123055204,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "263746234ff8ae381813f1fd1add51e845cc23188c99fb70e7efce75e29a0cac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:26.155000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:26.155000', 'bytes': 1931756544, 'norm_byte': 45301760, 'ops': 1886481, 'norm_ops': 44240, 'norm_ltcy': 22.628740031292384, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:26.155000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:26.155000",
+ "bytes": 1931756544,
+ "norm_byte": 45301760,
+ "ops": 1886481,
+ "norm_ops": 44240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.628740031292384,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "743f8f9f43cfb8e157d43d0349d652597fcd0a851926d314b459312ffc26b7fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:27.156000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:27.156000', 'bytes': 1977089024, 'norm_byte': 45332480, 'ops': 1930751, 'norm_ops': 44270, 'norm_ltcy': 22.613543313756495, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:27.156000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:27.156000",
+ "bytes": 1977089024,
+ "norm_byte": 45332480,
+ "ops": 1930751,
+ "norm_ops": 44270,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.613543313756495,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c3ef4ad4e1c9e8ee6507a2c3d5f91108ec1009a3a0272fd8c3f5c20368b4deb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:28.157000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:28.157000', 'bytes': 2022513664, 'norm_byte': 45424640, 'ops': 1975111, 'norm_ops': 44360, 'norm_ltcy': 22.567597673861588, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:28.157000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:28.157000",
+ "bytes": 2022513664,
+ "norm_byte": 45424640,
+ "ops": 1975111,
+ "norm_ops": 44360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.567597673861588,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "679f5db4ede1416807724027399029a169fa9161bccd5c022a17ffe66e192d0e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:29.158000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:29.158000', 'bytes': 2068034560, 'norm_byte': 45520896, 'ops': 2019565, 'norm_ops': 44454, 'norm_ltcy': 22.519877464626354, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:29.158000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:29.158000",
+ "bytes": 2068034560,
+ "norm_byte": 45520896,
+ "ops": 2019565,
+ "norm_ops": 44454,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.519877464626354,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7afa419610fe7800246ead74988b921a84a54e36a73544ec7651e3844dda70b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:30.159000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:30.159000', 'bytes': 2113711104, 'norm_byte': 45676544, 'ops': 2064171, 'norm_ops': 44606, 'norm_ltcy': 22.443105590475497, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:30.159000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:30.159000",
+ "bytes": 2113711104,
+ "norm_byte": 45676544,
+ "ops": 2064171,
+ "norm_ops": 44606,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.443105590475497,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fdebed6ef82bac3fa327dd983608c46dd0199b6133042e26bd98ab44d1963d23",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:31.161000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:31.161000', 'bytes': 2159051776, 'norm_byte': 45340672, 'ops': 2108449, 'norm_ops': 44278, 'norm_ltcy': 22.609567851133747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:31.161000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:31.161000",
+ "bytes": 2159051776,
+ "norm_byte": 45340672,
+ "ops": 2108449,
+ "norm_ops": 44278,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.609567851133747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9e8bb40d9888bed307a949f21d1febe1e22c678b40c1d1871ca32718eb2674fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:32.162000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:32.162000', 'bytes': 2204204032, 'norm_byte': 45152256, 'ops': 2152543, 'norm_ops': 44094, 'norm_ltcy': 22.70388770829081, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:32.162000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:32.162000",
+ "bytes": 2204204032,
+ "norm_byte": 45152256,
+ "ops": 2152543,
+ "norm_ops": 44094,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.70388770829081,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c6dc77a94db70d40e2b759440f8a516031c003a170ff12a08fff953a541e55c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:33.163000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:33.163000', 'bytes': 2249497600, 'norm_byte': 45293568, 'ops': 2196775, 'norm_ops': 44232, 'norm_ltcy': 22.63292108053841, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:33.163000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:33.163000",
+ "bytes": 2249497600,
+ "norm_byte": 45293568,
+ "ops": 2196775,
+ "norm_ops": 44232,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.63292108053841,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2f3aa3e2e4b3ed080d11bdcb0749a269c7a947ab508255f343904c2571b7027",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:34.164000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:34.164000', 'bytes': 2294389760, 'norm_byte': 44892160, 'ops': 2240615, 'norm_ops': 43840, 'norm_ltcy': 22.835251188626255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:34.164000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:34.164000",
+ "bytes": 2294389760,
+ "norm_byte": 44892160,
+ "ops": 2240615,
+ "norm_ops": 43840,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.835251188626255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce6da1dba856dac7091a93107888204898b349912053e75435e3b5b722f88dcf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:35.165000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:35.165000', 'bytes': 2338950144, 'norm_byte': 44560384, 'ops': 2284131, 'norm_ops': 43516, 'norm_ltcy': 23.003908583911667, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:35.165000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:35.165000",
+ "bytes": 2338950144,
+ "norm_byte": 44560384,
+ "ops": 2284131,
+ "norm_ops": 43516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.003908583911667,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a6ec3ba74046de4db97331eabf717687ad9e5a84c9bf899baa81c4fa2d82761c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:36.166000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:36.166000', 'bytes': 2384311296, 'norm_byte': 45361152, 'ops': 2328429, 'norm_ops': 44298, 'norm_ltcy': 22.599249683958647, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:36.166000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:36.166000",
+ "bytes": 2384311296,
+ "norm_byte": 45361152,
+ "ops": 2328429,
+ "norm_ops": 44298,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.599249683958647,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d6995804a6e807587c0b361b1cf82b82f0ec34a6b057090d50c2e14c6d1d2e07",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:37.167000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:37.167000', 'bytes': 2429973504, 'norm_byte': 45662208, 'ops': 2373021, 'norm_ops': 44592, 'norm_ltcy': 22.45018462532517, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:37.167000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:37.167000",
+ "bytes": 2429973504,
+ "norm_byte": 45662208,
+ "ops": 2373021,
+ "norm_ops": 44592,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.45018462532517,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5492f05b82681b4ee7a39a0c2aa99892886806b8e5464e8bfea2e755d427ef72",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:38.168000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:38.168000', 'bytes': 2475383808, 'norm_byte': 45410304, 'ops': 2417367, 'norm_ops': 44346, 'norm_ltcy': 22.574606635533645, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:38.168000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:38.168000",
+ "bytes": 2475383808,
+ "norm_byte": 45410304,
+ "ops": 2417367,
+ "norm_ops": 44346,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.574606635533645,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5d1259b5a16c6e520a7eb5d34b824346efe8e8b2a71854bcb515fbc3bd4e7856",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:39.169000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:39.169000', 'bytes': 2520712192, 'norm_byte': 45328384, 'ops': 2461633, 'norm_ops': 44266, 'norm_ltcy': 22.61546540022252, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:39.169000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:39.169000",
+ "bytes": 2520712192,
+ "norm_byte": 45328384,
+ "ops": 2461633,
+ "norm_ops": 44266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.61546540022252,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aaaeba3c50375da4c24b81fc9c541b45b8c40bcf6f85f270fd140cc51621277b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:40.170000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:40.170000', 'bytes': 2567001088, 'norm_byte': 46288896, 'ops': 2506837, 'norm_ops': 45204, 'norm_ltcy': 22.146185988103927, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:40.170000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:40.170000",
+ "bytes": 2567001088,
+ "norm_byte": 46288896,
+ "ops": 2506837,
+ "norm_ops": 45204,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.146185988103927,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "03dec07a36088e8fc234f5277a0240f435ae4bfd147fd1c3a92f4ec504302e33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:41.171000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:41.171000', 'bytes': 2613898240, 'norm_byte': 46897152, 'ops': 2552635, 'norm_ops': 45798, 'norm_ltcy': 21.855202422526638, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:41.171000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:41.171000",
+ "bytes": 2613898240,
+ "norm_byte": 46897152,
+ "ops": 2552635,
+ "norm_ops": 45798,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.855202422526638,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a0f8fba313bb84c331644c92bd024ad6236097a352a317a8147f20876282d255",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:42.172000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:42.172000', 'bytes': 2659810304, 'norm_byte': 45912064, 'ops': 2597471, 'norm_ops': 44836, 'norm_ltcy': 22.328058481535486, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:42.172000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:42.172000",
+ "bytes": 2659810304,
+ "norm_byte": 45912064,
+ "ops": 2597471,
+ "norm_ops": 44836,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.328058481535486,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2fb987700d6d59fc3b75e9867b3ec2afbab1bc7f411c5c078858eee8e2784944",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:43.174000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:43.174000', 'bytes': 2705265664, 'norm_byte': 45455360, 'ops': 2641861, 'norm_ops': 44390, 'norm_ltcy': 22.552411860779458, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:43.174000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:43.174000",
+ "bytes": 2705265664,
+ "norm_byte": 45455360,
+ "ops": 2641861,
+ "norm_ops": 44390,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.552411860779458,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "94a3bb4312de19bd9d6dadeb22982a82c9880ccaf9cbfd011fa379e5b64e7861",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:44.175000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:44.175000', 'bytes': 2750600192, 'norm_byte': 45334528, 'ops': 2686133, 'norm_ops': 44272, 'norm_ltcy': 22.61252174060354, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:44.175000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:44.175000",
+ "bytes": 2750600192,
+ "norm_byte": 45334528,
+ "ops": 2686133,
+ "norm_ops": 44272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.61252174060354,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13633bba2e4d6c0488e70a87b8ca745467d5255670e6bb3f4569f1e86a60cddc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'd8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:21:45.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:21:45.376000', 'bytes': 2795688960, 'norm_byte': 45088768, 'ops': 2730165, 'norm_ops': 44032, 'norm_ltcy': 27.283369108688003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:21:45.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:21:45.376000",
+ "bytes": 2795688960,
+ "norm_byte": 45088768,
+ "ops": 2730165,
+ "norm_ops": 44032,
+ "norm_ltcy": 27.283369108688003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "d8e502c6-042b-536d-9d78-2e4dd956f17b",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0dc988102f76f4537b7dc2c7ccc800804e401bc507bf217e2b1356901edfa2ad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 46594816.0
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 45502.75
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 22.836132629695733
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:21:45Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-113-220519231759/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-113-220519231759/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..284162a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-113-220519231759/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-113-220519231759/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-113-220519231759/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-113-220519231759/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-113-220519231759/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-113-220519231759/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97406e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-113-220519231759/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=15
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=160
+ net.core.busy_poll=120
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-114-220519232001/220519232001-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-114-220519232001/220519232001-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43ceb1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-114-220519232001/220519232001-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:22:44Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002565658.3984 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002566659.5129 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002566659.6008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002567660.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61862912 nr_ops:60413\ntimestamp_ms:1653002568661.8142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124016640 nr_ops:121110\ntimestamp_ms:1653002569662.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186461184 nr_ops:182091\ntimestamp_ms:1653002570664.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249819136 nr_ops:243964\ntimestamp_ms:1653002571665.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313140224 nr_ops:305801\ntimestamp_ms:1653002572666.1494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376105984 nr_ops:367291\ntimestamp_ms:1653002573667.2434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438174720 nr_ops:427905\ntimestamp_ms:1653002574668.3367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501284864 nr_ops:489536\ntimestamp_ms:1653002575669.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563284992 nr_ops:550083\ntimestamp_ms:1653002576670.5244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:625619968 nr_ops:610957\ntimestamp_ms:1653002577671.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687858688 nr_ops:671737\ntimestamp_ms:1653002578672.7097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:751266816 nr_ops:733659\ntimestamp_ms:1653002579673.8018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815109120 nr_ops:796005\ntimestamp_ms:1653002580674.9053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878187520 nr_ops:857605\ntimestamp_ms:1653002581676.0020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942100480 nr_ops:920020\ntimestamp_ms:1653002582677.0962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005201408 nr_ops:981642\ntimestamp_ms:1653002583678.1892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068555264 nr_ops:1043511\ntimestamp_ms:1653002584679.3640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1132733440 nr_ops:1106185\ntimestamp_ms:1653002585679.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196259328 nr_ops:1168222\ntimestamp_ms:1653002586680.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1258957824 nr_ops:1229451\ntimestamp_ms:1653002587682.0300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1321384960 nr_ops:1290415\ntimestamp_ms:1653002588683.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1385124864 nr_ops:1352661\ntimestamp_ms:1653002589684.2300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1451090944 nr_ops:1417081\ntimestamp_ms:1653002590685.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1514587136 nr_ops:1479089\ntimestamp_ms:1653002591686.4192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1578718208 nr_ops:1541717\ntimestamp_ms:1653002592687.5078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1642103808 nr_ops:1603617\ntimestamp_ms:1653002593688.5410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1706140672 nr_ops:1666153\ntimestamp_ms:1653002594689.6296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1770638336 nr_ops:1729139\ntimestamp_ms:1653002595690.7278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834370048 nr_ops:1791377\ntimestamp_ms:1653002596691.8193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1898490880 nr_ops:1853995\ntimestamp_ms:1653002597692.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961365504 nr_ops:1915396\ntimestamp_ms:1653002598694.0261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024389632 nr_ops:1976943\ntimestamp_ms:1653002599695.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089161728 nr_ops:2040197\ntimestamp_ms:1653002600696.2158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153327616 nr_ops:2102859\ntimestamp_ms:1653002601697.3142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2217160704 nr_ops:2165196\ntimestamp_ms:1653002602698.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281029632 nr_ops:2227568\ntimestamp_ms:1653002603699.4951 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2344403968 nr_ops:2289457\ntimestamp_ms:1653002604700.5898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2408719360 nr_ops:2352265\ntimestamp_ms:1653002605701.6277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2471515136 nr_ops:2413589\ntimestamp_ms:1653002606701.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2534600704 nr_ops:2475196\ntimestamp_ms:1653002607702.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2598425600 nr_ops:2537525\ntimestamp_ms:1653002608703.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2664010752 nr_ops:2601573\ntimestamp_ms:1653002609704.9495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2728397824 nr_ops:2664451\ntimestamp_ms:1653002610705.9893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793069568 nr_ops:2727607\ntimestamp_ms:1653002611706.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2856662016 nr_ops:2789709\ntimestamp_ms:1653002612707.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2919802880 nr_ops:2851370\ntimestamp_ms:1653002613708.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2984371200 nr_ops:2914425\ntimestamp_ms:1653002614709.9304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049177088 nr_ops:2977712\ntimestamp_ms:1653002615710.9692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3117088768 nr_ops:3044032\ntimestamp_ms:1653002616712.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3182691328 nr_ops:3108097\ntimestamp_ms:1653002617713.1028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3245800448 nr_ops:3169727\ntimestamp_ms:1653002618714.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3310121984 nr_ops:3232541\ntimestamp_ms:1653002619715.2905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3373305856 nr_ops:3294244\ntimestamp_ms:1653002620716.3877 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3435767808 nr_ops:3355242\ntimestamp_ms:1653002621717.4851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416973\ntimestamp_ms:1653002622718.5881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3562638336 nr_ops:3479139\ntimestamp_ms:1653002623719.7483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3627192320 nr_ops:3542180\ntimestamp_ms:1653002624720.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3690694656 nr_ops:3604194\ntimestamp_ms:1653002625721.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3755145216 nr_ops:3667134\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140372181681920\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.2703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3817954304 nr_ops:3728471\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.3567 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.3674 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002627023.5906 name:Total nr_bytes:3817954304 nr_ops:3728472\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.4905 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7635908606 nr_ops:7456944\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.4924 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3817954304 nr_ops:3728474\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 227.94us 0.00ns 227.94us 227.94us \nTxn1 1864236 32.17us 0.00ns 3.90ms 26.26us \nTxn2 1 52.16us 0.00ns 52.16us 52.16us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 227.41us 0.00ns 227.41us 227.41us \nwrite 1864236 3.24us 0.00ns 93.88us 2.46us \nread 1864235 28.85us 0.00ns 3.90ms 1.22us \ndisconnect 1 51.33us 0.00ns 51.33us 51.33us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.12b/s \nnet1 29892 29892 260.65Mb/s 260.65Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.209 62.37s 3.56GB 489.74Mb/s 3728474 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 489.75Mb/s 3728474 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416665, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002565658.3984 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002566659.5129 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002566659.6008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002567660.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61862912 nr_ops:60413\ntimestamp_ms:1653002568661.8142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124016640 nr_ops:121110\ntimestamp_ms:1653002569662.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186461184 nr_ops:182091\ntimestamp_ms:1653002570664.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249819136 nr_ops:243964\ntimestamp_ms:1653002571665.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313140224 nr_ops:305801\ntimestamp_ms:1653002572666.1494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376105984 nr_ops:367291\ntimestamp_ms:1653002573667.2434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438174720 nr_ops:427905\ntimestamp_ms:1653002574668.3367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501284864 nr_ops:489536\ntimestamp_ms:1653002575669.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563284992 nr_ops:550083\ntimestamp_ms:1653002576670.5244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:625619968 nr_ops:610957\ntimestamp_ms:1653002577671.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687858688 nr_ops:671737\ntimestamp_ms:1653002578672.7097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:751266816 nr_ops:733659\ntimestamp_ms:1653002579673.8018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815109120 nr_ops:796005\ntimestamp_ms:1653002580674.9053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878187520 nr_ops:857605\ntimestamp_ms:1653002581676.0020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942100480 nr_ops:920020\ntimestamp_ms:1653002582677.0962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005201408 nr_ops:981642\ntimestamp_ms:1653002583678.1892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068555264 nr_ops:1043511\ntimestamp_ms:1653002584679.3640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1132733440 nr_ops:1106185\ntimestamp_ms:1653002585679.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196259328 nr_ops:1168222\ntimestamp_ms:1653002586680.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1258957824 nr_ops:1229451\ntimestamp_ms:1653002587682.0300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1321384960 nr_ops:1290415\ntimestamp_ms:1653002588683.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1385124864 nr_ops:1352661\ntimestamp_ms:1653002589684.2300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1451090944 nr_ops:1417081\ntimestamp_ms:1653002590685.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1514587136 nr_ops:1479089\ntimestamp_ms:1653002591686.4192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1578718208 nr_ops:1541717\ntimestamp_ms:1653002592687.5078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1642103808 nr_ops:1603617\ntimestamp_ms:1653002593688.5410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1706140672 nr_ops:1666153\ntimestamp_ms:1653002594689.6296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1770638336 nr_ops:1729139\ntimestamp_ms:1653002595690.7278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834370048 nr_ops:1791377\ntimestamp_ms:1653002596691.8193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1898490880 nr_ops:1853995\ntimestamp_ms:1653002597692.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961365504 nr_ops:1915396\ntimestamp_ms:1653002598694.0261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024389632 nr_ops:1976943\ntimestamp_ms:1653002599695.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089161728 nr_ops:2040197\ntimestamp_ms:1653002600696.2158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153327616 nr_ops:2102859\ntimestamp_ms:1653002601697.3142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2217160704 nr_ops:2165196\ntimestamp_ms:1653002602698.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281029632 nr_ops:2227568\ntimestamp_ms:1653002603699.4951 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2344403968 nr_ops:2289457\ntimestamp_ms:1653002604700.5898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2408719360 nr_ops:2352265\ntimestamp_ms:1653002605701.6277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2471515136 nr_ops:2413589\ntimestamp_ms:1653002606701.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2534600704 nr_ops:2475196\ntimestamp_ms:1653002607702.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2598425600 nr_ops:2537525\ntimestamp_ms:1653002608703.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2664010752 nr_ops:2601573\ntimestamp_ms:1653002609704.9495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2728397824 nr_ops:2664451\ntimestamp_ms:1653002610705.9893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793069568 nr_ops:2727607\ntimestamp_ms:1653002611706.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2856662016 nr_ops:2789709\ntimestamp_ms:1653002612707.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2919802880 nr_ops:2851370\ntimestamp_ms:1653002613708.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2984371200 nr_ops:2914425\ntimestamp_ms:1653002614709.9304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049177088 nr_ops:2977712\ntimestamp_ms:1653002615710.9692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3117088768 nr_ops:3044032\ntimestamp_ms:1653002616712.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3182691328 nr_ops:3108097\ntimestamp_ms:1653002617713.1028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3245800448 nr_ops:3169727\ntimestamp_ms:1653002618714.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3310121984 nr_ops:3232541\ntimestamp_ms:1653002619715.2905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3373305856 nr_ops:3294244\ntimestamp_ms:1653002620716.3877 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3435767808 nr_ops:3355242\ntimestamp_ms:1653002621717.4851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416973\ntimestamp_ms:1653002622718.5881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3562638336 nr_ops:3479139\ntimestamp_ms:1653002623719.7483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3627192320 nr_ops:3542180\ntimestamp_ms:1653002624720.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3690694656 nr_ops:3604194\ntimestamp_ms:1653002625721.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3755145216 nr_ops:3667134\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140372181681920\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.2703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3817954304 nr_ops:3728471\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.3567 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.3674 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002627023.5906 name:Total nr_bytes:3817954304 nr_ops:3728472\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.4905 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7635908606 nr_ops:7456944\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.4924 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3817954304 nr_ops:3728474\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 227.94us 0.00ns 227.94us 227.94us \nTxn1 1864236 32.17us 0.00ns 3.90ms 26.26us \nTxn2 1 52.16us 0.00ns 52.16us 52.16us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 227.41us 0.00ns 227.41us 227.41us \nwrite 1864236 3.24us 0.00ns 93.88us 2.46us \nread 1864235 28.85us 0.00ns 3.90ms 1.22us \ndisconnect 1 51.33us 0.00ns 51.33us 51.33us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.12b/s \nnet1 29892 29892 260.65Mb/s 260.65Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.209 62.37s 3.56GB 489.74Mb/s 3728474 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 489.75Mb/s 3728474 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416665, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002565658.3984 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002566659.5129 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002566659.6008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002567660.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61862912 nr_ops:60413\ntimestamp_ms:1653002568661.8142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124016640 nr_ops:121110\ntimestamp_ms:1653002569662.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186461184 nr_ops:182091\ntimestamp_ms:1653002570664.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249819136 nr_ops:243964\ntimestamp_ms:1653002571665.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313140224 nr_ops:305801\ntimestamp_ms:1653002572666.1494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376105984 nr_ops:367291\ntimestamp_ms:1653002573667.2434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438174720 nr_ops:427905\ntimestamp_ms:1653002574668.3367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501284864 nr_ops:489536\ntimestamp_ms:1653002575669.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563284992 nr_ops:550083\ntimestamp_ms:1653002576670.5244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:625619968 nr_ops:610957\ntimestamp_ms:1653002577671.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687858688 nr_ops:671737\ntimestamp_ms:1653002578672.7097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:751266816 nr_ops:733659\ntimestamp_ms:1653002579673.8018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815109120 nr_ops:796005\ntimestamp_ms:1653002580674.9053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878187520 nr_ops:857605\ntimestamp_ms:1653002581676.0020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942100480 nr_ops:920020\ntimestamp_ms:1653002582677.0962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005201408 nr_ops:981642\ntimestamp_ms:1653002583678.1892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068555264 nr_ops:1043511\ntimestamp_ms:1653002584679.3640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1132733440 nr_ops:1106185\ntimestamp_ms:1653002585679.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196259328 nr_ops:1168222\ntimestamp_ms:1653002586680.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1258957824 nr_ops:1229451\ntimestamp_ms:1653002587682.0300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1321384960 nr_ops:1290415\ntimestamp_ms:1653002588683.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1385124864 nr_ops:1352661\ntimestamp_ms:1653002589684.2300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1451090944 nr_ops:1417081\ntimestamp_ms:1653002590685.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1514587136 nr_ops:1479089\ntimestamp_ms:1653002591686.4192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1578718208 nr_ops:1541717\ntimestamp_ms:1653002592687.5078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1642103808 nr_ops:1603617\ntimestamp_ms:1653002593688.5410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1706140672 nr_ops:1666153\ntimestamp_ms:1653002594689.6296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1770638336 nr_ops:1729139\ntimestamp_ms:1653002595690.7278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834370048 nr_ops:1791377\ntimestamp_ms:1653002596691.8193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1898490880 nr_ops:1853995\ntimestamp_ms:1653002597692.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961365504 nr_ops:1915396\ntimestamp_ms:1653002598694.0261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024389632 nr_ops:1976943\ntimestamp_ms:1653002599695.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089161728 nr_ops:2040197\ntimestamp_ms:1653002600696.2158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153327616 nr_ops:2102859\ntimestamp_ms:1653002601697.3142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2217160704 nr_ops:2165196\ntimestamp_ms:1653002602698.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281029632 nr_ops:2227568\ntimestamp_ms:1653002603699.4951 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2344403968 nr_ops:2289457\ntimestamp_ms:1653002604700.5898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2408719360 nr_ops:2352265\ntimestamp_ms:1653002605701.6277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2471515136 nr_ops:2413589\ntimestamp_ms:1653002606701.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2534600704 nr_ops:2475196\ntimestamp_ms:1653002607702.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2598425600 nr_ops:2537525\ntimestamp_ms:1653002608703.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2664010752 nr_ops:2601573\ntimestamp_ms:1653002609704.9495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2728397824 nr_ops:2664451\ntimestamp_ms:1653002610705.9893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793069568 nr_ops:2727607\ntimestamp_ms:1653002611706.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2856662016 nr_ops:2789709\ntimestamp_ms:1653002612707.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2919802880 nr_ops:2851370\ntimestamp_ms:1653002613708.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2984371200 nr_ops:2914425\ntimestamp_ms:1653002614709.9304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049177088 nr_ops:2977712\ntimestamp_ms:1653002615710.9692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3117088768 nr_ops:3044032\ntimestamp_ms:1653002616712.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3182691328 nr_ops:3108097\ntimestamp_ms:1653002617713.1028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3245800448 nr_ops:3169727\ntimestamp_ms:1653002618714.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3310121984 nr_ops:3232541\ntimestamp_ms:1653002619715.2905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3373305856 nr_ops:3294244\ntimestamp_ms:1653002620716.3877 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3435767808 nr_ops:3355242\ntimestamp_ms:1653002621717.4851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416973\ntimestamp_ms:1653002622718.5881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3562638336 nr_ops:3479139\ntimestamp_ms:1653002623719.7483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3627192320 nr_ops:3542180\ntimestamp_ms:1653002624720.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3690694656 nr_ops:3604194\ntimestamp_ms:1653002625721.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3755145216 nr_ops:3667134\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140372181681920\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.2703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3817954304 nr_ops:3728471\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.3567 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.3674 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002627023.5906 name:Total nr_bytes:3817954304 nr_ops:3728472\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.4905 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7635908606 nr_ops:7456944\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002626923.4924 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3817954304 nr_ops:3728474\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 227.94us 0.00ns 227.94us 227.94us \nTxn1 1864236 32.17us 0.00ns 3.90ms 26.26us \nTxn2 1 52.16us 0.00ns 52.16us 52.16us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 227.41us 0.00ns 227.41us 227.41us \nwrite 1864236 3.24us 0.00ns 93.88us 2.46us \nread 1864235 28.85us 0.00ns 3.90ms 1.22us \ndisconnect 1 51.33us 0.00ns 51.33us 51.33us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.12b/s \nnet1 29892 29892 260.65Mb/s 260.65Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.209 62.37s 3.56GB 489.74Mb/s 3728474 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 489.75Mb/s 3728474 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416665, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002565658.3984 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002566659.5129 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002566659.6008 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002567660.6873 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61862912 nr_ops:60413
+timestamp_ms:1653002568661.8142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124016640 nr_ops:121110
+timestamp_ms:1653002569662.9221 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:186461184 nr_ops:182091
+timestamp_ms:1653002570664.0190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:249819136 nr_ops:243964
+timestamp_ms:1653002571665.1123 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:313140224 nr_ops:305801
+timestamp_ms:1653002572666.1494 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:376105984 nr_ops:367291
+timestamp_ms:1653002573667.2434 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438174720 nr_ops:427905
+timestamp_ms:1653002574668.3367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:501284864 nr_ops:489536
+timestamp_ms:1653002575669.4312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:563284992 nr_ops:550083
+timestamp_ms:1653002576670.5244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:625619968 nr_ops:610957
+timestamp_ms:1653002577671.6162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:687858688 nr_ops:671737
+timestamp_ms:1653002578672.7097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:751266816 nr_ops:733659
+timestamp_ms:1653002579673.8018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:815109120 nr_ops:796005
+timestamp_ms:1653002580674.9053 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:878187520 nr_ops:857605
+timestamp_ms:1653002581676.0020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:942100480 nr_ops:920020
+timestamp_ms:1653002582677.0962 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1005201408 nr_ops:981642
+timestamp_ms:1653002583678.1892 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1068555264 nr_ops:1043511
+timestamp_ms:1653002584679.3640 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1132733440 nr_ops:1106185
+timestamp_ms:1653002585679.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1196259328 nr_ops:1168222
+timestamp_ms:1653002586680.9397 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1258957824 nr_ops:1229451
+timestamp_ms:1653002587682.0300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1321384960 nr_ops:1290415
+timestamp_ms:1653002588683.1240 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1385124864 nr_ops:1352661
+timestamp_ms:1653002589684.2300 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1451090944 nr_ops:1417081
+timestamp_ms:1653002590685.3262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1514587136 nr_ops:1479089
+timestamp_ms:1653002591686.4192 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1578718208 nr_ops:1541717
+timestamp_ms:1653002592687.5078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1642103808 nr_ops:1603617
+timestamp_ms:1653002593688.5410 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1706140672 nr_ops:1666153
+timestamp_ms:1653002594689.6296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1770638336 nr_ops:1729139
+timestamp_ms:1653002595690.7278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1834370048 nr_ops:1791377
+timestamp_ms:1653002596691.8193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1898490880 nr_ops:1853995
+timestamp_ms:1653002597692.9294 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961365504 nr_ops:1915396
+timestamp_ms:1653002598694.0261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2024389632 nr_ops:1976943
+timestamp_ms:1653002599695.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2089161728 nr_ops:2040197
+timestamp_ms:1653002600696.2158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2153327616 nr_ops:2102859
+timestamp_ms:1653002601697.3142 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2217160704 nr_ops:2165196
+timestamp_ms:1653002602698.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281029632 nr_ops:2227568
+timestamp_ms:1653002603699.4951 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2344403968 nr_ops:2289457
+timestamp_ms:1653002604700.5898 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2408719360 nr_ops:2352265
+timestamp_ms:1653002605701.6277 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2471515136 nr_ops:2413589
+timestamp_ms:1653002606701.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2534600704 nr_ops:2475196
+timestamp_ms:1653002607702.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2598425600 nr_ops:2537525
+timestamp_ms:1653002608703.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2664010752 nr_ops:2601573
+timestamp_ms:1653002609704.9495 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2728397824 nr_ops:2664451
+timestamp_ms:1653002610705.9893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793069568 nr_ops:2727607
+timestamp_ms:1653002611706.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2856662016 nr_ops:2789709
+timestamp_ms:1653002612707.9492 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2919802880 nr_ops:2851370
+timestamp_ms:1653002613708.8350 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2984371200 nr_ops:2914425
+timestamp_ms:1653002614709.9304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3049177088 nr_ops:2977712
+timestamp_ms:1653002615710.9692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3117088768 nr_ops:3044032
+timestamp_ms:1653002616712.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3182691328 nr_ops:3108097
+timestamp_ms:1653002617713.1028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3245800448 nr_ops:3169727
+timestamp_ms:1653002618714.1926 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3310121984 nr_ops:3232541
+timestamp_ms:1653002619715.2905 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3373305856 nr_ops:3294244
+timestamp_ms:1653002620716.3877 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3435767808 nr_ops:3355242
+timestamp_ms:1653002621717.4851 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3498980352 nr_ops:3416973
+timestamp_ms:1653002622718.5881 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3562638336 nr_ops:3479139
+timestamp_ms:1653002623719.7483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3627192320 nr_ops:3542180
+timestamp_ms:1653002624720.8489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3690694656 nr_ops:3604194
+timestamp_ms:1653002625721.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3755145216 nr_ops:3667134
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140372181681920
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653002626923.2703 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3817954304 nr_ops:3728471
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002626923.3567 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002626923.3674 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002627023.5906 name:Total nr_bytes:3817954304 nr_ops:3728472
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002626923.4905 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7635908606 nr_ops:7456944
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002626923.4924 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3817954304 nr_ops:3728474
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 227.94us 0.00ns 227.94us 227.94us
+Txn1 1864236 32.17us 0.00ns 3.90ms 26.26us
+Txn2 1 52.16us 0.00ns 52.16us 52.16us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 227.41us 0.00ns 227.41us 227.41us
+write 1864236 3.24us 0.00ns 93.88us 2.46us
+read 1864235 28.85us 0.00ns 3.90ms 1.22us
+disconnect 1 51.33us 0.00ns 51.33us 51.33us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.12b/s
+net1 29892 29892 260.65Mb/s 260.65Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.209 62.37s 3.56GB 489.74Mb/s 3728474 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.56GB 489.75Mb/s 3728474 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:47.660000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:47.660000', 'bytes': 61862912, 'norm_byte': 61862912, 'ops': 60413, 'norm_ops': 60413, 'norm_ltcy': 16.570712028557594, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:47.660000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:47.660000",
+ "bytes": 61862912,
+ "norm_byte": 61862912,
+ "ops": 60413,
+ "norm_ops": 60413,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.570712028557594,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "abdb3b4c9f5f50a0f0e239d84cfd56c1211d280b96484ec02e72c97b9d9f197e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:48.661000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:48.661000', 'bytes': 124016640, 'norm_byte': 62153728, 'ops': 121110, 'norm_ops': 60697, 'norm_ltcy': 16.493845711073035, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:48.661000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:48.661000",
+ "bytes": 124016640,
+ "norm_byte": 62153728,
+ "ops": 121110,
+ "norm_ops": 60697,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.493845711073035,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "57c8041dbe28ea1d17b1ec8c56ddda62154eaabf4138646c28aaf365aed48a2b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:49.662000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:49.662000', 'bytes': 186461184, 'norm_byte': 62444544, 'ops': 182091, 'norm_ops': 60981, 'norm_ltcy': 16.416718488648105, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:49.662000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:49.662000",
+ "bytes": 186461184,
+ "norm_byte": 62444544,
+ "ops": 182091,
+ "norm_ops": 60981,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.416718488648105,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "538417a43e53769d0cf1a0f9100cff1576121b2d370f0de2eb8d5b12f949d07c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:50.664000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:50.664000', 'bytes': 249819136, 'norm_byte': 63357952, 'ops': 243964, 'norm_ops': 61873, 'norm_ltcy': 16.179867209091604, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:50.664000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:50.664000",
+ "bytes": 249819136,
+ "norm_byte": 63357952,
+ "ops": 243964,
+ "norm_ops": 61873,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.179867209091604,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ea5ac1da4319b7f6cce8c532d1052fda1ad3ee6819240edf0f31b487c63c4ea2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:51.665000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:51.665000', 'bytes': 313140224, 'norm_byte': 63321088, 'ops': 305801, 'norm_ops': 61837, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18922751295745, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:51.665000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:51.665000",
+ "bytes": 313140224,
+ "norm_byte": 63321088,
+ "ops": 305801,
+ "norm_ops": 61837,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18922751295745,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d532551c5c4a037348c015b1b3d5ae3ce6d7e74318f5611f167ac2424a69515",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:52.666000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:52.666000', 'bytes': 376105984, 'norm_byte': 62965760, 'ops': 367291, 'norm_ops': 61490, 'norm_ltcy': 16.279673270043908, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:52.666000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:52.666000",
+ "bytes": 376105984,
+ "norm_byte": 62965760,
+ "ops": 367291,
+ "norm_ops": 61490,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.279673270043908,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd904b66712e193b0cb9dcb7c0c392afcacd565df4fbc159dc15d594ae230fb0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:53.667000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:53.667000', 'bytes': 438174720, 'norm_byte': 62068736, 'ops': 427905, 'norm_ops': 60614, 'norm_ltcy': 16.51588732208112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:53.667000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:53.667000",
+ "bytes": 438174720,
+ "norm_byte": 62068736,
+ "ops": 427905,
+ "norm_ops": 60614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.51588732208112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "28ae78986d3c6fa4dfaa9aef0def03eeb57f33146b825644648b83a727c6f8a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:54.668000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:54.668000', 'bytes': 501284864, 'norm_byte': 63110144, 'ops': 489536, 'norm_ops': 61631, 'norm_ltcy': 16.243339581034707, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:54.668000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:54.668000",
+ "bytes": 501284864,
+ "norm_byte": 63110144,
+ "ops": 489536,
+ "norm_ops": 61631,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.243339581034707,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "540327b55758698d9e610178cf01b575697466eb9e12aa93ffe8f1fbd8d78042",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:55.669000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:55.669000', 'bytes': 563284992, 'norm_byte': 62000128, 'ops': 550083, 'norm_ops': 60547, 'norm_ltcy': 16.534171510097526, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:55.669000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:55.669000",
+ "bytes": 563284992,
+ "norm_byte": 62000128,
+ "ops": 550083,
+ "norm_ops": 60547,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.534171510097526,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "600a5f18a51cbd7be1cd5481a8fe51a62e819f09c3026ae4be3e87a16a1db924",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:56.670000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:56.670000', 'bytes': 625619968, 'norm_byte': 62334976, 'ops': 610957, 'norm_ops': 60874, 'norm_ltcy': 16.4453339967597, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:56.670000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:56.670000",
+ "bytes": 625619968,
+ "norm_byte": 62334976,
+ "ops": 610957,
+ "norm_ops": 60874,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.4453339967597,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "837ef40a5435e8e751e43536f597b3a30520d7d55e711e6bcac4194037690ed5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:57.671000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:57.671000', 'bytes': 687858688, 'norm_byte': 62238720, 'ops': 671737, 'norm_ops': 60780, 'norm_ltcy': 16.470743614264563, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:57.671000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:57.671000",
+ "bytes": 687858688,
+ "norm_byte": 62238720,
+ "ops": 671737,
+ "norm_ops": 60780,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.470743614264563,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c874fcd3f333e7b0542fdc8b229cdf13fd7f5eceaffa59ad99dfec648b27140",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:58.672000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:58.672000', 'bytes': 751266816, 'norm_byte': 63408128, 'ops': 733659, 'norm_ops': 61922, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16700858918276, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:58.672000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:58.672000",
+ "bytes": 751266816,
+ "norm_byte": 63408128,
+ "ops": 733659,
+ "norm_ops": 61922,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16700858918276,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8968a1f7a8761ab53c7da5c4e8c0ee16edfbac643122e991c741cdbb45180a39",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:22:59.673000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:22:59.673000', 'bytes': 815109120, 'norm_byte': 63842304, 'ops': 796005, 'norm_ops': 62346, 'norm_ltcy': 16.057037195900698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:22:59.673000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:22:59.673000",
+ "bytes": 815109120,
+ "norm_byte": 63842304,
+ "ops": 796005,
+ "norm_ops": 62346,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.057037195900698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f52fb01c17f9bca3d96d005d65d1a87cdef0b740e453efa0cbfd6e0c3a8731d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:00.674000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:00.674000', 'bytes': 878187520, 'norm_byte': 63078400, 'ops': 857605, 'norm_ops': 61600, 'norm_ltcy': 16.251680448457794, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:00.674000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:00.674000",
+ "bytes": 878187520,
+ "norm_byte": 63078400,
+ "ops": 857605,
+ "norm_ops": 61600,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.251680448457794,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2ef34b95610aac09f1ba73b29b3a74f8920392c93184aa4f41774ebb09397ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:01.676000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:01.676000', 'bytes': 942100480, 'norm_byte': 63912960, 'ops': 920020, 'norm_ops': 62415, 'norm_ltcy': 16.039360405151005, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:01.676000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:01.676000",
+ "bytes": 942100480,
+ "norm_byte": 63912960,
+ "ops": 920020,
+ "norm_ops": 62415,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.039360405151005,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1f48e6c917bebcd0da75d52aea6bb1f7bd3ca25a64333f7c6f22b06e1efe13d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:02.677000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:02.677000', 'bytes': 1005201408, 'norm_byte': 63100928, 'ops': 981642, 'norm_ops': 61622, 'norm_ltcy': 16.245727796586447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:02.677000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:02.677000",
+ "bytes": 1005201408,
+ "norm_byte": 63100928,
+ "ops": 981642,
+ "norm_ops": 61622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.245727796586447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fbfd0fea60257f5223e4273d211147ab108fba80c235b1dd5f991f2456b5ed7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:03.678000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:03.678000', 'bytes': 1068555264, 'norm_byte': 63353856, 'ops': 1043511, 'norm_ops': 61869, 'norm_ltcy': 16.180850144306923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:03.678000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:03.678000",
+ "bytes": 1068555264,
+ "norm_byte": 63353856,
+ "ops": 1043511,
+ "norm_ops": 61869,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.180850144306923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1a4084cd33e709218d3b001e6858aed34e70a8270ed5135ed9657ae4e717ece",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:04.679000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:04.679000', 'bytes': 1132733440, 'norm_byte': 64178176, 'ops': 1106185, 'norm_ops': 62674, 'norm_ltcy': 15.974324355992918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:04.679000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:04.679000",
+ "bytes": 1132733440,
+ "norm_byte": 64178176,
+ "ops": 1106185,
+ "norm_ops": 62674,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.974324355992918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a02116d257f43e6076c27b4917919b585b5cdc36145e03d9da30cd4b71216d3b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:05.679000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:05.679000', 'bytes': 1196259328, 'norm_byte': 63525888, 'ops': 1168222, 'norm_ops': 62037, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12708664536889, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:05.679000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:05.679000",
+ "bytes": 1196259328,
+ "norm_byte": 63525888,
+ "ops": 1168222,
+ "norm_ops": 62037,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12708664536889,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d4b3f70890a924ea711e696f881a3cafe6b428a35d77b71b567cb66d5feae01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:06.680000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:06.680000', 'bytes': 1258957824, 'norm_byte': 62698496, 'ops': 1229451, 'norm_ops': 61229, 'norm_ltcy': 16.35008916322331, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:06.680000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:06.680000",
+ "bytes": 1258957824,
+ "norm_byte": 62698496,
+ "ops": 1229451,
+ "norm_ops": 61229,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.35008916322331,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f523d37c9a500f8bcf6151fbbd6b6f223e6598af52642fb204c0c54d19a9e8b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:07.682000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:07.682000', 'bytes': 1321384960, 'norm_byte': 62427136, 'ops': 1290415, 'norm_ops': 60964, 'norm_ltcy': 16.421008005236697, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:07.682000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:07.682000",
+ "bytes": 1321384960,
+ "norm_byte": 62427136,
+ "ops": 1290415,
+ "norm_ops": 60964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.421008005236697,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff1540b0917583bda9e2b9cf857185adcd9531b0d5053d22e5dba5007be7cdf4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:08.683000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:08.683000', 'bytes': 1385124864, 'norm_byte': 63739904, 'ops': 1352661, 'norm_ops': 62246, 'norm_ltcy': 16.082864668261816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:08.683000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:08.683000",
+ "bytes": 1385124864,
+ "norm_byte": 63739904,
+ "ops": 1352661,
+ "norm_ops": 62246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.082864668261816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a85af628dbb69bf644c86a077817957899264debc197c901229223cf9ed2fc52",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:09.684000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:09.684000', 'bytes': 1451090944, 'norm_byte': 65966080, 'ops': 1417081, 'norm_ops': 64420, 'norm_ltcy': 15.54029737707622, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:09.684000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:09.684000",
+ "bytes": 1451090944,
+ "norm_byte": 65966080,
+ "ops": 1417081,
+ "norm_ops": 64420,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.54029737707622,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87276934ccccf603daa6a91b7ff9be031033519ec4d5e5d6e8a4f040e4872f76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:10.685000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:10.685000', 'bytes': 1514587136, 'norm_byte': 63496192, 'ops': 1479089, 'norm_ops': 62008, 'norm_ltcy': 16.14462958660576, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:10.685000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:10.685000",
+ "bytes": 1514587136,
+ "norm_byte": 63496192,
+ "ops": 1479089,
+ "norm_ops": 62008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.14462958660576,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a547dfe714b2cc60ef7cdb795dec5d75cc9e6943bd3d0656e9d23dd83fcd78c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:11.686000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:11.686000', 'bytes': 1578718208, 'norm_byte': 64131072, 'ops': 1541717, 'norm_ops': 62628, 'norm_ltcy': 15.9847515101572, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:11.686000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:11.686000",
+ "bytes": 1578718208,
+ "norm_byte": 64131072,
+ "ops": 1541717,
+ "norm_ops": 62628,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.9847515101572,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "070fd9e58f3c266d5a687ef704874686789127961d474f961c8963f9d171c4be",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:12.687000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:12.687000', 'bytes': 1642103808, 'norm_byte': 63385600, 'ops': 1603617, 'norm_ops': 61900, 'norm_ltcy': 16.17267565503837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:12.687000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:12.687000",
+ "bytes": 1642103808,
+ "norm_byte": 63385600,
+ "ops": 1603617,
+ "norm_ops": 61900,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.17267565503837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "144eb33d1c16a604cdb1a111b3c62e626381a1bc7045f715895b4aac32606b04",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:13.688000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:13.688000', 'bytes': 1706140672, 'norm_byte': 64036864, 'ops': 1666153, 'norm_ops': 62536, 'norm_ltcy': 16.007311038841628, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:13.688000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:13.688000",
+ "bytes": 1706140672,
+ "norm_byte": 64036864,
+ "ops": 1666153,
+ "norm_ops": 62536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.007311038841628,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aaa98b71cfcc58325cfc5b288a55586c0d33f1e6c9560217ec3364c11cb8d80c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:14.689000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:14.689000', 'bytes': 1770638336, 'norm_byte': 64497664, 'ops': 1729139, 'norm_ops': 62986, 'norm_ltcy': 15.893827565599896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:14.689000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:14.689000",
+ "bytes": 1770638336,
+ "norm_byte": 64497664,
+ "ops": 1729139,
+ "norm_ops": 62986,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.893827565599896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33d1e92ed548c9d6dc5897e829e306cff26305665c1f36d7abb47ee6bd9dc614",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:15.690000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:15.690000', 'bytes': 1834370048, 'norm_byte': 63731712, 'ops': 1791377, 'norm_ops': 62238, 'norm_ltcy': 16.084998626743307, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:15.690000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:15.690000",
+ "bytes": 1834370048,
+ "norm_byte": 63731712,
+ "ops": 1791377,
+ "norm_ops": 62238,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.084998626743307,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75a35718ad9b1995fe13019f86a74724e5c67c2af8316a46760c31e8c3c3252b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:16.691000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:16.691000', 'bytes': 1898490880, 'norm_byte': 64120832, 'ops': 1853995, 'norm_ops': 62618, 'norm_ltcy': 15.987280857491056, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:16.691000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:16.691000",
+ "bytes": 1898490880,
+ "norm_byte": 64120832,
+ "ops": 1853995,
+ "norm_ops": 62618,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.987280857491056,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "883d967429dc0b73e2f379bb33bbb1d5a07a19fbb250e2d0dd1d37774b6997c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:17.692000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:17.692000', 'bytes': 1961365504, 'norm_byte': 62874624, 'ops': 1915396, 'norm_ops': 61401, 'norm_ltcy': 16.304459331637513, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:17.692000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:17.692000",
+ "bytes": 1961365504,
+ "norm_byte": 62874624,
+ "ops": 1915396,
+ "norm_ops": 61401,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.304459331637513,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c851b07619aaf2f6f192cce2eb0e6ebf089a1b6fec0da084740807c0a099c33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:18.694000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:18.694000', 'bytes': 2024389632, 'norm_byte': 63024128, 'ops': 1976943, 'norm_ops': 61547, 'norm_ltcy': 16.265564197889418, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:18.694000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:18.694000",
+ "bytes": 2024389632,
+ "norm_byte": 63024128,
+ "ops": 1976943,
+ "norm_ops": 61547,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.265564197889418,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb1548df5fe1962ee71a7a88a607e43c8e9b0adb868a0f354eaf4fab2b17d08c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:19.695000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:19.695000', 'bytes': 2089161728, 'norm_byte': 64772096, 'ops': 2040197, 'norm_ops': 63254, 'norm_ltcy': 15.826545122146426, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:19.695000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:19.695000",
+ "bytes": 2089161728,
+ "norm_byte": 64772096,
+ "ops": 2040197,
+ "norm_ops": 63254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.826545122146426,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ccf91cb4f4ab6c02a3f45e647e66c0601956f6412b469ffc31be94f25f057be9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:20.696000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:20.696000', 'bytes': 2153327616, 'norm_byte': 64165888, 'ops': 2102859, 'norm_ops': 62662, 'norm_ltcy': 15.976148417052999, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:20.696000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:20.696000",
+ "bytes": 2153327616,
+ "norm_byte": 64165888,
+ "ops": 2102859,
+ "norm_ops": 62662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.976148417052999,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4f73373b257bbcbe955983026d77c3c07e41744fc1706bfe74093ba136d51ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:21.697000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:21.697000', 'bytes': 2217160704, 'norm_byte': 63833088, 'ops': 2165196, 'norm_ops': 62337, 'norm_ltcy': 16.059457283344965, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:21.697000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:21.697000",
+ "bytes": 2217160704,
+ "norm_byte": 63833088,
+ "ops": 2165196,
+ "norm_ops": 62337,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.059457283344965,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "134a1cd892bc3d2a3fc596826fc6f58751d6293e1ce4d42ffbd3df00357cda96",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:22.698000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:22.698000', 'bytes': 2281029632, 'norm_byte': 63868928, 'ops': 2227568, 'norm_ops': 62372, 'norm_ltcy': 16.050265474942684, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:22.698000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:22.698000",
+ "bytes": 2281029632,
+ "norm_byte": 63868928,
+ "ops": 2227568,
+ "norm_ops": 62372,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.050265474942684,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1665c8e64b01c7462dab0a889e264b1df7dad920c975875e2027b1620583b21f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:23.699000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:23.699000', 'bytes': 2344403968, 'norm_byte': 63374336, 'ops': 2289457, 'norm_ops': 61889, 'norm_ltcy': 16.175632988091582, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:23.699000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:23.699000",
+ "bytes": 2344403968,
+ "norm_byte": 63374336,
+ "ops": 2289457,
+ "norm_ops": 61889,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.175632988091582,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efb13564e0ba0ac046b51efd3f8c5cb0149b8e309c4de00520423aaaa932a597",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:24.700000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:24.700000', 'bytes': 2408719360, 'norm_byte': 64315392, 'ops': 2352265, 'norm_ops': 62808, 'norm_ltcy': 15.938968388780093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:24.700000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:24.700000",
+ "bytes": 2408719360,
+ "norm_byte": 64315392,
+ "ops": 2352265,
+ "norm_ops": 62808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.938968388780093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "142001bfd9713f7c3b6855683aecf1b427548393393dd36c778f1a48386b15c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:25.701000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:25.701000', 'bytes': 2471515136, 'norm_byte': 62795776, 'ops': 2413589, 'norm_ops': 61324, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32375320913305, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:25.701000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:25.701000",
+ "bytes": 2471515136,
+ "norm_byte": 62795776,
+ "ops": 2413589,
+ "norm_ops": 61324,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32375320913305,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3754248de921b92f2de7cde957c981111b04a08042c0bda9f279818bca6bfd4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:26.701000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:26.701000', 'bytes': 2534600704, 'norm_byte': 63085568, 'ops': 2475196, 'norm_ops': 61607, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2352782493771, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:26.701000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:26.701000",
+ "bytes": 2534600704,
+ "norm_byte": 63085568,
+ "ops": 2475196,
+ "norm_ops": 61607,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2352782493771,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b8b8d9dd6564073d112d1fe60290b82db1fb0c6ca8fb6dfdf595bd0c672ed9ff",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:27.702000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:27.702000', 'bytes': 2598425600, 'norm_byte': 63824896, 'ops': 2537525, 'norm_ops': 62329, 'norm_ltcy': 16.06138535658562, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:27.702000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:27.702000",
+ "bytes": 2598425600,
+ "norm_byte": 63824896,
+ "ops": 2537525,
+ "norm_ops": 62329,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.06138535658562,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "32aae8a971fd8d737d32172bf12206fd228f27fd9211d4a98f231f350d21b5e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:28.703000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:28.703000', 'bytes': 2664010752, 'norm_byte': 65585152, 'ops': 2601573, 'norm_ops': 64048, 'norm_ltcy': 15.627912244527542, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:28.703000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:28.703000",
+ "bytes": 2664010752,
+ "norm_byte": 65585152,
+ "ops": 2601573,
+ "norm_ops": 64048,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.627912244527542,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88df0eb5e809cb7e29caf0c0e193353ae8204ec870a4a38d085b36dbea5adc81",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:29.704000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:29.704000', 'bytes': 2728397824, 'norm_byte': 64387072, 'ops': 2664451, 'norm_ops': 62878, 'norm_ltcy': 15.921123109931136, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:29.704000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:29.704000",
+ "bytes": 2728397824,
+ "norm_byte": 64387072,
+ "ops": 2664451,
+ "norm_ops": 62878,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.921123109931136,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0332178e689afc57170f63fca54ee8786e51924538deed74524db1463632aec3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:30.705000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:30.705000', 'bytes': 2793069568, 'norm_byte': 64671744, 'ops': 2727607, 'norm_ops': 63156, 'norm_ltcy': 15.85027226109752, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:30.705000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:30.705000",
+ "bytes": 2793069568,
+ "norm_byte": 64671744,
+ "ops": 2727607,
+ "norm_ops": 63156,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.85027226109752,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b85bce8b1fe0cb5d0998da0ac1941ea9c3bb60daa3df2c12535f0d1cd0efb4d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:31.706000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:31.706000', 'bytes': 2856662016, 'norm_byte': 63592448, 'ops': 2789709, 'norm_ops': 62102, 'norm_ltcy': 16.116241507167643, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:31.706000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:31.706000",
+ "bytes": 2856662016,
+ "norm_byte": 63592448,
+ "ops": 2789709,
+ "norm_ops": 62102,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.116241507167643,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0562049f08ebee3b5270716150b59178403a6e6ce4e1744dd904b26d210a85dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:32.707000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:32.707000', 'bytes': 2919802880, 'norm_byte': 63140864, 'ops': 2851370, 'norm_ops': 61661, 'norm_ltcy': 16.235694050686416, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:32.707000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:32.707000",
+ "bytes": 2919802880,
+ "norm_byte": 63140864,
+ "ops": 2851370,
+ "norm_ops": 61661,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.235694050686416,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "654dc6fd2184420e6ced46e1f5a855df3883b6092c136c8e455285ed95c60f12",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:33.708000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:33.708000', 'bytes': 2984371200, 'norm_byte': 64568320, 'ops': 2914425, 'norm_ops': 63055, 'norm_ltcy': 15.873217701807947, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:33.708000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:33.708000",
+ "bytes": 2984371200,
+ "norm_byte": 64568320,
+ "ops": 2914425,
+ "norm_ops": 63055,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.873217701807947,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "32558cd3fa5667b130c1c0caf6d00d9a31d94f52ce1b63b381744e112e973d9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:34.709000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:34.709000', 'bytes': 3049177088, 'norm_byte': 64805888, 'ops': 2977712, 'norm_ops': 63287, 'norm_ltcy': 15.818342771570386, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:34.709000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:34.709000",
+ "bytes": 3049177088,
+ "norm_byte": 64805888,
+ "ops": 2977712,
+ "norm_ops": 63287,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.818342771570386,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "902dcd0c78ef4c22c4a6256e6e402edce09058be2ee6f4410f0e48c78855b84b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:35.710000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:35.710000', 'bytes': 3117088768, 'norm_byte': 67911680, 'ops': 3044032, 'norm_ops': 66320, 'norm_ltcy': 15.094071446914581, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:35.710000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:35.710000",
+ "bytes": 3117088768,
+ "norm_byte": 67911680,
+ "ops": 3044032,
+ "norm_ops": 66320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.094071446914581,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "605ea02d4db574c2198778ca26137769cc67d487a778735a363e5c45e8a56110",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:36.712000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:36.712000', 'bytes': 3182691328, 'norm_byte': 65602560, 'ops': 3108097, 'norm_ops': 64065, 'norm_ltcy': 15.626188977991104, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:36.712000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:36.712000",
+ "bytes": 3182691328,
+ "norm_byte": 65602560,
+ "ops": 3108097,
+ "norm_ops": 64065,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.626188977991104,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ba25bb78d1969ef0c39a736e1220eb2657a088d702f7481afa3b90655ed61000",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:37.713000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:37.713000', 'bytes': 3245800448, 'norm_byte': 63109120, 'ops': 3169727, 'norm_ops': 61630, 'norm_ltcy': 16.24276728941871, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:37.713000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:37.713000",
+ "bytes": 3245800448,
+ "norm_byte": 63109120,
+ "ops": 3169727,
+ "norm_ops": 61630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.24276728941871,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70691998d0cff6e189a4bf93050fcb70680ff622f7ba6bf8641da06b5d3cc07e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:38.714000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:38.714000', 'bytes': 3310121984, 'norm_byte': 64321536, 'ops': 3232541, 'norm_ops': 62814, 'norm_ltcy': 15.93736816235234, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:38.714000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:38.714000",
+ "bytes": 3310121984,
+ "norm_byte": 64321536,
+ "ops": 3232541,
+ "norm_ops": 62814,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.93736816235234,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce9ebab4f23a75545b28b9922c6239838270f021891a3e07e98990436d578dbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:39.715000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:39.715000', 'bytes': 3373305856, 'norm_byte': 63183872, 'ops': 3294244, 'norm_ops': 61703, 'norm_ltcy': 16.224460729472227, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:39.715000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:39.715000",
+ "bytes": 3373305856,
+ "norm_byte": 63183872,
+ "ops": 3294244,
+ "norm_ops": 61703,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.224460729472227,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "783f6a6e10bd45a574e523634a0471645c2a10e78c75f6470e72feae9d0cd402",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:40.716000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:40.716000', 'bytes': 3435767808, 'norm_byte': 62461952, 'ops': 3355242, 'norm_ops': 60998, 'norm_ltcy': 16.411967080375586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:40.716000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:40.716000",
+ "bytes": 3435767808,
+ "norm_byte": 62461952,
+ "ops": 3355242,
+ "norm_ops": 60998,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.411967080375586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d65ab900971da21347d09e8145e513604b16fa765d8e6996d9f49501a4ac782a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:41.717000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:41.717000', 'bytes': 3498980352, 'norm_byte': 63212544, 'ops': 3416973, 'norm_ops': 61731, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21709371481711, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:41.717000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:41.717000",
+ "bytes": 3498980352,
+ "norm_byte": 63212544,
+ "ops": 3416973,
+ "norm_ops": 61731,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21709371481711,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "397f2e8943715faf919f6e382a947035a9419bc2aa26402802e46abaf21213f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:42.718000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:42.718000', 'bytes': 3562638336, 'norm_byte': 63657984, 'ops': 3479139, 'norm_ops': 62166, 'norm_ltcy': 16.103706645815237, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:42.718000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:42.718000",
+ "bytes": 3562638336,
+ "norm_byte": 63657984,
+ "ops": 3479139,
+ "norm_ops": 62166,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.103706645815237,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ff6ddf4777e39a7bce1e9a8d2e7e64d419fad9b7e6a9ebc2cf1ad9802ee4ee61",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:43.719000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:43.719000', 'bytes': 3627192320, 'norm_byte': 64553984, 'ops': 3542180, 'norm_ops': 63041, 'norm_ltcy': 15.881095735315112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:43.719000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:43.719000",
+ "bytes": 3627192320,
+ "norm_byte": 64553984,
+ "ops": 3542180,
+ "norm_ops": 63041,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.881095735315112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ce78b41c6a0849461539e992c10cee84d1a1d1bb8ac1eb6e303ba61e2e2c05d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:44.720000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:44.720000', 'bytes': 3690694656, 'norm_byte': 63502336, 'ops': 3604194, 'norm_ops': 62014, 'norm_ltcy': 16.143138419348855, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:44.720000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:44.720000",
+ "bytes": 3690694656,
+ "norm_byte": 63502336,
+ "ops": 3604194,
+ "norm_ops": 62014,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.143138419348855,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2738aead07f375367de6603ae2b328d51aa6bb85c1fbbdf4dc19ba3f3a286004",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:45.721000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:45.721000', 'bytes': 3755145216, 'norm_byte': 64450560, 'ops': 3667134, 'norm_ops': 62940, 'norm_ltcy': 15.905548376926436, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:45.721000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:45.721000",
+ "bytes": 3755145216,
+ "norm_byte": 64450560,
+ "ops": 3667134,
+ "norm_ops": 62940,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.905548376926436,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "756a14f07086588d376efb6779457b7609361fb835681fbab3bff0579aa4af02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:23:46.923000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:23:46.923000', 'bytes': 3817954304, 'norm_byte': 62809088, 'ops': 3728471, 'norm_ops': 61337, 'norm_ltcy': 19.585668876453038, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:23:46.923000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:23:46.923000",
+ "bytes": 3817954304,
+ "norm_byte": 62809088,
+ "ops": 3728471,
+ "norm_ops": 61337,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.585668876453038,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "b44bb1e8-88a4-5c22-9e22-d5b5b28ede32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "27bf8271e83568db56668b749e34c6ea0cd4de7bfb2c1b661072ec6c97dfaffe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63632571.733333334
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62141.183333333334
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.51680153148194
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:23:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-114-220519232001/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-114-220519232001/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26d50fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-114-220519232001/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-114-220519232001/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-114-220519232001/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-114-220519232001/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-114-220519232001/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-114-220519232001/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a74962a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-114-220519232001/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=65
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=60
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-115-220519232203/220519232203-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-115-220519232203/220519232203-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbc1e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-115-220519232203/220519232203-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:24:46Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002687482.4316 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002688483.5474 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002688483.6394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002689484.7295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56155136 nr_ops:54839\ntimestamp_ms:1653002690485.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127052800 nr_ops:124075\ntimestamp_ms:1653002691486.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198061056 nr_ops:193419\ntimestamp_ms:1653002692487.9390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:254667776 nr_ops:248699\ntimestamp_ms:1653002693489.0403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:325635072 nr_ops:318003\ntimestamp_ms:1653002694490.1416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:396561408 nr_ops:387267\ntimestamp_ms:1653002695491.2412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:467463168 nr_ops:456507\ntimestamp_ms:1653002696492.4214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:538575872 nr_ops:525953\ntimestamp_ms:1653002697493.5325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602399744 nr_ops:588281\ntimestamp_ms:1653002698494.6243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:666592256 nr_ops:650969\ntimestamp_ms:1653002699495.7222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:738024448 nr_ops:720727\ntimestamp_ms:1653002700496.8262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:794557440 nr_ops:775935\ntimestamp_ms:1653002701497.8708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865717248 nr_ops:845427\ntimestamp_ms:1653002702498.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:921777152 nr_ops:900173\ntimestamp_ms:1653002703499.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:992549888 nr_ops:969287\ntimestamp_ms:1653002704501.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060860928 nr_ops:1035997\ntimestamp_ms:1653002705502.1567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1119937536 nr_ops:1093689\ntimestamp_ms:1653002706503.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163600896 nr_ops:1136329\ntimestamp_ms:1653002707504.3235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217623040 nr_ops:1189085\ntimestamp_ms:1653002708505.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274158080 nr_ops:1244295\ntimestamp_ms:1653002709506.5247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345135616 nr_ops:1313609\ntimestamp_ms:1653002710507.6208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1415918592 nr_ops:1382733\ntimestamp_ms:1653002711507.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486679040 nr_ops:1451835\ntimestamp_ms:1653002712508.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1543185408 nr_ops:1507017\ntimestamp_ms:1653002713510.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1613900800 nr_ops:1576075\ntimestamp_ms:1653002714511.1367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1671220224 nr_ops:1632051\ntimestamp_ms:1653002715512.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728607232 nr_ops:1688093\ntimestamp_ms:1653002716513.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1786008576 nr_ops:1744149\ntimestamp_ms:1653002717514.3159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1857735680 nr_ops:1814195\ntimestamp_ms:1653002718515.4087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1927529472 nr_ops:1882353\ntimestamp_ms:1653002719516.5024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1985901568 nr_ops:1939357\ntimestamp_ms:1653002720517.6003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2057538560 nr_ops:2009315\ntimestamp_ms:1653002721517.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2099688448 nr_ops:2050477\ntimestamp_ms:1653002722518.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2155852800 nr_ops:2105325\ntimestamp_ms:1653002723520.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2226568192 nr_ops:2174383\ntimestamp_ms:1653002724521.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2297359360 nr_ops:2243515\ntimestamp_ms:1653002725522.2087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2368396288 nr_ops:2312887\ntimestamp_ms:1653002726522.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2424765440 nr_ops:2367935\ntimestamp_ms:1653002727523.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2495380480 nr_ops:2436895\ntimestamp_ms:1653002728525.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2551776256 nr_ops:2491969\ntimestamp_ms:1653002729526.1157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2622702592 nr_ops:2561233\ntimestamp_ms:1653002730527.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693596160 nr_ops:2630465\ntimestamp_ms:1653002731527.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2764395520 nr_ops:2699605\ntimestamp_ms:1653002732528.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2821110784 nr_ops:2754991\ntimestamp_ms:1653002733529.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2863057920 nr_ops:2795955\ntimestamp_ms:1653002734530.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934529024 nr_ops:2865751\ntimestamp_ms:1653002735531.8977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2974348288 nr_ops:2904637\ntimestamp_ms:1653002736532.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3033285632 nr_ops:2962193\ntimestamp_ms:1653002737533.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3105068032 nr_ops:3032293\ntimestamp_ms:1653002738535.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3176893440 nr_ops:3102435\ntimestamp_ms:1653002739535.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3248700416 nr_ops:3172559\ntimestamp_ms:1653002740536.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3320585216 nr_ops:3242759\ntimestamp_ms:1653002741537.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3391980544 nr_ops:3312481\ntimestamp_ms:1653002742539.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3462876160 nr_ops:3381715\ntimestamp_ms:1653002743540.1318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3529028608 nr_ops:3446317\ntimestamp_ms:1653002744540.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3576296448 nr_ops:3492477\ntimestamp_ms:1653002745541.9509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3634467840 nr_ops:3549285\ntimestamp_ms:1653002746542.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3703612416 nr_ops:3616809\ntimestamp_ms:1653002747543.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3759838208 nr_ops:3671717\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139655075952384\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.3191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3802371072 nr_ops:3713253\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.4053 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.4155 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748845.6301 name:Total nr_bytes:3802371072 nr_ops:3713254\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.5156 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7604742142 nr_ops:7426508\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.5168 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3802371072 nr_ops:3713256\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 241.50us 0.00ns 241.50us 241.50us \nTxn1 1856627 32.32us 0.00ns 208.83ms 18.29us \nTxn2 1 50.63us 0.00ns 50.63us 50.63us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 240.72us 0.00ns 240.72us 240.72us \nwrite 1856627 2.42us 0.00ns 88.99us 2.10us \nread 1856626 29.82us 0.00ns 208.83ms 1.12us \ndisconnect 1 49.73us 0.00ns 49.73us 49.73us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.38b/s \nnet1 29771 29771 259.60Mb/s 259.60Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.210 62.36s 3.54GB 487.76Mb/s 3713256 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.54GB 487.76Mb/s 3713256 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415477, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002687482.4316 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002688483.5474 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002688483.6394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002689484.7295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56155136 nr_ops:54839\ntimestamp_ms:1653002690485.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127052800 nr_ops:124075\ntimestamp_ms:1653002691486.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198061056 nr_ops:193419\ntimestamp_ms:1653002692487.9390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:254667776 nr_ops:248699\ntimestamp_ms:1653002693489.0403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:325635072 nr_ops:318003\ntimestamp_ms:1653002694490.1416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:396561408 nr_ops:387267\ntimestamp_ms:1653002695491.2412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:467463168 nr_ops:456507\ntimestamp_ms:1653002696492.4214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:538575872 nr_ops:525953\ntimestamp_ms:1653002697493.5325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602399744 nr_ops:588281\ntimestamp_ms:1653002698494.6243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:666592256 nr_ops:650969\ntimestamp_ms:1653002699495.7222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:738024448 nr_ops:720727\ntimestamp_ms:1653002700496.8262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:794557440 nr_ops:775935\ntimestamp_ms:1653002701497.8708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865717248 nr_ops:845427\ntimestamp_ms:1653002702498.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:921777152 nr_ops:900173\ntimestamp_ms:1653002703499.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:992549888 nr_ops:969287\ntimestamp_ms:1653002704501.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060860928 nr_ops:1035997\ntimestamp_ms:1653002705502.1567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1119937536 nr_ops:1093689\ntimestamp_ms:1653002706503.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163600896 nr_ops:1136329\ntimestamp_ms:1653002707504.3235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217623040 nr_ops:1189085\ntimestamp_ms:1653002708505.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274158080 nr_ops:1244295\ntimestamp_ms:1653002709506.5247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345135616 nr_ops:1313609\ntimestamp_ms:1653002710507.6208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1415918592 nr_ops:1382733\ntimestamp_ms:1653002711507.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486679040 nr_ops:1451835\ntimestamp_ms:1653002712508.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1543185408 nr_ops:1507017\ntimestamp_ms:1653002713510.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1613900800 nr_ops:1576075\ntimestamp_ms:1653002714511.1367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1671220224 nr_ops:1632051\ntimestamp_ms:1653002715512.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728607232 nr_ops:1688093\ntimestamp_ms:1653002716513.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1786008576 nr_ops:1744149\ntimestamp_ms:1653002717514.3159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1857735680 nr_ops:1814195\ntimestamp_ms:1653002718515.4087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1927529472 nr_ops:1882353\ntimestamp_ms:1653002719516.5024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1985901568 nr_ops:1939357\ntimestamp_ms:1653002720517.6003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2057538560 nr_ops:2009315\ntimestamp_ms:1653002721517.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2099688448 nr_ops:2050477\ntimestamp_ms:1653002722518.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2155852800 nr_ops:2105325\ntimestamp_ms:1653002723520.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2226568192 nr_ops:2174383\ntimestamp_ms:1653002724521.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2297359360 nr_ops:2243515\ntimestamp_ms:1653002725522.2087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2368396288 nr_ops:2312887\ntimestamp_ms:1653002726522.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2424765440 nr_ops:2367935\ntimestamp_ms:1653002727523.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2495380480 nr_ops:2436895\ntimestamp_ms:1653002728525.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2551776256 nr_ops:2491969\ntimestamp_ms:1653002729526.1157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2622702592 nr_ops:2561233\ntimestamp_ms:1653002730527.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693596160 nr_ops:2630465\ntimestamp_ms:1653002731527.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2764395520 nr_ops:2699605\ntimestamp_ms:1653002732528.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2821110784 nr_ops:2754991\ntimestamp_ms:1653002733529.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2863057920 nr_ops:2795955\ntimestamp_ms:1653002734530.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934529024 nr_ops:2865751\ntimestamp_ms:1653002735531.8977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2974348288 nr_ops:2904637\ntimestamp_ms:1653002736532.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3033285632 nr_ops:2962193\ntimestamp_ms:1653002737533.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3105068032 nr_ops:3032293\ntimestamp_ms:1653002738535.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3176893440 nr_ops:3102435\ntimestamp_ms:1653002739535.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3248700416 nr_ops:3172559\ntimestamp_ms:1653002740536.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3320585216 nr_ops:3242759\ntimestamp_ms:1653002741537.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3391980544 nr_ops:3312481\ntimestamp_ms:1653002742539.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3462876160 nr_ops:3381715\ntimestamp_ms:1653002743540.1318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3529028608 nr_ops:3446317\ntimestamp_ms:1653002744540.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3576296448 nr_ops:3492477\ntimestamp_ms:1653002745541.9509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3634467840 nr_ops:3549285\ntimestamp_ms:1653002746542.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3703612416 nr_ops:3616809\ntimestamp_ms:1653002747543.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3759838208 nr_ops:3671717\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139655075952384\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.3191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3802371072 nr_ops:3713253\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.4053 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.4155 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748845.6301 name:Total nr_bytes:3802371072 nr_ops:3713254\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.5156 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7604742142 nr_ops:7426508\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.5168 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3802371072 nr_ops:3713256\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 241.50us 0.00ns 241.50us 241.50us \nTxn1 1856627 32.32us 0.00ns 208.83ms 18.29us \nTxn2 1 50.63us 0.00ns 50.63us 50.63us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 240.72us 0.00ns 240.72us 240.72us \nwrite 1856627 2.42us 0.00ns 88.99us 2.10us \nread 1856626 29.82us 0.00ns 208.83ms 1.12us \ndisconnect 1 49.73us 0.00ns 49.73us 49.73us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.38b/s \nnet1 29771 29771 259.60Mb/s 259.60Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.210 62.36s 3.54GB 487.76Mb/s 3713256 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.54GB 487.76Mb/s 3713256 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415477, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002687482.4316 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002688483.5474 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002688483.6394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002689484.7295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56155136 nr_ops:54839\ntimestamp_ms:1653002690485.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127052800 nr_ops:124075\ntimestamp_ms:1653002691486.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198061056 nr_ops:193419\ntimestamp_ms:1653002692487.9390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:254667776 nr_ops:248699\ntimestamp_ms:1653002693489.0403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:325635072 nr_ops:318003\ntimestamp_ms:1653002694490.1416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:396561408 nr_ops:387267\ntimestamp_ms:1653002695491.2412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:467463168 nr_ops:456507\ntimestamp_ms:1653002696492.4214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:538575872 nr_ops:525953\ntimestamp_ms:1653002697493.5325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602399744 nr_ops:588281\ntimestamp_ms:1653002698494.6243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:666592256 nr_ops:650969\ntimestamp_ms:1653002699495.7222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:738024448 nr_ops:720727\ntimestamp_ms:1653002700496.8262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:794557440 nr_ops:775935\ntimestamp_ms:1653002701497.8708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865717248 nr_ops:845427\ntimestamp_ms:1653002702498.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:921777152 nr_ops:900173\ntimestamp_ms:1653002703499.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:992549888 nr_ops:969287\ntimestamp_ms:1653002704501.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060860928 nr_ops:1035997\ntimestamp_ms:1653002705502.1567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1119937536 nr_ops:1093689\ntimestamp_ms:1653002706503.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163600896 nr_ops:1136329\ntimestamp_ms:1653002707504.3235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217623040 nr_ops:1189085\ntimestamp_ms:1653002708505.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274158080 nr_ops:1244295\ntimestamp_ms:1653002709506.5247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345135616 nr_ops:1313609\ntimestamp_ms:1653002710507.6208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1415918592 nr_ops:1382733\ntimestamp_ms:1653002711507.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486679040 nr_ops:1451835\ntimestamp_ms:1653002712508.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1543185408 nr_ops:1507017\ntimestamp_ms:1653002713510.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1613900800 nr_ops:1576075\ntimestamp_ms:1653002714511.1367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1671220224 nr_ops:1632051\ntimestamp_ms:1653002715512.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728607232 nr_ops:1688093\ntimestamp_ms:1653002716513.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1786008576 nr_ops:1744149\ntimestamp_ms:1653002717514.3159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1857735680 nr_ops:1814195\ntimestamp_ms:1653002718515.4087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1927529472 nr_ops:1882353\ntimestamp_ms:1653002719516.5024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1985901568 nr_ops:1939357\ntimestamp_ms:1653002720517.6003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2057538560 nr_ops:2009315\ntimestamp_ms:1653002721517.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2099688448 nr_ops:2050477\ntimestamp_ms:1653002722518.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2155852800 nr_ops:2105325\ntimestamp_ms:1653002723520.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2226568192 nr_ops:2174383\ntimestamp_ms:1653002724521.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2297359360 nr_ops:2243515\ntimestamp_ms:1653002725522.2087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2368396288 nr_ops:2312887\ntimestamp_ms:1653002726522.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2424765440 nr_ops:2367935\ntimestamp_ms:1653002727523.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2495380480 nr_ops:2436895\ntimestamp_ms:1653002728525.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2551776256 nr_ops:2491969\ntimestamp_ms:1653002729526.1157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2622702592 nr_ops:2561233\ntimestamp_ms:1653002730527.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693596160 nr_ops:2630465\ntimestamp_ms:1653002731527.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2764395520 nr_ops:2699605\ntimestamp_ms:1653002732528.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2821110784 nr_ops:2754991\ntimestamp_ms:1653002733529.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2863057920 nr_ops:2795955\ntimestamp_ms:1653002734530.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934529024 nr_ops:2865751\ntimestamp_ms:1653002735531.8977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2974348288 nr_ops:2904637\ntimestamp_ms:1653002736532.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3033285632 nr_ops:2962193\ntimestamp_ms:1653002737533.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3105068032 nr_ops:3032293\ntimestamp_ms:1653002738535.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3176893440 nr_ops:3102435\ntimestamp_ms:1653002739535.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3248700416 nr_ops:3172559\ntimestamp_ms:1653002740536.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3320585216 nr_ops:3242759\ntimestamp_ms:1653002741537.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3391980544 nr_ops:3312481\ntimestamp_ms:1653002742539.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3462876160 nr_ops:3381715\ntimestamp_ms:1653002743540.1318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3529028608 nr_ops:3446317\ntimestamp_ms:1653002744540.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3576296448 nr_ops:3492477\ntimestamp_ms:1653002745541.9509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3634467840 nr_ops:3549285\ntimestamp_ms:1653002746542.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3703612416 nr_ops:3616809\ntimestamp_ms:1653002747543.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3759838208 nr_ops:3671717\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139655075952384\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.3191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3802371072 nr_ops:3713253\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.4053 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.4155 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748845.6301 name:Total nr_bytes:3802371072 nr_ops:3713254\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.5156 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7604742142 nr_ops:7426508\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002748745.5168 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3802371072 nr_ops:3713256\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 241.50us 0.00ns 241.50us 241.50us \nTxn1 1856627 32.32us 0.00ns 208.83ms 18.29us \nTxn2 1 50.63us 0.00ns 50.63us 50.63us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 240.72us 0.00ns 240.72us 240.72us \nwrite 1856627 2.42us 0.00ns 88.99us 2.10us \nread 1856626 29.82us 0.00ns 208.83ms 1.12us \ndisconnect 1 49.73us 0.00ns 49.73us 49.73us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.38b/s \nnet1 29771 29771 259.60Mb/s 259.60Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.210 62.36s 3.54GB 487.76Mb/s 3713256 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.54GB 487.76Mb/s 3713256 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415477, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002687482.4316 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002688483.5474 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002688483.6394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002689484.7295 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:56155136 nr_ops:54839
+timestamp_ms:1653002690485.8308 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:127052800 nr_ops:124075
+timestamp_ms:1653002691486.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:198061056 nr_ops:193419
+timestamp_ms:1653002692487.9390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:254667776 nr_ops:248699
+timestamp_ms:1653002693489.0403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:325635072 nr_ops:318003
+timestamp_ms:1653002694490.1416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:396561408 nr_ops:387267
+timestamp_ms:1653002695491.2412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:467463168 nr_ops:456507
+timestamp_ms:1653002696492.4214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:538575872 nr_ops:525953
+timestamp_ms:1653002697493.5325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:602399744 nr_ops:588281
+timestamp_ms:1653002698494.6243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:666592256 nr_ops:650969
+timestamp_ms:1653002699495.7222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:738024448 nr_ops:720727
+timestamp_ms:1653002700496.8262 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:794557440 nr_ops:775935
+timestamp_ms:1653002701497.8708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:865717248 nr_ops:845427
+timestamp_ms:1653002702498.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:921777152 nr_ops:900173
+timestamp_ms:1653002703499.9404 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:992549888 nr_ops:969287
+timestamp_ms:1653002704501.0420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060860928 nr_ops:1035997
+timestamp_ms:1653002705502.1567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1119937536 nr_ops:1093689
+timestamp_ms:1653002706503.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1163600896 nr_ops:1136329
+timestamp_ms:1653002707504.3235 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1217623040 nr_ops:1189085
+timestamp_ms:1653002708505.4263 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1274158080 nr_ops:1244295
+timestamp_ms:1653002709506.5247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1345135616 nr_ops:1313609
+timestamp_ms:1653002710507.6208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1415918592 nr_ops:1382733
+timestamp_ms:1653002711507.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486679040 nr_ops:1451835
+timestamp_ms:1653002712508.9309 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1543185408 nr_ops:1507017
+timestamp_ms:1653002713510.0312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1613900800 nr_ops:1576075
+timestamp_ms:1653002714511.1367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1671220224 nr_ops:1632051
+timestamp_ms:1653002715512.1843 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728607232 nr_ops:1688093
+timestamp_ms:1653002716513.2222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1786008576 nr_ops:1744149
+timestamp_ms:1653002717514.3159 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1857735680 nr_ops:1814195
+timestamp_ms:1653002718515.4087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1927529472 nr_ops:1882353
+timestamp_ms:1653002719516.5024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1985901568 nr_ops:1939357
+timestamp_ms:1653002720517.6003 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2057538560 nr_ops:2009315
+timestamp_ms:1653002721517.8379 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2099688448 nr_ops:2050477
+timestamp_ms:1653002722518.9290 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2155852800 nr_ops:2105325
+timestamp_ms:1653002723520.0222 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2226568192 nr_ops:2174383
+timestamp_ms:1653002724521.1184 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2297359360 nr_ops:2243515
+timestamp_ms:1653002725522.2087 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2368396288 nr_ops:2312887
+timestamp_ms:1653002726522.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2424765440 nr_ops:2367935
+timestamp_ms:1653002727523.9324 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2495380480 nr_ops:2436895
+timestamp_ms:1653002728525.0234 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2551776256 nr_ops:2491969
+timestamp_ms:1653002729526.1157 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2622702592 nr_ops:2561233
+timestamp_ms:1653002730527.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2693596160 nr_ops:2630465
+timestamp_ms:1653002731527.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2764395520 nr_ops:2699605
+timestamp_ms:1653002732528.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2821110784 nr_ops:2754991
+timestamp_ms:1653002733529.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2863057920 nr_ops:2795955
+timestamp_ms:1653002734530.8413 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2934529024 nr_ops:2865751
+timestamp_ms:1653002735531.8977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2974348288 nr_ops:2904637
+timestamp_ms:1653002736532.8359 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3033285632 nr_ops:2962193
+timestamp_ms:1653002737533.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3105068032 nr_ops:3032293
+timestamp_ms:1653002738535.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3176893440 nr_ops:3102435
+timestamp_ms:1653002739535.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3248700416 nr_ops:3172559
+timestamp_ms:1653002740536.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3320585216 nr_ops:3242759
+timestamp_ms:1653002741537.9312 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3391980544 nr_ops:3312481
+timestamp_ms:1653002742539.0288 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3462876160 nr_ops:3381715
+timestamp_ms:1653002743540.1318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3529028608 nr_ops:3446317
+timestamp_ms:1653002744540.8376 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3576296448 nr_ops:3492477
+timestamp_ms:1653002745541.9509 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3634467840 nr_ops:3549285
+timestamp_ms:1653002746542.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3703612416 nr_ops:3616809
+timestamp_ms:1653002747543.9412 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3759838208 nr_ops:3671717
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139655075952384
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653002748745.3191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3802371072 nr_ops:3713253
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002748745.4053 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002748745.4155 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002748845.6301 name:Total nr_bytes:3802371072 nr_ops:3713254
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002748745.5156 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7604742142 nr_ops:7426508
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002748745.5168 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3802371072 nr_ops:3713256
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 241.50us 0.00ns 241.50us 241.50us
+Txn1 1856627 32.32us 0.00ns 208.83ms 18.29us
+Txn2 1 50.63us 0.00ns 50.63us 50.63us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 240.72us 0.00ns 240.72us 240.72us
+write 1856627 2.42us 0.00ns 88.99us 2.10us
+read 1856626 29.82us 0.00ns 208.83ms 1.12us
+disconnect 1 49.73us 0.00ns 49.73us 49.73us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.38b/s
+net1 29771 29771 259.60Mb/s 259.60Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.210 62.36s 3.54GB 487.76Mb/s 3713256 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.54GB 487.76Mb/s 3713256 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:24:49.484000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:24:49.484000', 'bytes': 56155136, 'norm_byte': 56155136, 'ops': 54839, 'norm_ops': 54839, 'norm_ltcy': 18.255075546429094, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:24:49.484000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:24:49.484000",
+ "bytes": 56155136,
+ "norm_byte": 56155136,
+ "ops": 54839,
+ "norm_ops": 54839,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.255075546429094,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "852b097f638413873a96a18ed79f7f622a64a4b3e49ffd5305d672ac1b8e1422",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:24:50.485000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:24:50.485000', 'bytes': 127052800, 'norm_byte': 70897664, 'ops': 124075, 'norm_ops': 69236, 'norm_ltcy': 14.4592598988875, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:24:50.485000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:24:50.485000",
+ "bytes": 127052800,
+ "norm_byte": 70897664,
+ "ops": 124075,
+ "norm_ops": 69236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.4592598988875,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88443a1645871e2c34f9405c15970dbdad894c9adaa99e079c150e05b2fa2ea4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:24:51.486000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:24:51.486000', 'bytes': 198061056, 'norm_byte': 71008256, 'ops': 193419, 'norm_ops': 69344, 'norm_ltcy': 14.435377767903494, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:24:51.486000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:24:51.486000",
+ "bytes": 198061056,
+ "norm_byte": 71008256,
+ "ops": 193419,
+ "norm_ops": 69344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.435377767903494,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a38ca16cb41e023578427d11f334a128f76808d067e1db517aedbd093800ebc4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:24:52.487000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:24:52.487000', 'bytes': 254667776, 'norm_byte': 56606720, 'ops': 248699, 'norm_ops': 55280, 'norm_ltcy': 18.10964758247784, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:24:52.487000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:24:52.487000",
+ "bytes": 254667776,
+ "norm_byte": 56606720,
+ "ops": 248699,
+ "norm_ops": 55280,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.10964758247784,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6270a46eba86ed4dc1e6c5b7580cafdf4a97987da88d5542949310e13dde6dfb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:24:53.489000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:24:53.489000', 'bytes': 325635072, 'norm_byte': 70967296, 'ops': 318003, 'norm_ops': 69304, 'norm_ltcy': 14.445072699402273, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:24:53.489000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:24:53.489000",
+ "bytes": 325635072,
+ "norm_byte": 70967296,
+ "ops": 318003,
+ "norm_ops": 69304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.445072699402273,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01885327b6b7f9f04f6a997d07a606b7fcf1326c852d0d143ac0f5eb269e7e01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:24:54.490000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:24:54.490000', 'bytes': 396561408, 'norm_byte': 70926336, 'ops': 387267, 'norm_ops': 69264, 'norm_ltcy': 14.453414737228213, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:24:54.490000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:24:54.490000",
+ "bytes": 396561408,
+ "norm_byte": 70926336,
+ "ops": 387267,
+ "norm_ops": 69264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.453414737228213,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cbb9efd0f272845d025014864d74d9865310f840d8a5a354c75024217efbc76e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:24:55.491000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:24:55.491000', 'bytes': 467463168, 'norm_byte': 70901760, 'ops': 456507, 'norm_ops': 69240, 'norm_ltcy': 14.458399904318313, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:24:55.491000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:24:55.491000",
+ "bytes": 467463168,
+ "norm_byte": 70901760,
+ "ops": 456507,
+ "norm_ops": 69240,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.458399904318313,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "285ba84d65036d2e152945bca2ea5491c31ad306c161d19a820a0382e37dda5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:24:56.492000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:24:56.492000', 'bytes': 538575872, 'norm_byte': 71112704, 'ops': 525953, 'norm_ops': 69446, 'norm_ltcy': 14.416671597806209, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:24:56.492000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:24:56.492000",
+ "bytes": 538575872,
+ "norm_byte": 71112704,
+ "ops": 525953,
+ "norm_ops": 69446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.416671597806209,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "948b9d9de9392e3d0f725474489f223a6955847e3a5a1d60323b842cf5b4e4de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:24:57.493000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:24:57.493000', 'bytes': 602399744, 'norm_byte': 63823872, 'ops': 588281, 'norm_ops': 62328, 'norm_ltcy': 16.061979912469116, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:24:57.493000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:24:57.493000",
+ "bytes": 602399744,
+ "norm_byte": 63823872,
+ "ops": 588281,
+ "norm_ops": 62328,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.061979912469116,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd48131521fb1570fa33867e8fdacf1405cb10c90c7ae46396568b2b52b8f5c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:24:58.494000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:24:58.494000', 'bytes': 666592256, 'norm_byte': 64192512, 'ops': 650969, 'norm_ops': 62688, 'norm_ltcy': 15.969432696449081, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:24:58.494000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:24:58.494000",
+ "bytes": 666592256,
+ "norm_byte": 64192512,
+ "ops": 650969,
+ "norm_ops": 62688,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.969432696449081,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bda8aaaec3cd78cbd664816976374d70e6f7f7e87bdd5102bd026ec89b76727e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:24:59.495000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:24:59.495000', 'bytes': 738024448, 'norm_byte': 71432192, 'ops': 720727, 'norm_ops': 69758, 'norm_ltcy': 14.351012075899897, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:24:59.495000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:24:59.495000",
+ "bytes": 738024448,
+ "norm_byte": 71432192,
+ "ops": 720727,
+ "norm_ops": 69758,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.351012075899897,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59636e50d670140c7f72891df485cbf683ef5a41f616bfaaab5742e2dac30bc5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:00.496000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:00.496000', 'bytes': 794557440, 'norm_byte': 56532992, 'ops': 775935, 'norm_ops': 55208, 'norm_ltcy': 18.13331408321711, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:00.496000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:00.496000",
+ "bytes": 794557440,
+ "norm_byte": 56532992,
+ "ops": 775935,
+ "norm_ops": 55208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.13331408321711,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "638c20215eb3177626b4f724bceaa6fa15ce733ab57e6249264926aa338767e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:01.497000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:01.497000', 'bytes': 865717248, 'norm_byte': 71159808, 'ops': 845427, 'norm_ops': 69492, 'norm_ltcy': 14.405178693006029, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:01.497000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:01.497000",
+ "bytes": 865717248,
+ "norm_byte": 71159808,
+ "ops": 845427,
+ "norm_ops": 69492,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.405178693006029,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8cfa025da0213ad4747b74c8f11eaefa6e237372f9e8c2695819e839a14d476c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:02.498000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:02.498000', 'bytes': 921777152, 'norm_byte': 56059904, 'ops': 900173, 'norm_ops': 54746, 'norm_ltcy': 18.283843297341356, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:02.498000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:02.498000",
+ "bytes": 921777152,
+ "norm_byte": 56059904,
+ "ops": 900173,
+ "norm_ops": 54746,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.283843297341356,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25c705adcdf017d393347dc3ffd3bb9b03df8693994316bca855fd093b4d72c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:03.499000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:03.499000', 'bytes': 992549888, 'norm_byte': 70772736, 'ops': 969287, 'norm_ops': 69114, 'norm_ltcy': 14.484797507333898, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:03.499000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:03.499000",
+ "bytes": 992549888,
+ "norm_byte": 70772736,
+ "ops": 969287,
+ "norm_ops": 69114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.484797507333898,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c6e19c4aa291d489318a4d01391e1fffe099c2301a5b175a2bc11164a4294cec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:04.501000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:04.501000', 'bytes': 1060860928, 'norm_byte': 68311040, 'ops': 1035997, 'norm_ops': 66710, 'norm_ltcy': 15.006769037625544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:04.501000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:04.501000",
+ "bytes": 1060860928,
+ "norm_byte": 68311040,
+ "ops": 1035997,
+ "norm_ops": 66710,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.006769037625544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ab3b43537867621b4e40d228213d70bd32d82741c236b18fd0e60370fdbc4f22",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:05.502000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:05.502000', 'bytes': 1119937536, 'norm_byte': 59076608, 'ops': 1093689, 'norm_ops': 57692, 'norm_ltcy': 17.35274814694845, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:05.502000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:05.502000",
+ "bytes": 1119937536,
+ "norm_byte": 59076608,
+ "ops": 1093689,
+ "norm_ops": 57692,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.35274814694845,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c68c815d3e849b05d2c581c3d15918c418764ef2f2d542fa02136c954ad53338",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:06.503000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:06.503000', 'bytes': 1163600896, 'norm_byte': 43663360, 'ops': 1136329, 'norm_ops': 42640, 'norm_ltcy': 23.476869393468576, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:06.503000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:06.503000",
+ "bytes": 1163600896,
+ "norm_byte": 43663360,
+ "ops": 1136329,
+ "norm_ops": 42640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.476869393468576,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7fe0c70c763c7e642a07cbacf85e032e367f77347205ef6c53a35ab804f59bd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:07.504000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:07.504000', 'bytes': 1217623040, 'norm_byte': 54022144, 'ops': 1189085, 'norm_ops': 52756, 'norm_ltcy': 18.97628776081157, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:07.504000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:07.504000",
+ "bytes": 1217623040,
+ "norm_byte": 54022144,
+ "ops": 1189085,
+ "norm_ops": 52756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.97628776081157,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0fe4a724ddace12477593f718d3a66448afd734252bb0ade3c4b961d29cd3b53",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:08.505000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:08.505000', 'bytes': 1274158080, 'norm_byte': 56535040, 'ops': 1244295, 'norm_ops': 55210, 'norm_ltcy': 18.132635087903004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:08.505000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:08.505000",
+ "bytes": 1274158080,
+ "norm_byte": 56535040,
+ "ops": 1244295,
+ "norm_ops": 55210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.132635087903004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6590b4e856728d6b69f74e413ed4b5608910cf7ea8fd314af5e4719bb3082f5e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:09.506000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:09.506000', 'bytes': 1345135616, 'norm_byte': 70977536, 'ops': 1313609, 'norm_ops': 69314, 'norm_ltcy': 14.44294642744431, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:09.506000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:09.506000",
+ "bytes": 1345135616,
+ "norm_byte": 70977536,
+ "ops": 1313609,
+ "norm_ops": 69314,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.44294642744431,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ebf5e8e929cf381c61419bfd33acb7e5b67fdae7a7e2bbd491910bde36cc51c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:10.507000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:10.507000', 'bytes': 1415918592, 'norm_byte': 70782976, 'ops': 1382733, 'norm_ops': 69124, 'norm_ltcy': 14.482613729041287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:10.507000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:10.507000",
+ "bytes": 1415918592,
+ "norm_byte": 70782976,
+ "ops": 1382733,
+ "norm_ops": 69124,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.482613729041287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e9c21c30158fbb27085b3d763acfe17a43a9d0306f49853623ca569b8903b30d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:11.507000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:11.507000', 'bytes': 1486679040, 'norm_byte': 70760448, 'ops': 1451835, 'norm_ops': 69102, 'norm_ltcy': 14.474512654300888, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:11.507000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:11.507000",
+ "bytes": 1486679040,
+ "norm_byte": 70760448,
+ "ops": 1451835,
+ "norm_ops": 69102,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.474512654300888,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "37e25f1a716fcbce33cf79992319aeeb6dcee0c4626071ddc1b4f8c9166e353e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:12.508000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:12.508000', 'bytes': 1543185408, 'norm_byte': 56506368, 'ops': 1507017, 'norm_ops': 55182, 'norm_ltcy': 18.141645557541406, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:12.508000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:12.508000",
+ "bytes": 1543185408,
+ "norm_byte": 56506368,
+ "ops": 1507017,
+ "norm_ops": 55182,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.141645557541406,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc2f20b6937f0b5b81bbc175e79cd01a8ba78cc7de7a8eee1b99c0e0892a9410",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:13.510000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:13.510000', 'bytes': 1613900800, 'norm_byte': 70715392, 'ops': 1576075, 'norm_ops': 69058, 'norm_ltcy': 14.496515129266342, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:13.510000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:13.510000",
+ "bytes": 1613900800,
+ "norm_byte": 70715392,
+ "ops": 1576075,
+ "norm_ops": 69058,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.496515129266342,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14e1329d62a9c1473d370f2312fa98f5f934f7f139b1bac1b2649c9e9e3205ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:14.511000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:14.511000', 'bytes': 1671220224, 'norm_byte': 57319424, 'ops': 1632051, 'norm_ops': 55976, 'norm_ltcy': 17.88454817689724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:14.511000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:14.511000",
+ "bytes": 1671220224,
+ "norm_byte": 57319424,
+ "ops": 1632051,
+ "norm_ops": 55976,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.88454817689724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1b739822387ec20b2a8913eb88f1d5cdb897f3767b43d1a75e40d2341f18c0a5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:15.512000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:15.512000', 'bytes': 1728607232, 'norm_byte': 57387008, 'ops': 1688093, 'norm_ops': 56042, 'norm_ltcy': 17.86245329256406, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:15.512000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:15.512000",
+ "bytes": 1728607232,
+ "norm_byte": 57387008,
+ "ops": 1688093,
+ "norm_ops": 56042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.86245329256406,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee527d8a71c065ea453b4a11d961741a058240e3e4353a6d293f597d56c919b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:16.513000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:16.513000', 'bytes': 1786008576, 'norm_byte': 57401344, 'ops': 1744149, 'norm_ops': 56056, 'norm_ltcy': 17.857817928444323, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:16.513000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:16.513000",
+ "bytes": 1786008576,
+ "norm_byte": 57401344,
+ "ops": 1744149,
+ "norm_ops": 56056,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.857817928444323,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c7e67dce2ca37893fa8d42c1e1542b5579c4dc4e6cf738929cd5f058e31f6de6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:17.514000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:17.514000', 'bytes': 1857735680, 'norm_byte': 71727104, 'ops': 1814195, 'norm_ops': 70046, 'norm_ltcy': 14.291947434543015, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:17.514000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:17.514000",
+ "bytes": 1857735680,
+ "norm_byte": 71727104,
+ "ops": 1814195,
+ "norm_ops": 70046,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.291947434543015,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "29be700ea39bcbeff3c3d2a91c90156c75b39d365b4261cda8f9beefd7d48647",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:18.515000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:18.515000', 'bytes': 1927529472, 'norm_byte': 69793792, 'ops': 1882353, 'norm_ops': 68158, 'norm_ltcy': 14.687824957268406, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:18.515000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:18.515000",
+ "bytes": 1927529472,
+ "norm_byte": 69793792,
+ "ops": 1882353,
+ "norm_ops": 68158,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.687824957268406,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e85f0fd10261a5ca7ec23d5dcb4138bd733ee7a3b9e43ce590e6782b6949ba3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:19.516000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:19.516000', 'bytes': 1985901568, 'norm_byte': 58372096, 'ops': 1939357, 'norm_ops': 57004, 'norm_ltcy': 17.56181583748509, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:19.516000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:19.516000",
+ "bytes": 1985901568,
+ "norm_byte": 58372096,
+ "ops": 1939357,
+ "norm_ops": 57004,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.56181583748509,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "582e1167cd24adaf97895a40979fae14b724b40902f8c9350750d84a362aa212",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:20.517000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:20.517000', 'bytes': 2057538560, 'norm_byte': 71636992, 'ops': 2009315, 'norm_ops': 69958, 'norm_ltcy': 14.309984567749577, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:20.517000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:20.517000",
+ "bytes": 2057538560,
+ "norm_byte": 71636992,
+ "ops": 2009315,
+ "norm_ops": 69958,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.309984567749577,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a22efee36f11f3eac114d86137183e866b3933b1ae415c40e9578347b126fa6d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:21.517000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:21.517000', 'bytes': 2099688448, 'norm_byte': 42149888, 'ops': 2050477, 'norm_ops': 41162, 'norm_ltcy': 24.300023051069555, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:21.517000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:21.517000",
+ "bytes": 2099688448,
+ "norm_byte": 42149888,
+ "ops": 2050477,
+ "norm_ops": 41162,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.300023051069555,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "98567f5a390f6db5db6efc811a514eb347c99e2b33311be5470f6580f3ddba1c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:22.518000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:22.518000', 'bytes': 2155852800, 'norm_byte': 56164352, 'ops': 2105325, 'norm_ops': 54848, 'norm_ltcy': 18.25209787873988, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:22.518000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:22.518000",
+ "bytes": 2155852800,
+ "norm_byte": 56164352,
+ "ops": 2105325,
+ "norm_ops": 54848,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.25209787873988,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ce7843d99f5ce18ae2c823a8e905cea2cfe534366c53da7e40f686e33c53aaa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:23.520000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:23.520000', 'bytes': 2226568192, 'norm_byte': 70715392, 'ops': 2174383, 'norm_ops': 69058, 'norm_ltcy': 14.496412605617742, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:23.520000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:23.520000",
+ "bytes": 2226568192,
+ "norm_byte": 70715392,
+ "ops": 2174383,
+ "norm_ops": 69058,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.496412605617742,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b899104425b117556a0babff5217dd54e3efcb6d62392205b81ede14f5b270e1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:24.521000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:24.521000', 'bytes': 2297359360, 'norm_byte': 70791168, 'ops': 2243515, 'norm_ops': 69132, 'norm_ltcy': 14.480937791561795, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:24.521000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:24.521000",
+ "bytes": 2297359360,
+ "norm_byte": 70791168,
+ "ops": 2243515,
+ "norm_ops": 69132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.480937791561795,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8bfb0a4af4c981af9a304e96f2a74b49c855c6a693a140298fb7c0af7b86a439",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:25.522000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:25.522000', 'bytes': 2368396288, 'norm_byte': 71036928, 'ops': 2312887, 'norm_ops': 69372, 'norm_ltcy': 14.430754944808426, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:25.522000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:25.522000",
+ "bytes": 2368396288,
+ "norm_byte": 71036928,
+ "ops": 2312887,
+ "norm_ops": 69372,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.430754944808426,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b382f6e1b3ec6a53b2f43bfc933022da268db1733e61fc235b8757838551c56d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:26.522000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:26.522000', 'bytes': 2424765440, 'norm_byte': 56369152, 'ops': 2367935, 'norm_ops': 55048, 'norm_ltcy': 18.177375632686473, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:26.522000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:26.522000",
+ "bytes": 2424765440,
+ "norm_byte": 56369152,
+ "ops": 2367935,
+ "norm_ops": 55048,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.177375632686473,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dffde753e65182957efaf6a9de3ce28438cd02aafc72c3afe85e2d6a1248cc45",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:27.523000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:27.523000', 'bytes': 2495380480, 'norm_byte': 70615040, 'ops': 2436895, 'norm_ops': 68960, 'norm_ltcy': 14.51704551891495, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:27.523000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:27.523000",
+ "bytes": 2495380480,
+ "norm_byte": 70615040,
+ "ops": 2436895,
+ "norm_ops": 68960,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.51704551891495,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ebfabf26c519449cd506a042c0bb583a4972a7335f2013c285153dfa3dbaacea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:28.525000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:28.525000', 'bytes': 2551776256, 'norm_byte': 56395776, 'ops': 2491969, 'norm_ops': 55074, 'norm_ltcy': 18.17719912214702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:28.525000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:28.525000",
+ "bytes": 2551776256,
+ "norm_byte": 56395776,
+ "ops": 2491969,
+ "norm_ops": 55074,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.17719912214702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a3c8030f00f9c696195982c535dc2dbb837bdec2b0b94568712c6e2d142bd3c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:29.526000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:29.526000', 'bytes': 2622702592, 'norm_byte': 70926336, 'ops': 2561233, 'norm_ops': 69264, 'norm_ltcy': 14.453284320227679, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:29.526000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:29.526000",
+ "bytes": 2622702592,
+ "norm_byte": 70926336,
+ "ops": 2561233,
+ "norm_ops": 69264,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.453284320227679,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "35f71ea8a0f431a7ad9a01477274e2d44c7e53d95dd6ff5dc7d55e7cec72d771",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:30.527000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:30.527000', 'bytes': 2693596160, 'norm_byte': 70893568, 'ops': 2630465, 'norm_ops': 69232, 'norm_ltcy': 14.459982462724968, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:30.527000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:30.527000",
+ "bytes": 2693596160,
+ "norm_byte": 70893568,
+ "ops": 2630465,
+ "norm_ops": 69232,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.459982462724968,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "266ab8a2afe0ef5adf6b6fcbf5996f66b54852b51022b1ba5063b25d65526e5b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:31.527000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:31.527000', 'bytes': 2764395520, 'norm_byte': 70799360, 'ops': 2699605, 'norm_ops': 69140, 'norm_ltcy': 14.47253195509112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:31.527000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:31.527000",
+ "bytes": 2764395520,
+ "norm_byte": 70799360,
+ "ops": 2699605,
+ "norm_ops": 69140,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.47253195509112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c5e6211aadc9622b45241340136864fb0ca187e9caef43b4065f9c6342e94a4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:32.528000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:32.528000', 'bytes': 2821110784, 'norm_byte': 56715264, 'ops': 2754991, 'norm_ops': 55386, 'norm_ltcy': 18.073101978331618, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:32.528000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:32.528000",
+ "bytes": 2821110784,
+ "norm_byte": 56715264,
+ "ops": 2754991,
+ "norm_ops": 55386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.073101978331618,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08165c290949dbc6d11b4f036ab52704e1ad6636a9a50e18874c3ae1de035e23",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:33.529000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:33.529000', 'bytes': 2863057920, 'norm_byte': 41947136, 'ops': 2795955, 'norm_ops': 40964, 'norm_ltcy': 24.43609022556391, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:33.529000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:33.529000",
+ "bytes": 2863057920,
+ "norm_byte": 41947136,
+ "ops": 2795955,
+ "norm_ops": 40964,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.43609022556391,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40ea54ff87d5be46ae75cdd3f8922e5f6ca84126d71700cd775906d53d09845d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:34.530000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:34.530000', 'bytes': 2934529024, 'norm_byte': 71471104, 'ops': 2865751, 'norm_ops': 69796, 'norm_ltcy': 14.341859053975156, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:34.530000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:34.530000",
+ "bytes": 2934529024,
+ "norm_byte": 71471104,
+ "ops": 2865751,
+ "norm_ops": 69796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.341859053975156,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "856748a11250964534cf33f8a1e0aac8dda223f2208fbd192fc67ee5e27316b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:35.531000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:35.531000', 'bytes': 2974348288, 'norm_byte': 39819264, 'ops': 2904637, 'norm_ops': 38886, 'norm_ltcy': 25.74336255938834, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:35.531000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:35.531000",
+ "bytes": 2974348288,
+ "norm_byte": 39819264,
+ "ops": 2904637,
+ "norm_ops": 38886,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.74336255938834,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3475a721b247e5ec535a40e39b801819ac68743539f739f59c4448d594d3766e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:36.532000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:36.532000', 'bytes': 3033285632, 'norm_byte': 58937344, 'ops': 2962193, 'norm_ops': 57556, 'norm_ltcy': 17.390684419033203, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:36.532000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:36.532000",
+ "bytes": 3033285632,
+ "norm_byte": 58937344,
+ "ops": 2962193,
+ "norm_ops": 57556,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.390684419033203,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "742b047da504919f1fb739afa0330e2372e920717d3c4d0f062ff7bcb0962f3f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:37.533000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:37.533000', 'bytes': 3105068032, 'norm_byte': 71782400, 'ops': 3032293, 'norm_ops': 70100, 'norm_ltcy': 14.281049393723253, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:37.533000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:37.533000",
+ "bytes": 3105068032,
+ "norm_byte": 71782400,
+ "ops": 3032293,
+ "norm_ops": 70100,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.281049393723253,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "93ef82863be8b848c155b3c5051c32d9c31584762a7004deaae739b36bd5a1b0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:38.535000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:38.535000', 'bytes': 3176893440, 'norm_byte': 71825408, 'ops': 3102435, 'norm_ops': 70142, 'norm_ltcy': 14.272421536401158, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:38.535000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:38.535000",
+ "bytes": 3176893440,
+ "norm_byte": 71825408,
+ "ops": 3102435,
+ "norm_ops": 70142,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.272421536401158,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b0cc2f4d1a8179923374cecd00aee0913ee2514d1b4500ea73296bf8f6a2edcb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:39.535000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:39.535000', 'bytes': 3248700416, 'norm_byte': 71806976, 'ops': 3172559, 'norm_ops': 70124, 'norm_ltcy': 14.271900267740003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:39.535000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:39.535000",
+ "bytes": 3248700416,
+ "norm_byte": 71806976,
+ "ops": 3172559,
+ "norm_ops": 70124,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.271900267740003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d4ffb181da294761579a26241c50b4b9bbac0df45b46de8eb81cd820470d8450",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:40.536000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:40.536000', 'bytes': 3320585216, 'norm_byte': 71884800, 'ops': 3242759, 'norm_ops': 70200, 'norm_ltcy': 14.260048716835826, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:40.536000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:40.536000",
+ "bytes": 3320585216,
+ "norm_byte": 71884800,
+ "ops": 3242759,
+ "norm_ops": 70200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.260048716835826,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d23d7bbc010e1afbcb95c492d822d9c61a2186c6920926d3881588533e900e51",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:41.537000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:41.537000', 'bytes': 3391980544, 'norm_byte': 71395328, 'ops': 3312481, 'norm_ops': 69722, 'norm_ltcy': 14.357581633352815, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:41.537000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:41.537000",
+ "bytes": 3391980544,
+ "norm_byte": 71395328,
+ "ops": 3312481,
+ "norm_ops": 69722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.357581633352815,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aabb44d0c8f5f2ddb1aa6080af66828a7338f0d91dacf2b4f69d0a62a9e63240",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:42.539000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:42.539000', 'bytes': 3462876160, 'norm_byte': 70895616, 'ops': 3381715, 'norm_ops': 69234, 'norm_ltcy': 14.459624696680821, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:42.539000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:42.539000",
+ "bytes": 3462876160,
+ "norm_byte": 70895616,
+ "ops": 3381715,
+ "norm_ops": 69234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.459624696680821,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79e561f37057258111dc56fcd172633abb7d0b99bf03a2f00413ab2a4b962a4b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:43.540000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:43.540000', 'bytes': 3529028608, 'norm_byte': 66152448, 'ops': 3446317, 'norm_ops': 64602, 'norm_ltcy': 15.496471120766385, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:43.540000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:43.540000",
+ "bytes": 3529028608,
+ "norm_byte": 66152448,
+ "ops": 3446317,
+ "norm_ops": 64602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.496471120766385,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3c3e3c67585d18bb438275c07e41225c245b8dc50323a9ada27d2b06c40928f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:44.540000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:44.540000', 'bytes': 3576296448, 'norm_byte': 47267840, 'ops': 3492477, 'norm_ops': 46160, 'norm_ltcy': 21.679068686024152, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:44.540000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:44.540000",
+ "bytes": 3576296448,
+ "norm_byte": 47267840,
+ "ops": 3492477,
+ "norm_ops": 46160,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.679068686024152,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6de33f196170cd57f3e24dc6462074c6bbccf276ec028f7ec64d9b66b7866b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:45.541000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:45.541000', 'bytes': 3634467840, 'norm_byte': 58171392, 'ops': 3549285, 'norm_ops': 56808, 'norm_ltcy': 17.62275174711308, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:45.541000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:45.541000",
+ "bytes": 3634467840,
+ "norm_byte": 58171392,
+ "ops": 3549285,
+ "norm_ops": 56808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.62275174711308,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1735e9539b50178ab6a61e3fdf847b0a6bfb76746d8e715e5e9e4297854373e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:46.542000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:46.542000', 'bytes': 3703612416, 'norm_byte': 69144576, 'ops': 3616809, 'norm_ops': 67524, 'norm_ltcy': 14.822659408599165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:46.542000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:46.542000",
+ "bytes": 3703612416,
+ "norm_byte": 69144576,
+ "ops": 3616809,
+ "norm_ops": 67524,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.822659408599165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "151db398d56e7f503e1bd69f0c7d9cf73c04f9154ee8091753a624e07d3fa996",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:47.543000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:47.543000', 'bytes': 3759838208, 'norm_byte': 56225792, 'ops': 3671717, 'norm_ops': 54908, 'norm_ltcy': 18.232406579528483, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:47.543000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:47.543000",
+ "bytes": 3759838208,
+ "norm_byte": 56225792,
+ "ops": 3671717,
+ "norm_ops": 54908,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.232406579528483,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e2999d6ca9ab792101e54097c215e0418d5fbe8c35b26d7148ee37a147cb295",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:25:48.745000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:25:48.745000', 'bytes': 3802371072, 'norm_byte': 42532864, 'ops': 3713253, 'norm_ops': 41536, 'norm_ltcy': 28.923775271752213, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:25:48.745000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:25:48.745000",
+ "bytes": 3802371072,
+ "norm_byte": 42532864,
+ "ops": 3713253,
+ "norm_ops": 41536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.923775271752213,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "96a381c0-7e72-568e-82b1-e900bbbdb725",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac6792b0091f7dcaa6ac498d14fb5dead9ea6243d94c3c7f7b56e51d6146b78e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63372851.2
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61887.55
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 24.306826409794272
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:25:48Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-115-220519232203/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-115-220519232203/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49f8542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-115-220519232203/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-115-220519232203/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-115-220519232203/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-115-220519232203/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-115-220519232203/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-115-220519232203/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2d4dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-115-220519232203/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=25
+ net.core.busy_read=30
+ net.core.busy_poll=70
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-116-220519232404/220519232404-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-116-220519232404/220519232404-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea9e235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-116-220519232404/220519232404-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:26:47Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002808824.3560 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002809825.4592 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002809825.5483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002810826.6406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35056640 nr_ops:34235\ntimestamp_ms:1653002811827.7424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70413312 nr_ops:68763\ntimestamp_ms:1653002812828.8467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105638912 nr_ops:103163\ntimestamp_ms:1653002813829.9006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141267968 nr_ops:137957\ntimestamp_ms:1653002814830.9993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176493568 nr_ops:172357\ntimestamp_ms:1653002815832.0977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211792896 nr_ops:206829\ntimestamp_ms:1653002816833.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247014400 nr_ops:241225\ntimestamp_ms:1653002817834.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282072064 nr_ops:275461\ntimestamp_ms:1653002818835.3562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317728768 nr_ops:310282\ntimestamp_ms:1653002819836.4624 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353199104 nr_ops:344921\ntimestamp_ms:1653002820837.5637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388542464 nr_ops:379436\ntimestamp_ms:1653002821838.6882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423779328 nr_ops:413847\ntimestamp_ms:1653002822839.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458988544 nr_ops:448231\ntimestamp_ms:1653002823840.8762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494297088 nr_ops:482712\ntimestamp_ms:1653002824841.9722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529619968 nr_ops:517207\ntimestamp_ms:1653002825843.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564886528 nr_ops:551647\ntimestamp_ms:1653002826844.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600030208 nr_ops:585967\ntimestamp_ms:1653002827845.2666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635360256 nr_ops:620469\ntimestamp_ms:1653002828846.3772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670733312 nr_ops:655013\ntimestamp_ms:1653002829847.4692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706106368 nr_ops:689557\ntimestamp_ms:1653002830848.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741530624 nr_ops:724151\ntimestamp_ms:1653002831849.6099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776729600 nr_ops:758525\ntimestamp_ms:1653002832850.6460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812399616 nr_ops:793359\ntimestamp_ms:1653002833851.7451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847516672 nr_ops:827653\ntimestamp_ms:1653002834852.8589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883024896 nr_ops:862329\ntimestamp_ms:1653002835853.9524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918565888 nr_ops:897037\ntimestamp_ms:1653002836855.0510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953740288 nr_ops:931387\ntimestamp_ms:1653002837856.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989006848 nr_ops:965827\ntimestamp_ms:1653002838856.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024408576 nr_ops:1000399\ntimestamp_ms:1653002839858.0024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059640320 nr_ops:1034805\ntimestamp_ms:1653002840859.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094677504 nr_ops:1069021\ntimestamp_ms:1653002841860.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130114048 nr_ops:1103627\ntimestamp_ms:1653002842861.3274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165413376 nr_ops:1138099\ntimestamp_ms:1653002843862.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200768000 nr_ops:1172625\ntimestamp_ms:1653002844863.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236151296 nr_ops:1207179\ntimestamp_ms:1653002845864.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264081920 nr_ops:1234455\ntimestamp_ms:1653002846865.5918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299415040 nr_ops:1268960\ntimestamp_ms:1653002847865.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1334594560 nr_ops:1303315\ntimestamp_ms:1653002848866.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1369707520 nr_ops:1337605\ntimestamp_ms:1653002849867.8677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1404814336 nr_ops:1371889\ntimestamp_ms:1653002850868.9097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440023552 nr_ops:1406273\ntimestamp_ms:1653002851869.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1475245056 nr_ops:1440669\ntimestamp_ms:1653002852870.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1510880256 nr_ops:1475469\ntimestamp_ms:1653002853872.0532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1545985024 nr_ops:1509751\ntimestamp_ms:1653002854873.1489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581380608 nr_ops:1544317\ntimestamp_ms:1653002855874.2427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1616825344 nr_ops:1578931\ntimestamp_ms:1653002856875.3845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652120576 nr_ops:1613399\ntimestamp_ms:1653002857876.4836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1687317504 nr_ops:1647771\ntimestamp_ms:1653002858877.6006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1722706944 nr_ops:1682331\ntimestamp_ms:1653002859878.7014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1757828096 nr_ops:1716629\ntimestamp_ms:1653002860879.8132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1792939008 nr_ops:1750917\ntimestamp_ms:1653002861880.9167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1827818496 nr_ops:1784979\ntimestamp_ms:1653002862882.0129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1862840320 nr_ops:1819180\ntimestamp_ms:1653002863883.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1898310656 nr_ops:1853819\ntimestamp_ms:1653002864884.2422 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1933341696 nr_ops:1888029\ntimestamp_ms:1653002865885.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968687104 nr_ops:1922546\ntimestamp_ms:1653002866886.4446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2003966976 nr_ops:1956999\ntimestamp_ms:1653002867887.5522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2039317504 nr_ops:1991521\ntimestamp_ms:1653002868888.6497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2074194944 nr_ops:2025581\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140099393820416\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.0483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2109027328 nr_ops:2059597\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.1267 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.1367 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870190.3599 name:Total nr_bytes:2109027328 nr_ops:2059598\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.2520 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4218054654 nr_ops:4119196\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.2524 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2109027328 nr_ops:2059600\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 264.75us 0.00ns 264.75us 264.75us \nTxn1 1029799 58.28us 0.00ns 203.61ms 25.14us \nTxn2 1 45.06us 0.00ns 45.06us 45.06us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 264.18us 0.00ns 264.18us 264.18us \nwrite 1029799 3.92us 0.00ns 102.18us 2.23us \nread 1029798 54.25us 0.00ns 203.61ms 4.27us \ndisconnect 1 44.55us 0.00ns 44.55us 44.55us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \nnet1 16512 16512 143.98Mb/s 143.98Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.211 62.37s 1.96GB 270.53Mb/s 2059600 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.96GB 270.53Mb/s 2059600 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416921, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002808824.3560 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002809825.4592 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002809825.5483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002810826.6406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35056640 nr_ops:34235\ntimestamp_ms:1653002811827.7424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70413312 nr_ops:68763\ntimestamp_ms:1653002812828.8467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105638912 nr_ops:103163\ntimestamp_ms:1653002813829.9006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141267968 nr_ops:137957\ntimestamp_ms:1653002814830.9993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176493568 nr_ops:172357\ntimestamp_ms:1653002815832.0977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211792896 nr_ops:206829\ntimestamp_ms:1653002816833.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247014400 nr_ops:241225\ntimestamp_ms:1653002817834.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282072064 nr_ops:275461\ntimestamp_ms:1653002818835.3562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317728768 nr_ops:310282\ntimestamp_ms:1653002819836.4624 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353199104 nr_ops:344921\ntimestamp_ms:1653002820837.5637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388542464 nr_ops:379436\ntimestamp_ms:1653002821838.6882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423779328 nr_ops:413847\ntimestamp_ms:1653002822839.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458988544 nr_ops:448231\ntimestamp_ms:1653002823840.8762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494297088 nr_ops:482712\ntimestamp_ms:1653002824841.9722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529619968 nr_ops:517207\ntimestamp_ms:1653002825843.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564886528 nr_ops:551647\ntimestamp_ms:1653002826844.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600030208 nr_ops:585967\ntimestamp_ms:1653002827845.2666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635360256 nr_ops:620469\ntimestamp_ms:1653002828846.3772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670733312 nr_ops:655013\ntimestamp_ms:1653002829847.4692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706106368 nr_ops:689557\ntimestamp_ms:1653002830848.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741530624 nr_ops:724151\ntimestamp_ms:1653002831849.6099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776729600 nr_ops:758525\ntimestamp_ms:1653002832850.6460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812399616 nr_ops:793359\ntimestamp_ms:1653002833851.7451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847516672 nr_ops:827653\ntimestamp_ms:1653002834852.8589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883024896 nr_ops:862329\ntimestamp_ms:1653002835853.9524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918565888 nr_ops:897037\ntimestamp_ms:1653002836855.0510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953740288 nr_ops:931387\ntimestamp_ms:1653002837856.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989006848 nr_ops:965827\ntimestamp_ms:1653002838856.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024408576 nr_ops:1000399\ntimestamp_ms:1653002839858.0024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059640320 nr_ops:1034805\ntimestamp_ms:1653002840859.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094677504 nr_ops:1069021\ntimestamp_ms:1653002841860.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130114048 nr_ops:1103627\ntimestamp_ms:1653002842861.3274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165413376 nr_ops:1138099\ntimestamp_ms:1653002843862.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200768000 nr_ops:1172625\ntimestamp_ms:1653002844863.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236151296 nr_ops:1207179\ntimestamp_ms:1653002845864.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264081920 nr_ops:1234455\ntimestamp_ms:1653002846865.5918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299415040 nr_ops:1268960\ntimestamp_ms:1653002847865.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1334594560 nr_ops:1303315\ntimestamp_ms:1653002848866.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1369707520 nr_ops:1337605\ntimestamp_ms:1653002849867.8677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1404814336 nr_ops:1371889\ntimestamp_ms:1653002850868.9097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440023552 nr_ops:1406273\ntimestamp_ms:1653002851869.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1475245056 nr_ops:1440669\ntimestamp_ms:1653002852870.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1510880256 nr_ops:1475469\ntimestamp_ms:1653002853872.0532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1545985024 nr_ops:1509751\ntimestamp_ms:1653002854873.1489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581380608 nr_ops:1544317\ntimestamp_ms:1653002855874.2427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1616825344 nr_ops:1578931\ntimestamp_ms:1653002856875.3845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652120576 nr_ops:1613399\ntimestamp_ms:1653002857876.4836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1687317504 nr_ops:1647771\ntimestamp_ms:1653002858877.6006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1722706944 nr_ops:1682331\ntimestamp_ms:1653002859878.7014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1757828096 nr_ops:1716629\ntimestamp_ms:1653002860879.8132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1792939008 nr_ops:1750917\ntimestamp_ms:1653002861880.9167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1827818496 nr_ops:1784979\ntimestamp_ms:1653002862882.0129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1862840320 nr_ops:1819180\ntimestamp_ms:1653002863883.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1898310656 nr_ops:1853819\ntimestamp_ms:1653002864884.2422 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1933341696 nr_ops:1888029\ntimestamp_ms:1653002865885.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968687104 nr_ops:1922546\ntimestamp_ms:1653002866886.4446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2003966976 nr_ops:1956999\ntimestamp_ms:1653002867887.5522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2039317504 nr_ops:1991521\ntimestamp_ms:1653002868888.6497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2074194944 nr_ops:2025581\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140099393820416\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.0483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2109027328 nr_ops:2059597\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.1267 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.1367 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870190.3599 name:Total nr_bytes:2109027328 nr_ops:2059598\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.2520 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4218054654 nr_ops:4119196\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.2524 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2109027328 nr_ops:2059600\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 264.75us 0.00ns 264.75us 264.75us \nTxn1 1029799 58.28us 0.00ns 203.61ms 25.14us \nTxn2 1 45.06us 0.00ns 45.06us 45.06us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 264.18us 0.00ns 264.18us 264.18us \nwrite 1029799 3.92us 0.00ns 102.18us 2.23us \nread 1029798 54.25us 0.00ns 203.61ms 4.27us \ndisconnect 1 44.55us 0.00ns 44.55us 44.55us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \nnet1 16512 16512 143.98Mb/s 143.98Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.211 62.37s 1.96GB 270.53Mb/s 2059600 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.96GB 270.53Mb/s 2059600 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416921, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002808824.3560 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002809825.4592 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002809825.5483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002810826.6406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35056640 nr_ops:34235\ntimestamp_ms:1653002811827.7424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70413312 nr_ops:68763\ntimestamp_ms:1653002812828.8467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105638912 nr_ops:103163\ntimestamp_ms:1653002813829.9006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141267968 nr_ops:137957\ntimestamp_ms:1653002814830.9993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176493568 nr_ops:172357\ntimestamp_ms:1653002815832.0977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211792896 nr_ops:206829\ntimestamp_ms:1653002816833.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247014400 nr_ops:241225\ntimestamp_ms:1653002817834.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282072064 nr_ops:275461\ntimestamp_ms:1653002818835.3562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317728768 nr_ops:310282\ntimestamp_ms:1653002819836.4624 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353199104 nr_ops:344921\ntimestamp_ms:1653002820837.5637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388542464 nr_ops:379436\ntimestamp_ms:1653002821838.6882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423779328 nr_ops:413847\ntimestamp_ms:1653002822839.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458988544 nr_ops:448231\ntimestamp_ms:1653002823840.8762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494297088 nr_ops:482712\ntimestamp_ms:1653002824841.9722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529619968 nr_ops:517207\ntimestamp_ms:1653002825843.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564886528 nr_ops:551647\ntimestamp_ms:1653002826844.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600030208 nr_ops:585967\ntimestamp_ms:1653002827845.2666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635360256 nr_ops:620469\ntimestamp_ms:1653002828846.3772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670733312 nr_ops:655013\ntimestamp_ms:1653002829847.4692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706106368 nr_ops:689557\ntimestamp_ms:1653002830848.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741530624 nr_ops:724151\ntimestamp_ms:1653002831849.6099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776729600 nr_ops:758525\ntimestamp_ms:1653002832850.6460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812399616 nr_ops:793359\ntimestamp_ms:1653002833851.7451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847516672 nr_ops:827653\ntimestamp_ms:1653002834852.8589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883024896 nr_ops:862329\ntimestamp_ms:1653002835853.9524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918565888 nr_ops:897037\ntimestamp_ms:1653002836855.0510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953740288 nr_ops:931387\ntimestamp_ms:1653002837856.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989006848 nr_ops:965827\ntimestamp_ms:1653002838856.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024408576 nr_ops:1000399\ntimestamp_ms:1653002839858.0024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059640320 nr_ops:1034805\ntimestamp_ms:1653002840859.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094677504 nr_ops:1069021\ntimestamp_ms:1653002841860.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130114048 nr_ops:1103627\ntimestamp_ms:1653002842861.3274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165413376 nr_ops:1138099\ntimestamp_ms:1653002843862.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200768000 nr_ops:1172625\ntimestamp_ms:1653002844863.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236151296 nr_ops:1207179\ntimestamp_ms:1653002845864.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264081920 nr_ops:1234455\ntimestamp_ms:1653002846865.5918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299415040 nr_ops:1268960\ntimestamp_ms:1653002847865.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1334594560 nr_ops:1303315\ntimestamp_ms:1653002848866.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1369707520 nr_ops:1337605\ntimestamp_ms:1653002849867.8677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1404814336 nr_ops:1371889\ntimestamp_ms:1653002850868.9097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440023552 nr_ops:1406273\ntimestamp_ms:1653002851869.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1475245056 nr_ops:1440669\ntimestamp_ms:1653002852870.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1510880256 nr_ops:1475469\ntimestamp_ms:1653002853872.0532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1545985024 nr_ops:1509751\ntimestamp_ms:1653002854873.1489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581380608 nr_ops:1544317\ntimestamp_ms:1653002855874.2427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1616825344 nr_ops:1578931\ntimestamp_ms:1653002856875.3845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652120576 nr_ops:1613399\ntimestamp_ms:1653002857876.4836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1687317504 nr_ops:1647771\ntimestamp_ms:1653002858877.6006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1722706944 nr_ops:1682331\ntimestamp_ms:1653002859878.7014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1757828096 nr_ops:1716629\ntimestamp_ms:1653002860879.8132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1792939008 nr_ops:1750917\ntimestamp_ms:1653002861880.9167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1827818496 nr_ops:1784979\ntimestamp_ms:1653002862882.0129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1862840320 nr_ops:1819180\ntimestamp_ms:1653002863883.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1898310656 nr_ops:1853819\ntimestamp_ms:1653002864884.2422 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1933341696 nr_ops:1888029\ntimestamp_ms:1653002865885.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968687104 nr_ops:1922546\ntimestamp_ms:1653002866886.4446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2003966976 nr_ops:1956999\ntimestamp_ms:1653002867887.5522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2039317504 nr_ops:1991521\ntimestamp_ms:1653002868888.6497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2074194944 nr_ops:2025581\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140099393820416\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.0483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2109027328 nr_ops:2059597\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.1267 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.1367 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870190.3599 name:Total nr_bytes:2109027328 nr_ops:2059598\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.2520 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4218054654 nr_ops:4119196\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002870090.2524 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2109027328 nr_ops:2059600\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 264.75us 0.00ns 264.75us 264.75us \nTxn1 1029799 58.28us 0.00ns 203.61ms 25.14us \nTxn2 1 45.06us 0.00ns 45.06us 45.06us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 264.18us 0.00ns 264.18us 264.18us \nwrite 1029799 3.92us 0.00ns 102.18us 2.23us \nread 1029798 54.25us 0.00ns 203.61ms 4.27us \ndisconnect 1 44.55us 0.00ns 44.55us 44.55us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s \nnet1 16512 16512 143.98Mb/s 143.98Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.211 62.37s 1.96GB 270.53Mb/s 2059600 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.96GB 270.53Mb/s 2059600 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416921, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002808824.3560 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002809825.4592 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002809825.5483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002810826.6406 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35056640 nr_ops:34235
+timestamp_ms:1653002811827.7424 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70413312 nr_ops:68763
+timestamp_ms:1653002812828.8467 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105638912 nr_ops:103163
+timestamp_ms:1653002813829.9006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141267968 nr_ops:137957
+timestamp_ms:1653002814830.9993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176493568 nr_ops:172357
+timestamp_ms:1653002815832.0977 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211792896 nr_ops:206829
+timestamp_ms:1653002816833.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:247014400 nr_ops:241225
+timestamp_ms:1653002817834.2429 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282072064 nr_ops:275461
+timestamp_ms:1653002818835.3562 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317728768 nr_ops:310282
+timestamp_ms:1653002819836.4624 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353199104 nr_ops:344921
+timestamp_ms:1653002820837.5637 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:388542464 nr_ops:379436
+timestamp_ms:1653002821838.6882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423779328 nr_ops:413847
+timestamp_ms:1653002822839.7869 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458988544 nr_ops:448231
+timestamp_ms:1653002823840.8762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:494297088 nr_ops:482712
+timestamp_ms:1653002824841.9722 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529619968 nr_ops:517207
+timestamp_ms:1653002825843.0764 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564886528 nr_ops:551647
+timestamp_ms:1653002826844.1731 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600030208 nr_ops:585967
+timestamp_ms:1653002827845.2666 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635360256 nr_ops:620469
+timestamp_ms:1653002828846.3772 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670733312 nr_ops:655013
+timestamp_ms:1653002829847.4692 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706106368 nr_ops:689557
+timestamp_ms:1653002830848.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:741530624 nr_ops:724151
+timestamp_ms:1653002831849.6099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:776729600 nr_ops:758525
+timestamp_ms:1653002832850.6460 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812399616 nr_ops:793359
+timestamp_ms:1653002833851.7451 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847516672 nr_ops:827653
+timestamp_ms:1653002834852.8589 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:883024896 nr_ops:862329
+timestamp_ms:1653002835853.9524 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918565888 nr_ops:897037
+timestamp_ms:1653002836855.0510 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953740288 nr_ops:931387
+timestamp_ms:1653002837856.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989006848 nr_ops:965827
+timestamp_ms:1653002838856.8416 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024408576 nr_ops:1000399
+timestamp_ms:1653002839858.0024 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1059640320 nr_ops:1034805
+timestamp_ms:1653002840859.1013 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094677504 nr_ops:1069021
+timestamp_ms:1653002841860.2092 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1130114048 nr_ops:1103627
+timestamp_ms:1653002842861.3274 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165413376 nr_ops:1138099
+timestamp_ms:1653002843862.3652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200768000 nr_ops:1172625
+timestamp_ms:1653002844863.4014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1236151296 nr_ops:1207179
+timestamp_ms:1653002845864.4956 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1264081920 nr_ops:1234455
+timestamp_ms:1653002846865.5918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1299415040 nr_ops:1268960
+timestamp_ms:1653002847865.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1334594560 nr_ops:1303315
+timestamp_ms:1653002848866.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1369707520 nr_ops:1337605
+timestamp_ms:1653002849867.8677 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1404814336 nr_ops:1371889
+timestamp_ms:1653002850868.9097 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440023552 nr_ops:1406273
+timestamp_ms:1653002851869.8430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1475245056 nr_ops:1440669
+timestamp_ms:1653002852870.9375 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1510880256 nr_ops:1475469
+timestamp_ms:1653002853872.0532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1545985024 nr_ops:1509751
+timestamp_ms:1653002854873.1489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1581380608 nr_ops:1544317
+timestamp_ms:1653002855874.2427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1616825344 nr_ops:1578931
+timestamp_ms:1653002856875.3845 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1652120576 nr_ops:1613399
+timestamp_ms:1653002857876.4836 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1687317504 nr_ops:1647771
+timestamp_ms:1653002858877.6006 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1722706944 nr_ops:1682331
+timestamp_ms:1653002859878.7014 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1757828096 nr_ops:1716629
+timestamp_ms:1653002860879.8132 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1792939008 nr_ops:1750917
+timestamp_ms:1653002861880.9167 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1827818496 nr_ops:1784979
+timestamp_ms:1653002862882.0129 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1862840320 nr_ops:1819180
+timestamp_ms:1653002863883.1211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1898310656 nr_ops:1853819
+timestamp_ms:1653002864884.2422 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1933341696 nr_ops:1888029
+timestamp_ms:1653002865885.3403 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1968687104 nr_ops:1922546
+timestamp_ms:1653002866886.4446 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2003966976 nr_ops:1956999
+timestamp_ms:1653002867887.5522 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2039317504 nr_ops:1991521
+timestamp_ms:1653002868888.6497 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2074194944 nr_ops:2025581
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140099393820416
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653002870090.0483 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2109027328 nr_ops:2059597
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002870090.1267 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002870090.1367 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002870190.3599 name:Total nr_bytes:2109027328 nr_ops:2059598
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002870090.2520 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4218054654 nr_ops:4119196
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002870090.2524 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2109027328 nr_ops:2059600
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 264.75us 0.00ns 264.75us 264.75us
+Txn1 1029799 58.28us 0.00ns 203.61ms 25.14us
+Txn2 1 45.06us 0.00ns 45.06us 45.06us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 264.18us 0.00ns 264.18us 264.18us
+write 1029799 3.92us 0.00ns 102.18us 2.23us
+read 1029798 54.25us 0.00ns 203.61ms 4.27us
+disconnect 1 44.55us 0.00ns 44.55us 44.55us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 797.34b/s
+net1 16512 16512 143.98Mb/s 143.98Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.211 62.37s 1.96GB 270.53Mb/s 2059600 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.96GB 270.53Mb/s 2059600 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:26:50.826000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:26:50.826000', 'bytes': 35056640, 'norm_byte': 35056640, 'ops': 34235, 'norm_ops': 34235, 'norm_ltcy': 29.241778447677813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:26:50.826000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:26:50.826000",
+ "bytes": 35056640,
+ "norm_byte": 35056640,
+ "ops": 34235,
+ "norm_ops": 34235,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.241778447677813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "902c754a1e7f6b6fbb7ccae6852faf43d6352ea63b152a5568451584275fc3c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:26:51.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:26:51.827000', 'bytes': 70413312, 'norm_byte': 35356672, 'ops': 68763, 'norm_ops': 34528, 'norm_ltcy': 28.993912379536173, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:26:51.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:26:51.827000",
+ "bytes": 70413312,
+ "norm_byte": 35356672,
+ "ops": 68763,
+ "norm_ops": 34528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.993912379536173,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca1b2f3b8fbe4be82c78dee359f1fc9350e1b07d9deaa0cc3ed3fea2f0f7e726",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:26:52.828000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:26:52.828000', 'bytes': 105638912, 'norm_byte': 35225600, 'ops': 103163, 'norm_ops': 34400, 'norm_ltcy': 29.10186767578125, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:26:52.828000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:26:52.828000",
+ "bytes": 105638912,
+ "norm_byte": 35225600,
+ "ops": 103163,
+ "norm_ops": 34400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.10186767578125,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3949e26528a1183d44525ca45ff6bb2a9597c215089180a0ff7fe5ba0f4c7018",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:26:53.829000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:26:53.829000', 'bytes': 141267968, 'norm_byte': 35629056, 'ops': 137957, 'norm_ops': 34794, 'norm_ltcy': 28.770878745706874, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:26:53.829000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:26:53.829000",
+ "bytes": 141267968,
+ "norm_byte": 35629056,
+ "ops": 137957,
+ "norm_ops": 34794,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.770878745706874,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c5d509d9f6bac08d13e91bd321e136b735fc4221a189a9fa7fc13c306bd343f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:26:54.830000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:26:54.830000', 'bytes': 176493568, 'norm_byte': 35225600, 'ops': 172357, 'norm_ops': 34400, 'norm_ltcy': 29.101704442223838, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:26:54.830000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:26:54.830000",
+ "bytes": 176493568,
+ "norm_byte": 35225600,
+ "ops": 172357,
+ "norm_ops": 34400,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.101704442223838,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ba6c7c7a336b6c03822fc52f654c365808194c201cc0e55777130ff9113d344",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:26:55.832000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:26:55.832000', 'bytes': 211792896, 'norm_byte': 35299328, 'ops': 206829, 'norm_ops': 34472, 'norm_ltcy': 29.040914036663814, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:26:55.832000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:26:55.832000",
+ "bytes": 211792896,
+ "norm_byte": 35299328,
+ "ops": 206829,
+ "norm_ops": 34472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.040914036663814,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f38a7cf048ec109ebd684113f890b92b8436ca02bc6b6eb8f6b0235e2fce577",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:26:56.833000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:26:56.833000', 'bytes': 247014400, 'norm_byte': 35221504, 'ops': 241225, 'norm_ops': 34396, 'norm_ltcy': 29.103292976926824, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:26:56.833000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:26:56.833000",
+ "bytes": 247014400,
+ "norm_byte": 35221504,
+ "ops": 241225,
+ "norm_ops": 34396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.103292976926824,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "78257b011fbcab728a402e1685157d9ec43c4737eb009e08435fd952014c21ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:26:57.834000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:26:57.834000', 'bytes': 282072064, 'norm_byte': 35057664, 'ops': 275461, 'norm_ops': 34236, 'norm_ltcy': 29.241394977143944, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:26:57.834000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:26:57.834000",
+ "bytes": 282072064,
+ "norm_byte": 35057664,
+ "ops": 275461,
+ "norm_ops": 34236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.241394977143944,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a0c1d5371be889f08faeca49bbdcc11b8c15e7eaf18a80862c5f38466dd5de26",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:26:58.835000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:26:58.835000', 'bytes': 317728768, 'norm_byte': 35656704, 'ops': 310282, 'norm_ops': 34821, 'norm_ltcy': 28.750273721317594, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:26:58.835000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:26:58.835000",
+ "bytes": 317728768,
+ "norm_byte": 35656704,
+ "ops": 310282,
+ "norm_ops": 34821,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.750273721317594,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d1365685fe891133a7b1f6d941a1e957bafcf7876d18ab142ba42013c4b1fee2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:26:59.836000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:26:59.836000', 'bytes': 353199104, 'norm_byte': 35470336, 'ops': 344921, 'norm_ops': 34639, 'norm_ltcy': 28.90112881930411, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:26:59.836000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:26:59.836000",
+ "bytes": 353199104,
+ "norm_byte": 35470336,
+ "ops": 344921,
+ "norm_ops": 34639,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.90112881930411,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc3aac845017133c04c1d9dc3e4a2b3e1fd5d7020ea2c64883b9e38889db23b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:00.837000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:00.837000', 'bytes': 388542464, 'norm_byte': 35343360, 'ops': 379436, 'norm_ops': 34515, 'norm_ltcy': 29.004818726912212, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:00.837000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:00.837000",
+ "bytes": 388542464,
+ "norm_byte": 35343360,
+ "ops": 379436,
+ "norm_ops": 34515,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.004818726912212,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7edf03fc755d6f2291a8fc9aa4c41ccae00d00c0e0b87fd62e99db40ef749705",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:01.838000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:01.838000', 'bytes': 423779328, 'norm_byte': 35236864, 'ops': 413847, 'norm_ops': 34411, 'norm_ltcy': 29.093153692678214, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:01.838000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:01.838000",
+ "bytes": 423779328,
+ "norm_byte": 35236864,
+ "ops": 413847,
+ "norm_ops": 34411,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.093153692678214,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "57ece5420bc4eb9c6518b0c5e2468d200447e0256ce4f5d3239de14ee184dc6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:02.839000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:02.839000', 'bytes': 458988544, 'norm_byte': 35209216, 'ops': 448231, 'norm_ops': 34384, 'norm_ltcy': 29.115246417301652, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:02.839000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:02.839000",
+ "bytes": 458988544,
+ "norm_byte": 35209216,
+ "ops": 448231,
+ "norm_ops": 34384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.115246417301652,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "036d056c08f469ae3e1ba1ed1dd23b7e4038787f331fb9af38ea089bfe1c0844",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:03.840000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:03.840000', 'bytes': 494297088, 'norm_byte': 35308544, 'ops': 482712, 'norm_ops': 34481, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03307199526551, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:03.840000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:03.840000",
+ "bytes": 494297088,
+ "norm_byte": 35308544,
+ "ops": 482712,
+ "norm_ops": 34481,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03307199526551,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d65fd607b9111045c87ccca68673f7c942d312de1564960e7aa9476b09606a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:04.841000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:04.841000', 'bytes': 529619968, 'norm_byte': 35322880, 'ops': 517207, 'norm_ops': 34495, 'norm_ltcy': 29.021479845358023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:04.841000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:04.841000",
+ "bytes": 529619968,
+ "norm_byte": 35322880,
+ "ops": 517207,
+ "norm_ops": 34495,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.021479845358023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7cf68b72b17b89bf9c98c79d10e1026d182f78af5c445a7bd0e304caccb0c84",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:05.843000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:05.843000', 'bytes': 564886528, 'norm_byte': 35266560, 'ops': 551647, 'norm_ops': 34440, 'norm_ltcy': 29.068067597179876, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:05.843000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:05.843000",
+ "bytes": 564886528,
+ "norm_byte": 35266560,
+ "ops": 551647,
+ "norm_ops": 34440,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.068067597179876,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa61db1da76f5493bc8db107b7e19a54747b7c7c669dca7ab9b1db5aefd4cd18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:06.844000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:06.844000', 'bytes': 600030208, 'norm_byte': 35143680, 'ops': 585967, 'norm_ops': 34320, 'norm_ltcy': 29.169483673878208, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:06.844000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:06.844000",
+ "bytes": 600030208,
+ "norm_byte": 35143680,
+ "ops": 585967,
+ "norm_ops": 34320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.169483673878208,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e671b6a00d50ea9ec19ac03fadfb0a56404ec2e9a805c14ec5c21046d375d42f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:07.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:07.845000', 'bytes': 635360256, 'norm_byte': 35330048, 'ops': 620469, 'norm_ops': 34502, 'norm_ltcy': 29.015521009198743, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:07.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:07.845000",
+ "bytes": 635360256,
+ "norm_byte": 35330048,
+ "ops": 620469,
+ "norm_ops": 34502,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.015521009198743,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79999aac1f7a84cb5bf87c870a94a33d678005d2e8dfaf5ba1b597cf6fc7866e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:08.846000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:08.846000', 'bytes': 670733312, 'norm_byte': 35373056, 'ops': 655013, 'norm_ops': 34544, 'norm_ltcy': 28.98073748561617, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:08.846000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:08.846000",
+ "bytes": 670733312,
+ "norm_byte": 35373056,
+ "ops": 655013,
+ "norm_ops": 34544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.98073748561617,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f6cb26020ca6b9ea5a9860ae2974b86a0438dd9bd4d856b1a52cb9256e950a9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:09.847000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:09.847000', 'bytes': 706106368, 'norm_byte': 35373056, 'ops': 689557, 'norm_ops': 34544, 'norm_ltcy': 28.980200353625087, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:09.847000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:09.847000",
+ "bytes": 706106368,
+ "norm_byte": 35373056,
+ "ops": 689557,
+ "norm_ops": 34544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.980200353625087,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9376a9c6ab3e98e143a3544081cef6f2e155e276c2f5062f483d4cfd4b52e627",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:10.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:10.848000', 'bytes': 741530624, 'norm_byte': 35424256, 'ops': 724151, 'norm_ops': 34594, 'norm_ltcy': 28.93841299024036, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:10.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:10.848000",
+ "bytes": 741530624,
+ "norm_byte": 35424256,
+ "ops": 724151,
+ "norm_ops": 34594,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.93841299024036,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7982808d24b89ed7b178b3025a1f6d55e5f20b08c228424db97060273340be18",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:11.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:11.849000', 'bytes': 776729600, 'norm_byte': 35198976, 'ops': 758525, 'norm_ops': 34374, 'norm_ltcy': 29.122161110595947, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:11.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:11.849000",
+ "bytes": 776729600,
+ "norm_byte": 35198976,
+ "ops": 758525,
+ "norm_ops": 34374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.122161110595947,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1eab55467f0f8c1589e55e752d9f3b6b3403ce41e47869d00b36058626cb127d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:12.850000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:12.850000', 'bytes': 812399616, 'norm_byte': 35670016, 'ops': 793359, 'norm_ops': 34834, 'norm_ltcy': 28.73732941414997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:12.850000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:12.850000",
+ "bytes": 812399616,
+ "norm_byte": 35670016,
+ "ops": 793359,
+ "norm_ops": 34834,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.73732941414997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e51b9980f816c7c9c695f950a28ed530bf67fca3c4567a67e175f3aed75b009",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:13.851000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:13.851000', 'bytes': 847516672, 'norm_byte': 35117056, 'ops': 827653, 'norm_ops': 34294, 'norm_ltcy': 29.19166971172071, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:13.851000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:13.851000",
+ "bytes": 847516672,
+ "norm_byte": 35117056,
+ "ops": 827653,
+ "norm_ops": 34294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.19166971172071,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d8c863c4979c9672e3c4e8eff671f1a733d20dfc6c8b8599507fd48831933d92",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:14.852000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:14.852000', 'bytes': 883024896, 'norm_byte': 35508224, 'ops': 862329, 'norm_ops': 34676, 'norm_ltcy': 28.87050898405958, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:14.852000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:14.852000",
+ "bytes": 883024896,
+ "norm_byte": 35508224,
+ "ops": 862329,
+ "norm_ops": 34676,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.87050898405958,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "39f86c52a2e654b55d97531e1639fb3fbcea0561bc25db0ab7fdaa0e954321b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:15.853000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:15.853000', 'bytes': 918565888, 'norm_byte': 35540992, 'ops': 897037, 'norm_ops': 34708, 'norm_ltcy': 28.84330718737395, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:15.853000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:15.853000",
+ "bytes": 918565888,
+ "norm_byte": 35540992,
+ "ops": 897037,
+ "norm_ops": 34708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.84330718737395,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1deff8e47ba500c5f849a8bdf435054038c380f959d9fd06eb241e1d705d564b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:16.855000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:16.855000', 'bytes': 953740288, 'norm_byte': 35174400, 'ops': 931387, 'norm_ops': 34350, 'norm_ltcy': 29.144065001819506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:16.855000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:16.855000",
+ "bytes": 953740288,
+ "norm_byte": 35174400,
+ "ops": 931387,
+ "norm_ops": 34350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.144065001819506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2cafaabd8a0282deef894e4da147b2478bf1985cad35ae06ae77a66f56dfa6ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:17.856000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:17.856000', 'bytes': 989006848, 'norm_byte': 35266560, 'ops': 965827, 'norm_ops': 34440, 'norm_ltcy': 29.067932908681765, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:17.856000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:17.856000",
+ "bytes": 989006848,
+ "norm_byte": 35266560,
+ "ops": 965827,
+ "norm_ops": 34440,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.067932908681765,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4e4eae29477c3b84dd56eded49bcf6f071991f2a4d146c88d31c3be34b5bfab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:18.856000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:18.856000', 'bytes': 1024408576, 'norm_byte': 35401728, 'ops': 1000399, 'norm_ops': 34572, 'norm_ltcy': 28.9451266333666, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:18.856000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:18.856000",
+ "bytes": 1024408576,
+ "norm_byte": 35401728,
+ "ops": 1000399,
+ "norm_ops": 34572,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.9451266333666,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b93e363f3d4baa56db477d928711508aac60d80450980b520405eedd8939e0f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:19.858000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:19.858000', 'bytes': 1059640320, 'norm_byte': 35231744, 'ops': 1034805, 'norm_ops': 34406, 'norm_ltcy': 29.09843889646791, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:19.858000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:19.858000",
+ "bytes": 1059640320,
+ "norm_byte": 35231744,
+ "ops": 1034805,
+ "norm_ops": 34406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.09843889646791,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9cd50ef5fcc05e81066ffaecdb89958742e4270a4df02a5854f147d139a7b39c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:20.859000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:20.859000', 'bytes': 1094677504, 'norm_byte': 35037184, 'ops': 1069021, 'norm_ops': 34216, 'norm_ltcy': 29.258208935969282, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:20.859000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:20.859000",
+ "bytes": 1094677504,
+ "norm_byte": 35037184,
+ "ops": 1069021,
+ "norm_ops": 34216,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.258208935969282,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75591c070fa13a3eaad4f57988ca83bdbd301d79da43afd04728325da4fc96df",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:21.860000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:21.860000', 'bytes': 1130114048, 'norm_byte': 35436544, 'ops': 1103627, 'norm_ops': 34606, 'norm_ltcy': 28.92873808461683, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:21.860000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:21.860000",
+ "bytes": 1130114048,
+ "norm_byte": 35436544,
+ "ops": 1103627,
+ "norm_ops": 34606,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.92873808461683,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b040ade23cabe6a695fe163c627e51ac51872446228a7fc552ab93c23d626ae8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:22.861000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:22.861000', 'bytes': 1165413376, 'norm_byte': 35299328, 'ops': 1138099, 'norm_ops': 34472, 'norm_ltcy': 29.041487701975516, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:22.861000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:22.861000",
+ "bytes": 1165413376,
+ "norm_byte": 35299328,
+ "ops": 1138099,
+ "norm_ops": 34472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.041487701975516,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5cd2f663118f7b22b283edc0b524795623a94348aa9b4b5e1ee68215a376d7c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:23.862000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:23.862000', 'bytes': 1200768000, 'norm_byte': 35354624, 'ops': 1172625, 'norm_ops': 34526, 'norm_ltcy': 28.99373926307348, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:23.862000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:23.862000",
+ "bytes": 1200768000,
+ "norm_byte": 35354624,
+ "ops": 1172625,
+ "norm_ops": 34526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.99373926307348,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c537f9e79f5f77b199a6f2376d1e16a0978454c8a05ad8476d0c22221dc17bd1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:24.863000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:24.863000', 'bytes': 1236151296, 'norm_byte': 35383296, 'ops': 1207179, 'norm_ops': 34554, 'norm_ltcy': 28.970195427808648, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:24.863000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:24.863000",
+ "bytes": 1236151296,
+ "norm_byte": 35383296,
+ "ops": 1207179,
+ "norm_ops": 34554,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.970195427808648,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08200696723cfc8a069833b4cf8f1682a155d81f9a1324f7d92bfe3b1e403c54",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:25.864000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:25.864000', 'bytes': 1264081920, 'norm_byte': 27930624, 'ops': 1234455, 'norm_ops': 27276, 'norm_ltcy': 36.70238445084507, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:25.864000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:25.864000",
+ "bytes": 1264081920,
+ "norm_byte": 27930624,
+ "ops": 1234455,
+ "norm_ops": 27276,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.70238445084507,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f303b3e3722c13ae0b86126e2f6f5f9ee6d39d95521d4b33b3138f34601c50de",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:26.865000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:26.865000', 'bytes': 1299415040, 'norm_byte': 35333120, 'ops': 1268960, 'norm_ops': 34505, 'norm_ltcy': 29.013076116685987, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:26.865000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:26.865000",
+ "bytes": 1299415040,
+ "norm_byte": 35333120,
+ "ops": 1268960,
+ "norm_ops": 34505,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.013076116685987,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2cfef4a0a5784084ad9a9b4a8ae588dbfd5dc4b2994062b6fac78db5098b55d9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:27.865000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:27.865000', 'bytes': 1334594560, 'norm_byte': 35179520, 'ops': 1303315, 'norm_ops': 34355, 'norm_ltcy': 29.11490122662276, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:27.865000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:27.865000",
+ "bytes": 1334594560,
+ "norm_byte": 35179520,
+ "ops": 1303315,
+ "norm_ops": 34355,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.11490122662276,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "42398c9199370ddcbad7757c46304272053e558e07ca627958021d718bea52cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:28.866000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:28.866000', 'bytes': 1369707520, 'norm_byte': 35112960, 'ops': 1337605, 'norm_ops': 34290, 'norm_ltcy': 29.192162950659814, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:28.866000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:28.866000",
+ "bytes": 1369707520,
+ "norm_byte": 35112960,
+ "ops": 1337605,
+ "norm_ops": 34290,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.192162950659814,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d088f35fcfe9fa55d5042f40bda777bb93e77280fe8df9f9dd4b79b719a79c76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:29.867000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:29.867000', 'bytes': 1404814336, 'norm_byte': 35106816, 'ops': 1371889, 'norm_ops': 34284, 'norm_ltcy': 29.198290155393185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:29.867000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:29.867000",
+ "bytes": 1404814336,
+ "norm_byte": 35106816,
+ "ops": 1371889,
+ "norm_ops": 34284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.198290155393185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ecdfdf41fc44255006ae696c41894412444a6814b75894a94944c4bcdac81c66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:30.868000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:30.868000', 'bytes': 1440023552, 'norm_byte': 35209216, 'ops': 1406273, 'norm_ops': 34384, 'norm_ltcy': 29.113599121320963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:30.868000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:30.868000",
+ "bytes": 1440023552,
+ "norm_byte": 35209216,
+ "ops": 1406273,
+ "norm_ops": 34384,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.113599121320963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc63200bdba7fcbf0033a63915b86c7c5301aca6c639f67a9adecbf8937b6927",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:31.869000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:31.869000', 'bytes': 1475245056, 'norm_byte': 35221504, 'ops': 1440669, 'norm_ops': 34396, 'norm_ltcy': 29.1002834518367, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:31.869000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:31.869000",
+ "bytes": 1475245056,
+ "norm_byte": 35221504,
+ "ops": 1440669,
+ "norm_ops": 34396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.1002834518367,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d7428de629fb7cf7075ae6ebbad2a7d8fd34e4a2dd59133e33172b247ffc185a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:32.870000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:32.870000', 'bytes': 1510880256, 'norm_byte': 35635200, 'ops': 1475469, 'norm_ops': 34800, 'norm_ltcy': 28.767082828214797, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:32.870000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:32.870000",
+ "bytes": 1510880256,
+ "norm_byte": 35635200,
+ "ops": 1475469,
+ "norm_ops": 34800,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.767082828214797,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e6dcb1c3519187a0f3c32c655cb50101246ee0bb0f76fb8430595c8fba53f63",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:33.872000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:33.872000', 'bytes': 1545985024, 'norm_byte': 35104768, 'ops': 1509751, 'norm_ops': 34282, 'norm_ltcy': 29.202372167792134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:33.872000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:33.872000",
+ "bytes": 1545985024,
+ "norm_byte": 35104768,
+ "ops": 1509751,
+ "norm_ops": 34282,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.202372167792134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ebe3ccae2c9e60e6755fc8f48b681b05e60f4e0614e2465da20df6aa74260241",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:34.873000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:34.873000', 'bytes': 1581380608, 'norm_byte': 35395584, 'ops': 1544317, 'norm_ops': 34566, 'norm_ltcy': 28.961861457067638, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:34.873000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:34.873000",
+ "bytes": 1581380608,
+ "norm_byte": 35395584,
+ "ops": 1544317,
+ "norm_ops": 34566,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.961861457067638,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "76ed3ad50ae54a8f80327ac631f1acde306b8364c06e01ee1a61770cf9bcb4d9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:35.874000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:35.874000', 'bytes': 1616825344, 'norm_byte': 35444736, 'ops': 1578931, 'norm_ops': 34614, 'norm_ltcy': 28.921642976830185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:35.874000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:35.874000",
+ "bytes": 1616825344,
+ "norm_byte": 35444736,
+ "ops": 1578931,
+ "norm_ops": 34614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.921642976830185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "59d9bdf767343f421b9d889b60817c5d3bab5b19c338387f1030641506ac038e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:36.875000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:36.875000', 'bytes': 1652120576, 'norm_byte': 35295232, 'ops': 1613399, 'norm_ops': 34468, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04554501865861, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:36.875000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:36.875000",
+ "bytes": 1652120576,
+ "norm_byte": 35295232,
+ "ops": 1613399,
+ "norm_ops": 34468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04554501865861,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e03e343c0627ad3bbb4691c5fbdf1c976b9f7c2a3e58517d55ac30adb68ac42c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:37.876000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:37.876000', 'bytes': 1687317504, 'norm_byte': 35196928, 'ops': 1647771, 'norm_ops': 34372, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12542537803299, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:37.876000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:37.876000",
+ "bytes": 1687317504,
+ "norm_byte": 35196928,
+ "ops": 1647771,
+ "norm_ops": 34372,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12542537803299,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ec94d69d1e7c648236857c43ddfb407832699d4a6b2c2f3e22ed41e557b4b58",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:38.877000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:38.877000', 'bytes': 1722706944, 'norm_byte': 35389440, 'ops': 1682331, 'norm_ops': 34560, 'norm_ltcy': 28.967504148130065, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:38.877000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:38.877000",
+ "bytes": 1722706944,
+ "norm_byte": 35389440,
+ "ops": 1682331,
+ "norm_ops": 34560,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.967504148130065,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "88dadffa693badc67f1bf2304cff153fa14aa62409e753557bc2559a249d1959",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:39.878000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:39.878000', 'bytes': 1757828096, 'norm_byte': 35121152, 'ops': 1716629, 'norm_ops': 34298, 'norm_ltcy': 29.188315064380575, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:39.878000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:39.878000",
+ "bytes": 1757828096,
+ "norm_byte": 35121152,
+ "ops": 1716629,
+ "norm_ops": 34298,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.188315064380575,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c11feb310c860ed5f09763e7b18319caf33949d7aa1bd431fbfb2d01831c528",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:40.879000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:40.879000', 'bytes': 1792939008, 'norm_byte': 35110912, 'ops': 1750917, 'norm_ops': 34288, 'norm_ltcy': 29.197148168637717, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:40.879000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:40.879000",
+ "bytes": 1792939008,
+ "norm_byte": 35110912,
+ "ops": 1750917,
+ "norm_ops": 34288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.197148168637717,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9514aadc510a71078679be2bda2b8c57984aa2bcdece20b108618d363890f609",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:41.880000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:41.880000', 'bytes': 1827818496, 'norm_byte': 34879488, 'ops': 1784979, 'norm_ops': 34062, 'norm_ltcy': 29.39062637616699, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:41.880000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:41.880000",
+ "bytes": 1827818496,
+ "norm_byte": 34879488,
+ "ops": 1784979,
+ "norm_ops": 34062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.39062637616699,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b23a3d5aa6ba4867ce5a6718fd2f2651e7e55daf30ff9910315d1b00edd1ada8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:42.882000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:42.882000', 'bytes': 1862840320, 'norm_byte': 35021824, 'ops': 1819180, 'norm_ops': 34201, 'norm_ltcy': 29.270962586072045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:42.882000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:42.882000",
+ "bytes": 1862840320,
+ "norm_byte": 35021824,
+ "ops": 1819180,
+ "norm_ops": 34201,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.270962586072045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f524e8326e5b4d0fa5a87b2a510eaa7bac4d110d1618977efe5b75870315540f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:43.883000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:43.883000', 'bytes': 1898310656, 'norm_byte': 35470336, 'ops': 1853819, 'norm_ops': 34639, 'norm_ltcy': 28.90118520444802, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:43.883000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:43.883000",
+ "bytes": 1898310656,
+ "norm_byte": 35470336,
+ "ops": 1853819,
+ "norm_ops": 34639,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.90118520444802,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6430a2dce3591a1d9f284bf8e4aadbdb1864d121aaf3a6e366d193f5ac99b8dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:44.884000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:44.884000', 'bytes': 1933341696, 'norm_byte': 35031040, 'ops': 1888029, 'norm_ops': 34210, 'norm_ltcy': 29.26398987869044, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:44.884000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:44.884000",
+ "bytes": 1933341696,
+ "norm_byte": 35031040,
+ "ops": 1888029,
+ "norm_ops": 34210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.26398987869044,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13e80cde37e3bfe92d941735d899d53b68b4dba512a3bfbf59ea03facf8ebb5e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:45.885000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:45.885000', 'bytes': 1968687104, 'norm_byte': 35345408, 'ops': 1922546, 'norm_ops': 34517, 'norm_ltcy': 29.00304616656285, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:45.885000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:45.885000",
+ "bytes": 1968687104,
+ "norm_byte": 35345408,
+ "ops": 1922546,
+ "norm_ops": 34517,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.00304616656285,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c4debdcf64c7f2d422f57d891197ad2ba6ef0940a27b24a00245f8c3a835c763",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:46.886000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:46.886000', 'bytes': 2003966976, 'norm_byte': 35279872, 'ops': 1956999, 'norm_ops': 34453, 'norm_ltcy': 29.057099470202157, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:46.886000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:46.886000",
+ "bytes": 2003966976,
+ "norm_byte": 35279872,
+ "ops": 1956999,
+ "norm_ops": 34453,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.057099470202157,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7a5a12ab0ef734557ef47062a09bd65e8b7410d739a4dfb9248675af3acf6ef0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:47.887000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:47.887000', 'bytes': 2039317504, 'norm_byte': 35350528, 'ops': 1991521, 'norm_ops': 34522, 'norm_ltcy': 28.99912131439734, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:47.887000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:47.887000",
+ "bytes": 2039317504,
+ "norm_byte": 35350528,
+ "ops": 1991521,
+ "norm_ops": 34522,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.99912131439734,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b95cac2d433abf2a5aab9856545e3945e4550cc0572a507275525b199b511684",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:48.888000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:48.888000', 'bytes': 2074194944, 'norm_byte': 34877440, 'ops': 2025581, 'norm_ops': 34060, 'norm_ltcy': 29.392172992054466, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:48.888000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:48.888000",
+ "bytes": 2074194944,
+ "norm_byte": 34877440,
+ "ops": 2025581,
+ "norm_ops": 34060,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.392172992054466,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33bb0b00d7d0c8d565345c8e0b8eaf62efdf89fc1a719d515fea380288b945f2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:27:50.090000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:27:50.090000', 'bytes': 2109027328, 'norm_byte': 34832384, 'ops': 2059597, 'norm_ops': 34016, 'norm_ltcy': 35.318634808343866, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:27:50.090000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:27:50.090000",
+ "bytes": 2109027328,
+ "norm_byte": 34832384,
+ "ops": 2059597,
+ "norm_ops": 34016,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.318634808343866,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "87c46f62-4642-5e14-9e0c-99f7c0314fef",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4752bd42d0502e2e1d553470e12abfa89ce7374fc38dfcfefbfdf50c2573a9da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35150455.46666667
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34326.61666666667
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.390703706961364
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:27:50Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-116-220519232404/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-116-220519232404/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35eebab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-116-220519232404/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-116-220519232404/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-116-220519232404/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-116-220519232404/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-116-220519232404/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-116-220519232404/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59e6431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-116-220519232404/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=100
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-117-220519232606/220519232606-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-117-220519232606/220519232606-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1befbb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-117-220519232606/220519232606-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:28:49Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002930444.5400 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002931445.6428 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002931445.7788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002932446.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62256128 nr_ops:60797\ntimestamp_ms:1653002933447.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125176832 nr_ops:122243\ntimestamp_ms:1653002934449.0540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188869632 nr_ops:184443\ntimestamp_ms:1653002935450.1472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252363776 nr_ops:246449\ntimestamp_ms:1653002936451.2449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315485184 nr_ops:308091\ntimestamp_ms:1653002937452.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:377351168 nr_ops:368507\ntimestamp_ms:1653002938453.4343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438273024 nr_ops:428001\ntimestamp_ms:1653002939454.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:500634624 nr_ops:488901\ntimestamp_ms:1653002940455.6252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564401152 nr_ops:551173\ntimestamp_ms:1653002941456.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:627686400 nr_ops:612975\ntimestamp_ms:1653002942457.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690467840 nr_ops:674285\ntimestamp_ms:1653002943458.9243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:754777088 nr_ops:737087\ntimestamp_ms:1653002944460.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816604160 nr_ops:797465\ntimestamp_ms:1653002945460.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876815360 nr_ops:856265\ntimestamp_ms:1653002946461.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:938329088 nr_ops:916337\ntimestamp_ms:1653002947463.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999604224 nr_ops:976176\ntimestamp_ms:1653002948464.1499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062226944 nr_ops:1037331\ntimestamp_ms:1653002949465.1943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1126284288 nr_ops:1099887\ntimestamp_ms:1653002950465.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1189385216 nr_ops:1161509\ntimestamp_ms:1653002951466.9360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1251105792 nr_ops:1221783\ntimestamp_ms:1653002952467.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1313414144 nr_ops:1282631\ntimestamp_ms:1653002953468.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376566272 nr_ops:1344303\ntimestamp_ms:1653002954470.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440349184 nr_ops:1406591\ntimestamp_ms:1653002955471.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1504499712 nr_ops:1469238\ntimestamp_ms:1653002956472.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1567680512 nr_ops:1530938\ntimestamp_ms:1653002957472.9026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1629928448 nr_ops:1591727\ntimestamp_ms:1653002958474.0027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1691235328 nr_ops:1651597\ntimestamp_ms:1653002959475.0967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1755143168 nr_ops:1714007\ntimestamp_ms:1653002960476.2009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1818149888 nr_ops:1775537\ntimestamp_ms:1653002961477.2913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1880117248 nr_ops:1836052\ntimestamp_ms:1653002962478.3271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1943886848 nr_ops:1898327\ntimestamp_ms:1653002963479.4189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2006559744 nr_ops:1959531\ntimestamp_ms:1653002964480.4565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2069971968 nr_ops:2021457\ntimestamp_ms:1653002965481.5471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2133552128 nr_ops:2083547\ntimestamp_ms:1653002966482.6367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2196349952 nr_ops:2144873\ntimestamp_ms:1653002967483.7305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2259145728 nr_ops:2206197\ntimestamp_ms:1653002968484.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2322582528 nr_ops:2268147\ntimestamp_ms:1653002969485.9219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2386906112 nr_ops:2330963\ntimestamp_ms:1653002970487.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2450633728 nr_ops:2393197\ntimestamp_ms:1653002971488.1099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2515842048 nr_ops:2456877\ntimestamp_ms:1653002972489.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2578557952 nr_ops:2518123\ntimestamp_ms:1653002973490.3152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2641189888 nr_ops:2579287\ntimestamp_ms:1653002974491.4094 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2706494464 nr_ops:2643061\ntimestamp_ms:1653002975492.5020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770050048 nr_ops:2705127\ntimestamp_ms:1653002976493.5986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2832794624 nr_ops:2766401\ntimestamp_ms:1653002977494.6931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2895033344 nr_ops:2827181\ntimestamp_ms:1653002978495.8267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2958508032 nr_ops:2889168\ntimestamp_ms:1653002979496.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3021742080 nr_ops:2950920\ntimestamp_ms:1653002980498.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3084680192 nr_ops:3012383\ntimestamp_ms:1653002981499.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3146993664 nr_ops:3073236\ntimestamp_ms:1653002982500.1770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3208971264 nr_ops:3133761\ntimestamp_ms:1653002983501.2761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3272524800 nr_ops:3195825\ntimestamp_ms:1653002984502.3823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3336748032 nr_ops:3258543\ntimestamp_ms:1653002985503.4863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3401293824 nr_ops:3321576\ntimestamp_ms:1653002986504.5251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3464086528 nr_ops:3382897\ntimestamp_ms:1653002987505.6174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3526294528 nr_ops:3443647\ntimestamp_ms:1653002988506.7095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3590400000 nr_ops:3506250\ntimestamp_ms:1653002989507.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3654939648 nr_ops:3569277\ntimestamp_ms:1653002990508.9114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3719818240 nr_ops:3632635\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139633585145600\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.2683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3783748608 nr_ops:3695067\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.3115 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.3157 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991810.5325 name:Total nr_bytes:3783748608 nr_ops:3695068\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.4001 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7567497214 nr_ops:7390136\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.4011 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3783748608 nr_ops:3695070\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 375.02us 0.00ns 375.02us 375.02us \nTxn1 1847534 32.48us 0.00ns 3.55ms 27.40us \nTxn2 1 35.78us 0.00ns 35.78us 35.78us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 374.39us 0.00ns 374.39us 374.39us \nwrite 1847534 3.24us 0.00ns 72.12us 2.54us \nread 1847533 29.16us 0.00ns 3.54ms 991.00ns \ndisconnect 1 35.44us 0.00ns 35.44us 35.44us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29624 29624 258.32Mb/s 258.32Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.212 62.37s 3.52GB 485.35Mb/s 3695070 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.52GB 485.35Mb/s 3695070 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416353, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002930444.5400 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002931445.6428 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002931445.7788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002932446.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62256128 nr_ops:60797\ntimestamp_ms:1653002933447.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125176832 nr_ops:122243\ntimestamp_ms:1653002934449.0540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188869632 nr_ops:184443\ntimestamp_ms:1653002935450.1472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252363776 nr_ops:246449\ntimestamp_ms:1653002936451.2449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315485184 nr_ops:308091\ntimestamp_ms:1653002937452.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:377351168 nr_ops:368507\ntimestamp_ms:1653002938453.4343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438273024 nr_ops:428001\ntimestamp_ms:1653002939454.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:500634624 nr_ops:488901\ntimestamp_ms:1653002940455.6252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564401152 nr_ops:551173\ntimestamp_ms:1653002941456.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:627686400 nr_ops:612975\ntimestamp_ms:1653002942457.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690467840 nr_ops:674285\ntimestamp_ms:1653002943458.9243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:754777088 nr_ops:737087\ntimestamp_ms:1653002944460.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816604160 nr_ops:797465\ntimestamp_ms:1653002945460.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876815360 nr_ops:856265\ntimestamp_ms:1653002946461.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:938329088 nr_ops:916337\ntimestamp_ms:1653002947463.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999604224 nr_ops:976176\ntimestamp_ms:1653002948464.1499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062226944 nr_ops:1037331\ntimestamp_ms:1653002949465.1943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1126284288 nr_ops:1099887\ntimestamp_ms:1653002950465.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1189385216 nr_ops:1161509\ntimestamp_ms:1653002951466.9360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1251105792 nr_ops:1221783\ntimestamp_ms:1653002952467.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1313414144 nr_ops:1282631\ntimestamp_ms:1653002953468.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376566272 nr_ops:1344303\ntimestamp_ms:1653002954470.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440349184 nr_ops:1406591\ntimestamp_ms:1653002955471.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1504499712 nr_ops:1469238\ntimestamp_ms:1653002956472.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1567680512 nr_ops:1530938\ntimestamp_ms:1653002957472.9026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1629928448 nr_ops:1591727\ntimestamp_ms:1653002958474.0027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1691235328 nr_ops:1651597\ntimestamp_ms:1653002959475.0967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1755143168 nr_ops:1714007\ntimestamp_ms:1653002960476.2009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1818149888 nr_ops:1775537\ntimestamp_ms:1653002961477.2913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1880117248 nr_ops:1836052\ntimestamp_ms:1653002962478.3271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1943886848 nr_ops:1898327\ntimestamp_ms:1653002963479.4189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2006559744 nr_ops:1959531\ntimestamp_ms:1653002964480.4565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2069971968 nr_ops:2021457\ntimestamp_ms:1653002965481.5471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2133552128 nr_ops:2083547\ntimestamp_ms:1653002966482.6367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2196349952 nr_ops:2144873\ntimestamp_ms:1653002967483.7305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2259145728 nr_ops:2206197\ntimestamp_ms:1653002968484.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2322582528 nr_ops:2268147\ntimestamp_ms:1653002969485.9219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2386906112 nr_ops:2330963\ntimestamp_ms:1653002970487.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2450633728 nr_ops:2393197\ntimestamp_ms:1653002971488.1099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2515842048 nr_ops:2456877\ntimestamp_ms:1653002972489.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2578557952 nr_ops:2518123\ntimestamp_ms:1653002973490.3152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2641189888 nr_ops:2579287\ntimestamp_ms:1653002974491.4094 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2706494464 nr_ops:2643061\ntimestamp_ms:1653002975492.5020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770050048 nr_ops:2705127\ntimestamp_ms:1653002976493.5986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2832794624 nr_ops:2766401\ntimestamp_ms:1653002977494.6931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2895033344 nr_ops:2827181\ntimestamp_ms:1653002978495.8267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2958508032 nr_ops:2889168\ntimestamp_ms:1653002979496.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3021742080 nr_ops:2950920\ntimestamp_ms:1653002980498.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3084680192 nr_ops:3012383\ntimestamp_ms:1653002981499.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3146993664 nr_ops:3073236\ntimestamp_ms:1653002982500.1770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3208971264 nr_ops:3133761\ntimestamp_ms:1653002983501.2761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3272524800 nr_ops:3195825\ntimestamp_ms:1653002984502.3823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3336748032 nr_ops:3258543\ntimestamp_ms:1653002985503.4863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3401293824 nr_ops:3321576\ntimestamp_ms:1653002986504.5251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3464086528 nr_ops:3382897\ntimestamp_ms:1653002987505.6174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3526294528 nr_ops:3443647\ntimestamp_ms:1653002988506.7095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3590400000 nr_ops:3506250\ntimestamp_ms:1653002989507.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3654939648 nr_ops:3569277\ntimestamp_ms:1653002990508.9114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3719818240 nr_ops:3632635\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139633585145600\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.2683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3783748608 nr_ops:3695067\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.3115 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.3157 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991810.5325 name:Total nr_bytes:3783748608 nr_ops:3695068\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.4001 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7567497214 nr_ops:7390136\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.4011 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3783748608 nr_ops:3695070\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 375.02us 0.00ns 375.02us 375.02us \nTxn1 1847534 32.48us 0.00ns 3.55ms 27.40us \nTxn2 1 35.78us 0.00ns 35.78us 35.78us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 374.39us 0.00ns 374.39us 374.39us \nwrite 1847534 3.24us 0.00ns 72.12us 2.54us \nread 1847533 29.16us 0.00ns 3.54ms 991.00ns \ndisconnect 1 35.44us 0.00ns 35.44us 35.44us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29624 29624 258.32Mb/s 258.32Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.212 62.37s 3.52GB 485.35Mb/s 3695070 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.52GB 485.35Mb/s 3695070 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416353, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002930444.5400 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002931445.6428 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002931445.7788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002932446.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62256128 nr_ops:60797\ntimestamp_ms:1653002933447.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125176832 nr_ops:122243\ntimestamp_ms:1653002934449.0540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188869632 nr_ops:184443\ntimestamp_ms:1653002935450.1472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252363776 nr_ops:246449\ntimestamp_ms:1653002936451.2449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315485184 nr_ops:308091\ntimestamp_ms:1653002937452.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:377351168 nr_ops:368507\ntimestamp_ms:1653002938453.4343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438273024 nr_ops:428001\ntimestamp_ms:1653002939454.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:500634624 nr_ops:488901\ntimestamp_ms:1653002940455.6252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564401152 nr_ops:551173\ntimestamp_ms:1653002941456.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:627686400 nr_ops:612975\ntimestamp_ms:1653002942457.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690467840 nr_ops:674285\ntimestamp_ms:1653002943458.9243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:754777088 nr_ops:737087\ntimestamp_ms:1653002944460.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816604160 nr_ops:797465\ntimestamp_ms:1653002945460.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876815360 nr_ops:856265\ntimestamp_ms:1653002946461.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:938329088 nr_ops:916337\ntimestamp_ms:1653002947463.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999604224 nr_ops:976176\ntimestamp_ms:1653002948464.1499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062226944 nr_ops:1037331\ntimestamp_ms:1653002949465.1943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1126284288 nr_ops:1099887\ntimestamp_ms:1653002950465.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1189385216 nr_ops:1161509\ntimestamp_ms:1653002951466.9360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1251105792 nr_ops:1221783\ntimestamp_ms:1653002952467.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1313414144 nr_ops:1282631\ntimestamp_ms:1653002953468.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376566272 nr_ops:1344303\ntimestamp_ms:1653002954470.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440349184 nr_ops:1406591\ntimestamp_ms:1653002955471.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1504499712 nr_ops:1469238\ntimestamp_ms:1653002956472.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1567680512 nr_ops:1530938\ntimestamp_ms:1653002957472.9026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1629928448 nr_ops:1591727\ntimestamp_ms:1653002958474.0027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1691235328 nr_ops:1651597\ntimestamp_ms:1653002959475.0967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1755143168 nr_ops:1714007\ntimestamp_ms:1653002960476.2009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1818149888 nr_ops:1775537\ntimestamp_ms:1653002961477.2913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1880117248 nr_ops:1836052\ntimestamp_ms:1653002962478.3271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1943886848 nr_ops:1898327\ntimestamp_ms:1653002963479.4189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2006559744 nr_ops:1959531\ntimestamp_ms:1653002964480.4565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2069971968 nr_ops:2021457\ntimestamp_ms:1653002965481.5471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2133552128 nr_ops:2083547\ntimestamp_ms:1653002966482.6367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2196349952 nr_ops:2144873\ntimestamp_ms:1653002967483.7305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2259145728 nr_ops:2206197\ntimestamp_ms:1653002968484.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2322582528 nr_ops:2268147\ntimestamp_ms:1653002969485.9219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2386906112 nr_ops:2330963\ntimestamp_ms:1653002970487.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2450633728 nr_ops:2393197\ntimestamp_ms:1653002971488.1099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2515842048 nr_ops:2456877\ntimestamp_ms:1653002972489.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2578557952 nr_ops:2518123\ntimestamp_ms:1653002973490.3152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2641189888 nr_ops:2579287\ntimestamp_ms:1653002974491.4094 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2706494464 nr_ops:2643061\ntimestamp_ms:1653002975492.5020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770050048 nr_ops:2705127\ntimestamp_ms:1653002976493.5986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2832794624 nr_ops:2766401\ntimestamp_ms:1653002977494.6931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2895033344 nr_ops:2827181\ntimestamp_ms:1653002978495.8267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2958508032 nr_ops:2889168\ntimestamp_ms:1653002979496.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3021742080 nr_ops:2950920\ntimestamp_ms:1653002980498.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3084680192 nr_ops:3012383\ntimestamp_ms:1653002981499.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3146993664 nr_ops:3073236\ntimestamp_ms:1653002982500.1770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3208971264 nr_ops:3133761\ntimestamp_ms:1653002983501.2761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3272524800 nr_ops:3195825\ntimestamp_ms:1653002984502.3823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3336748032 nr_ops:3258543\ntimestamp_ms:1653002985503.4863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3401293824 nr_ops:3321576\ntimestamp_ms:1653002986504.5251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3464086528 nr_ops:3382897\ntimestamp_ms:1653002987505.6174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3526294528 nr_ops:3443647\ntimestamp_ms:1653002988506.7095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3590400000 nr_ops:3506250\ntimestamp_ms:1653002989507.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3654939648 nr_ops:3569277\ntimestamp_ms:1653002990508.9114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3719818240 nr_ops:3632635\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139633585145600\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.2683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3783748608 nr_ops:3695067\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.3115 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.3157 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991810.5325 name:Total nr_bytes:3783748608 nr_ops:3695068\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.4001 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7567497214 nr_ops:7390136\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653002991710.4011 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3783748608 nr_ops:3695070\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 375.02us 0.00ns 375.02us 375.02us \nTxn1 1847534 32.48us 0.00ns 3.55ms 27.40us \nTxn2 1 35.78us 0.00ns 35.78us 35.78us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 374.39us 0.00ns 374.39us 374.39us \nwrite 1847534 3.24us 0.00ns 72.12us 2.54us \nread 1847533 29.16us 0.00ns 3.54ms 991.00ns \ndisconnect 1 35.44us 0.00ns 35.44us 35.44us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29624 29624 258.32Mb/s 258.32Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.212 62.37s 3.52GB 485.35Mb/s 3695070 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.52GB 485.35Mb/s 3695070 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416353, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002930444.5400 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002931445.6428 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002931445.7788 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002932446.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62256128 nr_ops:60797
+timestamp_ms:1653002933447.9585 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:125176832 nr_ops:122243
+timestamp_ms:1653002934449.0540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188869632 nr_ops:184443
+timestamp_ms:1653002935450.1472 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252363776 nr_ops:246449
+timestamp_ms:1653002936451.2449 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315485184 nr_ops:308091
+timestamp_ms:1653002937452.3372 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:377351168 nr_ops:368507
+timestamp_ms:1653002938453.4343 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:438273024 nr_ops:428001
+timestamp_ms:1653002939454.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:500634624 nr_ops:488901
+timestamp_ms:1653002940455.6252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564401152 nr_ops:551173
+timestamp_ms:1653002941456.7214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:627686400 nr_ops:612975
+timestamp_ms:1653002942457.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:690467840 nr_ops:674285
+timestamp_ms:1653002943458.9243 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:754777088 nr_ops:737087
+timestamp_ms:1653002944460.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:816604160 nr_ops:797465
+timestamp_ms:1653002945460.8333 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:876815360 nr_ops:856265
+timestamp_ms:1653002946461.9485 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:938329088 nr_ops:916337
+timestamp_ms:1653002947463.0496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:999604224 nr_ops:976176
+timestamp_ms:1653002948464.1499 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1062226944 nr_ops:1037331
+timestamp_ms:1653002949465.1943 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1126284288 nr_ops:1099887
+timestamp_ms:1653002950465.8391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1189385216 nr_ops:1161509
+timestamp_ms:1653002951466.9360 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1251105792 nr_ops:1221783
+timestamp_ms:1653002952467.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1313414144 nr_ops:1282631
+timestamp_ms:1653002953468.9321 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1376566272 nr_ops:1344303
+timestamp_ms:1653002954470.0269 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1440349184 nr_ops:1406591
+timestamp_ms:1653002955471.1196 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1504499712 nr_ops:1469238
+timestamp_ms:1653002956472.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1567680512 nr_ops:1530938
+timestamp_ms:1653002957472.9026 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1629928448 nr_ops:1591727
+timestamp_ms:1653002958474.0027 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1691235328 nr_ops:1651597
+timestamp_ms:1653002959475.0967 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1755143168 nr_ops:1714007
+timestamp_ms:1653002960476.2009 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1818149888 nr_ops:1775537
+timestamp_ms:1653002961477.2913 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1880117248 nr_ops:1836052
+timestamp_ms:1653002962478.3271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1943886848 nr_ops:1898327
+timestamp_ms:1653002963479.4189 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2006559744 nr_ops:1959531
+timestamp_ms:1653002964480.4565 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2069971968 nr_ops:2021457
+timestamp_ms:1653002965481.5471 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2133552128 nr_ops:2083547
+timestamp_ms:1653002966482.6367 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2196349952 nr_ops:2144873
+timestamp_ms:1653002967483.7305 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2259145728 nr_ops:2206197
+timestamp_ms:1653002968484.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2322582528 nr_ops:2268147
+timestamp_ms:1653002969485.9219 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2386906112 nr_ops:2330963
+timestamp_ms:1653002970487.0127 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2450633728 nr_ops:2393197
+timestamp_ms:1653002971488.1099 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2515842048 nr_ops:2456877
+timestamp_ms:1653002972489.2078 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2578557952 nr_ops:2518123
+timestamp_ms:1653002973490.3152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2641189888 nr_ops:2579287
+timestamp_ms:1653002974491.4094 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2706494464 nr_ops:2643061
+timestamp_ms:1653002975492.5020 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2770050048 nr_ops:2705127
+timestamp_ms:1653002976493.5986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2832794624 nr_ops:2766401
+timestamp_ms:1653002977494.6931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2895033344 nr_ops:2827181
+timestamp_ms:1653002978495.8267 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2958508032 nr_ops:2889168
+timestamp_ms:1653002979496.9299 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3021742080 nr_ops:2950920
+timestamp_ms:1653002980498.0247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3084680192 nr_ops:3012383
+timestamp_ms:1653002981499.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3146993664 nr_ops:3073236
+timestamp_ms:1653002982500.1770 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3208971264 nr_ops:3133761
+timestamp_ms:1653002983501.2761 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3272524800 nr_ops:3195825
+timestamp_ms:1653002984502.3823 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3336748032 nr_ops:3258543
+timestamp_ms:1653002985503.4863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3401293824 nr_ops:3321576
+timestamp_ms:1653002986504.5251 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3464086528 nr_ops:3382897
+timestamp_ms:1653002987505.6174 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3526294528 nr_ops:3443647
+timestamp_ms:1653002988506.7095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3590400000 nr_ops:3506250
+timestamp_ms:1653002989507.8162 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3654939648 nr_ops:3569277
+timestamp_ms:1653002990508.9114 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3719818240 nr_ops:3632635
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139633585145600
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653002991710.2683 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3783748608 nr_ops:3695067
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002991710.3115 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653002991710.3157 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653002991810.5325 name:Total nr_bytes:3783748608 nr_ops:3695068
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002991710.4001 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7567497214 nr_ops:7390136
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653002991710.4011 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3783748608 nr_ops:3695070
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 375.02us 0.00ns 375.02us 375.02us
+Txn1 1847534 32.48us 0.00ns 3.55ms 27.40us
+Txn2 1 35.78us 0.00ns 35.78us 35.78us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 374.39us 0.00ns 374.39us 374.39us
+write 1847534 3.24us 0.00ns 72.12us 2.54us
+read 1847533 29.16us 0.00ns 3.54ms 991.00ns
+disconnect 1 35.44us 0.00ns 35.44us 35.44us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29624 29624 258.32Mb/s 258.32Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 786.56b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.212 62.37s 3.52GB 485.35Mb/s 3695070 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.52GB 485.35Mb/s 3695070 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:28:52.446000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:28:52.446000', 'bytes': 62256128, 'norm_byte': 62256128, 'ops': 60797, 'norm_ops': 60797, 'norm_ltcy': 16.465981469326202, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:28:52.446000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:28:52.446000",
+ "bytes": 62256128,
+ "norm_byte": 62256128,
+ "ops": 60797,
+ "norm_ops": 60797,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.465981469326202,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "256b4b56874f30cf9c2fd21fd8b4d6b96c248da58fe1be38791cfc2944395514",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:28:53.447000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:28:53.447000', 'bytes': 125176832, 'norm_byte': 62920704, 'ops': 122243, 'norm_ops': 61446, 'norm_ltcy': 16.292312145776375, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:28:53.447000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:28:53.447000",
+ "bytes": 125176832,
+ "norm_byte": 62920704,
+ "ops": 122243,
+ "norm_ops": 61446,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.292312145776375,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e54d4f8d9afc6a07f6e7c5e2483fe07e000da220c26e340625fca90af65d0e33",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:28:54.449000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:28:54.449000', 'bytes': 188869632, 'norm_byte': 63692800, 'ops': 184443, 'norm_ops': 62200, 'norm_ltcy': 16.094782298784164, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:28:54.449000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:28:54.449000",
+ "bytes": 188869632,
+ "norm_byte": 63692800,
+ "ops": 184443,
+ "norm_ops": 62200,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.094782298784164,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85a722c30f4c39a375661db6cd3071d1bfd1352f70ed2cc65ff24376d05a8c24",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:28:55.450000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:28:55.450000', 'bytes': 252363776, 'norm_byte': 63494144, 'ops': 246449, 'norm_ops': 62006, 'norm_ltcy': 16.145103082262203, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:28:55.450000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:28:55.450000",
+ "bytes": 252363776,
+ "norm_byte": 63494144,
+ "ops": 246449,
+ "norm_ops": 62006,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.145103082262203,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "057c221929d818cb4c886839da4a22e88ec560806a56a6b8709a1be426301d89",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:28:56.451000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:28:56.451000', 'bytes': 315485184, 'norm_byte': 63121408, 'ops': 308091, 'norm_ops': 61642, 'norm_ltcy': 16.240512252198176, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:28:56.451000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:28:56.451000",
+ "bytes": 315485184,
+ "norm_byte": 63121408,
+ "ops": 308091,
+ "norm_ops": 61642,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.240512252198176,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "54cb314caf4dc5478e7d0bfa3383ea385b853e950a7ac55689f853455cf20a55",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:28:57.452000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:28:57.452000', 'bytes': 377351168, 'norm_byte': 61865984, 'ops': 368507, 'norm_ops': 60416, 'norm_ltcy': 16.569986181744074, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:28:57.452000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:28:57.452000",
+ "bytes": 377351168,
+ "norm_byte": 61865984,
+ "ops": 368507,
+ "norm_ops": 60416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.569986181744074,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ebee1a77eaf985981a86c8b7cda28300b076442b4d7f5fbb118c65eb56df26b8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:28:58.453000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:28:58.453000', 'bytes': 438273024, 'norm_byte': 60921856, 'ops': 428001, 'norm_ops': 59494, 'norm_ltcy': 16.82685931301896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:28:58.453000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:28:58.453000",
+ "bytes": 438273024,
+ "norm_byte": 60921856,
+ "ops": 428001,
+ "norm_ops": 59494,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.82685931301896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "590bb039f6e52f3e1e22f11aabb7ac559a241a5495134a8278bcbd55a9f22d72",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:28:59.454000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:28:59.454000', 'bytes': 500634624, 'norm_byte': 62361600, 'ops': 488901, 'norm_ops': 60900, 'norm_ltcy': 16.43833705357143, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:28:59.454000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:28:59.454000",
+ "bytes": 500634624,
+ "norm_byte": 62361600,
+ "ops": 488901,
+ "norm_ops": 60900,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.43833705357143,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e6ebf02a1cd85eeb632734b82278856bd92f53ff974b59c6244cb16cd8bd73b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:00.455000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:00.455000', 'bytes': 564401152, 'norm_byte': 63766528, 'ops': 551173, 'norm_ops': 62272, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07618498532647, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:00.455000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:00.455000",
+ "bytes": 564401152,
+ "norm_byte": 63766528,
+ "ops": 551173,
+ "norm_ops": 62272,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07618498532647,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e7dc7280742826d26d9af6abb0942c28dc5a89465d9caa94c74205e6e1e26b81",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:01.456000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:01.456000', 'bytes': 627686400, 'norm_byte': 63285248, 'ops': 612975, 'norm_ops': 61802, 'norm_ltcy': 16.198443277017734, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:01.456000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:01.456000",
+ "bytes": 627686400,
+ "norm_byte": 63285248,
+ "ops": 612975,
+ "norm_ops": 61802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.198443277017734,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91d93f850a9bc5d6194725e7c55034a8126e0db8ca7c8d032294a3cbf7ee82ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:02.457000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:02.457000', 'bytes': 690467840, 'norm_byte': 62781440, 'ops': 674285, 'norm_ops': 61310, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3286673577414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:02.457000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:02.457000",
+ "bytes": 690467840,
+ "norm_byte": 62781440,
+ "ops": 674285,
+ "norm_ops": 61310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3286673577414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad5042caedca4d2d552cde395b9863c1a57ce4d2cb9ebb153a6bae1fbca15aab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:03.458000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:03.458000', 'bytes': 754777088, 'norm_byte': 64309248, 'ops': 737087, 'norm_ops': 62802, 'norm_ltcy': 15.940452297000894, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:03.458000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:03.458000",
+ "bytes": 754777088,
+ "norm_byte": 64309248,
+ "ops": 737087,
+ "norm_ops": 62802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.940452297000894,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "696f44f698bdb8db146ede63089afe3da99e1964790294344451678aa0db7b93",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:04.460000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:04.460000', 'bytes': 816604160, 'norm_byte': 61827072, 'ops': 797465, 'norm_ops': 60378, 'norm_ltcy': 16.58196752387045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:04.460000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:04.460000",
+ "bytes": 816604160,
+ "norm_byte": 61827072,
+ "ops": 797465,
+ "norm_ops": 60378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.58196752387045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "70bc4f52f8d42ef24e9844587771076b5ec664dd05510ead982e3211c8c2e283",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:05.460000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:05.460000', 'bytes': 876815360, 'norm_byte': 60211200, 'ops': 856265, 'norm_ops': 58800, 'norm_ltcy': 17.01909694541879, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:05.460000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:05.460000",
+ "bytes": 876815360,
+ "norm_byte": 60211200,
+ "ops": 856265,
+ "norm_ops": 58800,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.01909694541879,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c6ba7008f5ab189ba9153642933d68bc051423476c42865e5c5fa1cc6beadae5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:06.461000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:06.461000', 'bytes': 938329088, 'norm_byte': 61513728, 'ops': 916337, 'norm_ops': 60072, 'norm_ltcy': 16.665255599530564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:06.461000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:06.461000",
+ "bytes": 938329088,
+ "norm_byte": 61513728,
+ "ops": 916337,
+ "norm_ops": 60072,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.665255599530564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82f3ab73abc4516b5cc11e5aaf056a21714fbb45900d582b6eabc0ba653256af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:07.463000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:07.463000', 'bytes': 999604224, 'norm_byte': 61275136, 'ops': 976176, 'norm_ops': 59839, 'norm_ltcy': 16.72990982835191, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:07.463000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:07.463000",
+ "bytes": 999604224,
+ "norm_byte": 61275136,
+ "ops": 976176,
+ "norm_ops": 59839,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.72990982835191,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "176ed511172c48995889384234ac9a408e5fb53dcae9619e6fa86f2cf39214ce",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:08.464000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:08.464000', 'bytes': 1062226944, 'norm_byte': 62622720, 'ops': 1037331, 'norm_ops': 61155, 'norm_ltcy': 16.36988540261426, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:08.464000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:08.464000",
+ "bytes": 1062226944,
+ "norm_byte": 62622720,
+ "ops": 1037331,
+ "norm_ops": 61155,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.36988540261426,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0065877f0b581c4928ba8b62f2e87b4c301a797957655e870b9ff8ff2e27b5c5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:09.465000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:09.465000', 'bytes': 1126284288, 'norm_byte': 64057344, 'ops': 1099887, 'norm_ops': 62556, 'norm_ltcy': 16.00237281146093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:09.465000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:09.465000",
+ "bytes": 1126284288,
+ "norm_byte": 64057344,
+ "ops": 1099887,
+ "norm_ops": 62556,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.00237281146093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7313d8bce6e56d9a7a396f978fa30f39d2bed236403a33e0f19d46710ba57937",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:10.465000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:10.465000', 'bytes': 1189385216, 'norm_byte': 63100928, 'ops': 1161509, 'norm_ops': 61622, 'norm_ltcy': 16.23843392604305, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:10.465000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:10.465000",
+ "bytes": 1189385216,
+ "norm_byte": 63100928,
+ "ops": 1161509,
+ "norm_ops": 61622,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.23843392604305,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9450b4b17782deddf6ff319369b75ff801e6a7649a48ef0f83b8e3e9f25bd2b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:11.466000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:11.466000', 'bytes': 1251105792, 'norm_byte': 61720576, 'ops': 1221783, 'norm_ops': 60274, 'norm_ltcy': 16.609100504830028, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:11.466000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:11.466000",
+ "bytes": 1251105792,
+ "norm_byte": 61720576,
+ "ops": 1221783,
+ "norm_ops": 60274,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.609100504830028,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22d4a76cb80ae2b8d0865732ac7d5f6f57f07bba37fa3be5f8b635da9de0774a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:12.467000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:12.467000', 'bytes': 1313414144, 'norm_byte': 62308352, 'ops': 1282631, 'norm_ops': 60848, 'norm_ltcy': 16.449119052290133, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:12.467000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:12.467000",
+ "bytes": 1313414144,
+ "norm_byte": 62308352,
+ "ops": 1282631,
+ "norm_ops": 60848,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.449119052290133,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "95392ada0003f8a555dfded9bfab1f2d770f6197c77e44b27dc43c21ccb11d5c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:13.468000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:13.468000', 'bytes': 1376566272, 'norm_byte': 63152128, 'ops': 1344303, 'norm_ops': 61672, 'norm_ltcy': 16.2326517326542, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:13.468000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:13.468000",
+ "bytes": 1376566272,
+ "norm_byte": 63152128,
+ "ops": 1344303,
+ "norm_ops": 61672,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.2326517326542,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e49a28ca363587389c763f672d2d357823c8a587ce3cd425c19aa91b14c4c780",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:14.470000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:14.470000', 'bytes': 1440349184, 'norm_byte': 63782912, 'ops': 1406591, 'norm_ops': 62288, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0720319573995, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:14.470000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:14.470000",
+ "bytes": 1440349184,
+ "norm_byte": 63782912,
+ "ops": 1406591,
+ "norm_ops": 62288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0720319573995,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2064d8ec9a005a8b51e818e1b5ffb018af73bd702b06806b3ba1fe4ad9ac534",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:15.471000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:15.471000', 'bytes': 1504499712, 'norm_byte': 64150528, 'ops': 1469238, 'norm_ops': 62647, 'norm_ltcy': 15.979899651020798, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:15.471000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:15.471000",
+ "bytes": 1504499712,
+ "norm_byte": 64150528,
+ "ops": 1469238,
+ "norm_ops": 62647,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.979899651020798,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "085a2885d743c127690a1261afab7112d3abab94ce7ba5d11a1ab18eb2af5fb6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:16.472000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:16.472000', 'bytes': 1567680512, 'norm_byte': 63180800, 'ops': 1530938, 'norm_ops': 61700, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22517046317869, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:16.472000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:16.472000",
+ "bytes": 1567680512,
+ "norm_byte": 63180800,
+ "ops": 1530938,
+ "norm_ops": 61700,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22517046317869,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b977dc50c5ae599c3ef9d8f47213b08a166106ff3767c6715f554a0cf681fc50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:17.472000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:17.472000', 'bytes': 1629928448, 'norm_byte': 62247936, 'ops': 1591727, 'norm_ops': 60789, 'norm_ltcy': 16.461694408630674, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:17.472000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:17.472000",
+ "bytes": 1629928448,
+ "norm_byte": 62247936,
+ "ops": 1591727,
+ "norm_ops": 60789,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.461694408630674,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a73c8f8375e998f54a9c9544aa2972f8851e1549796cae3c29eaea23e1a98e4f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:18.474000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:18.474000', 'bytes': 1691235328, 'norm_byte': 61306880, 'ops': 1651597, 'norm_ops': 59870, 'norm_ltcy': 16.72123096135377, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:18.474000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:18.474000",
+ "bytes": 1691235328,
+ "norm_byte": 61306880,
+ "ops": 1651597,
+ "norm_ops": 59870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.72123096135377,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f7c8bfb6d238ee6061ba8dc9f93d810c356680da746f686bb5451d315098593",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:19.475000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:19.475000', 'bytes': 1755143168, 'norm_byte': 63907840, 'ops': 1714007, 'norm_ops': 62410, 'norm_ltcy': 16.040602373668083, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:19.475000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:19.475000",
+ "bytes": 1755143168,
+ "norm_byte": 63907840,
+ "ops": 1714007,
+ "norm_ops": 62410,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.040602373668083,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f6533d22505d829fda3b6b1bd07e70a6f844f3c598852fdec36f11e9a69f6025",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:20.476000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:20.476000', 'bytes': 1818149888, 'norm_byte': 63006720, 'ops': 1775537, 'norm_ops': 61530, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27018118067406, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:20.476000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:20.476000",
+ "bytes": 1818149888,
+ "norm_byte": 63006720,
+ "ops": 1775537,
+ "norm_ops": 61530,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27018118067406,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e1cdfa516ef812747532e927fd3ccb6276d98992d8ed8f503208417f06260d38",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:21.477000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:21.477000', 'bytes': 1880117248, 'norm_byte': 61967360, 'ops': 1836052, 'norm_ops': 60515, 'norm_ltcy': 16.54284610478807, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:21.477000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:21.477000",
+ "bytes": 1880117248,
+ "norm_byte": 61967360,
+ "ops": 1836052,
+ "norm_ops": 60515,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.54284610478807,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f618c739ec693ca9647988aaf31b016d7e101259792329cd917da3acccdea31",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:22.478000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:22.478000', 'bytes': 1943886848, 'norm_byte': 63769600, 'ops': 1898327, 'norm_ops': 62275, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07444221070855, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:22.478000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:22.478000",
+ "bytes": 1943886848,
+ "norm_byte": 63769600,
+ "ops": 1898327,
+ "norm_ops": 62275,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07444221070855,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "75d8e21c83d3f9717fbb9db960e23d0572c37105878505b64a22a4734dd4cbd6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:23.479000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:23.479000', 'bytes': 2006559744, 'norm_byte': 62672896, 'ops': 1959531, 'norm_ops': 61204, 'norm_ltcy': 16.356640037824327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:23.479000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:23.479000",
+ "bytes": 2006559744,
+ "norm_byte": 62672896,
+ "ops": 1959531,
+ "norm_ops": 61204,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.356640037824327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "53b52f22dd83ea51f3352f618ab156969daca18b3d685b3060d271f472efa60c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:24.480000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:24.480000', 'bytes': 2069971968, 'norm_byte': 63412224, 'ops': 2021457, 'norm_ops': 61926, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16506148719843, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:24.480000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:24.480000",
+ "bytes": 2069971968,
+ "norm_byte": 63412224,
+ "ops": 2021457,
+ "norm_ops": 61926,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16506148719843,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "272f92c6f276eed3c4a34ef9185bb60887da9aadfef597bd20405bf38df65e40",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:25.481000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:25.481000', 'bytes': 2133552128, 'norm_byte': 63580160, 'ops': 2083547, 'norm_ops': 62090, 'norm_ltcy': 16.123217525718715, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:25.481000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:25.481000",
+ "bytes": 2133552128,
+ "norm_byte": 63580160,
+ "ops": 2083547,
+ "norm_ops": 62090,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.123217525718715,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ded513d6fda02fb9a577696c5da31b1e97c8979a7d7efbda0200dd3d986a1c2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:26.482000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:26.482000', 'bytes': 2196349952, 'norm_byte': 62797824, 'ops': 2144873, 'norm_ops': 61326, 'norm_ltcy': 16.324064827469183, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:26.482000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:26.482000",
+ "bytes": 2196349952,
+ "norm_byte": 62797824,
+ "ops": 2144873,
+ "norm_ops": 61326,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.324064827469183,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22c9b5de5abe5f06421cebdcaaa5d9b7ae667eec42806b8ca8e2fa2a4578336f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:27.483000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:27.483000', 'bytes': 2259145728, 'norm_byte': 62795776, 'ops': 2206197, 'norm_ops': 61324, 'norm_ltcy': 16.324664894657882, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:27.483000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:27.483000",
+ "bytes": 2259145728,
+ "norm_byte": 62795776,
+ "ops": 2206197,
+ "norm_ops": 61324,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.324664894657882,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "707acda95691b71b0d86504f465d749ca0e50504b3ccaf9a9bccc478ec289afe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:28.484000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:28.484000', 'bytes': 2322582528, 'norm_byte': 63436800, 'ops': 2268147, 'norm_ops': 61950, 'norm_ltcy': 16.159819694562145, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:28.484000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:28.484000",
+ "bytes": 2322582528,
+ "norm_byte": 63436800,
+ "ops": 2268147,
+ "norm_ops": 61950,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.159819694562145,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "85c71997b5dc83ba086fb57ab36f32c992529eb5b66e8bf860bf26a870c6be98",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:29.485000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:29.485000', 'bytes': 2386906112, 'norm_byte': 64323584, 'ops': 2330963, 'norm_ops': 62816, 'norm_ltcy': 15.93687239193637, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:29.485000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:29.485000",
+ "bytes": 2386906112,
+ "norm_byte": 64323584,
+ "ops": 2330963,
+ "norm_ops": 62816,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.93687239193637,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "109df591ffa81498363b30a49b2444cf3104f7cbb0a5d5a54c8983da6785bd16",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:30.487000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:30.487000', 'bytes': 2450633728, 'norm_byte': 63727616, 'ops': 2393197, 'norm_ops': 62234, 'norm_ltcy': 16.08591477829643, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:30.487000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:30.487000",
+ "bytes": 2450633728,
+ "norm_byte": 63727616,
+ "ops": 2393197,
+ "norm_ops": 62234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.08591477829643,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "94d0e1ff1db17be4c5c0bd80a279dcf803f335d80374f64bc611af2815b05067",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:31.488000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:31.488000', 'bytes': 2515842048, 'norm_byte': 65208320, 'ops': 2456877, 'norm_ops': 63680, 'norm_ltcy': 15.72074698443389, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:31.488000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:31.488000",
+ "bytes": 2515842048,
+ "norm_byte": 65208320,
+ "ops": 2456877,
+ "norm_ops": 63680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.72074698443389,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6f1b126c2dcf8a6a1ecac0842ad3a12ec063ca04b9afa8f5b082bf29044a2b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:32.489000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:32.489000', 'bytes': 2578557952, 'norm_byte': 62715904, 'ops': 2518123, 'norm_ops': 61246, 'norm_ltcy': 16.34552297930681, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:32.489000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:32.489000",
+ "bytes": 2578557952,
+ "norm_byte": 62715904,
+ "ops": 2518123,
+ "norm_ops": 61246,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.34552297930681,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25cfb2bb696e715acc47a8a1bbd3c146235a6377518567fc5bac04427ea90862",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:33.490000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:33.490000', 'bytes': 2641189888, 'norm_byte': 62631936, 'ops': 2579287, 'norm_ops': 61164, 'norm_ltcy': 16.367592405254726, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:33.490000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:33.490000",
+ "bytes": 2641189888,
+ "norm_byte": 62631936,
+ "ops": 2579287,
+ "norm_ops": 61164,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.367592405254726,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9466010059adfab78a562d3d95e2a3cc50e3af815ffc34d09fee70152454f6fe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:34.491000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:34.491000', 'bytes': 2706494464, 'norm_byte': 65304576, 'ops': 2643061, 'norm_ops': 63774, 'norm_ltcy': 15.69752937374557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:34.491000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:34.491000",
+ "bytes": 2706494464,
+ "norm_byte": 65304576,
+ "ops": 2643061,
+ "norm_ops": 63774,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.69752937374557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b8044bc28ae56459b5ee3578bffaaeb42e4700006795b7e050f327fcad0ecb9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:35.492000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:35.492000', 'bytes': 2770050048, 'norm_byte': 63555584, 'ops': 2705127, 'norm_ops': 62066, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12948360288846, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:35.492000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:35.492000",
+ "bytes": 2770050048,
+ "norm_byte": 63555584,
+ "ops": 2705127,
+ "norm_ops": 62066,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12948360288846,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11b261d09792b5cb2c580a00b406a5f769238bbde47efba44e506f6550871725",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:36.493000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:36.493000', 'bytes': 2832794624, 'norm_byte': 62744576, 'ops': 2766401, 'norm_ops': 61274, 'norm_ltcy': 16.338033744940756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:36.493000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:36.493000",
+ "bytes": 2832794624,
+ "norm_byte": 62744576,
+ "ops": 2766401,
+ "norm_ops": 61274,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.338033744940756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dabbe40ef639902d1910f13b043e302d63e55dedd339044122d67c2244312ca1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:37.494000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:37.494000', 'bytes': 2895033344, 'norm_byte': 62238720, 'ops': 2827181, 'norm_ops': 60780, 'norm_ltcy': 16.47078779897787, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:37.494000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:37.494000",
+ "bytes": 2895033344,
+ "norm_byte": 62238720,
+ "ops": 2827181,
+ "norm_ops": 60780,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.47078779897787,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6a907369d227506f35254bae6d931cd418617fa14722203e888168fc249b8991",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:38.495000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:38.495000', 'bytes': 2958508032, 'norm_byte': 63474688, 'ops': 2889168, 'norm_ops': 61987, 'norm_ltcy': 16.150701678124044, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:38.495000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:38.495000",
+ "bytes": 2958508032,
+ "norm_byte": 63474688,
+ "ops": 2889168,
+ "norm_ops": 61987,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.150701678124044,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "000039f79bb4bd6c5fd6f3a8071952f253e0d3e8cde4d23ec619ead8df46b719",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:39.496000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:39.496000', 'bytes': 3021742080, 'norm_byte': 63234048, 'ops': 2950920, 'norm_ops': 61752, 'norm_ltcy': 16.21167365404157, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:39.496000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:39.496000",
+ "bytes": 3021742080,
+ "norm_byte": 63234048,
+ "ops": 2950920,
+ "norm_ops": 61752,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.21167365404157,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a3b10e79d902e2a341d6ae6fbf9bbde16e206a265b6a6bfe4f74a65ae8b3cb4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:40.498000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:40.498000', 'bytes': 3084680192, 'norm_byte': 62938112, 'ops': 3012383, 'norm_ops': 61463, 'norm_ltcy': 16.287762175007728, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:40.498000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:40.498000",
+ "bytes": 3084680192,
+ "norm_byte": 62938112,
+ "ops": 3012383,
+ "norm_ops": 61463,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.287762175007728,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "90e1e3ca7951edf85ade9fc4acb5863721106c6cf8425e743da9286b3a821360",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:41.499000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:41.499000', 'bytes': 3146993664, 'norm_byte': 62313472, 'ops': 3073236, 'norm_ops': 60853, 'norm_ltcy': 16.451281995649353, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:41.499000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:41.499000",
+ "bytes": 3146993664,
+ "norm_byte": 62313472,
+ "ops": 3073236,
+ "norm_ops": 60853,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.451281995649353,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8cfbf6aedebb83879124bbf0b4dff60349f80d97cbcdeb8070ac7672972d8bb7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:42.500000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:42.500000', 'bytes': 3208971264, 'norm_byte': 61977600, 'ops': 3133761, 'norm_ops': 60525, 'norm_ltcy': 16.5393222712722, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:42.500000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:42.500000",
+ "bytes": 3208971264,
+ "norm_byte": 61977600,
+ "ops": 3133761,
+ "norm_ops": 60525,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.5393222712722,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "331307221240d8b3ae75d4061865283204dc28d3489d928b03efbbf185d44b49",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:43.501000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:43.501000', 'bytes': 3272524800, 'norm_byte': 63553536, 'ops': 3195825, 'norm_ops': 62064, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13010958194364, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:43.501000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:43.501000",
+ "bytes": 3272524800,
+ "norm_byte": 63553536,
+ "ops": 3195825,
+ "norm_ops": 62064,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13010958194364,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f1f5559cb926af4bd9e8f04f94c99dd63b472f6256baf11c76c133d8cbcb20f5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:44.502000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:44.502000', 'bytes': 3336748032, 'norm_byte': 64223232, 'ops': 3258543, 'norm_ops': 62718, 'norm_ltcy': 15.962023680153623, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:44.502000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:44.502000",
+ "bytes": 3336748032,
+ "norm_byte": 64223232,
+ "ops": 3258543,
+ "norm_ops": 62718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.962023680153623,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f300ce7c8b49f667a8f75aae9ce56e9a823fc542bcaa08dd69968f484fed509",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:45.503000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:45.503000', 'bytes': 3401293824, 'norm_byte': 64545792, 'ops': 3321576, 'norm_ops': 63033, 'norm_ltcy': 15.88222048619374, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:45.503000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:45.503000",
+ "bytes": 3401293824,
+ "norm_byte": 64545792,
+ "ops": 3321576,
+ "norm_ops": 63033,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.88222048619374,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7092aeb2b9f6b17770794d5b6c260abda56be08e5f06e8a13ac0628013f02fa9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:46.504000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:46.504000', 'bytes': 3464086528, 'norm_byte': 62792704, 'ops': 3382897, 'norm_ops': 61321, 'norm_ltcy': 16.324567739589618, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:46.504000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:46.504000",
+ "bytes": 3464086528,
+ "norm_byte": 62792704,
+ "ops": 3382897,
+ "norm_ops": 61321,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.324567739589618,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5815b2bc0cbb9658b2be0524473175cb31f5346eebc4bcfb7dc2f88671ced513",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:47.505000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:47.505000', 'bytes': 3526294528, 'norm_byte': 62208000, 'ops': 3443647, 'norm_ops': 60750, 'norm_ltcy': 16.478885352366255, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:47.505000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:47.505000",
+ "bytes": 3526294528,
+ "norm_byte": 62208000,
+ "ops": 3443647,
+ "norm_ops": 60750,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.478885352366255,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c7b70bd32edecd412d6559b4c85bbb554c6462d56312482142afb573d0e72b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:48.506000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:48.506000', 'bytes': 3590400000, 'norm_byte': 64105472, 'ops': 3506250, 'norm_ops': 62603, 'norm_ltcy': 15.991119291657348, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:48.506000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:48.506000",
+ "bytes": 3590400000,
+ "norm_byte": 64105472,
+ "ops": 3506250,
+ "norm_ops": 62603,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.991119291657348,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a2b0040fa6d7dc87d1633e08c66190b9d716c779c77f1f785cd6b0948bf7fda9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:49.507000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:49.507000', 'bytes': 3654939648, 'norm_byte': 64539648, 'ops': 3569277, 'norm_ops': 63027, 'norm_ltcy': 15.883775040111777, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:49.507000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:49.507000",
+ "bytes": 3654939648,
+ "norm_byte": 64539648,
+ "ops": 3569277,
+ "norm_ops": 63027,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.883775040111777,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a738a51eb73c0997ba10d20a8a44e55549fedcfe2ae9229b1ee9ce4719ca7ef9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:50.508000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:50.508000', 'bytes': 3719818240, 'norm_byte': 64878592, 'ops': 3632635, 'norm_ops': 63358, 'norm_ltcy': 15.800612627351715, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:50.508000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:50.508000",
+ "bytes": 3719818240,
+ "norm_byte": 64878592,
+ "ops": 3632635,
+ "norm_ops": 63358,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.800612627351715,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0830aa13c1938ffcb36654f54bac3df9af8d39efd5b033c8c4a4660a4912982d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:29:51.710000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:29:51.710000', 'bytes': 3783748608, 'norm_byte': 63930368, 'ops': 3695067, 'norm_ops': 62432, 'norm_ltcy': 19.242646937367855, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:29:51.710000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:29:51.710000",
+ "bytes": 3783748608,
+ "norm_byte": 63930368,
+ "ops": 3695067,
+ "norm_ops": 62432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.242646937367855,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "a384e3dc-125e-5b4f-9eea-37266bcf0914",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "981acd405d91cb85ce406de4284da965a1466b78e50a9663846fdacd1e8e5c74",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63062476.8
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61584.45
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.734757302585262
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:29:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-117-220519232606/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-117-220519232606/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf90a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-117-220519232606/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-117-220519232606/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-117-220519232606/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-117-220519232606/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-117-220519232606/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-117-220519232606/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96a7321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-117-220519232606/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=35
+ vm.swappiness=85
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=190
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-118-220519232808/220519232808-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-118-220519232808/220519232808-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09042b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-118-220519232808/220519232808-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:30:51Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003052101.4646 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003053102.5505 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003053102.6790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003054103.7588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61406208 nr_ops:59967\ntimestamp_ms:1653003055104.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126247936 nr_ops:123289\ntimestamp_ms:1653003056106.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188678144 nr_ops:184256\ntimestamp_ms:1653003057107.1338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251870208 nr_ops:245967\ntimestamp_ms:1653003058108.2266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314975232 nr_ops:307593\ntimestamp_ms:1653003059109.3252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378399744 nr_ops:369531\ntimestamp_ms:1653003060110.4194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442102784 nr_ops:431741\ntimestamp_ms:1653003061111.5349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505807872 nr_ops:493953\ntimestamp_ms:1653003062112.6414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569860096 nr_ops:556504\ntimestamp_ms:1653003063113.7371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632683520 nr_ops:617855\ntimestamp_ms:1653003064114.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696445952 nr_ops:680123\ntimestamp_ms:1653003065115.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759421952 nr_ops:741623\ntimestamp_ms:1653003066116.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821889024 nr_ops:802626\ntimestamp_ms:1653003067118.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885095424 nr_ops:864351\ntimestamp_ms:1653003068119.1187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949274624 nr_ops:927026\ntimestamp_ms:1653003069120.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012873216 nr_ops:989134\ntimestamp_ms:1653003070121.3035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076806656 nr_ops:1051569\ntimestamp_ms:1653003071122.3994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140903936 nr_ops:1114164\ntimestamp_ms:1653003072123.5537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202328576 nr_ops:1174149\ntimestamp_ms:1653003073124.6489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265083392 nr_ops:1235433\ntimestamp_ms:1653003074125.7756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327371264 nr_ops:1296261\ntimestamp_ms:1653003075126.8706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1390990336 nr_ops:1358389\ntimestamp_ms:1653003076127.9592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1456051200 nr_ops:1421925\ntimestamp_ms:1653003077129.0503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1520436224 nr_ops:1484801\ntimestamp_ms:1653003078130.1572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1583035392 nr_ops:1545933\ntimestamp_ms:1653003079131.2605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646652416 nr_ops:1608059\ntimestamp_ms:1653003080132.3606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710308352 nr_ops:1670223\ntimestamp_ms:1653003081133.4568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774327808 nr_ops:1732742\ntimestamp_ms:1653003082134.5532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837077504 nr_ops:1794021\ntimestamp_ms:1653003083135.6445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1899967488 nr_ops:1855437\ntimestamp_ms:1653003084136.7493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961384960 nr_ops:1915415\ntimestamp_ms:1653003085137.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2023110656 nr_ops:1975694\ntimestamp_ms:1653003086138.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086130688 nr_ops:2037237\ntimestamp_ms:1653003087140.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2147812352 nr_ops:2097473\ntimestamp_ms:1653003088141.1355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2211929088 nr_ops:2160087\ntimestamp_ms:1653003089142.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2275959808 nr_ops:2222617\ntimestamp_ms:1653003090143.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2339849216 nr_ops:2285009\ntimestamp_ms:1653003091144.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2404090880 nr_ops:2347745\ntimestamp_ms:1653003092145.5154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2468007936 nr_ops:2410164\ntimestamp_ms:1653003093146.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2531412992 nr_ops:2472083\ntimestamp_ms:1653003094147.7124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2594578432 nr_ops:2533768\ntimestamp_ms:1653003095148.8113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658403328 nr_ops:2596097\ntimestamp_ms:1653003096149.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2722317312 nr_ops:2658513\ntimestamp_ms:1653003097151.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785281024 nr_ops:2720001\ntimestamp_ms:1653003098152.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2848459776 nr_ops:2781699\ntimestamp_ms:1653003099153.2080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911998976 nr_ops:2843749\ntimestamp_ms:1653003100154.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2970817536 nr_ops:2901189\ntimestamp_ms:1653003101155.4109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3033371648 nr_ops:2962277\ntimestamp_ms:1653003102156.5156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3094834176 nr_ops:3022299\ntimestamp_ms:1653003103156.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3157829632 nr_ops:3083818\ntimestamp_ms:1653003104157.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3221689344 nr_ops:3146181\ntimestamp_ms:1653003105159.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3285720064 nr_ops:3208711\ntimestamp_ms:1653003106160.1597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3348546560 nr_ops:3270065\ntimestamp_ms:1653003107160.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3411526656 nr_ops:3331569\ntimestamp_ms:1653003108161.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3474396160 nr_ops:3392965\ntimestamp_ms:1653003109162.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3537597440 nr_ops:3454685\ntimestamp_ms:1653003110164.0334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3601735680 nr_ops:3517320\ntimestamp_ms:1653003111165.2141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3665004544 nr_ops:3579106\ntimestamp_ms:1653003112166.3103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3727272960 nr_ops:3639915\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139721581807360\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3790246912 nr_ops:3701413\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.1902 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.1943 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113467.4111 name:Total nr_bytes:3790246912 nr_ops:3701414\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.2783 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7580493822 nr_ops:7402828\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.2791 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3790246912 nr_ops:3701416\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 248.87us 0.00ns 248.87us 248.87us \nTxn1 1850707 32.42us 0.00ns 7.28ms 26.77us \nTxn2 1 23.34us 0.00ns 23.34us 23.34us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 248.34us 0.00ns 248.34us 248.34us \nwrite 1850707 3.25us 0.00ns 138.01us 2.63us \nread 1850706 29.09us 0.00ns 7.28ms 1.46us \ndisconnect 1 22.91us 0.00ns 22.91us 22.91us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29674 29675 258.76Mb/s 258.76Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.213 62.37s 3.53GB 486.18Mb/s 3701415 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.53GB 486.19Mb/s 3701416 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417318, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003052101.4646 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003053102.5505 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003053102.6790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003054103.7588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61406208 nr_ops:59967\ntimestamp_ms:1653003055104.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126247936 nr_ops:123289\ntimestamp_ms:1653003056106.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188678144 nr_ops:184256\ntimestamp_ms:1653003057107.1338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251870208 nr_ops:245967\ntimestamp_ms:1653003058108.2266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314975232 nr_ops:307593\ntimestamp_ms:1653003059109.3252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378399744 nr_ops:369531\ntimestamp_ms:1653003060110.4194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442102784 nr_ops:431741\ntimestamp_ms:1653003061111.5349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505807872 nr_ops:493953\ntimestamp_ms:1653003062112.6414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569860096 nr_ops:556504\ntimestamp_ms:1653003063113.7371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632683520 nr_ops:617855\ntimestamp_ms:1653003064114.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696445952 nr_ops:680123\ntimestamp_ms:1653003065115.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759421952 nr_ops:741623\ntimestamp_ms:1653003066116.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821889024 nr_ops:802626\ntimestamp_ms:1653003067118.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885095424 nr_ops:864351\ntimestamp_ms:1653003068119.1187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949274624 nr_ops:927026\ntimestamp_ms:1653003069120.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012873216 nr_ops:989134\ntimestamp_ms:1653003070121.3035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076806656 nr_ops:1051569\ntimestamp_ms:1653003071122.3994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140903936 nr_ops:1114164\ntimestamp_ms:1653003072123.5537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202328576 nr_ops:1174149\ntimestamp_ms:1653003073124.6489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265083392 nr_ops:1235433\ntimestamp_ms:1653003074125.7756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327371264 nr_ops:1296261\ntimestamp_ms:1653003075126.8706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1390990336 nr_ops:1358389\ntimestamp_ms:1653003076127.9592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1456051200 nr_ops:1421925\ntimestamp_ms:1653003077129.0503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1520436224 nr_ops:1484801\ntimestamp_ms:1653003078130.1572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1583035392 nr_ops:1545933\ntimestamp_ms:1653003079131.2605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646652416 nr_ops:1608059\ntimestamp_ms:1653003080132.3606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710308352 nr_ops:1670223\ntimestamp_ms:1653003081133.4568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774327808 nr_ops:1732742\ntimestamp_ms:1653003082134.5532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837077504 nr_ops:1794021\ntimestamp_ms:1653003083135.6445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1899967488 nr_ops:1855437\ntimestamp_ms:1653003084136.7493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961384960 nr_ops:1915415\ntimestamp_ms:1653003085137.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2023110656 nr_ops:1975694\ntimestamp_ms:1653003086138.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086130688 nr_ops:2037237\ntimestamp_ms:1653003087140.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2147812352 nr_ops:2097473\ntimestamp_ms:1653003088141.1355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2211929088 nr_ops:2160087\ntimestamp_ms:1653003089142.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2275959808 nr_ops:2222617\ntimestamp_ms:1653003090143.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2339849216 nr_ops:2285009\ntimestamp_ms:1653003091144.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2404090880 nr_ops:2347745\ntimestamp_ms:1653003092145.5154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2468007936 nr_ops:2410164\ntimestamp_ms:1653003093146.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2531412992 nr_ops:2472083\ntimestamp_ms:1653003094147.7124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2594578432 nr_ops:2533768\ntimestamp_ms:1653003095148.8113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658403328 nr_ops:2596097\ntimestamp_ms:1653003096149.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2722317312 nr_ops:2658513\ntimestamp_ms:1653003097151.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785281024 nr_ops:2720001\ntimestamp_ms:1653003098152.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2848459776 nr_ops:2781699\ntimestamp_ms:1653003099153.2080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911998976 nr_ops:2843749\ntimestamp_ms:1653003100154.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2970817536 nr_ops:2901189\ntimestamp_ms:1653003101155.4109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3033371648 nr_ops:2962277\ntimestamp_ms:1653003102156.5156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3094834176 nr_ops:3022299\ntimestamp_ms:1653003103156.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3157829632 nr_ops:3083818\ntimestamp_ms:1653003104157.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3221689344 nr_ops:3146181\ntimestamp_ms:1653003105159.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3285720064 nr_ops:3208711\ntimestamp_ms:1653003106160.1597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3348546560 nr_ops:3270065\ntimestamp_ms:1653003107160.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3411526656 nr_ops:3331569\ntimestamp_ms:1653003108161.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3474396160 nr_ops:3392965\ntimestamp_ms:1653003109162.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3537597440 nr_ops:3454685\ntimestamp_ms:1653003110164.0334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3601735680 nr_ops:3517320\ntimestamp_ms:1653003111165.2141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3665004544 nr_ops:3579106\ntimestamp_ms:1653003112166.3103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3727272960 nr_ops:3639915\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139721581807360\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3790246912 nr_ops:3701413\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.1902 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.1943 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113467.4111 name:Total nr_bytes:3790246912 nr_ops:3701414\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.2783 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7580493822 nr_ops:7402828\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.2791 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3790246912 nr_ops:3701416\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 248.87us 0.00ns 248.87us 248.87us \nTxn1 1850707 32.42us 0.00ns 7.28ms 26.77us \nTxn2 1 23.34us 0.00ns 23.34us 23.34us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 248.34us 0.00ns 248.34us 248.34us \nwrite 1850707 3.25us 0.00ns 138.01us 2.63us \nread 1850706 29.09us 0.00ns 7.28ms 1.46us \ndisconnect 1 22.91us 0.00ns 22.91us 22.91us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29674 29675 258.76Mb/s 258.76Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.213 62.37s 3.53GB 486.18Mb/s 3701415 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.53GB 486.19Mb/s 3701416 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417318, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003052101.4646 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003053102.5505 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003053102.6790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003054103.7588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61406208 nr_ops:59967\ntimestamp_ms:1653003055104.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126247936 nr_ops:123289\ntimestamp_ms:1653003056106.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188678144 nr_ops:184256\ntimestamp_ms:1653003057107.1338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251870208 nr_ops:245967\ntimestamp_ms:1653003058108.2266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314975232 nr_ops:307593\ntimestamp_ms:1653003059109.3252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378399744 nr_ops:369531\ntimestamp_ms:1653003060110.4194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442102784 nr_ops:431741\ntimestamp_ms:1653003061111.5349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505807872 nr_ops:493953\ntimestamp_ms:1653003062112.6414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569860096 nr_ops:556504\ntimestamp_ms:1653003063113.7371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632683520 nr_ops:617855\ntimestamp_ms:1653003064114.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696445952 nr_ops:680123\ntimestamp_ms:1653003065115.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759421952 nr_ops:741623\ntimestamp_ms:1653003066116.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821889024 nr_ops:802626\ntimestamp_ms:1653003067118.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885095424 nr_ops:864351\ntimestamp_ms:1653003068119.1187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949274624 nr_ops:927026\ntimestamp_ms:1653003069120.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012873216 nr_ops:989134\ntimestamp_ms:1653003070121.3035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076806656 nr_ops:1051569\ntimestamp_ms:1653003071122.3994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140903936 nr_ops:1114164\ntimestamp_ms:1653003072123.5537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202328576 nr_ops:1174149\ntimestamp_ms:1653003073124.6489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265083392 nr_ops:1235433\ntimestamp_ms:1653003074125.7756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327371264 nr_ops:1296261\ntimestamp_ms:1653003075126.8706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1390990336 nr_ops:1358389\ntimestamp_ms:1653003076127.9592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1456051200 nr_ops:1421925\ntimestamp_ms:1653003077129.0503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1520436224 nr_ops:1484801\ntimestamp_ms:1653003078130.1572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1583035392 nr_ops:1545933\ntimestamp_ms:1653003079131.2605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646652416 nr_ops:1608059\ntimestamp_ms:1653003080132.3606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710308352 nr_ops:1670223\ntimestamp_ms:1653003081133.4568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774327808 nr_ops:1732742\ntimestamp_ms:1653003082134.5532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837077504 nr_ops:1794021\ntimestamp_ms:1653003083135.6445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1899967488 nr_ops:1855437\ntimestamp_ms:1653003084136.7493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961384960 nr_ops:1915415\ntimestamp_ms:1653003085137.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2023110656 nr_ops:1975694\ntimestamp_ms:1653003086138.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086130688 nr_ops:2037237\ntimestamp_ms:1653003087140.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2147812352 nr_ops:2097473\ntimestamp_ms:1653003088141.1355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2211929088 nr_ops:2160087\ntimestamp_ms:1653003089142.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2275959808 nr_ops:2222617\ntimestamp_ms:1653003090143.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2339849216 nr_ops:2285009\ntimestamp_ms:1653003091144.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2404090880 nr_ops:2347745\ntimestamp_ms:1653003092145.5154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2468007936 nr_ops:2410164\ntimestamp_ms:1653003093146.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2531412992 nr_ops:2472083\ntimestamp_ms:1653003094147.7124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2594578432 nr_ops:2533768\ntimestamp_ms:1653003095148.8113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658403328 nr_ops:2596097\ntimestamp_ms:1653003096149.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2722317312 nr_ops:2658513\ntimestamp_ms:1653003097151.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785281024 nr_ops:2720001\ntimestamp_ms:1653003098152.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2848459776 nr_ops:2781699\ntimestamp_ms:1653003099153.2080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911998976 nr_ops:2843749\ntimestamp_ms:1653003100154.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2970817536 nr_ops:2901189\ntimestamp_ms:1653003101155.4109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3033371648 nr_ops:2962277\ntimestamp_ms:1653003102156.5156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3094834176 nr_ops:3022299\ntimestamp_ms:1653003103156.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3157829632 nr_ops:3083818\ntimestamp_ms:1653003104157.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3221689344 nr_ops:3146181\ntimestamp_ms:1653003105159.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3285720064 nr_ops:3208711\ntimestamp_ms:1653003106160.1597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3348546560 nr_ops:3270065\ntimestamp_ms:1653003107160.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3411526656 nr_ops:3331569\ntimestamp_ms:1653003108161.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3474396160 nr_ops:3392965\ntimestamp_ms:1653003109162.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3537597440 nr_ops:3454685\ntimestamp_ms:1653003110164.0334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3601735680 nr_ops:3517320\ntimestamp_ms:1653003111165.2141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3665004544 nr_ops:3579106\ntimestamp_ms:1653003112166.3103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3727272960 nr_ops:3639915\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139721581807360\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3790246912 nr_ops:3701413\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.1902 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.1943 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113467.4111 name:Total nr_bytes:3790246912 nr_ops:3701414\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.2783 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7580493822 nr_ops:7402828\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003113367.2791 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3790246912 nr_ops:3701416\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 248.87us 0.00ns 248.87us 248.87us \nTxn1 1850707 32.42us 0.00ns 7.28ms 26.77us \nTxn2 1 23.34us 0.00ns 23.34us 23.34us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 248.34us 0.00ns 248.34us 248.34us \nwrite 1850707 3.25us 0.00ns 138.01us 2.63us \nread 1850706 29.09us 0.00ns 7.28ms 1.46us \ndisconnect 1 22.91us 0.00ns 22.91us 22.91us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 29674 29675 258.76Mb/s 258.76Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.213 62.37s 3.53GB 486.18Mb/s 3701415 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.53GB 486.19Mb/s 3701416 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.417318, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003052101.4646 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003053102.5505 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003053102.6790 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003054103.7588 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:61406208 nr_ops:59967
+timestamp_ms:1653003055104.8496 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126247936 nr_ops:123289
+timestamp_ms:1653003056106.0195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:188678144 nr_ops:184256
+timestamp_ms:1653003057107.1338 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:251870208 nr_ops:245967
+timestamp_ms:1653003058108.2266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:314975232 nr_ops:307593
+timestamp_ms:1653003059109.3252 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378399744 nr_ops:369531
+timestamp_ms:1653003060110.4194 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442102784 nr_ops:431741
+timestamp_ms:1653003061111.5349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505807872 nr_ops:493953
+timestamp_ms:1653003062112.6414 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:569860096 nr_ops:556504
+timestamp_ms:1653003063113.7371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:632683520 nr_ops:617855
+timestamp_ms:1653003064114.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:696445952 nr_ops:680123
+timestamp_ms:1653003065115.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:759421952 nr_ops:741623
+timestamp_ms:1653003066116.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:821889024 nr_ops:802626
+timestamp_ms:1653003067118.0244 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:885095424 nr_ops:864351
+timestamp_ms:1653003068119.1187 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:949274624 nr_ops:927026
+timestamp_ms:1653003069120.2104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1012873216 nr_ops:989134
+timestamp_ms:1653003070121.3035 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1076806656 nr_ops:1051569
+timestamp_ms:1653003071122.3994 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140903936 nr_ops:1114164
+timestamp_ms:1653003072123.5537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202328576 nr_ops:1174149
+timestamp_ms:1653003073124.6489 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265083392 nr_ops:1235433
+timestamp_ms:1653003074125.7756 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1327371264 nr_ops:1296261
+timestamp_ms:1653003075126.8706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1390990336 nr_ops:1358389
+timestamp_ms:1653003076127.9592 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1456051200 nr_ops:1421925
+timestamp_ms:1653003077129.0503 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1520436224 nr_ops:1484801
+timestamp_ms:1653003078130.1572 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1583035392 nr_ops:1545933
+timestamp_ms:1653003079131.2605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1646652416 nr_ops:1608059
+timestamp_ms:1653003080132.3606 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1710308352 nr_ops:1670223
+timestamp_ms:1653003081133.4568 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1774327808 nr_ops:1732742
+timestamp_ms:1653003082134.5532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1837077504 nr_ops:1794021
+timestamp_ms:1653003083135.6445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1899967488 nr_ops:1855437
+timestamp_ms:1653003084136.7493 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1961384960 nr_ops:1915415
+timestamp_ms:1653003085137.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2023110656 nr_ops:1975694
+timestamp_ms:1653003086138.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2086130688 nr_ops:2037237
+timestamp_ms:1653003087140.0347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2147812352 nr_ops:2097473
+timestamp_ms:1653003088141.1355 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2211929088 nr_ops:2160087
+timestamp_ms:1653003089142.2268 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2275959808 nr_ops:2222617
+timestamp_ms:1653003090143.3181 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2339849216 nr_ops:2285009
+timestamp_ms:1653003091144.4209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2404090880 nr_ops:2347745
+timestamp_ms:1653003092145.5154 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2468007936 nr_ops:2410164
+timestamp_ms:1653003093146.6172 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2531412992 nr_ops:2472083
+timestamp_ms:1653003094147.7124 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2594578432 nr_ops:2533768
+timestamp_ms:1653003095148.8113 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2658403328 nr_ops:2596097
+timestamp_ms:1653003096149.9155 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2722317312 nr_ops:2658513
+timestamp_ms:1653003097151.0229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785281024 nr_ops:2720001
+timestamp_ms:1653003098152.1179 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2848459776 nr_ops:2781699
+timestamp_ms:1653003099153.2080 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2911998976 nr_ops:2843749
+timestamp_ms:1653003100154.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2970817536 nr_ops:2901189
+timestamp_ms:1653003101155.4109 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3033371648 nr_ops:2962277
+timestamp_ms:1653003102156.5156 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3094834176 nr_ops:3022299
+timestamp_ms:1653003103156.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3157829632 nr_ops:3083818
+timestamp_ms:1653003104157.9385 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3221689344 nr_ops:3146181
+timestamp_ms:1653003105159.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3285720064 nr_ops:3208711
+timestamp_ms:1653003106160.1597 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3348546560 nr_ops:3270065
+timestamp_ms:1653003107160.8313 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3411526656 nr_ops:3331569
+timestamp_ms:1653003108161.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3474396160 nr_ops:3392965
+timestamp_ms:1653003109162.9307 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3537597440 nr_ops:3454685
+timestamp_ms:1653003110164.0334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3601735680 nr_ops:3517320
+timestamp_ms:1653003111165.2141 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3665004544 nr_ops:3579106
+timestamp_ms:1653003112166.3103 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3727272960 nr_ops:3639915
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139721581807360
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653003113367.1345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3790246912 nr_ops:3701413
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003113367.1902 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003113367.1943 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003113467.4111 name:Total nr_bytes:3790246912 nr_ops:3701414
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003113367.2783 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7580493822 nr_ops:7402828
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003113367.2791 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3790246912 nr_ops:3701416
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 248.87us 0.00ns 248.87us 248.87us
+Txn1 1850707 32.42us 0.00ns 7.28ms 26.77us
+Txn2 1 23.34us 0.00ns 23.34us 23.34us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 248.34us 0.00ns 248.34us 248.34us
+write 1850707 3.25us 0.00ns 138.01us 2.63us
+read 1850706 29.09us 0.00ns 7.28ms 1.46us
+disconnect 1 22.91us 0.00ns 22.91us 22.91us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 29674 29675 258.76Mb/s 258.76Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 781.18b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.213 62.37s 3.53GB 486.18Mb/s 3701415 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.53GB 486.19Mb/s 3701416 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:30:54.103000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:30:54.103000', 'bytes': 61406208, 'norm_byte': 61406208, 'ops': 59967, 'norm_ops': 59967, 'norm_ltcy': 16.69384551477271, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:30:54.103000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:30:54.103000",
+ "bytes": 61406208,
+ "norm_byte": 61406208,
+ "ops": 59967,
+ "norm_ops": 59967,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.69384551477271,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22ad67955919dbaa5ed89e8a7ca213117db1d8f75041997464f895bd44b98ac6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:30:55.104000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:30:55.104000', 'bytes': 126247936, 'norm_byte': 64841728, 'ops': 123289, 'norm_ops': 63322, 'norm_ltcy': 15.809526235944855, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:30:55.104000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:30:55.104000",
+ "bytes": 126247936,
+ "norm_byte": 64841728,
+ "ops": 123289,
+ "norm_ops": 63322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.809526235944855,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f51cc2c8dc25bf30190f4a7e431ad26c954f2f54c9b5d29aa62b1bf0014f0176",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:30:56.106000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:30:56.106000', 'bytes': 188678144, 'norm_byte': 62430208, 'ops': 184256, 'norm_ops': 60967, 'norm_ltcy': 16.421505435317467, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:30:56.106000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:30:56.106000",
+ "bytes": 188678144,
+ "norm_byte": 62430208,
+ "ops": 184256,
+ "norm_ops": 60967,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.421505435317467,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9b9e7afcf9672e354fbb77f9b853cce468080fc92e1917823bc1cf029b67c9e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:30:57.107000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:30:57.107000', 'bytes': 251870208, 'norm_byte': 63192064, 'ops': 245967, 'norm_ops': 61711, 'norm_ltcy': 16.222622511586266, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:30:57.107000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:30:57.107000",
+ "bytes": 251870208,
+ "norm_byte": 63192064,
+ "ops": 245967,
+ "norm_ops": 61711,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.222622511586266,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3ae37084ac48fbcff6c348095213932d197d0f2699d50fbf4115c51fe2747e78",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:30:58.108000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:30:58.108000', 'bytes': 314975232, 'norm_byte': 63105024, 'ops': 307593, 'norm_ops': 61626, 'norm_ltcy': 16.244649554368287, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:30:58.108000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:30:58.108000",
+ "bytes": 314975232,
+ "norm_byte": 63105024,
+ "ops": 307593,
+ "norm_ops": 61626,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.244649554368287,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8e292112a44dbde07d873249afbbdc9744c487d3448f7f2b4c512df0beecb3e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:30:59.109000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:30:59.109000', 'bytes': 378399744, 'norm_byte': 63424512, 'ops': 369531, 'norm_ops': 61938, 'norm_ltcy': 16.16291505719429, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:30:59.109000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:30:59.109000",
+ "bytes": 378399744,
+ "norm_byte": 63424512,
+ "ops": 369531,
+ "norm_ops": 61938,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.16291505719429,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4258f5286e37a4aab0abcdf9caced12b98b751a42052a90697427e989c613807",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:00.110000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:00.110000', 'bytes': 442102784, 'norm_byte': 63703040, 'ops': 431741, 'norm_ops': 62210, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09217550685179, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:00.110000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:00.110000",
+ "bytes": 442102784,
+ "norm_byte": 63703040,
+ "ops": 431741,
+ "norm_ops": 62210,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09217550685179,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b64daab594f999cc199c384b19a8a5550a303654a2670730de53550e3b2b8240",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:01.111000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:01.111000', 'bytes': 505807872, 'norm_byte': 63705088, 'ops': 493953, 'norm_ops': 62212, 'norm_ltcy': 16.09199959036239, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:01.111000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:01.111000",
+ "bytes": 505807872,
+ "norm_byte": 63705088,
+ "ops": 493953,
+ "norm_ops": 62212,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.09199959036239,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a0ff145313310d0f1ed74c92319b2659ae749d01b0c9c76ec1808bd0228b7e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:02.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:02.112000', 'bytes': 569860096, 'norm_byte': 64052224, 'ops': 556504, 'norm_ops': 62551, 'norm_ltcy': 16.004643336037795, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:02.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:02.112000",
+ "bytes": 569860096,
+ "norm_byte": 64052224,
+ "ops": 556504,
+ "norm_ops": 62551,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.004643336037795,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c7f4e7d6935c4b554fe4e20b55892c722132862abd6f4016ba909ea21f606d4d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:03.113000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:03.113000', 'bytes': 632683520, 'norm_byte': 62823424, 'ops': 617855, 'norm_ops': 61351, 'norm_ltcy': 16.317512397923423, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:03.113000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:03.113000",
+ "bytes": 632683520,
+ "norm_byte": 62823424,
+ "ops": 617855,
+ "norm_ops": 61351,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.317512397923423,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db55736931121f8ddf6305120ec8990b6c5c6cd42c634e9cc49e28471a67be76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:04.114000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:04.114000', 'bytes': 696445952, 'norm_byte': 63762432, 'ops': 680123, 'norm_ops': 62268, 'norm_ltcy': 16.077303952270828, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:04.114000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:04.114000",
+ "bytes": 696445952,
+ "norm_byte": 63762432,
+ "ops": 680123,
+ "norm_ops": 62268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.077303952270828,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82cee61e5c458dcee30c3e8227deb7b2572656caa80ad1a8da49802df4395099",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:05.115000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:05.115000', 'bytes': 759421952, 'norm_byte': 62976000, 'ops': 741623, 'norm_ops': 61500, 'norm_ltcy': 16.276311610772357, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:05.115000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:05.115000",
+ "bytes": 759421952,
+ "norm_byte": 62976000,
+ "ops": 741623,
+ "norm_ops": 61500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.276311610772357,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "334ed7715452c079ae9f5c8a2ef28dfe07a7f6ce7f932a4c06829e2f6cdc4ba3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:06.116000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:06.116000', 'bytes': 821889024, 'norm_byte': 62467072, 'ops': 802626, 'norm_ops': 61003, 'norm_ltcy': 16.410649918088048, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:06.116000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:06.116000",
+ "bytes": 821889024,
+ "norm_byte": 62467072,
+ "ops": 802626,
+ "norm_ops": 61003,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.410649918088048,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "549c7d4ec30a683ca2bce3ca71d095079f2a49418683c28181963ee4504d0354",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:07.118000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:07.118000', 'bytes': 885095424, 'norm_byte': 63206400, 'ops': 864351, 'norm_ops': 61725, 'norm_ltcy': 16.218610773592548, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:07.118000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:07.118000",
+ "bytes": 885095424,
+ "norm_byte": 63206400,
+ "ops": 864351,
+ "norm_ops": 61725,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.218610773592548,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e12b1dd6caf2f3fb1d29ca5dda770658fc3e85e1c14e5e2035c2da8ee3498b9b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:08.119000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:08.119000', 'bytes': 949274624, 'norm_byte': 64179200, 'ops': 927026, 'norm_ops': 62675, 'norm_ltcy': 15.972784017251698, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:08.119000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:08.119000",
+ "bytes": 949274624,
+ "norm_byte": 64179200,
+ "ops": 927026,
+ "norm_ops": 62675,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.972784017251698,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "501d07c0288661884d92ff96174876e006c1bcbee3005de93924af5f2c5e72c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:09.120000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:09.120000', 'bytes': 1012873216, 'norm_byte': 63598592, 'ops': 989134, 'norm_ops': 62108, 'norm_ltcy': 16.118564385827913, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:09.120000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:09.120000",
+ "bytes": 1012873216,
+ "norm_byte": 63598592,
+ "ops": 989134,
+ "norm_ops": 62108,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.118564385827913,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f726837bd23dea2e3d3d6d7e7318aaea29b6e70f0a06680d5667800362d378b5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:10.121000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:10.121000', 'bytes': 1076806656, 'norm_byte': 63933440, 'ops': 1051569, 'norm_ops': 62435, 'norm_ltcy': 16.03416381161408, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:10.121000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:10.121000",
+ "bytes": 1076806656,
+ "norm_byte": 63933440,
+ "ops": 1051569,
+ "norm_ops": 62435,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.03416381161408,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "44b0b227e9bd24b8e0ec0e0795c4fc3370792fa43114a5b676e8990ac55e0462",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:11.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:11.122000', 'bytes': 1140903936, 'norm_byte': 64097280, 'ops': 1114164, 'norm_ops': 62595, 'norm_ltcy': 15.993225453560589, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:11.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:11.122000",
+ "bytes": 1140903936,
+ "norm_byte": 64097280,
+ "ops": 1114164,
+ "norm_ops": 62595,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.993225453560589,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00445dc6e250d6384d240abfdf4bc86b4a2892b5a8380e2fd1486c876d1892d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:12.123000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:12.123000', 'bytes': 1202328576, 'norm_byte': 61424640, 'ops': 1174149, 'norm_ops': 59985, 'norm_ltcy': 16.690077467283487, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:12.123000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:12.123000",
+ "bytes": 1202328576,
+ "norm_byte": 61424640,
+ "ops": 1174149,
+ "norm_ops": 59985,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.690077467283487,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6c9861d58e12438e567355249525a840c7205eb69fb8b0fc1801c08827339abe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:13.124000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:13.124000', 'bytes': 1265083392, 'norm_byte': 62754816, 'ops': 1235433, 'norm_ops': 61284, 'norm_ltcy': 16.335343888188596, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:13.124000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:13.124000",
+ "bytes": 1265083392,
+ "norm_byte": 62754816,
+ "ops": 1235433,
+ "norm_ops": 61284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.335343888188596,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cebd9dcdb0799a5cc8e5162c01b966e837d7f58c1ed3cf6c3d4beaa53922ef7c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:14.125000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:14.125000', 'bytes': 1327371264, 'norm_byte': 62287872, 'ops': 1296261, 'norm_ops': 60828, 'norm_ltcy': 16.458320329196667, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:14.125000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:14.125000",
+ "bytes": 1327371264,
+ "norm_byte": 62287872,
+ "ops": 1296261,
+ "norm_ops": 60828,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.458320329196667,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc1115bb8d4207c67078cfb8be0098fd44512552630edb0fe6d4c57d2fa6e9ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:15.126000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:15.126000', 'bytes': 1390990336, 'norm_byte': 63619072, 'ops': 1358389, 'norm_ops': 62128, 'norm_ltcy': 16.113426646650865, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:15.126000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:15.126000",
+ "bytes": 1390990336,
+ "norm_byte": 63619072,
+ "ops": 1358389,
+ "norm_ops": 62128,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.113426646650865,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f851f6fa0f76a2d7c042504a04db0cb53b9c3f430046d82c24b2bd0acd23a9cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:16.127000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:16.127000', 'bytes': 1456051200, 'norm_byte': 65060864, 'ops': 1421925, 'norm_ops': 63536, 'norm_ltcy': 15.756242493182999, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:16.127000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:16.127000",
+ "bytes": 1456051200,
+ "norm_byte": 65060864,
+ "ops": 1421925,
+ "norm_ops": 63536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.756242493182999,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7cb0e4d1ae5bc36603ef380985417de76eec26a634879e43c60de80bbb6fefa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:17.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:17.129000', 'bytes': 1520436224, 'norm_byte': 64385024, 'ops': 1484801, 'norm_ops': 62876, 'norm_ltcy': 15.921672250988054, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:17.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:17.129000",
+ "bytes": 1520436224,
+ "norm_byte": 64385024,
+ "ops": 1484801,
+ "norm_ops": 62876,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.921672250988054,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "13d635cfc21fd44ce0f6a8c743768205f2ec06be5bfab5cc3f6e59da606727f7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:18.130000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:18.130000', 'bytes': 1583035392, 'norm_byte': 62599168, 'ops': 1545933, 'norm_ops': 61132, 'norm_ltcy': 16.37615215588808, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:18.130000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:18.130000",
+ "bytes": 1583035392,
+ "norm_byte": 62599168,
+ "ops": 1545933,
+ "norm_ops": 61132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.37615215588808,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "79e7f3bfed71a63080c547b86fe73bad0706b3a9eede846640c586e4f99aefd2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:19.131000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:19.131000', 'bytes': 1646652416, 'norm_byte': 63617024, 'ops': 1608059, 'norm_ops': 62126, 'norm_ltcy': 16.114078992440767, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:19.131000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:19.131000",
+ "bytes": 1646652416,
+ "norm_byte": 63617024,
+ "ops": 1608059,
+ "norm_ops": 62126,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.114078992440767,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84b02e166c349da02916ce36f06a0b1c7141d8ae9be4173e751afc6e2b6144a3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:20.132000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:20.132000', 'bytes': 1710308352, 'norm_byte': 63655936, 'ops': 1670223, 'norm_ops': 62164, 'norm_ltcy': 16.10417762139261, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:20.132000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:20.132000",
+ "bytes": 1710308352,
+ "norm_byte": 63655936,
+ "ops": 1670223,
+ "norm_ops": 62164,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.10417762139261,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "12033ce4abff5f0b20482f9e22d0dcb3246cbff8e8194f5ce005162140506fc9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:21.133000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:21.133000', 'bytes': 1774327808, 'norm_byte': 64019456, 'ops': 1732742, 'norm_ops': 62519, 'norm_ltcy': 16.012671210452023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:21.133000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:21.133000",
+ "bytes": 1774327808,
+ "norm_byte": 64019456,
+ "ops": 1732742,
+ "norm_ops": 62519,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.012671210452023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d04f7420fb8db47346b3f8871339ce856836521a2d21161dfec5d6bda1a6a897",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:22.134000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:22.134000', 'bytes': 1837077504, 'norm_byte': 62749696, 'ops': 1794021, 'norm_ops': 61279, 'norm_ltcy': 16.336696674992655, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:22.134000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:22.134000",
+ "bytes": 1837077504,
+ "norm_byte": 62749696,
+ "ops": 1794021,
+ "norm_ops": 61279,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.336696674992655,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b6c3cd9475d8c0c29345e1ac16a8d2d7106cf0ead6d6a1c72ccb0b2ba2d11a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:23.135000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:23.135000', 'bytes': 1899967488, 'norm_byte': 62889984, 'ops': 1855437, 'norm_ops': 61416, 'norm_ltcy': 16.30017110514768, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:23.135000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:23.135000",
+ "bytes": 1899967488,
+ "norm_byte": 62889984,
+ "ops": 1855437,
+ "norm_ops": 61416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.30017110514768,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c7f1efb30cc354880591ccb0f70f66d83fa0abbdddfc2212ac8973c7cdad9ec",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:24.136000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:24.136000', 'bytes': 1961384960, 'norm_byte': 61417472, 'ops': 1915415, 'norm_ops': 59978, 'norm_ltcy': 16.691199045118626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:24.136000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:24.136000",
+ "bytes": 1961384960,
+ "norm_byte": 61417472,
+ "ops": 1915415,
+ "norm_ops": 59978,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.691199045118626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dffef478b4b589548065966c5154398abfe17bcc449c115c2cfb30e2fb9a7fbb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:25.137000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:25.137000', 'bytes': 2023110656, 'norm_byte': 61725696, 'ops': 1975694, 'norm_ops': 60279, 'norm_ltcy': 16.607702568473268, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:25.137000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:25.137000",
+ "bytes": 2023110656,
+ "norm_byte": 61725696,
+ "ops": 1975694,
+ "norm_ops": 60279,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.607702568473268,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac6daa947c6cfa9c8409ebf23a54d63ad896115fd38320d5c0a34bbf19bec19c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:26.138000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:26.138000', 'bytes': 2086130688, 'norm_byte': 63020032, 'ops': 2037237, 'norm_ops': 61543, 'norm_ltcy': 16.266661051520888, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:26.138000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:26.138000",
+ "bytes": 2086130688,
+ "norm_byte": 63020032,
+ "ops": 2037237,
+ "norm_ops": 61543,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.266661051520888,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a4140223208806a9d57a20b0a046169afefe6f0113d47aa50b8101a5c9ad461",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:27.140000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:27.140000', 'bytes': 2147812352, 'norm_byte': 61681664, 'ops': 2097473, 'norm_ops': 60236, 'norm_ltcy': 16.61947300902907, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:27.140000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:27.140000",
+ "bytes": 2147812352,
+ "norm_byte": 61681664,
+ "ops": 2097473,
+ "norm_ops": 60236,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.61947300902907,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9c9d391c02d8c9e0621262ec47b051edee29ee4a8102c01b0193b90cb608548f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:28.141000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:28.141000', 'bytes': 2211929088, 'norm_byte': 64116736, 'ops': 2160087, 'norm_ops': 62614, 'norm_ltcy': 15.988450347815583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:28.141000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:28.141000",
+ "bytes": 2211929088,
+ "norm_byte": 64116736,
+ "ops": 2160087,
+ "norm_ops": 62614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.988450347815583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "00ec68b0387db1cb3fdab8d8625f6a510f142efed880db73e8f91afc05c9f1fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:29.142000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:29.142000', 'bytes': 2275959808, 'norm_byte': 64030720, 'ops': 2222617, 'norm_ops': 62530, 'norm_ltcy': 16.009776244902444, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:29.142000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:29.142000",
+ "bytes": 2275959808,
+ "norm_byte": 64030720,
+ "ops": 2222617,
+ "norm_ops": 62530,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.009776244902444,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1634633325de09273d89ad0c418c38a972e947b86ba4971b4eebadabba6db1d7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:30.143000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:30.143000', 'bytes': 2339849216, 'norm_byte': 63889408, 'ops': 2285009, 'norm_ops': 62392, 'norm_ltcy': 16.04518702067172, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:30.143000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:30.143000",
+ "bytes": 2339849216,
+ "norm_byte": 63889408,
+ "ops": 2285009,
+ "norm_ops": 62392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.04518702067172,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "677fc40760544f49609b1c4366f04ca95cae27732a049e808f969d1a5aeadd92",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:31.144000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:31.144000', 'bytes': 2404090880, 'norm_byte': 64241664, 'ops': 2347745, 'norm_ops': 62736, 'norm_ltcy': 15.957389428766975, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:31.144000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:31.144000",
+ "bytes": 2404090880,
+ "norm_byte": 64241664,
+ "ops": 2347745,
+ "norm_ops": 62736,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.957389428766975,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b7708e4134ab57c2350fe97f9aea9666b02afccada8fe008eac240e098016b2d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:32.145000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:32.145000', 'bytes': 2468007936, 'norm_byte': 63917056, 'ops': 2410164, 'norm_ops': 62419, 'norm_ltcy': 16.038297352118345, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:32.145000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:32.145000",
+ "bytes": 2468007936,
+ "norm_byte": 63917056,
+ "ops": 2410164,
+ "norm_ops": 62419,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.038297352118345,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ab6b302dbc72a6408bba6d3844c155a4d9887b45c991d51669345816b9ddb05",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:33.146000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:33.146000', 'bytes': 2531412992, 'norm_byte': 63405056, 'ops': 2472083, 'norm_ops': 61919, 'norm_ltcy': 16.167925945842555, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:33.146000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:33.146000",
+ "bytes": 2531412992,
+ "norm_byte": 63405056,
+ "ops": 2472083,
+ "norm_ops": 61919,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.167925945842555,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "04dd56ee880f615c4edca67878ec4189b6431721fc61b808d097658ef5789051",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:34.147000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:34.147000', 'bytes': 2594578432, 'norm_byte': 63165440, 'ops': 2533768, 'norm_ops': 61685, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22915157402529, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:34.147000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:34.147000",
+ "bytes": 2594578432,
+ "norm_byte": 63165440,
+ "ops": 2533768,
+ "norm_ops": 61685,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22915157402529,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "33a3e5707db78ed78b9934eed723b0e35247af49960591ba74bf9ac084c6e0a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:35.148000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:35.148000', 'bytes': 2658403328, 'norm_byte': 63824896, 'ops': 2596097, 'norm_ops': 62329, 'norm_ltcy': 16.061526367391185, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:35.148000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:35.148000",
+ "bytes": 2658403328,
+ "norm_byte": 63824896,
+ "ops": 2596097,
+ "norm_ops": 62329,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.061526367391185,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "632fb72357d3dd5b5da007bc6733ba0f5f78bdbda55a94155740c918941c894f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:36.149000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:36.149000', 'bytes': 2722317312, 'norm_byte': 63913984, 'ops': 2658513, 'norm_ops': 62416, 'norm_ltcy': 16.039224686728964, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:36.149000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:36.149000",
+ "bytes": 2722317312,
+ "norm_byte": 63913984,
+ "ops": 2658513,
+ "norm_ops": 62416,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.039224686728964,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f51ec02a72de0cd61e8ac9e0a4f31e4c2c81baaa9f4f068429561dc48344d744",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:37.151000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:37.151000', 'bytes': 2785281024, 'norm_byte': 62963712, 'ops': 2720001, 'norm_ops': 61488, 'norm_ltcy': 16.281346309442494, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:37.151000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:37.151000",
+ "bytes": 2785281024,
+ "norm_byte": 62963712,
+ "ops": 2720001,
+ "norm_ops": 61488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.281346309442494,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "363cb8df38f143a7689b730fcf6b4d0419a18f90dde04d3d736e449a029e9b01",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:38.152000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:38.152000', 'bytes': 2848459776, 'norm_byte': 63178752, 'ops': 2781699, 'norm_ops': 61698, 'norm_ltcy': 16.225728073894214, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:38.152000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:38.152000",
+ "bytes": 2848459776,
+ "norm_byte": 63178752,
+ "ops": 2781699,
+ "norm_ops": 61698,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.225728073894214,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ae4f478452e18587ead146ab9728e9b0ee40d8c91b266acdcd696b8058b7c80",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:39.153000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:39.153000', 'bytes': 2911998976, 'norm_byte': 63539200, 'ops': 2843749, 'norm_ops': 62050, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13360335037268, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:39.153000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:39.153000",
+ "bytes": 2911998976,
+ "norm_byte": 63539200,
+ "ops": 2843749,
+ "norm_ops": 62050,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13360335037268,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ac7cacb9e344c33b008412f5b2a5c85a3e8dc3f4e15e428cfde65e54009eda15",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:40.154000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:40.154000', 'bytes': 2970817536, 'norm_byte': 58818560, 'ops': 2901189, 'norm_ops': 57440, 'norm_ltcy': 17.428622870060064, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:40.154000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:40.154000",
+ "bytes": 2970817536,
+ "norm_byte": 58818560,
+ "ops": 2901189,
+ "norm_ops": 57440,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.428622870060064,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f7454943b2e237ab942ce813b2872f76eab4d5a248264a42b0bb311b6066531",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:41.155000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:41.155000', 'bytes': 3033371648, 'norm_byte': 62554112, 'ops': 2962277, 'norm_ops': 61088, 'norm_ltcy': 16.387879505027584, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:41.155000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:41.155000",
+ "bytes": 3033371648,
+ "norm_byte": 62554112,
+ "ops": 2962277,
+ "norm_ops": 61088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.387879505027584,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ffbcc0cedeff0905757b4b04fd7ad195a301220facd5e234132e19c15351ba3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:42.156000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:42.156000', 'bytes': 3094834176, 'norm_byte': 61462528, 'ops': 3022299, 'norm_ops': 60022, 'norm_ltcy': 16.67896331891848, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:42.156000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:42.156000",
+ "bytes": 3094834176,
+ "norm_byte": 61462528,
+ "ops": 3022299,
+ "norm_ops": 60022,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.67896331891848,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4aec33fa676b6afd86e102e9877fcd8deeae486da67b71b35228102a9ec27bc2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:43.156000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:43.156000', 'bytes': 3157829632, 'norm_byte': 62995456, 'ops': 3083818, 'norm_ops': 61519, 'norm_ltcy': 16.260387098396432, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:43.156000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:43.156000",
+ "bytes": 3157829632,
+ "norm_byte": 62995456,
+ "ops": 3083818,
+ "norm_ops": 61519,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.260387098396432,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b69e4e5a4d5839509bd14e30bedcf1b4da40f5897a0fb732bb308338fa71907b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:44.157000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:44.157000', 'bytes': 3221689344, 'norm_byte': 63859712, 'ops': 3146181, 'norm_ops': 62363, 'norm_ltcy': 16.052789276594293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:44.157000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:44.157000",
+ "bytes": 3221689344,
+ "norm_byte": 63859712,
+ "ops": 3146181,
+ "norm_ops": 62363,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.052789276594293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "001985a81f37cda7dba1390180b2efd7393bd1804fc62b9b4c81337c82dfb68f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:45.159000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:45.159000', 'bytes': 3285720064, 'norm_byte': 64030720, 'ops': 3208711, 'norm_ops': 62530, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01011982998161, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:45.159000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:45.159000",
+ "bytes": 3285720064,
+ "norm_byte": 64030720,
+ "ops": 3208711,
+ "norm_ops": 62530,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01011982998161,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "07785167f134c9b803c004a85ce57c08afdb866032c56803c6c0b2c422208822",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:46.160000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:46.160000', 'bytes': 3348546560, 'norm_byte': 62826496, 'ops': 3270065, 'norm_ops': 61354, 'norm_ltcy': 16.316921446645694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:46.160000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:46.160000",
+ "bytes": 3348546560,
+ "norm_byte": 62826496,
+ "ops": 3270065,
+ "norm_ops": 61354,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.316921446645694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21ca9f69aac809950a6dc650f507f7037a10fab12cf5937de5cd455596e79d17",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:47.160000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:47.160000', 'bytes': 3411526656, 'norm_byte': 62980096, 'ops': 3331569, 'norm_ops': 61504, 'norm_ltcy': 16.27002521558557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:47.160000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:47.160000",
+ "bytes": 3411526656,
+ "norm_byte": 62980096,
+ "ops": 3331569,
+ "norm_ops": 61504,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.27002521558557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d87544b5693dda04a52182ae727c8bc95eee65c78755ced2d33ed606557e4c66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:48.161000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:48.161000', 'bytes': 3474396160, 'norm_byte': 62869504, 'ops': 3392965, 'norm_ops': 61396, 'norm_ltcy': 16.304001698502343, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:48.161000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:48.161000",
+ "bytes": 3474396160,
+ "norm_byte": 62869504,
+ "ops": 3392965,
+ "norm_ops": 61396,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.304001698502343,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2d74e1e5841869ce7bea68fcf9be913fc526f155a7cca587a0c99480dc824779",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:49.162000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:49.162000', 'bytes': 3537597440, 'norm_byte': 63201280, 'ops': 3454685, 'norm_ops': 61720, 'norm_ltcy': 16.22000772769159, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:49.162000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:49.162000",
+ "bytes": 3537597440,
+ "norm_byte": 63201280,
+ "ops": 3454685,
+ "norm_ops": 61720,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.22000772769159,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cc8b502d27a576421180f69c1864374843c240bfb0dca984f489fa657264b91d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:50.164000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:50.164000', 'bytes': 3601735680, 'norm_byte': 64138240, 'ops': 3517320, 'norm_ops': 62635, 'norm_ltcy': 15.983120989911791, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:50.164000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:50.164000",
+ "bytes": 3601735680,
+ "norm_byte": 64138240,
+ "ops": 3517320,
+ "norm_ops": 62635,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.983120989911791,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c865eaab7ee1c59d1cffd1e03340250fe413962f0c1c5f21310e0af5126d3298",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:51.165000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:51.165000', 'bytes': 3665004544, 'norm_byte': 63268864, 'ops': 3579106, 'norm_ops': 61786, 'norm_ltcy': 16.20400518017836, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:51.165000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:51.165000",
+ "bytes": 3665004544,
+ "norm_byte": 63268864,
+ "ops": 3579106,
+ "norm_ops": 61786,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.20400518017836,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1be5e09d734c0b8c3c29226e164eafe8d9cbf0a6fce32c51def20bb521c7d4f0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:52.166000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:52.166000', 'bytes': 3727272960, 'norm_byte': 62268416, 'ops': 3639915, 'norm_ops': 60809, 'norm_ltcy': 16.46296093351724, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:52.166000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:52.166000",
+ "bytes": 3727272960,
+ "norm_byte": 62268416,
+ "ops": 3639915,
+ "norm_ops": 60809,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.46296093351724,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2a0bb73a0150129d0c601a091b6e93c04b3c8f0f15168398db2a5f3c73bc2bf7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:31:53.367000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:31:53.367000', 'bytes': 3790246912, 'norm_byte': 62973952, 'ops': 3701413, 'norm_ops': 61498, 'norm_ltcy': 19.52623205226186, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:31:53.367000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:31:53.367000",
+ "bytes": 3790246912,
+ "norm_byte": 62973952,
+ "ops": 3701413,
+ "norm_ops": 61498,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.52623205226186,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0aa77505-b8b0-5ad5-8ad0-70c5083d03de",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d5c583d00bed10b04def776ea43936d8ebf840885ac8fac0bbb53f8afe25fa66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63170781.86666667
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61690.21666666667
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.691331368601332
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:31:53Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-118-220519232808/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-118-220519232808/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f11e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-118-220519232808/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-118-220519232808/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-118-220519232808/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-118-220519232808/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-118-220519232808/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-118-220519232808/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cae5a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-118-220519232808/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=45
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=35
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=160
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-119-220519233009/220519233009-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-119-220519233009/220519233009-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e8e07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-119-220519233009/220519233009-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3080 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:32:52Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003173936.4187 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003174937.4712 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003174937.5349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003175938.6257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35656704 nr_ops:34821\ntimestamp_ms:1653003176939.7319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70601728 nr_ops:68947\ntimestamp_ms:1653003177940.8462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106328064 nr_ops:103836\ntimestamp_ms:1653003178941.9502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141716480 nr_ops:138395\ntimestamp_ms:1653003179943.1233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177265664 nr_ops:173111\ntimestamp_ms:1653003180944.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212843520 nr_ops:207855\ntimestamp_ms:1653003181945.2922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248153088 nr_ops:242337\ntimestamp_ms:1653003182946.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283413504 nr_ops:276771\ntimestamp_ms:1653003183947.5063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318410752 nr_ops:310948\ntimestamp_ms:1653003184948.6030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353700864 nr_ops:345411\ntimestamp_ms:1653003185949.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389326848 nr_ops:380202\ntimestamp_ms:1653003186950.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424604672 nr_ops:414653\ntimestamp_ms:1653003187951.8650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460004352 nr_ops:449223\ntimestamp_ms:1653003188952.9639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495360000 nr_ops:483750\ntimestamp_ms:1653003189953.9995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530451456 nr_ops:518019\ntimestamp_ms:1653003190955.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565259264 nr_ops:552011\ntimestamp_ms:1653003191956.2061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600167424 nr_ops:586101\ntimestamp_ms:1653003192957.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635718656 nr_ops:620819\ntimestamp_ms:1653003193958.3469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671086592 nr_ops:655358\ntimestamp_ms:1653003194959.4500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706552832 nr_ops:689993\ntimestamp_ms:1653003195960.5474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742199296 nr_ops:724804\ntimestamp_ms:1653003196961.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777309184 nr_ops:759091\ntimestamp_ms:1653003197962.7625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812399616 nr_ops:793359\ntimestamp_ms:1653003198963.8804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847598592 nr_ops:827733\ntimestamp_ms:1653003199964.9917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882902016 nr_ops:862209\ntimestamp_ms:1653003200966.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918492160 nr_ops:896965\ntimestamp_ms:1653003201967.1245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953988096 nr_ops:931629\ntimestamp_ms:1653003202968.2190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989566976 nr_ops:966374\ntimestamp_ms:1653003203969.2627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024965632 nr_ops:1000943\ntimestamp_ms:1653003204969.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060320256 nr_ops:1035469\ntimestamp_ms:1653003205970.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095607296 nr_ops:1069929\ntimestamp_ms:1653003206972.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131074560 nr_ops:1104565\ntimestamp_ms:1653003207973.1643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166746624 nr_ops:1139401\ntimestamp_ms:1653003208974.2542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202086912 nr_ops:1173913\ntimestamp_ms:1653003209975.3516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1237242880 nr_ops:1208245\ntimestamp_ms:1653003210976.4487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272347648 nr_ops:1242527\ntimestamp_ms:1653003211976.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307540480 nr_ops:1276895\ntimestamp_ms:1653003212977.9695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342703616 nr_ops:1311234\ntimestamp_ms:1653003213979.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377774592 nr_ops:1345483\ntimestamp_ms:1653003214980.1541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413058560 nr_ops:1379940\ntimestamp_ms:1653003215981.2473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1447918592 nr_ops:1413983\ntimestamp_ms:1653003216982.3362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483131904 nr_ops:1448371\ntimestamp_ms:1653003217983.4351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518310400 nr_ops:1482725\ntimestamp_ms:1653003218984.5237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1553529856 nr_ops:1517119\ntimestamp_ms:1653003219985.6135 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1588679680 nr_ops:1551445\ntimestamp_ms:1653003220986.7102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1623958528 nr_ops:1585897\ntimestamp_ms:1653003221987.8108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1659515904 nr_ops:1620621\ntimestamp_ms:1653003222988.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1694458880 nr_ops:1654745\ntimestamp_ms:1653003223989.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1729534976 nr_ops:1688999\ntimestamp_ms:1653003224990.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1765028864 nr_ops:1723661\ntimestamp_ms:1653003225991.8647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800188928 nr_ops:1757997\ntimestamp_ms:1653003226992.9553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835559936 nr_ops:1792539\ntimestamp_ms:1653003227994.0542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870679040 nr_ops:1826835\ntimestamp_ms:1653003228994.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905847296 nr_ops:1861179\ntimestamp_ms:1653003229995.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941115904 nr_ops:1895621\ntimestamp_ms:1653003230996.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976534016 nr_ops:1930209\ntimestamp_ms:1653003231997.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2011862016 nr_ops:1964709\ntimestamp_ms:1653003232998.9302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2047374336 nr_ops:1999389\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139915017438976\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.2593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082795520 nr_ops:2033980\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.3381 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.3484 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234300.5708 name:Total nr_bytes:2082795520 nr_ops:2033981\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.4658 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4165591040 nr_ops:4067962\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.4673 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2082795520 nr_ops:2033983\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 350.11us 0.00ns 350.11us 350.11us \nTxn1 1016990 58.00us 0.00ns 2.37ms 24.64us \nTxn2 1 46.31us 0.00ns 46.31us 46.31us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 349.41us 0.00ns 349.41us 349.41us \nwrite 1016990 3.93us 0.00ns 97.25us 2.24us \nread 1016990 53.97us 0.00ns 2.37ms 2.11us \ndisconnect 1 45.62us 0.00ns 45.62us 45.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16573 16573 144.51Mb/s 144.51Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.214 62.47s 1.94GB 266.74Mb/s 2033983 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 1.94GB 271.53Mb/s 2033983 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -1.79% 0.00% 1.76% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.515481, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003173936.4187 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003174937.4712 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003174937.5349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003175938.6257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35656704 nr_ops:34821\ntimestamp_ms:1653003176939.7319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70601728 nr_ops:68947\ntimestamp_ms:1653003177940.8462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106328064 nr_ops:103836\ntimestamp_ms:1653003178941.9502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141716480 nr_ops:138395\ntimestamp_ms:1653003179943.1233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177265664 nr_ops:173111\ntimestamp_ms:1653003180944.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212843520 nr_ops:207855\ntimestamp_ms:1653003181945.2922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248153088 nr_ops:242337\ntimestamp_ms:1653003182946.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283413504 nr_ops:276771\ntimestamp_ms:1653003183947.5063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318410752 nr_ops:310948\ntimestamp_ms:1653003184948.6030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353700864 nr_ops:345411\ntimestamp_ms:1653003185949.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389326848 nr_ops:380202\ntimestamp_ms:1653003186950.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424604672 nr_ops:414653\ntimestamp_ms:1653003187951.8650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460004352 nr_ops:449223\ntimestamp_ms:1653003188952.9639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495360000 nr_ops:483750\ntimestamp_ms:1653003189953.9995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530451456 nr_ops:518019\ntimestamp_ms:1653003190955.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565259264 nr_ops:552011\ntimestamp_ms:1653003191956.2061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600167424 nr_ops:586101\ntimestamp_ms:1653003192957.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635718656 nr_ops:620819\ntimestamp_ms:1653003193958.3469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671086592 nr_ops:655358\ntimestamp_ms:1653003194959.4500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706552832 nr_ops:689993\ntimestamp_ms:1653003195960.5474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742199296 nr_ops:724804\ntimestamp_ms:1653003196961.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777309184 nr_ops:759091\ntimestamp_ms:1653003197962.7625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812399616 nr_ops:793359\ntimestamp_ms:1653003198963.8804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847598592 nr_ops:827733\ntimestamp_ms:1653003199964.9917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882902016 nr_ops:862209\ntimestamp_ms:1653003200966.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918492160 nr_ops:896965\ntimestamp_ms:1653003201967.1245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953988096 nr_ops:931629\ntimestamp_ms:1653003202968.2190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989566976 nr_ops:966374\ntimestamp_ms:1653003203969.2627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024965632 nr_ops:1000943\ntimestamp_ms:1653003204969.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060320256 nr_ops:1035469\ntimestamp_ms:1653003205970.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095607296 nr_ops:1069929\ntimestamp_ms:1653003206972.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131074560 nr_ops:1104565\ntimestamp_ms:1653003207973.1643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166746624 nr_ops:1139401\ntimestamp_ms:1653003208974.2542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202086912 nr_ops:1173913\ntimestamp_ms:1653003209975.3516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1237242880 nr_ops:1208245\ntimestamp_ms:1653003210976.4487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272347648 nr_ops:1242527\ntimestamp_ms:1653003211976.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307540480 nr_ops:1276895\ntimestamp_ms:1653003212977.9695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342703616 nr_ops:1311234\ntimestamp_ms:1653003213979.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377774592 nr_ops:1345483\ntimestamp_ms:1653003214980.1541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413058560 nr_ops:1379940\ntimestamp_ms:1653003215981.2473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1447918592 nr_ops:1413983\ntimestamp_ms:1653003216982.3362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483131904 nr_ops:1448371\ntimestamp_ms:1653003217983.4351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518310400 nr_ops:1482725\ntimestamp_ms:1653003218984.5237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1553529856 nr_ops:1517119\ntimestamp_ms:1653003219985.6135 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1588679680 nr_ops:1551445\ntimestamp_ms:1653003220986.7102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1623958528 nr_ops:1585897\ntimestamp_ms:1653003221987.8108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1659515904 nr_ops:1620621\ntimestamp_ms:1653003222988.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1694458880 nr_ops:1654745\ntimestamp_ms:1653003223989.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1729534976 nr_ops:1688999\ntimestamp_ms:1653003224990.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1765028864 nr_ops:1723661\ntimestamp_ms:1653003225991.8647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800188928 nr_ops:1757997\ntimestamp_ms:1653003226992.9553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835559936 nr_ops:1792539\ntimestamp_ms:1653003227994.0542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870679040 nr_ops:1826835\ntimestamp_ms:1653003228994.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905847296 nr_ops:1861179\ntimestamp_ms:1653003229995.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941115904 nr_ops:1895621\ntimestamp_ms:1653003230996.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976534016 nr_ops:1930209\ntimestamp_ms:1653003231997.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2011862016 nr_ops:1964709\ntimestamp_ms:1653003232998.9302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2047374336 nr_ops:1999389\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139915017438976\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.2593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082795520 nr_ops:2033980\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.3381 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.3484 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234300.5708 name:Total nr_bytes:2082795520 nr_ops:2033981\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.4658 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4165591040 nr_ops:4067962\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.4673 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2082795520 nr_ops:2033983\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 350.11us 0.00ns 350.11us 350.11us \nTxn1 1016990 58.00us 0.00ns 2.37ms 24.64us \nTxn2 1 46.31us 0.00ns 46.31us 46.31us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 349.41us 0.00ns 349.41us 349.41us \nwrite 1016990 3.93us 0.00ns 97.25us 2.24us \nread 1016990 53.97us 0.00ns 2.37ms 2.11us \ndisconnect 1 45.62us 0.00ns 45.62us 45.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16573 16573 144.51Mb/s 144.51Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.214 62.47s 1.94GB 266.74Mb/s 2033983 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 1.94GB 271.53Mb/s 2033983 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -1.79% 0.00% 1.76% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.515481, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003173936.4187 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003174937.4712 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003174937.5349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003175938.6257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35656704 nr_ops:34821\ntimestamp_ms:1653003176939.7319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70601728 nr_ops:68947\ntimestamp_ms:1653003177940.8462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106328064 nr_ops:103836\ntimestamp_ms:1653003178941.9502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141716480 nr_ops:138395\ntimestamp_ms:1653003179943.1233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177265664 nr_ops:173111\ntimestamp_ms:1653003180944.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212843520 nr_ops:207855\ntimestamp_ms:1653003181945.2922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248153088 nr_ops:242337\ntimestamp_ms:1653003182946.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283413504 nr_ops:276771\ntimestamp_ms:1653003183947.5063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318410752 nr_ops:310948\ntimestamp_ms:1653003184948.6030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353700864 nr_ops:345411\ntimestamp_ms:1653003185949.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389326848 nr_ops:380202\ntimestamp_ms:1653003186950.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424604672 nr_ops:414653\ntimestamp_ms:1653003187951.8650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460004352 nr_ops:449223\ntimestamp_ms:1653003188952.9639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495360000 nr_ops:483750\ntimestamp_ms:1653003189953.9995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530451456 nr_ops:518019\ntimestamp_ms:1653003190955.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565259264 nr_ops:552011\ntimestamp_ms:1653003191956.2061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600167424 nr_ops:586101\ntimestamp_ms:1653003192957.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635718656 nr_ops:620819\ntimestamp_ms:1653003193958.3469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671086592 nr_ops:655358\ntimestamp_ms:1653003194959.4500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706552832 nr_ops:689993\ntimestamp_ms:1653003195960.5474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742199296 nr_ops:724804\ntimestamp_ms:1653003196961.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777309184 nr_ops:759091\ntimestamp_ms:1653003197962.7625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812399616 nr_ops:793359\ntimestamp_ms:1653003198963.8804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847598592 nr_ops:827733\ntimestamp_ms:1653003199964.9917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882902016 nr_ops:862209\ntimestamp_ms:1653003200966.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918492160 nr_ops:896965\ntimestamp_ms:1653003201967.1245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953988096 nr_ops:931629\ntimestamp_ms:1653003202968.2190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989566976 nr_ops:966374\ntimestamp_ms:1653003203969.2627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024965632 nr_ops:1000943\ntimestamp_ms:1653003204969.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060320256 nr_ops:1035469\ntimestamp_ms:1653003205970.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095607296 nr_ops:1069929\ntimestamp_ms:1653003206972.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131074560 nr_ops:1104565\ntimestamp_ms:1653003207973.1643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166746624 nr_ops:1139401\ntimestamp_ms:1653003208974.2542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202086912 nr_ops:1173913\ntimestamp_ms:1653003209975.3516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1237242880 nr_ops:1208245\ntimestamp_ms:1653003210976.4487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272347648 nr_ops:1242527\ntimestamp_ms:1653003211976.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307540480 nr_ops:1276895\ntimestamp_ms:1653003212977.9695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342703616 nr_ops:1311234\ntimestamp_ms:1653003213979.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377774592 nr_ops:1345483\ntimestamp_ms:1653003214980.1541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413058560 nr_ops:1379940\ntimestamp_ms:1653003215981.2473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1447918592 nr_ops:1413983\ntimestamp_ms:1653003216982.3362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483131904 nr_ops:1448371\ntimestamp_ms:1653003217983.4351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518310400 nr_ops:1482725\ntimestamp_ms:1653003218984.5237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1553529856 nr_ops:1517119\ntimestamp_ms:1653003219985.6135 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1588679680 nr_ops:1551445\ntimestamp_ms:1653003220986.7102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1623958528 nr_ops:1585897\ntimestamp_ms:1653003221987.8108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1659515904 nr_ops:1620621\ntimestamp_ms:1653003222988.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1694458880 nr_ops:1654745\ntimestamp_ms:1653003223989.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1729534976 nr_ops:1688999\ntimestamp_ms:1653003224990.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1765028864 nr_ops:1723661\ntimestamp_ms:1653003225991.8647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800188928 nr_ops:1757997\ntimestamp_ms:1653003226992.9553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835559936 nr_ops:1792539\ntimestamp_ms:1653003227994.0542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870679040 nr_ops:1826835\ntimestamp_ms:1653003228994.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905847296 nr_ops:1861179\ntimestamp_ms:1653003229995.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941115904 nr_ops:1895621\ntimestamp_ms:1653003230996.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976534016 nr_ops:1930209\ntimestamp_ms:1653003231997.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2011862016 nr_ops:1964709\ntimestamp_ms:1653003232998.9302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2047374336 nr_ops:1999389\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139915017438976\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.2593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082795520 nr_ops:2033980\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.3381 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.3484 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234300.5708 name:Total nr_bytes:2082795520 nr_ops:2033981\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.4658 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4165591040 nr_ops:4067962\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003234200.4673 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2082795520 nr_ops:2033983\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 350.11us 0.00ns 350.11us 350.11us \nTxn1 1016990 58.00us 0.00ns 2.37ms 24.64us \nTxn2 1 46.31us 0.00ns 46.31us 46.31us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 349.41us 0.00ns 349.41us 349.41us \nwrite 1016990 3.93us 0.00ns 97.25us 2.24us \nread 1016990 53.97us 0.00ns 2.37ms 2.11us \ndisconnect 1 45.62us 0.00ns 45.62us 45.62us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 16573 16573 144.51Mb/s 144.51Mb/s \neth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.214 62.47s 1.94GB 266.74Mb/s 2033983 0.00\nmaster 61.37s 1.94GB 271.53Mb/s 2033983 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -1.79% 0.00% 1.76% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.515481, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003173936.4187 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003174937.4712 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003174937.5349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003175938.6257 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35656704 nr_ops:34821
+timestamp_ms:1653003176939.7319 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70601728 nr_ops:68947
+timestamp_ms:1653003177940.8462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:106328064 nr_ops:103836
+timestamp_ms:1653003178941.9502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:141716480 nr_ops:138395
+timestamp_ms:1653003179943.1233 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:177265664 nr_ops:173111
+timestamp_ms:1653003180944.2566 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:212843520 nr_ops:207855
+timestamp_ms:1653003181945.2922 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:248153088 nr_ops:242337
+timestamp_ms:1653003182946.3931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:283413504 nr_ops:276771
+timestamp_ms:1653003183947.5063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:318410752 nr_ops:310948
+timestamp_ms:1653003184948.6030 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:353700864 nr_ops:345411
+timestamp_ms:1653003185949.7083 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:389326848 nr_ops:380202
+timestamp_ms:1653003186950.8057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:424604672 nr_ops:414653
+timestamp_ms:1653003187951.8650 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:460004352 nr_ops:449223
+timestamp_ms:1653003188952.9639 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495360000 nr_ops:483750
+timestamp_ms:1653003189953.9995 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:530451456 nr_ops:518019
+timestamp_ms:1653003190955.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565259264 nr_ops:552011
+timestamp_ms:1653003191956.2061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:600167424 nr_ops:586101
+timestamp_ms:1653003192957.3081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635718656 nr_ops:620819
+timestamp_ms:1653003193958.3469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:671086592 nr_ops:655358
+timestamp_ms:1653003194959.4500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:706552832 nr_ops:689993
+timestamp_ms:1653003195960.5474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:742199296 nr_ops:724804
+timestamp_ms:1653003196961.6462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:777309184 nr_ops:759091
+timestamp_ms:1653003197962.7625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:812399616 nr_ops:793359
+timestamp_ms:1653003198963.8804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:847598592 nr_ops:827733
+timestamp_ms:1653003199964.9917 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:882902016 nr_ops:862209
+timestamp_ms:1653003200966.0291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:918492160 nr_ops:896965
+timestamp_ms:1653003201967.1245 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:953988096 nr_ops:931629
+timestamp_ms:1653003202968.2190 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:989566976 nr_ops:966374
+timestamp_ms:1653003203969.2627 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1024965632 nr_ops:1000943
+timestamp_ms:1653003204969.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1060320256 nr_ops:1035469
+timestamp_ms:1653003205970.9368 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1095607296 nr_ops:1069929
+timestamp_ms:1653003206972.0386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1131074560 nr_ops:1104565
+timestamp_ms:1653003207973.1643 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1166746624 nr_ops:1139401
+timestamp_ms:1653003208974.2542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1202086912 nr_ops:1173913
+timestamp_ms:1653003209975.3516 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1237242880 nr_ops:1208245
+timestamp_ms:1653003210976.4487 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1272347648 nr_ops:1242527
+timestamp_ms:1653003211976.8611 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1307540480 nr_ops:1276895
+timestamp_ms:1653003212977.9695 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342703616 nr_ops:1311234
+timestamp_ms:1653003213979.0654 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377774592 nr_ops:1345483
+timestamp_ms:1653003214980.1541 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1413058560 nr_ops:1379940
+timestamp_ms:1653003215981.2473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1447918592 nr_ops:1413983
+timestamp_ms:1653003216982.3362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1483131904 nr_ops:1448371
+timestamp_ms:1653003217983.4351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1518310400 nr_ops:1482725
+timestamp_ms:1653003218984.5237 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1553529856 nr_ops:1517119
+timestamp_ms:1653003219985.6135 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1588679680 nr_ops:1551445
+timestamp_ms:1653003220986.7102 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1623958528 nr_ops:1585897
+timestamp_ms:1653003221987.8108 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1659515904 nr_ops:1620621
+timestamp_ms:1653003222988.9365 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1694458880 nr_ops:1654745
+timestamp_ms:1653003223989.8303 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1729534976 nr_ops:1688999
+timestamp_ms:1653003224990.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1765028864 nr_ops:1723661
+timestamp_ms:1653003225991.8647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1800188928 nr_ops:1757997
+timestamp_ms:1653003226992.9553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835559936 nr_ops:1792539
+timestamp_ms:1653003227994.0542 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870679040 nr_ops:1826835
+timestamp_ms:1653003228994.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905847296 nr_ops:1861179
+timestamp_ms:1653003229995.8369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941115904 nr_ops:1895621
+timestamp_ms:1653003230996.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976534016 nr_ops:1930209
+timestamp_ms:1653003231997.8330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2011862016 nr_ops:1964709
+timestamp_ms:1653003232998.9302 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2047374336 nr_ops:1999389
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139915017438976
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653003234200.2593 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082795520 nr_ops:2033980
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003234200.3381 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003234200.3484 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003234300.5708 name:Total nr_bytes:2082795520 nr_ops:2033981
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003234200.4658 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4165591040 nr_ops:4067962
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003234200.4673 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2082795520 nr_ops:2033983
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 350.11us 0.00ns 350.11us 350.11us
+Txn1 1016990 58.00us 0.00ns 2.37ms 24.64us
+Txn2 1 46.31us 0.00ns 46.31us 46.31us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 349.41us 0.00ns 349.41us 349.41us
+write 1016990 3.93us 0.00ns 97.25us 2.24us
+read 1016990 53.97us 0.00ns 2.37ms 2.11us
+disconnect 1 45.62us 0.00ns 45.62us 45.62us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 16573 16573 144.51Mb/s 144.51Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 27.38b/s 793.93b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.214 62.47s 1.94GB 266.74Mb/s 2033983 0.00
+master 61.37s 1.94GB 271.53Mb/s 2033983 0.00
+Difference(%) -1.79% 0.00% 1.76% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:32:55.938000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:32:55.938000', 'bytes': 35656704, 'norm_byte': 35656704, 'ops': 34821, 'norm_ops': 34821, 'norm_ltcy': 28.74962868132736, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:32:55.938000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:32:55.938000",
+ "bytes": 35656704,
+ "norm_byte": 35656704,
+ "ops": 34821,
+ "norm_ops": 34821,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.74962868132736,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2b9bc48b3414fcc1f86a946697065b3ae77f6bdf7c27381407941f4d7b974ff9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:32:56.939000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:32:56.939000', 'bytes': 70601728, 'norm_byte': 34945024, 'ops': 68947, 'norm_ops': 34126, 'norm_ltcy': 29.335585804720008, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:32:56.939000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:32:56.939000",
+ "bytes": 70601728,
+ "norm_byte": 34945024,
+ "ops": 68947,
+ "norm_ops": 34126,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.335585804720008,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4f749e5a4680884bf6d7c5863f77d1cde8b8152a31678c68f72b6009622721f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:32:57.940000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:32:57.940000', 'bytes': 106328064, 'norm_byte': 35726336, 'ops': 103836, 'norm_ops': 34889, 'norm_ltcy': 28.69426632498782, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:32:57.940000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:32:57.940000",
+ "bytes": 106328064,
+ "norm_byte": 35726336,
+ "ops": 103836,
+ "norm_ops": 34889,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.69426632498782,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8e9a6f9beb2fd612d26ce3d53e57ff4a8f5bfe3e274708d2bcec56e729ad183a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:32:58.941000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:32:58.941000', 'bytes': 141716480, 'norm_byte': 35388416, 'ops': 138395, 'norm_ops': 34559, 'norm_ltcy': 28.967967936174368, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:32:58.941000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:32:58.941000",
+ "bytes": 141716480,
+ "norm_byte": 35388416,
+ "ops": 138395,
+ "norm_ops": 34559,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.967967936174368,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b6cc2b44e9f4cdb54dbce08322bd2af71a1b323425667c1626cb78840e83256",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:32:59.943000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:32:59.943000', 'bytes': 177265664, 'norm_byte': 35549184, 'ops': 173111, 'norm_ops': 34716, 'norm_ltcy': 28.838953096644918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:32:59.943000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:32:59.943000",
+ "bytes": 177265664,
+ "norm_byte": 35549184,
+ "ops": 173111,
+ "norm_ops": 34716,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.838953096644918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11438661dc280e147f6a57f33667b880f2530bd635b10e35775382ba8e0dc122",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:00.944000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:00.944000', 'bytes': 212843520, 'norm_byte': 35577856, 'ops': 207855, 'norm_ops': 34744, 'norm_ltcy': 28.814566566349583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:00.944000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:00.944000",
+ "bytes": 212843520,
+ "norm_byte": 35577856,
+ "ops": 207855,
+ "norm_ops": 34744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.814566566349583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c4065f704bb7c515e65fc443e851f393bf8a12db9058b0d2287f6572c9d62fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:01.945000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:01.945000', 'bytes': 248153088, 'norm_byte': 35309568, 'ops': 242337, 'norm_ops': 34482, 'norm_ltcy': 29.030672366198306, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:01.945000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:01.945000",
+ "bytes": 248153088,
+ "norm_byte": 35309568,
+ "ops": 242337,
+ "norm_ops": 34482,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.030672366198306,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8979b529a08b08598c9b01cd8f93276614113b1c2191260d8b963713da4a1951",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:02.946000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:02.946000', 'bytes': 283413504, 'norm_byte': 35260416, 'ops': 276771, 'norm_ops': 34434, 'norm_ltcy': 29.07303334141038, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:02.946000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:02.946000",
+ "bytes": 283413504,
+ "norm_byte": 35260416,
+ "ops": 276771,
+ "norm_ops": 34434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.07303334141038,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "467c3695a50d41db7dce854d5144f940220d4facbf57fcceedf15b9766d235e7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:03.947000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:03.947000', 'bytes': 318410752, 'norm_byte': 34997248, 'ops': 310948, 'norm_ops': 34177, 'norm_ltcy': 29.29201747520262, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:03.947000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:03.947000",
+ "bytes": 318410752,
+ "norm_byte": 34997248,
+ "ops": 310948,
+ "norm_ops": 34177,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.29201747520262,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a59e343758704195ec1f0419d5c33dea8a2ac1ca2ccc1b167f42fcc965001e0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:04.948000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:04.948000', 'bytes': 353700864, 'norm_byte': 35290112, 'ops': 345411, 'norm_ops': 34463, 'norm_ltcy': 29.048448471911907, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:04.948000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:04.948000",
+ "bytes": 353700864,
+ "norm_byte": 35290112,
+ "ops": 345411,
+ "norm_ops": 34463,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.048448471911907,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8027a2732a1be36e3902a393632b06c8896e601e8871a5b7629d2a4ecff3a572",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:05.949000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:05.949000', 'bytes': 389326848, 'norm_byte': 35625984, 'ops': 380202, 'norm_ops': 34791, 'norm_ltcy': 28.774833278990975, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:05.949000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:05.949000",
+ "bytes": 389326848,
+ "norm_byte": 35625984,
+ "ops": 380202,
+ "norm_ops": 34791,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.774833278990975,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8a55d2527e8d43ac8a8a13f8669505d3ef17af329e4d7d05b4593889a6ac2ac0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:06.950000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:06.950000', 'bytes': 424604672, 'norm_byte': 35277824, 'ops': 414653, 'norm_ops': 34451, 'norm_ltcy': 29.058587910637574, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:06.950000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:06.950000",
+ "bytes": 424604672,
+ "norm_byte": 35277824,
+ "ops": 414653,
+ "norm_ops": 34451,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.058587910637574,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e38a7a6cc7e765810abf7a3dd0341ccd78aefce60e0fcc3f46884d44d8ffae9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:07.951000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:07.951000', 'bytes': 460004352, 'norm_byte': 35399680, 'ops': 449223, 'norm_ops': 34570, 'norm_ltcy': 28.957458090016633, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:07.951000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:07.951000",
+ "bytes": 460004352,
+ "norm_byte": 35399680,
+ "ops": 449223,
+ "norm_ops": 34570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.957458090016633,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "baed708e3e2f2c40224088f51f08e8889eef64b666b1a920d3d71e4fdb515f97",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:08.952000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:08.952000', 'bytes': 495360000, 'norm_byte': 35355648, 'ops': 483750, 'norm_ops': 34527, 'norm_ltcy': 28.994667273528687, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:08.952000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:08.952000",
+ "bytes": 495360000,
+ "norm_byte": 35355648,
+ "ops": 483750,
+ "norm_ops": 34527,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.994667273528687,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfd05eb08f395a4a1185afa99a624c34eb46359ea1a7ba37ba2ee980aa053f91",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:09.953000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:09.953000', 'bytes': 530451456, 'norm_byte': 35091456, 'ops': 518019, 'norm_ops': 34269, 'norm_ltcy': 29.211113383269137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:09.953000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:09.953000",
+ "bytes": 530451456,
+ "norm_byte": 35091456,
+ "ops": 518019,
+ "norm_ops": 34269,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.211113383269137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d5096515e2c72424b34ae5a7a09c59c9fe493b23fae3ade7b428ef3977fc8e8e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:10.955000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:10.955000', 'bytes': 565259264, 'norm_byte': 34807808, 'ops': 552011, 'norm_ops': 33992, 'norm_ltcy': 29.451007084387502, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:10.955000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:10.955000",
+ "bytes": 565259264,
+ "norm_byte": 34807808,
+ "ops": 552011,
+ "norm_ops": 33992,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.451007084387502,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47ed88114025cb829e43065a79723a31c777181dcd95451ab96c05276c253c34",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:11.956000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:11.956000', 'bytes': 600167424, 'norm_byte': 34908160, 'ops': 586101, 'norm_ops': 34090, 'norm_ltcy': 29.366615140987093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:11.956000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:11.956000",
+ "bytes": 600167424,
+ "norm_byte": 34908160,
+ "ops": 586101,
+ "norm_ops": 34090,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.366615140987093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c7e287ceef5a98110ca4cb34a7689cb9b22058db2b0dbdaf9c2cac1c255134d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:12.957000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:12.957000', 'bytes': 635718656, 'norm_byte': 35551232, 'ops': 620819, 'norm_ops': 34718, 'norm_ltcy': 28.835245428344088, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:12.957000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:12.957000",
+ "bytes": 635718656,
+ "norm_byte": 35551232,
+ "ops": 620819,
+ "norm_ops": 34718,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.835245428344088,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "29f6654d4cb041979b2a60c05c68386d2196c82a73c5cdf90af8755b51190a69",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:13.958000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:13.958000', 'bytes': 671086592, 'norm_byte': 35367936, 'ops': 655358, 'norm_ops': 34539, 'norm_ltcy': 28.982854696412026, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:13.958000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:13.958000",
+ "bytes": 671086592,
+ "norm_byte": 35367936,
+ "ops": 655358,
+ "norm_ops": 34539,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.982854696412026,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25442781028b0dc14392509b08f15d17f5da81e615e3f9592206414036553832",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:14.959000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:14.959000', 'bytes': 706552832, 'norm_byte': 35466240, 'ops': 689993, 'norm_ops': 34635, 'norm_ltcy': 28.90437497744334, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:14.959000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:14.959000",
+ "bytes": 706552832,
+ "norm_byte": 35466240,
+ "ops": 689993,
+ "norm_ops": 34635,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.90437497744334,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "09097e7392883b4604d26f7a988940b5c4a29888b0105a1c129e3ae313dfce99",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:15.960000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:15.960000', 'bytes': 742199296, 'norm_byte': 35646464, 'ops': 724804, 'norm_ops': 34811, 'norm_ltcy': 28.758076817941884, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:15.960000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:15.960000",
+ "bytes": 742199296,
+ "norm_byte": 35646464,
+ "ops": 724804,
+ "norm_ops": 34811,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.758076817941884,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae5519a6300e0bb6d72a30715a15f05615de58aeca552e8fd9dca661ed73bdd1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:16.961000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:16.961000', 'bytes': 777309184, 'norm_byte': 35109888, 'ops': 759091, 'norm_ops': 34287, 'norm_ltcy': 29.197622333628633, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:16.961000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:16.961000",
+ "bytes": 777309184,
+ "norm_byte": 35109888,
+ "ops": 759091,
+ "norm_ops": 34287,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.197622333628633,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b9b539b67ee1b09508bb4780f33f8c195d94fb403cbb10ce2417e7b27f695bf7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:17.962000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:17.962000', 'bytes': 812399616, 'norm_byte': 35090432, 'ops': 793359, 'norm_ops': 34268, 'norm_ltcy': 29.21431688273316, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:17.962000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:17.962000",
+ "bytes": 812399616,
+ "norm_byte": 35090432,
+ "ops": 793359,
+ "norm_ops": 34268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.21431688273316,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08f6f627388de91cee6a38cbe2b1cd30a679d70ba9b3ab410061d39a2935f3eb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:18.963000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:18.963000', 'bytes': 847598592, 'norm_byte': 35198976, 'ops': 827733, 'norm_ops': 34374, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12427764944071, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:18.963000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:18.963000",
+ "bytes": 847598592,
+ "norm_byte": 35198976,
+ "ops": 827733,
+ "norm_ops": 34374,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12427764944071,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c18ebbc9f7be5fb75e2d713c414e7444a76d894afcb993cc10338c5b91c9290c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:19.964000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:19.964000', 'bytes': 882902016, 'norm_byte': 35303424, 'ops': 862209, 'norm_ops': 34476, 'norm_ltcy': 29.037919947934796, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:19.964000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:19.964000",
+ "bytes": 882902016,
+ "norm_byte": 35303424,
+ "ops": 862209,
+ "norm_ops": 34476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.037919947934796,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa13448e81474dcea217d4653846f14b0d46b4bec0fa549546050eb37a125f77",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:20.966000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:20.966000', 'bytes': 918492160, 'norm_byte': 35590144, 'ops': 896965, 'norm_ops': 34756, 'norm_ltcy': 28.801857334435063, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:20.966000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:20.966000",
+ "bytes": 918492160,
+ "norm_byte": 35590144,
+ "ops": 896965,
+ "norm_ops": 34756,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.801857334435063,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f93d76d31f350f9ad1ae5842373bcd2fe275cae82e8c80b129a363891bf5f4b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:21.967000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:21.967000', 'bytes': 953988096, 'norm_byte': 35495936, 'ops': 931629, 'norm_ops': 34664, 'norm_ltcy': 28.87997516110013, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:21.967000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:21.967000",
+ "bytes": 953988096,
+ "norm_byte": 35495936,
+ "ops": 931629,
+ "norm_ops": 34664,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.87997516110013,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "581a19245343db68d1ba707d231a4011ab4ccf60b16e6c23eb99c32578fecfa2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:22.968000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:22.968000', 'bytes': 989566976, 'norm_byte': 35578880, 'ops': 966374, 'norm_ops': 34745, 'norm_ltcy': 28.812620015020144, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:22.968000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:22.968000",
+ "bytes": 989566976,
+ "norm_byte": 35578880,
+ "ops": 966374,
+ "norm_ops": 34745,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.812620015020144,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6fa2f7e3818cf034e117bc4169228912899ed05fcb66c9f6e8bdb004b7ffc04a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:23.969000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:23.969000', 'bytes': 1024965632, 'norm_byte': 35398656, 'ops': 1000943, 'norm_ops': 34569, 'norm_ltcy': 28.957843766723798, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:23.969000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:23.969000",
+ "bytes": 1024965632,
+ "norm_byte": 35398656,
+ "ops": 1000943,
+ "norm_ops": 34569,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.957843766723798,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eee66dc5928fd6bac74c4a0f0495fe9b0b2bd0d9ef4ec9d9f3e3980dbd7c8176",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:24.969000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:24.969000', 'bytes': 1060320256, 'norm_byte': 35354624, 'ops': 1035469, 'norm_ops': 34526, 'norm_ltcy': 28.980353460978684, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:24.969000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:24.969000",
+ "bytes": 1060320256,
+ "norm_byte": 35354624,
+ "ops": 1035469,
+ "norm_ops": 34526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.980353460978684,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16f478d5039118ffe41163e85165b098985f4e58c5e8463670573b1683d1cf60",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:25.970000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:25.970000', 'bytes': 1095607296, 'norm_byte': 35287040, 'ops': 1069929, 'norm_ops': 34460, 'norm_ltcy': 29.051026949270895, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:25.970000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:25.970000",
+ "bytes": 1095607296,
+ "norm_byte": 35287040,
+ "ops": 1069929,
+ "norm_ops": 34460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.051026949270895,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1966049fc34c54ea9563fa3f918e4dca03b258b26ae661ca02a49f4646f4cdfb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:26.972000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:26.972000', 'bytes': 1131074560, 'norm_byte': 35467264, 'ops': 1104565, 'norm_ops': 34636, 'norm_ltcy': 28.903505215400884, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:26.972000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:26.972000",
+ "bytes": 1131074560,
+ "norm_byte": 35467264,
+ "ops": 1104565,
+ "norm_ops": 34636,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.903505215400884,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e16f9282b671be2be6e4a92cd54e72284511ad2a7908f981bc3e8713b035e73",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:27.973000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:27.973000', 'bytes': 1166746624, 'norm_byte': 35672064, 'ops': 1139401, 'norm_ops': 34836, 'norm_ltcy': 28.73825159093682, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:27.973000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:27.973000",
+ "bytes": 1166746624,
+ "norm_byte": 35672064,
+ "ops": 1139401,
+ "norm_ops": 34836,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.73825159093682,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c852cdb230ea68f490d00572a3340b7f6b88559addddac47290c541d6351e80",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:28.974000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:28.974000', 'bytes': 1202086912, 'norm_byte': 35340288, 'ops': 1173913, 'norm_ops': 34512, 'norm_ltcy': 29.00700752636764, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:28.974000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:28.974000",
+ "bytes": 1202086912,
+ "norm_byte": 35340288,
+ "ops": 1173913,
+ "norm_ops": 34512,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.00700752636764,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d25ac98a0d2825a986c1255e9d329f086cc8f1369a04a30fd9f8577e564fcdf3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:29.975000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:29.975000', 'bytes': 1237242880, 'norm_byte': 35155968, 'ops': 1208245, 'norm_ops': 34332, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15930945209644, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:29.975000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:29.975000",
+ "bytes": 1237242880,
+ "norm_byte": 35155968,
+ "ops": 1208245,
+ "norm_ops": 34332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15930945209644,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20a914571babd189ca80090f11c150f25e5ed098afc16e6ff149f382552537d4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:30.976000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:30.976000', 'bytes': 1272347648, 'norm_byte': 35104768, 'ops': 1242527, 'norm_ops': 34282, 'norm_ltcy': 29.20183093077271, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:30.976000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:30.976000",
+ "bytes": 1272347648,
+ "norm_byte": 35104768,
+ "ops": 1242527,
+ "norm_ops": 34282,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.20183093077271,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd491a6c3bbb45095f0ffe4133956c2d7f628cd175c7a2d0457c259e1bcc15f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:31.976000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:31.976000', 'bytes': 1307540480, 'norm_byte': 35192832, 'ops': 1276895, 'norm_ops': 34368, 'norm_ltcy': 29.108832446334524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:31.976000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:31.976000",
+ "bytes": 1307540480,
+ "norm_byte": 35192832,
+ "ops": 1276895,
+ "norm_ops": 34368,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.108832446334524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51c9383d138ba25a3277b11e006c38d069195e80da14bb3f247bb695c68efad8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:32.977000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:32.977000', 'bytes': 1342703616, 'norm_byte': 35163136, 'ops': 1311234, 'norm_ops': 34339, 'norm_ltcy': 29.153685268572175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:32.977000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:32.977000",
+ "bytes": 1342703616,
+ "norm_byte": 35163136,
+ "ops": 1311234,
+ "norm_ops": 34339,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.153685268572175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "56633c6385401891d1e252a02d596e4e4b32df5bbe5dce64f5d03b8a644fb424",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:33.979000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:33.979000', 'bytes': 1377774592, 'norm_byte': 35070976, 'ops': 1345483, 'norm_ops': 34249, 'norm_ltcy': 29.22993218095784, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:33.979000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:33.979000",
+ "bytes": 1377774592,
+ "norm_byte": 35070976,
+ "ops": 1345483,
+ "norm_ops": 34249,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.22993218095784,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "21ef728296b3d067e91328d4a30158e877368afccec980d918cb71b4fe0c298c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:34.980000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:34.980000', 'bytes': 1413058560, 'norm_byte': 35283968, 'ops': 1379940, 'norm_ops': 34457, 'norm_ltcy': 29.053272863188177, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:34.980000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:34.980000",
+ "bytes": 1413058560,
+ "norm_byte": 35283968,
+ "ops": 1379940,
+ "norm_ops": 34457,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.053272863188177,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4e93b40e9317a372d7b85ee726d33a509969cfa7c0d7a173f522e8e07c00b4c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:35.981000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:35.981000', 'bytes': 1447918592, 'norm_byte': 34860032, 'ops': 1413983, 'norm_ops': 34043, 'norm_ltcy': 29.40672859967541, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:35.981000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:35.981000",
+ "bytes": 1447918592,
+ "norm_byte": 34860032,
+ "ops": 1413983,
+ "norm_ops": 34043,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.40672859967541,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef281838694eb9149edee8ebfdacd4dcec97c7910d0410b99aa9211c05107e02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:36.982000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:36.982000', 'bytes': 1483131904, 'norm_byte': 35213312, 'ops': 1448371, 'norm_ops': 34388, 'norm_ltcy': 29.111575758622195, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:36.982000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:36.982000",
+ "bytes": 1483131904,
+ "norm_byte": 35213312,
+ "ops": 1448371,
+ "norm_ops": 34388,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.111575758622195,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "56027534d9c257eff77cfd41ec6e07781dec20becf2da6f4e51f44ea697e70d1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:37.983000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:37.983000', 'bytes': 1518310400, 'norm_byte': 35178496, 'ops': 1482725, 'norm_ops': 34354, 'norm_ltcy': 29.14067872600352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:37.983000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:37.983000",
+ "bytes": 1518310400,
+ "norm_byte": 35178496,
+ "ops": 1482725,
+ "norm_ops": 34354,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.14067872600352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11c2afb5e40298cd56d95f9ed7801543ee8bcd27b5ae54abab6cb0c2530040c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:38.984000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:38.984000', 'bytes': 1553529856, 'norm_byte': 35219456, 'ops': 1517119, 'norm_ops': 34394, 'norm_ltcy': 29.106490174067424, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:38.984000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:38.984000",
+ "bytes": 1553529856,
+ "norm_byte": 35219456,
+ "ops": 1517119,
+ "norm_ops": 34394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.106490174067424,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "800ebb297168c33a5cf4f34f37d42cdb43323b573bd72dfdea94e67a50053987",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:39.985000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:39.985000', 'bytes': 1588679680, 'norm_byte': 35149824, 'ops': 1551445, 'norm_ops': 34326, 'norm_ltcy': 29.164185857658918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:39.985000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:39.985000",
+ "bytes": 1588679680,
+ "norm_byte": 35149824,
+ "ops": 1551445,
+ "norm_ops": 34326,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.164185857658918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4db1b2921033721105d8c0234f95a0a9e990f5c2a6b87ba25aa8c794cff43a6c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:40.986000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:40.986000', 'bytes': 1623958528, 'norm_byte': 35278848, 'ops': 1585897, 'norm_ops': 34452, 'norm_ltcy': 29.05772320003193, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:40.986000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:40.986000",
+ "bytes": 1623958528,
+ "norm_byte": 35278848,
+ "ops": 1585897,
+ "norm_ops": 34452,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.05772320003193,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "779457b4e8fbb8d98419d5ce7da0def626dd6f42cb829ee1a2fbb7b38ca09869",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:41.987000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:41.987000', 'bytes': 1659515904, 'norm_byte': 35557376, 'ops': 1620621, 'norm_ops': 34724, 'norm_ltcy': 28.830220767696694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:41.987000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:41.987000",
+ "bytes": 1659515904,
+ "norm_byte": 35557376,
+ "ops": 1620621,
+ "norm_ops": 34724,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.830220767696694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4eaf34ce4c1e5ecf4bcc3a235fed1d90541d4ed28fea7b8d5662a6d16f86b767",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:42.988000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:42.988000', 'bytes': 1694458880, 'norm_byte': 34942976, 'ops': 1654745, 'norm_ops': 34124, 'norm_ltcy': 29.33787751793093, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:42.988000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:42.988000",
+ "bytes": 1694458880,
+ "norm_byte": 34942976,
+ "ops": 1654745,
+ "norm_ops": 34124,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.33787751793093,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91a9dd3b50d179384e9fc2c2a31598c62723f84561bd10857ef1150ece1233c8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:43.989000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:43.989000', 'bytes': 1729534976, 'norm_byte': 35076096, 'ops': 1688999, 'norm_ops': 34254, 'norm_ltcy': 29.219764080928506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:43.989000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:43.989000",
+ "bytes": 1729534976,
+ "norm_byte": 35076096,
+ "ops": 1688999,
+ "norm_ops": 34254,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.219764080928506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1365396ce5719bb155bf75ae23da75a1255810d7b82ce6cc83c9b28139120573",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:44.990000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:44.990000', 'bytes': 1765028864, 'norm_byte': 35493888, 'ops': 1723661, 'norm_ops': 34662, 'norm_ltcy': 28.878965020681868, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:44.990000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:44.990000",
+ "bytes": 1765028864,
+ "norm_byte": 35493888,
+ "ops": 1723661,
+ "norm_ops": 34662,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.878965020681868,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a74a611950cb3610ccb267dc1cbbe1ee9eb187fc34e85b689a34f179ac240033",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:45.991000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:45.991000', 'bytes': 1800188928, 'norm_byte': 35160064, 'ops': 1757997, 'norm_ops': 34336, 'norm_ltcy': 29.1539998334474, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:45.991000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:45.991000",
+ "bytes": 1800188928,
+ "norm_byte": 35160064,
+ "ops": 1757997,
+ "norm_ops": 34336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.1539998334474,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c7bbce314f05e5a4e62dc153ae42d9e7812533391083fdfe086d1ff91a291052",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:46.992000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:46.992000', 'bytes': 1835559936, 'norm_byte': 35371008, 'ops': 1792539, 'norm_ops': 34542, 'norm_ltcy': 28.98183591488261, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:46.992000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:46.992000",
+ "bytes": 1835559936,
+ "norm_byte": 35371008,
+ "ops": 1792539,
+ "norm_ops": 34542,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.98183591488261,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d97353781f5b039d965a7c994a21daf9fb972f9c08de6c9c91b4315afab70b4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:47.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:47.994000', 'bytes': 1870679040, 'norm_byte': 35119104, 'ops': 1826835, 'norm_ops': 34296, 'norm_ltcy': 29.18996025638923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:47.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:47.994000",
+ "bytes": 1870679040,
+ "norm_byte": 35119104,
+ "ops": 1826835,
+ "norm_ops": 34296,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.18996025638923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "89e845a72b98a7f028e3c3969d3af3b70acb367ea74b64b71cf018ac5c8513da",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:48.994000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:48.994000', 'bytes': 1905847296, 'norm_byte': 35168256, 'ops': 1861179, 'norm_ops': 34344, 'norm_ltcy': 29.139844182207955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:48.994000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:48.994000",
+ "bytes": 1905847296,
+ "norm_byte": 35168256,
+ "ops": 1861179,
+ "norm_ops": 34344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.139844182207955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7380726d2b951570c754f986c5df6185f6c9fca8eb7eb88ee0ca261d6e1efda0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:49.995000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:49.995000', 'bytes': 1941115904, 'norm_byte': 35268608, 'ops': 1895621, 'norm_ops': 34442, 'norm_ltcy': 29.063466298414728, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:49.995000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:49.995000",
+ "bytes": 1941115904,
+ "norm_byte": 35268608,
+ "ops": 1895621,
+ "norm_ops": 34442,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.063466298414728,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "380b06c7d006d9b23a117f6bc97cd74d86d6dd049ceab90e2e4cfa430d8bc2d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:50.996000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:50.996000', 'bytes': 1976534016, 'norm_byte': 35418112, 'ops': 1930209, 'norm_ops': 34588, 'norm_ltcy': 28.940560129235575, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:50.996000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:50.996000",
+ "bytes": 1976534016,
+ "norm_byte": 35418112,
+ "ops": 1930209,
+ "norm_ops": 34588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.940560129235575,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4d3867c1ea99288577d5d2d55bc1a845cd6f0800a506c68e5eb1e8b8b48068c3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:51.997000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:51.997000', 'bytes': 2011862016, 'norm_byte': 35328000, 'ops': 1964709, 'norm_ops': 34500, 'norm_ltcy': 29.014492753623188, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:51.997000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:51.997000",
+ "bytes": 2011862016,
+ "norm_byte": 35328000,
+ "ops": 1964709,
+ "norm_ops": 34500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.014492753623188,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2188a2559caf177cebe43b0d6bebbd83da8a8b37c52d13f0bf06e080f0db0f68",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:52.998000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:52.998000', 'bytes': 2047374336, 'norm_byte': 35512320, 'ops': 1999389, 'norm_ops': 34680, 'norm_ltcy': 28.866700345119664, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:52.998000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:52.998000",
+ "bytes": 2047374336,
+ "norm_byte": 35512320,
+ "ops": 1999389,
+ "norm_ops": 34680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.866700345119664,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16b2d20660bfd5d93d5ee71835c6c9c17d814ebf8e85dcd75f4fb6ef48034307",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 60, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:33:54.200000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:33:54.200000', 'bytes': 2082795520, 'norm_byte': 35421184, 'ops': 2033980, 'norm_ops': 34591, 'norm_ltcy': 34.7295279570553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 60,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:33:54.200000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:33:54.200000",
+ "bytes": 2082795520,
+ "norm_byte": 35421184,
+ "ops": 2033980,
+ "norm_ops": 34591,
+ "norm_ltcy": 34.7295279570553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "e0d09939-c2b5-55aa-9b15-73786083acd7",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9b5ae03547ad4520276b4b930a6b3a0c572df0b6db569d58a09aa360691b8994",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35301618.983050846
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34474.23728813559
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.370626486855926
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:33:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14160 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-119-220519233009/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-119-220519233009/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c2f29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-119-220519233009/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-119-220519233009/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-119-220519233009/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-119-220519233009/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-119-220519233009/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-119-220519233009/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c08bde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-119-220519233009/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=75
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=55
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=150
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-120-220519233211/220519233211-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-120-220519233211/220519233211-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f1ee4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-120-220519233211/220519233211-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:34:54Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003295332.9163 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003296334.0315 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003296334.1216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003297335.2063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46953472 nr_ops:45853\ntimestamp_ms:1653003298336.2949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:87811072 nr_ops:85753\ntimestamp_ms:1653003299337.3391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128715776 nr_ops:125699\ntimestamp_ms:1653003300338.4358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:169473024 nr_ops:165501\ntimestamp_ms:1653003301339.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:210056192 nr_ops:205133\ntimestamp_ms:1653003302340.6389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250717184 nr_ops:244841\ntimestamp_ms:1653003303340.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:291580928 nr_ops:284747\ntimestamp_ms:1653003304341.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:332452864 nr_ops:324661\ntimestamp_ms:1653003305343.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:373187584 nr_ops:364441\ntimestamp_ms:1653003306344.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:413852672 nr_ops:404153\ntimestamp_ms:1653003307345.2236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:455164928 nr_ops:444497\ntimestamp_ms:1653003308346.3247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495971328 nr_ops:484347\ntimestamp_ms:1653003309347.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:536445952 nr_ops:523873\ntimestamp_ms:1653003310348.5034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:577469440 nr_ops:563935\ntimestamp_ms:1653003311349.6057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:618769408 nr_ops:604267\ntimestamp_ms:1653003312350.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:659467264 nr_ops:644011\ntimestamp_ms:1653003313351.8040 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700187648 nr_ops:683777\ntimestamp_ms:1653003314352.9214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740977664 nr_ops:723611\ntimestamp_ms:1653003315354.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781663232 nr_ops:763343\ntimestamp_ms:1653003316355.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822402048 nr_ops:803127\ntimestamp_ms:1653003317356.2378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:863723520 nr_ops:843480\ntimestamp_ms:1653003318357.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:904549376 nr_ops:883349\ntimestamp_ms:1653003319358.4316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:948083712 nr_ops:925863\ntimestamp_ms:1653003320359.5427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994524160 nr_ops:971215\ntimestamp_ms:1653003321360.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1044335616 nr_ops:1019859\ntimestamp_ms:1653003322361.7341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092324352 nr_ops:1066723\ntimestamp_ms:1653003323362.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139641344 nr_ops:1112931\ntimestamp_ms:1653003324363.8591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1182846976 nr_ops:1155124\ntimestamp_ms:1653003325364.9031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1224041472 nr_ops:1195353\ntimestamp_ms:1653003326366.0059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265339392 nr_ops:1235683\ntimestamp_ms:1653003327366.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310848000 nr_ops:1280125\ntimestamp_ms:1653003328367.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1360516096 nr_ops:1328629\ntimestamp_ms:1653003329369.0139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1409184768 nr_ops:1376157\ntimestamp_ms:1653003330370.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1456153600 nr_ops:1422025\ntimestamp_ms:1653003331371.2285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1497303040 nr_ops:1462210\ntimestamp_ms:1653003332372.3208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1538466816 nr_ops:1502409\ntimestamp_ms:1653003333373.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579201536 nr_ops:1542189\ntimestamp_ms:1653003334374.5144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619813376 nr_ops:1581849\ntimestamp_ms:1653003335375.6018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660576768 nr_ops:1621657\ntimestamp_ms:1653003336376.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1700901888 nr_ops:1661037\ntimestamp_ms:1653003337376.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1741566976 nr_ops:1700749\ntimestamp_ms:1653003338377.9336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1782443008 nr_ops:1740667\ntimestamp_ms:1653003339378.9675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1822944256 nr_ops:1780219\ntimestamp_ms:1653003340380.0088 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1863836672 nr_ops:1820153\ntimestamp_ms:1653003341381.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907751936 nr_ops:1863039\ntimestamp_ms:1653003342382.1890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1955761152 nr_ops:1909923\ntimestamp_ms:1653003343383.2773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2003155968 nr_ops:1956207\ntimestamp_ms:1653003344384.3689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2047462400 nr_ops:1999475\ntimestamp_ms:1653003345385.4614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087877632 nr_ops:2038943\ntimestamp_ms:1653003346386.5532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2128268288 nr_ops:2078387\ntimestamp_ms:1653003347386.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2168822784 nr_ops:2117991\ntimestamp_ms:1653003348387.9353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2209297408 nr_ops:2157517\ntimestamp_ms:1653003349389.0361 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2250103808 nr_ops:2197367\ntimestamp_ms:1653003350390.1289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291072000 nr_ops:2237375\ntimestamp_ms:1653003351391.2390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2332060672 nr_ops:2277403\ntimestamp_ms:1653003352392.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2372676608 nr_ops:2317067\ntimestamp_ms:1653003353393.4211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2413194240 nr_ops:2356635\ntimestamp_ms:1653003354394.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2453790720 nr_ops:2396280\ntimestamp_ms:1653003355395.5457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2495091712 nr_ops:2436613\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140654912308992\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2535683072 nr_ops:2476253\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8662 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8699 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356697.0684 name:Total nr_bytes:2535683072 nr_ops:2476254\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8979 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5071366142 nr_ops:4952508\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8987 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2535683072 nr_ops:2476256\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 301.77us 0.00ns 301.77us 301.77us \nTxn1 1238127 48.48us 0.00ns 1.95ms 18.47us \nTxn2 1 26.15us 0.00ns 26.15us 26.15us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 300.95us 0.00ns 300.95us 300.95us \nwrite 1238127 2.47us 0.00ns 94.32us 2.14us \nread 1238126 45.93us 0.00ns 1.95ms 1.15us \ndisconnect 1 25.71us 0.00ns 25.71us 25.71us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 19853 19853 173.12Mb/s 173.12Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.14b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.215 62.37s 2.36GB 325.27Mb/s 2476256 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 2.36GB 325.27Mb/s 2476256 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413886, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003295332.9163 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003296334.0315 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003296334.1216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003297335.2063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46953472 nr_ops:45853\ntimestamp_ms:1653003298336.2949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:87811072 nr_ops:85753\ntimestamp_ms:1653003299337.3391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128715776 nr_ops:125699\ntimestamp_ms:1653003300338.4358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:169473024 nr_ops:165501\ntimestamp_ms:1653003301339.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:210056192 nr_ops:205133\ntimestamp_ms:1653003302340.6389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250717184 nr_ops:244841\ntimestamp_ms:1653003303340.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:291580928 nr_ops:284747\ntimestamp_ms:1653003304341.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:332452864 nr_ops:324661\ntimestamp_ms:1653003305343.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:373187584 nr_ops:364441\ntimestamp_ms:1653003306344.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:413852672 nr_ops:404153\ntimestamp_ms:1653003307345.2236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:455164928 nr_ops:444497\ntimestamp_ms:1653003308346.3247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495971328 nr_ops:484347\ntimestamp_ms:1653003309347.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:536445952 nr_ops:523873\ntimestamp_ms:1653003310348.5034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:577469440 nr_ops:563935\ntimestamp_ms:1653003311349.6057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:618769408 nr_ops:604267\ntimestamp_ms:1653003312350.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:659467264 nr_ops:644011\ntimestamp_ms:1653003313351.8040 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700187648 nr_ops:683777\ntimestamp_ms:1653003314352.9214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740977664 nr_ops:723611\ntimestamp_ms:1653003315354.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781663232 nr_ops:763343\ntimestamp_ms:1653003316355.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822402048 nr_ops:803127\ntimestamp_ms:1653003317356.2378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:863723520 nr_ops:843480\ntimestamp_ms:1653003318357.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:904549376 nr_ops:883349\ntimestamp_ms:1653003319358.4316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:948083712 nr_ops:925863\ntimestamp_ms:1653003320359.5427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994524160 nr_ops:971215\ntimestamp_ms:1653003321360.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1044335616 nr_ops:1019859\ntimestamp_ms:1653003322361.7341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092324352 nr_ops:1066723\ntimestamp_ms:1653003323362.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139641344 nr_ops:1112931\ntimestamp_ms:1653003324363.8591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1182846976 nr_ops:1155124\ntimestamp_ms:1653003325364.9031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1224041472 nr_ops:1195353\ntimestamp_ms:1653003326366.0059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265339392 nr_ops:1235683\ntimestamp_ms:1653003327366.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310848000 nr_ops:1280125\ntimestamp_ms:1653003328367.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1360516096 nr_ops:1328629\ntimestamp_ms:1653003329369.0139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1409184768 nr_ops:1376157\ntimestamp_ms:1653003330370.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1456153600 nr_ops:1422025\ntimestamp_ms:1653003331371.2285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1497303040 nr_ops:1462210\ntimestamp_ms:1653003332372.3208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1538466816 nr_ops:1502409\ntimestamp_ms:1653003333373.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579201536 nr_ops:1542189\ntimestamp_ms:1653003334374.5144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619813376 nr_ops:1581849\ntimestamp_ms:1653003335375.6018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660576768 nr_ops:1621657\ntimestamp_ms:1653003336376.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1700901888 nr_ops:1661037\ntimestamp_ms:1653003337376.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1741566976 nr_ops:1700749\ntimestamp_ms:1653003338377.9336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1782443008 nr_ops:1740667\ntimestamp_ms:1653003339378.9675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1822944256 nr_ops:1780219\ntimestamp_ms:1653003340380.0088 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1863836672 nr_ops:1820153\ntimestamp_ms:1653003341381.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907751936 nr_ops:1863039\ntimestamp_ms:1653003342382.1890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1955761152 nr_ops:1909923\ntimestamp_ms:1653003343383.2773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2003155968 nr_ops:1956207\ntimestamp_ms:1653003344384.3689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2047462400 nr_ops:1999475\ntimestamp_ms:1653003345385.4614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087877632 nr_ops:2038943\ntimestamp_ms:1653003346386.5532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2128268288 nr_ops:2078387\ntimestamp_ms:1653003347386.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2168822784 nr_ops:2117991\ntimestamp_ms:1653003348387.9353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2209297408 nr_ops:2157517\ntimestamp_ms:1653003349389.0361 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2250103808 nr_ops:2197367\ntimestamp_ms:1653003350390.1289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291072000 nr_ops:2237375\ntimestamp_ms:1653003351391.2390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2332060672 nr_ops:2277403\ntimestamp_ms:1653003352392.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2372676608 nr_ops:2317067\ntimestamp_ms:1653003353393.4211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2413194240 nr_ops:2356635\ntimestamp_ms:1653003354394.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2453790720 nr_ops:2396280\ntimestamp_ms:1653003355395.5457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2495091712 nr_ops:2436613\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140654912308992\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2535683072 nr_ops:2476253\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8662 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8699 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356697.0684 name:Total nr_bytes:2535683072 nr_ops:2476254\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8979 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5071366142 nr_ops:4952508\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8987 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2535683072 nr_ops:2476256\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 301.77us 0.00ns 301.77us 301.77us \nTxn1 1238127 48.48us 0.00ns 1.95ms 18.47us \nTxn2 1 26.15us 0.00ns 26.15us 26.15us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 300.95us 0.00ns 300.95us 300.95us \nwrite 1238127 2.47us 0.00ns 94.32us 2.14us \nread 1238126 45.93us 0.00ns 1.95ms 1.15us \ndisconnect 1 25.71us 0.00ns 25.71us 25.71us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 19853 19853 173.12Mb/s 173.12Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.14b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.215 62.37s 2.36GB 325.27Mb/s 2476256 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 2.36GB 325.27Mb/s 2476256 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413886, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003295332.9163 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003296334.0315 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003296334.1216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003297335.2063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46953472 nr_ops:45853\ntimestamp_ms:1653003298336.2949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:87811072 nr_ops:85753\ntimestamp_ms:1653003299337.3391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128715776 nr_ops:125699\ntimestamp_ms:1653003300338.4358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:169473024 nr_ops:165501\ntimestamp_ms:1653003301339.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:210056192 nr_ops:205133\ntimestamp_ms:1653003302340.6389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250717184 nr_ops:244841\ntimestamp_ms:1653003303340.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:291580928 nr_ops:284747\ntimestamp_ms:1653003304341.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:332452864 nr_ops:324661\ntimestamp_ms:1653003305343.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:373187584 nr_ops:364441\ntimestamp_ms:1653003306344.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:413852672 nr_ops:404153\ntimestamp_ms:1653003307345.2236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:455164928 nr_ops:444497\ntimestamp_ms:1653003308346.3247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495971328 nr_ops:484347\ntimestamp_ms:1653003309347.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:536445952 nr_ops:523873\ntimestamp_ms:1653003310348.5034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:577469440 nr_ops:563935\ntimestamp_ms:1653003311349.6057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:618769408 nr_ops:604267\ntimestamp_ms:1653003312350.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:659467264 nr_ops:644011\ntimestamp_ms:1653003313351.8040 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700187648 nr_ops:683777\ntimestamp_ms:1653003314352.9214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740977664 nr_ops:723611\ntimestamp_ms:1653003315354.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781663232 nr_ops:763343\ntimestamp_ms:1653003316355.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822402048 nr_ops:803127\ntimestamp_ms:1653003317356.2378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:863723520 nr_ops:843480\ntimestamp_ms:1653003318357.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:904549376 nr_ops:883349\ntimestamp_ms:1653003319358.4316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:948083712 nr_ops:925863\ntimestamp_ms:1653003320359.5427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994524160 nr_ops:971215\ntimestamp_ms:1653003321360.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1044335616 nr_ops:1019859\ntimestamp_ms:1653003322361.7341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092324352 nr_ops:1066723\ntimestamp_ms:1653003323362.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139641344 nr_ops:1112931\ntimestamp_ms:1653003324363.8591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1182846976 nr_ops:1155124\ntimestamp_ms:1653003325364.9031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1224041472 nr_ops:1195353\ntimestamp_ms:1653003326366.0059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265339392 nr_ops:1235683\ntimestamp_ms:1653003327366.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310848000 nr_ops:1280125\ntimestamp_ms:1653003328367.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1360516096 nr_ops:1328629\ntimestamp_ms:1653003329369.0139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1409184768 nr_ops:1376157\ntimestamp_ms:1653003330370.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1456153600 nr_ops:1422025\ntimestamp_ms:1653003331371.2285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1497303040 nr_ops:1462210\ntimestamp_ms:1653003332372.3208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1538466816 nr_ops:1502409\ntimestamp_ms:1653003333373.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579201536 nr_ops:1542189\ntimestamp_ms:1653003334374.5144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619813376 nr_ops:1581849\ntimestamp_ms:1653003335375.6018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660576768 nr_ops:1621657\ntimestamp_ms:1653003336376.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1700901888 nr_ops:1661037\ntimestamp_ms:1653003337376.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1741566976 nr_ops:1700749\ntimestamp_ms:1653003338377.9336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1782443008 nr_ops:1740667\ntimestamp_ms:1653003339378.9675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1822944256 nr_ops:1780219\ntimestamp_ms:1653003340380.0088 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1863836672 nr_ops:1820153\ntimestamp_ms:1653003341381.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907751936 nr_ops:1863039\ntimestamp_ms:1653003342382.1890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1955761152 nr_ops:1909923\ntimestamp_ms:1653003343383.2773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2003155968 nr_ops:1956207\ntimestamp_ms:1653003344384.3689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2047462400 nr_ops:1999475\ntimestamp_ms:1653003345385.4614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087877632 nr_ops:2038943\ntimestamp_ms:1653003346386.5532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2128268288 nr_ops:2078387\ntimestamp_ms:1653003347386.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2168822784 nr_ops:2117991\ntimestamp_ms:1653003348387.9353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2209297408 nr_ops:2157517\ntimestamp_ms:1653003349389.0361 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2250103808 nr_ops:2197367\ntimestamp_ms:1653003350390.1289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291072000 nr_ops:2237375\ntimestamp_ms:1653003351391.2390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2332060672 nr_ops:2277403\ntimestamp_ms:1653003352392.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2372676608 nr_ops:2317067\ntimestamp_ms:1653003353393.4211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2413194240 nr_ops:2356635\ntimestamp_ms:1653003354394.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2453790720 nr_ops:2396280\ntimestamp_ms:1653003355395.5457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2495091712 nr_ops:2436613\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140654912308992\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2535683072 nr_ops:2476253\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8662 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8699 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356697.0684 name:Total nr_bytes:2535683072 nr_ops:2476254\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8979 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5071366142 nr_ops:4952508\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003356596.8987 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2535683072 nr_ops:2476256\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 301.77us 0.00ns 301.77us 301.77us \nTxn1 1238127 48.48us 0.00ns 1.95ms 18.47us \nTxn2 1 26.15us 0.00ns 26.15us 26.15us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 300.95us 0.00ns 300.95us 300.95us \nwrite 1238127 2.47us 0.00ns 94.32us 2.14us \nread 1238126 45.93us 0.00ns 1.95ms 1.15us \ndisconnect 1 25.71us 0.00ns 25.71us 25.71us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\nnet1 19853 19853 173.12Mb/s 173.12Mb/s \neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.14b/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.215 62.37s 2.36GB 325.27Mb/s 2476256 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 2.36GB 325.27Mb/s 2476256 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.413886, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003295332.9163 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003296334.0315 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003296334.1216 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003297335.2063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:46953472 nr_ops:45853
+timestamp_ms:1653003298336.2949 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:87811072 nr_ops:85753
+timestamp_ms:1653003299337.3391 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:128715776 nr_ops:125699
+timestamp_ms:1653003300338.4358 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:169473024 nr_ops:165501
+timestamp_ms:1653003301339.5291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:210056192 nr_ops:205133
+timestamp_ms:1653003302340.6389 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:250717184 nr_ops:244841
+timestamp_ms:1653003303340.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:291580928 nr_ops:284747
+timestamp_ms:1653003304341.9417 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:332452864 nr_ops:324661
+timestamp_ms:1653003305343.0337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:373187584 nr_ops:364441
+timestamp_ms:1653003306344.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:413852672 nr_ops:404153
+timestamp_ms:1653003307345.2236 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:455164928 nr_ops:444497
+timestamp_ms:1653003308346.3247 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:495971328 nr_ops:484347
+timestamp_ms:1653003309347.4121 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:536445952 nr_ops:523873
+timestamp_ms:1653003310348.5034 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:577469440 nr_ops:563935
+timestamp_ms:1653003311349.6057 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:618769408 nr_ops:604267
+timestamp_ms:1653003312350.7061 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:659467264 nr_ops:644011
+timestamp_ms:1653003313351.8040 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:700187648 nr_ops:683777
+timestamp_ms:1653003314352.9214 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740977664 nr_ops:723611
+timestamp_ms:1653003315354.0146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:781663232 nr_ops:763343
+timestamp_ms:1653003316355.1104 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:822402048 nr_ops:803127
+timestamp_ms:1653003317356.2378 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:863723520 nr_ops:843480
+timestamp_ms:1653003318357.3364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:904549376 nr_ops:883349
+timestamp_ms:1653003319358.4316 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:948083712 nr_ops:925863
+timestamp_ms:1653003320359.5427 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994524160 nr_ops:971215
+timestamp_ms:1653003321360.6382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1044335616 nr_ops:1019859
+timestamp_ms:1653003322361.7341 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1092324352 nr_ops:1066723
+timestamp_ms:1653003323362.8479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1139641344 nr_ops:1112931
+timestamp_ms:1653003324363.8591 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1182846976 nr_ops:1155124
+timestamp_ms:1653003325364.9031 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1224041472 nr_ops:1195353
+timestamp_ms:1653003326366.0059 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1265339392 nr_ops:1235683
+timestamp_ms:1653003327366.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1310848000 nr_ops:1280125
+timestamp_ms:1653003328367.9382 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1360516096 nr_ops:1328629
+timestamp_ms:1653003329369.0139 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1409184768 nr_ops:1376157
+timestamp_ms:1653003330370.1348 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1456153600 nr_ops:1422025
+timestamp_ms:1653003331371.2285 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1497303040 nr_ops:1462210
+timestamp_ms:1653003332372.3208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1538466816 nr_ops:1502409
+timestamp_ms:1653003333373.4180 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1579201536 nr_ops:1542189
+timestamp_ms:1653003334374.5144 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1619813376 nr_ops:1581849
+timestamp_ms:1653003335375.6018 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1660576768 nr_ops:1621657
+timestamp_ms:1653003336376.6458 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1700901888 nr_ops:1661037
+timestamp_ms:1653003337376.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1741566976 nr_ops:1700749
+timestamp_ms:1653003338377.9336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1782443008 nr_ops:1740667
+timestamp_ms:1653003339378.9675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1822944256 nr_ops:1780219
+timestamp_ms:1653003340380.0088 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1863836672 nr_ops:1820153
+timestamp_ms:1653003341381.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1907751936 nr_ops:1863039
+timestamp_ms:1653003342382.1890 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1955761152 nr_ops:1909923
+timestamp_ms:1653003343383.2773 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2003155968 nr_ops:1956207
+timestamp_ms:1653003344384.3689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2047462400 nr_ops:1999475
+timestamp_ms:1653003345385.4614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2087877632 nr_ops:2038943
+timestamp_ms:1653003346386.5532 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2128268288 nr_ops:2078387
+timestamp_ms:1653003347386.8420 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2168822784 nr_ops:2117991
+timestamp_ms:1653003348387.9353 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2209297408 nr_ops:2157517
+timestamp_ms:1653003349389.0361 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2250103808 nr_ops:2197367
+timestamp_ms:1653003350390.1289 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2291072000 nr_ops:2237375
+timestamp_ms:1653003351391.2390 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2332060672 nr_ops:2277403
+timestamp_ms:1653003352392.3301 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2372676608 nr_ops:2317067
+timestamp_ms:1653003353393.4211 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2413194240 nr_ops:2356635
+timestamp_ms:1653003354394.5081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2453790720 nr_ops:2396280
+timestamp_ms:1653003355395.5457 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2495091712 nr_ops:2436613
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140654912308992
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653003356596.8145 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2535683072 nr_ops:2476253
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003356596.8662 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003356596.8699 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003356697.0684 name:Total nr_bytes:2535683072 nr_ops:2476254
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003356596.8979 name:Group0 nr_bytes:5071366142 nr_ops:4952508
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003356596.8987 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2535683072 nr_ops:2476256
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 301.77us 0.00ns 301.77us 301.77us
+Txn1 1238127 48.48us 0.00ns 1.95ms 18.47us
+Txn2 1 26.15us 0.00ns 26.15us 26.15us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 300.95us 0.00ns 300.95us 300.95us
+write 1238127 2.47us 0.00ns 94.32us 2.14us
+read 1238126 45.93us 0.00ns 1.95ms 1.15us
+disconnect 1 25.71us 0.00ns 25.71us 25.71us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+net1 19853 19853 173.12Mb/s 173.12Mb/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.14b/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.215 62.37s 2.36GB 325.27Mb/s 2476256 0.00
+master 62.36s 2.36GB 325.27Mb/s 2476256 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:34:57.335000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:34:57.335000', 'bytes': 46953472, 'norm_byte': 46953472, 'ops': 45853, 'norm_ops': 45853, 'norm_ltcy': 21.832480247680085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:34:57.335000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:34:57.335000",
+ "bytes": 46953472,
+ "norm_byte": 46953472,
+ "ops": 45853,
+ "norm_ops": 45853,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.832480247680085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "efee0b22262b87686f4a43afe33bb8ef9c0f7dc8d40242edea071dbd344e63fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:34:58.336000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:34:58.336000', 'bytes': 87811072, 'norm_byte': 40857600, 'ops': 85753, 'norm_ops': 39900, 'norm_ltcy': 25.089940427239974, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:34:58.336000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:34:58.336000",
+ "bytes": 87811072,
+ "norm_byte": 40857600,
+ "ops": 85753,
+ "norm_ops": 39900,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.089940427239974,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "acd06d1f78cd8776d0a1fe685d620abdc29612884dcba5918af864d6004a7072",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:34:59.337000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:34:59.337000', 'bytes': 128715776, 'norm_byte': 40904704, 'ops': 125699, 'norm_ops': 39946, 'norm_ltcy': 25.05993564945489, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:34:59.337000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:34:59.337000",
+ "bytes": 128715776,
+ "norm_byte": 40904704,
+ "ops": 125699,
+ "norm_ops": 39946,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.05993564945489,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f143caa76bebae5fb0eb0376237a9dbd93a5b69f65d10dbd0e3a5aae3eae9f9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:00.338000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:00.338000', 'bytes': 169473024, 'norm_byte': 40757248, 'ops': 165501, 'norm_ops': 39802, 'norm_ltcy': 25.15191899119391, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:00.338000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:00.338000",
+ "bytes": 169473024,
+ "norm_byte": 40757248,
+ "ops": 165501,
+ "norm_ops": 39802,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.15191899119391,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fd7c5cc85bfd31911fc46d472a8ce7eda2e2d8e880f8764bfacc127dc534f369",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:01.339000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:01.339000', 'bytes': 210056192, 'norm_byte': 40583168, 'ops': 205133, 'norm_ops': 39632, 'norm_ltcy': 25.259720975947467, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:01.339000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:01.339000",
+ "bytes": 210056192,
+ "norm_byte": 40583168,
+ "ops": 205133,
+ "norm_ops": 39632,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.259720975947467,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a753b355db470e96bd8873e0d2e2d5c4aa138a3b7fc30732ed342b02762649fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:02.340000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:02.340000', 'bytes': 250717184, 'norm_byte': 40660992, 'ops': 244841, 'norm_ops': 39708, 'norm_ltcy': 25.211792668511382, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:02.340000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:02.340000",
+ "bytes": 250717184,
+ "norm_byte": 40660992,
+ "ops": 244841,
+ "norm_ops": 39708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.211792668511382,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a7ab5bd9399f85e3f48251b244a33c3584b8b7d6e26aef078b0a9a0912e4a83e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:03.340000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:03.340000', 'bytes': 291580928, 'norm_byte': 40863744, 'ops': 284747, 'norm_ops': 39906, 'norm_ltcy': 25.063831644990728, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:03.340000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:03.340000",
+ "bytes": 291580928,
+ "norm_byte": 40863744,
+ "ops": 284747,
+ "norm_ops": 39906,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.063831644990728,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7654f43961e812e4ee69269141a4964f0f2a1757e3aeb1033c370759b2b88391",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:04.341000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:04.341000', 'bytes': 332452864, 'norm_byte': 40871936, 'ops': 324661, 'norm_ops': 39914, 'norm_ltcy': 25.081562077216013, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:04.341000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:04.341000",
+ "bytes": 332452864,
+ "norm_byte": 40871936,
+ "ops": 324661,
+ "norm_ops": 39914,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.081562077216013,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26ce69e248a34ecbab3e8fe233b91b1ea89daf92bd9145d6972c36a1ed0d42ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:05.343000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:05.343000', 'bytes': 373187584, 'norm_byte': 40734720, 'ops': 364441, 'norm_ops': 39780, 'norm_ltcy': 25.1657124438317, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:05.343000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:05.343000",
+ "bytes": 373187584,
+ "norm_byte": 40734720,
+ "ops": 364441,
+ "norm_ops": 39780,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.1657124438317,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a11298ecf4fc7c38531f5381517a6352f1186692130e0b8792e18d57f0d43d24",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:06.344000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:06.344000', 'bytes': 413852672, 'norm_byte': 40665088, 'ops': 404153, 'norm_ops': 39712, 'norm_ltcy': 25.2089765550243, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:06.344000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:06.344000",
+ "bytes": 413852672,
+ "norm_byte": 40665088,
+ "ops": 404153,
+ "norm_ops": 39712,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.2089765550243,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f8071035ca833cbcda9f48c03caada0303ac05db207f4572df088c6271ed077",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:07.345000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:07.345000', 'bytes': 455164928, 'norm_byte': 41312256, 'ops': 444497, 'norm_ops': 40344, 'norm_ltcy': 24.81387726683336, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:07.345000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:07.345000",
+ "bytes": 455164928,
+ "norm_byte": 41312256,
+ "ops": 444497,
+ "norm_ops": 40344,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.81387726683336,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c6cce834bdde54ebeaa70aefdae13d25e200e6999557059c25b6cd9695e8aa7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:08.346000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:08.346000', 'bytes': 495971328, 'norm_byte': 40806400, 'ops': 484347, 'norm_ops': 39850, 'norm_ltcy': 25.12173335555207, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:08.346000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:08.346000",
+ "bytes": 495971328,
+ "norm_byte": 40806400,
+ "ops": 484347,
+ "norm_ops": 39850,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.12173335555207,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e27e2499f62f40a15ab25ff012f42cde841052ff927d2d59e456f38b5ba21e66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:09.347000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:09.347000', 'bytes': 536445952, 'norm_byte': 40474624, 'ops': 523873, 'norm_ops': 39526, 'norm_ltcy': 25.327313726249812, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:09.347000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:09.347000",
+ "bytes": 536445952,
+ "norm_byte": 40474624,
+ "ops": 523873,
+ "norm_ops": 39526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.327313726249812,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "726c7fea1f4886f7d2bfaf3d51c6cae77ddf817cb4e6c3c82081cd7e519bbb2f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:10.348000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:10.348000', 'bytes': 577469440, 'norm_byte': 41023488, 'ops': 563935, 'norm_ops': 40062, 'norm_ltcy': 24.988550461628225, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:10.348000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:10.348000",
+ "bytes": 577469440,
+ "norm_byte": 41023488,
+ "ops": 563935,
+ "norm_ops": 40062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.988550461628225,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "22468d2d07205e1eb6e52e47a5ff4339728ce7c6b771d7741da19863c7ce7880",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:11.349000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:11.349000', 'bytes': 618769408, 'norm_byte': 41299968, 'ops': 604267, 'norm_ops': 40332, 'norm_ltcy': 24.82153860264492, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:11.349000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:11.349000",
+ "bytes": 618769408,
+ "norm_byte": 41299968,
+ "ops": 604267,
+ "norm_ops": 40332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.82153860264492,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c867e3cd2305114947a0502c1cdab9f7a77e25be0a26f161706035e05e019778",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:12.350000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:12.350000', 'bytes': 659467264, 'norm_byte': 40697856, 'ops': 644011, 'norm_ops': 39744, 'norm_ltcy': 25.18871632943023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:12.350000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:12.350000",
+ "bytes": 659467264,
+ "norm_byte": 40697856,
+ "ops": 644011,
+ "norm_ops": 39744,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.18871632943023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7ae532d7a611f820b2884eab1b0941d5b240637f2a66ce3df5313bfe8a69c82e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:13.351000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:13.351000', 'bytes': 700187648, 'norm_byte': 40720384, 'ops': 683777, 'norm_ops': 39766, 'norm_ltcy': 25.174719619539935, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:13.351000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:13.351000",
+ "bytes": 700187648,
+ "norm_byte": 40720384,
+ "ops": 683777,
+ "norm_ops": 39766,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.174719619539935,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "555932cb382019f9d81b1609847f5c31ebda52b9c9ca67fc0f35755cd6cd1b66",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:14.352000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:14.352000', 'bytes': 740977664, 'norm_byte': 40790016, 'ops': 723611, 'norm_ops': 39834, 'norm_ltcy': 25.132234564458127, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:14.352000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:14.352000",
+ "bytes": 740977664,
+ "norm_byte": 40790016,
+ "ops": 723611,
+ "norm_ops": 39834,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.132234564458127,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0a16db19d0b6e8bf28363619c663a4d6e0e8caa1d85aa56a5ff2d9c7928cc3b9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:15.354000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:15.354000', 'bytes': 781663232, 'norm_byte': 40685568, 'ops': 763343, 'norm_ops': 39732, 'norm_ltcy': 25.19614571928798, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:15.354000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:15.354000",
+ "bytes": 781663232,
+ "norm_byte": 40685568,
+ "ops": 763343,
+ "norm_ops": 39732,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.19614571928798,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd4e7604d382d08e8fe2c60b328e771467b5f5fb523483593ba7fbca7e09a186",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:16.355000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:16.355000', 'bytes': 822402048, 'norm_byte': 40738816, 'ops': 803127, 'norm_ops': 39784, 'norm_ltcy': 25.16327425912427, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:16.355000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:16.355000",
+ "bytes": 822402048,
+ "norm_byte": 40738816,
+ "ops": 803127,
+ "norm_ops": 39784,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.16327425912427,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74710952c29ccd25aefe48f1a8e10df95df60d0528e153950ebc2231b56174ef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:17.356000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:17.356000', 'bytes': 863723520, 'norm_byte': 41321472, 'ops': 843480, 'norm_ops': 40353, 'norm_ltcy': 24.80924445285976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:17.356000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:17.356000",
+ "bytes": 863723520,
+ "norm_byte": 41321472,
+ "ops": 843480,
+ "norm_ops": 40353,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.80924445285976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8c7c61ef858a3ab7bb51100e410ea4623ff25ce4958c78c40087caaa718718ca",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:18.357000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:18.357000', 'bytes': 904549376, 'norm_byte': 40825856, 'ops': 883349, 'norm_ops': 39869, 'norm_ltcy': 25.109700088101032, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:18.357000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:18.357000",
+ "bytes": 904549376,
+ "norm_byte": 40825856,
+ "ops": 883349,
+ "norm_ops": 39869,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.109700088101032,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "20b940382c8f60950dccda66f01220c406bedb2bccfa9c237438c7b0e5f0e953",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:19.358000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:19.358000', 'bytes': 948083712, 'norm_byte': 43534336, 'ops': 925863, 'norm_ops': 42514, 'norm_ltcy': 23.547424727001694, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:19.358000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:19.358000",
+ "bytes": 948083712,
+ "norm_byte": 43534336,
+ "ops": 925863,
+ "norm_ops": 42514,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.547424727001694,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8d53d0d6d074f315103ab9647d8308ed25c89cbd4373a8e7b923be88f31f733c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:20.359000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:20.359000', 'bytes': 994524160, 'norm_byte': 46440448, 'ops': 971215, 'norm_ops': 45352, 'norm_ltcy': 22.074243340632716, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:20.359000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:20.359000",
+ "bytes": 994524160,
+ "norm_byte": 46440448,
+ "ops": 971215,
+ "norm_ops": 45352,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.074243340632716,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "31eef7c280c621f5b09eb003afb699066ad4913d409cfcc353d5b81033fcc86e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:21.360000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:21.360000', 'bytes': 1044335616, 'norm_byte': 49811456, 'ops': 1019859, 'norm_ops': 48644, 'norm_ltcy': 20.580039860709952, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:21.360000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:21.360000",
+ "bytes": 1044335616,
+ "norm_byte": 49811456,
+ "ops": 1019859,
+ "norm_ops": 48644,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.580039860709952,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "646fe28ad0581fa82b2e0b56572d03e220f50235eaa10bfdf86761fb306688b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:22.361000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:22.361000', 'bytes': 1092324352, 'norm_byte': 47988736, 'ops': 1066723, 'norm_ops': 46864, 'norm_ltcy': 21.36172642680149, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:22.361000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:22.361000",
+ "bytes": 1092324352,
+ "norm_byte": 47988736,
+ "ops": 1066723,
+ "norm_ops": 46864,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.36172642680149,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6955c75acfcf14acbef9f19774dc9dd5e02a36c89983418ea92fa6cd87e35127",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:23.362000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:23.362000', 'bytes': 1139641344, 'norm_byte': 47316992, 'ops': 1112931, 'norm_ops': 46208, 'norm_ltcy': 21.66537763009111, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:23.362000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:23.362000",
+ "bytes": 1139641344,
+ "norm_byte": 47316992,
+ "ops": 1112931,
+ "norm_ops": 46208,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.66537763009111,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f3ff70d143984107a0575a5a0ed22cb3a941cc8056cfdcfabbe43aa83bd0ed7b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:24.363000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:24.363000', 'bytes': 1182846976, 'norm_byte': 43205632, 'ops': 1155124, 'norm_ops': 42193, 'norm_ltcy': 23.72458062874766, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:24.363000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:24.363000",
+ "bytes": 1182846976,
+ "norm_byte": 43205632,
+ "ops": 1155124,
+ "norm_ops": 42193,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.72458062874766,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e11717438c834ecced4dc879aa9468837fdbcdf5786c0f9dcac703d4bd31957",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:25.364000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:25.364000', 'bytes': 1224041472, 'norm_byte': 41194496, 'ops': 1195353, 'norm_ops': 40229, 'norm_ltcy': 24.883639794986205, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:25.364000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:25.364000",
+ "bytes": 1224041472,
+ "norm_byte": 41194496,
+ "ops": 1195353,
+ "norm_ops": 40229,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.883639794986205,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b27422df912af7fa173f40952c0843af193d35b77197a2f67dc663430fec7ea",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:26.366000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:26.366000', 'bytes': 1265339392, 'norm_byte': 41297920, 'ops': 1235683, 'norm_ops': 40330, 'norm_ltcy': 24.822781631617282, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:26.366000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:26.366000",
+ "bytes": 1265339392,
+ "norm_byte": 41297920,
+ "ops": 1235683,
+ "norm_ops": 40330,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.822781631617282,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4868505e2a8b92496252b1889a487c0f9b4cd4ac7e9a62b882acdb6c39e40215",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:27.366000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:27.366000', 'bytes': 1310848000, 'norm_byte': 45508608, 'ops': 1280125, 'norm_ops': 44442, 'norm_ltcy': 22.51999775514997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:27.366000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:27.366000",
+ "bytes": 1310848000,
+ "norm_byte": 45508608,
+ "ops": 1280125,
+ "norm_ops": 44442,
+ "norm_ltcy": 22.51999775514997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2f546633f4ddddb014455be2f71f8d6407939cfbf9d5a8d5efc279a7d8f29658",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:28.367000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:28.367000', 'bytes': 1360516096, 'norm_byte': 49668096, 'ops': 1328629, 'norm_ops': 48504, 'norm_ltcy': 20.639506696612653, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:28.367000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:28.367000",
+ "bytes": 1360516096,
+ "norm_byte": 49668096,
+ "ops": 1328629,
+ "norm_ops": 48504,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.639506696612653,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "118af374fa0b3a3bea2ea6504480d9ffcf5c1553e497d8ea77ed7fe74385c77b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:29.369000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:29.369000', 'bytes': 1409184768, 'norm_byte': 48668672, 'ops': 1376157, 'norm_ops': 47528, 'norm_ltcy': 21.06286154674613, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:29.369000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:29.369000",
+ "bytes": 1409184768,
+ "norm_byte": 48668672,
+ "ops": 1376157,
+ "norm_ops": 47528,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.06286154674613,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "988ea90174606f9febf4eb7977e911a625dc7e8b9352f8e23ef6cb54f5dd705c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:30.370000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:30.370000', 'bytes': 1456153600, 'norm_byte': 46968832, 'ops': 1422025, 'norm_ops': 45868, 'norm_ltcy': 21.826128229034946, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:30.370000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:30.370000",
+ "bytes": 1456153600,
+ "norm_byte": 46968832,
+ "ops": 1422025,
+ "norm_ops": 45868,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.826128229034946,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a07ac4fe3f597530faf1cdc7865a8340a60af405e207b1413a2bf878123f0c4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:31.371000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:31.371000', 'bytes': 1497303040, 'norm_byte': 41149440, 'ops': 1462210, 'norm_ops': 40185, 'norm_ltcy': 24.912125171083737, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:31.371000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:31.371000",
+ "bytes": 1497303040,
+ "norm_byte": 41149440,
+ "ops": 1462210,
+ "norm_ops": 40185,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.912125171083737,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "08a4701551b007299b7e02e3f63867ba856a5e2c6718967a507af387db7e3055",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:32.372000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:32.372000', 'bytes': 1538466816, 'norm_byte': 41163776, 'ops': 1502409, 'norm_ops': 40199, 'norm_ltcy': 24.903412650967685, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:32.372000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:32.372000",
+ "bytes": 1538466816,
+ "norm_byte": 41163776,
+ "ops": 1502409,
+ "norm_ops": 40199,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.903412650967685,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "40a7761972edcc52d362bcd2019163d53d7f272a68b51a3fe0b77fee50beb55e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:33.373000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:33.373000', 'bytes': 1579201536, 'norm_byte': 40734720, 'ops': 1542189, 'norm_ops': 39780, 'norm_ltcy': 25.16584132651458, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:33.373000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:33.373000",
+ "bytes": 1579201536,
+ "norm_byte": 40734720,
+ "ops": 1542189,
+ "norm_ops": 39780,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.16584132651458,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f5260e79e3b49f54bc4afd6728798df9af797dc5ecccc094ed1bf913269e5e97",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:34.374000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:34.374000', 'bytes': 1619813376, 'norm_byte': 40611840, 'ops': 1581849, 'norm_ops': 39660, 'norm_ltcy': 25.24196761338565, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:34.374000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:34.374000",
+ "bytes": 1619813376,
+ "norm_byte": 40611840,
+ "ops": 1581849,
+ "norm_ops": 39660,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.24196761338565,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "717c892b20cf12ea9c93912abd2c874d8da09651cd0ccab9d57af04a06ef299e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:35.375000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:35.375000', 'bytes': 1660576768, 'norm_byte': 40763392, 'ops': 1621657, 'norm_ops': 39808, 'norm_ltcy': 25.14789495437475, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:35.375000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:35.375000",
+ "bytes": 1660576768,
+ "norm_byte": 40763392,
+ "ops": 1621657,
+ "norm_ops": 39808,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.14789495437475,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "45c30fef2e1b7eea5ffa47ceb4de5d9fe34b96cb1fe0319ab964e285b454cbe0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:36.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:36.376000', 'bytes': 1700901888, 'norm_byte': 40325120, 'ops': 1661037, 'norm_ops': 39380, 'norm_ltcy': 25.42011034313103, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:36.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:36.376000",
+ "bytes": 1700901888,
+ "norm_byte": 40325120,
+ "ops": 1661037,
+ "norm_ops": 39380,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.42011034313103,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9a9f3d0cb629f54617a01c4c05628d45e91fa055be4c58f96ad8bdb5732610ac",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:37.376000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:37.376000', 'bytes': 1741566976, 'norm_byte': 40665088, 'ops': 1700749, 'norm_ops': 39712, 'norm_ltcy': 25.186106814769463, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:37.376000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:37.376000",
+ "bytes": 1741566976,
+ "norm_byte": 40665088,
+ "ops": 1700749,
+ "norm_ops": 39712,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.186106814769463,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8edd6267beb0f30a34a51853584d3a7152b3d5edd14995b76e0de2c586fcdf32",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:38.377000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:38.377000', 'bytes': 1782443008, 'norm_byte': 40876032, 'ops': 1740667, 'norm_ops': 39918, 'norm_ltcy': 25.078840822905708, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:38.377000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:38.377000",
+ "bytes": 1782443008,
+ "norm_byte": 40876032,
+ "ops": 1740667,
+ "norm_ops": 39918,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.078840822905708,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "101419c8758f30f6ce9f7b4beac212bb0a8368e7809e85e3c91c3e22be02747e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:39.378000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:39.378000', 'bytes': 1822944256, 'norm_byte': 40501248, 'ops': 1780219, 'norm_ops': 39552, 'norm_ltcy': 25.309312690808934, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:39.378000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:39.378000",
+ "bytes": 1822944256,
+ "norm_byte": 40501248,
+ "ops": 1780219,
+ "norm_ops": 39552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.309312690808934,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fae92bc4621141f43efe0afc89df609bac5f14825e1999a887fa36c126205d27",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:40.380000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:40.380000', 'bytes': 1863836672, 'norm_byte': 40892416, 'ops': 1820153, 'norm_ops': 39934, 'norm_ltcy': 25.067392692082564, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:40.380000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:40.380000",
+ "bytes": 1863836672,
+ "norm_byte": 40892416,
+ "ops": 1820153,
+ "norm_ops": 39934,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.067392692082564,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9fb1ff8f8f88d47c35a5e2264d0a82c141376e71fa9412f7b45524d2e37250cd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:41.381000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:41.381000', 'bytes': 1907751936, 'norm_byte': 43915264, 'ops': 1863039, 'norm_ops': 42886, 'norm_ltcy': 23.34303398472112, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:41.381000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:41.381000",
+ "bytes": 1907751936,
+ "norm_byte": 43915264,
+ "ops": 1863039,
+ "norm_ops": 42886,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.34303398472112,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d45d92cd4fccd03667651a368fb30b7f38766c29860046a3a1111227ec7f6f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:42.382000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:42.382000', 'bytes': 1955761152, 'norm_byte': 48009216, 'ops': 1909923, 'norm_ops': 46884, 'norm_ltcy': 21.352504485805394, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:42.382000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:42.382000",
+ "bytes": 1955761152,
+ "norm_byte": 48009216,
+ "ops": 1909923,
+ "norm_ops": 46884,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.352504485805394,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a8813606c393628e1a8e9d1e84f73bc37a716e90ad0f5f48b951a0eb72569db3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:43.383000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:43.383000', 'bytes': 2003155968, 'norm_byte': 47394816, 'ops': 1956207, 'norm_ops': 46284, 'norm_ltcy': 21.629253714161482, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:43.383000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:43.383000",
+ "bytes": 2003155968,
+ "norm_byte": 47394816,
+ "ops": 1956207,
+ "norm_ops": 46284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.629253714161482,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ae26208a490cf3c71af4026a321edba9f61c34c3c8215733624a2e83d47f3a89",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:44.384000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:44.384000', 'bytes': 2047462400, 'norm_byte': 44306432, 'ops': 1999475, 'norm_ops': 43268, 'norm_ltcy': 23.13699622664267, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:44.384000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:44.384000",
+ "bytes": 2047462400,
+ "norm_byte": 44306432,
+ "ops": 1999475,
+ "norm_ops": 43268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.13699622664267,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6873bd7015bbb2c73543dc6efecbc601abe1156bf734be20dd91024374925fd2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:45.385000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:45.385000', 'bytes': 2087877632, 'norm_byte': 40415232, 'ops': 2038943, 'norm_ops': 39468, 'norm_ltcy': 25.364663253696033, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:45.385000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:45.385000",
+ "bytes": 2087877632,
+ "norm_byte": 40415232,
+ "ops": 2038943,
+ "norm_ops": 39468,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.364663253696033,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d58f176281dd08be10e70e57ae49206301088adeb9e8b51b561b49a2c034efc5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:46.386000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:46.386000', 'bytes': 2128268288, 'norm_byte': 40390656, 'ops': 2078387, 'norm_ops': 39444, 'norm_ltcy': 25.38007800616063, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:46.386000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:46.386000",
+ "bytes": 2128268288,
+ "norm_byte": 40390656,
+ "ops": 2078387,
+ "norm_ops": 39444,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.38007800616063,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "233ee478d50289964b2951c5528a7137b88a62ff885a110a3097ceba6f43f499",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:47.386000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:47.386000', 'bytes': 2168822784, 'norm_byte': 40554496, 'ops': 2117991, 'norm_ops': 39604, 'norm_ltcy': 25.257267406306813, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:47.386000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:47.386000",
+ "bytes": 2168822784,
+ "norm_byte": 40554496,
+ "ops": 2117991,
+ "norm_ops": 39604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.257267406306813,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7885ee8019a3d36399b3e01e3429c1853dd45b77134c9a91c1a9d5dc20609ec0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:48.387000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:48.387000', 'bytes': 2209297408, 'norm_byte': 40474624, 'ops': 2157517, 'norm_ops': 39526, 'norm_ltcy': 25.327461967281028, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:48.387000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:48.387000",
+ "bytes": 2209297408,
+ "norm_byte": 40474624,
+ "ops": 2157517,
+ "norm_ops": 39526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.327461967281028,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d5566f7c06fa50097d7845d4aae7168d1e45913b86bbecaf6332848d4a26368d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:49.389000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:49.389000', 'bytes': 2250103808, 'norm_byte': 40806400, 'ops': 2197367, 'norm_ops': 39850, 'norm_ltcy': 25.12172722906211, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:49.389000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:49.389000",
+ "bytes": 2250103808,
+ "norm_byte": 40806400,
+ "ops": 2197367,
+ "norm_ops": 39850,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.12172722906211,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9d9e6582304f5e02c31d51baaea8435e440146cb8214c406739c3edb0a6b4e1b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:50.390000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:50.390000', 'bytes': 2291072000, 'norm_byte': 40968192, 'ops': 2237375, 'norm_ops': 40008, 'norm_ltcy': 25.02231487296291, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:50.390000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:50.390000",
+ "bytes": 2291072000,
+ "norm_byte": 40968192,
+ "ops": 2237375,
+ "norm_ops": 40008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.02231487296291,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4b160ea72f417faab90a45311461cc3b26c0461184e229f0a7a4f713a4a53059",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:51.391000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:51.391000', 'bytes': 2332060672, 'norm_byte': 40988672, 'ops': 2277403, 'norm_ops': 40028, 'norm_ltcy': 25.010245513687295, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:51.391000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:51.391000",
+ "bytes": 2332060672,
+ "norm_byte": 40988672,
+ "ops": 2277403,
+ "norm_ops": 40028,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.010245513687295,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0b6067e9d335e3298e676ccd977e06ac3c5d16afbf763b38b632157e23fceb34",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:52.392000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:52.392000', 'bytes': 2372676608, 'norm_byte': 40615936, 'ops': 2317067, 'norm_ops': 39664, 'norm_ltcy': 25.239286618927114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:52.392000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:52.392000",
+ "bytes": 2372676608,
+ "norm_byte": 40615936,
+ "ops": 2317067,
+ "norm_ops": 39664,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.239286618927114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "086c0e66b2556373cbadab2fc156183d8666cb86717305e2a086771bebff47ae",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:53.393000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:53.393000', 'bytes': 2413194240, 'norm_byte': 40517632, 'ops': 2356635, 'norm_ops': 39568, 'norm_ltcy': 25.3005222516459, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:53.393000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:53.393000",
+ "bytes": 2413194240,
+ "norm_byte": 40517632,
+ "ops": 2356635,
+ "norm_ops": 39568,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.3005222516459,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa9dfe993596c8751a10d5b26fd8d54f34d42135bc969d3114ae3a91912a6dee",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:54.394000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:54.394000', 'bytes': 2453790720, 'norm_byte': 40596480, 'ops': 2396280, 'norm_ops': 39645, 'norm_ltcy': 25.251277943309372, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:54.394000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:54.394000",
+ "bytes": 2453790720,
+ "norm_byte": 40596480,
+ "ops": 2396280,
+ "norm_ops": 39645,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.251277943309372,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "db6573d01588579b84fab80f6e8931e4d06c63715ce1bc55e1178d5f6ecd9d10",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:55.395000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:55.395000', 'bytes': 2495091712, 'norm_byte': 41300992, 'ops': 2436613, 'norm_ops': 40333, 'norm_ltcy': 24.819319109817023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:55.395000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:55.395000",
+ "bytes": 2495091712,
+ "norm_byte": 41300992,
+ "ops": 2436613,
+ "norm_ops": 40333,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.819319109817023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1caa6a64a56f7db3d6ac4a2a6af18c072e07a075953dccc23abb5fffa4dbdb92",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:35:56.596000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:35:56.596000', 'bytes': 2535683072, 'norm_byte': 40591360, 'ops': 2476253, 'norm_ops': 39640, 'norm_ltcy': 30.3044601117085, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:35:56.596000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:35:56.596000",
+ "bytes": 2535683072,
+ "norm_byte": 40591360,
+ "ops": 2476253,
+ "norm_ops": 39640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 30.3044601117085,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "4989a59d-c0db-589a-85e0-92e7e41b9e32",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "603c9b080007f8acb10835ce9b15d921f362450722edbfd834437f4878ccba44",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 42261384.53333333
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 41270.88333333333
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 25.365433991319264
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:35:56Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-120-220519233211/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-120-220519233211/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e218308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-120-220519233211/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-120-220519233211/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-120-220519233211/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-120-220519233211/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-120-220519233211/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-120-220519233211/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3144ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-120-220519233211/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=55
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=75
+ net.core.busy_read=200
+ net.core.busy_poll=20
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=1
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-121-220519233412/220519233412-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-121-220519233412/220519233412-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d3d6b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-121-220519233412/220519233412-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:36:55Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003416760.4060 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003417761.5037 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003417761.5989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003418761.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62095360 nr_ops:60640\ntimestamp_ms:1653003419762.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124947456 nr_ops:122019\ntimestamp_ms:1653003420763.8794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187702272 nr_ops:183303\ntimestamp_ms:1653003421764.9768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252175360 nr_ops:246265\ntimestamp_ms:1653003422766.0725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315003904 nr_ops:307621\ntimestamp_ms:1653003423767.1621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378637312 nr_ops:369763\ntimestamp_ms:1653003424768.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441349120 nr_ops:431005\ntimestamp_ms:1653003425769.3567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504509440 nr_ops:492685\ntimestamp_ms:1653003426770.5569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568118272 nr_ops:554803\ntimestamp_ms:1653003427771.6553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630672384 nr_ops:615891\ntimestamp_ms:1653003428772.7556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:693781504 nr_ops:677521\ntimestamp_ms:1653003429773.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756531200 nr_ops:738800\ntimestamp_ms:1653003430774.9526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819106816 nr_ops:799909\ntimestamp_ms:1653003431776.0481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881814528 nr_ops:861147\ntimestamp_ms:1653003432777.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945084416 nr_ops:922934\ntimestamp_ms:1653003433778.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009089536 nr_ops:985439\ntimestamp_ms:1653003434779.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1072526336 nr_ops:1047389\ntimestamp_ms:1653003435780.3818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140943872 nr_ops:1114203\ntimestamp_ms:1653003436781.4817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209076736 nr_ops:1180739\ntimestamp_ms:1653003437782.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271286784 nr_ops:1241491\ntimestamp_ms:1653003438783.5569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1334092800 nr_ops:1302825\ntimestamp_ms:1653003439784.6479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1397296128 nr_ops:1364547\ntimestamp_ms:1653003440785.7502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461095424 nr_ops:1426851\ntimestamp_ms:1653003441786.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524139008 nr_ops:1488417\ntimestamp_ms:1653003442788.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586736128 nr_ops:1549547\ntimestamp_ms:1653003443789.1470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650823168 nr_ops:1612132\ntimestamp_ms:1653003444790.2402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714598912 nr_ops:1674413\ntimestamp_ms:1653003445790.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778326528 nr_ops:1736647\ntimestamp_ms:1653003446791.8777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842426880 nr_ops:1799245\ntimestamp_ms:1653003447792.9158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906017280 nr_ops:1861345\ntimestamp_ms:1653003448794.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1969099776 nr_ops:1922949\ntimestamp_ms:1653003449795.0930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031766528 nr_ops:1984147\ntimestamp_ms:1653003450796.1882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095716352 nr_ops:2046598\ntimestamp_ms:1653003451797.2817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159218688 nr_ops:2108612\ntimestamp_ms:1653003452798.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2222277632 nr_ops:2170193\ntimestamp_ms:1653003453799.4736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2285593600 nr_ops:2232025\ntimestamp_ms:1653003454800.5708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348641280 nr_ops:2293595\ntimestamp_ms:1653003455801.6614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2412944384 nr_ops:2356391\ntimestamp_ms:1653003456802.7717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476600320 nr_ops:2418555\ntimestamp_ms:1653003457803.8271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2539162624 nr_ops:2479651\ntimestamp_ms:1653003458804.9500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602703872 nr_ops:2541703\ntimestamp_ms:1653003459806.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2666595328 nr_ops:2604097\ntimestamp_ms:1653003460807.1511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2728991744 nr_ops:2665031\ntimestamp_ms:1653003461808.2505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793513984 nr_ops:2728041\ntimestamp_ms:1653003462809.3430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2856276992 nr_ops:2789333\ntimestamp_ms:1653003463810.4370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2919988224 nr_ops:2851551\ntimestamp_ms:1653003464811.5261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2989337600 nr_ops:2919275\ntimestamp_ms:1653003465812.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3058015232 nr_ops:2986343\ntimestamp_ms:1653003466813.6069 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3126531072 nr_ops:3053253\ntimestamp_ms:1653003467814.6992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190932480 nr_ops:3116145\ntimestamp_ms:1653003468815.7876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3253627904 nr_ops:3177371\ntimestamp_ms:1653003469816.8811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317654528 nr_ops:3239897\ntimestamp_ms:1653003470817.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3381317632 nr_ops:3302068\ntimestamp_ms:1653003471819.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3445013504 nr_ops:3364271\ntimestamp_ms:1653003472820.1860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3507909632 nr_ops:3425693\ntimestamp_ms:1653003473821.2737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571661824 nr_ops:3487951\ntimestamp_ms:1653003474822.3660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3635766272 nr_ops:3550553\ntimestamp_ms:1653003475823.4612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3698625536 nr_ops:3611939\ntimestamp_ms:1653003476823.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3761822720 nr_ops:3673655\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139824574908160\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.0645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3823774720 nr_ops:3734155\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.1428 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.1536 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478125.3767 name:Total nr_bytes:3823774720 nr_ops:3734156\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.2473 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7647549438 nr_ops:7468312\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.2485 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3823774720 nr_ops:3734158\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 247.50us 0.00ns 247.50us 247.50us \nTxn1 1867078 32.12us 0.00ns 2.74ms 25.82us \nTxn2 1 47.12us 0.00ns 47.12us 47.12us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 247.12us 0.00ns 247.12us 247.12us \nwrite 1867078 3.27us 0.00ns 157.03us 2.63us \nread 1867077 28.77us 0.00ns 2.74ms 1.56us \ndisconnect 1 46.32us 0.00ns 46.32us 46.32us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 818.90b/s \nnet1 29937 29938 261.05Mb/s 261.05Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.216 62.37s 3.56GB 490.49Mb/s 3734158 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.49Mb/s 3734158 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415684, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003416760.4060 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003417761.5037 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003417761.5989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003418761.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62095360 nr_ops:60640\ntimestamp_ms:1653003419762.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124947456 nr_ops:122019\ntimestamp_ms:1653003420763.8794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187702272 nr_ops:183303\ntimestamp_ms:1653003421764.9768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252175360 nr_ops:246265\ntimestamp_ms:1653003422766.0725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315003904 nr_ops:307621\ntimestamp_ms:1653003423767.1621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378637312 nr_ops:369763\ntimestamp_ms:1653003424768.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441349120 nr_ops:431005\ntimestamp_ms:1653003425769.3567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504509440 nr_ops:492685\ntimestamp_ms:1653003426770.5569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568118272 nr_ops:554803\ntimestamp_ms:1653003427771.6553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630672384 nr_ops:615891\ntimestamp_ms:1653003428772.7556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:693781504 nr_ops:677521\ntimestamp_ms:1653003429773.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756531200 nr_ops:738800\ntimestamp_ms:1653003430774.9526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819106816 nr_ops:799909\ntimestamp_ms:1653003431776.0481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881814528 nr_ops:861147\ntimestamp_ms:1653003432777.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945084416 nr_ops:922934\ntimestamp_ms:1653003433778.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009089536 nr_ops:985439\ntimestamp_ms:1653003434779.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1072526336 nr_ops:1047389\ntimestamp_ms:1653003435780.3818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140943872 nr_ops:1114203\ntimestamp_ms:1653003436781.4817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209076736 nr_ops:1180739\ntimestamp_ms:1653003437782.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271286784 nr_ops:1241491\ntimestamp_ms:1653003438783.5569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1334092800 nr_ops:1302825\ntimestamp_ms:1653003439784.6479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1397296128 nr_ops:1364547\ntimestamp_ms:1653003440785.7502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461095424 nr_ops:1426851\ntimestamp_ms:1653003441786.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524139008 nr_ops:1488417\ntimestamp_ms:1653003442788.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586736128 nr_ops:1549547\ntimestamp_ms:1653003443789.1470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650823168 nr_ops:1612132\ntimestamp_ms:1653003444790.2402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714598912 nr_ops:1674413\ntimestamp_ms:1653003445790.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778326528 nr_ops:1736647\ntimestamp_ms:1653003446791.8777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842426880 nr_ops:1799245\ntimestamp_ms:1653003447792.9158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906017280 nr_ops:1861345\ntimestamp_ms:1653003448794.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1969099776 nr_ops:1922949\ntimestamp_ms:1653003449795.0930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031766528 nr_ops:1984147\ntimestamp_ms:1653003450796.1882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095716352 nr_ops:2046598\ntimestamp_ms:1653003451797.2817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159218688 nr_ops:2108612\ntimestamp_ms:1653003452798.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2222277632 nr_ops:2170193\ntimestamp_ms:1653003453799.4736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2285593600 nr_ops:2232025\ntimestamp_ms:1653003454800.5708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348641280 nr_ops:2293595\ntimestamp_ms:1653003455801.6614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2412944384 nr_ops:2356391\ntimestamp_ms:1653003456802.7717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476600320 nr_ops:2418555\ntimestamp_ms:1653003457803.8271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2539162624 nr_ops:2479651\ntimestamp_ms:1653003458804.9500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602703872 nr_ops:2541703\ntimestamp_ms:1653003459806.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2666595328 nr_ops:2604097\ntimestamp_ms:1653003460807.1511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2728991744 nr_ops:2665031\ntimestamp_ms:1653003461808.2505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793513984 nr_ops:2728041\ntimestamp_ms:1653003462809.3430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2856276992 nr_ops:2789333\ntimestamp_ms:1653003463810.4370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2919988224 nr_ops:2851551\ntimestamp_ms:1653003464811.5261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2989337600 nr_ops:2919275\ntimestamp_ms:1653003465812.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3058015232 nr_ops:2986343\ntimestamp_ms:1653003466813.6069 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3126531072 nr_ops:3053253\ntimestamp_ms:1653003467814.6992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190932480 nr_ops:3116145\ntimestamp_ms:1653003468815.7876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3253627904 nr_ops:3177371\ntimestamp_ms:1653003469816.8811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317654528 nr_ops:3239897\ntimestamp_ms:1653003470817.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3381317632 nr_ops:3302068\ntimestamp_ms:1653003471819.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3445013504 nr_ops:3364271\ntimestamp_ms:1653003472820.1860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3507909632 nr_ops:3425693\ntimestamp_ms:1653003473821.2737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571661824 nr_ops:3487951\ntimestamp_ms:1653003474822.3660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3635766272 nr_ops:3550553\ntimestamp_ms:1653003475823.4612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3698625536 nr_ops:3611939\ntimestamp_ms:1653003476823.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3761822720 nr_ops:3673655\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139824574908160\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.0645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3823774720 nr_ops:3734155\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.1428 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.1536 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478125.3767 name:Total nr_bytes:3823774720 nr_ops:3734156\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.2473 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7647549438 nr_ops:7468312\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.2485 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3823774720 nr_ops:3734158\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 247.50us 0.00ns 247.50us 247.50us \nTxn1 1867078 32.12us 0.00ns 2.74ms 25.82us \nTxn2 1 47.12us 0.00ns 47.12us 47.12us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 247.12us 0.00ns 247.12us 247.12us \nwrite 1867078 3.27us 0.00ns 157.03us 2.63us \nread 1867077 28.77us 0.00ns 2.74ms 1.56us \ndisconnect 1 46.32us 0.00ns 46.32us 46.32us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 818.90b/s \nnet1 29937 29938 261.05Mb/s 261.05Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.216 62.37s 3.56GB 490.49Mb/s 3734158 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.49Mb/s 3734158 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415684, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003416760.4060 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003417761.5037 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003417761.5989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003418761.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62095360 nr_ops:60640\ntimestamp_ms:1653003419762.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124947456 nr_ops:122019\ntimestamp_ms:1653003420763.8794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187702272 nr_ops:183303\ntimestamp_ms:1653003421764.9768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252175360 nr_ops:246265\ntimestamp_ms:1653003422766.0725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315003904 nr_ops:307621\ntimestamp_ms:1653003423767.1621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378637312 nr_ops:369763\ntimestamp_ms:1653003424768.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441349120 nr_ops:431005\ntimestamp_ms:1653003425769.3567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504509440 nr_ops:492685\ntimestamp_ms:1653003426770.5569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568118272 nr_ops:554803\ntimestamp_ms:1653003427771.6553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630672384 nr_ops:615891\ntimestamp_ms:1653003428772.7556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:693781504 nr_ops:677521\ntimestamp_ms:1653003429773.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756531200 nr_ops:738800\ntimestamp_ms:1653003430774.9526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819106816 nr_ops:799909\ntimestamp_ms:1653003431776.0481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881814528 nr_ops:861147\ntimestamp_ms:1653003432777.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945084416 nr_ops:922934\ntimestamp_ms:1653003433778.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009089536 nr_ops:985439\ntimestamp_ms:1653003434779.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1072526336 nr_ops:1047389\ntimestamp_ms:1653003435780.3818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140943872 nr_ops:1114203\ntimestamp_ms:1653003436781.4817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209076736 nr_ops:1180739\ntimestamp_ms:1653003437782.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271286784 nr_ops:1241491\ntimestamp_ms:1653003438783.5569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1334092800 nr_ops:1302825\ntimestamp_ms:1653003439784.6479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1397296128 nr_ops:1364547\ntimestamp_ms:1653003440785.7502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461095424 nr_ops:1426851\ntimestamp_ms:1653003441786.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524139008 nr_ops:1488417\ntimestamp_ms:1653003442788.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586736128 nr_ops:1549547\ntimestamp_ms:1653003443789.1470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650823168 nr_ops:1612132\ntimestamp_ms:1653003444790.2402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714598912 nr_ops:1674413\ntimestamp_ms:1653003445790.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778326528 nr_ops:1736647\ntimestamp_ms:1653003446791.8777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842426880 nr_ops:1799245\ntimestamp_ms:1653003447792.9158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906017280 nr_ops:1861345\ntimestamp_ms:1653003448794.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1969099776 nr_ops:1922949\ntimestamp_ms:1653003449795.0930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031766528 nr_ops:1984147\ntimestamp_ms:1653003450796.1882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095716352 nr_ops:2046598\ntimestamp_ms:1653003451797.2817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159218688 nr_ops:2108612\ntimestamp_ms:1653003452798.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2222277632 nr_ops:2170193\ntimestamp_ms:1653003453799.4736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2285593600 nr_ops:2232025\ntimestamp_ms:1653003454800.5708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348641280 nr_ops:2293595\ntimestamp_ms:1653003455801.6614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2412944384 nr_ops:2356391\ntimestamp_ms:1653003456802.7717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476600320 nr_ops:2418555\ntimestamp_ms:1653003457803.8271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2539162624 nr_ops:2479651\ntimestamp_ms:1653003458804.9500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602703872 nr_ops:2541703\ntimestamp_ms:1653003459806.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2666595328 nr_ops:2604097\ntimestamp_ms:1653003460807.1511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2728991744 nr_ops:2665031\ntimestamp_ms:1653003461808.2505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793513984 nr_ops:2728041\ntimestamp_ms:1653003462809.3430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2856276992 nr_ops:2789333\ntimestamp_ms:1653003463810.4370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2919988224 nr_ops:2851551\ntimestamp_ms:1653003464811.5261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2989337600 nr_ops:2919275\ntimestamp_ms:1653003465812.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3058015232 nr_ops:2986343\ntimestamp_ms:1653003466813.6069 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3126531072 nr_ops:3053253\ntimestamp_ms:1653003467814.6992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190932480 nr_ops:3116145\ntimestamp_ms:1653003468815.7876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3253627904 nr_ops:3177371\ntimestamp_ms:1653003469816.8811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317654528 nr_ops:3239897\ntimestamp_ms:1653003470817.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3381317632 nr_ops:3302068\ntimestamp_ms:1653003471819.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3445013504 nr_ops:3364271\ntimestamp_ms:1653003472820.1860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3507909632 nr_ops:3425693\ntimestamp_ms:1653003473821.2737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571661824 nr_ops:3487951\ntimestamp_ms:1653003474822.3660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3635766272 nr_ops:3550553\ntimestamp_ms:1653003475823.4612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3698625536 nr_ops:3611939\ntimestamp_ms:1653003476823.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3761822720 nr_ops:3673655\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139824574908160\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.0645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3823774720 nr_ops:3734155\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.1428 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.1536 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478125.3767 name:Total nr_bytes:3823774720 nr_ops:3734156\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.2473 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7647549438 nr_ops:7468312\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003478025.2485 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3823774720 nr_ops:3734158\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 247.50us 0.00ns 247.50us 247.50us \nTxn1 1867078 32.12us 0.00ns 2.74ms 25.82us \nTxn2 1 47.12us 0.00ns 47.12us 47.12us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 247.12us 0.00ns 247.12us 247.12us \nwrite 1867078 3.27us 0.00ns 157.03us 2.63us \nread 1867077 28.77us 0.00ns 2.74ms 1.56us \ndisconnect 1 46.32us 0.00ns 46.32us 46.32us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 818.90b/s \nnet1 29937 29938 261.05Mb/s 261.05Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.216 62.37s 3.56GB 490.49Mb/s 3734158 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.56GB 490.49Mb/s 3734158 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415684, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003416760.4060 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003417761.5037 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003417761.5989 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003418761.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:62095360 nr_ops:60640
+timestamp_ms:1653003419762.8337 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:124947456 nr_ops:122019
+timestamp_ms:1653003420763.8794 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:187702272 nr_ops:183303
+timestamp_ms:1653003421764.9768 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:252175360 nr_ops:246265
+timestamp_ms:1653003422766.0725 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:315003904 nr_ops:307621
+timestamp_ms:1653003423767.1621 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:378637312 nr_ops:369763
+timestamp_ms:1653003424768.2576 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:441349120 nr_ops:431005
+timestamp_ms:1653003425769.3567 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:504509440 nr_ops:492685
+timestamp_ms:1653003426770.5569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568118272 nr_ops:554803
+timestamp_ms:1653003427771.6553 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630672384 nr_ops:615891
+timestamp_ms:1653003428772.7556 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:693781504 nr_ops:677521
+timestamp_ms:1653003429773.8540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:756531200 nr_ops:738800
+timestamp_ms:1653003430774.9526 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819106816 nr_ops:799909
+timestamp_ms:1653003431776.0481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881814528 nr_ops:861147
+timestamp_ms:1653003432777.1443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945084416 nr_ops:922934
+timestamp_ms:1653003433778.2466 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1009089536 nr_ops:985439
+timestamp_ms:1653003434779.3442 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1072526336 nr_ops:1047389
+timestamp_ms:1653003435780.3818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1140943872 nr_ops:1114203
+timestamp_ms:1653003436781.4817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1209076736 nr_ops:1180739
+timestamp_ms:1653003437782.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271286784 nr_ops:1241491
+timestamp_ms:1653003438783.5569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1334092800 nr_ops:1302825
+timestamp_ms:1653003439784.6479 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1397296128 nr_ops:1364547
+timestamp_ms:1653003440785.7502 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461095424 nr_ops:1426851
+timestamp_ms:1653003441786.9443 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524139008 nr_ops:1488417
+timestamp_ms:1653003442788.0505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1586736128 nr_ops:1549547
+timestamp_ms:1653003443789.1470 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1650823168 nr_ops:1612132
+timestamp_ms:1653003444790.2402 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1714598912 nr_ops:1674413
+timestamp_ms:1653003445790.8381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1778326528 nr_ops:1736647
+timestamp_ms:1653003446791.8777 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842426880 nr_ops:1799245
+timestamp_ms:1653003447792.9158 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1906017280 nr_ops:1861345
+timestamp_ms:1653003448794.0056 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1969099776 nr_ops:1922949
+timestamp_ms:1653003449795.0930 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2031766528 nr_ops:1984147
+timestamp_ms:1653003450796.1882 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2095716352 nr_ops:2046598
+timestamp_ms:1653003451797.2817 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2159218688 nr_ops:2108612
+timestamp_ms:1653003452798.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2222277632 nr_ops:2170193
+timestamp_ms:1653003453799.4736 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2285593600 nr_ops:2232025
+timestamp_ms:1653003454800.5708 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2348641280 nr_ops:2293595
+timestamp_ms:1653003455801.6614 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2412944384 nr_ops:2356391
+timestamp_ms:1653003456802.7717 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2476600320 nr_ops:2418555
+timestamp_ms:1653003457803.8271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2539162624 nr_ops:2479651
+timestamp_ms:1653003458804.9500 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2602703872 nr_ops:2541703
+timestamp_ms:1653003459806.0508 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2666595328 nr_ops:2604097
+timestamp_ms:1653003460807.1511 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2728991744 nr_ops:2665031
+timestamp_ms:1653003461808.2505 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2793513984 nr_ops:2728041
+timestamp_ms:1653003462809.3430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2856276992 nr_ops:2789333
+timestamp_ms:1653003463810.4370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2919988224 nr_ops:2851551
+timestamp_ms:1653003464811.5261 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2989337600 nr_ops:2919275
+timestamp_ms:1653003465812.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3058015232 nr_ops:2986343
+timestamp_ms:1653003466813.6069 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3126531072 nr_ops:3053253
+timestamp_ms:1653003467814.6992 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3190932480 nr_ops:3116145
+timestamp_ms:1653003468815.7876 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3253627904 nr_ops:3177371
+timestamp_ms:1653003469816.8811 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3317654528 nr_ops:3239897
+timestamp_ms:1653003470817.9863 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3381317632 nr_ops:3302068
+timestamp_ms:1653003471819.0981 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3445013504 nr_ops:3364271
+timestamp_ms:1653003472820.1860 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3507909632 nr_ops:3425693
+timestamp_ms:1653003473821.2737 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3571661824 nr_ops:3487951
+timestamp_ms:1653003474822.3660 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3635766272 nr_ops:3550553
+timestamp_ms:1653003475823.4612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3698625536 nr_ops:3611939
+timestamp_ms:1653003476823.8342 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3761822720 nr_ops:3673655
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139824574908160
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653003478025.0645 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3823774720 nr_ops:3734155
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003478025.1428 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003478025.1536 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003478125.3767 name:Total nr_bytes:3823774720 nr_ops:3734156
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003478025.2473 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7647549438 nr_ops:7468312
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003478025.2485 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3823774720 nr_ops:3734158
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 247.50us 0.00ns 247.50us 247.50us
+Txn1 1867078 32.12us 0.00ns 2.74ms 25.82us
+Txn2 1 47.12us 0.00ns 47.12us 47.12us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 247.12us 0.00ns 247.12us 247.12us
+write 1867078 3.27us 0.00ns 157.03us 2.63us
+read 1867077 28.77us 0.00ns 2.74ms 1.56us
+disconnect 1 46.32us 0.00ns 46.32us 46.32us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 818.90b/s
+net1 29937 29938 261.05Mb/s 261.05Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.216 62.37s 3.56GB 490.49Mb/s 3734158 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.56GB 490.49Mb/s 3734158 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:36:58.761000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:36:58.761000', 'bytes': 62095360, 'norm_byte': 62095360, 'ops': 60640, 'norm_ops': 60640, 'norm_ltcy': 16.494734872299635, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:36:58.761000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:36:58.761000",
+ "bytes": 62095360,
+ "norm_byte": 62095360,
+ "ops": 60640,
+ "norm_ops": 60640,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.494734872299635,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b299c3875f6eee7bdec6044c8a05d272cd5d9d227933b6d02ad53c71d347906b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:36:59.762000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:36:59.762000', 'bytes': 124947456, 'norm_byte': 62852096, 'ops': 122019, 'norm_ops': 61379, 'norm_ltcy': 16.308413962837452, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:36:59.762000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:36:59.762000",
+ "bytes": 124947456,
+ "norm_byte": 62852096,
+ "ops": 122019,
+ "norm_ops": 61379,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.308413962837452,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0ad93f776280cae9fab73a12098b761711002e89ddf19ad5348637b7c69ce9f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:00.763000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:00.763000', 'bytes': 187702272, 'norm_byte': 62754816, 'ops': 183303, 'norm_ops': 61284, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3345351853155, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:00.763000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:00.763000",
+ "bytes": 187702272,
+ "norm_byte": 62754816,
+ "ops": 183303,
+ "norm_ops": 61284,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3345351853155,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa5f130f15952f38e663662223493c5181098d373dba1525f33508cfbc5c5679",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:01.764000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:01.764000', 'bytes': 252175360, 'norm_byte': 64473088, 'ops': 246265, 'norm_ops': 62962, 'norm_ltcy': 15.900025604481671, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:01.764000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:01.764000",
+ "bytes": 252175360,
+ "norm_byte": 64473088,
+ "ops": 246265,
+ "norm_ops": 62962,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.900025604481671,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "84ce037c548471ab95e1ba5e0a80018906a3588bb00a220336c5573309821ec3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:02.766000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:02.766000', 'bytes': 315003904, 'norm_byte': 62828544, 'ops': 307621, 'norm_ops': 61356, 'norm_ltcy': 16.316182657360326, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:02.766000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:02.766000",
+ "bytes": 315003904,
+ "norm_byte": 62828544,
+ "ops": 307621,
+ "norm_ops": 61356,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.316182657360326,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f827a9ed80a4d1499f40c40a9cd6408a744e9d5cb22cbc3a6dd5f177514716db",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:03.767000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:03.767000', 'bytes': 378637312, 'norm_byte': 63633408, 'ops': 369763, 'norm_ops': 62142, 'norm_ltcy': 16.109710012702763, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:03.767000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:03.767000",
+ "bytes": 378637312,
+ "norm_byte": 63633408,
+ "ops": 369763,
+ "norm_ops": 62142,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.109710012702763,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "401dffbf941e5891023186b9322ffd4f918e83f7965a8e1da67172f7bc8fe256",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:04.768000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:04.768000', 'bytes': 441349120, 'norm_byte': 62711808, 'ops': 431005, 'norm_ops': 61242, 'norm_ltcy': 16.346550716573184, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:04.768000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:04.768000",
+ "bytes": 441349120,
+ "norm_byte": 62711808,
+ "ops": 431005,
+ "norm_ops": 61242,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.346550716573184,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0f6fc1187ab8c4d1b883701790acc4ff7abce836bf25e7ee518a2af8cdd9ce6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:05.769000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:05.769000', 'bytes': 504509440, 'norm_byte': 63160320, 'ops': 492685, 'norm_ops': 61680, 'norm_ltcy': 16.23053049762889, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:05.769000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:05.769000",
+ "bytes": 504509440,
+ "norm_byte": 63160320,
+ "ops": 492685,
+ "norm_ops": 61680,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.23053049762889,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "92701f758e41381b9bdd6ea30f046a2b60b7615954a974909ed2d0abcb8e5232",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:06.770000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:06.770000', 'bytes': 568118272, 'norm_byte': 63608832, 'ops': 554803, 'norm_ops': 62118, 'norm_ltcy': 16.11771459661451, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:06.770000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:06.770000",
+ "bytes": 568118272,
+ "norm_byte": 63608832,
+ "ops": 554803,
+ "norm_ops": 62118,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.11771459661451,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a89c4b3adac3794b5dafcf48fda459cad037a7a820fae356d42c4a68aedf12bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:07.771000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:07.771000', 'bytes': 630672384, 'norm_byte': 62554112, 'ops': 615891, 'norm_ops': 61088, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38780756731068, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:07.771000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:07.771000",
+ "bytes": 630672384,
+ "norm_byte": 62554112,
+ "ops": 615891,
+ "norm_ops": 61088,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38780756731068,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e8a399045c90e7aef2c8a393491cd4ba4ba7455cd1b91aca08bb8b083dac24bd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:08.772000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:08.772000', 'bytes': 693781504, 'norm_byte': 63109120, 'ops': 677521, 'norm_ops': 61630, 'norm_ltcy': 16.243718023639058, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:08.772000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:08.772000",
+ "bytes": 693781504,
+ "norm_byte": 63109120,
+ "ops": 677521,
+ "norm_ops": 61630,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.243718023639058,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c6511e7ea2ecb51e64691a7f1ced51330dab62ba628fda4bb4ebdfa6c54cf122",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:09.773000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:09.773000', 'bytes': 756531200, 'norm_byte': 62749696, 'ops': 738800, 'norm_ops': 61279, 'norm_ltcy': 16.336728547657028, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:09.773000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:09.773000",
+ "bytes": 756531200,
+ "norm_byte": 62749696,
+ "ops": 738800,
+ "norm_ops": 61279,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.336728547657028,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cac697a695261ce364f1e6fbb107ddad3236df2596cbf3ec6389de23118efd8a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:10.774000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:10.774000', 'bytes': 819106816, 'norm_byte': 62575616, 'ops': 799909, 'norm_ops': 61109, 'norm_ltcy': 16.3821799213291, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:10.774000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:10.774000",
+ "bytes": 819106816,
+ "norm_byte": 62575616,
+ "ops": 799909,
+ "norm_ops": 61109,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.3821799213291,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e6db9b7c197a9d113b283069ca9bee404cb9a94cdc971f322041051cc2378dc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:11.776000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:11.776000', 'bytes': 881814528, 'norm_byte': 62707712, 'ops': 861147, 'norm_ops': 61238, 'norm_ltcy': 16.347618455605588, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:11.776000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:11.776000",
+ "bytes": 881814528,
+ "norm_byte": 62707712,
+ "ops": 861147,
+ "norm_ops": 61238,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.347618455605588,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11c293d164e02c6f49d3af475365c8de00e116b3660d3f9bdbd9e3056813e487",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:12.777000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:12.777000', 'bytes': 945084416, 'norm_byte': 63269888, 'ops': 922934, 'norm_ops': 61787, 'norm_ltcy': 16.202375765229743, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:12.777000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:12.777000",
+ "bytes": 945084416,
+ "norm_byte": 63269888,
+ "ops": 922934,
+ "norm_ops": 61787,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.202375765229743,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a89f2ce1173c9dc68d011dda2f9a52a1ec6eeadd1e7bbbf63ef0f6cbebc771fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:13.778000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:13.778000', 'bytes': 1009089536, 'norm_byte': 64005120, 'ops': 985439, 'norm_ops': 62505, 'norm_ltcy': 16.016355410317175, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:13.778000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:13.778000",
+ "bytes": 1009089536,
+ "norm_byte": 64005120,
+ "ops": 985439,
+ "norm_ops": 62505,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.016355410317175,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cde99159f5ea1a163e2792bb28e0a79f8a62c0fff8b8741e40ab6440058a2517",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:14.779000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:14.779000', 'bytes': 1072526336, 'norm_byte': 63436800, 'ops': 1047389, 'norm_ops': 61950, 'norm_ltcy': 16.159768462469735, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:14.779000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:14.779000",
+ "bytes": 1072526336,
+ "norm_byte": 63436800,
+ "ops": 1047389,
+ "norm_ops": 61950,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.159768462469735,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8f4b729082cb03189e58244bafc0beb883b7451f6941f23dea7de2e952d11058",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:15.780000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:15.780000', 'bytes': 1140943872, 'norm_byte': 68417536, 'ops': 1114203, 'norm_ops': 66814, 'norm_ltcy': 14.982452744278895, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:15.780000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:15.780000",
+ "bytes": 1140943872,
+ "norm_byte": 68417536,
+ "ops": 1114203,
+ "norm_ops": 66814,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.982452744278895,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fb6c773fc11f95a7fc081e64cd98cdac5bfb6b1949750bdf1deab92a69325c04",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:16.781000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:16.781000', 'bytes': 1209076736, 'norm_byte': 68132864, 'ops': 1180739, 'norm_ops': 66536, 'norm_ltcy': 15.045987939095001, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:16.781000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:16.781000",
+ "bytes": 1209076736,
+ "norm_byte": 68132864,
+ "ops": 1180739,
+ "norm_ops": 66536,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.045987939095001,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bc34db2b24042e36369d140f4f0a717d0f1a2e440bba29c23de215473cfea20d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:17.782000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:17.782000', 'bytes': 1271286784, 'norm_byte': 62210048, 'ops': 1241491, 'norm_ops': 60752, 'norm_ltcy': 16.477454735286493, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:17.782000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:17.782000",
+ "bytes": 1271286784,
+ "norm_byte": 62210048,
+ "ops": 1241491,
+ "norm_ops": 60752,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.477454735286493,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bd9604ef41476c1a9fb76452104b04ea07a3da56bac3f98e811e03e8b4690ea3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:18.783000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:18.783000', 'bytes': 1334092800, 'norm_byte': 62806016, 'ops': 1302825, 'norm_ops': 61334, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32107583451878, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:18.783000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:18.783000",
+ "bytes": 1334092800,
+ "norm_byte": 62806016,
+ "ops": 1302825,
+ "norm_ops": 61334,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32107583451878,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01bb9e0abb8bf17f6c691260a60e7c9ab28b6e60631dd3395b8279a70c32f127",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:19.784000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:19.784000', 'bytes': 1397296128, 'norm_byte': 63203328, 'ops': 1364547, 'norm_ops': 61722, 'norm_ltcy': 16.219355569377612, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:19.784000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:19.784000",
+ "bytes": 1397296128,
+ "norm_byte": 63203328,
+ "ops": 1364547,
+ "norm_ops": 61722,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.219355569377612,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "98c1c103f2e7b6c9861b22371f4d72f0ebcd8bdf3ae566db9a3d635cf9d0292c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:20.785000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:20.785000', 'bytes': 1461095424, 'norm_byte': 63799296, 'ops': 1426851, 'norm_ops': 62304, 'norm_ltcy': 16.0680260484379, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:20.785000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:20.785000",
+ "bytes": 1461095424,
+ "norm_byte": 63799296,
+ "ops": 1426851,
+ "norm_ops": 62304,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.0680260484379,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ae52856b3545efd0ea02384a89568e19458e4c9718dba5c495fa214af85a8c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:21.786000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:21.786000', 'bytes': 1524139008, 'norm_byte': 63043584, 'ops': 1488417, 'norm_ops': 61566, 'norm_ltcy': 16.26212669000544, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:21.786000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:21.786000",
+ "bytes": 1524139008,
+ "norm_byte": 63043584,
+ "ops": 1488417,
+ "norm_ops": 61566,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.26212669000544,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "294e1ad461019ec689614e5ccfd519ac2c45eb31b6573823863701148d40ab62",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:22.788000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:22.788000', 'bytes': 1586736128, 'norm_byte': 62597120, 'ops': 1549547, 'norm_ops': 61130, 'norm_ltcy': 16.376675955698918, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:22.788000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:22.788000",
+ "bytes": 1586736128,
+ "norm_byte": 62597120,
+ "ops": 1549547,
+ "norm_ops": 61130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.376675955698918,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "706ac4946ebe7a27ca80c0b9fe87aaeee9b4842be193793aefbae01d46fe5f4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:23.789000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:23.789000', 'bytes': 1650823168, 'norm_byte': 64087040, 'ops': 1612132, 'norm_ops': 62585, 'norm_ltcy': 15.995788696123274, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:23.789000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:23.789000",
+ "bytes": 1650823168,
+ "norm_byte": 64087040,
+ "ops": 1612132,
+ "norm_ops": 62585,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.995788696123274,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "189f2484eac861aed2ba34216115aea91226fb4a12139ec260ff95a56554b087",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:24.790000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:24.790000', 'bytes': 1714598912, 'norm_byte': 63775744, 'ops': 1674413, 'norm_ops': 62281, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07381483468072, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:24.790000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:24.790000",
+ "bytes": 1714598912,
+ "norm_byte": 63775744,
+ "ops": 1674413,
+ "norm_ops": 62281,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07381483468072,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5afeb9f8fae26dcc86ab64a7c98e79afab5f8ad83344bcfef19849582454b475",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:25.790000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:25.790000', 'bytes': 1778326528, 'norm_byte': 63727616, 'ops': 1736647, 'norm_ops': 62234, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07799435020447, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:25.790000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:25.790000",
+ "bytes": 1778326528,
+ "norm_byte": 63727616,
+ "ops": 1736647,
+ "norm_ops": 62234,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07799435020447,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25f4cffe2f0899e86f3b389cffe6a35743c095b9e8b7060993d546bff72ecb0d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:26.791000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:26.791000', 'bytes': 1842426880, 'norm_byte': 64100352, 'ops': 1799245, 'norm_ops': 62598, 'norm_ltcy': 15.991558049478417, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:26.791000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:26.791000",
+ "bytes": 1842426880,
+ "norm_byte": 64100352,
+ "ops": 1799245,
+ "norm_ops": 62598,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.991558049478417,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "478a0c56ed8cbf62e4bfe0ffc1f48a0eff69b9836b0598da460c4415b12ae14f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:27.792000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:27.792000', 'bytes': 1906017280, 'norm_byte': 63590400, 'ops': 1861345, 'norm_ops': 62100, 'norm_ltcy': 16.119775941022542, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:27.792000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:27.792000",
+ "bytes": 1906017280,
+ "norm_byte": 63590400,
+ "ops": 1861345,
+ "norm_ops": 62100,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.119775941022542,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "91c945e6719cca753558cd5ac63ad5a006ea0336e9ad98bd92180df9fdd79432",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:28.794000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:28.794000', 'bytes': 1969099776, 'norm_byte': 63082496, 'ops': 1922949, 'norm_ops': 61604, 'norm_ltcy': 16.250403281442765, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:28.794000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:28.794000",
+ "bytes": 1969099776,
+ "norm_byte": 63082496,
+ "ops": 1922949,
+ "norm_ops": 61604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.250403281442765,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cae9282bdc0862d27c1b39996e9aac45abcbefb81e3cca9019baf8c2f5104121",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:29.795000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:29.795000', 'bytes': 2031766528, 'norm_byte': 62666752, 'ops': 1984147, 'norm_ops': 61198, 'norm_ltcy': 16.358171873978723, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:29.795000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:29.795000",
+ "bytes": 2031766528,
+ "norm_byte": 62666752,
+ "ops": 1984147,
+ "norm_ops": 61198,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.358171873978723,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4822c894ed10426e7e1185b17e617a04dd2a4603708669ca27aaaa9493b17f3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:30.796000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:30.796000', 'bytes': 2095716352, 'norm_byte': 63949824, 'ops': 2046598, 'norm_ops': 62451, 'norm_ltcy': 16.030091028866632, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:30.796000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:30.796000",
+ "bytes": 2095716352,
+ "norm_byte": 63949824,
+ "ops": 2046598,
+ "norm_ops": 62451,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.030091028866632,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1fcc6ff34e9f419ef2074d23aee500d6407186006ea2e50e815e2d5772c3b041",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:31.797000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:31.797000', 'bytes': 2159218688, 'norm_byte': 63502336, 'ops': 2108612, 'norm_ops': 62014, 'norm_ltcy': 16.143024250320494, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:31.797000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:31.797000",
+ "bytes": 2159218688,
+ "norm_byte": 63502336,
+ "ops": 2108612,
+ "norm_ops": 62014,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.143024250320494,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "60e03a1b64dd73195bb4d159c6dac559c79ae7af5be451931c9177a8301d46f8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:32.798000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:32.798000', 'bytes': 2222277632, 'norm_byte': 63058944, 'ops': 2170193, 'norm_ops': 61581, 'norm_ltcy': 16.256603504175395, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:32.798000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:32.798000",
+ "bytes": 2222277632,
+ "norm_byte": 63058944,
+ "ops": 2170193,
+ "norm_ops": 61581,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.256603504175395,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f2a20649dd826018c61284cb80d6313bfaf97096415c5ebafa406932a539e3fa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:33.799000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:33.799000', 'bytes': 2285593600, 'norm_byte': 63315968, 'ops': 2232025, 'norm_ops': 61832, 'norm_ltcy': 16.190548488495036, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:33.799000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:33.799000",
+ "bytes": 2285593600,
+ "norm_byte": 63315968,
+ "ops": 2232025,
+ "norm_ops": 61832,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.190548488495036,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca0ab35869936cb44a67513b70356fe087b4e54bde8c7780e977642983822ca2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:34.800000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:34.800000', 'bytes': 2348641280, 'norm_byte': 63047680, 'ops': 2293595, 'norm_ops': 61570, 'norm_ltcy': 16.259495987798438, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:34.800000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:34.800000",
+ "bytes": 2348641280,
+ "norm_byte": 63047680,
+ "ops": 2293595,
+ "norm_ops": 61570,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.259495987798438,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7f28eb8e9fac210b2921fa1623518ce98335c4f88b2c828e03f69c9bd61e5cbf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:35.801000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:35.801000', 'bytes': 2412944384, 'norm_byte': 64303104, 'ops': 2356391, 'norm_ops': 62796, 'norm_ltcy': 15.941948152300704, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:35.801000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:35.801000",
+ "bytes": 2412944384,
+ "norm_byte": 64303104,
+ "ops": 2356391,
+ "norm_ops": 62796,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.941948152300704,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0e9b2f71ea2197aa237fde90e7b30886a4f4a1c6835e527b9e69ffaf2e71c663",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:36.802000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:36.802000', 'bytes': 2476600320, 'norm_byte': 63655936, 'ops': 2418555, 'norm_ops': 62164, 'norm_ltcy': 16.104342570659867, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:36.802000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:36.802000",
+ "bytes": 2476600320,
+ "norm_byte": 63655936,
+ "ops": 2418555,
+ "norm_ops": 62164,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.104342570659867,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c41eed76ca8fbac46fe100785326357c3189f61768d7d75252f3118f2f37305",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:37.803000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:37.803000', 'bytes': 2539162624, 'norm_byte': 62562304, 'ops': 2479651, 'norm_ops': 61096, 'norm_ltcy': 16.384958424804815, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:37.803000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:37.803000",
+ "bytes": 2539162624,
+ "norm_byte": 62562304,
+ "ops": 2479651,
+ "norm_ops": 61096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.384958424804815,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9ad8c4ddecbb818f012a8bf0a0ab5058c07f52dab18c4feea5bf723f074cff2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:38.804000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:38.804000', 'bytes': 2602703872, 'norm_byte': 63541248, 'ops': 2541703, 'norm_ops': 62052, 'norm_ltcy': 16.133610564274722, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:38.804000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:38.804000",
+ "bytes": 2602703872,
+ "norm_byte": 63541248,
+ "ops": 2541703,
+ "norm_ops": 62052,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.133610564274722,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ef104d79ded627d510c059b6808602587ceebd488d344039dcd47b04cbd30238",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:39.806000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:39.806000', 'bytes': 2666595328, 'norm_byte': 63891456, 'ops': 2604097, 'norm_ops': 62394, 'norm_ltcy': 16.044825304967222, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:39.806000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:39.806000",
+ "bytes": 2666595328,
+ "norm_byte": 63891456,
+ "ops": 2604097,
+ "norm_ops": 62394,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.044825304967222,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "16b4652d9fb7b7f629b77d506f2cf51581c1e819604e499172010e51c1ba4589",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:40.807000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:40.807000', 'bytes': 2728991744, 'norm_byte': 62396416, 'ops': 2665031, 'norm_ops': 60934, 'norm_ltcy': 16.429256930398054, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:40.807000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:40.807000",
+ "bytes": 2728991744,
+ "norm_byte": 62396416,
+ "ops": 2665031,
+ "norm_ops": 60934,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.429256930398054,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f85e3af50cfc110e8a05d5fa642211805373336f5ea7148f781d0cf9f806be4c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:41.808000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:41.808000', 'bytes': 2793513984, 'norm_byte': 64522240, 'ops': 2728041, 'norm_ops': 63010, 'norm_ltcy': 15.887944218923586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:41.808000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:41.808000",
+ "bytes": 2793513984,
+ "norm_byte": 64522240,
+ "ops": 2728041,
+ "norm_ops": 63010,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.887944218923586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "822b8651d24e522a5c968d6424febbb3b2729d79471600c4a411b5fdf9f6f332",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:42.809000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:42.809000', 'bytes': 2856276992, 'norm_byte': 62763008, 'ops': 2789333, 'norm_ops': 61292, 'norm_ltcy': 16.333167938668588, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:42.809000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:42.809000",
+ "bytes": 2856276992,
+ "norm_byte": 62763008,
+ "ops": 2789333,
+ "norm_ops": 61292,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.333167938668588,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "11df0ce20d458b39272c7048643b066db8c4a6824120725d263ded7c2668d236",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:43.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:43.810000', 'bytes': 2919988224, 'norm_byte': 63711232, 'ops': 2851551, 'norm_ops': 62218, 'norm_ltcy': 16.090102448497625, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:43.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:43.810000",
+ "bytes": 2919988224,
+ "norm_byte": 63711232,
+ "ops": 2851551,
+ "norm_ops": 62218,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.090102448497625,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10f03e9f1e21fd039744aaf4c9e7ebb420530c0b88f614c075b2efa6f9a39106",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:44.811000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:44.811000', 'bytes': 2989337600, 'norm_byte': 69349376, 'ops': 2919275, 'norm_ops': 67724, 'norm_ltcy': 14.781895802494315, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:44.811000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:44.811000",
+ "bytes": 2989337600,
+ "norm_byte": 69349376,
+ "ops": 2919275,
+ "norm_ops": 67724,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.781895802494315,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df078ef6c0690c26dfe1598a9adf9e380bb25e2df0a698b76d85e4d2f8238f4a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:45.812000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:45.812000', 'bytes': 3058015232, 'norm_byte': 68677632, 'ops': 2986343, 'norm_ops': 67068, 'norm_ltcy': 14.925751225668352, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:45.812000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:45.812000",
+ "bytes": 3058015232,
+ "norm_byte": 68677632,
+ "ops": 2986343,
+ "norm_ops": 67068,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.925751225668352,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca74a1aae1706d8c82dc97f3db52d95715c88948d1be6e713bd4e3f715153e75",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:46.813000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:46.813000', 'bytes': 3126531072, 'norm_byte': 68515840, 'ops': 3053253, 'norm_ops': 66910, 'norm_ltcy': 14.961000259210133, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:46.813000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:46.813000",
+ "bytes": 3126531072,
+ "norm_byte": 68515840,
+ "ops": 3053253,
+ "norm_ops": 66910,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.961000259210133,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a67817757c7e957baaedb5aae9502c7f30edefaf74a01204126e32043d8a963a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:47.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:47.814000', 'bytes': 3190932480, 'norm_byte': 64401408, 'ops': 3116145, 'norm_ops': 62892, 'norm_ltcy': 15.917641117411595, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:47.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:47.814000",
+ "bytes": 3190932480,
+ "norm_byte": 64401408,
+ "ops": 3116145,
+ "norm_ops": 62892,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.917641117411595,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77fcc99744ed61f12e4580ae326424f91c23792f102d45ad3d7b241926ac16bb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:48.815000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:48.815000', 'bytes': 3253627904, 'norm_byte': 62695424, 'ops': 3177371, 'norm_ops': 61226, 'norm_ltcy': 16.350706871365922, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:48.815000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:48.815000",
+ "bytes": 3253627904,
+ "norm_byte": 62695424,
+ "ops": 3177371,
+ "norm_ops": 61226,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.350706871365922,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ed05ce698b464906adc73d3aa995adf8a5f22fbeddc01173a69d4d3979a258e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:49.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:49.816000', 'bytes': 3317654528, 'norm_byte': 64026624, 'ops': 3239897, 'norm_ops': 62526, 'norm_ltcy': 16.010835586146165, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:49.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:49.816000",
+ "bytes": 3317654528,
+ "norm_byte": 64026624,
+ "ops": 3239897,
+ "norm_ops": 62526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.010835586146165,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf862e8be4adfccc4b6ce1666e0062f9048d763f7d8de8d48a3c82087c973375",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:50.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:50.817000', 'bytes': 3381317632, 'norm_byte': 63663104, 'ops': 3302068, 'norm_ops': 62171, 'norm_ltcy': 16.102446874095236, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:50.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:50.817000",
+ "bytes": 3381317632,
+ "norm_byte": 63663104,
+ "ops": 3302068,
+ "norm_ops": 62171,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.102446874095236,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e21e221e14d1911f54a0130cfe2b3722f54d01336bcf2b63a9f51be00ddb5007",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:51.819000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:51.819000', 'bytes': 3445013504, 'norm_byte': 63695872, 'ops': 3364271, 'norm_ops': 62203, 'norm_ltcy': 16.094269028925453, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:51.819000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:51.819000",
+ "bytes": 3445013504,
+ "norm_byte": 63695872,
+ "ops": 3364271,
+ "norm_ops": 62203,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.094269028925453,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7483c67cee50e8dff4f47137dfbb9250073af19771a55f2ce42c3fe0dd6cfec4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:52.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:52.820000', 'bytes': 3507909632, 'norm_byte': 62896128, 'ops': 3425693, 'norm_ops': 61422, 'norm_ltcy': 16.29852317777018, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:52.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:52.820000",
+ "bytes": 3507909632,
+ "norm_byte": 62896128,
+ "ops": 3425693,
+ "norm_ops": 61422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.29852317777018,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d7b488a2f1cf34c59d5b4eea9d189ccd90fe229fa9374692db24e0c9d26e877e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:53.821000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:53.821000', 'bytes': 3571661824, 'norm_byte': 63752192, 'ops': 3487951, 'norm_ops': 62258, 'norm_ltcy': 16.079662798104263, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:53.821000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:53.821000",
+ "bytes": 3571661824,
+ "norm_byte": 63752192,
+ "ops": 3487951,
+ "norm_ops": 62258,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.079662798104263,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "52b3572dac958ab997d16bb992ae9d9746da194e30351a19b6cf710f6e8c745a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:54.822000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:54.822000', 'bytes': 3635766272, 'norm_byte': 64104448, 'ops': 3550553, 'norm_ops': 62602, 'norm_ltcy': 15.991378632571642, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:54.822000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:54.822000",
+ "bytes": 3635766272,
+ "norm_byte": 64104448,
+ "ops": 3550553,
+ "norm_ops": 62602,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.991378632571642,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "511d234534f17594c7bdc26aaba158d099a8f6a75009c8555003786b9dee676e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:55.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:55.823000', 'bytes': 3698625536, 'norm_byte': 62859264, 'ops': 3611939, 'norm_ops': 61386, 'norm_ltcy': 16.308200808714528, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:55.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:55.823000",
+ "bytes": 3698625536,
+ "norm_byte": 62859264,
+ "ops": 3611939,
+ "norm_ops": 61386,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.308200808714528,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "73e9862d81520aec82cd0f1c8246f003e32ea09be1e3c2cbb7195c64046ddea4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:56.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:56.823000', 'bytes': 3761822720, 'norm_byte': 63197184, 'ops': 3673655, 'norm_ops': 61716, 'norm_ltcy': 16.209298186450837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:56.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:56.823000",
+ "bytes": 3761822720,
+ "norm_byte": 63197184,
+ "ops": 3673655,
+ "norm_ops": 61716,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.209298186450837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dffe42b3473fdb3f61648b55a8d6b3727c68526ed39368176c375551c466fba5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:37:58.025000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:37:58.025000', 'bytes': 3823774720, 'norm_byte': 61952000, 'ops': 3734155, 'norm_ops': 60500, 'norm_ltcy': 19.855045034865704, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:37:58.025000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:37:58.025000",
+ "bytes": 3823774720,
+ "norm_byte": 61952000,
+ "ops": 3734155,
+ "norm_ops": 60500,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.855045034865704,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "5b9cbac9-8a18-52a8-8c88-019a07017f85",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6bac8f8fc187628b156251d87e5b21fdfa4dc472ba27ab5eaacb1232efb7825a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63729578.666666664
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 62235.916666666664
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.431666820642477
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:37:58Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-121-220519233412/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-121-220519233412/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a90ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-121-220519233412/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-121-220519233412/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-121-220519233412/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-121-220519233412/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-121-220519233412/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-121-220519233412/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e260de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-121-220519233412/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=85
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=75
+ vm.swappiness=55
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=110
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-122-220519233614/220519233614-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-122-220519233614/220519233614-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a95fce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-122-220519233614/220519233614-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:38:57Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003538808.4392 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003539809.5581 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003539809.6465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003540810.7478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67640320 nr_ops:66055\ntimestamp_ms:1653003541811.8630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136913920 nr_ops:133705\ntimestamp_ms:1653003542812.9797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191812608 nr_ops:187317\ntimestamp_ms:1653003543814.0825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:232264704 nr_ops:226821\ntimestamp_ms:1653003544815.1782 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:301011968 nr_ops:293957\ntimestamp_ms:1653003545816.2854 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368792576 nr_ops:360149\ntimestamp_ms:1653003546817.3982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:426861568 nr_ops:416857\ntimestamp_ms:1653003547818.4910 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496976896 nr_ops:485329\ntimestamp_ms:1653003548818.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565244928 nr_ops:551997\ntimestamp_ms:1653003549820.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635481088 nr_ops:620587\ntimestamp_ms:1653003550821.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703472640 nr_ops:686985\ntimestamp_ms:1653003551822.2195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771014656 nr_ops:752944\ntimestamp_ms:1653003552823.3291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830002176 nr_ops:810549\ntimestamp_ms:1653003553824.3835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891988992 nr_ops:871083\ntimestamp_ms:1653003554825.4197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945679360 nr_ops:923515\ntimestamp_ms:1653003555826.5310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994769920 nr_ops:971455\ntimestamp_ms:1653003556827.5886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053191168 nr_ops:1028507\ntimestamp_ms:1653003557828.6907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1114764288 nr_ops:1088637\ntimestamp_ms:1653003558829.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147134976 nr_ops:1120249\ntimestamp_ms:1653003559830.8850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1214053376 nr_ops:1185599\ntimestamp_ms:1653003560831.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1282157568 nr_ops:1252107\ntimestamp_ms:1653003561832.9678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349686272 nr_ops:1318053\ntimestamp_ms:1653003562834.0063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418555392 nr_ops:1385308\ntimestamp_ms:1653003563835.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1488301056 nr_ops:1453419\ntimestamp_ms:1653003564835.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1529932800 nr_ops:1494075\ntimestamp_ms:1653003565836.8667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597504512 nr_ops:1560063\ntimestamp_ms:1653003566837.9185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651309568 nr_ops:1612607\ntimestamp_ms:1653003567838.9631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1719262208 nr_ops:1678967\ntimestamp_ms:1653003568840.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1787331584 nr_ops:1745441\ntimestamp_ms:1653003569841.0525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1855302656 nr_ops:1811819\ntimestamp_ms:1653003570842.0986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1923212288 nr_ops:1878137\ntimestamp_ms:1653003571843.1462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1991296000 nr_ops:1944625\ntimestamp_ms:1653003572844.1931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2059297792 nr_ops:2011033\ntimestamp_ms:1653003573845.2351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2126953472 nr_ops:2077103\ntimestamp_ms:1653003574846.3440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180744192 nr_ops:2129633\ntimestamp_ms:1653003575847.4028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2247943168 nr_ops:2195257\ntimestamp_ms:1653003576848.4514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2302489600 nr_ops:2248525\ntimestamp_ms:1653003577849.5581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2363450368 nr_ops:2308057\ntimestamp_ms:1653003578850.6191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2425218048 nr_ops:2368377\ntimestamp_ms:1653003579851.6804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479537152 nr_ops:2421423\ntimestamp_ms:1653003580852.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2533676032 nr_ops:2474293\ntimestamp_ms:1653003581853.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2583323648 nr_ops:2522777\ntimestamp_ms:1653003582855.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2626753536 nr_ops:2565189\ntimestamp_ms:1653003583856.1719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2670474240 nr_ops:2607885\ntimestamp_ms:1653003584857.2673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2719941632 nr_ops:2656193\ntimestamp_ms:1653003585858.3706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2767385600 nr_ops:2702525\ntimestamp_ms:1653003586859.4941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814891008 nr_ops:2748917\ntimestamp_ms:1653003587860.6094 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2882081792 nr_ops:2814533\ntimestamp_ms:1653003588861.7146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2946507776 nr_ops:2877449\ntimestamp_ms:1653003589862.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3007990784 nr_ops:2937491\ntimestamp_ms:1653003590863.9336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3077747712 nr_ops:3005613\ntimestamp_ms:1653003591865.0369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3146097664 nr_ops:3072361\ntimestamp_ms:1653003592866.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3215197184 nr_ops:3139841\ntimestamp_ms:1653003593867.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3285457920 nr_ops:3208455\ntimestamp_ms:1653003594868.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3355575296 nr_ops:3276929\ntimestamp_ms:1653003595869.4265 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3425653760 nr_ops:3345365\ntimestamp_ms:1653003596870.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3495728128 nr_ops:3413797\ntimestamp_ms:1653003597871.6135 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3551386624 nr_ops:3468151\ntimestamp_ms:1653003598872.7095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607235584 nr_ops:3522691\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140077956499200\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3660483584 nr_ops:3574691\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.1196 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.1243 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600174.3198 name:Total nr_bytes:3660483584 nr_ops:3574692\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.2295 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7320967166 nr_ops:7149384\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.2300 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3660483584 nr_ops:3574694\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 254.07us 0.00ns 254.07us 254.07us \nTxn1 1787346 33.58us 0.00ns 209.19ms 18.32us \nTxn2 1 34.70us 0.00ns 34.70us 34.70us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 253.04us 0.00ns 253.04us 253.04us \nwrite 1787346 2.40us 0.00ns 154.85us 2.09us \nread 1787345 31.10us 0.00ns 209.19ms 1.10us \ndisconnect 1 34.35us 0.00ns 34.35us 34.35us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.12b/s \nnet1 28659 28659 249.90Mb/s 249.90Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.217 62.37s 3.41GB 469.54Mb/s 3574694 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.41GB 469.54Mb/s 3574694 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416172, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003538808.4392 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003539809.5581 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003539809.6465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003540810.7478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67640320 nr_ops:66055\ntimestamp_ms:1653003541811.8630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136913920 nr_ops:133705\ntimestamp_ms:1653003542812.9797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191812608 nr_ops:187317\ntimestamp_ms:1653003543814.0825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:232264704 nr_ops:226821\ntimestamp_ms:1653003544815.1782 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:301011968 nr_ops:293957\ntimestamp_ms:1653003545816.2854 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368792576 nr_ops:360149\ntimestamp_ms:1653003546817.3982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:426861568 nr_ops:416857\ntimestamp_ms:1653003547818.4910 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496976896 nr_ops:485329\ntimestamp_ms:1653003548818.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565244928 nr_ops:551997\ntimestamp_ms:1653003549820.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635481088 nr_ops:620587\ntimestamp_ms:1653003550821.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703472640 nr_ops:686985\ntimestamp_ms:1653003551822.2195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771014656 nr_ops:752944\ntimestamp_ms:1653003552823.3291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830002176 nr_ops:810549\ntimestamp_ms:1653003553824.3835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891988992 nr_ops:871083\ntimestamp_ms:1653003554825.4197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945679360 nr_ops:923515\ntimestamp_ms:1653003555826.5310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994769920 nr_ops:971455\ntimestamp_ms:1653003556827.5886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053191168 nr_ops:1028507\ntimestamp_ms:1653003557828.6907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1114764288 nr_ops:1088637\ntimestamp_ms:1653003558829.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147134976 nr_ops:1120249\ntimestamp_ms:1653003559830.8850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1214053376 nr_ops:1185599\ntimestamp_ms:1653003560831.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1282157568 nr_ops:1252107\ntimestamp_ms:1653003561832.9678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349686272 nr_ops:1318053\ntimestamp_ms:1653003562834.0063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418555392 nr_ops:1385308\ntimestamp_ms:1653003563835.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1488301056 nr_ops:1453419\ntimestamp_ms:1653003564835.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1529932800 nr_ops:1494075\ntimestamp_ms:1653003565836.8667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597504512 nr_ops:1560063\ntimestamp_ms:1653003566837.9185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651309568 nr_ops:1612607\ntimestamp_ms:1653003567838.9631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1719262208 nr_ops:1678967\ntimestamp_ms:1653003568840.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1787331584 nr_ops:1745441\ntimestamp_ms:1653003569841.0525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1855302656 nr_ops:1811819\ntimestamp_ms:1653003570842.0986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1923212288 nr_ops:1878137\ntimestamp_ms:1653003571843.1462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1991296000 nr_ops:1944625\ntimestamp_ms:1653003572844.1931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2059297792 nr_ops:2011033\ntimestamp_ms:1653003573845.2351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2126953472 nr_ops:2077103\ntimestamp_ms:1653003574846.3440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180744192 nr_ops:2129633\ntimestamp_ms:1653003575847.4028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2247943168 nr_ops:2195257\ntimestamp_ms:1653003576848.4514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2302489600 nr_ops:2248525\ntimestamp_ms:1653003577849.5581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2363450368 nr_ops:2308057\ntimestamp_ms:1653003578850.6191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2425218048 nr_ops:2368377\ntimestamp_ms:1653003579851.6804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479537152 nr_ops:2421423\ntimestamp_ms:1653003580852.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2533676032 nr_ops:2474293\ntimestamp_ms:1653003581853.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2583323648 nr_ops:2522777\ntimestamp_ms:1653003582855.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2626753536 nr_ops:2565189\ntimestamp_ms:1653003583856.1719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2670474240 nr_ops:2607885\ntimestamp_ms:1653003584857.2673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2719941632 nr_ops:2656193\ntimestamp_ms:1653003585858.3706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2767385600 nr_ops:2702525\ntimestamp_ms:1653003586859.4941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814891008 nr_ops:2748917\ntimestamp_ms:1653003587860.6094 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2882081792 nr_ops:2814533\ntimestamp_ms:1653003588861.7146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2946507776 nr_ops:2877449\ntimestamp_ms:1653003589862.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3007990784 nr_ops:2937491\ntimestamp_ms:1653003590863.9336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3077747712 nr_ops:3005613\ntimestamp_ms:1653003591865.0369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3146097664 nr_ops:3072361\ntimestamp_ms:1653003592866.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3215197184 nr_ops:3139841\ntimestamp_ms:1653003593867.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3285457920 nr_ops:3208455\ntimestamp_ms:1653003594868.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3355575296 nr_ops:3276929\ntimestamp_ms:1653003595869.4265 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3425653760 nr_ops:3345365\ntimestamp_ms:1653003596870.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3495728128 nr_ops:3413797\ntimestamp_ms:1653003597871.6135 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3551386624 nr_ops:3468151\ntimestamp_ms:1653003598872.7095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607235584 nr_ops:3522691\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140077956499200\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3660483584 nr_ops:3574691\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.1196 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.1243 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600174.3198 name:Total nr_bytes:3660483584 nr_ops:3574692\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.2295 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7320967166 nr_ops:7149384\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.2300 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3660483584 nr_ops:3574694\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 254.07us 0.00ns 254.07us 254.07us \nTxn1 1787346 33.58us 0.00ns 209.19ms 18.32us \nTxn2 1 34.70us 0.00ns 34.70us 34.70us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 253.04us 0.00ns 253.04us 253.04us \nwrite 1787346 2.40us 0.00ns 154.85us 2.09us \nread 1787345 31.10us 0.00ns 209.19ms 1.10us \ndisconnect 1 34.35us 0.00ns 34.35us 34.35us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.12b/s \nnet1 28659 28659 249.90Mb/s 249.90Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.217 62.37s 3.41GB 469.54Mb/s 3574694 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.41GB 469.54Mb/s 3574694 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416172, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003538808.4392 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003539809.5581 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003539809.6465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003540810.7478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67640320 nr_ops:66055\ntimestamp_ms:1653003541811.8630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136913920 nr_ops:133705\ntimestamp_ms:1653003542812.9797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191812608 nr_ops:187317\ntimestamp_ms:1653003543814.0825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:232264704 nr_ops:226821\ntimestamp_ms:1653003544815.1782 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:301011968 nr_ops:293957\ntimestamp_ms:1653003545816.2854 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368792576 nr_ops:360149\ntimestamp_ms:1653003546817.3982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:426861568 nr_ops:416857\ntimestamp_ms:1653003547818.4910 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496976896 nr_ops:485329\ntimestamp_ms:1653003548818.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565244928 nr_ops:551997\ntimestamp_ms:1653003549820.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635481088 nr_ops:620587\ntimestamp_ms:1653003550821.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703472640 nr_ops:686985\ntimestamp_ms:1653003551822.2195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771014656 nr_ops:752944\ntimestamp_ms:1653003552823.3291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830002176 nr_ops:810549\ntimestamp_ms:1653003553824.3835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891988992 nr_ops:871083\ntimestamp_ms:1653003554825.4197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945679360 nr_ops:923515\ntimestamp_ms:1653003555826.5310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994769920 nr_ops:971455\ntimestamp_ms:1653003556827.5886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053191168 nr_ops:1028507\ntimestamp_ms:1653003557828.6907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1114764288 nr_ops:1088637\ntimestamp_ms:1653003558829.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147134976 nr_ops:1120249\ntimestamp_ms:1653003559830.8850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1214053376 nr_ops:1185599\ntimestamp_ms:1653003560831.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1282157568 nr_ops:1252107\ntimestamp_ms:1653003561832.9678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349686272 nr_ops:1318053\ntimestamp_ms:1653003562834.0063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418555392 nr_ops:1385308\ntimestamp_ms:1653003563835.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1488301056 nr_ops:1453419\ntimestamp_ms:1653003564835.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1529932800 nr_ops:1494075\ntimestamp_ms:1653003565836.8667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597504512 nr_ops:1560063\ntimestamp_ms:1653003566837.9185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651309568 nr_ops:1612607\ntimestamp_ms:1653003567838.9631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1719262208 nr_ops:1678967\ntimestamp_ms:1653003568840.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1787331584 nr_ops:1745441\ntimestamp_ms:1653003569841.0525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1855302656 nr_ops:1811819\ntimestamp_ms:1653003570842.0986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1923212288 nr_ops:1878137\ntimestamp_ms:1653003571843.1462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1991296000 nr_ops:1944625\ntimestamp_ms:1653003572844.1931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2059297792 nr_ops:2011033\ntimestamp_ms:1653003573845.2351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2126953472 nr_ops:2077103\ntimestamp_ms:1653003574846.3440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180744192 nr_ops:2129633\ntimestamp_ms:1653003575847.4028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2247943168 nr_ops:2195257\ntimestamp_ms:1653003576848.4514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2302489600 nr_ops:2248525\ntimestamp_ms:1653003577849.5581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2363450368 nr_ops:2308057\ntimestamp_ms:1653003578850.6191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2425218048 nr_ops:2368377\ntimestamp_ms:1653003579851.6804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479537152 nr_ops:2421423\ntimestamp_ms:1653003580852.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2533676032 nr_ops:2474293\ntimestamp_ms:1653003581853.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2583323648 nr_ops:2522777\ntimestamp_ms:1653003582855.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2626753536 nr_ops:2565189\ntimestamp_ms:1653003583856.1719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2670474240 nr_ops:2607885\ntimestamp_ms:1653003584857.2673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2719941632 nr_ops:2656193\ntimestamp_ms:1653003585858.3706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2767385600 nr_ops:2702525\ntimestamp_ms:1653003586859.4941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814891008 nr_ops:2748917\ntimestamp_ms:1653003587860.6094 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2882081792 nr_ops:2814533\ntimestamp_ms:1653003588861.7146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2946507776 nr_ops:2877449\ntimestamp_ms:1653003589862.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3007990784 nr_ops:2937491\ntimestamp_ms:1653003590863.9336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3077747712 nr_ops:3005613\ntimestamp_ms:1653003591865.0369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3146097664 nr_ops:3072361\ntimestamp_ms:1653003592866.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3215197184 nr_ops:3139841\ntimestamp_ms:1653003593867.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3285457920 nr_ops:3208455\ntimestamp_ms:1653003594868.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3355575296 nr_ops:3276929\ntimestamp_ms:1653003595869.4265 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3425653760 nr_ops:3345365\ntimestamp_ms:1653003596870.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3495728128 nr_ops:3413797\ntimestamp_ms:1653003597871.6135 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3551386624 nr_ops:3468151\ntimestamp_ms:1653003598872.7095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607235584 nr_ops:3522691\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140077956499200\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3660483584 nr_ops:3574691\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.1196 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.1243 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600174.3198 name:Total nr_bytes:3660483584 nr_ops:3574692\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.2295 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7320967166 nr_ops:7149384\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003600074.2300 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3660483584 nr_ops:3574694\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 254.07us 0.00ns 254.07us 254.07us \nTxn1 1787346 33.58us 0.00ns 209.19ms 18.32us \nTxn2 1 34.70us 0.00ns 34.70us 34.70us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 253.04us 0.00ns 253.04us 253.04us \nwrite 1787346 2.40us 0.00ns 154.85us 2.09us \nread 1787345 31.10us 0.00ns 209.19ms 1.10us \ndisconnect 1 34.35us 0.00ns 34.35us 34.35us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.12b/s \nnet1 28659 28659 249.90Mb/s 249.90Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.217 62.37s 3.41GB 469.54Mb/s 3574694 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 3.41GB 469.54Mb/s 3574694 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.416172, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003538808.4392 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003539809.5581 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003539809.6465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003540810.7478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:67640320 nr_ops:66055
+timestamp_ms:1653003541811.8630 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:136913920 nr_ops:133705
+timestamp_ms:1653003542812.9797 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:191812608 nr_ops:187317
+timestamp_ms:1653003543814.0825 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:232264704 nr_ops:226821
+timestamp_ms:1653003544815.1782 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:301011968 nr_ops:293957
+timestamp_ms:1653003545816.2854 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:368792576 nr_ops:360149
+timestamp_ms:1653003546817.3982 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:426861568 nr_ops:416857
+timestamp_ms:1653003547818.4910 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:496976896 nr_ops:485329
+timestamp_ms:1653003548818.8401 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:565244928 nr_ops:551997
+timestamp_ms:1653003549820.0220 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:635481088 nr_ops:620587
+timestamp_ms:1653003550821.1248 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:703472640 nr_ops:686985
+timestamp_ms:1653003551822.2195 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:771014656 nr_ops:752944
+timestamp_ms:1653003552823.3291 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:830002176 nr_ops:810549
+timestamp_ms:1653003553824.3835 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:891988992 nr_ops:871083
+timestamp_ms:1653003554825.4197 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:945679360 nr_ops:923515
+timestamp_ms:1653003555826.5310 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:994769920 nr_ops:971455
+timestamp_ms:1653003556827.5886 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1053191168 nr_ops:1028507
+timestamp_ms:1653003557828.6907 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1114764288 nr_ops:1088637
+timestamp_ms:1653003558829.8328 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1147134976 nr_ops:1120249
+timestamp_ms:1653003559830.8850 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1214053376 nr_ops:1185599
+timestamp_ms:1653003560831.9246 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1282157568 nr_ops:1252107
+timestamp_ms:1653003561832.9678 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1349686272 nr_ops:1318053
+timestamp_ms:1653003562834.0063 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1418555392 nr_ops:1385308
+timestamp_ms:1653003563835.0415 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1488301056 nr_ops:1453419
+timestamp_ms:1653003564835.8318 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1529932800 nr_ops:1494075
+timestamp_ms:1653003565836.8667 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1597504512 nr_ops:1560063
+timestamp_ms:1653003566837.9185 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1651309568 nr_ops:1612607
+timestamp_ms:1653003567838.9631 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1719262208 nr_ops:1678967
+timestamp_ms:1653003568840.0081 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1787331584 nr_ops:1745441
+timestamp_ms:1653003569841.0525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1855302656 nr_ops:1811819
+timestamp_ms:1653003570842.0986 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1923212288 nr_ops:1878137
+timestamp_ms:1653003571843.1462 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1991296000 nr_ops:1944625
+timestamp_ms:1653003572844.1931 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2059297792 nr_ops:2011033
+timestamp_ms:1653003573845.2351 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2126953472 nr_ops:2077103
+timestamp_ms:1653003574846.3440 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2180744192 nr_ops:2129633
+timestamp_ms:1653003575847.4028 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2247943168 nr_ops:2195257
+timestamp_ms:1653003576848.4514 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2302489600 nr_ops:2248525
+timestamp_ms:1653003577849.5581 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2363450368 nr_ops:2308057
+timestamp_ms:1653003578850.6191 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2425218048 nr_ops:2368377
+timestamp_ms:1653003579851.6804 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2479537152 nr_ops:2421423
+timestamp_ms:1653003580852.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2533676032 nr_ops:2474293
+timestamp_ms:1653003581853.9465 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2583323648 nr_ops:2522777
+timestamp_ms:1653003582855.0635 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2626753536 nr_ops:2565189
+timestamp_ms:1653003583856.1719 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2670474240 nr_ops:2607885
+timestamp_ms:1653003584857.2673 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2719941632 nr_ops:2656193
+timestamp_ms:1653003585858.3706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2767385600 nr_ops:2702525
+timestamp_ms:1653003586859.4941 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2814891008 nr_ops:2748917
+timestamp_ms:1653003587860.6094 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2882081792 nr_ops:2814533
+timestamp_ms:1653003588861.7146 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2946507776 nr_ops:2877449
+timestamp_ms:1653003589862.8340 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3007990784 nr_ops:2937491
+timestamp_ms:1653003590863.9336 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3077747712 nr_ops:3005613
+timestamp_ms:1653003591865.0369 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3146097664 nr_ops:3072361
+timestamp_ms:1653003592866.1326 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3215197184 nr_ops:3139841
+timestamp_ms:1653003593867.2334 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3285457920 nr_ops:3208455
+timestamp_ms:1653003594868.3276 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3355575296 nr_ops:3276929
+timestamp_ms:1653003595869.4265 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3425653760 nr_ops:3345365
+timestamp_ms:1653003596870.5200 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3495728128 nr_ops:3413797
+timestamp_ms:1653003597871.6135 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3551386624 nr_ops:3468151
+timestamp_ms:1653003598872.7095 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3607235584 nr_ops:3522691
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140077956499200
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653003600074.0513 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3660483584 nr_ops:3574691
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003600074.1196 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003600074.1243 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003600174.3198 name:Total nr_bytes:3660483584 nr_ops:3574692
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003600074.2295 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7320967166 nr_ops:7149384
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003600074.2300 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3660483584 nr_ops:3574694
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 254.07us 0.00ns 254.07us 254.07us
+Txn1 1787346 33.58us 0.00ns 209.19ms 18.32us
+Txn2 1 34.70us 0.00ns 34.70us 34.70us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 253.04us 0.00ns 253.04us 253.04us
+write 1787346 2.40us 0.00ns 154.85us 2.09us
+read 1787345 31.10us 0.00ns 209.19ms 1.10us
+disconnect 1 34.35us 0.00ns 34.35us 34.35us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 808.12b/s
+net1 28659 28659 249.90Mb/s 249.90Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.217 62.37s 3.41GB 469.54Mb/s 3574694 0.00
+master 62.37s 3.41GB 469.54Mb/s 3574694 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:00.810000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:00.810000', 'bytes': 67640320, 'norm_byte': 67640320, 'ops': 66055, 'norm_ops': 66055, 'norm_ltcy': 15.155572149865641, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:00.810000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:00.810000",
+ "bytes": 67640320,
+ "norm_byte": 67640320,
+ "ops": 66055,
+ "norm_ops": 66055,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.155572149865641,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6865026fa9fc2f5c5b1c810ef43288e2612cd80a0556c8945ced4ea160c24fd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:01.811000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:01.811000', 'bytes': 136913920, 'norm_byte': 69273600, 'ops': 133705, 'norm_ops': 67650, 'norm_ltcy': 14.798451358093127, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:01.811000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:01.811000",
+ "bytes": 136913920,
+ "norm_byte": 69273600,
+ "ops": 133705,
+ "norm_ops": 67650,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.798451358093127,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8cb415fce822a33439090755fac3f6d730819c6676e836ea2dc06d59c4971826",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:02.812000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:02.812000', 'bytes': 191812608, 'norm_byte': 54898688, 'ops': 187317, 'norm_ops': 53612, 'norm_ltcy': 18.673369753390098, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:02.812000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:02.812000",
+ "bytes": 191812608,
+ "norm_byte": 54898688,
+ "ops": 187317,
+ "norm_ops": 53612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.673369753390098,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "616fe2971257978652daddf0977c29d541d54f963eba19b1bca68a3d4e036119",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:03.814000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:03.814000', 'bytes': 232264704, 'norm_byte': 40452096, 'ops': 226821, 'norm_ops': 39504, 'norm_ltcy': 25.34180799926906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:03.814000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:03.814000",
+ "bytes": 232264704,
+ "norm_byte": 40452096,
+ "ops": 226821,
+ "norm_ops": 39504,
+ "norm_ltcy": 25.34180799926906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "25f0eb1f3226645fb0f6f1f90dd0d53673dc481015e046f1b76d9670f8de9adb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:04.815000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:04.815000', 'bytes': 301011968, 'norm_byte': 68747264, 'ops': 293957, 'norm_ops': 67136, 'norm_ltcy': 14.911458876385248, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:04.815000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:04.815000",
+ "bytes": 301011968,
+ "norm_byte": 68747264,
+ "ops": 293957,
+ "norm_ops": 67136,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.911458876385248,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "24904ec770060831917f61a5e6e5ad69227ce0324a230617d253dab68d5c30fb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:05.816000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:05.816000', 'bytes': 368792576, 'norm_byte': 67780608, 'ops': 360149, 'norm_ops': 66192, 'norm_ltcy': 15.124292629537935, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:05.816000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:05.816000",
+ "bytes": 368792576,
+ "norm_byte": 67780608,
+ "ops": 360149,
+ "norm_ops": 66192,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.124292629537935,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f95fdab6a10a8bc16b4f49ff0006fdb9f8528c2312ba3895ec42597e78d24f84",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:06.817000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:06.817000', 'bytes': 426861568, 'norm_byte': 58068992, 'ops': 416857, 'norm_ops': 56708, 'norm_ltcy': 17.6538194429137, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:06.817000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:06.817000",
+ "bytes": 426861568,
+ "norm_byte": 58068992,
+ "ops": 416857,
+ "norm_ops": 56708,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.6538194429137,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e42bb04e32ccd57d10ddecb9a7c5be52838bab505a73bcc12db0bab48f8c855",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:07.818000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:07.818000', 'bytes': 496976896, 'norm_byte': 70115328, 'ops': 485329, 'norm_ops': 68472, 'norm_ltcy': 14.620469293105211, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:07.818000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:07.818000",
+ "bytes": 496976896,
+ "norm_byte": 70115328,
+ "ops": 485329,
+ "norm_ops": 68472,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.620469293105211,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8ae730359f6a9a1ce6ec84095ecd93886fb9dab85ed1c6ee5cd770cc96ac26a6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:08.818000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:08.818000', 'bytes': 565244928, 'norm_byte': 68268032, 'ops': 551997, 'norm_ops': 66668, 'norm_ltcy': 15.004936717671896, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:08.818000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:08.818000",
+ "bytes": 565244928,
+ "norm_byte": 68268032,
+ "ops": 551997,
+ "norm_ops": 66668,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.004936717671896,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0c8adebd53ab3d9f03f5353c4637d7a4309da6311e4e86a148b448a7b7d69e02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:09.820000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:09.820000', 'bytes': 635481088, 'norm_byte': 70236160, 'ops': 620587, 'norm_ops': 68590, 'norm_ltcy': 14.596615902691719, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:09.820000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:09.820000",
+ "bytes": 635481088,
+ "norm_byte": 70236160,
+ "ops": 620587,
+ "norm_ops": 68590,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.596615902691719,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6fb85d064eaa2396a75fc54510d586cf5a22e086090bbe1c7de4d9a0318090a1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:10.821000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:10.821000', 'bytes': 703472640, 'norm_byte': 67991552, 'ops': 686985, 'norm_ops': 66398, 'norm_ltcy': 15.07730328026635, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:10.821000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:10.821000",
+ "bytes": 703472640,
+ "norm_byte": 67991552,
+ "ops": 686985,
+ "norm_ops": 66398,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.07730328026635,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5ea3cf1cc388f7feb00711ba3a115f7981faba2e78a60777bfe6118ecf08cfdc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:11.822000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:11.822000', 'bytes': 771014656, 'norm_byte': 67542016, 'ops': 752944, 'norm_ops': 65959, 'norm_ltcy': 15.177530383457906, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:11.822000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:11.822000",
+ "bytes": 771014656,
+ "norm_byte": 67542016,
+ "ops": 752944,
+ "norm_ops": 65959,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.177530383457906,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c38066048833f7cafe30df98198ef7af0fdd81e693739a09ffdab379c1e9af24",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:12.823000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:12.823000', 'bytes': 830002176, 'norm_byte': 58987520, 'ops': 810549, 'norm_ops': 57605, 'norm_ltcy': 17.37886675011935, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:12.823000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:12.823000",
+ "bytes": 830002176,
+ "norm_byte": 58987520,
+ "ops": 810549,
+ "norm_ops": 57605,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.37886675011935,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4d29debd225165193af102aaf40e25e70e05c417ebcaac7facff08a16fc1e5d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:13.824000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:13.824000', 'bytes': 891988992, 'norm_byte': 61986816, 'ops': 871083, 'norm_ops': 60534, 'norm_ltcy': 16.537060880816977, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:13.824000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:13.824000",
+ "bytes": 891988992,
+ "norm_byte": 61986816,
+ "ops": 871083,
+ "norm_ops": 60534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.537060880816977,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f4564d667778f509eaf2bbfd80c6b5c8874841178628a7c7e80c18e6dbcf2cc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:14.825000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:14.825000', 'bytes': 945679360, 'norm_byte': 53690368, 'ops': 923515, 'norm_ops': 52432, 'norm_ltcy': 19.092083704846278, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:14.825000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:14.825000",
+ "bytes": 945679360,
+ "norm_byte": 53690368,
+ "ops": 923515,
+ "norm_ops": 52432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.092083704846278,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b83fdf8d1447708b0ee3a8df6910f877167b6607984958e8625c8d494c978554",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:15.826000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:15.826000', 'bytes': 994769920, 'norm_byte': 49090560, 'ops': 971455, 'norm_ops': 47940, 'norm_ltcy': 20.882589239153106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:15.826000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:15.826000",
+ "bytes": 994769920,
+ "norm_byte": 49090560,
+ "ops": 971455,
+ "norm_ops": 47940,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.882589239153106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b2abcd77e4dbf0fbce8d094caaf0b1801a10c65fc97874c32adb64c03f6866d8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:16.827000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:16.827000', 'bytes': 1053191168, 'norm_byte': 58421248, 'ops': 1028507, 'norm_ops': 57052, 'norm_ltcy': 17.54640708805125, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:16.827000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:16.827000",
+ "bytes": 1053191168,
+ "norm_byte": 58421248,
+ "ops": 1028507,
+ "norm_ops": 57052,
+ "norm_ltcy": 17.54640708805125,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "809839c2b65b443dc41d6aafbae8682010cf82b2949982372f8602408551845f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:17.828000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:17.828000', 'bytes': 1114764288, 'norm_byte': 61573120, 'ops': 1088637, 'norm_ops': 60130, 'norm_ltcy': 16.648961429922668, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:17.828000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:17.828000",
+ "bytes": 1114764288,
+ "norm_byte": 61573120,
+ "ops": 1088637,
+ "norm_ops": 60130,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.648961429922668,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b46a4a699efc94696eaf6cad6e5ba44bb3644660da2e45cd770b5ebb518bd033",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:18.829000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:18.829000', 'bytes': 1147134976, 'norm_byte': 32370688, 'ops': 1120249, 'norm_ops': 31612, 'norm_ltcy': 31.669685241166327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:18.829000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:18.829000",
+ "bytes": 1147134976,
+ "norm_byte": 32370688,
+ "ops": 1120249,
+ "norm_ops": 31612,
+ "norm_ltcy": 31.669685241166327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "8bbf521b738a51aca63a8f74c35a0aee74295de37d0fc78ea42d74971e639553",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:19.830000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:19.830000', 'bytes': 1214053376, 'norm_byte': 66918400, 'ops': 1185599, 'norm_ops': 65350, 'norm_ltcy': 15.318320521710023, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:19.830000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:19.830000",
+ "bytes": 1214053376,
+ "norm_byte": 66918400,
+ "ops": 1185599,
+ "norm_ops": 65350,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.318320521710023,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7359b4f4a735bfb9ca9cc090cb2d8deca0f9bb8d5f2782fe3a7624060c3b0c6f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:20.831000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:20.831000', 'bytes': 1282157568, 'norm_byte': 68104192, 'ops': 1252107, 'norm_ops': 66508, 'norm_ltcy': 15.05141563092034, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:20.831000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:20.831000",
+ "bytes": 1282157568,
+ "norm_byte": 68104192,
+ "ops": 1252107,
+ "norm_ops": 66508,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.05141563092034,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "62ea022ad9a8df43ebf1a6358140039edb02a7ff2e5e4e2a8cdcbf9515872da7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:21.832000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:21.832000', 'bytes': 1349686272, 'norm_byte': 67528704, 'ops': 1318053, 'norm_ops': 65946, 'norm_ltcy': 15.179741195684727, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:21.832000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:21.832000",
+ "bytes": 1349686272,
+ "norm_byte": 67528704,
+ "ops": 1318053,
+ "norm_ops": 65946,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.179741195684727,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e5f6792a73c32919f7f29501070b135a2458ef5f6234480985a09a33a834d34a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:22.834000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:22.834000', 'bytes': 1418555392, 'norm_byte': 68869120, 'ops': 1385308, 'norm_ops': 67255, 'norm_ltcy': 14.884225324789979, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:22.834000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:22.834000",
+ "bytes": 1418555392,
+ "norm_byte": 68869120,
+ "ops": 1385308,
+ "norm_ops": 67255,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.884225324789979,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "499ab2dbf8eb4403c686d629869ba75a2bb13dd4f4049aa03f7e84730e912538",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:23.835000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:23.835000', 'bytes': 1488301056, 'norm_byte': 69745664, 'ops': 1453419, 'norm_ops': 68111, 'norm_ltcy': 14.697114361116414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:23.835000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:23.835000",
+ "bytes": 1488301056,
+ "norm_byte": 69745664,
+ "ops": 1453419,
+ "norm_ops": 68111,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.697114361116414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "249214e14489b82730fa56fc0d04ad1a4a7504a12f61bab09f487e098dea0cad",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:24.835000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:24.835000', 'bytes': 1529932800, 'norm_byte': 41631744, 'ops': 1494075, 'norm_ops': 40656, 'norm_ltcy': 24.616053797794297, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:24.835000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:24.835000",
+ "bytes": 1529932800,
+ "norm_byte": 41631744,
+ "ops": 1494075,
+ "norm_ops": 40656,
+ "norm_ltcy": 24.616053797794297,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87a21983ab11f9d3825918385c962eae3bce370f5048aaa873fc944497f36f71",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:25.836000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:25.836000', 'bytes': 1597504512, 'norm_byte': 67571712, 'ops': 1560063, 'norm_ops': 65988, 'norm_ltcy': 15.169953811441095, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:25.836000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:25.836000",
+ "bytes": 1597504512,
+ "norm_byte": 67571712,
+ "ops": 1560063,
+ "norm_ops": 65988,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.169953811441095,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a19545102e07f867c42ea77c46438ab82ad2edb6f081d101fb89ce7b3756a23f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:26.837000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:26.837000', 'bytes': 1651309568, 'norm_byte': 53805056, 'ops': 1612607, 'norm_ops': 52544, 'norm_ltcy': 19.051685402948006, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:26.837000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:26.837000",
+ "bytes": 1651309568,
+ "norm_byte": 53805056,
+ "ops": 1612607,
+ "norm_ops": 52544,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.051685402948006,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5a4a0a203c9fe8663a3021346e46365c285af9899cf45eb87c23a8d64383211d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:27.838000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:27.838000', 'bytes': 1719262208, 'norm_byte': 67952640, 'ops': 1678967, 'norm_ops': 66360, 'norm_ltcy': 15.08506144867955, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:27.838000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:27.838000",
+ "bytes": 1719262208,
+ "norm_byte": 67952640,
+ "ops": 1678967,
+ "norm_ops": 66360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.08506144867955,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b1c91b6374f9012160e9a2db81ba1219c2a726fa43f8603de8d969f86469dfa8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:28.840000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:28.840000', 'bytes': 1787331584, 'norm_byte': 68069376, 'ops': 1745441, 'norm_ops': 66474, 'norm_ltcy': 15.059194901390018, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:28.840000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:28.840000",
+ "bytes": 1787331584,
+ "norm_byte": 68069376,
+ "ops": 1745441,
+ "norm_ops": 66474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.059194901390018,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a81832f0b27ea9dd5d49a6b12842162ef888ecfccce53506ab5c562e38057051",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:29.841000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:29.841000', 'bytes': 1855302656, 'norm_byte': 67971072, 'ops': 1811819, 'norm_ops': 66378, 'norm_ltcy': 15.080967091412065, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:29.841000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:29.841000",
+ "bytes": 1855302656,
+ "norm_byte": 67971072,
+ "ops": 1811819,
+ "norm_ops": 66378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.080967091412065,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4e4680bd73828851f78f76871b4ffc76966229038427536b066ac50ae67d5ae7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:30.842000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:30.842000', 'bytes': 1923212288, 'norm_byte': 67909632, 'ops': 1878137, 'norm_ops': 66318, 'norm_ltcy': 15.094637090656006, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:30.842000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:30.842000",
+ "bytes": 1923212288,
+ "norm_byte": 67909632,
+ "ops": 1878137,
+ "norm_ops": 66318,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.094637090656006,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "976f645fa61188653c21d4a9eae54c9a85254b4d36df48983d9c98dbb4596daa",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:31.843000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:31.843000', 'bytes': 1991296000, 'norm_byte': 68083712, 'ops': 1944625, 'norm_ops': 66488, 'norm_ltcy': 15.05606436382317, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:31.843000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:31.843000",
+ "bytes": 1991296000,
+ "norm_byte": 68083712,
+ "ops": 1944625,
+ "norm_ops": 66488,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.05606436382317,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "41ec048522dd383fcfdf0e0be45f31221e378865d23ec2306bf66c4d6edfb7ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:32.844000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:32.844000', 'bytes': 2059297792, 'norm_byte': 68001792, 'ops': 2011033, 'norm_ops': 66408, 'norm_ltcy': 15.07419098602578, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:32.844000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:32.844000",
+ "bytes": 2059297792,
+ "norm_byte": 68001792,
+ "ops": 2011033,
+ "norm_ops": 66408,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.07419098602578,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb0a28c32faad7aceeea5972a1aae2e5caa4da47debf5aa732369c818e5dd5d2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:33.845000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:33.845000', 'bytes': 2126953472, 'norm_byte': 67655680, 'ops': 2077103, 'norm_ops': 66070, 'norm_ltcy': 15.151233421938851, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:33.845000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:33.845000",
+ "bytes": 2126953472,
+ "norm_byte": 67655680,
+ "ops": 2077103,
+ "norm_ops": 66070,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.151233421938851,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "32a142be5e9084452861824619ece205ba87f1bc22e8c471f54d503752d3e504",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:34.846000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:34.846000', 'bytes': 2180744192, 'norm_byte': 53790720, 'ops': 2129633, 'norm_ops': 52530, 'norm_ltcy': 19.057850499119553, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:34.846000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:34.846000",
+ "bytes": 2180744192,
+ "norm_byte": 53790720,
+ "ops": 2129633,
+ "norm_ops": 52530,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.057850499119553,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "14db94dd21bbd1f199c13a3ef927ab61bc5c27b2af6fd9dcf05d6aa1359496e2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:35.847000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:35.847000', 'bytes': 2247943168, 'norm_byte': 67198976, 'ops': 2195257, 'norm_ops': 65624, 'norm_ltcy': 15.25446235966453, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:35.847000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:35.847000",
+ "bytes": 2247943168,
+ "norm_byte": 67198976,
+ "ops": 2195257,
+ "norm_ops": 65624,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.25446235966453,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "80171be7cd3faba80a08424089759a17d54a1e4cdbef3aa4e0a3676f932f30b6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:36.848000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:36.848000', 'bytes': 2302489600, 'norm_byte': 54546432, 'ops': 2248525, 'norm_ops': 53268, 'norm_ltcy': 18.792681985138827, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:36.848000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:36.848000",
+ "bytes": 2302489600,
+ "norm_byte": 54546432,
+ "ops": 2248525,
+ "norm_ops": 53268,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.792681985138827,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a33df88ed1b61fd6038dcd3dec88f4b1b6b76bfa40ca89792f23c06c0d89089e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:37.849000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:37.849000', 'bytes': 2363450368, 'norm_byte': 60960768, 'ops': 2308057, 'norm_ops': 59532, 'norm_ltcy': 16.81627846289601, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:37.849000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:37.849000",
+ "bytes": 2363450368,
+ "norm_byte": 60960768,
+ "ops": 2308057,
+ "norm_ops": 59532,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.81627846289601,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bcd079cdc7d6719d32d81319d1aeb8a4ff7232a36c65533bf2cfb73852b468c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:38.850000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:38.850000', 'bytes': 2425218048, 'norm_byte': 61767680, 'ops': 2368377, 'norm_ops': 60320, 'norm_ltcy': 16.595839442245524, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:38.850000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:38.850000",
+ "bytes": 2425218048,
+ "norm_byte": 61767680,
+ "ops": 2368377,
+ "norm_ops": 60320,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.595839442245524,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49023a23b5c75a256c06cdd425344bcc07c3b04bddc816a4912129e1b71742e4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:39.851000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:39.851000', 'bytes': 2479537152, 'norm_byte': 54319104, 'ops': 2421423, 'norm_ops': 53046, 'norm_ltcy': 18.87156956786327, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:39.851000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:39.851000",
+ "bytes": 2479537152,
+ "norm_byte": 54319104,
+ "ops": 2421423,
+ "norm_ops": 53046,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.87156956786327,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "792ce0badc13c72001575319d348043ff95c9936532aa5e755db00000d33815b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:40.852000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:40.852000', 'bytes': 2533676032, 'norm_byte': 54138880, 'ops': 2474293, 'norm_ops': 52870, 'norm_ltcy': 18.936109317370438, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:40.852000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:40.852000",
+ "bytes": 2533676032,
+ "norm_byte": 54138880,
+ "ops": 2474293,
+ "norm_ops": 52870,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.936109317370438,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb49a57280f8b6dfb6c0c3153ab250ebfae68b57cb82f876ac385fb67b33a1fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:41.853000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:41.853000', 'bytes': 2583323648, 'norm_byte': 49647616, 'ops': 2522777, 'norm_ops': 48484, 'norm_ltcy': 20.648337877895283, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:41.853000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:41.853000",
+ "bytes": 2583323648,
+ "norm_byte": 49647616,
+ "ops": 2522777,
+ "norm_ops": 48484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.648337877895283,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "51b1fb87eebcb0b06493d05baa9322c4477a24b00009fd62fcbeb22232693ae1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:42.855000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:42.855000', 'bytes': 2626753536, 'norm_byte': 43429888, 'ops': 2565189, 'norm_ops': 42412, 'norm_ltcy': 23.60456812598734, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:42.855000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:42.855000",
+ "bytes": 2626753536,
+ "norm_byte": 43429888,
+ "ops": 2565189,
+ "norm_ops": 42412,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.60456812598734,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d898fd247100d857426c54bef6fccb2b074755e22b20cebb443a77006c6bf632",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:43.856000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:43.856000', 'bytes': 2670474240, 'norm_byte': 43720704, 'ops': 2607885, 'norm_ops': 42696, 'norm_ltcy': 23.447358029733465, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:43.856000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:43.856000",
+ "bytes": 2670474240,
+ "norm_byte": 43720704,
+ "ops": 2607885,
+ "norm_ops": 42696,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.447358029733465,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6d1f16f611b798612c8031508c12ca8d3a7e6961647f1ac5b05690e7874ea803",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:44.857000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:44.857000', 'bytes': 2719941632, 'norm_byte': 49467392, 'ops': 2656193, 'norm_ops': 48308, 'norm_ltcy': 20.72318164660874, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:44.857000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:44.857000",
+ "bytes": 2719941632,
+ "norm_byte": 49467392,
+ "ops": 2656193,
+ "norm_ops": 48308,
+ "norm_ltcy": 20.72318164660874,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2cd934ee87f60e415f316e6b193852ec9e0f87dd7e839ee6f29db7004b5fe67b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:45.858000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:45.858000', 'bytes': 2767385600, 'norm_byte': 47443968, 'ops': 2702525, 'norm_ops': 46332, 'norm_ltcy': 21.607167216704976, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:45.858000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:45.858000",
+ "bytes": 2767385600,
+ "norm_byte": 47443968,
+ "ops": 2702525,
+ "norm_ops": 46332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.607167216704976,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a3de87628da357b92421752cd9d29d3a5002ee997f86574b14f7a47ea686c8d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:46.859000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:46.859000', 'bytes': 2814891008, 'norm_byte': 47505408, 'ops': 2748917, 'norm_ops': 46392, 'norm_ltcy': 21.57965888852065, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:46.859000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:46.859000",
+ "bytes": 2814891008,
+ "norm_byte": 47505408,
+ "ops": 2748917,
+ "norm_ops": 46392,
+ "norm_ltcy": 21.57965888852065,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7c9dea19aa0a2ea6d6a4283f693679b5253390371fe8323ba0c7c12638dd0d30",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:47.860000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:47.860000', 'bytes': 2882081792, 'norm_byte': 67190784, 'ops': 2814533, 'norm_ops': 65616, 'norm_ltcy': 15.257181699204462, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:47.860000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:47.860000",
+ "bytes": 2882081792,
+ "norm_byte": 67190784,
+ "ops": 2814533,
+ "norm_ops": 65616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.257181699204462,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f72c13fca39b6e8e5a0f663b5448d755438fc1301b822babebafc51889d7256e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:48.861000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:48.861000', 'bytes': 2946507776, 'norm_byte': 64425984, 'ops': 2877449, 'norm_ops': 62916, 'norm_ltcy': 15.911774820544455, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:48.861000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:48.861000",
+ "bytes": 2946507776,
+ "norm_byte": 64425984,
+ "ops": 2877449,
+ "norm_ops": 62916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.911774820544455,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "358460f2a3398e273510c31af2c802bb0df04d99af8a8994df4ab81186480665",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:49.862000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:49.862000', 'bytes': 3007990784, 'norm_byte': 61483008, 'ops': 2937491, 'norm_ops': 60042, 'norm_ltcy': 16.673651523360732, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:49.862000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:49.862000",
+ "bytes": 3007990784,
+ "norm_byte": 61483008,
+ "ops": 2937491,
+ "norm_ops": 60042,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.673651523360732,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "0f9a2b28464f6dfc95062a93c90d4ad462c5047302258735d26e0ec9b09dbcb8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:50.863000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:50.863000', 'bytes': 3077747712, 'norm_byte': 69756928, 'ops': 3005613, 'norm_ops': 68122, 'norm_ltcy': 14.69568728714659, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:50.863000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:50.863000",
+ "bytes": 3077747712,
+ "norm_byte": 69756928,
+ "ops": 3005613,
+ "norm_ops": 68122,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.69568728714659,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c9e46a30c137d6516e3eb828b2f58a1ad849c8dc99bd4efdb28a15dd3118f466",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:51.865000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:51.865000', 'bytes': 3146097664, 'norm_byte': 68349952, 'ops': 3072361, 'norm_ops': 66748, 'norm_ltcy': 14.998251205794556, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:51.865000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:51.865000",
+ "bytes": 3146097664,
+ "norm_byte": 68349952,
+ "ops": 3072361,
+ "norm_ops": 66748,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.998251205794556,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "249a8f14195650f4eb7b9c50e8dc4b9e193b65e7e5edd47a6b0521a129d7e45d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:52.866000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:52.866000', 'bytes': 3215197184, 'norm_byte': 69099520, 'ops': 3139841, 'norm_ops': 67480, 'norm_ltcy': 14.835443140560166, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:52.866000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:52.866000",
+ "bytes": 3215197184,
+ "norm_byte": 69099520,
+ "ops": 3139841,
+ "norm_ops": 67480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.835443140560166,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "abf4fdfd31a62c7c3fbd46e9077212c02659ee5bd7a528fa2c066a1bb71aa696",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:53.867000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:53.867000', 'bytes': 3285457920, 'norm_byte': 70260736, 'ops': 3208455, 'norm_ops': 68614, 'norm_ltcy': 14.590328942754029, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:53.867000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:53.867000",
+ "bytes": 3285457920,
+ "norm_byte": 70260736,
+ "ops": 3208455,
+ "norm_ops": 68614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.590328942754029,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e53973637fb47d9fb4ffdd04f883d7426a895dd7a742ad8b699941f3392186c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:54.868000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:54.868000', 'bytes': 3355575296, 'norm_byte': 70117376, 'ops': 3276929, 'norm_ops': 68474, 'norm_ltcy': 14.620063648702427, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:54.868000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:54.868000",
+ "bytes": 3355575296,
+ "norm_byte": 70117376,
+ "ops": 3276929,
+ "norm_ops": 68474,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.620063648702427,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "55a197321274dc6f0fb0025fd61cc509d2c3817d69597dfd12bf0b3aa78a0008",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:55.869000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:55.869000', 'bytes': 3425653760, 'norm_byte': 70078464, 'ops': 3345365, 'norm_ops': 68436, 'norm_ltcy': 14.628249414827359, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:55.869000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:55.869000",
+ "bytes": 3425653760,
+ "norm_byte": 70078464,
+ "ops": 3345365,
+ "norm_ops": 68436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.628249414827359,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee9e9eec87971e221ed60204629cb50a5ef80dcdc5c3664daac39ff73b79a6c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:56.870000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:56.870000', 'bytes': 3495728128, 'norm_byte': 70074368, 'ops': 3413797, 'norm_ops': 68432, 'norm_ltcy': 14.629025979941767, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:56.870000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:56.870000",
+ "bytes": 3495728128,
+ "norm_byte": 70074368,
+ "ops": 3413797,
+ "norm_ops": 68432,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.629025979941767,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a9592a1a4b991c3b79de3fc52c9a877f187286a1acc2f8f1201c15011a67ce8c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:57.871000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:57.871000', 'bytes': 3551386624, 'norm_byte': 55658496, 'ops': 3468151, 'norm_ops': 54354, 'norm_ltcy': 18.418028219806732, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:57.871000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:57.871000",
+ "bytes": 3551386624,
+ "norm_byte": 55658496,
+ "ops": 3468151,
+ "norm_ops": 54354,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.418028219806732,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "18ea771059988d3a3cca2ed3d493729048d77156e63cf2697a850bbab8793938",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:39:58.872000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:39:58.872000', 'bytes': 3607235584, 'norm_byte': 55848960, 'ops': 3522691, 'norm_ops': 54540, 'norm_ltcy': 18.35526122599239, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:39:58.872000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:39:58.872000",
+ "bytes": 3607235584,
+ "norm_byte": 55848960,
+ "ops": 3522691,
+ "norm_ops": 54540,
+ "norm_ltcy": 18.35526122599239,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f68ac3d611a17c05ab740ac7c37ac6c7463934c193212af9978918cb42d2362",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': '0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:40:00.074000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:40:00.074000', 'bytes': 3660483584, 'norm_byte': 53248000, 'ops': 3574691, 'norm_ops': 52000, 'norm_ltcy': 23.10272686298077, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:40:00.074000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:40:00.074000",
+ "bytes": 3660483584,
+ "norm_byte": 53248000,
+ "ops": 3574691,
+ "norm_ops": 52000,
+ "norm_ltcy": 23.10272686298077,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "0b4f0f3e-7ae5-5149-aa48-b4ddcc1e05a6",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b4741004247c0eabef6d7c08358f912649f5456f5e8ec1d3c36577ed3b9cba61",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 61008059.733333334
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 59578.183333333334
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 23.655142409577685
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:40:00Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:03, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-122-220519233614/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-122-220519233614/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62c03a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-122-220519233614/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-122-220519233614/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-122-220519233614/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-122-220519233614/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-122-220519233614/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-122-220519233614/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb0c917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-122-220519233614/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=45
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=5
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=40
+ net.core.busy_poll=20
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-123-220519233816/220519233816-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-123-220519233816/220519233816-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6701c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-123-220519233816/220519233816-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:40:59Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003660395.8757 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003661396.9766 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003661397.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003662398.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:64017408 nr_ops:62517\ntimestamp_ms:1653003663399.2456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126496768 nr_ops:123532\ntimestamp_ms:1653003664400.3430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189678592 nr_ops:185233\ntimestamp_ms:1653003665401.4595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253685760 nr_ops:247740\ntimestamp_ms:1653003666402.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316753920 nr_ops:309330\ntimestamp_ms:1653003667403.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379464704 nr_ops:370571\ntimestamp_ms:1653003668403.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442293248 nr_ops:431927\ntimestamp_ms:1653003669404.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505633792 nr_ops:493783\ntimestamp_ms:1653003670405.9207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568852480 nr_ops:555520\ntimestamp_ms:1653003671407.0925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630711296 nr_ops:615929\ntimestamp_ms:1653003672408.1296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:692567040 nr_ops:676335\ntimestamp_ms:1653003673409.1675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:755661824 nr_ops:737951\ntimestamp_ms:1653003674410.2832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819895296 nr_ops:800679\ntimestamp_ms:1653003675411.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886785024 nr_ops:866001\ntimestamp_ms:1653003676412.4780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956120064 nr_ops:933711\ntimestamp_ms:1653003677413.5706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023208448 nr_ops:999227\ntimestamp_ms:1653003678414.6865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1087210496 nr_ops:1061729\ntimestamp_ms:1653003679414.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150108672 nr_ops:1123153\ntimestamp_ms:1653003680415.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212486656 nr_ops:1184069\ntimestamp_ms:1653003681416.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275223040 nr_ops:1245335\ntimestamp_ms:1653003682418.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1336564736 nr_ops:1305239\ntimestamp_ms:1653003683419.1284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1398543360 nr_ops:1365765\ntimestamp_ms:1653003684420.2314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461587968 nr_ops:1427332\ntimestamp_ms:1653003685421.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524225024 nr_ops:1488501\ntimestamp_ms:1653003686422.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589232640 nr_ops:1551985\ntimestamp_ms:1653003687423.4778 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1654329344 nr_ops:1615556\ntimestamp_ms:1653003688424.5754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1717136384 nr_ops:1676891\ntimestamp_ms:1653003689425.6760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1780683776 nr_ops:1738949\ntimestamp_ms:1653003690425.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842725888 nr_ops:1799537\ntimestamp_ms:1653003691426.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904784384 nr_ops:1860141\ntimestamp_ms:1653003692427.9622 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967037440 nr_ops:1920935\ntimestamp_ms:1653003693429.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029618176 nr_ops:1982049\ntimestamp_ms:1653003694430.1484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093184000 nr_ops:2044125\ntimestamp_ms:1653003695431.2478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157053952 nr_ops:2106498\ntimestamp_ms:1653003696432.3484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2219488256 nr_ops:2167469\ntimestamp_ms:1653003697433.4468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281272320 nr_ops:2227805\ntimestamp_ms:1653003698434.5461 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2343930880 nr_ops:2288995\ntimestamp_ms:1653003699435.6436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2407482368 nr_ops:2351057\ntimestamp_ms:1653003700436.7432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469786624 nr_ops:2411901\ntimestamp_ms:1653003701437.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532447232 nr_ops:2473093\ntimestamp_ms:1653003702438.9619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595777536 nr_ops:2534939\ntimestamp_ms:1653003703440.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2660242432 nr_ops:2597893\ntimestamp_ms:1653003704441.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723152896 nr_ops:2659329\ntimestamp_ms:1653003705442.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785715200 nr_ops:2720425\ntimestamp_ms:1653003706443.3689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2847773696 nr_ops:2781029\ntimestamp_ms:1653003707443.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2909432832 nr_ops:2841243\ntimestamp_ms:1653003708444.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2972607488 nr_ops:2902937\ntimestamp_ms:1653003709446.0278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3035670528 nr_ops:2964522\ntimestamp_ms:1653003710447.0625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3098876928 nr_ops:3026247\ntimestamp_ms:1653003711448.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3161123840 nr_ops:3087035\ntimestamp_ms:1653003712449.2537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3222992896 nr_ops:3147454\ntimestamp_ms:1653003713449.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286248448 nr_ops:3209227\ntimestamp_ms:1653003714450.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3347696640 nr_ops:3269235\ntimestamp_ms:1653003715452.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3408921600 nr_ops:3329025\ntimestamp_ms:1653003716453.1978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3470800896 nr_ops:3389454\ntimestamp_ms:1653003717454.2893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3532398592 nr_ops:3449608\ntimestamp_ms:1653003718455.3818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3595630592 nr_ops:3511358\ntimestamp_ms:1653003719456.4758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3659394048 nr_ops:3573627\ntimestamp_ms:1653003720457.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3722311680 nr_ops:3635070\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140522976892672\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.0723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3784004608 nr_ops:3695317\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.1548 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.1650 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721758.3823 name:Total nr_bytes:3784004608 nr_ops:3695318\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.2820 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7568009214 nr_ops:7390636\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.2832 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3784004608 nr_ops:3695320\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 192.59us 0.00ns 192.59us 192.59us \nTxn1 1847659 32.45us 0.00ns 4.14ms 25.60us \nTxn2 1 48.69us 0.00ns 48.69us 48.69us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 192.06us 0.00ns 192.06us 192.06us \nwrite 1847659 3.26us 0.00ns 89.03us 2.44us \nread 1847658 29.11us 0.00ns 4.14ms 1.30us \ndisconnect 1 47.93us 0.00ns 47.93us 47.93us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 792.00b/s \nnet1 29627 29627 258.35Mb/s 258.35Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.218 62.36s 3.52GB 485.41Mb/s 3695319 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.52GB 485.42Mb/s 3695320 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412754, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003660395.8757 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003661396.9766 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003661397.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003662398.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:64017408 nr_ops:62517\ntimestamp_ms:1653003663399.2456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126496768 nr_ops:123532\ntimestamp_ms:1653003664400.3430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189678592 nr_ops:185233\ntimestamp_ms:1653003665401.4595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253685760 nr_ops:247740\ntimestamp_ms:1653003666402.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316753920 nr_ops:309330\ntimestamp_ms:1653003667403.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379464704 nr_ops:370571\ntimestamp_ms:1653003668403.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442293248 nr_ops:431927\ntimestamp_ms:1653003669404.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505633792 nr_ops:493783\ntimestamp_ms:1653003670405.9207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568852480 nr_ops:555520\ntimestamp_ms:1653003671407.0925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630711296 nr_ops:615929\ntimestamp_ms:1653003672408.1296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:692567040 nr_ops:676335\ntimestamp_ms:1653003673409.1675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:755661824 nr_ops:737951\ntimestamp_ms:1653003674410.2832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819895296 nr_ops:800679\ntimestamp_ms:1653003675411.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886785024 nr_ops:866001\ntimestamp_ms:1653003676412.4780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956120064 nr_ops:933711\ntimestamp_ms:1653003677413.5706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023208448 nr_ops:999227\ntimestamp_ms:1653003678414.6865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1087210496 nr_ops:1061729\ntimestamp_ms:1653003679414.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150108672 nr_ops:1123153\ntimestamp_ms:1653003680415.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212486656 nr_ops:1184069\ntimestamp_ms:1653003681416.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275223040 nr_ops:1245335\ntimestamp_ms:1653003682418.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1336564736 nr_ops:1305239\ntimestamp_ms:1653003683419.1284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1398543360 nr_ops:1365765\ntimestamp_ms:1653003684420.2314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461587968 nr_ops:1427332\ntimestamp_ms:1653003685421.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524225024 nr_ops:1488501\ntimestamp_ms:1653003686422.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589232640 nr_ops:1551985\ntimestamp_ms:1653003687423.4778 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1654329344 nr_ops:1615556\ntimestamp_ms:1653003688424.5754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1717136384 nr_ops:1676891\ntimestamp_ms:1653003689425.6760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1780683776 nr_ops:1738949\ntimestamp_ms:1653003690425.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842725888 nr_ops:1799537\ntimestamp_ms:1653003691426.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904784384 nr_ops:1860141\ntimestamp_ms:1653003692427.9622 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967037440 nr_ops:1920935\ntimestamp_ms:1653003693429.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029618176 nr_ops:1982049\ntimestamp_ms:1653003694430.1484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093184000 nr_ops:2044125\ntimestamp_ms:1653003695431.2478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157053952 nr_ops:2106498\ntimestamp_ms:1653003696432.3484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2219488256 nr_ops:2167469\ntimestamp_ms:1653003697433.4468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281272320 nr_ops:2227805\ntimestamp_ms:1653003698434.5461 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2343930880 nr_ops:2288995\ntimestamp_ms:1653003699435.6436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2407482368 nr_ops:2351057\ntimestamp_ms:1653003700436.7432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469786624 nr_ops:2411901\ntimestamp_ms:1653003701437.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532447232 nr_ops:2473093\ntimestamp_ms:1653003702438.9619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595777536 nr_ops:2534939\ntimestamp_ms:1653003703440.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2660242432 nr_ops:2597893\ntimestamp_ms:1653003704441.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723152896 nr_ops:2659329\ntimestamp_ms:1653003705442.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785715200 nr_ops:2720425\ntimestamp_ms:1653003706443.3689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2847773696 nr_ops:2781029\ntimestamp_ms:1653003707443.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2909432832 nr_ops:2841243\ntimestamp_ms:1653003708444.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2972607488 nr_ops:2902937\ntimestamp_ms:1653003709446.0278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3035670528 nr_ops:2964522\ntimestamp_ms:1653003710447.0625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3098876928 nr_ops:3026247\ntimestamp_ms:1653003711448.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3161123840 nr_ops:3087035\ntimestamp_ms:1653003712449.2537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3222992896 nr_ops:3147454\ntimestamp_ms:1653003713449.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286248448 nr_ops:3209227\ntimestamp_ms:1653003714450.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3347696640 nr_ops:3269235\ntimestamp_ms:1653003715452.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3408921600 nr_ops:3329025\ntimestamp_ms:1653003716453.1978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3470800896 nr_ops:3389454\ntimestamp_ms:1653003717454.2893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3532398592 nr_ops:3449608\ntimestamp_ms:1653003718455.3818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3595630592 nr_ops:3511358\ntimestamp_ms:1653003719456.4758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3659394048 nr_ops:3573627\ntimestamp_ms:1653003720457.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3722311680 nr_ops:3635070\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140522976892672\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.0723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3784004608 nr_ops:3695317\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.1548 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.1650 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721758.3823 name:Total nr_bytes:3784004608 nr_ops:3695318\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.2820 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7568009214 nr_ops:7390636\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.2832 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3784004608 nr_ops:3695320\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 192.59us 0.00ns 192.59us 192.59us \nTxn1 1847659 32.45us 0.00ns 4.14ms 25.60us \nTxn2 1 48.69us 0.00ns 48.69us 48.69us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 192.06us 0.00ns 192.06us 192.06us \nwrite 1847659 3.26us 0.00ns 89.03us 2.44us \nread 1847658 29.11us 0.00ns 4.14ms 1.30us \ndisconnect 1 47.93us 0.00ns 47.93us 47.93us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 792.00b/s \nnet1 29627 29627 258.35Mb/s 258.35Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.218 62.36s 3.52GB 485.41Mb/s 3695319 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.52GB 485.42Mb/s 3695320 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412754, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003660395.8757 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003661396.9766 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003661397.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003662398.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:64017408 nr_ops:62517\ntimestamp_ms:1653003663399.2456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126496768 nr_ops:123532\ntimestamp_ms:1653003664400.3430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189678592 nr_ops:185233\ntimestamp_ms:1653003665401.4595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253685760 nr_ops:247740\ntimestamp_ms:1653003666402.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316753920 nr_ops:309330\ntimestamp_ms:1653003667403.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379464704 nr_ops:370571\ntimestamp_ms:1653003668403.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442293248 nr_ops:431927\ntimestamp_ms:1653003669404.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505633792 nr_ops:493783\ntimestamp_ms:1653003670405.9207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568852480 nr_ops:555520\ntimestamp_ms:1653003671407.0925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630711296 nr_ops:615929\ntimestamp_ms:1653003672408.1296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:692567040 nr_ops:676335\ntimestamp_ms:1653003673409.1675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:755661824 nr_ops:737951\ntimestamp_ms:1653003674410.2832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819895296 nr_ops:800679\ntimestamp_ms:1653003675411.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886785024 nr_ops:866001\ntimestamp_ms:1653003676412.4780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956120064 nr_ops:933711\ntimestamp_ms:1653003677413.5706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023208448 nr_ops:999227\ntimestamp_ms:1653003678414.6865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1087210496 nr_ops:1061729\ntimestamp_ms:1653003679414.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150108672 nr_ops:1123153\ntimestamp_ms:1653003680415.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212486656 nr_ops:1184069\ntimestamp_ms:1653003681416.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275223040 nr_ops:1245335\ntimestamp_ms:1653003682418.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1336564736 nr_ops:1305239\ntimestamp_ms:1653003683419.1284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1398543360 nr_ops:1365765\ntimestamp_ms:1653003684420.2314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461587968 nr_ops:1427332\ntimestamp_ms:1653003685421.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524225024 nr_ops:1488501\ntimestamp_ms:1653003686422.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589232640 nr_ops:1551985\ntimestamp_ms:1653003687423.4778 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1654329344 nr_ops:1615556\ntimestamp_ms:1653003688424.5754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1717136384 nr_ops:1676891\ntimestamp_ms:1653003689425.6760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1780683776 nr_ops:1738949\ntimestamp_ms:1653003690425.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842725888 nr_ops:1799537\ntimestamp_ms:1653003691426.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904784384 nr_ops:1860141\ntimestamp_ms:1653003692427.9622 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967037440 nr_ops:1920935\ntimestamp_ms:1653003693429.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029618176 nr_ops:1982049\ntimestamp_ms:1653003694430.1484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093184000 nr_ops:2044125\ntimestamp_ms:1653003695431.2478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157053952 nr_ops:2106498\ntimestamp_ms:1653003696432.3484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2219488256 nr_ops:2167469\ntimestamp_ms:1653003697433.4468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281272320 nr_ops:2227805\ntimestamp_ms:1653003698434.5461 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2343930880 nr_ops:2288995\ntimestamp_ms:1653003699435.6436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2407482368 nr_ops:2351057\ntimestamp_ms:1653003700436.7432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469786624 nr_ops:2411901\ntimestamp_ms:1653003701437.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532447232 nr_ops:2473093\ntimestamp_ms:1653003702438.9619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595777536 nr_ops:2534939\ntimestamp_ms:1653003703440.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2660242432 nr_ops:2597893\ntimestamp_ms:1653003704441.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723152896 nr_ops:2659329\ntimestamp_ms:1653003705442.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785715200 nr_ops:2720425\ntimestamp_ms:1653003706443.3689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2847773696 nr_ops:2781029\ntimestamp_ms:1653003707443.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2909432832 nr_ops:2841243\ntimestamp_ms:1653003708444.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2972607488 nr_ops:2902937\ntimestamp_ms:1653003709446.0278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3035670528 nr_ops:2964522\ntimestamp_ms:1653003710447.0625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3098876928 nr_ops:3026247\ntimestamp_ms:1653003711448.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3161123840 nr_ops:3087035\ntimestamp_ms:1653003712449.2537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3222992896 nr_ops:3147454\ntimestamp_ms:1653003713449.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286248448 nr_ops:3209227\ntimestamp_ms:1653003714450.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3347696640 nr_ops:3269235\ntimestamp_ms:1653003715452.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3408921600 nr_ops:3329025\ntimestamp_ms:1653003716453.1978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3470800896 nr_ops:3389454\ntimestamp_ms:1653003717454.2893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3532398592 nr_ops:3449608\ntimestamp_ms:1653003718455.3818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3595630592 nr_ops:3511358\ntimestamp_ms:1653003719456.4758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3659394048 nr_ops:3573627\ntimestamp_ms:1653003720457.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3722311680 nr_ops:3635070\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 140522976892672\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.0723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3784004608 nr_ops:3695317\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.1548 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.1650 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721758.3823 name:Total nr_bytes:3784004608 nr_ops:3695318\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.2820 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7568009214 nr_ops:7390636\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003721658.2832 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3784004608 nr_ops:3695320\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 192.59us 0.00ns 192.59us 192.59us \nTxn1 1847659 32.45us 0.00ns 4.14ms 25.60us \nTxn2 1 48.69us 0.00ns 48.69us 48.69us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 192.06us 0.00ns 192.06us 192.06us \nwrite 1847659 3.26us 0.00ns 89.03us 2.44us \nread 1847658 29.11us 0.00ns 4.14ms 1.30us \ndisconnect 1 47.93us 0.00ns 47.93us 47.93us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 792.00b/s \nnet1 29627 29627 258.35Mb/s 258.35Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.218 62.36s 3.52GB 485.41Mb/s 3695319 0.00\nmaster 62.36s 3.52GB 485.42Mb/s 3695320 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.412754, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003660395.8757 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003661396.9766 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003661397.0732 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003662398.1506 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:64017408 nr_ops:62517
+timestamp_ms:1653003663399.2456 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:126496768 nr_ops:123532
+timestamp_ms:1653003664400.3430 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:189678592 nr_ops:185233
+timestamp_ms:1653003665401.4595 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:253685760 nr_ops:247740
+timestamp_ms:1653003666402.5664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:316753920 nr_ops:309330
+timestamp_ms:1653003667403.6577 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:379464704 nr_ops:370571
+timestamp_ms:1653003668403.8362 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:442293248 nr_ops:431927
+timestamp_ms:1653003669404.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:505633792 nr_ops:493783
+timestamp_ms:1653003670405.9207 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:568852480 nr_ops:555520
+timestamp_ms:1653003671407.0925 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:630711296 nr_ops:615929
+timestamp_ms:1653003672408.1296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:692567040 nr_ops:676335
+timestamp_ms:1653003673409.1675 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:755661824 nr_ops:737951
+timestamp_ms:1653003674410.2832 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:819895296 nr_ops:800679
+timestamp_ms:1653003675411.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:886785024 nr_ops:866001
+timestamp_ms:1653003676412.4780 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:956120064 nr_ops:933711
+timestamp_ms:1653003677413.5706 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023208448 nr_ops:999227
+timestamp_ms:1653003678414.6865 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1087210496 nr_ops:1061729
+timestamp_ms:1653003679414.8325 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1150108672 nr_ops:1123153
+timestamp_ms:1653003680415.8396 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1212486656 nr_ops:1184069
+timestamp_ms:1653003681416.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1275223040 nr_ops:1245335
+timestamp_ms:1653003682418.0352 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1336564736 nr_ops:1305239
+timestamp_ms:1653003683419.1284 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1398543360 nr_ops:1365765
+timestamp_ms:1653003684420.2314 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1461587968 nr_ops:1427332
+timestamp_ms:1653003685421.2747 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1524225024 nr_ops:1488501
+timestamp_ms:1653003686422.3796 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1589232640 nr_ops:1551985
+timestamp_ms:1653003687423.4778 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1654329344 nr_ops:1615556
+timestamp_ms:1653003688424.5754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1717136384 nr_ops:1676891
+timestamp_ms:1653003689425.6760 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1780683776 nr_ops:1738949
+timestamp_ms:1653003690425.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1842725888 nr_ops:1799537
+timestamp_ms:1653003691426.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1904784384 nr_ops:1860141
+timestamp_ms:1653003692427.9622 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1967037440 nr_ops:1920935
+timestamp_ms:1653003693429.0569 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2029618176 nr_ops:1982049
+timestamp_ms:1653003694430.1484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2093184000 nr_ops:2044125
+timestamp_ms:1653003695431.2478 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2157053952 nr_ops:2106498
+timestamp_ms:1653003696432.3484 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2219488256 nr_ops:2167469
+timestamp_ms:1653003697433.4468 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2281272320 nr_ops:2227805
+timestamp_ms:1653003698434.5461 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2343930880 nr_ops:2288995
+timestamp_ms:1653003699435.6436 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2407482368 nr_ops:2351057
+timestamp_ms:1653003700436.7432 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2469786624 nr_ops:2411901
+timestamp_ms:1653003701437.8469 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2532447232 nr_ops:2473093
+timestamp_ms:1653003702438.9619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2595777536 nr_ops:2534939
+timestamp_ms:1653003703440.0652 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2660242432 nr_ops:2597893
+timestamp_ms:1653003704441.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2723152896 nr_ops:2659329
+timestamp_ms:1653003705442.2664 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2785715200 nr_ops:2720425
+timestamp_ms:1653003706443.3689 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2847773696 nr_ops:2781029
+timestamp_ms:1653003707443.8347 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2909432832 nr_ops:2841243
+timestamp_ms:1653003708444.9258 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2972607488 nr_ops:2902937
+timestamp_ms:1653003709446.0278 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3035670528 nr_ops:2964522
+timestamp_ms:1653003710447.0625 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3098876928 nr_ops:3026247
+timestamp_ms:1653003711448.1575 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3161123840 nr_ops:3087035
+timestamp_ms:1653003712449.2537 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3222992896 nr_ops:3147454
+timestamp_ms:1653003713449.8384 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3286248448 nr_ops:3209227
+timestamp_ms:1653003714450.8918 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3347696640 nr_ops:3269235
+timestamp_ms:1653003715452.1060 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3408921600 nr_ops:3329025
+timestamp_ms:1653003716453.1978 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3470800896 nr_ops:3389454
+timestamp_ms:1653003717454.2893 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3532398592 nr_ops:3449608
+timestamp_ms:1653003718455.3818 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3595630592 nr_ops:3511358
+timestamp_ms:1653003719456.4758 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3659394048 nr_ops:3573627
+timestamp_ms:1653003720457.5647 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3722311680 nr_ops:3635070
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 140522976892672
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653003721658.0723 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:3784004608 nr_ops:3695317
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003721658.1548 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003721658.1650 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003721758.3823 name:Total nr_bytes:3784004608 nr_ops:3695318
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003721658.2820 name:Group0 nr_bytes:7568009214 nr_ops:7390636
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003721658.2832 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:3784004608 nr_ops:3695320
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 192.59us 0.00ns 192.59us 192.59us
+Txn1 1847659 32.45us 0.00ns 4.14ms 25.60us
+Txn2 1 48.69us 0.00ns 48.69us 48.69us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 192.06us 0.00ns 192.06us 192.06us
+write 1847659 3.26us 0.00ns 89.03us 2.44us
+read 1847658 29.11us 0.00ns 4.14ms 1.30us
+disconnect 1 47.93us 0.00ns 47.93us 47.93us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 792.00b/s
+net1 29627 29627 258.35Mb/s 258.35Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.218 62.36s 3.52GB 485.41Mb/s 3695319 0.00
+master 62.36s 3.52GB 485.42Mb/s 3695320 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:02.398000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:02.398000', 'bytes': 64017408, 'norm_byte': 64017408, 'ops': 62517, 'norm_ops': 62517, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01288277713462, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:02.398000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:02.398000",
+ "bytes": 64017408,
+ "norm_byte": 64017408,
+ "ops": 62517,
+ "norm_ops": 62517,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01288277713462,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c8e043f09487a99b1c8baba9922cf28f5560ca84b6dd594ec2a68db329a71a9b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:03.399000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:03.399000', 'bytes': 126496768, 'norm_byte': 62479360, 'ops': 123532, 'norm_ops': 61015, 'norm_ltcy': 16.407358366026795, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:03.399000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:03.399000",
+ "bytes": 126496768,
+ "norm_byte": 62479360,
+ "ops": 123532,
+ "norm_ops": 61015,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.407358366026795,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "330af4b57b7c0c62316b1bb16592c0774428e572b90ef30e1b6d143d1509fc87",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:04.400000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:04.400000', 'bytes': 189678592, 'norm_byte': 63181824, 'ops': 185233, 'norm_ops': 61701, 'norm_ltcy': 16.224978721728576, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:04.400000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:04.400000",
+ "bytes": 189678592,
+ "norm_byte": 63181824,
+ "ops": 185233,
+ "norm_ops": 61701,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.224978721728576,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d8f6d36f90388edcfc8f93556c399b82cebb951794bd89115951d535b344799d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:05.401000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:05.401000', 'bytes': 253685760, 'norm_byte': 64007168, 'ops': 247740, 'norm_ops': 62507, 'norm_ltcy': 16.016069481468076, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:05.401000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:05.401000",
+ "bytes": 253685760,
+ "norm_byte": 64007168,
+ "ops": 247740,
+ "norm_ops": 62507,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.016069481468076,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87cae72c4107555a5aef01b0be6fa43579aa93b1261291256b5404b57b5ca185",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:06.402000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:06.402000', 'bytes': 316753920, 'norm_byte': 63068160, 'ops': 309330, 'norm_ops': 61590, 'norm_ltcy': 16.254374632144017, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:06.402000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:06.402000",
+ "bytes": 316753920,
+ "norm_byte": 63068160,
+ "ops": 309330,
+ "norm_ops": 61590,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.254374632144017,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ad967e5c12cd9852ef8aee4eb90f229fb853dba861f4f6d7486fb1c0d7be27c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:07.403000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:07.403000', 'bytes': 379464704, 'norm_byte': 62710784, 'ops': 370571, 'norm_ops': 61241, 'norm_ltcy': 16.346749866817163, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:07.403000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:07.403000",
+ "bytes": 379464704,
+ "norm_byte": 62710784,
+ "ops": 370571,
+ "norm_ops": 61241,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.346749866817163,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "429ebba04b1efebc56156c29305f776593e562dda88c3bbf8cdd0cc3f2c9b168",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:08.403000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:08.403000', 'bytes': 442293248, 'norm_byte': 62828544, 'ops': 431927, 'norm_ops': 61356, 'norm_ltcy': 16.301233242011783, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:08.403000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:08.403000",
+ "bytes": 442293248,
+ "norm_byte": 62828544,
+ "ops": 431927,
+ "norm_ops": 61356,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.301233242011783,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2ffb683658f12e4594eadaa282bc003d1fe0a0ce714fbdf69041508991171721",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:09.404000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:09.404000', 'bytes': 505633792, 'norm_byte': 63340544, 'ops': 493783, 'norm_ops': 61856, 'norm_ltcy': 16.182687821563388, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:09.404000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:09.404000",
+ "bytes": 505633792,
+ "norm_byte": 63340544,
+ "ops": 493783,
+ "norm_ops": 61856,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.182687821563388,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6b19d33e5089f143385222c720871c5a1e867b94623f40cb6978b394f3358e42",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:10.405000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:10.405000', 'bytes': 568852480, 'norm_byte': 63218688, 'ops': 555520, 'norm_ops': 61737, 'norm_ltcy': 16.215367360993003, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:10.405000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:10.405000",
+ "bytes": 568852480,
+ "norm_byte": 63218688,
+ "ops": 555520,
+ "norm_ops": 61737,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.215367360993003,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a1e6981e1b9734cfb9e1a8e1b09820fca66563a726a19fd349195e23e9574934",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:11.407000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:11.407000', 'bytes': 630711296, 'norm_byte': 61858816, 'ops': 615929, 'norm_ops': 60409, 'norm_ltcy': 16.57322377460312, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:11.407000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:11.407000",
+ "bytes": 630711296,
+ "norm_byte": 61858816,
+ "ops": 615929,
+ "norm_ops": 60409,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.57322377460312,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "17803ed8d789926ee9db2ee4afb661cba44c1fcf68c5e8e59038dbe8cd8920d9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:12.408000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:12.408000', 'bytes': 692567040, 'norm_byte': 61855744, 'ops': 676335, 'norm_ops': 60406, 'norm_ltcy': 16.571815868870644, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:12.408000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:12.408000",
+ "bytes": 692567040,
+ "norm_byte": 61855744,
+ "ops": 676335,
+ "norm_ops": 60406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.571815868870644,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5f70a7d3eab0b0cf6138db71c2451e3fc23dca3e4398ca89f961950aba9f0f83",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:13.409000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:13.409000', 'bytes': 755661824, 'norm_byte': 63094784, 'ops': 737951, 'norm_ops': 61616, 'norm_ltcy': 16.24639447216429, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:13.409000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:13.409000",
+ "bytes": 755661824,
+ "norm_byte": 63094784,
+ "ops": 737951,
+ "norm_ops": 61616,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.24639447216429,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dc7c9db487e25395dda29a02c191082a718dca21a282529a69a3af950fc1b72a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:14.410000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:14.410000', 'bytes': 819895296, 'norm_byte': 64233472, 'ops': 800679, 'norm_ops': 62728, 'norm_ltcy': 15.95963082923495, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:14.410000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:14.410000",
+ "bytes": 819895296,
+ "norm_byte": 64233472,
+ "ops": 800679,
+ "norm_ops": 62728,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.95963082923495,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f87097a7a7e9adb73793a3272952a0e0eebc68dddac9c41de06035d766b7b592",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:15.411000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:15.411000', 'bytes': 886785024, 'norm_byte': 66889728, 'ops': 866001, 'norm_ops': 65322, 'norm_ltcy': 15.325563141772681, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:15.411000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:15.411000",
+ "bytes": 886785024,
+ "norm_byte": 66889728,
+ "ops": 866001,
+ "norm_ops": 65322,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.325563141772681,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4ec2e95358df1ffbfb9300c80196cf467993986aced2ab0602f908194e2911f1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:16.412000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:16.412000', 'bytes': 956120064, 'norm_byte': 69335040, 'ops': 933711, 'norm_ops': 67710, 'norm_ltcy': 14.785089184343155, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:16.412000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:16.412000",
+ "bytes": 956120064,
+ "norm_byte": 69335040,
+ "ops": 933711,
+ "norm_ops": 67710,
+ "norm_ltcy": 14.785089184343155,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "287054ab2ed7d3c88c0271e75456b4914369c449b401efda280fd75a445d18f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:17.413000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:17.413000', 'bytes': 1023208448, 'norm_byte': 67088384, 'ops': 999227, 'norm_ops': 65516, 'norm_ltcy': 15.28012286001702, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:17.413000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:17.413000",
+ "bytes": 1023208448,
+ "norm_byte": 67088384,
+ "ops": 999227,
+ "norm_ops": 65516,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.28012286001702,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "83e0f0adf13dc443f487b2d5cce6de1e3f3e72033e37175cb787b8d6ec017764",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:18.414000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:18.414000', 'bytes': 1087210496, 'norm_byte': 64002048, 'ops': 1061729, 'norm_ops': 62502, 'norm_ltcy': 16.01734291377676, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:18.414000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:18.414000",
+ "bytes": 1087210496,
+ "norm_byte": 64002048,
+ "ops": 1061729,
+ "norm_ops": 62502,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.01734291377676,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ffbbef94228088e0e54c350a21530bce7391521004ba28fba4712c4e2d05073b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:19.414000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:19.414000', 'bytes': 1150108672, 'norm_byte': 62898176, 'ops': 1123153, 'norm_ops': 61424, 'norm_ltcy': 16.282658180739613, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:19.414000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:19.414000",
+ "bytes": 1150108672,
+ "norm_byte": 62898176,
+ "ops": 1123153,
+ "norm_ops": 61424,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.282658180739613,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6bf24469974e7a6f6a05eb58fcd0131f46a90a068d87745b828e7238e0911027",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:20.415000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:20.415000', 'bytes': 1212486656, 'norm_byte': 62377984, 'ops': 1184069, 'norm_ops': 60916, 'norm_ltcy': 16.4325806040798, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:20.415000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:20.415000",
+ "bytes": 1212486656,
+ "norm_byte": 62377984,
+ "ops": 1184069,
+ "norm_ops": 60916,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.4325806040798,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9f47d02741996ff04248b22177c32b3de95053d1b5c174fd39d5803d75c9f9c7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:21.416000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:21.416000', 'bytes': 1275223040, 'norm_byte': 62736384, 'ops': 1245335, 'norm_ops': 61266, 'norm_ltcy': 16.34021495405282, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:21.416000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:21.416000",
+ "bytes": 1275223040,
+ "norm_byte": 62736384,
+ "ops": 1245335,
+ "norm_ops": 61266,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.34021495405282,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "866f67057759ab66d5d49d0ab0a49b1670447614766e0fbfb9ce0099bbf61c89",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:22.418000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:22.418000', 'bytes': 1336564736, 'norm_byte': 61341696, 'ops': 1305239, 'norm_ops': 59904, 'norm_ltcy': 16.711671128232254, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:22.418000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:22.418000",
+ "bytes": 1336564736,
+ "norm_byte": 61341696,
+ "ops": 1305239,
+ "norm_ops": 59904,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.711671128232254,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "064cdbf1545584675effa0c43ca122f62af3a539dc60ff0dae900a12f09872a3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:23.419000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:23.419000', 'bytes': 1398543360, 'norm_byte': 61978624, 'ops': 1365765, 'norm_ops': 60526, 'norm_ltcy': 16.53988801042114, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:23.419000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:23.419000",
+ "bytes": 1398543360,
+ "norm_byte": 61978624,
+ "ops": 1365765,
+ "norm_ops": 60526,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.53988801042114,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d71879dc31aaa1638ad2bb1157526e7a6eeb40f5a79528bd365b782a2ea8884",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:24.420000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:24.420000', 'bytes': 1461587968, 'norm_byte': 63044608, 'ops': 1427332, 'norm_ops': 61567, 'norm_ltcy': 16.260383441514936, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:24.420000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:24.420000",
+ "bytes": 1461587968,
+ "norm_byte": 63044608,
+ "ops": 1427332,
+ "norm_ops": 61567,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.260383441514936,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "edd71dd3e8564f4d9ac0df870824895b1fba84d2a70b2ad58fb5851b48bc97e2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:25.421000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:25.421000', 'bytes': 1524225024, 'norm_byte': 62637056, 'ops': 1488501, 'norm_ops': 61169, 'norm_ltcy': 16.36520480783771, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:25.421000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:25.421000",
+ "bytes": 1524225024,
+ "norm_byte": 62637056,
+ "ops": 1488501,
+ "norm_ops": 61169,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.36520480783771,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f8b2dbc35a5ca3a1997f74127a1cfa060bb79200b4eb7e1311fd608a9481e2ab",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:26.422000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:26.422000', 'bytes': 1589232640, 'norm_byte': 65007616, 'ops': 1551985, 'norm_ops': 63484, 'norm_ltcy': 15.769406156964747, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:26.422000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:26.422000",
+ "bytes": 1589232640,
+ "norm_byte": 65007616,
+ "ops": 1551985,
+ "norm_ops": 63484,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.769406156964747,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "699dc9724c7b8331b90cdb0dde02934aedfc72f9ccf629af9dca031af8053d31",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:27.423000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:27.423000', 'bytes': 1654329344, 'norm_byte': 65096704, 'ops': 1615556, 'norm_ops': 63571, 'norm_ltcy': 15.747717426676473, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:27.423000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:27.423000",
+ "bytes": 1654329344,
+ "norm_byte": 65096704,
+ "ops": 1615556,
+ "norm_ops": 63571,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.747717426676473,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e37c08756420c7922e1918dbe3081288c69518a617e95b03fff6ca9098d7d47e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:28.424000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:28.424000', 'bytes': 1717136384, 'norm_byte': 62807040, 'ops': 1676891, 'norm_ops': 61335, 'norm_ltcy': 16.32180086818293, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:28.424000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:28.424000",
+ "bytes": 1717136384,
+ "norm_byte": 62807040,
+ "ops": 1676891,
+ "norm_ops": 61335,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.32180086818293,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2dcc6b96a72aafbdaf1ba93b690145343b6443543ebe738dd340e07ffcf1e6cb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:29.425000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:29.425000', 'bytes': 1780683776, 'norm_byte': 63547392, 'ops': 1738949, 'norm_ops': 62058, 'norm_ltcy': 16.131692705815528, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:29.425000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:29.425000",
+ "bytes": 1780683776,
+ "norm_byte": 63547392,
+ "ops": 1738949,
+ "norm_ops": 62058,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.131692705815528,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6f0bffca6d1dadecce1a7449dd869619d9909114d0a4c8d192f6360e489f8e02",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:30.425000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:30.425000', 'bytes': 1842725888, 'norm_byte': 62042112, 'ops': 1799537, 'norm_ops': 60588, 'norm_ltcy': 16.50753765442414, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:30.425000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:30.425000",
+ "bytes": 1842725888,
+ "norm_byte": 62042112,
+ "ops": 1799537,
+ "norm_ops": 60588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.50753765442414,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "192bd340cdd05f2ff7f90b718815a0e2c2292d1f06e678f1361878a82471572e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:31.426000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:31.426000', 'bytes': 1904784384, 'norm_byte': 62058496, 'ops': 1860141, 'norm_ops': 60604, 'norm_ltcy': 16.518584336945583, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:31.426000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:31.426000",
+ "bytes": 1904784384,
+ "norm_byte": 62058496,
+ "ops": 1860141,
+ "norm_ops": 60604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.518584336945583,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1ee39456491631a232fcbab244bb3bb1c287fd6e334dd9548f900327961e3c56",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:32.427000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:32.427000', 'bytes': 1967037440, 'norm_byte': 62253056, 'ops': 1920935, 'norm_ops': 60794, 'norm_ltcy': 16.466018953350662, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:32.427000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:32.427000",
+ "bytes": 1967037440,
+ "norm_byte": 62253056,
+ "ops": 1920935,
+ "norm_ops": 60794,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.466018953350662,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "15b34271caab7b60a6558e1bf5fbe92f1fbff17363881bf6a8d1ddebb550c403",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:33.429000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:33.429000', 'bytes': 2029618176, 'norm_byte': 62580736, 'ops': 1982049, 'norm_ops': 61114, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38077570708021, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:33.429000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:33.429000",
+ "bytes": 2029618176,
+ "norm_byte": 62580736,
+ "ops": 1982049,
+ "norm_ops": 61114,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38077570708021,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e8cdec61ddcde6c314a369f76add15fc718154b67fb25862af851070a85e3abc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:34.430000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:34.430000', 'bytes': 2093184000, 'norm_byte': 63565824, 'ops': 2044125, 'norm_ops': 62076, 'norm_ltcy': 16.12686952661858, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:34.430000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:34.430000",
+ "bytes": 2093184000,
+ "norm_byte": 63565824,
+ "ops": 2044125,
+ "norm_ops": 62076,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.12686952661858,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "057861ca140caaea5ed2ecef30cbadde6c12a1529f4f70a9db2afff4ad955fb4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:35.431000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:35.431000', 'bytes': 2157053952, 'norm_byte': 63869952, 'ops': 2106498, 'norm_ops': 62373, 'norm_ltcy': 16.050203857989434, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:35.431000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:35.431000",
+ "bytes": 2157053952,
+ "norm_byte": 63869952,
+ "ops": 2106498,
+ "norm_ops": 62373,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.050203857989434,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34755de506df19a838aad16a468f5955db333289f8a5933598133bfd5215ddef",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:36.432000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:36.432000', 'bytes': 2219488256, 'norm_byte': 62434304, 'ops': 2167469, 'norm_ops': 60971, 'norm_ltcy': 16.41929090776763, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:36.432000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:36.432000",
+ "bytes": 2219488256,
+ "norm_byte": 62434304,
+ "ops": 2167469,
+ "norm_ops": 60971,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.41929090776763,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e6ed289137691613887daf4768f7ba257d7c72003707671c2069c3a599b7c2fc",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:37.433000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:37.433000', 'bytes': 2281272320, 'norm_byte': 61784064, 'ops': 2227805, 'norm_ops': 60336, 'norm_ltcy': 16.592057621848895, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:37.433000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:37.433000",
+ "bytes": 2281272320,
+ "norm_byte": 61784064,
+ "ops": 2227805,
+ "norm_ops": 60336,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.592057621848895,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3b7728a44c9fd9fd2e756c75a4b1d7f0551b0a9b894f8467bb440e55a0c064cd",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:38.434000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:38.434000', 'bytes': 2343930880, 'norm_byte': 62658560, 'ops': 2288995, 'norm_ops': 61190, 'norm_ltcy': 16.360506050569946, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:38.434000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:38.434000",
+ "bytes": 2343930880,
+ "norm_byte": 62658560,
+ "ops": 2288995,
+ "norm_ops": 61190,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.360506050569946,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "49cb108df2acf7a07f9d1ae8a189cfde80eeb4732d689866ca63e23b054033d6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:39.435000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:39.435000', 'bytes': 2407482368, 'norm_byte': 63551488, 'ops': 2351057, 'norm_ops': 62062, 'norm_ltcy': 16.13060185152549, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:39.435000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:39.435000",
+ "bytes": 2407482368,
+ "norm_byte": 63551488,
+ "ops": 2351057,
+ "norm_ops": 62062,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.13060185152549,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3dfe4b8ff53e41e505fa874c71b848053d3ddeb769e77b3c6df66a296a024402",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:40.436000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:40.436000', 'bytes': 2469786624, 'norm_byte': 62304256, 'ops': 2411901, 'norm_ops': 60844, 'norm_ltcy': 16.45354692944251, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:40.436000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:40.436000",
+ "bytes": 2469786624,
+ "norm_byte": 62304256,
+ "ops": 2411901,
+ "norm_ops": 60844,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.45354692944251,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "152cd93ce87ccaee3a57801db3fd19572f6d5c6bbfdf120d1802055e431cd192",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:41.437000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:41.437000', 'bytes': 2532447232, 'norm_byte': 62660608, 'ops': 2473093, 'norm_ops': 61192, 'norm_ltcy': 16.360043139064338, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:41.437000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:41.437000",
+ "bytes": 2532447232,
+ "norm_byte": 62660608,
+ "ops": 2473093,
+ "norm_ops": 61192,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.360043139064338,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "eb835c6c9f1bcf6de25704b6d692a79f8ac6c881e57e37427923fe245c38def1",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:42.438000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:42.438000', 'bytes': 2595777536, 'norm_byte': 63330304, 'ops': 2534939, 'norm_ops': 61846, 'norm_ltcy': 16.18722294464274, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:42.438000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:42.438000",
+ "bytes": 2595777536,
+ "norm_byte": 63330304,
+ "ops": 2534939,
+ "norm_ops": 61846,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.18722294464274,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ad3beef2172c7390e6a1006d726f06cdb64af3d6c1a084aceee0c74c00f6bfa6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:43.440000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:43.440000', 'bytes': 2660242432, 'norm_byte': 64464896, 'ops': 2597893, 'norm_ops': 62954, 'norm_ltcy': 15.902139204568018, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:43.440000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:43.440000",
+ "bytes": 2660242432,
+ "norm_byte": 64464896,
+ "ops": 2597893,
+ "norm_ops": 62954,
+ "norm_ltcy": 15.902139204568018,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2bc5b0c53d946125d9a3268aeadbc4833f77d34e70cbf3b42a82fdd801e78dda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:44.441000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:44.441000', 'bytes': 2723152896, 'norm_byte': 62910464, 'ops': 2659329, 'norm_ops': 61436, 'norm_ltcy': 16.29501572266261, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:44.441000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:44.441000",
+ "bytes": 2723152896,
+ "norm_byte": 62910464,
+ "ops": 2659329,
+ "norm_ops": 61436,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.29501572266261,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a395a7f2ee2687604389e21c2d61146d2ec16a131f63a07a79bcb1b1c2b57439",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:45.442000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:45.442000', 'bytes': 2785715200, 'norm_byte': 62562304, 'ops': 2720425, 'norm_ops': 61096, 'norm_ltcy': 16.38569768786009, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:45.442000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:45.442000",
+ "bytes": 2785715200,
+ "norm_byte": 62562304,
+ "ops": 2720425,
+ "norm_ops": 61096,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.38569768786009,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d0bb4da21be6ed24690467ff67584d6ad5d07851c62e540c23443a190978a1f9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:46.443000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:46.443000', 'bytes': 2847773696, 'norm_byte': 62058496, 'ops': 2781029, 'norm_ops': 60604, 'norm_ltcy': 16.518753532151344, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:46.443000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:46.443000",
+ "bytes": 2847773696,
+ "norm_byte": 62058496,
+ "ops": 2781029,
+ "norm_ops": 60604,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.518753532151344,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e65bda7174a018c89b9ad5bf22e82a52fafbb50fe81f50583dd796da306e17a8",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:47.443000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:47.443000', 'bytes': 2909432832, 'norm_byte': 61659136, 'ops': 2841243, 'norm_ops': 60214, 'norm_ltcy': 16.61516956708573, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:47.443000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:47.443000",
+ "bytes": 2909432832,
+ "norm_byte": 61659136,
+ "ops": 2841243,
+ "norm_ops": 60214,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.61516956708573,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c996a9c99711204eb5426a4a259d62cf1ae2ab77ad912080fead292e343213c0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:48.444000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:48.444000', 'bytes': 2972607488, 'norm_byte': 63174656, 'ops': 2902937, 'norm_ops': 61694, 'norm_ltcy': 16.226716770725275, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:48.444000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:48.444000",
+ "bytes": 2972607488,
+ "norm_byte": 63174656,
+ "ops": 2902937,
+ "norm_ops": 61694,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.226716770725275,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "df534d625671b01a7c7f04e89a2eea9444c63541af737793fa779e537c04a9b3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:49.446000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:49.446000', 'bytes': 3035670528, 'norm_byte': 63063040, 'ops': 2964522, 'norm_ops': 61585, 'norm_ltcy': 16.255615016339206, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:49.446000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:49.446000",
+ "bytes": 3035670528,
+ "norm_byte": 63063040,
+ "ops": 2964522,
+ "norm_ops": 61585,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.255615016339206,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "77887853176112fcf0fed73474b26c6be9d414e30cdb1b5d1a94df02de459cda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:50.447000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:50.447000', 'bytes': 3098876928, 'norm_byte': 63206400, 'ops': 3026247, 'norm_ops': 61725, 'norm_ltcy': 16.217653592041312, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:50.447000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:50.447000",
+ "bytes": 3098876928,
+ "norm_byte": 63206400,
+ "ops": 3026247,
+ "norm_ops": 61725,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.217653592041312,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e01733c379dd017a7d9ffe37d8fb2195a9171e47ba1dde186af835b1b1f13b90",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:51.448000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:51.448000', 'bytes': 3161123840, 'norm_byte': 62246912, 'ops': 3087035, 'norm_ops': 60788, 'norm_ltcy': 16.46862819476089, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:51.448000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:51.448000",
+ "bytes": 3161123840,
+ "norm_byte": 62246912,
+ "ops": 3087035,
+ "norm_ops": 60788,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.46862819476089,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "280e415722282bcbdba7e68ee68247bbf391be80cfe0400ef875a5d47dd5d511",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:52.449000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:52.449000', 'bytes': 3222992896, 'norm_byte': 61869056, 'ops': 3147454, 'norm_ops': 60419, 'norm_ltcy': 16.569228080674126, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:52.449000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:52.449000",
+ "bytes": 3222992896,
+ "norm_byte": 61869056,
+ "ops": 3147454,
+ "norm_ops": 60419,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.569228080674126,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "87fa4365c4e9e57cb4b8fae66c26cb815df59a398c20d6b0128bac9f3660efb9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:53.449000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:53.449000', 'bytes': 3286248448, 'norm_byte': 63255552, 'ops': 3209227, 'norm_ops': 61773, 'norm_ltcy': 16.197767905021205, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:53.449000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:53.449000",
+ "bytes": 3286248448,
+ "norm_byte": 63255552,
+ "ops": 3209227,
+ "norm_ops": 61773,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.197767905021205,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aa82ec1303d1bc960a61b094d06e570c294603bc5a0921daffb2bcb5e8073689",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:54.450000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:54.450000', 'bytes': 3347696640, 'norm_byte': 61448192, 'ops': 3269235, 'norm_ops': 60008, 'norm_ltcy': 16.682000179923925, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:54.450000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:54.450000",
+ "bytes": 3347696640,
+ "norm_byte": 61448192,
+ "ops": 3269235,
+ "norm_ops": 60008,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.682000179923925,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6614f0120ed2a4dd9e5e0f59f97daba40af41f6cd147ae7bee3491b95dafd5a0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:55.452000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:55.452000', 'bytes': 3408921600, 'norm_byte': 61224960, 'ops': 3329025, 'norm_ops': 59790, 'norm_ltcy': 16.74551114447441, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:55.452000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:55.452000",
+ "bytes": 3408921600,
+ "norm_byte": 61224960,
+ "ops": 3329025,
+ "norm_ops": 59790,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.74551114447441,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6e2c53898516a75699a058d6582da2fb50f7e908ae2b9349c85064bb9af1dd29",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:56.453000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:56.453000', 'bytes': 3470800896, 'norm_byte': 61879296, 'ops': 3389454, 'norm_ops': 60429, 'norm_ltcy': 16.566413425259395, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:56.453000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:56.453000",
+ "bytes": 3470800896,
+ "norm_byte": 61879296,
+ "ops": 3389454,
+ "norm_ops": 60429,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.566413425259395,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fe506c9feecffc9a467e93a918337beea5f0c3c92596a9c240305b155ba410e5",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:57.454000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:57.454000', 'bytes': 3532398592, 'norm_byte': 61597696, 'ops': 3449608, 'norm_ops': 60154, 'norm_ltcy': 16.64214437501039, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:57.454000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:57.454000",
+ "bytes": 3532398592,
+ "norm_byte": 61597696,
+ "ops": 3449608,
+ "norm_ops": 60154,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.64214437501039,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2264f53a7ddf9ceb2868d8bb4364b44a7aa1a00aec651534aa3ccd08600fe782",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:58.455000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:58.455000', 'bytes': 3595630592, 'norm_byte': 63232000, 'ops': 3511358, 'norm_ops': 61750, 'norm_ltcy': 16.212024765941294, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:58.455000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:58.455000",
+ "bytes": 3595630592,
+ "norm_byte": 63232000,
+ "ops": 3511358,
+ "norm_ops": 61750,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.212024765941294,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "6ef77a77b43e1a64b3609223e3e7933a1fbc7f7ef4dbae2fd5f006db8ccd8c54",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:41:59.456000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:41:59.456000', 'bytes': 3659394048, 'norm_byte': 63763456, 'ops': 3573627, 'norm_ops': 62269, 'norm_ltcy': 16.07692421816032, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:41:59.456000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:41:59.456000",
+ "bytes": 3659394048,
+ "norm_byte": 63763456,
+ "ops": 3573627,
+ "norm_ops": 62269,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.07692421816032,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "01ca7810352bf9e5a18ffbd835f3f9148476f3fc0bc01a1e1b3d997f41906260",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:42:00.457000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:42:00.457000', 'bytes': 3722311680, 'norm_byte': 62917632, 'ops': 3635070, 'norm_ops': 61443, 'norm_ltcy': 16.292968559274453, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:42:00.457000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:42:00.457000",
+ "bytes": 3722311680,
+ "norm_byte": 62917632,
+ "ops": 3635070,
+ "norm_ops": 61443,
+ "norm_ltcy": 16.292968559274453,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "26bd3122273a55d08e60dd63a0adf05f26a85ec00da5fb9d0ee858a308a3bd9c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:42:01.658000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:42:01.658000', 'bytes': 3784004608, 'norm_byte': 61692928, 'ops': 3695317, 'norm_ops': 60247, 'norm_ltcy': 19.926429006579166, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:42:01.658000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:42:01.658000",
+ "bytes": 3784004608,
+ "norm_byte": 61692928,
+ "ops": 3695317,
+ "norm_ops": 60247,
+ "norm_ltcy": 19.926429006579166,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "addf48ce-8b5a-511c-ae11-a005d796e100",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7bbc8afb5fdeb9a9175f2f0b8327d95319bd311318f3186c5d502535fd40334a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 63066743.46666667
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 61588.61666666667
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 16.68348372733934
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:42:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-123-220519233816/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-123-220519233816/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf123a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-123-220519233816/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-123-220519233816/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-123-220519233816/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-123-220519233816/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-123-220519233816/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-123-220519233816/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7782b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-123-220519233816/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=65
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=85
+ vm.swappiness=15
+ net.core.busy_read=0
+ net.core.busy_poll=40
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-124-220519234017/220519234017-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-124-220519234017/220519234017-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aebd057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-124-220519234017/220519234017-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: logging level is DEBUG
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Successfully imported 3 benchmark modules: coremarkpro, systemd_analyze, uperf
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _load_benchmarks: Failed to import 0 benchmark modules:
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Not connected to Elasticsearch
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: looking for uperf
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - wrapper_factory: identified uperf as the benchmark wrapper
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Starting uperf wrapper.
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Running setup tasks.
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got config: {'params': Namespace(archive_file=None, client_ips=' ', client_node='worker001-740xd', cluster_name='test-cluster', colocate='', config=None, createarchive=False, density='1', density_range='', hostnetwork='False', kind='pod', labels={}, loglevel=10, message_size=None, multus_client='macvlan-range-0', networkpolicy='False', node_range='', nodes_in_iter='1', num_pairs='1', num_threads=1, port='30000', protocol='', read_message_size=None, remote_ip='', run_id='NA', sample=1, server_node='unknown', service_ip='False', service_type='', step_size='', test_type='', tool='uperf', user='ripsaw', uuid='c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975', workload='/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', **{'pod-id': '0'}), 'parser': ArgumentParser(prog='run_snafu', usage=None, description='Run benchmark-wrapper and export results.', formatter_class=, conflict_handler='resolve', add_help=False), 'group': , 'env_to_params': {'clustername': 'cluster_name', 'test_user': 'user', 'uuid': 'uuid', 'WORKLOAD': 'workload', 'SAMPLE': 'sample', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'kind', 'ips': 'client_ips', 'h': 'remote_ip', 'hostnet': 'hostnetwork', 'serviceip': 'service_ip', 'servicetype': 'service_type', 'port': 'port', 'server_node': 'server_node', 'client_node': 'client_node', 'num_pairs': 'num_pairs', 'multus_client': 'multus_client', 'networkpolicy': 'networkpolicy', 'node_count': 'nodes_in_iter', 'pod_count': 'density', 'colocate': 'colocate', 'stepsize': 'step_size', 'test_type': 'test_type', 'proto': 'protocol', 'rsize': 'read_message_size', 'wsize': 'message_size', 'nthr': 'num_threads', 'density_range': 'density_range', 'node_range': 'node_range', 'my_pod_idx': 'pod-id'}}
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Collecting results from benchmark.
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Collecting 1 sample of Uperf
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Collecting 1 sample of command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Starting sample 1
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Running command: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Using args: {'env': {'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975', 'clustername': 'test-cluster', 'h': '', 'pod_count': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'uperf-client-', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'hostnet': 'False', 'num_pairs': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PROTO': 'tcp', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR': '', 'container': 'oci', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT': 'tcp://', 'KUBERNETES_PORT': 'tcp://', 'my_node_idx': '0', 'PWD': '/', 'HOME': '/', 'test_user': 'ripsaw', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT': '8443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS': '443', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT': '443', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST': '', 'KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'my_pod_idx': '0', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE': 'no', 'SHLVL': '1', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT': '443', 'node_count': '1', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP': 'tcp://', 'ips': ' ', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'BENCHMARK_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_METRICS_SERVICE_PORT_8443_TCP_PORT': '8443', 'KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST': '', '_': '/usr/local/bin/run_snafu', 'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8', 'WORKLOAD': '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', 'SAMPLE': '1', 'RESOURCETYPE': 'pod', 'serviceip': 'False', 'servicetype': '', 'port': '30000', 'colocate': '', 'stepsize': '', 'test_type': '', 'proto': '', 'rsize': 'None', 'wsize': 'None', 'nthr': '1', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': ''}}
+2022-05-19T23:43:01Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: On try 1
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Finished running. Got attempt: ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003782105.5454 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003783106.6516 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003783106.7473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003784107.8474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35333120 nr_ops:34505\ntimestamp_ms:1653003785108.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70636544 nr_ops:68981\ntimestamp_ms:1653003786110.0330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105884672 nr_ops:103403\ntimestamp_ms:1653003787111.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140903424 nr_ops:137601\ntimestamp_ms:1653003788112.2266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176178176 nr_ops:172049\ntimestamp_ms:1653003789112.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211485696 nr_ops:206529\ntimestamp_ms:1653003790113.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246641664 nr_ops:240861\ntimestamp_ms:1653003791115.0271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282063872 nr_ops:275453\ntimestamp_ms:1653003792116.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317260800 nr_ops:309825\ntimestamp_ms:1653003793116.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352394240 nr_ops:344135\ntimestamp_ms:1653003794117.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:387933184 nr_ops:378841\ntimestamp_ms:1653003795118.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423164928 nr_ops:413247\ntimestamp_ms:1653003796119.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458583040 nr_ops:447835\ntimestamp_ms:1653003797121.0193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493847552 nr_ops:482273\ntimestamp_ms:1653003798122.1079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529140736 nr_ops:516739\ntimestamp_ms:1653003799123.1958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564343808 nr_ops:551117\ntimestamp_ms:1653003800124.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599546880 nr_ops:585495\ntimestamp_ms:1653003801125.3738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634657792 nr_ops:619783\ntimestamp_ms:1653003802126.4619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670089216 nr_ops:654384\ntimestamp_ms:1653003803127.5530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705356800 nr_ops:688825\ntimestamp_ms:1653003804128.6445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740541440 nr_ops:723185\ntimestamp_ms:1653003805129.7407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775832576 nr_ops:757649\ntimestamp_ms:1653003806130.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811498496 nr_ops:792479\ntimestamp_ms:1653003807131.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846696448 nr_ops:826852\ntimestamp_ms:1653003808133.0525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881986560 nr_ops:861315\ntimestamp_ms:1653003809134.1431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917294080 nr_ops:895795\ntimestamp_ms:1653003810135.2346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952798208 nr_ops:930467\ntimestamp_ms:1653003811136.3232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987985920 nr_ops:964830\ntimestamp_ms:1653003812137.4229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023222784 nr_ops:999241\ntimestamp_ms:1653003813138.5125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058604032 nr_ops:1033793\ntimestamp_ms:1653003814139.5540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094208512 nr_ops:1068563\ntimestamp_ms:1653003815140.6433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129516032 nr_ops:1103043\ntimestamp_ms:1653003816141.7322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165032448 nr_ops:1137727\ntimestamp_ms:1653003817142.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200435200 nr_ops:1172300\ntimestamp_ms:1653003818143.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1235708928 nr_ops:1206747\ntimestamp_ms:1653003819145.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271153664 nr_ops:1241361\ntimestamp_ms:1653003820146.0762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306770432 nr_ops:1276143\ntimestamp_ms:1653003821147.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342133248 nr_ops:1310677\ntimestamp_ms:1653003822148.2754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377606656 nr_ops:1345319\ntimestamp_ms:1653003823148.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414097920 nr_ops:1380955\ntimestamp_ms:1653003824149.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450474496 nr_ops:1416479\ntimestamp_ms:1653003825150.8296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486449664 nr_ops:1451611\ntimestamp_ms:1653003826151.8613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521738752 nr_ops:1486073\ntimestamp_ms:1653003827152.9854 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556999168 nr_ops:1520507\ntimestamp_ms:1653003828154.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592947712 nr_ops:1555613\ntimestamp_ms:1653003829155.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1629332480 nr_ops:1591145\ntimestamp_ms:1653003830156.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1664746496 nr_ops:1625729\ntimestamp_ms:1653003831157.2605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1692867584 nr_ops:1653191\ntimestamp_ms:1653003832158.3079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728529408 nr_ops:1688017\ntimestamp_ms:1653003833159.3948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763816448 nr_ops:1722477\ntimestamp_ms:1653003834160.4993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799437312 nr_ops:1757263\ntimestamp_ms:1653003835161.5481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835228160 nr_ops:1792215\ntimestamp_ms:1653003836162.6370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870533632 nr_ops:1826693\ntimestamp_ms:1653003837163.7209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905929216 nr_ops:1861259\ntimestamp_ms:1653003838164.7830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941004288 nr_ops:1895512\ntimestamp_ms:1653003839165.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976306688 nr_ops:1929987\ntimestamp_ms:1653003840166.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2011423744 nr_ops:1964281\ntimestamp_ms:1653003841168.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046942208 nr_ops:1998967\ntimestamp_ms:1653003842169.1616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082120704 nr_ops:2033321\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139707521156864\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2116957184 nr_ops:2067341\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.5803 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.5840 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843470.8101 name:Total nr_bytes:2116957184 nr_ops:2067342\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.6680 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4233914366 nr_ops:4134684\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.6685 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2116957184 nr_ops:2067344\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 409.96us 0.00ns 409.96us 409.96us \nTxn1 1033671 58.07us 0.00ns 202.71ms 23.95us \nTxn2 1 35.52us 0.00ns 35.52us 35.52us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 408.81us 0.00ns 408.81us 408.81us \nwrite 1033671 3.84us 0.00ns 85.45us 2.19us \nread 1033670 54.12us 0.00ns 202.70ms 1.19us \ndisconnect 1 35.11us 0.00ns 35.11us 35.11us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 775.80b/s \nnet1 16574 16574 144.53Mb/s 144.53Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.219 62.37s 1.97GB 271.55Mb/s 2067343 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.55Mb/s 2067344 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415428, hit_timeout=False)
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got return code 0, expected 0
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Command finished with 1 attempt: ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Got sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003782105.5454 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003783106.6516 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003783106.7473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003784107.8474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35333120 nr_ops:34505\ntimestamp_ms:1653003785108.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70636544 nr_ops:68981\ntimestamp_ms:1653003786110.0330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105884672 nr_ops:103403\ntimestamp_ms:1653003787111.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140903424 nr_ops:137601\ntimestamp_ms:1653003788112.2266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176178176 nr_ops:172049\ntimestamp_ms:1653003789112.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211485696 nr_ops:206529\ntimestamp_ms:1653003790113.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246641664 nr_ops:240861\ntimestamp_ms:1653003791115.0271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282063872 nr_ops:275453\ntimestamp_ms:1653003792116.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317260800 nr_ops:309825\ntimestamp_ms:1653003793116.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352394240 nr_ops:344135\ntimestamp_ms:1653003794117.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:387933184 nr_ops:378841\ntimestamp_ms:1653003795118.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423164928 nr_ops:413247\ntimestamp_ms:1653003796119.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458583040 nr_ops:447835\ntimestamp_ms:1653003797121.0193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493847552 nr_ops:482273\ntimestamp_ms:1653003798122.1079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529140736 nr_ops:516739\ntimestamp_ms:1653003799123.1958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564343808 nr_ops:551117\ntimestamp_ms:1653003800124.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599546880 nr_ops:585495\ntimestamp_ms:1653003801125.3738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634657792 nr_ops:619783\ntimestamp_ms:1653003802126.4619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670089216 nr_ops:654384\ntimestamp_ms:1653003803127.5530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705356800 nr_ops:688825\ntimestamp_ms:1653003804128.6445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740541440 nr_ops:723185\ntimestamp_ms:1653003805129.7407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775832576 nr_ops:757649\ntimestamp_ms:1653003806130.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811498496 nr_ops:792479\ntimestamp_ms:1653003807131.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846696448 nr_ops:826852\ntimestamp_ms:1653003808133.0525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881986560 nr_ops:861315\ntimestamp_ms:1653003809134.1431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917294080 nr_ops:895795\ntimestamp_ms:1653003810135.2346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952798208 nr_ops:930467\ntimestamp_ms:1653003811136.3232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987985920 nr_ops:964830\ntimestamp_ms:1653003812137.4229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023222784 nr_ops:999241\ntimestamp_ms:1653003813138.5125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058604032 nr_ops:1033793\ntimestamp_ms:1653003814139.5540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094208512 nr_ops:1068563\ntimestamp_ms:1653003815140.6433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129516032 nr_ops:1103043\ntimestamp_ms:1653003816141.7322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165032448 nr_ops:1137727\ntimestamp_ms:1653003817142.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200435200 nr_ops:1172300\ntimestamp_ms:1653003818143.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1235708928 nr_ops:1206747\ntimestamp_ms:1653003819145.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271153664 nr_ops:1241361\ntimestamp_ms:1653003820146.0762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306770432 nr_ops:1276143\ntimestamp_ms:1653003821147.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342133248 nr_ops:1310677\ntimestamp_ms:1653003822148.2754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377606656 nr_ops:1345319\ntimestamp_ms:1653003823148.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414097920 nr_ops:1380955\ntimestamp_ms:1653003824149.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450474496 nr_ops:1416479\ntimestamp_ms:1653003825150.8296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486449664 nr_ops:1451611\ntimestamp_ms:1653003826151.8613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521738752 nr_ops:1486073\ntimestamp_ms:1653003827152.9854 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556999168 nr_ops:1520507\ntimestamp_ms:1653003828154.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592947712 nr_ops:1555613\ntimestamp_ms:1653003829155.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1629332480 nr_ops:1591145\ntimestamp_ms:1653003830156.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1664746496 nr_ops:1625729\ntimestamp_ms:1653003831157.2605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1692867584 nr_ops:1653191\ntimestamp_ms:1653003832158.3079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728529408 nr_ops:1688017\ntimestamp_ms:1653003833159.3948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763816448 nr_ops:1722477\ntimestamp_ms:1653003834160.4993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799437312 nr_ops:1757263\ntimestamp_ms:1653003835161.5481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835228160 nr_ops:1792215\ntimestamp_ms:1653003836162.6370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870533632 nr_ops:1826693\ntimestamp_ms:1653003837163.7209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905929216 nr_ops:1861259\ntimestamp_ms:1653003838164.7830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941004288 nr_ops:1895512\ntimestamp_ms:1653003839165.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976306688 nr_ops:1929987\ntimestamp_ms:1653003840166.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2011423744 nr_ops:1964281\ntimestamp_ms:1653003841168.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046942208 nr_ops:1998967\ntimestamp_ms:1653003842169.1616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082120704 nr_ops:2033321\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139707521156864\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2116957184 nr_ops:2067341\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.5803 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.5840 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843470.8101 name:Total nr_bytes:2116957184 nr_ops:2067342\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.6680 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4233914366 nr_ops:4134684\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.6685 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2116957184 nr_ops:2067344\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 409.96us 0.00ns 409.96us 409.96us \nTxn1 1033671 58.07us 0.00ns 202.71ms 23.95us \nTxn2 1 35.52us 0.00ns 35.52us 35.52us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 408.81us 0.00ns 408.81us 408.81us \nwrite 1033671 3.84us 0.00ns 85.45us 2.19us \nread 1033670 54.12us 0.00ns 202.70ms 1.19us \ndisconnect 1 35.11us 0.00ns 35.11us 35.11us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 775.80b/s \nnet1 16574 16574 144.53Mb/s 144.53Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.219 62.37s 1.97GB 271.55Mb/s 2067343 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.55Mb/s 2067344 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415428, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Sample 1 has success state for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Finished collecting sample 0
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample: ProcessSample(expected_rc=0, success=True, attempts=1, timeout=None, failed=[], successful=ProcessRun(rc=0, stdout='Error getting SSL CTX:1\nAllocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes\nCompleted handshake phase 1\nStarting handshake phase 2\nHandshake phase 2 with\n Done preprocessing accepts\n Sent handshake header\n Sending workorder\n Sent workorder\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\n Sent flowop\n Sent transaction\n Sent flowop\nTX worklist success Sent workorder\nHandshake phase 2 with done\nCompleted handshake phase 2\nStarting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003782105.5454 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003783106.6516 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003783106.7473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003784107.8474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35333120 nr_ops:34505\ntimestamp_ms:1653003785108.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70636544 nr_ops:68981\ntimestamp_ms:1653003786110.0330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105884672 nr_ops:103403\ntimestamp_ms:1653003787111.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140903424 nr_ops:137601\ntimestamp_ms:1653003788112.2266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176178176 nr_ops:172049\ntimestamp_ms:1653003789112.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211485696 nr_ops:206529\ntimestamp_ms:1653003790113.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246641664 nr_ops:240861\ntimestamp_ms:1653003791115.0271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282063872 nr_ops:275453\ntimestamp_ms:1653003792116.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317260800 nr_ops:309825\ntimestamp_ms:1653003793116.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352394240 nr_ops:344135\ntimestamp_ms:1653003794117.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:387933184 nr_ops:378841\ntimestamp_ms:1653003795118.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423164928 nr_ops:413247\ntimestamp_ms:1653003796119.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458583040 nr_ops:447835\ntimestamp_ms:1653003797121.0193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493847552 nr_ops:482273\ntimestamp_ms:1653003798122.1079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529140736 nr_ops:516739\ntimestamp_ms:1653003799123.1958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564343808 nr_ops:551117\ntimestamp_ms:1653003800124.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599546880 nr_ops:585495\ntimestamp_ms:1653003801125.3738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634657792 nr_ops:619783\ntimestamp_ms:1653003802126.4619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670089216 nr_ops:654384\ntimestamp_ms:1653003803127.5530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705356800 nr_ops:688825\ntimestamp_ms:1653003804128.6445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740541440 nr_ops:723185\ntimestamp_ms:1653003805129.7407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775832576 nr_ops:757649\ntimestamp_ms:1653003806130.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811498496 nr_ops:792479\ntimestamp_ms:1653003807131.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846696448 nr_ops:826852\ntimestamp_ms:1653003808133.0525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881986560 nr_ops:861315\ntimestamp_ms:1653003809134.1431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917294080 nr_ops:895795\ntimestamp_ms:1653003810135.2346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952798208 nr_ops:930467\ntimestamp_ms:1653003811136.3232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987985920 nr_ops:964830\ntimestamp_ms:1653003812137.4229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023222784 nr_ops:999241\ntimestamp_ms:1653003813138.5125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058604032 nr_ops:1033793\ntimestamp_ms:1653003814139.5540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094208512 nr_ops:1068563\ntimestamp_ms:1653003815140.6433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129516032 nr_ops:1103043\ntimestamp_ms:1653003816141.7322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165032448 nr_ops:1137727\ntimestamp_ms:1653003817142.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200435200 nr_ops:1172300\ntimestamp_ms:1653003818143.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1235708928 nr_ops:1206747\ntimestamp_ms:1653003819145.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271153664 nr_ops:1241361\ntimestamp_ms:1653003820146.0762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306770432 nr_ops:1276143\ntimestamp_ms:1653003821147.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342133248 nr_ops:1310677\ntimestamp_ms:1653003822148.2754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377606656 nr_ops:1345319\ntimestamp_ms:1653003823148.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414097920 nr_ops:1380955\ntimestamp_ms:1653003824149.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450474496 nr_ops:1416479\ntimestamp_ms:1653003825150.8296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486449664 nr_ops:1451611\ntimestamp_ms:1653003826151.8613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521738752 nr_ops:1486073\ntimestamp_ms:1653003827152.9854 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556999168 nr_ops:1520507\ntimestamp_ms:1653003828154.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592947712 nr_ops:1555613\ntimestamp_ms:1653003829155.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1629332480 nr_ops:1591145\ntimestamp_ms:1653003830156.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1664746496 nr_ops:1625729\ntimestamp_ms:1653003831157.2605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1692867584 nr_ops:1653191\ntimestamp_ms:1653003832158.3079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728529408 nr_ops:1688017\ntimestamp_ms:1653003833159.3948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763816448 nr_ops:1722477\ntimestamp_ms:1653003834160.4993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799437312 nr_ops:1757263\ntimestamp_ms:1653003835161.5481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835228160 nr_ops:1792215\ntimestamp_ms:1653003836162.6370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870533632 nr_ops:1826693\ntimestamp_ms:1653003837163.7209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905929216 nr_ops:1861259\ntimestamp_ms:1653003838164.7830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941004288 nr_ops:1895512\ntimestamp_ms:1653003839165.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976306688 nr_ops:1929987\ntimestamp_ms:1653003840166.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2011423744 nr_ops:1964281\ntimestamp_ms:1653003841168.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046942208 nr_ops:1998967\ntimestamp_ms:1653003842169.1616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082120704 nr_ops:2033321\nSending signal SIGUSR2 to 139707521156864\ncalled out\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2116957184 nr_ops:2067341\n\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.5803 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.5840 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843470.8101 name:Total nr_bytes:2116957184 nr_ops:2067342\n\nGroup Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.6680 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4233914366 nr_ops:4134684\n\n\nStrand Details\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ntimestamp_ms:1653003843370.6685 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2116957184 nr_ops:2067344\n\n\nTxn Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTxn0 1 409.96us 0.00ns 409.96us 409.96us \nTxn1 1033671 58.07us 0.00ns 202.71ms 23.95us \nTxn2 1 35.52us 0.00ns 35.52us 35.52us \n\n\nFlowop Count avg cpu max min \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconnect 1 408.81us 0.00ns 408.81us 408.81us \nwrite 1033671 3.84us 0.00ns 85.45us 2.19us \nread 1033670 54.12us 0.00ns 202.70ms 1.19us \ndisconnect 1 35.11us 0.00ns 35.11us 35.11us \n\n\nNetstat statistics for this run\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nNic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s\neth0 0 2 26.94b/s 775.80b/s \nnet1 16574 16574 144.53Mb/s 144.53Mb/s \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nRun Statistics\nHostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[] Success11.10.1.219 62.37s 1.97GB 271.55Mb/s 2067343 0.00\nmaster 62.37s 1.97GB 271.55Mb/s 2067344 0.00\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDifference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%\n\n\n', stderr='', time_seconds=62.415428, hit_timeout=False))
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Error getting SSL CTX:1
+Allocating shared memory of size 156624 bytes
+Completed handshake phase 1
+Starting handshake phase 2
+Handshake phase 2 with
+ Done preprocessing accepts
+ Sent handshake header
+ Sending workorder
+ Sent workorder
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent flowop
+ Sent transaction
+ Sent flowop
+TX worklist success Sent workorder
+Handshake phase 2 with done
+Completed handshake phase 2
+Starting 1 threads running profile:rr-tcp-1024-1024-1 ... 0.00 seconds
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003782105.5454 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003783106.6516 name:Txn1 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:1
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 1] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003783106.7473 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003784107.8474 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:35333120 nr_ops:34505
+timestamp_ms:1653003785108.9392 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:70636544 nr_ops:68981
+timestamp_ms:1653003786110.0330 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:105884672 nr_ops:103403
+timestamp_ms:1653003787111.1304 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:140903424 nr_ops:137601
+timestamp_ms:1653003788112.2266 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:176178176 nr_ops:172049
+timestamp_ms:1653003789112.8311 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:211485696 nr_ops:206529
+timestamp_ms:1653003790113.9363 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:246641664 nr_ops:240861
+timestamp_ms:1653003791115.0271 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:282063872 nr_ops:275453
+timestamp_ms:1653003792116.1152 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:317260800 nr_ops:309825
+timestamp_ms:1653003793116.8386 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:352394240 nr_ops:344135
+timestamp_ms:1653003794117.9463 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:387933184 nr_ops:378841
+timestamp_ms:1653003795118.8335 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:423164928 nr_ops:413247
+timestamp_ms:1653003796119.9270 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:458583040 nr_ops:447835
+timestamp_ms:1653003797121.0193 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:493847552 nr_ops:482273
+timestamp_ms:1653003798122.1079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:529140736 nr_ops:516739
+timestamp_ms:1653003799123.1958 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:564343808 nr_ops:551117
+timestamp_ms:1653003800124.2842 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:599546880 nr_ops:585495
+timestamp_ms:1653003801125.3738 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:634657792 nr_ops:619783
+timestamp_ms:1653003802126.4619 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:670089216 nr_ops:654384
+timestamp_ms:1653003803127.5530 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:705356800 nr_ops:688825
+timestamp_ms:1653003804128.6445 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:740541440 nr_ops:723185
+timestamp_ms:1653003805129.7407 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:775832576 nr_ops:757649
+timestamp_ms:1653003806130.8450 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:811498496 nr_ops:792479
+timestamp_ms:1653003807131.9612 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:846696448 nr_ops:826852
+timestamp_ms:1653003808133.0525 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:881986560 nr_ops:861315
+timestamp_ms:1653003809134.1431 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:917294080 nr_ops:895795
+timestamp_ms:1653003810135.2346 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:952798208 nr_ops:930467
+timestamp_ms:1653003811136.3232 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:987985920 nr_ops:964830
+timestamp_ms:1653003812137.4229 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1023222784 nr_ops:999241
+timestamp_ms:1653003813138.5125 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1058604032 nr_ops:1033793
+timestamp_ms:1653003814139.5540 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1094208512 nr_ops:1068563
+timestamp_ms:1653003815140.6433 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1129516032 nr_ops:1103043
+timestamp_ms:1653003816141.7322 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1165032448 nr_ops:1137727
+timestamp_ms:1653003817142.8394 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1200435200 nr_ops:1172300
+timestamp_ms:1653003818143.9441 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1235708928 nr_ops:1206747
+timestamp_ms:1653003819145.0371 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1271153664 nr_ops:1241361
+timestamp_ms:1653003820146.0762 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1306770432 nr_ops:1276143
+timestamp_ms:1653003821147.1658 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1342133248 nr_ops:1310677
+timestamp_ms:1653003822148.2754 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1377606656 nr_ops:1345319
+timestamp_ms:1653003823148.8320 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1414097920 nr_ops:1380955
+timestamp_ms:1653003824149.8345 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1450474496 nr_ops:1416479
+timestamp_ms:1653003825150.8296 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1486449664 nr_ops:1451611
+timestamp_ms:1653003826151.8613 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1521738752 nr_ops:1486073
+timestamp_ms:1653003827152.9854 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1556999168 nr_ops:1520507
+timestamp_ms:1653003828154.0349 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1592947712 nr_ops:1555613
+timestamp_ms:1653003829155.1208 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1629332480 nr_ops:1591145
+timestamp_ms:1653003830156.2126 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1664746496 nr_ops:1625729
+timestamp_ms:1653003831157.2605 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1692867584 nr_ops:1653191
+timestamp_ms:1653003832158.3079 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1728529408 nr_ops:1688017
+timestamp_ms:1653003833159.3948 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1763816448 nr_ops:1722477
+timestamp_ms:1653003834160.4993 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1799437312 nr_ops:1757263
+timestamp_ms:1653003835161.5481 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1835228160 nr_ops:1792215
+timestamp_ms:1653003836162.6370 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1870533632 nr_ops:1826693
+timestamp_ms:1653003837163.7209 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1905929216 nr_ops:1861259
+timestamp_ms:1653003838164.7830 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1941004288 nr_ops:1895512
+timestamp_ms:1653003839165.8364 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:1976306688 nr_ops:1929987
+timestamp_ms:1653003840166.8745 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2011423744 nr_ops:1964281
+timestamp_ms:1653003841168.0610 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2046942208 nr_ops:1998967
+timestamp_ms:1653003842169.1616 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2082120704 nr_ops:2033321
+Sending signal SIGUSR2 to 139707521156864
+called out
+timestamp_ms:1653003843370.5381 name:Txn2 nr_bytes:2116957184 nr_ops:2067341
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_NEXT_TXN, 2] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003843370.5803 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+timestamp_ms:1653003843370.5840 name:Txn3 nr_bytes:0 nr_ops:0
+TX command [UPERF_CMD_SEND_STATS, 0] to
+timestamp_ms:1653003843470.8101 name:Total nr_bytes:2116957184 nr_ops:2067342
+Group Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003843370.6680 name:Group0 nr_bytes:4233914366 nr_ops:4134684
+Strand Details
+timestamp_ms:1653003843370.6685 name:Thr0 nr_bytes:2116957184 nr_ops:2067344
+Txn Count avg cpu max min
+Txn0 1 409.96us 0.00ns 409.96us 409.96us
+Txn1 1033671 58.07us 0.00ns 202.71ms 23.95us
+Txn2 1 35.52us 0.00ns 35.52us 35.52us
+Flowop Count avg cpu max min
+connect 1 408.81us 0.00ns 408.81us 408.81us
+write 1033671 3.84us 0.00ns 85.45us 2.19us
+read 1033670 54.12us 0.00ns 202.70ms 1.19us
+disconnect 1 35.11us 0.00ns 35.11us 35.11us
+Netstat statistics for this run
+Nic opkts/s ipkts/s obits/s ibits/s
+eth0 0 2 26.94b/s 775.80b/s
+net1 16574 16574 144.53Mb/s 144.53Mb/s
+Run Statistics
+Hostname Time Data Throughput Operations Errors
+[] Success11.10.1.219 62.37s 1.97GB 271.55Mb/s 2067343 0.00
+master 62.37s 1.97GB 271.55Mb/s 2067344 0.00
+Difference(%) -0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - WARNING - MainProcess - uperf: The following params will be overwritten due to values found in workload profile name: test_type, protocol, num_threads
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:04.107000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:04.107000', 'bytes': 35333120, 'norm_byte': 35333120, 'ops': 34505, 'norm_ops': 34505, 'norm_ltcy': 29.013189324916677, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:04.107000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:04.107000",
+ "bytes": 35333120,
+ "norm_byte": 35333120,
+ "ops": 34505,
+ "norm_ops": 34505,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.013189324916677,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7da207fd54ecfc24edc692c03c5fd7335937027da4a358819a94c1a2d755815f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:05.108000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:05.108000', 'bytes': 70636544, 'norm_byte': 35303424, 'ops': 68981, 'norm_ops': 34476, 'norm_ltcy': 29.037353430647407, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:05.108000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:05.108000",
+ "bytes": 70636544,
+ "norm_byte": 35303424,
+ "ops": 68981,
+ "norm_ops": 34476,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.037353430647407,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "10dcc31356b088aac1c0470944c64a96c611d01d4ea6d03ba6765042e6e884af",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:06.110000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:06.110000', 'bytes': 105884672, 'norm_byte': 35248128, 'ops': 103403, 'norm_ops': 34422, 'norm_ltcy': 29.082962930683863, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:06.110000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:06.110000",
+ "bytes": 105884672,
+ "norm_byte": 35248128,
+ "ops": 103403,
+ "norm_ops": 34422,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.082962930683863,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "583bc994a0e693999abf467ca401faba1cfa1211531e207a800a5a5ff17c4bda",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:07.111000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:07.111000', 'bytes': 140903424, 'norm_byte': 35018752, 'ops': 137601, 'norm_ops': 34198, 'norm_ltcy': 29.27356605969282, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:07.111000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:07.111000",
+ "bytes": 140903424,
+ "norm_byte": 35018752,
+ "ops": 137601,
+ "norm_ops": 34198,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.27356605969282,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ded9f13883d87112bae87c7dc3a239396229866e43994f06048c5513ba06e329",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:08.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:08.112000', 'bytes': 176178176, 'norm_byte': 35274752, 'ops': 172049, 'norm_ops': 34448, 'norm_ltcy': 29.0610831225688, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:08.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:08.112000",
+ "bytes": 176178176,
+ "norm_byte": 35274752,
+ "ops": 172049,
+ "norm_ops": 34448,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.0610831225688,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "41f6041ad99bd61f6cfb6407be472b75e1f1936656fa5b125e215c9c411f6e4e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:09.112000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:09.112000', 'bytes': 211485696, 'norm_byte': 35307520, 'ops': 206529, 'norm_ops': 34480, 'norm_ltcy': 29.019851861586428, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:09.112000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:09.112000",
+ "bytes": 211485696,
+ "norm_byte": 35307520,
+ "ops": 206529,
+ "norm_ops": 34480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.019851861586428,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "aff609db93cd8833334f7fcc9c006b7de5724ed45a03a605173fc991b7585856",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:10.113000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:10.113000', 'bytes': 246641664, 'norm_byte': 35155968, 'ops': 240861, 'norm_ops': 34332, 'norm_ltcy': 29.15953700947731, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:10.113000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:10.113000",
+ "bytes": 246641664,
+ "norm_byte": 35155968,
+ "ops": 240861,
+ "norm_ops": 34332,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.15953700947731,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b89e4070a753c940985e9f39303999db00035b69392d9bfc6b30341214ee671b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:11.115000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:11.115000', 'bytes': 282063872, 'norm_byte': 35422208, 'ops': 275453, 'norm_ops': 34592, 'norm_ltcy': 28.939952021059785, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:11.115000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:11.115000",
+ "bytes": 282063872,
+ "norm_byte": 35422208,
+ "ops": 275453,
+ "norm_ops": 34592,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.939952021059785,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "74989b5e58d2f5bf9090a0b4b8f0d3911cd57e5e0cfd802ce35b10de3b8953c7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:12.116000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:12.116000', 'bytes': 317260800, 'norm_byte': 35196928, 'ops': 309825, 'norm_ops': 34372, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12510574786527, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:12.116000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:12.116000",
+ "bytes": 317260800,
+ "norm_byte": 35196928,
+ "ops": 309825,
+ "norm_ops": 34372,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12510574786527,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1e30687621f3dd4e242c2ee0f5839a6a894e3f1ec1116ad001c0c1da4c261e62",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:13.116000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:13.116000', 'bytes': 352394240, 'norm_byte': 35133440, 'ops': 344135, 'norm_ops': 34310, 'norm_ltcy': 29.167105469888515, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:13.116000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:13.116000",
+ "bytes": 352394240,
+ "norm_byte": 35133440,
+ "ops": 344135,
+ "norm_ops": 34310,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.167105469888515,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a36b744a5531764fafa699eaac944851e16dc8d3b734017400a95ece83697692",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:14.117000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:14.117000', 'bytes': 387933184, 'norm_byte': 35538944, 'ops': 378841, 'norm_ops': 34706, 'norm_ltcy': 28.84537734154397, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:14.117000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:14.117000",
+ "bytes": 387933184,
+ "norm_byte": 35538944,
+ "ops": 378841,
+ "norm_ops": 34706,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.84537734154397,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "82b74d51b64d70f042e21f17b261895646b34ccbb299c7fb78c3b20d57ce1121",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:15.118000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:15.118000', 'bytes': 423164928, 'norm_byte': 35231744, 'ops': 413247, 'norm_ops': 34406, 'norm_ltcy': 29.090484422230134, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:15.118000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:15.118000",
+ "bytes": 423164928,
+ "norm_byte": 35231744,
+ "ops": 413247,
+ "norm_ops": 34406,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.090484422230134,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "727781e95590afbd45e8c49182ec4295cd1acbece1e869a8b100055c5e194587",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:16.119000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:16.119000', 'bytes': 458583040, 'norm_byte': 35418112, 'ops': 447835, 'norm_ops': 34588, 'norm_ltcy': 28.94337648488999, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:16.119000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:16.119000",
+ "bytes": 458583040,
+ "norm_byte": 35418112,
+ "ops": 447835,
+ "norm_ops": 34588,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.94337648488999,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "e78b744724418b443a435fffa602874cee850b4af21ef46b68ee7aff242d7816",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:17.121000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:17.121000', 'bytes': 493847552, 'norm_byte': 35264512, 'ops': 482273, 'norm_ops': 34438, 'norm_ltcy': 29.069408361584586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:17.121000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:17.121000",
+ "bytes": 493847552,
+ "norm_byte": 35264512,
+ "ops": 482273,
+ "norm_ops": 34438,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.069408361584586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f1fb546ce1f39e4e6a3338919ac5f86a7768c1fe4ff9833ff532bcefedc0c7b2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:18.122000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:18.122000', 'bytes': 529140736, 'norm_byte': 35293184, 'ops': 516739, 'norm_ops': 34466, 'norm_ltcy': 29.045686271887515, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:18.122000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:18.122000",
+ "bytes": 529140736,
+ "norm_byte": 35293184,
+ "ops": 516739,
+ "norm_ops": 34466,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.045686271887515,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "07dfb15456b6fc873fa3669101f4ebd9bcc0dad5f938c5637bc42325e6ad7bc0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:19.123000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:19.123000', 'bytes': 564343808, 'norm_byte': 35203072, 'ops': 551117, 'norm_ops': 34378, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12001543501658, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:19.123000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:19.123000",
+ "bytes": 564343808,
+ "norm_byte": 35203072,
+ "ops": 551117,
+ "norm_ops": 34378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12001543501658,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fb790812e6466d51590b513fe5cff0fee245e85ae496b228b77e9a48f2446e50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:20.124000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:20.124000', 'bytes': 599546880, 'norm_byte': 35203072, 'ops': 585495, 'norm_ops': 34378, 'norm_ltcy': 29.120029638322475, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:20.124000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:20.124000",
+ "bytes": 599546880,
+ "norm_byte": 35203072,
+ "ops": 585495,
+ "norm_ops": 34378,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.120029638322475,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ee36f9403c927709814827ddc18ce42c7414d0bb66ba5e743fd15a4efb94af50",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:21.125000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:21.125000', 'bytes': 634657792, 'norm_byte': 35110912, 'ops': 619783, 'norm_ops': 34288, 'norm_ltcy': 29.19650022192531, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:21.125000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:21.125000",
+ "bytes": 634657792,
+ "norm_byte": 35110912,
+ "ops": 619783,
+ "norm_ops": 34288,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.19650022192531,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3157f7ce9360e57a72a06ffc32b4a3cc43a83c33b8682771126a8736602c7351",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:22.126000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:22.126000', 'bytes': 670089216, 'norm_byte': 35431424, 'ops': 654384, 'norm_ops': 34601, 'norm_ltcy': 28.932346890714864, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:22.126000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:22.126000",
+ "bytes": 670089216,
+ "norm_byte": 35431424,
+ "ops": 654384,
+ "norm_ops": 34601,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.932346890714864,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fb217601890daad813e3c665a411b582c6d3d411ad668ceca60e378abc432df4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:23.127000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:23.127000', 'bytes': 705356800, 'norm_byte': 35267584, 'ops': 688825, 'norm_ops': 34441, 'norm_ltcy': 29.066840813365612, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:23.127000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:23.127000",
+ "bytes": 705356800,
+ "norm_byte": 35267584,
+ "ops": 688825,
+ "norm_ops": 34441,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.066840813365612,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f0598b3d6ba92216ca95abf44a503bea3a8c2ac311470bc9d2fdeb1567cd5a20",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:24.128000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:24.128000', 'bytes': 740541440, 'norm_byte': 35184640, 'ops': 723185, 'norm_ops': 34360, 'norm_ltcy': 29.135376971314756, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:24.128000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:24.128000",
+ "bytes": 740541440,
+ "norm_byte": 35184640,
+ "ops": 723185,
+ "norm_ops": 34360,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.135376971314756,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb19db3f4416ee8ca10775bf99ea37402d417cafaa6ab0198b72f022e1d1a08a",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:25.129000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:25.129000', 'bytes': 775832576, 'norm_byte': 35291136, 'ops': 757649, 'norm_ops': 34464, 'norm_ltcy': 29.047591440524897, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:25.129000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:25.129000",
+ "bytes": 775832576,
+ "norm_byte": 35291136,
+ "ops": 757649,
+ "norm_ops": 34464,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.047591440524897,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "5c4b81452fab41efddc480b9ef71ea13ed242d6dfe0ac8805c3a195686f278b7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:26.130000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:26.130000', 'bytes': 811498496, 'norm_byte': 35665920, 'ops': 792479, 'norm_ops': 34830, 'norm_ltcy': 28.742585358796294, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:26.130000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:26.130000",
+ "bytes": 811498496,
+ "norm_byte": 35665920,
+ "ops": 792479,
+ "norm_ops": 34830,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.742585358796294,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2585edbe01c026a7eb928acb6ed96ff43d33dc4dcb340dc70b22763a1b299f7c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:27.131000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:27.131000', 'bytes': 846696448, 'norm_byte': 35197952, 'ops': 826852, 'norm_ops': 34373, 'norm_ltcy': 29.12507523164984, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:27.131000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:27.131000",
+ "bytes": 846696448,
+ "norm_byte": 35197952,
+ "ops": 826852,
+ "norm_ops": 34373,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.12507523164984,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2740094ffe64f6f094a945ca0d9bb3afdd5e63688d1ec4a6a2b91428b070c79",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:28.133000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:28.133000', 'bytes': 881986560, 'norm_byte': 35290112, 'ops': 861315, 'norm_ops': 34463, 'norm_ltcy': 29.048292620890518, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:28.133000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:28.133000",
+ "bytes": 881986560,
+ "norm_byte": 35290112,
+ "ops": 861315,
+ "norm_ops": 34463,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.048292620890518,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ca6868cc4ed39f0ac6093cdcce6745faac8190a76369e70ebe30af8644e73280",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:29.134000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:29.134000', 'bytes': 917294080, 'norm_byte': 35307520, 'ops': 895795, 'norm_ops': 34480, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03394942493837, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:29.134000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:29.134000",
+ "bytes": 917294080,
+ "norm_byte": 35307520,
+ "ops": 895795,
+ "norm_ops": 34480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03394942493837,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a50fc27949caebd738fc9363bbc484775e8d65d73ebee4666513320a72de1536",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:30.135000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:30.135000', 'bytes': 952798208, 'norm_byte': 35504128, 'ops': 930467, 'norm_ops': 34672, 'norm_ltcy': 28.87319891365872, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:30.135000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:30.135000",
+ "bytes": 952798208,
+ "norm_byte": 35504128,
+ "ops": 930467,
+ "norm_ops": 34672,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.87319891365872,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c90f73acc1252bdecad04c72950ba93ce8d9f352b324a9d400fffaaad0587157",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:31.136000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:31.136000', 'bytes': 987985920, 'norm_byte': 35187712, 'ops': 964830, 'norm_ops': 34363, 'norm_ltcy': 29.13274810251942, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:31.136000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:31.136000",
+ "bytes": 987985920,
+ "norm_byte": 35187712,
+ "ops": 964830,
+ "norm_ops": 34363,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.13274810251942,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3e7e6150be9b374c9c22b2c59f4f78e81bcf6f35edb8ff35d35151f0800be382",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:32.137000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:32.137000', 'bytes': 1023222784, 'norm_byte': 35236864, 'ops': 999241, 'norm_ops': 34411, 'norm_ltcy': 29.092430018744004, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:32.137000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:32.137000",
+ "bytes": 1023222784,
+ "norm_byte": 35236864,
+ "ops": 999241,
+ "norm_ops": 34411,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.092430018744004,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "64e91412713792bdbda9cfd7622b446878ad6d858123ae991e26181c0491cbcf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:33.138000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:33.138000', 'bytes': 1058604032, 'norm_byte': 35381248, 'ops': 1033793, 'norm_ops': 34552, 'norm_ltcy': 28.9734197617902, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:33.138000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:33.138000",
+ "bytes": 1058604032,
+ "norm_byte": 35381248,
+ "ops": 1033793,
+ "norm_ops": 34552,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.9734197617902,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d2d958758be8f30571a0a11518d9f9d9e52e2d2ff306871fb234bdad4301ffa2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:34.139000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:34.139000', 'bytes': 1094208512, 'norm_byte': 35604480, 'ops': 1068563, 'norm_ops': 34770, 'norm_ltcy': 28.79037974996405, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:34.139000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:34.139000",
+ "bytes": 1094208512,
+ "norm_byte": 35604480,
+ "ops": 1068563,
+ "norm_ops": 34770,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.79037974996405,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4efe964ea481f64c54758fc71f57e4bcdbb6d3bdcc94bdd3a1555b481e3d90c4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:35.140000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:35.140000', 'bytes': 1129516032, 'norm_byte': 35307520, 'ops': 1103043, 'norm_ops': 34480, 'norm_ltcy': 29.03391402171549, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:35.140000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:35.140000",
+ "bytes": 1129516032,
+ "norm_byte": 35307520,
+ "ops": 1103043,
+ "norm_ops": 34480,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.03391402171549,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a96e10594f3ff9130a42f87d1786f34221e1a3408a69e7234fd3a7f0452553e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:36.141000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:36.141000', 'bytes': 1165032448, 'norm_byte': 35516416, 'ops': 1137727, 'norm_ops': 34684, 'norm_ltcy': 28.863131910607198, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:36.141000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:36.141000",
+ "bytes": 1165032448,
+ "norm_byte": 35516416,
+ "ops": 1137727,
+ "norm_ops": 34684,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.863131910607198,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "c512d6f2920c1c2fbb884d502f699ed7d3515a37fe12b3db134e4722fcb1311c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:37.142000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:37.142000', 'bytes': 1200435200, 'norm_byte': 35402752, 'ops': 1172300, 'norm_ops': 34573, 'norm_ltcy': 28.956329440151997, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:37.142000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:37.142000",
+ "bytes": 1200435200,
+ "norm_byte": 35402752,
+ "ops": 1172300,
+ "norm_ops": 34573,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.956329440151997,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "4dff376db29aa880ea4ff99123110f27f2a89c361a588e8398990d4723f36ebe",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:38.143000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:38.143000', 'bytes': 1235708928, 'norm_byte': 35273728, 'ops': 1206747, 'norm_ops': 34447, 'norm_ltcy': 29.062174828813106, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:38.143000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:38.143000",
+ "bytes": 1235708928,
+ "norm_byte": 35273728,
+ "ops": 1206747,
+ "norm_ops": 34447,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.062174828813106,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bb7303d0ec3510c31df68b57ca027e6c5826981b1a9ae19204fcd206e366be54",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:39.145000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:39.145000', 'bytes': 1271153664, 'norm_byte': 35444736, 'ops': 1241361, 'norm_ops': 34614, 'norm_ltcy': 28.92162181712963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:39.145000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:39.145000",
+ "bytes": 1271153664,
+ "norm_byte": 35444736,
+ "ops": 1241361,
+ "norm_ops": 34614,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.92162181712963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47715fcc37499c2f3150fde3cfc1c1a6e6a9a0ae1f3a22a6610ecd1f57ad7adb",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:40.146000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:40.146000', 'bytes': 1306770432, 'norm_byte': 35616768, 'ops': 1276143, 'norm_ops': 34782, 'norm_ltcy': 28.78037670346731, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:40.146000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:40.146000",
+ "bytes": 1306770432,
+ "norm_byte": 35616768,
+ "ops": 1276143,
+ "norm_ops": 34782,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.78037670346731,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7b93c54d054f42ac3f7b3d8d5ec936ff6538568a92c2236da2639f8391dedcb2",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:41.147000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:41.147000', 'bytes': 1342133248, 'norm_byte': 35362816, 'ops': 1310677, 'norm_ops': 34534, 'norm_ltcy': 28.98852144580341, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:41.147000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:41.147000",
+ "bytes": 1342133248,
+ "norm_byte": 35362816,
+ "ops": 1310677,
+ "norm_ops": 34534,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.98852144580341,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "cf4a1a0702731ad3e0ee640780e2d9168ce9dc946cda6a66b0c44b4a0eda822c",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:42.148000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:42.148000', 'bytes': 1377606656, 'norm_byte': 35473408, 'ops': 1345319, 'norm_ops': 34642, 'norm_ltcy': 28.898724644669045, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:42.148000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:42.148000",
+ "bytes": 1377606656,
+ "norm_byte": 35473408,
+ "ops": 1345319,
+ "norm_ops": 34642,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.898724644669045,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "434d6063c240b562e759909c8d3aaa778bf4de9a3fd3c4ac23ea4230a0e0f52b",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:43.148000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:43.148000', 'bytes': 1414097920, 'norm_byte': 36491264, 'ops': 1380955, 'norm_ops': 35636, 'norm_ltcy': 28.077131008671007, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:43.148000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:43.148000",
+ "bytes": 1414097920,
+ "norm_byte": 36491264,
+ "ops": 1380955,
+ "norm_ops": 35636,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.077131008671007,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fa9fa1523bf94e4be932af9f920fae71464741d53552f5df6aac8f12f218da09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:44.149000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:44.149000', 'bytes': 1450474496, 'norm_byte': 36376576, 'ops': 1416479, 'norm_ops': 35524, 'norm_ltcy': 28.17820181866485, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:44.149000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:44.149000",
+ "bytes": 1450474496,
+ "norm_byte": 36376576,
+ "ops": 1416479,
+ "norm_ops": 35524,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.17820181866485,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "9711624193a91ff2daafb98298f7095e1ffa5a9b50e1ab3eb28cacee8024dba7",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:45.150000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:45.150000', 'bytes': 1486449664, 'norm_byte': 35975168, 'ops': 1451611, 'norm_ops': 35132, 'norm_ltcy': 28.49240342671923, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:45.150000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:45.150000",
+ "bytes": 1486449664,
+ "norm_byte": 35975168,
+ "ops": 1451611,
+ "norm_ops": 35132,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.49240342671923,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "009465a488046fe2d1427372694775ce8649639c8c25234056daa1d2ef271518",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:46.151000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:46.151000', 'bytes': 1521738752, 'norm_byte': 35289088, 'ops': 1486073, 'norm_ops': 34462, 'norm_ltcy': 29.04740694913963, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:46.151000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:46.151000",
+ "bytes": 1521738752,
+ "norm_byte": 35289088,
+ "ops": 1486073,
+ "norm_ops": 34462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.04740694913963,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "a4951449c04632954c5e252f63ecf41ef1a49a803cf8ea2460ddd09c5344d5f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:47.152000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:47.152000', 'bytes': 1556999168, 'norm_byte': 35260416, 'ops': 1520507, 'norm_ops': 34434, 'norm_ltcy': 29.07370690124586, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:47.152000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:47.152000",
+ "bytes": 1556999168,
+ "norm_byte": 35260416,
+ "ops": 1520507,
+ "norm_ops": 34434,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.07370690124586,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "fbfa892dae76a6b085da946740d9e1db281328ce248a5d9fd375cdf06b6ae1d9",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:48.154000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:48.154000', 'bytes': 1592947712, 'norm_byte': 35948544, 'ops': 1555613, 'norm_ops': 35106, 'norm_ltcy': 28.515056131341506, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:48.154000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:48.154000",
+ "bytes": 1592947712,
+ "norm_byte": 35948544,
+ "ops": 1555613,
+ "norm_ops": 35106,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.515056131341506,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "34e70725bdff6bf046265f07a218b32d972b1471990030bc066eb415428f9a09",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:49.155000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:49.155000', 'bytes': 1629332480, 'norm_byte': 36384768, 'ops': 1591145, 'norm_ops': 35532, 'norm_ltcy': 28.174207404593044, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:49.155000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:49.155000",
+ "bytes": 1629332480,
+ "norm_byte": 36384768,
+ "ops": 1591145,
+ "norm_ops": 35532,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.174207404593044,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dcfa09aef7309888cd47eec0aaac752f80c0d808b9998d2bffdaee78b80b9f9d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:50.156000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:50.156000', 'bytes': 1664746496, 'norm_byte': 35414016, 'ops': 1625729, 'norm_ops': 34584, 'norm_ltcy': 28.94667467253643, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:50.156000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:50.156000",
+ "bytes": 1664746496,
+ "norm_byte": 35414016,
+ "ops": 1625729,
+ "norm_ops": 34584,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.94667467253643,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "096324b7d1ab7a8090e94afd54632f0e34106a339ea08af67914bf05cfc04c03",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:51.157000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:51.157000', 'bytes': 1692867584, 'norm_byte': 28121088, 'ops': 1653191, 'norm_ops': 27462, 'norm_ltcy': 36.452110245521084, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:51.157000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:51.157000",
+ "bytes": 1692867584,
+ "norm_byte": 28121088,
+ "ops": 1653191,
+ "norm_ops": 27462,
+ "norm_ltcy": 36.452110245521084,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "94c7d73c4b939a82d10928c383a968ce81fa4ab042f61934567fedc3d5719df0",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:52.158000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:52.158000', 'bytes': 1728529408, 'norm_byte': 35661824, 'ops': 1688017, 'norm_ops': 34826, 'norm_ltcy': 28.744253238421006, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:52.158000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:52.158000",
+ "bytes": 1728529408,
+ "norm_byte": 35661824,
+ "ops": 1688017,
+ "norm_ops": 34826,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.744253238421006,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c8279201c7bde13f3d8b45e179083d62d8a6a5e65cef7cea76a531a61e392d3",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:53.159000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:53.159000', 'bytes': 1763816448, 'norm_byte': 35287040, 'ops': 1722477, 'norm_ops': 34460, 'norm_ltcy': 29.050693965829947, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:53.159000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:53.159000",
+ "bytes": 1763816448,
+ "norm_byte": 35287040,
+ "ops": 1722477,
+ "norm_ops": 34460,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.050693965829947,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "3a404a6db619a7fbb2eec4f7808e83793ef0b877334ff68c14820749f383860d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:54.160000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:54.160000', 'bytes': 1799437312, 'norm_byte': 35620864, 'ops': 1757263, 'norm_ops': 34786, 'norm_ltcy': 28.77894820294084, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:54.160000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:54.160000",
+ "bytes": 1799437312,
+ "norm_byte": 35620864,
+ "ops": 1757263,
+ "norm_ops": 34786,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.77894820294084,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "d660b8243832655f12836bb8a9f4ee155b23a6f3907013e693be11087e7c2e9f",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:55.161000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:55.161000', 'bytes': 1835228160, 'norm_byte': 35790848, 'ops': 1792215, 'norm_ops': 34952, 'norm_ltcy': 28.640673727540626, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:55.161000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:55.161000",
+ "bytes": 1835228160,
+ "norm_byte": 35790848,
+ "ops": 1792215,
+ "norm_ops": 34952,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.640673727540626,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "b69ce36aa123e849ce9a54c8bcd02c0b24292403b9043ca48ad192b89f8fad76",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:56.162000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:56.162000', 'bytes': 1870533632, 'norm_byte': 35305472, 'ops': 1826693, 'norm_ops': 34478, 'norm_ltcy': 29.035584059037646, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:56.162000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:56.162000",
+ "bytes": 1870533632,
+ "norm_byte": 35305472,
+ "ops": 1826693,
+ "norm_ops": 34478,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.035584059037646,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "f131060f6cba7114c75c4e50430d20ac8ebdc1b0209185016f7e11a95719c109",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:57.163000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:57.163000', 'bytes': 1905929216, 'norm_byte': 35395584, 'ops': 1861259, 'norm_ops': 34566, 'norm_ltcy': 28.961522431724816, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:57.163000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:57.163000",
+ "bytes": 1905929216,
+ "norm_byte": 35395584,
+ "ops": 1861259,
+ "norm_ops": 34566,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.961522431724816,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "47a9d87a3e7208cefe29a01123b80ed26bad356ce6b18084496247e207aed69d",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:58.164000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:58.164000', 'bytes': 1941004288, 'norm_byte': 35075072, 'ops': 1895512, 'norm_ops': 34253, 'norm_ltcy': 29.225528033128487, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:58.164000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:58.164000",
+ "bytes": 1941004288,
+ "norm_byte": 35075072,
+ "ops": 1895512,
+ "norm_ops": 34253,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.225528033128487,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "7d11b25633c934bfaf07faff9bca1138f583e7611e236bd543e1ec8000fcd4f4",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:43:59.165000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:43:59.165000', 'bytes': 1976306688, 'norm_byte': 35302400, 'ops': 1929987, 'norm_ops': 34475, 'norm_ltcy': 29.037083880982596, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:43:59.165000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:43:59.165000",
+ "bytes": 1976306688,
+ "norm_byte": 35302400,
+ "ops": 1929987,
+ "norm_ops": 34475,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.037083880982596,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "ce213f7adbb1010da6b0b8099f6eb68a2fe92261615ae77874bcd93047b67e2e",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:44:00.166000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:44:00.166000', 'bytes': 2011423744, 'norm_byte': 35117056, 'ops': 1964281, 'norm_ops': 34294, 'norm_ltcy': 29.189889949772557, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:44:00.166000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:44:00.166000",
+ "bytes": 2011423744,
+ "norm_byte": 35117056,
+ "ops": 1964281,
+ "norm_ops": 34294,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.189889949772557,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "2e80ed9a5b31eede106b3a8690245aef1b8c80c5e080d236d3170b7ddccb87c6",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:44:01.168000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:44:01.168000', 'bytes': 2046942208, 'norm_byte': 35518464, 'ops': 1998967, 'norm_ops': 34686, 'norm_ltcy': 28.864283095124833, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:44:01.168000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:44:01.168000",
+ "bytes": 2046942208,
+ "norm_byte": 35518464,
+ "ops": 1998967,
+ "norm_ops": 34686,
+ "norm_ltcy": 28.864283095124833,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "1c41b2481eee42e8b7be7ae8c4a24eb235c01b6295d517c6403b398122f07d86",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:44:02.169000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:44:02.169000', 'bytes': 2082120704, 'norm_byte': 35178496, 'ops': 2033321, 'norm_ops': 34354, 'norm_ltcy': 29.14072847230308, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:44:02.169000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:44:02.169000",
+ "bytes": 2082120704,
+ "norm_byte": 35178496,
+ "ops": 2033321,
+ "norm_ops": 34354,
+ "norm_ltcy": 29.14072847230308,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "dbcc7259bba66be65bdc0901879c07c92ab64967609e15deb363334966f99699",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - uperf: Got sample result: BenchmarkResult(name='uperf', metadata={'cluster_name': 'test-cluster', 'user': 'ripsaw', 'uuid': 'c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975'}, config={'test_type': 'rr', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'message_size': 1024, 'read_message_size': 1024, 'num_threads': 1, 'duration': 61, 'kind': 'pod', 'hostnetwork': 'False', 'remote_ip': '', 'client_ips': ' ', 'service_ip': 'False', 'service_type': '', 'port': '30000', 'client_node': 'worker001-740xd', 'server_node': 'unknown', 'num_pairs': '1', 'multus_client': 'macvlan-range-0', 'networkpolicy': 'False', 'density': '1', 'nodes_in_iter': '1', 'step_size': '', 'colocate': '', 'density_range': '', 'node_range': '', 'pod_id': None}, data={'uperf_ts': '2022-05-19T23:44:03.370000', 'timestamp': '2022-05-19T23:44:03.370000', 'bytes': 2116957184, 'norm_byte': 34836480, 'ops': 2067341, 'norm_ops': 34020, 'norm_ltcy': 35.31382906654174, 'iteration': 0}, labels={}, tag='results')
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: Run ID is {'NA'}
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: document size is: 240
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - run_snafu: {
+ "_index": "snafu-uperf-results",
+ "_op_type": "create",
+ "_source": {
+ "test_type": "rr",
+ "protocol": "tcp",
+ "message_size": 1024,
+ "read_message_size": 1024,
+ "num_threads": 1,
+ "duration": 61,
+ "kind": "pod",
+ "hostnetwork": "False",
+ "remote_ip": "",
+ "client_ips": " ",
+ "service_ip": "False",
+ "service_type": "",
+ "port": "30000",
+ "client_node": "worker001-740xd",
+ "server_node": "unknown",
+ "num_pairs": "1",
+ "multus_client": "macvlan-range-0",
+ "networkpolicy": "False",
+ "density": "1",
+ "nodes_in_iter": "1",
+ "step_size": "",
+ "colocate": "",
+ "density_range": "",
+ "node_range": "",
+ "pod_id": null,
+ "uperf_ts": "2022-05-19T23:44:03.370000",
+ "timestamp": "2022-05-19T23:44:03.370000",
+ "bytes": 2116957184,
+ "norm_byte": 34836480,
+ "ops": 2067341,
+ "norm_ops": 34020,
+ "norm_ltcy": 35.31382906654174,
+ "iteration": 0,
+ "cluster_name": "test-cluster",
+ "user": "ripsaw",
+ "uuid": "c0d2fda7-6694-584d-965c-130baab24975",
+ "workload": "uperf",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+ },
+ "_id": "bfb942bec52b74d8d6fd82bdae20a92a99f18b22ee70303f3689aed19a85f573",
+ "run_id": "NA"
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Summary result for sample : 0
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average byte : 35282619.733333334
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Average ops : 34455.683333333334
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: 95%ile Latency(ms) : 29.227929934456704
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: --------------------------------------------------
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - DEBUG - MainProcess - process: Collected sample 1 for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - process: Finished collecting 1 sample for command ['uperf', '-v', '-a', '-R', '-i', '1', '-m', '/tmp/uperf-test/uperf-rr-tcp-1024-1024-1', '-P', '30000']
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - uperf: Successfully collected 1 sample of Uperf.
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - _benchmark: Cleaning up
+2022-05-19T23:44:03Z - INFO - MainProcess - run_snafu: Duration of execution - 0:01:02, with total size of 14400 bytes
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-124-220519234017/result.csv b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-124-220519234017/result.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eb14e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-124-220519234017/result.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-124-220519234017/script-logs.txt b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-124-220519234017/script-logs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37778f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-124-220519234017/script-logs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io/uperf created
+Waiting for profile applied...
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io/uperf-pod created
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status:
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+Waiting for benchmark to finish... Status: Running
+tuned.tuned.openshift.io "uperf" deleted
+benchmark.ripsaw.cloudbulldozer.io "uperf-pod" deleted
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-124-220519234017/tuned.yaml b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-124-220519234017/tuned.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..802c736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-124-220519234017/tuned.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+apiVersion: tuned.openshift.io/v1
+kind: Tuned
+ name: uperf
+ namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
+ profile:
+ - data: |
+ [main]
+ summary=Experimental tuning for autotune experiment
+ [sysctl]
+ vm.dirty_ratio=95
+ vm.dirty_background_ratio=95
+ vm.swappiness=65
+ net.core.busy_read=10
+ net.core.busy_poll=140
+ net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3
+ kernel.numa_balancing=0
+ name: uperf
+ recommend:
+ - match:
+ - label: uperf-sut
+ priority: 5
+ profile: uperf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-125-220519234219/220519234219-uperf.log b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-125-220519234219/220519234219-uperf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..505b9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotuning-uperf/results/study-2205191928/trial-125-220519234219/220519234219-uperf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+UPERF-run-context num_node= 1 density= 1 my_node_idx= 0 my_pod_idx= 0